HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_Burroughs_Comments_City_ResponseFrom: Jill Ding Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2021 9:30 AM To: Brianna Burroughs Subject: FW: Party of Record/Public Comments 2021-09-04 11:56 PM(PST) Submission Notification Brianna, Thank you for your comments, your comments have been added to the official file for consideration by the decision maker and you have been added as a party of record for this project. As part of the review process for this project, we will certainly consider pedestrian connectivity as well as review the requested bonus density and parking modification. As a party of record, you will receive a copy of the staff recommendation, which will include an analysis of pedestrian and vehicular circulation, density bonus and parking modification. In addition, a public hearing on this project is tentatively scheduled for October 26th at 11:00 am, you may wish to attend and testify. Thanks, Jill Ding Senior Planner City of Renton Community and Economic Development 6th floor 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 425-430-6598 jding@rentonwa.gov COVID-19 UPDATE City Hall is currently closed to the public but we are still available to assist you. · Pay Invoice and Apply for Over-the-Counter Permit: Permitting Portal · Schedule an Inspection: Permitting Portal -OR- Building: 425-430-7202; Civil/Site: 425-430-7203 · Contact Staff: o Building or General Permitting: permittech@rentonwa.gov or 425-430-7200 o Planning: planningcustomerservice@rentonwa.gov or 425-430-7294 o Public Works Permitting: pwpermitting@rentonwa.gov or 206-402-8626 o Code Compliance: Renton Responds or 425-430-7373. From: Party of Record <POR@rentonwa.gov> Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2021 6:49 AM To: Jill Ding <JDing@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: FW: Party of Record/Public Comments 2021-09-04 11:56 PM(PST) Submission Notification Hi Jill, You have received a comment for Park 5 Apartments, LUA21-000323. I have saved this to Laserfiche and have updated the excel spreadsheet. Jenny Cisneros | Planning Technician City of Renton | CED | Planning Division Work No. (425) 430-6583 From: notification@civiclive.com <notification@civiclive.com> Sent: Saturday, September 4, 2021 11:56 PM To: Party of Record <POR@rentonwa.gov> Subject: Party of Record/Public Comments 2021-09-04 11:56 PM(PST) Submission Notification Party of Record/Public Comments 2021-09-04 11:56 PM(PST) was submitted by Guest on 9/5/2021 2:56:01 AM (GMT-08:00) Canada/Pacific Name Value NameFile: LUA21-000323 Gender Ms. Name Brianna Burroughs Address: 2300 NE 8th PL Renton WA 98056 Email brivburroughs@gmail.com Phone 253-632-6554 Party of Record Only Comments My comments are in reference to the Project LUA21-000323, known as the Park 5 Apartments project. Specifically, most of my comments and concerns are directed to the Density and Parking modification and Conditional Use requests. Pedestrian Path Prior to expanding on my concerns of the Conditional Use and modification requests, I would like to request that a pedestrian sidewalk or path be placed to the south of the property along the driveway easement that leads to the Safeway. Currently it does not appear that there is one to be built from what the current site plan shows. Many pedestrians use this connecting drive to walk to the store and there is no walking path and it is a small driveway which makes this necessary through-faire very dangerous for pedestrians and motorists. The Harrington apartments to the South of the driveway did not provide a sidewalk that goes all the way up the drive which renders a pedestrian access from their side useless. With the project's proposal to add vehicular access to the parking garage through the easement, many more cars will be driving through, as well as many more pedestrians from the units above who will want to walk to the store will also be access the area. It will be important to create a safe passageway for both pedestrians and drivers. Density & Parking After looking over the applicant's response to the departure requirements, it is clear that there are conflicting statements in each that should negate an approval of both the density Conditional CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. Use request and parking stall modification requests. The density request asks for an increase from 54 units to 69 units. The applicant states in this request in regards to parking that "parking will be provided on site" but continues in the same sentence by saying that they will only be able to do so with "the support of a parking reduction request." This leads to the conclusion that an increase in unit density from 54 to 69 units would not be appropriate because the project would not be able to meet the parking requirements of the site. It is important to note that Harrington Ave NE (the street to the west of the property), already has an issue with off street parking due to the inadequate parking of the surrounding apartment buildings. The parking request It is clear that there is no hardship due to site constraints or unique circumstances that would make it necessary or appropriate for this modification (or any of the other requests) to be approved other than for economic gain. The applicant simply wants to squeeze more units onto the site without providing adequate parking, in a zone that is already more permissive than other zones. If the density was 54 units, the applicant already stated that they could provide 69 stalls which would then be ample parking for both residents and commercial use. The applicant is therefore asking for modifications that go beyond what the code requires, what the zoning intended and what the comprehensive plan envisioned for this area without providing a clear public benefit and on the contrary, creates safety hazards for pedestrians and motorists in the area. Without adequate residential unit and commercial parking spaces the project will be placing undo hardship to the on-street parking and other properties in the vicinity (which is in direct conflict with requirements C and F on the modification request form). More parking on the street means that the sidewalks are less safe for pedestrians due to obstruction of vision. When pedestrians feel unsafe on a street they won't walk there and if they won't walk there (and they can't drive there because there is not enough parking), the commercial spaces will go un-leased which will defeat the purpose and the intent of the zoning district, which is to create a more vibrant, pedestrian friendly, commercial/residential area. Please do not grant these modifications and conditional use requests. The code for this zone was put in place for a reason, it was thoughtfully codified to create a balanced density for residents and retail/commercial use. By granting these departures from the code you are going against the intent of what kind of space the zoning district and the comprehensive plan was trying to create in this area. With every little exception granted to each different development such as this, (as was done with the Harrington apartments and now all that their commercial space is used for is a gym for its residents) the aesthetic and the vibe of the neighborhood plan and district will never be achieved. Thank you for your time and consideration. Prefer US Mail To view this form submission online, please follow the link below: https://rentonwa.gov/form/one.aspx?objectId=17987905&contextId=17174246&returnto=submissions