HomeMy WebLinkAboutEX_13_PN_Asdourian_House_Remodel_Narrative_9-13-21 Asdourian House Remodel Narrative 3901 Lake Washington Blvd. North, Renton, WA - AMENDED – September 2021 Application for Shoreline Exemption and Variances and Administrative Adjustments Prepared for City of Renton, WA September 14, 2021 Prepared by Bruce Sinkey, NW Architectural, LLC and Eric Eisemann, E2 Land Use Planning, LLC Renton, WA i September 13, 2021 PN_Asdourian House Remodel Project AMENDED Narrative CONTACT LIST APPLICANT OWNER Northwest Architectural, LLC 19705 SW 65th Ave. Tualatin, OR 97062 503-619-7070 Contact – Bruce Sinkey, AIA bsinkey@gmail.com https://www.nwarchitectural.com/about Ryan and Ashley Asdourian 3901 Lake Washington Blvd. North, Renton, WA 98056 206-963-4718 Contact – Ryan Asdourian rasdo@live.com SUBCONTRACTORS E2 Land Use Planning, LLC 2554 NE 48th Avenue Portland, OR 97213 360.750.0038 Contact – Eric Eisemann e.eisemann@e2landuse.com http://www.e2landuse.com/ Johns Monroe Mitsunaga Koloušková, PLLC 11201 SE 8th, # 120 Bellevue, WA 98004 (425) 467-9967 Contact – Dean Williams williams@jmmlaw.com Wetland Resources 9505 19th Ave SE #106 Everett, WA 98208 (425) 337-3174 Contact – Scott Brainard, PWS scott@wetlandresources.com https://www.wetlandresources.com/ Renton, WA ii September 13, 2021 PN_Asdourian House Remodel Project AMENDED Narrative TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents CONTACT LIST ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2 FIGURES AND REPORTS REFERENCED (RENTON ELECTRONIC FILE NAME CONVENTIONS) .................................................................. 3 1. SHORELINE EXEMPTION, SHORELINE AND ADMINISTRATIVE VARIANCES ......................................................................................... 1 1.A. Land Use Applications ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.B. Basic Facts .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 1.C. Nonconforming site development ............................................................................................................................................................ 6 1.D. Residential Comparisons ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8 2. APPROVAL CRITERIA .................................................................................................................................................................................. 12 2.A. Zoning Districts – Uses and Standards RMC 4-2 ................................................................................................................................. 12 RMC 4-2-060 Zoning Use Table – Uses Allowed in Zoning Designations ............................................................................................ 12 RMC 4-2-110A Development Standards for Residential Zoning Designations (Primary Structures) ................................................... 13 RMC 4-2-115, Residential Design and Open Space Standards ........................................................................................................ 13 RMC 4-4-070, Landscaping ................................................................................................................................................................ 14 RMC 4-4-075, Lighting, Exterior On-Site ............................................................................................................................................ 14 RMC 4-4-095, Screening and Storage Height/Location Limitations ................................................................................................... 14 2.B. Nonconforming ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 RMC 4-10-010 Nonconforming Lots ..................................................................................................................................................... 14 RMC 4-10-020 Nonconforming Site Development Standards ........................................................................................................... 14 RMC 4-10-095 Shoreline Master Program, Nonconforming uses, Activities, Structures, and Sites ................................................. 16 2.C. Administrative and Shoreline Variances ................................................................................................................................................. 18 3. CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 19 FIGURES AND REPORTS REFERENCED (RENTON ELECTRONIC FILE NAME CONVENTIONS) A Signed Master Application Form J Justification for Administrative and Shoreline Adjustments and Variances- Amended 9-13-21 MAP Asdourian Vicinity Map NOA Affidavit of Installation of Public Information Sign Notarized NOA Land Use Action Sign Text NOA Land Use Action Sign V1 NOA Land Use Action Sign V2 P Asdourian Vicinity Map P 001 Axis Survey 1-8-21 P 002 C1 Large Scale Survey 1-8-21 P 003 A1.0 Preliminary Site Plan 8-19-21 P 004 A1.1 Elevation E/W 8-19-21 P 005 A1.2 Elevations N 8-19-21 P 006 A1.3 Elevation S 8-19-21 Renton, WA 4 September 13, 2021 PN_Asdourian House Remodel Project AMENDED Narrative P 007 A1.5 3D Views 8-19-21 P 008 A1.6 3D View 8-19-21 P 009 3D Sections 8-19-21 P 010 A2.1 Level 1 Preliminary Plan 8-19-21 P 011 A2.2 Level 2 Preliminary Plan 8-19-21 P 012 A2.3 Level 3 Preliminary Plan 8-19-21 PN Asdourian House remodel Project Narrative-Amended 9-13-21 RS Northwest Architectural Lake Study 2021 SC Submittal Checklist W Waiver Submittal Requirements (002) Renton, WA 1 September 13, 2021 PN_Asdourian House Remodel Project AMENDED Narrative 1. SHORELINE EXEMPTION, SHORELINE AND ADMINISTRATIVE VARIANCES 1.A. LAND USE APPLICATIONS The Applicant, Bruce Sinkey, on behalf of the Owner, Ryan and Ashley Asdourian, are applying for multi- ple land use applications for the purpose of remodeling an existing single-family dwelling located within the Renton R-6 zone and the Lake Washington Shoreline Environmental Designation (SED). ORIGINAL APPLICATION: On May 24, 2021 the Applicant submitted a land use application to vary from the Renton Municipal Code (RMC). The original application was for: A shoreline exemption: Required for alterations to an existing single-family residence within the 200-foot shoreline jurisdiction. Renton Administrative variances: Front and side yard setbacks and exceeding the 24-foot wall-plate maxi- mum in the R-6 zoning district. Renton Shoreline variances: Increase the building height within the shoreline setback and exceed the 25% lot coverage requirement within 100 feet of the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) As a result of conversations with city staff during preliminary review of the application, the Applicant re- duced the proposed building height and revised the proposed building design. AMENDED APPLICATION: No changes are proposed to the dwelling foot print of the building along the rear and side yards. The proposed building remodel will occur primarily within the existing dwelling footprint and will not cre- ate any additional impervious surface coverage. The proposed garage will extend the existing footprint on to an existing concrete driveway. The proposed garage area is outside the 25-foot OHWM setback. Construction of the garage would reduce the existing front yard setback of 6 feet 3 inches to 2 inches. See Sheet A1.0. Renton, WA 2 September 13, 2021 PN_Asdourian House Remodel Project AMENDED Narrative The amended proposal does not exceed the 24-foot wall plate height maximum in the R-6 zone. The max- imum height of the top of the wall plate will be twenty-four feet (24’.) The maximum height of the dor- mer will be twenty six feet nine & one-half inches (26’ 9 1/2”), and the maximum height of the building will be thirty feet (30’). The height of the building will be five feet (5’) below the 35 foot maximum height limit in the Shoreline district. The amended requires the following land use review: A shoreline exemption: • Required for alterations to an existing single-family residence within the 200-foot shoreline juris- diction. Renton Administrative variances: • Front and side yard setbacks Renton Shoreline variances: • Increase the building height within the shoreline setback. • Exceed the 25% lot coverage requirement within 100 feet of the OHWM. The proposal to increase the building height within the shoreline setback and to exceed the 25% lot cov- erage (building footprint) requires a hearing before the Renton hearing examiner and final approval by the Department of Ecology. The approval criteria for administrative variances are found in Renton Munic- ipal Code (RMC) 4-9.250B6. The approval criteria for Shoreline variances are found in RMC 4-9.190.I.4.b. Compliance with WAC 173-27-170 is also necessary. Renton, WA 3 September 13, 2021 PN_Asdourian House Remodel Project AMENDED Narrative THE APPLICANT REQUESTS TWO (2) ADMINISTRATIVE VARIANCES: 1. Setbacks. Front yard. Table RMC 4-2-110A requires a minimum front yard setback of 25 feet. The Applicant proposes to construct a garage on the existing concrete driveway that, at the nearest point will be 2 inches from the east property line. Side yard. Table RMC 4-2-110A requires a minimum side yard of a combined 15 feet with not less than 5 feet on either side. The Applicant proposes to extend the existing structure 1-7/8 inches be- yond the existing nonconformance. Rear yard. Table RMC 4-2-110A requires a minimum rear yard of 25, feet. The current proposal will increase building height but will not extend further into the rear yard setback. 2. Number of Stories: Table RMC 4-2-110A sets a maximum of two stories. The existing dwelling is two stories. The applicant proposes to construct a partial third story landward of Lake Washington. The Applicant requests two (2) Shoreline variances: 1. Setbacks. The front, rear and side yard setbacks in the Shoreline Bulk Standards, Table 4-3-090D7a, are dictated by the underlying zoning discussed above in the administrative variance section. A minimum 25-foot setback from the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) applies to the rear and north side yards. The Ap- plicant proposes to increase the building height within these setbacks, and add a garage landward of the existing home, within the side and front yard setbacks. The final height of all aspects of the fin- ished building will be less than maximum 35-feet. 2. Coverage Standards. Lot Coverage for Buildings. Under Table 4-3-090D7a, the maximum allowed lot coverage of buildings is 25%, measured as landward of the 10-foot vegetative buffer and within 100 feet of the OHWM. The only building coverage that is being added is the garage landward of the existing home. Impervious Surface Area. Under Table 4-3-090D7a, the maximum impervious surface is 50%, meas- ured as landward of the buffer and within 100 feet of the OHWM. The proposed construction will not result in an increase of impervious surface. Therefore, the Applicant is not applying for a new vari- ance to the 50% maximum impervious surface requirement. 1.B. BASIC FACTS 1. Project name, size, and location of site:  Name: Asdourian House Remodel  Owner: Ryan and Ashley Asdourian  Lot size o Total area = 0.31 ac. (13,503.6 SQ FT) includes lake area o Upland = 2,275 SQ FT  Dwelling footprint o Existing dwelling footprint = 1,029 SQ FT Renton, WA 4 September 13, 2021 PN_Asdourian House Remodel Project AMENDED Narrative  Location: 3901 Lake Washington Blvd. North, Renton, WA; o Tax ID: 3342700070 o Legal: Hillmans LK WN Garden of Eden #2 & SH LDS ADJ (platted circa 1910) Ryan and Ashley Asdourian (Owners) own the subject property, a two-story frame construction dwelling constructed circa 1971. The lot on which the dwelling sits was platted as part of the Hillmans Lake Wash- ington Garden of Eden subdivision in 1910. More than 80% of the 13,503.6 sf of the lot is below the sur- face of Lake Washington. Mr. Bruce Sinkey, Northwest Architectural, LLC (Applicant), on behalf of Ryan and Ashley Asdourian (Owners), pro- poses to substantially remodel an existing dwelling (Project Site) within the same footprint of the current dwelling. The current dwelling is approximately 20 feet high, meas- ured from the upland grade to the highest point of the roof. The proposal will increase the height of the roof but will not exceed 30 feet per Renton’s Residential Building Height guidelines. The Owners also propose to construct a garage on the east face of the site on existing concrete parking surface. See Sheet Amended Sheet A1.5. The site is within the jurisdiction of the Shoreline Management Act and Renton shoreline implementing master program and regulations. The remodeled dwelling will remain below the maximum 35-foot build- ing height in the Renton Shoreline Master Program regulations. A portion of the northern and western lot and existing dwelling are within the OHWM 25-foot shoreline minimum setback. 2. Zoning Designation of the site and adjacent properties:  Zoning Designation: Residential – (R-6)  Adjacent properties – R-6 zoning  Overlay: Renton Shoreline Master Program overlay for Lake Washington 3. Current use of the site and existing improvements:  Current use – Residential dwelling. The subject property is flanked to the north and south by resi- dential development, to the east by Lake Washington Boulevard North, and to the west and North by Lake Washington.  Existing improvements – The existing house, driveway, and deck cover most of the property. Be- tween the house and the shoreline, the backyard is covered entirely by a large deck. A small, veg- etated area consisting of mostly English ivy is located under the deck along the waterfront. A maple tree located off site of the north property line provides limited vegetative cover. (See file P_012-Axis_Survey_Amended_Waterline_Color-5-5-21). 4. Special site features(i.e., wetlands, water bodies, steep slopes):  Lake Washington, Single-family residential Shoreline Environmental Designation (SED) Renton, WA 5 September 13, 2021 PN_Asdourian House Remodel Project AMENDED Narrative 5. Statement addressing soil type and drainage conditions:  The soils underlying the subject property are Alderwood (AgC) gravelly sandy loam, 8 to 15 per- cent slope. Upslope, east of Lake Washington Drive, the soil type is Indianola (InC) loamy sand, 5 to 15 percent slopes.  Existing drainage is on-site surface infiltration and dispersal into the lake. The proposed remodel will not increase the amount of run-off or infiltration. 6. Proposed use of the property and scope of the proposed development (i.e., height, square footage, lot coverage, parking, access, etc.):  Proposed use: Single family residential dwelling and associated garage. Scope of proposed development: The applicant proposes to add additional height to the dwelling, entirely within the boundary of the existing impervious surfaces. The proposal will not increase on-site impervious surfaces. The footprint of the first and second floor of the structure will not change within the OHWM setback and the footprint will be no closer to the shoreline. The addi- tional height will be partially within the required 25-foot setback, but not beyond the footprint of the first floor. All existing overwater structures (dock) will remain. Given no vegetation removal will occur, impervious surfaces will not increase, and improvements will be behind (landward) of the existing primary structure first floor footprint, no net loss of shoreline ecological function will occur. (See file RS_Architectural_Northwest_Lake_Study_20102, p. 6)  Height: The height of the existing dwelling is 16 feet 3-1/2 inches to the top of the wall plate and 20 feet to the highest point of the roof. The proposed construction will elevate the roof height to 30 feet .  Square footage: The existing building footprint is approximately 1,029 SQ FT. The proposed re- model and construction of a garage will increase the combined building footprint to 1,342 SQ FT, an increase of 313 SQ FT. The existing livable area will increase from 1,800 SQ FT to 3,579 SQ FT.  Lot Coverage: The existing dwelling, parking area, walking surface and decks cover nearly all the site. The proposed construction will not increase impervious surface area. o Upland area = 2,725 SQ FT o Existing lot coverage = 1,342 SQ FT (49% of the upland site o Proposed new pollution-generating impervious surface (PGIS) area. New plus replaced PGIS Area ( - 211 SQ FT ) o New Pervious Area = 100 SQ FT to be added as part of Landscape Design.  Parking: The area between east property line and the existing building facade is a concrete sur- face currently used for parking. The proposal is to construct a small garage in the existing con- crete area and use the balance of the concrete surface for parking.  Access: Access to the property is from the east via Lake Washington Boulevard North. 7. Proposed off-site improvements (i.e., installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc.):  None Renton, WA 6 September 13, 2021 PN_Asdourian House Remodel Project AMENDED Narrative h. Total estimated construction cost and estimated fair market value of the proposed project;  Estimated construction cost: $375,000  Estimated fair market value of remodeled house: $1,750,000 9. Estimated quantities and type of materials involved if any fill or excavation is proposed:  None 10. Number, type, and size of trees to be removed:  None 11. Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City:  None 12. Name of adjacent water area or wetlands: Lake Washington  Nature of existing shoreline – describe: Existing development along the lake’s shoreline is limited to the existing rock bulkhead deck and dock. The face of the bulkhead clearly defines the OHWM of Lake Washington. No vegetation is present waterward of the OHWM and no aquatic vegetation or lake-fringe wetlands are present. No other habitat features are known to be or in the vicinity of the subject property. Type of shoreline (i.e., lake, stream, lagoon, marsh, bog, floodplain, floodway):  Lake Type of beach (i.e., accretion, erosion, high bank-low bank):  Low bank  Riprap and developed dock. Beach substrate consists of sorted sand and large cobble pieces on a moderate grade. The extent and type of any bulkheading:  Existing rock bulkhead deck and dock 13. The number and location of structures and/or residential units (existing and potential) which might have views obstructed because of the proposed project  None (Based on preliminary view analysis). 1.C. NONCONFORMING SITE DEVELOPMENT The proposed remodel will occur almost entirely within the existing footprint of the current dwelling. The addition of a small garage between the east façade and the east property line, to be built over an existing concrete driveway, will extend beyond the dwelling’s existing footprint landward. The existing dwelling Renton, WA 7 September 13, 2021 PN_Asdourian House Remodel Project AMENDED Narrative has a wall plate height less than 24 feet. The remodeled dwelling will have a wall plate height of 24 feet per Renton’s Residential Building Height guidelines. The existing dwelling, constructed in 1976, and lot development do not meet current Renton dimensional standards. Therefore, the site is a nonconforming development in several ways:  The existing dwelling does not meet the front and side yard setback standard for the R-6 zone. The current front yard setback is 6 feet 3 inches from the eastern property line. The existing side yard setbacks are 7 feet 3 inches on the north and 4 feet 9 inches on the south. The existing rear yard setback from the existing dwelling to the waterfront is 5 feet 7 inches.  The existing lot coverage (building footprint) is approximately 49%, exceeding the 25% require- ment within 100 feet of the OHWM.  The existing impervious surface area coverage is greater than 50% of the lot. (Discounting the lake area of the lot) The eastern shoreline of Lake Washington has witnessed a significant amount of residential construction – some of it within the 25-foot OHWM setback. The applicant is merely asking for a property right, to re- model an existing dwelling, that others have been granted and enjoy. Lotting pattern A detail from the King County Tax Assessor’s map (NW-32-24-05) for the C.D. Hillman Lake Washington Garden of Eden No. 2 plat illustrates the disparity of eastern lot lines along at access road. Between Lake Washington Blvd and the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way and Lake Washington there are 27 lots. Lots #0070, # 0080, #0100 and #1100 are setback 25 feet further from the right-of-way than the similarly situated lots along this accessway. These four lots are essentially 25 feet less deep than the neighboring lots to the north and the south. Renton, WA 8 September 13, 2021 PN_Asdourian House Remodel Project AMENDED Narrative 1.D. RESIDENTIAL COMPARISONS The subject property is identified as # 0070. The plat indicates the land area is 3,034 sf. The light blue line indicates the approximate location of the 200-foot shoreline jurisdiction on both the west and the north- ern side of lot 0070. To the east is Lake Washington Blvd. and the former railroad right-of-way. The property Owner, Mr. Ryan Asdourian, provided a series of photographs based on field investigations to illustrate how other single-family residential dwellings and appurtenances respond to the height and bulk standards in the R-6 zone and Lake Washington SMP overlay. All photographs were taken in the fall of 2020 and are of buildings within the Garden of Eden No. 2 plat west of Lake Washington Blvd. right-of- way. Renton, WA 9 September 13, 2021 PN_Asdourian House Remodel Project AMENDED Narrative Building height and proximity to the Shoreline OHWM. 6409 Ripley Ln SE, Renton, WA 98056 4 bd 3 ba 2,350 sf; Year Built: 2003 3619 Lake Washington Blvd N, Renton, WA 98056 2 bd 2.5 ba 2,010 sf Renton, WA 10 September 13, 2021 PN_Asdourian House Remodel Project AMENDED Narrative 2805 Mountain View Ave N, Renton, WA 98056 3 bd2.5 ba 3,050 sf Front yard setbacks Building front setback is tight to the street. The city recently approved installation of an elevator in the front yard setback. The new construction in- cluding staircase and elevator are right up against the street. Same property but from opposite angle. Renton, WA 11 September 13, 2021 PN_Asdourian House Remodel Project AMENDED Narrative The street pavement has been adjusted to match the front plane of the building. The electrical box ap- pears to be on the property and the street pavement is inches away. Additional examples of reduced front yard setbacks Renton, WA 12 September 13, 2021 PN_Asdourian House Remodel Project AMENDED Narrative 2. APPROVAL CRITERIA 2.A. ZONING DISTRICTS – USES AND STANDARDS RMC 4-2 RMC 4-2-060 ZONING USE TABLE – USES ALLOWED IN ZONING DESIGNATIONS RESPONSE Detached single-family residential dwellings are a permitted use in the R-6 Zone Renton, WA 13 September 13, 2021 PN_Asdourian House Remodel Project AMENDED Narrative RMC 4-2-110A DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL ZONING DESIGNATIONS (PRIMARY STRUCTURES) RESPONSE Standard R-6 Zone Required Proposed Minimum Density 3 units/net acre 1 existing unit Maximum Density 6 units 1 existing unit Maximum number of units 1 existing unit Minimum Lot size 7,000 SF Exiting lot is 13,626 sf, upland is 3,034 sf Maximum lot width 60 feet 51 feet at front Minimum depth 90 feet 376.79 feet total, 59’ 4” on south side to OHWM and 69’ 1” on north side to OHWM Minimum front yard set back 25 feet 2 inches at eastern most corner of the garage Maximum Rear yard setback 25 feet No change from existing setback: 5’ 7” at NW corner & 13’ at SW corner Maximum Side Yard Setback Combined 15 ft. with not less than 5 ft. on either side. No change from existing: North side from 6’9” to 7’ 2” & South side from 4’9” to 5’ Maximum building coverage 40% 352 SQ Ft sf increase along east Maximum impervious surface area 55% 211 SQ FT reduction Maximum wall plate height 24 feet Increase to 24 feet Maximum number of stories 2 3 Maximum tree density 2 trees/5,000 sf No trees on site, upland area is 3,034 sf RMC 4-2-115, RESIDENTIAL DESIGN AND OPEN SPACE STANDARDS Section 4-2-115, Residential and Open Space Standards apply to all new primary dwelling units in the Res- idential-6 (R-6) zone. However, “the standards of the Residential Design subsection are required to be ad- dressed at the time of application for building permits.” RMC 4-2-115B.1) RESPONSE The Owner shall demonstrate compliance with the applicable Residential Design regulations at the time of building permit application. Renton, WA 14 September 13, 2021 PN_Asdourian House Remodel Project AMENDED Narrative RMC 4-4-070, LANDSCAPING Additions to existing buildings that increase the gross square footage of the building by greater than one- third (1/3). RMC 4-2-070B.1.c. However, single family residential building permits, when not a part of a new subdivision are exempt from the requirements of chapter 4-4-070, Landscaping. RESPONSE Chapter 4-4-070, Landscaping, is not applicable to the remodel of the existing dwelling. RMC 4-4-075, LIGHTING, EXTERIOR ON-SITE RESPONSE At the time of building permit application, consistent with this chapter, the Owner shall demonstrate that all exterior house lighting is downlighted or placed beneath building eaves to prevent light projecting up- ward. RMC 4-4-095, SCREENING AND STORAGE HEIGHT/LOCATION LIMITATIONS RESPONSE The proposed dwelling remodel will not create any storage areas. This section is not applicable. The lot and existing development. The applicant shall either demonstrate conformance with applicable lot and development standards or apply for the necessary variances. 2.B. NONCONFORMING RMC 4-10-010 NONCONFORMING LOTS Nonconforming lots may be developed and used if the proposed use is permitted in the zone, and the proposed development will comply with the remaining development standards for the zone and other land use and environmental requirements, as applicable. RESPONSE The proposed remodel of an existing single-family dwelling is an allowed use in the R-6 zone. The existing lot does not meet the 60-foot minimum lot width, which constrains the ability of the development to meet the side yard setback. The upland portion of the lot is less than 7,000 sf. The applicant shall either demonstrate conformance with applicable development standards or apply for the necessary variances. RMC 4-10-020 NONCONFORMING SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. A nonconforming site shall not be altered unless the change conforms to the standards of this Title. RESPONSE The Applicant does not propose any changes to the lot area. The Applicant will apply for administrative variances to setback, lot coverage and wall plate height standards in the R-6 zone. B. Upon the restoration of a structure, commenced by a complete building permit application within one year of damage caused by fire, explosion or other unforeseen circumstances, valued to be greater than fifty percent (50%) of its assessed or appraised value, the site shall be brought into conformance with existing development standards; Renton, WA 15 September 13, 2021 PN_Asdourian House Remodel Project AMENDED Narrative provided, however, that there shall be no limit on the restoration value of a single family dwelling if a complete building permit application is applied for within one year of damage. RESPONSE The building has not been damaged by fire, explosion, or unforeseen circumstances. This subsection is not applicable. C. For remodels or other alterations of an existing structure made within any three (3) year period which together exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the assessed or appraised value of the existing structure, the site shall be brought into compliance with this Title. For remodels or other alterations within any three (3) year period which exceed thirty percent (30%) of the assessed or appraised value, but do not exceed one hundred percent (100%), proportional compliance shall be required, as provided in subsection E of this Section. Remodels or other alterations within any three (3) year period that do not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the assessed or appraised value shall not be required to comply with the requirements of this subsection. Mandatory improvements for fire, life safety or accessibility, as well as replacement of mechanical equipment, do not count towards the cited monetary thresholds. RESPONSE The Applicant proposes to remodel an existing dwelling during a one-year period after issuance of a building permit. The King County Department of Assessments established the 2020 appraised value of the existing structure and improvements as $78,000. The estimated remodel construction costs are $375,000 which exceed 100% of the present appraised values of the existing structure. Therefore, the proposed remodel shall be brought into compliance with this title except where the Applicant proposes to vary from current administrative standards. D. Within any three (3) year period, upon expansion of any structure or complex of structures within a single site, which is over fifty percent (50%) of the existing floor area or building footprint, whichever is less, the site shall be brought into compliance with this Title. If the expansion is fifty percent (50%) or less, the site shall be brought into proportional compliance with existing development standards as provided in subsection E of this Section. RESPONSE The Applicant proposes to remodel an existing dwelling during a one-year period after issuance of a building permit. The floor area of the existing dwelling is 1,779 SQ FT. The floor area of the dwelling after remodel will be 4,043 SQ FT. Therefore, the proposed remodel shall be brought into compliance with this title except where the Applicant proposes to vary from current administrative standards. E. Proportional Compliance: The required physical site improvements to reduce or eliminate the nonconformity of the site shall be established by the following formula: 1. Divide the dollar value of the proposed structure improvements, excluding mechanical equipment and mandatory improvements for life, safety, or accessibility, by the assessed or appraised value of the existing structure(s). 2. The monetary value of that percentage is then multiplied by ten percent (10%). 3. The dollar value of this equation is then applied toward reducing the nonconformities. Example: • Value of existing structure(s) equals $100,000; • Value of proposed improvements equals $20,000; • 10% multiplied by $20,000 equals $2,000; • $2,000 would be applied toward reducing the nonconformities. 4. The Department shall determine the type, location, and phasing sequence of the proposed site improvements. RESPONSE Renton, WA 16 September 13, 2021 PN_Asdourian House Remodel Project AMENDED Narrative The proposed remodel shall be brought into compliance with this title except where the Applicant is ap- plying for Administrative variances for front and side yard setbacks. F. Exceptions: 1. Critical Areas Overlay: The provisions of this section do not apply to sites nonconforming to the requirements of RMC 4-3-050, Critical Areas Regulations. RESPONSE The property is within the Lake Washington Shoreline overlay. It is not within a critical area overlay. 2. Shoreline Master Program Regulations: The provisions of this section do not apply to sites nonconforming to the requirements of RMC 4-3-090, Shoreline Master Program Regulations. (Ord. 5869, 12-11-2017) RESPONSE The Applicant will apply for two variances to the RMC 4-3-090, to increase the building height within the shoreline setback and to exceed the 25% lot coverage (building footprint) requirement within 100 feet of the OHWM of Lake Washington. RMC 4-10-095 SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM, NONCONFORMING USES, ACTIVITIES, STRUCTURES, AND SITES A shoreline use or development which was lawfully constructed or established prior to the effective date of the applicable Shoreline Master Program, or amendments thereto, but which does not conform to present regulations or standards of the program, may be continued; provided, that: A. NONCONFORMING STRUCTURES: Nonconforming structures with shoreline jurisdiction shall be governed by this Section with the exception of docks and piers, which shall be governed by RMC 4-3-090E7, Piers and Docks, and shoreline stabilization structures, which shall be governed by RMC 4-3-090F4, Shoreline Stabilization. RESPONSE The Applicant does not propose to alter existing docks or Shoreline stabilization. B. NONCONFORMING USES: Nonconforming uses within shoreline jurisdiction shall be governed by RMC 4-10-060, except where superseded by Subsection E or F of this Section. RESPONSE The existing dwelling is a conforming use as is the remodel of an existing dwelling. C. NONCONFORMING SITE: Nonconforming sites within the shoreline jurisdiction shall be governed by this Section. RESPONSE The existing lot does not meet applicable minimum lot width standards. D. RESERVED: E. CONTINUATION OF USE: Renton, WA 17 September 13, 2021 PN_Asdourian House Remodel Project AMENDED Narrative The continuation of existing use and activities does not require prior review or approval. Operation, maintenance, or repair of existing legally established structures, infrastructure improvements, utilities, public or private roads, or drainage systems that do not require construction permits are allowed. Such improvements are only allowed if the activity does not modify the character, scope, or size of the original structure or facility or increase the impact to, or encroach further within, the sensitive area or buffer and there is no increased risk to life or property as a result of the proposed operation, maintenance, or repair. Operation and maintenance includes vegetation management performed in accordance with best management practices that is part of ongoing maintenance of structures, infrastructure, or utilities; provided, that such management actions are part of regular and ongoing maintenance, do not expand further into the sensitive area, are not the result of an expansion of the structure or utility, and do not directly impact an endangered or threatened species. RESPONSE The existing dwelling is a conforming use. F. PARTIAL AND FULL COMPLIANCE, ALTERATION OF AN EXISTING STRUCTURE OR SITE: This Section is applied to lawfully established uses, buildings and/or structures, and related site development that do not meet the specific standards of the Shoreline Master Program, including but not limited to maximum building coverage and impervious area, building setbacks, and vegetation conservation buffers. Alteration of existing structures or impervious areas may take place with partial compliance with the standards of this Code, as provided below, provided that: the proposed alteration will result in no net loss of shoreline ecological function; and developable portions of lots shall not be subject to flooding or require structural flood hazard reduction measures within a channel migration zone or floodway to support intended development during the life of the development or use. In no case shall a structure extending into a shoreline buffer or setback be allowed to extend further waterward than the existing structure. Alterations of existing structures or developed sites shall not result in or increase any nonconforming condition unless permitted by this Section. RESPONSE Subsection F applies to the existing nonconforming site development. The existing maximum building coverage, impervious surface area and building setbacks were lawfully permitted prior to adoption of the Shoreline Master Program (SMP) adopted on October 24, 2011 and as amended in 2020. 2. Partial Compliance for Single Family Development: Lawfully constructed single family homes, their appurtenances, and impervious area built or installed before the adoption of the Shoreline Master Program (October 24, 2011) shall be considered conforming if alteration is consistent with the compliance standards below: Alteration of an Existing Structure Footprint and/or Impervious Surface(s) Compliance Standard Minor Alteration Alteration or replacement that expands the building footprint by up to 500 sq. ft. outside of the required* setback and buffer; or No site changes required. Alteration or replacement that expands the impervious surface by up to 1,000 sq. ft. outside of the required* setback and buffer. *The full buffer/setback as required in RMC 4-3-090D7a, Shoreline Bulk Standards, or as modified under RMC 4-3- 090F1, Vegetation Conservation. RESPONSE The existing dwelling is a lawfully constructed single family home. The impervious surface area, the house, concrete driveway, and decking were installed prior to October 24, 2011 and are conforming. The proposed remodeling will not alter the footprint of the existing structure within the 25-foot setback from Renton, WA 18 September 13, 2021 PN_Asdourian House Remodel Project AMENDED Narrative the OHWM. The proposal will increase the building footprint by approximately 352 SQ FT to accommo- date construction of a garage on the existing concrete driveway outside of the 25-foot OHWM setback. Therefore, table RMC 4-10-095F.2 indicates that no site changes are required. 2.C. ADMINISTRATIVE AND SHORELINE VARIANCES The Applicant requests three (3) Administrative variances: 1. Setbacks. Front yard. Table RMC 4-2-110A requires a minimum front yard setback of 25 feet, which is basically the middle of the property’s land mass, and just a few feet from competing setbacks discussed be- low. The front (east) yard angles from northeast to southwest along the existing right-of-way. At the nearest point, the eastern façade of the existing dwelling is 6 feet 3 inches from the east property line. The Applicant proposes to construct a garage on the existing concrete driveway that, at the nearest point, will be 2 inches from the east property line. Side yard. Table RMC 4-2-110A requires a minimum side yard of a combined 15 feet with not less than 5 feet on either side. With a lot width of 51 feet, this would mean constructing a home within a 36-foot corridor. The existing dwelling is between 6 feet 10-7/8 inches (6’ 10-7/8”) and 7 feet 2-7/16 inches (7’ 2-7/16”) from the north property line. The existing dwelling is between 5 feet (5’ 0”) and 4 feet 10-7/8 inches (4’ 10-7/8”) from the south property line. Following the plane of the north facade, the proposal will add a garage wall on the north side that is 7 feet 3-3/8 inches (7’ 3-3/8”) from the north property line. The most southern structural point will be setback from the southern property line by approximately 4 feet 9 inches (4’ 9”). The existing dwelling does not meet these criteria. The proposal will only extend 1-7/8 inches beyond the existing nonconformance. * As discussed below in the shoreline variance section, due to the existence of shoreline on the north side yard, a more restrictive requirement essentially overrides that side yard requirement. Rear yard. Table RMC 4-2-110A requires a minimum rear yard of 25, feet, which, as above, is basically the middle of the property’s land mass, and just a few feet from competing setbacks discussed be- low. The current proposal will increase height but will not extend further into the rear yard setback. 2. Number of Stories: Table RMC 4-2-110A sets a maximum of two stories. The existing dwelling is two stories. The applicant proposes to construct a partial third story. Consistent with the Renton Residen- tial Building Height Guidelines. Nearly every neighbor to the north and south of the Asdourian prop- erty has a three-story home. The Applicant believes this is necessary to compensate for the restrictive size and shape of the parcel as discussed above. The Applicant requests two (2) Shoreline variances: 1. Setbacks. The front, rear and side yard setbacks in the Shoreline Bulk Standards, Table 4-3-090D7a, are dictated by the underlying zoning discussed above in the administrative variance section. However, because the Asdourian lot is less than 100 feet in depth, and in accordance with Table 4-3-090D7a note 3, a minimum 25-foot setback from the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) applies to the rear and north side yards. The 25-feet is calculated by adding the required 10-foot vegetative buffer and the 15-foot building setback from that buffer in note 3. The existing home is legally nonconforming as to every setback requirement, on all sides, because of the restrictive size and shape of the Asdourian lot. The Renton, WA 19 September 13, 2021 PN_Asdourian House Remodel Project AMENDED Narrative Applicant is proposing to increase the building height within these setbacks, and add a garage land- ward of the existing home, within the side and front yard setbacks. However, the Applicant is not re- questing to increase the building height above the maximum height allowed in the Renton SMP, which is 35 feet. The final height of all aspects of the finished building will be less than maximum 35- feet. 2. Coverage Standards. Lot Coverage for Buildings. The descriptions of the narrow width of this lot, being less than the mini- mum, and proximity of water on both sides, demonstrate why this lot is also nonconforming as to lot coverage. The entire home is within 100 feet, but really more like 15 feet, of the OHWM. Under Table 4-3-090D7a, the maximum allowed lot coverage of buildings is 25%, measured as landward of the 10- foot vegetative buffer and within 100 feet of the OHWM. The only building coverage that is being added is the garage landward of the existing home. Impervious Surface Area. Under Table 4-3-090D7a, the maximum impervious surface is 50%, meas- ured as landward of the buffer and within 100 feet of the OHWM. The existing site development ex- ceeds this. However, the proposed construction will not result in an increase of impervious surface. The dwelling will rise from within the existing footprint and the garage will be constructed on an area already covered by concrete. Therefore, the Applicant is not applying for a new variance to the 50% maximum impervious surface requirement. This note is included to address the existing legal noncon- forming aspect of the project. The application responds to the applicable administrative and shoreline variance approval criteria in file J: Justifications Administrative and Shoreline Variances. 3. CONCLUSIONS The Applicant has provided clear and convincing evidence that the proposed building remodel is con- sistent with the underlying zoning and SMP regulation except where the Applicant requests a variance from the regulations. The Applicant has demonstrated that the requested administrative and shoreline variances satisfy the applicable approval criteria and that they are the minimum necessary to afford re- lief. We encourage approval of the requested variances.