HomeMy WebLinkAboutTiffany Park (1970) v F R�� `4 • �► O u A% '� / Ovv ICE o14"rIIi: CITY A'1"1`0RNEY • R1 NTON,NVAS1IiV`C.TON p POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND STREET BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-8678 a r 0 GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY 9y3o ti' JOHN K. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY °RI CAPITP-(3� Jtlne 8 , 1970 Mrs. Helmie Nelson City Clerk City Hall �/�91 Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Tiffany Park - Quit Claim Deed Dear Helmie : You handed me this date a number of real estate tax statements covering Lots 1 - 7 , Block 7 , Tiffany Park, showing delinquent taxes from 1966 to present on each lot . This is property the city acquired on a Quit Claim Deed last year. At the time of acquisition this property,of course, would be tax exempt. In our memo of May 14, 1969 we indicated that " we presume that the title to the park property vests in the grantor and that this has been checked out . " This means that it was assumed that the City Engineer or the Park Department had secured a title report on this deed to be sure the property was free and clear. Apparently this was not done or the delinquent taxes would have shown up. You may therefore have no choice but to pay the delinquencies to protect the city' s interest and maybe sometime in the future re-claim this amount from the grantor. Again let 1 -say, `as we -1'1a' e done so many times in the past, that the city should secur title insurance whenever it acquires real property, whether be gift or purchase. This should be standard policy. we n be of any further help, please let me know. Very trul ours j Illi // ,. I Gerard n City A torney GMS:bjm i aj..z3-70 4OF R�� U7R �� BUILDING DEPARTMENT • RENTON , WASHINGTON a MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVE. SOUTH • RENTON, WASH. 98055 • BA 8-3310 1 �o 'ysA0Rl CA PITA�°c�� MEMORANDUM March 18, 1970 TO: The Honorable Avery Garrett, Mayor and Members of the Council City of Renton FROM: Building Department SUBJECT: Tiffany Park Unfinished Buildings In accordance with Council action of March 9, 1970, the Build- ing Department purchased material and the Street Department furnished labor to close the unfinished dwellings of the Tif- fany Park Development Company. Since we do not have funds budgeted for this type expenditure, it is respectfully requested that Street Department account 1320/417 be reimbursed $118.79 and Building Department account 1165/417 be reimbursed $174.34 to cover the cost of this im- provement. ,.. , j 1/00*%1")' 7-010,V Bernard L. Ruppert Building Director BLR/da /0r7,/,.4„1-e.4,--yre-r,(-AK-04,-e+2-1 I I I I i I ,fi-4.1/6 MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3/9/70 APPOINTMENTS (Cont . ) Code of Ethics Com- OF THE CODE OF ETHICS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN- mittee-Chairman SHIP BE REFERRED TO THAT COMMITTEE FOR ITS OWN DECISION. THE MOTION CARRIED. FURTHER OLD BUSINESS: Tiffany Park area Stredicke requested the Attorney to abandoned building comment on current action regarding site referral of criminal action to be pursued by the city regarding abandoned site in Tiffany Park area . City Attorney Shellan advised numerous encumbrances filed against this project would allow very little chance of lien collection and with concern for danger to life and limb the city should do the necessary work and look to the mortgage company for reimbursement , cautioning that city funds cannot be expended on private property and to go on the property and do extensive work is assuming liability and costs which could be questioned by the state auditor. Stredicke stated hole in the base floor with water accumulated below needs attention and Building Director Ruppert recalled request for authority to proceed under the dangerous building ordinance advising he did not have funds to do vast repair and maintain closure . Board of Public Works hearing was noted along with problems of legal entry on private property and involvement regarding liability . Proposed motion by Perry was withdrawn to refer to the Mayor when prior referral and subsequent actions taken accordingly were noted. MOVED BY BAREI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO AUTHORIZE THE BUILDING DIRECTOR TO CLOSE UP THE BUILDINGS AND MAINTAIN THE CLOSURE UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE COURTS HAVE DECIDED WHAT HAS TO BE DONE FURTHER . Discussion ensued regarding owner's financial status , legality of expending city funds on private property and c'ue process of law by which court order could direct abatement . PENDING MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE MATTER OF FUNDING BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. THE MOTION CARRIED. Air Pollution Control Stredicke submitted letter from the Puget Pacific Car & Foundry Sound Air Pollution Control Agency in response to his request for statement on status of Pacific Car & Foundry Co . controls . Schedule was attached for performance to bring the foundry into compliance with Regu- lations , and progress to date was noted . August 30 , 1970 target date for completion of the project was noted as still valid. Finance Committee Councilman Edwards announced a Finance Meeting Committee meeting on Monday, March 16 , at 7 :00 p.m. -7- A --� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND STREET BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5.8678 GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY JOHN K. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY / , QI P 11) February 20 , 1970 Vrirk Mr. Bernard L. Ruppert Building Director City Hall Renton, Washington Dear Barney: This is to acknowledge receipt of your inquiry dated February 19 , 1970 inquiring about the provisions of the "Registration of Contractors" act that you will find in Chapter 18.27 of the Revised Code of Washington. Your particular attention is called to RCW 18 .27 .040 which outlines the actions that m ay be taken against the bond. In summary, such action is allowed to cover the cost of labor including employee benefits , taxes and contributions to the State of Washington, unpaid claims for material and equipment and lastly,claims for breach of contract. This latter would include actions by reason of negligent or improper work. Any �. such action upon the bond must be commenced by serving and filing the Complaint within one year from the date of expiration of the Certificate of Registration in force at the time the work was completed. From the foregoing, you can readily see that it is some- what doubtful whether the City itself has a direct action against the contractor unless it involves work that was to be done on City property or required to be done under some agreement with the City. We do not believe that it would apply directly to defective or incomplete work done on private property for the benefit of a private party. The latter would strictly be a civil action between them. The only alternative that I see in a case like Tiffany Park would be to require the contractor, right in the beginning, to post a sufficient surety bond, in conjunction with the building permit , that will protect all parties concerned. From a common sense standpoint , such a pond should be required by the private party having a house built or conceivably the mortgagee who is advancing the funds. Some parties have suggested that the City should CoPY ply iP Bernard L. Ruppert page 2 February 20 , 1970 require such a bond in every case where a building permit is issued to assure full compliance with the contractor's obligation toward the private party concerned as well as the City. Offhand, I do not know of any City that imposes such a requirement and undoubtedly there would be considerable objection by the building industry because of the higher costs and expenses involved. One possible solution might be to require a bond, or at least allow discretion of the City for that purpose , to cover the work to be done on right of way, such as sidewalks , streets and other improvements that are to be used by the general public. We would also suggest that the building code be amended to provide for a termination date of any construction under a building permit which you indicated is not now the case . This , of course , would vary depending on the type and nature of a proposed construction but certainly in cases of skgle family residential buildings a one year period should/more than adequate. You may want to consider the foregoing and possibly submit it to the City Council with your suggestions. We zemain Yours very truly, Gerard M. Shellan City Attorney GMS:nd bc: Mayor City Clerk Council President Richard Stredicke 1 c, _ �! � • • C • dAetka-) b.) „/,144 No s•^,fe c ri clern access to school: 1. Ponds and ditches with dangerously deep water and tangled under- brush along G.iennyrood Avenue. 2. Creek ,:itii deep water and tangled underbrush near Lake Youngs ray. 3. Street flooding on Glennwood Avenue. 4. Large drainage ditches along gravel path to school on city park property. 5. No marked crosevalks for children 'walking to school. 6. Culvert near Royal. mills Blvd. and Lake Youngs Way in disrepair and unsafe. 7. No lights on pathway or other accesses to school, making it unsafe for evening activity. Attractive T aisances: 1. Abandoned unfinished housos (six completely open). a. holes in_sub-flooring. b. water beneath foundations up to oo foot deep. c. steel reinforcing bare at dangoroUs angles. r Uncovered holes and foundations with standing deep water. 3. Finished vacant homes loft unlocked. 4. Abandoned heavy ecuipment. General fazards: ` 1. Dangerously largo piles of abandoned construction materials. 2. Construction debris on several vacant lots. 3. Sidetalks broken by construction equipment in at least four areas: a. approximately 1402 Lake Youngs Way. b. S. E. 16th near Beacon i'iay. . c. Lake Youngs Court. d. corner of Ferndale and 16th. 4. Drainage nroblens caused by the excavating and recontouring of the land by the builder. Several springs uncovered by excavation drain across sidewalks and streets. 5. Damao to streets by heavy equipment. 6. Entire area unsafe because of inadequate lightinc. 7. Obvious health hazards because of stagnant water: `Ooouitos, odors, slimy, slippery side alks and streets. 6.1 g 9 40 ,2/l /'Y Renton, Washington � c� February 12, 1970 "Fc=t%c>- s ems The City Council of Renton Municipal Building Renton, Washington Gentlemen: We, the undersigned residents of the Tiffany Park area of Renton, wish to call the council's attention to the attached list of hazards and attractive nuisances in the area. The opening of the Tiffany Park Elementary School has ,greatly increased the danger to our children because they must pass by these places in order to reach the school. We have repeatedly contacted the various city departments concerned in each case, but have received no satisfaction. We feel that the city has jurisdiction to correct most of these situations through such legislation as the dangerous buildings ordinance and other such laws meant to insure public safety and a quality environment for the citizens of Renton. We should like to meet with the entire council at the Tiffany Park School on Saturday, February 21, 1970, at eleven a. m. to tour the sites so that you may determine for yourselves the hazardous con- ditions present. Name Address 2. 171W. fp ye ) /5'09 . /0- /}1 3. • GILL 4--2---t1A-v— (-42(7- IttV-i-r J� C 4.._ A,), le) ?4112/_/ zJ . g. u � ' �� No safe and clean access to school: 1. Ponds and ditches with dangerously deep water and tangled under- brush along Glennwood Avenue. 2. Creek with deep water and tangled underbrush near Lake Youngs Way. 3. Street flooding on Glennwood Avenue. 4. Large drainage ditches along gravel path to school on city park property. 5. No marked crosswalks for children walking to school. 6. Culvert near Royal Hills Blvd. and Lake Youngs Way in disrepair and unsafe. 7. No lights on pathway or other accesses to school, making it unsafe for evening activity. Attractive Nuisances: 1. Abandoned unfinished houses (six completely open) . a. holes in sub-flooring. b. water beneath foundations up to two feet deep. c. steel reinforcing bars at dangerous angles. 2. Uncovered holes and foundations with standing deep water. 3. Finished vacant homes left unlocked. 4. Abandoned heavy equipment. General Hazards: 1. Dangerously large piles of abandoned construction materials. 2. Construction debris on several vacant lots. 3. Sidewalks broken by construction equipment in at least four areas: a. approximately 1402 Lake Youngs Way. b. S. E. 16th near Beacon Way. c. Lake Youngs Court. d. corner of Ferndale and 16th. 4. Drainage problems caused by the excavating and recontouring of the land by the builder. Several springs uncovered by excavation drain across sidewalks and streets. 5. Damage to streets by heavy equipment. 6. Entire area unsafe because of inadequate lighting. 7. Obvious health hazards because of stagnant water: Mosquitos, odors, slimy, slippery sidewalks and streets. Name Address 3. 1 • c? 7Z0 Scs. /' -4.171.-Q 4. - 72,) .S E 4 Ss ice e l 5• ' / 3) ii5Z� 6. IE-J . 4t6Y77e'' 7•,` 4A 4. 270/ e a 4� oe_47,,cr,SF io.,,he-ce/B6 .-- --eg.z2f7- 4.›,743-3 li. det,if _e_eZr teQ n cS n C 7.G2 S ,-c,zv�� S S c� 12. - Qa l�oJJ c 2i 2S Lk N,L,.�,$ E 13. 6 E IZA t- D 14 , 7A y e rz S a(o I -1 Lk Vook)(4-5C-47 C_ 14. )i %A • f� —4& S v .L./ �"\ " , �� � S 15. 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' Name Auaress 1. Le..//: g/2",',4,1-Y-1/ /6:Wd_,Z1g-7. __. .,11, 3. /7& /n @2 4.,�x-,1 •S:e 4. ( (IL 4 Z'(L, A,tir "\JCdq J 5. /‘,2/ ,& -(1-4,- ,_, ,j061--/‘ 1 , 6.,-27 X-7K.���(-4.-7t/ /91 8/ 66OCe4)1,a-ty S eE; 5 ... ? 7. z I 7,2 `f R f--,1cot. LLIA, , , &, 8, 41-0---?'-' 7-(59----)/(1- -"''"----' 2 /f/6 -14--ea,e...e----..)Z2-- 9. oU, /G3-2 _.-4---0 n..i 1det ei 1,C� 10. 11. 12. _ 13 14. I 15. 16. _ 17. 18. 19. ; o CO1'AItliti }?H:('121:A1'IOti 1)H:I'AK'I'NI ENT•I2H:N"LON,\VAS}I1\(;TON CITY HALL, RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5.3464 99ysQO?r CAPITAL°' .I l!l y 28, 1965 /2°"4 Mayor O. J. Custer �` 111 and / '���� 31. .4„., Members of the City Council it Re: Tiffany Park Gentlemen: I am submitting the 'suit Claim Deed in favor of/the City for the Tiffany Park site for your action. T s was trans- • mitted to me by Mr. John Teutsch, Jr. on beh lf of The own- ers, Mr. Louis T. Sheffels and Lydia Sheffe s, his wife. The deed has been: (1 ) Reviewed by the City Attorney and approved as to legal form. f" (2) There is a reversionary clause in the deed. This is also in proper legal form. • (3) The l ecai descri p'_i on ha, been chr,ck"d b - *he Engineer- _ inq Department and found to be satisfactory. (4) The title ne ;arl. r,ropc.r ty is vested in the grantor and has been checked by Pacific National Title Insurance Company. It is the recommendation of the Park hoard that the Quit Claim Deed to the Tiffany Park site be accepted `h' City. f . \ Rec..pec tfi 1 1 SapAVSAAL Gene L. is .,i ,.)n cc: Helmie Nelson . Director att. : Letter from John i''!itsch, Jr., enclosinu statement by Title Officer for Pioneer National Title Insurance Mean from Engineering Uepartnent r(! 1e :iul description. Letter fror .l(*•hn Teutsch, Ir., encl,, ; n.; Heed for park. ` Northwest Mortgage, Inc. MAIN OFFICE • 909 NORTON BUILDING • SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 • MAIN 3-5522 May 29 , 1969 Mr. Gene Coulon, Park Director City of Renton Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Tiffany Park Dear Gene: Enclosed is a statement by Al Beauchamp, Title Officer for Pioneer National Title Insurance Company declaring the ownership of the proposed park site to be in Louis Sheffels and Lidia Sheffels , his wife. I trust this is what you required as proof of ownership. Very truly yours , NORTHWE T MORTGAGE, INC. John M. Teutsch , Jr. Vice President JMT:ja encl . o s s FHA APPROVED MORTGAGEE of t . Ply 0 Pioneer National Title Insurance Company Jili 719 SECOND AVENUE • SEATTLE.WASHINGTON 98104 • TELEPHONE (206) 682-6600 WASHINGTON TITLE DIVISION REFER TO Tiffany Pay )< May 28 , 1969 Northwest Mortgage, Inc . 700 Norton Building Seattle, Washington ATTENTION: Jean Archer Those lands described in the attached exhibit submitted to us for examination are owned by Louis Sheffels and Lidia Sheffels, his wife, as of May 27 , 1969 . Yo rs )y, Al Beauchamp Title Officer /4.2 . • %::-//i/Cf:legthite .1e1140/2 e WASHINGTON DIVISION PROPOSED PARK SITE IN TIFFANY PARK NO. 2 . That portion of the West half of Section 21 , T 23N, R 5E, W.M. , including Lots 1 thru 7, Block .1. Tiffany Park as shown .on a map recorded of FeeeeeS 1��z of—= Q� K- • c- GGJ� T`c W�-�1-a►>J�Tbt� in Volume 72,E Pages7,8, and 9,ibeing more particularly described as followsa Beginning at a point on the Northerly line of the Cedar River Pipeline right-of-way, eaid point also being the most Southerly corner of said Tiffany Park; thence N 11 ° 03' 08" E, along the Easterly line of said Tiffany Park, a distance of 159,27 feet; thence N 52° 06' 17" E, along an Easterly line of said Tiffany Park, a distance of 20.18 feet; thence N 22° 29' 47" W, leaving said East line, along the Westerly line of Lot 7, Block 7 of said Tiffany Park, along a radial line, a distance of 121 .17 feet to a point on a curve, also a point on the East line of 120th Ave. S.E. from whence the radius point bears N 22° 29' 47" W; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said curve also along ea.id East line, having a radius of 190,00 feet and a delta angle of 15° 23' 56", a distance of 51 .07 feet; thence N 52° 06' 17" E, continuing along said East line, a distance of 419.96 feet to a point on a curve, from whence the radius point bears S 37° 53' 43" E; thence Northeasterly - Southeasterly along the arc of said curve, continuing along said East line, having a radius of 20.00 feet and a delta angle of 83° 04' 03", a distance of 29.00 feet to a point on the Westerly line of Lake Youngs Way, said point being a point on a curve, from whence the radius point bears S 45° 10' 25" W; thence, along said West line, along the arc of a curve, having a radius of. 760.O0 feet end an included angle of 6° 59' 02", a distance of 92.64 feet, to a point on a curve, from whence the radius point beara S 52° 09' 27" W; thence, Southeasterly - Southwesterly along the arc of said curve also the Wecterly line of Lake Youngs Way, having a -radius of 760.00' and a delta angle of 48° 53' 41 " a distance of 64C.56' to a point on the Northerly line of said Cedar River Pipeline right-of-way; thence r1 70° 56' 52" W, along said Northerly line, a distance of 620.36 feet to the Point of Beginning. • 1tcvir;nd 7--10--(:8 713 110t i Avor::c N Hollt;jti,,,Wr.anutt.t,n S-06 41U(,r;LS t%1•l Own ex ege..is • June 12, 1969 TO: Gene Coulon, Parks & Recreation Director FROM: R. Lyman Houk, Engineering Department Re: Tiffany Park Site Dear Gene: I have checked the legal description of those lands described in the letter from Al Beauchamp, Title Officer of Pioneer National Title Insurance Company to Northwest Mortgage Company and find they comprise the proposed park site in Tiffany Park. The letter verifies that the S/heffels are title owners of the park site and thereby authorized to deed the property to the city. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to call. dp0,5451:::::(/* R. Lyman Houk RLH:mj Engineering Department cc: Gordon Y. Ericksen x .. AV. Northwest Mortgage, Inc. MAIN OFFICE • 909 NORTON BUILDING • SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 • MAIN 3-5522 July 23, 1969 Mr. Gene Coulon, Park Director City of Renton Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Tiffany Park Division No. 2 Dear Gene: Enclosed is the deed for the park, which is required by the City of Renton in order to record the final plat. Please notify me as soon as the council accepts the property. Very truly y ours NORTHW T ORTGAGE, INC. J hn M. Teutsch, Jr. Vice President JMT:ja Encl . Al14A1 ePNJ' FHA APPROVED MORTGAGEE REVENUE STAMPS THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECOPD[P S USE Pioneer National Title Insurance Company WASHINGTON TITLE DIVISION iled for Record at Request of To • FORM LSO PR Quit Claim Deed THE GRANTORS, LOU I S T. SHEFFELS and LYDIA SHEFFELS, husband and wife, for and in consideration of ONE DOLLARS ($1 .00) + convey and quit claim to THE CITY OF RENTON, a Washington municipal corporation, the following described real estate, situated in the County of K I NG • State of Washington including any interest therein which grantor may hereafter acquire: . That portion of the West half of Section 21 , T 23N, R 5E, W.M. , including Lots 1 thru 7, Block 3 Tiffany Park as shown on a map recorded OF F''�/L'T> --,�*L�GF��C�' �`'� K\�J G. C.G•7 Y'< t,��T ► r'. in Volume 72,t Pages 7,8, and 9,ebeing more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Northerly line of the Cedar River Pipeline right-of-way, said point also being the most Southerly corner of said Tiffany Park; thence N 11 ° 03' 08" E, along the Easterly line of aaid Tiffany Park, a +distance of 159,27 feet; thence N 52° 06' 17" E, along an line of said Tiffany Park, a distance of 20,18 feet; thence N 22° �9' 47" W, leaving said East line, along the Westerly line of Lot 7, Block 7 of said Tiffany Park, along a radial line, a distance of 121 .17 feet to a point on a curve, also a point on the East line of 120th Ave. S.E. from whence the radius point bears N 22° 29' 47" W; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said curve also along said East line, having a radius of 190.00 feet and a delta angle of 15° 23' 56", a distance of 51 .07 feet; thence N 52° 06' 17" E, continuing along said East line, a distance of 419.96 feet to a point on a curve, from whence the radius point bears S 37° 53' 43" E; thence Northeasterly - Southeasterly along the arc of said curve, continuing along said East line, having a radius • of 20.00 feet and a delta angle of 83° 04' 03", a distance of 29,00 feet to a ee point on the Westerly line of Lake ' - curve, from whence the radius point bears S 45° 10' 25" W; thence, along said West line, along the arc of a curve, having a radius of. 760.00 feet End an included angle of 6° 59' 02", a distance of 92.64 feet, to a point on a curve, from whence the radius point bears S 52° 09' 27" W; thence, Southeasterly - Southwesterly along the arc of said curve also the Westerly line of Lake Youngs Way, having a radue of 760.00' rat: a Belt' cr.:;le of 48' 55' 41 " a distance of 646.56' to a point on the Northerly line of said Ceder River Pipeline right-of'-w_y; thence N 78° 56' 52" W, along said Northerly lire, a distance of 620.36 foot tc the Feint of Peeineing. l'*. EEVENUE STAMPS �i Gle THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECOPDEP S USE Pioneer National Title Insurance Company WASHINGTON TITLE DIVISION iled for Record at Request of SUBJECT TO the condition that the said plot of land shall be used by the Second Party only for park, playground and other recreational facilities, as the City Council of the City of Renton may determine from time to time. In the event the subject property shall cease to be used or abandoned by the City for such public purposes, then Grantor shall have the right to reversion, provided 90 days written notice thereof has been given unto the City and if the City fails or neglects to remedy such alleged failure, then the subject property shall revert unto the Grantor. Dated this V day of Civ r , 1969. , ,7_,:M.) _ Lobis T. Sheffels fr (sz*t) Lel19tPIP*111.1"..a (SEAL) STATE OF .ASHI GTON, ss. County of On this day personally appeared before me LOU I S T. SHEFFE LS and LYDIA SHEFFELS, his wife, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they signed the same as the I r free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and pu:t.cses '. ceceilt mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this o2 v��� day of , otary Public in a or -Stall-of Washington, residing at GUEu� } • • OF R� ti U `` PARKS Az RECREATION DEPARTMENT•RE NTON,WASHINGTON t mum CITY HALL, RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 ti sA�R' CAPITAL OE July 28, 1969 Mayor D. W. Custer and Members of the City Council Re: Tiffany Park Gentlemen: I am submitting the Quit Claim Deed in favor of the City for the Tiffany Park site for your action. This was trans- mitted to me by Mr. John Teutsch, Jr. on behalf of the own- ers, Mr. Louis T. Sheffels and Lydia Sheffels, his wife. The deed has been: (1 ) Reviewed by the City Attorney and approved as to legal form. (2) There is a reversionary clause in the deed. This is also in proper legal form. (3) The legal description has been checked by the Engineer- ing Department and found to be satisfactory. (4) The title to the park property is vested in the grantor and has been checked by Pacific National Title Insurance Company. It is the recommendation of the Park Board that the Quit Claim Deed to the Tiffany Park site be accepted by the City. Respectfyil y, liAkb•-44AAL Gene L. Coulon cc: Helmie Nelson Director att.: Letter from John Teutsch, Jr., enclosing statement by Title Officer for Pioneer National Title Insurance Co. Memo from Engineering Department re legal description. Letter from John Teutsch, Jr., enclosing deed for park. . /Appr Northwest Mortgage, Inc. MAIN OFFICE • 909 NORTON BUILDING • SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 • MAIN 3-5522 j May 29, 1969 Mr. Gene Coulon, Park Director City of Renton Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Tiffany Park Dear Gene: Enclosed is a statement by Al Beauchamp, Title Officer for Pioneer National Title Insurance Company declaring the ownership of the proposed park site to be in Louis Sheffels and Lidia Sheffels, his wife. I trust this is what you required as proof of ownership. Very truly yours , NORTHWE T MORTGAGE, INC. / Johyi M. Teutsch , Jr. 'tce President JMT:ja encl . l'i{B4 f\D i r A'AMER�GP FHA APPROVED MORTGAGEE d .rt�gla. ' A' )(11( Pioneer National Title Insurance Company //41 719 SECOND AVENUE • SEATTLE.WASHINGTON 98104 • TELEPHONE(206) 682-6600 WASHINGTON TITLE DIVISION REFER TO Tiffany Park May 28 , 1969 Northwest Mortgage, Inc. 700 Norton Building Seattle, Washington ATTENTION: Jean Archer Those lands described in the attached exhibit submitted to us for examination are owned by Louis Sheffels and Lidia Sheffels , his wife, as of May 27 , 1969 . Yours truly, Lait'66'IL "' Al Beauchamp Title Officer y C.r4 , • cam -7/I c;/e ( V 1-: t - I ..,_ c?.. �C� : . /1/eGJ-Gil`Ill��( - (TO lie dva G c - — ^'�:_.Id i WASHINGTON DIVISION t 1 PROPOSED PARK SITE IN TIFFANY PARK NO. 2 $ .That portion of the West half of Section 21 , T 23N, R 5E, W.M. , i - including Lots 1 thru 7, Block V. Tiffany Park as shown .on a map recorded E of FF�,�-rs ac-c -c- O �‘�c- Ca.�..:., T`t w1..-- 0,tIJroTb! in Volume 724 Pages 7,8, and 9,,pbeing more particularly described a follows: j Beginning at a point on the Northerly line of the Cedar River Pipeline j right-of-way, said point also being the most Southerly corner of said Tiffany a Park; thence N 11 ° 03' 06" E, along the Easterly line of said Tiffany Park, a if • distance of 159,27 feet; thence N 52° 06' 17" E, along an Easterly line of said Tiffany Park, a distance of 20.18 feet; thence N 22° 29' 47" W, leaving { said East line, along the Westerly line of Lot 7, Block 7 of said Tiffany I Park, along a radial line, a distance of 121 ,17 feet to a point on a curve, i also a point on the East line of 120th Ave, S.E. from whence the radius• point bears N 22° 29' 47" Wi thence Northeasterly along the arc of said curve also i . along said East line, having a radius of 190,00 feet and a delta angle of 15° 23' 56", a distance of 51 .07 feet; thence N 52° 06' 17" E, continuing along said East line, a distance of 419.96 feet to a point on a curve, from whence the radius point bears S 37° 53' 43" E; thence Northeasterly - Southeasterly along the arc of said curve, continuing along said East line, having a radius • of 20.00 feet and a delta angle of 83° 04' 03", a distance of 29.00 feet to a point on the Westerly line of Lake Youngs Way, said point being a point on a curve, from whence the radius point bears S 45° 10' 25" W; thence, along said West line, along the arc of a curve, having a radius of• 760.00 feet end an included angle of 6° 59' 02", a distance of 92.64 feet, to a point on a curve, from whence the radius point bears S 52° 09' 27" W; thence, Southeasterly - Southwesterly along the arc of said curve also the Westerly line of Lake • Youngs Way, having a -radlus of 760.00' end a delta angle of 48° 53' 41 " a distance of 648.56' to a point on the Northerly line of said Ceder River Pipeline right--of-way; thence N 70° 56' 52" W, along said Northerly line, 1 a distance of 620.3 6 feet to the Point of Beginning. F E r • i . , i . i • 1 v • f • MI/P;(1d 7-1t;•-Wi C, Is, 7t3 IIUt,i Ave.no-, ,',- 13.0!1,,411.0W 3ntr.^'gin s_06, i2cli_fy-ir:vi I II I 41-111 I I S 1 \1\ I 6.= • A PORTION OF WEST 1/2 SEC.21-23-5E - a W.M.,LYING NOR- 3TERLY OF CEDAR RIVER PIPELINE R/W- CITY OF RENTON, WASH. Q4 . .706 ! 4J '1 ;`,`.Q Jr.- .oe. ` J • y• 9'Ld°`t / .4',Yo 2 •l ° O4 - • o m Is- �^ I . g%3°9 p ti4 y ,./. y � `` ,•0 a , ryope • ° d ° - • • % • a � j \�s ° o`3Q . v2 C0_,°42•e bh ti. ♦ 4 •i.4s \ A °O 9n° 3 `9'\ • • M° 10 `t 00 ea'41` 90 O .%9 p� 9• l� 7 S.' ° -O••>J L NOTE • 1300 6 T O.°'a%gyp•' ?+ $� '! N /0`�1. O `f' 4Ll UTIL.TT E:tEME6-s ♦62 6'EAGN ,»O NeG=e7'.e2 w q :''`Of g_0-12 3Y,p eD >93 .c SIDE or ►/E,C1r IPT Worms 076366 6r 122.55 • 79. '4• O 4 trotter. .0` 4 4♦ �,o ;�7,'•- i.•'0 0° .°e„,. ^^ \ >a o°. . 'Via'a . 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N o 24 N° 23 • 0 22 `o yn • :i o`o. 1 • ..,,, # `- 3z • e' L. 25 7 . 2 2 7 6°°,' •o c a e° G • i o \. :e et•m 3Lec_�i 74°e' Doe 47 of _ 0 -ie .' -}iy, '2 ♦r'`4" °°ore' a o J.• ®i 566 N91'1445'w ©� 9 os•�. °o 0' \L O- 33 ♦' 0; e431' IDe 44' 93.-, �`\ -39.7o `3 ♦f 31b o h R 35 44 4 •, itr2 \ Ib O4 e 154 T8 ,ST. \ 3.,.a\r ,<i F 4' a •a.♦i' : % ® v. J♦F 20 car^.sa az ao' S4'14 s \ c o oa\ \a'. ?- � A, • T4 J ° PA RK •\fr�. V O. 4 f • 2 AP\.' a \hh % °„° \ o a •♦ a , 4, s N117Y 33.06 aI WEST /2 SEC.21- 3 e QyAO.� S•'y b3 + cf ° o n° e` 2 ,4" > .', Q1- ' 1 ^: '\so. 38 ,''o ' eo!. '` \ . / fERLY OF CEDAR F'�tio t 32 !; d"• •; eo: °° 4n.�60: 37 0.. 3 s>\ r °� e>�e oB 11 )F RENTON , Wt S ° > ' e` r 62 WV ,• 31 ti°a o,1.., , o° %. 0. 36 . 4 ..�yC\\ 7 . • �q. \ \ 0:•00 j' • 4 C>'.F \ 6 9' >° • o° . 35 oo 04° •o. .9 S %, ►6 o°\ • 29 e >.. 0o a•' c a4 34 >o ,/ ° t 6 0 \ \,,, 'ao ' > 27 eo . Sj o 3>R a /. 12 ,i° o . >O . 2 � • • 25 4• •/�' 10 0 DATA v4 VA. 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W 15 eO +♦ 25 R i5 �^P Vao c , ` ,r^_ ''�a 60.0' w R•36 00' S� ,h„' e S > -. ::hh ,' \o. > °° a e. 2'i 17.47' w T• ID.Eo' 19 • 0.:0,.., 9 0e. /°°•T1 / 16 eo ':..•Q 649 •6`j° •>p 34e3- L. 19.6s' >A 1s •: o _,s'42'� c. o e ° 4 '.1.,,0 6'' •S•o6.9A- ,o. •••d .t N5 / \J\ 24 `� \0•' `h4 174y.../q c%Q4' Di>20N. m 1544 30 • . 4, °O ,/ 0 0 9•4° y % C4. • a' .„\. 46.44' 0 4...1a, " 4 ‘,3' 23 Bo °a • 9 9 \ %. ` 16 /940°9 % 0 0o 09° e> •° ° °o \IU• -4, \ q°-,a , >0 14 f >a 89 22 tii ''v S• 2 °^ 19 +>9es'� `'��° . : 4,,y40. >0 ee y'>`ec a. >40 ►0°,°°21 owe ..•••,t'2 eo o' 9t, ' '. 444 15 °° > 'o• >0 ..-1-* 20 is 44' / •.• •� 4. Q314t' . >ao 4 .'o° 'b ,� 9, z7� 4i 5' \ o eo. ,a, 12 . ti / 149 t /42 $`b- 16 o a'a). 46.064 6'20 4. ° ',.:-.-4 7.' • '0 >-,. ..t a >o.oerr°4 n^a e. ',__16�E o' e-Is'`,. 6 `- • se. % .4•``0 -%. / .°S 11 oo.. 794co. 0 A�,,o 41 ',..aa y0`, /r3 17 .0 6a 4• ,+;:e > 5a 66s,I,.6 e 'o•, 0,01f 00 bb �4Fc o 9•.% uy ..0.44 h4~ <♦•l9s{rf2'.:•. 10 158 '�I IN 0 . T °°•4 0 4S`.,/,,,:.‹, °P \° 2•• 18 9' `4i.•'yIAW I41"�i 0 3 2i io 8 a', ., o° . 9 40F e0 ` >a q,s' �!•8.9I..3 437° xi I`�d,''•e.. t 4 4 OO-0 ` 19 9 673.. 5♦,e..-.3415!rp+.00' • '3>•9> dl, >s n°0 26 e, 13 NOB' 36'.450 \, 4 FA O°.•I ;8 o;, 'd„ O e4 0. �� '4c . 21 a° 22 g1".' 23 N NO n ''o a*S a5 0 'so„, h°`' z !) 5E. 4.137 t TO06. "687 ' N76.5 6's 2-w • R/w CURVE• DATA CE D4R R7yER PIPE�INfR NO. DELTA RADIUS TAN ARC. • 101 97.66.42" ,20.00' 25 00' 64.20' lot 62.O1-IS" 20 0' 17.39' Z3.63' /64- 90'Ol'Bo. 20.0' Z3.47' 34 60' toe 76.66-09" LO.O' I•.90' 26.67' 106 90.0000 20.0• .20.00' 31.42' 1 105 90.00-09. 50.0' 20.00' 31.42' 107 9.24-06' 216D' 21.6I• 45.15' CURVE 'DATA 10$ 99.24-01: LO:o' 23 36' 34 To' A•5.49.23• A• 5.49.25" A•5'49.23" ,! '109 62.03'S9" too' 12.e3' 21.67' '6lr R•976.0' q R' 10o0.O' BILK 12, lot5 O' O 4 T,49.59' T' S0.66' 6 T•52.13' •110 104.Ia41• 20.0' 2566' 36.37' L•9909' L, lot 65' L•104,17' III 74'51-W 20.0' 15.67' 26.63' lit 65Y1 25" 20.0' 16.i4' 29.71' A•66.02.06' A• 66'02•06" A• 60.02406' l J 6•E R (�` R c 2•140 0 ' 165.0' BU . 190.0' 11• 76.06-ZZ' 20.0' 15 22' 27.26' E T'-130.4,3' T• 15396. 7 T' 177.29' 114 90•0019• 20.0' lrp.o0' 3•.42' L:210.Z2' 1., 247.T6' L.28650 116 •9\61.4f Lao' L 20.00' 81.42' C. 3.1•06•15- A• S7.05-I5" 116 90.00 L0.0' 20.00' 91.42' O 80060ARV R• 533.66' BILK 12: S 13 BIB' 17T: 90.00 LO.O' 20.00' 31.42• T• 179.02' 7 T• 1 72.31' >d _ _ L. 346.46 L• 33L.S0' . • June 12, 1969 TO: Gene Coulon, Parks & Recreation Director FROM: R. Lyman Houk, Engineering Department Re: Tiffany Park Site Dear Gene: I have checked the legal description of those lands described in the letter from AI Beauchamp, Title Officer of Pioneer National Title Insurance Company to Northwest Mortgage Company and find they comprise the proposed park site in Tiffany Park. The letter verifies that the S/heffels are title owners of the park site and thereby authorized to deed the property to the city. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to call . R. Lyman Houk RLH:mj Engineering Department cc: Gordon Y. Ericksen Northwest Mortgage, Inc. MAIN OFFICE • 909 NORTON BUILDING • SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 • MAIN 3-5522 July 23, 1969 Mr. Gene Coulon, Park Director City of Renton Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Tiffany Park Division No. 2 Dear Gene: Enclosed is the deed for the park, which is required by the City of Renton in order to record the final plat. Please notify me as soon as the council accepts the property. • Very truly yours, NORTHW T ORTGAGE, INC. i Jahn M. Teutsch, Jr. Vice President JMT:ja Encl . iv P.4 ��,NIIC/tf9 � p \ FHA APPROVED MORTGAGEE YN © • REVENUE STAMPS • l�l THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE Pioneer National Title Insurance Company WASHINGTON TITLE DIVISION iled for Record at Request of rO FORM Lsd R Quit Claim Deed THE GRANTOR S, LOU I S T. SHEFFELS and LYDIA SHEFFELS, husband and wife, for and in consideration of ONE DOLLARS ($I .00) convey and quit claim to THE CITY OF RENTON, a Washington municipal corporation, the following described real estate, situated in the County of KING • State of Washington including any interest therein which grantor may hereafter acquire: That portion of the West half of Section 21 , T 23N, R 5E, W.M. , including Lots 1 thru 7, Block ' Tiffany Park as shown on a map recorded ar weaas { �F _ �,�, �,�4 c ��N T';') V-A t��-ro� in Volume 724 Pages7,8, and 9,pbeing more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Northerly line of the Cedar River Pipeline right-of-way, said point also being the most Southerly corner of said Tiffany Park; thence N 11 ° 03' 08" E, along the Easterly line of said Tiffany Park, a distance of 159,27 feet; thence N 52° 06' 17" E, along an Easterly line of said Tiffany Park, a distance of 20,18 feet; thence N 22° 29' 47" W, leaving said East line, along the Westerly line of Lot 7, Block 7 of said Tiffany Park, along a radial line, a distance of 121 .17 feet to a point on a curve, also a point on the East line of 120th Ave. S.E. from whence the radius point bears N 22° 29' 47" W; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said curve also along said East line, having a radius of 190.00 feet and a delta angle of 15° 23' 56", a distance of 51 ,07 feet; thence N 52° 06' 17" E, continuing along said East line, a distance of 419.96 feet to a point on a curve, from whence the radius point bears S 37° 53' 43" E; the'nce Northeasterly - Southeasterly along the arc of paid curve, continuing along said East line, having a radius • of 20,00 feet and a delta angle of 63° 04' 03", .a distance of 29.00 feet to a point on the Westerly line of Lake Youngs Way, said point being a point on a curve, from whence the radius point bears S 45° 10' 25" W; thence, along said Went line, along the arc of a curve, having a radius of. 760.00 feet and an • included angle of 6° 59' 02", a. distance of 92.64 feet, to a point on a curve, from whence the radius point beara S 52° 09' 27" W; thence, Southeasterly - Southwesterly along the arc of said curve also the Westerly line of Lake Youngs Way, having a radii us of 760.00' and a delta angle of 48`' 53' 41 " a distance of 6;6.5 6' to a point on the ;northerly line of said Cedar River Pipeline right-of-way; thence N 73° 56' 52" W, along said Northerly line, a distance of 620.36 feet to the Point of Beginning. ic.0 REVENUE STAMPS THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S US Pioneer National Title Insurance Company WASHINGTON TITLE DIVISION Filed for Record at Request of TO SUBJECT TO the condition that the said plot of land shall be used by the Second Party only for park, playground and other recreational facilities, as the City Council of the City of Renton may determine from time to time. In the event the subject property shall cease to be used or abandoned by the City for such public purposes, then Grantor shall have the right to reversion, provided 90 days written notice thereof has been given unto the City and if the City falls or neglects to remedy such alleged failure, then the subject property shall revert unto the Grantor. Dated this ,Z day of (w(v , 1969. (SEAL) Lo is T. Sheffels // -L ile a (SEAL) STATE OF ASHI GTON, • ss. County of On this day personally appeared before me LOU I S T. SHEFFELS and LYDIA SHEFFELS, his wife, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they signed the same as the I r free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and pu:pcses ^11,tFeia mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this a o�Ad day of otary Public in a or a�J Washington, residing at GVE� _ OV R-� a 4► I ° p POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2IND STREET BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-8678 , GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY 9 E 2S,o '4'' JOHN K. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY Op OC CAPIT AA- June 8 , 1970 fily Mrs. Helmie Nelson City Clerk f° 14 City Hall 7----�� Renton, Washington 98055 6/� Re: Tiffany Park - Quit Claim Deed Dear Helmie : - . You handed me this date a number of real estate tax statements covering Lots 1 - 7 , Block 7 , Tiffany Park, showing delinquent taxes from 1966 to present on each lot . This is property the city acquired on a Quit Claim Deed last year . At the time of acquisition this property,of course, would be tax exempt. In our memo of May 14, 1969 we indicated that " we presume that the title to the park property vests in the grantor and that this has been checked out . " This means that it was assumed that the City Engineer or the Park Department had secured a title report on this deed to be sure the property was free and clear. Apparently this was not done or the delinquent taxes would have shown up . You may therefore have no choice but to pay the delinquencies to protect the city' s interest and maybe sometime in the future re-claim this amount from the grantor. Again let is -say, as we ha e done so many times in the past, that the city should secur6 title insurance whenever it acquires real property, whether be gift or purchase. This should be standard policy. we n be of any further help, please let me know. Very trul ours // Gerard n City A torney GMS:bjm D E LT A'.5 p 1 - 67• Z6-Zs" 2 - s0• s5-47' 3 SO' 55-47" 4 - SO' S5.`47" 5' 7v Ilo-Z2" 0 - 41•o8-15' TIFFANY PARK A PORTION OF THE WEST %2 SEC.21-23-5E W.M., LYING NORTHEASTERLY OF CEDAR RIVER PIPELINE "- CITY OF RENTON, WASH. 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