HomeMy WebLinkAboutTiffany Terrace Development (1962) • PROSECUTING ATTORNEY KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON KING COUNTY COURT HOUSE dilt)(11-1 •EATTLE 4 PAL October 7, 103 Dowd of county Commissioners net Cewwty geortheuse Seattle 1, lles*iittsa Rs: geedeeke •. Lsseasd-rstewvia, and Xing Co., et al. Superior Court Cress No. 596641 gentlemen: This ogee involve* stars days of the eetarebd comprising the Nit See. 28, N.M.*, See. *7, and all et See. 21, Tounftl, 03. Mamie NM Plaintiff is in the of subdividiag Urge portions of See. di and has a� installed several hundred test et Wiwi' stern sever ui lines. Several thee- sand feet et smaller liar rend have to be installed, all in Csuatp melds sleet to be iMieatsd. In this area, the fal.l,emiop armed plats have already been reseeded sad the County reads dsdisatad i 4 sip, Ponderosa dle 'stales, Mooed* Vista Nei. N, 7, @ or Tillage Nee. , 2, ], 4, and 3, gassed* Mills, reseed, Mills Nee. C, 3, sad 3, and others. All at these County reels eawtais storm arsia a taailities in.. stalled by the platters aed now tla property of ding County by virtue et ties dad eation et the roads. Some of this area is in the City of Neaten, alrre sum faiilities bo- som the property et ta1e city. The parties in the ease seek to fore* upon a tem of the persons interested in the real estate or upon Nine County the east et improving and melataining storm days generally in this area. Seek soot may emceed ,000 tat." tinily. We suggest thee you earlier establishing a drainage distriot et this aai for the following rssur e$ 1. Ve Justify lapily the speeding of coney for meiateasaaee. $. 2s demonstrate Immediately to the Superior Court that no judgment payable out of the current expense Lund eery W entered against Zing County ter psprital iasprevswrsta of storm drainage. 3. fo appraise all interested parties of the area, sane of wham are not is the ease, that additiorsl oasts are threatened by the plaintiff sod other defoliants swat that they should appear in tine ease to defend their rigOts Very truly lours, CHARMS v. CARROLL hwNastia g Attorney my WILLIAM L. PAM, JR. Assistant Chief Civil Deputy WLP s bso es : Roger Dunham t tboraey at Lew Robert Reeser Attorney at Lem City of Renton Menton aahool Diatriet 11 V V May 16, 1963 �.� Henry Tedersen, Chairman Property Committee of the Penton City Council 2508 9th T l.aco Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Pedersen: Concerning the request of Puret round Power & Light Company for a 101 easement bordering the westerly line of the proposed playground area in Tiffany Park, the Park Board has no objection providing: (1) ','iris easement is limited to underground distribution and the necessary ground level cabinet encased trans- formers and switches. (2) Service is made available for the proposed playground from this installation. (3) The City is held harmless from any end all liability. k e:pectfully, ,. Gene L. Coulon, Supt. E, cc$ Mr, C. '.eCan on Mrs. Jeanette Dahl t !� tom. Clenn Gianini ✓ �. s• I 4 M , June 27, 1963 Puget Sound Power & Light Company P. 0. Box 329 Renton, Washington Attention: Mr. L. A. Williams Mgr., Central Division Re: Proposed Easement, Arne G. Goedecke et ux to Puget Sound Power & Light Company Gentlemen: We return herewith proposed Easement as captioned above which the Park De- partment presented to the Council at its regular meeting of June 24, 1963. We also submit an opinion from the City Attorney relative to the document along with excerpt from the Minutes of the meeting pertaining thereto. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk HWN/dm Ene1s (3) cc: G. Coulon • INTER-OFFICE MEMO Date June 17, 1963 From: Gene Coulon Departmental Account No. To: Hank Pedersen Expenditure Account No. MESSAGE: Submitted herewith for Property Committee and City Council action, is the easement which Puget Sound Power & Light Company requested on the proposed playground area in Tiffany Park. The property description has been checked by the City Engineer and seems to be in order. PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY 620 Grady Way P. 0. Pox 329 Renton, Washington June 11, 1963 i Mr. Gene L. Coulon, Supt. of Parks City of Renton City Hall Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Coulon: Enclosed is an easement for an underground power distribution line signed by Mr. Goedecke. This is in reference to a proposed playground site in the plat of Tiffany Park, which Mr. McCammon has discussed with you. N ,i condition of granting the easement was to hold the City harmless !' for any liability arising from the installation and use of this line in the park area. This statement has been added to the easement. The granting of the easement will allow us to place this line in the area described and from it we will serve the plat of Tiffany Park as well as the proposed playground site. If this mats with your approval, please have the instrument executed with signatures to the left of Mr. Goedecke's and acknowledged on the i other side of the page and return to this office. il duplicate copy ;i is enclosed for your records. ;j /I Very truly yours,' . Encl. L .L. Williams Manager, Central Division i I: i r , • CITY OF RENTON RENTON, WASHINGTON OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY June 18, 1963 k6 Mrs. Helmie Nelson City Clerk City Hall Renton, Washington Re: Proposed Easement, Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Dear Helmie: You have handed us this date a proposed easement from Arne Goedecke et Ts.__ _Euget Sound Power & Light Company. As we understand it, this is -nut property owne lby the City of Renton or inwhidi wehave anintezest at the present time and therefore the City officials should not appear as Grantors on said instrument. It is our understanding that this is a proposed playground area only. The City has no objections to the proposed easement as to form as long as the proper hold harmless agreement is contained and the facilities are completely underground. The first paragraph of the proposal seems to indicate that e' e of the facilities may be above ground which should be clarified nce such above ground structures would undoubtedly interfere with t e ope ation of a park or playground if and when such comes about. We remain Yours very truly, HAUGAN & HEL By Gerard M. Shellan City Attorney GMS:nd cc: Mr. Gene Coulon 5-20-63 Moved by Reid, seconded by Custer, that alstter be directed to the Retail Merchants Association on the previously discussed "Going Out of Business" Sales matter (referenced above), requesting their suggestions and recommendations for transmittal to the Ordinance Committee for consideration. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTICNS: Chairman Dullahant of the Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, Establishing Certain Fees for Maps, Prints, Ordinances and Similar Documents, which was read by the Clerk. Moved by Custer, seconded by Gianini, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Ordinance Committee recommended favorably and that the Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recom- mendation. Carried. After the second and final reading, it was moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti; to adopt Ordinance No. 2034 as read. Roll Call vote followed with all Councilmen present voting "Aye The motion carried. Chairman Dullahant of the Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington, Fixing June 10, 1963, at the hour of 8:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers in the City Hall, as the time and the place when the petition for vacating a portion of right-of-way of 7th Avenue North lying North of the existing 50 ft. right of way of 7th Avenue North between K and M Streets shall be heard and determined. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poll, to adopt Resolution No. 1195 as read. Carried. OLD BUSINESS: Chairman Reid submitted the Street & Alley Committee's report regarding the follow- ing, which were read: (1) Letter from J. E. Holmes re arding,_pr2posed By-Pass behind the Woods Building: This By-Pass is part of an overall proposal for future arterials for the City. In the final analysis this proposed By-Pass could be deleted, therefore until the arterial plan is adopted by the City Council, no positive action can be taken as far as acquisition of right-of-way is concerned. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur with the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee - Mr. J. E. Holmes to be notified of action. Carried. (2) Letter from James Carver concerning improvement of llth Avenue North: It is the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee to refer this letter to the City Engineer to prepare cost estimates and to contact Mr. Carver. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poll, to concur with the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. Carried. Mayor Aliment commented that a request has been received from residents in the vicinity of 104+th, 112th and 116th Streets for street repairs -- matter should be referred to the Street & Alley Committee accordingly. Chairman Hulse presented the recommendation of the Ways & Means Committee that the project of widening Third Avenue be funded in the sum of $2,4+00.00 from the unbudgeted surplus in Cumulative Fund No. 1184, Public Improvements. Moved by Poll, seconded by Custer, to concur with the recommendation of the Wags_& Means Committee. Carried. Property Committee Chairman Pedersen presented the Committee's concurrence of the I Park Board's acceptance of Puget Sound Power & Light Company's request for a 10' easement bordering the westerly line of the proposed playground area in Tiffany Park, provided how-\ ever that: (1) This easement is limited to underground distribution and the necessary ground level cabinet encased transformers and switches; (2) Service is made available for the proposed playground from this installation; and (3) The City is held harmless from any \ and all liability. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur with the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. Chairman Custer presented the joint-recommendation of the Sanitation Committee and the Fire & Water Committee to regretfully recommend that the resigr_o on of Superintendent of Utilities, Marvin Schroeder be accepted by the City Council. After discussion of the matter, it was moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Poll, to concur with the Sanitation Committee and the Fire & Water Committee's recommendation to accept the resignation of Marvin_ Schroeder, Superintendent of Utilities. Roll Call vote resulted as follows: "Aye' - Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen, Trimm, Custer, Poll and Bruce; "No" - Dullahant, Hulse, Garrett and Delaurenti. Councilman Reid abstained from voting - Seven "Ayes" and Four "Nos" - the motion carried., -6- THIS INDENTURE made this _ _day of _ , 19 , between fand hereinafter called "Grantor", and PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, a Washington earporatios, j hereinafter called "Grantee", and ' _ , hereinafter called "Mortgagee", WITNESSETH: "That in consideration of One Dollar ($1) and other valuable considerations, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, grantor hereby grants and conveys to grantee,its successors and assigns,an easement for an under- ground electric system right-of-way together with the right to construct, reconstruct, operate, inspect, maintain or remove an electric system consisting of underground conduits, cables, manholes, vaults and semi-buried or ground mounted facilities such as concrete pads, transformers and other necessary or convenient facilities and equipment on said right-of-way over, under, upon and across the following described property located in King County, State of Washington: , A 10 foot strip of land lying easterly and adjacent to the following described property 11111 041 line: Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 23, Block 7, according to the plat of T;:fany Park as recorded in Volume 72, Pages 7, 8 and 9 of plats, records of King Count;;, Washington; thence N 11°03'08" East 159.27 feet; thence N 52°06'17" East 548.18 feet to the most easterly corner of Lot 1, Block 7 of said plat. Situate in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. Said right-of-way is described as a strip of land 10 feet in width being 5 feet on each side of a center line de- scribed as follows: Along and parallel with the center of the above described strip. ] othempiaditsmiwoll City of Renton is to be held harmless from any and all liability arising from the installation or operation of said underground system. Grantee shall have the right to remove any trees, or parts of trees or other vegetation or natural obstructions within said ten (10) foot strip and may level, grade and re-grade said ten (10) foot strip as may appear to grantee to be necessary for the construction, operation and maintenance el its underground electric system. Grantor for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns covenants that no structure will be erected or permitted within said ten (10) foot strip, or permitted to otherwise encroach thereupon, so as to in any way interfere with or endanger the unrestricted exercise of the rights and privileges herein granted, that no digging, tunnelling or other form of construction activity will be done or permitted within said ten (10) foot strip which will in any manner disturb the compaction or unearth any portion of the lines or equipment thereon, or in any i other way remove, threaten or otherwise endanger the lateral support in and to said ten (10) foot strip or the facil- 1 ities located therein, and no blasting or the discharge of any explosives will be permitted within fifteen (15) feet 1 of the center line of said strip. All conduit or cable laid under this grant shall be buried to such depth as not to interfere with the ordinary landscaping of said land, provided however, that no trees, shrubs, or bushes shall be planted upon such strip with- out first having obtained the written approval therefor from grantee. Grantee shall, at all times, have the right of ;ree ingress to and egress from said property for all purposes here- in mentioned." IN WITNESS WHEREOF this instrument haL, been execut•, e day and year fi . ahoy- ., itten. k . . A tl---- 4 _ 7-gali-44,114t. cNeLellirlriVAI --4 t.116 t.(146'w., Mortgagee ATTEST: Secretary By: President - ,j STATE OF WASHINGTON, ss. County of King On this 1st day of Apri I , 19 63 , before me personally appeared Arne G. Goedecke to me known to be the individual who executed the foregoing instrument as Attorney in Fact for Louise M. Goedecke and acknowledged that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed as Attorney in Fact for said principal for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that the Power of Attorney authorizing the execution of this instrument has not been revoked and that said principal is now living and is not insane . • GIVEN under my hand and official seal the day and year last above written. otary Public in and for e State ashington, residing at Seattle FORM IOe. ACKNOWLEDO'.,'+I ATTORNEY IN FACT. I , • -2- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 6-24-63 PLUMBING AND HEATING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 5833 $ - - - Rudy Zaputil 10606 S.E. 106th Place Gas Installations 34 - - - Conner Const. Co. 12511 - 87th Ave. So. Gas Installation 5835 - - - Conner Const. Co. 8628 So. 127th Street Gas Installations 36 - - - Conner Const. Co. 12581 - 87th Ave. So. Gas Installations OPENING OF BIDS: L.I.D. No. 249, Maplewood Sanitary Sewers This being the date set, the following bids were opened and read by City Clerk Nelson. Each bid was accompanied by a 5% Bid Bond. CONTRACTOR AND ADDRESS BASIC BID ALT. BID Concrete Pipe Clay Pipe Coluccio Construction Co., 7778 Seward Park Ave., Seattle $ 73,235.76 $ 81,804.32 Deer Construction Co., 4223 So. Graham Street, Seattle 78,341.22 None E. & A. Construction, 619 Main Street, Renton 75,476.96 None Kaeser Construction, 3629 - 34th St. So., Seattle 63,239.28 None Lundberg Construction, 3420 - 13th Ave. S.W., Seattle 81,510.00 None John Patricelli, 5316 Rainier Ave., Seattle 85,944.56 93, 247.86 Rainier Contractors, Inc., 1927 - 1st Ave. So., Seattle 60,676.70 71,300.32 Shoreline Construction, 12531 - 15th Ave. N.E., Seattle 94,745.56 106,312.48 T. Tonnesen Construction, 9021 Waller Road, Tacoma 66,620.32 None Valley Construction Co., 7722 Rainier Ave., Seattle 68,786.17 73,955.98 Western 2 �o Co., P. 0. Box 3767, Seattle 61,707.36 72,778.16 Moved by Custer, seconded by Reid, that the Bids be referred to the Sanitation Committee and the City Engineer to report back. Carried. it il ii PRELIMINARY HEARING MEETING: Merryhill Nursing Home Annexation This being the date set, the preliminary meeting was opened for hearing. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, owners of the Merryhill Nursing Home were present and upon inquiry indic ated their willingness to assume any pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City in the event of annexation of their property. Attention was called to the presently circulating Petition of property cwners in the general area of the Gibson property who thereby declare their intent and desire to be annexed as well. Policy and precedent were discussed in relation to connection at present of the Merryhill sanitary sewers to City facilities and it was subsequently moved by Garrett, seconded by Dullahant, that the letter of intent to annex their property to the City of Renton, submitted by the Gibsons, be accepted and they be authorized to circulate the proper Petition in accordance with the law. Carried. The Gibsons were advised to contact the City Engineer for further procedure. COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from the King County Assessor, A. J. Steen, announced the annual meeting of the Board of Equalization in the King County Assessor's office on July 1, 1963, the City to be notified if complaints have been filed. Councilmm Walt Reid and Hugh Bruce are the present appointees for representing the City of Renton at said Hearing. A letter from City Attorney Shellan was read advising,relative to the proposed Easement between Arne G. Goedecke and Puget Sound Power and Light in the Tiffany Park playground area, that the City having no ownership or interest in the subject property should not appear as Grantor on said instrument. There are no objections to the Easement as to form so long as the proper hold harmless agreement is contained and the facilities are completely underground, however, clarification should be made inasmuch as such above ground structures would undoubtedly interfere with the operation of a park or playground if and when instituted. -2- 941.h .1C;;Y1/471 (",; gfrf''V%"RJY C4/1 ) Minutes of the Rentnn City Council Meeting 11-26-62 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: NEW BUSINESS: (cont.) Councilman Hulse reminded his Committee of the Planning Committee meeting on Wednesday with the Planning Commission and advised the denial of permission to build a new science wing on the high school was to be among the topics for discussion. Councilman Custer requested a meeting of the Accounting and Auditing Committee at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, December 3, 1962 to discuss bid bonds and written contracts. Chairman Reid invited comments from the audience and Mr. Robert Beezer, Attorney for Mr. Arne Goedecke, addressed the assembly requesting that the Council recess and resolve itself into the Committee of the Council As a Whole and consider the Final Plat of Tiffany Park, formerly known as Capri. After discussion and upon advice of Counsel, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Dullahant, to recess. Carried. Chairman Reid declared a recess. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed. Councilman Dullahant requested that City Attorney Shellan state the proposed recommendations resulting from the meeting of the Committee of the Council As A Whole, Mr. Goedecke and his Attorney, Mr. Beezer, which recommendations and agreements were out- lined as follows: A Resolution was submitted to the City Council this evening for the approval of a certain Plat known as Tiffany Park, formerly known as Capri No. 1. The Resolution as prepared indicated that its approval would be subject to certain conditions which include the execution and delivery of a Warranty Deed by the developer, Mr. Goedecke, to the City, covering purchase of a park site of approximately five acres, which park site is described on the document handed to the City Attorney by Attorney Beezer, and which description is to be checked by the City Engineer, and the proposed Resolution further providing that in consideration of such a dedication the City would waive its platting fees. As a result of the meeting held by the Committee and Mr. Goedecke, and this Council, the following agreements have been reached between the City and the developer: 1. Mr. Goedecke agrees to pay simultaneously with the adoption of the Resolution as corrected by the City, all the platting fees as set forth in our ordinance, Section 9-103, Title IX, and additional platting fees on future plats to be filed up to the time of the City's exercise of option. 2. Simultaneously with the adoption of the Resolution, Mr. Goedecke, as contract purchaser, as well as his contract sellers, Parker and Sanwic:: Investments, Inc., will give and grant unto the City an option to purchase the proposed park site of approximately five acres which option shall extend to December 15, 1963 and the City to have the right to exercise said option up to said date, December 15, 1963 by giving thirty days written notice unto the Grantors thereof. 3. The City further agrees, upon exercise of said option to purchase park site, and in consideration of acquiring said park, to refund unto Mr. Goedecke, as developer, an amount equal to the platting fees paid by him unto the City in connection with the Tiffany Park Plats. At the present, filing fees for Tiffany Park Plat No. 1 are in the sum of approximately $972.00 and it is anticipated that the future filing fees will be approximat- ely $870.00 for Tiffany Park No. 2, approximately $870.00 for Tiffany Park No. 3 and approxi- mately $762 for Tiffany Park No. 4. 4. It being further agreed that the Warranty Deeds hereinafter referred to will be placed in Escrow with the City Clerk of the City of Renton to be accompanied by the 0 ' customary escrow instructions, to be agreed upon by Counsel for both parties. Attorney Beezer added, as per City Attorney Shellan's suggestion, that it is to be understood that the property when conveyed to the City is to be devoted to park, recrea- tional and other municipal purposes. Other matters pertinent to the subject were that the Warranty Deed is to be in standard form without encumbrances. The City, when developing the park, will pay its share of the expenses in connection with the development at such time as adequate funds are available, Mr. Goedecke to go along with improvements to the park insofar as his abutting land is concerned. Also, Mr. Beezer requested that during the one year period during which the City can exercise its option Mr. Goedecke shall have the right to erect, construct or maintain such sewer facilities through the park as may be necessary for proper drainage. City Attorney Shellan stipulated that such facilities must have the prior written approval of the City Engineer in order to be sure they are placed so as not to interfere with future development of the park. 1 / After the reduction of the foregoing items to writing, including the instruments necessary to be placed in escrow, and payment to the City of its platting fees, the proper city officials are then authorized to affix their signatures to Tiffany Park Plat No. 1 and deliver same to Mr. Goedecke. -5- • Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 11-26-62 Tiffany Park Plat - (continued) Acceptance of the Plat to be predicated upon the stipulations and the Mayor and City Clerk shall be authorized to execute the necessary documents only upon ful- fillment of said stipulations. The foregoing terms and conditions have been approved orally by Mr. Goedecke and his Counsel, Mr. Beezer at the open council meeting of this date. The proposed Resolution approving the Final Plat of Tiffany Park No. 1, sub:;,:ct to the foregoing stipulations and conditions was read by the Clerk. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1174 as read. Carried. A letter from Renton School District 403 submitted documents-regardingSanitary Sewer Line at the new Fred Nelson Jr. High School. The necessary documents including Hold Harmless etc. accompanied the request and City Engineer Wilson advised the trans- action to be in order and recommended that the Mayor and City Cleric be authorized to execute same. Carried. Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to approve the Vouchers, No. 9148 through 9180, as submitted. Carried. Mr. Charles Shane inquired regarding disposition of his rezoning request and advised that upon consulting with City Attorney Shellan, if the Council were favorable it would be feasible for him to secure a restrictive covenant to run with the deed on his parcel of land upon which he had requested rezoning of a five foot strip from R-3 to B-1 in order that the building he was constructing would meet the ten foot setback require- ments. Discussion followed and City Planning Director Jensen advised that in his opinion either a variance or rezone would be the proper plan of action in order to conform to the Code. Mr. Shane advised his attorney would prepare the restrictive covenant and out- lined the problems the delay of going throujl the procedure of either securing a variance or rezone when the properties were both under his ownership. City Attorney Shellan advised he had mentioned the possibility of the restrictive covenant prior to the Council meeting to Mr. Shane preserving the five foot strip as a buffer strip establishing the required ten foot buffer strip and if acceptable to the Council and the Planning Department it would eliminate going through all the regulations of hearing before the Planning Com- mission and the Council for a five foot strip of land. After further details were dis- cussed, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Pedersen,that the matter be resolved by the restrictive covenant to be prepared by Mr. Shane's Counsel as implied, stubject .to Mr. Shane submitting such covenant to the Council, the City Engineer to check it over. Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Reid, Aye, Dulla- hant, No, Hulse, No, Dahlquist; Aye, Pedersen, Aye., Garrett, Aye, Trimm, Ave, Custer,_No, Delaurenti, Aye, Poli, 'Aye, Biice;No. Seven aye votes and four no votes were cast and the motion carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to ad5ourn. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m. ii li -6- i ////e,... .....„ 7414,,,tra,frki Legal description of property to be dedicated for a park to the City of Renton, King County, Washington: Beginning at the outheasterly corner of Lot 1, Block 7 <z_f the Plat of pr_ recorded in Volume , page , records of King County Auditor, King County, Washing, thence South 52°6' 17" West, 548.18 feet along the south- easterly line of Block 7 in said plat, thence South 1103'08" West, 139.27 feet, thence South 78°56'52" East, 599.28 feet, on a line parallel to and 20.00 feet distant from the Cedar River Pipeline right of way, thence through a curve to the left having a radius of 20 feet, a central angle of 93°5'54" and an arc length of 32.50 feet, thence through a curve to the left having a radius of 760.00 feet, a central angle of 45°47' 47- in an arc length of 607.47 feet, to the point of beginning, situate in King County, State of Washington. 1 C Lk - tca) 4- az� J 1 c' 0.,rQ- & ziK ,4./r 042.. A.e-v-g-.L4 J 1 . rr.,2-7 6 Minutes of Renton City Council Meeting 10-15-1962 COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS (cont.) Council As A Whole. .Committee Report 3. The matter of property damage on Burnett Street due to Metro sewer line con- struction. The Committee recommended that a meeting be arranged with the property owners, Metro, the Contractor and representatives of the Insurance Companies covering this construction. Councilman Reid advised that this was for information and that he was at the present negotiating a meeting between the parties as outlined. it 4. Dobson-Cugini Property Rezone - It was recommended that no further action be taken at this time. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dullahant, tb •concur in the recommendation of the jl Council As A Whole. Roll call vote was requested and resulted as follows: AYE - Reid, u1l-hant, Hulse, Custer, Poli and Bruce. N0 - Gianini, Dahlquist, Pedersen and Delaurenti. I Six Aye votes and four No votes were cast and the motion carried. II Moved by Reid, seconded by Dullahant, that all rezones be held pending completion of the 701 Comprehensive Study Plan. Discussion ensued relative to recommendations from the Planning Commission being mindful of the 701 study and consequence of delaying progress within the City by any restriction of construction through withheld rezones. The motion was lost upon voice vote. A recess was declared at this time. After the recess Mayor Aliment called the meetin to order and roll call vote followed with all Councilmen present as previously listed. Councilman :. _c,• Ci:a.i?;^:a: ,c..f ..v;d Alley Committee, presented a report ,of his Committee which was read by the Clerk with action taken as follows: Regarding Railroad Property on Burnett Street between 3rd and Walla Walla, the Committee recommended that the City acquire the land providing appraisal reveals that the cost would ,?arrant _.': advantageoiio for the City to acquire. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, submitted a report on the matter and is Committee, in concurrence with the Street and Alley Committee, rendered j'I the same recommendation. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Custer, to concur in the recommendations of the Street and Alley and Property Committees. Carried. Me d by Hulse, seconded by Custer, to refer the matter to the Property Committee to secure Appraisals on the property. Carried. Relative to the request of the Earlington Women's Club for a 4-way stop sign at d'ith Avenue West and Stevens Street, the Committee requests more time for further 1 investigation. ;ranted. The Property Committee advised of a meeting with Mr. Coulon, Sup't. of Parks & Recreation relative to a Sub-lease to Foss Tug and Barge by the City on a Lease from the ! Port of Seattle. Inasmuch as a future park site might be contemplated at this location and the present lease arrangement is profitable, Foss Tug and Barge will be requested to absorb the additional fee created by new legislation,_t was now recommended that the Lease be renewed. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. �I The Property Committee report was read relative to the dedication of a park site 'i in the Capri Development and the Committee favored accepting the site but felt that the II City could make no committment for development at this time, the matter of drainage being of great concern,adding excessively to the cost of development. .Availability of funds is 'aI. o a. factor. lfoved by Poli, seconded by Custer to accept the site with the stipulations as to availability of funds and progress of developing being factors to be determined in the futur . The drainage problem was discussed and Mr. Coulon advised that 300 to 400 feet of 48 inch i c-..-_ve_t would be required and this may cost as much as $9,000.00. The pending motion was subsequently carried. Councilman Pedersen advised the Property Committee has been advised by the County of their interest in renting space in the City Hall for use as a Justice Court. Discussion followed regarding area and services required..asIwell as the attitude of Judge !' Durlu orth in the matter, and the Committee recommended referral to the Council As A Whole. II Moved by Custer, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the recommendation of the Property Committee. Carried. -3- ill 1