HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubdivision Ordinance (1974) Renton City Council 2/26/79 Page 3 Old Business - Continued Garbage Community Services Committee report recommended the matter of Recycling garbage recycling be referred to the Utilities Committee for consideration at the time of renegotiation or new contracts. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. City Employees Community Services Committee report recommended no action be Living Within taken regarding city employees living within the city limits. City Limits MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Puget Sound Community Services Committee report recommended no action be taken Council of Govern- re PSCOG agreement re health system as it is no longer current. ment Agreement MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE re Health System RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Block Grant Community Services Committee report recommended that the former "target Program to area" for housing rehabilitation program which had been required,remain in Include Entire effect for 60% of all monies allocated,allowing 40% to be used anywhere City within the City-including the target area.*Moved by Stredicke,second Clymer to concur in the Committee recommendation. Roll Call : 3-Aye: Shinpoch, Trimm, Stredicke; 4-No: Shane, Clymer, Perry, Proctor. Motion failed. MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND STREDICKE TO RECONSIDER THE PREVIOUS MOTION. CARRIED. *ORIGINAL MUIION TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. Senior Citizens ' Community Services Committee report recommended no action relative Tax Relief to the referral of Senior Citizen tax relief due to recent State Senate action. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. ROLL CALL: 6-AYE: SHINPOCH, TRIMM, CLYMER, PERRY, PROCTOR, STREDICKE; 1-NO: SHANE. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Perry requested the record show City Attorney's remarks that motion for the city to give a tax reduction to all senior citizens is illegal . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY FOR THE MAYOR TO SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ENDORSING SENATE BILL 2374 WHICH REVISES AND EXPANDS CURRENT SENIOR CITIZEN TAX RELIEF. CARRIED. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Perry presented report Development Comm. on the following: Rolled Curbs Planning and Development Committee report recommended no ordinance change in regards to rolled curbs versus vertical curbs. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Location of Planning and Development Committee report recommended no ordinance Sidewalks change in regards to location of sidewalks. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE: SHINPOCH, TRIMM, CLYMER, PROCTOR; 3-NO: SHANE, PERRY, STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. Subdivision lanning and Development Committee report recommended amending City "" Ordinance ode Title IX, Chapter 11 and Title IV, Chapter 30 in regards to tentative plat approval process and the elimination of the public earing as a part of the final plat review process, and certain other mendments thereto, and refer to the Ways and Means Committee. OVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND REFER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton Fire Councilman Perry explained prior referral of Local 864 communications. Dept. Shift to the Public Safety Committee. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND TRIMM TO Negotiations REMOVE THE MATTER OF RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT SHIFT NEGOTIATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AND REFER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Renton City Council 2/26/79 Page 4 Old Business - Continued Ways & Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Perry presented report concurring in Committee Report the appoinrment of Mrs. Anita Warren to the Planning Commission effective Appt. Planning through December 31, 1979. (Completing term of Sandra Gist) MOVED BY PERRY, Commission SECOND STREDICKE TO CONCUR IN THE MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. CATV Services Ways and Means Committee report recommended council authorize the Contract Mayor and City Clerk to sign the CATV Services Contract with 3-H Management & Consultants. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Longevity Pay Ways and Means Committee report recommended that the Fire Management Fire Department request for increase of longevity pay given to the Union personnel Management also be given to the Fire Department Management Personnel be denied. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMEN- DATION. CARRIED. Management Ways and Means Committee report recommended the subject of Personnel longevity for all management personnel be referred to the Ways Longevity Pay and Means Committee with the idea of folding longevity pay into the base pay and eliminating longevity for management personnel . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMEN- DATION. CARRIED. VOUCHER Ways and Means Committee report recommended approval for payment of APPROVAL Vouchers No. 21962 through No. 22253 (Machine Voids #21956 - 21961) in the amount of $592,827.51 having received departmental approval as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. Included LID 297 Warrants: Revenue R-13 for $37,804.44, Cash C-16 for $37,804.44;and LID 302 Warrants: Revenue R-31 for $320.249.07, Cash C-69 for $7,633. 10, Cash C-70 for $271,362.19, Cash C-71 for $41,253.78. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY TO APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS DRAFTED BY THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recommending the following Ordinance for second and final readings: ORDINANCE #3287 Ordinance was read amending City Code establishing two year Appointment & term of Hearing Examiner. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY TO ADOPT Term of Hearing THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE: SHINPOCH, CLYMER, PERRY, Examiner PROCTOR; 2-NO: SHANE, STREDICKE (Councilman Trimm absent from the council chambers) . MOTION CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee report recommended the following ordinances for first reading: Bel-Terra Ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of certain Rezone properties within the city from general classification district (R-270-78) (G) to single family residence district (R-1) . Property located at east side of Pierce Ave. NE between NE 10th Place and NE 11th St. (R-270-78) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY TO REFER BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordering Ordinance was read ordering construction and installation of curbs Construction- and gutters, drainage, paving and all necessary appurtenances in the LID 313 vicinity of west side of Talbot Rd. So. from the intersection of Talbot Rd. Talbot Rd. So. and south entrance to Talbot Crest Drive to a point South approximately 800' south,all in accordance with Resolution #2235 providing the method of assessment in said district, providing that payment for said improvement be made by special assessments upon property in said district, payable by the mode of "payment of bonds" or "notes" in lieu thereof as determined by council ; providing for the issuance and sale of LID warrants redeemable in cash and LID bonds or notes. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE TO REFER BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council 12/18/78 Page 2 Audience Comment - Continued Request for Motion by Shinpoch, Second Shane to refer to Public Safety Sidewalks at Renton Committee. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY THORPE, SECOND SHANE TO REFER Boeing Plant- Cont. TO THE ADMINISTRATION TO IMPLEMENT TEMPORARY MEASURES TO RESOLVE THE MATTER. CARRIED. R.C. McCall , Safety,Pacific Car and Foundry, noted support of the needed safety measures. Suggestions for Sandy Webb, 264 Chelan Ave. SE, extended congratulations to Future Council Councilwoman Pat Thorpe on her appointment to King County Council . Vacancies Mr. Webb made suggestions for council to keep in mind when and if a council position becomes open. (See motion to refer to committee page 3. ) Puget Power Due to conflict of interest,Councilman Trimm left the council Rate Increase chambers. Mrs. Thorun Robel , 3606 Meadow Ave. No. , Renton, requested clerk read letter re Puget Sound Power and Light rate increase and their opposition, requesting council 's support. Mike Harold, 3501 So. North St. , Tacoma, noted action being taken by other cities. Motion by Shane, Second Thorpe that the city,as a customer of Puget Power, vote against the 23% increase. Mr. Westman, 19415 143rd Pl . SE, noted figures showing profit for Puget Power in past years. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY SHANE, SECOND THORPE TO PROTEST ANY RATE INCREASE ABOVE 7%. Councilman Stredicke abstained. CARRIED. Councilman Trimm returned to Council Chambers. Request for MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE TO SUSPEND THE RULES AND READ Sewer Service AT THIS TIME THE LETTER RE DUNLAP APTS. REQUEST FOR SEWER SERVICE. Dunlap Apts. - CARRIED. Clerk read letter re request for sewer service extension to Arrow Development proposed Dunlap Apts.and the developer was willing to enter into a contract to annex when surrounding area is annexed, but at this time they have been unable to obtain approval of surrounding property owners. Sally Clarke, Attorney,403 Columbia St, Seattle, requested council reconsider previous action to rescind previous approval of sewer service. Motion by Shinpoch to refer to Planning and Development Committee. Motion failed for lack of second. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND STREDICKE TO REAFFIRM PREVIOUS DENIAL OF SEWER SERVICE AND THE ADMINISTRATION EXPLAIN CITY POLICY TO APPLICANT. CARRIED. Community Services MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND TRIMM TO SUSPEND THE RULES AND HEAR Report - Cable TV AT THIS TIME THE COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT. CARRIED. Management Community Services Committee Chairwoman Thorpe presented Consultant Contract report recommending that the best interest of the City would be served by signing a consultant services contract for Cable TV with 3-H Management & Consultants. Mr. Jim Hurd, Consultant, 3-H Management & Consultants, suggested hearings could be held in Council Chambers.MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND SHINPOCH TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR DRAWING UP OF THE CONTRACT. CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND THORPE TO RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:30 p.m. and reconvened at 9:55 p.m. Roll Call : All council members present. OLD BUSINESS Committee of Council President, •i'ro tem, Shinpoch presented Committee of the Whole the Whole report recommending referral to the Utilities Committee Kenton/Kent for study and recommendation of the Renton/Kent Water Exchange Water Exchange Program. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND THORPE TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Subdivision Zommittee of the Whole report recommended changes to the subdivision Ordinance ordinance procedures: Eliminate tentative plat process. establish by ordinance a Technical Review Committee comprised of the Planning Director, the Public Works Director and the Building Official ; and eliminate final plat hearing. Additional RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 18, 1978 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and called the Renton City Council meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF GEORGE J. PERRY, PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, COUNCIL BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, CHARLES F. SHANE, THOMAS W. TRIMM. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND SHANE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN EARL CLYMER BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS C.J. DELAURENTI, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; WARREN IN ATTENDANCE GONNASON, Public Works Director; TED BENNETT, Deputy Finance Director, MAXINE MOTOR, Deputy City Clerk; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks & Recreation Director; CAPT. JAMES BOURASA, Police Rep. ;RICHARD GEISSLER, Fire Chief. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 11, 1978 MEETING AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, Renton Ave. published, and mailed according to law, Mayor Delaurenti opened Annexation - the Public Meeting to consider the petition for annexation to 10% Petition the city in the area of NW 2nd to SW Victoria St. and Renton Ave. , known as the Renton Ave. Annexation. Letter from Deputy City Clerk Motor noted that the City' s Planning Dept. had certified signatures to represent 24.2% of the assessed value, only 10% needed by law. John Moore, 13249 91st S. , filed opposing petition bearing 36 signatures of property owners in the vicinity and four signatures, which represented approximately 42% of the property in the proposed annexation area. William Melton, 1617 N. 8th , Tacoma, rep- resented petitioner James Buckner and questioned validity of the opposing petition; being advised by Planning Director Ericksen that the petition had not been checked. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, TO CONTINUE PUBLIC MEETING TO JANUARY 8, 1979. MOTION CARRIED. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Mr. Melton agreed to accep- tance of the comprehensive plan, zoning and existing bonded indebt- edness of the City. John E. Moore (petitioner opposing annexation) Public Meetiuy explained the City Public Works Department had assisted with percentage Continued to re petition. MOVED PERRY, SECOND THORPE TO REFER OPPOSING PETITION January 8, 1979 TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR VERIFICATION AND REPORT BACK TO THE COUNCIL ON JANUARY 8, 1979. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Names for Lillian Plut, Renton Unit Leader, requested clerk read letter Possible Council from the League of Women Voters of King County South re Vacancy resolution passed recommending council consider Barbara Lally, Versie Vaupel , and Joan Walker to fill the anticipated council vacancy. Mayor noted letter would be referred to the Council ' s Committee of the Whole. Request for Beth Campbell , Boeing employee, requested clerk read letter Sidewalks and requesting traffic control , sidewalks, and crosswalks at the Crosswalks at Renton Boeing Plant because of the present hazardous conditions. the Renton Boeing MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION Plant COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Con Madigan, 10203 47th SW, Seattle, representing #751 Aero Mechanic Union, noted willingness to work with the city for safety of the Renton Boeing Plant employees - submitting petition of 152 signatures requesting improvements for pedestrian traffic. Mr. Warren Gonnason, Public Works Director, noted improvements for Garden Avenue N. listed as no. 14 on the priority list for the six year street and arterial plan. Renton City Counci' 12/18/78 Page 3 Old Business - Continued Subdivision 'recommendations of an "exception" not be required to determine Regulations- placement of sidewalk, that the sidewalk location and any other Cont. technical design considerations be determined by the Technical Review Committee or the Public Works Director; allow the option to the developer of either vertical curb and gutter sections or rolled curb and gutter on streets within a subdivision classified as access streets; eliminate the requirement for piecemeal off- site improvements on arterials where the subdivision access is through the interior streets, thus eliminating the need for double frontage improvements be referred to the planning and Development Committee for study and recommendation. The Comnitee also recommended the matter to consider policy on burning for land development consistent with the policy now in effect by King County be referred to the Public Safety Committee. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND THORPE TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Subdivision Committee of the Whole report recommended referral of subdivision Standards - standards for rolled curbs to the Planning and Development Rolled Curbs Committee for study and recommendation. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND THORPE TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Procedure for Committee of the Whole report recommended referral of the Resignation procedure for resignations made by council to the Ways and of Council Means Committee for policy recommendations. *MOVED BY SHINPOCH, Members SECOND PERRY TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE TO INCLUDE REFERRAL OF SUGGESTIONS FOR PROCEDURE. CARRIED. *ORGINAL MOTION CARRIED. Larry Howe Planning and Development Committee Chairman Perry presented Rezone and memorandum that the Committee had considered a request for Appeal appeal filed by Mr. Larry Howe. (Rezone File R-235-78) The R-235-78 committee found that Mr. Howe was misinformed to his detriment by members of the city staff. Based on the extenuating circumstances the Committee recommended that the appeal should not be dismissed and recommends that the matter be referred by the Council to the Planning and Development Committee for consideration of the matter on the merits. Memo also included letter from Rick Beeler, Hearing Examiner, regarding the Larry Howe request for rezone. It noted that recommendation was issued on November 9, 1978 and the normal 14-day appeal period expired on November 23, 1978. However, due to the Thanksgiving holiday the period was extended to November 27,1978 when, Mr. Beeler spoke with Mr. Howe on November 27, 1978 he inadvertently forgot the extension of the normal appeal period. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. ' Mayor's Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented report Appointments recommending council concurrence in the Mayor's appointments and reappointments as follows : Municipal Arts Commission Appointments- Mr. Lloyd Meeks, Mrs.Jackie Aspaas;Municipal Arts Comm.Reapoointments- Mrs. Sylva Coppock, Mrs. Peggy Cummins; Planning Commission Reappointment-Mrs. Barbara Schellert; Board of Ethics Reappointment- Mrs. Mary Mattson; Fire Civil Service Commission Reappointment- Mr. Walt Dragin. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHINPOCH TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Senior Motion by Shane to give up to $50 off on city's share of taxes Citizens for senior citizens living in their own home. Motion failed for Tax Relief lack of second. !lotion by Shane, Second Perry to refer to the Community Services Committee for study to grant up to $50 off of city's share of taxes for senior citizens, home owners or renters. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY SHINPOCN, SECOND THORPE TO REFER THE MATTER OF TAX 1.ELIEF FOR SENIOR CITIZENS TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council 12/18/78 Page 4 Old Business - Continued Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Trimm presented report Committee - Fire recommending the City of Renton negotiate with Tukwila Protection in regards to a contract covering the southwest area of Renton Southwest Area for Fire Protection. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE TO of City CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Breach of the Public Safety Committee report recommended that a new section Public Peace be added to Ordinance 1628 entitled "Breach of the Public Peace. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH TO CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND REFER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See Adoption of Ordinance #3281. ) ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee report recommending second and final readings of the following Ordinances: ORDINANCE #3274 Ordinance was read amending City Code relating to revised Garbage Collection garbage collection rates. First reading was 12/11/78. MOVED Rates BY SHINPOCH, SECOND THORPE TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 5-AYE:PERRY, THORPE, STREDICKE, SHINPOCH,TRI;FiPi; 1-NO: SHANE. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE #3275 Ordinance was read amending City Code relating to Uniform Inspection Building Code Inspection Fees . First reading was 12/11/78. Fees - Uniform MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS Building Code READ. ROLL CALL: 5-AYE: PERRY, THORPE, STREDICKE, SHINPOCH, TRIMM; 1-NO: SHANE. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE #3276 Ordinance was read amending City Code relating to Public Ways Inspection and Property Inspection Fees. First reading was 12/11/78. Fees - Public Ways MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS and Property READ. ROLL CALL: 5-AYE: PERRY, THORPE, STREDICKE, SHINPOCH, TRIMM; 1-NO: SHANE. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE #3277 Ordinance was read amending Ordinance #2072 establishing a Equipment Rental new list of equipment rental rates to be effective as of Fees January 1, 1979. First reading was 12/11/78. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE #3278 Ordinance was read creating and establishing a special fund Reserve Fund to be known as the "Cumulative Reserve Fund for Unemployment Unemployment Compensation". First reading was 12/11/78. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Compensation SECOND SHINPOCH TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee report recommended the following Ordinances for first reading and to advance to second and final readings : ORDINANCE #3279 Ordinance was read amending a portion of City Code relating Amending License to license fees and penalties for late payment thereof. Fees MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH TO ADVANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. After readings it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 5-AYE: PERRY, THORPE, STREDICKE, SHINPOCH, TRIMM; 1-NO SHANE. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE #3280 Ordinance was read vacating a portion of alley in Block 11, Alley Vacation- Car Works Addition. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE TO Block 11, Car ADVANCE TO SECOND AND rINAL READINGS. After readings it Works Addition was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE (VAC-8-78) AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT AUGUST 9 , 1976 I RE : CITY POLICY ON PIPESTEM LOTS The Planning and Development Committee has completed its review of the Council referral on pipestem lots . It is the recommendation of the Committee that Section 9- 1108 ( F ) (d ) be deleted from the Subdivision Ordinance (copy attached ) . The result of such action would not preclude the use of pipestem lots , since such lots may still be allowed as an exception to the Subdivision Ordinance . The applicant would , however , have to justify the use of pipestem lots , as provided for in Section 9- 1109 ( note copy attached ) . Under said section , exceptions may be allowed by the Council upon recommendation by the Planning Commission and may be used only if special physical circumstances or conditions warrent such , and that the granting of the exception would not be detrimental to adjacent properties . George J . Perry William J . Grant Robert E . McBeth 9-1108 9-1108 Agency, there are factors of drainage, soil condition, topography or !I other situations to cause potential health problems. The subdivider shall submit satisfactory evidence of favorable percolation rates com- parable to the adopted requirements and standards of the Seattle-King County Health Department as a requisite for approval of subdivisions dependent upon septic tanks as a means of sewage disposal. (a) Lots shall not exceed more than two and one-half (2 1/2) times the width in length. (b) Lots shall not be less than eighty feet (80') in depth. (c) Lots shall not be less than sixty feet (60') in width exclusive of those areas considered as part of the front and rear yard requirement. (d) Pipestem lots may be allowed at the discretion of the Planning Department provided such lots contain the required area for I� the zoning classification exclusive of the area of the pipestem and pro- vided such pipestem portion shall not exceed one hundred fifty feet (150') in length nor be less than twenty feet (20') in width. (4) Corner Lots. Corner lots shall be platted wider than interior lots as determined by the Planning Department. 24. Minimum Standards for Industrial Design. In the planning of a sub- division, the proposed plot shall be prepared in conformance with the following provisions: A. Streets; Widths and Lengths. The minimum right-of-way width measured from lot line to lot line shall be not less than as follows: (1) Industrial Arterials shall be at least ninety feet (90') in width. Industrial arterials are designated to carry major vehicle loads or as the main street in an industrial subdivision. (2) Industrial Collectors shall be at least eighty feet (80') in width and designated to take a moderate amount of vehicular traffic. (3) Industrial Access shall be at least sixty feet (60') in width and designated to serve industrial establishments. (4) Private Streets and Reserve Strips. There shall be no private streets in any subdivision, and every lot and block shall be served from a publicly dedicated street. There shall be no privately held or owned reserve strips paralleling or terminating street ends or otherwise controlling access to streets. (5) Alleys are prohibited. 1171 r 9-1108 9-1110 F. Railroads. If railroad tracks are to be installed in a subdivision, such tracks and their route shall be approved by the Planning Com- mission. The tracks shall cross a minimum number of blocks, lots and streets so that the disruption of traffic is minimized. Railroad grade crossing shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 134 of the Railroad Grade Crossing Act of 1969, enacted by the State of Washington. 9-1109: EXCEPTIONS: 1 . Exception Requirements. The Planning Commission may recommend to the City Council an exception from the requirements of this Ordi- nance when, in its opinion, undue hardship may be created as a result of strict compliance with ;!-.e provisions of this Ordinance. . In recom- mending any exception, the Planning Commission may prescribe con- ditions that it deems necessary to or desirable for the public interest. No exception shall be recommended unless the Planning Commission finds: A. That there are special physical circumstances or conditions affec- ting said property such that the strict application of the provisions of this Ordinance would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use or development of his land; B. That the exception is necessary to insure such property the rights and privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under similar circumstances; C. That the granting of the exception will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity. 2. Applications Required. Application for any exception shall be submitted in writing by the subdivider at the time the Preliminary Plat is sub- mitted to the Planning Department. The application shall state fully all substantiating facts and evidence pertinent to the request. 9-110: PENALTIES: 1 . Any person or firm who has neglected or failed to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each such violation, or imprisonment for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, or both such fine and imprisonment. 2. In addition to the above, any person or firm who transfers, sells or options any land which is undergoing platting procedures before such plat or map has been approved by the City of Renton, and before the 1171 7/\ rip .41 J' ;y� 0 4-- 7 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION • 235 2540 �• MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WA 98055 ,pA Q• 044. ,Q4T SEp1 ' February 4, 1976 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR Mr. Kenneth Blevins 4220 N.E. 24th Street Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Blevins: When the Glencoe II sub-division was originally addressed your lot was addressed incorrectly. We must change your address to correspond with the address system and to avoid any undue delays in emergency services. Your correct address is 4221 N.E. 24th Street. We are notifying various utilities and the Post Office of the change but you should also notify anyone of interest. We apologize for any inconvenience the change may cause. Sincerely, WARREN C. GONNASON, P.E. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR( ,I James C. Hanson Permit & Environmental Administrator JCH/mp cc: Post Office Pacific Northwest Bell Puget Sound Power & Light Washington Natural Gas City Clerk 1.-e"- Utilities Division :nton City Council Meeting Ai nutes of 7/8/74 - Page 4 NEW BUSINESS - Continued Downtown Merchants Councilman Stredicke reported the coming sidewalk sale of the Downtown Sidewalk Sale Merchants July 11 through July 13, 1974. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED 7/..1 - 7/13 BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE COUNCIL AUTHORIZE USE OF THE SIDEWALKS FOR THE DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS FOR THE DAYS OF THE SALE. MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHERS FOR Finance Committee Chairman Schellert reported committee recommendation APPROVAL for payment of Vouchers 4732 through 4827 in the amount of $96,062.10, 4724-4731 Voided having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise plus #4810 and/or services. Vouchers No. 4724 through 4731 were machine voided. 4732-4827 O.K. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, VOUCHERS BE APPROVED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman presented ordinance for second and final RESOLUTIONS reading which had been placed on first reading 7/1/74 relating to the Department of Public Works, providing for the appointment of a Deputy Ordinance 2862 Director of Public Works, prescribing duties and qualifications. MOVED Deputy Public BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS Works Director READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2863 Legislation Committee Chairman presented ordinance relating to Dept. of Airport Director Public Works , providing for appointment of Airport Director, specify- Appointment ing duties and providing for the establishment of an Airport Division within the Department of Public Works for second and final reading , first reading on July 1 , 1974. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance on Following second reading of an ordinance relating to changes concerning ratting and recording of short plats; contents of legal notices; dedication of land Subdivision for open space; time limit for bonds; and review period for preliminary 1st Reading plats , ;t was MnvED BY SCHELLERT; SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE July I , 1974 REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION CnMMI I TEE. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 2864 Following first reading of an ordinance relating And Approving L. I.D. approval of the assessments and final assessment roll on L. i .D. 2 , 275 Final Assess- Undergrounding Power and Utility Lines , it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT , ment Roll SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THIS ORDINANCE BE MOVED TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. MOTION CARRIED. After the second and final reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution 1919 Legislation Committee Chairman presented resolution transferring $2,223 Funds Transfer from the Contingency Fund to Salaries account for the purpose of payment Municipal Govern- of salary of Municipal Government Intern for July, August and September, ment Intern 1974. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. i920 Legislation Committee Chairman presented resolution adopting Arterial Street six-Year Urban Program together with a certain Six Year urban arterial Construction Arterial Construc- Program. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE RESOLU- tion Program TION BE ADOPTED AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI THAT THE COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 9:17 P.M. Maxine E. "".^+nr, Deputy City Clerk jt Renton City Council MeetinS Minutes of 7/8/74 - Page 3 APPOINTMENTS - Continued Fire Department Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed James Matthew to the position of Lieutenant Lieutenant in the Renton Fire Department, replacing William J. Henry James Matthew who has been promoted to the position of Captain. Mr. Matthew has been certified by the Fire Civil Service Commission, the appointment to be effective July 16, 1974, subject to the customary six-month pro- bationary period. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO SUSPEND THE RULES AND HEAR THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE'S REPORT AT THIS TIME. CARRIED The Finance and Personnel Committee report was read concurring in the request of Acting Fire Chief Geissler to appoint a Captain, a Lieutenant and two Firefighters to fill existing vacancies in the Fire Department. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE COUNCIL CONFIRM THE APPOINTMENT OF MR. HENRY AS CAPTAIN IN THE RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE COUNCIL CONFIRM THE APPOINT- MENT OF MR. MATTHEW AS LIEUTENANT IN THE RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Schellert said that the subject of the City's insurance cover- City's Insurance age had been in the Finance Committee for several months for review of Coverage Bid bids received from the various brokers. The Clerk read the Finance Award - William and Personnel Committee report which recommended the award of insurance Davis Ins. Agency coverage to the low bidder, William F. Davis Insurance Agency, that William F. Davis Insurance Agency be designated the City's Broker of Bid Opening Record" and that the City add an Errors and Omission Policy with the 5/15/74 same coverage as our Comprehensive Liability Coverage. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. Councilman Schellert introduced Mr. Roger Davis, a representative of William F. Davis Insurance Agency, and asked if he had any comments to make. Mr. Davis explained that the Errors and Omissions policy would indemnify the City for all wrongful acts or omissions by any employee of the City. MOTION CARRIED. Parking Signs in Councilman Perry noted a previous recommendation from the Trans- Downtown Area portation Committee regarding the parking signs in the downtown area that the Planning Department draft a letter to the TOPICS people and describe the downtown project and the kind of sign the City wanted to put in that area. The Planning Department had drafted a letter to Mr. Norbert Tiemann, Federal Highway Administration, for Councilman Perry's signature and enclosed a photograph of the kind of signs the City wanted for the area. The Clerk read the letter asking for their approval of the sign proposal . Legislation Legislation Committee report was read giving the status of various Committee referrals; ordinances regarding parking and loading in downtown Renton Report and animal control and control of kennels in residential areas are awaiting a report from the Planning Department; rezone request of Nesheim, Bitney and Grouws is being held pending filing of completed covenants; subject of children unattended in parked cars is awaiting report from the Police Department on their experience and position on enforcement; Sign Code ordinance will be ready for first reading on Aviation July 15, 1974. The report also recommended that creation of an Aviation Commission Committee similar to the Planning Commission be tabled. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Tabled SECONDED BY PERRY THAT THE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO AMEND THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND CHANGE THE WORD "COMMITTEE" TO "COMMISSION" . MOTION TO APPROVE COMMITTEE REPORT CARRIED. MOTION TO AMEND ALSO CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE COUNCIL ACCEPT THE REMAINDER OF THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Schellert reported that the Utilities and Transportation Petition for Commission will hold a hearing on August 15, 1974 on rate adjustments Special Rates for Puget Sound Power and Light Co. He suggested that the City petition for Power for the Commission for rate adjustments for senior citizens . MOVED BY PERRY, Senior Citizens SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT THE CITY PETITION THE UTILITIES AND TRANS- PORTATION COMMISSION TO DEVELOP AND GRANT SPECIAL RATES FOR SENIOR CITI- ZENS ON THE RATIO OF THE CITY'S ORDINANCE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, TO REFER TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE TO PREPARE THE PETITION. MOTION CARRIED. 41 PLANNING DEPARTMENT • I2ENTON,WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON.WASHINGTON 98055 • W90)(44 ( 9 �0 235-2550 Spogt CAVITA%-Of 1t'� July 1 , 1974 Richard M. Stredicke , Chairman City Council Legislative Committee Members of Legislative Committee RE : Amendment , Subdivision Ordinance Gentlemen : Pursuant to changes in the state law regarding subdivi - sions , it is necessary that our existing subdivision ordinance be amended . Attached are the proposed amendments necessary at this time. The amendments have been concurred in by the Board of Public Works and the City Attorney as noted • on the attached documents . Your review and submittal of the proposed revisions to the Council as a Whole would be appreciated . Very truly yours , /eln:Ze____ ordon .`Ericksen Plann ' g Director Attachments cc : Mayor Garrett City Attorney e ' INTEROFFICE MEMO TO: Gary H. Kruger )/ DATE: May 1 , 1974 Associate Planner Gerard M. Shellan FROM: SUBJECT: Renton Subdivision Ordinance - HB 383 Dear Gary: We have received today your Memo dated April 29 , 1974 together with attachments providing for certain amendments to our present Subdivision Ordinance. These changes are approved as they conform to the requirements of House Bill 383 , which is now known as Chapter 134 , Laws of 1974 , 1st Ex. Session. Please note , however , that there should be one correction made on page 3 , Section 9-1106 . 2G , third line , the correct word being"Subdivider"instead of"Subdivision" . We would also suggest that Section VII read as follows : "This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after July 1 , 1974 and after its passage , approval and five (5) days after its legal publication" . If this meets with your approval , you may forward the matter to the Legislation Comm' tee for appropriate action. We remain, Very truly yours , Ge•:rd M. Shellan GMS :ds OF 0 3 1974 Zy , 0EPARSM • , , 4, - -.2 F R U0 i �`. j BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS o RENTON, WASHINGTON ,�?r -•,. tl O MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 o 'ys.„, cAvir►�of`�,„ ' V\ . 1 June 3 , 1974 ry� V Honorable Avery Garrett , Mayor Members of the City Council Re : Amendment to Renton Subdivision Ordinance Gentlemen: The Board of Public Works has reviewed the proposed amendment to the City ' s Subdivision Ordinance and hereby recommends adoption. i'he changes included in the amendment are required to comply with HB 383 entitled "An Act Relating to Plats and Subdivisions" which becomes effective July 1 , 1974 . Sincerely , .. mac- ) _— ---- : (IDEL_ IiENNETT Chairman t cah i i cc: P anning Director i I i ` I 6\ RECEIVED %C) ' JUN 4 1974 1 Q; C �"r" INTEROFFICE MEMO TO: Gary H. Kruger DATE: Associate Planner May 1, 1974 Gerard M. Shellan FROM: SUBJECT: Renton Subdivision Ordinance - HB 383 Dear Gary: We have received today your Memo dated April 29 , 1974 together with attachments providing for certain amendments to. our present Subdivision Ordinance. These changes are approved as they conform to the requirements of House Bill 383 , which is now known as Chapter 134 , Laws of 1974 , 1st Ex.Session. Please note , however, that there should be one correction made on page 3 , Section 9-1106 . 2G , third line , the correct word being"Subdivider"instead of"Subdivision' . We would also suggest that Section VII read as follows : "This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after July 1 , 1974 and after its passage , approval and five (5) days after its legal publication" . If this meets with your approval, you may forward the matter to the Legislation Committee for appropriate action. We remain, Very truly yours , Gerard M. Shellan GMS :ds � pF R � BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS • RENTON, WASHINGTON beLL `'is,, MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 - 'ys„ • C A P I I Io- June 3 , 1974 Honorable Avery Garrett , Mayor Members of the City Council • Re : Amendment to Renton Subdivision Ordinance Gentlemen: The Board of Public Works has reviewed the proposed amendment to the City 's Subdivision Ordinance and hereby recommends adoption. The changes included in the amendment are required to comply with HB 383 entitled "An Act Relating to Plats and Subdivisions" which becomes effective July 1 , 1974 . Sincerely, 40F.,L _ BENNETT Chairman • cah 678970, cc : Planning DirectorN �g1� c .. >o; GNP OS o :�~ A ORDINANCE NO. (p 7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ESTABLISHING AND CREATING A "SUBDIVISION ORDI- NANCE" TO BE HEREINAFTER KNOWN AND BE DESIGNATED AS THE "RENTON SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 11, TITLE IX (PUBLIC WAYS AND PROPERTY) OF ORDINANCE NO. 1628 KNOWN AS THE "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON" , REGULATING THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF SUBDIVISIONS, PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF AND REPEALING CHAPTER 1, TITLE IX (PUBLIC WAYS AND PROPERTY) OF ORDINANCE NO. 1628 AND ANY AND ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. Section 9-1101: Title, Purpose and Scope 9-1102: Definitions 9-1103: Administering Authority 9-1104 : Outline of Subdivision Procedures 9-1105 : Plat Requirements for Short Subdivisions 9-1106 : Tentative, Preliminary and Final plat Requirements 9-1107 : Residential Subdivision of First Class Shorelancs 9-1108 : Plat Improvements and Development Standards 9-1109 : Exceptions 9-1110 : Penalties 9-1111: Liability 9-1112 : Severability 9-1113 : Repealing Chapter 1 of Title IX 9-1114 : Effective Date 9-1101: TITLE, PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1. Title. This Ordinance shall be hereinafter known as the "RPntrn Sub- division Ordinance" , may be cited as such, will be hereinafter referred to as "this Ordinance" and same shall be and constitute Chapter 11 , Title IX (Public Ways and Property) of Ordinance No. 1628 known as "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" . This Ordinance is in conformance with Chapter 58 . 16 of the Revised Code of the State of Washington regulating platting, subdivision and dedication of land. 2. Purpose. It is the purpose of this Ordinance that subdivisions be conceived, designed and developed in accordance with sound rules and standards in the interest of the public and property owners. Provisions of this Ordinance shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the protection of the public health, safety, welfare and esthetics, and such provisions are intended to provide for wholesome environmental conditions in the community, adequate public services, and safe and functional streets and thoroughfares. 3 . Scope. This Ordinance shall not apply to any lot or block forming a part of any subdivision created and recorded prior kY Z -2- to the effective date of this Ordinance; nor will it adversely affect legal restrictive covenants placed upon property by deed. Where this Ordinance imposes greater restrictions or higher standards upon the development of land than other laws, ordinances or restric- tive covenants, the provisions of this Ordinance shall prevail. fi rr� i. r f -3- 9-1102 : DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Ordinance, certain abbreviations, terms, phrases, words and their derivatives shall be construed as speci- fied in this Section. Words used in the singular include the plural, and the plural the singular. The words "shall" and "will" are mandatory; the word "may" is permissive. 1. Alley. A public thoroughfare or way having a width of not more than twenty (20) feet which affords only a secondary means of access to abutting property. 2. Block. A piece or parcel of land which has been subdivided and is entirely surrounded by public highways or streets, other than alleys, or bounded in part by a waterway, railroad or other physical obstacle. 3. Comprehensive Plan. Those coordinated plans in preparation or which have been recommended by the Planning Commission and adopted by the City Council for the development of the City of Renton that designate, among other things , plans and programs to encourage the most appropriate use of land and lessen con- gestion throughout the municipality in the interest of public health, safety and welfare. 4. Dedication. The voluntary donation of land by its owner for public use. 5. First Class Shorelands. Those public lands , once or still be- longing to the State, bordering on the shores of a navigable lake or river, not subject to tidal flow, between the line of ordinary high water and the line of navigability or inner harbor line, and within or in front of the corporate limits of the City 6. Hillside Areas. Areas with an average slope of twenty (20) percent or more. 7. Inner Harbor Line. The line located and established in navi- gable waters between the line of ordinary high water and the outer harbor line and constituting the inner boundary of the harbor area. 8. Lot. A piece or parcel of subdivided land in a block abutting on a public highway or street designed to be occupied by a building and its accessory buildings , together with open spaces. A. Corner Lot. Any lot having side line (s) which abut on a public street. -4- B. Interior Lot. A lot the side lines of which do not abut any public street. C. Lot Depth. The mean distance measured perpendicularly from the front lot line (or a tangent to the front lot line) to the rear lot line. For irregularly shaped lots , the lot depth shall be measured from the front lot line or its tangent to an imaginary line at least fifteen (15) feet in length located entirely within the lot and farthest removed and parallel to the front lot line or its tangent. D. Lot Width. The mean horizontal distance between side lot lines measured at right angles to the front lot line or its tangent. E. Lot Lines. The property lines bounding a lot. 15 ' L INE s i-LOT LINE —r — —I- - - - I — ' LOT LINE i I 31 I— LOT W I OT H 111LOT WID7H0 4 LOOT -1 I LINE i I — _ — —)— TANGET STREET STREET REGULAR LOTS IRREGULAR LOTS 9 . Meander Line. A line along a body of water intended to be used solely as a reference for surveying. 10. Official Plans. Those official maps or map or any portions adopted by ordinance by the City of Renton as provided in R.C.W. 35A. 63 as amended. 11. Planning Commission. The Commission established by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Renton as permitted in R.C.W. 35A. 63. (Ordinance No. 2009) . 12. Plat. A map or representation of a subdivision showing the division of a tract or parcel of land into blocks, streets, or other divisions and dedications. A. Tentative Plat. A neat and approximate drawing of a proposed subdivision showing the layout of streets, lots, blocks, utilities and other pertinent information needed to determine the feasibility of the proposed plat. B. Preliminary Plat. A neat and accurate drawing of a proposed subdivision showing the layout of streets and alleys, lots, blocks, and restrictive covenants to be applied to the sub- division, and the other elements of a plat or subdivision 1 � -5- which shall furnish a basis for the approval or disapproval of a subdivision. C. Final Plat. The final drawing of the subdivision and dedi- cation prepared for filing for record with the County Auditor and containing all elements and requirements set forth in this Ordinance. After the County Auditor has recorded the Final Plat, it shall thereafter be known as an authorized plat, subdivision or dedication. 13 . Plat Approval. An official action taken by the City regarding a plat. A. Final Plat Approval. The final official action taken by the City Council after recommendation by the Planning Commission on the proposed plat, subdivision, dedication or any portion that has previously received preliminary approval. B. Preliminary Plat Approval. The second official action taken by the City Council after recommendation by the Planning Commission on the proposed plat, subdivision or dedication. C. Tentative Plat Approval. The first official action taken on the proposed plat. This action is taken among others by the Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Building, Fire, and Plan- ning Departments and the Health Agency. 14. Public Right-of-Way. Any defined area dedicated to public use for vehicular and/or pedestrian use. 15. Subdivider. A person, firm or corporation who proposes to make or has made a subdivision. 16. Subdivision. An area of land which has been divided into two (2) or more plots, lots, blocks, tracts, or other divisions of land. A. Major Subdivision. All subdivisions , plats or dedications containing five (5) or more lots or two (2) or more blocks. B. Short Subdivision. Any subdivision containing four (4) lots or less. 17 . Tract. A parcel of land proposed for subdivision or resubdividing. 18. Yard Requirement. An open space on a lot or block unoccupied by structures, unless specifically authorized otherwise. The required yard depth is measured perpendicularly from a lot line; the depth is specified in the Zoning Ordinance. The Planning Department shall determine the various yard requirements for uniquely shaped lots and pipestem lots. A. Front Yard. The yard requirement which separates the main structure from the fronting public right (s) -of-way. B. Rear Yard. The yard requirement opposite one (1) of the front yards. For irregularly shaped lots , the rear yard shall be measured from an imaginary line at least fifteen (15) feet in length located entirely within the lot and farthest removed and parallel to the front lot line or its tangent. C. Side Yard. The yard requirement which is neither a front nor a rear yard. -6— REAR YARD REAP YARD RF r . 1 Ior- ' SRC I 1 I , 1 FR YARD -RONT YARD FROKT Y/ T H E S R E T REGULAR LOTS i .REGULAR LO i . LI I viAr *'0"~ s ,a *.1 -7- 9-1103: ADMINISTERING AUTHORITY 1. Official Agency. The Planning Commission is designated as the official agency of the City for the conduct of public hearings; and the Planning Department is responsible for the general administration and coordination of this Ordinance. 9-1104 : OUTLINE OF SUBDIVISION PROCEDURES 1. Submission and Filing of Plats. A. Short Subdivisions. The procedure for review and approval of short subdivisions is the approval, modification or disapproval of the proposed plat by the various departments. After all improvements required by this Ordinance have been satisfactorily installed, the plat shall be signed. If there is a dedication of land, the plat shall be filed with the King County Department of Records and Elections; or if there is no dedication of land, the plat shall be filed with the Planning Department and the City Clerk. B. Major Subdivisions. The procedure for review and approval of major subdivisions consists of four (4) separate steps. The initial step is the preparation and submission of the Tentative Plat to departments for their approval . The second step is the preparation and submission to the Plan- ning Commission and the City Council of a Preliminary Plat of the proposed subdivision. The third step is the instal- lation of improvements according to the approved Preliminary Plat. The fourth step is the preparation and submission to the Planning Commission and the City Council of a Final Plat, together with the required certificates. The Final Plat is the instrument recorded in the office of the King County Department of Records and Elections after being duly signed by the officials as set forth in this Ordinance. 2. Preliminary Procedures. The subdivider should consult early and informally with the Planning Department, the Engineering Department and the Traffic Engineering Department for advice and assistance before preparation of the Tentative Plat and its formal application for approval. By observing this pre- liminary procedure , the subdivider may become informed of the official plan requirements and may obtain any explanation of the rules and regulations of this Ordinance as may be necessary and related to the proposed subdivision. -8- 3 . Industrial Subdivisions. Land to be subdivided for industrwsl1 uses must be zoned for industrial purposes. For specific reference to industrial subdivisions, refer to Section 9-1108 , 24 . 4. Residential Subdivisions. Land to be subdivided for residen- tial uses shall be zoned for residential purposes. See Section 1108, 23 . for specific reference to residential sub- divisions . / / /, P/ / I f 4� r -9- 9-1105 : PLAT REQUIREMENTS FOR SHORT SUBDIVISIONS 1. Proposed Plat and Fees . The proposed plat, subdivision or dedi- cation shall be submitted in an original and at least eight (8) copies to the Planning Department. The date received shall be recorded and a file number assigned. The application shall be accompanied by a fee in the amount of thirty (30) dollars for residential subdivisions and one (1) dollar per one thousand (1 , 000) square feet for industrial subdivisions , but not less than thirty (30) dollars. 2 . Referrals , Recommendations of Departments. The Planning Department shall transmit two (2) copies of the proposed plat to the Engineer- ing Department, one (1) copy to the Traffic Engineering Department, one (1) copy to the Building Department, one (1) copy to the Health Agency, one (1) copy to the Fire Department, and copies to other departments and agencies as necessary for their review and recom- mendations. Two (2) copies shall be retained for the use of the Planning Department. These departments and agencies shall make , within the scope of their municipal functions , their respective recommendations regarding the proposed plat to the Planning De- partment in writing within ten (10) days after receipt of the proposed plat. Any department may, in writing, accept, modify or reject the application for good reason. 3 . Required Information. The subdivider shall furnish information according to: A. Section 9-1106 , 3 .H. Final Plat Certificate, item (2) shall be required only if there is a dedica- tion. B. Section 9-1106 , 3 . 1. Restrictive Covenants . C. Section 9-1106 , 3.K. Final Plat Maps , Scale, Required Documentation, items (3) , (4) and (5) are required only if there is a dedica tion. D. Section 9-1106 , 3 .M. Field Notes , Error of Closure , if they: is a dedication. E. Section 9-1106 , 3 .N. Reserve Strips , if there is a dedication. 4 . Notification to Install Improvements . After all the responsible departments have reviewed and approved the application according to the requirements of this Ordinance , the Planning Department shall notify the subdivider by letter that the improvements required by this Ordinance may be installed. 5 . Approval Period. Short plats shall be approved, disapproved or returned to the applicant within thirty (30) days from date of submission unless the subdivider consents to an extension of the time period. 4 -9A- 6 . Installation of Improvements. All improvements shall be installed ' according to the minimum standards of the City of Renton. The subdivider shall obtain all necessary permits and pay all fees and inspection costs. The various departments shall notify the Planning Department when all improvements are satisfactorily installed according to Section 9-1108 . 22 , Certificates of Completion. A. Delayed Improvements. If the subdivider wishes to defer improvements , he shall follow the procedures and post a bond in favor of the City as provided in Section 9-1108 . 21, Deferred Improvements . B. Waived Improvements. Upon written application submitted to the Planning Department the installation of improvements may be waived subject to determination by the Planning Commission that there is reasonable justification for such waiver. Any such written application shall specify in detail the reason for such requested waiver and may contain such evidence, including photographs , maps, surveys as may be pertinent thereto. Reasonable justification shall include but is not limited to the absence of such improvements located within a reasonable distance and/or the conditions outlined in Section 9-1109. 1.A. (Exception Requirements) . To assist the Planning Commission in making a determination, the Engineering and Planning Departments shall submit their written recommendations regarding the installation of such improvements. -10- 7 . Plat Signatures . After all improvements have been satisfactorily installed, the Planning Director, the Traffic Engineer and the City Engineer shall sign the original copy of the plat. 8. Filing of Plat. A plat must be signed before it is filed. A. King County Department of Records and Elections. A short plat does not require filing with the King County Depart- ment of Records and Elections unless there is a dedication. If there is a dedication, the recording fees shall be paid by the subdivider to the City Clerk, who shall file the plat with the King County Department of Records and Elections. B. Planning Department. Those short subdivisions not requiring filing with the King County Department of Records and Elections shall be filed with the Planning Department and the City Clerk after they are signed. No filing fees are required. C. Time Limitation. Land in a short subdivision shall not be further subdivided within five (5) years of the date of the filing of the short subdivision unless the second sub- division is recorded with the King County Department of Records and Elections. 9. Construction Prior to Filing of Plat Prohibited. No construction of structures, grading or excavation on any of the land to be platted shall be allowed prior to the filing of the plat. 10. Expiration Period. If the plat is not filed within one (1) year of the date of submission, the plat shall be null and void. Upon proper application by the subdivider , the Planning Department may grant one (1) extension of not more than six (6) months. To revitalize any expired plat, it must be resubmitted . /< it -11- 9-1106 : TENTATIVE, PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT REQUIREMENTS 1. Tentative Plat Requirements. A. Proposed Plat, Fee. The application for a Tentative Plat shall be submitted in an original and seven (7) copies to the Planning Department who shall record the date received and assign a file number . The application shall be accom- panied by a fee of thirty (30) dollars. B. Referrals , Recommendations of Departments. The Planning Department shall transmit two (2) copies of the Tentative Plat to the Engineering Department, one (1) copy to the Traffic Engineering Department, one (1) copy to the Build- ing Department, one (1) copy to the Health Agency, one (1) copy to the Fire Department, and copies to other depart- ments I. and agencies as necessary for their review and recom- mendation. One (1) copy shall be retained for the use of the Planning Department. These departments and agencies shall make their respective recommendations regarding the Tentative Plat to the Planning Department and to the sub- divider. These departments and agencies shall notify the Planning Department when they have approved.the Tentative Plat. C. Revisions. The departments and the agencies in accordance with their responsibilities cited in Section 9-1106 , 1, B, may have the subdivider revise his proposed subdivision to conform to the requirements of this Ordinance . The depart- ments and agencies may require revision of the proposed sub- division to promote public safety and the general welfare of , the City. D. Approval Period. Tentative Plats shall be approved or disapproved within six (6 ) months from the date of sub- mission. Upon proper application, the Planning Department may grant one (1) extension of not more than three (3) months . E. Expiration Period. The approval of the Tentative Plat shall' lapse unless a Preliminary Plat based upon the Tentative Plat is submitted within six (6) months from the date of approval by, all the departments cited in 9-1106 , 1 , B. F. Map Scale and Specific Map Documentation. The scale and information required to be submitted with the Tentative Plat shall be according to Section 9-1106 , 2, I. , except that the scale and information do not need to be precise and the plat does not need to be prepared by a registered land surveyor. 2 . Preliminary Plat Requirements. A. Proposed Plat, Fees, Date of Hearing. The Preliminary Plat shall be prepared by a registered land surveyor in accordance with requirements of R.C.W 18. 43 . 010. The application shall be submitted with eight (8) copies plus the original to the Planning Department, who shall record -12- the date received and assign a file number. The applica- tion shall be accompanied by a fee in the amount of fifty (50) dollars plus six (6) dollars per residential lot in the proposed residential subdivision; but in no event shall the fee be less than one hundred (100) dollars. The Pre- liminary Plat fee for industrial subdivisions shall be one (1) dollar per one thousand (1,000) square feet of land area, but in no event less than one hundred (100) dollars. The Preliminary Plat shall be considered at the first regular hearing of the Planning Commission falling twenty-one (21) days or more after submission to the Planning Department. B. Referrals, Recommendations of Departments. The Planning Department shall transmit two (2) copies of the Preliminary Plat to the Engineering Department, one (1) copy to the Traffic Engineering Department, one (1) copy to the Build- ing Department, one (1) copy to the Health Agency, one (1) copy to the Fire Department, and copies to other depart- ments and agencies as necessary for their review and recom- mendation. Two (2) copies shall be retained for the use of the Planning Commission. These departments and agencies shall make their written recommendations regarding the Preliminary Plat to the Planning Department at least five (5) days prior to date of hearing. C. Notice of Hearing. The Planning Department shall post notices of public hearing giving the time and place of such hearing in at least three (3) conspicuous places within the City and on or adjacent to the land to be subdivided at least ten (10) days prior to such hearing. Notice of such hearing shall be given by publication of at least one (1) notice not less than ten (10) days prior to the hearing in the newspaper for the City' s official and legal notices. Where a proposed Preliminary Plat is located ad- ! jacent to the right-of-way of a state highway or the boundary of an adjoining municipal or county jurisdiction, notice of such submission shall be given to the appropriate govern- mental agency. D. Recommendations to Planning Commission. The Planning De- partment shall transmit the application, the plat, and the respective recommendations of city departments and other public agencies together with its recommendations to the Planning Commission for study prior to the hearing. -13- E. Approval. (1) Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall revie all Preliminary Plats and make recommendations to the Cit Council to assure conformance with the general purposes of the Comprehensive Plan and adopted standards . (2) City Council. Planning Commission recommendations shall be submitted to the Council not later than fourteen (14) days following action. Upon receipt of the recommenda- tion on any Preliminary Plat, the City Council shall at its next public meeting set the date for the public meet- ing where it may adopt or reject the recommendations of the Planning Commission. If , after considering the matter at a public meeting, the City Council deems a change in the Planning Commission' s recommendation approving or disapproving any Preliminary Plat is neces- sary, the change of the recommendation shall not be made until the City Council shall conduct a public hearing and thereupon adopt its own recommendations and approve or disapprove the Preliminary Plat. Such public hearing may be held before a committee constituting a majority of the City Council. If the hearing is before a com- mittee, the committee shall report its recommendations on the matter to the City Council for final action. F. Preliminary Plat Establishes Layout. Approval of a Pre- liminary Plat shall not be construed as approval of a Final Plat. The Final Plat shall be prepared exactly as the approved Preliminary Plat. Any modifications must be ap- proved by the responsible departments prior to the installa- tion of the modified improvement. G. Approval Period. Preliminary Plats shall be approved, disapproved or returned to the subdivider for modification within sixty (60) days from date of submission unless the subdivider consents to an extension of such time period. H. Expiration Period. The approval of the Preliminary Plat shall lapse unless a Final Plat based thereon is submitted within six (6) months from the date of such approval unless an extension is granted by the Planning Commission after proper application by the subdivider for a period not to exceed six (6) months. Only one (1) such extension shall be granted. I. Map Scale and Specific Map Documentation. Preliminary Plats shall be drawn to a scale of not less than one (1) inch rep- resenting forty (40) feet and shall be designed to meet minimum standards of design and general construction requirements for installation of public improvements as established in this Ordinance and shall give the following information insofar as possible : (1) A vicinity map at a scale between one (1) inch repre- senting four hundred (400) feet and one (1) inch representing one thousand (1 , 000) feet. The vicinity map show a11, ar.-iacent +-rue nortl- -14- arrow, type of land use, zoning, streets, and tract lines of acreage parcels with the names of owners of record of such parcels. Also, the map shall show the streets in the proposed subdivision and their relation- ship with existing and proposed streets in adjacent subdivisions or undivided properties. (2) Name and location of proposed subdivision, name and address of the owner or owners, name of the licensed land surveyor. (3) Date of preparation, true north point, graphic scale. (4) On both land to be subdivided and adjoining land, locate the following: existing and platted property lines, streets, buildings, water courses, railroads, sewers, bridges, culverts, storm drains, water mains, all public or private utility or roadway easements, and any conditions which would hinder development. (5) The zoning applicable to the land to be platted, sub- divided or dedicated, and of the land adjacent and contiguous. (6) Plans of proposed underground utility layouts (sanitary and storm sewers, water, gas, telephone and electrical power) , showing connections to the existing or any proposed utility systems. When such connections are not feasible or required, any proposed individual water supply and/or sewage disposal system must be approved by the Engineering Department and Health Agency. Proposed utility layouts shall be prepared and referenced to the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Datum. (7) Contours at vertical intervals of not more than five (5) feet where the average slope is or exceeds eight (8) percent. On slopes averaging less than eight (8) percent, contours at vertical intervals of not more than two (2) feet shall be required. Said contour maps shall be referenced to the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Datum. (8) The names, locations, widths and other dimensions of proposed streets, alleys, easements, parks and other open spaces, reservations, lot lines, yard requirements and utilities. (9) Number of lots, total square feet in each lot, percent of land in streets, and total area of proposed sub- division in acres. (10) The profiles and grades of each street, together with typical cross sections indicating width of pavement, location and width of sidewalks, and location and size of utility mains. -15- (11) The proposed plat shall have attached to it copies of any restrictive covenants proposed to be• included in the deeds. TYPICAL VICINITY MAP cn 41 Hall Blue Investment Company ,.y1 Brown G. • 100 AVE N �• �• ."�•. �:�"�'� •..�",'� w� HILLCREST Amy '� . ADDITION NO. 1 IP Jones • ;:+ ;;;. ;� 111 gni 11111111111 . ,.:,�: ;il�!;i!�K;;r!r• '•Mw' 102. AVE NE E-' HILLCREST Smith •• ;' ;• ADDITION NO. 2 • ▪ ' 2 Nelson 104 ' AVE NE Baker 1 Miller Reed lf! ' LAND USE: SINGLE FAMILY SCALE IN FEET RESIDENTIAL !!Si !!iii 0 200 400 ZONED: R-1 - -16- TYPICAL PRE LI1INARY PLAT 100 Ave NE •• 80 ' n80 ' 120 : -1 I -1 1- I I - - - - -1 1- - - -- --k • 1 • - • a 1800043 _� 18000{1 =II I8000( :1 : 1200041 to • 60 ' • • ' • 72 • -{ I -' I -—--- II- - J I,- • 80 ' _ _ ~80 ' 120 ' fi • • - w ■■ o • • ilk st `¢al Sn • w 101 Ave NE 417drall* VI/ 130 ' � tz �115' 100 ' t - - - - - , • u - - - - - , - 1 ic60 ' 1 i - i, I $ I- o+ I 11700 I O "' V! �n 1 O rn u i 1 • �1132254] r+ I Ln I cn �.-130L _2 v' '-�1 I rn I• 1 $ / • !•-1415...! _ -I o i- •---- - I $ •- 1 u II rr us I ,o _ I • h. 10 , 1 1 0 I n1--. aI - • r. 1 .i , r\ I O 4-4 ' - I. 1��� % C. i o — 1 as\.. , , \ c\, -- iii I• • . A F- - O - � 0I ♦ \ i I . I O u, W 1 yo 1 14800[ ';h 14900i1 -45 '_ - 100 I - - - - - `�- - -J I 1284041 100 ' 158' 12!.' _ co co 100 ' • 40 ' rr 90 ' c 1I 3 1 •11 o1• - 1 N O ' IO 110800( ) t •108000I i 1i08001$J 112150 ] I". cn • 20 ' -1 I • • A, 90 ' _ 1. 5 ' W • • i 102 Ave •NE • 76 ' Hillcrest Subdivision No . 2 Happy Development Co . Renton , Washington SCALE Harold Z . Q. Smith , Surveyor LEGEND Prepared : October 28 , 1970 0 SO 100 Store Sewer St Sanitary Sewer Sn Water Main W Yards ---- Easement I. -17- 3 . Final Plat Requirements. A. Final :Plat Submission. The map of the Final Plat consist- ing of the original and ten (10) copies, together with street profiles and other plans and documents as may be required by the Planning Department, shall be submitted to the Planning Department in the form prescribed for con- sideration of the Planning Commission. B. Fees, Alternate Dedications of Land. The Final Plat shall be accompanied by a fee of twenty-five (25) dollars plus three (3) dollars per residential lot, hut not less than fifty (50) dollars for residential subdivisions. The Final Plat fee for industrial subdivisions is one (1) dollar per one thousand (1, 000) square feet of land area, but not less than fifty (50) dollars. In any proposed subdivision the subdivider may elect to dedicate or reserve in a perpetual recreational, open space or other general public use any land area of not less than ten (10) percent of the total land area in lieu of the application fees required for approval of the Preliminary and Final Plats, provided further that such dedication or reservation of land shall be acceptable to the City. C. Referrals, Recommendations of Departments. The Planning Department shall transmit two (2) copies of the Final Plat to the Engineering Department, one (1) copy to the Traffic Engineering Department, one (1) copy to the Building Depart- ment, one (1) copy to the Health Agency, and one (1) copy to the Fire Department; with copies to other departments and agencies as necessary for their review and recommendation. Two (2) copies shall be retained for the use of the Planning Commission. These departments and agencies shall make their respective recommendations regarding the Final Plat to the Planning Department in writing at least five (5) days prior to date of the Planning Commission meeting. D. Preparation of Final Plat. The Final Plat shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor and shall conform to the Pre- liminary Plat as approved. A Final Plat may constitute only a portion of an approved Preliminary Plat which the subdivider proposes to record and develop at that time, provided, however, that such portion shall conform to all requirements of these regulations. E. Extension of Final Plat Subdivision Approval Date. Final approval by the Planning Commission of a portion of the Final Plat will constitute an automatic extension of one (1) year from date for the remainder of the Final Plat. One (1) additional extension of six (6) months may be granted by the Planning Commission upon proper application by the subdivider. -18- F. Approval Period. Final Plats shall be approved, disapproved or returned to the subdivider for modifications within thirty (30) days from date of submission unless the sub- divider consents to an extension of the time period. G. Planning Commission Recommendation to City Council. At or subsequent to a public hearing the Planning Commission shall recommend to the City Council either approval or disapproval of the Final. Plat. H. Final Plat Certificates. In addition to other requirements as specifies. herein, the Final Plat shall contain or be accomplished. by the following: (1) Certification that the applicant is the land owner. (2) Certification showing that streets, rights-of-way and all sites for public use have been dedicated. (3) Certification by a licensed land surveyor that a survey has been made and that monuments and stakes have been set. (4) Certification by the Health Agency that the methods of sewage disposal and water service are acceptable. (5) Certification by the Engineering and Traffic Engineer- ing Derartments that the subdivider has. complied with either of the following alternatives: (a) All improvement have been installed in accordance with the requirements of these regulations, or (b) CErtain improvements have been deferred according tc Section 9-1108 , 21. , Deferred Improvements. (6) The subdivider shall furnish the City a plat certificate from a title insurance company documenting the owner- ship and title of all interested parties in the plat, subdivision or dedication and listing all encumbrances . The certificate shall be dated within forty-five (45) days prior to the granting of the Final Plat by the City Council. (7) Certification by the King County Finance Department thd.7. taxes have been paid in accordance with Section 1, Chap- ter No. 188 , Laws of 1927 (R.C.W. 58 . 08.030) , and that a deposit has been made with the King County Finance Department in sufficient amount to pay the taxes for the following year. (8) Certification by the City Treasurer that there are no delinquent special assessments and that all special assessments certified to the City Treasurer for collec- tion on any property herein contained dedicated for streets, alleys or other public use are paid in full . (9) Bills of sale, including costs, for all utilities installed in conjunction with the plat. --19- (10) Certification of approval to be signed by the City Engineer, Traffic Engineer, Chairman of the Planning Commission and the Planning Director. (11) Certification of approval to be signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk. I. Restrictive Covenants. The submission of the Final Plat shall include copies of such restrictive covenants as may be used in the subdivision. J. Filing of Final Plat. Before a Final Plat is submitted to the City Council for approval, Yit shall be signed by the Planning Commission Chairman, the City Engineer, the Traffic Engineer and the Planning Director. After Final Plat approval by resolution of the City Council, the Final Plat shall be signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk. Following adoption of the Final Plat, the original copy of the plat shall be filed for record with the King County Department of Records and Elections by the City Clerk. Recording fees shall be paid by the subdivider to the City Clerk. K. Final Plat Maps , Scale, Required Documentation. The plat shall be drawn to a scale of not less than one (1) inch representing forty (40) feet on sheets seventeen (17) by twenty-two (22) inches. The original drawing shall be in black ink on linen tracing cloth or on stabilized drafting film and shall contain the following information: (1) Date, title, name and location of subdivision; graphic scale; and true north point. (2) The lines of all streets and roads, alley lines, lot lines, yard requirements , lots and blocks numbered in numerical order, reservations , easements, and any areas to be dedicated to public use or sites for other than residential use with notes stating their purpose and any limitations. (3) Sufficient data to determine readily and reproduce on the ground the location, bearing and length of every street, easement line, lot line , boundary line, block line and yard requirement, whether curved or straight. This data shall include the radius, central angle and tangent distance for the center line of curved streets and curved property lines that are not the boundary of curved streets. (4) All dimensions to the nearest one hundredth (1/100) of a foot and angles and bearings in degrees, minutes and seconds. (5) The location and description of all monuments. -20- (6) The names and locations of adjoining subdivisions and streets and the location and identification of adjoin- ing unsubdivided property. TYPICAL FINAL PL AT 100 Ave NE 80' 120 ' I-— --1 1---- --I F-r--- r -- - -- - 1 � 10 i ( I I" p �� � '. 1= =1 I= 9 • =� �= 8 •=1 10 'r �� O • 1 I 1 1 . 1°` 1� -- --J = -- --, I- - I I _ _ _ 1 ,, ,� $0'- - -120'- 101 Ave NE 0 0° 130 '_ , L o o 110 '_ _ 105 '_ ' T _ _ _ __I ° - I — _r I -,.. ... ,I___ I- I I ,_ 4„ , 80 1 °0,, I �i 35 I o I I° I 38 I I 90° 1 14 I 90° I ''' I 1-/ I -13�1t / ,.i N \ 110 ' 1 L 9�- i I / C..) ‘ . . • - 1-. 1 31 /• I_ .>r 1 0 I °1N . U cI 34 °' r1 I p8`�. *y� � i o ao o 37 10 I II1 o i `,' 1 105 v \6r'�eh I a 82 Of .ti33 69a IN IO \ ` o I 38 t o,.1 I-i - -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _\ ' I105 ' � QS ' 195 ' 90° I ( L _ 't 90 ' 120 ' v� 1- - -- -' . - - -- j , II 1 m II I I I. I '''1 = j: 42 = " = 41 =1 1- 40 =I I0 39 1-0 coI 1 1Q 1,4 A L -- - - ‘ _ _ _ _ _ II_ _ _ _ I _ 1� w z II _ 1I 9 I_' 120 ' • 0° .... 102 Ave NE liti Hillcrest Subdivision No . 2 Happy Development Co. Renton , Washington SCALE Harold Z. Q. Smith, Surveyor Miiiielii LEGEND Prepared : September 3 , 1971 0 50 100 Yards - Utility Easement -21- L. Street and Utility Plans and Profiles. Street and utility line plans and profiles shall be on twenty-two (22) by thirty-four (34) inch reproducible sheets. The horizontal scale shall be one (1) inch representing forty (40) feet, and the vertical scale shall be one (1) inch representing ten (10) feet. M. Field Notes, Error of Closure. Complete field and computa- • tion notes shall be furnished showing original or re-established corner, with description of the same, showing true bearings and distances to established street lines and monuments, turning angles, points of curvature, length of tangents, and the actual traverse showing error of closure and method of balancing with sketches showing all distances, angles and calculations required to determine corners and distances of the plat, subdivision or dedication. The error of closure on any and all traverses shall not exceed one (1) foot in ten thousand (10, 000) feet. N. Reserve Strips. The subdivider shall deed by separate reservation to the City appropriate reserve strips one (1) foot or more in width which will not permit public access at the ends of platted streets which abut upon unplatted properties and reserve strips parallel to the center line of border or boundary half and dead end streets were such abut upon undeveloped or unsubdivided lands and for which no parallel dedicated public access is provided. The pur- pose of this provision is to discourage the construction of structures by not permitting access to public streets from unsubdivided land. 0. Expiration of Plat After Council Approval. If a plat has not been recorded within six (6) months after approval by the City Council, the plat shall expire and shall be null and void. In order to revitalize an expired plat, it shall be resubmitted as a Tentative Plat. -22- 9-1107: RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION OF FIRST CLASS SHORELANDS 1. Application. Where it is proposed to subdivide first class shorelands, the owner shall submit a statement (original and ten (10) copies to the Planning Department containing the following information: A. Property Description. A statement describing the location of the land as recorded in the King County Department of Records and Elections together with a vicinity sketch map showing the location of the land. B. Improvements Proposal. A statement relating to the pro- posed development of the subdivision requirements for land fill, if any; waterways, moorage, wharves or other proposed improvements, together with a map showing the location of the shorelands proposed to be subdivided, the inner harbor line, line of navigability and the line of ordinary high water. C. Ownership. A statement showing present ownership of the land. 2. Procedures. Tentative, Preliminary and Final Plats shall be submitted with the appropriate information and subject to the same procedures as any other plat. -23- 9-1108: PLAT IMPROVEMENTS AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 1. Standards and Specifications. The adopted standard specifications for municipal public works construction prepared by the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association shall be hereinafter referred to as the "standards" and said standards together with the laws of the State of Washington and the ordi- nances of the City of Renton, so far as applicable , shall apply except as amended or superseded by special provisions. 2. Inspection, Approval and Fees . The Engineering and Traffic Engineering Departments shall be responsible for the supervision, inspection and acceptance of all subdivision improvements and shall make a charge therefor to the subdivider in the amount of the hourly cost to the City of Renton. The hourly cost shall include the wages of the inspector and the City' s cost for fringe benefits calculated on an hourly basis. 3. Required Improvements. The following tangible improvements are required before a Final Plat is submitted: every subdivider shall be required to grade and pave streets and alleys, install curbs and gutters, sidewalks, monuments, sanitary and storm sewers, street lights, water mains and street name signs, to- gether with all appurtenances thereto in accordance with specifications and standards approved by the Engineering and the Traffic Engineering Departments and adopted by the City Council. 4. Clearing and Grading. All streets, roads and alleys shall be graded to their full width so that pavement and sidewalks can be constructed on the same plane. Exemption from this require- ment may be granted in plats qualifying for development as Hillside Areas. Before grading is started, the entire right- of-way area shall be cleared of all stumps, roots, brush and other objectionable materials and all trees not intended for preservation. 5. Large Tracts or Parcels. When land is subdivided into larger parcels than ordinary lots or blocks, such parcels shall be arranged so as to allow for the opening of future streets and logical further subdivision. 6. Monuments. A. Concrete monuments shall be set at all corners of the sub- division, at all points where the street lines intersect the exterior boundaries of the subdivision, at angle points and points of curve in each street, and at all street intersections. All surveys shall be of second degree accuracy. The use of state plan coordinates is encouraged. B. All other lot corners shall be marked with a permanent suit- able metal marker not less than three-eighths (3/8) inch in diameter and twenty-four (24) inches long and driven flush with the finished grade. • -24- 7. Streets. A. Roadway Surfacing. After preparation of the subgrade, the road bed shall be surfaced with material required by City of Renton standards, as previously established. B. Conformity to the Major Thoroughfare Plan. The location of all streets and roads shall conform to the official Major Arterials and Streets Plan. C. Relation to Adjoining Street Sys1tem. The proposed street system shall extend existing streets at the same or greater width, but in no case less than the required minimum width. D. Street Names. All proposed streets shall be named in accordance with the City' s Street Naming Ordinance. E. Arterials, :ntersections. Streets intersecting with existing or proposed public highways, major and community arterials as shown on .the Arterials and Streets Plan shall be held to a minimum, subject to review and approval by the Engineering Department. F. Street Grades. Grades on major streets shall not exceed ten (10) percent. G. Horizontal Curves. Where a deflection angle of more than ten (10) degrees in the alignment of a street occurs, a curve of reasonably long radius shall be introduced, sub- ject to review and approval by the Engineering Department. On streets sixty (60) feet or more in width, the center line radius of curvature shall be not less than three hundred (300) feet; on other streets, not less than one hundred (100) feet. H. Minimum Widths. A variety of right-of-way and improvement widths are required because of the various types of devel- opments and the traffic generated from these types of developments. In steep Hillside Areas, the right-of-way width, street widths and sidewalk requirements shall be reviewed and shall be developed as recommended by the appropriate departments. Minimum widths shall be as listed in Table I. • -25- TABLE I MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR DEVELOPMENT Right of Improved Planting Way Street Strip Sidewalk Width Width Width Width 2 sides 1 side Expressways and Parkways 100 ' -- -- -- -- Major Arterials and Highways 80 ' 60 ' 4 ' 6 ' -- Community Arterials 70 ' 44 ' 4 ' 5 ' -- Neighborhood Collectors 60' 36 ' 4' 5 ' -- Residential Access Streets: 1. For streets less than 800' long 50 ' 32 ' 4 ' 5 ' -- 2. For Hillside Areas (one-way traffic) 40 ' 4 ' -- 5 ' 3. For Hillside Areas (two-way traffic) 50 ' 4 ' 5 ' -- Commercial Areas 60 ' 8 ' -- Alleys 20 ' Industrial Arterial 90 ' 60 ' 6 ' 6 ' -- Industrial Collector 80 ' 44 ' 6 ' 6 ' -- Industrial Access 60 ' 36 ' 6 ' 6 ' -- IMPROVEMENTS IN PUBLIC RIGHT- OF - WAY PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY A v.* STREET WIDTH env SIDE PLANTING PLANTING SIDE WALK STRIP r� CURB I CURB�� STRIP MR1►l.K limmommIMMUIMMUNNWil s I t I. Full Width Streets. All streets shall be platted at full width, and no boundary streei.s at less than full width shall be allowed unless required to provide right-of-way for streets and arterials designated by the official plan. J. Increased Right-of-way Requirements in Commercial Districts. The City may require that street widths in commercial areas be increased to provide for traffic movement and to reduce or eliminate traffic congestion. ' -26- K. Cul-de-Sacs. Cul-de-sacs are permitted provided they do not exceed five hundred (500) feet in length. Residential cul-de-sacs shall not have a right-of-way width less than fifty (50) feet nor a right-of-way radius less than forty- five (45) feet. Industrial cul-de-sacs shall not have a width less than sixty (60) feet nor a right-of-way radius less than seventy-five (75) feet. TYPICAL CUL--DE-$AC M $MUM STET r 500' MAXIMUM RADIUS I I - _" PLANTING STRIP PUBLIC &._„•„. STREET A 1 RIGHT-OF-WAY WIDTH CURBS PLAN . Nimr, I 1 _TING STRIP _ __ � 1 I[ I MINIMUM RIGHT-OF-WAY RADIUS L. Vertical Curves. All changes in grade shall be connected by vertical curves of a minimum length of two hundred (200) feet unless specified otherwise by the Engineering Department. M. Tangents. A tangent of at least two hundred (200) feet in length shall be provided between reverse curves for community or major arterials; one hundred fifty (150) feet for neigh- borhood collector streets; and one hundred (100) feet for residential access streets. N. Street Intersection Offset. Street jogs with centerline offsets of less than two hundred (200) feet shall not be allowed. 0. Two Places of Access . Each subdivision shall have at least two (2) places of access, except for those subdivisions in which the only dedicated street is a cul-de-sac. 8 . Curbs and Gutters. The subdivider shall provide permanent concrete curbs and concrete gutters according to City of Renton standards . 9. Sidewalks. Concrete sidewalks shall be installed by the developer on both sides of street. Sidewalks shall be located on the public right-of-way contiguous to the property line to prevent interfer- ence or encroachment by fencing, wall, hedges or other planting. or structures. -27- The following minimum sidewalk widths shall apply: MINIMUM SIDEWALK WIDTHS (concrete construction) Single Family Residential Areas (detached dwellings) 5 ' Low Density Multi-Family Residential Areas (attached dwellings and townhouses) 6 ' Industrial Areas 6 ' Medium and High Density Multi- Family Residential Areas 6 ' Commercial Areas 8 ' 10. Planting Strips. Planting strips in residential subdivisions shall be at least four (4) feet wide, and in industrial sub- divisions at least six (6) .eet wide. The curb shall be con- sidered as part of the width of the planting strip. 11. Street Lighting A. Minimum Standards . Each subdivision shall provide circuitry and street lighting located in accordance with the standards of the Traffic Engineering Department. Minimum design standards shall be as follows: MINIMUM STREET LIGHTING STANDARDS Street Foot Pole Mounting Classification Candles* Height Expressways & Parkways 2.0 40 ' Arterials 1.5 35 ' Residential: Collector . 7 25 ' Access . 3 20 ' Frontal . 3 20 ' Industrial: Collector . 9 35 ' Access . 6 30 ' Frontal .6 30 ' *Lumination values are in horizontal footcandles (measured in lumens per square foot) when the light source is at its lowest level. Street lighting standards shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the Illuminating Engineering Society' s 1963 approval publication "American Standard Practice for Roadway Lighting" , except where the values are noted above. B. General. All street light wiring, conduit and service con- nections shall be located underground. Street light spacing shall take existing trees into consideration. 12. Street Signs. The subdivider shall reimburse the City for the cost of the street name signs and the installation necessary in the subdivision. -28- 13 . Installation of Utilities. After grading is completed and ap- proved and before any base is applied, all of the underground utilities and all service connections shall be installed, com- pleted and approved throughout the length of the road and across the flat section according to City standards. 14. Sanitary Sewers. A. Subdivision Within 1, 000 Feet of Sewers. The subdivision shall be provided with a complete sanitary sewer system at no cost to the City providing a public sewer main is located within one thousand (1, 000) feet or less of the nearest property line of the proposed subdivision. B. Subdivisions Farther Than 1, 000 Feet From Sewers. If a public sewer main or other adequate means of common dis- posal is not located within one thousand (1,000) feet or less of the proposed subdivision, the subdivider may pro- vide for the installation of approved septic tank and disposal fields upon approval in writing from the Health Agency and in compliance with the City' s applicable ordi- nances. In such cases a dry sanitary sewer line shall be installed in the subdivision according to a sanitary sewer plan for the subdivision approved by the Engineering De- partment. Also, side sewer lines shall be installed eight (8) feet into each lot. The Board of Public Works may waive this requirement only if the area has not been included in the Comprehensive Sewer Plan. The subdivider shall submit satisfactory evidence of favorable percolation rates com- parable to the adopted requirements and standards of the Seattle-King County Health Department as a requisite for approval of subdivisions dependent upon septic tanks as a means of sewage disposal. C. Standards. The sanitary sewer system shall be designed and installed in accordance with City standards and under the supervision of the Engineering Department. 15. Storm Drainage. An adequate drainage system, including necessary pipes, culverts, intersectional drains, drop inlets, bridges, drainage releases where necessary, and similar devices, shall be provided for the proper drainage of all surface water. Cross drains shall be provided to accommodate all natural water flow and shall be of sufficient length to permit full width roadway and required slopes. The size openings to be provided shall be determined by Talbot' s formula, but in no case shall the pipe be less than twelve (12) inches. Cross drains shall be built on straight line and grade and shall be laid on 'a firm base but not on a rock base. Drain pipes shall be placed at a sufficient depth below the road bed to avoid dangerous pressures of impact and in no case shall the top of the pipe be less than two (2) feet below the road, bed. -29- 16. Water System. The water distribution system, including fire hydrants, shall be designed and installed in accordance with City standards and the requirements of the Engineering and Fire Departments. 17 . Underground Utilities. All utilities designed to serve the sub- division shall be placed underground. Any utilities installed in the parking strip shall be placed in such a manner and depth to permit the planting of trees. 18. Flooding and Geological Hazard. If any portion of the land within the boundary of a Preliminary Plat or approved record or survey is subject to flooding or inundation, that portion of the subdivision shall have the approval of the State of Washington according to R.C.W. 86. 16 before the Planning Depart- ment and Planning Commission shall consider the subdivision. If any portion of a Preliminary Plat is subject to flooding, inundation or geological hazard and the probable use of the property will require structures, the Planning Commission shall disapprove the Preliminary Plat or that portion of the subdivi- sion so affected. Protective improvements may be constructed as a conditional precedent to approval of the Preliminary and/or Final Plat. The Planning Commission may require the subdivider to submit a geologist's report if there is concern about geological hazards. 19. Public Use and Service Areas. Due consideration shall be given by the subdivider to the allocation of suitably located and adequately sized areas for public service usage. A. Easements for Utilities. Easements may be required for the maintenance and operation of utilities. Easements may be required along the lines of or across lots or through blocks where necessary for the extension of existing or planned utilities. B. Community Assets. Due regard shall be shown for all natural features such as large trees, water courses, historical spots and similar community assets which, if preserved, will add attractiveness and value to the property. 20. Permits. Prior to proceeding with subdivision improvements, the subdivider shall make application for such permits from the City as are necessary. 21. Deferred Improvements. No Final Plat shall be submitted to the Planning Commission or accepted by the City Council until all improvements are constructed in a satisfactory manner and ap- proved by the responsible departments or a bond has been satis- factorily posted for deferred improvements. A. Bonds. If a developer wishes to defer certain on-site im- provements, written application shall be made to the Board of Public Works stating the reasons why such delay is neces- sary. Upon approval by the Board of Public Works, the developer shall furnish a performance bond to the City -30- in an amount equal to a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) percent of the estimated cost of the required improvements. The decision of the Board of Public Works as to amount of such bond shall be conclusive. B. Time Limit. Such bond shall list the exact work that shall be performed by the applicant and shall specify that all of the deferred improvements be completed within the time established by the Board of Public Works; and if no time is established, then not later than one (1) year after approval of the Final Plat by the City Council. The bond shall be held by the City Clerk. C. Check in Lieu of Bond. The developer may substitute a certified or cashier' s check in lieu of a performance bond. Such check shall be made payable to the City Treasurer and shall be in the same amount as the bond it is substituting. D. Proceed Against Bond. The City reserves the right, in addi- tion to all other remedies available to it by law, to pro- ceed against such bond or other payment in lieu thereof without notice to the developer. In case of any suit or action to enforce any provisions of this Ordinance, the developer shall pay unto the City all costs incidental to such litigation including reasonable attorneys' fees. E. Binding Upon Applicant. The requirement of the posting of any performance bond or other security shall be binding on the applicant, his heirs, successors and assigns. F. Notification to Planning Department. The Board of Public Works shall notify the Planning Department in writing of the following: the improvements deferred, amount of bond or check deposited, time limit of bond or check, name of bonding company, and any other pertinent information. 22. Certificates of Completion. The Engineering and Traffic Engi- neering Departments shall each submit a certificate in duplicate to the Planning Department verifying that the subdivider has completed the required installations in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance and the specifications and stand- ards of the departments. One (1) copy of the completed certifi- cate shall be furnished to the subdivider by the Planning Depart- ment together with a notice advising him to proceed with prepara- tion of a Final Plat for that portion of the area in which minimum improvements have been installed and approved. Certifi- cate originals shall be retained by the Planning Department. 23. Minimum Standards for Residential Design. In the planning of a subdivision, the proposed plat shall be prepared in conform- ance with the following provisions in addition to those require- ments listed in the Comprehensive Plan and the previous sections: A. Streets: Widths and Lengths. The minimum width of right-of- way, measured from lot line to lot line, shall be not less than as follows: it • -31- (1) Expressway-Parkway rights-of-way shall be one hundred (100) feet to two hundred (200) feet in width as may be -required by the Engineering Department. Express- ways and parkways are those to be used primarily for fast traffic with minimum access and minimum inter- ruption from cross traffic and shall be designed in accordance with the Major Arterials and. Streets Plan. ( " Major Arterial Street and Highway rights-of-was- shall be eighty (80) to one hundred fifty (150) feet in width as may be required by the Engineering Department. Arterial streets and highways are those to be used primarily for fast or heavy traffic and shall be designed in accordance with the Major Arterials and Streets Plan. (3) Community Arterial ,Sfreet.. rights-of-way shall be seventy (70) feet in width to one hundred (100) feet in width as may be required by the Engineering Department. Arterial streets and highways provide intermediate connection between major arterials and local access or neighborhood collector streets. They are used for moderately heavy and fast traffic and shall be designed in accordance with the Major Arterials and Streets Plan. (4) Neighborhood Collectdr Street rights-of-way shall be sixty (60) feet wide. Collector streets are those which carry traffic from minor streets to the major system of arterial streets and highways and include the principal entrance streets of a residential devel- opment and streets for major circulation within such a development. (5) Residential Access Street rights-of-way shall not be less than fifty (50) feet wide, and where street length exceeds eight hundred (800) feet, may be in- creased as determined necessary by the Planning Department. Minor residential access streets serving lots averaging thirty-five thousand (35,000) square feet or more in area with minimum frontages of one hundred thirty-five (135) feet may be reduced to forty (40) feet in width. Residential access streets are those which are used primarily for access to the • abutting residential properties and are designed to discourage their use by through traffic. (6) Frontal Roads or One Way Street rights-of-way shall be not less than forty (40) feet wide in residential areas, nor less than fifty (50) feet wide in commercial areas. Frontal roads are minor streets which are paral- lel and adjacent to arterial streets and highways and which provide access to abutting properties and pro- tection from through traffic. -32- (7) Cul-de-Sacs are minor terminal streets or courts designed to have one end permanently closed and shall be .no more than five hundred (500) feet long nor have a right-of-way of less than fifty (50) feet wide. Cul- de-sac streets with a paved width of sixty (60) feet or more may employ elongated parking bays with the approval of the Planning Department. There shall be turn-arounds with a minimum right-of-way radius of forty-five (45) feet at theWterminus of all cul-de-sacs and dead end streets. Hammer heads or "T"s with a dimension of forty (40) by eighty (80) feet may be used at street ends upon approval of the Planning Department. (8) Temporary Turn-Arounds and Street Ends. Where, in the opinion of the Planning Department, it is desirable to provide for street access to adjoining property, proposed streets shall be extended by dedication to the boundary of such property. Such cul-de-sac streets shall be provided with a paved temporary turn-around having a roadway diameter of at least eighty (80) feet and a temporary easement. Such temporary easement shall be automatically released upon the extension anyd construction of said street beyond the boundary of the original subdivision. (9) Private Streets and Reserve Strips. There shall be no private street platted in any subdivision, and every subdivided property shall be served from a publicly dedicated street. There shall be no privately held or owned reserve strips paralleling or terminating street ends or otherwise controlling access to streets. (10) Alleys may be provided to the rear of lots zoned for business purposes and shall not be provided in resi- dential blocks except where the subdivider produces evidence satisfactory to the Planning Commission of the need for alleys . Alleys shall be at least twenty (20) feet wide. Alleys are minor public ways used primarily for service access to the rear or sides of properties. B. Curb Radius at Corners. Street curbs at intersections shall be rounded by radii of at least twenty (20) feet at the intersection of streets and at least five (5) feet at the intersection of a street and alley unless otherwise determined by the City Engineer or the Traffic Engineer. C. Tangents. A tangent of at least two hundred (200) feet in length shall be provided between reverse curves for com- munity or major arterials . One hundred fifty (150) feet for neighborhood collector streets and one hundred (100) feet for residential access streets are required for such tangents. -33- D. Planting Strips. Planting strips in residential subdivisions shall be not less than four (4) feet in width . E. Blocks. (1) Length. Blocks shall not be less than three hundred (300) feet nor more than one thousand (1,000) feet in length. In blocks over eight hundred (800) feet in length, the Planning Com- mission may require one (1) or more public cross walks of not less than ten (10) feet in width dedicated to the public to extend entirely across the block and at locations deemed necessary. Such cross walks shall be paved for the entire width and length with a permanent surface and shall be adequately lighted. Fences shall be provided along both sides of cross walks and shall be located on private property. (2) Width. Blocks shall be wide enough to allow two (2) tiers of lots, except where fronting on major streets or prevented by topographical conditions or size of the property, in which case the Planning Commission may approve a single tier. F. Lots. (1) Required. Lots are required in residential subdivisions only when a block is intended to be sold into more than one (1) ownership. (2) Arrangement. Insofar as practical, side lot lines shall be at right angles to street lines or radial to curved street lines. Each lot must front upon a public street or road with width of not less than that specified in Section 9-1108 , 23, A. (3) Minimum Size. The size, shape and orientation of lots shall meet the minimum area and width requirements of the applicable zoning classification and shall be appropriate for the type of development and use con- templated; provided that greater area may be required for private sewage disposal if, in the opinion of the Health Agency, there are factors of drainage, soil condition, topography or other situations to cause potential health problems. The subdivider shall sub- mit satisfactory evidence of favorable percolation rates comparable to the adopted requirements and standards of the Seattle-King County Health Department as a requisite for approval of subdivisions dependent upon septic tanks as a means of sewage disposal. (a) Lots shall not exceed more than two and one-half (21) times the width in length. (b) Lots shall not be less than eighty (80) feet in depth. . -34- (c) Lots shall not be less than sixty (60) feet in width exclusive of those areas considered as part of the front and rear yard requirement. (d) Pipestem lots may be allowed at the discretion of the Planning Department provided such lots contain the required area for the zoning classification exclusive of the area of the pipestem and provided such pipestem portion shall not exceed one hun- dred fifty (150) feet in length nor be less than twenty (20) feet in width. (4) Corner Lots. Corner lots shall be platted wider than interior lots as determined by the Planning Department. 24. Minimum Standards for Industrial Design. In the planning of a subdivision, the proposed plat shall be prepared in conformance with the following provisions: A. Streets : Widths and Lengths . The minimum right-of-way width measured from lot line to lot line shall be not less than as follows: (1) Industrial Arterials shall be at least ninety (90) feet in width. Industrial arterials are designated to carry major vehicle loads or as the main street in an industrial subdivision. (2) Industrial Collectors shall be at least eighty (80) feet in width and designated to take a moderate amount of vehicular traffic. (3) Industrial Access shall be at least sixty (60) feet in width and designated to serve industrial establishments. (4) Private Streets and Reserve Strips. There shall be no private streets in any subdivision, and every lot and block shall be served from a publicly dedicated street. There shall be no privately held or owned reserve strips paralleling or terminating street ends or otherwise controlling access to streets. (5) Alleys are prohibited. (6) Cul-de-Sacs. Cul-de-sacs are minor terminal streets designed to have one (1) end permanently closed and shall be not longer than five hundred (500) feet nor less than sixty (60) feet wide. The minimum right- of-way radius shall be seventy-five (75) feet. (7) Frontal Roads. When proposed blocks front on an arterial street or highway, the Planning Commission may require provision for a frontal road parallel to to the arterial street. Frontal roads are minor streets which provide access to abutting properties and protection from through traffic and shall be not less than sixty (60) feet in width. -35- • , B. Curb Radius at Corners. Street curbs at intersections shall be rounded by radii of at least thirty-five (35) feet. C. Planting Strips. Planting strips shall be not less than six (6) feet in width. D. Blocks. (1) Length. Blocks shall not be Less than six hundred • (600) feet or more than two thousand (2, 000) feet in length. (2) Width. Blocks shall be not less than three hundred (300) feet in width, except where fronting on major streets or prevented by topographical conditions or size of the property, in which case the Planning Commission may approve a lesser width. Blocks shall not be greater than one thousand (1,000) feet in width. E. Lots. (1) Optional. Lots are optional in industrial subdivisions. The size, shape and orientation of lots shall meet the minimum area and width requirements of the applicable zoning classification and shall be appropriate for the type of development and use contemplated. However, if lots for individual sale or lease are created, they shall conform to the following criteria: (a) Arrangement. Insofar as practical, side lot lines shall be at right angles to street lines or radial to curved street lines. (b) Lots Abut Public Street. Every lot shall abut upon a public street. (c) Pipestem Lots are prohibited. (d) Corner Lots shall be platted wider than interior lots as determined by the Planning Department. F. Railroads. If railroad tracks are to be installed in a subdivision, such tracks and their route shall be approved by the Planning Commission. The tracks shall cross a mini- mum number of blocks, lots, and streets so that the disruption of traffic is minimized. Railroad grade crossing shall con- form to the requirements of Chapter 134 of the Railroad Grade Crossing Act of 1969 , enacted by the State of Wash- ington. -36- 9-1109 : EXCEPTIONS 1. Exception Requirements. The Planning Commission may recommend to the City Council an exception from the requirements of this Ordi- nance when, in its opinion, undue hardship may be created as a result of strict compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance. In recommending any exception, the Planning Commission may pre- scribe conditions that it deems necessary to or desirable for the public interest. No exception shall;ibe recommended unless the Planning Commission finds: A. That there are special physical circumstances or conditions affecting said property such that the strict application of the provisions of this Ordinance would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use or development of his land; B. That the exception is necessary to insure such property the rights and privileges. enjoyed .by other properties in the vicinity and under similar circumstances; C. That the granting of the exception will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity. 2. Applications Required. A. Application for any exception shall be submitted in writing by the subdivider at the ttime the Preliminary Plat is sub- mitted to the Planning Department. The application shall state fully all substantiating facts and evidence pertinent to the request. b .. • -37- 9-1110 : PENALTIES 1. Any person or firm who has neglected or failed to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine not to exceed five hundred (500) dollars for each such violation, or imprisonment for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days , or both such fine and imprisonment. 2. In addition to the above, any person or firm who transfers , sells or options any land which is undergoing platting proce- dures before such plat or map has been approved by the City of Renton, and before the same has been filed for record in the offic . o the King County Department of Records and Elections or the City Cl rk shall ,upon conviction, be subject to a fine not to exceed three hundred (300) dollars for each such violation, or imprisonment for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, or both such fine and imprisonment. This provision does not apply when the original subdivider sells the entire parcel to another sub- divider. 3. The Planning Commission, Planning Department, Engineering Depart- ment or Traffic Engineering Department may initiate an action to enjoin the transfer, sale, agreement, or option by making appli- cation for an injunction in the Superior Court. The Planning Commission, Planning, Engineering or Traffic Engineering Departments may recover said penalty for the City of Renton by civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction. AA 9-1111 : LIABILITY 1 . City Not Liable. This Ordinance shall not be construed uo re- lieve from or lessen the responsibility of any person owning any land or building , constructing or modifying any subdivisio0s in the City for damages to anyone injured or damaged either in person or property by any defect therein; nor shall the City or any agent thereof be held as assuming such liability by reason ) of any preliminary or final approval or by issuance of any permits or certificates authorized herein. 9-1112 : SEVERABILITY 1. If any part or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. 9-1113 : REPEALING CERTAIN CHAPTERS OF TITLE IX 1. Chapter 1 of Title IX (Public Ways and Property) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of -General Ordinances of- the City of Renton" and any and all Ordinarr^_es in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 9-1114 : EFFECTIVE DATE 1 . This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THIS'' DAY OF �� r f� U. C��`-C,4.2, 19 7/ . Helmie e son, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS DAY OF LI �(,�r. , 19 V . 10 C( cilf?.v/1/1"/63 - Avery Garr t, ayo'r- Approved as to form: v. n / ,a , Gerafd M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: OCT 15 '971 A