HomeMy WebLinkAboutEIS Statement/Rezone Request - Chris Palzer (1975) 1 c \ May 14, 1975(4) tslq (Sr Renton City Council Renton Planning Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Gentlemen: Our Country is founded on the American Free Enterprise System.... Land has always been recognized as the basic source of all wealth. In i fact, land is the ultimate source of the vital sustenance of life itself. However, today the individual is finding it increasingly More difficult to own land without a current economic use or subsidy because of the follow• ing existing conditions: Rapidly, the bulk of rights, within the bundle of rights of ownership are being hazed by adverse condemnation.... Taxes, assessments, and other charges against the land are skyrocketing while Government agencys are EXPROPRIATING WITHOUT RECOMPENSE .most of its uses and benefits and, in some instances, nothing remains except its bare existence. . .. Man's territorial imperative is being acerbated by Government regu- lations, restrictions and controls .In fact, our. Constitutional rights of land ownership are being aberrated by Government evasion and Judicial aversion while the dignity of Justice is being extorted' Besieged by the theory that "Nobody can fight City Hall and win", the ownership of land is now plagued and abjured. The Declaration of Independence affirms that all men have been endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights....The Charter of Human Rights of the United Nations simply states that these rights have been endowed upon man--•presumably by the undisciplined collaboration of matter and force without discretion. With the degenerate use of power by those we have placed in authority, it is no wonder that our rights are being abated. The primary and unrelenting heartbeat of man dictates his survival . There must be room to grow and develop ethically. War after war has been fought since the beginning of civillation over the rights of domain. Every Government formed since the beginning of civilization "Failed" when, they attempted to usurp dictatorial powers over human survival and ethics. Facism 1s alorm of government that denotes the illusion of private pro- perty rights by citizens when in reality the government controls the use and disposal of all property. In Nazi Germany they called this National Socialism. A r To: Renton City Council -2- May 14, 1975 Renton Planning Department Compare the above with the following example: On December 16, 1965, purchased ten acres of prime, well drained land on South 153rd Avenue between Longacres Race Tract and the Metro Industrial Park for the benefits of my five children. I intended to develop it as a Hobile Home Park with the hopes of generating enough profit to send my children through College. In February, 1966, I went to the Planning Commission and they thought It was a good idea. When I went to make application, they said that Is was no use because there was some talk about a Sewer District being formed and they didn't as yet know where the pipe would go so they would not , approve the Mobile Home Park. Shortly thereafter, I was served with notice that Metro intended to build a sewer line through my property so I was confronted with a Law Suit involving Condemnation of Right of Way. I settled this Law Suit by granting an casement over the West side of my property and proceeded to secure a purchaser for my property. I located a large Dairy which was interested in purchasing my property for $352,000.00. However, that fell through because the Planning Commission said there were plans to put In a drainage ditch and they didn' t know where it would end up. Shortly thereafter, in June, 1967, King County sent me"a letter asking for a Right of Way Entry for survey regarding a Flood Control Project. I denied them the right of entry. However, they went upon my land anyway without permission and surveyed for the drainage ditch. I was dismayed at what was happening so on December, 10, 1968, I sold the property to Thomas and Dixie Dargon for $450,000 with $50,000 down. Thomas Dargan, who was then the Station Manager for King TV, Channel 5, Seattle, had an associate who was going to develop the property. They had substantial users that were willing to enter into long term leases of the developed property. On December 24, 1968, the County informed Thomas Dargan they intended to condemn the property as a holding pond and ditch for a drainage system. In January, 1969, I had the property appraised by Sherwood and Roberts. Their MA1 . Mr. Charles Williams appraised it at $500,000.00. In June, 1969, the King County Right of Way agent negotiated a selling price to the County of $375,000 which was agreed upon by the Dargans and myself. In August, 1969, the County informed us that they didn't have the money to pay us and that they were putting a bond before the voters. 'The Bond failed. • • To: Renton City Council -3- May 14, 1975 Renton Planning Department The County then Informed us they were again putting a Forward Thrust Bond before the voters and requested we be patient. We were and the Bond failed. Shortly thereafter the Federal Government passed the Environmental Protection Act. The County said they needed an Environmental Impact Statement and to please be patient. April 7, 1971, I received a letter from the County where they were requesting funds for the Fiscal year 1972 (July 1, 1971 - July 1, 1972) Carbon copies were sent to: Governor Daniel J. Evans U.S. Senator Warren Magnuson U.S. Senator Henry M. Jackson U.S. Senator Mike Gravel (Alaska) U.S. Senator Ted Stevens (Alaska) John Spellman, King County Executive Kenneth E. Grant, SCS, 'Washington, D.C. In the mean time, the Dargans moved to Portland where Thomas Dargan took a Job as Station Manager of Channel 2. He informed me he could not keep up the payments and save me a Quit Claim Deed. Being a member of the news media he felt it may serve to the disadvantage of the Station to get publicity out- side the norm of his profession. In March, 1972, the Renton Urban area revised the Comprehensive Plan which is still in effect. On April 2, 1975, I attended and spoke to the Renton Planning Commission and received their concurrence regarding making a Re-zone Application in compliance to the present Comprehensive Plan. On April 23, 1975, I made application for re-zone in strict compliance with the current Comprehensive Plan and paid the necessary fees (charges) . On May, 14, 1975, I received a letter from the Planning Department (letter attached) requiring me to go into a Tenthly Environmental Impact Assessment. In the moan time, taxes have gone from $728.51 in 1969 to $3,982.50 in 1975. (a copy attached) Whht was intended to be a wise investment for my five children has turned into a nightmare. Ladies and Gentlemen: Tell me? Does this make sense? Is this the America you really want? P.S. If we are to salvage Sincerely, what is left of our free enterprise system we need less government involvement. Chris Palzer 31845 Pacific Highway South Federal Way, Washington 98002 _ • o -'211 Ale i THE, CITY OF RFNTUN i' MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO RENTON. WASH. 98055 . pQ AVERY GARRETT MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT °4 Q4( 2 3 5 - 2550 • gl1-O SEPZF� . May 12 , i975 Mr . Chris Palzer post Office Box 5226 Redondo Beach , Wash ' r. gtor 98054 • . RE : Environmental Impact Assessment for Proposed Rezone from G to H-1 ( Heavy Industry) and M-P (Manufacturing Park ) i' Dear Mr . Palzer : We have reviewed your application to rezone the property south of S . W . 16th Street between Longacres Racetrack and Springbrook Creek from G to H-1 and M-P . Due to the character- istics of the site , possible uses in an H-1 zone , and pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act , the rezone application ' cannot be properly reviewed by this Department or the Planning Commission without further information in the form of a detail - ed Environmental Assessment . This assessment will be used in further determining the environmental significance of the pro- - posed action and the need for an • Environmental Impact Statement . , i Some of the specific concerns that prompted the necessity of an assessment , and that must be properly addressed include : 1 . The impacts of heavy industrial uses on Spring- brook Creek , the Green River , the proposed P.-1 Channel , and general hydrology of the area . 2 . The impacts of heavy industrial uses on adjacent properties , i . e . , Longacres recreational /business use to the west , the proposed Group Health head- quarters to the east , and the light industrial • uses to the north . 1 ' 3 . The potential degradation of the air quality in the Valley area that heavy industry uses could cause . K'r Mr . Chris Palzer May 62 s 1975 Page Two c • 4 . The potential noise impacts . • 05 . The potential traffic impacts . c 0 6 . 'The potential visual impacts and various other c potential environmental impacts . • 0 C o The Planning Commission will review your application after the detailed Environmental Assessment is reviewed and a final determination of environmental significance is reached • by this Department pursuant to State law . We are enclosi,ne for your information a proposed outline for a draft Environmental Impact Statement that should be helpful in preparing the detailed assessment . 0 If you have any further questions or would like to meet with us , please contact this Department . C Very truly yours , Gordon Y . Ericksen ` Planning Director Michael L . Smith Assistant Planner Enclosure • c MLS :ms • • • • • 1 KING COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON ! 1975 REAL ESTATE TAX STATEMENT OF ALL STATE. COUNTY, MUNICIPAL. SCHOOL AND ROAD TAXES. NAME AND ADDRESS ACCO-UNT NUMBER 1975 FULL TAX • g j42019A PALLFR- Ct1 I S 242304-9022-06 3 .771 .P„? 4 Ia _ PC R�)X 5226 II 1975 HALF TAX iRED0N09 WA 98354 __ _ _ _ li.L1fi5.90 9 • fi PLEASE ' TAX AMOUNT DELINQUENT INTEREST READ v EAR a +, ADDITIONAL 74 2 , 546 . 25 04— F • m INSTRUC- ? 73 3 ,982. 50 9 3— F t 3 TIONS ON LEGAL DESCRIPTION 72 683 .92 9 2— G • •I E REVERSE COT — BLOCK CODE— SEC- TWP RG 71 C I�f'.C 7 — F SIDE OF 24-23-04 9022 �21 10 4j 2 T 04 70 .806 .76 50— F THIS NE 1/4 ^F Sr 1/4 LE - S P� '. �E77 — — — —I — —__— TOTAL C _J,-F�. 1�} Q{i l�' I( jj�Gt��,,/ ADD TOTAL AMOUNT-- ` TOTAL INTEREST t 1L1 f� (IU�I U\VUII \N\ II\I' V J'/ - L---`- -- 7Rr LL�� ,n ARE YOUR LAND VALUE TOTAL VALUE 100,0 GROSS GENERAL TAX NET GENERAL TAX LEVY HATE AREFRTr 1r"5t4'-)0 1.56, 600I 3, 758. 24 ? , 7 . 24 2i.9991 FROPERTr ASSESS I'.Lt BUILDING VALUE f�n TAXABLE VALUE 1 LESS EXF MPTION DVS i. DRAINL1 E lAX FIRE rAx VALUES I TAX 1 , 200 156 A0C• 11 YOUR TAX I STATE PORT I CITY SCHOOL UIST ? LIBRAFiti- Ocum ... f.01s.1)7 -.__ - -- _f,�. _-_ -- -" -_--Cif 1._-T,, - --'1 " n, .-.. - r-.I . ..-.I - . .. 6 MAIL BOTH COPIES OF STATEMENT WITH CHECK PAYABLE TO 1969 FIRST HALF MUST BE PAID BY APRIL 30, M. J. R. WILLIAMS 7 OR ENTIRE TAX BECOMES DELINQUENT. KING COUNTY TREASURER REAL ESTATE TAX STATEMENT SECOND HALF DELINQUENT AFTER OCT. 31. KING COUNT COURTHOUSE KING COUNTY-STATE OF WASHINGTON TAX UNDER $10.00 MUST BE PAID IN FULL. sEATTI E. vigsH. 10e104 OF ALL STATE, COUNTY. MUNICIPAL. SCHOOL AND ROAD TAXES DELINQUENT TAX RATE 8%) PER ANNUM LAND BUILDING TOTAL LEVY RATE GENERAL TAX T SPECIAL TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER STATE COUNTY _1 to S0 , 27(` 77 .455� 7?` . 71 1 2 . 80 2421C4-9C27-06 - __ 1969 lil YOUR TAX DOLLARS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO THE FOLLOWING TAX DISTRICTS: - - PORT SCHOOL DISTRICT FULL FULL TAX O 33.73 ?7f1. 4F� 4C3 CHECK BOX TO INDICATE 728.51 _9 W 93. 58 __ In?.f. I - FULL OR HALF PAYMENT HALF HALF TAX CFTY OR ROAD AND LIBRf=F.Y FIRE DISTRICT SEWER AND WATER OTHER ---� — •p 150 . 39 0.(:CI ? C7 — -- 3E4. ?6 0 .0() OMITTED OR DELINQUE1iIT TAX F4ALF4.4W NAME AND ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION NOT INCLUDED IN ABOVE TAX OR W OMIT RrJLI_ — ULL E z - LOT BLOCK 7 CODE TSEC.TTWPT RG - YEAR YEAR TAA AMOUNT — INTEREST -' N PCt I PA17FP CHRIS 24-23—C4 (lc?? C760 24 23 04 71E- —740+ —__f_ LL PC RCY R096 • NF 1/4 CF SF 1/4 LFSS FC:R 10 ANCHfRAO,F AK 99501 PLATTEC AS FAf:%I I'.CTF_N CAPn(-"1 AnC —___ '— k 1 _j 4— — -- J ,'X• '4 - PLEASE PRINT IN CHANGE OF NOTICE TAXPAYER AND ADDRESS BELOW —" 4'). i p NAME ADDRESS ._ ZIP TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL INTEREST CITY+ STATE GORE DATE OF CHANGE