HomeMy WebLinkAboutCondominium Conversions (1980) i71,c V `Delta Financial Services es\v515.7, �'` 0Sto ``O3Ai o NOTICE OF FILING O) 140'1531 ry 00 N Conversion of Condominium Declaration \46.2, , `a6��n� �,� City of Renton, Washington i, L�1, 111C 1 This notice is being filed to fulfill the requirements of Ordinance No. 3366,Section 4(b) as adopted by the City of Renton QSS on October 15, 1979. Austin L. Wolff and Margaret M. Wolff as owners and Delta Financial Services as managers hereby gives notice that on Monday, June 22, 1981 the Articles of Condominium Declaration for the Honeydew Too apartment complex were filed with the King County Auditor's Office and are referenced under Auditor's File No. 8106220570. Also filed were Exhibits and Survey Maps under Auditor's File No. 8106220569. Honeydew Too is located at 4455 N.E. Sunset Blvd. , in the City of Renton and contains 120 residential units together with ancillary buildings, recreational and parking facilities. The principals , owners and managers of the project who can be contacted for further detailed information are as follows : Owners: Austin L. Wolff and Margaret M. Wolff Managers: Delta Financial Services, 4311 N.E. Sunset Blvd. , Renton 98056 Filed this date at the request of Ronald T. Jepson, P. E.L.S. , Project Engineer, June 29, 1981 Ai0);440' ;7- - 6. L.s Ronald T. Jepson P. L.S. Project Engineer' 4311 NE Sunset Boulevard Renton, Washington 98055 Telephone (206) 226-8300 • 454-0700 • LAW OFFICES OF WM.H FERGUSON C.DAVID SHEPPARD Ferguson6 buiadell CHARLES S.BURDELL (1973) JAMESOMAS FERGUSON SCOTT B.OSBORNE WM.WESSELH DEFT E.HURT DAVID N.LOMBARD DONALD MCI-.DAVIDSON WILLIAM D.STITES ANDREW L.SYMONS 1700 PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK BUILDING EDWARD HILPERT,JR. BRUCE P.BABBITT MICHAEL MCCORMACK THOMAS J.GREENAN E.P.SWAIN,JR. SHAWN OTOROWSKI SeaIlle,Washinglon 98171 HENRY W.DEAN CHRISTOPHER KANE TELEPHONE(206)622-I 7 I WILLIAM B.MOORE HENRY C.JAMESON TELECOPIER(206)682-6078 I October 21, 1980 Mr. James C. Hanson Assistant Building Supervisor Public Works Department Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue So. Renton, WA 98055 Re: Final Condominium Conversion Inspection Misty Cove Condominiums 5021 Ripley Lane North Dear Mr. Hanson: Misty Cove, Inc. , the purchaser from Lakeside Associates, has executed the Affidavit of Compliance forwarded with your letter of September 25th, which I have enclosed. Thank you. Sincerely yours_, FERGUSpN & BURDELL B : Herir W. can Y Y HWD/srn Enclosure cc: Mr. Peter Douglas cc: Mr. Thomas Curran cc: Ms. Kate Reilly c - AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) LEWIS W. DOUGLAS , JR. , being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says : I am the ( ) (or (Developer) President of the developer) in a request for an (position) inspection of a converted condominium or cooperative pursuant to Section 5 of Ordinance No. 3366 of the City of Renton . I am authorized on behalf of the developer to make this certification. I hereby certify that the developer has fully complied with the provisions of Ordinance No . 3366 , of the City of Renton, and in particular that the developer has fully completed the following actions : 1 . Mailed Notice of Condominium Declaration required to be filed pursuant to RCW 64 . 32 to all existing tenants in the converted building within seven (7) days of the filing of such Declaration. 2 . Filed Notice of such Declaration with the City Clerk within seven (7) days of filing of such Declaration. Arranged a meeting between the developer and the tenants in the converted building at a place and time convenient to the tenants to discuss the effect that the conversion will have upon the tenants , and at such meeting delivered to the tenants the notices and disclosure documents required to be delivered pursuant to Section 5 (7) of the ordinance . -1- 3 . Not less than 120 days prior to the public offering for sale of any units in the converted building, delivered notice to the tenants in the manner required by the ordinance of the developer' s intent to sell units in the converted building, including the specific units to be sold and the price thereof pursuant to Section 4(2) of the ordinance . Delivered to the existing tenants of the building a copy of the inspection report and certificate of compliance issued pursuant to Section 5 (1) , a notice of tenant' s rights under the ordinance pursuant to Section 4 (2) , and a firm offer to sell the unit occupied by any tenant for a period of 120 days pursuant to Section 4 (3) . 4 . Delivered to any subtenant a thirty day offer to purchase the unit in the case that the tenant rejected the developer' s offer pursuant to Section 4(5) . 5 . Delivered to all other tenants in the converted building notice of the availability for sale of any unit for which the developer' s offer was rejected by both the tenant and the subtenant, pursuant to Section 4 (6) of the ordinance . 6 . Delivered to all prospective purchasers at least three (3) days prior to the execution of a binding purchase agreement, the following documents : a. Copy of Inspection Report and Certificate of Compliance pursuant to Section 5 (1) of the Ordinance . b . Copy of documents filed pursuant to RCW 64 . 32 pursuant to Section 5 (3) (1) . -2- c . An itemization of specific repairs and improvements made to the entire building during the six months immediately preceeding the sale pursuant to Section 5 (3) (2) of the ordinance . d. An itemization of repairs and improvements to be completed by the developer before the close of the gale pursuant to Section 5 (3) (3) . e . A statement of services previously paid by the developer which will in the future be terminated or transferred to the owner's association pursuant to Section 5 (3) (4) . f. An accurate estimate of the useful life of the building' s major components and mechanical systems and an estimate of the cost of repair of any component whose useful life will terminate less than five (5) years from the date of disclosure pursuant to Section 5 (3) (5) of the ordinance . g. An itemized statement of the estimated costs of owning the unit including the information specified in Section 5 (3) of the ordinance . 7 . The developer certifies that during the 120 days period immediately preceeding the sale of any unit in the converted building, that the developer , or its predecessor in interest , has not evicted any tenant in the specific unit under offer of sale without good cause as set forth in Section 4 (8) of the ordinance . 8 . The developer certifies that the developer has retained proof of service or other appropriate proof of receipt of the notices , documents and disclosure instruments required to be -3- served or delivered upon the tenants and/or purchasers and/or other parties by the terms of the ordinance , which proof of service the developer agrees to deliver to the Building Department upon request . 9 . This Affidavit of Compliance is made by the developer with the intention that the City of Renton and its Building Department rely thereon in the issuance of its Certification of Repairs . The developer specifically agrees to hold the City of Renton, its employees and agents , harmless from any and all responsibility, claims or suits , including cost of defense of such suits on the basis of the accuracy of the representations made by the developer in this Affidavit of Compliance which is made for the purpose of inducing the City to issue its Certification of pairs . J / 7 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 20th day of October , 1980 . (172 kJeL,0 L42 Notary Public in an for the State of Washington, residing ate- -4- 4Z-AtkL-foeet,. Renton City Council 2/25/80 Page 4 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee Committee Report report recommending first reading of an ordinance changing zoning First Reading classification from G to B-1 property located northeast corner O'Neil Rezone of Sunset Blvd. NE and Duvall NE, known as the Shannon O'Neil R-456-79 Rezone. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Sewer Connection Committee Chairman Clymer reported the Code dealing with connec- Ordinance tion to the Public Sewer System was awaiting report from the Utilities Committee and the ordinance was removed from the Ways and Means Committee pending future referral . Resolution #2318 The Ways and Means Committee recommended reading and adoption Fund Transfer of a resolution for transfer of $9,018.40 for payment of remain- Glenco ing balance on purchase of the Glenco Park property. Following reading, MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND SECOND STREDICKE, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda is adopted by one motion which follows the items included: Banking Six bids were received at 2/25/80 bid opening City of Renton Services Banking Services. See attached tabulation. Refer to Finance Department and Ways and Means Committee. Demand Bank Finance Director Gwen Marshall requests new Demand Bank Deposit Deposit Agreement and reported bids were opened 2/15/80 (see attached Agreement banking services bids) , noting Peoples Bank of Washington is again low bidder and recommended awarding bid with Alternate A to Peoples Bank. The letter noted the Demand Bank Deposit system has been beneficial and resulted in cost savings and flexibility in the City 's investment operation. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for necessary documents. Final Payment Letter from Public Works Department requested final acceptance LID #302 as of 12/15/79 LID #302 Lind Ave. SW, Contract B, Coluccio Construction Co. , Seattle. Release of retained amount of $225,707.86 recommended if after 30 days required conditions have been fulfilled. Concur. Notice Letter from Ferguson and Burdell , Seattle, gave notice of of Condominium condominium conversion of the Misty Cove Apartments, 5021 Conversion Ripley Lane North, Renton. Refer to Building Division of the Public Works Department and for information. (First Condominium Conversion Notice filed under Ordinance #3366. ) Water Project Call for bids Water Project #562, bid opening 2/15/80, 15 bids Linear Park received. See attached tabulation. Water main construction Burnett Ave. S. from S. 7th to S. 4th (Linear Park) . Refer to Utilities Committee and Public Works Department. Travel Mayor Shinpoch requested travel authorization for Michael Parness Mayor's Administrative Assistant , to the 1980 National League of Cities Conference in Washington, D.C. 3/16-18/80. Concur. Appointment Mayor Shinpoch appointed Marcia Holland to the Board of Ethics representing the Renton School District Board of Directors, replacing Robert Hoffman who has resigned from the District 's Board. Mrs. Holland will complete Dr. Hoffman 's term which expires 12/31/80. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Appointment Mayor Shinpoch appointted Connie Tajon to the Municipal Arts Commission for a three-year term effective through 12/31/82. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Appointment Mayor Shinpoch appointted Brooke Fryburg to the position of Police Clerk effective 3/1/80 subject to customary six-month probationary period, having been certified by Civil Service. Concur. Renton City Council 2/25/80 Page 3 AUDIENCE COMMENT - Continued Renton Area in the RAYS 1980 Budget. The organization has received $10,000 Youth Services population funds and requested $5,000 from the City for 1980 Funds explaining that the King County Budget office has continually Continued mandated Youth Service Bureaus who serve a municipality show budget support from their city jurisdictions. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND REED, REFER MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Shane submitted committee report Committee Report recommending that the Kennydale and Honeydew Interceptor Sewer Kennydale Ordinance be approved as presented. Discussion ensued. The Honeydew Sewer increase of area services from lC adding 3c ; removal of construction Interceptor financing (revenue bonds) because of possibility of raising the water and sewer rates throughout the City to guarantee the revenue bonds was discussed. Councilman Stredicke inquired for record if Councilman Shane or family had substantial land holdings in subject area. Councilman Shane volunteered the information that he had no interest in any property in that drainage basin, nor did his children. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, TO REFER ORDINANCE TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. Councilman Clymer asked financial impact report be presented. CARRIED. Kefer Short Plat The Utilities Committee report approved a latecomer's agreement LCAG Continued as presented for the Kefer Short Plat. Due to request for renewed information, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONTINUE THE MATTER FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented committee Committee Report report regarding sale of controlling interest in OK Cab Inc. Sale of OK Cab as referred 2/11/80. The report stated Doretha Rood, President, OK Cab has requested matter be withdrawn from Council considera- tion as Mr. Reinhardt is unable to obtain necessary financing. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND BY ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented report recom- Committee Report mending that the ordinance creating the Board of Public Works Board of Public (referred 3/6/78) be referred to the Administration for recom- Works mendation. MOVED BY SYREDICKE, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR. CARRIED. Benefits The report recommended that the benefits for uniformed manage- Uniformed ment personnel (referred 1/3/80) be referred to the Committee Management of the Whole for consideration, including Mayor's letter of 2/20/80. MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND STREDICKE, CONCUR. CARRIED. Solid Waste The committee recommended that the 1/21/80 referral for solid Disposal Rates waste disposal rate increase be referred to the Committee of the Whole for consideration. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND ROCKHILL, REFER MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Councilman Stredicke requested impact of total amount of proposed increase plus costs for collection. CARRIED. Ordinance Report from the Ways and Means Committee recommended that the Revision Request request for ordinance revision from Human Rights and Affairs Human Rights Commission to meet quarterly rather than monthly, be denied and the Commission continue to meet as statalin City Code, further that a full progress report be submitted by the Commission to the Council in six months. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Voucher Approval The Ways and Means Committee recommended approval for payment of Vouchers No. 27052 through No. 27253 in the amount of $437,662.54 having received departmental certification; plus LID #302 Revenue Warrant R-52 $3,501 .51 and Cash Warrant C-124 in amount of $3,501 .51 . Machine Voids #27048 through 27051 . MOVED BY ROCKHILL, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. Use By City Clerk's Office On jy n. , . # • AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING SUBMITTING Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. City Clerks Office For Agenda Of February 25, 1980 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact Del Mead (Name) Agenda Status: SUBJECT: Condominium Conversion - Misty Cove Consent XXXX Apartments Public Hearing Correspondence Ordinance/Resolution Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc. )Attached New Business Study Session A. --- Other B. C. Approval : Legal Dept. Yes No X N/A COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: For Finance Dept. Yes No.X N/A information only Other Clearance FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required $ Amount $ Appropriation- $ Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) Letter only from S.B. Osborne, Attorney, Notice of Condominium Conversion of Misty Cove Apartments dated February 14, 1980. This is the first condo conversion since the adoption of a city ordinance. PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: 1 LAW OFFICES OFi'' WM.H FERGUSON C.DAVID SHEPPARD HENRY C.JAMESON 1. perguson 6 13u>adell CHARLES S.BURDELL 0973)WM.WESSELHOEFT JAM ES JAMESOMAS FERGUSON SCOTT B.OSBORNE E.HURT DAVID N.LOMBARD it DONALD McL.DAVIDSON WILLIAM D.STITES ANDREW L.SYMONS 1700 PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK BUILDING EDWARD HILPERT,JR. BRUCE P.BABBITT J.J.LEARY,JR. THOMAS J.GREENAN E.P.SWAIN,J R. MICHAEL M.CORMACK Sedille,Washin91on 98171 HENRY W.DEAN CHRISTOPHER KANE SHAWN OTOROWSKI TELEPHONE(206)622-17 II WILLIAM B.MOORE , TELECOPIER(206)682-6078 1 February 14, 1980 Office of the City Clerk 1 4 v-;:2v City of Renton FED 1980 Municipal Building co RECEIVED �'1 R 200 Mill Avenue South r- Renton, Washington 98055 `° CITY of RENTON f v' �Z' CLERK'S OFFICE,'A,., 1 Re: Notice of Condominium Conversion c�i K{Ct7�6?� ,'=' Misty Cove Apartments 5021 Ripley Lane North Renton, Washington 98055 Gentlemen: This letter is to provide you notice, in accordance with Renton City Ordinance No. 3366, Section 4 (1) (b) , of the - - - - ---- „_-- -.- lium Declaration. In he following additional NEED COPIES TO: SENT V CITY ATTORNEY' S OFFICE X uary 11 , 1980 RECORD CHRONICLE (PRESS) 110591 - Survey Map & Plans 110592 - Declaration MAYOR' S OFFICE �/ 1 County Department of /\ !cords and Elections CITY COUNCIL V FINANCE DEPARTMENT - - Ripley Lane North L3CI i L D) n :on, Washington HEARING EXAMINER _..7'`-pi PLANNING PLANNING DEPARTMENT . r r" PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ty Cove, Inc. PARK DEPARTMENT 0 Peoples National Bank Building ttle, Washington 98171 PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT n: S. B. Osborne -1711 POLICE DEPARTMENT k_ c ( Office of the City Clerk City of Renton February 14, 1980 Page Two Name and Address of Owners & Managers Building Manager (continued) Lee Albright 17112 N.E. 45th Redmond, Washington 98052 885-4811 Residential Manager Jon Scalf 5021 Ripley Lane North #301 Renton, Washington 98055 226-5757 If you have any questions or require further information, please A call me. Very truly yours, FERGUSON & BURDELL • _- Ili By: S. B. Osborne SBO:mel If