HomeMy WebLinkAboutGlacier Park Industrial Park - Landfill (1973) 02A2-41- : AteXA:A- (,;Add, di-L- S4(1 MI Renton City Council M to 12/10/73 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued O.Le Storage area dnainz subsutLaceLy to both the Green. and Cedar. Rives Continued as weft ao Lake Washing-ton and Puget Sound. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COPY OF THIS LETTER BE FORWARDED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. CARRIED. Rezone App.e. R-735-73 Letter. Lnom PLanng D-cttectot Etri.eFzsen nepotrted the Harming Chattez B. Guy Commisb-.on has co, ,p.eeted nev.iew o L the Ch Ares B. Guy apptication Area oL Grady Way Lou rezone Lnom G to L-.f oL property Located at 404 S.W. Grady Way oL 68/1.00 acne undeveloped and proposed Lott storage oL nectceat,Lonae vehicles, being Light Industtriae on ManuLactwu:ng Park on the Comptehervsive Land Use P.&ut. The £et-tett tepouted the applicant submitted neattLctLve covenantz with neLettence to setbacks and £a.nds caping and that Lolowing Pub.e is Heating the PP.anning Commission recommended that the rezone Lrom G to L-1 be approved. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. P!anru.ng Ditr.ectot Et icksen showed .the area on display map and upon .inquitty oL Councilman Grant reported attea oL rezone not within 200 Leet oL proposed P-1 channel. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, CITY ACCEPT RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS FILED WITH THIS REQUEST FOR REZONE. Coune%eman Petty asked to be nc-t -ied upon necondJng oL covenants, 13 adoption oL rezone ordinance pending upon same. Councilman Gtrcnt .inouitted to kat, E'tLcizsen advising property had been LiWeed. CARRIED. Green Rivet Vattey Letter Lnom Planning D,itr.ecton Eu .cksen asked conzidetation oL Land Litt/Rezone Planning Commission tecommendat.ion that the City Council pass Moratotu.um Asked an ordinance ptohib.iting any bitting and deceane a monatonlam on rezone in the Green Riven Valley area Lot a petuod oL one yeast to at-tow time Lou tev.Lew o L -the Comptceheno.Lve Plan in that atcea, especi.a ey -Ln relation to the City Council neLevraes re emitation eii e tank atonage LacLe itie and p-ipeine request. Proposed motion by Sttredi.eke, seconded by Gttant, Lott Council concux'tence in Planning Commizzion tecomme.ndatLon, was superseded by MOTION BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER RECOMMENDA- TION TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Upon Counc e .inqui ty, City Attorney Shet an advised sound seasons Lon monatoAium needed, boundakiez need to be out fined oL atcea to be -included and a detehminati.on a,s to inclusion oL industtu.at and/or tes-i.dentLae property. Counc%eman Grant uepotte.d mining and gktd fling ordinance tepotrt was Lonthcom.Lng. MOTION CARRIED. RIBCJ Meeting Lettett Lrom Mr. Jean DeSpain, Chairman, Rivet Batoin CoondGi.natLng to Drainage and Committee invited the City Council and City StaLL to attend a Flood Problems Rivet Bazin Coordinating Committee (RISCO) meeting .in Council Chambevz 9:00 a.m. December 18, to duscussviews and sugge6t.Lorvs oL the South King County commur tie as they ne..ate to artea panning Lon dtuu.nage and good problems. ; AUDIENCE COMMENT Mt. &Luce Hu.ee commended the Mayot and City Council on coopeta- tion with Renton businesmen and the redevelopment oL the City Mn.. Bruce Huehe center.. Mt. Robert Boyd Mt. Robert Boyd, Ass i. tant Manager o; the Butti ngton No't.the'rn and Butr,Qington Notrthetn Glacier Pattk Co., quetioned advisabit ty oL placing motr,%totuum Glacier. Park Co. on excavation and Land L-,el in the Vattey area, ctaimi.ng same �I! wowed be hatunjue to plans and ptogtess oL plt to 40-50 acne Excavation neat patrcee on Eaz.t Vculke.y Rd., having King County examines n.ecommenda- Benzon 8 Catvt Rds. tion that project be completed in put yeast petr i.od with estora- Lot Valley Land F.iI Lion Lo!lowing, and having City approval, being in accordance with Ccmptehensive PQan adopted by the City. Mt. Boyd asked that is pro f ect be completed without distuption. APPOINTMENTS Letter, Lrom Mayo7. Gax.e-tt appointed Mt. Ua.vty Haight, 7724 Sou h Mt. Havty Haight Sunnyctcet Rd., Seattle to the Baand oL Ethics Lon a Louts-year Board oL Ethicz term expiring Decembez. 31, 1977, ass a membet oL the Renton Chamber oL Commerce replacing Mn.. F.eoyd Hughes Sr. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, APPOINTMENT BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 10 , 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P. M. Council. Chamber MINUTES FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Gatt.ett, presiding, Zed the Pledge o,6 AZteg-lance and CALL TO ORDER ea ted the Meeting o f the Renton C.i to Council to Order. ROLL CALL EARL CLYMER, Council Prezident, HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES OF COUNCIL DELAURENTI, GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE AND WILLIAM J. GRANT. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayon; DEL MEAD, City C.letk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance IN ATTENDANCE Dite.ecton; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; JACK LYNCH, Admin.itottative Azz.vs.tant: WARREN GONNASON, PubZic Worizz D-itt.ector; GORDON ERICKSEN, P,lann..ng Di t.ector; KENNETH WHITE, Petvsonnel Ditecton; HUGH DARBY, Pot Lee Ch.ied; RICHARD GEISLER, AZ)st. Fine Ch.Led; VIC TeGANTVOORT, S.ttt.ee.t Supt.; WES CREWS, Acting Building D.itt.ecton; VERN CHURCH, Putccha4Ji.ng Agent. MINUTES FOR MOVEZ? BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL MINUTES OF DECEMBER 3, APPROVAL 1973, BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. INTRODUCTIONS Former City Councilman St.uce Hut e wa3 inthodueed by Mayon G ttett. VOUCHERS FOR APPROVAL Finance and Petttoonnel Committee Cha.ittman Schettent prevented 9855 - 9999 and committee recommendation fc+n naument o6 Vau ov ehen2 N . 009 thtcough 0001 - 0008 Machine 0110 in the amount od $98,715. 30 (Vouc etz No. 9855 - 9999 and Voided 0001 - 0008 Machine voided) , having received depatttmental ceetti- #0009 - #0110 .6Lca i.on ,that mekchanduse and/or venv.icea have been received or rendered. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL AUTHOR- IZE VOUCHERS FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND Legiztttion Committee Chai'unan Petty presented committee necommenda- RESOLUTIONS -tiJon -that the Budget Ordinance be ne-adopted. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND ORDINANCE BE PLACED BEFORE THE COUNCIL AT THIS TIME. CARRIED. City C.lehh. Mead read Ordinance 2814 adopting an annual Budget on the City don the Year 1974, re/lect-ng ,total 1974 Budget as $14, 276,494 Ordinance No. 2814 with total. ordinary expend%turev a5 $.14,276,494, Receiptz 6rom Reai6itming Adoption vourcev o-ther than taxation $8,892, 805, Surp.luto eat tied oveh o. CA.ty'v 1974 $2,985,965 and -to-tat to be ravzed by taxation a.. $2, 397, 724, !Cat- Budget ing .6undd by -total. Upon inquiry dnom Counc 1man Sttt.edi.efze, City Cter1z Mead exptaine_d ne-adoption nece4datcy .to eond.vtm 4-.gurev ass not enough time available dwt.Lng necevv at the Budget Heating don machine computation od changes. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADOPT BUDGET AS AMENDED, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Fottow-ing neadLng by the C.eetch., it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. CARRIED. Roll. eael showed SIX COUNCILMEN VOTING AFFIRMATIVELY AND STREDICKE VOTING NO. MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter prom King County Record and Elections Manager, Mn.. Nonwand J. Stookz, eett tidied November 6, 1973 Genett.ae. E-.ection having Celt iiieati.on been duly eanvazved by the King County Canvasving Board od Election 11/6/73 E.lectLon Retwtnv on November 21, 1973 vhow.ing the ,total vote ate 7, 753 and the bottow-ing dour year .tenmv : Council Po,5 t%on No. 1 Council, Pod-I Lion No. 2 Ken Bruce 3, 387 Elected Ecvtl. Clymer 3, 346 E.lectec Barbara S. Laiy 2, 822 Sven A. Johnvon 2,496 Pov-ition No. 3 (Red) Chances J. De2autenti 3,667 Etec ted Thomas Tn,imm 2,478 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THOSE OFFICIALS ELECTED BE CONGRATULATED. CARRIED. Oit Storage Le t.tet 6tom My. Beth Brennen, Legiztati.ve Chaihman, Lake wat6ru.ng-ton Facititiez n Branch, Amen Lcan Avvoci.ation o6 Uni,vet zity Women urged the City Green RR.ivett.�Va tey re6ube Shed Oil and other o t eompanyv" requetsts Got oil v.tonage Lac titiet6 in the Green Rivets Valley, d-tating eoneettns od vatt,iou4 agencies dot placing o6 ".tanfz Lattmt," in -the alluvium void ab the t/(2_ Aar c? „0,44,e, Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 3 - July 16, 1973 AUDIENCE COMMENT (Continued) Sign Code SERVICES COMMITTEE. Upon inquiry, Acting Building Director Wes Crew s stated that letters had been sent to all businesses with signs not conforming to the Code. About four years ago Public Hearings were held which were attended by sign owners, sign manufacturers and other people interested and the present sign code was enacted in September, 1969. All nonconforming signs which have a replacement value of over $500 were given four years to be brought up to standards or removed. Councilman Stredicke suggested that if the people in the real estate business want to get together and meet with Council Committee, that the Chairman of the Committee would let Mr. Boyer know of the meeting. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Tom Teasdale Mr. Teasdale commented that he had also received a letter pertaining 124 Williams S. to a pole sign at his place of business which overhangs the street about two feet. Voucher Approval Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended payment of Warrants 6723 through 6930 in the amount of $109,038.98 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. It includes Warrant 6771 for services payable to Shepard Ambulance. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED DELAURENTI THAT COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT AS RECOMMENDED. Councilmen Perry, Bruce and Stredicke questioned the payment for Warrant 6771 to Shepard Ambulance. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO AMEND THE MOTION TO REMOVE WARRANT 6771 FOR FURTHER REVIEW. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER THE MATTER OF PAYMENT OF SHEPARD AMBULANCE TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK. MOTION CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL RECESS FOR TEN MINUTES. MOTION CARRIED. Council reconvened at 9:30 P.M. Roll Call showed all Councilmen present except Councilmen Clymer and Bruce, who appeared :;:1o1cly afterwards. ` APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett was read appointing the following persons Citizens' Shore-- to the Citizens' Shoreline Advisory Board in conformance with Ordinance line Advisory No. 2789: Mr. Don Humble, 360 Stevens Ave. S.W. ; Mr. Alex Cugini, Jr. , Committee 611 Renton Ave. S. ; Mr. Arthur D. Scholes, 1708 Ferndale Ave S.E. ; Mrs. Dorothy Herbert, 3923 N.E. 6th St. ; Mr. Robert Bignold, 1308 Thomas Lane, Apt. 107; Mr. Robert W. Schalkle, 664 Sunset Blvd. N.E. ; Miss Debra Gustafson, 909 Union Ave. N.E. ; Mrs. Sharon Neglay, 656 Lind Ave. N.W. ; Mr. W. Stewart Pope, 3713 Talbot Rd. S. ; Mr. William Goddard, 3707 Lake Washington Blvd. N. ; Mr. Robert L. Phelps, 3831 Lake Washington Blvd. N. The Mayor's letter urged action as soon as possible so the Committee could start its work. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO REFER THE MATTER OF THE APPOINTMENTS TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. MOTION CARRIED. Personnel Director Letter from Mayor Garrett was read appointing Mr. Kenneth J. White Mr. K. J. White to the position of Personnel Director for the City of Renton. Mr. White is presently employed as Personnel Director for Billings Deaconess Hospital in Billings, Montana and has a background providing him with a full range of personnel and administrative experience. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT TO REFER THE APPOINTMENT OF THE NEW PERSONNEL DIRECTOR TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. TION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS ' Councilman Grant announced that the Community Services Committee would Glacier Park hold an informational meeting with representatives from Burlington- Industrial Northern, King County Department of Hydraulics and the Soil Conserva- Property tion Bureau regarding Earlington Flats area. Port of Seattle man Grant reported that he had attended the Port of Seattle meeting as requested by the Council last week, reporting to them that Renton wouldn't want any action taken on the proposed inclusion of the Earlington Industrial Parks with the Port of Seattle. The City of Tukwila is anxious to be excluded from the boundaries of 1 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 4 - July 16, 1973 OLD BUSINESS (Continued) Port of Seattle the Commission. The Port of Seattle excluded Renton anyway. Mr. Dick Ford of the Port of Seattle would like to meet with the Community Ser- vices Committee. Y.M.C.A in City- Councilman Grant requested the Building Director to hold up on any action Owned Property regarding the two homes on Mill Ave. S. that belong to the City until the Community Services Committee has a chance to meet with representatives of the Y.M.C.A to review possibilities of that organization using one of buildings. Funding of L.I.D. Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert submitted a 270 - Sanitary Committee report that concurred in the recommendation of the Finance Sewers on the Director recommending a negotiated sale of LID bonds to the City's Shores of Lake Financial Consultant, Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation. Chair- Washington man Schellert said that some time ago the subject of funding L.I.D. 270 was referred to the Finance and Personnel Committee for permanent funding. The Final Assessment Rolls have been sent out, the amount of funding required is $71,700.87. Because this is a small issue, we would not recommend a public sale of bonds. The Finance Director has recommended that we negotiate for the sale of the bonds with Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CON- CUR IN THE COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION. Councilman Stredicke asked if Seattle-Northwest we had a proposal from our Financial Consultant. The Clerk read the Securities Corp. report from Mr. Richard T. Kennedy that the bonds are to mature on or Mr. R. Kennedy, before August 1, 1985 and are to bear interest, payable annually, at Vice President the rate of 6-3/8%. Bonds will be in the denomination of $1,000 each, with the exception of bond number one, which is in the denomination of $700.87. The offer was subject to certain standard conditions. Mr. Kennedy was in the audience to answer any questions. MOTION CARRIED. When asked what the percentage of interest was on the L.I.D. roll, Mr. Ted Bennett replied that it was at the rate of 6-1/2%. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT THE COUNCIL ACCEPT THE OFFER OF SEATTLE- NORTHWEST SECURITIES. MOTION CARRIED. Landlord-Tenant Councilman Perry inquired re Landlords and Tenants Legislation and the Responsibility City's responsibility. City Attorney Shellan said he would look into Act the matter and report. Welcome Back Councilman Stredicke extended a welcome back to the Mayor's Administrative Assistant Jack Lynch from his two-week military leave. Downtown Project Councilman Stredicke brought up the matter of closing the downtown streets, Street Closure saying that traffic at all times was necessary in order to have customers During Con- for the downtown businesses. Councilman Perry also remarked that portions struction of Sunset Blvd. N.E. had been closed and rerouted. Mayor Garrett said that a short closure would probably speed up the project. Public Works Director Gonnason was asked to look into the matter . W.I .N. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THE WORK INCENTIVE PROGRAM TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR A SHORT DISCUSSION. MOTION CARRIED. Conflict of Councilman Bruce said that Councilman Grant had requested an opinion Interest from the other Councilmen on the ethics of his voting, or taking part in discussions, on the question of the application from Broadacres for Open-Space Classification. Councilman Grant left the Council Chambers during the discussion. City Attorney Shellan said it was illegal for the other Councilmen to make a motion deciding whether Mr. Grant had a right to vote. He quoted from the Code of Ethics, that if Councilman Grant had a remote interest, was only a salaried employee, and if his employment was not contingent upon the way he voted, then he has a right to vote, but not to cast a deciding vote. Upon inquiry from other Councilmen about their employment in various industries, City Attorney Shellan said that it was a matter of personal conscience whether they participate in anything that comes before the Council affecting the company they work for, and the same rules would apply. • i/t/6/ '/114• 4,.A• g444 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes o " O" !II Page 3 - July 9, 1973 • CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Bid Award Letter from Park Director Gene Coulon submitted Park Board recommenda- 2 - 1973 1/2 tion for acceptance of bid for two 1973 1/2 ton pick-up trucks from ton Trucks Younker Motors, Inc. in the amount of $5,346.08, including tax. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PARK BOARD. Upon inquiry, Park Director Coulon responded that the bids had been published according to law in the legal publication and also in the Daily Journal of Commerce and in addition, a bid invitation had been extended to several local and valley dealers who dealt in trucks . MOTION CARRIED. Petition re The Clerk read a petition submitted by twenty members of the Engineer- Union Member- ing, Traffic, Building and Planning Departments which stated that they ship were happy and content working here without union representation aila did not want to become members of any union, but that if, in the future, they did need union representation, that they have the opportunity of join- ing a union -of their own choice. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO REFER TO THE LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. Upon inquiry by Councilmen Stredicke and Schellert, City Attorney Shellan replied that House Bill 53, authorizing the union shop, was passed by the 1973 Legislature and that the Contract with bargaining unit Local 21R states which departments and divisions of the City have a majority of union members; and advised that legally the City cannot interfere with the right of union membership. Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry of the motion to refer to the Committee, Mr. Shellan advised that a member of the Union be present and a letter be sent to each of the people who signed the petition. MOTION CARRIED. Claim Letter from Mr. Charles Shane, owner of the Sahara Tavern, requested and C. Shane re demanded all monies paid to the City of Renton for all fees not covered Amusement under Ordinance No. 1659, covered by Ordinance No. 1628. MOVED BY Device CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO REFER TO. THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE, Licensing MOTION CARRIED. Summons and The Clerk read copy of Summons and Complaint No. 768123 from Mr. James F. Complaint Barnia regarding alleged illegal impoundment of an automobile. MOVED BY J. Barnia SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO REFER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE INSURANCE CARRIER. MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed Mr. Gary Kittelson to permanent Gary Kittelson position as Patrolman in the Renton Police Department, effective 8/1/73, Police Dept. having completed his six-month probationary period. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT OF THE MAYOR. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Bruce inquired regarding removal of barricades placed in the lane of traffic in the North Renton Interchange. Public Works Director Gonnason was requested to look into the matter. «--�- Glacier Park Chairman Grant of the Community Services Committee presented a report on Industrial the application by Glacier Park Industrial Property for proposed landfill Property for a 56-acre parcel of property which is zoned Manufacturing Park, the Committee has determined that this is a .major action, but there are insigni ficant effects. Glacier Park Properties has filed an Environmental Assess- ment Statement and have agreed to work with the Committee to set aside several acres of property in this area for the preservation of wildlife. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES! COMMITTEE REPORT. MOTION CARRIED. Letters were read from Mr. Kevin Daniel, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Brewster and Mike Brewster which encouraged preservation of marshland. Olympic Pipe Community Services Committee report concurred in the request of the Line Applica- Olympic Pipe Line Company to make a crossing of the Cedar River; however, tion acknowledged this will not be a determining factor as to whether a fran- chise is granted at a future date. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMEP, TO CONCUR IN THE COMMUNICATION OF THE COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE SUBJECT OF AN ORDINANCE SETTING GUIDELINES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Renton City Council Meeting Minutes June 4, 1973 Page 5 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Non-Represented which are full dependent medical coverage and 1/2 the cost of employee Employee , and depende..,: dental olan, effective June 1, 1973 estimated to cost Benefits - $18,250; and recommending referral to the Legislation Committee for Continued the necessary ordinance. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE MAYOR NOT BE INCLUDED AS NON-REPRESENTED EMPLOYEE. Roll Call vote resulted in 2 NO: STREDICKE and GRANT, 5 AYE: CLYMER, SCHELLERT, DELAURENTI, PERRY and BRUCE. MOTION LOST. Voice Vote on original motion CARRIED, Councilman Grant abstained from voting. Appointments Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert presented report Concurred concurring in Mayor's appointment of Mr. Richard K. Clarke, Jr. to the Mr. R.K. Clarke Police Civil Service Commission. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance and Personnel Mr. R.J. Regis Committee report concurred in the Mayor's recommendation to reappoint Mr. Ronald J. Regis to the Renton Park Board. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Pipeline MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, MATTER OF FRANCHISE FEE Franchise Fee SCHEDULE FOR OIL AND GAS COMPANIES TRANSPORTING BY PIPELINE REFERRED Schedules TO THE FINANCE AND ,PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION ON UPDATING. CARRIED. Landfill Councilman Grant presented letter from King County Department of Public Works Division Engineer Gillespie forwarding the State Flood Control Zone application and plan submitted by Burlington Northern, Inc. for placement of landfill, asking comments before they file recommendation to the State Department of Ecology. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND THAT THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR REPLY TO THE KING COUNTY ENGINEER THAT COUNCIL COMMITTEE IS WORKING ON THE MATTER AND WILL REPLY. CARRIED. NCR Computer Upon reporting receipt of request from Data Processing Manager Salts for , 5-year lease agreement with NCR for Century 101 Computer, Councilman SCHELLERT MOVED, SECONDED BY GRANT, SUBJECT OF THE COMPUTER BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Special Award UNANIMOUS COUNCIL APPROVAL WAS GIVEN TO A MOTION BY STREDICKE, WITH A Former SECOND BY SCHELLERT, THAT COUNCIL GO ON RECORD PROVIDING A SENIOR Councilman CITIZEN'S PASS TO FORMER RENTON COUNCILMAN PAUL MAXIN WHICH ENTITLES Paul Maxin HIM TO FREE DRINKING WATER IN CITY HALL AT HIS PLEASURE. Initiative and Mayor Pro tem Clymer announced receipt of congratulations from League Referendum of Women Voters, especially noting Councilman Grant, for constructive action to provide power of initiative and referendum to the City citizens!. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, MEETING BE ADJOURNED. CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. elores A. Mead, Cit} Clerk rn j ij WARPANT DISTRIBUTION DATE 6/04/73 BEGIN ENDING TOTAL WARRANT WARRANT AMOUNT OF FUNC DESCRIPTIUN NUMBER NUMBER WARRANTS /17.40{/,o/E Va/p — J 7.97— 375?,[ CURRENT FUND 5755 5821 R46♦948.57 PARKS AND, RECREATION 5822 5846 $18♦540► 17 CITY STREET 5847 5862 $2♦8621152 CEDAR RIVER M AND I 5863 5865 111291186 LIBRARY 5866 5868 $340 .50 EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT 5869 5871 6549114 REQ. AND STREET FWD THRUST 5872 5886 S11♦727098 URBAN ARTERIAL 5887 5900 $105,3684151 LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION FUND 5901 5901 $27♦ 4811193 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION FUND 5902 5902 $524056 WATERWORKS UTILITY 5903 5921 S14,240041 AIRPORT 5922 5923 $20$03 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5924 5948 $9,98108 FIFEMEN S PENSION 5949 5950 111,041 ,60 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS 1,239,657►56 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCHANDISE ANO/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED, UO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 5755 THROUGH NO, 5950 IN THE AMOUNT OF $239,657 .56 THIS 04 OF JUNE ♦ 1972o FINANCE CO�MITTEE .. ..... . .... . . CO ITTEE BER � _ _, ,�%., / _ 1 c ( ./ �I� , .,E�: 41'61C/' /-(_____>' CO*MITTEE MEMB (34.--„IX Renton City Council Meeting Minutes June 27, 1973 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Downtown Renton Letter from the Downtown Renton Merchants Association requested waiver Merchants of $25.00 fee for placement of advertising banners across South 2nd j' Sidewalk Sale and 3rd Streets for the annual sidewalk sale July 5, 6 and 7, 1973. 1 Banner Request MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, PERMISSION BE GRANTED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE STREET DEPARTMENT AND POLICE DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Dan Shane, 3003 Mt. View Ave. N. , inquired regarding shuffleboard and pool table ordinances and fees thereof. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chairman Grant presented committee report stating they have requested the Planning Department to furnish them with I Gas Station existing and proposed franchises for Olympic Pipeline Co. Report requested Inventory that the Council approve an updating of the gas station inventory survey and recommended that the financing of survey be referred to the Finance and Personnel Committee. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Proposed Landfill Councilman Grant presented letter from State Department of Ecology regarding the proposed landfill of Glacier Park located near Mobile 1/( storage tank facility within City, which set forth guideline procedures for City action as the "Responsible Official" under the State Environmental Act of 1971. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND THE COM- MITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR FUTURE MEETING. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Upon further inquiry of Mr. Dan Shane regarding amusement devices, City Attorney Shellan advised pool tables in pool halls licensed under Title I 5, Chapter 18, while pool tables in taverns licensed under Title 5, Chapter 10 of the City Code , reading provisions therefrom. OLD BUSINESS Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Administrative Assistant Lynch recapped the Renton Area Youth Services program, advising funded through Coordination June 30, 1974. Councilman Stredicke asked for coordination between City Between State and State during State Highway projects within the City, such as the and City on Sunset Blvd. project in the Highlands, citing unsafe conditions and Public Works street closures. Upkeep of Following discussion of planting and care of public right of way, it was Public R/W MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE MATTER OF MOWING OF PARKING STRIPS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Consultants MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, AND CARRIED, THAT MAYOR'S OFFICE FURNISH COUNCIL WITH LISTING OF ALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND OUTSIDE CONSULTING FIRMS HIRED BY THE CITY, WITH AMOUNT OF CONTRACT FEE, SINCE 1970. CARRIED. City's Councilman Grant presented letter from Finance Director Marshall which Banking and detailed the City's banking and investment practices listing as of June 15, Investments an investment total of $6,468,547.09 which included Firemen's Pension Funds, Street Forward Thrust Funds and Federal Revenue Sharing monies, etc. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Charles Shane, 3003Mountain View Ave. N. , inquired about collection of fees for amusement devices located in taverns and was advised by City Clerk Mead and City Attorney Shellan and Public Safety Committee Chairman Delaurenti that City Code defines devices to be licensed and fees to be paid , recently reviewed and updated by Ordinance #2785. Reporter Regrets were expressed and applause for a "job well done" offered as Leaving Councilman Stredicke`Aflrotnced.Mr. William Dugovich, reporter for the Record-Chronicle was leaving. Attention was also called that Mr. Phil Proto of the Greater Renton News was leaving the area for Nevada. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Council meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Geeldeq,_,IffY IQ: , s A. MeadCit m Delore , Y Clerk RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 25, 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8:00 P.M. Council Chambers MINUTES FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called CALL TO ORDER the Renton City Council Meeting to Order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President; HENRY E. SCHELLERT, CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KENNETH D. BRUCE and WILLIAM J. GRANT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ABSENT COUNCILMAN GEORGE J. PERRY BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Direc- IN ATTENDANCE tor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Superintendent; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Direc- tor; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief, DEL BENNETT, Airport Director; M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THAT COUNCIL MINUTES OF JUNE 18, 6/18/73 1973 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. VOUCHERS Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended payment of 6313 - 6477 Warrants 6313 through 6477 in the amount of $255,084.84 having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT AS RECOMMENDED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Member Grant presented committee report that pro- posed Shoreline Management Ordinance be placed on first reading and Shoreline Public Hearing on the ordinance be set for July 9, 1973. MOVED BY GRANT Management SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE LEGISLA- Ordinance TION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Parking and IN A MOTION BY GRANT, WITH SECOND BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONFIRMED FIRST READ- Loading ING AND HEARING ON DULY 2, 1973 OF THE PARKING AND LOADING ORDINANCE. IN Ordinance A MOTION BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY GRANT, AND CARRIED, ORDINANCE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Outdoor Fire Legislation Committee report recommended first reading for an ordinance Ordinance regulating outdoor fires and return to Legislation Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT. City Clerk Mead read ordinance requiring prior permit issued by Fire Chief or representative for following allowed fires: (1) Small outdoor fires for pleasure, religious, ceremonial, cooking or like social purposes, (2) Fires for instruction in the method of fighting fires, testing fire resistant materials, or testing fire protection equipment. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, CONCUR IN LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Fire Chief Walls advised permit not required for fire for cooking purposes if contained. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT Letter from Mr. Martin J. Blumenthall asked permission to hook up to the BUSINESS existing sewer in front of his lot on 80th Ave. S. between 130th and 132nd St. S. , Seattle, and told of petition obtained by Mr. Ed Lopan Request for from home owners in same vicinity favoring sewer service. MOVED BY Sewer Connection STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE LETTER FROM MR. BLUMENTHAL AND 80th Ave. S. PETITION OF MR. LOPAN BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC. WORKS DEPARTMENT AND THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Petition for Petitions bearing 24 signatures of frequent users or abutting property Street owners along S.W. 16th St. was presented and read by the Clerk, which Improvement stated street had not been improved since it was originally built and S.W. 16th St. was in a deteriorated condition, also needing widening and sidewalks. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THIS PETITION BE REFERRED TO TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. CARRIED. June 22, 1973 -I:tk•( )': i ) i ) Ililli� 'lil • a 1ff )1f )I_A The Renton City Council Municipal Building 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Attention Councilman William J. Grant SUBJECT; LETTER OF JUNE 5, 1973, G�A R_FARK INDUSTBiAL PROPERTY COMPANY PROPOSED LANDFILL Councilman: Mr. John' Biggs, Director, Washington State Department of Ecology, has requested that I respond to your letter dated June 5, 1973. In response to your query on proposed landfill permits, it is not the policy of the Department of Ecology to hold hearings on Flood Control Zone Applications that fall within the boundaries of the established State Flood Control Zones. This Department does work closely with the King County Hydraulics Division and often seeks their recommendations on Flood Control Zone Applications. A Shoreline Management Act Permit is not required, as the proposed landfill does not fall within the boundaries of the Shoreline Manage- ment Act. • In carrying out our responsibilities, we believe it is our obligation to make a very careful assessment and require that very stringent rules are followed when faced with developments affecting our waters, or wet- land which would unnecessarily destroy, damage or degrade fish, wild- life or naturally functioning aquatic ecosystems. Wetland and shallow . water zones have high ecological and recreational values, therefore, activities which may degrade the actual or potential value of this en- vironment should be avoided. An activity which would bring about a change in the existing situation would be desirable only if such a change would contribute to the preservation of the existing character. Possibly, with reference to "hearings," you are thinking of the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, as follows: Page two Letter to the Renton City Council June 22, 1973 RECOMMENDED SEPA PROCEDURES The following procedures, in the sequence shown, and as illustrated on the enclosed flow chart, are recommended for implementation by all branches of government in Washington to achieve compliance with the intent, policies and directives of the State Environmental Policy Act. It should be noted that the ''proposed actions" referred to here may be legislation, administrative actions or tangible projects. SUMMARY 1. Prior to decisions on implementation, examination of proposed actions for major nature. 2. Examination to determine whether or not potentially significant environmental effects might accompany the proposed major actions. 3. Preparation of draft environmental statement in cases of major actions with significant environmental effects. 4. Public announcement of availability of draft statement. 5. Distribution of draft statement to appropriate agencies and organizations for review and comment within a specified schedule. 6. Development of final environmental statement responding to review comments. 7. Copies of final statement and attached comments made available to the Governor, the Department of Ecology, the Ecological Commission and the public. 8. Inclusion of the final statement and comments through the existing agency review process. The flow chart and 8-point procedures are not to be interpreted as mean- ing that only major actions may have significant effects. Seemingly minor actions may also possess significant effects, but these circumstances will be rarer occurrences. Nevertheless, responsible officials must be alert to such possibilities and treat them similarly to clearly major actions. • Page three Letter to the Renton City Council June 22, 1973 As the proposed landfill is within the limits of the City of Renton and has been zoned manufacturing park, it is within the jurisdiction of that city. Therefore, the City of Renton would be designated as the "Responsible Official," under the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971. It should be noted that, if the determination of the "Responsible Official" is "insignificant," the recourse at that time is to the Courts of the State of Washington. Please contact this Department, if further assistance is required. Sincerely, • 7"= -, � fp'77r7/6 STEPHEN WEST, JR. Water Resources Inspector • SW:11 cc: Mr. John Biggs, Director, DOE, Olympia Mr. William B. Gillespie, Division Engineer, King County Hydraulics, Seattle Mr. Don Cowles, Burlington Northern, Seattle ... .3 _ r , , . . . ....--r t 4 - r.,) -r,_f, I '.4s... .s'C h. '_.-......._.__...__._._.._....J�r i ; t• 'i F'f r 1 \ Re;w -7;31e i;fficial CAc,rlir,es . for; „n an ; s ni f scant I \' Possible Possible i ' Possible i Conclusion: Conclusion: Conclusio : • - Minor action Major action Major action with significant and insignif- • b::t insignif- effects. tli scant effects icant effects Il [SEPA, Sec. 3. (c)&(d) l Preparation of a draft impact statement and public announce- ,,f ment of availatiiity. V ji I Negative Negative Draft statement rev i Lw-mi n i.-, c 30 days. Declaration Declaration 4 f Summarizing Summarizing tne co:,c',u- the conclu- Preparation of final imaac.t SCc`F- r. Sion ; no impact sion ; no impact ment with response to cc::-er.ts. SI; statement. Neg- statement. Neg- Coi.:rents attached to stater er:. I ative Declara- ative Dcclara- tion into the tion into the l' record. record. i • filing of final stateire:it/co'ruts with the Office of Governor, tree j. . DOE and the Ecological Commission. I . Available to tne public. V • final statement/co ents to ac- company the proposal through _ any other existing review I ' iprocesses. I • I King CoudAMy State of Washington rJohn D. Spellman, ity Executive 1 1 1 Department of Public Work3 Jean L. DeSpain, Director 900 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 May 30, 1973 Mr. Warren Gonnason, Director '. e., Department of Public Works N.K. iP City Hall Renton, Washington 98055 1 Dear Mr. Gonnason : I I We are enclosing the State Flood Control Zone application and plan submitted to this office by Burlington Northern, i Inc . , for the placement of landfill in Sections 30 and 31, Township 23 North, Range 5 East , W.M. We would appreciate any comments you may have regarding this fill within seven days of receipt of this letter. We will hold our recommendations to the State Department of Ecology until receipt of your reply. _.., I 1 Very truly yours , i 4:1,..474-,?-'../.7A-`_) :/.. -ed:e=ef'-,--4-4---/ WILLIAM B. GILLESPIE/ Division Engineer Division of Hydraulics . WBG LRG: lmw Encls : FCZA Plan 1 f i f d • I j o.491 F.—OS 111 F. 1 FLOOD CONTROL ZONr. r>,PPLICATION NO 1 Dated May 7, 19%3- TO THE DIRECTOR I DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY • Olympia, Washington 98504' • '(1)*APPLICATION is hereby made by Glazier Park...C.onlpany (Individual, corporation, etc.) 303 S. Jackson St'. , Seattle, Wn. 9810o4 ' ' of , for permit to..PLace fill and,thereafter operate (Postof£ice'address) (Construct, reconstruct, modify) I (2) and maintain proposed industrial site (Nature of works: Bridge, dike, road, revetment, logging works, gravel pits, etc.) • ' (3) to be known as Orillia Industrial Park (Narie of works, structures or improvements) (4) located int7W . SW 'k • Section.3.1. 30, Township..23 North, Range 5 (E) (W).W.M., (Nli NW'4,etc.) in Renton, Washington city limits (Location with reference to nearest town or well known locality) • '(5) all or portion of which will be located upon the banks or in and over the channel or over and across the ' Green River Dtraamish River , fiooc? plain,of a tributary of ..v.,._ • "'.ar = :f :t -- or l-.:f of wc'_-, in in County Flood Control Zone No 2 (6) This permit is sought in perpetuity (In perpetuity; or, if temporary, state number of years) (7) Definite location and'plan of the proposed works, structures or improvements are shown on attached sheets numbered 1 to 1 ,inclusive, which are parts of this application. .• (8) Construction will commence June 1, 1973 and will be completed October 1; 1973 . (Date) (Date) (9) Remarks: Fill to be placed by truck haul from company owned pit. Fill to 'be ' granular in nature. . j Glacier Park Company •SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS (Applicant) By C - .`�` : - • C.F. Intlekofer, Mgr. k.nn.r. .�.------_----- --- -----�-- --- Plans Examined and . Field Examination and I Application Returned ( PERMIT—__ 1 Reported by tuport by fey Alteration I �Rec•ommended by I Issued Name — — — i • Date vei+,Y ,3 ` '! �"" , Renton City Caunci e Meeting Minutes Page 3 - July 23, 1973 OLD BUSINESS (Continued) OLymp-Lc Pipe Line in the newspapeh. nega'd.ing Councieman Grant's statements and that hips nemanks at the Committee 06 the LUhote meeting were only genenat in nature. MOTION CARRIED. Bid Award PubVe WoAks Committee ChaiAman BAuce submitted a minoni.ty nepoAt Tna66.ic Signa.L.Lza- Recommending that the tow bid 06 Mufti. Soni.c.is Development Conpoka.tLon tion Equipment be accepted in the amount 06 $320,975.46 60A Package II TAagie S.LgnaL. Systems be accepted. Counci eman Bruce exp. wined that thus wad a m.inon,ity report only because he was the only member 06 the Committee pneis ent at the meeting. The bid was within 1. 5% o 6 -the Eng-.neen's estimate. A6ten some discussion between the Councilmen and Tna.66,ic Eng.ineet Hamlin about the technLcaLit,Le4 o6 the bid '1 speci6.LeatLon4 and the de iAa.bit ty 06 Package II, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF 1 THE COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Pno pos ed L. I.D. The Public Worts Committee Report recommended (1 ) that ,the Public I Watetma .nd - WoAks DepaAtment proceed with -the L. I.D. pnocedune to make a tote- Vicinity 06 timLnany assessment and recommend a date 06 heating. MOVED BY Stevens N.W. 6 SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO CONCUR IN THE FIRST RECOMMENDATION j Tayton N.W. on OF THE COMMITTEE AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR A N.W. 2nd St. RESOLUTION. MOTION CARRIED. The CLeAk Head (2) o6 the RepoAt iJi recommending .that coneuvvtently thenew.ith an annexation program in conjunction with other propettieis .in the aA.ea be commenced with the ,' P!_a.nnLng Department and a petition be prepared on that area bon annexation. It was decided that it was not necessary, at this time, PA the Counci.L -to take any action on the second necommendati.on 06 iI the Committee. ➢o.Lice Department Councilman Bruce, in -the absence 06 PubLLc Satiety Committee Chacnman Escort Senv.ice Detaunenti., submitted the nepont o6 the Pub1 c Satiety Committee bon FunenaLs recommending that the City noti6y ael 6unerae homes that e66ectLve as o6 August 6, 1973, the City's Police Department wilt no .longer pnav ide escort s eAv.ice, but the same shall be provided by pn.Lvate business, that the Chie6 06 Pot ice pnepane guideLLned to be adopted in the regulation o6 6uner.aL e-sconts, and that this matteA be ne6etvned -to the Leg ' Lati.on Committee. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. A6ten some discussion ass to the reasons bon the decision to discontinue this senv-ice and the pnepana- tion 06 gui.detines on nowtes th'tough the City, etc_ , MOTION CARRIED. Citizens' Shonetine The Community Services Committee nepont was Azad by the C-enk recommend Advisory Committee -ing conc.unnenee in the Mayor's appointments to the Citizens ' Shone -Lne • Appointments Advisory Committee as Gott ows : MA. Don Humble, MA. Alex Cugini, Jn. , ' Mn. Arthur D. Schotes, Mns. Dorothy Hehbe- t, MA. Robert Bignotd, Mn. Robet t W. Scha2kte, Mn. Robekt McBeth, Mn .d Sharon NegLay, Mn. Stew Pope, Mn. G1iL ism Goddard and MA. RobeAt L. Phelps. Councilman Grant Reported that then had met wL-throost o6 the committee members pnevioust III and they Aepnesented a broad CA044 deetion 04 citizens. Councit con- cunrence not nequuced. it Pont 06 Seattee Councilman Grant Reported meeting with MA. Fo d and two other Aepne- senta fives 06 the Pont 06 Sea-We. As 06 tbws date, there -us no p1anne expansion within the City o6 Renton. Game Pnedenve Councilman Grant at so neponted meeting with representatives Gram the OA,LLLia Fiats 0Aitti,a Flats area. Morse area is being committed Got a game reserve (about 6i6ty aches) and -the State DepaAtment 06 Game is going to give us a head-count 06 anLmae £.i6e in the area. Olympic Pipe Line Councilman ScheL1 ett asked the Ceenk to read a letter 6n0m the Olympic Pipe Line Co. The Letter stated that they were pnepaA.ing an Envinon- mentaL. Impact Statement to coven their apptieation o6 May 7, 1973, 60A the p'aposed second pnoduet4 pipe Line to be constructed in the city Lin-tz 06 Renton and would be 6anthcoming in about a week oA 40. II Renton City Council_ Meeting M.inuteb Page 4 - Jay 23, 1973 OLD BUSINESS (Continued) John K. Pin, Jn. Counci,eman Sche te&.t .ingwi.xed City Attorney She- an nega td- ng Abz.i,6.ta.nt City .the condition o6 Mn. Pain who had been £njwvwed in an accident oven Attohney the pnev-iowus weekend. Mn. She._2a.n nepon ted .that, ass yet, -then._ wa.6 no change £n hL4 chi-tLca._ condition. Renton Hitt Improve- Chai man Penny o6 -the. Tna►vspon ation Committee zubmitted -the Committee's meat Pnognam nepont negcvwding -the Renton Hitt Improvement Pnognam. The Committee dez.uwea to pnez ent to -the Committee o b the Who._e .two a2tennate p!an4 bon. the improvement oti Renton Hill dtneeta including -the Grant Avenue Extension. These p!anb ate: ( 1) as recommended by the Public Woi hb Depatwtment including pa a.Lpati.on by L.1.D. (2) ad on ig.inatt y bud- geted in -the 1973 budget. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE REPORT OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE_ OF THE WHOLE. Councieman Petty said the Committee had bonmuLated the .two ptanz and would ti.fze to have .the piezentation to the Council_ when ,the peop.Ee on the Hitt can be pnedent. MOTION CARRIED. C. Carey Donwonth MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT C. CAREY DONWORTH AND Adboci.atej - ASSOCIATES BE GIVEN THIRTY DAYS NOTICE OF TERMINATION ON DECEMBER 1, Labor, Consuttants 1973. Aliten some di4cusi on on the -tenmS oti the conttact with .the £abon consuLtantd, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO TABLE THE MOTION UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. Adjowvwnment MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE MEETING ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjowvwned at 10:05. ritet41.4.al19.1114-j ax one Mo-ton., Deputy City CLetk 1t k 1