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SE 1/4 SEC.-32-,T]1P.24 N,RGE. 5 E ,11.M. . o ...2 / :,,I., , -;,, C,,,_ �;' :al g �, ç\: i l�p Rf/11; 4Tg Ar'�kzo.o6' \ NE 38N$T - wroRo a / I scNNe r"wa s • • E At xrn, ' 0-:CASE il 3 li 1 1 rn «--J Iy I I 1 I p.., FIRE TER NETER E 1 w s I I R I I I VICINITY YAP e \I I_ n I 1 • a ao m .�7 m —_ I� l\ m °' .,n rwE if ".q\,.. \\ L w U I \\2p14 >ti =r\--" \ ,I I\�_�_— - FGAI�FSCRIPTION I g E v v-v l vv n A IT— -T- NE 3Sfh STD__ 1 •�` , Pum. 'r✓ \\\ \ I I I b b I \ NE 3'.kll ST. : I !- 1 a R ww.Ns LAKE MSG.. \\\\,.\ \% 4 1\ 3a I I •-1 d s m \. __ I ._ ? MIL INN M w VOLUME n MING TO rc Purs'.'Pea AC... x Luc CO lliE G. \ u 7 I I I I I I I I 1 7-- _ @ n.] No 7s nuNNr s v�u 8 .\ \ ` \•\\\\ \ \ \aR� °' -?"sG I.I 41 I 1 4 I I I I 44 I I I I I G . IN VOLUME H OF PATS PG ex N K.OR .E \\ \\\ \\)//\i // �'F :•,.•` 1 1 22• a' /I I nu a 81 �-s9m 81 I em,s 81 i wm sr-$� . 81 I mo�i s 81 I i ! EXCEPT MAT canna,THEREOF .s r aaamwa O y4 ro sA nX Na ro 34 I III!/ //,,/,, - !t"` I I E I 1 saro NEST:m rm. }z "a // / c�.`! .:'F`" : I I I'I I I I-F" 1 I 11 I I I`' 1 w GE ~W I II //, r•. ^.:1, 1I (' _ _ _.. _I - 1 . aF.core GOMA s`ATN1MEec NORTHWEST eE"i: m s 1 I I j 11,r/(\\.N,a ,...h .,.,y, „"---U sl -- L L- -� L -�J L- L- -- N RECORDED a" v mFen.+"asT"xa of a.as FEET • SNEO , a0 l / Iv E I\\\\ \ \\ ,E�,'.\' Icy-----_p -_- m $ 1 p ' I I ws :F'si uae r.wF PARALLEL NM sw G. mE ..; V A A V y v v1 A I-0 v Iv 1 1 �`5 I�''1'1 s ��_� ,n -T-7 `� , .,_ �. 1 INGLE NORM FEN.CORCINO HUNG CE NEST•nzr.wa OF zoo FEET TO ME END ge 71 r-' l. ER AS GO.NW GM SURVEY NG ME WEST `\ \\\N.9!O2 \iyi I II—U / \\\ i'Y� / .,per / / - ::: ri. 1 mFx¢E xm�m�0no N', SAO VEST9..N FEET 70 µ g 38 37 (SAG ANGELS A . _ — NNNmaaE9 m II cliiiip 4 a. V AA 1 VA 'tv�#i I I / /i' �} / " -U I 8 l\ ern I ,I TV7.-t-\Ji /iMr< i' I ,(�A G.WAGINCTON GAG I-MY-'w �� i �/// OF EEG rsw¢s�ucama' SmMr m t\ \\ :' '° • I (—-1 of OF IN FU N S 10 roar 66 CITY L�s' 1 '° aw9Y \ / . y 9ii , ,---- ((- \ I %— P,wraO Awoae-w•s `11 I L \ • I 8 1 1 $ I , 1 vr.2.OTY OFFN iac l Lt.uew ow 1/.4).. _ _ 9 1111 8. I 8,IE 34 , 9 /�`\ `` 1 '————/ i ow..ns................._........................._._... o. Iiifth6o0 A.N:::o Ili ]xe9 sIIJ ( y�w1 l // r,,.'mil 1 / I I .....casi a-v�00004I�, GENE WA 08902 I 9 I.s III11i \f V1 '--— Nx.s..Ns9N Nn ..uoesaN8 I ass {I �I�IE�: 1 /' V `----"-IJ —� .�— / ..N, . - . a1 • • \ 1 \g --------, (MS) N.E.ash r • --1ar---'i 8 .R I\ J P saa \ 1\ I ..' ... �5�' I 8a ._.__..-----......._..._._..._._........ 0.o xw�rzxN s y b n I1\ — 1 \ \ 33 I � L ' { ,o I I IL h I J • • -- sx W NN e P Fa�. .N..• wN.F. 8 I]7a]r 1 'ft---1, 8 Iy \\_-�--J —� w°OiaEc.'"s) '.z ' MATCHLINE SEE SHEET 2AKA PNo. o i k' GROUP FOUR,Inc. Ip,r 16030 JUANITA-WOODINVILLE WAY NE I 41 t L BOTHELLWASHINOTON OM I 1(423)T)s-4591 • (z06)sez-42xx • PAX(208)382-8619 2 9_8 1D AIIMm. .N�..,.� ..P,.,mwc 9.x.u,mr JOB NO.:97-8008 1 . , O _ O k 9 I a R • MATCHLINE SEE SHEET 5 CV _ a C I I M 0 IIaI tt— a!� — �_— -- ___ Jf--_ U i ,I . -I l 12 !iii ilLs, I —— / I I a g ,.11y17:1 - : -7,7-- -.-- \ 1 0 1 . la . S'PNC DOIWIlgR o 1�.4 Iy \c. 1/4.16 ... • FIRE nanrE ., ./1l;• N��( '-.) i A _.14, ,, (,, W W r ITS z 'PRO S:MED FIREI -_ - -. II rq TS HYDRANT(1MP.) I II Z. .,t, A'j 15 1 r,i DIVISION 1 3�Ed�• S ti: 4 sIA�IEt, ��.. , —I 1 / liii ;I L_ itr i i7 tq I 19 20 21, I 11 ^—— — I "°•i L� I j i i ',pA 1 NSB90'38-W ��I I I __!1-___ I -_ _ t A20.09' y��—— LEGEND r /1I h i ,'n r'k EXImNG CONTOUR 1 I i I IM1 I 1 hb 'I h 11 I _II._PROPOSED GRADED CONTOUR 1 '' I I 11 II ; DOMING STORM DRNNASE —m—PROPOSED STORM DRAINAGE III1I EXISTING SANITARY SERER —ss—PROPOSED SANITARY SERER S EXISTING WATER RI f —N—PROPOSED WATER EXISTING CB.TYPE I ® PROPOSED CS.TYPE I J EXISTING CB.TYPE 2 0 PROPOSED CB.TYPE 2 S NVEXISTNG SSMH i 0 PROPOSED SWAN 1, 0 PROPOSED DOMESRC WATER SERVICE METER!BOX �� `'7`M`yGROUP FOUR,Inc.BASS Of KARR.1..0.5 f .IN•t0411.. EL A Of N.<MIN Si SE A sse SS' IV_ 18030 IUANITA-IIOPI070N LL6 WAY NE ! BOTNILL,WASIDNGTON M811 (125)775-4581 • l2081382-4241 • IAI(2GlN82-3SI9 w•s.�N••Ww.o.W o..�e JOB NO.:SIT-BOOS 2• lti•OAST / 'vu'AaEc "{ ' K/ + 1.. �,+p nav cry run '+'i�uaxa•nmIAN 216th STRt 1 FOREST AV SEE OFF-SIIC DRAINAGE a�v 1 \ 1+ ATM -- TT'— SHEET IJ l =-W ' '1_ • wa[1 iS;--Y `- Lam_ (ub.aT N N8992'S>'W 2s0.06' •_} •e a �nl Z. f 9 �H 1i4� WA. x.W I W C. sAss cc BORN.CAS i C —. --_--�� - �'`_P -- .a K.w I S•,WATER - „,, -/ � � ;; ` , ��y rom 1C sC•IC x>M s ELEV.326.65 DE - ..i . 0 FACILITY _ O'EWIM PPMMEC I / 1 Q �I TCI U TRACT A ypt'wAgE + x�x I .. / '1 (i u '1 o I"1 x 51 50•en 49 _-� 47STORM AINA�iE I i = \ 10'- ACCE _EEAs,*n ` i I �'�- II I WJ • E ins��� - f x 2 1'1 / \I, I' 0- il f \, •65 .• \\ \\ , < I _13 _ \'" NE 35th ST. 1 �� g I f b . I NE '- ST• - -- —I—--!— � v ;� l 3 I ' ---= 8; \� \ — ' NOlEB: �'Z nn v� �`I��v�`�v,��� ,�y 41 43 44 3i. �i I 1.THE STERN DRAINAGE FEATURES wxa U '- t N\,\ \' , ,,,,,. •<s<'f�: ;`,,,* '� '� I I I Eii DFP D FD oN TNs F VN ARE 1038 UAL DIIY. v°E F I µD ARE INIFNDED ONLY TO SNOW ONE IFiWS Y 1 I 1 /i I 1 } , t.. A1\ I15 - -- _ I OF DEYFLa%Nc 1NIs%iQEGT. m E \1 \ ef \C\9 \ �i \ ` 71 0 8 \\\\ \\\\\\ 1 \ \ I — `\\\\\\ :,awA•.er \i \ \ _ I 3e 37 1 I ` �I lq: .: 1 ��I I �I -- ---7 1�'�'�, 1 °1 q \ram 1 11 136� 1 1 II :� 1 8 +t3'g`P`' --- I 1 M11' 1,t .::€, —" '" , 34 \ -., 1 1 1 ... Igi a ,, .,, 02,'71: ® = ��-- 1 YATCNLINE SEE SHEET 8 8-99 1 GROUP FOUR,Inc. V� 16030 JUANITA-WOODINVILLE WAY NE BOTHBLL,WASHINGTON 98O11 • p8107,15-1ee1 • (20e)3a2-1241 • FAX(2080112-9819 n•r5rwc Nww1111111c KAMM. wAuulmrz m.,., ......�,.�.,, g I JOB NO.:9]-P008 - ce ;-. 8 "- ,o,„,'. N'1111-c-,/ • I z MATOHLISIE SEE SHEET 7 0. i _- • .... w -,5 _ L 4_ 1 . I , (/(74, —— __.- — Ce ......- Ci u i I I I ' I' 28 ,' 27 26 I . \ ' 11 , , . 'i\ I I. i 3 ..c / 1 12 I 29 ,. . ., .:. .„ Ler' a / 1 / \ NEN•mm•"''''''`"m'".... b ———-- ' 1 .dt . _ _ ... - ' ------4-1—tE ainTR-71-- b i..I _ V \ $3 IR ,- OIL ,l'"'"...."'" —-7----=----r'-------- , .. ." i ..--':*" \ 1 NOTES: ' ...1 ,, '\ I. \ . ' 1.THE STOW DRAINAGE FEATURES Mal ARE S. 1 . ,,,•, i . ,,,„ • 24 • / DEPICTED ON TICS PLAN ARE CONCEPTUAL ONLY, MD ARE INTENDED ONLY TO SHOW ONE MEANS OF DEVELOPING THIS PROJECT. LI-Z 1.E 0 p g i Me oottaparrlik ..; /w I‘ ie , I >-z C.; 71 =MUNE \/ , t, •I- .„ I ' I cc k. N . I 25 , 1 i 7---z__.__ ii • I //.., 23 • ,io a. 1115 , I', • ot, .... I ne •2 E TOT' I IT--HE 33rd ST. •v.,• ,a....,_ • / ._.,- XI ll..„...0 ', 11 I I/ , 1 ... I• . sT.6 I r •.. ',''''. .-,:i'..''',.'''' , •, .. ' / I I , I ' 4 iiir t-,'....,....:•:-' .t /" ) 17 iq 1 19 20 1 21/ , . , , . ./ I . . _ I / 1 I i / 11 / ,4 I 4'1 • ' I g:1 L r 1/ / / j _Li ..- II.1 1 / / - I 1 '': I / / I / I , i,-,- ,z/ /76,1, ,I 1409.0010.1, I I 420.0V / / i —-,! —— .-t- / ,, / i / II I -.4 ' ..,...h , , ,0 ......„ I II / l•' 1 I.7.',..... I N I I 1 1 `,...... ..•'.' I N. i 1 I I . 1 ' , • 1 I I 1 1 • 1 g I /AIN 0"1, • * ailf 8-ry MI INI g . N. IN .= — GROUP FOUR,Inc. NAM OF BEARINGS:KGS 0....1i:OTT OF INDITON 16030 JUAMTA-WOODINVILLE WAY NE NENO•d/PX:TO,Of YON Ot C.4.Ai NT< :11611.1 AVE.SE•NE MTN St.El...' BOTHELMIASHINGTON DWI I (125):7:75-4581 • (206)942-42.1 • 0A0(206)360-M. nlinSTING ENGINIENNO KAM. lumannyrr J.NO.:97-8098 g I _ . co ,• I .P a•,I,•ar -)I' j 1 r war I ilerAllikS e ea 1 'f: /70.21755 rm 11,-Au c•. ". „ I uv r>.nsr I ar.cia N a > d =/ A,.:I. 1 ,.red i s ..i.:, ,�>.u�" \ a Z q I = O zA 1.I ,, 1 t ET "ti— t7 '— — — — — � e.' 3ith STREEyT FOREST A, 001..MN'mMAN*Iona g A _ s>r .` MIN A1c ac.i ..B.?Mt t� ��.. �+ (war >m� 1 U ✓a _ a Iilo�i/�l� I . �- -- . •me• / AWAY 1 C -- _ N699R'ST1a 240.06' _ _ me _ \ 36th ST. ' I5 �a .a 0 / I - 0 -I.: ! - eta- , i•' a .,a. �„ VI -� I TREE CLEARING: �� TRACT A ° 1�a�r I I I DUE TO THE NATURE OF THE EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY '\ r" I S1 i..KtT n / 1 , 1 AND THE R-8 ZONING,RESULTING IN LOTS AVERAGING _ 49 / I APPROXIMATELY 6,000 SQUARE FEET, IT IS NECESSARY �p. I _TrJ ,/ < TO CLEAR THE ENTIRE SITE LYING EAST OF THE 25 FOOT a ' _- ,,I \ -- S B.S.B.L. ADJACENT TO THE+40%SLOPE. - g res` 1 -�''"wav Ha• I - 0.�i.•A��io T Mg _ — i I 'vN` I 00 �E 16 \\.\1\ Y �a \ r► I / J• �_, y J� s Is ! 1 \\\\ /_ / - —1 ,.a ` � / Wit -,\ , ‘ \\\\\\ \ \ 1)7' _ .,a e> 41 4 43 44 I ( I „ Fr,�9ll>y ,, �I�• I I , / v\I I r ,, //i �r. ,c A l ' t ' III I I �'(\\Y°q>•' x0 wro I — — ?'� ' I / 111 a 1\I 1 \\ \\\E\%t I 1 ,\\ I ._. I / \\\\\\\\I 1 1 1 1 1 I \\ I 4C —— ,G.ily.4111r /i t 44 I 1 d i. , ,!!, , _ ,,. _,_,..,. , :,,,,, ,v„,,,,,, . ,-, , ,,.. „,,, lim 39, zr . i` I ______Ii ,/1 , 3, t .: ,, , ,-\moil „ iv" it. - \ , i' 1 i 4P,,,,', , i `s lie / /I a Y 34 k, 39 / 1 gil I T / ' /AP '''''\ ' , .. \ Jl ,gyp, .I, 40 1".I / 1 111A / rc 10 f,� — .„ - ---� I miii.t_____i_______, GROUP FOUR,Inc. 16030 JUANITA-WOODINVILLE WAY NE MATCHUNE SEE SHEET 10 BOT EU,IAstlIN1805 ae011 (az5Y7e-4ee1 • (20e)9e2-4244 • rAX(zoo osz-se ea • w.�.v.,,. ...., u• l 0 NO.:9J-BOOB Q I T-_.--- - - - - _ ._. _ 1 • p ^ 0.1 IT 9 MATCHLINE SEE SHEET 9 z z 1 j / 1 .. a ll CD r i tie U i. ' I ,10 - -- � ` 28 Ill —- > I I a /�t a � z O a\ 1 29 ///JI __ __ , i tl 12 O_ III SO e„,, (I. !iiiii,31,14 S Z P 6.6numm r opr ' , I t,,_ � t �� I I r W aW za� riro.....iripl.„ I \ i\ rz tU� g jiil is p / ., /1 '1br Aiii. ).yt��°1� 111, it I � _ ' II / 71 g r. — cam ' ,,,1'.. M11. N� / ei 011103 Sq4•�•�v L- / / I '� / / / i - , I ____I___ _ /, 1 4........._ / / I111,,.....,.... I/ f II + t Ne9 � _ ., .._ ... a I „� roo x'w amos / I ____L M1 / 1�I\ i �h 1$ i IA - /N ,/ ` I 1 I 1 1 I I /� I `��- . I 1 11 I / Hill f g 3 TREE CLEARING: ' DUE TO THE NATURE OF 1HE EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY VP AND THE R-8 ZONING, RESULTING IN LOTS AVERAGING • APPROXIMATELY 6,000 SQUARE FEET,IT IS NECESSARY y TO CLEAR THE ENTIRE SITE LYING EAST CF THE 25 FOOT S.S.B.L. ADJACENT TO THE+40%SLOPE. • ,<u..>. GROUP FOUR,Inc. • 16030 JUANITA-WOODINVILLE WAY NE BOT9fLLIA9OICTON 91O11 (12O1775-1301 • (3O6)3O9-124.4 • 111720030.2-9819 sum,. o,co,®c 'uxxmc .,x•csrn 11 I ...e o...,...a .u.s .:9)JOB NO, 2 . _ _ / 1 ,,.;._ : I r I 3i s 4...I 1 1 I l��Irrn� \ I. \5 IY "�' __-— �--I— NE 36.th STREET�OREST AV i- ' Y ;l�` •..G \ •ao.zs }L 6° �- nor<• r 1� \I es I f —— /B8WO2'S1"11 21006• .'M1')-_ \ NE 36th ST. 19 va• K.A1wo /2' 1 N, 0. �, z tv Ga 9 ,,,v �� / nsz `� T L-:{ �_ t'—` n M /0 s"+ `/ rAnr \ 1 7 I . 4 tvtgr ' I / � M.w m. B°x.e uK.,Kmc 66 wTW.ACT A' / 4 • '',llH V: / : - i c�_ - i LEOBID .�" \ : - t . log.- K...10 mC TOI y l ` r Ap XY o-. -- 6 11 n r PI ORM VALVE a. Q,y,:„ "�'� .MrPz>.� `` t01= 3f _TT' V - \U _ I Stl�5t I i " is al .OIL In POLE s, \\\\ \\\ ,� °\ % \ bv. \ NE 36th ST. G-----__ 1-� (-. IIII '\�\\`� \\'\ \ \ t..,':,\ J MOT MI WO srco I 2 \� I °/1/ ) m niKn.�« • u\ I ! // /// i:;�*';(. `/ A` It---,_ ..:.) I -- // \ I A;: 1 TREE CLEARING: I-w a!! 'a I 11111! ///', `' P 1'5' 11�� / II a I I I 1 I l /(\\s. Ai .,,, I��„ J I / I I ——— 1,' I �1 DUE TO THE NATURE OF THE EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY V� €E I I III I. `\. \ <- .t L F'_ / I G"� II AND THE R-8 ZONING, RESULTING IN LOTS AVERAGING ' l 1 1\\\\,, \ I L"i"—" I/-r r`// I l I :I I I C APPROXIMATELY 6,000 SQUARE FEET, IT IS NECESSARY E t\\\\\\ \\ \I S\\ \ 1 (:. ' / • ' FF / / TO CLEAR THE ENTIRE SITE LYING EAST OF THE 25 FOOT \ / \ \\� i An \\ \I 1 11 r•11 I / V \ �- e"'�°• r'I r'—T / B.S.B.L. ADJACENT TO THE+40%SLOPE. 71 $ \.I.\:\K\H ,1.IIt 03\ `— /` '1?' 3�"° 37 ' 1 °T I ,�"°° 7° W 1- i � _ 'fir' /� /•,.w / =_.1 / —±-----;41_,,_ 1...! 01 / --J I Q„, '41'l�.a $ 4,,vc.�7�. G. /� ".° //tea- • e / • . : ex- ;, y g; •,•tfr`r,'".''''"g• •• i ., g_ ‘ ss ,, ...,,. _.,t, ...: 7-fr,• .,.j •A--- 11:: - t pLy IY' * ' !i-J 4/ ,0 I ^ e/ is MATCNLINE SEE SHEET 12 i. GROUP FOUR,Inc. 1r 26090 JDANITA-IIOODfNVIfLE WAY NE (! BOTHELL WASHINGTON 91011 (125)775-4581 • (208)382-1241 • PAN208)382-581P .6 smvKrv,urm.:W , n.ir ""° JOB 110.:E1-11008 -a g co ., s 8 - 8 • 0 MATCHUNE SEE SHEET 11 z " '''. , 0 0. / .., •,,„„, zi .•;•v... . .. '0••• . it -..> 1 '.:•'• ' z a , .• 1- _•.,,c.s.),1 ..„ , (-,---,--— __1.-- T. -- • •• (pi ___ C.,,,? ,,,-,i . 4.1,, ,.., V Lc2 Vw- i -11- I 4- —— ii, ' — .,.--'7-; '' .•,- -, ---- , ' -, . .. --4.:.-i-t—- 0 C.' , a 1....")t ,',„ s''''Cli q_)/"° 1/ 1 2, /,...4.„0 • __t- 4 ., , I A r- ---- ce z I- 12 It .,. I ,,..1, r° , 1 -', /) ''1 ''' ..;"7 3.3rd--------Y—PI-• ''it. 14 a ' s'1 --;tf7-.- . .s.-,......"""r'''''''.." -: t -73----^ 1 ,....1-.: t i . 1®''''/71.. ..::°.,.:`:/'''.1'.-7.t,, : j if*At k•• 24 /Er' , .--76' ''-' V '''i r , ,,, L.-Z 11 17, mr I 4,..',..,... 4. ,,,, ' i 0 0 il 2 •14 ' 4 , 1., ,-,...., ., 111•2 2 ': '44r\ r' I L. 1 C., t. =E iv -It / 10 4---LT I T-- A ,....-...,.,,, . *:?• , i • i _...__ ... , --- ,,,, ,,..„„s. ,,, -4•It... --•"*""*4..'"‘Tilarm..7%,°"'s '" -1.1 x gar ,eft,°,.., . ,E7,. 7: .• 147ArT , ..1.,i' 4 \ e .t. .m..Vy • / I.!, , 11 rilli ) .4.11,,,,...' i itor" I ' „ 0...„...>. ,41, j f.,„„ „,,,0 ,44ti't"" 0/ .„.„,4„,, ....,,,, 0,,g,' i,,., , _,-- I 4),‘ ao Or/ e' i ' 0...it'''0.. i 17, 14/ I /a i ,/ . . f i / Cr' II ar / / 1 7Z, • 46 1 I 01 / / I ' iL.:7•• - l';'. . '''''' ,••/1 / / I .`•"4 / , 7.1 ......./...........-..,...... ... I $ ' ' / /,f - '.d,.."`• %.IF: •••38-w ,•,...,,r,,, 6„, .,. , t •.q,,w. ,.Qt.,/ I . . ,,_.,isi ir, if-.. ..,•/,4:4, \,,, , •P - • -;' .III i'-g.',("6.94 P,:.i'C'D'''-' ' e).- o. , ,•,, .2,1.. \ \ I 1 ii 4, i : - .,' , *,.7).'•'Ft g't V1' ..?. \ ! 82. .• , ' 11111 I ' A ii 2 W 1 i k t : LEGEND • VW.WT. i TREE CLEARING: DUE TO THE NATURE OF THE EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY III RAM.1.,1 i AND THE R-8 ZONING,RESULTING IN LOTS AVERAGING m m.VALWE APPROXIMATELY 6,000 SQUARE FEET, IT IS NECESSARY co roan.111.7 TO CLEAR THE ENTIRE SITE LYING EAST OF THE 25 FOOT .0-VT11.1,PM B.S.B.L. ADJACENT TO THE+40%SLOPE. ...• 0,_._.4._____ri ,-MLA,M.. • MM..RISER ):( WAD Lira t Wm twr BA.Cr GE.11.KCAS . WK.Pi GROUP FOUR,Inc. 1 DAT.0,0-.x. M ammo's sox Mr:j..2•TE000-¢0ires. a. STRUT SI. 16030 JUANITA—WOODINVILLE WAY NE BOMBLL,WASHINGTON B8011 E (.5)775,5. • (204062,241 • ..0200.16P-3819 i i %IMMO MCI... MANNING 11121•601.117 JOB 10..97-8008 - g 1 I- .. FUME r' Jl6Dl I-PS-Af �' Cr JI"RGP aORTXa� 0 A K'-/IOJD � JMOf SHALE Y�r'$� 1 �� MCP,/O N r _ rr rrr ; •m ITN mum /C 61' -.".0 1 I I 6 11 hi ..."--LS RES PRICI ' 2 441:°° • / .12"PL-P'" \ Tx/2 RCP i60 63 /F=MI, 1[=d1/5 lit / PONT/PIXC I.Ilf AS1 c o I 9. /r a 9.oP {/: I I ,,,,,,,, 41p$Rr r J I ..„, Ili o li 9ZBJ cop 1 45flit' ' .1 i1_ ,1 1 II3�' 1, I e„x ,. ,, ., .'l'i •_ ,...,,..,, 7,`' c 1 \� � 032 Cr IAMN fi�'r L a /F IDJZJ 1 'At /F=165 rg 1 • 1 ' ra[n'mvF,wnw T /riFmewr krsr �a $' 11't V j88j�� yy ii PONFR PO(f ,runs ArlA r3 (�^ SISD986 fp/ TAP 21755 rrr,i II '.6,1�` E .E/F Z/S J6 IT"ADS Mr I' Se® �y Z/J JJ/1"ADS F (r ill rna 01 r\ja .. r l�r L7 I _——4L[ + N99M3)'W Ib-06' . 5 _ NE_6 ST �1'E.dal ST. Y r—, • 7 11AGLI"TY _1- POIICF PLYf ' y 00 TRACT A 4" `U1' fl(2YL�II -� 2 s 50 { 1 \ \'- -'s u/d 11g1C ACCF$u91E71TI. E v o- gb I —NE asw \ lipp§.: \\ . i �\ 7 \ 414 u \ ♦. ar1ar 12 Ft I 1 _ _______ _ _—_ r2 NlY02'11"W 150.03' NR 011 n. 3R 1, E o o ON si .. 22g 4'4 i of b IN 2A1...1 aot I 4o �, 3 °£ e � `�a b "lip ate m � S a y.. 8 6 Io '" o 4 �LI I e o fl v-an Y R4 g 114 b —"rAjrs, RENTON ... — CITY PRELIMINARY OFF—SITE DRAINAGE PLAN ' • .... * J vim as h 97-8008 xo. REVISION BY MTE Awn -— STAFFORD CREST DIV. 2 - '13'13 SE 1/4 SEC. 32 ,TWP.24 N,RGE. 5 E ,W.M. 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' J08 NO 90-8008 9 i . on K N G 0 U ,...41 � nr =[�I R,EJ e E ♦ T„O n u / r e. 1 �-�-in .. gp� S s ,c"' NfSa s LINC "' �T AVE. -`N.E. �$i i OLD > O 'I II — ii co. PiItA:, sLINCOLN A E N.EI • �_ ;Z ,,..47bilt, O :,.. n 1, m z T Z m Z - 'Q "il1%hk. __ :in 0 . -4 I S Z s"Nihi.T.‘ W° r.. r •11' io Pi Z . 1 '"` IP g ABERDEEN.o. ovr..AVE. N.E. - i-x Nor OPE N o 0 o- ` N3 CP ' Z. Hl a L r• M ai(61 da^� /C a-F A ...r. • a z • 334210 3511 05 334210 3530 02 334210 3531 01 E A Jackson& K K Swanson Donald J. Place 1909 NE 36`h Street 2959 224th Place SE Issaquah,WA 98029 Renton, WA 98056 334570 0215 04 334570 0216 03 "ncin 0217 02 James&Laura M. Capestany David J. Baumer J. Healy 3616 Lincoln Ave.NE 415 Baker Blvd.,#20 Z S 0, #276 Renton, WA 98056 Tukwila, WA 98108 (,a1__1. E 65609 334570 0225 02 334570 0230 05 98_ 11 0235 00 Paul R. Miller Thomas Earl Carpenl & Rosemary Huff 3623 Lincoln Ave.NE 3601 Lincoln Ave.N ; 883 Renton, WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 iviauawa, WA 99349 334210 3536 06 Marilyn Tharp Clise 334570 0210 09 334210 3545 05 334210 Jeanene&John J.Tharp Henry House Builders LLC Donald 3550 07 do Stafford Homes 271 S. 7th Ave. #25 Donald JGerend 16016—1 18`"Pl.NE 2959 224thPlace SE Bothell,WA 98011 Sequim, WA 98382 Issaquah,WA 98029 334210 3500 08 City of Renton 200 Mill Ave. S. Renton, WA 98055 „ © CITY OF RENTON .i oll1 , ;ANIIINIF, ,oa P ••+L Planning/Building/Public Works '' * 0.1.,A r 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 0 OCT 1 0'9 8 0 29 5 * � . W U 1r ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED °C ` PB METER 7204260 U.S. POSTAGE C1.. 334570 0217 02 i v Henry G. Healy Returned �' - Cmr 42(�,.#27 �._. ..., ,._ or Better qdd '* Apo, AE . ' CIT` JF RENTON Board of Public Works Jesse Tanner,Mayor January 15,2002 Koren Kubota, Sr.Vice-President First Hawaiian Bank Commercial Real Estate Division 999 Bishop Street, 11th Floor Honolulu,HI 96813 SUBJECT: RELEASE OF ASSIGNMENT OF FUNDS STAFFORD CREST DIVISION II,LUA 98-117,OFF-SITE DEFERRAL N.E.36TH AND LINCOLN AVE.N.E. This letter will serve as your authority to release the subject Assignment of Funds in Account No. 01-972375, posted with the City of Renton on behalf of Stafford Homes. The original security is enclosed for your files. If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to contact Juliana Sitthidet at(425)430-7278. Sincerely, JJ&éUJ'CL7I. t Neil Watts,Chairman Board of Public Works cc: Bob Lauser,Stafford Homes Juliana Sitthidet Paul Lumbert Norma Kuhn,Finance Dept. Board Members �.U4 Y3-//9 N.\DIVISION.S\BPW\DEFERRAL\staffotdrellua98-117.doc\w RENTON 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 • AHEAD O F THE CURVE This paper contains 50%recycled material,30%post consumer RECEIVED • MAR 0 7 2000 . ASSIGNMENT OF FUNDS CITY OF RENTON70 THE CITY OF RENTON PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN. APPLICANT: SSIII, LJ.f (Stafford Hanes) BANK: First fiat in Bank Owner: SAME Branch: Crum'1 RP1 F.si-nt nivi Sinn Address: 12931 N . 126t1i P1 Address: 999 Bi sho? St. u, h Plr- Kirkland, ,A 98034 Honolulu, HT 96811 Phone: 425-821-3400 Phone: 808-525-6287 FAX: 425-814-2633 FAX: 808-525-8141 Attention: Matt Farris Attention: Koren K. Kubota Title: President Title: 5r. vice President The above referenced bank hereby certifies that One hundred ten thousand five hundred ninety two dollars ($ 110,592.00 ) is on deposit in the account number 01-977175 ; under the name of City of Renton, to secure the applicant's performance of the following work required in connection with the plat or project described below. Plat or Project: _ Stafford Crest Division 2 ' Location/Address of Plat or Project 1`E 36th St. & 600' west of ].12"th P1 SE The required work is generally described as follows: • 1: The final lift of 2" class 'B' asphalt . i Centerline nicnuments Street lights • The bank hereby certify and agrees that these funds will not be released without written instructions from an authorized agent of the City of Renton (the City). We further agree that these funds will be paid to the City within l0 days of receiving written notice that the City has determined that the required work has not been properly performed. The bank shall have no duty or right to evaluate the correctness or appropriateness of any such notice or determination by the City and shall not interplead or in any manner delay payment of said funds to the City. The applicant hereby agrees to this assignment of funds and that its obligation to perform the required work is not limited to the amount of funds held by the bank. This Assignment of funds is irrevocable and cannot be cancelled by the bank or applicant. plicant: S_ , LTC r Bank: FIRST HAWAIIAN BANK Authorize. Signal e Authorized Signature Koren *I( �ui-nt3 Sr_ Vi r/ Pr�^,jdent _J. Matt, Farris., FS jd�r f f Name, Title Name. Title f>er^_mrer lc, 1 949 lost1IIgsi Date Date Q,.* 40 �..... d' c,bioN S e�� rvA- 6b c 4 j Exhibit "1"r2-0.-fecO c).t. , ,b-NAL.fit-t‘C:tz-L-6.a__ t-1,..k._ \"S 'a...1,S- :: y PUBUG ;�O` 1 ,L.o/ ,A.:C .'•� . CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: January 8,2002 NOISINC1 TO: Juliana Sitthidet 0 NW FROM: Judy Walter '- s SUBJECT: STAFFORD CREST DIV. II NOJ.N311 d Mi... OFF-SITE DEFERRAL NE 3611'ST& LINCOLN AVE NE Could you please give me the status of the above deferral? The Board minutes indicate that the deferral extension began Oct. 24, 2001 for 90 days to complete the street lighting system. The extension was up Dec. 1, 2001. PSE to connect the power poles and there are also punch lists items to complete. The security is still in place for$110,592.00. Please advise. Thanks cc: Mickie Flanagan itAdAd/ PV1, Pau-Le- L. 44-/Je-"1 ..4/3 faccu - -0 R, %//o . Sf. .Get, Gen, f{- H:\DIVISION.S\ADMIN\staffordlua98-117.doc\jw BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS 8:30 a.m. City of Renton Wednesday, October 24,2001 Conference Room No. 511 AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting minutes dated, September 5 & 12, 2001. 3. REQUESTED ACTION: • ON-SITE DEFERRAL, CANDLEWOOD SHORT PLAT, LUA 00- 031, 1409 N. 32ND St., - applicant requests a deferral for final lift of asphalt for a one-year period of time. 4. OLD BUSINESS: • OFF-SITE DEFERRAL EXTENSION, STAFFORD CREST DIVISION Il, LUA 98-117, N.E. 36TH St. and Lincoln Ave. N.E. - applicant requests a deferral extension for 90 days to complete the street lighting system. 5. ADJOURNMENT: BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS 8:30 a.m. Renton Municipal Building Wednesday,October 24,2001 Conference Room No. 511 IN ATTENDANCE: Dave Christensen,Utilities Systems(Acting Chairman) Larry Meckling,Building Official Corey Thomas,Fire Juliana Sitthidet,Plan Review Mickie Flanagan,Recording Secretary Judy Walter,PBPW Administration VISITORS: Robert West,Candlewood Short Plat MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER: Acting Chairman Christensen called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting minutes dated September 5 and 12, 2001 were approved as presented. 3. REQUESTED ACTION: • On-Site Deferral Request, Candlewood Short Plat,LUA 00-031, 1409 N.32" St. - Applicant requests a deferral for fmal lift of asphalt for a one-year period of time. Action: Moved by Meckling,seconded by Thomas to approve an extension of one year until September 30,2002, for the final lift of asphalt in the private tl street interior at the Candlewood Short Plat, 1409 N. 32nd St.,Renton, Washington. This approval is conditioned upon a security device being placed with the City in the amount of$7,650.00(150%of the estimated cost). MOTION CARRIED. 4. OLD BUSINESS: • Off-Site Deferral Extension Request,Stafford Crest Division II,LUA 98- 117,N.E.36th St. and Lincoln Ave.N.E. - Applicant requests a deferral extension for 90 days to complete the street lighting system. Discussion: The street lighting system is installed and the applicant is only waiting for PSE to connect to power poles. There are also punch list items to complete. Action: Moved by Meckling,seconded by Thomas to approve an extension to deferral dated December 12, 2000. The Board granted an extension until December 1,2001 in order to connect the street lighting to PSE power poles and to complete punch list items. MOTION CARRIED. 4. ADJOURNMENT: Acting Chairman Christensen adjourned the meeting at 8:50 a.m. %, CITY JF RENTON ma f Board of Public Works Jesse Tanner,Mayor October 24, 2001 Bob Louser Stafford Homes 12931 N.E. 126th PI. Kirkland WA 98034 SUBJECT: OFF-SITE DEFERRAL- STAFFORD CREST DIVISION II LUA 98-117 N.E. 36TH ST. AND LINCOLN AVE. N.E. Dear Mr. Louser: On October 24, 2001 the Board of Public Works met to consider your request for an extension of your deferral dated December 12, 2000. The Board granted an extension until December 1, 2001 in order to connect the street lighting to PSE power poles and complete punch list items. Once the improvements have been installed, then written documentation shall be submitted for the record and the security device will subsequently be released. You may call Juliana Sitthidet, Board Coordinator, at (425) 430-7278 if you have questions or need additional information. Sincerely, ct91(j Mickie Flanagan, Recording Secretary cc: Board Members File # LUA 98-117 into 1901 2001 crst oc cor 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 - (425) 430-7204 /FAX (425) 430-7241 ca t.� " en tenn1 This paper contains s0%recycled material,30%post consumer 016 , I(� PP DEV CITE 0► , ' ,"t>r�NING � JAN 0 r BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS RECEI 8:30 a.m. Renton City Hall Wednesday,December 13,2000 6th Floor Conference Room CONSENT AGENDA (CONTACT THE BOARD SECRETARY BY TUESDAY 12/12/00 IF YOU HAVE ANY OBJECTIONS AND WANT A MEETING SCHEDULED.) 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 3. REQUESTED ACTION: • ON-SITE DEFERRAL, STAFFORD CREST DIVISION II, LUA 98 • - 117'" N.E. 36TH St. and Lincoln Ave. N.E. - applicant requests extension of the deferral for final lift of asphalt paving, monuments and street lighting. Recommendation: Staff recommends extension of the existing deferral as follows: 1)final lift of asphalt paving until August 31,2001;2)monuments until August 31,2001;and 3)streetlights until March 31,2001. The existing security device remains in place until all items are completed and accepted by Public Works. • ON/OFF-SITE DEFERRAL,WINDSONG PLAT DIV. I,N.E. 4TH ST. and Hoquiam Ave. N.E. - applicant requests a 3-month extension of the deferral. Recommendation: The staff recommends extension of the existing deferral until February 28,2001 with the security device in place and held until all items are completed and accepted by Public Works. 4. ADJOURNMENT: CITY OF RENTON c o� • �► q8 - 1I -, PP emlBOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS .rt Jesse Tanner, Mayor December 12,2000 STAFFORD HOMES Bob Louser, Project Manager 12931 NE 126th Pl. Kirkland WA 98034 SUBJECT: ON-SITE DEFERRAL EXTENSION STAFFORD CREST DIVISION II N.E.36TH ST.AND LINCOLN AVE.N.E.,RENTON,WA Dear Mr.Louser: The Board of Public Works reviewed your request for an extension of the deferral for the above referenced subdivision. The staff recommended granting an extension of the existing deferral as follows: 1. To defer the final lift of asphalt paving until August 31,2001; 2. To defer monuments until August 31,2001;and 3. To defer the streetlights until March 31,2001. The existing security device shall remain in place until all items are completed and accepted by Public Works. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this action,please contact Paul Lumbert,Board Coordinator, at(425)430-7304. Sincerely, Mickie Flanagan, Recordin S cretary cc: Board Members Paul Lumbert LUA File#98-I 17 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, Washington 98055 (425)430-7204 Facsimile (425)430-7241 Documcnt4\cor v BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS 8:30 a.m. Renton Municipal Building Wednesday,November 11, 1999 6th Floor Conference Room IN ATTENDANCE: Larry Meckling, Building Official, Acting Chairman Jana Hanson,Chairman, absent Dave Christensen, Utilities Systems Jim Gray, Fire Prevention Dennis Gerber, Police Paul Lumbert, Board Coordinator Mickie Flanagan, Recording Secretary VISITORS: Robert Louser, Stafford Homes Bill Diamond, Stafford Homes MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER: Acting Chairman Meckling called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Gerber moved, Gray seconded to approve meeting minutes dated October 27, 1999. MOTION CARRIED. 3. REQUESTED ACTION: • ON-SITE DEFERRAL, STAFFORD CREST DIVISION II LUA-117, N.E. 36T" St. and Lincoln Ave. N.E. - applicant requests a deferral for final lift of asphalt street paving(2" class B"), setting of 13 survey monuments and street lighting system, for a one-year period to record the plat. Discussion: Monuments must go in prior to recording of the plat. By state law, a deferral is not allowed on monuments and the city cannot go out and verify them. Action: Moved by Christensen, seconded by Gray to TABLE this action for one week to resolve the monument issues. Motion Carried. • UNDERGROUND VARIANCE, US WEST COMMUNICATIONS: 1) 1300-1600 Block of S. 27th St.; 2) 1400-1500 Block of Monterey Ave. N.E.; and 3) 300 Block of Stevens Ave. S.,W. and 500-600-700-800 Blocks of S.W. 3rd Pl. Y Y Board of Public Works November 11 , 1999 Page 2 Action: Moved by Gray, seconded by Christensen to grant the variances as proposed by the applicant, subject to the applicant agreeing to participate in any future project that would place these utility lines underground. Motion Carried. �. ADJOURNMENT: Acting Chairman Meckling adjourned the meeting at 8:40 a.m. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS 8:30 a.m. Renton Municipal Building Wednesday,November 17, 1999 6th Floor Conference Room IN ATTENDANCE: Jana Hanson, Chairman Larry Meckling, Building Official Dave Christensen, Utilities Systems Jim Gray, Fire Prevention Dennis Gerber,Police Paul Lumbert,Board Coordinator Mickie Flanagan,Recording Secretary VISITORS: Bill Diamond, Stafford Homes MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Hanson called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting Minutes of November 11 are unavailable. 3. REQUESTED ACTION: LL A • ON-SITE DEFERRAL, STAFFORD CREST DIVISION II,LETS 98- 117,NE. 36TH St. and Lincoln Ave. N.E. - Continuation from 11/10/99. `t Discussion: Staff determined to remove the request for deferral of monumentation. Action: Moved by Christensen,seconded by Gray,to grant the deferral for final lift of asphalt street paving (2" Class B); and subject to the following conditions of approval for deferring monuments as part of the plat: 1) Applicant shall provide a security device for a provision of monumentation in the amount of 150%of the estimated cost; 2) Applicant shall install temporary pk nails for centerline monuments; and 3) Applicant's Land Surveyor shall provide a letter to the City identifying his intent to provide monumentation prior to the expiration of the deferral and shall make notes on the plat as approved by the Technical Services Division regarding this matter. MOTION CARRIED. 1 ' Board of Public Works November 17 , 1999 Page 2 • STREET VACATION,VAC 99-001,Alley Between S.W. and 12th St./S.W. 13th St. from Lind to Seneca Ave. S.W. - petitioner requests vacation of a portion of the alley right-of-way to assemble contiguous parcels for an automobile dealership. Action: Following a brief discussion: Moved by Christensen,seconded by Gray to approve the vacation request as submitted by the petitioner subject to the following condition: 1) The City retains an easement for utilities over the right-of-way being vacated. The easement may be amended or released upon relocation of the existing utilities by the developer. Motion Carried. 4. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Hanson adjourned the meeting at 8:50 a.m. ,C ` _ ITY OF RENTON )jel, ♦ ♦ BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS ,moo ��N�ro� q8_ I I I I 1 ' Jesse Tanner, Mayor DEVELOPMENT PLANNING November 19, 1999 CITY OF RENTON NOV Z � 1999 Bill Diamond RECEIVED C/O STAFFORD HOMES 12931 NE 126th Pl., Bldg. B 1 Kirkland WA 98034 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR DEFERRAL STAFFORD CREST DIV.II NE 36TH ST. AND LINCOLN AVE. NE,RENTON WA Dear Mr. Diamond: At the November 17, 1999 meeting of the Board of Public Works,the Board granted your deferral for final lift of asphalt street paving(2" Class B); and subject to the following conditions of approval for deferring monuments as part of the plat: 1) Applicant shall provide a security device in the amount of$110,952.00(150%of the cost estimate for deferred improvements); 2) applicant shall install temporary pk nails for centerline monuments; 3) applicants Land Surveyor shall provide a letter to the City identifying his intent to provide monumentation prior to the expiration of the deferral and shall make notes on the plat as approved by the Technical Services Division regarding this matter; and 4)deferral of the street lighting system, for a period of one year, in order to record the plat. Be advised that the date the Board grants the deferral is the temporary effective date of the deferral, subject to the applicant providing said security device within 30 days,which would be December 17, 1999. If the security device is accepted, the deferral then becomes permanent, subject to any other conditions placed by the Board. If you fail to submit an approved security device within the 30 day period,the deferral becomes null and void. A sample form is enclosed for your use. Please ensure that the effective date of the set aside is December 17, 1999,with an open-ended expiration date to expire when the deferred improvements are installed and approved. Once the improvements have been installed,then written documentation shall be submitted for the record and the security device will subsequently be released. Your deferral will expire on December 19,2000. You may call Paul Lumbert,Board Coordinator, at(425)430-73034 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sin erely, L ( Mickie Flanagan, Recording Secre cc: Paul Lumbert LUA File,Stafford Crest Div.II 1055 South Grady Way- Renton, Washington 98055 (425)430-7204 Facsimile (425)430-7241 H:\DIVISION.S\BP W\DEFERRAL\staffcrs\staffcrs.doc\cor • FP 9g- Ig4 PP- 113 From: Debra Mikolaizik PP - -1 g - I I To: ORG_CITY_COUNCIL; ORG_ECON_DEV_ALL; ORG_EXEC_ALL Date: Wed, Dec 15, 1999 2:26 pm Subject: Stafford Homes Address Change FYI: Stafford Homes office has relocated and has both a new address and phone number. Please update your records to reflect these changes. They asked me to share this info throughout City Hall and since I'm not sure who needs to know, I apologize if you receive this memo needlessly. Stafford Homes 12931 NE 126th PI Kirkland, WA 98034 Phone: 425-821-3400 Fax: 425-814-2638 Debra Mikolaizik 425-430-6580 EDNSP Administrative Secretary to Sue Carlson r March 22, 1999 Renton City Council Minutes Page 101 BY MR. DINEEN LAST YEAR ON THIS SUBJECT BE INCLUDED AS PARTIES OF RECORD ON THIS PROJECT. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. CAG: 99-021,N 40th & City Clerk reported bid opening on 3/16/99 for CAG-99-021,N. 40th St. & Meadow Ave N Storm System, Meadow Ave.N. storm system; 20 bids;project estimate $339,000.33; and Harlow Construction submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Harlow Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of$226,831.73. Council concur. EDNSP: Neighborhood Economic Development,Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning Department Enhancement Grants submitted selection criteria and program parameters for the offering of small grants up to $5,000 to community groups for projects that build or enhance the physical features of a neighborhood. Refer to Community Services Committee. Finance: Golf Course Bonds Finance and Information Services Department recommended that Golf Course Refunding (1994) Revenue Bonds originally issued in 1994 to build the clubhouse and driving range be refunded due to decreasing interest rates. The amount of savings will be $269,096 over the life of the bonds. Council concur. (See page 104 for Finance Committee report and page 105 for associated ordinance.) Fire: Aid Car Purchases Fire Department recommended approval of an agreement in the amount of (Three), Braun NW $382,156.47 to purchase three new aid cars from Braun Northwest, Inc. Council concur. Technical Services: Technical Services Division recommended approval of the establishment of a Photogrammetric Mapping small works roster listing three firms to provide photogrammetric mapping Services Small Works Roster services. Council concur. Airport: Wildlife (Fowl) Transportation Division recommended approval of an agreement in the amount Hazards,Agreement with US of$81,000 with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to provide Dept of Agriculture recommendations and assistance in reducing wildlife hazards within the airport environments. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Transportation: Downtown Transportation Division requested authorization for the temporary closures of Streets Temporary Closures Morris Ave. S., Whitworth Ave. S., and Shattuck Ave. S. between South 2nd (Morris,Whitworth, Shattuck) and 3rd Streets for five working days each, sometime between March 29 and May 7. Council concur. (See page 105 for resolution.) MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Ben Millett, 1602 Olympia Ave. SE,Renton, Citizen Comment: Millett— 98058, requesting that a skate park be built in Renton. MOVED BY NELSON, Skate Park in Renton SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THIS LETTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Mapili— Correspondence was read from Charles Mapili, 2316 NE 31st St.,Renton, Staff Assistance re: Stafford 98056, expressing appreciation towards Renton Hearing Examiner Fred Crest Plat Kaufman and City staff Neil Watts and Jennifer Toth Henning for providing VP-q(b-kr him with information on the Stafford Crest Division II development project, located near his home. Citizen Comment: Thornton — Correspondence was read from Bob Thornton of Hawkins-Poe, Realtors, 1215 East Renton Plateau Regents Blvd., Tacoma, 98467,requesting commercial zoning along SE 128th Annexation Zoning (SE 128th St. as part of the East Renton Plateau Annexation zoning process. MOVED BY St) SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THIS LETTER TO THE OFFICIAL FILE NO. A-98-001. CARRIED. • • 2316 NE 31°Street Renton,WA 98056 • •• (425)235-7423 • • • March 15, 1999 To: Fred Kaufman Jennifer Henning Ken Watts Cc: Renton City Council Subject: Letter of Appreciation My family and I live in Renton and own about 10 acres of mostly undeveloped land within the city. I only recently found out that public hearings concerning an adjacent very large development,Stafford Crest Division II,have already taken place. Apparently,I did not receive notice because King County records of current ownership were obsolete. Since learning that the hearing was closed,I have found out that Fred Kaufman,Hearing Examiner,has correctly required access to my property. Access from a road below is not feasible so access from the development is appropriate to support code and comprehensive plan requirements. I have also received prompt and helpful assistance from Ken Watts and Jennifer Henning as I try to catch up on the developments of this case. Thanks Fred,Ken,and Jennifer;We very much appreciate your attention in these matters. Sincerely, Charles Mapili • Cc, CIT' DF RENTON . il . ( City Clerk � M. Jesse Tanner,Mayor Marilyn J. Petersen February 9, 1999 Mr. Bill Diamond Stafford Construction 16016 118th Place NE Bothell, WA 98011 Re: Stafford Crest Division 2 Preliminary Plat; File No. PP-98-117 Dear Mr. Diamond: 1. At the regular Council meeting on February 8, 1999, the Renton City Council approved the referenced preliminary plat subject to the conditions outlined in the hearing examiner's recommendation. Pursuant to RCW, a final plat meeting all requirements of State law and Renton Municipal Code shall be submitted to the City for approval within five years of the date of preliminary plat approval. If I can provide additional information or assistance,please feel free to call. Sincerely, Marilyn . P t sen City Clerk cc: Mayor Jesse Tanner Council President King Parker Jennifer Henning,Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 - (425)430-6510/FAX(425)430-6516 ®This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer • February 8, 1999 Renton City Council Minutes Page 48 Annexation: Davis, 132nd Ave Economic Development,Neighborhoods& Strategic Planning Department SE(Union Ave NE) recommended that a public hearing be set for February 22, 1999,on the 60% Petition to Annex for the Davis Annexation, 3.8 acres located east of 132nd Ave. SE(Union Ave.NE),and the proposed zoning. Council concur. Plat: Stafford Crest Division 2, Hearing Examiner recommended approval,with conditions, of the Stafford Preliminary,NE 36th& 112th Crest Division 2 preliminary plat; 52 parcels on 10.3 acres located south of NE Ave SE(PP-98-117) 36th St. and west of 112th P1. SE(PP-98-117). Council concur. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was entered into the record from the following residents living Citizen Comment: Various near the City View Estates preliminary plat, located at Stevens Ave.NW and Residents—City View Plat NW 2nd Place: Sandee McGann 304 NW 2nd St.; Dave&Cheri Helgeson, Runoff Problems(NW 2nd St.) 8805 S. 132nd St.; Mehrdad&Elaine Shirazi, 17824- 118th Ave. SE,Renton (owners of parcels in the 200 block of NW 2nd St.); Denny&Julie Hamilton, 13213 - 87th Pl. S.; and Edward&Nancy Melcher, 8801 S. 132nd St. The letters requested that the City address violations relating to the plat's inadequate drainage, which has negatively impacted their properties. Additional correspondence was read from Bob Arthur, the City's Land Use Compliance Inspector, describing Code violations on this property relating to illegal clearing and grading, and failure to make provisions for the retention of on-site water. The letter further stated that the developer is being issued two civil infraction citations and will have to submit a temporary erosion control plan to the City by February 10, 1999. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Dokeen— Correspondence was read from Paul Dokeen, 13010 SE 159th St.,Renton, Gambling Establishments 98058, expressing concern about gambling establishments and the negative effect that gambling can have on people. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Vukov— Correspondence was read from John P. Vukov, 149 Park Ave.N. #1,Renton, Gambling Establishments& 98055, expressing disagreement with the Mayor's proposal to double the tax on Proposed Tax Increase card room revenues, which he felt would be unfair to well-managed, successful businesses which pay taxes and bring people to Renton. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Parker presented a Committee of the Whole report Committee of the Whole recommending that Council authorize the Administration to contract with Craig EDNSP: Old City Hall Real Kinzer&Co. and Pacific Rim Real Estate to provide exclusive representation Estates(Leasing) Services for the leasing of the former city hall,police annex and excess space in the new City Hall. Included in the contract may also be the disposition of the portable building that formerly housed the municipal courts. The Committee further recommended that Council approve, in concept, the marketing of the former city hall to high tech and Internet companies. The Administration will evaluate the building and make recommendations to the Council about repairs and improvements necessary to the building to support these types of businesses before leasing activity begins. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. , rift CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AI #: (' • SUBMITTING DATA: FOR AGENDA OF: Z I$ 1 _1 1 Dept/Div/Board.. HEARING EXAMINER 1 Staff Contact... Fred J. Kaufman, ext. 2593 AGENDA STATUS: Consent XX SUBJECT: Stafford Crest Division 2 Preliminary Plat Public Hearing.. Correspondence.. Location: South of NE 36th and west of 112th Place SE Ordinance File No. LUA-98-117,PP Resolution Old Business.... EXHIBITS: 1. Hearing Examiner's Report&Recommendation New Business.... Study Session... Other RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve Hearing Examiner's Recommendation I APPROVALS: 1 Legal Dept 1 Finance Dept.... 1 Other FISCAL IMPACT: N/A Expenditure Required... Transfer/Amendment.. Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated... SUMMARY OF ACTION: 111 The Hearing Examiner's Report and Recommendation on Stafford Crest Division Preliminary Plat was published on December 28, 1998. A request for reconsideration was received on January 11, 1999 and the Examiner did not alter Condition 5 of the Recommendation as requested by staff. The Examiner recommends approval of the proposed preliminary plat, subject to the conditions outlined on pages 6 and 7 of the Report and Recommendation. This office notes that the conditions placed on this project are to be met at later stages of the platting process. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve. CIZ ,OF RENTON .11 Hearing Examiner Jesse Tanner,Mayor Fred J.Kaufman January 21, 1999 Ms. Jennifer Henning Development Services Division 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Re: Request for Reconsideration of Stafford Crest Division 2 File No. LUA98-117,PP Dear Ms. Henning: This office has reviewed your Request for Reconsideration in the above matter as well as other information in the file. Ignoring for the moment the fact that the information was submitted after the hearing closed, it seems appropriate at this juncture to provide the recommended access because of the terrain of the subject site and that of its westerly southern neighbor. The area where the proposed road would connect appears to be the most buildable portion of the Mapili property. Both code and comprehensive plan require that roads be extended in an orderly fashion and that access be provided through a lot of its boundary to provide access to adjoining parcels. Waiting until or if the adjacent parcel to the Mapili's east is developed could result in leaving property that can support development without reasonable access. The terrain is such that access to the upper portions of the Mapili property would be foreclosed if no access road is provided in a reasonable fashion. Just as property to the east of the subject site provided stub extensions to allow roads to connect to the current site, the current site should in turn provide reasonable access to its neighbors. While this office responded to the request, even though it was untimely,the appeal period will not be extended. Sincerely, Fred J. Kaufman Hearing Examiner cc: Parties of Record 1055 South Grady Way- Renton, Washington 98055 - (425)430-6515 0111111 3 NEARING CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS HEARING RENTON MIR MEMORANDUM DATE: January 11, 1999 TO: Fred Kaufman,Hearing Examiner FROM: Jennifer Toth Henning t&ViA SUBJECT: Stafford Crest Division 2--Request for Reconsideration of Condition No.5 (File No. LUA-98-117,PP, ECF) This memo is written to request consideration of recommended condition No. 5 from the Hearing Examiner's Report and Recommendation. Recommendation No .5 of the Report states: "The applicant shall stub out a street to the south boundary of the subject site to provide potential access to the parcel south of the subject site." The need for an access road to the southern property was discussed during the Preliminary Plat hearing on December 8, 1998. Plan Review Staff testified at the hearing that there are steep slopes to the south of the subject parcel, and that the site is zoned Resource Conservation(RC). Neil Watts stated that the steepness would make extension of a street down to Jones Avenue difficult if not infusible. He also testified that it is unlikely that there would be an additional plat interchanging in the RC Zone area of this site. It was unclear whether there were pre-existing homes on the lower portion of this area. A topography map was presented as an exhibit during the hearing(Exhibit No. 6),which shows that the properties to the south have steep slopes. You requested that staff provide additional information on the two existing parcels and topography. The record was left open in order to give staff an opportunity to submit that information. We were not able to obtain a map from Technical Services in a timely manner. However,the applicant has provided both a letter and map clarifying the ownership and zoning for the parcels to the south. The map shows that the Tharp property is located south and southeast of the subject property, and could be reached via a stub street extension from Stafford Crest Division 1. The Mapili property is located south and southwest of the subject site and fronts on Jones Road. The letters states that both the Mapili property and the Tharp property are zoned Resource Conservation,which limits site development to one home per existing parcel. Access is available to the Tharp property via the existing road stub from Stafford Crest Division 1. The Mapili site could be developed with a home on the lower section of the site that is located adjacent to Jones Road, where access and lesser slopes exist. Another option would be to secure an access to the Mapili property via an easement from 110th Place NE(within Stafford Crest Division 1)across the Tharp property. Based on this information, it is evident that neither the Mapili property or the Tharp property are landlocked as the result of the proposed preliminary plat. In addition,the development potential of \\TS SERVER\SYS2\COMMON\H:\DIVISION.S\DEVELOP.SER\DEV&PLAN.INGVTH\STFRHXDOC -4411 Staflbrd Homes Neal Watts City Of Renton Development Services Renton City Hall 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Re: Proposed Preliminary Plat of Stafford Crest Division II Dear Mr. Watts: At the conclusion of the hearing for the preliminary plat of Stafford Crest II on December 8, 1998;the Hearing Examiner kept the record open for a period of one week so that the issue of access to the parcel directly South of the preliminary plat could be addressed. Looking at the topographic concerns of the property,the Examiner noted that there are two distinct areas that might be developed, above and below the slope. This property owned by Charles Mapili is designated as a Resource Conservation zoning area,thus limiting one potential home site for the entire parcel. Currently there is no home site;neither upper nor lower; on that parcel. In an effort to close the record, it should be noted that there are two options. The first option, should Mr. Mapili or an heir to the site desire to construct a home, is that it should be done on the lower section adjacent to the Jones Road,where both access and lesser slopes exist. Recent development of a large residence to the east verifies that. The second option should be only if the Examiner is adamant about granting an easement to the upper portion of Mr.Mapili's property from Stafford Crest. Since Stafford Crest I did bring I loth PI.NE to the south boundary line of the plat,there is an avenue for Mr. Mapili to obtain an easement from the parcel adjacent to that boundary,currently owned by John Tharp. Stafford Homes would ask that the Examiner consider addressing an easement of that type at the time that parcel considers future development and Mr. Mapili has not built a residence below, nor come to an agreement for an easement to the upper portion. I appreciate your additional efforts on this issue in hopes that the Examiner could close the record as soon as possible. If you have any further question,please do not hesitate to contact me at any time. Sincerely Bill Diamond Land Manager BD/bb 16016 118th Place Northeast • Bothell, WA 98011 • 425-488-2222 • FAX 425-488-0295 www.staffordhomes.com i .1 ti: .:. : 1 a� • i Y .�..., �- - _j \ � ' acth i LOREST A` 8 `\ aieww r ww au1jet •,rav7fr• 2.000 \ HE 36th e'7►4 ' ^/ra N f I __ r • r e .sr n �_. /r----. .,-n 1 ;n----I r---1 r--- r--- r I \b '\ 1RACTA '•- I 1 II 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I Ii. 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IWO/lr•1RA•-ax'OODlfl aIAY NE 80' 30TH ST NF 31ST S7 i ‘. ___ 1 (q,�� NE 27TH ST © a_ )E AT INTX. • zLa LEV. 326.65' Z Lt z 5 Q 4 z_ 53 z - a o J BLii 2 8 <�'' BIND cE VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1" = 1/2 MILE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OR SER PARCEL A: THE EAST 200 FEET OF LOTS 73 AND 74, HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN ADDITION TO SEATTLE NO. 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 63, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL B: THE WEST 220 FEET OF LOTS 71, 72, AND 75, HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN ADDITION TO SEATTLE NO. 1, ACCORDING TO LL 7 THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 63, IN KING O COUNTY, WASHINGTON; O EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: (— BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID WEST 220 FEET; I- Li THENCE SOUTH 89'02'57" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE THEREOF, (THE Li SOUTH MARGIN OF NORTHEAST 36TH STREET), A DISTANCE OF 21.55 FEET C) (-- TO A POINT WHICH IS 12.00 FEET EAST OF THE NORTHERLY PROLONGATION OF AN EXISTING FENCE AS SHOWN ON SURVEY RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9403259006; y THENCE SOUTH 04'57'03" WEST ALONG A LINE PARALLEL WITH SAID FENCE 91.06 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89'02'57" WEST A DISTANCE OF 12.00 FEET TO THE END OF SAID FENCE; 4 11 j1 THENCE SOUTH 05'18'02" WEST A DISTANCE OF 94.44 FEET TO AN EXISTING PROPERTY CORNER AS SHOWN ON SAID SURVEY AND THE WEST CI LINE OF SAID WEST 220 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0210'43" EAST ALONG SAID WEST LINE A DISTANCE OF - 185.05 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. S r (SAID PARCELS A AND B, TAKEN AS A WHOLE, ARE ALSO KNOWN AS LOT 1, CITY OF RENTON LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT NO. LUA-96-068-LLA, Si ! - RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9706109009.) '< 1.4 - PARCEL C: THE EAST 350 FEET OF TRACT 70 OF HILLMANS LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN ADDITION TO SEATTLE NO. 1, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS ON PAGE 63, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY WASHINGTON; EXCEPT ' NE NORTH 185 FEET OF THE EAST 110 FEET THEREOF; SITUATE IN THE CITY o OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. 45,, .ii PARCEL D: LOT 2, CITY OF RENTON LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT No. L.U.A.-96-068-LLA, AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9706109009. CIT. OF RENTON mil ;1Ilttr Hearing Examiner Jesse Tanner,Mayor Fred J.Kaufman February 1, 1999 • Mr. Bill Diamond Stafford Construction 16016 118th Place NE Bothell, WA 98011 Re: Stafford Crest Division 2 Preliminary Plat File No. 98-117,PP Dear Mr. Diamond: The Examiner's Report and Recommendation on the above-referenced matter, which was issued on December 28, 1998 and the Request for Reconsideration were not appealed. Therefore,this matter is being transmitted to the City Clerk this date for transmittal to the City Council for review. You will receive notification of final approval from the City Clerk, and will be notified of all action taken by the City Council upon approval of the request. Please feel free to contact this office if further assistance or information is required. Sincerely, 4...t._j Va....,. ( Fred J. Kaufir7an Hearing Examiner cc: Jennifer Henning Sandi Seeger 1055 South Grady�� Way - Renton, Washington 98055 - (425)430-6515 at This naner contains 50%recycled material.20%cost consumer AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. County of King ) MARILYN MOSES , being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and states: That on the 28th day of December ,1998, affiant deposited in the mail of the United States a sealed envelope(s) containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. Signature: 17 1 1 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this Ur* day of , 1998. Notary Public 'n an r the State of Washington, residing at , therein. Application, Petition, or Case No.: Stafford Crest Division 2 LUA98-117,PP The Decision or Recommendation contains a complete list of the Parties of Record. CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: January 29, 1999 TO: Marilyn Moses FROM: Sonja J. Fesser SUBJECT: Stafford Crest Division 2 Preliminary Plat,LUA-98-117-PP Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced legal description in the yellow file(clipped in red) as requested and find that the legal description contained therein is not complete. Said legal description describes Parcels A and B, but not Parcels C and D. See the attachment, which is a copy of the complete legal description for this proposed plat as noted on sheet 1 of 13 of the preliminary plat submittal. • \\TS SERVER\SYS2\COMMON\H:\FILE.SYS\LND\10\0337\RV990126.DOC w ;} CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.TA.COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A (Continued) Order No.: KERSTTE M/SBH.X Your hao,: LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT (Paragraph 4 of Schedule A cantutuation) PARCEL A: THE EAST 200 FEET OF LOTS 73 AND 74, HILLMAN'S LAKE NASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN ADDITION TO SEATTLE NO. 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 63, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL B: THE WEST 220 FEET OF LOTS 71, 72, AND 75, HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN ADDITION TO SEATTLE NO. 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 63, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID WEST 220 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°02' 57" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE THEREOF, (THE SOUTH MARGIN OF NORTHEAST 36TH STREET) , A DISTANCE OF 21.55 FEET TO A POINT WHICH IS 12.00 FEET EAST OF THE NORTHERLY PROLONGATION OF AN EXISTING FENCE AS SHOWN ON SURVEY RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9403259006; THENCE SOUTH 04°57'03" WEST ALONG A LINE PARALLEL WITH SAID FENCE 91.06 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°02' 57" WEST A DISTANCE OF 12.00 FEEL TO THE END OF SAID FENCE; THENCE SOUTH 05°18' 02" WEST A DISTANCE OF 94.44 FEE'[ TO AN EXISTING PROPERTY CORNER AS SHOWN ON SAID SURVEY AND THE WEST LINE OF SAID WEST 220 FEET; THENCE NORTH 02010'43" EAST ALONG SAID WEST LINE A LISTANCE OF 185.05 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. (SAID PARCELS A AND B, TAKEN AS A WHOLE, ARE ALSO KNOWN AS LOT 1, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LUA-96-068-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9706109009. ) ouLY , -;�.+6-�- c w�-�-+►►.�-7� h� cam. Div, c. CHICA(i()'t't'rl.I INSURANCE COMPANY awmas1. pnftm E #:619EZ9E90Z 440Po-1d/eI T1 o6e6tM ! Wd50:9 86—L1—L : ONI 'af1N df108D:A9 AOd 80' ITH ST N£ 31ST ST NE 27TM ST a_ iE AT NIXZ i > LEV. 326.65' 2 5 8 <> BIND VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1" = 1/2 MILE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OR SER PARCEL A: THE EAST 200 FEET OF LOTS 73 AND 74, HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN ADDITION TO SEATTLE NO. 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 63, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. PARCEL B: THE WEST 220 FEET OF LOTS 71, 72, AND 75, HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN ADDITION TO SEATTLE NO. 1, ACCORDING TO [ 7 THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 63, IN KING 0 COUNTY, WASHINGTON; Q EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 7 7 BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID WEST 220 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89'02'57" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE THEREOF, (THE SOUTH MARGIN OF NORTHEAST 36TH STREET), A DISTANCE OF 21.55 FEET U TO A POINT WHICH IS 12.00 FEET EAST OF THE NORTHERLY PROLONGATION OF AN EXISTING FENCE AS SHOWN ON SURVEY RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9403259006; THENCE SOUTH 04'57'03" WEST ALONG A UNE PARALLEL WITH SAID FENCE 91.06 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89'02'57" WEST A DISTANCE OF 12.00 FEET TO THE END OF SAID FENCE; 4 11 lo THENCE SOUTH 05'18'02" WEST A DISTANCE OF 94.44 FEET TO AN EXISTING PROPERTY CORNER AS SHOWN ON SAID SURVEY AND THE WEST LINE OF SAID WEST 220 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0210'43" EAST ALONG SAID WEST UNE A DISTANCE OF 1- 185.05 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. (SAID PARCELS A AND B, TAKEN AS A WHOLE, ARE ALSO KNOWN AS LOT 1, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LUA-96-068-LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9706109009.) PARCEL C: THE EAST 350 FEET OF TRACT 70 OF HILLMANS LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN �f OF EDEN ADDITION TO SEATTLE NO. 1, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS ON PAGE 63, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 185 FEET OF THE EAST 110 FEET THEREOF; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. ,o II PARCEL D: LOT 2, CITY OF RENTON LOT UNE ADJUSTMENT No. LU.A.-96-068-LLA, AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9706109009. CITY OF RENTON meLL � HEARING EXAMINER ' JMN 2 , 7999 MEMQRANDUM CJkY OF Engineering. Date: January 25, 1999 To: Sonja Fesser From: Marilyn Moses U� Re: Stafford Crest Division 2 Preliminary Plat File No. LUA98-117,PP Would you please verify that the legal description given in the file (clipped with red) is correct before we send this on to the City Council for approval. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Legals Lori L. Furnish first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Legal Clerk of the NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE SOUTH COUNTY JOURNAL RENTON,WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee 600 S. Washington Avenue, Kent, Washington 98032 (ERC)has issued a Determination of Non- Significance - Mitigated for the following project under the authority of the Renton a daily newspaper published seven (7) times a week. Said newspaper is a legal Municipal Code. STAFFORD CREST PRELIMINARY PLAT newspaper of general publication and is now and has been for more than six months -DIVISION 2 prior to the date of publication, referred to, printed and published in the English language LUA98-117,PP,ECF continually as a daily newspaper in Kent, King County, Washington. The South County Proposal2par to subdividec a 10. acre site into 52 parcels. Located South of NE 36th Journal has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the Street and 600 feet west of 112th Place State of Washington for King County. SE�ppeals of the environmental determina- The notice in the exact form attached, was published in the South County lion must be filed in writing on or before Journal (and not in supplemental form) which was regularly distributed to the subscribers 5:00 PM November 23, 1998. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 Stafford Crest Preliminary Plat South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8- as published on: 11/9/98 11B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office,(425)430-6510. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $60.10 A Public Hearing will be held by the Legal Number 5351A Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA December 8, 1998 at 9:00 AM to consider the f' 2 Preliminary Plat. If the Environmental Legal Clerk, South County Journal Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. Interested parties are invited to attend the i Ch�� A � C public hearing. •Subscribed and sworn before me on this/ (n day of I JN- , 19 l Publication Date:November 9, 1998 Published in the South County Journal e��tttttseerrrr • November9,1998.5351A • Notary Public of the State of Washington L'= residing in Renton _ - -- = King County, Washington 4C^ (� 4 V tb CIT' DF RENTON •• . '` Hearing Examiner Jesse Tanner,Mayor Fred J.Kaufman January 21, 1999 Ms. Jennifer Henning Development Services Division 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Re: Request for Reconsideration of Stafford Crest Division 2 File No. LUA98-117,PP Dear Ms. Henning: This office has reviewed your Request for Reconsideration in the above matter as well as other information in the file. Ignoring for the moment the fact that the information was submitted after the hearing closed, it seems appropriate at this juncture to provide the recommended access because of the terrain of the subject site and that of its westerly southern neighbor. The area where the proposed road would connect appears to be the most buildable portion of the Mapili property. Both code and comprehensive plan require that roads be extended in an orderly fashion and that access be provided through a lot of its boundary to provide access to adjoining parcels. Waiting until or if the adjacent parcel to the Mapili's east is developed could result in leaving property that can support development without reasonable access. The terrain is such that access to the upper portions of the Mapili property would be foreclosed if no access road is provided in a reasonable fashion. Just as property to the east of the subject site provided stub extensions to allow roads to connect to the current site,the current site should in turn provide reasonable access to its neighbors. While this office responded to the request, even though it was untimely,the appeal period will not be extended. Sincerely, Fred J. Kaufman Hearing Examiner cc: Parties of Record 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 - (425)430-6515 at This oaoer contains 50%recycled material.20%cost consumer N AN l l ‘0(1NG CITY OF RENTON 111 PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS HEARTI G EXAMINER MEMORANDUM DATE: January 11, 1999 TO: Fred Kaufman,Hearing Examiner FROM: Jennifer Toth Henning VIA SUBJECT: Stafford Crest Division 2--Request for Reconsideration of Condition No. 5 (File No. LUA-98-117, PP, ECF) This memo is written to request consideration of recommended condition No. 5 from the Hearing Examiner's Report and Recommendation. Recommendation No .5 of the Report states: "The applicant shall stub out a street to the south boundary of the subject site to provide potential access to the parcel south of the subject site. " The need for an access road to the southern property was discussed during the Preliminary Plat hearing on December 8, 1998. Plan Review Staff testified at the hearing that there are steep slopes to the south of the subject parcel, and that the site is zoned Resource Conservation(RC). Neil Watts stated that the steepness would make extension of a street down to Jones Avenue difficult if not infusible. He also testified that it is unlikely that there would be an additional plat interchanging in the RC Zone area of this site. It was unclear whether there were pre-existing homes on the lower portion of this area. A topography map was presented as an exhibit during the hearing (Exhibit No. 6), which shows that the properties to the south have steep slopes. You requested that staff provide additional information on the two existing parcels and topography. The record was left open in order to give staff an opportunity to submit that information. We were not able to obtain a map from Technical Services in a timely manner. However,the applicant has provided both a letter and map clarifying the ownership and zoning for the parcels to the south. The map shows that the Tharp property is located south and southeast of the subject property, and could be reached via a stub street extension from Stafford Crest Division 1. The Mapili property is located south and southwest of the subject site and fronts on Jones Road. The letters states that both the Mapili property and the Tharp property are zoned Resource Conservation, which limits site development to one home per existing parcel. Access is available to the Tharp property via the existing road stub from Stafford Crest Division 1. The Mapili site could be developed with a home on the lower section of the site that is located adjacent to Jones Road, where access and lesser slopes exist. Another option would be to secure an access to the Mapili property via an easement from 110th Place NE(within Stafford Crest Division 1) across the Tharp property. Based on this information, it is evident that neither the Mapili property or the Tharp property are landlocked as the result of the proposed preliminary plat. In addition,the development potential of \\TS SERVER\SYS2\COMMON\H:\DIVISION.S\DEVELOP.SER\DEV&PLAN.INGUTH\STFRHX.DOC January 11999 Page 2 both properties is limited by steep slopes and existing zoning. For these reasons, staff respectfully requests that the Hearing Examiner consider eliminating Recommendation No. 5 of the Hearing Examiner's Report for Stafford Crest Division 2. If you would like to discuss this,please feel free to contact me at Extension 7286. cc: Jana Huerter,Land Use Review Supervisor Neil Watts,Plan Review Supervisor Project File Stafford Homes Neal Watts City Of Renton Development Services Renton City Hall 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Re: Proposed Preliminary Plat of Stafford Crest Division II Dear Mr. Watts: At the conclusion of the hearing for the preliminary plat of Stafford Crest II on December 8, 1998;the Hearing Examiner kept the record open for a period of one week so that the issue of access to the parcel directly South of the preliminary plat could be addressed. Looking at the topographic concerns of the property,the Examiner noted that there are two distinct areas that might be developed, above and below the slope. This property owned by Charles Mapili is designated as a Resource Conservation zoning area,thus limiting one potential home site for the entire parcel. Currently there is no home site;neither upper nor lower; on that parcel. In an effort to close the record, it should be noted that there are two options. The first option, should Mr. Mapili or an heir to the site desire to construct a home, is that it should be done on the lower section adjacent to the Jones Road,where both access and lesser slopes exist. Recent development of a large residence to the east verifies that. The second option should be only if the Examiner is adamant about granting an easement to the upper portion of Mr.Mapili's property from Stafford Crest. Since Stafford Crest I did bring 110th Pl.NE to the south boundary line of the plat,there is an avenue for Mr. Mapili to obtain an easement from the parcel adjacent to that boundary,currently owned by John Tharp. Stafford Homes would ask that the Examiner consider addressing an easement of that type at the time that parcel considers future development and Mr. Mapili has not built a residence below,nor come to an agreement for an easement to the upper portion. I appreciate your additional efforts on this issue in hopes that the Examiner could close the record as soon as possible. If you have any further question,please do not hesitate to contact me at any time. Sincerely Bill Diamond Land Manager BD/bb 16016 118th Place Northeast • Bothell, WA 98011 • 425-488-2222 • FAX 425-488-0295 www.staffordhomes.com K____, ,,,i, . 0 ir �` ' �� — — TN v► 1t � -I \ / \ \\Y (\ !it I r--1 1 9 , \ U -- k k 6\ u i \ 1^ — E 1666I \\ 1 1 a \ 1 uN io - S. - 88 �S - \ rir , ,,, il xii, NI MP' 1-1 1 ( \\\\ O L 11 CI I' _ ,1 \ , \ IiI , x ,_____ ,,_�' ‘Iroomo, 21 evr. 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II x 1 - \-157:111-9c -:::-----..".N...... .‘ 2 1\1, : i. i t_ ; '1/4 -; . 1 , ! lk , , , / . . _-=7- -.: - ). NY *. I'l ____,,v) i 3Lu.s + / - S. E. 93 -mil - / T� / ,. diailii s „ . .1". L. _...., 14 1 Li, J ' s / '* 4. --- , ,. \1 �38 ---��� \ .11' \\ ---1111 ram �� 7 i December 28, 1998 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION APPLICANT: Bill Diamond Stafford Construction,Inc. Stafford Crest Division 2 File No.: LUA-98-117,PP LOCATION: South of NE 36th Street and west of 112th Place SE SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To subdivide 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels for single family residences. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Development Services Recommendation: Approve with conditions DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on December 1, 1998. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report,examining available information on file with the application, field checking the property and surrounding area;the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The_following minutes are a summary of the December 8, 1998 hearing. The legal record is recorded on tape. The hearing opened on Tuesday,December 8, 1998,at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No. 1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No.2: Vicinity map application,proof of posting,proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No.3: Plat map Exhibit No. 4: Tree clearing plan Exhibit No. 5: Drainage plan Exhibit No. 6: Topographical map Bill Diamond Stafford Construction,Inc. Stafford Crest Division 2 File No.: LUA-98-117,PP December 28, 1998 Page 2 The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by JENNIFER HENNING,Project Manager, Development Services,City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way,Renton, Washington 98055. The project site is located in the northeastern portion of the City. It is located to the east of I-405 in the East Kennydale neighborhood, south of N. 36th Street and west of Aberdeen Avenue NE. The parcel site is 10.3 acres and there is split zoning on the site. About 9.5 acres of the parcel is zoned R-8 which is residential single family zoning. Tract A is a.72 acre portion of the site zoned R-1 which is a rural residential designation and no residential development is proposed for that portion. The remaining parcel will be subdivided into 52 lots for single family homes. The access to this plat is from NE 36th Street on the north and from the adjacent Stafford Crest Division 1 via an extension of NE 35th Street on the east and NE 33rd Place. There would also be a new public street constructed within the plat. The proposed parcels range in size from 4,980 square feet to 9,541 square feet. The site slopes from the southeast to the northwest,with the highest elevation in the southeast corner. There is a greater than 40% site slope located on the west perimeter of the site. There is a 25 foot building setback line from the steep slope which has been recommended by the geotech firm,and this line affects Lots 3 through 16. Lots 5 and 6 have small building pads because of the setbacks. This proposal is located in the May Creek drainage basin and storm water runoff from the site flows overland to the west,then exits in sheet flow across the west side of the property. That water travels 350 feet before entering a roadside ditch in Jones Avenue and eventually to May Creek. Development of this site requires extensive clearing of vegetation, including at least 200 trees such as red alder,Douglas fir,big leaf maple,western hemlock,and the various understory plants. The Environmental Review Committee(ERC)granted this proposal a Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated with several mitigation measures attached. They include following the recommendations of the geotechnical report, installation and maintenance of temporary erosion control measures,and payment of traffic,fire and parks mitigation fees. The Comprehensive Plan(CP)designation for Tract A of this site is Rural Residential and the remainder is Residential Single Family,and several policies of the CP are supported by this proposal. The zoning for the residential single family portion of the site is R-8 and this proposal is 6.73 dwelling units per acre. This proposal meets lot size,building setbacks and lot coverage requirements of the zone. Regarding Lots 16, 17 and 18 which are located in the southwest corner,Lot 18 would have street frontage onto 109th Ave.NE. There would be a private street access from 109th in the cul-de-sac that would be 26 feet in width and would provide access to Lots 18 and 17. There would be a private access easement across Lot 17 to reach Lot 16. The same arrangement applies for Lots 20,21 and 22. There is also a 10 foot wide public access easement located between Lots 1 and 2 for pedestrian access to Tract A which is being reserved for storm drainage facilities and open space. A traffic study was provided by the applicant and it was determined that there are no channelization improvements required by this proposal. Staff recommends that applicant provide a native growth protection easement at the top of the 40% slope along the western boundary. It will encompass portions of Tract A and proposed Lots 5 through 16. The purpose of the easement is to protect steep slopes. The 25 foot setback area is not included in the easement. There are currently buildings located on the site and they will be demolished. Grading done on site will result in 9,000 cubic yards of material cut and fill would represent 30,000 cubic yards. Street improvements for this proposal include 44 foot wide right-of-way,32 feet of paving with sidewalks on both sides. The system also ties into two stub-outs into Stafford Crest Division 1. Bill Diamond Stafford Construction,Inc. Stafford Crest Division 2 File No.: LUA-98-117,PP December 28, 1998 Page 3 Renton School District has indicated they can accommodate the expected 23 to 40 students from this proposal. Police and Fire Departments have determined that adequate protection is available to this site. Regarding the storm water runoff,applicant is proposing a minor localized diversion. Instead of the storm water sheet flowing to the west, it would be piped from the detention structure on Tract A,then west along the unopened right-of-way from NE 36th Street down to Jones Avenue. Staff is recommending approval of this proposal,subject to the following conditions: (1)that applicant comply with the ERC's mitigation measures; (2)that applicant be required to establish a native growth protection easement with the steep slope areas of the site 40%and greater,extending from the top of the slope west to the property line; (3)that a homeowner's association be established or the drafting of a maintenance agreement to take care of any common plat improvements, including drainage structures and open space areas. Steve Anderson,Group Four, 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE,Bothell,Washington 98011, applicant representative, stated that Stafford Homes has house plans that will fit on the lots abutting the steep slope within the building pads. He further responded that the proposed change in the sheet water flow will not have a negative impact on those slopes and properties downstream,but will rather improve their condition. Regarding the extensive tree clearing,applicant stated that with the smaller lots it is very difficult to create a reasonable building pad area and yard area without totaling clearing and grading the lots. Regarding Tract A,the applicant has no intention to develop any residence on it. It is for the storm water detention system and the majority of the site will remain in the native growth protection easement. There is a possibility that some sort of park improvements could be developed on it,but it is not determined at this point. Neil Watts,Plan Review Supervisor,Development Services Division,City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055, stated that there are steep slopes to the south of this parcel which are zoned Resource Conservation(RC). The steepness would make extension of a street down to Jones Avenue difficult if not infeasible. It is unlikely there will be an additional plat interchanging in the RC zone of this site. It was unclear whether there were pre-existing homes on the lower portion of this area. Regarding a maintenance agreement on the private access agreements of Lots 16, 17, 18 and 20,21,22,City staff would prefer that those agreements be written for only those lots affected rather than with a larger home owners association. The Examiner was concerned about precluding access to the property south of the subject site by not giving access through the subject site. Because it was unknown at the time of the hearing,the Examiner kept the record open. The applicant was requested to work with staff to provide the necessary information. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 10:00 a.m. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & DECISION Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now makes and enters the following: Bill Diamond Stafford Construction,Inc. Stafford Crest Division 2 File No.: LUA-98-117,PP December 28, 1998 Page 4 FINDINGS: 1. The applicant,Bill Diamond for Stafford Construction,Inc.,filed a request for approval of a 52-lot Preliminary Plat together with one tract. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report,the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit#1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee(ERC),the City's responsible official, issued a Declaration of Non-Significance-Mitigated(DNS-M)for the subject proposal. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located south of NE 36th Street directly south of Lincoln Avenue NE's intersection with 36th Street. The site is approximately 600 feet west of 112th Place SE. 6. NE 36th ends at the Lincoln intersection and is unopened west of Lincoln. 7. The subject site is approximately 10.3 acres in area. The parcel is generally rectangular with a small rectangular extension of the parcel in the northwest corner of the site. The parcel is approximately 958 feet long(north to south). The majority of the parcel is approximately 420 feet wide. 8. The western margin of the site is dominated by steep slopes that range to 40 percent(40%)and greater. The applicant proposes preserving those steeper slopes and preserving both the terrain and vegetation to prevent erosion or slides. 9. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 1835 enacted in June 1960. 10. The subject site is currently zoned R-8 (Single Family- 8 dwelling units/acre)and R-1 (Single Family- 1 dwelling unit/acre). The R-1 portion is the western rectangular parcel noted above and it is .72 acres in size. 11. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the major portion of the subject site is located as suitable for the development of single family uses. The Comprehensive Plan designates the northwesternmost portion of the site for rural residential uses taking into account the steep slopes located along the western boundaries of the site. The Comprehensive Plan does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. 12. The subject site contains an existing residence and a few outbuildings. All of these structures will be removed. 13. The parcel slopes downward from the southeast to the west and northwest. The property drains to the west and then to May Creek. 14. The applicant proposes extending Lincoln(not officially named yet and labeled as 110th Avenue NE on submitted exhibits)southerly into the plat. It would intersect two cross streets,NE 35th Street and NE 33rd Place,that extend off-site to an adjoining plat. It would also intersect a new cul-de-sac,NE 34th Place. This new street would terminate in a cul-de-sac near the south end of the plat. Bill Diamond Stafford Construction,Inc. Stafford Crest Division 2 File No.: LUA-98-117,PP December 28, 1998 Page 5 15. The applicant proposes dividing the subject site into 53 parcels. There would be 52 single family lots and one tract,Tract A,that would serve for a storm detention system and some open space. 16. The lots range in size from just under 5,000 square feet to approximately 9,600 square feet with many lots in the 6,000 to 7,000 square foot range. Tract A is 31,279 square feet. 17. The plat would have a tier of lots along the west margin of the site. A series of lots would be in blocks, although some of them would be further served by two cul-de-sac roadways. The northern tier of lots, Lots 47 through 52,will have roads along both their front and rear yards. Six lots,Lots 16 through 18 and 20 through 22,will have access via a two pipestem arrangements including private roads and easements. 18. There will be 17 lots arranged along the north and east boundary of the site. There will be 9 lots arranged along the south boundary of the site. Finally,there will be 13 lots and the detention pond located along the western boundary of the site. 19. The applicant will clear most of the vegetation from the site to prepare the site for the roads and single family lots of this small-lot plat. The applicant will provide a 25 foot setback from the top of the 40 percent slope in which vegetation will be preserved to prevent erosion and potential slippage. 20. The lots all meet code requirements for square footage. They vary from between approximately 4,500 square feet and 7,000 square feet. 21. Development of 52 single family homes will generate approximately 490 vehicle trips per day(based on approximately 9.55 trips per dwelling). It is anticipated that approximately 10%of the traffic trips will occur at each of the morning and evening peak hours. Trip generation information demonstrates that much of the traffic will travel north to the I-405 freeway entrance. 22. The Renton School District has reported that it can provide adequately for the approximately 23 elementary students,9 middle school and 8 high school students the development will generate. 23. The separate tract in the R-1 zone,Tract A, is not intended to be a buildable lot. It is proposed for storm water detention and limited open space. A method to prevent its development with an additional single family home will be necessary. 24. Utilities will be provided by Coal Creek Water and Sewer Utility. Capacity is available according to staff. 25. Some of the lots along the western edge of the site such as Lots 6 and 10 may have small building envelopes due to the steep slope setback. Staff and the applicant indicate the parcels are still developable. 26. The record is not entirely clear about the topography and practicality of extending a roadway from the south end of the subject site. It appears that there is some moderate terrain south of the subject site in which development could occur. The record had been left open for more information on this issue but no additional information was submitted. The parcel could effectively be landlocked if a road extension were not appropriately planned. Bill Diamond Stafford Construction,Inc. Stafford Crest Division 2 File No.: LUA-98-117,PP December 28, 1998 Page 6 CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed plat appears to serve the public use and interest. The plat encompasses a sensitive slope which is to be preserved. Storm water will be contained and diverted to avoid erosion of those slopes. The clearing of the entire remainder of the site is regrettable and while sensitive development practices could probably manage another method,the applicant indicates that affordability is at stake. The smaller lots make it harder to maintain existing vegetation on densely platted property. 2. The proposed plat is in an area with adequate urban services. The proposed plat will create additional smaller single family lots for those who need housing at a more affordable cost. 3. There will be additional noise and population once the development is occupied but none of it will be unusual for a single family community. The roadways have the capacity to handle the traffic that will be generated. 4. The development of the subject site will increase the tax base of the City. 5. The proposed density of 6.73 dwelling units per acre meets the Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan. It is also compatible with the lot sizes that are becoming popular in this area and represented by the lots on the companion site to the east. The plat provides reasonably rectangular lots. 6. It appears that portions of the property to the south could be landlocked and that access through this parcel will be necessary to avoid that situation. City code and regulations as well as the Comprehensive Plan require a grid system which provides access to adjoining lots. The applicant shall stub out a street to the south boundary of the subject site to provide potential access. This may result in reducing the total lot count. 7. To avoid any confusion regarding the status of Tract A, language acceptable to the City Attorney shall be executed limiting it to serving for storm water detention and open space and precluding the development of the parcel with a residence. 8. In conclusion,the proposed preliminary plat should be approved by the City Council subject to the conditions enumerated below. RECOMMENDATION: The Preliminary Plat is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with the mitigation measures which were required by the Environmental Review Committee prior to the issuance of a building permit; 2. The applicant shall record a native growth protection easement(NGPE)for the steep slope areas of the site,40%and greater, extending from the top of the slope west to the property boundary. The NGPE shall be shown on the recorded plat. 3. The applicant shall establish either a homeowners association or maintenance agreement that demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Development Services Division and the City Attorney that all Bill Diamond Stafford Construction,Inc. Stafford Crest Division 2 File No.: LUA-98-117,PP December 28, 1998 Page 7 common plat improvements on Tract A would be maintained by the property owners. The homeowners association/maintenance agreement shall be established or approved prior to the recording of the plat. 4. The applicant shall incorporate language acceptable to the City Attorney limiting the use of Tract A to serving for storm water detention and open space and precluding the development of the parcel with a residence. 5. The applicant shall stub out a street to the south boundary of the subject site to provide potential access to the parcel south of the subject site. ORDERED THIS 28th day of December, 1998. C•b` FRED J. MAN HEARING EXAMINER TRANSMITTED THIS 28th day of December, 1998 to the parties of record: Jennifer Henning Steve Anderson Neil Watts 1055 S Grady Way 16030 Juanita-Wood. Way NE 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Bothell, WA 98011 Renton,WA 98055 Wynnlee Crisp 2100 NE 31st Renton,WA 98056 TRANSMITTED THIS 28th day of December, 1998 to the following: Mayor Jesse Tanner Gregg Zimmerman,Plan/Bldg/PW Admin. Members,Renton Planning Commission Jim Hanson,Development Services Director Chuck Duffy,Fire Marshal Mike Kattermann,Technical Services Director Lawrence J. Warren,City Attorney Larry Meckling,Building Official T+ransportation Systems Division Jay Covington,Chief Administrative Officer Utilities System Division Councilperson Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Sue Carlson,Econ.Dev. Administrator South County Journal Pursuant to Title IV,Chapter 8, Section 15 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m..January 11. 1999. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure,errors of law or fact,error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen(14)days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant,and the Examiner may, after review of the record,take further action as he deems proper. Bill Diamond Stafford Construction, Inc. Stafford Crest Division 2 File No.: LUA-98-117,PP December 28, 1998 Page 8 An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 16,which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of$75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants,the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte(private one-on-one)communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. • • .,,. -.I 'Y\ \I J T.� ,T., �� _-- J�'.L-i— 36th ST FOREST A. /AN ;P ..,., u Y44 VP. ' MY.nA (W., aN� 1/ • ''worm. t10.or , . ,I .t, ,.y_ .ra w u a / I x..c r-•e e in In cm. r. • � I v v TRACT A • l ,o> I I 1 1 I 1 1 I I I ,KY 4,%a 107 Oh.c•r aYiti�a�'aair a: . 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ABEROEEN-.• ...-AVE, ., NE. "'• T7 t" a CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF'SERVICE BY MAILING On the 1 day of IIecew , 1998, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing • -the. -kkeartvkci �XQ►VV11111 documents. This information was sent to: Name Representing Ste j e Igvtdevsor 1Vb A f .r; I vac. . l'&c soh( KtrAtoevLi swav sn, Rob Power- St4 fitorck G3 v an wyAM1k« Cic Robct WLtS4CA Cow\p°i4V1 urlk ,E. vl v iKta _ cko,iei sk.,' (Signature of Sender) 0-KIA. (L• STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that't'-r-_0.- f� J p� F-&- signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for thbuses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated `� / 55 c� Notary Public in at for the State of Washiton Notary (Print c r. My appointor COMMISSION EXPIRES 6/2L, Project Name:stafibvci crest preltw‘,vuom p' Project Number: LUA • cis . , Pp NOTARY.DOC CITY OF RENTON HEARING EXAMINER BLI PU C HEARING 08 1998 ......::.:.:..:::::... ..:: COMMENCING AT 9:Oo AM, COUNCIL CHAMBERS,7TH FLOOR, RENTON CITY HALL The application(s) listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which they will be heard. Items will.be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. PROJECT NAME: Stafford Crest Division 2 PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-98-117,PP PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitable for detached single family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the site located is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. Access to the plat would be from NE 36th Street in the north, and via an extension of NE 35th Street and NE 33rd Place, on the east within Stafford Crest Division 1. A new public street would be constructed within the plat. Location: South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet west of 112th Place SE. PROJECT NAME: The Bluffs PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-98-162,SA (89-044) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Proposal to modify a previously approved site plan in order to construct 174 residential units in 26 buildings (35 foot building height), a recreation center, and parking for 305 vehicles. Approximately 9.7 acres (44% of the site) would be retained in natural open space. The primary entrance drive consists of a 26 foot wide driveway off Lake Washington Blvd. There is another driveway off N. 20th Street accessing the northwest sector of the proposed development. Location: Lake Washington Boulevard North between NE 4th and NE 22nd Street. AGNDA.DOC City of Renton PUBLIC Department of Planning/Building/Public Works HEARING PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Public Hearing Date: December 8, 1998 Project Name: Stafford Crest Division 2 Applicant/ Bill Diamond Address: Stafford Construction, Inc. 16016 118th Place NE Bothell, WA 98011 Owner/ Eugene A. Jackson The Robert Kersten Frank&Virginia Address: Kimberly K. Swanson Company Choszewski 1909 NE 36th 833 108th Avenue NE, #170 1011 South 10th Ave Renton, WA 98056 Bellevue, WA 98004 Yakima, WA 98902 File Number: LUA-098-117, PP, ECF Project Manager: Jennifer Toth Henning Project Description: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitable for detached single family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the site located is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. Access to the plat would be from NE 36th Street in the north, and via an extension of NE 35th Street and NE 33rd Place, on the east within Stafford Crest Division 1. A new public street would be constructed within the plat. Project Location: South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet west of 112th Place SE 1r 3 ^f 6 S ,7. ITN Y : NA 36TH ST : ,11114 o 7/-'./ \� 0 71 ,z b.T z- I• � I I ,SITE / a / 365 Il Z i 66 ;: 1 7 a R-8 �;�91 - C. D. w J m lip y a ? • 7 c '�4KE. ,., TQN,.. Lf I 6 �,' GARDEN •OF EDEN, RC--- 77 76 E ,64 DIVISION N2 I NO City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 LUA-98-117, PP, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: DECEMBER 8, 1998 Page 2 of 10 B. GENERAL INFORMATION: I. Owner of Record: Eugene A. Jackson Kimberly K. Swanson The Robert Kersten Company Frank&Virginia Choszewski 2. Zoning Designation: Residential - 8 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-8), and Residential 1 Dwelling Unit per Acre (R-1) 3. Comprehensive Plan Residential Single Family (RSF), Residential Rural (RR) Land Use Designation: 4. Existing Site Use: One existing residence and outbuildings 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: North: Single Family Residential East: Single Family Residential (Stafford Crest Division 1) South: Vacant and Low Density Single Family Residential West: Low Density Single Family Residential 6. Access: via NE 36th Street and 112th Place SE 7. Site Area: 10.3 acres 8. Project Data: area comments Existing Building Area: N/A one home and outbuildings to be demolished New Building Area: N/A Total Building Area: N/A C. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Action Land Use File No. Ordinance No. Date Annexation 1835 6/14/60 Comprehensive Plan 4498 2/20/95 Zoning Code 4404 6/7/93 D. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance (Section 4-9) 2. Residential - 8 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-8) (Section 4-31-5) 3. Residential - 1 Dwelling Unit per Acre (R-1) (Section 4-31-4.2) 4. Subdivision Regulations (Section 9-12) HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton PB/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 LUA-98-117, PP, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: DECEMBER 8, 1998 Page 3 of 10 5. Street Improvements (Section 4-34) E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element, Residential Single Family 2. Land Use Element, Residential Rural 3. Housing Element 4. Environmental Element F. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitable for detached single family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the site located is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1; this area is designated as Tract A on the plat map. Access to the plat would be from NE 36th Street in the north, and via an extension of NE 35th Street and NE 33rd Place, on the east within Stafford Crest Division 1. A new public street would be constructed within the plat. Proposed lots would have the following sizes: Lot 1: 7,131 s.f. corner lot Lot 2 6,183 s.f. Lot 3: 6,615 s.f. Lot 4: 6,498 s.f. Lot 5: 6,632 s.f. Lot 6: 5,474 s.f. Lot 7: 6,919 s.f. Lot 8: 7,250 s.f. Lot 9: 7,838 s.f. Lot 10: 7,787 s.f. Lot 11: 7,862 s.f. Lot 12: 8,011 s.f. Lot 13: 7,643 s.f. Lot 14: 8,844 s.f. Lot 15: 9,541 s.f. Lot 16: 12,413 s.f. Lot 17: 5,149 s.f. Lot 18: 6,083 s.f. Lot 19: 4,980 s.f. Lot 20: 6,654 s.f. Lot 21: 5,601 s.f. Lot 22: 6,161 s.f. Lot 23: 5,082 s.f. Lot 24: 7,229 s.f. (corner lot) Lot 25: 7,056 s.f. Lot 26: 5,479 s.f. HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton PB/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 LUA-98-117, PP, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: DECEMBER 8, 1998 Page 4 of 10 Lot 27: 5,346 s.f Lot 28: 5,297 s.f. Lot 29: 5,989 s.f. (corner lot) Lot 30: 5,665 s.f. Lot 31: 6,623 s.f. (corner lot) Lot 32: 5,452 s.f. Lot 33: 7,316 s.f. (pipestem lot) Lot 34: 6,646 s.f. Lot 35: 5,963 s.f. Lot 36: 7,639 s.f. Lot 37: 9,209 s.f. Lot 38: 5,272 s.f Lot 39: 6,732 s.f. Lot 40: 6,589 s.f. Lot 41: 6,142 s.f. (corner lot) Lot 42: 5,001 s.f. Lot 43: 5,001 s.f. Lot 44: 5,001 s.f. Lot 45: 5,001 s.f. Lot 46: 5,001 s.f. Lot 47: 5,367 s.f Lot 48: 5,367 s.f. Lot 49: 5,367 s.f. Lot 50: 5,367 s.f. Lot 51: 5,367 s.f. Lot 52: 6,606 s.f. (corner lot) Tract A: 31,279 s.f. (storm drainage and open space tract) The site slopes from southeast to northwest. The highest site elevation is Elevation 270 in the southeast corner, while the lowest elevation is Elevation 215 in the central northwest corner of the site. A greater than 40% site slope is located on the west perimeter of the site. A building setback line from the steep slope is indicated on the plat map for proposed Lots 3-16. Grading would result in 9,000 cubic yards of material to be cut and fill volume would represent 30,000 cubic yards of material. The proposal is located in the May Creek drainage basin. Storm water runoff from the site flows overland to the west, and exits the site as sheet flow across the west side of the property as unconcentrated flow. The flow travels 350 feet before being collected by a roadside ditch in Jones Avenue. Eventually stormwater from the project site discharges to May Creek via the Jones Avenue system. An evaluation of the site for wetlands was conducted, and the project scientist determined that no wetland areas or other surface water features are present on the property. Development of the site would require clearing of vegetation, except for the existing vegetation on steep slope areas. The proposal requires environmental review and preliminary plat approval. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), on November 3,. 1998, the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M). 3. COMPLIANCE WITH ERC MITIGATION MEASURES The Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated (DNS-M)with mitigation measures that the applicant is required to comply with. The appeal HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 LUA-98-117, PP, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: DECEMBER 8, 1998 Page 5 of 10 period for the environmental determination ended on November 23, 1998 at 5:00 p.m. No appeals of the environmental (SEPA) determination were filed. The mitigation measures and status of compliance are noted below. Mitigation Measures la) The applicant shall follow the recommendations of the geotechnical report prepared by Terra Associates (Geotechnical Report, Stafford Crest Division 2, NE 36th and 109th Place NE, Renton, Washington, June 30, 1998) for the proposed Stafford Crest Division 2 preliminary plat. b) Temporary Erosion Control Measures shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Service Division for the duration of the project. c) Weekly reports on the status and condition of the erosion control plan with any recommendations of change or revision to maintenance schedules or installation shall be submitted by the project engineer of record to the Public Works Inspector. Certification of the installation and maintenance of the erosion control facilities is required prior to the recording of the plat. Compliance: The applicant intends to comply with Mitigation Measures 1(a) through (c). 2. The applicant shall pay the applicable Transportation Mitigation Fee of$75.00 per each new average weekday trip attributable to the project. The fee is due prior to the recording of the plat. Compliance: The applicant intends to pay the applicable Transportation Mitigation Fee. 3. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee at a rate of$488 per each single family residential lot created by the proposal. The fee is due prior to the recording of the plat. Compliance: The applicant intends to pay the applicable Fire Mitigation Fee. 4. The applicant shall pay the applicable Parks Mitigation Fee at the rate of$530.76 per each new single family residential lot. The fee is due prior to the recording of the plat. Compliance: The applicant intends to pay the applicable Parks Mitigation Fee. 4. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address site plan issues from the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. 5. CONSISTENCY WITH PRELIMINARY PLAT CRITERIA: Approval of a plat is based upon several factors. The following preliminary plat criteria have been established to assist decision makers in the review of the plat: (a) Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Designation. The proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Residential Rural (RR) and Residential Single Family (RSF). The intent of the RSF land use designation is to protect and enhance the character of Residential Single Family neighborhoods, improve opportunities for better public transportation, and make more efficient use of urban services and infrastructure. Policies of the Comprehensive Plan that support the proposal include: HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 LUA-98-117, PP, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: DECEMBER 8, 1998 Page 6 of 10 Policy LU-34: Net development densities of 8 dwelling units per acre should be allowed in Residential Single Family neighborhoods. The applicant is providing a project with a density of 6.73 units per net acre for the R-8 portion of the site. This is within the acceptable range of 5.0 to 8.0 dwelling units per acre. No residential development is proposed for the portion of the site designated R-1. Policy LU-35: A minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet should be allowed in single family residential neighborhoods. The applicant is proposing lots that will generally range from approximately 5,000 s.f. to over 7,500 s.f. in size. All of the proposed lots are greater than the minimum lot area established by this policy. Policy H-2: Provide sufficient capacity to accommodate growth targets adopted by King County to comply and support the King County Countywide Policies. Through the State's Growth Management Act, the County has determined the growth that is anticipated for this region. This growth rate was applied to the County area and to the local cities to determine the amount of growth that each community would need to absorb as part of this process. This proposal would allow for the construction of 52 single family residential homes in an area where it has been determined that there is sufficient service to accept that growth. Policy EN-27: Control quantity and quality of stormwater run-off from all new development to be consistent with or improved over existing conditions. The applicant will be providing a stormwater quality system on-site within proposed Tract A. This system is designed to remove stormwater contaminants prior to releasing the water into the natural environment. The applicant is also required to detain stormwater on-site and to ensure that the water is not released as a rate that exceeds the pre-development rate of discharge for the area. (b) Compliance with the Underlying Zoning Designation. The proposal site is designated Residential - 8 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-8) and Residential - 1 Dwelling Unit per Acre (R-1), on the City of Renton Zoning Map. The proposed development would allow for future construction of up to 52 new dwelling units. Minimum lot size permitted in the R-8 Zone is 4,500 square feet. Minimum lot size permitted in the R-1 Zone is one acre unless within clustered development where the individual lot area shall not be less than 4,500 square feet. No development is proposed within that portion of the site designated R-1. The proposed plat would provide 52 lots ranging in size from 4,980 s.f. (Lot No. 19) to 12,413 s.f. (Lot 16). The majority of the parcels are between 5,000 s.f. and 7,000 s.f. in size. These lot sizes are compatible with other existing lots in this area (Stafford Crest Division 1 and Prellwitz Short Plat -- also known as Westmont). Density of the proposal would be 6.73 dwelling units per acre, and would be within the minimum density of 5.0 du/ac and the maximum density of 8.0 du/ac established for the R-8 Zone. No residential parcels are proposed for the portion of the site zoned R-1. Building setbacks of the R-8 Zone are as follows. Front yard setback: 15 feet from new streets for the residence, and 20 feet for garages. Rear yard setback: 20 feet. Side yard setback: 15 feet for the street sideyard for corner lots, and 5 feet for interior setback lines and interior lots. The preliminary plat drawings indicate that sufficient area exists on the proposed parcels to provide building pads while meeting required building setbacks. Lot coverage is limited to 35% for parcels greater than 5,000 square feet in size. For parcels 5,000 square feet and smaller, the maximum lot coverage is limited to 50%. HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 LUA-98-117, PP, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: DECEMBER 8, 1998 Page 7 of 10 (c) Compliance with Subdivision Regulations. Lot Arrangement: Side lot lines are to be at right angles to street lines, and each lot must have access to a public street or road. Access may be by private access easement street per the requirements of the Street Improvement Ordinance (Code Section 4-34). Proposed lots fronting on through streets have side lot lines that are at right angle to street lines. The parcels fronting on cul-de-sacs are irregularly-shaped, however, in most cases these lots intersect the street with a right angle. Lots 37 and 38 have side lot lines that intersect the cul-de-sac at an obtuse angle, yet these lots provide an appropriate building pad that meet and exceed minimum development standards of the R-8 Zone. Each of the proposed lots has access to new public streets within the plat. Proposed Lots No. 16 ,17, 18, and 20, 21, and 22 would access via private roads and private access easements extending from the turning circle of the southernmost cul-de- sac (shown as 109th Place NE on the Preliminary Plat map). Proposed streets are within 44-feet of right-of-way, with 32 feet paved and an additional 6 feet on either side for sidewalks. A private street 26-feet in width would provide access to Lot No. 18 and Lot No. 20. Access easements 20 feet wide would extend across Lot No. 21 to serve Lot No. 22 and across Lot No. 17 to serve Lot No. 16. A 10-foot wide public access easement is shown between Lots 1 and 2 for the purpose of accessing Tract A. This tract is being reserved for storm drainage facilities and open space. Lots: The size, shape and orientation of lots shall meet the minimum area and width requirements of the applicable zoning classification and shall be appropriate for the type of development and use contemplated. Each of the 52 proposed residential parcels meets development standards of the R-8 Zone. All lots satisfy the 4,500 square foot minimum lot size. All corner lots are a minimum width of 60 feet. Each of the interior parcels meets the established minimum widths of 50 feet for regular lots, 20 feet for pipestem parcels, and 35 feet for parcel on the turning circle of a cul-de-sac. The 52 proposed lots meet the minimum lot depth dimension of 65 feet. Building setbacks lines are indicated on the preliminary plat map. The setbacks demonstrate buildable area for the proposed parcels. Proposed Lots 3 through 16 also establish a 25-foot building setback line from the top of the steep slope area. Property Corners at Intersections: All lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-of-way, except alleys, shall have minimum radius of 15 feet. Proposed lot corners at intersections of dedicated public rights-of-way comply with the 15 foot minimum radius. (d) Reasonableness of Proposed Boundaries The proposal provides connections with Stafford Crest Division 1 that abuts the subject site on the east. Proposed platting is similar to that achieved in Division 1. Roadways and utilities would be extended through Division 2 in a logical and efficient manner. Access According to City staff reviewing the proposal, Stafford Crest Division 2 is anticipated to generate up to 496.6 Average Weekday Vehicle Trips (9.55 trips x 52 homesites = 496.6). Primary access would be from NE 36th Street via a new public street shown as 110th Avenue HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 LUA-98-117, PP, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: DECEMBER 8, 1998 Page 8 of 10 NE on the preliminary plat map. Secondary access would be available from the extension of NE 35th street and NE 33rd Place to Stafford Crest Division 1. Streets would interconnect where possible, and would end in cul-de-sacs where there through streets are impractical. The applicant has submitted a traffic analysis that was prepared by Gibson Traffic Consultants. This analysis evaluated a 47-lot development and estimated that the proposed development would generate 9.57 Average Daily Trips. This is comparable to the trip generation figure used by the City. The analysis reviewed the 112th Place/NE 36th Street intersection near the plat and determined that no channelization improvements would be required. Renton has imposed a Traffic Mitigation Fee on the proposal that is equivalent to $75.00 for each new average weekday trip attributed to the project. This fee is used to provide general road improvements throughout the area. Topography The site is regularly shaped and slopes from southeast to northwest. The highest site elevation is Elevation 270 in the southeast corner, while the lowest elevation is Elevation 215 in the central northwest corner of the site. A greater than 40% site slope is located on the west perimeter of the site. Building setback lines are indicated on the plat map for proposed Lots 3-16, consistent with recommendations of the geotechical engineering report. Grading associated with the proposed development would result in 9,000 cubic yards of material to be cut; fill volume would represent 30,000 cubic yards of material. Staff will recommend as a condition of plat approval, that the applicant establish a Native Growth Protection Easement at the top of the slope along the western boundary of the site, encompassing portions of Tract A and proposed Lots 5 - 16. According to Code Section 4-9-3 Native Growth Protection Easements are restrictive areas where all native, predevelopment vegetation shall not be disturbed or removed except for removal pursuant to an enhancement program approved by the City in compliance with the Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Regulations. The purpose of such easement is to protect steep slopes, slopes with erosion, landslide and seismic hazards, creeks, wetlands and/or riparian corridors. The easement is to be defined during the review process and shown on the recorded plat. Relationship to Existing Uses One home and outbuildings are located in the north-central portion of the site. All structures would be demolished for the proposal. A mixed hardwood forest characterized by red alder (Alnus rubra) dominates the site; in addition big leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga meznziesii), and western hemlock (Tsuga Heterophylla) are found. Understory vegetation consists of vine maple (Acer circinatum, salal (Gaultheria shallon), and Oregon grape (Berberis aquifolium). Blackberry and stinging nettle are extensively found. The northwestern corner of the property is presently in use as sheep pasture. In order to construct homesites, the site would be extensively cleared. Although the immediate area has recently developed single family residential neighborhoods consistent with land use and zoning designations assigned to the area. Sensitive steep slope areas to the west are designated for lower density residential development. The proposal recognizes the development limitations of the steep slopes on the western edge of the property by establishing building setback lines that avoid disturbance of the slopes, and by proposing a separate tract for stormwater facilities and open space (Tract A) . HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 LUA-98-117, PP, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: DECEMBER 8, 1998 Page 9 of 10 (e) Availability and Impact on Public Services(Timeliness) Police and Fire Police and Fire Prevention Bureau staff indicate that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development, subject to the condition that the applicant provide Code required improvements and fees. Recreation Through the Environmental Threshold Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M), the applicant is required to pay a Parks Mitigation Fee of $530.76 for each new residential building lot. This fee is intended to offset impacts of added population to the City's Parks and Recreation facilities. The applicant does not propose additional recreation facilities on the site. Schools The Renton School District was contacted via letter on November 3, 1998 regarding the ability of the Renton School District to serve children residing in the proposed plat. The School District stated in a response received November 13, 1998, that students would attend Hazelwood Elementary School, McKnight Middle School, and Hazen High School. According to the District, schools indicated would be able to handle the additional students estimated to come from the proposed development. According to the Draft EIS for the City of Renton Land Use Element (January 16, 1992) the City of Renton has used a student generation factor of 0.44 students per single family residential dwelling in order to estimate the number of children generated by residential development. And, the Renton School District uses a student generation figure of 0.443 elementary students, 0.171 middle school students, and 0.145 high school students per single family unit. Using the City's generation factor, 23 students would reside within the proposed development at build-out. By applying the School District's generation factor, 23 elementary students, 9 middle school students (8.89), and 8 high school students (7.54) would reside in the plat. In either case, the Renton School District has stated that they could accommodate students generated by the proposal. Storm water The applicant has provided a preliminary analysis/design for the proposed stormwater system. Storm water runoff from the site presently flows overland to the west, and exits the site as sheet flow across the west side of the property as unconcentrated flow. The flow travels 350 feet before being collected by a roadside ditch in Jones Avenue. Eventually stormwater from the project site discharges to May Creek via the Jones Avenue system. The project would propose a minor, localized diversion of storm water runoff. Instead of the storm water sheet flowing to the west down to Jones Road, it would be piped from the detention structure west along the unopened right-of-way for NE 36th Street, down to Jones Road. An energy dissipater would be installed along the east side of Jones Road prior to release of the stormwater into the existing roadside ditch of Jones Road. The existing culvert would be replaced with a new larger culvert. Water and Sanitary Sewer Facilitates Water and sanitary sewer service will be provided by Coal Creek Water and Sewer District. It appears that sufficient services are available for the proposal. The applicant will need to obtain a Notice of Availability from the District prior to the issuance of building permits. HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 LUA-98-117, PP, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: DECEMBER 8, 1998 Page 10 of 10 Street Improvements The applicant is providing a 44-foot wide road right-of-way throughout the proposed subdivision. This will provide 32-feet of paving and sidewalks on both sides of the street. The proposed street system also ties into two stubouts in the abutting Stafford Crest Division 1 to the east. The franchise utilities will need to be accommodated in easements that are located within the front yards of the proposed lots. G. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Stafford Crest Division 2, Project File No. LUA-98-117, PP, ECF subject to the following conditions: (1) Compliance with ERC Mitigation Measures: The applicant is required to comply with the Mitigation Measures which were required by the Environmental Review Committee Threshold Determination prior to the issuance of a building permit. (2) Native Growth Protection Easement: The applicant shall record a Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE) for the steep slope areas of the site, 40% and greater, extending from the top of the slope west to the property boundary. The N.G.P.E. shall be shown on the recorded plat. (3) Homeowners' Association or Maintenance Agreement The applicant shall either establish a Homeowner's Association or Maintenance Agreement that demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Development Services Division and the City Attorney that all common plat improvements on Tract A would be maintained by the property owners. The Homeowner's Association/Maintenance Agreement shall be established or approved prior to the recording of the plat. EXPIRATION PERIODS: Preliminary Plats (PP): Three (3) years from final approval (signature) date. HEXRPT.DOC CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-98-117,PP,ECF APPLICANT: Rob Purser Stafford Construction, Inc. PROJECT NAME: Stafford Crest Preliminary Plat-- Division 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitable for detached single family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the site located is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. The proposal requires environmental review, and preliminary plat approval. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet west of 112th Place SE MITIGATION MEASURES: 1 a) The applicant shall follow the recommendations of the geotechnical report prepared by Terra Associates (Geotechnical Report, Stafford Crest Division 2, NE 36th and 109th Place NE, Renton, Washington, June 30, 1998) for the proposed Stafford Crest Division 2 preliminary plat. b) Temporary Erosion Control Measures shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Service Division for the duration of the project. c) Weekly reports on the status and condition of the erosion control plan with any recommendations of change or revision to maintenance schedules or installation shall be submitted by the project engineer of record to the Public Works Inspector. Certification of the installation and maintenance of the erosion control facilities is required prior to the recording of the plat. 2. The applicant shall pay the applicable Transportation Mitigation Fee of$75.00 per each new average weekday trip attributable to the project. The fee is due prior to the recording of the plat. 3. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee at a rate of$488 per each single family residential lot created by the proposal. The fee is due prior to the recording of the plat. 4. The applicant shall pay the applicable Parks Mitigation Fee at the rate of$530.76 per each new single family residential lot. The fee is due prior to the recording of the plat. CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-98-117,PP,ECF APPLICANT: Rob Purser/Stafford Construction, Inc. PROJECT NAME: Stafford Crest Preliminary Plat --Division 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitable for detached single family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the site located is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. The proposal requires environmental review, and preliminary plat approval. Location: South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet west of 112th Place SE Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Police 1. Police Department estimates that the proposal would result in 38.48 calls for service annually. This is considered to have minimal impact on Renton Police. Fire Department 1. A fire hydrant with 1,000 gallons per minute (gpm) fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3,600 s.f. in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structure. 2. A fire mitigation fee of$488.00 is required for all new single family structures. Plan Review- General 1. All plans shall conform with the Renton Drafting Standards. 2. A construction permit is required. When plans are complete, 3 copies of the drawings, two copies of the drainage report, a construction estimate, application and appropriate fee shall be submitted to the Plan Review Counter, 6th floor, Renton City Hall. 3. Temporary erosion control shall be installed and maintained o the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division for the duration of the project. 4. Weekly reports on the status and condition of the erosion control plan with any recommendations of change or revision to maintenance schedules or installation shall be submitted by the project engineer of record to the Public Works Inspector. Certification of the installation and maintenance of the erosion control facilities is required prior to the recording of the plat. { 5. Installation of standard STOP signs and stoplines per MUTCD guidelines at the access driveway to NE 36th Street to safely control traffic flow/movements from the project site. 6. Surface water detention requirements for this site shall be limited for the 5-year, 10-year and 100-year storm event to the pre-developed rates for those events, with a 30% safety factor for the 100-year storm event. Plan Review-Water 1. Water is provided by Coal Creek Water and Sewer District. There is an existing 8-inch diameter water main in NE 36th Street installed with the Westmont (a.k.a.: Prellwitz) Short Plat. 2. A letter of water availability is required from Coal Creek Water and Sewer Utility. Plan Review-Sanitary Sewer 1. Sanitary Sewer is provided by Coal Creek Water and Sewer Utility. Plan Review-Surface Water 1. A preliminary storm drainage plan per King County Surface Water Design standards has been submitted with the application. Few downstream drainage facilities exist, except those installed with the previous Stafford Crest plat improvements. The proposed grading plan captures all surface water on the plat and directs it to the proposed storm water system contained in the streets of the plat. All developed water is to be tightlined to an outfall identified and approved by the City of Renton. 2. The System Development Charge shall apply at the current rate of$385 per single family site. 3. A preliminary drainage report and plan was submitted in conformance with the King County Surface Water Design Manual. 4. Surface water detention requirements for this site shall be limited for the 5-year, 10-year and 100-year storm event to the predeveloped rates for those events, with a 30% safety factor for the 100-year event. Plan Review -Transportation 1. A traffic mitigation fee of$75.00 per average daily trip at a rate of 9.55 trips per additional single family homesite shall be assessed. The fee has been estimated as $36,528.75. This fee is payable prior to the recording of the plat. 2. All frontage improvements including, but not limited to: paving, sidewalk, curb, gutter, striping, signing and lighting shall be provided to the half street minimum with a smooth transition to Lincoln Avenue NE. 3. The minimum standard for a street right-of-way dedication in a residential area is 50 feet. A variance or modification for the proposed 44-foot right-of-way including 32 feet of paving and 5 feet of sidewalk on both sides may be considered if minimum 3 foot easements are provided along the full frontage of all lots for installation of franchise utilities and street lighting . This would match the existing plat conditions. Parks Department 1. The Parks Mitigation Fee of$530.76 per single family residence applies to this proposal. Property Services 1. Property Services comments have been forwarded to the applicant and are on file in the project file. Construction Services 1. Building permit required for any retaining structures over 4-feet high. 2. The applicant's soils report recommends a 25-foot slope setback. Planning 1. The proposal is zoned R-1 and R-8. No development is proposed for the western portion of the site that is designated R-1. 2. A public hearing is required for the plat. This hearing is tentatively scheduled for December 1, 1998. 3. Project site is located in Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area. Economic Development/Neighborhoods/Strategic Planning 1. The site is designated Residential Single Family (RS) and Residential Rural (RR) in the Comprehensive Plan. IT appears that all units will be contained within the RS portion. Policy LU-35 directs a minimum lot size of 4,500 s.f. in the RS designation. Proposed Lot No. 17 does not meet the minimum size standard as shown at 4,147 s.f. City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ti.A1n4!!vt Cr e'„",,,ems COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 22, 1998 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-117,PP,ECF `'��" DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 8, 1998 APPLICANT: Group Four, Inc. (Steve Anderson) PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Toth Henning PROJECT TITLE: Stafford Crest Division 2 WORK ORDER NO: 78415 LOCATION: South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet West of 112th Place SE SITE AREA: 10.3 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitable for detached single family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the site located is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. The proposal requires environmental review, and preliminary plat approval. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LIghVGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic./Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS S17E IS D IA.NATE 2.6-310t7V7 rpcL 51N&LE F.Nr-11L1' (Rb) ANO 1202,AL (a u I►.r fFFS LUr�P2E11c'T151VE PLP(y\I . IT APPEA25 7Ftlg7 ALL UNITS W1LI- i'iE Cvr\rTWIr%Er) w1T1jn1 THE ('Zs eon:Dorv. - 'I a7o oRcazen eiz Scone3 R2E OelDuc.i E!) }2aM The' GJ2oss ACE 1N Cot-Cut-.QirN4 NE-T DC'3SIi Y. T%l— Ale-6A IN STLE-p 510 PE3 WPtS No T PQvV Ir E 1rV T146.- P PPL1G✓\1:a J rntI i e121 ►'11-5 . NowL�/'YL, 1..11THoUT 13r YJMOLT I0ry F02 Srer-1P SLoPF3 NET O€?v51Ttr IS A-63oVT 6.`6 Utv17S /Net 1G424- vtiwirik Tt+e Sc.oPe- NrL-A GvULO ET1G0 NPrj5s UPT0 1.1$ Ac‘2-(5 W17HuV7 TI-VCNE-T fDEKiS17-; Exc 'Lent r.j g uru1T5/rbGRcje 'THE N2-6-AN I N (t 0'yo &PIO CJR E'A 1 CTL 5 Lo PLC fir'P e 2 5 To f36 Lei 5 TFI'Prry 1 Ac1t es. /� pO L,1 G.Y L.u- y 171126-Lys tel N1tNIr.Mur.• LOT 31ZC OF 4,5O0 ScquAR t'2 E F7 1vJ THE25 f�ESIL,IU/�T Ior,. , UNL.d'SS FC.61Z1aL1 LOEVELoPY v-i Sir'TN(DA12..05 AQf USET) cue.- RIc"vl ,) of THE PR4551-1". Lol )7 15 bevr_( 411Li7 5C2wtrLe Leer. I I+�i<1r3L DI:VE1uer"1�-nNT 3TAaypr p5 POLE' %Vt)7 War AnopTco. C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS ,� J'o2 5 i SW AT Z.1 L Oc"fvN I N L We have reviewed this ap ication with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where ad . nal info lira s to property assess this proposal. ed Representative Date 1��, 7( Signature of Dctor or Auth z p Rev.10/93 DEVAPP.DOC v cY U'S. 0 CITY OF RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU ��N11 MEMORANDUM DATE: October 9, 1998 TO: Jennifer Toth Henning, Planner // FROM: Jim Gray, Assistant Fire Marshal .j SUBJECT: Stafford Crest Division 2, S 36th t. Fire Department Comments: 1. A fire hydrant with 1000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structure. 2. A fire mitigation fee of$488.00 is required for all new single family structures. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM Date: October 27, 1998 To: Jennifer Toth Henning, Current Planning From: Kayren K. Kittrick, Plan Review Subject: Stafford Crest II Preliminary Plat LUA-98-117, PP, ECF EXISTING CONDITIONS WATER - Provided by Coal Creek Water& Sewer District. There is an existing 8-inch diameter water main in NE 36th Street installed with the Westmont Short Plat. SEWER - Provided by Coal Creek Water & Sewer District. An 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer main is available for connection in NE 36th Street installed with the Westmont Short Plat. STORM - A preliminary storm drainage plan per King County Surface Water Design standards has been submitted with the application. Few downstream drainage facilities exist, except those installed by the previous Stafford Crest plat improvements. The proposed grading plan captures all surface water on the plat and directs it to the proposed storm water system contained in the streets of the plat. All developed water is to be tightlined to an outfall identified and approved by the City of Renton. STREETS - NE 36th has existing substandard pavement improvements only along the frontage of the proposed plat with an improved intersection at 112th PL NE. CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER 1. Provide a letter of water availability from Coal Creek Water & Sewer Utility. SANITARY SEWER 1. Provide a letter of sewer availability from Coal Creek Water & Sewer Utility. SURFACE WATER 1. The System Development Charge shall be at the current rate of $385 per single family site. 2. A preliminary drainage report and plan was submitted in conformance with the King County Surface Water Design Manual. TRANSPORTATION 1. A Traffic Mitigation Fee of $75.00 per Average Daily Trip at a rate of 9.55 trips per additional single family homesite shall be assessed. The fee has been calculated as $36,528.75 This fee is payable prior to recording of the plat. STAFCR2.DOC 2. All frontage improvements including, but not limited to, paving, sidewalk, curb, gutter, striping, signing and lighting shall be provided to the half street minimum with a smooth transition to Lincoln Av NE. 3. The minimum standard for a street right-of-way dedication in a residential area is 50 feet. A variance or modification for the proposed 44 foot right-of-way including 32 feet of paving and 5 feet of sidewalk on both sides may be considered if minimum 3 foot easements are provided along the full frontage of all lots for installation of franchise utilities and street lighting. This would match the existing plat conditions. PLAN REVIEW - GENERAL 1. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. 2. A construction permit is required. When plans are complete three copies of the drawings, two copies of the drainage report, a construction estimate, application and appropriate fee shall be submitted to the fourth floor counter. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS 1. Temporary Erosion Control shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division for the duration of the project. 2. Weekly reports on the status and condition of the erosion control plan with any recommendations of change or revision to maintenance schedules or installation shall be submitted by the project Engineer of record to the Public Works Inspector. Certification of the installation and maintenance of the erosion control facilities is required prior to recording the plat. 3. Install standard stop signs and stoplines per MUTCD guidelines at the access driveway to NE 36th Street to safely control traffic flow/movements from the project site. 4. Surface water detention requirements for this site shall be limited for the 5 year, 10 year and 100 year storm event to the predeveloped rates for those events, with a 30% safety factor for the 100 year storm event. CC: Neil Watts STAFCR2.DOC • • "«�,µa` .�''. . :<'•a....:'•ei; J•O / _ I'll- • • ✓.,f..."P<.Y•y .<?lrTna.:r4c»c;ui.r;?•,w��i' WYG»xr...r.-.f+�.a.+n•.1lwM.wx r.vxy•ar.erd.�- A<�nO... Lve- r..icwFa+n»w Ew E> Project Name 5-re:11OvA ' Cve c t tvisioo 2 Project Address ME 36{" St ")�o IIZ 111 Pl SE • Contact Person Rob Pu v'sc v Address Phone Number (4 25 ) - 413 - 2 2 22 • Permit Number C_llA - Q g— 117 Project Description 52 pavice sct P(i► ssicm . eke - Land Use Type: Method—of Calculation: e/Residential ITE Trip Generation Manual 1� �•55 ❑ Retail ,@Traffic Study /or O Non-retail • 0 Other • Calculation: _ _ I 1Nit-1 f.424 ( eit vlp5 ()G - I) ( ) = f 07. 05 etude,'• A-t $75 2, -trip l -trips ((t75) (LIST 05) _ < 36,52$•76 Transportation Mitigation Fee: 3 6152g - 75 Calculated by: A) Wai Date: I%Ag Account Number: • Ig , • Date of Payment • City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: POS COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 22, 1998 APPLICATION NO:•LUA-98-117,PP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 8, 1998 APPLICANT: Group Four, Inc. (Steve Anderson) PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Toth Henning PROJECT TITLE: Stafford Crest Division 2 WORK ORDER NO: 78415 LOCATION: South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet West of 112th Place SE SITE AREA 10.3 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitable for detached single family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the site located is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. The proposal requires environmental review, and preliminary plat approval. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services • Energy/ Historic/Cuitural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet /0( X.a, B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS Fe.%) re3 • C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS ' 7)l, We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where a ditional information is n d to properly assess this proposal. a/1/ O// 71 ignature of Director or Authorized Representative Dat1 DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 0 OC O 4lc CITY OF RENTON �� PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS .ee iy�8 v� MEMORANDUM �� DATE: October 16, 1998 TO: Jennifer Toth Henning FROM: Sonja J. Fessers% SUBJECT: Stafford Crest Division 2, LUA-98-117,PP . Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced long plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant Note all existing covenants, agreements and easements on the preliminary plat drawing. Information needed for final plat approval includes the following: Note the city's land use action number(LUA-98-XXX-FP) and the city's land record number(LND- 10-0337) on the drawing. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Please note that the land use action number for the final plat is different from the preliminary plat number and is unknown as of this date. Make ties to the City of Renton Survey Control Network. Provide plat and lot closure calculations. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated,if any. Include a statement of equipment and procedures used,per WAC 332-130-100. Complete City of Renton Monument Cards,with reference points for right-of-way monuments. Note to whom new easements,if any, are to be granted(private or City-held). Note if the adjoining properties are platted(give lot number and plat name)or unplatted. Addresses for the proposed lots will be provided by the City after the preliminary review. The addresses will need to be noted on the drawing. \\TS SERVER\SYS2\COMMONY-L\FILE.SYS\LND\10\0337\RV931014.DOC 0 October 14, 1998 Page 2 Indicate what is set at the corners of the proposed lots. Note the date the existing monuments were visited,per WAC 332-130-050 1.f.iv. The property owners' signatures need to be notarized and the signatures should be preceded with a certification and dedication block. Required City of Renton signatures are: the Administrator of Planning/Building/Public Works,the Mayor and the City Clerk. An approval block for the city's Finance Director is also required. Because this property is located within Zone 2 of Renton's Aquifer Protection Area,the Aquifer Protection Notice needs to be noted on the drawing. See attached. Note that jLthere are restrictive covenants or agreements to others as part of this subdivision,they can be recorded concurrently with the plat. The plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the City Clerk's office as a package. The plat shall have the first recording number. The recording number(s)for the associated document(s) will be referenced on the plat in the appropriate location(s). Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for this preliminary review is provided for your use and information. PROPER,i SERVICES FEE REVIEW FOR SUBDIVISIONS No. 98 - o4G . APPLICANT: S91-11 dhau S A �1t�t� NC}1�ti=� RECEIVED FROM (date) JOB ADDRESS: Sp c LIE H +,-�-. boa Fr. � s-r OF I I2 }i 1+O# 784J TURE OF WORK: 52 L LoI.1G '�L1� >-y,01 CR `�' 1DIv,Z) LND# 10-_05.97 PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION B O G PLAT, NEED MORE I ORMATION: 0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHORT PLAT,BINDING SITE PLAN,ETC. 0 PID#'s 0 VICINITY MAP ❑ FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION,THIS REVIEW REPLACES ❑ SQUARE FOOTAGE 0 OTHER PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED 0 FRONT FOOTAGE :530 ❑ SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT PID#.942.Io NEW KING CO.TAX ACCT.#(s)are required when -354 . assigned by King County. It is the intent of this development fee analysis to put the developer/ow�n3rre on3tice,that the fees quoted below may be applicable to the subject site upon development of the property. All quoted fees are potential charges that may be due and payable at the time the construction permit is issued to install the on-site and off-site improvements(i.e.underground utilities,street improvements,etc.) Triggering mechanisms for the SDC fees will be based on current City ordinances and determined by the applicable Utility Section. Please note that these fees are subject to change without notice. Final fees will be based on rates in effect at time of Building Permit/Construction Permit application. ❑ The existing house on SP Lot# ,addressed as has not previously paid SDC fees,due to connection to City utilities prior to existance of SDC fee Ord. SP Lot# will be subject to future SDC fees if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. ❑ We understand that this subdivision is in the preliminary stage and that we will have the opportunity to review it again before recordation. The following quoted fees do NOT include inspection fees,side sewer permits,r/w permit fees or the cost of water meters. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PARCEL METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. NO. ASSESSMENT UNITS OR FEE Latecomer Agreement(pvt)WATER Latecomer Agreement(pvt)WASTEWATER Latecomer Agreement(pvt)OTHER Special Assessment District/WATER Special Assessment District/WASTEWATER Joint Use Agreement(METRO) Local Improvement District • Traffic Benefit Zones $75.00 PER TRIP,CALCULATED BY TRANSPORTATION FUTURE OBLIGATIONS SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-WATER 0 Estimated II OF UNITS/ SDC FEE O Pd Prey. ❑ Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) ❑ Never Pd SQ. FTG. Single family residential$850/unit x 3Z 44,ZOO .a0'X Mobile home dwelling unit$680/unit in park Apartment,Condo$510/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial, $0.113/sq. ft.of property(not less than$850.00)x Boeing,by Special Agreement/Footprint of Bldg plus 15 ft perimeter(2,800 GPM threshold) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-WASTEWATER 0 Estimated O Pd Prey. ❑ Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) ❑ Never Pd Single family residential$585/unit x 5e, p1 fj ,00 Mobile home dwelling unit$468/unit x Apartment,Condo$350/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial$0.078/sq. ft.of property x(not less than$555.00) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-SURFACEWATER 0 Estimated ❑ Pd Prey. 0 Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) 0 Never Pd _ Single family residential and mobile home dwelling unit$385/unit x r'Z ZO,OZO.OG'7 All other properties$0.129sq ft of new impervious area of property x (not less than$385.00) PRELIMINARY TOTAL / $ 45R.4-,a40.004; • �2 t1)r)/ic.� I4/1�1 cif3 Signatu of Re wing Authority DATE ❑ *If subject property is within an LID,it is developers responsibility to check with the Finance Dept. for paid/un-paid status. 0 ❑ Square footage figures are taken from the King County Assessor's map and are subject to change w'6)L=�- 'd' j� WJ✓� s. M 1S.Y t�'F'Ftovl'UE1>8Y ❑ Current City SDC fee charges apply to o1s.L� t��1Si�t Imo-. COL---TH'6•T U-I,LITY 0 IF IT IS - "J'1=R►-'1Iut_SD�jl-Fla'f City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Publit .✓orks ENVIRONMENTAL 8, DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Cit,nS-t- avivk seW ILa COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 22, 1998 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-117,PP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 8, 1998 APPLICANT: Group Four, Inc. (Steve Anderson) PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Toth Hennin() PROJECT TITLE: Stafford Crest Division 2 WORK ORDER NO: 78415 4. Op LOCATION: South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet West of 112th Place SE O> SITE AREA: 10.3 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A KL d6 O SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitablWppr detatbpd single 1'family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the sit 'ated is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. The proposal requires environmental review,i@p4 preliminary plat approval. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major information Environment Minor Major Information impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS • C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS UIS U/ L 1-D 1 ICJc, f't l 7- GQ v I vc' L o C U c2 `t 1(T 1 iv e-I S i tZ (-) c) v E in ck ' iH I c—Z H S ` L o PL S T S�c �72 S o I c S be L lea e.T We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. C ( o /i -(/ `' Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 / H . .R-iO 1 , - 1 Q U w _ � . w N 1 CA - R _._1� i t--- 1—ill- NE 40th St co Cr/ - o JR78- 4 CO a' co p I C�' - 1 1 �~ SE 86th a N _ es I '' i �~� R-8 1 14 ;jIR-8 NE' 36th , I St z SE 88tr H ,�i o �R— Z-- z N SE 89st . ca __ _ › I R �' SE 90st -0 ' ( .,:.,:,:j. Q., ,,, , ili NE 33rd I Stl I S e r£ RC 1----- I s. ,,i( E 31st St ; l______ 1 / Rc I\ _' ,P .11 L4 I]'-\ I ....... 71 ' R-8 R-8 I__ �h st N JR8I i : R` °-�t j - I1I R-8 D4 - 5T23NRSEE1/2 .40o C4 � o *'�: ZONING 1:4800 3 P/a/PW TECHNICAL SERVICES �- ..e. 32 T24N R5E E 1/2 co ,, o, 1Pf � 1I�g 1 I I ff. vOr �,a.,w Le, ,L,N., ¢ �- / . M4/ flIXw1Qm"Y t Htl Y i N `.�-�I r. , 4,9 y-ems——— 1 jyr5, 36th 5 FOREST AV w P. ffiOiMEET t791C OTUwOQ I I \'. AR9M - 'I./ W LAY Cpsl N =M.LINE wvAi�• sx.Er wo .m.K:E.KrA:c.u..,:.... CD• k ._J , E a •+�Muni s o N99aTsrW 2.006' .. 'SC ss +f p- w r ; 1 z o t • v510RNWAlFR �i"-• ,� •-i� '1 J Q I cV. t a= i "1' e a r'� TP.(ICT A 1 I ` L iy� I 49 --48 i I :` kirt,..k I i' 2 I s /; 1 iWOW 10 ae sz ! tII�•� 'l�ii�l/fli7CiSli?i �� I \\ _ BOZOS lir ,, . ! 111 4 \\ :: E"\ IF1T2) ' PROPOSED / 1 I H) i F 1 1 1.1 //////1'X •\\` I - __ IIVD.(M.) I I I ! pp I�,1 I 1 I I/I//1 1,03} \ \ 'POf _OM9a1 L_— `I� ;, tt; I `4, 1 ` t ,,\ \\�\�1�� \\`•' -- \\" r— 1a 37 I I I T31i aeip3.rr leoes 6 , � I I ^a LEGEND d i I 1 1� y ', i,: Ti1• -SD-PRCPOSED sToRu DRAINAGE I I ink •6 ,tiok. � -- _1 I; I -A I EXISTING GR.TYPE I i 14I �� / •;T� ,I I ® PROPOSED C6.7-roc I •g 199avo�RIE 34 1 39 , I EASING RA.TYPE 3 d • f N10. . ,' 1 I _ , 0 PROPOSED W.TYPE= I ilk 9 i 31 / 1 • �rC - FROSTING SSILI�L� IN 1 i3" ,AD 1I , 0 PROPOSED&SRN 1 1/--- 111 u • i7 J�•' I I' I f3 0 PROPOSED DOYESM RATER sEPnCE uETER L sox I \1 [GROUP FOUR,Inc. ) YAT°MIN!BEE SHEET S - 15030 fUANITA-MOODINYIIlB WAY NE 60TN61„nsviNGTON 9E0,1 (9=0)706-0661 • (=00/30=-4=II • I00(=OE1EE=-3ENV Ilwmw MISINISINDIG AUEEEI9 IuO.cuvE • q WIC''W x.r•• rw.u"n. JO9 NO.:9,-9006 I co I P I I cr,0 011111°..Allk IV MATCHLINE SEE SHEET 3 CV . r 4. 1--— — 1 a sr a g Et IN ..*. m .. ... IIISIS OF OD..IICAS 8 1,7, DATUM CITT Cf RDITCRI ± Ida' . .. --,. t- -4 -2,-1--- - 110611•ARIE TOR C.WOM et US AT MK 11119.1 AVG 31..•ME RAW ST.OfIL MAY (MC' I I . .,.. " . ) r - - , , g 2 1 1 ; LEGEND 1 I CA 1 1 1 .1. -• in mnAsso • WATER METER 1 I / i I I t . • / A FIRE MM.. M WATER VALVE I ID E.VOLIA ri I I I . i 1 i .• 6 VISIT.POLE.... ..... 1 (-.WT11.ITT ARCA..,.I/ .i • MEP..•11101 Zi P 'I i..i YMIEI L1.1 II..0 r. . '( w WO.OOK 0 0 b t i . I I I aa Il \ /—1_, s... i I ....___.--.• . _,______1,,, 1 1 44 ' 1 . ; r ——__ I I I ,...-..—-- / Cr •4C, r-A,":'.r.,''' r ,• , , , I , •v.x" ...0.,- ..irs- 4 I, , , 45 I I :I 1 I! I Lo' , —_-.-—.....1 1..______ I / a I q • / I 46 r I ; 47 tr / I i I 1 . , —-I-,—_....J, N89.00.18'.1 I 420.06' r' i r ., --. __ I rf / I . • I I I i I li I t 5 .s.i v 1 ,1;1••fr,....„0.;" • '''.AL 1•10. ..........5'..e. 1 • 9-11-76 § a I ; i 1 GOIGROUP FOUR,Inc. ; 18030 JUANITA-WOODINVILLE WAY NE I BOTTILI.L.WASHINGTON 01101.1 (423)775-4581 • f TO6)362-1.241 • 1,1.0 2 011134T-181P I worm,. MICO1.11114 PLANIIIMC 111APAGO.NT "........-...JOB NO.:97-800e - g 1 . • • . • • • 06 m I, I • .,.An 1 I v -. '''' I I NJaID fIIA1tl'I•If•• MJ V•,pA td f'• l fMLY•A'6ff e�epr OOSIR'a tl 0' !V e�ano •eau► IV•euer N .x0 eYMQO ••eso ----II 1 \. •,..--,^— ,nr.� I _—_— arm B_ FOREST AVE. `m0•1l..'m�,'"s�`llos o \�\ ,' t.r.,. ---_-^ �• nAM AK aC•�sMa sa.6[v CASE rveu QQ N •Sra \` (NMT 2620 I • U W was. '- 1 a cG V w�'•. NO / 2.67.14. I KQ /14worSre 7q.•6' , rv+ \ I. 1P. fQ..4 W i0. o / I LEGEND CI ,y _ �i emw / / .»�.+r -� ,, j;�• ef-i an • •tom.-.,t.�_:— • o oW Cr)in. MAR VALVE , War Xaa� . y,g64.-ir, l If / s/ I I 1 4i v \\ / I (1 i m:K �;' i, f Afi AqC —— i, I N. 1 . p 130 I 1 r1- ;3I I ter_ I� °CC '0E ao y,111 .1\ \\\\\�\\\\ \` of \ 70 3Kn/ / \ I 3 '1\I\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \` y, -'LD vro b,:\ —i———-1 / J'' I• i I� • 34 / a\ l @ } r S 1 _ / I — -- I III I / ,I II I \\\ \\\\ i''\\ I qJ-•—,1 J - 35\`\ `\\\\ \1 \ \ ! I `\ \ II 1‘ 1 I -_7- �I \ g70 ,-1 Ic I\,\ \\ \\ \111\ \1, 11\ --- I a 3 1 1 \_rM50a� ` \ . I 1 i •G t Y. .. ', 3. .. ems // - /"." I / / / )33 a_ 1.1 4f,, 3IIII W I , 1 \ ———---1— e g / // I 35 / / . /// / / I / I C.Ala . /' .11 ,E— / L ���� 1lir • - 1 I / ly -L-—J I / ,-s-9• e 1 , u • MATCHLINE SEE SHEET I _ B GROUP FOUR,Inc. j — • 18030 JUANITA-WOODINVILLE WAY NE I 80THELL WASHINGTON 06011 . (223)7I5-1361 • (206)962-4244 • FAS(206)362-2610 wu n� C o o��-. ' JOB N0.'91-E006 - SE 1/4 SEC. 32 ,TWP.24 N ,RGE. 5 E ,W.M. Alio n,„. ` .raw ._,< ...I., I _, - / I-"roe l''w.:' e-Me-rmN~� t` / «7 1' 1'Irni • r n. -.4.I W_\1 .-r..,'.7e——^— ,,+.e..—i ——_ ) ,� 9GSh STREET�OREST A` 3°q E 9TE .�yy1�\y ,�.+.1A f aas..r afa �, •� /_ / C N .. ,c vas _ -_.1 --.. } i7 o«1.onl am.T /Illeersri t40.a' 1• \ -NE 381/1 ST. I .a T my •• / 1 acre r..a cv K �� .s_.w y,.,�_ , v.of w. -_.. °' X.a a,srfi- E / �� % P 1 e.�f- r I r ao 11 -- r r r,. 1 /" r--_ a s a f \<a>4,s. 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K a LOT 9 \\ • \\ n------8/ / / +��-' • a OLw�,.raW�ar•a.m.,r�., 11 _ _V 1 \\ ".41 I '�•r: 7 t-- �� wa t i I '1 I� v m`"r,,WO .a a.,c,n Cr,w�UK ,a c.au ill � '\\ i3 }� JO ,‹ 1 3. _..-I 1r 11 OF PUTS 1115 M•U Cr tc UST 10 W.FEU 114.d 9,10•w.¢x'M Orr \\\ \\ / �J--�_`� f1 I Cf.10"i'mwn'Or0.0SUSOf..rrcrra lIII _ 1 1/ \ '.f 1 .«�s \\`` / +- Q I i 1 3y l 1 :re ,1.OTT O KV` r":Id:: a 00-w a = L— �---`' I _ , r I1 1 wE3� r t 1.. I,/ r 1 TIC SIOSUIT R.S.CO t53 WWII A.ILL .•i!r ssa-__U a1a�� i/ `13±\ / ,, 1: I 1 x,n"' I I I I I Y `�_ --n 4r—`�4 a * ��� 34 11 30 r I "r1a 0AW. "a." N )1 I' `__ \ a .r. 1 1 __ _J' it I— —— CC',.M rr f..rear, ___ f a afv I i s �wns l / �rt-_--x1, .4' I I 'r^1GNT-----"—•---�p1 :,w" c o 11 « 1 \ 1 11 2 s I • I OUT 0.122.2 ann,...aa, ., II -1 I ----1 tL-I -1 J \\--�.-- I 500100A/00111401 *COP'OM•IL • rawc°.`ua11.011 ,. 3112-04.4 W.PAW MS MOPS., MATCHUNE SEE SHEET 11 �� e ' _r • jo ___ ...-1....._....._..__n•resm OF s. ' • GROUP FOUR,Inc. co�,a 16090 JUANITA-W000INYILLE II AY NE t L' 60TN611..ASNSNGTON 08011 1 ,•.,.L"✓ I103/775-4501 • lz00g02-1214 • TAT(2001302-a.,u 1 n. 9-8� M m.m. ..x®. o-ac «a 1 409 NO.:a/-soRe g 1 i 1 co ' SE 1/4 SEC. 32 JWP.24 N ,RGE. 5 E ,W.M. 1 ,8 I'l,i;I« MATCHLINE 8EE SHEET t N ----n 1 30 _ _ c, �—— s o r �i yl i I ws I i i f---� P I — S rn 1_ f--- e i I-L- fit—J1/, _J— — t i 1 3 I .as I� S•aft -----, I 2 i227 1 26 —__ 1 j & — c.� \?- as JJ I I IE'ans'4 Iws lam■ I I I I I 12 I •11 a �' }l- -J C -=3 C___�, t--=_ I rr 13 i\1• - 1'"T1E 33rd PL i b) g I E �114 Nary I ,';�5 - 00 $Y s /ls \ 4 I1+7a / I )— \ • W +71+�.� n I 23 j.�.:c At . if , 1 9 I t i i i,gyms I e I _- , ,rL. I1-1-TiEl''' 33rd ST. , Eas �! 1r-- _ ' K yif 'aa.cw / .\d- 1 - y. - ' -pCv--- I-Zit- 1 Is. •I.• i •16 11iI 2I1 -I ;'zz 1t111 y1 aaN it I I/..s i•II I I 11 Ii a -- tI I Il�p '1q i;�• I �Ea, i �. I I 1 I 1 I I I , ,~`, :I 1 I I 1 I I ill ! ! Al oa m a LEGEND • j1, r WETLY.) j%M L%may � o L op m wPI II-23-9H 421 AO Mr mpow.vAtxr z�s r61111d tt ;4.3111011E RI SE. GROUP FOUR,Inc. OW p�7e-`a ? " I6090 IUANRA—IIOODINVIIIE WAY NE • OAT. Nr maw•.CAN...m M.WY emxw.resxu+ciw+Peel I A.IL.a K]NIH al..e[v.PICOT A. {MET srw (426)Tl3-4ee1 • Wen.-•24I • AIX(20e).1T-xle ,.,a ••«•••» POP NO:a7-P33l -^ g aE • MATCHLJNE SEE SHEET 6 RV a — l i k r I 30 \-7 JJJL :�__ Ee I I t I za 27 26 ji' >1 1 I I---- 1 I 29 a -s I I a L- I [ I • -' 1 1 O. I 1 .11k __-..-.-. I ' . tit i3 I '_.,..,: ,iGI I ----'\\ I�i da ! 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It vs IT NM (�� 18030 JUANITA-W00DINVILLE WAY NE I nIM AVG LC N,NI MN tt.ELM,aA.S. BOTHELL WASNINCTON Pe011 (123)TT6-1661 • (2061362-1214 • PAA(206)362-3E1P SYMYSIG I>4NAPN NNRING INn,c.NANaT I I '4=...,=....... r.+.w.`..." .10e Na..22_a00e g I • ww� 4/K/ III AN �•. 1 OAP AN 1O91YW Atlf•• I ff z-- I I .Awaa 4. !!!!lli��1111•••••• .11? 'tl Zilvi — 34th STR LFOREST AV MVO o SEE T-91E ORLWAQ I _‘1 IV. 7____ w. } wE9D1'fYN 2M.06' •— ` `B-,n • }IY ew.fmw w ,onv E--,y - - milia a Q 1 � ��: -- 1$J6N ST......,...�. 9 �iiWia rwoi en. s . 0,ry.9swa WAS a ET09NNATER -j-�-' -_- 7J I NPOPPec��w, ♦wn Z -_._ '•e'rt9 ' 1 /� T— 1uN Ar.EL•K>.SI US TRACT A ���• I .2 r. 1 _ _ TRACT A 4 ,'1 + t ` \ rl 52 51 I -46- 47 11 , / o 1+R A� _ ri ,_STORY 55 ! 1 1 1 5 fb-. N� _1 I1 1 Z 1 a ,�cax:�::� ��.� Eq.\ p 7 ` -- 1 1�—I'— 'Rs=�` , `�., g< —b��_` _ �1. 3Sth ST. .1 1 _._L. ``Z``..111 70 r�\ s � b b I 1E Sf --+--- I-NE —,,,--_—r —rt--L ,„,_, �„ l 3 \ . •? 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I -i b. l\ Nfl" h I I4•17 rs fg I I s3 I I 33 ca I I I 1 A, I 1 ___ `',28E] 98 ; Y Y.M ATCFE SEE SHEET 8 I GI GROUP FOUR,Inc. 16030 JUANITA-WOODINVILLE RAY NE IOTNEY,RAENINETON 9e011 (rzel77e-43e1 • (Iee)e19-.9r1 • TAI(29E/Je3-3e19 • e. . .107 n0 91-EWE + t C. s .yq, a F` .s a -- - .rrono'a'E 435,31' .�_ e': 1 t • --- x` /v 7I:J'7 s.t 4 c s (as.-,' -- ... ' ————71+ Fla w: Kaa I . Ps 4 �' I Oi 1 e170 3'ED Oi i _ 1 I I . 1 I I �� I m I I -- I i 1 ,J II Y • 1 •I _ 1 1, 1 11 II r-- II L . ( — !/ _� is, I I I I I • 11\ 1 '. I r, : I r I ., I I l I .. I , 1 I 'I Z $ 1giq 111 b r p paA ill ,t . ii . 2 (.1 t b)„ -. kg! K ' e qM i CITY OF PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE PLAN RENTON __ 9-10-97 .— � P..1rq/e.om.a/P„eo<wonu ao�. 97 8008 c..vv r P.E..Mmim.Uatw STAF FORD CREST DIV. 2 '�e^u NO, eEN510N HI DATE ADM, ••— -'�' I no , o _ o, I I • -, ... pal © • �� '• I r vr M! pl�r .NAM l-wig ._ a' O. M or " 11 ,•)nitq b-„t 1 • .,ow �� ` I I F .r 1....ma, • � -�<r �� 0 0 ..,-•I /i t_r• . — ,r•.,.,<r— ' — — - - ,7,jr. I. aan STnE�r LwREST AV Z - k L � ‘ n,,, ,,.r~AK.sE.K .M.r.or..3<u 0 'it �, ,�1 /„e4aoart awa• NE 38t5 SL 19 ^^�* ""R o !_ --_ _ j O "'�� rr . 1: -----• 1 I _ . ',�.' it N 1 1 1 I TREE CLEARING: a ' TRACT A ' 1�y��. x A. tilf I I DUE TO THE NATURE OF THE EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY ! ` I I - 52 51 50 TRACT A / I AND THE R-8 ZONING,RESULTING IN LOTS AVERAGING / _ 49 f . -48 47 / / APPROXIMATELY 6.000 SQUARE FEET,IT IS NECESSARY �` :,r_(„, r I 'j �` I --_._n_// ; R TO CLEAR THE ENTIRE SITE LYING EAST OF THE 25 FOOT (" J'7'"'t I J , h ' B.S.B.L ADJACENT TO THE +40%SLOPE. a3 . „.?„ .... , ...... t. filig.. ,, , .19 '�•�\` t.�•�uvr,s.Yc 1� I �,t� _ �rol — 1„, ,,t. �� 00 S „;, •..�. \ tot A r �, II ` r� , 7 ,,,, 1 . , , 1 ,,, .,.....„....„2„ , , \,_ ..:,,, „ • ii ,_ _ �'\\��.� \�\\\\`1 ) / 1 �- \:" e"3 41 43 44 ..,. / 1 �I - I s - .. , , \1\I f/ ///////, // ¢y d( a. 9511,t.. .79•171 - I JIJ I f • / , r6 / \ IC J. 11 II ,////1 L9.'id. ,' -_- — — •iur, I I I 4 ,I%i t‘ ‘‘ \\ *rg.t i 1 I s V' V il -r.-.7-_-_,,, ,.__ • ) t 4,1 / ,--aa'/-/ " % t [ P'S ___ , I uuuv � v deep ,;/ (s3 ,� `4 I '� ram' _J 77 / I r�'r .,�_ 1 , 91t ! ( / g �; � 14f' , 1.3 - ;1' 1 kr ;� .�"�-,' 5 S ——f�'"ti Jr- , I ' sc I b. ...4.,_...„1„; tirou / 34 , 39//- I I / // 1 II 31 --11-- .4—— / _ --- I �I _J I 10/, I� — µ �'i�,—— 1GROUP FOUR,Inc. 1100 \\ 1,/ r • -I 1 MATCHLINE SEE SHEET 10 1.090 JUANRA-IOODINVNJE WAY NE B01'1lIL.IAWINGTON 08011 (418078-4e1( • (208)302-1911 • FAX(204)uz-3810 I .....•Z.7.. .ae NO.:00-0008 5 i I _._. o §fo I - • MATCHUNE SEE SHEET S N 1 BrOAMIrliMpril"Fpgr -=-----7,11 if - PR". — H _I III Ili\itiii -a - J'�s i l I I g 13 � BfO�B��A�\f _ , 5J • ti 3 at _ a A 43 0Z 7e I r l � 1111 �� {� I 111111 11:1, - (I 7 ill)]_._i /,.5 'LE" / riCL l& It c / li / I- y[1(11.1 I �� t I ZZ IsO" r 1 // i I 17 ti I J r 1t r. FHV' _ II 1/ I I / ,7I / I I % 3 1II1 411 / / / 17 1 11t , / I / I 1 / / /I / Cr 1 11 I / ( / / 1 hh / h r�'� 1 1 ;a'/ `` I / I I I /'p 1 I 1 I •. i I \ I l 1 1 I /K 1 .mil 1 I \ I 1 1 1 / / 1 II11I i E a s i TREE CLEARING: DUE TO THE NATURE OF THE EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND THE R-8 ZONING,RESULTING IN LOTS AVERAGING .cNc 1,_ APPROXIMATELY 6,000 SQUARE FEET,IT IS NECESSARY a r B c TO CLEAR THE ENTIRE SITE LYING EAST OF THE 25 FOOT sisiel B.S.B.L ADJACENT TO THE+40S SLOPE. �.a, ,o,� GROUP FOUR,Inc. I 1w�i 0.14.U.i i NM R MX Ill. 16030 JUANITA-WOODINVILLE WAY NE BOI'HE1LIABNINGTON 18011 ' • (.B80213-41MI • (per}1B]-4P/s • rAY000362-34I9 r Minn 1 woo. .rn r, .u... JOB NO:97-0000 g - .-- _ __ - — ___ — • -- - _ -C 1 II I 1 • I I I a"' _:T..........7 I tj :iv , II I I. I1rnN, I ! I 1 `:l ____ 1 y—— NE 9Lth STREET LOREST AV • ft1.115 sr-cam 1 • ._ I� .y'Pi j{.. ar aW 1 1- / NN1A, t I �— V v / 1 —J_—% T fi°" / 2 Rora.�� j paw 1 snu, . y Z cV I —— ./1Gaa0bri 24O S - q tE-36th SL vg is.w ' 1 a a c pr a CO I ............ I I 50 I TRACT A' r U `� �\J�/ �_yN 1 - 51 u 49 -,�S'� Q I ? , • ac. '.I o p ».s / >� D • AG.... —'� I • 9;,. I!�` y�' A• LEGEND �' .dal I ii 1 -_ ) Ili G 1 1.1 W 0'�.,,, `� NzI �`aQTi b _TT IGuh sf e% II 1- �.r:i m KG W�N.K" �; g _ I m man w�aa ' H1-.\\\\\\\\ 00` MIT POLK \ S f/{ 1 b I , NE351hSL 1 6_-ra+— I— --- f t I \ �\�' _0 \ 3 ' 1..„.) 1 a a MU."MUNI �11i r 1 I I f ;e illI _ .. 1 — •. • tt N I KM Orr 1 \ .. \ 7 / , 1 / a„ 1 .4. .\1 1 1 I JJ/ )/// . / ,J.H A`• ar 1 s' I rA,.,, — / L I I f W I TREE CLEARING: w ad J/ ' r•- ti 1 1 ^I APHY i I I IIII I 1 1 1 1 1/�\�\� �:°� _'' r / - Ir +' I 11 /- ———— I I I l% AND THE RE TO E 8 ZONING. ESULTING NATURE OF THE IN LOTS G AVERAGING U § \\ \\ \ C 1 1 / I / `.' II4' APPROXIMATELY 6,000 SQUARE FEET,IS NECESSARY�' I.' ;;.9 -- p• � 'i '�s— -I I I/ I4.4:1 11 1 II a,�l i., >o a .,..TQ:i ——— 1 1 \� q�(All. 0,1 • LEE �Vy ,ki(;. .y V I• ,N ."a 7 1 • /4` IYI €� ( ;-_.9y ' o' I /1 M• �-aVL ! 1 1 .9 cl g I; 31 �E • o� . — —,i I— I-- ` 8k Mill \ 1 c . .;* ' ,� ii• : ; : ° L - - am Ie a MATCNJNE SEE SHEET 12 GROUP FOUR,Inc. -.0 16030 JUANITA-WOODIN✓ILLE WAY NE i; BOTNELL.ASNINGTON W011 (42E)7]S-KS01 • (106)36E-4344 • 1,1I(206)D69-3819 iwmro ri .i:;.m..7a runcl JOB NO.:91-800E 2 SP 0 ' 0 6 • • YATCHUNE BEE SHEET 11 i N I 1 t('A. .° /I :0 ��, i -0. I o ' 14 l:- +Fr . I 2• _q v 5'` ,I ) I---— w o t t Q.m — y —,`- ,,, SI <U"` V7 " 'F' f /�eM 'l3 o J rt.: .']' NE 31r8 SL yl �* 4/11/4 G*UO'�t�aO I _ 61 �P •gym ,.Is`I ° q/ C.° i - I —_ — _le S i �;�w, 1 17 T4 tY 10 , 21/ ^r�r,v , 014, 47'.. ' 14 : f /fi e �, r r 00 , 1 — ' --� _ a' ��V11/11• 6 C.�(G o°c1'/�)'.,_.{µe/°�+ �y.v /�+ti'di`t1'{s: ,: '.+�` 4, /% µ ' T' . .'�. 1., l:i: b ill I '•'. y`, I F / 1" 11 I ' Li�,/•y s 1 3 1 5 8 LEGEND fA . Kn . TREE CLEARING: "• DUE TO THE NATURE OF THE EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY a,,rt N.e,.eT AND THE R-8 ZONING.RESULTING IN LOTS AVERAGING m o. APPROXIMATELY 6,000 SQUARE FEET.IT IS NECESSARY on.a.t•4r<T TO CLEAR THE ENTIRE SITE LYING EAST OF THE 25 FOOT F,,;L;l,,POLL 15 ,,,, B.S.B.L ADJACENT TO THE+4O1L SLOPE. ` — L°�°5 • MEMOS(441 Sit <. ,....K>,~.t_11c..r.,F pos.or,or otoorm AA m .M,7P.aGROUP FOUR,Inc. 'a 16030 JUANITA-II0001NYILLS WAY NE d 13O17161L.45111HLTON 00011 P (123)773-1331 • (Z.06)303-41.1 • £.4X(200)302-301e , ■..:ZZr.7.„"7"•••"."... JOB NO.:e7-8008 i ..... / ..•... PM my IMO•••• a a a mow. I . \ I • --- , 1 . I $ '•; Sl.f II144"' f'f•••mr•-ftre I",'11"I,C, //691 5-15-.00 ,A . f 4 140.I.' ......17,00:v.StUf Or • : • ilk • !AO Ar114•P/t4P ki ..._,, --- • 9.-',..::, •,_f_2 i 1 , ,-, I • MSO,a+T.•C: - - 1 ni.*se. - AO Jel -———-.--; t0 .44•C MP,. , 1 p 8 t A ... f I, -.) 11 IlAcr—SY 1 ;Vet) if a ' ' 11! 1,0 f-420.715 1 I ift 1 I 1. 1, 1 •tt i ....1,• ' - 111 11 j. q ii! 11 AVIV ACT, I 111 : 1 1 t ,Cit,Rai- .4..0 Ifir' '''.-------,S TOP 2,55 -42 . : • i - a • ) 13:: i IV 1! gli : f.:.;;•-./' ''' l' •if,. ,..,..',APS Par 1-flf 5."14,.403" 1 Il .7ne 4 -1, L. )V. /C 4,105/YAllf •. , Ufa", "'I \' ''. -1 ,711:.'s . 'It ——— ____j 1,109.0237.111 240,05 4, .:' Ns. 6 sr_ ettic---r sT. ......4 1 . I • 'im...it. '-7--41--tt:.*---'.1.-. ''' !Pr , r"i"------• 1RACT A .3 4 ......I' ,-.. I ...- _,._..1 1 1 '' 51 50 1 \ .s.".... — ;I , I s • . I'' N \•„. i 1 \ \ (cr c.r' \ t ,-..., ""' \ ' ) t •155.02 11.*150 03 i i I NF1 .7 /I liZ I i is% t si.iiF iAg r !itq lir 1: Xg 1 -41 ij illi 1 iiil Nogi ;,,§ t&N 14R i I.; ..., . --, 1 ,.,,.„ ,! .. c._„, d , ,,„ A 4* 11P r to p Ell ill '.' t hj / — I 2 z z • — -.• 4-14-96 40 ... .." tM. CITY OF PRELIMINARY OFF—SITE DRAINAGE PLAN ...A. IS RENTON ..... f...... I .".".... I Call PI n giu.41.ng/P•Mic IVO.*D..1,I 71.8008 NO PENS1CH BY DATE APPIR .^.... STAFFORD CREST DIV. 2 . . -. . 4$ tp; CITL DF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator November 3, 1998 KECL�VED Nov 13 '98 OFFICL OF I He SUPERIS,TNUEN I Superintendent's Office L:LCj OpMENT Renton School District#403 YQFw•--. 4 �� 435 Main Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 NOV j 1998 R .CeV E,b RE: Stafford Crest Preliminary Plat (File No. LUA-98-117,PP,ECF) The City of Renton Development Services Division has received an application for a 52-lot preliminary plat to be located on a vacant 10.3 acre parcel that is zoned for single family residential development (R-8). The property is located south of NE 36th Street and approximately 600 feet west of 112th Place SE. . In order to process this application, the Development Services Division needs to know which Renton schools would be attended by children living in residences at the location indicated above. Would you please fill in the appropriate schools on the list below and return this letter to the Development Services Division, City of Renton, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, Washington 98055. Elementary School: Hazelwood Middle School: McKnight High School: Hazen Will the schools you have indicated be able to handle the impact of the additional students estimated to come from the proposed development? Yes XX No Any Comments: Thank you for providing this important information. Sincerely, Jennifer T h Henning Project Manager school/ /kac 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 C^5 This nanar contains 500/„racvclad material 90%nest rnnsumar • ("" - .. R ,. 0 0V �-4t A, A • AR T S I'°I� G� 1:4 r41 i •.�. I •oi III J =t- y� ss is1 : :Ni7 ;i4 \ .. ...• < N �a i • 0 .�Z • •i • .�' } sLINCOLN' A E. Ntici Z0 Ts z - In N ; Z I. \\ 0+ _ . F sul i G 33 = ABEROEEN-' ..-AVE.e N.E. -+�•� �= lro•• -r " 1N 3ti to 1 0a .60? s _ end -�f"•Hl of -... ....A___.-- n 1 0 .......... • CITY'OF RENTON On the 0= day of rttUvbey- , 1998, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing e—aC. ttv-w t1rchci4c documents. This information was sent to: Name Representing Department of Ecology Don Hurter WSDOT KC Wastewater Treatment Division Larry Fisher Washington Department of Fisheries David F. Dietzman Department of Natural Resources Shirley Lukhang Seattle Public Utilities Duwamish Indian Tribe Rod Malcom Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Joe Jainga Puget Sound Energy (Signature of Sender) v ita . V-• STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) / I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that , 9‘r• c-S_.p.e ce)--) signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for thiJ uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: l 1 to IRS Notary Publi ' and for the State of Wa. i ton Notary (Print) MARILYN ,KAMCHEF-F My appointment e poremtbSk.kitXPINtS 6/4/99 Project Name: aFforict Crew ektmn lia P1a1 _ 1).,VtSt01n 2 Project Number: Wq.gg• t� 1 , Pe,Et NOTARY.DOC CIT' JF RENTON ..iL Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator November 5, 1998 Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Subject: Environmental Determinations Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination for the following project reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on November 3, 1998: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED STAFFORD CREST PRELIMINARY PLAT DIVISION 2 LUA98-117,PP,ECF Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitable for detached single family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the site is zoned R-I. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-I. The proposal requires environmental review, and preliminary plat approval. Located south of NE 36th Street and 600 feet west of 112th Place SE. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM November 23, 1998. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)430-6510. If you have questions, please call me at (425) 430-7286. For the Environmental Review Committee, ''&4441 vl.+� Jennifer oth Henning Project Manager cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division Larry Fisher, Department of Fisheries David F. Dietzman, Department of Natural Resources Don Hurter, Department of Transportation Shirley Lukhang, Seattle Public Utilities Duwamish Tribal Office Rod Malcom, Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (Ordinance) Joe Jainga, Puget Sound Energy AGNCYLTR.DOC\ 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 IY7 Thic nanar rnntainc Sn%rorvrlarl matarial 'Jfl%nnct rnncllmar i CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator November 5, 1998 Mr. Steve Anderson Group Four, Inc. 16030 Juantia-Woodinville Way NE Bothell, WA 98011 SUBJECT: Stafford Crest Division 2 Project No. LUA-98-117,PP,ECF Dear Mr. Anderson : This letter is written on behalf of the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) and is to advise you that they have completed their review of the subject project. The ERC, on November 3, 1998, issued a threshold Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated with Mitigation Measures. See the enclosed Mitigation Measures document. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM November 23, 1998. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)430-6510. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA December 8, 1998 at 9:00 AM to consider the Preliminary Plat. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you one week before the hearing. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. The preceding information will assist you in planning for implementation of your project and enable you to exercise your appeal rights more fully, if you choose to do so. If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please call me at (425) 430-7286. For the Environmental Review Committee, \-6314A r, RMAA1-) Jennifer Toth Henning Project Manager cc: Parties of Record Applicant and Owner Enclosure DNSMLTR.DOC 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 1 CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-98-117,PP,ECF APPLICANT: Rob Purser Stafford Construction, Inc. PROJECT NAME: Stafford Crest Preliminary Plat-- Division 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitable for detached single family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the site located is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. The proposal requires environmental review, and preliminary plat approval. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet west of 112th Place SE MITIGATION MEASURES: 1 a) The applicant shall follow the recommendations of the geotechnical report prepared by Terra Associates (Geotechnical Report, Stafford Crest Division 2, NE 36th and 109th Place NE, Renton, Washington, June 30, 1998) for the proposed Stafford Crest Division 2 preliminary plat. b) Temporary Erosion Control Measures shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Service Division for the duration of the project. c) Weekly reports on the status and condition of the erosion control plan with any recommendations of change or revision to maintenance schedules or installation shall be submitted by the project engineer of record to the Public Works Inspector. Certification of the installation and maintenance of the erosion control facilities is required prior to the recording of the plat. 2. The applicant shall pay the applicable Transportation Mitigation Fee of$75.00 per each new average weekday trip attributable to the project. The fee is due prior to the recording of the plat. 3. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee at a rate of$488 per each single family residential lot created by the proposal. The fee is due prior to the recording of the plat. 4. The applicant shall pay the applicable Parks Mitigation Fee at the rate of$530.76 per each new single family residential lot. The fee is due prior to the recording of the plat. .1 CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-98-117,PP,ECF APPLICANT: Rob Purser/Stafford Construction, Inc. PROJECT NAME: Stafford Crest Preliminary Plat--Division 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitable for detached single family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the site located is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. The proposal requires environmental review, and preliminary plat approval. Location: South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet west of 112th Place SE Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Police 1. Police Department estimates that the proposal would result in 38.48 calls for service annually. This is considered to have minimal impact on Renton Police. Fire Department 1. A fire hydrant with 1,000 gallons per minute (gpm) fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3,600 s.f. in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structure. 2. A fire mitigation fee of$488.00 is required for all new single family structures. Plan Review-General 1. All plans shall conform with the Renton Drafting Standards. 2. A construction permit is required. When plans are complete, 3 copies of the drawings, two copies of the drainage report, a construction estimate, application and appropriate fee shall be submitted to the Plan Review Counter, 6th floor, Renton City Hall. 3. Temporary erosion control shall be installed and maintained o the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division for the duration of the project. 4. Weekly reports on the status and condition of the erosion control plan with any recommendations of change or revision to maintenance schedules or installation shall be submitted by the project engineer of record to the Public Works Inspector. Certification of the installation and maintenance of the erosion control facilities is required prior to the recording of the plat. +. 5. Installation of standard STOP signs and stoplines per MUTCD guidelines at the access driveway to NE 36th Street to safely control traffic flow/movements from the project site. 6. Surface water detention requirements for this site shall be limited for the 5-year, 10-year and 100-year storm event to the pre-developed rates for those events, with a 30% safety factor for the 100-year storm event. Plan Review-Water 1. Water is provided by Coal Creek Water and Sewer District. There is an existing 8-inch diameter water main in NE 36th Street installed with the Westmont (a.k.a.: Prellwitz) Short Plat. 2. A letter of water availability is required from Coal Creek Water and Sewer Utility. Plan Review-Sanitary Sewer 1. Sanitary Sewer is provided by Coal Creek Water and Sewer Utility. Plan Review -Surface Water 1. A preliminary storm drainage plan per King County Surface Water Design standards has been submitted with the application. Few downstream drainage facilities exist, except those installed with the previous Stafford Crest plat improvements. The proposed grading plan captures all surface water on the plat and directs it to the proposed storm water system contained in the streets of the plat. All developed water is to be tightlined to an outfall identified and approved by the City of Renton. 2. The System Development Charge shall apply at the current rate of$385 per single family site. 3. A preliminary drainage report and plan was submitted in conformance with the King County Surface Water Design Manual. 4. Surface water detention requirements for this site shall be limited for the 5-year, 10-year and 100-year storm event to the predeveloped rates for those events, with a 30% safety factor for the 100-year event. Plan Review -Transportation 1. A traffic mitigation fee of$75.00 per average daily trip at a rate of 9.55 trips per additional single family homesite shall be assessed. The fee has been estimated as $36,528.75. This fee is payable prior to the recording of the plat. 2. All frontage improvements including, but not limited to: paving, sidewalk, curb, gutter, striping, signing and lighting shall be provided to the half street minimum with a smooth transition to Lincoln Avenue NE. 3. The minimum standard for a street right-of-way dedication in a residential area is 50 feet. A variance or modification for the proposed 44-foot right-of-way including 32 feet of paving and 5 feet of sidewalk on both sides may be considered if minimum 3 foot easements are provided along the full frontage of all lots for installation of franchise utilities and street lighting . This would match the existing plat conditions. Parks Department 1. The Parks Mitigation Fee of$530.76 per single family residence applies to this proposal. Property Services 1. Property Services comments have been forwarded to the applicant and are on file in the project file. Construction Services 1. Building permit required for any retaining structures over 4-feet high. 2. The applicant's soils report recommends a 25-foot slope setback. Planning 1. The proposal is zoned R-1 and R-8. No development is proposed for the western portion of the site that is designated R-1. 2. A public hearing is required for the plat. This hearing is tentatively scheduled for December 1, 1998. 3. Project site is located in Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area. Economic Development/Neighborhoods/Strategic Planning 1. The site is designated Residential Single Family (RS) and Residential Rural (RR) in the Comprehensive Plan. IT appears that all units will be contained within the RS portion. Policy LU-35 directs a minimum lot size of 4,500 s.f. in the RS designation. Proposed Lot No. 17 does not meet the minimum size standard as shown at 4,147 s.f. CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-98-117,PP,ECF APPLICANT: Rob Purser Stafford Construction, Inc. PROJECT NAME: Stafford Crest Preliminary Plat-- Division 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitable for detached single family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the site located is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. The proposal requires environmental review, and preliminary plat approval. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet west of 112th Place SE LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-6-6 Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM November 23, 1998. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)430-6510. PUBLICATION DATE: November 09, 1998 DATE OF DECISION: November 03, 1998 SIGNATURES: //Jr/CO 48 re g Z - merman, dministrator DAT Department of Planning/Building/Pu olio Works Jim Shepherd, AdmilSistrator DAT Community Services Lee Wheeler, Fire Chief144 Nov 71 DATE Renton Fire Department DNSMSIG.DOC CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-98-117,PP,ECF APPLICANT: Rob Purser Stafford Construction, Inc. PROJECT NAME: Stafford Crest Preliminary Plat-- Division 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitable for detached single family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the site located is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. The proposal requires environmental review, and preliminary plat approval. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet west of 112th Place SE MITIGATION MEASURES: 1 a) The applicant shall follow the recommendations of the geotechnical report prepared by Terra Associates (Geotechnical Report, Stafford Crest Division 2, NE 36th and 109th Place NE, Renton, Washington, June 30, 1998) for the proposed Stafford Crest Division 2 preliminary plat. b) Temporary Erosion Control Measures shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Service Division for the duration of the project. c) Weekly reports on the status and condition of the erosion control plan with any recommendations of change or revision to maintenance schedules or installation shall be submitted by the project engineer of record to the Public Works Inspector. Certification of the installation and maintenance of the erosion control facilities is required prior to the recording of the plat. 2. The applicant shall pay the applicable Transportation Mitigation Fee of$75.00 per each new average weekday trip attributable to the project. The fee is due prior to the recording of the plat. 3. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee at a rate of$488 per each single family residential lot created by the proposal. The fee is due prior to the recording of the plat. 4. The applicant shall pay the applicable Parks Mitigation Fee at the rate of$530.76 per each new single family residential lot. The fee is due prior to the recording of the plat. CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-98-117,PP,ECF APPLICANT: Rob Purser/Stafford Construction, Inc. PROJECT NAME: Stafford Crest Preliminary Plat--Division 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitable for detached single family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the site located is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. The proposal requires environmental review, and preliminary plat approval. Location: South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet west of 112th Place SE Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Police 1. Police Department estimates that the proposal would result in 38.48 calls for service annually. This is considered to have minimal impact on Renton Police. Fire Department 1. A fire hydrant with 1,000 gallons per minute (gpm) fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3,600 s.f. in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structure. 2. A fire mitigation fee of$488.00 is required for all new single family structures. Plan Review-General 1. All plans shall conform with the Renton Drafting Standards. 2. A construction permit is required. When plans are complete, 3 copies of the drawings, two copies of the drainage report, a construction estimate, application and appropriate fee shall be submitted to the Plan Review Counter, 6th floor, Renton City Hall. 3. Temporary erosion control shall be installed and maintained o the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division for the duration of the project. 4. Weekly reports on the status and condition of the erosion control plan with any recommendations of change or revision to maintenance schedules or installation shall be submitted by the project engineer of record to the Public Works Inspector. Certification of the installation and maintenance of the erosion control facilities is required prior to the recording of the plat. 5. Installation of standard STOP signs and stoplines per MUTCD guidelines at the access driveway to NE 36th Street to safely control traffic flow/movements from the project site. 6. Surface water detention requirements for this site shall be limited for the 5-year, 10-year and 100-year storm event to the pre-developed rates for those events, with a 30% safety factor for the 100-year storm event. Plan Review -Water 1. Water is provided by Coal Creek Water and Sewer District. There is an existing 8-inch diameter water main in NE 36th Street installed with the Westmont (a.k.a.: Prellwitz) Short Plat. 2. A letter of water availability is required from Coal Creek Water and Sewer Utility. Plan Review -Sanitary Sewer 1. Sanitary Sewer is provided by Coal Creek Water and Sewer Utility. Plan Review-Surface Water 1. A preliminary storm drainage plan per King County Surface Water Design standards has been submitted with the application. Few downstream drainage facilities exist, except those installed with the previous Stafford Crest plat improvements. The proposed grading plan captures all surface water on the plat and directs it to the proposed storm water system contained in the streets of the plat. All developed water is to be tightlined to an outfall identified and approved by the City of Renton. 2. The System Development Charge shall apply at the current rate of$385 per single family site. 3. A preliminary drainage report and plan was submitted in conformance with the King County Surface Water Design Manual. 4. Surface water detention requirements for this site shall be limited for the 5-year, 10-year and 100-year storm event to the predeveloped rates for those events, with a 30% safety factor for the 100-year event. Plan Review - Transportation 1. A traffic mitigation fee of$75.00 per average daily trip at a rate of 9.55 trips per additional single family homesite shall be assessed. The fee has been estimated as $36,528.75. This fee is payable prior to the recording of the plat. 2. All frontage improvements including, but not limited to: paving, sidewalk, curb, gutter, striping, signing and lighting shall be provided to the half street minimum with a smooth transition to Lincoln Avenue NE. 3. The minimum standard for a street right-of-way dedication in a residential area is 50 feet. A variance or modification for the proposed 44-foot right-of-way including 32 feet of paving and 5 feet of sidewalk on both sides may be considered if minimum 3 foot easements are provided along the full frontage of all lots for installation of franchise utilities and street lighting . This would match the existing plat conditions. Parks Department 1. The Parks Mitigation Fee of$530.76 per single family residence applies to this proposal. Property Services 1. Property Services comments have been forwarded to the applicant and are on file in the project file. Construction Services 1. Building permit required for any retaining structures over 4-feet high. 2. The applicant's soils report recommends a 25-foot slope setback. Planning 1. The proposal is zoned R-1 and R-8. No development is proposed for the western portion of the site that is designated R-1. 2. A public hearing is required for the plat. This hearing is tentatively scheduled for December 1, 1998. 3. Project site is located in Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area. Economic Development/Neighborhoods/Strategic Planning 1. The site is designated Residential Single Family (RS) and Residential Rural (RR) in the Comprehensive Plan. IT appears that all units will be contained within the RS portion. Policy LU-35 directs a minimum lot size of 4,500 s.f. in the RS designation. Proposed Lot No. 17 does not meet the minimum size standard as shown at 4,147 s.f. NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated for the following project under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. STAFFORD CREST PRELIMINARY PLAT -- DIVISION 2 LUA98-117,PP,ECF Proposal to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels. Located South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet west of 112th Place SE. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM November 23, 1998. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)430-6510. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA December 8, 1998 at 9:00 AM to consider the Preliminary Plat. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. Interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing. Publication Date: November 9, 1998 Account No. 51067 dnsmpub.dot l '. 1 NOTICE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION • POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION • I • PROJECT NAME: STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 PROJECT NUMBER: LUA98-117,PP,ECF Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site Into 52 parcels,suitable for detached single family - residential homes.The majority of the project site Is zoned R-8.A 0.72 acre portion of the site located Is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. The proposal requires environmental I review,and preliminary plat approval. Location: South of NE 36th Street and 800 feet west of 112th Place SE. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. APPEALS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION MUST BE FILED IN WRITING ON OR BEFORE 6:00 PM NOVEMBER 23,1998. APPEALS MUST BE FILED IN WRITING TOGETHER WITH THE REQUIRED$75.00 APPLICATION FEE WITH:HEARING EXAMINER,CITY OF RENTON,1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY,RENTON,WA 98055. APPEALS TO THE EXAMINER ARE GOVERNED BY CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 4-8- 118.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING THE APPEAL PROCESS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE RENTON CITY CLERKS OFFICE,(425)430-8510. A PUBUC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON HEARING EXAMINER AT HIS REGULAR MEETING IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON THE SEVENTH FLOOR OF CITY HALL,1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY,RENTON,WA DECEMBER 8, 1998 AT 9:00 AM TO CONSIDER THE PRELIMINARY PLAT. IF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION IS APPEALED, THE APPEAL WILL BE HEARD AS PART OF THIS PUBUC HEARING. INTERESTED PARTIES ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE PUBLIC HEARING. Q r +. •4• &ru 14. Yu, i EMI '14. l a NS SSTS sT. ddillrOgr C. D. yol . . . 4.40 i -R-E — Li • h : GARDEN OF EDEN, C— 6 77 0. m a"`I DIVISIO Ns I FOR FURTHER INFORMATION,PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON,DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT(425)430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION IPlease include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. I CERTIFICATION I C Gin t YlieYJI� , hereby certify that 3 copies of the above document were posted in 3 conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on i// IF r R F • • •cdt S ti e': ;j5 i'(e"/1° 4) ATTEST: Subcribed and sworn before me, a Norte ' b • ,in •aa a • the State of Washington residing in ,a->t �4-3 , on the 3 day of`�,o 0 /%`/ • `',7'2")et-4 7 -YI CIA"--0 .MARILYN KAMCHEFF • COMMISSION EXPIRES 6/29/99 . STAFF City of Renton REPORT Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE A. BACKGROUND ERC MEETING DATE November 3, 1998 Project Name Stafford Crest Preliminary Plat-- Division 2 Applicant Rob Purser Stafford Construction, Inc. 16016 118th Place NE Bothell, WA 98011 File Number LUA-098-117, PP, ECF Project Manager Jennifer Toth Henning Project Description Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitable for detached single family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the site located is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. Access to the plat would be from NE 36th Street in the north, and via an extension of NE 35th Street and NE 33rd Place, on the east within Stafford Crest Division 1. A new public street would be constructed within the plat. The site slopes from southeast to northwest. The highest site elevation is Elevation 270 in the southeast corner, while the lowest elevation is Elevation 215 in the central northwest corner of the site. A greater than 40% site slope is located on the west perimeter of the site. A building setback line from the steep slope is indicated on the plat map for proposed Lots 3-16. Grading would result in 9,000 cubic yards of material to be cut and fill volume would represent 30,000 cubic yards of material. The proposal is located in the May Creek drainage basin. Storm water runoff from the site flows overland to the west, and exists the site as sheet flow across the west side of the property as unconcentrated flow. The flow travels 350 feet before being collected by a roadside ditch in Jones Avenue. Eventually stormwater from the project site discharges to May Creek via the Jones Avenue system. An evaluation of the site for wetlands was conducted, and the project scientist determined that no wetland areas or other surface water features are present on the property. Development of the site would require clearing of vegetation, except for the existing vegetation on steep slope areas. The proposal requires environmental review and preliminary plat approval. Project Location South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet west of 112th Place SE Exist. Bldg. Area gsf N/A Proposed New Bldg. Area gsf N/A Site Area 10.3 acres Total Building Area gsf N/A Project Location Map ERCRPT.DOC City of Renton PB/PW Department Err nental Review Committee Staff Report STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 LUA-98-117,PP ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF NOVEMBER 3,1998 Page2 of 7 RECOMMENDATION Staff Recommend that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated(DNS-M) B. RECOMMENDATION Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommend that the Responsible Officials make the following Environmental Determination: DETERMINATION OF X DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED. Issue DNS with 14 day Appeal Period. X Issue DNS-M with 14 day Appeal Period. Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period followed by a 14 day Appeal Period. C. MITIGATION MEASURES 1 a) The applicant shall follow the recommendations of the geotechnical report prepared by Terra Associates (Geotechnical Report, Stafford Crest Division 2, NE 36th and 109th Place NE, Renton, Washington, June 30, 1998) for the proposed Stafford Crest Division 2 preliminary plat. b) Temporary Erosion Control Measures shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Service Division for the duration of the project. c) Weekly reports on the status and condition of the erosion control plan with any recommendations of change or revision to maintenance schedules or installation shall be submitted by the project engineer of record to the Public Works Inspector. Certification of the installation and maintenance of the erosion control facilities is required prior to the recording of the plat. 2. The applicant shall pay the applicable Transportation Mitigation Fee of$75.00 per each new average weekday trip attributable to the project. The fee is due prior to the recording of the plat. 3. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee at a rate of$488 per each single family residential lot created by the proposal. The fee is due prior to the recording of the plat. 4. The applicant shall pay the applicable Parks Mitigation Fee at the rate of$530.76 per each new single family residential lot. The fee is due prior to the recording of the plat. Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Police 1. Police Department estimates that the proposal would result in 38.48 calls for service annually. This is considered to have minimal impact on Renton Police. Fire Department 1. A fire hydrant with 1,000 gallons per minute (gpm) fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single family ERCRPT.DOC City of RentonPB/PWDepartment Eni nental Review Committee Staff Report STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 L UA-98-117,PP ECF REPORT AND DECISION OFNOVEMBER 3,1998 Page3 of 7 structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3,600 s.f. in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1,500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structure. 2. A fire mitigation fee of$488.00 is required for all new single family structures. Plan Review-General 1. All plans shall conform with the Renton Drafting Standards. 2. A construction permit is required. When plans are complete, 3 copies of the drawings, two copies of the drainage report, a construction estimate, application and appropriate fee shall be submitted to the Plan Review Counter, 6th floor, Renton City Hall. 3. Temporary erosion control shall be installed and maintained o the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division for the duration of the project. 4. Weekly reports on the status and condition of the erosion control plan with any recommendations of change or revision to maintenance schedules or installation shall be submitted by the project engineer of record to the Public Works Inspector. Certification of the installation and maintenance of the erosion control facilities is required prior to the recording of the plat. 5. Installation of standard STOP signs and stoplines per MUTCD guidelines at the access driveway to NE 36th Street to safely control traffic flow/movements from the project site. 6. Surface water detention requirements for this site shall be limited for the 5-year, 10-year and 100-year storm event to the pre-developed rates for those events, with a 30% safety factor for the 100-year storm event. Plan Review-Water 1. Water is provided by Coal Creek Water and Sewer District. There is an existing 8-inch diameter water main in NE 36th Street installed with the Westmont (a.k.a.: Prellwitz) Short Plat. 2. A letter of water availability is required from Coal Creek Water and Sewer Utility. Plan Review -Sanitary Sewer 1. Sanitary Sewer is provided by Coal Creek Water and Sewer Utility. Plan Review-Surface Water 1. A preliminary storm drainage plan per King County Surface Water Design standards has been submitted with the application. Few downstream drainage facilities exist, except those installed with the previous Stafford Crest plat improvements. The proposed grading plan captures all surface water on the plat and directs it to the proposed storm water system contained in the streets of the plat. All developed water is to be tightlined to an outfall identified and approved by the City of Renton. 2. The System Development Charge shall apply at the current rate of$385 per single family site. 3. A preliminary drainage report and plan was submitted in conformance with the King County Surface Water Design Manual. 4. Surface water detention requirements for this site shall be limited for the 5-year, 10-year and 100-year storm event to the predeveloped rates for those events, with a 30% safety factor for the 100-year event. Plan Review-Transportation 1. A traffic mitigation fee of$75.00 per average daily trip at a rate of 9.55 trips per additional single family homesite shall be assessed. The fee has been estimated as $36,528.75. This fee is payable prior to the recording of the plat. 2. All frontage improvements including, but not limited to: paving, sidewalk, curb, gutter, striping, signing and lighting shall be provided to the half street minimum with a smooth transition to Lincoln Avenue NE. 3. The minimum standard for a street right-of-way dedication in a residential area is 50 feet. A variance or modification for the proposed 44-foot right-of-way including 32 feet of paving and 5 feet of sidewalk on both sides may be considered if minimum 3 foot easements are provided along the full frontage of all lots for installation of franchise utilities and street lighting . This would match the existing plat conditions. ERCRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department En._.__mental Review Committee Staff Report STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 LUA-98-117,PP ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF NOVEMBER 3, 1998 Page9 of 7 Parks Department 1. The Parks Mitigation Fee of$530.76 per single family residence applies to this proposal. Property Services 1. Property Services comments have been forwarded to the applicant and are on file in the project file. Construction Services 1. Building permit required for any retaining structures over 4-feet high. 2. The applicant's soils report recommends a 25-foot slope setback. Planning 1. The proposal is zoned R-1 and R-8. No development is proposed for the western portion of the site that is designated R-1. 2. A public hearing is required for the plat. This hearing is tentatively scheduled for December 1, 1998. 3. Project site is located in Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area. Economic Development/Neighborhoods/Strategic Planning 1. The site is designated Residential Single Family (RS) and Residential Rural (RR) in the Comprehensive Plan. IT appears that all units will be contained within the RS portion. Policy LU-35 directs a minimum lot size of 4,500 s.f. in the RS designation. Proposed Lot No. 17 does not meet the minimum size standard as shown at 4,147 s.f. D. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS In compliance with RCW 43.21 C. 240, the following project environmental review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. Has the applicant adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development? 1. Earth/Geology Impacts: The applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitable for the development of detached single family residential homes. A geothechnical report was prepared and submitted with the project application (Geotechnical Report, Stafford Crest Division 2, NE 36th and 109th Place NE, Renton, Washington, June 30, 1998). The geotechnical report indicated that the site is generally underlain at shallow depths by medium dense to dense silty sand. The report states that residences constructed on the site may be supported using conventional spread footing foundations bearing on competent native soils below the upper 12 to 18 inches of surface soils, or, on compacted structure fill. According to the report, pavement and floor slabs may be similarly supported. Since the native soils contain a significant amount of fines, they would be difficult to compact as structural fill when wet. The ability to use the native soils from site excavation areas as structural fill would depend on the moisture content of the soils and the prevailing weather conditions at the time of construction. For example, grading activities undertaken during wet winter months, would require that clean granular material be imported for use as structural fill and backfill. The geotechnical report also recommends that all permanent cut and fill slopes should be graded with finished inclination of no greater than 2:1 (horizontal:vertical). Furthermore, slope faces would need to be properly compacted and revegetated or other erosion control measures installed. All grading of the site would need to be accomplished according to City regulations, and the recommendations contained within the geotechnical report would need to be followed. No clearing would be permitted on slopes of 40% or greater without obtaining a variance from the Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance. ERCRPT.DOC Cily of Renton P/B/PW Department Err.___.mental Review Committee Staff fReport STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 LUA-98-117,PP ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF NOVEMBER 3, 1998 Page5 of 7 Rockeries are proposed for the back of proposed Lots 3-9. Rockeries are not intended to function as engineered structures in the same way that retaining walls are. Rather, they are intended to diminish or eliminate erosion. Rockeries of 4 feet or less could be constructed against the loose to medium dense silty sands without reinforcement. The recommended height limit for rockeries is 8 feet where placed against the dense silty sand soils, and against reinforced fill sections. Erosion could occur on the project site during grade and fill operations. The applicant estimates that the proposal would result in 9,000 cubic yards of cut and 30,000 cubic yards of fill. The steep slope partially located on the west portion of the site in the vicinity of Lots 3 through 16 is an area of concern with regard to erosion. The applicant would need to install and maintain temporary erosion control measures to the satisfaction of the Development Services Division. Mitigation Measures: a) The applicant shall follow the recommendations of the geotechnical report prepared by Terra Associates (Geotechnical Report, Stafford Crest Division 2, NE 36th and 109th Place NE, Renton, Washington, June 30, 1998) for the proposed Stafford Crest Division 2 preliminary plat. b) Temporary Erosion Control Measures shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Service Division for the duration of the project. c) Weekly reports on the status and condition of the erosion control plan with any recommendations of change or revision to maintenance schedules or installation shall be submitted by the project engineer of record to the Public Works Inspector. Certification of the installation and maintenance of the erosion control facilities is required prior to the recording of the plat. Nexus: Mining, Excavation and Grading Ordinance (Section 4-10), Environmental Ordinance (SEPA Section 4-6). 2. Air Impacts: The adverse air quality impacts would be associated with the construction phase of the project, and with occupation of homes. Project development impacts include dust resulting from grading, exhaust from construction vehicles, and odors from roofing and roadway paving. Dust would be controlled through the use of temporary erosions control measures and the sprinkling of the site as needed. Odor impacts are unavoidable and would be short-term in nature. Post development impacts include vehicle exhaust and the exhaust from heating. Vehicle and construction equipment exhaust, and exhaust from heating sources is controlled by State and federal regulations. No further site specific mitigation for the identified impacts from exhaust are required. Mitigation Measures: No further mitigation necessary. Nexus: N/A 3. Transportation Impacts: It is estimated that this proposal would generate approximately 9.55 new average daily trips per each new single family residential home. The proposed 52 lots would be expected to generate 496.6 new daily trips that could impact the City's roadway systems. Renton has adopted a Transportation Mitigation Fee to address the impacts to the City's transportation system caused by development, including this proposal. The applicant would need to pay the appropriate Transportation Mitigation Fee of$75.00 per each new average daily trip attributable to the project. The fee is estimated to be $37,245.00, and is payable prior to the recording of the plat. The applicant has submitted a Traffic Analysis prepared by Gibson Traffic Consultants (GTC) (dated July 7, 1998). This analysis has been accepted by City of Renton staff. The report analyzes the anticipated traffic flows on the adjacent roadways, and concluded that the proposed Stafford Crest Division 2 would not have a significant impact on the adjacent roadways. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the applicable Transportation Mitigation Fee of$75.00 per each new average weekday trip attributable to the project. The fee is due prior to the recording of the plat. Nexus: Transportation Mitigation Fee Resolution, Environmental Ordinance (SEPA) ERCRPT.DOC City of Renton PB/PW Department En.-„ „mental Review Committee Staff Report STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 LUA-98-117,PP ECF REPORT AND DECISION OFNOVEMBER 3,1998 Page6 of 7 4. Emergency Services Impacts: It is estimated that the proposal would generate approximately 38.48 calls for service from the Police Department each year. Police Department staff indicate that sufficient resources are available in order to serve the proposed development. Fire Prevention Bureau staff also report that they can serve this development provided that the City Code required improvements are installed. Fire Prevention staff also not that the applicant will need to submit a Fire Mitigation Fee of$488.00 per each single family lot. The fee is estimated to be $25,376.00 and is payable prior to the recording of the plat. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee at a rate of$488 per each single family residential lot created by the proposal. The fee is due prior to the recording of the plat. Nexus: Fire Mitigation Fee adopting Resolution, Environmental Ordinance (SEPA). 5. Parks and Recreation Impacts: It is anticipated that the proposed development will generate approximately 161 residents (3.1 per home). These future residents would use existing City recreation and park facilities and programs. The City has adopted a Parks Mitigation Fee of $530.76 to address the impacts to the City's parks, facilities and programs. The City has adopted a Parks Mitigation Fee of $530.76 per each new home to address the impacts to the City's facilities and programs. The fee is estimated to be $27,599.52 and is due prior to the recording of the plat. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the applicable Parks Mitigation Fee at the rate of$530.76 per each new single family residential lot. The fee is due prior to the recording of the plat. Nexus: Parks Mitigation Fee adopting Resolution, Environmental Ordinance (SEPA). 6. Storm water Impacts: The applicant has submitted a conceptual drainage report for Stafford Crest Division 2 prepared by Group IV (dated September 4, 1998). The report states that the subject site is located within the May Creek drainage basin. Storm water runoff from the sub-basin travels overland to the west, and exits the site as sheet flow across the west side of the property as unconcentrated flow. The flow travels 350 feet before being collected by the roadside ditch of Jones Avenue. The ditch crosses under Jones Avenue via a concrete culvert located below the mid-point of the site. The culvert outlets to a channel that travels 100 feet and outlets to May Creek. Storm water runoff would be conveyed from a detention vault located in the northwest corner of the site to an established drainage system. The applicant proposes to convey the developed storm water runoff from the site west along the unopened right-of-way of NE 36th Street, and then to Jones Avenue NE. No significant impacts are noted and no additional mitigation is required. Mitigation Measures: None recommended. Nexus: N/A E. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS The proposal has been circulated to City Departmental/Divisional Reviewers for their review. Where applicable, these comments have been incorporated into the text of this report as Mitigation Measures and/or Notes to Applicant. X Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File. Copies of all Review Comments are attached to this report. ERCRPT.DOC City of Renton PB/PW Department En,,,,u,imental Review Committee Staff Report STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 LUA-98-117,PP ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF NOVEMBER 3,1998 Pagel of 7 Environmental Determination Appeal Process Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM November 23, 1998. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)430-6510. ERCRPT.DOC City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 16, 1,C. tickjeLomoti COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 22, 1998 , APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-117,PP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 8, 1998 APPLICANT: Group Four, Inc. (Steve Anderson) PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Toth Henning PROJECT TITLE: Stafford Crest Division 2 WORK ORDER NO: 78415 LOCATION: South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet West of 112th Place SE SITE AREA: 10.3 acres l BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitable for detached single family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the site located is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. The proposal requires environmental review, and preliminary plat approval. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS iHm SITL- 15 IDES 1a.rJ/\7E RE3i0e-N i IA'L 51N&LE FArt1t.`I' (RS) ANO 123ir3el. 71nL_ 1202qi.._ (1Z2) tr.r Ti-}is LorAerik-A'AISIVE PLP i . IT APPE-"2g 'TI"uotr ALL UNITS WILL 13C CvnrrWIrVt() WITHI-V T1tE (ZS PC2710Ni. 4-070 oR42tlRTeYZ StoPt3 M2c OE1DULTE0 }20N1 Tt'L 42 55 itOL, Iry CA-Lc.0 .Ai,n)e. MET DE-Nsrr re. TH-C AtteA IN 6-re sic)P 3 1,0totS NOT O J c E-r, 1I\J T 14 er.r. fl-PPL1e_I'A TIdn1 t"1►l Tnr2..1/1'C-5 . I Nowt-NeinL, I..JITlio J T /} TJ e.".°"T I o ry Fog. S re-1v Sw PE3 , NCT 3 EN S I T 1; Is e U T (, 9) UNIT S //V t7 ge1z&' . TOW,* T44E 5tnPe" it-(zrA Gaucr) ENcorNPgss UP To 1.115 rtcfte-5 l..,)1 T IA O vy TI-4� NE7 OE-NSIT sr ExcEt-10l jt g U"Ji TS/fiterLde1 i i6 PN(Lt)ck 1 rJ et000 /}Ntj C ft E-I C t Sty Q( f'IP P t iz S To (36 t-€3 5 T ri-p ry I Reg er. - - pot1GY LU 5 PIR_cz•r3 /1 MI NIMUr1 LoT SIZL OF 4Ir5oo squictrzt I' 1r.1 THE 25 IDE3 ic.,NM Ito N, UNL4S FLEX iell 17EvetoPv'iicui ..STMvop2o5 A(zF usa-) c02 Re/IEU of THE ORpScLr. LoT 17 IS on,LY 1-11017 SeRuMtE Feer. 11-e-'<1(3LL DEN) LLpr CvT ST,errvoil12PS A NoT 1/e-T Pino'Tco. C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS C__ � rcc 5 A-r E Z.i Pl.►3yN Al L v i . . i I, f I' We have reviewed this ap ication with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where ad •'' hat info ' Is to properly assess this proposal. f0/��t Signature of Dff for or Auth ed Representative Date Rev.10/93 DEVAPP.DOC 11111 al City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:ENVIRONMENT / ' COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 22, 1998 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-11 ,PP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 8, 1998 APPLICANT: Group Four, Inc. (Steve Anderson) PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Toth Henning PROJECT TITLE: Stafford Crest Division 2 WORK ORDER NO: 78415 LOCATION: South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet West of 112th Place SE SITE AREA: 10.3 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitable for detached single family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the site located is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. The proposal requires environmental review, and preliminary plat approval. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use — Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet CFc Vli/7- tX/1L � incd Lcf B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to property assess this proposal. 71 w L.- i7A4 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public vvorks ENVIRONMENTAL 8 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: P uc,t,,,1 fi COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 22, 1998 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-117,PP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 8, 1998 APPLICANT: Group Four, Inc. (Steve Anderson) PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Toth Henning PROJECT TITLE: Stafford Crest Division 2 WORK ORDER NO: 78415 LOCATION: South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet West of 112th Place SE SITE AREA: 10.3 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitable for detached single family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the site located is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. The proposal requires environmental review, and preliminary plat approval. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet J Xd rd C5 / ,. / B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where afiditional information is ne=••• to properly assess this proposal. 444'40 E 416ce /10r Siq tuts of Director or Authoriz : Rep ntative Date DEV PP.DOC Rev 10/93 (CY O G sf CITY OF RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MEMORANDUM DATE: October 9, 1998 TO: Jennifer Toth Henning, Planner FROM: Jim Gray, Assistant Fire Marsha <81--- SUBJECT: Stafford Crest Division 2, S 36th t. Fire Department Comments: 1. A fire hydrant with 1000 GPM fire flow is required within 300 feet of all new single family structures. If the building square footage exceeds 3600 square feet in area, the minimum fire flow increases to 1500 GPM and requires two hydrants within 300 feet of the structure. 2. A fire mitigation fee of$488.00 is required for all new single family structures. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM Date: October 27, 1998 To: Jennifer Toth Henning, Current Planning From: Kayren K. Kittrick, Plan Review Subject: Stafford Crest II Preliminary Plat LUA-98-117, PP, ECF EXISTING CONDITIONS WATER - Provided by Coal Creek Water& Sewer District. There is an existing 8-inch diameter water main in NE 36th Street installed with the Westmont Short Plat. SEWER - Provided by Coal Creek Water & Sewer District. An 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer main is available for connection in NE 36th Street installed with the Westmont Short Plat. STORM - A preliminary storm drainage plan per King County Surface Water Design standards has been submitted with the application. Few downstream drainage facilities exist, except those installed by the previous Stafford Crest plat improvements. The proposed grading plan captures all surface water on the plat and directs it to the proposed storm water system contained in the streets of the plat. All developed water is to be tightlined to an outfall identified and approved by the City of Renton. STREETS - NE 36th has existing substandard pavement improvements only along the frontage of the proposed plat with an improved intersection at 112th PL NE. CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER 1. Provide a letter of water availability from Coal Creek Water& Sewer Utility. SANITARY SEWER 1. Provide a letter of sewer availability from Coal Creek Water& Sewer Utility. SURFACE WATER 1. The System Development Charge shall be at the current rate of $385 per single family site. 2. A preliminary drainage report and plan was submitted in conformance with the King County Surface Water Design Manual. TRANSPORTATION 1. A Traffic Mitigation Fee of $75.00 per Average Daily Trip at a rate of 9.55 trips per additional single family homesite shall be assessed. The fee has been calculated as $36,528.75 This fee is payable prior to recording of the plat. STAFCR2.DOC 2. All frontage improvements including, but not limited to, paving, sidewalk, curb, gutter, striping, signing and lighting shall be provided to the half street minimum with a smooth transition to Lincoln Av NE. 3. The minimum standard for a street right-of-way dedication in a residential area is 50 feet. A variance or modification for the proposed 44 foot right-of-way including 32 feet of paving and 5 feet of sidewalk on both sides may be considered if minimum 3 foot easements are provided along the full frontage of all lots for installation of franchise utilities and street lighting. This would match the existing plat conditions. PLAN REVIEW - GENERAL 1. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. 2. A construction permit is required. When plans are complete three copies of the drawings, two copies of the drainage report, a construction estimate, application and appropriate fee shall be submitted to the fourth floor counter. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS 1. Temporary Erosion Control shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division for the duration of the project. 2. Weekly reports on the status and condition of the erosion control plan with any recommendations of change or revision to maintenance schedules or installation shall be submitted by the project Engineer of record to the Public Works Inspector. Certification of the installation and maintenance of the erosion control facilities is required prior to recording the plat. 3. Install standard stop signs and stoplines per MUTCD guidelines at the access driveway to NE 36th Street to safely control traffic flow/movements from the project site. 4. Surface water detention requirements for this site shall be limited for the 5 year, 10 year and 100 year storm event to the predeveloped rates for those events, with a 30% safety factor for the 100 year storm event. CC: Neil Watts STAFCR2.DOC • • • U�CY C!° + jill"IR i•.).� • i• 1S•I••1••••�//�; • 1.4P4�"' \ r�O� / - •. • rr. j54.1 ' ;4; T %N PQRTAKTti ATJNgFEE ..re Project Name 57„f(ov0( (ve srt 17(II IOM 2— Project Address ME 361" 5 t w/o I I Z 111 Pi SE Contact Person Rob PIA tr Sc✓ Address Phone Number (LI Z 5 ) — 413 - 2 2 22 • Permit Number uA - Q' ` � 17 Project Description 52 pave sc o(iyr5ivy - e),Le Gum e..ki.s1,1441 Land Use Type: , Method_of Calculation: C"Residential ITE Trip Generation Manual Rae : 'r•55 , O Retail ,Traffic Study I0-r O Non-retail 0 Other - • Calculation: N ,.u.uode:IL1 -tvifs ( 52 - I)( q.55) = '$7. 05 c{�c�ilcl Iv;p5- At 75 -trip ($75) (4r37. 05) _ 3628.7� C ,5 Transportation Mitigation Fee: 1- 3 6 , 52.8 - 75 Calculated by: Iv 6t wa/ Date: I%/ag Account Number: • • 18 . • Date of Payment • City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: S CI WaS .U) COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 22, 1998 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-117,PP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 8, 1998 APPLICANT: Group Four, Inc. (Steve Anderson) PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Toth Heghi 'TEAT PROJECT TITLE: Stafford Crest Division 2 WORK ORDER NO: 78415 ©N LOCATION: South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet West of 112th Place SE 0 R 1,/`� 9 SITE AREA: 10.3 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A 'i SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitable for dkac'tted single family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the site located is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. The proposal requires environmental review, and preliminary plat approval. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS c ,moo daeci /c/a7/98 We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. .,/ ,eakd, /�/yam Si a of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEV. .DOC Rev.10/93 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: PIN- Re V teU- it/ COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 22, 1998 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-117,PP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: OTOBER 8, 199g- APPLICANT: Group Four, Inc. (Steve Anderson) PROJECT MANAGER: Jetlnifer Toth Henn PROJECT TITLE: Stafford Crest Division 2 WORK ORDER NO: 78415ry.., �. LOCATION: South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet West of 112th Place SE SITE AREA: 10.3 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suit-Ile for detached single family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of th site located is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. The proposal requires environmental review, and preliminary plat approval. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic./Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS to/a-7V ii8 We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to property assess this proposal. tpi):1'1% Sign titre f Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:" vitgL 3 -ram COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 22, 1998 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-117,PP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 8, 1998 C APPLICANT: Group Four, Inc. (Steve Anderson) PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Toth Henning OFR PROJECT TITLE: Stafford Crest Division 2 WORK ORDER NO: 78415 OCT £ Oq• LOCATION: South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet West of 112th Place SE r, � 08 7995 SITE AREA 10.3 acres BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitable for de.Chred single family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the site located is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. The proposal requires environmental review, and preliminary plat approval. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation LancYShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS Sa, kf Amk Vii?) We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. . tAnt I(I)�lt Sign toe of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAP Rev.10/93 I City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: palilLciCOMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 22, 1998 APPLICATION NO:•LUA-98-117,PP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 8, 1998 APPLICANT: Group Four, Inc. (Steve Anderson) PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Toth Henning PROJECT TITLE: Stafford Crest Division 2 WORK ORDER NO: 78415 LOCATION: South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet West of 112th Place SE SITE AREA: 10.3 acres J BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitable for detached single family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the site located is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. The proposal requires environmental review, and preliminary plat approval. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet 61C/(7-rri",°Cf-'64 2°°1° B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS 1"- ' �3O. _ l / ! `�' ` >//cam/ Fez) e /a.e.s.-7 C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS • O./CIL-14,0 ev)10; We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where a dt� � tionaal rm infoation is n ed d to properly assssess�this proposal. ' '—Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date / / DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 1 ,.7 <°'� �h CITY OF RENTON �0 'iv �-✓�, PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC9 WORKS �/� �9 MEMORANDUM ee) DATE: October 16, 1998 TO: Jennifer Toth Henning FROM: Sonja J. Fesser SUBJECT: Stafford Crest Division 2, LUA-98-117,PP Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced long plat submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant Note all existing covenants, agreements and easements on the preliminary plat drawing. Information needed for finalplat approval includes the following: Note the city's land use action number(LUA-98-XXX-FP) and the city's land record number(LND- 10-0337) on the drawing. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. Please note that the land use action number for the final plat is different from the preliminary plat number and is unknown as of this date. Make ties to the City of Renton Survey Control Network. Provide plat and lot closure calculations. Note discrepancies between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated,if any. Include a statement of equipment and procedures used,per WAC 332-130-100. Complete City of Renton Monument Cards, with reference points for right-of-way monuments. Note to whom new easements,if any, are to be granted(private or City-held). Note if the adjoining properties are platted(give lot number and plat name) or unplatted. Addresses for the proposed lots will be provided by the City after the preliminary review. The addresses will need to be noted on the drawing. \\TS_SERVER\SYS2\COMMON 1:\F1LE.SYS\LND\10\0337\RV981014.DOC IP October 14, 1998 Page 2 Indicate what is set at the corners of the proposed lots. Note the date the existing monuments were visited,per WAC 332-130-050 1.f.iv. The property owners' signatures need to be notarized and the signatures should be preceded with a certification and dedication block. Required City of Renton signatures are: the Administrator of Planning/Building/Public Works,the Mayor and the City Clerk. An approval block for the city's Finance Director is also required. Because this property is located within Zone 2 of Renton's Aquifer Protection Area,the Aquifer Protection Notice needs to be noted on the drawing. See attached. Note that Lthere are restrictive covenants or agreements to others as part of this subdivision,they can be recorded concurrently with the plat. The plat drawing and the associated document(s) are to be given to the City Clerk's office as a package. The plat shall have the first recording number. The recording number(s) for the associated document(s) will be referenced on the plat in the appropriate location(s). Fee Review Comments: The Fee Review Sheet for this preliminary review is provided for your use and information. 4.44 • 11 N a� n h rrksc44fl 4--r j A THE Lefts cR>✓,6 -'ice N II4 FALL AQUIFER PROTECTION NOTICE ' THIS NOTICE SHALL SERVE AS NOTICE TO ALL HOMEOWNERS OF WARREN'S WITHIN ZONE 2 OF RENTON'S AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF RENTON ORDINANCE #4367. THIS CITY'S SOLE SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER IS SUPPLIED FROM A SHALLOW ACQUIFER UNDER THE CITY SURFACE. THERE IS NO NATURAL BARRIER BETVEEN THE WATER TABLE AND GROUND SURFACE. EXTREME CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN HANDLING OF ANY LIQUID SUBSTANCE OTHER THAN WATER TO PROTECT FROM CONTACT WITH THE GROUND SURFACE. IT IS THE +4OMEOWNERS RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT THE CITYS DRINKING WATER. • PROPER,.1 SERVICES FEE REVIEW FOR SUBi,i viSIONS No. 98 - o4(2; . APPLICANT: S9t--1 I )d, ct' gt NOS RECEIVED FROM (date) JOB ADDRESS: 5n o - LIE 3G rH rGoa Fr. w..as-'OF 1 I, { ' EWO# 78415 [TURE OF WORK: 52 PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF SUBDIVIS ON B LONG LAAT, C NE DE 7 O )RE INFORMATION: _O❑LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHORT PLAT,BINDING SITE PLAN,ETC. 0 PID N's 0 VICINITY MAP ❑ FINAL REVIEW OF SUBDIVISION,THIS REVIEW REPLACES 0 SQUARE FOOTAGE 0 OTHER PRELIMINARY FEE REVIEW DATED ❑ FRONT FOOTAGE - 3530 ❑ SUBJECT PROPERTY PARENT PID#. 4.ZIp- rig 4 NEW KING CO. TAX ACCT.#(s)are required when -35 assigned by King County. `3532. It is the intent of this development fee analysis to put the developer/owner on notice,that the fees quoted below may be applicable to the subject site upon development of the property. All quoted fees are potential charges that may be due and payable at the time the construction permit is issued to install the on-site and off-site improvements(i.e.underground utilities,street improvements,etc.) Triggering mechanisms for the SDC fees will be based on current City ordinances and determined by the applicable Utility Section. Please note that these fees are subject to change without notice. Final fees will be based on rates in effect at time of Building Permit/Construction Permit application. ❑ The existing house on SP Lot,f ,addressed as has not previously paid SDC fees,due to connection to City utilities prior to existance of SDC fee Ord. SP Lot, will be subject to future SDC fees if triggering mechanisms are touched within current City Ordinances. ❑ We understand that this subdivision is in the preliminary stage and that we will have the opportunity to review it again before recordation. The following quoted fees do NOT include inspection fees,side sewer permits,r/w permit fees or the cost of water meters. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PARCEL METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. NO. ASSESSMENT UNITS OR FEE Latecomer Agreement(pvt)WATER Latecomer Agreement(pvt) WASTEWATER Latecomer Agreement(pvt)OTHER Special Assessment District/WATER Special Assessment District/WASTEWATER Joint Use Agreement(METRO) Local Improvement District • Traffic Benefit Zones $75.00 PER TRIP,CALCULATED BY TRANSPORTATION FUTURE OBLIGATIONS SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-WATER 0 Estimated X OF UNITS/ SDC FEE 0 Pd Prey. 0 Partially Pd(Ltd Exemption) 0 Never Pd SQ. FTG. Single family residential$850/unit x 52. 4-4,200 . Mobile home dwelling unit$680/unit in park Apartment,Condo$510/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial, $0.113/sq. ft.of property(not less than S850.00)x Boeing,by Special Agreement/Footprint of Bldg plus 15 ft perimeter(2,800 GPM threshold) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-WASTEWATER 0 Estimated ❑ Pd Prey. 0 Partially Pd (Ltd Exemption) ❑ Never Pd Single family residential$585/unit x 552.- $ .50)47-0 ,pc:' Mobile home dwelling unit$468/unit x Apartment,Condo$350/unit not in CD or COR zones x Commercial/Industrial$0.078/sq. ft.of property x(not less than$585.00) SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE-SURFACEWATER ❑ Estimated ❑ Pd Prey. 0 Partial!. Pd (Ltd Exemption) 0 Never Pd Single family residential and mobile home dwelling unit$385/unit x 52. Z0,020,OC) All other properties$0.129sq ft of new impervious area of property x (not less than$385.00) PRELIMINARY TOTAL $ cr4- •co* Signatu(of Re wing Authority DATE , ❑ *If subject property is within an LID,it is developers responsibility to check with the Finance Dept. for paid/un-paid status. ❑ Square footage figures are taken from the King County Assessor's map and are subject to change. a'IL=��'I`��-'WEB S. MAY t 'esy� 0 Current City SDC fee charges apply to coA,L�� RI I r11L► `� �I�t�tz tr`r, CO�-�-THAT'UTILITY p City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Pub..- ..orks ENVIRONMENTAL 8, DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:r ---..,vIs-tvtick,ovk WK AI COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 22, 1998 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-117,PP,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 8, 1998 APPLICANT: Group Four, Inc. (Steve Anderson) PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Toth Henning, PROJECT TITLE: Stafford Crest Division 2 WORK ORDER NO: 78415 44,pn LOCATION: South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet West of 112th Place SE `9F41?. SITE AREA: 10.3 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A ����, �(� s`� O� SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitabl&for detated single family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the site' ,sated is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. The proposal requires environmental review,-and, and preliminary plat approval. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS. U v 4 U t L ` U � I � / I� I Uc p� I-�1 t T P2 ram. � N Y RAT' i JitiC-I ST2 vc. ru ' H t cz H , a.S ' C5 L o PL S T8 L ft �-72 S o I L s se V)0 We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. . C' (--(/ ct E Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 y It CITY iF RENTON " Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator • November 3, 1998 Mr. Rob Purser Stafford Construction, Inc. 16016 - 118th Place NE Bothell,WA 98011 SUBJECT: STAFFORD HOMES DIVISION 2 (FILE NO. LUA-98-117,PP,ECF) Dear Mr. Purser: Enclosed are comments received from Property Services. These are being forwarded to you as a courtesy and reflect revisions that would need to be made to project'drawings prior to recording. Other revisions may be needed as a result of the Hearing Examiner's review. Staff have noted in their review, that proposed Lot No. 17 does not meet the City's development standard for minimum lot size. The minimum size of parcels within the R-8 Zone is 4,500 s.f. Lot 17 is shown with 4,147 s.f. In addition,proposed Lots 16 and 22 are shown as pipestem lots with access to other parcels from the pipestem. Access to a maximum of two lots could be achieved via a driveway easement. To serve three parcels, a private street would is needed, or a modification to the plat map to resolve the access issues for parcels 16-18 and 20-22. Access will be an issue during the review of the plat with the Hearing Examiner. Please contact me if you would like to discuss this further. I can be reached at(425)430-7286. Sincerely, v,,_ --Jennifer Toth Henning Project Manager cc: Mr.Steve Anderson Group Four,Inc. 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell,WA 98011 H:\D1VISION.S\DEVELOP.SER\DEV&PLAN.ING\PROJECTS\98-117.3 THIAPPCMT.DOC 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 CITY OE f' NTON :: DEVELOPMENT cf~� pl�rsraN . LIST OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS within 300 foot of the sub ect srttl PROJECT NAME: Stafford Crest Div. 2 APPLICATION NO: LV1A1 '96• (("1 t rP 1 The following is a list of property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. The Development Services Division will notify these individuals of the proposed development. NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER Donald J. Gerend 2959—2241h PI. SE, Issaquah, WA 98029 334210 3511 05 334210 3531 0J c/ELOPMENT P 334210 3545 05 CITy OF REN pi AS" 334210 3550 07 JUL 2 p 1998 E A Jackson & K K Swanson 1909 NE 36th St., Renton, WA 98056 334210 3530 02 RECE/VED Kenneth Ward 1220 N.44th St., Seattle, WA 98103 334210 3555 02 James& Laura M. Capestany 3616 Lincoln Ave.NE,Renton, WA 98056 334570 0215 04 David J. Baumer 415 Baker Blvd.,#200, Tukwila, WA 98108 334570 0216 03 Henry G. Healy Cmr 420,#276,Apo,AE 65609 334570 0217 02 Paul R. Miller 3623 Lincoln Ave.NE,Renton, WA 98056 334570 0225 02 Thomas Earl Carpenter III 3601 Lincoln Ave.NE, Renton, WA 98056 334570 0230 05 Leslie C. & Rosemary Huff PO Box 883,Mattawa, WA 99349 334570 0235 00 Henry House Builders LLC 271 S. 7°i Ave.,#25, Sequim, WA 98382 334570 0210 09 Marilyn Tharp Clise&Jeanene&John J. Tharp •C/o Stafford Homes 16016— 1 18th Pl.NE, Bothell, WA 98011 334210 3536 06 City of Renton 200 Mill Ave. S., Renton, WA 98055 334210 3500 08 (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) -4 10 (Continued) NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER Applicant Certification I, Rob Purser , hereby certify that the above list(s) of adjacent property (Print Name) owners and their addresses were obtained from: ❑ City of Renton Technical Services Records ❑ Title Company Records / El King County Assessors Records Signe*, Date C'_ ,_` " v SN) HU (Applicant) NQTARY �/ 9F N—k N.�OTAp ATTESTED: S ubscrib and sworn before me, a Not,ajy Public, in1and for te(State of Wks l gt n, residing a � ( ' o the 3(,� daY 'J t of 1 pl f- ^ Signed O�p't 9 2001 o<C (Notary Put#li, ) F WASH,\ •••*For City of Renton Use*.** CERTIFICATION OF MAILING I �- a hereby certify that notices of the proposed application were mailed to (city Employee) each listed property owner on ` Signed —_ Date' ' NOTARY Al TES T: and sworn before'me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington restcing at Yc,. v-v on the __ day of 1 y Si tied i •:rr •,«:::.. .:.':6 listprop.dos REV 07/95 MARILYN KAMCHEFF COMMISSION EXPIRES 6I10o 2 �Y Used For Project Mitigation: %posat Is subject to the City's Environmental Review(SEPA) nce,Zoning Code,Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations,Street Standards,Public Works Standard's, 4 C:r • Uniform Building Code,Uniform Fire Code,and other applicable building and construction standards. — �NT� Proposed Mitigation Measures: NOTICE OF APPLICATION The following Mitigation Measures will likely be Imposed on the proposed project.These recommended Mitigation Measures address project impacts not covered by existing codes and regulations as cited above. AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF 1. Fire Mitigation Fee:equivalent to$488.00 per each new single family lot. NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED (DNS-M) 2. Traffic Mitigation Fee:equivalent to$75.00 per each new average weekday trip attributed to the proposal. 3. Parks Mitigation Fee:equivalent to$530.76 per each new single family residential parcel created. DATE: OCTOBER 08,1998 4. Geotechnical Study Recommendations:follow recommendations of geotechnical engineer for the construction of site infrastructure including roads and building foundations. LAND USE NUMBER: LUA-98-117,PP,ECF Comments on the above application must be submitted In writing to Jennifer Toth Henning,Project Manager, APPUCATION NAME: STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 Development Services Division,1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on October 23,1998.This matter is also scheduled for a public hearing on Tuesday,December 8,1998 at 9:00 AM,Council Chambers,Seventh PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre sae into 52 parcels,suitable for Floor,Renton City Hall,1055 South Grady Way,Renton.If you are interested in attending the hearing,please contact detached single family residential homes.The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the site the Development Services Division,(425)430-7282,to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled.If comments located is zoned R-1.No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1.The proposal requires environmental review, cannot be submitted in writing by the date indicated above,you may still appear at the hearing and present your and preliminary plat approval. comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner.If you have questions about this proposal,or wish to be made a patty of record and receive additional information by mail,contact Ms.Henning at(425)430-7288.Anyone who PROJECT LOCATION: South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet west of112th Place SE submits written comments wilt automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED(DNS-M):As the Lead Agency,the City of CONTACT PERSON: JENNIFER TOTH HENNING(425)430-7288 Renton has determined that significant environmental Impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore,as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110,the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS(M)process to give notice that a ONS-M is likely to be issued.Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION a single comment period.There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated(DNS-M).A 14 day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: September 12,1998 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: October 8,1998 r... Permits/Review Requested: Environmental Review(SEPA),Preliminary Plat Approval s W - / } Other Permits which may be required: Forest Practices Permit from Department of Natural Resources. H r n ` r Requested Studies: Geotechnical Report,Conceptual Drainage Report,Traffic Study,Wetland P '','Qo ,3. d j Evaluation t ' Location where application may a t a,,Nt -Ibe reviewed: Planning/Building/Public Works Division,Development Services Department, - 11055 South Gretly Way,Raritan,WA 98055 a es aPUBLIC HEARING: Yes.A ity licCo heancilCh is to rs,7thly l o r,duledRent for itycember 5 Sout at rally00 am �In the City Council Chambers,7lh Floor,Renton Cily Hall,1055 South GretlyWay,Renton,WA. ; SITE ICONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: ;.Analytical process - —� _. R— Land Use/Zoning The majority of the project site is designated Residential-Single Family on the • C. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map.Approximately 0.72 acres located in the - northwest corner Is designated Residential Rural by the Comprehensive Plan. o • - The majority of the site is zoned Residential-8 Dwelling Units per Acre(R-8) The proposed plat would Inctude 52 lots. g1EE •.. '^""fi-ct Li The proposal generally complies with applicable development standards of the R-8 Zone,with the exception of the lot area for proposed Lot No.17.No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. GARDEN , F E D E N, C IO -•G 77 In addition,access to proposed Lots 16,17,18,20,21,and 22 would need to be A ° '° 364 revised by the applicant in order to comply with the Code requirements for L D I V I S I 0 N g I access. - -ram Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Not applicable. Development Regulations GENMALOT.DOC GENMALOT.DOS CERTIFICATION 1, dry , 2_ - 2- , hereby certify that Cp copies of the above document were posted by me in Cr-, conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on 4_; _ (99 1PIP 16 ' L �'Sign/'�� ir �� , ATTEST: Subcribed and sl orn before me, a Nortary Public, in and for State of Washington residing in •u' , on the `l day of C'( '-(/L . /ei q r S + rn -'lvToI NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) DATE: OCTOBER 08,1998 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA-98-117,PP,ECF APPLICATION NAME: STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 10.3 acre site into 52 parcels, suitable for detached single family residential homes. The majority of the project site is zoned R-8. A 0.72 acre portion of the site located is zoned R-1. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. The proposal requires environmental review, and preliminary plat approval. PROJECT LOCATION: South of NE 36th Street and 600 feet west of 112th Place SE OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED(DNS-M): As the Lead Agency,the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore,as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110,the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS(M)process to give notice that a DNS-M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated(DNS-M). A 14 day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: September 12,1998 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: October 8,1998 hl Permits/Review Requested: Environmental Review(SEPA),Preliminary Plat Approval Other Permits which may be required: Forest Practices Permit from Department of Natural Resources. Requested Studies: Geotechnical Report,Conceptual Drainage Report,Traffic Study,Wetland Evaluation Location where application may be reviewed: Planning/Building/Public Works Division,Development Services Department, 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055 PUBLIC HEARING: Yes. A public hearing is tentatively scheduled for December 8,1998 at 9:00 am in the City Council Chambers,7th Floor,Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Analytical process Land Use/Zoning The majority of the project site is designated Residential-Single Family on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Approximately 0.72 acres located in the northwest corner is designated Residential Rural by the Comprehensive Plan. The majority of the site is zoned Residential-8 Dwelling Units per Acre(R-8) The proposed plat would include 52 lots. The proposal generally complies with applicable development standards of the R-8 Zone,with the exception of the lot area for proposed Lot No. 17. No development is proposed for the area zoned R-1. In addition,access to proposed Lots 16,17,18,20,21,and 22 would need to be revised by the applicant in order to comply with the Code requirements for access. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Not applicable. Development Regulations GENMALOT.DOC Used For Project Mitigation: The pr posal is subject to the City's Environmental Review(SEPA) Ordinance,Zoning Code,Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations,Street Standards,Public Works Standard's, Uniform Building Code,Uniform Fire Code,and other applicable building and construction standards. — Proposed Mitigation Measures: The following Mitigation Measures will likely be imposed on the proposed project. These recommended Mitigation Measures address project impacts not covered by existing codes and regulations as cited above. 1. Fire Mitigation Fee: equivalent to$488.00 per each new single family lot. 2. Traffic Mitigation Fee: equivalent to$75.00 per each new average weekday trip attributed to the proposal. 3. Parks Mitigation Fee: equivalent to$530.76 per each new single family residential parcel created. 4. Geotechnical Study Recommendations: follow recommendations of geotechnical engineer for the construction of site infrastructure including roads and building foundations. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Jennifer Toth Henning,Project Manager, Development Services Division,1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on October 23,1998. This matter is also scheduled for a public hearing on Tuesday,December 8,1998 at 9:00 AM,Council Chambers,Seventh Floor,Renton City Hall,1055 South Grady Way,Renton. If you are interested in attending the hearing,please contact the Development Services Division,(425)430-7282,to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled. If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date indicated above,you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal,or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail,contact Ms.Henning at(425)430-7286. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: JENNIFER TOTH HENNING (425)430-7286 PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION ��_ .- 0:6"' --,1- SE...,66T ST V-"•di 1..1. • W- Q✓' I I.: _p. 7 • O �• u 5 6 S :y' 9[}r ~ "• i 6TH ,,._ "s ,,,, a N;E. 36TH ST i ,f 68 :kx,',, , 0"r, A d la ''-' 1• • _' SITE a 365 7 2 F 66 —1 w R-8 AliQ w m a 0,y 6 ' /41 AP Io • a.. L/ 6 I , GARDEN OF EDEN, � -- -- G 77 76 - 364 1 DIVISIO NE I GENMALOT.DOC CITPOF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator October 8, 1998 Mr. Steve Anderson Group Four, Inc. 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell, WA 98011 SUBJECT: Stafford Crest Division 2 Project No. LUA-98-117,PP,ECF Dear Mr. Anderson: The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. It is tentatively scheduled for consideration by the Environmental Review Committee on November 03, 1998. Prior to that review, you will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me, at (425) 430-7286, if you have any questions. Sincerely, Jennifer Toth enning Project Manager cc: The Robert Kersten Company/Owners Mr. Rob Purser/Applicant Ms. Wynnlee Crisp/Party of Record - AGCPTLTR.DOC 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 GROUP FOUR Inc. 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell, Washington 98011 FAX(206)362-3819 ~— "-!Or 1 "�1T (425)775-4581 •(206)362-4244 CITY OF f:ErITU% September 15, 1998 SEP 1 5 1998 WD Jennifer Henning, Sr. Planner City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 RE: Stafford Crest Division 2, Preliminary Plat Application Group Four, Inc. Project No. 98-8007 Dear Ms. Henning; Pursuant to our pre-application meeting of July 2nd and the previous Preliminary Plat submittal on July 10, 1998, we are re-submitting herewith the Preliminary Plat Application for Stafford Crest Division 2. Enclosed you will find the following materials: • Original and 11 copies of the Master Application for additional parcel added • 12 copies of the Environmental Checklist • 3 copies of the Plat Certificate • 11 copies of the Project Narrative • 5 copies of the Construction Mitigation Plan • 11 copies of the Neighborhood Detail Map • 12 copies of the Preliminary Plat, Topographical Map, Utilities Plan, Grading Plan and Drainage Plan. • 1-set of PMT reductions to 8 1/2" x 11" and 1 set of photocopies • 1 colored Preliminary Plat Map • 1 colored Neighborhood Detail Map • 1 4 x 6 reduction of the Neighborhood Detail Map In addition to the above materials, please use the following items from our previous submittal on July 10, 1998: • Affidavit of Installation of Signs • 2 sets of adhesive mailing labels for properties within 300 feet • 2 copies of the List of Current Property Ownership • Submittal Fee of$3,004.16 for the $2,000.00 Prelim. Plat, $1,000.00 for the Enviro. Checklist and 13 labels at$0.32 each W:\G4PROJ\97-8008\Itr-henn ing09101998.doc SURVEYING ENGINEERING PLANNING MANAGEMENT • 5 copies of the Geotechnical Report • 12 copies of the Wetland Report • 5 copies of the Traffic Report If you should require any further information following your review of this initial application package, please do not hesitate to contact me. If I am not available, please ask for my assistant, Tina Werner. Sincerely, GROUP FOUR, INC. i4 Steven M. Anderson President SA: tw Enclosures Cc: Rob Purser, Stafford Construction W:\G4PROJ\97-8008\Itr-henn ing09101998.doc SURVEYING ENGINEERING PLANNING MANAGEMENT •• CIT. OF RENTON ..i Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator August 5, 1998 Mr. Rob Purser Stafford Homes 16016 118th Place NE Bothell,WA 98011 SUBJECT: STAFFORD CREST DIVISION II PRELIMINARY PLAT (FILE NO. LUA-98-117,PP,ECF) Dear Mr. Purser: The application for Stafford Crest Division II Preliminary Plat has been placed on hold per your request. We understand that you are considering revisions to the preliminary plat, and for this reason have requested that the project be placed on hold. We encourage you to discuss the revisions through the pre-application process if possible, so that you can proceed with a knowledge of any staff concerns. Please advise us of your intent at your earliest possible convenience. Sincerely, 14-CANv\-5 Jennifer oth Henning Project Manager cc: Robert Kersten Company 833 108th Ave NE,#170 Bellevue,WA 98004 Steve Anderson Group Four,Inc. 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell,WA 98011 H:\DIVISION.S\DEVELOP.SER\DE V&PLAN.INGVTH4STFRD2.DOC 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 p This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer .,o.•:.�.:;,c.::.::::.,.:2:.A.::,:r....:::::::: ..:+.3?6..r:::,:..:::..::.:..::::::::.:,. ...0•.!.:,•f+,;.!:.•:. Yi: t?;:a.:.:a..::.:::..::.t::.....�.:..,.:..,...:f•:._.::..:..•,"C+?E�.:...<!.:.., •:v..:::.;....a.:,,+,.... 5....3•.,<:.,<r• V:::.:...:k.h..v................ ....... ::. ....:..:. �. v:}.::v.:..:::+ 'fk ... ..... :.. :.. �.v:::.w;\:":. ....v..$.... ...?'. ::v.:::•r'•.f.::?r;Y.;:•r;;:i}4Y.. .......�::../;;4.h. ':4;•4:!•:::;{:!. •\. �.:,.,._iv.r..::::..::.::::is?:::::•;;+!.rr.iiirr.�:••:.:�:;r'.iY:>:•>::f::Y::•;•<:<i:'t::::<ri::::.: ix :•: C OF < v DEVEILOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION ,: MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY.OWNER(S1 ' PROJECT INFORMATION Note: If there is mere tharf.lone fegal owner, please attach an additional notarized Master:Application for each•owner >.. PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: P,f.e. A . Zit c,k so-A S+0-4d t.ft-6 tb,v. 7-- NAME: j Kklii\\If.le.X'1 / K. Su, fcn PROPERTY/PROJECT ADD SS(S)/LOCATION: ADDRESS: to 1-1 O k 3. H E --3G G lctO9 Ne 3(n°I'k boo ` was+ e t t2 fk. SE" CITY. ZIP. KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): RR _ ,- cicc0gc0 334Z-1 O 3530 TELEPHONE. NUMBER: EXISTING LAND USE(S):Qt4tty 4� ��7- 7413 uf ' CQ. . : APPLICANT Gf other than owner) .... ': PROPOSED LAND USES: N ` t NAME: S t'AQ�Q. ,1ll su t V 1 Sttrk r bb Fu.fr5f,r- COMPANY (if applicable): r 51-ng't‘IJ frIA. 4't I `�' EXISTING COMPREHENSIVEI PLAN MAP DESIGNATIO e S g t,t_ , ix, . ADDRESS: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE AN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): 1to©Gto If t` . ?L N6 N P4 ., ' Q. CITY: ZIP: EXISTING ZONING: ,^ .,,CD+lklet( 7(w (I r\.— '6 s ` ,� r TELEPHONE NU BER: ' . '-,, • �� j� ZZC 4.-a5 4� 'Z �-7j PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): �N `� SGvvh 2 • CONTAC •T• PER •S•ON : SITE AREA (SQ. FT. OR ACREAGE): NAME: �1ve- �. COMPANY (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: I 5-b� pe o /CIr coca p f t t_,r 4 . LIke_ . ADDRESS: IS THE SITE LOCATED IN THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA? CITY:I COO 30 U-eill.‘14-0, tobt)OCIM.,V t%1 fe- cibt.7ke- kto 1 ZIP: l ( L� IS THE SITE SENSITIVE AREA?LOCATED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY TELEPHONE NUMBER: ::: a`: ?isiiirt '`i [ ia;'x:r;;>::;.:>;::y:;.;:;..<.;;p:::cs: :::: ;:::>:;:..:_::::.:::,:.::. ......._.......... , LEGAL DESCRIPT�QIIIOF PROPERTY tAttach,se grates eat lf..r�ecessarY) ,.. TYPE OF APP.0CATION & FEES : : .Check'all applicai ton types that.a [ Ci PP Y .. tY stafi'.t0ll.determine fees ANNEXATION $ SUBDIVISION: COMP. PLAN AMENDMENT . $ - REZONE $ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT SPECIAL : :RMIT $ — $ SHORT PLAT $ TEMPORAn'Y PERMIT — $ _TENTATIVE PLAT $ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $ _ PRELIMINARY PLAT SITE PLAN APPROVAL $ . FINAL PLAT $ $ GRADE & FILL PERMIT $ — (NO. CU. YDS: • ) - • PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: $ _ VARIANCE $ • . (FROM SECTION: ) PRELIMINARY WAIVER $ _ WETLAND PERMIT $ — FINAL — ROUTINE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PERMIT $ MOBILE HOME PARKS: $ • — BINDING SITE PLAN $ SHORELINE REVIEWS: _ SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT $ _ CONDITIONAL USE $ _ VARIANCE $ EXEMPTION $No Charge ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW _ REVISION $ — $ .::... .... v..� : ownr RSHIP: . . ;< . I, (Print Name) ��CJ� � ,declare that I am (please check one)_the owner of the property authorized representative to act for the property owner(please attach proof of authorization), and that the regoing statements landlanswon, ershherein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. n♦♦,�o,�%11111111,, r P1)-4te41- _ ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn t`��p pa tfra,1j1ic, in and for the State of Act„..,, resi�g a • ! •:j (Namewn -. Q �T �S`.�q ,vka.. , o�he�dey�S *so,.Tr. wok 19 r.Z •ct �� �� •O (Signature of Owne 'epregentative) (Signature of Notaryublic ,, b• � .sectwn to be corn leted> <:: < »:::::>:>::>:> : ;.::. A::;::;.:;>:. : AA >�::�.Sp:° CAPS.. : ; : : _. _ ..:::>;; ;:.:,:: CAP U CP:,A,;>:CLl.A :: ;: ; ., _ CUN.:...E FPUD FP PP R RVMP:<:>:<;SA::h.:><::SA::I-C . SHPL=A ..:SHPL-#-t :: LA .SP,.:.SM...::SN1E T ' H. W... . ... ... EES ::.. < ::;; . ::::; .::.i . . :.:. .;:...-.. Tf TAE ;POSTA MASTERAP.DOC REVISED 8/97 REM 8EP 0 51998 August 27, 1998 City of Renton Planning Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 To Whom It May Concern: As one of the property owners for the property being submitted for the Stafford Crest Division 2 preliminary plat, I hereby authorize Rob Purser of Stafford Homes, to act (sign for) as the owner's representative for all submittal documents. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this authorization, please feel free to contact me at(206) 723-2330. Sincerely, Eugene Jackson and Kimberly Swanson N 1 N. `cam `: l 1 � STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that 448 W LIMA SOA) is (are) the person(s) who appeared before me, and said person(s) acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the in�tk-ttrpcit.`,1 Dated:S _^ - ,fo S delliN mo` = Not ry Public • and for the st a WAshington4E4EY 'h�� 4-1q��. Residing at �f t°/1174 = My appointment expires /(q p/ Sent by: DEMCO LAW FIRM, P.S. 206 723 2332; 09/02/98 11 .52; JetFex #471 ;Page 2/2 N. August 27,1998 City of Renton Planning Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 To whom it may concern: As one of the property owners for the property being submitted for the Stafford Crest Division II preliminary plat ,I hereby authorize Rob Purser of Stafford Homes, to act (sign for)as the owners representative for all submittal documents. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this authorization, please feel free to contact me at(206) 723-2330. Sincerely, Kimberly Swanson Eu ne Jack' .7't,/ O� Sz'p STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ��' ,�v� )ss. �ift,'`',t^rn.� COUNTY OP KING ) `�•` I certify that 1 know or have satisfactory evidence that Lry-' ,, e ,Ci�--i-e, is( e person who appeared before me, and said persons acknowledged it to be his/her free and volun ry act for th uses and the purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: / 9 . d otary Public in and r e state of Washington Residing at (i jay ' My appointment expires ,3-„2/-4/ A r > .... .:... ....... C)TC Pursuant to Federal Aviation Regulations, Part 77, Subchapter 8, all applicants who propose any of the following activities shall notify the FAA of the proposed project: (1) Any construction or alteration of more than 179' in height above sea level or any construction or alteration more than 200' above the ground level at its site. (2) Any construction or alteration of greater height than an imaginary surface extending outward and upward at a slope of 100 to 1 for a horizontal distance of 20,000 feet from the nearest point of the nearest runway of the Renton Municipal Airport. If the object constructed or altered would be shielded by existing structures of a permanent and substantial character or by natural terrain or topographic features of equal or greater height, and would be located in the congested area of the city where it is evident beyond all reasonable doubt that the structure so shielded will not adversely affect safety in air navigation, the applicant is exempt from this notice requirement. Each person who is required to submit a notification shall send one executed form set of FAA Form 7460-1, Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration, to the Manager, Air Traffic Division, FAA Regional Office having jurisdiction over the area within which the construction or alteration will be located. Copies of FAA Form 7460-1 may be obtained from the headquarters of the Federal Aviation Administration and the regional offices. Notice must be submitted to the FAA at least 30 days before an application for a construction permit is to be filed or proposed construction or alteration is to begin, whichever is earliest. Send your notification to the following address: Manager: Air Traffic Division ANM-530 FAA Northwest Mountain Regional Office 1601 Lind Avenue Southwest Renton,,WA' 98055-4050 (425) 227-2530• Fax: (425) 227-1530 Airspace associated with the Renton Municipal Airport extends outward 14,000 feet, see attached diagram entitled Airport and Zoning Designations. This airspace is used by all types of aircraft for the landing, taking off, and maneuvering at very low altitudes in connection with their operation at or on the airport and/or the associated seaplane base. While within this airspace area the aircraft may operate at very low altitudes and cause noise, vibrations, and other effects. FAANOTIC REVISED 6/98 -2j1 ,J1y, ��� , / � {`�� J1 r �,ZifILlfh"J.,... -- -/--J ._.'1 I A................................... . tn `� ellE.L� CY .str�v U /. fr Ca'r...' ..'....'. 4 ,1.; .- __„...,.... .. [-[ _i_,4 A ,f, , ,._. , ,,, - v ,,.: .:. _ _r_ „.,.:,.:,...::::::.„,,„„,„„:::::::::::::,,................. . . ( _ ,4._: L1 %,,,'-J-, (,..,,,...,:., j, : oRE r,._ .e.::::::-..:::,...,:::::;;; ;;; . I III II! •':4,E,1,::::::i::.,,:;,..:i. ..:......:::::::::::::....„,,,......... .i.a.:4,, 657:.., .A.:::::::::.:::„...,......,....„,,,,,...„.,:::„.,,,,, i 1 , k , •Pfb).;;s::::,:l.E.,,-;;;.•: .....:::.A :::: ij:'jNzi?:3-::::..:.::::: -g..Z.t..-::.2 ,‘§,::$.ii.g..j.J>,,.,,, i Ili: k 1 A _.., _ gi . f f/ i - RR .. �•R F. ki•CIffii / LLL _ .> n ....:.. ?; w?'. Cam'ft_R.:: L-� R-R ��� E' . ,,, _win i Li . V ,tea=o. .................;... ® iv. ., EL. 6NV C ,44-. 1 "4 :kh , Y 1 % I , ,] A. , 1\! Yr:vr 'VVY www r^w�ww��w��������vMVM^^��. s___ A L-, up oDo : •l i ,f- 1 Vv ocg • tea 0'. �.., :i ! nnn. 4;7T -). T:.._ R. R-R'4 - �" ?i3l i rue i er lc R. IT; 191e, D. visneski Air ort 8C ZoningDesignations .. ....,,,.....co 17 July 1996 p g RESIDENTIAL MULTI—FAMILY EMPLOYMENT AREA RC Resource Conservation RM-C Residential Multi—Family Suburban Center CA Commercial Arterial R-1 Residential — 1 du/ac RM-u Residential Multi—Family Urban Center CO Commercial Office R-5 Residential — 5 du/ac RH-i Residential Multi—Family Infill IN Industrial - Heavy - R-8 Residential — 8 du/ac RM-N Residential Multi—Family Neighborhood Center IM Industrial — Medium RMH Residential — Manufactured Homes CENTER IL Industrial — Light R-IO Residential — 10 du/ac cn Center Downtown MISCELLANEOUS DESIGNATION R-24 Residential — 24 du/ac cs Center Suburban cc Convenience Commercial CN Center Neighborhood P-I Public Use 0 3000 6000 CUR Center Office Residential -- City Limits ">'+`��`'+ 10,000' Airport Offset 1 :36 000 _ � .— 14,000' Airport Offset /r DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION • MASTER A'PPLICATI+t PROPERTY OUIINER.(S} ::. PROJECT INF:ORMQTIQN Note :If there is more than pne legal owner,pfeas�attach an addiUonal notarized Master Application foreach'owner. PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME: The Robert Kersten Company Stafford Crest Div. 2 PROPERTY/PROJECT ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION: ADDRESS: 833 -108th AVe NE #170 South of NE 36th Street 600feet west of 112th Place SE KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): CITY: Bellevue WA ZIP: 98004 334210-3535-07 334210-3546-04 TELEPHONE NUMBER: EXISTING LAND USE(S): 425-455-0544 undeveloped APPLICANT (if other than owner} • PROPOSED LAND USES: NAME: Rob Purser Single Family residential COMPANY(if applicable): EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: SSHI, LLC, dba Stafford Homes Residential Single Family ADDRESS: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): 16016 118th Place NE n/a CI "dT� CITY: Bothell WA ZIP: 98011 EXISTING ZONING: OF f` • R-8 2 /z-- I JUL , 8 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 425-488-2222 RC�;�A1�� PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): D CONTACT PERSON n/a SITE AREA (SQ. FT. OR ACREAGE): NAME: Steve Anderson 339,871 sq.ft. COMPANY(if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: Group Four, Inc. ADDRESS: IS THE SITE LOCATED IN THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA? 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE rh e 2 CITY: ZIP' Bothell WA 98011 IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA? TELEPHONE NUMBER: steep slopes are lcoated along a portion 425-775-4581 of the western part of the property • LEGAL'DESCRIPTION OF:, ROPER` Y.GAttabb oar.... f. ec�s ary) 5 c 4%-7-7-41C,/c-•, • TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES Check all application types that apply--City staff will determine fees. _ANNEXATION $ SUBDIVISION: _ COMP. PLAN AMENDMENT $ REZONE $ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT S _ SPECIAL PERMIT S _ SHORT PLAT $ _TEMPORARY PERMIT $ TENTATIVE PLAT $ _ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $ PRELIMINARY PLAT $ Set / _ SITE PLAN APPROVAL $ _ FINAL PLAT $ GRADE & FILL PERMIT $ (NO. CU. YDS: ) PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: $ _ VARIANCE $ (FROM SECTION: ) _ PRELIMINARY _WAIVER $ _ FINAL WETLAND PERMIT $ ROUTINE VEGETATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: $ MANAGEMENT PERMIT $ BINDING SITE PLAN $ SHORELINE REVIEWS: SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT $ _ CONDITIONAL USE $ VARIANCE $ EXEMPTION $No Charoe c ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW $ 5-?O REVISION $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP ... ..'j I, (Print Name)/6/)-/,/--- '•S%declare that I am(please chock one)L.L.the owner of the property involved In this application, the authorized representative to act for the property owner(please attach proof of authorization), and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in at respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. c C'6 irTE s�� G:C—r,�iz/�c� T'liCfc �^ ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and T/f.I 2!J Zqe'�J /- "�.S7Cw`�• foh the State of Wiri residing at (Name of Owner/Representative) 15��t /(#9(3c� on the/'i- day of t (Signature of Owner/Representative) �� �' , ive , ( ignature of Notary Public) (This section to be completed by City Staff.) City File Number: '"� g A AAD BSP CAP-S CAP-U CPA CU-A CU-H EC[ LLA MHP .'FPUD FP R RVMP 'SA-A SA H SHPL-A SHPL-H SP SM SME . TP V-A V_D V-H W TOTAL FEES: $ TOTAL POSTAGE PROVIDED: $ '/� ... MASTERAP.DOC REVISED 8/97 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach:,separafeshe;et.if ne;Cess;ary) P . .. . ;. • .S C- TYPE OF 'APPLICATION & FEES ;I :Check all application types that apply--City staff will determine fees. ANNEXATION $ SUBDIVISION: COMP. PLAN AMENDMENT $ REZONE $ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT $ SPECIAL PERMIT $ _ SHORT PLAT $ _TEMPORARY PERMIT $ _TENTATIVE PLAT $ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $ _ PRELIMINARY PLAT $ SITE PLAN APPROVAL S _ FINAL PLAT $ _ GRADE & FILL PERMIT $ (NO. CU. YDS: ) PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: $ _ VARIANCE $ (FROM SECTION: ) _ PRELIMINARY _WAIVER S _ FINAL _ WETLAND PERMIT S _ ROUTINE VEGETATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: $ MANAGEMENT PERMIT $ BINDING SITE PLAN $ SHORELINE REVIEWS: _ SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT $ _ CONDITIONAL USE $ _ VARIANCE $ _ EXEMPTION $No Charoe _ ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW $ REVISION $ /l AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name) �7,7C>/('/ �de�lare that I em (please check one)✓he owner of the property involved in this application,_the authorized representative to act for th property owner(please attach proof of authorization), and that the foregoing statements end answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ,eo,2&1RT L . f79 JT� 6->,v /A ug' �(/ 1 ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and ��� for the State of WA residing at (Name of0 a /Re es t1� j�}fl , °n the ly day of Qp (Signature of Owner/Represe ativ Q -e 'L Signature of Notary Public) (This section to be completed by City Staff.) City File Number: '� A AAD BSP CAP-S CAP-U CPA' CU-A CU-H ECF LLA MHP FPUD< FP PP R RVMP_ SA-A SA-H SHPL-A SHPL-H :I SP ,;SM SME. TP V-A V-B V-H W TOTAL FEES: $ TOTAL POSTAGE PROVIDED: $ MASTERAP.DOC REVISED 8/97 �J City of Renton Planning Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 To Whom It May Concern As the property owner of one of the properties, the parcel number of which is 334210-3535-07 and 334210-3596-04, being submitted for the Stafford Crest Division 2 preliminary plat, I authorize Rob Purser of SSHI, LLC, dba Stafford Homes, pursuant to the terms and conditions of an Agreement dated June 18, 1998, to sign for all submittal documents for said plat, subject to the following: 1. Upon request by the undersigned, a copy of any document submitted shall be provided by SSHI, LLC, dba Stafford Homes, to me or my attorney, Terry L. Smith, Law Offices of Terry L. Smith. 2. No document may be submitted that would commit to any easement, right of way or grant of property right, or that in any way would encumber the property or create a lien on the property, or that would cause a rezone or in any way alter the property prior to the Agreement being completed. 3. This authorization may be terminated at any time upon written notice by the undersigned. Brigitte Kersten , P,iirove/e r?D<geier �.f4 i!sTsr C > STATE OF WASHINGTON ss COUNTY OF I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Brigitte Kersten is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that`t� signed this instrument and acknowledged it to belt-is free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument.Dated: —TO V- /9 J?/0qv - feid2a._ 6,6 Notary Public in and for the state of Washington Residing at i:304-ke_Pi WA My appointment expires 7-_=3% -9R' City of Renton Planning Department 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 To Whom It May Concern, As the property owner of one of the properties, the parcel number of which is 334210-3535-07 and 334210-3596-04 being submitted for the Stafford Crest Division 2 preliminary plat, I authorize Rob Purser of SSHI, LLC, dba Stafford Homes, pursuant to the terms and conditions of an Agreement dated June 18, 1998, to sign for all submittal documents for said plat,.subject to the following: 1. Upon request by the undersigned, a copy of any document submitted shall be provided by SSHI, LLC, dba Stafford Homes, to me. 2. No document may be submitted that would commit to any easement, right of way or grant of property right, or that in any way would encumber the property or create a lien on the property, or that would cause a rezone or in any way alter the property prior to the Agreement being completed. 3. This authorization may be terminated at any time upon written notice by the undersigned. /21) Robert E. Frey, Jr.) gey, )9R ;P iEi28&akI% 641 STATE OF WASHINGTON / ) ss COUNTY OFF ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Robert E. Frey, Jr. is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: /� ��� / 995 ea-e-P2a- Pere- Notary Public in and for the state of Washington Residing at 6o-Htie-1 i 1/01 My appointment expires 7 -3/ -9$' I � , • • • 627 "77/ 7/4"— L G C/t Tex PARCEL'A: . THE EAST 200 FEET OF LOTS 73 AND 74, 33 02/'O ._ HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF'EDEN ADDITION, TO ..�SEATTLE NO. 1, ACCORDING TO 'THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 35 T6 11 .OF:PLATS, PAGE 63,• IN KING COUNTY,-• WASHINGTON. I 77X PARCEL B: THE WEST '2202FEET OF LOTS 71 AND 72 AND 75,' HILLMAN'S LAKE. WASHINGTON GARDEN OF•.EDEN'"ADDITION TO ' 3 3c4 / 7— —SEAT LE NO. 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED ,IN. VOLUME, !' 3S3J ' 11 OF PLATS,` PAGE 63,' IN KING• COUNTY, WASHINGTON, I EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL. BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID WEST 220 :1.1 ,' FEET; THENCE SOUTH .89'02'57* EAST .ALONG THE NORTH LINE 'THEREOF (SOUTH MARGIN;'OF, NE'. 36th ST.),.21.55 • FEET '``� TO A POINT'12.00 FEET EAST-OF THE; NORTHERLY PROLONGATION OF BAN EXISTING FENCE AS` SHOWN ON SURVEY] ;•• RECORDED UNDER KING .COUNTY'. RECORDING NO. '9403259006; • THENCE SOUTH 04'57'03" WEST ALONG.A UNE` PARALLEL. . n,. I WITH SAID FENCE 91.06 FEET;: THENCE NORTH 89'02'57 � ! ' ' WEST 12.00 FEET:TO 'ME END. OF SAID FENCE; • THENCE' SOUTH • 0518'02 WEST 94.44 FEET:TO AN. EXISTING PROPERTY ' CORNER AS SHOWN ON SAID. SURVEY.AND THE WEST UNE OF ;', SAID WEST 220 FEET; • THENCE. NORTH ;0210'43",• EAST ALONG? SAID WEST UNE 185.05. FEET TO. THE' POINT OF BEGINNING. • ..• CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION PLAN G4 No. 97-8008 Proposed Plat of 8/17/98 STAFFORD CREST DIV. 2 •Proposed construction dates (begin and end dates), phasing Construction is proposed to begin in the Spring of 1999. The exact date of construction start is dependent upon the plan approval process, contractor scheduling, and market demands. •Hours of operation Hours of operation will be in compliance with City of Renton Ordinances. •Proposed hauling/transportation routes At this time it is assumed that all hauling/transport of materials and equipment, will be via NE 36th Street/ 112th Avenue SE, from the I-405/NE 44th Street interchange. •Measures to be implemented to minimize dust, traffic and transportation impacts, mud noise, and other noxious characteristics Noise impacts from construction will be limited by proper muffling of construction equipment and limiting work hours to those mandated by City Ordinance. Traffic impact will be mitigated during construction by not allowing construction traffic to utilize residential neighborhood streets and also by providing proper traffic control and warning signage at project entrances and exits. Mud on adjacent streets will be controlled by implementation of City approved erosion control measurers including rock pads at site entrances/exits to remove mud from the tires of construction vehicles. If dust becomes a problem during construction periodic watering of the site will be used to control these impacts. •Total are in acres of proposed Preliminary Plat 1.-Ce . F t The site consists of 10.3 acres. Cr Y LT: `•' ' •Proposed number of lots Cr. 1 52 single family lots are proposed. ?� �,, `' 3 i cP"'r. •Proposed zoning of the subject site Existing and proposed zoning for this application is R-8 and R-1 corresponding with proposed Tract A. •Proposed square footage in each lot and percentage of land in streets This information is contained on the Preliminary Plat Map submitted with this application. \\G4NT\MSOFFICE\G4PROJ\97-8008\NARRA629PRE.doc I PROJECT NARRATIVE Proposed Plat of G4 No. 97-8008 STAFFORD CREST DIV. 2 8-17-98 The site is located in the Southeast quarter of Section 32, Township 24 North, Range 5 East more particularly described as portions of: Parcels 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 and 75 of C.D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division 1, all located south of NE 36th Street, approximately 600 feet west of 112`h Place SE. This approximate 10.3 acre site is currently developed with one single family residence with outbuildings. The current zoning is primarily R-8. A narrow 100 foot wide band of R-1 zoning encompasses the extreme western portion of the site. This area has been designated as Tract A for the purposes of Open Space and Stormwater storage, on the proposed preliminary plat. The site has a Comprehensive Plan designation of Residential Single Family. Zoning to the South is RC, to the West is R-1 and to the North and East it is R-8. NE 36`h Street borders the North boundary of the subject parcel. A site reconnaissance has been completed to determine if sensitive areas in the form of wetlands exist on-site. The site biologist, Terra Associates, has determined there are no wetlands on-site. A copy of their report is attached to this application. Some steep slopes exist in the western portions of the site. These areas will not be disturbed. Terra Associates has conducted a Geotechnical Evaluation of the site and deemed it suitable for the proposed construction with appropriate setbacks from the top of bank. A copy of their Geotechnical Report is also attached to this application. This application proposes to subdivide this site, under the existing R-8 and R-1 zoning, into 52 single-family residential lots. All structures would be single family, detached, homes. Along with approval of the preliminary plat, the applicant will obtain Road and Utility Plan approvals per the standards and requirements of the applicable jurisdiction. Two modifications of street standards are also a part of this application. The first is to allow a reduction in right-of-way width to 44 feet. This width will fully encompass the proposed improvements and a 10 foot utility easement will parallel the rights-of-way to allow for the installation of other Utilities. The second modification request is to allow a 20 foot access and utility easement to serve lots 20, 21, and 22, and also a 20 foot access and utility easement to serve Lots 16, 17 and 18. The project is proposed to begin construction in the spring of 1999 subject to the approval process and market demands. uF t,L; S :P15 W:\G4PROJ\97-8008\NARRA629PRE.doc ..:' .CITY OE RI=I I014 : DEVELOPMENT;SERVICES DIVISION MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION Note: If there is more than one legal owner, please attach an additional notarized Master Application for each owner. PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME: J 7---A F R 0 CE e r D) 0, 2 FRr4r K t G/'126//y/A CHa3ZEWSK.r PROPERTY/PROJECT ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION:/ ADDRESS: 5oUrh c:ip= NE 36:7k 5tR5e7 J /011 5/0r, Avg 60 ie - i(J - r OF //Zrk PC. 5t= CITY: Zip: KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): `/ 33421 0 - 3532 - AO VA kl ill A , LO A . 985`O2 TELEPHONE NUMBER: EXISTING LAND USE(S): UNoeoec oPeo APPLICANT (if other then owner) PROPOSED LAND USES: NAME: Slrtc_e F -mi .Y gE5/OEnr1Ac- /QD/3 Po/Z.5E R COMPANY(if applicable): 5SN1 / L`C dba EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: s7"rt-Fro eo COh16TedlGT/6 Ni /NC le Ell�7Frr r/14 C S/t1C - �flr'I ICY ADDRESS: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIG1 7ION (if applicable): /6 6/eo /Ji' TN PC_ A/F N/A �\!l��<`'eO CITY: ZIP: EXISTING ZONING: - , , i1OA.� /3o rH Eck, , LI1/4 :980/ I ��(� t'4,</ TELEPHONE NUMBER: . 42 5 4p _ 2 2 2z PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): N/ T (/Q CONTACT PERSON SITE AREA (SQ. FT. OR ACREAGE): -. - NAME: TFriE 4N0E266N i COMPANY (if applicable): PROJECT VALUE:_/ 950r 0n0 71- 60/3 Ee cJ/ZZ IA/c. ADDRESS: ''-- // / IS THE SITE LOCATED IN THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA? /10030 JJJANIr/el -Gvp9O/NV/ue G!/f1'/vc y/ a CITY: ZIP: `4 f ( � //�� dJ� / / t��}O` I IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY O ! y �L 'C/i4 ,..J 3SENSITIVE AREA? TELEPHONE NUMBER: 5reer-7 `4ePES A•Ee to6Areo roc-eNG TNF 6 rEi2 N pe-r/ON OF Ti'f£ SATE" 425 - 775 -458/ I JUN-26-98 FRI 04:54 PM STArrORD HOMES FAX N0, ^-6 488 0295 P, 08/10 • >` z. !,4' C :t,.;E .T.. ..:..:.:.. 1/456-E 4 'rTA C..f'/c L> - . ..... •V �{ , r. o"' f� ':3: >t ,Y �Y.: taff.Vr :`i'ereemtre°I8' : :k.;>;;::: �.<:}.,::' _ ANNEXATION $ _ e.5: .,, :iE::,: _ COMP, PLAN AMENDMENT g` _ _ SUBDIVISION: $ ` REZONE _ SPECIAL PERMIT $ -� LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT $ TEMPORARY PERMIT $------ , SHORT PLAT $ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT S - TENTATIVE PLAT $'�"—~� SITE PLAN APPROVAL S PRELIMINARY PLAT g GRADE & FILL PERMIT g�--- - FINAL PLAT g�— (NO, CU, YDS; VARIANCE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: $ (FROM SECTION: $ — _ WAIVER ' g PRELIMINARY — WETLAND PERMIT $ _ FINAL _,•, ROUTINE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PERMIT y MOBILE HOME PARKS: BINDING SITE PLAN $-"."----- $ SHORELINE REVIEWS: g SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT g CONDITIONAL USES i VARIANCE S - EXEMPTION gNQharg ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW g REVISION $ i:t!i y���y FOANI �i >K is y.KIY N. P; 1/ �1 K>h I (Print fVamU) V I V ) L`1 G` v,(�µ Gv;�'- S 't , deolere that I am (please check one) `(the owner of t hoprP' $1 y1 i ed In this application, e authorized representative to act for the property owner(please attach proof o contained and the Information herewith submitted era In all reapeote true and correct rto the best ofization), and hmmyknowledgep hand belief. pe lendtlenewe�hherain 114 , - I A A • Gti os Zcws��, ATTEST: Subeodb d a d sw rn to st n�lt+� t y (Name of tier/Repres tative) for h state of F in and e,, O� • on tt7j AR V • 19 .. • { iQnat a of Owner/Represen ive) +u+ �.. PUBLIC �:'o= (Signature of Notary Public) I OP `0N ir .t:••+i T :.:5+ .::kr Y i4 Gi:a •.t. Y�k� '.b:7 C t�: S •a^ ii •;i•b ::3:��0i�t�, .4's.> y �i':i :r's�'i�?i;!;is:'�%,`:�°'C`i,:.Y+1+. nR n i:i i„i '4n } ` i.4 ��Y++ ry :r} y � ::l p:•i. 1f .<„ Yi:' eke' ,.::.,.'• t lei.` y:C f' ><., .N l�b.�r >ta•• }y K :�M.w"�µ.i... �t �y `r�N ¢.. l .�+. :'ti .11.:iE::�lay�r�;:;,.;�^ i`? A C.� p.c f r ILL Y 0 1+S} N T T� :r:: .e•:x.: Q <: S G�E� T F' }hASTsRAP OPC REVISE _ JUN-26-98 FRI 04;54 PM STAI=ORD HOMES FAX NO. 1 —6 488 0295 P. 08/10 • \..7 c E 4 TT A c:t.i c D .T.. t C?. n ,;S � ji ,ATI � i: k r ` � �k � I ' t �yLY I� stff.� r �detrl � e ':�: , .< :�p Ei . ee. : ... v :° . ... o � l. : Ya : e . ... .<.:. :: ANNEXATION g COMP, PLAN AMENDMENT $________ SUBDIVISION; REZONE g SPECIAL PERMIT g~-�� LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 8 TEMPORARY PERMIT $'�__ , SHORT PLAT $_________ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT g—"`" ,TENTATIVE PLAT $ SITE PLAN APPROVAL $.~ - PRELIMINARY PLAT g GRADE & FILL PERMIT g—' - FINAL PLAT g~�— (NO, CU, YDS; �__ "� ) VARIANCE —� $ PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: g (FROM SECTION:��T) �— _ PRELIMINARY WAIVER $ _ WETLAND PERMIT $'.'~ FINAL ...... ROUTINE VEGETATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: �� BINDING SITE PLAN ��— $ MANAGEMENT PERMIT $ SHORELINE REVIEWS: S �� _ SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT g — CONDITIONAL USE gz� VARIANCE g.______ _____ EXEMPTION g � REVISION $ ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW g F I�: F a7�e T.R F� 1P' I Pin � wr >as' a.` (Print Namul 1�fr+. C qq G�lr32� , . .... :.>:>,.:�4``, k! 3.:, , •: , ; V�,-C6, <' : ). , dealers that 1 ern (please cheek one X the owner o authorized representative to act for the property owner(please attach proof of authorization), and thatthe foregoing eta Involfed In tale �`H the contained and the Information herewith submitted era in all respeote true and correct to the beet of my knowledge ant ��?►���teG.lti10/�-i�6il.�he r ain � .•�,sston T_ram �V ti n K J C NpT AR), i1�S ZGWs�� ATTEST; Subscribed and sworn to bafoa me, a N �^- tort a Slate of jf!a aafdin t ° Cbtfc, Iq aryl (Na of Owner/Represer ativel g PUBLIC co. _•• '"'— , on the tN O O: 19 .G 4. ° (Signature of O erl a rssen ) 411 1 "10 _A (Signature of Notary Public) • yi v' �Y" .0 .i• !A ,f• i1 �:s,.v.:i ;:y?: i:y:�';;'r<;pi`2'° •• ,.:rrir',;.::r';i{'rrristi 'i5 ie3 `:d ,�.,�"''Y:•:i;;gs; ;cy;.,:;,rC.i C!:i:i'i.ilyi;�;'$+a':.>ri;' 1 k K as I :Y.•'yy:::: :SS'Hi::ii r;fir:ri da p i' I1. �e>�''� ►{ rY: .i,, p .Nu hY � i�:.i; 'F4:k.:3?:., .A r Ali:"�!G7 I?I�:: F'Ub A 3�� ;:gip � 4.: !�;'Y :ITV H `:L L ::i F{pl t•: ME ...:.,.. �:TO ,...T I= }.� S GE'Jiit T. :.r., hl tJ+ as >'T tif1AP D RE VISED D 99t3 Legal Description - Stafford Crest Division 2 �_`"` 97-8008 PARCEL A ---____--___,. The east 200 feet of Lots 73 , ' an's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Addition to Seattl . , according to the p reof, recorded in Volume 11 of Plats, page� g County, Washington. PARC B The west 220 t of Lots 71, 72, and 75, Hillman's Lake Washin u on Garden of Eden Addition to Seato. 1, according to the plat thereof, recor. -. in Volume 11 of Plats, page 63, in King Co , Washington. Except that portion thereof scribed as follows. Beginning the northwest corner o aid . -st 220 feet; Thence South 89°02'57"East alon: - north line thereof, (the south margin of northeast 36th Street), a distance of 21.55 :-t to a .''nt which is 12.00 feet east of the northerly prolongation of an existing f- ce as shown o• survey recorded under recording number 9403259006; Thence South 04°57'► ' West along a line parallel • ith said fence 91.06 feet; Thence North 89°e '57" West a distance of 12.00 feet . the end of said fence; Thence South i '18'02" West a distance of 94.44 feet to . existing property corner as shown on - d survey and the west line of said west 220 feet; ' -nce North 02°10'43" East al. 'g said west line a distance of 185.05 feet to the Point o eginning. ..id parcels A and B, taken as a whole, are also known as Lot 1, City o 'enton Lot ine Adjustment number LUA-96-068-LLA, recorded under recording num:-r 9706109009.) PARCEL C The east 350 feet of Tract 70, Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Addition to Seattle No. 1, according to the plat thereof,recorded in Volume 11 of Plats,page 63, in King County, Washington, Except the north 185 feet of the East 110 feet thereof; All situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington.. W:\G4PROJ\97-8008\Legal Description Div 2.doc r As the property owner of one of the properties, the parcel number of which is 334210-3532-00, being submitted for the Stafford Crest Division 2 preliminary plat, I authorize Rob Purser of SSHI, LLC, dba Stafford Homes, pursuant to the terms and conditions of an Agreement dated June 18, 1998, to sign for all submittal documents for said plat, subject to the following: 1. Upon request by the undersigned, a copy of any document submitted shall be provided by SSHI, LLC, dba Stafford Homes, to me or my attorney, Terry L. Smith, Law Offices of Terry L. Smith.. 2. No document may be submitted that wo,ki commit to any easement, right of way or grant of property right, or that in any way would encumber the property or ci-Na e a Tien on the property, or that would cause a rezone or in any way alter the property prior to the Agreement being completed. 3. This authorization may be terminated at any time upon written notice by the undersigned. /610/erVolit-vvisa--4--‘ Virgi B. Choszewski STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Virginia B. Choszewski is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: '0 1' g - % 0�P...• 91./th 'i Notary Public in fo the state of Washington N r V Residing at PuBLIG ��,. . - My appointmen xpires J { �'��� <y2s,�9�'oet - '��/��i�ii As the property owner of one of the properties, the parcel number of which is 334210-3532-00, being submitted for the Stafford Crest Division 2 preliminary plat, I authorize Rob Purser of SSHI, LLC, dba Stafford Homes, pursuant to the terms and conditions of an Agreement dated June 18, 1998, to sign for all submittal documents for said plat, subject to the following: 1. Upon request by the undersigned, a copy of any document submitted shall be provided by SSHI, LLC, dba Stafford Homes, to me or my attorney, Terry L. Smith, Law Offices of Terry L. Smith.. 2. No document may be submitted that would commit to any easement, right of way or grant of property right, or that in any way would encumber the property or create a lien on the property,.or that would cause a rezone or in any way alter the property prior to the Agreement being completed. 3. This authorization may be terminated at any time upon written notice by the undersigned. rank J. Ch(os s i STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF Z -eL k)-( )1.6--' ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Frank J. Choszewski is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: 7/q/9` - /71 LLC ✓ elte. -ui.r& will iltill �� cA �/ Notary Public in gn for the state of Washington �,�vp�NP�55,• ;9N•f-,y,� Residing at a 6'..00 •. My appointme xpires = Nr. _.�?Y m PUBLIC 2� #°IO `�•?8.ik•A' ��� CITY ENTON EVELO ERVICES DIVISION . till12;2111111111111111111112.11111112°-;'F$ 3. .;.;rr:t:.::.,.....r:.:«.r:..:ro;;r: ::::;is::f•::Ck'::..• .;?s....13r r r.t.,.,.,,.;., r::•: .:�.O.;..,rf ..:::• •:.•. .•:.:.,,..;. ,...;.. ,:. •� �.rr::'•rr::•:::.+ .. .,.,.::t::-•:v:;,;.;:::+":::"�:' ':'y'•� ''f<r#':';r:trrr;:;;•::f::;�€-.�`+'S°t'rx•�•• :.}.•#i':t; ,.;,•a. tilat;:::ta%' .';k %:a >'k:fis,„t£;. '#•x,.y1:: , :; • ,...x.. y�',.;,•,•. r.,;>,.•`.°:S?r,..,v:i: �::.�'t'.t'':''.-:. �,•Y�'p`:¢'r-0,.`'!•'t�e ...•.7,.',..:',r: ,�:d�•, •.f+ .�,:� �fm��•�'�:•'::::;r::•:.xar'•.:•�:rr?ri?>r.. :e:�:�::t:• .t:'• ...�.•.°hO.•:. ... ::::::�:::::•?Y<<�>'a`.:•. ?S..•.:�'�..•c�:��•.. , .:........,rr:.`.'- ..::.•::::::..•.,•.......::•:•�:•:::::::� ::•:::::..�:::::::::.» `.::....::.:::::::..::::::..Orr:;•rr:a.�::::::•.••...........,, �5�.�.. •. ' AFFIDAVIT OF INSTALL . OF PUBLIC.: INFORMATION SIGNS} -* • ..:,. . : /IEN :LANNINucnyOFR1T.; JUL 2 0 1998 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) RECEIVED COUN KING ) • 8Ie,/ f /n viiile' , being first my sworn on oath, deposes and says: , 1. On the 2/2 EL day of r/ yy , 19 98 , I installed / public • information sign(s) and plastic fl er box on th'e property located at ,I/E�3i 4a. 7 lib- Nye ALE for the following project: (7�`A ,/r,q/ a'(7/2 U Projec9iale go/4.glNs • Owner Name 2. I have attached a copy of the neighborhood detail map marked with an "X" to indicate the location of the installed sign. • 3. This/these public information sign(s) was/were constructed and installed in locations in conformance with the requirements of R-- oy ' ipal s -4- G and 9-12-9-I 2a. - Installer Signat 0: ANOF <4, \Ss10N Et '9d, SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ZPT day of 1 , 19 ~'�' Z O? Y c.. . 4-l'-- 4i •NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the Stat- . rMZED • ,*. residing at 0 a i L! e_ J 0 , PSG My commission expires on - 2) J1• PUBSIONS.DOC REV.9197 • • CITY OF RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION[ • ;MAI'LBOX REQUIRE• MENTS • ••••,••••,•••••••:•:,••,••••••••••••••,:•:••:,•:••••."••:• •:•••:•„•:••:„::''''''''"''''...:•• •••-• •.•• .••• • • NOTICE FOR ALL NEW PLATS AND SHORT PLATS • The Post Office wants to be involved in helping you locate your mailboxes before construction • begins. Please take a copy of your plat map along with this form to the City of Renton Post Office, 314 Williams Avenue South, for their sign-off. Before we can approve your plat we must have the signed copy in our file. This procedure will save you time and money later if you get approval now. . Propery Location: Owner's Name: Phone#: Project#: . • Post Office Approval: Date: ' r-- ,..-——— \ 1 I --I-- 1 % % / , 11 •sS vote' / .al r+s MC 1 I 1 1 D / I ,' j -� l 1 II •/I k 1' ly.. 1 h// 1 1' LC I Av6s/ II I 61 / J '91 3�'lL----- -- ,//��1 4I I S1 11 //-/." J - / 1 r n---- ,f- 1 _J...A ' -+F .--. -• 1/ J• 11 j_ tit �.`� 11 .. 1 = /ir I It¢ ' I II n�i lj,rt' - I \`\ \\\ .n.�•s \\ \ ` I \` \\ \ \\\ 1 sc �-, Irl d •err-- / I .,15 `�\ /' 11\. \\1\ \\\`\\\\\ \\\`\'� 1 / I r__,_11ui341 vsS KV►yi�11 1.--�_ \ };__ I�'+'D�'�•�\`\`I\11i11 \i// �— •� 1."� - �- LJ "/t ir i- ; .. � a t1 43 art 4 + 1�\\;;11111 11 I /'` II _/���, —�� IS 1 ZI ` Y \1 t� 1 \� �3� / /iii%%% j i i l \1\P. \'1 1 •is wsc 3fJ a ^ s \\ ' ,�? I IJ_ `� \ ` \ \ II I / ___ [.5^` \ ^• .`4. __ - \ \ II -I `� �.1ivi F---'1 r ``1 l r Ki -• \ \ 1_� I I pion 1` \\ \`� 1� 1 1 n tAi) p` C-.- vi'.. \ 4 1- I4" " 1 �tr 1.�� L `.`�i LIN 1 I i ``� • I 1 ---1• •n.a► 1•n sow p `, > "- J n aoctic�" titr i h v t�val 1 --- 1 i ♦ 1 : �\ 1� n--- --; \ >t°as«,n/Dwn I I I I `• I I is"re Z..1:11 It orimi.".._.. N. Mall Waal 1 IFo I"rwc AVOWS �'. %', cnrrw �--_i'� . %, art: 52 6 419E —1,J11S1e10Woo1i1w10 t _ ———— — :° —�_ `k„4 1 1 -- _ I 1: .. .f.' arias ', "' IAr7I1rwR1 ~ Illaw• 1 a\'1••'A aRov, 1 I .•r1dYYl /y1 / if/D •w .AI; ���[ w ru..fr�1 Ii•rrr /Th F �wwrr.�. ;c �•w0/N ` ,1 ; • �r f� 1, .,' I , 0 ,.r,.— I I , O , rnwaM I H , a 4 z ,i-A.,_ • CITY OF F,C;,'L-. 1� ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM SEP 15 3 c- ' r ED FILE NO: FEE: RECEIPT NO: Purpose of Checklist: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21 C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. Instruction for Applicants: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or"does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. Use of checklist for nonproject proposals: Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply". IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (Part D). For nonproject actions, the reference in the checklist to the words "project", "applicant", and "property or site" should be read as"proposal", "proposer", and"affected geographic area", respectively. A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: Stafford Crest Div. 2 G4 Job # 97-8008 2. Name of applicant: Rob Purser, Stafford Homes 1 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Contact: Group Four, Inc. / Steve Anderson, 16030 Juanita- Woodinville Way N.E., Bothell, WA., 98011, 206-362-4244, Fax 206-362-3819; Applicant: Stafford Homes / Rob Purser 16016 - 118th Place NE Bothell, WA 98011, 425-488-2222 4. Date checklist prepared: June 1998, Amended August 1998 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Construction is proposed to start in the Spring of 1999 subject to the approval process and market demands. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. Yes. There is a potential for a future phase to the south. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. Preliminary Geotechnical Report, dated June 30, 1998, prepared by Terra Associates, Inc. and Wetland Site Observation, dated June 19, 1998, prepared by Terra Associates. Inc. (copies attached) 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. None known 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Preliminary and final plat approval; road, storm and utilities design approvals; clearing and grading permits; building permits; and right-of-way use permit. 11. Give a brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.) This proposal is for the subdivision and construction of approximately 10.3 acres into 52 single family residential lots. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist The site is located in the Southeast quarter of Section 32, Township 24 North, Range 5 East, and is more particularly located on the south of NE 36th Street and 600 feet west of 112th Place SE in Renton. 2 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (circle one): flat, rollin , hilly,�steep� lope , mountainous, other b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? The steepest slope on the site is 40 percent or greater on the western portion of the site. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example: clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. Based on the U.S. Department of Agriculture 1972 Soil Survey of King County, the soils are primarily Alderwood Gravelly Sandy Loam. Based on the Site Observation completed by Terra Associates on the site consisted of fine to medium silty sand to sand with silt. These soils are more consistent with the Ragnar soils series. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. Not to our knowledge. e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Road and building sites would be cleared, graded and compacted as necessary to achieve proper grade transition, drainage and structural stability. A balance between cut and fill would be sought, thereby reducing the need to import or export material. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. During construction, the potential for increased erosion would be present. Following construction, erosion potential would decrease when drainage is controlled and cleared areas are revegetated. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Upon completion, approximately 45% of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces. 3 h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: Temporary measures to control erosion could include sedimentation ponds, filter fences and diversion swales: permanent measures could include landscaping, piping and armoring of outfall areas. 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e. dust, automobile, odors, industrial, wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. During construction activities there would be increased exhaust and dust particle emissions to the ambient air. Objectionable odors could be caused by the roofing of homes or the paving of streets. After construction, the principal source of pollution would be exhaust from vehicular traffic. The increase in automobiles associated with the development would contribute CO, NO and SO2 emissions to the ambient air. Fireplaces installed in homes would contribute smoke to the ambient air. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. Vehicular emissions from traffic on nearby roadways would be the primary off-site source of air pollution that could affect the proposal. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any. Should construction activities be undertaken during the dry season, periodic watering, if deemed necessary, could be used to control dust. Automobile emissions should be negligible because of the standards regulated by the Washington State Department of Licensing. 3. WATER a. Surface 1. Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. May Creek is located approximately 600 feet west of the site. 4 2. Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Storm water from the site will discharge ultimately to May Creek. 3. Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. None 4. Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities, if known. No 5. Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. No 6. Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste material to surface waters? Post development storm water runoff containing some pollutants (primarily oil and debris washed from the road system). along with water soluble household products, would be collected by the storm drainage system. b. Ground 1. Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. Any alteration to the direction or rate of flow of ground water due to grading operations should be localized on-site. Release of groundwater onto adjoining properties would not vary from the present condition. 2. Describe waste material that will be discharge into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals....; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. The project would be on sewers, therefore there would be no major sources of waste material which could be discharged to the ground. 5 c. Water Runoff(including storm water) 1. Describe the source of runoff(including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (including quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. Through the construction of residences and roadways, the existing runoff pattern would be locally modified. Runoff from the proposal would be generated by building roofs. driveways, sidewalks and roadways. This water would be collected by the storm drainage system and directed to storm retention/detention facilities. 2. Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. Refer to Surface Water response#6 and Ground Water response#2. 3. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water imposes, if any. Temporary erosion control devices would be installed during construction. After construction, storm water runoff will be collected and directed to detention/ retention facilities by the storm drainage system. 4. PLANTS a. X deciduous trees: alder, maple, aspen, other X evergreen trees: fir, cedar, pine, other shrubs grass pasture crop or grain wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage other: water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Existing vegetation will be removed as necessary for the roads and building pads. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known. 6 d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or the measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any. Development would eliminate the majority of the existing vegetation, except that located on the steep slopes. Cleared and graded areas would be revegetated with some native species and species common to urban areas. 5. ANIMALS a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other small mammals fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other: b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. Not to our knowledge. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any. Retention of existing vegetation on the steep slope portion of the site. 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Electricity and natural gas would be the primary sources of energy for the proposal and would be used for heating, lighting and other miscellaneous household purposes. Wood burning and passive solar gain would be secondary sources of heat. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans for this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any. The inclusion of energy conservation measures would be per the energy code and the choice of individual residents. 7 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? Not to our knowledge. 1. Describe special emergency services that might be required. No special emergency services would be required by the proposed project. 2. Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any. None required or proposed. b. Noise 1. What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example, traffic, aircraft, equipment, operation, other)? Noise from traffic on surrounding roadways could have a minimal impact on the project. 2. What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example, traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Noise levels would be intermittently high throughout construction, but should be limited to normal waking hours. After construction, residential activity and traffic noise created by daily vehicular trips would increase ambient noise levels in the vicinity. 3. Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any. Standard soundproofing materials would be used in the construction of residences. Use of proper muffling devices and limitation of construction to normal waking hours would minimize construction related noise. 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The site is currently undeveloped with the exception of one residence in the northern central portion of the site. To the north, south, east, and west there are homes on larger parcels. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. Not to our knowledge. 8 c. Describe any structures on the site. 1 residence with outbuildings. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? All structures will be removed. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? Primarily R-8(8 dwelling units per acre), with a 100 foot wide band on the extreme western portion of the site zoned R-1(1 dwelling unit per acre). f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Residential Single Family g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? N/A h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. Not to our knowledge, with the possible exception of the steep slopes along the western portion on the site.. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? Upon completion, approximately 161 people would reside in the development (3.1 per residence x 52 residences.) j. Approximately how may people would the completed project displace? None k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any. None proposed. 1. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any. Compliance with existing regulatory codes and standards. 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how may units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. 52 middle income residences b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. One unit. 9 c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any. Compliance with regulatory codes and standards would reduce the housing impacts of the proposed developoment. 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? The tallest height of any structure would be per the building code. Exterior building materials are expected to be of wood. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None. c. Proposed measures to reduce to control aesthetic impacts, if any. The observance of building setbacks, retention of as much native vegetation as practical during construction and provision of ornamental and native landscaping would reduce aesthetic impacts of the project. 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? The proposal would produce light from automobile headlights, street lighting and home lighting, primarily at night. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? Not to our knowledge. Night lighting would actually promote project safety. c. What existing off-site source of light or glare may affect your proposal? Surrounding residences and traffic. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any. None proposed. 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreation opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? May Creek Park, Kennydale Lions Park, Kennydale Beach Park, and Kennydale Elementary School io b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any. Mitigation measures will be provided, including the payment of $530.76 per lot. 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for national, state or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. None known. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None known. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any. Construction would be temporarily halted should evidence of historic, archeological, scientific or cultural importance be discovered. 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. 112th Place SE and NE 36th Street will serve the site. Access to Interstate 405 is less than a mile away. b. Is the site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? It is approximately a mile to the nearest Metro stop. c. How may parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? Off-street parking would be accommodated in residents' driveways and garages. No parking would be eliminated. 11 d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? The proposal would require the construction of approximately 3350 lineal feet of public roadway. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of)water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. The project should not generate any extraordinary use of water, rail or air transportation. f. How may vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. The proposal would generate approximately 520 ADT (10 ADT/DU x 52 DU), the majority of which would occur during morning and evening peak periods. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any. Traffic mitigation will be paid at the rate of$750.00/Lot 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public service (for example: fire protection; police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. The proposal would place additional demands on public services., however, facilities are generally in place to handle these additional demands. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. Residents would become part of the tax base/ user group that supports these services. 16. UTILITIES a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural eas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other: b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. See preliminary plat map for list of utilities and purveyors. 12 C. SIGNATURE The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. SignatureVreiczae:1/114 1.41,,A-/ Group Four, Inc. Date signed At..)Eac>'iT /7, /9 6 5 rE,)EH M . /414DE°` N 13 GROUP FOUR, Inc. 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell, Washington 98011 FAX(206)362-3819 (425)775-4581•(206)362-4244 July 10, 1998 Ms. Jennifer Henning, Senior Planner City of Renton DEVELOPMENT PLANNINu CITY OF RENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 JUL 2 0 1998 RECEIVED Re; Stafford Crest Division 2, Preliminary Plat Application Group Four, Inc. Job No. 98-8007 Dear Ms. Henning: Pursuant to our pre-application meeting of July 2nd, we are submitting herewith the preliminary plat application for Stafford Crest Division 2. Enclosed you will find the following: Afndrw+-1- 51ztII4h4-v- ' sites -The originals and 11 copies of the Master Application -12 copies of the Environmental Checklist -3 copies of the Plat Certificate -2 sets of adhesive mailing labels for properties within 300 feet -2 copies of the List of Current Property Ownership" -A submittal fee of$3,004.16 based on$2,000.00 for the pre. Plat, $1,000.00 for the Env. Checklist, and 13 labels at$0.32 each -11 copies of the Project Narrative. -5 copies of the Construction Mitigation Plan -11 copies of the Neighborhood Detail Map -12 copies of the Preliminary Plat, Topographical Map,Utilities Plan, Grading Plan, and Drainage Plan. -12 copies of the Wetland Report -5 copies of the Geotechnical Report continued SURVEYING ENGINEERING PLANNING MANAGEMENT -5 copies of the Traffic Report -1 set of PMT reductions to 8-1/2"x 11" -1 colored Preliminary Plat Map -1 colored Neighborhood Detail Map Please contact me following your review of this initial application package if you need any additional information. Sincerely Group Four, Inc. Steven M. Anderson President Cc: Mr. Rob Purser, Stafford Construction SURVEYING ENGINEERING PLANNING MANAGEMENT gP 3 2, © H FAAPN © C © :keUL °Q g7S r TRAFFIC ENGINEERING • TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 1712 PACIFIC AVENUE • SUITE 100 • EVERETT,WA 98201 • PH: (425)339-8266 • FAX:(425)258-2922 July 7, 1998 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON Ms. Kayren Kittrick JUL 2 0 City of Renton, Development Services 1998 1055 S. Grady Way RECEIVE Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Stafford Crest Division 2, 47 Single-Family Detached Homes; GTC Project No. 98-085 Traffic Analysis Comparison Dear Ms. Kittrick: Gibson Traffic Consultants (GTC) has been retained by Stafford Homes (applicant) to provide a traffic analysis for the proposed Stafford Crest Division 2 plat. The plat is located in the City of Renton west of the Stafford Crest Division 1 plat. This technical memorandum is intended to provide the City of Renton with the necessary traffic impact analysis, so as to facilitate its review of the proposed residential development. This traffic report addresses: 1) the proposed site access connections to the existing road system; 2) project trip generation, distribution and assignment; and, 3) any changes in recommended mitigation measures. BACKGROUND Proposed Site Development and Access The proposed Stafford Crest Division 2 development would construct a total of 47 new single- family detached (SFD) homes; Stafford Crest Division 1, which is located east of the subject site, comprised of 74 single-family lots. The plat is located south of NE 36th Street opposite 110th Avenue SE (see Figure 1). Stafford Crest Division 2 proposes to access the City of Renton road system via NE 36th Street opposite 110th Avenue NE and at the proposed stub roads (NE 33rd Place and NE 35th Street) provided at the west property boundary for Stafford Crest Division 1. The proposed residential development could be fully occupied in 2000. The project site is presently vacant. Methodology & Scope The scope of the traffic study has been determined from the scope of the analysis conducted for Stafford Crest Division 1. The analysis conducted for Stafford Crest Division 1 assumed the potential development of an additional 60 SFD homes (coinciding with the land on which Stafford Crest Division 2 is located). The scope of this study has been determined to be an analysis of the net difference in traffic generated by the previously assumed 60 SFD homes and the now COUNTS/SURVEYS•SITE IMPACTS• LOS ANALYSIS•EIS•HEARINGS•SAFETY•SIGNALS•PARKING N TW 05 w u' w Q S oaI z 0 (3 QSE 68TH ST SE H 691- �,yA�, 3 \ii 7 40 oci4 12 SE 76TH ST 2 W I-u) Oi4; 1 ... 3 1 OSE 80TH ST 5 1 13 co ���L 75 M _1 w 1 22 0 co w a J = V I— O 3 � 20 C, 8 w O ��' u.1 6 3 S,Q- 25 10 Q:(r) 20 1rn oo a a 55 .10 6 16 N SE 88TH ST *E 36TH ST 2 E->1 022 PROJECT 8 <—Y a O SITE 112 GIBSON TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY STAFFORD CREST LEGEND DIVISION 2 AWDT NEW SITE TRAFFIC FIGURE 1 47 SFD LOTS PM_—)PEAK (DAILY/PEAK HOUR) PROJECT TRIP CITY OF RENTON 0 TRIP DISTRIBUTION % DISTRIBUTION Ms. Kayren Kittrick July 7, 1998 Page 2 proposed 47 SFD homes. Trip generation for the proposed single-family detached home development is based upon trip rates for similar residential developments contained in the Institute of Transportation Engineers' (ITE) 6th edition of Trip Generation, published in 1997. Terry Gibson, responsible for the traffic analysis, is a licensed professional engineer (Civil) in the State of Washington and past-President of the Washington State section of ITE. EXISTING CONDITIONS The existing conditions are the same as discussed in GTC's December 19, 1997 Stafford Crest Division 1 traffic study. TRAFFIC VOLUME FORECASTS (Future Conditions) Trip Generation As stated previously, trip generation estimates are based on ITE's Trip Generation, which documents trip rates for similar residential developments. GTC has utilized the ITE land use code 210, single-family detached housing, to calculate the project-generated trips. Therefore, the Stafford Crest Division 2 development would generate approximately 450 new daily/weekday trips of which 47 new trips (30 inbound/17 outbound) would occur during the critical p.m. peak hour. Prior trip generation estimates for future potential development, which this site now represents, have been summarized in Table 1. Table 1 Average Weekday Trip Generation Proposed Daily PM Peak Hour Trips Land Use Action Trips Total In Out 60 SFD Homes 573 61 39 22 (Prior Estimate) 47 SFD Homes 450 47 30 17 (Current Proposal) Net Difference -123 -14 -9 -5 (Current vs. Prior) As is summarized above in Table 1, the net result of the current proposal actually represents a decrease in traffic generated by the proposed development from prior estimates. ROM RAFFIC O�1�Mf�4a�4� Ms. Kayren Kittrick July 7, 1998 Page 3 Trip Distribution & Assignment The regional trip distribution of project generated traffic would be the same as that for Stafford Crest. Figure 1 depicts detailed trip distribution percentages as well as daily and p.m. peak-hour trip assignments. MITIGATION Recommended Off-Site Improvements/Mitigation The off-site intersection improvements/mitigation conclusions for Stafford Crest Division 1 remain the same for Stafford Crest Division 2 because: 1) for GTC's channelization warrant assessment, the Stafford Crest Division 1 traffic study considered the potential development of the land occupied by Division 2 by assuming a potential yield of 60 SFD homes; and, 2) Stafford Crest Division 2 would generate less traffic than 60 SFD homes. Thus, as concluded for Stafford Crest Division 1, Stafford Crest Division 2 would not be required to construct channelization improvements for the 112th Place SE/NE 36th Street intersection. City of Renton Citywide Mitigation Fee The City of Renton has a citywide mitigation fee of $75 per additional (new) average daily trip added to the City's road system. Thus, the mitigation fee due for the Stafford Crest Division 2 plat would be $33,734.25 (47 lots x 9.57 ADT/lot x $75/ADT). We trust that GTC's traffic analysis, report and attachments adequately address the traffic/safety impacts of the proposed Stafford Crest Division 2 project, so that the City of Renton can complete its review of the proposed residential development. If you have any questions on our analysis or findings, please call us at (425) 339-8266. Thanks. Sincerely, GIBSON TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS, INC. P.S. ` ;, of Carter A. Danne Transportation Planning Engineer b rtN-:.Rb kriierl.opir Attachments ;' '."4;4Inpa. AL XC: Rob Purser, Stafford Homes '` 79 • Z' ,�',_; Steve Anderson, Group Four, Inc. 9- B E2OO a RAFFIC New Trip Di ition Values (Raw values not corrected for Sing error.) PM PEAK PM PEAK % ADT IN OUT TOTAL % ADT IN OUT TOTAL 100% 450 30 17 47 100% 450 30 17 47 1% 4.5 0.30 0.17 0.47 51% 229.5 15.30 8.67 23.97 2% 9.0 0.60 0.34 0.94 52% 234.0 15.60 8.84 24,44. 3% 13.5 0.90 0.51 1.41 53% 238.5 15.90 9,01 24 91': 4% 18.0 1.20 0.68 1.88 54% 243.0 16.20 9.18 2538 5% 22.5 1.50 0.85 2.35 55% 247.5 16.50 9.35 25.85 6% 27.0 1.80 1.02 2.82 56% 252.0 16.80 9.52 26.32. 7% 31.5 2.10 1.19 3.29 57% 256.5 17.10 9.69 26.79 8% 36.0 2.40 1.36 3.76 58% 261.0 17.40 9.86 27.26 9% 40.5 2.70 1.53 4.23 59% 265.5 17.70 10.03 27.73 10% 45.0 3.00 1.70 4.70 60% 270.0 18.00 10.20 28.20 11% 49.5 3.30 1.87 5.17 61% 274.5 18.30 10.37 28.67 12% 54.0 3.60 2.04 5.64 62% 279.0 18.60 10.54 29.14 13% 58.5 3.90 2.21 6.11 63% 283.5 18.90 10.71 29.61 14% 63.0 4.20 2.38 6.58 64% 288.0 19.20 10.88 30.08 15% 67.5 4.50 2.55 7.05 65% 292.5 19.50 11.05 30.55 16% 72.0 4.80 2.72 ' 7.52 66% 297.0 19.80 11.22 31.02 17% 76.5 5.10 2.89 7.99 67% 301.5 20.10 11.39 31.49 18% 81.0 5.40 3.06 8.46 68% 306.0 20.40 11.56 31.96 19% 85.5 5.70 3.23 8.93 69% 310.5 20.70 11.73 32.43 20% 90.0 6.00 3.40 9.40 70% 315.0 21.00 11.90 32.90 21% 94.5 6.30 3.57 9.87 71% 319.5 21.30 ` 12.07 33..E1 22% 99.0 6.60 3.74 10.34 72% 324.0 21.60 12.24 '. 33 14 23% 103.5 6.90 3.91 10.81 73% 328.5 21.96 1241 34 31 24% 108.0 7.20 4.08 11.28 74%a 333.0 22.26. 12.58 34.78 25% 112.5 7.50 4.25 11.75 75% 337.5 22.50 1'' 12.75 35.25. 26% 117.0 7.80 4.42 12.22 76% 342.0 22.80 12.92 35.72: 27% 121.5 8.10 4.59 12.69 77% 346.5 23.10 13.09 36.19. 28% 126.0 8.40 4.76 13.16 78°/a 351.0 23.40 13.26 36.66 29% 130.5 8.70 4.93 13.63 79% 355.5 23.70 13.43 37.13 30% 135.0 9.00 5.10 14.10 80% 360.0 24.00 13.60 37.60 31% 139.5 9.30 5.27 14.57 81% 364.5 24.30 13.77 38.07 32% 144.0 9.60 5.44 15.04 82% 369.0 24.60 13.94 38.54 33%' 148.5 9.90 5.61 15,51 83% 373.5 24.90 14.11 39.01 34% 153.0 10.20 5.78 15.98 84% 378.0 25.20 14.28 39.48 35% 157.5 10.50 5.95 16.45 85% 382.5 25.50 14.45 39.95 36%\ 162.0 10.80 6.12 16.92 86% 387.0 25.80 14.62 40.42 37% 166.5 11.10 6.29 17.39 87% 391.5 26.10 14.79 40.89 38% 171.0 11.40 6.46 17.86 88% 396.0 26.40 14.96 41.36 39% 175.5 11.70 6.63 18.33 89% 400.5 26.70 15.13 41.83 40% 180.0 12.00 6.80 18.80 90% 405.0 27.00 15.30 42.30 41% 184.5 12.30 6.97 19.27 91% 409.5 27.30 15.47 42:77' 42% 189.0 12.60 7.14 19.74 92% 414.0 27.60 15.64 4324: 43% 193.5 12.90 7.31 20.21 93% 418.5 27.90 15.81 43.71 44% 198.0 13.20 7.48 20.68 94% 423.0 28.20 15.98 44.18 45% 202.5 13.50 7.65 21.15 95% 427.5 28.50 16.15 44..65 46% 207.0 13.80 7.82 21.62 96% 432.0 28.80 16.32 45.12. 47% 211.5 14.10 7.99 22.09 97%\ 436.5 29.10 16.49 45.59 48% 216.0 14.40 8.16 22.56 98°/a 441.0 29.40 16.66 46.06 49% 220.5 14.70 8.33 23.03 99% 445.5 29.70 16.83 46.53 50% 225.0 15.00 8.50 23.50 100% 450.0 30.00 17.00 47.00. Trip Generation Worksheet'for late Based Calculations Project: Stafford Crest#2 Analyst: CAD Project Number: 98-085 Date: 7/6/98 Land Use: Single-Family Detached Housing Checked By: Land Use Code: 210 Date: Site Information Component Quantity Units of Measure Source .Project/Site .,.. able 47 Dwelling'Unit. Site Plan Weekday Daily Traffic (ADT) Component Quantity Units of Measure Source ADT Trip Dwelling ITE Trip Generation, Generation Rate 9.57 Trips/ Unit 6th edition Gross ADT 450 Gross ADT Rate x Site Variable()C) New ADT 450 • New ADT 100%of Gross Trips Weekday PM Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic Component Quantity Units of Measure Source PM Peak Hour Trip Dwelling ITE Trip Generation, Generation Rate 1.01 Trips/ Unit 6th edition Gross PM Peak Trips 47 Gross Trips Rate x Site Variable()C) New PMPeak I ouz`Trips 4.7 New Trips 100%of Gross:Trips Trips and Trip Reduction Factors ADT PM Peak Hour Trips Trip Factors (%) Total Total Directional Distribution AD Peak Hour 2-Way 2-Way T 64%In 36%Out Traffic Volume Volume Gross Total 100% 100% 450 47 30 17 Crossover Trips 0% 0% 0 0 0 0 Pass-By Trips 0% 0% 0 0 0 0 Diverted Trips 0% 0% 0 0 0 0 New Trips: 100%s 100% 450 47 30 • I:7 Subtotal Check 100% 100% 450 47 30 17 Subtotal vs. OK OK OK OK OK OK Gross Total Fg All S TA rFog77 CRg s-r P1VISI01\1 I A-rTAcHM TS GIBSON TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS 'dr p enera ian WarksheetjfO.r. Rate-Based Calculations DI✓!S10N I Project: Potential Develoment West& South of 1iajeet Analyst: CAD Project Number: Date: 12/17/97 Land Use: Single-Family Detached Housing Checked By: ITE TGM Code: 210 Date: Analysis Case: Weekday PM Peak Trip Generation Variables & Results Variable Quantity Unit of Measure Source Project l Site 60 Dwelling Unit Site Plan ADT Trip 9.55 Tri s/ Dwelling 1'1'h "Trip Generation" Manual, Generation Rate p Unit 5th edition Gross ADT 573 Gross ADT ADT Rate x Site Variable • ADT&PM Peak Hour Trips New ADT 573 New ADT Distributed by Trip Type Table PM Peak Hour Trip 1.01 Tri s/ Dwelling ITE "Trip Generation"Manual, Generation Rate p Unit 5th edition Gross PM Peak 61 Gross PM Peak PM Peak Hour Rate x Site Variable Hour Trip Total Hour Trip Total New PM Peak 61 New PM Peak ADT&PM Peak Hour Trips Hour Trips Hour Trips Distributed by,Trip Type Table . . FR.4 S-rAF'ORV CRZ.S1' 17I vIS1ON I A--T-AcN MEITS GIBSON TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS Trip Generation: orksheet for.Rate:-Based Calculations: DIVIDot I Project: Potential Develoment West&South of Lit Analyst: CAD Project Number: Date: 12/17/97 Land Use: Single-Family Detached Housing Checked By: ITE TGM Code: 210 Date: Analysis Case: Weekday PM Peak ADT & PM Peak Hour Trips Distributed by Trip Type Trip Components(%) ADT PM Peak Hour Trips ak ADT P T Hour Total Total 64%In 36%Out Gross Total 100% 100% 573 61 39 22 TDM Credit 0% 0% 0 0 0 0 Pass-By 0% 0% 0 0 0 0 Diverted 0% 0% 0 0 0 0 New Trips . 100% 100%!0 • 573 61. 39 22. Subtotal Check 100% 100% 573 61 39 22 Subtotal vs. OK OK OK OK OK OK Gross Total Table to Check for Rounding Inaccuracies (Values rounded to the nearest hundreth of a trip) Trip Factors (%) ADT PM Peak Hour Trips Peak Hour ADT Total Total 64%In 36%Out Traffic Gross Total OK OK OK OK OK OK Crossover OK OK OK OK OK OK Pass-By OK OK OK OK OK OK Diverted OK OK OK OK OK OK New OK OK OK OK OK OK Subtotal Check OK OK OK OK OK OK TERRA ASSOCIATES Inc. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CITY OF RENTON JUL 2 0 1998 June 19, 1998 RECEIVED Project No. T-3685-4 Mr. Rob Purser Stafford Homes 16016 - 1'18th Place NE Bothell, Washington 98011 Subject: Site Observations Stafford Crest Division 2 NE 36th Street and 112th Place SE Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Purser: As requested, we visited the subject property in June 1997 to conduct a site evaluation to determine if wetland conditions are present on the subject property. We conducted our site evaluation and determination of wetland conditions using the routine methodology outlined in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (1987). These procedures involve analysis of vegetation patterns, soil conditions, and surface hydrology to distinguish between wetland and upland areas. We recently revisited the site to review site conditions during the spring season. PROCEDURES For the purpose of this study, we used the wetland definition adopted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engineers (COE) for administering Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. According to this definition, wetlands are: Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and under normal condition do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. 12525 Willows Road, Suite 101, Kirkland, Washington 98034 • Phone (425) 821-7777 • Mr. Rob Purser June 19, 1998 In accordance with this definition, a given area is designated as jurisdictional wetland if the hydrology results in inundated or saturated soils during the growing season, hydric soils are present, and the dominant vegetation is hydrophytic. Delineation procedures are based on diagnostic environmental indicators of wetland vegetation, wetland soils, and wetland hydrology. These procedures, outlined in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (1987), are commonly known as the Triple Parameter Method. By definition, an area is designated as wetland when there are positive indicators for all three parameters. A listing of plant species has been developed for use in the methodology for delineating wetland areas. This listing assigns plant species to one of five indicator status categories ranging from Obligate wetland species, which almost always occur in wetlands, to Upland species, which rarely occur in wetlands. Under normal conditions, hydrophytic vegetation is determined to be present if more than 50 percent of the dominant species are in the Obligate(OBL), Facultative Wetland (FACW), or Facultative (FAC) indicator categories. Diagnostic indicators of hydric soils are related to soil saturation, which leads to anaerobic conditions in the soil. Under these conditions, decomposition of organic material is inhibited and soil minerals are reduced, giving characteristic soil colors that can be quantified by comparison with Munsell Soil Color Charts. A chroma of one or less in unmottled soils or a chroma of two or less in mottled soils generally indicates a hydric soil. In addition, soils that are saturated during the growing season satisfy a criterion for hydric soils. We used a hand auger to collect soil samples for determination of hydric soil criteria. Wetland hydrology is defined as inundated or saturated soil conditions for at least 5 percent (14 consecutive days) of the growing season. If no water is present at the time of evaluation, other indicators may include topographic low points or channels, flood debris, complete absence of vegetation, or presence of hydric soils. Standardized data forms are available to record observations on each of these parameters. For this project, we completed four Data Forms for the Routine On-site Determination Method. Copies of the Data Forms are included with this report. Site Observations The subject property is located south of the intersection of Lincoln Avenue and NE 36th in Renton, Washington. There is an existing single-family residence on the north end of the property. At present, the remainder of the site is undeveloped and is occupied by a mixed hardwood forest. The dominant tree species present is red alder (Alnus rubra). Also present on the site are big leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), and on the southern end of the property there is some Douglas fir(Pseudotsuga menziesii) and western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla). There are domestic fruit trees present on the northern section of the property, which is somewhat more open and shrubby. The shrub understory over most of the property includes vine maple (Acer circinatum), salal (Gaultheria shallon), and Oregon grape (Berberis aquifolium). There are also extensive patches of Himalayan blackberry (Rubus discolor). Stinging nettle is the most common herbaceous groundcover species on the property. Project No. T-3685-4 Page No. 2 Mr. Rob Purser June 19, 1998 The northwest corner of the property is presently in use as sheep pasture. Vegetation on this section is closely grazed grasses with patches of Himalayan blackberry. The area around the existing house had been cleared in the past and there are several fruit trees. This area has not been maintained and it is grown up in Himalayan blackberry. Topographically, the site is generally flat to gently rolling. It is situated at the top of a steep bank that extends down to May Creek. The property limits extend part way down the steep slope to the south and west. Soils on the property are mapped as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. This mapping is not consistent with our site observations. Soils we observed consisted of fine to medium silty sand to sand with silt. These soils are more consistent with the Ragnar soils series that is also mapped north of the site. Neither soil type is included on the National Technical Committee on Hydric Soils listing of hydric soils. Soil colors across the site are generally brown (1QXR4/4 or 10YR4/3). Conditions on this property are similar to Stafford Crest Division I, immediately to the east. Terra Associates completed a wetland evaluation study for that property. We did not note any surface water or other defined water features on the property. Data Forms 1 and 2 present observations along the east property line where there is a broad swale. Black cottonwood is a dominant tree species here and the stinging nettle is dense. Soils within the swale are generally brown (10YR4/3). There was no free water present within the upper 18 inches. The eastern side of this area was examined during the site evaluation for Stafford Crest Division 1 and it was concluded that wetland conditions are not present within this area. It is our conclusion that there are no wetland conditions or other surface water features on the property or within 200 feet of the property boundaries. We trust the information presented is sufficient for your current needs. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call. Sincerely yours, TERRA ASSOCIATES, INC. Garet P. Munger Project Scientist GPM:kh Encl: Data Forms (4) Project No. T-3685-4 Page No. 3 DATA FORM ROUTINE ONSITE WETLAND DETERMINATION 1987 1989 Describe General Site Dense Himalayan blackbery thicket Data Point No.: 1 Conditions: Site Disturbance? Not recent Location: East property line near northeast corner VEGETATION 174 Dominant Plant Species u Dominant Plant Species i-' 1 Rubus discolor Up! 8 2 9 3 , . 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 14 Percent of dominant species that are OBL, FACW, and/or FAC: Is the hydrophytic vegetation criterion met? Rationale: SOIL Soil Type: Mapped as aldenvood Hydric Soils List: Histic Epipedon? No Mottles? slight Gleyed? no Matrix Color: 10YR4/3 Mottle Colors: Depth: 12" Other hydric soil indicators: no Is the hydric soil criterion met? No Rationale: HYDROLOGY Is the ground surface inundated? no Surface water depth: Is the soil saturated? no Depth to free-standing water in probe hole: Other field evidence hydrology: No Is the wetland hydrology criterion met? no Rationale: Non hydric soils, no evidence of soil saturation WETLAND DETERMINATION Are wetland criteria met? no Rationale for wetland decision: Project Name: Stafford Crest Division II Terra Associates, Inc. Field Investigator(s): GPM 12525 Willows Road, Suite 101 Project No.: 3685-4 Date: 6/9/98 Kirkland, Washington 98034 • DATA FORM ROUTINE ONSITE WETLAND DETERMINATION 1987 1989 Describe General Site Deciduous forest of alder and big leaf maple Data Point No.: 2 Conditions: Site Disturbance? No Location: East side of property south VEGETATION o 8 1~ Dominant Plant Species u Dominant Plant Species cti 1 Sambuccus sp up! S 8 2 Urtica Fac H 9 3 Populus trichocarpa Fac T 10 4 Acer macrophyllum Up! T 11 5 12 6 13 7 14 Percent of dominant species that are OBL, FACW, and/or FAC: Is the hydrophytic vegetation criterion met? no Rationale: SOIL Soil Type: Soils mapped asAldenvood Hydric Soils List: no Histic Epipedon? No Mottles? slight Gleyed? no Matrix Color: 10YR4/3 Mottle Colors: Depth: 12" Other hydric soil indicators: no Is the hydric soil criterion met? no Rationale: Chroma greater than 2 HYDROLOGY Is the ground surface inundated? no Surface water depth: Is the soil saturated? no Depth to free-standing water in probe hole: No free water in 12" Other field evidence hydrology: no Is the wetland hydrology criterion met? no Rationale: No evidence of soil saturation WETLAND DETERMINATION Are wetland criteria met? no Rationale for wetland decision: Non hydric soils, no evidence of soil saturation Project Name: Stafford Crest Division II Terra Associates, Inc. Field Investigator(s): GPM 12525 Willows Road, Suite 101 Project No.: 3685-4 Date: 6/9/98 Kirkland, Washington 98034 DATA FORM ROUTINE ONSITE WETLAND DETERMINATION 1987 1989 Describe General Site Deciduous forest of alder and big leaf maple Data Point No.: 3 Conditions: Site Disturbance? No Location: West of house in pasture VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species L Dominant Plant Species c v, � 2 1 Grazed grasses ? H 8 2 Ranunculus repens Fac H 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 7 14 Percent of dominant species that are OBL, FACW, and/or FAC: Is the hydrophytic vegetation criterion met? no Rationale: SOIL Soil Type: Soils mapped asAldenrood Hydric Soils List: no Histic Epipedon? No Mottles? slight Gleyed? no Matrix Color: 10YR4/3 silt loam Mottle Colors: Depth: 12" Other hydric soil indicators: No Is the hydric soil criterion met? no Rationale: Chroma greater than 2 HYDROLOGY Is the ground surface inundated? no Surface water depth: Is the soil saturated? no Depth to free-standing water in probe hole: No free water in 12" Other field evidence hydrology: no Is the wetland hydrology criterion met? no Rationale: No evidence of soil saturation WETLAND DETERMINATION Are wetland criteria met? no Rationale for wetland decision: Non hydric soils, no evidence of soil saturation Project Name: Stafford Crest Division II Terra Associates, Inc. Field Investigator(s): GPM 12525 Willows Road, Suite 101 Project No.: 3685-4 Date: 6/9,%98 Kirkland,Washington 98034 DATA FORM ROUTINE ONSITE WETLAND DETERMINATION 1987 1989 Describe General Site Deciduous forest of alder and big leaf maple Data Point No.: 4 Conditions: Site Disturbance? Old orchard Location: South of house VEGETATION o 5 Dominant Plant Species ci Dominant Plant Species y 'te % =c71 v 2 1 Domestic Apple Up! S 8 2 Rub us discolor Upl S 9 3 Grassgs If 10 4 Ranunculus repens Fac H 11 5 12 6 13 7 14 Percent of dominant species that are OBL, FACW, and/or FAC: Is the hydrophytic vegetation criterion met? no Rationale: SOIL Soil Type: Soils mapped asAlderwood Hydric Soils List: no Histic Epipedon? No Mottles? slight Gleyed? no Matrix Color: 10YR4/3 Mottle Colors: Depth: 12" Other hydric soil indicators: No Is the hydric soil criterion met? no Rationale: Chroma greater than 2 HYDROLOGY Is the ground surface inundated? no Surface water depth: Is the soil saturated? No Depth to free-standing water in probe hole: No free water in 12" Other field evidence hydrology: No Is the wetland hydrology criterion met? no Rationale: No evidence of soil saturation WETLAND DETERMINATION Are wetland criteria met? no Rationale for wetland decision: Non hydric soils, no evidence of soil saturation Project Name: Stafford Crest Division II Terra Associates, Inc. Field Investigator(s): GPM 12525 Willows Road, Suite 101 Project No.: 3685-4 Date: 6/9/98 Kirkland, Washington 98034 :AGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPA _B00 COLUMBIA CENTER, 701 FIFTH AVENUE Titlb Unit: U-10 SEATTLE, WA 98104 Phone: (206) 628-5623 A.L.T.A.COMMITMENT Fax: (206) 628-9738 SCHEDULE A Order No.: 522285 Officer: MIKE HARRIS/KEITH EISENBREY Your No.: JACKSON SWANSON/SSHI Commitment Effective Date: JULY 20, 1998 at 8 :00 A.M. 1. Policy or Policies to be issued: PREMIUM APPLICABLE BETWEEN S170,001.00-S180,000.00 ALTA Owner's Policy Amount: $175, 000.00 1992 EXTENDED Premium: $875.00 70% RESIDENTIAL RESALE RATE Tax: $ 71.75 Proposed Insured: SSHI L.L.C. , A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Policy or Policies to be issued: Amount: $0.00 ALTA Loan Policy Premium: Tax: Proposed Insured: Policy or Policies to be issued: Amount: $0.00 ALTA Loan Policy Premium: Tax: Proposed Insured: 2 . The estate or interest in the land which is covered by this Commitment is: FEE SIMPLE ,�► (. � C;� ,��� 'C 3 . Title to the estate or interest in the land is at the effective date hereof vested in: EUGENE A. JACKSON, WHO ALSO APPEARS OF RECORD AS EUGENE A. JACKSON, ' JR. , AS HIS SEPARATE ESTATE, AND KIMBELRY K. SWANSON, AS HER SEPARATE ESTATE, AS TO THAT PORTION OF SAID PREMISES LYING WITHIN LOT 70; AND EUGENE A. JACKSON, WHO ALSO APPEARS OF RECORD AS EUGENE A. JACKSON, JR. , AND KIMBELRY K. SWANSON, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS TO THE REMAINDER 4 . The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT • CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY \LTACOMA/080995/RLK CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.TA. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B Order No.: 522285 Your No.: JACKSON SWANSON/SSHI Schedule B of the policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following matters unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS A. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. B. Encroachments, overlaps,boundary line disputes, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. C. Easements,or claims of easements,not shown by the public records. D. Any lien, or right to a lien,for contributions to employee benefit funds, or for state workers' compensation, or for services,labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, all as imposed by law, and not shown by the public records. E. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. F. Any service, installation, connection,maintenance, tap, capacity or construction charges for sewer,water, electricity, other utilities, or garbage collection and disposal. G.Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; Indian tribal codes or regulations,Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. H. Water rights, claims, or title to water. I. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters,if any,created, first appearing in the public records, or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS FOLLOW CI IICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY WLTACOMB CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.TA.COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 000522285 Your No.: JACKSON SWANSON/SSHI SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS A 1. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: TIMOTHY L. MCHENRY, AND WIFE ESTRELLS AND: RENTON WATER DISTRICT RECORDED: NOVEMBER 7, 1977 RECORDING NUMBER: 7711070578 REGARDING: TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE AGREEMENT B AFFECTS: THAT PORTION OF SAID PREMISES LYING WITHIN LOT 70. c 2. PAYMENT OF THE REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX, IF REQUIRED. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SITUATED WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF LOCAL TAXING AUTHORITY OF CITY OF RENTON. PRESENT RATE IS 1.78%. ANY CONVEYANCE DOCUMENT MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THE OFFICIAL WASHINGTON STATE EXCISE TAX AFFIDAVIT. THE APPLICABLE EXCISE TAX MUST BE PAID AND THE AFFIDAVIT APPROVED AT THE TIME OF THE RECORDING OF THE CONVEYANCE DOCUMENTS. n 3. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: 1998 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 334210-3530-02 LEVY CODE: 2100 ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: $ 54, 200.00 ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS : $ 44, 000.00 GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: BILLED: $1, 298.76 PAID: $ 649.38 UNPAID: $ 649.38 s 4 . DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY cltacmbI/1-597/rlm CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.TA.COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 522285 Your No.: JACKSON SWANSON/SSHI. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS GRANTOR: EUGENE A. JACKSON, AN UNMARRIED PERSON, AND KIMBERLY K. SWANSON, AN UNMARRIED PERSON TRUSTEE: STEWART TITLE COMPANY BENEFICIARY: FIRST SECURITY MORTGAGE, INC. AMOUNT: $ 53,200.00 DATED: DECEMBER 28, 1983 RECORDED: DECEMBER 29, 1983 RECORDING NUMBER: 8312290821 LOAN NUMBER: THE AMOUNT NOW SECURED BY SAID DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS UPON WHICH THE SAME CAN BE DISCHARGED OR ASSUMED SHOULD BE ASCERTAINED FROM THE HOLDER OF THE INDEBTEDNESS SECURED. p AFFECTS: THAT PORTION OF SAID PREMISES LYING WITHIN LOT 70. • ASSIGNMENT OF SAID DEED OF TRUST: DATED: JANUARY 4, 1984 RECORDED: JANUARY 9, 1984 RECORDING NUMBER: 8401090712 ASSIGNEE: OLYMPIC SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 5. THE FOLLOWING MATTERS DISCLOSED BY SURVEY RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9403249007: SHED ON SAID PREMISES ENCROACHES SOUTHERLY OF THE SOUTH LINE. 6 . TO PROVIDE AN EXTENDED COVERAGE OWNER'S POLICY, GENERAL EXCEPTIONS A THROUGH D WILL BE CONSIDERED WHEN OUR INSPECTION AND/OR REVIEW OF SURVEY, IF REQUIRED, IS COMPLETED. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS E THROUGH H WILL REMAIN IN THE OWNER'S POLICY TO ISSUE. A SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT WILL FOLLOW. IF THE ANTICIPATED CLOSING DATE IS LESS THAN 4 WEEKS FROM THE DATE CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY cuaanb2/rJm/14197 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T.A.COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 522285 Your No.: JACKSON SWANSON/SSHI SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS OF THIS COMMITMENT, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR TITLE OFFICER IMMEDIATELY. a 7. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN THIS COMMITMENT IS BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH THE APPLICATION AND THE PUBLIC RECORDS AS DEFINED IN THE POLICY TO ISSUE. THE PARTIES TO THE FORTHCOMING TRANSACTION MUST NOTIFY THE TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PRIOR TO CLOSING IF THE DESCRIPTION DOES NOT CONFORM TO THEIR EXPECTATIONS. >c NOTE 1: A SURVEY HAS BEEN RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9403259006, A COPY OF WHICH IS HERETO ATTACHED. NOTE 2 : THE PREMIUM FOR THE FORTHCOMING OWNER'S POLICY IS COMPUTED AS FOLLOWS: STANDARD COVERAGE - $ 525.00 PLUS TAX OF $ 45.15 EXTENDED SURCHARGE - $ 350.00 PLUS TAX OF $ 26.60 x NOTE 3 : EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1997, DOCUMENT FORMAT AND CONTENT REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN IMPOSED BY WASHINGTON LAW. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE DOCUMENT BY THE COUNTY RECORDER. FIRST PAGE OR COVER SHEET: 3" TOP MARGIN CONTAINING NOTHING EXCEPT THE RETURN ADDRESS. 1" SIDE AND BOTTOM MARGINS CONTAINING NO MARKINGS OR SEALS. TITLE(S) OF DOCUMENTS. RECORDING NO. OF ANY ASSIGNED, RELEASED OR REFERENCED DOCUMENT(S) . GRANTORS NAMES (AND PAGE NO. WHERE ADDITIONAL NAMES CAN BE FOUND) . GRANTEES NAMES (AND PAGE NO. WHERE ADDITIONAL NAMES CAN BE FOUND) . ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION (AND PAGE NO. FOR FULL DESCRIPTION) . ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL NUMBER(S) . RETURN ADDRESS (IN TOP 3" MARGIN) . **A COVER SHEET CAN BE ATTACHED CONTAINING THE ABOVE FORMAT AND DATA IF THE FIRST PAGE DOES NOT CONTAIN ALL REQUIRED DATA. - ADDITIONAL PAGES: 1" TOP, SIDE AND BOTTOM MARGINS CONTAINING NO MARKINGS OR SEALS. ALL PAGES: NO STAPLED OR TAPED ATTACHMENTS. EACH ATTACHMENT MUST BE A CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY dtacmb2/rlm/1-15-97 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.TA. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 522285 Your No.: JACKSON SWANSON/SSHI SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS SEPARATE PAGE. ALL NOTARY AND OTHER PRESSURE SEALS MUST BE SMUDGED FOR VISIBILITY. FONT SIZE OF 8 POINTS OR LARGER. THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED AS AN ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON THE DOCUMENTS TO BE RECORDED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF R.C.W. 65. 04. SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHICH MUST ALSO APPEAR IN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT: LOT 2, LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9706109009. END OF SCHEDULE B CI IICAGO T ITLE INSURANCE COMPANY dtacm02/rJm/1-1597 ) • ICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPA 10500 N.H. 8TR STREET, BOITB 1760 Title Unit: U-05 BELLEVUE, WA 98004 Phone: (4 2 5) 6 4 6-9 8 8 3 A.L.T.A.COMMITMENT Fax: (425) 546-9879 SCHEDULE A Order No.: 480601. Officer: TIM DANIELS Your No.: KERSTEM/SSHI Commitment Effective Date: AUGUST 22, 1997 at 8:00 A.I•t. 1, Policy or Policies to be issued: ALTA Owner's Policy Amount: $1,550,000,00 1992 EXTENDED Premium; $2,807.00 COMMERCIAL PRIOR POLICY RATE $ 241.41 Proposed Insured: SSHI, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY cLOPme Policy or Policies to be issued: "CITY OF Air p 4NNI; RENTON Jc, Amount: $0.00 JUI 9 ALTA Loan Policy Premium: 0 Igo 1992 EXTENDED .,a74: REf' E WE'D Proposed Insured: Policy or Policies to be issued: Amoant: y0.00 ALTA Loan Policy Premium; i'aX: Proposed Insured; 2. The estate or interest in the land which is covered by this Commitment is FEE SIMPLE 3, Title to the estate or interest in the land is at the effective date hereof vested in: ARTHUR E. SAUER, PRESUMPTIVELY SUBJECT TO THE COMMUNITY INTEREST OF A SPOUSE IF MARRIED TO ANYONE OTHER THAN HELEN V. SAUER ON OR SINCE APRIL 12, 1978, AND BEFORE A.PRIL 29, 1988. SEE 3UApLEME1.4T igZ Fete v6cT/tyC REtJ/SIOa 4, The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTEON EXHIBIT r:fUC'AC JO11TIP.INSURANCE COMPANY wu:rnrnMA/0 5/RLK #.819£Z9E9QZ 4-eaP0Jd/eI T! olie6t1.10: WdtiO:5 B6—LL—L 'ONI voJ dfO80:A9 AO } CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.TA.COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A (Continued) Order No.: 488601 Your No,: KLRSTEM/S$HI LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXIT MIT (Paragraph 4 of Schedule A eolith maw) PARCEL A; THE EAST 200 FEET OF LOTS 73 AND 74, HILLMAN'S LAKE 4ASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN ADDITION TO SEATTLE NO. 1, AC.CORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 63, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGION. PARCEL B: THE WEST 220 FEET OF LOTS 71, 72, AND 75, HILLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN ADDITION TO SEATTLE NO. 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 63, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID WEST 220 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°02' 57" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE THEREOF, (THE SOUTH MARGIN OF NORTHEAST 36TH STREET) , A DISTANCE OF 21.55 FEET TO A POINT WHICH IS 12.00 FEET EAST OF THE NORTHERLY PROLONGATION OF AN EXISTING FENCE AS SHOWN ON SURVEY RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9403259006; THENCE SOUTH 04°57' 03" WEST ALONG A LINE PARALLEL WITH SAID FENCE 91.06 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°02' 57" WEST A DISTANCE OF 12.00 FEEL TO THE END OF SAID FENCE; THENCE SOUTH 05018' 02" WEST A DISTANCE OF 94.44 FEEL TO AN EXISTING PROPERTY CORNER AS SHOWN ON SAID SURVEY AND THE WEST LINE OF SAID WEST 220 FEET; THENCE NORTH 02°10'43" EAST ALONG SAID WEST LINE A DISTANCE OF 185.05 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. (SAID PARCELS A AND B, TAKEN AS A WHOLE, ARE ALSO KNOWN AS LOT 1, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LUA-96-068—LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9706109009. ) CHIc;Ac)c)'I r ILE INSURANCE COMPAI\Y eQacmae/ .1mi/rtm E #:619EZ9E90Z -8OPOJd/8I4ii o6+e5tgO; 141d90:5 96—L1--L 'ONI 'af10 d11080:AG AOd CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B Order Na.: 4ea601 Your No.: KER$PEM/S$HI Schedule B of the policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following matters unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company, GENERAL EXCEPTIONS A. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public recorc,s. R. Encroachments,overlaps,boundary line disputes,or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. C. Easements,or claims of easements,not shown by the public records. D. Any lien, or right to a lien,for eontribut ons to employee benefit funds, or for state workers' compensation,or for services,labor,or material heretofore or hereafter furnished,all as unposed by law,and not shown by the public records, E. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by tie public records. F. Any service, installation,connection,maintenance,tap, capacity or construction charges for sewer,water, electricity,other utilities,or garbage collection and disposal. G.Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuant e thereof; Indian tribal codes or regulations,Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. H. Water rights,claims,or title to water. I. Defects,liens, encumbrances,adverse claims or other matters,if any,ci eared,first appearing in the public records, or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or'mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS FOLLOVio r.raa. • C:HICAGO TITLE?INSURANCE COMPANY W!.TACOMU #:6 Leene90L «-aOPOJd/a l 4rl 06e6tuU: lldgO:S 96-L L--L : 'ONI `df10J df10d0:A0 An CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T.A.COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No,: 000488601 Your No.: KERSTEM/SSHI SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS A 1. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS, DEDICATIONS, AGREEMENTS AND NOTES, AS CONTAINED IN CITY OF P.ENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LUA-96-068—LLA, RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NU BER 9706109009. 2. PAYMENT OF THE REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX, IF REQUIRED. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SITUATED WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF LOCAL TAXING AUTHORITY OF CITY OF RENTON. PEESENT RATE X.5 1.78%. ANY CONVEYANCE DOCUMENT MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THE OFFICIAL WASHINGTON STATE EXCISE TAX AFFIDAVIT. THE APPLICABLE EXCISE TAX MUST BE PAID AND THE AFFIDAVIT APPROVED AT ]'HE TIME OF THE RECORDING OF THE CONVEYANCE DOCUMENTS. c 3. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: 1997 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 334210-3546-04 LEVY CODE: 2100 ASSESSED VALUE—LAND: $ 78, 000.00 ASSESSED VALUE—IMPROVEMENTS: $ 0.00 GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: BILLED: $:1,083.33 PAID: $ 541.67 UNPAID; $ 541.66 AFFECTS: PARCEL A. P 4. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SIICOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF TIIE TAX YEAR (AMOUN:'S DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: 1997 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 334210-3535-07 LEVY CODE: 2100 ASSESSED VALUE—LAND: $ 120,800.00 ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: N 0.00 CHICAGO'mill INSURANCE COMPA!`Y cIL cmbl/L5A7/Am 5 4:619£Z9£90Z i-aCP0 d/a 14tl oWFL Wd9O:5 : 86-L 1--L : 'ONI win df10dD:A9 An CIIICAGC)TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T.A.COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 488601 Your No.: KERSTEM/SSHI SPECIAL.EXCEPTIONS GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: BILLED: $1,677.09 PAID: $ 838.55 UNPAID: $ 838.54 AFFECTS: PARCEL B. ■ 5. CONTRACT OF SALE AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: SELLER: ARTHUR E. 3AUER AND VIRGINIA E. SAUER, HUSBAND AND WIPE PURCHASER.: ROBERT KERSTEN COMPANY, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP DATED: MARCH 31, 1978 RECORDED: APRIL 17, 1978 RECORDING NUMBER: 7804170448 EXCISE TAX NUMBER: E-467505 AFFECTS: INCLUDES OTHER PROPERTY • 6. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT FOR ROBERT KERSTEN COMPANY. Jt NOTE: A COPY OF THE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT, I.ND AMENDMENTS THERETO, IF ANY, MUST BE SUBMITTED. ✓ 7. ANY CONVEYANCE OR MORTGAGE BY ROBERT KERSTEN COMPANY, MUST BE EXECUTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT AND BY ALL THE GENERAL PARTNERS AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SPOUSES AS OF THE DATE OF ACQUISITION, OR EVIDENCE MUST BE SUBMITTED ':'HAT CERTAIN DESIGNATED PARTNERS HAVE PEEN AUTHORIZED TO ACT FOR THI. PARTNERSHIP. • 8. MATTERS OF RECORD, IF ANY, AGAINST THE NAMES OF THE UNDISCLOSED GENERAL PARTNERS OF ROBERT KERSTEN COMPANY. • 9. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN THIS COMMITMENT IS BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH THE APPLICATION AND THE PUBLIC RECORD$ AS DEFINED IN THE POLICY TO ISSUE. THE PARTIES TO THE FORTHCOMING TRANSACTION MUST NOTIFY THE TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PRIOR TO CLOSING IF THE CHICACIO'rITLI?INSURANCE COMPANY ckacmh2/dm/:.13A1 9 #:6L9EZ9E90Z 4-00p0Jd'a1311 o6e6TUO; Wd90:9 86-LL--L 'ONI 'df1N df1nC:AO An CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T.A.COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (Continued) order No.; 488601 our No.; KERSTEM/SSHI SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS DESCRIPTION DOES NOT CONFORM TO THEIR EXPECIATIONS. L 10. TO PROVIDE AN EXTENDED COVERAGE LENDER'S POLICY, GENERAL EXCEPTIONS A THROUGH D WILL BE CONSIDERED WHEN OUR INSPECTION AND/OR REVIEW OF SURVEY, IF REQUIRED, IS COMPLETED. A SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT WILL FOLLOW. • 11. TITLE IS TO VEST IN 3SHI, AND WILL THEN BE :UBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING MATTERS SHOWN AT PARAGRAPH(S) 12, 13, AND 14 . • 12 . TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT FOR SSHI NOTE: A COPY OF THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMP.PNY AGREEMENT, AND AMENDMENTS THERETO, IF ANY, MUST BE SUBMITTED. p 13 . ANY CONVEYANCE OR MORTGAGE BY SSHI, MUST BE EXECUTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AGREEMENT AND BY ALL THE MEMBERS AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SPOUSES AS OF THE DATE OF ACQUISITION, OR EVIDENCE MUST BE SUBMITTED THAT CERTAIN DESIGNATED MANAGERS/MEMBERS HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO ACT FOR THE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. Q 14 , SATISFACTORY SHOWING MUST BE MADE THAT A CEETXFICA.TE OF FORMATION FOR BSHI, HAS SEEN FILED IN THE OFFICE OF TEE SECRETARY OF STATE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATUTE. R NOTE 1 : A SURVEY HAS BEEN RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9403259006, A COPY OF WHICH IS HERETO ATTACHED. NOTE 2 : EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1997, DOCUMENT FORMAT AND CONTENT REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN IMPOSED BY WASHINGTON LAW. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE DOCUMENT BY THE COUNTY RECORDER. FIRST PAGE OR COVER SHEET: 3" TOP MARGIN CONTAINING NOTHING EXCEPT THE RETURN ADDRESS. l" SIDE AND BOTTOM MARGINS CONTAINING NO MARKINGS OR SEALS. TITLE(S) OF DOCUMENTS. RECORDING NO. OF ANY ASSIGNED, RELEASED OR REFERENCED DOCUMENT(S) . GRANTORS NAMES (AND PAGE NO. WHERE ADDITIONAL NAMES CAN BE FOUND) . GRANTEES NAMES (AND PAGE NO. WHERE ADDITIONAL NAMES CAN BE FOUND) . CIIICAGO TU LE INSURANCE COMPANY clwcmol/rim/t•Efn L CEOEZ9E90Z 4-eO1:OJd/a1 +t1 06e6?UO: PdLO:S 96—LL--L 'ONI dllOR:Ag AO� CHICAGO TITLE.INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.T.A. COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order .: 488601 Ycu No t I�Ic KEPSTEM/SSHL SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION (AND PAGE NO. FOR FULL DESCRIPTION) . ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL NUMBER;S) . RETURN ADDRESS (IN TOP 3" MARGIN) , **A COVER SHEET CAN BE ATTACHED CONTAINING THE ABOVE FORMAT AND DATA IF THE FIRST PAGE DOES NOT CONTAIN ALL REQUIRED DATA. ADDITIONAL PAGES: 1" TOP, SIDE AND BOTTOM MARGINS CONTAINING :FO MARKINGS OR SEALS. ALL PAGES: NO STAPLED OR TAPED ATTACHMENTS. EACH ATTACHMENT MUST BE A SEPARATE PAGE. ALL NOTARY AND OTHER PRESSURE SEALS MUST BE SMUDGED FOR VISIBILITY. FONT SIZE OF 8 POINTS OR LARGER. THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED AS AN ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON THE DOCUMENTS TO BE RECORDED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF R.C.W. 65.04. SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHICH MUST ALSO APPEAR IN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT: LOT 1, LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT RECORDING NUMBER 9706109009, END OF SCHEDULE II CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ch,wm4/riro/t-IJ?7 g #:618EZQE90Z «-OGPOJd/OIOil 06e6tLO; NJdLO:9 ; 86—Ll•-L ; 'ONI win dllOdD:A9 AOa . CHICA..,,J TITLE INSURANCE CCANvl,?ANY 1500 COLUMBIA CENTER, 701 5TH AVE SEATTLE, WA 98104 Order No.: 4.88601 Your No.: f:ERSTEM/SSHI Loan No.: Unit No.: c 5 SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT V ORDER REFERENCE INFORMATION SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER 1 SELLER: ROBERT KERSTEN :OMPANY, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP PURCHASER/BORROWER: SSHI, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY LOAN NUMBER: PROPERTY ADDRESS: WASHINGTON Our Title Commitment dated 08/22/97 at 8 :00 A.M. is supplemented as follows: a THE LIABILITY FOR THE OWNER'S POLICY HAS BEEN AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: COVERAGE; EXTENDED -- COI'MERCIAL PRIOR POLICY RATE LIABILITY AMOUNT: $ 1, 550,000.00 PREMIUM AMOUNT: $ 3,742,00 TAX AMOUNT: $ 321.81 x THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH(S) HAVE BEEN ADDED TO OU:I COMMITMENT: Aa PARAGRAPH NUMBER 15: 1. TO PROVIDE AN EXTENDED COVERAGE OWNER'S POLICY, +l'ENERAL EXCEPTIONS A THROUGH D WILL BE CONSIDERED WHEN OUR INSPECTION AND/OR REVIEW OF SURVEY, IF REQUIRED, IS COMPLETED. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS E THROUGH H WILL REMAIN IN THE OWNER'S POLICY TO ISSUE. A SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT WILL FOLLOW. IF THE INSPECTOR IS NOT ABLE TO LOCATE SURVEY MONUMENTS AT PROPERTY CORNERS AND/OR IS UNABLE TO SIGHT ALONG PROPERTY LINES THEN THE OWNER'S POLICY WILL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTION UNLESS A SURVEY SHOWING THE LOCATION OF THE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE COMPANY IS SUBMITTED: "ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM THE ENCROACHMENT OF PERIMETER FENCES, PERIMETER WALLS AND PLANTINGS OF ANY NATURE ONTO OR OFF FROM THE SUBJECT PROPERTY" . IF THE ANTICIPATED CLOSING DATE IS LESS THAN 4 WEEKS FROM THE DATE OF THIS CI-U A(u)'I'IT M INSURANCE COMPAN Y SUPrU:VM/;I4 Q/L K 6 #:619ENE90L 4-30100,1d/0 14Fl o6e6tyO; Wd90:S 96-L L-L : 'ONI 'af O df10dD:A9 An rTh CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COM"'ANY Order No.: 488601 Your No.: KERSTEM/SSRI Unit No.: 05 SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT (Continued) COMMITMENT, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR TITLE OFFICER IMMEDIATELY. s EXCEPT AS TO THE MATTERS SET FORTH HEREINABOVE, THE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY COVERED BY THIS ORDER HAS NOT BEEN REEXAMINED. AA SEPTEMBER 2, 1997 AUTHORIZED BY: DAVID BE1NNETT CHICAGO'tTtt,t;INSURANCE COMPANY M1PI LOW/II.1. /eK 011#:61,9EZ9E9OZ -eUPO.1d/3I4?1 o6e6ju0: Wd90:9 96—L1—L : '0NI 'dn0 df1080:4 A08 • • CHIC) 0 TITLE INSURANCE CC PANT 10500 N.E. 8th STREET, SUITE 1760 SEW.IEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 Order No.: 4108601 Your No.: ICERSTEM/SSHI Loan No.: Unit No.: 0)5 SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT #2 AC ORDER REFERENCE INFORMATION SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER 2 SELLER: ROBERT KERSTEN COMPANY, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP PURCHASER/BORROWER: SSHI, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY LOAN NUMBER: PROPERTY ADDRESS: WASHINGTON Our Title Commitment dated 08/22/97 at 8 :00 A.M. is supplemented as follows: AD PARAGRAPH(S) NUMBER(S) 5 OF OUR COMMITMENT IS (A.2E) ELIMINATED. Al THE VESTING IN PARAGRAPH THREE OF SCHEDULE A OF ,)UR COMMITMENT IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ROBERT KERSTEN COMPANY, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. AP PARAGRAPH NUMBER(S) 3 AND 4 HAS BEEN AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: u PARAGRAPH NUMBER 3 : AO 1 . GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, I►ELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELYNQU :VT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: 1998 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 334210-3546-04 LEVY CODE: 2100 ASSESSED VALUE-LAND; $, 78,000.00 ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: $ 0.00 GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: BILLED; $1,032 63 PAID: $ 516 32 UNPAID: $ 516 ,31 SEE NEXT PAGE CI IICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SUPPLC:UM/I1.270/P.0 LL#;619EZ9E90Z 4-aaPOJd/a14Ll 06e6zy0, Wd90:9 08—LL—L : 'ONI 'afO df1080:A8 AOd cHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP A ' Order No.: 488601 Your No.: KERSTEM/SSHI Unit No.: 05 SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT (Continued) AFFECTS: PARCEL A An PARAGRAPH NUMBER 4: AZ 2. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: 1998 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 334210-3535-07 LEVY CODE: 2100 ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: $ 120,800.00 ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: 0.00 GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: BILLED: $1,516. 51 PAID: $ 718.26 UNPAID: $ 798 .25 AFFECTS: PARCEL B AJ THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN THIS COMMITMENT SINCE AUGUST 22, 1997, EXCEPT THE MATTERS NOTED HEREINABOVE. Ax DULY 14, 1998 AUTHORtZKO BY; MIKE HAR2IS CHICAGOI7TL1 INSURANCJ COMPANY surucM2/n490/VKc Z L#:6 LAEZ9E90Z -OOPO.1d/O 12ri 06e6t140; Wd60:5 : 96—L l—L 'ONI `df10J df1080:A9 A08 1.@00 COLONIBIA CENTER, 701. 5TH SWATTLB, WA 98104 Order NO,: 522234 PLAT CERTIFICATE - Certificate for Filing Proposed Plat: in the matter of the plat submitted for our approval,this Company has cxat iroad the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of 1 NG County,Washington,add the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County,and from such examinatior,hereby certifies that the title to the following described land situate is said KING Cooly,to-wit: SEE SCHEDULE A(NEXT PAGE;, VESTED IN: FRANK J. CHOSZEWS3CI AND VXRC3INIA n. CHOSZEWSICI, HUSBAND AND WIFE • EXcEFflONS: SEE SCHEDULE B ATTACHED CHARGE: $200.00 TAX: $17.2 0 Rccnrds examined to MINE 24, 1990 at 8:0 0 AM CHICA[+o'trrLE INSURANCE COMPANY By MIRE TIARA'S/KEITHH T3ENBRIN' Title Officer (206)628-5623 nxraRtA/13. / z #:siaEzsesoz — «-MO GeV gOZ l : wdzE:o -'0Ni" 'ono]-dflO :Ae--AO Ordcr NO.: 522234 PLAT CERTiICATE SCHEDULE A (Continued) LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE EAST 350 FEET OF TRACT 70 OF HXLLMAN'S LAKE WASHINGTON GARDEN OF EDEN' ADDITION TO SEATTLE NO, 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THERLOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 11 OF PLATS, PAGE 63, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE NORTH 185 FEET OF THE EAST 110 FEET THEREOF. • CHICAGO TIULE INSURANCE COMP4Q.Y E #:616EZ9E90Z 4-56Z0 99V 90Z l WVZE:Ol! 86-0E-9 .'ONI 'anon dnok:Jl9 %158 y J UI'l—JrJ-177Cs v_iJ•.irl GrJG UGC luoc . . CHICAGO TITLE E INSURANCE COMJFANY Order No.; 522234 PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B This certificate does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following exceptions: GENERAL ExcEPTIONS: A_ Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverse claims or other matters,if any,created,first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires for value of record the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. B. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. C. Encroachments,overlaps,boundary line disputes,and any other matters Which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. D. Easements or claims of easements not shown by the public records. E. Any lien,or right to lien,for contributions to employee benefit funds,or fc r state workers'compensation,or for services,labor,or material heretofore or hereafter furnished,all as in ,osed by law,and not shown by the public records_ F. Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records_ Ci Any service,installation,connection,maintenance or construction charges for sewer,water,electricity or garbage removal. H. General taxes not now payable;matters relating to special assessments and special levies,if any,preceding or in the same becoming a lien. I. Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance':hereof; Indian tribal codes or regulations,Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, inclu ling easements or equitable servitudes. J_ Water rights,claims,or title to water. K. THIS REPORT IS ISSUED AND ACCEPTED UPON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE THOUSAND Dc)LLARS($1000.(X)). Nomin —samoss ru►Trnpnus►/Ee CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMP/NY ti #;B19£Z9£9OZ 4-406 BAP . 0Z -1 WV££:OL. 9B-OE 9 - A68 k . -" .ram r�..r rr• r ..Vr _�V r�vv. • 'I PLAT CERTIFICATE Ordcr No.: 572234 SCHEDULE B (Cantinucd) EXCEPTIONS A 1. EASEMENT AND AHE Tr12MS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE; WATER PUMP, >TORAGE TANK AND PZDES AREA AFFECTED: NOT DISCLOSED RECORDED; TUNE 1, 1967 RECORDING NUMBER; 6183267 SAID F.ASErEN" CONTAINS A PROVISION FOR BEARING THE COST OF MAINTENANCE, REPAIR OR RECONSTRUCTION OF SAID WATER SYSTEM BY THE USERS. c 2. GENET-AL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEDP. ZhAY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HILP UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES): YEAR; 1996 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER! 334210-3522-00 LEVY CODE: 2100 ASSESSED VALUE-LAND; $ 76,500,00 ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: $ 0.00 GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: BILLED: $1, 12.87 PAID; $ 506.44 UNPAID; 6 5C6.43 v 3. THE FOLLOWING MATTERI DISCLOSED BY SURVEY REC')RDED UNDER RECQRD1NG NUMBER 9403249007; 1. DISCREPiNCIES BETWEEN FENCE Li.NES AND 'BOUN)ARY LINES. 2, SHED APPURTENANT TO NORTHEASTERLY ADJOINEZ ENCROACHES OVER BOUNDARY LINE, END OF SCHEDULE B CHICAGO Trni INSURANCE COMPAI N TOTAL F.05 5 *?siaea9sQoz 'anoidnok:Ae"n5H **************************************************************** City of Renton WA Reprinted: 07/20/98 12 :24 Receipt **************************************************************** Receipt Number: R9804380 Amount : 2 , 504 . 16 07/20/98 12 :21 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #1614 STAFFORD Init : LN Project # : LUA98-117 Type : LUA Land Use Actions Total Fees : 27, 449 . 88 This Payment 2 , 504 . 16 Total ALL Pmts : 3 , 004 . 16 Balance: 24, 445 . 72 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 000 . 345 . 81 . 00 . 0007 Environmental Review 500 . 00 000 . 345 . 81 . 00 . 0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 2 , 000 . 00 000 . 05 . 519 . 90 . 42 . 1 Postage 4 . 16 **************************************************************** City of Renton WA Reprinted: 07/20/98 12 :24 Receipt **************************************************************** Receipt Number: R9804382 Amount : 500 . 00 07/20/98 12 :23 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #1614 STAFFORD Init : LN Project # : LUA98- 117 Type : LUA Land Use Actions Total Fees : 27, 449 . 88 This Payment 500 . 00 Total ALL Pmts : 3 , 004 . 16 Balance: 24 , 445 . 72 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 105 . 000 .20 . 345 . 85 Park Mitigation Fee 500 . 00 III °r$- 7 PP, E C.P (9) GEOTECHNICAL REPORT Stafford Crest Division 2 NE 36th Street and 109th Place NE Renton, Washington Project No. T-3685-3 -sf Terra Associates, Inc. 111111111111111 f.tr..ans xostux�<,t�y Prepared for: Stafford Homes Bothell, Washington 1111 June 30, 1998 'EVELOPMENT PLAN,d, 1111 CITY OF RENTON JUL 2 0 1998 lo RECEIVED 9i': ascy'4 P. A"`yet{ TERRA ASSOCIATES, Inc. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology .. ,� and Environmental Earth Sciences June 30, 1998 Project No. T-3685-3 Mr. Rob Purser Stafford Homes 16016 - 118th Place NE Bothell, Washington 98011 Subject: Geotechnical Report Stafford Crest Division 2 NE 36th Street and 109th Place NE Renton, Washington Dear Mr. Purser: As requested, we have conducted a geotechnical engineering study for the subject project. The attached report presents our findings and recommendations for the geotechnical aspects of project design and construction. Our field exploration indicates the site is generally underlain at shallow depths by medium dense to dense silty sand. It is our opinion that the single-family residences may be constructed using conventional spread footings placed on competent native soils or on structural fills. Slab-on-grade floors and pavements may be similarly supported. We trust the information presented in this report is sufficient for your current needs. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call. Sincerely yours, •TERRRA ASSOCIATES,INC. CLL. h /ate David P. Laush ,,S. J. Staff Geologt4 :s • Theodore J. Sche• .' '.E. •. . Principal Engineer 2042 cc: Mr. Steve •�' °. a����i• .+Four, Inc. L. 12525 Willows Road, Suite 101, Kirkland, Washington 98034 • Phone (425) 821-7777 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. 1.0 Project Description 1 2.0 Scope of Work 1 3.0 Site Conditions 2 3.1 Surface 2 3.2 Soils 2 3.3 Groundwater 3 4.0 Geologic Hazards 3 4.1 Erosion 3 4.2 Seismic 3 4.3 Slope Stability 4 5.0 Discussion and Recommendations 4 5.1 General 4 5.2 Site Preparation and Grading 4 5.3 Structural Fill 5 5.4 Slopes and Embankments 5 5.5 Excavations 6 5.6 Foundations 6 5.7 Slab-on-Grade Construction 7 5.8 Lower-Level Walls and Retaining Walls 7 5.9 Stormwater Facilities 7 5.10 Rockeries 8 5.11 Drainage 8 5.12 Utilities 9 5.13 Pavements 9 6.0 Additional Services 10 7.0 Limitations 10 Figures Vicinity Map Figure 1 Exploration Location Plan Figure 2 Retaining Wall Drainage Detail Figure 3 Rockery Cross-Section Figure 4 Reinforced Fill/Rockery Cross-Section Figure 5 Appendix Field Exploration and Laboratory Testing Appendix A (i) Geotechnical Report Stafford Crest Division 2 NE 36th Street and 109th Place NE Renton, Washington 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project consists of a multi-lot development for single-family residences with associated utilities and roadways. Access to the plat will be from NE 35th Street and NE 33rd Place, both located on the east side of Division 2. Both roads will be constructed during the development phase of Division 1. The Division 2 lots will mainly be served by a single road, 109th Place NE, which ends in a cul-de-sac. Site grading proposed to establish lot and roadway grades will consist primarily of cuts varying from two to six feet on the east portion of the site, to structural fills approaching ten feet on the west portion of the site. Rockery construction is proposed to accommodate a grade break on the back of Lots 3 through 9, with heights approaching eight feet. A 25-foot building setback line is proposed from the crest of the 40 percent slopes that adjoin the west property line. Stormwater facilities will include a detention vault constructed on Tract A in the northwest corner of the site. Treated stormwater will be discharged through a control structure to an off-site drainage system that will follow existing roads. The new system will drain west on NE 36th Street, where it will flow down the west slope from NE 36th Street in a Drisco pipe to the discharge at Jones Avenue. Based on our experience with similar projects, we expect the residential structures will be supported on a system of bearing walls and isolated columns. Main floor levels will be framed over a crawl space, with garage floors constructed as slabs-on-grade. We expect structural loads to be about 1 to 2 kips per foot for bearing walls and about 20 kips for interior columns. The recommendations contained in the following sections of this report are based on our understanding of the above design features. If actual features vary, or changes are made, we should review them in order to modify our recommendations as required. We should review the final design drawings and specifications to verify that our recommendations have been properly interpreted and incorporated into project design and construction. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK From June 19, 1997 to June 11, 1998, we explored the site soils by excavating 37 test pits to depths from 6 to 20 feet below existing grades. Of these 37 test pits, 14 of the test pits were found to lie within or near the boundary of Division 2. Using the information obtained from the subsurface exploration, we performed analyses to develop geotechnical recommendations for project design and construction. June 30, 1998 Project No. T-3685-3 Specifically,this report addresses the following: • Soil and groundwater conditions • Site preparation and grading • Suitability of native soils for use as fill • Recommendations for import fill material • Slopes, embankments, and excavations • Foundation support • Slab-on-grade support • Stormwater facilities • Rockeries • Drainage • Utilities 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS 3.1 Surface The project site is located southwest of the intersection of NE 36th Street and 110th Place SE in Renton, Washington, as shown on the Vicinity Map,Figure 1. The property has gross dimensions of 415 feet by 950 feet. In general, the site slopes gently down from Elev. 270 in the southeast corner to Elev. 215 in the central northwest corner. A greater than 40 percent slope is located on the west perimeter. The property is bordered on the west, south, and east by scattered residences and undeveloped land. May Creek is located 500 to 1,000 feet south and west of the site. Site vegetation consists of maple, alder, and cottonwood trees, and low-growth vegetation consisting of blackberries and stinging nettle. 3.2 Soils On the site, surficial organic topsoil and forest duff range in thickness from 6 to 18 inches. We generally encountered roots at two to three feet below grade, with occasional isolated roots to five feet. Underlying the topsoil, we encountered medium dense to dense, fine silty sand over most of the site to the depths explored. In a few of the deeper excavations, we encountered glacial till consisting of very dense silty sand to silty sand with gravel from 12 to 20 feet. Page No. 2 June 30, 1998 Project No.T-3685-3 A more detailed description of the subsurface conditions encountered is presented on the Test Pit Logs in Appendix A. The Exploration Location Plan,Figure 2, shows the approximate test pit locations. 3.3 Groundwater With the exception of Test Pit TP-10 on Tract A of Division 1, we did not observe groundwater seepage in our test pits. At Test Pit TP-10, we observed light seepage at a depth of 14 feet. This depth corresponds with the depth where relatively dense till-like soils were observed. Fluctuations in groundwater seepage levels should be expected on a seasonal and annual basis. The amount of seepage will be highest during extended periods of heavy precipitation and during the wet winter months. 4.0 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS 4.1 Erosion The subject property is mapped in the Soil Survey of King County Area, Washington, (U.S. Soil Conservation Service) as Alderwood gravelly sandy.loam. This classification is not consistent with soils we observed over most of the site. In our opinion, the soils would be more representative of the Ragnar soil series, which is also mapped north of the site. These classifications are consistent with the soils we observed. With the existing slope gradients over most of the site, these soils will have a low to moderate potential for erosion when exposed. Where site gradients increase,the soil erosion potential will be high. Erosion protection measures, as required by the City of Renton,will need to be in place concurrent with the start of grading activity on the site. 4.2 Seismic The Puget Sound area falls within Seismic Zone 3, as classified by the 1994 Uniform Building Code (UBC). Based on the soil conditions encountered, and the local geology from Table 16-J of the UBC, a site coefficient of 1.2 should be used in design. Liquefaction is a phenomenon where there is a reduction or complete loss of soil strength due to an increase in water pressure induced by vibrations. Liquefaction mainly affects geologically recent deposits of fine-grained sands that are below the groundwater table. Soils of this nature derive their strength from intergranular friction. The generated water pressure, or pore pressure, essentially separates the soil grains and eliminates this intergranular friction, thus eliminating the soil's strength. Based on the soil and groundwater conditions we encountered, it is our opinion that there is no risk for liquefaction to occur at this site during an earthquake. Page No. 3 June 30, 1998 Project No.T-3685-3 4.3 Slope Stability We did not observe site conditions that would indicate unstable slope conditions exist at the site. Slope conditions observed on the western slopes were stable and there was no surficial evidence that previous slope failure had occurred at the site. The soil conditions encountered at the test pits exhibit moderate to high strength characteristics. In our opinion, provided recommendations outlined in this report are followed, the planned grading and a minimum building setback of 25 feet from the slope crest, as allowed by the City building code, would not impact the current stability of the site slopes nor those on adjacent properties. 5.0 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 General Based on our study, in our opinion, there are no geotechnical considerations that would preclude site development as planned. The residences may be supported using conventional spread footing foundations bearing on competent native soils below the upper 12 to 18 inches of surficial soils or, if required, on compacted structural fill. Pavements and floor slabs may be similarly supported. The native soils encountered at the site contain a significant amount of fines and when wet will be difficult to compact as structural fill. The ability to use native soil from site excavations as structural fill will depend on its moisture content and the prevailing weather conditions at the time of construction. If grading activities will take place during the winter season, the owner should be prepared to import clean granular material for use as structural fill and backfill. Detailed recommendations regarding the above issues and other geotechnical design considerations are provided in the following sections. These recommendations should be incorporated into the final design drawings and construction specifications. 5.2 Site Preparation and Grading In areas receiving fill, and below pavements, slabs, and foundations, it will be necessary to strip and remove vegetation and organic surface soils. Based on our study, surface stripping depths of 6 to 18 inches should be expected to remove the organic topsoil. Stripped vegetation should be removed from the site. Organic topsoil will not be suitable for use as structural fill,but may be used for landscaping purposes. Prior to placing fill and to prepare building and pavement subgrades, we recommend proofrolling all exposed surfaces to determine if any isolated soft and yielding areas are present. If excessively yielding areas are observed, they should be recompacted in place or overexcavated to expose firm bearing soil and replaced with structural fill to final grade. We should observe all proofrolling operations. Page No. 4 June 30, 1998 Project No. T-3685-3 Competent bearing material for building foundations should consist of medium dense to dense native soils. It may be necessary to carry the foundations deeper through the loose surficial soils and root mat to expose competent subgrade material. Foundations may also be placed on properly placed and compacted structural fill. Slab-on-grade floors and pavements may be constructed on any native inorganic soil that is first compacted to a non-yielding condition or on compacted structural fill as needed. A representative of Terra Associates, Inc., should perform field evaluations at the time of construction to verify stable subgrades. 5.3 Structural Fill Our study indicates that most of the native soils contain a moderate percentage of fines (silt size particles). In general, the inorganic silty sand excavated on-site will be suitable for reuse as structural fill material, provided it can be properly placed and compacted. However, the ability to use the native soils as structural fill or backfill will depend on their moisture contents and the prevailing weather conditions when site grading activities occur. Moisture conditioning may be necessary depending on the silt and moisture content of the material. If site grading takes place during the wet winter season or begins in the fall and extends into winter, it may be necessary to import suitable wet weather structural fill. For this purpose, we recommend importing a clean granular material that meets the following grading requirements. U.S. Sieve Size Percent Passing 3 inches I 100 No. 4 75 maximum No. 200 5 maximum* *Based on the 3/4-inch fraction. Before use, Terra Associates, Inc., should examine and test all materials imported to the site for use as structural fill. Structural fill should be placed in uniform loose layers not exceeding 12 inches and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the soil's maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM Test Designation D-698 (Standard Proctor). The moisture content of the soil at the time of compaction should be within two percent of its optimum, as determined by this ASTM standard. In non-structural areas, the degree of compaction could be reduced to 90 percent. 5.4 Slopes and Embankments All permanent cut and fill slopes should be graded with a finished inclination of no greater than 2:1 (Horizontal:Vertical). When grading is complete, slope faces should be thoroughly compacted and track-walked and then appropriately vegetated or provided with other physical means to prevent erosion. All fill placed for embankment construction should meet the requirements described in the Structural Fill section of this report. Subgrades should be prepared as discussed in the Site Preparation and Grading section of this report. Page No. 5 June 30, 1998 Project No. T-3685-3 Final grades at the top of the slopes must promote surface drainage away from the slope crest. Water should not flow uncontrolled over the slope face. If it is necessary to direct surface runoff towards the slope, it should be controlled at the top of the slope, piped in a closed conduit or an appropriately lined channel installed on the slope face, and taken to an approved point of discharge beyond the slope toe. 5.5 Excavations All excavations at the site associated with confined spaces, such as utility trenches and lower building levels, must be completed in accordance with local, state, or federal requirements. Based on current Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, the majority of the site soils consisting of silty sand outwash would be classified as Group C soils. For excavations more than 4 feet and less than 20 feet in depth, side slopes should be laid back at a minimum slope inclination of 1.5. If there is insufficient room to complete excavations in this manner, you may need to consider using temporary shoring to support the excavations. The above information is provided solely for the benefit of the owner and other design consultants, and should not be construed to imply that Terra Associates, Inc., assumes responsibility for job site safety. It is understood that job site safety is the sole responsibility of the project contractor. 5.6 Foundations Foundations may be supported on competent native soils or on structural fills that have been placed and compacted on competent native soils, as described in the Site Preparation and Grading section of this report. Foundations exposed to the weather should be a minimum of 18 inches below final exterior grades. Interior foundations can be constructed at any convenient depth below the floor slab. Foundations can be dimensioned for a net allowable bearing capacity of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf). For short-term loads, such as wind and seismic, a one-third increase in this allowable capacity can be used. With structural loading as anticipated and this bearing stress applied, estimated total settlements are about one inch and less. For proportioning foundations to resist lateral loads, a base friction coefficient of 0.4 can be used. Passive earth pressure development acting on the sides of the footings and buried portion of the foundation stem walls can also be considered. We recommend calculating this lateral resistance using an equivalent fluid weight of 350 pounds per cubic foot (pcf). We recommend not including the upper one foot of soil in this computation because it can be affected by weather or disturbed by future grading activity. This value assumes the foundation will be constructed neat against competent native soil or backfilled with structural fill as described in the Site Preparation and Grading section of this report. The passive value recommended includes a safety factor of 1.5. Page No. 6 June 30, 1998 Project No. T-3685-3 5.7 Slab-on-Grade Construction Slab-on-grade floors may be supported on a subgrade prepared as recommended in the Site Preparation and Grading section of this report. Immediately below the floor slab, we recommend placing a four-inch thick layer of clean, free-draining sand or gravel that has less than three percent fines passing the No. 200 sieve. This will prevent wetting of the floor slab due to capillary movement of water through the underlying soil. Where moisture by vapor transmission is undesirable, a durable polyethylene vapor barrier should also be installed. This vapor barrier should be placed on the capillary break layer and then covered with two inches of clean sand to prevent damage during construction and to aid in uniform curing of the concrete floor. 5.8 Lower-Level Walls and Retaining Walls The magnitude of earth pressures developing on lower-level walls or retaining walls will partly depend on the wall backfill. We recommend placing and compacting wall backfill as structural fill. To prevent development of hydrostatic pressure, subsurface drains must be installed behind all walls. Figure 3 shows a typical recommended retaining wall drainage detail. With proper wall backfill and drainage, we recommend designing unrestrained walls for an active earth pressure imposed by an equivalent fluid weighing 35 pcf. For restrained walls, an additional uniform lateral pressure of 100 psf should be added. These values assume a horizontal backfill condition and that no other surcharge loading, such as traffic, sloping embankments, or adjacent buildings, will act on the wall. If such conditions will exist, the imposed loads must be included in the wall design. Friction at the base of foundations and passive earth pressures will provide resistance to these lateral loads. Values for these parameters are provided in the Foundations section of this report. 5.9 Stormwater Facilities As noted earlier, based on soil texture, we believe the SCS soil classification at the site would be Ragnar, as opposed to Alderwood. However, based on extensive infiltration testing, the permeability of the soils is indicated to be relatively low. Therefore, for analysis and design of stormwater facilities, we recommend using Hydrologic Soil Group C. A stormwater detention vault will be constructed on Tract A in the northwest corner of the site. At this time, we were not provided with any details for constructing the vault. We expect the vault will bear at a depth of six to ten feet below existing grade. Our field exploration indicates that the soil conditions encountered in the vault area should consist of medium dense sandy silt to dense silty sand. The vault foundation can be designed using the parameters recommended in the Foundations section of this report. Given the expected vault depth, its foundations can be designed for an allowable bearing capacity of 5,000 psf. The magnitude of earth pressure development on the vault walls will partly depend on the quality of the wall backfill. We recommend placing and compacting wall backfill as structural fill. To guard against hydrostatic pressure development, wall drainage must be installed. Page No. 7 June 30, 1998 Project No. T-3685-3 With wall backfill placed and compacted as recommended and drainage properly installed, we recommend designing unrestrained walls for an active earth pressure equivalent to a fluid weighing 35 pcf. For restrained walls fixed only at the top, the wall should be designed for an effective fluid pressure of 50 pcf. These values assume a horizontal backfill condition and that no other surcharge loading, such as traffic, sloping embankments, or adjacent buildings, will act on the walls. We understand that stormwater from the vault will be discharged through a Drisco pipe, surface-mounted on the western slopes. Based on our observations, it is our opinion that installation of the pipe would have no adverse impacts on the stability of the slopes provided: a) Clearing is restricted to the pipe alignment. b) Areas of exposed soils are revegetated or provided with other covering to mitigate potential erosion. c) The Drisco pipe is installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 5.10 Rockeries We understand rockeries will be used as grade breaks for the back of Lots 3 through 9 on the site. A rockery is not intended to function as an engineered structure to resist lateral earth pressures as a retaining wall does. The primary function of a rockery is to cover the exposed excavated surface and thereby retard the erosion process. Soil conditions encountered in most of our test pits indicate loose to medium dense sandy silt to silty sands, over dense, silty sands. The loose to medium dense silty sands will not stand near-vertical for rockery construction. If rockeries are facing the silty sand soils with heights greater than four feet, we recommend excavating out the silty sands and reconstructing the area as a reinforced structural fill rockery. Rockeries of four feet and less can be constructed against the loose to medium dense silty sands without reinforcement. We recommend limiting rockeries to a height of eight feet where placed against the dense silty sand soils and against the reinforced fill section. Typical rockery construction details are included on Figures 4 and 5. The construction of rockeries is, to a large extent, not entirely controlled by engineering methods and standards. It is imperative that rockeries are constructed properly and with care. An experienced contractor, with a proven ability in rockery construction, should perform the work. The rockeries should be constructed with hard, sound, and durable rock in accordance with accepted local practices. 5.11 Drainage Final exterior grades should promote free and positive drainage away from the building sites at all times. Water must not be allowed to pond or collect adjacent to foundations or within immediate building areas. In addition, surface water must not be directed to discharge towards the western site slopes. Runoff from roofs and yards should be collected and tightlined to the development stormwater facilities. Page No. 8 June 30, 1998 Project No. T-3685-3 We recommend providing a minimum drainage gradient of three percent for a minimum distance of ten feet from building perimeters, except in paved locations. In paved locations, a minimum gradient of two percent should be provided unless provisions are included for collection and disposal of surface water adjacent to the structures. Roof gutter drains should be tightlined away from the structure and not tied to the wall or perimeter foundation drains. Drains and surface runoff collected from impervious surfaces should be tightlined to discharge at an approved location, taking care not to impact adjacent slopes and properties. 5.12 Utilities Utility pipes should be bedded and backfilled in accordance with American Public Works Association (APWA) or City of Renton specifications. At a minimum, trench backfill should be placed and compacted as structural fill, as described in the Structural Fill section of this report. 5.13 Pavements Pavements should be constructed on subgrades prepared as described in the Site Preparation and Grading section of this report. However,regardless of the degree of relative compaction achieved, the subgrade must be in a firm and relatively unyielding condition prior to paving. The subgrade should be proofrolled with heavy construction equipment to verify this condition. The pavement design section is dependent on the supporting capability of the subgrade soils and the traffic conditions to which it will be subjected. For traffic consisting mainly of light passenger and commercial vehicles, with only occasional heavy traffic in the form of moving trucks and trash removal vehicles, and with a stable subgrade prepared as recommended, we recommend the following pavement sections: • Two inches of asphalt concrete (AC) over six inches of crushed rock base (CRB) • Two inches of AC over four inches of asphalt treated base (ATB) Paving materials used should conform to Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) specifications. Long-term pavement performance will depend on surface drainage. A poorly-drained pavement section will be subject to premature failure as a result of surface water infiltrating into the subgrade soils and reducing their supporting capability. For optimum pavement performance, we recommend surface drainage gradients of no less than two percent. Also, some degree of longitudinal and transverse cracking of the pavement surface should be expected over time. Regular maintenance should be planned to seal cracks when they occur. Page No. 9 June 30, 1998 Project No. T-3685-3 6.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES Terra Associates, Inc., should review the final design and specifications in order to verify that earthwork and foundation recommendations have been properly interpreted and incorporated into the project design and construction. We should also provide geotechnical services during construction in order to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications, and recommendations. This will allow for design changes if subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated before the start of construction. We request a notice of two working days minimum be given to schedule our services during construction. 7.0 LIMITATIONS This report is the property of Terra Associates, Inc., and was prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. This report is intended for specific application to the Stafford Crest Division 2 project and for the exclusive use of Stafford Homes, Group Four, Inc., and their authorized representatives. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. The analyses and recommendationspresented in this report are based upon data obtained from the test pits Y P P excavated on-site. Variations in soil conditions can occur, the nature and extent of which may not become evident until construction. If variations appear evident, Terra Associates, Inc., should be requested to reevaluate the recommendations in this report before proceeding with construction. Page No. 10 wi SF I5T 2 $H �R i[fe r�� �i�'[ .�'.X 1:5T _ i5�" CF <TaiST TN SI: ST P� JS'Slit S-�03 Ia x n. vux ru sro�f s .tia . _ ...yp. y°_'i'rs s a r N a 4 _1 i I. yb tv slm, 1 \�[\AEU i% , \ - � el a xl =YE v> w H K P�` ,;; a m \- _v st * 5 SE --1 Y.,.•. c. 64TM N -LET-,�I u n l�it= s nus ,7 /A/4^•.r S.Y �r .� Y„?.. L,� r F]N h�n �> =�'tt 6�n,n It E'S�iY I- ,W.. 1`�.,..41 MILLSIOC �'i W =EA' S. _.,,, lJg ° s k. _ S ST>a:4�• ,... L6Bi TE 9300 N SE-1+68TH I"' -- i % SE r v 40 ( r a ST aoo r > " 9 ' .v t'lfC1 em Dr � gj .1 i x Y x3 4y a a C'S i.a•$r,T II{ .LZ • \ 4) r`. 'AI H rani i "5 T-O-1F5�4 Is• s o-'-. 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S ., <' '>\ I ='M roo z W A% -- _ `"6 '' Rev, 3C �'. }W �s�,<'I .? �T;'ya _-{1,-w,o{ SE 9S.ST Nucki7$ G 1Ke r, 37 _ `S•41,1 „,,`„ =,�SIF,Ss �,*"E.n 'YEi� 1 PAOK _ xo 2 2stN ST- - i =; ' HIPJGTOIJ i� } `J1REND ▪ SE= Jf NE 215E . f § < " u" Y Ai '1X �A ( rc \S y R,NE 20TN C uoo nao rt • , •� 1A7N Titbit s St : z a' 1 \ ,9 11 •S " i 1 I rt ,S A S" ?`' t 4'e°f �AE4-I SE G06 N ST lE NE k :ir qtr.. -0 1. Ibf.4.,AQs ..,. ,, Uo00 • i. „ ,,ww.: ` .8. , li ..3 aE,`', ,.1 4 �« BOAT LAU H y 1 - :�._ ��, <... .+ \ R e \1 •i y�SiNE Y(JI $ W # . = z.- i l'1,�1M �� t,/ fi <�w1 ^ _S • T "IIAM�,a 51' �E i3'N°L 1D <p_ • SE WI.ST \. O �>-- 1 l x UM ST - }, �;. / 1 et E NEi2T11 1,..., f W 1 NE a 4k 8 - 12TH :r=g $T JPARK • Si, 1-. ST p. ': :1 nos F. z500 { Jy0 ..i �K97ao CS''. r NEI +f K 3 D 8 *�w�. �N• _ f rt uM i J v'� , ;� PAR R ? I t C t:- a,y �` k L. ' \crç _�ARDRII I Jf e� �/ \ 1t '���# W Clow R s s .E 11. �� ' sa4 UEM]I i�� �P�t \ , I(� "a �.c i s 73�.[c R° 'w _io. ` 1 :BOf1AG S� 54 ..: \�,� S}I♦ q lOM ST a H. < N 4. ST mn; \.RENiDN \ 0t ? S • ff t�FEI f• 9�fifN__ • a/1.•i; 1 1 PLAN/ j� _ i End © 9 7�S. i C � `� w>Y` K.Ali REFERENCE: THE THOMAS GUIDE, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, PAGES 596 AND 626, 1998 EDITION. I 1 VICINITY MAP miggeal TERRA STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 .ilispeas ASSOCIATES RENTON, WASHINGTON Geotechnical Consultants Proj. No.3685-3 Date JUNE 1998 Figure 1 Ace a, p-faU � 1 K711177 ourte-tmM.lK !-pnK I I / ,... . '! •i `Y ' __ �A 36th STREE FOREST AVE.) h _T__ 3P,�E7' • __ 1 $, ` th ST. s4 rx_ c• I. TRACT A (. 13 v 41 1 I Q I ( i+ �J ,1, I ''y- STOMA OIUNAOE 1, - ZI 1 I 4 �_ay L TRACT A / i ' `.AND OPEN SPACE I 1ASS d J .\,, ,S30.20O SF. j`"',------ip— 4I II Ir p2 171(..!. I 5t--2 ""'I 1 `�`--® -F1_� /9' % _ i ) I II k �• ' I IIor, av-, [44' 1._ __� 1 } , ,;� �'•, , 1 I I' o n 4 1 1 5 s'<ii' ' NE 35th Si' ... / II- -f Iil ,,; . ...4,0`' 15 1 LL �151� ,�;, ,/�_ --- ___- },� ; a`,'tit \` •',,`\\,Ni , NGSO i ') (/ 1 ` I ;"I VI .\, % tiI 6 q�t�� 16 f / _ �`, )f Pv ,,•Q _ 47" 34 I,71 ' ;' APPROXIMATE SCALE i__ oEN, '� ,z it J — I fo I • - �r°�, "1 ' j 120 0 120 240 feet �1 i �� ` ��'-,i'�''" J, T ' -----•--j` •dit} 35 I '4 •I , J,, i, J/ -1 17 Eil -------;:=1 1 *, - -----\ ` �"' 1 'i Z 46 r- -___v."- I ; 1' f I ' s- r'nt_ _ 1 ,� , ; rr %' �= -•' — — y�- ;'�— T— ,_J-- LEGEND: k --� I I Imo' -- ------ ' \ j _I;'" 44 1 "" 11 j APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF TEST PIT (DIVISION 2) I; 73 ' A--fr7 :i < -�.� ; - `_ ( s4 ';, ® APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF TEST PIT (PREVIOUS STUDY) i ----- f ; It 39 j" I ; L_- t, I TP 7 : I' / 43 t ' ' % ' _ — . 1: 1 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF TEST PIT WITH INFILTRATION I 21 — I; I i I ,�' r I^ jj' " TEST (PREVIOUS STUDY) - - ------__, I I' 41 1 i 40 ' I �' ! - 22 I ---1 , \•, \, .. 1 T P-22,- — Ji — — 1 I I / I1} I ' I ---J __� 1 -' I 1' 52 1 I _ __ T —t— ,---23------ -- --,—t2r= -----L-=-"fi---- '--=_=__=�- —I r / 1 REFERENCE: -- ---I — �1 — —_=— —y h 1 _ __ ,,_____„_, 1 i I -1 40 I 39 4 3e I 37 1 • , �' r L 1 _ ,______- I ;' ; 1, PLAT PLAN PREPARED AND PROVIDED BY GROUP FOUR, INC., r_� , 24 $ \ ', I j 'NE 33r _ __ / I I _ A%/ / 1/ JOB No. 97-8008, DATED 7/98. \I -i ' %' S0 1, i 1 -r—26 --\ J // '� I 1 -_4 j y65 1- I�: /4y 'I 1- 66 { ,i /9 it ` j I, ' 27 '1 , , A [ /- . J 34 j 1 44,.1 ._1�NE E ST. VIP 0t 63 4• ♦ f "� '�' t hD —} II„���"'" ii y� Access a -� I�t,N�o�EJ t` p0. 1 -- w J �Mo j.11�_ ..a IITSU31-a 3,' ,-^---- ' �f /? _ / i 6? O NOCYN Ol ` -Y i � 11 I 1 45 I (, 46� 60 `). 1 ¢ i -4 Ili' I 29 i I 30 1 ;I 32, CM ;33 ?-----7--- I ', 1 I I �`1 I j i I J 1 s6 1,, I I 4 I ,�( i 7 I I'�1 i 4 ; ,$ I,, A/ EXPLORATION LOCATION PLAN ``. 1 L TERRA STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 li r / ';� tl ;� ' � ,,I �\���sis ASSOCIATES RENTON, WASHINGTON �''`- «' Geotechnical Consultants Proj. No.3685-3 Date JUNE 1998 Figure 2 12" MINIMUM WIDE ---� F • FREE—DRAINING GRAVEL SLOPE TO DRAIN 12" .. —F k4ete.0 : .•::. • • :. .7- .'•:••. •:' - . :• •"' : 2". • '.. \\*Itt: • :• • • ...s• •• • •- • • ••• • . •••:- • 1-• l' ••••• Vit- • ....' :•• ••. • • . : .. ..:•".• ':• :- •.• :* .• I • . • EXCAVATED SLOPE �•• (SEE REPORT FOR tg. • •• •:• • _ - APPROPRIATE r INCLINATIONS) 41":" .. .••• • - . •• :.•• - / 4\N441V::•;`:1t:::i • ,. . •• . _i' COMPACTED STRUCTURAL • BACKFILL 1 kr.1E11".tiggilitlit.titt:.I- 12" OVER THE PIPE 4" 3" BELOW THEPIPE DIAMETER PVC PERFORATED PIPE NOT TO SCALE RETAINING WALL DRAINAGE DETAIL 9 TERRA STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 lig#8 kserus ASSOCIATES RENTON, WASHINGTON Geotechnical Consultants Proj. No. 3685-3 Date JUNE 1998 Figure 3 Slope 2:1(H:V) 2 Swale for surface drainage control 1 /. K<`/"/\ \ // /, defilya i,2.••0i0.0 ieO O.O i frig.io \\\\\ ,/,/ Competent undisturbed . ...., native soils o . 0 .0. E le 0�0. a e cO wo:°.•\ ••••••• hi 6 \\� o•O:.ao 0 /,Jo. ••••••• ia(MA.• \ = co l.•.•. \ 3 �. •0.0 ' Crushed rock filter o tO•O�� material, between 1.5 \\\\ ' . i ucig:� and 3 inch size with \ iil .0.0. less than 2% fines. i g ••••••4 •O.Oii ` •u.O�of /�` \\ 18 in min. 4 in. min '' gravel bedding �\\. ,kes•is I Firm undisturbed soil to be verified Keyway 12 in. by Soil Engineer y min. 4 in. minimum diameter drain pipe surrounded by clean washed pea—gravel Keyway should be sloped or gravel. down towards the face being protected NOT TO SCALE ROCKERY CROSS-SECTION weal TERRA STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 1.51serlati ASSOCIATES RENTON, WASHINGTON Geotechnical Consultants Proj. No.3685-3 Date JUNE 1998 Figure 4 Slope 2:1(H:V) max. 2 1 Swale for surface drainage control %' 4' ✓` Mirafi 5XT Geo nd or a uivalent N•r r4;41., reinforcement approved by •4••••••.•4 Geotechnical Engineer. \.�\ �/j ��� � � (see reinforcing schedule below) •.A.•.4.1. 1.5 to 2.5 Ir•••r rfr x 1 �.�.•.•..• 0 � • • �r .:•*NIS ' E r r r r • )�aii•f•r44 1.5 .;. e.�. : . ,6 \\\\. /ram ; — •.`.•.`.' Compacted Structural Fill '47) !o•r•r•r74 1.5 = rrr•r•••, r4:4:.%.41.: Ir•rrrr•; 111 •4%.%.01•P Crushed rock filter �•s•••ib2 material, between 2 1.5 ♦r•r•w•e• and 4 inch size. w w.w % 18 ini min. ,,,� .+.V>. %, -\,. ,\\., ,> - , .i gtzt. Y , Grade at Rockery face 1 Firm undisturbed 3 in. min. soil to be verified Keyway 12 in. Y Y -4 in. minimum diameter by Soil Engineer min. drain pipe surrounded by gravel meeting WSDOT Keyway should be sloped 9-03.12(2) specifications down towards the face being protected GEOGRID REINFORCING SCHEDULE Rockery Height No. of Grid Layers Grid Length (L) 4' 2 4' 6' 3 5' 8' 4 6.5' NOT TO SCALE REINFORCED FILL/ROCKERY CROSS-SECTION \�, TERRA STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 � ASSOCIATES RENTON, WASHINGTON Geotechnical Consultants Proj. No.3685-3 Date JUNE 1998 Figure 5 APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING Stafford Crest Division 2 NE 36th Street and 109th Place NE Renton,Washington We performed our field exploration using a trackhoe and rubber-tired backhoe on September 2, 18, and 19, 1997. We explored subsurface soil conditions at the site by excavating 37 test pits to a maximum depth of 20 feet below existing grade. Of the 37 test pits, 14 of the test pits were found to lie within or near the boundary of Division 2. The test pit locations we used for this report are shown on Figure 2. The test pit locations were approximately determined by pacing and visual references from existing property lines and site features. The Test Pit Logs are presented on Figures A-2 through A-8. A geotechnical engineer from our firm conducted the field exploration and classified the soil conditions encountered, maintained a log of each test pit, obtained representative soil samples, and observed pertinent site features. All soil samples were visually classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System described on Figure A-1. Representative soil samples obtained from the test pits were placed in closed containers and taken to our laboratory for further examination and testing. The moisture content of each sample was measured and is reported on the Test Pit Logs. Grain size analyses were performed on selected samples, the results of which are shown on Figures A-9 through A-13. Project No. T-3685-3 MAJOR DIVISIONS LETTER TYPICAL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Clean GW Well-graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no GRAVELS Gravels fines. less than J cn ( GP Poorly-graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or o a; N More than 5% fines) no fines. Cn To'(7). 50% of coarse fraction is GM Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures, non plastic 0 2 > larger than No. fines. Gravels z ..a) with fines E 4 sieve GC Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures, plastic fines. cc o No Clean a SANDS Sands SW Well-graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines. 0 Lc Z (less than Poorly-graded sands or gravelly sands, little or no lz c More than 5% fines) SP fines. ¢O a). 50% of coarse o " fraction is SM Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures, non-plastic fines. U 2 smaller than Sands No. 4 sieve with fines SC Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures, plastic fines. Inorganic silts, rock flour, clayey silts with slight J -r O SILTS AND CLAYS ML plasticity. _ O 2 RI CL Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, (lean clay). E o N Liquid limit is less than 50% N O o c•6 OL Organic silts and organic clays of low plasticity. Z_ � as0 Q c MH Inorganic silts, elastic. 0 al• _c a`) SILTS AND CLAYS - c CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. Z ° cn Liquid limit is greater than 50% - -- I 2 OH Organic clays of high plasticity. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT Peat. DEFINITION OF TERMS AND SYMBOLS w Standard Penetration 2„ OUTSIDE DIAMETER SPLIT Q S Density Resistance in Blows/Foot ISPOON SAMPLER cc O Very loose 0-4 T 2.4" INSIDE DIAMETER RING SAMPLER o Loose 4-10 OR SHELBY TUBE SAMPLER o Medium dense 10-30 z Dense 30-50 Y WATER LEVEL (DATE) Very dense >50 Tr TORVANE READINGS, tsf Standard Penetration Pp PENETROMETER READING, tsf Q Consistency Resistance in Blows/Foot DD DRY DENSITY, pounds per cubic foot J U Very soft 0-2 LL LIQUID LIMIT, percent o` Soft 2-4 F- Medium stiff 4-8 PI PLASTIC INDEX Stiff 8-16 Very stiff 16-32 N STANDARD PENETRATION, blows per foot Hard >32 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM TERRA STAFFORD CREST, DIVISION 2 ASSOCIATES RENTON, WASHINGTON Geotechnical Consultants Proj. No. T-3685-3 Date MAY 1998 Figure A-1 Test Pit No. TP-1 Logged by: ABK Approximate Elev. 230' Date: 9/2/97 Depth Moisture (ft.) Soil Description Content 0 6 inches Forest Duff. - Brown SILTY SAND;fine,trace to few gravel and clay, - medium dense, moist. (SM) 5 Gray-brown SILTY SAND;fine, dense, moist. (SM) 14 Gray-brown SILTY SAND;fine,cemented, occasional gravel and cobbles, - thin interbeds of hard sandy silt, dense to very dense, moist. (SM) 10- - Test pit terminated at 11 feet. - No groundwater encountered. 15 Test Pit No. TP-2 Logged by: ABK Approximate Elev. 232' Date: 9/2/97 Depth Moisture (ft.) Soil Description Content nio)0 3 to 6 inches Forest Duff. - Light gray-brown SILTY SAND;fine, occasional boulder and scattered - gravel, some cementation, medium dense to dense, moist. (SM) 16 5- - Less silty. 16 10— 8 _ Gray-brown SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL;fine,fine to coarse gravel, 10 very dense, moist. (SM)(Glacial till) 15— Test pit terminated at 14 feet. No groundwater encountered. TEST PIT LOGS TERRA STAFFORD CREST, DIVISION 2 beie ASSOCIATES RENTON, WASHINGTON Geotechnical Consultants Proj. No. T-3685-3 Date MAY 1998 Figure A-2 Test Pit No. TP-3 Logged by: ABK Approximate Elev. 262' Date: 9/18/97 Depth Moisture (ft.) Soil Description Content (%) _ Topsoil and organic silty sand;one large boulder, loose, moist. _ Gray-brown SILTY SAND;fine, occasional seam of silt, medium dense, (moist to)very moist. (SM) 5— Test pit terminated at 7 feet. - No groundwater encountered. 10 Test Pit No. TP-4 Logged by: ABK Approximate Elev. 245' Date: 9/19/97 Depth Moisture (ft.) Soil Description Content(oho) 0 6 inches Topsoil over brown silty sand;fine, loose, moist. 9 5 Gray-brown SAND; fine,trace silt, cemented,occasional angular _ boulder, occasional seams of cemented till-like silt,few roots in silt, medium dense to dense, moist. (SM) 8 10- - Test pit terminated at 10.5 feet. No groundwater encountered. TEST PIT LOGS TERRA STAFFORD CREST, DIVISION 2 0. 9 ASSOCIATES RENTON, WASHINGTON Geotechnical Consultants Proj. No. T-3685-3 Date MAY 1998 Figure A-3 Test Pit No. TP-5 Logged by: ABK Approximate Elev. 235' Date: 9/19/97 Depth Moisture (ft.) Soil Description Content (%) 0 6 inches Topsoil over organic silty sand;fine, loose, moist. Brown SILTY SAND;fine,some cementation,medium dense, moist. (SM) 5— Brown SILTY SAND to SAND WITH SILT;fine, occasional to few cobbles and boulders,occasional seams of cemented coarse sand and 11 _ silt, medium dense to dense, moist(to very moist).(SP/SM) 10 Test pit terminated at 10 feet. - No groundwater encountered. Test Pit No. TP-6 Logged by: ABK Approximate Elev. 252' Date: 9/19/97 Depth Moisture (ft.) Soil Description Content(%) 0 6 inches Topsoil over organic silty sand; fine, loose, moist. • Brown to gray-brown SILTY SAND to SAND WITH SILT; fine,some - cementation, medium dense to dense, moist. (SM) 8 5- 10— 12 _ Test pit terminated at 10.5 feet. No groundwater encountered. TEST PIT LOGS iiim �``�e91 TERRA STAFFORD CREST, DIVISION 2 t �� ASSOCIATES RENTON, WASHINGTON Geotechnical Consultants Proj. No. T-3685-3 Date MAY 1998 Figure A-4 Test Pit No. TP-7 Logged by: ABK Approximate Elev. 228' Date: 9/19/97 Depth Moisture (ft.) Soil Description Content (%) Topsoil and organic silty sand;loose, moist. 13 Brown SILTY SAND; fine, some cementation,occasional cobbles 5— and angular boulders,seams of hard sandy silt, medium dense to very dense, moist to very moist. (SM) _ Test pit terminated at 9.5 feet. 1 No groundwater encountered. Test Pit No. TP-8 Logged by: ABK Approximate Elev. 225' Date: 9/19/97 Depth Moisture (ft.) Soil Description Content 0 Black organics and debris. Gray-brown SANDY SILT, (to silty sand with clay); mottled,till-like, - occasional boulders and cobbles, fine, medium dense, moist. (MLJSM) 15 5 _ Gray-brown SILTY SAND;fine, some cementation, interbedded with finer siltier sand,dense, moist. (SM) 12 Test pit terminated at 9.5 feet. 10— No groundwater encountered. TEST PIT LOGS TERRA STAFFORD CREST, DIVISION 2 .��0��� RENTON, WASHINGTON � 1 ASSOCIATES Geotechnical Consultants Proj. No. T-3685-3 Date MAY 1998 Figure A-5 • Test Pit No. TP-10 Logged by: ABK Approximate Elev. 227' Date: 9/2/97 Depth Moisture Content (ft.) Soil Description (%) 0 Forest Duff _ Brown SILTY SAND;fine,trace to little gravel, cemented and till-like, _ trace to little clay, medium dense,moist. (SM) 5 — Brown SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL;fine, some clayey seams, dense, moist to very moist. (SM) 10— _ 22 - Gray SILTY SAND;fine,some cementation,trace to little clay, - dense to very dense,wet.(SM) 15-- 17 _- Gray SILTY CLAYEY SAND with gravel;fine,cemented,few cobbles, thin interbeds of sandy silt,very dense,very moist to wet. (SC-SM)(Till-likelTill) 20 Test pit terminated at 20 feet. Light groundwater seepage encountered at 14 to 15 feet. • Test Pit No. TP-22 Logged by: ABK Approximate Elev. 240' Date: 9/18/97 Depth Moisture (ft.) Soil Description Content 0 Forest Duff and organic silty sand; loose, moist. • - Brown SILTY SAND;fine,some cementation, laminations of silt, _ medium dense, moist to very moist. (SM) 5— Test pit terminated at 6 feet. - No groundwater encountered. 10 TEST PIT LOGS ���� ` \`� ��� TERRA STAFFORD CREST, DIVISION 2 ASSOCIATES RENTON, WASHINGTON isoGeotechnical Consultants Proj. No. T-3685-3 1 Date MAY 1998 Figure A-6 Test Pit No. TP-101 Logged by: RW Approximate Elev. Date: 6/11/98 Depth Moisture (ft.) Soil Description Content 0 _ (0 to 6 inches) Sandy SILT with roots and organics, dark brown, moist, medium stiff. (ML) Silty SAND, brown, fine, medium dense, moist, blocky structure. (SM) 5 24.6 _ Silty SAND to SAND with silt, light brown,fine, medium dense. (SM-SP) 10- 19.6 - Test pit terminated at 12 feet. _ No groundwater seepage. 15 Test Pit No. TP-102 Logged by: RW Approximate Elev. Date: 6/11/98 Depth Moisture (ft.) Soil Description C nt)nt 0 (0 to 4 inches) Sandy SILT with roots,dark brown, moist, medium stiff. (ML) - Silty SAND,brown,fine, medium dense. (SM) 5— 29.8 - Trace gravel at bottom. 22.4 10 _ Test pit terminated at 10 feet. _ No groundwater seepage. 15 TEST PIT LOGS TERRA STAFFORD CREST, DIVISION 2 ASSOCIATES RENTON, WASHINGTON Geotechnical Consultants Proj. No. T-3685-3 Date JUNE 1998/ Figure A-7 Test Pit No. TP-103 Logged by: RW Approximate Elev. Date: 6/11/98 Depth Moisture (ft ) Soil Description Content (%0 _ (0 to 4 inches) Sandy SILT with grass roots, dark brown, moist, loose. (ML) Silty SAND with gravel, brown, moist, medium dense to very dense. (SM) 20.4 5- 10- - More gravel,very dense. 12.7 - Test pit terminated at 12 feet. _ No groundwater seepage. 15 Test Pit No. TP-104 Logged by: RW Approximate Elev. Date: 6/11/98 Depth Moisture (ft.) Soil Description Content _ (0 to 4 inches) Sandy SILT with grass roots, dark brown, moist, stiff. (ML) 5— Silty SAND, brown,fine, moist to wet, dense. (SM) 23.0 10 27.7 Test pit terminated at 11 feet. No groundwater seepage. 15 TEST PIT LOGS TERRA STAFFORD CREST, DIVISION 2 ASSOCIATES RENTON, WASHINGTON Geotechnical Consultants Proj. No. T-3685-31Date JUNE 1998 Figure A-8 SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES I NUMBER OF MESH PER INCH, U.S. STANDARD GRAIN SIZE IN MM \\ \\\\ \ 54 OOboaNOg• a 8 r t NC) WN N? _. 4.w Noo A P Ng O P. W N 1OO 0 0 m 1.411 90 10 0 D—I 80 0 20 -v =. (�fll m (J)7:3 m c) O X 70 30 m _ n D_ Z z —I ti —4 60 40 n D �l 0 N z 1-n M 50 50 m (I) CO70 < 40 60 CO -o m a. = 30 70 m z - I • 2 0 • 2 i^' U) 20 80 coo D c../ m m0 73 10 - 90 o ODz - - Fir z nu) 0 1pp t o II 11a 11 0, LI 1 1 I b I , 0, , 0 1 0 f 1 � 100 7o N 8 O 8 co O O O O O co rn ? W N -. bo bo t.,4 IV coO rn Ob b N b O O O O O g z N�'�' GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS °° w N = D COARSE I FINE COARSE I MEDIUM I. FINE 2 o D COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINES Ln OZ O(n c z Key Test Pit Depth USCS Description Moisture LL PL N Number (ft.) Content (%) D 1 • TP-2 4.0 SM silty SAND with gravel co 0 TP-2 9.0 SM silty SAND SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES I NUMBER OF MESH PER INCH, U.S. STANDARD GRAIN SIZE IN MM W CA - W _ .p p pN. O O O pO b b 1 OON rn A CA N N?-.FOOD O Co ? A O O O O O O OOi - Pa IN O a 2 .OP (. N O L 90 - 10 P , (-go D—I 80' — 20 5 u rn -o m 73 O ( 70 ,, 30 m g nD z — -1 60 40 (7 DEi -�, O a —I - > 1-n m 50 50 m Cl) 70 --< 40 60 CO v m :+ O. G) 30 - 70 m _ G) z -1 = O --1 w N 20 80 can D '� I 0 I �-1-1 _ -' z M 10 90 -1� D o c J ,- z 0 1 I I Ili ccII. I III ) III I I I W I I I I I I III I 100 x N 8 8 8 O O 8 0 O O Co Cr, A W N bo b) A W N b rn b W N -O O O O 0 m > m GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS A w N co 2 CDZD COBBLES COARSE GRA FINE COARSE 1 MEDIUM SAND I FINEFINES 03 0< f -n 2 zz O Cn Test Pit Depth Moisture USCS Description z Key LL PL N.) Number (ft.) Content (%) 0I • TP-4 8.0 SP—SW SAND 0 TP-5 6.0 SM silty SAND SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES I NUMBER OF MESH PER INCH, U.S. STANDARD GRAIN SIZE IN MM \\ \\\\ \ N Of p O O O O O O O O O O O O 100 N O' w N N .-. a►o..!J oo - . O O O O O Q� - c.+ N -�Po O� �► w N O I 90 10 Pli A . 0 `D D 80 0 20 T. C)rn -p m w m XJ 0271 70 30 m a nD z -4 - —I 60 40 C� 07-7 D Ti o z 73 ITI rn 50 - _ - - - 50 mu) 30 -< 40 60 CO v m c). G) 30 70 m m n o _ —i w C/) 20 - 80 Co Cr D I Xi-lG7 _ c,a m O D 10 - 90 -i�7 - - o p CD Z 0 11 I I I ! 1 11 I H I I I I I I IIIIIII I I I T I T ! 100 3o iv O O O CO O C) O O O co O .A W N OO Of :A W N coO O> Ob Ob b O O O O O b Z N m GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS c' w N = D COARSE IFINE COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE z o > COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINES 2 G)< r— illZOin c z Key Test Pit Depth USCS Description Moisture LL PL CD" N Number (ft.) Content (%) ).- I • TP-10 16.5 ML sandy SILT 0 TP-101 5.0 SM silty SAND with gravel SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES I NUMBER OF MESH PER INCH, U.S. STANDARD GRAIN SIZE IN MM WCn -� W N. O O O O b b \\ \\\\ \ NI O 00 O O O 0 CD O O CD O r N O � CA Ni N� •ACW N. CO 4. J. O O O CD O O a, � W N - CO O a. CA N 100 0 • AA 90 10 o SD—I 80 20 -0 Cn I-Tl -o m o U)7_,I m 070 c- c� 70 I 30 m o(7).9 nD m a c —I 60 40 c) D -ri 0 ET Z a .> 71 ' 50 50 Cn (r) m .70 03 40 _ * 60 �< , m_ C.) 30 - 70 m = c.)—z i _ 0 --1 U' 20 80 cn co(-Ti D I 70-T1 c `'' m 1 73 10 90 Z —1_,_,0 o OpZ nCf) 0 1 , 1 11 ip 1 I 1I I ! i ' 1 ! tl i I 1 I t I 1 it 1 ! 100 �J (.f O O O O O O O ? CA NJO CAN CDO O O CD O O b b O b O O O Cr) A NJ 0 c:,co 4, O O >"mm SS GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS co - W NJM (D/)-HD = COARSE I FINE COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE co Z IC) D COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINES co c-)< r ,n Z O (n cz Key Test Pit Depth USCS Description Moisture LL PL Number (ft.) Content (%) N I • TP-101 12.0 SM silty SAND N 0 TP-103 5.0 SM silty SAND with gravel SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES I NUMBER OF MESH PER INCH, U.S. STANDARD GRAIN SIZE IN MM E,'' 1 OON N N O\D N CO . - O 1,?) 8 O O S•OOi . W N � 3 o, - W N O 90 10 PL _ . . - ' - . . ccs.,- D—I 80 . 20 U)m m m 70 30 c7 o O� Z nD m --I c —1 60 40 n El n D - 0 —I z X) 1-n M 50 50 rn (I) X) 03 -< 40 60 CO 0. GD 30 70 m = G) oz _ 2 i.., 20 • 80 --4 co —I -11 I 7) G7 (--' m 10 90 ZcD - o ODZ .+ z 1 11 ii 11a l I L I I I I r 1 I 1 I I l 1 I I I I III 1 100 n N �O O O O O O 8 O O O 4' w " ba O W N O O O O O O O O O O O p '� N O O O � � '�" v+ N o 0 0 0 o O m >�'�' GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS w N = D COARSE FINE COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE w z< > COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINES , zz , o c z Ke-, y Test Pit Depth USCS Description Moisture LL PL N Number (ft.) Content (%) 1 • TP-103 12.0 SM silty SAND with gravel w l‘; I.. � ( `)) CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE REPORT STAFFORD CREST DIVISION-2 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON GROUP FOUR JOB #97-8008 I ; 1 I GROUP FOUR, Inc. 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell, WA 98011 (206) 362-4244 • (425) 775-4581 FAX(206) 362-3819 CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE REPORT STAFFORD CREST DIVISION-2 RENTON, WASHINGTON •B• NF w4 OF WAS,/ > '�.fi p4� ,c`� • 31 SONAL '":9.41.9e EXPIRES 10/26/?S September 4, 1998 Prepared For: Prepared By: STAFFORD HOMES GROUP FOUR,Inc. Contact: Rob Purser Contact: Steve Anderson 16016-118th Place NE 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell, WA 98011 Bothell, WA 98011 Phone: (425) 488-2222 (206) 362-4244 • (425) 775-4581 I 1 i I TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I Project Overview SECTION II Downstream Analysis SECTION III . Preliminary Retention/Detention Analysis SECTION IV Preliminary Water Quality Analysis Stafford Crest #97-8008 SECTION I Project Overview • GROUP FOUR,Inc. 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell,WA 98011 Stafford Crest #97-8008 PROJECT OVERVIEW PROJECT: Stafford Crest, Division-2 SITE AREA: 10.3 acres (9.23 acres Developed, 1.07 acres to remain undisturbed.) SITE LOCATION: The site is located on the south side of NE 36th Street between 110th Ave SE and 112th PL NE in the City of Renton, Washington. EXISTING LAND USE: Site vegetation consists of maple, alder and cottonwood trees and low growth vegetation. PROPOSED LAND USE: It is proposed that the site be developed with 52 single- family residences with accompanying roads and utilities. SURROUNDING LAND USE: The property is bordered on the north by NE 36th Street, on the east by the proposed plat of Stafford Crest, and on the west and south by scattered single-family residences and undeveloped land. SOILS: The on-site soils are mapped on Sheet 5 of the King County Area, Washington, Soil Survey as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, which belongs to hydrologic soil group "C". However, this classification is not consistent with the findings of the "Preliminary Geotechnical Report" prepared by Terra Associates, Inc. dated July 10, 1997 (Project No. T-3685). Based on this report, the on-site soils are more representative of the Ragnar soil series, which is also mapped north of the site. The Ragnar soil group belongs to hydrologic soil group "B". However, per the attached 2-2-98 Memorandum from Ted Schepper, PE of Terra Associates, Inc., the on-site soils will be modeled as hydrologic soil group "C" for the analysis and design of storm water facilities. GROUP FOUR,Inc. 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell,WA 98011 1 Stafford Crest #97-8008 / I I 29 1 28 1 �� i2I` �,m s SE 80TH ST �� z r Pi 0c 7 V) m < '3 !i0 r•0 f- .. F �' m rn , SITE 69 0 3 2 ' 0� 1 �pc ....., / 1 NE 33RD ST N 30TH ST / N- 31ST Sr likk i i 4- ((` NE' 27TH ST IV i 1; y z c) z 5 Q 4 O z 0 a �'• BLvD VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1" = 1/2 MILE. Figure 1 —Vicinity Map GROUP FOUR,Inc. 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell,WA 98011 F.AX • ,.�. TERRA ASSOCIATES, Inc. MEMORANDUM ``\` • Consultants in t;eotechnical Engineering,Geology and Environmental earth Sciences • To: Rob Purser Fax Number: 488-0295 Stafford Homes • Date: 2-2-98 From: Ted Schepper, PE Project Number: 3685 Subject: Soils Hydrologic Classification Project Name: Tharp Property Renton,WA Rob: As discussed in our July 11, 1997 geotechnical report, from a geologic perspective, we believe the soil conditions at the site would be more representative of a Ragnar soil series as opposed to an Alderwood soil as mapped by the SCS in their"Soil Survey of King County". Alderwood soils are typically glacial till which is comprised of a weathered to unweathered silty sand with gravel. The soils at the site are not till and were likely deposited from glacial outwash. Although from a geologic perspective the soils would not be Alderwood, from a hydrologic perspective their permeability characteristics would be similar particularly when considering a typical upper weathered glacial till zone. As discussed in our October 1 S`h, 1997 supplemental report on infiltration,the outwash soils on this site are dense and contain a sufficient amount of fines, which will limit their permeability. Therefore we believe it would be appropriate to t:nalyze and design storm water facilities using a hydrologic group "C" rating. We trust the information presented is sufficient to meet your current needs. Should you have any questions please call. cc: Carmen Vanier Group Four,Inc. 362-3319 Ted Sclxepper,PE 12525 Willows Road,Suite 101,Kirkland,Washington 95034 Phone No.(206)S21-7777 Fay:: 321-4334 - ...�irrrl—�� _ � - OD\ \940 11CYI __ 2/0: ...!2:. f — 'r- .-.+..cam I C\' --= �- . 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III _ A it r*14-,_: _ \ . tk. ••r• 4.ti 13 jr 1 V ". e : , V ' /fi411/..0 • I Ka., • . 1 '%": A 5 1) ,„ Ns ,-,' I' ' • 41_ SITE =�'d _,.. _ lb, ... • it , :Ill.;•- '.\' t J.I \ - 'I ':. • . .. i • h , v \ ' Wi•l• ii.: ::1.:.% • ' i \\ • -*LW-W*4\ :•" : ' Ke•nn dale �� 1 " li„ � / : .-�/' ( .1)..,„.. -- � � �; , is Y AEFESIMIRIR fl. O - :- .�\._• •� Coleman Poin .' __•.'_ --- —_tl ��_ �� � ` ,// ``_. • ' ii. � ( ' I I � © ,1 _/ . lB i v • _ f --AN\ '.....--.)__Ia ‘47,i• B_±,.. =-:::[:57. Figure 3 —Quadrangle Map Scale 1" = 2000' GROUP FOUR,Inc. 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell,WA 98011 • • CONTENT LIST FOR DRAINAGE REPORT -• . .. . • FOR CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE PLAN • A. Stamped and signed by a Washington P.E. on the front page. Complete Technical Information Report (TIR) Worksheet B. Briefly describe the construction involved. • . • C. Describe existing and proposed on-site drainage features. D. CORE AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS • • 1. Show that Core Requirements 1-5 in Section 1.2 are addressed. . . • • 2. Show that all Special requirements in Section 1.3 that are applicable to this project are addressed. • E. Use the SBUH/SCS hydrograph method to compute required on-site detention. (Using 2,10, and 100 24 hour design storm events for pre-developed and post- developed conditions (6 separate peak flows). This should show sizing for the . . peak rate runoff control(retention/detention) facility, with a routing table. F. Biofiltration preliminary and conceptual design calcs (per Section 4.6), if for project site sub-basins with more than 5000 square feet of new impervious area subject to vehicular use or storage of chemicals. G. Wet pond sizing preliminary and conceptual design calcs (if there is more than 1 acre of new paved impervious area and meets other conditions of Special Requirement # ). . H. A Level 1 Off-Site Analysis, as described in Core Requirement 112. (Level 2 or 3 analysis may be requested later if a downstream problem is found or anticipated from review of the initial submittal of the Drainage report). ALL REFERENCES REFER TO THE 1990 KING COUNTY SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL. • • • 31-242:KD5:pa • • • • • Stafford Crest 497-8008 RESPONSES TO CONTENT LIST OF DRAINAGE REPORT FOR CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE PLAN A. This "Conceptual Drainage Report" accompanies the Conceptual Drainage Plan, and has been stamped and signed by a Profession Engineer licensed in the State of Washington. A completed copy of the Technical Information Worksheet is included in Section I of this report. B. It is proposed that the subject property be developed with 52 single-family residences, and accompanying paved roadway and utilities. The proposal will result in significant, mass lot grading. The site and NE 36th Place are located within Renton City limits. The frontage improvements required along NE 36t Street are currently an ongoing topic of discussion between the developer and the City of Renton, and will require further investigation. It is anticipated that the proposed sidewalk along the frontage of Stafford Crest will be extended along Division-2's frontage and pavement will be added to the north side of NE 36th Street. As a result, frontage improvements have not been included in this conceptual submittal package. C. The existing and proposed on-site drainage features are discussed in Section I of this report(see Drainage Analysis). GROUP FOUR,Inc. 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell, WA 98011 Stafford Crest #97-8008 D. 1. Core Requirements Core Requirement#1: Discharge at the Natural Location As discussed in the Proposed Drainage section of this report, a minor, localized diversion of storm water runoff is proposed. Instead of the storm water sheet flowing to the west down to Jones Road it will be piped from the detention structure west along the unopened right-of-way for NE 36th St down to Jones road. An energy dissipator will be installed along the east side of Jones Road prior to the water being released into the existing roadside ditch of Jones Road. The ditch will be cleaned out to the south to the existing culvert which will need to be replaced with a new larger culvert. Core Requirement #2: Off-Site Analysis Refer to Section II of this report for discussion of the downstream drainage system. Core Requirement #3: Runoff Control Refer to Section III of this report for a Preliminary R/D Analysis and Design. Core Requirement#4: Conveyance System Upon final engineering design, the proposed conveyance system will be sized and designed in accordance with Core Requirement#4. Core Requirement #5: Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control A detailed temporary erosion and sedimentation control plan will be prepared upon final engineering design. GROUP FOUR,Inc. 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell,WA 98011 Stafford Crest #97-8008 RESPONSES TO CONTENT LIST OF DRAINAGE REPORT FOR CONCEPTUAL DRAINAGE PLAN (Continued ...) 2. Special Requirements Special Requirement #5: Special Water Quality Controls Since roughly 1.72 acres (greater than 1.0 acre) of impervious surfaces subject to vehicular use are proposed, and a Type 2 stream is located within one mile of the project site, the project is subject to Special Requirement #5, as outlined in Section 1.3.5 of the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. As a result, an"oversized" wetvault is proposed. The design water surface area of the wetvault will be equal to or greater than 1.5 percent of the total impervious surfaces subject to vehicular use. The design dead storage volume of the wetvault will be equal to the total volume of runoff from the tributary sub-basin under developed conditions using a water quality design storm event having a total precipitation, Pt- wq, where Pt-wq is one-third of the 2-year/24-hour total precipitation. The resulting design volume will be increased by 50 percent as required by the City of Renton. E. See Section III of this report for a Preliminary R/D Analysis & Design. F. It is proposed that an"oversized" wetvault be provided in lieu of providing a biofiltration swale with the dead storage volume designed to 150 % of the standard volume (see D-2 for sizing requirements). G. See Section IV of this report for a Preliminary Water Quality Analysis. H. Refer to Section II of this report for the required Downstream Analysis. GROUP FOUR,Inc. 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell,WA 98011 Stafford Crest #97-8008 DRAINAGE ANALYSIS Existing Drainage The subject property is located in the May Creek drainage basin. Storm water runoff from the sub-basin is overland to the west, exiting the site as sheet flow across the west side of the property as unconcentrated flow. The flow travels 350 feet before being collected by the roadside ditch of Jones Avenue. The ditch crosses under Jones by means of a concrete culvert located below the mid-point of the site. The culvert outlets to a channel that travels 100 feet and outlets to May Creek. This culvert appears to be outlet restricted and may need to be replaced or relayed. May Creek flows to the north approximately 0.5 miles and crosses under I-405. The creek reaches Lake Washington after flowing another 0.5 miles past I-405. GROUP FOUR,Inc. 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell,WA 98011 Stafford Crest #97-8008 Proposed Drainage Per Core Requirement #1 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM), "All surface and storm water runoff from a proposed project that proposes to construct new, or modify existing drainage facilities must be discharged at the natural location so as not to be diverted onto, or away from, the adjacent downstream property". However, no well-defined drainage system currently exists immediately downstream of the sub- basin, and discharge is currently unconcentrated. In addition, portions of the conveyance system located downstream have limited capacity, and potential for impacts to adjacent properties exists (refer to the Downstream Analysis located in Section II of this report). Therefore, to minimize potential downstream impacts, developed storm water runoff from the subject property will be discharged as described below. It is proposed that developed storm water runoff be conveyed from a detention vault located in the northwest corner of the site to an established drainage system. The proposal is to convey the developed storm water runoff from the detention vault westerly along the unopened right-of-way of NE 36th Street. The drainage is to be conveyed in butt fused HDPE pipe anchored along the surface of the hill and down to Jones Ave NE as shown on the Off-Site Roadway and Drainage Plan which was included as part of this preliminary submittal. Prior to the point of discharge to the natural drainage system, the flow will be dissipated in a vault and then released to the existing roadside ditch along Jones Road. This ditch may require regrading to remove debris and vegetation up to the existing cross culvert. This culvert will also be replaced and upsized to a larger capacity culvert. Here flows from the sub-basin will combine with the natural, downstream discharge. Therefore, the proposed project will result in what can be considered minor, localized diversions of storm water runoff. Calculations will be provided to ensure the adequacy of the downstream conveyance system to convey developed storm water flows from the whole sub-basin. The downstream conveyance system will be sized to direct 100- year developed overflows safely without adverse impacts. The only proposed non-collected, by-pass area will be the area west of the 25 foot buffer line off of the +40 % slopes. This area, 1.07 acres, will remain undisturbed and will not be included in the detention calculations. GROUP FOUR,Inc. 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell,WA 98011 • Page l of 2 King County Building and Land Development Division TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET PART 1 PROJECT OWNER AND • PART 2 PROJECT LOCATION PROJECT ENGINEER AND DESCRIPTION Project Owner NO rv1ec Project Name .S1 i4 C r'CST Pi 2 Address /6o/C -//8 t/i PL M B&Th&L ?BD// Location Phone //2S- / -22.ZZ Township 2'1N Project Engineer /Pc,aQhr Ai,4L,4./A1G Range S� Company U u re- MC Section 32 Address Phone �f Z s- 77S-4/S'8/ Project Size (0.3t? AC Upstream Drainage Basin Size 0 AC PART 3 TYPE OF PERMIT APPLICATION PART 4 OTHER PERMITS [2Ki Subdivision I I DOF/G HPA I 1 Shoreline Management I I Short Subdivision ► 1 COE 404 11 Rockery I 1 Grading I I DOE Dam Safety [ '1 Structural Vaults I I Commercial 0 FEMA Floodplain 11 Other I J Other 11 COE Wetlands 11 HPA PART 5 SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASIN . • Community Cc OA•2 �ivE2 Drainage Basin /YIAY CT2 K so Lam- ./A1 LA l_SiS�/vG7i� PART 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS ' River I I Floodplain 1 I Stream 1 J Wetlands = Critical Stream Reach [ I Seeps/Springs I I Depressions/Swalos I j High Groundwater Table Lake [ J Groundwater Recharge IX1 Steep Slopes I I Other Lakeside/Erosion Hazard PART 7 SOILS Soil Type Slopes Erosion Poten ial Erosive Velocities Icru A 7.61 '43 G /5"% pr1c,c A- - M EtJ/aryl ari.eA-L C ..� A L n ey)...w oSt, 6 Y. --15-% -rrl e-ci%u n1 )ulyee3es I I Additional Sheets Attatched 1/9( Page2of2 King County Building and Land Development Division TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET •ART 8 DEVELOPMENT LIMITATIONS REFERENCE LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT Ch.4-Downstream Analysis S I TC SNCET f<<w S \n/es-r- 7 C J c\tj' S Ayr. NC r11 E N N, /N kcal-t s,rA Tfyr�t [�, JonJ CZ_s 4vF iti A c u L C 7-/ v z /rG NE Ay G,CE C- f C 0 1 I I Additional Sheets Attatched PART 9 ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION [XI Sedimentation Facilities Stabilize Exposed Surface I.S,J Stabilized Construction Entrance Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities IXl Perimeter Runoff Control I><J Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris IX] Clearing and Grading Restrictions 1.S.1 Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities IX Cover Practices l_l Flag Limits of NGPES Inl Construction Sequence I I Other 0 Other •ART 10 SURFACE WATER SYSTEM • 1 1 Grass Lined Channel I 1 Tank ET] Infiltration Method of Analysis I ys1 Pipe System Vault I ) Depression SCS Open Channel l I Energy Dissapator I 1 Flow Dispersal Compensation/Mitigation 0 Dry Pond I. 1 Wetland I I Waiver of Eliminated Site Storage Wet Pond l 1 Stream El Regional Detention /V/A Brief Description of System Operation Co&/VEY 5•7a/2iu RuniaF`C' IA/ CULV6f?T SYs7 -m fv A DF-rC--r1/4rri3At J r,..r 0vt -i2. ca Lid-L i rt V Ar_c L-r L.c1 r A--t -n /At rl/C N tai COtznie7Z . Facility Related Site Limitations I 1 Additional Sheets Attatched Reference Facility Limitation PART 11 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS PART 12 EASEMENTS/TRACTS (May require special structural review) [xi Drainage Easement Ixl Cast in Place Vault O Other I—x] Access Easement I I Retaining Wall I I Native Growth Protection Easement Rockery>4'High I xI Tract 0 Structural on Steep Slope I I Other •ART 14 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I or a civil engineer under my supervision have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed woro incorporated into this worksheet and the �_, , attatchmonts. To the best of my knowledge the information provided ` here is accurate. slyn.aDat. • 1/90 Stafford Crest #97-8008 SECTION II Downstream Analysis GROUP FOUR,Inc. 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell,WA 98011 Stafford Crest #97-8008 DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS The subject property is located in the May Creek drainage basin. Storm water runoff from the sub-basin is overland to the west, exiting the site as sheet flow across the west side of the property as unconcentrated flow. The flow travels 350 feet before being collected by the roadside ditch of Jones Avenue. The ditch crosses under Jones by means of a concrete culvert located below the mid-point of the site. The culvert outlets to a channel that travels 100 feet and outlets to May Creek. This culvert appears to be outlet restricted and may need to be replaced or relayed. May Creek flows to the north approximately 0.5 miles and crosses under I-405. The creek reaches Lake Washington after flowing southwest another 0.5 miles past I-405. GROUP FOUR,Inc. 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell,WA 98011 .- ...,_..._... _._..--•.... ...-_.•• -.,....n...r.-.••......:.asr.ry[e s7lwNt ?AKHIfSYJ6'NF.+rw'iuA.:., . .. ' �� ", i9} I f • • • DARB&lilt Cq Mr', �1 ,. gt_; I+ 1 + 1 , • OFFICE 1 D �%f it `• ii • r q.r�.r" T. f;L_.1,. J '* `• 4 .f/ Geo. lalhrop Coleman P n 'a. ; a.:�Lr,�Y. • tt Mill CO.Inc. 2• r'" !�y t tls c� �/ ,51.......... 1 :....iv • A ' • ,.: O v it ,1��1. F. _'t T:'•..f)F•'r i.-'..1,• of toi ...i.'.......;;;-..i.......;*?:2,?....?.......t4.7....e..:.6.....c....f.,:: . .5.. Goa ,, �I r 7 11 yy h (�j! IIl�._.. L�_r1++ L_�. i1 (A) LIB•) ®� \ ' .F<•. I.{' ,�I'• «I l` I,` Ir' •1' it•wor l.r,:imi •�+.(Ft . —. _Q I_I 1� ,. I.t.ly 2 \ ;.4 • • _ I t�� !1 �l2 i 1 . ,' t•I a• 711. YI soi -i (al fol �4 !v G 1. ; �. ' f b4 11(� 2 •.;j',rl.+ }, • J D I )• '� •••SP.62-al SP 107-eo'$N _rol•> : r ;ii}�a rr° 4 F F, ti?. ',: r; j� � i8) c4. t 'r!__�'•S 4e: !_W'Jn4�' > 2ti ,/.lvl I it 5:;•.f:l: 'iJJ w S IP�' Y1 mi i Ih► r /.IS;441- 1 Q f 41'. •.OL '''• 1..�• ) .4�Y..'+ '' NA/ ta ... : I OA(' • ''' • 1::.-?ki.c7E 1 • r 1 '. �tj yy,' . C iCi) L j '�� ' i1 f%o • �:c 1 t � ij�t ()lW'.'t ~i •}, ,� : J� �_�\(�',�I 11, , - 1•f wls V l r it i.'• ' ..•r••.t ' • . I 12l a{;I1�; 2 11 1_Q r r •�•G ) I• �'•: '• • .. t' • • ` o.r 0 Stafford Crest #97-8008 SECTION III Preliminary Retention/Detention Analysis GROUP FOUR,Inc. 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell,WA 98011 • Stafford Crest #97-8008 PRELIMINARY RETENTION/DETENTION ANALYSIS As required by the "Renton Storm and Surface Water Drainage Ordinance (Chapter 22, Title IV of Ordinance No. 4260), the drainage analysis will comply with the Core and Special Requirements contained in Sections 1.2 and 1.3 of Chapter 1, the hydrologic analysis methods contained in Chapter 3, the hydraulic analysis and design criteria in Chapter 4, and the erosion/sedimentation control plan and practices contained in Chapter 5 of the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM), except where amended by the City. Per Core Requirement #3 of the KCSWDM, peak rate runoff control facilities must be designed to produce post-development peak runoff rates at or below pre-developed levels during the 2- and 10-year/24-hour design storms. Resulting design volumes will be increased by a 30 percent factor of safety. In anticipation of the City of Renton requesting that detention be provided up to, and including, the 100-year/24-hour design storm and the Dept. of Fisheries, under an HPA, typically requiring DOE standards, the peak rate runoff control facilities will be designed to produce post- development peak runoff rates at or below pre-developed levels during the 2-, 10- and 100- year/24-hour design storms. Resulting release rates will be half of the 2, the 10 and the 100-year pre-developed rates and design volumes will be increased by a 30 percent factor of safety. The SCS Method with Type lA Rainfall distribution and 24-hour design storm durations will be used in the analysis. The computer program "WaterWorks Version 3.1" will be used to generate hydrographs, and perform the required level pool routing. The results of the preliminary R/D analysis are provided in the form of computer generated output in the following pages. No significant upstream, off-site flows are tributary to the subject property. The release rate from the proposed detention facility will be adjusted as required to account for bypass flows. The "Steep Slopes" (+40%) and buffer areas will remain undisturbed allowed to continue to sheet flow offsite to the west and not be accounted for in the by-pass volume. GROUP FOUR,Inc. 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell, WA 98011 Stafford Crest #97-8008 Existing Site Conditions Developed Site Area .9.23 acres Undisturbed Area ...1.07 acres Total Site Area 10.30 acres CN = 81 for 9.23 acres, 1.07 acres to be allowed to continue to sheet flow off in an undisturbed state. Time of Concentration =41.11 minutes Sheet flow for 300' @ 7.50 % w/ns: 0.40,=38.55 min Shallow flow for 210' @ 7.50 % w/ks: 5.00, =2.56 min Developed Site Conditions Proposed Lots= 52 52 dwelling units/9.23acres= 5.63 DU/GA relates to 50.5 % impervious Impervious area=(0.505) x (9.23) =4.66 acres CN= 98 Pervious area=9.23 —4.66=4.57 acres CN = 86 Developed time of concentration=27.02 minutes Sheet flow for 160' @ 1.0 %w/ns: 0.15, =23.82 min Channel flow for 1140' @ 2.0 %w/kc: 42.00,=3.20 min Precipitation P2=2.0" Pio=2.9" Pioo=3.9" GROUP FOUR,Inc. 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell, WA 98011 , 9/ 4/98 GROUP FOUR, Inc . page 1 STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 PRELIMINARY R/D ANALYSIS BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: 2D NAME: STAFFORD CREST-2 2-YEAR DEV SCS METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 9 . 23 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION • 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 4 . 57 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 86 . 00 TIME OF CONC • 27 . 02 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 AREA. . : 4 . 66 Acres CN • 98 . 00 TcReach - Sheet L: 160 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0100 TcReach - Channel L: 1140 . 00 kc:42 . 00 s : 0 . 0200 PEAK RATE: 2 .41 cfs VOL: 0 . 92 Ac-ft TIME: 510 min BASIN ID: 2X- . 5 NAME: STAFFORD CREST-2 0 . 5-2YEAR EX SCS METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 4 . 61 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION • 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 4 . 58 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 81 . 00 TIME OF CONC • 41 . 11 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 AREA. . : 0 . 04 Acres CN • 98 . 00 PEAK RATE: 0 . 34 cfs VOL: 0 .23 Ac-ft TIME: 530 min } 1 9/ 4/98 GROUP FOUR, Inc . page 1 STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 PRELIMINARY R/D ANALYSIS BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: 2X NAME: STAFFORD CREST-2 2-YEAR EXIST SCS METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 9 . 23 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION • 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 9 . 16 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 81 . 00 TIME OF CONC • 41 . 11 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 AREA. . : 0 . 07 Acres CN • 98 . 00 TcReach - Sheet L: 300 . 00 ns : 0 .4000 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0750 TcReach - Shallow L: 210 . 00 ks : 5 . 00 s : 0 . 0750 PEAK RATE: 0 . 67 cfs VOL: 0 .45 Ac-ft TIME: 530 min , j 1 r 9/ 4/98 GROUP FOUR, Inc . page 1 STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 PRELIMINARY R/D ANALYSIS BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: 10D NAME: STAFFORD CREST-2 10-YEAR DEV SCS METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 9 . 23 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION • 2 . 90 inches AREA. . : 4 . 57 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 86 . 00 TIME OF CONC • 27 . 02 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 AREA. . : 4 . 66 Acres CN • 98 . 00 PEAK RATE: 4 . 19 cfs VOL: 1 . 54 Ac-ft TIME: 510 min BASIN ID: 10X NAME: STAFFORD CREST-2 10-YEAR EXIST SCS METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 9 .23 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION • 2 . 90 inches AREA. . : 9 . 16 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 81 . 00 TIME OF CONC • 41 . 11 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 AREA. . : 0 . 07 Acres CN • 98 . 00 PEAK RATE: 1 . 81 cfs VOL: 0 . 92 Ac-ft TIME: 520 min 9/ 4/98 GROUP FOUR, Inc. page 1 STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 PRELIMINARY R/D ANALYSIS BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: 100D NAME: STAFFORD CREST-2 100-YEAR DEV SCS METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 9 . 23 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION • 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 4 . 57 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 86 . 00 TIME OF CONC • 27 . 02 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 AREA. . : 4 . 66 Acres CN • 98 . 00 PEAK RATE: 6 . 22 cfs VOL: 2 .26 Ac-ft TIME: 510 min BASIN ID: 100X NAME: STAFFORD CREST-2 100-YEAR EX SCS METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 9 .23 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION • 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 9 . 16 Acres TIME INTERVAL 10 . 00 min CN • 81 . 00 TIME OF CONC • 41 . 11 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 .20 AREA. . : 0 . 07 Acres CN • 98 . 00 PEAK RATE : 3 . 33 cfs VOL: 1 . 52 Ac-ft TIME: 520 min 1 . • f ► f 9/ 4/98 GROUP FOUR, Inc. STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 page 2 PRELIMINARY N R/D ANALYSIS STAGE STORAGE TABLE RECTANGULAR VAULT ID No. Vl Description: STAFFORD CREST-2 DET VAULT Length: 70 . 00 ft . Width: 60 . 00 ft . STAGE <----STORAGE----> STAGE <----STORAGE----> STAGE <----STORAGE----> STAGE <----STORAGE----> (ft) ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- (ft) ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- (ft) ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- (ft) ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- 202.00 0.0000 0.0000 204.30 9660 0.2218 206.60 19320 0.4435 208.90 28980 0.6653 202.10 420.00 0.0096 204.40 10080 0.2314 206.70 19740 0.4532 209.00 29400 0.6749 202.20 840.00 0.0193 204.50 10500 0.2410 206.80 20160 0.4628 209.10 29820 0.6846 202.30 1260 0.0289 204.60 10920 0.2507 206.90 20580 0.4725 209.20 30240 0.6942 202.40 1680 0.0386 204.70 11340 0.2603 207.00 21000 0.4821 209.30 30660 0.7039 202.50 2100 0.0482 204.80 11760 0.2700 207.10 21420 0.4917 209.40 31080 0.7135 202.60 2520 0.0579 204.90 12180 0.2796 207.20 21840 0.5014 209.50 31500 0.7231 202.70 2940 0.0675 205.00 12600 0.2893 207.30 22260 0.5110 209.60 31920 0.7328 202.80 3360 0.0771 205.10 13020 0.2989 207.40 22680 0.5207 209.70 32340 0.7424 202.90 3780 0.0868 205.20 13440 0.3085 207.50 23100 0.5303 209.80 32760 0.7521 203.00 4200 0.0964 205.30 13860 0.3182 207.60 23520 0.5399 209.90 33180 0.7617 203.10 4620 0.1061 205.40 14280 0.3278 207.70 23940 0.5496 210.00 33600 0.7713 203.20 5040 0.1157 205.50 14700 0.3375 207.80 24360 0.5592 210.10 34020 0.7810 203.30 5460 0.1253 205.60 15120 0.3471 207.90 24780 0.5689 210.20 34440 0.7906 203.40 5880 0.1350 205.70 15540 0.3567 208.00 25200 0.5785 210.30 34860 0.8003 203.50 6300 0.1446 205.80 15960 0.3664 208.10 25620 0.5882 210.40 35280 0.8099 203.60 6720 0.1543 205.90 16380 0.3760 208.20 26040 0.5978 210.50 35700 0.8196 203.70 7140 0.1639 206.00 16800 0.3857 208.30 26460 0.6074 210.60 36120 0.8292 203.80 7560 0.1736 206.10 17220 0.3953 208.40 26880 0.6171 210.70 36540 0.8388 203.90 7980 0.1832 206.20 17640 0.4050 208.50 27300 0.6267 210.80 36960 0.8485 204.00 8400 0.1928 206.30 18060 0.4146 208.60 27720 0.6364 210.90 37380 0.8581 204.10 8820 0.2025 206.40 18480 0.4242 208.70 28140 0.6460 211.00 37800 0.8678 204.20 9240 0.2121 206.50 18900 0.4339 208.80 28560 0.6556 9/ 4/98 GROUP FOUR, Inc. page 2 STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 PRELIMINARY R/D ANALYSIS STAGE STORAGE TABLE RECTANGULAR VAULT ID No. V1 . 3 Description: STAFFORD CREST-2 13096 DET VLT Length: 91 . 00 ft . Width: 60 . 00 ft . STAGE <----STORAGE----> STAGE <----STORAGE----> STAGE <----STORAGE----> STAGE <----STORAGE----> (ft) ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- (ft) ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- (ft) ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- (ft) ---cf--- --Ac-Ft- 202.00 0.0000 0.0000 203.80 9828 0.2256 205.60 19656 0.4512 207.40 29484 0.6769 202.10 546.00 0.0125 203.90 10374 0.2382 205.70 20202 0.4638 207.50 30030 0.6894 202.20 1092 0.0251 204.00 10920 0.2507 205.80 20748 0.4763 207.60 30576 0.7019 202.30 1638 0.0376 204.10 11466 0.2632 205.90 21294 0.4888 207.70 31122 0.7145 202.40 2184 0.0501 204.20 12012 0.2758 206.00 21840 0.5014 207.80 31668 0.7270 202.50 2730 0.0627 204.30 12558 0.2883 206.10 22386 0.5139 207.90 32214 0.7395 202.60 3276 0.0752 204.40 13104 0.3008 206.20 22932 0.5264 208.00 32760 0.7521 202.70 3822 0.0877 204.50 13650 0.3134 206.30 23478 0.5390 208.10 33306 0.7646 202.80 4368 0.1003 204.60 14196 0.3259 206.40 24024 0.5515 208.20 33852 0.7771 202.90 4914 0.1128 204.70 14742 0.3384 206.50 24570 0.5640 208.30 34398 0.7897 203.00 5460 0.1253 204.80 15288 0.3510 206.60 25116 0.5766 208.40 34944 0.8022 203.10 6006 0.1379 204.90 15834 0.3635 206.70 25662 0.5891 208.50 35490 0.8147 203.20 6552 0.1504 205.00 16380 0.3760 206.80 26208 0.6017 208.60 36036 0.8273 203.30 7098 0.1629 205.10 16926 0.3886 206.90 26754 0.6142 208.70 36582 0.8398 203.40 7644 0.1755 205.20 17472 0.4011 207.00 27300 0.6267 208.80 37128 0.8523 203.50 8190 0.1880 205.30 18018 0.4136 207.10 27846 0.6393 208.90 37674 0.8649 203.60 8736 0.2006 205.40 18564 0.4262 207.20 28392 0.6518 209.00 38220 0.8774 203.70 9282 0.2131 205.50 19110 0.4387 207.30 28938 0.6643 I ' 9/ 4/98 GROUP FOUR, Inc . page 3 STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 PRELIMINARY R/D ANALYSIS LEVEL POOL TABLE SUMMARY MATCH INFLOW -STO- -DIS- <-PEAK-> STORAGE < DESCRIPTION > (cfs) (cfs) --id- --id- <-STAGE> id VOL (cf) 2-YEAR 0.34 2.41 V1 01 207.47 11 22991.95 cf 10-YEA1 1.81 4.19 V1 01 207.73 12 24056.35 cf 100-YEAR 3.33 6.22 V1 01 208.55 13 27516.04 cf ' 9/ 4/98 GROUP FOUR, Inc . page 1 STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 PRELIMINARY R/D ANALYSIS - STAGE DISCHARGE TABLE MULTIPLE ORIFICE ID No. 01 Description: STAFFORD CREST-2 CONTROL STR Outlet Elev: 203 . 00 Elev: 201 . 00 ft Orifice Diameter: 2 .4199 in. Elev: 207 . 60 ft Orifice 2 Diameter: 10 . 5000 in. STAGE <--DISCHARGE---> STAGE c--DISCHARGE---> STAGE <--DISCHARGE---> STAGE <--DISCHARGE---> (ft) ---cfs (ft) ---cfs (ft) ---cfs (ft) ---cfs 203.00 0.0000 204.30 0.1812 205.60 0.2562 206.90 0.3138 203.10 0.0503 204.40 0.1880 205.70 0.2611 207.00 0.3178 203.20 0.0711 204.50 0.1946 205.80 0.2659 207.10 0.3218 203.30 0.0870 204.60 0.2010 205.90 0.2706 207.20 0.3257 203.40 0.1005 204.70 0.2072 206.00 0.2752 207.30 0.3295 203.50 0.1124 204.80 0.2132 206.10 0.2798 207.40 0.3333 203.60 0.1231 204.90 0.2190 206.20 0.2843 207.50 0.3371 203.70 0.1330 205.00 0.2247 206.30 0.2887 207.60 0.3410 203.80 0.1421 205.10 0.2303 206.40 0.2930 207.70 1.2906 203.90 0.1508 205.20 0.2357 206.50 0.2973 207.80 1.6862 204.00 0.1589 205.30 0.2410 206.60 0.3015 207.90 1.9905 204.10 0.1667 205.40 0.2462 206.70 0.3057 208.00 2.2476 204.20 0.1741 205.50 0.2513 206.80 0.3098 • Stafford Crest #97-8008 • SECTION IV Preliminary Water Quality Analysis GROUP FOUR,Inc. 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell, WA 98011 M Stafford Crest #97-8008 Design Water Surface Area Impervious Surface Subject to Vehicular Use= 1.38 acres Water Surface Area Required=(1.50 %)x (1.38) = 902 square feet Water Surface Area Proposed= 5460 square feet Water Quality Design Volume (Dead Storage) Design Volume Required= (150 %)x (6-month storm volume) = (1.5) x (0.1342 Ac-ft) x (43,560 ft/Ac) = 8,769 cubic feet (1.65' depth proposed) x(5460 sf) =9,009 cubic feet GROUP FOUR,Inc. 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell, WA 98011 9/ 4/98 GROUP FOUR, Inc . STAFFORD CREST DIVISION 2 page 1 PRELIMINARY R/D ANALYSIS BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: 6MNTH NAME: STAFFORD CREST-2 WATER QUALITY SCS METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA • 9 .23 Acres BASEFLOWS: 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE TYPE1A PERVIOUS AREA PRECIPITATION • 0 . 67 inches AREA. . : 4 . 57 Acres TIME INTERVAL • 10 . 00 min CN • 86 . 00 TIME OF CONC - 27 . 02 min IMPERVIOUS AREA ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 AREA. . : 4 . 66 Acres CN • 98 . 00 PEAK RATE: 0 . 19 cfs VOL: 0 . 13 Ac-ft TIME: 520 min Stafford Crest #97-8008 6- slu I!'wrkµitMr'f,�{'Pleasure;8 ,•" .tilt., B '• l ^ _ _ •! L tj"y ,.., ;±ryvgtr , • • , ' Point,21 : / •T 1 . c lei 11151 �, e i y'I.p•'. / 7•rl ( , q'MI.;Ig ; L1t�tiPc `G :/••••1�' �. — ht I 1 l I SI: "% 11" i.ti. i •r r.r r. — ,,,E i " 1' , ▪ • i lj Fh' '1•\,, r \ 'Pi-Pt N !'�.�� N r r Ia'1" . !`r•ltl ` r Oh_ t t 14 AkF • 1. °M1 r i �Q•?y '--•� :rn 1 !` is • lr' .-- ••' B .i•• • r*, /..'4. 4.:'\ • 291I:.rl t' ;', 'y• , I 213?•A'N,1• 'Asc.. m ' .� j;.ji�� 4z06 ' ' •7 YPt' 4'I • ' + , ✓1,• : • .'Pin.:' :'1. ,/"h fr , e>z J.\IQiW�� 1 • ,t,,i:;1.• •'• • ..r , t.v,.r Hills,, AK°' N1 n' TI •�1 , 11 t IM � •i' ;i . •rC' `�t Agct _•__(— A 1' < i4y e•t't) 1 rt M,F � t*ti r ',II-.-Re yl, 4 . t r '..et 1 M. EvH'vt � •`i t° 'y>�•'lr�• l,�tl�, +.•tt?uti `' i KPO ti+l 4 }• i Toli 4.4...,02,,„,,,..kr,t,...,..:::,,,,,-.:,,,,\,!,.. / , 1.11k...g-„,..,.... ... __. ..._ r+} a \,. • Fy; 't {1�yK t � t t'�; BM • Ir� ; fit' j tit t r I L pjAr , I r , I.•' +.•1 '/,. ,,,,/ \•II I ' .. II ///a=•4i' '.�}r'•i •+,14 L'' , • .t'., / III '' .,.AgC •, BM n 1 A,P rt:..'', May e „�', KpC�ra. 1 •; y ... ,__ it� ay'ir„r , i,s...... "Y�as i / Agp . iiIw14 i 11 1 t o > r1 '•Af'Lk ,,;2 1.di�r7lA„Kil r1 y. •. ::„/y - ••_'•�! .t+.. ^3,.`.eTu °�• ,71r,e.•i'il i.;x I. . ti \ ABC i l BM r4' „ '4 .t+" It!,. itt ,, l,.1 ii I e 11'.. !, . 4t . ` 605 ��tl l �i'Y'/ytrl}r r:��t, .'E� 1', 1 - --- h\ 'PO r�.. •♦ ••/t�`' tel''�.tM;ir �'�rFt! 1 1 t•� .,�E I � .• .• �r Sm • • +Fk.�+t:..tr.;�. f:''..`•J'' ' — Le,..4.... • , •. \/ \ Ago /,'S i.'y'��;���'��.� �`;;l .�i;�',i''•'.4.. !tit* � 1' IID ` A_ '.,;., 1,.. tYhi ^^a �y 1ie.;,), 1" t - %/, ' •, / . ` #‘'.i .:.�i+sY'fiKennydale�tl : . .— _-.1 Ikvit .. '!J; "'', '11''. /:' 43(;I .' T\ •.'•I i/. . ,:(1J •. , Y,t• :7>: 'r?11?.• �� I ACC - EV B • i, a !��:�;.'t AI'it .rl-;ti..)>s•Pr •t •,1111 . _ 1 Coleman'Poin _ \ � .. GRAVEL '' , ++,�4 ��Nt9 ,i"tCi;1'• \ + d • • . • , AkF p . . •, — •PIT 17,-. = 1 71?.�( 'i' '-.It;;V. ♦� VInA• .i I.'''. t' ^ • ,'`I .e : . . ? ,ti.< y+rti Sy(i.I. ' ,gy'rii't{l\`-''- 1�a�' _— ----- -- .. • -- -L L ..+1 --�-1. r!t `}7 glt„ .�Ik.�yI�e1 ' 0, • / 4s —• .�',a -- J29 / 1 r� 'rt fie ;j' t (tt L i-i4>,tJ4 .�B :C Agp . • i ._ N BM 11 /___ ,_ . ,p�yi+14' }•, rA.-'yEa7''�.'' ►In �,~ '. • _ r' Z - j.: BM'30.�,• `�� N u^,, --• 1- dtN Pj! 11,Yt1Y4.!s A • n .. :1. P fc - ., a " E.10 / •..` 1 C,.'� tf'^ r 11.i\ 1 'v 'I ;.:t!, •; .. ,fi ;t},L�'r' te. AkF n' .. .� .l ,n• 1+,I1, �;i'. /'/i, . "A' 11M1''••`�,` •at '. 1�.1'� )•• a;.• ry ' .. __I, a a a4. I •! �1 ''IL .Am( Figure 2—SCS Soils Map Scale 1" =2000' GROUP FOUR,Mc. 16030 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Bothell, WA 98011 , .KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL (2) CN values can be area weighted when they'apply to pervious areas of similar CN's (within 20 '` - CN points). However, high CN areas should not be combined with low CN areas.(unless the low CN areas are less than 15% of the subbasin). In this case, separate hydrographs should be generated and summed to form one hydrograph. FIGURE 3.5.2A HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP OF THE SOILS IN KING COUNTY • HYDROLOGIC HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP GROUP* SOIL GROUP GROUP* •--11#Alderwood C Orcas Peat • D Arents, Alderwood Material C ' Oridia D Arents, Everett Material B Ovall C Beausite C Pilchuck Bellingham D C Briscot D Puget D Puyallup B SCE Buckley D Ragnar Coastal Beaches Variable Kenton B ia C�E�o'i'�Cff Earimont Silt Loam D Riverwash Variablert-E� Edgewick C Sala C Everett A/B 'Sammamish D Indianola A Seattle D Kitsap C Shacar D Klaus C Si SiltC Mixed Alluvial Land Neilton Variable C Snohomish p Newberg A Sultan C B Tukwila D Nooksack , C Urban Normal Sandy Loam D Variable Woodinville D HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP CLASSIFICATIONS A. (Low runoff potential). Soils having high infiltration rates, even when thoroughly wetted, and consisting chiefly of deep, well-to-excessively drained sands or gravels. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. B. (Moderately low runoff potential). Soils having moderate infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted, and consisting chiefly of moderately fine to moderately coarse textures. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. CO. (Moderately high runoff potential). Soils having slow infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted, and consisting chiefly of soils with a layer that impedes downward movement of water, or soils with moderately fine to fine textures. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. D. (High runoff potential). Soils having very slow infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and consisting chiefly of clay soils with a high swelling potential, soils with a permanent high water table, soils with a hardpan or clay layer at or near the surface, and shallow soils over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. • • * From SCS,TR-55, Second Edition,June 1986, Exhibit A-1. Revisions made from SCS, Soil Interpretation Record, Form #5, September 1988. • a* 3.5.2-2 11/92 .` STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL FOR THE PUGET SOUND BASIN Table III-1.3 SCS Western Washington Runoff Curve Numbers .1. (Published by SCS in 1982) Runoff curve numbers for selected agricultural, suburban and urban land use for Type lA rainfall distribution, 24-hour storm duration. • LAND USE DESCRIPTION CURVE NUMBERS BY HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP A B C D Cultivated land(1) : winter condition 86 91 94 95 Mountain open areas: low growing brush & grasslands 74 82 89 92 ' Meadow or pasture: 65 78 85 89 Wood or forest land: undisturbed 42 64 76 81 Wood or forest land: young second growth or brush 55 72 e 86 Orchard: with cover crop 81 88 92 94 Open spaces, lawns, parks, golf courses, cemeteries, landscaping. Good condition: grass cover on 75% of the 68 80 86 90 area Fair condition: grass cover on 50-75% of 77 85 90 92 the area Gravel roads & parking lots: 76 85 89 91 Dirt roads & parking lots: ,1 72 82 87 89 Impervious surfaces, pavement, roofs etc. 98 98 9II 98 Open water bodies: lakes, wetlands, ponds etc. 100 100 100 100 Single family residential(2) : Dwelling Unit/Gross Acre %Impervious(3) Separate curve number 1.0 DU/GA 15 shall be selected for 1.5 DU/GA 20 pervious & impervious 2.0 DU/GA 25 portions of the site 2.5 DU/GA 30 3.0 DU/GA 34 or basin 3.5 DU/GA 38 4.0 DU/GA 42 4.5 DU/GA 46 . 5.0 DU/GA 48 5.5 DU/GA 6.0 DU -9--5.63 52`-50.5% 6.5 DU/GA 54 7.0 DU/GA 56 • PUD's, condos, apartments, %impervious commercial businesses & must be industrial areas computed (1) For a more detailed description of agricultural land use curve numbers refer to National Engineering Handbook, Sec. 4, Hydrology, (2) Assumes roof and driveway runoff is directed into street/storm system. 1972. (3) The remaining pervious areas (lawn) . are considered to be in good condition for these curve numbers. 111-1-12 FEBRUARY, 1992 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL - -Th w FIGURE 3.5.1C 2-YEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIALS f N------6.014.11411146.- -_,Iis a 'ILE- ' -LI --4'. ;--'.':'-..- . . :,....r..... .\\ Viirebseig At... . i • • • iiiippia ,,, il: is 5.151 Illitirifipti miikki . . , . . lcii ifirgli 4441 ,,,,, 0 melisPigA _ ell* _ c-ilt\i,.'114\ ‘' o>N(p . - . to isgarris - .1 , . .4 .All orikni i ... 1? `;‘,.--'04ipoilw - : riNirt Milo., 01 . 20 ', -iti!)4,V,s1461611.1kw `--4-Nit „. i `4! 0.) ., i ' . d VINV, L-iiiterWAlib, iiihroS.4, .is ll : Aim, jet! ......tri.... . .. A, • A: I, ,, 1 r a /r kct,r." ‘1111VOL, ' ,_ 1 It itre/ war° .H.,400•0207111011111.1.661 viss5i"%r f' 1110101 ' 0 r -5r( -voipu 11 . 7/ Abildt%40 11 \V .1.4i\ A * ''› • VP , 1, .4.7.1 .-li, - . •-:\ Friti.kiiiiiN di lk ittOier ztk,. ‘mi4s‘ I; -ire% msice,11filp, tiridgio.' .••_,....,_=.420Mzoniwia•kw ii.eamit iig. • _.... •r� IN\ Ell- M - . , lk., ' • I ,\_mo, , ,.., • , : ilk IA 7-'7. .. . , meiii � t s pagoini%, ii I Irk= - °,, try( 4 111M \ �� \10'le , , 1. j . 4 - Of . D" iqip .... , ,, i . . i--- iiii .. , • .\.\ i , 4r.. • - ill ,4PI41 tik v. - ‘, . i,. _ ,kifilimpuit Rill ENA-&- -- --I. \- -- -.. .... ( tool ....44 i. tor , ,•,T-i_._._ .- ....:, :Lk*. 10:006: r : 1 (V \'7. ''-'-' 0 • N\* AAA tilikiptiOlik mo! . _ N I Now v lea_. ' -,_ _ 2-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION 3.4""' ISOPLUVIALS OF 2-YEAR 24-HOUR �% 3i TOTAL PRECIPITATION IN INCHES �, '��r��_ litik, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 mi. ^•. p• 3.5.1-8 1 1/90 • KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL -`--. FIGURE 3.5.1E 10-YEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIALS 21 '.,------riiiiimitp:.4.tk ••• .--4,6%, ir fli-f -.21'2.-:' - --- --* If-7.----1---.-- - ..-.7.1.- 22 :.\ 1.„710.TIOW4r#011 IR4 ,__.,,r,,,,„... ,4 .. 23....___:7) -4000,Torti ilip gr ......, , . #1141111, , .. a . 24 . _:, r N to is N, Z.5 7.-- 1 41141441 . Alin. al -__-, IfirrornalillIPAC -"ww / ilillairdkrlir*P14 It / - 249 . .„ - ----.!IMPOLI.V.F., l --lid TO* , \. -1... 1 9 \ Aitlifit '- -, ' :41.6"41,11.3--,. *e _.-11 e._ 41 3.0 .i 'N -''7‘gitrigib..41 14401.11 ,0”--0;gevir ie. ' vs. ,. .._.7•9 " , i ... 114; . teraleall SI* , N 31 i IP' Alk 1 I ik 4"III r'% 741".'41"LIV" ",.. .cm 1 r• iMiNIKAI 1%4 , : :,O. Itim.libskVt.oiiui1 ir-^14) ''- r : : .: . './ -lbhp I IlY at '. ' 'it :t:' :.... . -s4 v • tilt* � ' - de �ik • .- ikik -1 AillAti), A "hi Nek _44, ,--, � r p1> 1 4.4h.ksv "...t ,... WO% Vid• `104/14 ' 'kg.% "•\_.7 j . . i jig t' , 1171 • 4tilialli ..- \ r \ . ! .'", •:. '''--- ' ,- .'w4 10 it . Dm * ',ei \*,1 ---- •,= ' , , ./.(.. imeic..= `. it. • .. tea ;,..Arip,,,c: ��� _ _IL _ ;� r" IV- I dealt 7.II F.,,,,r, . �- + ` It ' "NW IOW .-::: V Mei% pealowaimilr"ANPILAiik-- -- , Ifile \ hiir ,a ,.....„ ,,,,.. .....___k__,, - . . . .. . . • _ irtio Saw. maw__ ., , • ir . \ 1 i_ A tor idifilifteltif -„._) tr: • •T _ T. . . ------- �.. ��R_ AV l ay' .k UPON PA 10-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION • N O„P' �_I . '- wig ► P/' 1 3.4�' ISOPLUVIALS OF 10-YEAR 24-HOUR �' ��.�"`� � �` ` `1.$ TOTAL PRECIPITATION IN INCHES 30 N VW - 3 '. 10 0 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 Mllescb*-fr nj . ' -,-Tx. ".411-10.0ter 1:300,000 3.5.1-10 3 1/90 40 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL FIGURE 3.5.1H 100-YEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIALS a - Tug •rIi� i �� I. -� . . P . %VA NO , - ipti itrel 1 .. sick, 4 4 ,i/ %ass NA 1 . . t7.6 I a - Ig0.41. itiPar'sl ACV' .e_iilL_ aia:.. 44411011.‘12111411111 11;0 IV 1 ,Wlitilpirwoptristi. 11% 7 -/ .. ** , y *,Ishtar �� kp► l a `1 1I, e -4' i i -. la ; -.--- voliVilwago,,,,oworrmaipiiiws.gt, i c, - %MO kilika ., —kimitireiftlimPv-, '&141111111 Wc-.4•0 / 4D. • 44 ' \ - '4., 4N•ev . -1 FAsrs,IWireseato , , .. .. . • .4.5 B.9 " 'I, Ast,i. (14 ‘ c ittz: 64-41040.r.iyis_ii 7------riti;. . a . w. k $kik 41•Iirr. 411''100.",abobaase• - •-ilai.--1, 1 \ :-.'Al& ' • Ea • ' 11( ."Veis-iiimi. ... ,APPA6„ 16• '1, viiIiiMle 41! Al / ,,f4.v.r.-- 002•10 ,4 ,i1, 114111%-‘1: 441644\ 104-94 h4w.. ,Irms7. .. . Te).. r. ' -.E;z J )'• kl\ k Av . \ ‘, 1.P **110,41447 -g, - \-1-6o 1.11.- -t;.. -7-- Sill 0.k%Lk IMIL ., , - ' \al 14, , -. ' li /.':_Ji. ' K. • ' 11 11**AI 2 Vb.i 4 t.„,t o � *Of ter" wilkisto *'•�. I *, ,- 11 rim Q=.11.1/4.0s,` N i .‘1 " I. ; - _ - ----- i p, 41 —/ --- -:. ' - - -, - -NI Et - 4kliw d / .-- ! 1161.N._ ..-, MEW SO • & ,rii N.N.NAI 1 ,,, .: 7 till'tr4, -D" 1 0 Aillibki 1 ,A ; II -11rni filltrerViiiiiiimi i._ j _ F idilliL\"41MIrammiltdirill, 41-r \7\;, _.___.:_... -\\. _„viki ~ çJ , �% „ ..rin gffe d lifiti r,. , .. . : - fr W- Of 1 j'741, . ) '4* , ..c , I I srair' .: vidavit . , r ,. • , . _. _t_.5-_ !:, 'Y.__ _ ._. tk , ASA2 ..!_,' ma - I ACKERT" 100-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION yfro��e�A. �viivat 6•5_ 3.4 ISOPLUVIALS OF 100-YEAR 24-HOUR N.0:N 1 01MTOTAL PRECIPITATION IN INCHES 4V0 vi fi . 5.5 0 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 Mlles < ." �` --- 3.5.1-13 04 O • _ 1:300,000 4)- ' '� 1 inn 1 L...i wit T t>f :,...r..„--1- , Irti;e5 . , • _ ''•" i1��1�1 1 [ ♦l{j j - \1 --I.r�— NE 3Lth STREET�OREST AV P, ,_ \c 11 1 • 1st " —— vim /.inial/Ab sa'Pi ---. 9no �' r .a -K ion. 1 — '�N09M'STM 240A•• i.�R - •IA la �.y,t a�..w , r 1 `/ I..i I �. 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