HomeMy WebLinkAboutTheater Petitions (1982) V/7 January 28, 1983 3/I4 R 2 1983 Mayor Barbara Shinpoch CI y is I b y,. 1ToN and City Council of Renton ? AI. .Y()R°d.� 0�..F,,I# 1, 200 Mill Street `�- -L_ ..� Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Mayor Shinpoch, We, the undersigned, would like to be recorded as supporting your efforts to rid Renton of pornography. We encourage you to take the necessary means and actions to fight this and to enforce the state law passed in 1982 that denies anyone the right to show pornographic movies within a certain radius of churches and schools and residential areas. Roger Forbes is in direct violation of this law and should be fined up to $50,000.00 per showing. Sincerely, The Undersigned,k7/8d2 / / gS33 9S 4vc �ofo� SS' $9 • /" / /f,07 s4 /f✓ /G /FQ -i / 14 /cf-em S ceor- prt* &4_,0 3 /41,_-e_ k0-0/3 C) 9 S vx( u-t•ar- P We: - 3 56 P— 13 9 - Ic - '?2. / )7-z,°L, -vvko / 3�& 7 13 q ar Pc_ S 2 L_ . 47/ �C4. J7`. ?j. 2 (/ / 9-? ziadv >277 m e/- . Z17-2- a (4 tri-t- y",7 g" /ix‘,//c4-77 y_io. 0-7 (/ 7.4",/, - � � £ �t2-7 - 4/ 4146/ 67—I tt. -/ . rz Gu1-Lr- `Mx-- ,//!l G���7 yL - 4-e /ffj‘e_r/( /AV, tit," a—, c7-77u- erLt--1 .7 . • C(.74 1-4I (�ti 293031;- � ;CV Co �� I � G� � o S pF L,1, Cat ,ECEW L ^ AN 27 i983 OFRENTON January 25, 1983 n RECEIVED Mayotc Batcbatca Sh-.epoch and the ty Council of Renton .5AN 27 i983 C,c 200 M�i t Sttceet ITY OF REN a N Renton, Washington 980551!..1 �1Yd�i'� �'" �: f`� _.. Madam Ma yotc, I w.ush to commend you and yowc tstabi 4otc the e66otct you have taken to tty and te,i.d Renton ob the Potenogtcak-Lc 6,c.2m6 shown by Roger Forbes. OWL town hays been a e,&ean town up untie now and we would £-L(ze it to enema i.n that way. Pew/se continue to do evetcyth i.ng in yowt powete to stop th.vs 6.i,Eth pcom d tting up out community. Coy d ia,P.ey� Betty nape ." - ' • • .. • , . - . • .-•. • • . . . . . - . • , - . . • - .. • ' ,._ _ .• ,. • . . . .- . . - •. • :54. 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'''• .. -, ,,:•.!-- Renton, Wa.. 98055- " - ii.‘-k• 8.•-t-',- • - • , - - - - ,-, „ ,,:;,. --. :-.. -,, -..; ..-„,.. : , - . ,-.• .,- t-11,,,,,,i.,4_7v,:--....-..-,..-...7,; .-. ., '"..N.-:.ki..,.-•-r.-:•.• .. .. .k.', - . .. .:.'• , .. : ,4--....'', ,...:7 -1:'''-'''', :,.,...,.4,' ..i4: #.., it.Vit• ., :-.....:-. - - Dear Mayor-And Member- of the Renton City Coilncil• ' ' - .:: " - ..-.1". ' • 54 ..T''...1 ''..4i "... ..„. - , . .,.-•.. '.'-1 . ,)-.... .,.. 'r•;.,:t •=.,'' • '.. '. .r;.• ;4- .. l•r4 .'''' -;'-' ' ' .",4#fle' '..:.17 ... '‘. .. . • ' . . .:. ' A, . ' • '7'' • "!• ,."-, -.. .,_' . -", -r • s-- •-'4ik 1.1; "--40'-'1. ...., .." •. .4' ,, r. amend you for !wing-had the. forestght to pass a zoning . ordinance which would limit. the location of "k-rated". ..-- -,' • -- • • ':-• r!-*:;-•-:- ..-' ...7• '7 theaters in Renton. -;.Yois_ share witit many sma/T .governments7.: • : -,,, - •--.•-, • -••••-•..,, A s'' .._A, ., the responsibility:-or retaining a Pleasant midentraT„ ', ', -• - - '-',.Li;:zsir"---'• " . -• tr7; '-'-'-'i•:-'1 .: ,. •.--.7,,-,..70.3,2 - .. • Character as Surrounding communities and public attitudes '' ' ‘-- r-4 • e"• ' '- 1!"• , ..-7%4, -..:-• z., r,,t• ,;-•• • 00..--• -, t.--:•-•4p,-,....1-",,,--_„f ^ ,.ti;114:1.tt 7.''.change, ;It,seems'-to Rik to be Important to protect.the - ., ' - -7 e'4`;1:44;1''''''-. ' • ''' - -Iv i ,.- : . , --.,..•s. _, •... -.-ii,,,-..., i•-:`;'.4`-.1keTeetants• of the',counerical'area as * desirable place to -, • . ---- --. ,., -, '.:_t: - qc•,,s,•; - '' -, :_ .. , --, ,,• .,:,. , ,' -..-• • and 5to business-,,espectatly with the close inter- . - • -•-• ,-,f-' •-: - -•'-''''' . . , , .• IN.vc.... . „,...- ,,,,,,..nnature•of.sdlool s,-...chkircixt‘ and homes,.-_ .: .-;.'‘,:;:.,T,4,,,,i..-:-. __ . - _. . . - • • 7 •.. - ,,,t.i .,. . . _ - . • •: --#.,...,,' '''''.1."t''''C'.1'ite- , -. 4.4....:,,..,!-4,-,_:,41--4,..-",. _...,;.. . . • -- ,• • • ,i---•',' ',. •-,-• -. , . ',"" 3 i- ,! -.4 4-47-i-,) ' , '''' , • ^3 , . 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The CQC is in support of the City of Renton's Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area , public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsiblity to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigor- ously defend the ordinance in the courts . The membership of Calvary Evangelical Free Church wholeheartedly supports the CQC in their efforts and intends to evidence its support by continuous cooperation and attention to the public and legal proceedings . Calvary Evangelical Free Church 11227 Renton Ave. South By - / �-��-� kitzt,et.44 Seattle, Wash. 98178 Secretary Above resolution passed by unanimous vote of the congregation on February 21, 1982. RECEIVED 64E B 2 4 1982 CITY OF RENTON / f j 1(-4, 6,-) eq v-10 et.e^‘,... .e,..)II i ir3!Jo c 1, reA 0, i?,i5z ZOO tlil I A .)e- S joc,,,,hyl LA)A- 1 c3 0 5 5 RECEIVED FEB 2 3 1982 CITY OF RENTON MAYOR'S OFFICE ii„ ,,ee---rii tc. .e_AIL44;1‹:) /44.Aj .1-c2 ike- it riL 1 , ,01 X ,,,--/, ' ._ei 1..'44,1„,0 \_ cl ,1A---,12-- 0-1---144.-6-N-1 "111.---%,? ' it;--Zol--4-e_ 1,14 So e Le-Ey. . /fr,(•!-- Itr)--t-12.c. 1-1 to 71 c. h.,-c--t't f,,,,.. ,, E-1-) kl 1-,p-Ltnt-C 7 lic-4_Ci- - 011 6:-/c h:, h-t5) kfl,, avuy 0 tt.4...) Gervt.-len.t.(..4.4 , Cf-i ac Az ‘.---A-v\ e.ev..."1..., _c. , e•tt_:,) (2)r-1- 6e..)( ,e,_.1- , ,, i ? i4,1 (. -„,. ("-- / 1) 6 o75 A , 7;--Aolif 44, ii ( 1, -,..7.t..„ --,0 41, a- , A it-t ( -irt---)---,-- -(.--le 4-6-Le 4...-/C, ,- t.,1 e---1,..6 r..;en ! 4-7:.-; .44„,24 ii.,,,,x.„I a,...i 41-1-4, c ,- F-t- ...) 4 4 41.1 6,1,-1,1-,..0-,.-1.. ..7 4 1,-,/l• i 11,,,..t.0-1-- ki.1-11 6-c 1-el--(AAV 41-7 6-t.' eir 1I-4--v / .4- -,1)1- k;1 144. --6f-oef ‘-etti. -1.42,-t.414-4 h-4-2.--ouf '' 1/104-T.A-4404 f •14.11- 411-1, .7 AO?" ; PA/41--e-7-4- LI , tb1.-- Z--1)4. i zjhe;n. 4-1)1,7fins-CV Cli, .014-1-f- /k elireso J, ) • bin Pel-i---.1'Y1 -"Lo 4---t 'eeei-a-4- 4- :5-/--e-e hi -g-e A-'( ki— d7-N 4 ..-6) oiliii 14);-tt i - /94..if e 'd is )-4/ )1-t 0g/ (D5 973_ 3 aim -,-7-94 -‘,4-c,-) r c, �� !� Lam' �, -�-z�Z w, u c/7) T -x ?-2-4-47g-rd Arrinf S • '12-r) � V r49,6/ (Lr' o 4 r __r=-r.e.„6 -i072 `-",! 95 ?/1 � -1/ 'fie/- / T-72--4--c5 -2,-7 ., j ----1---0-V7-i-ell--?-L-- V V .71,1,?_a, /?,--?_,_zrr- ..,..A__,)2. c::,,v.,7,,i, -i-%-c7-0 •- "ZrTh? --27--, ..tr- d-7--, ,,,_.0,, r,,;7_,,,4_ • ,r1-----1•4-'2•,-2,t-lr.,-1.4 ,::,,,7. _74- -t? --c-/ T 01-o c/ -y-Y t.p%; r 1- -(1---fr) 0-,ny)-vl.?-wtr' _2 -,.-()1 , ,_t , c c,744..;,,40„,_„d) rir -,r1° -/c17-2-Z5" l-el --•-•`4-- C2 rc) y1-0 (YN--(1-1-AT l'-)--0'P) —trT- V Ir.>'1e) --t-4-4-6/ r . ,..,__„_,,,,/,,,..0 ‘,....4,Le.c.„--c--),s4. -.1"`')47-6 •-1-4-26--:)--'.---2,g-2-,..v 4p---0 --.i ti 2 bt cr rrof„-- I C -7 .?� - /'a—c," /Se,A-e.,f-e-,es- ti�� I <1 72 J S- I - 421 . iT2 '27. w. r Sae- 9<)-(Ad 2:74t.t 0 -74 3s�� ) etc-w e7-eo ,y12-e ✓,a_u,t. /7�� _/?Ltu_014 j6L . 0- C 4 2& , ( 7 -4 SG 9 ass- c l„ (G/ j;*efrj , >/;?- o , ��� 47% • • TO: Mr. Earl Clymer, President, Renton City Council DATE: 2-23-82 SUBJECT: FROM: E. D. and Dorothy M. Higgs RECEIVED 2040 Union Ave. N. E. Renton, WA 98056 (phone: 255-1605 or 226-6890) FEB 2 5 1982 CITY OF RENTON Dear Mr. Clymer: CITY COUNCIL Please add our names to the list of Renton residents who oppose X-rated movies in Renton and entire King County. If a personal vote is necessary in order to express our opinion regarding these pornographic films, please advise. Thank you. Sincerely, 14. JMI 13S t \ t r r 11-V C-11771 . 4:7-)7 c71.19 7- or;19y---0 V-1/77-"V° -"rvrtirr c-V2p'7? --r9144732 77-72 ,-77-r—P-ITY0' _cro • - -is-77-- .Ex. 17-WTY/ W /c71- 79 r?-zA-1 r717.- -77477-0-7, c-'r2-19--61/ 1;74 7-977 -43 4-yrr, C)-7-91? --7:4*-7 • C (7'72--- rer);77-iv-r- f 1'77- 7774-- 7 2,71-111-7-7 077 14"--01 77-71;'72 7 -1 41Alry.- "4- ZP--7-)4'irrY77,72-V744-n' 0" 79- i7 ( —rret/-7?-71:t "fir "7-L•fpy Q-19/ 47?7 7-7-70• 1217 7-79-t #.7-y --zert/17-4 • 0--r-v-7,/-rAr 77.7-71-7- (7-----e-74-77- 7-yip 1.4-42 r,,r)-777 , 9-y-,?-ry-A-3-7-4-7777,7w 7777 • -1-7 -17--Yt,t--- •, ( ric-027t6 —r-27-17-7 14' 9,-70,2.--77-1I .647e c-t•-p-rr?'_,F • (711 7 1 r77 7 7.7ri -tr;4 ‘?-7-- 717 7-r7--r-er 7,117-Yr7- p-ory 771 7477" -79-71--v (3_0-4 ,.� et.. � �„ /C�D e-d . IC�.Q ct.4r� ail ..mot ,„ cc 9.1u4relY 5114% 4 .1 21 Rentonlog ,, charr2rien or commence 300 RAINIER AVRNUR NONRTM • WINTON.WASHINGTON 98066 • PHONE 216-4660 February 25, 1982 . Mayor Barbara Shinpoch and Renton City Councilpersons City of Renton 200 Mill Ave. S. Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Mayor Shinpoch and City Council: The Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce would like to reaffirm its position in support of that section of the zone ordinance 4-735 (A) (B) . We supported the efforts of the city when the ordinance was adopted April 13, 1981 . Sincerely, L `'7 uJ�i �,f.�... ITT W. SCHUMSKY / resident. DWS:mj ©� • 352b d Vsts • R`Id wa'To La.r. rescr.Vag �,.+ter Area$, �urt40, �y{ A ci$VawCts cckd.Is' r�s•J e*4b '��. a'`J p.n.Its ACCREDITED 1, r. • GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT // 4 -Ae-e--r 6 ,-(name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC )-- is a non-profit corporation formed to ki oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. 72 ,eeez ure of Official astor Pr dent Address 'JP; /9 c "2"-- 7 Phone Date resolution 14as passed by membership ( if appropriate) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also. 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT i:F:FpuBL/cAN 02G64N(ettl.7ioN 11 LE /.574r/rE J"ismcr-(name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc. is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC-L is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. ca9YeLzki) /3¢/9 s,E. /4/` T TENroN Signature of Official/Pastor/President Address 58056 ass- 75592 cTAtilv4,2t�,/J 0271 /9 82- Phone Date resolultion Was passed by membership (if appropriate) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also. 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash.. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLWTION OF SUPPORT RENTON PARK CHAPEL WOULD LIKE TO ACKNOWLEDGE TO THE COMMUNITY OF RENTON THAT OUR CHURCH IS IN SUPPORT OF THE GOALS OF THE CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY AS THEY PERTAIN TO THE OPPOSITION OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ADULT MOVIE (PORNOGRAPHIC) THEATRES IN DOWNTOWN RENTON. WE UNDERSTAND THAT CQC IS IN SUPPORT OF THE CITY OF RENTON'S ORDINANCE No. 3526 WHICH WOULD NOT ALLOW ADULT THEATRES WITHIN 1000 FEET OF ANY RESIDENTIAL AREA, PUBLIC PARK, OR RELIGIOUS FACILITY AND WITHIN ONE MILE OF A PUBLIC OR PRIVATE SCHOOL. WE UNDERSTAND THAT COC BELIEVES THAT THE CITY OF RENTON HAS THE RIGHT AND RESPONSIBILITY TO REGULATE LAND USE BY ZONING AND THAT THE CITY OF RENTON SHOULD VIGOROUSLY DEFEND THE ORDINANCE IN THE COURTS. AND TO THIS END WE WHOLEHEARTEDLY SUPPORT THE CQC IN THEIR EFFORTS. /17 /{NATURE OF PAS TO ADDRESS 17 -/ (/L4Z l�S 1 FtilfillUARY 17, 1982 31,2 7 Z_ OATE RESOLUTION WAS PASSED BY MEMBERSHIP PHONE 3 i 4 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT ��i ris (IaAJ Eclu 40,' m/ssi�+. Sf.AN7�l�0 j Arcname of group) , l � g would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc ; is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQCY is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any. residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. ) (-2'''''1" --- C- -z-P aairwr 4OG So 4-issr � +J Si " ature of' Official/Pastor/Pres±dent Address /. cI l �� lO, 2 Phone 3i 32 Date resolution was passed by membership (if appropriate) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also. 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 . /,A-fit r (/4.4, :-27 2 /IA,:4 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition - to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or • private school. NAME ADDRESS . CITY/ZIP PHONE { 4 / t), a e 3o p iCo. ad 2� )1 ,eZe6 / Le/ r �J/2 , .3 9 l ! ' /- / c. {g./3 e‘MAia( r-f&A) /ir t((k 7 ‘-/-76:= / a . _ _ - _ sL4-, co&) . ) ,, ,. _(,,-4 ,_ L._ p, , .5. --) a--3\ d? - -f-h liV1.4 0 G7 F r 7 8` t".7q -6.4.,„-e. ' D ,.1,- / -.I ,-- - ,t9/7er ire - ' - - ,Th I > P-4/23L a >. C9f2gar cr,,,� 7)�0,/ 3 a� I��.e-'v,.1, , e . &x) . � Rw o ,,,� LOc., ci Ya- — I We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME 62 DDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE (itli-Ae /3//9 S,E; / /s/' 4--/y, 93o5‘ ,1 ss--7.5 -a__ 9 . 13q/9 S. lql k . ?m -4 zss= zs • We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition - to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religiou cility and within one mile of a public or . private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE w_. YaLLO' 1( 40 ,51) . _281 4- Fed, Afrk,Li 9T ,)D/2AxP //e&L/At ]1 70-tZ. g/e/ 1.) " ' 5 c<-, e 7 4 1 .5—5 $s Jat,..c.- �-)-t _,k, v ;;aci c7 v m'-A.!•-{ C��� et r(i 2. ' 1 1.. ,54') U 1) o ... .e.0 Yi7Ag r . 7/-ape; to b .7x, / e' �aue�s� _a4t peFi VC g2 8/1 -.dt,-=,e,r,1- 7)7r4-1 _4,4 7 0 / //..Z m _ . - - Li yIcI . 7‘.2r9a ?9o-0253-104? c-, iL'/, -1 tci_r, ,LL i,,f a., S (21,4/ / .,7 /2 7. _ s a — OC)F /f/Z i� We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. r ,:N.;'.'E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE /565, i/6.66,A,,,=_ 7 / /- 7/.oetzp..5_5_ , ..76 A?J J, 17/. /4, .3 a s.F n 46r' co A- aka S ,Z,2-(9-'S co 9.- fY19L6o&c�, ra.? ft rlo9(o0 14.9 0_E_ eirtitort_ , coct. 98355 � 11 -7 , . it2onvID f /8, 33 ii yJ-I R-cr1f-, (A14- liO3' -- 226-6-‘,2 3/7 '� 1,i-cc W0 0 9'?!-P357 0paai - Gii-4 ( "1L il.: r �3Oe't i• l8as3-- 22 ,4.- .sue 2 ,ii ./1(. x-42-,-.— /05- SD.5 . J8a ''(P(2, , 7 o.3-.)' z1,,,--.ZoW- CilLiVIIJ ok-1/141s12n Lozoi el- _t(0'-PL *G4\11,r (1‘c6DC d55. "6(7' a.- ' .."4•:•tv-vG,.:' /4f1 S .4Y./D i, f 9d'od-4-(a71-loss i t )- L / 0 3- S/-:-- /lc} /�� r, • rf ' --,117fr ar•wiLL tJ, >7-z Mews IOSQ7 S.E. /go P.Dawo ) iQt_iiita-k..) j. a) ?Foss- �1vT, .« / O S(97 S/ i 16.1Pi-4G_.- T?E/1/7,4i w'''T4L.1----a .. ° Pi rs 5-6 /0 ""A ,,, 4/ w f sog s A,'F� ,, /e. 3.I'.�e 1P0!-e, / ,& Gd -. 9,Po.<�- OI,-; -,/- 21 / 3 - 3IJir_M Pt. 1Ic >2 fa lv4 A9' . (2?M. idt. 44,2%1 /a ./.1- -=TE iio'�a x. 9,a.ss- -7)1-61 M-444-ed . `0 �5/1.E / .0 ,.G4.,1):;> 9ks: /., V 41,4 "-/.1".4'--/Aeii3:41e4eA%_ lore' l ,,4,4 ', 1/ v /2 S',, ,z e - el-id-s i ��r , e t.zip / /0/2._. .r:-.: 2 / Z. - r /7 / .". , g'zasal ‹A.d-- 5- tii.,..i a /A2.,,,/,,,./ ei �,,,�c-; / &$_cc -- // 7-71' (i-,, S~ %<y -'J u . i r, 414- .. Az,' /VG 1 ', /2 c i L c g...v--cJ 900„'-;.--' __V))/1 /id th-A2e7i-i ()LAI 5 -9DrIll pi J, „-r- .15 C 61 / .3 5C /.-Or 1 (' 3 1 e C / -• T t c 47/rr' PZ S A✓.; 41(6) ./ •_IF IRN Tn S 1? Carlrr OaSn a Rentnn Wa Sh Q80S -� ,. _ -i.: . ( 3 -) 44. SE. kz .„.s- 9 ,0 3/ We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ?;=.''E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ . , / (/ , ii6f/f 2/ 1�/� �f4_ // 5'9- S, F. i � :74,_, - ,zYES 5 ; em } -fsy P,/ed2,7(--a.vt, irs)v * /.-_,,,,,ivi54---,.e .- -5.)( /// 3y,� t /ram / L. 7/ (-)F 3v Wiz. (/..,/e6:1-ii& 7‹.// /i:74. ,$VC- 4.2 / _//,"/'0 '7.' .,t---:.)//C-/,i 7.11°,,, 7. . '.1 -4./ :::e-' --j k. t<.:i. --,titli/lAit, ( .Ittlt(' S.6 4' 141r) _.-44' IYir1/4411 c-t 14-c[1 ., ________ , //er) f� i'J� y ��l?re .1(�. ``� _Z��..riy./1y1 ye.✓ / L ��/' /'�s/�/J,�c'4,[.�f�? �1 J`� '1'� '',,, ,cAzy __e c744,1 i.,_-•,,_i_4_ /4y.:2, ,z- ),,Z, 6 . .62 0. re. ,z, - 1--' Z.-;1/ -2.6--S1,5-35 / Li 1 / I GY•',Cl!//ef.- /14•/ 13/-/r�Ce - `zeti 3 •P,"A. .-c•- tc4 ' ,2.176 7_ 7 z-�Lac. 222 ,, 1 :.),P <'— 1 e tL� Ci,:t, i f rnk..,,C�,�. `-) ) -- te U U .� _-i-,,,,•?,+il C 1 -�?, / Y V// / �-67 h ,Pk , J /:: a' /.- b l,��� ,1 S ` , 7 Z, /`••%{ I, 4-c',- « , /f/ 1 _:2-_ /,ilC' '7.4 �•4'•C .Sc ) a 5 5/i'7c / //.-d-rfx_ /.,:-A(z-Ja/j.,,i_eef, . -%/ 3_Sc /88 T . ./Te-k-/rii 77 -675/2— i 9 1 a KJ' A- Lez(2,� /17423 S L /i4'�'-//, /?/ /�i/1067X. , *). - ZI--/ / ��; ` `l/ `l`�1 1(9 23 5.f /fL.- `4Pe ✓ct-/.7Ie •7 ? se ,'4G, i:11 ! iB`.`1`lJ-Y2'21-'. / `ti S/c/ • /�L= f/E- _if'e'i)//- ) _• , -z 2 /L_, ,e, /L_L, Jt:L 11((1/c71 i i V)I 12 L i<< ((i.t_ ; t, 1 CI_ s , , ' ,/ 4- 19 i 51 1 } i'itt.414_74-14_,1.6) -- i q0 .0 1 / o 4 C2--x.e .ie•ig,/k4),,_ :23-y -- 6&c, - *;-, C1 v (c o--eig /..zei e-ACL,�../ \ .2, -t ''c> i. \-,c)1S1 VIA C-S �/ L., ,,; tif.. -,-, 2_ .ir r!J � 1, Ali\ ( � � k3,1-/Z'Cir _ --iVZ 1 t. t, 46-3-- - ,. `•J -,-..mac i. ��+�►: � 1 / c q c- s. .. Jul i. -t, R_e,-,,.. L. ,._ 7i10 S9 `�` . car SS /Crhic ' �IL I✓ ,? i.e)-/ //-) I� It ,2 'q���`: `.-)_J 3 c/6 ram) 2//./ c --,-,.(,,'f- ) //8 / t_i 'er I e )e ,4. Ler -2' ',73 --::;%%-Z. i 1 I ,/ i ;// 9 /� f r, •�C ',1 1 %-f ' i/:1 c-- l -5 J ( .- �� C.- - //- 3 L+JL 1 414.ilara.... . ,--- . ,---- ::-- i „, If4 ksi Li., / liC3..ai14Y' , a , ' „:' - . . E±- _ Sr: 1t4 Y,t. -t- 1 • .•..: .. '. 1 ,a41,(.,, A- -) 1-/-,t44 /I 1 I - / / 4 . ' -.6.:,'l.L 77v - S /}.-5' ::IGl ---:/-4,e ' -_-;c14-c-e---4.' ziV2-' /1 --22. , 7 1 '1 1' � s L{ ^ / - I �? / /f/ l sly lA io 1I� .ci-` -ice �' RFT11 ¶'O 1417 rprlar Ave) Srl RPntnn, .1110h 98045 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition _ to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious -fapility and within one mile of a public or private school. , /1/ i- NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE t1 r--4:,-L2 -0-,&6‘) /em s ,1. a iva .e £ `' , 1 l 07 �� -(f/c^t-� J �A. \-k0a9 \ bo , sc «6-9Pe g-e.,-.-C_, ,1 w F9 .Z..�s . /0(1 il ��* /- ,.t, ,�e r it �.t„) 43S--104 / ' : ,,y,A,,,, ) . (),.. ,/ ,,,/1-7 -- .,1 ,,, -_.:,--A/-,Z- 0-31,..,Z • .2,terK,' -7 7/-...g,e/11 �� u0�—tl,'R�D 7 �/c n'b- sE 2 = (Y s 04AuL.n.) ygo5S 4-3-2--loon AL, ig 'no i Yt m e_ se_. Ren+o n 7do5S ,v7.18 -4.42.3 y 0_. i k--bZ-& •' 1 - 0) AL EC.: 1<ou-r ' q s v.d I 6. 1- //,,,-z 04- ..e„.„ 2443'3 /37;v 5F• IC_6-")v7- ci3~c►3/ E3/-/i3 ' D ; 'c ___. .�11 /z, y ///4A,e Sj y,e76;) I v;3 - 31-y23 5 c.. .,,i\-7 ).' ' _ 17* e) S," , a2ai1-1, . Alt: 7.,.,z� 9s0 3. / 4 30 /277 O- / 7Co 6 s e 0Z.2 yam, �P...t "r6 3 / 6Yo -/2 7i , ,...,___ , (;,,e_ZZlifi ..-rW...? .2/4-I - a / • j`-c�eZ CLnCtrk.. Sk.�(ko-,c . 20 zzz u a Pc, c� lc�(n.- (Y U jO�. I, .. 43 z.oho z., .lac-ate o t ( ..e4.... ,,,, A 7 ',11--- , 2t< ,ed--- AA% ,e- -- o2 7-(rb 5171 --Cc z'<A--- 7-7-7•- rr,- / 3 / 3--)-- /T7IYj1 ,(j lc`f' e-- -- '1 lc , g - 0:)h-,_s_.i / za t i 6 gape 44.i fa afii, /g7.3/ `s�.. //. , r6-a, a..5-�-gzpi a- _,QA--e-L_ 2 v v/1. je /6 P-'``1 , �,z.Z.-w 9 Fa 4-6 o17/. /.21 liar/ /4'// ,U 9=� av-e- Se- = 4.3 l j? 1)-L /41 erti e y e ) e i7o�J ?.26,-� /�'`✓'yO -/‘! u S� ,,,,._6 6 6 6 e 2C�-____ __ =-=ti, tZLi S 1 l-,` 111.i e ev,,, , A-0&) 22g -5 S We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition - to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious'- fa ility and within one mile of a public or • private school. ( i4 i NAME ADDRESS. CITY/ZIP PHONE . ,. ."->C4-.k- -2 3eY 6 -,_ /I . 12 E. Xe _ f,_.•(. Id'c-)ss Z z 6 ` f7 ?.q , l')L, W c�: le,•„•,,- pi?ia 0241-. , '-L,9°_4t /rs-t-A , `. ..�. v 4 - it-Po-6-6 .Ss O?4 ` u-q� c•.�� 1735 Z, 18,\,_. �.�a_ 5v R�.,�c Y, L�et__ R Bosb ��S Wb 3 ;/,it-ett(a..i a. 4L : i.5",5 L•z 024 7/" ,P/Jc' L" , `L/1 Jio.5-4. z a G G A,3 a ' / /de.4..) -• P 1417 '(60 .5-,t 1024)7--ei zei•aig• %lbs-L, )-)s--3vs71 i'tt '7.'�1/Jie C IV /2 3 Li —al%e7Ff1 $ ' /.S5 -et 1*1 ' 4 17 2 -3?3L ir/lAY'X C. Ci /5-67,/--,?0.2 f12•62.ntl. kft,-)k)----7-) (c,_ • 47,,a .2.26---YZ5>6 < zt: a /L4/ ,( t'L f' ? , 24..„ L,.'Q . 970S-6 as? -5� 73 r —z,5-07).65- � / Rh/ / 5J4v . 041.1.0. , /g�1 S F,}n 1/42-,0 9 qo ! 7 05 •-6.5,7 --,-7- /4_ (-1-t __,--/ 1 2- '.7/d 6a'A /�666 -// f�` , ‘, - 5 -/ 3 d ��.�.2., /L 6/6- /C, sr eias,c 4.i_ Cti,., 2 - FtG6 G 11 All /r2/voiii/171 T Z -1 /�Y3/ may``` ) &eid- d We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religiou acility and within one mile of a public or private school. .. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ x4/1/rce2etr.A. l? -1 & -3itL6 EST f$rSC 2_2_4. `fE 4._,..„...:-. L it, 4 i� s',�_.-,'�7/ ', t yee .A 9foS_5 ass n A6A- so vo'`_s_dy_417 A /i ass- /- • We, the people concerned ; bout Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Thrd Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park. or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 1 .._ ? Na ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE V a' CZ, \OLOrits11 1 IN' 14I S-3111 ,)t i4 WI' n kip ocpq -/ r. ` 5e\G Ju55--_K lI ' l (' , kE.. R . kY:Aft 0..A10).e.ri le)-( t )niL',,-) i'lti:. Ai f--: /, A rl Il-n-fr-. i31., _ , `' PI 1 i r QBOf 2 CS- S I. LLlLP 4L-ZCt / / C,a _>/ A! r/ 4 P 1 / ! O vt/i.0 riii Ad 7'12 rayeei• 2 ,--' 7/2 7 67V-ii (-4 27: Po ' Si 42.4.2 Sh.,1/471 ' /lCc 6 -r 4M-7A. I ii-. l"1 S(I' ✓1 d . T` )1. ",1Ict 1 L7! YGJCI '%zEj 1� Lvti0y/ iCs ,S' 12 Q -��( /i ,/j1-c..., l`t/z / , j-f /i1 r ti-e r) /7 (1,1 ? GT : 4kAri,ii).%,'f' •-?1/1-0 il,14-7A ,SE fateithi eia • i'ethteti &AZ- ,01, 765 ' , ezt ., froi_z_7; /1/-c -r.tii.. -it.€40_77ze ig4,e /4.,47 ,_. 905? 1_,c - e ,. ..4 4,i.6, tf .„4 / 5-_,-v -. __1=----717,,,-----' de, ._ /f?4,347, 41'4,-. ..z.rr-6 3Y/ \....\/, ),\•,..t--\%,,ki\-...-i \45-t\A- Vi\. 9M55 )-1 ) - 5 ). • Qua. i • 1 the people concerned about Renton, are niteaaeltheate pv ..yv.• the establishment of pornographicad feel ovat the trey of Renton Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . r.e _ f late land use by zoning the right and responsibility regulate which would not allow i we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526ubllc ilt theatres within 1000 leet of any lmilelof arpublic or ck, or religious fac�.�ity and within one ivate school. CITY/ZIP PHONE �__.--_ NE ADDR�'SST__ - - --- C __;_,,..• #_____,:t.. 1____4.ci4 .,2.-1-3-,-&--C,-------,1 _ '/1 ft' - , _,..„, )/ - 6__(;.6 , - . . ,''' • it)(__ __ `L L , - ,' D 00-3 ` .S. / 'd K Qom 3/ -I' .,........ .../ in. _'ir•!.. a id/. - 21. J -I �v 1,det, / j: T -n..../ / ��yi ll ..�A. , �tJ-�- 9 O 's 5 1 �- k--_, t :.�. �� e c c) — gc 6 22 — We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or ( °private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ w a,,,,,6, ' i . —/7 - ,3 / IA)it-"5 2 s-9 --5"-=5:3°-7e___ 2 -.-, 1J //7as-- Jf /4.-r4 f� tI 3—®7s�=s 3 it�P' � /,2j/ /F ,2 /`�p,�. 9gds _2ss- .2i7�' z" _ a AS/-// '.r" /ce.v/M'p80c3"-ird- /! 0 • We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue , We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1O0O feet of any residential area,park, or religi s facilityand within one mile of a public private school public or l . • ' NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE yiltifi. ./______9.2____ JA2A2.2.2 _____. 9805 1zg-ino1 , ram-/ Cc,,4_, /STO 7 ,207 A 0 SC: = 7,07/ <5?'e 5z, �r nzt, E 13u,kietry s709 •34}7 Pi- SE f ,-ttryk..._ 9 „ ,i'1,,,i-ia?i i 1,/ . (9'7r."(f:ec t e I/,g ‘4___?,,a,73-- 02.5:-j:6,5',154 (' (s' 9 GP a j jt,___,1*- P- ,� 22/ 1G a-t-' fa. !e-1 J',Fc)5 2 Ss 7 yak .Z' Ai-idet e. e5 sc,,,,,..i.,,, 1D/_ / r,r o,s�_ ----111 ckAk,L4 -711' ___I 1.. c ---fiii‘e.-4.-- ( /er / Ei5 -( , '"-"' We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. okt) NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE /, -i(-°17/4 O 23 ) 2r •I >/ if/'a 7,c.. -,6 6_414 ,y�r-/ r / 1 ,�. 2MII- �1 v✓V1d5L,,-a A/F Relit'x �-✓9"a Cf""r�-4 a - ' 11 (7!6‘? C•e cad'i-6-/kg/ ".....l_,A-e___,/ (S-e__.-a__ ..v,--7,,,n S' o 4 ire).,,--2- 4.-4 T_/ )7E 75,4-40-7 Le) e2-4 i_e _/(f-rF �A/.��' n-yrA/ 11���,1 // 7 - �-Zs` J�e /i.e z 4 or-2e- ..5-/ zeG G/ eL G c .7/ (2„ckv-tom GQ, 7er7 4'4 .�?.5i_ il/ 3o �, 1,4,-, i76Ze' $ a/sT AL z eat, 25 f- 72 1 �4 ,7J 2226-C4/4i /gay /i- (� /apj•1‘'A /4/ Pc.4, /-C 4 0 7, til , L Z , H ,-r s /� l e S., /1 e .v $e.✓ ji/,�}- 1 -e E. - %5i G., 7 ' �C'=?r��� / 6'�jtkl t l ;�r C / c - ;. IC' /el S r . J.J et r% f�. C• ///, • / ;%, ///I( //��1.,/ I e:-c L 1-4 -ter lam'71 (4'r?16 ,.�'r ir?C� U We , the .people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition 1 to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow e i adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE � 444421 ‘iti'7 ,`d D , / ,p�c eir g 7/-1f vi-I - 3 1 —RFT?'3`i_ To .32_C.:Lir__1te__S�_. 1. ._._:,, 2 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT ROLLING HILLS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc. is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. -v,04-tz4Tei ./9"61-6‘&01-e"o?aas- 9-"74 Signature of 0 ficial/Pastor/Pres4dent Address° 4/ff /ffol--. 17/QG�/y Phone / Date resolution was passed by membership (if appropriate) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also. 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT Lai) z.'/ ouA ejb (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. /�/024 6. /-5, Signature of Official asto Pres4dent) '0 Phone Date resolution was passed by membership (if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT -41 TV � • (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City Of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. �L Ulm 7/ /Icy�U Si ature of 0 icial/Fa�tor Pr sdent Address c7/-44 , j% Fho ,5 Dz �0 Date resolution was passed by membership ( if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also. 532 Cedar Ave . , So . , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT r ll Eh1T,4 L 5, Iiv c . (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. //O a a z a to". Sign ure of Official/Pastor/Pres4dent Address Phone Date resolution was passed by membership ( if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also. 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT fev,tOn Ietireol Teacker5 p550cic±o (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. S nature 0 icial Pastor resident /D 6 6 Address %mil d/ t _" .� � Ph ne � Date resolution was passed by membership (if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT gazi_ ny.4..,07.i._Az:,Aname of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc. is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City 6f Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. ig?C41:14.-/&6 lit, i nature of Official/PastorPrest-dent Address /fez o Phone ate resolVtion was passed by membership (if appropriate) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also. 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT ) (name of group) , would 4 ike to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. vir f 2 %Go, (0O ufiee,-)t- 16)e a re of Official s or s�dent /g i� �A re ctAv T!al 50 Phone 1//'e . eso tion was passed by membership (if Tt Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also. 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT "47:r-ate (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/sue4p ^h peh;e-tc. is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. Signature of Official/Pastor/President Address K,�, -�- ?&02t �� �-- Phone Date res lution was passed by membership (if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also. 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. AOMJVP Si na r o cial/Pastor President Address 2 5 /7T3 Phone Date resolution was passed by membership ( if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT 4/ U, (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City Of Renton' s Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. v.?g.31/,- Signatur of Official/Fa8to /Pres4dent A ess .-- - g Z Phone Date resolution was passed by membership ( if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT Aaw�i�is�ra�ive &yard, ictinnyciate Lioifect /Vte tdisf C uvo (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City 6f Renton' s Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts . We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. i 3OO S PARK AVGAIUE NORTH Signature of Official/Pastor/Pres4dent Address Robert Wes-4 wore, Ad van i ru's(Yoc}ive. 6oaxd, C11cA,i r 255"oZl � Fcbrao-ry to, 1182 Phone Date reolution was passed by merbcr3hip (if appropriate ) 13OA Rr Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So . , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT First United Methodist Church of Renton Council on Ministries (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. 2201 Northeast Fourth, Renton 98056 Signature of Official/Pa;star/PTA en± Address 255 5403 February 9, 1982 Phone Date resolution was passed by membership (if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT jZ4-at (name of group) , would like to acknowledge the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc. is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. Z cr=�I � � r, 7 Signature of Offiial/Pa8tor/Pres4dent Address 31, Phone Date resolutiah was passed by membership (if appropriate) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also. 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT `�aSVc)q-"L -0\,) � C� �.. � ` (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. I AAA ! , ► / QA1K1 Signat. - „f Official Pastor P es4dent Address _____Wa —iz49 a 6 1/ Phone Date resolut or was passed by membership ( if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT fla &puBLIc/414 aC6,-/batim. icM 11 /- f /S74TibE iisr c r(name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc. is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City Of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. a9jejQA_.4) em-4 i/244 g A1 /34-19 5,E. /4/ `REwroN Signature of Official/Pastor/Presdent Address SIC-- -�" � 759 2 �li�NUH'z 7 /9 82_ Phone Date resolution Was passed by membership (if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also. 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT RENTON PARK CHAPEL WOULD LIKE TO ACKNOWLEDGE TO THE COMMUNITY OF RENTON THAT OUR CHURCH IS IN SUPPORT OF THE GOALS OF THE CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY AS THEY PERTAIN TO THE OPPOSITION OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ADULT MOVIE (PORNOGRAPHIC) THEATRES IN DOWNTOWN RENTON. WE UNDERSTAND THAT COC IS IN SUPPORT OF THE CITY OF RENTON'S ORDINANCE No. 3526 WHICH WOULD NOT ALLOW ADULT THEATRES WITHIN 1000 FEET OF ANY RESIDENTIAL AREA, PUBLIC PARK, OR RELIGIOUS FACILITY AND WITHIN ONE MILE OF A PUBLIC OR PRIVATE SCHOOL. WE UNDERSTAND THAT CQC BELIEVES THAT THE CITY OF RENTON HAS THE RIGHT AND RESPONSIBILITY TO REGULATE LAND USE BY ZONING AND THAT THE CITY OF RENTON SHOULD VIGOROUSLY DEFEND THE ORDINANCE IN THE COURTS. AND TO THIS END WE WHOLEHEARTEDLY SUPPORT THE CQC IN THEIR EFFORTS. . .,i,_‘,d, __ Z,J S<NATURE OF PASTO ADDRESS fi71 j ljL/cZ y�C.ZS -� FEBRUARY 17, 1982 af,- - JC 2 7� DATE RESOLUTION WAS PASSED BY MEMBERSHIP PHONE GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT I tr�s (lani EclKca-(tom rx�t/Sci�• KsA4o u:/j A�skname of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City Of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. (-) (/_1: 71e/ aCci vti 4) 4OG So 4+4 Srt' Sii'iature `of Official/Pastor/Pres±dent Address 3/ 3 2 Phone Date resolution was passed by membership (if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. N.a2r'E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ . ' // .1-- - Efeie-61 - zo 4575-- ..a.5--_)--- --r-7' . . , F ' �,V4 lvS - .ass sj gOirt / M - a7-0 ,�v-zz z`� i _ //iI/0 - S -E_/ff� ‘_,L,(.21--ej n fi�,� a,r.�7 6,,i� 6, 7r-eei24 0 ,e-f7,,, ,/ _i/,/o _s7. .4----2/6,A<, 2.1-,,,,c, /,,,,, .42. --,.-- __,L1 ality 1)4) 2 • lion g 131-lk i '/iutn ., /A p/ / y! . - - //'62/ �'-/7.c4/ � -i26�-8z i .R.A.:(4 4W.4;64a...4 i,yieg,/- )4.2.( zYlio.i.z,2„5, 8: /e_,,,, ,i, ,,,,-,,,5-1.,6--,550 ,�,f,, a„,,,,- ,__ _,,,,�! i//gi31-416* 't,5, „. 5- ,.5 / ,d.„t_ A ilk 2 a. yytJ- j g'. 2 y— 1ao . Jr �iz1„ ,t _ 9.2G- pia 7 az/2A,, ey-ive,, , , , ,_diti.,,,. s-e- s f. R,ediZc-n, - `1 Fr ,6 ‘ -- /,,,,:-rse ae-e-e 2-,e__ /ef/ i_ 2._ / G&-e ,Sf": 4`1t5-t-, , a-55-4-'7y / :I / ix- /c-leze, --____ 3___-c_e_-_ ia_f_t7_A ______/_ 77-074/Z_ ,.2 ' ie PA. / //a3 S L= /86 etf0 5c, . �g. - 6 S-V 6 G ,4z //i23 s . /e6/4 pe 417O h 221.6v44. 0301/ �C,Q rz,-.ti / 4cSl/9 - /aa Sr ��_J-A`/n/�, Zz6 1i 7fjr...., - q, datiamin nisi( j 2 0 - ac,e .5..t ( c-it ,2;',Lt, -- 19i I^M,,.„,,,A Ci, ‘- crm421, ; C CS J 1 1.-0 ''A u E s Ra.11.,4 0 IA ti N,- 4 '3`T=3 40o' / ' -,2cc—C Goo V- e /q e-0,3. 7zv(4GLo-e,(f t fetz 'r+ ..2.5-VeL v o �r (/ o 1 0 0 4 '1 -0 .4\ E. . . -...a. Vic. . _ . I I r( y s -. l •-.em, Ot 7/ ►0 S . .14. i ' .. 8S/ A oz-- ?.- S , ISO" : De4 .30/9 l/ f/fie_ (� ./xe.1 ) //8 ' / j /er— .,-)-o .c ""_7 .753 Ss7� /// 2, 3_ 1; , /erg / i a,�5-- 3/1/ 71 a.,,fA,ez, .r) o;:( //cf/a �: /s 7/- ?(i ' Leek,G1. .e.a-e/Li /14 f E 1 55- 4 4 4 • 4t&t ji-tv _ 1$k (9- I(6 =S -E, R—t f. - 2,/i11 '( -A , , /f /F —//A( )[ �2 ,2`5- - /.3'3 a i c .�� /V ocr -- //C i_ '' 1--I33 n G - , -- 6 1/7;e / 7cf& RETURN n 2 Cerinr Ave_ Sn , Rentnn, finch 980S5 �L ' We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public I park, or religious facility and within one rile of a public or -1 private school. s ,NA!,'E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE .�° Xi/6 /56-- , //� a„v -` /f �I� � - 6-/s��,2 a k 1 .rLA i91. /fS 3 11 40E_ 5' Ref.kaa cu R- 4(r0 5$ ,,/(-15 co Ills Woad yk,hatt, t 109600 1 L9°' ot_ ?if to-n, , cW 96055 ___Lac2_2-3 1 17 ,t.?. l v/o 1 /&,33 I r xJ-L R-cn rz (. - _to 3-s- 22 6_6C2 ' ,,te-5 ii 7 ‘- ct,-E.,-0 af712-v, 7-4,, ?4)63 9'7P-P35", D/JG-Z f .. G'rd L4 (6 44Cr 3 3 <Fe',la 41 f f'o S- - 224^(s 6 2 4, . . emAiiv";..--- ,I c ca�'? . J g a j) 4,(2, e9 , 97o. -,)' 2 z 6Zoyp` G t e44' sa V() 14 E. ( )tP(. e,, L( c' jSS d5S' cn� Vi.144-49-ti-ee.4.1 /a1 s •. cam.ji 1� �-, fo orr s-{;7/_/oS, -) ); j Li ,) 3 S /- /A / L.. e s, . / gd7N z_ . TDB �1)cr- d-e.y-7 (471L-i- .// // / , �`/ /0 �-� _— Geld >72 27'27kctJ /0 'a 7 S.E. Igo PQt.J h Aio-1J j Jka) 9J'D56- 1v / o cal S. ^ I, I.P1, C rTEA/7r7 ti U 4 `1d706T3_ 1?-44-1GZ . 2,2 /'f .J---sc. /a 'cam,. ,,, .,,/ aJ,if 5--pw s—3— Ufj.0,4.., : /ei3s„Ie. AP,-'' 4.. ., /V�.-. 01- .-," 410 _, - .,,, - 0,.. ,, , , . &f. .?, ..s,- . 4 7-14-- /c _____ 96fo-5-5— IL. , A /. .1I •, id . / • - =/- I . /,..., is3- tiAAI �fJ/� -%_ i . G,. ....�.c/ -/ - 'AM, x �� . / c) / S'e2 / k'�' lii�, a.!/I ��Jir i :4 r t —.14.`. • U _ Z ,3/ cIc7g,�1_ e 4iw--... - _ 3'/ S )-,.► i 7J4-i;I /I P iT -- ..i c .5 (.1.,/ an (iiteia, /S. )e5 Alf/3, Cl s3 - 1 i / We - i y , `. ( � -SS `lit)-iv s S C Zo - 5Vo3 G. / /ZG~1?L s g.vte,� Q�3U6.� � y /G 2i1i11i .--A 0 fa-/ 3 -S. ' isT, i o 31 /6 9t 7S`" Pt S C 9dro1/ _____jv -- et/INI TO 917 CPrI r AvP Sn , RPM-cm, Wach Q$05% . 4.,L a- .-- ,;<.5 ,-,Le i, -- 13)- r e s & ,4„- 1:fie'3/ A We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton x has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public 6/9 park, or religio -cility and within one mile of a public or private school NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE j--`tea: P-e( v n `r`'._ S. -w6,- e.?Ers-S- �1,-cvs-6 _ ` � /(77//5-/ -i G; -Ce- Z-1,,,,-e/7z2 Via(- G .7 3S IdIL I701 PIT' }4,re. $E An vt (' 6 2S 016 7 ......,6 ---t- �-4 0777/ /7-- 6 ,c 5 / C 9 �4 a,,,,z,, ,i406--b- 2-71 J aj-17 12(4-. y 4 ►4z, /3 a /34C SL,. /..v s-131, St ifeitzlee , Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton , WA 98055 ___ We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religiou cility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE y_14,110caufin.c. IRO) 5n •.2 E1 6" Fed . bJ3 9GV3 AJDQ��'�x.P ,44,,,,,,A2-4 1„..,z, i,o, ;2;'` ' 5 .14, v_to__,....___ 74 1 J-5 f.5- gb.A-4/,, -x.fivki ,;-D-C1 a a Nr4. ‘ ` .- Ci g(l c Z.y-inn',. ja q / ..2y2 /2S 419 � 6 9/Q.S:s ,z7./-/9� Li /GYZeJ Zdeze.r.ftzs 117 7i2 a/a - , - . s AZ - )-i «A�'/) /0/96- pr.)n©l a 4A( �p ntiL, -, 14) .g15/b4' X 0) /..z 4 _i_ .a C �(,,;C:, 11 )a M;1,O,1� ( (.( 3 _ l '3 sS r 11 ily e S .: l rct Fi l Y - CSC-G i ST ( V,&/ � ,o� y�l/� 1 ji a _ boa�' tip~. % Go�r� kn-fic;1,7 9� , . q L ` (7 3 A — ii._- ,v( ,P ,� 9, ..64 //y-fcf 3a7 6 /'I41, ;-.2 7- '2 f' We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 0 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE iid. ,Lotbz, ,3. .S'),1(t) odigtr7t ,2..( AJI) 404/7 132,/ 5' c Iii,"434 , 75 --.9a,a . v , g/7 cd&tAiat 0)2 . 23 90 L„e:a. e7//1. _ -76 -ci /3z-tY-6 -SeetVe6 WA- c IF I 7 S'' ' &I 17 -i3/ -4.. 7 gel _ <.-17/ Adigrjc o 8- A5, 6i), ot-z-riv-41?d, 'Te-..,- -,,„ ii)e- ?'xs--.5-- ZiexAi#, 4.t cam .327 AvAA e , , ) -�� -,, _GJ 48O .J— c. , � 9Ce�or� , S ct,,,I(r1 3a� IY fvvvz.7 f}v-e. Sn . ) RQvvtp a tea, q 'C �' RETURN TO 519_Ceciar Ax+n Sn�_ Rnntnn_ [,Task_ 4S(154 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or (I private school. r NAME DDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE awi ty41,CtA /3 9 S,E /ii(sC -- AN, 9Zo .1 ss-7 5 9 ' , 13w11 s. . NI A- k Ed. 1 eoks` zs's=7 2 • We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious- fapility and within one mile of a public or private school. i, /; NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE /33-vs z w ' gkee &&, eJii �� 4/6 6 JQ,cv.. .,_. \\ccsa \ 4 \ "l SG l 6'pe - -r n w 0 OZ.�s' /< Ae‘,2,211. (11-..-..e / Jecv , -->f,2,1,6„) ,.&3. l0 4 / ),„L-.4.'... - A., ‘)_ - (' , i /,-,&z.n-„/X.,. -_,,_,,k_,„. se,_I:214,e 6, Q,„"--,c) ,..v7-7.- /f :tal. IV // fi a. [3r- l'd'O5 /Ye ,9 ve. St_ RenTo n 1805S aid' -a3 I'a_., 2 k i.4a-L,Q' -yJj-- 137 QV Sr k '` ' q 62,7 I &T 1- 11,,Q (2 ,.- -. _ .- 244.7'3 /3'7-'� >�- &" T `i$O5/ 63/-//3 L -)62,4A, j224:Lka aao/y /7iA116.1. 1-1/fiviu- ?r03-5--- g3:2-Yr35— CI- _ / 7Co 6 sue- 2.2 y71 /t-Pr1' 7 j6 3 C9_ -/27; __... .r;e __./L.,j, Roza z /7 if-AA'Z S�_ "%e106%fig 4/12 el gawky., Ski Out- 2072L us Qt. Se. (flc ek U'I a_,. 432.06o 2J 0 14o&r.t, ` 17 ,. ?. #7% 0� way -21,_,-( / 3 /'b ,4e 2- ' ," y, 5,,,c�- , // .L i 7,,E 0 _ ,,/ i Ira f10,1,te.4, Aft1 g773/.SC- 1 ye -cn. I a.re, s`s--�� T9 ro 0.- �6c l t/t//. J-i /6 - J,7V .iv 9 A S% .2 7/- ,2/ /KA _,... ..(4 .. . 4 ' G.2 4//6'A 9'21-4 Cw-e_ Se- Cf,e,i -A,..) c2 .WP-Z 4:3 T ti) ! ) 21 13' /41. _eri) 0 sue fe oil ? Li /7 % a ✓ /o -/G?44 Ste' aa 6666 Ai . ,L' o - .4'. ok 1 (-2,9 c 1 .9 s RETURN TO 51? C:Pclar AVP Sn , Pen tnn, Wach 98055 — We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious- f ility and within one mile of a public or private school. / 1 1 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE /(��- .2 Sa/(-L �_ /.. -e_. 17 a X _ itizt, `lros_r 7 z. 6 V �,l . r-4�ro `, r4:-.14/an, a, /i,/9/0 02,,-d.i-L,9P..,i1, /(..-t- i R; ie, ., sr,-;4 . 94,0 5 6 (7-6---c'?1; ( c- \')5\Z NS\= ; 5V 9-ie__-,��r,weL__ R8c5a "aa-\ 3 /fitett1.1r4 1,7 /5"5 a e 2 r4 t/,(te e,,.t�. (d,, 2a5e r4 2 z t c.i`3 ,,i-- e , 2 /w-- _sue .4- l s- Cv=, 7P,C6 LP-a6-67/3 ram' V Ilgeh-. - .// /� �d 7`(�'; .ice ,Uraaii «/„ig, F 1� -3o5z "A-+.c (t, (,,W«f/4v /2 3 ti —c26c , - $ /S'. c 'j/ e44 i' 7 2-La3)32 -2 ,/ C. (-( //,+ /1- /S4%/��C)� .��'. ?c / e' 2s ) (Ca • «%.5.Z .2.26" ,? "c . . -4.�,<L_/yes o L _l�Y ,_. !?..La ._ l,_:Q . 9� o s a y-s Ala . \`\2`kS \b`tk Sc 'al- ^., t,-30 q g>osc 224 - c.= h 2(*z", /070e -/307,6--- , �/x / ae/?Silo-6 d..2 -fs5a/ 10_64 ), aa.l /g4/ s E.)72etr p.2,0 go0,1,7 , ,. .5-(# 77 ;(//- 0-v-7-,_-,---/ ) 2-e"; 47/6 / .1, E /9 _. 5-24, /.26Z6 -/4 �- , c .Z5- 1--_/ 3 0 LLB t o g . k r - _ wa . g 0 5(to _C4r/AiVdaell /2.6/6- i 6, q 4104. AQ,i‘i g‘..,.„6 ..., 04_ 7, as-c _________ p. 1 OP , 1,,, . -a( s.C , Lb, �f05� .0 rI / / / /"W /(q'�` 4 -- 4/ � wa yos Al / I 'AI 1141 .,0 /, " ..<76161.k. i /E.z i-E RETURN TO 512 Ceriar Ave Sn_ , Rentnn, Waah 98055 _ We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religiousacility and within one mile of a public or private school. (g)f, NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE S,r l 6 8 ST nE S z a4. TR /7e 1�1 i�r1 l 4/ R , J We, the people concerned bout Renton, are united in our op to the . establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at . . the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning .:` and we are in sup port of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. pAKE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ,' . ' C Mt(k (1,,c)fttil-N (lid* icc3f-LIcr• 44 ilLfc a i,JA c,-) s( -(' ,,, '7...) ' 1fl r.i'K E S _5- 1 �OC - 3' 7 (+��(L 5- -e A-A f jl�► /AA a? — S 7, 5 �G pp y / 7 to5�!►� � .\ c iA.f\\ (.6 '4\)-€ C ` k1164;41, 0._.A_),(40.ut I )(,-( : ( )filb,--) -Aw=,, Ajk-,i r), -i'' yr; ,n-)--.,.(-(_)k nc,. ` C c 41' • n � L qua 2 Fs-- S 2 'i' ..... �c y`� tt .� / rayr; � _ . I h fir/7on 2//74S1/ yY1c la c7i 4 r ad (A) p ; 2 _?<i 7 8V 4' (- C� ,- / ,�z ,; _ •2L / 4-GciS S , ' 42 n t (1.S(:"_ i- ale-D-r,P/0.1)-te rM btu iSi . (E'' i,i c a �) �1� c L. f'-+ � � ! �' .T ,/ • y �)/l �`/� -, s,'�1JT�l 4 /1 t ) �i'�j i. !c a 1 i/ ,r i.. L y tl i f iVe f f.(7 ^(I �t G441 14 /g/J f )2 ��V /�(...., t .-�,,,•.,,,.� /1 /2 / L. , /1-i /1(� ..t. l' T, I 4/174/ .� k P. ��,4• -` . % ilk,/A 6'� i_II/i kr.2° eL4,/ • /&? 1. 9ia t .-e -4.-- ---, , 9 ' ;4..,..44.4‘,„_.:_akfi, , I / z5-_.4-, -.5__E: _ ..., ,z,r,r-e 3y/ L )-N PSI 1 >t 11 i-\\);;4 k \3 --\--uv\N\4\ 9&655 ) 1 ) -5 ) ., a c, -,,, _t•-.A-AtiN ,t3 . Q---- ---i..)C)VC,, N i--...• . f `; ,. • RETURN TO Sl9 r.A-- A--- .._ - ' ' • We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue , Wfeelmthat theatres City oat f Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religi s facility and within one mile of a public or private school . NAL'E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE --------40- W______ _10.5-5- _ ,2 Ylz)_01 ._, _# . t _ _ )._____9_4__HWALAIN . ,.;th2L-L___.26.05 Xaii-inol _ t! 9 2z4,-R©9 7 )2z,a,i_____ZA.4„1,a„,„___ 0 i ' 'te eiiz. 5 S 0 - _ a 5S yl 6' � 1 22/ 7v� e leet.t.,,J'J'c)s�i' 2f 7ya�; Aida} R,O O 9,?0, -,1--,? 6 :3?.2 • • RF.771RI TO 517 CPd it Ave Sn�._RFn t-e, T.T-.,.1, We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE /J a , - - oaLL/ //5 .Sly/0 �` i ,gS 7 -- rC - ?''v�r ji _ // 7_s— , .mil?-f‘sr4 /17 2 4.. f-s-,s 3.— s =5 5 . 11 4• 7$, / //�' (4 o� " 9gd5 pss- 2(7/ f _ /8 gS/-// t r.,. /reAel 0rPBos�.1—is. r'xt/4 , .e-4.-4- L, g I J Cq->,-zri_d iT_Q...iitf-Tt, , ,,C--4(5.-a7-:'9-A- RETURN TO 517 CPc1ar AvP Sn , RPntnn, Wash Q8055 — the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie the theater atof Renton to Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue • late land use by zoning is the right and responsibility to r.egu support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow zd we are in public iult theatres within 1040 feet within one of any imilelof arpublc or ark, or religious facility rivate school. CITY/ZIP PHONE __- AWE -_- ADDRESS _--- ____ _�- —�- - - >alielaC .... r .".. .2 -' 1-')/2 iL-P-3 ....zyt t • , .2. l( - of j[-- / 14 c.:=A.'Tc"A,L,_ ---- i t 11 l^ -1 c.... 1 `:16 .' y fc.� ... tr-t I * /l 7 /7/ 1.4,..ALPA.,,-....- . ); - 6._____C :- /6e- a _____L)gzIztz .._____________ __ ._ • —� 03 - Sfx egiZ A A e f i del,_ Ai• /<1,1 ...t. /..1. le„,- - / ' 49. --/-CL. •— - • -4/774V2_e____9_6t_l_t.__,_i____-6— - _ e_s-s ' 7,2 y/ ,s ll / .ti �.�, . W e- I 0 5 it; i L k � � q 4( '��c ail. 5,k/ �- - __(*)___ Q\114_____ a ( c .2.2,L, _ __ ___ „ _._ _________ . • We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition ' ' to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at 11 the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 00 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE \....: 14/ia, 14 RY1 y /ifl''4"I N .5.&. /"* nt s /`,I0,s-c, 23 j- , ) 2 e` /GLZt�j C3- y2/ �t' /6 6'2 77, Abe. 1_0. C.. . .5`5 - 4-1 Si O - -C�i✓,/L'ul� G J��I > /J Vi-e, A' , ,._ ,__ 5- 5-%<ftj -;-7,7,77,7,11: :/2 , ( )-,/q zit.-G- Z.,, -/ 7/16-ec,dglitIPA: /Pt /C-kt./..,-i-,,,, ,,x—z)_c 6, ,g. 2m f� �f/ r r1dsoy- A/F Re x / 9?ad"ea�- -i/a � o J sat 11),,, ,- rile td, -1--6-/Pf . J L u)., T_.( Di E 7 Lei a -/ rk ,...,,, e, //g77 - '-./r `�_e .� Z �.2G ,5 i c� e c 57 4,.2-4,7 c 2 ,be7 ?Gt2' ,07,0-= , r/3(o f, /L.,. 176Z& Sc6/Z/s T ,L &Az- 25$ 7243:5 -7 Lc)2 1 2 Aez f./4.) /7,7 y Alidtpx.4.,,)4i,--r.21.c4" "P-e,-,- /-d4 c„R.2 G--S-.2_3 y l-1pi-1v:,, X1-A reSS lc7. w', 4l , H ,�s 4Ce, S., l�je .✓ Ie/v ln/A 1 � 6 - 1.7i& 7 *al l /F'� ilU Q / 1- U' 2- / � S `L `�j l� �i RETURN JO 512 CPdar AvP_ Sn , RPntnn, Wach 9Rf155 We , the .people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at v the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE :z 6 -7 g4:..,,,,a, ate.A 0 , Ii121 g '71. - --- 1/33 �-5s: 6 g' • RETURN III 412 rPriar Aye_ Sn . RPninn. Wich 98045 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT v,7„,,.,,c,4_ L_,,,,,,.&c, A ._ ,' (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. � �� 1\ � ��� ,; I (A) ..� C Si ture�of Official/Pastor/President Address '-e�m 5 �0 `—,e,A I Phone Date resolution was passed by membership (if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT 1 / ` r ` i/ (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City Of Renton' s Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility ard within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. sr. d 1/40///a / ignature of Official/Pastor/Pres4dent Ad re s glf: AO / 7o.' P one Date resolution was passed by membership ( if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT CC;frL--1 (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City 6f Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. /2`-c,-C % ignature of Official/ astor/Ptdent Address <, 6, Phone Date resolution was passed by membership ( if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT / c--? (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City Of Renton' s Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should rigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. 44AL, Signature of Official Pastor res' dent Address Phone Date resolution was passed by membership ( if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT c - (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City 6f Renton' s Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. c�c�c,C�"GL L C (! /.-3 - Signature of fficia stor/Pres -dent Address Phone Date resolution was passed by membership (if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also. 532 Cedar Ave . , So . , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT 4' r (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land usa by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. 91-- -/Lia4.4.2)‘ //g—se/W4c /thil -6-du Signature of Official/Pastor/Pres4dent Address l;® n 4) 'pus - �_ - 7e74 Phone Date res uti was passed by membership (if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT • A (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City 6f Renton' s Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. S'J 'g-e-e7 S O ature f Official : astor/Presi-dent Address / Phone Date resolution was passed by membership (if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also. 532 Cedar Ave . , So . , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT 1Q 1N0la L�IQ,Y U�t�t-�.uC.�Q (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City Of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. /9i-71"41) Tt2.WiQ. 5 a /ViE Signature of Official Pa, or/Presi-dent • Address Phone Date resolution was passed by membership ( if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So . , Renton,Wash. 98055 255_0936 RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT Calvary Evangelical Free Church, located at 11227 Renton Avenue South, and situated within the Renton School District, would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our church is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton's Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsiblity to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigor- ously defend the ordinance in the courts. The membership of Calvary Evangelical Free Church wholeheartedly supports the CQC in their efforts and intends to evidence its support by continuous cooperation and attention to the public and legal proceedings. Calvary Evangelical Free Church 11227 Renton Ave. South By 6-2---- 9-11CL -�_ a cc k tc 4 Seattle, Wash. 98178 Secretary Above resolution passed by unanimous vote of the congregation on February 21, 1982. GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT )3,D_LI(name of group) , P) , would like to ackno ledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City Of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. (2-AL,J,A0iL fa Ox 02 -7 67 Signature of Official/Pastor r Address a c3 3 � � 3 S'_/a�Y Phone Da reso tion was passed by membership (if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also. 532 Cedar Ave . , So . , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT J o1 T Catef i n (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. • ,fi _ (Aibb6 829 N . Isi 5tfc�i Signatu of Official/Pastor/Pres4dent Address 0-)o3/g3- PhoZ-(0'1,4 1 ne Date resolution was passed by membership ( if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also. 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. { Si u e f Officia Pastor Pres -dent Address —/ 3-,,,A 4°%.[- -' Phone Date resolution was passed by membership ( if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT - aq0 (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City Of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. S gnature o fficial Pa or/Prest-dent Address Phone Date resolution was passed by membership ( if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also. 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT 77..7 _ 1s6 (' //ccname a2 // l o 7 of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City 6f Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. 4.— /61 CZ AS Signature of Official/Pastor/Pres4dent Address Phone Date resolution was passed by membership (if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 K OF r}. C Qtntumlrnn Renton Council 3645 TO: City of Renton Renton, Washington 98055 23 February 1982 Subject: Resolution of Support of Ordinance No. 3526 The Knights of Columbus, Renton Council 3645 would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization is oppose to the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton' s area. The Knights of Columbus (K of C) is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The Knights of Columbus believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by Zoning and that the City of Renton should vi'orously defend the ordinance in the courts. Sincerely Yours, cc : Washington K of C Arnold r . ernandez State Deputy Grand night 3645 District 12 K of C 1008 South Third St. Deputy Renton, `'a. 98055 t-t. Anthony Catholic Parish St. Stephen the Martyr Parish 3645 Form 1005 8/81 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT _ ES-;eSS ln"z S C:10 (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. ignatu e of Official/Pastor/Pres4dent Address Z? 2 '7- 2, - ?� Phone Date resolution was passed by membership ( if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . S32 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT e__51 d 'I S C:71cD (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. gp �{ `L SC) Signature f fficial/Pastor/President Address Phone Date resolution was passed by membership (if appropriate) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also. 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT 1 1-10di - IEAcW�2 �a (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organizatio group/church/etc. is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. C:-1- 111EDIALS ,aT _I 6 0 3 Si:. 2 Signature of Official/PastorXres4den) •Address ,25�a►� (JAY ZO JYBZ Ph255 .7888 one Date resolution was passed by membership (if appropriate) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also. 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton 4 has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. rni;:E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ ' g6.07i , , ee/. , ‘•67 -- r -77 >24,N / V r tep . LiGr, _66,,,t V Adc., /FA-4--1 2-2- .. ---/ giq 7 "pp ��� - �� / _ h - ,..' e - � w.s�e4d‘--/YY //f` 0,214.44. / b q- S° 3=ei V \R-e-0-�— w,n `la O s"S - 1 5"�_ qs 3 / _ � �� /7f/c / il- /� 7P alb e-1...-4:r101.0,-- 1--44_...,...A7 6 / )3,A__/„,(„ti Q-1,-4-. c?,4' 3)0 A A C e Prinr Ave So , Rntnn, 1.1ash_ 98055 - • We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or pr' vate school. ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ``. Ze)c 2 /,l,�l '! �- elAzi jr- 1/3 2 -f �� y! / - � � col -2 , � c4b` l /?' 42 S• . • / F fir. & . 6 L.e, G � / k.• 44.,f;(17\ 14)I-P/47a.//06e.-eJi -e„, •-V ,ArfOr Z&77- (, /YC/ -/ty r teL, /'' �c � �77 72 • • • • RETURN Tn 5'i? CPriar AvP Sn • RPntnn, Wash 4ROSS /Qt \A/4/4 ‘‘Cf:V ‘'(7)**(‘I CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. /, NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE y� �2Gy`" /Q cdc /. ' ._'//,'F �C . AeviV.*86 '11 ?f5 , ( 02 /C. /Y, . &y&-u '7j/,‘ /)'Z a�dZ 4. -J~c/ 6/ (fr- c f_ti, f $0 ,,,;,,,/ f ifrek taillet e-3' IL Wet,_ .-9.)i_via to' , le/4(N MI' 4-9v.k.81# lid Qnto- lot, i f- i;-, ...,..4- �l_NAlt-EA. 2.i D l; ,t,MAIP),,.11;'1 7 e a d18 V 5(,, 2 C-d S'3' / -h. 14 I - :/("t_ \,41->tfr.i -t, .--)4,44, , , 100/61� £ .,1..�t�.- _ i .01441g ft,,,,1,1010-1,,Lar) It a . , " • :: _1 (1, F04,,L4 Ad. ertig 2, ,:.i..i.;.,iJ 1-)„)ty-ii 1,4,4, ' ..) . .14 -ee-.�.�.. ,P,,,� i ,1 -4 7 - ..e.s ," : '1 ,•,,,-r I:AAA` t I'"a� ,,. k..,.. /` fir+!' • v t 4 14 i q 64 234 - 702/ �. Y Ames C. ileati trti 4ik "'�J �j�f o / , .. ii,..,,,:ii oa ioGs yr.c0.5 to - 25$.---bsicr VicAmetwt „0.44-,..k. ,.,,., , , 1 e ,/ .:" ,:-,,6 ,..4f ,f24n aJpt A...104..fih, A, R 7 7.fes- I,/ ,3.,.( .._ A/ z' , ,- � ,�=/U sz OTC : PIeaSe re.tur IN "to : C GC, 532 CecLar Rue . So . , Rehton q 055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE J.liLf CiewiOvate 4- (6i45avi c.Fenner)er) 4-4 . .7-iec a Coen.-!- NW rz i, c.e6) 77.2- f i e s;;41EL,;,t,A.449- /-q 1/- 6 17.24 ad--/ 46, 57412-xt-d& / -g=g 77.2-6-7SZ S,'ie6( T#/e - so,_ )z7 P/. S"(ems WA 981 7y d gar ' - L ,1/2J /M3'e g e('°.' Z04- V97d' 'S4:4 cfilree /74J afs— 77Z-4 Vic) o ff O u<ixlL►, ya 2 S carer 7/i) • • • • • RETURN TO 51? CPrjar AvP So , RPntnn, Wash 98055 — • CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. '�.5 i. NAME ADDRESS • CITY/ZIP PHONE )...iss.no.... .8.11 g I S s?"),\Cirr\, R9-AATIA4ga) , ((,-eio".4 5k. I TM 1po5s -25 / 7� 1 ax i l� 4.._z/(. 1 b°�y 4 /1o/ L. s� s g7I) ei.�i�' n �'tp.S4 • 46 _4ts0 — • 0s- :1 - p3.9. /9- vE sr ? ‘ l ‘ 376 k • - o ! A ' 6I a-� A t_ ;Go I M C Oa1/1/q80 5 6 g 6,-I (any 1 g-C 4 LZ'� . - 1/3__ _ - , 0J/' /flZ -. 444-- c:?! �7 1hA , C Q ..Vs - '.- 35ay 6,c�. 3a.s - a., 0 a :Q ( , quo . i 9 204? I/��z„ c /f, a. 9,i0( 2S .s'-r417 ff.oazio7f�, ; "1s2 2-i -,rz 7 z �l Y4e 1/�/ 1/03 /a _�' s .-.14.= 4s 2 4 (' 7 ..Pc=/7 .9,-3---5--, ,- — S`Lt3f , e,e_i_ce__ f--: - sott- ',A-72atff _724/4LeL_____ 3 ( ,- L( ..cifi QA > 5 s�1x-T, (k) i_ql 1n J,l�/.c- � 1� if, - ' /Sl.7 Tom` � i�//,,,,�5 m1 Z ' ,���.;� 4 /9/9 a., ,,,,�4. F., /f � > 9gg° • 4-2-,-,- / Tjeh-e 4/. - % ' 6(4,-4. 99&.f-s a l� ter- �`-� Al.' .-,-,/ . to ,f-- e--...-,-- 11. . le•- ..,..-' 9/of, .zrr7rirei ' r 1904- /1/i1 - r/ c4.,,,,p-eci.f. L4,4-,w/4 c7' 6 5-4 O1E f I-GtSe re.t r v to : C QC 532 Cedar Ave . So. Rehton q 0,5 /L i.1:..,_'. '1 _ .i _ 1444ri i 1 1 0 .-4 _ — , '/),, a _i-r.n: 1,.y , 1 Y.3', we , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. :;A:i-E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 1 . , �A.c` iC.2.1 So / Li - - - fen, V7� 53✓) ( a , ,,if3 S ( &o ¶'11 ?8 7 2A-4/7e _ 9 Sr.. 12 -• 4'a etWe 7'7Z•S3(/ .404 46, • thou.. Cap, C So• '1. %a IA.., ( ct/V` >>i•u.t f • ,t , ,` / 1 , SW .. . 4.. . w . ... . -1_ 111 : . As 41,, n3.' // o y0 5.�• /l ). R ?VtSs- 2 Id . Lt tioLkELVI ....jtsittacilk73.354.111,Sir ( ?.14 /40 AI JF + OM o nF,, 4 aEs 7W0r - . - iv 1 MA 17fouvis 4. A1,1 MAC 070 • 17/6 1Aod it S Apt R. SA.,cet fJb $4 I • Z3,7 CAWS S A14 N4 Wic 711154. rvi•vm% le A_ '/7, 1,414,--__..'* o 3_ _e_/99 of ¶ on ta., 98O% 2S3•411 � /4✓4D3 SA I42f ,/V, N • 4SS•488�1 _ RETURN TA 511 Cedar Ave SO , Rentnn, mash 980S5 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at \\ the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. / I:A7.:E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP q PHONE — tspb ICU O \ Lit 11 OD to &t/4)e // gP,v4," 4)4- �'Y c2P,Ie S l DifEe A Q MCI I 4e,,, X U/,_ I `mil 1 JI J [ ' l A \ •I ! !Jc G-, ._/���, da(-- 4, jr ). 1 15 ��9 -X L{ \i 9 reR c' Ii/! 4�t )6/NU J-- - i —fi SAL 1 / l • cii , inbe--/z - 4., /6-3g- .-itf,,_:...4.,,:::2 „ea ZIZ a.,-4-e/v7, ..,‘', ,57gc-'3)(!) ._ ird..6„.9. ,e. „k1,,,,,4,.E..c p2,,_4 5 cc, i c,--c, /-4' ,--- ei.v,...e.i. z.... i ul Yl Ck \ j 7D 9 / ildfii A Ot S _ 1'ij 7203/ 6--5-(94 27 3 - v S. /8g "4 3373 • RETI1RN TO 517 CPriar AvP- Sn , RPn try Wa Gh 9Rn55 — re , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public '5\ park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ,A-,'E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ apevu,..,011 %z 18'S`s i”- !M .5A y , .9ses� �i- . otrimpa. i 1,7a7 * aa.5tfi Q/?/ tia. (76.?-90914 goL L . ��-t.1.Q~ /80�, � ..�-- �I .�1� 9er�c ��6 s76 9 T-- O. .3 c S<< s -#/,, ('� ?gash w . Ic-5:' 1A91),QS k we ?loss c, -:PC-, (z-44 , A. 4- 96_4, , 3' ktrihita, &pit r. (d a L .., co 9Io s 4 a-2%_ivii LA ' () 6 3/, Sr. 17 74 1 eft i 9ro6. s ga8-.26.77 m . ... il. ft Sr i-77-4 £., x 93'OSS A2g- 477 1P6 e2it" . 33( q 3� p( .cc ) Ihee_c�2 raj�w� �'35-3qi I 1 q�4 - Gt by evIh• G Xiii,,,,dh /9 a3-/Q S Ai .es e' / "$, M' - 9, .,4 7 c030 6 . j16- ;4 .z. -ith 7i/ 7 V liC7 i;A:1;., JaAffali 72q d SVNOCEto a : Oa FR7 7 49 (iyz, ,) , /.2 q !I au-e S 4c/erf,7� e-Perg,AX-0 / , -(3'&3 -5- '1- P-e -S: . - ' P'' : -,,,,s.e s� c x• 1 a i - I t:+Lti 4,, q'/ 7 c 402, `z 5" ,i° 5cs 12,d ` >... j it i 7-Fl /.0..4.14 , ' j ,-2 ; -L- -4, - - //]01 (Iii1 ' I- /AcA71 •-41;-31-1" i2-1,,f <.) . Se.a.bt-ce 9.eliq P v v A=- ` (liz- "> . ( \ 1 ( 6- n ee ;3-.� / -, //'2 y ,,c . s�,3-7-4 r.,� so. /).R.L1-77-7-eti L.-- "---:----:-:)..e-L./. roto/ 2.- ‘, 9-44'9„1,1 . le-A-- • fii,r ;iite-Yzvizei, il ( Ctti...",_:. _//,2V ....5Z/fl, CIL/4 ck, , ....—&ie. 61,71... 9:"? . Fd � � ! g ), 3 ) A t <'"�,(ieeE .� u1 tIZ,, : 4:1/1, . ,� Y � 3� 4 63 &ilia is, a 1 e1570 r 'Alera at ' .,v7L., /..t2 /F - 1/9--it:f" ..al - - A "ft) ' I/hi/1500 rli ) f\rdieli ( calg i 90zit RETURN T(l 517 CPriar Ave RC) , Renton, la qh 98(155 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY . • We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at • the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE e- . /.1i� ,z,v2, �14, - /e12/ Al 3ddo , 4 --Z je-17. 9 - Z 5 5757 Nil 3 ? suss/s3 3 d\curn a,11) o-- �15-7T E. a`1 .�QBf-1 q 165-62 -Xeir;,f Q. sa 19?10 SF l 884' Pe- kszAA-19-.A_ F0455 y32-3e6 s- eip J 9hrP C ?aki)(4/u hoi-iiii aottz-)alie,iio 301.0a-tei ./ef $ //41/i( 6,6,9yc-se s --,177--/-z6--- V 7 7 7 a2-5 a �f c .,/ /( CG .v )(f Jena tox, 0.5 , cf 3//i F , ' 07',;. ))(1,yita.) ii..0 Y-- .(i ' 4- /e02_ ,-icgose ,202‘-.266 19 � V °�`C3,o C2 1.c QQc4n.Sro Q,ve, A! 6RLQir 9' - OSa 5 8 a(X( c, � //WI/ a 4 /c -?9--76 £c };,„j cU.� m .�6 4IS/ Sa i - —1. /s 4. /7 c" .�, ,' .; ' , t `.� u J 71 7 /sh ._ j'' 4_AAAp , _ql _ l>y A c, 1, f O�i�E 1h E1t1. CiPCI)7 6 vf -364, Leit.6 A. -fall J14IS 6 ` be : )nL,U0 9Ts0 3 --c k L.G,bcpvi a,O©' i\ s-t . Rf v oyx Ac, (4(Yos"(c, Sc11 e /5terr -s o 1 I So / / t11i S 4 Sec? 1 /if C//JI 9*� H mks -ro3D . i 1 lc�l-1 St_ s o ± , GIN 7S 7'12-01 IZ G 6p©1 iae, -I-� -- r ""r iJil Z1Jf/q 5, y' . Pi 4c iv w 1. %6'6 s-6 _ 7 / yi 1 •� e, ( fir./t>74 4it W i, 4-yfz Ac1'X;t 1 p/ //V/l �/ de6 , ��`c A"eCLc �� /7/ -_ � �i�/9' 7 LI 35 La iry ysfo, 124_ 5. 9 Yl ? 8 it i6e4.4 A - 92,s 1/-evai Air/A Ave, fi_c-'„ 1 .0-4nv 1:86ss6 ( 5 ,k 4sv►es t,f0• c a4;055 zuo-zk Th ( nãta J rddii.,4 . in 2,4--f.k_lAce, StD_ f@aI e 1 "2 7 23 -77 itoc,„ /6•02 .k-,..„;,. ...,_...L. 6.4e.... >1 z kiw ?Awls $( _. . 1•,-4, :' 6 t 4. d,c4 ,•411 _,, ,,, z ,p,_t_ 7 7L5- 7-14/ %_Crs c_ c;..G,IX O Pie._c�S e re- tux r\ to : e Q C. i 532 Cedar Ave , So. i Rehton n055 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY we , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ,27 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE e, 1,1 6' . 74peti; _ 33 0)//4}0-1,J, R.,_,-6,,i f g--4 5--6 -_ _?_5"-5-- f_) ,4,> -- i.e_ l` ., .,_E, 41 7<,.. 77 ` (11... 1�„ .. -41k_44-, 5)-7 ti>itiy-ei 7 /,G)aez-a���.) //.c � 431S'- 7-7-4 --i-s i? � /fr07 SE 11 7a :1k7t, itrW(057s-- ,1,24 d (Luc)„ /3q .1%Si. jeo r, 9.8d5s -38'52 _J,/, /,,,,1:0*4 "144,-/ Asit/z_el ) ,/ . q.5-- /Y:_1, . t,,,,, ,_,,i 0,-2- /' ro Meiiv_e-dra-4 N--6)6--.5---9?7/--",,,I; -,%;v6IZS,,,,,,,„Ai.4 /1/ s7 , /f� 9gv66- tak-lez 7" " p (3 .C) icleett4 1* 1 /92-11;7;( ai /lvov2a2 //(/) / e= 4'li Cy- S� sz, to / 3h s, E- GUa . 5Fp0 6 /L'1 ,,� "...zi-az,v-- g.370 i!ga. /~` /e )z . , ✓ert-t.,e-?.. 9i4 ,s—s— , z/' l // .3 - w _' S' _P ,e.e.,-e, `` / 07 ,-------) • I 5 0 g SF- iny 1-7 . L.c.) ei. ,,,? ',-- cz nu f i.J1,r;rn,Q _ /oi/s' - 0_4 g 9 o a7 - I /0e . S - '02 . 7 1( -'AJ7" .--CA "-('tr3 / 6 rem"-- JA. Pf)„, /a6 /%t e A Qif 1 e- F /WV-4 tie eIt- rl - 94,-/ 6-au 0''. I, „ /, . I/ gib P 1�Vo5� .221 oft A/Let zi 1 o , 2 g -/ Li641 au e S G 910G L d91- /Jiy &c.4. e DJ /2.y36 / I l� czt,e " S i a ft4-71 y5"--6st 21._4 sB36 g-"`' (1'" K. 1.3 9 Al' e . .6 f, Pi ee n Ida s/ s i--g z 3 6.1l 4,1 ,c,/, I/ ! /13iq a). , / dr.4,r ' . /0, . . I,STIMITIW.W., / alb 4,,,,,,_ '.. e7,.. . V' ARV t4. &eU . ZE /t/ST--S'7'L % > Gf1__, l h t fi 1 e.a.s e. r e.t ur r\ to : C Q C _}_5 3 2 C ectar Ave , So . + Re h on '?055 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. �ry NAME ADDRESS / CITY/ZIP PHONE o a4. w 6i � q/0 A ? � y ��qo 76 fiq Ait 04. - g Qt (Prb3- I ,iOA: i"1" },J}i#.r2/0 7'$-70'8O -,r,, . / 9 )2 ,/ t'f f ,aA .• --, (,- y 7 s S1 6Z 7V, a /q6 25 //( ate . SE. ..e/ 36-c2 -5V9E Lk- f i tL.- 9 E-. , ��a 1 �1 '' C-3 a 6 G .d?C� Xe- , Gu c,� 22's-.z 631 sei'/ a ‘ /G 11 .r/. iS,,, J 1d emsJ--7JA • (o 5( I2 - a--,' h.(.. Pt...Z 3 )' 6 ? /°5 /L. Dc 3 4-S6 • 19c9d7c/ ..&Da,th 93l 7r .a,r/A,66 i_it,_7(_i_c_14,/) /ae b2L3-7V 40-,* it/.6, 811- -- , 1 ' -gaz_4 ..._s_L.__e/ i2v224,.....jelliting. Atx J.L.,0 r "L ,q66) due. s'' i1 . Yi)c.k) t b\) 1 :�5 5-- /7' 4-"1 r .S3 / e. LlF ,( . st last.,, D& . y776 �� Cir LG/N- 1 I„?1) 1(2i �� . •l ec. 1_,L.t.)"�'�-/` . < `c ?c.� , 4-''-.) \ --7 - )1 :lit' -.2 3 2,.,..121./„. ci,/ ,,,.,,, a- i A /f)._.ezey.7i,(_5:11.--/p2csiZ i' ) fiV ) i 01 , jt -. ' ---7-- ,....,,7 i., R Oa& 1-I i Y1 tk ‘,' gL.) 1 I i t /Cx-.,. ,'{ >N„ � ,} oe„,4;,, _ -� `4/ er• t---, . .;-_ZAI, t • / Z c — :�` c , — <7 e I L ./1__, 1 4#4.4 1) 1-4.,„-2.4.,,cz..., /(,) 0 (. (24.,(zi4 _ 3-/ Li / c) E s j-- ,e,egtye l' ett.,--.. 16,A.. 64,/,,,,G41_ 54.)Acc? 'till,''‘,PiST. i, sec 4= „4"40.. ,.,, qdreddo =.-- A4-6:4_ N_.)bA.„4. jok-v-i 1 t)/4 -. A-0-t_ -eo, . 9 11 Y . -c(..e& /4$7a 116-iij 1 Al It.t,-,,, `/1 9!'c J op.„.....7,4t.ri a)i� d54 0YC : f �u r,et�.r n to : C Q C 532 2 Ce.cLcir flue , So . i Rehtori n�055 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY EVe, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ?L--) NAME — Ae ADDRESS CITY; IP PHONE k- -..., / /' 7' - ., . ., -/./ /s- - ,fiz / , .,,„,-., "3-7--_/xp- L:,..s, - - tireA. :�/ =' ! 431 /rT _ i ` 7- /" 6 A42 o,) (A)the i / 7" 77 ,fie /6 c A 6.1) (Lai l s- Airefw-r...4-e., Ae-2,44-2-7-- - - ,47-5, /2? 5; LE-. /'L E ,F/le keel �k, 22 -Ay? (---1, .. / /--) .-2........‹...em , , '"4tiv-.7. l Q ,W.,( 1&'1 _3E /�4W/ he -- 6-F ?93 Qj i< , _, Ah' 5. f 4i - // h/7 /57k",' U - 5. . :7 ; ' _ fr&1_, o,,46411., 'c am-�____. � y.5 --.,..' i's�'7)7 Sc //Z' 'D/ ,ce-,Z- . .s`s- '/ \ \* ip -.7) (-) fa F r.i� 1 F 1�:1 s g 4-L ' •'Z.- " /' ' ter. // / 4,j ??i . /S`T//' CA1.5 Z 9/-OS''23 7 A . � 1o633' /"sj/'i 4,�5 n/.159s _rE___ Plek5L retuLr to : C QC i 532 Cectur Rue . So . i Rehton nO55 rie , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public nark, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. L/`-S - :;.�-,'E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _______ACIVA e :Z/ /0/9 /ad s.nS 6. 4 %;a. 98'25 07075'-/%17 1(.70,,t .Q ,41 eoa( lo,S/I- /aa^'f Jo ERA -7 ,Wq ?r ( c:2acr-sG:25' ► -- - ad5 a l 61s-0 3 ) .P..9 d4VS-- 5. yror., ' S - ' ' )- ✓� il ‘20 7 l. 9i4fros- ? -6821 ,''Lt uel i /eoyo / iaa 4 ,0 S E , 9rt,,5".6- . >/ >?2/ 4 - I - / - , e5 : j2.(.3)-xraN 9 as s s .D,72-d/60 71- 101° /ePU3' LA,V, Ave Ste- Pert40/1 gloss- an-DA, I / S7ffc-5--- /,,a-'"44).q4- / )/ ,27./-Y/0- 1 1".. b :, /6' ecll 1 �2_ , '< 6,5, -`?sa, 4t c. .6:, -► /(dq/ /7 - S� '� %1 6 � 0 _ \rka, �� 1 t rey n 1 <S F lQ &yr) 60n Zp- c---<_ ,.__,,g. r / gq7 / 9- „✓ .5:5 _ 6s :-y- /tf q 0 -rk 7 . - _ /6.8'�� _/ ive))A i/ 5 F REAcTo Iv to,r 9ai7 E. ib - 122 NbAI 'L, ��� A .e1 /7Dl 3 r f tq U�. .5 E ,P-E.,,..)(oy ) (A.A. 1,,i Gb" /7Q/i? iz z iirJ4 A A)r-o.J 6.)A . �� 170 26' /Z�/0 / fp e'LA% �414, gri-z-ti-e ( , 7o 2 s- "zz pd. S E . %`� 7-- , el_ _ 17 • A- /7o-1S- / aaavfe zeicx , • $ 4 i , 176 /ZZ efre.. Z ;La/LICA/IN., aiezeA. 9tferi LA 2.,;..i.t.i,,, , -;.`-d -" 7P33 -)a)A.6. Js�.= i-- rya , c, 7o c5 (J A L2. - ,T -l- _I-10` .5-1 Z,2_�s�. , Q 4 r LC a , g c a5 aay. - 3 1 1 .". , /`7r) 5/S •-/12- 3e- oreti -- Q 99.A5f - 0W 41i1,Vc.. ,e,6 12/ -2 - tr,,- S. fl-CP-0r' Iii,i4 )761 )/// aim . 17.. 620 Cd f._ 98e165 77Y7 Q . I L '2 S.E. 17En2 n ranr Wit, OS -2c--5--1- --1 / }J/6 5111 /76 7171 f , /N1 j ul/4 56- 24$3- Yz6 . _,-/ Argkil i2/6 se= /7i 4 & Ur ?svass'ass-s/��A ,0.. 0 y?Jog si�'70 1 / - / 77 � RETITRN TO 51? CPriar Mil:. St) , RPntnn_ Wash 98055 --- ; ef ,./ (7-- ,ApAiN /o921/ 1 ( 21)/0_9.. - ( V(in-""°" ) .2 z39 zir 4 , /6? 7 l,2/ ifm'5- lc 1?/ fl a,,c2Lo—2/37 ��1/il7T 6,0 e 19 e7 (afi( ts'il O L c L/6 a 216 . „/6 iSTO /2i r cQ, _2:z25 jq 1 ..# ,i *40",--- 4 r441 421 Xipte ce e,,_,,Ikyt xv.-0a70 1 ati/I-it.„_ iefrAi„ -1%.,ktQ2 to st i' .‘s Ap. 5. , Cc_ as -oq--is ,, - , ,‘V.0-4-, /, 7( << <, / / St are-6-7 -- ad ,,,();,: .., c /G6rD4 /2) V-42-4,-- ?_T 7 --- 2 %l 3 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, �/ public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a 45 public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE Cke+ ecc.4 ..( Soda.aet 6 ‘ 2.- 5. 6.41. .5.041V4 90f /71-2396 r fffril Ng riin (O'- l`f t)4?-i r !_'L _ ,X D�/ ?f/7P- 72J 693 7_,,i ,— ,•),, , , _y-/&, , , „//rf-,,_4- 6,...--t1-40,0„. , , 7,i-t. , fi, coo.z.,.. --- s-c, kofdichitijYli-id? / 632c le ,5 . t , 6 - 439 (26Lbi, kJ -V`3 6, 3 5( Lug//9 c- r . cr l tc 723 r‘ ff y ! 11t/4 A& V 5 r)>(p 2 < w - 1. �,,,� A .I 72 3 c& Q' /164-11°Al:Lc.._7 '► u Su qfhr n 77� -r2 3 /?u<f_iCvh✓ /.,?3 y3 �� a2/9 / ,.E- g V C g/ L 3/7 3-67 Witit-14,LH Q jr. 536 S.tAJAzLAc F S e.►4?TLc- 98/mil? )9-' 44' ' .�� ,,; �. I� 11 . Avg S ..� •-1 g91-7 ?Zs-c,se- P L`e_u O dAP-- ')13 1.7 23 / a 4'C S 1: H-°,"t---f / (--/ 1Y Vo 3/ 06, /3 •z4e) /2/ j6,‘,r4J .ipZ e" G(A) 9� A2 I: Pin or V-N1., ic:c4:13 0 , te, iri\.44 LAc,_ z...z_z_ _,7o 6:: 1 4 5"ILI ( La, (vt,_ 1'L 5c 24.4A-4, _u 4 , 7-v-g-oss"1 ' , 7y,2Q Ap _ 1,7v , 77.2-Z z-�e '-'&is,ifva. ____al v747 14:c -c, -- L, 61 g�i ,7Zs-/A \C� Xilootl, ocsl c V i cAor- s . Seck.41Q U a.c d ti "12-- 114b I ' 'i r VAS 14 ,.S 3�� Al103 �k ,k�.. ,c\c6 11 �S �-),�.-c), 11(S J 226-C? P0c-�...) V-• S o . elf , g8,78 7-72-1(Ni )csiz 6 .5-0 Zi S , en� A- q 8/7 '626F "W J- _- nil c r/"-1(A. o L w ) dY/2 7�-3 -c 6 e 7 4 _v" /e77 5,1A - £ 4 72-3 97ial- c CL — \eb(o- c1v e ekP ' tt (: ma ? 5. ()I Erl_. tic,? 9,3178 777-yp,, C - i - " ` -ZI ' -2 P s: o-c g37?()22":1s x __-_del/Z 0 7lx, 43 4 ph s�4- r,e.. 4- - . ev6 o ji u_ e r,�tuk_r ►n to - QGC �532 Ceot_Qr F e . So . 1ReAtonn055 . ,_, CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY 4e , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a 3 public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE LJA\ /l (,-,34 Sc TO ef,..,/d6 rt 9& D255 y 1 I,d 1 ,_,/',.07_,€%te a2-. glAi- /isP Y// 5 C. i f , Lh 9. P os" ,. r C zeifl›-e i —At> ' ,Ge' % -i 11- ',7zr 7'Q/ \e.J --9 4 /L/ 2 `102 9 (Fr fp, _ i 7722--,J mile eez ' ide PP ,er 77,7 7?c 7)01 8, 12-.0 3Z "7Slii) Ai7S-0 . S.e 4 (On CZ778' C a l6.1/I/1^ll.t k /2.o 3 75 11 4-0—e J c S t9cc _ ll1,t' 9 6(7 r 11 alai. 'AI . . _ -_ . -.• . ill- a - / JI Is • 0 _ / ... ._,./. to , . I1. / _' / '* //. . J. ! , WC if a C.6, I14., L£ to OC.X04. it 04-4 Tho,„,s_ •T F-/�1✓I n )/04_ 4 et. 1Cen/c!'1 / 86S-Ss .A55=y3/5-0 --4<e4-i^.(, 02.2ali -- )-(-2(LLA ). -iDl 1 (- 1•. .t,-i-1, 'ZS _,,,Zkl,t 9 s()%-‘,-, qsY---)(44 p , ' 4i1' 331 L rh u..;,,_ At re S • 2a e `?$0 S �4 ,� 1 'I I► , ► i 9 07 (7 iliz /R359 sc % s- Q - o f -, 2173 CL. LR c__9o(__I � C•cr•i-c-OS %�NO1�, 4-Y, C71-°`/iY t ‘>/--/4)-4.")/7. @---9/C2 9(...,2-71-a-Gtecr-L2L'.7:4Le1/4-2/,Cf Y4---...el-p2A, C2 7/SD elVil (I"' -j1/. ;eti $5 NE S l iud:mac:,-il k.44-,1 2-7/ 7°9i 1uzA,AZ5-1 0a6 /94 1)L -?ll J2c /, 'L /ex: 7 •cct7,c.e ae•' >7 E /-z4#�LL , ,..7. (- fC"-// _P_ r.�t h,i- /4s79 / ?/).6( 4-44_, JE ,.a i.,z �_ C-?__A-tu-s-e.. • eti-4 q 4-f? //� /44 /55 • Sc--5 i_x1 % a2. )'- 075'S S S E kal 1%7 74 Z ZI:- --C r/-S- - (. - / 16/15' 5. L ' /6,5 - <a:2fl- � 5S ;Pr•-• 4e,ifit /d-ifi,de /(45.°44 ,e,...ze--. -t, ,,, .., ) L -,; ' ± 1. ) / Cii' ) g St-- Y-14Th Gilt Ofi '°` _/ 7((0 VW y r .//1 0 *Ic- -- ik vi,ts i-- 9Wl2_ „alc -.D.5-Qc iir n 5 0 It= &--40,4- o .= Pluse re.t.u-r r\ to : C QC.. �_5_32 Cedar Roe . So . i Reh-ton 9 'O55 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or 3 / private school. NA!,:EN> 4 ' ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ._ _ __, --=-------(----0F7tfr.7-4 7 (0 ) go56 �1 dot ( .( 3 /V /, I Sty- E „ col/ q �� a kea� n 9f656 Q--(Vv gt'vlue-. /b N/ 151 A''' 5C. R c ntOn c1 Pa5 E ibahly `1PfOtiL r2 S- A)<Vi 01/i Revlvi7 . t , P 1 o _ 5- !I. b i , aN2 . k J. ttligni . .gliMeliffr/./ tdif /441111WAIMMEINFAV/ /:.44' 4„ . - 1C, Q r c •-32�- t-.6-. 121.14 -#?01 FAn-rd . 7 as-6 . �A• - ° TVA ) plai/,_ 1 At/ S. �. #N g�.ri"' & / 64 S�` , ...' _ t <?0 e ,ed-e-e.-;71-0.e... . 04-7,,,. .ie 4,7Ei. _a:e?s- I QJ / y b- id _,J►-br I /E f qs)stiob rit.r0- � . f0_ 9/ o.s -- - / ..7.37,--mot1.r �;.� l g � �8'z5'� /gJ/02 tl 7Z'S .� lg- 78 / 78inm - (.. .1-- 3 17 A w —to6 1^ IC.- 30W -CC v,. U et. 0 CC )-3- .`/ 7. ��,..et . , Lae,` */SYe3 Z O Z N" 40E, S 1 . ifiiiiiroiv wil_`7 ':�6 c-- _..c -147r:7 ' 0:� --_ -.13 - /1 rd /(4- ley_,. i tc' aJ - 9fc,5 C u du iic k1Ainc;L+A II y0 Ldynorcis Ike C#7l'f Eco-ton ult.ult. . g20SG J � bred /'o and/l7 i a'L s% 44-ion 6da �'e6 s/‘z ?edJ AL) ,)-‹A k.:\ Se U6co f311-041dOki Li Q- qs132:2___ 2 i a W e 7-ei, a. .. q g-ss4 �,r r ,, of w l t^. F i 2t .K w LA. 1,/ ` :Atm tgiuSr a �� -o92s c454, =-:05.4_ /t tr U — 0 1.9&11- 9---=k• c54-4- g110442CC6-- - --< --------'--- -- - 'IIRN Tn Si? 1Prinr AvP Sn , Rentnn_ I,Iagh. Q805.5 — CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not j allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME , ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE SS/ .s,y} a . „.. _i_..A .,.. _ vigiiot)/l vE St kE o,c) ?Fe74-c - aAve ,36s/- /e,3 4c:- /CQ ,,i4 o ,-v 9erdS-b _` - 1411 /7 3 fu/��. 5,[--1 test /i 7 11.0 214J;*L ixt,.. �S/ Qrte,V E if,--,,- . iJ-d)�- 33A. /'. 10 6 LA&Id, f4u/4) Z(3' 4111,4evill Aii,. } (- ?e07 Le...46if.iJ!, 4 ,4e) /.2.Ze4/- e2J0 '1..,5E .QQ e 5fo27 14/O L/ )14A. . .)4,,L A.P.- -.1--d-- --cx. .1.k....Li- a 5-, e__ -7.E v :a."2— /0,... -, ,,'� _2-0 y25-`S//2 ' its /55/1 2 ".4 I`/, tz/ . 4 _ ,a �-.3 S 12 /.p>.. j -2r' . ?TrC-_'., jo i e..(ls e_ r e.twr r\ to -,_,C Q C. } 5 3 2 Ce_d c r Rue . So . i Revcton 1�055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. / _ 1 . 4 ADDRES CITY/ZIP PHONE _ — , r-- — -- '/ : - - — _i_p_ i',,-, .., W/ae,,,,---/0 -6)- ii4/ 22- 9-, - --t-z-i- 2 -24 --(i 0) y, / i eta_t,i2e_faes, .. 2--as' ar2,---;-,75--x-- 226 //4 q --- sg. :17free-'6-0C/V.E. /r- 4-.S.— M ,-‘, 4-7 0 6* - . I g4 ' C-LS--.(3 Li '� /Wy.f).7.4.4/ G-, ...,.97,E,rpg,/,_ ---hc,,,, /16-tc_tp 61.3 f J D � i� 7 !, i / - �1g' s`s-W9,z (°�l_ 3 4a. 1YL= 7-.4q& , . 'l. Cz5=s . )1_i2fAJ2_, ./q , utivo 3gi 9 LyjL(± I6 -a a.1- 1A) 11,4 , /Jot i 3w/ tvc c-tic- c , /, --&-2,1 0,D(Q -9.5767 ib A a. _ Is q -Aoeg , .s.i. f(4 - -71- 161p0 d 30I OE. PIL j t, (90)6 -9ss2 3;i ) N, k. 02. .1 670.2 • RETTIRN T(l 519 CPdar Ave Sn , Rentnn, Wa ch QFW55 --- We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or 3 private school. ; ;,-E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ • • ) &. 9-4.4./ ) M lef(-4-1 atilAA _We-01-A) 5‘(---------- L -: 1 i o o2r A f °Q,ua4 9ie • 21) ,31-.{3J,(4,Yi ' ' J9 g b, J „ O 3 a(cc ci- 2 i .2;,--� cF-o c r 4J1-Li yd�� /2Oi �5E /� / ttif&rcte--x) 9yo65 0755---ie 5•' air-, /7 405 W.-A' ae . AO. at/L(2771J 9Y05-6- , 7/-07 , — APO /bl6 anfoe/fi,-m, 4L1( SC £c troy c,iA 9/osS Z7/36 '4 /P d, �05/ & 1a5-t� c qe/7P 1/a /9i c___(5 . _ 9 aJf_ol ae_ 101A 0, to‘__, 61FiLf____ --35-83- .lc &/)7 , J - ,-F-, i 7 • Ac. zrn 9d'o,S. 32„2 d" 63 Pa_ .e‘ r ) C 1iAfuof v /-2 3 U ��< &o-es ai,d, '96(''�/ Li,5"-- o &, _l_ --- a- , w - 9 e0S6r s-c-161)// Gitif,t4 I A. ,AziA-, `PPG/ ``, S1,4UfJ 61:4 ?Ia55 ?s-s 23Qs _,‘„ --zc---2 /5/'¢ • /39 hA ieewro,cI /% 9pza56. zw-8352- . C ��, /sia (sr. /39214 /��oee I2.14,/,sz.), 1.4. /�J'4'7,Z 27/-4%_ fild 11 4rt / i,71/J , /1706 S'..too,;JI ? L 6 'l4ip �iC64 , 1- ,6// 12/ (_ 2 c4 S Ssc/ /\,\,, - G/ 7i o a-c� IPr Iu ro&y p, .�2�/2a y Jnn 'l.ter I? ,2N'- — A �Z gfo S- _ ,41, l/O) r Hu(3--1W • C7-15,6. /E � , eua, VOZ 02.Z4 -- L73.s' 02.28- 5 e' 1_0 /are.a, 2/L9D 7 -.?ei_____. -",:eirt, 1 eta- 914.5d _2,35-- V .72 ..e:66 i..z, ./. .., L.3 4 W . . (0,ez lea 9r4C 4 62/1-_,s7tiP be-, /5, - , . ,av4,7 Yt_ . Hof /64. isIS Ze"f ' J JO I I✓ "" J �i9 Y q l ij ki - 1 �/X�'7 ��� -7 ^ • I3 ___JEI __Zai-e.4 kg( 5. 5 A LOct- 78"!o 8" nUvei3c1 bi r4“,i /i _ *5--if /.e, ) 4.)F0 is,/(',3-5- /« \ . A‘..//e. 7 c;la,/ c5r ro44-aii..ele, e I:--!et Wa-C.r _2_4, // ,5 " rd414_, ic eie, 1-..r-_ 31-) . giaf-S- RETIIRN TO 51? CPriar Mt_ cn , Rentnn_ la ah 9R(144 ire , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning aria we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. P r, ,:E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ _ / So S—it,yeo%N C,c4 .5-E- 72/ 9Yogr. .77.4.6- iff83/ )41,xe- 1-t/-Altee0 /‘o i2 DI 42 6 7;--- 14fVe- -5-.f- 11W r-a,t) ..s-.-s-- 24 4 -.11,--f-eA.- i, via /,��ti 14,e SC / .yr Toe4 6<i4 /fO4-, . . i`‘VV E. ( 35 f �.,Ya S`--C . ,� tA31a-t ram 7 c A- 3\,\t c s'u Re„, 96 s if. '/3 ,, /2 .S/2,4:17 1 -0-,-/--r-L,-- . /S-.25 x--.;.,„,,„24.„.4 62-,...-)78.,, ,0 6_, 9ilQ1 BSA c %/�rc-- a I /h JR l3/5 P/ S .E. 98053 OrAzo-6,i, ' 7 51U 1 i1 fian,1S Ave • So . pzi/,.-f 9(51055 I .-70 - s -*u, 9 l-o cs� ,,f /groq I� 4L4 a az- r 1`/3 1 — 0/ Z- 1.. -- 1 U- )-5_ _!7 —____ ne,D 5 - 111 Loreire Nasri \k-on `) 300 5 115 54- SP ---kscl e . i11q% 9 qa- lD4% pi6W ?)g )2 nn -/6c ii,vp, A.c- ,(,., ., 1 cac.c ,2 :7 Y9- 1 i? i_7 , 6,-- , cam-t., s,_ , cos s -2 20 50-7 d 'C) 4z/. - ��z-c,�o���' :4-�-sk _ G'i>. k�Ay '6 '71(4 , 71 sYQ £/ 7A'1 // 1 dC L,L g e 3 iatiLn.'v^ryy 1. . 6I/ ;??,, ,,A-4._/ .7 a5� 7 bp". /(i'' ''..... fA4Af/LL io'.3 ec 121 4 7ig%e S: i 4'1z;j.24-4 vg-O -s- Lam„✓ , /f ,Ja -4 .3�6-j�-t J /,4 f/ c/ re_ _T-i.i.,,,,, 7 gd SS /f fe If If ‘41;t:L6-e)4 0 4at4d deXd • 6--1Z ,X) Ifei. .A.._� I ' .:.i ... 4 Ali. • /? r .' ,_ 49 --- ..dA.4 ' it I -. I LTC' /.y /w / - /�O — ` ` g, C el-, ' i I, ,-, / d/ 72� ..`/t. . 0,1 Pa..1- '�L '/4 ffy.elfp---- Vv .. f(o 6 le RETURN Tn 517 cpaar AV Sn , Ren ran, [,lash 98055 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and• Roxy on. Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not 3 ,4 allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a i p ublic or r ate school. r' ,� 1 J d �-�C ,cc.�.2, �C Z( 9IO�6 ,� G:. / S":�r3 NA ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 7441/1 AILA_ ii,22 V /A/7 T�R. Sz, X(c6/7-eitr ?loge., -26--5-6644 `144 /111/0-/91 21', 1 J� �2�3-57Z ,/,//, 02I//47711 Pts,E, ti.--2,90 9 s-6 7114O8 f /, -6-, J1I J /'V- VL se Rticijo-,._ ‘r(4-4 .2144 14 .S- t y 1. —t 1. 5. E - v, , 9gZ?S(0 �-C_ /y O/ /7)1 '/ ,5' 2?d 5< i'V76€0S.0 A - .k., 990.r,. .,.-4,-;z",- 2/./, e;Ot-4. /, tr r(- I ( it &- -i,;,..Z; .; vrti /%7W• /17"L 91: _S /ra-#4. t,/ /tyf ?ra •S- 61 o //z5 - N7 A. - - -e4e- LGA_ 9fts-s- --Le- -)--4Q-er--) )(03y )0-ii,v-c- ,sE ,) ,,„„, :, 7 S( 6 s'a v< 027 &.-f go/ - , e,a.0r='*��� "re. kth. 4gO , 79-ck-de a6 / -)4e,/6 , .xP't!?2 v - w 'gas. 6/0 l ii!F IP 4g.c7"- oe,42, 2 ..., 9--.9‘a//(i./ ii-19 C . a' qa ! NE: J o 'a' / r--- Z// 980 5 6 - 4 f O/ )j, - /.� �.�-v - (i -q(e6\ 4 1 ratiNi-70N1 , I I, i 0 g 1 b P)I 2.0 ge". fazda,4i do 9 g j, -- , q6/ -e, id.4. / .Z 1 Satz . gros` - . ., _ : ._!_'._..._ / / f., , C „ ,.. ,all .^ - , , i i �_a' .i • f .. 0 t Soa ' 'I ` mr, t,,,q 1 y0 si k \ 1 4)\ 1 i‘14-% •. \ -1"f‘344 ‘ iiSL,V\I,A.., IC 33 1 a;v d A\IG SE (€u To"; (.014- q E05-6 '7433 ail'/aac sE de ��, Wil 9 O-5 6 , , i i -2-`30if _C, (S4 , 9 7 J,Sr-C-- // s1 Ste , A.e ,2, b DTE ' Please re. A-r• i' to : C QC 5- 32 Cectar Aue . So . Rehton q055 _q, _ !,r I %.Q//l, a.& /',. i ..% -e:,..err,GG- r)l'.5� CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY we , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, .3 public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAVE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE A/31 Q, a4 /04.eize_ne x _ 1&2 , 93.051 .,p4--?73j -- '7 / W '�oaa . g_..e--,..2"-c-7 ?/',mac�� �P/I��.�Z�-r� G ' -0 kA, CP/ ia --,Z0 c -i) Co ff-e 12,74ge inoa 40 � 7, i I( 7 ,1 ,1/4-8,,,,,, aziy,,,i- 77z aoy a ) 6.31 2. i3 +- c ) , - M1-Ar i � l6 ,Q PAWL( ) ' / / L( 4i (° I 4A1vt --a ` ' i) 1, it A.E'1 avv z - 7/- JG,76 ae-k AIP ; 0 ( -,er a i.0 9 Iler.d&A+ ailh.,, Zi...eA,--a& ?a--/ 33 . ati...44,2„..- . _.,, s-'4,0, X.,--,...vd„. 6.,h.Cgod-r,,.... ;,..)-4--__57/J... ' 10_/4 -ZeC 2 - I.-Zi-v /70/. - I v,vt,),/ 5 z„---kir, j_c5"---5wykdy 7 i U u a 14._ w./ 9i/ // 3 /d. iJ ised4-.S`. o,,,,,,.,,,,, v/ �� ' - fi4 - f,i/G - ,/ Q-eii i2 / '27 p 1 ...;21, . 1;./_ ' ---4-:. ,..,- _,,, c%J,A. 4iO n,t /741,3 J 4/316QuAo RlrL 5 , - y9-- J 9 a, - _ `�a i d m./ 2.7 7.--., . et z 4 - �J 7,57o W,5. .,f,' i - 77.1-7e(Ae:“P cd-PXe'-n 9110‘C 5- icZi; / --) 6-6— ��- , e- � a 3o i /7 "41.,r ,2 Pee �/ �" /- © 7 ae . St 7, f re'o h ,-- a u.,_ tea„- I ik ' i_ 1-f S r g- I Lf/7/o n7 �/s P K o ew h ,5'o-.1, ,Leil,g_ 7 o Li-A/ ),c i i-,j,1 . - , so ' 4T}A)1&4f .=,- - i i 07, Z 1644 .L.t , 9 4 ,,s----(2 / 7 4 6-6-6_:336Fr 07 aaix,%` ) 10) 3 a I Iv/ J -ai DTE' ie.aSe re-tux n to : C QC 532 Ceclar Rue . So . IPeh±on n055 • We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or / C) private school. ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 2 -CSC �--� z ' �� ,9,F(;L - s /4 Cvpn. 97�s3 K4i_tize—q ,$)a c) 6- 2_54Bv6; `S �. /ter ?" YV 96r.,.4d2 ale/2g /02c26 i2t)o-th cCect. .t.7e gts /-s/se • • 30/mr /zos--3. 260e4 Buie Cg/� , • RETURN T[l 512 Ce nr AvP_ Sri Rentnn r Wn sh 9R(155 _____ We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ano we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or sg____ private school. ,...1E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE , * , ig ./ ...L.) 4/ /2 03,5 e-I-e-&-.--) adt. ./1/I tet—,„ft-r. 2‘.0-S 2 W e 1 /D q36.-6/ A .x. 7c7 s -c?77 ,i,..4.,d / ///6 - p/A---/ '.��-F. l(zE .2-�--6- x off fP� ) , 1//, a 741/ Zf4i. t4P S.F• - Y35-/1 7 ti /' z - ga 6/6 - //)- se- ) ,,,,a Ora - VV757 JP-4 tda.t.A14„.___ cP. 6/6 -//d_.-bt-a4 ,s 4.,- ye„,il- gs1,1. - VV7/7 P-7-,4-1?-2_,).,.e, 61A,,,-L--.---_ _Wit -//.2. 1.--_afAD S. L.-- _____4t. ( A g . ,g .2,2 7 r.3v?-976-0 _ aLt -° 1 a 0 c5 ar —6 7-64 .S7.0 ,,,Q,,t 7T - - 3er 1.0 -ry dJ E_ A ii a-a.6,-.1//9 � G -.d.a )k vc_,_s ,.�-, , R Q fbv)(\ :D-7�-�311 PaLL / 947- /3661 pi sE I4(xtry_, , O4 -30-69.sd 04:L o 02 / E/ci=/„Iw a se. 74 J 4 nil-a--- 74/X/ .lef-2. /6-0,1-1--- -/- <2.22=-4 ' -Y 4/1:7-eri"--_____—&__ZI- -----341-1-C __ /670/8 a.- 151a I°--e es,n a6-07� , ('CCU Mkg i(f l BLS*J Q e. ,1)2 2 - s0 L!A/LIkL kzve.„„; L5 .6-y dal pi, ;riii-Lt---1-- s5=a o P;Zit �,OL 6O -�o� -��i.- 2 J 55- �I/5.T Ji.e.1Z.:di, 4.4idie/ / 70,4 s - veoff 5-5r 7 7 falst.V- "Sei,te:. 1-d ),... , _I 4/V4-el J6cm. ie.e,.. ., ,__ 3.--, _ cys--..5- iff,, J6,„„ef g yik .ice„,„a-e4 /34,-,/ / ,,4d_iix. .2 0 ,)---- ric T, — - ;E/s 77 T : ` 77 ,,/ --, . #/i0,,, ,,,??"eaf 5,4) 6%e:P2C. *wei4-clt:fi()<- ,,?-7.,/, -,d.)‘ei-e- e-e( .447,- a9 - _._...s.,____:e.„2.S...a _______ ,t?k2e,6(414 , lay 9 ?74 (OA , 1 �,2 z - c /ft -_-(--1°17/ 0 .._ __ / iti36--,5 - Cv--4:t5-13- rfit.(7e),,a - lV 5k, G�II, ?lac4. 2��,tI 1 a 1yj, i, 9- /F- Ala S'e. k,r,Z6- , 11)4 a g•v � ,- 4 Ss '7� # 1/ 7'ej;' /72-�'; •-,—C.,... cl,—re %,(" � .2 4- RETURN TO 517 Cerdar Ave SC) , Rentnn, Waah QR1155 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, /J public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP PHONE /D700 S l 7cite Y Suit�Ua e.t ,,IV 05Sd a8-3V424 F"" OAle 0 C S7/2 ille/ (/ /S 2/.0 Se= /7�'�� �L, /c� �� L,01. �P6sr S M;2 3 0 //s(I've.sC '&1-alt. mow- 9 gOs-s--- i_jtj 6571,_ 71&`01-0 gzia7 /Y2/3 193(14•-efriko29Y0 /oy7�s.? • _T___E Ple_a5t_ retwr r\ to - C QC ) 532 Ce_d_ur ftoe , So . I Rehton n055 'tie , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or cr private school. ;;,.; r.E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ Kw pi, wagi4; -{z,y1 col)-� n ax foLftili;i0-4 , q8�� , - &-9, J r( �/ ,K ie // Sift )( LJ(q S4/ �`�J r ) _," u__. _,/,411.1./ 1,1 a./:,,,7. 2 e.: „,"-:- .,...,H$x 11..1 Ait ,,,,*-,:, ozY,g-- (e 0 -1--P .,_41 r" ,., /�000- /c/zez, i0Z. .I:..r 4,-1 . 94eart as s-s,y7 04'-'.. ...(,/ 1,41461,,,;? -,,,-, ? c., --) --.1-2(./i;?,,, ( PA‘(:52". a", 0 0 ....,. CC i --N ) <- 3 o SJ inn i / r • /.7G.1-' 6 GS maw .P.0-C- .2-78-39©1 , ' )-itzejAA. ( J- 6,1--V Si_-_-z" /6 s';?3,4 _CF--,2--,i, 949,67- 6a-"-it,' 40-,e1:;,-„z„ /, ,---,_ -',f-9e):.:)--5— • RETURN T(l 512 radar Ava . RPntan, Ida ah 9R(L55 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY v\ie , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, 3 public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE - / // // ♦ `� 1 .�/_ _/ it �� \j ,'ram' . _i —.111117 / t ( 44A. )re ♦ L - i P% 'r‘Z/ VI../A) ---1/190.P2: '7 Lk"Jr c 7F -l€17-P‘e) irfee,ti 1 teaACM i l_ Y fl ° P-14- &• q, ,_, J 0 v ce-f-„t- N r- ,A-- 7,-, 7,0 J—; Ai o,oz,,,,_____ ____ , 0,/ ,____, - ,iy,-2 frit1-1-5-2-__ IFL',-TZ 1 a z a. s-, ® . �.,�-,- , Lzi.44 Qc -S-s (' 1 / '/ � I. td . 1/. )/ 7ii j i.10 'J ,,.& 927«' ���., 3,2ir _71/. rg._.e..-4,X, a y' , �� "- K. .,,,, r2a,.-.,,,a--,, / 7 Y 5-5 42.c .e_..;: 0 ,.4r, 9,- 1-5:5 %3a3g 7, i-71 -z 9/ 3-162,1-ecCe ,Z-f- 9s405-6, 2 2 -s o6 / L-4--7;7‘ 2},-/-e-ZZ:t.z. -,- o , ae,11.4.4 .Z ' ' ' 'g" .. ,;2- - .2 S-7/ -X-e-vi-it,.-v f 4,„2,e .A1 3 vc, tv,E, -7=_s_24 7,; ,41,e,r,_,Iweri2.5-- -.. 5-„e 9 SOS"4 I-4,-- 3 r o e ,r�' 2 ge-.41 .-s-s-.c3 o C f. o toaSA- 6`r 5 5 /.ree-...c._ y -Vgier-�*-, n-)7. t t 1 cre-6e, � `� `3.8.0cl, ... �b-3 y,,5 _ i, : z u t t td, R. AF NO ,:-)/ - a1, I /4/z -j Iv /_iirich /4('t Jo. ,� -- 0 5-5—�s-S= `/co VS— t4 i , W-0(5 ass---Yoy6 ^ C c62_ 111/ +tit PL Imp 2 (56" _ kikikt , 60-6- Fz_ 2116)/1±th i/ Pe - X4 /6//L7M 9r.r&s , _ _... .„.e,k__ cc-_-) _. /4-((.7 747_ ,,,,,,- Are i„i 4„ ,--.;,J 9,c* c__ __2,_______,„_to o_ 4.47,5 /)(/ y-Lzet,6,s , ..,„_ Azc_c_eet.a. ._ 1 0 aid ' i / () - s 4e,, , 7iE- ,c;, 444 213 A// 6:zz-t /f7V Y/ 2/24 ?/eaM,"4-.-- /5"2l 3 //di , -s a-i z-(A-- -- T , /y7Z0 s . `-z-q' /7_?? :(;,-&.- c--)7A-- —/ St- 4-____.‘ /..,,, y9F,..2 / 9 ti /ze 16 _>-- --,-z...4_ ,:44---i.i..z. J ,,--, e. , PL\ ii-'2 .L130 t) '. (.. " i, r L : P i e.a. - ,._ C c Lux Y\ ± 0_: e Q. C. 5 32 C.e. f, / oe. , So . + Re.h 0Y1 nO55 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facili y and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDR S CITY/ZIP PHONE Xi A.. A. ' - `A i 66— A. ,/` A , 1 'Jou ..919 ,/i4 4). 41, i .„ v Aricr .F 41!Apr • I II I C 0 1.1._-!-_ 5 I ii ' 1 % I _ a 11 1_ ,, i - A . // .Wel" O ,1 A) it/A1 .1 ePP/ •1 0..a.A.-1641A.,. it-ll . „e 1/' dimmi , , • -0.c" -SW:AI „ ,,,A..44... -,...i .1 Ait ____ 0/./14&1,80 ! /_.t rot Alt X, : '. emirs / _ C7,'_l>5-‘ ';'p- / � k. Col`Ps'(/, ' 1 , ( - ' 1 14 9 mIt. 4( 2d ��a ' lz " v. c---41f-t Y-6s2-vx,k_eis_kk,„v-LSI. 1.I E Z 6_,Ca titko il/ iLvt- "c' ,gl ate 3 G ` • •_ e Z&.-r '-,e _ ,� i-l-ef-e--kv--%-- (0.--640...,.,, fe,i).5- .-„,) _JR..° 0,1,-(-- 'MO '-f--vit-i-,,, t ��I 1 - . a�2• .-Q zr�t -t_ .fit #- 1 aD Q 1 na�`-YEAN\-(:),(\+4 n . T J. J // f A/ , /.?P/ ,4 p _.&, N72e v Chi__ 7M-a C;2142: ill /....?cca.7 3 . .. i 321.1 ---L);.,4 4)(24), y - . . ., .,. Et. *,6l 19 ___61_,frie, ,_hz____, At-i-z_q_._____ __._ ._A___ bk(OlL Ick.)coo-tth, N 06 froAc>141- i2d t c +Jo lue-i,Q 1146 1) /ls Al A) *i - f'2 .., I/J c ---6i , ov f -3'302-�.hec v. v %�,, % t // ? . i t____ ,-,1-0 1.,), o I , (06 1 J, L) al /A J...4 a 6 hj Li k r c�-�-� ram, , / _ 9a l��.r emu' � -/ M�,i/' C�� ` 4-?....eaa:e0-7-c-✓ Yf t- e-1 , ,._., • //-2..)--uke-rl ,F3,/, 4„,--rn..-6, 7 7i 6 _3 72• /7 " /rt. OTE. : Pi s e re.twr r o ; C Q C_ t-- 5 3 Czd ur Rue . So . i Re hton n055 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY 4e , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 99/(44-. Q La_ 21. /,Z O SO. 341 V n /7/ Ilia' Ye.i_ -723j 4 c4w/ t 5 ,i /z} 5/ So 3 sr 9'oe x6lPib f-t. 4/. ,Zuo o?y (Situ L (I-1 i k 1 -39. ) -5,rc1 Keiii-en ofX-u >>-- 22cr- Z°9, / . 9//LA7 -q6/9 nig 7A-57- '2-; ,141.; osX �a8 37_4 die:ILItA/ItoW c. T°- /di5 age, . 4,4 e, x, a,v- 6a4 � , 7)).„__;.-4.0Q0. _4;1 0 1 (,(/ kr, r it.', .)--J-' -->-)-c - 1 0 4--.-.K h.„...„p.„-t o ,�,1 i 4 a i (f_lti..". Aire., S. E St, #:2tz eee " - -7,s? f'1 ,x 20 l"a 011 & - . /'o`19 - a47 y9.4- / , )57- (i, po,3 78 3-2-61 5-r-a_r-,I�JA s g8178 -7702-.2618 ,/ 2t7%_ `x.- J5 /o 1 zv .._3a �e. a 5-s i 2:3.3 _?,-( --fi 0 SC. 1-3 ,d,-`` 1- S e, 4.5-c-P , Agri/ 6 7c-6 c2f v 6 4.3 /c c5--Atr 744-3,5a.. 27— . 5 .- - a-5r- . - 716 -s1-s z e (... /.41/4 9-/Y/ c-IL ss ieji, - z.Za- P( �� A i2Z-A.Ar‘--6 /4/'o i y/ 2=7 Y SE a z. -.S-z ?:( cam.,jLh-1 /796F ��7-0gn ‘ - z,f z- / It 7 £ .226 — /7,7 4,, .. ' l 5_ ., r i. 2 -}l. PL A c r w , }�„,-,-1 o n,h44 4 71 s-9.2 4 (.59, - Iltlet~_ b o? 211,__ee2_�{ ., x- 2'L A 6,�-r o6 7y _fij-4,1,4' /�-. 6 g � at / _2- s- 5 3 90 4.-os - ec&ele 3;2- 17 Pe.," 07,5'3---.1 (228-3 J CY pz..... --4,:re.7e2 �- -f 93 �-9/ rg 6 - ens�_ .- 25 - " /O. f 7-711 ; 4 0255 - 5 >o __ .-2 .o2s/O /29Lit` 7 T2 - -Y o-t'C : f ie.a5e. retLLr n to e Q e_ i_ 5 32 Cectcur Prue , So . y Rehton 9055 ee , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning aria we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious fac 'ty and within one mile of a public or private school. N YE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 11 ice_ C) /7e/4 & �' - 7Jy X7a:1; - vr.,�`.(z rr Ntk&A f, 1:O 1 A E /o ' apt, 1 v 1,L, e=2 '71 -- 54112 S� 4aw ,35� & / / col (9k-�5 � 4.:.Aiirt_ l / �!..' 0 : /- ,37J /40-ft)(1- '1 / 1/o/,- 17/ , s. / - .ffas---,C 60,k kicked-44Q Ae 0 t i— 1 0_4,4 S 4 /eg,--:4,,,,,,.. -2,45-,57* -6--2145---- . L74 I ç2 g ar(Lbr ! , YE4,01.0A. 3 5: 72 tQom— /o 790 -/ ?6 S�� 2 ,� ass -�r� ‘,„14AA L . - (6,2c - Jtiii sF • • 22C 2G8'6 f m ie �f '6ZrS- - iSs 5F d- a2c�- 2es' 4- _ ak c,) z ,-)9/14.4 r))14.6--"Lev / ass tsZ -4) -e:/?4-, ka. 5 5 _ 9tCs - /x-v f d%.��, ,, iz . ,g,; ;_ ,2 5S- 7S-co y S �Z 0 , Fes.,, a U;-7.�_ t ol c -7A7-§ rket-&_ 3 (R A-ck G 1 `9- 1,161/4 i ,CIA1,--011/1 r• 2 q 5 (-1 (I' f40( Fa /4 - na �d S L g4 � -17r/ _ ‘)? / 21 (itL,-,, aMA_ 't , iei 7, A g.,,�.d , / V '170 cf -&6 A A��Iut� a x �' /ualy )5_4,4„; V'6 / /1-e-e,(/-i_9# 7-A /Pei/Jalm4401v 14 h' - rvfro .t7y., e.i.L( /Ze,,...5-- 12,,•'..1 0 0-41( x,4?.. "4/at' /.4 f 4 y i 4 Lioi✓ /�y;-e/S E. ,01.4¢1d ooa/ vat fer47,0 V z /- 0 y r? 4,i,, . /� AC �a L1& 1 2:�S"6' i ;iie 9a DSlui/,lia tv mvNroJii . ,5-5 - (.; /` 0 ei "ern V--.3 .y.-- 4R 2i N Lz -7,4 4A.- drci vut re w.6 ..� ,--t_ 7ocf))), / / . -21Z.4--s_z_--it.e."-- . 8 1 er---rz-f . I I c,-- .5.- .;:„- .__ itql, RETURN TO 517 Cerlar Ave_ Sn , Rantnn,_TJ h QRncS We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning , ani we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious fty and within one mile of a public or private school. (17 ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE.--g •(, Ati /6,%/-9czt,e, Lce 0-teli4A4e_ LASY-7 7)-6, k) Id9iD..tA.L. - (3 -S. l2f,T " ' p•- _ air— 7 7 ‘ I -e- , 16 2 _-7,2 iozzi &a e. ._ 0'.., _-.,,,,,,_,_) ,5%2 _ ..3.76— C- ___IL,i 4,f 1 j' , . i ITV'- ,./6._5*_ i.ik 4z W441,0 ,'14 , ,,9)_1,4-,1/41. ,,,?1L4-es141.1 ?VA. A7/� r ji ( � ri/ay(7 z4'2 - J 27 . Ajo • ,35z/ 6.s=3 7‘36- i. < s L i� SO 3 S /9 ti- /a t, v, 2_2 6. Pe///. iYez AD J / , / --/2 77i L(.), YkI/? a2 S'. - 93 7s- 110-t-C 7 G6 G -/2 0 ' .a i iv 7 gte3i 7 2 0Z - 3 y s .�,,_4-4- -4. ; r e-272 VI r 1/27Y & l' /-u 7 (r'0 a r ini?M t viI<-e I, 27'{(I 1» N, il.e S. E.. lie Wit, i,Ja. TA031 a0.j 7. (°. 7.6 ii e r. ) ,Ko &6 c,-,..4Ld V ?36. !aJosx cr. mac' . eEnl roAI 58-0S 6 414414 AA011 c L A EAU 5/$7 ��� (ii/5 o , 6-- tiG7 f7e_14, 7') , 151-am,d-zi-t- JI.Cr2v11_4- v-tni::4 ,A.40-16241,Ltv-,,„ _iysz , 70-eylii 6-_ 1 jcn, 1 6THIG�?- ( b ucr✓ 4iY Z-71 -6843 3--ta-eitly , y = /3 0 / 5 eill p4, Ao{ R Y' torte ) 2 7/ -la t J-�/_ _ c)2. Pd. o 5-- /l `- 1J/27. . ' G- , /# &9 .5-7 & . .moo ..e _, =y3 - 3 yz 3 At-liete-d---- --K--1 Too P'1'')/' GUc i 4j i‘ Y. J CD- I2'7 O Sc ' / ' 72 ,`Zt,N 62s\ ZSS s 1 3 v f ���� f� �� �r � �i 3 z-77cc� �' (/ 39z ,,,,,, ,.c.), _,a,,,,h) fiAz ,..,h,„". .... h? . /0.27 -744,3 -7//4r4 �c=% .--f<C 07.d.-e_,(1,/ /y�Y/ ��/X.1' .- -e z., '�J3/ '") 3k)-6u-' Cji P .Agnkkl 1,0'),C) Li pists-Rfue.sc e.ss8g.u-z_ crZozqo 6`./. -0 2-rie) 1 ,„" -,.. - e 71 .e-~,-X /8 732 id-t-c--e ,4-1.se..J ,4- -zz.�.,_ y,f'. y.2 3 6 g .eP _ ),,a,,j->2.7 e g4A,J_0,1 / l� A i/ 3F . 3 R ���.���- 2 4,.._( `1 ,,,),":11(-b ti 1 -1114 c U3/4 2 a-va.4-71,J C10(4,,,tc, le os_f_A_ 3 0-o-v s-c- Poicia.e Aka z9R-Co Pe,,de.)-1 s..AETli$:r _TL! Si? CPdir Ay Sr) RPntnn, tin Rh 980_5 a.13 -P-J /7) A-,/e . 17) . . A A ,'" /:1--L.' ti C / / /1i,c/ —lei j-Vit/,.- C? U/7_c' CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRES CITY/ZIP PHONE f,(-_,k-ekit-e) fie* i?,2AZ t l .�_� S 26y/Y'/lor‘t e_ & #zzz2 Lac—��r,Idv4. &sq_z c q: ��,/ /0- ��.P/4 / //'o -4-A.IY/2-4 -1j17-5-5 -60 ("/ ' a �r ''��C� �'� iC `1-t n l S T /1-���+'� lA Jet l /5-0p7 /33m4.44,_4 h 9fbS3- 6.)- ris - i 9,b s7 //c, A✓j s, ee Afro ) (Jr+, 90 s-- a_ y'fdn- • o t_-� PIc_«se r,e.tLLr r, to ; C Q C , 532 Cedar live , So . RA--ton n055 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY „'e, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME(' ADDRESS CITY ZIP PHONE )177/r1S-4- �, 91101,114,V iIi g QL, tco. yv .53-di 907 a%( dadIns 0/ eieul,y-C a2/A MOVVL �� 57Q npAA \KILLA � Q —ramatne.A.A Fiwat,,,t6dP eXI n�P 3n5'S2cV� eiAD/4ix ,27/- 26 w ' + I 1,,A,,j elf? S505Sa .9-VXCI le 9- 7 1- 2 ,tg Oct-flut,—.„L`) •Ar -a36t pvi 1.1 AN' aq 'ill St .& 3Cg . /0-c?z/ -79z! `777a, = ora ' PIe_«5c'. net LA-r r� to : C QC 532 Cectckr hoe , So . i Rehton n055 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not 3 / allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE "/T;:----I'llkZ7c - MovAT r‘.0 -lei 211444:44 isalibt/m-7 /15;1 ---1 •.� 7i r 4 SJ . .� , �1 6 .- >a-//; dA/111.. /y//�(/1/ 2G6..? /, �c ,rf , / pf J -76-80 �c. /t-i,S 5 —77---_1' . _7, ,,. 1,_: n-i /7 O ,,,.6 7"di',' , MS__11_11.& tie ----)6)6.7 71-1 ic.:7 -..;,„ 4.2 a - 7 7 ,o - 5 , -(-14i-c_z-->-, , S . 92172 if -J i 624-h 12 1a 12,A bai _IS_L% dt, ,C '2,6 4. cfrf at4; 6 . 4 / 4. /(/71 / `� i/o c 5 G. A Li lea _ c >,<- � 1 l.✓k_�'Si itifftweeppba44..., //os/9 #&r i ,&. S. .t/T se'i7F (,U c_.r ,�2. 1/i c v c.utc 616 uJ VWc-d itsi C . rYc c G--•: kW c_. We, v Lc,(i L1ci( {I4/p7C< ;$7(C. Se,,, <rP 5/Z 7c L- _ a ' %5L , i 10 t-f-Le 9817a 7-7, -r:3y Z k7L6VV4 Co ./ & `ik -- W $914U4 iqr ,,L/,,/,a. /.../ A . //O6 L J ) a JOJ f 2/i i 9(i 7 77,.?06/i .1 . lion a„> , .,Q -5o. zzi, 9Ji7r 7%7-c‘1i 1 ' , r T ��� gef/78' `7W-& I 1 .1...1 r (1 /I . t of V.1 7'• 414- ,S"- &-Rrn E 96 n8' 77 cD—S-Y7Q S 1 i A . ' a . 1' 110 0 t )13-14k-L'IT-L4)I tt'ti 1411 q8*-2:1SCC(61 4 ,,mi - ^ e „. ..,6,1,41,4..- ,.,='6,-25-p .e , 7 d./-19.hvet. ) ,,-At*-)'-' ,r 4,36 1li4(I l St-.. & I A `)605`� yo w 9 cz 2.28-267- 1- -Le1.ex Zjr `i ,,,,g,- /3 5L/z /04 S ,--t'-‘, a.-r.t. % ' S1" .2s s- -,35 0 . cc � .,&(,13 s.c. s ).- /Qe,,,+ah.r pA 98oss .zs -s_..) ' 4-----/---/7-7Jo s Z-//.I 4 �- 9,o s-Z - a s-5=oa-</f/ �. 0 _ ).//-/ Ott s &f/t )? tt),I2t ,776 9ft cs 27.7 /,7 Z dam- Ple.a r,etwr r\ to : C Q C j 5 32 Ce-ctur Oue , So . 1 Rehton n055 ae , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. I I..:::,:E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE `7 A o �fi tea , ,,� ��� �.. _ ��- 3��? j - 001 � 1a/ 7 . 49- ,0ZWit YA)1(- , > /O5 --2�8 �f G Z5,- TA/ 37.a— z1�'� i 7�cv r c 96 �� ,F 6 e_ - f.t'.a-7 it dt.-rt/ , c /., //_,,. /c 1- 5-J-'' L / 7 G o(2 i 6) &obi 025sz,e de. /s 04 ��3a= /. 'g _ L _ *e, /4:_, _ i z_r_e 4d, '1 cd- /65e fr? .. Ic5..7- 9/e9er 71) Mai) n ' _47 /WV-1icfti P/aeL 5 e � 7skt5s 23 ( VS /�� & .2 -8 ?/ .2 /v6 5E Tier /`�4 e' /1 r. 0 2 -6?/o (4 ,,; :e,,,,02,/,v, 4//Os. se Lier.:-/ , 4'- ', ue a --0 3/O i A- __ _ _ 6c8--,_ a r ) -4,„ ___......)4,..- ,/ - ) -�-� Ace /s- -, ^ /4 11..S J /b/TH t/. ,�2C0)2) r_.5,33) r ii /71fl r �� 4 e y -7/I- 1 A dk ,cie (9aD-�� , ; ,, J2,, /(p s -7-11 'ia- 0f1. - 0 C'' l'a 4?..9_,r- .5 xi,' rrm azi 11 Jas c /T /vc ` S:eo iL.P, 7 2 - 7/1 l RETURN TO 51? CPCinr AvP_ Sn , RPntcti, lach QRf1SS CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY we , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE /z/70 U ,�_ /y-2 .a�0w 9�os 6 �'-35-, 's rcy:,.)7:tIe.„7, z'A ` /z9&o -7�__ 8: a v Z t of/Z ..zz _i9z2 ?-9 R�oD -oSy 2 � /tom , , ,- 517 77. E. 5 // / -c f7©s6 ‘,7‘21s97g c . ..44.4 id G,lgd /7Vo z. s:�; erg,►7 ,,,- s,4„‘„'b'17go S'6 c z6 //yz - ' __/609 I d, �.LG-L-•r /D6-ez !>4' c-c R'�lb--) 6e--,f1` 9 s'-.2,/5.)i; c 11- (1:IM Ivy k. \5 { 4 L,uM g810 A aya1 I\;C as14'ST I En1TOn1 LOl} 9%(Sb ' ' &AIM\ ( LI&-3 --(i/Lir\o,^64,L...L.21_,..,____.a..!_litLI1J,v.A. S) .-2LCC-Y0S, j_,_,0;0_,„/, -gle/ 3 , -0._.,/o-t 2,2— ..1)4° , SI ‘). .-7.,-- ?,,e_os.3-c9 -633 -i.724 A- ,24, -e;cto iv, ( ? 7,--of‘e7A . D,. 5 , _,_,)6,,,i 9/cpx.ri- P._ ,g,,,- ) g-e-f-e-e- ; 4.y.,,,_L )4,//‘,-(fide- a,_. ;:4 le.e_ 2/2_ , r, / d/r) doi'Xti)7,://e, it9 AmetaeF4e-- / g. .y_ pals-c ;16 y 614 % /ji /2G f_9?--r$2C i ' _ . .4isk___/,_. /71 Zz6 -/ 2 i6 • G -o_et (24.-Iti;(1 A°. jele-at ,;5703 - t'S - 7 , , Ge) --....?-- ,1 s-rt-c... 737. J .v6 1'<7 2u u / 2 4 4 .r2 1: /--�• 772_ --5///7 !q414:0-1J2e 13i y:�' 157 - b ; g6t,. q5-5-318--J-441.t-th/L-; (42863. 1 , .)er" 104/0.6abay1(,fo. 1/3 2-0;76, all -u9U8 ai . i fC Io03 - i 3/,il-�.v-e. �� , LOA i- �r _ c $23 - `S-44 a►%ev�►w E . v►v i 1�l • ` °I' ,. k.E. g- 34:( Kr rLta.w61 c.)H cf g 03 r 22_4 -os�/ 1.4614 7 • Q-Qt-LVAdli\ 4-('Z 'A c'b 0 T-1-1 I_Se- 1 --tiilLti ULY.:' ?I'9-5--1 11 y 1 n ALL _ /0967 06 440-71e-eZ /v . l9'Cf/7e- /ogs/,YQ- 'C1 2 4- 9YJ7 y OTT._ Please re.tt:w.r v\ ±o ; C QC * 532 CecLctr hue . So . i ReAton 61 055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or �� private school. E,:JE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ if.„..._. i „,:ii. . ,/ t:4" , 7 //Cc , / t..„ e, , ,,..),...; ,...., , C ,,, ,..a.,_ Lem ) j! e_e_ �. 9 1,J.2, •0. ---izt--A-2/94X15 -A, ;,..-6. .cy J(-.--> 5✓ ref CV �% 6- toe 2 "_ --a C��.�..- - `' a.\ ti . ?;MTh. `\ ().cc, _ (-l\�� � .//. a 97y �,!(, - i j , .„ --5- ,, z,,- -,_:,_ )-1a-.-�'� , V 3 3 -�4_,,, )1J-,A:-R_ V. to o3 Ai , 33 ►- ) .Si. laii-cfrt 0,2as -a13( l-f c / P6 6 33if_at-4,--,-/ 01 qa fi W iVi Kei,thDt c9c3tt5F brD, 1,6 4;14,e,40%, 971 21 3 / 1-t �7/' gikiz,4 � �J/ G�G �°!� �.� ems _ _ 7/-470�.cam RETURN T(l 512 radar AvP S , Ranrnn, Wach g11f55 • We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Thirdvenue . of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. N:.;;;E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ • • • • RETJTRN T(l 51? ( e lar AvP Sn , Renton, Wa ch 981155 rye , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of o rnQgraphic (adultL movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We fee-1 that- the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ 1741/ -Z.2111kAis, ?1,t4K- r 9. 17g' 777 -c 74 /d f�t"� _�� 4 z oo„ 781fi .6-2 oy i-Rd , eeit (c ? Ina 771 .I'8 � ;; J4114 3f/g // (1,?/.bra I94f tig 90 55_g c=2,3 / f;vt--,AL 1W•eise 4,4,g/6Q-4.. _d2--,-,744,--p„/ 2, "(' Lee, 1 7 eti 70 RETURN TO 51? ['.P1ar Aug. Rn , RPntnn, Wash Q8fl55 • We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE&(1,45-Prt,/ _ OM-624; 11.4e , Poo s ( -91r J/--5(s- 19w u 99/0 c7 31a-oyoo r 2 ' Fo • o 302 I s -- 013 I, . 6 3 l 65'1 -/ q1--) LP656 - • • RETURN To 512 CPc1ar AvP Sr) , RPntnn, Wach Q2OS5 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE fr4c ' Pan i 7g -/- /% 7 7'71 �1< l,f/7'I '7? -i i.5 S 7AV.s4 $ // `4 9 /7 77-,Aeg r am' �� - /( a�. .lt 1.� . - `i e, i e 7 - A �" 1/4_ z,G 37-3. =f' 5 0:6 ;9_,Pr7,f 743 al-9 ` ' a.1.., } t 01�6 �t, ji' i,, 7•S'i 75 A) 4906 Cl-id-4 .V: 44° 1 f f 7 f ' /1 A , ' " // /jeXl !0 i' c- 1,c2..., yii.:% 7p23 j2 4 _� 7oi..e -cz , 2, , l r•-• ..,/...../ . 1-77-e-ttel Va-'' 9/675( I. f,�2 //7 75 7S `-e XI— , �/ 52 I (7 Ca ----_-2.iieta 6(-, id v ‘0--(2- ett t(\_ 1 y I 7 6- (/, 'i f.IC <.. 1L- i -71 r C c) /I- ~e-e:- — _��__ \,--Luda Ak rf g_d,,,..„..„ ii . --.11 _Ri-T4-1- A-Ish_________ULL ['c/t, f . ,,,� ` f778' 7 7, V S4../ ✓ 4, • cv t 6 3 3 5 -i .p c 5@ Y'g‘,-5'r ,Z 26' 6,d� x)by- ii, q *affe.JCY J' 7 f 1-4,,,--7 / d� 9C -7,37 / 1 n ! (1a W72- b a'J/ti-44.-ex 7 Po ir.,. /Ao' Zcz.etz-L, 93/7g � .._i .,. L — i '_4: '/1 9. /7. C7. // i, . z& 9 /yV W4/'iW i , / .I 7 7/o )6 //2. vg/>7 , 77(0 5°1/7 Z--- 5_„,&& /e/ ?J' ____ • o-rE. : f 1e a_s C. re.t LLr r\ `e0 : C ( C �5 3 .2 Ce.d ar hoe , So . , Ike_Aton q 'O55 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY 4e , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No= 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a . - public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 7 367 5. /7 7 -lam i1.,- e-- ,i -/a.L.-J1 //6s�.-iz ._ . /BU J 04,. 1 ,, . y e,. `-P p4 e /3eta /C'51 l i /c ( ` t i- IkAo, ike.rui.bn e)r , 11745 d63rd din. `jE. IT)a 2 VMt' 98:,V j 're9/4(‘,//ae, 53 /o y' ) E /(..e V, i % To f ii•�,-"--/A-g- ,g0a2.'3 %e2 S& )6 _/ zee ,Pa / !',/,;(j_a .34L4 2- ?Le - (.( 5 e (<fi 4 --- g- 3/ Ala 7J(ii -�6 - J S iei t( �lw/)1). (; 44 t -Q /o 0zv Sg 2/h , ke.i, //), f!93/ `7 JA/3 2 I d6/s f(P_/ / �--c,MMf 7/0 3( ate. 1y7ri- sr (mod vWa- RBas -, Ji -- `/lc--14 - 55 46 / I 111 9ps--3- Ci E. c;3 0 , 1?-e lam, L0,4 -0SS 11,002 ve, yytd/4- ,0',0,t_ da_ 51,576 " -,-_-.r .‘....ji,q -7 ter-. _. !.7 1;,_,-) 2 ...74- 7. sr/I/ / ` .C°e t`,.,,. 4.44 .7re SS eft akiM. 33030-Jr> ' % A. .--/e7 ire. 6/ J/ ,1 E j /cld 6 ,'. jc,3 >,d z . i'„r/aitl mod' /-.2 i i&7.-Ar,-7k- M 9/ie II /131'R. ›,: 1 r 6141_ / 9// 5 //t i` "-/7f?' 7 t-k 1 , "j, ), 2,L144,JL2 / a 5-7 /K�c A.,- .2S3'=2Z?S'.2 fr<'('f'' -,' 'a /6":-/ ' ' ev e---_f).&--, -7-"All , / 'per"'__ /' / /�/ /, / /y +� 2- // f �� L�'-4 c� L. V �Y �.. ( �11L? � ��%li / 5- r / J l r.,;11 22.Z. ,-6 i� � fT 0 1,,-- . /- _. iic 2. i r /e; z *-/V7e14/ a_ 7/ -/Y..z 6' 4.1k. . . /1122,j_Cijj A)P,,teA/ 7( . /V2 S - (-A' 1' 1:L1`144- ' . ' s k- (104-7 ,j 6, /Si,.: AL/175' ,,2 9S/ - -2 4,31_7_1 CL�� 0,rS,k,.. I �.) - ]k (Let f -k4. yam -C asi- =rie //O/( s.E= _ /rQl /_ 0- ;, %. 01,S71 '/cr'7 e - o-r ' t.Ls e, re..tu.r v\ to : C Q C _F,_5 3 2 Ce_ctur hoe , So . i Rehton n055 'tie , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. r..'i'E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ ,l/ 1/76'a,41- /J�'", ' ,� f..,e. , 7 6-4 2.z ..//;. ..; " ._2Is ,0LS2- Icy. 6Z1" L'4 a ____ )4 Atie Ce3 2,,e6-- 2714 .�J0�� .� a fedtZ ,t7 1,25,vviAllik,ce,' . I S oo? 5f:. (<"9 5/4 Alkini k.v.__ ?Sr- 2- 63i- yi5 76 /11,664.7 ! o ' / - 2 ,'SIE 9D3/ 93'-�`8Z ! � y Iq i d \\.\\\ C-W ?+,J 't wo-.: / d in V‘ z -S 31-1- i 1+�-i- l'c,6 s ‘ ISIs*6 8v c' 1 I a fil -*,1NA444 / & ,-: ./lo Sf 2 31, /a.._,t- ` 803) eS q 0 J oat, Sty �s-6, 30 1 5-3(1. L . . l `' ;±- C'i--pai 6?1-4(30-st / ') mifAnil ew (A.-No.14Q -7a,...Z4-0 Z.y..., a4:1%4- . blot& 1.1400,, t4.11,41 11:.-3,,k 1,1 ot° ..x.v, 7-Q; -\----- ? AJ.- - _- �; .. Avg 233=5-3 V I i) 04 2 7ak -cif fit Sf , ex.i 4J._ E3/-S6 5_,.� 4 7 - -" , z .23 5g 3 /,��.:(---ct/ _ ,;! sg -0,295' 0 atuz2d 6 i U 7' /0)0 S E /I U/- % 3/ D Z U 2i S .42)0.'1, At-ir. ,4 veto 9- c5 f-,274.-71-A- A. --e_. 980_38 4_5 ;.I -0,: c.,;;"-- 1? ' flq r . .,-, / ('v 3 P 2ft`' JQ r,1o0 '4 N G AL 5A 3 0 i 3 , y 1 .acjr 1(n2o KO 41173 f/, 'rent ( Y -5(/ 0(;PA.tp 4J iZ-ty Lip, AP-176, 31 ,9'7 / e4A.ii- I J.d �.0 3/ . 3..1 --7 sf,; �� 2.3 (4I- Se- G , iAo V,, U q,e,os et-5L-' 3t Li ot7-7g(:;?,42, L 7 19Z � �Z. 2y i 5d- .. '7es A< / y 3_/ , 7 3 , `./i,,. a f -4-- -� / 0 /i/ 2 S (Lt., ` y o 5 G „.... a9 e::: -- /'' Z3 A/ 2n14, j )1 boa 9 ' 51•(c1Q. - 5' II'f'il ' -(*. ( -.1?"`.7q 20415 NT" 41 WArii loo k _Onci ecli ArAigiiri (-4.)--/ 910-7).2-- 9 ,,drst44/, i c/dirtiaLMVID 2�14/ s£ 14.7 j invik VV11 q 3 ; o 4o i—ie St. 5le, 4411 t 65475.3 fpQ 2 3 i ,.. Auivats....- w/11,4 isE .211,1a...v le*Ill, Vet,I iri a lC uiioZ 1 '/ 755 X /5)17)1 ,t9 1 j 9A55 RETIIRN Th 512 C:Priar AvP Rn , Rentnn, la qh 981155 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, � public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a cP public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 5-0 ff C S., Antmi Tee a -36-27 79 � t 5-d / -g ; cam, �, rr 2. ss= o6 . ..7-1,aw ,5L-7k C L 'etA/C -„ , :L;, l ye " 3-3 JeL c,Yi,,a . .;2./ 2 -f ai-e .. Z'e. ,i? 2 2,t __213 Z f ,0 ?- // ./V r E 6L4,,, , .2-C'C- ,8'�6 oY I M t L i S. c_. t9 cr, (.mo/( £5Z^r� 4o _e G am,.. O/ o " ei,ie..-•--,LJ aS3uF=ErG 9,3 t /� �y�, -�l4 Z 7 Y . .4 Po. 4 _? 7.3' 4/1.4 .7.2e-cD,vD �r}if-4i- 1 ,./1 td. 3 _g--A, ads -/ .8 cl,,.}-aos--4-e --___ -- ci.ls---- vz-i, _-_ (., _) _5,_.„,,Li,--;--62.t - cz)zt,___84tt-06, , A0,,: azil t L `16 &Ct-viwic ( e , lVfi. ,Y -,i .15-.5`- I 7 7r _ I l i P sr::` 191~ C+ 2.1 ,, 4cci l-5,s ele `ifit / ,q, Y- 4 0.4,j o t . -772-6 .e7 _____f______/-34L-X.76.. e W "21z. --4., .. 5-5---- z.fx-Y->-5/ tAleti-) I ,, -/ / l AL 44eitta• ,,7..-� -7 0 arial: 1' akaiL j✓G I ` if j e,1/r cW6-64ty .e. 6/6. �J i1 "• ''i .- o�,3 6,-6_ ,5/ tri_ , 2_,iir, GLe - .L__ 4: 6 t ' .- , . " * ' ii/ A.- Akr-h, ‹ 7..5-.6----370,?' 4110PAIMOV /, ° /D/33 , _ ' , , _. _d_ _A. _• _ -/' - / 1 r24 4 •, '.d, 5'11-14 ' # • eg. '2e 9-056 2 ZG-'/g 93 ,..44.2.0. �-4c-e %.54a.z1,-Qeiv..61,tic, et `71€ ?YO5-6 A 7/--03 'J �'rL._.` p1 .a-: i-�e.tu.r r\ to� Q Q C 532 Cet�.clr eve , So . i Rehtn no55 1 '—� CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, ' public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ,i/. 2/ _,/etr ___ ,e2 3.2 4, i ,, i,2 ,,,,v 4o,i- Late.„.9y, -7 y -sz-,,, 7p 2'2_3 2 ,z 9`/7J 5F 3 a�Cr� i i � Zaii`�, 7?d' -- l'' 9Y/7 / 7g4.4.24 A�/ 60,0 4 /L J7 it.)e.,e.e,_, 91/7t � v i / i ef-.l & -x. Z Spa /30r--,m-• , 7 / 3 4&.4) Ss- SU /Z cJ S-e lat z 71/71 74 c Q 7, g7. S✓ c �_z, , 4 .7;-l�L 9'f/7r ')/ ,Yae/tar,-,o710 ,'7/ 7.<'� S L 1.�0 . F1 / 7.43) ,---,Z-, i -f--� -0 4 s-ir 6 Se:G e.,,i �r•2 s"2-:4 , 4:4' /9 5 /A) 1 o o c-_ .c 7 ( 90 tb L 9gi -� .t&A.a-`"Ji j JC - v I .o 0 5_E , -8a 4( - 1 a l 7 8 ,. _Ili ...44/ . D .._.1_5-20 _,50 --7-,s, ttaadivt f /25=%. f S3 s� ` s 9817 €s I " _ ,u� ie.c.,, ff/7f ,53`6 2 J/4)p2£ cl ig - ‘7' ' -5- q-6e:1&(-724-‘, „a--/,,,& .y. . (if/ -71! o- E ' f(ease rt-,tux to : C QC ► 532 Cec ur /toe . So . , Rehton ctgO55 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. Q)/ NA!,'E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ 7)'ln uL a end 3. .1?---15ocit,e, i g Kagt 9 W i "3 i 4.637 .oqa .A46.fix. 4 ,,, a 4-0x; „'I b -t,rim?, i, h.,),,‘ aa9/t .as-.7 A*r 1 Q3/ y3cP-/742 xueeepek.., 3' i5= a3v-&-5 c the-'ye 31 716 - it 36 - I S& 4d. ' S gr,0 I 6 74 K -vat eve %F ide.0.4 11(c).4), gjs`s' w-s/7- M : , �.,r 15-1 V - 11 1 a nue E_ ik0�1Ow 'NC 55 f f`7 3 7,e........, *i57 i/d' 4',1. J. ,� 74 ` :iss �.i�� e` :71i) 15f //P ,4e -n ?S'vs5 0735---'Z ,u,42/ 4-1.0_,,..„..."-d 4el :5- E., /51 illie :16 . ,tr'ou-3` .2zI -/z/ -: 6.10A‘...0.::, 4))9Oic i; g 755 al, 1, 21 c31 , cu Ibf l`'th R?J 4 '3) A) T ��-,.�,i{ if 751"sr /s-8t-t', £-� 78o53 2 7/5 7 .., . _- 5( - 5 ell._ _ - _.. qg .7]-5`) _ a • /,? I/Ami PA_ G� ;�, 9C..�SQ1?s-4.7i5/ n e vA.,1 0// � zi'74 3 /,i `4g/7 ff,,z-)., �P�.i-(- �-�G..- L ,-3 6-10/u ' / d& - %5 75? /iVi/ �t 0* (3 Q -2zT5 4+7 RETURN TO 51? Cedar Ave Sn _ Rentnn, wn sh 98055 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY vie, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE `71 6/1/—//J FAc` 22 ;/ze '1)A4/ 7g.27 fr" ri/e. g.247 a Yn[e,A- I a la S.Q.016 9 g g 7 7 z t 6 Aie,44,1/ eRR a —1,4•75 - e-�_� s o //e t>L ,�� e r% 7 -< 7 2 C. sr4-`- C) 1 10( ;5 i c 11 C)4'P\-_Sc-: *O5 - all-(s(„11 XlYezi< 4/9" //,-. '7:/(fZ OTC. f)le.ase retu,r IN to : C Q C 532 C.e_ctcir five , So . Reviton n055 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY e, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME _ ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE au-e 2/ �- 7717 �� .+� L. 7 i 177 7 7).-a i Aga / sG /� 7"�� L . 7 ZGQZ / 3 c,,._0 G1ezi2 9 �l a� orL ' elects r,etur r\ to - C QC ` 532 C2ctar Roe , So . 1 Rehton 9g055 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY ae, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 7Zrt,d/_7.4.4(leAi(' / /533 6ctcm bi - ;e4,1 77 ,S W/ �/ - k�-�va/�a�Il�t�riji /�PD 4 i---k'[^G � Pt-/-744i 7c' 3-3oZ< ,Rx _j/Q , R53m Sr, ) -..Sth p.evv-1-0N ciaos WS -77 a-_i"7 Accvv-3) ,5, )2_-/C-- - /I -T .-,-- 9e3)'70 772-a2.140 fir. (1gr u . ?'1/4- 2 ej5Lti-L2- , /7 g / rz W.4� o - - • c .a),Pal' 7Sc;; ,c�,C� 7 c c _ /17 to , it/a. RtI?� 1fz-2(4€? ti�--�� A _y�ss 2 ,-. c' 2- q0 40 (f L .7j . , 4/ c1 �t lg. 71z � -. 7.1c' A/4 - es',:3 D 5..e, /G2b- ti �'L ,. 4?,?USS'- 77�--.5-/2' 5--e.,4z..--1!.afte-a,-a / , .7 ,,,i;4.eca(-,e/ -61- , - /2 '<--. — 74? it 50/ - 5' (Lea , L. .1 ►'a 817 - 77, 4 -C6g //�V- ( 2 .S ,--c- e4 -s7 7 a.,z(d..-- (4.,,,ii //02 3.z C 2u-L ,, •fie- Ct q- 77���/ A A-ui- - e 1 7 2 S? Av --e-- `ef /;;Y-€. Alf 7 7 7 3 ?, PIT r2 -.-- , 76, (r�" S. it Z Cyr-- (-0/A ??Z-G,S t 7 6/t � C ii// f ' L�4,te,7� 7t 5�� rEA %Lt ' - W/7 / -772 — /2'2._ OTE : PIe-«se. re.tur r ±0 : C QC + 532 Ce_cLar Rue , So . , Rehton 9 055 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. (, I ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE (22A-34."- ‘19.,0-tr'Ll ji 9 -31 1v .0)/ 4 9 'c 75V/ ,�' �' _ - if_ 0, ., — V 441� 91/71 /, .... I Vie (_i1(AL42 ,r-; Lf /090 9 S! e2S,z,7o/6, 9112,3 ( f 3SlG /O 2YU Th/(6-4/7 - Fg03/ �5.2-3% / 1 i/v3 ._a ►. L ,0 ./, 9'f/7 . 7%1'107 Ati\-.1 lie,�.1Vim' 4 G ??J./7" 5 01/ . Qd zz.P`1 `'7Y/7"- 772/ / ,G,a 1426,tC�,G • Ste, ?gag 77z 034 Ct-6_, lc -� 7‘ )_3 --i-.,.--- -) c-.,-4,g40 4-.- 577',/7.F b �. 4 74 A/5- C : . 95;7-. sr-it'll-L. 7 S t`T 77 -OG t ? ..ic..74 ,.cits. 4,... /,/,A, ,..,) E, 2/1 (4% ief.._.t Wa1,51f ‘31- 467,- ..� ) k'' L /a34a se zi / pi '.(34 sie,t3/ d3k9/7 /v . - iletii444r- low Au rA) AVM. .e. srArrc. 74Pr7& 77il-)46ll ____a&I 7270 /i031.. 0. -, , . S 4c4k /f)A 7817g' 17 -02-3 o01 E pk_ci_5 (f r,e.tux 1, to - C Q C 532 Cedar Roe , So . i Rehton nO55 ilk CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY vie , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. �01 NAME ADDRESS / CITY/ZIP PHONE ,� ,96o6v IOC ( /„ A'FitskA) Of 'go s6''.1 . . 0#1 arti-Li WA, 10/K ' -W ( .P U4,111 I�- % aycv.„ ,d (p/yx enTah i(o.(6 1ef:' ,4, ---lei-P_ 7 ,r. - f-,1 4:',.,,i, 11,. -71 g,,)_,. .„2-_- 9,P0 5--(.", / 41 ,f, jGi --ir jsin_gr- / .) y - _ 7 A l t w. t 1 r /64tint/ �7�-'-5 &z.-zie74_, 4eiczfey-xizw- #.Ategetrwi'l afie 9,?. 40-4A- 9,17, -54 4/(4J 1,__- ,,,,,, ,& ✓k—)I./_I r y 19_ `7.Zij..4-C t d I AO7C M7.5 OP.Nr (04 t ICY'"- tLt.(4) 19 SE-- o j1 „-�a�. 3 e NE mot" ‘) ( Abosh e Qom. NEci St: P T °Z c� /�� 33 Sc..,i4,I L�CUD 7 \---_ ,. P :_ 5Z33 KIE I pc)( Pi'mcriJ il A,MMIIIP ___....._/... „ 415110MOMMAIWIri Alli O * ��/ n /dal es. `2 , _F• ,, .0_,,/tirif) --}'K - .-ifL_,--,_ ,Iii.i. ; J, _,,- ---/S .2_,-' ,t) ( c _e__ �4� , , 1 -7se_ Lsi 1- Rs)u. S.E.T'9 - r K4.-.10 t- 1i.0 , _ 77eo Pe 2/ , �.�. / 7 , ..Let,...Q a ,,( 6.3,a_lit_ te,'% -----s-----K... esty-k-e-A., 1(-t- , V Q.A.,-- --,--1,--- 9 s,47/. ly, i e WaSito-‘ 7 s ,?I E ✓ N.c. E. -Lao een t�in C!/ ?' ..� EIS �.SS ezc-o sf, / c ?cii7 i q/4 - ?p- . —C7. 0( t,<: si /c/z5,6 ‹,_. cv- 1 7 le 7-2,,____._. 6-3(1 f.e.' e.4"a..ST,u. YL.P/11.1vv.ct_ 1/9-1,771-13,a_ zist o 106- pi- R.-e4t.try, 01 ?Oc)S-6 �,.� _e- _:.2/O4 O y�'/ . ' '-- wez_edZ, c=1-63 e' • itaUk 0 IA (1WCam. ' , WG. reiOS - ScrtAiw plaila,vx„ .‘o, 0 l A/ - _ ao 97---?g-e9J-7,6 -tk. ..kAik..- (S7AA,6,-..),- /oo. .-/-- A,A-_, 1-4\ic kie RI/ ,'u'ro ti c1gos6 0= please_ retu r n ±0 = Q QC y 532 CecLctr R-he . So . i Rehton n055 We , the peopl : concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ano we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. • i;.; �'E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 71� �2/ ./// 5;ST. 6I it'' ,-/ 7✓- Y2/ a Cti /7/d---/(// -r , d/z'K' �` �;�/�: '. n . ois\aull , I1 2 tc 1 ICE► a ie & itnt WI - O2J 1 c--?1, -- •-( <'-`) ---- �s i4rt-r ttG 4 �/c�'LC,-.- /. z// ` ' I• ,' %S A. / /7 w r 2-,//5 uzli ,_ A ZG216�. 17 J11 /3 i-i sx A--)k- ti,0A 9 - 0 `> „174-4---t-et lx -, , De. (. .1 1 i) V dal Sty . Nzz 9 me., 5 / a ✓ /CSC . /t/7L/ 5r 026/5-1 <5l , ,{W Wig, cig,3/- v/6/46-2AL e ,egieft.„iii, -2 72/e9- .li tc . 9803 I 630-51 • --Awe.1,, ,-.-2 074,_ _>1_,L_ /7�6'`�- /,. .?/),(....,,/. f t *_44.zz-x-i ,l i.,c ` 41'55 j 7/ Al:3\311 1 Li kJ-), 'c- --c--. 1214c c-DE I' 14_. T-i_I--iti_ yl U,. ., c, (0:). -L , . 9, a v ' 11 )a3 Jas' R � lA`zrl cig(-3:3 / , C'� o^ ) /‘ 63/ -s£ /y5161' ee-1ee-/u-fr--k q• 25 � / - i- i "Ili emo -- %�'e'S5 a /3. 3 )` `.. d r u/a 9Id 3/ /.(: -5? _ _ - _ _____7.e..tx_e- --c_ - __r:-_:--4:: ._ z- za_3, 2,_____ _,___ ,„,,,,,,;;41 ,,,,,,,,,j,_A :71,40,,,r,„ ?iP/S - 017 4-r _A-1cm , i'Y',1 .9A i )- ) • Vea-ij 14/-'-' g(l6 A5 / S Va � mod- ,2c1,4, 1,141-1,-, /S-9(a/c9 - i 3/ '''t ., . f: g -:-.>-,Ti-A,/' 6.,),+- FS"6,5c _///y0e6e4.6e7 17 -2)6 ? A/2 '-`-- 5& kelti A , a' # . 2,i23 en i /?6r04 //7 5 / , z-ac, -, t) i )' -,�„' 177 /- //co-g (21,..e_S. & ig y/69ss— ti-F941 1 -Z 21 -U LAB / ? 4931 1552.-4,73,3 iit I(L�6 06P � ]R (21,jQ��2 7336ra,C ke, c2l/lZ /2c tfik SZ. /(4 Md1'3/ 3e, -33y/ n- /kif f 02S'S192-7 •- '- ,),,,,i_.9_)ilt.Z4±.. if 2 a 1 a.c;717.esfr. Ley---;„,) ky.i. gR-Ls's-- . hAJ Caw 114)-7 �, 18a t �1. �` • k .0 '7,7 a ham 17f.3`f/11 `�1 'a:�c-� ,E, L 'A. � %:�',- , A/,....„ e— 36) , l/ate. sY k2,,--::(41 ) --/Jet SS � lI i 45� �___ P0-5:2;t9LciCei-a-yr, J 7 go) 5 ff/, S a 7X r 01 5/ — Iiik 'FTTIRN TO 41? OPr3 it AvP Sn . Rentan, Wa ch 9Rf155 ire , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres withi 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious/facility and within one mile of a public or private school. LW NA WE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ‘7>> ., A. , z if: -- _ i/� Ger:Q47 F Ile 3/ Ye:? -ef to -.:: ' i 44 gt.,„./2a 4v // /4/ .i b ,517E 4.e fli Al-_,-.1.e7E ge/7 il e J-4 ,P',1/e ,,,,,. 91-„, ,,L ,d A i.10A,/ /i y3 cg A (oaefL4/:, i-- /W12_4,71 zP,r,"*.2 y 1 /0",,,_4., -5._s-s---os--E-4 „, Me -.1,/ci) 4. ,z, „ _ _ -,A4_,.d_ 14 64/.�,/� /e cRoer/1 5 ' AA el)i • _..7f14 .a U 0_,J rq e&7/,/ / S` a ?-tJ Ced,uc, f 2i I t, 3• E ,l W3 "t- PC, . ^►.)1)L tAiASf-4 , 0 14- /z 9e/a sS_ it'? _PI e2g., -•1A N1, 1C . rLorn rr ic_ s Taal(.P 6_ E. ti -pl L'n Y) 1 n ; vj e_-. ri f !1/ s i/1/4/&4i44 -21/021_/.ZETA .52.- ,ezo/1", ao 1.(13c, se l6.o • PeJ► .4i (J4., _ / / SE I(n 1#) e _ 1!Un/ C�1C 61/zze • -� d��7 �� / .sued , l - - . ( mac !/a1' .5& c,.vrid f)L. _ XR.,:ti. Wa �i,,'�-• _ 1-,4..",.._..) /72i 1 I el-rf-f..4 ifs: S' -__ ez7,tJ-77'3A.1 Gl�>4, / / f,‘,I,1„._*_„_ , 0„_..,,a.„___) .c2100-5/2 /le? ct•_,,z_. (A. 9(cez.._.:e (_-.0.k.. 10/4,puik le l 3 'a3/4 Reii,/ C.lfie,, 2 l le; /9. i. ./4420 ‘d ,1 / E. 1 13 kA Pi, moo_n Mii Ilk di r-1.31 Pic 4-0. ca,, e I . KR/ - utia • - /2/i.:(211-sitikek 6J / ,cti ae%3/ (% '(7 .ir K U I. / ,'''- '77)°EitA-6)-e- c,26,(0oP .1A,J6i.€4,0..A. Al_ s. e,,,D(1 (..61„ el''v( rh�iti ri/1-4 z.46 ?s S� /;•,, be�4�/Q DD-. .c. /l , A1i4 . �' `` _ - . - #a51 4� . L Jc ��n 3cn1s . �� , J ,vnh ,,I,,4 . .30 0 / sa8 -ari `-re ' .i(J RETURN T(l 51? C'Pcla__Ave___SA_g.en rnn, Was 98055 ire , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ano we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious - ity and within one mile of a public or private school. :!i:E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ \ 12. 5 • *--- - I Or' dz_34., ' ;"10 A-e /�lO�//4 4 _ i ill--,, , j ._liza_t�' _11cii41.X. f -0,,,, 4O'� . n _ VA ekc 'c .fy. / 7 A C - / a- se ,,v.,., ,,, k)�, y e o a�-' -. .--;.---9'`;`/- ..4---' ;'--- `,,,e - /7etc /� 7z.4 Sill ,i2e ic•-z c..)e, . os� / (-- - ee / s 3,) s/ /‘s k e,=,72,, Wa ,v 5 c . ' ' Z ktifj ic3z1 SE t - (14 k't--:,,,-f PO) toc t;,/,)/Stax 44,...:Op,,,i icii0.6-- /\11Y1'. e.SE: k-4/It-1RJ ) 9 2()‘_ --. .. z -if A_ G .., I r /9 c / 3.)r" .“.- ?64/7). 1d as r �/42th1 t i . / 7 y.7 / -LP' 5 E 4 c�� ?.. a 72er02? SE- 41 / w �5 1 eYLI , _A.5 gs-£ le,,d 7P4, 3 / 1-1 ' 4-291A-"112-.--2- 2-27-- --1- 4-4 IPZe. )<,_ 9 i d Si- / yam V 7 7gosc Q.& IL //o<1 -s 1 L 3 y/tom_ li 9 'o 3/ n lfi ;,G y+" /02 r 3 k C234, R1 /�eJ 9 I)o 3/ . 4 //- 9- las rt die tgr°3/ Pe k - c4:7_ (11), c.) &//av- /oil A- c& scr- ,4. cik 3/ 4 . , , Azi,m,ititmy • /7P2P /60 s� 16�� G/4- 7 ss 2e t : 1 /O •c' 1��_ ,e z �. 9j 1 ra / / a .2 Sr 1 c1 / / �/. 8l Pto 120 s .5.E. 23 74-4 QL eatri vol 91-03/ :turyc „.". - /vaS 104 • • 2, tAJA Svt55- h., i ey8z,9 is , 2 ,-„n,,, t,i) . "3. cs Cz e- 4 sLp f r— 6 - SO 12e-c-L_,i-r L )a VC '-. 1 C( / ( I) it et ) i -//1, ti 1 Nam/ ) 71%`13 LT ,y , / Oa ita. /7>-,s ez- ,?2‘2.1.-11_,0,'.-----„4, • 4 4za:,, / 7,;?/Q /.428 SE &-iirL lf�55 -- / 44 // s,F, ( 79 . X ?t"e,3I RETURN TO 51? C;pr1ar AvP So . Renrnn, LIa ch 98055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious fac ' lity and within one mile of a public or private school. T .=.!.E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ,7(.. / _c,.24,-- /.., 2 ,/d . (-/.4,/ A7/4/ T Log Aid„,,,,,‘" 1a ) id9 ' ./7_.) '0 ,7E:5'- OS -Lk /2.243 X.4 23..z).' - .." '3 /"c2 L ii , - /Z--) " 171 loll Cam 27/-cs 6 i -% 3 -i . . ha j7� . i.�, s ,d .2.0 V ?-/U d 60, /�1�,4, �,, ,. Qom, _ 1 LA di l e i ,- 3c29 Qi-Ac_c `2- - eIRQ (, /. ),,_ ' ./. /9v2-i- /Z3 ie 5-1 c11 re/k) 7 5- 4 ii? SW; /, 4t,“...sot hei4,0 <'pe l 'i3ist i 34, o (,- - 6 23,PJ 12/77te/417:() 94):)::3 ) ei L---,--stetv,_ 2 66)1 2 1 2 4--_/`t Aie f__,;42/---- ifi.5/ . Ayyvv-ai L;( -1 Z 5 C /lc SJ l2ti--lamL.) t e?'�' -' c Gw- ( . e n 6-ti,.. ,/ /e, / z S" i /7 S- f oile,.... . S cI , \F - )1/4114-- f1 L aL-a i2. 2__ /?--- -----._ ��,/yT c1-61 ._ ,AcL, 4:� � r 5 c 14.1. dz / p t c . -Cei--(-)2(1 He' 7/ 9 -1,9Zaa a-0-e WA gu:to ? g 055- .c...o.-.,,.-, /AID-- --- T 11 I N- z O O i_ Ci ' V d U -5I g S_ij-- -r4 (... Z • 9 i7 7.4 /6 i Z&___ r'O3/ C .::..). a_S._ k \\AS 4tC klil "A RC_ -- Ati-‘). 1 )1)&1, q ZoSc-' .k a-4..., c. ) Zo E) 0 s e a- 13 c l /. �--n ,w M `3kU 31 to ttf z } /c ° c a D in /- er)1--- e4jitz y'8 a 64 g:051 Cd 112/& .Ar a_titc SE &a- Y 3/ RETURN TO Si? r ricer AvP Sn , Itpntnn. taa"-- 48055 ee , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious f= c' lity and within one mile of a public or private school. 1;= V E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 2..) ttel/j/ty -t, 35-Z 4'ie.fl."-/-e01Q-1-- .03-7-,-*- 16G14-, g-ee. i 3 (-4 0 g S- / A r K .2_,,,.-- 4-3 111,- t /�.JA_at G- --it 1.v.vct) ____i Es,fli __i_.. ,_.N.,_„.) 15 ril-r m.51- A /1.-)c.,i y roc, .s.)3--5--,;za ti r , V. kiz iarp,) • J go?? - /sa t:47eire s- e Pe f. 0 r. ysrt7/ lee,', - it - 6 ) ,_ ) 7 6, 0.a� j_ S r 16- \ o t> 1 V 11), , COAdueeenJ icka DR 'SE, tic; Y-/AQ /- .-ii.il Fko 37 y. lie 3i3 - /V3 sE. /2 -1 , �l1055 i� _ ,A.y„ ,� r c- Iii ii - ,sze_.- /21io .s" -- /4/t. "-/2 aotA. -N-, featzt-- -2T _ "?1-, I *itso t I1 4v'. •S. 1Q,)704 9 Iva%. r ode I/ &tie% i i„- /Agoir -is7`v4 Pi t Ck 44i0 .14, c i �4. � 1 5 �- �icy p L k�- � �r- `� 031 ( 1:Pi wiikeo, ez-i co 5.e. r g 1PP . 7,WN red 1.0, 9 k5'5" • RETURN T[l 517 CPrlar Avg_ Sn _ RPntrp,__Iija ch 98(155 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area,, public park, or religious - c lity and within one mile of a pub or private school. / . NAVE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ' - - -- -- _ - - os`s • d 49 s-3-,o s-�� lJ.-P.r rivu.G 4 . .J,,,i A a, g: 9,p 5- /� r-v t2rd lc y G,ic 4 31, b qD_? QA41J ) c.i di ` 02'24 7 Ala:4 e 6- ii/ i c ,rr, A 2/ 9,7 e6 4 1 C --04z cOa_2, - /e y✓n.1, J( /1/,z. 9,.?0.3/ �'..6 c; G v--6 If-AJ /�•fzd' ao/-A-I. 09. w .9 Pe3/ .P.3 -387 s' i ,,,L., S3/5 /e,8"7V2 S e. )& / rya 9(rD 3/ 65/ 94e)3 ,eoaJ /t qo _ N,i�� Warr _ 2 )- - 7-,q 7 0,trikili.ai2j16-YLA .:Q f�mcu tYc F /oy SL / &+ i 'l- 3A.nI 1 oa`l lf a 1731 .. o na" g5c2-1 4'�., Al /t li C44 cP. •Gro13 ' (2./-S-L`74.ro /� V \O 4:tt13..di S cl. . P1 -S &A q$o3k 6 2 - bof Li ,ram a d 6 tlq > 7.2 r4 iSS 9E'003/ 6a/ a s 4-.44_. . ��. 2-� , 6//9 / ..� . j. b 1� 6�i As ________,Plaz.9 sEacard `..... .exit.4clya_ _i_.,.ofor-s-sa cl_.--,- it)7Z - -411 liAteh---- i-Lf, (1 -44 vd-4 ' / .-.3 2-4' 5 &." i K 7 /1/41" /ae_44--. X/r47-i- -s/ // rS l‘" --' /CL.P--/W.- *i."' 4b7-1,-4, - -ri, //47 5 15 /4 .5 .'___ -_ ,X, ,- ,e--3--,5- . mod. 9 )&7 ) $Q I I/ - /io - r-�c . S: g ii- ��--,. I, '� /4-#Ldr'- /92 2 /u / it i. N '/ 5O3T- �h� & ji��/,�. / ”7-7- 7 4.1' -,4. ,-) ,i-a ..5--- ,/r - 3 S'W , //7'7 `" A .V. /&s./--ov - 16FASZ (.( >K--,,,- /24_}-4 ,L_4, __ .., ... 4 , . it atij / 0, ) ii c9 P 0 — / R o t,C' S, e e. - • (/,.E :.- 9? o S,S 11 2 SE . . , -Li y% ten fc3' 02 -/I «a.0 ,2r' /D,��-,e _ie x•fL ram/ 44...� ' a 760 - ��2a , a'' .„,/,,,sztv j _ . ir2s /4 4izz - S " , ' Fc35" N RETURN TO 51? CPr3;u- AvP- Sn..y RPn rnn, [,inch 980_5 - --__ nee , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE - 20 Ao i q 4' Pi, 5, Kent O 3 % 2-ji7Z Aiw /S,?2 ' S' -/77 Jr'' X ,77 7n Z-5- .2-7/ov9� hoc r 0 , D_( 0 • 0 -/ C "4,1c.L9-/ .2 - .:173657_zr --="gt,,..e 0.1-4 ,sThoz• r 6.3 (-1)3-, n n c>Lt_ a 3 i a 3 /3 f2 - 5 .c . k otif q'o 3/ l 3/ - (/14 P' zr' 4 a- -mac. 1�/�c�s F /1 -1.61' 044,_c4,1 �,�.(�� at /(S`/D /Z4 S� ��f_ , 1.4 S Z7/)66 21, (-3---7/74' , 'Ltd U0CC INAL1 IG3 e( ¶3Cs5 J71-000.3 • RETURN Tr) 511 f:Prlar Avp Sn • RPnton �3 Oa 98(155 we , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ /5h 3f h2 9 Lk" l MSC a 77 of l p AC6 /;, t-,,* - /,e 'Rocs-- z 77-,?1 / i G' 5 E je , 9 gosue' z -2477 ' Are4„,*paW../..7.. 12 /6'' �� yr o s5- a77-44 <S/241,si 4 17 ems' > l.3 C.Z2t tfl• s E- 4„i 9gert --tyig /g m0'31 /41? Pi- .E /G iY,c. JfefD .2s 8 7? 9_ /1�-4 0 -�. /P' ( 177,() /c l f� • /lie - /1 ! ff ffd ' /7„1„.77 4,e,9 o ` � �so - a ,►► Lt,L,i�� eVikairi kE SE. Pelittii Rtb5 - • RETHRN To 5l? CPrlar Ave_ co - RPntnn. Wash 9.8055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. J (1." 1...'.'E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ /,c fsr ‘. y�0 Aerliny‘ 9s s' j-s=ems-_fe /o' /�y� -i% 5 ; 7; , �� 4.1/ ems' (, , i> . Zarta,a- WOO s.E. - ,z/7 P f. K -� Qko3f 631 -tgei 1 �� ri/A J 2-900 J � ,7 � A/, 9 �'/ la.?/ •0.0►.t Q it? eli.teli /933 I -.C. /6V ,rr • vd4_ 2SS-4 9cj s'es l V4 : .,Lc ' is c (it, --� /J �-pL Se ,E � &71 ‘0 6.C' ./pit y24'.-:;t191 . 1;r ke 'w'' -rrs- r f -Z 6--. •dam/.1/-1 I aloys' 9ria,f," S • IV R.s‘Y-1J,(1 ,, AS AA Isli-r4 >.. 9� "' � .. ...*- i S /�� , p l'/' 0 ---- : t ) , a /40.??9 J .cti .1 PLC - •73 :e 1 D1,,,) .' ' e /boas' 1/,3i1 .S �44 ,g; d-3 Vih i- . t-,- - itro?h i.rwt e G f, L. ..geivion.__ . ,sj`- Di6 3 • • • RETIIRN TO 412 C.Ptlar Ave Sct Rpnrnn, Wa ah_ QRfl55 we , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. r: -E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ X‘721,A.?", FP e.1 / _, G/ 61i-S- — /(4- 513,2 - /II Z ' Se? /001/Piv 7farr ..- ?1, 7.. ,,r-I'-'41- 1 t 7 / ; / #19 674u2 ( 4 0 4. . • r( -6 cs- . ) 0 - alel,tilief - At 03-'1'k , ' -',"ts/A6'. .46,271a) 71-4114> -ems-- I `f- f/ 2 2, 1 27-- - oof 1/5 BSc_ s---' _____dh, , _Ct ,Jt. A4 4 kr, q) ' /3y"Pt_Sx ve GI'l051 . )1_,,. .-e/, i v---ti oi ,e e_21"—r-v /Q.---? ,f cr— Q ) JZ k< t ( to tl • 'TURN TCI S I? Cnrlar Avp Sr) , Renton Wa ch 9RfL55 • we , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious fa ility and within one mile of a public or private school. i i ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ c 1RopplA ‘ ` • t 1RW// -Dogmas Ne., ivr A�/f RETURN T1) 512 C;Prlar Ave Sr. RPnrnn, _,Mach 9R(155 •we , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ ez, Q • //o.;1 c2/ 9 c ,� Gl/� ii5a siY ri--)2 /9 (3 . >/- - )7f �< -),4"� +. 9 )) o' t. ,: c(', en`t wn W yC, ate 01.1 J • • • • • RETURN TO 911 radar Ave Sr, Rentnn, Wach QR1)55 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 9-A./sr ALL/S <. c. P/=/f 0 /6,57,53 / /7 '/1v 5�. of�NTos-' .,-?4-y3 9 5- 1 c2-_ i1 L /15 Sot" 13 i Sa-TT/c I$17r 7.7z s Yid i hy._//a 7.0 m to,(; , 15"_ 0 , 13/ 5' ' -3e---z- Ler_ 7 s i7.J tie )&,4 _ / ► . Y2v y, 19 sue-=. afrt., , 9 R 4 5- 4a-. -e---57. 4k---.,-f--f------- 42 3 0,. V i,e.: /5"'.7-7`") >e,iy__.) y,,,f-J- L 44, .1YJ 344/ 4 E• ,i°- ft- pei,„le, Lim- 9!cS6 7 ° 304i NE // /'/ " ,c£. / kin 98asz 22829/8 ,4(.:4: 9' _ /f i a sV-/fj .ie. / -,Zt/a.f6iai- f0 I I /3032- /(/''dOG 5.e. L7--,,,e 2,8DSO • / 44 _ & ..f_ .194,-7 )t' u. >q4.4, 07174.475 ;/ i3e.;417 131. . ‘VeeN /3/ *ICSi tea.. ii/-INcr /L / sly S( /3y S/ i/i( 2 224 9 7/27Q /3 3tA.d; YGLGt I"1n% 3t_ IL) kt) T QYLo,n c�yTh 22L-11(.,3 /y a_ L,A?, 9g©s-e' �gS-Sc3(t1 �30 /5 /�,� R1zQ. 4,ae 2 3S - 1 A LJti' 6" �i ;`lav /6 9 v ,eao,„lc � �C�- /7 ,c)7 Ho9V�_/ S� ;44. 4 6 r /--.-3/x" C�v `Aci 13 5� ;yQe-4-- Re N 76/C3 — / pd ii" k 2_f / 13 \.' 0 it.VALIN IA a j SA ,3 91 I CU 9 J.1- h 1 . 'RV Vi 0 rN . 1 L ,A,. 6 5 L 3 s e44 €< / S300/Uc �U12,Qo' y/9/ z..„ 9fDs 6 //FF , 2 y .s.Van �.-. q 4 zc .191°' Au& /lifnt secath q'A'/2‘ L5, g, \)luker.,Q 1S10-- klo Avc- S.4 - SZei4ar 4ns-,S -Li, ?', ‘ Pak eile +157 i 2014- CwE -01 664Trtf l p D y `--'— L tigr4 &v.& r ?42 IRi 'WPE6.-E knifsn 1(. (gl 2 F 1 ,t. I c /?v�- 3,3 4-9, S. SeacP9jAh.,• ULF &�y- c Z7 / _ 4pAA- 3.24J ,;n, 20.,L S ,e.ei wn, F���sr 8ry-/7q8' 3‘) .tee � � cX, /76 33-4/4 3L WA felsre ai ga 5 / �/�-1 1 I yc/6 c,(1-001.1A A:Ze tip/ ,L,,14 cam!mac,,-s- S'-77t, 5 2' _7 f e.ed ' ‘A,f/ ',,‘ .d/c "1/ze " )7.6n .Wa. 7- -Cfi o1_ please re.twr V\ to ; C Q C �_532 Ce_ccar Ave. So . a Rehton W055 'he , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. i; .',.E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE — zw,i„ 4 i?c,,, i,.. , y,j, c2 v,. ,,,,C. 17, e- /�y/ is5 ac F, ,-t`:k. 9eo�s- ass- 70 ) � - -p-} JP 3/ r'�ii-9” e- ��, //&r03 -f'c" .23y'W / t-- Arl / -7,,ep 8 '-45 t i (o`er 5-�._ ,e, T gv55 a-7l-?8q8 n ''. V ,.l .a..? be,- i/ 4 v' .SF_ ice-/ w A- `%�'0,i / -41-ed'ariLr G(.2 _ � �d 11 7ThiLy- "�2Q a. /�Fd6 J�PiifMri¢/pC, ed ken Gv c /1 / G .t7:-.1C� C (APi "'a. X 5 /r<�/--- �1 S 7/' / 6,fapi, / di S . / 7"-t---. �,�ee.._. GO s - /.7// SE /A/? ' 44 4!//9- /Jf �-2,‘`9237 oz...,- -S&x.-/, __," _),.70_5--. _ ____SEL,2z1-1_-___ Aet1-1. (,Ucr 1/ ‘ -'37,S/ Wda Crilia.eJt J 1 30 3? •S•e. /9_/:'>:.(i- ir-zi-a'34,1) 1 liJc? 9c9cos 0,27/- 705y it s 4 226? , e c //17Z o S F, /f24/4 7 I H}4 920.s-1- 2.s j i 7% (c)gL5 - a33 P i. se . af k.U a_1 l e ty t� a 7h 3 - -V3 a-f)gs- / 709 92_ L V a S63/ i/// 7 e 3 1�/ -3� (sT 7.2r,1 A _m) 4 /J3/ '.5 417a _ _91,__ ; IN, )8 h (5-- ), 9 fi P S E Po*U/c. 9d6s-s �-b6)3 LtLA- // 1( a' iJ= �� (.,1� w� Q �� ?Toss ggEA- -m . q, _ ,--45- ,g c.;cc- -46--..,-)c-„,_. id ci K (2 ::c--- 7,1(,,_,t, e fiV /_.c--a� 7 z i fX /7%s 7" few ciet_ 9Sd sue_ ->c21-1/ -ez-41 -6•L-"--/-- / /./le(2 71‘2. -,4,-;7-27/Zi7 ,1Z-Z1A,5>f 4 ''f‘e3-/ 7i �� t.WZ/3J.'146/. rcE w` 4)/) 9I 3/ ? 7 Z e z 1/ ai9 /2.3 -St= / L() 9 ,03/ c4-L-e-$4-€6,1 . /;sue s-- 1 '1 .5^r, h. Y'61316s _. ?, A.>4tiAo.41A/cry, 1.f1 ,47 fit /.25-441 i �� 9g6,3/ C - �� o, /O 9a/ & /£<..0-/ 6_)oit ./.lyw. ,7w,r___a/// K re4A,) lpvear ilea-ui s2c &i- ,O& C� ft kir. ZPd J/ . �"._ v 871,e R Lifi%ao.a .,/ L.,.,✓ 78c--s- z�i -3. y RETURN TO 417 C:Pdar AvP Sri , RPntnn, Waah 98055 — 'rye , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning aria we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. I;.-.IE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ _____41 -eA4_,,,-,y 3,44e, eV) Z, -ti,ilid,r - czo-,s- 3-4/O t7i -19-ftd:-(4'we-dGt.� /G D ,k f R.LVOAL S•E. &-ni I'm) 9�°Ls .4s5- $ b rl f / / /I -, oS/ILL-6 dve Gr ✓ ► e,,v22),,z. �.c`.[ 4/3/ /c} /,5-. 7/d''j9(2 ,. .el,,,, 74 c 7 f-1 9 9, P— , - 374/I —13 S to tb -/' 9)R3 I 6.2/ — crs-e7 , • /3if aitto- � w � ©.s 6 .,tee - /3>6 Jta.0 i ai ai 9/7r 7 7 4- / s spy — .A., cep /3ff/O/f-1 c ,lc- .41 7t 'i 22 6 -732d (62fNdJ lour,&Z/, 9J . s3 /3v f q Ziau.c..J/ c'� / /3 .de_ /'I et- t. l' c.c.r, T.R - tttar i :4,32,11. / 'f ''-- ...2- -_,:, / yd2_, . ,_., , ,..._ , , , , Th, i*, 7V �i-.1!!� � `K�f sir /3r 5 ? , f Y I4'1hs Jl DIY fy• f kJ PhsS� "s, / r 9 / G l' r --1 ��1�e‘5 1�.�,, tir`"i- 9 ?# '�'_9s7 1 dk 14imp,i 624)6 /3q11 i N t g dmvyid, GO( g1[05- / R 4 e /7 ' .4- /e i/'4 73 - s-5 -7o 4 3; /t 71- .1Ie ')( /23-- a vr//e, i , 73 �,7 z , — '-?7'71,4,, C. _ /v5,),5-41, 11/4e4diti,s747 af), 4 ��, / a ,s c / o - �. �, as 6 I �✓ 2e.ee, (265" E D ' e . u aozG-,1"O // en.,;(i;s2 . fe-e-ne4A- /4a4s7 --4-8 7,17,-( AO 44- 16) 2i i,%-- , i-cf..3 it'0,- 49/7/c-041%0A , �� , 2- q2‘7 je. . jf)Cielis,De1/L- /6N J,11th11 12 $E4--h& eQ_ Z28 -4 2 9 ,e, -i.i/ _d //# i i . -. - ' _.l '_ ./! ' - _ (o- / . - I , // S3/ Se SO Ti 7/- / ., / • / _ dr/ 6111. �� _ . .' . QI ....... 4-... zG - UAL f,, ' / r /a s. /?3 c� /�� a. 7/-a2 9,7? .', : , . - - . - RP»tnn. Wash 98055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. * ;,; ,:E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHO `Jls� �6y /y�z'5 /21-,-�4 S,,�� o ,Di�7� --2 g)- 12/Ai44 a la t ✓ J 7 V S 1 /i' 147.1vt 1cFftraA)%ed6s� . ..1.S'-715/ 7 k/ 3 " ///-- -_iY- �r-- ,, -- 9 -J. -��.�:r= 73( �� J L,5 - I/ l am' � .��f Y/17 'Wert I:- / 746 ,5 -- // / — 4.- '4- 22L 74f' 4421LJ 7 .J /76 5 7 /// 7 4ue, S.6.. 6f_i_ . a 6 .F a 3 7 _, l-! ,_ / 1 l y/ ///z '/)cJ1- 5/ /?0/�gw Ai r /W, 1-k r— _lc,_u_IL kluNti\ito • iiiI4R,s v A L Ot 1-f R s,e1,14-0 v. M'SS--_,25-- frki.th /? ,7,r I//IS L� Ste(= ,tom ,..?_ ,F- a56 .44A-rt- / 7l/7 - /// a , .5i . 7/- 3/.5 9 X- , K& / 7��/7 /7/ a S /'.,e, ern 27/ - 3/ S� �� � - � ter' ,� - � i3 a,�_/_• - / 7G 6 i i// .S c- / -c rz �z. G ')11 4-.t-- P ate-- l 7 (i ct r(r _ .2.g. af ''_ „2 3` _ ( Y 2 3 chAI- ee.8,- / -7 p_&____ .1_„_t4____ (6- _ _A.,--, ,,4,,,, a s_s--3_ p7 o '-'? 57- /7re,--v /« . 6. . ,ss- 5.7e3 t Afil / 71'. 1// SL E 22_/. - .pss - 2-G - /- A _A...., , //�e d _SS-. /R..r, (?,4-7t _� al 41/" 7/3 6 _ Qv rJ'f/ ede4Aa -1 //aOY 5.e; /7? / AJ71a, , -7/_7/W.) 24-4;1-0.-� \ , '%ev,--- /i 20 i•E /Fad 4.,.. .., ..27/- 7/JJ _ f 4.t.,.._4471--. -/ ?n j v /op Z_�`/ ,ifv7 Z9 3o �. C• ,ic rz j1 i- /"�n 7 S f- Ga "-` , a, C, .3/- , -6 (i 0 zli ./(AA,i,a/2, /A2isk_S- ,5-- - c. (1.c. /04- trs-ca, -7f �Z �� )i7/ aoay s�7 `�iA76-Y�': ,�c/ - 7 , ,()� ,' ir>/ / y/ ,e ,,50, lei i4,,,,)4:) �z6-oz-z ,, 11414 .5 ee . a,Y-4_, , , '' 7 t9-7 --- 1 g�1( j/� '4-J f_' if241-tv --,` D..7 7-G�?.5� ifyix . /TZ/( I f 2-7-Ni S _,_ Z77-0 ? c> e..,.,_ ///43 5'f /"3,,a/ 9/• ( , ..2.R1-75-a1 g �.u.„ ///3 SE /77 (y, Z /(a.1- iL Z -F=/ Sz } -*/ ',, AY/33 S E /fps' `(fe___ „).ss--,) , -/ CIIRN TO S1? CPriar Ave- Sn , RPntnn, Wash- 981Ss , We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. -�'.'E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE — 4 i - / f /- 2 S .r / p1 ' -? �r E ,� '�2 ass- 2 2 G G,3 31 ll _ 'nL k i P Y,O i 6,§ffi. (SE 27/s - Kei - p 2 —qzj A}-1- f 340 sG ZAda KCdy- - 603� X "4- A-e--- . 2a�vv /63 G 56 /._. es) 23i I , _ / act - //e / Ste".4 4,t2u��l'/zo2_, . f.oloyL�� _ // oq7 -sz-/�-2 ems... .tea o2rs #,,J /la,/ i 1 Y, u� 2'?/-14 1 /4.-• .,0 • AFA,/ /E-6-7711 1/_j_../J-- -5:65--, /1,,,),6 ' COcit4( VI // 1 ,d Vir_ , ,- i ! 0, 31 EE J eF- N* �� . 1040 _, r . . 4 ,f1_,(,k ,.„.,,,,,,_229 , k‘ I P.,214„ , G1,279 ' o w - . -- ------ /-/7- 3 9' �'c_ /f y.-�.,4 - - . � s-s-z757 (ii...fok, cl. 0 ifo?. -3 ,s-. . 112...iel A_vc,),44.76.-47yi ?GZ1I%J , ( ( L✓. S� 1 a_5---5�f-7 e p , //223 57 / 1z ,� 9,rass avaz_e C t.a.,2.", //v3/ /8a>.,.,e , ram,¢ 91,04 4. - a,' ✓ C . /8.2- .0„3�,,, , 7.�J�9 ql gass— (7„. se 0,7,,,,, SE. Oz Ahp. g4 9VS7 98 s-s- /�/' I1 Y7 ` /d. taA- ,v 7,06, liiesi% 7--i-ei-exi 11 Yy-7 S. , / '?- t?j I,,..17,io., 9$6 s3 -- 1 --- - .1 � / c fr' W - ,6n. /1 y,A 8' .5k /g2 i e/v To Al alf YO.SS f 1 l i scz .1-2- I % k IR)...,=j4)e4J r80�5 :..... diit._ a . 0,(c..„4. \4 k. __ \c)._ 7.....,G,,Ao cL%f)s I; / i r ••o i , .. z24_ai -- J 'Pi,J k ('4 // �7 S 6 /(el) yZ l -TARN TO 5-0 CPriar AvP Sn a RPntnn_ Wash 9Vir. We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ;;. -,iE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE __ �1— fo `� 5 r - I ,Fit-tA4r, (AJof t 8dS _. )1 :fi t,,, ."..I . /a 6 i 4 - .S£ /6 5 ;K-e-0- -,,. Gil v? e- /777 K:44d ja1di /9Rog-/i/O' Cte, . 5GLi &, g3/-67/e 1 .�. ) f/aa7 1g /t‘-II. 4 , ciicL., a$ =Sz/3' 10314Ze /Za07 - i0t74 )9. 6 . ' -�, aia. ash - /h72 e,e,.......,,, 4-� -�.1�q/1 /.d di 5,A/ �..e...-•. 1 f s/-�' 7 _� 7/.3Q67 . /, 7 ��. f l/, �a 9 - PC ve. - 09 6 3/4,/. 4/ a. ..d ,//1-0 ay& i . if /A k/A‘ / -4iiZ 0 ....4:.,. t V ems_ ►o c Pv L_ S . _., (;\ - .) /�)es - �`/74'.e sFt f�.�,,iti, ‘J,J_ . -eia3 zei-747:G % .T 7/ - j c-tg. pz/SA /Z-z6 ii-/z z7/- 2— r � G � � (mil' Ka 0 - e..e.� . 1 Li- iat (L_ S — 1-t1 ).1 , Ly ) S . 7 "14l'r% /1335 /o8 S �l`/J/(YI /( ctf . )i/j77 . 7:' P �/7.• , -.,. CCf '2/-C-3// `; 1JJ1V ��„ / ,F3� z /0 �fi/SL ' /i c l-6x, t,S;-01sizciy .3.2i-.21s' 4a?zioft„T„ /e3, �� /a A/s-E, ,-r.z�` A,, ?loss1 i-d -�� f 3 70 /oP 4-- f',� S F jam ,,,,. C�,� , ���> -ze, iC.�ij%' -e __-t (', /(?O -./(e7i, ,,e 5 fr„ty-,,,,___ ,/,y_ 7e,cs ki,f,„,,a /17,a4,6eter ie 7 ce t iff__ (z'' z,J 4,---- -(, -7• • q Y-.)s-sc"- 117 i,„.,Zi ..Q �.-✓ - -Z /'c C ei„. /6,?y 1 2 /, 1�4 / - -e/e- ' 7d. , 9 e chi _AV , ..., J . ei► J /00 -5 E, L / � --4 4 ices ' I c ) ('o- / b &1 • 14 og ILLI lif. 0A-L, • .0 . 6e- : eN-) k. ,,„ :--,-.... ,u),q 9 0 t-V-.6'. 4 em Mar ez,,,,,r, /of,Oo S _ I. eb St- • -)E4/91, % /71/1Firlfrid01101V .. 6;3^..1: ��.a. AI . 10. 41- 11r- (1 •` r f I:. ' 'r7 - SC -- s �- 1 Mall _ � Z �SZ :n S12 CariAr Ave Sr) , Renton, Wach 98D43 -- 'we , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy or_ Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning aria we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 1:A1E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ /20d14"4"-e A. // S� - LP/ y, „ %,.,,, 2,,„ pz ; G r / /I d 7 f-ES'E- IS`I gi2 45,L UbeY ss W.��- �� /iV 76/ / 'i iee,-i r f'0 Zc-- o - �.- 9,6'�-- 471( /7L f //, 4 ,9oe1 ( . / x% 6/ �' .I s4 MY (LI . ',Gc 1o�� _4„1_,,,....i' . 10 ______tk__„_,_. _ ./1 3/ /i i --bet !70,,,.."4 7, , k. /i _"_.1 Sc-10,,a,41$c71 /le) /,3 S / // d'}' i-a- , 9/053" C. A J ,7 11.E O . s . /so Atir ,t0,44.A.4.4_, -- -3, . 9 5s Ire-ol 11629-er,ff' . � S3 S2-41 ' .214-,-i., 4,,,,i Mo e A iza --7f- ,Q2.-Le 0,17. re_e_-wz,./-i---7., rffa i-,6- .v"--d _ •=e 401/40W011/10 *A( _ *4/11,14/ ,10WIP02 'v ,2, L. 's,7 vie( /1-'-� i ee,j )71.3G// Mh v,�a-.4- Ll01 v s,G`-/ g2,i-Q,r , i�1'�- =/?- ,s-a.5S 7i 36" cam 2ZZ _ 2/'f 17 ez.i.d-- Thb / .( 3ofatq �' 1. //o77 E.t 420.2_ s% E✓7-- 9 3r t 3/6-66,/ • ' L :.1l of,...0 „Lai, r I'7 5oSE . -z2ill A/cnt 7go3 / ./.:313- 1 jf7zo SE 2‘'k0' itefur- 9(03 1 C3/s2 321 e - a 1(2.s z - 7V 4 pi. S. •h 5 13J 9.5-)to '79 6; a 4`'at. �' O5c ) / ietr -m, wj / 37/d Sc r7O =,� 9,�©5 of/�fc9 ei0:7-12 /oSS 2S./ k . /4 7 47,0� 3 5 ' /7 /Dl/d.5- s 1,,- 19 i / 7 e)-4,a0)1 71 0s-g-q 6, itvgy %. -'P t k / .S3 0 / asl . l a A;or3v s i 13 ..8,. .w.,.„., C-Ow 9 $'0°7 9 F0 s ��io 7 RETURN Tn rPrjnr Ayes Sn , RPnrnn, J,ja ch 9555 — > We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition ,r to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. r.;..1E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE id r..l , I, .. — f S•F, if��rii �/L �PmAdM C15O,S.5 271 -0273 / 6 h-i I - e1Y 9 S//-5 Z.06, Pc , r` 9YD / f 1 S'-Y,P, 9c-ddat sii-e-etAL 10 /5- .- r . 11 i 9?o3/ ?5a.-9.2h- c -6- /3/,f 'V ,&, /q� ..P 4'-1I•►- -w Gar J/- : akie- _No 7__r,,e (- -`'_Rdq' /?-2-;t21444-,,, 9S-cLii-3-- c;zt-',738--5 e, jcs_ ,,,_.,F1\1\)a,c,okrfAws,- , f t . ,t k 11 \i t t ( I 'I/ ,11 o 2 U S7- I b W , , . ,_ . / 01 v �i 3 5 . r, /73 . .,a-n --,z, 9,e755 : 4‘71 ei,e2 IlluAtz.: 102 tonA441/40vc_, 3,e_ iii_,tlik c?8-0 5-4 ct -67, 1 ' -elm,-)/� �� 3.�7 -3,7 /$ _ 51".4 79/80 47Y?3T73 f;-vv. )4J9.1, Lei z aAleteer,Z,(,-A,1,t• .F._ 1C21,-,C;, q g-s-zo .22/-5?7 Cy /Sl/Ig l /fi e. SE We,„4,444 g1.0ss-' .27/ 37; , -g 01.0 Zac' z • , 1 1 R1/-3-- ll� `' . , ,.J6-- 11/Yt 98065 a7/ - D,3 7 10-7—)hi,10-714-j) /lo53 Aid- - 9Y05 5 3Di-/32 . Thet/yrgAzd lloa 7 ci.g. tfiet . wey6-5- c„? ‘-/0/3 ,27 , t4, et..i fto.gs.S /y&s --.- cz6a5-:.i- ems- -_Kb7 7 Xaee,,,e,fzer.. ,9-- 4e-c,P4-frr.J /1aa9- //cif s e „_, "kes-s- ,R7/ .3s4V � • if3o,2 a- //r ' is?":r►i 7g, 2 -I gr-C 4". o .>-„K / S o'' -/--JO 4 As-17;.r fa-,5,-5- .2�2dc- /t 5- __ _oe e `"2, 7 0 9 f1 1,/i/e l ,risen fc'cf ;s -. - ‘o�/ e /d 9�.d /6? .�` 1 y` 71055- -226 -/,VS- A ,44,7/f /091 (Xi i qJo $ /- G -/ 55 /2. .iAizAi i)'9,), 45.2 /61 ,i sE- 171 .0-76,,:tziyge,&-i---,717/- 7S7) 41-05k5---. `oJ 34) SE l81 irI h 2 rl .27/- 27 0 ,;-712r � % - I a "1 o S-/e/.4 Sri 9JQSr L26swd syL,,,,, C 9 � - - -01 (4(..g.94„7„1". �;e.:�Le-E) /Q fs0 g. e /b'/ .,at Qom, . e - aab 9yi dAitila)ia- is / / J a // -S'F /V-Gil`1 /Px-g . 9�o S5' a,zb.s FJ--- 14 4( 7-1 IDS / - b " ' I m; /�' We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning aria we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ./ r:E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE )2 . / . 5 - y/ /s _i' , _,d?, 1.9,gg /7S-Z, /x-Za JAcc ..11:t,a. gt--1,.1"-,4j- �i' n:60A /'-Z/ - ' d, 4_i/7 /r - 1� // a /P2 -7"�--'4,2--1,_-7,-x 2� -a. 'i gi, �N4� /l 27,3 s,6; 13Z lid ee-n-c-91-k ` 6-z8�/ ‘/ a ry ,eY /�3c5� / 7C/1 ( ,� -,5 /+�63J AJ / ',3 s SE /22,L, 3 8k 02 7/-62633 .did 77 ‘2o So. ..7971z 7_.e„ ) 4k -27/-/9y/ _'� 62.0 5 zM ?etL &) __ 2 71- (/9,/ • i- Po c 1f. '5 "�fi , 6 ,0 (Ztt ' ttdii -' ,Ló/ g i. a?� /4�1t �ai __ 3/-/,,,.5,Zi i-- i ,/`/I /09/i 25 c.F h E 793 7 41 i 7176 e- & k 9. o ,i i�'os , itail.- fig-. 939a it.71 #4.2/ ,, „Thu/ V4_,A_ 75:2---ve63 ...1/4._. An4.-L_v_c_9-A1-)d:-.1 k._ to • . )-- .,,,,*\,...1"....,, / - 1. Q cCEZ__Q 'Q TO l a0 AUs 5. C K-e iAA- 6 31-1 '. 5/ Wq2A-Ai- p,,,,LvIdt . 29&Z5-1W/-rc S . *-e1,ti WA ( 3/- 17- oA'lerj' (1) ot( n9 ay5OQ 14(1ntvec Rd . 126Ilt , wig fis4 ` ( 77 / C___ -: 1- ,5 4/2-__ c e y ai J E g-AAvr)cc / L,J0. 8-2-.s-//a6 fp T LJ542r ZcLi/i . S. G. rilLake611Ai ?2S//G(, yoef tqq-Ki -1--k ( t , tr-- )303_3 oc,d6,-A/ o, 4e,&4, 76,, w/gyp W 72 rim- 0/J7/0 Is-ix AU s • `fie cl /il, 144 1 °3 £��) Zip 4._ S E, . (40,7 ,itroe) V.,__,.i.,-7. /L& '7UU Z7.1 49A ,)/ �Jk- skez--1--is&e,vj (1 7/k1V-10,-.. #4/67 4 -�i ,1`-ti��4 I, 7/ /e so 2 tvA. 9riyJ E► . )4.4.1d e_z Jr, / / i l 13 SE m fa HiL G c'- Aye 3/ 1102. 1 y I/I Cl#7 ,-x' \_ q( (�S (/( t tic,- j, ca r: `? 3/ RETURN Tn 53? nerlar AvP Sr) , Rentnn Wash. 9 5 ..._ ( . (:!t4 /1/1( ) (h4fre 4ecl c1{,z f(� f Ors -J ;-I ;, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition the c tablishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ;;..;,*.E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ ;-3-1,-,-i_r4C'e-L-,01 -2- v 6 )1,&--- d-,-,16-,- - -----c -gt .... s-s--- ri Vo t4f,<_,A__, - zev_<. --2,-37 -7fefft, e-.7,,,-/Z ,Sjf-c-(;7-,•? 4,a- ,---),,5--5 -06,-2_ _; __ -Fcc 4ei' //Z'- ne. c` s ? ?? 1-V- r 9 7 70 y L, »,,r,) / 7 5-' LI IA>e- cS r AA*1 //l-/ 9&_o- 6 ems`-7«7, ,pi 1 -14/24,./Lit---- /7(W (- _5 if,--' 2.-.5--- iCe-P--)7' C(i1Vg,0_3( ‘,31,714Y ,---2A_ T / ,, A k`• ii lei --• SE /9 7,0,1,1 -1_0„ 044 ilrecr gs-A6Y% 1 0 �`z,,t-.07 /l 91, j G hi Pe S 0.- se - 41.4.4 q,/Y 6 _ t,(2-f,x_4_ 6, z5e-a..,,,, .q31,2_ 1 3 7t-4)-- C E 'Xi--A 4,- 1-,L)A C-0,31 - /-2- ' '.� - - 2 . .9&6�- .,,,C+A--N-,'---A.a-e-A--'7 i V--/ 7 ‘<ee l"72:4fi. /5 , /kx gis06-s- f /cif oS 7 S I f r Ccia Qt00 '' ' gA4-tAA. .?/.0 gte. vitof (;?:/ __. .-Ad;__&,&& Z() 9,12/0 &4O /4,,,./ / /.z 2Y 7v s . S-i20/� 61r,. 9177/ 112 . 1. SG l ud. 16 � 1Ct'. cj7csS3v jt, Mangy- )71,k Z' .4,-� ! S J c) --- - ( 13 " SE 16--u-�-`mot. (,v- I goss a Gt a2 --e� I V I b 1 ) 3.-r& 5E Ir-e-i-4 -5' by-0-3 Fl o s-5" 4 06L-kAlk•UOuxeL, J vD `? 113` 3 c 6, , c_i_'1,- 9i-e,5-S 2, '-c32 _,J� ? S. 1136 o s , ) 'd P . 6,� le. ri ?xis - ,n4 0 , ) J 6 s, ?S Pr� f7,07 /-yoy),9zzs� $4 r C- LAkeczNic f l a 9 5 i kdir 4) L., er--AITodd,w4 q $ c? / 3 / S. E. / tzr • ie.,., , , � -� Igo 53 &4 eJK .- l r 3 &----l(66 c, 6>v C)/1- 3 4 I , y- v / a_1/ I , at/ i,-4 Zz& ?la sS m a.. CC U; — 11-6iM 3,E I* o PI. , ���' > ,�en rm / w'a, `18C�5 `-rnohQ,( d cekro. 1 5ar nk as Oboe Od daSSt __E.I TJTR 'fn S 3 i9.Pcar Au_0.7 So , BPn tal). Wa ah 9RfS.5 ---- A.Kkei _4:1ivy LCJ ,K.� _ _.=- l CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE to 0 = f l e.as t r etur to : Q QC t_5_3 Ce_cic r hue , So . Rehton nO55 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. p r.;;;,;E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE / -)XS\I71\A e (4 --) \--. , ) :---Z1(1.14 iQ i Ces16 -- 9-13'-7->_?65-I r . 1,�1 - 33(\) I cc,« 4 1 Rs - / �( D 4 ( (./ 411 (JJ_((.`eA_ - n ( � ''e cpj( (P `j 8((z P W/41 i Sit(li)k) P--t►v 2_ 212lc--1 SO, l9,ty-`' tom~t7 F-7 WI425Z --/(e--/-17` /.111a,A Ot-€1�. (f c(6-5 - ( S r4 LA-e--ti jggB aqc, (6 0 7 .,:i' __ _ -_ • u-e w-en io r7 Lii3aq l ) 7 5+• cSr ccH -e t4 J r4 , 70 o pei4 ( / n4 TtYYkraciox Pci., Tut to--0/ / / IV ri r;•(1, . 3-94, +� 5 2-f 5 . 3 /cc(61 2 L(2- -5613 =+l 1 1 ('\lip, b 44"_7 1 I ' - /"(1 / l / Pt> % f./1 %-17 `I ill Lv ) ,0et-fri..W_ ( 3 3 2 -D,) /11-ei, .`x,--.11/e- I c rat . 7,/"/- /7'/ avviA li AL.,f. 4/120,w .,56 ta.tvit, 5_,tiii_ , 60a e_DI-t/6, :_,P- q_sY Ae-rii iird,i3 -viA s L7„-,- . cEA-ii,lq , ,,ci -5/1---z,_ 0 6 0-x. (2,ayiriae, 441 ( nmilk 7tronang Ida a.01' , S. 4-{10 Wra f4-uo6 - o s �,1 .47 vE ,s Sit ritily :A_. . 98/78 7602614,2 , W(104.14 (-(631.-- c-T,' : .... 1_ (--- ..)L)c:. ' r- , , 'Ft rP/ '14-2.016i A�� 69:3c( t`). ILLB I1 11_);c��ta CgSIb OU,)-Odb� c • , ►a 8 Q,u-e On_ a#h Oa_ Q Shin 0i/ sw l Ji o or) i ntLnq /445;-3 l5 h i i 1Qc k �tff n I3 fT 5( 09q3 •-a7 ZALD4Aibui7) 1 - s- 716‘-a_iY (..54(k_61/IL .6e?,.„. <4/4-0)ZB 1 M p nn C a, ,7/I - ia010 (/4' Avc o Zia. 4A1 8 76 a-1, a)(/Z' - )is v I 7 �. C.. (/ ` c -)I-3 - 6LI3 f y -- C\ , 4 �,• .) , . 1-1 0 s_ 5n 1 << 0 Li L-I - -i 7 3 L-1 `p4 k1 C� lai,i_.t-, l _ i 12a mill* r ?Zvi - 1111 gas' i.- _ a. -r ' a _ a _ . . A__:. - It.!_ I_L ♦ tA i . Li . - A . / W ALA . ' i / _ 4.3/ -/-Iran_ FirliErTillirSIMalr194,,,-, - -.- --.-:-..--,-_ ,„•.,.. . . 6 !-- i Ar -. e 91111 S� _A. /,.:i./_. _i (.., , - • ---- 303- -----G•t`~ S.lc),__ ! _7(. ?8eo a 139-9G7/ CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE //�� , 3/s' s `�N� 7( ' . 7317 94,47/4.Ail • ?Jr/i�. t. r , _ /3 �3 -/ -&-�4Je S . . e 0 - 'c�o3f (03/-/al 9 ea" ,i ii / _ ` - /s de a, e.. CPA( _ -4/ - /4 •1 gor_.' 7"- wile-44,411M Pj ,/) /- ���� %....`a v Oiti l .S - - qI S ' • • ' .ga ' q I • r r.b 4r / ' ../ . ' ` /' , -- -- _ G G = finiThign 2 .1/ Ae I _ .L.ii I AO. OR7). ,/_ ' - . I '.4. ! /.'/i/. ' . ',I6S7 .• 1 m'1c jib•Co , 4-jtte- 9%os 294- - . ca, Stii,,Le /3 20 / 'I. Pa. Ca _gtz_etz, ,Tig ZYY-Solq - fA j' V4 (-t i (> S.1'Asfi c iti/ . Zf-Z S'/2, . 1-- 4iii,A .6 & )GJ1- /3Q3 f ci-� 5, 5Z1 yre S' ”3-0367 (9.erc /6 c/A h, f 3 o s. ,r o TV 6g LI -o��6o i ,..._)....A.AtA, gp ' t 4 I d 2- 5 I.3 n 11 -7Q(.c..i��it or (i 6( l L t , , , . Lr ee ' / lif&41 at'YLIA4 ;rtf--k(-'"?. 4/ C (. AD Is 6-6j---27--- 1:') W 02‘161 ' Q k1(Jec fad g ,i0 (`--e„r q176, 8' datGQsii n d. I I gO4 s J. .L/,.t6 6 1 9'8/G P ,,,,<._,,ch, 1 /(7 vat A U& S. , 9�'/d�� Cfie �� ejlt 1. i.5.1�-2 - *1a - �. a - 9i/zer e;,4,---- 4'2 Z 9 �..,. / 7 7 a-e-"_ 5 es ' *,z,t_g)24.,..; 3 /7.7 .1 >4' P�iPo &if. aoh 194004-47t75 u lVi y91&1' 3 1. 1211-Ail ,... ./_/0_ ,f-, /g61V- so?6 aui je 0 I NI I sT 1( 9g(13 j 47;7 _i 3 &, 0 �- 04 - recc3/ i/ cy/ _ /, ek ��.. Yef7fi ` o1E - Plea5e re.tu.r v to : C QC_ 1 5 32 CecLar Rue, So . 1 Rehton no55 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ; AIP, ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ leenlern 2- - {, /�6�s / l� - 9go ss 295-011.3 n y leis-- /4f4/hf e S;8 .c, rhfr7 9(906-s- -.2( Z 07 (J ► 6 `/?h ,I.e. 1 Foss 9-ss 4a3y -_-_) >2 A-2/9 /y3_ ' f - '. / 96'3s s l o7ss 6,b 3 y Ate. - liZ-�/�'/Jy_,A-„J //3o 7 J /6 3 'e461 Zap a, ,,Fo„IS- .,7/ s/F, . - j �► 3 07 S� /C. 5 �� F,�.s a 7/3/8 i • ,/,'1 3 M at',-e, ../E, kilzatik gi7) --S- ..2,2 .-/1,2,2,_ ( S' «, L/4, ! � -� ! - 1 -/(',. AN, Sly= r�.,e,,a��►-, 7. KO SS a2 s's/� 6, 0 .ili 'rt/' kZ ,, H/38 S&/&77'�W T fr iiJ& i /7- o S' ,Q48• A -,c A- /4'la,5'itif.g, /702. �.,.. / 2 ?J 'SS 4 r1---/ ' cilit--A___ek-•c- ,161-1,-R-047 .Asz,-Y1',,yf/7,5-'(-& e.e „.„6-,,c, 5,,,,,---,,- ,-,77RF-6. ‘77 L // /'(,- KIP g 4r61-1��'o k. Rd, , T 1 7,v 5 852--a l L . c�rAc, //5.3,9 ' 6 �U�.Sf 1. v�.J ?to s5 �-.,1-1 /// g a y 44,,,, & 53 Z - /yG -Avis 5€ ,E,0 -0)u 1 S 0 5 5 .`--I 117 ,14.I _be' / 3-Aq Sc lb 7144,i . &fp, 9,3 ask d/5 `‘ // -er 1 0,fel -5 .ae4/ySa /5�.5-;.7 7- S L-- Zras3- - a a 8- o (s`Z_ oegolu, ei-e;tw /6 92 $ /5 7 `"O i f. 986 s 5 Z 2 4-sb 8 4 /1/02,3 9 e'. 4 ? PO• 7ro.Cs- o2.. .6 �..3a fw /j., . Ai- S,L. zJP Sf 90035 - ,zZP-5/sz G/u4C /78'y-./e - 5 E /P.c .. 9(5'o55 c2 -6 7 (? L4A t' .),944JAryb2h& Leo/'r i/e P10 5 .. 5 .#? . }(I3/ G.�l-Wle5 RETIIRN TO 517 Cedar AvP Sn , RPntnn, Waah 9805.5 --- CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY 4e, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. (0) NAME ADDRESS `--" ' CITY ZIP PHONE 1 c 71<fryt-A-mtd 3,1 -1•7 -1 0-6 -S S- 26):3 / 6,V--- )C.),(-- �17;-,:no , Cry, 4,0 t•�, i , // / L 4/ s� --2, t r y s's a go - 3f l 14533 i2-6I five S?, �49� ��s� ASs-Yc)v� �,i,,... C,`/A( /3/ Z.,c S� ( ?f 6" ,bitlifil (6yal ) 31 't A e alai ?Fcgo y aeoms, I q S'/ .5C I(i, i) ''h F r1-rO v Gc `) 71--`30� _2lj«iro %/leer ,,,,,, /€37 / frr,,,?kn AtnC4!/z" Reh7or7 80-& ,v)/ 4'c 7444_ )g2.s,s'-- / R 1,,,5 , L o 4z_wn ham--yl 3 (/ / Ss n le, -) h i01, . .s�' l is ; iOeb,9)1j1ay et 3V/ r Q j- 77/04 _261) t. ,f) 29 /I . // .I / ♦ _. Ale .i / W// ./ '1 /i . . II • • ,. r, ! 4 b 95S-/,23 ,,u , Adir 414 'do7. 22z-S s 47-i2c 'ffrzeu_i ,q _ / 71-h i / Tzro D 3u la-0\( e-_, _s- moo- t sstk c)ck,c ,\ Li cv ?,12,4(,- ram Ave_ 5 . 5.k,tA'i v u /A 'l 1 'ez`t-°.'4' L ors.v,, 1,; , kTy .2./a 1/6 '>i`ve , $ec, - 414. , AS/4e- KA9 c4 af--1?4-1°-4.4.,4,,, /191 O it h,.41.-.," fsf/V/I?-4 -At ge...a.,--aa A� ('24 / /11`•'75) .,.C` / %. a:-, Kt4 /! - 16,14/4) . 14(10EN71 v25 04//o, �U Art � i C2Let___72/;:v.,/,,d4/ tiE �a p )� :I��. /7 3 al.A..4,4 .1` �,,,, 3 �s' L ,e,, # ,/°,,, _2qa y/dp 4V 7/cv '�o2. 7 N/ AJ 6 . , 47p-/3 Zy. 1,44..M. muji I7kt%% /5',4'^C') ITS'-e. 5- z, Perde,n . 1)' aQ-C`)G, 6/,/ j a r , GO/4c1-- / 03 L,OVv id// 5 C u: / _ '-;,l;,/ �1��5cY t^e ter r� to : C QC 532 CeAckr flue. . So . Rev‘ton 9055 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY vie, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. (.27 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE A / .1� f% ,,.,,�►. 3y e / ' , e s�� G/ • 4. - ihv ki / .Lfir ._ ,. ,, 1-. 1.35/ . /a , , KJ )77 'w`/J7 S — C SA c:23S//6a- .:ems-r.ci i - ��t?_e,2 s e_Z- 5- / y(.�`' /OZQ D 7/,0,. 1/71-1- c 1.2it Li..e.. 3 1 h: -LI • (Dv- R�.tra. - u.A./ ,........_ ,5-, 4.4,/1 4.,e- Al 0 , ca." Cal ,iros3- j "/�/j//e ii2) -i 47' \/'O a l"a . ��/,7F 2_--/-1-, (C 10 •Pe..n C 0 In 7o ql) f`n, /,„) 77-- -- v� ail& . z/ g97?c? IA jitS 31 __ .3 s , ,a7o ken/rweb 7 1 0 -4// ; 1544Y54 *te--fie 6/ ____ 4 ' /4..-- A 1 g1 • , S.E c,) // a- p,„,i W / ,....„.p... a/dry- qff - „J-,5 - 4� gsq-/337 , --/' 7/7 -/A a7=1;)1. St-. /7-- - ,7,'. __€. 1 ---,4, ,,, , ""0 V 79'-'(- ,01eLid. %. r_-z" `722 i‘tio I /ogg-7 I(/ zz- J„__ crC_ ` Picas e ret 1.A_r R_ to : C G C 5 32 Ce-dur f,�e_So . Rehto►� no55> We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. r ,:,iE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ s S'&0J' 7 �26-24'6v ' n , %i t Ii-37J�/. a(, is U, Ni c, , _Ala. o0.5-6 /LIB 4- ! >s�1%t�r � iL 2/7i ( - � / a:L 7/ �`� INitc..62.(A_ Cl,.aAaA 13001 SF )g PI.,l31 Bpi , r-v v� , WA. 9 go0 5 / 4 ( er-4 ,P, 19.,,,e, .1 Ile, v V/A MI-7 et,hte_s-17‘- 4II A.vii.,,--. 2e 0tir re/d 7 ,„,�„":',:' S...k.s2,-...mA,ic5 71 I SI i iq:,c5 SQ -e L 7'12. - c4-2-7 7 ..7.-1 /s0 1 .Cs 1f d a-1.7'37 "7 -7 7 r-u-v •- , d 4 /,,Ze01 Z2 '2 ",/,r ,. L. ,�._ f/ ism- 44/t S6 . ,(its G�u� i / � � C� ~.� Q5.7 / /: : '7'-1 ' /.1 '. :.,L , C _ it---t !/--'1-'-'2-k--; x .-) '-'4" 771 ) a r ,.,- .-. S6 / Q ,,z r]/�-e '3 Pil o. clg L / 4f b UiA g z (0 Re'—Po ?f0,53— a, • egy;-e--)Y �i - L / 3-/ o I a,A-a2 -d 0,wi2�c-c Pe 74 lu , / 7�G / � KO Q _.v � �� >7 a-e-- s 4„,L GC1/1-t ?go S ____ _ ef---1,t_-<,ez--2----e- -- 7 - ,,r� , , , ,''/3 c&kid ' ' ." '4 2, 1982 V //1 f e1 / iri-5 k 4:'/ %1" '.d, . c/. ? (6 Y _Aviirt/ C- .e„% 2 Z r - 3 a yz /2-/6 6 5, 6. 7d-_'—'' /�%..,.7A, Ala o -6 3Wor �.-� �� S-1\1 S4 \Z%,\''' �EiTIu. ` v-ik 1-7 °610 r _ , ..-- ,. , [47;CA/ Vs Pf7' net, /i44-4/ Kci/X. ge — 9Far7 ‘60 Y_./c7."1° 4!� / `-� �') / 5.y/ E _r ,1;` r ,� %�!' _. .4„..e_ _0e. t y e /�,���� a :z ., - , ,v,war, c �- RFTIIRN Tn 5�? f;Pcia AvP Sri 4 RPntnn Wa Q November 10, 1982 I , John Krema, have removed originals of 55 resolutions and 89 petitions from the City Clerk's Office, City of Renton, this date. These documents will be returned to the Clerk by /l-- /o -B.Z ti n 7 /f(i/;,(1/7) IN John K le4a j(tizens for a Quality Community BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT .1)12. iAN(=J AAILf3 12f7 (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. We support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. DIA J J MIi.PAIY, t MSD P>> Name of Business Dictk. / Signature of Ovh r or Manager 119 }c,I (1,1),Q,I (1C).Ilkft f 11 - a it h Address Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT '9i c eo /L< 3 (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. We support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. (5LH , C1'L -K 3 Na y of Bt,siness - Signature of Owner o Manager D S 3 Address Y _ 0 -3 - Phone / Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form, to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. vie support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. •(le?fine s Signature of Owner or Tian er Address /cram Phone D to Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form, to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT l r .,Q,4,�r-rkoj (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. vie support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. -me • " B sine /AWE v 4- Srg -tur of 0 er or Manager Ad ress hone to Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT g000/ n i 0 , LJ (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. Vie support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. Name of Business Sig atXzre of Owner or Marfager .7 Address Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT 37-/4 4y10-17 (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. bye support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. &A- 1304-y ot70 Name of Business ti Signatu e of Owner or Manager _3 54 LUG' A00 Address Date S Phone igned Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form, to CQC , P.O . Box 114.1 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT 0 GOB atS (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. ;fie support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. Name of Business buto Signature o wner or Manager f6,3 6, 3tL--0_ Address Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT ' Rf \ \ �.v`d,,._C�Ireec,vv.( 4- 4E1 nrz. ,.e' ' (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. vfie support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. qjlot, (;-,-42Qoj,c., 1, SP (o�L.r &of Business F7-2.--....---- )7\et-A--e4.-- ,_:, Signature of Owner or Manager D__,3 C, e/.,21,0_,_._. (3_, . )4„, Address 5S'-- S—� SiO a Z y- ( 6 2 Phone D e S gn d Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT 19- 4#14( (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. 4e support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. Name of Busi ss (3 gnature of 01 ner or Manager aC)c S S . rd_ Address Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT / erMte-44A-el (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. We support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. /60-44Nam of Busines ;' 6101-1--4 Signa ure of Owner or Manager /5,7 f 6V i*. Address Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 114.1 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT � u e.,,1 (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. ve support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. Name of Business Signa re of Own or Manager /oii �,./ • •Address A55 7e - g a - te a Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form, to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. We support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. � o� plc,-=e,7,,,c r/ y Name of Business S gnatur of Owner or Manager Address ZZcc -0 [ c�p /ZZ�� � Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. Ai BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT VF I SQ(t,4 ) (>.ti} (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. ode support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. t!k ‘,) 1 Name 2,Awp AlWar Sign �e of Owner or Manager toZ- Address zy % j -us 1f Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form, to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT Lees l`eniioni 100D5 (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. de support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. (P695 PeNTviv f'ovlj.� Name of Business Signa ure of Owner or p+1 nager 3/ y Mil/c /4 /v, Address 755 - S6b / z _)-- Phone D e gned Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form, to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. We support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. 7JZ Q. ((--) Name of Business - �t- Signature of Owner or Manager Address Phone Dat ig e Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT • A L.'S 54 /103 S,CCU p (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. We support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. -4 Name o Business -- Signature of Owner or Manager �oS!� 3J S. ?'-reoz27-42,e4 Address 2.2 9 Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 25.5-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form, to CQC , F.U . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT O CZ- (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. We support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should 'vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. Name of Business Signature of Owner or Manager Address Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form, to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT 7i '/2 �' U / � (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. vie support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. Name of Business , =3z- -- Signature of Owner or Man- /�s7 /sr Ay ,-OE. Re . 6()A • Address ss - 4L9�/ 3/-�-���'-� Phone Da Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. /I n C�,c�iU-21�,4LG C�Jr�es c�7y e. Signature of Official/Pastor/Pres±dent Address S �P� L �� Phone Date resolution 'was passed by membership ( if appropriate) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT " ' (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City Of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. Siggnatur of Official Pastor/President Address 2P3S ne Date resolution was passed by membership ( if appropriate) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So . , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT , � (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc. is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. Signature of Official/Pastor/Pres4dent Address Phone Date resolution was passed by membership ( if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also. 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 ✓`. �f ter' ." gym, GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT q ,(194_ ,Q- vL e�c,Z�� Y�rj.) (name o f group) would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No : 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. Signatur.. of Official astor/Pres4dent Address 16 .e< Phone /Q2 2 e Date resolution was passed by membership ( if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So . , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 C , GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT I 51 G ieRA I4 El 6 HT 5 LGLEmrxTr -y/ PTA (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City Of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts . q90/ /301 31/44e 5. E. Signature of Official/Pastor/Pres4dent Address ?e..1.fo,.) C9PO4� `7- ')£C-. - /c / ?PO- Phone 4 //3 Date resolution was passed by membership ( if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So . , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT d() & 26c-ft (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. Signature o Official astor res4dent Address z) 6f' lele- 7/7e 1(.3-510/3 l3 r& Phone Date re lution was plss� by membership (if appropriate) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also. 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT edk L- 7L1 eviziP (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. -k„„j �l��ti �- i)))i i°i u`) J_ �t.$e �✓✓ (� �e Signature of Offrcial/Pastor/Presdent Address ' � IS2/ 64, 1,1 Ch' Phone Date resolution was passed by membership (if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT / ic ' Sc ?2 AA/ga4e-GO.Aname of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. vie support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. UName of... us s -Signature- of Owner or Manager 7, z . /. /? S Address " as-f-)I (/ 2- v• 7' Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 • Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. _'� *..; , .� ' .- �• .:T ` 3.a.'-.. ''9 ..��H•"",M.. re'�'.1.i9'.!'F J'�'M1:/'1F 6•+ca7.+rr,Rr a.-'+^.`a'� . BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT HOLM a GLESSNER P . S . (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. 4e support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. HOLM a GLESSNER P. S . me f Business Signature of Owner or Manager 1002 South Third Street , Renton Address 255-4542 3/29/82 Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. 4e support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. EDWARD EF3TEIN, D.D.S., P.S. Part': a.!c, Assoc stes _ 150 ri:rk versus Renton, WA C8055 Name of Business !! 111�� C�✓.+'L t Signaur of Ow er r T+Zanagefr Address Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT 3 (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. We support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. • Name Business a <f-c-c-> Signature of Owner or Manager Ca44- )� Address Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT /1/7 N S. t�rr ' 1''11e 1,,0 x9 (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. vie support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. '//1If?.I Wc/.6 !/Vez-L-- Name of Business atur�Ow nr or Manager .2 S M s eJ/fa 8/' D Address 'Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. ile support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. -xJ Name of Business ‘ 11 (ri(- 6-ety(4- ) Sig ture of Owner or Manager a207 )hn I . Address �/� - '��/S `�/o`//� Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form, to CQC , P.O . Box 114.1 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT iqA (40L/u7e2A45-6-26i,c6 --- (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. We support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. __ g(42, r-)-70 A AAA &<1-Zia.(-0 Naiy of Business i Signa re of Owner or Manager Address d -2 (t/6 P 2- , Phone Dat Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 114.1 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT "/4 C r _/6/#/, n e7- L,fX/I 57 j name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. ile support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. Name of Busines \-'. �r,-;'' A,,," - _ Signature of Owner or tanager / / 5 )r--: &;�-$-/ &i' %( A dress Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form, to CQC , P .O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT Scz C k _ 5 ge-5,7L6iu ica k1 (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. ;fie support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. Name of Business - --)c----k-J.._4:2----- j, er of Ow�er or Manager g .1-3 0 // 11 iit-= .s c1 A.s =7- 3 l v 4 . Address 25 —Oa- 3 - ._-- g'`Z-- Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. 4e support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. 1)e777ars Tema!! Salon 946 U{ariin,r�'r>•n eve. 2. Menton, WA Ysdr' Name of Business Signature of 0 ner or Manager Address r-X-1- _PA Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 114.1 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. We support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. Name of Business cd___-Ck\Q ri> Signature of Owner or Manager C)C\ Address Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT p�(¢fi) YY10 (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. vie support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 352E which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. q)-1(__c \rn 0 Xt-n Name of Business �`pQ Y1JlC.94 Signature of Owner or tanager Address 7,ST-`i-CSz ) .9I4r Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form, to CQC , P .O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 • Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. de support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. Name of Business Si ture of Owne gir or Manger Address ;S r L l 3/)-4 ! �Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. 3USINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT IRE BARTELL D 6 Et (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. ale support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. Name of Business Signature of caner or Manager THE BARTELL DRUG CO. STORE ;5 Address 1703G-11Gth S.-E. RENTON, WA 98055 Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT (name of business) ___P9n 92-/C--e- opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. We support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. (2 d2 �I Name of Business Signature of Owneror Ma ger /7_ ' 9_ 1 "---//4 _z/ee_ _c ,k9. /. ',,,,,,, ,,„/e), •?,ge Address Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P .O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. We support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. Name of Bus' ss Si ture of Owner or Manager Off"/ Address /9.0Fa,2, Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P .O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT PORCELLO JEWELERS (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. We support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. PORCELLO JEWELE Name f Bu s ine ,„„a S' atur o Owner or Manager 825 South Third , Renton Address 255-7715 778Phone D tone d Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 114.1 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. B "3 S. SOi,UTION OF SUPPORT 826 S. 3rd St. Renton, WA 98055 (name of business) 2N-5751 opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. vie support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. Name o' Business ignature of Owner or Manager S 0 •VIA Address / 7 57 3//-`1 F '--- Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. We support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. WORLD TRAVEL SERVICE 1009 South 2nd Street Renton, WA 98055 255-8201 Name of Business Signa ure of Owner or Manager Add ess (L o/ � /g.02 . Phone D to Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT 1-A/5oiiA-j/ce (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. ie support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. Name of Business Signature o Owner or Manag r /G,G 7 ,so ads T Address Phone D e Si ed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P .O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. ?USINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT ,..)j `Oq-ji_ (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. 4e support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. 4) /CJc S-� ?acZ e Name ofNI:TJ.) '5 .iness ill ' ,4 a (4 Signatu, - of Ow er o M nager ./66 ___44ET- Address 7W�?6:- 3---- ' Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form, to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT Nor J r"! -! ", "' 'fS ":s I) GIfr (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. 4e support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. NEWTONS M;IIA"d BOOKS AND GIFT Name ,,of fI Business Li ^ Signature of Owner or Manager Address - of / - - Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form, to CQC , P.O . Box 114.1 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT r\ 1 \\� - � c ; �, �\ �:1� \,),LA�_ , Z ,‘\, ;�� -6 , 6 -\t\L(name of business) . � opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. We support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. A\C\-N\ c, ' ' ' 1 Name of Bu ines . I/W/0;1 ( ,OZ/ ---\,, Signature of Owne or Manager \491 (�,\c'•n ,,,\.iQ 1� - . 1 r\...„ Address J Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. 1 3USDESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT �p �V 72l L., A Avee( (dame of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. +'fie support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 352E which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. 4QN-t-IN�' ,� 1Rl�VQL Name of Business �� Signature of Owner or Manager %a / 3 "4- 1 Address ZSa 3 29 g2_ Da'e Si ed Phone g Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT XA I�r,�c� �� — &6{- (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City Of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. - -6-exg_LE;5: Signatu of Official/Pastor President Address ,:ee 9L /6 - Phone Date resolution was passed by membership ( if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 0,4161 BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT ) / is � e of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. 4e support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. • Nam i of Businessc- Sigrrrf Owner or Manage Address / f-2-- Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton- City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT DIAL FINANCIAL CORPORATION (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. de support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. DIAL FINANCE COMPANY-279 607 SOUTH THIRD STREET • Na e f' sineve, BOX 636 RENTON, WASHINN 98057 Signa e of Owner Manager j Address Shoo 3- 24- S2.- Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 2S5-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form, to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. 3USINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT 9- (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. 4e support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. :7,-)4Ak-uvu Name of Business Si`gr-rature of Owner or Manager &06 £)4- -' Address 3 // ,3/� / 8- " -- Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT 12.—%16—,CsC.,v -A47. .,..�„ z •�c_ (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. 4e support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. Name of Business Signature of Owner or Manager • Address 1-04 —1-1-4= 3--z�1—�3"L Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. • • T+O.�'. y - ,..: Y�.] �` .} -... •_ , G`,'p f";+, ?.7awe;...,. n =:=.s{?+%^p'" "'W_•;7�:i},r�+y;'14►*4arac�•�an.w..N..yz.=a,w.ssws,.+ea..4.r.-.+... _ GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT The Renton Evangelical Ministerial Association would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization is in support of Citizens for a Quality Community (a non-profit corporation) in opposing the establish- ment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton and their supporting the City of Renton's Ordinance No. 3526, which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility or within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in these efforts. 2201 Edmonds Ave. S.E. Renton Harold Hagg , Chairman Address February 10, 1982 226-4130 Date of Resolution passed by membership Phone CASCADE VISTA FREE METHODIST CHURCH Harold Hagglund, Pastor 226-4130 2201 Edmonds Ave. S.E. (Corner of 116th S.E. and S.E. 160th) Renton, WA 98055 February 18, 1982 The Cascade Vista Free Methodist Church, would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization is in support of Citizens for a Quality Community (a non- profit corporation) in opposing the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton, and in their supporting the City of Renton' s Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school . We believe that the City of Renton has the right and the responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts . We wholeheartedly support the CQC in these effor s. ' arol a and (by action of the Official Board on February 18 , 1982) GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT 577 7-9, 1.$- G/3TG-/DL/c �G"HcOOL 4tywrs L,1145 (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City Of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. ,r-e-,..44../ ',/ /Z27, /SS" /qt/f .5 e- ,e„), i nature ot/U�cial Pastor Pres4dent g / / Address '©3S (7 9 &2 Phone Date r sol tion was passed by membership (if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also. 532 Cedar Ave . , So . , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 '<2 qake ToiteK ChLLa CeKteit 12636 S. E. 89th Place RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT Feb. 24, 1982 Lake Boren Christian Center would like to offer our support to Citizens for a Quality Community in their opposition of the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. Our Christian Center is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religous facility and within one mile of a public or private school. Our Christian Center believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigourously defend the ordinance in the courts. We appreciate the attention the (CQC) has drawn to this important matter. / . ' .4Vi! ( �� IAw 12636 SE 89th Pl. Renton, Wa. , 98056 President & Pastor Address Rev. Darrel E. Stott Feb. 24, 1982 (206) 228-0810 _ Date resolution was passed by Phone Church Board Darrel E. Stott — Pastor Lynn Howard —Principal Robert C. Stott — Co-Pastor Wayne Anderson — Assistant Pastor Church Office and Day School 228-0810 GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. *A S: S � f�, WA ` ,S7S Signature of Off ' ial/ astor Pres4dent Address /9f2 Phone - �/3 Date resolution was passed by membership (if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also. 532 Cedar Ave . , So . , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT 2/( 4d ir./_) (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. We support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. ia/('',--i %c/iKel'--) Name of Business � Gat 7c' Si ture of Owner or Manager ,50 7 77/1-61/2A,Ge-J a,,, a . Address aZ5-c.;2-773 3/e7/ -- Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT Pea 9e�`% ie 4 b!" (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. vie support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. ee. Name of Busi/ ss al . Sig�. rre of Owner or Manag S'/•-• Address �2 :s gel/ 2 Phone Date ign Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT 7 4/ P7fea- — (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City 6f Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. -"1"-"-t-141 - s r_ Signature of Official/Pastor/Pres±dent Addr ss 6-0--eLp-k_ A .S- �b 1, 4r- )14—tQ-Li .3 —.3 - eP Phone Date resolution wa( passed by membership ( if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT /4‘ CXCILH rnh art-C (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. vie support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. 11 Name of B ess 0 ,4; 1 S nature of Owner or Manager Address Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form, to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. 3USINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT avow -1/16'U2S7i-- (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. 4e support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. &fqi J/ i Name Business ( 4(A(' ignature of Owner or Manager 1/( 0 <3-14 Address'' . Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. .SEVERYEIS INS. Ae.:ENCY 325 SO. 3Ro P.O. BOX 836 F.ENTON, WA 9 055 255-6566 BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. `ile support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. S VERYNS INS. AGENCY 325 SO. 3Ro P.O. BOX 836 E ENTON. WA 3iI055 255-6566 Name Busines 4)1 Signature of Owner or T) agerr Address "R/am )._ Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form, to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT v-C ( /nznzIy3 (name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City 6f Renton' s Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. 1 C gnatu of 0 fi ? ef is astor Pres4dent ,� ; Phone Date resolution was passed by membership (if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also . 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT GOOD CHEVROLET INC. (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. 4e support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. GOOD CHEVROLET INC. Name of Business r_ '7 . 4 PRESIDENT Signature of Owne or Manager 617 South 3rd Street , Renton, Washington Address 2352000 March 22, 1982 Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form, to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT , red Q( S 1c4iys (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. Vie support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. Gi�izc�s Fed,e4S c, Ss Name of Business �n Signature of Owner or Manager vcD"I rtic aU Address 17`//7-6 ‘7.57 3 Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P.O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT *),LiT2pek44.4— (name of ) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. We support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. • CO . e Na of Bueie.as ,e4. )/•‘'el' Signat e of 9w r—rt" M - �✓ .; 1 I - . >?, Address Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P .O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. BUSINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. We support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. Name of B ' ess Sign e of Owner or Manager Address Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P .O . Box 1141 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. 3USINESS RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT 8-14/iYI/III��� li (name of business) opposes the establishment of adult movie (pornographic ) theatres in downtown Renton. ile support the City of Renton' s Ordinance Number 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. We believe that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. r^ iC/-ek9 Name o Bus'ness gel q Signat of wner or tanager if' '' .--' W- --. -,6 -e-t 0771` Address 55- 77 / �"2-l r-D- Phone Date Signed Contact Kathy Keolker, Coordinator of Citizens for a Quality Community at 255-0936 for additional information. Please return signed form. to CQC , P .O . Box 114.1 , Renton, Wash. 98057 . Signed forms will be presented to the Renton City Council as a show of support from the business community. A CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City •. f Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITYjZIr PHONE /— 7/SLz � 2Gc e.)a4/i / Xeniai ffZ 1/2-36 S, E . 3, 3 "-A S (- 17apni wgr.70).-el., 7 '3 91- ppot (i411iP g(%ticiakiel 15z_ti 50/3-) .�:. ja�/5a i.e. 0351A- ��� 63/- /3/s e _ ?4 2 Yam _ 6' s-2 -&-/ -c 16-9-e� G b /6 its S 7 S'r lC�� T 9 I 960 + 0 4 F J-Ar oliix /i i_,,c ti' - 'lam - /0 G P r S . 9P/9 o?BS 31-1/6 11.144_ . ii7 56 fix: _ 4 / he, Sir-4/ • SUAWfs,91 --iadte) ttA 6139a9 adi-093)7 • PIe�� ,, - !��'tck.r n t _ e QC' 532 C.ect r Ave . So .� Rev‘tor\ n055 /d We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning aria we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private sc ol. I3 0 i;• :,:E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE - r 5v, /3,4`ii, X.----w-ef77r ,A,,,, - 6 ,>2/ &i /9 /7„2-/S= /7V a i - 1,°--,- .7-.3-i -.—` Ji 7 S 37 .6g./1( , Pe ,e,f.e .2( J-e96 /7 ?IP/ lc, 7(re,eaeiV, L . c a sObcp157— 4S3 L( 1U FlUEf Rf o'ru1 > 72-53C3 c AK ►n L c r4 Dt o J,17L. /.Y f / /y2 A yc . W' Fe"AI_ 27 -_ ia3 arfv2 ..,•,_ -_,,--_,a,,e:,-,,--,, .44.3 -.4& fig* if,./...et,i&.. -,•�, !26 2,� S.I'. /?- t:e,4 i c,J 7gaS5 Zs-s'-Z y! �' MM r 9 c G� 1 .� c��, ' aG)9)- S. . ;La 1\'4'Act.) 9gOS.5 .)S a69 n1.1 r- -� /C��a, /�9e .� � . . . 4 , ?�os6 2)-�-9�.0 7 & lalec V oVe'3 /4/5 f)"r �, - fo3 / 6 3(-- 24/61 u4.- liI C7,v/‘ /z.(eo<1 -s '- //ci sT iet3t/ro ) 9 `s 2ss s3-it? • RETURN To 5 37 r.erjar Ava co , RPntnn Wa ch p8055 _ IR We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private sch• •1. (1,NA E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE __--- - _ - ram, WOynt2-- c.� XSO n 5/ 7,3 ? /1/70, v6-S, , Y - M ink d Gf< 4k) bP(41-/Cs- , 4 Ji-.1 E F ic-E /e0 0,3/-iz G 4v e .S� R N .,J 70•-v (i()4 58 asses • IPA . . "prAteAr\t„,-, \°,\k z l; s 4 -z t,, Ic-Q,,,,A q ?0 3 ... .11 `,./ -/9 l Ii /1 � !/, . 'Sn �I 441MI IIIIIIIMMPMM.,- litire-7,/ 25-5'-4t&C) 1cf2Ii /3G-ed S 6=7- ......$214-4 2 9'/ 2 ,j),, G�� . ,,,Z /�g2Gw /? ' G 5 - ,erh./01, L- -,_______'4"P__r'F!'_ ---_. CofeiC tJCieocd /3//6. /\r/ST- //unvx fCJ r ;c6 ,.s:_zi a5:5 --3 --Z>,";2-C -.-44, Z---,- . lf/-X---tt_i Z-C)/c!- �/r / f1 6 1.2_, c/6%d%L _ I� yZ ,�;,_ � f Harz' l .P_SG,_S�`7///r_ 7F1/f 0,iv%) k r4 CA...) I I 4-D (-6-+LcA,• aAAk-Cl\- ,4t0G G ed-J-0\ .7A,9 St) k c‘ /c. 17 " V/'2o1:?° 01 g -s—.3 7 �s z ssrSl 11.E //L Z S/ ce / 4- 4eti-Ticz_ GCS, pp/ cp. �2 /.: / - t- a, 7C/ c 9u� ,, ui///9 9,0 6 s �'�� / - • ('A. . '7 .z 2d- ,,I6Z , c 2 W is s_' s J / YZ ,-2,.) _ e7 ' , 7.V1(71-,41-(4-ft e. 1?-4/_/.41L,-_ /...il/7 - ---&2,-.5-''te'' ‘."4'f.--d-41/ -- /-'.-9.--•c'e,______ -. 2r___2.- :----c-- C ' -7 21�-e'ld, .2 2i /7 -t7-d 1 - yt 0 n- O 1,1- 7.-u-or&� V/Cr ?5 � ,�,�e— ✓r f- ,- ,. %d z l- �/2 7 ` '`� " c, yY/71 771-'4 G/z)-40 _; .-W(_,e_ <:-)9,,_e_ _- -./g- -/41,1/0et4r C-"=-- --- rt. /\a1QYl C,c. a - ia1ct S . 1co .&ov1 utted., Wra 9/vI e)-y-S39a .7yud, /02// ,S'<- ./6/1 -,5 s (ag-(5, 2.Zd>' f J W M-- A4-4:<.._ jj cri 2 r v 2- )1- o^61 1 �� f &373 ,,- .' . / ,a, 41z/,4--,/,/ mvs-v 2-1—'0, _ LW) ' ;P ' • • � Via.? E 1 b �Q - . s -Lieu, - c 2S12 P. _ .' AP Sn_ RannpQ55� , ' '. _ Ct/9 h /�: 1 � + g__e _z_i_ n_ 4 Gam' , 1 , c, ri- e //6-0 5 + ‘dW . f6c-x- x.-0 `-c 97asi _ ‹/Z)-Lic-AA C.. - ' e.4_,6, - k.,,3 0, /14-7.-,-1;e-It' ai, _147" 05--.5- 00,2,. w�/-v,�.„-+-Co ? 2 o 7 a y a0 f140, S . g?-'i` C 7 I /7e;/9 'S 9't /1) k}, c'2` e-5 '17 ° A-47c, Pdlir •147 1 2, .5,,,-.7. 7 a4Litsex-i-edoz>f ct,.k / ' Y Sy tk OL-4--4- 5 21/z G 2-Z y - TS _ "10E6 S /Zs- -d 72 - y56 __. '-- ,, "Nct- 6-A I R-c, SW / W7 L, 1 dziklet l' 2VC1,66_,G / ,7o , 6.0 /y Q//1 Jed/f/e, WA- c7 576 47-/7t /7 6 c`"` I -- 1 l\ c c, \ ` ij\ N.Q cc__{L S S 1-A 1•1 `VKC7E We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Rentor. and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton r:as the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ar.o we .re in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult t:-.eatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public ;-.ark, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. - 1 �P ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ �• i�. / � � S.E. / / . aka Q /co. 6 3 3 S L 1,f Z• -s T is -r..s--?tea-) 09 r / tip /d ftd Z-6-z� N? /r" c] 2?e' -- 9��6 q / 7 / tedai„, / 2_ 9 ��- 1�(J 9 e© `-/ 7 /,,<-c &/tA /5 a.5-7 5, /i r/' 2 rG 5 a'21td . � .- gyp_ Q • 042.4 q/ -:-2 . reka- 22 Y /3 jagc_ � L /�'a ‹s'- y mrs" z z ( — L/� c17, • So Renton W1sh 9E055 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton x has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. __ NA _E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 32 3 i&- 1 Q S 42 o 2,5 s - Ds..o 9, `/ ` h / >C> Sr--/3' 4/1e, fc 6 ce -/09-6. 44, C ,44( 17 ' 70- 5E 12- 3 PI. ( ,, cot) 5‘, 2s.5-073 C1a.k-ii K rUtx.:+,,,_ 4-4 ( 7 k . 2 l i ` S .�u), ` `4 oCz, _n 2 :IC 23 _1()--e ,,,,,.0", (.-(i:.tic i id., .,_.,, ,A;T.i 7:3,2 fi...-3 j_,,, j.tair . q Sig' 725;--7Z7 ----- tz VP 38/S A1C 4-'`4 ‘2-/l/lO14, ��� 27/- 6-r,.?2. 7),/Ke 5.17o"T 41 oovfoa /fee /t/F_ . 9 9'65e 7 3/ 54 b -c?7s Ft wait, Ave w� ,dri-)., 9g- % z� /i/ 5, E. �/s1� . est -i J7 980 5.5" y7/-a 7,57 aLciteti . /d 17,g.,3(/ j/ s - 9gAs 2 sogJ i 12 e--4---(-- _ih e A' _„Yi.) , ( - , — ---- /3q •/9 , 5 PL5. �Q - ,.- , q,-056 )-s-Y---i ( f _ _A. • '-ti -P io. g.- A �--=71 `- --r f\ ('-i C �(c) _ : are � l�� � . . P� ��� ,���, .93/ III l: ii 1`rl%/6g .3V3- -oi3( -&2-_- //,,in L26 izif,„ w. cam:,-- ,, -i—c- --) -- li �, k,1 <IA Le,,. -f 4f'i; _ 1i 14,ir C-'Y c'S 15- 3 `-1 C- / 0 YMe NV)4)OALeSt 64,, 't- ro'i j Q X �^��- Z d?U 4 tri'1 S m 9I i 7 c 3 )5 o27/7ffJ Le, -6-7 ,..,w q /a ci11s c031 -Y6s-i 4-1-1 C_lefj c-- 1.6)-rer) e.,kd 1 . ...... 05\ L, v,,,, ,emo-t- _c,„.„,_ , ,L),, --, ,_,„2,- ,1„.:1�o C e .d) 10 309 1,20' Ste, t'-t 1 9 gDS ) c)35-6L)0 Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private schoo NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE evr,21z..6 ! r JP s����e ItlLtanUA Ave.; /O G /2i n Tom _2 7/ - zk r P...uc-t ke, !"ltrv--P. - /U S'/> t J7:c5�avoO.0 A-0 iv. e (c), -- 7/ -� y T. th(0, 6 (Vo 6 930 71.1,.??-' 421, i ) 27/-6y5:)- ,(6",-1r./ cc.>? � �.L F/ / .0e.�, t coxe '7I if-2, 7ti,� �7_ -f,7- g 4 ki/ — al-) ,...--., ,,,c,i-L ,1_ C fi,,,,,,Zrt•—d — zz7 ''..41 A yll 10 51 0 0() &e ilhE 1 _e n I a a ,;z d? -01,,l-r- -,-) 4- tz- .,2 5.SI-9 9/-1 r r 41 ' 1 'SaSS L3 c/ ,r u 3 7 24f( 76 O.J%etM),SZ1/O /.tilq" / /kica PO) /3 4 /'l 'p. li.41 0.2ca - - V37 •<- 71.z- Xia Ff s'as/ S. f,l�ejAl000i IJ ,,9.S's• g SS I --I, /Sv3i Si9 i&-Z,rrc/7-vve &wD, �f-iv 7t9-"1 Z S S' 8-�S 1 4et Z(/A, / s 0 sCsa /q/0// .. Lst.z t7 1 sii .-f,;,., /0 i'i C�i .�, ii - � 0 • .c. 3:7Z/�E Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 • We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place. C... NAME ADDRESS + .ib _.- _._... fir-_Ti4 N fl_'4249L w,.46_ --_ - 11 d 1 , - -- 0,6ae2r) /o C)-.? 1, 4/Ir-�t13 7'`-2:__. _ ._ of il it //OW (*DO riol._02-1q/0 dAi-L---(:X 6-ritai , . f0503. A 4ve. SE efr oh, t/4fh, _ 0-4_,A.A.m.t/ I Lig 7. clo //6 --o'i. 2dJ/__.471,16,,bj, . i _._. . _ _.._..l43sy0_ _ _ E_ _ / e9`i 11 ZA-4( 1/711 -M602k. 303c1 iq /01 t/OS • e-e,c*, 4dAf- -1, 4) . . ,sv2 / • vet-,-, qg 5 eF 7-41-- .a,f- , , 41-.4j46,:a 'e-c..I 1,./4-- • itd ifeiw- r_1. _._.._.. _ . .. .. - - :T'i. tre._, sAgi.,..AA itici79 az Y7A`• 41-c• S-E _ Riv-, ----ff i_°_(-- ).-- '' .1 4 civ_4,_ _. 9 S'OS6.. .. - - fCD.. _ 7 A 41.Ad — __..Lfe:l __l qy..__ r, s, __ p- -31/_b ,5 6, �� /9� _ _.s_17 .� cam _ . .__ __-. ______.J __...___._._.1_.�__________ .._ .__._.. t. _, - ._ 56 r4 . ___. ___ _._r___ __ /T7it _ .._ - ate- 1 r.1a,i lJ fi 77. 9 .- , OJ a 930s tYz. cl(11 Qi I CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 1 .,1 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE / f'O 55 .3 5 ) 'j/ 1701( 15 6-- j, , S c- 12-k (A 0 A Wars- 23.5 0 S a hill, . 1 ) ,bpi emdOr,/is7o7 5.&. »lt PL, R& r-o,1, g8055- n G k / c s Qc, ���s.f 6 3/ - c4 77 4,w Fl. /h4sipk. no S 8.ZSj y o i d.S.S t -? Y9,, / &10 e j /-y//O/ r rITnicY,020 l • UIrai1/ ' 2"570 _zn, /1-) ///4'O /66tr,/f S - API)lo fr)5S v// �o_C P(eco5e_ re,tu-r C 5 32 C.e.ctar Prue . So . Rev\ton n055 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY vie , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE -Th 6))/t#,4:i.z :./303 7-n) , gilikyk,.9bi5 A.146 6,i7r.4-$ -.„ 2.3 6 5-7 dCi 4. s, - £4 . (--7- r`- 7 yV , ; /70 ,30 ..-/ ', ., "/( , LZ gross c Y- 2/ P3 .t.t....4.27z-L.XL.A°...- ek Tfl,„A., r q .3 b F- t `I . 114 lie 4-'/. sy 17SOY _.`,1,4-e) 4,-(..,:i•+ /Ric/.Airti.A..,,,,47.46, Z.,z,„_. '41 r-3y 57 A ,, .L/y,,,14a.1 /GC 3"T / S 9 frit L'/, S E Re.slit l9 9805,S .ZG•-1;414. j:) h e, Erooks /.31s3--s /73, P/, lee - 9',Pal3 Xc-s 3,z I di0. /6zz- /9546 SF 780SS :a71- 014 . `b'l®-nc 1'14�a (4,l and„ ,• .2, qa� .2ag-.533.5- 1 ) , eR4 .,)i nl.E a VA ct iti fry/0 Z s 6 /6 0 -pc N 4-0 A c/g0;-r ��- -9974 17 Y03 /5^"Pd d -S1. /P )705 s-"A?/17.2 Pita. '• it-w . a14/1// /417 'y'" avi ,s.E 9,d,n± 9fd. l 6.. d-//zaf j - l 44/1.it-z 5 e AI9161 C"-i..7"2 1.e. . t �c ��17114, (5/ ` r E 1&-,Z-7i ?Ps 5" .215 -Hs ', (v . ./ / , C — / fig- ci F, P L- i J T('At a c-?I/` Z / ,e r !L/It E,.,S ) f j �..c- J';✓t i " C .3/ -7, . � n 1 0. �tiO4 /7`Z-12 5- J6 3 C 4h 4 ,S563% irY" \iut is1. 4. 3 L e, , Lea, £• -Ms e',...„.....„ m . __ /'5 -/.z S E.. /6 3n,/ et-h2,-, £ 4 2S5 1 - 5 ( 6_ i tv1 , -."--._-- /(O/? $t/7. /'..f? e" z / tall "Zss- 3M eve C40 25-T- 3'f �sun� c � A�c �5 SE r 73 sf /� j 1 �'.2.,- /s-7' 9/--fi- ,c`,di, -6-4 ��4. _ 4 /7 i s i rz,'7, 5,n i,cJc, z zli-,G.,,f y��3 r a_ te . '.a . / O S-3 c ,ie . z Z lr ,. .k, k`Sy-c 5y Z Si 13 �� s-/ .? Jetn ,L.6 76 o i.,--/ Itez.e. e. A,,,z,,,..#4-s- -f4 _ i4_63 7 /S9 ' ,mil S 9/-0.(3_' 0 ' Pleas .. re.tur v to - C QC, i 532 Cec cr /40e , So . i Rehton 9g055 • We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious fa4lity and within one mile of a public or private school. j i ?,AVE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE /'( 7O V I £ 1,4 C . S'Afat`& /)a 772 /2 O O2 s L —G :a?e ii 7/0-7A iA-- 784 7- a 12JSezt_i 1, _ 71 Z-Lfb!q C�-.Q__,fx/z4P 1 - ; 7 17 — s o (&t, ,5 7Y. . -it4./ 7 -u, QXR 7i-c3t/ve 9 9- Ili— '51 ‘/Ir1 e, S, -a. .i,11,il_ 7-2 5 -2/,3,-- 4/ ,4 ,7,7y s i)-- 4,2„,/,.„7j / aff /9 s s 7 y 40. /04 4,, 4. i.-5--‘G I (_14Leizi.,241iz61--ezeigc, geinik s Oze.a97 00444 di hflnP //OO y 4/rzrz/w 4.1 Z, /.1e ,6 Iiic, 7i• - 5 7 3? `/ 2,Lt(7 , de, / / /7/ NJ t x > ._�J C-„7-(c_ `L;,_ /7,2 -/�� UiLl 0 ,---- A-�cl, /Id S 1-2° & 5 r8 0 ui,t _5-6-- i 7 3 f94/e / GZ/zi--0 v(o /o/1/�' (-42i7 L 4-4( c2i/c'32"7 - 47e I 21,-n - - ______44,14rfle xatz,".,e.e___AA4A. ,_ ____\.it..A.A2_6t-e_I ida. 7?-7.)411 R;rTIURN TO S"3? ►pdar AVE. SC, , RPnrnp, Wa ah 98fl55 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious f cility and within one mile of a public or private school. r ' :;.�.;,'E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ Acrtc — 3 2 ao ,17. S/37O NIT44.4.ret n-. / - 4 4 81rn S. .. 981 �e 5=e 3 70 1��,,ja Cy Grieve 11 << ,, tr . latx.,law )efiaitv-e, e , ,,, - - 703 - Ian 4` / �'�=. a� GIp�>>— aaC-4/ do 7 ngirt& `3EQ.0 3 3$ )Fina 3 cU Oa., woss" Dag - c ,Pa. egg- b ony L166-L175 .77 7 3 S�� I ?7 1pL st: ./'teeit� r ,e�.-Gr-C' /.3 j6)" r� 6e j `e, l."Y7 &/&i' V / I4 y�,S(th i a" . Q/U`Q, . *4mw,k) •ln i nW4J :3$7 /W 4 e ,, y 1/53 72/-Qie(-7,3 <- ,.. 2%�A CQgyp. set ai %�,�-63,7S X.:", ei,,,,___a,„, ,(ni_kgp_274a) ,,,L277_e-, /2.8---iig 'b • • • RETURN TO S1? Ceriar Ave SC) , Rentnn. Waah 98fl55 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY rie , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. . ) ( / NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE gP1'J„ I, 1 ,. -/,l 9 4t Rr to f 1,z--.6 5i/yv Asz 1s`�,., 7 - Aiii)16kailiilii o9/27/07 t,6. - c2hcc/a/ Pyi)I -1Q3c2-60/f 1 k,1 re M1� . /N/A ,,5 . .'� , f/ fipieh. :97075 ,1:" % „v.:a Lll si 00 Y3:4 /LtpiAw, . • r) 2N-yl�i6 (')- Q ea "f4 - ,.a.�z.uC.,C-�_ }1( -t..), -G-�7�,7,/ f ✓,33A ►'v. , t- Z )z i 2 S.F. Zbps 43e1, kFm-- kw, 9,3z- SZIO 1 u ! / C I1 11 ' 6l 1 c r Aki\ 064‘14 1 I(4Th SF /c ` Pi v-i _ ''!% - -14A1ZiiT 'iii"- O3G- ?/f _ __Y___:1J---Ii 9z.,5-ii?) 0 i 3 t41/4,ti ,, ,,s4iti 10(a. Pro f • / . 0� ,0--' ,-.. J 2-210? /?(f. ' /C Gem rf% ATE : PIzas e re-tux h to : C Q C. 5 32 Cedur hue , So . i ev Rvton ctg055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ana we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious f ' lity and within one mile of a public or (_- private school. i;AIE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _1J,jL ie / E, /1.� rt'c- 9f % .. 55( -a t. i /)4/ /77L/1 A 5 in' �-n. 9f455, ,�7 i :5o(k _#. yy,�� . .� � � 'L),,, i�rc-o v ,L ��'/=' /‘ -'1. . ter.-- 413c-25" 6�i-s yXV 7'- ,7-----:; 3__,4/e7- ::/;-?--/e--- __„<4.e2/ - 7._ /-7 -. ' f 0 , � /� _�ccr� IV.. ? /6 ,ail( _-VY aiiiil N A ` /:= / AILL - 'Di ( Fo 5' 3,ss 7.4- e,t- 2ikei /4-61 et& (14 a/ 7 i VD. _ e__ clivvv..)-ANcl' 3(')q4., :7, I I c,"`'‘ U•-• "Lakitti_,;<_ ck`K rig 2 '7g0/ S /3Sr Sf>ii�Y 9.f/� ? rs"7« A"Hj2 3 1/43c)o 3 cy i- I� %-)0 fr&t".430 /.�r'a,c , t`- .,0 - __. S. ?L2 .? L- 16 I' i!����� , /.C/a 2 si d wi\schuk--) \L61.4aEaJk) 0 4eini_ *05\ RE.TITRN TO 517 OPrinr AvP So , RPn tnn, Wa qh 98055 CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, - public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 2 ` NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 1,WW.31 .,de . p1. 8 ,11LJn '- 98cI S 7 "7- 4-sq 7` AD /4_53 3 Sz-- c,94!Y 1`ff,.i/ Z 30 -.24 1ri6 S - foss 022 - ' ,rr•�-+� /0.J/.3 - S ;- - - r/ iv 6 -s-,7 iiS � -t:.---..lifuzi . -1114,10- ariii, li• Aratik_ )174.4i—, I)4,,..... 13 l S9 L 24 s t L Kit 14 c 43 1. v e a l r F • A0 5v , �/33 5- 56), 1 , ayti-? 3 1'�c �,.& 1 n S S i_,-..e...-' Prkc 1c1e 1St«-D t t 5/'1 So 6 S ,6L Wits' �.,-....�........ 71.E - // P, 3 7) //7 ° �/� 71.e - 10o C/ 165 / ?V/ f-7e./ ...,.r. ,' '� I,779 7 - � P°I t /s_v_iy_. g=v-- _7 t) — --/ 7 :)--.g`/- 0 3 7 L -ib h /Y k/ 1y/c AlJO7/ seei rr133 3 c 7- Y/9S- fro'?r/ lot-/-;‘, ///lO /Vg /#O. STe14/41.ro33 ,,f ----//2.6:. 24p1140/142-1 1 J4141# /2 03 t S.E.L2# L/1.d., 9 0-Q,T- 7-f -?3G 8 35W A).c, 57 ' ?PIS 5 i-U� iQlr h 3.5O20 E eft l S` S�2- os 3, . . -.- -___ -. 2- ._IV Fes- 91 — f!r----s c �3 V i o7 re,:os cv-3`4/ . . ,. ... ." e: y11717 aft00- 0 ese.o. gaig9 ../irfotwi _ ,. . //"../;.,_ 3 3 z.6 w yq 0 7,7/9 2(2 -3377 • ./ gazal 37ea r,+c.,(Artia__ Q..4.,X , 7t/n3 0 3--i to e 46r9A , , 4. 94�,6 G ,• /5.4ktitk--- , ,,„(---tz, 2)1dL-' i7.)-/".9 An4)-(-e-e-c.1. _.1). 3-/,-7-4"-s74‘)111.232 A la. , )ityitiztt , 15 b 7' a.. .1i , , sus-icx q --, , _ Z 4 4 " / G ti - 1 _7,,'Y 9C6S o�r! . Please re-tux r. -to : C Q C.1 532 Cedar hoe . So . i Revkton cig055 We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an `adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS or,2 aut --"gxzr 98/7t g- 9Veg- 14-112t -.Z 7V055- .4e.tad A0-7 /kg ,9,az g#,"( G s. _ - �,. � � 44• irfo7y 7 is /44 o�� We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an "adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place NAME ADDRESS �� � ` 4 zia7 lam_ _ s-- )-/) vor ic144(A.4,4te 7 /41: 24,/, 7)et.6441 Y-?- a/ _ - --_ 4, 5-bieNot1a, d if tl / 7 / p /7 av We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society. Renton is not that place. 0 NAME ADDRESS q $05S a., ,Sa 3 S.e" • rA1R,w Qoo J�L LID �uJiDN,, _IAA . _;.i ' B .. _ . 573. V Pl, ma, los ger-fr,-,� .1.14 9 tos6._ /2J) 5 e_ ,41A, /9i , ir,„i„ kk, qx,,,, 1.1,;,,,(: ?/,._,... .„,st\tilr 7/..e_ .151-1.i-4-41- ae jez...,21 , 4)4 :1 ,,:, t C 17. %- /5,7 o202. .i- 0 4 sff_ .f.m7f/t -7)___.74 qp,.- .G--) _ __ . ..v____ ______ _ _ ______ __ _ _ ........- ....... ..... 1‘ 0, '., .ifi4iii/idahi,‘ ' qA-4 - 1.310 --z-Ve . ige54 _ 1r/--, /I/ , , L4. // t ,idi-, „fge41/2 7/0 _ .:x . 1 s_S-a...,,a..c.g_. ..„--.2 (.1 Q Ci? &)2.. ... .t.' __... ... ..__ ._" ._ is r-1704 t- 04 .440 /.2 I IN- Ave, 13d le.,0Ne Vic-i, 9800(a ,4 Ceeotmee-PA 74.(4. /5"( Illerkl/eve.:3 A,„ /g4---,_ ,f4q24 le/y4 7.(j5-C 1,10;21orio .6,6....te/60.,....x, l6g i> S /02 8' "0--^ Gci 7,P'as"T (A ar ,4 trY‘...3.6-0k4v)ry . 1,D- 3 5 a 1 olin Se- .1sa cf,uak 44i_ _cgo(--)7 - _ :7i,---- _Qi may, !, - IkrotA. I 3_Ce.tir 5 E- I ill 51- ken-40-1.A _7 4--.04 q_, 4 • , c, /e.' 4 ter C.re., -u�ooC ,v 4-- ,2(.'n�¢'? - i z,_ c: - - - _ - We , the undersigned . wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an •adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society. Renton is not that place. PaD NAME ADDRESS iitia,._...,...t.!-- (-21t-e-e--s-., , 2 4 1/42, 90-111e4 z 4-7e./a,!Ze_ ,W- --e- 1 1+70 TT ,�k , x2- ci . v.Ap '- �34//'_ s _-.6 4,tk._ - /) ._w__.. .A. .i ifirlbt I'/riar-- ✓ --.I.._'�.cst m a ml -...Pi,.-/U _.7 32 1 .-- - Pefri- o/.4- _ .. !It.. / ,, W / /3407- 5‘---- S c eAira,ro ...._ 11 <1'.' LLX4A.,.., '. 15/r vw� /1 *C:g tl- �: `.. ���.�r 1 62/- ' /%- - /f�r,� -2 ---''' "24o�7 _. . - . r• M x` _.. � \$ --z- _ eL.scz.. _ \:c s �_\ �c j i . ,-05-6 �._.^ _ 98/U� _ _Y! -0 - il/fA-nos 4 -. o t r . -'- _.. , - S)/Iv! - tAbliikrOS _.._30 ,- `; J .1 e. 1/vg_ ,go-alo- 4d . igerzAfib Sr' e I i/ -It _. . --3ic n/-4..3rdGF -Itli-tea. U ,C,"- S-0 w"�' 4. mow_ !7_ '_ ._ • 47..7sae it... a . s --_e- a ( /+Z ef 1- 14170-1-_ . . 2/1e:4'-e7-0 xtiote,J2. ;1 - t\taL.6 -al lam- tS1 171._5 L ./ r /UzA 1;_,•7 /(2/ %-z -' 4Z 4'/t/ l r -'I` - I 4/A. td.,a.,,,_<) ,2 d-Wteksi c'5"?./-- .2v 9-4/_2,,S7.-,..4 ce, i i 7 -t----,;W ._....44_e_. ,,,, l )3or 7)7erinati- hl ?"54 7 (?- z4t (-0,2 , vale. III///,' ,f� y ti-y /4ZZ S s�4, # S-roS eeZieli-«t, 6, 2 �.301>7 ---1.--- .A f' ' L,D-y y / 4 7 0 7 .1/4-i F 3 6, #A -F /S,Ez'-e t/csc=r Iis1 - aelere7 >I)fcc''...- "cm's— ( , 7 e' 5, / y-.)__ ipt_ _s c•-z- ieL _A./ vZ:Pv,--, (Aj ciai- ?ft,S--S- 47y4r /i ' (cf e‘,467G'),---- d 6 1 C 3611 I yd''q , %q. `-P. , , VJQ \ °I n s— �/� f ,�9 . �L---t-ct-c_A, /2 9 /s- .5 E /,S' <e /'�,p C 1 tits,-,... , LJr ..., -9 SO S i Cto- 111 -,,err". ' 0 7 6 //6 /1_ E-.• g,, ,?. 0 1 c/A/ 9 ---6. • - -. Q g'D.. 4 - /& ' -.. Grin 9,524ps" co t-to y. hci_ifJa AT5i c5Z' e, r 0 fog C I ec25-s 0-714-1-#- ,, ')A1-zsw / e.0;,i,f a '7,t ‘,./,,, ,gd , Za€,,,,, 9 gc-/-4;- eth,..L__._t J7y/e SF )/4 8� 4 f, . �'io3-5- /� 7 7s- -64-e_ Lo ' f-b'/>v .iWsscirL. 4.5,._. \ (=z \i-\ UO3,,- 4\4. \-\ -- s ,-V..,- . (*)S(0 4-,,,,utt 0..iik_ \' t(004 0 132_ t Se A O TOM QBoS`'S r-f3A.q ' fits 07/OOe'- /O7 / ecjE#/1 ;/ ' '/9 qj? , V 0 We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those wh, a- expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters . If there is an acceptable ce for such businesses in our society , Renton is not that place. NAME ADDRESS 4./.15k4-CA- - - , - q8.051, g-ool _ _ ___ _ . )-kl. TN0,±,&_,I,Ock _ _ .____I: __• ._. . - ' , - .c .,'? ` 'c,.7_ ._ /. -`-'v1.32 /i -fr s / _ a- -._. .cam . . -._ _J z?c i_lho5__,46.51___Lin_ /6411.w.tw Wcz6 _ ' !1 ii ilk----t - l __ _' .1a2-SIE = - -0 . USA--"ti s5 ,tom a la--.� -j_o__7- S _._I_YoS-6 'L-77/.a1( --igi_e, 46c,,,i‘e__, _ LL,/ / 4/ _3 c Lo_41--tv_row_ _ ..f s-: 5--6 Ll�. ._.. 7 // t J/-Jfj, '��1 r_ _11; 9�.o.. ,‘-i: "o_i vRizoir6+ipfuro, /Die),A )30-7`H a)x .13e ft.fz_tylrOgo.5-6. ' a:M/ 41// . -err►moo, _ /l - _W0562tl .. 1, d'.:. aim QS/ . 7'. _ _C . - 44 . _ I u 0 9Lc, l S-C1? .itt.e,6- . _ .e &l& _Qty-o55 rlL m. //&z,3 /._z '5 __..__ .. _�"_�G __ _4} .1./;_:-ArleOZ/4,a_._.q. .01_61_1_____NLE_ _.e..77S/16 _16.7. 7_(--eact_ WZ23-,6 Are.„ v_'- 7 / //3 .SC" /j?`VI a 1 L 9 sG ► ..___ -- -cam--g P-. � �- . fre? _ _ _ ___ - -- _.1 - - -__.._/ 7/0 s:E- 7ZD PL & rg _W,La - ..Pfa —6_ _ ...,..1 f s. P �,e v ..,,, cam. As sr,s lz/-'64 !v?� I'1► ► land_ L......Renbo.t_W _ , 1 1 a/ - ___ w 17/7 ./ili 0,/v/..5 I: _ ,_ .., /9.1.4_44_,a... ,fs62,si /6S3a r4'6.4va_ s T q Po We. the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area. public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 1Cq.) NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 57,„„5-4 .27/- .5-4-.7 "--vt.t, A7) , 5'ck No in c gi;i0Y i tavN, ?1/4i0 --4`94-1-%•- f 7 E"/ ( , 5 _ • ' L. F -, :1` i-z z e • _. W e-.26 -77 , tee„ , ,2 k - D 7 S'y 0,74_,b,i,..-4. y�� 7-I.,,,,,_ , .77 � `7� , tea - 07$2 ��. /t"-L-4:1-' ' e � �4 7/ as _ 29dos C it_ J - OJAkI?L( 1613 Z I3/ 6. le /0 .6.5-5 9 i/ _, .-.t., - ) i b-v--o 9- /a 5,Zi L a L l a L2 L/1D" �i at- ' cei a�4-' / /O L� .1f,6+/S 1 `'' ,�-- (�rv' c sJ �/ �. �? C t r /3g36 SE LS'12,7 A==lek__i___ g2S- 44.1YZ____ i gipi--e Qi . -n. /AD Qfm) / /" /__ P_Z 45,9i ;xis A/ 7'c- 7/-y '7- C tl'v? (Lt ,? i/6/ _35 gn,/7y/ -vim 35 ,, .,e_ t2)• 1 I//Z/2 6,,WA.AALb2 ciev ✓& s 5 FO .26-5 °,`� A,:0 ) /- J3 77g -M' <5 > 1t -rJ - )tift25 873 72/ r " /2 ��5 . r)- J 01o(..._ -22L( OS_ Ree/pitil 2—1 ( O tLReturn -tO: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 I We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 4: Lbw L 7 9 5 `a.o 2 i a RDrnTZrL CPR 0 '6 aa 6 - 6136 /3,3 08 £"8' '�- 7,;foss 90 4r . ,� G „,) yg r ass7�y ��� r?60� � U 7/414„:„, I 2iL aye RRT1TRN T(1 5 . CPdar Ave. Sn_ , Pentnn, Waah 98n155 1 ., marls ..g#l�evr.► sfirs We, the people concerned about Renton,'l are united iti our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) Movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feels that tap City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use-k y zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No, 3126 which woul not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any re , dential area, public park, or religious facility and within one Ile of a public or private school. (.3 bl. NAME ADDRESS tLTY/ZIP PHONE �i' z 2- 6 / ) G/ , a _ f _ I I 7 dS s �11 ff' .e94.q> c) Coe f w>u. r 4 , f Milirif ' ' '? -5- ___ . e ,t.t,^Z,t /t/I 7 51/ lam.: A •-!, ,c/la.. .;�r.,,-- 3 .5-144-- v LS d Aa L-,�p-3-,,t- Or- e4,f.e..) ‘xl.,,e_e_.-- 'c a/ pi, /d . , -,„,/, ,,, ,,,,,z(2--,,,,_ ,./d a, ° -/,„.).,.d , >7 , /dry .. /A.erl•=-C1.— 9/1(- ' ' - - ./..,th.k...9.- =SAI(Z--. --.`>c ' Pe- ke-'-4°' ?elerf? ' , c 7/Z-(ii 2 // h'e°'d-,-- 4"-• -,-4"e- -fre- 0 L / j ' g 44- ,/-A - ‘ E , , 3i :-r< )M'' Pn z`v« GZl s Y)`'c`� eo_60_ 2( co, G Pi,l,„Ad'V AQ-44, -;--, C-- ( i 7 17 1/Sz9 S 6 1 3 7 --11-. /11-n 4-)41 Cc-- eS r . l6 7/4 Sc 1 . S 4 �.-►\ ,-\ 9YO,--- 1-7.4,,,,u__tZ„)yk___,,,,--, //L.3--- R,/,c (.6, did___€._ ___Zei _ I 49- (5--------4--- 4, - h1.44,./e-n. yiko s-s:' - - - ' - / //-X/P.,-- C e,, > ,,r) .e), -.=0,,,,,z _ ,/,3 c__ ,2,,..z„,„.. .v , s-, k ,1„,,, I c r_525 ,t_..., ,:,..7. _ _ , 2 e‘ ,z77 24-2 ,,,,L, A,, /9,‘ ,5- RATTIRN TO 512 f Pciar AvP_ Sp_ r Qpntnn 4ja a1,_ QR[�S5 x' We, the people concerned about R,entOnsysaX ; ttnitjed our opposition to the establishment of pornographic lad tilt) Movie;theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. ' `We feel, that t4 City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land usei y zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. ' pp ��26 which woullt not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of :any. re idential area, public park, or religious facility and within` one\ ile of a public or private school. (0_\_( ) 4 NA . 'r 4te4.-6--- ADDRESS. S s _' '.;.�cs-4 • 0/TY//IP , -tom PHONE Y.2v V03- z , //t/ /6 7/-3 1 5 OPLI-(1---/— ,- s S aM 18r‘ecikr-v 716 6, P S 9 lii x ZS.T--yJ�� / , it �� �✓351Sfi,, /k,,hi lac i �� ' 32-0' -d i • 22, (✓ s c_- ��4 4 c_v /q3 ja.),() I �� 6(._?!vlv1 c)(--,I� s 1 " YZ.#--K s v- ). ')c1 cc,-4` ,eitet0 ��, &,z4 Iz15l ,; `� b-)-8 -, sPoL) dil• attrov //-1,5 150/t- PI ..SP. - Life-z,-- ;771-33 iS- 4),,,,,,A , — c- izi.x-, c,-5z,1,- -G.Z.,-e-c. C,.��r/ ;_ .4- ;'; / rL' — - - 5��- /e its 1 -41-i '.Avg ,r „, // if/ -.t,,4, /6124 griitw.- ;aa2 g-Y76y i 22( -2_4-SC f_ , ^ram // i er%- /y, 7/?re7f i ..2 -99fc7 V 6� Sl 91 IPA i %? '' osS-`7// — ' ---c--1,-(2._ /. .'.e2. -e__4-..-_/..... (2 ,,,e,it /2)c. 2,2_4d R-eix-t-.6----- ' 5s-0 i,,ic r7L J 13/01,1,/ a?9i /its'• , ;,,c': ic'c=it,'i \ , s-2'- /gyv (/) ) 0 3 5- 4 (.1 4 ''\ '' . - 56 iftife._ (3_,,,a r 7 _ , , , , , __ )ae-i-i-ky f) ,-- y .,,6, ,.,7.. -5--4/f- ,,,,/,,,,e --,.9.,/,,,t.//6--,2.5i,e.)_/./ _________:26 :41:/3 ?://a: ,iiii, 4 ,eibv 4,42 7-2 / E'. /2 ,/ /,c_flie,,-- -. - S - ) (,. Botiia it iiti-i-p(AsiAY iKat g- Be;3 -.: 3 72 Jx_ce4;__ - ,. w /k ci7 5' , ,-c,� ,z ! f C0: ri�,rti ti. i G>3 3 2Y RRTTIRN WI 517 CPdar AvP_ Ro , Rpntnn, W1ah 08055 �_. We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. S" NAVE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE I 4N, W/7€7 --- k.i --ILIA /tat 441 taf_ //6t6±/_tW=Skl,___jeieC&A_______VgNBMt alit#PWe' L 1 gaiZie./ 72/ 1. /iq � S , , 9wt f . - 2 - Ss� _ �02 AY_ sQ 9 7a � \ 2 c_ tOZ5o . ,,ZLL4 )e E, 90 -z / r _l _ _4c , -4- /44,,,-,7- ,y,,_ RETTTRN TO 917 Ceclnr Ave_ Cr) _ RPntnn Wash 9snss - We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an "adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters . If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society , Renton is not that place( NAME ADDRESS 2401.,uctrimer,_ . . _ ! /.zS -NNZ. _41/a_s, , _Ic J1v - WA . crA _.4_29t1,44,78 _ _ 302_ _ _ ii&eAez. „‘ te."447e-7, 0404,1'44 at5a-ef-. i� - - __.. _ _ .. . - - -... _- ._. -- - --- — _._...... ._ . ._ We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area,r public k or screli ious facility and within one mile of a public or vate� �i""` Cr3 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE �� iv 7/ �_ ,Y.1xn /osa ,4r,-.S:E, A A/7dam, ,J/r1. vsits-c - 4l12./i-- F316, ,6r a 11 O. Warde_rl. I I s8 2 6 Tt.- A J. 5 I .34( 5.5/4-717-F GO 9&168' �?0 6) zg66-io 3 n Go / t/ j We)/s -S. .. tip* A Re-A w& 914 5/6,0 S.s-9/7 (Z.c4-4' Pk;i41 n." 20 V/ JO Aet,14.e 1 4)- ‹S Del ie. 1 rV $'ip le.pt„4'ohfit,e, ,, wo q -1-011 22 lz-Lj 2.07 #6,i- rd 0f.57/ u1 41-1415(• (t 4'- q 1 uFt. • l - Iib1 L 5-0-cuth, 9�r/ 71p 77,E - //J`'t I, • f" . 44 0 wet Za.B"'`1_r 3/ 6 -47, ld/1/7-1/9 .. �t,I V'e_Cr ,271 li '2 / L+JUn-� May lr'4 ,`' 16 1) IA4h4 t AU ! .t'10 eP U,1 phld J 7 , IP, 4 44t,,A i,c.. 3,1 di. ..2.1,? /4443- yt 05 . e•-it-44 ?"6,s6 ' o7 273 'C4-4 . / 7nos--6o S6' /ati-&. • 9Uss 228-2V7/ cI?ie,71 �— � � -S ems,v��G � y K ,s i g. f,,1, A i V i L 0 ( ,nil e,v title nlE „ 0 .Z 2 Y3 11q01 fae Wa44(rust,� _/40, f-tn 5-3— ars-4/46, � �o�.Br�a�a4n�kly�'d£. �n 9�tos 6 a 516� 2.. 7 �jI /r^ 1�/ I I Li V u ii ! V ems' r` I . ����� It (' 4', A algi_/7 - Ls0-(Su� MOOS -LAKE 77R-904 �a G itaAt .1-, �t///- ,6"e " too/ 4# th9frk' ,LS-76 i3 ,,A, ,� , e,c.. i cli t SE i7 s ae- datd241,. , trt. 9 Foss cIN-s9szt pkon- }CI i ' .BREW TiR PO z5 ‘ 1. S -j _E-:iirt zv —we, A-77-.0,14!f /ya Sir/4‘cy44-i &.,,,,g,i, ,:" .-S--R9 z„ Retu n t Citizels For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 i • We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school.(LI) NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE r gl ,'. I, /77 -a' /6,„,, ,,ti a.5-,3-- z/‘6-- 7 .a 7 77 z- - �z ' �� o � i7ai t4gx . / 0 -07/0 lT /ia,0 5 /5-9 ,?_, ..' r° _ ,0 bl-1,.,r!o Lit i Ina_-7(0?M'n a. 14Aa. 1ayr _aUe.c- in- qko 1 (A31 -•Qa 2 I'/,2‘, /c. / ?e • S t_ k f.' SO-7/ C a l —9Nd / _ 4133C--- ,J- /70 s� a -a O t- 020 y . 3 it&,t�U Alt.Q r=L.c J , .2 V 2 18 n 0?,2/6ialia f 1.0 iv-N... C .....V - - -24/t� (7"?.(241Ye-IA-to ,733.)7- i0rG. CZ- , 1,t,. 14-9g0 5, 95 q .c sk 331- P/,3 - ;�c,1S = ss=l a4. • ,1, f f 1 �. v�c�- l3 y //;* 4�n Ai / /3�1/ :- -5G 1L//de 9TO / - � 3/-cf6 5/2. �'yV sA •cam C ' `,'c - R- S'7fG Or pi si ii - Ili tavo_ .5- - iro,-t PL, fl,i,...„, (A- efi'ooL %2_4,53)/ .sa /� �. _ 'i —/7 Tf nz�zz7� 4 d f4S7-2 2G 2Ztp0 IPERW.! ' 14 1 it iA i `/ 77-9-3 ` / 5` p ' - as; Afinifillrar 2. 3 4.,_ ,o, R.RTTTRN TO 517 CPrlar AvP So , RPntnn, Teach 9805.5 _ 1 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 35z6 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. N N.E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE sE tier) /0r) 960,5-( 0°8-(03°8 N.( 1' mad\ E: ) . nleo Ott, - Sifj (?4 /803 /35 cZfte,$f ico< (to-r Ur S u �-�.L.� I�rs s 3� - r677 I r C' , S e -- �17� ��a 1 ' �-� a�4Z / :Z_.S"C3 6 S. 4 .,1 2>d1 vt,o izc z sE qct 9soS6 22t- og ,zsaUh R n,Q y ETA /V S bitro/1 2P 2J .____3d 77/ 2.2fS-y/'3 O iF/eo,.e c 4). safe /;- J:f, Tti 3T ��c�Tok) J6� 6 6:S _ ( Z 9c R 2 2 -SG� • We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to *regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private schoo X-7\ 1/1 i NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE onAk- i Vol / At 3(4 :SVL 4101•5‘Ok ,OK4‘5 C-)SY:4 -- o k uctd2 ( 1 a _ _7 .,( .. . � ' ' , . : . nL z S S.5-2 7 ,/)' c. t .1`.. .._.c ,1,.,,,. . i/ I ) / ,ad, JJ. --c-�• l( -eiv (LQ--cAo\-5A2-----.--Qs-----N-thi"'ll --\41-4-g-A3ads------Q--1 ' -'6 .-54..vi (" ibiej4 ,,„&_ 6 3 3 9 La'S .Lo Rc„,...40Z0,19 M... edia-C. /00/ N� vIltic c...- _Inn_A!;164X- .2144 C-TeAlsLApit*rsosl 2s-s---z.? 0 4,71iijk im/!cd(ezeA, S'0 'Zit ea // , . A.2-- -6c(Ay O'er i uLictuti-02 . 210 Ave.. fro. _ 70 ` < t. _ o41 .' tk i c' / s «-1/� d:?. , - g -3/ �! D e)3 N / gi. K� O�� a5=/ 3 , --t...-,...,„ ( t ). A C . :r7) j'Q U _\-&A Z/76S1 -t /J) . 1l . ,Z fit . R Jam., sz_4)•ggas- � � -� 111o7 iv. v tt � �( - 9 sic 3 Eltty.Avs_ L.:) ' ivo2,0. /..4/ eR.0/),,L .f.R9,_ "yo di, .5/'4() 6W . .. , w.S aN,�C�a Nafct'� tN�c( S uk\ 0 _'taA Lk LAI< 61,.4 N 44111 R19• ar _• etic e 43,S— Pal xj i , ? / ) 6 44 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and resp6nsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school., ?;), NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE / 4, 1 7 2 YS- /3i'7 S,F /�P.-1)71ti' ,980S3 228 /YG 7 V- ylf\»,\ i' '26c" (C ' S2(1 ovy �Y11 . ,4 / 1 E a @ .z & /?o �1 4rA----) a �6 -''i / _, : . .1,J I I?al - v I80 1 ez_ z z8 / 704 -"Le ( 4 (j & -c> Si /q&' flg ,' ( 224" ( 7a9- iiL a 2-,_ , ✓ o-cc,_._ //84.s •6 . i sa gi-i, ,22 4 ._6 l 7 1�l/YYl � ��(�u 1 • /QO07/.L/ /f�D�c.7�7 e77A ,)/q/ -t.4.14) 0 ' ati-ut ► goio I LW1 6 ► M),tcrl - lAe"- 8'?3 -_. .ra //8/5 �.ff /8 - �n nrt U s ,--jam . 2 a' r //1 aeu SE cc Z l tug o26---. =a,2,ai' atS20n4t,,,,, ,G.--QP 6Si U� I S Il(o�"`Q I..S L-- �e I,v� h .e67a 7 -c)f-e-'2,1 it — 1 6 iz/6 - / - i a, 5d X -, /Z6F7L aa6-s34s ) 10 1 iltY1141 I k y I q I� iti fl � . Aili� _ 28 111 L RFTTTRT,T Tn c1'7 ro.l„- e.,o C„ ve..s-.,., T.T,..}, 0Qncr We , the people concerned a'„b;ut Rentoi ° .�x;c uul:zted, 1 i our opposition to, the establishment of pornographic (adult,) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that tAe, City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use's y zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3126 which woul`a not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any re ,idential area, public park, or religious facility and within ones ile of a public or private school. .. NAME ADDRESS ' CITY/ZIP PHONE _--._ /tiiV P ,-2/C,e-V L' 1//f �,(9 n/J/i,i 4'6 ,.6"! 2. JC.( j,{i 9,0 --'7 ;j 7- /c' !' < '/ z�Q UUU.h t_ ,/ /-, - t..% - - -, 0.),Aixf\, );\ 4\). ..NfN , n )(-3 WA c, ,c34..1%-cf-.V ( \Ls. - `,),--L: ,;(-)---s 6S 9 7 fi L ' f�/" r&22/ p�• //` i c� A �c�3vZ Q— )p x D u ME I `1S OS(4 3 5 ()1S • 4/ ... ii.,' , .Z . ,,,(-4-0---- , ' _ ___Y 2 _... ',9' > % tomgs a,e ic-0 cr, p/A55--4 607 .445-6 2t) D ioici - .25S w r re ' IA c a or-fC-r ((-a � ,rc-95: )--. 5 3 7 �. 0-44 t ' , 11 2v3-7 .Cc` 1f6:42 `K�c /\/ i.)c c ci 0-6,ir 2 , z`/;.,-)i,(ff,i (,(., 7,,,-,Z" , litittc\ _-,, v-c,(c, c'\ A4\\ ).,.-- c\,),)p,-. %Yss ..: 2 L711,i ,nw Y i/�/f (G 11- Gar. Z64 7/ f"I — 2 - 7 mci') nip � „ ' L 6J_) E,. i' 617144Ida 7;Z -G',.c , i t /7 ,,1 Z7 v (i/it.e fi 7-7-; .aiL-//i/-4:4, l✓ L / �. r / `� - c j — -) /1-0-/ J 2- S /v%6 .em . _ �- -- ,A-: - :, 1/,/ 8 ` -- ` ,`14 >.,.,-„4 /6.-F-4y -//7 /-•--ei f-;-,6 _ ,,,,--, /r.--,, 223/-/Y 7 r � `� �` / a j1r ' f' � a , rr /-- � We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 0 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE l " ,fir/vf c. . ( / i C-,/,,,�.N:�. /�c Aft— "7 , 401.-s---, ZCZ 7 4/4A e si ___ 22-f- Y /Y a4v i,-, .wiz: 591. 492-- 0=2-3/—/-2/ ( 2-e. k._ 4. 13 ,2z/ s, Z;'. 3 erd/i6', . 9-ve,3t l3A 5-.S' . 3 apt viNti*tegtflA AA, Air _74L124 tek .ire:19t 44 ' c"�.5", 01eir Alva, 5'2 `46 - ,45-1; -aq 3a 23026 /60 CGwc _ .!4-2 „ �s2-4.g6 7 Rf�vT.,/ £4e, -+. -7/ -r., ( `: V -,- .270 z Y /yf4• Ave s_ ) Q, 7� 481)3 ) 6-3 9'�%srf ' i I ��16 /� 1 - /`°a; 1� it/i 1 26.E -D 2, A2�' s'/Y Q S CQ Cic CAA, L. ,_/"..,..____ .20-3-5v d,,v44 711.74-,/. ,,i,-1.- ./. ita..e,..4_ A-iK-t- ts--017 ,__ , . 45,6 ad J,1 .2)-k , e_,,,t,-,iii,\* 6(14 ?eio_174- 2z4,--vw 4 Z'''.7-A.,/, 12�v ,-Plz U v-a z;`-`-`,_. � ' 7f,d 3 - g5.'-3 Y 2-S 07(!zW-e; ,_--,t/ , 0 E' \Cr— -.Ag,irk -,(4 iclea)i-e6 ? 3:7-. C(2%ir 2-itea_zutz _.t.,tpect ' ,_ .c;-.30c-- qs--I--& tc,,,, cd K.L,ct. x 5-9--- -616( .,5_, k 4- `,' ,as 3 ( o ? F (1.,1-c. .S kf .1,Li a,i G/ j k Q 0.3 k3 f-G.f tIl ,. 1 iA '� .3 - d ,c,. S6 ` Gv' 9>r .D)/' '. ` cat.,:,, 1 t b ip Au SF , P.ty Q -, 9 g3'1 ► Ito ( At, S £1fir th,cr I ( 371 1 lji Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an •adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place. 6f • NAME ADDRESS . ----fit - --- 4 _ - 11 Kre,,,,, I, Lti,e6 / 7P/i ..57ELif/o6 0.4043i. i'fo Sb . _.. -.. --. . iKoz, _..J.S_L . ---_- _. __. 9Pr-Z, ale ,. _ __Ai e SS '. Me � _ 11 -__-- _ .._?Ash IS1311_ 50 f.-0,,..„„,,kikl, Ai_i_xtre. sic pszs-'- _ _ T.._._. _. . _ _...- . -. I s 22�- - __---2 o_s_s- --- itua.0 ':14-1,,,,LtkeLawk- ecoq CaLL- aq---'-S-0 . r'\ G-1. ,.., 9 iro -,s- ii 7p_- _ . .e .Yv, q_v . H.o. f o L., 1s_3.3 30 0_�-s_ l�vc.._IN C,_ 1�ef..1 ok_._9e_o_E. ... _ __ _ ---H--- - --- ( _ 2. cgo g + Q . _ _ _ 3 _ l G _A si.tn/Reevr.ov ESQn 4,-1* 1 0,A., -- q10 1Q. -__/,cbl.____pc. 0-e-.. ------ --_-_-,... _i_N.2 .3) , ht ak(_,, _ sf-Z- -// 4 SST - . _ _. 9 os--4 - - 1 ' ,094,2) lei .. A;1,S7/ NC 6.- LS----- 1.x./eLA3 e&depi_ _Iyas , _ , _ /‘? 11 ,,,A,.„ ,_ (7 ,,,z,,,:26_,7 , /5/2 d F s-cpZie-‘i-c- j rz.4(4,-,),-_._,-.-4_ ;" ._ . lr y----- J__,V..e//.._.) "nio eJG -an-44-v .412�..1�� 4Aas� I We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an •adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place. NAME ADDRESS ivreziz.e.. /_/Jr 7 .-s E_11.. _ .?....- ___..._.__'/ : 11/2,1i 4....-. 1`i,. d..427X... whz,h_e_er .Lae.:(44,14:itto 7e),ow r i, -._ _ iric\__, lc , .. _. --.... ...... wa -_-\y_%_ Q. .E._._ ; \ , � Z. i 1 v 'Y" 'CV) Ati-LALI5 _ %7.00 /V. 361 fit. c ; . /e/-a-f.I''-'(--I--,e---v>I) /c/6--/ - 7 /I i-/Lr - -eZL ) .. ._ . ... . . 0 t .011 eit 1.... /06,( . /(... F...0.4,%; L..._ ir i1 p /es, tvC( 4 c-&cc, (C/L LrA(.Sl pro rJw- t /9Y13SE #3 ,� ..__ - 7,Aio _ ,Z16 _ ____ _ /. '‘.)W- Alciii__ _ yr_,. ,1 afYlc. _ 0.Y4. 14.)0L FEJVch.J _ 1 i - jAr #1.- 71464,f-4e ..1D-3 OE.. id )ft Pr-.)a.A_ f2000-6„ -4:- r-44-4 LI. u,A.v, . ‘ )w E. _ _._.k.-4,172.___ ___________ __ok._. _c_aMa _ 4 ,49 s i427Pl805,5 ;14,,,. , -� r, 6: 71o :i s�, p '" -� ((Da) _ ----- _ �� � � -a el" -it C \ . f - - _ . - � a _ - ( _pS' . C,K & �- ' . . ,�S S ; Tu r . __ l 7(.3z._l0_r -_ __ `�_)-- r ._. - We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of `, these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place 0 NAME ADDRESS ' ' :ege e e,*e.., Is7-// Z1 s6va,97/212 [1 Y1`f, -_ _. img,4_ .._. __.__.JJ. - =_ . . _ _6. y i (44-(6-U- NON. 5f1 joiA .. ketliovl `186s6, ii cRa_s-oy , i/e. __e.,7/57 d4t., . , _ i_i__,_„,)&<ae,_0_,' /c,zcsz, - 6 / i--,,,.e.,79/zi .._ ._ . ... .".i. __.. ..Th . Pz_. 0-- o. I.s s-, -e v\ Rc.i Iss w a. 9g az- Jlt-lug,vvtac • 4 Id 1,2860 3e iof gultari geo0 ,, le.„, 1 I, , 3 side a . '.4.,../4,..... )1 , . .ee,... ..y.„ 78-04-‘ ii i� t 1 ii 1, • -- - .._. FI- -_____.... .__ - . __.. _ _ - - - 11 • ____ — , We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. (;) NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIF PHONE 2a'2 — // st /6 /,n.z-_g,?dss Qa -'76�c� /6949 / PL SE 'kg4fAfi.2___A 33 �5,5-2_� i 7430 / ��� �,f . 2-8)./Zej /; /-.�Glc /`fo/j- toff 7 'e-(/4w.c. Sec) 7.-7/3 -J.'6 • r. 7Y0_55- - - 5:2z ; _ urn to: Citizens For a Quality Community , 532 Cedar So. , Renton , WA 98055 1114 We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . (E) NAME ADDRESS /7& ?CS' _ ArE KtArro"/ ,)3 6rtr� , °-y ► S -• /2..( PI - - ,& c ot)ct') )/t4 `- a( &WLA4. . 0cn 50 - 11( 6 1 f/ 7� We. the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE Qftic-75 KOG:fa_ At. ? SON."' .3.2e-ip rair MO' r Y2 vPi? E.,_.T,Ii_e,61-'24-et., 1),/7/YJ41V—LP,3-1 /3/ t , I, „2 542 37/ (! /Lee, /`/ (?c 2- ' J_D q s w I - I e! ei.P/s/‘ ..2 se '9.22'" ,t,l't,,.' t,, -,1,L .,4,„ iu 3. L,_ . ( ( -4(., ' ,,,.-t--tc, L, ,. , k-(q- &cfc_\--) (.,L,.dL, /`Gc: ( / 7:e �� / ;7(//- .947-A_ t (ck ,12'( P.Q eek Zce-c '7 "l%f l . -',. A . ��«/' ,--- 97,7 7 , 3-1/_t- • 17� _,- € )). / 9 ?2 : . ' > 11,--,24) 11 , ,)/ S-?'e.1. ,CZ47 �C>e.t. Ct 1(c-u,v,-D 0 A /;:,,,,A7 7)4 �i_7_4 ( /1 3,L o � � ,, t'J. xe--alle__/--7/1- el-,--,„ Ts _ (7-01 ,-,) ‘-S- c---,:t4Q CC ,-, ' a- _ . /f� ;,,t,4: ' // -,_d 1'7A/Y-e. ) -: .fit. l -i /Z. �i 4 // / } �n///�N/�i \ I//Y7 /!_� l '"! � '�CJ r�1 �'' � �� (�`-�LLt[ CJ C�.��;LI /�/�5- k, ,- .. 11t L ik. e,-�— ;- v° 2 S- 3 2 (i.,_� s, ( )•• ;L „_r-((, 4 . /0>/ ,C., 0-fi —5 -�`1(i-,,, . -J / i;v), / c, 2 am-c (� ��-- '7 2,3 3 __2- 6 S cc/ , ('!e 1—1 727 //3 , -2a `" �� ` A 16- 9 , - ) 11 23C- 15 ,vie , S,W, SeA11Le vu q v /216 24/3-4,2.2 `234411 cis. (1)6,—3- -:t/ /d,,-ti--,S 'k'' , 4/ , zCte .1.- rt ,•-' '' ^ -: ' t_a .4,z0L 1561 ' ' ' - - g9-ckitit Xcvai) cleieo P;) It's. -,1 -- f.k.1 ci .01L � Sum _C 4(1 L c 0(2-b i i; i6:. -/7 rs ..A �S,/, ,7/e/1/ �C.f Pay ./G.�i 7 /tS- "'' �2� �' ) _: �. �i�. . et r to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 /1 ct,.,----- I( -0---,-/--- 7 ( - • EY 9 9 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not• allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school./ (...__,) NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE f r IY . l o-co-r1. i L-{ Obekel ee., nut Z E Re-.-vc-r ., q 0s5 all- gi-1 9? 46 ‘ 46c---A ,/,14 )/7, ,164,46.27)6?4)z . 5rIt.zti, ff5.&- Qw - z.J,,- in a, "� .,,� //.5D:� �tin.Qet"81,,i, ' /9 ��o� a� C,l9c1._J AI G ;, g4L 44-11-6_c 2 3 9/0 1. y Z — �.vdAiC 4-4W f 9 22- 82 $ .3/3y .- /) 5/ 6E029s"4je,tr4 Lar9 9! 3/ i$/-di76' 4&L i- 6 y76 ts/c. ..1,27 77 Vt 9,Pv?c ' -5,76P/ fl4ri,/,, Nta,0) e' Gt tSo Azeildai,aA 986JZ 94/-7/515" 4,44,-/./4 a,7-(..4,274- 9,29 /=. L SG S > a ,-, :0. ,ri•-• V AA*)•1_. JeT1151 4v-rr- Fe-wuciA. P-4•st l*Ifta-t--r toA- ;A ``N .0 .\ ��-tik (-\-'0 c, -.�W‘,, --4‘\-a rc . OD (1d ' I Oe- I, S , ?J , t<01-4- 3C) 1 , l- s S/.l'-.. -7 Y-( /�9a� #� �s; __?f �'. 5-a- Zdir✓ f eele. ! . 741-1 Kcit t, � lI CA-D ,-1 -1�, ._(-1 )34- �'— 'r. f:_ �- - .'lei- - (.?vc.'/ -,'r . ,7- , 4 % t 17i?)3/; ti ..142z_ ;?c,u7ti GJ,g. 'e'5 S- ,��..-- `/57`�— ;AP '1 131(7 - 424ttte331 7 . D. ii -Asc,a. 1.(4% 4.. )0 i .ck VO' ..).",__ Lit()C.L _ 0 0? _ & 04y I-- 10 /off 1 -des-inikeff tei4 y sour 1 M' . 9,u11)411)(9 ..iZ A,J JI/e-h /Lo{, y1-2/ XE'r - 11�s/tloirJc--.c, / to /7 Gr✓R., 91rfc ?j 2O /A/ //i-ri.74,�?_,\) / 73/ lh r (3 1 -- ;k 4,,.E%, cJ#. c.27/ - 3qr 7a Uwiz ia. i37 sEg-76 C.L- t L. G 31- 13 fV -'--,.-- Iz/c5-2-r sr //3 % 3% 7 -�4.--... - z--7--rs--sy4,6 turn to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious fa flit and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE al4141-4'4114 /ice/-sl L.c , Sea470, Si Yt 2#11--yi•13 �,-evx. 2 og,5 j .36 S'o `/ 3 i39— 3 — .3v — r 5 y, i-rii, ..3-3 - .at A 27OE' M, C iRoo'z 4 ' , '' 1 / I) .- .r' -. J i_.c 1,. ; 1 -- d- 3 1 - r G 7 0-fde-e -•-,A 41-z-e j; ..V e -7e>p - ,-4'6 19 ,Cei-,' .5_ C.4-9/4,----c-tiyre ..-i 1 / 33 i e'aaJ zel,Q, i t'et r,-✓ /c c s6,.n E/Q 2 f 7-•: �c) „2.2 1,...�zr, ,b, C,c,A P- go S 2 v— "? 32z0 So. f`7/ sr Aim.v>ur✓► �3 777 Ai � c, �a36 ZfG " f�u�u�t� g `1 - _ P)7Z 0 — P)-1 4_,-------k (f - Lili if, f, C P5 3 .",? (CI iV 1 L-c- C N*,‘iet .ft ''''i' '' ';) A j `- u,..�/,�,� 3 3 a 1 ► a.c-;s cd rev u,��4 y e' S 9, /. r _i_. ` ,.5-2/ _c../ 9-F?' .2/k ii-..✓✓/ ,'L -_2 O y? /714,/,,,', - 7/6 /* seL ./frA?- c/booz_ ?3? -4,6-87 ----))i ' 7 " '----)2-J---- _5-'-3 57 _.4 .- 45`) til tf'" .-9 ozy !/J !__ 2 s'v.9/ 3�-71" ,M'. So. le.,r f�Q...2,r0,,), /..-cti7/06 -_ 7/7-)c,,..7._ e;;3--e73/ •• s3 7-)/JS J� (/ ''S rif /Ve 1 2 I G, .:. (,, ,Rcz 74 4v E .5) 9-/a5s 5,.? 5i35C t 1 i I y rki I/6i eiZ/5a J %((; 6-&r/ . 'c .:► e(rticce `t' ,nq-3 '..' Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 Ak., fix. --t 1,. We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious • lity and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE G Z �� 3 6 -J 3 44A-, f W 4. F865:5- .25.- r365 �� Cj II)oq /me/ fl S { *ere COL f? , U (r o'( 2/0 •9p,c8 /4)u' 0ji4- �' U, �7/-6c�6sr 406/D �✓ c-k a v- 6 3 s -'� V C 'P 0 d Z C4161Wet /53/5 71/ aM6.£. 7)2:110 16445 i, 983?3 i /6 4<id_27 - 9 g 3/ 7je r (riZe t 993 Al3t a! i 9 c'c f- kV' R' 7-71014- 1 3 S Z x 5 E A , ` itiadok gab 3/ �1d, J loii‘4s� ,_3 ., ,L p ?/ .a&er gr. P� 3 s /7S_S'�, C 3'`- ! ie -� , r f'c/ fk_ � 7/ (2Aif Vo, - W-ram--GI /L--Ze ��.12. Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious f irlity and within one mile of a public or private school. 1 \ NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE N.IJ•en e) ‘•,,,,4,kic- .44 3 it L„_ 72 7/ 04,4 LZ/} i ) 1/ . /9e '/3 -V73 z. Nelir y A o /yo. .�t ifr_�y 74. � ' .7631• 3 ��t4'1 ;tea_ 1./- �' ,' ' ezaa ,r y� 7t i s o. 3t'i 4 A. ved i - ‘.j OLD yt: ! eteA-c-/V 3 SA! fill tt/x • el".;a ?(:dL 3,,:2,/3 S- .3,;z'`r' 5- w F ems,. • Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. " (.... NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE dJa - b -f 7F3e,/ sif fae-Atr-p, 2.5-s--- -30--g 0 ' Q c . � .e.p , D9/ PARk /? N. a4 -a y86 --/---cz-'sl-.__._r-lit,EYA-2_.____—±.--C -Z,---,--Z-------------A , . eind� z.4 /5/O 'Ma /c2 .S/8 :_ iftntk / W4 910i m t 211"-- � «., 9Q 2_7 - 1 J f2 i,Ct S , bid . r� T i,V / r 'LS C! 4 K.e.,,a,.s.. r Oa O.-G a, fO S. sue i ef: SE Yil" 67)9 ,,,,,,, b/ w a a /W (f- / s-eAk Selikyll/S4 A,6 5-6 a53 a a34 ' -.- 4YAot. 52.7 G(J.. w. ..s avtc tve r_e4-1-0,/ 2_2-8 1550 79elV 7ii— x'e .224-vie) A-n�.ze_ /Ci- .. /7& 7 th ‘ ' yirsAr 61„y�6 35' -94)-"iee, • / 4/(/24/// '( /1/ r7G :2 1, 72?-_-/ z...7..-t--- 7 & 7L -€ G- 1 ,e% ,, /(c 73 - AV r/e s gd PI x_ , -il"►`e,-*-.P Zu cc., S 8 u.l 2 Y SI 3,10513 ' gr2;Xrk, cpcb5-5- -- 443 ;__14)4L.,-(L.,,,i, Zv_ (say We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE rit A-L- ,r /%oxi ja toicle.5 rid -,7 9,eO5 ;� :�e‘ /O ‘ _ 0114 4? - Ze. „A. 16--ti- eeil.2-00 &sc.; 055 -11197 - 2- 2 Aft "0,,i,Zv /far' -2 _--?2/ ' ( a-Oc ( „-49 1/.)7 ,�y.L`)40 ,So azdz 9 too 2 7'39-(79 79 - ,� I �dr7 L-e-z / ,/� 7- /��1';sp- 4 s n. 9,4)sa .rs-s-7 .7 ry / ' it $3se /6 7 61i9/ , s s .%?7/- Va ref /. ..1-44, ,IE /Lai, a_ 7 . Icons- .243-= ( /(%' ICP.r.. . �� 4 /fin5-3//a/,� sc y s'G e7/-- 1-4-44/� —, G(k /C lE `,/z/f/ Ne. z(G �csic! MroSc, c7S /7,52. (� o /38 '`4 S� ,71 (--8oss6 k-39/b /24,5 /'7r11h f�v: J2, ri 15(' o- /ff 42„,,,.‹..4;efifyied4._, /42 3,9 /4.3 s E , 0,o c-- os 7A 4' r , l --- 1 u? -ia--PLS.?. 9 s 8--67 a k • 14fl SC (3r k CfSU Zo ,)7 05-O3 • Z( /a 3so ,:S.r - /60 ee.-,)70.4) 9y .• d.2(i--,.234 - c..?,--fzie_._,21 /6 0 YF 3 S , Sr- Rego Flo a,SSri36. 7/42A...„,„ ceLt.„...._ /6 ^ 3 aGr-? ...,? _.e--i,ade•-,t_ Ha.3o /93 de5F . 3 4n 78'05 6 c b-8 3 ( %ccr)06 se /9,2nci Ren li 9 es5 sitairi 'A14,- Plaoly / Y`4P1 f so • /,IQ_rrS._..Leie__ iimi ygi -zr ,2.2 4-z4S4 4 7 gos b 2 6 - V76 0 t �Z5.5- 0777- 09( n,o � �� � � Z7� A7 yi1. _ �� e; 4 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. (_ ;) NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 44Zeg.w 47/1 6L U to i.7 4G l SS angiori .1 Q k- 3�� 4 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. o,j� I NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE CIA)•flEt,C,C-06--y_m_ . /qy ,5-/4a s 4 n 72636 R5`S- g(0 ry- t- &I,L L izA.;5-0 (: i-hik 4v-e S itt-,tiL ..-4 i--7 i, Tn.- 2-3 3 6 )4, -a . r1it.ty7 ,SOS 5 15tt` -�f 14:,)171 -[(Y1 ,S.C12 -2 I ` ,02 22c. iicger'' I4la') 5E l 70 44/ot v z j1(I?J 1 �l �S .)-7/-G- 3U ',,,e4., • --1:&-,..-ze /3.40 /erz,‘„,,iti.fia2 44:64t, Yras'3"-- rni 7-2z07 o S., / 7s `_i-4t- -, 3 �S- AraniltrA I r AdrAttr.p . 1, - 25- (V5 ' • " �Jj� TAL qcg7 2<c/3_ iy\ZQL, sudcd9 OM S - .. 0_014 .V.- °‘W" ,z;5 - ( e()CI‹) -r--�� t�B l�. ' 9 Sri 7 r 7)a -.S 7 lO 1 . 1CiI AYE: t~eiL.- '+✓ t 2.b5- t'"1'5" 6-i, -)/,'--4') iq y IIR). ` 4ft6 O.e- 4Acfnrt 780510 (211-,5,31-/lp /S 51 Sc. /,?1&"/6 �,,,1'e-r`. 4a)0 Sc 2 2/- ?2! 1- �•- - /,,,C, /seb in Zkez,d_e diE kPfrtimk, A 9g 6 5: ,ij8 c 3 92 i i a i 8, . LQ }, t • l i 'i i '80 t ')6- `-'o g4.,,,,,r a sky 3 t- 301' 4- 3 a _ f k-tG$r y 77o Z / da p , /,15D3/4/',z (,1-%-<-, S i4,26&( j�(-F .5-- ,Azi --._6'6`'77 1/4„ _,___ /asks- 'v/2104 Sc p -z.. givsr . .z-�- L?C)r )...1...,, i► - /0z -(l fl' _/ O.e.p ILC//,-c e 5: c, g`i,4s, ?"G'>`-k, c v tea-- /00 V/7 /yam lip �g '; 4 i�: j � ©was I • . ,;. We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition • to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton Jw ' ' has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious cility and within one mile of a public or Q_____Z private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE c\-.) \' Cc 5 ` no t sc o n o 9 q a (-09 04:1•C a \ / n • Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 r , ? er'S , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . 6) �1- NAME ADDRESS A44,..e /o ) . - 2774t-'44:- 74o_e 4. tort,,,, ,4-ttl-L 111.,,n-t6er-ek)___ _ /aoaV 76_40c_ &c,__Gt-tk_ 1/=1 __ 41.5790 SSE o /0o4r" /a);z.7sn) 91"v�� , - >I�e€7 ),/ 9 /7F ,%NAL 170 3 ii VAAL(4E-- _>ieeelall2 71/4 5- . ,1 C (Plogt 5 -I .�)�..fer- - -UP . ci ?me c1 bSD S c..0c - Q .Cc_ o. -24 . _ °l (tS) V We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 1L NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE /o�ia--/z6 . �. �I1' 5 ' ass -fi3� 4 /447 'c �G- /9/7 - 7.2 SG rFase. £s .3= m,;, v V-ar- 4. /d4 /d —/2 6 % Avg 51. GP NTOiv e1Si056 2_55-5132_ I / (4 Ale S� ' 407 Fd BZcz 25-S-,W.3 65- 53 i/j,Z 7 i3o3e s,E io3 _Pe#,J ' A- 9�os( ass-/his 1 95 3 6 - i2D, - S 9865 aa6 - /asks U 2�� ti- 0410 raze-PA Cave 5.. , coirtrn 9/05-z.=, ;2 -5 4 5 z_ e C . sot �, 4 0s LO ?OS/ 7s4I -s6so ' 1 y,,, a t St SO sPaktek. f/° 6 Ay 5/7a /3&46 a6 4liov g8c S" 6�.3 5546 o.s 1 vieov- 77), ii 15L. -A 7 , P ba 9gos6 2S5" 79 1 5 /l r IC �y-yr -,/ 21/.r. ?Post z 7/�6`/- RETURN TO 512 Cedar AvP_ Sr) , RPntnn, Wach 98n55 1e the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. C NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 9i/872 0%,��i /05 .2 // 4-e,-- /faoits, 9 4!S (Q a;�3 3 22��- ;i,29 ,i,t...it1 / ?4 .2- '. / 4_, 7--S qz -f1' ' ,J r r', .2 3 g.e... 7 s-74 l v m /-36,z S//moo-`,..Q. .Sz---- c c Zeft 't. , i g7L - i'3 h :�`1 /16 - FL (y n " -02_ v j ' C t; ., e! e . C7o-tf / . -7 PS--- / _s 5 ae.� & t_.4' , , ./N:ea J -7 .)- 9._ 77.1 �2-xi, al a- LQa,, /4/0,i 6 F / 3 3V, Re,,�`a„ 9his - ail" �� /�.,/-- /y0 2( ,5 /3c s, /) -_-,.fa.i 7_XGs6- .= > -. y� C RETURN TO S1.2 CPdar Ave_ SC) , Rentnn_ Wash QSf1SS We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious f_ ility and within one mile of a public or private school. �03 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE '343.,4 /- 24:2‘. Av tr-t1) .a ,,. . IP,p, &;.i,, rgbS'/„ 1-2-i-ri?9 't _zc A P Div 1 ILIA.4_,,, iLe ,c , E----(&27--yvi - c77. 6-& .2_7-z,--67_.x.c) t3A- 4,--kiCUr I (i If ,/ fe n p o?s-S ifs-k -(c/ / o„- 2-0/ , , 2i6.— 2-7/- 674/ ek �l - 1. ( < < i, - e_ A 7a,� /D-h igiaeFT-7„th .. /, _<.5-, - 76-T,Sf2_ 94 ,-,J-% 7c5-' 77,3' /.9.752 t-26-76 c-9 CD1--1 /mod S/ 76 S SP.o / 8 049 7Z -q'c71 •• 44'.- ee .:::X/ ./Z)1.4.0"21 get,52 C: M%/1-49-11_, Il- 6:6 .--.27Y-e?26 cto, vi,..,„__ ,1), 01 ge2_,Al-,77--,-.(J 7 ro,i-- - _..1-2/--ht 2.7 C 0_,( /i,e,,,c3 3. r-; 6--e-Otenz. 9&F- . c,972-e2x/ .Fd�- 7/-/'7 � mod/ ��.�„ �� �, �'� � / i&24--o1-7,424 e r7I XrAG&t t -7/ -/ 7/ G y✓ 2b/- Ct ,-) Cc.., __S. c. 17 ,1z1 ass-4o jZ .� - ,?.7 �0/- 2ue 7J cue . S. 6'. 37//9 � te- 4 a 7 e r/"" 4 4.. ....,.,i .QOi 7 � . .e,Jr 5' 3�' ,55 4i e-t_e h' / . > r / , , ! ► / ' 4. /, t> i r c` 2.- v0 t U C. . SC; *ig L - ` -1r7? ( -Lk Qkii-- J J7f- /5;a Z4 �G� 24.1.,.�i� Le u.e . �S.P. 77,/k�� a 7/- VQ Fi ' OtAY4 ! Hai lzu. �-ice S� fir .., k -6 e -) C /'(:)._ kilo, &L., (.. t , i, ? . --)0,---0,, 55-7:- D- 4- 7 J 4— 5S—c rrs U _ � 4 te,2 I/ - II - ; - 14 / 35 , Return to: Citi2ens For Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 i4 A.Li. H 4 I I i, 1 .2 5'd a l% - d la _re... / 01 -". ‘e--c- e'52--7-17/‘7-7f - y /-4,4AOLLN,44,Lit5-3 -- �, 0 S I *C3 -f „ sL , r3 .7- (?._esirt,o. -2/7".ivia_s____ 2_1? , 7/..a_0,i__..,,,,_ 1/444a)1 .- , eh 2 o > >- -A c e s. e ► r z- P.�'.� .1- 9,,,,, ii6,,,,,}-f- if 1r /d_, ,,'/ - 33y 2„,_,,a, ,,g,,,z ,, „ , 4'-..72 7 - -z 7/- 9‘1,3 4// -,}/2-e N < < i 7 - s- -/ 6 y licti).4,.., ( �_-.L.,-"`- -10 r U-....o,.- Cat -e F. ` L/ D_1 L - f 3 i 7 d'eA-10 0, ct-.-�. c.76 1 /./-P- !t-c. -t- >3• . 41- go .2 S S- .2 2 .2 2 0 1 C ( ( / cyr,c: IC 82-9'En_ / )(-4%,(.._.•:.,..._ arr- -a 7 4'. 1774ernelis/,2 7g: /('/4:4Y;f4 -7 / T - -- - , 'jaq a7 / - 764 „r_ii____e. 22-i_,,,_4_e czo r Z",rti---)t. 1-fLet I e°'. it`"/ q c, ,, ,e i; ,..1 • 0 2 7, 0/1“.14 ,1oj -4-n-t-t-;,/ a° - � e / 7 C y , o / (�(u"Cl! t St- / 6 2Z4-- 2 3 7 - ,)o-,t,e,,,, Ci.,v�c,,t l0 i - 7 �56— `f 9 t, ',2"ey/w ,;2 A7r,(2,1 ---- -1: 7y3 7/ -0s---2z ,S1,e-z; Ivhed- (=1- a I 7A/n-,-‘ e ,,6(1' , /1-‘ 6 a 7/__2r.,:. ' V r . 71? ' c/ 0/ )"..3...:, ax, if &--1_*/-2 .. 4, '-- 46 , /' / .<.-,----F-.1 ,Z o/ 2 S. E. /,.) --- vell q121 --- 6 / YA,Pti--rt_ 74A)-( ig ' 4/_ 3 `)-4--r- /e) d 2- 4,14 ---I b- 6(97.9 Coc.v6 „ h >> i ss `- a',- , Fq r 'mm /7 1 , i t . , _ r'% (L___ ‘c 1 / ) 7 t I ) 1 i 1 �yyCv v 16 .. t""( ,C- -S-te I/ h g)d: 1 ' /147,YairVo ( T 0 A /4 , - , , c‘-- -1Z2'7 /b b._ ,,,, ijd ).-v, ....r447c / 1..,c) 4::,,*02 .4", -,0),9-- 0, . c` 0/4 e- /L r '' ' I,, // Y ‘o7i-do-4- - # /49/, ,„ „ 4. ,...-..,......7_,...,7p- �/ y // 1! it 7f g$a26 / We , the undersigned . wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an •adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society. • Renton is not that place . ,.. ) NAME ADDRESS 1-11 - }t CJI, -•.J _ - 22 .._ a.. _ Sp ox..W__,- ___ ._. _.. WI 0;'/LCI;SL _. --4._ cutak- i t- ._- --- .�,/O___...S__-- -.//� -5.7.-._- . .- /Y i ..„(ke.:,/h ,..i . / *,,,,e,_/-(e .rot- -kf-' 4-L- . 1 _ ___ . . - _ ' /4. 4/( ._ /a Si—_.__._ _ _ _ ____ .. ----R-°' 1 - • %-i-zel)__3'3 /7'7'il.,_ gl,f;',.,,- .;Y.e4e,e04';-- 1:,..i /.4.,,f,- /71(76,,,„/ /0 /amide/Li-0 Ai E.- it.,,3--_,„ 9 sio sct _ _r f_ , - --. \DA oa c t 1 o �_T_ _re _ q8bf.5-(p A s azies tea' _ado / wJ 2iiii.; 4fr,_3d-/.1/ 74_jtA4-e_ S-',E .,,,, ref-", 1 ; ,a :I t We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ,Sh4iwh t , x 05- r 14 0 31- i 09' $• ti q ko.cc RETURN TO 517 CPrdnr AvP Sn- , RPnt-nn, W h_ 9$.055 — We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) mqvie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 31--\1,t v4 s &..:Ac),- l -zz7 L , , ALE_ v/r i c). g-c- 2 —{ q 3 ce.42.24 (3i . 2.0,-el / 86i-c"j04,06 Pet e-6, &,„4 /.4,ir Me,gC- EE _ _ �"' �p may+ t C ,•�\ Kl l\ C C/ / '- / r/ ,x': ' S. /i \ )\-1(t,, i . ! ,r ('J c a -<-, �- / Y-3// — / V( /11/ .c E" /e.--r,--�; c7 Po ` . ,.,,J ,T- 1 // ,, , = ,•'.9 � iZer AiY! 4 --Px,;(lr n30om �� Tny( 416 RO n —� ` < <i /7 // _,-. Zr �� 2 7 ? r141,)/w 4 v`P 5, 4A--1Z--j Gv/ti �, SS ��/./ -\af qJ?. _ i- /-w.' .1 ' ,i i".c r��11/l 61 y ( &of f t' ,--14.-: \,/,:\ -D) --q, o el7dinioi-nd _)-eikriztle 1,04 1715? J Lois /t- �� ‘a' - c `4 -+•5-c,-_.) 9 gc) ;L:do1P-.) - R PI-( `-1 6?-1. 0 . .-dd (t) gerOS - la ',-',;,„ i., K/J,),L e Z ,3�7 sees- %/ .vJ., /tia /-' f---- ,?/-/9 . 7 i 60 i• - .1,e.- .S71-, 4/2,44-i-7 •?6,_5-._s- J . ` -,w.- `r . _,,,3 -t„, 8 1 `7 ►V . 1-I-1=`" A f+. 1 1.4 '-F R t r,-{-o i ( i i; w ,36 s. 1 d(x-,1), � Z/M- ?rise' RETURN TO 512 Cedar Ave Sr) , Renrnn, Wash Q8055 — We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we ar in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres withln 1000 feet of any residential area, public park,'-or relgt-ous facility and within one mile of a public or private school. t { r ._NAME .I ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE r • �� i t a �,� ;,� /19 7r7 .�, '' firs S S5' "bq 2\ i Q-Q-- 1(0a0 t 610%,0 44o,-4--te cQ1-tB-0`71 4- , �h 3 ‘ i� .t. 4f 1Xq_ '-e A, t..r-r- z z r7 -v elT ( k) �2 hJ 'I�SZ 0 4_ ni ofb2CO/C „ .SI( NE ACTOK) -..cc 'D ---lei klA 4)4V14/17C--- v°( ` -- _S� . -, C. 9g�i P r"' : g /6i 0. /03222 A, illy '/as S '7l.-02ir r / 1 �'`�..� ` ��-,C,z-vt /66ls- /d 4/C'fl+11. 5 C 5 .'el,,62,11., r o .n.- ass_5,<eau 7/..</Or ,e 2 05 kpar5 iPi 0--pv �Sin 15i SE M__��o__ 7 &-y/e� e,z_,,J ..a,/.Aa 6'00 ' W ii\ c,.(20L.-- 6 7- 76 O o. -6 ------- e .c ,9 z. ,,, , 7z297. e/ 2 j-` // /7,a- /1P-4Ve: - 4(.64; di2V-(3/fd 4 /a tit= �c�e �6 4L-�z-�= g nA- S 3e9 /0 g 7/- So 9/ cLia6 1( . ycs aft c c 0 co4 7-11 ,4 c IL ( iqa Z1b. goo cF+ /e�,d( oe. 2iui GSA 2-,..� ,/,, -/-4( /7 - / ill( ,z, �2ETTIRN TO 517 (:Prlar AvP So , RPntnn_ WaGh 980S5 Vie, the people c. .erned about Renton `° are united '*ai our o z�.., ,� opposition to the establishmTht of pornographic (adult) movie 'theatres at the Renton and Rox on Third Avenue. We feel, that to City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use='''by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3 26 which woullk not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any reidential area, public park, or religious facility and within one` ile of a public or private school. j s \It • NAME ADDHESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 1), '{ k- "j- 2., ?-C I -7`-1 i' 2E C. - ik2:uu--7 c� C.,-,,z j 7/ -,�?2 [ e_ ! i�^ l I � Y ✓ sY� ( SG J I � � am✓ % �v� � _ �o i • 44443 r" /8i2 &lite, alAgle,f( z (,. -E05-) ` L thf oer e,.. 2 s7. 4iii Ci- e 3 ) 2- / ':i! 1 ' - ( — i '-\ -- , - I. ' 7 0 (IA A ' rr- c- (;,' c: 1...'.›,74,4:-, 1,- 1, ,i)„ 1-„, „ (ic,n,:, , __)..2e. ce-- sk_ a, °...ram..._. /j- . '. �___ _ 1 L is"li !fi ii si'ij . Xn a/ r ^ 1 We, the people concerne to the establishment of. about Renton, a , . the Renton and Roxy one rc united to our opposition has the rightpornographic (adult) movie theatres at and weh ari and respcThird Avenue . Wefe in support onsibi feel, that the Cizonin Renton adult theatres within �f Grdlnty to regulate land t�se+by zoning park, or religious fa 1000 feet ofany r area,identialw not public Private school. dility and within one-,Mile of a icblrc NAME E .� public or AtORESS CITY/ZIP PHONE D Ali; S im - - s' l %� Z'� .• • �fw„ , 1F 1 e„- t. psi • • a 1. / ' t i\a/u, . ^ ` \•A y !e' -� 1+:` -)fl - -, ',1r' �"f/ J __ _ ii„.....„,.....L_____________,_____:_ f:-/ . // pg -; _ ---,:,, r Li. ,, 4,- , i- -?,- - ---- • , , A--' t e--7 "fs,_ 1 p?--frio R--r. FTITRT,T Tn n , We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE • -��,�. -°-el t /o G /* ,.Sr3/)/3 3 ___ ,.-e(f-,z4,,i -ct -..eZ:-->o &/ ,axie-ylAtc,p6 (X) 7.0)VZ o . a5-s-}-/7 ''.7_,7,./.. . . /y ‘/,- "h. .4-0a/9 Ai/2e_ _ /063 -az . XL,e.ee,,e- 07 6 3 ii(yyp,y^-ti Q^-e )/- 1 �_ 04. 2/01J--061-dC24, • t P. 71 / is-o",`f 5-743. _Ts s' C,. 44,,-( gar a):1)-4,( 1-- (04-4444441 GS-6 V 4 oir4 Si J(k) LiAmA4,0 -7-25— s--0 .9._. a. ,u_ ', /e 1c3 A o ,' £- Z aS�-/�; � ,- / Z l/i 6 14 pi- - -- -&61?-_4 � 224 ' a 9v/ -43/, . --) ._3,--F4..cf ) z° ' - uJ /9 dA ct.‘2h q 3"' 7-'154'3 4",, Yze)--f% '24 •7Id 1st 111"v(1-:Q( tea- rill"b3— & T 10 /V/cc'.S 6✓ s 21- j 1 it I ' ' Q,O L R 24/ se H e u/A 7 i 'r AlI A , !,rat, s. 1 ti '7 ° . , t, . ' 6 , - <as'56 .�' gad i Pis i. 1 �, o Qev$s 2 -77c .3 —" "' �.� f'72- S5 r f c 7 -2 j SifeMt J _-cy � - G,�/ 9S V IY) re,/ ?c sh 9 -,.c ,`1 4r 75 3 n-i4t711 Q ��9� U ��(� ,7 anal) Z laa'f9i 7/p py 417);Aildhl 001 a sS-9-P-e oi9o)b (1-e• 9L1 o A►'qg'1/4•J'9 ?199 Q 0246 C'-•,9D -acE) C' -� (gyp ( edio .11* 4z -1.?zo ?ai44 -#7?-014-7/D4 OS Q 4)- ec pbi 19A W 'T S U+bL Sea )0tAmoi2V 1 V))(a IDS f'' ryrw E-L7.16yri) -92217), A"' E y e21 -1/47/ ,N_A7 6 /`yornoh-j 07 0/G� Q vi7:) We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. /0 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE cote eo %? /(, ,11cuir-- goe c� 8 i �8e�s6 , s5-alC 1 d-,,l-Cla,,,... l �!/r r.,-�" /G/ /0.� /.?''.ti -�, e.,/,,,, ,, ,,,,CAS �' -,- ,.Z-:�-1 � :2,2 C- y 06 y' e.„„t,.,-,, if-- 3 53 3 iU 1r /4 7-4 St /1► 6 i Tom F , E� c ,L, ) --'' cufru, 7) "Yl ,7J ate.,k a 91(03) c35-1-2A99 D Lies-�/e- M. i LLee4.L 4/736 S. /61/ Seat/Le. 927//,f S/3-e6/0 AL/z/4 5 - i1/4-:,-- )1E 2 -2e, 2-2- 3 ..'7/ ,g sv , /4 7 rc_e- ja/ve k7 /-66c) .1 ‘.12. (k • E/X(1,Y-)' ktoli- - 141.% --,(fritt,e CL I y4 3 e r i{- i s/t4a ra is /0'/S - ri qL S w c_tat-ru e y0, e W .2 y," -.--/ 21 ,A P g L o 2D A,_) .1 TO r -DA`r b ry C77 1.) q ii'C610 23 S- 3 11h3 Zi9/2.07iVZ14,1C441-74/14547dt/ y.vsG �� /3 L q".f- jam.;-i,z 9 1/ d' ,Z 3/.3 3 11/1212j7J12_,/1- i(� �7 //) ,1,1.(_ ) c ) 9e& :6-- —,49 4 A(.(4:4 , t3I .�:� /3� e i / g,�/ C 2 �3.. �s_ -7,4 fltL Phil gcl-cI --u . .5.w. . , rda_Ki136 93c M-311- 1r-a 1, "le /3c// / A a„,.. y & //�. i/ '/d-nf'S zY (r:.'.`.:f-/,,,,/ iLic. e.- 34/ `t,,et -., A il. i-c /tip S6Fi6r,C j ,7/-514 kcg_C_. /41 :,( / RETURN TO 9'i2 rerlar AvP SC) , Ren tnn, Wa Gh Q805.5 _ WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MATTE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RE 1TON THAT WE. ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRE:i SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. i St. �1 t�ram - 4 AP lJ p SS ;(° -/ + _- �' " ? j. 75? = vim--4 .� Z, I . Gzh_ `/.fir. --is-.--,-*. . _%� , 15- 3 ? 0 7 e� 1.z .. 4,. . . 3 if0 r 1 44- 41.J _,y�a�sA _- 04e-przffil'. - /4444-;:1-.171' )1.°e' II ji-C -1-5. -7,7Z-1/'14( i*'--f--A".:XT 1C-(1.17 "-111--- : 1 t7-,<-,- -k--i&C i 44. 1; . I. r',a-z_. _ �.._� soya it '_._ . /e".4•41, cep41. ç/4it . It. .,.,.•' ,, ' - 1Z_e, _ i7k�'i /r- L.y: ,d:e _ 1P.� q ,, . ui 1. (t __ �L _ _.._ / /_5-ri : '/0 /&- ?-. > .52 - . \_ 4,j_,er--(' _ _ __ ._C.--- _ _______ _ _____ (1,..202-//:(1rie/ce! ,.. t_ C-ie-i e, . .12Zi-ek--.!.,,-.•.".(211 7q.C12--v\-A-e ,-.— ___5ti;_.5-' _--:j -2.,i1 1\i XI) , ,,l-c,, i - , `; r !' IZA"..,eca //k 3 6/ Sc: 21y ' /6;-- COX 4*--- 1 A.-/V--- ....._ .,0 .t../4iC.L/2f..(td).... . ..4 , . - , 4., .(2.,,,it,„__________ ,i, - .. 1.,2..Q.122,____ i.:1„,z.-,- -- ± -/' ( 3 r,- 7 ti�� r 1,1V- e‹...,.4, . .-- ' :---4;7.2:LciZzot9et_ /6 07 — /Ire 4444, 6: _____, - -- - ._. � �_Z c' - /- 3e - .._• , , i I. //' r-- ._... _ ^ _ _ 2/ y2 41E iA, i 4 • -1 m eu P eV e ' T 111114 I A? egl4ibt P..ke 4 mot 1 ri, ,v,. L3,..y ,.- , , 1--t e ( e-,_ G CI —2.„.---t (v.._s, r 1 r- ri --/frr: si,...7- if?,..,, /:, -A,1.a .0111/44INimaraarasa WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE' ARE Siiift THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. - - - tta, F l4f.,,-,-y 1 (9 9 c)`( /4-) 1'4,. tj 4L- S 4 -5.e.iit., e_ NAME ' ADD Re, SS' ''11-- * St � - �O �=- -s--? ; ce2- _.,. I A J. /Ti .f.,.. . A. L . 10� 4 $ / , ' . . • ., , , _ . irr 0 6- - — 1"7; i L I / -.Miran. .fir _ , _ _)✓ i 7� it _.„ _,440, !ik... ___ .. I , C ...-_ I\ ... _ r , • e g4 Li Xe t) ..... ,41-01 • /'Z , . _______Csack\ aricl.c2r3________ ..„ _ . 0-) ...... rns us _ . .e-1. -./.1.......p. s.v.2._ 44:214,44.4,_12._ ..........____ . ...,..a. , ii _ -c.?4/ .AI .r... ir, , 4 41 w I , efaa f _. /3 F3.2 - - .71 i - Z S'4 titArj ; i .6'0-S # ,E* --44.' Will _ ___ _ 200 / 6 - . 3 - E, - ......' . • . ,,c. 74AP.: "...,A... .... i 410, . cf.: A.'......./(i./: /Ai/..: .1''' l _ FlairjaINIFINP 14141 .A.' ' A AA 1 - - Ilr, 4,, - !',3, f=. WRINN . + S ,, .F We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning • and wii are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or roll ious facility and within one mile of a public or Peivats eche o l. ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE .1 /f7-s t v-19 e 2c' 7.3 011/2' /A' , -Arro►) 9865E 27/-7'56 2 J� / /f- r4.2 e /id4.7 te-- ) r 9 6 :j� LCl . L �s Oct O z v ,� � S-S- T. IS �� 4Y,,07_ ,g o/ 4 Ye-as"6' ao 33 37 41. h , 1, h < 6 1 / )410.4 414,1_ :./ LiL`77 ;<'.) 5S�,� j z Z�s—<713 ,sue • 'goo.** j x Jr, • mow +—+.• turn to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 38055 ICe;T{cr», c.a.?, 2f03 ( . ci'IX/ T_a e 1-- We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious fa,e-ility and within one mile of a public or private school. / NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE a 4 tA-4, q- 1-1 S, So-zit-AP 7 ? a - ),le ditee gel.-erf . / z_z - 77- S 77? - Z A .i--le °o- -r-lh-taN l,!/ ,)'- �- Gt/q 2 7 7 7 O � C\SWs _,% 4.441 /ecr73 iu.. /lera. S Azac, Gva. 96 i71 )lp-s7o6- v6,e, ,, 07/ / 'c /(i3 S.E �9 f, 5 2z zs3 g 9 i iv ' LL' / r Qt P S L 77( -0-d 8 . �� :/)d,u�- /// Su/ 6t�. f.4.�il<(�ar /4. iy/-/*)3 . �u PeAkiA/1 d6/I N2, sq.), 44. -(6iy Refitor), Wa .qR"o 27/- 7'-( s.5 Jo. /ate SY- a L(h '.r/6 ii ,3 4//41 /`-(7) 5 et..5 --f Pi f f..s2,4---. C,L-6. 2 ??ex-)7/ J�fru ik /� , /'7g Q. 41,144 on �,7 -3s- 1 Tl Nczc -11-{_'l!(9 (32'.14-LKC, 6miLch-r) (?' .E 6=1\)70U IA - — ---\ vti- 5Y17 5. i/3 ' j-eg.tde_, u.) 77Z"6 l�n slIkk A;c61-, 26ny0 zr. aIG.I t)t/At A y�2 Ii e'- L_ ' .1- u 7 ? - i SG 30 •, S cal 29- g"<•-• I'crt W -C- L'13 / / / '----) c-'4'o S-L7-2/l .//// wgD/ ,7z).?0 (1n Rfr-r A J c-" S- _IC --7c/Tv� —2—Z 6 - ,)-7 3 t / `-- 4.4/� fil-f:AA.A._„-‘7c-1 w /5.7, 3 e : �c�.--ram /47 /2..e.„, — oP 5 S -- �'C 2' �C_ Us-PL..`� ( 2 zc: - 3G"7`( ����ti�-- �; 1 �S(S �'���e w�Sao� l .7 7a-vas- � � r z-L1D a. D 1 .69- ia6-tL f&O /vAt e?5i7 ' 7 7c)-c,Yq c. C.G�F') 1.. /r , - OP. c5. ��ra lth ( L 4 /-7 g �'v ,, A c 9e 05 6 a - /gsc We, the people concerned about Renton. are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area. public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ,NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE / , t l 3- , ill 4 55 - A a4 • C�, --ocky /7c cl IL/J.4(W 3E d6 3� i e t 9 g031 9&c 3 t-6/7 l b "- r-f-iO (*E 1 i9 4-Pt # /5 HEM c7T0 a - 0a� r //)� n�5� �y ��� ///% A e )Zoe ()'). 5 .= b - h q k. 2-2 '- p\\\ at A k-- ).t t.L P.e./14A—c/ c ..�.c a-- tap �4 cv.. 7 2A' _, , /3 �/D f �ti -4/ 21 , ) 2 4- 4-(-;-;4 /4 i 7 g,2 i 7, yacLeic3":-- ".e_,-de.--,1 ' Oe.ef.:5-6 .),5-s-yo-px .-- //// i sz? r }Lj�� • • • turn to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 r-.:74 // We, the people concerned about Renton. are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park. or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. X NAME _ ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 2) I / ` ✓..,,, ,I ! ?,£ s u l Azt.c,„,24,,a...-- Q,v 72.2../ -K, 'pv, 7 -7-?"- -.` 63)..../illilliiiir 5—0 ( 4, 4-Aet-,-g_ &- _ -)il 41) lq&Ive;r- - V t 6-3-- 7 7, --,D-2-3 i s .... _....coa, .a _gf., e,-, i .,/ Zt . r %►f '` "-.� - � 1zz rO 76 — �0 .0 `f��� �72 s 3z? > , /,_% y' ,,Ze., 77=� 73 7/ i Je4,--,/4_,i �� � ,_ 1.)/„.._ -�7 X-7L oli . 4 QQ (oo�Y 5o t�Zz�. �� . 12.,..Yzt% 9.:P1e -,7-6oQi'/7) 1/r, / 210PX . C5;1‘6S73 • :turn to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 ( � ./ - 5i/i-- e -/6477j-t-/C. ., .'1-' 3-Yevi We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet t of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. C7 j....„. 2NAN.E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE v�,c '� C�37� s aA.e 2 i 34 So CvcAmQ, Ificomq 9aas— Z 7- Zvi// i,. . : ' -7 / / -77/5-- l -Vf) -e. _,,./7 7, 7. 7_5 9' 'g/ .e( /9.20�•9�.y C. Co/ 4/1/76wo/1_ 9k�36 7 ,-s'v?V�- j/, / / _.,..,_ `/ .-- .atc., ‘...- -i',v- s- ... ,,,-, b1/__A ,s3-J (-(zy z D 2‘,S l' .10-* --7 1 \•:_ A AiricOLZ(14)(L,r.-3,59--i—\--- -7 (,_,�� NegTh — ( � WA9r`� �, 7373 1 __> . ' ' Ater': __7 , •-.1,,,),,, ,? _/‘7g gZ:;---2;-rrs,sz'---7i-:—ge--ta_, 5::54 62' . 4 is 0 co Cc G 7 0-)— C, 7S st To( c c)✓L t a (.(Ja.-.50 Mcl (3);j • `5j let I�'Jl /) / 0 turn to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton , WA 98055 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton L has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ' and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 11.1 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE rr,Al 61-i4 ?030 Sew 20 PA(zIA 4v s ,$ 30.4- AgAcr w qn/K. i.)&5:eets_y _'y/(o 49 S 0) -V_Jt f foo - - ,a S _ l ) ta______) _qa_5±,-- _ ---) . J :c ‹Wgc) 41 74)1 )0-LL., \V) i 4 G d 1-9d 11 N.t 136z €; aiet 4 , 9 3'o / J • p ARD P S C 4 LZO I q D S o , f)-EA-R$5 RP S'T, S EE1LE) wA 3 __ '© 75. /fa -r,if c TL ), o 1/ • 7. If/ rw . zii?" - //,// /"?4', -2 ZL• G - ter%i�!�,/,-// (�f)G�d. �"/L'5‘ ��5/l7 y r'qU� 1 7 r i, l 1 /i/z s- -- & 4 9(0 cj?fzcL s-S=//6 fl .,:, , d �/_ ,,, Ae / .-_._ _. . , G2S ._.7 dS i0--Ai- ji,,j I' • ....._ .___ _ _______ , —7 - -- ----. ___ - 35-r7 WE V ..._SYT-- )',;,,, . ki) w6S-z,-?.s.LE •,_,6. �\ ,,_ v, , - ->C j y/, - t� ( 1� (% l "{3 . 217 3 - ' \ CVO { ` e. 1) t . 1 , c c N ° tc G I L( c cf_il. < < i C ' l k ; r r 1 ::'T:? (2- -13e!,A,' ,i)te-V,1 (4.:.)2., SE ( II" ?.(s. i ' • 74 ems = yam.-. f /lam - -cam ,,,., � �y 2_7 '<) i ' r • ri - [ ... -/-. 06L turn to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. Y_.---;) NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE s , %i31) ' a-.o P., S-0, �, `77 Q, _44 l„ I,---."-- .__Ia ILku _ sF PTAAA--M41,, 0 9 S 6 a° /1 fie. t 2 - 9,659 joLti, a , /dog 3 sE a7 D- Kam- G am - s7 o ,_41/7 ,e4)`1 . t..,kei_rt a 4_, , j_)7/ a /33 ni 2-e , .(,,2„,, 63( -64 1 /.0 al e', � .", 3 4166-- 7 f/CSC he n/ 631 qb 3 )- k41-t- O© 3 .d/ 27 Z 3 - /OYYoec SS- (t P. S@a r 77 / Z7 7Z k6`) /26 M r /-6.r-yI /3.39 /9/ 11ve 5. E. �e .� .�/- 9/7/"in ,,092 4041_04 141)t, ifil ff( kviiiib-x_ 277 k V5/ l(Pca`i S� /35 -2 Pa4,i . aa6� geeo.3 O(kL- d, -/-noac6 / (c - ( . 6 v .g-L • fii/j (97/ -313� 07/,,t_OS. ,/. .-,--A,, /S /7 /77 QJ/ l ?��. ) `1. --_ -69/ 444tr (0, dJ 7c7 J2 /c /?(5 7L mil l7 -/24 . 0,Wt,i ,/3a 7 sue. /d soav �4/1 e,2r ,,___ 9.3o-790 3 / . 67( . IlawnR4,7-7,---e-4-- /(4,4-,. � e98i78 1v13 7.-444_,- a4-14 / -,Z..,,,s7 I/2 ,A-s e bV,zliga--<_-EZ6. ..c-'dY 4,4„ 'Au-4 01 c, -X)7707, 7 a-`-t( S, S ) ,KIN ®, ,� a ,p,; 6'_. stik. v\i, qg-i-)_, RETURN TO 5R? Cedar Ave 4n RPnt-nn W- 9Rnss • We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton , ' i has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or / private school. // ! ro NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE J //8&�/ cS 7 / - kr n ��) 1 2l. q / 60/-9`S4 / 3o5 :,(--�-.3 f2u,-4-1)), Igo_51 (0— 1'2'7)1 u , c76 s '7434cP W._k,&? Av3 / ,a!c - i a S) 5 .Z/ ii° c - -,q/?3 I, y 0.5. sap vi�, `',� >- / '. 2e-eA,1/ i ,0� _-�f i' �.�-�Dt. . "_ Ae /033 ^ / ',e.,,...f8-n- 9e0S"5-- 6 - 6// L 1P/Jl c./LN()r/ „i i/ &# 47,,,t. ti/��eofim., ) /,?po / ,1. 7 T,dyz., 9�oc c ‘-5 Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton , WA 98055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 532 , Ceda..- R-ve. a 5.) Revvi-o.1 9$OSS NAME _____C___ ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ /F21-3 -/3-o•S-6- lapt2,5,- — 96f7(;--2- -24-S---?se-Y,, e,►' a753 - /3o-4 SE 1e, ,,, vuss z7/-/ ys� a 76 6 /.3o'/( O -e 6o6-3- 2Z6-i57y ' G-L eb-- i — l k n iu_lhei, / 076:e (.5d -Sg--- emab voss 7/75 Da' /3 75 i/-/ 9 s-c le,�,,� �i�ftss- .)�6 -57�/9 /% //75V- /Jo7( sr' xP - 9,osS' 0-2-6 s iz/ I We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. (R ) NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE )4e.LcB p i 1730/ S. z. jt9 ..4'7 9I 5 , m2-Sa/8 ,itzr11 //i,,( ,0 /7��Y s6-- /x3 4,,,,,zen,71,0.5-,6 z 2 --- ----6 o 2 9 . 0141-0,.(. 1 -i 1 a- itiVEGeSE `` aa..c., -" //s 7?i try df'r - / ,,,7,-)., Yrr 5-r .9,,2 C- <L/S--_ / Roa..e, kcm69Van /6/136 se--- 131)Tk & n *s6 027/ - 2 ? 7' 1Y ec,g,;,,6 7°9 44, 16,0,a „Awe. .9',e if/6 f.9.,?- Y/ ,fit<J.,2..? 7e 9 5,jgicize-- ed-titee_4407/6 y3 y G/(/ r. r A .AA,) '31'ilMc 15(03 5e 11 5,Ai 15.0 k,t , 9 / Y-7 -,27J A t /1 L 0') 5C. ' • 9kv 6. -773/ • - •g(-.P /?O / S_ /(/ fL J 9Y655 as5-1sla ,,,,e,_ 7,(-7-- / -233-,, .4 /47(/ ': "2,,,,,ii_N tt,4,A-0,--60, 2_16 oo d 7 G, zzi 1733 3 Ste' / yc) /1t �1 -� 4.%- k �/ti7,4 I f l � 7oo �z‘2 7,/ 4% r3/ G s 7(1)`7vi / 7 3 0/ 5 E. /49f� -- r f& A: �d.. a irar ig tALc..,/ /f475i/737 E. Itqwta q 7ffs4 2,4-960 �.�f C 1,a-y, /i/eies c.f /2/ -,4c�� �- �'d'i C -.,77rl8-.3s RETURN TO 512 CPCTIIY AvP Sn_ , RPn t-nn, Wa sh 980_5 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic ( adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 1 NAME ADDRESS _ - CITY/ZIP PHONE /p,.. .z,,, 4 / /ie,pi_e_e_c_ s6,0 7//7_, _ /,/ ,J ,_.5.-- d..2 ,2P,P )7 _ -i __ /y 9. . 98'c>l 7 )37‘fee-i-,- - , a_.7,/,,,,,--. Arlocs- 4/..r 7-74151 . _zo_e,,,,i4"/q-e-o-D-7 t 4,. /d -r ,, AS—l o // ? C� e 'S• /kSZ_.Q,¢_.,.c_c.A-4-2 G -7f 1 o4Che .,/",-. v o // 5 S - S-T— (�� c�,, A _ W _ram Y.,.�i2..(.:. E _ 11)d -- Sys 7, 77 E-• t u -tee_ , 21 7 0 s ,a, -t_Az I) -Ig . .,,.., _:?,:-.) 7 o c) ,. . . "Pilit. 2e f. 9 b' , ,::)7] , _ le-406,- F,. Ja.t, ea- /i)„_ _.;,7i/&.3:,'\ k-''-;.A. 4. L,1_i 0, qg-00 LLJJ ,,,, ° \ - /.5 7 S 6aaz.t, 4 ` i4&-�{<-c_, Z - o.l „(' / �, {i t e/�,.i._'---- `'Q '� i., c - . (6(, , ,'fir �'�--z. ` — "—A-0 /11' ‘, 766 - te 5-t tt P 1 AfiE_ IT a c 1-i.ce e-a `1-if--6 6---)--— 7 J . .�.q...._ n 1 g •a- q ig V: .S c5. E 9 v f AI-L,,jL, j )\;,.4_" 51-5-k_ 2 Z /,.)..,_ /Ai ; - k.ac G..c - • `1 ' c G . -',2.,, . 7'. _ c '. / 3,S-` /�zsq S — e"C:-,,-. i �l s; �- ,Z / /t 1. /al /3 -V 5:a-• /0 7��va e 4 Pfeap- y.„6.L.7.,-_,____I , / 7 / . .:, —22.__ICer of' '1 (Jig► _ .,( /5tia - /37) eidzz. _ t"l4 ifg�3 , ' -6,2.t L y-- ,e--- /vc/�/ y_e, Wiz ` 1 ' " ' - ,g o0/ ..... .....12e-A--79-f-' ( ;;:-.-, .a6 Fr- I 2/--, „ -- ,-- , at-e_a_-___V _-c-e--e. - ,91,?() u -7,-,-' , - 1,' 2-.4 f s=- /70 se. ;7-e;;._,. . "' 4,e/ ,!,,,,,, . 77,t," 7 )-.,2 2_ z _A-L Vii/( o �� � ��:�"Z G� 4>e; ----. Jf`a Ste. We , the people concerned about Renton, sare united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ..)._.1i) NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE X'2) : )/) 1(L.L e6r 7 3 o ,,-D 2±-4 ..,)) cir6----,- _.12/- /22_ , J f�c a.7'-- 7 77 41-ti4-1-4A<:1-&14 "71- /a73=4° fl'ocyd 7 '7-a,7ez 01, ,.,_ 573e a ail,e 4 5 Ygoo 4.7/gs7 1 r 1--ck.A 1 C JCry 18 2 _.3 G Gnu" Q ve S # q ( Z. I o-k ) � 22/ "4 Le ot--//), )28cc z 'a u_.*--1 .-0--- 0-eire..1-0,---.0 14 tt 03 S. 4fo -SS. i j/ 9-drdd 6 /4 4-,„., [19 33 r. 62Oft li-i'¢v,/ W g ) `170 a 4 -?-v r- Ai c__e.. — S_ el ,.6 ' I ! q `t t u-- Si ra itif54:- ft;''3d4— - - ' IAA 9 ScokD CO-& C ;r/livt- t-510Z) .-//q1l1 ,4e,'-*"17 1/ 4 .fie-ri`i-tz, '-Wet. 9 &ae,,6 235 - z . S , . 1 e.,,e. 7,6 . - S. c d —7 2-&55er Lae, ‘4 4. 9 L. i„ 4 . s AO- Lock 4 vet, i iitc. iLen,(4-Se-,.i 7 3 25---I S. r 1- S' 1;--- , ;2 V e--5.1,; 4,_.f...2ei_. /j // S- /A74.O" . jc��,.?,.} Leit . aSs i/ ,7 1 ,B,,,,i,d) ce3a. Jocc. fo—P-s.7-- ko,,i7--„, ,,uck fto.‘6 -Ili 97 A/Ti,d _„ "' . °•if.: 1 , ; wJAIC:sfrA. 104"7"il" /,,V,,AS 4Y-icd s.G�'�_ JA:,.�il./.. rl' 9/).J� , We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. (4 NAVE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP no S-5- PHONE , 42) iiij— 5, 4 zf, S+ -R...t.4sTNAk. z- 5-5-- a, vy 11,24, As3z- 15-64-k-e-?-- 5.f's 614-« b lA zz( -4n ti 1J // 9 3 F 40 ( _ ?ea ne 6, y/ - ks� Y? , . ‘9,-,:4,0)„,, tt,, , 67:7 ,,, _ -,6-7,,,,i,<,,, - -- Iv � > • • • A471. iA _-) 4-2P 41-1:-.4r1„'. -se::- 11/w w 1 - r--.7 �f-.-260�7/)M' 9 .1(nJ `7 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 4 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE r04Ci.-n Xrpe-6,tet -J Yyd0 S E :. PL eG.-7 '7.Y� S .zzt bd� , a CO f, i if it/, ' <;' v f d e-N Uh. 9yi c 5' - .2,7/ f/i`/ • Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private schools? NAME `` ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 114 ii C G• 1 /7O1 /,11 4 d(1 GJ fay y / `'V19.- ?..Z SI5/1 • Return tn: C i t i zens fora Quality Community 532 Cedar So. Renton_ WA 9.8055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE Y/X: /> y #1 r% ys9a5-3- 5`s-7Y r F F We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religiou -f ility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 721a4It 13.s'-49_ 11 s . r • Vhe4a /13/'II1 z --"q7C-4 / kOliplf9 ► ass-�� . G' ii3. 4 q — g s_kg ,G 7/ ►�� 7tas 5 2?/ //69 I RF.TTTRN TO 519 CPri r Ava_ Cn_ _ Rantnn _ [;a qv) ,,,I55 (I?) We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning !,+ and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow \ adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE � ,, �� ��-✓ // io /‘ �,. 30/ /LIZA• (,(_4-• • 7 (4)S- Por, Awc_i7 A /61`. /A s ,c2� * ?ems-76_ / /a_ u.,.., r 3/ Z 6 -1/Ic7c 11(4) .aJ /6 1--)(3.i,l6cf to)a v5/) -1 PI, %,(\tz\n wzu a -i6F9 rt-e-friz_ga* /0016-74. (t/a_ .10(11 tA) Q0-41-\ v ►,Db AuF SC. /y i Lc), z 2,6 --c2 �. � � •s�� ( 2f�-(0 //-7?ri- 5c -fit L, }2 i GL_ /3:572 3zs - 721 xL--/ter L.522._4,c, RETTTRN TO 917 CP(la r AvP Co Rentnn WA eh 9$O55 __ We , the .people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow . adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE /6,2,-y-vi,,,a 9' .L.4.4_, I't i GO r cr„..,. 1-7,,,_, 2,/E ,I. e_.16,,,f_., U 2a . rf,,i,i., - . 5 5- le- A 0-6 ,1-eiv-- ,, 2)„...,0-C, i,o-K. �. A,,,,� 27 5.F — 4(-6/11,..,_ 9?. / t._,Ne.ta.r o2 -7 o -/.lJi r, /y7 (4.1._, ,.6.. . e_&c 9,,A / v 7 -7 7 A4"Ic.., <„�� ›... 1 /;- , (2.0.4....tee„., A i g II/9 q i 6 i7L• Ili) li wit .,2 2 //.3_.5 ,2/,,o . k 7A, ate_ a . 4t ti r 1 _ _RETURN TO 419 (;pdnr Ave_ Sn , Rnnrnn, GMgh Q8055 vaa.",,hez cErizedareapi -c---ire...terr) ..5- 44`tio 4e-a-l° + 'AP-edite,/). CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY �,1gr r, ,� �t��e , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition yr to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at 4r the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by 7 zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. �,1 NAME ADDRESS / CITY/ZIP PHONE ei G < 9 e_, - 2 '- 7 414- V, a c,-itZ t 9 e/6 r Z z i 26j1 s /37. 2 As / y )?<) 5'53-- ' AIL-4e / p �,_21 Cl\✓c'o z 2A , 4,a- 3n 226 e/ . _,z . 91/Si 4rd...e., / yocI le .t f4= /4e. 9(Pa,)-)- v G • -i �2ea\ . 2- itiEJAUA abdied-&1 C/L.J ,( 1, . Y ,I.c,t34 „I 11 -7c"Xv ( ; _4.6_9.. ' ,,i , -"15 itt,di the . 30 )cy t u.)>9 -,--/1 Tv 5- e, Tiu c,,,,. 8 r 7 i og SC, —84-Q.ert ►z-.ci , L.,o , l3 7 -a 3 d S,4) .4 .. %4-' � SJ? '0 2 3 N rev,Aue, S �7 / S' Y7) )ec''PAI i'Gr4 file./L," I,)A bri-W1.44 lo9oe /1131 41. til ,4-7-1V Zi. 731-Bey8 /2 /s r<<2 r: ��. --4- �—•—• / / i /i /V Ll'� I.%._ J Z. /e'�f 7- ,25 e f/.� &E.-vi.,42_,2&f5 ,2 - 01- `: ibolvjec 21-),-7 „: (1k>Q i1, . 96mt 0,1 a ikkpin q L,6 1.-s2- 9,n7 a" e-- -:. -Plc ii-2-4?L,5-/Skti4( >,,.J240..4te7,e_4Plif _Ve ' ej,',/ / 1-- ,S--41. / C 41 —11-52-j- ( . , 1' .4. 1 Pr /0 C TA° crcji(i.f ‘C 1: ‘ -` re`-‘-.- (1 Q llo6ad -o2la S$k . g8766 . N1 /' .'O / c--Z "l ( .7.I._,v'" A s/J r, _ ikiLKI CIrI; 9.'S rs.S" We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue .' We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE R ha 6„Muww (9%/q '49 e S,�, rex VO56 .27/-0-0 y o -e qi G _3 620,./.14,44,t,-)11 ./�.uciz-, X/.?f oS6 /Vj i%f v /fc,,, 4,7 Re0.1-C 7/-el76e i_f_ s_ Igo </,/ 5 f /a-X gi,,10r... W a--,c 9ef°56 255 -3534 C-ty _/__c s.Q9 r_t(.0( 12 a)q, 3 Y,;e-S4 '11-)-&t, ei,.., f' ..°J2 c,/, Aim_o-,..,i- Ck-t.,4 )1 7: AL-.47-c-k.,I Q'o<i-t,-- F,r,1.--6 -7 /gig. 3q Z ate. q eA �a0 /( p�yl Cv14- liko a 3�&/ e 02-23 05 SE 7 671* . Cc�� 9��? • qg o� ,t,•71-v-iel---rel--- i Zer V /Salt f / ia.1 PC2.0 dilA24-Ge-12.-.6, . 9:ea-yr b .4 i oZ )l 1-D O/ ....5 6Q 3I��)Si fAoa1 tch. , ,,7-2/e--ziz&.e..es cre yTt./J�� a-4).&4. S,e) . � �>7��/ .37,1 42 ,/ r,-4 elk c- Pr- ..1>61 . c. r ,l'��z7 -3r2 -367/ a3s i Ave. 4/ ' ,Q,,I.,.g.(:.., - 7ea,-,77 ..38-54,-s si _ ) 14nf SE, )i3 , cfi Rim R. 15o5G u. Jr, .4) c. m - u)-\ la-Ism 5 a 1 b 4-1 }-1141 rN \Jo\- q31.5S 1311 C/./YVL --6 • • 06/14,-/...;) , , Cit. eitt, i..„, ..,,,.., „f_..„,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,-4_4,.......,/ , -3 6(3— ". X-Z.-. Jef-edice-frt) Ati -_ r. /reipka ..z/ b-- 2,-), Li.14x . .2..z 5 E 5 P..� -,e qgo.2. 7 37 z--c:.s f r 2, �l � _ , 3 / ) 7,' o 2 de f v . �g9 "-- -72‘"'""r—i-- ' _ / , e /ii te ce . 3`-21 ' RFTTTRN TO 519 CPdar AvP So_ , Rentnn, Wa Gh_ 98055 _ — We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic;,(adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. r NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ✓ �m v_;LL;c naz,- ,i�t i (5E ' 3a {o� gDS-1, L(e)(71,k S' - 1 1("t^ A--- 9 8o J—C9 .-zz 6-q-)Y7 G ' 7#` An (.5o 5 As it 3 3c:�(,= CreM 6 A3 y 9 Y,vv 4 6a7" o iv • wA 7vos 2sS rrrTtry TO c T c., t ,. ‘.,,, c , r .... ., T.1. .1 noncs -w.w 7a 41/, i ,s' Ad.5a 4/ We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE L J �/6 7/- s.F yo3 s!- .civvtiie..-1- ►4w Y_s-.s_d-s_ /52./- Ws'five ,E /k-LLEVUE 74?- SS6,4- . •% - �/ v..i, .z - _ .s ,f-,�s 5-.c&F-4.,3r " z�/�z 76 d W1:L 4 '9(4 .c .? 7.ii,7 B-Zoi 11 EN T 8S41 -79 /4 )4.4- �� Ds2D SE �3 pz_. yee N j 7.S 51-- 3/2.3 s cavw ...._ ir-ilve} Rr9/, STsw Sea ilk °931-6 4 7I (L IZ,-d-6-0--. 7?6 s- 174 6 JI- -I, 54/, woe ti 9 8/34 9 3 z -0b y s We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. , ' 1 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE Z 3?v s /cevk SE - , l eo 3 ( 2--14-7Z , •-•ii----/r:- .4 ///¢ Se Z/ srR. / t� 0.9 p.5-3" ,7/-D 9S'2_ 4-f - - -,2J(J Y *S' W_ ria(S v —,/ 4T /4- 4L44), ?./o-e-/_.• iejtt,. igipa niii ,/ jat24.4 V4S-6- 4(4' .--,c cz-14-c...-4,42-4..., _56) _7 ./7L----- te5 -44 Pe_.70-E., C --,---P d .„,1—/1 tr ..e.--e..-- -- c...- U 6 i g 1(1. 5z: t= '6'19 ai:)..a---,7. -- ,P Pe, --c/Lc 47" .— t1�/� Fr( Q.A) / �, (A)7 96 � - 7o 75— C' - ,//fe; 86,5 24_ o t4 ' 2 r�./.1r 1e /37l CS4M Aiiiia . 460 - „ke,,h /cs, 90/ .21/209: // Val& - gl _r_, i, . 1././4-x. ie-,5-:-- ait-e4eie&_,,e)at,e. )1 2 g,,,,,7efitoeye50:-‘, 2-b- ---3/7) Z131r S_ iQG /fir� (/ ��' �'s 432- 'for u;etT,,V 4,,e2 - / 9,2 l' '07i u'_ Pce4 _%-I�2- y„ 9eas-s— .2•Z‘ B-/yell t dOt4katiale_ /bl /1&c�iJ/,/J Ave. 'Jr 1n rn giOsb , 71 -34110 �, ,/ I I I •. !! r r! • ()tit `L 1t1 G � --v J ' � (-41 i is k ki Fill, ,r 7 ,44„lii eit, /6 iib S73.aw;)Ls1 -� 5---/& e / 3 3-89, 3i We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton x has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE C oe 2?7 '7 a 425`"- /40e. S.£ - y.°Furi. g30.5to 02 7/-41/3 sa "'`^ 411 1111.(4^^7 7 4, 1 Z- I Z c-+h Ala- SE le a r,-)-a w 7&v S t �7 l —tr r 1 i 1 !✓0-(.t -01: /2 5/j 4) 13C C i i tmZ 1 n 7'XO 3 3 �z-/- zrD 3 �L • ,„C S� -le 1 - / ✓G Lam' i2 — / 2 7 w 6 / o C 7 )1/1144,t,,,,,,, . .4.,. 1a/5 o 1,/ - 12ou a FI 6, - d, C ,r12.._ /as 5 ) c''2d iet 2(ro,5-6 .2a/, --o/r - /9 J2-"-t- • - 4 J1 .,)60/ 7ctCc ,e-S 0'0S " ��j.- a1, 0. s , S 8// - /// (t.v, 6 f - &e ,t__ y 800 62 '-46(7.2), 2 r ( 7o r 5 -- .�-ti-� LMe- S c _ , -n , V S os-s- 6- o. r) 6 v,3,5 /.- 4e., sre, SeiFefitu 1 Fro-6 7V7-3e1 e 7 ,___A..., , i+ 103 - (5,4tbi. cs4, seeex„,k_. 7 0-D 4t-qPii . . t4 , i aav /'s�0 3 4 e . 4 4, e & e ., %to e j• 7 6 -41 L d -- 24 Sc J-c —13sy-iv/sl • �' `1 6V/ -0338 14 -� ,z "Lz _ „27y1 /4/ ST 4., ,f y R 1 a. ti 9 306 6 4-/ - -y ._ t%,`- 3,,k-eiti J n A 'r 70/ 5c /-e2 _, ,( tt P r- _ce--0--ecti C81 1 d 7 7;7-Y225 ( D '7'11, -/2,7 ,h PI . ` .C. 'CZ.%m e��� 5_-) , 1I --QM() .1-1 %"te, 1 ,-)2 24 �!/0, „cisG/ ie.0Z-- { /'�c? t/- L i evs- 7 fee' - e/1, V 5 30 ( / 5-44 / S y4Fooi• by/- g/9 f , LAZ. 4\2... Return to: Citizens For a Quality Con nunity, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 6s nak 3 c04..c, I Qte- , eI 4r7 S A1��..T I CITIZENS FOR A QUALITY COMMUNITY 4te//4t ,;e , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by 7 zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 2� NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 1 id),6 i4t) yA,ect a. .;2‘.0/ 6-7t,a7 keeio4L -4. - --.4).)-e 22 6-236S / ' A.. 77� 5d4 6.-,8--04..t-' /i'a 3 42o td- l; .1_ 4( aiD-6- ,SS--.), 3Q.d4, 2/- cyder. J(r it ./ / ID4-4i/A-C AzfrA d t-d4 5620,,,..C;-, .55--7<r33 r� o — 7 . - - s--2-- .i' 2 y;/ A,e2 .,ZZ' ''i - Y ç7W1/1O71 6,Sir) )a�� �GU ��fa q k//7 _icT /w6' ' AsZ J ,/'tt56 E (9-0/L) e f,Jc 9goj3c3ls__ 1),�Iine,� ,o/O enlace EL a Ft I 1 al* 5.c_. TZ.Q,14 n C 44 ' /3- /cc 9 ' a ,.i ." 9efaoa '&kJ - , ?q 7- /7 7 c . ' -vu- / L��t Ff�P MI- iii c i) . a(e ( --- /7/,d" t S•E, j id 0 .S c- ,&i( SO' '41 4 .- o�7d cLL4 /1/1- ' IA . - 9 eS 3) 7 2 yam, V-49.. „.__, � 97o,s ' _(s/4 /1/E' 7,f f? , gedqP '/ ,>/:( / , -7 G 4//'-17/Si "4 7/Pi. .Zi/2,(1,1 ? G /_ m /� ,r- , - / > _ �19wOr-Air �- e cZ4-;L-// // , z / /,5r/ ``- Vi, 1'1 i-, --- ..._ ,. . _t _ . , ,' ,- ,--- -, a A„a c,_ . ' .2,.,,4,-.._: 92n�<" We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE S ,-- C i s. , Q. VF divaY- %' • (4,41441d119 e8' 771 7' .,/ ����, Mt . ,& 6 /dr, - -9,1• 6 d7/-�77 - 1.-1 19G�b /4ozv S 1���-- 9�d,-� � / Tv `"' ,cam 4 0-. r,(/ . ,3 /ad S'gal if-4 11X, S-li c-� ,� io./ ss,lltdelttA/4u4 ,v�. ElAc-70,c/ 40if9, 'CDs Z7 / _ �,t, i,..e... co /3 6 0- Gk3E 9sos-6 _azi-5-0/3-2 S6z roxsvx 2a7 v c - /CS -->/*6 . ..e_ly ffe-31f "615 .? _ A_ 9 2-9 2; We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE di2744344' . 4c",c, 93/ /KAI7eor/ grz- 77z1 fli.e. te-c,i(,_.Z54.1 z/3 D I ME, i SS-74/ 40c4,u di 9 Fo i 9 7 Pk'- 9-2 4 42: 1 ett, tJtyi cgc'/3 )1 E 7 !Jt. `i ..e/r1T4)n 9&6_56 a - 4 Y3 a l / 9?ems' �/�/ d'/,7:i d-,-.4Z/ / ii--e //02 /.. 9l/7t 77•?-.7L/S-- JaUZU,r) 477() '04' (15.e4) Ye/ , ? s 5O -(..V4.42 )(ed. Vvkide_,...; /6 y- 3 /2SA G.62, 5 Rs,-,./; / ti1,,7 -255-4V 41A4-,-.._ A 3S/a �o, C _e. Ta,s, y.-<4, (A.)sv . 7.59-365/ 41-g:aJ ��irj.1� S WE. 9,Q./- 4,,,,t,-,r, Lv.9 f45 2z-e2 f//3 GAG y 24_ 3.340a Apt- le— N to-So`a/ fri4-6:4 9froSZ, s4ys /oVo4 d Z /6, ittL e /2 ii ,T05s- �A7.61,1: \,cce."-c-Nil is-- -., -Zeit-6-0;tezze,en 6 /f-e-bc..46.--7,- zi,k '&56 feL5--7 -46'vpkvcr/ 3 oo W i 0.t� 14 QCt-yz-&.,/ /.c/..9 9RDs-6. as's-79 3 4 6...e° 1 vatiAielm /36oa ji. / / 1/J• Z.4/nJ Ctifi 9P5G ?5-ss''3 q t z 5c•-73s-7, reaC¢,0(kJ' 67 SUD3 qzT-3zg4 Z338--3 T14 $ 8 .,/ e / .S'y-.7I i/ -e�A /yI/S' ,.SE s, 5TPkc.e 1 //ev4.e .46a4 ‘4/3-0la$ We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place. NAME 1 ADDRESS o J as I ha 3 .£ 1 Gf-S.� ,� � �_�. . _ __. _ . __ _ �_Go �U._ _ Sr lkifit,,, tea . i f e2%ai l Z/s7> S ijef _cc-- leewr i2, 9t" 1; te-9--)4167,„0. . ,8p_ It_epite_t4f 0_17r ti Scdeelf”_ /god nrie 14//, b2-6Tea f,� � r- i�a�v /� __ �,�: /_' f- w/y4, 9 .fit-Wire, _ _ _ ._. / t_3X _if.4 ,4,Aile/.04.4 /Q ‘ e-C4g42tAf-°(4. altY1 W42 �- - �. f�Z.� .N� to�- . __ fEis1-cw woik__ ... c1126 ST' 44 _ )IA4E /A ti ,a_rit9.2.6 c _ /27 s._SIZIR n A_. .L• T 4V 1.r6d_ 4 as/91.7.1 J(-. ./414;;A, .4‘4__/d4 r_ Avg ,.2 SSA v g�a z .�irct n 1�G�I _.._/J 2 _�IPQ_ e _,56 -/ 'tom.-,7-_tea-_ Va -lp _/z6/6.. SE ft7 O,Q 1�, 9Pvrs� We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place. NAME ADDRESS iiii -de I ° 7 zoo il-i) gf .(65.))-til/RA . _ ._ 4 __ _iri-ledr_ : .._ _ __ . z_.,.3_ _ _ _ 7--i_i . _ ,I ,, -)70/ •‹e ya !, _ .._-_..i7 -/Z, PZ.s I . ...0 a,0_,.,4izet,„.i---cw....t. 94 A-_-/0_3 6-..C„ / 4 deal may,• 5 ft- /a7.35 . 5e _ no_ _pik. _ ie,.. „. ._. , 4 /L.Q,,f�'Q'�7.�✓ 4 d7�, 2e� 4/7-i i So. l3�U� /e-�,'"Y7"�'l / P.ag, (3,41,c.1-e-‘-`7 /6r3 I „„07. i gri-i-- 12,--- __,,,, r. 42644,640 144L,. ., 2,e b-)oa&- .../ .°._-)??.:S7/, (01,_45P_ A -c,„),,gall --4--,....w ic, - - -/N2-49/0 ACT.:64_ __. AZ14, q-ieg __ .; " 411.-, elf.X9,._ __ _ l‘.257 ca . i.--7,‘deZCI- 4/.1bi_,9_,A25.6 . 0 \ - -4- - )7tlii /2lC r" - lam_ - _ ?�� w ?rtvi --C /1 . 1 /14 lh4v_J wtA/10►n!__ - .�_-- -.-... .. W .. .. s� We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an •adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters . If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS IF/ _ _ 9.0)A7 . 1714_0 . t, I _ _ _ i ! ,! 4, _ . _ _ ,; _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . it ti Ij ., _ __ _________ _ _________ _ . _ .____ _____ . _____.. . ___ _ _ ___________ . We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESSCITY/ZIP PHONE tiv "� °/ Al, fi /4- 9 SS 6 C,/.- ,__e_( -ri eJ-. ea...cc,-2 c)..1..., ,$)...x__ c..._ a=/7t___e(i (_. • t , a , ,,. - /e 4s-- , , X6-/X3 q/7,62, igAo ,t,t,,_,_k 6),v,,,pcsja 340_ ,-0al,„() /,/ iD,s 2:tic? c kyi . G.ti J, c.. �p--e- /L-e---1�j o a,J"- S F 2k_ciit. , ��' a"z .4 2 / /-77 :7 X,,,C 7 ( O 717/,,r , •, �.o c i 4 C/ _ // / / • 41-4-- ci;i24LIdit-&----'-7 __________ // `-, . -7/4,,,i-e-e- /0 3/r - i 3 1 - 3 7ke,t, / ai/V V'e`-Q1V`- -00 . 1)1,-el- -Q-69 -0-c___ 'r,3-0 Nt --2/2 tO,I ,-P,,,, 7;47 _ .7[z auvid g.. S Q -/ E3/a.- / 4/4/ntif S,E /�.,a kt. tat: 9cP9r& z , . / e " _! G .e v / O'D $ / -4 f zda (,�L , , - ( 7q (v - )44iL ,& /d1LWc4t6crptA ` _u� .-c._— RETURN TO 517 CPc1ar AvP so , RPntnn, Wash 9$ncc We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ a'-at�a� '8a U / �1 E��� ��k +-sic ) -.5 0-Sl3 5 /,-el. .1---- , , ,,c(2-4„,:e,v., ...e.,,,,e_e,„_/ ,..7-,s---/.c---,v, --e_e:l_ / --- , „. ,,u. -6(79'.z - 6 ae`,_e 4za... . ,t4,,,,,v• 499Jai,ilitta, - ,1,5-s-,t,16 7 n.),4Q,- -u„i \3a5c>3-L, l id.-8" . 1 Z _55(4, /i ' r ,' ?F/a ‘, F15,„, s 1477 7zz-z6yo >3 99 0 - 6 ci -,L- ,��. �W.0-, .,...i. -a 6 54 %('Cer'. /ate/5 s l7 ' . /i 1 � 2 �"-' aztn.. (1), W2,�_ ,,Q4 / 3z27 -5 E - 272 k--Q dint. 4-31-1325' * 41,77: (!),.*--. 6 z a 4Z-024, 4-',,,t .04r (--,___,..-t.„ ,411-.5-1., ...7..S. '-IS-yf /e11•5-- iio .fc u a..1 5'8;13 •. - '' 5= /der )/if_.a-A: • s 9 " ...)q . • -12-42r-624-4"eh-1 4— 4;_I 1_.G:1-1 _DV A r o +-..eta 0,4. / , , 4'S --TAd 1,,, ' _ Li, AI A/ ,1. -� " Q .b..c 4, - IA 6- 9 o " .Ai i A. J.i'i� ''� H0/ /f,6 et elee Ave. Al,Ei fiei'i7e1-J ,t 55 3 or A44-4,0- '✓ /�y7 - e , , � � 1-5----o267/ A.,,,,, , ..- )`cie,,,A ,,,.- ... / (> - . / Y. 27;2- saz ,?7 -,o_> cep. ,./-. /7,a,5-, -5-o / 3 %,1 �o�..7,V,,a. 77 / e/ -? (jr ` r 6 y 6- .Io 1 .3 i .�1-4- 7 7 z- V 7,i8' ,9/Y— ' / -A--elt_e__y-ii---/ �71( -tt 11/,‘L ) . RETURN TO 517 Cedar AvP Sn , Rentnn, Wach 9R(155 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ANTE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE dt>/v0 Adr -eiz 77A- /9 9 - -z; -6 6 • , >5_ -_.4.1#__ _9.Z.4,„.,I, I-i- ,2 16- 2 / 67t. - 3 / R-3;2-ff D/f a A a , 14 y Ji X 5 1� . s, Ifs 2 s-S` -7G �if • e .,© -►,,,, -- R{'- -2S ),�. z/ • .c�..,_� 1) -(L.A/ 1- / Z 3e, aj . Ia / ,2.s-s-4if clAifie27/ 4 6,) 3/ r .c.44,--ievu,L- I i.,iii---,,I -A-4--- --i'r-9- t eit Ct_.,_ LAC j/ •_ ,i�,,,C7//,---)% - // j�;G�_. �, g --sY!/)- Cid-ii ryI�i,,4 1110 % a /t/ 71f4-1W; L ...)XL-0-7,7s 11---- C',..A14,4 00 d,yz,d,,,y, av-- oF 2“.1--,331 , ,,,,_. 4.i-L,1 4 /- -0 61y_�s.... -,,C,/, �' as 6 --. 7 R Qz.. , 0 4- /,,/ Cue_ Z7•, '. M,, e-/o / -^e- � � -�„, % 31t - �°-s2. �I �'-•-- -1;.5--S -S?i i bt'"4ii N° Y .17i'" /f/..43--sra4lie..SA 1i3J S'C'4!(/!' yd: - ill 'a,6. P,e i. ///3 3-37 Ss-6 se.--ie.7T7t '7.23 ii, 3 �% / ,e 40/ /1 , Valk 4 G (2.,t. :,,) 0,a 6-o ?w , _fi 1,41 _ laa 1,4c�) ) /�'Y 4,.,�,27 . /e -e ,, _253 2 *' � . ��ve, / /y rN I eX 4v P s /2 /e y t, e-2 cc/4 ,_ /ice /Vz_' .21, q�c 57, RETURN TO 512 Cedar AvP Sn , RPntnn, Wach 4Rnss We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE - :7<--- /-' - • '/,--/,' ,-, 4-,- __ _7___Ics--- Al':,7,4e__2' ,cf,c,_,_s_s___ 77_1Z 111 5-C .(# V'. ./ 7A1 ' ,.5-z ,gam 4 �7 9.‘e$66-- - / .... „Li-4D 45--2 .06,./004 fia-71-Th 4 ��4s� �i1 r T � 7 /i0 s T iSf4 frl7K �.0.�c 0, /. '� _ - -7//o ,. . ., ',�. , 9q/2z Voi--,--7 2,,.27),Cdip I - /fir Agoo-ft4y ,R. IV . y'er3 , ,,.., - i. 41).),_ 1 1 4_0 cL, c.L, Ak I. J X 0 c- /2 0.AAte,_ ,L, / yi 2/ &.ed .7(r___a4ifc ,-/z 4 1 V(S-,57g t,M/a- , il �,� f. i f- 1- --1 -Z-- `3 q 0 e Ut,,, i'g 6 S" s 3,V 3 -- i% Ly,3"'=;1Vc /?L /rc'y 1,c,.5-3-- 1 \ 41 9 t_ - Wil -17 j,t tali 9_'D5 4 XY-Pc- . .3 .4t/b 17 - d;4i,74eV i'ea--5 - ) / -go, -7defe L 9k6 re...a.„./. /._�/,i- �J / `107" ,. lee-r,r d ,(--0 )-?-Cr C_.e_-�-a-2„ J d'a s—� RETURN To 51? Cedar Ave Sn , Rentnn, Wash_ 98055 — -. 14( We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE HN tO 8 (L\c -w-OS 2C 62.2 l Cc' 3-J€— Se t' i L r1 `'s6 3` 85 2-36 2 2 S C,, y C. /01 jR 1, 100 , 7 -S E ,1 a 9 "- t1 o,,, s.) z ' <`�- /IC/ 1.5'//,z i Ivy , c , 9P054, �---5/�,5 r f 13?a2 p 5 /'r1 2 /�-1. -%_ o7SS-ys.2 7 �1 v `-vl .)/:_, J �, . i o9 S F, N y ph,,t---,- c 3-6' czss---062 .()--ari.4)..- t ;(,),7e7&1 7 c / /3E0 6 - :S (yy- /L4L7�y1 9eoch 22 -s-2P6 • 1110 13V '4 '-' ' '11 C - - _i IL %' - 1/q4 4 a TgAS-6 2zg - 41 j i,,,,cc k,& /rA, /'d4 / .se jaiy If ), yPo�( , ),-F M 7 , h.1 3201S 783 le ?eas-4, Ass ago, 247„-‘, (,/jr-il /g / e ' / eze-376 16>tt..4-- 4ciaLiiiicil Lklc uv Ir hA l' I t S€E /Q 5 t� 12Pri -M c)s(v 'S5-(// ►.�" Cei.�._A , re 1t3g3 s E a ,/ /s� 4 e r• 1,rn / <0 3/-Re 1 i/ G Cl ,��� k� �Wc ,� l w..._ , /4O 1 Z. se 14z Ce,h-a-..l qio s- c)35- z/3 / G ...Lie i .i,L/111-A / L 01 o k5L I V., .ce.o /e-eic i 0A) 7 ffb-sz :g 3,=/szz ,i?yr►,42,0_ ,. 6)L-77-4 /i �3k S.c / &ate ree/K1A-x., 5ko- s- � s s47.-. LIE -71-7‘041eit, , /9'70?6•-4' g1J 4'224-74" f�a)o - 7d f e.e,i,e,••,.,i. .4-14 3 /e7 S. , '-u 11f'a/ sc2-.5vy 97? /ftk QiYZ f 2 a ta& gi/0 . - _ --7/62 /6 iii/sN.c.. ge, E 88S-6-it - 6 R en t nn, Wash 9R(15 S /- - .:. ' c n'/S We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NA E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 4/c✓' c 6�L /S3 7 .9/ ``J- ��i-74&,W. AZT o his! RETURN TO 512 _Cedar Ave.. Sn • Rentnn, Wa01 (MSS We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAVE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE cam' 55'4 2x0 Pi, 5. 1 9 o cz l) `12O `? 77-0(05 Z/11,G 111�C 73623 /VIVI P/, -- kQei4 ' ceeitiv-ee /07*`// 2.67://3-1/4, 99iLs-e, „7/ _ilf,r4 ms-z- RETURN TO 517 Cedar A�zp_ Sn , RPnfon, Wach 98055 — 1 / r 6. -./_ We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _ /5/0 .ion T b c Z J G l 1 75) csz ) 119\Th Ove SL `c r -�?-tnc t `7&) _ (Ulf /?'6 6C/44-/t e— Pceiv4e i/ - ? a_ c /vV9 S . ,05/4 . t.a.ki, . 9tc3 ),,2 441 .�,o� w /Si, ,00 �� `7� Sb� .e _eiii, -,i A, z4-ee-d_ ._, /_ ,,,‘-e-CliCr / r.--- le ,07e-t44-m, 7,d05-.5 (7Lt .5' , i‘z,t4 'ft 5, ,de , Zfei,4 I ., „AI ), i.2, 3033 A ... 7&f ,ge 9u 1 g0.5 C AdzAitt j o-, i k-6 cfz4 6-u-4- 4,e__,es_ g-t._.- , 7,1)---.� y p 7y zy. -,9 P� � ., 44_ 9_9�� ( '1 ( Z,',,,,_,,, 5,gig-31 d v-r. . ad,",�..,m,, 79�, .,,,„,,�, �@ / 7r Y9 - /l/ Ste` �� 9re'-sS 6e., edin-boi-ifig4a/kex., . ,(342.skz.We 9ga5- $ 7 :- .�.., ._ 12 o 7 3 -8o tl, Ave .o - c rrLE,14)A. 9 (Fin - --1-e az-1 -I --- ' , ,..-S ii.1 - c a_ 4,1 ...-. _,I,el, ‘AkciP/7% Y //O Z - fat-,4E tie au-P GUw. 9iC0 Afro'., 1/?4:51E6/1/7-RP 1 22 Y 2, y`5‘�v5E1; 5.E6 , k-/7C9 , � Of..r�%rQ.l 9;51- 3Sra.w T-Id- 4 /ir'al. .al _da-o-14,. ‘44dA,A.Af_itILAI .,,c2k4 -, 7r7,/7- ga3i ,,;.� /7'0/ ..../.a43„4e e 9te3/ ,, 60 L 0"- /:'ai- L)E /(/,a�G.4,�i) v-S¢57f yego33 RETURN Tn Sl? Cedar Aye_ Sn. . Rentnn, 1 ch 98f155 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. N ,E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE (9q�4�s r/�r/yc, 1 r;/ri) C lao - --- I 1 aDE,�l c, yee Li4, /4u.4 , 3 ' juitiatiaj ,Bx 7 6:13/-721 • RF.TTTRN TO 51? Cedar Ave Sn Renton, Wash ()BOSS We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 5771- u,g@PAJ, /Gem 73>— V" Ci ,/ MW-437>tie4$ ( `7 frit 9'(915� _ 2/z8-4aagr 4 L, / A GK ate; A/ 731 tr. -z � , �� 73i'-33 rr /,2/1, C0.a --- 906 71611 SE #(i_ t /Oa 5O3 y9/-/33G e/e /-;,1 7c- 4/1.4(1-1,4eP, Le t441 7Y 7 7 --2.r2 1244 9 7 7K 772 6711 L i^ w /7 c ->-)Z3 -30e.. 'L -/Q-765 /4,4!„. 7 V7‘ _ RF.IERN L 5T C r!nr AVP_ Sr) , Roi t nn W, � a3055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 7/0 -/ 7— .(5 .. P- 9520.56 6235-63/o I%Acul W duat,.. I ( 14 i 1 i ( i f q 'SQ,..a45. 6 S 4 ►ZG 3k \Z.. '\o,, STSOO6 6 Li 1 - 2.153 '7), :)Pi i, 01 _ (g 1 g I 1 I a) (ARP- fith'jar. 1/116/ )� r70 Jr-7,71 S - 42-, 4,----- c -),r-3 s-- i „ ,4071 .,,,, ,.! . CLaAt Ciu-( I l .` os-L �(,)--i5ci:?; I • s , "3 - sa „Vd.s6.61) . .04,7- Wss' oss- /6, s ,to zi h ► 1 • Y�6 4lcUu%r� . a 7�55 a7/-372 +r , / ' 7aa 21L / ��ice_ yi r7 d?o?(o - V0 ?�/ ir i'n,...4 !/ -f://1 e7 I .,, MP"O (/O !O drinA -- trelk f 1 LP)-r15, . . A.A�vU.E ctaooc, (a k - "Jc 4to .�44� 7 gi.t.ey ' 6S7S -iiv s��` SI t', �JY-'\Ve_v� f 8OO 6 �((-57 y( ,(.� C,4,,, i.� 6, 62Si //1P 64 - /Qrr-/a--,• j PO SCo , RF.TIIRN j'O 537 f'.Prlar Avo Sn , RPntnn, Wa L (MSS -.ter-- g ,o, y'jw �S!} ' ; ,_,-, R' ,. �,r.q;«+,-»»saw.•- We, the people concerned about Renton,'riaze un4..tgrd iti, our opposition to• the establishment of pornographic (•aditit) t oVie, -theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel: that tle City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land useitior zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 36 which wour4 not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any re , dential area, public park, or religious facility and within oner' ile of a public or private school. 1. NAME ADDRE'SS`- n , CITY/ZIP , PHODIj. Y a. r )4 4 )- . ;3 z23` .•-ei 411X $a,: R £11/ G D V- * c13'3-- •-• .�. V C� i-1 Obi, ,-(co _ A !' Q. I 9 / g I pb 04,c z g 0 0 a ( t©�(o _ato-0-5 /'mate L t& , L2.2?( q3),-g2O0 j Sri ' 7t16 A/c 77"`- Re- To,t) J4 07,2c, • 7-2v9 ( ,, ---- - : _C ' f)SS- ii'gs3 - 141 r d4 S 3 S 14'1,k-u.eG4- . , -.— u r j % // q.3,& t7g P�P 7.Q,/ / (/ (( 7C7 /5.14}' /j1 iPitt(41/t 72-7/-,5-. ,-) ‘ �ti � e 9)s - 15 27 1�2t .' i/ / d ou ‘ 4-k_o_i„ \4-%____ 9:67r_5 , Q6 t /9 /6-7-,----7--- -)1 -\ AAA__ _-12- gs ii, ,,c,u-vvvxA cvc)---J e-oa• Tv e : �. , *69 , IOC/• ' /W / / -• / E J� / a� -6V6 's ,41(Y-61-a. /785-0-, oc- %e SF .4 Z Z "`., ,S=S"„?-oca y ,, 1�� \-7 3 i° s#. .� y.' (,- ,,\:-v N (,z1=.c5L9-2,4 1 RRTTTRN TO 917 Cpriat Aua_ Sq 11pn trim, LT,eth_ 9RO55 . , We, the people concerned about R,enteini'liqf %ini,teig * our opposition ' - to. the establishment of pornographic -(ad1t) ttioVie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel:, that the City of Renton has the right arid responsibility to regulate land use'ly zoning - - and we are in support of Ordinance No. , 526 wfii4h wourit not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any re , dential area, public park, or religious facility and within one,, 11e of a public or private school. • ...,, , ‘t. NAME •A DE)RzS = _ , CITY/ZIP PRONE 4 iiii , •.5--ii---,2-0:, ).? ' 7 --' r (1 t ii wirE vyktS, 9 3:&S• 4.i`,,m,/ re co ce- - ,Jegt-pe.__ (ko, 72oi )f i 5--?2/24 ,_-, / (72 5.--- s - / -2--7- c-7-6--6----z-77 c2(_.&,z. X..1,--e---eLZ-4-c4244 - 3..7-e )4/44v, (zia .ad.) - r.T..„-,...t„,), ,2.)--J-1 17C/6 I ) (}-/ L-)-4 At-ovL\,..\!,:i S 014/, .L. -eize,.a.44/C-1 a'5761 Iii lys,A Ic</e NO i 1 • -2 •44'---C .5---25- s_cz./ zek-,...:9 5/T-).--, 4;6,--,--7,---,---,-,. Zza, OcT/ cF (Jtr- dh1 ,(- -.0a, ,1,/ :-, 5, 4e,t,o-e- te4e, 'y.A.;;e.,,„ , ,?,,4_,2 A oi . 7 ' - )0: .--- ;' - ' 3 / ).7-- 7 7°2- -51.6C-el,f' _ tt-kocb • . .. . , , .. Ac RETTIRN TI) S12 C.Peisr Avp_ Co Rstntrwl_ 111.4:111 9R-%..5 .... We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ,zu-e, / / / 6 /1/. 9'F Os-.6 o� _ . k , --K 1 q\ t.....- (........_ z:c, _ --L;e1-1,2./1-(-2 .2io 6-7/I - So , �L 1._ Sea—V-V, ,, 3 O©� � ��., ff� : .sly l,,,ifee T',e. ) ‘ .?_. ' r,evs-6- ---.J �- 2 5'S- Go/B Ate 9v. j -nu // ,'Z R...' /Id4 /Gg -� o ‘�6 9ge0--,r ,.e. 4,) /t' .C— / )Va-e/gn. "( ) . 1/Y n 2 'o 5-AL ` `4 ; g , r 30 8 /1/. G&J. SST `�i2- ' i ,f 8 O 66 czeZ • a7/--ce-e-,-' ,-9D Y>2-eil, I ?g41-e- y e,--,-i--.--.,-i/ _,,}47. 7017.e-5V Ss s-s / 4_E%C �G 9 gi 8 e ' 74' ALdee, AK711'- 4*7i _ a, ,t4 kell-/e6 9:ery ;)eK 49 //4 ?a - �>`G�� , sz5g , 9. I V ci 80.6:3 , / £2 Z'fe .,J . 4 ram , sr,. 70.5 6 // c�33pt.Q��� .2_,--� No. Jed,► �.- 6-Age)s5-� Flo_ . _ CG ., , ? a .zn `�, / ... / ., 0 / _ . � /_ 4-ri. 7-, 4—� We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious- acuity and within one mile of a public or private school. / ' NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE C6Va . I (9-6 os6 RI4 -hvi7g05-. = . _5 y762 , ,d9 (530 owe i ,_ 61 80s zs- 2 otge Ye4r7i a- L./i. h a N 5,74 P.Ace_ AP/wiry] Z1-41 r -o,i"6 'ze,bi:e.,- Pig5')- S , n ii‘j See(fe -2,14- fOb7 I_ , 22' 01 :74'a(7.4.. , , e,' .7- 7.->0 -..1)- #,01 ..0 E__. 7<e„,,z,- 9,f , aa,62- ,- 04::9---t _V 2- C c Si .2,Z. ).(eivj 14)etALA 43 ,b,„(4j,idk l i, AL 13 e Lam' " ::,;:/4-te--x..g e feli,- 0" - . .‘a?4 7 II .ete'1,4 :4e-ekv 44,jf %,7%_. timjal i q/ZA.E . a/ ,f. a 6qa- / t-6—) //1-°"(- - %f .v' e/4- ,his: deoit B t.1 Q 7e 0`i s. E e_i. - 1.47 Loa_ 9 eo s5 ay., ., 1f,s-_ e . � 9 � , i :,.�� b / . 1 IL ''' -> g . I 1 0 - (. v-- • .3 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton , . ' has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religioug facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 7 fries 55 a71 -7155 • • Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton , WA 98055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. (...i.iy NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE Glso$i S Cr--, 0 22 - /06 Pi t g 54- 4t,94 ,�4 ) 3�/7- ig3 . 5.E, 4- r a . /d7CosJlo G�107/ iqs a)41 ',o�s 56i Fla%dt-41114 I 6 -1/ ,.5, , 151V4t SY, &ale,=rditA_ 910 S 6 " fiii 0-2,41 17,14 /�J /' /yG w / x, 4 tz W Ifrili- /t ,t , , it • 1W3y�,�` e 4' J c Ai. g 2 4..�I-c�1 ( _ 4,G�4 47 ../ 17 a 55 i 3 I t 4 5 ��� �a -lam U/: D, 6,-/ 16Y6 3 /13f` Zss ry33 6 As`a -62 ,4 /oa SE s(T,-, /C 7 e S-.)--6761 D Oct- 5 2- i .s _ e 2z,. 1 RFT1IRN TO 512 CPdar Avi_ Rn _, RPntnn, WPnli 98055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE , , L ,_ ,,, le,dtite, ee ' 1 S7/O 6 I66 h` /aL A 2,)�i-) gop oSS ve. F") �&�%/ IS? arta A. z i(4-,J-C . �/ z70,5 6,s- tr cc' al-Puti 0-> -2,z--__ /4 4 Z_J3-2-7/104-9 /-asz-1-1,4 ;(3,-)R,844449'-hici -2- a-r c ( ? ( I ' (7,-14, Cd016/A4,2)/7 9, .— /5-7/i .4 2 -'-- /,‘‘"_/ d 7 O ,`f J/---r'r-1- r l t',t'r'.d'1 a774---1,02._ /5731 5E- /C- /'.- v27/-A i4 ° � �1 L i,-7f lk. . ` L , /C - ,it (J/,. -/- ,gc. ,, 7 '.-//a% /L �-hr~�.. ) % s 37 Se �� z- �PZ. .-277»9 --' .. ,£i- t / 5 7 fp gi // i 7)24 ' S r(c 1.� )Z, r„�t w� 1-t. <. /S'7 C -7 s. - /6 6 ` l'1-- .;7 1 - 16 l E -' re-, -----, �, s-7 70 3 -. l�, '/,�L, 7/- «._ S A-- T-".1.e"ItYy ,-- ; G 1'7 164 G `-e- / 6---2 7 0 'iS--cc /4 4,c`,/`/`fie -2 I/ -- (.�G ' 4: ,,, 4:: ‘,0_,,,, .!q, )), i4.„),L4( ktic /c pL. , .S. F. 1 7i--4,.- 1.7c.i0 ' 2 4.1✓z2-pc, 17 't-i ALL L L...- i L 6 c,2 .> - •5'i' j „) 2 1 > . 7 /U/ i 2 1 ./InujA. i c ( -5-z r 5__ r'L. S. - 2.7 L_.S 7 ci I hi.. /1 - ''''' '-'?4' Ad-th., 'Le-- ieglil-e.- RETTTRN Trl 519 (oAor Avo Qn T2nntnn T.To all a ncc A .�, % _ ' J WE. THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE. CITY OP RENTON - THAT WE. ARE AGAINST ` THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. • 1 A NAME • ADDRc ss �1 + S* ,. _,A r. - .i,9. s --- 1 ti�-44 c fi Ii/ "-,' 11))91- 404 / ' ' / ,4 az' ' v i ---ki--- , 7tf, i.Z&zi--6(4 ..,,,,,4 71-.... l r ,I7z47 - _�... V o- t- -- -Z_ 5; 5. _/( P k'. 1 1E2. _ ../.„%a ,c.,4. ---,. --, „ /9. 6 Jv7- 1,k/ , n _IS2-f-t-e..., ' ' _____,2:'_./3 2_2__/: -2 .40-6-t/ 5 fr: ii..,„, ?4f/Alri,/,_ W1 -/Lj • • ,,,2.3 . -T-4 140€1.45-1E) , ....-0,...„," _ , _ --..- (7, ,. ,;) ,',/,'1///,'/ -Z„,"---, e .' ) p/ - jr/ a 47.'" A....Ze) _4 4 k' ' . •''' t-:-.„, ) li . 02i? Zig(Ce'jl)?,- C2-1P rf2. 1,1/._ ___ -,,e / '' ,_,e. y171----- 722' / fie A.A/7:-.-it---30 ' -.-7 (7? 4/6 ‘- 9C /4'?2, :114::,.......--,,,,___ • ,L, Loz,_ )',f-• a, '..;,,,e) -- --'6' .. ' '. ,9' , / , — I l i ! .± - er', f n - _ e , "1._.(Ylzr,trd '.1. ,''-41. .,1). ; ,' _,ri (' /(' , ' ' ' ' .(zh . .u. i• ' t/ . $/' - • j . 7r",..e,„ 4.. .______ L bd. 1. 11 r -74 • WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE. ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON 'THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. �-� ' A NAME + - AaD�2e, sc _. 4 St= _, Je4.44,... a i i.A �.,e a ice. td a .. ______ itQl,&„ 757 W,-,,,tie /001-#4/(1, ,E", ,li 214' 15";a0e, Ida-- /n7/121e1- 41(it'--6 4 .., ,2Y vci'��aC .5 .(- / e , zA,0 7.',Vir\)k-CN\,3 RaRaYL %-41t0-0*--Aekiy.;,. .\ '404)V,Ack-RVti.),. GIA,.6y\,,,, ,3°-. - 27)170AA)yek a496.4-6,-r \J . ,'..a LIC S . .2? P, -7z/''''( 1.A6,&1=____Lc46L- . . ti --Nte; s/)-2&J -353/ r -&arey 4 k_e I E-Air' ,),q. �._ �J.��rro2� � / _ ._ -id"-, - .7----e-i . j--1 2---Li- 9 ot,./-.',Z-7 _,,,4..--79 ,<./<-•,c _ 7 0--5-i 3-4' 7 04,-P--,5 , 1.(s2. . ...... . . f7:714r,:e4:1-4J egLa4.....ex_.7.-c,..0 Boat, la nee r /(eJ7/- Zzia.} 3 - -- -C Pi) - ---- ' — '"*- ----- , - '--41-' 14-- i&i,q_Ah-c_.4.--t- � i 'd.� Y>> ,/ .i f ...421 / i 2 et '? _ --e - . „ // .i, ) radel--Qealig Z- i ; .c. -?sue. /! (i6v:-&-(.2L62;22-12±Ifs.: _ P I--/1501-d-- - 3X6#4 0. . , PLce,17.- ,e 42 ('' e--e cps • I w - w- WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE. ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. cO NAME - 4DDRcsc' 0 4S 19„,z,tu, ,_` l :,C, 6 /f /dam =�'fi=116' - ' ; /OA < ,-- C:,;;53 _ .2. o,,,_ „y ems,' 1 4/« . 4�a / L- � �/ /� .f 4z st--.�- i - hs _1 �5� 3 s/ c✓ / ✓ , 6->fc/t0 / A—/ - Sl- a .,_ S--- 0 .1:1_,a/I:1,'(%_&4__ ''K.. ' V c V_0 -? 6L fr r"Isp' V-Ark f() r ' 4 g, 14 _____ztt,Cti.7‘,QA,3cu..,4(24,,: -1,,ti - -1: S-c . N . , 4:t Rq [ ,w _ /0763/ SF.2 j�`Pi_ y( . ife„,,,,,,t,,,,,,, II / i Pyh-At __ ._._. J742.0 7 7---i-qtig-e Mtaf--- . /6 t44, ,AUA4d, ill al S. 2 5 L ra, .SV. t aLLAw,. All_,„_t_j ' /7 ,a1:1-1.6Ari4.4_e_d `Iv a ,"_' p: Z-S G .5T K e i.\;,L 2 ..5-'7 ea . „ . 2, _ 412:eA.(4._ soQe.,L4,4i.) y/ ,, `/ ' ...._ ____. Ze 7 bavt.e./.7....11...„,i,a,t_ 22 ld 3--///A40, s , �� ICe r,J a. WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT 2,21OWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON x THAT WE. ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY } FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. NA E , .4pDR� sS e 1 4- St m) L Otte- ego ,66198 7 /1)i 1,-t1" WC) . 7„ -.:, 1/ ?c)a 1 f el/4,47 IA/K.4mi ,;!, ,0 ,,K,.4,\,,t 1 , % . ., .)c1%M C'e \-- ' E'1 ! t v c tt:p-S UG> 11 f- t,ii _ _ F Li t coAk-<� Coai —u) Nrn wa,:tt•1,4, )(„.., ,,,\._ -Lc- . __. L`D &cL L M. i- er&L,t1113: —..-.-. �/elee--744 �..� -- -,� ,2 7 gal t . 4.s . _.leackro l y4 _._..._ D. , • ..e."4".."--){._ / zi � e• 4#e•J r.e.a, /..‘22_ _- ` ' �...._. __ 1& 2 S 2 4 - )1)4 //1 --;;.6' iltfl'aLt4114°4e:( _,1 9 ar6 9 Mil-.. 1;ti ,_.5.1221:1:„... J min 1-1 '.-I 5/ 3 61-A i 7 7- S/` r le _ - M /(3,22-(6 t 'l e4 / , (A.,,,,,....., ..., e„&„27&/...ez° c' w �s7' /c'�iV 7' (.�,¢, WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE. ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. '2 I *,f/i,,(_e't..z./a--, ,L.,•=x,4,i, i-lif_ o/Aitdoov I)R . ti g:i y AJIr7 ;. ( /7 V9_ G-v . _0„,..,1:1' ,,,,,,,,,e,7,-- c ,.3 -,3?_ PA b_,‘,4,, it?._&_42. 112,2,10 Pee dirli 1-)----I q f . _ V.R^"�4'Q��/ �((jam l "�� �W4 ' , ' 1 -..._._....._, ._. .......... ,'t. .. __._. / WWWN���++ I ... eilet 8 ._.. C�l`r SQL 1/ZIICi _ .._�_ ___� mot/ l(/4' . 9�'--- esa 1 e re� r ,*�- ./.LPZ/�LP.GG � .:.AA/0,7, .* a2S�., 1.7-221,2 _ ��- --_.._...;. _...._ q� -rh t ._.___� i Via- ro :.__ ,.2,;),I, 0 ,.3/ .... ..,311.-61., / ..c; _7.-?. _ ./was .E. _ _Z �' ' ' V - Lc3..1 : yfi F 4 0 � sE _,L4{ Illi 11111 III WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE'ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. NAME 4 DDRc SS' P.J -171 4 517 ;..AA,A.rye, 1,a-. °.,, . P i = - 1 A 1. rrL\ r k i , 2115 1457H C-r CZ , 1 & 1n S6 /77 ' P1 , W — ,,...4.-t-e',„) t /‘ ed y i z -z4 f 1(--c_,-,/ w cc -e ac. ry,i y - ,, ! V a)- 3 i 6 ,a Ce.P1 .I) e �.&, (-u N (f L.wi At �) i l _� , /C�c:r c. v 3 Ctc' 3z 4 . . ,A1-w 4 •U 11 , � , - Il 171 z-p (A)G A •( m,, ,, ■. a I p . -__.' 114...e, 41, �/ _ / lNn glc r tl ,. SSO sr virrez,„...m.„.„ - U:ti) -s� LJ _ --, .1.\• •U _ Imo, : ti - / �..,a,LAL '.�/� // d , 0 V : i /, d .0 . S.". So. �2 4./0 - -- --f e A'' ( . (31--- , 94)0.j:F c_, 5/ozz ...e 7 `� f 6-7a1 s 0r4#7 3 -1.� WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE' ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. I �` NA C . 4 VDRc. ss i 4 St �I A I RI:e.e -z T34‘0 4---ez----‹-Ze ." ' 17‘-/C.,// e.-V/S)-4----: NaA- Ina4.26.4.-A.) .171, f'?a,irc, /4405- (o cc4 Re,,,ag.r-L," Pry-L. 64 i l6 t�QS lab 4vc OE rerrir�i t _ l t nod V c--;1 .1,z-c-14, . I// 1�._ Re., , o 86 .s Eozos4A0-- t_--piti--- __I ' ti. ,,,t.... .,e42,00/ . Iyo3b Se ::Z3r is7- kg- ti1 ..,--\-i. A5:0E-, /94vy / e (3',1„2(.- >65-a,,e_ PA&z,/, it/ ,,a% /vM- / I,/3Rz./ mil,&D� ; /2 ram 4',-' . ` /. jy 2-9 Se /69`4' ' 44,- ,-, .,,, " i 34 ( r-'`f, ice Sr _ ), c -- '''' .ec;1;-6- '-' A:Ltly_fj----------, s7 9;---- is --7- 'c,-,74. us,e k7._ Vt --4,0,—rti , ) . , ,,,_?„ _ /, a‘e.t-PJ t. ' 7CO3-. se,-,,,t./ ?` ,. 1 !' z,r f . 3i7- /,- s - ' "t 1n ruM'' mil• c�f_T �� �- WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE' ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY l` A E Apft2c sc Li . St -00 ! 1 / 4— a—/ --s, E — '' AllaIMMIIII. 1W,- _ .I' ' r .-.4_ .4, - 2 - al'd s t, zdal , 3 d,- a , o ,fir, -_ MEI, Millgrial INTIMEMill / F—A.1"- d'X'^-- 41' ' , r/ it f 1 • /II l tz -vivti - Ialsmiw w Li-M.41,a'‘..,/#A (. / J tr' - . WA � / IN012111Inglejtill " . a - '....-.L._• / _,ym, 5 4. _ 0-r� • ►1c _ , . ■ + IIMMIMMINN ft . In . -":.:':-'::S' ,‘, .' , . - If I I i4lf*' Ali .S& All IMIZMIEBIIMII.'' -1 1 i ► . r. WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE' ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. 'alI 0 cadmfril, I (q/zitelA-( ,95-zzl-14,41)( s E.-- A/kat 1 LA-i 64. C w �eQ30a 4 4,-, S--. ,� 2 - , , )5,'„,„ /1, 1Ss" �3 7i(l /36 f la K ,P /8'/zo S6 zS/ A t 7, wit. T?#.74t-Vise. �4- i s$ \ .a ctic Q e,, . w , i,..D"It.A.44,4g, A-4.4.4.,-PkaG-041-) ec, 4 1<ica - /5A/643 ' crf a—14 25/2 5 . 7/7 77-1 1:137 3 / 'et-4i io 04/ /i‘as-/ s- - 1t I - / 644 S - -- / 3.30(4 -tic ' -.- 5P tiP a, is 4 16 f4 f -- Ste/ 1V J%�;, , _ t4% )(l- ir>. , lg3 7 S.F eP s-�'iA . xlr- / M. Ai L?"4--79—: ' 8 ' � '� �L� . Ct/f9 )7 6/ o , sc a K nf7- 14/;,1 opliyip. Pio‘l 1 - 11/6 '' -Ave . s.r_ koni-- wet, •104.- ai. -id ,,, �' „ r/ ,� ,t 4,614, el 1P ' " 1 m, . t p/ '( l2" (Llq ' WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON . THAT WE. ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. 6) i NAME ' I • 4DDRC, SS 019 * St _tiyiei e_ ._J--- '-74‘ - te- -4('`e "t--rt-.-x-e--Ziralr‘ f-2, _, 1 ` - r--r 9."D 7 Se) ago o.4 .t"� I. 4.)a� a . WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE. ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. NAM C p pDRc, ss L( 4 S /2/ 1 44Y`"'.1J � . Y4nJ& z04/33 qe ,9 1/ 674, 14') wAar,. L/gAi, CLAtroJei. ,W/ WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE'ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. CIA E 4DDiRcss (5y- 4 � . r7 G i� �.6�..,Z�t /'S'S`O-- S, — �s '7 V3' / - r, :v /\,....tk., , r ON`i1i -'� A JLca \�i j 1 A'L ALA St k[_A-,'T' cJA- �j1 `- Om . tot). 4,1102,17Y1 Al i c?) ,IW 5'At 00_an /88121 f: : ki,34. Abf, A • Li. 1 6--tA.— Dk(Kt/ / 6 el' -e Toi 27___ez-1414_42..q . _____ i' .06(e6v__24ifzizue .621.s.c . , ,„t,;( ‹) (p.,44 • • /qq7`( �Fo /s� t5r 1<'e � ...�.G . ‘- i At7S "v r_. 0 9i y S E - , ,.7D Sf ,X __,, woe. ---A ' . • S A %mot , A _.� j �,� _ti s wa-,can! —__ . ' . (7iLd./ 1 7 1 n 5E 0261Pt a 4r-iL wm . ,, 2.0 05 Pt tit SG 33' S- i 9 ' s _ t IMilli -'-es---- ,...). . /4107 .SE ZgS ,i ..,,k/rA'4 D. .Q gyp. , .2c2005- 5e ,2-7a /2 /L.L4 3rH.._ l&MA,A___-, ,_ 4 (. --tilt_e___4_4_'-e_fi_ (42,Ei - c re ( WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE' ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY, ` ' _ , . - I a4Lts /9 i/s s, 6-• -&-e/ c-2,tk 40 -- - 3 SE 2‘ y //� P 02�o 3o /d A sc— t /4,44, Cat, aC300 , ace_ - o . S c:541/...01-).i .' gb i.1 IP/ .....4.4/ V 4, ,_ e .. 4_.., __, ... , , .- i - ,�. 1 //__'/,/`� _ �O l� WIT INIM /ra ,, SE 7a /l"�.v, wish% l?KUs S b 6 P / 4-)ek -S +Lk_g. 7 in 6 `� p� 'fit( J ,\ 1 ' iiii404. ic •INIMINEIMMInc ,4,- 11.144- 11/* ' =A / 401( IIIM A. i.vrlc9 '3 f . " 5 _ / .oh se, Po,h i in. ,Q ii WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE'ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY 9----- -- NAM4 E 4 D A sS .,1 4 S-± ;♦ . /;.. . f , ) If. . ,.� // ( , / // f ` l ' /� Os �1J�I/ �,• � a�,k,r- / � e . 5 c ,�-.-/-RWArBWATIni i i ‘f GNU. 1k c- . e. " 4 . MigrArARMII ' __-,4 -1- _Arr"1 asINMEIIII/ . '-I'• 6,14x n . Al ' / .41 . 114MIN 1 NIF , , , - - c,2-0 e----7Z---e-- _ - ,,f-t,e_-- (id.,it, �J io 4 OP ' 6-Z67a - - . . : MMIIIMMISIPIre " M i -AIM / 1111111111110111111111 a9 6 „ — , i , "Mr , �-- ' D.-Zc I is � . rI_ �' A ! � /, INERMIMINIE : „„ ,. i . .4,, , _ _. , z.....,„ , _, —) 6,s"7 V /i 6/2 S ,.._- MOM allEIRM Awler91.141"Millerellaginalliry asitimmuni- 1-7 ' I ,. . WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. NAmE . AD DRe_. Sc Dq/kA4 2V,AVIA4A ,1(3 ( S . c)4 efAA-t (Clif,tz- `-,"2.•,--st/k-es-e....- Wo26a3- • £ go) 74 /Lig ct;f:Ccft.toidollte ., /I7 id1-5. `5-E.:- CP 01 Pli k.4.?,,,t14, alei: et444IFY /0 VS SE S. aAal tr./J.3 ' 'V' • -e-ct-k.- ,..,W, s- -7-i' )' - /o• .-11 cf.:-f, /4\ ---.9r-1 (4/i4 y /9 - /e/ 5-es, / S ,..- id — '-- 00-3-7 12.7V 0 ---E- Li2Att.zek_ G -?7 „5 ...2.4/. /e,,,,e,,e-4‹...49 -1 „z3idf-i 3/57#IN S -- /ge„(_. - /eite-bwie ' // 41 . _, `•kv(-- <-7.:-,. .f_ x- - %. alifL , eLtiliip..4. 1,,, w a , t.d u /el-,1-- 3 ,i_ A),,f- 7 0 ,,/,-.--- • . ,, _ I 1 ir 9 i ‘ i, --(----- , ,t„. .et — 0'6 ' E —f - ., . ,,_..... I (,,y e_z _vhdr, s - ,.. ., ''/ -' /-eg---",fe4.€,,i,‘c AEMl • O, e-�,a v 6.'/- 679/ WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN- TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE'ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING�// PORNOGRAPHY / FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. ( t714( 2.3 NA NNE DE c ss _1� tSt �y �w,= d-(o03 s a c� p I .Q /, { �..� / '12( �[ 3q/f .e n-4-.c-) ( 1 ' 3/ S. F.. :��'2_ 77,7 _ /g6 OC- 952_„Ls-7,_,‘ /'rod appla ‘4,7 . aR_ 117 Am . CA' _ uJ�. N601,_ ,(9- /73:4- - pAo /oz, _56 k c.v 17(. N , 9 <. 3 1. 1%r: / 3°3 5-E f "'` " enla• /7, jJ(1 • ‘/?. _ o'37 5e- /) /Y1(.- °O,v4/ 1(2 -,/,/ a or,t,t-/ _La-7 / 6 7-14`41,/P- /1( _ r 4 . lefttiml--, pi .1-21,,iii.,J. ' ed,_.07v _ WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE'ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY ‘-) 12 -FILMS OR OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. NA pi\E 4 DDRcSc 4 5± 1 „ - 1 - SMINV e A 4,17 e a . 1 /a t.. 1 c--- e.42-iist--51 , ------ _ . 4111111,7F— All'AVM. - - ..._ 0; /, J C 220kf A Al I 00A 1 pm w irj rfa i 'Le deeit,7- Av- . . ittlaL_!/68.39 se eoccel al"e_5 , Ka:0 r tadf „._ . uo i ' -,.5.6 WA- /1°V WPsrliti Eckel- ,ei .D(4` (--u,2 . 1:1-tu Li . TRAR2 -rt tvi " 2 5-4-4-03A/A iyett- c i. co A_ ..... . ..A , A, .• -• k 1, ----1':.1 ilitit -it- ). 4 .- A , V e• --- , ..., - / A 0:- ., _..., 10,.i . ‘ 0 _ - -." • • --Aeiimi' .L444' b 12 00 4 -. c r y..(24. dr Ae . _II 9 ' • 2 4340 • E .... . - ...s- A.. ' _a-4A • ' '7 ' ' Z ' 5' e-,4 fr2'' ,,, , , = ..., , i . r›..,(„L .... „. — —. 7-- ,-:- .,,Alkito WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE' ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. , .2) 7 -. Ct -1 . NANNE ,494(CrA2-- rt ,7456 ?.. 10 eg. roz.1.0 x4 A (i. ....,....,.... A...,..... . ..70--....t)4.1........4.4.„‘„ 1 .1t4 k41.D.LA..-.41,0titIALV-4,-Q 14-ino 9-to &F 6 E" _7C48 ;2_____ _, ik .44e cr-- 4.,e,I.,,: d / iliii2, 16I )?..e...c.-to oar# OP i ii ki: ' 4)1) 0 7 ' 4/01-icitt1fSr AV 1 i/ • : e4 0 .44101 .. ...ditar JLQ kik CALI/ aloaq . lot s, r. , &Lim,/ _,______. - - I- - ---P- --,- -4-- )-32.61 - i op tf.A4 c, it A-',... i4--•It ti . ..„ . . .. , ...._ , f . . . .. ... ,, ,_ A 14 e 0 - , , - '''..n'.''''''''''t i 1 • I e , - - '4 0 c) • ' , — . . _ ,,,,.--, • , _1 ) • • ji;,' - 4- v,,D i . t .— • A il . &II ./ ., C - ,---ti,e-ii-* -72 ,v , . . _. .. --..._.,... ..... .. WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON ' THAT WE'ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. , TO tA E • A on Re. sc. ;-i9 * St , . _-,2 ye c e-ty— ‘e,'1/ '(..e.•=f-.- . ne-ed Z • . .. ep / (elpriTIMIrilligrAT '. ,,,, ...,/ — a A Pir - - /'- A — ........ , ' —lit i 1 2./ / 0 . tf,e1 0641.0..,4c. _ g 41 a 6 el -- I 6 L '4 / f----1../- °A • 4-Ala j I I 1 1 ' '1. ' I t I I I I I liti2 /4,.. 4 . .. Y 0 - / ft• 1 gr2t_, C , • ' ..k. - -S4400 qi- YO.1-,9t g i ,i0 ...„7„..1 . • lieb,-.41 ,24°, 0 0 9 -I d lt.,d g, 4-:€ de:t riiet,t,•#: . ' '' 4' -- 1 q i e, .4,/ - 4- 414 - 141-4fk, k# t 7434, (reLi / 6* (I ' fe er er I e . 910 0 c? -In I 1 1 , I 1 P / : :11 a4 :A_ - '&ix:7 cut e , ,i -," it _;i1,' • - de ? '. :4- , e,.. // 1 i 1 t, I . tt # , " ) 1,,( . fik ,/ . " ( / //- w 1 -.11_,A, 4.....-41. A * • ' . ' a 00 r — t) .,, 54i I ... O . jc.. ...„) / / , 7 xi ,.• / a2, 1,-('-v WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE• ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON. THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY ,: -2) FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. NAr� E • A DlJRc ss _,) 9 ♦ S a. 0,�� ,.r ee9/ /Ll s.u�. g . , Admi ea? (,vCr //D7%Z i 5r 4 'r- 9 ,0 z ozbv f .�e;- .57 S sQ - a/-zT L/.e,JL wd . a4c6p-4„.,,- '2 $gc2a- pia SE /�c- Ai if — ei, /A/.5//L ,it, .c-b. ,hp, Id,� /f 2I 3. E, At/g ) . 1 t o r3 (o S t�.s . chi c , , , -` - •-- o'er Rc-r 1 zit-I 5 ,, W.F. ' ./,P Z.c Z. ? ...._.___ ___64.Zne.taL_Y66 e-v-e,,) ,,: '(7. 0--fr ‘ 0 4 da-€.4.4,A , ._, C2c ...: Nti,2_,,,t. Aa icAq/ S E. "'"?c_ __,e__ - eclidetti„ii ' - --)---_.„i_2 7 A a i fa6,9-/ , ice!--- .s FE- .//_e__„t_*-, (wee__ ,i Oc%k l 2C2f6 - /off S 4.47/:=12zadal: ergs- 7 4 f ra ! '.. 'Dc ems, ,ei. - ) 3 g e Wit. .. a 3(36 S ,93,4 /7 x 7 ?(-7) ma,a(14146.4.io%Ly „,e() wog, • WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OP RENTON " . THAT WE.ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. 7 -412' - * '*" 1 �J . 1 LC 9 ��`� I 4-1-1,e4 CA./17.. -77/7 fC c.*) A?21.11 Apj4444_1) r A.c. .Jti 026102 ` /N141 /0% . � perbt , • £ ( 0.1- _ 13y- "P/ : S } .., -9. J ==Y' 2l12 - `'14°f . ., 'g'/-774' WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE'ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. :- 1 AiA t� f-'I ��4 - «i - 2Ganr . 5. ,� Q)03v, i.r. k' :' ‘‘Z1\-- i-Vo I b NW, 41116" ", r y %"4 2 0-77 e) 2e? ./.3 S_ .7 - ? 6./,3 .S'f: 5'T� /v. _ ..d F M , a. __ ,. L �o .. . _ / �'_ 44_..... _ ._ „. .,.. ..c. :./C.r<AQ Gl'a'V4--c-ASE (°' '.4_ ,if ,,-. _ 74.4 / C C.-,il ---riC- 7 . '11"1"--164-"'‘'-'— ----'.-._.1_ 4.5--ideieee .-- - 41641" --' -- _..-.-. .. /r.±1 •. _g_12,22zE22_4.- „ - ,, . 1 / _ ievAlitr-W rilrHiP Aeiffiarfelari0-7,--e =L___ Z/P3/ -. <',.t3 0.441P or �� C �.J L_ • . .. .- ..�/.,, 1 _ _ / /1 �r i ---_ . 41111MOW .. . . ..._...... I. ._/:_ r1a Afiz80,e--- s?..t,,i.ee cW_,, ; I, • , , . •. • — (.1,7_ ii.e.A.A-cs-ed.....------c-.) We , tt4R people concerned about Renton, a e united in our opposition s to the establishment oP pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 1 r NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE - ems /77.10 „gy c !e1' F 97r .3,i_ 9':31 T ii/Avki ke 4.kit, 0\0)919 Aif G-E,1 1-(4-1/0- Q00O3/ '1 &;-.199 II a . ,. r 77i s r ,Y s 171' 4 Wit goPer3 cf- 1 .z 4-y71 47. 4 ./.._.[ Ae Ab' - S, E . s // tkJS WD3I 932-o37s iMIPME../-.24_.. _ R;2 g" 5 7.-A 1 ree--- A, Ne,5-_5- 4,2,5- --,7‘rp AIL• . „o _4., , - / . ' a 2I' A:./'/ a1 .2- Coo `. .a.....k....., ..4 1 .4. 1' a ) -to .�5 .E, < ( C ` La- ,(S3r jall&L211 / 4. f D -e 70 6'7' 72,,: u,, , lr _ `7 - a � mac.,I - g- , - 1 �-/6 144e L Q e(3.)--C/ <( o , iC1 ieVie am cr V V -1 S-- '77a- A -3 a6 a g.27 . o?.- QolaoAr ckki2 VckStS ae .= \V .,st p i K,„, L.V' 4- - O4 it 0-CU-tin aL321-1 I.O.QS6MQ•ti WE 1.)4 6 ilit 11 i a- 'C='&19 (5,1 ,i : ta2,42,L______22LELs. _ L '1 (-- l 3 /cam -Dq9 u. 3 F1. yie' 2 t (Ai * 7 3:)yn 9 /e le6(7.3 c:. --ofs-5 6-/eft' e - / • . a -fee -- - /523 'i/ t i P—J `�_E `#3,.2"/cc6f 7/7 /V- 67i- -fife( Kinti ad 85 , :la°./'/X - /-714-- WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON - THAT WE'ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY ' FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. `-c4Z› NAME • 40D Re, ss ' + St • 4,--- / __,e9--,-(_,4--- A a.3,ii a is. - Aec, 0/ 9 746'.?(P . i Q , 2'rdz< o? .fie Ke.,.e..,?4--r .\,. • 1. & V v. . 1141014A , . - C iw?-;24-44394-er A E Ma pkq ?60. 3g _ _ -- . o2/Gn.._ >(c -/.€ie 5F '�/ .tmc, l r,,, _... ix, f thi-k9.-.2,.7.) A,,,A9, ,Fik,b(14. d5i4ec 0,4, r, i Q„,. . .._ . _,..e.„4,,s ! ‘ t--ik4ot-i s & 1 % Li map ie. Abg.,./le_. 1,.. nitrii.7.-g . ... ()LA _ . IbaH y I 9 ) 3 6 .5 E e _r) 'h,->A i iipi 1 44 A / 6E/, / ? G 60-5/z.-- re,,._.&_ ..__ o o ats 4 Q'. _ 197'0 15 E ' , cil 7)70y,t4. a- -___ ram.._ a s10m - 1 r 4 l 1 ' .4-4,4 , -3 2-'2_41- /9< /7/7,',,-- _ -_7 _,/4' 1,_al._ . .___ . ke soi`3 Ste. ad . 1 -- .L:=-- ,7 ..vy izz- -_S).1-- I 7-";1 ---'7 1 1 4.ZiFij--....,,__ `-.........-.. r._ -))"/ ' , ..... _____ di3iii . . • is-fLt .77- --- , . ' s 12 d s � ,/ r l/�G� Ac 3&z ,,:-c. (DP . epD (P1757, df /9Y it li k..2.‹,,c(x. ^ Itl#4/7 .e.'._ 14400 Vie/ lq a°: aolexiatt WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE'ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. NAME • II. D D t2c Sc ,, + s ... / Al °MIMI M if 00 4' / ,AAPM III_ tO-/ ., . 0 J. t / ugimminmaimmi .tla • 4 o I - g S . & . ► ' ' L`-dC.., . 4111 . _' -.4.2010). 1-M11111REMINIMMIER W. ‘ - , , ,// _� .__ _ 3 ss y s of v 9 `� /�-- �� :____ z.,2,__V)-_ !QtA..k .ais. -04 --L-146 -tee--1--(-- AigadS79 ie334-24,41,. 257-* ..iii. WA -' 6 I a I:A t A L id /3r) 7 Sr a 57) /�... �cJa . _ _._ —�� imarl cg41°3- ► 3aand CI. I. (, Xe,yli, Q, .. C L n y— / y - _ ►% sg_N...: k___ 4_. .s.c- ._ - 61.6?r r - .23 / 4-1 5 S gyy26_ � l 04 As_ v ouL__.) ibyttan, G �c rla t/1. _. /,...,, 39623 - /3St a S6 ,( (.64 , aid- . . _af .7 <- . ,,z(„5--e,2 --, ,35e ?4. &,/, C 7,44 /4"xer/4 i .. !j; Yi I' • 11 'iir el7e_,6.2_- ,rVa 7 we/ WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON - THAT WE' ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. NAME D E RC ss j 4 St (R4Ltr,Q e- z3341 - 1 OST"4 5 K % 1 F : 3b"0 / 7Z '4'5& ,-eti7k GJj. ita. 1 1„L4 'D- 3a 1 1 u.. SE:: I CIA. C;44212. , j 4/631,V, --,-- q /6 ?AS) 4,0;i -- ---,7 ,,, ‘-- ri,,,. . ,, ,-,-,---4-- y ) i.,4P-/.`"--_Jr/. 2,4' /./7-:<.--- - ;44r4mu)-474J160(VJel* l2/15 se P$6 5-t- IQ C-.e/'7v iJ 4- +�V'�. 'V. JZy. 0 __ _ 2 7,,7 G rp..7 -- 1. ,p.ii....4,-,,„../......_---c- ifiZet_ ..2,____ ,;1/-Vi-,44e>56 S'1.2,---- /VL-tii.:_. ...Orzi,„(9? &XL/ t( 111.40-4--vt--- 4/ 7/ j /30 „Sr a Q10 /_ , /4 ri-, 1 6VL 7tit- Ole) , :,&„Lsv.„ 1 �, „ �- ' � 3 n �n,`}fir'' ��- ii) 2C ;1/ 41.“4-4:.e. 61.1.(4-rue-k _ ,./.(41.,_y__13...-1 1i 1 _6-_:_ga.4. t-044tA, - - - - - _._ �_�. _: t 1 '3 o r S-6. Y 3 -4 I - Lvti, 4,4t...4.t eilt, ,/ _2/ - , -4-1, /df'., _ . 9/, rdie2ce /(2r . o�el-se, ri tl 7/3 l 4<°2-)i a . `.." il a4 fl;d_„! #d7 ' " aW 51- '41 &G/4 & / 'Ott: a aTiktaltri ' O2D goR LS/_= ' / 10 g.z 04 W 'A, S.f. i'C we,. Y/._-,4 _ �ii f _ I asp Q4 • C'.e51siz --- g ///7s i,a: --1 17_s. .)14 Iva( Wiii,„ tv, • G7 J . 1 , _ c�;s 3Z_ ,. / 2- Y / t L3001i-:.3Z 4,G SC / - :7 - - / I6-S o• . a . /fro 5-/le •0.17/71-t - 4.1_1— ‘ f-„2 7 3 S. .00 , c-7 r2 6( 5. 12 (+ c"-M t O ;255-C, Co 7 a3 't� --/90..4 . "/ate in ,44e, 30$7.c 2. Df, Ze.,,a h/i, i S 6—// 7? / 4ci w t coo /'1Z35- gI St NI/e 0�o3z ---)frhci E � � Jo � aft) I 7-1 as se 6: Y63ACo 1 0, 4_ )/`t1j.5 5F SJ Ait,i° y f 3)-3075 a�7e9 i % a•.0a4a-?/f P2f-g t' 11,,1ZWS-3S 7) r � 7.a/-z., 921 &_,,,.ram /6 L/'9? /q o S P 1247, A,2.1 72_1_3> Pict "; � . /� 4 `'33 , ed- ys /6 I 35- c3e lsps' .921A, of a 47( z s ,Q/G Al i 922- 1VZ `� .yam_ .. ,s --S?Sc' a7A)t.1 fr U, lbw y. S.6. /Ylo e.. 1.1'-b i <3 4z S' 4LL coo. l(cteS z.s3- '` 56" .1ss eAv+-11_ 39Z -- 977Z 41, --' pC9y-OJA)lakaldthlw6t) ,Zi 52- \40. 150-- drtapaeral , ° - 631-593¢, 16-4-4.11 gal ,,2C,G0(? ,)--al/4-PC .5 -S 0 t/e f-W.2: _.?/..sy iff603 s i t, 4g,frz ,e-kie, $(5-3 icgre-e /reA_3 .-s,E,, iae-7-6f>v4/3'2- -' 1 -''‘ _ . L.,;1 cu&A, ,z)r- j_tAA-L-:,- vc. i3g. to - 1 q/44,4SEI 0/--‘_;. e , " c'd'op/0 / a I s/tic-SE Kek--t- b 3L r2 L -- -,e:i-PZQ /'t,A -, '_--->L. c1j3D4' 5 £ .Zmm * I,fr - / V Sr 3/tz.,1_ 61-7 ,,A....e.-e4._.----,..) vie , the people concerned about Renton, a e united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at _ the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning _ and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or/ Li 5 .-S private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 3777 - / _/5 -S e ) il,� -7/-/S2 7 r ,, /W .7e.4,,.., /. (/•, V•St 0 , ' /,. ,.r„ 3 ems— 6ccA)�.4.oJ ? /,y�Q) aA6A6 Dem A l.'an Jr c eydz ail y ? g�a `z. 20e, 2«. ispke- Wiz--t z 7 9 . 4(---z) (l 0atl 6 -y1 �'t - 5 611bi p _c_,IL . _ _ ___ 23 go 5— ,62cgr—ii_ 5.fe WAfr ie."4-- Z./ 2#)4 Ad-e. of 2_74611 714 3/ 8t'4-,//`. --n1: 0-c.) 7yy)-1,-(754- 10,a3 -3� Ste . 1. e,, A , /,8_57 V - 2,6-v--- -- ,7/-Z().--yey- At-s-4- a. - - II - ci /I/a6.- - c'Z70 ple .1ff �� -2-6f71 &y,. ,ffret4 - TI/x/k S g g d /14 . ,J2k5---ygy,,, A :f r- 1!btatt-ad 242:2-7 CE 37 L. Tviu,44-1(kivu A4_ 82S-734-2 -4k42a_c5 ' ' ' ' c11.5 3 , 0- \s,c2.44.) (-{,3)- -_-y_c_o 10 aCe.v� / v i, i-ta4.vi. ,3�°4/ SE /1�1I /T the , t�f./� • fl-U WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF. RENTON ,. THAT WE.ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENZ'Oli THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. NAME A D D Rc SS ti + St , - �-, / / / • • rwa • • • • • • • • �t WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE' ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. 7''?"--- /VAM 4DDfie. 5S (:j ♦ S17 ` 01 wat 71/LA.0z,6.0 / 7.- a G / 6 3 13 n/, S e;, K i 0 kJ lei ft _ I7_3-z___1 \c-(.o-```3 E Te_A--,-k(=I_D____ ______ __ ___ ..z-4> /&<,. ..__ -_,e..____2- i 1_,___e_6______„,..,,,,, __, .';___. 7, ".4,,,,a __ 5 7 ffiti-fil „--, �. / —_ � a ,F _ dig I�eA� _. �_. ___ �.__ .. .. ._ ,._._..__ 73(102 111 pi_ SEC-q IC£n1T 9$03 - - -: _. .-_ L_:__:____s2t (g (3— Z..-'- c:. &Co io, ,724e.ecth47... .._ __"5.6.7(.1LA 4.46..4_ .7.71" , „_.. ..4.44 . .. alto go sg. Gate 4 4440 ‘-(1\otiik u • .: -2-14 . _........ - I 77e7:._ _ _ _____ . tAwt s °Leg Y1 . - ii- 4/a, ' • . ..,1 ______./ , : I/f .(?Sl-t11A/\A4A,_, . a\ c� _ i_Laza4 71,41Li -_ . __�...__i . e9 / . / ,a-, A/._. • 1..S,d/ 4-, 6..„_.; • - e)--,1 Ifit , - d ,, • • ' t)-)•,607,,e.., -44.44.:..,,,____ . -, d;:e - 2.:/44ra,440.,..5s:E. ii??1,6J °--.-r.-‘ 4/634 se 241 -c4(.4e - clz/634 s - d .441______ 172er-___6___Ildel_ i1/4).:-' - 4 -/-c-iN' /cc vz Sz ' A4,,z‘s_kg_i___, ze _ 1 61,07 We , the people concerned about Renton, a e united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at ' .,``r , the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet 'of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME 7p ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE j,,77,ir, Adtai . .11 .7/0(i72/-ZerV- _ _Z%- (9 r:1-j a/2h A; rs. /( ,,f/ S'E,.:,227 rk /SD-`/S.242 3�// �6,7� /Jni7 Pry s F. .W . %_3 -CASs Wig- I a.ei 71/4-,e,-- Zl-2- /1 17F l h 5F ( tj 1 _,11 1 / F-1 1 e Sr C3 OF ,e7 ;-7 / - ' yr /(14-- 'Cite 21/0657' / 6rwh� c k (b (ki 13 /`"f I. 12 . S- rr,- 7K 1 Qe- c6;3) -1/ 3 y. ie1 '07- /`fie TF / 6/ 3/ -Vi 7.6 L i,..L...,<___- 2 2 ( 0 s , -1 ,e _. .‹,.E, R.q7•_ Sep -i-(3 9 7 , , � � ''�� -cc,?(; / s 6 3/ 77 ��c , (�/1 6 3 a - 2- 7/6 is A -k ;c 6 to o - 16s CQ,,t, _,-,:. Q, ,,(k.,.v,:, /‘/�/Z S , 6/-577 ./f ,0 N7L 63 7--/4' 65 •N6,4c_e_e_.,e;i1 . oz s7 . , , - i(v___26?.6.--- A �i/sue�7� e7 ,2- co ,- -- 4,...._",„/ 4,„ kt: FP . (13071_ y ?° 7 if 3-z zc.5-9f c c Poi ev3- 3Z'r v3 2 , &SP.‘ L �2 . as �h • • 3. 2 ��a 3 _g_vaLD ' g ',/0.(1_AQ'el- . . /U2/kt,.0..,k/A-4 kie 'lel g-- O 7 ;7 96- ,-c"- ,r. Ur c'67r a ICIAzti i,t 3/ °s`'7 a 4 Aft r.< G / - ( z RETURN TO 512 Carla Av_e._.Sn - Rearm-_Wash. • QRfl55_ _ _ _._ ___...__. -. A „ 306 9 r (f-.,Z1 ../=- itl 2 3 z - g z.3 7‘04-A9 , c;216 /7 //a ,,f."..,, 5", ei,a4 6, 36) -- cY7e - 41-<-ej Alie- -7--4 --, 3 /e) / A F --)6 s- 74,/,,,g_ 0,,,e _ 4 3 c) - S-0 3-- )(I?t)I,L-c, /04-1 LW' /96 il `')/"° /137L /' '7 d /-, 09.j> (--9--e--e--' -d-e-- ----Q-27----- ,a / y705 ..2 f , /24- / ' ()-rci- - 7C/ /5--- 2-) 27A-1/Cg---- 0/(b -5 7 .__. /9 ste( /4) 2' 11CA /9 P Ala,4--, _2?,i)0 7 ,:c L.,..96 c--- 121vt/r id (Itiez)-1-- 4/3..) -s y 6 (z_2(t-juk7,:///1 C /`t,S L7 ritaf 3.- /0 ac ,/v0 vti L�� 9 - 3 li,CtLiAll a0 603- 223 /'/ 5 L=. )O y.3 1 P"-:r4\ • opposition the people concerned about Renton, a e united in our to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public ;,ark, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or Lf private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ea„ Z 2C Zo - , 7a 7 7,3.4 V32 37/.5 7'n � � c . << 3D�1a1-- (gag Ala . ©lam D;r�►rwrA uOc< . q 0 L U y�'1 _-- 'it c/,l d h �T���� /f 1e aJ)L , / 8 `l Z0 5c= z 67Hi 1- k/a- 663/ i , - i.AW ' 01-,S3 Si:- ,,1- 63 a a-L_Y^i- - � / F ,e . W WC)3/ . _2n4/ 33 no •)-J 1: - 1.4.1.,,.., l i qi, 41 /D3/ 1 i > , � f e 1 % 5 � 4qwi- ;/o() 7_ /77 s� ",. .)---K,41S- V a)z, ii.:: -/724/247 Vicie2„,( ` 1' 3//M 1791b )21 L,.Sc _ '� ,.i Lam' . j- y r-Z • s /5 / 7 , 1 ',3 - --o t- 1 ' f jest/e. _ : 506,6O /6ge r"t J'C' 6,f/-c'e 4/ ".1_________441Lacw---L ,,,,,t .k._ 13 i5-5-. . - ' gY6' '-- ,,7 7k, )9/) , ,l ao _=46 - , 3 —(_e,4055,co. 4z31 -05-/, 9A co , 5-- SE `?sz's kJ _ 3.;:e - oici et ,_p,c4/ 4 c / ( . >v ' V Zi a ey-- _ ,,J..4,..„L______?-14 71--(16-1-/- -E.--, • c1)— -21/, I) `-ii -) - 6'3 6 C i alg 07o, i_g 02/3- 1,4._.e . 5.L.C, X3c32 - aa78 RETURN TO 517 Cedar _A' e.._Sn--_Reafnn..._.Wa sh. 9RnS 5 __.......___..___. ' '.;, -40 . 6/7_ 9‘,c,‘,..2.-e,—..--•-<> 4-- , i,s,.2. . 6,xi/ 7 We , the people concerned about Renton, a e united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet 'of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or LI private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 15) q�6s i ,cbdit � d 9 i7 Sf�gla ede `v3.2 7, ,?5-694(, 3 71 . 51'. A4p1FVAN 'AO 3q k3a -/r.y nt 1 cl . Vt-cIL-ed_ 7,3c/27 S6- Z.(0 aid? 0z* 1 _ /y, (/r YE 6/Cj /a-,,- "a, '7[a.3 / la AA tt' '3°103 4aut ON 'Q-6 c•-L )a,ag_Wc, 836 - 3G ../ ______ /-z-z-z_ 7e- 2 7 irt y- 'zY2:2 r S LT s-, 64-E2- f o a tr 0 _ 3'1-wrz1 4 1._,7"4_,,,eap 0. 1‘. " „ ill yA-ki c < sr c37 c(. 6 ' /= . . �/J >//lt'7v !/.-e- .M1'^. /5 r A az - v/firl .2V/c-_2/� �y �c i Lic1 tryY .:.^Al _,.►/' f 1, t o "j z G f) -C. -. (c-st-A- V'izT7- `"'' -/l`' - ,NfraMreO'ira,. .2_ / 47/ e( _ , APIP 5-..,1, 0--z._- 3,- 6 ec -L/tA, 41-4 J1;-_-'. /,,4-A., g/Z--/s - -10,1,- 4,,,-SA--:-k-- 0)-0G06, c:,) i 01 .06„4, b .1---31-5)906 . P.A. - - o)C /0 Sz--/gzi 0/4 -‘> z1 -?7 /3 iv / Adly ae)3 30Z S'. 7 ,ea.,_ . 63/--F/6c7 C , Vit 0)--____- 7,160& se .2,7, y32. 33,Sb // // • RETURN T(l ci 7 CPda z_.A re .5o._. RPAton- Isla Sh. g RI)55 - --------- -,--- 61,.."4,y_ - ,.....-e,---..--c.) ,__et--,----- . We , the people concerned about Renton, a e united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or ��' private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE �v�icc� �a© 7 ,If ,, r °Me 13.2-474/4 Xd (/' "/2 /BGl�,'. �� ��° %2 5rh,„ �-2"//� BUJ � �J_Qk SE I (h(?,_413a-tS Diu.�< z, 4 ;_f_f ,1 _v•et �6 c s cp.� ? ' 4,3 a is-..,tA / - . .L zd) , 35-,2 17 .J.1c,7 _2 ,/-c ici le/a- 9 Vo 3/ - 4ra3, a ,c /a� a S ),r -44-4( /4,0 t (A)Q -�s/c • / , �Z3�?��a E. r!..i; ei z.e/ - ''3‘,7//5 (n", &ram, 323,5 SE 1. ._ PviN.ottt Ljatee_ -i ii(2_ 4;.e.„.,--Z..„ ,-..Ze.4,t•-__Ze1" ..., /e/4 c-- ij42‘, je w ,_ 7,5,2/p W I t -e.. tS5 E &24/1j--- -g:5' -9/ac 7,_ /,, v -. �,,./,.7 ._,-., �z ci/ Ai- s i:Coey f 3. -/hl�_� C Gil /e lC �t,,� ci Gde ,2 2 3Z -al 2O 4-:„ -ii Qfilil 02 & g.1 az .1, a _3‘ I- i7u e;.?"/ 'o sr / g<I! �, Oj//, _ - � y ,. �_�qit-s- 'R S M G S L " I(Q (Vl j/a.:``'���`'.�5-. t'-s+� �'Z n Q-eA- /k633 34 �v . _O_a_a z�-iv 1 �xi. ,.2(s(-4n4 R 11Ait r). , t- 2 D,1- I.(�kexi d� _. Df_S. ��eci%Le1A)0. 7 7,)-a7 6 Will I 39 ,_5' .cQc/.F6(=-- je,,,c1 ILI . gn -- e)6'X Y s- `10- 026-s-70 7 02o .2.2- ,4 _S RETi1RN Tn 512 CPriar AvP SO , RPntnn, WAch 98055 WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE' ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY # 5 FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. a NAhrE . •ADDRc. 55S . �j-/ + St - 0 'a Q S' AMMO' -- ,.. . , .4. D ...,2,,otu,, . ,. - ' v ' . gm ..., e:_,..., _ _ A/11 fit. 1 ,/ .._.. . . i °•Ai . OA b 16 • I I 7Y ct--v✓o.4„,,,_ ' 0 S. "a 5/6 Ave . s. E, u e - -_Ca . /_ - a, U 2 - /b -30� / -a a-- SE E --_ ,_ 6t!npL2..___,g)____ _ ____ . . 0'... ..1...;--- s. FT / 70 Fri / -40"- - , - / - y.... ,746.____ . .raginw .vANAII .}7.4.4az ..._+ -- �L .�'4.. l' .... _. z. ' Z7.Z3 Ick(dam- FiCr<- • Q� -•-_- F66...Z..1. )/i/fa.e.'4t..." ' . 3 Q / - .6, _ -_. i ---/ __/... ..):14,,, . c ..,7 Al- / . c .7 .5z,/ ,7_ 'ye CR/4'74-4 etwf...4._- ro-vtr- sat,toe) • :_,,_,,b- AM_ _, "111"- - o• 233 C"" --E di , ` z- LL Y .." _ .2.2s.o,16- .i9sa r�7 j _ zzz4-Z s . 3a44"" • b �r 4 __._.....` :3 L7 2 k .._ _......... . .. __ �._ k, Co- ,r n =MUM , / ._� • WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE. ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF .PORNOGRAPHY. )y CIA M E Ss � ��y 51: \11\4 u{2 R . o N L-5 I O s S c, s o`'- A-u 15 v z N tar, .RAoe (67 )(‘-.1 „ 9.6 I .-/z/ As:7 ;co s ../ghteit614442 ,0C/infl ) 5- -- / __. _ .. l a y ,, ram, � j. G�i/I/!-TL f> r �Y f i I: _p„ese,0„,..".- fieL.C:22,4- C4,...__. ohy_ - 4..."........e,_,,,__, ,...„- 9 a , vd'/ 7 We , the people concerned about Renton, a e united in our opposition to the e;,tablishnent of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public f park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME _ ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE `' ti, __ Gc1S 5a ict62 z" at 1$o2'1 LiSZ-3q � _ o a • ,,; o y -.2. es5-3 --,% 4 ' 2-6 ttp 0 1 !-C-. ( ,0.24 iii& VAZ v l'_( - 3(-U7 S 7 • Mrie& . ,9 -s zit --au J S z= ill ef J/0.( - 3a ) 1 J /l /9q S �fZ0O G 6/"3> 9 a-dd'eP. . -�, P- ?c o S 3,6'(l�� 5F /55gci�t S ?tea-7 _3 -3F�S 1,5116V a s- 'r Pl o3/ < _3 (e,6 ' e__ /P13/ 5,.E- 02/3y-h-' Lee--nte-re, Y,X.55 4/3.2 -0/4y 2,i40 y J /y . "1-7,0ety l/�<<Cy V 3 2 - VZ 3a q V2 SE_ 07 l aU 5det l e 32._ /q/ 23 3d irS7 J - /IAA.c- (JIL<1 .7r32 s�) : _ _U 3 d1 `I I l 5' , e ��� --- I/31---5(4•/, dc.k__61) . ' ,19161-M73 ' E I-N_L-Olt. i — 7 0/Jite r • 7.37,1 ���-s?73 Ai 2 / -24o V /ea'h 4G''S k it3 2-0? -a. 16 ,4w i /�o 6/( / Y/i * SE 4/Ai-ay\ � ,e-- 0979 oit4 -: _a 2R ri r sF . 4A/cc/ t/_4G - 1`C(5z 3 5 , iqZ s-- l . ,3a-,3te 0 0- 1)(' cp v)--e- , ,U,-41Idet_ci 6tp.e.Q da-Oky (113‘).-cleaY ,-' Z/8/5 �� Z7q y- A4,�-� ' 32-Iioc-( a '. ,,/.5-/s ,, a2 s-Y 74 , Ter- +' -3 s-Qe,- „ ,,,,l .a..,4_i>-.0 c:dt--`_L,. l vZ `%ifs ` ex/ 7 We , the people concerned about Renton, a e united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE d'i), A..) o,(05z ` /3 7 -e SE /7, 2-'7 4;377� 1) 7 -F?Y' irr0 I ha MOP (*C,E ,/ c J c(oh M �e �'i Oi ill 9',.3 ) -9Sa: 1? c4Se//L-T , 59L t /0-tCleie - 4I4/I4A 4'3a r8.25 Wt. (9gb-- Y• .L-7.. , -, 's fily.4 /4 4/ek ._.,5_,- --/ao y 53- 5d-.moo' c%i44fL -p,2 .-A. A 0sOiv /01)T gs,fri iSa a3 / . per 67s----- �____5' C;) oz f 8`s -7,2q A/ u - galp 7 / 7 S E. ,74,72-7! cr / , 11)6 G-' -” /.22 G zti-.K.z. ._3/y(V& 1_Tr / Oa epc1( ce-si-1,,,j •�p,21 hkiti:..,- i0 G s c,:. "z 3 7 0 G.)„, 5-7,2_ O Q 0 1 „70 -7 3_5-_2. ,2or-re D3,1 u., SE /% L 7 . - 4/17/ . 11.a4a-tee-- ? b 6 - o_?/ 4/3a- 54,551 i r, Vo1 ?-/7a 5e. - y o5_5 02- 416/Z ,L�4._0 -o{ 223/S zz 7 �! F. . 'Of?C42/ 8.4" zs7e ;12' dp_z_oog /6,50 t/ vSe, g5-7-P-4 PlaA. i -z-74 ,,r,a3/ 37 c?/-7?? 7L Le/Vik) (2,bMi t4), Vaa? eorzi) 66 i a, ,1,ai' c,2 950 3- /76- ,S1-6-- 7r/ �1�0 3 / 6 3/- sal o 4a„- C'_ /.e, - ,2 zaz faa e j? . 9!1. / -6,3i 7 WI . S pi-. a3%s 1 nq Pi.ZE . i . ?go3 / 63 / -7�? CC/24b2 ^0(A4l(14,)( a"Sq&q /7a vd At cS e . 7/6)71_, -704 9603/ oadzii Jallh4-cl 2,. -r 1,0 Aw,/ . , 4ce 9 o3/ A � �� olls 4-041-tgolk. n Y617()S 0255-670z E41Atiff 5 ,7 ('.ajar AvP lc , Rantnn, Wash 98n55 WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE'ARE AGAINST ' THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY ifFILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. '`� > - ' , 1...2....,0._ 4, - i 20y .s-7- 27 J r'p4 . kee, -, LJn1% I cR/ 503 7 A 5 .2saA 1,)-27,7a, -- 33 /�h S, E_ _ I . a ny , /_ - 2,4 "7-449_,/,,Avi ...,. ., ..ar,./1/4„ _ . ‘2„-....,,,,‘ .--.2,.2_ 1 Sb `H., ;1-1s-"-°T..f--, I rer)t:ab___ k'Aa7 1 4/ • '-?).td- - ,133Dd Sc. Zi )- f---1-_Ca,. 1/14?),/1,t, frailf‘A''C'4 Ajtei/rkT\-. !7)217 ,5 .23.3,4 aq. 6, _jrci7067:.2:_ .? ___A)42. larn. ) A4 Ste" _____X44,2,1,i . 0‘.7,. -VIft-42&PACk_-------__/ ; t lam' � 5 ` _.... C ,, 4fr'd i. adh ---- .�.- 2zvoy SOr 304M sP' . 4._ .. _ --1.2.21_,..2-i-Ji „ _09 }or ,,,,, a,,,,, __ ,_. _ . \1,-,.__,,,,_( e- .,__: .& ,,,Lae.c_,-.__I \._ ,€ - _.- / ` `C�-cr f� - 5 (3 (,, S � IA _Q.%.0 3 ) __ r76/e 56 3 a /� . Lf Y /3 a- 11, SE q I 204 P, k 4a.. .. 9 1.1,44 • ___Za....4.7.64,,,A_ _ ali," '2_1 .a)0 �� " .0a'1[SE. 3i_JS / fLO /nT G �.,1 7 / WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE' ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. 3 NAME 4. DEJR . Ss' 4 S -tia) A - Ciazy,,h_ ,a186/a- cX06 8 . GI "`dam� J( J ,:iy .---,--3 (f-A\ _J pi le e:1-. 1..- 9 i/coda 64.04tuc.c.k. at `-kickf44,64, ' ( cp/S. L,Le.24urgcl IC, t—hqr- li ()alit E I 04 -1?-- ,' ____ i 3,? 3 LO CUc,Y Am.Yc' 5„ ZZ6I S $woQ v f�'S 7'Y7 o I•/` O jg � O S i3isr!°), S. 0 c, L —6-i Y-s1 f-.7 . 06 1,2 ,1_22.',,,z,„ aitar- Ae:-. 2-7,;" s -pi ii ' f (-7 -. 1 .7i5 ,;VC„, a )1 ) 7/ ry - g,e ., st 4 ... fl c czar, . �e.-4,�-E, 2/,��o Sly' Z,fT 11 glie �71?i a.�cA� c) l m/ We , the people concerned about Renton, a e united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public C. park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or 2 private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE -/_5'Z__ ff 7 C- 311515,111;5317 --‘47 a/' 7):7-at..0 ffiee,ze:r X.3<,7 -7_5 c?' vinirAl rl;!_, Z 8acs`/ 7 , ' ://' laiezi,A . /Vz= ‘,./d/cL71 6: 2 g' ,5-/' // 9jv . Y ca 9f S—/ g3c2- Po oa. rj V uric,() 2 2 9 a 6 S E Z97 ff 1 LUA 9,03/ y 3 2 - 0 9 a,9 In " a4., /93.z 4/- s_ _/61..74. I?i# 4 . Seas ?SS"-9?&J ;\v\— Z � x30 o,- \ .. ►sty _ ) pkb 1. , )SLI 14 1(91 Vk ctec MoVle k.Ktlii qi9M Li I/ .e .10 09.E ,/S sTA: `ilz-`,2 24k) -i-m-inif f)e,. k ?°1 64--S2-, c5 ,5. ,3g ` l ©3.- ,3 2 02 - Dom: sr a,4 U _ G1 a_ `/3.2- //3.3 ''•, of,9 ) 3.,ibC4''a 490, 1 4.)ec SL iiLe.„ 32 -0`-'2-.) C2 ,g4p -3- ,-2-.>---Li 4).1( 0 7Z 77 �.� a / -3. -�0,2.z 6 Z- „ S-�. . -X -3 'o,‘ ,_.).-sue J1/111'\ . 1j1. 7 /7) /-[ //. :}V(' e WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON , THAT WE' ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY _ --- FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. //', '0,?______ \ , \tjt ( 91)0(4 - I cy53 iv,)-v -J-_ -__ CR NA-o p — SL- Q OF 3o , .-/3‘ _A'e /`� U "Gir ,:.,_ / , , !� L /C . ; 1 `-77Z a 'MI6.:_ ! Pz-/ o a,h(, ei/ �Qt '�' e i)iit' �_. _______ ......_ _._______ e-,--`) , 7 9\i\, 9)ael-g-t-JA., _Lagg.f-- G,f,' tf9,? '4 �. 0 1 0. o 1 ._____. ,, ,, ___ ,g. ..:.to _ , __J.:2/cy 2-5 3N _ce- e ._ / e 7_---:; .___ _ .473,iej - . . - ..... ..__.--/i e' t--e. N Pe/- e ra -1/-.414-2: 4 .4_ 4 12151t � Ai dC / .47 - Ai -Ax?... / -,..e... irk - .. ,Iik 4„, ,12.562o .5 i 2/6 4a-6 47.q:-A, . - _ ... - . _ _. ? Co ! t-- GC/. w .ice 7.. .._. . ._ . _. 74z12. .4Q 86)< _ I 6 s ?J r _._..._.__ 0,_ ,,_ -,. A__...._-,...._ . - . s. qt..m t_.-_-re.6 (40 iv6r,71 Pa&mex LO cc- ' W ,., 0 :.,..... .:' _.__ _________ __5-__Cs_ T-k_____ _,Na t-_ 1\ a ._ , r..L : • ..u, /1 tee- /6 ,:::.- ,�_. _ _ ncvme._ , .ur s -e-( 6E-- 1 q q _cA_ c, /9 — _ _ r,' /?7 ,!E /7 7 -,-Ataxioar-7.--i---- • ,- -,w, -8.-E - 1-- .,-,4-i-;-- 7,4---09/e7-1-- 'j .-_,._,.. _. ._..„._,, ,,i_i_e_,=ri_______ _,?__a_i_d_ . ___77 - _ .. VP 77. - o'�S�•/ 7 .--(/ 4 -2 F'a - i i 4 -riZtc,. 7 (... . (-i- t-1-'-' 74-/4•e-ez-ii- ;;2, ,Vid,o . .e- 300 — 4---,67-vt 7 _}-4,t_L- ii-Z-)--- '2. 2-4-/-‘D --S 457 C.-lf)1-49‘7"-- KL---Ar 1-4-5 4 4 g 6•Z / 'C\A - ` ao(s"SC LK R 3.-r - N-J t _Dq c. E.-, W 14 a-o&A 5 -YYLi �'-02e R a se NT1 - J i 8i 75`'a',/fL 60 • L��J e,__ LA,4_12)L0) 023C7 /y6 '' S -- G17 0 .04e-le-e-r-- 4/9-e(/‘,77 .2/13a 5 ( ys e'- , 64)4 ' .1°-1-i/ -("J)1 . -‘46'`-- ,,filg .il__ , 364Akei-e-riA- ga g S s' / ,/,oz.z. ,_,,‘__e: oz5-o o V . Q/ ' 2,_A- 4_2 ?/'' ,/,e4____,,;---. ._._,(1 (-1; --,--- 7`-/ 7 ,- .7_,:7 e). . -e / - r,.:, 4,,, ,, / ,.,::_,____ _ - a c)s.&IA (Ai ktic Al 7". c_, ,A,ii 4- , „ V14,1114 S o ,4-0 d c/4 (AA,ty.)0\ic-A, 9_.(ptio4 '7 d -7 , tic.4--ek\ef / S K„- t--/ E RS 2. R.. MAPLC. Vteq-c MA-Pc_c VALLE.r _.„ " 5e0;7 3E-4-4,ttht-e-71/ 64,-(44-4WAA- Ss 7,6 YA) -tA-e-c-- /, 0 oq - b, 02 el,)/1/e-- --/dikir ?)---01 ( N..,. •K:. 4k-NrOG6`\ (q190. ,i''' 5 . -('‘.-ni.‘k^ (,1,1(\ cliskr 6 0 Wck-- 4., - / /.2 _,‘t Ar:;)*' i',. Xlit--4-',LIX6D. KI/C1) C_ Pit,igc ) 6 /6-3 '..h-A5AI S J% 11464e- r - , 0,1134.6 •‘ _o-Re . lipt- l.v WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE' ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER DORMS OFPORNOGRAPHY. • • ADDRc, ss L3 ♦ S'..j1• gag i4 f/. S ff to '' t /0o.c7 I 910 3 j S gcD 7/4 J e- i t h vL'3L IC an/ C C q (-77*.l -L, D" �y a//- /08" X,L I \I0q —DO A)0T cG - -7"0 P R g /6rt4.6- \1C7-Eiie. WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON C THAT WE'ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY A pejC FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. r NAME DDR , Ss �i St ke ,� _) .42WI,3 �. Lzi(11.- Pl. f r I U ( 4 i. . .9,k13\ 1/2. S 59 a , s-0 (i/// /92ia:P):-3 7,vc - a&c /� so .e, .>y rif:„,0 id/J., 17 a G D C 1 -.-D ,91- _ 111 Ar4 P-,,,CQ -rA . , "---- AS N3//0e' %%wY _67 Al 5 /30 C Di Om cam,DA v' iii/fr:‘-ld _ 02-9 kr---p-<2_2.2;1Y79,-Sr )e,_ Z t i,c__ . jp2:RILL41 44rc" : ig3.2336 /7A41.,</ /L. ,,_,,i4i7pi eit4 .:.'s-Zil-,A46-A-a--------:. i / 3 ig- h-E-",,ta s2 r CIL-CZ1.1.* • 0 TI-Q(I J All 1152, 12, -171 S1/11-14 C ..1.' . -�( �A � ^..._ 1 7Z1(p K �� ABC ...5_ , VL\kr)% 1\k" 'N 1) ) CI.:)).'))\Cr k9 WI t } 0,5 k a?9D.'7 -/ ,o l Aie / .10 Co mu e r,s-e. \\ktkCp )(.\ WO° e 1.•I V) ,AkSti\0" V3(1.0)\ '))'\-,r10 C-,0,) r CAD‘Ae-vu arpigE -1.siols -Nri(-))41 , 11h-ti., ( • i., J-k)2.1,,yu__ lq ci- . se: i(4-11= :v-- 1 /1.j.1,-vt,, Ott_ j-k-44) /z D r . ' ' W. e-ch c9,9.6ei de d .3 l/ / I Dô , fibdeed -,/o ib e 4- . , . .,......_,... .. ret/5 te),-, ci-,• '°-6- er) WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CAT OF RENTON '''" ._ .,IP THAT WE'ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHIC FINIS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. NAME . frDDRcsc. t; ' 9 4 St . .,,k.,....-uk -t turcoi .Yl 0 9 . c`' Y- ''- / t c,a,,$. 6.e„:, 62a ; q3( Ig7Y e S .(I, ,e ►,0ct , 1 s-z L•6771.41:4?____ iv 3'44 i f/ At' Al ce "` /1 zi /1 7 S F Z S?�i ��// 11 I`CNT id.ii.-64-e.i.,;.-/ ./,Z, g c,._16 laalt.e ,je ---,225447.e.16-7. ..._ /9Y4 9 3C e6 Ave s e. i4- /e Wa ..:_. 1., elV 'r-7 , ,te r am24eic . ' 1 -- t:i 'a`� any ee \tNr1.\D R. At o -*)eAN 1 f-.4 1 . ..,.....g. /R407 - ,V43i Pil- ,c 3 X"- 1Po p1.2 14 i 4cuiet44, 61. arc 22720-.227 tic �''/� " le. (,i ,,1� _ _ - rG/ K�F fit_ 3370 -2e a,S'q 1. ,,-4 V -` , . y _ ...._-_�._.__ .___ e&526.-13 S .5 E _� ' , ,I.A. - A,Rocv) LS/-5. -•c-, 7 41' jii4jahlig. .,._ -a c &._ _______ 3 In 4; 66 20 .22 - / . J lJ - M - 2,g7za' 7 WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE'ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. f?-/5 NA n�E • A D D Rc ss C.; ♦ St • C, �vt g. f 75Q k ps7s7 4VE 6-._ , e-1- __ .• .:.: -i V .ii--- / I 1) /) // m /3807. /3?4 ve S 4 . , A - f..-, _______464t L ... cz -' - ... / 3 306, 5/ <,7s i° (( 4 14. I/ •.4, ... .... ._�_ __._.. /72 J 6 - i/Z7/ ,g r _._. ,_, ell„ t cr,A, c„), _:_ r- _ ut(A. )6 C JUZliiet , t', — - ,II'V . - , , /-.IL .,.. . ...eli.,-e (,_,E,,,,?___... 2 a z5--- _. w 44/611, *"Vetitilat i / tI /' 1 7-Cieja/Q d .,62",) e/ S t &Ai asAF ,____.,j_upz22,__yt__j_L_ ________. EciAttik i ______ • 2:2-7__a_te, . / - z / 34 - • .. . _ .._ ./. /3 0.--re:jifK'' ___-4....e . _ A, . �. /87 ' J77 Ce"?.";/. 2 13 JZ 10 3 Rd , ...-._..�.. ....... WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE' ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY 1") OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. �' ! `IAN\E 4 DORc. sc �( J 4 St r)1)L, 1 -e A,,„7, ai503AA Ai s-IA e_ S6- , 4)4 21/.47 �r � I . � r h,, itAA` A 4 ,,C1 C -tie- 5 E ), . � ;11, XV..e/-Vail . 94,), ch$:( 11, *I tgAr4.0604, I � y 7- /�Q � (,rt J "2?7r-1,15c,,_e,..J, ..2. f SI(5C-_ *)9_2 ,,.//9./3.r />-1.,x."-- Ili t ckcli___00 4_,61_, - /g-, ,s.c S-1.(te_)( id/ 1=4.4( , Fla . , a-f s-2 s F are ,_ .5311 a?-'7( 41 liZer- 2.,_.e _t_4,,Z. 6 i "-- i, ''' iE. / re Ana. ..'_.,A 4°AR/ .:- -..411111W Affillilliiiii -S1I4C I c F--- ` 4. .ir ......t:L.,_:_41111MIN rllinlr,F _./1 i NIMINEMI .4. 0 k e •it 11 f, • r ...i� // f WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE'ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY 9 FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. NAME E • A VDRc, ss t; 4 St �1�oki (k.1 \,,,t., 222_0 s AA ,V . v-1 . Afsr / ICE - leGe, Y1Clvr e.k �t t1 S.rE. ZT 3 4. L4•o-&_ .r.,vt 4 tk. . k W3k &-c:E 1.5102 ZS(V''" S,E. � f - -,47.-Z1.-1 .-- ,A Y=21.44e-(2,-,• )-g-Z°)7C4J:7 Mp , o T o 7 7-1:& - i4 4-60yLait _,,, __..__.._...._.-_._.. _. 1_ i.Y. - -- -----_____-212.17._ 1..a.,..&j/c-41 - iii;"1:•4:51.,' _ e.,_../_ Asp �._. __._ .. . 3iee - s� a� !�' !, �� A� , �Go4a Baia-t �°-l. ..04•�: � ti V J L. 'Y�J�'1..([ _,�_ ....411.1._ *7.03 0_ ..d/s)"`re,-e -c-c----; 2/4..-e --;,e_6.4.. _ _..•. . . •.. __. .. .. .._.. -Z'z2i.k.,.,£i,',p ti_ 4 r 1 4.' 4 I.2. .:„-..2 . 1 `/ _. .Sal lrE!, . S_E w.O ` . GLe A , c Y ._. . , „ _ ,.._• ,,.,_ ....._______ ,,q.stvg .s5..,2,1 p),(1,2„vcti,e.„-/ :.:.:„._, ,.., , , , , „ ., „„ _ -,.,2_,.___.___-_______.;•„?.‘.. -5- :2,)v-75 6'et :to• & o' e'<::c.:7•2-t..- ' /4 7 e7.-e../..:441 . ^J /� — L.__ L?(7 P)X,:.�\\,., s4 Ste. i77,e/V /:4a//e/ et ?? gawyck i �6 , r 7 jk-.1. 4..,Aed-- /1..1 v 9 a2/A -S cf 2'%:r4' at--C',L' , G4--/ -- 9,Ia_ ,VLIA-,) Q -1 ti ''0" „It-, ) ( 71,a-t/o-r-, 4j4 rdpo o.4._. e‘c .. Zvb /9 was 97'c'Z'f ,sf-,1 ,144_ci 7-17A/,- ,114:(, devil/A-1c, ys.--t)1' --.2, (14 (,,,,A,......57e, yrtie., adety, tat. A103g, 5V,‘„:,/, /L2_,,,/,‘, c,,_2 ..„1-0 J,4-. 0.9dr-f% 73-272,d, 40,_, _-4 Yid3K r 5 (D-1, a ,mom v,,aticvoy ),), \A) c - )971-\ . SE.. ti1\ ?7 V)3 ' , , _. _.il d,c5 � h. . . keti-ed-k__ 1 cali ,;8-- . .st- .,a- 4,Yi-- fii . ii. .ite);Ai. 9z ,-f diLi(Lt, s.4)ildij oa,„ se. c)34f 7) 1 12- 0- n633' . -;"--e4J 4icAet4 ..//0.4/ _ c;2- /7azil . . U . 611.9 '/P a3d) 'reji .o/�' C m 0. 4j,4___ 63,2 u� 9 l � a � A -sz2N -ska,LI • . kco(Q aoLv' p,s E rev 1 ,A ot go 3 51 41446.1,14,4,. • 2,?311- . .230. i, ide. In 14,(4 91o31 •. 13d\f "--1\i'Vt_ re.:?-/?)\C 2 sE fit, IiV /A_/ 1 c)60.35 { WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNO.!U TO THE CITY OP RENTON '. THAT WE. ARE AGAINST ' THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OP PORNOGRAPHY. a. IVAtv\ E . 1e' vDRc ss tl ! S i u4..e /<Q ''/ w� //1 a /06 Vz. S 5 74 l'aiifl.theTh• (6000 0/02q /4`)w 6), A ; ri j • • (7 a e-i--c) ez"1/4-4--':3., , 6 y--4/ 7 We , the people concerned about Renton, a e united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or /�, private school. v NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE �i 5't�,c u r5�Lo0 -"' �-")` TLC/ S.o l'`f, , a, _ -', , ,,G.� F _ / r /905 S = 1/, `"--) rk-2, Li. (-)/ - 9(S . q 4,i32-/5(2fi k(C,KC, , r'd(vc, - 'l'i ",,4 z ;SSE m J. A) ctEO .,d y3Z 11 �o e'N) L;,,-� '` `'`.�t/y'lc1 tv@to\'S •-k -* , e-, ,';,, , ;,,,0,./ U 1►4, ¶FI3 1 ' '1 c-1 z kla 3 Cyct Se- I9.2'd I11Af)k U0 Ili t 14)4 t,o. A "13.) -y1 o ate./ �.i y ZZS Lam':,)ag c k fi i I a ZA 1/ %,2 _ 2.1:y </.3? -r',;;Y( .7.. ger-4...f..-<- /e A /Va3 /C16e4 0 C: .ter._ go55 `1fc? - 5 c DO 1 l LL l c_lc_ 2KI I 1 0 ~ ,), i 1:N\C �;. ..J Pc(\ Um C-.V. -- ( I',\ -'h° JrUict k ,dA-LII ji„7) J41 - SC ,,,)_4-f noLL U W AO sico i32 9- ' -4t 13i43 � a/•l b • , a Vat -r Pk 00(412;( 0 Ctaii •1; IM'F'D PLO3 . . . - • v ()GiAtr.31\_, \<c,c ,L k_k_r ,,.,, a,b(t._2-- 07/Ce SS__, L`(- -,C-7), cD\SCOS Sr e-ia-.-161 Q .5W o, `i a,, ac 01 , /," , iolfrk knr-et -(9o7 f 8881- e t 2, I. f . CV 6o5-2, e f u q� A_. lAtz.n. Z3Z/5-- s Zq_g ° tre n A)C -- 7Sa31 `Y32-%o(/8 �u .� ) (7- K' �9v sE_ . ke,175,2 t(/Q e LI39,--”, - .:: - 71:,erZe)\./37i.../)./3e/r/Fcte-c_ 6„..ttlelo Idttri y.i2/d,,./4 Pi, Pmoirryizt , q co-0- 4 . 1 grimio jzo, 95Go9 sr- (9a-c-I i-1 r-1 0e_vall c, wA . '03 w 9,3a-r3, OOLi _L(f ad 2/ ZS SE .2-5-d'&11-169a49 OCtiEb41 uJi4 of f8ai 8 (3/-793r a333 b St aE;Ii--h PL mope 0 1 Vo3 A31;es� RETURN TO 517 radar Ave Sn_ , Rent-nn, each 9.80.55 a. T 1 /V'a 01 �. P ci d k e s_ . 9X C ;1- Li J+. veil-0014\E 04/1 ,,, i -TiCkh‘et eit.q-kAcA __ ( oCk-16 ,S8 eZts-41 PI 1 t.Jiv PA}eue- -- GO r J I5g2o SE l l? pi Accl(--ov) 1 W 5--- 4- 42 L ,y 0R"8�,,5- c5'F /9 /V99,6X/= U .9y,4 \\Wcava_4N M,M�ohlAct a 5 a35-,i+. sE. rlev_,0Lile , 4- _oya_e_44.A._ i /2do L49,14 ' 1 4`'' ' il' 17 l R 3Q13 C-c SE.) iezpri6o, (At__ il i 6 - -� /54 . a V P/. `n . 07 -2,4 / .de. /P/A-i 4, . /, I . -)114 i (S. I, , / 07/0.25 . E 441 1- $1 i At W.V, PS/ 4)(.4‘,,._ ft(At /6 . alrek te-ficex,g2 4g" a2-37.43(=.737f fs. j/ /i. 6", 4,_ X • ei.i.x. .2 yoa9 - / 9.6,•lh Pc_ . ...1 E./ 7)- Yie / /, , ,Z2.444.7,, .2.0,4 7.-/f,i, a.,._ S: S. ife--A,-,Al ---Xtjartti_?9L-C -,a,a_ j.3)1_64 - g p• Lk, De. x.E-- _, /2p__,..-- ___ _ /7417e4t:-w p,_ 3/c7 /2 - 2p-e'se A&/te-r- , �a37 sc A yy a l , 4-,, , ,-.� V ( o,cc'0.5 ,✓..S:E. ov:.� y ("//;4 , ...a-sewierc.......:4, P 6 ge, '71 -471-- 1,,,d_ e/..86, „1,u_ r _�y P Y q.2o a3 71 `` 5 �..1/, iu\::::„Ar4 -- (:) -- (57c, Nos- - malke_ uizie jt_ �1� , i_c cS, _ a.-7--,..,_Ca._ ,}1-A-t-e-r ..2.2,F-J-1 tre .:::,,,--(-.5- ,27,,,_.e. (),, ,. _ ,.. _ ,w,7 ay 7ff, ..---e--,-;7--e---e) s‘-- :7--,, ,,,z,,, -77/3,2e-/94 ,d,'S , _ ?re-04-4:-T, 14),r . !,;e y---:-„ , ( 2 i/ . / (�i 4;1 ) it (t __ _ (2() .,) _ y7v)._1-e/v-e 07 e --/ — 1 WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE' ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR 3Y OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. / 3 ( 4 eaN1 -1.1 " . ` , Ara% • / 4 a./ l / Ai. . ......_,A .A ...,„,„... ie a' - =--4-,-4 - .672MIL ' ,. " ,:mmpjuiuimmmmejmjjw-- - 111 L . E ,./ . . , A i . — ' .-t i , _ 1/ . s/ � a s. f /.�� _ a ...t.i. ,. P.AlaYMMIIIIIIIMMPTA SOMIT111/ FAICV/g Q/_f -- - 79g�� 7)z1-?/. a WA . -06 S' ./ I/ -• r e —, e 'Gs - ,......7;4 IIII-AIM!4 at.r-ie' , ,..e_.....r Al ArlWrir, r L/ .de # /0 , --- 4a—ADAMINII/ FA'Mr:/// 4_,...i.r- # / j,. . A .441.i f I .r4 IL • L'1,.25o. 3 is:E. 9P°.V1i ' PA' Alial/t) 0 _ ./ 4 q ' J "'ie i • 9,6r.a."s iijw /j, ___ _ ___ loa- J6 -tc,,L.,.,,c( � !h - % i a a C ill A . , . jti �. fili •..LAW_ ea. - Z < 6( 96 'E ,•', E„,, ` / 45,614 ---1 ) (i . ! ' -AM, f __ _.) , -1J F.26 ,.t y „ _ c1 r i e' ✓. -2 CI.5--SSG Cej o P4/ £(-€ 17j r n2pi a / 9/ /' / p9// l 09.A 2I .1S19z / ZS,bJ -=-44 '4�� --32DiewP45,li g� / iO if / �? � 5 � / 'a/9 t/ ��y m4-� —Sso�a 7 S 96/ c) r9A1 ( clqb 1\\'9) .0): • 3S Z OZ. \i\ -\KI c • (4%, -75 '1Y -V7Ab /_ gi08,4 ?alv& ,,;„ 07 C2og / '"?-etf-'-v-r-V , n pail r�� jg gsz' 35 '! Off ' p cor //0,4 e ,-�/ -3- z 34 4-/-Aw 141//1 9/ / � - '3- -id DLO/ S0oLr '� / -Z(7917V, o j,,i �� 7914. A` W ' c _Cr u ✓r (x-Tr',-1 4'4 SSa4 pLILtAi.W h�{CNZ ALONOdd V© ‘100‘,47. na9 +NE? _AQ 1.441 ��d 40110, f tT1 Cno&S aa4:^c2)'1 kopl?ef a4e, -Ryl - 244_ Loo-j-wee) 0 �fi�D a4. 0±. V1menm t! � �tM of 45:09 -?!'1 u„,i.st_ 9,44.....e. ----,..) We , the people concerned about Renton, a e united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or 9-(y private school. NAME ADDRESS _ CITY/ZIP PHONE Adlit D3 ,E y 7 ge475/7J) / ,-se %)v - MM� /-6{/a , 2,7/ 7/. ‘ Ja.1,0i,:l ,/,(1,--1( c'-,z ("A-1-`- 5 (7- cOLLDA., t4-99- '-i ' -'/- 3 i0=2) r p � )3. , )o -3212 . Z.(„ 6 C1p1�c cd DD 11- z - O z i 14._oir, cc< (). ()JeJ2 P,;;)77,1- 0 r -2-/k c,.2c%-fe ,-- /,.-? ).0-(,,=. _- -it---L"----x (_„,_}-4, . .T-/ki ._' f'i),,) () r bo.41-1(1,L --(f000 z i b),),tv - — 1 7) ,4__ L_) ,-Q i .i L/S- /1 2-, E `7 ,,,(211,-,-) (, ,C,__ 44-i, l'iq 4- 1 1.5/V f- , eav'lit z/d et I A-‘,15-, ee- ru. C; -) To . 0 361 J/Cwscta , 0A- • 9v 0 s I sissasir _ �- ` / a - .5' a_ 353' s _- P,a-A0e./1. (,u), Q BDS I ri, z-r) le&ctit,k_ zs-izz_ . 5--ct- sc E)); Ju ' ,-) ' - ii6 ?( 9-cc°' ) WA-c riii U h ISO 13 - zy ,ik (IAA V'.1 -' (AY+ cfq0;', ( S 11-24,,A. Q3117 - 4 5 E P . 111 /Av .. `I r03, 2111P,a, a r .Li a I -N/Po ` 6,s,M, in. I/ /f 0 at-t(i aics Un . "0 ' T') g l rrrSw -.,ii- `2oc ' 25 scoyel) --vrefflp 47\no.r. SS9,S6 ' 02- 7 ors S/rs ilYVf ',eyr -c / 0, /, ---wi4 ---°t-"7Z - (526---c- =T s- _552zeZQ r-r ")-e1-42 QL b tiryl aro5 14 (), nt/ L S �-z LS r Amilie.,t _ �'18� " � ' CI ) Imo''' ?/7 0-CQce .. F p /- ) ,S ao'l, 1W 35 -;,-r/-?7,- --s -9- ' ,442-mtr., el • x ' .. '�,�,' -Id q�'ve 35 Bc'I L1 ' ,i-uv3A, '7(-) � °'l'/ lc c PL, 7 t"Y,l� ,( r1i i 2 cosz:f4 / 7k ae yr..4iA9e3 c20E-e pl) i*\o -70- Q - Np-- a, / — ,/_ e ,‘,/ 6 s\/:r-"17 j/-' (')/)/-rr, L111,-.? ',1 \) ‘-..:71 . -6" ,,bi Er_ .0-1--- el (/ kr'r-T-9 \rki) - / _$ y / ram ,, - -0 v7 /) Q /^ 0011^ /-{ �� 0-no-"?...4,-- ___,.----ic „.4..s /72 ) -, z- ,--\‘,gs.)A -0 ._)_ ,LIJL__._; ---/c- ,21,--60 -42-31 i :7-c oe07):2) vv"z)),;\ .QTZb\ 7-orlryk-c-_ ,5jiL9--C- -71-7 ' 1-9-0- 1 *IVI/6/ -S-,, --2-C Q4r -911),4= Lt5C7 - n--* b(12 (N,-Troy p -9-1-Y)-1-Pr )7:T-: 9 Q-5Ge ,-c) -Vri -7-6/T (/(p 1517-7-6- .c17 !"))-(\t'') ?rer-cV -)-f&iL ) - S ; ? n -) c' vr/k --. )3/,,,- cy,, --- i ((i-i-j) im_,r--11 ?' y-). ,.; _,-.:,,_ ,,_ , .1,_T), (-__'C?r,-,y)W ‘ I WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE' ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. PI p,11,-1,4,,,, • , ( a- ,6 9 5-0 ,,I, .,c- - -4 c-Al. "467. �,' �'� c "uL:;_tea.1 . ' A r2 z a f/ S E 2._641 PiA r ,s___;?____,52. ,_ *!.f .2J� ,1.( .: �, � �'�, d _ ,i • o•. A,_ . a. _Oiler - ?0,1 ' feeti. .4".__. .-.;2041, ' 7 /Y-6; 1 ? 43// If 0,74a, Jr- .1 /-1470L, atik,),_ ie.-x.4 _ . gr... s- .a /c/-7,k.L.,.. - ____ . _ _____ ___ - go c_ 6-„ii.-2c,46 , A41) Ae. 1 , , re.-„,"--. a3FloaSq10+4,/ wFtol a e--fr __ -- a • S s . ' .Set •i. • ` WM r d-646.1,---.-4r- 4 - 3eI S IOX81 Pi S E 41-- , - .k, rf 1/.)' 421,Aizeolcze-1 , - f.f-''-_ ' te ... _.;_azt_k!, - • 2323O )3`9 Iry st- If ,vr ems' e i j ' A.i _.. GI- , D i a 1/ _ 1''D &sue >r�v rlar , ° _ , , 4/1 _ .,,,,_ eei-4/ 1 ea:6, ,, ,,...z.,.*,z-- 1 z .- 3007 ---/�7z1 (7/; -SE; . .- WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE.ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. „ (.4) IvAtv\ E 37/7 Pc' 'i" it,r___ e7 ril, .t2'- -,,._ /041 , l6,40; SC -).:"?Ct' I< i e AL A I p I 1 c F ( 2 • cq 50 4 4 ,<,H/et ,-/..t 1,, .,i-- (WI a a .. 1224 S Se--- Z-34/44:4t J - / /4 . 9 -7.-d-e 7-,3 Sait-e.e.t-.4..i - • i..7,2-4/..-Ad.6..234744) (<,-,...Z /2 '.4e,-_ . . . ; ... . - - . . . . . • . .. . ,., - . . . • , . • - . -_ . •„.0, ,.. . ., . . . , . , .. • , . . • . . ' . ' .,, ,./ . , -• • 6tort_ -ca-e 4--,"----C.) 117 , ..... — , Ud-/ 7 We , the people concerned about Renton, a e united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning (� and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow .2. 1 adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or ug.�0 private school. J 064- 1�acy2 - a ce ds Vol-e N- re dei l O'F '64 Coke ou ° l dfize r) NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 1/Alp/7 Se1iTa /2 iv 7z 9 ...56--/9D7---% p/. fEArr6 I 6Ss- 27/-Cs<s- ?Rot,r- I ---'coki) es / I / — 3 / E. ..-e_ I'll 0 '‘, 44,1e..0.) 0-iiis:dik- 2 N C. c;.3C,2 s-"</ Rii 0 ft/sN/,(__ ,157 ._& ef,j-- Pigh;a 4, A Or C- h/etii 2,7 Ay/-..? --.-14.S'F ifi? & • - / xi(3.2-07.) Ei C z�/e az:20,e) / 76/6. S . '41- _c ti G/', D.3/ /3/- -is-a9' J cks,e; .04.1 7a.1 -.Z 99r ii S /ee L/i, k)cL, ?)F / .5'-- (74 , - /.4c,c-c CJ - mil. /yo as 424e /6 / 4f� , _ (,, k , gYs s --' 6 -6i0 3 r zytim...._ __ , .- ./2,2_7.- i , _ --c--5 nr-, 6,e. .,-7,-_-,._,_ /,',,,,z4,1,,,,,,,_/,4, /Av X---car‘Y7 , Fe8-6. .:)-- --1,5*Y5 ,eu-1} ,el , 7m7 / I id gc5E / 7Y 3/ (oi/-���/6O figitai, / lam- ,� - �� . d-s-s- S'//g, , :APVim& e1 66-(227 , OZ47LCda, 7&10,22 9 y 66 / 7 / ,1)2' C 0:s-o i7 7Y _/97-'Qv r . S. /ec�l./011., Pe. / k- -_5) �f $ , 7V SO / 147 67"/73/-g2 90 _ :a _. : 2� .1_, . ir. 9so3r sue- y37 lfrt � /3//oj' �5 �,? - �.�/.✓&7s' �an g\ klD 1 \ae) N Q \ YA �? -Os(OCS> 4,(e/7�T - 4/-�/ .30.0 Y e- d(, ti n /��S� 460,t (L- 22 /Z /26 6- CE 47u7---- i 6i- 9-2 E-6- We , they people concerned about Renton, a e united in our opposition to the etahti_shment of por.'no;;raphic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 0.,/ NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE t.;- , kxic z/ I.ys-Q /- oZeta-e. t= ✓ •,t.,- 9s3-2 - 9 .37 e/k). j . 16 3 33 Gc), ��' �Z, , ;L9� Pen g(x s �) 8') ,si7 . ,, • pux,4L- r\ 2:no9 7 1-Z14(Alo Sc 1<e (, "3 ‘-C-7 L:( 6,3L , a ti 7qv d 3 7 At/6 S�' i�a�le U4/�y- W4 ? 3 s 2,3a-3%5 cQ-i 3 z y• SF .)3 Y-OrzI- " G . . - -32 �/ Z) -e/sue "`. j(7 e L ��J. 98i) �s , 9 LLJ S 9F .ti (.D-- *D 6 cam -2l � / - 1.d ot/0v6 —/�� � 9 6w ._ �5' ` .. - 77 s 97a37 y1'a -Sfe7 / aIli L4,e-“._ d5.57 ,SE / a 2 ()a-iitr33-/W� 4/0 ,/�>a - as a )L- _ __ Pam- a7°L ��j ay9 3o 232 ASi ,7,n�/o Vait:,7 ' wA-s - ..vc e r\ ''i CD ' 3S S_ MAR).e Vc,k47 3� r/3.z -.cJ f L'ecity '16- / 7a 7- 'z7 3 6- . `// 7 / % c7 3J -armor '0?7 b<s.. ,� :i%4_ / /ff / - . - x-ate f .3g'J 2: :. G3 Y- hi U yf.s 1 - / / =� /gjg -,:? -, . /.,.c - 0 x toff t- c 57-,2 7 3/-90 v "Gar-,,1 e .,?/.3,464-- .6?,,,„,e--"_> /0 yq Sc . 3r 0 OV2 7 _ �� ,fr- 1// -� 2,-2/ ,- /7d1 %= %'err-7 6/ ,2 c, 11 6fLeJ Jac /17 0 -`% , k PI 4. .�'- RF.TTIRN To 517 GPrinr AVP Sn , Rent-cm , Wash (12155 / --- l_.- ---�., ; -.2d7 J.?535 .S� 3/sr /J%‘/.� 4/ -, W 4- -3< - 06i2 , I / r . , .� _ (.�,, , .•-v We, the people concerned about Renton,' a a united in our opposition 1 to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at # the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious faci . ty and within one mile of a public or private school. dir . NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE y,vSr 0, 4 2 -9),S ` c2/.2 2 2 -S .D q /27 . J ydo.SY v3.2 y6�� ,g_Gs.,wr 4Aidii /his- / 4�� � � 7a z-/3a - /d 0 ' _CJ,) ) ;,(Lia.lvr:t1t1,71 G r cx c LkA-4,---)--- ' I 0( i ..s. :,- • -(I/ .? _ .. __. 2, ell-) o ry_e 01 13 sk• aa.5 \\ c,IP L.E uA 0 6:r 9 8'O 3 e `FEZ `7SE GRR i K eo 10N zvs3 / 5' P. '2, IRO. (IAPLL v4ziti 77c3g- . c))0T-,_ se /0 ,,ta4 t., U�d (7;a-c2-- 23I6 — emu"£ , , \IA q v 3 /AM 6 , , ,ga,5. f ... ) /27 ' Tfo jr-- ,2_,,,, 6 i,.J7r ' �,c 9/,34P - . A&� 2 zoo3 1/f' 2O3 9.ro3s' yz ,ltJ Q d /9 Xe�r L�a �,�r 2,2 S LT: D-4- 1 `-f 11 Pit la 1 ,, V`t `/41,7 W/13- 4 80? "i7 cleg-4_, /4 3r-yi, ,2 2 7 eDS 2- rs 2.3?-7 /64(-e- d :/[../.5.-,.- 5Y-032 6 C r y D4/C /--4 fi2-8. 2c7x) fidEr - fri, v, 9-;R)ssv '/ De4 • ib6 e9 • S , 966 //4-M461 . . , / ,2/Ga? .3 5.7 e. 020 V'.r7z. i2e., • _*.on Lc ,..-r„ ,., .�. } ol,/ii---,0, ram` ,B J �1s�' r=i--t- cG D_oc161 • c Lam,)_ 3 2— M V 'f 3 ^0 3 RETURN Tn 532 Cedar Ave _S RPntnn, Wash �14nr15 —__ 011 ���id' gi,1,!:Zet /-o-v4.e.sdtezt-- A41-", fto setg 7-//2.3° 4ak24072art_13. n kiek. KneThict Fez qso o a '•wr WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE. ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS PORNOGRAPHY. (ss___ ,..?,0 1 NA tA E . A, D Dkc n a .... ak.4 4k ' 04 Ma vY 2- _5 e • SZ ...... _ 1111 • __ T „ • 4 4..-dn. 1 . a..401111k 7 2)' '. S (:)C a, A ...," ihr ..1 -•WILL 4, ..11MINIMMI. 1111 .... 41t '''' oati Ii . A.1-___AM111111111111_,Av eille 5&- .3g946- AMIII \ ,' f... .... ,....A.A,,_ ,k,,C4,,1/4\ IIMIIIIIIIMMIL A A CA 0 / i no- 0/ / 1 4 0 if 41 '_ JONI ' -- , ‘ ( ilinimmillMilnilMin 1... i I , t•?..; LLL:.-12-,-,, .- 11"211111112121MMIIIIIIIIIII'4 0 A:, ;2.3 /-/ E i- 7 A --......----.... - go..... , t a -- 6 of k''‘-e', ,ill _,.......___ "--- 4P(Or / 6,7 ..ir • -' A ,_.. II"... JJ ----- - ......- --.4.464 ) (Qa0 it).. /Oaf r, , A.—.re\ .. — . ... AP " _____ __________ li . 1 .., .t. , ... li_ yr ........v . ...../ . .., 21 , bd, r .... WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON ' `' THAT WE.ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY, ' CrY ' , . NAME 6 • /4 D D RC SS C_,;-N 4 s ,...Ta,v, e+ C, . L€.c..._ _ • ' 4,,,,,k I 3 qi-i ...E , 04,S- DorCA-kLI M. GreeV` 41i�"1 eg,�i 5 144 PF-nsp��" Ave ke_►rl,l, WY., Richmol R, V Orill/A- _Rithil.fg k'.ira te qiq 4,344"1'•1"- .177 f etw ri COW.. Wlilt <. /7'(-9An---)4 ' ' '' - ?LIN() ••7-7*-- __ 4.,_.2z `-'2e, ,.,2/2, 11., _r___.Xz44._.C.C!,/,___ .ct,z„s. e._t,____ __._________ _,27e)/_9 ____ __ js__:L_____f_______, 1_14171_4M- 4,cf 1� .cd::}77-1 /U9,5 / (z---- :2y e�._ • t s Ji. ..: '4 Pg0 4.17**A0 -S c2.1-g-96 IC4b 47''� - 794re 3i'-reag g . rks' 'Trap 174. g-9-hgsip.ofv.s l"nosbe — 3, 766K. her,2 �� - �''f-oes °7r' 3 Sc� mod,6 497r) 7012,1/ri 74re 3 so / g4/2-1),z ) `Om m �m off_ 1C.02b � 8s0&, spelv Y5s t'lfInag; ?'21-'=r; "0 1:5 Wc{::c-led9 /lP& „vices 4 a,s/ f175 11 Ai, kosto 'o0 C1 A u 40,s-co Mq11( I) /r0&6 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 0/ NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE Garr no rp a� ZeLt S' S.c. 7-06." Mlti4 (la , OJAI 43 Z—O6 67 C ' .,e c ✓\ Q.� -,-/ �$/.2 /`/.G ;!)v, S,,G Ke..-t, (mac,p- (.) _3 / 1 *7(//1rwi � — k 114 //j2 SE A '- PI - G _ r KE.A/I- aJA z - - `f'?I �� I Sq2 o 1.21 d' P(�. J e . ii_foi<< t� ,?57-' 7G'-17 e' ,' &a 95? _Stit i, J UL Ap+ , Li 1 en4vn. 2Zc, - 07i7 ,-v �S 1 r i 1 2 Z - v /_ ;1 I f O f77 y`',�r - /3 3/23— r - `e. . , ... /4-, `'L C4 r„, Lf �'C L . `C'�/L / _ /k'`i_L- `, ;, ` ,( 2Y ,� 2:4:‘_:7,, c,,,, 15 /1 /7'- :2,17'1/-ila---1.,,S--E.. W ._._&-: -. 1 ' q d/..) -02a.2—d,t5t- -7...,,,,,) - ---. ez? zi 2f/ i. 1Z144, ‘, 74(e> -fit r11/ )467 -K-f` -_?</S3 — 0-'1,(..- ) c .'61.e1-4-- 94(1,A — cp-OC,-4 6 b‘P Ci Itki , 6066,7 i1 ,5a_ r-. ?6 - - 2 , &/ 4 i -91?-.2 0 S/ � . (9741 .2,0a0-4. ./3/2�.34 )&J .. Cd i ) . :�1f/6 M W r ,( 5C 2)2 pJ &2_ ,-, -ry/olt;e, ,6/ .,10-Qc _i' 'd- -€7- -5 kt,„4,,,-,6_14 (,) - l'32- i`2 7 y / ..._\- di_i___IL-As, )22 2 3 V VI/L. 1410 thi4 tielA -/J,?--0 / —7 1.7 v 44, /_.,7,4/,P.‘e i 4 . , u , iN) .(Covt. DkD I0 a lam ill Ai Ct. V jiti L)k, Li 11=110 I it) 1.2166, —SE. 1-3 / P1 ? I/ c(.t. __A_ ices c-4)3 S-e a, c c (/ 920," 12 Idar AvP_ Sn , RPntnn- Wash 98055 _ /J vZ ` d41/ 7 We , the people concerned about Renton, a e united in our opposition to the establishment o? pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow G A -0 adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public, 6# 44;r1 - park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or g, q,,l7 ,.14, private school. .�,,,� ,, 1 _ u ,,,t_ 74, .. ti 1�. NAt ADDRESS CITY/ IP PHONE A' /el 2 / t _ 67 .0 4 ,6:44,40/ 1 ZU S SE %l g,, 71vO u/79 OS1- 27 / -.2 l `l3 D k' Gl 5 —/ ,Ct! µ. ___ 1 . Se L_ __-1`ti - .2 _a___§______me 2 .3P/t C ,27 N wl Lie xti -7Z, z 71 i� re.,_. (3�� -- �l 2 a,c3 5F, a.�� k�,I— (A) PJ (0 3 )-o7. 8''1 `, &44tijt) Q2 Yo/7 SE ,--,l i2t / l4 /e, zi l � 9�03 y.3-2-. .et-,_,i /W.,li,,i ,,;, v, 0 ' .c.5-'‘82 (!GY1-t )444,, < 8(-13-- 1•73 PC. JC ) e„.t gee 1 6 >/—bi ) D_ 4 txY7,o-jr 6, , /,- c,.- eLi'zi --1. ,5.`. )77. C/< i .` / , `/3 ?/ .5 4 "7-/o.,:',?,J,7C c- )J3 3/c) L : �, /ti;',,;' 1//,< , 4 s 'j ,5,Yc, -c,/i_2 L'11/4_4444Netki i->)-q q,2--3 C- 7'_ '-2 78 kateil,Sznic .( - .16)‘)/ cf 5 2 - /(//3- Y L- -7 ?i ( . I 7 /iv e S- ( e 99 0 i g-?�z -s'��7-s ,Iti/li-t4 kJ Q-2 '2/ - / '7,-( t,c_,t- s-S7 /Cet,,,z-__ xgfY/ (ge,.1._-: wal ,t, k (4y a.i ,,D7// ..s f e° old'`-4 l 7ra 3/ Xs.;( -3/0 ` �r S� C , 171•f,5r41e le 3y! 5A., && 7 Ji46' /fir �'- 5ev 1 Z -/ 31 • , 14 c .. 2.' .-Cr it 32 ye c7. - ,,, ry G 0 (7 1-7/_V 16 7' S�G � Ili z .\\, 't 11 f-P 6 7/ 6 2,1 12 6 f-S_ - 1c i2 i-2 ' - 4 , —! ( - L We , the people concerned about Renton, a e united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 0/6 ,03 ‘.3/ - r� GW &Lf 1 DBE ice/ D s .2e*.2-3 /D/ 6"7-4--ti.e ffr3/ 2nO9 7 , -) CLL.4. A/44 _ 9�/)• f7)317 �� l � �� - Ctc `� '' 9 r�l 9mro,3/ (</ � o2`0/0 E 3,fc14' ,u_��v��rc� . `I' O.��. • �as-a3?? . /� - 1 ,0 J.3 Sol Jr 3e/97 /4iif ,‘ /5-Y0,7 i- %/, JA .1/ Z -1;27 /72---"e0/ Mtn-arc- ?l 2 G r=`1 S" (174 C/ti cr gam, � �,� Gam Gc�� �e A5� .�1x+`_� tic na b 1,��,, . 'AT oo3 V/ L(1 �-*� � ��:- z 3 5 t 307s, Cyr E _ et-1616 h)Q `l /D,A .3 -.1 y /511;;24 S.e. m1 2 - �. -� , ?*� . We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 9* NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 1 L,rer) hJ: a2.19 c5�. /35197 f�er7/n gg019 zz/ -Z07 0 )fa , /LVc.1- / G•n /�� /Y-r/ 74 /S-' /''/a/)/ ZL)G _7r 71, -7-,G --5--R j°t / ll r* / /q o i? <54--- /24'4* .. ,/P v br), (AA 518 6 5- a SS-6oF,t 6/6// Sim. i 1 (/ a s :!j‘ "ir&4n-,J G/4 9 - C g 1/ Fdi 'idA r Yt, , 9S66-6 07 7i- 739'7 Yorze , - . `/ ►- o -'* 7zr2c"" z.f1'-3/7, /. : l' 6c.r,U c �/9*-/7 a,f �•U Lc ec0 / 4-2/--/7/ dZ / �12re rltir ,9/7y2- is 1 t94,, e sE X-i - W� 9Po,3i 63!- 3-.9-;,,2-- jci ,_,?7/i 9//�. Cam,,g, 12- Gv� fi 3/ htmir-e PGtr7/1 fad as-- rir -KO-relay 4-8 /:Qyi- c c Ji 501 -ro/a- , )1.4-- - -7. s1, ,/4 -ye j,_-_rz,,-,a).<., 91/7Y 77 -.,VI‘ ------ 1 -\),X_J _A16 / - `(Z`, `3L_ -),- , '(\,- C . C, I i / Ld l// - / K -4. /,4/�,�C" k" %4, ( ! i =, . _) silt-a/a-7Y- 42.2a . -ii44- ----(1, , ,L;(:-/-4, 6*-- f�C C- Z2�-67/-(( < 0-5//o s .�/st a1C _Se_ 72I,j, 7pa.-e4/ 9--,) 1 ILO 4A 7r /a Pe/ Jo,tacc/A• • - 32 :s ) ,,,_ ,,<_€(.< z em, , e°,44-i-eL 77E, /67,4,71-6 v-4'es2 _1)._4, ti.-- -fr 4Y-E,IeViii,-1,v, /9-0) i ) a`r`lN ST= ef '(\)l A 7 clea-54. "a7/=riocf gAK 'AAA. k_t/,, /3/0 V 5 C ,>y 6r 35. , e,,/ )/4 9$•D 3 / vJail)-1 /?' 216 JIC /7/ 7‘77 4(.11 .o.; , 71 C. ,2.14 L. Zi.14 7Se,rg l - V1 G q' 5 `) 6thz6( Q 0P q /v. r /G.,.iid- 1'4> p.,_ wo- 9/o5( ate. cow-7-le We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 0 - NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE .rr t"-j e/(1 /3C33 3 E / ?5 Rekrdc-rt 9pas4, 22P-06Y-6) o ff- /.4 IA /372erWr ,ra ss sr-..7 j4Q •c.,. c"D)-me e3 Etta-S7- -7-1. S4i"7$ 77.7.•a/65 (Zs /i a,, " - W 9faf.( 221, ,.24/6 ,a44-i-A /72//-/71 lftdd 9,farS ,7s�c/so z- id 6(2e, 7'4,17z.-0 e . _le/}0i7/4- 1.€ Y/6 f if ,78-4-1-=V , ',/ti--6- ' ,4,64465L2 .,1- )c)r--/6 7 ./ .Cc64 65'i v -may e.:e." A-. 3 30 V../,_,, -----/2/4/Z:71;s4.7- ,/,v 0 , C" , 'lo s� j6 02CV -3% 9Ii11 �',? y-o6s,2 _i' 6-4O /0 .(07- 1/71 2- 4 � / ' ,O " f 1� ,ed 99�3F - � s5'j� ::: �:�� � -ti �69/lam ,�� �� /� ,� / /1 /363° ' 3 -51- te'`/evue t/u.1 9ioo - '>'/.s' 6/3,S^ ctiacc4( 3 /4<D- 4/ 8 _Sf pn 7' /1 j Se; o s 5-as Y & - Eikvt, - /7 y 1( d_N2 6/ st . ,At tog- WWW/( //A,,;., 90(i. /i s �'• iY/1 ���--)--5-- h, ,,Ja, ' 6.o.�5 dc. /I 9 4. I Vb Lei z) 9Y/q (ii,,,,,: ,eibi >177/6- .:.; /' 7 ..‘. .eb / ?u- )1i-ifL /4,54 ftgiieZ L sStc" ,t .7;:vt.i A ,f„, re -/ao.,7 9 ,dr., . ��...,, . £. j /, 599'r J ey— . 4 �, - i /ae- SG' itszi 5,...7,e-6 /td,- q 7�f ve ‘,7p S z /) 7 S/ 1r//v/, G / S ,,,,Z /3,2 /31t4 L %� ,,-v ' `' 7fO.i-6 53,2 C 9',,iZ. 'v c 5o . t i NT (IA.), 9p 0 SS We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE •. .- (akZIS ?)4 Ros a — S , - 1 � 5 �9Ty6ii / '/ ' t-iv7 Yco sZ 0 7�. c o G. _ Q` x- �1 o ...) �+" (C./. .. * /74 3 ... $ A 3 _Pie 28'& z'v"es 1/??9 5 . .5.$9's-r- P._e_opit) 9e_e se, a.,.. ,?,,, 0 ic 9'4 7 ° Mfg g // L S e /4din 9 Os Z t 2,.2c 47' n..0 f) Et.;-- /5 79/ /2/5 , ' t` .. 9i'1/6"a ,PS''- ay y,4 ii,11(//iR ) cl/ _IL Av. g-7/4A A/,'t: htt , 1q2,,Z.t} /6i-it , $425-50.,, ram s .4. Aso G/1zt y, 4 /'z73 ,,-•/ff ���zra lean .P7/32 ' cf , , 4_10,2L---_. /Ve 1-;''/?--Z7 4/7.5 92:456 -- -5.--G/Y 9v3 2 3 S- 433 i0 j _ ._AiN►-Y\ a 1 . i�7''' 'I' " L --) Aik , ,,,,,,,,9 *,,,,,, yocly?'--", 7: - -,, ,, ,==.25:6-_,43.4,,, . .ef.:� ,e, <2a.5' . q5 tee-.1: V..os1. ZSS' 679 .77. h, Z J ZZ 4 6 i3-5- 'c4 5 C .. tS/,:� 027/Sd Fla r_" / /70 ' /I1(242/2 vE /1 e jvE 4Ev� y?056 oZz�6,'yo We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and' we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. i NAME ADDRESS " CITY/ZIP PHONE Ct , ,,;�,, l ' ;� c . /.��/ 9‘X/7 • 9 ,,2— C'57' oc /-i,,Z7 o?oo o✓E s.C. ,c v7-o,✓, 9sPoSzp -27/- 46 G Z (-42_,) j ti3.3 - i'b E. /f,\ 5,r6-C,- r-. -9.16 L-44 4- t.,4 _ , /L4/�U /,�P S� --dle.-Z44 -? 714 ie1u+c+- / 5 1 k SE- /2E , L - `t't .c5-ic 2.7 t-Ip ZS a�t) dda Liu"' / 2 i - r. I 63 R� F/J n / /Aha 7264 .7 a if3 74-� 1C'(t '4e _ _1Z-K/„ _,,,,) /ll't/, ' JET. /6 5'1;/-) 6_,/J`-7yJ ,)0. . -xo.. �0e0e6 `�3 r.1 , .4, / .-rc .9 pv gt.-)) / -� 'ac) At� � � / a �� a�/-3d-3� ((// tL( t-E ,,e , /� �//ice � 1�.. '� L , :,k f�,��� c-, 35 5Z7/6 71 77 gi l /.,�.o /J0 76-‘9& _ c a 9f/71 77i-egg-( . ;?:'r-(,,i C/ ,.,t.4i /Yc, S C 4, /(J7.. L _ / ..„7.v 9fYL -S >)a& - 56 i /4 i Oda - /.3i /f.//,t • .S EZ.A.Z., 1 _Q__T_ F2/6 / , ,, � ' CGrn q do C�G�GL'C2 V"i'G c�LC� //l'/ / � J�A' �. �r q1X , 9.07s 7.5 -11 / /ii3a 7 E. _aar ,,, - -,/.lia . eOSk.> ,� /3id-fr-trA tiz-;- . n 4/4. dui/ 9 4 ,/ ____(/ j‘,/- 17 /A-iato.u.) // // c- ccl, .6- --.. 5A— o liti GS7 R,11 _ _.-e d� froc , 2(, - 1 aZ /sly, 1 7 CQh,+.�.t�l t -a L Z 2- L - 2-�iy 2_ } L17c r ' /c ? �`A1 r�. �'E 4- 9F'7) '77 2 4 73 /Cax (�;t„& 3L O 1 -1-A , `( 9�i�% 7.zs-/o 9 1.4 (._ / 1‘ 4-0.:2/ i 7 I ',/,9-did (b t, S-E . Zytte)t, 1 0,53 3,11 -I 11- 60 _;30.31, "(\1 t+s is lob s V 0 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. /A -- NAME ADDRESS ' CITY/ZIP PHONE /77_,,;/ /7//9 - E /� 4rr i - . . • ! .' _S i 7 36? -i a fr 5,.E i..e ,._ 9Foss . (,,- ? i 4 R i Z1___ / 32ov /s6' 5 '_R.,t7t,o..x_ WA,a,6 9._ _, 70N-4 ft/4:Kite- If e-i 1 i i.c't -,7 2 7 Az7( cam, /4 O4 07' $ E 4"4- -7/ - rcpc7 j Ow , Z /424'y- i7> d'`'.s- AL-4- .47/-ly'T t/ii-442.- lei-u-u0-- /f/o' SE /'2%'4-5- - hapth92 Go# A0Zif0 /J/76k its.. /'a.n (-2 S 5-Gdda ya_k % /34/f s t'!_ 2ZG3t? ,_ pc..„...t.. ,..,.,,, / 2 ,_ ,aI /YY S/= f ., ,,,?), J ' )dutiV� c� 3 C-)id L9D . &frir&yyto -54_l0 - -&)-7 lett,/ tiuiA/n) r3g,__) 90)/Do LA) . Edrroun 5Yco - Yog, e � /2g 5-5— /.1 > ;4 i��wr io w c a. i A .*.eed /V y3 .5A-- /- 9-&s &1-o// (� 7/ 9.s� J;(9-1 4(7' 462A,,iy__ / (r 64 fi /17 ' / 9 2 a(-, (0 7Ufa 5 � f z.L.XL262.1S , a-a- s-r(7 ,I6c\1;3 A, . -: c....51c, -- NI`i Le. 2 / 7 S.r . 09 P/ 22 6 -/_c4S RETURN 0 512 ('.dar Ava _ Cn Pont-on Wmch (MSS w 4 We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters . If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . idilhK 1 T e/ tp,_ 5EbY -v12-5, ./ 4zt-:-/ / -ekt .tu 3 /3/ rU c / a We-i.r-t-7. �.. lQ _ a.e...I/B W8 Cave i E. a ah) 2cz�n.nz� //co , Ue , 44 Ne ,7- ' � _4,-z,Lzk, 3 z-/e zi N -. ii frt . i 1 Eal9tafil C3 bS 1elq_141JD 413)t I20J , /D c /12 ;r c 7 //q AAC7 fk, 2, (0_ , 04,_,, ,. ._ ,,, e 1.4,-A-J /a/6 - /doh c e-Re.✓ / iXd (OOP (See 4 A,t_��_ e*?(10) /222r .2( L- /e4y 0- €41.6 P ' 3 60 O )0.0. ? d—. /0�..2�.., .• ,,,ka_ark, U qq/q/ /a n rA (S-E /-1-771-0)--\%61.64 _ 9eLon?1,e Vlotte,A001 508 r►ewp00 19Ut. R-e i)IO2 J� xte j21/o y� p 6 R c.6., ate,, 7' l 3 ),/ Ale .E-s P...�..--. / �l -.—- Zy/7 /7 - Pi- cE- ,��,J77,ti ' — °e1 ©-Sim' . s3-/-/ - 71 71,41 95o4), raGA4} 0/ p Lag,'09T9 - Q Vpo fSID4 /VANib, At 'S h9.s 7.5ve6 /wolry3. urrwr/rs7 .. 0g 3a Sxcii ' �• (`l\ so- /'2 9 SC2376— ,94 )(AV It - 1)19 si,u-Rtfr< hiJo. 950s 4 •,)u vetiq- S oil ?iv oi/..s, rrern `9SO56 --20( oot l 7r 9 S o8 6 s-Ac a ry pry6 r;s/ i 9 of Ears4 yr"p,. / „IT • .3 v D 7' z.,,s2 3 IN e-5 2,4 3b$2, may.,''--aa. 10' \+01 3 i l E,�.� Web u211-f�t / mil ' ggot ? '� _-W% - -- w U / _ -- -- S7/02 6'.*.7 fre 9-urn ad rutw asca r -74-tAtti /V-60 vJ6, S 712' .W11-1___LW2fF 0 *30- - t CQ1 _142I 6.E T ! nLL - - _ /1.fb e...c?c!" AstraAr de/. , /11- 114) 66 jr ,�- � dam, - - - ceiD3 AIL a 7er ''Afffi,e-yel e l icx) 5: . -OV0 h1/4P • Lqci_ect.ladzi)E-441/?._ ; INFA ,WW Felictm ezvfet Z2©8 /ferf,Dcr/ E'.nl`. ,, ,,FJNO Z. .ge,,Oef 1-6 5-15- //7 7-1 (IE. 1< -) .4,4.4Y6x 6tAi-c r)g' i� , 330 nU�' � S` _ )Am\ �n�y C.8 opsz 3 ‘A -70 JJ �-R tZ AteiJl/t.. 77,) &TN* 32e - 2 , w aide:0.11, 113 at o g. ,444 , II SA..MAW IA a1 P I C. 11 II 1 - // L. /I A .E_ 2s�o� /04/4 , lea725 t/4 I, N,E: ? 4i% • •/. /4/36 QA e e,s/- 4�,c ;e4f " 6/3m N is-6zQ, iief?' /1- 4/ 0 51Awo pio/ sEffEee.S674 /0-E711E- 77 6 ._ • ----fr7jeia- yadu e /7.350 5a /3 riXie af9e .4ife-ft-e g 4o_v___N£ 9,r-h. C dp,„:,, &a- ear,,Aid 5 AM,___Ag- 'Qvi4 \h 10 'l S — I f -SE g'e-t=�c�yt I a_y LvwL,LVceilsk - - - 23 0 YiLTE \ 1 \lok-kkv 1AZ- fQ 5. � . - 23a6 - — 156 z 3 .S4 l ¢8Y SY. 96o 5-6- noG n jou- SL. to 9805b /ivy 5e /6G _I1J3 elf 4vv?# 1-w d oa, E'F.05 6 L ( k) v-c L 6ut pi KG kosiv-e-ti (A)c._ f /%do x20 esrow 0 /g, /1111 ? G daiet, a,0( 7,1E $(91(Ln 29 1S-Ms a .? p /i -- d 611, 1( 25 N 32-Y4 CT- - oZ c / R/6 ioYtc4 _ ,�(- . )4 12 ( 511e i 1/ 6. 30e, P "06 mitteci po, .48. /79 - 9?A7? I 2 , h 9(1'2 015 6 / Sii Tom' 95 ‘1/ Atayr 4 IF 111 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. ''Ne feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. _ %/. �.�l.�v1- / .,,..--.73,te,«�.. elt-... "' n . " IA,-�L .-ftF .0212c4,1 4.j A ,,e-u-,% iter- of�e�v- -7 `moo NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ,. '-' s ,.,) �. \/).j - '\tea. .k.„.k ) , . `�,_,�,\_( H . VI=� 7, / -. ' ,2711- /O�1c/ 73 -A Gee kcre5 ,7_5 4,,,,,/ ,,,} 4z_ //o/o & ,z.(9 /,/ / 9 / 8 q�'i8 u,,,,ttiur...e„- ai ,� 3 t a c� .-, /6, ./ 44t& 1�l,.. aLo-5-7, / _ --/ 21 ')____±,_____2Lp, Etejc_e qN litilbK /9 . o747_y_. ,e; c---7p1S-0/--4. . icSleXiCkla _2 i a ,2 yli)bel i3733 o.K�. km_ 1\\I N 5e._. -�- * cJK `(9((3 3c,32C: (8;46J &4.4--ketAto 10 �" -. -30*1141„ S C,t, q ( 77 Ti -D `I 2 /rCz. � ,i7 ,90 /690-3 .SL-- .32 �� � -.--4 /,� 9-Pc,3/ o / ' j.d, Z, S, 3,/ ,?: 70 X &id w-µ')4 as l 6 3 3 Gfed.._ (e9 ` v f cam— 9,r0 5-s .- c 7/-z27l f .----; _,-(..A-6 5) .6./,-,67- 6. -2,277; ot /26- ni, C j/(0' r-i I j/IG' - -/ 4 3/3-61 e4 Jal,c-,11 atPas 122)8All& ' vsJ4 '9)3/- 772-4-070 j Z1,_ct,a fL k (941S . (-DA11cc;ooJ ((' e __ ,tm,, � -�2- Ifi c- & )-1 z, 767 /1/or4 r/vo,d. ,�Pi� 7f&) 5 3 0c3/6 1444( 1) oC ` 611-7-,4Ait- fi�44 ' rd/4 ) 4.72-dia,10 6/6 W SS. 70l (Itilll 1 in V 9 Al)On leen L.23Ato T_,__2Q___Q_o_______.__gn OA wr-3 Q)L-- Aci,)cg RPTITRN TO 417 f:Priar Avv Sn , BPnfnn,, LIAcb� 9R(155 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile o�f�a public or private school. Gl4, -�-- „c am-vim , , .- /-� ^j -,2j-2.l_,,,_ , e,.�-.. -4 - • N- � .—���-•-�- i''�`/2-' `&--A.,-' il NAME 1, ADDRESS CITY/ZIP °4)/ PHONE I K; rn ( 2 C L_L ( L(2 C) 1ZL(_th - - 'ceu_ ckkic-g- -g av g /„X fh .SE Irii71- GI) 0 g81.3 / 63C -y 73 CeJ * 45)'A I W'�' P. . Ik*. ,` Cq = ((a WEN 1a"=1"` _ I8L-z --// 4 /9l/e-S� 04/' 48)A '(t .2.2fSO4 103d A jf7 zz_ t7i L- ' QUA 9g-a 1 s3-9 -2 `11 diva- FYI 2 / .2 a SE___ /.ems- �d' -� / 1� - -5 W. r---- 1. 7.V/ stin/ Oe g ox %rss" ss7,, . - ___ 1Y6Evi- j/ . , 4_,,sc ,moo. 6j4 ?Pcs-r 2 ys3o ileS 76 id45.a ///r1- ji 1v19i-ors s r-cis7/ e . \ _) 116,31 1 A c AI, . to x, t i.,,k, . 9(fO53" ,1u .,,.Y /G 6 Z 4 /Z c �ia.. Z . 2ee ) 4 Z-c-Z c c.,7 0 Se -2 .3_leo/(QNr uii4 9Josl— <7 /5?7 /o o S.E . -LI - 2 c _________L'2jnQ_ ij i t j 6 6_50 2 -3W) �� / 1 je (r 1/2c � //1/ xess. - -,7t.. ter .----4._ . )/-- Zs E<49 / /3/eD cT s e- X,,r,f/7"- 4:/A. y'p.r/ E.fa_T7z 7 l(;LiJ f fi aC l', - 019 i6c/ - ,: A eot-,./1 1A//3 9 z cs i -2-7,-"7 (1‘44 14J, 1,5- 2c)9 `-: -- I 7Citil i" OL.'1,,,,_, tch 46,sy' - 71 I 2x I, .(4.,:)‘ 17QLj r /. 3 SE T?. r'c(,\\ to `/g ^_ ; -72/ VOE' S° ' G/?iIkit, ' /.�f/f ,S E / l ivg. 5 o?J5. -f 5i , • ?( ---�az '/A F/6gti 1Q- 4� -L 07,c -r9(17 7/ '2j dS-,1 , 'V r&YJ5 " RETURN TO 912 C lda AlfP Sr) jtentnn_ 11aah 9E05.5 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of R4. k=: has the right and responsibili.ty to regulate land use by zonix- ,' and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not i*" adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, pubL.te. park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public T private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP d— RsY1Matt ,W&St1cN. C4'i1.' fly)C-1 S.i kCIL-4- ` \ciaxx i 8t5t) 834-o ,a4 - r7,.(.:,,. cA, .J c l.A r , t/?2L y 7,1 7 1 f. i3 J "1,2.4, /7/7/1 '-\ I-T-P'r'V (L' .' 1/ 2f /3P f'e- /f,e,v7-n4/ 9Rvs a z sJ'-/io', /(y?Lj, 4 ,</7; , __e,6, , ,3:26 (176-7,41/2 )&e' ,- , i' -&/?> '-/2 P,i'a_ :_i-0.37/C2cD2 V 11/SJ2.&A,. /o G 3o s('1G c! A4 34 Y-Z-ew+w. o � /G�3 n_ 4. £ ZL4-610- r-Z2b :ems H i.- h. w w 4.,, t. kv > �-,/2-Y � /ee.,, 9 f - Asa'-/may 2-4- ___ ____ 47/d&F" /e 3.Z .. &Gtie 4 ,A rn qwS ��S a.>.? 4— - / /‘ 3 ig 7?; 7-r .5a, tP.on "),09:0,sr v ss s;s--7, )'1 -e.c,,_, a&4,tkieLetit a a o a. ,,r a([7'' S l-, I' gyro-,, c Fro- -2 6S--/WI �� / 74_,giA-Le-,-,, / 753 S (3S:74-j ,PEA a,-✓ 280 s`6 - Z/s- E i M. /:7 5'3 5 4 L /j s— S J'dsZ Z ' �LFP� 6 44 3,6 _ //0 -ems rgh cc- Q-0 //34 vi-o-z. g , ...),„.i4tz/i47 , at.rtx, . /ii /_J /.J-641, g ,s- , E, iy,t-7,-L-o Pt ge-,24-,&-", F / _ 'a-co c.til 9 T Pi 5 ,,..+, L✓/J yro ?/ /3.0- se) / 61-,-,--cer 091.)leu00-1=2 .--- /2 U! i,) 50 je: -i-cqyo.rj- 14 J'?-hf 71) ' , Aag,ce i 7809 -/... ...541 - 4,,L&-,L, /tAe.91:as-6 013 -6.5-,)i A ,30 IA 0-2; x4,1 A 9?d,_31 so,3r, /2e, - IY 1/-34/ G(/,�e a az,��1d. �C�. cv s's" We , the .people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE /Qc,(11} RP i. /1'j/=))/) /; 32 -h'L NO, /}v2. S o- S� )77 c/E/6 f' 1_I . 49c,,LatateC Pi, 3. 9 9 v '37I A14,4--r-* .2 or 5-2, 40'r !v - f s-s- 77,2 -lv 7-64 d e /0,14 12-9 Se cagura4i, wp 9P3P4 Zz6 —";g 01• / a /yes 1_ s l pex. A.-24.- ,ems vh . O� �r a 9 4 c— s , �� �Q s- Oe�� e /0O 3 ./ 1 6 -?-7-1 2 //� 4 fVc / O i - - "i L.7//I< e&v..). • -S,GZ a/.. e� 90 / ✓ 8- aL 17Ds, /e Ii ic/ sd k'e- N 6..0 Ytfccrr' I a 11 l) i� /,<1 'Og 11 Jr' �� _4l l� l Lam 98 c_ ,7a/lfr - - 9Pr-cs-c- yy� sS O/1 I6 RETURN TO 517 CPdar Atip_ Sn Rentnn 1,171qh 980_5 -451,14.#ey -1Vp--)4_,-01, 01,477_ -ca.-e 4-0''--<-) We , the people concerne4 `about Renton, ar ted in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at ` the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the -City of Renton has th•e right and responsib1iity to regulate land 'use' by zoning , and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not' allow ' adult- theatres iniith' 1000 f f yeet o , residential area, public , park, or religious- and-sand withih one mile of a public or . . private. school. ��, • �, Yv" f ' • \ NAME „,. ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE-- . s: )1( �) -, , 1k , I 2:0 0- ThA,A \. , -=_-t, `,,\O%W.19: , , r 0 ,'.,, , /7// ze,.._ ,,,_e_zi . ,-.;_ __ 4.... ,1442 9 2e0 ) ,; & 3 �/"`2.�'.. . & ,1�� I'' I9) ' '2-� 7/' /.g � ' ,,,, ,,A \- -,�. 6, cog C�� Q VE �,- �� - _ -> S. o(sa/ d 1�.;� -5 i ca ar S E. V3 @ 2 )- (___,- 1 ° 0-c s9z 229 /D/sue0.45 ' Fea 2 3Fa - 9f&es/ -_ '-7 5 /z7 $ ,k 9 ZY 25g_--0,Z2 "A1.0, , \ 14,1,:?2, , /3 y/l 1vsr je ,Sie0,-,, .., 7f o,s- " .�s) to; ' L),. ,‘-,--- u - „ . ;ws-6-, No/4*i( t-/ ____7114,,g& (,),1-?p_2.) ,32. -6),?& 7 - ,Is-'S"a). 1 . / - ` /_._- A `dor 2 . ' Z-c ‹ van 35i6yN ESG�r=-N S 4410 S, W �a g-iz 7- l? A �j -3 � .� � �s� Q�Q� q��Z �2 *y J lC G;z L 2�L 30/ //0 LI c-e--• .SU, re 2 od 13 e z L _ >Z-427 3 f ig 7,3g - �(6.-1 Ad� tad_ ` 7 /- as jj 75"77,y, oTh3 -5,-_,4,,,, ,,,,,, 9dee.2 7 - 4re.2- -.? ' ‘)aAJ"f -Co '1/ ff -�crcrQ 0 / Pero _ o 'I ti �J..Q � .3 �l J 7h � q �l � � 7 wI/ ti 1 ,e{f. 1( / , /, 1 C 1( 1 , etwatt i rit.ttGL, 4/a o 9 'Du , /. L T(fo 7 & 343 " Ovtie:" 2L21- �6� r›.,„.vss7- c - .,vfo, ?SIG�bZ G yp c) ) )717-3.)Tz 6s/ mpg—�1>ca 5.14154_ ir; LZP7j te'O �S zuc tcy,/ n Sr, i200- Z4 c.-o,:el • ss1 �/ �� - het • 5t4, 9.t. y ,Sny� P I Lt9 s i Ph %ryv ZZ-SZ- -daqd '9Y26-i)rS •Q‘S-4vxez.i_i 9r tnoVi 44? We , the .people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 13 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE . 1€ - /a 5/67 ,8 z,n, &p. ,. 77a 67.2--3 6ei-tizio 2 ( /asp,/ 4016,6-kae.P AAo . 77 2-6 7.23 1,-)7247.,,,,/,1,-)ict.,,i, �// L i., Gi 9- S s 2--26-vt7? 4 { i-e ,_ , ,R, v? - mil. 4"-opief&,, 07 . - 4 --4 a 0.s /�dZ � at,,,- z a� --.;375d . f L�z.�/'1U'llzAl.c.0- -_ 7y 3 lii / P .i1/ —()47 --77-7-.-6'9� Ci,P,�,t, z- Yys7,$45 -/, k ,i1 27 - °P y ` S-0 S Gu,•e 1 44_,.<._ , -2,S S-(o-2S 7 i1 fu,k_ j,() 0 v/04-0 )cciZe /1,QA1--- a/ilye 77 (,, f. / I, c74j , .e . /7/// . I ( /vs 7e 1),,a/nzo.,r) f� l�ss,,,, ,___, /A., � � 6 --1?Ce.----7-L--/ (-- 'M a..6- ---. /OIL____d— vgi•-• YEA-277e-)-_, .Z.C.L_-- 75'f0S7C. `� .5 - ika F 1 , , / ) , / 1 ) J RETURN TO 512 Cedar Avg_ Sn , R Pn t nn, Wm sh 98055 We , the .people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE /74cz - ;-v Pl s �9/We kr/.‘� c�,q -3 z- 9G 9i .0-2-?-0 C- � ,. �/ z 3 1 - � al� e a 9 kld X 7d2-A/ ti , o 3, .0„ ? ? c, 9c 5 . _ .e g o...- e. '- -\7 -- ./-1- , ����ss \hi?1I2 JJ (�P�Y1.0-1—. s /t'‘.. /0 / SE ,�( '-' //-Pk7`E- ?FOS 1 i S,..)--1t-q7 E r \ T/IJ2.6 116 ( D 11b --11 - Ue 4/ V� 4 -I-cm A / l 3 c)-K 4-72.e.„- - /,5.--c-7/ G' 7( - ,5 476 . RETURN TO 437 Cedar Ave Sn , Rentnn, Wngh 98045 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 1 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE =.7.2,-?r„ 4e,,,,,./ 103 Nelk) P/WE ife-frtcbe-x Vic),CS— . 3_f--0 Y-2, w . �,..2.o-�. 702 r / Cum S . q ,-L- gFv�4 v_5-�'-�'O7 j// A 7,24, 1 A( .-S, ( ‘- �SW- 27/ -13p 1, 4-EJee-J` // ( 0riY /J )r 2 -. 9to 16 of56---7>-7Y We , the ,people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 2-1- NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 1 ..aiti citti %Lict 4. Al W )0 9 f 0 56 c i 134/R z -s= e sL,. s.c- _.lii�� 1,/� -2 _4 z giAl,e..." 4, 6--x..6,- 9 po,f 4 _ 51) 4 �s� �� , >7 e/ -c//; V // �� . .Pa s.5— `j 0'' 'i c //G �� l:,syD S /.3, -2$%' / /fix 9t0sZ oitifAid, 4--(---. 1 i 9''0 S-- S 1 C'77- 9.-? /(' 77f..-A- \J ' '9(ftl. • C4 J2 -?Zeledi i- 14)4> )(kia eh ,511/g a 7P2/7 Yam, ► Pc'esr' - RFITIIRN TO 512 Cedar A S , Rnn rnn, Wa ch 980.55 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. lam. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE iGo/• ,r add C - 1, 9e - �. .� c.�.r 7 f 3 g itc$ 7741 72r6Zsf �71-041-.2 3. J� /0/0/— S L� �e%� Z.vv7i� r 25-1-03 � i iagi7 /74 171e, cS.�', A& J1 zz4 t We , the people concerned about Renton, are unite' to the establishment of pornographic (adult) mov the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel th_ has the right and responsibility to regulate lanc and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residentia park, or religious facility and within one mile o private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY .-40\ ) --s` r-k()(—I 1 .c)/0 -/3 cc3. _ S E SE Lc__ ', 0 o . 7 401.:. rek 2.t a f 4)q----;--if'62 A t -ROO'S?), i CI 1,A A 5, 4 Ao.. go szs- a -,-.)/-21/c5 . , __ , s , cp‘3 41,1 9t4114_ (, :), 1 0 -(47 ,R3tAik L--) ... _&`10 ic:tdzi_ tee, l& er f,Q S E -1 --I6--,1 Voss- Qa c, sVif r„ . 1(141,81,u� ( /75Lii flt,-C,C-56 'eflfrn (MSS -7 c-0 gar la, Ala 41.464 IOC C- ri it S (L. -FA , _, 7 2 sS- g yff'6 (f ,IL) L 2I00a (2Ovrt AuE S . kLat Ws 9B03i ?, 1 3 J ` -- ' 333 VuEMok T .►u.E. zc aial-Okt ,Ul/-ci8its.s -7 I-NO 7 © i' � � � F LULL 1- PO ckL 2i 3o (2-Y4Uf SE Ket it Lew, 630 — 3 7 f52 ,.� r , Z.I . I(102 ..iq ,t ) °!i a5Ce 126.1141 471.r. ,e %'i Ikuj4 a0 , 5 ' -7 y azes50 G!r J.1�9 1/7c?77z- �� G 7 (24.4.t4.4-, 0a , ,.�-�C� IyC/, o7 _S t ,2�a tiv.,i' 1;4, kvi rLvetci[. Tko; , -63,-;. 'Id 2 ._ /..5-‘6, ,.5. 4---. '16 ez..J7 /34 zifyi_e_i‘2 , Li AL f'ree 6 - 04i ci i ,i11_1V10.z >Il /69 9 /43j!'S.s - �li41°5- 27"-O2i7 l NrS fq 1' oOt‘1_ Ko it'd. 1( d (t^A'.-" I 3) 6,3Q 14 RETTTRN T(T 1? Cedar Ave_ Sn , Rentnn, Wa Gh 98(155 • We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 9 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE t /J 41 'A:‘,4 3 /, <<>41r) -7Z) 5, .se 7 Q --7-7. , -Gy 7 37R2- iil( //4 ydJ S/7 4-Lp UP 91-( DJ O1 , 1, ' ' 7/ 2,5-.-- 6 e/Z_Zzl --e_e_e., , ____4- . ---,AeL . 7 7,2- 7 G V 1,-- ( , •I i• /ZetA, 7,6474 j/,) 0 ) --3 0 . / --C 74 C— L-.r-----e'& )7 7 Zr 772 - VC/ Q e 9sa9 -,/ A„15,c_1,19- •S., ./k. 9,0 71 77 z -v 9es-- xe___ AN-17,a_ a .-7 1 •-. 4Ypi • --_ -0 16P0- 1 (..0-- e).-0 :-. 1_,.-3 �tia ,a , a- .‘7 S. i7-h . Lavk gFst 7 772- 21`lF3 s Jr QC,?1 E)ri\k r-r) / c,c,. ,( sE, 9L1y I kcinim (a, 9@C 7a 7 -fl�3 - DJ-- t,si--, el 0 .7 3 ,g ey__-, , �s 1 _96 2 '/ . 7z.i, ix k Ye-61-c, it J._ts 7 - 3-7 ..zje.,.. ,Lcs ....56,-_,: e;.;.•'--5-'17& 7.2P°4 , (-0'//1 5 V ei .s't 1 12) gq 7 2 q r . .,ZA A,i_0,,,i 0/( -)1,(lt.--Ai 9- -C)/- reaA) Tr) -191 -/.3 qi e d gv -7 -g-- 0 81 &c 1/r). in ,eici-o #A-Riera-t_c_ /ii/57 76 °r'' f 5-. _5E- r zr ?e7r 772-'126 RFTTTRN Tn 517 Cedar AvP Sr) , RPntnn, Wash_ 98055 — We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ,.?:\/ NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE )9. ?A . I., ,-r' 16 0116/14-1 a/4, ;2;// 3j -.: 1667 Sol ��-,_-4i e. fit^ /a33 _...6./' g47-01:2 — • /-4,/Y V- J- I(/&.tt Se-catik c2Ve/- V,2 5?02- -717a/iA & 4Azie..,- i/vvK_ 0 _ He _ s_aedit., _ V Y- X.-2 7:2-- LivaDk atu„,k, zu, o,) -- - iy6tH- -e-0 - (.1cS-103 >.7 - / Sr7.)1 %0L1.//`il „'2/ ,D) -D S 1 Sfro506,./ goicr) 0 co Iwo— C-c0f/t- ?4/69 ) 4,,t y /zA7 5 6 ,,, t, c. 5.�, 77 Z--/ ct6 .,,, 4, i."c /zoii 7c, s 1.e.,‘.2:a 71.z 3, 7.1 L Lc) a v 1 i - Z sue'`"" S rl - `] i Lt-3 rlir _k"-L //S<</f--- S _SA)-7 / —7 7 = Y7 y 16-4eLGit-4.44 >l/,e L-)-e l - ge4U l 52,f7 Ji) Pi. so. SwzL 9G/7/ 77 .209 t, -46Ca-a f /a '5 ar'a .7 0.J, ,-fie - $ 772- 6' at6 I - o4sr 6i +�r( 98z,s- �a-4.-7. 1I 1. 77.�, 7 s �a i�c gaao-v,. ,e-s� F?; 1f_17 Q c r$o T G- �24-7_ 3 I) . �- le /.ga,;-e -(,f' 11/ . 724 , M y'17j -- 772- -.1/; ' '--7 . ..&- .4----La--- A 7L�-(�F7 //// / LUT/�fX. Ale �E29-T7GG- 77, / 4-- G Jill/ .0.Li T c/e .4vc. J. %TCC 9�WW� 7 -f��4 u� / 4 hi-An //WI - ,o r.�' J=,- ,ce ,j, 7 I/% ' Ej glift,tet., f)A .. 1/7/ S. (A cr-c �is--, c; Q r?-/ 7 g 7§3 5 <V ,60- o.c. /9'ezi-* 2/W S drro- S.9. •(0 9sc i ? 8' -7 3 - S`.3 I V RETTTRN TO 51? Cedar AvP Sn_ , Renton, Wach 98055 9 - d�''/ 7 We , the people concerned about Renton,' aa.,7 e united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 14/ NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE etf"03 -4 E .44116.„,, e'oo. 23 rt.4.Ave S 1,1 ) X- . 14I #32--'i7Q47' //I /, // �/ • .� I/. -i/ // C/V ��, - 'V ,1�d /f�C����� r►a tilli _t.. 41,10 A MI 4 • .2i, s / 41, RETURN TO 512 CPciar AvP Sn , RPntnn, Wash_ 98055 — We , the people concerned about Rentcn, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school, t4f,t l \J. ` i!} ) ( NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE o2'S-r"3 NS (' c/ — j1/ / X </ ). s_'/ I/ ,.t, `SE /f'.e„ _1; -sf. e-ei� I i'a f f ief)/0101. /3.4`y hi .� z, to 7 ram` c)7 f�cri 7'o/4 c Sri aoo .C. .NAC. tOil.q c19(o --4305 cdir 7600 -4904440.K C").6-'-? 1)m2). a . 160567 ter/ -8 9(o Ljr me muiu fieb OE c9cith 5 t . ran C a. u� �3 re, d 4 d� � Jai/ /6411/(1 /,-2 r nsL v ,-A . RYA"-' cao- v-70 anctdQ LO?! &..L1J if (t(r ),,,,r,'Q r )t).L, 111 kj; -r i; U f , Q?( o ) L '; ),40,11. 'W--. l OS c) i j fi L RO 1116 1 1 14 q7/0 5-4i da x C •i'7 l '--2) jk 4--friLez /14. DO:,_. 66 Li..1 ,V-- iez,4--to ttic4- 9,60 Z ::-5-3-491 ;..t:c__ � � 111112. 5f. 7:114 SI e n a h wck k 0 S L Z 5 r z S.,njr\ 0.nrr A o a015 V its her kW" c&e n kr l�a 9 g d 3 ',1 3 c; c r r 6 r '-kilfn Ckhir\ '‘Q,,7 I O ?Z k o yxcE. Ct' Ill L *,in lk_ G G&'c)C4 -„a -- -'y ar) (J.--a , -0tfA, .,aPr Iz..-L ,5.�. 7Y4Pl. 6e-item, Qabs-/D zz ?, '-31 e 12� j , d. .0_ AY . (0,4E-f1 `� - 2-7? -C �9 ./ r /4 /) / Jc j/57- IL/Z'kV7 l_"/-?, —7 Y 'Q/6 13. 11 L E )0€th n f (AA,9 G a, 6-q 79.-- 1/ C u 1' l / 72 6 ,S glad .77: b /VTory r1&)S( 75 a 3ci=, 41 ;, •_ ...."_ ' =- fir= - �r- err _. We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. t � ^ JEkrr5 �vx��' NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP , PHONE Kb_Sl`(1 CT'Q.k } fin -ict-e.k,'-' : / & 9/O //1 SZ-, l(7eii-Zo/i ct f 53 ; "''`lc,/ d'C'n ). C r rY-1 CFI ''il,L intin at f_ 5Z _ Qs-I c_Y <.:.:. S cao- Li si, Pe th -).- C), . ..3- Li 1 75D n ow-e , ke(\i -) c\ciaj?b--`39;q flL �cit'n c>f 1:Ff4 , \io hen- on ccao - GL111( GM ai.6-91) 1- 01--)11, -fia el , ,(1 \ 235-cff cit.,. (' i 0..<-- t vri lea( D( l Q th okt E i cy--.- ,.;--i I - (341 /Q.,v4 _, SDS s• /S't*' sr te 0e91 ZSS-q 7S-z ONIV)a U 4 r/2Z- t A 'IL': 5L<. krim):, -50-7 ii _ fi /G5r � // ,<� c , •e s� e'__ „/„,,..,,,,,,.., al" p,,,...,, o 2.-, x is i rA A F' /6 o/`' fiv,2J f , 4'rO j5 ��S /h (b, Clkk_ (04.1W ow,�, M-�.�..�J \- -i.a(4 S.r l ,c 7 si •Z ,,,-` ,_ 41's6os c- a-/-C is mar( aDpk Q c:`)c 1 ? .ire I 14; 11**) Dr46,c0 T?sar Ac;f5 X$ A �woi C30"3 'n ortA Y�rC 1-fe'�Jt I - "5 Li nc�) r-� C = �oriic�r'1 e1 , • nl -i i , - ( < Qlo t 4- Rcn-4-crsi c Ot- t- ctri lkIvv a_/Di,a 12756 S lGaFJ17a - 145055 '7/ -1715 4 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. i NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE C ig IttratZv-,-CiegtAA,"-* i.11-k. " 4. ,6,-.d, 1�eek,nedic, ( .� l 14,1,4.A., '- At . 4 . ° 2J G D I/ : ' '© `; ' , ?--2 idtp,..di _57 ee , , . -71-4- 1 , , r.,.„. . 1--:: -r. 1 - -4—' -' / ...L- i-; z 3 l'1-P!_slo I- fi/f t4.t4.-# (. • . ,�/ '�.Jr%"4/k, !til-44--St-a.."-YL„ , , . --"-d-Ail"----i 11-4.' it/ •./ Q 'Z .tc"' r.714 . ic-)- • - -T )r-xiv‘ NAcwiwS l'j I (' ,.A.",t*. S '1 ,,,, ft / 1 4440 r r -t--mac. AAd 2(k) ,w' 4-I t J—& 9' , Cam '- 102 1, rir- 5,41 /C.41A-.\„til` r f RJA,A,ALef4 7_, '{ 3_,CI), i 4...... , '(PeziA,L, -/t 4(,-Lt_g_ L. -- RETTTRN TO 512 Cedar AV Sn , RPntnn, Wash Q80S5 r . . ,We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. J a� NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ecri C 16'- ^"4-/-flq �'S i ,r444/ a,., L Al,-6, 9 Y u 6-.4 as E'- 0 6/7 4 -4/?t 4-1 n-I-ii-lt a. ',. , 9 g�`- 3- hit,o.- f 1.r/7n *9/aA - ( ', _ram 77_2- . S'J ( e.,_. O , (o - gc7L5/ k -37.7 av ` 1,3 .,7" 6 - 6 & -(r.- -5-1 -a...�_ �—y /, A7/ - 024 `f 7' SM:I — d..,,,-. '.' .1 , 4" I au.A4v<Y c.A.t., 6 v { < < � e 11 rl i 44h,� ` a tE: Zf / i kk.‘ - J 34114 <---teit,.--- . _,..?ti-etf3-A- 13 SI I / 1 2.el S "--4 LI/ X,/I Zolq E vlo lvo o a 56 z141--(v q9 .1) ,d1 0 AorntoAL S- o Z S--r141) d %( (,0 x ° -go S`.._re 7 67 014.A" Rtl,.." J'' 1I -PekiiAli \NKA P (T7.'' .ii i:, L4 t9k.W S .'4 'ir Ct.) 4j :A 5 1"(If 4,1 /4../ -..4-7 -- k c txv„_.,2_,to-, L.„1___Leu-oLA,4_00--- /Q3,-7_,_, l 3 3 -r , Y- l ,�,- ,„„4 ,3i 7 22�- � RETURN TO 517 rerlar Ave SC) , RPntnn, Wa ch_ 98n.55 — We , -the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. / r�/ NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ,2i7A -z ' ,> ,� '.I ,-�e-&-f� fg)67, . ,5.s 7 9/ aoWal4GC Y tleit L5/C idLrr) si-rh/Pt9 2 E_ /elide it, a ,4 c27/- /J) ih ,z ,,,, _ ? dns,+- t-- AS l , cfil1S ,f2 7/-7,f? 7 ( e-t1 ii_I role $w 3 it P- / - ''it/ek : f i v"L-5- p 7/�'�yG^�' RETTTRN TO 517 CPdar AvP Sn , RPntnn, Wach 98055 • We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. %� .: ,.i NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 29573 3 RD,4VE S. fee/pi-a/ 14,0 9 Iwo.) 39 72Q5 32-0-/3g z7k1-7q S ✓✓E 16K) -30)67'sz - kIVAl 4.tobi-r 22Zc y`Tv,l *F i.11/-.4170Ss- J S ST L61 - 5,E. Sgit�, 3 SSA U 1 O fyy-i i 1 5 3R9 Pt, RO-h O -s uJ . WO tD /,e4// 9fgoi 2_49_.d. 01¼ rr d ,� /�Co43 Z Opewize4 , ZJc_ 9 kl 6 d i 1 tA-)tt I . 973/P �I�Q'eSTOK '�1sV M(�tl aV4u �1�-4 �f-1� �Ad C 1. S't'tic!L0� LCar� r DA NEL .off 7432 S t 26 ni5P 'T-T LE V1/Ar q Fsl7 z.4 14 7714 5-fit. R 704 , W4 ?toc1 .L71 -3oc2. M IkR(E W 1 air- ._09 - Ztila 1 to .SA L ,�wi Ul4 ?xo yo nvmTTTFT mn C11 C.. AQACC We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private schoo- . NAVE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE CI ,143 AIA It 1 Lk/A .4.,v.,.. ''''' 1 f • I----- -- -) 9Xo s �.a-/067 213 '< << f( _ S 3 2-76 671 A •<-? /C I ( (k I ` r( c 4/ 3-- si,-,-e5-) ,P,6 -,,Z-z-I -DS---s --DLO .. Z4Z.4 .0,_,4 - 2- CsS'__,' 1(, 1 a8-?.. f: (4*i ab ..� C < t 4 _� ac76 pfenij. /' jide.4!0-1- 3SZ) G. • tel4),Iedi 2241.-- -S a / -' __ �- �—� `=7-3 (214 v 4 a . ,d 7€4 eJ'C"I -- ii,c ar....t 7)b-d-7 &fri,76P3-r-) gi3 LT-031/,1 kJ • u, • Sys ice / iii A/C /Uo 7 fr .4.w,. a 3 —O .7 y C e CA, KAA 'Vli. ---'' 4 00 k)uffax,,,,' 4. / tin) LJJ,, ® g j&_; . ...iris---)a 'c, ,.- 7(zg lv '' , cvye 7L. :� -0 (/ 7 1k/4c- Gv . N. ,e _a.a 34 x3,34.1- �, ,, i5V /2-2- ,, s., �'p�.�I , 5-r ' 7 - _ ' —'1 il-s"- 6,///6 at{ Al eth4h - f6/4 - 1 /7 kJ n ‘2 _ od ki/4„..... . , a 7/-/76t 1 (21A- ,V . .J "idet.e;A„,./4Li i_4.. a. ► 4. 4j �� 2�3 t2- r,� Ld L %3`l3Z ,:l.: o r , 4E2222 ,, 9*Fdcti e-!-L)r A i-,-n i • ) :.t}A �- ~ ' ' 6fA K k4oXSS, ^�my- ' � \ ' \ ` ' � ` We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 1 \ /: NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE M K t8 a3 ie /- ,� . ;Irt" ft ZZ &) )4-76L K l b3l - 1c& yry3 q 4 $63 - Ve7 v , " 2-- / T T Ira_---Iii%d..v 9R15-6 09,x-5da, • il et - 1LL _730d to 6Y ,17s sl 1 I (aa 4 (00149e114 a.G c1 1 . G� / i., 72. ,_v (7fa' iw (d7.6 // ---- 1 Wili Ai 4a, ,�..__ _ ,f , lb . I 0- )(--('‘'2)1,117,-* A I)-- inteYu : , //gild 91/22 . ii14/A c 7/ ° , 7 9 / ? as_ r. &E,d-e& _t__ / (/?. ..-/,..,' - >7 z_ ,,,1:92-1 - 7/ 41' _S— ---5- 4_/ 0} 4Le---. L---_p_42._A-Le_ 1 -> -)-- n L- 1 >-- )-_ . PAA--1, a--e-Q-(-4c. (4.3 ev ,Z lam Q�� zi J%i.� ZZ 6, / t e� � ,-�iIaso ass/.4 A . .23 J I S. v - C ,i,,- e,x S d ,`f'I E 6 V /3 ems./ 4.4- �,ay .6m q7o5 -. 7?4r -- --/-f‘_g/ , °2a 86 /,3 gv fz 9 ( f 6.5-. es9/9z. o a s ,E , sc . �� .. �$ o o yq-14a.,. / 7)) , _ co 1 ail t� f . lo5 O.229- 6,5 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE --231(( kj k 41 (-4, V„..,2;a - )-71-4-38 1-77 r7 1 A-05 5, az- vtz 4 ,,7-2 -0 3i 4- L� Z - - 7.-SCZ -7 /9o1:S / '%� De /OE - 4-uBu,e/L) �133- 077/ ffr) 555 P-41441 . / ,5-,cir 7 -d/tis 6.1/ Lt/A-1 _2(z.,1',.e_p_.,z/i_d_,L7_,22_, r- 0 e (:' crpa /2q.7/ /S. ;;4 c ,sg +2�`—I`6v 2 7 g_ `�g S"R" Syr" i -9 - „ d '9 d �SI E .. i1� f/ 7f6'.-s� _24- t-C 7 V2z,e4.4......1- -7,I 1(3. - ' . 3 Off" ?Ja-7,..f.t, _e_o...._5F._ ipe....,,y,„, js-,-_775 O 1.-2410 .i!'41- . Adlix/ •;,. 4Aiii, 4 2L _.1 ,,�..r.)2 tslc, ' - o'/9, et44-1NXJ4'lli, 3 0 u (Lis SC- /,, ,„ , *0 5(0 3 5/7 7,:, Q- , SXj(A),_,,,,A1-_/3 ( ( ` ; / 36 6)aWei-t.f/ /3 (Y/ S-4-- Aic ge ,, ,, &/..--) - c'er,i,,k, V 1._s-76 ( - -. p.J< P C L_ ),)7- , ) Li A , a ,&_40, (,:i . Z p/ ae„ J ‘0 a., .. evij\Q,,,,L . A- 44111 .F. a Q .. 45-,byy-, , Loz / ,g — ; D. 'o- 2 45.3 , �.__A. ,, l„/ 5,1/ �l;! 77ia�2- � �. l .J- e. . c i 004j0)-1, G 0 A Log 7 At.4- /30 9 in<wt-4c mac- dl E__, - `, . „„' hl f} a 8-12 8 C 72...zi.ezje., de..1/-04. - j8.2 5- Ail /8 s ihl -,2 tss_ S9i3 ____,64..'t yeA, co- 16225 6 o , Z. / -sue / J -064_ *6-- --414 .3 //7 Ze)&. S-‘9737 *AAII4i& jasL- t .� pn,ar 116f=lr`7' ' sE -K&; z> , LA)a ?IO We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAN.E ADDRESS , CITY/ZIP PHONE-2.,-(4...."_4e ---.7i.,....t4 o a5-4' , (,)�_ $ 2 a_6 *,,,,,7/ , 0/ so /a s cyT c :k����%r-� � (4,,, ��/�d �� r/ z.:_,A.,g 2d'/,,'' ..,,, 1 7 a S / i...a.,C 9d/6t Pz =% d.,-- r 1^te1 71,,. - - / e6WP- 5 l ._. L-(22:2a -67' 8;as'sv 1 1447-‘2-- At,2._ .--1.lie // 3 / — 5 /s t AL,, . -- 5Q....171z ygiy8 87$- I V iA.If A) R1 , 1/rs3 /b 6�sa Yed704, a)a 77/ z4Z- 69O3 �'/ 4ei-/ - Q TJaz) ?hih 6 �i-� G 1.04 ',, i 7X'z. //S:v 41k M94 ,V4:94.tic ' 7-; _t-6-0,4-' 1 I 4 r _Li( (Pe_i-Fe6- ,,)7(- v-p--7f6,3 0---2,_,,,,eze --F---v.,s\ - -Li_i'4,4,e(P-mc 2e,_2 4' s(A ) JZ,t.Li-ea. C6,47,wz , /v--P_O/ Z-T --, )30 -vo 2j V V1 5$4-0 kNI & 'It.0_�o S 6 .1—LI ,' l /-ea /(a..?S 46 -,,+.A, . , le-4&-4, 1/Sf C,2/3-3 i'6 O Weil] if" 4?IQ J C/ 9c>5 6 --_ ag10 ino d R€4,-L-- Vos3- G2a6- 1063 - / V/0 - /s S:a1,--,#. et, 9j7/_‘C °751-2-10* L'i `122-j) //G3y - -2h s e-J s- //:� '7 J// y b .. yj sy 3Y .-'7�1:11.i,; Paz'et ,f %7//5Z-- - 36 ?/�. size, ..� 9�'i'/6. l r,- 5 - I ve/y ) - 3z/vs 79)2_6 9'3 '- rZ �- _D- u Yam / E r0 (p 76.J SI3/ <71 40 71 -li ,) tiy) ,31-k .) 5.1.3 TPPK17DU 9 EIt 4e 7 -531 il'ir2� eio,--fi_. 9 d i - 026 SkJ J•ez-k ygid69az z ? i/ SCE 2 54 - a oi's7 RETURN TO 519 Cedar Avn_ cn_ _ Rentnn _ ila ch 9snss We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ,1.3O/- / t,E . ILD e:) ) ,( PO5(n .1�.6 Q3/ ni:t liulik- /ai3,3 f.. 1,gI /QEy \, 9/ k, o a io-ggdg /466, Pll/h GG SE 6A( 4 9OS S o2a63$SO S S no -54,-ttew iltie . r, E ievA 986105& a 7/ - ?06 7;,(I____ /Cai 4. 3.e. I3S ee-rim-- 9 s' ,Z71-S875_" l 04 I S - 4;4e.tJ L.a . 05L ,2a2 •fc6 • ✓p• • //,064 / 6fi I¢UE S E Peaf-Mile ''P63-L - gSS-- /3 /G 1009- /41. sE 1056 2 -37 2_056 se,, /511" w o'6, -YES . /92o5= S 'f g7ges-s1SS=74, ' /, a ) ? - M 4_,#J,_$,_, ' 4/5 i . i /7ya. vg_fi e w (LI- 79o� ���� � .D ,,sf. 2 7 7)71k-0 ,c7 4tA:46-kdi /i?° /7.5•Ir`‘ S I-, kiRLJ 9 / --I' . .5 -1/r ah 42V.,��ate. P ./566 --/67to d'.,.. . 4,,-A14._, ,us —!17 66 -0,14----:_ il-- fl— z 7 yi v 12y), 4 � 2-i6Hof .te e s2 /l� _ SZ - 'z 3 a7� (32 mac) / 1/3/ )1, 1 K e - oqdt- ,240`- a c's? 73,? WkC(.21& 1 .2_26-e6.c3 SaA4A1 L-744, , rv7, /_,,t, __,141 ,--,P / ,2.zr- .9.1 /r RETURN TO 517 Cedar AvP Sr) , RPntnn, TATAsh QR055 _s xsl -.4 ti`2 '"CY 1$ - tip'-- 9 rce r/ wei-74 z99,h-./�Z ,. .,_?,5 'ate ,te 2 /E h h 1 ------ 14arff, b' L ”b_ 1 1, r ---- ..---zrs 19 :_s-, vyro _ya/./ /0/7/7/ --,4v).--V7,6 A° --rai., o9S£ - /L-3 3$- -a-fro a 1-2°1 `.'.-7 m -.,0% p25c- /ic /cr/ _ 413 7c rA,-1re ''"4Z24-9/ 9 3 - Z/L Z' Z, g,b h--,..55r- -4-4, ---02/ W 3- r _c (7,1„ ,, 7-?--)-P-7-, . (- ). "-It; aqN-9ct. )-91 4'c21 3 i/'hi - ri7 (2_9-eo-- c‘G L-rty, ---,1-7"k -i:-q11 1 /,i0 '72-1-al/L-clr,ir h 2. 6 ©- �4 z --vim 7?-" , .s .71I c25- s17z' V , pG /-e- %- -- 73_ c•v� 1575/21' /Q€'7`�/ )77.4A -'°- Srh,P -s-et -rr 'c � -a rairo p.$4I high -arry) Thaw 2c;5/9sue/ //j6, •5.,(9,701 r/ % �r� )Q m.iee 9,5146 ti(27 '4-9-w-di ,t), ,e' gcr 6"9/ z7T , 2,5 9, '40 ..,(117 ;W 0E1/ 1 BPS/ r a7--25te) 79 3(4b "11 (141**r-wilCIDI W-1.-e --v"1 ‘ '''') .SL.c- - I Leq�0 J6 Dm --► 4ct h/ '3-5 Sabi �"', -x-cry� �!)r-94 f� C,e '-v ccg/ - gyp a,.,- ? J/7 o' a SSh--cLL- 8Ll-.k, -*- S V 1)1 -r' J - 1,S:S-1-7--"t L L- ,91.12b =c J r'- S 1 Q 11 6 `'r'11C74° _2,ccmet> uctuat, 'N hi)0 v I c.AA\cv\ M-) ty V( -),It\) .A sc,)y -ems ( ' 13 puic, / F1,7 i7v....c...- /) cLS/- 'UL _"J c ) 2 1-e011 glirdYCbte W aL//fld' 841'/zz 3-2,( •arr2 71011-J T ' ,°I 0'? 4frO ( V )am-r�; N ) 1 1 \ , 1 , ni19 . V 9L i --IL-et 3ry son h/52 /YflZ/ 7 " V ,l . % l /-7 t. ' nAl-74 / 9c - '10 n R C QQ$/ '� 'P 4144-4., 714h191 -2P " c?V*ii r%/ 1968/e (w:rcig, -, --.___474- 1-7r0_,, I., 5 3G. 0.ri I/ h7 /7 0 -. I� i., G / . r 7'2 b /AVL 0,4 /43(2\ s -)26.,. 9f-pcier),. .. -,,,73.(---/dy. We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place or such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . 1 NAME ADDRESS , 1-Nkil -e-SLA.) ClAtb...A..., CSLI sm Aze . Nis+ .. ,e4.6.e.e.-g, 196.3 - IbS,�Rve S& Pak-1-01-( eel73c - / 23 5 E -1"..._i • . , _ /9V7 I. ` 's/ it P4444,,_ ,. / zc &240( cc.^.t.._ S --)1 554- /kJo£-4 p` ,.t_E . - mil 3 Q. S .: 144a(p Sc tits 5,+. R-e ,4,,,,,,t4J4 /y0o4 .S4-/it.2.- . , . , We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. i s/v\ NA1 E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE yz,[J 4 Lunn /6,aAv /93 .40t---$E " F.c. i_ . aA .6 _ 716 th, 7ko‘ So, 1 062-/, 5r, SP--hrri_E, 14,4, 77.2 -,-2 k3Z tiv �/-f 1-d-- S l9.41 4 40- " - % �1'�/ Zf i ,, ,R5 — f 1 .. 7' ' -5 4 - .�y/_ //?c �, -.��.- z �a p 7 7i�,n�j.�.y .t�i l/f v�eJ� i Wes- � ,-, .2'70A Shat/ucc C . , Ren-hi , td,„? rosy °iv-or I r ��OGS' dh.i-,. . 4.,.,,k / yz-y- C?'f / 1/e uu e ,�,�. 'I s 3�' df% -7.olt. .3,c Ll/.� ���i‘-',/ 7,4 . ,zsr- /c- : Ibbt,i) . ,33, (i t" She . c0 le_t-i, --Xl•-et L,iii '7/3s >2 ___Z-rt,elicA„2_,„t di Ztf.,..,, Ak, m...zeps-3 Y 372-1 /'/e l 0� 1.5'2l -.ta - 1/ 7 .., . r9c�_ '7 '72 - ITrJ -. i�.�La .I.cu,,„. /32ir z✓-t'ir,(�atIlQ 4E ,e... ',o sla .;ziC -o /17 /yn n )6(24,74;,y c2.3tOir I Aix. 4 i4 .1- 9111c I •Ssa-lv7s' "t% daO)2c / 9�0 �0, rli- z,).,_ . q6f/z),3 j yz -c9' .2d F -efo. d rq e,ci s // �)7 2S3- s, -9VCy' 1 /,/�,c's' - 7Z Ia. �.� . 9i/7, 772 -S s V., IfeigA ).Q....1 a-c-w i� b ay, 9`56)_(, a7/ O 3 if . $it_hieA1(4,,,./Z.7/ ,a,-au.t \:4„) a-Lie44,) z44,Woo,. 9.1Y- 9..3 ,1 ( n - �,_:� 5-1 o 1 S or S o iT c, , OA 1- 7 2-3 -.� 3 7 ` n (124. .24-G -4117-3 z �A�cLt�zau,cb� n .2 - -6 /2 / ..+ 9�3 - 9'�/- sus'y s `'::2 "Z---m., 1230 ., /J2og )xZ 4GLe La. `gam a jr 2 ,,, ,,;,t. 1/4_......1 _, r .,5,7 i9 S, J. 77 2/140...< O-Crn-21a ii i/7 7vaotee 440. ,..�, C,,, / 2 / 2/ sk.43-'- .6Q w.g.. .2„, .re_2 RETURN TO 517 Cedar AvP_ Sr . , Rentnn, L,ia ch 9Rns5 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious ility and within one mile of a public or private school. ik-- NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE l -C i 6(c ' 12.49-7 ' 05 -7 8 / - , , -are- I_-t->t t / ,�(,)3/ ?5..2-i i o7 I 3ciE - 1 i Ear,„ QOJ SS" ,s-- -t/iA Y �� � I l/4 / ft/ t'e d 1/2 - 7,-1/45-W ` 4.. 4....____ e1 o(),,,,e...."_a-eitr /67 as--/3(54--(L., _s eor,-,,- ..-- y 3 6- J /`2 - _ gA„ 6,1,1. j - y a�) - 2 5 .� _., I 12, 5i,. , �� rnL �, � y4>,43 4 Jia",_-(,eery,, -3// Odi Jae si, 0' ,' 9/&&- Wr.,--LA--...‹,_, 7:,) ‘ ()-v - _,"9-`-1-(117 _ /Gr-of z,,c,,c2.- ,/1-6 3 Lae- e' (�l�. y ,,/ /1 it 6/c y d,, .-T-L., n 41,..Z_ Lv4 ki 7d 21 r,,A_ -e.-- c 7 %n'1/ z. //7, d �.QcL et'7-e_. ,ti ids i/X` ,E . ,/'l :;,,Z Lei f '/ C�j'l C li C - 6))40e,a el-, C-J e 4--) S, (---e..,.LA‘ (R.., ts 9?d,r-S''. '.) / -2,i /v%3/.q' ,.,4:. ,? 5-1,0 0 GCJe.t_ f-v .3/ _. #0 -- GG/7—/- -1-ay(-( /ef � fi- ( . , Caki/00(v .5/B 1 alffi c, Tna Cite ii, 4 - -Rinion) '180 5 5 c /6,60 /06 cMipe .S- . fr—Itli, GSoS-5" 7I - 5 7/ , ad...._ a4,A.2 /c . --±-< Ave.4 1 a,,,,,„ , f,,,-- 2:7 I_C 743 /5/dZ 2-v-C So /.e sYc- ...25---- 7a,,P' T cLt�l . t, �PP 1./c 41 a-v ..A "� 1LT `�c. r,55 �s5=3 t 9C 0 -61 k -tom es-s We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious ity and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 7-ti )60-471--111. 7 a sr , j-:).-1 F71/4)- .0"'j " Y . 25 rinkLaztli) eck ELL S r ` [fie - t Ge41Y 57 / J 7 u 7 //2 9 -c1vI '/ Ye) y :7 (/)..✓d rr/ /0 .9*D_. P</cl ram'�'F �� �l S� Do &.. bt', f' 'l Pn1-ph 99/45:5 226=77z) 7/g/17)4--->";71 a 3 3/.2_ so / Cc R J. 0 q./-\ �lilln �o �c oa`�D�L. �L�t\-4 c(kb31 - /1d� . Al.) �' . 44 ./.l' • We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an •adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable pla for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS 2ljr -. /a.6 a ji..eL .,�///_ % 7( LG.) xef 0 e 5 ( Piet)gx-e-ce , :',, (-c,Y14i7>-' „... i /2 -/ 53 _., -P‘,‘2 A0--,,7a 103-6 P"�. r ./..044.4,t6 74. X& 6v/ & e .I 3R l �ez 96 efgAez' 14 J.A ,,r,„y 7.gi e S.-41-0144t qoz? / / as-s---' .emu- _ 0-11e6/ w. i '<•-t'(---4.S.f44,t„., /6Fo4-, a3N S E' ( C1a- 9r� ems. / of- E .sropev S6 (42c-,„„c:,_, ' o,- z-" .3...) ,G� P6�„� .( 1:2_7_,,e_, Per____1,4_.) /fo -- 76-.-- 3.._,:c_ "....„,, ,,,_,)/k, 7,,,,--.6 7 ,)f,...1,- --6...-.1i , /707- >7 - 3-co A._. ..,__)/17, tre,v;,3 . %,a, .° ok / s/ -.2034`o. J . RtJo ?S 2J ,1.� e C'ia / _ C'z. ,vt - 9 8'0 5 3- . 4FLe.--ii-cd,€ _-6,,,, e-wf.,, 736 '- `" F&03 / . Daz L 9 .f6 /V�''` ) &r?7017 9906 V ray f%�ela9itoA, 3gag NZ. 6 a , "T d7. 9eFr0� 19 o C lye. `50)s /7g0`/"/Jr'2} � �- l'? 4o(0 -159 56. &atm> 9k055 / 3€ el *aid*, 32,23 So 20414. ?cPt •), Lh -2 /9..5.0 ‘,Z4:7 gsbs5 .°4 RIP" 1 S Y 1 -1 oO / a x.5. O of /7/971-4. - - e / / d f M 6 -- r ? s /O7 7Icra -s S� • a_ I -- - d/D A/. 3..3 -?=-#2452 5 dirLi-)Jg e / 4,4-1,45 frd cp. 52 , 7i; ww • J(/ /6,7V1-19'L /CAA- eaef I& 1 M�/�'� /6 7Y9- /a� s� - L k. jze�p / 6 re) _ Jag(-72.0-1, °� � e cE .-: , ZQ -JJ/ I /15 N a 3 2_42,V`i�A 7`J1 6))14 • 41.46_,e • /i 16%(.1,1A_I_64, tz7,/e_,J.0,,004.)e00e. , pi-I - - -- -zasix) -- - _AviLskn,zazdaaize /-s'0 g &ãC6,va‘coinlei ie(E. io�&Xr-n 6 ka . — -- ► �-- - / 7043 / M 21.S. _9...,,,adk Ch. ''-27 - e . / i6t __eN ,g ', aGai- 4„., , ,, -- ) Li64,67, 4/c. 1piajz3.' Se ao6 '-7-- icw,pijr- ' - - ` - 1 ',J2ii- 1‘ INN 4Cial 1\EP Oo J ,is , Rig Pt- ..►‹Za�sF. s - - /4 9D 9 �e. /419. Z.,,, w_�J ItAt. _Mt s-4 407 Aritel ('7) /6 ?07 3E _ /`'9' 's rt -fin k//0 C) l P C ' ) 4 AO/ J 41)72-- --14-- - OtAit Ffc /� --3coi 52 's4472 L l�' � ,(4 /g%5/- /Q 7r- P/ SC - 96-6'5 rvu.e ,�- - - (ZZoq_ 1 b t3 1L w4- qsO-5's /o Z 0 9.1055 / (4 _S / 3- ‘1,), 4716 �'-C'. /2v 9o-6Z 0 W .fe> &ee:e, -&--I° 0(eisletere -ii-e-(//60 71 -G6e-- ere).c--: _ a, _s .' ' ' g ' / - 7 // ' i', ` ' // 7/ - _ ire �c �" c 9 ( 7 ,91 0, _!I /L_,__i' ' 7/ .he /' .&e if i , , .:-,cr,, L 37 n � 4.. L,. 6-� s .1/•is i ./ _ ,�. LL / /�� - or ' - �.� _ ./ 111"6. ,� L. . K. '74--54- So , 12.1 . W h 110 � 'a • �"� z cc E. (11 -15, ' s' //-44 -,Przo/?rale '- '1110 ; I of VW (7PW' ro-trp/ 97r/.9ry /414 e041717 re/_Pell Eelf (rJ/c1 � o419� sit 5ozll L C agy We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. (4, / NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 98i 7r %�l1 .X G aZ 2/ It. 1/7 44' - • lizativ , /tic 7 7.2• *L 70 ,�4 � _ ). 1:/_. ?,-a i Ascev J2z gee 4 di,e7o__-40-1-- ,,e_44() ArAGc.1, / e & 7 dEIZ 7P//6 937-7 7,2/ i' 4 • �4,, ' �.l2/ -�,i,,,,U��•sv ' << 9',/i 9 8% , /, dull- ao 4 SD D. i, M." g idz i— .t 93 4 4.-3,__.4, (7 • 4.4041 /02,6 ( - lea S 04 nAAAA 1 G( L t IL 7 0 to if t''`_s iae•Zx.e a 19 I R ? .2_y 3 ge 7( fY7 ` l,L a /yU e 3 - J 4. 2/ 9s/6 6 2�4 3 y�—.1 c e.,12fi, , ld .�_ , s.j . 9,f)r zyv !y, 2 ' �.s4/.4-1." /6 4'VJ 1 c" 5U' ja,,e16 1 ii ( 2_ /2 -1! ? �D (/jam II) .-� z45v• 5-'4,,a!Ua fd/' 8' ,04/a_' -.-25 -,t-1 , 1zo39- a3'1�✓e• S 0- jece--1- rdi �9/3T ,i, v,..,„ zt/wi Z' i ,P-0 3y - 2 3-214E4A S, w 8/s 8 / 5Dl /3 2 2 -..'5., .Y47,, ceii. _,-,Ri�s- -z/y3o/.5 .44,a--_-,...z:) , _i_1- 1//,--,,./-, ?'J.1. e 9giv.,2 eivv-i)ri, Teirm.if,-,04.1.1r, . 7/ 31- 3 z 9e // 7173-o2' +- i--- -7/ -3 ,f^ 3-2- S d d//o"- ?1S- Z G 2- (?4? d ./� I di7-d-1 lei ./v• 9"-;/six 4'S/�-,�'/ (t4i____)1/4/_. n /S 4.1. /�'d 1 ,�. �, 9f/66 '/2 -i/c7 se-__, .,/(7/4/ .5-e-t) / 5x_r- 7-7-E 91/4/4, zI'G5So / ' ( 71 Sh! //6 5 W� 9.T t X2- <:50 RRTTTRN T(1 S19 t' r Ave. Qn De.ntnn 4T.o1, Gang We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 71 (,) NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIPp PHONE 4-C.rl3 _i��l - __/ f.O/, /rT / -J� S£ [v' /%1 -/'�'R..,,-, _ 9 / t v` / G-(94 SI LI -Ire. i 3 0 ' % - y d', ("ti 6 - c2//7 _ate (c-kaii.:., , /a6(lc - /t-d, a-1,c_ 5 W .,4 &) feri>14, Ada _“4,1 Z77,0411721t O.21:? > s�.Lt // f/ 4,:t`�L ci, , j, , cf2 v�L� 5"I ZV?"-(, 2 L � 00( oz, I.J147AM.mn („bzR b. (1--1H ei.A, ,-. 552AJ- Qp 9451`7 77Z Ugh 1 . .x,s VC33tiin ag").5 % I rich Sea (to `�.8t7A `1Za-fdon� k,d,,-14,4,„-_ 60 •//7 ,. '' 77a-0 2f° eZ.,,_,...0.4, ,„...,_:...., 6,,w _,, , //77250z_ .,,,./28- 2 2 2.-/z2i �.,. �vDIG tea. // 7 ' ��l 7� 7 jé;4)e ii-74-0 / `/.j S'1f M A!/ So 7 7- 77 -b37,4 /cL/2 A r?4.- �O _GezV :5/1. Z/7 / 9:i 7/ '77,-) / 7i 4-4.4,a...t..1 i61-7 S.', //7 y'/ ffi 71' 77-7-i.7/ 1,61 9 ��l L 1IL VD — /17 e 7kl )g 7J2 sa., t61 41 o 1'- 9?-a 70 7(l/1 M-aapt 4022111A JAR,Jdpz.te,A, / to a-6- ‘o / 4 lii1 7 7, U 21 6M./7hP41) AL , Mfg? (0Q`1 SC 117 -fi, -C&T1'LL 9 'I 1 77a-4%SS —l � G. tr. 2. -5 SG. ! 17 A, S.A7'eE. ,i7j772• 1 a3 Tm a <ft aS S • 117 r g - 98l'ir 7-707- 715i , Ati Z_elt 0 a (c_ alq-&-/1 6:LY-4(1E_ qfli i 77.Z- 4,2.24 / / 7zt7 5 J, //7 - Pel s4-Drt-- 7317,C 77 - 4s,? // A, 6,6 y'r/7c y 9/7/ U7e--�, 7 5- ele 71 I:4,M <4e //�z a-�! ,v//l e, /4 »7-?X03 '77z -7377 J., 7> 47),C . ir RETTTRN Tn 517 (:Prig AT _ Cn _ RPntnn _ Wach- QRn55 ___ We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ( 1 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 114+-4 4/4 felve__315, ...,.S.Vig-/.- . 1-ti.ek-. 02 4"4 3 s---4..f-g -t4,,, SALh \\kD (o L r\tlue so � Wq yb-3S-go C. 42 i�e/5-4a //4 . -e /0"- c:d X Al_.,• ‘3 i s i i*it' �-&• sa /64. .2$?-S7.38 Z 7 -1/ v Bk z_ d 3 8 3:Iv- I Iii PL. SEC- -T-Tl r u/4, z +t 2-g?9 I 4A44,9, eiztup / .sA o s" 7[ Q. 71 17z . h'-6)0 Lo 444 ass- , 0 74 6 aYfryva. e. D.r-i,a a 1 U s rl. E. 9 P. v►1 , 1/ itch .25s - 03 d L /�lL•.,--i /7' S. /Z i* oil. , .z so866 tj':: 1- / r is-<o /29 nq.. W v�,Z-1'7)496 1 de, -- /, —�il . I', a.M- S9.1,0 44.42►, 4.Ai f by 4-3- r ti_teti.a. .22a am_ KA,(_44 , ,,,,,_ )3 t /` -S o .�_a. 6,_ of g3 :3--2/4 iii.te& 11 e 7- j . 13 1:,� 1.e..cia-;-. $i1..,JG 7 f -Ari.4/r;11-/1.%40 71 i.72 114 /it c Yi v6P,L4.124.4, T 1 - -- ia-4 icA9-, .56°111-4e...C), Q‘614(--(e_ __,21,4/..z- er./...r-,7 / I --hle_____/042/ S.6 // s-� A � 77.2-Z//n 7ep id l��/s) _zz-7 e ) 7,72- !ao r Pg,% - i. i— .a702 sd//,774,t- 5_407,41 77.- , -Y4/ , . /7 /0 - _ .a ‘-'c ..10. . 4t zi ,. 77 - a7-c * r, , I //7/7 - a tiQ r(o. callvz. 774, -a98° I .,t,.J,;..t. / co 2 g rJ6 • t,7 Z Y- - 77 L -O,,-sl `-/7 Zol-f (.)j. /1 7 1'l_. 77z -D7 ---1 RRTTTRN T(1 517 Carinr Avo Cm Rontnn _ 4)hch ORf55 G w2 " C . cl C . /- Apo - .56,2 .. l e 0 a We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. (V-9) NAME ✓ ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 4 ' ' . 1. ! x, Li. 41223-J0J 17, , .� . 9J-l7� - 7&2-177? ' t-414 Lip clia,4441,14,Altit_a44442,4dor.tumftS3 37 i i 4- ir ,l% 6.2-.3.3 .3. L/-P(PL. ,164. 7?2-.-Y-o6r 'Z ( a L/9 S/17 I-4' PI ./..ea,` -r.6 77a/a35 C z 513 Jo. M « 7 7 G2--4s-#0 2- 1. IV o- ' .. 9 fir/7T114 • ,�i�2�lY ., L ‘.2/ . 5 2-//7 57' ,_:`,-02-. ic, 9s,4' 4. a/o S /i>-at • L - 'F,c;'/ >(17 yi :I : (ai6 So /IZ- --J 1, .‘. 9'? / 723 .2z-/-..4//7d37--- ...cw,LK c 1f/77 4-6- . ( e e . .7421 ,/') „ i . c%q1* 4_ ,44. 4, w�_ y�i�'i- p if 7�z D�► J �. �� .ram /o�� � � m . /�3l .a� V� /s• p �:�-1�a/a)a 9 g -(•AtZ/e—l—t>7.1e,/,,a_l /c? , 2 c5L-6 0: $6-' 0,. ,/,,one, 9g/'7 S' - (f_ S a• ".'_ , .'%IAA !G�.. � �' ..cis.. _"..`, ..i _ A . /a -7— 6 • ASIA. 4,-C % 1/ 5 "7? ru a1 a: 7e- - 6 I 1 q 2_/d -- Pre, RRT1TRN T(1 519 rorlar Avo Cn Rontnn _ Llach QR(155 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 14 . , — L„ l V ,NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ,: z,i if .5- ' — (?,F,(97-",t/ferk4-6--- 7___ .-4e--e.,73--f-- 4=1)J ) 421/040 S o .8 Qeu990r7t rl UE S / ' ,V q 7 cS3 SS VagS 3D/7 5F r E-A. i a�1 Ji7,Q 71450- .zs•aayL, `'_' r-, /f4--"Y 5-f 3 -il ee, e__/57 e 5- F •e ,,.e/ "r0 55 ,27/-/3G r' SZ 2✓ _ ,--.�`� 3 31 v 5 c. 7'' 57 /10-Ja.� rYo 5-5— �� L Jy 3 �f -- Lkoetti, /4 Q/4 /3 /L t_ SF. ,girt-161") (& /'S '^ "7/711,601.1 (/U41.h // ii // // 0?„,,, e.' Yle..e.,Og 3y:2.k - 3.----7eW, - -e,-,. ..7,5-3- _35-://0,- _ . ,A,,,f7,4_,d../2.27/,' _.?.. ./._z 5-, ,----Az ,,,Q,,_„,_ -,--,2_______ _, . t ./÷ 3 go, a 5-( ‘ /-`7 _s-7- /r";(7/,‘7-6,z.,_) 9v3--s-z -z s - 6 qo ;` - 54,E ?(� r) ,S E_ s Si- .n �'($O S S, Da c,-a?y; / > ,ei� / 3S 7 ,,:-_lam--7,,,.b ,rem s-1s- Fi-,4. it,[‘a gff-;.1 alvvLA -6( i\,),t.s is_010 (75. 6 -ti /1/ SA 4,sc,,, wc, %A vi-o_ �� -i �.� .3V/C e z ,,,Zn G'ac. -ar-U s- .e O / r‘,/P-J j(la 0 S l0` 7 ,,,, 4 7/ �'�'V GJ3--- ( , en ✓ a,,,,,wry ,:. , 3 64-4/7b wrt,.6 ,/9,C, 4/1S3- W71 • PdA-0;rr ii Gt) ; L( irAik4 3 i' S .F , 6 zAk £,„ . 914. S .2a d -sv, �� d� zz �- 3/IL\ (�-, �f 4� -. ,96�- - �/W i D,D, 42G.4 33 l S - l— Adrt- 2.2 6, --S(, 13 Do-72m 7/7)aZ/ j 35 362 c )c:- ,V- 444E7 _ A. / /151i1r --4 7 G --A_ 1/01( ..1>y //71 /3-5 le We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. / Ct NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 0 di 5 I lL, b11.4- I70/6 1O.S` 4 St: e4iok, �'lz s' 2 -- F.2 5� -.., 9D/ F �/e - ee N,c. /' iVN ;?�s-e7 &56) in-77,1A,, r 5 3 o A. ( L�44.1,44�J o,5— %[=7C/L7�A /& &i i/�- Ain' �i�'79ti..�- j2 d'=&.3S1 5`1 /. /5 f 1//' .' / ? -7,.. .,-. ., l ` , 0 . ( 11 i , ' , , -5-.- //774-e. A 'fi-e--- 5-17/ ("-' /4.-_,-Z..--4--- 5 - _ + . 6 3 �` r ON Ale'R/4C z 7/ y,�'fl LiA cfi -f,4;/2 -5/ 29 cf. Sg -/ rt (0y/ '� C�'Z, %99 •il , 59 . -, '.�, 'le y 2 J' 7�1 r 7 0 1 . �'',�.-�vn .mil -,;t t, ,�5 ( . .� �1 , �_ - :5 7_ _j C,r 41 C ass Od,.7=tom , , ‘.. 9/‘ 3 r �` (3 . - , Z 3-z o ,vC, �, -7_ C — 5/7 c 69 6 0-e f.,- -K 4 i-t--(f 2.6,(.. )-1--,14.,,,-, 1 1 6, cri24-1-yis-vi, dee AL e .;<.c.s----<13(17 N (off--� 7,40i, r_ 070 Ai 4, �` ss= v,3 f e i‘c..„...e.%__ .3.. -.0 -72 ,-- 4' ..1,..?_6, --..5-7 7 .---- it6,024 /274Iva/d1 ?os-- tit C/t4- si 6 — /O'7 . _ q g5A ___>/x.frt.i .2 ;z , 7 71,e. 7 -17 VC.i.,-e_L -1 a c-c)g-y 76 e � , 2 < es 7 • /�4- - -s-s-k> 5q- c fil -/.97 • 7` a- 7.x. cs 7 ; ‹, , ,,- : , -, ,.2/ .5- - A/4- /o 5LL i(-7 )9 7-e/, .ems-/F y 37�j . 1 ,e� i 2 --� — NL- /MTh rt, 7-1U Ai�� 3 //i / . 12 , /ofrit. -1xi- 6-- .., i - RETURN T(1 517 (:Pr1nr AvP Sn. , RPntnn, WAGh 9805.5 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. A-' NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE a` pp )9 Li41 - _.5=sregS G 30 aLe.",-71("'( 2%.?-ze-coi-LZ(.:A„,„‘,--- 7fYO l-ar 3% ~f7a-+-t..4.c-( !� .Q ,t.4. , Av J 0�t ocS6 ) 3 2 4 �1 7/4 p/0 . 3 " __ ,a,, c i 4.f1- — _/./-►t 7 4a 6'� 3'1 • - ' L. f/Moi2Age /ike Il A/ea 7 — . s-- Cen.„1,A,: 2/ DC/ A/f k-A-I .-17, 1/ 3 G D ,z,v,, D a ► © (0 5.)E. F- ^- 3-1 C.46/, 994Ceir-e7 ,2,d 9 '11 e: J .A7t4.ji -)t. 3 y L-tea.. C. . A3 0 �- cn_. F t - Y- 31 ,63-7,. . - 4,0 )? -3-ei--tr ,,,er -')- 6.6 - 9s-\ - crc-=±2---)1p-- _J:- - -1-6.---b->. Al° E ' ".4---'1'Z" P7t:----f.-;--er--/'-e-j 6'9 a.J.- <--- -----#-.7-4=g-v -&-€' -g-e * e.. 4,-=_, sii s- g ri„, >,, - de.....x..„. 1 Z oi . && (,,, , -- ,;? GV t Li-S/- Psc t (R,'(k ( 6)�{ z z (,0 3 2 II *0,9,17;;11 --2� .- 2 d 9' /I/cil f6S l /? N/f 11N ze)v ffz)s� s L- t et,Lo-u, �l 7/0 �-Q as i tS63.4 4 7 9 c,S 4, ev `I , t , c91di )78 /C) - M1 .. ,,z5'a/ 9GL .a.ri., v� gk�s6 'mot % fi b;� ��_-, j 5 C 7 /"E T 5 - Zitf/;-&) fal. q . )-(ci _k..i/elleto,„_____Q_,cyli)2E,_9 - tet,d-ek OA 7es?-.0s- '3-0 g. 1 i,i i _. srr.2 �- • 7 5 i' 6 .- 1 i e - 9's'a3-76- We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP__- PHONE t 1 � /o � 4 12,944,2F- / . r 2 `74F, 1 7/'zJ1j '...!•04, /G', C'3 f Z ,' t'',-,..,-` . -i > 5- Y,44 3 ,-mac, JAY, �J •2�..2/ AI_C . y7''` .sT. /�E /mN V � 35 5=/S7s 9 4 M -.b 5• : --iuo ( , ) 1 q 6 IV q ,p Lu c e Ik?uy1,t/?L (/K06- ( Z 10 -10'4 : r 7 ..�.� ) ��1 c►.. ) a_ 19 0 ►\.) -- es_ '1K u s ( 7;cycd w)i t) fr//, / ‘20e/ 4 4 7 ?i (s- /v&' 9 f ,c, 9 s(- ,2 7/-0"'9 cc'S' I I 72_11-c�rnk) L.(f ° 2k.( S.(c( • 71 'E tO a . Q0S-c, of&—S—4/L (2 -7.4 0....,-Ln_ 4 4.4..zA:4 t 6 '2i tri.,9,14 a.....,-L_ ti, 2. -?-.?„_e___ I a.2ee �-‘:' yi.eP,. ..az_. cos^G 1 -I ��. ,_ 2w.-i_(A.AL, 2 a a 6 4. E 9 4 . e " 7, 9. 8o s ‘ I (... 0. _N M_ r_ i.d i .,// ,,, —4, d / .6- 4•c. L/ 11 j . - (4,I I i� -At. ,.d. / i .�r� e 7 i i Ji/1/i ./ '/ de, ��e5Z -21 , e' , k.... (f--9 lifif-to..--e -2, %P . C 2c,/(ef,‘ a), -5:i--o-s--.. ' -3• /;G-,4,e--7_, ,vy- S 0 P , iv C' 9 ?°�.(.' ctx-u 1,,/.� Q /' .5-CG o0Q.c o-� .n ec�. rf7<, y'.fa c� z° Ca �, .�-L 7) e 1-';- 9 Cal 7)/aX,jLt / / ? V tee---ZzA2X._ ZA%12/2'), MAi ? '7' - RETTTRN TO 517 Cedar Ave Sr , Rentnn• T•Ta Gh 980_5 AAIt4?? i"v tt.S -x ; e �� ryU.t,�N ,11o.S0 ASS. 346 Cm �' 03L � ° a.5 YI. 9 .ta� /� �' , gr056 - ss n 2 t c CA;OC(;1(\., ti L -PL iac ac\ft 11cos A We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious ility and within one mile of a public or private school. a, NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE '221J1 i• C•-k-a2 O-7z4a'• /081 (4c�.v‘A, x, in-e + "n-oJ-1 Or-Or-i, . 61-26-9y __j(4AM P C. /' S ) +.;/6. rev^ 5e //3 ,4 1-c 9%80.c5 ---- Lr `7X Pre £?5.3,1 '14) i/ 7 t`'"L. )d 19'�'/75 7 72./o ..,..—_ /S' y / YG `% e 'tetSr- 7Fc.Q.0 z z s- YC ! 7 U"-t \VIV to 14 V-s! QtYj6C lP . `f Z'' al 1! i 4s/co ,j e, //...2 44 *c.&-/ei 9rosz, aZ-zd CrtAtu4et1tL iy5/6 56. //a.gP/. ,Rel 7bP6'5(e, 9214 -2.1 `'J� 61.16,vkviDL;c /icy^� I10 I r✓ 7 0S44 A -3 3 6 �I�IE7� /� c � /0 ca � �� J c;,,/a),t)(. �/�u2Zi� /�4/i /7Vta h .- /2 &1n /Jic - Cam' - Gl •( l 7L �� G -, v1vN 1I i it' .... ic)-eide,?/ � .5 - c " -(/72-- Cl -c-►- / 9 5-e S /3 V /&,t ri L., 4 53—9.s f4 •- /doe 53 ?E /2 zee., /e167 0 ,f` ` 37/2 Al , , 9- .�, uA A2 5: 69'Z (jyz:al St ii, of) ()11 2 a-- /,C?Z. -7410 c-eifii.A4 1 --/—t.et,,,,e--_,e--, 4 ) V-62,S tr- . 2 1 '' ' rct, j/k' ' i 22.6 - 741 ,,.,.,_ % , /4/2/0 / 7/ 04v c'�� ze /.. 2__Z- — l/2-L 0/ V t S F -1- t'/4(c / -.., .255 5 03 Z- C� ;/./a /145 / /76( OA, IZ cYJ -06z , cx•k--;„ II i 41/I ., LI TACK) I q(1kJ i s 7 0) 3 ' ) c .c- 7Y/ ' /- / / L /7L c3c;? S7- C9/3 Y ; a •1 , / 4/)3 E hi/ _55 a76/ RETURN Tn S19 ('.P[1ar AvP� SM RPntnn Wash 9R(155 • We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE i.. "e_c )k 3 /1)Z. 4 12)04�n.�1 4Sti t-?r?6 l 6 - 6' -�9100 Ge ,, t g,3 .SS .3cri Ait„,1 SS- 3e i(M4/6' -/i ef— 7 5 zylivv,o4A... /f,(-1,, ,,,_ i 2. Di- --2- 7 I ( 410 / . g loi �5 -26 q G✓ 3op05-€ -P714)4P -3of? ,- -�-, -2SS=SF-/ t� 1Il to. lia,M7t 2 / /,;.Zig `144,. c/; �w 71nli ni26 -a970 ---2) c- s -Rid- . --/;)>,,, ,p. 7 / s.---6(7y 0 : -/Y -" .6 3/ -- /5 ism= ,& 4/ ' ott: 22 8._ Y 3 3 1 D97teido iqC., ;ae � 507 _5, 3rd .S7 /Q�r, v-Pt. 6--(o 9'S5— s° j -vG 5 . : •11 4 t-}gin_ ; 5 T._ vZN_ d el. fri, 1 kS t c -- I c, z . 'c Sc ko,.. ? l -s7 ((q -J2, (l 14 / /5-/S- /61- ,� E Zt •o-� 7% -77' , '-. ? AiL� ;�..E, /4 )L aof eoi p-k 4 k, . ,----/- C1, t0- - i t Cif/ a I,FT tiJiP K1 =—.) 7 RF.TTTRN TO 517 Cedar AvP SO , RPntnn, Waeh 9.8055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. / Vj NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE di2044., j? te 4 d—ier 1 I ct t o t( Q < Lq FJD q✓� d/, e 60-0 J 7 3OS6 2 7(—dill-1 1 '414-a•t-e:Cf-444,4/7 i (4 2-- -1-.7" l'e-7-- X'-'2.4- 9A',5-"c 2:--5---5-' 2-2 6fr ( t-lok W % \ ( k41?.., 1 !`‘ anktlii\U \L%LZ6(\7 0 ,..)S- c",,3 O 7ttti - ( oz /? as2r7 , --.Z/E'W abli.4 _ s 733 - /.2 Sa ./i"...- 7 /-9/c7 !Iya, fri,,0-\u, , 4,A ) ----- h'„E 1 -Qv% . %-t Ke ni-0 Y1 04 4, - 9 0 A! ---d /. e:;),e 1. b L.tii. i/,6,-,2 • /v,e_ '7''-'` ', Ain.laa R„iz: -It,Az_ et- q ,)f-i i-n lr i_T-i Ra S. aG rr at) 1 -n2 YX ifXoz /60k- a sc Av 2?c i -n u--- .vt-uzA (,k J ( J (3 Owiaif v7 E ,(.- 91 06 5- 16;0 a-/ iak ) : i i ' / :i 6-1, ,j141 id 6.6a.:,,,, 1 5/5--.:2)- S- . 1 tit: 121..ili .)-5-3— --7 fr,:-‘yA r,: ., /5 5 -;;�`49: " .0,,, ‘ .t.)--�� - 6-714_64, ?1,, /6o L , i iV2 d/le tAirdiQ 27/- yFvJ lianii. ai. sil z 1 y r(k) ; L: • R l I rz -,,,,.=t- ZLY i/ \A AIL 0, r11.4___,_ 1 o 0 Nv.: -z.2.44cr . -Kaiuw., /4 do Li /1k) 141) 1 n '' -dO6ci , ::,.z>! tj 4y5 5- a...---a77 !'ii(a))t, .e7,, ---- I / .2.1.,4 4.1(:'., '..-.0 2; izA..., le i 4 4444,t-j4i1&.4-e, ,t1t- i ;? •) ,e3 i;dei#,,L) .14/L_ alb.v,, L)‘2,a . tT: karic.- -3=s /e— -, ' .5,l b-yid A: ,4 . 3c :) ,'s7:2 r- ,t. ., .1 0- 4.24) /3 0..,).ti —/ Gam,--- . :' .124. L AA 1. — ILO JW z j,_______ S RETTTRN TO 519 ('.Pricer AvP Sn , RPn tnn, Wash 98(155 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility tc regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. n NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 6..c. Z eitot-i-4),/ 5/7 3-, cam,„ gi,A. ©u YI45'6 7/..-_3702 ,5i6„, -. � ic79 _I-�,�� ,,,, 71 F &rZ . (>b � ,271 -S 0? G"� ,.:_= -isef..-z--(-e-•, 76/e/i/u____---- ,..;-;C., .S re,;e...t, 4....=.(:.) . ,/,c 1--7-6 77 _ Y 126)6-S.:- 2 2 6 -S-7/5( - P 7Sao 7//7-0i.26., /_n 7- ,S - /J /:5--t-4:;-1--e, l 66 5 Z f off'-,' A40e S Re.,,, 2-i(-I23z 5r6/4 Lim) 1320.4A/6 l 2 /01 Giuc04,4 Pe. . 6, )2 ,-,0,./ z 2&-ji&9 liAtiv101 e (*on I 52 1 QQ14" 14tk" 5 erwArm „2?1-&ZZ3 2 a�Z 70 .7c 4iv )7, ,t; °.�Z,“4 -. //y AAA . A j z.4(„ 9ici s-7 c ritiltab.../ 1, * , f l 1 _p flc_ /J0 " i,- g g 0c7 � .._. I 3309 36- 5' ,C -0G"/ 4V.dia 1' ?k°5-5— `- )7 2 1ti 2 /�/ 3?CqJ 5P _ei_�z� W u,. gZ55 IL4dAJ2 .Y 3u/ .II" dz. & �-, id a, yte -� tel e....<7 33 0 / s E l/ P-�--04 n e..‹.;t. 7740 — OA ? ,0 4/1 5301 .5e- 5/ 2- 1 w_,, rgds3--- �i/q % k),/I,4(fit4 411i4 k,, G yef/fg-- ,. a--^- Tc�-� e , -a , 7 , .__...„ je,_, ._�-.-�—"�_ _,.._ _ , CSL J Cam,r ,4 , --;eL / 0-61-e.; 3D44 /6al"`6 p 1.S'6 6evo/ c. ,77o�P,3 0 / ©ry , 7bT1 U oo 612ors©N lat rc �°g oiS- -2 J`g i' 1300 P,e/r x 0), S, 4174.17ad 7p5 - -9 971 ''2) l/6 a V /07„/{-4.ely 5c, En/To A) ,;fo,s 5- .2 r-52 3>1 ,' ' If ' /4' 01--x iii/ci i . 9i65,7 ,- - } RETuTRN TO 512 CPrinr AvP Rn_ , RPn tan, Wach 98(155 — We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAM. ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ,_ fi cstA...-e--t.,2_0-„t.... Heopler, ?aci rIeC LXJk 1:3111D 4411 ):(5, 6°I'l g ZAD / G ''c.a ii 7-- Ti �.E 71 N-'/ &/k ,,, i.,r jj1, 47oval j /87 (5,4 c2,65 /gii -1 1 '4/er:/_A ff 9f 6,) 4 ?1,4(-Z ' 7 a a _ i a9 S �' lto ict.1,- D /(-fv G) SD at cre f- Dr I)ti ) Ro h Li .+ c S - , a$‹ aefte .7cf,os-.1-- � � ' J / 9�a7 Se E/7 -`f , 9gn �� > AA- 1 _ /�04 /.5o °j f 6L7k. 9e°s J �/�31 /�-3 is S�.a.lg !� aL. �en4Z� �)&) / O - Z 20 cre )i,, 6dfnti 11A,- Y ros-- jid_f_i_.,9 A/df 5.-rv-6/1i If'elea.zr4 (J/-; ff/i 'To v.�S u gE icy co .K(-2x75� ,I) c=29#410 e.E.r)--5°e,K1�b. . ,' 97c 3 I 474 - 1F' , 4.e4.2_,,,,, / �- a !., /h te, �yt 9 ec.S5--- SS34.5 ar3✓ Ls: ;e/ 4�z 9f/fP ,fr-- j Z/v4.zt& 97'7 7 c -9 , . .. - -Y0t--‘PI _Li JI/fl• fr_06 .'? pZ/e), // _ ave c t /cv6. �J t LL , Q W'-_CA raj d/26 x7-19-7 ;416- fr/ k3 —L _,S-"2 7 „ •a y 6- - lid G ' 1 RF.TTTRN Tn 17 CPdar Ayr, St-) , RPnfnn, Wash 9R055 • We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or reliCfacility and within one mile of a public or private schoo1 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE . -1/11 4e1/3,-1-Z '21416/ °9 6 ' Ihr.t eat / -- •2/ 7.2 - i,e4,,,,,_ 15_,./,7,41 (7,)-- ta..6)._,-t,eit L, , 4 r„.,,,,,,„•,... // 2 idp,_,L az, >i• /1-2.,, A _Id s • do -e-:: . i/ Li7 0-2/i&e..74. //. - ezi f_iZ., aeYE `?/. e-i-^ ..-1?i ed 4'.-- Z. iLe -d N rot/1_A.J4--&-\/ I I ..,\41 tze,,,u.,.. Ai, ii,„„z......_\.tiv . .,,..,, '`-j /' /a,,,a, ,_` 7 -. 4 -, ;, :-.7-. ..,._ f `, rI a . _ ( 1..- ..._ 1 d IS 'I .71. _ .y,/ / i , z_ (/ 1 /, / /- ,� / 4 /1 W l(4 1/ ,Csc__. - mil' g., _ i// ��,,Y 4" \„...../,��o��/� ail fp ca,t,ch a, u ) IS- Le9a A z 1LL( A // /° L r I/e,�0,IT t T c A/ L ,c' ( �.'i✓r '1 l-/ ..>3 --/e_V79ze---, ---/-1"?f,177 .#2-,e2e2 ,i7/12 ' (---A6' /1-?- e--2.4 7.7 / &e.--g -V�.� :9,/C'CZl ez 0:4,, 1, i�G; c,,_rlc/¢a�'�,- _.,_ ,....zi-,:i44,.., de, ,,.,46,a,.,-4, _49-, ,,w„ „, ,,o,-el/6 e " 2Z.-„ 4- /1/31-2-Afer:27o- , , -L 7/--sops' tIV' �\64w6,. 101 3 R ecco o • VG. ' eff.Ank o? -Co (q 1 1/4;10 EC. 11 . , fv 01 -10 ..w;i. 0 t-7,..e . ,K,1 .3 2/ _ lk7 gilt &, ),U .L 7S4 Rocyfin,i 6,,AI 441 it= 7/ -a. 0 RFTTTRN TO 537 Cedar Ave SO , Pen rnn, WaGh 98D55 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. i /f / NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE cenn e,,s A/6: Reako 7 J2 7/-i-rs- 6/Q.a j 1t -v )`?/-`1 `?( 'Praue s7 Srv4 r; ua S�-f zry V r )6LeL.L z.mc04- S / 3" -4._CLG , 2. S S -to 4(36 li _ ...aet P I-- - eP• L cY/?Y . C lec /3 ) '`'� le.,a ()`a 772-- 9f Ghee- a1/47 fv/utu at- de t4, ,e.e ti 9/0sS , i-36,w„ XII aa4 c%- 5 ici8,5- , 14. 6771 (2P,a-_- 1 E-52-/-9,677 �a 4,,G .�rg elr e—_/)6. .1 S'4> ? N/f // 1.0,.E .),- fie 3-G )- r- 3 2.1 S 46 �`!// 1' av �? - / 9°!v A/cU- b-e a-t �/i.- A/ �y/�G�Y r ..1 ss-y-.224 ra(-,(/ ii, )3 )9.� /i-/ I/E 7,-Li - .�s,c- ___ k", n _g_) ---1,L) — 175 �..)./e, /-347 4,,,, -. .75-5 ,s20, ,_ 11/U? , vud 7) . Qetpioi d 17,,p J 44 - Jr/i- t've,s-ca a .., /5344 SE 14-3r1 S)- Reot 9BUs� . a77i-ci / u�,1(--Lkx-id,ciAt,(4 v 3 y//, -./ti/ �� f�. .� �r mac.. q�'D5—G n�. �Ai .,/;;;a,- /2, :1 - /; .‘ele,.....,.,,,,,,,. _ :- __-_.ell://e ..1_,. a 7/--ii-?‘, n;. . :A,0 - if I 4 yczgo 'AG . S - . , 4 - „.) s's-�5d Y,,J1_," 64, 11,44-.7 (L.A. ' , .L4-rt-- 9?5-1- i.z?e-4e32/ J /4-z/9- 4/ I ,4 Sr 4.-e.ri-i, -y ,(T..). igrvo-e- 57---/nic'mi., /v -At,' . (vs A , _2,1(�‘ (V 4 l,� g,/ 7s 9 s�7.33 L,t-A-r -3/ ) Al ix 0 : ,,,, s,,,, ,i j Q.c.,fie, i2¢,L, „2-,y_)-O l? Y( . Ob_i-e ev. RETURN To 512 Cedar AvP Sn , Plan tnn, Wash 98055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ) NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ? .7??t4t, /5 . — /,.4-6 ... 2 2J ' /76te .,/,1,e '' 5416Ati-i—, /y /9/ 2'p'1, ...5. 6.) l famg0c cab iral . 4474, ____Ly5,1.. eFt______Air_______Atizzlkyekk___ 64 f, -gyp I is _,- - /1gQ. -7/. �r.,..//1t., CS _ 1e5 " 4 L - ( AI4IA ) A-ur : � ( 0hth a^)1- -7(,) d .` /� ,.2 1/ L P S 00fitv /0 "" & -v ..r„%e,„ ,71;5�.2 2 it cAL,1 `Z•47 "iv 64.___ i7327 I SP' . 3E 2.t 2 3741 _...,( 5ir AW: (9426 -s-47s, /doer -/3.Q': 1, S C' . L�ajx,-, �, 156104 i 4.e., et C E —__— >tw C2 ,t C- //7 L 77?-G.a1 e fr/t4 6, 3 e4„/ /aos-4, s� /g -•' ,- -o,, 0 6tAnX:WeelztV-t t) I 74 it ate" P.0E. t,.. --q-etsrot,i 078,-)c s 27( --:- :,0 7 Y ll'i in n M I- ) t( -JQ1l 10 V `W 4 q13 l .: N . R Q IiWO'V '1 Q o ,Je. ;1 _ 1 29 y,. na. ` e r Te.Y '-''i4blS 151•4!" P € `J.L . Q vc r ki.601 D64. 224 418? ,N,a,L -)Ark-J 'l g`l ,f ,z fit -ii -(- 1tl f1 78/I( ( IP`7 7 flZ )i3y r 5T ) % ' /f/.4 yip 7r /,tip , /KO-u (ire yi. ,-„)i ? ' , i )-Per- E pz, -e-t7,/ , ttA, _ 9' ir 2 5/ RF.Ti1RN TO 512 C:Prla AvP Sc) , Penton, la qh 9Rn55 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ' NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE a ave % F ri(keh t; c- 6a0S ", 94 Ave SE Z•rt1�on %i°s6 S'-sr ( I 1 ' , ' 1 ' ' , d barb h L yIr ge,,t. < g(ogb Am-hutr-(2--i-- 0-L,y(cti) '3 loci 5 a 1 ),1-4/1 et . aryitfy\e-ms-s 6/6.66- i-r- D )•4-,roc) 3/o , 5C" /7 r—r' a:lip-DA) %Zg- ;xs( 9...6.61".:61__ .(6,71.4zi. /0 7 c _. _ ik_z_et.z..._z_e_,_..16 ,i_e_i_ep, g , /13„2„.je,, , Li_„,, . J Atio,-F- ---c-4 E k d97(// Si)- //3 x ?'rz(.1 109. 9d'l7/) - 77Z-O( 74 � a21�n3 0/5 , /3a 570 , , - l' IF 08' 77?481 B" /75 6, .2 _54- /317A/fn/>T ciTO CS.- . 5:2 ec . ,...1),--,/ 2, 0,4 .,i.,-,_",„ . /10 .,,,....,1-- cl..,-c s.-.. da—t- 9F(0,-,--,,- 9_63-'-5-4--6-C,1 .i.t.e,, .1 r , 1641,4.�1 at.. )I ), fillaZ )J j%-cf 7 rf )1 q io r c,..v�„r-6,:r.3tw _*t.e Oitivt4- /99/4 / ...i.e fi.oau.-"A "... g / 2 5 41.4 /l LA c, 54 t ti. \ !4/a gJ fi r-‘45�S4 ,j' .44, ,�14 _/G Gee f°i' ii. _ A AA Q , t 71-11,1/- . /I /0?g 1 . ' aat -fic . `&---&)t)if(i yge . ' // taq12 l-La<BuK,i -ems t ., ----- ili,(0-/J,/ M 9'z6 .. -6"' ii/9 a • , t 0-i cq c o s-.6 4 9.Z 4 5 1*7 ; pRaerzift90)5'L 7.1k" rilet-At • 4433A-1,64 ,,fm, zeb, lras-6— �� aju 9 / %/6 )4 g 'ii .� J d ►J i- u 1164'3 ‘-')si` kvo► G►Pt at,67 Ykfrpote.... 190 ,,i"tiux-illite.ne Ai ( /1&, Z,_Qip2 loin 4 ( . 4 222 l- e� d RETTTRN TO 517 Cedar AvP Sn , RPntnn, wr it,_ 98055 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religio acility and within one mile of a public or private school. J� 4" NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE i\Li. Q,a ( j/J £. / o ��.azi, V /26r/ .77-C-S/g:57g 3 4u.e--/Kt s s - 3 3 tL5L . 7.314 t S, \L 3 - 5- ) ¶8\-ig ]1a- © b1L e ) � o -5'° /0)-( XD. 5"W Y�c) GCL QOa,sn atn 122 &J ,d55-Y3 ili IN Ats.062d sf"-ii,04-o-eLec ; _lerx."-/- Pa55- ,22(/ _-)(,,3a7' .e ,R-- z 7,:ieeep;,, cam- '2i A,,,, ,-,, 2 2/_S'J c G fe, 62 \6/� /6, 2O -T t - ei S , 7 9(a--f ' oa 8-(0 4(Q s f(L/v d a_ I&aG .7or ef S.L= 98c55 a -6c/03 -1 ---€-Lagn- 1M tb4le / -I076- ovmse- R.DA/lim-, 9'y 0 c-c---?"/-"2/ TA-di 6 m-113 (Z 317 S ' 61'4_ le E,s_i iaa,.1 Goii, M,.S 22_6 1-5 fr 4 7xli � A . -7-7.-s- (z.3) 7 sZ 9( PL _"0-tv ig,,) J-e, w A- - ' Pos , zu.s�,scettle2W /4 1 - j53 a /9 e � 4 iee d.�6-k 9M 5 027/ -s&�� /ia. . (g l gQ sY / f4/2/ /b- >, uj 9/GM 7/-77cr'b ,J J`. W•tit., / /97 .SE /S9 of' 'L /26-Nrv-A/ 1,04 9g0,5-C 2 7/ -7 7S 0 , datfaeor, //4L ' /$& / COxi _?rb S 6 27/-c 7/ rie4 -0r -_/z g / 3 -16t rc' 5.E. 1 _e--u u1i17gas"6 22�-�/45\V \ ' L 3g O3 'k \\ �� ��0 6 a�a6-mo b �' //G6. - //� ydsSG -/-c/y " :Q4,., . D ip,, /ga3c) /60's sE .:-6,,, 2 s-6, o9 iee.......Le_e_-- A-'1,, i.,,,,,,t___. 'v 4) za Gf.� ,, ffes, ..-7 71.2/0 9- T1 11 Ira? /ttkt.A.424c1 . &Agit fzie ‘ roade►t. 7 2, w V I/ v,O- _e1 7 ' </ . 4 X 'Ilireeeedilia77a 6 ? 2.3 , ih,a/17,01.0 t,„ // il ,,,, RETURN TO 519 tredar Ave_ Sp , Rentnn, Wall_ 98055 — We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religio la acility and within one mile of a public or private school. y NAIVE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE .26,.-.2- -2_ (11fie. /) -Lf) -Pi '�C)C---‘o / L/i S3/ s,/ A .`S C a) ' 4 /4/o i /.% 5 90 ch -,4 737j 547 3y 2 6 - 4/ 75 . ,t` :/- J , / ?3, 7 �d. s2G , /c.ti I - z - �= ��. �..,a- /3 9.Z0 /S/S Svc SC=J . .)1 �J 6- S'/ V- / zut, am_ ,,,i /3‘F 22 ; 5/-7 7t- A S'i, A •fjd,J o2.7 to .2 3%p oi Jaem J,e7 .7O/y c4-a.ve s iq Je vv... Rovvf., a D G - !a 3 Y C i D/ 9 .vYt-¢a- a 7/. e 2- - 4 2-3 4‘ 2 -%/‘ ,t,,, 2 �/�r�vJen, Cf..i "2,,,-e-4,,,,, 2- ze-2,A=-4/f itU4.- r77 0 c - C 7 2.e. '4 . . t�,I�11r Wla c------ cl.t.m. k) (. 9 9-1 e_e__,Ire,,f) 98 4 a.6-., r __, 7k SAit ad-01 S. 4`3 Sze* - ' 5-5=qt env. 7/7, `27a.� ' 7/0 3 s9a cew ,� y7a ver7 eacie _ .?�I 64,w (. . -. ee„,,erfr-ti .22G y33/ , )soRt (sv-vja- R, , ' ss'8.4- --Q/0 (Ty( ,A, - --,...„ , , fir 'Ke?' l' Z-11/437 54E: -- 7' a4 ' '/o (6 54/2Y 'table, e u� /� a 7/ -a,(Se l 11.0,..Ptibt://Ale- /a AC ISA 4 olp. ,g, ,19sS-9 '9y► 41,12- % 3/1.e) ?i6,1, ,cs-e/ a " '` -. 77c -,, ,,I./ //f 2 - /f rc ,60 „ 2J s= 2 r'° 6 RETTIRN TO 512 Cedar AS7P Sn , Renton, Wash 98055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 6thzbzie &9/J.J /, -/ ,�F, owe q7C13) 36 79 - /,b 1/ .cam 3/E -iot .. 0,0 s &th, 9,,a; 5T'' 2rf-- ez2.P V).4.444.?....4 0 le h ii-jr-.14 ' � - 1 ,`--�.,- �)/1/t.R,/� ' 1.3 4" `.-,� c F )/!t e✓ '�� i r l „2.2g-6 oZ Z / s�+ _!G.r�`,A.-. A.c f!-Y✓f , F',: f,r,G' kJ/h..,.r.I.Mr"f''� l/H )37777..t..r _aV-!C ( Ci yC � <_ � 2.d a.- t 6 m 4,-....) ith,01421,La 1 AY )41•..7..il 9 o"r 7 -)Z -es 04 S.-it.., a A.-0t-, a .,.)_. a 7/Cr( & C6 . =e °4—' WA1 9?i 78' % is•--5eitri Qgllia *It:64'400ft, 4,oe AI E. . 4kke.„,4,029"4" Or - ).-q t 10. f. >1'6 AL.,,,i-4, 9 to n. . ..w-.1-;,, 4 14 4 f_(2,.. ?S--314,, P-ya tt,i .i/d. At .- n-41- i /G 7,p-P /�&' Sc /Qv.�. 9M5 a-7/ -AI, Vatife, k r cfIe11A\ l091(i /c?s SE- 4).--r-M lt.:7:: 0971-009 _2 1 a r.1,(i `24 t) , /35 as- / 4 agAe Sli Fie-pA7 2.2_6-31G,e /_?.1-4 ,- �6 i�cr S,e: a M74'3/fig 14.0 ,vac- 07 ‘e)z//4 emaie4f, aA__. r ,a° 3 c2 0 Iu± 4' ,F - , til4 fi 2.15- s I /!/ ,4 r ,_, i/. 3_ /, • j . a .�iyAAR } /i 1 I V�, f y,�r"►- �.•r M r 7 .- '-i;e1r, - - — 170 4416141,1 ,, ,S. r 61:1S_t_LI4,_ .....f.., /I Ire"..h.•‘...., SS 7‘a-L-1,e--r.,/()4--I--- Alg-;1, 11,21ALL-..8._,JJ:2Wite41 i 4 C)-_S'Ltf 0/ RETURN_TO 512 Cedar AvP So , RPntnn, Wach_ 98055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religiou&. facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME4gOK ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE �j u j I�a03 SE , 3a,k,APia-kr\ a Roy(... j46*t/ # 6 A Gt q 7. .��e..to 77 ,3 S. c .b r. Sew Coo 9k i 7 �I '�( Q lry i,�, 110 S ' ClIki 1 g . ` °L t11 U4,J cC,7 5•� -97 J p,e_ - j citw'J ' j c ivy,e. JA'GEC 7 , 1 .� y, 3 jbl Fd ii 4kAk, V. 07Ppl .2�c 9$0G � ,/ 1-n .14 11 ?C >&.I /e, S ro#r i!/j)r4i1 J le-CD ( T. E. /7? J/L. / 7 / V-'7?.. C7e g 4 -,,,:v.4,, e e• 9 6 41.4p44*-6-t-et.42..4A-40,-,' 3 6-02 .s--- -I.4"" S j "" i.T Gra-c d.44 4_J "eie-arly. L.= 440 -11-11. 544e0A „S-. .2.s-A---47442 / //4 .5 arr ' 7 4 ?IFS . a �S" (z� - -5 t,42- d jo ,,.cev / 70/ £ -77,7 O,i z4 Cec) /70/ 41,4. aloe cZ 4ss"-7W O fwoSd ____ m _Ar . 74 Pe fo .235- 09S$ 111 ;IN Air - Net id At I 3 ''' 3„ hi 4,4 wrist°1 A‘re' 4 :A). ,4)2°.. L.- .;el �� Via., 1-z . /✓,-, /1,,, Wri. .z z 2.-e I. .ay IL 3 7 d o it . � ,(�''S '. d' 5- G� ,_ t.�-G�- .J' �t4„. „ --: .../ � ,p 0 ivy F / i ql� . /� 4) 3, (# Q.7,...0 6; j.?,^ \j„„„„,e7,.P ,L._ I ,, ,? ?Oa 1.4.0 ado Q_.f ` or, _.. . .. _ - ! - Ae• . r.. F- 00; 1 4 1,e 7C 01, /4131r/ RETURN To 5117 rerlar Ave Sn , Rentnn, Wa ah 9Rn_55 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ,(") l71 NAPE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE :\2.,t-SU1 (1A-11—t-%0 // 0 .D7- g'" II- CLAA, . . sC-- / 9( 41 //03- ?-SP41 ��19it5 S o S E/72-2e5 7$178 ?7-2'2-S19, 77}- riPa 4 itio <6 ' > 4-D 7#? ILL a:�f. f fi7k 7-7e v' �/z, e saa 3 .fi e 112l71 77,2- (96 76 c9-D 3 --- n'tLe--(--•re--/- -.-- .14"-e. -5.- • 1CP---pg -rx 7205-15— ;... .87_5--gx cpy.x..yr,Ja. J� ) /Vol' c7. -,,zzl qe,z wen, a7/-0 .i -11o�.e��bit o _ 01,tf-o0 la)._D erns e). i O Av E -RNA )c 455 7(Ai c )7/42i.,_,,f 72--/ "4./ ..d. -ez-,,, ,,,, u}-,1-f-`;',' 3Bv ss g#1044.4frA' ? 4.47S'2-- .5'' / 7.eezilet. 63 Uf et . a?I- o2.1 4(e � 1 S • iiel! ~ ,r & 9' k ` 8056 %,id.•S/tlO if -/a `'�'' 5 I� et, VW, \ POI ik /462ycp s_ r. 44 .14/ pw-ittsi-: ctiv,,diti ► .2 5 53Co 170 ,7/ .SE ii,/e - -- 43/-7VZ. , ' '4 .r.‘ itet# fY 2z.?.$f? �,►� ill . Alfiabni6 + e S 4 6 .0 /I-5, 5R I/� /I/ / V .30 /o0 7 A S .6 . RC-'n/ D g 0 ! eeg AO' ..,r(li'.�dr �i� 'j 7� • S. /,2 1 `-.-F �',�7�`' r/ L4.1 7t 2 67 /1� -,mac f v� 9f'' /I , ,A,.. I ........-g-. Veleap„Arni (-# .-- / talladt*,;40i.'s 7trit ir itet,t- ,,,,,U 5/• i -3. 9 1'� 9Y/7 77,1 -sz� 7 - ,� �'4 ,.4.74, ,q �60/ , 1 s,( J/er,6 e-.,_ _.7- -/r30 RETITRN TO 517 f'.Prlar Av,- SII , RPn tnn, Wash 98055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious faci4A4y and within one mile of a public or private school. CeJ0 ) NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE / .67 Pn-1.C49 9' fk =12-024 ., , 4� 11 / r t1r 1 QP, Qt,,,,-t',re, y I. fnukiirtfia_- ('701 SGd '(o1" 97 �rf27f(2?i v -,sue lb f- ss t/-5oL d _ .� 9 / 7 i....777.3-43 ( ''L..NC/ I.409,1-44 + 5/3.5 f `4e-, /V�1 f, , - ,: , „ '/ ,-. . 2� 1 t .- 111 1. -5 , t N /d ' , r,.�-.: �, #0 C (: r 6)1494-ti€4-1:42(1o4 /01,P 33-1 t b _ � - e. _42.taitti 22 7-?/(�c A- U , 14 c.. 4.--3 is/ 0► g.l// ` W1.1 1ft . �� r —166.? Iihsla- Ili. - /7./S i&o.ize,- / ::., . 7c . -7 O 5/, 73 �- -e 772- - az%) /51a )1 S• t', l.S 4 �- ke .,7T07 Lt -16 - 4_‘- v7� l ) //f 5.9 7F t' E0 je:r ?).7'° L7/74-4C, 1460.441.e., Lai ,S"'I 000#414 pir €12-7-44 eali- /i; iy . . .2 6 90 s /t i9 '7a-.2 G�S/ 9 . L I CaO 5kaQ• n. ,.) Rq �v- 9Pr 4 d7/-9h�, &(, r`)i) ,*/:oarti541, 0_,f, ---'67, iti,a41- 9'14C-7- - --7/..2-FC i f. _ 1(.4,4e1_ WgiAde-lv,31- ),‘ Ja-t-icei fit .,:„..,,,,F4,,r it a.„,,„ ( 4., /,'„,,,st„ gios of-J:- nv.,. ctif R.z.444, d.x --,swy 60,7 X deA L:4- /( ,/ a7SE- ii7 — eaani a35---0-zo5 1611,,, 0 1,1)-J),Li 4 IGLID-1 SE ILO izt-\ k: ,--i--0-\ .a-. 0)-0, RETTTRN TO 537 Ceriar Avo Sr) , Ren tan, Wash 98TL55 — We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE IP (/ r alb _1<-14.ttr+7 I2 .E• eci&lirrl9ffe5 e5 a Ri(-5D2 2? 7 -N. [ ! ' ' a 01 f r 1y3 Iikr-` Ci 0y` A7L3 LO; LA jdtA Jo too 1 ,44. In, t-►)e,5 `, ze,tja,L, 98 co - 22s-sz; da 4-1,____m12. 1, 1 of h1, , v-e. 3t, I( w--4,7 'fro 7170 _" ! +.,!.,: :44,,- e,.14.. / 6 d A, 4 44.4. Q#' ti SU \IVA/1�.v- �--7 o? f A. 6 .,4 ,L,,,,,,,,,... , 4,,,,,,,,, ,s,2,,_,4 4 ,. ..7...,„ __-; f. - 14" .;I'm''÷ ii,/--4 ,,,-7 (492vi, �.., i73 2 7/3---k ? 4 ) 7-2X ,37,(: G4,,,,,,-.$."1 . q ( s 2,6_,„,,._ ,, ,/ it(e-,..;L -7-7 ? - Ljgc // 6- =) - 7/ e, . 4 ( dIe ,az4 - 37 22,x4t -kt:,;9244, /4,„_ . ...z,....„-7. .4/ 6 , _e: 't.,-, pe7-3- -.76 y�."' op 4'‘' _,. . %-G.�.. ,G,.� 1s-is-y - o'� a 1_ f� 7-14'0.CCItt VP/t,e, 6.1‘' VG! 07C Ct 41,407Fac, !ViAl 7 Z7:- , S--)AGr /16tz, 6/.2? co I' R0Apty 5-nc. 07 ,> *,. zu d2.0 ': ., 4 t/c/„S. // 7 Jj I)/, s e a 7i1'-/44,, f 9F/y-" 77, -6 - 5 , ) 1L4 /18/6 z.a r- Avg- s5 ,9 /v div. (A64. 9Ard ,0 /' / 4L/ Ta4.. e i). /eipt . 1 ktek :1 - < -�. 3/0 ArA). o N 'iv(' eS, e 4Li Curl e,,rr. 9414,-17 -%?' 4-4: SII )961-16' , i‘''J'- le-c-1-- - gici:e.-- ----- - = ,,,7J ,.-,1...r- ... .,:.. 4 9' /e, : , ,-- - / "7 44— 09 f:ci / RETTTRN TO 517 CPc1ar AVE. Sn , RPntnn, Wash 9805_5 _. We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ,� ('44/1 NAME -ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE .: 7/.3- 77 6 , -5'q P/, llt,tr2 �. q 74 19 r Z 0. , vc-T�1L, s te , _'<2�v_ 1 5::-?�.-3 t 30 ZZz Zs'` , S, Fa/ y /-6.Sz- ‘ N5�/� `/ & � . fC ( /3.74/ 5E �,f 1u7 r f .P,f 9r'1c', I ]c1 rf .58 a n na, 4ttc e. yS U1! ' O rc, 4 A it 3o P � , oVcs- .9b -.R46 td , . 2. .5 , 0 .„:` * 1, ./,_ /74‘. Ø''7, , ' fl f 1 1 /06 1 ,0 SC P.o.f.../ta . Lit)ax 71'057z* d I P I A0')-- "o5 1 . f.314*~Pt LA i 2 2 2 7 — i 1,4 1 etiA4 S g• A.,7;7, 7,.9 el, (1e-ruz_ -=.16-0f1;asot Oti41C,4(17)• Ita.,,ti,.Tic sl),4rcl (i.11 •Ct 797 64,41 ( Sd a / 2co 'ae _ 77g `)/04/ Gcl Ic , /26F' 4, ,,_ - . .16&k.... 22(91/ 'i it-Z--TO/Y‘&5L 91(10Uti 1 1 I 1 oloot,(313.47:*volz%.„:j AertiolinA9 / 7aip Wr" , r , 14/,4941af4d adit,, ,„.?"--i4.) /,.3 6 )1 . Z Lit& 4412e-,kitht 77A* , Aii,.....2,e_ ‘,-1.4714.1.44,400 e,i e•/1 It, 17 ii, -mil e-t, 4-•,.. /8U r,,7 - 4-,... A. ,,t 4t zs ! .r 450)....,-i n . 4,,,,iigecaN.e, /,2 62.p. Ce' J' 4 d 0� � f el Q.�'�.a,...�.-- .�, -t� /"60p3- A4I,G !f f ..,c1. et..„?.... _. SI.S"'�i 2itz.i.,_02.._.dz.,61AA. -,...<_.e__.' c3r) 7 Ad. 3 Y*lir kea_i_7-4;4 , 9 t 6,,c7,2 .141,4s't 7 o N003- t4j/Tµ Are' .s.E. etA1704/ 9 it 0 6-6 LLez/z4efia,p ,„ea... ....,..es.44. ?9,7zier-54,#45-r P.04- -.,,,, eih.2411 9i61512 RETURN Tn 517 cedar Ave So , Renton, Wash 98055 6/7 ab 4 9 � ` del/ 7 toWe , the people concerned about Renton, a e united in our opposition to the establishment o pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE /5:- &-c-4-k- -���-gam s-� �� ado ,e6F6 & . r d�;di,1 q?d3e o f3a-94,S8 b3 i— /7�'71 I bbti , , 2_3 'S \• K�� t- i « ci8()31 f 6U Lb .2_ 9 gT /ss/aQucv-i, Gui4 7?°Z/ (. //4 aL e.„ r 247/3 �r �(�-4' S/`' tSSCe judIt/ i I/ ? `'c '2 y�� n lT ; �+ 'e , y'7, F/04 Si � r. ( n i'LLF: ?r�`' r . kf-e-r-c -r,251-'ag- ,:_ e_./_____ 4, /( 7,1?,Z 7 . a 6? 0 _5- x c . „„„ , „.„, 7., ,, / '�- `�,` .y sk. .0,;, _. .5c g ,5 78027 a IL d a a-0141/�G iS , 9c12; kej_ ---' YQ DC— O7 Y/ 5 i 'C ,�SS4,L-t a L. o// 2) 2� Q gytz `Z` 1-kz,7 / 6 I .E- ‘Cf-e-atitN' / `/ a n d () _ ll/S"k - ,^ ad.,, sr ,c 'dit % z 7 c ii4igi iQa^-d pi,,g F 1_17.2,2n go -- giA ithi. 9-, 7 ►. dl/a_h /79 172(1 S f_ ,,.�,. 9,7,,, fe 6 3! -s/ S` atzt-f/V. r Dude / o s /9 o w S �. Jss 990'7 6��j.aJ— :1\ A .6`'4- ‘rK j -21.- .V a.�8- ssxr te6-w-- &s--sal pge i silt:- )4a...b .D4-41.4/..4kkat? a 7 39a` A _1' �y7 ,76'7,5-Vg ? 7a7 37-2 g2,S-fiz _Isar) h I 3 9'7 729 P/, S I,ss / ?K?%' 3 927k, we, hiltfeief,L;V=4- ic 114.444(14,74,-t4mze f4A-/. We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. //�- 1 " NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE mac- 7-3 91 ./-�ii_e_f o�So,,,, l; /7Gso ///-I Q. , i /e J 9�d6 9- ./f_4(4/i/A-4 , .-iff .0, - _ liter,. (_. ) / Zr-1, J` -iJ '' y c .)— L - ;.f=7y 919 1,�2r2� vt ,�/.}.�-�,�?4,.,,, �� �� �d� �� �_ � 'lam r ,f1f4A-51 ./ �, _s_ r'" rp rc 1 T2 _f_F7S2— ' �. /•Wi ,//7/s-f(e S ci8'd54, :��5-: C$o ( ( 4; 4& . .ice:. 9 ir, 2-7( -74 6 r Q �,, t-- ',. i'A Alm' - 4)eA1Tam,i�14. 9s vsr rs-- a <i .,,,t.„.... , ,,,, - 4, / //s "1S- -,,,-�.k1' _ �..�,, ;,. 2_ s-�s- P Vim/ (2. .____,crike Um 04A.0 0 0)`: 6 i&, 3A- i: --it ‘ R. \,.. ..15-1, ., ; G..'cZ.41,'"Ce 'Oo / — /a-0 ,% ,P, 7:001 a&J �-/•5 v ,_ado.. _..E.c.,, . _ __,/isaw,p,og ei,.......% am Acc,a,1404d -Pa--,1,24 r ,wve.2 lieaK.o% 9 a f' r T 1 - 0 7.-,0 _, I,e,t,.....gen , LeMe I$ZS L)6 StWiSt T S es....c6A. 9f c6G Zza, 3Ga'7ff _ ill, aiVei1„04, 3-1 . ., t�._e_sk ss tb vo.ri . '.e'c 49,v‘ .�9 i 3 c-ac.:,' ))/a/71- C ' h.9 an .,...1., 1 VaLl7e "411-‘01-4.1,-44 - 20/ h r. 4,—L .,.L2 .% , .A .ors=.5 44z cAi-"--2 e<21.4,44....-...-4.- 30/ &a.,4-4./ ,4*-44.., -I 4,4:' A.,V 4 , i I \idle.' /1/ 1 .4_,. . e ho'r .o : � 5 ,r f t u h,-7 v 7 7 )46 .��. P4/ G1i�/ e-1 f�,/ f J o4J�� 4, j1 , . ,,4 4its- ' '''-- Kirotr, tor: 0 Ca' 4/26"c' A t/i(o o Sr- -7 pz ,DQ , i,..4 6, c.,,,,ta., , , , „ � �. ..,i oat 40 ,,�,L-" Ke-',/,,..tcw,., a2 ? - / 9 7 -.. he 44-#.0%., ev -y -. . tc-, ), ,,„ , 1tQ ,. *--_.1.., , 0 ye- (' - -I\ 3 3-- A)/7"`L/ RETURN TO 51? Cedar AvP Sn , Pen rnn, Wach 98095 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. / NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE l()(4(I- I ,..A,2)2A. vnot.«.u-- 6,10\ t/eN_s Ain-em,A))0¢1Arv_n l' . P . 1.clog , I-or)3 i /6 ' 3'. 7 a,..4 s , y . - .75-5- /04Y .... ...Ttleaa_.4. 2. Li, _ iv 0 Li_i_O___ CC --7r2 S . d 614- - 59 i' , ode- cn� 1J13 °7�14 �n. $ 7 -- A/�f /p o _ S'v /4// /j..5'r //'��ow z z t. 9 /�-J- �� lt� 6%-) JCA ,4,7 „ /jci 2 /, 7 ?•Z-iLZ--- Z:4 �S'%STS- ��- .- 9/Z3-- A' 0. (C2-0-Z--, 2ZY—/ S7i ) ,:tizi iri----frii40. N.,-,-,,t, -.,,, „ _,,r ,2,e, \ra--. 39-- 4"i/3 -/,// s T 45)rJ-' ;226 6 7 33- 7/? 5' / - S F ( L 2'7/&/7/ - 5-00 )se ,.3 ;, ,7'. 4%;;Oil ' 6‘,.t. .,_D-0...--e- 221-7,0_44--pi 16-7 3- ,1-co- , -.4-2_,P____ade,,,,L,e, ____As- -44,>5-J-- /y 226 393 � -, -sz - z , .&&'/i5 v asr-/2 Rb C ,.,..,.t ".) e 1111,VvWYVV : /2er)., 2SS- -1 ac X A71] aJ- G0' �l/,f, ass- /' yo 17)12,7,1Ya/tei,(4.),01_ -1 a tila ,i' /7q' 4,ilek, o1.s s .ntf .. .�.:- h / 3Z }t---.. '1. ,,.,, b.e. 6- 4e- - / ?2-,A;:7 / . v 4 S L Z l 7 4,�— RETuTRN TO 32 C AvP Sn- , Ren rnn, Wa ch 98n_55 — • We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 20648 SE. /2.3,z0 /SJ4QU*q 2ES-4430 f-r-L-/-o-?-2-1 t(71:,,feei_.;;v ze_v_e. -v, ‘).„5-_,; 4? ed �-i "Q_I r a _ / 7 c9 S S F / -1`'72i J-`� ,2..2a 6 p c 5' 17Z5 se. /bj; Pi E«• z-zC_ c l o t- ( i p) t. Oct..) Lei 145a,� /71 O 5 /P. , a5,s ,6,7,z . irE- i1 �a- �c q - s .(276,-c- S7---4d 6X-- ,„� ,- '\\\ L '\ 9,9,Ct ti .. 1PJP1'Pi, S` k . (;,,r (c3) - (r4-(L5 faG av . "`' ,Z/G Aha, 2,140 ,Q,0A/r oA) Z SS=�s'73 - IA9--irt---a-L.; //0(0 4 /LL /PI' 2' ZZ& �3 — ),,k; i5DI i(o(a - ilg vim, - -2-2-40-6 7n i : 6,7--, �,z_e / i 3 ,��-�� - ��,3- of 's"s- 3t �< �G \ tO -\mo .\ SC.- 1R1 ).1L: 0 .ei "...5\ n g 1 _Or:X.4r- /eat te-0160`,7,/e74 g,t,e sr /&-/-1/7 /1( C-55-294'12 1 CA"AA, 4- F14.4 -%J --)..-z 7-43 .5 , (,_ - k - ,i,,c,X -7 2.). --/,,c-: _ l A-1 ,,d4 1 0,., s- , Jfr D )_.5-3---')) 7 RETURN TO 517 Cedar AvP SC_ , RPntnn, Waah 98055 — We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . (gb /) NAME ADDRESS _.!! 14d$rA4J 11 cam. 1%s b-4.. !t .1 , ' its 4tc, A.ut OE_ ktaik,,L, , ti. s, 1,oyaT 1 p la) 5 , 71/- e/eyiz,-4-/ )0)(a/ea do/oi 11;5 ,ae Ai& ie../f1- ZoZZZ- -z,s'"aC c o .b udie,_6 ,5 g 1 0.t....%) 14,11.1. tke PL SE Mgf& 1. oJ `` r11 I iiaoi 1=i4i ateg a.__ _,P6,....4,e., . .,./ - . . / i-1 E /yam_- .. ..-- 1 2 fO `T& sT# s - - - l ✓ , c( 5 ., , 1 (0 to 1_ -----6--A_AR,_ (Y).01,,,, 114.03_ _5S-- 1 6144` 0 g- Pov-*e-_ - ,, A4-1-dito, /4101 1_3- - 10 44. i R-e-ktA t1 1 4t I 4 c-.: (3,,.:---f,-7- ,. } jM/ . %h4 .. - l- -s--0 A a_ . .. -i _ / 1 h.o& - R r" oil :c.SS,, (!) , fi 4•74 4 / 14 / 7 , • 1 ! 156 7/ ,S - « f() ,ea,„)-th--- i � /%ems ._iz"z5 4 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. � . NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE �II� (01 1, �loge. Onfun G -Cp(L-):a) k . c 3 so 3 / - os(- a ss-b/ys -iee ./s 3 3 G ii6g- arc if d/ I? yes 3 z'--dyf- O ) r r+n.i,--) /30/2 S..6. 1 </c,L fra nos ' "t'-5-23599 C *4 _uT e- /6-j4", /3/ -Ii /4, ��e0JJ a2.-28 -eY-2.571--- / Licel.cutorAi' (03 - 13 I sr JEL2 9 ° , ,?s o KSS A,., , , „.i.i.„..4,i,. ii, ? -2-9 /2/ 1-:.-- Ee,..)ii ,,,i 9ees-s- .:11 k -/i/v ItcbL41-4it; 1 G130 Sc. 1Co VFAXISV) woi 3 .55 .=ri1- Ig90 • I tWiAry4 1 c!t ,W iee r0� (1L'? ggaSs- c,DSS&---D-7 2e_ „_„2,1 , v 42.5?..27) 5 h_- , !, ),,ci 64 A 1 1,3g/i/ . ./6, s A fi /12 . di /71,74/77C, \a l ' - oa - C2A cd , /l,.)- 3 /ibi-eh ee.4. ,67 iv - - - e � , e 1 ( I i , , , , ' C1Lt 1)AP2 / ‘ 3. 33 ' 1-R4 E L , l': 1 9 of / - tio,:___ eNli__<_ __c__ -- /1 2 3 is .ems �,,;� ,� .,,,,ar / 7 L 3z ��� / .�€ aim/ J-61C " '''' *1 P.: , -.0. , -- _ e /6373___/ ___r _-oi_2‘.L.s_d____Ltr____12---- c/ 0 22E:-__. n _ a 0 '.r.ao ,;Z 3 - otg ?r /, ,S 6 . ; •t227e Ll`s A.RETURN 0 517 Cedar Ava Sn , Rentnn, Wach 9RnS We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious. facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE lj I koZ3 /60ffve, 5.E aln , (J3 19-. 55-i Ia 4.04_______' m :,-) /7V/' /?5 -6h 1c. , -24 -n. ith 1 II(- f. cmot.c . z. , ., \ L y (.. rc.,/Li'., --7 ( - / .5 `I _)_ /1e-ALtei a 1r L)f) i ,t/lc. _ ,, s P >4 " ,e, A /pi )k c- (4 ; _: (ez G��%vcn- /o co/- .SC /k>t 4 R6rcY, �ti1j g � /C.s /6'6 {'V" leers J4., 5 • 5`i5 1 / 4,.,, ( . /Li v/ ,.�' . -2 -. a ;L `mac' 1 :J.-,) -wit �f` >,--&rt.\-- T.J4_,, C,t-4.--*,› i t, ‘. / 7 - /0 (,, a...,,i A .t , 1_5( --(-/-y -: -. ,f �' 1.2 d, 1Z4? I4 /7 - /46 �o1. ,� =r�A; a/z- 6— -- __: ". - /‘‘ Z 6 / z'(- /71 S ' Z7/139 s -,0 c!` ,;_ , z-r 1 „ ,-rzl b-La.ice./ /�/(S 9 /Ord- ' Ste' ,e 7 , 705/7 - sS .Z— /` F/lr/'t AJ _ ) liaiice, _ ,1,01 ,... 44-,.2o ,' A . ` (- , 4 roS-s` /lidZa ! old _)/F,• 1 '70,,iii , fj9.5-j---- ../t/el- ;it 1( �,r rr'i L,. - . /1 / 7 /e s - C,-.-2 ,P ');t6 ,- `IS'0 S �^'t We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAWE , S 574 l ADDRESS / 4. ' c� CITY/ZIP PHONE/63 17 //, �' fE /(Z.7/ ,4y/ 0/ 9P 5- Z�� fr F i. AN co rn _ v fi h ►1 jos-' r��h S f e n-1-1 a fro s�' �s5-9/3- . S , c r, ,55-v 4/5 _____:,/: 4 ;#—V.7-------- /2- 3-7,2,,r, -'7 4 , -7Y/QA-c.eA, cadecie-e--Q- xice,4--c Li ley/vac. (J'-. -Te'..icf S-2,W 72.„(C) (1 .,k2.2- ,A3P-_-(3, `� "€' C r . c:,,_..,_\.g., (ii 41- 7 fl .J c Li. ,. 1 . ,) --k-s- --3q,s- , 6,---e- ( �� ( , 81 1 . ...L....f Ad .45---1//, E r At_ Z 69 - 2'7C y -- w. 3 / 7 V / ,- /;'Gic-,<-,41 kJ y, J9) ?cC-1' 0 i, 10 „,,, ,A? qc ,")-, 00 . 441;;:- S2- __27f.- ,v) . , 3:), 3c;1-13 ate: ia, .r 7._ 1 D48 1- to AtJeS,f -X-)ei2 ,,Q8 -4l�7,,9-- lug a / . u / �Ltt4,.A . 3.z-3737 f re�s' , AWe Ls h14 Y.9 r, /i-54 0.//h.,_,A.„ j S, - 3,,-.-lr,,2_ c , n 3335/11s-/_ '3 k 3_a --7iw ) - ) , q'ic: ' e . ./.. '; ) , /, � ..itr&I- `t\A l. - \1\4\‘—'04p -�-z1 - � Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 We, the people concerned about Renton. are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ,` �� �( NAME `' i)i'-�-, -"41(--t 7-t. ADDRESS //U �:5L / CITY/ZIP PHONE k.S-3— S L l-.4rPAIA) - -)G? L). Sia,-ney) Pb41 s- SSG l.t ceh L. '7 t-1? 9LA S- ---ir:01,,L sv3 /-(s-X J / T cJ� Ff-s— 09K � /� 7,t/V 7 'L4 5 (_ er-i t K-- 9 3Q - F'6. _ter", , i Se ,d sr '. "- .?z - 3 -je e.--- 17-&,_,P . -. Z7-e17 . (7,: C.614 777.it.e.-e- 1/4--Z'. ,: .3)-- ---J-7,, kj . ei,Le;t4, d.,/, , -.)(17- ci 7(p(11 / i,e -47--tiff.2 2h0,1./(''/4 r-Likrill el .:73 a.- c7c .---i . r.).(tItrta b 3--3 (; qs L* l' L E Wt,o- i i 9.2Lf. ' 23.) - 966- 144,,c 1 i 1/`z 7675 j T it. Z/I. /n /G�i%S.Cr/L yiZe"Gy,. /JII o�o� -AfLL_- __ :2 aCt__(- ---- , (on 0 — 7d-, •. e J4 (e r g W a /fibbLe c 9a,R S s 6 • Yyt( MC,G1 di/ �32-- - 6-?S `- -- 17 5Z1 -4 -, 0,A14„, g'‘,7e, JE .5-2 i( � � 2 J 1 Linq CtA Lk,L c( ( --irt-( s -4.- „)-c--+-' aids&rie _ 1),,,t-(- --. (-fil _a4 4./i �(� C(, /Hae.�t2ai /�l�c�e, . c3;� -S.S�3 ,:y;AX 45-or ; 7/ ' '' ,t,... . (9 A„. d_.,, 41v V V -_,,,_-__0,-,,p4-, _ /1/, ,d___,_______S,___24L__-___- 4/- f) 0L2., ?. il, 7&Jo 71 _,,L22/414, Return to: Ct(O/yhtt/Cfrnv en s F9r� a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton , WA 9 055 \`, ') o A t \c ' 7 (,-, ) l_ &�—TM 'L . c 8��. . -. . . We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in out opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 0 -v- —2-/.4 , __(74 c1 re'4,/q_ ,a_A'I. �2 , �/7 r 7-23 7396 _ ),,J.-C-t,, IL'(9 )(1 -C 1--9/-A ,- WI7J 7 Y-73Y6 /;,,,,,-.c. ic_d,' e___62_4_, -3'/...3 1 — (d-e4' C "?-- ---'1-- ,i-edzilee, bz)---• e7s21/1( i D---3 ov, . va�`-�a � �0-r7-zCr�-mil "4.43 040- 1.2- _.J.Z ;),J 4'"7 7.?i k54 z'o4. 2<9 -ez/1tV Je) -K., %l£ 9?'/7 ( )I'-:;1-V ( -c".72-j/Lez---41-zj, A.,e,r-/ .e,e 7 s 7 - ‘ /.," 4s..„_,6,-, �//X G 7` V ,// 77 -- i ) t / .� 4v . age 9/ 75 /t ' 7 ( ;_, �I - ,/-Vie"-'-� 9Y/ 76 li el,,;„ 6z0cs. So . ba-- 9 / 7S'' azd- at-L:t-, 6-z o g SO . Ba.,14_70-7_ (n/ 7 S ,cY UC----w: / a & of /J.6 /f/ vi/ia , ( 9 Cn 0z • —, A) 9///d/ (4A/1-#-Alt. e,,,,,,a-i, ,d 1 V - ba3 xe d • 1C/ T =T v , . t_ /d y 1 n . 9g/ 7 V sAg-) .? l6 v 1, 6/ - G U / • ,� _,/ 7,,-- , //> 4- .-Z Y - lr--/sr ,So • )E ' '. •`77t/ 77 1Q 4- 4-.. • Ci .2.J C Prt r, r C - -Re n o n W a `I 1t V E C ' ....5it , �� 1 ,2- - mod/ 7 We , the people concerned about Renton,' a e united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 2-5-5 o 3 2(i 9 -•=5--- ..S - E - 7 P-17 3�„Q. -c --- __ ___.- L_ f7,Z 7 CW fil� SS . i1/2/ 2 fo0 .1 J 4- /;,. z % .i/ s- � / 7/ Sye 3 7.z. S7y-z r T - �, / S! ! ._ s i Ste- s iv .4,0,+ c&A ,Ar. `I(4G--C-,cp S t7 1 IA 6 0(3q 7 ?'3 7o �� - eez,L, -1„. 0,-.-?4 ,4/6.), ..2‘..s--5" aoir-04, tcj Ai j---,-.215-7 e-2_, 1.1.- -ems �- - c�, a*, /S%�o 7 c7Sb .<.S Le.', , c )c...; , 9a - 5/a� " lfdzsf. 6,. ("C - '6# 1 ....- -_.e/ .. ..,---....(fr- --sie ,?4,d tdyri-tel T14,9 ,0 S7 1. e-clr--4-7,--A.--4 <i-c_- ._72- _22P) 1/, At ..39. -z si7. , (;k;f) ,0 c(d. 69. faMet-81 . rr� .ao� _ sly ow/ Ga_5( i,4 37� vei...2 c:='elediAlg__, Az .1-a•-t. a3/ a ‘4947,z4_ fe).2.-/Azo J . / -.z Z /) 20/�'-0' SE /r Xf z -zap . - . _X _ _I _... ‘c) )(.-14,,,„2,e_ro4/ . .t.....,CLizt,r-4 J7 ) ,z_.?.6,..Z 1� .,.,./% Z mil/"7 Qi'/S7 St:' 2 - at- -- '��/"' .:2,- rail._ � Or L ���`G Z 4Pc/Z/ - .--Cc / 7 L .. p.,.e.-� . �1 s-civP ,, , if.,ezhwebit_js-VDti P0.4-d ,79a-:, 3 .i-9',_ ‘ _ )1?e---z--e-2- q fx i--:N t 1r)6..h_ ----c 1., • ,/,,,3 oz--5'6,5f.-_, 1}dibuC) A0,.�i 'ooyy/I _5`y k_.A.it -4) S2-/01 -27 n 0 ��nn 7 �LAG „c#,N_ j 7 0,7 ...,,,),,,, ,. c g /-/� ea.,„„z______*4,_ �, o,6, . � ,et 3 9,2,-- 333 r AJa o1-dhem Brij/7 f/idl - We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in out opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ,51r 1 7Y79 5 1 )l9) �_,1, , oL, GO-kt( A v f05 Key^t 4S o34 „Lcto, (AJA_LL,,y>4,4i /5-q 0 ,S Li cm_ k--)ehiTY\ /l �p PL J/oo fa,rwCA l/(/ ��! c 2 - - c' .S h-C4 / C 4/6 YID c g7-7E c. 1r:(...< 1 cAs� nL J Ica wask. 711) �� We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE fi/. 1;101 3 /W ave /S5/4Q4u/ 14, 9//z7 7¢7 w57 _,AtixAA 2CoC 2(a - 10 PI Se . KENO Wn�. R8031 9y1- 3oq e /3439 /914eAe.. Sr e, ,9 - #4, reZSI,270/1 &Yif-6Y1 , , . gvsC� 2 ; • • C eckk r S . -R jc)n_, l� c� cl . We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE A 1 - -e�c 1S-25- 'D MS11&5F AlRVJeUU,L9. I-[ Va_ _66(7 \lAtL. D.‘ (*I . 4_11‘141 (.2) t(n s- sqe. g_c6 Aii_o_,z4p442fLa AiQcg -70a) 0" .`z- `J o2 Y v 3 9 S. E _ 2 1.).3 a--/� - 11 c/ 11 .3 v1- - //•s" . a f- eh.v` 4132i1 m utioui II. Irate gm' 8aif se.2b ), ri--7. )-,-1 Oe 5.47 --U.3--s4,1.-- ,4,9/941_,P/ ii2y *-q- fel d/zLetectiMid /9 Win_ P 0159 9 di6/. -*/ / / / / / I / /, ,/ CL,ttli , - ' ADru.�, lgWS 2`fV sc `YVII� , a.01. 432-®117 A . / k. 9N453 - no-14- c . 5.17-: -- 0 4-5I - 4.oy3 6/, llJJI ? ? r� 20 -21`— s[' ic- (=s l`lC73 4=1 G RETURN TO 519 Cedar AvR_ So , Rantnn, Wash. . 4RQ55 — • We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in cur o to the establishment of pornograph!.c (adult) movie t sPatition - • the Renton and Roxy on Third Averse . w Theatrty at -� has the right and responsibility to regulate Land .xseebylzoningRenton M and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within ' ^ ?0 feet of any residential area, park, or religious,fs... ;y and within one mile of Pc orc private school. , q • a Fu`'li (25 NAME JDrcESS _ --- CITY/Z PHONE - ' ; -4 ala_c_iu_alq el____114,43.).____a_ta (.43,o_-__ 426 .� /e Nos,3- .2.�8/4(. 3 _ -- ---- f//_G 6 . Q4.c _. . F,'y7 9103/ ,k52--.Z4' _. . _,F(/ ._171,e. g-grA-e-tiz d--e-4 e - Y)Y-aid- -00ni Es-27 2(5)4 — -0- - --c - / - - 'SE ka-r-All -,2 ,v . /L . .2f� • - . .Z 5E / ,ate a 7 4 -M , 02.3fo8' /:Z SE"�' S14.,7" gga fpsV-is g_7_! AlaraVi.r_Iii _./a,P�l ca�� 7t �� D r )" 9403/ 63/-15 d'' ( 1 Q Oit/ 2-3 Fr b Fr (7).rA/9-.,,,. S C. w O �Sb5g 5G- 2-Z4ta,. 711,7 d, vapaw (tea,9&,3_,s 43a-!0¢ ck,tA., 1 n- Ow,04,4 l'Z'S. _0 a, *)-AiM PE flt-v-tiwa.. 9804t 4q4-dikote qowAkw4/4 RSS6 SLL, 2,4(4 111FL, �t Co� ?To 3 I - Vr J c2cxy/7 /0P,i z, s , /ram t cc, ?to 3/ rfq,13 S r, 4,2�sa?4,2- ,745-a- P2 S�` 7 ,-6//rol.?8- 19�a', e 2<2_, 2 - 2/S ffj s� 44 /id2 ---f, e) Arqti,?h, , ) a60,7/5' a4 -,44_, c;& , .� z 031- III - , . --..-- FTM_ TO S 17 Cedar Ave Sn_ R..,,1- ,., r_,. We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. (29 NAVE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE I 197; irp—Air -- +i Y1t�zth.�,� /Iz i se z3�- �°L �� 98�-� 8s�-3q�g C ,ea 2-2-&t,1 RP 1 ! 9 ef o3 V, 1-43 i ____BAzili: .:t0_, ir ► ► It /7 11 Q V I BSSS ,S� Y Lt�` , 10'7 --/V,r;IPoir‘x_, 6,_.f2 S-S'y—a y orketi Zg7Q z.Z._e___e_ -! I I f AT�.''rimm, c an .. . .. , _. ..-_ ._..-p We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ) NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE AR�/ C CN f�P✓ /1 /t W411 10, 3 2 Zo (J/ Sc 9�os3 2 Z �z e/q t r�� r5 , M;k� errs Gk /6 330- Og�' PI.S.r. '��it) a7J-O'/5 Ytc„-ti 1;c1DKI \ 6a.nit NA/Amk nDS5 a a3- :.� _1 /?ilog-3 SEA /6 2 'id— 164.6 z =0 zsz- c 17fi'?3 '� LUG vt, -e� J, RFTTTRN Tn cll (`eAnr Ave Cn Anntnn Wncb, ormcc We , the .people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ! . ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE � — ( a,c5 . I (,S8 Give �5 � �1 .- LS cZ�1 �15 h')'� \CAt6- ��- �� � `�\_C__ 441r ,.��1 �:-,�b'�t c )7/— 07 \\,>;L47/ 1)03--e (dAL.) '41 ti 1q73 SE/ g2n-c-1 asr-32.9( 3F,TURN TO 5 Ce tin r Ave_ Sn Ren tnn Wa Gh Q8055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 7 7 em, .. , _mod ' ,r/' a9- e_ n.diovp. (z...3glizde E. --46-A_i_._f* to 0 i .c.? ( -2-1— 9Yo.C.5"-24.14 HP,'" Ze-Vt L. ( 2- ..5- /—�L a c Lyt.i Q .,c. ¢" - 4 2:. 9f0 5 5 'V '7 3:atik4 fziA. //‘7/y--/60 Id_ s_e--. ,A,,-/-17,, Gfiet . .1"05--f --P--ez‘i,.) .. s•�<.�.I/ /54 '=/-'f?�i .`L� f i -, ,, Z!rJ . lc_, G ,7 =S"° 998 ,724_0/ JL4/ >.�e,�-,- ,ai /Gy 4/ /c) 6, 9kds 6 ass- __s-,-/5 J Cie4. . )5,,Z. [f/ &' _AO 0 4 -776, i 2 s:_ = 'i,,f.S- : // /7/dd -/z2 P G. Fars— ,5lll-J9z9 er- , , � /d A Z . M,.e A 49cf-'/1 72,2 - 0 4_ 6 r ,� �-i J. , Ifs -�f , /.. le:4-alk4 9ii7 772 - 5-TVs 61 / Al(2101.) )//' /gg 3,P). 4 - / a ,i se- vidin, adi‘g -1w6-.5-?_5 Di' � L ' . ' 077aS lif, mr I AK ' MJ 4/L, Cr A) /06P/ R& 5 5 ,V76---C) S&Q i;a,d 1076 o i G 7/� �� ow `i kDSh oSS-3/a-9 all.6 r )�11,4 /0 77 LY/viv we'dp Att ;Akre- rP�vroM'- '8054, 05'S - 3(Z nlah,A .A.,,0 - .. , 0 - s, 1�.`yfi /-/ c i--/, 67' /V .2tL e6.41,-7 7 9-Pr�5s c;�- S'`1 77 , c.. �, "..i �� /7 s/G, /4C /r /^fie SL. ,(�.-,kv.i '�8 o sS az -1 z 7 2 irilge 4, J II(c l 4p4 VI Qq} 1'Lltsi vV rI,k 9 17s »c -JJ RETURN TO 51? CPrlar AvP Sn , Pen tnn, Wa ch_ 980_5 — We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . 'r/e feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious -cility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE j� / ' 1 (79/� S. �(us,', ) Sz ;TLr- `7�/78 `2 77 -0537 -�_ A k, ., .. 'i / , it i6. ', i&kG - 7e4Ue W, cimoncs 9S(O -34z-z66 G.t , 17103/K%-4 A£ ? ` ?Sago 229-s 7YS'_ Niviite( R Garw;d(e:C 754 NE l40-14 A0?L q o(l 4e8-7638 Stefan Miller 10204 J.E . 192,ndst RE . r04 9$o55" 255- 58oZ eAteie-z, 4-1zitel, /WcQo -SE c -d'6 ' '` /2 1. &sc? . F6a3/ 6 5/-6 7/C4 / &,1,401 u 4„� �75t7-i f 13 t...4....._ KAI_ HQ v-1' , S./ *S"91- iee-ao-z,v., , 1,14 - 7,17P Jc5.7--�•..--- '�oS7` 1'G:7i . AP., S-A K:1 A . 1/ '.7 _e6-7..e__ f ,fa7 E__ z.ee6 &:.„,09/- .1:VLie , IL& Z ?-- cG / 11 l ( 9 / 7 '7'L 7- (-- hi. . 2--- // J A /J J7 . Le-^ /D 4 o/ //u Jr, c "4. .Sn J/_-73TTL F 98/7fr 7� ( S— S- l l 6 r-d Eg6-7z q 17 66 („,goo of C2.A-Q. ` Ge- ?" -7,_.,.,- `647 .YOU S So //�`2 , ea 7`� 9'i --. 6"1-; oz--, , 6 f z r .- �c./5 T/C 2� Q G- i - (Jo • /,, RETURN Ti; ') i1 C:a(Iar AvP Sn - RPntnn Wash QRC155 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ? NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE t Gw --�C-'U-��'_l I' / 10.S >C(V/S ON, . , / eiA oko .94c6f5 01 k)/�`97�2 v 4 ate + k' )1." 1c0c Qa--6 S Ar4t.4_ e. So 2� llfi ", 9 <Q a s,S"`178"3 e/0^4141k/- (A/:IIKA-1-44 pt. ...5-A-ffie_ W70 2' 71/&A-L.1_,‘X. scp-a .,./ (9....„ v...../ /2.4" / ! G� is o ` � -. was .��s`Ls c1 .3 o/ f / 7 ee /pia,G SE /33'`�j6-,<- n- 2247-77vrtve,etY,-9/ 4-f-rEpp • �� 4- soa 41 �', L �' � k i�-� r c���a �• as j ?6 ri , e • /Ptik d2A--ktre-yL b � 4-9Dl N.E Io 43 2 a f S- g ' .2-1 atiovv ; a el_ ._e/ ).--14_,z-zr-- 04-b \-- g , Lt. 1-3-• h(�. qiktjSi - We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 4rf: c 05. fy-d g J9 Li 1713 ate,i - aA,v .4-0. pfU s s ass 7 3 6 / �.� //p6 - h eam . q er/ a `7L} N/o / / ,i;c44"1)-e 4.47.0_1, 7 fl:r T str2 a o( /(4. /P-2.._ 0::-4 141„1„.4_4„--- 4,;zi 7 J. Riis „,,,„ it9e.,77101 e0,Q ZL—Z=Lp,_ IU.S'_s 61- g ✓tt v,-1 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE /(/,- IJa :. .a:Qv AP /C, A. 2 s s -yo.So 24d/A-1,6 PA 94J , 1,270 .5-e rfref! ,5(.4.,/ .,er A r Gra' fe/f Eris 4(s A .1,4Dn/koC- g 2 i. �� V /7/1 O u4- f %1-<_ , 0S -93c1 r A /7/2 / ,t...4 -ei,D R,_„tb. �ZJ S =a es,� 7/ .v{� £3 5 - 2.Ed /' ,. / idAtt,fre Ase , 5 . 2Z� 77 9,1-¢J / :%'?/ kW' 5, ' 24- °77 1 /'/c '0 t/ 0271-' a- c5.57 ...s>/ i.s-,3. 3, ft- 7,4 Si a"° u1 -rrt WA- Z2s1 33 3 (!/A 1 S`^l-7 °4a-er e /, :I— 76 d� i r�PO / 570 Sc- 9i 3 . 1 - Of- 5 -6 a /7--t-Y m1;4f / ---Zi ) vit,,j‘ A--- --C. teevtiofq -Z_S-S-- 5/2 , ad-64 25:1:L_____ _I_____( _ i /4- 5 /312 .- -� /7aZ5- ,D,4r4' die'S, n-e^Ar6w ?s- fs/�36 koloc) W Cu\4 ,e6 c '.)0,3 GO ck0a 1 ey FL A) . ,,,,4xe. tA)ct,A cP s (*) pe. . ____ 77 g /3 f �55- () 3U ) We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. (.* NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE iu. 02,-7.,r <2570z /3 )/. S j's 9��3i (✓i ,3 ,7Q il /Z„22 7 /�s;., a-. ,-/ 9 � ,2j-JTh. /s2 y 14. V.zickA,%5L t35o3 E,,.,,,sz;,.t S. RT,- C 55 226-06111 ft/rt4 i - 41-LI(:, / s o J)e � U . L t, . 9 1/4) 9 ()�,3 7 ( t,i_e .4 ,7, . c /i$ /G, . 57,e'- zi,,,.--.{.J ..1 -2 9 3'o.z2'cP,37,9 7 e 14L 7�U. 9`1 /2Pe/Y,1 l ei - c// iYoo £'A ;4) 7 3 6 3- 4. /00 . 9K43-3 ti 37/. i 7 /7,�; /o-7dr '/ c/or- 9?�- .c� .�_,, (6',3n,,1„ Cg, e. 6?:,..-r. „,--Ma.—9865C 52-1 am,1.2. .:1�`414�, o7h ( CtS ji v., A- ,S t - RP Li 'Lk i Le E 9 0 c.5✓ � 1.t' ��'(i l!�(6). (7,01: /So'-- - / /) V , Je.a./Ze. Wet . 9 / o ' ,_ �. ,/1 , ,� Pe.B,�x /4 s /9i� °�/Gv eq 9gei> tiff, v / Lei y,,,, .. ,,..,„,,,,,rni 82-0 z zo Z 92i 24 s . Aukttiel /00.2 4 g. W4- 51'g'/a A-' a?t,evrem.tviet 1 42.667 - aii+)g,,,4:.jil i . .2 2-a.41-e z) ,Koz„ E 7 21,2.6" 11-s, Alst-etp At, , 4/5- Se• /4-1111-P 1 .it-ettet-i, %. 9, I 4 i .Ae-ri ti )7.e -r rr Cate. 1 .Crr .rz� /41� 1/ t , � ye� L 3 �.7 ? Z .� :�P( iv .� 7 i e//, / (-4--,---r-L_L -7,?;, i 7 frz- arzr-47 &A, -:i Jo.4-c 1._t:) 71-d.44 • 9V/4 2-4 . ✓ a. 227 1.4t:ez. 023O ( )c /I/16z E-4 GI/A- 81p . . g Vir _ 18617- i 3/=` e Si :.,,, Gal 96Fv.sz 1.�%:16.#, 4A _ �/yyy /�l t6-, ': l i . am- _ > ''o,S� . ?,1,4/r,rt RRTTTRN TO 517 CPrinr AvP so, RPntnn, Wa ch 98a55 . We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious fac • lity and within one mile of a public or private school. 2. N E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE to. 3S-9 7iiia s ,/ 'e SW _ ei k" ,g.sy_ /W3 c. g ,.)&_ 1 L.,., L 1 ID- 0(- AT Co._ -k u-F... U..) ., - "Pk) " r .O �� /Jpo j= .S� /��A` , ' C /mod ___4,4z... 07 - - 7,t4k j-L-/ ‘.- ..? - ----//z,,,P-- 144) Y 7/ .-f ——O-f"I �` $< ` - 7l,,Z-. 3 2y—S-7yv Qom - A, _ y PekASZO-N /k21z 224 - 1e > 47TLJ' go-o S.u). / L . �- 9c6o,r� �.a-� -d'd'� pp Sw /� 17- sT a U `` ,7 10, "-/r S60 .. ssk. u (.2./A- 9Zr 2 7 392-397 -2.c 1‘-5' ') titi � ecsv S� /-Ll / 3 3,2 /� dG , =3� , ,�( y .,C___i/ ZL f/-� �� �►os -/6Xg /c-eroS /G� T lie,t,geK. cr�_5-sT z-Z 6 z-Te j j44-1, /412s- S./ J Rai€r /eivE /\ rdn.{ 9cos:S^ z2(f,-OSU — a 95' rl / a . Mill; i _ /_ 22" S‘y^/may � , JL-19 ) - �,ii-m 0, 0 , _ may-- 3 975 .'/ate.. i I / ., .'; a / : r Ld i . / a .. !. / / i .Alf i :Cie 5-3 1 1/461 in 697 4- - L' ' off. ‘- 7`( „ - .c3 - �r ` _ ,,% ,QC-1}" o'ft.)' Al,"f-- "IgOS=s kg f/I/ It/io/.fir P/e.i s e, re-fury" 70 o t3e*fy We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or �[/ private school. / NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE n.e a. -- ' 10 y /d - S. e /7 4 4n 8'.��-3as ;151) ' •/321 1 /r. .-�-�t? Z -L / /6 6 ,j /71`--v.fi- rJ z C 731 Xe 243a v /756s- ,de- aecii -ez 9396 y W ! 1-,4/Arvi D - oRti rut / 760S Bkoeg .l3A' j $ -t e` , i t 960ss ",,, ,,:27?,/ /2 _ W r_,s/ /n,2 //37`11 Pl, L. E. , - //v (,23 7 - 3 0 9a- c. o-xs..- a,w.+- - loC�1 \,3" q - l' S E . 1 Wc` L 3\ C1- \ TY]ail,!-K b4q,:i-- a - &/ // - /o„1„,_14E -e-,„j--) tjet., 3 6-4-4/z/e 7 1 I,j c .2514 S. ry r c2(L Sep 711 e ✓A, l F F _-,,,-t— z.3�9 �� --Ca 392 -02/2- alVer7-,/e-ds.x-r-, - Xi3 /✓ geed rz.rt/ * •4--Tit s Y 'Mt , �CP� -`iCf.S- 7 ' 01, 0 ,� /�&/7 �EsAQu/-�/`/ JJo 1 .-o/ -p'-WIQif" 3 ' -gO6 3 Ate W ‘9- /66/9 T z/4/-/-44/1/0/ ... - 4,./,f 3 --,F05-2 • ,��r ' / , ' /d 9-35 4 - /3-3,0 LCIA,I fat(9-1,4dW 8'A)',4 J '7 I'I'1� r , ` /6 V -/.5 7 ' eT -ree a/� -407i /o of q38-/s'o�" -12 _4(a. i .evprtir,e. 3'A/ )41 .2.1 /I''1 A.401.71 4:1itr t'9,�_ (C- /44/-6 99' ,&/A//a A,, - So ,cam rTz> /.PJ/I 77Z-S3d/ .v.itE .. t -7 7.— 40r -- ;2___AG,s-y.i&e,g0 GG�,v 1J1O Lvq c 37 FW L RFTTTR TO 517 Cedar AvP Sr) , RPntnn, Wach 98n55 '7iS 6 -, - We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. '?-,(I NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIPS PHONE _ 1 /4 0 J 4 •1 20(1/0 - 1GYl -S. . a/A &CZ liq I 117481f ... . • 6 60,a,,,,20.g,o.6„,,,,f. _//,P-6 6 17 Z. & ' jr.iii,J tili_y_i213'-7 vet « oectoeLc I70 7 Li .. 101. K 2 ok -5, 7,•-t-ii, , -2F 2‘4,3 eijai tilt/4 7,7j-ir-e- J" 2- S 4. - U , SE met 9fi 3 `I,17"3 Z---*1 /yeas u0_ 9 3 ii-. .he4, ehtitia'"41 owe, _,y y-,/,a.)70‘. 5,LF, faideA-e-e-4_ 5.W. 2 )))alu42 6. 07/.2% C/70ale, arirm, vim, r.10s,r- 4�, al--- eA%&-/ate '>.� agit'aS� ge.( Z . 6% a 2.5 0 - %''Qrr Ca. ? a5/ ‘,,;U ( r /z 17 g- ./ ?,P-d o Z/ .• , 'In 4%2-- !(---1-t _ ',b)-n- 0 i 9 74,77.,-.) .72-4 ,/ i. /F9 4 1 1) 1;1 7).94c 96/, 5--7 e.,1 )14.. .., . Y60/(f Sri) ,... , , J. 9�o a s 47.04.4,ILdi..,,,,,e, .;2J7 7 . /3s' 6) 4 IfIZ,S ,r7iZ.Z.,L ,,r) z:,4) ...?74)0.+-, , :.,lo €e JC 7 ,r--1,j; . 96e6';.-,'/ , . /yo A'4.: /41 4/a r� s---4 ; .1.701_ /( 41,,,L,7, "ni.-7 / ige6; RETURN TO 53? CPdar Azrp- Rm. . RPntnn, Wash 9Rn45 _ We , the people concerned about .Rentoa, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE (1,....) P l 1 k. I I j__n ("?-d 5 it 16# 9,ros707 xe s /P 3 SE E.4.r.14.- dd-ei F ed, 9P02 y Z2.7-7-15c al 2 ? / -106 14u¢.. 56. $S/'3/7 r' XTF � •/ / , 911o252 /7L 13i 33i, 44 i' 7 i. ' .s c 15, e4E12gc 14/=35ue X'e: i l sf‘s /.' is— ,- /.c4/0'd -itZte, ffh c - -1 . d'ov 4 t4c /7 J3-/OcC4°- s6 1 fros.�.-- s?-76-e,6; l-.9q*: f.t.:.4.1.,2'o j l /�S--,a? ?o,ki ko 9 RD Z Sc -l Sc/0 111--,c-e---;-D /mac .c-- ,s 9z$673L¢/ r-e.S- «- - 3• /nc /.3'C s -IE.2 6, k --jam Ito 3l 411-e-az -17 1y�,57 sI', /a >71C2.,J_0-x)9 6a , ?(-6A Ikoh, rot...An 1901 & c Q . 11..E. 9 4,-r 91,056 a5.57t; , ))°()V‘ a,/./1 c. ),d4diari) /2.5. 5avrem I)nd' "Peat-rh),(1?0,51 r\15513. VI atm. ,/iii. iiii _ /a 21 _14.- yam. 4,a; Gam • 5'0 3 / . ,N-(-4A l .� 444(11, 61 gAi?At - ,711,E ith41 Msf (0 - VA732 ' //413 led- A/c: A , / a.,..� (HG - 9 �.d1- �f/7I hg.tiplikb)% Ci-) 0 9. a IR* S. E. Eivutmel, RF,TIIRN TO 517 Cc A AVP- Sn . R Pn t nn, WA h 98055 _ r -- A7/5 lr - - We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. `l NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ID- 1 _ ,CG � , � 7G'r1.2 �z��.. _ �-..- 'e�/( ,f , /6 t�..�% �'S 0 ,...- ; '. (ti)s-ir? n() -U- -0-,._ -.), Leqt -o Rr,bsnl.sc-ce. --3_ kozKlcz ;c,,,,n,rsccrs_a(76 ' 641 21--e- -- //3 o?l � t. L ,S *AL 1,h1 2/ 241.0 33 d 1 �'o ,_1/ q8/88 324-116 (7\laiti, 4•1 r1-1,6,1) 5emv 6 /110.4 4330 _co_ttik i Wo_ , gYlt E. .241-t VI ,i,--_,, Le_.-- ....-,_ /:-8'.'6 S,F. /oa -r .. Z=ZA-J. fsfas/ ./ /uz�:.�.:� 4 a/2--4a,Eai / /,2 t^ •- /�/s}. Gx. , ✓ F' /u,,z,— _ �,-s's� .=42F-E 3 s;ly L i e//,1, fio /.'6 ,5 / 2-ca______ 9iri 9 //- 2oef/ 5 ._ DA.0):r 11\ \L.Tc,r1-1es �-.*1-1 ea-4, Vla. 70Q3a b 14-\ ,- 7a a- '�. 12, a . 'J o C ���ru a,,,_C.0 S'0 ti) ii' y( 7 c?da, r/o 8-k-L., /*5D .6-7 5, 71 11 , 93o3/ 66/-e3s, teI-ei J. ,cOE et /oV 9 .J'. e- ,/,111- 9Peg � -NY, ,t '_,I y , 0.1\` ,-vaihbr c ,Ebc, R;\\,t,D,n C Ott f.,,t,aaz.„ „ill„,tc_Ait.--Lw___ 2.304 - -aittLai,& ,4r. • . le_a_taf..) Gc)ki g ii ce,/ o(/ ra.) l_4-,,a / <//9-,1S 7� �Z,(,) Jje,G1, Oa 7I/i' 0?4,.3 3a 9.3G-77.2 y • _6� G` �� / �/�� 9cMC . ...26'--6 6-so tiJ //0, S.,U. � &J/U� #/D h / G�4 . CI�'o 7144 -7- -- ,57 off) k. /U Lb ii a-- ''A//, a71 4-7-2,(-0-)6g-64.4,) 4/36e „r?F 444L4zei leevef lu-4/ .6,_ (-ti-kt- (On lger-41127 7'Le J v r J /093(- � . s0 ' leaztk - 4?e/67.6. ...Zr / �/s 33,? 9 5"al ,?\if/ft( -� 4'4 0 2 / ki 4/dA &osz/7-,3 S /58 1 m,s-4 . , . /96t� a mii - revtti /�6t - . RFT1TRN TO Si? cedar Ave . Cm_ _ RPntrn Wash QRIKS We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or -� Y private school. ME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE v 9 0,110/14-444 4•?$-6---6024 i, iv-L (73o 1- -64 1-, ' yi-cmciG/eN1 L lee avl : ,-.72 20 - „,. /7,1,1 Atii OJT-J x;t -zf/?"e.�lo�, leas( , Z f/' ()/lf1., ,cif, l .' d .c ) 1'7,3,;t g , -CL-7 l ) it-). z/C- 9 L5-a moo?/-- 7 �l 7 315 d --, jtv.t& 2.55-5 rif . /. `, L 1.,c e�c-I X 1; /S// �iLE-l.� 3e � � 1, �- o?�,- �*�5/?,s 2 ,,,,, 'z cJ A- .`y d!�/' 72 e`. .c' - </ 26 ay p , ),-// 2/.7,,, ' , 6-'. .7,— - ., , yz_ _-_,,c) ,,,, - Z2JJ iC) 1 </ fir rf I.( '4 0 C\ RU I fJ? '���D .(,LI 7�,- 0 ` ) 2 tl��,.1 tom . .%)? 1/1...�u- 2� / 4 b l .r.;� to W . 2, e i 2 i''-4_13; 4 CL)c ,9"' Gam•>l .I. of.S�tf-7 J7 /9 0 c Ac C--- 1S 735f ./ft..,z,.. ..,,..24,10.04., 4? -„,, a. ale 44i.r hat ff-av t /( . ( i ( T /, / 1 / , 131 4..;44 4. z5-S'-B s 0.L�v . . .) 1 _ WC J Ss—i!556 4 / • - rffej*WrI PAIIIrgrrAfF0,71*7 ,-- ,- Fr- - Ad , ,-- 0 i I' ' '/ II/ - 7/ 'Z /Ifin .41Mffligrar A "NW& &, lE_. ali - eirc,' e, i, ,, (A I 1, LI RFTTTRN Tfl 517 rar9ar Ava Gn _ Rantnn_ Gla ch MISS We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow r-- adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 7-�' 4 . 4°- z- R604 - //8 ,out S ,P'iThn 99056 ems-a6 il, id, l.c 76. ev -i1.7 reSF_ `/-- 17O5.4 r/" 6- 7 1-di • S/ / ) ). S E e-..1m. 9 Jo r‘ .2-24 - 175 '7 70-, ,q 3 ;J j 11 E Re.,- „, 977 3'5 ;o-cs--4.37 ` 4 D. 7os li a/ /aL Sc .err 1705-C 0,2 - WI f9) /,3 . 7 ,t--)o sr ' i gbo 4 asc ' 7 i n 9 c�u e. � � � aao 3 ►N — �,�, 2�n�►� WO sc� as t� c��� Li Af7<J 11,60thli Int D 1t(1 Awl& •otri a-(d ((6 Ca,rt/m . A 2O<<4 , d/6I 4 . , i 920,-c" s---(Y/5 64..e- of 1(.42 Io73 Gri - A eiL- g"o.5ti -9367 i - 42fAI �. sore- �74 r,Z 7 y2, ,(2i- 5� (.4„..... 25// 4/z- # -f'1 3� 1 i.h ij q r S xz4 .2.1-'S o. tedr 23 a( somas Ave N•6 genr on (Ai& 4' 05(O zz( 77r(3 70 N. Aux .2s-s-7041 1. (6 M p /ice, -21:1-' ‘..eje170 ("Jo' eelrG `4.2 -&•1 r, V, a,91 [`C/iyyi /U A_. �c. 97066- -1/34 34)-(4_ c o.."?\a -VnA_ 7 6. 15- taut (A-e-0-4- f 2 i 4 S „tom- . Qgo 5-6_ -e--i 1 ie./-ZeJ A3/1 /e6-,421A-c'V,I. afri/L.aililik-tds) IL 41 1W110.0b .41 E. taof J ,„ 9'P`o5- A4 /1og AO Acre 7)2 g,e,ydiryt, 'X 056, 255-705 i 41aht.u. o/J /311 £ ihoncLs N E. q /Pe ifori 9i05(0 a71-1 1a2y a,44 4, '-f,A, Izoc q`i 4Re . ip,i c of o ,320-g5ga • ei # - .emu 9i6-5-C Z77-0655 fio�n 3 L I. ,, 2 �—g 3 B.E T- V 7 CPrdar AvP Sn - RPn tnn_ Wash_ 980 5 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or `,;)- 1-7 private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 42t. e ',- 7 c...0-e---- .t.e.,,,,, i 9ff:091c4e,_ 4 if:44v,e4/4,0:s:e- 046,1),. .i. 720,1_531'; ' --':-- Ca/V1-e-e-e (i'. . w)o-%-t J 35�8 5 S4I` Sr- q ujg 9?-05-57 t A '- !hi). cvx.� cso% S`th St `iiertion �LOAs 75q.2,-7 } JQp� t35a3 r t L- ►'r1;it ► - wet S\i,_ -1-1\JQpiNcLS VC1.1 �r . C ` 3 1 ? S� . J~ S‘ - I�2,, ,o.-,,.� S -�� 7 I 34,-z1Z3 s 450. Re ?gO -:.: „___F_ 5 .36A_o S. E5 is oaf . &0vl o.., . WI r V I Zf 1,0 N), 9'g t a3 k . 7.4e-- -7- 4 of c.7_ ) 34e g- •*. -..e /7"5.2liefri. ---11, Ff-e.s-s- ,► , Vf A-_. , _/9J/ _/ ig Zti 1,zdy_..70 9R' 'c QA 0i/65 - $ C 9g O s. O .CArJ, .;3� f' I_; t I3C>� Q S�' 109� kC • (.' 1 - /1/14, i' ''t, 01410 `-i)l '' i?„ki l'i iLt..., . ,,,LA-6? olzpv ci e c 1-, , ,,,/ (--)224.0 , i - ts-1,61 i•Aiii& ;,/ ,,64tk. 5 01 ; — 0 - ,72-S -.scl£--` r) wvuirt A-dii-w 12cz i 5 C /&,'t 3f P. :,, - e1 R&55- -Z2 6, /7 7 - 4- %' /t'l/' ,,' ' 7(/L 3_317 -1 • G� 7 fai • A/'/;/ ly -),,2.-- ,..27/'lv�/ ) f:I i 1 1 i ti M A 1 , A .-.1` i3 2 t ran. n 7_ 2 <, it 6..71I -c_: n�. ._A c3-v=.. 4 ll i' r .,. We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or c� (-, private school. d- / \- \ NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE i') \ 10 M2I16 WO i `7r60" 5---- a7l %/3 -'' - - 4Pillritt.i...,t,4:. i F.2,2-fr„tz,ix, , e,....- --,„ ,resIS- V_ ' - i/ 1 • ^ S" S� IV 7 , ,r. ?/.20sr 6 Ro,,,=1 ? I -3637 - sz:l- r/e ie.. -i- r 7 ..,t a i-to .1;r4e-:_. €1//6_4. /6:-,0 re. 4e7P- z.i-.:--6 41-, -1 )1411/ ,.• (� -1 Z (1 1, k03S- 2(06- o) v A i.41 Ark i ,. A -'/— /i- Il! / _/, - ' _.r - 2 (So -_ / - rfr p ---9,6 R/ S e v �..c� . - . ?•?• g" i �Acs-e.N W 3 0\ \ . .. . . \Q`- \, \ o \ . - 25 s - ,IC Z ,-' ettim--.'A- lu ) . i.t r( i 7 t)1-5 P'itkift P& ,i , ki 8-5-Tv A--5 r-t _ W411e4;/i..11; i<>670 vcoc T '3,), .a�14,_/©v; 905..fcW/-79 7 ,_ [�k /-/ ? 4- /417/' 5" 1 /717,479,479 1/4c/ 7 48" 227 / -236 c A titiA- /,Sod /30/3 S . E, / S/— ,i/ti•t) rL s-r' 4 22/ S If - /S>ji h ' 2.2&-Iq2 ,' ( 'l Yslitifiall 3 6 </o . s _. ___ 616Re.#11-&-IN.Dzkis c?.:?-3.--076; h/ g o g s-.. *, 5-""-A /f),1,-,re;-f 414• 9..Fe,S-3 ,11 - 7/ ' e� j2S iS=is 7 sz �J &2d fpo 300 M s7jq 1 v ,!'nAI, 'la, / t M,� I':4c>c)4') Jt I71cT 'Pi 4. -r ,,^A.. (\.iS. yc; 1`:.)S We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public . `` JJ(/ park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or O0 private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE /7 .I o -2 S`5 - 3 /.5`- 4v'-, Oc3 g.. , I io,i© -./`77T-&--1.51vc 5E tzt... L 9,r05.E 4 -5 s 76-)_' ..1.-z I e 7 Sidd 4,fe_'/ "/ q. -/3 s,— s/ / / flan'. 27/ - 2.-06? 0i -. ate; ) /7(7(5 s6 iaR R0, 14)", _9eir.)Sfn �.:1'0-1/6. P I A. - f 10.36-- /O SP SeE /2P,vT i2' a-05-6 Ss s�i3 { -.I1/,4 leeiCk-11 If.o 5''4 a 7/ - 6-7 2/ 9_,-7;(4/K4112 Pg *e 301 i 1Ug 3ie.D cr h ark 54 , is 3f3 s'6 t Pam. 4i4 9Pa t2s f- 'V-W ^� /1ao klik��ND NE i 7a N, q os6 �53--o.s4/ /J .Od c9I7eO z1/5A. C', o? 2/7-4) g6 cu/ia-' 1909 ivc-7 al REu—r 9QD5Z 6,-30/4 ceti e c.c>n'\c-) ;-- 33 re m`"' ca x urh (-7) ) -1 0c-q *A a4rook t223,2h 4bbreiv-63 le ter- -�,,i l 9i - c:A ; o/ 47, S� £5/Y ,/ yz n. �j1O3 L 7/- 6 /S( , 44wiamiti ____---iiiiir4 --7 ) ._• osb (-44'. .4, • 0, kii.,N.1).t 31 /GF n/ e l 1,e./3 e.n j0 ) 4,04- 9 ke, 5 Z 7/ t<7 �j l Z.Z-S - /c-� LE 4„,i-a0K, / d G Q SZe a,4if - rf R s ' 7/1 ,_'?_1R,Ai±t-2v ilq0_5- , 3 45" ---,-,2815 • . , 2�� /5-4 t• ��-,�-U . 4r. , .7.e R,ri r� 4 , 9 a�' �r d g-95 Li-4 /i,,,,/ ' Z- . . . 7 , f \ I_ BETiiRN TO 912 Cd vSr)ear Ae__ S _ _ Rentnn_ Wash_ �8II54 - _ We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE a, - s-1-"' v+e.S . \,_ 9 g17X - 7-7 --.D S-c / -L. 2F71T .Z�q_ )<_t'',j _)- i ? / r- 1 f. (2,-,1, '>i c/ �-'J�c ,�2/-e'S13 ( 1 1 if .A.L/ 4- /.144 q q - /Sie174-4-9-e_ -S.-E lev,470-.),\ r... _, clq J 5 a. /P1` -)( --yrd3f 4/22- i 4 ..5"1 /( 7` � 2e Qqc2G- ffa_3 , ,,, A1A,44.--12-; /D4 '11-10144 ci Ati-e__ i)ea,14.--)-c._ M<--- 1 •...., 1 s-` Z-zrr.. S a ('Jr�,,.r�,.-t--, �1.1 a l L-p "3 3 3 -/ Q(o 3a 12. N) E CQ- I � 2 4t6 co aaL -a)o D _ 12, ti y��s� ,4i-1i�ir� �,7GI S��c� �7 �� /- -1 - o77/ -r% _ /4 / 26� 41 g 1,`�. Qka,s(o ("6's— 3 i3 ` ��, ) ',;(6 1 .)u ,ti /Ci%(LL Ey / ? . .jye % (Ig-- G. P6, Y;'.'z"/ - e � -C. arc h- Oh? /-yl.tv J ,/. 1r�.1(�,q�-s�;SE 98oa.7 .Q� al ,392=-z55) �e,o N - P67 g,-- q.,...4_1_,,,,4 .,-voa-- /oz,Fr� due._ s� 3,f'' eC. - �o� ��' .,�,„�! <g 3o9- c ,,:� ,.,en t ,'ei t '- - .b-SG d4e - ( ,w? /.'717 egs, Qffe s-k 37i2, /)f. // ST •276 -e 4.,..__4„../..e( .25-(ocv -,5f.2.zi ay d, day, see3S _ -20317 -a4`q s - , 717 ?d3e a 23 —Z-7a- 5E 711 Vetz4 7P.3c oa 6 • c..ol•L.Par ' S ''06' -4 � C We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, publicP-Ci( park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE //os� ,er 714 4 ,--1A-L.e-4, <7s-41.-34z 77 ,� �A 7 83G , 3-...?„S' f /37G/- .CE/s/ l'; A �s WY-( 4t) el/.,Q ?9 4/-&-vc__ -, / 0/,., . : _Aitr &( / 5 • g.g + i 372..106.g 6f y/ -s-2--40 1 4•Ar.„„._,...._tearAt ._.., I a ' __-_, .1_, ' 'i .1 '. C---code/24-- li a-a,3A----7,/ ` ./ . . 7j xl41/p „t 5� S - 'c� .;40 / is 7s�c` --s�Sl: 41___.� 7 ' ( /i 6 -11 a.ve 2-- 4 / 47 0,7 772 --fir l -biz' f_ ` Vc- ( box , -4fie,ca/ 77z - e6 2- f ...41 L/3 �r , - 4r o d/ 7/7& a..? (‘ / /,� (J _OP'y �� 77.z_ y�,; 1- 1 11C3a 7cr-_ ,5 , ? 7)-- LiLia.� /e.. fss/ . - 1/ 7 S° 72a �- 17-� a., 96 3/ J' OY J d71'. - 97/ 4 Li! / � i/ 75SI 5. i/7 57 S.ea 7 72-/0s._3 // ' / //6//- rig' - S' if 7,7-'- a//2 Arz._ ..- // >/ // 7,1-dfre 4 �� _' IIIF I , /1 69- 77--- Q,. .L-TcLifee 7 7,2 --5262 la,,,, . sY //.6 /P P 2 rr . s .775- TIC- 0,.., � 77, a y , 4—p--,,7 3 a 9 , zJ. L /� �9,Q s5 0,,,,„,;.„ -„,, ,,,k_.,,d2/ 3 , , �j,2r/ G ?))°s' We , -the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or I private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ,7a4 1.2M 1- . ;e yc ,& " 2/- 2/6 .z..� 2 16 0 �i��9 ` IL- 8' /. 75/8 _L, /,_,7-.0 I'7I° .( " 2 ,/ f(S/3 /26¢-11 f7ye-ST 11dap/W80_SS - --1lZZ 0 - ' ,&_ - 1 / aJ-I- / � Pa , ,J4, 62441 fts6. c7V6—/O 637 /�S�/ - II? .1,e. 49g0_6-6 —?5:5'-/374 11 yy/ PP. 4z2l'rC) y'806 6 0 ss .a67 v �-k _ l 0 -6-/477o7 i 7(0) ##_31 kerthao gF 5 c ►61- 0588 :22) /,2 � B - 45 \i.4.& C*1-00- L- ‘,\ls ,_sk. - t--i 0_, Vv` ac,K.c( )3rk ci%0SC-3 -1 (-- 0 --.. 62....„.. /30S' -b( cam- l ._ _ _t4 , ?,. �.Z /72g- �f so_ fi r 9e� S 5—3)�,' ..�F ., . r r --.-- t `_7 r RETURN TO RV (War Ave Co _ Renton 1,7anh (MOSS __ ti `} WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE. ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. 7l ) (. NAM r . ADDRc SS' �r'r'Z, ♦ s Aia,-0-0 )7 .64,644-cii,vf „ c. :...,, .4 7/3--e---7 'be.,4--..0.~..9. )./4-- ,-,---,) •-?-- _ __-/, __, 7a/,_ /Z,8 61-Az .. . GC/ —1c?i ateit, . L ter..,A •�l D - •S-0 '•ifCLc eyo a d 4.t P /tom-P�wh'Zt t.... 41* C-6 TaxaeiatO 0A,P, ,Vmze,04 // r �i - �4 i7 Ii� '1".1 �.. Q y� ( v fiv-36- We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown V business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society , Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS /4-1 ‘&° -4;1// ecr `2T2f ee..f Z -sE •eh or) 7 _ i / /dO P/ Re-414.0'fre51-"kr--ce a� Z--qa?/ - Cki _ 70 3 ua./ _ _ E.UO� • ).144017Val.,-- gas S` - lQn os7 � � -•-� /ca ( ,„7- We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition . to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public / park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE '?£ % zí /0/f--47' 7J.L- ,e,, it f1dtr6 �9�6_7vg .. z4..., - ,,,,-_-_,.0-- --F:44 ,-,,.. ,,,,,--e- / diede„_____ / (w/0/-12 si 9� ' e_ t - Pik/6- t /07 Pi . . eta 'Wash as b -aa/s L. i/108-47 pp. .r-- . .,.,,. 7g35-6 2Z6 zz4s 1I� _ _ 4. r(9-) 1t�2$ - /67 ` 0,S. _ 3-.,4-44 566EL 228-c(3 S 4/I leer /s/ J/7 '' /r e t YgOi -1s5--y7/7 / 7/W,‘v'' 4 (2 (14- /65/6, JE/VceL-4.s-t- 4f-tik- L gki°6- acc-ci-7/ 7 66)-c- , 41 41, /6sas se / _ y?os 6 2.ss-qOa to _.----/650S .5&-. f” 11 aoAct----- -- .�► ,, / ''7- /�,.c!1�,d�j'.E� ',.7, / ��.i/_ 2 5 c �� - �� /iif/.,?- A J• / . 5 o56.: Ss'//�/.� oe / 4 r / y9/01 - /6 /7 /9. f./1--; 9,Pa,fa .75'c1 _i- . L --/c. ,/ei .b.,.. ii/g-iii 7r.tzi-7-1-74-)9,93.5Z ,..?5-4-‘8:574 RETURN TO 512 Cedar AvF Sn , RPntnn, k7ach 98055 __ We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton; has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or �✓ private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE Z7i 70 /7 S , 3I • GTEii 0071 -17) 0 /K A �as6 A-i-L2-J 1140 1.3t=r" T3G 4-ae4 „ tf,A, 44/nax- ,i/z, gsad s� /4'f/r:ram' /,/ RETURN Tl S'i7 Carinr Al7P P. nt-nn U o oculcc We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow / Si/ adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 0-7,L, /Lp5Z 7 /--��.54' 5 ----- /I_ %e—)7c'l ZCJ -.2c::3--',S-3 91?" � .ee t 4. 2L'iliJu)-u) 5 9i/ /iI6 rti . 3 r S 70 n/ &il-y r a. A et--/.eio _i /Wzi sL ad ),.t, 9 yo 3, 6 3 i- - 3 70 1 77 -.� �V 3/005- .a->` C J- It1. c7J1 3 s 2 ei_„3z 7 .-iiite., . ,),Ki16,e,&,,c(-) it 'J _ /6/v %A! //// ./E st ��4/7-0A✓ 9&s3 ./�i J_ /) /9d/ /L.0 3fff 4 . i ,i� �.1D.�� g2// 0P7c �/Z 4" iv ,) __40,,, . ion .�� / ./; {:ile.s.,0i 02/7 ---... . - (0 - 0i0 0 m n."-.-) ,4.g (& 4 , 1,_)6• Jdf'1- \ \ - V-k 16L..-C)-3-Yk VK) \_S, 2-L"---ac:src V ok I -6727. 4-7 i 30 2 / S-7/'4 ?l, ALF )ii .117d 4 91)012- -` 5V �E p ag-a..( e s � y4K. Fr 2 S 3�& � � b L., -, �� / ����� �� � '29/-o93z ig/S/ -S:t. ,-,fro tsk" a Rent`a.7 Ralf- * JQ % J /'/o� �' /� , A/ 96rDs/ ti/l �� I xV` L5D7?ltie44-101 42 , .".: 2 J, • Will 772 —61f6' RETURN TO 5.19 rnrinr Ann _ cn_ _ RPntnn _ Wach_ 9R1155 _ We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public / park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE r it v.v. pixt<30044 \5 b3l S . I ! Rc.f-r?on/1 8055 2,1 )- J 96 0 o /7/.fl- 7/ a o-P,„,. 4 WLRAA IC n7_6 5E, 17/ a .ieP t -lb 1 7Fos s az6- o '-rSg gkiru Lu // 91 Ph.on C/f05 &J`//279 kia:ildOtt v . 14 /b2LZ &IS ein6h WO SS" AS5-.-5O'I � et i 7 � � .-r / 03`7 ..S& /7 / St /? /� 9 e'd53 -7/ - /9e6 Jj , -�,.= ;, / _.._ i Y 4 Y s s / s L 4-?1_74 -„ ._.y c a-s - e 7)ff f' i h'7/ J- A /Z `L`1',ee, , Y Fo s,022 i /2v, Zit / 7//2_ - isi Sc its y4-. �� 91vs3— 45:3 c_ k_Cl{3 0 &� /7I 0/ r . 5 s-- S'--gLtsJ C . /6 fc2 - ,/0'6' S (Q'. j- D � -�°S y deiedit i) /;y3-,1- 1 2 "-CS41. /gra:3--i A 71-aQ7 i I (ec.� l Y / 6 7f 2 /So 497 .Cy.i 0- �2� OTC /yy.3Yo"�/ dr'< 4, z.ZB/pez RETuTRN TO 512 Cerlar Ave Sc _ Rent-tin Wa sh QR05ri We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 532 , Cec1k.•- frve . ist S_, Berton 9 Ve66 vv NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE : -lac $ti,--a iri //// . ,sib, ci-,. ,,_ 9,a,IZ �21"J=34,3 -A7" o . jc // 2S sczos y-a3 / 8s2-zzif4 -a ,,.a Z009 PE Z 7 IP% Re or 9svSt 2F 2?241 /4,sia .+ E. z4.1 EL & 9, ,./ 7/C-70/_.4 -12ig — r 37°z .5Y sit __ ' 9�1/a 91 -7 776 7z_ _Le //i? /V /�� �s' ass- oyY -2 43 a 9' i 7i t'ti` 61?€,-*-toi-,i), 7/ 3 4.3.5--o5a.s (,-('' .9.. B'/: e 7ie 9eV137 •V-- ,__2iz -/-7ic/A G/Z, io271-1,05 604 7 79.5< / o L cvrbAi Oeo51 Za. -7JV c coAd 7 A,e, I87.5 0 /30 sue, g ENT ON 18'05 - 2.51C--y53c -1. <") /a.z C-e-da-e--) / ox „, ss 5,a,,,a7( mis , z5.7,..,14 X2;l f,-/. ifiiihIL., 9'ff,45-S ti.u1„, ,Jz. 3, )I 0 13 J = PS c. . Z-4 u.. c g/7 $ 7 7,2-y'/l 4/2a-/-1/ /.31 14/ / D 9e,D 5 6, 4 g4, /�' °� /�l/O -3 g ALR TS0- -c.�,�'c.,J i/0, 9R/�i_ y i;�1 CE i 1 \ \ N 34 - -,_. Gs� _�s-3S 't We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public 93/ park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ,ten 0/B8s-/ /'`� -57E // / C.)-o Z£S' ' 0 "--/ aius /ay/xliweSE_ k_ ‘Ze -aa ,s ,7-71 -ze, . 71-e-t; /P.43 '' ' ` '' 630- !6 13 '4)74 , 4-• (-191it _ht., W-i----------- ,-- /9 i. 1 42 7/)°---:- //Yr 7--; ?./ -g.,2 7 y /r(h 1-771A 7 / 904 - /2}-11`` ,SE._ i 6030-020 g;-,-- Lt ?.. 1 g i2.41= Aus ,56:, Kepi- 98031 63/- i-SR f ' J24.,A, - /$3 /a c/4- fad foal 63o- I <3 9 K 2/i/9 /c /y-wAzve_LS F_ /t TKO 6- ,0- /a u-"-1 / L i • ai i 15 ,2I-t,N A0E 5E I6-ter CNN( b30-024y�- �� -1---- /a z/P 5-" s r ••-1 `61 k 6,3 I 6 3c3/ ,l/k, .i 21,4.04,a,„7-, / y/e Sz' ,2/s'a''-2 ,fir,,-t 9r0 / 6 >'0 -072_,P- 4-71"/ferrl- /i9 4/ 0_3' SE cv /0 if / / 00-103A .47-rit�A Aga xior ai74 -/a-51- 9v03i 634.- o1,7 4cy 14 - 1z4 AVSC Kgr ciB03 2 63a-04 ' 2 we 5 a / 7 `C 771) 4- o 3 3o-/S 6 ' -u t` j-1A 11tou S z(7 C /EivT 9 03 ( GYo-(3 615 ` ,ti„, III ; iG o/ /V3. -e_ SC /' Z 9�05""s- 71 -�6 ,c)tez ? on-- O--f j C% u c7---A-; 4'-d3- ) 6 Se d 3 cr )i J /6.3,3 /�� ) *�� '4 1 c 3 3 . C. Aer J 22 -LZ q, .) - e v, -I- 6 o c0(22g Li, We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 7 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE i4�Si , f�- � - RdsT - 3 793 c) ,4a/ /4,es/ 0/. a /7,32d.. .t .� 13,), 1 9,P0,53- ass=4 eos7 Uat,„( /6- of In 7 s>X` ,cx E4 . g'os-( 7/-.7 s/ 3 ..e ms !e(ci).,..�/ `i 7,5-/,?y 1/`.)/4e �G, oar y , S � � �a.s �76-105� -1;71.41..-6e, W / /C�- A/ - �� ,_2,f-�3 Z 1 1 I_I l4Q3oc F ( -1 s-r - /(Z2r. ,,r - 2SS- o93� 6-3 2 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . '+Ie feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. (.. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ciVj 1 Q406 5 l 7 12�vm` L 71 - 2.Z,2„6 )O skh -3 3 5 eyo 6 St"-- l7U''` /ee).- a7/ • .20SCE 1 / V../JIC aitrey‘-- 104()a- i 1 1 ( l I '1'-)1111--- /04a- 5 /71 ass?? 4741°., - ,ll *rdY ) 1 if ) % I 1 l€ 11 .1(A /-, 4 .\ S -)17 '?11- : a 2/oz c e 0254. ic eid—o•rz_ l,,t Pth2157-z i‘1 ilf . iovoz se /2v ,__. r_i_t_c)) .Z a a ,;F"-:-.-2 cPac Pt, iI9 42 7/- 7 / QUO 5- /-2 ,ct_ o u e AV K(z 50. 4 /6400 5.E. 174 k fc�/J 104 2 7/- 13/2 ft7;(26 o.( c. E.02sw:ler. r g'i 3 5 /J2 4 4 i'cwi't , kM 271- 61 '36 4:aa.ti__ . 0,0 /aoe)0 $E / 7O f 4;, i, cth. a? 71 - 73,4 /0 1-!D o E 17y 4-.,99 ten Jn /.v 4 a 9/ 9�/R /0 ��0 Sc / 74 4Q6 1l �; 4) &,`-• s ` /D5 6. �'6: /774w ,���, 1-0, �?p-�s� 2� //I! We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. (_11// NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ,2 �77 -c) /o (1.4 -- /DDly SE�75� z1 / •L A.i.a--- /k /O - S / 7Yr:1--,s 4,--- • v . 7 . 35 /O�0 6 S� / � � z7/�-ez�a N 6 e- d�ax� /o 26_,S.E /�� .. 2 fri� ?&37.57' 'IA' ( S.C ►.°YY‘ a IO * v "'S I�'.�.. .60� ?toss ..M 6 -8 7/0 �� 04 , (a • • DDTTTDAT TA S17 r.,A- - A.,., C., De..a.... LT. ..1, OQASS We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres withik 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious ,faCility and ' ithin one mile of a public or private school. (' NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE Ct./. �), q, if hits m76-c - P55- r/ f3�.. 2 � .1 6-,4-4( .4-6 � -,(---,r cram- 9�sc6 %S.S 743 s�- . -d j/',,,t-awe 1/7 3 cp. � me i fig. �7��j -- y •70 - / ,/,...„-,..-A-_....„..,1_ „7/11,:fill(c-..1- ./.6-3---y q c dim A� f. /,j2idL 0 AI/Jidda) 1.0 E- - .--5:1-4I,ec ,ith,-,_> ,---4"-' ..e'r ) ,4(/ lit) L/Y74LerL. hi_4-,le4 T2 t .9M .y2-5 S---"4f-cazg ) "Galf7 i/ 4 ti5-_,, ts-3-3-n a '+D 7 ,i , ,, 9.Q6.--- L:7 ,-/0zy -7/a-A-141--____4_,Q Ay -.... __._/_ W<401 L <P ka ''h. . ,.26-14----3,13, 11 0 4`1-1 171 h 9. cu( 1 2 9 e-oks- . �65s-- 399.E EQANKL I LI t. M P.A.Tiki 541 PELLI 4 APT 47 , f.. k)Ton►, \Jk, g loss 22 ,- #.4 .44JL `f 1 /(Q clic/ S E /3s7-# .47 i vroM w.p- ?gas-6 //'fJ2 &.-79.67,6Y24 , 3 eo© nt 04^ -J\. • 1 -Q0.-kinr1 t.cJ s--k, a7i-12.5-65 ,24 V3' /S t4/L /s5,W '/,�,9, 9/4)7 392-S12C C ( NA dOttv c -b4'3O SE /6-70 Pl. /5.S 4-Zc..A 41)p‘ Q$1)-7 3qQ-Slab .) / / /, ) l .- ,, S=C'J9 .4 _...,-.;11• ' WWI' //J p ,e J4i i5 / 4 4 5 tic` Z&V ..d.0 4L/,Li /j L ' i1-s )V .!7 d T�. �.9 s�.tiz,--fi 'Cnns..<. 2trv-. !l/_:. �1 .,.c . Anit,�,i,w,i fe,d c,-- d)4, cf21 L,:,lGif!'SA•qc 14L 7 A/ / - tu(datitcisl '1�- l t,L 4.,cam /f..'3 q 'a/1 '1;-4-- ._ . !-kOU- 6 2 - odO r3� Dr9/2 M(L. £. We , the ,people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 1 NAMEv / ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE -114A,4--(12-gcA2,04- i 1-4 '5',30 6-1,62-1-J4n_L)04 i'vyL,1 e as 6 Z.? 5 4 7eF- m n,a,. s�J v-e- 0lc,,�v 1-33 Q N. E c?-a� ,' -' ,g a s6 a a 6 6 5 7.2 9�dA-> ---, 71- 17:.e- 7--s.----' 7 .:Ze---e------- 1/3-g Se.,..( 7-el,, 2P." ‘,,y4 /4 ...., 4- -(..- --Z.z. s ,cS nn\0 .\ s Alt,,. v,GI,.,1\, \t LA\ .5�Y<.1 . -11-(pad$ �� a.,6�.A 3 Zf(2 (,u,,y- d-Z ,th- 4,,,i-a-ncims-L 2'2 C,---7 7.,y L / � -: L;,C<�-GE%/ ,z '.-., _y J 1';?c- /,`ice,• 1,/, 7 ' .52,/ 9 cz �tir.�. ZG� 3,-5"7 41 r. n `2 y' , , e ?'-?6, ' Cal a / a C 0d. W, ,s-,,, .3-,s r .,, !,e/a y. /4 ASS�7K.S WJ)1- r Z s S-3 of / ia- . _o_A -a .;.s 5 /3‘2",N _i;,J a)(-Y 0'41--- 2 zv —3 3 01 591cLA u� ,9.5- '_ 9 7 3 '7 -`7ic F. N 3$ iZ &uc so 0 iv, E. .23 T - r3/4___ 9 -4,-7,1,-.A.,._ ,,' ‘," 1, ,(1-- ,;2 S'.5..., 3'9'5 9., // z,,„i ,-:://7 ,,,7.5 - 3 67 vV a-i..___ .,..a- 1-,/,c i,— %i i, " .i // .-).,' cf-.2 -2- ff,:t..:),LcC4-e jt 4/c .2-=-5--s---3-‘ 9 ( . °(-7- - ' '� �- l, , .�.�s-�„Q `�S' 9-�_4 I14 E, gi-,,,r,. 91.E�=I Sr.IK c.-/Z w' �-w J . 6/ '-i . ��-/ Ai,z� X(' am- C -s J � / RETURN 512 Cedar Av!e_—_Sn , Rentnn, W:,sh_ 98f155 We , the .people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public -r park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. (py NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE .K/ 4 77 _ 1/4 ALA / �1� �- ,,, .2 4- G,:‘ /6 yita„....!....5/'t - 1/L�"{,(��t Z/0Z 5 4./` n C*`C O^ G - y Ar-. T¢9 n d a C y -e' ( 4 1 i Yr dt-2/1C_ &-‘ --- Voi , . - __ _ , S RN, - ,).- 'az,3 `„-,a /& s J, . / / ate._-e J /f �,,-I . .R _LSr (A)VA- I a 7 N . -- 5 __E o- 1. . _5--- q 4 '- /„,,,fo,,a-r- �e__, �`(i/ ti c 7 7.s-sd 57 9- 9XoG5-Aya-3��3 --� ;, ,1 ►:k) -y,,, rsn �,c : N - -.CL- , C , iP: :.35 4 . �Crr.�c c-'Q�%,� '') �(_'t 1(j � I /�P/71L',L1 5�-�/` CX� ' aVi ' ' ' -. 1-(''' (7- ?2( - 42/)/ Y kite/k) 0-.7/ I 7-g9 7.411rAD ‘P *� >C;,7 / 1 , ,___:, -, , , 7---) .-).? Sk, ,.--) � �`J�G'/ 0-1.II_(L, `)/1 ; 4 4j ,S,S5- lAdi ifIll_eit2e// 0 /02,) (j .cae. 4. ,s, -.__ (9 ,c ,n - - -,c, .... ,.... ... .. 7-f `__Le /<�Q ,,f . Jr 7 2 -2/�Y �e�A/ ` 27 /rX,ii/��� v�2�C)73 7 l _RETURN Tf1 512 Cedar r Ave SO_ Ren tnn, Wa sh 98055 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 0/ NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 0,4, Lt.d.6 c /•W Z.3 -X'' tel, alyaele S'3y-3i s< ) --7,--2-7.-0,--/1 ---7...,--e-..2-61A/17 .2 1_3'gl-.A.4. .2 rci>,4- 1.-gesZ.A.ot-r , 9 S"d.0 .3 ejli2V r , /- _1 . c23// y 6 ("/e.� g7.�9-{ 34/' D// (hi°DrO e576i, 9gooz gd94/2.6 ,R, t (/avji c27O19 IIVe „co kiAl -/ 3- ), We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 1- -a) /g' c , Ria, S (Dc, , c4.11-/- 3 `-) /‘- cc; ° .� -, ,71-;7SS /6 7//- /4/Q.c , Sj/ 4,2apg, �„ , , � . -3a97 7 ;;g ,,, /97f-99-s:w „z"-- e , ),„ y��3‘ Ire- (74. (2.-2.24.-4---) "24„.2_,..6,6I-- e2/ 54/6 3 - /S-6 -z-r-- /I (c- P,0. 6,-,-‘3,-.-1.,( "'So..s--2_ , `vF.53/9; ,v:/„.1"_, /3,6_4, ) ,p 6 g -—3 -Itti-- , .J2- i -1-e_Aettt 2_J--kr ...S.0ft,"‘f, J %l c-cJ(e /j-di° A tl 6 a v `IR G c_,;�: I, .c�+ J�� . E-ct-c PA V -vro , 0—ru trybuTA-DYL 1 P r' ea-tf2A-- OLtztj aA-t_ _ Le21,12,2_4L-u-I2--- 8 ,; RETURN TO 917 CPrlar Aire SC) , RPntnn, Wagh 980.5 — We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters . if there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society , Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS n d 4246 Rietiovi eog 5 ', i11 ii • , . } ii We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE S ioG6-5 119 ?-9 St'i/4 "oil ?(vs c 2. S-- 3c->ec /7//30, . /3 1 S ' /a: __ ,6-t--fie 0,-/z)z, ;k' • ' /.4.oc?q s 2 me ,trt i (95 N--` VS'S' --)VOLu,ii ApA i'b 14 l nd .atie. u,u,, R ,tt d/o.S-h Dx- 4S7 L. a v---L✓ ykl P39-334 (7_,A7t je-Livt.cii63.4re,e-li--- — 1/ ,S 7L2z /- 7 1 rl y.�/� &)e /0-,- G 5;Se '' <<- i/i 2,er-i eo l6 /114 I L-a, /ems 146, Lai S-6 ///.1) 4%iltili It ,,,e- 4 2?L NC )L.lin R5, ,,_, 9XoS6 ; ,t,z. ;_- 11 . �3/U /1' / o lZ-„,C6, l Y S�J 6-6`'> � � ye/G ,V /S _ ,ems_ . CI', 1 w Q (7E 7 4,u-/-Fua.2 i .fit . C .7. ns C 1201,•/j' 9 0 5;6 /ite/'7„,ito( i ✓'3/61< CI 6)rC if f,I </c.c el--'-) �'�lril,t1i , r -�'ij •% J, . ' j ._., 400, ilni , L:35,srd PC I� ) < 2 '� ) �., ) 7 may' _ ,? _. , „_ ,,----, :....fi--le ,,,;-7 , -6 ` 4 4 71vy' .ew,/a �,�7/ �i/- --.� ,a - ����� c.va c /a �� ;r.„,....„,..._ e2 7f a �a y rc� �� L • //ao /r 7'- f w� ��3�- s-� d S S. 3 '\ a 6A-1 h y cy/d'f' We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 11 � v� NAME / ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE — /1-,1/ .- /377 .1/-4411a, S4'. frf.e„e__ ,-2_.;'3--/c_rzet .r. ..,0-z-4 *37oo S.E 02/‘ 7e X ,d,1/, �j%3.2 -/3 J—i � y Lizej i //t, , Z/ 3( AVE . ,,5EA 7`7- .E) � $/-/- g1 S- 761- T�' �F 7.5e..._ -7733o /A 5)4 5-'. J#i i2 �i? , 1/3,e i/S:� d g, iA . C 5/ C-)8'"Tip. /.�/` 9 d Z.. G� l 6lG0 s'w 110 A W I (19 /iijrAki- r )(9Lr/ to S.F, Xrhr-ce, _ t.io ffcs s-, )55-/g-K7 of el • /33,3 /73 /-7S "vc � ; 1--14_ - S/S-4V jAmq ilide 6,2,3 7 i 0 c- 6746v 7 it&td- //Oa _ _g5 /-c -C). -z/Aa-� 1 :7 7 5" mac .. ) & ca �� a9/. `�l __4 3. c, q / , A9 - /a3a 3.4. -. _ _ ,i›-s--=_ ..3.es=.s-:‘. aAt f &A/4 ,v)(-)/ (v4=-7r---5 ( 24,-,./ -,- :44-,i- 2 2-,-/-2- p� PP7 i /�o��� 1 � G , ,��:g& ass 7� )/ RETURN TCl 512 C:Prlar AvP Sn_ , Ran tnn, Wa¢h_ 98055 — We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE A.ZzIALti-u... p.)0.y,Ofte. 115(sz.s.t,j_ Sg , . oc..Ctte Tin uf., `1_35-- 93.32 (;41-6-4 2p-4-- 519 -101 s+ _a-. s , , i( ,r 9SOol- 2IS5--/-(8s3 0 Suf,it 1rs7h xepti8''m 9V. , 9ffO J kje gcriii 1,43 6 - i 5 rH Pi SE ►2ENtvrsi gtd es 631-322; v$wt q go 3 i r 2, / � de. :. (Jo .5 ,IF; 15/./.., // 759--.27,?? - ' M - ` e 4c 56, Zo `` t 11 9ko3I isq-z?z3 4 . ,„ ,. ...- ......„........L...__ ____- No Da ci ttl,c r----4, - •---00-‘ ---- .j#1 .0Milliffirtr.ZgEM.. 4 . ''77• iD.Ut 7/tL ) a,aiesi AMAre7rinumwivAINT6Iffr PI , .• ....._t...,,„„ ----_ ,,, 45 0 cyLAK /1(,,944,(14,_ /Y?).' - 14 Cz -7f. E -u-, .23 s. Q3 /9tel (2.., ter 9 0,4 4-4, i.7. ,v/ ' fie,7',1,` .‘-- Yee-. ' 6 Zin deli, . Cla:_xl.a 5,) - / , � �/ Lth .- E47,4._ 4 7/ / .L GAP' V e uz . %/? / zs�-yZ s--- �V �i� � ZI7/1�e./G ��' -fa.., ,2,26-o C a-7l7 4141 ��� - � �6- o9 ‘ 9- . •�. t4m://4_,,,,, 1,4, T7 _2 7/ -V,?--.)7 ' -27 7' (3., ..Arl (...; - //D /d/ 4,1 4,4) 1 .sue 1041, jhl -// 7 .> s ..f, _ ______--te—f 7 /t,-.2/ .,,-;:ki.i/4.,2 -ler a.„-z.,06--, s . i )17eztA _ ___,/6-,a.s-- CAR?tr4S AVE: ,06 er2A,, e\ .24. "--,. --"?.a. RETTTR TO 5'A7 C:eciar Ayr, Sn , Renton' Wash_ gRC155 WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE. ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. -(2,._:_y NAME . 4Df►Rc. SS (°,e r + St jjj A-n7i- ,01-(,) TE.,4 kF . (Of r efiril 18RIa 5 % . (0c.. ``>.T - Zvi-EOn i 1.0 6?ItIACAA:At....., !oJa1 9( P /6-e-,-.4LP --. ),Y' ?AI, \xi 0,41.&_,„ 1( k__ , )1j-eCI'L -4 714 9.6•ei. 4 Y Jz3 / L Ate[' w - 1 4/ ulj ail/ /C"Liof 417. -7' Wei_rlyti,)//dt; /4,4,t--. y. • WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE. ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. - i NAME • ADD2c, Ss t;±c, ♦ S± -e . /4,,, .1 7,‹-47/€.2 4 ,,,, - ` . ,_ ;- tl _ ____... ____.. _^-,e' ).� e . 9��/ SCE U `',? L .7_,. .,&/L._ - 9s-A,2_ s 0 d 7 /2 , � ,3t/ � S ���- .a., _ 12 l s,3zz,� p1 . ,/ c 0 Y-I 4trailt...&44t4..::, • .. 7/j:.c:.l n j ' Gliq .., 2: sari- IL,a. ZGe '13.1 . (f''y ,d/s, �, �- v_yam /� WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE' ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. a-) Nfa hn E ,4 D D t2 , Sc °; 4 S:' '`01)CICA iq),s-1. -4.=-N-r- „),v1f, 44/1-(-, (k)g-t). '‘Nroyetz.$1.4-7.7t-k IN,4-TIA rsc1/4 1 i diRtc;li IC ilig.. --f A iLvA 60Q l A. E / ' )`� lc? y,.. >c c I .12L /..2 (o, l k7 �'� 71.....1Z:6-11 0 pa,...1._ - , r14-1 ,`I't-, . 4., i 0 (p 0 4 IL.:: I'9 Cl ' 1C..' 4-4jcif\Th 614a • A`, ,, `, .. ,1aq,3 u1 S co ) ,....., , Il imil 1....,01.4414_,„ . Ah„._ ° 164q I 2T 2g 20CtSS E 2..4.a:P.gu-ki da.4 ci Poi-i / 1 4 .; Ztde___ ___go< - c4f-6-(_Al- _/-‘44e.„„,. .1 -,-_ -43/o ;1,1/€4 , 1th- �,, k(cres-azSh" 7fo33 a t637 5: - lw 1 N , it d k. ,.4,11(..„441111MMIIPP......a. ir.Z .. "dm. .402A.2,____ j822- 7 __/-- ,L2tAXats e (...L. oz/t/__ ...„ 3 t A ...11.4 IL_ k( , f WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE' ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. A f t E ' ( ` /T V FJ Rc ss j k-.7.--,,a./1,1- d.A.., 11(2 -3 6, i 1 q . .' c: R-0--.0‘.t41•-. .1 /.;Par)Ai 1 jam . S 7 l�r �' .:,/dil /fS 3/ -//Y,etj t .'_ , y ..47 - I A )1 1 ' 12`1` . f , ..._...il ' iff . 4,. 14344 J. r 41i) 4 8-',.., A-1,-„cL4._ ckikr,A1.^- IL/L.),-.9 tr I a .t.:'- e • s -- • ett ylv :, - A p3p 0 r Afs, .efr_j_____ . ...Air ,. i 4 jOillY j7Pe /pTice,e_s4 - c. -417,_ - / OW,-%. .. / r 411, tt4p01, &.. tie"' .,,,, ,,------ /.( ee it .0- /, a, , # lan.g.i.„, ..: 1340„21-ig,,,,, ,,i 6. ._.,,,,„,t,,-2, ,... ____ . 0,10, . . , ,„ . • _6,,,,At . ,a)/7 510 44 C4 A.1 .cl 7 . . '.. i/.A . _ . . ,i` (UC) - . etkt°1 .1),Llist; . 7 ...6 , r', ati)) 39-`- Pi ,),4jalitly__. ` , � ` / Ete.k, • PrLidLok___ We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE r., / / .fix -L/, , �5-- s.. ,r. _ /7/c7 - /t/ _ 216- 75/ %� I441 /7 2.2 e(on�o II. 4-2�=//.� 4 /2 r&ind.471,6 ti `--/ /J c,ti I V /V C& ` ,43 ,-,2 cv6-3 / li C 9-.- /7 16 ()arms /vJ p.6-1-, a026 -3.. / 7/2 /,-PI I94I 77,37,2 ?ttoe /('/i' ear 7) - Pence ,723S--li`19g 0 • / - a 16,0-70 (10-wuzaaAc , 4;zei,,, zzc._va_,, ti , T�� f � .22e Z_ l fr 6/ 2bas oft d � ,/ Fct llf�', ), �1 �: ,271 673O_ d,,L7ri. -25i/6 -77. (i j_z_ , ..ss' 2. ( _-if'A > ,e1. l / 'e, /''- �S ‘l� -95c-hilf-(i( V )8:1464J1-L44-c / p-7 s. . 0,2&:eiy 4.4 / z doe.iA- .253---crtr- 1.,-,-1.-7-/---1.-. 6 Vff.ryult- fa ycA? 6-,g. lia-lid e 4 e, oe--e-n-Z,, . -1-6-6---S- F 9F- 6 d- 7 6 soieetia.. , /6 P6 /'a- y7& 4,c,17-7‘..., Zz6- Z.,/S/ f ,-)(mac 2ct I � » fl�.n�� 70�, a� 6Zy /fiei40/ ,- n.44...,, e , - 1 4-,//0 21- /V S' iii IP) S,g- /[2,2.-,‘ hi-s- 3 (.- --/t15/4 rOckld . Adt,c-fi 1 tk 1)--- )%'14 y\-0 AI C--}. _AJ . F lgeAlkt)n) /11#"--- RETURN TO 512 Cedar AvP_ Sr) , Rantnn, Waah_ 980_5 ,n.,p • We, the people concerned about Renton. are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton P has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. (2- 1) NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 41-ili-La.K_.4.7444 ye( / a 3L....4ii ;,,,--Ift,(Zi:47/ .44,241,-x licn- 02 7/-eirly - Z� 7 70 9 /S-3 '-`iiaL-e kO - r S Z 4-: . / , 6-: ,'„,-z-__ , , 055-,-- ‘,1_,,y...e,_2r, '!�&.4 ' WA ��/1. ',� f i 4Lti 62 ' 2 27/-519/ J , riLi 7 R7 j J e /5�I .. /7) P( ,, , ca'7, -.�7>/ 9.: p_ Aliftitt, tum /ii..,c,p /6 24) /4/01,i (?„ 5f /c 7aL • oz 77 -0 1.)'-5/c. N )t()v \ o- In\ tea, ,ai d - ,. #1,14.Z /so S ..:�-e rQ( S c'roc-- - / - .s2/ iiin ri, /593S- 94 P / 7 , s-Y 1. r..0-1,_ %Vs"s- y 1 6 6 /9,z. , ei,, 4--,,, (/yoz.3...c- ,___, . ,,,,. n' / �< . .z:.�-,.2 .,i /fJ,, i. %3_2 ./7 1c.(' ,.0 t' ,E Vi c..c r: j c., _5- 4 7 2-, ' , -3 e_:,2-7t.c.4._ .,;) o ,9,c) 416-es7i1 a ,./ 44.4.„ z.:if ,, 14z ;r />:5 a6 ,)& /Zs 6/ di. Ze, l y��j :2:2y�//J _ _:),/-, Kir 4(Li e ----- (/5/3C S -2I 7(-i /- f -° 2 G ...A- kl. d Fo-, vim 1oLi0o, S,i-. r � (-/ 2_,-( 2, 1 Pet, f-o 2 yG - c)2_ 7 i 9 y i&f.rne6 .d''-e/ I 5 6-4 '-5 / f.. i,4 ii -- d-7 I- ,./,V- rk � l 1 ,Sy- A ,, 7/ ,,, ,6 /?a,, i <)• - -76,--Avi.. 7/— ice.. .4 -ii i 03.1-7„4- -4-,=-? &/(0-4 - ... :-- , 2- Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 B Ve r. 1s-r- D 9 �� / t: o-LLc .-a-S aNaf •NA :=3CP" / / 4(XY9- 3'W- WZ—S/ -T266 lssrr-�s�- r . We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school ��j NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE / _)19-0WAQ-AS17 -1-7z6 3 q 3 - - - .// -/3- - -- - ( S GF o /r ,., ,1t 7 '72 - fr 0 F:- 1.511 is-14 2e_a..19 .; Ai R_B/Xf•te q--ilt 7'•72-6..7. 1 G/.2 4 S6: L s_'`� _I 11)c... 77-2/?9� /, 4a41- /0 1( let--tA4--4gA-- ilete--Ca--_ fa-adz . Z(/ 11./ 7?2 YIOS / ., '714-adG-oc ---1 2%•/ .S'f ,�,4 &J -) 9C5.5 -Z26, ,77J'J £ d' d '-� .4 7 7 s- I. - - � e. z __ 2 ai,&4644„alixx‘, /6)p q 4- ?it'-14 il_i_,(4 .c., _20AI/fin i 24 7Z2-jg/il 6 /11 _I (,,'1e, ) %',5 47 Ste- /[, .si- Q7Y , ?di? 7 .7a Ob5 _,9�_. /_ .� ,. „ /6 0r--Yz - L2 3'd 74A' SE lee- ,n. Y c a s s-0 7 F7 W � _ !tomeI . jy4 // P cal cS� -Z�. / l'‘ itiiiir , f -l V -1,1/ 0 0 , -'-•-2 ' 'MAWWiriffirv/ i, / ' -/ 6� = lam 4.9 - . e` .- 091 r.�rS;L •� 'coca .' �en. /i _ �� �, �RI?R" 77,2 - /2 y 2. Q (i ('oaf - 1,74 za 4LIAtak , WO 9J"i78 ')7a2 -ice 7 ' 44.to ,7 , . rd.t1.? S. /'ri „Se 4a f4 ? 'irfl 772._- 1t.y'.r.. — '._ 7_'/7i5 I i — 11-7 �z, 77ir mot,: ,ie. (- -� �,t) f , - .. .-F,,- /,/ ✓`_ 4iI4 g��S s . .,/rY , I),Fi7 72 -o7 (F; RETIIRN TO 517 Cpdar Ave Sn_ , Rentnn, W ch_ 98055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE / V l n,�ae.� It, PeSecsi--d /A/ 4 0,/t/6 / (4w 91a5'4O .&.z 8-4196 di`f ' ' 602'7-254 e IUE 5 - i �6 9�t15 523 -ot5d r s-., _/3 p,/ M 4 A- Ra-,-eia,,98 C 2 -g/9._7 aiwi et-eAc.t / 12-1 (1-0-14-6/ P 1 4 I Jevlitfah qicacc ,32-4?-0e1 (I611 , r .Cila"1`- A l 91 2,55&d ila" /lw OW ..5-eAjtH i() /( .0--- -....--- --, 16--0 C-071-44'0--.AP 14. /21----ke-Y.evi -e),A 17 -- 7 q cf,L 1 a4.6.7) e ,P0,,,1 Z� 7 4 / 2D ,/jiq . 2& 9s'3 / `7b MI _1)4e z. .s74 t /�01 � � ._c'. a 2 .► /� 7 _ - 2__---1,.� i-„-__ /72 - sue=,,y-> / >-1_. 4}.05-2, Vr 6n3.r e - tti.eG„,1 /7 Z s3- Sc,—/4_)- f2,e.-, tea- 1 SZ a a€-C 03 S .57 Ai Dj C k_ .1( Zrt.�or 3 g 11.... 47'''' .'"1/4........--- isll'il,. ii( 7i/n-te,,,<.y Zi. `e . Lid-,,, .;2.z-- /F4s( c ,iQ'..,:e-ivevie---(-- b IM, 1,r /lQ, IC `` ' ,,,,,_,a,,,,," g gE- /'l -14./L¢y� .7/-//1-b )/ We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. fl/ �/ NAME AD RESS / CITY/ZIP PHONE ' 8—et-cZ ' ' ,-,e,2-7 /60/4 1,,2 1,_ „5"-- 77 4- Qiv c / -l o 4-v-C. s E . ki- 6//, Co 3 I - 96 6 — s b /AA/11ot a /Ali PA • S•4. yro. . .2-2 G 73 7 S eii, dc?feLi ,/, ) leici3 9/0. 364:-/: aziA,a,, , iji6. ,`04,--s7, 4' (4- el_. ( `t. L S7/3 ,eit".&zei ,1 /t1. dotw 255-SJ/15 li 5 ,krit,hag,4 -- A)4 f IT2-4( i • idais---/247-46Arey al , Ati D. � 37 __,,ili 4/t.,6'). - r./m/v).;_dt,%. esWii RO c..._ SW 'as: I' k., la tc e _ 'Y1 z O,1a .S /5 ?" GCJ q . 2 24 - ' .31 ciftaSel \m -S S t(A. . ,E.► .�.osr1 is fl kr 2 -- l�- 9P/t v(,(J .„.. _kil /nG c/ mu. aG,c c.. Jo . -T_2 A.c - - ,7 4,13_659.i- coo-rce- y76)-t` bcrk.. '1.-ovo L.:,-Lk-NMR?► it 1 ;hoc)slat . y(o (oC0 8/0 / - az C� - -- / _,//fie /6e/1-e/ 4 i 6 tog - -2z, ---(fg p /sZ s-k iref S/ /6„,-4n 1.J-, 9Po.SI— '� -(33-6 S— /-;Lin 5 6 NdS" / 7711 s T kamr- .0 fA)10 9 556 o9s5-- »Q, 61_,_,.-14 hl. 4.-2,L. oyes- •' E_ Hill 3/ . R.02 .1x. I WA- 5'8'0s4, cP55-/oo 3 S jlL�C! /7e2 (S s�s .S' 7,'7 j oicie,__ /z,2of S61 /CAA J. �,, 60.(i2 s'.1- .' =e ,`-Sid/%0Ja 2 z/- -'4 11ar, kit Jr, /afla Xtel 7 (o I ard cc-4. P(atc. ,CE&!Ta y Z.7 (-2.13 2-3 o r 0 a•reic Y-,-;:J tr, "et-v?t 2 / t)/ G., li.` e-e_vae , i J' ,?,„ -C ,. 2 7/ - 20 Z 3 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. i/, NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ( . JI c 2. /I/C4e...4.-te, C So3", 61 S'S73 7 -3 122 4-7i4--0-- /-t--(L /5,E0 9 ,O ../a-s--7z, Az-4;---i r'(pc 6 . ,./...- --S-367 A24-zd ..414-1 -lie a Ay 4 -..- 4 .,2 4---)227.,y , cz.c_.5-4-c,s 2 2,) ff/.11',10,Z1,, ,?..c02 / -°" <-, S.<-is-6 /1".) .,./.44.7./e-d-- 8.3.0 au-e/A/A- /Pe--tzt_. ,,Re.4-4 �' t - Z-,. (N4gs-�-�- //t#)-(- �� 9�� s " -- 'jo. 7,./parte.0_, /�"6j s -' Drd ,, 9 ros s- i .16 „ Gb-!a 64_ ko S-- - ,2i avin 1 7636-//5 44' J.e , „r&x., c: 5?os-‘ f, 217.- -,4--45-30_ 04- / V. 14) (1)? /?)74,.c . 2 -11-.)%trit) ?oP e)s---6 /6 6d:Le Gas/ .1-b / ,e-e- __ 5V/ 7,Adi a f- 4,/ J &oo.<'4 5/. 4 Z - no Z ZZ 6 i 7a7 - 1 )411 . 98oRl GAo , Jed,. . i, 43 . �Y-----___70,t_aea__„•52YL z?,r c pl ,Gc% ci-`-,5"� r L MAL 0 Id% ' '26 , I . ., i _ &-ic s--- �� ,� ' , ,_ LA..iliL 'a�0-r •( , .4„aro MEM. - Ai ert-, • . -la.- • .0 : ./ - ...... . 40 .. .4-e-- ',5 / _. 1 . '. 7/ ./ �i',Ale, — � /) .d C A n i D i I/ ' . We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters . If there is an acceptable place for ,such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . (?*9 NAME ADDRESS 2W7e2,4-1/ )11, ..- 33/f/// /6 - te,,--- -,--e,_ y 3 0 a lV f /0 Th 1°l A- t/-z-t- "" '"4 t.�. ' /u ,�; /c _ 7112f�..: ik'O RF>/ri>9 l4 Ad--At,) /1-g' 4/52 -1-2,6Z,I,t,t6, !.' he — a0-2- 0,e. / ' •# o14_ 4.1I 5 3 ? Ai, 6 iff-7,,& Al' - . --/-a--- /6-70 \iii-Adx-al/c--)7. C\Ptei.t. I )f,,tk ;re4,-ix, 02,366 - 37d', ‘ ,ti el , 1)?tiz -, -,;Ad=l- f •-- ,„ . , 4,4/4,24, . ‘2, -,,. - 7/ (. % 7 -1-- ,5-)/. d?../ .1°6 /6,,t4„,ek • v t., 111' 4\---0-t(61.4A-c. loci/5- - / it 7ri 79e of- 46pc 9, ,.5---6 94 I- 7,131e- 4t,.,,. S. F. (� ei Sloes Z. •,L& ei ,.2. 2 o 7 '" r /..2._:Eve--,r,2-,- ---- (.12:g 94° - 5 5 .e-/ #0&-- SZeji.-a,E.7-41i4iLA -/, cA. :::: ---a--LA c4---,-1-, ,P1...-4-‘)/ /C,0 722 ,z,.c..3,.a._.4 if--... --,.., /e , k ,.14,,te-a_,. s X.4.-e,e_A /7d,?e/dP4dIv, \"1-7- ,iat IL KA.A_ -ma_ I3_13 g S 2 i t t,'& ( t iz ,4- S 3 ue. J \` We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public l park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE AJ4LJ f All 6 itE lavisx Van 226 -3/ 70 -• 91r 4 w t. /Cr" ' ano 01.1x "3/7! A 4 _=n/ l_4. ALIkAs a.1 Aigiiiitifitaiu ,& e. ,�A AN 1Zo 61000, • i7/-//a tkv„,-, %irt t, feriArd /It* 1• 4.., o Fits So ,tit' 40117 VaAtrout., TO 1 &AZ.", 0,40 Ilrass 157.-3460 \iissig; MAA. 19irtiteriAl L s.e ,1rw � ..d, Advil—trod gg•ss t•sii 1114A0:01 S 6-u,1,e 7047 ./fL 4t1df03, I ,rt l - Sari 7 )ci I as - .rr Kg fit" 9 9aSI 175-/-g4.5 t ► , , 6 u 8 . gi 8`5333. 46C410(1 . : f v1/44 N.E. ) c' &MN 2,3-533a .... 36ti (Ur 10 w 1171-( � C7 Wr, 4'3447 0 a- z zer-ime4 oat .11 • zrnq cr,E,711.4 ge,fionfajzo , SI ye Nam '` �,. !0�`1 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 532 , Ceac.-- J4ve . at 5.1 Rev%+.r, ggOSS NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE / /. ec 9 —,.g y,f0( a - 5.5 7A5 _-kt 4 '' 354.--1-7 6Z<_-�. A . 7t. E , „_ __,_, 1"e0 sz. �...8- 62 o 3jcf. ' ' ,2--2-G� warco tit/L./ 3 a / H / Ile dab 2/iv \ �i�DS'6 '1-<-c_ J ki�c_.+_..--�.c--,_ , .G�G 6 Nc'v , ) d l . -, ��� :� S--S`-L{U b y jzr_ — i zr.0. a „.4 6 7_e_;(, ,_P ,'0 -1 ,7-r . 2 515-.3 0 l S -\-_ -\0.37__ Qa\sA- -\- N --21C104 MO(kC\O-A .C\ C`=" AW'D"r7/L1 • i ...---7(9( 4 i i I,a i 4,, 11,E, Oizt."--ii/ / ' 3O3 4 , r� &ter-v/C.> 7 A. 7t4( 11 .2041 -eD- ilf /1? _ \A/44.44./ (16,-.A41- py 0. _,ler2_e_g.- .74g„__ ___,444 .-4wz- ` 042q G/'✓calki Di, 1 ,e' � f - ��a-v-,-�Ce-yle,- 3 4 2 9 L-,',7c v/7 ,dam , & - /4n,.20.� -- 7GSAi- aglPr • I-1 yl/3z (7 2/24- -23 z-Y )7. -' fTL- ?, ____ ?ye s 6 a2)2 .i' , 2_xul (6 o-11 ZNti wcL �.,y G>✓ / / 0 /V — ,--) / _ `'d v -Z, 7e77 3 3/3 fzo . 7e-1,- --- X 9• 0.s-g aL)-1- )-)2, ,. t9g 5 _, 02 g-L4 '," e,_71J_(,,,,914,y)sios".:7 'S103 I l `\c Q -- fk ( ( r � We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 532 , Cedes- Pore_ its_, Rev ,fo.-, 9 gOSS NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE i / �v rcid KpoiLL 2100 To m A va_ /U.P. Rim/611 9 8056 -S5-& 5Z c< ex etct << tt << f .(726° v 74- �.�c�x/ 3 7,ZD / �r�-c )2e , i a 1? -373d /� � 11 - Title__ 04 E ) , 2")q /J . n__n .]$'5 0 9 0X _.,t1 / a / '/ - 3 \i �7/- � �C,C" 5641v----Th‘ 9720 fa,. '. -c 3 , . . 1 7 1 21 v Alla , AAAAvt.a.,_ n e. Cl- x-- a 7 0,P- ,f.�.G z 1--U-, ��_, 4 ,(7. 4A1-0x _9X-o zs"v:=f P 7 . Z/44-&-t- )-1t. ._ ,__./-4- .2-.3- x "&a.1-1e.,/a_,,_e. ,L . 8,-Azet743-c" 4��-G2°-7 a.,,,-e___ - )���lee ��S� Za:5- o z..a01 ,A=y2_e_c _ :3-t`-‘0 tit_ ,?`r fi• --<tri(- .(`cV,QM'3 3 7) 2.3 -(QS`-4_ ,/o6)- / , .3"7S'•"' 1._,,,rv.7 I?of-6 c)S-S--72_,P ^ - i /g07jE ‘,l E I q -ob & 3-SKS- / --JITZ A L-cP YT - ,/3 ISu‘2 Ai�17' 4/ As rV I/ (jX'- S J- `,/07 C _-c-- -.uv,; ,,, 6 6 /6 - / / a 5. JLl�a-ULl 9' S-Os( y> ,-/ /' i '--'..ice, 4 ?h.n�- / 3sZ (' /V ., Re -7, r, 7/)n1 , 1Fa, 4 ' /A7/v N4-. 14), f1C-' 1 GA 1Ia5 ‘, CX072,3.1 W" IQ n7a57339 - -/ 5 //, A/,___,- L h ,.-44,1. ,V 7/ 3 ,.2 e Afg46.i.rii, ///‘( )7 ...a--911)-_ 4 1.1d,i0 .2S3RS -4,S-7 Z0lh 4 ?t/V .( 4 / Y ( 'iZ& i T t Fil&atidt2_6.. �,X�0.r c i �"S 5" 7 t KL/�s�/t-� ✓ ( S S -'05 Co SS_ .GJL,L V` 'e'.4- -- e / -k T; je t,- tz. // 4,,A ?--5---5 --2L-C.< We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or / j private school. ,0 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE IA' , /t/R q _.2.:7-:47— 6-.-: 9?/� '1'I�2-'S�S -,!:, . . :p7 . / 7 / G pi >G/.53 /3e7 Syr qe1i.h'1i ¶/OSS Coy i i�4c 1d WAS-6 .27,_4 r z /9/0/- 97 ),(/e.S&•-•--- ' , 6)-Az 9_,Z.4)..S-3----X;Y3'..5-7 -... e ----),,i0,7".7 „T." _ _7y/c' ,LI-5_5 _S- d ..� /,3 57/ ;S-�_-Y�/ � ��/ 3/.��J7 i mot, �3 ic) 3 i 3 S v-e Xi, ' c 9 3/ 3/-�/ , / 0135-c3-8a CSC. / l U l L/ 5 C /Se le e- `e n-For+ I,Jn_ Mrs- ---, ,: �xm<.G12 / eice/ /' 7,0 .r-- / S'� i a.a 7/-77 6.. ill_gAtzk a /,7 ,s- / .6,E;263:e ,(d 9 tt 41 a v! 2/ i 7 6 _ ' t )2 • r / pia/% `'"1 Ady12j ( 7o6// f ,. � ��.�, 9/% & i / La// /c 5 '�� , , 627/70013 iy;i4,,, , 4,,e/i _e L.) -..1%:-P.f)- /),c Stowell AttAeL) AiztAX., 44, _9 W-5706 - J N L , /`u,,,t,,,77,-, Afire, /VK. */o , •z.)c 7/ -66:z0 A'/< Lc . We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. /g NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE r50;2411:zilltafeJA.CP� �t NCO SOO S&P \) N. . 144h-il a V002,1'14 1 SoA) S/) / UYA•LLrY ( 4 - / ��./ f q � � fs;�,. :5 cL, 0 ,„..,c. `;t. — 6 5 9 ..—z— /V C z4 - keit....e.e.c..Y t n.r_e�.0 1 /b o/ iti Z- o2it.Z • /6--f., •� 02.,If -sift . g pJic-- ziliffia..,:2) .c= i7L3 711,, 171 .a .tom, -.2i ->5Z, c /26 ,5 /5AC6— 7//7. . /4 _,-z 1./4,- ` ,.4e / DF / A? ,L2e .„?5,3-6 v : • , <« L c,(,r-, r ei, /' C�-/ 7 _TA,d P)1' 4(/ c �.t,-„ ,,,,7.67z.A. /27 77Z_ / /.c/eZe 9e/3.3 3 Yr,7Alei/ 9.110 _ OP -, - &1'.h )--11-* /1 wall '- (/ /,- . .2. .? . ,7, /aW• cl, F s.-L2-4-,.„_:-‘,". aljL 714779 -75, (5, p1, . galifc q8r ' !1 RETURN T[l 532 rPdar AVP Sr),� Renton, Wach 9BQ _ S 3 (4.OGr- . S • We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We fee'. that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAWE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE • /77-?2 J);1 �7 ' y" . Or Y f� ` J „ i)/ x We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or ( 25/ private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE NZ/0.11--eX) 0'9,4i /a 7a 2 rke 9g/7 VSOY 77 v S. I4. ?17F 7-101 /25/.3 Cat - / 77.77 SE. /707=e _ / -Q pt.& apt° -z.\a fig _. 1.1r— /c o 3 3 ?Dt_,- 9 p7� 7? z- 473 z: ü1& Q /� �_�o - o� —7 S= ,^4 ?sw, 770,2-d-3& 1; oscrvi1sK 9'113.--VA\ Qb Q1%1\ J #--r.k 7 7‘. . S.INid a. 4. ,Cf 91/7J' 77.2/L yc .ya 7 5 u p/ P/, ?fP71 71.2 43c 9Z/1V7csc/a e , i /s 611 ?.07S- 77,2_s( tika Liutio,v>z, t5 bo 1 SC- 146t,P 1 T',o-n z2-0 t zo t RETURN TO 517 CPri)ir Ave Sn , Pentnn, hlagh 9805.5 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public 91 park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. AWE ADDRESS CITY/ P PHONE 1 qivkiLk_ -6 (.. - ki.. ka-ck-S5 -- C 4,-\ Z3S--(57;S-% 'INCkivv , 551,05°t e_- -'' ,5) ,,,66e__0447 3 ,os ,z5-s- -).2.4'7 ci d y‘03 /174e i a a g ,A0,3 643 , ka.461s . • ;? 7- )?. ,,,zy-s--9s - -��;� �-r 9,S 7 �edei�u f/i_- /177'�,, . .. = q y21/ f �S a ss-- y._/ r 4 ` /e.So . se,la`-11e, 77/g'8' 014'4 LJ ,e,pe7-507,WAd•- /66o3 - 5 34Avr,Sa Sec, ? -i (16 -`i6 y • L2 ite., a3®, Ge/, . /&t4X1 8O55 724-,, ,A6, -4-44-, /40 ? ori`1' , zzg--1049:.< ��. �-Ci a- b-e . £ . W/7J 72 1i, -67:t Aye . S& , ,'i7,-)P 722-1 '9 -22sd See Rol Ine /e 41(c 11?. 0 9P/ 7'Gc7 f7 ed e- & 9t77 aeleg,- / /,e z__- 7` ,3se. Cs,, 7_- 97ferzf' 7 77 az7.T lc iz i . 9Yi78 77-2--27'7 4,..4,,,itJ //OD 3 /r4'7-01 ob 1. -772- 0976 /Z3//-A9 7 7�-/ i j� RF.TTTRN Tn 5l? Cedar Av _Sn _ RnnYnn Wash 981155 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in out opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land d use yzoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 35 t wl would not ow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAMA/% , 1 ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE /( V/ ,/,,,, ./) Lc/ ._,.., Li / lA,---/ . 2° ni,d-rd, C4777 7zsgi_s e.;,,,,,, w,,,,, ,.,- ra ?____ ,-) 6e),.xa:g6/ __,c„,/&,._ 7_ ,-___ ,F \ 0 A- c-.7.,'.) -(`) i ai.3"-i)( 5c- pc_,,q,, — ,,,A„ - 0. peAD54 .4±. A/3:5 C / ? �� r)oH/1 ' /r v,/1 i - l) ^ / g C1' () ---- //ih a.ci./ I Vct_ttLe 26,&A. ft 'h - ye c r S-e6. e t // F ?25- .2 y r Yn..-k- ctv-•----\ )) (r‘) !c ,S' 4 ,Cui&C) ,_=C- (,t-0 (N 1 i 2-3'c 1 1 9:cic,44/4r.E:;-( Ii 7/c-,64c,-,; , .9. -7('),'Is-,#/ 1,9-jelf w 11 Ste/ :cr 3 _..ter/ '7,2 4' 61 fr ' --/i i _ ,..1 I j La. o 4 9//4 ( - ;I -- " 7' `11,11,L' 1. -da,Q '¢d-z s - ,,) ti __ ' J. 9`�"// r 7: �a y i—e -1. ' (s'1 S' -r`?4 7F// 7 , -/9 - / Q 4'04 yr' xr 7izetice_c;_z, A-A,ee 4tee:2e- i 1.r Z) • 91,r2/cr -Lee-",67_ , 4.94_26-- .7 2 3 })_eJ I • ;-' g / S- A • ;),- .i.„.01,,die .,0 76,v)/ 0-27)z.„. 2eze ,,oe „or rat41e ,cd_r_74--Zt 91sl1e t22 e-f-E-f-AL,"1 • / ,4-.718 LQlrT‘ P,r6i✓lc ,K— Ems. 6 5—� ,/ C c., -✓ .1 01, 9 Or We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in out opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public S' park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE )(4,_(_ )7_4 j de:‘,/ 6 o e .-.ti- _/„.L.Se .L, hYdM r z.- z--�►y f r,f-- if-f,, ilec,4 y4pr)0 -,i--1s ,04-: J. pv1', ,� 2-z, 6' ' . G,,, YY:31 5/4 auk. LS _I,rtA 5 '/7 7 z 3- 0.2 F7 ?4ti� , /�i -'V, '9 Sr.f•fi`%6 ffibz7 7w-o c1/ .2,4' O -v614 (.lam S o _,! / �, , W4 9P'i/7 7.95-703; V 5/Z p 'Ye. '1Qi/P � ), ��at�'� I /�,tt /f//a. 77 3--70 3 Z 2‘"1 Age/ 21-e, x-keyaelcd-rz.0 .- ? , 7- 6 1 i' ir'''''"/416::- ,,,fic7i-.._ /711- 1%_a,,,,*Y-,,,6f daatez ,i., 7i/ok ) 2 -2 1-(i v al, a' 2/1/> t bl �' frat24-0--9- -�3 2.). - s , . /-1!:f . .tt e&Q,, . / 1 AA 0-f� �W� 11 4, L 5' ( YVLJ/I c,3/ O 95? )huok ? .,./11/ 7 3 24 ,4k _5o q // /' - i ;zys-2-- ((- W ii‘61, r1-7 -7KQ ,i)- 6 _7 l'IJ-0 ,t ff 5 . 4, ,,0 J 411 7.,zz -- e4izp • E g- 3 ,fe 7 � y— .46 , C, '7 � C 33 - ->---DSO . 7 5- c 7 ,&,..,Aytt.ti Li; 'te-r- 3 3".3 1 L /1? i .,, �.� A-..- , -5 S` ,' S . O c ns Sr ? , , „Is_) .x- 7 ,Y),.:may, h,e 6 cf.` SJel ,X '3� ) :.? ?_ -, �,i � c 7 1 /l s 'f/� vc Lim R l/ - S� • / it", i ( 5 II g�� cit-tc_ t, 7..01 - //7 lh'2:2-- Pi 1 . ' )14--,--2- ili9t,1 (L-f_Lii-s-ip 1 _ c. 7%1 :56- .,-3 a",,,..,,_ /y(ate , -66,. R 3 _ S -,A-t/ 4 < L- .1.-y-. 7 •� - u ,z/ - � L c_ - -_ -�)2 - IIV, // � . 7zz - 7z l�ett k r ry +(A . 5 602. Cedar S . Re.rj o n . Lk) a ci k 0 5,E We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in out opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 110-'44- — 430‘-,‘ d OP . . � eq,A 7 IC:1) +6 ABM113:PiriP., _ r Apt 440J;t.e —/va `161• 0 L 127 9 C(La !I g csi.Ju� f, ` � �.►-ram.�. („ �1 .f c= c; Q /Ciy- ci 5.e 2�:, = Kr — , 9$03 ► l0 `3i jvg27 • • • • :1 1 r - r I _ - C LC a 1 i. 1 .1 " i-1 n J J.1 L9.04r +e. • We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . 're feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow 0adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE sTY :' //)17 (. 0 %56 J - /cT'7 / I E'S e / \ 'L 7- A-- (S d 'Al- ( /7D) v 'vl ph /✓ '' Z2 -L/5/y)? /4--,.- -{- D6%c.M, dc.- I(7( 4- 5, 2-, ‹( (Q.v/ve t-. 2 7/- (0c J'_ vivc \cA ()Li),w.,c) -L3- cpe./ 3 (o`t-i‘ ,)-J- 2-?e,ibt- c_ .?& ---qa 7/7 "--fi\aA... .g.Q. ,._, .3 3 c tP N L i ► �'S r n R�e 4 c,� caaV - C3go 4 �����„ '�D U i�a QGe. e A„,71 i-, a„v_6 Svc y �c i �/ C���/ NJ K. I 1 7O d� S 6 �I `1 - 7 I - Y 2 tS1 -,-- • i cz�-6 '/`ieZ �-� -:' ,,? /G' 2i2- J 2, .� -n �C- . 7��56 ` 1 . arch, 3 s'3a tV F / V�ti s�`, l���, r�� (AA y��s 7/ c / _ �� S.l/ �_ 3 s 3 z/1x.F '/ J/ /Z/�,,.i d"1 Lf//� 9'80J C 2 7.-c ,s_ i We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in out opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow , ( adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. SAKE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE (, g s{o1 le-{. //6 1 ii. 1yi7g 7 70?-0'Hi ; A. r u� 7 o j 0 J��-i-�- �.t7, / a.cdna 7 7 77 Ti 2- -z 7 c.s &,,^..,,,,n,�. 5 `f 7 - 414 S -6 L a iv-P 6 c • ? .i/ 8 a , i-ii/7 - 5---7) - A 6/ 0 '7, 2--)E.5L__,' i - ,/,/,,,y _ 6 ' z_„e_,(1-,t--.4 Tr/t___ 5 i t yll'r /5_P A-- -e2 I q vC / I S' 7 ilielp,4, VJ _))i AAinI '� S.Lko -S1 C. e_A w4 (7S 7 ) S-- Z L Zif --/4< ,„„&(_-`--, Ls Z' 3 , !'(1r? lL( ,51! cateepI(, 722-0. / 4- 1`N� --r-L 3/if Age. „L, J ,Z--� /---� .G Y//J �4' , A 3 77 S, 5r ?-'?//,? /1( 3 so Gi--e 0C-1 7p i ii./l 41' ° 3 Si ' �� - 9 1 i I 6a,k 0_0 / 7 0� _p, Zoo 5 / g- 1 r - ------ 7 - "-7 -� ,/ Z� L . ,-mot ��A- •_�__ r , 1 a A 7f//.k • • • • "R l. . ,. l... • c--, . .J PA r, r S -RP ,n -k'i r1 LA..) CA q k U 5E S32 (a&r►fie. s - We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NA ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 2/lO-4/ A)£- 3 ,df q foS 4% ,223,5- 4 gc?? ,/ L /� D,3 /!� .: ,/vim, J . , , /41 L t,t3dLithe_. " 5 7 i4 u e S E- at/u s S ' J )„c05/ivv e/v,4-k,/ ,1 )�, () v , 0.,1 9� :d-a/ 51? JQ(.' liakyP 5 Cyh ba,L We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public �/ C} park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or l / private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 2 , Gee S. r2 g-# P/2c Spa///e gFi7 ' 772-7 ei-f-- 4-1-61.i• z4 esi,. �i ire- . /v , 98os-6 L 6 o g 3 ce,bi-et cD1..12-die-iviJ ,a-zo, -2,7',f-z_e_;,-,, at-Le. e Kiv,,,zivx Ym-z, -7.2 0- z.09_, /a y` 3 3 . / , ./6",+ ,Xd- ,ffeoZ Igo 3/ ,i,� -3z Sri )&4161 ArAl IS i",€.c a 17 6 .6664i gAg- 9.e. ' , A". -9.1-->2? o ( Pa-19 sg is sir '-Q , r * t-c.O A4 1f& , ,�6--.-3 O ), -e _ ,s .1 ,',,,f -�715' /T.,_,It.e.oc ) ac7a4 i4' 9&053 • a-?? s/2,e3 7/j— .-7,7,346,„:ti A, fee,_,,,*„ w.4- 9/7056. .,:1-,-P -4(35(3 9- /ao7 /mac. a6, mot, h- .. - ,AJa( 92054 .2s-s- / /s3 ' ; ;4.-O / a.,�. < i i� 9 S.f: -zap- /2<02-1.- , 7--/c/a7./C . 9,,PC,3i iaPs - 14s —7-1j -7.r o?%-4 - /on y ./ /. s-/ .E/ i L - S803/ S '-a r 1-0,6PPV/ . 6Uze-e/A.- / ,V/ooff/ /6/575 it 1/ /1Q5(/ 78003/ 55- N/7y g-rd J/ - /ii. ' if )- //z A zx/a 9v6( g - . di/.5 ,/.,r-- 2.9/S' in,-7,, L% Sc- 4'). roy -v,i-// go-sr- i 4-G D L q,Po3g 05T S g ZZ 3 ST /h4�LE _(/�cCFy u).rJ (732' 9,P0 til (Ata.€4,cA Q. nyeLee,T /94/6. 5t/9 y /?e ' n. (,Jcz 9 O5 ,7c2 3'45" a/zJe- .TZ,k) 6'9 1/?•!.`A/-f; _-,,KL,rc�7, 991/7f 77__2-_ .fis n � 9C7./I"tri -rLr. plif /9 a i). Z :_t/ e2-1( �er--oaG a G- o 3.�_, G./".4, /,,4"1,..#., -i2yn,3 y) ,s,ii_ ./49if_/„K ,,05--(# ,-.),,i-tm ( ..We."-1 -,-;/..„d...t. _,, j ,,,•‘)7 _,_4,/,,A Kz-v-(9)4' ,a47--e>7 " " ' .J/ ei- s-E z ,,5-5 . a -6 o -5- 6-71 >>/j-� 4)''n '� 5 VZ) l// ZeL 71,,G 71. //otv„i... ire" ,:2' 14" ._ik /' f i C` ' v-e S ); ( vz-e-e a,e . )7. J, ;z _ ;%po sy-- 6 `k. lof j s y) 3&c e c),, . N, QQ-,,a, Is° S S ass -(o - s ?/24Zf (/7 L(Je/5' est 712- SS S-s /71a ,:i # 2 -o-r-le-,/ aVt-'614--' 53 2 GLApc, .J . 4E2-,, , 2f a- 7,a ss" ,,.2A-A-oct-r, Qu.x,-4.) k . , ,k - \ k.z>cv: fw, s E. 'ase,-4 ,-, r)t-toG'?5- e _ u , /.3"/v / 8-s air--- -c R.e,A0A/ 27/- 67s �i�- -`- C „..6.A L-- 77/a 4-;,1 �- Abe, s '"? _c.L l 7a5-47.--s- C 77itiA-c-z /ga e /y1 . zA j g 5 -r0 3 JA%.,1-1,.! .. ,:l 4,2, d44c..N. / Ldk i ((t&- 9.). 9 SO !v- f/�,e_.f., 1 6 -3--r,; 47 ictOtZ -' :1-3. 36- d in iv. � �- 77 /ice/ G2 : a44 P1 c .2._e'/e s7 Pe-o xii- 1 aa l 300F - * 07c e?7,-te 'l g. //70 g S,z---. ." //-z/ /'.� S r 3 c 2 5 7X1, /-1�! /903 i1/.6. /' Re$i7 J/9 . >l-/ 78 / kid s$ 5. E. g o? 3 77Zay2-€- 43...2 - 9 o oat.aii j_j,,,,, ..2 az.uv1/4/kep Q 019-ku\. cDgo(0 (Suzicuz. awn 71I rrieadow qu- . 1\1.1 n6-) -S-4�43 -1 e (/ '4/o/D oS jkte,-,2 70 )at,t0-71,cto-r0 --?/liV, 77.8. .g, z‘, - Fo 6 / JatL-tert/ r toy ,Q� �' .I5.� - 3 5r Mr - 33 /�� `7,261-f/0 a‘-,,d,„ /.,2.3-v9 , /d e 2 g-41, *//E-,‹, c;z7/---/6 4 z a_ (? one /iOD/ z8. /G3/ ),/L .:.7. - /G7 3 ?-a/7•14 )/1-(2-) _Jae ite tc d 1 4 u 4Azi /1f: 4)1211)t) C": '• _v ,� 1 k ;.si -f acv)A II a-. I2&I7 , tea(, - 4597 ' 7 eec -tea . .07 'A ~'7 ,2 76 sr 7 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or y private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE e1f177 �0{� -7-1 s7 5, 62,jf„_,_ 78 72 a_ -qo/0 e itImet pi. g 33 a. //6" en. FAS'/7 7~/97J r' - io-> 719c /� � 7 °J�D3 SO, /1 �(" 5�� ✓ q i7t �2 —D5 g 4: e /.07 / S- �d . - ��'/7! ffz /-zi z Okovwodc 7 / 72-- o 7a ` r 4-c 07 _5era_e_.Cfk gs/Z i 772 Y--o 7o V ) 0,4, 7 a W I 133'9 7-e- 91%7S' - a 3s---o5 54U ,. y D 0S--c0. I/O r�1�a .a.oD 9r6/7 - 77-/,riv �,�� �941ec , . /�-3 o 7'/ Z__6( — e,co 7�G j- ), 77/ -1 _ d___ Imo/ Z-f--- 0 1 S . F—r I -7 ‘-( fk f?-4-1A- 4„____AP6 ,_° fs/S-,�d. >,� fo 9�'7'- 77 -al - /?o a o 67,6k g17'- 77).-I/M 24 i 2 e 27 ter`" is if fi7f 7/2 -fie>". ,,9 7/7 -(74: // g----a /( 9c/7c, 7702 /6 F-2 Qie„sio 0 7,6 , .S-, i 33 . , if ?,e9(TY . z35.0_1LI0 //,. (9-(1,Zi--ef 4V 0,,a At, /6 v V? SL:: /7/ 7e/-3 ) iCc'r 24. -461-3 -14 d,,,,,(t) a 4,,,,,,,,5, , , ,___,_ gia � (� _J9 �_fa-14-daAi", 7 e,/ , l ,V 7 7,7 7 7 2- -47 RETURN TI) 519 CPcjar ASP So RPntcn hush 4R(155 • We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at • the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1.000 feet of any residential area, public l park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 2 �Ad-MJ _-- _1 aka/ /7/ e./ 5, F "tLKi 99 qO3 4, -3.3 d-/✓. 3 ' d 42, 7e,7, , /a93 /gG•v4 ,e S_= ,z ), cl8(, ' _22$- L 'I /(74 'A� fcv /i �1t- /✓ ✓'e w , 2,0 J f- 1- 2-, �vs-y ,ZA,/,7,ezi iy--A,4 .• 0,,14'/ 4 +' ,,V60/ 2.�4,�f� >/Q//. 9Y/i5-5- C . C'1/ Po , 6e, ,,e)- (-Yr)s q :1'3 ( 2 '.)/C:7'r . C?Aezzr � .tea - /�`� s. /V z—pi. Pe,,,/-7-6 .--:(/ / / .?..20/ •__ `___L_, i/a-teet., 77 7 8-60-3- ' �_� _l'MIL r Q re? IY 3 RPnioa 171 - ,ri35/ �: �, .�A-Q-�- � z I 1 (, -��', F_ PAY �. 3 2 3/ " ,�51. 3 r-,f7 Ae / ,a/O1i. 7it67/ - ` e- A=%%C�,GJA, 9"P/7 7� � c, 113� S7 17,41/t4:-.-,hck-i..t-- We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS _ CITY/ZIP PHONE 21-1/10C,J1 - 3 L(I S'- /L/7 / ‘ 50 , 0, '//1a 1 a4 , ��/P 6y-63 ,,3 , effi-c-fel,_ /66ay /1:/ .S, -e a/1 u, , %-_ /)9t ,4_ ,t.„_„,--Sg,,„,„, 91 lei /eVia; /Alin I/ ( imi / -'0� ? /cc V //sr-T't , /A- .- 4�,/ Puy 94cl-- —2 7/-((J) //5-ala // 5_ 64-41? _ 411 �_L �6 12 t -EE C= ??6- fC- k-. .-.1/ - e-1 - • /z6--,*_____pi-7.-/ v/s, 5 :-. _ iF-.-94/d- 2)1ta: ,L.,-,,A) 1 . /6. O 44 -2L 1,( -C S.r • /et,Jrz d SS--agS ,�.%-6;• / '6 .,1-4,21 i/J e?. e S - i s 11---y z)0 1- c's4=-',- lii o L-e d I ' 5.07_li.... ..______L___4..__IP. 4' ' ' ' , "Vilk-k. 4.s-f //s CZASC $-E 61V7AI 1"-7WI �. �� 'i,c.u,:_, a nir_ 1/ l toS 'is" d'- __ ,2., � ,23,5--/1`i S\I c. z--e;- 7�2Q4c€5 l/1-- 't- N.%)a E ci `-- --.6i- ._ u ` ,,,. �fv/v c�P-42 s .� ' � �_ y�2 _. ,_ ... - - - ���� /9f 5 /off F.SyG5- s / y Me. So, 4444.4, WY-6 33F as/FAQ i a BS5/-i/7V._,. 4 e-1'•` ,24 c7 71/` ' qg oj/ 7s 1 as162 ._. o e,1›." Ct )-piLt.Q,,,,,-‘ 5 3 L( 0 l S-' ..S C L �- +..G'4` h�" 9<114�tc)Wit! // S� �� - RETURN TO 919 Cedar Ava Sn. . Rantnn Tack g8(155 \je •?eopic... cofr,c.ernerl c3cettf+ una-e421 trw otrt- c)-eos'ek-t,osr, 4 e # 1i.s‘evreter.,4- a ?owner:3,0,10(aci,14) mot, ee 5 c1/44--file-- .D.." "?...c)x y tr.."-th trcl OWe.rpue wen. .cee,k laor-v-NA'01" VI.GA Vrvew r,3‘rw4- • sret.pa"s t I t14,_ t-e_so 4-42. IrcutuLlnitke_ _ o,rc54.0etrav-4- oC 01-chenay .e. Nip• 3b vAicls %%boil )rN04. c1/4‘New goal v 4N-tee4A-res tbizo -cceA- 04' axe*, ? 11 0 5i en's-4 c.c..17 ‘01A4i“ IN owe Na.%we-. - Acici ress C444y/ p Pho al:n1-80 kat,* /41_61 42,k Awaite 17_653-- aa iS/11 frA RE AMPS _ L44.4.44/111___ ge4v4t, Fr o,s- Ara -1 a(r2 „q40--/4, ,,F,w7dr* .9croSIC _A.$ 77-ZZ f.4 IfF/ - •,/:21:46EfEigi&rwoh_t (4615 :14V4W"- / • 0,:kG9 0 &eh /< cia03 i 6 3a-0 t infieLha U 4-1-frit 3 42,33fi,E-t 1)-_,36__grEN40 Pe_a5I-A24e2 5a440-0,- Azifift- • 4g4,01 Aire Art- e 9,resG - zs-s- n'A_f" DAK4S)Jr. ?RX. 1‘,5t847.i45_26A4c>e-SE R.Stxxv‘ 98055 -38541 ) Lecelf_ MBeitorr atoli VatkriSti- e,yt t %/Du_ Ally rio..)& ess Voi,54 n-E-624ria Pt. 94On 93054. 42014r-rii * C.44474 ,:ti" /6 it.S.e. 174 Ai Pc _14.74.,#),J res-s- A,26,6a.g. 14.204 1 5*44, 42_2056 419102472. ijrt.ameJ4 et4--T474) VIM 44•741f67 .3aOds ould a*4. 9,,,240,__ VO5g SeS edit;i7y Ornect4 /e30 10,e• 7*Outt er/zU 91e0.4 ca71-504 114 )1 WAeiap, 30S Pad Ada 'R e_r171t n9oc 7ag-4-7e440 lomplgi-k. /6 ga itA Ec-•,r7-7007(, ieaj,400 crfa5 co?7/-5-€14, -\\CMCWIttr' (Abb-‘ 1‘,Cte.S So4 %3NAIZO) Uts5.5 ‘itN;)s.t.1:31] 444 atA Zi(DLO tktaCt f.C4'PVC (RQPittar‘ Ci8C1540 .2ag-of-gl cf;tipt..aiti&--- A•iSia it is-60,1_-4,04,s4 Ria.Ato, 9 eoa Pide;eiVikelf. alePeleOgeSe> .11Zof ea* ass a 55--196 Don Mob • 197*,A ihr a W-3 6) WO'n eta, 11)orektild Fe/ .7-69e.c "Jae. Q). Rerr+vr)9,11:65 02 W--1/04 J:441 n-gr2. etk14/1 ) ii9e/ite 67ke-57., 01.2i'31gy -0Ave_ EMSELy•MA/ gi307A/E. At Ste-7 'P_,EA/7-04/ 6;*111444 ft& - rj) We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning Y and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE . = 4 74,o-.2.3)-""'�1.e•4, , , .-Z,,,..s- II4 Oka 726--0Z2 a 'Iwo,a , . 9Q270-s/77 4frt s!A sex T-7- , "4J I1 9 //i 73/-vAI _,;;.....,� /�pie S T >eLGEvv. AiA 9ro�P 6'3-0a l ,_11 flt,,. / 44- 9934 1301° IOf_ S s'qNt1 9 sc_,31 I s`AUG SE- �-s''6 % • KEN r-i Wes. `l$A3/ 63(-/7?7 7�ui-- /ZL y 7 SL S"Y"ST 1 e.. P.49 9844) 6 7Y.G s s6S-. 4'20 AilV d, h'e-le y )V144.4/ 9SOs5- 72(o-33/‘ ' 690D e S'c eO ,C Ja Sc r2 _ JOI-// f 78 72-6 oS3 G�,A /06 I/ D/kuh ,Dv. ,r ,S # k% QI/7/ 72a-66 I/7 rk-. :1: " , ° - - JOL1FS Greet)\l'e.,C Et. gn1iie11 tOn 9'8611 '�$$-Rt'8'4. hiEVI ePJ) ` I ) `I S r-e RO 4/ /` ithict 9o3 t 60, Peemat,- /30 2 ( zf q �'y f / -4.ei / GV,� l 1006 7Y�-Z3 YZ iF it ./ , �00 JH/ ✓g-179LE ,I7 , dE4,774E° 14_2_ 9a/a 5'949-�/B i , - it" Jo/3N .Q, g1' sr , R -F4 CO MCC c2v61'64<< 1/ _RETURN TO 517 CP(jnr A .. Sn - RPntnn [.1nch ocncc We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE L/ , ( S z, (3/a /24 ?St sgaze , ,g, 772 5513 Z g e i ..eA g3/0 S / 6 _timat 672q7k 7a,-451.5-? 3, kAi //Z.54 -� r,,,�- 0o . 4j-, 'f/7? 7��,��2� r _ eLizi ,fa.5 01 /07 ? /7i 77-7-�o. 4 s,, <,- 7 ' C / 2(74W(; 6 7 50 --,E.f // 91/7A' 7,)-2 sZCX ‘ PWo C ''?. 5o. S1/,c..._ fr/7f )a,'-&a 2 . .-- l , — JZ/S7 13'z' llut Sv i77'E c 1 g i 7' 77- --lc L,r- r 2 '2/e 9774_1'41/ : / ref/-M. y3s.s2a2_ I, �G .,. ( �4// - /2zo,e- rf- � L .�% ,, 9I/yr a D S-- Chi , , .xii, 1 II, ac;i,i1i& 7,oz.c. i ,#'P .s_ VI7 9 ss-0 ' cr8176 -77Z - /2, -�, i /4-z4 c , - / / v zi .zi-, X(././2,7/ 9,v//e 22.3--5-7, ',/ / „�//I/ it. � f 3 0 ,k„�1 O . se. 3evrrsl.SE 4�l/7Ss 1"] 7.-oz+g'S i /5, -lei / /6.0023 dQ 6 ,di .,5-' je, � �1' /7J- 7_202 0 S - /t //4 6n s �fett-7� �f/2d- -a/ y 1 / /a .3 -tea O f/.71' 7�a7-6/71 r pp I�', � %/�.� -�� � -�o- 9�%7i 77 //3 !, t �' 'v� � KJ' /��G(i"/�/ /l %YG' l��C C�� j ,� . G�i i4- 40( 77/ ' ,(_,,4 ) /ice 0%5 7 A i ��i 71 77d-6Sjc JF�,JJRN T9: 512 Cedar Ava Sn , RPntnn, WaGh 98n95 04 -4P We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public `/ park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE /er, it 7% ,diSzyt) feros-3" gam-$&)2 GGu-c Z_ -f--, f ---7 %/ )2% /A .S l L77 tel s.r` a.2 /&747,tii fd t--1,4/i- ‘-e-rc_.___Zi___ z,i9S _A_ ,e-?- ' /- e_.,241Z. AliiiaL.t ,d7Z74, 91/4 VreZtnt • 7&'nS 14c., i_ .1. 5.e, 'Pc Idiui, Ilya. v-5 ��ff. B VktAtL( 13710 5 ,C 1 `7)4-42 fir i eL"t f.. 4( ( W ti r 0U S - i) 4 1 .r es ia.z - .7 ;! / /))Z -/o 7 5, -. 8 a,, 4fcr -26 s-1 o a iroi,fra I . 7 a g -C//5-6( Sz 9g1 -7z„.7-, 7l act - z - . . -c- 8Ib6 ' 3 go - Holl 5,K , 115.4-8.-77-&7?a/a/e-e , //a.4 iit_Z2-7,,,& 7( 1/ .«) • si .e / Ec Q 98"37 d ' Z1-7^%.r -- -is,23c2 s,c 7-7,-7 f.4/-57,,X...P u1 , 7P623I 4„ /5 AV _j-i' .,/,2g- ,‘, ,7,1,())/ i 9 t'_g/ S /I �.4.2 /5rL .37 _5a,e.Z7a ax Loa_ >,ry / . -e- u�)11 • �� ,- (7 o -(09 a -.sE. , tez,,- �iWA 9gosS - g /9 So. Dd S./ P�/ 1-c-)a 9cre3/ ... A., lit4 ( 16t i‘`' P-CIAA,MA.,ble-P, -4,-,,tit,u la)a- .71a krS --_,-„c2/ d- , , 6--- J176)44 j7,01 c ✓ v- I�� . ,/ lC7cf �1.' ei=w 7v iv It)(l- lgo S-S de.- ' )2 r/a0y )16. i9a4°. 7f-e-1LZ; / ), ,fi c 5 &i.,____ i l o z 1 S 6 l z`v' Q e,.4.6-1 c,. 4_ g to/.5- , SA,Ad('-e_ /� .4e/ry"it, (,' i 2 7 Cf fi-24 t,T 44/(/';,zi c44 I ?ACC RETURN TO 512 CPriar AvP Sn , Renton- Wa ch_ Q80S5 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 46,, a ,i,, , 00 / & /73� 1 ��44 -er3�Z 62" g004.,-e, 0- 9506--/ kF S E /levt+ 6 3 I - 6 4 o 6 6-01A,,,,4 a95a5'-/B RW. 5.E. ,t A/_ (a 3/-lv 6,Q3 / i4h4,k;Pz‘204 /2 152 4/ R9 ...s .., SL-al ,IQ- z 7/-e ZSe6 � 4 e4--- /' .t ` if t i 61 71 'c15 O .,‘. \>4i-dit. j47 %*pq ' /9.27 sue, b22. S - 4 . .2142-/cls6 -yam \. ),c ► - \< i\\(.V. V `2,-1 - .Z . \ ( `S` :kA& e7S-C 1 N.)-e -`-z)- , 76/7 //649" dt S - -b 70 i.,7.-1/".4,--4, i .4...• X,::"5 4,1,'L. // 4 1 c-,Akt4. C1A,w,_ (_si,_, __, ,,,..A. __4....7... •6 3 ?ITC lal, "47'4 P o (Se, x /Gad' 31V7-412-6- (/ c/3 L 20, Y c.a./ Al;, '24--(4:- -.1.41--.-"4,----- ---, i rr,c <' :/e=,. u.- , /7C/`% /if� k Z. 1 CCU t z) ''Ji-gt9166, 6L o,lc:, ( t•q7sff t I&l L/y1 >L ;�.C? Ke-) (V- 6��1 - Y /.Z'_ - - -.7 irt....,_.(7, ii ,,,cr„.„. , ,,- ,: , ,s,yr: • 4c)‘ - - . *.---z- 6 3" /-3,1. -) /1.4.-' ,u-� /(f`-2 o2 147 d"�( - .- 2 i s"- 7 0-/.z c 1 P/ (-'•L' t- '-eS7,1/--k‘i S ' ,a,:::,v..,00 ,, ft)i ; A ,. ,... — jif• . ' ..... e/f/i., ;( _, - :) -- il)/<-- ,e r- 444.14__A,t/t,?-.)e ',e(') (Yeili_.:; at-Ge,162-6%-ua o a o y / c,c fa i2te,J e f Opd / 7/1?,1‘1'Z I- 7, /Atc_,..-___, _, _ Li 4, :-/ ,-;i.:a y_kl-, i. ,,e7:17-7.. . . 1‘<>"1.I-kt.Eri1 Q 1/ WSZ-A y- .E,v ;:,6 'rr-/-,;ref , l''i,. �f/ - iiietAet AV itik✓�r7 Re rn t9/ Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow o� adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 4 .�41"/T..er1P," pO`7 -- . /3/ 4,20-d, ��/,5?. v?7/'O .v ,(1,.„,, ,co 44,...tdi 3,,,, „NJ, f-,,-r ei/Gci, -7;ei 4-,;cy elierlt5 3 6Me."-_5--- _5- rouil h • 1ttesem_i Sa 7 5cv1 17 "t • F�«A a . too..? S 37-6577 3 l /�yi/ 1 aoL 1 �c1 JAI) .1�1°6 .2—�e d. ) lei, 9140, 839'- .`77 41-41W /a8i9 Se .).3)$%P.an. X Y , /;/A 9to 1 i i3p u _aziv Lo ,..,A.4,, iR�A se /6c ' t/ e. i /-B?1 SE /6674 ,/,Ze_« IcA , 710s3— -g-z5 6 i ... . -S 3 a l b S g.n4-,�..Q.ld.L p 1w . I VI-•.. 3 o (,,1 a% /2: ( - 1 `)6i 9 //$ii Ave. sic JV4 X2i- 000 . ( ),(1;:i., ,,,,2f 'MY 3 -- ,v '0,,ezz)sie) -1-ed, cci iz-A' _ 4a2y.,2,‘ie f41 li' Q060/-3 --3c/A 42t,,-(. 44 949,Zyti-0 c r� ? �... 'J o 7z, /jW/i • //-�s Sc 6�. , we ' (g 2513 _ _ �_ /g'- /1IA,P<< sr � T- 424_ YJ z -ne7 ,0-. ,-/ �� 130 ,41/446- R., 2,S 772-vie" / ,Ci- . ' J,,b .— agg/. liii9 S6 1;611-Gjr-K17--,3 kia_c„,_., t4g3-1 Sc, 4-93 S <` ,., ; aura. g_aci 1«4- `��' 7 . sit.. . . fa?—/(g1-- it .- y (tp ." .,,, , / /c. ��, ( J 6 .0— /y3s r */e. toPe-,s--Ar- 7 ` I , / . - 19JO C1)Q( -3y'7? ; /1/c : ,gsiti , 52ô 3 SO ehaAbAtt T3r iu 3A 3 ,i .�. a o3 �4 37-7OOc Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 9 055 cô + ,r1,Q.Qci t:(,:)i,40...4-0 .1 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE L r L- . . ' c 2 th/ !L ,;� . 9 S , 3' /i _(-, Ji(/S'u/A/ 7'° 004, Y- 7 / ‘7:',,,,,„ LrezStril 4 C-Rex , ?oj :t' f ?P3I9?27Y7 / L, 1 -,..,,/ / 5/6 S1'.ZC/ 1111-5/. 1 A.,/„ ,s1,-, 3 1 e'?b/'J/J' j ' 2 . • . 1 .-4.. 7 ))r-i .17 Lk iie_taLL,1-4-e-- ezirtvid v_sv--)7 0 ^�„✓ y L o /) iz vji 'at a b.e&�-Z cv l i1��%‘/ iffy-j t��S-- .1 (,..-_ B Ft/(-. , ) 6 -‘ 2_ - _ _o_ Pia(eTg kufak 4141 2 l S .-74/G' Zeds-f<' . kil A 95/''5 )?g Pit .90 I kilipz_ai/h //// a.e4c1,(A.,._, )1 s--35 ,.i --Ti, i; >`%-e_etzt,(27, 7.r.: -.L. •-, '/ 6, ij- - .,2 9 IL/--I,s':3 ip-vi, -t--Lk- a/ ), , `//t,�,�4 �;/� 4 VI /9 / Tie( /1 rg 6? / .1 . //9/s - 6 v 4 ve . So, J_� 1.�, fg-/ Sl 77�-06 5`5`- \I-LLi °. a,.... ,,\L„..... 1 ao..a--) g v-f._S S.,o9 ,t q_c(r) , -n:�. -�Osa. O t•i ay-sz .I A Li et 8-/''7 c n A 1 .. 7 G. L7 ..S_ 1_5 --*-2 9d/7� '7 7,22/e/y Sal-diyv. „ -c-. -6,0 J o.lQ�. 11 L)! :den- rS' , 7 r-1��65 71�Q. ' /�/ ��, 7 a : ,x 'iK23U qJ/ 7i 772--19ogh -e-'vt--c1.24 ,L- te, G e-/of Jo /Po ZW/ '. i..'- �-t-J 5/73�' 77, -G�'F'6 2 ' , tit .i (,l%Ltn1.r < , t i -1- �' Ci - fth . g$t 7 g 773 ss--eckk a.-1,a_.... PdA___0/6ile /._-Zi/V_ _9_2-1A A-4 5 --CeLetei -if 7-7 k 79,2- -s-2 's-- 4. 9807 S i 7S-'4 -_ "8055 . 6--578? et, Q4 Q��vn (`)Lz' ) )DS-1h t, U I s -3g9►8 Return to: Citiz ns Four a Quality Com mmun _ity, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 / �1,LC .',.' C�C�t:.,,., * , aw[ .1 . (c - . ct cyr . d\ i tee. '--oz,t..'t-cAN ) We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at 1�0 the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ,r_A 4) r27 ` ;�€ //,�fj‘it t-1.(7 caa, . _ -9 /-, 77 / 4:� ,gei:_. Le.,: , et, ,_ge_e__<_ 67/6-1_4/ 7P. z: 4j 9.2?•//e- 7(„i_. _ e.7, ?NIL"; 2-.1 y o 5 i ' . 1/99 <4,.�&c'- ,f1/ 2 3DV� • 1 •C. i1 // atilt-, 4/114442- 2S —,,.3 a,ot -ied,o, , etZA"z 'W/4 ga(,e • .taig)-1-/te‘ .44 / ,;/14 — -7‘ -t-' r6). )61-Qail7a/ -'8./2j.' Co!, ..,,etrit/2.,/,7,d,:i „J 3,36 2 /Y yi, , J //2,4"2.frvr,„ c�v"�-- ,Da66 %y i07.— rz g 5 E. Rat--t CIA . rd ef,k6-auki_ r)/62c 9 14S c rz Ite (( W 3 k'��.t/ AI /L . /60/ 1 G Gua s w 312 0P P Y ie i 6 c, ` <.� ) 51 #'c • - 7 ' '" < > itz/i16' 4 type. ,,,.6 .0e 4,,t' y iiie-ii n.te-)1. 9sz'is-z -,-2.: (C tqj v �.$ J Al 4v6. h.,?Q Y�/v ( -/VLr' moo.-✓ 9,5OS 6. - l �7e.4 , �.1f',l //5XO 3 i3e pe'SF fi ✓ % .5 c -u 79, Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 i2.1 /1,2-C�t/✓1, / 0 )-4''�tick ` We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow - adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE /; Y 26- 5E sY-l d'-� t� - A,#r\, /2o7 &l 3 4 �'_ 7o id Q/ s o s to z s c - /6 (./ ct, t;',2.," )9, ,-/ii;,6W471:7 , /i e c;z N 3\s---cz-• 7417&--yr, qgo-5-6 - C2 h -7% // MA/ .7.5(7`` Zxtev_,_,7eb_sz /.Af //. (titie).91 -. g/� D rac> ob;.,UC.7 74' ,77/. // 4.� *t L' 4:/7- 4 / // / <-:- z 9('5--6 -2 Ss3'? / 1 Ald- U s a /7 it' /cF' g esi,- ��G', ‘ 2 3 J 3-3 / . �.e.. y-, •r-c . / / 3 S F ,�'(' ,C,n Lila o- ,9-a-,C -02-_ ,2 7 11/ 7,- ( 6,--7 Q r ., fL Ng P ;713 92i _e '1 1/ /02- 5• 2i> Pi A L «t: 7/4 7/� AL. %�.,? - /73J /a'a.,c - S7i' mot_. �a?G-7 7 f, / I (2 Ste_ / (// �(, I -d 7aft A ' >//4/f6/'l` i Vim' 02o--A P _S13 z7 ,/11, dfoiLdLi 4 14.i?14,-,- ,evIshaii...91 Z-7-4. Z' %U (240— iv/rr /� '4 14 > -' % 'as 2 Z Stiz l a I 7rkcc r ck f , 9�f0sG -72(-i3c i ,u-. l � � .., /6,25- #i :o-?Lc A�� 7 z� _7 '-; 1",� , i /, a� 3 // 7 1- /P--6 , 52 �.'� --,b.se -yL-DL c jMir67 ' .J✓+/1--s/ T e 7 E (, iL i j ___`Jn 11 ,C 2 - ( ~ /i, .2,5-5--7 s6 ..e' / 7 k 3 i S • 6 - /37r- sue. ivE,�.7a V-e-y � ,&__ 5:5 O I 7X 1?zilire-r, / .15 ;;11,,_ „4 0 I Jr -- fPe ill , e46v1 -45'.7'i i/ wic 'KGtRl a eb dsh 025 o i J2 stoo ak tix a5td 0:27--0413) RETURN T(1 519 Cedar Ave_ RD , Reptna. Wash Q8055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton ` L. has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE "/l /9'7/7 /oSa . 3,E 3EA&, ?80S5 85-z -640 Jawru. cf. 11 ea) -Li a1 ccfron Ave_,\.E. L on 9go% z5- c 5 . 17).s1_4.4.0,„ a-lo ‘ -014-i-rot3 '1, ,F.._ 1Qe -os qS5'oc, c2C's---C=.5(2c it L.A;.--cza\ /..!;/:ii '',.-1 '"?ei 2)' & g, ,./ #,-Zt..--; feroe)S-4 G2----2-6- 51/4/ /Y7'Al . ...J O. ,..)Y/ J /fDf r?, E_ GL 9/ 5' ,27/-Ji9 1( . i7 /PE/o 37 //77/4771-x-viy-t-rdzA et/'12 -1-- 214Z,7;Tizi ...2.-Z A-3147"/ ?. 434c a /9 6 Ga.4-7ra..d G' . s. 45- /6401 4 a ss sti /O se 3,c /77' S. E.. _C 3 a c,__ /V-z,1_' —( , / 3 S- ST -� ,�-5c- ,5"S''Q — /yam'�lQl./..e A". yc X.e,,. .,. zs.s- Wa 1 .A- .�.R 1 .. Z 1 I �j Z"E l i s+ (- rn� r -1 r-v .l a )� `� ,QM) ,5, "`- S- E il 49_ ti81-.5 a(� Y ' //` / S �fi J,-, /* /�' c� z 35 Z z l� £ , �i � ///,�9-33=�Sc 5€.l / A eve--s4g9788 2,/3 75X ?la Ye. /✓�..oll i i. , '.I.rt - 1 ,,, _ ‘ , /0 i. it C . Nr 'en (,J�8 a,).(a-6,i-i7 r 'A, /lakA, , 0 /70if c/e- .4Ave. 5C. ��K{g L voss .27,0?,9 lairlirgi Z/O5 AVia,//(/'C Jac.�%o,✓‘64,,fzig is z6zoi Z I/P /14a ° _6 I Cl- _� �( Kin V6i ), C . - v ,Unq 13 c)55 --1ae - .aj.a� & oL 1` / . 6f tadtil a & 7 • RETURN T[l 519 CPAar AvP Sn _ RPntnn_ Wach QRA55 .. We , the people concerned about Renton. are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow I adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public l park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE / 0-096 5,1.--tl , J i I tos 167 , Wc4soss ?- 3aoo /ips79 //71147/ie . Simi e Jaw� ur4. 1.,z6-s347 ..g,,b-d., 1 C I 9 11 -lti Pk vq-S. Z, - .-1.4-tKvN Wfi .. z6---stsi - '');?41 a--le A° 5 94..1.--,tbit-77, r'.z •23.7 (I) _t a i a /3 iao . ue-.S K4iv7- WA~ 6 3/-4//e6 YO 4,M, . um 133 Ici s AO ei. - �- n„d , ,fit. alma -- ! ao4- Q,X , S.E, 12441,t1 Ilia, . 64/ ulg& Li,j 1 , ;. ' al o )3-i ao �, il✓ i.t'. k0 (,6,, 63/ , 1 e •'�� 9�sds-' j .29g- lio 4- � . 8sa 9ygy ..4,,E /giAc , d , Qti � 4rAc2-73ky at firlivne 71 8 a1 s-1 S 3i . i)7to - - c4fn . (k): 77? :1 c 7— tali t ice( .s% Je A . ‘57eziiie 77 9 --/ior orrApo (-499a,k,c/ / 7 /,5-l 2_2�`- i ...f) .j f.,-,,- -,._ k29 V 5,Z, - 7.303 / q ?0? E, t iI J2e► wo. 2at-3t74, / - 7 Ivo, .27/.- ` l 9 Z ere 44.A. � ) . e /.•aril h _ D 2_ .•.' .4- 7_ /7i11./A A.r i v- .�i, lase_2`..�.1 Ll�/49 9V0 5 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow �7 adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. N ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE hoc l 77< 'r ,20/6 fpWo/t47Jr D, ' s h?7X,,›4 2z ff s 3 3) k LA (Arl (35-ri _Lap /iie Resi/dvl f gbS6 26--. 3 6.5 L, - a(Lob S I SO akildbziL u'e Nc�l R�uYi��vu IA) I'OSA Q7)-6 7/ it) 0,01A v /3 s m /A4rx Ay it / ,Z(,� zo) u� 9'c5v5e LW f 7/ 91 /n).)Ex 412k4 /-4`#`3 A .-z0.v Z 98° 23S /�.�:✓rv�l W/� 980% 23.s-/877 dung. `� /3�v /�Dix �✓g ��- 3 .t _ n L_ ). .10to A.r/�i�o_ .��, /�O�.Jo,.r.2 ZGI,V 9)?,e)5,7- We, the people concerned about Renton. are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE -7, )////frit pto„, MOCS ,277-pz,C1 aL_ .'_ J &I/rl 9 7 5 • We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE /✓3 a S E � ��!il t LU`9 9,76,31 e 3 v--- p/tea. c�2^e 3c k /. a 3 SE. a 3l 1,J7 _ 44 _02 '`S'63/ /_67/ 4- • 2 //S '; 6 3/ 9 9 055 s5k" o? t5775 /. /�/ mac`"fb� ''� lea' ZZ� 7a Arc SE A-Mold...„ c,J1a k'33-(46 tlee,_4cAPL-4 /56 3 5 L-zytd_,, /60-6: 515 a 2_cziiip, ah-t_} s:2 /,/e C 4- 2 C.6 k -ts RF.TTTRN TO 91? C..cedar Au _543 Rantnn, Wach 9Rfl5 Tit-12 lob + b 1 pq '61 Z 10 t Z. ) 0_9-1 L .ff • -11146: *4) 4 J! • jk rt, , -‘4 4i• 4 I We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow n adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public / / park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ----yyy 44,4191. - /qq3/ /714 -5; E - , de i, -7/- y6 6 7 d A_r i7 G) Y2de _ /boo 6 /30 , idn 1tos7s— 0?.?81.5-U 6 5i - 3.11OS q 4 44k Ci,,, K g8vs E.5 f loci 4\.1 <-1/7 4:1(P-Z/ 0-4 --V6 ?-.? Q--") kg_e-c--- .., ..:;,_,Z'' -,,,,_, ( 7 14/ ? -/ 5---47.- q.,e S7 ._, „El-i;-. wq 7ren- .)-57-stri3O tce,A 4tOr / 7417- i5 Krn pi_ SiC RENTel N 1 'o 2 '3-461i-oo -C..CL , -7 C;CZ. Ykit I /SV'O ` Fat r►,c `feSi _Rc-Ao t 9805s ,97/-rs_ ` l6�- v ,TE ,C�, ..„,/ �6 A -;-1, t Yo'�" 2 7( .'j_3-) IIAJ 0.,A. ft /71 C- 134 Pl. SC ie, -,,,- Dc.r. 5 2 ZG /3 is I ' i i ,t -`4CIA/ it/CLI.CU /v1, ) )'1i (''6- etCf ,0 - iliC7- . QQ ) Xti.,:t '? (O3 I 5?.5 - 3 ‘)� -( - cAr I LA.,j \-frneY a L .1)(6 :--) (lig;.- (--=-,14-ti:)-10-rt 6?icrin--) qi0-7e 3k3c-,,,NA, 1 x l s -c I Z 2 t I - JTDi� 92,C)55 :9D--c�� �: 6't.7 t.L-tom -`-.cr'` 15`7/( / 5/ '`r(/ ' - r --i ;,z.., 7 c+ 55 zz 5 -YOB /Y / -5 L �6 3 P7 �l cs, 7t., Jl G'.� s- Z 2 6.. 2 2/ ftivi 1 ). (i (-I ,t =..— i 3 s 0 s icy )Cd7u� 98-0_3i ►- ;¢1 • RETURN TO 519 CPrinr Ave So , RPntnn, Wach 98055 — We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow (-) adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 3 s, Jm, 72üu1j e. /0-o /c,el(iand Avt. S.C , Pn,440 °Ls'' Dom,► - 11 (- ZS P53 cQ/ 5 - gcl, i, f )r�� .�.P C�,t C P(ary o rrd--- `;;-O ',l6--- l vo s 4F 7 y-›1 3 Zo ,- 1�� S0 (4 5c s . 311 J9Ubt1). ,53 Est \,2 t © { l ( G � S,C, j��ry ��`�- 1`7 Z _,.oq- „ Cotif--,,, S. Ices•- -fl( Z. T-t-eia cam.- -e4,-, �G 7�G /6 9 //yr- 5T[T A-c � J-3 J9/-7 2/ 7 c(1 II S 1�,�n�� �' �7` psi- r 7 z - X.3 g/ /O0 -� S- � 85-0? -7 / a & 9- ' is 17/ (.. 1 -s--/ ' kiActrei a_i 4/701 jcsyt,--)44 cAry--27-rfr 4390- 9f alie- 4- k 4 ,S4-770.c' dA'� (f.i.- - i112 /it 4/. ..-d°F-- 7. 9 3/ '3/ 6 ' i ' 1 , ,:, �,p- yir ,,,,pci,e. j c_ , //ice Jri-Q' " r, j)- -f-t /f 4, /1 %1.c 262f4 H"--.-/ Ce/4 9,?j/ I32 We ',$„,-1::1 t&-i.. /r-o/e re �,,-,..,w a pi l e Ob l (4/4 poi r ,Qa(6 I7r/ --'4, -...,l )464...&.J , /,,, iTtr,C- /dr . ) . yea , 8sli-ap '- ‘.r-e- -z-6,/-0:a0// 4.,}- 9Es.c 02,v.,576-i, f e yis 7 6 -'t &Q. /( -- ,rsi-- 75 v -n or /� � s.. sy.„„„„, - .�, : .�-S7S c12- z,,,/ n.�f-�y„ e,Ji,a s- //pez L . cz- 4 , c‹.-4->. r/.1i-90 a/ RFTTTRN T(1 519 CcrTar Avc Cr, Rcntnn Wach QR(155 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public •� X park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or d'" private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE "ae,te ' s,60 gel"44_, aAreh 44-,K, 9 P.5 6, ass-- i 6 6 k Az 8se7Yip j/tek_E,' iiA .- 98cz56 2_4/ -324' ,.,7) .i � - 97,( l f fO 07,5c;- S:,ga 7 - 3 -L--'d) `C 7/ Z 71 G 9 j/ r Z S S-- C 2‘ C. 4; / f /4 , 42 3 c,$_Ng'9 Cisl., i'-a,(t‘,e> ,,,763-,5D SS_. ‘ob.fiz. 7...6./.....1„.. 73 , -2 2--it, A//E:----, C.' A)9—e,/U G, ,,_.c---•--6 c=,1.s>7 --WV ,e0_,1/"-/ree . . .a.--/0 4/, ---r-z'<-1:_e__ 4,J7-, ,-) s--3-: 6-D-& 5C / J C ~ '"_- �.-- - 1 d-//,E �L 'elk-)?--4' ,•--' J`L/ 6 tfta .y-L.4,..-.e__9-- 7 D L i<J- 7,-, (/ -a)-i t,6)1010 /9-0.e_ Ai 6 k%aziP-7 QV 7/ 3-6S77 '94/ A: ,i _ ADAh......,_ of 10 Ai .a/. _ I i )_ _ -._ L • _ _. _ / ;r • 47 r/ geli>, 1 / 7' - 1 Le-tJ2 (74-<) ' / , d, .---2 ,A /7 „ _.-- "irie r 1 jit(A1/61/' (,0 :-) ,i.i r, z, 1 / 2) 66' , r.-e- iA/--e-L-A-uq"— AA ,-- :,e..-l-w.--24,,,__- --z 7 z s- A-I z' 9'4 5;r:, R.a,c7,7;;;, ( 1)----\?) RETURN TO 512 CPrlar AvP Sn,_., RPntnn, WA O, Q805,5 0\1 aizz vse.5z �i-op , 9gd.-57, ,Y"J - � _ /esli '-Ut )2 - .25S- �� We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow C. adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public ".'- park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE (7-, 4,a, 'igo ikiihAA6,1 41 6101a c - /o 5?0 0/ • 47 .2(pi4d d ..3fo'' G 6,.a-e ‘a.? 9a'Qo 5 ir3 y-7a 5a /n1-1-C,:eje(-As4411, /e2--ier,,,40.11---- ------ c . ir ri„.-„, , 4t,. 14.-i.% 9\1:- - -- 0 , ril a.S re 4 -u, J//O - - // /2 (s s<1,e)te-CrY6 c-76--- ��c 711$94.4-2kIll if-rt .?1 I--A/ ' 'C411T,,, c, u,,,,L ',F,a (/1 tzr 'it xr/ _ "ii.e.-1-1A-' <__/1-j- .2 / 67 A .e i, - „ i .11-e .1.1.-4 yi- t - <4 ',; ^ it •‘71/1..e.--edA ,6,2---frr 441/-4 1 E, / N F 6114, 4,,,,,ti , t,„ 9k,Q; 44-m-e-q-_, Juivit ).6»7 ----),a O,S- /I)L. e_/,71 4,--%4,t,,k fi7 -:25-7-6--efq ,.3-)' / ` a &I & t J1,1&, 27o "PE. (r') ` p �a ) 7 7� � 6Xef, L �, rid G s4 Sys-Wa8 Y'qdd. , ,,,,J,L3 ,,,L) ,- . 27_272 ne)..5- 7- ---d-aA-e>i-vp -----Y-e-- -- ->---, -,•-(----- )7,--' - _ - -,5:e9-0 • , ___, dLL.As-oadcA cg , gs S !--?0 ,f . 7i 1 .4/0 Y -77 g ([3.4 i�-,,),/,c��c • y 14-272- 6; V.,..,..4zt---,-, 4 ,)d e 0 V t'''. ‘ ----c .. -1,' _.. 1:7.---frve7-1..., 1424_ i8',-' S CVA / J2 R. fib r;14-0 2 kbc 1_(1 7_th ,��v‘'c- `/ E'C%S'„ RFTTTRN TO 51? Cedar Ave So- , Rentnn, Wash 9.8OL55 — We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public ;..y park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 777a o/ 0/,?-64/4-Ka kI g 3 7 .skuyt‘o sto /50 lir r,.(x. 3e___ --- ,, da_slr,__ ,2_s_-_L63y_____ „ „ 9,(0,,,,,,./ Aid ;-V e% /7 -e ?'f/IY ,L7`14 2;W/i <- �� (1 .- - ,5-- /7/ Sal/& 9�i'� 3 - �V- 4/ai s. Q g.� ,, /61 7/3 sg - `E. ia Q_1(. vuaz., c1SwS -' -611-s"o / ,5, / - 6 s i>ee- - 77/iTieW 93 ,3 3~,t i,,�. ,de q17/r ,%/,-2-z l, 4?,‹ALitA-- wl�k. 12,- -3 S 67 " )�� r&3/,c cf cs ‘,1-55 . 07(),_ar. i7i _ y A 0- is,,±,•.)... ce.,,,,ty ice,r1;,.. -, , 75--.,,, 3 q p„0 ,e,,-,... -- ,..,_scs, r.,_,L_, - ..z.,5-75-- ?. c 7c 2 is4 / //,--z. C 2 2// Js1 ? � 5�k 7 - k� t 4-11)Ir PAA74-- � , 11-, 7(44---,75-2 ' �,tz,44 3 � c /mow,Fvg s',. ,z,,v 7—oti wi999,0ss" %Jil/aw 6 3`/a g.b a'k Z Y e. I. C)a., ggas,S- avedth-,,e,c e 72,ea-e_ 3/6 ee-d-2-- ati--c-c_ i )/ , 4 . ',-,./ 0,, .(76J--._ e,&)s s 4r.)--- `,''. -- // A z At S -- Grp 0 22 /65-/ ( ' - ,j/c _v_e__ 4,5/ ,,dd, „a e A.', ig- /-0,4- /1/,'-43- 71 --(./46.e,-0,ee- J/6 eLf;;e7.,- itz .z/‘ . _e_-7,c4,-,c/Vh; 7.1. 5--.5"- 0,4 /, W ( 1 Xe ‹ cep ✓ ..2 7/ _ity44- Wa/art' 3/1 rx . S te, yis. - et-ry.4,.. 1,t) - 3 0 ,e1,, ,.__, A)-(j). 9e6.5.- — A .6 a — 6 - 26 9 RETTTRN Tn S37 CPdar Ave__ Sn_ , RPntnn, Waah_ 98(155 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public -2-- Y park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE o .Q`,'ei�"- .�,�� oe/ 3/ i,, "e M0,7,/-AZ 6,31-5 ,7,3 4.0y) , �._dJ //A olp /c /ceP iC A/i 5 �a -a 7 7 ....#:e.'416/17 _,/14,g4 1) & Z. &.5 0 -C541/ M2A-Al2 ----1- - 7 ‘4. P.S-C (23L-___c_3131_. Oo � (bw h „® �-, / R 07 / lA L SC � � ie* S:r Z.z-`-a i/6 o9'" SE cV/ 14. PrikdiAA__, 9601 s. acet ,ro,. � l4.)/- ' a -o907 7 WI"' £ JJ4 /Mei SE k-l'id. (1 _ life,,4A-v �? - i ,2 Vic - / c/ - g �3 / a 714 ar✓ /ii 9 , 3i �,�r SC �2,c� K- -2S3=0 70 _ 77/ t 1.7-C . ate I o , --1v /cgo4-- ,/9/. _. .ter ,q-gG- ‘6 c x �. �2a 0 Sr?. /4-0 h i.eS� A e4171- 1-0868' .et:1-4\, ovm: _2360 - /off'`¢ SE 1 -- g /v ms-E, ��f- \ C?cnA Eas2L) _46..,\„ tq3 - c) _ iiia .AD T 1-s 7-41/./_/, dk.,1, /es./ ' e.r.._ 20i/-----e-k- 7*e -C--- -.W ---._aq(?,Ci ,ee.."-(4__ _.l. ;- /9/1 ; get-e_ S E, , .. -33-7466. ..�,,,.k. 1/Oi ?eti ?. 4,:p ,,, ) 4' A.,,,,_A IP; ii.+„, 214/2 2.--12V tkAtie_,.r.e. tde.„."--, L...)1/4 cii-os i 6Imay 0 2 i4��� Vy 2- /2 9'�/lie s lL (<3!'-r /o '16'nlAiri -+-41--rr ')-1 a?. 1.-!L4" A.,. _ SG i1ro nT / OY/ 631 — RETTTRN TO 519 ('.erjar Ave ._SD . Rentnn_Glach Q&15 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . V,e feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE �Q // ,5-7��/4//,r e7, Pi�f/y/lii RETITRN TO 517 CPcinr AvP Rentnn_ Wa sh_ 4Rf15S We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE a No ER_SOA) 'J CD 37 NE /a N R e-AtR J 9805-6 .Q a6—/ 6 9 9 4e1n YE_ y r I y2 «L 411. r. �s,� .53& c6 Z S.: 3$63 ± 0 wd e_ /14, ( �, h /G6a� ,sue- �� Se 5� y�/J 'Y/,/.is 4, �1. ) 3-70?) ,vF gif, RETURN TO 419 Cedar AVE'_ Sr) RPntnn Wagh Q80S5 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 6 3 ai y65-.4 - 2s-s=,0 r . - . ,,,-,----- ,,,/ on./ E et,z_1/4_,7 .06 Z"(-47 SF Pe f .1 /017g /67 /t'. \J",,„_, „,,, jfAt-- 7rd 6,5- i J-s-Ds .......L. ) , ,d,/ex....Jd 42,iw,, liF /47-74v, 4 ,p,,,7" ..- .I'T...*,fi -'*-L:--7T-(!2'--- 7 e- c ,------_, ' ,j RETURN TO 512 Cedar AvP Sn , RPntan, Wach 98055 t We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE DROIn ST ete .//,s'1��/i2/eiSibA'7 WENZAJ, 9eoss -R56~07:4 Lt rh� �9 c .� / r rz % l( �6f A 77u6 jr- 7 -, :<<. 1 j y z�7 0 2c4.' .(\i4el u aV k N %/09 e.OHo14.bs k\l e. N E. tevi T a 198o sc. S N 41 Po„„% E 5 - _53 260 Li-2A .2-4-a- ti L( ✓��v c� J o ►/c-T 11110 0��r�s l,f/y s . q�/ES g5'E g/v4 L j) A B i C /1253 CIZ E3.T-jN D-?)A S SF A71'L E 98'i 7(f' - 772—I eezif_____/1,3 71d4A-e:iife- c., , 7d,t_ 9 c [ 67 5 7-5— o Pc. ��t-C4C / / 6 F /l %nr7 ��(/�Lv 7 /7F 'l7 L - a/z,(1 - 33 r SL 4,1 WTI. 9Boy s� ysa� RETURN TO 912 ('Prlar A - Renton Wash_ _9Ad5� ' We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public - C/ park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE C // ‘, ' frit24.4er vim Air mit/ 5"7, 1202:---vt (Ts-s i'' '-„-/-;-gri',5- 1— . Y.. /1 '32 - / 4 ii ace-S.-L. /7.e.t; 9 E'as .r i .,�_,r. dV ''.re. pd,? ' 9'94- oS/f ,, /, h j,p,i 1/ /'7<5- zy. = /7,2c s k./-�,..< 47i . vJ2 j c19f(-6 7)/0 - - fr . 4j1d2 11S7O-/Ss Ave SE- l2-e,- -e •tom lea 9 /4 s II Jd/ Giion/ i1iE S.E. $ Loa_ ,e 6i.fO�1oa.9kaSb �7/_8ieig 4A/441I.40% 4, ,u.:.'„,)1 YO' 51. . otJ W 19%% a 7i - 6-304 0-l2r,,,--,e,-u� P.:2-(n_ / l) S(/') S L- I (le/ P,e,a.-,— 1),�r 9 r/6 s-4 L 2- 3 ' AI-1-461,054c),_) z z 5 s E . )3 "`� ` �: n_ L��a y�'OS5 . /- ai 99c/& 3 .,_ :, c,a0 3 I i1 1 4_ T , 4rfarn I L0. ciczszo e.K-5-Ua di/IG4 € _S-e-e-.4e‘ • - ° 11A) 9c i y71 1} °. a/ivr A,r,g. -�t L &h. 9F,D 4, i 7 S. C-y—dc, iff,,,L...... e..0.),.„ 1 e c-... --- / "76 l7 S'e= / t c �7. Sao- S-. ;y . n A , . ((C1 P&L 17 WC-Clint, ;/ ' P� ribitC 1+ e-S S 1 ££� v it 910 SS e ,i4 , t / ; .(/ ' ,IYe A A"2 ;. . 4 t (1 )`,J 12 . ' co-,‘' /ILA<ji .:?..N.T.c , (.'4 et4,,, - S t i - zi (4- / /2362.g._ iii Lot-- - Pal rz ,t-., 5 ----- c_i_d_i:„., ie ._ 6i-die s-6, 4,,, .v!...- /Tco, /.as " a..,. I F. ,/ la ,Y c �.- - s- /70 z-c- /zs'?=' A-J S,z /Zt"4,: ,, -,/,, i t , .-,--_,--- RETURN TO 91? Cedar Ave So , Renton, TATAch 98055 j , /We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning D C7 and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ( ' ---:1 9-- rf f 4ci,vrL G io1 rii.rO . -3 n c . 1 bdf` �� 1 l q i�0 5 4 ru. . -tom 4c ° 71,--ar.4.-v22 e, 3/ y At'C' c-ridu:s r- Si-ii,o A16,, ;V. (7,7a4. .‘a 6( CC // / i l (v _ - #i / I ii // NE i� Q- *056 477/i. �1� ��v toirION -�( �y / zL4 Wit. vim. k ci.i / J;r// —S ^ `3 i±i,J� j ter.�3/ D"13 r4 'u it 7i . yo3a . /re rt}/s ehe ' g4 Rg j g -p 1grtz-711.41-- /t/..-A,d,e,z., g‘,2,-44' g/Aa s I: „ititZ,-_,-.-- yx 0 ,s-6 i ,, n 0,., v.. CDaXL /0K61-- S c-- 2-32. k e-s /tJ,4- 9.5-�3/ . $'Sy 31o1 k)3,,,_____, , <--t,_,.:..._ . La i' 7 l6 ' Lc..a,ZaIss-- 6g�6 ^ Y�>‘ t0 L7 /, -7`f/ ? ,d „�A e.� _gT ' 9W 6 �`�:4 4s _.?gc � Cd.C'„ /�T ,,r �2 = ,5 5 S i� 6‘6„,,,,,,, /,7,, eef <,3 7O± /ei... , .�e-e, �/ 3` e) l 7. E-. / J ,Q c ' Lea,. el RRTTTRN TO 51? Cedar AvP Sn , RPntnn, Wash Q80_5 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow � y adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP/'� PHONE dj.7)1. d j"FP Xi / ' - e ^ / - ., I. Gt /7 n 17 IOS 3 C c- /2 gft-67,u -17/ -IS 32_ si,I ,e_e_;A4,10%4,i,,, , 7d on lc. eArrl Xre a J. // 4 psi& : 1 6,c ffLIftsaJ c 9 de leapil ri 1 is Dr* z�: - s94_--7O`I(v CO RAI O 01 n'1 /30f /U 3rd RecifW Erio ,) //7Gv r a r - -"AA_ 5 i. a , ,24.. „Sit Ri / C 1 -. `f Sea e_ O " Alt-d( 'fir` lt.r 1 l l f 1 �h Pk... . 5: ._. �w, .., 99,L- -O'' (� ��1� 2��( ��� /7//7 /ems" 4 S.t /.tc -z- ,.2,,z4 -,2 s 2S b\ //47, 7/ .7 i r Iii/k/ho,we 5a/ 1t rss, ' 9 ' (" t t ) - _ , d'/0 11 L;Y ,. lJt . 2 f?s ();Q,au. �Lt o ,✓ 5 to—ia i N r 5 S. Sias a-rest/w 4o r so, 7 ss it. 4k-6m L✓A_ 2 800 S.- fi1,,,,bietc,,,,_/ n i . (--1---..- 11? ✓ ( /3 ,Z 6 u k' 19 s3' -,± (,(1 k 1 U/7 7 5"(%6 1 E 9' g )2 icr-7 / ,,/c/ � ` u/-- 9y6 s-6 04060("YY") jetr7C ( 4 9 / 6F 6S6. S&:, Y `- 1- '1,.1. k \) l_,Sck S. E: ilJ1 ( 1 Are h.7WA ctU v5S- cS l4- S V , Zer-6-- .,la-A- 41 Vy5 l ad.Le S . t. j-1/7 F 7 72/3 52 / St -,:� '54) Sx ie. ‘ Yoe , , .>-y . , hz % - 7 y /; `'-5/ %' 1�- cl,��/77 TRN TO 512 .Prlar/AvP_ Sn , RPntnn Wa Gh 98055 — We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public (77 park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE CL(9))9Latil,t,f-id_a /3--(71 3G. -.5X-/roc/f7 adin- , ,Z,2 --,P 4/ z/ r i� .c,u-e.e) 3030 `j) F l0 ,.c2afi-- RapCO,-7 .. .,�5-- -- Ca --'ice_- �(.. :7 AINEA rf , , _/_ 3 74 _ �� ft -- = A.) l � '�",L� S ,�'1 it Z:7 I—Y 33o r_ Cf2c-dc4 6)24-11-0 /-176(Ci s,e . i' zi c.,..„..,6--5„,., ,,97/-Y.226) ( ,..2r,L.yyttf /3--„ /y9 r��, 4/4. /(q)�0.2- SG- in .�,. , 8//,` LP ��z Z. 76f/ S-.0 7 2-46i V Ce� 7/ 2_ - 2. / op ydii,»2(i-- e . s>so - 5i�`a a is s- - /iS 7 ;_ v2 42,/, 2-4/Q ,? l y Stv 11 b iLei 2 -4)2 :V,e4 L/6 6)628 i a_4_ Lc_c_,A, ,3h .2<I - ,& 7sq'Y%'7( (0,2,,,d;_, c2:51S-r- ---_S—o 7 &7'16i v d'I' / 21/ - �rG 1l/Ltx7, (S i J 7 -- c>2 S/_F !V 7V, i, co !-,A cr, / 6,i/c s'771 , -,' -Co S-,‘,/"." 7,k4S---- - 1/j. Z,eA,,/,,,„.._ 4;c11-21t-6-c___, i 330- --,,,, ,,,d c6/,..7,S,e) /e) ,5 5,0ke ) 7(--"?.J77 nnnn c-C)LiL , t30-1, cz.t, S, E 630-.273 / Yfiu k�� ��.�.�.- °��j�i % `t e.5-V-t\. `' r2C) ESL, 4- 6: / - �� `�,3 >6•4 4k) 1-i (1124,6 IJ n b i)CD 01.4Az a.L+ , , -044.kp1_ i0 - 2-1 / ' - //6� p (61/c S (-3(44.14,,x 45 , r-)p "I /5-644' t 5 t , ,— ,--ig 46. ath viiii,Laiht, : `?0? NE /,? sr *)I A4czin ali -9 S-3(/ RETfRN To 5'1? recur Aut. Sr) , Rentnn,__Wach 911f155 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public -"7 park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE W asses `C{ 1 . � 5 \ s � SO ► � w A 6.Q // . -44_,_g_ep et-LITTL, 3/ ,Y-7-7- tiU,0 Avt g6 it, frO5. /' /(/Jif/1�Q /Y Si,/ '�'�iY}h/�i G 7,.-e, --LJj i,,,Z Yr . 7 O T ;;k5 () l�<„„-,. •5 2 7 5 4 I / , „ AT4 12001 ..f.1,- / 4>.1,7 g.._,, z /77;,/,, gOf) Z _co a7.517,� dAz4„ Ll/iy, 4Pv v z Pz . P i - 1YaD s Q 50,, ."..,a.Y/ SEA tAiA gefte6 6.12,4. I htuaa_en 6-f& 044,a)-(sccto- el 6144.&t ,u 1 q ?0,5'.1 Liy �J '�za 0_4) .5io `w zj. ,- J € - aL,Le.„-i_IL,„-44-7 0 - id P" // / i /1 NT :4,26.__ , , ,5-o ,i)g±tre-t-tt jP,-,„&>- 2/Pk-___ --/-e -cyy-t---1--* o—r) 2.2, 4/i li:-- , ..4_, 4 , i.,,,,ii-,, .ii - , ,,,,,,k, 31561.olut-o-cti aii-e Le igiti-4,z,, , i/4/, J/jir�tCt 52)6 a, 7/&,nvZ QvS _54a . 'L` _o.zc. GIJI[. 9 v,s S l'dl( 1 i # / ' rt „ a> ; ,\ . 1,_ , ,a--- a-1 7 g/k. fr.,"--)-a:t eatx_e_. 5: „r_..,,1/. 94.5-5 :,,,L'Le-e-1 e._;,&14,A.A___ 5 1 s- Le. e.,:i-L.,,-/A-2,e- (7_, 4 _7_esierfr Y ti-.5--,.c J/711 eeAVI/4 C2-C idiaW)44,11. L'" Prnit.011 Wi's" i.4*J#u4 . )1. s 44f S, Lfla , IPDSS`_. ')/Xt -)192NA •,R. 5-V 5-- ->.21 CI- 11\LA-i2, A . r i,t-1,u 1/A - 18'6'5:5 �tm„„,,�,� -u1kl .5 4 5-- )7-) es-i/Lt., A - a.1.44 viz. . Fre s-s- Pa.....1 gle7/ - 5-erir 4/eyveL) . 4epti--04 w6 eog"--:_.C.- a0 z_,--i/ W c' ..,,tr)-L )-L__ -47-3 e. VriAA-€4.,- etizZ- /4&-7-c- %/1---de--Z 'y-t,;,/,,.<,Cc, >17 5 3‘ Uti-t- . Sd, lf_p_A(.4--6,4-J,10,y) --/t- M+ 21, H.1, { s i 1 Wiit:1, ,r ,-A a.QA ,moo- g. r u).-1; ., We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow —� adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE .'9dl,y/ //Pie/ -5/. maAA/5 /OPe So /fp,23;-7 . 9d'o5 3 - �..5"- .7///; /r r t/ fC;'.Gl /Pr //2/A 5/= ,2/7 "g- h 1z,'6as15Q,T/ se-y-91.4 1J) 61,-(.CQ,• I, ' - i)3!1 XL- �:d /. ha-1, 4�1-, 4 A . /V l iL p7 ii_",Q d�OO s7R-1/0. o ee- 7"te '%/ .zfod_A ji,' i A fi 7/ . ,,.. )l/ ms': .-z5 -eq2 %/*- /.# 1--4,--A< 6--1-02,--i-a-e . 7 rAl-lt-0-;.--,4 Z. 1,e 44;p4ats-%4.d ,I_O 22 c f-S-cr 3 l WIt P1; ;.1 F033 - S'0 1110 S �4 /11)4 I/t/,c.a-/t' 77 Z • OW i e g 4uh 49.E I 3 o i y s /7/ R-.,a zen /vv 020R,4. I.JI3-5- ) e ,c. , J,s. C,v .2 f.1 /q- /'- h4(f1..,z_v ' 1,,),,.49Fee lz.f/- �S3 3s- :,i- ,-t-t-a4 - 'ea N23eti-t-44- -pf 11,11€0a-t/a.A6Lfelkff‘ 7V --.974;,- C. 1 9, ' tl l ?(F'pt ac.,.Q �, ,.....-ri 4 , i A/7c' iv- / 77 'VE I Si teemA Wo_ gOs-6 -a-(tfa * i 1 t-e_..to ccApu,e, /7,4A , 5 .5-i;},W1 -* e_,e-6...( ‘04 -IraS6 a=2,-..,.1. ---; ' t dictz J.4619at-a/ VS? ive_g ,#.,, t,-,,,74‘', itef:e4c5., T c , /1 .5 o q ,,..... . n, (9,,,�.,,-vv - B'o.% A21.0 -l 7 9'i -9 1„1 . _ U ...470i;•4 / /0 3741 CW4--'11-e/-V6 is 1-61_,/,:t.1_ , 72521 L4-1 /3 7" - o--- / ,;,,/A-1,-e g.11 + 4�- . - 4",/-.f'�t/ .8,36 So. 4,,,,r) c (A-J.i t r A Ia a-1 8S/ /s' / )/ si%>/� '�/.r . f`l7,1- ,..- ,‘X iidied5x.J / :5Z '/,7 . 4,i,a-K- 9p/ 7 V ,QcL,� /oi W'. ;j(�,--fin ferns'- % -� j4Y1 1- 1)Z4161141Wrio? . 45, iiituk\olk 60 'oit. d qoa-s - -)..te-,A-/ Sg.e7;---Z. uc/‘ i'7oz- __ So 4a G✓c, Y8ars 907‘-q/�, C, fig 2,�,ze , 5, 1g,. w, rS56 ,?.�� ys7 le,W _ �s"s-66 k� "e1,-44L__ -e iga, , w � s a g - w�f eat,-s' Q,���r lam, r` fe ' -a 5,2� wA17 i Ave So 1?e� �1 7,05s- z io . 64f We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an •adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of / 7 our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place. NAME ADDRESS - • ,c: __ 4 61-7<—....)ct A-0,1....._.x...k, 1.a-p_09 5E.. _� � t rv.c.A,,, cp._ it. u t /83// / -` 706 . ga..4,101.A.40 / 02 ,45-- 6 5--Z /6 x — / 270f c. c., /04� ; I Ia 1).5‘.5- i t i ,2.7 / 5 S / C-v _iv,-Itli . kLL7 /2 /2, SE / 04 l 44 ECCWYL 461).SCrvzi 0 - //33z-/g ,S _l7__...7..�; 'i/- 6, �9 "-" / 6-5 2. / - g« l Z/h4ro4% .. t 'SoLun.N.6kA. ,_ 0,,SN-NN.04, . .7` _.� ` A. t ,2--3 3/ —C e. /� , ___&-;-•,-=--- R ' ' �� �� i23C Sit --- ` 3. We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of t3 our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS .._ 4 bi te / r /63 /5 10$1 )" (0 _AT(' ' ,6(7 . _ _ ((4,3al l I i 6t-,--lap/9 .4-- /6.324 / az- 7-/7/ .A_J 6 ,S C— !' ; &ail, /2Ct 66 6y / : ' 04_600.(61kfLActizAA_ /2.5a 4-6 ao ki tt-- i°/,_ /7e 7 ,5- ZG7 /9 , ..7. .l Qs)/ S E ) ciyt" PI, Re t WQ. , g ZIR_adi /0(25-1/ (C. ,440-44, gg,411.m.. P• . fro i a 43 0 co s '` >60, zJrl' 94 , ,27 1 c-----le / . 54c4-,./7 , ., _ , . „Ito_dri).6 . i 2-3 2 Z-_ __562 ,1 33 16V q 3• D. * lieiaxi.e,2I?_ _.. / 3 a 5a_ /6 _ et o _ d'O55 i We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public DY park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _,. .., ,,(41i.. ",i-k(51-- 1 c -- _,zYi-ic&/ ) $ ?60 3- ,/tite�.eJ _,P X / r L s'/s s� ./`7 2 ; '4176 SS S.-5-- 3,g 0 ,n�n� la t r ` `e-Yv,/3 .,„ 4 6, 7 Si. /'7 /e_ y'gD c- - .1,2‘, -g/Z rzy r Qb y 6/.? . ' /7 n c -.,t 9,rds-s �-/2 3 e d� :e1� toil lIo - - ,ti C 0 05 ,Q a W ,j), sz r? „,„,L_____441_,L2__LE____2e6a_ ? V , aA4e14,, 6/8, / 7A AtSteCfctu. , . 98 057 „ -- .r,„, ,(}w._,, .. L-7 c.9 Li / `741-4 .L-e_9 e S;_<_,...2' A-e-t 4:-L, (Arti o o S-s / d/2/ 41/1Lice,_. 4/1/()4; AF/67-- ; __,z___2476(-$ 1/14,144 - - -V-c -z """";67'-- / d / - r 7 ( 1 1( r j . ii ' / c'' ''' 'a 06--,.i- z-x--7,et- ,/e24.L",- czedi-c- -~ �.e.or24., 5/3 - . / ' Oc;. ,-/- -5-S d We ( ' - di,tly 9L- 6-04—So / ,f . gi ( ' - P ( 50 V c.D /Y/--/ cY - _ awn L g(f)� (gi af---.‘3- . (-er /'/2 -4J A4AA -,� . /1-- J Yf -s- .6 1/4-?- , _Do, / RETURN TO 517 Cedar AVP_ co_ _ Rcntnn [.ach QR(15S I We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public 9 park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAVE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE (j.,/f7/01‘0.incii A 23c320 2 c i-2-3 123i ,eni z/-- .3 s,_ /rX S//J/G ,s 4, 2 2/ 201 F )')') cA'-"‘y 1 _ ' A 7 b - '1 f- ijc/: 1--. L JN,g 3--5 - 63 7 'Th) /) " I ' , , l l e--`L ./i/ ' c/6,/ 3`/ ,'t=,k. I/r1 'SA l °/ ,�//- 2/ 77e5/.7 Z 7/-/v7S t �-4,7 /) rD- a S C-" 7 2 i , -z-L,.-,. D- -4 4 51," ,,, zQ4' P AC/-- / lid/ QS' ' a-- (A ; D-S"v 6/9S/7S— S 6 eve _• ,27Prt -a f a 7Yi'' T a i/ 6/2c1. 6 i2. 1 _ ,;a -9y/ 1 4)2_,--)1 ,r ,, .„t, 1., 1 //'Y 2..3 , - , /A ' W D')C/ L/c. fie„ E- ®,rn 69 r 4.Lc-tt /7 W `5A g / a\I ei dm /J„ , / li ,,,7:1v/c�7�! �9.�. /.2p3 S /2 /64_/, 4/l_ k- C�'�uue/&., loc e%l 1Jfrx, (kin ao2S ,___:, ou )Rc) TXG-Lk.7(1 -)40d a. k2); stm la _cs_ _____q2122s.,7) 0.±, .) lap al k i CA . ` - ' /c-6,:? 4/ SY. /5P2-7/9!0/ /e,--2 "8°- 7 4/S)ii---:AK)4t/,_, ,-7S,/ _5"-6 / ,a u-)Wi7,e0 ) r We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or - private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 6t-t- ' fie6( A-e-1-&-• )1-C--' i6j-i'kk-r- ) 7 1- 3>)_.. . ,yd "Cram '710 2-(//2-( 06, ,e/tt (°, 7 2-2-4;---/a -7-- ,s A /53 3 P.�iCJ`A/. 92 e g-33-63 A-3 /moo?! ,z) ,e,- 7? ��;-5--4'vc 6 d a ,i-ii/�ti / y4C /sV , .,,,fw- 7'. -7/Y0' e. �� iQe,/5--/ �,ha. SF �� 5 S /2 /// - .� i�� /2� e/ �� ,�� � -� ��� l� U " cniv //� c.,2 z N 617/14/)9_2121 , 6:5 L271 && r)..2 6-WS/ --t 4s s'v �1v ,4,7/ i-, iloio 5 30 sr (Xi-4_4J 61/ -)e 97 7 At 3 6 R'_0_4 ()jai),A) as —3/a; t(-2011..2). a'i in /.2. o -.. 98/7/ 77014331/ S d74 7 9er0.17 a33—o77 4/4 /U C %rJ . 14,-i'l c6)S`6) Ai- s _ 5-2 5-- 56)( - / ( ij ,?l/“ e3 e .20i You- i' re Sp/S3 g - Cib'6se, 'Silo Sy , 20/ /J�i/ yrfe �F e, ��. /3-3 • . vco3- 3 2-30- '- sx, M. .,. 5- WA- Qgo(6o - ey.. - r /3 .5`).0 >,O /703 Att a3 5"--ciri 5` Ut,thueu. ilk//A Ilfolfi S. L /Y a iee/FiL. ;0 5 3 -- c; a. - 1 I`TT C.03i - 5 i M �A-- i/f3 3-s 5 , 163nd_ (55 6326 i -7,<-/I. 720-A44--4, / /7/ i C4--6 S'(.--- k)g.P in/7 L).5--<---ac,(, s----- ,, o /,a ( „ Ahi i y6 3 . ,..,.7. /.14.1 r :2 0, ,,,Ye o - 7 ..2 EY G 9 5_ We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public 'ci park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 5/ NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 4 0 f f.me s 7 3 ( /u 51 We4-110,t. sWos--, „ ? l- ,217q H 0, Vev 0 -SC/1 cc h /O I( 1Avow cls tit 11/ iet=Yl-6)-y) .5 S -,'x..y 7 Nleb cap r d 1 0 /✓C /D/4 PL �E-N ro,i ..� s S _a./07 A-ii ,�-I.c-h .3 Z o r In . I2C_-- 'c(4. adaw oZ30 /Y /6 .1 /2"; / ,—� 7/-.W0 - 144 c 23Q0 /./,t / — L, " -›-v 7/ - 63 i WC '2.e ,e_z:/.. , 30, ,t/F /'o. ?. % _,v q22/-‘o3i Q.� _,,°7/G._- �nt ,2.--o• 4 E. /. A .fr mac. 9$0 5-4 q5�5=/sue/ 4412iizz' & 4.. i- ti , tZ/.5--/11 g /4 ‘I''' ,G ) ',/1 f-fr=lidSZ --25---r-zsli lss --72„ -L_,_. 5c , 64,„,_, ,,4„.6 4,, 222.- ,,, s-,--;,---...z.,- fir-5-e 6-9/-5-- JJL14 i?co / ifrti >to,t/ a6-v7v" "?:7/Af- ei ' --- 1---- ' 4 Az ) ‘.7._ 6-i-- 702_, 4 , 2 // iV e 9'`%, 821-,-��c=z, � . 5.// At ei- TAN Td n( �7>_?c)S WI '44-11/1alla.e4 7 ICIZraf'-71-4 2 • ' ZT; Z -9 5--e,‘ , „6--,,,,,,i.a>3 5?36 ed-7,4e5-7‘66 -22e. ,a-i,, - ,2_,2_4. - s--e:5- ,e, /1 14 ,u 9 e J- L;T:O)2 7o,�4,.'s f ,tic:- / , ,o-J z.5.= 6,4 f ) �. A 2 / y M t= 1'4 eL, 1' 1`'j W••-- J14„J--6 c(-5' /1-42-,,, a.. . 7;2 u fie. ?I e) etc 0 , av � , i1 OTC, \ e:C\-- NO ( W o .c s NO c_ Ota , _ 0T?3 u LifiiMoos fie, 7{Q 4• R,e4,Zeu. uc 17 Gt/7 q S7i `c 9 , ,i zzef-7-t / 2 /f� 97( u RN TO 517 CPrj2r AvP Sc , RPntnn, Wach_ 98045 — We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. � L\ NAMEADDRESS /� CITY/ZIP PHONE F,r4;;;', c33i7 /1- ,,.� � 6- /4 A 9, - w,, - 41/1 (-444-4, i, iiir',,,,,,,....,/a.,.../ 4 E --la....A,. ce),-i-- ,;42 e Ye, c/7 67- .1 0' R I ( (PST.. ^^rip,;, �'J, R 1 ,0 as R--6 7C). Q1AX-Z" 'fir"nQ L 1 b-i.a.D - S, _�� :sb 7 7)-0 a 4a-di - r O T , ) . -) a-2/ 4,ii-ss CIS) C‘) .-e. _���7 A/.,-" Z ` /:L- -) ...6- 7,0./ , ir( /10/( L5��0/°1't A'ef7f �- �h�� "7�la/ Ca` �AleA---4-3 � 2G 1 3 �t k � e )31--S1/87 8 ro() -/i/) *i--Nd % /7/a ®.5-_i -- V)z a ei 3 6 Jo , /(7 2 /L J cA -7 E WA `I1, ' t 7.,7-‘Y C 7 - o /7 77)-a a� s , ?,..2 1/01 /9 1, . ?_t-/ Gd 9re67o..7 ejP--• ‘d . ' 9% �2/�.. AJZ' l'4 ( jj , uii 9� - 6f07_5- .0 ' • . , i _,...,--i- 80S" �,(_Q S FD--V- 3 7 / i _1 , ,r 1 ..;' .z C yr k"- IR4,7" .fig 1��., - 6 /- ? SG • 1, , ��� .02 71r ILL • o7/- .S/CD %l. / , -h, / .�z %/ 42frt, aa-11-147 .a a`7Ca0 y►i f_le2,<(..,2" i_ g ‘1%-idA. , , "</4 -,;t 5/01)..ws--- /RL e►e,Q.,vii,,,i /j3610- / 6 Ace, i ot...ki k l/, C/-,,,/.e• 0,,,J '-' ‘''';_, 71le :5/,57 1 15: 1_,-7-1_g_IA,,f> _,0.7 .541cl...O 6 3-9 /142 j ."4(A ,Ss/g' 1-91-,l12m. . Ge/ SO 2 5 co g 6- 9/ RETURN TO 512 C:Pdar AvP_ Sr) , RPntnn, Wach 98055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ct kv - NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE (264;4) & S? /a L/7 j77 0. .2.e. kvizolt, 9s,o5-6 ,2026-a50a., ,?4,A,14 /� 6 .c)/ - l 77 h E" (fiae•yi-i-o hl ),FD 6-6 2 ,-s� ,/ ;o rt,c2 /1i8/8 sE 1/g h s¢, 0 ,4 . 9d90 6-6 07026 -//S7 liz��t V;Q, 4_4 /-3Sl/b Iz.i P/, S, `1�.//k,62., 9�S , 0..)� Si 3/ t t 014,E 4, _ ,A-sit,. /s �'7 t 9 .�, GC Q.. <_. W» .Q (o ,P�. . quid.74 sir/ ��umi.c-P - 8 -- tf,,) ?,7,r- - s s ,P/9. a4��./f," . c)-2 -� . . _l p. ,� 9soc -Ds S=o1;/ N\Nc\-4) Clan1\may 1\-\(P B. 1 n a a8 - tocc, L-77i/0-7,1,et___ . ._.17-e_i_.-0_. 757, 5/5- ,--2oy-14j,eiy -?_/),„(2,5417,, ,v 7/.--,7°Yk 9{,ettriji4ja, �," /�o (/ S.e 36 �1,►� 8 r6 26 -FLU Vir,,,,,„_42 . I Siz - 1 '{o - St & %vsf, 226 -k«r ier"1/��y1niiA A � /71� 3 S— Z� % �S ��e_�i ��v%6 -�1 _�_.S'���oi4, 0.4 Hy o'-2__ +k . S 4 a -s1 etize i JJ4 /- //d &&e S 4e qte' i2 S-�Yd% _‘,_;u. , 47.40,A ‘4,... 3 ‘ z_/ .Ae .r2v. , _t. y-,/ 4i.___ ,949r_1/4), i €I ,,( � /'7- xt �• /& ZPG x 7�'�16/•,�‘-‘/7g ,,,,a2 9 2i/./�w) //g)7 )//f% K1/ �.r r> 194'e,6- -c—,I J )444/1-eP 6) . ,t)* . P„ /5 Av - 9i-a 5 6 a '1 ( 5,1 RETURN TO 539 Cedar Ave_ Sr) _ Ranfnn_ Waah 9R(154 - We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 12 -- NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 944/ 1a ' ?or )110A21-4 &t- 7tj £ei f t sZ 5 -7VV5t oo c�� oh / s 3 �U�/� �� � qf 00 4 YS /a S� '7 ;,- •, 1 i -1-e-ev 9za6' a3a o3/g /.( 9_/ %WL /(/�-Z ./Aa/„ /l� D33 "" / A .—L-/ Z.� 5 -• / - 9 �'-,Le � ke4t4� �� Ss-s()s e9 J re z 4 ;/l ,,,;' ,Ci!- /4 50 0 1: c-- L/ -ll_x..�- .. LL/� 7 yL-yG S/3 mod.- C.n tA)--- ` /.26o1 , i fork PL 06 eie_ii 40_Uv 2 to - gem ys s-oa-op ,: e?7y -zI i ),J //*'SS //f 47� 7/. 9 Vre'l/a„ , t14 d. MI 33 I ?3 4 9/z *Xlifil-/- 7ZcG d-2 ` y. , /G s- . /Pcz /.'J�,_ % 0 5-.0e f' / it hi :! .,r/ ♦ ` ; . s , d , ,9F-3)23 rrL�r li ): R,YL 1 - gC.`1 S'f, l 4(3 WOO ►, (.64 _WQ56 (.91. -c,, 0 c( x <1-v lizi.55 ti �'u01 ' 'ud, Li.)a_ c77J- 6? O 4z,Zitz.4'zii.4.7 /6/3 , //9 ('S . /QA,20-A , kcL aa6 -79/.2 ,_,,,,A Q \ 11 e - \" S . \a, A\ a, o )\,)� °��\1 'l- a- 1a5 I �-lu,vt ,.L //8 n M:14 d-e 5L RAdt) , JJA•L',e- thixt" 3‘07 NC (rg ,/, e_trizoii wig . 7dvrr o -/3023 tS( A.�35 3O th 7 /s77Dr ,/.'� 7a. Ze.Adirk,,Z4_, 98as ZZZ7 g - ,.__Vr. -....c,tTy L.. .5--// '442 Z-e /a, ..7:(.4e/P'A-% . 2-6'--2-2 '71 4 / Gzy// d,zr usk;ff� -9,056- ,2. �a G 13 3 (iah./1411 � / 7 iiall,�. // 0 - (74_, k c i - g ��3s �=3�16 a— � !Z RRTTTRN TO 919 Carlar A 7 - Cn Rnntnn tT.c}, °PASS A 0 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. — NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE e ,„.1_,_ ,),1,„„.„,„„,„,4 . 1 6c ) S A: , 1-j- R,,,L $9 .() a .6 -17.ii &wan LU-hQOj cu- ti- �&l.o , 14-6 St VP,r n QTnR aatp d Qto rrw-u \--A „jrs 7. 1 dl OT^6 I Pj01..r-\#'t- nit ZzS- 14-I?' .1),. .'%1 ,, I ti 17 / 7 ? P.L , .S It al:r a 6-e;5 ice--N-T) e-- : ) l\q k ,u" '~ . ..;4" , rkv, a E. alarm , aDs' -to. 7 c (I IAn S h, Pike 4toi1 L.( a aO I L O* ) S'G /t'<-/EJ/ 9,pac6, (Z -3 ;, s (1,9 9id iJ / .Rs &r - i _ q (')56 Q,,, a-rG.6 'I L 'bad- 13 n e- sF " " Py-,,-(0)--, r Pt)s-' ;5-S—�'�'75 Pripr--- ' a t1 I D(i.�? ISM cS:F. c ArVi i )) LD1, aa,)5CC 226.3 269 rtia c An V\- -C «1 5r. ))RY\ ).7.) _ UC,(n . . QY)hOin. I°DUI q Dr 1-1 4 ID) TR7 I ���C ap_,1(7‘Z-Zirze4 /,' f /Erf'o�, � n2(0 ,z kQ fo5-4,th r.-s`'7>3,„ 1 ���x- //CIO% /S'e '�st _ 7—S S_ ZrY i,ec i 2 L5"s--,A,R .114r., "11 LkAAL 214f r/z/07-ii-_51 re„,71,", ,,A4_ ,p,„.5-6 6 1,6:5--.S7.. .5-o `" t `y ca , l g rd 1-/e71 21/4 `?�'r�6 , ' i f, t7L(5$ -.5..«n4 P 1 i ua 'd G-D, Pe n401\ VA. 9 805 C 3 5`-°•-3 6(f 6 - / c /U7/$ !4,471,"d Pi. .S: . k2 10,4 9 c . 7/-/ode i•i'46.1.-1 x Ve-ie- /302 i 7 /1 P 1/4.ChE f-i- i/,_ 7oPa s6 .7..?4Ps5J d 'mad /0 b q 4144-..„,-,,, ao &f LZ 7 r`OSG d2 S-5-a/g' RETURN TO 547 C Pdar AVP—Sn___ RPntnn_ la q1-1 Q511155 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. aav - NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE - eu-' ie:-_ /y/ov 5i. T. nW- -'` .�. 7. ._ ,W79 pjos 6 .-?a &s s/:; '/V,S/Z �.;.2 47r70o7 1, 9So, „;,,; - //7 — , 0,24_0-2.,_, /7./.,r, /,{5-qE ems , -/,,, ,,k-eQ, Mk 9107.2 /.7.7 d\T b l y c, --te--1,4Za, "-z - %73en et- /3 S 7.1 aCe- A,&, ' "- 'o l>,k c< ( 6-c.cF' w.,s f>! ? ra?z_. / pi PVL) /S9r9/ cl & 4/t.v , ..odlu_, a 9815‘. „i,J.-.0(1) Ork . I-FaI 5 - /q L3T ` en tiJ*q9(o -(.9 - 1/2/Fe 7,c,c,„ .142, ,eii37z7_5e, /aalirZY3t-,- , /la /if-0.5,K ,92‘-6/697 1ai� ) ef:Y Z /392/ se. /}/ c/. ,P�72-u, Gaz,.9i 6 ?26--6/4 w u /x k' /51 g44 07. fls- c y9Y � . w / -22 -/Vz f ( od'C ,.7?of/9/7 ee /1/ ii / / R-< ,X7442_10.4;Afeiti /Mal S. F. MIA" kit .. no 34 .;40/-5714 ,_„._„A- /ii -/, A/r, s5 ie�� 7-- -7y JK l 3 alp = 1.4.0- 7.eqtrvi , 1-7---<IF -T7_<IF 7 _S J Q iiIY11 L", y ����i 13 ka� �w/a�'6. fab gros-6 2_ -1 9 ' l i v /'/ S-4 S. M 'S-�h 7i,Tz fr i 9X0,�Gi .-_ R -��l 9 .1,1 ; 0/ -/2 120-eg24 # - , /1R/fAeo -5-E . z6f.drcti /1",e1A 0 5 -02 ?iviz 1 7x-/0/ f . . 4 i //- R 7&J y8o 4 -02/S7 6 • ( r 4 C t L , ; ' _.. i-32 'o .,/7/ya ,t L 9fo - -/r34 3 /449q-1-,ff / -.6€ _ %3 r -'i 5: /y,f,d 9e.46'' 93 s /3f3 z_BS/5 Iiv n /ist Zss4 atr,ft MAA ctitiq 3z4V8 .1.-- 4(itici ',Po 3 ?... R 'TTTP?1 Tf ST) CcA"- A„o C- D,,.,t,,., T.T.,..1, Ooncz We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition l� to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 2 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE • rvww,a e-e , [s t ' vy\l -,A.4_,c,k . .,, . -cam 4 a 5 5- 73 /4/- 1 l ir. 'LA: iSI ' (L 7 3 l'i vI ' ' ( -L rtiee / 70 1-�- S . .) , z 5� s- 72 4i-C- —7074 D ,--1L4L-,Jcifi_f-- /K07 741.64-A-cz_le Gii/e S'ep A°.a.e.i_Z-z., —L / 7 .7 / &e,-� .E--� t . 2 7-6-3s F 17. 7 j".62._7 o4 ) / 7 / 72J42- ,2,-,7 -_,s-r-..r-- • l 2Z6- u a4Le, g 02-, - lid' 9-- A,` I_ Si7c 0 . ► -7 '- \lc , ,,t asV -S.fYY . v - 0 (7 ,2.)�- ,(3.6.5. ID 7 /- /,S RETURN TO 519 Cedar AvP Sn Rentnn_ I,7a q.h 4Rf155 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. cam, NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE :(3519 1:)3?44„d_ / -75- -/ Pc . 5)- /All. C.-6°.V * n Y / y c Z o 2 2 6'C /- /=.g/T d, ..- ,?`Px Bki- (Lk 4 y-0 2--3 i ,-/ s-r, 6 — z 2 4. c no R --E1--8.:Lb-- (', 1A__ r( 3 0 c . Li 5 , . _, /6---ti—_)( Ctg �i <_, 3 . y �c` 9r ,,il` ems-, g-U c'f 7 64Al/ S S .5'�2 7P3 k S ,r-t025;./07_Qt'ftt4 - • „.v--,-.,:...-,„, ./- :=2,..5.---- ,& .a.,..:„a a-, .7./-:- - i%7<-2-e-Y, -..--) ee-0--&-,ac" 6 ,5- DT 77.t4 -,sVe • e-;e7:1-_, �, .2- 6 �. —irk gI.. (-4_, ` .0,, a-.,.,. 2 b -2-3 ��,,.,.,'• -t,. .p d ile, - ,104_ /_2/,g z,,y,,,,_ o.„,..,/7#- Z-- -,-,.. ,_ c..._, , _--) 't.,7, ,c(_ag,,,,:t- : . 7 0-- ?-3-.) (94/t,.;z (.4/z_, . ie , (.-s----- -4.------L.--)-------- c 3 7 it /S/ ,.. _.. .7e-r./ _, 7 _....A.,./>_04,.....<___/ c.c'ex....q,..,(jrzese, ,,,..,. Y?.2 "L-40,- _...4-1,c ) e, ,y J RETTTRN T(l 512 ('.P(Tar AvP Sn.. , RPntnn, Wash 9Rf15.5 — We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE CS' /ve' 3io� s6 //Go . /V E < < ass-7a5� : 7( )/Go 0ZRDFe/v Avg IVL' )rC417DV 5-57A93 C ' lZ ,7Z oeo. sF o ' `7Ad5.r .02 2h/39'7 �11Q,�l,Gp; tit, 4QN06/k A /5643 a /5( A_ pU RiAat-u QgD56 �17 -O 41t, s .. 0. y E. - o - / ( fe '/(0.- 0•:2 vc s ,G. )1 r M.55 ,n c .tA6idA /c /L( / JJh, /Ui /PL fliettilti\JAadel d__ Joy,/ ky? 9eNSZ RETURN TO 919 C'Pr1ar AvP SC) , Rantpn, Waah 9RfSj 0 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. \j NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE OaiiLiasi /yr3 5l a :a ..s . :-..) j�V SLC- «.sj-c---,2(1 ?7 o , ROY"i ..( arc I ie riA r J rr.a,, v 74""`' ,. /gtow / .0ettse, 9g --cvi <z ,.,,,_..0,,, ,,i, , f 4, ., , , ..e.-.--„,-/Ge /V/ 1,....,,,,-7, ..,,,4 Apo- 3 j Pi 2)40/ r .o i0,6 aek, ) us .i 5/0 ,e tilrw /Luce r��° ;wA .27/•9 ) 9 00,Z;atrist 3 .it- f• et icke.91-'h , }-94i.tezios ,, - - ' , 4 cfr-g--- 011 lati: '444 1)2 ,)_ ,P-1"; ley ST poilti ',wit e),:r-03.,tv A6/1*."0 p . 4 iY.-' ' !"J.3 4:-:-.1,77, _e_i- 4-,Atz-,' -,' r2 7 - (11,,iir--,14 (24,..< ii-i--- -0-,--.. • RETTTRN TO 517 Cedar AvP Sr) , RPntnn, Wa ch Q8055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 1if NAME ADDRESS // CITY/ZIP PHONE """ ' a //7b7 S o - -t om/ 35-/ / /7_7 Pt ' 6' d.‘. --)9 Y ( -) J ,)- /v. i= i U u , J' /✓E /dfh P/ . Ke AlTe/ .2t-9.)' ; .� :3 533 A' " /8 eit /ce442ce,21 7 3 4o76v-k Ilk.F : ;' G),ram- `3 6. ) 3. fIl. I_ . J 1.17i. .S'tR. 1-217 Niro I1141i/i . .lam. `) JJ — , C.)L c to.e . 9/65L, 'Oa / L Gam.-�-L �s�" if L L i �� V t c `~ e -� � �_ �'• 51.;) RRTTTRN To 512 Cedar AvP Sn , RPnt-nn, Wagh_ QS1155 • We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. / NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE S src.k. IN v`�` `Q -790 / D v. �x 70 7 7 7e2 C, o y n C / S'y/ S e' /6 s 7 Renfa., 91;053 a 7 one )z,o`e 6( 5r 2 ? ( ) o c J S 1-2.3 A-ce_ �e- & 9V12' .$0": 8z ?S` S / 3'- S7oc.g4, I,/78 77 - 77-D 4 RF,TIIRN TO 512 Cedar Ave SC)- , Rentnn, Wash 98055 — KIM We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. i NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE it.ri.(7Z 2)14e4-1172a3d 5 /Lag A,,,, 7/ -ST/7 f e _( ›eZ.:4-12,, ,-,'?"41,41,e.„ __Z__21(jZikLej____Zrer.z5-- , :. I'/L 5 5, i. l /O re - c- .-fi A. .,)D c� "" Iv 2 is)S 09 1240 Se 9g ri 9gôs19 .�6 -56(7 ,_ ---2--) 7 65,`3.6 x , , tog/ -- F 3 7- k)—FF � / -- a7AI, E_ 7 s C it �L -71 - L —/a / %l'.797ll r. ` o"C` , 6g etre��d- /ic' -0r.�,, , d 3 5- 7'7 R")giA" 1 - i7)( 5 I3P)t heir St (ZPAirat a -- /A4. ---c) 7(- 4) C - /6(a/ 4 4e,SE- �5s-a7 RETURN_TO 512 Cedar Ave So , Ran tor, Wash 98055 — We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition % to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE '-- , �#` � .� 2. -1.‘ /81 1 ,a_,CA,C)..j (- -ta g CO [�k2. ax,. 0 s .{ „ 4 1` 7,,, -- ill ,t_ i-L.:2 ///� J . ze S'r ', ,t. 6 , , Pres-06 / _c4f, 4,:idie 2 le, -4 1r7 ae?ie Qr„, • A tYre, 4:47, 921 0,c1— /P Lv ) jj!k.LL i ,itf L_ (AA�i , ]rn./ � / / e._ ....� AJ 9 �o i J Z7Al,cs ,../ DNA17 / v', S s fh /fie 3E lea- ,..., ll`$1 910 S4 /yam/, ,f'' ,9 4_ . 6 . '',A$ , -, - ` / 5$ .. /e & 4, �� .,_., iliKA 14 02 3 // 3 - j 0..: .'.,, 7, 7 7�r.2 //9: A c___- erg,,, ism" 116 ,r, (41, ,,,L 13 ) 5' . 7/ Carr " 0/1)11- 1‘...6LIAA-e _ 97 Iliiii- d RETURN TO 512 Cedar AvP Sn , RPntnn, Wash 98n55 _ We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at \A the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. I NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE S� ( AZ) /2 e/A .140 1 ,47t),P 1 g AAIre-4-4.r.r c, ..5--..S-- /,.., ---4-"- ,,,i E. ,. - ,-5-- -* ./A,A&- _jos. .,*"7'?, 7-14117-71c, 0766-74_gt ..t_ ,, . 47// r.,/ i Xt k FL NE k --¢ Q W rs _if 4.si. / /-k/ eE 2, _2406- /yo2oSi/- R4 , 'c7i - 1I; /(.\12 ,t.c.) , ! ' r / l ! ( it. F.. r YV y S, t, ?f rk ; I. _ ())r r` ,,,,Idet.e..4,44„el ., ( .1 q ,11,411.4 I f illi4C P#A i^. .14/4ote2e/te.e. did- 6 6• AD a2/A4W.:)4901.14 c --6vi-t-d -LL fq-7vi s. I /7-A cL , 7 a t 7t, --7 72 -' 7 -_- fli/ - A uv /4tO/ Ski7ctG,6.- S4,, Xv itil(4 ,aa/2 •0 i : , ( w /-'Toe,yr.L 41 MORR.IS AYc 5. Rt-hr c ) 9805 5 `--7a6—&4z6o y (-) ,21.t.�.h. i a 4 `/ i JJ cw{- 11, 1 ) el V 5 S ,/g.5.--1—e_4(„4.-2,t, 52 3 S(7, 4/0(21 . P.0--,-uC--21 9r_c) 5-3— c. K oAri/ 10 Y ,((J .- /0^��__� T 2�- / -1S GC RETURN TO 517 (.PrLar Ave Sri , RPntnn, Wash 98(155 — \' We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. "/' NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE .� /� �Gi7� y „..„,„?:„, ,--47;2...,!'„,..„______ e- C c-, 5- c,, c ( tea--c / c , i,i/C)6- /'7 2 3•7_ �ti... ,,',-, 41f' (n A- I ( A.!..4 4 0/a. l ?1"--7-. I 7C-e:„..P, Pri-i-ers t.t 2.... .--GF, • /di 4 t /,friv _C 7,.. '4 1,....0 / 7/& /3,f °.17 _.,.,,7` .255 -6 .5 6,9 A•/1/lot) (/744,iti ja0 i4 ZE. I ' R e {/ 57.:1 (/,/ t.la, i /t G /0 v y s W c.;.ri_,„,71" / 43f, f Tj&c l : 04. ,,,,.. G I4io0`i. :,Ae,��.el +ao 4 _s- ka .,oc,..a a5% 015S-4(‘$ (14 -re( ei LID7 I .cay A�� '�.o k fr ii 9'�U65 , R- en-* Ft 6 h IVI 7 r 0 'QS' /�(Q 1 4t' Srf- li fr 71t/ a e,Z53"- . • RETURN TO 512 Cedar Ave So , Renfay, Wa Gh_ 98OS5 • We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE r .3 30(3 ce_ (e/1*,, I-1 3 • RETURN TO 512 Cedar AvP Sn , RPnrnn , Wa sh 98(155 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE adyt...e ,P /0R/ 440 1.0)(741.0177-4 (td, • ) 4 Le7 77- 7 5-4 r, r 14/ - RETURN TO 517 Cedar AvP_ So , RPn tap, WgGh 98n55 _ We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 2 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 4A - / 54.6 t e4.44_:4,et, ,Jtc , b RETURN TO 517 Cedar AvP_ Sr) , R ran tnn, Waah 98055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE '4 / i'CscJS 2 2C s;6 s 2 ��ta2a t 7 s" eLe t-en ()i _ 6.1 n 9yas 7i Se_, //s 07- r�'s S � Pc7 Z L , 7/6 e ey. ���-� _vim / v`?-06 80 SZ> /-4 Iry gym -Y309 27g a� d ,fit / J RETURN TO 512 CPrlar AvP_ So_ , RPntnn, Wash 98055 5 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 1 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE . 11 _ ___ i /-2��3j /f¢ � - e, Sod ,�Pv Zl LcL— 772- Jo 2' ( ).t_ 4 s--L►yi.L: 3349 2- E . -2 4 Pl�i.-1, 3 2._.p8's CJ1 -4-/dA4 -171V2V-41-0 /1 0 1 • - y.L . 11�W�a / '78?( 5. � 5's 1��� ?Ps-6Z RRTTTRN Tn 917 Cedar AvP Sri , RPntnn, T Gh_ 98055 — 2:t We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. v NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE - � ; �/e. ,�` ,c:.aQ Q c O7 y S. F ,776. sw /-d 9'503/ Ce//4"ZT,1 c /61141e . t=,1, 51 ??1,--tX1-vr/lCr- 4-e/i7 c,,Z)(€4 - Ct "°/. .----3. `r /P..,5-' "92)7ei"�3-7 Q , )7/ 5'7 96d3/— -ril /5-?7 'f— 1 lei Pi. s c. it,tiy co ,� £ -ssq, Z ;), //(6,< v' 0 &....::::4t /7 * E /7 - . ,,, . 442(--ow ...? co -..>7 Se; /.'., . .. . .. . , , ..?sa?/,r= // .. ,mot •s.)3f 14-•-"" . ‘,... , 4ceit-e-t._ -- lc/ a G 'i - �Ss- . 46: Cyr?14. A'j����� = -ow olc lti. F• . /C'.�2J v r—`� .,..,Ei `k"); „t7 y 1 .v 1_14p.1.11 - bah,/AU (off Si , 1,Jictrii>> .c3(rdior . �..) ft) , & , \ Oh �;-4-. tk1,r-.r) ',a8,s 236.- ?9/4i- a 72'7 ,9a/14,t, ariA4a35t- ,' iG SE Few ,2- -lo - 7 5' %(„ c �.. _ 20/s cts A on __ %1 E I- _ L_, ._ --o S- ON 1._,/_ 0/5 4 NC Ai Ad/ A)e acra k.J o;3Y'd . ii 4 - • 4og Uc*vt7Gh Ave-Ale, feeh.. a.� l�d3am9 'j0a / AI ..1L' di / GEC00 i f ir _ �V ._40e - s -,3,00 timmo...L.....: ^ v I kc ,rA n' 1'r` y. t/ _ 02711142711".„ 11Affilit7, _4_„, ... ....., _ _ _ / RETURN TO 519 CPrlar AvP Sn , RPntnn, WaGh 98(155 ,t .1 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mike of a public or private school. 0/ NA .E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE y7O sl ./,C Adze& 9g/6 4 ' /61)-r- //sue S.c-- /` - , c/, . 9pj .hh.Lt J (21(3J ./4.cr- ( 7 0 C 5 -- . (Val_1_ .( , .y/4 _ d553 /)• - '' �, qyo.� 45 iv?) r 1, , L. ^. s. /• nC`_ . r 1Si , ' PPS?bl ILL-- ( J 78 772-� 8 I it 1 _ /--, o �, Mr I 1 . 3 . 7 sue` - ' ' eio -C-a N-L- 0) -+_.J111111111=1"A 6 C„✓l, C- /c- 9Q 133j 2 '' ` c s A. QItS 22 -Z/61 .------ / •4 �,� ) K 4 J irto . m c A t, /S 4/rl ,S:E. /77 1 1 kvAtisl,) l Ecv SS �.6.SE 6 S 4. trli 'L) 7 3ac90 & c)O1 t 11 s- R?y-S�,�3 _ Z� c —c1� i.t,.� �.VW.. 1 , 43 )C 17trt y 4C=0--.) Ct.-j. ; .- \; . � 11PO4° sE mikiLisptt 1 / k-vs l3c1-18` 9 /� Z � ,iA 5 S./y5' - /7,2 _,2 0(-V9J/4 3 07yy- Ya 96 7,,0 SO/ /7(o - a, , S S a�f-A- / o f ul I I (0 03 S /('1/ Foul 7 i/; !gQ5S �a-1- 757? le t Biki 1476 r SE Fa_ ivy-, r2e viii i WO 2 7/ 7Ser.3 `A YrJ, Qo .^< l t 0 i 3 ,SF aSjf -- �1,-,4- ct'Sng i gS'-f-6 cub Au vtAxitc5i-k . IN,S,1 c=s - ,&-L c) cD(,- itrkci 0,04. S.- 1-f ---eyfr\46-1A, (A)v\. SOS E: /9 (zie0 ' 4.(J if: /�4 1 ,,fv c ; 7J-�,1- . s y , . 0ol4 ` glut . 71 -3'/ n 5'32 Cedar AYP- Sn_... Renton, Gin Gh 48Q55 t We , ' the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition /lir' to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. n, NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 7bS 4 Sn _Mien 252.3 uE V- PL Rents\ gSOS, 2.55—IY 22, l • ( - ileW, Cl%065 %2gCr/iLe•SO. '1Q4C-i4f 'TS'i ►� _ &1\to " Q4 r ;.LL # �a . 4t`lj IS?- \1) cQCA 5_ ' i — / "Yos-- -7Ars==.%)/A j4\ Ail IaL -4 (o Po, Z� (I , �/ 7 ,..4u\dinif Q, n 911�U t /6 l3, �f_�a - . I- 1 (A)6 . E 2' C, I & . �S0.3-5 �)/' ; �4 17'_kdv oki (- ,1 cX 6-3J7 CSC ' - _ 11,011 A Vg/ g-20 , ►evv ' i -2- nl Wh tI * 7J4- ./ ,,k ‘ astLci-. ziges-z (010-3 )9+' Aff Su) ':)ict4,t1 L.oc _ , fl C' i ' , 4 / 7O i7 4)7 aede Sr X-144- 7it c- 2.n 7 Gre \#)) /7* U LhA/1/ 11,7(0 2_ _e--_ /4 te'— 6- ,F -(0 c RETURN TO 51? Cedar AV So , RPntnn, WaGh Q8055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow -adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ; / NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 1 ae yl L. 6/.6115 XX Av rrh /rS. /611r611, 9 .5 o?021,0-77y7 clAbi g49 1/0/0 /Yeii . c_wk , 9,52-055 ,,iv-pe,7 CLtFFoRu,5'.Kat.o� p.o•8c4c 993 PRE ror 7814C56 222- 723/ • \x A -\yam. QNe. S�.. Qom. el% S -r48 . 3At31e :fie. 10aQ4 14S- P e SE- RQvA0v. qCrOS6 C''- c3 z i//1 / /60� NEZ: /31 7�drb �% ,-, ?�� sz5/sza",/e-.t'34e,a/, eK./rr.J Xf'o S4 .1.?8-`r7/8 7 5Q 4.0 cgIWW. - -ri /y, a�.s eT. Q°.�z- . gaos6 2a-- Yes?? �/ . A_, Pr 20 /ZS-a Al.s.L, ✓ 9&i5 h 27.-2.E 3/ a i /rmil oRd 7 n! /,I. tones qv ° _ass-9bss - L .I, (" -26,ee• /i ,ef/ GAG Q / cp 77,2_ /j7e6 Opel ;%11.1_ 11,4)ALLit ) PN)).D„.) el701;_.(1 - K - 47/5-o-s- e 1 op f >4%, � , 3G i/4 .� /6 c'ei 7Y -77.7 -/ AYE E , menw2,12aA aoli-liest S . GubuRn 48Doa 9: `i-785 CJ� Q. Ica / 9 141 515E• fliA tgc.t,e v1 CPg0V 2 `139-7S35 0 /'7 4,1/(11 Cis�5:/.2 qy/ ?Y 7 72 --5/6 .36,--- ,„,... ?V3.2— ya,-,Q'5(,J,,,,J, /s436 9.3s-d? C,c>z Si b s /2-4/ 57`_ �- 1/77_ /75) 77275/c3s-- ,d ( 2d-ifi,- i 3a a. 8 52 �/ 5r . _e, . 75'05-6- aa6-/3y ,e0 % j i&�C,X._z ) / 13 S 9/sr ea-iritzr, 9(feD -6. .,-. / / / a 3 t.L A 4/f / ' '' 1 , IX ','o,J- 02LCSCG/ 6 ' AIL' to S wt aP. SSE. 0? ,4otv,,✓ 7,100 2- 732-911c- • A' /.A A -. al • v: .. te0 A,9W/e 5044 71 2c7?- o 7 9 X /T4 .2/30 G a,te./49teD .1- 40/ 5/4it/Xe- 9,3to `Ld'7—.0q 9 act; C4d7 c S/oS ''rr1 `,,a. &.E. 9', aieie.c.1.r I "eh._FgOcio T30/—Pl e/3 Mr 1 We , the ti )• -- concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within ono mile of a public or private school. W N.)„, j ADDRESS .__.._._._ ITY/7 I � � PHONE f1 , %c3--:s-2s/-2- i ?yob-z�-Iv W- .. . /,31.___ _.3,6-..17/ ,d.. 7os--5- e_s� cz.fs-o7aY l / /1/j' c;i7R0)- MA pi e YAileyi-,/4#21,‘ A il .a - 66L SG�- / s_Z/ P1 _ ass- y 1-2-49% SC "L"-04 4444-71____ g--744C1 • . 4,\ ' _,N.km„.., 11-6',_ 142164( . ,,L. a5g23-P Liet--1-1/44A J 4 ,/-1-7-010 . • , /_s-70 7 t I 7 4 1 AKO ,re----(-1 ,TtariVki &?/-0.13-1- t / -y",mod) - .F- v l � tZ�ti! zL--327; v - 27,1111ill__!__ -O-;-.4.d 6- ,I7Y 0 0 5:;-_,Si<14___SE.__LAtii i -0 7-)4— _._-- -.----_—__---- - % _. Y . -- _ 04:10s ___A ant- __ c 41A-zt-ri _21)-co,ki /vA ua.._ L t ('5b ?� _-_4i e... S .� ) w A �(AZ?te /3Y _.-a -• �- - 6,1- f�- I [� 2?/-87// / 66 o /2 7i S r . fo J W hL 9,�dS`S- '.1 11,5026 E. /a''- wit/ ��as..S- a. / , �� `i hit ` /7 7rXC `. /� ,idez.^ / , ''a ` JizKA_, i� / ii,i)4> 14.3 o`(a_5 C /% �r/�; Z:t i 7`� t i sQ cQ„,.j- nil: 405, v o* 116 -,a ),6 ' , - _// N 6z.-ci-cei,.a )/. 7 1 'ae7t tin / 0•l J 1 l / �/ ag// Ili �/ , / d�� 5- /4 i '1/-r jf, �c'.11 �C r i k>>'1 0 -3- RETURN TO 5 37 redar A� Sn__,_Rentan, Wa ch 98055 We , the .people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 7 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE VILL_Att(i4 (00-1);( COVIAI (11.6-tIL‘)/( 6.2 ,i- /C%y I' `fist /06 . Join dJ )5I � �- ts� (A) RETURN TO S ? ('friar Aup_ Sn Ren ton, Wa ch 98055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAVE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE /4p /2,I V If J107-/Zien, alCt � l.4 7J6- /3 9 S,E Rifzy227 9g0sA, ��7 At_ 15-AlitWAL ypnt, 9554-oiLzP' 4f l 3 (Ji -I W6( RGcc -2 ems- d6r • • A --I/ . /b't •�•�'7� /�®�diL i/ �• /l-in ✓/w��/J �K/� %_.0�.`7 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ./ y `7 *ii i 7 ri-, fri e~, (7.4';',/,,,' ,;-ii 2;471/ ,i 2/: ‘r.P6--- -C ''7 / Av / �.� �6�a CALiFG( J� Ab� SC Z� G yp / I44a S E /2?P ,, . h' le,A 7. . _2 _ 5 7IS" . fir. �z3 -5i3s /yo/ )7` ) 1 C �-�c 26,1 s-7 y- cL.u..1, -,- 3 t 3. s .E7. l? G,-t _ . ' 1 ¢-.`k''^ �._ -crrc a — _ .A.g.......a4, .2. 0 I LI)nri/A--e,"114 I)4 0'4J.,.` I.�:.., v 0 E5het I ixo')t.i A - 3732 iniWEl P.2.5 fQI-S4 I ,- , ,P &Nig tu -PV2--/070' IIA�'ti) JN - A Qi1iu --rukA IN, k, 111 _ epr '/ ixt/,‘. -. L-))6 V >>y \r\ 1%k - 119 IRV ,,i 1 , i_ ‘ , i _ 'N . i 1 . 0 § ir - . a IMAM VD $ , . j t ;-7(-3d-41 /i /VN -A-9) h L y �17 -1/ �1/7 ,e‘t/A 66' a % A...„ , 6 it&CL 12A,190 c-,0i, c--11)-9" ir .--t2,--7-- -(5 Se i\AAQ toi\\540_ , 1619 ‘?-76‘ko,) cNie. 17.00 [ 61 ((i`kI L[1'O*I- RFTTTRN T(l 512 C:Prinr Ave.. So_ , RPn ton, t.J h 980S5 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 4'k NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE j� -4rdilaS/ Dx-, /60/? -,2 A?ve. S m,,X 1/ / 1-1?)- 3S/ ' -'Ff.e fay //df-i s-'� .E�7epJO/�� f� +. C iFete9,4 nr /-Co 3 r 6 f/,/ A'Gs- . 91,(,y/s .h 7; 7757 `:- 0,i1kA 1,I._,,Qo kc-, ZtO '-A'' i s, ,*412? a, ,Nt,rz.NA, i)..;a ctCcOZ- cl3ct-allZl 15- !tom a?'1 �--� (k a0 s i� tR ,y, ? T o S � h/.) '�Grl-Lon )f�c_r,,y t13e)/ yc�. 3 Cho . � isJ ki}LU .S�U4 S. e�rci.cpic./ /l 44?' I/ 1'9 0./ /n• ., ;1 ivi, ,I: , _ : - . 1- (:),;,z C 16 yj.lam. .i () c7- ,9/ 4•.. . ; lr Z l, SO 'a . i. . -- _._ 5! .=12.0'o t 1 6,, _, 7)b/ /f 1 4')� - ilel, L `7S1 4, ,S /7('-2,14'`,,,,, sw Pc . .G- 2-34Y -4111111K42/,,..4:‘://iiA‘: :":•::''''C") -Z46 95— )C7 4(0k .k.,7t_ 0,-c.W 4. ,n i ¢ _; j` 2 ( (/I R x C 4<J L. S,l n/1t t (go"1 G /I.�AC7'\ 74 —� -7 ti /' 3 u-3 5 3/5/)A-S 0 F-D wry Y “--d 5/ (e_cici/r& 4‘‘''9 L/�,/`?i,• 7`', .I /2 '/t /��e. ,cG . 77e / ��� 2! ?- .�9•R 71—et , :„ a-j es -C 141' , $/ SPQ �e (BoP q9 �_,,Way,0,) / 1 , / �/<�.�c ¢2O7 /1/F O� Fe vivrc�,�J 1 S SG y3SSiv5 9z.) ,fe.ce,-IS/. Z34- 14 IL ( oe1.w3 E p Nick ,8 it1/31e1Zvi fv 3 Z Cr-/S7 4-Va Ak C. iQtInwn ell fro,f 2- ?v / / D� .id5 c ,t/E /07 477 ,,,,/./x„-,,,/fros2__ (4ir-m, z-/f/, 111-A11-‘-9 / /4 5()..) a.c I IL( PC 12_43 7;)c0 u31- 9 ?0.55 arvij ?---7_,o_k_ i 2 .6 /6— ed e•ert-4.6?-L. CA-fa-, '7 S'Oc5-6— 7. � 3 ,g►‘ 64 �o2s cSGA7-ac wt) 7r//e RF.TTTRN TO 519 Cer12r Ave So , Rentnn, Wac;}l. 980_5 l' We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. I 1/ NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 77_________7_ 1 ,22 , Of . he" iai,t(_ _/, a, ,k7( qti `e, .m et . 1 /S er ScLA-4_", i Oil (..i-3 3--ke_,.,\0\A- 4 a 5 {&eN-Aon u3 A -- - cuxx" _ e 1 tlAs-- 55 /,72 'T Ron-rob-) 41'05'(0 c7>-s-s-5� -� is/ I SE/,z 9ZX, 4,1,, ,,4,1 PDS-L 2 2 6 -IOC • 07/9Le Lc kkarrS,F. ia-(-7 lace ieent077 MOSh -ISoS ` J4-I/ --e k 6 -,1 - . ,g ---, 1 180. 6, c s o67 ke/tt ; jB3 6 /47 S ,�, 98v ,2=s-0696 , , .2 iI /.19//. ` /'a1 ,:f" -%7/- /. - j)t - kc!cu- i y,/ 3 - S'G.. . o 3 4 9 W-R e(4-1,14-c-e- ..e_c 1-2 Fr5 s- ill / ,-S •£ ��„,d„. 58m s-' S e cf-Y /a. ,,,o-k_ 84_€,I; /.40-7- i , /4 ?-,t1 -4 ---) 11-1_ 4 (X 5 r. i\---)e,,c4.1, ? 5'-, ,S--(7 ( ' e , ( it/ r��1� 6959 id 3 Au, 5_E '"Rif-frm q a, 05 lU _ VY �- /1-25L 147' ` PL 5 r z i 9*O54_, 2Z -64`ib . , h (�� Voz ti --irk- .cr Anfrit 9g05_(,0 _, 74 -,=.244 E-- lq g_L=./07--o/u 7.77c -Co --Z2-C9 --1G1 C)cn. 3.5�1-1 AE /`/ /NrO AJ 780S 62 tI li W LI tq (oyC S,F, lif-LI s5t1a uth WA- c zi// 2 ,r)i / Ss. / dz),-2 9e S a,8-D.F$S Qi2/1 QNi/t-c_ 5-1'h Ckki CP'' (..2 f .r.,,,r)(ctAi P '01_ all l? / i4 -iyo(7 /c((( /� s . 1 .61,-1/o; q ,OSc, , -1(7 7 L, a/0444k_ 5 G / BET. RN Tn 512 rod, a.,� c , i :272 ° PI? ..5 . ee4c--- L-jc?' er8o5C) 2a61-11('4 -1A-rsdik rppeo-ed a la rsv—rNovtrly ofk_41 . dr. 3ittQ / p wry c7 3 ��s/ jr7,-Yk n� c93\ S. 123 N \2s sedazscbcii ��1, ., ®y Ors l O SS 2 �.�2 - / S J fara4e38(1 iJ 300. E5.0 , i)A . /26-5‘753,e,di-e.SWerZ - irio 6 S D-1 Al4J-14tZt4_ etzes.gti 1(4 30 — . , —22-‘-/-1;""eg 3(zi (VIE C41 0 C...) us*/ 51,1 R (i 14 I aft, el"le\) 16) C 2 y S €- l I 6 tG fl 41 r, -rroe-4 c....r,(._eziz a 7 CZ ‘717 7---cory /i fila_a- 71.E Riview,ced419",---s-. 7( ,I / 2 .i araA, L. Macalo�6- nto i?,► n %co* - /„ - f .5_5' /V6. /A i );G�: • ya cia614 s oSco - 7 g-j _ /ate 13 90 73 PC �- - "Po s'6 ____4 ,tirai-...E.0 d 0 7.i.'°:.4 7_4 1/ i 1 0 9 A)( 5 e--EA 73-.1, cv-eP--- fig, 0 7,STO 5 8os"6 -4,.XtAAA_ 11k\0 .fre s Guhp qx: _ ion `l ,P)4licite-N- 2 70 / I /6 5-t-- Ro-v,- 74,52.,,ft.... -Qtvicx. 8 5SS so (Zo . CAT TL E. /.2.6 ?goo6 1 prv.,_ /A , of 39-62 -ArkAt,. iff. — .e ittbk 7.670.3-g C14-t:-e 34fi, .. / /363 171.-J*49 "'/Aaife-. S, 11-: ,i2-es ,e-s-km,eZi7,a i . . ?,2,5 /v_if 6ThAustik/Atite ??°,cte C. L.-,/,.,/ z_, ; 3 Z_/12 `-/,, ,f6" 442 7er/5.6. ,.e,vr /3117 /m.) ,vvf ire /96 -3.) Z0J`c Aizza, / 4tC.‘ r /i4f-ivitea/41430/ W05-4 ,I;-cal,, rza-PAcA //676 . f`Zrl . e- #Q/3 iP4 . - ,ram flG 273Z5 NE /! 9 ` �,41 /9,So Y Sc/,5 c AC , 7ga sz e- _ -- - ,. ' , __ //i//1,44.._ e 'gr.eq 7 d 8 Omat scIN---- , ____________ 4,e),_ (014:64,—AIN-Aclitt---at--fie .e.•‘_*1,, 9xas-s-- L isss-b h V co '&- - - g 8as ___ tf. _ __./ .4. 361- ,Re. i.& _ 9ms--6 . . o' s. - . w ° a't6G D .%e 1 1Y14. . 9 So 36 '7 = y 3 3/41/ t,;/7A'/; •�.->e mse \Y1\ 1\ .V /--g Sg. _ /tom 80 Lot 4 Gap tu., aw- 'e`er- forc 22 '' /v 4 56 Z Z/3FZ (/ / ,49, Y°l 1 ' '4 .A, /8 ' s 5'E f/4 _ - - 4 °t4 gU ,, / . .iti'/ 7111,11145:5-F " 1---' 91e , - ) • / - @AO-C _ c 7cA- N C Q_442 --tav- wik.12-a.9sv / l ' /'r2 6 S' S.c/y,' j-S 4-ha/ ''.il "woo,* A d O3_ e v L �d3,4 - ' ap, ic.� DO - /.S'l _ tf ''- • / ... /‘fc -5'i 4s- vil ____2i.X4- Y/IC " :A fAlli;(2,d (45 ---)-4-.. /M Xt0,4/-7 gfe-45` i) / /V-- 1&T _z. I" 17I7 wr / fir/,›, E Zzle 3 c:9- A /2e6a ex__ '243 1MMi aea, S5 eeed7,1yes6 11444---9414- g iAlgti a/ {a7t,q.�/FNC- 44,677 `�8oS,6 C S. likiJL di: n_ •2.Z Lts S/ a4kic K ti1/.So_ reel >, c($O.S- yo! 0ao5 _Sila.- 9 L-71/11'444"'::., , / Ni 7 F cal 3/L''' , A.,4,,,, t:AZ.- l'e 5-6 _ 6 z AL rk-' (Ai- At-4-el-6 e) Llt1 J/ /1(Z la r�.J' ,-8, /�iy-e1% /lc--.3 2 0'^ , s/^_ / "2) .did. /`A,44'91 `\q • ,i We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . D, NAME ADDRESS _ L 17 t ate 5 //12/SKI LZ- ¢ S/-,'1 5 G 6Z-LvZ1 v -_ 9 uo G Z 2/ / 3 dal. - . ��� _ 4v //i i //1� _e:4/,./6 14' ri 10 AAA_ &---) AL & idee-it )11Szta.ct,L6 iy2oy / 21 s ,L:. Re7je-9,-- ,ji,,,,,,,_ Y8 / 4I _s III f. .gec _ , 4.1&1_ 601 -SI+ I q DS- 0 bertleet) a,,,,__,L2e e,_,,,kr, 98.,,,--6, . m....e..L....." &.„..,,.......... 3,FoY /U, E. 7 a S.Y, a i . 1" i t iciAi r i,- 2 3 o Z Ve.<ir u/f , /v.C-, 'YU S c cS Gi- ir3e3_ d.�, of ay J7 _ _ 4,0 9r S6 Z.0-,0 x z e--. /( Ya. /As Bi Sli. -- /lZ L. /gam . a,,ap, AZ /JOB. 22 , 0446- J __ - - -- / Cv// _0. Si 1__g-6__P&-- 14e-" tk- _/C,6c6 _ /13 Xe _ _ 19)_ (/ r � -/i _ _ rr/� '7/ a0o7. N, , .. .,,A,A-rin.4 . tc6-1- 36.4 (lizard # , A , iia(( -- 6 ://r- te .s, -4 k 6, Afri,‘ .9/05-46, Aet:::kf ilif?I'e• P i .0A-r4i_ ,41/te, Vr 06iiVeyi vrzJ 3.si P A" t• //---4 S)- 9y0-a Alo-Rimill---tra01(0 SEir RoWing HL 608 ae414A4mothzit 3?1 8// J9W_X2-- ads e so_ .n ° S . 9)/f� ya7 35ai id e • « 3sly AJ-E_ ID el. sr• ? J t� V 1 3._ U. 135i-fr►_® _. 9 $77g o 1-/AV G✓ SN kF.L 5.6rv4 C a 24., /4W'E. 40r;nreek.A, Se , /P ,1, :/mcoui at i ri /GBqg / 2- S& Rii476 oSS- - G4�u c ate' G� -7(02 5, 129 ' 'f'� Sc k. `i t(e? ,v2 ! far ( ,_, fiu.‹._ 3e tr4?tocy.._ e 7q</s- -.//(o2-?A . c& 7 zs_i 5 4 rr625-/4Z14 4ue-S'.E' &' i g3656 1 7.f "C-s"0,56 -2/rCi-,/ .-,0 5' cvir/ -_ A•07,-- -17/,‘ -,Sf6 F 9 ' -S w.b l . •)rfel, / '„, C .5 - oe . 3.5 _sV /7.:? �., - . __, 1 . 4. '..o/ „- - - - --r-• r-i- ir -, „z ._ ice ik/ii ) 7,,, _ 07,_,,/ TA�-..►-; . I./4/ 1.$ c � ,epe , , , . ,.., ,, C QIL �- v ,� # aN -vkilt rj, /g/em s r.•� -1 s,� S 'IV (VIP/.3a-Hrperwr, 304/ 00,707r, 4eNwiford 9.sw 6 ‘..4).--,t '2 s • 1-fyizq Li -5,/Cr a -‘) -r C5O-N s t°I s '_.S'ed•t) ' '' -a ' l we g 1tiv-,- C - -- --A-42- 8 �s 3n}, egc) S) 2 1 o. 1 1vrd)I1 ' 3s `801111 ' i ',2: p - 39-41 39-qc f I A,av g _ '-"d ai-R-zL/ re.fir W73172 .6r-cp -7;9 .gue, i)0 zz- Y t'9,revr"& . IIN1/911) 1 mac_ �' -fs , l' y r -90£I a74— 1r 0, 714/ Y91,,,ted a..,ro's --1-- 3, / IA/ /i;// '7 r� - f-/�4- s 9,s / (76 1121://RWPRZT-—<V-tOrrz7 ,v ,i y D ,-,:-•-7/ �61: x i I . -- - - P /q 0 5 - /7 O w 57 RoJtoio __1 f0cs—� ka *zit_ /49! 2,&__ZiAAt, 91N tiria9cteliek) 15Q7t).-1(0(9•444}(45e is.ntrxina5k C boa,, 6R,A-NT Ave ,1 e_(o R EN7w ` eoss_' ///D ` L. /✓ - 1;?.. K cq-vS6 �- ///v G/ir,AU 9A-1;A- - /4/e 1. ./EIE 4LtJge7s6 6t a< /9638 , 11 0` / ,1 „..4 ( re-,f/a- ,P01-Z//Ws- -1g- (7e. _71.0y-> S4 912oSS )1A41/4-: Lv-1 . j&r,tedit /: -7 0,;) 4/7 lire SL- /min 9C 1 ' 36.w g.e- _s A„74„ iz4gz . 2 %dri geas6 1 �.�.. l lobo a, racot/fie St .e,,,.10 . c I . ),a1A1.0A,4\416 R .o aG, sos‘o /0 aq- q,tom. ,&£ a70 Bra, /iA*34 • ` ro • - j- . 3611 n aand Re,n on q5 ()% /°u LuD.A/.. 1?i0/7'rl s/.0 _etzt, gloss `I n4 ' = tee11/ ( se 9s= zsaz /2 Z J / I&t 980 s/ l 4l42.45 5e' c<SI-A/2/.v ,. `r Fruo [ /*svo /47 Sr, ci8054 ,,�,,�✓ f S /30v S&de_ /C1o6r b,a '`/ //, ?SaSS iu,icIlN.lily 7icLq So. 113. A? . Aia W 7I2 /2-0 /L SE 19 e/.c/7v 4/4 9ios--ro -441^- c1-! 7.3 4_ %.4._ at/i n s - _ 7N7 ` We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district I1 not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . as NAME ADDRESS ___ '412444(AZ2 2&G/2--'2_22.-L.C/ E,_ ,r)VS ell-Ziey ." /Y_ 2( /d'3_ ' �t a rnl gt_,. fI 3(Dc 1 u, \;-GL !LA— ' 01,4. _o2 35/,5 /3 /3 7/L1 ef_A tc cc . ": C-77)0AA- 6% ) 431_ I 1 - -/4' \044.616Y , A . - ::. itHc-L,--- -t-p,-j /(74/..1/5, S, ^ _ . /•;QS /g . ASS- - Lcia) *CP0 tfiry _f6 . ._.__5- tik r _ 61.V 0_ _ALR c . . 5 icit-e,(41.LCII4.60-00 /10/ . 67---- /g(-s7 . _eitdr-or_2) _ I' ` 1 4 a Biel . se , 0.7--4. ,4 ei.t_ ;0,-' )-- 4/_47:CAV.:S/ _et-c-1-61-L_-e- .L.._ • eCt _aq: 3 MONTOZ5Y /77 /S '-cam . • l 1 . , n Z „) 9414576, • - _ _ / f _ .. .. fir - s:: 4, 4j,„4,,,., f.n� �_- (040 A._.O. . S - - - S ko.�.b.. Q g�.�B 1/ •I _ 0‘.).1"..,-k.4 -C.O t, I-6_00 Ceim n 4 ell E. — - R.,,,„,,A,43/4.- ._ - . 4.." 6 rn;e---) 1,A7/ 97. 1_ _ 41 A .24. ..Ein/fti r,. ,Id'- We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ,.,) ., /4,2 2 Mo-sc �.2-e _a-v.a ,4/4.6.-A,1.,. 9./22(16 ac7r-34 o o‘.5"- )oz . /27q4 2C i /r& Lai 9 - z3s:-/(e. (/)___n_ryl....er-y-..„ Yv /1? t ,)_ evaii 2 ,...5" 2 'i?`' Az-,-rta_,-vk - 1Ai,i_ /)-- /) ,»AzeA-- /71.5x L/7-eZ''..5 c5:ea ,,iif -7,?,,'-28.3'v VC/ / .//14 I9aC Sa_ (11-O,U 6r G18/18 W3-3811 Tc-,ec,iVie..Aae / '405 s LI a r —ri4 63_‘ G 31 -06 0J.,-a .�-.�.1-Qt)V X). S v s c- .z 8 0 a.,J . c)R a 3 / /,,3/- o (p ,.s % ,,,,--..i-ii R 41-yrt. l,3 '&3 6,f:'f/a J /''& - 0--17: 9 5'n()6 7h6--8 7/b Vieteln 1 /3f303 Stga J ,jjo (,r/,a.. 9 Soo A 7114- 617I4 21N-e, AO e w{, i 05¢ / SL �Z �--/- Cl J t" �03/ S 33/5 P .elo. �.�L /).57;2/ g �74" a 1,R 7/ ,7�S /33, /, , ', 17,_. .„,„ /.�. , / Lv• �/l�l,.e..L.. .I''s,S __eti/7 9,Far 3/ ,pS f,-- 3..,1'' / . g_n i td 1',0 e- r2/ /e,--, 71--- C,Zi . %f. ),/- _Ss`/-- 5-vI J4tktt J / 2QZZ f34r)e�- c . /P✓ 17_ 1.67 . zS-S-lstc � {44.4-- '7- I Z 4 7- 2_ / 4,tl. 4 v_e.s r R c o f e L. q d'QS- , 2,S-S`—/ us ,,./,'/iar.Ge, i1 .. o7/a2 V 6o- 3 3 C S, ,5.9,,,_&c ( .Qifv oti"/FP ,aK'a-I ' • , 0�2.� �f45 z/& ,� 7Y/77 272-J5„V �� 262.S NC' /81-'45- - Nroal 9&O5-4, zZ6--Sa5 I 1a 7► v �' ci o 1 Sy25-5"777i`.5o 5m?`r 9 /E 7Z3-757t -- �. iT X ) \7.0%\A \3b�—Aave. s.�• �..51.„ .,, R%b5 IQ - a 1 1 `/ . ,._ •a ILl /a a ,e-kr 0,,v> - Si)'42 ,5-, 404_ 5'S7/7 S/ 7 72- 2 g-z, xi g. /l-a -:) /ega9 n ,)co 11 4.- Satil.y/Lk 98/71 774•1S6 RFTTTI?A7 T(1 SZ) (' A.,,- A.. c, D...�.... L7....1, OQACS We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ZC NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE O&,-L- N ct. - r/(6,24,4Niox,iv--5. /6 ' S — ` / 7 '7 7Z-6 79� ifiav ,ll ce ,UE 17 R om., 43'OS .S-S-„09 ‘ C/k 44 m0-, G�rttic0 f — r-QA ,., � 1 1 t ?(24� tea, , S 44� 77�-( 7 JJ friCe/ ,(/j.0 I& �,.,a A i Lt f2/5 S C,-Ttic.1 fe - �f�.� v4-^-k- a. (.7- 7�30 1--v\vx, , «:k 4- Q b l�bskk/1 c,t . ScdA.-‘-- 3 -1510 Fi 4 '0.0--e 7,,(Ail/r, ' Al, ( 20 t' -.1) 7L?_) _5 le-ex./1-76/v ,, 2,,I.ccl--(7 . _, t J "S-- ,l A C ,� /��/si-J ., rn �)V el 6^ 7 ( i diZ /14li,-v /,;75 0 516, /q/s I'4 , j d'� ?3.5/ -g ,<_____12/4,kk' 6S00 a /020 'i ( '‘.6. _)7'(, ia (//i 77;2-064/ /3SC&- /29 6' el �S' ��9. 6, 6o s'e y ig 1 7/ ---/5/ `34 P'1'R .f iq I-0 4 s- ci aci, f`l, .�, / - /.29 . 5E. , ,z e_ .2_2 ? 7i7 cQ , P / ,75 e7 C o O S('-Y) 1-2 0..S' 7 IIA✓r _f . sPr-r /P7 ; , O ) 7 F e,,,Z1C2,61-fri) - ;� � / :Sa � 4 af��-2. , - ins / V7 0/t)44,0____-__ x\ 1?;rc-v - .2 -Li Onpr,+--\k N i-- t,zPi cr' cs-A, ,_,?, 2 ,27:1c-ir ,,eW,,/7 -.- — /32/ SZ- 9/ 5 --,<-,/1C- -r/i, 7 -� , i.,- AZfit.,tm..,Y1M Return to: C i t i 7ena fnr a Qua l i t' Couumity 532 Cedar So. Rentnn,r WA 98n55 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE / 4 ?/ /b frs w /e fr tr " pg© S 2 n--,cB& ` S" /ja ? ,, / U . T s SG )! 1 ; - _ ,� E' al 4 ,. 0 i ' Fe) _ / - , y , ...-; 4 "flgeiebili•AALvt_ _ e9/16 /1e.-) 8/ lel) A°:;11.41.-C 7,495.4 azgi eg3 4 ./ (ate 173367 11421144441 -- ok., Ar4W , 7/-:7Z 7 16'1 a to_c _ 1131q-vetkafie i .e1-1!? Sen, qs1/.05s3oiti", - SO V -f-t" Il ' I.. L 0-, ?g°3/ /vd1, 1 r 1,03c 5 . E, 0, io 0, LAM.) 1..0.,x. g XO,V► Z 2-4? -'f Y3) io P Be.dwv I110,0 S . E • I,a1b int REu w_v `t is S6 ' aid a-, ? i_,A 5 2, '11 X `4' 4.r _ - - ega N Zo. /G- 2.5j '" 4 L — ,�0 /354 -- 73 1.sc* we, 98..►s6 LSs:-88y y_ _) ` axth ,Icav S1; eo yJ A115 A.4SU iia 055 „t7/'5375 i x ViaSalitagp/6114-10,*`'AV.5I r� 980 fr .1s3=86.21 4......ifizr- «,� ice." . s.e R. ,,, �6s- a5-s-14ar� /h. [�'� 4251 St- ci ~Pe /f�,at!`. -,U kD'S 6 =9- n 113 17 hAO- Jl1 i cn cctc.1-ii),_ S„e A) & ,.% '8 o S's aZ 7/ - oa.67, I i t t45 4 z..t . ) q.)---t 9 g o56 - z S. . t D.., c7f- 3 it � nx�f ,tfr,1 4.4 ► t 9, ' '.. 0,Q--P .. , i 1 6o a7/-/0 T9 Zy , 3 d //W60 es"--- -, \ S1_ 9 '/ # 7)a__T 400 �- Cu- /P,.<E 1 (2i-^ /32.5-1-.S' /6/M i^%of a/LAI i C `ic 'c>>1ro2 2/-9 RFTTTRAT Tf c1-) roA A.,, c V,..,t,,.. t.i-,mot, ooncc We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. zy NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE S .&WY V/9-6vt' /632/ /3• vi- Si 6- wi ??e,s3 . .-yG:3 Z' Af)AAN tat, 3Lto6 6--)E 6 pc_ • 2 v 6: Ci4,ffcs-r ,2S-S-->o 2 Hu o Q.__ ,\c-\( __-r_ ( ''' ck.,,,i\-6.3)1/1.0-E. R 00.5to\A a,s5 -‘, 9-5 cf (2fA-t/� - --)--2,c/ I (Cr" It1'-'6--- liVic,I c.e_du g_?_?_‘(-.L - 5" '`fN\A CIDtl i__\ 9,; S) 44(aD ci . al Yit A-N Pa\k Y\ Cl' - 4. 4.Aet:d/'7"/"/- //f27 ‘', /' 5 , /,_ 4 5 � ' 77 7 l,nn.";t& 4P.d /4/536 sC /7E' e/, Renfo CPia, W753-,Z 77( fa-f-Lzfei, ,'i-G'C� /33 " -�.v� �r o4l/F dl e �� % J�c9sb /v-/6sb 5 /2c0 /6- 4 - - 7 " 2 ii 1 t92 ).�, //_5-- /l/i'dN/.2 L-'7-e>7.-2v ki /(D -55--2G.5--j &r*' .5 n1r1615 / 1/9 l.;):&1 fine_ S F_ VInz ri (a_. (( ) ‘; 5 ,c3 ,I. C_.v n I c c c ( I I; ` S . i(D C't4 >Yl (e )=�. 98 C.n- J (171.; f ` `'+ e,i'l n r% / --3r�',S7(,) i67c t 4-1 l_am p,,. C Ss l /y l Q, � ; s C /v.R.,,i1,,.(j,. / R tr` g h'43 f5'— /C 7 e'l,c..td., t J,er cl 06,741cri, A4_ s le,r-1.y.9) qrcyl <7 /t4 ,)r )t-1 -3 /f(5Z-,574/L74eil 14i-t,& ..9', ,f 7---- /7 />7// lf L I 3�0��a/j,/�.�5, 7 i,(/ CCii� 9 2355 /k ,:e4i7ec, e --a 2 1-S- ‹,.// e4'_,-‘2 e; qVr7,9- 1, U zv xC D2 j,2 7-33 k2 :' �' y< i t ,Y / ]ra. C,�Jro� (�/fifdi y,� if/ Return tt�_ C i t i 7Pnc fnr a Quality romwun i t 1.II" ' / , -��/ -- „ " ( (. 532 Cedar So. 1. 3 ,,,,,.,,<__________ __/;,,..a.Zte,_\ /L 3 0 ?- ,jf /S-j �-,; .,-1„ A/h v .A /V// 4.y `L ;)114,6 12(D2 I ,13..ec te-cyq C , S . 98( 70 7?2 2C We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAVE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 0Q"7 7.(/ 1. 1 "'*;.///' / /il4,44.),„ 7 g_6 -- 54/hca St6-4-1 7-7,7 //Iv s' ' /toy- y 7g_rt s© , -6 2--3� 1.44. .._ �� /�rW 9 7g L2!JPE.- '-'I / f 77 / /:j �rvrt,.pti. _' is 22 -9:2S . %60 /7/4 2 Lz I,.i. 928 z z- a a( - 1®90 ?�� � 4"E ,d," • / Zo Z s �0Pdisa /1 4,4'1_ ("i.,/,'? 2n) N,32 ? 91 04,4, 6, I.(1-2,7iri iC./)a , cac','Af2-. -1256- qq/ 7 ,)y - sD- 7/ V S-? Let)tN1/�-c-Fec_ 36 2/ S,3a S�! ��u� , �✓ 4- ` a" - 73S-/Z 5 3 _ ( o,JLcJ ..a ‘1/ :.5 //6 .5/` 5,,,,d za_ r:'/7J‘ 7 7,2--6> SS ..y xi„44; 241.,),4-- 4---ipy ..si. ) / ca d-e-e-t--(71;et /e)(2./.4,- wir- 7.15--//ri 9J..4./40.,‘, 1,-<_)ci.74,11.4„, Z Ooo W, e 7 9k - ... 1-,),,,,,, -- f.,,, j, ),L3 .--- -,-)A, -____,____ ,A.up____Lag_____Ebkkaikiso, Exilim a (- -s) a4,3C) , g1 et_,// - C 21 6` .2' 0-01Ce— of/ ). Cam- �, 9 2/1 f( - I. AI,Thb * PL. Si 15, ge l j o a cifacc z 240-4,,345-- . owl �A,6r*Ifive . TVl,;zo _________ /f 1 i A J ), hJ✓ t,t1; .e,, ( J `)j "1 V.r 4 )_;c-,a - n v 3,- U •f i ;: j i!„`._ kt,,,,,,"-e,‘ `l; = 5 5 :2 ?/ - 5 7‘;i:7 4WL: .-4go/ SD /9a`-"4 ,x99 c".414 $ 8-i 4/ -/ .`, ''U - tli*S( ke., -.t , ¶�Foss 4D 1 -ti39 s- � r i o.. ,r��l�1''ti ���D��T/ � /C_ `G /2 V4 �2t? -6 7��3 7D i/.L_,, O i� 1S/ �-sLi 4n7".�i °7 WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT 'KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE. ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. NAhi\ t. ADDRc tell! St 5 3 Jy WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE. ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. ' 4 _± s a ai l�%vnu, CC- . R a 0 e uv a 'cvaii � .4 c ' • • • . _ /201-t41-4' (2? WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE'ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. ' 1 1 7,Arz-.Z72/2; /- 7 2-�.� ' �, WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE' ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. (1). A tiN E A DDRC 1X/71 J 45' 1 • 11 1.1111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII • • . . WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE. ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. .21 1 NANNE • ADDRc Ss (°t 4 S %jt . t4, ,73,3 Gcl‘cJ WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT AWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE. ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE•ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. NAN\ E 4PDRe. 51: z1.41. ••• 77 / 0(ob--( • / lb , a C.. - _ - • • • WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. NAN\ E D DRc sc St 1. kJ -h-f f). //t t Li- • WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE, ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS 7-PORNOGRAPHY. NA Pf\ E 1Y-61511 c 4) . 1, (.. , , ac .. iy1,6 _ '\\,,,,\ AI za11,, (v.-v-i- 402 c,-Th F i "Actite44.4., 4 %.. , Aow- /Yt Ae. elf. A/ A. ,1 / ' 1 - .) , . , ..... _ _ v , . WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE.ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. C • . DDRc sc to S t Lc,4 L It-iiMP, 40., 0. I SI Of . 7,441, • ��� , v °i . ram • 1 / i i - WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE' ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. NAr\ E DDRc 1"9 St --C ==.2°6c- 7- . (71- of( S: minumminommoimm.....11111111111111111111111111.11111 ••.mm,•••ff••• •.,•••mmer. ..•••••• •• • WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE'ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. • NAME D D tec. ss ..3 t St DaX 16130 ayt- ervi IA)Pt • �--- _ 7 53 - /Sb Sr �. 14 WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE. ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. NAME • 4DDRC, SS' t + St 2 z)o- ,1-2- g1. S,. A v b v r„ i goo 0-1� 1 9�7a • 46. P1 ,i-o aukom1A)11 /D//!1 Y'iS.G'- l 9 e_,.. fore / / 17177/Y1&7 Ty01 < (1114 5' / r `O�1 WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE. ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. ( V NAME pCRe, ss' �i iy t 51 A' r _ , . i4-4-2- ., .5 O 3 % We , the people concerned about Renton, a e united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. li (51) / NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE • G ` RED IRN TO 537 (:Polar Ate_ Sn . Rentnp, wash 9R(l 5 — 2 V i3- 6 J-° 751 t o L WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE'ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. i- 1 di) ' NA NNE Al• D thRC Sc (- /5 y gc- /2/4fx Ai&O•4/ o_`k-tv t l I '7 Mt i rid i IY., _ _ 1 e e r•i 3- - - met Allilorrire-.1. �__ _ A , i _. . l-0. - ,(/. ��� Lam. . filannVd4At2 - �� l /C- l 1 i - ' d a -5.W C `3?' lJ 9- �__ __ '- - 111 : . - - AKA. ;I //� J5 w „ _.car i 1 —02 C ea'` WM fI it,. - / 6 rr4, . _ _ 636 I; ‘4 644 , ,/ ., / WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KPOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE'ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. NA E • ADDRC. 5c _,3- ♦ St �- . 02,42 (64, a 3 /1--"1- 44z-e 1.,, vLea... 9k/cif -79 ' '.3-e.c-- S--e-c/ . -.v q,e /v 6 C _____Jka.,3_ ak,,,,, ce!,,z. A z 38 - /6_ if So. e,,YrAz 7.5 7 _„ /4/67,7 _ ,-- __, / ,) -s: / .yam.. r.-r-40-ya. 1( ?/,, . •—_. /q42,M4 l%pi,/C7 1` ..- 1 l f l 6 `>. <<-r am_ jZ q/ "-- 9 So 4 Sam' p ' ..e.e..2. 0._ _.. _a___.,,t4i;_444:• . .________ _ i7� ,Zto,fir' r .._ . _ . 2 Li— : ' . ' , lS �. l c WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. 170) /VA tv\ E , ADDRcss- kNo.\ o NiCkl\r, Devsclorf- 275,2y aisr fwe SE V\A- Kirr) a-e,cio1/49) irtra Q occe L-4 I ( eiNi-f a3y-/R /J ft) --gep-Oat ( • ,• WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE' ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON' THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. NA/NINE DD;Rc, CX"/"9 4. St )14 :24e-41,(Ad • Cid k141- ei-11)1,-7;fir ` It .1 • R ERr zT. 11NsoJ ►gin, , r erliTa 'y... r WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE' ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. �'.5 ..��• l(J� / j / 7 / IIMORIMEMI II -Is.• A al k 1r £ l?. J- _ /1 yv 3 5' ?08 te c,e Glet INS/AS��:.. ,. - g. , . MP4 A j ;A ./WWI*/ -X 1. tilli. lrw. wiv�.i ,. /W:0_,. T! / Al:Ckw,tk. . U. a , g off'- , s(� k, 4 P t:..,.... if,/AM 4' 4/ , .., OA ..- AO .ii i ....e/i : AM �..✓, rodirill_.. 'o� 2 k1 / /4 r r/ /�I�. .r llialliElli a / r ! / Aliff.4. 14":...s.:.7.- P- welmil • -- - - - ' ritraMK.41, ...•4/VP:ip AIPPr Lh�-za-r� . ,-ca, cN- ' ' ' i_ ( C) C-1_, ,......e......,.......‹., , , , ._ LacA. - ')(i--d/ 7 We , the people concerned about Renton,• a a united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious cility and within one mile of a public or private school. � il a NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE -L -e , — c ,.- ASS (9f -(0)((ici &4. /3 O 0 S Few, l e k�-f c Dr j?-E:4 7-1 5.-- &47 S__:2___ited: 231_159-/66a rezEe-, ie,9 v S e- z.3 ;,,a / 1,--7' 94 �J$/ 5 67 / 0• . /0g/g 5-f, p--q sr - l e/v( ,� 3/ ,g��s de3 r `42Aff..e, 719 S- ?r ( e0y)674/ (}L19 ,PZU/ ?)3z66// — — iLtd -S45, /7u5 ZA(72,, ,4 _9BGS'S' Z.)-O935- y� de'/ 7 We , the people concerned about Renton, a e united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE /1447 (q44440 S / ,?( s( 47nif 9.9e4,21k. dt-„,p,77 7,6 liask.19.5.7dh.v arirt l74/ v tr ; o,, D. 7 Dx q 3 C u ..( (Q ,.) 1� ck. P.2 s --5' 6:2 <_ a1, -ram 37 Ro.n,Akr \1. hl. R:kinion I �J Q . clbSS 'c 3 09 n- ,7.406:n- 9. (1ieea � �ef'93i-���' �4 GGf.�c. c • _ c9no 3oa� aii�" N� i edoioud 4(4 . 494-o5-.1 &63 3010 `7 2 �o3f3 Ltd 3,Z2." gge-0• 174 , l)4 9,(9ps2 gg5 68.f, (i n 1) F5s (Air Si"i L�- n S-e Ci✓0. `J S' 2-922� > L`�. L ��)/ "75 a/s F,,7o5-7 ��.G•9>>� RETURN Tn 517 Cedar AvP Co , RPntnn Wash 9.8055 WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE'ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. V 6 ,'I_ J..v.9i / ,9 6.31 $6/0 g.,,,z-k, (.._. ...r...k, ...,4i,i;:<'ci.,z st.- -r--4,i ,,,,,.. , .., , ,,,,,. c 3,,,, 11 1 ' ' ; / c 4 3 r '•r ftwl-4P-V ` 4 f l'- ' A'( ' " ' ;4•1,...... I 4-1. ..4•••"_SE.:7.47,:efele oe.itt.4S.70-.. ,, ff ssyy . N� 1�.�"'" T .' /; ! 1 .;.�C (,)° l'' !,i i,)K, Alp �,�� j:L?./tc,c***75.1, ..,: / /)1 jet/C -. "..A. -HMS ( `z, 2,6 c. T /7 7 p r. N .1 n; -c)k1 - 4 7.1►�ti E0`�A 4A. 5e: 1.:7-?*.P,.- � 3 Q. 1. co (H Cr SC_ 'p 7"p i'1 (/ , iG 3 A L.; nco Cr/y S /7e-k TO vei cE?') ' u) . 1 — 1 I (.4p A t, .s e Rcm-17,,,. r !�.. __ Ta.►�tzcic i ' 1ILei3 S E d c :� h L4 M le oat 0.,pY WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT K OWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE. ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. , NAM E - 4 DDRc SS (° 4 j/: 9-74 iz/ 71---,.) ---(727-iP' . ..,e,...z fiEL , - /..Z 41 le:/ 6-..(t.',,a/. 1-‘1‘6,-- idcz-)- b /1. /Y"E c/ -4 9.� ti' /34►3 ,-, 410-trlscA` )' AC- r- .e1iz "ii- (.;La--,,,--,,--c.._ 2 ceog_t_ - ----- / /- ---- '7 �. , .� o �yL �,� _ e: )Ai( ': 17:*. . 7 1/4-S9 - ke--- ' ' - \ , �. 3ci icel:reS ' , 4 6.1 3" t F p,t),,q )4Li .../24,,L0 r , jlic, 1 k5 6 6 Nsi.-„503 A , -bytt. Pik)0••# 0Sz39.- ; L f ,t: V...-C-4-V - .S. //'— (iti Se. ') 'i I/, >ko 3 WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OP R ENTON THAT WE. ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. 111 )--- -- ' NA E • 4 DIJRc., Sc Ci 4 St t( rc 11 ` ' /c 0 D _ ` h•., r 1(6(._.-g:4,,Lj ag , ‘A> 6 C C. �� - �,�� /6.9,„„,,,,,,. ),1-'' . a),,,,. „.e L e�friiii.,iii,,,,,e a - ~ . ? .-s-s e,I- / s , ..__,,__ST .,5,--.. ,, it 0. , AZ ° . ' _116,26-56 22z/4-i - ...41- ,z / / WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE. ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY, NAM E - -A DDRe. ss �,� ♦ S ( z ',-° 11,1/ // /D -51 .22_3 _S .1( _ I(J q 067) )9). 1 .,(,,(' 'a410_51z,L.„c,E_ 88Y-1/-L.- <,,) --fr,i'A-,7 I'-'- `4=44q._ \ - - ' - U.) (1,.1s-1 C - Q 0/NA/ - 3.'s,. /‘ 0 /6.C''' 6k-' 6), r I W „ ! f / i Zy -zss /97 S ,L4' , , I , Alri.P �) _ -- 9/3 --.,2/•,4" ,S'.t. / /..i-.. ..12_ ; •__,/ ".- ‘ �� gr/ A ,,mil t -767- %� , - Yam; A,_3/- 07 I Aj..4%0 st nor ell 9*/14), W THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON • THAT WE'ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS _Q„F PORNOG1RAPHY. NAN\EUJJI ty, •-szte€4.4e '(1444144.9/18-M 3e I - lecot.64., tda-- (..6 12 I E LOPATEit /t) ;0276o 9-//e-/-6-14 / t-/t)7L WO- 9.163/ A)TY A A)6 yldrx_z ttr,„1.Q G- S- Z-4 ec 7e(5,117; 4141 t?P,o_RL /35 PI scr iiirA44-4447-74741/ <1.3i - - tu f,),/0 y",46 v e_S e_hriAitc,,sk9Y-L3 ?Jay a x. )(44.4-;A-, f4,e ,N'.4/ • /a‘214- 61.-•”e") ,dfit E, (A / r wie 8o„ . • ., We , the people concerned about Renton,' a e united in our opposition e, ` s to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at ,.s/ the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton x. has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning ' and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious fac . ty and within one mile of a public or 4 private school. ' I NAPE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE : e. 1q ' Ifii-e— ,2300/ 02Y)ima.,, ii4 , azze . . / -,20,)_ 1/6(fil:.:"..:f.. l' ç D 0 S/ �- `- 5�- �'/(� e. JVe,. t!4 Y-3 ('`- V6) " �. 1/0-), yl,O„, 4, /j - ,%v if d 4 L 5, -t5Sct ya cL P a4-- 3 -�%7- .2 cie, c. i 2,4->vl�/i .1 //)�n"itiliLCO /`/Z �J 'J 5 e- c i6 "i3", G .. 74 c9 F' del; /5/ '/ / / i -f-z-, -- G --�(2l-5 , ai , ( ' /?lad sc 4,/ z, `- G; V/ - y .3 - 1tit/o 142 029B/ ,S5 6: iti2-9' 392- ?t 1Q - /. 7.50 fss r-" / ' 7 td, 14.,. L 7 37-1 -3 ,�� ' 7; 06.)/�',i v a.(s E C : a3q-97-73 /'�� - ., 2 C /i 14 s .144.'(C/4c((N," 9 .72 -,-(/ ? 4ifiC 4 <;200 -6_e' au( S Mr U v aim �1a3,F• / 9d 114440 AL, _IL-4.. -ss-ziptedrigte PR 5-e_ aduLt. , c72. ,„s--...:.:,./6'0 ___. .- 1‘,7t1.. . - &Ai( ee.i jdixt AA. .se. „,,,i4-1 tkASK, r " !17 __41,41,ekfaitlifre--______L.10 3 2. CT . , -- * ,-s-r_ -Z 11 Le R,41-4.4.40.._ `ram- Q , 7 .f/7V/C� 40.....,,t,ze._‘-dx#1.,. t 3,.z ✓ `79/ - .1 , -:---- / _ 1 -hed/, , ifff-r, . 3-sk --A45- ii,J 4k /67/7 S 11, 7,r,02k------ is --„0821y eZ t , errs J 16 S,g. 91 '4 J-44304ty . 9,9 - caoe (JAAJL, t° 7, 0)27,,,z 7 SE- dt)e) - sva,e) ? it,‘4 79,ii `725 Gv eGrpt.�cJ ,t5e.v,',. 5,14.%- LS. ,,c(<r'4", wig/ 7) 3 2 - /=�F •.. RETI N TI) 51? Cedar._.Aue.—Sn____RPntnn_ l a ch. 9An5 4_ _. 34_,), 4_ 1766(..,--,,,rA.,,i ‘ii-l-t '-- et-?-'-' i - ,P. , ei 7 , .1.1 yqe , T ; ,e concer;:ed about Renton, a e united in our opposition N-, to the c.:. •.Iblishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at ' .`�. the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning .: :x and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAVE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ''' y 2 5 i- r -e y d Y':' 2-? 3 (;7 2-- / 3 b) , k • It_ , -. -- ' - - r'\' . / /.7174 'C ..i - i-sd..4;,'Il 7102 ( 7177?-F7-7. /,:e 15.1,k6y 1'2 5 /1,1,..4�".6.I ez I3V -1-,f- 5v'tC (1 /) G. / :J t� a --41_ Z' cam- -1 //z/a 5 /6 i`CZ1:4,,.-d r /R ,�. t-L ..),,5 5 Se G r . -3.27,71 - ":7-_/t512Z,,--_, /, 2,-,_77s..,S-2:-/i z,c )/i,g/i/ ,-3 ,_:_-- --- (j ,'<::<,-"/- _" Z/ )1 / 7 a-6 5-6 c,. --c-itt-Y 27dd r�/ -) 7 2 f A v 3g z , 0(,40'/ K.,..-- 1,2L /7 & - 3-( „ rkf)t .E__ --f„„ coci, - (L,I -., --,,? , t �''d - 9- // ; � . 76 �/ 11 / - 2 .1 '''- - „eir:i‹,-/- 7,,.--,,..fr,,z,„ .---,2,.;f% - 5'__---747/: 1) -t .,)GCo[ S� iJ7/li VN. iSSgC,6_l'! G<'/f 5- Oc7c 2 ,l � : s�� rr .may-? - .2 o 9 Ica 0 '4'(-- P"T /, /. (s f t • ,/ ' • (......170 70 li r 7t, 7 ('?92" 7g "f ,2-1 �a . a- a - - 39 I557 • ,‘W'kuWaMil 0 nit, p_I s E issauafri 5q3 -1(0 3i_ RETURN ilL S12-CPaAr�v_r-___SD-11.eatna ._Mash. 9Af154..-- . tl 0 ) P II _g --6'.i •-- , a?-2-e---fi, pf-p ' Z, )4 b'--• E 2 I -r-vz-v-,-?-7-p--0-- cp--7-t- 1$54°- e,4 :?7'0 9 ° e - L../ s-d. ' X ' ' , ) -- � 91/!1 .4 ,e/-3/ fidirogi g pe,5-LE- . ,/�X// � 2 z_g I' grhz-Z 1, E LtiC n j L// 0 U 211 -) 0-5 2- c41-113rYLATh s 9,8, G 07 6,t, °l_ c,g 6 �? 71 9/7/ •-- "s 7 0-e. per►.,-0-.m -.,.0 U , J.1- . C-2 t,_ 7-----d— po 1,4 -1-r, r2 -ir,- i - ,7- c-, 7.-: ?--- - - -/-14-Dp ,?,)7\7it- ,1_,0 h F z L_, ' 1-2-Q6 \-4-4- r• INI'lk,.-^SL-Q-)o-kw og � 3 g) 0 z - s be L206-r7-r-r- y5 1,i(vid,ofie,-e5 w.cp z7a, fl--ff-er2,/, ,1 97- 7 am# �` 7 A % -5-49/ - 5,4 /l'n'61,Y; ZI4-/- r' .g° Z r-,72 f -,,.." -3,/7,c,(se. ii,,s/ -----ya--w ------7---r/ sg_s_s-tZe Leoce,i, zr- lepiti / 9 i/717,96) 7t71174 ., _�� Zr. 5 ' ?» ( r'it L ? ''-t il 3'' 11r_r 1 / 7 ry F,� ,( s L/a c' d 1,v b/ 1/' .. / � w 0/ 7—t 93� - C)d''/ 7 We , the people ' oncerned about Renton, a e united in our opposition to the eetablis men o ornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public dil park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. (� `IOU c .e pit ila.o-�1KISI)_-b. 3 - �.rt4tb � (o r Q or I i £ ( r -' ) NAN � c _ � �'nr�� R)✓'SP 7-0 .i- ' ' CITY/ZIP PHONE Re / ?OS-6 aSS :':�,1 cU- ek, i 484 5- I! rk JLe -en. w k 'S J/ "?c%tr,x6 f3 ,A. m J i<I f , 4T 316J t ,a- M cvto i i1cd i t1 l4 S o, / 615 a-.'3a 5-9' BC J u,'.1 337 ,,, 4...-e Sf /_e_,,,,�',� '; "-- c- 21161C-S— 7i14-1 2,1--0-Vvi E if i 1 `,,.-41,-- ,)7/-)---i_o_ ���� -c_39f, ar, — ��:. /&/ ki- 4 1 d tie, 6303 . /a-3'?Q N Zd& WIZ' `77 U ecki . ,01/1'.teiDfI 02,V, /o 08 / / SE /(Ex-)r 78031 8,5 51-‘,/Jy t' S,c` - �„ 7 a Sc 5'J'-193 tVe-e-c- -‘... .0s-rf...d .1/S4 -507-51'--t7 'aif/4t;i '. ri(s0s4 22 ..eiZzol ark & e tv OKcu+k4 -� 6--. ' �,U-c P,uf>3 IS///.25 pl s'%1 - 6 - M iH6,,. , Q,a 6 t. <i.z1 A u,b.,A :t.w. ci 3c? - Cf? 7 : &.6tCt �3 /7/-.S/ oCE (A -cuLiL.___, e.3_ 33 y- 76-,Ivit) Vererd\v---- k/d5- wfrAtes--,F) a,ArlAvrI f5'3 --,51-7 --cit.!,1Lo tlty2ia-, fin• 1 � ,.�. ,._ q -N-a(.043 cA-Lki,t\iotl\(6-* y4D-1 - lq'� SE 1, _ 13 - lo f e-e' 9e// - 7 J ,., �d%i a ., 763 q d�P ' e< z),,t,, CA, 0.2 .r- r--_A- r 6 }--(_,e-->t_47--_ 2r_--zvA__s7_4 ( 07;46, La y4 5 c--,, / 70 `S U:'e f ar;c4 // 56l/ 3.a76, 73 77.247 '.(y:72, cX61 19 \b e1 P ) S.2. c U% S59 -06 4i?-,: __ ____. )apjed 45 y4 - /s3 \P. " lI , Teetz 71/6-535'S-- ' A , Ol7;,,k_ ..2,e,-..-',---cj • We , the people concerned about Renton, a e united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City "of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE _..1.4tAl. • 0,2S06 MeaWe'ed 7/1, vE ga5-ii. iSo5. -, ,3,;2. -0?0,5-- (1%1 1 k l5r J 3 3(0 07 ' Pi 540 ,c •6=-3 P(/Liai Wczy 9 )-O v 3 3S-- 76y s. - f____ __L___ 9/0 �/a-wro-e� ,,r/C 41 . K/ %os--6_ z7/ askoe' coils 6amilx, 19r5-v s6 Cv_ Area• /Y-V,►.1, .2/i • 2;e03/. 6 3"- s.. , i, , _ ys - -51 1 c_ . e 4 / 7A `(! -s Y/(Y 7`; I'.. d'�- .n.M 05x lJE 6 )) ' i,...2/14 ( 'm c" ,),Y-,/.i 41 , ' I QaD/(o S '( 3 65' e 9ko3/ 634.61sy eAfrigillicti... ..4,,, a-' s/ L,_.J 499 r.;.(.4.,to C C.11(-- 3V/ 6,'1/5 k. . : ; 1442 ; ; '441 / 1(3_3 Co d af_h r r__LZO_ c2119=,2j3) (ti4 4:7 3.//2A-1.4., /0;e, 1-- f()c-5 / , 0 , //4 - At/ItetZ//i ., Z)L7.2-5--/ 6-- ,?4 • t' ((too '90 3'/ - -75/35 q6rxtd:_,46-4/ A1_1244 i,z. 8G 3a gat. Q-cre So ' i/� ; Z-�2<<: ))t/Veer/1 vCVS .4 37 1�107`�, /ul 4‘iOS/ b'st13('/y end � 9 1 1 '1 4, 5 �A )3�/- ,cv .)°y'i« "� 7 'I - Jti 64) Z• y�ce-6 ciA_1,,t_C\j).54,1-ea_.0 e. Pt).for /2G 3 0_4( 4„•, ., ,✓.-/-za ..- 2.-iz_>vt. , 72/_ ( • 3 ��.)c%7 ,,,, it // ,. , — ✓, /j1/ o ai Z- ./ /3 7-/-3`,: 7 c' � _ 1 / 3 ./ 6.) y s-c;3 5 LZiii:I id Y4 5�l - V D,�, I . , Oki,1.,-.,ia 1``i 0 ,. , lib-1 1 I,:G ea:44e- /-?-0-Qez 4- Lz We , the people concerned about Renton, a e united in our opposition to the e:; tabt i shmerit of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 1 ` NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 1 8 vss --- , -- 2 0-)21-a -/S y'`,A u e , s,a. , Ro--,x-,, Lt3 z- 335 '--? ' ----e - - - Gye6s - Z 0/ra & /& 3.25 /576 rh-sue � �� .2�6 _ Y® 35 Y-c - /h3.,� /f Z `i SC ,ems, .2 P -_/L7' z 1 s, �,,� / 3 Z y /J? v e S hue (r, / • / S'4 ` A 5 - i- ,Y, 6 6 GF$U ZZ - �Z J'�{ hi - - % - - -:442-742-= 7 _ --1 5 s / C--' ''N Qc( i)- I LI k RAk.A---)1, ,2. D,,a b'cQ dam/ 7- g y/c - y,2 . . Ai‘-t-J 7-Z ..-/ s i/4,1m4/14..,__ — G. ,Q__ 1- 6.4)-___ h - -11 t: g b 4,e ,fle,..,71;06, --2-- -s-- ----?( j _ LFc"c-/- 56 /6 A/,1) 1 y',9 o ss' ate ,W 1i c' � �� Wit! /�>�, 9 'c1 Bch, �` / k y-y6 5: E. i6. . , e . g?G,-3- C.KAT5 0As ,'-AnCO, ,F_ PASYA! Hii i s DR /513 0 on, I/./11 9R055- GU 1 /43 t5 i86 56 co. cc) N ?E05L �76 -135 S �1 �2 td .31 e,%,� A l a / 3�,9d6F-- s c 1 , cn/0.3( Sk0.6i) c) i S'C2.6"? 51 E.- /‘ 2- Q4)..rittN.- (-kJ°, 9 ?so --s----" _. a-2 d 9rd7s- q3�2�2 � / 4_1. gs-63S -- 1, 2 1-62AL WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE' ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY, 0'75'.- )6 NA m E. 4 D D t2c ss �,��-y ' S gioss- çj f ,�t '� 0- ►� a / ya. U q ctAii-,-..4. c /O /I SE 3Z6, e _ US /412 Z4 S 270'—:1- PC / ' 9 ' L 7i/ ii gyp Ate ,-Mr ee,& `t I s.E — i? r-24 s'•€. -52-0Z6 7te,v44 4its- ' ice .. ' _ ' 3 A e, _ Pam. . -Er - AAl3 erN w ILL//4A14s I 3,P- 9'g - vt S r-tiT, wfr ,60,/amid E e2.4_,Q.:Cd_A? /s 71 5 VAA A lAJA _SI&Z,A 9r -t2.Ak 1., •Z / /& 4-‘ - // f /26,24 3 J 4011 IS ..,. --s...„,..tr•p.'", WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE'ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. (?::;; _-.0-' 6 /VA t\r\ E ' 4 DDRC SS' _I-iLq + S-217 z 1 (! _ / a,,,, fr77;2.3 .4e7,;/ < -e, :ad //1/2,-4_ ,., 1417 2 LC'5 2 6.._V " a. a' ‘411 s _4,al- ri LOA I_ 53--0-? ovtiew_Str- ceet_fr- „-- _ L .... -„ /,-1-7/.-D. ,i... .,2,,,, 2___:-_-_- i ((no/ / ...21._.A.,SL,, G3 6 3 / /2•4,,c_1,- ...... . _ ,.. ... ..._... ...______ ._____....... • , t.,. _ Le,e, f .. _ / LL-____________s;,. . 4, , e 3 7 6 I 6,6 i-, ------— --S 7 ty_ s_._ __ ' 7/0P , C . of?" gr,y-cy i . ., .,..-„,.....„, ..:..._.__::....__.._._._____,.,..„,...z ________zjje:a, .4e,....4.,x,„...) / . 424 -. . ... ...._____ av y ......._ - e ' i '• - /6---- Z7-f -Pey w , _ d _L ,„,„, ,0 — .111% ,-/ ..._ witryd , Ai r 0/M11/17.i if ' 4' ,ffelf A WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF RENTON THAT WE' ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. jj , . - NANN E A DDRc Sc _) * St i> . ll/LAO ;n t rL e 174 31 unti ,fiii c,, NCeeda. ���. �� & W roc-- s, .> A 5. e v ,. r �� �9 S� I .-- ,.A . --,2 4---" . ._...i. . //6// - It Ste, lj.,)efr2_6tt;tjg... _-j _ ' --Cda-- e.7-761,,i,,..p. , 1 ib00 -1, 1P. � a7 __... /06 _/ s=,ers -- P- _P, / /a 0 - ', C- 2 i„ ., • . .___....,/,(/7 •• . K ;(;)/ . ' . 1. S?- ! ff' 's 2C-i 9� - ✓ A cw_it.,_,L,;.1, ,_, JR-..--1-/--CA WE THE UNDERSIGNED WISH TO MAKE IT KNOWN TO THE CITY OF f ' _ RENTON l THAT WE'ARE AGAINST THE 2 RENTON THEATRES SHOWING PORNOGRAPHY FILMS OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF PORNOGRAPHY. -24 NAME A D D Re. sc (L,; ! S L-- .9.-,o_.y/ • 4 , t‘ip.-- I ,..er1, 1-,./ V d . 1,9-,t_et, �'[0-n d 0,,. / fie' .devv 44)4- .1 n--) Ge),(2.--t.__. - '1. tJ�fr.Sa.V,. 1--L 0J -- !ram \ f d i le S- ' ! ..._.. 2 -1/1:6_13:6„„i _2(122.114- . i Ro 1 S 5 Qte a 'rege6,54_,/ _g ll_ q ry _ l�009 ii Ike, Ss() , - -a 6. e e 0,,c/ -,C. C�/Gr , di-.. .. + ___ .‘17,/... .. a-s-i,vt_ zi 's&L_ 30(-e, ectka„, ett) tgo f QQ.46,61.J qcass-z. ._ . ' 7,&,otr&- ,56/5-- -ifs--"47-1/ Hiazza:,,,./ t91. . . . - . t -AL - 4 o -1 _ -„-r2 c_. h1.ae__ i / G / u /_ /- -�4(„ _ . I 71‘,.__‘...M. ,`; .____4,t4_________%_e _ 1 ‘9‘ -/o V S - 6°7 td,°...f? _ 7' 19.5' .,-,.-V- .--')e-d-ver-d----10)- - //‘ .1).Jf-e. ..a ,-44_-e 5 .1 ./!--,,e . ...?fil.6;T t 14_!1- I-04/e , ' . .fc'Y A'ee 44-/fa, w*, '2'; My. ...,c i."4'-' 5`1" 77 3.6.. s d7( s(-n li ° . -(2-4 �F® " Z- 9-- ei3L71-7s-7- ,,j'' --': .. )C>*A., s----A P-=-`74.- i-c, .- ,:ir7------ irq v c\ ) \ .Syr % 1--ULba0 et a. ' -.1"- 1--'i a506 S10 si - s•w • acattt, 98168 C I-N-\ ", 6 w^`'c-0- 2---i a-(`ti IL/?,i-` - S •C-. 1 c-=-r -+ el e u3 I „,.j, /ii d 3� L)d / 7 We, the people concerned about Renton, a e united in our opposition to the establishment o pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that t'..e City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zo,-Ans era •."r: are In .weswnrt of Ordinance No. 33526 which would not allow adult theatres within •i'tA feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility anti within one mile of a public or private school. NAME _ ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 0 3 o�3 S .,231 2 t, I (iliar �� ,y.3_,7-`1©y 9 - z . /2 9 s f. /J ':` `5. ���.;s” .�.7s .�.2 - -/-2- )� /c-,ram . � a IfA al ,.,o --mr, q(1 Ur. Ojo Wc4 "43?-cvs:0 Air i „ - 7 / 06-P/d S 4- a 2 ' 1 �,�,..2 V ret DEL/ __ 1 ,i_, g .'70. 5 SE Z 76 it_ 2 / , L4ei .c9co , 276 C���t +r- e v3:2-ryy lir . g_re _. c 1,-)pt -c/.?".c “I 1 i ./r, .4 4 J., ohl,az?-cc4-7,„:x-i-, ,.,7e )ei ;-a7 ,,,--eK44s,. )2-?..?4,oca5 w i...4.) --cii iF d-e_el Z 1 i c y 1 i- //2_ .e.e/°�Z /r. ,_/,« .2_2-e-3 411L- AN. tre,A,L.N-- e 0 aze5t-qv 11•141,4)Lgie.-k ')`kr tf3 -?...73 2 z.I -y ti*A. /yz3}._ /3 SF lMa1o1V0al` it)4 � Z . 1z� `� , /f 3.2 i/l- 1 a .q g-- off g j) - -luaso•-6 (rbv6; -5 ,h ?. \,Z4 -...� -b dk 1 013 3 fi. .106'2 ed (4J / 5 f 7aLoL ) _ , 113 4 5/3 - -5/765 cr7, _: 70 SS 200 • I' /3 2 4 5 2 2 . j' frij 1' ' "0.4 's LA lqa-ati i_ ,� `, dater.,-- 2zsvc, s-c cc / /G � Co =-� c— albe l 444 . -l/S-- — .,g, '7 io a dl ' id„ ezt R 2 - 6 `419)1( g4._ lto 3) sb . L . to6 " /_ - 67 - )1z3%, V_ido Ak- U . ?Wsys 2__ (.0), 2 L/ f?4 4', - -6f- 9_ ; ii d s /7 .' 2 zid 4/3 -7. ' 23 i" - z t : �e,/-y ? .c765' r i t , 35 /t RETURN T(1 2 Cedar Ave So_..APntnn_ Wash. 9141155 _ We, the people concerned about Renton, a e united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private rychool. ��'NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 71' -ie-ei) ' - , _e_r,,_ ,AftliciA `12'19 (9c , 1,-411-da,_,__h:i e,i-z-"T 67,2 63 I ,6 3'. 7:- 7 3--,2) ,galtA,,b,b) .,; 9C/Q- , le50/' ,Q,,,S'r: --P(2/kik (18031 elif-(06( 07a 6 •30 a., S -- 98ds, 3a-o756 T I DO 3--.1 r‘K _46.-I- /-- v /.k �1 , ,fie S'd S- . y�5 ` /(/3 55 V.'fi ? (irk 9'1055. %_3 -3/K 1 0Y1t i92 4?( ,max .-9/3 /419 �6' ,fit. - CX-- G:1-3_ `.32 /.5-'/ AL 0/l, Kj a,� () 96/' 2i-1 . 0.1_? : th _ i t ,i i . ())14,* 8- 3/v - i Cc/<L 5 7-o c i — -C,VYI.-e-P cc17 a-7 3/ (Ai, S , R a,Lte rs du / . / W cti , q 6-'e---( s.W14,0') ,.8oz9 ZLa( 62A-1.6-UX.,' . (L), ii2W S6-3 ( j:PyJ U-Di -) 9e0, I 91 C. Z,r).-4%/.1� a o U/i S_.- a 7G _ ,i!y.t L<./eA..- 9 e,..6 3 / y.3a,ysz . 4 ) 288tiy ii (,14 SEG 1F v cj( 9S03 1 430 - 005.. (1;t N-r f. d , ,atr 'sT--eJ• `HVt a l U,L) (LL q )3 a35 ,47 �Q ; cloy/ ,s3 ` Pit S� ec� /Zlc ( 9vkti :38 _ (3 r., �3.5`1)‘h Jz) , k\Vi k3 ,,4 ) ill _., e/� se- "4e e2 920�.a 1\(s/A?)-A/Nr- (110 LA L(g -;:)5 S Sc=„,\ CeK__ 9 s w RRT11RN TO 517 CNriar AvP Sn , Rentnn, Wash. ' 9R(155 — e f c S ' Ate- -�-1/� L `? -) z"of flOY 11 0 - --(119-ip • Idi-i1;_p/6 c--_--1. s -c- cc)-n -c ' , - _'' _____11— .__7 _, P,I3 v 01 () A.t-lrrp-- -3 .,,,_”) ilE 1Z _ , , .Vogh M71)1- z))dq, --c ITicr. KuiNe — P-?q1.-- 111/ i's - E W� _-7S- 1..f -- i ' 2( r jr 0,-3,6 . (1/1 dIT-a-071/ -70-4/ 1- ij r.-Sgr-e- E.- 1--i: -2/7-rt,iry 1-4-vV&z[-/r-/-1:•/ g --- is h , 1_2t6, ; , ., ,-)--&1,--p26, :-)7 I /0" ____c 0 g z: -2, ---,-- -15-0-7-7 ,/ b - um ` 4I j ,14 • > :S-)Qhb/ f-14 - 'it IF-(4, J Y) `) e .; l -0 -7 L\ _._ s ic) 6 ThoLl 7°y J --z c 6 $ y J ?ECl-? 1 1i) Piz S 4�&0 G � 3-m( � I'>t J c7 i�,7',7-4- /c2 ^ 7 -- 77-4; Z!,s'4 / '_ S,o r0 'syrft:g1 I2�1� P j fl ' OWUKIJCR -27c04 2, e)9 rY) ila-p7) ey649# ,1,,,,,e))e;C ___6- gl 17-1-Inyi 9 41"ri- 23 d n 0/1) L/ / 4 jin7 3 5--idDG& • 19�Lr 1-72-a-rF ip__,,, ); .?#_700, 7,__Je„,,cw7_7:4_,„,,, ,-)7.,?r, ,------,-,--,-/-7,:, Ir ---- 2a23 h 12 a 1' , -- a°) - .79 ??---/7y 1 v t"'"`c 3 a/1 f. 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P 7,-,,,,E.3 --?---'-°i y:°-e--'. ___,.- - ,,,- 7/7 ‘4".-__C- -?-7-P": '- ''17-)4 (,1K: L(r)4W1-4i 64 3- - 6E�P/ / Pvj l m :. .� F� r - rem i � ?% 9-` "Z° t-WPA IlY ni ' 1)-7) lAnD v19b r3 5?-1"b ' ' ,,,,,g_c_ v zn�L J,4 ---z QJi=/h, -� � `c'-s�j 3 s � / )/ �,f '=, lab,(reb 0022 a,,' s an,t G1�, I — S ClS b n,t i , ,.-1' - 7 1„ 1`2`, -"-v))"2e,g t(-717'. ° I " <A , - r- -61 1-4---7-7eN PPS--// 2')7/ w- / .5. - 2 76-C ' I/-- , -,5- eZ .-v-i ' .P3 Y/ -s---c-- 0E,7 '77,-K --'7'rri,,,,Z1 J o 7.3 '7, '1 R r4 '( -V/"-ff )11 ODDS AND ENDS OF FRIENDS 214 SOUTH WILLIAMS, RENTON, WA. 98055 255-3777 Consignor's # NAME PRICE SELLING DATE ITEM 30 day PRICE DATE SOLD CK. # Receiving days and reclaiming days Tuesday 10:00 to 2:00. Commission - 33 1/3% of $3.00 to $25.99; 20% over that. There is a charge of $10.00 for anything returned in less than 30 days. Prices reduced 20% after 30 days if not reclaimed. After 60 days items will be declared property of Odds and Ends. Checks will be mailed the 10th of the month following sales. ODDS AND ENDS THRIFT SHOP IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE BY THEFT OR FIRE OR ANY OTHER DAMAGE. ODDS AND ENDS Consignor's Signature BY Address Phone f , .w�,�, E Z cf " �'► r -r- �/ _S WV-7-47 -3 ) -/ ,99// 77;17 /71Y Er/ - P .7:).-92f7f°0 47 7/ -7Arrr -vErFrp- , 1,7117,777-47,177- a S o ',re t4- ?7P7 - ,as --7,---- Z � S U -5 Z `4 4„i f U a 1 �a� � di _ - • • --0 iI • -al • 1 a el rx7 /e/ry • -) 411 r.�46 'V/I7 't S L/ _a is'424/ `.5°T , ' A, . ,-S ,Jh 9 Z 1 - 17 ) c. 01 ^^ - ,oz8 _---a- ` A a. p E. 2J, 2r'e-`7 93Ogb r'D„4n ' '5 cSF/ Apo2 j7 'Xi PS)Oas u-cuaa--4 Id Los .22t, ' ''6 ' t9 r irso/r4 3/1 *flo-a-79A _40"/-11--r- Ssh Al 171'6'67'.16- Tro(Vir- fi-ek-1 --- • h sP‘d .- /61P-7--TY -r-re'rr)Pr - 5:C /7 ' 97:1147 -- - Ce -- , :;zig tv-,t4radi7---ffp,--,-4C, Onevez/74 t,a, :fr-*),.-u4-1,2*, -,714,-,---) . _____) ' -9›,i0e-- : If3 ,8'1,,,-1-, - '-9-4/14.-VvriiIA n:- .iirW/91 - : iiiiw/9 ' j,) '-IrY7-1/2:PD?"1":.--Y- e I-C 1-- (V '- .//''' . -..-P-2C- 1-- , ' riCAfr-3.-1-1/4 - ; ' fl► -, 1W S - -1 - 'Glib , 7-rita' i —142118.i I°oil_ /4-914,4-36. • ' 1 %yr )..% %.)14A -,"--;/--_,rillif,,,,,A1 .,. /--)/ - ,ely/ fv, /-- '2,Vy • �- -� s7C . _ , ,'. . ‘ -2:9/71.:- .V. f7Y -rl'-'''-'4-4" ...V-tef e'i-.---7 --— C;4't . rs\a- fad '- b 30 L. hfl . - -- - -- - --------arvIrry-- itz/ - .---. - -- .- .. - . : -N,__z_..D - -v 9— - - —/--c-i Ss Ni 2727 7yCfl R `-- ) I '1- z. s - S/ . -'i Z.2 l ! ; - — ' -7,-/-.7 lbli ,:z-1,--r (2Q_ F- - . :)i' i-0--.,1-- ' i il a ' 1,4 � 1 i Y,i91 _ . )I� _. .,z2e ,48,0", Li c i l4f-,- d op, 4-t, ..7.7s- 6 #417. A -- - II i `) ror? . _14.(- 1 - - - - --..-----"--- : i _____yropb t./0., _7ki-Ppf r A721:6 90;7 0 of ' 41P,/. :177T 21- - 7 .'9/1- ' _95-9t// 7i/ - /S-o,/ • - :- --- -- - - -21 -iZ -1-l'Ap/ fr yia-/ - ze7174-4,--- -;----4W;%71,9.y './go--4-0;Liz. 6/ 23"s A9sW--9,7-JcW-,SV-41 ./.1r)Pipi? - - ?w ' -- y ate, k ay-, S ( re ,7 , - . ‘ ce Ik i I / APE✓ "4,AA/1 hi-: . .e4e-et' /0 6 g. _Y�z cze�. cP '3/ ,..5'_Dos 716,74zio-ocil --(15 zt ue, 9X/l i i_ y 2 .. -5o o_‘ 71/ . i,DZ ✓ate - t,Fa . -'6 l af-e-ec4,/i/A/ -. 9- sr-_. Cam- 9ros 4 ltd-e-/--/ ; _ .2 sor7 //moo;S'AlS7T R - , 98'4s� ) z .P9/i` // _ gt'" sr _ . . - 98o , - ' -- - -'-7-r`-' cZY`---- ,,-. //i/. ( 0) `12 � i e.- f sb t 4744,1 4rt j2_4:_. ‘3, - ii.,z,..,...L.,.0_, ,as‘e ,A"E, 4.1L-&-- 92.14,- -4 . ',v944c, -47,/,:e4 .-17o . , a`. 4)- -, .R. of/01 950', - .l%ZlJ_ -.ded -_. 2 0l _.00 - .1, ._`r ,- 2%1 P:l<l'\T'. -_)L _ _. 11.E &11 J6117 i►LE ll te. h. . - 1L') 9061° 7L!a _ -'u_ , / u //�.Jra 47 ,//vE$. ` a/ 7 IEi . f_e.(____ t( i( i i r , if I , r , , i �Q �� .�A7 ,_ _ _i "pi- n ms /so //e*Ah_./eE. ,Aettli 0. Ivoii4i4.4_4„,1.61_?.._ Ctif<- 1116' AK&4,_ "Xei_5"6. 4tr ', --1`ate_/ l - re_ `.) - o-,,..__ .''--------1" - _ , vso cil\,'(, (\. 1),,ie i)C 1, )s ,E,-,4-0,\_ 9g )5 ,-., k,//.ems.s- 4 - j y3 ,c-( IL, ! ! V / a \ ✓ - ✓ ' WedZ61 Cr .11-e-1- ------ /01 FGPNAIT PL,_5, R,. .AirCrAl • )mt -./. / _ ...S.Z y //LT I! / 't/ . ,44v., ,` /d o S P6,14, 4 e,- [V __ Re n l' ^I• ‘44,7— - • . __ r U4 • 1)k)-j-- �,/ 1,,etAA4)-c- //a 7 iEi chx/1,, /()_ , ie,KJ 4,,L/ • • , in 'm Que 33 3/ /(/ . b P i___ )1)4_,_ ., .,to (1 r )y- - � Aidc,i,t_ Or (.0:,,,L_____ / C i,4 l ?` c1 .�3L4 6 ^3 2 y,� c 1 E T , j' [A- _vt-4 r . • • i% ` III 'r,1,u- ,ox,g-Lev,___ re_,i'i; t},A-- - • lg e4/1;tC Ce/C( , C rOss ✓ /(J vc<(catf9#-e /V •• 29. l a 2/ tee t ) 0/F4.3 /W/t. 1: 02-. I ' f.. — 0672 iv/ d.7- /c7 4,..*.._ r • 4'ru� �. 3S/6 A(/c Saw...ser &vn ,e-,'fbAt/ OD/ I 36/t hs / er L/- I?� --Az tti- 4 ( II ` i, , IJD`) . 97, ‘.e,,,,,,,,,,s4/6 es-47/.4/ -ems ; _ jQcLQA Q rc r________ C 01, ' (7»_ A2ina- sz,/ei ,t/cF5z-/-2‘,.cy: ,(6'e .L_, v2 ,<J --if, a , " -- so-) -toe f 1 -e Q vN oL b 'L#3N Ucq. v1 A 0' , ..--.� i ,� r ° 1hib '- -anr-431 3aay -( t-774-t-ir , ,_ .7 �,e5 �/ � 11 5' 7 - 11,4 �( ,„;e .vr, ,,/6 �,�,��� 3 off - 1 ( G LA , •,Z 3N )08ti ”7 . v\,t -1 ,, W .-- 1/ laT rya 79\ el riTA:_fitio 1.. 47)/ ' ` 7'' ' i' 1,1„9-r m. L IS r'a° U,-,Iry I At:. r o.f''.1 7 3 3/lb' Gf ol,A, ^ -•1Grilx- //9 yt'-,---c^ o 7 -A,i�'/�.�� !! '-,..s^ ----Ny-i-ra, , •'.....5 ' -1/)V,,,, Z' e'-'ePC7r .4(" If ).i'l- --Y2 . .. . t- - - -. -.Xi- �(/ --)--a7, _sJ en/ - '.( -r21 / --" !'�` , i c- ` )d ;S 1 ) r19 i 0 ! )4-744- *,z9L/ ' 3' hz1sY. -37 ,41? Aittd-rvpvwvy_ *, (Yes7p( 9 —,,o-p _ *-W DO 1 : c; 7ii '-u.27Livi 7r r-q 3r to/el-7 A. T-,,k, 7d :I 3 (1)-ell TY'l-Y1, can, p / (La/efdry `p f� upwri c �/ 9 (( (l di 1 ✓ �` �` / I �0 l40 � E og6 ey L' 'Jam,/ 7zc ” e'ee =1 • sSa cvo1N.3� �S 76i 9 1 5eo©h/ D&/(7 3 , 4_,,,,_,,,,,, _4,,,,,i(y,.. 9- ,b1 ',/ mSI�!1�- c jZ, ),__ \,,, ,-,A,\ ,iva-,N psi �( - - �' 11 ,E "sQ.St k� ' 4'170/ '3 5 9-Z0E7 ,j s , r ,,e We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. S NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE �QiLt:4iyu. (/' UQ.d- /�J s frZ -s-cr. 4-�'-� 5 'S // 6 / /-L --e3 ' . e- y17::€ -- /X ;-) a 5 A- /ei. /0:6" -- 1_,z- ( 3 C /34 9_ Soso/- /9 5 D4\j 4i-o g '/3a -o 5 3 /CI:0za x . ea.."-ed 7,110 55 -dam_ . c. feciLec&_ e___ / d- �A d ei, Lc �A - Sr/ 77 T av- ', (,/,a n,, /6 D /r-1<(4 4 (l, f;( i,r, .... 4.c-sc: \L __ ( L24 ( 1?3' Pe e' tit,� ( 7I -19(. �ytij. 7,: r. -4,Q-6--x- //6 ZI • .,ee /6 4 RP4V62- 2 zG z s- .Yf &)_mt g Xiefezi 17I/4-/8U. ac 6' re, z-, :,,,‘___,6 "j1-44.1,r, _rt _A / /66 5 /6,.3,ed le.e,td?)4 , - );-66, /.s n 5e_ /7/ , 14 S s--/) e7 ,. �....-2(o ald,/C, /6S/ //7 Akc 6z „2r,/, 0%2s--0Y 4/1,;2 4? We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. �� NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ri-a-,,,,/z.v, QYYvyi-et I a "") 0 c• ,S t 11)- gz,„\LN (/ ') ,) 5 t\ n i��' _ .-,in 1.1)7.1 L =. \ <J f'� ?-)n Gl c(_ S `a C�- 13 � cr- is a v 04,0,/, K qC O5 T a.,2.4 - a,Q o f (a-4 1 .tit /6'-2 '7 -g m4 A rA-vtinA) `7ga. a2-4 - ,, .. 7q z - cl_--1 /61 /yLn /a I)) iec, ?2c35( ce3cD.g _ Co 4 h ..Sf-1 l igPo /7 L/ ) -- -e," 1 kJ A- c:)-7-2 --OWS- ,1,, t c Air gii, ilk /3-6 /1 /S/ vC= S N 4s// 'F., .(W ••/1 A-A S/A$ -/28-Mit, sic, EELCC✓(/L a _ /--- ,,, Aaa„---,„ / 2_ 3 ,/ S' IC /‘o nv -r,,,, (A/A WI- *'7 ,9. ems_ /�� ,s- s,,,e(ti ,Q,6 7:4- =L, lka . f y i e S- .x A-- L.- -, Yd'O'r _ii-Lo-, / 7 13_ 4- 4.,, quoS5 ,6-43- . c g®S,s 0410 Vf tidy n /s-o s- so, c,2-7 aa. yy65-5- 1.26-5-6 6 i %7 ,2/lo/ - `C: /v�/s"'L L. 4L71 ,11Z , .5/ � S/-VA �� ,.4,.g 6 5- -. /,5 Av Ste- ,,,y-,,„_2sEs -7/076- c aDj A.9, i'f\i\ , -1)ThciA-s---• ci3is 4,4,---(c.,-- 11 g cos tc a6-7M1 RET11R11 TO 517 C.erlar Ave Sn_ , Rentnn, W2Gh 98n55 -- We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE zge/ede.,/,7,( A4 ,yfri. /,...,&,,s_ ,s- _z_-__ 4 4/---x r&,124#___yLi 6:).»7 ,. i - r ,y? , .y.,, :41,x_J --Ak I : ..--. 4l) ' ,, - 7:' '.1.77 .1-1:7-Z lam" raza:calL. Z66 ( /UE 4rtrSl .. Pcfosj 9864v d,7/ //lb ff g..--/„2 92>- ___- ,oe----A7-,kL- 7Y-. ' .4. d_ 13717 [HI AcjSe_ 2�-, f-, ; _ 6 -3 ;.5 Cu-nA,a_oa. «OGa'ay),[-r) ►ma c .c� n r(41 s+- 2 P n c- �- -04-) �c \T-1 -1 , \((\\ z — , --WO-1V°— -A„ts ,., 0 O 2_ 5D,c 1,()-e L 6 0 QA,Le )1 . L ___6 „, 7 4.5--4, 1,-d---reocr (-11;411. of& , Siog. y __04)e7. 0/1 as-ss6y2i --- ___,, 4 1-- Y°_ee ke,(_& ( 5 0 (, - 3 // Elki 49- k b I 0 1. Yi - 5,e. ,- r 7() Rs o--t- l ,`N AV, (Na. 4.( 110,00 'aat- E 4i/2W Et6, - voel 2L - 32 ► 11/1.0�e___15 /`-v E � .J. 27,�- 2_6? - t . o u a, 5w-13 2- • n I KC C�G 3 308 s,�:Z c G%, 06i 0 ti A/ 2.a6- 5 z L,3 �%0"urz , (.4. -,,� /2/2-/ g7t//A Yg,, c_� 77Zr'57S } // // / / "I d .� . a v /�j' •-C -/ 2(1`1-4______11411 ) ' , ro'n c 5 EUtfot -ennto-11 2 2(7 3 3 9' 7 '?,i/dir , -f, etikv-alz 00 1-1,o 5E. OW, i'l- - I li q'll i .-11.0 a3, .qb-7 ') ' `', A ,-___ C �� /603 G /etiNf eccc) Fl‘kc St 11,1. , -6n/ c r,?6, "/F5 RETURN_TO 517 (.Pc12r AvP SO f RPnfinn, Wach q80 5 ' We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movietheatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel. that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use}by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3. 26 which woult not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any rehidental area, public park, or religious facility and within onecvmile of a public or private school. NAME �.". ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE g J S4- .I /,1.2- - Al g*4- S is I di. 5.�,_, /742 7 7-)- ' _,&.. ,&C 7. t72 7 /2J-'et- 5,z--, A4,-) fsel.54' c=7e---0 ei/ ( /77,14z/.,/Ae11,-1--e, /0 3 5// -�e.en) gG+6!i. ,, ._5-- Z% g /7/7 cZ, u, ; iG - _ __(_,`) .2 S 6-5 ✓p7 ' -- _,, /4z ! 3'- )7 C mil. J E 7g:�... W .. .S a 6- G yam- /ice ��A �� .. �G e - ��c?s s ass s��,�_ .;.-4- 0.7: 4,,e,,,,,„ //..„„s s-, if--iii Y.4y,,4„ ,f.-6 ,----4, g f- -a>Cyi - Y01,-jc&I CV.WF,N) 7 .-0 , g (0 4Q0 SiLoAYajr) <5.3k, qcs(t-e--- -7S--7ba=;, MO%',%& A- 1--1 C‘J` '3 \\3 �'�., c ti(.1ci ( 4 - q 6 CSS c, \ut ,,.�_____ _ , S R, _ 1r _ 1 J p 5 - i s -/lz / / 46 ,./ 4 - la I. / • 4 le.iis os / Ci & , /r,_p/I , /oi/6 ivE66N 5r- E-1o3 K WA. 9e0>3 3 7-a1/3 „4_)�,. Z, moo G/.€ - 71-0--,e / , i wos-_,--- d 7/02.77 ,-,'--r------,--(-- / (-,---2"--,--l-e-,,,-- -1 , _. o/oW)41 , ,,,,---i7, 5 (42,4, RETURN Tfl 912 (;Pr1ar /pup_ co_ _ RPntnn_ Wa eh 0Q11c A We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton , has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. } �1_ NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE kl(5-9 -)t)-4( L1003 - ( 5 3 c4- G rW, o is0 -?.(6 3-x -sL5 in. aA /z-f 5, tiC W'o o 75v6 32 2-0 ,_1 . Tim MS AS ,c1 Ai A/ ,�.�./-6i2e,1 9,?oo 7 6s431y9 • aA/ A7\ fr 140/3 3L/ 71 ianffi n-- 9 0S5 96'/7 \‘,... ---, , --;-.1.6 ,,_r,v.„,<Pwa-, 14 (0....\,_ y1,00_3 ( , , ,- . 0 /,1..siz,,,,,//9.-.- ir,4}AL/ 9fOgs- to-9c'. s- . . - rna_ a21/9 , F 2ICt d Ter 1 9 8o ss- 44,t246EI.j2 L4 - , , /) , / yv( ' , ) ,,,I.E... r. ..., , _,.. '4, lef•e• i ..., ' -“....- ,-1-__ i,_.-r,t...,,i 1)i—A— 1 ii C I i W-S-,-;"1'7 37 a ' rig o 0 I 1-3 I - (-KS- , a ___/7,47,(2,LL,-/- ,� /7, ,5--, /59;` .- / SF /(-&� ",-,__ %S•0s5-- _,,.:28 -o y y, n J�,; Z S O3 -1�5-- � ,,f s , , gs-63/ 631--%-7s lig* a S j6i7 ��� sl5 /iz6;1d- ion idt , 7i/‘ 6 F2y -.Ks) -4) ) • 1e ?67& fiD7Qi., 'Rs.f (.cfLdA-- I boo - S;39- 7.3;1 , Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. LP NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE • as, _ IZ I 1Iiyn Ll c-rUP,� / 5. ,5 :17 711 70 ‘- 7_e3 •., ►�.(`Q - I�1?�Z Ic s et_I ��4rs' sff7 �s D �,l/L /16(_ (,3 z 5,W. Sw1.41.7 _ t,v� a-osc 25's-�9 I Z, ig, • Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 ›det,,ity. 7/762y.e„,_,,_, ,,_----yeritx.i.d. ,-,-, e_...06,1..e— ,e . ,2.. , ciy / t _ . . u' F( r.t on, `e united in our opposition '#"<0, E ;.z-..c)grar. i c t,:.1ult) movie theatres at 'l; .,,... itz . . 4 .. ,xy ., . .r; i ru Aven,ze . e feel that the City of Renton has t .-i r_: ht and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning • . j and 1. in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult t;ea tr•e:y within' ocO feet of any residential area, public 4; park, cr religious f. • ' ity and within one mile of a public or . `. private schoni. ' S, NAVE ADI)R1 SS CITY/ZIP PHONE z.--) — — . r r i0d'i 04.7 �1 c6,_- 2452U' _ -7716 p lt ,*ea f! dirt"efill"v'" ti.5.-- tterr....h., eol, K.. gb'04./) 3,0)•e/v 7c, /ip • . SIcti.e 1 L. 44. iv). s,.e. , e'oz"-/ ,Na-uU 471462ALL__ S)hkattir4AL. 31d-71p t z6a ._... a4 4.0.4: ric_ '24 7-G t(Liq ` fil a @/44.k. t 3 a2 - V 2 ___ .7 depis-v.- -- 7 - 4S? .2 Si 7 020oTN 4v�. Si /SSAq�A 14 W A ''',*''Z'2rit 7CP°o 1S A -R ;; r9g 55 ._ . __c -_ ___ ___b is' _- -ti_q_k - 7 6 J O 4aec) z. / _ —2530944i t rlv7-s--s"// x ezr iiu 'A. 61-3. __ . _ _2 5<,24.r,7 c'c .. -f' , Sl rt,'r1.a/ 2or s_ , la2o 2 KT„/?1 G' 1, ,,7 . 4:„.4,t .2-o 2 /3 ,...Pc 4 a ‘ st- k.Z.ss 7 1 -6 i 7/ , , 6E4, Yd* 1-'/.0 07 1 93---1,./fs- .7e./1- - >./a _Air + 4 z 1 ,,•41 EAr6 /, ._ 7 L/ 6 —D,,�10 cx,0 441( s E 1540 k ss AWJ AN 3012- 102 e ,=,, _ . ___ -c.1 _ . c,) -0V? _ _ ;), _/_,1, ,t-• Lg---,e32:3 ss,4zege ••17-- 9 1121,t2,ai _ c0, lS .,S'6 /53-ticl -Re A 641 _ SS- 1/ 3- a _ __ ___ _ ilehch_____/ 146 --__ _- ".6--- _42142. - •76 - 2_ g P3 N RETURN _�:.2232'_i:edar_Av __So_.-.__13,.f nil. Isla :' 9 04)5 rt_ ���e� 1/ i/�1'1 : .. . 4/ XOc O ) 4:Pria--v-c4 4999'ell•I'/ r''‘-'14L"':,) S a - ` 144. _ 613 5/ '!/ ' 7,2111/d-- 4 ...z r e. .. 4.‘ 0.--„0„..0,--,....g.....„ 0,077 0 a-- 7 ...5" A A 4 he ;90>ee .4.,,,. .-79-i -e ob c- -ez, 2 -1r -z?-P-rr,rs • ; S •"6/ o ep e isC ,D Plioqi ------r-4-fy-ii--> etfi -ig' i, 3 / c f u/ cerirr c•-„Ir-a0pe --- °_S 9g.3 _y(7) ti' ,"-,4 be( 3S SJSQ u ) J "I i v� , / 1_/ S S_,Gci v J ,,,, '=e , the people concerned about nenton, are united in our opposition t c the establ i shrrent of pornn:-raphic (alult) movie theatres at t.".:W Ron-ton and Roxy on Third ?.venue . We feel that the City of Renton nas the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance Nc . 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. • "E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE )3G.ti ._) 1`i73d- 411/4-0- n)(, ,.A L 1033 q 16 -3)23 i _,. __, '6(511-iL's--)2-41 /V7.-7,-"WC/ -7/./f/,-Z.'- , 1471/tAtte,/ ',Ye)tr ig.,g- z.,1-7J U K. 444,.. • 7064 0 /68 ''fra....., re,- C.a.«M.w,4. 98002, 65/-864/9 1'� n• 6 u1.es�.-c.c� 2,0io(p.n-►b$ au-e,s�_ au b(thrri., Lai. iQ7 (03 t-aI�4�l // ,/ //�/ 30 h4 iul- „'",-�l �e w,-- 9i/S1- 3`.2 lei f7 /7d / .7S// (ZOztlA ,[k_ 1,,,,u -e- ft/A- yam/., - ,3o2--- 0 S �-i- 04 cr fi' a - 8/ 4 C/��,vz�- 7 �l /7 � .c� � I.GI � 1%,;44,,e, (2,44,/- 7,a 1 /76-., sE. � ,a,i). 9'da5d a 5- /(5 - r--). W..a.e.:-e_eiz-e-k-, Z 751. 4 /27 1 S J12, -z 'L.(:..) 4i ' % /O O 8zy-:?E7 .iezteL i ?v .31-/, � 4 &�I , z_,)e. ri n So2 .367a �,.._ /dC7 Y- ?9/-Ri/.: -..c, -7,0:? :2 / / 2-7g 0 -0 NtY1¢71 1g6ILi - 4ei 12 .),y4 , W .. o.3> gea 1- 10 7e , ._, ilitliO4(Q,a Iti 44. c_f. ?i-//d__ ,-0,)„Ks 07 be,,„ Q- ,, Gay, >,01", it&i, 91-2.ti Si9 9,37 ,19 - t i ‘57?--2_R1 /6--1.4x-1 - ' ''' 6 0--(c /' • 1 C) ( , ( S7� - J( L &.g-C-00--eue • SO0C �� -//7 - sLe, _ems 62Jet. 91&3g 757‘' ,c.)? / _. /4> �S i l>t (/ /< ( l'?` .-Z71 G110 4 /61 E F ,Ce)n ytiss a 7/-C s We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. P% NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE (i) /g / -42S/- 447 Wr)A % 5,5 2 c -3 24/ \ w i of 6 c//l 2t)a'6J4› , Ie` swi ,u! qco S- 27 i- V-V-c2:2___ sfLLb\ (A. \ \-1 ` , ---,t. elb53\ 8,2.-tzo. /it- 01,r_ /Lvstr, ' ' / .(g7v.of/575/ //I M Aie S -,e , A04.7 )- 474 f e 055 .1,515--,5i . ,4Ct,1.,, " IQ ieGe-C.+ /A if�/or SE P�i.1_'' 21�1�' �' si„ �''C�,": / gJIT �y 4.,.0 Q-J1-4° a 1070-v---- /e,e./.17 SL---- /c7J-:s4- g.,,IT,_ &it Airi adveb 4 4L&/ 7/i J6 • //ate -7 &z? /, �G-G. 9.19/'7.V d7/7„7-CS'3 4112Difixtp ffiako,114-; i/ 2af /‘• /"--- -iiALt_14., gs..23.5- ,,:,?,,, --7.52 -eL // F e S. E. /ee '6� - ! le/r.aJ ,e s'S--z 2 6.o 7fL 4 At/ t ,/ i MBA/94 -,2�r 1 n, 404 22C-©7r( t i,`7)-i - jlfri7 4245i i 4./(4-7/. 44,4 " �, Zt a� sc 13C Sc /3% 77:-.;14114,-e7&92.441G-. /'�%' i M.— VA)I 04/ 6(/n� iV,).. #�"-L Rii i,Z% f r .f2v ,•( „>, 2/ram G- / r 2 -��s-, A r,1ci-,oLa Aa4,0a avV eve-' 5C ape 0IN,L,LEy I3a -Vwo e, 9, tN.. .somas aaC a Q `fq rv\.t.e. S G. 3z-L ,(.5,c VJ /moo! E . F. v1=-5ke- & i, r 27103a9 fat,i) .4-4_u 5 rLi E- G?gi Z7I -555 _Aiv� -cm..� �oc* .1..Os- 104- O e -$-6- `T v± 3 ) ssi4-a7,g m aA ./7 S/f/9a /.,,� -lvek 7,0s-s:2ss 3 7 pi°'6 cJ t 92 we 14 fz,.t,6„ ?log"' r'6 3 RF.TITRN TO 917 Ceda.r AvP- SO , RPn tnn, Wa ch . 98055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAN.E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE WAiXeClt, /P-i/i- :5 e: o7-°.2 1),1, /< 1 j 4'',�`a/o's/ (S Y-2 7d'C- Wit4.7/- I ,-„e ,,,, r,4 ,e( i Av? .d.zG 7 /c-'f i ..�- - 9(,29L I �'267 A �� ok- ,� 1 L 15 S : ' d7/7 F 7,7 - s y/3 oSiii ,,,,W/ii , - 10/ ja.e,ea- , .,i '7 7 et,'7/5 . _______ ,-a,,Z_d_y_vz_17_g_-_02_21_ ?a,c,k ./U, 6 / z-Z -, SG 2/ a. &-(4 7?25 565 2�,.o�,. (---Q\. ,0'Wei s) )1y36 -viAKu S. eq a'v-77 772 1713 12te K eh etio/lsf)i ci y-1 q 5 CST ! ,2 v Se:''� C7 it '7al-03`fS x 1, - , w R q(6-5! e_ 5u Se Lc g 81 ( 23 /2.5_-5 ' G�.l k.ei kf,41 9/0.ieV it 7dc--6 z—u.-�- G(. - so 6ea e° i7e 7702 - 8y iV -W /o 0 c -,- .41, SiC,rci cQ GE r25 /761k7. >‘7a o e9- /7/6 / /j //may ,P1, X . 2, 6)?-7-;114: 772 - ‘5".21 i.9s (A.11 ,c 3 of y 5, , _ 2 L -10•D 1(,`1`1 , J - �.S--'7 - �.- 1 < 7< 4' I / 3L 6 S 77 z, J? 7s q.) \_ . a-r.� �i- 7 � /o.$ o 6-7 / / , "-/3,;zd ' ,.., �•\.r."_Q l 4 7- r t`. t-(` 0.,..r S, `may. Q Q 3'"/g. 7,. 3•?9 7 7 'Y ffr,-2,(-)c-4�4.e.f) /iti4 ) 3/5- c-S,Z a_. 0. & Legs/// 7a 3-9 ( � � -s irk :( .is'z . ,-, -,--A.-1,--11A-el .L-a,..C- .:., , --t,fiz.7a-,,,,, 5/-e.4-AT/Z, 40-l1 i -� ' Ls ),Pa.,47, ( 7a2S - / ,5( . ,•- ,, .FWD_ ( j a _ V?/7' £ 1551a- - Ja7-t4 0:11.c. w fratLAAr `f 071 RETURN TO 512 C:Prtar AvP_ Sn_ , Ran tnn, Wagh 980_5 9k hc, ir.t,e i, We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE \% -t-c, �.� ,—, sip-5, YVe- 7-73 2cs j . cif �_112_0-A__, 6'645 S 5/27 rP �1 C/7 t 77-2 -G/3 99/71eex1 ze _ )s & , 9tr//S 7e51 sa s. / s7`h er/7 r 7i—..1i31 2 / ''!S /7S- /2 6-,teca) j a)aeit 417a6" J ,c,,J7 >4 60 F//a 7.2J 5 'Zee, (. ,,, /vk9 // l ,,,v.4, /.�„. 94i/2 72. --463; 27 ( . _'. 61.---4-gc SE taa l(g 2 7/--79'6 5 ) e„fe.eed,___7‘4-4,&.seLeee 4 a t k e,J 91f/a 7_2(1-.,i;t3; 0 a to 9/. . 44) /2-71 ede.d.zie___ 9a/78" 77g -(1 L tc.i.f.," i 4 91a-_ -. / zz el . 9'2t 7 772 SZ + / ?3/ eS& 6 c77/ -791v3 li `ife, Vr /isi Ce px 'a 41.A- SUE 3 ie..eiSin 91056 - z zg £q) c` A - 0 Z2 9 S 1 2 .77) S -` cle ?"�/.7 S 77z s7.7 5 /os 'o-a s/ =';9/c S, S��, r7/e �r/7s' 7 -/,)�-e' p -- `4.) 5-4 t_li JU-ct-4._- (0 cl / / - -% 0 . /S r ,,,,.. i.iz-ea--1--L-., % Vq.. -7.1 --,v3 - K bM 149- e-1, a0G9CJAtJT. (gnat 2511 -C1-9 ?� 3`144- re i 4,1s- er„-,1‘ �, /7 2. ?' ' 91„ Y -2a�=s,G ,,P, A h -E. - / 0 7 ). 3- .may `aces I � � rj/7,k 7) s-7o4, c.► nn JI & 4aA 5 i(( (1�(,41t�i 1 �. r l .,. vl c_, ._"4___„„..e_ 0 4 .... • r7g 5•A 3-3 6-AS- f ` ()AWL. i .i c b.L 4-. Al-LlJ Avir,✓ 9i 047r" 772 -E.P2 y' J ��, V /o 9 . 7/7 leid-49,i/7, 77a/5�9 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. i NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE .40 ! 4 .5 - '- /. ;. , ( . . '- ,' '�' , / ) Sic 11j _ A - .•s� _ I A o i i• - /.�, n'/7f vZ - . / ✓ / Q p7� t , • �/ ; /� ��i j �� / �/� / / .04 ' %/ / O 1., 1 .I'd A / i/ /, • - i. ,,i�4- it - ;/Sf . Ii4 ' _ �/_ .# ',,, -,' _ 6 3 %Ix . - S7o 0. S. 1_-� • 4 '/ z 56' e d . Sas/I . � 7,71) _Aar_-_.4..• - _5- Ari, .t: ' ,_....' _...!- Arr-l- / _ - • 0' ia,,,,, z�7 N_e_ce _ i.�cs-4 _ -5-7 (2=e, w 7 JL -erU- .2v.5- -s-9 "# so- 772,c c' 7 jetaati ,kl o 6 `77 50. LEIN6ST64/ /42d. 3CgiT(f IA44 77..2(.4, 1O `j . Litiki657-0k) S t - I ) 7 rot-0.a..0 i •/ 0 _ I 4 &Te‘ Q. G.g.•1 s Tod ,& 5:=,,77k IV-24-/8 // '.;'fit 4� S- -7 -Se c" etni �,( '.i-� l�- c ZA -772---2c,/6 no. J' 74•ol A i /6 'V o� ? 1p_) 77.2 -/'OI lee,.,/ - 7LiI:2 J I1 iti 772 -1e6"S 6-6 23- VA/4 cl rail K,/j.) ..�ltr e 7 7 '-p3 96. I 10 AL-4.,./.... S6 d 3 tt ( ,a,.., 1e d- , )Z 7 id- 0-39 c �Y i 4Q2/ ST' 202 K.F.-✓T i We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. G(,4!- • L'-'11a.? emu- �f ._, , . ..... ADDRESS 2 CITY/ZIP PHONE , _, ,o-l--i I 2 L IG J EW t:.e,-<1 j7;;A-c)(1- g.,,Z-vt, Pei-c-c ;2 7/--0 3 /5- i Yjeta-. -we> 42 G 9 G .c2, ( . \ G ct't‘?, 7 90 aS 6 ,,?7/ /f8 7 6 S ( G q S --ll -.�f sYS 27i.3 (i_ CALA--0-( (11.:e., / ...2C0 D--„,-- -S I 64. 71' ,k,,,,,, ,---„,_ ___(_,, ke)131- &-394 Nto VI,Vr iikklea, 112.2-111 Rv_e._ ni-t-1P Iv)a ,� t ' 4.4:t_ . ---Li C;?./le Pi 4/p A, 4 (_)-_-e-a}t-e `, o Su 2IG wn , . . �t�d�„ .?.,-,.ti._ 3�3 y fie - �_-- = _ 2/3� -iL sIi_.,P� , '-, ,,,. q-O3 $ 2-7/-C37S- 4,a2 le-764-,40..4u4.)zi-Pf--_//71/1//t,8,kt____Z"Air6A1 etc,...4" •„.z.- -, (/- 1.e_A.ef- . allier-lt/6&02.3 LV 7)4-101( gy6755-- ,_ 3 IYJL( X\cL CMiwhth tEa5 1_1-1 £v? 5E. C($( 5 -b)2 %-e-i-c---(- 1-- --c ( c c----- Ad4-7cto rz: i heg 11. 157- A-17 OA I, 92e,P.-P-3--- r :, if 16 ' .S/ /24 57- 8"ds.� ,e;GI.1larl.A \--cA31 t - . c 0 , ‘:, -( , , C111 1 ��` �Q, � .n_\9 _.k ZLos "CNk\ Q Uc c o,;Ckb _ s21JjjJ5J,/Oc Uc 4�,6 S cvr1-,,r'. � 8 did �, ��' t7�; 41/4/4,2,v 06 fv-r- 7,?,,,/1.�,., 14511 .Z -�� iK 0b� ,,i o v, q �o 3 0, 6- 3 6 g 7 fitg, (;I:ro.a):ALi 'a.. . , 1 c7,0c4 ?_Aod_L4-k- Q4- ..-�t. G(2o�i t.o bt-1 S 14 RETTTT.N TO 517 C.Pcinr AVE. So , RPn tnn, Wa ch_ 980.55 - •. We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow ) adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ` 1 "y NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 984056 7-I6 //�> ii oe ,cf' /6/?T,5/ 2.24 ifL-z o ,25,./.?t/ 2'2• //VUV/37V/Je s -- y x 9?oW o _ J 7natLc G4,/ 12// 2 \qE/32241 ,0-x 9 4-3 ,2.5--.5-=/e'‘ J r- 4444-t. /447/A,•- it)/I ) Se; /ii #5 7 '.. iett,&, /�J///� 21-s---- /410 T 4.79 /7'7 d 7 <4 A'/LLB yfeb lP E ,A 9rQS--‘, , --7/- 02-6s; 9s'003 9 /4i/ v..._ \f-1—t �� ) C� .1► �� t `�` s\-M— tq -__ e,a.74-t l 9- S g L�Z -- -71 J /4 96- i i /2 40/ k--) 27/-erL. ,2t.7d' =54 5/6"-- -- a6- ,,,2t J44.. „1.6.t.m_ . - . / 3s . •...._i, f..v -.. - i J V \ ��, ir (2?.3/o Ui4s'/4)* ACE- /1/F_. / ' Kati,., 9d'cs4 47/66T0 p / 314' i',rt.d..--vaiio % �_ .4. A6.52 2 /_6G ' J ram,,,.. . , alWI. �� ¶jec ten.,;, 18OS .22 i(- r i i C a(1 c-C- Il.R s Irad S . f o c caOsG Q * Q1\tv\i\c __ 'Y)') Pwr�� n- qSD () K, r V A- - lrol gin a c. 7I'VP 1 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE c `1A5 Notre � c '1 )5 5 sr5 0e15 �. .� lod- 32 J PL ok` 9 a3S-(4,3 Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 Ore, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. V). ° NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE el dza-, ihv /hc/ '��-Wit : of -- ' Cr,,,,er)„ . 9&®55 e .6 •Aliki/ deli; /c9.()/t--, ,,,mej.67.11, ,4,,,'. ,1e- 0110,442,69Avz65 ,. .?‘<_ uer l,' e k. . lip . # , : o . ► . ._ , 1 \ -L,-O.: t - i.a_ L 3.3� , :;zi,ew."0.,..s.,__434r-- A: /ff/.t G°,. .S.& e........ ..._, Zda Floss' .iYi' ,i e - 1•/ ' -1141 Cd 4.e. & - .4a.. --. 9,Pos ' • s ' 47 g��e.a./ /t / .:7,-- b.-4. FAT-- 72-C 2�y - / _ 1'( 7 LAN _ a,2-6- 8 or0-,,, �p,. l-e e/ /ia`f ar uan. 6- •_ .E . T4.pvt•-„ (4),1 S.r mia. /7Ic SE ) ' PL. k'NmPq L' `g3asS' /70 L i it s R. 5.F. ,�Pa v God. 9-o35 _ 1 1_4 > a_ j & 96 .5 -75 ,./49 e_ L -LQ,en— //67y i/.p' �j,c.n,&- cam .a., 9P0 — yf' - - v /296,5 6 /6- " J0 y�U�� -/-7 f /'//_% ', / SC, //cam IL ,A2t n4 iP 1?6/2.r7v cW/-/l\f y /.' /f-ei, Lii /6 5.=? `�C // 7 c, " iff, ,..-7r -,,, f�t) Z 6 .x?r, - (�-,/n J,ri A,cc3 , i6a2sJ -iui 44- atm, S_�. 4ee,..115-..J WQ cr posS Qs- `$s 76 4 • a S 6. S- '452 T ]'C2 / f ..,..zz Z 98/ 76 latirp4"el— ibrilArt) Z61/ -)2/41460--04-e-t. 2, V-- fitt&ii jira: PO 5-6 RETURN TO 512 Cedar AV Sn - Rentnn [.Ta ch 4Rf155 -- ), We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE de-- `t2d _ s T. A , U) I (.Zth tu-P 63? ytifak19-616,) 13NG I A0E a, Pti a / l l (lea_. `1'"8 3 7 1 Y/,1�, (2es-/o -/� Z . .5i? _ Ufa . semis s- ,.laLi' :10 . trIbiNCi Li t2r,V , (Lit _ IM _ e4 6 A e m /4'g ' .-Sec le, ,,e. y gay di ` I( .31'fz- ('�, ( S_€. 1 :,, ally co/A n 3 73 r( , 2. ..g _c, ,,,,e‘ (8'- ot -c'-:- Abe Initcr Gi dLb u-I-- A&71,S9'(v,ki at/.O,u1 (- 9,- 7 , ,-i-a b"Lto 4 i t ',O' -19/ 4 - 44_5:27ge4- e,,.,--„ . _e_,I_;_.-z_,4.-eili zda.,i-e.- //4,,,, „Ll /r 6'R1,4- 1. .-1 — 6,- A-4--L_0_.,e...)X kii-ei-k_ote a__A- ,.3 .1.,? <",,i,, • - '` _ e-.1 4- ))/1 11 .V //i>617 c__, ),j. ii,„ ' 1/ (Lie., ..( ). a J n o.-L �m.3 A 0 . A��dJ � TI_c 2 e . ,rii.ILA 302// /61' Se /e/i, ' W8 ,2 42 2O v si, ,, , / aeiCZ- Jy 747 6 5 � 1w P_es, , - , 726 — 2d/ ,c-i-,,e7- (f cam: .2- _ /I__ r7 -367,5 11441 ,oiti( /42/ y t 3 f AG Si., 473 rca pfill lit53707-7 ,sS 3"71 44LiA/Nail 5 ..2 tom.. &. -- „ 11-r 4;070o3 glii.)(2). frit ilk r ' it` f 1 1 �, - ..... 6-----3 2 (1,.,,,,e,...,_6'e„t_...e.--/ ,-5- , We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ;!,,?%Y. NAME V ADDRESS CITY/2V, PHONE ita , -64 aiR /<,41,0/ g-,v.,Q. c, I ti iz-/,5I K ( biu ' ) 4.Wt Qg `� . , 37/ 3/-0,(1,7 ,' , %..ct___,<__ ‘-.5a Z-4!-3/ (X‘All6.1gW -gip /�Ln 1/ �� A � s 'P/7-2-- 32-3/552 A \rA 1� -A vel A, AP \Z ZIT. \'''-CI 0-4, ^S P-"(.s\� l.Z) '�`� LO-�k� ` I `-1, C jy0/0 /.-q�. q /r 9_1 ram) Z‘) , • - y r p a 0 - t� 2o �S .(.��o c� 2a Z d Z2 D2/ ,(4.0,, ej1,,w ills.". . 94/0- / 78c e. Al.t. r , /,0a___ 6q1- D 0 ' S ° f ((v Air.-S, aealiteR oil ??I (f- ` - .3..1q--22c- ,6-a4/soci /.„,?4d s ip •-a /cam 60A 90.5/-e�,2.7.)-4 IA- . iW /7/4.4 PE. 'R-601/irla 71)a- MID gg.S(elc,11 - /4>a a ViiL,._- // /ia • Qwi7f f„% ,(9-L (QI6ID(v if , iv rW c v,-A, 1\\.6T-knapi it 14-4 gki"C* s-- Tzz,� , wc, . 3c --r.. a ic1 - 1 �(e_ e� 3- - 3 s / .s /L / _S 6a� P , "L'I j 7 ( .3 X� A.:6 fit) 1 . 11 / 1 .07N) ,figI (O 1 " 3 ±h Ci e • S.E c„ iik J ,53� y'lDrrKs atve _ Sn , )Re aft)n , Lt. ' ,e441, . - ---.4g o 6 - _--- -- :'1(—.- 217- -..-E. _Ze-Ii._-_L, 1'w_yrn., ? ) 7 5 k.1) \ \\6 a\x- . y\�- 1 L)C 5\r\ RETURN TO 519 CPrinr AvP Sn.. , Penton, Wa ash 980.55 _ 4 ''°`"r c5 sQl, L,, tz it6 -a. (3 , ,c .-c\a o t J,_ b \ (-) 6 '' D 17 0 0 We. the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton , has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning •, and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 7-1' NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE __\15.)tveS. J800 vrccoPt Art,*._t•t_E. 2IT J jit . lu • J 4o1 14)-11 ./bit ate ..(L4 ,I.IA ,0?8-36,>6. ‘ 9/j ll. Ave sE )1' M7 k11.} 0255- A L 1 . "a4,3 6'9// //.2_ ao.._ ..yZ /.�/ . 14 aI/o i.;:rE,c- & f'-Q- SE • c2..28- v8s,3 P1144 /174 �761 6d7/ 5 l&r ' 4on 3� S°'/531� 1 „-,„..,9y -.4. . 77,___ 3,_ Pa i - - 42 Z C 1 ' 2.....,t1-- � _ f 3 5936 A _ Ls .. . ,AR ,_ j 4 — !C'kY S EF1 72 Z,o l ,40 /5 o.z. /3o(2 C 5 Pay!, . . .s�—/ 7 36 //��l it .�.� bO2( S, t 1 ` 772-f 6h rAw/l�l�il l7a 'io / /sY 6A I S 6,-14 27/ - k'/66 / � oio � Alai +46.J Y dila ; ,E+,ild off, , t oa'l ,4 96' 1/) 1 /lI iil .. i$` AI III k/ ► I 1 6 4 ' I . Retu n ': Citi Vs For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So., Renton, WA 98055 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton r has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 2 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE i _ r . ze,ti.e. . .,__ia--- 9ra,q/ 0/-1,57 s-1 ,, 01-e-riL(� q o / Ti-AA-ate 4.y. S AP 4, 98e r1: .7/ —1/o S ov-Q2 0271 — /70? DS` — .2 s3` - G 131 fr-4. ' - S,Iiszg 7/ 7 g' - , a.. ,,,,e,a, „ ,, • . ,, „ „ 1 ` ) 7s. v l 1 `tL. TX. 5.E. ggJs, o27/-0 J . l/ fi2 D)-) .fdS‘- z2 - Z- 7_1.p2, 65 -/20 j ___V ..- --)f mil' 6//. .0 �.,.J' .mil C �.7,v- 6 y )7Q,, _ yq��r /(2 7 .AG6 (PG -(? .z.z,i_pcvk.s.._„.....z2 .6.e..4.,.. ..25_s__ s_.7zz5:( 1� 0 5, 17 — 3 e -3h' f 90 /�o .-7i4am //v g'e 1-31,k 0 r�-LE /Or: &z(_ G-': Yg/lliy ! i` 77 2!S Z_,,,,,,a,--6 .<721e-ecie-1-- alL.-, 367 -- Zb /74 q-c•-i--psYli sa(.--- 75/7 y u.___ h•o-id 7.2 1 LME ROG c p R. C.0 tVociel7,4) 772-,2,Z 4).3 'f--% YKTC ilhAp, Ai-e. -C „6,4,tdA5r 0.1 (..-2-4/z, Ile r 4 0 4-&/L - V -2 7. -9 rieb da;&42___ P ti 7 PP -- .gf470 Ye, vt.21g3 i,a4;12ti //- L/47 Ai/ *4t6r- 3/3.2 7-.,• Sq6- '5 f 14-- 1 b0? € Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton , WA 98055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE / .,(„0_,AE,}60 .4e,„*„../ 0. - 2/e7, ie /8644 cbfxv4v OR. S cocilif,c, 77 s-s-q c 7E1-17--TTa11 /e(-4 r. Li - 0 //0 - o (0?sf- /�ad.-/r1/Ctl/P -,l-, 30:f 7 d/XY- // FS7 41 60Ao. . .,, P7i 71,1- Ve I _ -2_ L0b91)4 Ave I/ Kadrip, 21 - 04,q(-/ 44 J v/(�� /G r,�., 7 7 Z-y7)e .4-4 -771.. .-67/ -P`-itt 4 C(i,P,olo /3624 51 / n7 --xi/ -e01 Wa ry -Lc`' Pla 2J /. SUS S F. 7/ ,11 • ?. /�,h 414. el Ale a' 2/©o 5e7z/ 57, M TW G,/rI 2z‘-ze,/iz ig az:17_42_ . - /--16 4/1)- 46 - Naiiit, _722 -7-.2.)---se-7-7 o/f - Al • . �� -ram L,- 1-- � //y9 _ e7 s1 .. 4 �- 4‘` ar G ,/ . NeM/A(0, (5() - JvviAOLD Atk . S • 4 r Aov,, Mc, c1i-foc i /-0 ___Z�, 7 L ,..- ; rr/Tr-_ S�8 w.,�\ S U-s\-‘ 1 &ocTs— ki-dam.. UCQ -eL14 *-t-Nib LCv2.5 � t fi ik_ cook . KYs` : -A- Igo-3 Ns.9)v \c\o\ it 1 \b \Sc, \\a\. c\%' 5 `21( /�3, a. 1g0V 5E 16(. 5 Ce6Zn,,v 9Ws g>30 c--4 . tea_ ,, 00 �, t'k-- :mod 7/0- -� aid . .4 ,(9 , _%i y4.. CIA, ,At--1,41.-7-41 2() S- , - ( / \-e4 - , ' . , - _RETURN TO 5'i2 Cedar Ave_ Sr")_ _ RPntnn_ t a ch QR(15S _- We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an •adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS a / ll� /e69 ..5 5�. s /3y N5. Co rt/ 6 i e h i' ./ - 36.07 -id C .66 0 . _ vim �� _ . _. - -- - �_ . _ e�:4 t) i i 6,itiAt 9, koakuti r r Le/aE,4A1__ ___ 11- 141 • 1e 67/ at /U'. L III 3 ra Ai._ ?VI R.e.„, ; .--AtAiLeL 39/ ..... /4 E - 7 -/ *Ren+on..._ i =-= �c,, ;, 3 G/9 /V„r`i `'''-= �6a4,5 W ¢� Soo- & - '� € - _ _ .pi.. ,), I 20/ yinz ,72 .c.4.0, , as&fr-,7 4. ‘ . %.?,,ezi We' \ '_ __xlio -- a s 3 4__, Win. fi ' We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. �i . NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE /161(11:4;) &otilric 60e1(40,, /c -� xvizeie_ a q hid , a7/- � 723 — ?-/67 RETURN TO 517 _Cedar Ave RPntnn_ Wa ah 9Rf155 —__ We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton 1 has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ,. ,,.•1- . NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE 6 d d` S .l(r5l" T79ii '7717er i'..3 5104Z •VIL0 0644-1, 9i4s--_c- kr3 a,'// 1 9,.."5 1-- —4,-1 ' JK'r.f %2;.? //,0f ,c& 39..;,d,5---5-- %.' .1):/ /1199 ,ar. 9,/,� ' A) QM- se / �,-� Y{ 1 rAA 91m I r 22 -2 7 c L-r> .,). Z 6 g-Z e.-T.& „5s �,t/>r 7?zi fSI L•tifYlitJMIa 4074 - Y4we14) L 9W ' /c - Er 14/9_, A .4.2- / 7 Q r> la A- 0 ,-r_ . cow ,ao 77 q jA i.LUirtii(A ao.to' N. g o— Ad Cii' -a. , % u.. /7I/,—/os � & /fr / 00r3 a,_______ to\ 3t\es -AJ�. S, �e d1v V)i�- Lg � 45 o- 41p - ?Ar s / 6 3 sc" M/ g7--- X Q._,-11-0--xt. ,W-5-4 kfo e ' r ',T- fituvd ie o b Kai/ (p 7 fi1 4r A✓e.6 k3.06 X eh fi>r 4 4"5✓ vJAe t, ' 1 rZ.c iw 0441 RNA A 141 It s Pr v-0 2t.►i t D)1 Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS � CITY/ZIP PHONE . „�( c ��uo/r7n. /1,(f3/ 05'E. //,9 ZA ,Ul 1.40g/T�J�?J ��D 55 �J S �/ 9 UU� : )i. , ?./,. a ///45 S-- - /6-91 7 y ., %teaTr �-S'3- 5'76/ 07 ). 7� - �y gP', gs,)-o5 7� f � c/2 / /zo2-a S. - 5�3/ 6 3/-sz6 / `AlAjc-ar /2 o z z 5, - , za Ft -ik 162-u .q8 q3( C 3 1-s 26 ) c)1 1 a6 35 B- ,7c" ' gukfayi g20, b -a 5/ (,/ S i ' f 2(. 3 Eset- o H 1 tZ S , E lam-, ed 5-b d a b~`//d ' (D-(' --1.; } '`-',‘" )) - (- 41,,,k- .• , -n-c %C...0<i_ 0 ilL v v+.�,�ii l`JG.C...r_.,... 14^„ I ; , - 2 ' f'- h4 t.,1 '24117 i 6 3 1 -i.�,f i LowU-A- cZ4L�c /bt)V(1 i3Z/O 567: 7/. on1 ?YOST 22i-/ti S f',.-yr.,oc ..." .49.46/:1 „d .-7 1: ,I':.; --...; rii(.2`..‘', 4.1-, A:1- i I I:1.i -, ."' Q,.As:'1 e‘-,:i I di /1rnrn Ko 4rt , , O S-w , 13t 1 j 'S . PenAn Loot . 9 OS d3-5,4y r f ( 107M4 4Q se joy Iiii ‘at- 9 -)4ds / /' --a/ 6 ;p C4 Yz 8. W7-44,4Cent Cj'�','S' 30c p S 01-5- — 34:i 4'Q2ht{ at • QQQA CUM. (1,311 -SE • I 6 a R (A • ov.o s- , 602 / // -_. G r 2 /‘d51 f.�._..fc-- o - 6. ,boy 17 7 /'Pr W?_57 Vkid siF z < _ _ urt iar 1 , *,--- ick-k, / `180S-S— / o S , /QV V:c L> (e, / 9 7 ?tTTTDM mr clo l+.._]_..- A_-_ n_ n_____ •._ _t nnnrr We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton , has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE a- //0/ CM//0Z- i<- 12,4,tJ 7a ,i1 36 -z6 301 v 5 /‘a _____ Z�. & W JO5407 .Cz /7L/ -S3f p_A (-?a-t ///o - 5g./1'. '1 ___L 11v8 gib /e44 7 AV in litt/ZiAw via,ivpii.4_, immaSzr O/fretY IV ,_____ -PI-A-A,..f: 4_,_,..izA. s 3-0 - ass- 3 `? q . °II ,6 N. 3n7 t. aS (o as - 6 )Vike oti -LC. f 1113 Covvwd 1 mkt cSo, ge,Mf k 'limn 7?7.34 3 s /5'77/ -//9rx A 9do)-5- -3-7/•`/71S) \-a n Alq d t'la 1 4 1/51 /' ir ' _i a// /fi 7 7 eel ASS i/`77. i '- Ar• 4 /` : . ,// .,_'.,. W _/ 1 6 fat : JGJ Sr : /_ / , r f / / C f a 3 e/s ,r, _/ 71/_sr eEk7,-, z.:77 _04,- cam.,,, 73=D .� .i S- r 50. ,,�� , 77- O f/, , / 9 ex- 00 d 7.7.m _ 5 LLA` -. 5 /` 7702 —5-// Kai ri /! it 1( • 01 � --K .)C) (5 we, Wy S -�� SEL $Y1(- 0.5 Ret.rn to: Citizens For a Quality Community, '532 Cedars So. , Renton, WA 98055 i We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton , has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 2 -- N. r ADDRESS CITY/ZIF PHONE Mgr L al A, P...‘411 ' 1 II VIA/40A /Le 5 L-f-u, iv cfv5--c D-2-&- od C aka / 4% , ' .. s5 g,44,A&n1 %y r iio_ Al 41R, Sec 5 y�i 7� .-e � �Y�j it 6J _ l 9 6 _5 Aliti-2,' 10 Gl.(un &Am' a. 76 PAdgnand 10 A, goL.f i 9&1S 4==l-aii:166J n OuniiskAr' I I 51 -7 MI‘CLut So ',,:kittaizt, LA)k 9 N'7X . ,.2, u ; ;c-4 V w 24.44Wi ) /' 6 o -cG c(! 9h ti -.A 6-271 q edi /Gsd A as, £ 1.90eicc gyp-6 -f7/ A,,,.,. J. , A l\V SV. Lek' .1, roc Adts„, C P , Ci)� ohs,;,�S �� - SJ� Z -6 -as93 O . `-.2-..„0.Q, ( ? / 5-. // �_e.o.lit-i, 9P/7 g 7 7. / 6 7 s A- 7-7a -oc/5.3 I ...9Zilex--, fi ,s-,0, / /43.214/1/L_L__ S- ( 2,3S----64161 444'0"9/7/41/1.g4/ 2-3 frj7 74A--r/- M44)/ 9 (4,elf -. .4 /mod /.,c ��';dr„, 7 s a7i 74/3 f 1 1 n i, 04,, -Vag V- ,-Cr4 /174.41-11—en--) (2 „IT-57-0. hi. eist git - 2-3 % f T X gore, )1.1`16erz7 Return to: Citi ns F a Quality Community, Cedar So. , Renton WA 80 Q Y 5329 55 I 7 l% We , the people concerned about Renton, are unitenn our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious, facility and within one mile of a public or private school. q NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE N _ 3 4 C__:4SsotiVg a5-3(9•9' I 4 s 11=._ u../1 (-1) vJd,(.Cl c_ r�C � ,m 3( z ( 11-1 p U1 44 (, 0A,/Zitr4/ /4547-Z- 1-110.>7-7/(A( a's- L Gi/ - s-2 V-612, We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ,2:Y ' NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ., `u t/. yr 3 o; ,,.,,,( ;j.w. n) tern, y,rc a -7)l o Wrre Addito 120 ,de) f25 Atte ,V,26,-239s YiLo, (0407 SE f7f -#2 3za R' 9(155 z /6 3 7 `77 '0 44n /n?mod i,3/ 5P/lUe< ,sc i'fiAr ,--- !� �,/� /74,V/ s,L . /9/ _i1. 7f c 7S / 7 2y :v),) tv 1141 l 5E 1 9 L-h-. St dZci.r ,,. ciisos $9-014 A �C' v 2r ., ,() J4 O9,ze .s- 4 qp / 1� 3/ /i y //(,6,46 /4/63fifieiz_ 7),Aeld &lira/ -i9,,,.....a._ 7,_...5-c_ roi /l'_z /7- l &., 9// 2/ -7c.- /d q g/ 7c a ) ep 6-1a S . ► W" .Ale <i8l -7� /A4 .g /ot/ 7 l'11, .d Lz‘E / a?zi-£ n---K-4 �-� " 4€6& l.I/ ."'- ,o L .P6 Su) 33-L/'1- )P0,5-5--- e_____O (M4441,, Vs -64444iP/4/ tf/.5" 6) //7 ej--, le44) f o v QJ,, tea. d , -S E ,3 ,c 1 4.,,,,,661_ __, i/„2. -/ •C z- r pew 1 //2' IY-3a --S — . 8° ,.` RETURN TO 512 Cedar AvP SO , Renton, Wash 98055 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton t has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. r , , NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE zw ' ca- cY 637( _ /.e ' . ,, << 4,z,,,,, z s / z z r) i y L S & /G' L.-- i./(, I 6 3 ►-_ `i 7(e S- I66. .4 / 4,#v'`e1.. TS Ssr , yo t. , J) , ,i itizoc.c. vas of.- 0131 Imizin'bA. l t 9 5 - // 1i nr e-.c.f. ,z z 'i 2 7/-6 4e� ` 5036 —//e t.rvr a. 7n ,�cJ /60/7 S E. .22$1 K�,4-t G.3 / - /a , 7 �/Luu .-�° / v235136 i.. t sz= / : 6 3 / s? ) z .. -__ __,f,r-c.e.a.laZje -e.-: ci'94-/7- 96S� g.5 51-07 5 44A �' 2: -7f; /aq °7' _ —. sr_sy-29..� 'IjrQl , g` -31 -lLI S V ‘PS--.2 - l1d-a a.�.,.e , /5/y17 ,5 /<T.Z '� i4 G 3/ -,�/Z-Z . 1-1 N ct-Ivir .Ake, 10 i ti eh, 6/1//t-e- 12-17--&-- L56-2/-/,3 - ).z.e,,Wt -7,_4-iy_„/ ,- .2_, 6 - z--/ ‘2' ��� . -7 2r'// �-(Z- 7Ss6 lr,.c X 4 i 1 1-,t- ' /DS /u J e p�.3/(- - fy )_ -.30 2( c�ttr A 4., i,.5 017 .9 F/ Sj4 I 1 6h. dam'- 5431 C L,., N.,...y,0 6 L, 4/ ,P48/i-f2/'z'.`4 2:• __ e 'v3.1-34.3 `l 9 0424,1,444,e X 6-f-L-eL- OM- fi= 4:Z±A-- ...,,ead :- - -.5-57--te yy aww1c )- 1,L Pa b c i 24 CS cz ' , - 's- — Return to: Citizens a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton , WA 98055 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ?)..-- NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE . __taI'l^ z(o -Ddill L. © r� it S- 5 : v w q--3_3-,,c- "A- C, 1.6 7/g s 4-40T-t ST Ewa/726 i 11451. "emz . J ..at'e'-ie --"G22 62✓1s- ON Dr_ 1.) - Qvy If - gs32I 32 J �a �,/ /� �� G ' v6/ ��� ��u�' G/�!1/ �v���'a JT���''. i/�/t/j Yr�'� Ft e-- %: 7 /L /alC - S .27oIi /c' ,t1i4 ram9 ? -6 3 / 00) tuicic_____,-Waa4: / a tea- � ,,/,, / i �o , '- /,,'.S d - ,4/� /b 0 .-' ,&/1.14 ,l(br ez 3 / q od ,,,,,d,,A, i /47;Z 6 k 5,-Mutiva, 444 lajO2 el:534_27 to,4_ c 1 to i o . --IL-21-ii _I ► ViALr 101 5 1r" .•& Sit. AgaJtz, J• WA 8-ova 9. 1-Tiz1 R , /6_51 g/il L 4'QTI9UZ id j s eiv i k , c/ / % .Ds:r� S , j 9 /( /0 ,//,‘?//i( )16)A L/ I t} ,g6r°2— • 7410 _ R k hl tetidnu.."_ (Pt. ?gr o 2-2____L____________ . .- osola• E frtil_c„, sA- . A,A, L\ v L.t, Li)" 91- 6, ;? 4 y e 9 , s Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. �� 1 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE jit,i/Lk_ M 2 (L I7et-i,- -l_31,(PI .�, Pe w q-;5 :13-C --16‹L r /$ 2 .Si';- / S .A -z �0-0- 4,t 2 7/ .1--?2? ,,,,/� /��� 2 3//4 /07 fX P6. ,S- .. d-' (l/n ,FO 3/ 8c-Z-s//25 - ,,,, 9 n e, erreit 404) 5'poi, /'g 4,, 'gig, g o 5--) R C --3/7 • / 76 4. . -j9 'L K , te .- ,--n 1k,t-s -6--2 .%-int -I 2/i I t i /22.?1 ‘ 2/7/ Z,7 )1 ,2- b l� ,c o /4 2-7 C -2// Ste' 7" w74- vT / 2 s1 - em , �? g. ��- 07-gAv .s, . /eEN kP' w/4 y OAS .2 ss�-zz_4. , ,,; 07,,iL / 76c(((- //6'S C- ¢?- itA--re--- lea-- gePoSS -- ' '-a-G - l ({ 3a -Lem_ E >' , i c,Ll q —/f R's r t,f 9‘ y cvs<-4-z G —, Z • • Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 (. - --- we, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton t has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. r;` ' NAME ) ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE t '. xitiii» 9 7 I S . /,9 keriT gSos / ?sq - 7931 ��- -.e A /30 c— /D 9 .S c 7 S 9'O j 3 S:›2__ 72 7 r u_,..r_. ( al )- / a-C, 1-, I..S• x-.9 `j j Gs/ 6\`f I _ /1 remto . 4, , / D ia-s/3 ire_( piT S- e . )Z , 7S" �7i�. .-n ds,36 .._i045 t S,_ j6 d'c5--a --6 76 . ,A 1!. .c 12 o 3� St: di r — �n 3 / - 3G�' 501/4:a,rtuji,rid, InS1,5- F, / $ ii2)-1-ute-yL — D•.3-3Z6 'Q • )-- -- i 7 -52-1 is73.4 x----- - t cif 228-/,3 7 4L. - ., izg2-ysA. sZ 2s 43 / ay73 .4.ee a C 'a:t_P j Lk/V 11”") , 90.0 ".2-g741-51;5 C i Ad Au h ci rh 9 3 61-/C'G=3 C� r/ ti, 1'Imint' 3i//cC.Ie;rt VV�.(P ` IN `)vv l ?8t 3C-7/_ .�� T }.).�a,v..�- (, ,� ,�-6 N - `'�'._ __.' L.;L I L / ,V -6 P 1- -- • `sue 3 7,‘ . Q.H.A. J /k9.29 J.E. a?1a K.,c.L (�30- 05/6 ___T: ( 4 — /Pyz, S. E_ 2_ ' ' Imo...- 6f.c, --ey66 tC .,, Cc r1,;),I ' 9.2 'C Xr,1 J 0 -et(P ' CAI / 71-10 SE. a56 ' Kevlt 5' _ 111NR% .- 0 _9'-\.ti\n -sip.'-K,1-).,,kAk,) x).1 .52 5:2 z..- ,:,,--N 7? d1 ;)- (. --/"aide,e c , kort fs 1 d/ 0 f 7 - Retu to: Citi ns For a Qual ty Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 We. the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. /41 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE tr)onCc_nJ lvEToLJ .P. 7 / 3 /04 PL. SE. ktar 7 'c'37 8S � 891 Ai flay A,.,.; (2Aorixe0 17 e-7r sc /9�0 d qz. If s, cl) nl fro 55 6- OIYS `+I4/\ v r C -2_ 55.1.F, -,V go 63/-.5-LZ3 ` Daf/ idu /7�/� ,,i %Celfad Z • A / erd( 3 �.�, v,r s- )- D-f-//7i (! PA/ : , ' 7�P/3 76,/7J' __ 1- 1'1 6 211 - I I I �.F ,F,-72-0-- --) . . 7 ..cr/fr cif 227" /e-e 5-00?/ .rnaa. Pt /70 7i SE ria.."Y7A.t:ucr ��4r7z)4 ?.6o3S 2.2..G -0r2 19,4 . , > Z7' Q . / 7(,.s/ 4 /S - `s --2-6 377eL ass 7 l ��A / 7 ),e,__ram- 1 �j � . .��// 9a 6 j6- A ,<A. . - �'1 "X ; C 'vl w lek trch-,. 1 y- c-tY P ` )1A,ci _ A ' 190.2 I - Ng' SF_. 40., ass3 9d 7 6elgM.Gidist/11 Sob Ct)r.IA Sv4..0. r-REh-10N 9So c ZS c- 31Sz.- . .i' 1 D�/-h. // lK 7 a 48t78 7a-o �72 L - c \ . / .,:-) a t, . -- . :f_L' , .- ----:: ri9, --, , - (-K;', - V.:.' :).-(..-c/ .4•.(-,', 1)..;�^/t/_ / 7 Si 5 .,1' �! / Y .=4 _ /'� _^ il ' -z 2- > Cc' a i.5 ,. ./. / w/ , 7,"( /2:-::: Se ' C -•).., 1) . -- l4.-,,, 424, ..),-' ' ' ;.. - - • - ,' Return to: Ititizens1For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 We , the ,people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. '( NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE li K),,/.fps�d n R.L e$5/. ), n r /7/0604,— /7�-2_c ,E- \ )- - r-7 / - E-3 -b—,6V44, /3 y0 3 ---/ 37 4 4\c S V/ Wazit ,fr Y/04/Wf // . I?f4-( ,9?ash -id3,5- . ;_ ' /36/2 SE /0O 7!! FL 'r ,".172:,A/ 9g0.5 , 27/ 73�7 a V,14,ti-c-e-e- /_' y i 3 _ / 9 `-� G .I G= z z 4 -y 9 lJ ter" 4,v' tj y a) n.� l 'G' 5 i �, y�o s� 1*ti.-ry \7' 1 ) 71 ( ) Z l 1 o S 6 - 6. t< a---A)Tc)-t� l - vy Gio riZ 77 7 le-g/- 6e}c,0 l X l ---_S-_-7r6 .-:-.- (c)i,4,7 IN at -2-q3I 2 Sf_ / ?- - SSG: Ai,,,,6 / .Y3 / -8.gr 1, G. - F-e-.7- --, ,,k5� .26V--ipT-i›-,e- E-. ),, ,...._ / /g.3/ --ds2-. 1;„6--- 7,d/ Fv--)-12-;, ,-.0- 6 /37/4 /3� �4fle, 5• 6. 4,,,,& ?�1,-�� a-76-3o-3 OciLif_.,,G-Lt.az---., ,AivIL2 --/4/- re, 9Y o S7� )4,(ze /11-(o 3'1 /Co�1 Pe S `��'o 5 2t-ciL. -?:(A.,a--7/ .ba ,c/-/7'# / �� ., 9.,, , , if, 2 c, .,,z -7z- , 7 /f' yid v /� �S4,0. 701 y /14-11' Ac 5 i vagilmw - k-0,601,v ,�L 0 29 31 1. E. ��'-1 pi, I-7ZlZ itt-c y(.. 'L" � J.,,,,, K tkiAZ . /(92 /I/ s _ h CetA-1>-P-L—/57 //';L t _.n —af;'0s(,, .c c--a c1- t 3--, . 3 e Q L y 'yl �. I ) Th am �u a `1 Ry ,,._-. at g 0 3 C� t,,,,, i A-0,7))1 7)-1 (1 4,14ktr a Q 0 J r&-e (11f 1`4: A kJ SL V L, eCki4 A '7 ()S( d f/ c % 1 i,Cfl /CO-1-�' (i , y . 1/ ;_. AAA's "g a - - -efmlcx) ifia q0 -5-5— - RETURN TO S12 CPriar Ave Pin. , Renton, Gin eh 9$(1.55 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton P has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE £ lQJaJ l-2J 2 5 -/i4.PaveLSF 1, Yfo _ 4G#o 93 rf Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton, WA 98055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE a,! a,(. id/ist. iteAv (pit— fQa k)N, z26 -Q7&.- . c'/ �c, a ^7 7` `' z 22 9 7 za ,; ,...,, �j'/r("Ra.cP/m a,�� C+�+A.77. d. �p-,. r.( �2 G- /96, S4 2_fff - 4 e., (03 0— 02-Y6 i — ��'A/ s . /S_--"/.. P 2 - -/ 93.E `71 . ,ice,/ yYaD /.lc (5 �==/,8/., /tJ �..-� L _ r_._ a�-- -z.___ / . ( ..1 . Jr� 257 d?E -W - Z F� 4.18-feiGa0 )in ii. (-0 ,ff---- 4 t( .. be_ft,t_ . is42_... ,_ . f_vos--cc 6_, ,e,44_,, _;i.,,,,,„, , ,_i_a____, , z.._02,4 ii/ ,--rx3- -, v/ zzc_ ___ ,? 2_7 l - e', C.,, Jr 7/O4Z /2' �1��G 6 5 /s- - 1131-Vila) 'c 0161914 01405 3 - l.5 4'PL S E_. ,e,A /93da, JVim-, iL s 4-, -fir) bigiii if2e-e -,d-Pa-o,11/5/Ra- `/ 6( ,� /S43d -‘5 lP,i %/03-� r e/-7 ` _ct,_,2,„ �,,� f o 0,4 ez -r.s. •i. e n - &WAY 1_fM: A, 1 a-? 1 q Avt. 3 C lAk-() ,--)-- -ID7 It/ / , If &L- 0,it-f, y36 ,4// /i/v(- -3 /- zz - i 144:Lellz•-v — / , 2f g 2 !. ---- 7 RETURN To 9'17 CPriar Ava_ Sn_ _ Renton_ Wach_ 9cnss _ 11 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE Sactl 1g(409 Sg .8fr PY 6244/2)h Coo (03 ) - i45 -- j I i 46.4,_,,_,- 6)--/a '))�a s7(/ 5. . /a / *0 41, ss 5 7 7 r 1,-cl V,¢i 1¢-- M .�a ar 1 L-/a 11- _I i-/a Cc,,- ._.(. �av,,- _,A -7 0 77 t„, /3��/,� =�.� 4,,,, -f zd.�J r�-c I /4Zo4/ ,/.1. )4'' 5± 1/ €771- 2-- s 334 ' "T .i .27/dr1‘..&kt. J A/44c,e_i /7/ te-z--_,- sart &,fic )17/ey, 2,s-r-- c -7 ,c (__Pe )(2...z . .L./2 i_ _/6 'z .&,,, :-.. ----", x 1 I I .)--. -) / i ,-5-' c>.J___f il 1)-2_ ki-1-0 h. q (-6 f-.:' c. ._,...........A--s--_"*Nkk 611 Lc.4z, \ z l... -' R w.. S k Ke.....�AN. g 7- c-sue .-4 e '-,1 `t/�( /� C- iO( - cgv'Zfg4; e' ' A4,4 ;>-6 /( /i6;t 6 ,5-F10 ii i ( r/ 414 ( l 1 etV,%7; -A 3 /9Z ,�' ,v__, a--A-4 ,� 1 ;e01454 7.`"TI,c____ , 111 �iY P ' i .iir �ghritsd, ,2/3 7% 9 m I, JS i' 1 v v 4/ SL //4-M Ki2m710 iJ ctiv 6 ,753 &0 j miguipmminiuninwi ‘,„ „ AIMINIE to ! LL �yob p; i.. .:.I.1/ . . 9 cf.' ..S.-‘ RoE TIMR0 0 517 Cedar AuP Rn RPnfnn_ [,L�Sh QR055 y-_ We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NArvE ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ,ter W .aro 44 (If'. ar kii. 7:oreiff:06 2- -3eer c i/. / 7a7 ,5a4e _ yr 6 �%3 --6 4. •.*(iik-tOCkgrn 6' . i�&/ ` /KP=�^-e. S€ 6-M 9r�5G --- -s .I') C- , zi-liVA E• -. lq-e_z�., 7 0 - 33 I M-L /�/ T.----,.-i-A--,...,-L, ,�/Z 3 y 7, p_., 4-77_41 ) z-'--6- _G/,z_ 1 /1/Q6 /y( ,bI- sr OfteLJ i-n TOC.) . \ t,c0 1VjY/ , 5 �C� lye .&. - 1 / V 1 L3 /2 - ill-g Pi. s 6 0- 78az" ,27 3/5t,5-- , 16 W(to 11i 1--_, &4t,64 p___L_4J--.0.0 zio 570 --c-)711&' AA_ 5e ( 16,3 Id6 3-6171 )::?--L- 70, --6 01-77 4 • I csNE 0 Q cf-Gt.\\A Ar..., A._I---P-4-1)e-4- 6, , /C" 6 tr) ,.- a, / 4-6 Pi= a-,,_il----o-L4--7 f J-e. iji /0 J1 7 /4- - R&n -4.-,‘, r, / J /(4-fir Sr ,___ ., V, 7,1-e 7 RETURN TO 517 CPrl2r A\/P 4n RPntnn G'aq,h gRfl55 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ) d5- ' ..5 , -6«7` V :_..� mitiiliu • I S I :161 011 G1s AMP./ YA-A-MIMIIM,:- A Ingignir.."4 (44 ' rU i. ef ,Affigtar.7....i 4 .2 la a7-a -/.. -'t-- , .. At.4_..ix, 3-0 ---;5 jeW1/ ' k C---- .e.------- L i ��t � / 2 S G� 1 / �� /" ` - 3 5- r` laillWri _., , I4 , /r% O, - F a i q ,j '";7'7 ,t 1 4 >.4.‘..."•,. 1,713rili e:;5 ieeerd . i;e4-1:7 WICI 5--- - �.j i� iJc /73,-f. ` ? �� 8 - ,' -//V `36 S `26S' f4/1 / ' - - g1F -' f ((\ ). 6. eo a Z. L ,t /d fr-P �,��.,,;� > .�S-�3 - a8s- ' S; 2f7 Y/ z 4 ze4) 4 v. t h / .►,c 3 f Air_ i ffley.....4 _...52... , y, ___. — c,, ' '_L. z.4t4, J 61_ / / -2 .-- -- K �' _ / ` Ir . ./ - 4 V c'2 , cA 0..� .__. it 1imi=44..) c 777 aifx--3-,,, 1\/ /.5 3 0 //9 axre, SE /thy dit t 3 / - it// We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE j / o, G i y ✓?--P �S �' /�'a�-� Cz�� 2 5 v:� 1.Ak..92.EsOCE. 6. I ?jckEQ- 18oz a 1-5EfZ.-De-En.) A E. S .r`_ (-Rf ok.) z 2 -I(0s`) Fetac,., S 2, 5 ivr 1'f}� ►'7--- J�.�t3 Jn 5 2�.1.-Yrb-,v -2-55 -3 c)c..: _RAJALD �c�M�►1.1 (,�}"�►.�,1t� L , 1/1/4) 4L b$ s g 1 't1 P L. B k (-0E u CJ sow.. Arr1 E @ 2 t 45 t CLf F�Ok.1 3, Ho coLLJ,US 5716 1.1. 33 sr. APr.* k TRcoNAA , W A. 9407 752-9409 �1R1.1E M. COLLIES 57( , N. 33 ST. RPT. # 1 T_Acon1A WA . 98' 07 752-9409 4v, S it/ EARL ( « �1 333 S AT IC 73z- n%3 1'1 y PAv L ,O&ll /a j o 4 5.E 2 l 2 IKE ti 7- w A 9863/ 652926 LE-si/E R. //,q L1<S gao/- //S > /Hie. S. eo.vrep.v u/A f a 5 7/-�7 ZIo7 / E 7".t�i {6/eKuW: Wt9 r6033. Fsz5s-o72,' /5 /'Se /7511 l am, 464- zziaXI, -.. A UD`I IVlrLE5 6/7 K-r/Lri-ibvb A . [l). E� I�t J7O&) 6)4, Bosh 37-6879 ?A s Li4/.,'L/'Ss /`//G /9 7 S !z Z!in/r6A1 1,1//S. z -3 y�3 44'Nc Y s J///6 /4/7T4`r /&;'fr 'il/ /Am 2 'we� 4,5v1 /34724A- Sc= L�.6"LLc L'(Jr.' 9 SOO6 6' / 7y3i / ci_ c)81s _ //s/- _.08 rjd� /�.� �,�s- lam- 7/ '- / p.. 2-9`' z /7/4. /VG 5E- , / La_, 916 S^r 2-IL-4 ONE)sl 0 I VS3s_ 12185—Avt SE K6 ,v o1. Lb^ `T80Sr— 85L-Zio / �c c. 4)(1"- eit ,C r v / /Ca- s. u). 5:e_auL2 ,iijq. y81'7'6 aY6 z_ ��—. / 7 9 Lin-4-ch , , /.r14 1( S :Z2k--4/2_0 J We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE (kr_'0/fi .7 .i74 firo a 7 a. U 3 7 a zss� � ca-- 35--a -Go G EIP 7 gA,t- *. cl�;1 ( /,)-/ -/ 6 il-. /l i.- 2) 9f001 71-77-i 6 7 . '7 /p-. 0. Sox 37 2_ 1- 5 s a u-tt-ic 18"Doz 7 39r_-Co 0/ 7 '7l C- �k - ie - eo 0/ 1i ?/7�_ ye-u��., 114.4e,Z) -",/47 /445 d'c1�L S . c � 2 - 1 (• /,-.( 2 7 ,/Ai.t.pip � i-i.Tf ,>,ti) -((� — // � CIS h �e - 1/T,'t P). yf,h %FOSrL 8- Z-UJ7o,- i �5/5 5 1f$U S _ q /7K -77 7S53 i 4'a.,5_,7(/i 1,fitai) (9--e_A.r.___2.:11, -.5. _11 li u Si - -_&'.0_,.,:ff( . ._ cla'z',-1717 X- IT 1. -c 5,5,? (;(,.-fr- 4i lir), ‘ci' .4,,„ v-`,5-is( li...? `41,&-' 14 ?xr-yr7c1 7-7 zi`i? .,/j ,±J& r ai:?..,"/„. 4).,// ,z,„., gc/s7-,z ,,,, - „/,...,m,y. ?.??7, 77_,_,//9., ,. , ,4bod 75a /13, (7- k- _ie &e- zia 9'gf7 8 -77k/5y? RFTTTRN Tl 519 (:friar AvP Sn_ , RPn tnn, Wa ch_ URf155 _.. We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAtv:E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE L c. r1/llc. _ 7Ydo „(ice. s ed. , yfi 7 77 —tf 77 L - CCU t ' / / .3' ire-c. J. ; /_ S /a z i - -4.. i2 .7�D -‘6 5 sue: 9ff/7t 7..2?- i67 K5 I .r se, i t `3 t� c-i Scot& c4E ,1& 7 1 L -OJ f j / //a 62 4-up,eu ,f/ri0- d,,. ✓ 7r .9&,7 46, 772-CI if3E J a? 6�' 0 3 g ? 3tukuac. lum,62, I a q I y t'liit, Aut. S. e. p,w# a71--03o/ - ,ejj . i y f»J/-3 3' rr- r <<'1 . k .v- yz.i ..4.t.t.t.,_, 0:1-4. 1_,;,,,git, __3 416-- c ,-1_,,,.„.e a4}-e ,1/42 :4) _ #).-4,,--..;Iva., 6,-z z ,,,,,./ v.L.~ A te. 333/ / ,e c t4:-,--7, c- . ? , --tv-e-c-t-le-iicNc.,, S/o op,-Aim.So' mragoT Le irest s/ d f L-27 -,_.,_, -. ' A'/.24 - fl - . ill0, � �..e.bo.ej L'ia y".93.5 �' - 77 a- /., �_,K(, 77/ 7� 's.J ?oq33 ,g. /06 (G' 96b313 20 3 . / 4,- e /Y00 �.u /L� �Z 9p05C ` f 472.444/ /.3�//e- � / lla-i V d A 4 A-I-4 g � ts''k-�P 0aig /1, .i oe (6 /5' &I-L-ff��-� .-4.-f 7� ,.3(CPs'Y�-3 yc RETURN TO 517 Cedar Ave Sn_ , Rentnn, Tdach 98(155 We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE i, , c L/,4CoZN c r s, r_. P ti A)4. • s i( w� - ;5-5-- 7a 2. o s r 1733 a .,/a , w cCC. ' 71/(d/21-biZel yrd-Z4t1 9P711.0.64-ele) elg ',OTC cz7V-07 iliit 2 711 411rAv,SE / 44/A/,,,„--) .a 7? / _ e1Xo��� �L�r 7 �72 5 S� i(� ''`' PA ! ► Z CAOS e-2fr-O'10 1 /7/41 4 dz --f 7 /r/2 (&�t.[14.f ALL! pee • Return to: Citizens For a Quality Community, 532 Cedar So. , Renton , WA 98055 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE CXr) i j t �9e-.rrA&t I (C 7C( 5e, ( 6 3th rilr)r )1 g�O55 g-. '/ 7 )7,-11-‘-: 6-46-4ii..d ,2 -7 4 69-Sy/14.4.414.7 za s 0-, a..4.4.€.7 4.tk,_.5. ef.0 0 a.. ,-,2,i:4_?-4 . /aazpr. nzss-isce:, /./ -/-- - L _77.(yz:e y.//2 -,- v Ar so, 1 2 -� v--ez j eq-1 > ic --( O- 75), u —1- ?ii3a a://q /_ f gl y -z - f/7 %krz_ s e iy77Z e f /7 °° s-c _ r lock a I a-Y.a. s 0117 I_. -+-A-Lc... (-3 7 2(7 3 a 4 atic. . 4 ?3/ )12tygi /_ C.,-vA-t D +/_1i�-e //22 '� 7 `I4-pe S -S ->1t/.e. 0/4 77 2-0381 27P� 164', 3228 , . lQ cr: -.' o, , tok- 7 Sass U i a71-3 % • 1 hai 11 A i ' 1 1300 .. l0 ' -.1„0 I r -ei-zo ttladA• 014./ '�"41('5111Mir _ /J �• r, i L 40 el221(72:216T, A AI 7 A-- - - ' i itgr/ -' 1 boy e c024 , , r 9-�1 y2�- S a / _ s - 5 ,. • A, -, -5- /' ii,,,, _) ij,,,,t,A 11 )01\dt:7. sc) !-- - Pi K a k eq, p - :.. ) hie (. •v;i( cf Mt& _ ///c/ s;e41-7 i /t) C ` 44-"G''-)'1 o 5-`6 ; Y z 1;) • i 1 ici ) - qk,f. ,hf,.1,A--- 55--c z4, !VY`NtM ` 10Z .ic .v "^ i t Rfli-On 221 Li ten (4,_ Ave/ 5i- gollc- 4,11-- gts-a - 02-1 Al-ele ,4, Q 97/6---h2 4 at) --tP, 4-(4,2_,- 9 975-- /a G -6/C 32-r, -, We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAM - ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE /3 g 33 /Lig riAit ie,t, 910. 4 I 7/6 S 4v2.Evy t?31 (Al w /CA4e / r1/i,-1 . a% 5 E 17e / �° , ,v layses is�Yl�• rD .1>i _�❑ 'L � C.!.� O RF.TIIRN TO 51? Cedar Ave_ sn.. • RPntnn, Wash Q8(155 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. 4 NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE I D---C _2.,_7. - x.7or - /,Y - / -&-e>,4. V,4(7 7 ,�-,. ��ti2�._ j Z "70/1-1 �! I/s 36 -c g ro_crd z 2 ‘-OO.s 74 / Y24 All!L7 3cX.X) S',6% RO j / //,/6 ' 4 r // 3 /t ZL5 s -�-? Zfhi a71 S id/do . g11,, (/c,I Pitvfi -y, ......c.--,6., "de&c, 5 Ei are-,glIC ' 't ?77 2,c 7rJ n, F: r W4 9/ti,,Le_,{ &Odd/ /7 /W W -a. laj a \\ 3 z r 3 S .2 6 z Sec (e 4 ,9(90 reizA-L j?, " 'c i I I I ( I e 1 C:4_ f,L ,_ �x (-;21 1.,0(10- �/C SE 7/f/3 ER r W /1/4/7/R /lv z,2 c/ S'L%17/Y 3 T ��/v Td) ^/ -)Cl,lIr ', Cci I hrild r 1(A)4/3 3�z ,4 i i? -i-k-oi 92Z.,A , .i9p y3 0 f //y ; S 5 .-Sc _ig/:::-/ef2 98 ' glizitee.,, - , .9 /2665 Ic>29d.P/St--. k_e4-, wo,5--5- RETURN TO V 2 Ciaiar Ars rcn _ Rpntnn, Lech 9$O,55 IC We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school . NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ,S... 4-4A-1�21) -4-011 / Z &o 844U4 f a, *Ilq 77-2-V -2.-3 ` - 12e--iio s /4/1./v 1i nti z ZP-&d2o J� .�►.r.a� 77 S/�,,df_ 2€ ��, 9'/7 ' 77.?-.27oz-3 « I < , u cc /( o/ 5--/ SE- '4' 5s-6-WS 0 Tcyi 1L,_ 0 I n(-1, (ths)alcblyy-t I) &) czt)yitcn .;ar--6546c / 9 6 i-/ - 13 ZW ,s/ 3-5--9 7 P s (t-Lt/O-ee27 ,a 2 °.1a,-•^ i‘.2.35 1.1c,..e _go/ , i ' 'Yu-iza/ //oo, C .:.10 . a, -77a2�D85;3 /_ Z .44 .,. /roc,7 f 71/71 7 2 al.a t 3 &:/.. 4222J /7, / ;zht,,d ( .e&-)-2,e.-, , 9'fass oozz-D6 ci34-).- v., . t---\a*n..p..2._ ,21,01.) NS/2".°218 tet,,t7,4 jAl.xl- TB O5L-ZG- )1' /.. " 6 0 7 h e' 0 4 2./P .g4, . / '& . 'Po,5 4 -lg. ,scfi,4 ,, /`/ -7 �6 //n /< -f /,G Z_17- r''5 // /W. 3 a _ la i - -67. 4,t,e,,,,) ,, A •q,fDs 5- &ss1- 2 7 3b'/ n (,,,,i1..,„(/,�niv", ) • it , f r , l J. , ...e21 " / 0 3/( - 20�i�rs�x- S c , .�d2 � q/-i//f- - 7 2 3 - 7 ? 7 . , . , 0,./..„... • . . , , , (,---„. . e 7 }' ,, :e, 21 jv &!1-.4i, c, I G t/ 7. , Pa o -o ', '. / f/ ./ - 9 S6f). S /17"rLE /27, 9.97-7/ i / /9flo/ 9701vE so • ENToti G!/itr ?_170.5-3' $53/-35-97 3 ` 44 a /dia tl e io l.1 XWi4 , 702,71 % / .144 ,, /4tS �y. / 1e pe �/n/ f P,es"s- 17 /.0 frt-to- /P/C.— /D f,, Sg ? '0 SS it RRTTTRN Tfl 519 (uiinr Avo Cn Rontnn GTach QR11S5 We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. (1!-9 NAME ADDRESS�J CITY/ZIP PHONE L44(44.1k i /0o� ,l-() . frd(, 772-V3 3 rmit 0 401 c-okON: Nw 4-1.5 /'4(7)4 q 655 77,1--6/3 - .7_, .cwr A si,,, 1r1_r-rc, / .S c' Z. /G G2`Z 1ny-s-s" -?.,z‘ /7(s" X - 277 -27' /6'1__3 fr 1f l Le--7Zei i'.6'e; 5 : '5-3-C c"Li1;4 D 7 PPal ,S/f I //? S/ ,7,diz-d/i /,ems 77/7,- 91. -nct famrii) G R/ S /a6 So d can. 9' 7 7 ( ,$ ), it ( 0 Y) a �.0 50 . J it :`Y,r,,oa�Q, u)c.( i4 7 , *e 71,4Th 1 -A 7: c3, / 05 S. A7� -24_ L� . as/ 5-4/ fir 70-) 1626 3_ /3 atAve S'C J- c)ss-=yam 13 (JkisLf_.,,,-, U9 Nu.) col 1 e),.rCo,i WA 772.--2(,? ,/ cill)...a_d_ e)(c ,x_,� / - S.—-.- /�c�- . -- ,v2 -n-_�6 -2 Vo"7 ,s' y.,,,,„ Y„..„,,,g,-, /4,, 2 b 2 - ylaZ (2 . 77 -L 2 7 Fr /6 rlAz , 4 ! ;,1 - . /� 17 /4 --� ,e } . iiu>/- S f a/ -a 136547 / 4( / Ai 2-9a (- N 6-1- - 1 U - R..f,v?.,,t , /4 Z21 -3.CV 9 -TAl 13etken / &2 as / a7 s'G_ PPM n I/✓,9 ass= P-)7� Return to: Citi7enc fnr a Qpa1 ity Co4apinity 532 Cedar So. RPntnn WA 9Rnry We, the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue. We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. ( ,., -3) NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE ' (2 .r7 i 73.z-/ E c\) 44(E 3E RiWTON /4805s 255--3Z5 l r ivi I a is -64—'' GL.)-e. 20. ,LecctJ& / /7 2 ._7-702-0 C`7' . mot -70,., , ,'' Aiiii (11:6 �r i j ) /Cë/ 7 7R ,-a2 2-& l'i0 .1. ,,a � p r 37/67y Af� I /r27 9�«/ Z3 -7/-76 .0 raj' / )7g 6 ) 6 z. 09 itT4e72-4 c p 2 V g�- -2�� W Z / 1 y,2 5c /2?wn / 6 r-aNr (J). �Fas6 --2-6-/ ?57 i2-3002 sE l F14,51 (gal LOa- Wvs .a�S-/`71 // --.(k)trii-v\A --c(A../r\oh/49--iir i cID ( I 5 g QA4-.7.6.\_, Lt) CA' 7Vi 3 5 :-,)5s-4)) 50-8 //D 20 /671 A l/= Sr Rc�w w i/1/4. o?3 5— 2,5-s c2 y a z Il Ko <-0At ,:�� IK1 Velt.4i() (,),4, . .ss- (-1, ' 1t- �-n // /C nnryI� 4'_' /a-c t.k'�'l &//i 1 J - 4 '"/61 Jai -, 4--e-4 /_3 SOS 1 r& s r _ • A.,/ ,(:),_ Z,l/�i . 7/- 2 y F. ZL- i 1 61 5.(- n--- /if 7)-3 -q-J--075 /" o.5 Se le?' AZ E /64 , ( /4 -� 7 y 7/kvii //2 1/414 /`lO O /o/A i4O 5 z i4NTOn), bog 9 F0 a'-3 751 y / '7-1 «'o(;s//7/ 4v/ .E. ,-62 7/e/; w/' ?6)5-6 as,,Yr-3>•51 q ei#114,7 etc Cf co o 2 ak-.56). 5 c i6,,/t1_ c (/,?" i 112 to 33 rP1 Ave S k.a.r;-t , MI Win g z4-0g 1P g LAIA (Lketurn tn: Citi7enc fnr a (Iva1 it Comwur r � 532 Cedar So. ✓4/ 3 / �; _ T RPn nn„ WA 9finc.5 � ,n-�i, /447 ` :+ - lif: 11/ 140-- 1/44-ErhV-1, 41-5,;)-- }‘, 1 '^f . ct 4 �5 5- 1 �3 o � y We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE / /12 ‘b/nes 1:1,6,6,00,d e,,,,,,,) /,,,,,,, ,,/- '1, > - ,6 ,d aa6`-si a3 z ter,_ „ //o ,,��ag, . feA� 7 y 2_ �3 f //l i.tor / /3 /As`u,, 5( /�-e..7-- 3� - /YAd' X ,,,C0-t,_; _-::-)7 0-7 ,/ / ,-e_e_.7_,c1 a---e--/ , ./1(_.,;47-- -feig ,2 x--:_s--- S--6 sz S+ 1. _ i4 i _q/G 2 ir" l/0ti/ ii/v -f i2/7Gr' Gf!/S'(, S-S=5 Z `-7/ 6 of /a i ,4,..o /4"�O �E //3 ��c�rrc0.c) ,-g6 .,7,7 —.8/9/ 7 p .,e .(- ,6 2 /q 1,4 anti, )7 9 -56 ,45:5 7 7 y Y 14/. ;: /.‘ .a,,— / 2 6/yv/6 A v: .,, /c5 I S‘ Z (p-/ 20 7 (c-Z,, ,\,,Z 2,-, i' .---;"2, 7 / ^ 7� '� .�,� gki-C71:t j'56)3-6.' .2,2 8 37S--2 le , 2r2.14-4 .fir, irc z /4' e 5- 1 L 9 S . d i-r 9' z) _ V 2/- 3 2,? /,' �<0-e-c- ,+ , .� /8 '/ 5 /4 4 /Q .,.ti, �'re rr 21 b- q z 40 L abria•--4ipt A_f 2 Z .5.& g,rf'A /�, .1lVBa2" 7,f-roe e Ai/-14's.1 /i //d'`/ 7-4. xi-ve- . C. e as- .z L.-/G 3.5"" el Kakkl \! � \t-'\ \ \o � _ \ �.t s T 1C�n:,4.a1",. 9065c, awe--3 5,D c1 /i 0 / C ./`f /4: . /,,;-. ' : '1. Q.. s, '..h A6 5 4 ". 3.s" Q9 / O T �..16.-, /; / /4L/ S /ac9-�'1° J4�) 98o as-6 -Icrf7 ' i /1k D I, /,',tes-IN 17f41iSL` o .P.,1- ,� 4VD6`4 6, 51° V /9 /z 6 3o - $4l Ale S'(, �',e 98/78 772 - / 2 °_ d /) , y/y /: art 1 r jii2 y Ki d 2, ..g. R _ 2/ ip `C7 fZ,I2 A4/ 4 .9' // /i2 / , .c , . .t (4,.c %d cee rift .. 9V/6 .z 3.73-e1/K1 z z F.n ,rvv - 4/ Hv ,,, /65 13 7i1.. 3 A f #- R s44,``y-9 F v 51 .6- c,13 2.3 � r_/ // ) _jzi er‘i t= i 4,, 7 r_' 11 DS 1. Z,dI. , . , t // 1?FTTTAAT Tr cQ') ('.A,- A.,,, c.. De.,r.,.. L7A,1, oancc We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No . 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE VA/L; /7L/v S-L ;WA/V 7 . ,�'4. Y� , -- yz,P-6 cdJ" zi " 4.--ts-vt..-- /./ 1/ 4 /6 9 - ej.e-rzio---7,4.- c2/5.-15"-...-73 2.0 - ITol Yl tG 9I i2Aktevk g11) 02s-5350 Sig,2' --/2 E. l 0 ee . ie2_0:6etr".A ov-4 7 y ..s-, r ��/6 we, /a'ci r�.te .e , ,Vore 4.14u,perms - .. 7 z 2-2-Abbrc7�e,.2 A7eo3 �- Z Z : > 7/ c ,,�,. '1 „-,�.., 9 3/I -1 f1- s -v•-e S 4`f a- 7 7 1/8 1_ -.�7 3 3 2 - J, er dr . - * 40 ( ,� moo- i o 7.3 0 GtJ Z 7/- '7�.,Z S, _..„ tititig. ,'A ....d , ii /Ot „&. -, . /, C i C2) &"- (1 i Cl /1.� S.- 'o AltItiff.,4i .444tenyea 6`S- ?a/'/1 1)OiAlvtirlf:ZI zogz cat fi� s� o q J 8' 2 7i t� c ?" 1/.2Z•4a 4, iVI �A/. �.�. as 8 -M-I -r /d /7 F"Ittoir e a e 7 1.‘ 7 /77 - • .l IAL 57`/ 0 `13 \civih 3 7" .e) 220/ G%? /, /z /i ,t.(C 01 a 1 i 3o ( . • . . c <.. F o P , iiti - r;0-e: g/J 6 4/9 -7'v... ��, 77'E a cell a , C '�_ �3v� ,U, �i rt ) 1 To n tv J 9z A55- 11 c» (, ( _1i' c`` 4 r' (/ 7 Z--ud' � ?0 � I ' /4462 6 Rd t/%`-41.7,-(-.. /L,e c�a 1 461.4) 1 '''. 00 i -_..s_.,.. : 0 • _ ... _ .✓ _c J_'4-7'_ , /2Di,/.t J•.i..[O�/1� f��.��, 1 '1:51/YSS 07V 77 //.)(2-7 /PQ / fs d75al CZ -' L/./79 Qi — ' 700vds' (-/ i//-y Lio7cov -26T °0 1/ 5-✓,90 '0 f J/ /4&f62, ((/(/ — /. I-( " 72 0,y/ r ' ,� ., ,...� - r r( „ rye- 2 4 ` it sr'.f'i••" ✓ r)0 ,--3,-7/ 7.r"i'" 7 / 7' -- r-t-R--i Y',� c-e-A 12/ r '''''' -. ? '7'-7;7? "7;{. 46- ` - �gr, /1.�LD'Y� 7.___)„," -e-,--7-7-7-2,4e--- 0.--,--0. ----,--r-r---7--fr- -77 .vvi 72--r>?- --0-1:7,/ "31 4 i p------- ?-4,-.1,-r- - s '-'7 '-'-('-'1-(---er. ,2"?" • 7 7/ - "". -?"7". ''v77 777—".."?.-- -13--?.,„:::-N 77-3, zo-":„....,;,-0-ijc"-i.F/ .-rpi-vr 0 e,,,,,?-y --- , ›-PIV '-'114' ";('-?-7/ ( .°7"('-iti:"./7",if- 2 r'77'-':- 77W-'-' 1.1 17 (/ (-' 141' 1‘iZ 1-)-4-(Yzie74--- • P)e.e.->r, - c r V/ i k"-- ,-a-v,---v/(4,,,,r. , 77 7-7, �,�( '- �?,,y' We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAY.E ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE S7'_2t,iNg st o.60-J /ac« /d /I live 51e 50.06-1-11 ?MR slc Y'an • c. �(,, /, -- /a-0 . --0, (- --- 64 VLF, 2)16 - 4 d 7 - �-d_-:4,,,, s` t /Uc //t5i Re,- ' 9Ess ,1-�3 -r� Y5 / V77c, / . 11,, i 27656. z2,4.3 -, 7 l7 1/vers,* a0-1.4441rst 004,1U er T".„. „ 9,s-. .5-4, _..).4-4---<F1.2.5' .. Ate,444_, /0i3 v oGr/s/j- . S yZ,�f-te 7I77k 7-2f'- < e� ,&{ A- /G/34! - 6G " - ��/ 7e. 7a�-a-'/. ie _. ,./A- /f' (''•:-/,,,,/1- ,,z,e, G 2 - se Pe .1/ __ ,"e:".. f 'i 7, AA) ;,, '/ , y' •orl 6Z2 7 - ' , c? ., .,. e' 9t' 7 t fezill /`> 6 (V4'. /c 7'7 f 7. AS-iv 7) n /.p6_$G/e r3 /f'"s -c'e �e-.��/Q 2:— _,- xb-(ii - .i/-;,) �` e.-v- / ( 7 ICJ Q Qi / k-j/ SY 3cc r' IR 0be, CO V3Q lit)Oho S k 4-1,e S s-Q.a I` .e SDII& 723-/ '1& Cit"- 13$3 3 lit L' -IL y'g a5 ✓ �� r-�i. , p f>- A7Z7Z-ILI14 fin f Y OCL, LL CX D 15 (9(1 g S l t S 1oci L qv(0 Ps,"0-1,-A:VDicksu2 )s-g., 4 z)-t-6‘ ‘,3 _sgs3.3AS)_k i.0.06 \__ Q1' I(A9 ZeStetb 1 7_ 7- .5 ('i uI i- I-7 friZe, 6 S -,0 oi + / to c(0" i '7, -- tf.- - 3k r: K) 3 l Lt a 5, UOS5 _ ("Iv 200 l- 7)m uN m (1- it VAN jA/4 j(f-a�5 22 h/yI _�. .�-k.. A % •\ � \-.4 1 �, 5 1 9 . j 7.' `l4)." )44 WC* 1 3 V le 0 s,ie, it F 1 r ). RFT1TRA1 TA S99 rezAsr. Attn en 4e,,tnn [Joel, CRASS We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. / NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE • /A7. /361S /b9 5 D L7`6„,, 'ZoS---6 070-i 2 .�- -1 . QkNa97 t.1`).), S , E \keg - - z k, ,, cklg:05 5 A2, 8- 3S S C knyio / .1,1./' 9,1, / . .-71.� SE ih-2, . f f'i i ;x-I/ 9gI2S 3c` -,V-SlID L; •�(‘-, 4.74.2r\J /z 7/3 5E k//4 4 ? c S o l'' �' ✓ 1 / / / It �lefL- ,� 5 7 / 7 S/c 25?� sup � / � / ,� Cvm-Q t E4,,c/(1 -),P. -- '6 - ..40"..... ,_. f : . Lt7g- . sZ` ,:jr",)i / ( < (:/') t2r-tee sA ., //v6vgq /2 7 4iJ/_. s.rZ /< �-z�/ 25.57973 ,sol.v„IX • f. o I&c3 /Z7 S e - alp-rod ZZ6 - 103 /YL)Ili_ ,) LAnm2././-6 .6.3 c i,,,77 f� t5.i: / -)l3 i '' -- 11, (61,v-4e-r? /5 /27 Sr ,e7,,- .2 -,,-. 37 z..t(4.)2_-6--1/ • _ l ) -•) q0 , /Ca /1 „19 -: .9 .S - ,-..����.e.- , /i7/-2,y6) SE /'2 5` tf)..e ) /7 53 V 6' 1.4 .)9K-.--1 I .F24_ 3. 3 2 2-k-- ‘Zi J�/ �. 1 `J 1,q'r-, I' f 0 - .5. / - 7 7� 0 b--/ ,_ - 4 / ? 7/7 -Z7 �,2y/y 5/7 / PJ — _ / 7 717 S'rP7 /67t4 ,' �_2. / 7 / I , / �� a.-i // J-” -, /6 " -(4 fir`F -)6 - .zr-. /5 • (#.1/14_,14eaclis /a 7,2. / c-5' . /�7 ��� 02 2 8-d7/J6 n\_ 12 -7 Pl. ° 56 7/ 6 57 �CF-i) rolu 21 /- il41 .., io/ /`/,1 ' if `7,>9 I J r� ; '(; s. �_S "hc� , - 6 ,c�i RFTIiRN T(l 517 Cedar A>>P Sn - RPntnn Wach_ QR(lS4 a . We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. / N ,____i_ ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE X5--Marris /9ve S, 0,, N 986575- a7/-33,2 (We--46mac/ ' is 9o5 5.6. its ,2( doss a.?r- SWI - .4)-A-Cr ..- /29ar xeS /ga PL Worr2541 9ga s — u 8 s-zA j . I ,2S/3- OP ifcArrT N.F - � f 1/6S(' .2 S_ a Z-1 \'-' anti II 1...ki) cl A . 9.13.3:t 9 1:---Agy i ,p/P UOIc` 9go.3 s' - ' °-, ,,7-ko,'-ei, S. (z.14, eAr 27/-zf 7? `fix CikAl. i c,;.-1 ► i. WI' -. c c�-., t,.)F\ ? Sra.1) c, _ " 5-0 72.0. ,,,,,6, c,f2/C l (7 `)L,riSC)1" 1 ,1u-A /1J� 1� lZt.v'1T��in (AX•k • �L C �`(// r�JL / � 9 '� �D hL /% 4)4 . /ll� c 9- Ct 3 6-3 bJlX l LJ A 9Y ss- / ti ..-e,_ a' L) ,Icie cct/7 4 ) Celje--0,- w' L1 JQ](ac.Ni 0I)AvE-Je S Pcr- - Ai l.M host -- ;,1=-- , / `,� .�- / 7'7c,12 emu '!/, //' .f'� //4 - '✓ )./ru 'c, ,. Gw 3c' ) .S. GG G-/j y r 5 re',/ ,'c ) /?6,(/tC6t. G '/' iy 2.Z E� L. -6l, t J i! ��„cQ,G..l. 3 c'7 ,S,Pv /3,.4 s re / f�./7 RL///70/L /v/� 57 2 -6 �166 --: ' /l Z.„ /7737, / '4P3f:>/._ ,.,,,,, /7/r-,L....„--,..„..7, 7 ( _ 7_ . (lid 9033 4132en,i.;1),a.e r ,e,-,...., 6,6)//--4ve G r�CJ_.I `<-7_, , Oahi,, , Lacy4t,v , . ior-5- ) -34. Auie 4--t_ c6aiLry) ,W4. r-N..1--j C. 1 Jtel �.�' /'u J i i -, ) /��`�/:2 /a, ' ,t S. l'- J_i,7?Z'i Z , L 1.�'_ /(C C 6-- II VA; /R /7�. P/Sf /�/;26__ 4IJ hi 4'32,4' 5 / 4. //; /3-- 2 — g ii 1— ci-Ylick' )44.0?\/4-1 -4? -, ' 4, 0 g -S-, s- il 6 i S-I- 4,lizA _ ?,?-1) .--- `_ "1 2 ?it_ 1)-)/-,cA1 - /53CC) Om,Y ) Al k(' . Gdc 1 :Q.5S-,-- g r- 21)/ -ate To: Mr. Earl Clymer, Pr410dent, Renton City Council DATE: 2-23-82 SUBJE T: • FROM E. D. and Dorothy M. Higgs RECEIVED 2040 Union Ave. N. E. Renton, WA 98056 (phone: 255-1605 or 226-6890) F E B 25 198Z CITY OF RENTON Dear Mr. Clymer: CITY COUNCIL Please add our names to the list of Renton residents who oppose X-rated movies in Renton and entire King County. If a personal vote is necessary in order to express our opinion regarding these pornographic films, please advise. Thank you. Sincerely, AL-E--0-"ISItrf )14. 5 IMI t C • February 23, 1982 si''x t`, s... 'Fn$1 '..,:�}4,--;:y) ! A Mrs. Barbara Sbbnpoch, Mayor City of Renton Renton City Hall Renton, Wa. 98055 Dear Mayor and Members of the Renton City Council : I commend you for having had the foresight to pass a zoning ordinance which would limit the location of "X-rated" theaters in Renton. You share with many small governments the responsibility of retaining a pleasant residential character as surrounding communities and public attitudes change. It seems to me: to be important to protect the elements of the commerical area as a. desirable place to shop and do business, especially with the close inter- mixture of schools, churches-, and homes. Citizens of Renton and the surrounding area with whom I have discussed possible establishment of a "porno" theater have been unvaryingly dismayed at the prospect. Sincerely, Ruthe Ridden y-R State Senator,.. 35th (11th) District RR:* . f .r6�:,%."14 rw�' m,v ea?.t 7'c ?,:t: ... ,.- ; 3ti•.:. .w I .`'_'s3e talili.,usvwi.ar:.�x:re'nr:,.a .. '.ii�✓, .-�."lti;.. s., .,::a k9.ti m.' -AY RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT Calvary Evangelical Free Church, located at 11227 Renton Avenue South, and situated within the Renton School District, would like to • acknowledge to the community of Renton that our church is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community . We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City of Renton's Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area , public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school . The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsiblity to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigor- ously defend the ordinance in the courts . The membership of Calvary Evangelical Free Church wholeheartedly supports the CQC in their efforts and intends to evidence its support by continuous cooperation and attention to the public and legal proceedings . Calvary Evangelical Free Church 11227 Renton Ave. South By 2)k . c r Seattle, Wash. 98178 Secretary Above resolution passed by unanimous vote of the congregation on February 21 , 1982. RECEIVED '/"ISEB 24 1982 CITY OF RENTON .._._,YOcvc )F} nc. pr-tr temz 100 - - - - zoo Pi l I Aue• 5 ,RECEIVED sup l�- -7" r /lam►„ e4.4ve_4 FEB 2 31982 CITY OF RENTON 0 p MAYO• 'S OFFICE ,eat, - z_xp-3441a mAj 5 - - eX S-'t• { - o 0't X r Lam► re4,44 --h h or 1 • a.� fol,14.creti,704 G,- )i. s . /7-e, t'1 S-c 415)",1-1,144.4.4 , Hut. 4-11)t,1)^-44., 414 frvk 441A4-1 ,t ;t- 6e L.-4144 Aaci X vz_44,<, 4 ". . l'1-4 /4 -11,C) -/f4•Air-;,7_d4_____A''t- Grri_44 ;14,tAzd"kw* 6c, 4,ii 113'-i a.,Vea,t4411.0,A.uk 4de-di; to 11-e-e-dMii elc 511e-ce<4 /;;1 /44,2 4041. -4:414.4 1:14 --/Ze ";1‘.7(- 1-4;vt O z 5E /84 /f �?e , wry gaSS 5, _5_y0x6 map-) A l 0f € ,/ )-r°1701 " (3 „„c7, pt, r 1---onyt - -er-A o_fr‹ rw) 14- 9 r )-7-t-61r r-v-r -rr-rf dr' \-0-k1,0.17 S '9(Y1 " �d . -•v P - 1.A4YfJ rylpg • • ���� (L7 • • `r sA2/6 �ry7 wl �e t frie9 -0 7.2 „, r.or, „„a tzt.„ - -‘tr1,-y2-p----2z-ir ir--(Y7 r c (Tr .S •- vIyr �cc kb ,I. kk_ k 0 'k, k , k‘,,,, k % ,j k c' r ' \ ' ''' c\c 1 'S4\s a . \‘‘k t: - k. ', k ki, f , ,? * N\ f ,\ t 1 k \ , ,\,,,, ,A \,,, ,,,(\\( ' \'\� \ � � S 4c Xos- / ee g-.R6 3 24 ) /660 - 3 S • ,c1-2.2 6 - rY2 -`4-F`29 - kJ' rn "7-(1'0 1'4 ,y;:6/ n---r>-<-2(r" tr-i9c"‘M '6° 96- • • �e v 41il0 V tt r 1 P4( t)(1 q - N 0( ' N % \k! , p' rH S4 \. \\): ‘ c \'`r \ i V i Yq t 1 1/4 ‘ C‘I \ \Ti t A t \ i:V , 14 1 N: ' . :s ,-U ' )'' \(1j tq' k 1 \ Z 1 4 -.) tL ( ' Jf \ ' A 1 1 ( ' \ t ''\ ,F - ' ' '' 6' k \ , fr-- , 1 t (\ 1 1 \ . ' ,c t) \ k ,,, O Gv Gp.el 4 ,emu-e)w Oluiee .2h , ?1'1�01'1 fX]I12Het O 300 RAINIER AVENUEC NORTH • RINTON,WASHINGTON 00066 • PHONE: 226•4540 February 25, 1982 Mayor Barbara Shinpoch and Renton City Councilpersons City of Renton 200 Mill Ave. S. Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Mayor Shinpoch and City Council: The Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce would like to reaffirm its position in support of that section of the zone ordinance 4-735 (A) (B) . We supported the efforts of the city when the ordinance was adopted April 13, 1981 . Sincerely, " (1't• N W. SCHUMSKY / /President DWS:mj ©� • �1526 uses —� La-K cr: Ke-104.1 Area$ PVter$ 8 Cer4,if� orM" �vrt4ts, GGy{�� da S}awccS SckereIs, Yes id en4,41 *Artaw of par kt ,«.VUMS 4111 ACCREDITED C,YI/I,O OO,�sO KO, . ` O` . itCrtigigs of Columbus Renton Council 3645 TO: City of Renton Renton, Washington 98055 23 February 1982 Subject: Resolution of Support of Ordinance No. 3526 The Knights of Columbus, Renton Council 3645 would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization is oppose to the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton' s area. The Knights of Columbus (K of C) is in support of the City of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The Knights of Columbus believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by Zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. Sincerely Yours, cc : Washington K of C Arnold ernandez State Deputy Grand night 3645 District 12 K of C 1008 South Third St. Deputy Renton, Wa. 98055 St. Anthony Catholic Parish St. Stephen the Martyr Parish 3645 Form 1005 8/81 • GROUP RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT /i.GG -(name of group) , would like to acknowledge to the community of Renton that our organization/group/church/etc . is in support of the goals of the Citizens for a Quality Community. We understand that Citizens for a Quality Community (CQC ) is a non-profit corporation formed to oppose the establishment of adult movie (pornographic) theatres in downtown Renton. The CQC is in support of the City Of Renton' s Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. The CQC believes that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and that the City of Renton should vigorously defend the ordinance in the courts. We wholeheartedly support the CQC in their efforts. " /77J /C.7 ee - :� ure of Offica.al astor Pr dent Address .,?, /9 7 Phone Date resolution as passed by membership ( if appropriate ) Contact Kathy Keolker, CQC Coordinator for additional information. She is available to speak to your group. Please return this resolution to her also. 532 Cedar Ave . , So. , Renton,Wash. 98055 255-0936 L. C.TT E lz-S F ItO M C I T- I Z E lit S ppJi5E.NTED TO COUNCIL. ! l 2 5 l 82 „ ,, - .2 e --" -/-6 /$3'w 6 Z( o. --r-o i5 °-,v7- 1 , . „.. . .,..... . ... . .. ...........:7_ . ...., i :. . . --:.. rv-2 1 Pf4) r? ' 13C1;) _rr. rrctr ,4 . H ----Pt-- - 14P7 '1 7 9 � � rkriiii- -ray( rt'fl ,--- (-�.-z z G _ ' ,7„0 1,73.1, ‘,.. ., ___i_0,24v...4,s,_ 7-ze , 4:.-7110) rereL7x7f-7--7- 2 ,-nv , 1 - ,- -w ,moo r'_//�) / -i' r- --7- --i-tr7-w-e-P- - 74) ( . 0„4,, ,i,„7„, ..„-- „,p-i.„ 7,- cr,or Y - ;?-7274-. - -etr' 72-7. ' r—. "1(2--A ” -2" ' -11'87-e -1TW' -)111t '/ ' -j p -7A P / N 'vJ fir- // ;/ - 7( _ , 7- Tisf:27rr •, n �/7- l/ 2, 4( (or . RECEIVED %1A, JAN 2 2 1982 JF i;ENTON MA":"");." ' OFFICE Er_7_72717.7eAvr _12, 1.--- '72Z--r-- -.47-‘?Vle0 7%, ,--- -2 -12 /17-, • p.erir. "122._ 0-",?--..7.,---7.-19 ? .(77 (--R--fr.. ••I 1 ,-...i-/- 7W 73--24/ ''-r' : ---?",e---?.7 --0-2-7 -----0-7-.-e44? PI-K2?. -Why z ... '.0 • . . 0 :: 1, ,• , .i, 7 '' (7>?-rc 1i/V -W--Y4"-177P ----'79-79;-e-2- -pp- ( .,- ..----7-27 2-1,--.7-t7-7p 34,'•(4.4ir. „---1//721,, -27 )9:-x---zi-7 e,,7 --- -v7,7,-.7,..,7-49,77?„) ),z77 --,-.1,67-2.,0z42,..77 , , /';'-e--c)-1-49:-A7i-.0%-19 72 2.!- ."1---' -171' -2--(3•1' 0....0/' p / ,7- 4--p-,1-?--2 • (-i-----(14 r•----,-'',4 Q-2 --0?-1, 77 7 ? , / (2 7 ,/v7--).-a7-i.- -71- -- (, -7,7 ..72-Z.V1-7-1, ,---?...,„./....,e7 77---G-7z0-1-- --77-,---2—_zz- .0.-›#-).(7-7-fry722 7,-4-1-/-7712- • 42,---- ---- ,747 7 -- _727--,1 ,?; /), ?;//V-7-174 ? -737%.,--7-9 .. -. Zv? 2--"P7 -2/17711. , /f 7 7,,..?,, -.7....,-; _,..1 A l 1,21,, ,lit/ 777. i- irsv,-X-777,y?, 7 . --- '- 7.12 •(--/-,7-7' --270-- -2---1- (7 icr--72-,(7-,92-1.(/ -42-7-14-y . ?7:17 fir OVIIMTV' :LOt i'.-tt",•.1*ij' 1 ( , .. -olip,447 'IF-Y.4*i ( 42-- JC 4 / ).-----z, -7;,--' --0-77xrt-- t , 4..e, ,//, $7,-1) 4444 2/ " —,/f ',-; , - %----7:-; ) .. l I . .. ' e9-7-41 CZO ez- e4-t- (`) Ze-z-cir N;s*.,-,744 .ekdiro. de_A,217 Zifo z61_6,/y.42e, G.5 • JAI 2 i982 CITY Of RENTON Li•IY COUNCIL /f8L v / � t 9 x "tce. ,0 ta,.Lu a- er • /7. Vs- /35 . RECEIVED FEB 3 1982 CITY OF RENTON CITY COUNCIL :;;;;Yfi.?4,43.: ' Prf7;*4';74'7;,'4N I '-,-,-- o ca 'Y< f (L) — ( -3 -‘--4"-"7.3 , „.._"_...7 i-r-yia. ,I) . /,..___,„75___.:7-,..47-,A.0 _ _,,,....m7d2 r_v_irk, I) -1"."---/VP?ne-or' , jam' p^ --)-....„..„„t, „...A.4_, r - (1?: , - 1 ,,,,,,_:_::THir-37.11 _r v-,.-yr --0-- -,'y- ' )-:7 --N yG, --- ."+- *--ter---0 - 7 ''7�- -�--`vr /1 P .,...„„4.7„.s...., „____„„rp.., ..."...._0_,„,__a ,....„--„,_Tly •v,-.r ( v., , ryz ,' ) -- -�-,r-r r`----n-' rye c- -`,�' 1�-n-' r^ -,e �� r d...,_rwo_yy-y-, e Y '-'-.7 -Y7-`7Y Y '-N-2'-'1'-' --c- 0 S b V ,ok ----"- ----lrt) 2.,__ _,,",,t4 c c c),3 b v A. '--'°�-�-� ky, Grtc 728?9��q7i We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those w 4k a ,�,00, Q expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of a ad�Pl �' .tp- 0, a) movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed to ti ,v'. ' cj NI these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our ` eira in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters . If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society. Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS 4 41- t /iy/ .._J ---.... __.._. .. 7,,p` ,_ _. - ,5 3 d3. gcozh, 11),— 9_Ko ss` 1 t')�ei.. .£T� -. _ . . - ...5 1_o3 5 _e_IV __. _.1_. �65.s-- 1, yeas ___ ._. o4rdi - _ ___ .. _ ...e, -Z.,-- --, W.,...0-*.a..... ...- --7-- 4 - - - •ei - 4e5-4W--- ---/// -7ov-0-0A-it—f'' /..,2_ !' E ,t,.,4_' _ _ / / (P O- ‘ 1 u-e--i. ';',.4,2 i_ ' CieCI 7, ,,r //�6 --- ._ > -ine %.0,-At.AW /7,,12. gs d-�q �. t�c� Sf. �, y5 /7 ,4 - 6-j.Zr) _ iii 6,,,,,,:,...-ey.,7,,,,„:„...-7,,,,- _ _ _,--„,e-2' ^.1 , ii Celf/- .77) t ef-7, / _il�6..•'._ _Jf_ 3G_4 4J... ..9tc /- ._. ._. Gib s . as � � • +-" 't('-`-e /6-(-t-t-c c6 ,JL6L-J\ _zke eAd sT/Li•- ;4,t-t-ta kAL4j -7aLtt , (A)"0- -a r--ccit.ta 7o w�tssc rr MAY Cau cireA), 1-zS-a a. 74r9 L ra /5 /N P/'T T i4rusr atir ADKL.T Nowt" 1-44,E,Ke-45' 1* ?7 M2z 400,/ y'J yoN/NY'p,th(J Rdourpou. Z /7o N6T BrrL/eYL rievivr rims+& e"- 018u9M/Hou?ir 59,10K4) gE /fizoigerDra small pi2uo41241311c toynnaVgzS'. 9&4c// .4*,2/A2,4' PO /NI-ut c4" paa/s/ /•v - Fu/Qucr /s' ru d/7.nVC /v rrrt.oe‘ vF ram 67a44/ry o/c o/I2 a wx/o7Y. Tim bo✓gY1-4 * ,T oi=F/e/A41 //Ave A /Qe,9PrNea/urY 7 Pi?*-9c2vc pg.ntvr 7 /.QD4 /I1?LI KS of A 99c/erY/ d 41 PPM- /59 t co") Da,TeadffhvE, 77IE T/,h b2S oPea) u S'Ndw PortA v¢/Z002 Mgre72/#t 1 '7' e 'si/a4 f /F2/Doi' -• - R4/lrg ter- T p/,uAwc r. emu Viz 4ove/iwAss./x)T 194400 A Pexsild Ta rk€711,t 77/7r 4, coN77a14e Ta Do s a /.v/Tlfv/4' TJe- atuftveceivair. of 7-0-.4ve ti&A):r 4)Hnt•r- tf/i/P o% 4cy,HPLe $r'/ioiteZ 77/s" a—cra> 0PP/6/0t41 of e4 GomisioN/ry yei- ? aue 77N4>'" /9 /.Nw-Aaatip/Nf Z /fofir ! Gsonzur*erxr fir►' e�7egafrdr+t 8Y rl Pm2 µi4lerit A ertho G(Tr *My /N / f' Tik °PA tuot4 of 4 60,94,00.4or fret ,urr 8U ' To 44accleimaa 7144r- 9a T.I�oR/jy ear 77 Vealear 7lmT /Ovini /tY q N,s' psetoto TD 77, a err of Mr e 4I71. GUNa ti wear ofrP,elit2.51 ,ree 7aer q�40ei, re0/74. /1cTo/Cr� wAnX•r r71W o f/c/A'Ld /er 31e20" -9E)tv/d(, 1 proPce *Mg,. . ,�j'vCsl2d2Y/ tsLir,ut--•4,0 TI-SLIC-S1-- --01/4 1)-Altfb-k--A_S IA Lc6 , v-rs pt. �940- -`� 13S) Via% We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices : , o o are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS lit, 40teiL-1-dZ4,6_,/ifin A•3_ •-.62.i. /7iF A4,e_ 56 4...treit,, _ _ ______ti 1,..,..,_ _. coi ,_ . _ _ 3SZ5.._ Km . g '.t . _w� ► 7. 11;'led6;1- '._ 0), - _. ._._-.... . .a./_J..3... _.if). _..G' �r . _ IA ` _ .c / .. .Alf- - elf-...._ ,gg�s ,i , .,,i __ 4__ _ - . . _/3.6. .1_1__ G_ .SE-_ __-____ __ . e o_vi. --- - -- _ ... \l , ..----- - Sao. Er .&_. ,c-_9 2-, .. 4-4.._....q a 5 S /. e) .5Z ----% t�NZ-S .; /. .,..4,49,,214,...11,42.4.0..--- 1841,9 5E 21111 Pi_• 2,....ti;„ 9ross - I , _, _, _ . a-2-ez)-74,erre, _. _ ii 1 ..) • ,� 1, - . � 1£3�� !tom441012. 9�d cS6 C - ') Uk_ . .._ G 'LJ_ . _ A . .. _ . . 5� 1 any/ __se_lfy!h 11__ ,_ _. 1 _ - . - it . - --. = . .._0 rye /7L3ZreC--- el.._. 1 We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters . If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS 10/L Mat/ ' Yer3 g , A) a 4::).2.0. 1 c II 04.4 423 /Q1-/3o S• . i4(#--7,a- '_ r, ' //Vki [' = , 44 - i`003 J -,Ax _, t_,, a q 6 1) bug sr' . lJu!�.rv�- - 5-71 Branson Ivy NG'" &-e4t k i na y 5o 9-- 'orison " Mgr 4tIon._. ) 1 a� 11 i7�ZZ 1 'z<;- 1 ?et/ _44 31 a j, ./ (i.ieii aol .ao_ i ier Aor _,5C • f<E-A-er- ',Mc/S zit ./Es. ` /2/ _ c:-. ,- --- _,_ ,_& de,----- - --- _ l5o _ _s ,.11$' cci° J ehten -- -- - -_ l 7f 3 / S, . /c a/e /t-4/7d y We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS _.I ALA-42a— `7 /.743/_ /94'44 S.E .9-e. (-- 9P6s--s' �/7 f �/� /j��� �/Jp ,,.. 4�{�C��Iq/�. _ .. _ _ / �f .31- L•Nf, _ .. ._. / el. l / K.e s s— !! / - _- /,c 3.Ji ..k_kz .ram_-.e _ _ �/'s'o 3" ) �-Lt S /Sa-01 _ /moo II s � T6,(,) 92.0. : 1 &lope. /hzdtd 1, 9'(61 Se /o'4.s.../4- 2,4; kie.ss- t i57/9 SE-/7, / /c �a(i9 SOS:,S 17 y. 2 ZUM/e/; „- tat /z' rµlc,+ 96°5 9re.41.4.A., /--) 14:( ZGzE l l L7'-4k SE k&ilk 51031 ," _ °ffd3/ c�Lvo?J/ /.2.? • : . 002-r.-4 g 4-f\1 tAe- ,104;011, .160, ileeAdoiti 44-11 1 e fr /S 21/ /f3 , ` S v l _c- j Tr_ _ 1c►_ 1 t 143 PiSE �ey 4.. - qtQSS 0, AA-- -02:--33 2sb _I V) S-i__ _ _ __i9,..-41 Pvcd3/'g 221th") _ 33.o ( 4 ? 5 f e3o ., _ _ . ( I-6 S i._. a PL-- I< d- . We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS - i /3� 4 Phoci- )b�10 9 /�5a J E Raft t r .c .b (777. V✓. /2 /3 01, .. /6/.- `51`. q-✓aL . ,i e- . y / nazi itiect - .) 4a ', A U ._ 4 1. -a-O3 5 e _ -!7 9L Pc_ ie -ruv.1 : 1 6; _cf.,,ez, 4,4_1, ` ,Q 1--r`f' -- a ° , y,'c L it i i G-�c 4 (1441A414., /'&�cl 1. .p�1 , /-s 2' :.. )-i01 ; 4 /7 S, w, (id P L 4-01 w w ,P - • 7'735 M ;55ienD 5� -1f.-_ �9 « _ n �-r 'u i • — fig t a . _ lt / // 5Z rod .E - -_- je ' fl /6,. 0 47,-,av_ 4C4,, 4 /4.46;—:„ _ , •,7 --_,75#?__A_ _ __/-7,L,--71--- , o 6 _. /. dA , . /44t-1- _ / 1a 1 • 9_ ze3i_ " 4 ( _. ____ _ _ We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS : , /D g-,/ 6-. t I CP -6M1- L /et-yi -0->A4 ,0_,// /7 //,,4t-7, po",...4 ad4 i,.174 .04444. 14 6, ki4dig-fi °eve Ti e_ "? .(- l' - a ,1/4",,4"0 seso 0 oyt ti,i4.,, _ . 1 Et._,t, t1, / p ajl,e _- .- f1. b AIJ CC 14A 6 wo L lv..,., Ct N ._. ,�, .Co� it _ d/L I! I/ • / “Z‘,./0/1 57 +4k-. 412t 1`f-4.21 5,E. / 7z 1 ,1 5t r,,,to`� , tog _ :! ,Ixay,,„ Dadea- /‘8410 /1;2')``,e,3 z= xa-g-d,,, ethit . ,..1, ,,, 4.4, Auks,.., /774 ./.57/4_aw .s,k , 3c,IAI LOa , .. &Apt ,,,e,..A,,t.v Ta. Si & St - 7 S - - - - 4Jcc.., -II 3 53 Pt 1s&,,. C),-- 5(,,,__I (961S . 4413 ey. ,-, ZO,D(0 i/Olk" 6-I Y._S.6, 711_-)14...c).,92:G/ Sf _ !/�.��i%1 ,7e`1442____ !3 i. >E-2 S[- _fit _ _...._.._.fi e 14t 0 3 We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society. Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS } _22/d 7 . ./Z. i! /-' /6.2- 7.,,s,„da..4 ,4-1-riZ ,Ce--e- - , .- -- /66 w /5 7 ` t.ai c-- c_1, .,LiTtw.._ I , , f 4 J)-A11,41-ec )17)c )(kuip-dl 1 )7).-u C E / q 0 ki-AZAA ,.: --;64l.4..., A .. /$ 9„ s.e /76,,/, -r ) )c i'&97e l3S/4 ' 6 h'e-/7/�� 11 (1 /f oir /S‘ � 4),,t-___ ' 16 , .. . ,..e01.1.,....,_ .. .. _J Y y,,. ft ,/._./ /re - i -. ,, _ ?is _,/,_,.' ,..,. , 7,,,_ /..„6.zat,i4e,. _i_ __, . _ _ _ i ...,"417 ., /6267,5-61/r # 7 _ .. ...,,,,,,,,,..., . _ 76 3o g --*<c_.--_- ..?-?c - ! Isf--,-,+ 717.2- 71/- _1 7 - -- -/if: ern �._ d �- �� "24) 4, /__ �' 3 Sf_/?� �-�./ _off t - - ,n /03-3 icy. ._ _ -- . - We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS , , e ,, p _ it/J c, LI. mem. sc, c2,.„2e d_ 'rod-, Iia.__ 9803) 102r526/2- 1C/A:Lii /6,ifimlie)/1- W9-9 ..&1' Q � ? i y i G s GHQ gC �� -?4 r Z) 1 r 5f l s/ j, amass 7034 LaC.I4/$/4 j NE f ,. -7Pos`4. 427 7 S /' / / ' (7 , e)��-- ,„ i &AAIL } _T c,�a,, 053'7 Cap ' i2 `�d vAviv , ' Rs.3q gt(s _ 9gass LWf:-/ 6 W 11" 2rS, X--"".1/ C/cif s Y6C-47))--/ +4‘.' 'w'd')9/44" -tr../ 2-1 -il 3 i_, .. .- P4 . S L.-- i'...!„,r- .?A 3/ - fieia_ CIO G 4 e,1 (1 J F '4 ii-ry_._ 7 3 • __ _ _ )-10(a_kgjai-LLSE LJO_ -__ _ CtgO.C-C �j _ ,I :. -.- ---._. . ._ !._ado+l._s/_e`Lb,.0P S _ /—e—'T"�- --- .741.1.21, • �� a`- '� _ - 13 2 y u SC 2.3/5 r 1� -'� 9E c 3/ :, e 13 a 46-5 g _2-3'sot- k __.9se.31 We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place. NAME ADDRESS • i .4.A/i-' E_ _ / -/ `/ /a, _ X";-- --- .).&' 7-6 Jd,W 4E--1 X4--- "6".„../t...4 a%7 f '6 S-94-'1 S . ; , 24 2‘--).4- _d- 6 2- — Q /yo if 7fi,rk‘s-7,_ , • E, let,,l,„_ 19.21J-Nark---54:- Az....,4,-,• DCE4 ' ,,,I ! tad -) -E i9 I pLAe.e_ 90-C14 y y oArra ► /00 & Ntp6.-a- ct Alf Rbnl thei ' I i Yleadliegioto-e-4- S-1-7 it /7 L--Z17-7.: , ham..,:, aiceiacz _ /a 3,6 3 - f E .',...9-1,CVI-or\-- c _ i0131c; SG 4,J10 pi / . - . e...*.f.,,_ 4......fe4/ _ _ _ __ eAv ./E_ j - - O / J' C --N - '':417/,,,,vee-ikey4,r ,ig- 1. (4._„1.z.. J M We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS -- 4 - - - 4104% __/.s/Start. // '; _. feu _ _(( rb rOk f _ _ ._/5/a G _( '/ii . . 7, rt/.� .90) o_s‘ irl'394 5 6-- 763,J. . _41-eryL, Ativ. 7,01/4)-3— L? ( / 2!1 /.. .......... LV. ! 5 _/c.1/. e.1- p orJ_ .. F� a(AN,F1-1:C.,&c,-- 741‘1 LII0 PA i ;°-• .P10 . ___13 i '7 r i, �--- dry-- - 6.� 5_..1_!_L_ k._._ _ _..�` �- -....._.._ ... ._ !' $11"WPRI L Yol " _.._._. - 4216 14:EK9 _I, r_ Q , ,.._ "1- (49" i 4if . 16 ,; - _ 4• / ( „e.e..02_., ,,,i.e.rdd.., 714_,X.e-p ..,e_:_ki-s-. girds-6 t j4u, yy�, /2.5? aZir , /�1.�.Q a/Q , .y'pos� �4lAtj, l Zgy s E o 57, o wu_.9 2_._..y -1_�Z Luz d� ?0 4 I t a 115_M . _ .f. was 92Q.56 __ 2. . _ __ _________429_ .t.Ig_i_4_Zo.?_3_40"_..11_ _ d/itia____ iko.z.z 4,0, .z. • 4tJ _ _ 03 /t C ‘?_,PP -0. Goa- 1c ea:sill 03 A/k .1f1.44,t 41`41-_-____0244,141,L oa , _._.._ _r _ (30 .g__ ._ _S(--__/_Q_ 57- k iii1n/ ..1441,,r.r n r\UI I 1IA 1-<1 \\\ (30V4 quirNA-n n . \ocx se0;06(1 We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS +:r ,. . ? 1. _.. ..//d i_ . /// $ &ivvl"evv,1 44 7,4 ' H)AT n sI /60// Sc /. /s Pezi,frov 9 1/4 ii . 4 i#u fti EL&-vr,.)s_ . e-( +t to_d, ---_-_ r,44-6, Grko56 1; of, K,,r,t0 5 /b51 ;_//,ele,„,: A (17.2,14617-- iyefif_.7 ..g_e_)v/&c: _21.4.7-e0, ___ ()5-,; i� a 1 qJ tl � /._6o3 3—. i' ` _,/.3/3-./77. �E / ' A a, ' a-s-_ _ AU0-7v► _.. ' .uG -cam g i/6 ycizoi4- /e,k .yz``✓N Gu o, ai 0 -N. b 0 ice: 7Cd6 -f fod 5E qrail ' altiikeLP obri&a. -al __ -7q016,-- /tort^ ax•_ Je 0/14-.1 ±-04,_7(c),c L.9)7. 9tadea4)g a 4):fixemaRtt. it)c, . cigo5-4. _04(011,t, 7)41. PAX") /F_'fit. _.$ i3! -1 _ - _Icnfen , UM-__ _ W.a' , . dQ1.4./%, g FP 3-we,g 7 s'f; ,f) 4 74 04,,, V., 9'ea,57C A dttuA4---- 71--s2 Sq--T7 .1. _./v-aef Gi'__zi-, ft_ isr T 39� . awl fpf,_ . _ _ _ _ _.4:4S...-4-e, N• • g St-— CL ,r. (....)c,. 9 go54 l r _ � et l q ya 7 )i9.2 -y - P S e- L.,t, w a 4£OS. r % =� NSIs diE,_ 3 _ Q4 u4. 9804 G /4Aiii ) /_ , A 1,affe, 41 it - /U (/ i), QP,6 I We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an •adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place. NAME ADDRESS 1:43.40.4-, I /-/ co tviA AVE Al, E. Re-Airy/4- ._... Gr41'40 , _ _ V/a L/ / 4), ._ -,-�- ; � a i, _ c -5-c r/.Q •-,/!'_7.W _ ` ‘4 (4 L 4frr--) __,/O /8j(/9d } � .__.._. _ _ _._ _ A x- -( .. drw- -_...9 f..)2,-- 33 .A.:..__.42 1 '1� 9 4- fe-4144+ OA, Al ly /2 I ./ -- - ,,li 'lei ,, //4-ci aer2/n/N3re,4(.. cLit_ ALE . f,f-J: . ,I co0 !i 1,,,,,,,r . ,-,--r_--,0-eee.." 4› regAii)f- /l. „i 77/14 1: __ )715/-a41+1+ )24 _ _ ,I 4,71_4_ 4.4ce.,, ,i .<5; ,_.-,- /142_, ,a)-z_ ?.i- ,f- - . 4040 ?)/aerekvi 38:Ir.y t i ( 5/a, 57c 4: ,t2 /„06' le iv '78 3-6 _ - -:`-` .-.2.2�•n/ _ 6(,S'w.i o_� a'�_er.�. _.00, C-e&_ .97 0.5".S We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters . If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society , Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS //033 1/033 _S, (. ' _ 4 --7rb` /cs/Gie F v 57: _ 9 i .. y� e f - ._ 3cD-,/. -ao&c:&e _ fir/_ p: ORA fp7 5 E_ 4 "n016 , Iliaettlyg, eel __ _ Ora5-6 P-Wto -9A / 4$4 sr __ ?gas- JI-1 Q 161 )0 SE lad _ 9 k05‘ Yyo/ E 3� ,1- - 98o s-C , 2S02 G 4: E7 Viz- ----- G� PSo55. egerAl/V- 57p, /6-7 Tot tv7Pra- AvE- 1?a.44,7-0 _ crros l gig ro s E /67'4 pi- 1 t'1 We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are 9 expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters . If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society , Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS /i6Y( s a. /6y f ' 4M- _ - - +� - pl c -..i _.. .._p r _ ....._. ,1A4 .440.444-dez Q- -2, IR 3/4 2 E /9/=1 ke Gc.)a� 1; , 4,--Leg-- ,..: 1, ,,./4 ', L''' 6--- 16, //7-117(d-ee Set/1k 922175' ;: AzYfrY/A-2 02 0600 kki/-,=_ /07-6,_IRenitm cik0 S-6 ,1 a„-, Ni _, 7.,„-,,„. i, /,d7,,, � / 1i�1':_ j^ l)die Z IP 1 j �C _ /ere) 7 0"6 / Y4-� � ..%fief ir . _ ,! 9„ , m _ . _ e'_ ; i.fx 2 ,,e leA,"":',"7... iv, f,tfixr‘ `A\aAn.X.., s:4'fi!A.3(._ ,e..,,t4 1 . .. . 3_7_1 ?. _ )1-- A.-..-- , I •t rtuu, L-rno,...-bortAt9y) 1.(s .)-i 5 ).,26,Tii ikvE--, La • 0.,L _ IfA.Xi-N _. _ - . IST2J.__Se._v+ .(fie.-oklley N w ?eon ...140, - ......:( 4121k- . _ iriAir /3"2"41:14144- R CA"...alr•ri __l - 7171_thwa. oY. aC .3 / AlE /7 /2/ /e.g , L�/4 We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an •adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place. NAME ADDRESS _ 4 9Ddv ta f\A,kx, trAN,9 \--- I i.f _0 c.A c-3 \1 tit)( , Rv,, ,, . ,�-, „,t('ti is-it/ s t /7f ,_C c, ..,- i 1 / -e-- -Li- '..?7'r`--eVA - Y4&- V W-1 414/ /iL/7 /dG/- ` 6 f c u - A /JEs Z.4)7z/i--) • 4. /Sic/ /00 .-5Aet4-,Pix )4J-0, 4:/- i ___Aa-/i4x.,_ .... 6, e 2 A AiE j CO,• 6 7,5" .2eiki--4/ a/me., . )7. E , ed2_,- -gi7 U/ /� s 31t Ave ,c-. . �u¢ - _ :, t 'os\S:!‘, QizsY Q-3 ait!?5 " - 'c9zAN-\ r) t .4-5::1. cbazt 7 / I _ ._.Wfk/ , . ._ ke!t o✓v p' 1~1 " '�` g) 3 N a)i b S * ‘a We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an •adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . NAME �� ADDRESS sf,(9K,y, „fib 0,,,,efr,,,„„).04.,, ,, z......„4 i , _ 0, .'/i _ „,/,_,‹ ,,,g,,,,, /7/1/ iy ts Se CC fe2ii-/o m , ji42$R4 ( 9 (s'' s�' .a391 'wST, 76,41 ,_AA/ 18#3' ,• w i 4 . Uzco 3,115 sERotil-r_ .\ _ _ _ onitrAt 9,4Pcs-s j), '1. -44 2,71.e. //�1e1// ..511, Leg I'd - 4'PO.5-c e 4 41 "dru, I{, Atehifici, 04i 80.5" pg 7114d / q 0310 igeotrfri_ ei ,t,,.., ,_„„_.,_, r� -0-'7 ,(4- 74 e �9 7 --4- 6er,o,'6 11 )/1cu7 - ` /-L� . ..40!i ,V, t--_ 74 s r .. _% ._ y7p 44 ,,) ift01/ 7&. '-5:t - -I _ ,f. _ _ ttit....,_ Ge_ ,---I/b4c, - S-c)' (,fin ,v,l _..Ave )V t A._ s_ O-_-, 0 F_ _Lr/;11,, ,n- 7,c-2-1-C - ---aaA Y.. ' / 'y io2 9'ree-4 / lijail 4.4-011 7 Atip. r, r‘Le_7 / We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value -to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . ly NAME ADDRESS -2117 m. if4,.co (0 d71,-(5- l'? _ y_ , d /5'67/ /59 0/ .__(! w& , T it ?:.�1%�C .Z �a�U3_ _ . /G Y 5i- /fie ` _ .::1 4-14/ J(7147P-------- f 6ff6 aitek 2/ . 23 cdaAk 77 Ai R6 7cvi 4 '. Z& '/t_ L /?. i /?'—. - - Q-7'l� 66.-2. ..._6 IS .ST zoM.et 1. t6,1c0 - i9_6`L. sL cbrkevci ©v. Th- t,.-.., wl c. ✓ t n,-co l E. �'� C7L- -f,„,a,-„,_ I.,),i4 S' '''pA) Ti.. _ 461: -/A--474/7- C6-04 -- '6? L. , �— _ 4 _- Z`� 3 1U[TfG•-y4 Cs� �.- - �- Vic, ► h you -,./( G et / We , the undersigned . wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society. Renton is not that place . D 7 NAME ADDRESS v t G 6-63 Nit'<t) i tic AJ E i , L .eoddivi I 6 d ? 114 1 1 le'r g4 A"C . ,, e * 2 -/44, 60y ,z6z,c;(4.(, 17 -Z, r �-�- z2 -1 oL - C_lo, . 4 - {zip /� V'G% S! Uit Ven/t_. ,a7z,e7 ,. t --- , ..-•il- a , i((CA Z ._.5 'et. S.-- /44-C.-IC- VV.._ 2,z;Lem - ., 2/er // 77 C- .g,--P---nit, zei_o,s_ _.1--7-k2-1- 2-.- -Ye' // _-- 0. rc -77 iit ri,„5 0/ 7-90 , 603/& C' ' J 603 retze it. , a7i-d02:744 pi#01 via 61 4S ,E ,f) .. ly, /._, cf,,,,- . gift., ‘42/c, Cr-AXML--- Ugt, 1 cCoo c-I -t.-- 1--)E Ws-C- 1Ce 4 3934 r?4 G ch /0 J ,,, ,, , . _ L ge,uT°Q . e"-e,,,,, , „ ,,,, . 6 T A' 602 / Tao 4 t) , We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place. 0 NAME ADDRESS „, OS /3 4, t , / ?;en,,, ' cam• -!-� c-, -,, / Sic 00 S r /7 C 4 C,,_71-2,J , igi:464- 4ge,-,-,Le-,i-c_ . -oiz et e 5-/e /44-il„ei, iPe--,-Lc__. i: rCiaLwzo_J /77z/- s . /_<7.2 ,) .&2__ -,2 , , //, i_7._SS, /$ 1 1 (3w-tm ass ,_ (Ss_I I 1 -_I'`I ' _et t o 5 10 Jo 1,,,,,,r_T. etcq -V n, 1 ,,, yl, 4.,-- _ 6 / __.9veitott) 0.6-. iuE.,_ ec_dzy.) FlOSC, , --,-L.,,,,4-4, /47r/-2)Sw ",/e ,a ‘c7 ikii4 (4, - /f/E- A?-e-144 ulez- 1: ' Ms 0 dc, /4=z,,&A, 6 a ,_,,Sizei& /i/(e_ &el _ ,(4/zie)7 64, e 1 4 . Ai ? • (_;- -./1,41,,e,/ 6 6_7_ , i-i.e..46--)..JO .E Hi,,„ID-7_ 6/4, ) - 3 At2_ si_o-k,7. ) ei-Z-7) , - - i- i 1).';. .77-/ , A41,/4 &?/ __ a,-c_ A-2e ,i.,,,, ��7 0_ -cam. ev __ v�, �l, = n We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters . If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society , 1 4 Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS - t igS3c)_. SL— le Glvo � G r, Q' c-s6 :j 0 / ga_ _5`7- 1 4h 9w c ji_.. �4 _ _ . /i/_Q_9. ie° - _, % ._. 2eoa? . it/o? ,2_,.. c1. _ 44?-a-re- ./t :2,0a7 : 1 10÷t/6611-w-t-te---, VC 77- 14914-iiiiike, ?t/g;._ WA42.9-1A. ,_1 4 a‘ rie.O.g 6 • “_, I C2 6D_y3e__- - - -.. _. e023It"' *Iv , ,,," J '454,6114 waitvt_ /.9(sq /77truP4si. ("R- d-t-k.Wa__ go se F, welika 4 4)KI ,cfP/r Ion ( 5P- -- D n -qc ?E,O5T6 „ae_-.0*/,Gv )4 W C/160l�t�al�� _.__��_V°-5 ./?tom.. U =_. 1 - /s ...O)'(- 1/4_ 9),° " -4-d-1! / .Ae,etle; /</ e,eCc,,,W /,? 6. y 5 .F? f, /(-,--2- 1,--- Q 2)-0 j--k, - 4 ykucixt. (2.6014 ,51 ,_63_0_02__ _&_tra93.1 kia_ qgia 56 __ �� l i,-/O , j 3 /s' a v 5 E- /Fi.TOA, �-A 10 4f-S I We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, 1 ��6 Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS A o f_ _ 1WEA/-7-0/1/ • ;' Li/it )0E la Keiti)f-ch,‘ VW_-.nrE_.Tt. � _ . Re%' . _ _ _ e9 - t/y Art R1014-m- 2- #t Getoff- _ l ,SSA"Q Y cS .1.2. .._ G . e- - /74,04d-allav/444-)-4.1), g7 0 Y (et k l • c 614‘ /1-c--- Ng.ceor.,x&) 4.1') .js rrke."42. XyglAr- � �� 11'2(/ ' /2/s 7,4v6-- ,-' TU &Ms'e7` //16( �t 8W /ram. lam , Fiejeco,i7,44 o s-0 6 Nt 7.c4 / , /6-e d M N 14,e 4✓ . /sue � -, 71. 4 ;�.- � cd,� k2lete j /2- ,-e ( --z: 4/XV S /.,2r:g: c.1-,e: ,f //, .47. a: / fn Za k eld Pa & S 13 3 'i pi pa,,y-is,t, )-w-)-)-7( ' 1.-o-0.--,(, ,,.e' .. 2. _IO 2) _r /. 7IA ./E-vz-Z--,1 411470 ,(4v.;)4,a-_, e ' opJ , /p. E .23 /e 64,. R2.ye '''t.- fer4-A24,, -°--? /#02 c /6'y ,r IP(Pas-r ' , .)coteA A.44,7 I( 044)-1-e)t,I tiT -A1_ ,(./ 1 ( 13 of /7--(A-e- -v- /file- /r/ _ 7? p.,-,,--„,t_, ' t A. C u ,k g- /V.E •?c 62L. - ax.- LAC • 986 S� 74-4vil-frii- &-W-X.J&4---. 070 ,7. I 7 iG. ,.&• /f-"14-n r ,, , L/./7 Sa . ( db__t_ -ems __ rfilzaa .f -V Y e 8 n.i, riktif, ICe44,7-,e-,t,1 km _ cf 8 0 s__,c, -7:j1-7 e ie..,7, 1 a 5 g 1!lig45 „79,6 7, -/75 rtA---i 4, e. /i4o4... e // 70?/ 5,1-- 6°Ae o-7-•• /442?e'lt/.,fr€7, 00°1c pr2pevez4.1 c -r—e—c—eic /9" !% I?efs-SE(61 7P- 3( .4-0.7-00-Al vc,b,,,c7f,, 5, 7 ce.f.4.,r., r- - ',_ /-;-,z--- ,/,_ dfi . 44 'J 2 0 2 / zo.4 __ Z. EN. i 27,, gt/L z /,-. 21, - 7 7e)a- // J /x / 72/ S. f /6.,. Gr)a . • • in'�) /-/ /4.4 / We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society. q, Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS .&"..ve____ _ __ I: ,..5 ii .1„.,:_u a,..2..e„:...) . . _____,,,,,x_. ._,_4_, " ‘"- /r"--3-Z--.0-1- P ,1 li/- • i( Ogri--- Woo 54" 3. 1 Pt, xi,_. ' 'tt: 01 • i, Jai 3 , .31- If/ . :. . rub. .`- � yZ - _ _- - _ _T� C -<If _ .. _ _ _ _..-- ._ .. - _r >330 S.i: _i3,S _ . .f4 .._ . _ ._ . _ _/-3 .?- c. _ f.? ek-c__ ss_ _____Jek , - , / \,t,± _ :, , AI,' _Aye_ J.p.vo.../s4-- l 7!/Y.-41 4-)-_!1?-4 .__012-- . .r_t/.\ . _ Sy z 3 So C - ‘cgarlit„ a _.. . . _._._. .- _ aa-30'�f''//3— . . . T// -. . ... 47-- ______ ._._ _/L 36_ _ c � -. 1�t _ .... . .. . 6,17 AAt al ri " -1,) y- ) I "tit yQem7-74,--, 7 s 1 �rt .62, 0 -- 4°11 y�U aa/n,wu Zi/L1- laS- / 4i �� 1 We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, ID Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS i'4,Sliii- li) 01.41a/K-) 1 1�.d . ./_fib _ %d._-. 3-f• g - d-)-L_ o_ .4.4 / ,7jq - -_/. O �A_ ./ge .7 7ia°/ _ J.Kl ,;4ce,4 1' G%iGU ' U • - � iz a. �z ck �r7- /a 5 f,Pi, safe. gUlctaiC), .,u.Ez,, 9C056 j :')444-d- :AkuArC14-4. 4,ws• #4/,_ ;9454- iffmtlu, tja. 9�5b kiwi n, lalA _ _ . ,4 Oc..„, - 1)@e.) 34- /a ,s7- i6e1,0_ ,:,__ _ ifl H1(6e,1114 g gil, 7%. '-ef3 --Z . 40: /PE ee..,.161,-9746'6 f 2A /2 s f�l._ S E __ . 7P-.,- . 9 .6 Fi LCI _ __ - �--- - Nam- �'-�; --Z „itki-- - ._ C� `! se ,/ /9_/ AA_) 4:::::::7 ij cfti s cT.r�J 0eal- caws-Jr- _ . a(ifite , ‘,417, y___, / ?/3 of, vb- Ci"S 9 ,6°6-S ' de-cat de-e--1-(9'( i©D/a /026_ _.C, _ grasp_ i - . - - _, . 15 _1._0 ("e_`"_c I .--- ----.R 9 -o S -- - ,4 -VW I'V(/ - 1 1 , / .i zi7-,ee, _,te il/ l3Y4C /4/-- -Ve 6>i/ 4 i__•... _l P/n I P/o .n 1/ i, 0 r 1! to 1.„. 1 We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters . If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society , Renton is not that place . f � NAME ADDRESS }200__, 4.4 c�_.... ._ ,C... . . ._ __.. . _.__ .&�b-�Lry.._ . _! S_`di, E /6,. _ 1 _� xte..44%, _____. 6 fief) U 4_ )7 .6 PL). eti-j99 . _ ..L. ..9e0;-7 if ilaw,d_ _ n d ��__d 0U 1173R'0._ - r-)A TE a 3- W E 7 k P t--- lz ►,z7o►..) c,( --9 s_ O/ 0 qe l .z5— /1/ - ScxJRJ. cvft 9ti-o54 . i , / i.. ..... ._1/1,gdt/to_d_ _ ill,_Zvi-tier . , .pb _ot _ q Yi --,1— )r).44,(Ae_& _ ,9_7-r i/i.7 e‘coV r _. fit---. - - ._ _ .. .Y _.. __ _. --.. C, 1 0, /. ON he,/V /�eN DhJ / D 5-7 We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, (1 Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS t - 1/5 ._fZN-/7rWJ-A/ _. A-v- -.kg,_---")/Ta Al �f610,-14,--4, ,J7,42,:v--, 5,, I. C5' uivolv_ 'yr- fir wrav . i?,,f-s-71/-. il -1---d;a, / T'A / - E . Chu-��t L1. 11 . ,1 - a 10-- ir7r • L 9,„jge.)--t - i 7 _A i,e r-1 0 _AV i IV '-' .R.444.12- r it _ -_ i_ _; -,-- _ .. _ . /►�.- .� 3 ‘ n...(/....S ---/O 7/4- :2.Q- ),.-tri , � �cep c 13 6a Y S.E. .r ' . _1 � lad, . ' 2-5--' N« a r y !! fierk,L _ / / z P�-_s ue. _ t• V8a6 caosited.c,_..leec17,) _6- .05 .. i' _ _ /.ewes - - ✓ -,-- 1.�[ro/v,-w We , the people concerned about Renton, are united in our opposition to the establishment of pornographic (adult) movie theatres at the Renton and Roxy on Third Avenue . We feel that the City of Renton has the right and responsibility to regulate land use by zoning and we are in support of Ordinance No. 3526 which would not allow adult theatres within 1000 feet of any residential area, public park, or religious facility and within one mile of a public or private school. NAME ADDRESS CITY/ZIP PHONE t I1 3J / t.--A)it, Z 71 -7/ Y ...<..- 7,1,ki ; - 6. :27...4.....L,,,...7,-.2 5 (; / G c\ I _,.../2,4, 7 r K . (rAfeeA2;*4____ - r ,,/ . 44) . . ,.r6b-b- .1t44-z5iAt :/e /,Cf A/ , / "1 S_e' /7W 'thl- L 7P51 2ZZ . 7/‘ /l P /' C7' Ai, -41477 &Si= V'/Cf oa,)u CC 7 h ik yo(0 & 30 =-i gtkc1 7kCi S( S-1806P YY-Vec.is,..ivit CQ,e.. .ux_A_As.,,,...i ) a ; 2 . i kit/ _ - ‘,„S6; y-632( 117L2 I K. (-4! ?- :.,)- t26 a CZ t( 'Xi& (:)) 1---411,, citt).5 6 ,;)}36 91 C 2 frvi: /2, -1,4ae-v) y`. 7..31 s-/>7 (.foil �' e), 9efG sz 5-5= 93c7 i!f�ae'�� 3706 /1/, E- //'°c- �?P✓n/ ydx0- -‘ 2 /O e;5 — o- RETTTRN TO 517 CPrlar AvP Sn , RPntnn, Wash 98055 We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS CtrAt'ez,i5L, 3 31. 1\1,6. yth ej . 9e0^,4444,efi. 33 /4_ � 44-2-4-tized, 61 f.) }� - f /Q o z_ _..11,‘, ,ice , 1 ` t We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters . If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS \di.' Zz- i 5`3oz 4u.,, ee-u-c "if.c' . /So/ CIP-t :h:E. / ia° . Gam. e, 6dim /677 .'thedl, /br: AJ I- /5/7 . 4. /a6. ic.,eli 0-,,,t , / 5 � Ave . it.) . L. 6(//--eq(e,vk (-,. A Q 7 0,e---,_' ._..--‘,-, dc,c 7c(2 /> /5'�S do-e )1- l', / ,7_, /,-� /...„- , a,,,.. 22. i-, [12 �, / 5/6 oZ...uy..ce G aue. A) .. t..72,, -ael 23. 4 /3 r \C\ S f:. -. We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place. NAME ADDRESS -- (Gi7 o GO-_ . _ _ �• ��. ..... Ow‘474.ipel.-06/4c,%-i, /9 - ,, . . ,,i, /9s z9,„ . .,› .f J _ , ,,, ),?..„- , , ati :i m 3.60/ _•- ct,51.J_.at'_(.? 1'7A.e' ___ /PeW _ Aliml, /932_ bk.. 67ri aZ,S..e• _16-4 k, ,! 4-- d,4742 36-2-6-iti 4 ‘e4 (a ft .a-e-rece ,,e- . . aczA,Lea _ __ _ _ iee.„„ ,-,A_, !4 _ea„,a fe.tato. 3_519 . - A/k---- 6 --e'b e'l . ,A),2-,,,eeivt?fleet 9 ran 1 } .. .,, _ 1a 7 5E, .q3. 54• _ - - _ ,.L L . _q8'�.. ,. _ Au, 1 g-t)i t ' .. q.o, 5:7" N.e.,/v olif , LI)n . .flip 614 I_ _ 0 s Aro 1, q 1nadd rrseiAke ... (_J 9'?o S.lr, 1,--_, / _ 1! / f / f,r.At_e_e - ;4. go I _7v Om — Ve,i,a.,9-(,t_2efl _ 9' eoc- - _ _ . _ , _ _ ke ,- / 30/ Sid`, /0.3iii ___ _Lei„, u)a. _5(04-.1.,_ I ,..P.,..cair -77/ei- ,de.,. ,e,e ..d‘i_zeer_ --ef,-,, , 3_41_70,44c-12.4tea _ __ett,-& 91-16 ' __ :.'--44 _ _ ... _ _____241_o_p__-PfLea/a ______ _ ___ 0, ?3____ _2e..? -a. ' , 7-'V7 6 /. , 'e__. . P S:6 (:).4,4..e .A.4,1 /&40 sApp-0-416.- _,X.e. -7(1_ -_- __ _ .550 6 )6v,‘-i--c-c- ALL__.- - - l_�'?may _..�� rtoxv•S ..__ — ,..Jar ._... .. s - .. .. , c., 6 We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters . If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society , Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS - i . . . _ _ I tf D,Ia Ii (a.Ave •_S a '' -r„ Y .14 rA,./_ . _.-S2._- ____V-te-e4,-1 &-,--.4.-e )(-__ -_ -Ar-- . =72 . .,e-A-,a�- - - //Y../ Ste- .,.g_6____St_/6 ` V o :; /I/ ilV - /e-4 A J-t ,eg-/I e.- .70.6Z) fie-Amit t . il - i/7S—A4A4c-7 . "e1/17 -6-7 Pf-273 9t0,13 ,4!e 4-u t , . I 3SLik 5. 1.---:_ 1 otrrk R,,,,L.,_ (.1-4_ e'_ a s---- a/ J.', A.:<7, cSY • V.e.z5e4 .// 044, - at.Ale. ieit. irl ' e :.. '\-- ArZ,: ` ._ _ guip . l3mr- } 4f."1. --14-) _ ,, /� /92c i /Z'T _ " ��1.4.-:,, ,,i/A__ /6f;%0./Q_ //6' 1 CT .St— ___(N._64----13r_ _ ____ .,. _ . 44 . - ---- -"_-r - 44 4 i'z-t d ,., 3 ate' Ai 7 Re. 4;(tA-9,1)0— O oum m_ _ 1�4 --1.k-k5 .. Sic,_ ND We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters . If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society , Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS 00 ;. 4 /43d , LL2zol,o a .Je,71 F•.._._)fc.i ./v2/\, /-,; / -g z 70 5 , ?6' /O '4et,z.e . . ; mow, ,t, 2 /1 q it )) /1 /I( / a /- fz 4y 37/� f, , 5.‹.,7 / . - , 1. J I • k.2 '--' _1 /6o 01 4�z i �5'7'J / , t r 1 l / ( r /L ai ‘ ' ), 30- s e2.9,E, /*.cl-i) ( ( (c QY ase?,te,k, /0 / &'ee a(c,,_ gat /64.- /L, t (-)-7- . t. .__eze . 21 ',,,g- -i_< ,..4r---.-/' :___4_, 2^ w 7 /.emu -' .28(0/ /17 i , , /i7 _a r JE 4g „4, _ t S' is/_ _ --.-�,'� "Th /zLo� se 9 � oy n av).3--to/yt_cut-zmvt., ,_ ,I evtr (6-7.--ls L\} 622 -s•g€0), _ 712(0-- A /u .7,, o_ __- _ 36,1 .u€ 73' 6 '/ f45-=4 --g 4.61 A /( , *6 I A_1 eu oe v,,,_ c.-23 (1/_. / / . moo /; 3.. .Je'. FF°€2 /&&hint vos3 0 ti- We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS >14,,,t, r *7 A.°r.2c - /?eti-T; 4./i ?fO isio.4.„ -h. 4.1 3,4, V t 9' - /Ye-02,4 12-17 t.s f ez_,., w„,. 9101-6 Omu42 c A nay V�5 'OE v - I' "f___ '" � „2 ,�S/L>l" c) ,(ram reOS t 46 � c 9 / )E , t Ykos�/ _ ✓, � a �' d ,/ �� g_ . . 1P�' ) i r° / &c /Y r ? t, `'A a41-6 %.e_ ?8oL _.c / �-�-t cfo2mod.ao XII IIIT a. ,t< Li 5a 7rti „DAG" 4 1 I I3 n . ell , R.,...-j-45Nr �4 ?K u.�'6 ,g/ - 103E Va - 2,,-6 We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an "adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of • our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS oill), :IX"' &tre-47p24--ti-- /VS :•c://m4eriela__. aye ,ZE, c /n,t,--4 '. , .-��f�al (JY� / ,/ 7 - t74..vNs -3-f NC V LI YTL. .`filAt., Qc-4(4-: 261.6cu'ai ----)Q-„4-a",t_ 50 £?aL,- % _ 4 �-",� ? ' hits, w a • // 33 -/ - )..A*53- /(�L Sa nK.i /J iv,7e XJ C.-/ v.L.,. (.(�/'I ci rC i,..)k fi......,_ 7.27 Z-gi n. .1' �Ja f-f -, r-x/ - _ Co7405 /Q/Q' SE ✓t'�: <_. , u?- rd S b -rr - /moo. z 5 5/ -r)/' L-1 ,' k-o s ^ 20 O 2 S ' 9 al cz q Y-'OS , - \-----4-42=- 1 lfir)0 W., , /o-t!`/. /21 lee...,,Y-0, „al 76e0J--- ,_\, 1 ayt o?/ ti -6,4-fa divta-- ',/.2. . 6. _Rcikiiet) 1 dv , ,u" (06_p-� .i. VI Ai- R , . . lea q g'e s 1 .. vet, / /) G �� i b 9,f�,5-- ., -z-e /' / --.1--..2'2 G 2 ..t //my- - ,S fs- ‘,., 5g#-G3 d --6?- (-e) / orf Se /94/ % /ee/z 7ti./Gt 99 ,'\---g- (2, tT /0'42 /Z �ri- kr: ,I�' r,,f—,,,. //%,_p_. 0 • • i z ! 91114-' ( 41/te"a, c?Az A). 33/Y ee. /ditsiv,,, z.e./.4,4 7905-6 ladmruzi . 71 . _ cur)r-ivv•ii A C/)1 Sys Ave . A E ReAn+v‘n 1 1,0c1 cLADSZ ALi A .8 &111_111 /1M_&580,f, fre) .-4,ek /-_.g7c7,4 6 /03W ,575-/ ave_ 14,4-ti_ te,24 i wzg • Azidie -iTz.-A ow sa, 'pit( 53 1• sceVi_ ? v7 i'7/1A- 0 it-d A.42 b-- 4-74e.,44-(atr77/(.. 1/4,07 a- de-ee 1i,j9 a. /7,1 7C4( CO•C:i 46-2t 12r)--7 P4 sEicricE. 98,7g : aisc'ez. 66)-Liat) _206.3 d. IS3 -17 j_ar&:: 9Vn LcU ..1WIClit„ i)ia Octs(3):1 Ilse, kj.E e202; t • si,<4 o,-(:)-- 2/5)6 ,J.E e0. g's 9,5•OS , 4 , ,.it • eLtIoni. a?60 i a-TLci CN -. Tf 0 lb 7 . z72 -1,er.Jw "7 1/All tn.) _,/cU 56 . oe0f/ Iiiki ?f°5 6 Rcri / 7'1 Lsetal 71-ut-ule 33. -- IN D ttp.,i ,e,e-Sf— 33 -c_S.6.L6'61-Pt. eryi,4(rt^' Warr 4 . fy ! ' IIP(5*--0-0--c9- C- • Itt.E-416,71151.%)._ 1(,,Z-LS i al. 13-- s .e. 12.e.,-Co,, q_s arr. 74/ za,y• git /. .oiz - 305_ ME 11,1-k ,Q.ctdo..ta ,44 V'''' .r.7eps-wcii/4 f/eee: if;A/0/11 tio.4 . '._?,7 ___ AL-4-\ l v t., - b3 n3._. 7-t'`* =r+.,_) QskA.(44-,_ l'(-12-lek na-"), -/ govixet1 0-e a. S.,2_eldi:kee 1 ..e C/K . _ Mug to_ YE /aef tti f_Qe,LT7;h. 2*"` - - /l it Stvuer_if1 -_All -AFL_ a3 - fla/c.i,6LLIL -- -- - 2 y 3 S- ,- N1_.. (I Vul-0-(AiL (#.1C.,k/I OK, ,9-/DI/a c)Vith a'p-e. r.f /441dagetiOasi //C3 2 5/d _ Yr s07 , a_7(2?2e `g7teirve-/T;;T /3S1 10 "'�G e c-61-0s4 .Q,<7 ' A ` ') ' ----, /I 0 I (\)<_ . )t- :. rlickSlw _9e(Ds‘ - -.(y-e----/ deg T 22?5 Vg 62 T— A cu... SEckffit ` V_ ___ . 2.�0'7 3 s/, a. lisi(LQeRtv1 s.� OR.S. m�a� LL�►A-s#i._�8Q3g_1 / ,21/1 5/11,e e 0/ )), ...q.741-e, w4<"6 - oAt.ii Pgpi A 4 4-M AS, A4de( &e % c / Oc2S l5 'SC e l(. A/a 6-12 _tig der_47_,,,,r- /Sa 7 / 0" g - - �Zt,-Z•, /%) 5 � - ,-54,_ - - ,�,o Ad.--‹ e. ---v - -_ � Cz.)0o e/2'G'(( S• to Z S Y. 5 e LPe_-_4',t-Z-? - - -�Y Ca t__ Z312 NE WTI PI. __Lea_AAw. 11(emt---„, 1v1-1, 6 7 8 V 2_ . , , 3 c&IL., -191,e-Lo'it /7,,v,? .4(e, /a,veVt/i- yre _f__, 9E10,576 dc41,,ceCirJ4“/ / av 7 .5-c (cam. r0 . c__ 8dZ — - GT. 1,/ 4e7(e_V /Y/7.3_9 SE . 05*-z- ,/fe. 40-7-- T�J' -S- ig/ ,s-/!( 4 S E 9g -- 744;t..6,1 r? 0-4-k lye s /07 �/ (5 - _iron - - qt We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place. c NAME ADDRESS 1 ' 9 t 64„gt° _ ____ ,, , a.), I, /(6,z is: / Y_y ,t ..s�- t4)A, — , '__. i �_ . Se --. _ 4/ 1, , / /4/Sf J c I V J •-e) PI J.4'. A, Sly .. , , ;, ?.).„...k„, ilaei,,- /.0,76 /43 Laq__, _ -s L. ._ ...?-4A-47,, /at_ - '10;ka4-1-1 LateiliA- z•--) i Li-0-3,P - i 5-6 ce--A..f_..›zec 0-14-t-; 1.4)-{, '' . ..S ""-_ . . ._ A i o ki _S,L I cc ' Si. Jlc w4v Ai .... _ r _ y MI, lc - �4u, � S. . +g-1 i- ReKr-b li iiii,/, di t.- 4,-,, 4_33 3 177 _ 4 ,__ _ 07-- 4c4...,.., 1 c4 z_it' Se _, _ ;1111 c,-,-1.0, h)-4--,4-- -,i-e-d---fe-- 4 _. 340_/?-_ --)1,4-.4.--- ,214. .3734/g) ,,,,,.. z ,,,,,,___,_ ,_, _ _. _ _.i. _.- .' _ __ . t...�.-3�._`'L-L+�-�,�1—„�,.._C�.,c.rt.-.�?sal ._..�5 fo,,�- -�.,�. - 1' ; Ti( - , _i_vr e 41,____ /3 f<a; /9/Jr `4 - `4 G' . . W ‘: s' ( \ V� 7 /�,_z y_ . _1.7- _ 0 _ We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . 1`'k NAME ADDRESS ;i-KC-A.1 X -627-7,-*6.61,4( tf- Z Z t j/a /7f-fir_ 01--3414^/ (- ' -- / i6-4R I 41- ems. _- &I 67_0/143_. k 1 S S.. . ia.- .' , 3 7'' 'C?9.4(fefr-1- 11j?Q?/6agg_ ,,v.44,4-4, .3 i 3 .1/ : 444x..._ - + . _ _ ,VIA,4 t) 1 6 6 0 f_- _ //6 aV.',e,qf 711-2-'il_ ...... 4, ., , flOr' /ta7' qz- %.1-- 5-li if . / /fir ,d (6(0_2- /6( 64/7 .__. _ ./fDerd-7- ,, 4 c� _..._ ___........_._153s3l---.__.SSd..__L(_c8 h._____ __--- - -- E r .;p.,2 C.,/ ._ s-e- r4 - _ __ _ . ',' _ 26 , - _ _ _ __II_ezi2 5-e- /09.Lif Pe ,gliezt, _ zit- - ..1a)cilea, 1V _gi etyil2..__ _______ _ _ . � ._ �y1 , s_3 ...._____ _ __ . fi._. _),,Like,_. _. _ _-. _.__ g,010.5 _ d _____ _. . _ 6_6 __1._. i_ _Q4__ _ .. _.. J We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters . If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . 'r NAME ADDRESS 6,,,.. �, _ __33/.3 /iE 7-7' 'i -emu of ./ ikor -3-3/ (;) A-) e -7`; `' ee_AtOZ ] 331 Qam -)\/6`-- PO4,- (,),4 iq - 3a s 4/L 7 )-1'P/ We-4,916y\ (1/1 O . 16 3 3.� / 7'S1P` / 41 ti mow. 3Va / A).�. 7 'W . .s� UJ -e-1 �. 2 )- U 7 670 eer./ 4'1 tiAi. .__ ?dos- 6 7e) - .ucexJ dam. Y e 6f-xJ .- FF613-� a't 77(il _ 'K v)U e. tk 6 NE 77- __ _ •_ Sm,6 qcuvott 31 it' C�, p ds� 3 3 O i7e , 12,1,Sm ©s-6 c2.2,4 (9 f6/ _elyev_iatf_A_.726 5/ 7 , / 7 toss We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society. Renton is not that place . 09 NAME ADDRESS�,� riovn G ��� s� �� �o A� vo_ .mil il . ' __/ f /2�''=� dzc 3 / Ny i .7.4i,,,./ ,64.44./., 7 ,/fie .1_, 47/f "_ j a / c-Zv.d fees-s ,�. Z��' ,cf/P a4 ,, s-.r_ / 4444-th (. 40. , /A0f 444,0/aZ . .1._ IC? 071., _ I• OC. 414 d loco/ ,47. 81-74 , 030136 iEe. N-Ncx1.,„,,,,3„....., -A__.e: ' Ne._. \,\,,I.,.. , \ t_,„-,.'Q. _sc,--lz,N - , ._,,6, t,e- / -__. t- - , c 1 tT_ /4_cZi. __.J :)_ �E . __a_ __cam J , ..er.,tyiec, ocaica.- _6yof,4 .0c- x,„._it Te,,447J - �05/ �/ 7rn , / _ , - 2 '4 t // i� / c( ( 1 - l u- L Z (.. We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an •adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . le( NAME ADDRESS I , - P .ESE `' . 1 N l Af roev i ,_ 8or ii i /167 ( yave yi a, ,l! cgjenfi : ii "0„6,04.L.0.a..4:4 - It \ ..,.. C24.0AJ\0,- ..) . YSN-1_ bui\triNsbe y)tAil.il _ .1)Alf,t 1.11 - . / - -- -- - 14, _r, 1) 01_ ."73 .. .S ,�.. 6�_ _ .__ . .__ aye ,, ?w9f ./ :JICA ZeA_S#ate _ - .40 ate-_ C� . _04_ . --_ ---X/ t -_- - 7 i . t' lite,4d, -s"•. . 74P_ia.Y efv,_SE,_ e-- 7.P, . ---i _i __ -__ _._ ___._.._ 3 a . __7JYtil xI.P__ _ to __,,__..Va... -- 3 M ,di.-. 4114*A— C3•.1,41.i .9retc,6 riletAxi - -._... .. 14.0.7 cor,'t_AY_Q / F r ,Ann -F8oS- if We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an "adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS fApo 4 a7 a ' t6.f Vass 6/ ./ vs� /d 3 a _/06 reo.:�ly I�. We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS c:10/9 hi2A,c.4.,,,,iid AC. /le , ,..4...- -) t":61:4-et-d. Piri?' 114-c-1944-riet---A.,. 6 zoo/. jef /9 7_41 a" __Lade, -7 ,4A-e-i-, >il.g.2;nM,4-- )1/,4t2:;ti dd_ke," .i_e_,,,...ilta Repri7, 1 - /3 S. d- 7 L4.--& /C.-� - '�-,z_) 14 V .tic4fee_e4c 2t IL) A � � r �'1' V ZPiv7* hsS�C��li-e A 1, : .� - 0 /0 /( oS. E ." 7.0 rd p/ /�-�e�/7G°3c t u /6b 09 /30� - P(, S. E Re-,,, `-' 1 /<732-1111 .---Pi SE ) t-&:) --- ,_..e,t 2teA., o9 Wevi.e6:c Std ice,,ti-,k} ,,,:, 72 . ...v,,, . ,,z(_ 0.."1/ai,e/t/ . ,_.. 4 - ,aria,,, ,a,,_e. . 04 2,,,,_ //3 27_ /-5�7'' , SE. / , -, Vic`. , di, ,q/ //fd r �-fl . /7a 5- el..."0.06 W. 5' -6 ea,i. ey - elate 7/1/ ie/(&)/ St Ce6,0-ro Ai We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters . If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society , Renton is not that place . k1 NAME ADDRESS SA.- v e_ j 'Ili S 7 / t, St: N A.'"d,‘, , , 4 4. .> 7<ffic(4- 1 9.de6/1- 34d7- 5 /i r7 6��/ 5 q ° S t7 tctiti_e_a_7 , 6 q v- s- i -- ter✓•w .: /�23i se/2.p- c a./ CIJa . y fo s /5735 (72 4,J 9 Z3 71 .o.,„ -", <q Al a o OE ee. -4-� ??o a p!• Q I © y-o 0 SC 19�-f I e,,,1-�.,, ? —3 �aWe / �� /076° b g762& We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an "adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place. NAME ADDRESS ,)1<- t°6' Ajilrf0Afev) 'i � ��- _ E3/. ����'� �'V Ili, 3Sa -/l fr it ft fi - Ii • We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, 1 Renton is not that place. NAME ADDRESS °'jf/ /_Y F.. / .-seeu- — _ Z3// ,NE A ✓ N _ I,,•. /i� �4- ' "_""' /,cO/All. v d __.A. `off. 5 ?3.2 AA 17- A__ le2i,t/zri- ........ 3 93 . E ri _.. k e v7 2),,i (,(/x1 . staf29 se-- -7.0m_ p_a _ t _ ,4 f! ri _ _ _ •; _....... . . . . . .. Tom_...-._.. --- . -._ ._ .._..._._... .__.-.. _._. i -T;_ _ _ .. .__-. _.- .. _ _ a._..•_ - - _ - We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an •adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters . If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, 1\ Renton is not that place . NAME j� ADDRESS A246 1, G ti 3y /U' llow-/,‘, , -, c7- -/--,/ e /11E 7 '2- ,_ il, air, / _ . _._ z,v_z..d. /Ve_. _ r'/G-Y__. II. . 3N/9 , , 3,. 1, P IY jr.7 -4 FL ____„?.. _i_d t,t , ..4 . 33 6 d/17.- E . 21/7/ f I:Lk Zed ,e4(9/-1 iti6 .7 /. el- Weivio71. ,w 3yd7 arm -. _ _ Pik iI 1i 1 ' I We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, tRenton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS - - -- 61'14't--4-4-frL/ 41/..ZIA. 2'3,2 i_ - ,t/t ", kiii, ------ ' 77--e--Zi-ez)-z- 7,a kauZA1 &,-ce)1 -E- Re---k....)41,) c i � , kel iiik2,4, I; _ (r);,a. 1.3ar; 7 _.)• _ ems.,. _ 41 ^ �✓6,4 _ Ste_a y_ 4,4c,•At • --_- ° _.. - - ._ ° :44°Z . 4 ---_. ;Ac,11)04QCQ _020a. taQ tkr 'Pt.,N64_A "Reah w_r_ _. _ ._ . ... -- +i- - ?04n'- //- . f . _ _ _ E._ _. :. _. . " i1.S 9 igc.6.vi,.a• _"kr d .E -i. - - ---- .. _ _. -_ ._ e,,// e/arb-Z e.r,3 /5-3v e•'' itifrcie( /6,,,e_ t.1/4- _.._..' , Stc*.x\k._ Sedu A.) , 1420i E 144 ii 13oy217514 3 "-- ef7Vol - +4 (I 44 Cik i S . - _ _ (.1-z.2_(tx$i,-, ko 'r[ .. 41AAi'a QJ4-L!4i / ate_ G . ge‘sd-lei _/. . 9././-/dIf.,&7___•ct:__ _ ___ _fee2w_z_,A7)___________ iil r-c 7 z _/0 7_0.4:"Frvruircrort_ "WE , _L.Q- 01, (s e_ °- We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place. NAME ADDRESS - - 411 - _ at. /5/40/1 _,si.:_/13 rme. --; ;IfA414--7' 74226(44- . _.ifYi7 .. .S., is `,4?/___ /9r� c. L.di4 '1 1' ZZ 101..5 {w. / 3`fa if !?3 Ao-c S'.& A, U29 c„ /Z A d 00.44 '4/ 3/bt C G f�' A'1._.. _W A,7.14.44,0_ _. / 837 E hooks /1!E Rena, �✓i 1o1 _..._Se' • _...../-7 - ! - sigi2A/ lc/441411.15e 4-2‘ ` l G %°7Q ,e1: 'Fa f . r _ • _ae,A0.2 _Ass/..ga, 41/07‘2__ sg. c ?. '(jCs /TI7. _.___S .176 -' .- .1 irdSS. s-so,? b -r?)X. • g° --17Z I TZ -- 1—T fJ" ‘-rw I/ L / S c 0.g b ~�M .�" 1 • S - ,��r� \ 1, -'� 1-‘409-1-t-Pc?( 4 3 -3- 42-,) Ye e2 L1741. -)---rr;--) :3 •-,95, 5 6 V,---tr!)- --?yy; -7r7771-21,27i4 c_Yo o 6 iv2-j k / s cc 2 '/ is-rrr//7 -y'rti.-�•D�� /so ( yA�d��/� %roc/'6 I 1/Y- 9 T3 ? t' ,v C-.P --'a 14 4 V7 04'6 1.174 z U-e(p his/ .- , s -b Z 7 / � io2 N 9-01 zo6/ 624.1 0-9 II =41 y NA,n' '11.0,),04 ‘-`1 c74- 1.r-L 0.7,7„.7 77;75 ss v,8 now )e —p/ •p/i/ m 6)// We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who Ire expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an "adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS 4 7� 47/4/eeh tte aievie45 -5• et) l'1,./7-v �r�tia /��2 ` ( SE. //-ems Arkh G e 4 so r L o9 cwt. /3 9 0-d, a,,7 2a - ,rn, C,G2� - � y /? r e7ig-P't l.Q a.-z Cs-/r .6_fiC /440& 56 /'y(e I/Gilf , og' l 7_ 7afavi- /I lAdA~ du , 4*r ..- )t/'r.� Say_444 / qS6' £ . 5. j e Pr,' rth13rd v ( woL} 9go (o A r e 4 4/c f `'� c�ld h Z(Z.o, 43z_ 1,2r1 , dAA Jd/ ,Bar e/ /390j .f /9e/ #'9 ,;, 9,pasG i We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an •adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . ----- NAME ADDRESS G /dv/e'Y t /c�/J 5' Se /C 7 /e e-.— T'y a�� %two-✓ ! /0, 3 5 / & U"�` (A i - ��1&" /83 —An g 0-fr Cvz . �n I/ei,,,,,e, 1,,,„.3 4 g /4 v 4 if.4--x-t,--ke-) eelie)9,r-s,2 CJam- / 7ox6 /Sys p/. S - ReS-6-c, J j'--0--i'a"----'- /15 11(00-ert9,65( 41"- /29_,14,„ , z(4..e_x_A j )7 7 45c e 4f_ , -�- ,7 0 We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters . If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society , Renton is not that place . NAME ADDRESS 1<--A- 1-4-6-627 l- - c7 4-4 1 z g-r'j ,Are .S- P,c-,.i ►J `A 124(.4.42. 46,LAAA, /7,1 c( i 4 e- S - S. W444. -?-u,_ mar,(_ rez-r/J.c6,t4e._ /4 i - _ iaa C '. , e-,�,_._f�Je . E. /6, 3-co /...%6 4 ( • .1: t 14 ) 1. cj_ed,e2 ,9/f 71. '_ (VI, - ' - le,4 - �n.4.....;itiA) d4w,, (ff .3 -k- E /y Cam- Z.444 _ r. Lt/ /7-W24„.t_e„ .__-. . ,--tea . 19aoS . /a9 .� ., , - �7c w6 ICE . y_- _ ,, .Ins,iS,IrrAix. /h/ i 4 a_44;1._, A . .. L.,4 --- - __— u . _ /,?GGI. 5- ' . /‘/ ' X.igt-h••,._«rs- Aci r-,4 ,t-c. 2 ..../ ,i,.,,i,,....4 ) - , _ ,e),,,, ..„,_ . / « ,) - I /_6 54-- R--e -Vi _ __ _... /n — / 7Z05 /zq�.�`Ave. S R-e,,A,o,. w1+. _ . . ,_ . 4 -.. -.._L6 V4 b 1 d_ -S,.g "C .._1_I _t..,_-- - ,i,.,•, ...../f., . _ ,,,, .„--. e-7, �_. / 741 30 a ? S e,jTa- tel -- t & We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an "adult" i movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of sr these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of " ; our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown 4 business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters . 14 If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society , Renton is not that place . :. NAME ADDRESS ir-- _ _ 114 , A jjd2.16/U •r) 11\\::„,v. ?,vvt'L-4- : v ::-, 1.2 d_ i_ -.�.a-ct.._. _ s,E . . - -__ _-._.._ , ( sV; il / ev Jr1•/. ,t cctitI3 / 7eLiJE2- V.1i f -- - - - - I. ---- 1 14; ,'• LOSA'a C1/ kg C114, . iRs_a_ 6.L _ tib __ _ - , c-'-_, .77...t...d.-te--2-i‘ _,..)_ i 7 ereY IT /S-7:42. f.t3--e" /e2-- -6-7, _ if _1E0 1 /2 /gl7-4., f9-- &N Ke/y- _f✓. r_! — _-GCS.= _..0-5 -_ ii ` i_7 fe273/ pA...y___, . it , _ _ _ ;Tgt- 1111S-_ "---___ __ _..P___ ____ . off---.---- _ii It 4 t .!- 44,-.4.----...) A.144. /t A ii 2 A9P , _,/ _.S _____g_'_r_ J___ ____________— 4.4 L .4--_c_et-e475 .-0...4--,,,,„0-1.......) We , the undersigned i wish to add our voices to those who •I e expressing grave concern over the proposed opining of an *adul s° . movie theater chain 'in downtown Renton. The proposed ti.on 'of these theaters, as well as their questivnabie value to our cc iun .ty in establishin.g basic moral value patterns are: only t so facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of tha a,ow tt business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theatsrm. Lf there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place. mw_.._.._.._ NAME ADDRESS C -e' qF 07777c, C( lia,,ki2 /?a a Ca t JJ, Q,0 '-7-- let P 7 VO )2. 6' - V'i .SY. e-eci-t”..7 i/ /7‘7. 7=sue -3 7/7` /O 'j-g -- Fe za,z-- 4..e=ed., 0_ 44k= - . ,. . 7 '/ .f /a„ . /e.., /- r_A--- /z.Fz/z10.?2 ,Jse Jzfcg . L.zZ-"-- -, 04 ? . , _ek' , /a R„,-1(1- 52 0 evr-Yol co Vicu_ I v_c, 3--, CA.4.41 \A-s1,--\ — c' ‘6 .7 r ' .--,,,,,die ,. .ef.,,, . _ iroa? / oA ov.tasqe. At rct-DAI/ 67%55 A 5-Re - /R c. ig_1.6 4__.± . (juer,, '; �.c�,/ /. !o 32/ s. ) /6 6 _ d%6t.e . 1/29 Barbara: Mr. Chet Soetaert (pronounced Sootert) called and wants you to know he is an elected official of his church -- Calvary Evangelical -- and he represent 150 people in opposing adult movie theaters in Renton. 4—s upri i-e4 I4-i n JGat k ' e n•rifrbeT, su99 ested f hh SI i• bt, nott& tea* bow %Awl Sitzti-4/1 d• }to, Cow4N4.1 StcKkkv'j tftcw 4. tit Ctci v tel. tom.d rtit., yawl. (Mont' calk% u.�pp ivy. ad tk� Ca�.nc:.IS• p.SI41ort . No CALLS hcur4r btit& r4Ct%vtd, oppot.1ficv� 40 tut, Lt1. 0144-in art et. ---frra-arx -/-11 • pv • 2v- era, sin/ /- RECEIVED JAN 28 1982 CITY OF RENTON MAYOR'S OFFICE JS' (30-P3f..e_eleee_ d,tAr,/ $P5fi a a 3 I vac) ..... 9�a�s 22Z74-g_/ f 'ee4 • £c W6 4/0V /(''vim y ,i,g ,r,,,a("-- 25- tiW 57 r7,77/4{ rJ F �i s_ ( .71-v)-7-4, /7) tr-,4--vi -7"-v k-(J, x ,. /retoo .e-Wie°/ (7, 9-0.714/Y"r:/--ozz- cr./2-'1 '?"1-°"7/ P-7-. 7 -7?-4-y 0 -7W ( 7-ir 7/2,(%, / 4-rd-7? 7-x2- Zri7r. 4-P7- 47-*/TP- V 2 r'41 )-117-171F 7?/73-v7- 2Y' '? - te7217y - 427erg , 1� , r 71, i✓r 4r4 ?vrr C ' 7?7 W'4371(2.7 ? 7V'r 47p(3/?1-0 hh4ff 7(fr77W7 ° 7272'ip 42p ice ` 4-"Ag � '4/ 14 W _ • • e RFCEIVED 2 5 1982 CITY OF REN ON CITY COUNCIL (").I rl,o.rv+44 00 We , the undersigned , wish to add our voices to those who are expressing grave concern over the proposed opening of an 'adult" movie theater chain in downtown Renton. The proposed location of these theaters , as well as their questionable value to our community in establishing basic moral value patterns are only two facets of our concern. The already deteriorating condition of the downtown business district will not in any way be enhanced by these theaters. If there is an acceptable place for such businesses in our society, Renton is not that place . ----- NAME ADDRESS r. .. _l.d:QA 1-)1d7zZeA,"_. r..,72 _ 1, ' - - J 14.2-a- )91,dvid&f-e--4 &...u." Al- /e€4,(--e-kt. 3 it t., 2 poe 4..,%.4,D `t s3.,,7-9R, a 4 2 oLf A) b I.- A l lc. ka4. 5 . T_; & 6 Jul:6 . arl U /moo . 08 , obe cka-m onc/ to . t.,t;a> 7© PSG g so / 7 f` Q o?y 7 u4./ -. e --- o .. 07 67J c14._1i x.42o/ `3B ./c3/)clti_A.1-7271/ 4,-. ~-_) (>2%23 --9/,L= - die-/ _ea....A,/ __„ L./pt, 9 7 f -e 7,.. .> , q9 9. _ y /ram- - _- //sy 6,4,..,,,,, &.„, 27 e ,f,_„,„.. „.. , 0 . /(- £ ,W1. •/ ? 441duea570/0 _ ,5 _� ,Ezf7TzE.. .1(91ll 1voR ' " � . t( /aoo4P )&/ ).- (LP., 13 9�/7S y - Act ,I'.. _(o. aW...._.2do _.-.Lao . ._._. ..as4� .¢.,--a)a_ . QP/7b' et,a,„,_ 15 .„:3„,, e 44.,..,„As.„ 3,4_ i r -W,o/ 6)0511 9101 WI' L7 €,ataidc- c- _______ _ .=. g 14Lai- 4 V,),i aadvntt.t. 9gol 1 I pt.— o 9& ee-%\aler- I 8 v L.- ,0 6 7't.o c,c,(J /yo 1' 7 �.a `,e 7-'''_ ,,r,.-. . /rfo�� 1 g /) 4 // 4' ,-, ,, -r ,-i O. 410 i� Te—vi,Tv OiR-31 icp 126,4, (A) _cc, t so <01, 0)111V-cp 19151ta\2,/ a4 71L—< k ,A_ 61-4 c? des- a t44-Y)- 7, sYtteti,4_,/ y 1 92J64.44 7—„,„/ J �/t S Set° 1 V'27 J,V�IY / 7', - / fr /�n 7 77 v� p'`v 7 S,Y A'✓ aft'-Y.JY0 S/ Sa f1 •?//7" _,t), �L Olvt/ r)-2oiv -- 1,/ -- -27 --a-n-wval-7/0° _ea "". .14--,/ -.) Y,-/ V--/.'#v 4% ; 1,d l/l! -7,v _.7- " 9-,, Y./ '0 --4_71 S!y� _i s v/ ---›--7t/�" ' /iv air -a ,r y 47 y7 - 57'r:5 d' 77ev/ -,LX:7N _iaa► 74CS /v'f/1?f /*l a 0 a5/1V "9 Qt/ O" ' 't✓ /4' / _,J. / /✓-0A:0Q /✓ 5 e7 / -i/// , At', 9 Jy'�o 75 'y s ir,./_,.z a ,ti,, 7 ,,,� 5oV�,L /1/2"07!W / 0,G ' �-Vr'7f/ p/tit4/ o.7j >✓'o,7 5 ( 5a-y?/ol ' ulq' _/-ttly,,z S -P 5 57// 72 / 77, a!� • 7/, ),a 9,yj4, y y,, .J .," 07!yG7 / -a" ; S-V Ali %/ '-97 C1 1v-7'171/ 77/- 7 S-a7 1 4'141 frj, �5.,_1 671✓A/ .i,//7-71 .7'' '4'17 b/ c-y/ 7� ",1/ y 0,,' 4y 4,77_,/ / S7aYD' v �'aa9./`,' .,l'✓s-J • '-v'4 / --). 14'4L -a�.,)//71-A`, a9t,a7P7 ri_A a 7'`}-7-7 -a y--"; s -iycJ e770 -y� y0 5 0.`i ��0 717_, c,J✓e/ 16u J '5 ez, - y7 ,I.e 7.l-d� So/ �., • ►,-/f '79c="7// -a-riti ,! __,/ 7YY o.-,7-7‘ ea -t-y Qy 4/ s �o/x A' 4-4.•y,/ 7aa� �". r20i1/%/ . 0'4/ ?' 7 S'y-/ 9� 1� W 11` 40_ \ �9) : 4 .�� 7 'mid— . Z/}�d r fi - ? Z,4 � e',9-,19 -- 410 ‘', 0 si., , ri � J ig oE6Z0' O. ,, i , , k., . , ), ‘e/\. % A 4c1oZ��zG / 0� ,\ , , , ; ‘ t)) $_L : \ _ 11\ii • t :1 I c !) ik : '\ . .. tri ilt\I 1 li )4 0 ,' l-gi / _ .?____ -e/ 717:„_7_, ---- ,t- -7-Y-11-49--(1) ' -'"—?•,---?-7-7— •?#:--7--a —7-2 --77 i --7-,-77 ---2 —''`77---r-/- `ice — •`---- ' -- -2-2--e --/--?- 7-'Cr// (----P; —,2--?--- / ---"--- -- -C1 C----d—, , -- s -20—y -? --- - -?%' (-- p----p-- (---?---,7.-7--rz- -?°'-7-7-, __ --' r ."2"-cu°47 -- ..- - --,--7--,--i j_„0- ---?9-7-- --7-2/---/_Th . .--p,./-7-, 47--,--2.,,,- -7p -7-7-,9--- -4-7-77-7-7--- --7-- - -. \11.00 ii `a (‘,sit_ 44e ,* ( 13\ / 1 - _g- 4-v-7-7-2 -72 ^^7 K'r \it 4i4j ' 'c' 1,4' c,,,,, ,-7-2v ---2 ?____ M S.