HomeMy WebLinkAboutDOE2_D_Boeing_Apron_D_Stormwater_Upgrade_Shoreline_Permit_211108_v3_FINALDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION SHORELINE MANAGEMENT ACT OF 1971 PERMIT FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT EVALUATION FORM & DECISION DATE OF PERMIT ISSUANCE: November 10, 2021 LAND USE ACTION FILE NO.: LUA21-000343, SM DATE RECEIVED September 9, 2021 DATE OF PUBLIC NOTICE: September 9, 2021 Pursuant to Chapter 90.58 RCW, staff recommends that the City of Renton grant a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit. This action is proposed on the following application: PROJECT NAME: Boeing Apron D Slot Drain Replacement PROJECT MANAGER: Alex Morganroth, Senior Planner OWNER/APPLICANT: City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 APPLICANT/CONTACT: Mark Clement, PO Box 3707, MC 66-102, Seattle, WA 98124 PROJECT LOCATION: 737 Logan Ave N (APN's 0723059046 & 0723059001) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Per King County Assessors Records) POR OF E 1/2 OF SEC 7-23-05 LY ELY OF CWW #2 & NLY OF N 6TH ST IN SE 1/4 OF SEC LESS NP R/W LESS ST TGW VAC LOGAN ST LY NWLY OF LN 30 FT NWLY OF GOV MDR LN TGW 2ND CL SH LDS ADJ SUBJ TO TWO 20 FT R/W ESMTS & POR OF SE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SEC BEG NXN S MGN OF N 6TH ST WITH W MGN LOGAN AVE TH SLY ALG SD ST 995.34 FT TH S 89-18-45 W TO ELY MGN CWW #2 TH N ALG SD MGN TO S MGN N 6TH ST TH E TO BEG LESS BEG NW COR THOF TH SELY ALG WLY LN 328.75 FT TH N 89-45-45 E 366.34 FT TH N 00-14-15 W TO S MGN N 6TH ST TH W TO BEG LESS 137.70 FT THOF TGW PORS OF NW 1/4 SEC 08-23-05 & SE 1/4 SEC 06-23-05 & SW 1/4 SEC 05-23-05 LY NWLY OF NP R/W & SWLY OF LN BEG NXN WLY EXT OF N LN OF GL 1 WITH W MGN SD R/W TH W 763.39 FT TH N 43-065-56 W 680.06 FT M/L TO INNER HARBOR LN TH S 46-52-27 W ALG SD LN 607.89 FT TO TPOB TH S 43-06- 56 E 713.87 FT TH S 46-53-04 W 215 FT TH S 20-38-24 W TO NWLY MGN SD NP R/W SUBJ TO SD 20 FT ESMTS LESS BN OPER STRIP ADJ POR OF SELY LN IN SD SEC 08-23- 05 LESS ST RD #7 TGW VAC LOGAN ST LY NLY OF SPUR TRACKS TGW BLK C LK WASH SH LDS 3RD SUPPL LESS POR FOR RD PER DEED 20060817000676 LESS POR PER DEED 20061212000338 SEC-TWN-R: SEC 7 TWN 23N R 5E PROJECT WITHIN THE SHORELINE OF: Cedar River, Reach A DocuSign Envelope ID: B4935183-EB19-4C01-9D78-4C1FBAF79833 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Shoreline Management Permit Boeing Apron D Slot Drain LUA21-000343, SM DATE OF PERMIT: November 10, 2021 Page 2 of 15 APPLICABLE MASTER PROGRAM: City of Renton PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit for a stormwater slot drain installation on Apron D at the Boeing plant site. The subject properties (APN 0723059001 and 0723059046) are located to the east of the Cedar River along the southern shore of Lake Washington. The site, home to the Boeing 737 plant and associated support buildings, is located in the Urban Center (UC) zone and has a Comprehensive Plan designation of Commercial Mixed-Use (CMU). The project would include saw-cutting and removing approximately 750 sq. ft. of existing concrete followed by the installation of approximately 96 linear feet of 1 3-inch slot drain to be connected to an existing catch basin. The proposed work would occur approximately 105 feet from the Cedar River Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) at the closest point. A High Seismic Hazard is mapped on the project site. In addition, the proposed work would occur within the Cedar River Reach A regulated shoreline area (Shoreline High Intensity overlay). No change in access to the site is proposed and no new impervious surface would be added. According to the applicant, no tree or vegetation removal would occur a part of the project. The applicant submitted a stormwater memo and Habitat Data Narrative Report with the application. FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The applicant is requesting a Shoreline Substantial Development Permits for a stormwater upgrade project within Apron D Boeing manufacturing property (APN's 0723059046 & 0723059001). 2. Per RMC 4-9-190.B.3, a substantial development permit shall be required for all proposed use and development of shorelines unless the proposal is specifically exempt pursuant to RCW 90.58.140(1) or chapter 173 -27 WAC. The subject stormwater project is not exempt and therefore, requires an approved Shoreline Substantial Development Permit. 3. Apron D is currently comprised of 100 percent impervious surfaces and the site is developed with both industrial and transportation uses. 4. The utility project would occur approximately 105 feet from the Cedar River OHWM and is within the 200 ft. Shoreline Jurisdiction. 5. Apron D is located on the east bank of the Cedar River within Reach A and is designated Shoreline High Intensity. 6. The project would result in approximately 750 sq. ft. of replaced impervious surface. 7. No trees or vegetation would be removed as part of the project. 8. The site is located in a seismic hazard area - no other critical areas are present on the site. 9. Pursuant to WAC 197-11-800, all stormwater, water and sewer facilities, lines, equipment, hookups or appurtenances including, utilizing or related to lines twelve inches or less in diameter. The proposed slot drain would be connected to an existing twelve-inch (12”) storm pipe and therefore the project is a SEPA exempt action. 10. Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments have been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report. DocuSign Envelope ID: B4935183-EB19-4C01-9D78-4C1FBAF79833 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Shoreline Management Permit Boeing Apron D Slot Drain LUA21-000343, SM DATE OF PERMIT: November 10, 2021 Page 3 of 15 11. A comment submitted by King County Metro on September 23, 2021 (Exhibit 5) requesting advanced notice of construction in order to adjust or remove any bus stops near the project site impacted by the proposed work. Staff confirmed with the applicant that due to the interior nature of the proposed work site, which is approixmatly 1,000 feet from the nearest public ROW (Logan Ave N), no impacts to bus stops adjacent to the would occur as a result of the project. 12. A Habitat Data Narrative Report prepared by Wood Environmental and Infrastructure Solutions and dated May 27, 2021 was submitted with the project application (Exhibit 3). The report concludes that the proposed improvements would not create impacts that result in a loss of ecological function and help support the existing economic activities located in the Shoreline Jurisdiction. 13. The following table contains project elements intended to comply with the Shoreline Master Program standards and policies, as outlined in RMC 4-3-090: SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM CRITERIA: A. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE AND CONSISTENCY, SHORELINE ELEMENT: The site is located in the Shoreline High-Intensity Overlay District. The objective of the High Intensity Overlay is to provide opportunities for large-scale office and commercial employment centers as well as multi-family residential use and public services. This district provides opportunities for water- dependent and water-oriented uses while protecting existing ecological functions and restoring ecological functions in areas that have been previously degraded. Development may also provide for public use and/or community use, especially access to and along the water's edge. The proposal is compliant with the following Shoreline policies: ✓ Objective SH-A. Provide for use of the limited water resource consistent with the goals of the Shoreline Management Act by providing a preference for water-oriented uses. ✓ Objective SH-B. Provide that the policies, regulations, and administration of the Shoreline Master Program ensure that new uses, development, and redevelopment within the shoreline jurisdiction do not cause a net loss of shoreline ecological functions. ✓ Policy SH-7. Existing and future activities on all Shorelines of the State regulated by the City of Renton should be designed to ensure no net loss of ecological functions. ✓ Policy SH-14. Shoreline use and development should be carried out in a manner that prevents or mitigates adverse impacts so that the resulting ecological condition does not become worse than the current condition. This means ensuring no net loss of ecological functions and processes in all development and use. Permitted uses should be designed and conducted to minimize, in so far as practical, any resultant damage to the ecology and environment (RCW 90.58.020). Shoreline ecological functions that should be protected include, but are not limited to, fish and wildlife habitat, food chain support, and water temperature maintenance. Shoreline processes that shall be protected include, but are not limited to, water flow; littoral drift; erosion and accretion; infiltration; ground water recharge and discharge; sediment delivery, DocuSign Envelope ID: B4935183-EB19-4C01-9D78-4C1FBAF79833 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Shoreline Management Permit Boeing Apron D Slot Drain LUA21-000343, SM DATE OF PERMIT: November 10, 2021 Page 4 of 15 transport, and storage; large woody debris recruitment; organic matter input; nutrient and pathogen removal; and stream channel formation/maintenance. B. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: The subject site is classified as Shoreline High Intensity on the City of Renton Shoreline Overlay Map. The following development standards are applicable to the proposal: 1. No Net Loss of Ecological Functions Required ✓ Shoreline use and development shall be carried out in a manner that prevents or mitigates adverse impacts to ensure no net loss of ecological functions and processes in all development and use. Permitted uses are designed and conducted to minimize, in so far as practical, any resultant damage to the ecology and environment (RCW 90.58.020). Shoreline ecological functions that shall be protected include, but are not limited to, fish and wildlife habitat, food chain support, and water temperature maintenance. Shoreline processes that shall be protected include, but are not limited to, water flow; erosion and accretion; infiltration; groundwater recharge and discharge; sediment delivery, transport, and storage; large woody debris recruitment; organic matter input; nutrient and pathogen removal; and stream channel formation/maintenance. Staff comment: The proposed project would be confined to Apron D on the Boeing plant site and no trees or riparian vegetation would be removed. No new lighting is proposed as part of the stormwater upgrade project and no work associated with the project would occur below the OHWM of the Cedar River. The nearest excavation from the Cedar River would occur approximately 105 feet from OHWM. The applicant submitted a Habitat Data Narrative Report prepared by Wood Infrastructure and Environmental Solutions dated May 27, 2021 (Exhibit 3). The submitted report identified existing riparian and aquatic conditions in the area directly west of the proposed utility work on Apron D. Due to the channeling of the river and highly-developed nature of both river banks, the report states that the extremely limited riparian areas near the project site likely provide little ecological function. The report concludes that regardless of how the areas function, work on the proposed project would occur outside of these narrow riparian areas and would not impact the Cedar River’s aquatic or riparian habitats. Therefore, the utility upgrade project would result in no net loss of ecological functions and has values consistent with the City of Renton’s Shoreline Master Program. 2. Burden on Applicant ✓ Applicants for permits have the burden of proving that the proposed development is consistent with the criteria set forth in the Shoreline Master Program and the Shoreline Management Act, including demonstrating all reasonable efforts have been taken to provide sufficient mitigation such that the activity does not result in net loss of ecological functions. Staff Comment: Activities associated with the project proposed work would support a long established use in the shoreline. The applicant provided a Habitat Data Narrative Report that concludes the project would have no impacts on the Cedar River shoreline and would not result in net loss of ecological function. Therefore, the applicant has DocuSign Envelope ID: B4935183-EB19-4C01-9D78-4C1FBAF79833 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Shoreline Management Permit Boeing Apron D Slot Drain LUA21-000343, SM DATE OF PERMIT: November 10, 2021 Page 5 of 15 adequately demonstrated that the proposed work would be consistent with the criteria in the Shoreline Master Program and Shoreline Management Act. 3. Critical Areas Within Shoreline Jurisdiction ✓ Unless otherwise stated, no development shall be constructed, located, extended, modified, converted, or altered, or land divided without full compliance with the provision adopted by reference and the Shoreline Master Program. . Staff Comment: The entire project site is mapped within an area considered as a high seismic hazard and as such, is prone to structure failures as a result of liquefaction during a seismic event. Due to the nature of the project, which does not include the construction of any structure, a geotechnical report was not required with the land use application. 4. View Obstruction and Visual Quality ✓ View Corridors Required: Where commercial, industrial, multiple use, multi-family and/or multi-lot developments are proposed, primary structures shall provide for view corridors between buildings where views of the shoreline are available from public right-of-way or trails. Staff comment: The Cedar River Trail Park is located on the east bank of the river and is the only area near the project site that is open to the public. The park provides users views of both Lake Washington and the lower Cedar River. The proposed utility improvements adjacent to the park are not structural in nature and are located underground. Although minor, temporary impacts to views may occur during the construction phase, the proposed project would not permanently impact any views of the shoreline from public ROWs or trails. N/A Maximum Building Height: Buildings shall be limited to a height of no more than 35 feet above average finished grade level except at specific locations. Staff comment: Not applicable, no buildings are proposed as a part of the project. N/A Minimum Setbacks for Commercial Development Adjacent to Residential or Park Uses: All new or expanded commercial development adjacent to residential use and public parks shall provide fifteen feet setbacks from adjacent properties to attenuate proximity impacts such as noise, light and glare, and may address scale and aesthetic impacts. Fencing or landscape areas may be required to provide a visual screen. N/A Lighting Requirements: Display and other exterior lighting shall be designed and operated so as to prevent glare, to avoid illuminating nearby properties used for noncommercial purposes, and to prevent hazards for public traffic. Methods of controlling spillover light include, but are not limited to, limits on the height of light structure, limits on light levels of fixtures, light shields, and screening. Staff comment: Not applicable, no lighting is proposed as part of the project. N/A Reflected Lights to Be Limited: Building surfaces on or adjacent to the water shall employ materials that limit reflected light. DocuSign Envelope ID: B4935183-EB19-4C01-9D78-4C1FBAF79833 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Shoreline Management Permit Boeing Apron D Slot Drain LUA21-000343, SM DATE OF PERMIT: November 10, 2021 Page 6 of 15 Staff comment: Not applicable, no buildings are proposed as part of the project. N/A Integration and Screening of Mechanical Equipment: Building mechanical equipment shall be incorporated into building architectural features, such as pitched roofs, to the maximum extent feasible. Where mechanical equipment cannot be incorporated into architectural features, a visual screen shall be provided consistent with building exterior materials that obstructs views of such equipment. Staff comment: Not applicable, no building-mounted mechanical equipment is proposed as part of the project. N/A Visual Prominence of Freestanding Structures to Be Minimized: Facilities not incorporated into buildings including fences, piers, poles, wires, lights, and other freestanding structures shall be designed to minimize visual prominence. Staff comment: Not applicable, no freestanding structures are proposed as part of the project. N/A Maximum Stair and Walkway Width: Stairs and walkways located within shoreline vegetated buffers shall not exceed four feet in width; provided, that where ADA requirements apply, such facilities may be increased to six feet in width. Stairways shall conform to the existing topography to the extent feasible. Staff comment: Not applicable, no stairs or paved walkways are proposed as part of the project. 5. Community Disturbances: ✓ Noise, odors, night lighting, water and land traffic, and other structures and activities shall be considered in the design plans and their impacts avoided or mitigated. Staff comment: The project is not anticipated to generate noise, odors, lighting issues, or other water and land traffic disturbances beyond those that are already associated with the aviation-related activities that occur at the Boeing facility and at the adjacent Renton Municipal Airport on the other side of the Cedar River. 6. Public Access: Physical or visual access to shorelines shall be incorporated in all new development when the development would either generate a demand for one or more forms of such access, would impair existing legal access opportunities or rights, or is required to meet the specific policies and regulations of the Shoreline Master Program. ✓ Cedar River A: Public physical access from a trail parallel to the water should be provided if the Renton Municipal Airport redevelops in the future, balanced with goals of ecological restoration. Staff Comment: Public access to the shoreline would not be changed as a result of the utility upgrade projects. 7. Building and Development Location – Shoreline Orientation DocuSign Envelope ID: B4935183-EB19-4C01-9D78-4C1FBAF79833 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Shoreline Management Permit Boeing Apron D Slot Drain LUA21-000343, SM DATE OF PERMIT: November 10, 2021 Page 7 of 15 Shoreline developments shall locate the water-dependent, water-related, and water-enjoyment portions of their developments along the shoreline. Development and use shall be designed in a manner that directs land alteration to the least sensitive portions o f the site to maximize vegetation conservation; minimize impervious surfaces and runoff; protect riparian, nearshore and wetland habitats; protect wildlife and habitats; protect archaeological, historic and cultural resources; and preserve aesthetic values ✓ Location of Development: Development and use shall be designed in a manner that directs land alteration to the least sensitive portions of the site. Staff comment: All land disturbance would occur within fully impervious, developed areas of the site and all development are proposed above the OHWM. As such, the locations where the work would occur are less sensitive than non-developed areas on the site including the small riparian area along the river. Due to the channeling of the river and the existing highly-developed nature of the area where the work would occur, the development would not be occurring on a sensitive portion of the site. The proposed work would occur fully outside of the riparian area adjacent to the Cedar River. In addition, the fully impervious, 20-foot wide East Perimeter Road is located between the river and the project site. ✓ Minimization of Site Alteration: Development shall minimize site alteration in sites with substantial unaltered natural features by applying the following criteria: (a) Vehicle and pedestrian circulation systems shall be designed to limit clearing, grading, and alteration of topography and natural features. (b) Impervious surfacing for parking lot/space areas shall be limited through the use of under-building parking or permeable surfaces where feasible. (c) Utilities shall share roadway and driveway corridors and rights-of-way wherever feasible. (d) Development shall be located and designed to avoid the need for structural shoreline stabilization over the life of the development. Exceptions may be made for the limited instances where stabilization is necessary to protect allowed uses, particularly water-dependent uses, where no alternative locations are available and no net loss of ecological functions will result. Staff comment: The proposed utility improvements on Apron D would occur within a fully impervious area currently used for aircraft storage. The proposed improvements will not alter existing natural features as the work area is located in a fully-developed portion of the apron. The total area of impervious surface located on the site will not change as a result of the proposed improvements. In addition, the project would not require any shoreline stabilization. N/A Location for Accessory Development: Accessory development or use that does not require a shoreline location shall be located outside of shoreline jurisdiction unless such development is required to serve approved water-oriented uses and/or developments or unless otherwise allowed in a High Intensity designation. When sited within shoreline jurisdiction, uses and/or developments such as parking, service buildings or areas, access roads, utilities, signs and storage of materials shall be located inland away DocuSign Envelope ID: B4935183-EB19-4C01-9D78-4C1FBAF79833 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Shoreline Management Permit Boeing Apron D Slot Drain LUA21-000343, SM DATE OF PERMIT: November 10, 2021 Page 8 of 15 from the land/water interface and landward of water-oriented developments and/or other approved uses unless a location closer to the water is reasonably necessary. ✓ Navigation and Recreation to Be Preserved: Shoreline uses shall not deprive other uses of reasonable access to navigable waters. Existing water-related recreation shall be preserved. Staff comment: The proposed work would occur landward of the OHWM and would not impede access to navigable waters. No public access is currently available from the area near the project. 8. Archaeological, Historical, and Cultural Resources: Compliant if Condition of Approval is met Detailed Cultural Assessments May Be Required: The City will work with tribal, State, Federal, and other local governments as appropriate to identify significant local historical, cultural, and archaeological sites in observance of applicable State and Federal laws protecting such information from general public disclosure. Detailed cultural assessments may be required in areas with undocumented resources based on the probability of the presence of cultural resources. Staff comment: The project proposal and notice of application were provided to reviewing agencies including the State Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation (DAHP) as part of the notice of application. No agency comments were provided. However, the northern portion of the Boeing site was once under the surface of Lake Washington. In addition the Black River used to run out of the lake, flow south through the airport site adjacent to the site, and then continue west. Based on the probability of the subject site being along the banks of an old river channel and lake shore there is a higher likelihood of cultural resources discovery, through ground disturbing activity. As such, staff recommends, as a condition of approval, that if any Native American grave(s) or archaeological/cultural resources (Indian artifacts) are found, all construction activities shall stop in accordance with RCW 27.53.060 and 27.44.020, and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the City of Renton planning department, concerned Tribes’ cultural committees, and the Washington State Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation. Compliant if Condition of Approval is met Coordination Encouraged: Owners of property containing identified or probable historical, cultural, or archaeological sites are encouraged to coordinate well in advance of application for development to assure that appropriate agencies such as the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, affected tribes, and historic preservation groups have ample time to assess the site and identify the potential for cultural resources. Staff comment: See comment above. Compliant if Condition of Approval is met Detailed Cultural Assessments Required: Upon receipt of application for a development in an area of known or probable cultural resources, the City shall require a site assessment by a qualified professional archaeologist or historic preservation professional and ensure review by qualified parties including the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, affected tribes, and historic preservation groups. Staff comment: See comment above. DocuSign Envelope ID: B4935183-EB19-4C01-9D78-4C1FBAF79833 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Shoreline Management Permit Boeing Apron D Slot Drain LUA21-000343, SM DATE OF PERMIT: November 10, 2021 Page 9 of 15 Compliant if Condition of Approval is met Work to Stop Upon Discovery: If historical, cultural, or archaeological sites or artifacts are discovered in the process of development, work on that portion of the site shall be stopped immediately, the site secured, and the find reported as soon as possible to the Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic Development or designee. Upon notification of such find, the property owner shall notify the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation and affected tribes. The Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic Development or designee shall provide for a site investigation by a qualified professional and may provide for avoidance, or conservation of the resources, in coordination with appropriate agencies. Staff comment: See comment and recommended condition of approval above. Compliant if Condition of Approval is met Access for Educational Purposes Encouraged: Land owners are encouraged to provide access to qualified professionals and the general public if appropriate for the purpose of public education related to a cultural resource identified on a property. Staff comment: See comment above. 9. Standards for Density, Setbacks, and Height The following development activities are not subject to buffers and setbacks; provided, that they are constructed and maintained in a manner that minimizes adverse impacts on shoreline ecological functions; and provided further, that they comply with all the applicable regulations in RMC Title IV. N/A Setbacks and buffers from the OHWM: High Intensity Overlay District – For non-water oriented uses a 100 foot setback is required from the OHWM. Per RMC 4-3-050.D.7(a)(13), the following development activities are not subject to buffers and setbacks; provided, that they are constructed and maintained in a manner that minimizes adverse impacts on shoreline ecological functions; and provided further, that they comply with all the applicable regulations in RMC Title IV: Underground utilities, including stormwater outfalls and conveyance pipes. Staff Comment: The proposed work includes the installation of underground storm water conveyance infrastructure. The activities would be constructed under a developed portion of the site with 100% impervious surface and would not impact the ecological functions of the shoreline according the Habitat Data Narrative Report (Exhibit 3) submitted by the applicant. Therefore, the proposed activities are exempt from the buffer and setback requirements per RMC 4-3-090.D.7.(a)(13). N/A Vegetation Conservation Buffer: 100 feet. Cedar River Reach A Standard: Enhancement of native riparian vegetation shall be implemented as part of park management, balanced with needs of flood control levees and opportunities to provide public visual and physical access to the shoreline. Staff Comment: The proposed activities are exempt from the buffer and setback requirements per RMC 4-3-090.D.7. See above under “Setbacks and buffers from the OHWM” for additional analysis. DocuSign Envelope ID: B4935183-EB19-4C01-9D78-4C1FBAF79833 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Shoreline Management Permit Boeing Apron D Slot Drain LUA21-000343, SM DATE OF PERMIT: November 10, 2021 Page 10 of 15 N/A Building Height – Maximum: In water – 35 ft. Within 100 feet of OHWM – 35 ft. More than 100 feet from the OHWM – 35 ft. Height up to that established in chapter 4-2 RMC, Zoning Districts – Uses and Standards, may be allowed for non-water-dependent uses in the following reaches: Lake Washington Reaches C, H, I, and J; Cedar River Reaches A, B, and C; Black River Reach A; May Creek Reach B; and Springbrook Creek Reaches B, C, and D: For buildings landward of one hundred feet (100') from OHWM, the maximum building height shall be defined by a maximum allowable building height envelope that shall: i. Begin along a line laying parallel to and one hundred feet (100') from OHWM at a height of either thirty five feet (35') or one half (1/2) the maximum height allowed in the underlying zone, whichever is greater; and ii. Have an upward, landward transition at a slope of one vertical to one horizontal from the beginning height either (a) until the line at which the maximum height allowed in the underlying zoning in chapter 4-2 RMC is reached (from which line the height envelope shall extend landward at the maximum height allowed in the underlying zoning), or (b) to the end of shoreline jurisdiction, whichever comes first. Staff Comment: No above-ground structures are proposed as part of the project. N/A Impervious area within the Buffer/Setback: 5% Staff Comment: No new impervious surface area is proposed as part of the project. 10. Use Regulations: a. Utilities: Local Service Utilities are permitted in the High Intensity Overlay. ✓ Local utility services needed to serve water-dependent and other permitted uses in the shoreline are subject to standards for ecological protection and visual compatibility. Staff Comment: The applicant has proposed the upgrading of existing stormwater infrastructure within the apron and subsequent shoreline jurisdiction. The proposed work would take place on the west side of Apron D near the D-45 gate entrance. The proposed upgrade includes the installation of 96 feet of 13-inch slot drain that would disconnect to an existing storm drainage catch basin in the apron. The project would result in approximately 750 of replaced impervious surface, but would not result in new impervious surface. According to the applicant, work would significnatly improve drainage on the apron, which currently experiences signifincant water pooling during heavy rain events. According to the Habitat Data Narrative Report (Exhibit 3) submitted by the applicant, there will be no net loss of ecological functions. In addition, the project would not impact the visual compatibility of the site due to all development occurring underground. DocuSign Envelope ID: B4935183-EB19-4C01-9D78-4C1FBAF79833 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Shoreline Management Permit Boeing Apron D Slot Drain LUA21-000343, SM DATE OF PERMIT: November 10, 2021 Page 11 of 15 N/A Major utility systems shall be located outside of shoreline jurisdiction, to the extent feasible, except for elements that are water-dependent and crossings of water bodies and other elements of shorelands by linear facilities. Staff Comment: No major utility systems are proposed. ✓ New public or private utilities shall be located inland from the land/water interface, preferably out of shoreline jurisdiction, unless: (a) Perpendicular water crossings are unavoidable; or b) Utilities are necessary for authorized shoreline uses consistent with the Shoreline Master Program. Staff Comment: No new public utilities are proposed as part of the project. New private utilities would be installed under existing impervious surface and are necessary for airplane manufacturing (industrial use) and the Renton Municipal Airport – both authorized uses under the Shoreline Master Program. The new utilities would be located within the shoreline jurisdiction within approximately 105 feet of the OHWM, but would not require any water crossings. ✓ Linear facilities consisting of pipelines, cables and other facilities on land running roughly parallel to the shoreline shall be located as far from the water’s edge as feasible and preferably outside of shoreline jurisdiction. Staff Comment: See comment above. N/A Linear facilities consisting of pipelines, sewers, cables and other facilities on aquatic lands running roughly parallel to the shoreline that may require periodic maintenance that would disrupt shoreline ecological functions shall be discouraged except where no other feasible alternative exists. When permitted, provisions shall assure that the facilities do not result in a net loss of shoreline ecological functions or significant impacts to other shoreline resources and values. Staff Comment: The proposed slot draing would not be located on aquatic lands. ✓ Utilities shall be located in existing rights-of-way and corridors, whenever reasonably feasible. Staff Comment: There are no rights-of-way in the project vicinity. However, the proposed slot drain would be located within an existing utility corridor under Apron D. N/A Utility crossings of water bodies shall be located on bridges or located in other existing facilities, if reasonably feasible. If new installations are required to cross water bodies or wetlands they should avoid disturbing banks and streambeds and shall be designed to avoid the need for shoreline stabilization. Crossings shall be tunneled or bored where reasonably feasible. Installations shall be deep enough to avoid failures or need for protection due to exposure due to streambed mobilization, aggregation or lateral migration. Underwater utilities shall be placed in a sleeve if reasonably feasible to avoid the need for excavation in the event of the need for maintenance or replacement. Staff Comment: Not applicable – the project does not include any utility crossings of water bodies. DocuSign Envelope ID: B4935183-EB19-4C01-9D78-4C1FBAF79833 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Shoreline Management Permit Boeing Apron D Slot Drain LUA21-000343, SM DATE OF PERMIT: November 10, 2021 Page 12 of 15 ✓ In areas where utility installations would be anticipated to significantly alter natural groundwater flows, a barrier or conduit to impede changes to natural flow characteristics shall be provided. Staff Comment: The utility installation is not anticipated to alter natural groundwater flows due to their location under existing impervious surface. ✓ Excavated materials from construction of utilities shall be disposed of outside of the vegetation conservation buffer except if utilized for ecological restoration and shall be specified in the submittal materials. Staff Comment: The majority of excavated material would be replaced after the new infrastructure is installed. All excess material from utility installation would be disposed offsite in approved locations. Compliant if Condition of Approval under FOF 13.B(8) Utilities shall be located and designed to avoid natural, historic, archaeological or cultural resources to the maximum extent feasible and mitigate adverse impacts where unavoidable. Staff Comment: The proposed project involves upgrading a component of a stormwater conveyance system within a highly developed, fully impervious site and is not expected to impact any natural, historic, archaeological or cultural resources. However, one condition of approval is recommended under FOF 13.B(8) to ensure that construction ceases and the proper stakeholders are notified if any Native American graves or artifacts are discovered. ✓ Utilities shall be located, designed, constructed, and operated to result in no net loss of shoreline ecological functions with appropriate on- and off-site mitigation including compensatory mitigation. Staff Comment: According to the Habitat Data Narrative Report (Exhibit 3) submitted by the applicant, the project would not result in a net loss of ecological functions. ✓ All utility development shall be consistent with and coordinated with all local government and State planning, including comprehensive plans and single purpose plans to meet the needs of future populations in areas planned to accommodate growth. Staff Comment: Proposed utility replacements and installation would be entirely contained on the Boeing plant site. See sections above for additional analysis related to the project’s consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and state shoreline regulations. N/A Site planning and rights-of-way for utility development should provide for compatible multiple uses such as shore access, trails, and recreation or other appropriate use whenever possible. Utility right-of-way acquisition should be coordinated with transportation and recreation planning. ✓ Vegetation Conservation: (a) Native vegetation shall be maintained whenever reasonably feasible, (b) When utility projects are completed in the water or shoreland, the disturbed area shall be restored as nearly as possible to the original condition, (c) All vegetation and screening shall be hardy enough to withstand the travel of service trucks and similar traffic in areas where such activity occurs. DocuSign Envelope ID: B4935183-EB19-4C01-9D78-4C1FBAF79833 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Shoreline Management Permit Boeing Apron D Slot Drain LUA21-000343, SM DATE OF PERMIT: November 10, 2021 Page 13 of 15 Staff Comment: No native vegetation would be disturbed as a result of the proposed project. ✓ Local Service Utilities, Specifications - Stormwater Management: (a) The City will work with private property owners and other jurisdictions to maintain, enhance and restore natural drainage systems to protect water quality, reduce flooding, reduce public costs and prevent associated environmental degradation to contribute to the goal of no net loss of shoreline ecological functions. (b) All new development shall meet current stormwater management requirements for detention and treatment. (c) Individual single family residences may be subject to water quality management requirements to ensure the quality of adjacent water bodies. (d) Stormwater ponds, basins and vaults shall be located as far from the water’s edge as feasible and may not be located within vegetation conservation buffers. (e) The location design and construction of stormwater outfalls shall limit impacts on receiving waters and comply with all appropriate local, State, and Federal requirements. Infiltration of stormwater shall be preferred, where reasonably feasible. (f) Stormwater management may include a low impact development stormwater conveyance system in the vegetation buffer, if the system is designed to mimic the function and appearance of a natural shoreline system and complies with all other requirements and standards of subsection F1 of this Section, Vegetation Conservation. Staff Comment: The proposed slot drain installation project would not result in a net loss of ecological function for the lower Cedar River. The project would be subject t o local stormwater requirements in the 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual. The proposed improvements would improve the quality of the water entering local water bodies by ensuring pooling water on the apron during storm events is channeled into the slot drain and subsequent water quality treatment facilities instead of directly discharging into the river. No ponds, vaults, or basins would be located within the vegetation conservation buffer and no new stormwater outfalls are proposed as a part of the project. DocuSign Envelope ID: B4935183-EB19-4C01-9D78-4C1FBAF79833 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Shoreline Management Permit Boeing Apron D Slot Drain LUA21-000343, SM DATE OF PERMIT: November 10, 2021 Page 14 of 15 Development of this project shall be undertaken pursuant to the following terms and conditions: 1. If any Native American grave(s) or archaeological/cultural resources (Indian artifacts) are found , all construction activities shall stop in accordance with RCW 27.53.060 and 27.44.020, and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the City of Renton planning department, concerned Tribes’ cultural committees, and the Washington State Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation. This Permit is granted pursuant to the Shoreline Management Action of 1971 and pursuant to the following: 1. The issuance of a license under the Shoreline Management Act of 1971 shall not release the applicant from compliance with federal, state, and other permit requirements. 2. This permit may be rescinded pursuant to Section 14(7) of the Shoreline Management Act of 1971 in the event the permittee fails to comply with any condition(s) hereof. 3. Construction permits shall not be issued until twenty-one (21) days after approval by the Washington State Department of Ecology or until any review proceedings initiated within this twenty-one (21) day review period have been completed. DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURE: ________________ Vanessa Dolbee, Planning Director Department of Community & Economic Development Date APPEALS: Appeals of Shoreline Substantial Development Permit issuance must be made directly to the Shorelines Hearings Board. Appeals are made by filing a request in writing within the twenty-one (21) days of receipt of the final order and concurrently filing copies of such request with the Washington State Department of Ecology and the Attorney General’s office as provided in section 18(1) of the Shorelines Management Act of 1971. All copies of appeal notices shall also be filed with the City of Renton Planning Division and the City Clerk’s office. EXPIRATION: Unless a different time period is specified in the shoreline permit as authorized by RCW 90.58.143 and subsection J1 of RMC 4-9-190, construction activities, or a use or activity, for which a permit has been granted pursuant to this Master Program must be commenced within two (2) years of the effective date of a shoreline permit, o r the shoreline permit shall terminate, and a new permit shall be necessary. However, the Planning Division may authorize a single extension for a period not to exceed one year based on reasonable factors, if a request for extension has been filed with the Planning Division before the expiration date, and notice of the proposed extension is given to parties of record and the Washington State Department of Ecology. DEFINITION OF COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: the construction applications must be submitted, permits must be issued, and foundation inspections must be completed before the end of the two (2) year period. cc: Office of Attorney General Boeing Corporation / Owner Mark Clement / Applicant/Contact City of Renton Official File DocuSign Envelope ID: B4935183-EB19-4C01-9D78-4C1FBAF79833 11/10/2021 | 3:21 PM PST City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Shoreline Management Permit Boeing Apron D Slot Drain LUA21-000343, SM DATE OF PERMIT: November 10, 2021 Page 15 of 15 CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT & DECISION EXHIBITS Project Name: Boeing Apron D Slot Drain Project Number: PR21-000350 / LUA21-000343 Date of Report November 10, 2021 Staff Contact Alex Morganroth Senior Planner Project Contact/Applicant Mark Clement, The Boeing Company 737 Logan Ave N, Renton, WA 98057 mark.d.clement@boeing.com Project Location 737 Logan Ave N (APN's 0723059046 & 0723059001) THE FOLLOWING EXHIBITS ARE INCLUDED WITH THE ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION REPORT: Exhibit 1: Permit for Shoreline Management Evaluation Form & Decision Exhibit 2: Site Plan Exhibit 3: Plan Set Exhibit 4: Habitat Data Narrative Report, prepared by Wood Environmental & Infrastructure Solutions, dated May 27, 2021 Exhibit 5: King County Metro comment, dated September 23, 2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: B4935183-EB19-4C01-9D78-4C1FBAF79833