HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSE Shuffleton Precon Notes.pdfDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Last Modified 12/7/2018 1 [Subject] 11/12/2021 CITY OF RENTON PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING PSE Shuffleton C21000323, 11/12/2021 PROJECT PERSONNEL: Jonathan Chavez, Project Manager, 425-430-7288, jchavez@rentonwa.gov Patrick Decaro, Construction Inspector, 425-207-6013, pdecaro@rentonwa.gov Clark Close, Senior Planner, 425-430-7289, cclose@rentonwa.gov Corey Thomas, Fire Inspector, 425-430-7024, CThomas@RentonRFA.org GENERAL: 1. Call the construction inspection line at 425-430-7203 24 hours before you start work. Notify Fire Dispatch, Renton Police Department, and King County Metro of project construction schedule. Fire Dispatch can be reached at 253-852-2121. The Renton Police Department can be reached at 425-430-7500. King County Metro can be reached at 206-477-1140. 2. CONSTRUCTION HOURS OUTSIDE OF RIGHT OF WAY: 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM Monday thru Friday and 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM on Saturday. Saturday work is by permission only. No work is allowed on Sunday. 3. CONSTRUCTION HOURS INSIDE OF RIGHT OF WAY: Follow approved traffic control plan. Saturday work is by permission only. No work is allowed on Sunday. 4. RIGHT OF WAY HAUL HOURS: 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM Monday thru Friday. Hauling on Saturday is by permission only. No hauling is allowed on Sunday. 5. INSPECTION HOURS: 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM Monday thru Friday. Contractor must call for City inspection before 3:00 PM on the previous day. Inspections outside of inspection hours must be requested. 6. To request work, hauling, and inspections outside of the hours listed above, contact the City no later than three working days prior to the requested activity. 7. After hours inspection fees (applies to inspections performed on Saturdays, Sundays, observed City of Renton holidays, and non-holiday Monday-Fridays outside the hours of 7:00am to 3:30pm). Current fees can be found on the City of Renton Fee Schedule. Any outstanding fees are to be paid by the specialized billing contact provided by the applicant. 8. Public Works Reimbursement (any work performed by City forces or under City contract on behalf of a permit applicant to repair damage to the City infrastructure caused by the permit applicant or contractor under its control, or any and all roadway or right-of-way cleanup efforts performed by City forces or under City contract that resulted from the work performed by the permit applicant or contractors under its control. Current fees can be found on the City of Renton Fee Last Modified 9/6/2017 2 PSE Shuffleton C21000323, 11/12/2021 Schedule. Any outstanding fees are to be paid by the specialized billing contact provided by the applicant. 9. Contractors shall use only sets of drawings approved by the City for constructing utility and transportation improvements. Approved drawings are signed by the Project Manager and / or other city staff on each plan sheet. A set of approved drawings shall be kept on-site at all times. 10. RECORD DRAWINGS: It is the responsibility of the contractor and engineer to keep record drawings. All changes to the approved construction plans shall be shown on the record drawings. Record drawings are required to be submitted to the City. Record drawings submitted to the City shall be prepared, stamped, and signed by a Professional Land Surveyor or Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Washington. All plan sheets with utility and transportation improvements including those constructed per design, must be verified, stamped, and signed “As-Built”. Record drawings shall first be submitted to the City for review by the Public Works Inspector. Once the record drawings are approved by the Public Works Inspector, final electronic plans (PDF) shall be submitted for City permanent records. Recording of the final plat or short plat or issuance of final occupancy will not be completed until final record drawings are received. 11. If the materials shown on the approved plans differ from those shown in the City standard details, material submittals shall be made to the Project Manager for approval prior to installation. 12. MINOR FIELD CHANGES: Identify the proposed change(s) to the Public Works Inspector. If the Public Works Inspector determines that the change(s) is minor, the Public Works Inspector can approve the change(s) in the field. A summary of any minor changes approved by the Public Works Inspector shall be emailed to the Project Manager. If the Public Works Inspector determines that the change(s) needs further review and approval from other City staff, the contractor shall follow the directions in the Major Field Changes section below. 13. MAJOR FIELD CHANGES: Submit a digital plan clearly showing the proposed change(s) and justification via email to the Project Manager and Public Works Inspector. City staff will respond to the requested change within two business days. The Public Works Inspector cannot give approval for major construction changes in the field. 14. Trenches with City utilities shall be left open for inspection prior to backfill. 15. A spill kit shall be located on site and easily identifiable with signage. 16. PROJECT CLOSEOUT: The Civil Construction Permit Final Inspection and Construction Closeout Process Requirements document gives information of the requirements for construction closeout. The current version of the Final Inspection and Construction Closeout Process and Requirements document is included in this preconstruction meeting packet. All requirements of the codes and regulations for the construction permit closeout should be followed by the contractor and developer. 17. FINAL INSPECTION WALKTHROUGH: Contractor shall accompany the Site Inspector during the final walkthrough and provide any required traffic control. Last Modified 9/6/2017 3 PSE Shuffleton C21000323, 11/12/2021 TRANSPORTATION: 1. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN: An approved traffic control plan in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) is required prior to any construction activity in the right of way. A traffic control plan should be submitted to the Project Manager for review at least five working days prior to proposed work in the right of way. The traffic control plan shall be submitted with the traffic control plan cover sheet found here: https://rentonwa.gov/city_hall/public_works/transportation_systems/operations/traffic/traffic _control_plans The traffic control plan shall address both roadway / vehicular and sidewalk / pedestrian traffic impacts. All traffic control plans will be required to submit no later than five (5) working days before the date of work. 2. STREET RESTORATION: Street restoration is required to conform to the City of Renton Trench Restoration and Street Overlay Requirements. A copy has been provided. All street repairs shall be complete and in place within 14 days, or as directed by the Public Works Inspector. 3. PAVING: Paving shall be done in accordance with WSDOT Standard Specifications Division 5. Weather limitations from this specification shall be followed. Reference Section 5-04.3(16) for HMA weather limitations. Pavement subgrade and rock surfaces shall be compacted to at least 95% of the maximum density. 4. TRENCHES: Trenches shall not be left overnight without approval of the Public Works Inspector. Trenches shall be backfilled, plated, or fenced. The proposed method of cover or protection shall be submitted to the Public Works Inspector for approval. Shoring plates and cold mix shall be available on site at all times. The Public Works Inspector will require cold mix for trench restoration in sidewalks or driveways. 5. City streets shall be kept clean at all times. Streets shall be swept in a timely manner. Truck washing and / or other measures as approved by the Public Works Inspector may be required for the duration of the project. 6. Construction traffic shall observe all traffic laws. All hauling shall consist of legal loads. 7. The right of way shall remain unobstructed when possible. No stockpiles are allowed in the right of way. All truck maneuvering and materials storage shall occur on-site. 8. NOISE VARIANCE: Projects that include construction between 10 pm and 7 am will require a noise variance if the project is located within 300 feet of a residential zone. • For work not exceeding 2 days, an Administrative noise variance is required. The process will take approximately five to six weeks for the review, public notification, decision, and end of appeal period prior to start of work. • For work exceeding 2 days, a Public Hearing will be required. The process will take approximately twelve weeks for the review, public notification, Public Hearing, Hearing Examiner decision, and end of appeal period prior to start of work. Last Modified 9/6/2017 4 PSE Shuffleton C21000323, 11/12/2021 Please consider the noise variance time requirements when you plan and schedule the construction work. CITY UTILITIES STORM/EROSION CONTROL: 1. Approved temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) and stormwater pollution prevention and spill control (SWPPS) measures are to be installed as first order of business and maintained at all times per the approved drawings or at the direction of the Construction Stormwater Supervisor, or the project Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL), and the Public Works Inspector. 2. The approved Construction Storm Pollution Prevention Plan (CSWPPP) shall be located on site at all times. 3. The Construction Stormwater Supervisor or CESCL shall review the site’s TESC and SWPPS measures at least weekly and within 24 hours of significant storms. 4. If dewatering for the site is required, all site construction stormwater discharge shall be less than 25 NTUs if discharged into Waters of the State. Any pipe conveyance system that eventually discharges to a body of water is construed as discharging into Water of the State. 5. If dewatering is proposed to the City sewer then a permit from the City and King County will be required. If dewatering is proposed to a sewer system belonging to another sewer district, contact that district for approval. Contractor is strongly encouraged to obtain all required sewer discharge permits in advance of any anticipated need to discharge to a sewer. 6. Wet Season requirements found in Appendix D of the 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual (RSWDM) shall be adhered to for construction occurring between October 1st and April 30th. 7. Dust control shall be implemented as directed by the Public Works Inspector. 8. Proper removal of all TESC measures is required prior to permit closeout unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Inspector or Project Manager. 9. Pipe and materials shall be as indicated on the approved plans and standard notes. 10. When installing storm drain in new roadways, the proposed road prism shall be constructed to subgrade prior to any utility installation. 11. Contractor must notify the Project Manager and Public Works Inspector of any vertical conflict prior to proceeding with construction. Any proposed changes shall be submitted to the City as described in the Major Field Changes note. 12. Pipe bedding material shall be per WSDOT Standard Specifications 9-03.12(3) or as approved by the Public Works Inspector. Backfill shall be compacted to at least 95% of maximum density. Compaction testing is required. Last Modified 9/6/2017 5 PSE Shuffleton C21000323, 11/12/2021 13. Smooth interior wall corrugated polyethylene stormwater pipe, where permitted, shall use watertight couplings. It shall also be bedded in pea gravel as described in the City specifications. 14. Catch basins shall be grouted smoothly. 15. No shims or wedges shall be used on any utility structure. 16. Contractor will be responsible for TVing of the storm drain. Pressure tests on the storm drain shall be per City specifications. 17. The storm system shall be flushed and cleaned prior to final approval. This includes the downstream system for a minimum of two structures or 500 feet, whichever is greater. FIRE PREVENTION: 1. Access to the site shall be maintained at all times. Access must be able to support emergency equipment in all types of weather. 2. A separate permit from the Renton Fire Authority is required for the following items. These permits can be applied for at the 6th Floor of City Hall. a. Underground water mains serving fire sprinkler systems. All fire sprinkler systems shall be installed by a Fire Sprinkler Contractor licensed in the State of Washington. b. Temporary storage, handling, or use of hazardous materials, as required by International Fire Code and City of Renton Ordinance. c. Temporary storage of fuel on site. d. Abandonment, removal, or installation of fuel storage tanks. e. Hot works on site (welding, soldering, cutting, brazing, etc.). PLANNING: 1. Contact the Planning Reviewer directly for landscape inspection. 2. The contractor / applicant shall comply with all conditions of land use approval and SEPA Environmental Review. Conditions are listed on the first or second sheet of the approved plan. CONDITIONS TO ISSUANCE OF A CONSTRUCTION PERMIT: 1. Pay all system development, special assessment, and other outstanding permit fees. 2. Provide a surety device in the amount calculated by the City’s Bond Quantity Worksheet. The surety device can be a permit bond, assignment of funds, or irrevocable letter of credit. The Bond Quantity Worksheet and form for each time of surety device can be found in the Development Engineering Forms section of the City website located here: http://rentonwa.gov/business/default.aspx?id=42473. 3. Provide a copy of the utility / dirt contractor’s license number. Last Modified 9/6/2017 6 PSE Shuffleton C21000323, 11/12/2021 4. Provide a copy of the utility / dirt contractor’s City of Renton business license number. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Page 1 of 10 | Published: 2/16/2018 Planning Division | 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200 Website: rentonwa.gov TRENCH RESTORATION AND STREET OVERLAY REQUIREMENTS Published : 2/16/2018 It is the intent of the following policies, procedures and specifications to obtain satisfactory work with a minimum of delay to all parties concerned when performing trench restorations or street overlays. PURPOSE The purpose of this Code Section is to establish guidelines for the restoration of City streets disturbed by installation of utilities and other construction activities. Any public or private utilities, general contractors, or others permitted to work in the public right-of-way will adhere to the procedures set forth in this policy. DEFINITION Engineer: The term “engineer” shall denote the City project manager, inspector and/or plan reviewer, or their designated representative. APPLICATION The following standards in this Section shall be followed when doing trench or excavation work within the paved portion of any City of Renton right-of-way. Modifications or exemptions to these standards may be authorized by the Community and Economic Development Administrator, or authorized representative, upon written request by the permittee, the permittee’s contractor or engineer, and demonstration of an equivalent alternative. HOURS OF OPERATIONS Hours for work within the roadway for asphalt overlays or trench restoration shall be as directed by the Traffic Control Plan requirements and the Traffic Operations Engineer. INSPECTION The Engineer may determine in the field that a full street-width (edge-of-pavement to edge-of-pavement) overlay is required due to changes in the permit conditions such as, but not limited to the following: 1. There has been damage to the existing asphalt surface due to the contractor’s equipment. 2. The trench width was increased significantly or the existing pavement is undermined or damaged. 3. Any other construction related activities that require additional pavement restoration. TRENCH RESTORATION AND STREET OVERLAY REQUIREMENTS (CONT ’D ) Page 2 of 10 | Published: 2/16/2018 CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS All materials and workmanship shall be in accordance with the City of Renton Standard and Supplemental Specifications (current adopted version) except where otherwise noted in these standards. Materials and workmanship are required to be in conformance with standards for the Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction prepared by the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association (APWA) and the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and shall comply with the current edition, as modified by the City of Renton Supplemental Specifications. 1. An asphalt paver shall be used in accordance with Section 5-04.3(3) of Standard Specifications. A “Layton Box” or equal may be used in place of the power-propelled paver. Rollers shall be used in accordance with Section 5- 04.3(4) of the Standard Specifications. “Plate Compactors” and “Jumping Jacks” shall not be used in lieu of rollers. 2. Trench backfill and resurfacing shall be as shown in the City of Renton Standard Details, unless modified by the City permit. Surfacing depths shown in the standard details are minimums and may be increased by the Engineer to meet traffic loads or site conditions. 3. Requirement for Patching, Overlay, and Overlay Widths: All trench and pavement cuts shall be made by sawcut or by grinding. Sawcuts or grinding shall be a minimum of one foot (1') outside the trench width. The top two inches (2") of asphalt shall be ground down to a minimum distance of one foot (1') beyond the actual outside edges of the trench and shall be replaced with two inches (2") of Class B asphalt, per City of Renton Standard Plans. At the discretion of the engineer, a full street width overlay may be required. Lane-width or a full street-width overlay will be determined based upon the location and length of the proposed trench within the roadway cross-section. Changes in field conditions may warrant implementation of additional overlay requirements. a. Trenches (Road Crossings): (1) The minimum width of a transverse patch (road crossing) shall be six and one-half feet (6.5'). See City of Renton Standard Plans. (2) Any affected lane will be ground down two inches (2") and paved for the entire width of the lane. (3) The patch shall be a minimum of one foot (1') beyond the excavation and patch length shall be a minimum of an entire traveled lane. (4) If the outside of the trenching is within three feet (3') of any adjacent lane line, the entire adjacent traveled lane affected will be repaved. (5) An area including the trench and one foot (1') on each side of the trench but not less than six and one- half feet (6.5') total for the entire width of the affected traveled lanes will be ground down to a depth of two inches (2"). A two-inch (2") overlay of Class B asphalt will be applied per City standards. b. Trenches Running Parallel with the Street: (1) The minimum width of a longitudinal patch shall be four and one-half feet (4.5'). See City of Renton Standard Plans. (2) If the trenching is within a single traveled lane, an entire lane-width overlay will be required. TRENCH RESTORATION AND STREET OVERLAY REQUIREMENTS (CONT ’D ) Page 3 of 10 | Published: 2/16/2018 (3) If the outside of the trenching is within three feet (3') of any adjacent lane line, the entire adjacent traveled land affected will be overlaid. (4) If the trenching is greater than or equal to 30% of lane per block (660 foot maximum block length), or if the total patches exceed 12 per block, then the lanes affected will be overlaid. Minimum overlay shall include all patches within the block section. (5) The entire traveled lane width for the length of the trench and an additional ten feet (10′) at each end of the trench will be ground down to a depth of two inches (2′′). A two-inch (2′′) overlay of Class B will be applied per City standards. c. Potholing: Potholing shall meet the same requirements as trenching and pavement restoration. Potholi ng shall be a minimum of one foot (1') beyond the excavation. All affected lanes will be ground down to a depth of two inches (2") and paved not less than six and one half feet (6.5') wide for the entire width of the lane. Potholes greater than five feet (5') in length, width or diameter shall be restored to trench restoration standards. In all cases potholes shall be repaired per Renton Standard Plans. Restoration requirements utilizing vactor equipment will be determined by the Engineer. 4. Pavement Removal in Lieu of Grinding: The contractor in all cases can remove the pavement in the replacement area instead of grinding out the specified two inches (2") of asphalt. Full pavement replacement to meet or exceed the existing pavement depth will be required for the area of pavement removal. Patching of pervious concrete shall follow American Concrete Institute (ACI) 522.1-13. Porous asphalt shall be specified on a project-by-project basis by the engineer. Permeable materials should be replaced in-kind where feasible. Patching porous asphalt with conventional asphalt is acceptable if it is no more than ten percent (10%) of the total facility area or does not impact the overall facility function. Appropriate precautions shall be taken during pavement repair and replacement efforts to prevent clogging of adjacent surfaces. 5. Trench Backfill and Restoration Construction Requirements: a. Trench restoration shall be either by a patch or overlay method, as required and indicated on City of Renton Standard Plans. b. All trench and pavement cuts, which will not be overlaid, shall be made by sawcut or grinding. Sawcuts shall be a minimum of two feet (2') outside the excavated trench width. c. All trenching within the top four feet (4') shall be backfilled with crushed surfacing materials conforming to Section 4-04 of the Standard Specifications. Any trenching over four feet (4') in depth may use materials approved by the Engineer or Materials Lab for backfilling below the four-foot (4') depth. d. If the existing material (or other material) is determined by the Engineer to be suitable for backfill, the contractor may use the native material except that the top six inches (6") shall be crushed surfacing top course material. e. The trench shall be compacted to a minimum ninety-five percent (95%) density, as described in Section 2- 03 of the Standard Specifications. In the top six feet (6') of any trench, backfill compa ction shall be performed in eight (8) to twelve-inch (12") lifts. Any trench deeper than six feet (6') may be compacted in TRENCH RESTORATION AND STREET OVERLAY REQUIREMENTS (CONT ’D ) Page 4 of 10 | Published: 2/16/2018 twenty-four inch (24") lifts, up to the top six-foot (6') zone. All trench backfill shall be firm and unyielding but in no case shall be compacted to more than ninety-two percent (92%) of maximum density in permeable pavement areas. f. All compaction shall be performed by mechanical methods. The compaction tests may be performed in four-foot (4') vertical increments maximum. The test results shall be given to the Engineer for review and approval prior to paving. The number and location of tests required shall be determined by the Engineer. d. Temporary restoration of trenches for overnight use shall be accomplished by using MC mix (cold mix), Asphalt Treated Base (ATB), or steel plates, as approved by the Engineer. ATB used for temporary restoration may be dumped directly into the trench, bladed out and rolled. After rolling, the trench must be filled flush with asphalt to provide a smooth riding surface. If the temporary trench restoration does not hold up, the contractor shall repair the patch within eight hours of being notified of the problem by the City. This requirement applies 24 hours per day, seven days per week. In the event that the City determines to repair the temporary patch, the contractor shall reimburse the City in an amount that is double the City’s costs in repairing the patch, with the second half of the reimbursement to represent City overhead and hidden costs. e. Asphalt Concrete Class E or Class B shall be placed to the compacted depth as required and indicated on City of Renton Standard Plans or as directed by the Engineer. The grade of asphalt shall be AR-4000W. The materials shall be made in conformance with Section 9-02.1(4) of the Standard Specifications. f. Tack coat shall be applied to the existing pavement at edge of saw cuts and shall be emulsified asphalt grade CSS-1, as specified in Section 9-02.1(6) of the Standard Specifications. Tack shall be applied as specified in Section 5-04 of the Standard Specifications. g. Asphalt Concrete Class E or Class B shall be placed in accordance with Section 5-04 of the Standard Specifications; except those longitudinal joints between successive layers of asphalt concrete shall be displaced laterally a minimum of twelve inches (12"), unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Fine and coarse aggregate shall be in accordance with Section 9-03.8 of the Standard Specifications. All street surfaces, walks or driveways within the street trenching areas shall be feathered and shimmed to an extent that provides a smooth-riding connection and expeditious drainage flow for the newly paved surface. Feathering and shimming shall not decrease the minimum vertical curb depth below four inches (4") for storm water flow. The Engineer may require additional grinding to increase the curb depth available for storm water flow in areas that are inadequate. Shimming and feathering as required by the Engineer shall be accomplished by raking out the oversized aggregates from the Class B mix as appropriate. Surface smoothness shall be per Section 5-04.3(13) of the Standard Specifications. The paving shall be corrected by removal and repaving of the trench only. Asphalt patch depths will vary based upon the streets being trenched. The actual depths of asphalt and the work to be performed shall be as required and indicated on City of Renton Standard Plans. Compaction of all lifts of asphalt shall be a minimum ninety-two percent (92%) of density as determined by WSDOT Test Method 705. The number of tests required shall be determined by the Engineer. TRENCH RESTORATION AND STREET OVERLAY REQUIREMENTS (CONT ’D ) Page 5 of 10 | Published: 2/16/2018 Testing shall be performed by an independent testing lab with the results being supplied to the Engineer. Testing is not intended to relieve the contractor from any liability for the trench restoration. It is intended to show the inspector, and the City, that the restoration meets these specifications. h. All joints, except those associated with permeable pavement, shall be sealed using paving asphalt AR- 4000W. i. When trenching within the unpaved roadway shoulder(s), the shoulder shall be restored to its original condition, or better. j. The final patch shall be completed as soon as possible and shall not exceed fifteen (15) working days after first opening the trench. This time frame may be adjusted if delays are due to inclement paving weather or other adverse conditions that may exist. However, delaying of final patch or overlay work is subject to the Engineer’s approval. The Engineer may deem it necessary to complete the work within the fifteen (15) working day time frame and not allow any time extension. Should this occur, the contractor shall perform the necessary work, as directed by the Engineer. k. A City of Renton Temporary Traffic Control Plan (from Renton Transportation Engineering) shall be submitted and approved by the Engineer a minimum of three (3) working days prior to commencement of work. 6. Removal of Utility Locate Markings from Sidewalks Required: The permittee will be required to remove utility locate marks on sidewalks only within the Center Downtown Zone. The permittee shall remove the utility locate marks within 14 days of job completion. PATCHED AREA i A q COVER COVER PER STD PLAN 401 SEE NOTE 9) SEAL WITH AR 4000 OR APPROVED EQUAL AND DRY SAND AFTER P L A N PATCHING NTS OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF SEE NOTE 9) ADJUSTMENT RING AND x SEE NOTE 2 X gOTTOM OF FRAME t---- MORTAR JOINT(S) (3/8" MIN.-2" MAX.) ADJUSTMENT RING (1" MIN.). SEE SEE NOTE 3 AND SPECIAL PROVISION NOTE 6. 7-05.3(1). SECTION A-A NOTES 1. REMOVE PAVEMENT AND BASE MATERIALS FOR A DISTANCE 5. CONSTRUCTION AND ADJUSTMENT SHALL BE PERFORMED WHICH IS EQUAL TO THE DIAMETER OF THE FRAME PLUS ONE ONLY BY A JOURNEYMAN MASON. FOOT(MIN.). ADJUST CASTING FRAME TO PAVEMENT SURFACE USING RISER RINGS AND MORTAR. 6. ADJUSTMENT OF THE FRAME TO GRADE SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED WITH ADJUSTMENT RINGS AND MORTAR ONLY. 2. REPLACE EXCAVATED MATERIAL WITH A MINIMUM OF 8"OF THE USE OF SHIMS IS PROHIBITED. HMA CLASS"PG 64-22(OR TO A DEPTH THAT S 2"BELOW THE BOTTOM OF THE UPPER ADJUSTMENT RING WHICHEVER 7• FRAME SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO PAVEMENT GRADE BY IS GREATER)OR AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. TAPPING UNTIL FRAME IS FLUSH WITH PAVEMENT AS DETERMINED WITH A STRAIGHT EDGE OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH. 3. ADJUSTMENT RINGS AND FRAME SHALL BE FULLY BEDDED IN MORTAR.MORTAR SHALL BE ASTM C270 FOR TYPE S. 8. ALL MORTAR JOINTS SHALL BE TRIMMED FLUSH AND REMAIN VISIBLE UPON COMPLETION. 4. MORTAR SHALL BE MIXED AND APPLIED PER MANUFACTURERS DIRECTIONS. 9. X=1'-0"MIN.TO 2'-6"MAX.-PER ENGINEER'S INSTRUCTION STD. PLAN - 106 j PUBLIC WORKS TY'CAL CONSTRUCTION A ROVED: al' DEPARTMENT AND ADJUSTMENT OF flMANNOLERISER3 e o r>tor DA E 1 1 VARIES 1 1 MIN MIN MIN I MIN SPECIAL NOTE: T < } x , 4INTHEEVENTTRANSVERSEPATCHESEXISTI ; WITHIN THE AFFECTEO STREET, THE LENGTH I I IOFTHEPATCHSHALLBEEXTENDEDTO INCLUDE ANY EXISTING PATCH WITHIN 10 j FEET OF THE EDGE OF THE PATCH REQUIRED iFORTHENEWCROSSINGANDANYf . . SUBSEQUENT PATCH EDGE WITHIN 70 FEE7 OF THE EDGE OF THE SECOND PATCH AND SO ON UP TO A TOTAL OF 300 FEET. I FACE OF GUTTER OR i I EDGE OF PAVEMENT k -=f-- a ; TRAFFIC FLOW 2" HMA I r a d` i i CENTER LINE ORILANELWE 2" TO 8" HMA i I 6.5' MIN. 2" DEPTH OF PLANING OR SAWCUT AND REMOVE VARIES: 6.5' MIN. DEPTH OF EXISTING PAVEMENT MIN I MIN VARIES { MIN I MINI 2" SAWCUT AND REMOVE OR PLANE, SEAL WITH 2" - 6" MIN. HMA (SEE NOTE 2)AR-4000W EACH SIDE) 6" CRUSHED SURFACWG TOP COURSE (CSTC) 2" HMA 9-03.9(3)) PER WSDOT STANDARO SPECIFICATIONS, COMPACTED TO 95% MODIFIED PROCTOR. SAWCUT AFTER BACKFILL EACH SIDE) CSTC, BANK RUN GRAVEL FOR TRENCH BACKFILL 9-03.19), GRAVEL BORROW (9-03.14(1)) PER WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS OR NATIVE MATERIAL IF APPROVED IN WRITING BY ENGINEER BASED ON GEOTECH REPORT, COMPACTED TO 95% MODIFIED PROCTOR. WIDTH OF TRENCH AS RE UIRED BY SIZE OF PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT (SEE WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 2-09.4) PLUS AN ALLOWANCE FOR ANY SHORING. SHORING, IF PIPE ZONE BEDDING. MATERIAL- SEE STANDARDNEEDED, SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT PLAN 110.1. STANDARD SPECIFICATION 7-08.3(1)B TRENCH WIDTH FOR NOTES, SEE STANDARD PLAN 110.1 TYPICAL TRANSVERSE PATCH FOR p - 110 PUBLIC WORKS FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT OR RIGID F'}'R 'E;D DEPARTMENT u j,.,, PAVEMENT WITN OVERLAY r T VARIES: 4.5' MIN. LANE LINE MARKING SAWCUT AFTER BACKFILL DEPTH OF EXISTING PAVEMENT 2" - 6" HMA 5EE NOTE 2) EDGE OF PAVEMENT, EDGE OF CURB & GUTTER, OR MIN. MIN. CENTER OF LANE MARKING 2" HMA (SEE NOTE 2) 6" CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE CSTC) (9-03.9(3)) PER WSDOT STANDARD 2" SAWCUT AND REMOVE SPECIFCATIONS, COMPACTED TO 95% OR PLANE, SEAL WITH MODIFIED PROCTOR AR-4000W CSTC, BANK RUN GRAVEL FOR TRENCH BACKFILL 9-03.19), GRAVEL BORROW (9-03.14(1)) PER WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS OR NATIVE MATERIAL IF APPROVED IN WRITING BY ENGINEER BASED ON GEOTECH REPORT, COMPACTED TO WIDTH OF TRENCH AS REQUIRED BY SIZE OF 95 MODIFIED PROCTOR. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT (SEE WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 2-09.4) PLUS AN PIPE ZONE BEDDING MATERIAL AND COMPACTION AS ALLOWANCE FOR ANY SHORING. SHORING, IF REQUIRED BY THE WSDOT STANDARD 5PECIFICATIONS NEEDED, SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF FOR THE TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT INSTALLED, EXCEPT: WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 7-08.3(1)B * FOR STORM AND WATER PIPE, PER STD PLAN 220.0 FOR SANITARY SEWER, PER STD PLAN 405 TRENCH WIDTH * FOR JOINT UTILITY TRENCH, SAND WITH 95 PASSING A #4 SIEVE AND LESS THAN 5 PASSING A #200 SIEVE NOTES: 1. WHEN EXISTWG PAVEMENT IN A LANE REQUIRING A FULL WIDTH REPLACEMENT IS BROKEN OR DETERIORATED TO A PAVEMENT CONDITION INDEX RATING OF 70 OR LESS, THE EXISTING PAVEMENT IN THAT LANE, AND FOR THAT DISTANCE SO CLASSIFIED, SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH HMA MATCHING THE DEPTH USED IN THE EXISTING STREET OR THE DEPTH PER CITY STANDARD, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. 2. PRINCIPAL/ MINOR/COLLECTOR, ARTERIAL, & INDUSTRIAL ACCESS STREETS - MATERIAL AND THICKNESS SHALL BE HMA CL " PG 64-22 AND MATCH EXISTING THICKNESS AND IN NO CASE LESS THAN 6". RESIDENTIAL ACCESS STREETS - HMA CL " PG 64-22. THE THICKNESS SHALL BE THAT OF THE EXISTING PAVEMENT SECTION AND IN NO CASE LESS TNAN 4". 3. WHEN THE "SAWCUT AFTER BACKFILL" ENCROACHES INTO AN ADJACENT LANE, CURB & GUTTER OR SHOULDER, THE AFFECTED LANE SHALL BE PLANED AND OVERLAID WITH HMA FULL WIDTH, THE CURB & GUTTER SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED, OR THE SHOULDER SHALL BE PLANED OR REMOVED AND OVERLAID WITH HMA. 4. IF TRENCH UNDERMINES EXISTING SIDEWALK AND/OR CURBS, THEN THE SIDEWALK AND/OR CURB SHALL BE REPLACED FROM EXPANSION JOINT TO EXPANSION JOINT. 5. IF TRENCHING THROUGH EXISTING DRNEWAY OR SIDEWALK RAMP, THE DRIVEWAY OR SIDEWALK RAMP SHALL BE REPLACED TO MEET ADA STANDARDS. TYPICAL LONGITUDINAL PATCH S"PD. PLAN - 110.1 PUBLIC WORKS FOR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT OR P1'R ;1;D DEPARTMENT RIGID PAVEMENT WITH OVERLAY o LANE ] LAt E LANE i f t ii 1 : f I f l j 4 INITIAL 2" DEEP SAWCUT OR GRIND, AND LIMIT OF FINAL OVERLAY. GRIND AND PAVE r FULL STREET WIDTH OVERLAY REQUIRED. J 'r t 1 J f/ t I ce: t(. p_. 2: t -, / . -I / t' If r .. }t , 1 i f 1` I t f EDGE OF EXISTING PAVEMENT 11 EDGE OF TRAVELED LANE (EDGE STRIPE) t VARIES: 4.5' MIN. (SEE STD PLAN 110.1)fI CENTER OF ANY MARKED LANE LINE, PROVIDE NEW CHANNELIZATION AFTER OVERLAY F t1 i r SECONDARY FULL DEPTH SAWCUT FOR 4 PROPOSED TRENCH t f I INITIAL 2" DEEP SAWCUT OR GRIND, AND f LIMIT OF FINAL OVERLAY. GRIND AND PAVE FULL STREET WIDTH OVERLAY REQUIRED CANE LAtV LANE r ___ _0 i __ FOR TYPICAL SECTION AND NOTES SEE STANDARD PLAN 110.1 3TD. PLAN - 110.2 PUBLIC WORKS REQUIRED SAWCUT, GRIND AND ppR' 'I,D:DEPARTMENT OVERLAY FOR LONGITUDINAL TRENCHES Q - R PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE (PCC) SHALL MEET THE MATERIAL AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS OF WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 5-05 SAW CUT SHALL BE VERTICAL SAW CUT SHALL BE VERTICAL AND IN STRAIGHT LWES AND W STRAIGHT LINES EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT s - SEE NOTES BELOW SEE WSDOT STANDARD i ` ii'' I SPECIFICATION 5-01.3(6)6" AND NOTES BELOW MIN. 6" MIN.12' EXISTING COMPACTED BASE SIDE OF TRENCH Z MIN. SIDE OF TRENCH CSTC, BANK RUN GRAVEL FOR TRENCH BACKFlLL 9-03-9(3)), GRAVEL BORROW (9-03.14(1)) PER COMPACTED CRUSHED SURFACING WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS OR NATIVE TOP COURSE. MATERI A IF APPROVED IN WRITING BY ENGINEER BASED ON GEOTECH REPORT, COMPACTED TO 95% MODIFIED PROCTOR. PANEL REPLACEMENT DETERMINATION NorEs: FULL CEMENT CONCRETE PANEL REPLACEMENT: t, rRnNsvERSE owrs FOR CEMENT CONCRETE SURFACE STREETS, THE 1/2" DIAM. X 18" 12" DOWEL BARS ON CENTER MEETING WSDOT STANDARD MINIMUM RESTORATION SHALL BE FULL PANEL SPECIFICATION 9-07.5. REPLACEMENT, IF ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS EXIST: 2. LONGITUDINAL JOINTS 5 TIE BARS X 30" 36" ON CENTER MEETING WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 9-07.6. CONDITIONS ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS 3. WHEN THE PCC PANEL IS LESS THAN 8" IN THICKNESS J 5 TIE BARS X 30" SHAL ALL BUS ROUTES BE USED. FOR TRANSVERSE JOINTS TIE BARS SHALL 8E ON 36" CENTERS WITH NO LESS THAN 2 BARS PER SIDE ON ALL INTERSECTIONS PLUS ONE PANE BEYOND THE SMALL REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENT CURB RETURN PANELS. 40 OR GREATER OF 4. TIE BARS AND CORROSION—RESISTANI EXISTING PANEL REMOVAL DOWEL BARS SHALL BE PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATION 5-05.3(10). EXCELLENT CONDITION (BASED ON VISUAL AND/OR 5. DOWELS SHALL NOT BE USED WHEN PCC NON—DESTRUCTION TESTING PANEL IS ESS THAN 8" IN THICKNESS. 6. NEW PCC PANEL SHALL MATCH PRINCIPAL, MINOR, COLLECTOR THICKNESS OF EXISTING CONCRETE ARTERIALS AND ALL STREETS PAVEMENT. IN CBD WITHOUT BUS ROUTES 7. FULL PCC PANEL REPLACEMENT IS NOT REQUIRED WHEN OVERLAID WITH ASPHALT PAVEMENT. TYPICAL PATCH FOR RIGID STD. PLAN - 111 PUBLIC WORKS pAVEMENT WITHOUT ASPHALT I'l'I'.C E;I)DEPARTMENT CONCRETE OVERLAY J(J -