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0 © CITY OF RENTON NA Planning/Building/Public Works ;' ��p t ,� �+cc , � • ® 30 _ 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 JAN 1 3'9 ,, 5 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Q 4-1 4 S S F 0 EI'S 4�4, t�{�4 T liFl 7)/ 4) WILLIAMS, MICHI Y 17648 103RD AVENUE SE RENTON, WA 98055 FORWARD TIMEOESR2029 RTN797 TO 5END1/16/99 _ WILLIAMS c� _,,;;. `;.� ` 8246 5 123RD ST fir_ _TUN <-. ,�� '. SEATTLE WA 98178-4418 ri T 0 8 NV1' WRITER '`*)4rep 0SS" GM%/ 7b2. iitittittitlittttitittititttiitttitittiitttltititittiiitttiiti • , Nt- aF kePROX. I) 000 �'+ Wit . o� s SP > i ,c) „noe„,„..„). , ,c11 ..."..r -I, 1_ <40itede,orrr-ipzeieerri i i I <</ • imp.4?....rplalilaatilorl Zrombil.mo Ram 10 'i • § ( linalii I 1" g i i il • .'§ . . : .114) . .. : / k f 1Z gii. .. _ _ --_ ;; f i CO 100041111Pal. i 0 . ' i t ' • . - Pll'A i - , i_ 1 1 43 [(1_, . • •-_ VI% p 2 ,51 RIM ....., I 141 . . . 14 ...... 8 N\ T G§,,,,, .., ,4\ , . lilk p.1 P-uPt NEW HORIZON SCHOOL • - - - -. - 1111 S . CARR �i�.vp i RENTON , WA I.• kz 15 t . C 6l' k VICINITY M-AP : : :41L . - : I . N r SCALE : 1 200 ' i ___. , _ ... mar- LINt of APPRmC. I)oeo FT W/i, R6FTrt1Y- ISE Q`V I� Q ck ki --I GI' , Ij� S I_ - .� ,_ - tip I a :11 CO RM-I f--8 w �rk SE 1180th St. ■.■�■.� , Eva NEW HORIZON SCHOOL 1111 S. CARR RD. 1 ( RENTON,WA 1 C VICINITY MAP •,A ( SCALE:1'..200' N l _l____ _ _ -1 LINE of Ar!Raw Uoeo wr_W/i fluting-Tr 12'-6" X / ),LA______ I__1, 1 I 3 u" X 28"u I 30X53DOOR (TYP.) I REC CLING &ARTS 1 n n L _ _IL_ _ _IL_ ____ _J ■ PRECAST WHEEL STOP OR 53X53GATE (TYP.) OTHER APPROVED BARRIER CONC. SLAB . -0 SLOPE 1/4" = 1'-0" = QC .4Q 4n ' U1 T, 1 L DUMPSTER—► Q d W/ WHEELS 53X 53STL. FRA , 4 HDWD. GATE W/ 1/2" PLLUD. SHT. S. S. 4 BEVELED SIDING TO MATCH •PTS. W/ LK. J PINS I, SOT. W/ LATmH. SUPPLY SHOP DWGS. FOR AP—ROVAL ;iv 6X6 POST (TYP.) PRIOR TO FAB. TO A"CH. I I 141 ®i 2X8 BUMPER WI 2X6 BLKG. (TYP.) 4"X4"X1/4" STL. POST W/ WELDED HINGES (3) TO STL. GATE (TYP.) C OSURE PL AN Scale: 1/4" = 1 ' —0" (S \\TRASL 2x8 R. S. CEDAR CAP \ \ "',I`_ (2) 2X6 TOP PLATES ON ul EDGE W/ SIMPSON HUC36 HANGER 6X6 P. T. POST 0 li TI-11 R. S. VERT. PATTERN rn EXT. PLYWOOD SIDING 1/2" CDX PLYWOOD SH. 7, , (2) 2X6 eLKG. FOR 2X8 R. S. d A BUMPER W/ 3/8" 0 X 6" L. 0 1 COUNTERSUNK LAG BOLTS 9 36" 0.C. 19 HORZ. SIDING TO C„ INT. EXT. MATCH BLDGS. N (2) 2X6 SOT. PLATES W/ _\ A�' SIMPSON HUC36 HANGER \ 0 0 0 . o•'•i o0 -I I - r I_— : l i 4" CONC. SLAB W/ LIGHT =1 I I-1 •' I 1 1" BROOM FINISH ``� —III— 7111 1— 4" COMP. GRAVEL BASE 1 . .;C1 1 UNDISTURBED SOIL t—_ _:s 11 5 SACK CONC. IN ;1111����i 171 l l i i�I 1,31" 0 AUGERED HOLES 9 T !,ASH ENCLOSURE SEC ll ION- oP" .EN�� C�:11�5 \�-3 Scale: 1 /2" = 1 ' —0" p“G 15 1�s8 • LANDSCAPING LEGEND: Cit1Mf RESIDENTIAL - MOBILE PARK exeTew oe ,n,x c0 MIAs 0 �. • 01000 ewuwml MIS 4ti '4, - - S ewaeo cove txrTen<ro coma ay ammo. :•;;:;:y;};;;;;:3 I __ eo.,x,n?lace NE ,Le I OOeVE.Ql10e ION �::::: ::::� `., __ ,lawu-1«e oµoeAem exwreE saoawAw [... I -C - _ • ------ - 1 •••••••• ,s_:-.::, Sao • _ _ • IAA 7.7....,.......-....-:_i__-_- • _: _- -- __ - =`- --- -- I _ :;,` \,\ �.. ----- ----- - _ -________„0 -703rd.-Ara S.E._( NDED IN F[1TURE)_- _ _-._ --- . I -I .:: _ a'X -- - - yG e I W2 ` a a\ zrs P. RESIDENTIAL zss "wa" I % /r N —103rd. 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(ER'IBNDED IN FUTURE) i 1 Z RESIDENTIAL \ zsg ' .rm"'� 1 1 ° I -•'G1 —103rd. Ave. S.6—_- - \'\\\, iY-' oawwiR wowrrt ,+ .+ - \ �i i I I .O�y. -+0.'' - - - \ 1i ' 1 MC -- _ ` \` ,. p 041;5• L\\S, a.a+ ,, Witmama 1 ..• 1 1 W *ow corm\ � /i'�.L raw a�,"-- tt f .evnra.n.tn ` I \�� Q 's1 oam.me /i P.4 I IL 11- O�� O,�\ TSB ya ° ° 111 ;•� • I- cn l� 1 W YGlAd{ el uj 4 I i 1I o.�. o,A+ LEG£L ) vin 4F, ,r, SD•STORM DRAM 2 NOTE .rn+ SS•SANITY MEUER ALL UTILITY LINES COMMERCIAL NURSERY STAGING LOT """""— P•POLLER OELECI SNOLLN ARE EXISTING 1.TELEPHONE AND TO REMAIN. G•GAS W•WATER r ® EXISTING UTILITIES PLAN Q SCALE : 1" a 40'-0" 2.2 IDOBB.WALL• (ii 1 � 6 ill Bella Y.•Nryo NOS EXI•11.BR DBE 'Mil niMMINIM=11±: [ MMINamw ..- i.a�-Iw Y n.ew-I.zI ` RAPT TO ea 7.- �� III III i � � di iiiiniiiiliiiliifiiiiniil7niiiin�iiilf�in'niiiilfiilSniiiilfiin'l�iiimn n.•.-_ k P•� I I I IIIIIIJJI ,.niifin mnnnnnntail n g nnnnnnnlmmfanulnumnm� umnttri I II`I I I I I I I I I I I I a�iinfunnnnnnmm�nmumnmm�lmnnnmm�mmm�mmmmnummm�mm�mm.�_- IIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII elinnnlnfnllllnn PTIlkirr fnnafnnnnntre"n�In01111f�nl 1 mnnnnnnn�O11fa111Y,. MAN PMFM ' .Ia::C1C:::IIa::gI:1:G;C:Ca;ifella:R.T.I:IC;Caa7:1:7171:1:ICIC:L;I i 1;a::I T1:i CI 1[1 '17i:1:ICRI Claaa 11/11/111 1011101111111a4a -- ` -- IMMIM I/ i Q / I— ll-- LOOMRK 1LR d 0 0 r • fi■! as 24. U n S (q p 1 ,9 jirEXISTING BUILDING ELEVATION AT (NORTH) x _a Scale: 1/4" = 1' -0" W W Z. ` WON*ROC} .lI.E,IEY. I CO 0 P a II W , J L 1 tN TO 111 L s WI,YYLL. 1 ExIGT. .. IBMt YRoory: 0 - CA iW Exl.BBC.. [ FIB,L... 1 EXIDT WIDOW I , 1 ..m I.. s ss A POMO EXISTING BUILDING ELEVATION (SOUTH) `4, • Scale: 1/4" = 1' -0" IX1ET.e RDG.. x1raAEe r LWI IIT shIcrqe y� � r w it' ..:. o ' u el. CDelTN Ro ; ... ----- -r ! o. Exro mu T.ul EXAM'.WA,I e K,Na_// M -_. -. _ _ __ in of L _ HAN 1.1.RR '• CD IOYERMRR VAX p O EXIST.uuu I '. CrED ::: 18.r0.'£LL /rD rDWoat- VOW.. Mil Z vi Z a N Z f BUILDING ELEVATION AT NEW STAIRS (WEST) s �a Scale: 1/4" = 1' -0" IXRTNi RDCt. I1 ilk AM CPT.1100.1 nnirul .4... rwnrnu Yu Yn 1 ''r' �T i , l ,, rum"immrY1�lY 1 L 14 Im mi lY 1 , mwnnmi i ¢ u xnrru Ylriw•I 71 . 41 - _ _ _ _ ZO Q a — WIT.•aau wi.1,6.o - W e�nsTNO Roc' J WORM INK= —. --.__—_ _ _ NDNi N RM RR - IXIlT.E'ALl.M.He _ - LEX.,. IDGE — W i a ..... 4- .------__\\ IXllT.WGLL. q IIORIZ OE`.ELED NM. • FOCTIMS ©BUILDING ELEVATION (EAST) 4,OO Scale: 1/4" = 1' -0" 2q Set of t bts 98- 111 EDLUND, GERALD EDLUND, L L C 15005 SE 171ST ST 15005 SE 171ST ST RENTON, WA 98058 RENTON, WA 98058 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF KING COUNTY KERSTETTER, GLEN A 15455 65TH AVENUE SOUTH 17102 146TH AVENUE SE TUKWILA, WA 98188 RENTON, WA 98058 COVENANT DEVELOPMENT CORP EDLUND, GERALD 5101 N FRANCISCO AVENUE 15005 SE 171ST CHIGAGO, IL 60625 RENTON, WA 98058 COVENANT DEVELOPMENT CORP OLSON, BARBARA 5101 N FRANCISCO AVENUE 10017 CARR ROAD SE CHICAGO, IL 60625 RENTON, WA 98055 BALACLAVA HOLDINGS INC. WILLIAMS, MICHI Y 355 BURRARD ST #1550 17648 103RD AVENUE SE VANCOUVER, BC V6C 2G8 RENTON, WA 98055 BALACLAVA HOLDINGS INC. BALACLAVA HOLDINGS INC. 355 BURRARD ST#1550 355 BURRARD ST#1550 VANCOUVER, BC V6C 2G8 VANCOUVER, BC V6C 2G8 MCLAUGHLIN, WILLIAM L JR MCLAUGHLIN PROPERTIES L L C PO BOX 60106 PO BOX 60106 RENTON, WA 98058 RENTON, WA 98058 COLACURCIO, DOLORES EDLUND ABEL N& RUTH 5508 24TH AVENUE NE 5508 24TH AVEUNE NE TACOMA, WA 98422 TACOMA, WA 98422 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: January 12, 1999 TO: LUA98-177, CU-H, ECF FROM: Roy Publico, Assistant Planner x7289 ..-CK SUBJECT: New Horizon School Portable Classrooms New Horizon School proposes to install two portable classrooms on the site of the existing school. The site is zoned R-10. Per Code Section 4-2-070F, up to 4 new portables may be installed on a school site as a secondary use, subject to site plan review. Section 4-9-200.B.2a in the RMC Exceptions for Secondary Uses states: "Where secondary uses are required to file an application for a site plan review by the provisions of the zoning regulations, but would otherwise be exempt from the site plan review requirements, the decisions of the Zoning Administrator shall not be subject to public notice and comment, or the requirement for a public hearing." Given this code provision, no public notice or comment is required. The submittal requirements for site plan approval regarding "Mailing Labels for Property Owners" and "List of Surrounding Property Owners" have been waived. • 1 i 4-9-200C 9. To provide a mechanism to more effec- 4. Hazardous Waste Facilities: All haz- tively meet the purposes and intent of the ardous waste treatment and storage facilities. State Environmental Policy Act; C. EXEMPTIONS: 10. To supplement other land use regula- tions by addressing site plan elements not 1. Development Exempt from Site Plan adequately covered elsewhere in the City Review in All Zones (except R-10 and Code and to avoid violation of the purpose R-14): In all zones, the following types of de- and intent of those codes. (Ord. 3981, velopment shall be exempt from the require • - 4-7-1986) ments of site plan review: B. APPLICABILITY: a. Interior Remodels: Interior remodel No building permit shall be issued for any use re- of existing buildings or structures, pro- quiring site plan approval pursuant to this Section vided: until the Environmental Review Committee has determined that a public hearing is not required or i. The alterations conform with any the Hearing Examiner has approved or approved prior approved site plan; and with conditions the site plan application. All build- ing permits issued shall be in compliance with the ii. The alterations do not modify the approved site plan. Site plan review is required existing site layout. for: b. Facade Modifications: In addition, 1. All Development in Certain Zones: All facade modifications such as the location development in the Industrial Light(IL),Com- of entrances/exits;the location of win- mercial Office (CO) and Public Use (P-1) dows; changes in signage; or aesthetic Zones and CC,CN,CD,CA,CS and the Res- alterations shall be exempt. (Ord. 4008, idential Use—Maximum 10 Units per Acre 7-14-1986) (R-10), Manufactured Housing Park (RMH), Residential Multi-Family(RM) and Residen- c. Planned Unit Developments. tial Use—Maximum 14 Units per Acre(R-14) Zones, d. Conditional Use Permits. a. Requirements for R-10 Zone De- e. Off-Premises Signs (Billboards). velopments: (Deleted by Ord. 4773, 3-22-1999) (Ord. 4636, 9-23-1996) f. SEPA-Exempt Developments: All development categorically exempt from 2. Specified and Secondary Uses: Sec- review under the State Environmental ondary uses and other uses specified within Policy Act (chapter 43.21 C RCW and each zoning district, provided that: chapter 197-11 WAC) and under RMC 4-9-070, Environmental Review Proce- a. Exceptions for Secondary Uses: dures. Where secondary uses are required to file an application for a site plan review by g. Minor Work in Shoreline Areas: the provisions of the zoning regulations, Minor new construction, repair, remodel- but would otherwise be exempt from the ing and maintenance activities that would site plan review requirements, the deci- otherwise be exempt from site plan ap- sions of the Zoning Administrator shall proval if they were not located within the not be subject to public notice and com- Shoreline Master Program jurisdiction. ment, or the requirement for a public (Ord. 3981, 4-7-1986) hearing. (Ord. 4404,6-7-1993) 2. Development Exempt from Site Plan 3. Development within the Valley Plan- Review in the R-10 and R-14 Zones: In the ping Area:All development within the Valley R-10 and R-14 Zones,the following types of Planning Area. development shall be exempt from the re- quirements of site plan review: 9 - 59 (Revised 4/99) 1 � -- - I.- '"••.!:: • ', I i- / I cE •,-.••ti• • • -,..,;i:.4',.. ................ • i •.. •:; . i I.....(5) ..; t .. •,...r.t.i. tV . • . 4.140 II . •!\ ,i. %. ...." .''1',:g.Z c*. , ,, ‘ ilialt11111111111111(1C2 . ii ,ilb • ._ , . - . • . • A ...i'....i.'.. Ft . • , ....:i.4 . ., Am. iiiii.IN , •. 1 , • .rt:.,,..•••••,,,i'.1. ,... x • 1011 frig• 1 •,i•t...' '<to • . , •. .•• Al , . -, .411,, • .:•(.:, - ..... • ‘dinr,V,.. .:: •:,.... -... %"'„P-''. (a, . :(....I .Ltii /If Illi . , • liii KriV:"J'. ;*::1 . . . • .,.... A „AI-....• ... .:.i:i 7,,,, . 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Plain Map, if applieable 4 ..:: Floor Plans 3 AN0 4 Geotechntcal Reportz�r+o3 • Grading Plan, Conceptual 2 Grading Plan, Detailedz King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site 4 Landscaping Plan, Conceptuala'' Legal Description 4 List of Surrounding PrOperty Ownersa • Mailing Labels for Property Owners 4 Map of Existing Site Conditions 4 Master Application Form 4 Monument Cards::(one per monument) , . 1 Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 • • • Plan Reductions (PMTs) 4 l Postage 4 Public Works Approval Letter2 Title Report or Plat Certificate 4 Topography Map (5' contours)3 X Traffic Study 2 / J Tree CuttingNegetation Clearing Plan 4 Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 i .• Wetlands Delineation Map4 01\:,1 K Wetlands Planting Plan k Wetlands Study 4 61/1 i/vILOy)ineAt.10, This requirement may be waived by: t q. 1. Property Services Section PROJECT NAME: uFW NOF L0 SC l— Pc-)RT 64..- 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3 Building Section DATE: �16�4� fla a m lnnant Planninn Sectinn CIT. OF RENTON =IL ItN4Hearing Examiner Jesse Tanner,Mayor Fred J.Kaufman April26, 1999 Penny Wight, Administrator Carol Grimes, Board President New Horizon School 1111 South Carr Road Renton, WA 98055 • Re: NEW HORIZON SCHOOL FILE No. LUA98-177,CU-H Dear Ms. Wight and Ms. Grimes: The Examiner's Report and Decision on the above referenced matter, which was issued on March 25, 1999, was not appealed within the 14-day period established by ordinance. Therefore, this matter is considered final by this office and the file on your application is being transmitted to the City Clerk as of this date. Please feel free to contact this office if further assistance or information is required. Sincerely, Fred J. Kaufman Hearing Examiner FJK/mm cc: Jennifer Henning Sandi Seeger, Development Services 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 - (425)430-6515 GRJ This naoer contains 50%recycled material.20%cost consumer AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. County of King ) MARILYN MOSES , being first duly sworn,upon oath, deposes and states: That on the 25th day of March,1999, affiant deposited in the mail of the United States a sealed envelope(s) containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. Signature: (/ 1' l cf(. 131 C7 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this V'l`wf day of fYla/toit , 1999. 1544.11 711..U.47/1-4,11/A, Notary Public in al f r the State of Washington, residing at ,therein. Application, Petition, or Case No.: New Horizon School LUA98-177,CU-H The Decision or Recommendation contains a complete list of the Parties of Record March 25, 1999 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION APPLICANT: Penny Wight and Carol Grimes New Horizon School File No.: LUA-98-177,CU-H LOCATION: 1111 South Carr Road SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To add to existing building for purpose of providing classrooms for private school SUMMARY OF ACTION: Development Services Recommendation: Approve with conditions DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on February 24, 1999 PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report,examining available information on file with the application,field checking the property and surrounding area;the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The following minutes are a summary of the March 2, 1999 hearing. The legal record is recorded on tape. The hearing opened on Tuesday,March 2, 1999,at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No. 1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No. 2: Vicinity and zoning map application, proof of posting,proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No.3: Site plan Exhibit No.4: North and south elevation drawing of building Exhibit No. 5: East and west elevation drawings of building The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by JENNIFER HENNING, Project Manager, Development Services,City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way,Renton, Washington 98055. The applicant requests conditional use permit for continuance of a private school within an existing church building and annex located in the south portion of Renton. The tenant improvements to add classrooms will be in the church Penny Wight and Carol Grimes New Horizon School File No.: LUA-98-177,CU-H March 25, 1999 Page 2 building only. The site is 3.77 acres and is partially developed with structures,parking and circulation driveway. The current 3,400 square foot structure would be expanded by adding 1,500 square feet to the second story,therefore not changing the existing footprint. Three classrooms and a stairway would be constructed. The site slopes from east to west and where steep slopes exist on the eastern portion there is no development. There is existing landscaping. The Comprehensive Plan(CP)policies and objectives are met with this proposal such as providing educational facilities in a residential neighborhood,adequate internal site circulation which is pedestrian oriented,and onsite parking provided which is buffered from adjacent uses. The site is zoned R-10 and is surrounded by R-8, R-10,RMI and P-1 zoning. The R-10 zone development standards of height, lot coverage, setbacks and impervious surface are met with this proposal. Parking and loading requirements are also met. Traffic to the site is from Carr Road and there is a 24 foot wide looped circulation road around the perimeter of the existing building. There is no designated pedestrian access between the eastern parking area and the entrance to the annex and staff is recommending a condition that this be required. Community need indicates that there are no other private or public schools in the immediate vicinity and this school offers educational opportunities to meet specific needs of students with learning disabilities and/or attention deficit disorder. There are existing public utilities and services in place to meet the needs of this proposal. Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit, subject to two conditions which are compliance with the ERC's mitigation measures and providing a striped crosswalk between the upper eastern parking lot and the main entrance of the annex building. Rick Gulstrom, 1804 136th Place NE,#1,Bellevue, Washington 98005,applicant's architect herein, stated that the two-story building has access both above and below from ground level. There is no elevator inside the building. The building was originally designed for a build-out of this type and meets the current requirements. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak, and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 9:30 a.m. FINDINGS,CONCLUSIONS& DECISION Having reviewed the record in this matter,the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant,Penny Wight,Administrator,New Horizon School,filed a request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit to establish a private school. 2. The yellow file containing the staff report,the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA)documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit#1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee(ERC),the City's responsible official, issued a Declaration of Non-Significance-Mitigated(DNS-M)for the subject proposal. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. Penny Wight and Carol Grimes New Horizon School File No.: LUA-98-177,CU-H March 25, 1999 Page 3 5. There was no opposition from the public regarding the subject proposal. 6. The subject site is located at 1111 South Carr Road. The subject site is located on the south side of Carr between Talbot Road South and Benson Road. The site is almost directly south of the intersection of 103rd Avenue SE. 7. The site is currently developed with Faith Covenant Church which has two buildings located centrally on the site. 8. The school would be contained almost entirely within the main or western building. There would be alterations of the interior spaces and the addition of a second floor to a two-story high interior space. The addition of an exterior stairwell might be visible to the casual observer. 9. The applicant operates a preschool through high school program for students with learning disabilities and/or attention deficit disorder. 10. Three classrooms would be added to the building. As proposed,the school hours would be separate from other church operations and parking would be shared by the uses without competing for the parking. 11. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 4142 enacted in March 1988. 12. The subject site received its current R-10(Single Family Residential/10 dwelling unit per acre)zoning with the adoption of Ordinance 4405 enacted in June 1993. 13. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of multiple option residential uses,but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. Religious institutions and schools are permitted in various locations in the City under the Comprehensive Plan. 14. The subject site is an irregularly shaped parcel of approximately 3.77 acres. 15. The parcel slopes steeply upward along its eastern boundary but has a level central portion where most of the development is concentrated. Forest and understory vegetation are located along the east and west margins of the site, including the steep eastern slopes. 16. The area is sparsely developed with single family uses north of the site,across Carr Road. Vacant property is located east of the site. Low density residential uses are located west of the subject site. 17. Surface parking is currently available for 45 vehicles. 18. The existing main building has a footprint of approximately 3,400 square feet. The eastern annex building is approximately 2,500 square feet. 19. Lot coverage including impervious surfaces is approximately 25 percent. 20. The building will observe setbacks of 100 feet or more. The building,to the peak of its roof, is approximately 30 feet tall. Penny Wight and Carol Grimes New Horizon School File No.: LUA-98-177,CU-H March 25, 1999 Page 4 21. The school will have to meet applicable state standards for space and recreation. 22. The complex is served by a circular driveway that enters the site and runs between the annex building and the main building. Access via a ramp connects the parking lot to the second story of the building. 23. Sidewalks are proposed to be extended from those already on the site. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The applicant for a Conditional Use Permit must demonstrate that the use is in the public interest,will not impair the health, safety or welfare of the general public and is in compliance with the criteria found in Section 4-31-36(C)which provides in part that: a. The proposal generally conforms with the Comprehensive Plan; b. There is a general community need for the proposed use at the proposed location; c. There will be no undue impacts on adjacent property; d. The proposed use is compatible in scale with the adjacent residential uses, if any; ti e. Parking,unless otherwise permitted,will not occur in the required yards; f. Traffic and pedestrian circulation will be safe and adequate for the proposed project; g. Noise, light and glare will not cause an adverse affect on neighboring property; h. Landscaping shall be sufficient to buffer the use from rights-of-way and neighboring property where appropriate;and i. Adequate public services are available to serve the proposal. The requested conditional use appears justified. 2. The proposed school within a church is an appropriate use under the Comprehensive Plan. The plan supports a variety of community facilities such as schools and churches if they are suitably located. This site is sufficiently large and its neighbors sufficiently remote that the proposed use will be little noticed by neighbors or the general public. Carr is an arterial street that can handle traffic for the school. 3. The proposed use is permitted under the R-10 zone as long as it complies with the required bulk and setback standards. The building will be 30 feet tall which is permitted by Code. The building maintains setbacks of at least 100 feet whereas 20 feet would be required. The appropriate landscaping is located along the Carr frontage. 4. Since the school has been operating, it appears that there is community need for such a use in this location. There are no other similar schools in the vicinity of the subject site. In addition,the school caters to a special needs student population. Penny Wight and Carol Grimes New Horizon School File No.: LUA-98-177,CU-H March 25, 1999 Page 5 5. The existing building will be maintained with only a modest change for a staircase shell. The visual appearance will therefore not change vis-a-vis surrounding uses. The scale is appropriate. 6. There will be no change in the parking complement for the proposed use. The existing parking lot can serve for the school which convenes at different times than the primary church use. The school would require 15 employee stalls and 7 for the student count for 22 total stalls; as noted,the site has 45 stalls. 7. It appears that circulation through the site is adequate. The driveway circles the main building. A cross-walk should be delineated between the main building and the annex. 8. The location of the buildings, interior to a three acre site, should contain any noise, light or glare. There could be noise emanating from any outside play area,but again the size of the lot,the native landscaping and topography should minimize any impacts. 9. The site is already landscaped and the native vegetation along the margins of the site will be maintained. Those installations appear adequate. 10. It appears that the change itself might be considered accessory use but it will be contained in the existing complex. There will be little physical expansion on the site. 11. The site is adequately served by infrastructure. 12. In conclusion,the proposed use will increase traffic during hours when the church is unused but those impacts and any other impacts seem slight. The proposed use is appropriate as a conditional use of the subject site. DECISION: The Conditional Use Permit is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall be required to comply with the mitigation measures which were required by the ERC threshold determination prior to the issuance of a building permit; 2. The applicant shall provide a crosswalk between the upper parking lot on the eastern portion of the site and the main entrance of the annex building. The location of the crosswalk shall be approved by the Development Services Division project manager prior to the issuance of the building permit for tenant improvements. ORDERED THIS 25th day of March, 1999. _ FRED J. KAU HEARING EXAMINER Penny Wight and Carol Grimes New Horizon School File No.: LUA-98-177,CU-H March 25, 1999 • Page 6 TRANSMITTED THIS 25th day of March, 1999 to the parties of record: Jennifer Henning Rick Gulstrom Faith Covenant Church 1055 S Grady Way 1804 136th Place NE,#1 c/o North Pacific Conf. Renton,WA 98055 Bellevue,WA 98005 925 116th Ave NE,#221 Bellevue,WA 98004-4694 Penny Wight Carol Grimes New Horizon School 1111 South Carr Road Renton, WA 98055 TRANSMITTED THIS 25th day of March, 1999 to the following: Mayor Jesse Tanner Gregg Zimmerman, Plan/Bldg/PW Admin. Members,Renton Planning Commission Jim Hanson, Development Services Director Chuck Duffy, Fire Marshal Mike Kattermann,Technical Services Director Lawrence J. Warren,City Attorney Larry Meckling,Building Official Transportation Systems Division Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Utilities System Division Councilperson Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Sue Carlson,Econ. Dev.Administrator South County Journal Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 15 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m..April 8, 1999. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure,errors of law or fact,error in judgment,or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen(14)days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record,take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV,Chapter 8, Section 16,which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk, accompanying a filing fee of$75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department,first floor of City Hall. If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants,the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte(private one-on-one)communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. Penny Wight and Carol Grimes New Horizon School File No.: LUA-98-177,CU-H March 25, 1999 Page 7 All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. • • RESIDENTIAL - MOBILE PARK 1611141111 .V I MI Ina 11."A }r I ' I II*tM.I•••1•Euf • I i • I Im�.I-w 1 In I"-Ial • _ �` I .. •I- _• _- _�\; II • �\ 70Q"',-.163rd. A04).• &L.(EATENDED IN FUTURE) , Z to VI • RESIDENTIAL \•\• .zas' '� n..r...i. ', - II , \ p Z. U C •_ 1 103rd. Ave. S.E. .\•••• uln.."V".•"! . . ',, •r 1• I 0 tz , \ 4'.' '''''' t -1,--'::' i., lie .. ,\ , l•••••• • .»I. :----\ • 6▪......\ex tP (000',- i\., . , =.. 41671111,..,4 .7‘.....4.71........t.t!'"""r_:....i PIM I R. any y160[ o �b� ; �'; _ .II :_, P. E cr2�r • • ill co D u g U [- I .Y003kAGa:.. 1 • Ill •IO� i-; 9! l ;y .�. '•:•�-..r..�y`. m—_...._.�_:.:_�_.-__ � .tx- 1�\ .f 1 . �. LECIESII �1-6�® 5D.OUER DRAM ..-._ V O.STOW ---ALL s COMMERCIAL NURSERY STAGING LOT 9 P•POLLER 511E wan ARE EXISTING .1 t� / T.7ELERIRE MC TO ILK ^ r A V ,„W " N•WATER 1 1 / eEXISTING UTILITIES PLANQ SCALE t I" - 40'-O"00 'r---� 2. V) 1 I r" i �6 xi. ]T.Y4l. - V • pn]r.WU.r*OM Imw•ir r r..w-Iei J _._ L ____--__ _ ilITI 'IVIIII1�4`rIIIfr(r rd..IlI 4 "i4I' .114fII y If!IiII q4 nfY4('I. I ' 1, WIMMIIIMM1111111111MIIIIII Illllll(li�lll<11III _ i 4 4'8�4141f 4f4:11 ii 4i'tf44'iNyl 4+�4i'8Y�4�4'8�i4i' ) III It 48'l'��4 8Yi4�4'+4414'4I44'�444'NI 'hu44'I',I I ,.......... 1 III r , IIP„hIIIIIANIIIIII4I�dITIIIIITIIf4l4ehI4I�IIII4d 1.1/110 11ii8I4i,8[4,�8ipiPhi'll h6'1E111,4 Ill AIIIu4�il,4ilili4Philyri1 - e IO I _11 .]wr.iuoa. ] F exnr.a•oa. _ -_ - - C O O ` 1 .� l 1— �a ,..r�R o co o = s a I r, a.x - . N U vi O I".• _' ro0T.n ZO z AIEXISTING BUILDING ELEVATION AT (NORTH) m VPScale: 1/+.. = 1. _0.. ec z r - I W INT TO DORT \ W b ' e.rr au.... ]T.uow I ]xaT MOM! l� R ,� NON].� I i i I I I !1 III�lIIII�Ililll�l, to II111I 1111 x C)11]r,M0.'rY ]]MT.r]ON pl]r.r]OOW OY.♦ill .._._ OM L ' 1 r A ©EXISTING BUILDING ELEVATION (SOUTH) imp Scale: 1/4" = 1' -0" I AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Charlotte Ann Kassens first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Legal Clerk of the SOUTH COUNTY JOURNAL NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION 600 S. Washington Avenue, Kent, Washington 98032 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON,WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee a daily newspaper published seven (7) times a week. Said newspaper is a legal (ERC) has issued a Determination of Non- newspaper of general publication and is now and has been for more than six months project Non- Significance Mitigated for he Renton project under the authority of the Renton prior to the date of publication, referred to, printed and published in the English language Municipal Code. continually as a daily newspaper in Kent, King County, Washington. The South County NEW HORIZON SCHOOL Journal has been approved as a legal newspaper order of the Superior Court of the LUA ironm ntalECF PP 9by P Environmental review for operation of a State of Washington for King County. private school utilizing an existing church The notice in the exact form attached, was published in the South County building.Location:1111 South Carr Road. Appeals of the environmental determina- Journal (and not in supplemental form)which was regularly distributed to the subscribers tion must be filed in writing on or before during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a 5:00 PM, February 22, 1999.Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing New Horizon School Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton,WA 98055.Appeals to aspublished on: 2/8/99 the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11B. Additional information regarding the appeal proThe full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$51.75 City Clerk'sess may be obtained 4 from 10.the Renton � g g City Office,(425)430-6510. Legal Number 5714 A Public Hearing will be held by the eton Hearing Examiner at his regular /) J meeting in the Council Chambers on the / seventh floor of City Hall, on March 2. / d 1999,at 9f:00 AM to consider the condition- -���'�� al use permit. If the Environmental Legal Cle , South County Journal Determination is appealed, the appeal will • be heard as part of this public hearing. /, Interested parties are invited to attend the �i�� �-�i public hearing. Subscribed and sworn before me on this ZJ day of , 19 C4 Publication Date: February 8, 1999 Published in the South County Journal February 8, 1999.5714 olMiiiiiitt, Cektit,„L=r-- - \- -7-LIM-4‘_f. �.:ti_.,t� c.%.•. /,�`�o Notary Public of the State of Washington Q.�9r residing in Renton r;' °jA�Y King County, Washington • _o_ ''' - �Apll./A ne •i ,,,,so, ve NOTIICE . ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: NEW HORIZON SCHOOL PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-913-177,CU-H,ECF Applicant proposes to operate a private school that would provide programs for preschool through high school students. The school would use an existing church building(approx.5,400 sq.ft.)and an annex(approx.3,000 sq.ft.). The project would add a second floor above the existing two-story multi- purpose room(the church building). Three classrooms and stairs would be constructed within the structure. Project requires environmental review and conditional use permit. Location: 1111 South Cart Road. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed In writing on or before 5:00 PM,February 22,1999. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required$75.00 application fee with:Hearing Examiner,City of Renton,1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office,(425)-430-8510. A Public Heating will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of City Hat,1055 South Grady Way,Renton,Washington,on March 2.1999, al 9:00 AM to consider the Conditional Use Permit The applicant or representative(s)of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing.A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you one week before the hearing. If the Environmental Determination is appealed,the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. • ISE < PP I Gp n 14 t ir _i t • ti 11 S 7 II 11; o RM—IIMPe � ` SESE,I80th St. (f. �® NEW XOe1ZON aCXOOL I ill xtox w• MO l x. a c.xx I VICINITY MAP t �—lvwewwwa .n N,nxv+t FOR FURTHER INFORMATION,PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON,DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT(425)430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION IPlease Include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file Identification. CERTIFICATION I, GV h? 1 �fitr f 1''�1/1/1/ reb certify that 3 copies of the above document were posted by me in conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on Fed0 g, t I f • h . • -d:• •.. ..� • 41n r I al, ATTEST: Subcribed and sworn before me, a No 0 ry Pu a 'r, in . 'a fo a e State of Washington residing in`�} j,,,, , on the - k day of 1 a-A 14c S. )-->--, ct_ t_<4,_ c1.0,,,,,_ c_A„..6i MARILYN KAMCHEFF COMMISSION EXPIRES 6/29/99 CITY`'OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNINGDIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING 44, On the 29 day of Febv-tkavy , 1999, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing Repo et to Hebnv i Ex.aw,lher documents. This information was sent to: Name Representing Rick G-uA vc vv\ Ghns Q vO1tto Ptv‘vtki Wvlei1ni Y\e j Sc.Lool E * - Covev,o.v l C1nv, ll' (Signature of Sender) Savvdaa. k . Secncv— STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that ��-n3./Lck. S-r_e .e,... signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act f the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated:YY\ , 1cicl )7fl — —� c/ Notary Public in nd forte State of Wa gton Notary (Print) My appointmeGHEFF— nt COMMISSION EXPIRES 6/29/99 Project Name: iNe W %Ivovrtc* sanool Project Number: LvA 98 . �� ,Cu—H Lt NOTARY.DOC CURRENT.PLANNING<DIVISION'' • AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 50" day of FeIolruavm , 1998, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing ERc evermiveilnkS documents. This information was sent to: Name Representing Department of Ecology Don Hurter WSDOT KC Wastewater Treatment Division • Larry Fisher Washington Department of Fisheries David F. Dietzman Department of Natural Resources Shirley Lukhang Seattle Public Utilities Duwamish Indian Tribe Rod Malcom Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Joe Jainga Puget Sound Energy j (Signature of Sender) j wj.jc (C. ,.r r • — STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that A/ld, k_ c ,2e signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for"the uses and purposes • mentioned in the instrument. Dated: )Pr)Qv1 . r6c/ a-A4F 'Lc Notary Public n and for the State of ington Notary(Print) MARILYN KAMCHEFF My appointmenCp(t 1 $ION EXPIRES 6/2946 Project Name: new t1orl-unn Scanool Project Number: LUP . 9$ Ail,GU - - ,ectr NOTARY.DOC CITY OF RENTON • HEARING EXAMINER PUBLIC HEARING MARCH 02, 1999' : AGENDA COMMENCING AT 9:00'AM COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7TH FLOOR RENTON CITY HALL The application(s) listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which they will be heard. Items will,be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. PROJECT NAME: NEW HORIZON SCHOOL PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-98-177,CU PROJECT DESCRIPTION: New Horizon School proposes to operate a private school that provides educational programs for preschool through high school students with learning disabilities and/or attention deficit disorder. The school would use an existing church building (approx. 5,400 sq. ft.) and an annex (approx. 3,000 sq. ft.). Church and school activities would remain completely separate, and schedules for church and school would not overlap. Three classrooms and stairs would be constructed within the structure during the first phase of construction. This would be accomplished by adding a second floor about the over the two-story multi-purpose room. Phase 1 would not result in any change to building height, lot coverage, or increase the amount of impervious surface. Nor would any change occur to parking or circulation driveways. The project site is generally flat surrounding the existing structures and parking area. Property to the east, south, and west is covered with trees and shrubs and has slopes of 25% to 30%. No development is proposed in these areas. Applicant estimates that project construction would last approximately 6 weeks once commenced. The project requires environmental review and conditional use permit. Location: 1111 South Carr Road. City of Renton PUBLIC Department of Planning/Building/Public Works HEARING PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Public Hearing Date: March 2, 1999 Project Name: New Horizon School Applicant/ Penny Wight, Administrator Address: Carol Grimes, Board President New Horizon School 1111 South Carr Road Renton, WA 98055 Owner/ Faith Covenant Church Address: c/o North Pacific Conference 925 116th Avenue NE, #221 Bellevue, WA 98004-4694 File Number: LUA-098-177,CU-H,ECF- Project Manager: Jennifer Toth Henning Project Description: New Horizon School proposes to operate a private school that provides educational programs for preschool through high school students with learning disabilities and/or attention deficit disorder. The school would use an existing church building (approx. 5,400 sq. ft.) and an annex (approx. 3,000 sq. ft.). Church and school activities would remain completely separate, and schedules for church and school would not overlap. Three classrooms and stairs would be constructed within the church structure. This would be accomplished by adding a second floor about the over the two-story multi- purpose room. No change to building height, lot coverage, or increase the amount of impervious surface would result from the proposed action. Nor would any change occur to parking or circulation driveways. The project site slopes from east to west. Steepest slopes (approximately 25 to 30%) exist on the eastern portion of the property. Slopes on both the east and west portions of the site are vegetated with trees and understory. No development is proposed in these areas. Applicant estimates that project construction would last approximately 6 weeks once commenced. The project requires environmental review and conditional use permit. Project Location: 1111 South Carr Road !Sp Q I e%---' I� DPP I -J �I / 1 Ci f RM-I 'a I SE 180thSt. rira 1 NEW HORIZON ZON SCHOOLCHOOL IIII S O.RR RD. RENTON wn I I C -. VICINITY MAP A City of Renton P/B/PW Department reliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner NEW HORIZON SCHOOL LUA-98-177, CU-H,ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: MARCH 2, 1999 Page 2 of 8 B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner of Record: Faith Covenant Church c/o North Pacific Conference 925 116th Avenue NE, #221 Bellevue, WA 98004-4694 2. Zoning Designation: Residential - 10 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-10) 3. Comprehensive Plan Residential Options (RO) Land Use Designation: 4. Existing Site Use: Church and School 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: North: Carr Road, Unincorporated King County, potential annexation area for Residential Options and Residential Single Family development East: Vacant, designated Residential Options and Zoned R-10 South: Zoned Public West: Zoned R-8, low intensity residential/agricultural development 6. Access: via Carr Road 7. Site Area: 3.77 acres 8. Project Data: area comments Existing Building Area: 7,980 s.f. New Building Area: 1,518 s.f. Total Building Area: 9,498 s.f. C. HIS TORICAUBACKGROUND: Action Land Use File No. Ordinance No. Date Annexation N/A 4142 3/21/88 Comprehensive Plan N/A 4498 2/20/95 Zoning N/A 4405 6/7/93 D. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Section 4-2-020:G - Land Use Districts/Residential 10 Dwelling Units per Acre (RO) 2. Section 4-9-30 Conditional Use Permits 3. Section 4-4-080 Parking and Loading Ordinance HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department , ,.eliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner NEW HORIZON SCHOOL LUA-98-177, CU-H, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: MARCH 2, 1999 Page 3 of 8 E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element --Schools Objective LU-KK: Assure adequate land at appropriate locations for facilities which meet the educational needs of area residents. Policy LU-249: Allow schools in residential neighborhoods which mitigate adverse impacts to the surrounding area. Policy LU-264: Internal site circulation should be primarily pedestrian oriented. 2. Land Use Element -Religious Facilities Objective LU-MM: Site religious and ancillary facilities in a manner which provides convenient transportation access and minimizes their adverse impacts on adjacent land uses. Policy LU-261: Parking should be provided on site an buffered from adjacent uses. F. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND The New Horizons School is presently operating within existing buildings at 1111 South Carr Road. The school utilizes an existing church and annex building to provide special education programs for preschool through high school students with learning disabilities and/or attention deficit disorder. The 3.77 acre site is partially developed with two structures and surface parking lots accommodating 45 vehicles. The church structure has a footprint of approximately 3,421 s.f. and would be expanded by adding an approximate 1,500 s.f. addition above the existing auditorium. Three classrooms and a stairway would be located within the addition. There would be no apparent change in the building facade, and the improvements would occur within the existing footprint. An annex structure with a 2,523 s.f. footprint is located on the eastern portion of the site. Building lot coverage is approximately 3.8%, while the total impervious coverage for the site is approximately 25%. The site slopes from east to west, with a grade change of approximately 70 feet across the property. Existing development is terraced in the flatter central portion of the site. Steepest slopes on the east portion of the site would remain undisturbed. Applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit in order to expand the use and to permit the school to operate. The church would also continue to operate on the site, and the two uses would not have overlapping schedules. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), on February 2, 1999 the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated (DNS-M). The appeal period for the environmental determination ends on February 22, 1999. At the time of the writing of this staff report, no appeals of the environmental determination had been filed. HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department reliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner NEW HORIZON SCHOOL LUA-98-177, CU-I-I, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: MARCH 2, 1999 Page 4 of 8 3. COMPLIANCE WITH ERC MITIGATION MEASURES The Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance- Mitigated with two mitigation measures as shown below. The applicant's compliance with each of the measures is also indicated. 1. The applicant shall install and maintain Temporary Erosion Control measures for all stockpiled soil or disturbed areas. The Temporary Erosion Control measures shall be installed to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division, and maintained throughout the duration of the project. The applicant intends to comply with this mitigation measure. 2. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee at the rate of$0.52 per square foot of new construction. The fee is due prior to the issuance of the building permit. The applicant intends to comply with this mitigation measure. 4. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address site plan issues from the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. 5. CONSISTENCY WITH CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA Section 4-31-36 lists 11 criteria that the Hearing Examiner is asked to consider, along with all other relevant information, in making a decision on a Conditional Use application. These include the following: (5A) CONSISTENCY WITH THE COMP. PLAN, ZONING CODE& OTHER ORDINANCES: The proposed use shall be compatible with the general purpose, goals, objectives and standard of the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Ordinance and any other plan, program, map or ordinance of the City of Renton. (1) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT Policies of the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan address community facilities such as schools and churches. Objective LU-KK states that adequate land should be available at appropriate locations for facilities which meet the educational needs of area residents. Policy LU-249 states that schools should be allowed in residential neighborhoods when adverse to the surrounding area are mitigated. Policy LU-264 states that internal site circulation should primarily pedestrian oriented. The siting of religious facilities is discussed in Objective LU-MM which states that such facilities should be sited in a manner which provides convenient transportation access and minimizes their adverse impacts on adjacent land uses. Policy LU-261 states that parking should be provided on site and buffered from adjacent uses. The proposal for the New Horizons School appears to be consistent with policies addressing schools and religious facilities. HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department , reliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner NEW HORIZON SCHOOL LUA-98-177, CU-H, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: MARCH 2, 1999 Page 5 of 8 (2) ZONING CODE The project site is zoned Residential - 10 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-10). Schools and churches are permitted subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The proposal would result in the expansion of the size of the existing church building in order to accommodate classrooms for the New Horizon School. Development standards of the R-10 Zone require a minimum landscaped setback of 10 feet from the street property line or 20 feet from the back of the sidewalk, whichever is less. The height of the structure is limited to two stories or 30 feet. Maximum lot coverage (building) is limited to 50% of the total lot area, and the impervious surface is limited to 60% of the total lot area. The proposal would not change the existing building setbacks, lot coverage or height. Setbacks are a minimum of 100 feet from the property line and exceed the minimum prescribed in the R-10 Zone. The existing building is 30 feet in height as measured from finished floor to pitched roof. The applicant has estimated that the total amount of impervious surface is approximately 34,200 square feet. The applicant has stated that 208 s.f. of new concrete walkway would be added. The total impervious surface for the site (building, drives, walkways) is 24.7%. As proposed, the New Horizons School would meet the development standards of the R- 10 Zone. (3) PARKING AND LOADING ORDINANCE The Parking and Loading requires one parking stall for each employee and up to one space for each 10 students enrolled (high school). In addition, if buses for the transportation of students are kept at the school, 1 off-street parking space shall be provided for each bus of a size sufficient to park each bus. Forty-five (45) parking stalls are provided on the site. For the school, 15 employee parking stalls and 7 student parking stalls are required, or 22 total. The school and church uses would not overlap with regard to operational schedules. There is sufficient existing parking to comply with the requirements of the Parking and Loading Ordinance. (5B) COMMUNITY NEED: There shall be a community need for the proposed use at the proposed location. In the determination of community need, the Hearing Examiner shall consider the following factors, among all other relevant information: (a) The proposed location shall not result in either the detrimental over concentration of a particular use within the City or within the immediate area of the proposed use. There are no other private or public schools operating in the immediate vicinity of the subject site. The school offers educational opportunities serving specific needs of students that travel from the region to attend the programs offered. (2) That the proposed location is suited for the proposed use. The proposed school appears to be an appropriate land use for the site. The school is currently operating in the church structure, and the project would result in tenant improvements for the improved operation of the facility. Existing buildings are set back from the street and surrounding by a buffer of vegetation. Location of the school within Renton is central to the geographic area served by the special programs. HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton PB/PW Department rreliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner NEW HORIZON SCHOOL LUA-98-177, CU-H, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: MARCH 2, 1999 Page 6 of 8 (5C) EFFECT ON ADJACENT PROPERTIES: The proposed use at the proposed location shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property. The following site requirements shall be required: (1) Lot Coverage: Lot coverage shall conform to the requirements of zone in which the proposed use is to be located. As indicated in the project application, the area of the site covered by buildings is less than 4%, while the total impervious area of the site with the proposal would be less than 25%. This is less than the 60% lot coverage permitted in the R-10 Zone. (2) Yards: Yards shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. Additions to the structure shall not be allowed in any required yard. The proposal would not result in encroachments into any required setback areas. The structures are presently located approximately 100 feet away from the nearest property boundary. No change in the building footprints is proposed. (3) Height: Building and structure heights shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. Spires, belltowers, public utility antennas or similar structure may exceed the height requirement upon approval of a variance. Building heights should be related to surrounding used in order to allow optimal sunlight and ventilation, and minimal obstruction of views from adjacent structures. The existing structures do not exceed the 30 feet or two-story limit of the R-10 Zone. (5D) COMPATIBILITY: The proposed use shall be compatible with the residential scale and character of the neighborhood. (Ord. 3599, 1-11-82) The proposal would not change the character of the site or neighborhood. The requested Conditional Use Permit would allow the school to accomplish tenant improvements consistent with the operation of the school. No change in the height, facade or design of the exterior of the structure would occur. (5E) PARKING: Parking under the building structure should be encouraged. Lot coverage may be increased to as much as seventy-five percent(75%) of the lot coverage requirement of the zone, in which the proposed use is located, if all parking is provided underground or within the structure. (Ord. 3903, 4-22-85) Parking would continue to be provided in surface parking areas located on the site. A total of 45 parking stalls are provided, which includes 5 accessible parking stalls. Based on current enrollment and employee counts, the school requires 22 parking stalls (15 employee and 7 student). The schedule for church and school activities does not overlap, therefore no additional parking above that which presently exists is needed. (5F) TRAFFIC: Traffic and circulation patterns of vehicles and pedestrians relating to the proposed use and surrounding area shall be reviewed for potential effects on, and to ensure safe movement in the surrounding area. HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton PB/PW Department r'reliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner NEW HORIZON SCHOOL LUA-98-177, CU-H, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: MARCH 2, 1999 Page 7 of 8 The existing driveway from South Carr Road would continue to be used for access to the site. Internal site circulation is a 24-foot wide looped access. Parking and loading areas located adjacent to the existing buildings would continue to function as parking lots for both the church and school uses. Applicant has proposed to extend a concrete walkway on the west side of the church. An existing concrete walkway is located on the east and west sides of the church building, facilitating pedestrian access from both parking areas to the church/school structure. There is no designated pedestrian pathway between the parking areas and the "annex" structure. Staff will recommend as a condition of approval, that the applicant provide a striped crosswalk from the existing concrete path on the east side of the upper parking area to the main entrance of the annex building. (5G) NOISE, GLARE: Potential noise, light and glare impacts shall be evaluated based on the location of the proposed use on the lot and the location of on-site parking areas, outdoor recreational areas and refuse storage areas. Additional noise would result when students are on campus, either during drop-off/pick-up or outside sports or play. The level of noise would be incremental increase in the surrounding area. Since the school is presently operating on the site, the noise would not be expected to increase over existing levels. (5H) LANDSCAPING: Landscaping shall be provided in all areas not occupied by building or paving. The Hearing Examiner may require additional landscaping to buffer adjacent properties from potentially adverse effects of the proposed use. The site is presently landscaped in developed areas. Undeveloped portions of the property on the east and west are native understory and would not be disturbed as a result of the proposal. (51) ACCESSORY USES: Accessory uses to conditional uses such as day schools, auditoriums used for social and sport activities, health centers, convents, preschool facilities, convalescent homes and others of a similar nature shall be considered to be separate uses and shall be subject to the provisions of the use district in which they are located. The proposal would add a mezzanine or second level above an existing auditorium for the purpose of developing separate classroom areas for the school. The church would continue to occupy the site. The tenant improvement for the school triggers the need for a conditional use permit, separate from any previous special permit or conditional use permit that would have been required for the church. (5J) CONVERSION: No existing building or structure shall be converted to a conditional use unless such building or structure complies, or is brought into compliance, with the provisions of this Chapter. The New Horizon School is considered to be a separate use on the property from the existing church. A conditional use permit is being sought, along with the necessary permits to bring the structure into compliance with State of Washington and applicable building codes. (5K) PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department ,'reliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner NEW HORIZON SCHOOL LUA-98-177, CU-H, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: MARCH 2, 1999 Page 8 of 8 The proposed use and location shall be adequately served by and not impose an undue burden on any public improvements, facilities, utilities, and services. Approval of a conditional use permit may be conditional upon the provision and/or guarantee by the applicant of necessary public improvements, facilities, utilities, and/or services. Existing utilities and services are adequate to serve the proposal. G. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the New Horizon School, Project File No. LUA-98-117, CU-H, ECF subject to the following conditions: (1) Compliance with ERC Mitigation Measures: The applicant is required to comply with the Mitigation Measures which were required by the Environmental Review Committee Threshold Determination prior to the issuance of a building permit. (2) The applicant shall provide a striped crosswalk between the upper parking lot (on the eastern portion of the site and the main entrance of the "annex" building. The location of the crosswalk shall be approved by the Development Services Division project manager prior to the issuance of the building permit for tenant improvements. HEXRPT.DOC CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF APPLICANT: Penny Wright, Carol Grimes/New Horizon School PROJECT NAME: New Horizon School DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to operate a private school that would provide programs for preschool through high school students. The school would use an existing church building (approx. 5,400 sq.ft.) and an annex (approx. 3,000 sq.ft.). The project would add a second floor above the existing two-story multi-purpose room (the church building). Three classrooms and stairs would be constructed within the structure. Project requires environmental review and conditional use permit. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 1111 South Carr Road MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. The applicant shall install and maintain Temporary Erosion Control measures for all stockpiled soil or disturbed areas. The Temporary Erosion Control measures shall be installed to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division, and maintained throughout the duration of the project. 2. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee at the rate of$0.52 per square foot of new construction. The fee is due prior to the issuance of the building permit. CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF APPLICANT: Penny Wright, Carol Grimes/New Horizon School PROJECT NAME: New Horizon School DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to operate a private school that would provide programs for preschool through high school students. The school would use an existing church building (approx. 5,400 sq.ft.) and an annex (approx. 3,000 sq.ft.). The project would add a second floor above the existing two-story multi-purpose room (the church building). Three classrooms and stairs would be constructed within the structure. Project requires environmental review and conditional use permit. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 1111 South Carr Road Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Plan Review- General 1. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. 2. A construction permit is required for the sprinkler vault and water connection. When plans are complete, three copies of the drawings, a construction estimate, application and appropriate fee shall be submitted to the 6th floor Construction Permit counter. 3. Recommend that a condition of approval be that Temporary Erosion Control for any disturbed or stockpile areas shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division for the duration of the project. Plan Review-Water 1. There is an existing 12-inch diameter waterline in Carr Road. There is an additional 12-inch dead end waterline along the east property line. The project is within the 350 pressure zone. The proposed project is outside of both aquifer protection zones. 2. The System Development Charge shall be determined if any additional meter (domestic, sprinkler, irrigation) is required for the project. This fee is payable with the construction permit. Plan Review-Sanitary Sewer 1. There is an existing 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer on the west side of the property. 2. The System Development Charge shall be determined if any additional domestic meter is required for the project. This fee is payable with the construction permit. Plan Review -Storm Water 1. No additional impervious surfaces are planned. No changes to the existing drainage are proposed. 2. The System Development charge is not triggered. New Horizon School LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF Advisory Notes (Continued) Plan Review-Transportation 1. Carr Road is paved and improved. 2. Traffic generation for the site will not exceed existing traffic generation based on calculations as a church. Therefore, no additional traffic mitigation fee shall be assessed. Building Department 1. All building comments have been made with the building permit review. Fire Prevention 1. Required fire flow is 1,500 gallons per minute. One fire hydrant is required within 150 feet of the structure and one hydrant within 300 feet of the structure. It appears that the applicant already meets or exceeds this requirement 2. The fire mitigation fees are applicable at the rate of$0.52 per square foot of the additional space only: 1,511 square feet x$0.52 = $789.36. 3. The school building only is required to have a complete fire sprinkler system installed throughout the building in both the existing and added portions of the building. 4. The school building only is required to have a complete fire alarm system installed through the building in both the existing and added portions of the building. 5. Fire lanes shall be marked per City of Renton Ordinance. Development and Planning 1. The site is designated Residential Options (RO) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The site is zoned Residential - 10 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-10). 2. Schools are permitted in the R-10 Zone with a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit. CITY OF RENTON c) FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MEMORANDUM �'NT� DATE: January 19, 1999 TO: Jennifer Toth Henning, Senior Planner FROM: Corey Thomas, Plans Review Inspector SUBJECT: Code-related Comments for New Horizon School 1. Required fire flow is 1,500 gpm. One fire hydrant is required within 150-feet of the structure and one hydrant within 300-feet of the structure. It appears that the applicant already meets or exceeds this requirement. 2. The fire mitigation fees are applicable at the rate of $0.52 per square foot of the additional space only: 1,511 square feet x $0.52 = $789.36 3. The school building only is required to have a complete fire sprinkler system installed throughout the building in both the existing and added portions of the building. 4. The school building only is required to have a complete fire alarm system installed throughout the building in both the existing and added portions of the building. 4. Fire lanes shall be marked per City of Renton ordinance. CT:ct Horizon CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM Date: January 28, 1999 To: Jennifer Toth Henning From: Kayren K. Kittrick, Plan Review Subject: New Horizon School LUA-98-177, CU-H, ECF EXISTING CONDITIONS WATER - There is an existing 12-inch diameter water line in Carr Road. There is an additional 12-inch dead end water line along the east property line. The project is within the 350 pressure zone. The proposed project is outside of both aquifer protection zones. SEWER - There is an existing 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer on the west side of the property. STORM - No additional impervious surfaces are planned. No changes to the existing drainage are proposed. STREETS - Carr Road is paved and improved. CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER 1. The System Development Charge shall be determined if any additional meter (domestic, sprinkler, irrigation) is required for the project. This fee is payable with the construction permit. SANITARY SEWER 1. The System Development Charge shall be determined if any additional domestic meter is required for the project. This fee is payable with the construction permit. SURFACE WATER 1. No additional impervious surface is planned. The System Development Charge is not triggered. TRANSPORTATION 1. Traffic generation for the site will not exceed existing traffic generation based on calculations as a church. Therefore, no additional traffic mitigation fee shall be assessed. PLAN REVIEW - GENERAL 1. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. NEWHORIZ.DOC VI 2. A construction permit is required for the sprinkler vault and water connection. When plans are complete three copies of the drawings, a construction estimate, application and appropriate fee shall be submitted to the fourth floor counter. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS 1. Temporary Erosion Control for any disturbed or stockpile areas shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division for the duration of the project. CC: Neil Watts NEWHORIZ.DOC /,r(Ai4 LANDSCAPING LEGEND: RESIDENTIAL - MOBILE PARK / 1I�'w. Dane o•eDw m. 0 '142, •Colour•e. } T•-------- ='`--j-- - -- --"....-_- --- - -^�D•n•YAAO COVER TV•RAvn : - uN:•u/Lee a Se.I E:,':i;;fii;;j uro•.naRe�Tr AR•. Bellevue 441-1,21 OWNS WORITTA•• , I I ._..�.. - ------------- --- --- =-.-:-=--- =�-_-- - F3 I 1111: ',:-. --- a S IN FUTURE)... \ = �oq_.:163rd. At E•-LE. 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V Norm eevam — _ -- - — LE.I.,.„MDOF .. .. w — - PLOP TO ERER7 --- _ ---- - b - -- ---_- --. - m LOWER RN RJR _ ._- ---- _ C.V.Wu. . 6 -. S ...MIL ee,LED $ \ • I WOW. > I .0011111 . 2 BUILDING ELEVATION (EAST) 4 OO ID Scale: 1/4" = 1' -0" r, HIRT..POW Oat S LlNaar IOW 1.•Pl...ll.w _— I.b.-1 Yu MI-Ifl �[4 L.Yowler IO IN \ \` \\ - - - — w w'." T v � �'p` g 1�p *ituitlifilEti,..41. 7i 111 I 1 4 r 4 I HH i4 tf11,�1'ffNNI'm 1, IT l —.11 e,....LtiR �� ���— n n Ai a I�a Iii it i Ill 1 II L I II I ll 1 �� P- e c �e e:..iueow E" ` 0 G 00 is x e3 a r, • z POPPING . • °I 0 , .. W r ©EXISTING BUILDING ELEVATION AT (NORTH) x -m Scale: 1/4" = Ir -0- 'ISM Z I1 (�. pwiwa.nar ananue • , I � II ft I 111 Ili II III1a_ --- Q + IIJill 0 e .„DGE • Ex.,W No n 111111 1.. -. Z PLR ,, Irr r IIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIii Iillllllll 'llllil IIIIII IIIIIIII I W 1 iiimilii ..,.. .t,.,,„ I , NI IIIIIIIilllll 5 w r A ` ©EXISTING BUILDING ELEVATION (SOUTH) I 41 1 ear Scale: 1/4" = I' -0" 1 CITY RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator February 23, 1999 Mr. Rick Gulstrom GMS Architectural Group 1804- 136th Place NE, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 SUBJECT: New Horizon School Project No. LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF Dear Mr. Gulstrom: This letter is to inform you that the comment and appeal periods have ended for the Environmental Review Committee's (ERC) Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated for the above-referenced project. No appeals were filed on the ERC determination. This decision is final. The applicant must comply with all ERC Mitigation Measures. As you are aware, a Public Hearing will be held on March 2, 1999, at 9:00 AM in the Council Chambers, to consider the Conditional Use (CU) Permit. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (425) 430-7286. For the Environmental Review Committee, ennifer Toth Henning Project Manager cc: Faith Covenant Church/Owners FINAL.DOC 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 IS)This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer •• CITY RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator February 04, 1999 Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Subject: Environmental Determinations Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination for the following project reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on February 2, 1999. DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED NEW HORIZON SCHOOL LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF Applicant proposes to operate a private school that would provide programs for preschool through high school students. The school would use an existing church building (approx. 5,400 sq.ft.) and an annex (approx. 3,000 sq.ft.). The project would add a second floor above the existing two-story multi-purpose room (the church building). Three classrooms and stairs would be constructed within the structure. Project requires environmental review and conditional use permit. Location: 1111 South Carr Road. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, February 22, 1999. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-430-6510. If you have questions, please call me at (42 5) 430-7286. For the Environmental Review Committee, C4-e/tAiN) ennifer Tot Henning Project Manager cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division Larry Fisher, Department of Fisheries David F. Dietzman, Department of Natural Resources Don Hurter, Department of Transportation Shirley Lukhang, Seattle Public Utilities Duwamish Tribal Office Rod Malcom, Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (Ordinance) Joe Jainga, Puget Sound Energy AGNCYLTR.DOC\ 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 Q This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer 41/ a CITYtF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator February 4, 1999 Mr. Rick Gulstrom GMS Architectural Group 1804 - 136th Place NE, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 SUBJECT: New Horizon School Project No. LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF Dear Mr. Gulstrom: This letter is written on behalf of the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) and is to advise you that they hay completed their review of the subject project. The ERC, on February 2, 1999, issued a threshold Determination of Nor Significance-Mitigated with Mitigation Measures. See the enclosed Mitigation Measures document. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, February 22, 1999. Appeal must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 105 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Cod Section 4-8-11B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk' Office, (425)-430-6510. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on th seventh floor of City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washington, on March 2, 1999, at 9:00 AM to consider th Conditional Use Permit. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the publi hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you one week before the hearing. If the Environment Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. The preceding information will assist you in planning for implementation of your project and enable you to exercise yoi. appeal rights more fully, if you choose to do so. If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please ca me at (425) 430-7286. For the Environmental Review Committee, (.4 Je niter enning Project Manager cc: Faith Covenant Church/Owners Enclosure DNSMLR.DOC 1055 South Grady Way - Renton. Washington 98055 CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF APPLICANT: Penny Wright, Carol Grimes/New Horizon School PROJECT NAME: New Horizon School DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to operate a private school that would provide programs for preschool through high school students. The school would use an existing church building (approx. 5,400 sq.ft.) and an annex (approx. 3,000 sq.ft.). The project would add a second floor above the existing two-story multi-purpose room (the church building). Three classrooms and stairs would be constructed within the structure. Project requires environmental review and conditional use permit. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 1111 South Carr Road MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. The applicant shall install and maintain Temporary Erosion Control measures for all stockpiled soil or disturbed areas. The Temporary Erosion Control measures shall be installed to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division, and maintained throughout the duration of the project. 2. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee at the rate of$0.52 per square foot of new construction. The fee is due prior to the issuance of the building permit. CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF APPLICANT: Penny Wright, Carol Grimes/New Horizon School PROJECT NAME: New Horizon School DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to operate a private school that would provide programs for preschool through high school students. The school would use an existing church building (approx. 5,400 sq.ft.) and an annex (approx. 3,000 sq.ft.). The project would add a second floor above the existing two-story multi-purpose room (the church building). Three classrooms and stairs would be constructed within the structure. Project requires environmental review and conditional use permit. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 1111 South Carr Road Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Plan Review-General 1. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. 2. A construction permit is required for the sprinkler vault and water connection. When plans are complete, three copies of the drawings, a construction estimate, application and appropriate fee shall be submitted to the 6th floor Construction Permit counter. 3. Recommend that a condition of approval be that Temporary Erosion Control for any disturbed or stockpile areas shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division for the duration of the project. Plan Review-Water 1. There is an existing 12-inch diameter waterline in Carr Road. There is an additional 12-inch dead end waterline along the east property line. The project is within the 350 pressure zone. The proposed project is outside of both aquifer protection zones. 2. The System Development Charge shall be determined if any additional meter(domestic, sprinkler, irrigation) is required for the project. This fee is payable with the construction permit. Plan Review-Sanitary Sewer 1. There is an existing 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer on the west side of the property. 2. The System Development Charge shall be determined if any additional domestic meter is required for the project. This fee is payable with the construction permit. Plan Review-Storm Water 1. No additional impervious surfaces are planned. No changes to the existing drainage are proposed. 2. The System Development charge is not triggered. New Horizon School LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF Advisory Notes (Continued) Plan Review-Transportation 1. Carr Road is paved and improved. 2. Traffic generation for the site will not exceed existing traffic generation based on calculations as a church. Therefore, no additional traffic mitigation fee shall be assessed. Building Department 1. All building comments have been made with the building permit review. Fire Prevention 1. Required fire flow is 1,500 gallons per minute. One fire hydrant is required within 150 feet of the structure and one hydrant within 300 feet of the structure. It appears that the applicant already meets or exceeds this requirement 2. The fire mitigation fees are applicable at the rate of$0.52 per square foot of the additional space only: 1,511 square feet x$0.52 = $789.36. 3. The school building only is required to have a complete fire sprinkler system installed throughout the building in both the existing and added portions of the building. 4. The school building only is required to have a complete fire alarm system installed through the building in both the existing and added portions of the building. 5. Fire lanes shall be marked per City of Renton Ordinance. Development and Planning 1. The site is designated Residential Options (RO) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The site is zoned Residential - 10 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-10). 2. Schools are permitted in the R-10 Zone with a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit. 114011.111[LI ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: NEW HORIZON SCHOOL PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF Applicant proposes to operate a private school that would provide programs for preschool through high school students. The school would use an existing church building (approx. 5,400 sq.ft.) and an annex(approx. 3,000 sq.ft.). The project would add a second floor above the existing two-story multi- purpose room (the church building). Three classrooms and stairs would be constructed within the structure. Project requires environmental review and conditional use permit. Location: 1111 South Carr Road. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, February 22, 1999. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required$75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-430-6510. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washington, on March 2, 1999, at 9:00 AM to consider the Conditional Use Permit. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you one week before the hearing. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. --— - --- - (-1.7.e",7•,.'rFrukcis7,0e..;T-r,T.Th PRueafY� SE Q Q` � I J I J GP rl 2I S 1y7941t �R- 11! RM-I R-8• `\ �I ��' SE 184th St. { riff/ NEW HORIZON SCHOOL I 1111 S. CARR RD. I 1 j RENTON.WA I I • VICINITY MAP N =1 uwe a n i,mc ea rrwi_rR.rccrr FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT(425)430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION Please include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF APPLICANT: Penny Wright, Carol Grimes/New Horizon School PROJECT NAME: New Horizon School DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to operate a private school that would provide programs for preschool through high school students. The school would use an existing church building (approx. 5,400 sq.ft.) and an annex (approx. 3,000 sq.ft.). The project would add a second floor above the existing two-story multi-purpose room (the church building). Three classrooms and stairs would be constructed within the structure. Project requires environmental review and conditional use permit. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 1111 South Carr Road LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-6-6 Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, February 22, 1999. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-430-6510. PUBLICATION DATE: February 08, 1999 DATE OF DECISION: February 02, 1999 SIGNATURES: 1 l / .ram' '--, ` ✓ a G ��regg immerman, Adminis ator DATE D partment of Planning/Building/Public Works RI 2 '3 7 Shepherd, ministrator DAT Comm nity S es , -3 - .?‘ Lee a er, Fire Chie DATE Renton Fire Department DNSMSIG.DOC CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF APPLICANT: Penny Wright, Carol Grimes/New Horizon School PROJECT NAME: New Horizon School DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to operate a private school that would provide programs for preschool through high school students. The school would use an existing church building (approx. 5,400 sq.ft.) and an annex (approx. 3,000 sq.ft.). The project would add a second floor above the existing two-story multi-purpose room (the church building). Three classrooms and stairs would be constructed within the structure. Project requires environmental review and conditional use permit. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 1111 South Carr Road MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. The applicant shall install and maintain Temporary Erosion Control measures for all stockpiled soil or disturbed areas. The Temporary Erosion Control measures shall be installed to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division, and maintained throughout the duration of the project. 2. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee at the rate of$0.52 per square foot of new construction. The fee is due prior to the issuance of the building permit. CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF APPLICANT: Penny Wright, Carol Grimes/New Horizon School PROJECT NAME: New Horizon School DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to operate a private school that would provide programs for preschool through high school students. The school would use an existing church building (approx. 5,400 sq.ft.) and an annex (approx. 3,000 sq.ft.). The project would add a second floor above the existing two-story multi-purpose room (the church building). Three classrooms and stairs would be constructed within the structure. Project requires environmental review and conditional use permit. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 1111 South Carr Road Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Plan Review- General 1. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. 2. A construction permit is required for the sprinkler vault and water connection. When plans are complete, three copies of the drawings, a construction estimate, application and appropriate fee shall be submitted to the 6th floor Construction Permit counter. 3. Recommend that a condition of approval be that Temporary Erosion Control for any disturbed or stockpile areas shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division for the duration of the project. Plan Review-Water 1. There is an existing 12-inch diameter waterline in Carr Road. There is an additional 12-inch dead end waterline along the east property line. The project is within the 350 pressure zone. The proposed project is outside of both aquifer protection zones. 2. The System Development Charge shall be determined if any additional meter(domestic, sprinkler, irrigation) is required for the project. This fee is payable with the construction permit. Plan Review-Sanitary Sewer 1. There is an existing 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer on the west side of the property. 2. The System Development Charge shall be determined if any additional domestic meter is required for the project. This fee is payable with the construction permit. Plan Review -Storm Water 1. No additional impervious surfaces are planned. No changes to the existing drainage are proposed. 2. The System Development charge is not triggered. New Horizon School LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF Advisory Notes (Continued) Plan Review-Transportation 1. Carr Road is paved and improved. 2. Traffic generation for the site will not exceed existing traffic generation based on calculations as a church. Therefore, no additional traffic mitigation fee shall be assessed. Building Department 1. All building comments have been made with the building permit review. Fire Prevention 1. Required fire flow is 1,500 gallons per minute. One fire hydrant is required within 150 feet of the structure and one hydrant within 300 feet of the structure. It appears that the applicant already meets or exceeds this requirement 2. The fire mitigation fees are applicable at the rate of$0.52 per square foot of the additional space only: 1,511 square feet x$0.52 = $789.36. 3. The school building only is required to have a complete fire sprinkler system installed throughout the building in both the existing and added portions of the building. 4. The school building only is required to have a complete fire alarm system installed through the building in both the existing and added portions of the building. 5. Fire lanes shall be marked per City of Renton Ordinance. Development and Planning 1. The site is designated Residential Options (RO) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The site is zoned Residential - 10 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-10). 2. Schools are permitted in the R-10 Zone with a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit. NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated for the following project under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. NEW HORIZON SCHOOL LUA-98-177,CU,ECF Environmental review for operation of a private school utilizing an existing church building. Location: 1111 South Carr Road. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, February 22, 1999. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-430-6510. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of City Hall, on March 2, 1999, at 9:00 AM to consider the conditional use permit. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. Interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing. Publication Date: February 8, 1999 Account No. 51067 STAFF City of Renton REPORT Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE A. BACKGROUND ERC MEETING DATE February 2, 1999 Project Name New Horizon School Applicant Penny Wright, Carol Grimes New Horizon School File Number LUA-098-177,CU-H,ECF Project Manager Jennifer Toth Henning Project Description New Horizon School proposes to operate a private school that provides educational programs for preschool through high school students with learning disabilities and/or attention deficit disorder. The school would use an existing church building (approx. 5,400 sq. ft.) and an annex (approx. 3,000 sq. ft.). Church and school activities would remain completely separate, and schedules for church and school would not overlap. Three classrooms and stairs would be constructed within the structure during the first phase of construction. This would be accomplished by adding a second floor about the over the two-story multipurpose room. Phase 1 would not result in any change to building height, lot coverage, or increase the amount of impervious surface. Nor would any change occur to parking or circulation driveways. The project site is generally flat surrounding the existing structures and parking area. Property to the east, south, and west is covered with trees and shrubs and has slopes of 25% to 30%. No development is proposed in these areas. Applicant estimates that project construction would last approximately 6 weeks once commenced. The project requires environmental review and conditional use permit. Project Location 1111 South Carr Road Exist. Bldg. Area gsf 7,980 s.f. Proposed New Bldg. Area gsf 1,518 s.f. Site Area 3.77 acres Total Building Area gsf 9,498 s.f. RECOMMENDATION Staff Recommend that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated(DNS-M). ERCRPT.DOC City of Renton PB/PW Departmen environmental Review Committee Staff Report NEW HORIZON SCHOOL L UA-98-17 , CU-H,ECF_ REPORT AND DECISION OFFEBRUARY 2, 1999) Pag,,2 of 4 B. RECOMMENDATION Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommend that the Responsible Officials make the following Environmental Determination: DETERMINATION OF X DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED. Issue DNS with 14 day Appeal Period. X Issue DNS-M with 14 day Appeal Period. Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period followed by a 14 day Appeal Period. C. MITIGATION MEASURES 1. The applicant shall install and maintain Temporary Erosion Control measures for all stockpiled soil or disturbed areas. The Temporary Erosion Control measures shall be installed to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division, and maintained throughout the duration of the project. 2. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee at the rate of$0.52 per square foot of new construction. The fee is due prior to the issuance of the building permit. Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Plan Review - General 1. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. 2. A construction permit is required for the sprinkler vault and water connection. When plans are complete, three copies of the drawings, a construction estimate, application and appropriate fee shall be submitted to the 6th floor Construction Permit counter. 3. Recommend that a condition of approval be that Temporary Erosion Control for any disturbed or stockpile areas shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division for the duration of the project. Plan Review-Water 1. There is an existing 12-inch diameter waterline in Carr Road. There is an additional 12-inch dead end waterline along the east property line. The project is within the 350 pressure zone. The proposed project is outside of both aquifer protection zones. 2. The System Development Charge shall be determined if any additional meter(domestic, sprinkler, irrigation) is required for the project. This fee is payable with the construction permit. Plan Review -Sanitary Sewer 1. There is an existing 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer on the west side of the property. 2. The System Development Charge shall be determined if any additional domestic meter is required for the project. This fee is payable with the construction permit. Plan Review-Storm Water 1. No additional impervious surfaces are planned. No changes to the existing drainage are proposed. ERCRPT.DOC City crf Renton PB/PW Department Envi, mtal Review Committee Staff Report , NEW HORIZON SCHOOL LUA-98-177, CU-H,ECF REPO RT AND DECISION OFFEBRUARY 2, 1999) Page3 of 4 2. The System Development charge is not triggered. Plan Review -Transportation 1. Carr Road is paved and improved. 2. Traffic generation for the site will not exceed existing traffic generation based on calculations as a church. Therefore, no additional traffic mitigation fee shall be assessed. Building Department 1. All building comments have been made with the building permit review. Fire Prevention 1. Required fire flow is 1,500 gallons per minute. One fire hydrant is required within 150 feet of the structure and one hydrant within 300 feet of the structure. It appears that the applicant already meets or exceeds this requirement 2. The fire mitigation fees are applicable at the rate of$0.52 per square foot of the additional space only: 1,511 square feet x $0.52 = $789.36. 3. The school building only is required to have a complete fire sprinkler system installed throughout the building in both the existing and added portions of the building. 4. The school building only is required to have a complete fire alarm system installed through the building in both the existing and added portions of the building. 5. Fire lanes shall be marked per City of Renton Ordinance. Development and Planning 1. The site is designated Residential Options (RO) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The site is zoned Residential - 10 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-10). 2. Schools are permitted in the R-10 Zone with a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit. D. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS In compliance with RCW 43.21 C. 240, the following project environmental review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. 1. Earth Impacts: The proposal would result in minor grading activity under the proposed stairway. The amount of cut has not been estimated in cubic yards, but would affect an area approximately 170 s.f. in size. Any areas graded or stockpiled could be prone to erosion and sedimentation. In order to contain disturbed or stockpiled material, staff recommends that for any disturbed or stockpiled soil areas, Temporary Erosion Control measures be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division. This should be accomplished for the duration of the project. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall install and maintain Temporary Erosion Control measures for all stockpiled soil or disturbed areas. The Temporary Erosion Control measures shall be installed to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division, and maintained throughout the duration of the project. Nexus: Environmental (SEPA) Ordinance; Mining Grading and Excavation Ordinance. ERCRPT.DOC City of Renton PB/PW Departmer ?nvironmental Review Committee StaffReport NEW HORIZON SCHOOL LUA-98-177, CU-H,ECF_ REPORT AND DECISION OFFEBRUARY 2, 1999) Pag6.4 of 4 2. Emergency Services- Fire Prevention Impacts: The proposal would result in the construction of an additional 1,518 s.f. of building area within the existing structure. The City requires charging Fire Mitigation Fees for new non-residential construction. The applicable Fire Mitigation Fee is $0.52 per square foot of new construction, and is due prior to the issuance of the Building Permit. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall pay the appropriate Fire Mitigation Fee at the rate of$0.52 per square foot of new construction. The fee is due prior to the issuance of the building permit. Nexus: Environmental (SEPA) Ordinance, Fire Mitigation Fee adopting resolution E. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS The proposal has been circulated to City Departmental/Divisional Reviewers for their review. Where applicable, these comments have been incorporated into the text of this report as Mitigation Measures and/or Notes to Applicant. X Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File. Copies of all Review Comments are attached to this report. Environmental Determination Appeal Process Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, February 22, 1999. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-430-6510. ERCRPT.DOC ... . __ _. • —.--a. -......=-•- --...aiiiiiiiMMINIIIIIIIPF . 1111Wle— I It main',mit 1 Pitrirliti 1 6 Ithit11110,1111A1; 11111111,P, ItAlik 1 (Iii II 1 ...._...._____.__ —-... i I ciiiiiz=csigin i ma-AM••••••ALA••••• '''.....'....-..::::::!.. ''',..'IA•O..A.eao. RAMP.•••••••••••• .10 1. . i ••••••.._.•••••••••_••• ......_._..._.........._. ,::,,. ,..• i I' . . -. . ... ... 1••••••A em•••••••. I i'L ' i 17.7.r."1 . :11\,..:• 'IN ..,. I L......1 . \ •,:: ..:.----.• . . .. imii 41141 ii. AIN' ti p• figerripsoft III l'IIIIIIIN ) '• . ' ,- ;44ji # t:ITFIifiT1Hillil, :•-•-• , . 't ' 1 1.-..... /Or • .,...4*.•rf. ' : '..•ill.: ,--1: :.' " " '•: .. .: : 1••.., {:=4 r.:,1,, . .a110,/'•••-•;!. . 1 ..:1'...•:f0',.;';'...,',:•.• - -- : ' . , R 6 g t. .. . 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AMICENKAM C•LOT an Or (Y)0M•WAWA•OP•P.M AL WIPM.01111 spa.COLONY City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 9.1 r� F(etl V t COMMENTS DUE: JANUARY 26, 1999 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 12, 1999 APPLICANT: Penny Wright; Carol Grimes/New Horizon School PROJECT MANAGER: JENNIF k TOTH.HENNING PROJECT TITLE: New Horizon School WORK ORDER NO: 78468 ti! ION Bj'. LOCATION: 1111 South Carr Road 1 N 1 3 199g SITE AREA: 3.77 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): 7,980 sq.ft. ,� r.. • SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to operate a private school that would provide programs?or preschool through high school students. The school would use an existing church building (approx. 5,400 sq.ft.) and an annex(approx. 3,000 sq.ft.). The project would add a second floor above the existing two-story multi-purpose room (the church building). Three classrooms and stairs would be constructed within the structure. Project requires environmental review and conditional use permit. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation • Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS v� of_ ev`-2 -t7 fi4c:t,t'eL.w, 016t,, /el (? el c' We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to property assess this proposal. t 7//4?(- 2 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev,10/93 • 1- 0 CITY OF RENTON C.) „ FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU il ,- MEMORANDUM .Nr1O DATE: January 19, 1999 TO: Jennifer Toth Henning, Senior Planner FROM: Corey Thomas, Plans Review Inspector SUBJECT: Code-related Comments for New Horizon School 1. Required fire flow is 1,500 gpm. One fire hydrant is required within 150-feet of the structure and one hydrant within 300-feet of the structure. It appears that the applicant already meets or exceeds this requirement. 2. The fire mitigation fees are applicable at the rate of $0.52 per square foot of the additional space only: 1,511 square feet x $0.52 = $789.36 3. The school building only is required to have a complete fire sprinkler system installed throughout the building in both the existing and added portions of the building. 4. The school building only is required to have a complete fire alarm system installed throughout the building in both the existing and added portions of the building. 4. Fire lanes shall be marked per City of Renton ordinance. CT:ct Horizon CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM Date: January 28, 1999 To: Jennifer Toth Henning From: Kayren K. Kittrick, Plan Review �U3 Subject: New Horizon School LUA-98-177, CU-H, ECF EXISTING CONDITIONS WATER - There is an existing 12-inch diameter water line in Carr Road. There is an additional 12-inch dead end water line along the east property line. The project is within the 350 pressure zone. The proposed project is outside of both aquifer protection zones. SEWER- There is an existing 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer on the west side of the property. STORM - No additional impervious surfaces are planned. No changes to the existing drainage are proposed. STREETS - Carr Road is paved and improved. CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER 1. The System Development Charge shall be determined if any additional meter (domestic, sprinkler, irrigation) is required for the project. This fee is payable with the construction permit. SANITARY SEWER 1. The System Development Charge shall be determined if any additional domestic meter is required for the project. This fee is payable with the construction permit. SURFACE WATER 1. No additional impervious surface is planned. The System Development Charge is not triggered. TRANSPORTATION 1. Traffic generation for the site will not exceed existing traffic generation based on calculations as a church. Therefore, no additional traffic mitigation fee shall be assessed. PLAN REVIEW - GENERAL 1. All plans shall conform to the Renton Drafting Standards. NEWHORIZ.DOC 2. A construction permit is required for the sprinkler vault and water connection. When plans are complete three copies of the drawings, a construction estimate, application and appropriate fee shall be submitted to the fourth floor counter. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS 1. Temporary Erosion Control for any disturbed or stockpile areas shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the representative of the Development Services Division for the duration of the project. CC: Neil Watts NEWHORIZ.DOC City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: \-:'0\\Le. COMMENTS DUE: JANUARY 26, 1999 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 12, 1999 APPLICANT: Penny Wright; Carol Grimes/New Horizon School PROJECT MANAGER: JENNIFER TOTH HENNING PROJECT TITLE: New Horizon School WORK ORDER NO: 78468 LOCATION: 1111 South Carr Road SITE AREA: 3.77 acres BUILDING AREA(gross): 7,980 sq.ft. SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to operate a private school that would provide programs for preschool through high school students. The school would use an existing church building(approx. 5,400 sq.ft.)and an annex(approx. 3,000 sq.ft.). The project would add a second floor above the existing two-story multi-purpose room (the church building). Three classrooms and stairs would be constructed within the structure. Project requires environmental review and conditional use permit. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare • Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services X Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet 4 Calls for Service Per Year Theft from construction sites is common. To protect materials and equipment, it is rec- ommended that all materials and tools be locked up when not in use. Construction trailers should be kept locked when not in use, and should also have a heavy-duty deadbolt installed with no less then a 1-1/2" throw when bolted. I also recommend the construction company post "No Trespassing" signs on the property while it's under construction (flier attached. ) I suggest these signs remain on the property following construction to deter trespassers , as B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS well . It's recommended that classrooms that may house computer equipment be placed in upper level classrooms. Burglars tend to target facilities that have this type of equipment, and so so normally by breaking windows on lower levels to access them. It's important to maintain one main entrance/exit for all visitors so traffic can be controlled by an office employee. All other doors should be locked from the outside, but exit attainable by those inside the building. C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. C. Driggers February 23, 1999 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/83 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:NN 1titc4 w sev\itcrA COMMENTS DUE: JANUARY 26, 1999 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 12, 1999 APPLICANT: Penny Wright; Carol Grimes/New Horizon School PROJECT MANAGER: JENNIFER TOTH IENNING PROJECT TITLE: New Horizon School WORK ORDER NO: 784680 LOCATION: 1111 South Carr Road A' �' ' ) vile SITE AREA: 3.77 acres BUILDING AREA(gross): 7,980' ft. �O SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to operate a private school that would provide prograrri�Q r pre§s of through high school students. The school would use an existing church building (approx. 5,400 sq.ft.) and an annepprox.3,000 sq.ft.). The project would add a second floor above the existing two-story multi-purpose room (the church building). F'i classrooms and stairs would be constructed within the structure. Project requires environmental review and conditional use perm ,„ A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic./Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTSC.0 ,,, ,.....„?...,e s , , P ( t)r `w, . ' cK ^''•-s .r) _Cs`.A44, ,4 V ik We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. / tl 9y Signature of Director or Authorized res�ntative Date 9 P DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10.'93 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: p\at0 Review)- Wa��.._ COMMENTS DUE: JANUARY 26, 1999 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 12, 1999 APPLICANT: Penny Wright; Carol Grimes/New Horizon School PROJECT MANAGER: JENNIFER TOTH HENNING C PROJECT TITLE: New Horizon School WORK ORDER NO: 78468 /r, LOCATION: 1111 South Carr Road ���R/7F/1/r °411 ''to oN SITE AREA: 3.77 acres BUILDING AREA(gross): 7,980 sT' /j 7,9 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to operate a private school that would provide programs for'prSschool tft8' tgh high school students. The school would use an existing church building (approx. 5,400 sq.ft.)and an annex(approk), ,Q00 sq.ft.). The project would add a second floor above the existing two-story multi-purpose room (the church building). Three air ams and stairs would be constructed within the structure. Project requires environmental review and conditional use permit. 'l1 A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary impacts Impacts Necessary — Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS SEE MFMo t- ZTi;D //018/y We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Col ii< o A9A7Sig et re of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEV .DOC Rev 10/93 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:Su"fN_P I Was- u3-61— -- COMMENTS DUE: JANUARY 26, 1999 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 12, 1999 0/4 APPLICANT: Penny Wright; Carol Grimes/New Horizon School PROJECT MANAGER: JENNIFER TOTH HENINirT6,q� PROJECT TITLE: New Horizon School WORK ORDER NO: 78468 e, Lniff LOCATION: 1111 South Carr Road 1/�i,/y ir, SITE AREA: 3.77 acres BUILDING AREA(gross): 7,980 sq.ft. Uj�, SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to operate a private school that would provide programs for prescho'leough high school students. The school would use an existing church building (approx. 5,400 sq.ft.) and an annex(approx. 3,000%q.ft.). The project would add a second floor above the existing two-story multi-purpose room (the church building). Three classrooms and stairs would be constructed within the structure. Project requires environmental review and conditional use permit. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS rye c� Ia.a Ic 5 We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to property assess this proposal. lq 'j\ 1 IJ✓�<X I c)e)/ Signs u of Director or uthorized Representative Dat /r DEVAP C Rev.10/93 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:" nrkospc -- - _ COMMENTS DUE: JANUARY 26, 1999 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 12, 1999 APPLICANT: Penny Wright; Carol Grimes/New Horizon School PROJECT MANAGER: JENNIFER TOTI�ENNING PROJECT TITLE: New Horizon School WORK ORDER NO: 78468 eta O,c,10 LOCATION: 1111 South Carr Road ,tQ. '44/ •N� t!// J 7 -71+ SITE AREA: 3.77 acres BUILDING AREA(gross): 7,980`st. 9q,, SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to operate a private school that would provide programl .re c'Mol through high school students. The school would use an existing church building (approx. 5,400 sq.ft.) and an annexfI.• .x. 3,000 sq.ft.). The project would add a second floor above the existing two-story multi-purpose room (the church building). Th -- : assrooms and stairs would be constructed within the structure. Project requires environmental review and conditional use permit. 4/ , u A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts impacts Necessary — Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LightGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ HistoricCultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS /1 Wes( 1 it (�cNevcdtioit 77l 5/I--//e (AA &4 cc 1lt)D/ t d( e -C€ e( P/X/57 -tva qeon/41104 kd,ttlj m1 Ca IC tA laell as a chtezcA. iceizzAze, kt.c.) adea `I4 z t,cffrce yv,f it n7f a n• -fee wawa 0( . - - - . C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS No II'1/Y V 04/(1 ✓ep,ved. • We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where addition''allIinfo ation// isJ needed to properly assess this proposal. IV Wa I A 3�9q Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 City o. Iton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL 8 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: L COMMENTS DUE: JANUARY 26, 1999 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 12, 1999 APPLICANT: Penny Wright: Carol Grimes/New Horizon School PROJECT MANAGER: JENNIFER TOTH HENNING PROJECT TITLE: New Horizon School WORK ORDER NO: 78468 LOCATION: 1111 South Carr Road SITE AREA: 3.77 acres BUILDING AREA(gross): 7,980 sq.ft. SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to operate a private school that would provide programs for preschool through high school students. The school would use an existing church building (approx. 5,400 sq.ft.) and an annex(approx. 3,000 sq.ft.). The project would add a second floor above the existing two-story multi-purpose room (the church building). Three classrooms and stairs would be constructed within the structure. Project requires environmental review and conditional use permit. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic./Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet /IC ,40, / 7 B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. _ � Vie 7 Sigat�f Director or Authorized epresentative Date P DEVAPP.DOC Rev 10/93 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ,rsior‘ vvuC. Je(4.xy\,t,\-C COMMENTS DUE: JANUARY 26, 1999 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 12, 1999 APPLICANT: Penny Wright; Carol Grimes/New Horizon School PROJECT MANAGER: JENNIFER TOTH HENNING PROJECT TITLE: New Horizon School WORK ORDER NO: 78468 LOCATION: 1111 South Carr Road SITE AREA: 3.77 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): 7,980 sq.ft. SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant proposes to operate a private school that would provide programs for preschool through high school students. The school would use an existing church building (approx. 5,400 sq.ft.) and an annex(approx. 3,000 sq.ft.). The project would add a second floor above the existing two-story multi-purpose room (the church building). Three classrooms and stairs would be constructed within the structure. Project requires environmental review and conditional use permit. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation LandYShoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS j\J FOLkc.i 1 SSUl:3 • C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where ad •• •_ • ded to property assess thi roposal. `li 8/99 Signature of Di tor or Aut r ed Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev 10/93 .:. ...... '\\`.�:v::i•:.:::.i.� :..;.,.•:.... ..:.....::.. tL `n\.}:}�::r,:';�':?: h ...i-'r.•:: ..:f. r: F f y.3.:': s•'r:s:,:;i;.-:.'.:;x;•;:::ii.:. .:.: ... ,...•,. ..r. . `:'.,� ...:... : .. .. ..::♦ /'!' rtw<.•..�.� r/4:�t�:•r,•:;.Y✓r�-J':}Y.:.+D,"';.t:,C::�tf)9:9 ./r. :::%.a.:..�.sa....:::...: .:!lr:::•::.'::.. �.ir:-i::::,•.: :.,+..::...::?•:.t.,}..,.;..:..;w,r,:,':��i:.V?x:?:':' rr{.s::..: ..%r. :�..r rr%t!..:::: }bay...i>:•:.:'-,}\.,••.' ;:•}.%•>.::::'t:::.}:.%:tiiii ...r:.....-:::�,. .:,'4E"I. a..:'.:..,:::}::.:•.::.:3c?.:: /,. 1 .� .. ..`,�<.:.:%...;:: a.>:.::,Y..,:.: ...r.:..... 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NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER fi lia...A eel/ �.'/7-3,Op•rpm,,.. 1. NTC, '�G I C 19.98 (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) • (Continued) NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER • • Applicant Certification l t ,nn it 1 k , hereby certify that the above list(s) of adjacent pro e (Print me) J P rtY owners and their addresses were obtained from: ❑ City of Renton Technical Services Records ' Title Company Records ❑ King C•unty Assessors Records (?/ Signed Date / — �� r • V NOTARY ATTESTED: Su: cribe and sworn before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington, residing at on the 3'rcA day of Qc b'&a,- , 19 °'t'. Signed L'i - //J �/ — (Notary Public) `�*'For City of'Renton Use' -CERTIFICATION:OF MAILING I, (nc vtir ' ;'hereby certify that.notices of the proposed application were mailed to (City Employee):.:.:..::: I? eah;:listed:> r p operty owner on: �� f� <�� Signed '% ' NOTARY it ; ATTES i • S scribed and sworn before me,' a Notary Public,'in and for the State of Washington residing �, >r ,� on the 0`1'� day of 19 f Spy►ed-`� %` Iisiprop.d1ARILYN AMCHEFF REV 07 COMMISSION EXPIRES 6/29/99 2 EDLUND, GERALD EDLUND, L L C 15005 SE 171ST ST 15005 SE 171ST ST RENTON,WA 98058 RENTON, WA 98058 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF KING COUNTY KERSTETTER, GLEN A 15455 65TH AVENUE SOUTH 17102 146TH AVENUE SE TUKWILA, WA 98188 RENTON, WA 98058 COVENANT DEVELOPMENT CORP EDLUND, GERALD 5101 N FRANCISCO AVENUE 15005 SE 171ST CHIGAGO, IL 60625 RENTON, WA 98058 COVENANT DEVELOPMENT CORP OLSON, BARBARA 5101 N FRANCISCO AVENUE 10017 CARR ROAD SE CHICAGO, IL 60625 RENTON, WA 98055 BALACLAVA HOLDINGS INC. WILLIAMS, MICHI Y 355 BURRARD ST #1550 17648 103RD AVENUE SE VANCOUVER, BC V6C 2G8 RENTON, WA 98055 BALACLAVA HOLDINGS INC. BALACLAVA HOLDINGS INC. 355 BURRARD ST#1550 355 BURRARD ST #1550 VANCOUVER, BC V6C 2G8 VANCOUVER, BC V6C 2G8 MCLAUGHLIN, WILLIAM L JR MCLAUGHLIN PROPERTIES L L C PO BOX 60106 PO BOX 60106 RENTON, WA 98058 RENTON, WA 98058 COLACURCIO, DOLORES EDLUND ABEL N& RUTH 5508 24TH AVENUE NE 5508 24TH AVEUUE NE TACOMA, WA 98422 TACOMA, WA 98422 TI . letroScan/King (WA) II Owner :Olson Barbara E Parcel# :322305 9086 08 Site : 10017 Carr Rd SE Renton 98055 Sale Date :02/25/98 11 Mail : 10017 Can-Rd SE Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price : $180,000 Full Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $133,000 Lgl : STR 322305 TAXLOT 86 W 250 FT OF Q :NW S : 32 T:23N R : 05E Bedrm :4 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 1.5 BldgSF:2,050 Ac:2.09 YB:1947 Ph: Owner : Balaclava Holdings Inc Parcel# :322305 9154 05 Site : 17735 105th PI SE Renton 25519 Sale Dare : 07/05/91 Mail : 355 Burrard St#1550 Vancouver 54200 Canada Sale Price : $7,042,625 Use : 114 Res,Apartment,100 To 199 Units Asd.V : $5,301,300 Lgl : STR 322305 TAXLOT 154 N 355 FT OF Q :NW S : 32 T:23N R : 05E Bedrm : 1 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories:3 BldgSF: 116,640 Ac:2.78 YB:1990 Ph: Owner : Williams Michi Y Parcel# :322305 9155 04 Site : 17648 103rd Ave SE Renton 98055 Sale Date :06/13/86 Mail : 17648 103rd Ave SE Renton Wa 98055 Sale Price . Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V :$78,800 Lgl : STR 322305 TAXLOT 155 POR OF NW Q :NW S : 32 T:23N R : 05E Bedrm :2 Bth F3H: 1 / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 1,520 Ac: 1.09 YB:1938 Ph:425-255-2297 Owner : State Of Washington Parcel# :322305 9183 00 Site : *No Site Address* Renton Sale Date . Mail Sale Price . Use :901 Vacant,Residential Asd.V :$349,000 Lgl : STR 322305 TAXLOT 183 W 1/2 OF SW Q :NW S :32 T:23N R :05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac:20.01 YB: Ph: Owner : State Of Washington Parcel# :322305 9187 06 Site : *No Site Address* Renton Sale Date . Mail Sale Price . Use :901 Vacant,Residential Asd.V :$276,000 Lgl : STR 322305 TAXLOT 187 E 1/2 OF SW Q :NW S : 32 T:23N R : 05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: 17.22 YB: Ph: Owner :Balaclava Holdings Inc Parcel# 322305 9242 09 Site : 17815 105th P1 SE Renton 25519 Sale Date :07/05/91 Mail :355 Burrard St#1550 Vancouver 54200 Canada Sale Price :$7,042,625 Use : 114 Res,Apartment,100 To 199 Units Asd.V : $557,700 Lgl : STR 322305 TAXLOT 242 N 185 FT OF Q :NW S : 32 T:23N R : 05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: 1.96 YB:1966 Ph: Owner : Balaclava Holdings Inc Parcel# : 322305 9260 06 Site : 17815 105th PI SE Renton 25519 Sale Date : 07/05/91 Mail :355 Burrard St#1550 Vancouver 54200 Canada Sale Price : $7,042,625 Use : 114 Res,Apartment,100 To 199 Units Asd.V : $90,700 Lgl : STR 322305 TAXLOT 260 N 37 FT OF S Q :NW S : 32 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: .32 YB:1966 Ph: Owner :Mclaughlin William L Jr Parcel# :322305 9295 05 Site : 17803 105th PI SE Renton 98055 Sale Date . Mail : PO Box 60106 Renton Wa 98058 Sale Price . Use :435 Pub,Daycare Asd.V : $488,400 Lgl : STR 322305 TAXLOT 295 E 262.65 FT Q :NW S : 32 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 5,655 Ac: .94 YB:1978 Ph: The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable,But Is Not Guaranteed. ' "etroScan/King (WA) Owner : Edlund Gerald Parcel# :322305 9018 01 Site : 10012 SE Carr Rd Renton 98055 Sale Date :07/22/97 Mail : 15005 SE 171st St Renton Wa 98058 Sale Price . Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $156,000 Lgl : STR 322305 TAXLOT 18 W 1/2 OF NW Q :NW S : 32 T:23N R : 05E Bedrm : 1 Bth F3H: /1 / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 580 Ac:4.90 YB:1940 Ph:425-255-4809 Owner : Edlund L L C Parcel# :322305 9019 00 Site : 10101 Carr Rd SE Renton 98055 Sale Date :07/22/97 Mail : 15005 SE 171st St Renton Wa 98058 Sale Price . Use : 901 Vacant,Residential Asd.V : $111,900 Lgl : STR 322305 TAXLOT 19 W 1/2 OF NW Q :NW S : 32 T:23N R : 05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac: 3.71 YB: Ph:425-255-4809 Owner : Housing Authority Of King C Parcel# : 322305 9020 07 Site : *No Site Address* 00129 Sale Date . Mail : 15455 65th Ave S Seattle Wa Sale Price . Use : 144 Res,Mobile Home Park,100 To 199 Uni Asd.V :$3,608,000 Lgl : STR 322305 TAXLOT 20 SE 1/4 OF NW Q :NW S : 32 T:23N R : 05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 3,705 Ac: 39.00 YB:1985 Ph: Owner : Kerstetter Glen A Parcel# :322305 9040 03 Site : 10436 SE Carr Rd Renton 98055 Sale Date . Mail : 17102 146th Ave SE Renton Wa 98058 Sale Price . Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $339,000 Lgl : STR 322305 TAXLOT 40 POR 495 FT OF Q :NW S : 32 T:23N R : 05E Bedrm : 6 Bth F3H:2 /1 / Stories: 1.5 BldgSF: 2,310 Ac:2.13 YB:1928 Ph:425-255-6613 Owner : Covenant Development Corp Parcel# :322305 9062 06 Site : *No Site Address* Renton Sale Date . Mail : 5101 N Francisco Ave Chicago I160625 Sale Price . Use : 901 Vacant,Residential Asd.V : $72,000 Lgl : STR 322305 TAXLOT 62 POR OF W 1/2 Q :NW S : 32 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac:2.11 YB: Ph: Owner : Edlund Abel N&Ruth 'Parcel# :322305 9072 04 Site : 17611 SE 102nd St Renton 98059 Sale Date . Mail : 5508 24th Ave NE Tacoma Wa 98422 Sale Price . Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V :$270,000 Lgl : STR 322305 TAXLOT 72 PORTION OF N Q :NW S : 32 T: 23N R :05E Bedrm :2 Bth F3H: 1 /1 / Stories: 1.5 BldgSF:2,630 Ac: 8.14 YB:1937 Ph: Owner : Edlund Gerald Parcel# : 322305 9078 08* Site : 10130 SE Carr Rd Renton 98055 Sale Date : 07/22/97 Mail : 15005 SE 171st St Renton Wa 98058 Sale Price . Use : 101 Res,Single Family Residence Asd.V : $121,600 Lgl : STR 322305 TAXLOT 78 POR OF W 1/2 Q :NW S : 32 T:23N R : 05E Bedrm : 2 Bth F3H: 1 /1 / Stories: 1.5 BldgSF: 2,420 Ac: 1.85 YB:1934 Ph:425-255-4809 Owner : Covenant Development Corp Parcel# : 322305 9079 07 Site : 10043 SE Carr Rd Renton Sale Date . Mail : 5101 N Francisco Ave Chicago I160625 Sale Price . Use : 912 Vacant,Multiple,1 To 5 Acres Asd.V : $90,700 Lgl : STR 322305 TAXLOT 79 POR OF NW 1/4 Q :NW S : 32 T: 23N R : 05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac:2.08 YB: Ph: The Information Provided is Deemed Reliable,But Is Not Guaranteed. letroScan/King (WA) Owner y: Mclaughlin Properties L L C Parcel# :322305 9299 01 Site : 10433 SE Carr Rd Renton 98055 Sale Date : 12/31/96 Mail : PO Box 60106 Renton Wa 98058 Sale Price . Use :413 Pub,Restaurant,Fast Food Asd.V : $697,300 Lgl : STR 322305 TAXLOT 299 POR W 495 FT Q :NW S :32 T:23N R : 05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: 1 BldgSF: 3,365 Ac: 1.11 YB:1995 Ph: Owner :Colacurcio Dolores Parcel# :322305 9316 00 Site : *No Site Address* Sale Date . Mail : 5508 24th Ave NE Tacoma Wa 98422 Sale Price . Use : 901 Vacant,Residential Asd.V :$80,000 Lgl : STR 322305 TAXLOT 316 POR N 1/2 OF Q :NW S :32 T:23N R :05E Bedrm : Bth F3H: / / Stories: BldgSF: Ac:2.43 YB: Ph:253-925-1172 The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable,But Is Not Guaranteed. - Y Ilnmeu ra 30%and the maximum Impervious surface area allowed is 60%.The proposal would not result in a change In building footprint,lot coverage,height, • 7 or the like. Environmental Documents that • W. Evaluate the Proposed Project: None. • • Development Regulations NOTICE OF APPLICATIONFor Used For Project Mitigation: The proposal is subject to the City's SEPA Ordinance,Zoning Code.Parking and AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON- Loadingi and oolc orks cStandards,regul Pionform Bsiamr Cprate Uniform Fire Code,and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED Proposed Mitigation Measures: The following Mitigation Measures wig likely be imposed on the proposed project.These recommended Mitigation Measures address project impacts not covered by existing codes and regulations as cited above. t. Transportation Mitigation Fee:The proposal may be subject to a Transportation Mitigation Fee payable at the DATE: JANUARY 12,1998 rate of$75.00 per each new average daily trip attributable to the project. 1. Fire Mitigation Fee:The proposal will be subject toe Fire Mitigation Fee at the rate or$0.52 per square loot of LAND USE NUMBER: LUA-98.177,CU-H,ECF/NEW HORIZON SCHOOL new construction. APPUCATION NAME: NEW HORIZON SCHOOL Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Ms.Jennifer Toth Henning,Project Manager, Development Services Division,1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on January 27,1999.This PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to operate a private school that would provide matter is also scheduled for a public hearing on March 2,1999 at 9:00 AM,Council Chambers,Seventh Floor,Renton programs for preschool through high school students. The school would use an existing church building(approx.5,400 City Hall,1055 South Grady Way,Renton.If you are interested in attending the hearing,please contact the sq.ft.)and an annex(approx.3,000 sq.ft.). The project would add a second floor above the existing two-story mill- cannot Services Division,(425)430.7282,to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled.If comments purpose mom(the church building). Three classrooms and stairs would be constructed within the structure. Project cannot be submitted in writing by the date Indicated above,you may still appear at the hearing and present your requires environmental review and conditional use permit. comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner.If you have questions about this proposal,or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by malt,contact Ms.Henning at(425)430-7288.Anyone who PROJECT LOCATION: 1111 South Cart Road submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED(DNS-M):As the Lead Agency,the City of CONTACT PERSON: JENNIFER TOTH HENNING(125)430.7285 Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore.as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110,the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS(M)process to give PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION notice that a DNS-M is likely to be issued.Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS•M are Integrated into a single comment period.There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated(DNS-M).A 14 day appeal period will follow the Issuance of the DNS-M. PERMIT APPUCATION DATE: December 9,1998 • NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: January 12,1999 APPUCANT: New Horizon School-Penny Wright;Carol Grimes — — .era-c,-�a,w.�,ra'1 OWNER: Faith Covenant Church,925-116th Avenue NE 8221,Bellevue,WA i > - Q 98004-4894 Q Pertnits/Review R nested: SE 1 Q Q` 1 Requested, (SEPA)Environmental Review,Conditional Use(CU)Permit k> J GPQ. I Other Permits which may be required: Building Permit,Mechanical Permit,Electrical Permit,State Licensing J t� '" Requirements for Schools 4 — lid Requested Studies: None 9 S 1 f li 4• • .0 . Location where application may LoritEbe reviewed: Planning/Building/Public Works Division,Development Services Department, fi1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055 '-M-I � SE 1180th SLi • ®® ` PUBLIC HEARING: Public hearing scheduled for Tuesday,March 2,1999 before the Renton NEW XOAI20N SCHOOL Hearing Examiner In Renton Council Chambers.Hearings begin at 9:00 AM on so the 7th floor of the new Renton City Hall located at 1055 Grady Way South. l aix,o,woes I •r CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: I VICINITY NAP Land Use&Zoning: The project is designated Residential Options(RO)on the City's Comprehensive I { '•'`. _Ll Plan Land Use Map.Objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan t h _ IS_1.-+e--._ ----J address the location and siting of school and church lagiities.The policies state That schools should be allowed in residential neighborhoods where Impacts to the surrounding area can be mitigated.Other policies for schools and churches discuss the need for adequate and appropriate site circulation for automobiles end pedestrians and for parking on rile to be buffered from adjacent uses. The site Is zoned Residential-10 Dwelling Units per Acre(R-10).Schools end churches are permitted in the R•10 Zone contingent upon the granting of e Conditional Use Permit by the Hearing Examiner.Setbacks permitted in the R- 10 Zone am as follows:front yard-minimum 20 feet from existing streets;rear yard-minimum 20 feel;side yard-Interior lot 5 feel,comer lot•15 feet. Maximum height permitted is two stories or 30 feet.Maximum lot coverage is I OENMALOT.DOC GENrAAIOT OOC CERTIFICATION I, \��-evi V) l tf' �frh4/h , hereby certify that copies of the above document were posted by 2e in 3 conspicuousplaces on or nearby the described property on . � -1 /P( /R Si e �L4 c e ATTEST: Subcribed and sworn before me,a Nortary Publi in and for the State of J44,4b Washington residing in—e., ,on the entA day of -),, /'? GI . ��, �l �• s11 MARILYN KAMCHEFF COMMISSION EXPIRES 6/29/99 - • -C. 3R3H3MAI WYJIPAM 6*Y NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON- SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED DATE: JANUARY 12,1999 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF/NEW HORIZON SCHOOL APPLICATION NAME: NEW HORIZON SCHOOL PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Applicant proposes to operate a private school that would provide • programs for preschool through high school students. The school would use an existing church building (approx. 5,400 sq.ft.) and an annex (approx. 3,000 sq.ft.). The project would add a second floor above the existing two-story multi- purpose room (the church building). Three classrooms and stairs would be constructed within the structure. Project requires environmental review and conditional use permit. PROJECT LOCATION: 1111 South Carr Road OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED(DNS-M): As the Lead Agency,the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore,as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110,the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS(M)process to give notice that a DNS-M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into C',n a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of 5Iri Non-Significance Mitigated(DNS-M). A 14 day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: December 9, 1998 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: January 12, 1999 APPLICANT: New Horizon School-Penny Wright;Carol Grimes OWNER: Faith Covenant Church,925-116th Avenue NE#221,Bellevue,WA 98004-4694 Permits/Review Requested: (SEPA)Environmental Review,Conditional Use(CU)Permit Other Permits which may be required: Building Permit, Mechanical Permit, Electrical Permit,State Licensing Requirements for Schools Requested Studies: None Location where application may be reviewed: Planning/Building/Public Works Division,Development Services Department, 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055 PUBLIC HEARING: Public hearing scheduled for Tuesday,March 2,1999 before the Renton Hearing Examiner in Renton Council Chambers. Hearings begin at 9:00 AM on the 7th floor of the new Renton City Hall located at 1055 Grady Way South. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Land Use&Zoning: The project is designated Residential Options(RO)on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan address the location and siting of school and church facilities. The policies state that schools should be allowed in residential neighborhoods where impacts to the surrounding area can be mitigated. Other policies for schools and churches discuss the need for adequate and appropriate site circulation for automobiles and pedestrians and for parking on site to be buffered from adjacent uses. r• The site is zoned Residential-10 Dwelling Units per Acre(R-10). Schools and churches are permitted in the R-10 Zone contingent upon the granting of a Conditional Use Permit by the Hearing Examiner. Setbacks permitted in the R- 10 Zone are as follows: front yard-minimum 20 feet from existing streets;rear yard-minimum 20 feet;side yard-interior lot 5 feet,corner lot- 15 feet. Maximum height permitted is two stories or 30 feet. Maximum lot coverage is GENMALOT.DOC limited to 5C d the maximum impervious surface area allowed is The proposal wo >t result in a change in building footprint,lot coverai , ight, or the like. Environmental Documents that • Evaluate the Proposed Project: None. Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The proposal is subject to the City's SEPA Ordinance,Zoning Code,Parking and Loading Ordinance,Public Works Standards,Uniform Building Code,Uniform Fire Code,and other applicable codes and regulations as appropriate. Proposed Mitigation Measures: The following Mitigation Measures will likely be imposed on the proposed project. These recommended Mitigation Measures address project impacts not covered by existing codes and regulations as cited above. 1. Transportation Mitigation Fee: The proposal may be subject to a Transportation Mitigation Fee payable at the rate of$75.00 per each new average daily trip attributable to the project. . 2. Fire Mitigation Fee: The proposal will be subject to a Fire Mitigation Fee at the rate or$0.52 per square foot of new construction. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Ms.Jennifer Toth Henning,Project Manager, Development Services Division,1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on January 27,1999. This matter is also scheduled for a public hearing on March 2,1999 at 9:00 AM,Council Chambers,Seventh Floor,Renton City Hall,1055 South Grady Way,Renton. If you are interested in attending the hearing,please contact the Development Services Division,(425)430-7282,to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled. If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date indicated above,you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal,or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail,contact Ms.Henning at(425)430-7286. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: JENNIFER TOTH HENNING (425)430-7286 PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION ————'—"'— — —— L,NC M APPR«. 11n.e Pf.w/i PRa/CIern S1 Q Q. I i ' GP�r J �I 1 11 7 Q v t'7 t �L.._ R-I fi <i 'I2 CO I I *, !I' Q RM-I �� • R'8 ' SE 1180th St. 11111711 NEW HORIZON SCHOOL 1111 S. CARR RD. 1 RENTON.WA ic - 1 i VICINITY MAP .4111 ' i ___ -1 LILAC OP MIR01L 10. /11/1 rtt.2JCTY—___1 GENMALOT.DOC • CITY ►F RENTON ..LL Planning/Building/Public Works Department • Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator January 12, 1999 Mr. Rick Gulstrom GMS Architectural Group 1804- 136th Place NE, Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 SUBJECT: New Horizon School • Project No. LUA-98-177,CU-H,ECF Dear Mr. Gulstrom: The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. It is tentatively scheduled for consideration by the Environmental Review Committee on February 02, 1999. Prior to that review, you will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. The date of Tuesday, March 02, 1999 at 9:00 a.m., has been set for a public hearing to review the proposed Conditional Use (CU) Permit. The hearing, before Mr. Fred Kaufman, Renton Hearing Examiner, will be held in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you one week before the hearing. Please contact me, at (425) 430-7286, if you have any questions. Sincerely, - c/(.eivvi - �^ ,...ectiva,A))\ Jennifer Toth Henning Project Manager cc: Faith Covenant Church/Owners ALLF'1 L1 K.UUL 1055 South Grady Way- Renton, Washington 98055 7 Thic naner rnntainc SO°/recvcleri material 90%nnct consumer 12-1.:36—I&ati I U= 14AM F HUM (1 6 ARCH. GPUUP 4256441921 P. 2 3t v je r + r � '. is nlfGkr • # ' OF)~ENT'tON O [ E S D)V!�=ION 4'��G-i<���G"i��r�Y��v� i a..^ f I kr ti ��.{g• • LAND u E '# crinn /. • '' S� + .iytL .jr rr rri� rojr I 'S i ASTER AP L■CATION ' s a r , + , 4 kINI No 4 ,i1 th a)d,ff [0t1�n cinb iiii a 044 0# + h ii104lQ'i(P t: i sii.fliel Pf$11.4ri ii de: 0i4to �1ifrA <..'5 '>' 4;15!.�`:�'S4;,."; PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME: Faith Covenant Church New Horizon School C/o North Pacific Conference PROPERTY/PROJECT ADDRESS(S)ILOCATION: ADDRESS: 925 116th Ave. N.E. #221 1111 S. Carr Rd. CITY: Bellevue, WA ZIP: 98004-4694 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBERIS): Parcel #3223059081 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (425) 451-7434 EXISTING LAND USEIS): ilr+!e: ;�� ► +� s . Church • c •3'NM .' �' i" tf£ar' ' iV� i �E''' PROPOSED LAND USES: NAME: Penny Wight, Administrator Carol Crimps, Board President K-12 Private School COMPANY lif applicable): EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: New Horizon School R-0 ADDRESS: 1111 S. Carr. Rd. PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION(if applicable): Not Applicable CITY: Renton, WA ZIP: 98055 EXISTING ZONING: • R-10 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (425) 226-3717 PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): .i"':!,"R'.a4la Not Appl icab1e ; � e;., C :.i� ;3. .. Y..i.: • SITE AREA(SO.FT.OR ACREAGE): NAME: Rick Guistrom 3.77 Acres COMPANY(if applioabte): PROJECT VALUE: GMS Architectural Group phase 1 - $48%A00 ADDRESS: 1804-136th PI . N.E. Suite 100 IS THE SITE LOCATED IN•THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA? No CITY: Bellevue, WA ZIP: 98005 IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA? TELEPHONE NUMBER: (425) 644-1446 No C1TY OF RENTON REC'E!VED JAN 0 7 1998 buiii_baq(i DIVISION I G—rGO—I.J:JB I ICJ: 14HI'•'I r KUI l ,...11 !.Z, HIKL.rI. LY.IJur- r-1.G17G.J.,. +G I I--. . • _ y , _ d ( ¢*..e. k \ r ��`�mo4 w '°fieh /Iay��CIST :Q :. Y (At9th pa t l #-.: V�aY lyJ, y :A - wt,,,. . S : , , S < a • L e4 v. Ie''It�pp'.E 1 (ri ty.;l. yiq' r' nr,t.7�LiIMr p'. Y ►�/(v��a i•�'I: sI' f >+3s 111 rl( II11(i � �I rs li+t £ n'i� 1l}Ply IUI 31 inlr I r Y'':r 1 1r ir'r r:`�t i .Pit�E aF A 9 I.IOA I:0-N.'. a' 1 u I�> kUi�. t I ( ` r f I l� ,...A }r I kI11 arr tl.r �£I ..,i,sl v' rt ;%••,rr.'•: x.<.i., n nE '.i liv !q� t"i i,, tt 3 7 r. i r. n w • t Ifis V. S yrrr 't Ie r rar I r ♦ l 'l r rs i I i• i ` r: 9 .h' da!".al'` IP>1. 1P o.0:Y.P.aaA. a .�app1yn pry:, i �r �11. da rrsir'. '' ' .' ANNEXATION $ SUBDIVISION: COMP. PLAN AMENDMENT $ ' REZONE $ _ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT $ — SPECIAL PERMIT $ _SHORT PLAT $ TEMPORARY PERMIT $ TENTATIVE PLAT c _ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $ ^PRELIMINARY PLAT $ SITE PLAN APPROVAL $ _ FINAL PLAT 9 T GRADE & FILL PERMIT $ , • — (NO. CU. YDS: ) PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: $ VARIANCE $ (FROM SECTION: _ i _ PRELIMINARY WAIVER $ FINAL �'WETLAND PERMIT S — ROUTINE VEGETATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: $ MANAGEMENT PERMIT $ • _ BINDING SITE PLAN $ SHORELINE REVIEWS: SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT $ _ CONDITIONAL USE 9 _VARIANCE $ ""' , • _ EXEMPTION SNo Charae _ ENVIRONMENTAL, REVIEW $ REVISION $ .x v.S' •.�. ax 1 x:.r.. , ,: i ::4*w�. ..,7 tf4 �YVy . • YEp. e ...... :I ..t .. '''; 0 -4.a;maI ;?> ? a . . ; .. . `w . . . .-- I, (Print Name)7elAQVl- W , declare that I am(Please check one),^the owner of the property involved in this application, X the authorized►epreeentdtive to act for the property owner(please attach proof of authorization), and that the foregoing statements and answers heroin contained and the information herewith submitted Cr.in all rospeete true and correct to the beet of my knowledge and belief. rPz7 N`araeY12.uk CLUXCL. ' ef,�•,�A c.�Saa I� f-r C_ ATTE.Ts Subscribed end sworn to before me,a Notary Public,in and t7'f b at 1e — dot.a f r t S he Stets of 11. —rosi tl • ive) � VL- (Name of wner/Representat is 'v t "6FFICIAL SEAL" •arnbcycJILL A. HALL (Signature Owner/Representative) • otary Public, State of Illinois (Sig ure of Notary Publi I My Commission Expires Dec. 20, 1999 i ti i.i :: :A. "i1 :t < co. lets d b "it :Staff K ". 'c:�::,,,� .>`.,� q')# x` ry .�':1�'i�+,�$�{:tlt?rf"td<be mp t; Y�.l, Y ,? •��!, ':�i,°iii 'F•c?;. ::n�:u.awwn d Y �.t•p asi�:p. w.r 3 '•:r;ir..'.Ll l .rl)_ t `� ` K-;;°" ' AADD :BSI!' CAPS :; AP•.0. CPM 0U:A' CU-H ECF` LLA •:::::,;;>,.41:4FITAI F �F ;PR""'''F VIAFaA�o n $a H ..'SHPL A� SHttt.A.SP'..SM SME TP VGA V-B v . . .f:.:• i••s..•. .. r :r µ.M4: ;. "�:.• .,r ;:I, '�.b' AL: ES': •„.. '�` ?. TOTAL'POSTAGI ,PROVIDE• D:' $. • ,i MAISTEMP.DOC P VEstD ots7 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that•;certain real property situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, being a portion of .the west half of the nor thwest•cuurtcr of Section 32, . - Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, and being more particularly • described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the west line of the east half of west half of the northwest ,auarter of said Section 32, distant thereon NOI°18'06"E 253.59 feet from the south- westerly corner of the north 200 feet of the east half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 32; thence from said POINT OF EEGINNiNG, along said west line N01°IS'06"E 2S0.00 feet to the south line of the north half of tie southeast quarter of the northwest cuarter of the northwest cuarter of said Section 32; thence along said south line NS7°48'56"E 20.04 feet; thence NO!°18'06"E 46.49 feet to a point on the southerly right-of-way line of Carr Road; thence along said southerly right- . of-way line from a tangent tnat bears N79O26`=:9"E thecurveto t� along arcofa the left having a radius of 622.96 feet and a central angle of 01°26'34", an arc length of 15.65; thence SS7°23'42"E 39.04 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course, along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 242.21 feet and a central angle of 64°30'52", an arc length of 272.73 feet; thence from a tangent that bears N50°52'01"E, along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 622.96 feet and a central angle of 02°17'47", an arc length of 24.97 feet; thence leaving said southerly right-of-way line of Carr Road, tangent to the preceding curve along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 25.00 feet and a central angle of 85°34'27", an arc length of 37.34 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve 345°51'19"E 44.94 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 175:00 feet and a central angle of 44°10'50", an arc length of 134.94 feet; thence tangent •to the preceding curve S01°40'29"E IS 1.50 feet; thence tangent to the preceding course'along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 275.00 feet and a central angle of 26°47'33", an arc length of 12S.60 feet; thence SSS°0S'33"W 424.44 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Contains 3.773 acres more or less_ The Evangelical Covenant Church December 15, 1998 Ms. Jana Huerter Municipal Building Sixth Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton,Washington 98055 FAX: 425/277-4465 Dear Ms. Huerter: This is to certify that Steve Dawson,Director of Technical Services for the Department of Church Growth and Evangelism of The Evangelical Covenant Church, is authorized to represent the denomination in matters relating to the property of Faith Covenant Church, 1111 South Carr Road, Renton,Washington. Sincerely yours, )3161,--14 • aly I Glenn R.Palmberg 1 President i i GRP/kf State of Illinois County of Cook This instrument was acknowledged before me on December 15, 1998 by Glenn R. Palmberg. OFFICIAL SEAL" NANCY M. FISHER , Notary Public, State of Illinois My Commission Expires Dec. 6, 2001 27'4NJr**144e4"' ot Public GLENN R.PALMBERG,PRESIDENT 5101 North Francisco Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60625-3611 E-mail: PresECC@compuserve.com Telephone:773/907-3301 Fax: 773/784-4366 Project Narrative Now Horizon School proposes to use an existing"church" (approximately 5,400 s.f.) and a small detached building"annex" (approximately 3,000 s.f.) on 3.77 acres at 1111 South Carr Road in Renton, Washington. School use of both buildings will be to provide specialized educational programs for preschool through high school students with learning disabilities and/or attention deficit disorder. Church and school activities will remain completely separate; and schedules will not conflict with each other. Existing zoning is R-10, the site is flat at the area surrounding the two building with 47 existing parking stalls. The property to the east, south, and west is covered with existing trees, vegetation and shrubs with some slopes of 25%-30%. These areas are presently existing and no development is proposed for these areas. The first phase is to add three new classrooms add stairs to the"church" (approximately 1,518 s.f.) This will be accomplished by adding a second floor above the open two story multi purpose room. Phase I will not change the building height, lot coverage, increase the impervious surface or relocate any parking, buildings or driveways. No proposed off-site improvements will be required, no existing drainage conditions will be changed, no fill or excavation proposed, also no existing trees will be removed for Phase I. The fair market value of the existing land and buildings according to the current owner's appraisal is $950,000. Estimate of construction cost for Phase I is approximately $48,000. Future plans or phases will be provided to the city for review based on the need to increase the existing faculties and services in the near future O,� c M 110/ Justification for the Conditional Use Permit Request A. Comprehensive Plan: The proposed use, New Horizon School, shall be compatible with the general purpose, goals, objectives, and standards of the comprehensive plan, zoning ordinance and other ordinances of the City of Renton. See "B2" below. B. Community Need: . There will be no over concentration of private non-profit schools for learning disabled students either in the City of Renton or in the immediate area of the proposed site as a result of the use of this site for such purposes. 2. The proposed site is well suited for the proposed use since the existing and proposed facilities were designed with education, performing arts, recreation, social gatherings and assemblies in mind. The buildings are set back from the street and surrounded by a buffer of undisturbed vegetation. Renton's location between Tacoma and Seattle with easy access from the East and West sides of Lake Washington make the proposed site excellent for students and families traveling daily from Pierce, King, Snohomish and Kitsap Counties to participate in the specialized education program that New Horizon School provides. The school community (staff and families) is very active and supportive of excellent education and will positively contribute to the maintenance of the school and its positive interaction with the surrounding community. The site is close to many of the school's referring agencies. Further, there is great potential for Renton to provide through New Horizon School teacher training, educational workshops and seminars, performance arts education and programs, and a model school environment for preschool through high school students with learning disabilities and/or attention disorder. There is also the potential for the Renton School District to set a precedent in positive relationships and sharing of expertise in regards to public and private schools working together to meet the needs of this special student population. C. Effect on Adjacent Properties: The proposed use at the proposed location shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property. Traffic should at no time exceed that going in and out of businesses and apartment complexes neighboring the site. Class sizes are small and structured, thereby increasing appropriate and effective learning ,�ppM behaviors. Students and staff will remain on campus during the school day, except articipate in field trips and ies or in �Yo RFN AL,N,"✓/ to pound ng community. Phase I:community he existing buildings landscaping tin the De TON g Y g p g R C _I 1998 remain the same except for a minor change at the Northwest corner of the "church." The buildings and landscaping shall be pleasant to the passerby. VQ O SITE NOTES : TOTAL SITE AREA: 3.11 ACRE = 164,221 SOFT. EXISTING BUILDINGS FOOTAGE MAIN FLR.+ LOWER FLR= (BY FLOOR): 1,936 SF + 3,521 SF = 5,451 SF TOTAL NEW BUILDING FOOTPRINT ANNEX + EXIST'G CI-LURCH + NEW ADDITION = ON SITE 2,523 SF + 3,521 SF +166 SF= 6,210 SF NEW ADDITION FOOTAGE MAIN FLR+ LOWER FLR.= (BY FLOOR): 1,352 SF + 166 SF = 1,518 SF TOTAL GROSS FOOTAGE EXIST'G FLR+ NEW ADD. FLR.= (EXISTING 4 NEW ADDITION) 5,451 SF + 1,518 SF = 6,915 SF TOTAL APPROX. SQ. FT. OF EXISTING la,193 SF NATURAL/UNDEVELOPED AREA EXISTING BUILDING I-!EIGHT: 30 FT. (FROM FINISH FLR. TO PITCHED ROOF) BUILDING SETBACK REQUIRED 20 FT BY CODE: PROPOSED BUILDING SETBACK: N/A (INTERIOR RENOVATION ONLY) NUMBER OF PARKING REQUIRED: 15 PARKINGS FOR 15 EMPLOYEES (1 PARKING PER AN EMPLOYEE 1 PARKINGS FOR 10 STUDENTS (MAX.) 1 PARKING PER 10 STUDENTS) REQUIRED 22 STALLS NUMBER OF EXISTING PARKING 40 PARKING STALLS PLUS 5 HANDICAP STALLS: PARKING STALLS TOTAL AREA OF EXISTING 34,200 SOFT. (APPROX.) IMPERVIOUS SURFACING TOTAL AREA OF NEW 208 SOFT. NEW CONC. WALK IMPERVIOUS SURFACING TOTAL AREA OF (NEW + EXIST.) 34,408 SOFT. IMPERVIOUS SURFACING PERCENTAGE OF LOT (6,210-:-164,221) x 100 = 3.5% COVERED BY BUILDINGS ONLY TOTAL AREA OF IMPERVIOUS 6,210 + 34408 = 40,618 SOFT SURFACES-BLDGS,DRI VES,WALKS NEW PERCENTAGE OF LOT COVERED (40,618,-164,221) x 100 = 24.1% BY IMPERVIOUS SURFACES i 'TLOPMENT PL./V. CITY OF RENTON DEC1 1998 RECEIVED Ci4 i. , :. I C1 u 1804 136th Pl. N.E., Suite #1 Bellevue, WA 98005 (425)644-1446 FAX:644-1921 NEW HORIZON SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION AND MITIGATION PLAN The following construction mitigation methods will be utilized during the development of New Horizon School. 1. Proposed construction dates: mid March - end April 2. Hours of construction: 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday-Friday 3. Proposed transportation/hauling routes: Access to the site will be from Carr Road, which is a major arterial street. 4. There will be minimal dust, traffic, erosion, and noise on site, during the construction of this tenant improvement project. Sidewalks adjacent to the building will be cleaned as necessary to keep area clear. 5. No specialty hours for construction are necessary for the extent of this project. `,.a . �N1 � D cc`� O', OpMOF RE G11o,98 of \leo 94G e` .v Architecture•Design•Planning Member of the American Institute of Architects 41110 0 Pam, 1804 136th Pl. N.E., Suite #1 �OF jTA Bellevue, WA 98005 Pee RTO ' (425)644-1446 FAX:644-1921 1 e� on 1 N FCC ' I "4 December 9, 1998 0 Jana Heurter City of Renton RE: New Horizon School Addition for Conditional Use Permit Dear Jana: After several hours of research, we have been unable to locate an actual address for parcels owned by the State of Washington (see MetroScan Tax Lot 183 & Lot 187). It has been concluded that the State of Washington has several departments which each own separate properties. Without doing a complete title/deed research we cannot determine which department of the State of Washington owns these two properties. I was also told by the State of Washington that even after a deed research, the department may not have been listed because these properties were bought many years ago. We apologize for not having a mailing label for these two parcels, but without further cost and extensive time we cannot list an address for any parcels owned by the State of Washington. Cordially, Q2A6Ctd- (X11441412— Peggy S. Gamache, Office Manager GMS ARCHITECTURAL GROUP, AIA, P.S. Architecture.Design•Planning Member of the American Institute of Architects ENVIRONMENTAL SEPA CHECKLIST FOR New Horizon School The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), chapter 43.21C RCW. A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: NEW HORIZON SCHOOL 2. Name of applicant: NEW HORIZON SCHOOL 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: f NEW HORIZON SCHOOL C/O GMS ARCHITECTURAL GROUP, AIA, P.S. RICHARD R. GULSTROM, AIA, PRINCIPAL 1804 136TH PLACE N.E., SUITE 1 BELLEVUE, WA 98005 (425) 644-1446 C/71,ppMFN 4. Date checklist prepared: REN p�'•"V DFct1`� 199 DECEMBER 1, 1998 R 8 � 4V 5. Agency requesting checklist: �� CITY OF RENTON 6. Proposed timing or schedule(including phasing, if applicable): • PHASE 1 - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT -NO CHANGES IN EXISTING LANDS WITH A NEW 2ND FLOOR AND STAIRS (ADDITIONAL 1,518 S.F.)LOCATED ABOVE EXISTING MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM(ORIGINALLY THE CHURCH). Environmental Sepa Checklist Page 2 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. PHASES II, III, & IV, USE OF THE LAND AND FACILITIES WOULD REMAIN THE SAME, BUT ENABLE GROWTH IN STUDENT ENROLLMENT AND EXPANDED COMMUNITY EDUCATION, WORKSHOPS, PRESENTATIONS AND PERFORMING ARTS ACTIVITIES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE SCHOOL. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared or will be prepared directly related to this proposal: NONE 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposals? If yes, explain. NO 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. TYPICAL BUILDING PERMIT, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL AND LAND USE CHANGE PERMITS. 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. EXISTING TWO BUILDINGS WILL BE PURPOSES OF SPECIALIZED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS FROM PRESCHOOL TO HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL. THE EXISTING 3,000 +/- S.F. STRUCTURE LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF PROPERTY WILL BE USED FOR CLASSROOMS AND ADMINISTRATION. THE EXISTING STRUCTURE (ORIGINALLY THE CHURCH) WILL BE USED AS ADMINISTRATIVE AND CLASSROOMS. THE EXISTING MULTI PURPOSE ROOM WHICH HAS AN EXISTING TWO STORY OPEN SPACE WILL HAVE A NEW FLOOR ADDED FOR THREE NEW CLASSROOMS AND STAIRS. (APPROXIMATELY 1,518 NEW SQUARE FEET). 12. Location of proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonable available. While you should submit any plans required by 410 N Environmental Sepa Checklist Page 3 the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. 1111 SOUTH CARR ROAD RENTON, WA 98055 (SOUTH SIDE OF CARR RD.) (SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SITE PLAN) B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site (underline one): Flat, rolling, hilly, steep,slopes, • mountainous, other. PROPERTY IS LEVEL AT LOCATION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES WITH SLOPES EXCEEDING 30% TO THE SOUTHEAST. b. What is the steepest slope on the site(approximate percent slope)? 25%-30% SOUTHEAST OF EXISTING BUILDINGS (NOTE: NO WORK IN THIS AREA FOR PHASE I) c. What general types of soils are found on the site(for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. SAND AND CLAY d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. NOT KNOW e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. UNDER THE NEW STAIRS, THERE WILL BE APPROXIMATELY 170 S.F. OF AREA THAT WILL REQUIRE CUTTING. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. NO EXTERIOR WORK WILL CAUSE ANY EROSION CONTROL PROBLEMS. 010 Environmental Sepa Checklist Page 4 g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? APPROXIMATELY 208 S.F. WILL BE ADDED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE. TOTAL SITE IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ADDED IS 1/2% h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: NOT APPLICABLE 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial, wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities, if known. NONE b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. NONE c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: NOT APPLICABLE 3. WATER a. Surface Water 1. Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year- round and seasonal streams, salt water, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. NO 2. Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet)the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. NOT APPLICABLE Environmental Sepa Checklist Page 5 3. Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. NOT APPLICABLE 4. Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities, if known. NOT APPLICABLE 5. Does the proposal lie within a 100-year flood plain? If so, note flood plain location on site plan. NO 6. Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. NO b. Ground Water: 1. Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known: NO 2. Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage: industrial, containing the following chemicals..;agricultural: etc.) Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the. number of animals or humans the system(s) is/are expected to serve. NOT APPLICABLE c. Water Runoff(including storm water): 1. Describe the source of runoff(including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. EXISTING STRUCTURE DOWNSPOUTS ARE CONNECTED TO STORM SEWER- PHASE I CONSTRUCTION WILL NOT INCREASE ANY NEW WATER RUNOFF. IMO 41/11 Environmental Sepa Checklist Page 6 2. Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. NO d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any. NOT APPLICABLE 4. PLANTS a. Check or circle the types of vegetation found on the site: ✓ deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other ✓ evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other shrubs ✓ grass pasture crop or grain wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bulrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? NONE c. List threatened or endangered plant species known to be on or near the site. NONE d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: PHASE I WILL NOT CHANGE ANY LANDSCAPING 5. ANIMALS a. Circle any birds or animals that have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds: hawk, heron, eagle,songbirds, other: Mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other: Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other: N Environmental Sepa Checklist Page 7 b. List any threatened or endangered animals species known to be on or near the site. NONE c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. NO d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: NOT APPLICABLE 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. GAS HEAT b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. NO c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: PHASE I WILL MEET OR EXCEED THE STATE OF WASHINGTON ENERGY REQUIREMENTS 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. NO 1. Describe special emergency services that might be required: IMO Environmental Sepa Checklist Page 8 2. Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: DURING CONSTRUCTION OF PHASE I - KEEP AREA CLEAN AND FREE OF ANY HEALTH HAZARDS. b. Noise 1. What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? NONE 2. What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short- term or long-term basis(for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. PLANNED ADDITION (PHASE I) CONSTRUCTION NOISE WILL BE INEVITABLE -DURING WORK DAY HOURS 3. Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: CONSTRUCTION DURING WORK WEEK ONLY 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? SITE HAS AN EXISTING CHURCH FACILITY AND IS SURROUNDED BY GREENBELT ON THREE SIDES AND CARR ROAD ON THE NORTH. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. NO c. Describe any structures on the site. - ONE STORY"ANNEX" WITH OFFICES AND CLASSROOMS WOOD FRAMED WITH 3,000 +/- S.F. - ONE - TWO STORY BUILDING"CHURCH' WITH OFFICES AND CLASSROOMS WITH 5,400 +/- S.F. WOOD FRAME Environmental Sepa Checklist Page 9 Environmental Sepa Checklist Page 9 d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? NO e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? R-10 f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? R-0 g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? NOT APPLICABLE h. Has any part of the site been classified as an"environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. NO I. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? PHASE I - 15 STAFF MEMBERS WITH 70 +/- STUDENTS j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? NONE k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: NOT APPLICABLE 1. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: PHASE I -NOT APPLICABLE 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. NONE O Environmental Sepa Checklist Page 10 b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. NONE c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: NOT APPLICABLE 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas: what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? EXISTING RIDGE OF"CHURCH" IS APPROXIMATELY 30 +/- FEET. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? NONE c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: NOT APPLICABLE FOR PHASE I 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? NOT APPLICABLE b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard, interfere with views, or affect wildlife? NO c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? NONE d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: NOT APPLICABLE 41110 N Environmental Sepa Checklist Page 11 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? EXISTING SITE HAS 2 OUTDOOR BASKETBALL COURTS, ONE INTERIOR GYM AND SMALL FENCED PLAY AREA NEXT TO THE BUILDING"ANNEX" b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. NO c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: NOT APPLICABLE 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. NO b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or • cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. NOT APPLICABLE c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: NOT APPLICABLE 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any: CARR RD. IS THE ONLY ACCESS TO PROPERTY AND AN EXISTING DRIVEWAY ONTO SITE. (SEE SITE PLAN) b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? THERE IS A PUBLIC TRANSIT STOP ON CARR RD. AT THE SITE. • 4111. ell Environmental Sepa Checklist Page 12 c. How many parking spaces would the complete project have? How many would the project eliminate? PHASE I (SEE SITE PLAN) NO PARKING ELIMINATED. EXISTING SITE HAS 45 STALLS TO REMAIN d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). NO e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, or air, transportation? If so, generally describe. NO f. How many vehicular trips per day wold be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volume would occur. PEAK VOLUMES WILL BE 7:30-8 AM AND 2:30-3:00 PM, 15 STAFF, (MONDAY- FRIDAY) 2 PARATRANSIT VANS, = 15 PARENT VEHICLES g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts if any: 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe: NO b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. NOT APPLICABLE 16. UTILITIES a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other. 1111111 Environmental Sepa Checklist Page 13 b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general utility construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. PHASE I: ADDING 2ND FLOOR FOR CLASS ROOMS, THEREFORE SAME UTILITIES WILL BE USED LISTED ON ITEM 16a. C. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non- significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepr station or wil 11 of 11 disclosure on my part. 111 Proponent. — Name Printed: RI HARD R ' OM Date: December 1. 1998 1 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS • LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL WAIVED MODIFIED .COMMENTS REQUIREMENTS. BY: ` BY Calculations, Survey, Drainage Control Plan 2 t ' Drainage Report 2 4:c{`0„ Elevations, Architectural3ANoa Elevations, Grading 2 Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy)a Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) 4 Flood Pla.in Map, if applicable4 Floor Plans 3 AND 4 . Geotechnical Report2At4D3 Grading Plan, Conceptual 2 Grading Plan, Detailed 2 King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site4 Landscaping Plan, Conceptual a Legal Description 4 List of Surrounding Property Owners4 Mailing Labels for Property Owners 4 Map of:Existing Site Conditions Master Application Form 4 1 Monument Cards:(one per monument) , Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 Plan Reductions.(PMTs) 4 Postage 4 Public Works Approval Letter2 Title Report or Plat Certificate 4 Topography.Map (5';contours)3 ' Traffic Study 2 j,v NW Tree CuttingNegetation Clearing Plan 4 Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 Wetlands Delineation`.Map4 Wetlands Planting Plan 4 Wetlands Study 4 This requirement may be waived by: Wee") 16T�,'�� c�i�'lG� 1. Property Services Section PROJECT NAME: 2. Public Works Plan Review Section L 3. Building Section DATE: 02!7 - 91 4. Development Planning Section 41010 **************************************************************** City of Renton WA Reprinted: 12/09/98 16 :26 Receipt **************************************************************** Receipt Number: R9807201 Amount : 2, 205 . 12 12/09/98 16 :25 Payment Method: FIN Notation: #3451 N.HORIZON Init : LMN Project # : LUA98-177 Type: LUA Land Use Actions Parcel No: 322305-9079 Site Address : 1111 S CARR RD Total Fees: 2 , 205 . 12 This Payment 2 , 205 . 12 Total ALL Pmts : 2 , 205 . 12 Balance: . 00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 000 . 345 . 81 . 00 . 0006 Conditional Use Fees 2 , 000 . 00 000 . 345 . 81 . 00 . 0007 Environmental Review 200 . 00 000 . 05 . 519 . 90 . 42 . 1 Postage 5 . 12 ,ra LANDSCAPING LEGEND: CritIIL RESIDENTIAL - MOBILE PARK DI0111e D•cDYO•ms 0 . • •- I!T MI pMM,n a.. OCN80.aT M. _ : .... - - - - _I '------' _ - N _ ` ----- - ___?41.:.-163rd. Avs•- S.E._(E%'PiNDED IN FIITCRE)-- ----.. -_..-- Ai Z �/• \\ \ \__ `,.- -- - -:-Ii, �y�J" �.�5. 7o�s s _ _- -- G C to 4d>4 \Tt zN\'s.::--- V' Ia o \ =75 6 RESIDENTLA1 \\\\ 3. c ' z vi o 103rd. Ave. S$. •\ ^� •^ _ O C niI • n' °O � I Cq \� a •1 _lDAoiii P. ti.4 moo\• � , � :._'.,,� SITE NOTES: A�� \\\ - i - --b- — �` •• � Q TOTAL MT•.IS., a.TT.Oa•*UM a0*. Gn \•\ - I: J TOTAL COMM lADM r•Tol.4Ytl>• mnn ••,�a �•, d PcaPwT O.NM a]Ir•»T•••••MY - IOW.!AO.WICOTAO• ILM MA:LOaDaAA• - - � ''. I ` F-• DOOM,Sal.D.1,MOOT, b rt.lw.m MM.TO nro®wool tA"G \• - •Y•DM•TS00 a!a•� aI PT. 1 p� ROP.pm Snow MM.. w.l.T O•A•W.TKM aavlST COOL Vt., \ 1 \- --• _ _ _ —_'_ - wa�eaO..IRM•I•aS�, •..wTMo•Tnw!!`.I•DVTs• '--. -_---- --? f.C.------- r-- ------ F. ' I , ..K.pm.w lwory T..wua•w.r MINIM*nwu F. ^-�— I►.wO.O PD.II NIDMT•1 wW!®A pM1. SNN N •.Y1• DULL. D°•TMO��"1° '°.a+~`ieN° '•MAu"'~""""`I` F., COMMERCIAL NURSERY STAGING LOT TOTAL uu O•0304T1011 3U0I•CIT.l.n.0OX) •.eT.Ta•laS.cM TOT.LMl.O•.• le•GOT.Wuox WALK PMSaw•10016.010, COO'/ IMMO 00T.PM 00.1110M SITE PLAN & EXISTING LANDSCAPING A PDn•Ia.••0 LOT MOM,•UfU.UM•a.T. SCALE 1" • ♦0'-0" oo.SSe!•lAD.OI O.. : 'Or �j o1] a-AMA P.DlvK1• AIM•aA.p•YAW AOT le!! ! !L// 11.00000 YD MILD.— P!•2 nAS.01.1.0,COMME0 R I4I000,WaIO•—•lira. - aeSeAw•Vaal•MOLD.* LUA • qiii5• (* . GUH , E.Gff r_ r • Oa , vaPrile gr.ar ! P••••• CP i 0 Ft ; 1- li . • MOO _______ .: 43 -- ____ . ._._____i . __ ___. . 1,,i) _ .. _____._ T_ _______.._ , ..i., \x\i\, , . " t _ . __... A g '1 _. a . ,_-a I J-Iif II A i - • �] 1 i r d 11 z • • CD r - • O Y' II _ x I z H / € i.1..._....__ .rt. 1 .-. i+ riff C O fj •F: - i . li H Ii. i // 1 r won* j r•r ` e•-r ` l‘441‘4411 I � it I NEW41:11)1c _ HORIZON SCHOOL ADDITION L' F4 1 EA -- x x f EXISTING ELEVATIONSY 4` F L )�)) S. 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