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3arang rsapust unurcn NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP ) - �pi O;ODR_S Is\_ 1siE I � l 11,08 WHT 2 it --~ -; R--g s i al fi R '., RM- it SU � �» I � rc 2 KSFr 'v o ( 1 id .,:- - (L6: RM-I l '4, c''' e• v ` it(.... ` �6,hU . RM+I � 4 RM-C ��fS R M I -N h '` 4 ....2.20 4 10 1 4800 t 0 © CITY OF RENTON A!~� >�y - sail Planning/Building/Public Works �� �� �.s 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 W JqN 2 6'9 9 s., .3 Q 5 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED -`-` f E T S y ' t F. P I E S M E;r SEA Y f 81302003600 Gregory T Garman 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 212 Renton, WA 98056 V,IT DELI YERADLE z��1 i`s ai ii-EssEa E UNABLE TO FORWARD =`-t , �l �`� RETURN TO SENDER �yI 1 � ; Stal ,f.tarl i ,i„1111:11,::11►11:{,1:::16111::11:,:1:1,1l1:11,1{::11,1 0 © CITY OF RENTON ��: - — . ..0. Planning/Building/Public Works �s <F - 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 JAM 2 6'9 9 ., . 0 .3 Q 5 * * ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED CO ' 7 `5; F Ni F - - t*Lf a*. Imp TF$t 81302002300 Cao Hoa V& Phoebe Bui 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 307 Renton, WA 98056 J":il DELIY ERA Bt.E7*----..rk- it','.auunESSED - W lit:ABLE TO;ORWArn �dy iRETURN TO SEND • r.pitoc .evic iiiiifi,fiiiiiwills,Illwil,,,i,I::iimilliiiiiiiiliiiilzi _._ 311\ $ 0 CITY OF RENTON ••LL Planning/Building/Public Works '-- 4".E. `�F .., ", cc T 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 '��� 2 6�9 s''. ` 0 .3 0 5 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED : p Sj!k. At.t4 Till 81302007100 Gregory A Karalus 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 327 . Renton,WA 98056 0E1.IVEFAGLE ,G: -7-. c066/ 's ,3 aDDR;.SSED E.,:' ._q' 7,31 I cp UNABLE TO FORWARD -''- s co RETURN TO SENDER 4i1V c' �47 i 0 I SIa d Ilihr1iiiilluilltitillitilliiiiiilitll,it1tlilliii1,1iii11J „ © CITY OF RENTON _ _ ----.— , NA Planning/Building/Public Works ”'__. (.4,-,A 1 (-40 �' 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 til JAN 2 6'9 9 ::.' :, = 0 3 0 5 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Or- 1 t t F j/ / E Eo.,s. /417%11 ge —/80 81302001800 William &Camilla Yeend 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 302 (' jiiCi ABI D LIVERE , •.—.. Renton,WA 98056 s. A;i a.DRESSED se j_ i-: ° a MAKE 70 FORWARD .."..... m Yid/ 1 RETURN 70 SENDER 4 SiQj : . 4>�E.i s._-s,e IIIIiiiisiaiiit::{iiiiii.{i;:i{isii,1ii1i�=lillikiiii: ILA ,BAN a © CITY OF RENTON ' _ .� Planning/Building/Public Works , !��I, ' . •`r' �ba s�3 J r) &..zA1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 0 .3 ! ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED CO yy �>:'._' ) c g r T . . - r 81302003200 John Bellinger 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit116 Renton, WA 98056 �1'1LSS Li BLE -^->.- �,66/ I 3E ^ERA .� .< <...s 6 i,DORESSED (C...?"— RETURNt n a UhAELF TO FORWARD cn �1 V TO SENDER li l l ' 'l `( 1 ' l 'l ! ! 111 l i?lihil:l it l —�. �gr�h�w t� 52.��� � �� ! if i?lil ?tiE13 ??li EEt� tli t is i3i E !i? r i-- .es a © CITY OF RENTON ; Planning/Building/Public Works n? ! c JAM! 2 6'9 9 -� 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 ,3 Q 5 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED z • �, F MA 01 81302007700 Lorene E Eng { 1150 Sunset Blvd NE _ m Unit 217 IETUR� Renton, WA 98056 i.0 WRITER NVP 6Z ;ADDRESSEE . 00 ,UNKNOWN � LA TQ�' A:e.-476 flei►�I„i311,���1�f„1�1�„ll�,�lE1�+11„�l�i�f�l�IIIIIIIII!I ., p CITY OF RENTON . ••+i Planning/Building/Public Works W yin r� ,t „"' "* Q ( • 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 LL; JAN 2 6'9 y ; 0 0 5 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED (II 2 7 9 Q F • I I OVA i-V: tt .5. �r't3 T!tel II fiYti i R 81302007900 Philip K Chu 1150 Sunset Blvd NE CHU-150 980563006 1A97 20 01/3O/9q Unit219 FORWARD TIME EXP RTN TO SEND RETURN •`t'�T Renton,WA 98056 1790 SIDNEY AVE APT 5-318 PORT ORCHARD WA 98366-2485 d EG, a TO 1 I i� I ,,, [ WRITER `',,�ll11 -14$ �::, .:�2 l..I..I.II,,.. I..1.1,..II.,.I.L.l1...1.I,I,1,.I,I...li,1 a © CITY OF RENTON ..a. Planning/Building/Public Works u, �� :'' �"' 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 ` BAN 2 6'9 S .3 5 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED CO- _? % a 9 F t f Pi Q ' lF .;Stf . 4�tt T R 4E� f # 81302007600 Dale L&Ann C Gleason i 1150 Sunset Blvd NE , 120 `RETURN ,--- entpn, WA 98056 ITO WRITER K._ 1 !ADDRESSEE ��� Wd 1JNKNOWN ; .4 f. ill5b_ iiiiitiitis►i,iiil►i►,isiiitiiiiiiii,iiit,iiiiiiiii,itiisiiiti a © CITY OF RENTON _ ---__. • *.AJr4 ;... fz._+ .~ -•ice . i wa Planning/Building/Public Works W 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 JAM 2 6 9 9 ;' b} Q Q 5 LL r,l _ ? f, Ma 4 t * ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED - • - � E� i��Y. P��T,��. i' 81302000600 Gayle M Junior 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 106 l IR I WHI T ERA' f NYf ea �. ,ADDRESSEE — UNKNOIVNI A :t1 If.1,i l,il,lis►..I{(“Ir1.11...ltl,iihnlIlsl,l,sl,Iu►IIII a p CITY OF RENTON ••+i Planning/Building/Public Works I. ( - * 9�ti 26'99 i 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 C. 1, ';�:,* E 0 3 0 5 * ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 01 27 St fi F : fi r' 1 a -• !�€ $ ! EA 4€A ;tt 81302004900 Isabel B Castro 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 121 T ___-- - „Renton, WA 98056 'RETURN $ .+.t,� TO WRITER N�j °Z {!ADDRESSEE INd t { 4 i } y ( f + a ` ! f # i j ! t _ Y._7 �/ ,�� C, � Y �' �'�' !'!{!i1!llll�ifli�l�4i111l lil�i� �Flltil�llttt��lit�lili'�tl tlllf�i�ii�ll l�l!!i) %i © CITY OF RENTON ---� ••u. Planning/Building/Public Works / —' c.' ' ' wAN 2e'99 . 5 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 : • - . ! w ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED pi- t ? Pt F Pr.?€t $L i A4Thiki ' 81302005100 Kyle Janders 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 123 Renton, WA 98056 ;RETURN jTO WRITER _ Nar sz � co CO !ADDRESSEE cr �T �, 1JhKNDWN �, ��i e ' ; +#$$l_,�1x:�2. 11,I„1„1,11,�„1,1„1,1,,,11,1 1,1,I„I,1„,li„,l,l,,il,,,i,l,l,l„I,1,II,„t visa a © CITY OF RENTON J 5�p7 t�R ^r •---* Planning/Building/Public Works w 'H � r - JAN 2 6'9 9 y` C . 5 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 0 3 * ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED !' 1 2 7 `-`v € t # P.i i': Zit _ tl~i r44 TA4A1 81302000400 Valerie Fassett 1150 Sunset Blvd NE ;RETURN ="-o Unit 104 To WRITEF ...__,_;ADDRESSEE ,3 +' Ren ,WA 98056 ,uhKNOWN 6 W i--- �__.� -li 4111 4152.7.- lifliiIiiIiti„„I{I,iIthilli„tisltilliiilili{►i„Itit„Iltf a © CITY OF RENTON fir, l�4. ..a{�. - Planning/Building/Public Works "' �* 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 JAy 2 6'9 9 ti::., : 0 5 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED el 2 ? 99 F CA P O*4 A.::-+E , ril AT MI 81302006800 Susan Mary Oehler 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 324 Renton, WA 98056 RETURN — E6i ITO WRITER' m NYC sz ai !ADDRESSEE Lv utiv wi'ly 64 :$2. 11,"11,1,.1,1..,11,„1.1,film ishl.1"1.1,i11i1 UNKNOWN a- . �t a © CITY OF RENTON - -- ..u. Planning/Building/Public Works * 1055 South Grady Way Renton Washington 98055 v, dA� 2 E'9 9 ,w » 0 .3 0 5 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED =F t Z 7 PP 1,r It t ' TU t LE p i r q : 81302006700 Kerry Lee Crollard 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 323 Renton,WA 98056 :RET URN ��, )6si TO WRITER��_ arr 6a a, ;ADDRESSEE -- J>'�KNOWN - �d^T, 40.044.4•762.112. iitio uiliimtill,ililtitiitilititintitiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiii a © CITY OF RENTON ,.tiN, ,� -- - ••" Planning/Building/Public Works f 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 JAa 6 ` ,' 35 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 01 17 f? 1 : A -.L 81302002600 Linda R. Baldwin • ' .41411z;. . '' 1150 Sun �" Sunset Blvd NE "*< ;°�' Unit 110 RETURN -, Rr WA'1,8056 . ITO WRITER — .t • (ADDRESSEE `�d R KNOWN A . ,AP7 �::.� nihilith ituldfilthial,lfl�l►,Ihidthldsdilitdid 311 - a © CITY OF RENTON .__ ea Planning/Building/Public Works /74 4. .'' '-"* cc , t...._,... 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 c i JAB 2 6$9 -;. 30 5 4-1i. * ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 4•7 Pt F ,nF Q k l € U t i. F s =Alec 81302002900 Shelley A. • Autrey 4 . 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 113 _.. enton,W A 98056 'RETURN _ _; TO WRITER _ apt 6z ADDRESSEEI 'uyl� � isif (A� `� acg►�o�p J i{ tt j jj ! } jj !JNKNO N • '" �`�^ 'o bi-air.: I�flfl1}i1t11itill}Ilill1!ltl1iEf1i1ill1flflf1il}1!l,tIli71111 1 , � 7111 , „ © CITY OF RENTON ••+i Planning/Building/Public Works CC 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 L. i JAB 6'9 9 :% r ;+ 0 .3 0 5 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 0 4 Li 9 f i $ff 81302003000 Kwong So Ying 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 114 RETURN ,666.7 6 6, Renton, WA 98056 T O WRITE R om , "d` sa a _ ADDRESSEE ,iNKNOWN wdnv, ►, $$5�6, „�-„� 11,1,�f„fafl��,�I�1,�I,I���IR��sl�l„1f�,�l�i,l�1��l�l��,il,f .ass ;ti © CITY OF RENTON 'a Planning/Building/Public Works W y '•:'. " , 1055 South GradyWayRenton Washington 98055 0. JAM 2 6'9 e * g 'r .. 030 � ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED ki-- 2 T PP g i Pk / r`.E fir- t . V¢ .# 2:HL.;:j ru. POSTA a[ 81302007400 Bobby G Edwards 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 118 T . Rjetojii.WA 98056 RETURN ..� ITO WRITEP _ NvT 6Z ADDRESSEE cr, CU NKNOWN '1, Q,�' e•.�::.rc. 11f1111111,11111111L111if,1111F11311111111I11111I1,I/I1a111J „ 0 CITY OF RENTON -. 4� .a. Planning/Building/Public Works i c F y ._._* a ; 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 ��” ?E 9 • 0 .3 0 5 W ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED LU 7 4 P MLA!,. P € 4.4. F.144 Tl[ E) 81302005300 Mir Y Moosaviasl 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 125 _,.'. „ Renton, WA 98056 RETURN TO WRITER '"' 'ADDRESSEE ' 1 `r • 4 <' 1JNKNOWN 11\kt 4��, ¢_-.4;.2 IiIIAli„l,lily,,iII,llliIII1I„IiIJHllmitlililit ,illiIIsi , . a. a © CITY OF RENTON i.+i Planning/Building/Public Works 1 `:" y �* r *. T055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 d�N •2 6'9 S `' d .3 5 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 0 t" `1 7 f P F ' - 0it2 :` L k i. Pliti T, P 092305910207 Renton Church of ' Christ 1. c/o Marvin N. Berg 4 23805 140th SE Kent, WA 98031 CIEL:tERABLE AJCRESSED BIE TO FORWARD TURN TO SENDER '3ars s.,i-a2.:4:4. f3:1::,::{:11::::{:1::1:`:::It:::t:I::liid:i:i:1:1::1:'i::{i:1 ;y © CITY OF RENTON mu. Planning/Building/Public Works — ¢ ` 1 JAN26'99 . 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 i S. ,3 0 5 ; L; t. * ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED !` i 27 99 F C fl P ij.*f _ = s s,g4-F,1/71,1111 81302002800 Alexis L. Riley 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 112 Renton, WA 98056 ;RETURN ---7-� Z6si TO VYRITER - !;Vr 6Z ;ADDRESSEE UNKNOWN . �, wggi 140-44/-:.2.742* Iltitilt,islls,t,liliiLliiiil,1 hitletl,i,i,ilsuldiiiip"kill,l„lilille,tl a 0 CITY OF RENTON r. , ..It Planning/Building/Public Works "' y� �� ......t 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 ' JAN 2 6'9 9 L$ c Q 3 5 . F • ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 0 f` "IT t t F IV "jjiP j, , !A TI T 81302003500 Sandra R Kinsey 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 211 Renton, WA 98056 'RETURN 6toi TO WRITER/" tiVr 6zco ADDRESSEE m f�JNKNCti'1�1V `s:Ou la' 4 fy::,.1B. I1,1►thilill,��ilLifi,„it,,.i.i,,11,111il.I.I;,I,I.11.1 i a 0 CITY OF RENTON _ um. Planning/Building/Public Works "' `'�n T�� � ——' M LL i * 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 u • J�N 2 E'9 9 `' ." w Q .3 Q g ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED + W.I. r� + , 7 �rlr f CA El2: � .�. ��TASE 81302002200 Isabel Castro 1150 Sunset Blvd NE ,,Unit 306 98056 !AEI URN —'� �,66/ tenton,WA ITO WRITERc �". 61: 'ADDRESSEE tr: tUNKNOWN 6 Wd �' L____ 17 4� /6-42.-:.2. IIIIi,IIII(I1,llSII1t►i,liIill,IIIthIIIItlItIIIlif,1,1,lIII,I a.w $ p CITY OF RENTON ,~; •• . Planning/Building/Public Works �� R 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 JAN z 6 3Q 5 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED " I 2 ; y Fi ` t 1 ! " : ' 2lv:F�,_ , 4.1. &i U 1 I 81302004300 Henry A&Irene E Lingat 1150 Sunset Blvd NE °� '" 'l Unit 311 "!< ' IRETJRN ��--s tin, WA 98056 ITO WRITER tor 62 k. ; ;ADDRESSEE 1-1NKN01NN �� LLIAis.br:42 .z ii,i„i„l,#i,,,ti,i„I,i,,,ihi 1,1,1„I,1,,,11,,,I,1„11,,,1,1,1,1„1,1,H,,,l 5 ,® a © CITY OF RENTON n -_ J f p71l4' >:.�.r�` aka Planning/Building/Public Works 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 JAM 2 6'9 9 = = 3 0 5 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED R c `I.t. P! F ., 5 ottEl • ,_1f..A. /1!Wi T#40 irr 81302007300 Paul Mainwaring 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 117 A;_:.TURN �"\ enton 1"A 98056 1To WRITERT — tacr cz ix 'ADDRESSEE ol o' °' i N K N O W N 47 �� ,, s r m, 6.s�d'.-62. 11i1i411i1!l1}il4Sili4111144'141 I!1l11.1,1,,,I1 114i14IIll4Illl1lll,I11411111I a © CITY OF RENTON ..;,,;( �. , ;.2 _ _, milmilPlanning/Building/Public Works p _ � � - `� Jf 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 C ` JAN26'99 ° : 0305 LLp , t ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED A-1 / I #f , k„? l Rai.€fl i L Ar•iii A 1E8 S 81302007500 Paulette Joyce Dorsey 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 119 Renton, WA 98056 'RETURN mob _ ITO WRITE d� �z !ADDRESSEE °° 1UNKNOVYN 6 Wd �.—._ 3.1p . .yS,3� . litl,Fi„lillimithillimilt,li,iililiiiiilsi►ii,iri►,ili,i ;y © CITY OF RENTON .a. Planning/Building/Public Works ' r �4� - „ "-.- — 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 JAN 2 6'9 3 :a .3 O 5 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 0 1 3 99 Fe tttt y,11 Ail i,+ fAt� aE 81302003800 David E Wester 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit214 • Renton, WA 98056 R .TURN �- --, o , !T O Yr'RITEA' 1 I t;�NO €2 'ADDRESSEE Q R[(� j ' � U N K N O W N �, :�.•,4 I�828 5 6 ,},it�i!{tl{!t}f�} !} }'1lilliitl4llklikit�i3llf�i2lti lff lfl % 0 CITY OF RENTON - ,. --- ••LL Planning/Building/Public Works 1055 South Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 4i JAN26'99 R..,; it : 0305 * ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED `- 1 ' 7 FCR = - 1_- = 3 SEA #4;, $ i* 81302005500 Lewis J Dora 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 127 Renton, WA 98056 ;RETURN �� zesi — ,TO WRITERv, NVI 6 'ADDRESSEE co !UL. NKNOWN z_ Wdp ++98856 �,1-4, a s i-:.-.2.�2 11i1341:,1tlliiiillintil,tilllifl,l.tl{i„1,1i1;Iiiiilliik1,1 Sarang Baptist Church NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP . ...„• ........ ..,,••.... . , oPOS D • -4:- ----1,.,..1. 77....k7.) .1-;.:-..,?::•,... 7.•:;:r.,;:-.2.--'-i'i•-••',',,.:...:',:,.',- '•-:•'7..." 'i...!-':1,:i':-?.,:;1-:::. ....;F. '4't- /,'.- ...,:•'77: •- '-, :-,1":-::";:• • V!,,;-;•IiiII:IIti!iti PA f•t; 1 .%1litE:1* ..;'• fjlEi •••••Iri-II;,..• - •I_- - SITE -....,..:?; :.4....,;;;:.*::.:;: .&:7.f...r.7;,.:1;-• t4g.;--•?:I •:!,c42f...'f 7:::•;-;:s-.,x,..: -..-- .,.:;...„ ,,,, -i,..,,,::.,-••,,,I.::._÷..:i-,ii'. ".-;,,,;;N•675.-;;?w,:.:::::g:JA•-:,..i..:;.-..,-,,,f,:-.../,:g...!..:..-•:-.,7;z1;.,.1';••'_-..,_,_I,_ '-ss t.:&.1..A ...BD,;.:i...: *-'69Z..' i.s.'''':'''. t2E-:f.:;;;.f"7:4i::•'''s.. 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FIST CHURCH ' 1 • RENTON,WA r - 11. a4 / 1 /��1N�,` ` __`_ SCHEMATIC DESIGN / I _ — • gIIIIII, ,. / y S. / Diall a Ls / omp +1r are 01-05-99 ' / /� / /. N ED ,s4 _ ,A, PHASE 1 SHE PLAN SIM AOo1 s00..e• GABBERT :.',-... .-..-. ..:•':Ai "FtC0-0 FrIEC-r. 0.1.—,...P,.0.8.S. 10748 Lake City Way N.E. Sedge,WA.98125 TEL (206)367-3600 FAX. (206)367-8946 2 \-. SARANG EDMONDS AVE.N.E. BAPTIST — — 11— i •. \ • ----.N. / RECHURCHON,WA NT ___t 1i_ ...) --_ --, .., — / SCHEMATIC :::::•:-: W 1110 44 • P14ASE 2 I pwAsa 1 .ai, / ..... ................... ..................... .. 1' •All' ''' .,./'' oAii - I / , 98061 in ( . . . . ........ . . . . :-::•::•: -:--:••::::::,•:•:-:•: •::-:•:-:--:-•:•••: ::::::::: ... k . __ • ,g"• 01321121) MG DATE 01-05-99 ....ZfY / ....... :•-•-:-: GRASS CRETE = II% / V'_ , LANDSCA / PE = 59% , / _ , ____/ 5/1 r INF M4110N _ . N 4 Site 78.0585f Oulkanq Phase I 7.700sf _0 Ai--1 %-- Master Mai Aelclag Duildtti Lot Coverale 16 22551 9,8505f PHASE 2 Lot Cestrale 15X MASTERPLAN MW"- --\\IIIIIMMImIllillt--) oil Puilcla6146ht 22ft e AIIMMINNIMIMIMM. Inv SITE PLAN fl PAM/W.54A Irckieles: / 10.-0* CMS 1 2...„ Phase I 47 total.12 Carract 86'W l I617(92X) MEET 4 Hawk, Phose 11 9/total-28 Cavpact AC.2 9 hatioap 65 ke.Lw OW x 2C17 . cs00 mos ..• GABBERT NicHrrEcvs F.L-RIND NOM02E 10748 Lake City Way N.E. Seattle,WA 96125 TEL. (206)367.3800 iFAX (206)367�48 SARAN° EDMONDS AVE.N.E. BAPTIST CHURCH • .i ��� — airo �- SCHEMATIC / I ' � /, / DESIGN ,j • dami. 1,*I- I I I I / �,, 8� , :ter , I I �� �C �suut / m 9t3061 CMCKECI MG �(ON' 15P ��. a, 2-09-98 w ��. z Al alde M(8�P�- ' • bt repwv� in110 Via' /�� . .... _ neo L__________///// / N e 0. IT 30. eV Sh a. � taw cr.sses Eziw ad . k�Tr°"..ret TREE CUTTING/ *--11.c LAND CLEARING 13a.1 :r PLAN IHEET ar00 ego cc/UBBEERT F3 AflCO10TEOTS 0.0—Pe DOSOLEaas EDDMO DS AVE. N.E 10748 Lake City Way N.E. — Seattle,WA.98925 N�l S,.D. l t TEL (206)367-3600 =v _ __ . 9 ^ 1 F . (ZO6)367�946 ',�y� ► Or ��I �4g � i� ..............� � (a — `1„a n / �� a SARANG `; 064.7 ® ►���T/�� i 41�� !'►- �-,�J�'_allI ,,,--Am 1 Q _ -t - _ r. �� �� • Y' —1 CHURCH ` $ '4%•blue;•tv t►\WV aw*cw_ '�- --- BAPTIST r. 1 ••;�1CID P g C���`` P 1 % _,. .;- e�4 _ RENTON,WA L ►(tom ����#1'I. y b 4 �*fk.rmED `�� I •;� �" °'Low!ett'' SCHEMATIC �, J �F .I 44.. ' DESIGN i, s �=p III �•‘ _ 4 n o .r.o a� �1.' .,,i �sr., __ -.a :7,- .. -.t- ,z7.;.J.7.-.... /,°T _:! °T„ �1 .vl;► '7. = -.T 1 ~w�ib/ iv• mg 2 09-98 J iv/ fees N,,u..l��k-, qs�ro,.� _ tzw / I .►44.1Hr..Vy 1G- pd.,11B1-4- � .iw.u1 c.lali ���� ^d Off° / «<.Duc�e (ems ,' LANDSCAPE ��;,e(...,..�> a L9�,,...s / PLAN i / MIT =o WOO MEM P.— \tali ARC6-1.- ==rS 10748 Lake City Way N.E. .IIIIII' Seattle,WA 98125 i`\ ,. TEL (206)367-3600 `n n ® FAX (206)367-8946 /'i A i CZ] ; /'; I, BAPTIST `` '' 11.1.1 CHURCH \ / RENTON,WA f ` I/ 0`\ /'IR,t. iuuno I ' \ u \ y- Y. 98061 �, 4 al) CMI LS u u u _IL J�, \;�� a1Ml uHM) MG con 12-09-98 PHASE 2 PI-IASE 1 PHASE 3 .. MAIN FLOOR MAIN FLOOR-� MAIN FLOORr, r -- �',moo. i a MASTERPLAN CTERPLAN MAIN FLOOR MAIN FLOOR N® 0L�.4�8 �16 SCALE 1•- / .ET A' er00.Ea GABBERT 1; ARC o-ootECTS ® (�� 10748 Lake City Way N.E. . STORAGE V h. Seattle,WA.98125 r ,r TEL (206)367 3600 - FAX. (206)36743946 ■wool^'= Q. ;] b - 1■IIIIIII sARANc ® BAPTIST ' CHURCH RENTON,WA r y S1n SCHEMATIC DRAWN ... DESIGN JL u TX' J 98061 LS a®® MG u>E 12-09-98 PHASE 2 PHASE I PHASE 3 r LOWER FLOOR LOWER FLOOR LOWER FLOOR y r H °� MASIERPLAN LOWER FLOOR MASTERPLAN we0• a ,e LOWER FLOOR SCALE I . SW u 2 WOO clap oh...--...,._ .__.._...V..--.- >_-.--.,_ L '�._. _ P"-: GAIB ERT AiHOD-004E04S F01 ay.00.00=E8a 10748 Lake City Way N.B. Seattle,WA.98125 , TEL (206)367-3600 FAX. (206)367-8946 f4111 SARANG BAPTIST TOP Oi RATE \I1TI'I'1 ���� 1 N CHURCH �I� It�I - ,M o e RENTON,WA i a+Roan o 0 0 0 1 b= �""�""r'r^ 0 ii A _ SCHEMATIC NISN ROOK [ __— RINb10R.DE Z----S - DESIGN EXISTING DRADE�—-- - WEST SOUTH EDAM LS CHECK MG j wre 12-09-98 — .4111IlI1IIIglib IIhI11116 _ - :.'OF _ -: — ��.� v , TOP 6 RATE 1 -_ 1111.MMIIIIPillialligilli, _:�� F� RA E _ � _ — _ - Q5 . _ - Ni9H HOCH e e e a o 0 0 0 0 0 o S o 0 0 0 FMbN BOOR - _ :.FIOOR �^ ---_ ODE UN BOOR EHHNA a+A.== �EXUTNG raAni J EAST NORTH PHASE 1 0' 4' 8' 16' ELEVATIONS SCALE 1/8-=1'-0" IIHR A3 GABBERT apt ARCH04hCVs PAR LY ITo�6T8 10748 Lake City Way N.E. Seattle,WA 98125 TEL (206)3673600 FAX. (206)367-8946 SARANG BAPTIST MR FT • PLATE TOP OF[ RENTON,WA F. ocd o oopo o dooe000 " 0. ew FLoaR soma= _ F*I RIPER fiRIDE— F FLOOR DESIGN SOUTH 98061 oww LS uoeD MG sae 12-09-98 ro'wFurs --1 Aran a d 000e a o - --T 0F"bF FLooR >• Yi&/.. ------------ FN19M GRADE F 18M FLOOR `EJnl11NO�..er,F MASTERPLAN NORTH ELEVATIONS 0' 4' 8' 16' SCALE I/8'=1'-0' MET A5 WOO ewe GABBERT AOiCNITEC43 0=L_/6484114CE•:FL3 10748 Lake City Way N.F. Seattle,WA.98125 TEL. (206)367.3600 FAX (206)367-8946 SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH —— 'OF PLATE RENTON,WA ll - - - TTTT = II ��,�-..- _II 14�LIH]tom"- — wnw RaoR SCHEMATIC DESIGN ITINIZ FLOOR WEST xe 98061 DRAWNLS oEo® MG r,0-98 DATE —— - - - �. - TOP ST , --- 11111 `,1,.. \/_ V - - - --- - - iN'15N FLOOR ExeTmG GRADE) — — MASTERPLAN EAST ELEVATIONS 0'', 44'' 8'116' ■ SCALE 1/8'=1.-0" SOT A4 — — — _ _— - �,66N„ _ — E_DMON_DS AVER N.E. o _ _ taew110N /- RFOUNINDOS"inar�OF�saoTv�dls / — — te-wt.w - / FROM � ) — tr ma f orPER an OF RvwTat ;E TN»ao w.3110 "V 1'�� I J W`MIFIIM 1 era»zo .:. ur,a 1 I 1 sr i, IrH 17/ .,,y» T �o sox, /) Rw•rN� — — — —/ - 7--- — — — — — - — — — / _ 104F4 25P99 _ _4 -44"fir--- 411Plit .fr/.5 e'.ttotwwE�' - �� _ vw.uc.o Fr' 4 -vir4r0194* Adirk r ,_ _____.*r_ ......_ ___. _______________ • , ...... .... .... .... _ _____./. 40, . . _ ___ tt_ , -- imiLL,10•1_,41 / ., „....„ _ ___ ,.. Ic.r i I 1 ' FF=287 MEN _ fff I la-lr ium7„/, -, n: _-- '-,',,'' . - . ira �- 't 1 rT,_ _... _a i I FF= - (2ND STORY) - ' '•� / T.N.MOB IIIIIfIIIIIIIIIIC . ti _ ..•• e, i SINE 1 tY- 1 tY'/ / j- - • ! / T.M.ffi2 tDET MO SGION M OT 11 \J� 1 'NV tTaso /i INV 26002(w)) �• I I I / lJi / / // / /*34S°b6‘..6Fa''-Nik / i i I FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS-N.E.14TN wT. / // // / / 82 NAILGRADE NEM NI . .FIRE 11111[w ii R-, (PER MOOS ORE NPIR11ERn / — — — — / / _ F MitirMISTViiitmJ a�. _, g[: _.. _. ......__.... N. /1 _ -.. GRAPHIC SCALE 41C- = DAMN.101110 mime .T,•_. 20 F IF N o _, e�� i5i m — - - IN jjj lid a �m .� av MUMS�-M SECTION A-o Mat. 20 soar I.-to I sm= .R. ACE mesao no w= sot .� . t® PL �-r �P annt y •� MARCH,1999 88885.00 PRELIMINARY GRADING AND NINE PL Surveying SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH vw'wILL NO ea amomnc st gtm PI NM NA artmBS ya a m Penhallegon Associates=on ns - .0 Consulting Engineers, Inc. oma as :,,, STORM WATER PLAN g M N N N a[ sro Tee ism ism=sows mama/. • .a Me .-e. Iwy sren Se,A.MO t'-20' Yell Cl Cl 5 55 EDMONDS AVE. N.E. u SSUN --'-— —- i-_L — tfi D w }RE` . -- ''''''-W 01.T TO Elr51MG -_ __- _—,s'of —�— _—— __- _ PROPOSED BVILDRIC i ___ gb L1J — �RD M — /"� _ CC1 _4 _ — —————' —' 1-ww1Er�.LV — 44 l 1-1WNSr BLOO(�� i __ — _i -.co ( ,, , 1 /-- - .. ____ __ -if_ - _ hi ,_.......,--) -- 7 _____ 102 LP- aE xi-IfT _ _- __ FF281 (BASEMENT) SEM \ - =' - FF295(2ND STORY)—_- - ToI �/- mow --- - I W EOSINS c AC - Z 1!! s..� 7 • Don .♦. , / _ . is 1 __Litnam 1 I 5 6a5I . / / J /r - / GRAPHIC SCALE b ' ' / N.F.1z1R sT. _ ,•AA. 300 I.1 I �+ D PRIDE " i�y�I o y f aS�e" b�� �s. 290 ti : MST.GROOM M U C SS 3].,f.'SCE SEVER _ a:s gm 11) s a 4 • t10A.b<d YM 4 211A E 2Tmil,! @.. wt. 1 ew mantra Rrtm¢MwunM RArt MO BOOK u-x(DEC) DECEMBER,1998 98996.00 4nom KRR Prsu^•1"". SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH R'N 01nmom0�c y� 1.=Z0.RortlZ. PRELIMINARY WATER & SEWER PLAN o.cro, ...sm c °AAM CRw Penhellegon Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc. oenM, 8.0 1821 atom KMN RV MOM O,R B, ,WD TOO a,n MLR KAM mcA1m.WA MOW ,4 IOW MT-MA RIe OW 1Mar 9lPPL ADA INS 1=70 VERT. SQLCi2 6 6 ` o SS I SSW. EDMONDS AVE. _Ll Suil --._.1. IITLIJc Vail.i — - -f -Ter- -- is o�w — — 1 — e _ - — — -- / — ��— �� 11 va'e[aiim snAac _ -J/I r1101«m�Cewl(PM MY a WEIMO - II ❑60.. d 4cN ,.rE © 1� _ ._.1°90xEr — — Li _- • r.,Yi y� _ -_ • / T.w.zes.o ,.ee - : 2 ,,(4_,....)„,,, .7_,..,5„, ______ _,.....ga-_, ... _ ...... Aft •/ • OA --.. J / / / - -- NV 2Je.es IL I - - - -. __-I FFa281 (BASEMENT) ♦; �` ' Ffa285(2ND STORY) MM ��iikk ,�:� .. RN xee L - 'ice ��� /� N - - - - - - - - - -x�. - - - - «v 272.00013,32,13'OVENS.VAULT Cr T - -_ e.w.xA.O _ NET POOH VOLUME-IN F wvxn.eo e.w.xn.y POOL VOLUME-A.no a/ 277.30 J< ui • Z 11 � � 1�O !� v V i // W.o P . Mena .„ !lCT ON A-A I.n.. m 1 (s MILE 1•-10• ` GRAPHIC SCALE w eveyr 20 o la S' YMAl�GL1AOE BREW-tAe-10'. . i 4 �•f APPROACH ANGLE Of FIRE MUCK 1«A.) �`c SAX RFNT(MI FIRE Of➢ARIwENT) I IY e N tat a;gioP, Y2 I� a�nA 1 � t Engineering NRa.o WOW. ME PRELIMINARY GRADING AND .412 WISER Me Pt / h 1ego/ Planning KK-x(�°I MARCH,1999 9$8$$.00 aN« PL /L1�eG SW. Surveying SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH 0" STORM WATER PLAN SCSI DEM e oow . 1 ��oe=ens RIM w rVo Penhellegon Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc. D.. w9 NI 1--20. PHASE 1 ,eo sue. ..q. SSP.C3 It 8 I'l 1 1 . , 4 _. EDMONDS AVE. N.E. __------------- _ — _ t'9 _ — --_- 1- - (-Y.;• '.d;'-0,7 r.-• ' ' ' ' ''.':..; i • - ,'„''••'••'-••4._- • - •- •i . , ° ° - ,,l'o." 771 1 i — 7- —\—s, ____,_____ _ . __ / )'4• ..- ..- _ — — __ I— I—--:--- -- - — ___ CC _t•---1---- - --. - ___...- . , _ ___ __-- - ,-- • - ,__ ..., -- _—- _-- __ — __----__ ----- •: I. .-\ .- — --- — 1 — ti _ ___ p ..,- , „ • .- • ,.. - - • ,--',,' .. - - , Z ---- , • 1-r--- 1-1 _, - 1 1_ 1,- ----- _ __ - - - _. ..., - ,.., \—7 7- Ad. _, _ \\ ,-- - _- - - • . _ - _ --- . / / ,\ I 7 / - - -- - --.-A \ —, / 1 ,-- .,...,--g t4 I I ' Z•,?, i K•..., I I 31 g PRCPOSED IECCAL i 1 1 ...,...-- i g PLANS) ._,,,,.. ARP.LOT 20 GRAPHIC SCALE c, 10 20 4,1.--EDIKNOSI M.11E.-1 t2 m .i. I o PAWING AREA PAWING AREA --1 __. PP ROM • — IW"il tro•20 TAP 30D f--- -.. --—._._ EXGVAIIC;—1 --. ...L.. 1 , 1 I • I EaR/0.01ING 7 i H, mo 1 STRUCTURAL , 1 Oil '* criln 260 1 _ 1 P. ..I i _I_ st 0,, I , I il 00 0+00 1+00 517 NOTE. RUNNING WALLS TO BE 14 DESIGNED BY SIRUCNRAL/ CROTECNINCAL ENGINEER 8ECT1011 A-A SCALE I =BO. SECTION III-B ALE I.' =PO' .....,. - En OLSOED RHN enearlo. Plannin. FERN.PEORIA. OAl2 MO ROL 0-2(OW JANUARY,1999 ..013 PWIRO 98085.00 ORIIN ACR ' s.-...yftsg SARAN() BAPTIST CHURCH SON CPU RC TYPICAL SECTIONS Penhallegon Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc. 10002022L060 SOLI CAC NC Metal CAC ORM KNN ... UB woo op *120' .,E . ,,,,, 'NiTea Rm.11,101L7 60u2R 1=11.43111..03063 ..PM AR-oo R.PR)6P-A•P APR.2 190 Oil C4 a 5 --- --•___,- — —1111111115111*-- EDMONDS AVE. N.E. — ;° JF/ , , _/ 4u - �,,.. . slit ' • •.-, - - L '�!T, pa.Li' I ❑e. �', /,, '�'m�, _. _- - ,a.aft rrai/ -. . ...; • "� alg �Vo . ; . T-- ..ice :: . . � -. • .- .. ��ee . ,�, wo o - %.•./ / , .- -,-..VI,447.. w -ovs'' ijj� sa4r- m .40% -/ j "4 /77 / //// / /� � � �%� ��„ // 1 / // / iiire is � �/ : / /1.4gigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiiinfigar / r j/% SL%, //,tl /, 'Z&:./'/6i////ice/ 3i% r//�%:%,,, :.' Ali' O' / I J �� �\/ N, 5 ��� / „w s LEGENDS w.�g Pattern Range Beg. Range End Percent Area (Ac) �p _ 0.00 10.00 17.5 0.40 -4. ® 10.00 25.00 57.0 1.30 I... '°mom I Si, 'F 17• 25.00 40.00 16.2 0.37 GRAPHIC scare p ?`a Pam` 1-- ( • •I 40.00 200.00 9.2 0.21 ^ a lei ....n,_ '‘*, e p 16s�/�� 6n{Inasrlu{ 16a66 IfOWlld ®1 GAS 16•J oEDEWEDDEWEDPt irCi Plmn.na .01V,V,.,WO DECEMBER,1998 SLOPE ANALYSIS 98885.00 ma PL s11^•' SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH WWu FIL mYE OW xn 1�641A4 �� Penhellegon Associates Consulting Engin ers, Inc. ww MOOEDMOOED �...m.6la wu.KN m RIMMIE 6 wYo ,eo e>,�r voom mm.Im....eoa. ee wm 1s1..-w. swu Mu 1w. 1'-20' sm CS a S 2.b2 se r E-4 c 1' 96- Iso Clay A. Rice Javier& Marina Ruiz Scott F & Danielle M Smith 2316 NE 12th St 1207 Dayton Ave NE 1212 Dayton Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98056 Richard J & Terre Scappini Ann Belmondo 2400 NE 12th St 1835 NE 12th St Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Ann Belmondo Highlands Care Center 1835 NE 12th St c/o McElroy George&Assoc Renton, WA 98056 P 0 Box 565048 Dallas, TX 75356 Renton Church of Christ Capital Equity Fund 111 Renton Church of Christ c/o Marvin N. Berg c/o Ted Yamamura c/o Marvin N. Berg 23805 140th SE 15448 SE 47th P1 23805 140th SE Kent, WA 98031 Bellevue, WA 98006 Kent, WA 98031 Michael Rogers Renton School Dist 403 3 Lake Drive#100 435 Main Ave S Bellevue, WA 98005 Renton, WA 98055 Ronald F. McCollum Fred L. Wendling Charlene A. Hedington 2331 NE 12th St 1 170 Camas Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 David W. Van Duine David G & Jackie L Puget Sound Energy/Elec 2335 NE 12th St Lukowski Property Tax Dept Renton, WA 98056 1164 Camas Ave NE P 0 Box 90868 Renton, WA 98056 Bellevue, WA 98009 Nina Agabian Marie E. Hogan Nina Agabian 2351 Pacific Ave 3611 I Street NE, #195 2351 Pacific Ave San Francisco, CA 94115 Auburn, WA 98002 San Francisco, CA 94115 Tat Vuong Ha Friendly Food Mart Mgmt Friendly Food Mart Mgmt 658 Blaine Ave NE 2125 112th Ave NE 2125 112th Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 Bldg 6, #100 Bldg 6, #100 Bellevue, WA 98004 Bellevue, WA 98004 Sandy S. Khammixay Margaret E. Schwartz 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1 150 Sunset Blvd NE ' G Unit 101 Unit 102 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Astron Dev Group Inc. Valerie Fassett Cheryl Garretson 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 103 Unit 104 Unit 105 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Gayle M Junior Sunset Heights Sallie& Sidney Van Dyke 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Condominiums 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 106 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 108 Renton, WA 98056 Unit 107 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Mary I Ball Tram H Kim & Hiep Thi Ng Kevin F Walsh 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 201 Unit 202 Unit 203 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Donna A Snyder Georgia Walters Valerie Phillips 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 204 Unit 205 Unit 206 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Rosemarie&Conrad Reyno Gayland Seaberry Marianne R Ostlund 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 207 Unit 208 Unit 301 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 William & Camilla Yeend Jerry Sue Walcom Marjory E Ackley 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 302 Unit 303 Unit 304 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Messiah Fa'izah A Isabel Castro Cao Hoa V& Phoebe Bui 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 305 Unit 306 Unit 307 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Clara Susan Scott David Woodhouse Linda R. Baldwin 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 308 Unit 109 Unit 110 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Dien B Le& Emily Sun Alexis L.Riley Shelley A. Autrey 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 111 Unit 112 Unit 113 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Kwong So Ying Shig& Ikuko Takahashi John Bellinger 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 114 Unit 115 Unit 116 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 • Theresa M Tarli Carlos E Castaneda Sandra R Kinsey 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 209 Unit 210 Unit 211 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Gregory T Garman Joseph L Bentson David E Wester 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 212 Unit 213 Unit 214 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Ruby D Taylor Barbara A Hornberg Andrea C Hollister 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 215 Unit 216 Unit 309 Renton,WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Eugene P Knox Henry A& Irene E Lingat Pham Minh -Nguyet Thi 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 310 Unit 311 Unit 312 Renton,WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Marilyn L Birley Michael A Russo Mary J Ulibarri 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 313 Unit 314 Unit 315 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Pauline Ann Duke Isabel B Castro Patricia M Jones 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 316 Unit 121 Unit 122 Renton,WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Kyle Janders Gary Robert Clark Mir Y Moosaviasl 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 123 Unit 124 Unit 125 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Janice L Kittelson Lewis J Dora Joan M Fortune 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 126 Unit 127 Unit 128 Renton,WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Norman K& Brigitte Perry Ray E Broome Maple-Workman Dona+Work 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 221 Unit 222 Unit 223 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Wayne E Campbell Debra Heslop Kimberly C Walters 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 224 Unit 225 Unit 226 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 • Scott A Loomer Steven Lee &Ng Chui Lung Joann K Johnson 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 227 Unit 228 Unit 321 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Dirk Paul Patin Kerry Lee Crollard Susan Mary Oehler 1 150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 322 Unit 323 Unit 324 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Jess M & Carol S Lym George Dean Castagno Gregory A Karalus 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 325 Unit 326 Unit 327 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Albert Walker III Paul Mainwaring Bobby G Edwards 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1 150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 328 Unit 117 Unit 118 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Paulette Joyce Dorsey Dale L & Ann C Gleason Lorene E Eng 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 119 Unit 120 Unit 217 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Kimberly A Pinion Philip K Chu Michelle L Donaldson 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 218 Unit 219 Unit 220 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 l `: Sarang Baptist Church NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP -� -_ i'iopo 4 - �/{�` - SI I E _ r Y , e 1, z WI R --- 8 '-- - 11-_. .. - - ____,___ ____. G, ill, _ - __ _ ___› ce 4 8 : --, R... r.m• All III_ '- _ a ii a 7 r , - I .::..Lib. — aii, _ - - - _ L •-,..„ ,, -, -_ , 1 ,,_-_ ,-----_ -- 4, , :- . -- -- ---t14-- -- - - _ -- i-- flit . - - 1 ; - .. i - :15 , . _ __ . . ;. -�.t i .�.�� .. - I /� _ '---�/ - I .y - 7;7 ICI '^ 1 F tr,rs-,..-,._-. - ________Rm I v..0 __ --- -- - ; , --- , _ -- , -- _ ,;. , _ _ , _r CI- ` R M.-: t i L. N lth .b , i. M`;t I t, Q- I i I II -RM =C ' E M L - Ri\.1. 9�t, - - - 1 I:::- _. . - .__ __ _ _- 1__ - ; ----- -- r_z- in._� 1 .-._.-.:- ..-.:_. 1._. I: ___. _ :40_ ._ _ _ ll Ll i._�1.1L,� i- 1 1 'i4 1 t ---J , - : - , 1 , I GABBERT { , , 1 1 '� •, ,,,,:., , i ,: 1.. ,_ _ __ . , .._._ -_ - -_._--... ____..__ _ -.- - _ -- - .:RCHITECTH 10148 Lake City Way N.E. EDMONDS AVE. I.E. — 1O/48tSeaniu kWA.CIIy 126 — — — — — — ILL. (206)36l-3600 Wi �. I! flaw k — -- {A7(. ( !f1946 5 208)36 AL .'1 \ _ _�— L ► ',r BAPTIST 1 �1�'i1/ l'` i►�1�-•r `` %Ia►�17; ;4 y ' __ ! `—"--'-�_-+_' , — ►�i . __.) ; 4/ CHURCH Hwy. � \, 9 L� P ___ 1 d , RENTON,WA ,.• 4 / li k\l \ \\ Ey r ( ��'I —_ _ � drii 1., •f J►i /�y1� I �; fkop v • �� \ wvalor_ SCHEMATIC �,01,1��1 I 8 4 cu�Ralt I J r/ i DESIGN I I I I ), r 1,Ass III d �! V'_ ,ii . ' R':Jl/ I 'Pe • Q >°- .=r'+•�• IIIIIIII O. �' �'` I(�� �� - --- y% .�."--''- ��i Ste+ ` ' / ms 98�61 r1,,,,„,ep .Iak,44r":x�✓A`VI►.r.°•�r 4:�. .:�- f�-,ram :-,1k•vr.��i=�. y �` .rt ... .•'^,. _, II� / W! , _� TL ;"'. .e ...`',f: 2r.T..^.':''r :��!-� .v + ..TII�.- �}i,J,q�+'- �'�- / �r - ,Vh '- /R's j N.w�cK•• ,vel 1 <.ds.• I31..4 P.thu ox t ��� / I �,,_^l 9'""1�y „Nl MIN♦ 'V I • P.,,,.,;,1.1.-.r 17r- 1 •,1•- j 4'. . A Kl..dr / J —� gi ,/,',' 1. P,,.. / / II / LANDSCAPE �.<�.P,,, - (�+ / / PLAN I o11 — ----------- ------ LwOOa GABBERT A/IGHITCCTe PLAJ.N e R.e1 10748 LAW Gly Wry NE _ Sadie,WA 98125 ��IIIIIII TEL (206)367-3800 fc -.7 ♦ 1 ® 1 FAX (206)361-0948 I \\ i h M d 41. 4i i , 11 It II • \\ 4 ' r 1 I' RENTON.WA II v r J -, I %' II ' • I i' y II ``\\ %' II II I II\\\ I` ji\ i 14 ® �-T I_ II \\ i Ii SCHEMATIC II . \ n yl n .&n" ® n isx ' II PI , II 'I . \ ry I " I' DESIGN II , \ u ���� II 1 \ ' i \\ ® n Ii I' / \ lass II I 1, II •IL J II `` 'I II a 9B061 __ I CID DID CND u;�' ` i' mom LS e..... v� ov 11G 1 um 12-09-98 PI-IASE 2 PHASE I PHASE 3 MAIN FLOOR MAIN FLOOR MAIN FLOOR y -, r 1-- MASTE RPL AN MASEERRAN MAIN FLOOR MAIN FLOOR IIIip .. :_4' _a soli i.1 iti- 0 v00Mill CiABBERT A"C.41 TtCTS F.LJ.r.N•PUB ® ILIA ® 10746Lekac yWe'HE am .a:-rSeetle,WA 98125 t • -i TEL (206)387-3600 1Eno.1217•111 1 1 FAX (206)367-0W8 ■Iilllll `"'� SARANG 11 ' 1 L ....... • CB I ea�a:.�ze.: ,t=�--- — "®. i RENTON,WA 1 1; ,1 1, 1 b 1 , �; ; 9C11 ,11::::' FEALATIC� D£$1GN® lil 1 m.. i1,1,IL111' 98061 J O _ LS ,v uc m[ 12-09-98 • PHASE 2 PHASE I PHASE 3 LOWER FLOOR LOWER FLOOR LOWER FLOOR y t r I-- MASTERPLAN LOWER FLOOR MASTFRPLAN ir a r u. LOWER FLOOR SCAL 1 • , woo WW1 °ABBERT An C:HfTSGTS P L-ANN MMAD 10748 Like 2y Way N E. Sedge,WA.8612.5 TEL ). V1Mly�y� FAX (206)36749/6 '1 SAFiANG 1111111111111111111 lir 1 0 Ta " re _r Tor"rare BAPTIST ra --- __III! ■■■■ Il [IN' , rwu nccw — a a a a a a a a-a 0..aa,.nauw --------------- `rne.w oweoe --,__ —-—- - -- _---- OTn.au r�mw -_—_—_ _---_—_� --- - -- --_ . i 1___ __ - 0�wu tioow rMMI MAO! OWfau fwlp� �As-r NOr?(N 0 98061 LS swim MINIMG I i 12-09-98 RAM - IIII ! ' d dillib1 . _ 0 : -_ L1 I ' _ ' _ : - - . 1 loc...., .....4 .1 UMW..MAOl� ----_ - J MHO! r � V1�51' 50U,n,1 PHASE, a. r ELEVATIONS w"`J SCALE I/!..1'-0. WWI A3 GABBERT ARCHrTI<CTs P LANN.M. 10748 L.b Cty Wry N.E. Seeds,WA.86125 TEL (208)367J800 FAX (208)357-8618 , � i Ih BAPTIST CHURCH • __ _ __.. ___— _ _I-__ �- - C6 7,7.run -- ----i . _ Ij I �I _IN _I�� TT I , 1 �Iii I RENTON,WA SCHEMATIC DESCN _________ ___ _ ____ __ Q)r«w nacw A51" a 9806I LS son OOPuc sea12-09-98 III —_ �,����raII I �. _ -- I IiH11hI0!!! .IIiiIiIllhi.....IP)1llhiIillllt1 �t.rittlir . I I*! �,�, Ili',' , 'IIIIuv - 0/:�:,�. ' - - -- ! !IIIU II IiIJ! uiJIt 11111 _ _ _ 0 -: MASTERRAN V V L 5-1- ELEVAT1CNS o• 4• r it GABBERT ARCHITECTS rLANNeR/ 16Na Lai Ely Wei I E SHIM WA.96125 TEL ( 6)367.1600 FAX (203)3611046 &WANG BAPTIST ---- —--- ,� - - - 0�..n _ CHURCH r Q Or BAR RENTON.WA -T 1 i.■ •m m•m4m•.m.m.;• ROOK 3� la.,.112.R.o. 9CFSFATIC ___ �r w DESIGN -_ _—_— MOW WOVE—_ re:ROOM N0�1 1 1 e 98061 LS awe AIC a 12-09-98 on POP PT • � I . I I o nun •ulom /••won Rr;.mikm• ! r M-m •• m• naw�Rave m n — _ _ — FLOOR LIAS}EFIPL AN ------ MOP.<WOO 50U fN ELEVATIONS 0' 4' Y t6' 000rs cy rf CITY r RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator Jesse Tanner,Mayor April 19, 2001 Mr. John Banchero Ms. Elizabeth Banchero 2201 Sunset Ave SW Seattle,WA 98116 SUBJECT: RELEASE OF COVENANTSBANCHERO,FLORER—RECORDING NO. 20000720000006 Dear Mr. and Ms. Banchero: Enclosed are copies of the Release of Restrictive Covenants for property located in Renton on the southwest corner of NE 12th Street and Edmonds Avenue NE. The removal of covenants was approved by the Renton City Council and recorded with King County. These copies are provided for your information. Please feel free to contact me at(425)430-7286 should you have any questions regarding this correspondence. Sincerely, ei.C/701(-) 1*?.\H-e'vv1/4kjz Jennifer Toth Henning Principal Planner cc: Robert Florer Nancy Florer gents Tln�,�(1]Qnf3lrnr 19o1c� . 01 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 p • ti . This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer ` 1 ten 111 CITY ( ! RENTON ..LL Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator April 19, 2001 Dr. Robert Florer Ms.Nancy Florer 2201 Sunset Ave SW Seattle,WA 98116 SUBJECT: RELEASE OF COVENANTSBANCHERO,FLORER—RECORDING NO. 20000720000006 Dear Dr. and Ms.Florer: Enclosed are copies of the Release of Restrictive Covenants for property located in Renton on the southwest corner of NE 12th Street and Edmonds Avenue NE. The removal of covenants was approved by the Renton City Council and recorded with King County. These copies are provided for your information. Please feel free to contact me at(425)430-7286 should you have any questions regarding this correspondence. Sincerely, _ 4utt ��� iJ Jennifer Toth Henning Principal Planner cc: John Banchero Elizabeth Banchero unto Tkicumentd_cnr 1901 . ., 01 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 entpy� i1 �� This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer 1.l� CITY OF RENTON CITY CLERK'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: August 4, 2000 TO: Jennifer Henning, Dev. Svcs. FROM: Bonnie Walton, x6513 8,1) SUBJECT: Release of Covenants/Banchero,Florer—Rec. #20000720000006 The attached document has been recorded with King County, and is being returned to you. Please forward copies to parties of interest, and retain a copy for your file. The original document has been retained by the City Clerk. Thank you. Enclosures: (2) Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98055 20000720000006 CITY OF RENTON R 9.00 PAGE 001 OF 002 07/20/2000 08:47 KING COUNTY, WA RELEASE OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Property Tax Parcel Number: 082305-9043 P Project File#: R-234-078(Turner/Banchero Rezone) Street Intersection: Southwest corner of NE 12th Street& Edmonds Avenue NE Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. City of Renton 1. John S. Banchero,Sr.,Elizabeth Banchero, Dr. Robert Florer,Nancy Florer LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Beginning on the north line of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North,Range 5 East,W.M. in King County Washington,30 feet west of the northeast corner of said 0 Section 8;thence west along north boundary line of said section, 145 feet,thence south parallel to the east boundary line O of said section, 175 feet,thence east parallel to the north ordinary line of said section, 145 feet,thence north parallel to o and 30 feet west of the said east property line of said section to the point of beginning. CD CD o Whereas the Grantee,as named above,is the holder of a restrictive covenant acquired from the above named Grantor dated June 25, 1979 and recorded under Recording Number 7906250764 of King County,State of Washington;and r` CD WHEREAS,the City of Renton,Washington did require certain restrictive covenant as a condition of approval for CDthe rezoning of the subject property in 1979;and, CD WHEREAS,said restrictive covenant applied to the then current zoning;and, 0 ry WHEREAS,the zoning of this site has subsequently changed;and, WHEREAS,the City Council authorized the removal of the restrictive covenants on April 12, 1999; NOW,THEREFORE,the City of Renton does hereby authorize the release of the restrictive covenants described • above on the land described above. IN WITNESCS�h I OF,said City has caused this instrument to be executed this/7 day of” 20 . 4 Ot"F(W�piG// City of Renton Uk O2' / att. SEAL * e--- ..;44-N..1"-1..."---...'" Jess nner,Mayor ii,`' P'cSEA 6����\\ // /rib//nmilAlflli!�`11r���� �" Marilyn Pe rs ity Clerk STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I knoweRr have satisfactory evidence that Jesse Ti{n✓1 C r and (Y (t ty h VGi"G(SP./h. signed this instrument and ° " • acknowledged that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument . 3,, .`,�, and acknowledged it as the rYIA y cti and n` 1. y t1111n,{<- of -1- -tzyl to be the free and • voluntary of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the ' instrument. Notary Public in.and for the State of Washington Notary(Print) IV t c,6t l e 1,/e-u wt a n ev My appointment expires: 9 I l° -?-oo I Dated: 11,00t o , N 0 0 0 0 N 2 Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton WA 98055 20000720000006 CITY OF RENTON R 9.00 PAGE 001 OF 002 07/20/2000 08:47 KING COUNTY, WA RELEASE OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS Property Tax Parcel Number: 082305-9043 Project File#: R-234-078(Turner/Banchero Rezone) Street Intersection: Southwest corner of NE 12th Street& Edmonds Avenue NE Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1. City of Renton 1. John S.Banchero,Sr.,Elizabeth Banchero, Dr.Robert Florer,Nancy Florer LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Beginning on the north line of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North,Range 5 East,W.M. in King County Washington,30 feet west of the northeast corner of said co Section 8;thence west alon o g north boun dary line of said section, 145 feet,thence south parallel to the east boundary line 0 of said section, 175 feet,thence east parallel to the north ordinary line of said section, 145 feet,thence north parallel to CD and 30 feet west of the said east property line of said section to the point of beginning. CD o o Whereas the Grantee,as named above,is the holder of a restrictive covenant acquired from the above named Grantor dated June 25, 1979 and recorded under Recording Number 7906250764 of King County,State of c-s' Washington;and c-- CD WHEREAS,the City of Renton,Washington did require certain restrictive covenant as a condition of approval for cmthe rezoning of the subject property in 1979;and, o WHEREAS,said restrictive covenant applied to the then current zoning;and, 0 c,s WHEREAS,the zoning of this site has subsequently changed;and, WHEREAS,the City Council authorized the removal of the restrictive covenants on April 12, 1999; NOW,THEREFORE,the City of Renton does hereby authorize the release of the restrictive covenants described . above on the land described above. IN WITNESStt} « OF,said City has caused this instrument to be executed this/7 day of”i 20 . \y 01' HEitti ,,� City of Renton 01, * SEAL :1: Jess er,Mayor 4/I///;//I; A11:0 r") Marilyn Pe rs ity Clerk STATE OF WASHINGTON )SS COUNTY OF KING ) Jesse I certify that I know Rr have satisfactory evidence that �.I ess e To.n✓I c r and (Y1,.r,I n Ye terseitil signed this instrument and "`x: acknowledged that he/she/they was/were authorized to execute the instrument s:„I 3 and acknowledged it as the r&Y Cat- and `; ;� , r1-7• ( ,{L of --rhtU r1-6yI to be the free and u voluntary of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the • '' • • instrument. J rLt.Ci►W`-L &' Notary Public in apd for the State of Washington Notary(Print) M t Lt'l e le all My appointment expires: 9 Ic1 —d-on I Dated: 1 ►l 12e e e 0 0 0 0 co 0 C4 0 0 0 0 2 • . <I.I III P 1 X 11.! • 5\ a 1 l 1 1\ ' I•fI a L\\ i IMt tt- 1 i1 ii ly • :A 1 11 ;(1104 , (.ilF :111.k. OW NO.L 12121V,ii I, • if y LIiTJa P . 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NM ACR Penhellegon Aaaoclatas Consu/tl En Ineem, Inc. .. l.1 wom KNN 0* ...,. ..4 no—. -.—. mo.NO......s R NM..-.4..N.1 wu. sl0.. ift EDMONDS AVE. N.E. ,.... _ _ — -"`s :.i. aiiii:.: is/iiiii /iaii..'..„ii///sil. ii/iiaiL b3 �• r Y-13-- /// % '•:• 4,- ,.,,•jam^' fir. e / jj j j / / // s/ • • • // / /i ........: .... ................../ s // /, . ... .. . .. . . • .:;:: ::: ::::..: :.: .i:.z j ,, ,, 4 ,i i:• ::: <Ci• f • • 7/ JO • w 5x. , J� 5 / <—-Z LEGEND n-11%". Pattern Range Beg. Range End Percent Area (Ac) :; 0.00 10.00 17.5 0.40 v ' A. ® 10.00 25.00 57.0 1.30 .� "" K'•,,,,,,,1 25.00 40.00 16.2 0.37 GRAPHIC SCALE , a?o: f I 40.00 200.00 9.2 0.21 I grII .11.11 1i0�_ 1"`/, ,y�/�/ Ern: 4ia rOn lo0.v M.)t1 MR AO 1998 nOBO$6.aa R. Py_ lI g '•"'•>'"s SARANO BAPTIST CHURCH '"'01,,� � SLOPE ANALYSIS �� � i mm R WY 1Y L1 R w Panhellegon Associates Consulting Engineers, lnc. y,� � �,_Zp, Me RR rw�.snmr sam m..wo..«eu ,.Iw..-�.•.a w�-«,. ass am C6 a 6 `I I__i __ E_ D M Cy i_D S AVE. ._N.e----- F _.--� �-o¢••w.+ —._ __ ;� — — u-al a _ _.. __ - _— — —- ie-O. w _-- _._ _. _ -.- _ nW,linalslca�pl Om oI 101101) I --- NC Walla.SMACK ;e $ A I T.a a TJ. 2A.0�a 1y rat /,.,oa :1 no•.ET ` �� T is IL - a.tNi G� _ .. �,, , AV 293..o _ - - - _ +, • ri ,,,,,,iplIt. ai rize k \ \ ca .? / NV El6.l0 4 Az. op,CS f T.n w.xw[� PROPOSED IN xaao / r III \-AREA NOT To R lex Wi06CME SE dsTurem— /-""E" elft•/ • I I ` p •♦ �.5x FF.<281 (BASEMENT) ♦� e/ \e.♦ $ FF.295(2ND STORY) 11/1111t '' 2,: ® NV 2Slio NV]liw tY m `� -IL. I.` iY illP� .�♦ • 1 $� l mm (V CC .a - - - II _ -.. J -ae'or.e•aTomw MILT r T.w-Th b La re o[TEROCN AMINE-12530 a . iu-f1a. lam NET POOL VOLUME 4,T�� NV 222.)0 .. e.rao j: `< 111• eT•.ma V NV 2"O.J2(,,E) R)> Z i /� /5� ' / / a / ¢ ,/ / . �! _— ice — — — — / NIP ("'""..... Id SECTION A-A IN.= ./.T 1 Ep GRAPHIC SCALE EV.'4 pIAaE WEAK-14X-iCr- , Mt. (.AP ar040+ xic R Efs Twa y �, pe vER a7+T0. OErMTTEEwn �N•. CfV h N•� I gr� ■uc aowTw MR n 98885.00 6y1a♦♦rina ¢n 011IN .IUEd MARCH 1999 PRELIMINARY GRADING AND ans,g_� Pr.. Ina vn IN STORMWATER PLAN �* AaaoL4NDa si+.rina SARANO BAPTIST CHURCH �� ra[ alb �— Penhallegon Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc. NIUE M4MH21 ,�ZO PHASE 1 sal CS s 5 OfO. IOI � RIM RI a MOM SS R es/Ve MS C •EI NO NOR ever I Maa aEmYa.VA INNS i l i ia.AN gal.rir SIM Ana IN/ CIT OF RENTON NIL Hearing Examiner Jesse Tanner,Mayor Fred J.Kaufman May 18, 1999 Mr. Marlin Gabbert 10748 Lake City Way NE Seattle, WA 98125 Re: SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH FILE No. LUA98-180, CU-H,V-H ' Dear Mr. Gabbert: The Examiner's Report and Decision on the above referenced matter, which was issued on April 26, 1999, was not appealed within the 14-day period established by ordinance. Therefore, this matter is considered final by this office and the file on your application is being transmitted to the City Clerk as of this date. e Please feel free to contact this office if further assistance or information is required. Sincerely, 4`4---S(.) \Ca'1T-0,-,„ Fred J. Kaufman Hearing Examiner FJK/mm cc: Jennifer Henning Sandi Seeger, Development Services 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 - (425)430-6515 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of King ) MARILYN MOSES , being first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes 11 and states: That on the 26th day of April ,1999, affiant deposited in the mail of the United States a sealed envelope(s)containing a decision or recommendation with postage prepaid, addressed to the parties of record in the below entitled application or petition. Signature: afore: GU* 1111 • SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this `111 day of C1/jAlt-e , 1999. Notary Public inrd the State of Washington, residing at f/`� ,therein. Application, Petition, or Case No.: Baptist Church P Sarang pp LUA98-180,CU-H,V-H The Decision or Recommendation contains a complete list of the Parties of Record { April 12, 1999 Renton City Council Minutes Page 125 activities to conclude before occupying the courtrooms. Up to six cases will be heard per evening. Present will be seven committee persons,the juvenile subject of each case and his or her parents. In the past 15 years there have been no incidents at Conference Committee hearings that have caused concern for the safety of the participants or the facility. However,to ensure integrity of Court records and office areas, doors to spaces other than courtrooms one and two and the public lobby and restrooms will be secured. It is further recommended that access by the Juvenile Court Diversion Committee be granted beginning approximately June 1, 1999 but not until remainder of the Renton Police Department is moved to the new City Hall in order to ensure a consistent police presence on the premises. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Appointment: Human Rights Community Services Committee Vice Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a and Affairs Commission report recommending concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of Edythe Gandy to the Human Rights and Affairs Commission for a two-year term expiring 4/25/2001. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning&Development Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Committee regarding the request for removal of a restrictive covenant relating to the Clark, Development Services: Boyden & Kauzlarich rezone. The Committee recommended concurrence with Restrictive Covenants the staff recommendation to authorize the removal of a restrictive covenant that Removal, Root Short Plat(500 was required as a condition of the rezone of the subject property to B-1 Block of S. Tobin) (Business Use) in 1988. The covenant required site plan review for any development on the property. The site was subsequently rezoned from B-1 to R-8 (single family residential)in 1993, thereby eliminating the need for site plan review. The covenant unduly encumbers the subject property and therefore the Committee recommended allowing the applicants to proceed wil h removing the restrictive covenant from the land title. The Committee recommended that the City Council authorize the Administration to prepare documents for the removal of the restrictive covenant. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMA'v, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Development Services: Planning &Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Restrictive Covenants regarding the request for removal of a restrictive covenant relating to the Removal, Sarang Baptist Turner/Banchero rezone. The Committee recommended concurrence with the Church staff recommendation to authorize the removal of three restrictive covenants L ) (1, -tg° that were required as a condition of the rezone of the subject property in July, 1979. The covenants required: 1) a ten foot wide landscape screen along the west property line at least six feet in height, and dense enough to constitute an effective sight screen; 2) a 50-foot wide landscape screen along the north property line at least six feet in height, and dense enough to constitute an effective sight screen, and 3) a maximum building height of 40 feet. The covenants unduly encumber the subject property and therefore the Committee recommended allowing the applicants to proceed with removing the restrictive covenants from the land title. The Committee further recommended that the City Council authorize the Administration to cooperate in the preparation of documents for removal of the restrictive covenants. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY April 12, 1999 Renton City Council Minutes Page 126 ICORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3385 A resolution was read authorizing the sale of the former Municipal Court Parks: Municipal Court building as surplus equipment. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY Modular Building, Sale& EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. Removal CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading: Zoning: Centers Residential An ordinance was read amending Title IV, Development Regulations,of City Demonstration Overlay Code by creating a Centers Residential Demonstration Overlay District within District the Center Suburban(CS) and Center Neighborhood (CN) zones, establishing a modification process within the District, and amending residential use provisions in the Commercial Arterial (CA)zone. MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/19/99. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and advanced to second and final reading: Annexation: East Renton An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of approximately Plateau Zoning 193 acres located north and south of SE 128th St. from Renton's city limits to 152nd Ave. SE, if extended, to Residential - 5 Dwelling Units per Acre(R-5), Residential - 8 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-8), Residential - 10 Dwelling Unii y per Acre(R-10), and Convenience Commercial (CC) for the East Renton Plateau Annexation Area. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance#4776 Following second and final reading of the above-referenced ordinance, it wa: Annexation: East Renton MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOP". Plateau Zoning THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES: CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Corman commented that Renton's deliberations over the issue cf Finance: Issaquah School imposing impact fees for the Issaquah School District have not centered on District Impact Fees whether to impose such fees, but rather on the amount to be assessed. He noted that the School District is requesting a much higher fee per house than was previously charged, prompting Renton to seek information on the justification for the higher fees before making a final decision. Transportation: Accidents at Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler requested information on the accident rate at 4th&Wells; Parking in Front S.4th St. and Wells Ave. S. in the downtown. She also relayed information of Downtown Post Office from a citizen stating that people have received parking tickets for parking in the "motorcycle only" space in front of the downtown post office, when in fact, the cars had been legally parked behind the motorcycle-designated space. She wanted to know what the City's enforcement policy is on this matter,noting that the paint lines delineating these parking spaces are not well-marked. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: • .m. J Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold MARIL J. TERSEN, CMC,City Clerk April 12, 1999 APPROW7) Ca)/ C;',' C°:! Date `{�� � 79 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT April 12, 1999 Removal of Restrictive Covenants Covenant required for approval of the Turner/Banchero Rezone(R-234-78) (Referred April 5, 1999) The Planning and Development Committee recommends concurrence with staffs recommendation to authorize the removal of three restrictive covenants that were required as a condition of the rezone of the subject property in July, 1979. The covenants required: 1) a 10-foot wide landscape screen along the west property line at least 6-feet in height, and dense enough to constitute an effective sight screen; 2) a 50-foot wide landscape screen along the north property line at least 6-feet in height, and dense enough to constitute an effective sight screen; and, 3) a maximum building height of 40 feet. The covenants unduly encumber the subject property and therefore the Committee recommends allowing the applicants to proceed with removing the restrictive covenants from the land title. The Committee recommends that the City Council authorize the Administration to cooperate in the preparation of documents for removal of the restrictive covenant. feeZikl /A)tvab Kathy Kjolker-Wheeler, Chair 7M a -- L . Dan Clawson, Member cc: Jana Hanson Jennifer Henning CMMRPT.DOC\ Revision Date 1/99 HEARING EXAMINER'S REPORT April 26, 1999 OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION APPLICANT: Pastor Chong Kim Calvary Baptist Church Sarang Baptist Church File No.: LUA-098-180,CU-H,V-H LOCATION: NW corner of Sunset Blvd&Edmonds Ave NE SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To develop church building and 90 parking stalls in two phases. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Development Services Recommendation: Approve with • P PP conditions DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT: The Development Services Report was received by the Examiner on March 30, 1999. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Development Services Report,examining available information on file with the application,field checking the property and surrounding area;the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: MINUTES The following minutes are a summary of the April 6, 1999 hearing. The legal record is recorded on tape. The hearing opened on Tuesday,April 6, 1999,at 10:15 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of the Renton City Hall. Parties wishing to testify were affirmed by the Examiner. The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No. 1: Yellow file containing the original Exhibit No. 2: Vicinity map application,proof of posting,proof of publication and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No. 3: Zoning map Exhibit No.4: Master plan Exhibit No. 5: Site slope map Exhibit No. 6: Phase I development scheme 0 Exhibit No. 7: East and west elevation drawings Exhibit No. 8: North and south elevation drawing -r i Pastor Chong Kim Calvary Baptist Church Sarang Baptist Church File No.: LUA-098-180,CU-H,V-H April 26, 1999 Page 2 The hearing opened with a presentation of the staff report by JENNIFER HENNING,Project Manager, Development Services, City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 98055. The applicant requests conditional use permit to construct a church building on the northwest corner of Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds Avenue NE. Calvary Baptist Church is presently located on the south side of Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds,and the applicant presently shares facilities with that church. This is a proposal to develop the site in two phases. The first phase would be for the development of a portion of the church structure and 50 surface parking stalls within the first two years. Approximately 5 to 10 years later the second portion of the site would be developed with an extension of the church structure both to the north and south and an additional 40 parking stalls on the north portion of the site. The site is zoned R-10,Residential- 10 dwelling units to the acre, and is located in Zone 2 of the City's Aquifer Protection Area. Currently the site has a large amount of scrub vegetation as well as alder,maple and cedar trees. The site has steep slopes on it. The applicant is requesting a variance from the land clearing and tree cutting ordinance in order to clear slopes greater than 40% to accommodate a driveway from Edmonds,and to achieve grading that is necessary to develop the site. A substantial amount of grading is required and would occur in two phases. During Phase 1 the applicant's proposal is to develop the southern portion of the site. The access drive would come off Edmonds and go down the 40%slope after it has been regraded. Parking would be developed surrounding the building. At that time about 7,700 square feet of the structure would be constructed. The port portion of the site is to remain undeveloped during Phase 1. During Phase 2 an additional 8,525 square feet would be added in two stories on either side of the original structure. The parking stalls from Phase 1 would b moved over to the north portion of the site. There are proposed retaining walls to retain site slopes located along Edmonds and essentially surrounding the perimeter of the site. There is an approximate 28 foot drop from Edmonds down to the surface parking. A second point of access to the site is proposed from NE 12th which is a residential street. However, a second access is not a code requirement for churches. Because there i quite a slope from Edmonds to NE 12th,there is a concern about safety issues. Previous rezoning of the site placed three restrictive covenants on the site. The restrictive covenants pertained to landscaping and building height limitations. Applicant has applied to have the restrictive covenants removed as they pertained to R-3 zoning which is no longer in effect. Staff has recommended removal of the covenants and the City Council will be meeting shortly to consider the matter. The Environmental Review Committee(ERC)issued a Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated(DNS- M)with several mitigation measures imposed,mainly involving geotechnical issues on the site. In addition, traffic and fire mitigation fees were imposed. The applicant had suggested using grasscrete for part of the parking areas to reduce the amount of impervious surface. Because this site is located in the Aquifer Protect' n Area,the ERC did not feel the use of grasscrete was appropriate. The applicant is also required to install a guard rail along Edmonds Avenue because there is a substantial drop to the site. There was also a question regarding the number of parking stalls required,and the applicant is expected to provide further information support its request for additional parking spaces. The Comprehensive Plan(CP)has objectives and policies which state that religious facilities need to be sit in a manner which provides convenient transportation access and minimizes adverse impacts on adjacent land uses. Parking must also be provided on site and buffered from adjacent uses. This proposal meets those objectives. Landscaping is proposed around the perimeter and in the interior of the site. The R-10 zoning requirements are met regarding landscaping,height, setbacks and lot coverage. Impervious surface is limit to Pastor Chong Kim Calvary Baptist Church Sarang Baptist Church File No.: LUA-098-180,CU-H,V-H April 26, 1999 Page 3 60%,and total impervious surface for both phases of this development is at about 65%, so the applicant does exceed what the zone permits. Regarding community need and over-concentration of a particular use,there are several churches located nearby,but staff did not feel there was an over-concentration. Site development requires extensive clearing,grading, landscaping and retaining walls in order to develop this proposal, but the site is suitable for the use proposed. The applicant has requested a variance to clear steep slopes that are in excess of 40%along the eastern site boundary. Because the site has an irregular shape and the south property boundary is a State highway,the access from Edmonds is logical and necessary. It is not possible to design a driveway from Sunset or NE 12th that would be supported by staff. Since most of the excavation of the steep slopes would occur adjacent to Edmonds and would create an approximate 28 foot difference in grade between Edmonds and the parking area, the applicant is required to provide supplemental geotechnical engineering to address the vertical cut and proposed measures to protect the integrity of Edmonds. Because the applicant must provide at least one entrance to the site from Edmonds,the variance is needed;however,overall site development in both phases does increase the area that has to be disturbed. Phase 1 requires grading and clearing only on the southern half of the site,with the remainder done at a later time. Staff is recommending approval of the conditional use permit and the variance, subject to the following conditions: (1)compliance with the ERC mitigation measures; (2)provide pedestrian access as appropriate from Edmonds and NE 12th to the church;(3)provide a lighting plan showing how site lighting would be accomplished; (3)locate garbage and recyclable areas;(4)provide a more detailed landscape plan. There is a further condition regarding phasing of the project. Staff is concerned that if Phase 1 is not commenced in a timely manner,the conditional use for Phase 1 should not be extended to a ten year time frame. Furthermore, i the applicant is not successful in releasing the restrictive covenants that apply to the northern one-half acre of the site,then the project would need to be revised to meet those restrictions. Marlin Gabbed, 10748 Lake City Way NE, Seattle,Washington 98125,applicant architect herein,addressed the access to NE 12th,the parking, and the timing of the project. In order for the church to make the first phas economically feasible,the scope of the work has been limited to the southern area without providing access to NE 12th. Regarding the parking limitation,applicant believes the onsite ratio of 1 car per 3 occupants used by the City is not an accurate measure of today's demographics. If adequate on-site parking is not provided,then the project is not feasible. With reference to phasing of the project,the applicant is requesting that if the first phase of the project cannot be started within the first two years,that it be extended into the third year. John Nelson, 3515 NE 12th,Renton, Washington 98056,an interested party,was not opposed to the project, but felt the traffic issues had not been properly addressed. NE 12 street where it intersects Edmonds is a very steep incline,and there would be problems with an increase in traffic. The driveway into this property from Edmonds is close to a primary intersection,and Mr.Nelson felt there would be traffic backing up into the intersection with cars making left-hand turns into the church. He also listed several churches that are in the vicinity of this site. Neil Watts,Development Services Division,City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, Washington 9805 explained that the road up to Edmonds Avenue is a part of State I-405 and the State does not allow access driveways. As far as the issue of a second point of access,City code does not require it but one of the ERC' mitigation measures required it. There would be no objection from Public Works if that NE 12th access wa Pastor Chong Kim Calvary Baptist Church Sarang Baptist Church File No.: LUA-098-180,CU-H,V-H April 26, 1999 Page 4 restricted to emergency access only. The limited sight distance from NE 12th was discussed, along with the impervious surface requirement, parking numbers, and difficulty and expense of developing this proposal. The Examiner called for further testimony regarding this project. There was no one else wishing to speak,and no further comments from staff. The hearing closed at 11:30 A.M. FINDINGS.CONCLUSIONS & DECISION Having reviewed the record in this matter,the Examiner now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: 1. The applicant, Pastor Chong Kim,representing Sarang Baptist Church, filed a request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit to establish a church in an R-10(Multiple Family Residential)zone together with a variance to remove vegetation from a slope greater than forty percent(40%). 2. The yellow file containing the staff report,the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA)documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit#1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee(ERC),the City's responsible official, issued a Declaration of Non-Significance-Mitigated(DNS-M)for the subject proposal. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located on the northwest corner of Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds Avenue NE. 6. The subject site was annexed to the City with the adoption of Ordinance 1795 enacted in October 1959. 7. The site received its current R-10 zoning with the adoption of the Zoning Code in June 1993. It was adopted by Ordinance 4404. 8. The map element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the area in which the subject site is located as suitable for the development of a variety of residential options,but does not mandate such development without consideration of other policies of the Plan. Churches are permitted within various areas of the City under the Comprehensive Plan's policies and goals specifying such uses should be convenient to transportation and arterial routes and have minimum impacts on adjacent land uses. 9. There are other churches of different denominations in this area of the City. 10. The subject site is approximately 140 feet wide(east to west)by approximately 540 feet long. The vacant site is approximately 1.79 acres. 11. The site slopes very steeply downward to the west from its Edmonds Avenue frontage. The slopes along Edmonds exceed 40%. Approximately 9 percent of the site has slopes in excess of 40%; approximately 16 percent of the site has slopes ranging from 25%to 40%. • 12. The applicant proposes developing the site in twophases over five to tenyears. The first phase PP P P P� g subject construction would begin with approval of the permit or within two years. It would consist of a 7,700 Pastor Chong Kim Calvary Baptist Church Sarang Baptist Church File No.: LUA-098-180,CU-H,V-H April 26, 1999 II Page 5 square foot,two-story building with 40 parking stalls. The first phase building will be located in approximately the middle of the south half of the site. Parking would be located around the east, south and west sides of the building. The rear or north half of the site would be generally left in its natural state. An access driveway would be constructed along Edmonds. The ERC has required that the second driveway be provided along NE 12th Street,and required that it be constructed with the first phase. The applicant had proposed that it be constructed with Phase 2. 13. The second phase would add approximately 8,525 square feet to the building and provide an additional 50 parking stalls. Two wings,north and south of the original building,would be added. Again,most of the actual building would be developed on the southern half of the subject site. The additional parking for 50 vehicles would be accommodated on the northern half of the subject site. 14. The R-10 zone would permit a 30 foot tall building. The building would be approximately 28 feet tall. The building will be set into a portion of the slope. The main or central first phase portion of the project will be two stories on the west and one story on the east. The building will have a central ridged roof and gables set perpendicular to the main ridge. 15. The subject site will require substantial grading and engineered retaining walls will be needed. The parking lot will be approximately 28 feet below the level of Edmonds Avenue. It is estimated that Phase 1 will require the removal of 2,225 cubic yards of material and Phase 2 will require the removal of 2,075 cubic yards of material. Structurally suitable fill material will be imported to level portions of the subject site. The estimate is that approximately 6,750 cubic yards would be imported for Phase 1 and approximately 1,800 cubic yards would be imported for Phase 2. The ERC wanted additional information to make sure that the grading would not undermine the integrity of Edmonds when substantial excavation occurs adjacent to that roadway. 16. Some of the grading along Edmonds will require the removal of vegetation from slopes in excess of 40%and will therefore require a variance from the Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance(Section 4-4-130.C.4). The applicant has applied for this variance. 17. The R-10 zone permits building footprints to cover 50%of a site and all impermeable surfaces, buildings and pavement(parking lots,driveway and aisles)to cover 60%of the site. The proposed building will cover approximately 13%of the site. Paving and building would cover approximately 65%of the site which exceeds the permitted 60% limit. The applicant had proposed using grasscrete to reduce the impermeable surface. The City determined that since the subject site is in Aquifer Protection Zone 2,that grasscrete which could allow oil and gasoline to enter underlying soils was inappropriate. The applicant did not apply for a variance to allow excess impermeable surface. 18. It appears that the R-10 zone is the only one restricted by the amount of impermeable surface that may be established. 19. The neighbors in the vicinity were concerned about traffic from the development,particularly on NE 12th immediately adjacent to the subject site. NE 12th slopes steeply upward to the east as it passes the north edge of the subject site. Sight distances are adequate according to staff but not necessarily optimal. NE 12th Street is a residential street in this vicinity. 20. Sunset is a commercial arterial street with commercial development on both sides of the street, particularly east of the subject site. Edmonds is an arterial street,while NE 12th is a residential street. Pastor Chong Kim Calvary Baptist Church f Sarang Baptist Church q File No.: LUA-098-180,CU-H,V-H 411 April 26, 1999 p' Page 6 An electrical substation is located near the northwest corner of the site. Single family residential uses predominate north of the subject site. 21. The area of Sunset Boulevard adjacent to the subject site is part of the State's restricted intersection of I-405. Access to properties is restricted from this segment of Sunset by the State. 22. There was also concern about the steep drop that would be created between the church parking lots,28 feet below Edmonds,and the safety of both pedestrians and vehicles that would be using the sidewalk 1' and street. A guardrail that could withstand vehicle impact as well as protect pedestrians was required. 23. Previous rezoning of the site placed three restrictive covenants on the site. The restrictive covenants pertained to landscaping and building height limitations.Applicant has applied to have the restrictive covenants removed as they pertained to R-3 zoning which is no longer in effect. Staff has suggested removal of the covenants,and the City Council has recently concurred and recommended that staff meet with the applicant to work out the details. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The applicant for a Conditional Use Permit must demonstrate that the use is in the public interest,will �I not impair the health, safety or welfare of the general public and is in compliance with the criteria found in Section 4-31-36(C)which provides in part that: a. The proposal generally conforms with the Comprehensive Plan; b. There is a general community need for the proposed use at the proposed location; c. There will be no undue impacts on adjacent property; d. The proposed use is compatible in scale with the adjacent residential uses, if any; e. Parking,unless otherwise permitted,will not occur in the required yards; f. Traffic and pedestrian circulation will be safe and adequate for the proposed project; g. Noise, light and glare will not cause an adverse affect on neighboring property; h. Landscaping shall be sufficient to buffer the use from rights-of-way and neighboring property where appropriate; and i. Adequate public services are available to serve the proposal. The requested conditional use appears justified, although the construction of Phase 2 cannot be approved if the impermeable surfaces exceed code standards. 2. The proposed use does generally conform with the Comprehensive Plan. Churches are permitted within residential areas of the City as long as they appear appropriately scaled to surrounding uses, create limited impacts and provide access to arterial streets. The two-story building appears to be appropriately scaled to the community. Edmonds provides the major access to an arterial street. While Pastor Chong Kim Calvary Baptist Church Sarang Baptist Church File No.: LUA-098-180,CU-H,V-H April 26, 1999 Page 7 the Comprehensive Plan does suggest preserving natural features on a site,the development of the site will disturb the very steep slopes along Edmonds. 3. The establishment of a church is not appropriately subject to the question of community need. It is not the place of this office nor the City to determine which churches are appropriate. The City can ascertain whether the church is appropriately sited so that it does not create undue impacts on a community due to size,traffic or environmental issues,but examination of whether there is community need probably goes too far. {' 4. The excavation along Edmonds as well as the traffic that might be deposited onto NE 12th might create undue impacts. Any excavation that occurs along Edmonds could jeopardize the stability of the slope that currently lies to the immediate west of Edmonds. Creating a tall retaining wall structure to support both the sidewalk and the street will be necessary and could result in costly engineering work. Therefore, it appears necessary to insure not only that the work be certified by appropriate engineers, but that once the excavation work begins that it can be safely finished. Therefore,before excavation begins,the applicant should be required to post a bond or other instrument acceptable to the City Attorney which assures that excavation and all necessary retaining structures and appropriate guardrails be installed if for some reason the project were to be abandoned prior to satisfactory completion. The bond may be released after all work on the excavation and retaining structure work is completed. ;I 5. Due to the steep nature of NE 12th and the fact that it is a residential street,traffic problems could arise from having a driveway from that street to serve the church. Therefore,while a second driveway would be welcome as required by the ERC, it should be limited to emergency access vehicles. The Code does not require a full time second driveway,and therefore limiting the driveway to only emergency use would remove additional traffic from this steep residential street. 6. As noted,the scale of both phases of the project appear appropriate for this location, particularly given the recessed location of the church below the grade of Edmonds. The peaked and gabled roof should also help reduce the apparent bulk of the structure. 7. The parking is appropriately located around the building,and like the building will be below the general grade of the residential streets. There is a problem with the amount of paving coupled with the footprint of the expanded Phase II building. The Code does not permit more than 60%of a site to be covered with impermeable materials. The applicant has proposed 65%coverage. The applicant had proposed using "grasscrete"to reduce the impermeable materials used on site,but that was considered inappropriate in an Aquifer Protection area. The applicant did not apply for a variance. Therefore,the second phase of this proposed Conditional Use cannot be approved. As proposed, Phase II will violate the provisions of the R-10 zone. 8. The general circulation pattern in the parking area appears reasonable. A pedestrian access walkway , should connect interior portions of the site with parking and the surrounding streets. The drop-off between Edmonds and the parking lot needs to be protected as required by the ERC. As noted,the driveway which would provide access to NE 12th should be restricted to emergency usage to reduce conflicting turning movements on the steep grade and reduce traffic on a residential street. 9. The site should not introduce unreasonable amounts of noise, light or glare. 10. The proposed landscaping plan appears reasonable with landscaping added to soften the retaining wall structure and the margins of the site along streets appropriately planted. Pastor Chong Kim Calvary Baptist Church Sarang Baptist Church File No.: LUA-098-180,CU-H,V-H April 26, 1999 Page 8 11. The site is appropriately served by public utilities. Variance for Vegetation Removal 12. Variances may be granted when the property generally satisfies all the conditions described in part below: a. The applicant suffers undue hardship caused by special circumstances such as: the size, shape, topography, or location where code enforcement would deprive the owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by others similarly situated; b. The granting of the variance would not materially harm either the public welfare or other property in the vicinity; c. The approval will not constitute a special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other property in the vicinity;and d. The variance is the minimum variance necessary to allow reasonable development of the subject site. The applicant's property appears ripe for the variance requested. 13. The topography of the subject site coupled with the access restriction imposed by the State for this segment of Sunset creates a hardship. The only way to develop an access to Edmonds is to cut the slope and clear vegetation. In addition,while it may be stretching the hardship, in order to develop the site for a church,cutting must be done to accommodate a reasonable building pad. It might have been possible to develop the R-10's normal apartments on the native slopes where apartments could have taken advantage of the slopes. 14. As long as the appropriate engineering techniques are used to secure the slope and the Edmonds right- of-way,that all structural supporting work is completed as required and the drop-off created will be supplied with a guardrail system to protect vehicles and pedestrians,the variance should not materially harm either the public or other properties in the vicinity. 15. Variances to remove vegetation to allow reasonable development of constrained sites have been approved in other cases. Approving this variance will not create a special privilege. 16. It appears that the variance is the minimum necessary to allow reasonable development of the subject site. Vegetation will be replanted on the terraced retaining wall. 17. In conclusion, it appears that the development of the subject site will not be simple. Development will involve substantial and potentially costly engineering work. The work must be done appropriately and monitored to maintain the integrity of the Edmonds right-of-way and to avoid jeopardizing the public health, safety and welfare. In addition,the second phase appears to create too much impermeable surface and violates the provisions of the R-10 zone. Pastor Chong Kim Calvary Baptist Church Sarang Baptist Church File No.: LUA-098-180,CU-H,V-H April 26, 1999 Page 9 DECISION: The Conditional Use Permit to establish the Phase I church and parking development on the subject site and the Variance to remove vegetation from a slope in excess of 40%are approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall comply with the mitigation measures which were required by the ERC threshold determination prior to issuance of a building permit; 2. The applicant shall provide an acceptable pedestrian connection from Edmonds Avenue NE and the building, and also from NE 12th to the church. In addition, a crosswalk(painted or delineated through the use of alternate paving materials) is recommended between the parking areas and the church; 3. The applicant shall submit an acceptable lighting plan subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division project manager prior to the issuance of a construction permit; 4. The applicant shall submit a revised site plan that identifies the location of the garbage/recyclables areas on the site. The revised site plan shall be submitted to the Development Services Division for review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits; 5. The applicant shall submit a detailed landscape plan specifying proposed plant materials, and the size and spacing of plantings for the proposal. An appropriate landscape plan shall be submitted subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to the issuance of building permits; 6. The applicant shall be granted the Conditional Use Permit for a period not to exceed 10 years. If Phase 1 has not commenced within two years of the date of the approval of the Conditional Use Permit,the permit for both phases shall be null and void. If Phase 2 has not commenced within the extended approved time frame,then the Conditional Use permit associated with Phase 2 shall be null and void; 7. If the applicant is unsuccessful in having restrictive covenants removed that apply to a portion of the subject site,then the project will need to be revised to meet the applicable conditions. Major adjustments to the proposal would require review by the Hearing Examiner; 8. The second driveway shall be limited to emergency access vehicles; 9. The applicant shall post a bond or other instrument approved by the City Attorney. The instrument shall assure that all engineering work including excavation, and all necessary retaining structures and appropriate guardrails needed to support the hillside and the cut,and protect the public from the drop- off will be completed even if the project were to be abandoned prior to satisfactory completion. The bond may be released after all work on the excavation,retaining structure and appropriate guardrail is completed. This provision is necessary to protect the Edmonds right-of-way and the public welfare. 10. Phase II is not approved since it would violate the provisions regarding the amount of impermeable surface permitted in an R-10 zone. If those provisions are modified or eliminated by Code Amendment within two(2)years,Phase II shall be approved. Pastor Chong Kim Calvary Baptist Church Sarang Baptist Church File No.: LUA-098-180,CU-H,V-H April 26, 1999 Page 10 ORDERED THIS 26th day of April, 1999. FRED J.KA MAN HEARING E MINER TRANSMI lI ED THIS 26th day of April, 1999 to the parties of record: Jennifer Henning Marlin Gabbert John&Pauline Nelson 1055 S Grady Way 10748 Lk City Way NE 3515 NE 12th Renton, WA 98055 Seattle,WA 98125 Renton,WA 98056 Neil Watts Pastor Chong Kim Terre Scappini 1055 S Grady Way Calvary Baptist Church 2400 NE 12th Renton, WA 98055 1032 Edmonds Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Fred L. Wendling Larry Brown 2331 NE 12th 261 SW 41st Renton,WA 98056 Renton, WA 98055-4930 TRANSMITTED THIS 26th day of April, 1999 to the following: Mayor Jesse Tanner Gregg Zimmerman,Plan/Bldg/PW Admin. Members,Renton Planning Commission Jana Hanson,Development Services Director Chuck Duffy,Fire Marshal Mike Kattermann,Technical Services Director Lawrence J. Warren,City Attorney Larry Meckling,Building Official Transportation Systems Division Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Utilities System Division Councilperson Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Sue Carlson,Econ.Dev. Administrator South County Journal Pursuant to Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 15 of the City's Code, request for reconsideration must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m..May 10. 1999. Any aggrieved person feeling that the decision of the Examiner is ambiguous or based on erroneous procedure,errors of law or fact, error in judgment, or the discovery of new evidence which could not be reasonably available at the prior hearing may make a written request for a review by the Examiner within fourteen(14)days from the date of the Examiner's decision. This request shall set forth the specific ambiguities or errors discovered by such appellant, and the Examiner may, after review of the record,take further action as he deems proper. An appeal to the City Council is governed by Title IV, Chapter 8, Section 16,which requires that such appeal be filed with the City Clerk,accompanying a filing fee of$75.00 and meeting other specified requirements. it Pastor Chong Kim Calvary Baptist Church Sarang Baptist Church File No.: LUA-098-180,CU-H,V-H April 26, 1999 Page 11 Copies of this ordinance are available for inspection or purchase in the Finance Department, first floor of City Hall. If the Examiner's Recommendation or Decision contains the requirement for Restrictive Covenants,the executed Covenants will be required prior to approval by City Council or final processing of the file. You may contact this office for information on formatting covenants. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine provides that no ex parte(private one-on-one) communications may occur concerning pending land use decisions. This means that parties to a land use decision may not communicate in private with any decision-maker concerning the proposal. Decision-makers in the land use process include both the Hearing Examiner and members of the City Council. All communications concerning the proposal must be made in public. This public communication permits all interested parties to know the contents of the communication and would allow them to openly rebut the evidence. Any violation of this doctrine would result in the invalidation of the request by the Court. The Doctrine applies not only to the initial public hearing but to all Requests for Reconsideration as well as Appeals to the City Council. 1 ;,.. •e;.t „ } 1.•,;,.', :,.i -=..., laa:m�srsaeaatlC T!Vr..r. •:,{, :•:w7,,,.:. �....... .-••, ';r ,: 1 :'i Ali irii i"�ll` 1=•::;' ;'s:.,:::1 `t ,r ;",,._ ,•�r i f 1 .VW,. 1 ..c ;;i:y•• { Effm 4 7 , 15. \ ,t. t t'�:..'i'•. 1 Wit•• •:i..,'. ;\ '.t.�'t t. �\, ::�:r �i,:,+,+{• `5 ..a17= •z�T;l.I�..: .lal. ...l.;.M1' ..i�..S`,i:; .;,Y,. rj•g� .'4 .t. ...,,1 i �::r,,.4,•4• 4' �j, ,�r't'::�;•y:t f V.i Iv: •'♦.,tC .',_. . {:.:id"•ti �.:.... `;t.,, , ;y-L;.'1.�1 .'''% k., ti. is 'Vyi,yt l�;.1,•yHt�!.ti:l1;t/\RSl �j tt� i :i^:ty.{Y :l' .t.- `y..i5.,•Zi \\:••ti:..:•fy!,t�,,�v.:. t:'i l•.:. •'•�•"�:1 • 3 .I ;lR. 1..f..it 5 1 ., 1�'i�.�� 'i1i'! :i., 'v ii. •I: •Ylt�:•4i. 1� '�; !il.;.mot 1 .t ':t,u•. 15 . r'1.;1y. •��\. .�1:.•�: ;tat;=�```�•:;.=+.0 ;;;. .tea.,,-' �;r :a;.. .,\ t.?',ii••zx:a �•,�•w;•.t,>.:;:�, ®..:..,.....',....:‘;-:.‘.1. •a. :.ir.}`.v :\:\ i,b�_' :\.'701.51}.Y, .•'.. 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Pa W ..-o....I0.l+w _ NWSAM b,MI MI CI a 6 • 1 :• EDMONDS AVE• . _N.E. _- - - -- - - t f W }: ^+ f�t r r •://!i// /j//. 5` 1f .'/j�j// , 1 .q1,•° • • ..I i ,.. -- •r. =• \ s .: .•j /,j�//�jj/j • ?,Y:: ////%a' --- ,, ,, .r-v__ / /, / /..ire.. .// /, • Li :/ ./ / 1///�/ iris c. �� •:'•// / / // C • / j// ./ • /i// / ,i// i/./.::.:::/ /i/ ice: • . / ,. ,,..\.• / - •` �� • ��� • • / • / LEGEND „ I, ♦} Pattern Range Deg. Range End Percent Area (Ac) _ _�— a IIAEIN 111111t 0.00 10.00 17.5 0.40 me.N..7:., E ld� 10.00 25.00 57.0 1.30 I-- I gf P '"'. .,1 25.00 40.00 16.2 0.37 GRAPHIC p SCALE • `.g' 40.00 200.00 9.2 0.21 •A •m—S.— Plano ine m .�pfft} p,OEC(uBEN.199E Qee Bs.aa — •"^•�"• SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH "" Ill„ � .w SLOPE ANALYSIS xs IMxfAC may .w r.v MA an .n ya a Penhdiegon Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc. �w' • �,w f•_70• •� 1 Mt P +.,_no ma.men sewn m.w..s sans so Sol seas wr an w nni.d,ter .m C5 • 5 GABBERT =It.t ;i .I . u lu �:1 :1:1,llit 1.1..7 war.: 4ar;i,1 , :J:4•J:1. ,t,el •iY:9 t-4.: --14 A CMITeICT0 . PLANN EC RB 10748 lake COy Way NE Seattle,WA.96125 TEL (206)367-3600 FAX. (206)367-8946 i 1 SARANG BAPTIST — — CP man — _ 0 ».TOP.. CHURCH � \ ' 1 RENTON,WA , , 4 I d i p .1 G , 1 I1 l_y i� � T ��-___ II ll T II_�� 1_1 7�r _ »rt — — _.- ��_FIL II'lC�i —— ————— "'••"••" SCHEMATIC ,,,, DESIGN • WEST 98061 0 IS scow MG WI12-09-98 ------' ��r P - —,a..o. nn-l-� n -- i — `1 i'- Al e -FT - 11 -- r; -- e - -s2 Peal.NAM Mt I i i l 1.I I i CILJI_ - 0 T _ _---t‘. 'Keo• IA,/i.r.UUDII — . MAS1GfV1A EAST ELEVATIONS o A 16 AMIIMIIIMINNII ,-ALE 1/1, - I-U- MEET A4 v�e.n RPR-C6-99 f :ZF7 MN K0.rld0 I Pll L L0.K @ LLb GtJb GLb tOGLb r. O 1 ?CQjeCt L 8-- 180 Cc J If i S rnL op;n i on 1f-hat pu. t-;n a, d ri vewcuA on NE Ia."'1 -hp Sa"a Ciw ropes s a - bad i doa �� have. ( Ned af -I-hc. Cprncc- of ,JE ia" and Da Jan NE -1c4, aver 153 bears . rti h cf �f-f�e. +rain`c_ -ra v et s r ems- a n N E IV"' (Uses -Fh Crest ' the h; l .s Ia of c re) filer Co, 4 e.r' r cio 1at does not si�-op anti t i I Aberdeen Aw e. NE . hoof c„ -f rb u i Ic bc,_ki out cf ryik Ct r i veuiakA end Cm 20 0 �t Fr. thex doua -1-1-)c- hill on fiat ground If M t`3rrf- be he►p-R 4 dec i i a n rnater 5 ed a s?C'J dtino n 3I rah'on. park u.. Car -aa wems-- can NE- 12 as ttNecA were a ( cF-t- h an d -f u,rn i r to f . primps cit, ctr'i v ec,vc . Dave- C.(_. pond Car cross the.. I nfersccfon o f Ect mor y N h cad► Lo e.- - o n N E (2 ;'t' Euen kflocD no, W h&t ( i s ahecud�, th er s ee p lope does not a lb oui fir' rrtuek) reac-"i orl -h roe. , . CO n�i` de Q schoo bc.t5 o r' d e6 v er truck . ? leas reconsider . -7Crre 5ct.p i r i zq-oo - iP2iC'nrf , a) C1805 14 ; 425 - 228 - I5g5 W : 425- 228 - Z556 NOTIM • ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROJECT NAME: SARANO BAPTIST CHURCH PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF The applicant requests Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Review to develop a church building and 90 parking stalls. Phase 1 of the project would result in the construction of 7,700 s.f.of building and 40 parking spaces. Phase 2 would add 8,525 s.f.of building and 50 additional parking stalls. The applicant also seeks 2 vadence,one from the Landclearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance In order to clear slopes greater than 40%,and another valiance from the development standards of the R-10 Zone to exceed 80%maximum Impervious surface.Location:NW comer of Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds Avenue NE. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Appeals,of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM,April 02, 1999. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required$75.00 application fee with:Hearing Examiner,City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office,(425)-430-6510. A Public Heating will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of City Hall,1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA on April 6,1999,at 9:00 AM to consider the conditional use permit and variances. If the Environmental Determination is appealed,the appeal will be Beard as part of this public hearing. Interested parties are(nulled to attend the public hearing. Sarang Baptist Church NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP P rl r':D ..®_ l l II�1di .: i : 8111 ' 1.or. a.p 11 ,I'rro Y •Sr,se • G ,: §11 , F( FAL k.,:,,, NI 111111 t, a• it FOR FURTHER INFORMATION,PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON,DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT(425)430-7200. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION Please Include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. CERTIFICATION I, � t(Qa , hereby certify that 3 copies of the above document were posted by me in 3 conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on ktpc12 I 1e%9 Signed: ,,-._,,Q;.,_ATTEST: Subcribed and sworn before me,a Nortary Publi14"-G.-• ,in d the State of Washington residing in Pin 0-y-1 , on the Ct+t day of Cif j u 2 Iqq 9 - c_..--y-y-1 0_A:11_ kel-ry. (APS MARILYN KA CHEFF COMMISSION EXPIRES 6/29/99 CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING On the 10 day of rytto fi1 , 1999, I deposited in the mails of the Unitec States, a sealed envelope containing 21rc dte"Cevm tvAt ova documents. This information was sent to: Name Representing Department of Ecology Don Hurter WSDOT KC Wastewater Treatment Division Larry Fisher Washington Department of Fisheries David F. Dietzman Department of Natural Resources Shirley Lukhang Seattle Public Utilities Duwamish Indian Tribe Rod Malcom Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Joe Jainga Puget Sound Energy (Signature of Sender) SQ.yviIitl. It • cY' STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for th uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: y 1 �i I 19 a Notary Publi n and or the State of shington Notary (Print) My appointment ex COMMISSION EXPIRES 6/29/99 Project Name: SO.KM3 50-p-ttSt Project Number: L.UA( • q$ . tgo ,Gv_ y•H. E[J NOTARY DOC CITY OF RENTON CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT OF SERVIOE BY MAILING :.., :,... . ' On the day of AynQ.,, , 1999, I deposited in the mails of the Unitec States, a sealed envelope containing or* lb ttea►+lm )ta.W►t Vve documents. This information was sent to: Name Representing the ks tar. Reberl" 'lorcr t'az-or CVO b .1 v,A 'F"rrs! Werdlivok rre. Scarp ih t • (Signature of Sender) Sawdvak. K• Sc.e-1er-- STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that *,,,,c1Xo. `i. S Q Q/L signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for tt(e uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: Ic Notary Public in a d for the State of Washi Notary (Print) AVA!LYN KAMC1 Err My appointment COMMISSION EXPIRES 6/29/99 Project Name: Savo;.h9 saiertc Cku Project Number: Lutt • °ls le , GV't� -tt fCl. NOTARY.DOC . -, • CIT'OF RENTON .,LL I Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator April 5, 1999 TTI Ms. Judy Hicks Gabbed Architects Planners 10748 Lake City Way NE • , Seattle, WA 98125 f, SUBJECT: Sarang Baptist Church i' Project No. LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF r^ Dear Ms. Hicks: This letter is to inform you that the comment and appeal periods have ended for the Environmental Review Committee's (ERC) Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated for the above-referenced project. No appeals were filed on the ERC determination. This decision is final. The applicant must comply with all ERC Mitigation Measures. II As you have already been advised, a Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washington, on April 6, 1999, at 9:00 AM to consider the Conditional Use (CU) Permit and Variance (V). The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (425) 430-7286. For the Environ tal Review Committee, .&iii,44.) \.____ ennifer Toth Henning Project Manager cc: Dr. Robert Florer/Owner Sarang Baptist Church Mr. Fred Wendling 11 Ms. Terre Scappini b i. FtNAL.DOC 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 ®This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer 1 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Charlotte Ann Kassens first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Legal Clerk of the —NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION. SOUTH COUNTY JOURNAL ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON,WASHINGTON 600 S. Washington Avenue, Kent, Washington 98032 The Environmental Review Committee (ERC)has issued a Determination of Non- Significance - Mitigated for the following a daily newspaper published seven (7)times a week. Said newspaper is a legal project under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. newspaper of general publication and is now and has been for more than six months SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH prior to the date of publication, referred to, printed and published in the English language LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF continually as a daily newspaper in Kent, King County, Washington. The South County Proposalto develop a'church building and parkingg stalls. Location: N NW corner of Journal has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the Sunset Blvd and Edmonds Ave.NE. State of Washington for King County. Appeals of the environmental determina- tion must be filed in writing on or before The notice in the exact form attached, was published in the South County 6:00 p.m.,April 02,1999.Appeals must be Journal (and not in supplemental form)which was regularly distributed to the subscribers filed in writing together with the required during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a Examiner, applicationoffeetwith: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055.Appeals to Surang Baptist Church the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11B. Additional information regarding the appeal as published on: 3/19/99 process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office,(425)430-6510. A Public Hearing will be held by the The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication_ the sum of$51.75, Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular charged to Acct. No. 805106 _ j meeting in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA on April 6, 1999, Legal Number 5870 at 9:00 AM to consider the conditional use permit and variances. If the Environmental Determination is appealed,the appeal will egal Clerk, u C n y Jou a be heard as part of this public hearing. Interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing. 999 Subscribed and sworn before me on this [ da of Ma..bP, 19 C-� Publication Date:March 19, ountyPublished in the South County Journal March 19,1999.5870 kek) i i _ o���unrr►►r�[ '� I��'►'� tAL U `a`, •••••�`'i'J'iE'.0i,y�^�� Notary Public of the State of Washington e•: �.oT.I„� o residing in Renton —0— • �� King County, Washington CITY OF RENTON G PUBLIC HEARING APRIL 06, 1999 AGENDA COMMENCING AT 9:00 AM, COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7TH FLOOR, RENTON CITY HALL The applications) listed are in order of application number only and not necessarily the order in which they will be heard. Items will be called for hearing at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner. PROJECT NAME: Taylor Short Plat PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-99-016,SHPL PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant, Mr. William Leland, proposes to subdivide a 1.89 acre parcel into seven (7) lots for detached single family residential development. Net density is calculated at 4.2 dwelling units per acre. Lots would range in size from 6,261 sq.ft. to 18,955 sq.ft. Project requires short plat review by the Hearing Examiner. Location: 570 Bronson Place NE. PROJECT NAME: Sarang Baptist Church PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-98-180,CU,V PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant requests Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Review to develop a church building and 90 parking stalls in two phases. Project requires a Condtional Use Permit. The applicant also seeks two variances. One variance is requested from the Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance to clear slopes greater than 40%. A second variance is sought from the maximum lot coverage standards of the R-10 Zone, which limits impervious surface to 60% of the site area. Location: Northwest corner of Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds Avenue NE. I E ! City of Renton PUBLIC Department of Planning/Building/Public Works HEARING PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Public Hearing Date: April 6, 1999 Project Name: Sarang Baptist Church Applicant/ Pastor Chong Kim Address.: Calvary Baptist Church 1032 Edmonds Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 Contact: Judy Hicks Gabbert Architects 10748 Lake City Way NE Seattle, WA 98125 Owner/ Pastor Chong Kim Address: Calvary Baptist Church 1032 Edmonds Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 File Number: LUA-098-180, CU-H, V-H, Project Manager: Jennifer Henning ECF Project Description: The applicant requests Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Review to develop a church building and 90 parking stalls in two phases. First phase is expected to be accomplished in the first year following approval. Phase 2 is proposed to occur 5 to 10 years following completion of Phase 1. The projf ct requires a Conditional Use Permit. The applicant also seeks a variance from the Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance to clear slopes greater than 40%. A second variance will be needed to exceed maximum lot coverage standards of the R-10 Zone, which limits impervious surface to 60% of the site area. The second variance has not been applied for. Project Location: Northwest corner of Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds Avenue NE I ` City of Renton P/B/PW Department rreliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner • SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH LUA-98-180, CU-H, V H, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: April 6, 1999 Page 2 of 14 B. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Owner of Record: John S. and Elizabeth Banchero do Stephen Malshuk, General Counsel NW Waste Industries, Inc. 54 South Dawson Street Seattle, WA 98134 Dr. Robert and Nancy Florer 2201 Sunset Avenue SW Seattle, WA 98116 2. Zoning Designation: Residential- 10 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-10) 3. Comprehensive Plan Residential Options (RO) Land Use Designation: 4. Existing Site Use: Vacant/Undeveloped 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: North: R-10 Zoning, single family residential development East: Residential - Multi-Family Suburban Center(RM-C) and McKnight Middle School South: Convenience Commercial Zoning West: Puget Sound Energy electric substation 6. Access: via Edmonds Avenue NE and NE 12th Street 7. Site Area: 1.79 acres (78,038 s.f.) 8. Project Data: area comments Existing Building Area: N/A New Building Area: 16,225 in 2 phases Total Building Area: 16,225 Phase 1 =7,700 s.f. Phase 2=8,525 s.f. C. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Action Land Use File No. Ordinance No. Date Annexation N/A 1795 10/6/59 Rezone R-234-78 3329 7/6/79 Comprehensive Plan N/A 4498 2/20/95 Zoning Code N/A 4404 6/7/93 D. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: 1. Section 4-2-020:G. Residential - 10 Dwelling Units per Acre HEXRPT.DOC v City of Renton P/B/PW Department rreliminary Report to the Hearing Exam er SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH LUA-98-180, CU-H, V-H, E 'F PUBLIC HEARING DATE: April 6, 1999 Page 3 c 14 2. Section 4-2-070:F. Use Tables for the R-10 Zone 3. Section 4-4-060: Grading, Excavation and Mining Regulations 4. Section 4-4-080: Parking, Loading and Driveway Regulations 5. Section 4-4-130: Tree Cutting and Land Clearing Regulations 6. Section 4-3-030: Aquifer Protection Regulations E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element- Religious Facilities Objective LU-MM: Site religious and ancillary facilities in a manner which provides conven nt transportation access and minimizes their adverse impacts on adjacent land uses. Policy LU-261: Parking should be provided on site an buffered from adjacent uses. 2. Environmental Element -Steep Slopes, Landslide and Erosion Hazards Policy EN-71: Allow land alteration only for approved development proposals or approved mitiga on efforts that will not create unnecessary erosion, undermine the support of nearby land, or unnecess ily scar the landscape. Policy EN-72: Mitigate problems of drainage, erosion, siltation, and landslides by decrea ng development intensity, site coverage, and vegetation removal as slope increases. F. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Sarang Baptist Church has applied for a Conditional Use Permit in order to develop a two-story church building and 90 parking stalls. Two phases are proposed. Phase I would result in the construction of a 7,700 s.f. building, approximately 40 surface parking spaces, and an access driveway from Edmonds Avenue NE over an approximate 7-month period of time. Phase 2 would occur from 5 to 10 years after Phase 1 and would add 8,525 s.f. to the building, and up to 50 additional or relocated surface par ing stalls, and an access from NE 12th Street. Steep slopes in excess of 40% on the west portion of the site would be cleared and graded. Applicant estimates that approximately 4,300 cubic yards of material would be cut (Phase 1 = 2,225 c.y. cut, Phase 2 = 2,075 c.y. cut), and that 8,550 cubic yards of fill would be required (Phase 1 = 6,750 c.y. fill, Phase 2 = 1,800 c.y. fill). In addition, retaining walls would be constructed around the perimeter of the site and in the center of a parking lot on the north central portion of the site. There would be a grade change of approximately 28 feet from Edmonds Avenue NE to the surface parking areas developed for the church. The proposed building would be two stories and approximately 28 feet in height. The site is zoned R-10 which allows churches only with approval of a Conditional Use Permit. Building heights in the R-10 Zone are limited to two stories and 30 feet. Impervious surface in the R-10 is limited to 50% of the total site area for buildings, and 60% of the site for impervious surface. Applicant proposes building coverage of about 13% and lot coverage of about 65%. Since the amount of allowable impervious surface would be exceeded, the applicant had proposed the use of grasscrete in parking areas to decrease impervious surface. Since the site is located within Aquifer Protection Area Zone 2, the use of grasscrete is not permitted. HEXRPT.DOC • City of Renton P/B/PW Department rreliminary Report to the Hearing Exam er SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH LUA-98-180, CU-H, V-H, E 'F PUBLIC HEARING DATE: April 6, 1999 Page 4 o 14 The applicant has applied for a variance from the Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance to cl, ar slopes greater than 40% adjacent to Edmonds Avenue NE. The variance is needed in order to constr ct the primary access point to the project, and to clear on-site areas for full build-out. Clearing and grad ig would occur in phases, consistent with proposed project phasing. Previous rezoning of the site in 1978 required that three restrictive covenants be recorded. The covenants stated that landscaping 50 feet in width would need to be provided along the north boundary of the site. A second covenant required a 10-foot wide landscaped strip and along a portion of the western property boundary. The third restrictive covenant placed on the north portion of the site limited the maximum building height to 40 feet. Applicant has applied to have the restrictive covenants removed as they pertain to R-3 zoning (no longer in effect). Staff has recommended removal of the covenants. The City Council's Planning and Development Committee is scheduled to hear the matter at their regular Committee meeting on Thursday April 8, 1999. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), on March 16, 1999 the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determinatior of Non-Significance - Mitigated (DNS-M). A 14-day appeal period commenced on March 19th rid will end at 5:00 pm on Friday, April 2, 1999. The applicant has reserved the right to apr al Mitigation Measure No. 4 as noted below, up until the end of the appeal period. No of rer appeals have been filed as of the date of the preparation of the staff report. 3. COMPLIANCE WITH ERC MITIGATION MEASURES 1. a) The applicant shall follow the recommendations of the Geotechnical Engineering Study Sunset Highlander Condominiums, Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds Avenue NE, Renton, Washington, prepared by Earth Consultants, Inc. (October 2, 1979), with regard to any site disturbance, preparation, or development activities. b) The applicant shall engage a qualified engineering geologist to observe installation of all erosion and sedimentation measures at the site. The engineering geologist should make periodic visits to the site to observe site conditions and to verify the performance of the installations. Weekly reports on the status and condition of the erosion control plan with any recommendations of change or revision to either maintenance schedules or installation shall be submitted by the project engineer of record to the Public Works Inspector. c) The applicant shall identify the project clearing limits on the project drawings prior to the issuance of the construction permit, and in the field prior to initiating site work. d) The applicant shall designate staging areas for temporary stockpiles of excavated soil prio, to the initiation of project construction. e) The applicant shall provide cover for temporary cut slopes and soil stockpiles during periods of inactivity. Temporary cover may consist of durable plastic sheeting that is securely anchored to the ground surface or straw mulch. Plastic sheeting should be placed and anchored as specified in Section D.4.2.3 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual(SWDM) - Appendix D. Mulch application shall conform to guidelines outlined in Section D.4.2.1 of the SWDM, Appendix D. f) The applicant shall establish permanent cover over exposed areas that will not be worked ')r a period of 30 days or more by seeding in conjunction with a mulch cover or appropriate hydroseeding. Site seeding should conform to the specifications presented in Section D.4.2.4 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual, Appendix D. HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Exam er • SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH LUA-98-180, CU-H, V-H, E :F PUBLIC HEARING DATE: April 6, 1999 Page 6 o 14 5. The applicant shall provide additional information to the Development Services Division in order to justify the proposed parking calculations for the project. If Occupancy Load of the building is being used to calculate parking need, then the Occupancy calculation must be based on the 1997 Uniform Building Code. In addition, the proposed size (in square feet) of the worship/auditori?:m areas must be provided to determine parking need. Compliance: The applicant intends to comply with the Mitigation Measure. 4. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address site plan issues from the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. 5. CONSISTENCY WITH CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA Section 4-9-03:G lists 11 criteria that the Hearing Examiner is asked to consider, along with all other relevant information, in making a decision on a Conditional Use application. These inch de the following: (5A) CONSISTENCY WITH THE COMP. PLAN, ZONING CODE & OTHER ORDINANCES: The proposed use shall be compatible with the general purpose, goals, objectives id standard of the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Ordinance and any other plan, progrr. 71, map or ordinance of the City of Renton. (1) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT The siting of religious facilities is discussed in Objective LU-MM which states that s ch facilities should be sited in a manner which provides convenient transportation access and minimizes their adverse impacts on adjacent land uses. Policy LU-261 states that parking should be provided on site and buffered from adjacent uses. The proposal would have convenient access for vehicles and pedestrians from Edmo ds Avenue NE and NE 12th Street. Impacts to adjacent land uses would be minimizec as there would be two site access points, one on Edmonds near Sunset, and a sec nd driveway on NE 12th Street, adjacent to the Puget Sound Energy substation. Parl, ng would be accommodated entirely on-site in surface parking lots that would be constructed approximately 28 feet below the elevation of Edmonds. Landscapinc is proposed on the perimeter of the site as buffering for adjacent uses. (2) ZONING CODE The project site is zoned Residential - 10 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-10). Churches ire permitted subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The proposal would re ult in the development of a church building and surface parking areas for the Sarang Bal ist Church. Development standards of the R-10 Zone require a minimum landscaped setback o1 10 feet from the street property line or 20 feet from the back of the sidewalk, whichever is less. Proposed landscaping planting beds would be 10 feet in width along NE Sur set Boulevard and on the western site boundary. Landscaping both on the site and in he public right-of-way on Edmonds would be approximately 25 feet in width, with abou' 15 to 17 feet in width located between the property line and the interior of the te. Retaining walls and rockeries, would be constructed within the landscape area on H EXRPT.DOC ' City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Exarr er SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH LUA-98-180, CU-H, V-H, E :F PUBLIC HEARING DATE: April 6, 1999 Page 7 c 14 Edmonds. Along NE 12th Street, proposed landscaping would be approximately 30 f et in width, with 20 feet of the landscape bed between the property line and the interior of the site. The height of the structure is limited to two stories or 30 feet. Sarang Baptist Churcl is proposed as a two-story structure, a maximum of 28 feet in height as measured to le mid-point of the highest roof gable. Maximum lot coverage for buildings is limited to 50% of the total lot area, wi le impervious surface is limited to 60% of the total lot area in the R-10 Zone. Propo: :d building coverage is estimated at 13% for both phases. Total impervious surface is estimated at 65% for both phases, exceeding the development standard of the R 10 Zone. The applicant would need to either reduce impervious surface on-site or obtai a variance from the development standards. (58) COMMUNITY NEED: There shall be a community need for the proposed use at the proposed location. In the determination of community need, the Hearing Examiner shall consider the following fact( rs, among all other relevant information: (1) The proposed location shall not result in either the detrimental over-concentration c r a particular use within the City or within the immediate area of the proposed use. Sarang Baptist Church presently shares offices and facilities with Calvary Baptist Church located at 1032 Edmonds Avenue NE. There are no other known churches in the immediate surrounding area. Two churches are located within approximately one-mile of the site, both are located south of SR 900 (Sunset). Highlands Christian Church is generally located near NE 10th Street and NE Sunset Boulevard, and Bethlet'm Lutheran is located approximately NE 10th Street and Monroe Avenue NE. The location of the proposed church at the intersection of a minor arterial (Edmo ds Avenue NE) and a state highway (SR 900 -- NE Sunset Boulevard) would permit try fic to access the site without burdening the surrounding neighborhood. Primary acces to the site is proposed from Edmonds Avenue NE; a second point of access would be developed near the northwest corner of the property, with access from NE 12th Street Applicant proposes to provide a total of 90 parking spaces. According to information provided with the project application, the 90 stalls exceeds Parking Code requirements. The additional parking would require a modification from the Parking, Loading .ind Driveway Ordinance and exceeds development standards of the R-10 Zone for maximum impervious surface. (2) That the proposed location is suited for the proposed use. The project site is vacant and undeveloped. Approximately three-quarters of the site contains slopes that are from 0% to 25%. Steep slopes of 40% and greater occupy approximately about nine percent of the site, and are generally located on the easterr portion of the property adjacent to Edmonds Avenue NE. The average of all slopes across the site is approximately 17%. Site development would require cutting into the steep slope area in the southeast por on of the site in order to develop a driveway from Edmonds Avenue NE. The applicant as applied for a variance from the Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance in order to clear steep slope areas. Development of the site as proposed would require grading that has been estimated < approximately 4,300 cubic yards of excavation and 8,550 cubic yards of fill. The applicant has estimated that approximately 5,500 cubic yards of material would be HEXRPT.DOC ' City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Heanng Exam er SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH LUA-98-180, CU-H, V-H, E 'F PUBLIC HEARING DATE: April 6, 1999 Page 8 o 14 imported to the site in order to achieve design grades. Existing steep slope areas on t e eastern portion of site would be cleared and graded in order to construct retaining wall. along circulation and parking areas. Additional retaining walls would be constructed oc the periphery of the site, and in the northcentral portion of the property, within propose surface parking lots. Site development for the proposed church requires extensive grading, the constructior of retaining walls, and implementation of measures to reduce or eliminate impacts to t e integrity of Edmonds Avenue NE, to support building foundations, and to reduce erosic 1. Development constraints would be similar for any project proposed on this site. The s e is zoned for residential development, however, a new church is permitted upon the granting of a Conditional Use Permit. The site is generally suitable for development of a church, by virtue of location, accessibility, surrounding development patterns, and contingent upon compliance with mitigation measures and conditions of approval. Vehicular access to the property wog d not require traveling through single family residential neighborhoods, since access is possible from a minor arterial (Edmonds Avenue NE) via State Route 900 (Sunset). 1 7e intensity of development proposed by the church burdens the site, as evidenced by thi need to request variances to clear and grade steep slopes, and since proposed impervious surface exceeds development standards of the R-10 Zone. (5C) EFFECT ON ADJACENT PROPERTIES: The proposed use at the proposed location shall not result in substantial or undue adve se effects on adjacent property. The following site requirements shall be required: (1) Lot Coverage: Lot coverage shall conform to the requirements of zone in which ne proposed use is to be located. Building lot coverage in the R-10 Zone is limited to 50% of the total lot al a. Development of the Sarang Baptist Church building would result in coverage of approximately 13% of the parcel. Impervious surface in the R-10 Zone is limited to 6J% of the total lot area. The applicant has estimated that the total impervious surface associated with the development would occupy 65% of the lot. Excess impervi',;us surface is attributable to proposed surface parking. The applicant has proposed to provide parking for the church that exceed Code requirements. In order to decrease impervious surface, the applicant has proposed to utilize grasscrete for a portion of the proposed parking. Staff suggested the use of grasscrete as a possible way to avoid triggering a variance for excess impervious surface. However, the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has assigned a mitigation measure to the proposal precluc ng the use of grasscrete, as the project site is located within Aquifer Protection Area (A A) Zone 2. The ERC has determined that the use of grasscrete for areas subjec' to vehicular use is not appropriate in an APA Zone. The applicant will need to either revise the proposal to eliminate excess impervious surface, or seek a variance to exceed maximum impervious surface. Accordinc to discussions with the applicant, they may appeal the mitigation measure precluding he use of grasscrete in parking areas. (2) Yards: Yards shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. Additions to the structure shall not be allowed in any required yard. Required front yard setbacks in the R-10 Zone are 20 feet. Rear yard setbacks are required to be 20 feet, and sideyard setbacks along a street for corner lots are requ red to be a minimum of 15 feet. Since NE Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds Avenue NE are HEXRPT.DOC ' City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Healing Exam er SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH .LUA-98-180, CU-H, V-H, E 'F PUBLIC HEARING DATE: April 6, 1999 Page 9 o 14 considered to be arterials, a 10-foot landscaped setback is required from the str �t property setback. The proposed church would have three frontages, one each on NE Sunset Bouleva 1, Edmonds Avenue NE, and NE 12th Street. Two of the frontages, Sunset and Edmor Is are considered to be primary and secondary arterials. The Master Plan indicates t at minimum setbacks of 37 feet would be maintained from Edmonds Avenue NE and fr i the western property boundary. The minimum setback frorn NE Sunset Boulevarc is approximately 75 feet, while the minimum setback from NE 12th Street is 235 feet. (3) Height: Building and structure heights shall conform to the requirements of the zonE in which the proposed use is to be located. Spires, belltowers, public utility antennas Jr similar structure may exceed the height requirement upon approval of a varian e. Building heights should be related to surrounding used in order to allow optimal sunli ht and ventilation, and minimal obstruction of views from adjacent structures. Building height in the R-10 Zone may not exceed 30 feet nor two stories. The applic nt proposes a two-story structure with a maximum height of 28 feet as measured from 0 datum point to the mid-point of the highest gable on the pitched roof. No spires or belltowers have been proposed. As proposed, the church structure would comply v th height limits of the R-10 Zone. (5D) COMPATIBILITY: The proposed use shall be compatible with the residential scale and character of Ie neighborhood. (Ord. 3599, 1-11-82) Setbacks, height, and lot coverage limitations of the R-10 Zone are established for resider al development, the primary permitted use. Any other uses permitted as secondary or conditic al uses must comply with the same development standards. The proposed church structure we .Id not conflict with established development in the area. Adjacent multi-family development to le east is upslope, and the church would be diminished by virtue of being located at a lower elevation. McKnight Middle School, located at the northeast corner of NE 12th Street and Edmonds Avenue NE is a conditionally approved use and is also located upslope of '.he development. A Puget Sound Energy substation is located abutting the site to the west and would not be adversely impacted by the church. Residential housing that has developed to the north and east of the site would be separated from the site by NE 12th Street and the Puget substation. The proposal would comply with building height, setback and building lot coverage standards that have been adopted for the applicable zone. Impervious lot coverage would be exceeded as previously noted, but with revisions to the site plan, the lot coverage issued could be resolved. With regard to scale and character, the Sarang Baptist Church would be compatible with surrounding uses. Previous rezoning of the site in 1978 required that three restrictive covenants be recorded in order to provide an appropriate transition between potential multi-family use of the north portion of the site, commercial use of the southern portion of the site, and surrounding residential areas. The covenants stated that landscaping 50 feet in width would need to be provided along the north boundary of the site. A second covenant required a 10-foot wide landscaped strip and along a portion of the western property boundary. The third restrictive covenant placed on the north portion of the site limited the maximum building height to 40 feet. Applicant has applies to have the restrictive covenants removed as they pertain to R-3 zoning (no longer in effect). S,aff has recommended removal of the covenants. The City Council's Planning and Development Committee is scheduled to hear the matter at their regular Committee meeting on Thursday April 8, 1999. HEXRPT.DOC • City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Exam =r SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH I UA-98-180, CU-H, V-H, E F PUBLIC HEARING DATE: April 6, 1999 Page 10 o '4 (5E) PARKING: Parking under the building structure should be encouraged. Lot coverage may be increased to as much as seventy-five percent (75%) of the lot coverage requirement of the zone, in which the proposed use is located, if all parking is provided underground or within the structure. (C'd. 3903, 4-22-85) Surface parking is proposed. During the first phase of development 40 parking stalls would be constructed. The second phase would add or relocate an additional 50 parking stalls. Upon completion of both phases the project would provide a total of 90 parking stalls. The Parking, Loading and Driveway regulations require that churches provide a minimum of one parking stall for each fixed seat in the main auditorium or sanctuary. Sarang Baptist Church has stated that 299 seats are proposed. For 299 fixed seats, the amount of required parking is 60 stalls. The applicant has also calculated parking need based on building occupancy. Sari ig estimates parking need at 83 parking spaces for both phases of the project. The park ig calculation based on building occupancy has not been verified by the Building Department a: of the date of this staff report. However, the ERC has required as a Mitigation Measure that the applicant provide additional information to the City justifying the proposed parking calculations for the project. ERC stated that if Occupancy Load of the building is being used to calculate parking need, then the Occupancy calculation must be based on the 1997 Uniform Build ig Code. In addition, ERC has required that the proposed size (in square feet) of he worship/auditorium areas must be provided to determine parking need. (5F) TRAFFIC: Traffic and circulation patterns of vehicles and pedestrians relating to the proposed use rind surrounding area shall be reviewed for potential effects on, and to ensure safe movement in the surrounding area. Vehicles would access the site from two driveways, one located on Edmonds Avenue NE, an.1 a second driveway on NE 12th Street. Several concerns have been raised regarding site acc 'ss via the two driveways. These issues include: driveway slope from Edmonds and the abilit, of emergency fire department equipment to access the site; site distance from the top of the driveway on Edmonds for traffic turning left or right out of the driveway; and distance of the Edmonds driveway back from the corner of NE Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds. Concerns were also raised with regard to the NE 12th Street driveway since the access drive would be located at the base of a steep slope, and traffic traveling westbound on NE 12th Street could be affectec. The applicant has worked with the Fire Prevention Bureau in order to revise the driveway location on Edmonds such that the maximum grade of 15% would not be exceeded, and to provide adequate sag and crest curves for emergency equipment that meet or exceed Fire Department standards. . The applicant proposed to construct the Edmonds driveway as part of Phase 1, with the NE 12th driveway to be constructed during Phase 2. ERC is requiring the development of both driveways during Phase 1. Applicant has been advised to redesign the Edmonds driveway to provide a level landing -ea for vehicles prior to entering onto Edmonds Avenue NE. In addition, the location of the Edmonds driveway has been designed such that it is setback a minimum of 125 feet from the intersection of Edmonds with Sunset. The access driveway on NE 12th Street is considered to be acceptable to both the City's Plan Review Section and Transportation Services Division. The driveway is located approximately 102 feet from the intersection of NE 12th and Edmonds, and about 28 feet from the western property line. The driveway could be moved slightly further to the west and meet Code, provided it is located a minimum of 5 feet from the west property line. This revision would give an additional car length distance for vehicles traveling westbound to see and react to vehicles turning into or out of the Sarang site. HEXRPT.DOC ' City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Exam er SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH LUA-98-180, CU-H, V-H, E 'F PUBLIC HEARING DATE: April 6, 1999 Page 11 0 14 Since major excavation lowering site grades is proposed to accomplish the project, ERC has required a mitigation measure such that the applicant install a guardrail along Edmonds Averue NE for vehicle and pedestrian safety. Pedestrian paths proposed for site development are limited to hard surface walkwi is surrounding the building. Surface parking would be located on the north and south sides of ie building, but no pedestrian linkages are indicated. Neither are any pedestrian paths shown fr m either Edmonds Avenue NE or NE 12th Street. Staff will recommend that the applicant prov le an acceptable pedestrian connection from Edmonds Avenue NE and the building, and also fr m NE 12th Street to the church. In addition, a crosswalk (painted or delineated through the use of alternate paving materials) is recommended between the parking areas and the church. (5G) NOISE, GLARE: Potential noise, light and glare impacts shall be evaluated based on the location of the proposed use on the lot and the location of on-site parking areas, outdoor recreational areas and refuse storage areas. Proposed parking areas would be located approximately 28 feet lower than Edmonds Aver.ie NE. No lighting plan has been submitted with the project application. Submittal of an accepta le lighting plan prior to issuance of a construction permit is recommended as a condition of approval. No garbage or recyclable areas have been indicated on the project drawings. Staff fill recommend that the applicant identify the location of the garbage/recyclables areas on the pl ns and submit the location to the Development Services Division for review and approval prio to the issuance of building permits. Noise would occur outside of the proposed building prior to and following the conclusior of church activities. The church intends to operate on Friday evenings and Sunday mornings. - ne level of noise anticipated is minimal and would not be expected to impact the surrounding area. (5H) LANDSCAPING: Landscaping shall be provided in all areas not occupied by building or paving. The Hearing Examiner may require additional landscaping to buffer adjacent properties from potentially adverse effects of the proposed use. Conceptual landscape plans submitted with the application indicate that groundcover, shrubs .:ind trees would be planted on the site. Size and spacing of ornamental landscape materials has not been indicated on the plans. However, the plant palette indicates ornamental landscaping that is typical of the Pacific Northwest region. Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga rnenziesii), Hemlock (Ts•.1ga sp.), Pine (Pinus sp.), Flowering Cherry and Plum (Prunus sp.), Vine maple (Acer circinatum) are proposed as trees. Shrubs are specified only as Rhododendron. Indicated groundcover would be Hahn's ivy (Hedera helix "Hahn's") or periwinkle (Vinca minor). Landscape planting beds would be 10 feet in width along NE Sunset Boulevard and approximately 8 feet in width (at the narrowest point) on the western site boundary. Landscaping both on the site and in the public right-of-way on Edmonds would be approximately 25 feet in width, with about 15 to 17 feet in width located on the subject site. Retaining walls and rockeries, would be constructed within 'he landscape area on Edmonds. Along NE 12th Street, proposed landscaping would be approximately 30 feet in width, with about 20 feet of the landscaping occurring on the Sal ng site. Additional ornamental landscaping is proposed within the parking area and surrounding he building. It is not clear as to the extent of landscaping that would be installed in each phas of the project. A recommended condition of project approval is that the applicant be required to submit a detailed Landscape Plan showing specific plant materials, size and spacing for the proposal. An appropriate Landscape Plan would need to be submitted subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to the issuance Building Permit for the proposal. HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Exarr er SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH LUA-98-180, CU-H, V-H, E :F PUBLIC HEARING DATE: April 6, 1999 Page 12 c 14 (5/) ACCESSORY USES: Accessory uses to conditional uses such as day schools, auditoriums used for social and Si 'rt activities, health centers, convents, preschool facilities, convalescent homes and others o a similar nature shall be considered to be separate uses and shall be subject to the provision: of the use district in which they are located. The applicant has indicated that a day care would operate within the church building during he rs of church worship service and Sunday school only. Operation of a clay care during other tir �s would necessitate separate land use and environmental review. (5J) CONVERSION: No existing building or structure shall be converted to a conditional use unless such buildinc or structure complies, or is brought into compliance, with the provisions of this Chapter. Not applicable. (5K) PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: The proposed use and location shall be adequately served by and not impose an undue bur en on any public improvements, facilities, utilities, and services. Approval of a conditional use pe nit may be conditional upon the provision and/or guarantee by the applicant of necessary pc, lie improvements, facilities, utilities, and/or services. Sufficient City services and utilities are available to serve the proposal provided the applic int complies with required site improvements, utility extensions, pays required fees, and comf es with mitigation measures, Codes, conditions of approval. G. VARIANCE: The applicant is requesting a variance from the Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance, specifically, Sectir n 4-4-130:C.4. which states that: "No tree cutting or land clearing is permitted within twenty-five feet(25) of any shoreline area, within twenty five feet(25) or the ordinary high water mark of creeks, in a wetland area, or on parcels where the predominant slope or individual slope is in excess of forty percent(40%) except enhancem€ It activities.". The Hearing Examiner shall have the authority to grant variances from the provisions of Title IV of the City Cr le upon making a determination in writing that the conditions specified below have been found to exist: 1. That the applicant suffers undue hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to subject property, including size, shape, topograi ,y, location or surroundings of the subject property, and the strict application of the Zor ng Code is found to deprive subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by o ier property owners in the vicinity and under identical zone classification: The applicant maintains that because of the site's irregular shape, and because the s ath boundary of the property is bordered by a State highway (SR g00) access from Edmc ids Avenue NE is logical and necessary. Construction of the Edmonds Avenue NE access :Ind preparation of the site for the proposed development requires disturbance of steep slopes for clearing and grading. Relocation of the driveway elsewhere on Edmonds would also require hat steep slopes exceeding 40% be disturbed. It is not possible for the applicant to desic i a driveway from Sunset that would be supported by staff. In addition, a sole driveway or sec ind driveway on NE 12th Street would not be supported. HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Exam er SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH LUA-98-180, CU-H, V-H, E 'F PUBLIC HEARING DATE April 6, 1999 Page 13 0 14 2. That the granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare )r injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which subj ct property is situated: The applicant maintains that the variance is necessary to develop the site and that the propo! �d church would increase the sense of community in the area by providing a facility where peoplE of many cultures would be able to worship. Since most of the proposed excavation of the steep slope areas would occur adjacent to Edmonds Avenue NE, the integrity of the street could be affected. The proposal would create in approximate 28 foot difference in grade between Edmonds Avenue NE and the parking areas m site. The applicant is being required by the City's Environmental Review Committee to provid a supplemental geotechnical engineering report that addresses the vertical cut that would oc ur along Edmonds Avenue NE, and propose measures to protect the integrity of Edmonds Aver tie NE. 3. That approval shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with ie limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subj ct property is situated: The applicant states that the granting of the variance would not constitute a grant of spe ial privilege. Any other type of development that is permitted outright or conditionally would nee, to pursue the same variance if the 40% slopes on the east portion of the site were disturbed. , ny proposed site access from Edmonds would require disturbance of the steep slope areas. 4. That the approval as determined by the Hearing Examiner is a minimum variance that rill accomplish the desired purpose: The applicant states that the variance is the minimum needed to accomplish the props ed project. Any development of the site would require an access point from Edmonds, trigge ng the need for the variance. Development of Phase 1 of the project would result in clearing nd grading of the southern half of the site. Overall site development under both phases wr ald necessitate mass clearing and grading to construct the church structure, surface parking nd circulation aisles. Retaining walls and rockeries are proposed to be built in the disturbed sl ipe areas and the slopes would be landscaped. H. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit and Variance for the Sarang Baptist Chu!:h Project File No. LUA-98-180, CU-H, V-H, ECF subject to the following conditions: (1) Compliance with ERC Mitigation Measures: The applicant is required to comply with the Mitigation Measures which were required by the Environmental Review Committee Threshold Determination prior to the issuance of a building permit. (2) Pedestrian Access. The applicant shall provide an acceptable pedestrian connection from Edmonds Avenue NE and the building, and also from NE 12th Street to the church. In addition, a crosswalk (painted or delineated through the use of alternate paving materials) is recommended betty .en the parking areas and the church. (3) Lighting Plan. The applicant shall submit an acceptable lighting plan subject to the review id approval of the Development Services Division project manager, prior to the issuance of a constructi n permit. HEXRPT.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Exam er SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH LUA-98-180, CU-H, V-H, E :F PUBLIC HEARING DATE: April 6, 1999 Page 14 o 14 (4) Garbage/Recyclables Areas. The applicant shall submit a revised site plan that identifies the location of the garbage/recyclables areas on the site. The revised site plan shall to the Development Services Division for review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. (5) Landscape Plan. The applicant shall submit a detailed Landscape Plan specifying proposed plant materials, and the size and spacing of plantings for the proposal. An appropriate Landscape Pla shall be submitted subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Division prior to th issuance Building Permit for the proposal. (6) Phasing. The applicant shall be granted the Conditional Use Permit for a period not to excee 10 years. If Phase 1 has not commenced within two years of the date of the approval of the Condition I Use Permit, the permit for both phases shall be null and void. If Phase 2 has not commenced within ti extended approved time frame, then the Conditional Use Permit associated with Phase 2 shall be null and void. (7) Restrictive Covenants. If the applicant is unsuccessful in having restrictive covenants rem' 3d that apply to a portion of the subject site, then the project will need to be revised to meet the applicabl conditions. Major adjustments to the proposal would require review by the Hearing Examiner. HEXRPT.DOC CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF APPLICANT: Pastor Chong Kim/Calvary Baptist Church 9 Baptist Church Saran - PROJECT NAME: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant requests Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Review to develop a church building and 90 parking stalls. Phase 1 of the project would result in the construction of 7,700 s.f. of building and 40 parking spaces. Phase 2 would add 8,525 s.f. of building and 50 additional parking stalls. The applicant also seeks 2 variance, one from the Landclearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance in order to clear slopes greater than 40%, and another variance from the development standards of the R-10 Zone to exceed 60% maximum impervious surface. Location: NW corner of Sunset Blvd. and Edmonds Ave. NE. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Northwest corner of Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds Avenue NE MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. a) The applicant shall follow the recommendations of the Geotechnical Engineering Study Sunset Highlander Condominiums, Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds Avenue NE, Renton, Washington, prepared by Earth Consultants, Inc. (October 2, 1979), with regard to any site disturbance, preparation, or development activities. b) The applicant shall engage a qualified engineering geologist to observe installation of all erosion and sedimentation measures at the site. The engineering geologist should make periodic visits to the site to observe site conditions and to verify the performance of the installations. Weekly reports on the status and condition of the erosion control plan with any recommendations of change or revision to either maintenance schedules or installation shall be submitted by the project engineer of record to the Public Works Inspector. c) The applicant shall identify the project clearing limits on the project drawings prior to the issuance of the construction permit, and in the field prior to initiating site work. d) The applicant shall designate staging areas for temporary stockpiles of excavated soil prior to the initiation of project construction. e) The applicant shall provide cover for temporary cut slopes and soil stockpiles during periods of inactivity. Temporary cover may consist of durable plastic sheeting that is securely anchored to the ground surface or straw mulch. Plastic sheeting should be placed and anchored as specified in Section D.4.2.3 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) - Appendix D. Mulch application shall conform to guidelines outlined in Section D.4.2.1 of the SWDM, Appendix D. f) The applicant shall establish permanent cover over exposed areas that will not be worked for a period of 30 days or more by seeding in conjunction with a mulch cover or appropriate hydroseeding. Site seeding should conform to the specifications presented in Section D.4.2.4 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual, Appendix D. Sarang Baptist Church LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF Mitigation Measures (Continued) Page 2 of 2 g) The applicant shall provide stabilized construction entrances as specified in Section D.4.4.1 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual, Appendix D, prior to the initiation of site clearing. h) The applicant shall install a silt fence along the downslope perimeter of the area that is to be disturbed. The silt fence should be in place before clearing and grading is initiated, and should be constructed in conformance with the specifications presented in Section D.4.3.1 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual,Appendix D. i) The applicant shall construct shallow drainage swales to intercept surface water flow and route the flow away from the construction area to a stabilized discharge point. Vegetation growth should be established in the ditch by seeding or placing sod. Depending on site grades, it may 1 be necessary to line the ditch with rock to protect the ditch from erosion and to reduce flow rates. The design and construction or drainage swales should conform to the specifications presented in Section 4.4.1 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual. Temporary pipe systems can also be used to convey stormwater across the site. j) The applicant shall provide on-site sediment retention for collected runoff. Depending on the contributory area of the runoff, adequate on-site sediment retention can be provided by perimeter protection controls (i.e. silt fencing). However, for larger areas, it may be necessary to construct an on-site sediment trap or settling pond to reduce the amount of suspended solids in the runoff prior to discharge. Specifications for design and construction of a sediment trap and settling pond are presented in Section D of the King County Surface Water Design Manual. k) The project contractor shall perform daily review and maintenance of all erosion and sedimentation control measures at the site. I) The applicant shall provide a supplemental geotechnical engineering report prepared by a qualified licensed geotechnical engineer which addresses the vertical cut that would occur along Edmonds Avenue NE. The supplemental geotechnical report shall propose measures to protect the integrity of Edmonds Avenue NE during and following site grading activities. The report shall be subject to the review of the Development Services Division and must be submitted and approved prior to the issuance of any construction or building permits for the site. 2. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Transportation Mitigation Fee at the rate of$75.00 per each new average daily trip attributable to the project. The fee is payable prior to the issuance of the building permit. 3. a) The applicant shall pay the applicable Fire Mitigation Fee at the rate of$0.52 per square foot of new construction. The Fire Mitigation Fee is due prior to the issuance of the building permit. b) The applicant shall construct both access driveways from Edmonds Avenue NE and from NE 12th Street, as part of the first phase of project development. 4. The applicant shall revise the site plan to eliminate grasscrete within parking areas in order to protect the City's aquifer from possible degradation. The site plan must be revised and approved prior to the issuance of any construction or building permits. 5. The applicant shall provide additional information to the Development Services Division in order to justify the proposed parking calculations for the project. If Occupancy Load of the building is being used to calculate parking need, then the Occupancy calculation must be based on the 1997 Uniform Building Code. In addition, the proposed site (in square feet) of the worship/auditorium areas must be provided to determine parking need. • CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF APPLICANT: Pastor Chong Kim/Calvary Baptist Church PROJECT NAME: Sarang Baptist Church DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant requests Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Review to develop a church building and 90 parking stalls. Phase 1 of the project would result in the construction of 7,700 s.f. of building and 40 parking spaces. Phase 2 would add 8,525 s.f. of building and 50 additional parking stalls. The applicant also seeks 2 variance, one from the Landclearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance in order to clear slopes greater than 40%, and another variance from the development standards of the R-10 Zone to exceed 60% maximum impervious surface. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Northwest corner of Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds Avenue Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Development Services Division 1. Project requires a public hearing to consider the Conditional Use Permit and requested variance. 2. Project requires a modification from the Parking and Loading Ordinance. Construction Services 1. Provide accessible Parking per State Code. 2. Provide required fire exiting per Uniform Building Code. Parks Department 1. Applicant needs to provide justification for removal of large trees along Sunset. 2. Applicant should coordinate with the Parks Department in the event that street trees are proposed. All new landscaping outside of property lines must be maintained by the owner. 3. No Parks Mitigation Fees are required. Fire Prevention _ 1. Preliminary fire flow is estimated to be 2,750 gallons per minute, which requires one fire hydrant within 150 feet of the building and 2 additional hydrants within 300 feet of the building. 2. Provide a list of any flammable, combustible liquids or hazardous chemicals that are to be used or stored on site. 3. A fire mitigation fee applies to the proposal and is estimated to be $8,437.00 based on $0.52 per square foot of new construction. 4. Separate plans and permits are required for the required fire alarm and sprinkler system installations. 5. Any covered foyer over the access roadway requires a minimum 13-foot 6 inch clearance above the '� roadway. Sarang Baptist Church LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF . Advisory Notes (Continued) Page 2 of 2 6. The turning radius at the south end of the building needs to be revised to meet the 45-foot outside radius and the 25-foot inside radius for fire equipment. Plan Review-Water 1. The site is served by existing water mains. An 8-inch AC is in NE 12th Street, an 8-inch CI (T. J.) and a 16-inch D.I. are located in Edmonds Avenue NE. 2. The project site is located in the Highlands 435 Pressure Zone. 3. Additional water main, fire hydrants and DDCV assembly must meet current fire flow/fire codes/ regulations per the Renton Fire Department. 4. The project will require loop water main if the fire flow is more than 2,500 gallons per minute. 5. New meters will be required for domestic water, irrigation, and fire protection and must meet current Uniform Plumbing Code regulations. Domestic meters will requires a Pressure Reducing Valve (static pressure in the main is 93 psi. 6. Water System Development Charges of$0.113/square foot of gross site are will be required. 7. The project site is located within Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area. Plan Review-Surface Water 1. The site will require a drainage plan and erosion/sedimentation control plan designed in accordance with the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. 2. Biofiltration will be required if more than 5,000 square feet of new impervious surface subject to vehicular use is being proposed. 3. Surface Water Development Charges of$0.129 per square foot of new impervious surface area will be added to the site will be required. Plan Review-Sanitary Sewer 1. The site will be required to connect to the sanitary sewer system. Wastewater System Development Charges of$0.078 per square foot of gross site are will be required. Plan Review -Street Improvements 1. The project has existing street improvements in place (curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street paving and street lights) on Edmonds Avenue NE. The street frontage on NE 12th Street will require street improvements installed (curbs, gutters, sidewalk, street paving and street lights) per current City Codes/Standards. 2. Traffic mitigation fees of$75 per each new average weekday trip apply. The transportation mitigation fee is estimated to be approximately 9.32 daily trips per 1,000 square feet of new construction. For Phase 1 development, the fee is estimated to be $5,385.00 (based on 7,700 s.f. of building x 9.32 average trips = 71.8 daily trips x $75). For Phase 2 the traffic mitigation fee is estimated to be $5,962.50 (based on 8,525 s.f. of building x 9.32 average daily trips = 79.5 daily trips x $75). Economic Development/Strategic Planning/Neighborhoods 1. No policy issues raised with regard to the proposes church land use. The proposal appears to be consistent with policies of the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan that address the location and site design of religious facilities. 2. The site is mapped for an area of high landslide hazard. This potential should be addressed in the geotechnical documentation. City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET" REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: h0‘ COMMENTS DUE: FEB 3, 1999 APPLICATION NO: LUA98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 21, 1999 APPLICANT: Judy Hicks, Gabbert Architects PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Henning PROJECT TITLE: Sarang Baptist Church WORK ORDER NO: 78480 LOCATION: NWC of Sunset Blvd and Edmonds Avenue NE SITE AREA: 78,038 s.f. I BUILDING AREA(gross): SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Review to develop a church building and 127 parking stalls. Phase I of the project would result in the construction of 7,700 s.f. of building and 37 parking spaces. Phase 2 would add 8,525 s.f. of building and 90 parking stalls. Applicant also seeks a variance from andclearing and tree cuttir ordinance to clear slopes greater that 40% primarily on the east portion of the site. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Informal n Impacts impacts Necessary Impacts impacts Necessa Earth Housing Alr Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services X Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet 8 Calls for Service Annually Theft from construction sites is common. To protect materials and equipment , it is rec ommended that all materials and tools be locked up when not in use. Construction trail( rs should be kept locked when not in use, and should also have a heavy-duty deadbolt insta led with no less then a 1-1/2" throw when bolted. I also recommend the construction compan, post "No Tresoassinq" signs on the property while it 's under construction to deter B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS trespassers , as well . It s important to provide sufficient lighting when you have larg parking areas . Theft from motor vehicle is the most common occuring property crime in the City of Renton at present. C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact c areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. C. Driggers February 23 , 1999 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC F i 1G93 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEE r REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Cbh-Styuc.±wv SeVv t(Q COMMENTS DUE: FEB 3, 1999 APPLICATION NO: LUA98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 21, 1999 APPLICANT: Judy Hicks, Gabbert Architects PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Henning PROJECT TITLE: Sarang Baptist Church WORK ORDER NO: 78480 LOCATION: NWC of Sunset Blvd and Edmonds Avenue NE _ SITE AREA: 78,038 s.f. BUILDING AREA(gross): SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Review to develop a church building and 127 parking stalls. Phase I of the project would result in the construction of 7,700 s.f. of building and 37 parking spaces. Phase 2 would add 8,525 s.f. of building and 90 parking stalls. Applicant also seeks a variance from landclearing and tree cuttir ordinance to clear slopes greater that 40% primarily on the east portion of the site. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major In format n Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessa Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS ,pko vi pC 4,C L�S i I. L G K;f.J F'L-/2. P is)ov1/JL k Q i•ZE. F TI KJ L We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact c areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Rep` ative Date DEVAPP.DOC F 17,r93 City of,lenton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET' REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: pS COMMENTS DUE: FEB 3, 1999 APPLICATION NO: LUA98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 21, 1999 APPLICANT: Judy Hicks, Gabbert Architects PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Henning PROJECT TITLE: Sarang Baptist Church WORK ORDER NO: 78480 LOCATION: NWC of Sunset Blvd and Edmonds Avenue NE SITE AREA 78,038 s.f. I BUILDING AREA(gross): SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL:Applicant requests Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Review to develop a church building and 127 parking stalls. Phase I of the project would result in the construction of 7,700 s.f. of building and 37 parking spaces. Phase 2 would add 8,525 s.f. of building and 90 parking stalls. Applicant also seeks a variance from landclearing and tree cutting ordinance to clear slopes greater that 40%primarily on the east portion of the site. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major information Environment Minor Major informaticn Impacts impacts Necessary impacts Impacts Necessary • Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Ught/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shorellne Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic./Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet - 22 ed 1- <Cyr) Y � G6 Ll✓ "17SA- �" � --� !2« 1 B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS X-7 40-7 �'G - d G�2� c �' z // 7/7 7)11 r1-( V 47 C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where ad itional information Is nee to properly assess thi proposal. ( L-21/97 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC R-,1066 TY ti O CITY OF RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU -Nrvo MEMORANDUM I DATE: January 29, 1999 TO: Jennifer Toth Henning, Planner FROM: Jim Gray, Assistant Fire Marshall SUBJECT: Sarang Baptist Church, Edmonds Av. NE Fire Department Comments: 1. The preliminary Fire flow is 2750 GPM which requires one fire hydrant within 150 feet of the building and two additional hydrants within 300 feet of the building. 2. Provide a list of any flammable, combustible liquids or hazardous chemicals that are to be used or stored on site. 3. A fire mitigation fee of $8,437.00 is required based on $.52 a square foot of the building square footage. 4. Separate plans and permits are required for the required fire alarm and sprinkler systems installation. 5. Any covered foyer over the access roadway requires a 13 foot 6 inch clearance above roadway. 6. The turning radius at the south end of the building needs to be revised to meet the 45 foot outside and 25 foot inside radius for fire equipment. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL &DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Reviewing Department Water Comments Due: FEBRUARY 3, 1999 Application No.: LUA-98-180,CU-H, V-H, ECF Date Circulated: January 21, 1999 Applicant: Judy Hicks, Gabbert Architects Project Manager: Jennifer Henning Project Title: Sarang Baptist Church Work Order No: 78480 Location:NWC of Sunset Blvd. and Edmonds Avenue NE Site Area: 78,038 s.f. Building Area(gross): . A. Environmental Impact(e.g.Non-Code) Comments No comment. B. Policy-Related Comments No comment. C. Code-Related Comments The site is served by existing water mains located as follows: 8" AC in NE 12th Street, 8" CI (T.J.) and 16" D.I. in Edmonds Ave NE. The project is located in aquifer protection Zone 2 and in the Highlands 435 Pressure Zone. Additional water main, fire hydrants and DDCV assembly must meet current fire flow/fire codes/regulations per the Renton Fire Department. The project will require a loop water main if the fire flow is more than 2,500 GPM. New meters will be required for domestic water, irrigation, and fire protection and must meet current UPC regulations. Domestic meter will require a PRV (static pressure in the main is 93 PSI). Water (SDC) fees of$0.113/sq. ft. of gross site area will be required. 4,4) `'_ ^ 2 -Z - 7? Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date sarang2 • City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL &DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Reviewing Department Surface/Wastewater Comments Due: FEBRUARY 3, 1999 Application No.: LUA-98-180,CU-H, V-H, ECF Date Circulated: January 21, 1999 Applicant: Judy Hicks, Gabbert Architects Project Manager: Jennifer Henning Project Title: Sarang Baptist Church Work Order No: 78480 Location:NWC of Sunset Blvd. and Edmonds Avenue NE Site Area: 78,038 s.f. Building Area(gross): A. Environmental Impact(e.g. Non-Code) Comments No comment. B. Policy-Related Comments No comment. C. Code-Related Comments The site will require a drainage plan and erosion/sedimentation control plan designed in accordance with the 1990 KCSWDM. Biofiltration will be required if more than 5,000 S.F. of new impervious surface subject to vehicular use is being proposed. Surface water (SDC) fees of $0.129/sq. ft. of new impervious surface area added to the site will be required. The site will be required to connect to the sanitary sewer system. Wastewater (SDC) fees of$0.078/sq. ft. of gross site area will be required. %;u, ." 2 -2 - 7? Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date sarang 1 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL &DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Reviewing Department Transportation Comments Due: FEBRUARY 3, 1999 Application No.: LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H, ECF Date Circulated: January 21, 1999 Applicant: Judy Hicks, Gabbert Architects Project Manager: Jennifer Henning Project Title: Sarang Baptist Church Work Order No: 78480 Location:NWC of Sunset Blvd. and Edmonds Avenue NE Site Area: 78,038 s.f. Building Area(gross): . A. Environmental Impact(e.g. Non-Code) Comments No comment. B. Policy-Related Comments No comment. C. Code-Related Comments The project has existing street improvements in place (curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street paving and street lights) on Edmonds Ave. NE. The street frontage on NE 12th Street will require street improvements installed (curbs, gutters, sidewalk, street paving and street lights) per current City Codes/Standards. Traffic mitigation fees of $75/trip will be required (see attached mitigation form for mitigation fees imposed on the project). P ‘14.144T. z z-99 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date sarang3 . J5 • 041.mo Nlor W '�;"'y"'yit►.na. ! %W.Gr%�p.w!�.:�...w.gy...a.. �v Project Name 5C4V601 .8aPt►s t Gltuvcjl Project Address , IOW GO✓ S tills- 8/✓rt' Eclwt0 71 ve. ATE: Contact Person SSu&(y Hicks ) ✓c.l7,tectS Address 1074q l.akt 6-'11 (AA� ME Phone Number ZO6 — 367 — 360.0 . Permit Number L UA - q g - 130 Project Description level l Gttuvc,G1 hla5 4 1Z7 sra-cz Pk-,, -- 7700 s•f bid, 4 37 eh!. 5/94ce Pllus e Z — 9525 cf hlhi S qD yG4-es • Land Use Type: Method of Calculation: G176<vch (540) 0 Residential Et'ITE Trip Generation Manual 0 Retail 0 Traffic Study pay, g 13 %Non-retail 0 Other q-3Z cluily /yip. PeA /pop Calculation: t Ave,. Dk�l TY1.15,5 _ (7.7)(q 32.) = 7l : (uily tvips • Ptuu 2 : Aviv be /Defdti 1r4P5 = ( 6.52(j) 0.32) _ 7`l, 5 4i/ -tv,10 f /t`( 475 p-cji qv'? . 071.8) ( 075 ) _ 5385 . o" • PIh.44.t 2 (7q.5) ( 75) _ $ 5962, s° Transportation Miti ation Fee: P 1 = .$ 5385 Ply 2 5yE2 5v 9 .. Calculated by: Afed LUj Date: i/Zy 9 Account Number: Date of Payment • . City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL 8 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEE ' REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: �[UV4QIMIL Deuejopme4OMMENTSDUE: FEB 3, 1999 APPLICATION NO: LUA98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 21, 1999 APPLICANT: Judy Hicks, Gabbert Architects PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Henning PROJECT TITLE: Sarang Baptist Church WORK ORDER NO: 78480 LOCATION: NWC of Sunset Blvd and Edmonds Avenue NE ' SITE AREA: 78,038 s.f. I BUILDING AREA(gross): SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Review to develop a church building and 127 parking stalls. Phase I of the project would result in the construction of 7,700 s.f. of building and 37 parking spaces. Phase 2 would add 8,525 s.f. of building and 90 parking stalls. Applicant also seeks a variance from landclearing and tree cuttinj ordinance to clear slopes greater that 40% primarily on the east portion of the site. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Informati 7 Impacts Impacts Necessary impacts impacts Necessar Earth Housing Alr Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet I B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS f'O ?Ct,'L� I SSL w,T H a-LC-Aia z ro i t1E ego GNu2-H L- rwO u5E . THE '$ o: �i)/iz API'i-.�fL5 i v �3C Cc)ii iSrcN7 L fTN LAN° L 5L. C-Ltfrn t `'ULtc,F-'� . TI-tH 7 ,W none-5 LOC/q'. IO1V AN° $ TL Jat3ic rJ o j(2CLIA Ou, GL I-/'� , ITIF 2 c� . (cr-Ns'2Nr�CVs l vi eL ice, PA C,. .. 1 - 3tt . T F1L ,j1Tc iS ,-1 Air PL,'n roll /-�vv Acne71 Cl I-1 'G.H Loy-No5►lDL H/q Z 12.(�. TI- IS Po -,.-rnL .t'\Ov,4) 13E Ano12c-3SCo ir`) i Ft6 c;6:) TE -11 DOC_ui ,L7v?/9 i/Or1/ . Rt;Z v cm"l' r -r Q.t_Ic "3 I F2� Loc_e1 t CIO i Ai i 1-1 Lc E J J L V+Po")tvl - r1 L- E./t=-1.'I t 7 fV r. r1 G.c "K� - l U . 7 rc S,• ra?v7�.i c Pt- N 11%,:, C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact c areas where ttional i eeded to properly assess this proposal. I Signature of i►ector or A h r¢ed epresentative 1���- Date DEVAPP.DOC F r_10 Sarang Baptist Church • NEIGHBORHOOD MAP DETAIL OP 0 sAD „....1 . ,.:. :,7...T..;.:. ,....,,,,,.,7 t-••••••,„...igy. ...;:,..„. .,.7..1::::::,.-,:i... :-;::::,'...:-,:i'-',:i...-::.:'•::::•.7-.. ..-....j•,.• 1 SITE . ,,, . __. .•,:,,,,,;.,,...i...-..-:;-..?7.:i:. ,±,...:.ii. ,,i.i.-..,.,:,,::1;5;:ii. : 0:::.?..4. ....t.c: ..i>,'..:•7.7;.7'. ,.....,.(_, :::,;.F.-.,.-:f•:::.::;.:.i......'..•:'.;::-....:...r).7::±L.::-.;:::::,.:.:::',::. 1. ,.'1,-,-.:...?:.-."5:1::5:::;::i 1,2i2'.;2910-...„..;''''•- ••%'''4.4 'It' t'ift.5.-;i:e:f-li....rc,7 :::•C4 iL-."5.;.....7.:rj. 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SCALE I/e'_I.-0" NET ff00.E„ GABBERT ARCNITBCTB PLANNIEIRS ® LZ]� 10748 lake City Way N.E. r ,r ® V Seattle,WA.98125 va n u TEL (206)367-36(10 a �■e:ol � = v(M) __ ' _ = FAX (206)367-8946 n u �y�l E MIilllll sARANc BAP II II CMI BAPTIST IL . �, F a.s® % CHURCH RENTON, 1 III ,-III I L . .I 11 1 I II I II SCHEMATIC ' . DESIGN I ® I II I II i -II- u �� a 98061 rnuw LS DE= MG aI 12-09-98 PHASE 2 PI-IASE I PI-IASE 3 LOWER FLOOR LOWER FLOOR LOWER FLOOR-Y - --- -- _ ___ -f- 14, s_ MASTERPLAN LOWER FLOOR MASTERPLAN 0 O -• LOWER FLOOR N ._SCALE 1 . I.-O- A2 Cr 00 MEETS OABBERT 1 ..i'J•J 11 .% 1 Yt ARCHITECTS 101-443+0.1EJER.3 107481ake City Way N.E. Seattle.WA.98125 Ta. (206)361-3600 tl-7`^ FAX (206)361-8946 I , I' 411'1:;:: SAR NG BAPTIST __h' — o OP PLATE 0TOPOFrun CHURCH II I ■■11I■ N lI — — _? - - - - 1- aaaaliaI — 0 "'., RENTON,V °~iL - _a,y�,� oaaaa 1_•a e�e a a `Exi9iiWv GF<DE ..._ _'_ wR _ /� ]NET 1C - E Sw 0.00R - - - - - - - - - l-� EWM ROOK DESIGN PROW GRADE Z___-1 _ _ YGa\71\ Ex$ST•40 GRADE WEST SOUTH • 98061 JOI �I LS ua� MG MI12-09-98 II1I I 304 ET _ Iw sr I h TO'OP RATE __ TOP os'un �..., d ' I ' ilI 1 I ` 1, _ !I • li 0 Z aeon l 11 -- 0 .,. . r .=.m.�s=ems=.E =:m.a. 11•.•.•laRi a. e,e e . I. E e O 1 e e / .obi..GRADE �Y I - r J EMSN GRADE ] _— \--Emir..GRADE EAST NORTH PHASE 1 o• .• a• 16• ELEVATIONS igainIMMIMI SCALE 1/9'= 1'-0' 3 a00ean ,� U • • GABBERT ..t ARCHITECTS RI--APLNERIE 10748 Lake Gry Way N.E. • Seattle,WA.98125 TEL (206)367-3600 FAX (206)367-8946 SARANG BAPTIST — �wn.n CHURCH RENTON, ---te .T • rd j p- _,;T o 6 13'o Er c e o 0 0 - n W noon -.. �•` �i __�— —_____EEx5,.0 GAMS SCHEMATIC — —— >N.T DESIGN IMYE116wAx-- - -- .wW n0a. SOUTH _ A 98061 own LS QomMG aae 12-09-98 • • ri ]SR ../W ROOR r., • t4=r. ----_--� — -f.11l116ISDE ..EW 0.0� uTNG CRAMMASTERPLAN Ex NORTH ELEVATIONS 0' 4' 8' 16' SCALE 1/8"A 1'-0" BHT A5/�IIW OF Mall • GABBERT Tr. WTI rrx _Y y., Al/WHITECTB 00.I._ai4,4 NI EMS, 10748 Lake City Way N.E. Seattle,WA.98125 TEL (206)367-3600 FAX (206)367-.9946 SARANG _ II ill,Il�, _ BHURSH >o... CHURCH 1 n i� i1 ' =- — l I - TOP OF PATE IL�.. RENTON,WA !I iI I 1, , i' T-� wsic. ----C-_ Li.� ---- ._��— I J ,ICI _ �� II II ---- 2 :'� --------- — — ----- E„...G.... SCHEMATIC DESIGN b1 BOOR WEST o 98061 OWN LS • MOMMG a.a 12-09-98 • — -•A .''� _ I 1111 ,I ,..., OF 1.1,11 III ■■ /P „ 1 - — - �.4 _- . I► ,.., — —. . — aooa T IT o • . Sd11.1ellleEf14EEle k iaEa 0 wnoo. me rr �F Mk I ■,—._ _. - a.* .x,.TW T — -———- MASTERPLAN EAST ELEVATIONS 0' 4' 8' IV Illiell SI.ALE 1/8• 1'-0- MEET A4 ff00 mini • EDMONDS AVE N.E. • —=s LOCATION 1(. 'r11Gw0R Es IONDIDErs... ... bl`_ - 16•D�. -- - - — — -- / _ - m•D.i.T - .- — —��- — — ,/ — —/ -- ur IEo)i11n shoal or ma POIor for 1 OTT DOOM LIT Na /0 TX 3110 - � --/. — -- --_-g•0♦e AWN., DEPUTInIOETe ,o le 0120 S•l6t•E _ - 1 - - I - T sT.Lt. • • • .mitisinammon imarp mart\ • . ice _ _ ,�� ��_. �i.. \ I '..". ----- ---- -• ._.- _--- 41701114111t,. 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E _ Wbn M A NOM P'.nning OW KM 98685.00 Duo P • Q MARCH,1999 s"^•1'ng SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH ss+.w RF: PRELIMINARY GRADING AND wc.a ama®D0 x Da nH mssAeaaEaln I 1�1 II DM Associates Consulting Engineers. Inc. M4! em INS 1-.20• STORM WATER PLAN -- ., Has ME P ere Too=T.DM=goer•m.m.T6 WU r•w e7-1...4 TO WTI amwr ssn e01 11111 TOT C 1 a_5 • EDMONDS AVE. N.E. - • - —ouuuttcT 10 n.NTO . / � _ _ _ A — — Eno.MJ EL �_ W ToeveTu ICiae.m ._ : , • ' mim - .1-1e\Tsf RACK . awr a I / _ _ • UCTKSRc MATTR si, / , TV �TTtr L T-To•euro(MMlip / 1-TMausT 0.ocx / Z.. . yy� ✓ ,+yyt III ..:W.,�/., /-. RN Tm V r w • ,m Ts r oa. v- Ff-281 (BASEMENT) / • cr m `T AS WAY FF295(2N0 STORY) - • EMTNe r AC W v •a0E SET Z / mp s0E50 CO \ t�1 //‘/..' n•.a E t]STO(rl j // $. ,j • /• / Rat a.s. • / ��m 4 (E CO OTT /' REMTONTO m 252-5 m ORNMMOS)S) / o GRAPHIC a SCALE • / /1/ , a.aN NW lxw / . I. ON 1.1m, M.E.,aM ST. I _C II JCo .A.4 t 300 it i0pO5Ep N]E 9 1 ` 0.b asq .= — . ', —( E 'p i ge s.Mum) G F... sF-aeT.o a' 40- E no —ae s ,4 }Te V•.WE SEER _ WIrrss 9X '1— s.amo t— a aTe..:- =Y _aTo tkt."01 Tr EMU E ..t � 1� .nn I pg`Y tao E ola5 E a]STO 67 f�.� �m"'�"E .ION.Yn a RIEc1 �xDECE48ER.1998 88888.00 MO KIWI Planning ow Ww• CRW CCi���ffi//.���-������` s•^•a"^E SARANQ BAPTIST CHURCH O1"E PRELIMINARY WATER &SEWER PLAN smsr.Nc Penhailegon Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc. w raea im '—sN[ T-.00 MOM. mat KM on Rn.WWII mcalm..•Moss M IW wa•T•.INN TNyMT 9ML NU Ml 1-�10'�ERl. 9¢r CZ a 6 m Mew GR N a1Ve MO EDMCJ DS _AVE- N.E , :.- rql... 1a•o __ -. f— 1e'oi w -- —_ . - _._ mcobso i -- Es01,trtuseaox s ata.oq _49 / — — — LP LW�W9.11 3.0 !M\ - T.x00 4 _ t [!:"lt 1 �uN -Alt . - .. / - _ - to p tie - _ _ _ 4 E� ).xeoa m ./ PROPOSED / a�jy / LL I .' __ CHURCH J/ +. y,W AREA NOT 10 tnomr[ r nsna® / ArA /.i f rnm III a ' �/ Et �' /r co I - // FF.287 (BASEMENT) ♦ �.I. / FF295(2ND STORY) �' co r ` k 1 1 �� wv ,rm b 41, ! 1rm —ii_ L �. cm - - - - a An KW DEMO.YMT T _ •w 261.0 OETENIM VOLUME-12,!]0 Cf NET POOL MOL RIE_.•))O CP MI!7).a • r...MOy �< W L►.R)Za l T� :4;6,, r 6,i . .l.aua(1E) i 5 E ,r / , . 5 5 d / / 1111011011 A-A EE win 1'.10' Ei GRAPHIC SCALE I,: . EE ROL MAK owe OREMf•1.a•1P• -NB . •' E_ a•£ MPROA01 MiQE OP ORE TRICK p POT; $� (PER wI1aN n.E oEPAaTMn10 I .. �.%7. 17 Y awe Pl. SPlannt[ TUa..-.MW.AI wEMARCH,1999 PRELIMINARY GRADING AND �98885.00 anal RE e...N...a SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH ""t O11"exa�� 4Jf STORMWATER PLAN sag raea�.Ptyc MO KH 1 .93 RA 1ST MOOS I! Pen�allegon Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc, MNn .0 na 1'=20' PHASE 1 MN gm sE pa wPa T. ATM.SCAM 06.I0....w. R Iw.1.1.M:Has aI-.... AA..190 .37 CS_a 8 ■ r_.. • EDM ONDS AVE, N.E.-_ SSN• W " F— � I W Z _ ------------------ Rr. i R w : 4 R/w c Rix 'g v.Cvosxn F;F 8 R o"8 I § & ONTRCN(SEE R Z n $ I • ARG.TECTURAL IRS�. s m ign EDYOMS ALE.NE--1 /�aPLU5J A GRAPHIC SCALE [OYPOS >s• >i : C- Ir E} --�J-.- vunaNG AREA t- SOEWALKZr \`�_ xtsrv�cl - 1 I \1-1311IPACC a�. I... swA E I wD - - p arnwloE �,_- I I I AROIq; LOT ERCATARCNp� iT a60. _.- - T -- --, - --- xlala PROPOSE) / I _ d;N� , 1! I 3 aeo I smucnnAx MARE onyx a�', 'eei. STRUCn1RM. ERE I RI to _ .._. __._..._.. _. _�_._-__-_._ 0.00 UOD D 9 .3 o.ao tauD '�a•re o`b o0 Y:' NC1E: RETAINING WALLS TO BE a' i� • OESi6.ED BY STRUCTURAL/ , �TION A-A - -8 q 11..: GEOIECNNICK ENONEER SCN.E.t 20 SCALE.1 a0' 4<i��� 8` uN� D1'. I.... ,, 1 cam«ram RroENa N05101 wEJANUARY,1999 89 888.00 n90N SON -�� Pl.nnlna 8WV PU 4-191EC1 w. ACR r canning - 3ARAN0 BAPTIST CHURCH x'"'001E, a- g,,,E TYPICAL SECTIONS c.c«a oi, o 000® WHO Penhallegon Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc. Solo .01.a1 1•_20 m WE r. .... Roo E nE maw sot.mo•Na. ORM R Iw T.-�.xc w 1..w Ran NU NR MIT C4 . 5 , • EDMONDS_-AVES __N,_E ,, =s. 1.. `'s..v. - .�. .. 1- -' F.I ❑edv`1 i 1 ❑eo / • n_ ax_ a •_ '%/ '/ i. r" /- ._ ...- • t. `=�-,. •�. ate- '_` �/ ; m�iiiiiiiii- y,,,,,// ///- - - - ,. L . • �w �, Yw� � � G.� W 4.'' / , I .,in///%/ ▪ !+, tip., r ✓ . // / //j j jj c / / I / zr i( • % // . .7 / // /j 4 .4 7.4." '' ' / A.:'..............::::.::•%:::.*:...:**.. /.....:•::::iiiiii./ // Z4Iiiiiiiililiiiiiiii::iiiiiiiiiiiiiNgagiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1::** �j �// // //r�/ �/ / / 3,%/ .}' '% `:k:'•':2r:•::•:�i>iy .•{.:ry:•:..:iii:.::.:i?:::.i.::.:b:.i:.i:.i:..;;..:.i:.i:.ii/ r 16 • /.� I S - - - - LEGEND ��.a%4 Pattern Range Beg. Range End Percent Area (Ac) ii 0.00 10.00 17.5 0.40 --C 54,\Y d/ '' ® 10.00 25.00 57.0 1.30 low_ " "• 1 se t F-.'`.:,--.1 25.00 40.00 16.2 0.37 p GRA .0 SCALE Y.:: I •• •1 40.00 200.00 9.2 0.21 a`a 1. �] � .. eGswas at n OMB maBl Pi ///�jpy(J Pl.naloe ��a-.I�.l DECEMBER,1998 98e85 00 1,jii(SoLr. °"^'riv SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH 9N-O",,,��„� SLOPE ANALYSIS m Pl ���MSS Wie It r Penhellegon Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc. Una wra 1e rL'a 1•-YD, °iO '� 0® KW Tr l'40lI M1t m e+a Tao ams mine aosee mum.WA Mee R W fa.as HMO mayor 9s'..W1 190 9m-CS e 8 April 5, 1999 Renton City Council Minutes Page 113 Executive: Renton Community Executive Department reported activities relating to the creation of a Foundation Proposal community foundation to provide resources and assistance to Renton organizations and groups. Refer to Committee of the Whole. CAG: 99-018,Airport Control City Clerk reported bid opening on 3/02/99 for CAG-99-018,Airport Control Tower HVAC Improvement, Tower HVAC Improvement; two bids;engineer's estimate $83,604; and Design Air, Ltd. submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder,Design Air,Ltd., in the amount of$95,253.06(project budget is $102,000). Council concur. Appeal:Renton Technical City Clerk reported appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision approving the City- College Rezone from P-1 to initiated rezone of Renton Technical College from Public Use (P-1)to Light IL,R-95-099 Industrial(IL); appeal filed by Dr. Robert C. Roberts on 3/11/99 (File No.R- 95-099). Refer to Planning&Development Committee. Appeal: Labrador Ventures City Clerk reported appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision regarding the Residential Development at request from Labrador Ventures for a preliminary plat, variance and rezone at 2700 Lk Wash Blvd,PP-98- 2700 Lake Washington Blvd.N.; appeal filed by James V. Handmacher on 141 3/16/99 (File No.PP-98-141). Refer to Planning&Development Committee. Parks: Hydroplane Race Fee Community Services Department recommended reducing,by half, fees Reduction associated with the 1999 limited hydroplane race to be held at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park on April 24th and 25th. Refer to Community Services Committee. • Parks: Municipal Court Community Services Department reported interest from three cities in the Modular Building, Sale& modular building formerly used for the Municipal Court at 200 Mill Ave. S., Removal and recommended that they be invited to bid on the purchase of this structure (including its removal and site restoration). Refer to Finance Committee. CRT: 99-005,AT&T Wireless Court Case filed in King County Superior Court by AT&T Wireless Services Services v.Aberdeen et al. regarding possible improper charges of utility taxes levied by Renton and 80 other Washington jurisdictions for cellular phone users. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. Development Services: Development Services Division recommended approval of the request from Restrictive Covenants Sarang Batist Church to remove restrictive covenants imposed on the subject Removal, Sarang Baptist site(at NE 12th St. and Edmonds Ave.NE) in 1978 as they are no longer Church X relevant to present conditions on or surrounding the site. Refer to Planning& Cu °t - �-.18 U Development Committee. Development Services: Development Services Division recommended approval of a request from Restrictive Covenants Markham C. Hurd, 7018 - 127th Pl. SE,Newcastle, 98056, that a restrictive Removal,Root Short Plat(500 covenant imposed on properties located at 500 and 504 S. Tobin St. in 1988 be Block of S.Tobin) removed as it is no longer necessary. Refer to Planning&Development Committee. Fire: Ladder Truck Purchase, Fire Department requested authorization to purchase a 95-foot aerial platform Emergency One ladder truck from Emergency One at a cost of$716,000, and recommended that $66,000 in Fire Mitigation Funds be applied to this purchase. Council concur. Lease: Sky Harbor Aviation, Transportation Division recommended approval of Addendum#8 to LAG-84- LAG-84-006(Addendum re 006, Sky Harbor Aviation's lease agreement,to include wording relating to Hazardous Materials) responsibilities for remedial action in the event of a release or disposition of a '' hazardous substance not caused by Sky Harbor. Refer to Transportation (Aviation)Committee. Streets: Oakesdale Ave SW Transportation Systems Division submitted proposed contract with Kato& (19th to 31st),Kato&Warren, Warren,Inc. for the Oakesdale Ave. SW project(SW 19th to 31st Streets)for :Y OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AI #: •l .'t . Submitting Data: Planning/Building/Public Works For Agenda of: DepuDiviBoard.. Planning/Building/Public Works Department April 5, 1999 Staff Contact Jennifer Toth Henning Agenda Status Consent X Subject: Public Hearing... Correspondence.. Sarang Baptist Church -Request to Remove Restrictive Ordinance Covenants Resolution Old Business Exhibits: New Business Study Sessions Exhibit 1: Letter from Applicant Information Exhibit 2: Ord. 3329 Exhibit 3: Site Vicinity Map Exhibit 4: Issue Paper Recommended Action: Approvals: Refer to Planning & Development Committee for April 8th Legal Dept X meetings Finance Dept Other Fiscal Impact: N/A Expenditure Required... N/A Transfer/Amendment N/A Amount Budgeted N/A Revenue Generated N/A Total Project Budget N/A City Share Total Project.. N/A Summary of Action: Applicant requests that the City Council remove Restrictive Covenants imposed on the subject site per Rezone R-234-78. The covenants require: 1. A 10-foot landscape screen along the west property line at least 6-foot in height and dense enough to constitute an effective sight screen in conjunction with existing vegetation per review and approval of the Planning Department. 2. A 50-foot landscape screen along the north property line at least 6-foot in height and dense enough to constitute an effective sight screen in conjunction with existing vegetation per review and approval of the Planning Department. 3. Building height of a maximum of 40 feet. Approved in 1978, the property was rezoned from R-1 to R-3 (R-234-78) subject to the applicant's filing of recorded restrictive covenants as noted above. The applicant requests the removal of the covenants because they are an unnecessary burden on the property that no longer fulfill their intent as requirements of development. City Policy and Procedures No. 400-13 establishes a formal process to' allow the City to review an applicant's request to remove a restrictive covenant and requires that approval of the original decision-making body for removal. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Council approve the request to remove the restrictive covenants. Document2/ i, CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: March 29, 1999 TO: Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Planning and Development Committee Chair Members of the Renton City Council G VIA: ) Jesse Tanner, Mayor FROM: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator STAFF CONTACT: Jennifer Toth Henning(x7286) SUBJECT: Removal of Restrictive Covenant- Sarang Baptist Church ISSUE: Restrictive covenants were required by the City Council as a condition of approval of a rezone for the property located at the southwest corner of NE 12th Street and Edmonds Avenue NE. The property was rezoned from R-1 (Single Family Residence District)to R-3 (Multiple Family Residence District) (File No. R-234-78) subject to the applicant's filing of recorded restrictive covenants implementing Hearing Examiner recommendations for: 1. A 10-foot landscape screen along the west property line at least 6-foot in height and dense enough to constitute an effective sight screen in conjunction with existing vegetation per review and approval of the Planning Department. 2. A 50-foot landscape screen along the north property line at least 6-foot in height and dense enough to constitute an effective sight screen in conjunction with existing vegetation per review and approval of the Planning Department. 3. Building height of a maximum of 40 feet. The applicant has requested removal of the covenants because they are an unnecessary burden on the property that no longer fulfills their intent as requirements. City Policy and Procedures No. 400-13 establishes a formal process to allow the City to review an applicant's request to remove restrictive covenants. The process requires the approval of the original decision making body for the removal of a covenant. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Council approve the request to remove the restrictive covenants. March 29, 1999 Page 2 BACKGROUND SUMMARY: In 1978,the owners of an approximate one-half acre parcel located at the southwest corner of NE 12th Street and Edmonds Avenue NE applied to the City of Renton for a rezone from R-1 (Single Family Residential)to R-3 (Multi-Family Residential). This application was intended to facilitate the development of multi-family residential condominiums on the site. Upon recommendation from the Hearing Examiner,the City Council approved the rezone of the property from R-1 to R-3 subject to the condition that the owners file restrictive covenants for: 1)the planting of a 10-foot wide vegetative screen along the west property line; 2)a 50-foot wide landscape screen along the north property boundary; and, 3)a limit of 40 feet on proposed building heights. In late 1998,the Sarang Baptist Church submitted for land use permits and environmental review in order to be allowed to develop a church building on an approximate 1.79 acre site located at the northwest corner of NE Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds Avenue NE. The subject site includes the approximate one-half acre parcel located at the southwest corner of NE 12th Street and Edmonds Avenue NE. The Sarang Baptist Church proposal requires a Conditional Use Permit, Variances and environmental review. In order to proceed with the Conditional Use Permit,the applicant has requested the removal of Restrictive Covenants that constrain development on the northern portion of the site. Staff has reviewed the record, and it appears the covenants were approved in order to provide for transition between the proposed multi-family use and surrounding areas. The abutting site to the west was, and continues to be, developed with an electrical utility substation. Abutting property to the south was zoned for commercial development. Adjacent property to the east was zoned for multi- family residential. Property to the north across NE 12th Street was zoned for single family residential. qq According to the record,the restrictive covenant(No. 1) requiring a 10-foot wide vegetative screen on I'I the west boundary was required to provide a transition between proposed multi-family residential development and the utility substation. The screen was intended to replicate the 10-foot wide sideyard setback that was in effect at the time the rezone was approved. The second covenant called for a 50- foot wide landscaped and natural buffer on the north portion of the site. According to the record this was a burden assigned to the rezoned property to achieve a transition between the higher intensity multi-family proposal and the less-intensive single family residential zoning located across NE 12th Street. The third covenant limiting building height to 40 feet was a clarification of building height requirements of the time to provide additional enhancement of the transition to prevent unwarranted infiltration of incompatible uses and disorderly growth patterns. The site and surrounding abutting and adjacent parcels on the north, west and south were rezoned to R-10 (Residential - 10 Dwelling Units per Acre) during the 1993 City-wide zoning change. The rezone of the property to a consistent residential designation eradicated the need for transitional buffers as required under the restrictive covenants. The subject site no longer abuts commercial or single family areas, nor is the site zoned for medium to high density multi-family uses. New churches located in any zoning classification within the City require a Conditional Use Permit as approved by the Hearing Examiner. The Examiner assigns conditions to the subject proposal to diminish impacts to surrounding uses and to provide appropriate transitions where warranted. The policy and procedure for removal of restrictive covenants requires the applicant to demonstrate that there has been a change in circumstances so as to make the covenant undesirable from the City's standpoint or that the covenants are duly burdensome on the property. Circumstances, specifically March 29, 1999 Page 3 zoning designations, have changed on the subject site and surrounding parcels, and the restrictive covenants are no longer needed. The appropriate development of the site,as permitted under development standards of the R-10 Zoning Code provisions, and the conditions assigned via the Conditional Use Permit process,will address impacts of the specific development. CONCLUSION: The removal of the restrictive covenants will allow the parcel to be developed under the same requirements imposed on any other church under similar site circumstances that is located in the R-10 Zone. The covenants are no longer relevant to the present conditions on or surrounding the subject site. cc: Jay Covington City Clerk MEMO_CC.DOT/ • y y uw z December 2, 1998 =z DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ` Q'J CITY OF RENTON <a Jim Hanson GABBERT Planning/Building/Public Works DEC 0 2 1998 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 RECEIVED Re: Removal of Restrictive Covenants Dear Jim, Gabbert Architects Planners will be providing architectural services for Sarang Baptist Church, and request on the behalf of the property owner, the removal of the referenced restrictive covenants assigned to the described property. Per our research these covenants are duly burdensome in terms of required setbacks,screen heights and dedication of right-of-way. On October 29th, we completed a preliminary review for a conditional use permit with the City of Renton, and were directed to enter our request according to the policy and procedure guidelines for the Removal and/or Modification of Restrictive Covenants Sec. 400-13. Per the attached Declaration of Restrictive Covenants (File No. R-234-78), we acknowledge that these were imposed by the current owners,John S. Banchero, Sr.,his wife Elizabeth Banchero,and Dr. Robert Florer and his wife Nancy Florer. As far I as we know, the covenants were entered into as part of the deed June 13, 1979, and accepted and approved by the City of 1 Renton-Office of the City Clerk on June 25, 1979. The site is currently vacant, and our client proposes to develop a church that will have a maximum occupancy load of j; approximately 478 people. We are proposing a 2-story type V I HR structure at approximately 10,800 sq ft., with parking between 100-118 stalls. Per Larry Brown, of Star Properties, a Commercial Brokerage Company, and agent for Sarang Baptist, at the time of these covenants, there was a proposed 71 unit condominium project called "Smart Highlander". At which time it was a R-3 & R-4 zone with frontage property on NE 12`h, dedicated to the City, he assumes this was why the restrictive covenants were attached. Some years later in 1987, a Mini-Warehouse facility was proposed. Both of the prior proposed uses were high activity throughout the day and week, and would require high screens as to shield adjacent properties. However,the use we are proposing is a considerably less intrusive type of structure with the highest activity period on Sundays. We believe that the restrictions are duly burdensome to the development of Sarang Baptist Church and therefore petition your office to have these restrictions removed and/or modified so that we may meet our client's needs for the site. In addition to our specific references, please see the attached copy of the recorded restrictive covenants and a legal description of the property. If you have any questions please contact me at(206)367-3600. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. S cerely, J . 'cks P . g Department CC: John S.Banchero,Sr.and Elizabeth Banchero Dr.Robert Florer and Nancy Florer Pastor Chong O.Kim,Sarang Baptist Church Marlin Gabbert,Gabbert Architects Planners Larry Brown,Star Properties 10748 LAKE CITY WAY N.E. SEATTLE,WA 9825 Phone:206/367-3600 Fax:206/367-8 46 i Whereas, John S. Banchero, Sr. and his wife Elizabeth Banchero, and Dr. Robert Florer and his wife Nancy Florer, are the owners of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, described as follows, we request removal of the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants for the reasons listed below: Beginning on the north line of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section B, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County Washington, 30 feet west of the northeast corner of said Section 8, thence west along north boundary line of said section, 145 feet,thence south parallel to the east boundary line of said section, 175 feet, thence east parallel to the north boundary line of said section 145 feet, thence north parallel to and 30 feet west of the said east boundary line of said section to the point of beginning. Zoning At the time of attached Restrictive covenants, the property was zoned R-3 and R-4, today is zoned R-10 which permits churches subject to the approval of a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit. We are in the final stages of applying for the CUP with the City of Renton. Landscaping Screens/Right of Way 1. A 10-foot landscape screen shall be required along the western property line at least six (6) feet in height and dense enough to constitute an effective sight screen in conjunction with existing vegetation per review and approval of the Planning Department. The west side of the property adjoins a vacant lot and R-8 zoned property. Also along this section we do propose parking and feel 6ft height of this screen is excessive. At most we would request adjusting this to no higher than 4ft to shield car lights from residential property and acting as an effective sight screen. 2. A 50-foot landscape screen,exclusive of right-of-way for N.E. 12th Street,along the north property line at least six(6)feet in height, incorporating existing vegetation, and dense enough to constitute an effective sight screen. Recreational use may be included in this area subject to review by the examiner. We are proposing an exit/entry along the N.E. 12th street (which is 30ft) and therefore a 50ft/6ft high screen would hinder visibility for driving and pedestrian safety. This is excessive since the N 30ft of the property is dedicated for public right-of-way. Height Restriction Per the City of Renton zoning code the height restrictions in this zone is limited to 2 stories or 30 feet. The covenant increases that to 40 feet. We would like for this to be consistent. Site Review The declaration of Restrictive Covenants states that Hearing Examiner is required to review site plans. We would like to note that per zoning code, churches are required to obtain the approval of the Hearing Examiner, but however, are exempt from Site Plan Review since we are applying for a conditional use permit. We would propose that our exemption from Site Plan Review be duly noted and not considered a requirement under these covenants. Duration The covenants are noted to run with the land and expire on December 31,2025. Attachments: 1. Declaration of Restrictive Covenants w/legal description III We request that these covenants be removed from the property listed in the attached description as the proposed use has changed since they were adopted. Pastor Chong Kim is proposing this as the new site for Sarang Baptist church which we feel is in alignment with the current Comprehensive Plan for R-10 neighborhoods and would qualify as infill development that increases density while maintaining the single-family character of the existing neighborhood. We no longer feel that these covenants are necessary and have become unduly burdensome in the planning and construction of the church. John S. Banchero, r Dr. Robert Florer Elizabeth Banchero Nancy Florer On this - day of Mon i J e on n , , 19 Q 8 , before me personally appeared 3c3\\S S • c\C11\erO Sr . ccsk x v\Cfi the persons who executed the within and foregoing instrument,and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said persons for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. In WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. . 11 a \//tea- e F DEESF I t Notary Public in and for"t the State of Washington residing inx `. N �,� "I in Sec*d-\ W a„. � p1� ♦ S j S 6-26 i We request that these covenants be removed from the property listed in the attached description as the proposed use has changed since they were adopted. Pastor Chong Kim is proposing this as the new site for Sarang Baptist church which we feel is in alignment with the current Comprehensive Plan for R-10 neighborhoods and would qualify as infill development that increases density while maintaining the single-family character of the existing neighborhood. We no longer feel that these covenants are necessary and have become unduly burdensome in the planning and construction of the church. John S. Banchero,Sr . Robert Florer \,.._}&ed) Elizabeth Banchero Nancy Florer j Q ' On this \ \ ay of N 0 ,6 P c , 19 -Q\ , before me personally appeared 0 C'1-4, ti C;�[ } CAk -%/ [ the persons who executed the within and foregoing instrument,and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said persons .� for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. In WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Not Pub is in and for the tate of Washington residing it we, in ! /44 . -� e- 1 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. -1329 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON FROM RESIDENCE SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT (R-1) TO RESIDENCE DISTRICT (R-3)R-234-78 WHEREAS under Chapter 7, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 known as the "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton", as amended, and the maps and reports adopted in conjunction therewith, the property hereinbelow described has heretofore been zoned as Residence Single Family District (R-1); and WHEREAS a proper petition for change of zone classification of said property has been filed with the Planning Department on or about October 6, 1978, which petition was duly referred to the Hearing Examiner for investigation, study and public hearing, and a public hearing having been held thereon on or about November 7, 1978 and reopened on February 13, 1979, and said matter having been duly considered by the Hearing Examiner and said zoning request being in conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan, as amended, and the City Council having duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and all parties having been heard appearing in support thereof or in opposition thereto, NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following described property in the City of Renton is hereby rezoned to Residence District (R-3) as hereinbelow specified; subject: to the findings, conclusions and decision dated February 16, 1979; the Planning Director is hereby authorized and directed to change the maps of the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, to evidence said rezoning, to-wit: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. (Said property being located at Southwest corner of N. E. 12th Street and Edmonds Avenue N.E.) AND SUBJECT FURTHER to that certain Declaration of Restrictive Covenants executed by Petitioner-owners on or about June 25, 1979 and recorded in 1 the office of the Director of Records and Elections, Receiving No. 7906250764 and which said Covenants hereby incorporated and made a part hereof as if fully set forth. SECTION 11: This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 2nd day of July-, 1979. l' De ores . ea , City ul rkl. • APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this of , 1979. les d Delaurenti, Mayor Approv d as to form: (--- 4_,,,...t.„...,..e ?/06--o-re,,., Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: July 6 1979 I ► Ordinance # 3329 EXHIBIT "A" Beginning on the north line of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County Washington, 30 feet west of the northeast corner of said Section 8; thence west along north boundary line of said section, 145 feet, thence south parallel to the east boundary line of said section, 175 feet, thence east parallel to the north boundary line of said section, 145 feet, thence north parallel to and 30 feet west of the said east boundary line of said section to the point of beginning. 1 i i 0 I 1/0 jOr 03_ 4, ____, .-, . ,4014of je. WO I c3 it 0 t .� _ L- - i - — -- . ; fEll 111111 ' N .1.;,;,::;;:;':.:'I i:I.;..:::. iip kft [ ' _ ,� , _ Ai _ i , ! sk-I, � s REt . c) , .i ,10 r s, • ,. D _____ • , .. \ I miiii------ Haiiiiio , . 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N CITY Oi' RENTON LL , Planning/Building/Public Works Department ti Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator Jesse Tanner,Mayor March 19, 1999 Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Subject: Environmental Determinations Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination for the following project reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on March 16, 1999: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF The applicant requests Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Review to develop a church building and 93 parking stalls. Phase I of the project would result in the construction of 7,700 s.f. of building and 40 parking spaces. Phase 2 would add 8,525 s.f. of building and 50 additional parking stalls. The applicant also seeks 2 variances, one from the Landclearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance in order to clear slopes greater than 40%, ,,nd another variance from the development standards of the R-10 Zone to exceed 60% maximum impervious surface. Location: NW corner of Sunset Blvd. and Edmonds Ave. NE. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM,April 02, 1999. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Ren on, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Coca e Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-430-6510. If you have questions, please call me at (425) 430-7286. For the Environmental Review Committee, tLik 'et/VIAls) Jennifer Toth Henning Project Manager cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division Larry Fisher, Department of Fisheries David F. Dietzman, Department of Natural Resources Don Hurter, Department of Transportation Shirley Lukhang, Seattle Public Utilities Duwamish Tribal Office Rod Malcom, Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (Ordinance) Joe Jainga, Puget Sound Energy AGNCYLTR.DOC\ 1055 South Grady Way- Renton, Washington 98055 41, CITY Or, RENTON soLL Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator _ March 19, 1999 Ms. Judy Hicks Gabbert Architects Planners 10748 Lake City Way NE Seattle, WA 98125 SUBJECT: Sarang Baptist Church Project No. LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF Dear Ms. Hicks: This letter is written on behalf of the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) and is to advise you that they ave completed their review of the subject project. The ERC, on March 16, 1999, issued a threshold Determination of Ion- Significance-Mitigated with Mitigation Measures. See the enclosed Mitigation Measures document. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, April 02, 1 199. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Re ton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal ( ode Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City CI rk's Office, (425)-430-6510. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers of the seventh floor of City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, Washington, on April 6, 1999, at 9:00 AM to conside the Conditional Use (CU) Permit and Variance (V). The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required I be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you one week before the hearing. I the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. The preceding information will assist you in planning for implementation of your project and enable you to exercise your appeal rights more fully, if you choose to do so. If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, pleas': call me at (425) 430-7286. For the Environme tal Review Committee, 6Lcit71.0 Jennifer Toth Henning Project Manager cc: Dr. Robert Florer/Owenr Sarang Baptist Church Mr. Fred Wendling Ms. Terre Scappini Enclosure DNSMLTR.DOC 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) MITIGATION MEASURES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF APPLICANT: Pastor Chong Kim/Calvary Baptist Church PROJECT NAME: Sarang Baptist Church DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant requests Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Review to develop a church building and 90 parking stalls. Phase 1 of the project would result in the construction of 7,700 s.f. of building and 40 parking spaces. Phase 2 would add 8,525 s.f. of building and 50 additional parking stalls. The applicant also seeks 2 variance, one from the Landclearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance in order to clear slopes greater than 40%, and another variance from the development standards of the R-10 Zone to exceed 60% maximum impervious surface. Location: NW corner of Sunset Blvd. and Edmonds Ave. NE. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Northwest corner of Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds Avenue NE MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. a) The applicant shall follow the recommendations of the Geotechnical Engineering Study Sunset Highlander Condominiums, Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds Avenue NE, Renton, Washington, prepared by Earth Consultants, Inc. (October 2, 1979), with regard to any site disturbance, preparation, or development activities. b) The applicant shall engage a qualified engineering geologist to observe installation of all erosion and sedimentation measures at the site. The engineering geologist should make periodic visits to the site to observe site conditions and to verify the performance of the installations. Weekly reports on the status and condition of the erosion control plan with any recommendations of change or revision to either maintenance schedules or installation shall be submitted by the project engineer of record to the Public Works Inspector. c) The applicant shall identify the project clearing limits on the project drawings prior to the issuance of the construction permit, and in the field prior to initiating site work. d) The applicant shall designate staging areas for temporary stockpiles of excavated soil prior to the initiation of project construction. e) The applicant shall provide cover for temporary cut slopes and soil stockpiles during periods of inactivity. Temporary cover may consist of durable plastic sheeting that is securely anchored to the ground surface or straw mulch. Plastic sheeting should be placed and anchored as specified in Section D.4.2.3 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) - Appendix D. Mulch application shall conform to guidelines outlined in Section D.4.2.1 of the SWDM, Appendix D. f) The applicant shall establish permanent cover over exposed areas that will not be worked for a period of 30 days or more by seeding in conjunction with a mulch cover or appropriate hydroseeding. Site seeding should conform to the specifications presented in Section D.4.2.4 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual, Appendix D. Sarang Baptist tist Church LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF Mitigation Measures (Continued) Page 2 of 2 g) The applicant shall provide stabilized construction entrances as specified in Section D.4.4.1 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual, Appendix D, prior to the initiation of site clearing. h) The applicant shall install a silt fence along the downslope perimeter of the area that is to be disturbed. The silt fence should be in place before clearing and grading is initiated, and should be constructed in conformance with the specifications presented in Section D.4.3.1 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual, Appendix D. i) The applicant shall construct shallow drainage swales to intercept surface water flow and route the flow away from the construction area to a stabilized discharge point. Vegetation growth should be established in the ditch by seeding or placing sod. Depending on site grades, it may be necessary to line the ditch with rock to protect the ditch from erosion and to reduce flow rates. The design and construction or drainage swales should conform to the specifications presented in Section 4.4.1 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual. Temporary pipe systems can also be used to convey stormwater across the site. j) The applicant shall provide on-site sediment retention for collected runoff. Depending on the contributory area of the runoff, adequate on-site sediment retention can be provided by perimeter protection controls (i.e. silt fencing). However, for larger areas, it may be necessary to construct an on-site sediment trap or settling pond to reduce the amount of suspended solids in the runoff prior to discharge. Specifications for design and construction of a sediment trap and settling pond are presented in Section D of the King County Surface Water Design Manual. k) The project contractor shall perform daily review and maintenance of all erosion and sedimentation control measures at the site. I) The applicant shall provide a supplemental geotechnical engineering report prepared by a qualified licensed geotechnical engineer which addresses the vertical cut that would occur along Edmonds Avenue NE. The supplemental geotechnical report shall propose measures to protect the integrity of Edmonds Avenue NE during and following site grading activities. The report shall be subject to the review of the Development Services Division and must be submitted and approved prior to the issuance of any construction or building permits for the site. 2. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Transportation Mitigation Fee at the rate of$75.00 per each new average daily trip attributable to the project. The fee is payable prior to the issuance of the building permit. 3. a) The applicant shall pay the applicable Fire Mitigation Fee at the rate of$0.52 per square foot of new construction. The Fire Mitigation Fee is due prior to the issuance of the building permit. b) The applicant shall construct both access driveways from Edmonds Avenue NE and from NE 12th Street, as part of the first phase of project development. 4. The applicant shall revise the site plan to eliminate grasscrete within parking areas in order to protect the City's aquifer from possible degradation. The site plan must be revised and approved prior to the issuance of any construction or building permits. 5. The applicant shall provide additional information to the Development Services Division in order to justify the proposed parking calculations for the project. If Occupancy Load of the building is being used to calculate parking need, then the Occupancy calculation must be based on the 1997 Uniform Building Code. In addition, the proposed site (in square feet) of the worship/auditorium areas must be provided to determine parking need. CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF APPLICANT: Pastor Chong Kim/Calvary Baptist Church PROJECT NAME: Sarang Baptist Church DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant requests Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Review to develop a church building and 90 parking stalls. Phase 1 of the project would result in the construction of 7,700 s.f. of building and 40 parking spaces. Phase 2 would add 8,525 s.f. of building and 50 additional parking stalls. The applicant also seeks 2 variance, one from the Landclearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance in order to clear slopes greater than 40%, and another variance from the development standards of the R-10 Zone to exceed 60% maximum impervious surface. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Northwest corner of Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds Avenue Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Development Services Division 1. Project requires a public hearing to consider the Conditional Use Permit and requested variance. 2. Project requires a modification from the Parking and Loading Ordinance. Construction Services 1. Provide accessible Parking per State Code. 2. Provide required fire exiting per Uniform Building Code. Parks Department 1. Applicant needs to provide justification for removal of large trees along Sunset. 2. Applicant should coordinate with the Parks Department in the event that street trees are proposed. All new landscaping outside of property lines must be maintained by the owner. 3. No Parks Mitigation Fees are required. Fire Prevention 1. Preliminary fire flow is estimated to be 2,750 gallons per minute, which requires one fire hydrant within 150 feet of the building and 2 additional hydrants within 300 feet of the building. 2. Provide a list of any flammable, combustible liquids or hazardous chemicals that are to be used or stored on site. 3. A fire mitigation fee applies to the proposal and is estimated to be $8,437.00 based on $0.52 per square foot of new construction. 4. Separate plans and permits are required for the required fire alarm and sprinkler system installations. 5. Any covered foyer over the access roadway requires a minimum 13-foot 6 inch clearance above the roadway. Sarang Baptist Church LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF Advisory Notes (Continued) Page 2 of 2 6. The turning radius at the south end of the building needs to be revised to meet the 45-foot outside radius and the 25-foot inside radius for fire equipment. Plan Review-Water 1. The site is served by existing water mains. An 8-inch AC is in NE 12th Street, an 8-inch CI (T. J.) and a 16-inch D.I. are located in Edmonds Avenue NE. 2. The project site is located in the Highlands 435 Pressure Zone. 3. Additional water main, fire hydrants and DDCV assembly must meet current fire flow/fire codes/ regulations per the Renton Fire Department. 4. The project will require loop water main if the fire flow is more than 2,500 gallons per minute. 5. New meters will be required for domestic water, irrigation, and fire protection and must meet current Uniform Plumbing Code regulations. Domestic meters will requires a Pressure Reducing Valve (static pressure in the main is 93 psi. 6. Water System Development Charges of$0.113/square foot of gross site are will be required. 7. The project site is located within Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area. Plan Review-Surface Water 1. The site will require a drainage plan and erosion/sedimentation control plan designed in accordance with the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. 2. Biofiltration will be required if more than 5,000 square feet of new impervious surface subject to vehicular use is being proposed. 3. Surface Water Development Charges of$0.129 per square foot of new impervious,surface area will be added to the site will be required. Plan Review -Sanitary Sewer 1. The site will be required to connect to the sanitary sewer system. Wastewater System Development Charges of$0.078 per square foot of gross site are will be required. Plan Review -Street Improvements 1. The project has existing street improvements in place (curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street paving and street lights) on Edmonds Avenue NE. The street frontage on NE 12th Street will req,jire street improvements installed (curbs, gutters, sidewalk, street paving and street lights) per current City Codes/Standards. 2. Traffic mitigation fees of$75 per each new average weekday trip apply. The transportation mitigation fee is estimated to be approximately 9.32 daily trips per 1,000 square feet of new construction. For Phase 1 development, the fee is estimated to be $5,385.00 (based on 7,700 s.f. of building x 9.32 average trips = 71.8 daily trips x $75). For Phase 2 the traffic mitigation fee is estimated to be $5,962.50 (based on 8,525 s.f. of building x 9.32 average daily trips = 79.5 daily trips x $75). Economic Development/Strategic Planning/Neighborhoods 1. No policy issues raised with regard to the proposes church land use. The proposal appears to be consistent with policies of the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan that address the location and site design of religious facilities. 2. The site is mapped for an area of high landslide hazard. This potential should be addressed in the geotechnical documentation. IN101.1 teE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION • PROJECT NAME: SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH PROJECT NUMBER: LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF The applicant requests Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Review to develop a church building and 90 parking stalls. Phase 1 of the project would result in the construction of 7,700 s.f. of building and 40 parking spaces. Phase 2 would add 8,525 s.f. of building and 50 additional parking stalls. The applicant also seeks 2 variance,one from the Landclearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance in order to clear slopes greater than 40%, and another variance from the development standards of the R-10 Zone to exceed 60% maximum impervious surface. Location: NW corner of Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds Avenue NE. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Appeals,of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, April 02, 1999. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-430-6510. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA on April 6, 1999, at 9:00 AM to consider the conditional use permit and variances. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. Interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing. Sarang Baptist Church NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP a- d�_ ._ .-. P �P E D Iyy' 7,____ • � 61 , iY- McvwMt R _ i T7 7 _ o a R-8~ 4- I ' 1 Li , i , I Rm'� ., ,„,„,,,t SUAr ' =' t4g r- � // . ,,, U � (--. IF' f Y �Afth,a� RM+r I q. RM C'(. 1 111 i r 711 1 -NE 9t1� tib00 t ,,, I FOR FURTHER INFORMATION,PLEASE CES S V SOION AT(425)430 7 OF RENTON, DEVELOPMENT SER0DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION IPlease include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file identification. 1 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Charlotte Ann Kassens first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Legal Clerk of the NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE SOUTH COUNTY JOURNAL RENTON,WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee 600 S Wachinctnn AvPnl1P T(Pnt Wachincrtnn ORO3 IERCI has issued a Determination of Non- a —, --- •, a-... Significance - Mitigated for the following project under the authority of the Renton a daily newspaper published seven (7) times a week. Said newspaper is a legal Municipal Code. newspaper ofgeneralpublication and is now and has been for more than six months SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH LUA-98-180.CU-H,V-H,ECF prior to the date of publication, referred to, printed and published in the English language Proposal to develop a church building and continually as a daily newspaper in Kent, King County, Washington. The South County parking stalls. Location: NW corner of Sunset Blvd and Edmonds Ave.NE. Journal has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the Appeals of the environmental determine- State of Washington for King County. tion must be filed in writing on or before The notice in the exact form attached, waspublished in the South Countyfiled p.m.,writingril og together with thels emqut be filed in the required Journal (and not in supplemental form) which was regularly distributed to the subscribers $75.00 application fee with: Hearing during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton.WA 98055.Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Surang Baptist Church Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton as published on: 3/19/99 City Clerk's Office,(425)430-6510. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$51.75, meeting in the Council Chambers on the charged to Acct. No. 8051067. - seventh floor of City Hall, 1055 South j Grady Way, Renton, WA on April 6, 1999, at 9:00 AM to consider the conditional use Legal Number 5870 permit and variances. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. Legal Clerk, South County Jo mal Interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing. Publication Date:March 19, 1999 Puin the Subscribed and sworn before me on this ? day of lliaaj. , 19� Ma cblishedh 19,11999.5 Oouth County Journal .0,,s'il, n. .,,,,,.„ Li,,,t--t..,...___yj-,,c---- I,av,.. ..„,,...:...,,.,.. ,..,..,„0„ �''. A••otti�," 3i;��--r;:•.(,, Notary Public of the State of Washington Y.:c' ��oti„ , •.�,s residing in Renton _o-- 7... King County, Washington :,,0 ftUEL1G p:" ;ieyJ,•.0 2 6 , 2O• ..§ NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated for the following project under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF Proposal to develop a church building and parking stalls. Location: NW corner of Sunset Blvd and Edmonds Ave. NE. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, April 02, 1999. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-430-6510. A Public Hearing will be held by the Renton Hearing Examiner at his regular meeting in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA on April 6, 1999, at 9:00 AM to consider the conditional use permit and variances. If the Environmental Determination is appealed, the appeal will be heard as part of this public hearing. Interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing. Publication Date: March 19, 1999 Account No. 51067 dnsmpub.dot CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF APPLICANT: Pastor Chong Kim/Calvary Baptist Church PROJECT NAME: Sarang Baptist Church DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant requests Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Revie‘ to develop a church building and 127 parking stalls. Phase I of the project would result in the construction of 7,700 s. of building and 37 parking spaces. Phase 2 would add 8,525 s.f. of building and 90 parking stalls. The applicant also SE 'ks a variance from the landscaping and tree cutting ordinance to clear slopes greater than 40% primarily on the east poi ,on of the site. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Northwest corner of Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds Avenue NE LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable signifi, Hit adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under R .W 43.21 C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under I eir authority of Section 4-6-6 Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental imp its identified during the environmental review process. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, April 02, 1999. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Rent n, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Cod Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-430-6510. PUBLICATION DATE: March 19, 1999 DATE OF DECISION: March 16, 1999 SIGNATURES: ffff � r 3116/17 Greg mefid�, Administrator DATE Department of Planning/Building/Public Works 7 1/4 li Jim Shepherd, Admini ator DATE Community Services (1.-/ e , i Chi6f DATE enton Fire Department DNSMSIG.DOC rE CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) MITIGATION MEASURES >It� APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF APPLICANT: Pastor Chong Kim/Calvary Baptist Church PROJECT NAME: Sarang Baptist Church DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant requests Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Review to develop a church building and 90 parking stalls. Phase 1 of the project would ` result in the construction of 7,700 s.f. of building and 40 parking spaces. Phase 2 would add 8,525 s.f. of building and 50 additional parking stalls. The applicant also seeks 2 variance, one from the Landclearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance in order to clear slopes greater than 40%, and another variance from the development standards of the R-10 Zone to exceed 60% maximum impervious surface. Location: NW corner of Sunset Blvd. and Edmonds Ave. NE. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Northwest corner of Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds Avenue NE MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. a) The applicant shall follow the recommendations of the Geotechnical Engineering Study Sunset Highlander Condominiums, Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds Avenue NE, Renton, Washington, prepared by Earth Consultants, Inc. (October 2, 1979), with regard to any site disturbance, preparation, or development activities. b) The applicant shall engage a qualified engineering geologist to observe installation of all erosion and sedimentation measures at the site. The engineering geologist should make periodic visits to the site to observe site conditions and to verify the performance of the installations. Weekly reports on the status and condition of the erosion control plan with any recommendations of change or revision to either maintenance schedules or installation shall be submitted by the project engineer of record to the Public Works Inspector. c) The applicant shall identify the project clearing limits on the project drawings prior to the issuance of the construction permit, and in the field prior to initiating site work. d) The applicant shall designate staging areas for temporary stockpiles of excavated soil prior to the initiation of project construction. e) The applicant shall provide cover for temporary cut slopes and soil stockpiles during periods of inactivity. Temporary cover may consist of durable plastic sheeting that is securely anchored to the ground surface or straw mulch. Plastic sheeting should be placed and anchored as specified in Section D.4.2.3 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) - Appendix D. Mulch application shall conform to guidelines outlined in Section D.4.2.1 of the SWDM, Appendix D. f) The applicant shall establish permanent cover over exposed areas that will not be worked for a period of 30 days or more by seeding in conjunction with a mulch cover or appropriate hydroseeding. Site seeding should conform to the specifications presented in Section D.4.2.4 of 0 the King County Surface Water Design Manual, Appendix D. Sarang Baptist Church LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF Mitigation Measures(Continued) Page 2 of 2 g) The applicant shall provide stabilized construction entrances as specified in Section D.4.4.1 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual, Appendix D, prior to the initiation of site clearing. h) The applicant shall install a silt fence along the downslope perimeter of the area that is to be disturbed. The silt fence should be in place before clearing and grading is initiated, and should be constructed in conformance with the specifications presented in Section D.4.3.1 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual,Appendix D. i) The applicant shall construct shallow drainage swales to intercept surface water flow and route the flow away from the construction area to a stabilized discharge point. Vegetation growth should be established in the ditch by seeding or placing sod. Depending on site grades, it may be necessary to line the ditch with rock to protect the ditch from erosion and to reduce flow rates. The design and construction or drainage swales should conform to the specifications presented in Section 4.4.1 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual. Temporary pipe systems can also be used to convey stormwater across the site. j) The applicant shall provide on-site sediment retention for collected runoff. Depending on the contributory area of the runoff, adequate on-site sediment retention can be provided by perimeter protection controls (i.e. silt fencing). However, for larger areas, it may be necessary to construct an on-site sediment trap or settling pond to reduce the amount of suspended solids in the runoff prior to discharge. Specifications for design and construction of a sediment trap and settling pond are presented in Section D of the King County Surface Water Design Manual. k) The project contractor shall perform daily review and maintenance of all erosion and 1 sedimentation control measures at the site. I) The applicant shall provide a supplemental geotechnical engineering report prepared by a qualified licensed geotechnical engineer which addresses the vertical cut that would occur along Edmonds Avenue NE. The supplemental geotechnical report shall propose measures to protect the integrity of Edmonds Avenue NE during and following site grading activities. The report shall be subject to the review of the Development Services Division and must be submitted and approved prior to the issuance of any construction or building permits for the site. 2. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Transportation Mitigation Fee at the rate of$75.00 per each new average daily trip attributable to the project. The fee is payable prior to the issuance of the building permit. 3. a) The applicant shall pay the applicable Fire Mitigation Fee at the rate of$0.52 per square foot of new construction. The Fire Mitigation Fee is due prior to the issuance of the building permit. b) The applicant shall construct both access driveways from Edmonds Avenue NE and from NE 12th Street, as part of the first phase of project development. 4. The applicant shall revise the site plan to eliminate grasscrete within parking areas in order to protect the City's aquifer from possible degradation. The site plan must be revised and approved prior to the issuance of any construction or building permits. 5. The applicant shall provide additional information to the Development Services Division in order to justify the proposed parking calculations for the project. If Occupancy Load of the building is being used to calculate parking need, then the Occupancy calculation must be based on the 1997 Uniform Building Code. In addition, the proposed site (in square feet) of the worship/auditorium areas must be provided to determine parking need. CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF APPLICANT: Pastor Chong Kim/Calvary Baptist Church PROJECT NAME: Sarang Baptist Church DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The applicant requests Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Review to develop a church building and 90 parking stalls. Phase 1 of the project would result in the construction of 7,700 s.f. of building and 40 parking spaces. Phase 2 would add 8,525 s.f. of building and 50 additional parking stalls. The applicant also seeks 2 variance, one from the Landclearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance in order to clear slopes greater than 40%, and another variance from the development standards of the R-10 Zone to exceed 60% maximum impervious surface. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Northwest corner of Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds Avenue Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Development Services Division 1. Project requires a public hearing to consider the Conditional Use Permit and requested variance. 2. Project requires a modification from the Parking and Loading Ordinance. Construction Services 1. Provide accessible Parking per State Code. 2. Provide required fire exiting per Uniform Building Code. Parks Department 1. Applicant needs to provide justification for removal of large trees along Sunset. 2. Applicant should coordinate with the Parks Department in the event that street trees are proposed. All new landscaping outside of property lines must be maintained by the owner. 3. No Parks Mitigation Fees are required. Fire Prevention 1. Preliminary fire flow is estimated to be 2,750 gallons per minute, which requires one fire hydrant within 150 feet of the building and 2 additional hydrants within 300 feet of the building. 2. Provide a list of any flammable, combustible liquids or hazardous chemicals that are to be used or stored on site. 3. A fire mitigation fee applies to the proposal and is estimated to be $8,437.00 based on $0.52 per square foot of new construction. 4. Separate plans and permits are required for the required fire alarm and sprinkler system installations. 5. Any covered foyer over the access roadway requires a minimum 13-foot 6 inch clearance above the roadway. Sarang Baptist Church LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF . Advisory Notes (Continued) Page 2 of 2 6. The turning radius at the south end of the building needs to be revised to meet the 45-foot outside radius and the 25-foot inside radius for fire equipment. Plan Review-Water 1. The site is served by existing water mains. An 8-inch AC is in NE 12th Street, an 8-inch CI (T. J.) and a 16-inch D.I. are located in Edmonds Avenue NE. 2. The project site is located in the Highlands 435 Pressure Zone. 3. Additional water main, fire hydrants and DDCV assembly must meet current fire flow/fire codes/ regulations per the Renton Fire Department. 4. The project will require loop water main if the fire flow is more than 2,500 gallons per minute. 5. New meters will be required for domestic water, irrigation, and fire protection and must meet current Uniform Plumbing Code regulations. Domestic meters will requires a Pressure Reducing Valve (static pressure in the main is 93 psi. 6. Water System Development Charges of$0.113/square foot of gross site are will be required. 7. The project site is located within Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area. Plan Review-Surface Water 1. The site will require a drainage plan and erosion/sedimentation control plan designed in accordance with the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. 2. Biofiltration will be required if more than 5,000 square feet of new impervious surface subject to vehicular use is being proposed. 3. Surface Water Development Charges of$0.129 per square foot of new impervious surface area will be added to the site will be required. y,l Plan Review -Sanitary Sewer 1. The site will be required to connect to the sanitary sewer system. Wastewater System Development Charges of$0.078 per square foot of gross site are will be required. Plan Review-Street Improvements 1. The project has existing street improvements in place (curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street paving and street lights) on Edmonds Avenue NE. The street frontage on NE 12th Street will require street improvements installed (curbs, gutters, sidewalk, street paving and street lights) per current City Codes/Standards. 2. Traffic mitigation fees of$75 per each new average weekday trip apply. The transportation mitigation fee is estimated to be approximately 9.32 daily trips per 1,000 square feet of new construction. For Phase 1 development, the fee is estimated to be $5,385.00 (based on 7,700 s.f. of building x 9.32 average trips = 71.8 daily trips x $75). For Phase 2 the traffic mitigation fee is estimated to be $5,962.50 (based on 8,525 s.f. of building x 9.32 average daily trips = 79.5 daily trips x $75). Economic Development/Strategic Planning/Neighborhoods 1. No policy issues raised with regard to the proposes church land use. The proposal appears to be consistent with policies of the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan that address the location 1. and site design of religious facilities. 2. The site is mapped for an area of high landslide hazard. This potential should be addressed in the geotechnical documentation. R STAFF City of Renton REPORT Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE A. BACKGROUND ERC MEETING DATE March 16, 1999 Project Name Sarang Baptist Church Applicant Pastor Chong Kim Calvary Baptist Church 1032 Edmonds Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 File Number LUA-098-180, CU-H, V-H, ECF Project Manager Jennifer Toth Henning Project Description The applicant requests Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Review to devel p a church building and 90 parking stalls. Sarang Baptist Church would be develop i in two phases. Phase I would result in the construction of a 7,700 s.f. buildir I, approximately 40 surface parking spaces, and an access driveway from Edmon s Avenue NE over an approximate 7-month period of time. Phase 2 would occur frc n 5 to 10 years after Phase 1 and would add 8,525 s.f. to the building, and up to J additional or relocated surface parking stalls, and an access from NE 12th Stre :. Steep slopes on the site would be cleared and graded. Applicant estimates tt it approximately 4,300 cubic yards of material would be cut (Phase 1 = 2,225 c.y. c Phase 2 = 2,075 c.y. cut), and that 8,550 cubic yards of fill would be required (Pha 1 = 6,750 c.y. fill, Phase 2 = 1,800 c.y. fill). In addition, retaining walls would constructed around the perimeter of the site and in the center of a parking lot on t north central portion of the site. The applicant has proposed to reduce impervious surface on the site by utilizi 3 grass crete for 50 proposed parking stalls on the north portion of the proper Applicant has estimated the parking requirement as 83 parking stalls over the tv 3 phases. The applicant also seeks two variances. One variance is requested from the Las I Clearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance to clear slopes greater than 40%. A seco! I variance is sought from the maximum lot coverage standards of the R-10 Zor which limits impervious surface to 60% of the site area. Project Location Northwest corner of Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds Avenue NE Exist. Bldg. Area gsf N/A Proposed New Bldg. Area gsf 16,225 sq. ft. Site Area 1.79 acres Total Building Area gsf 16,225 sq. ft. RECOMMENDATION Staff Recommend that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination )f Non-Significance - Mitigated(DNS-M) Project Location Map ERC I )C City of Renton PB/PW Department Enviroi tal Review Committee Staff Repo, •SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH LUA-98-180, CU-H, V-H,EC t' REPORT AND DECISION OF March 16,1999 Page2 of S B. RECOMMENDATION Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommend that the Responsible Officials make the following Environmental Determination: DETERMINATION OF X DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED. Issue DNS with 14 day Appeal Period. X Issue DNS-M with 14 day Appeal Period. Issue DNS-M with 15 day Comment Period followed by a 14 day Appeal Period. C. MITIGATION MEASURES 1. a) The applicant shall follow the recommendations of the Geotechnical Engineering Study Sunset Highlander Condominiums, Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds Avenue NE, Renton, Washington, prepared by Earth Consultants, Inc. (October 2, 1979), with regard to any site disturbance, preparation, or development activities. b) The applicant shall engage a qualified engineering geologist to observe installation of all erosion and sedimentation measures at the site. The engineering geologist should make periodic visits to the site to observe site conditions and to verify the performance of the installations. Weekly reports on the status and condition of the erosion control plan with any recommendations of change or revision to either maintenance schedules or installation shall be submitted by the project engineer of record to the Public Works Inspector c) The applicant shall identify the project clearing limits on the project drawings prior to the issuance of the construction permit, and in the field prior to initiating site work. d) The applicant shall designate staging areas for temporary stockpiles of excavated soil prior to the initiator of project construction. e) The applicant shall provide cover for temporary cut slopes and soil stockpiles during periods of inactivity. Temporary cover may consist of durable plastic sheeting that is securely anchored to the ground surface or straw mulch. Plastic sheeting should be placed and anchored as specified in Section D.4.2.3 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) -Appendix D. Mulch application shall conform to guidelines outlined in Section D.4.2.1 of the SWDM, Appendix D. f) The applicant shall establish permanent cover over exposed areas that will not be worked for a period oil 30 days or more by seeding in conjunction with a mulch cover or appropriate hydroseeding. Site seeding should conform to the specifications presented in Section D.4.2.4 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual, Appendix D. g) The applicant shall provide stabilized construction entrances as specified in Section D.4.4.1 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual, Appendix D, prior to the initiation of site clearing. h) The applicant shall install a silt fence along the downslope perimeter of the area that is to be disturbed. The silt fence should be in place before clearing and grading is initiated, and should be constructed in conformance with the specifications presented in Section D.4.3.1 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual, Appendix D. i) The applicant shall construct shallow drainage swales to intercept surface water flow and route the flow away from the construction area to a stabilized discharge point. Vegetation growth should be established in ERC.DOC City of Renton PB/PW Department Enviro tal Review Committee Staff Repo SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH LUA-98-180, CU-H, V-H,EC _ REPORT AND DECISION OF March 16, 1999 Page3 of S the ditch by seeding or placing sod. Depending on site grades, it may be necessary to line the ditch with r :k to protect the ditch from erosion and to reduce flow rates. The design and construction or drainage swale5 should conform to the specifications presented in Section 4.4.1 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual. Temporary pipe systems can also be used to convey stormwater across the site. j) The applicant shall provide on-site sediment retention for collected runoff. Depending on the contributo ,' area of the runoff, adequate on-site sediment retention can be provided by perimeter protection controls (i silt fencing). However, for larger areas, it may be necessary to construct an on-site sediment trap or settli pond to reduce the amount of suspended solids in the runoff prior to discharge. Specifications for design : id construction of a sediment trap and settling pond are presented in Section D of the King County Surface Water Design Manual. k) The project contractor shall perform daily review and maintenance of all erosion and sedimentation cor rol measures at the site. I) The applicant shall provide a supplemental geotechnical engineering report prepared by a qualified licensed geotechnical engineer which addresses the vertical cut that would occur along Edmonds Avenue IE. The supplemental geotechnical report shall propose measures to protect the integrity of Edmonds Avenue JE during and following site grading activities. The report shall be subject to the review of the Development Services Division and must be submitted and approved prior to the issuance of any construction or buildin permits for the site. 2. The applicant shall pay the appropriate Transportation Mitigation Fee at the rate of$75.00 per each new average daily trip attributable to the project. The fee is payable prior to the issuance of the building permi 3. a) The applicant shall pay the applicable Fire Mitigation Fee at the rate of$0.52 per square foot of new construction. The Fire Mitigation Fee is due prior to the issuance of the building permit. b) The applicant shall construct both access driveways from Edmonds Avenue NE and from NE 12th Str€ t, as part of the first phase of project development. 4. The applicant shall revise the site plan to eliminate grasscrete within parking areas in order to protect the City's aquifer from possible degradation. The site plan must be revised and approved prior to the issuanr of any construction or building permits. 5. The applicant shall provide additional information to the Development Services Division in order to justify the proposed parking calculations for the project. If Occupancy Load of the building is being used to calct ate parking need, then the Occupancy calculation must be based on the 1997 Uniform Building Code. In addition, the proposed site (in square feet) of the worship/auditorium areas must be provided to deterr line parking need. Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. Development Services Division 1. Project requires a public hearing to consider the Conditional Use Permit and requested variance. 2. Project requires a modification from the Parking and Loading Ordinance. Construction Services 1. Provide accessible Parking per State Code. 2. Provide required fire exiting per Uniform Building Code. ERC.DOC City of Renton P/B/PW Department Enviro tal Review Committee Staff Repo SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH LUA-98-180, CU-H, V-H,EC REPORT AND DECISION OF March 16,1999 Page4 of S Parks Department 1. Applicant needs to provide justification for removal of large trees along Sunset. 2. Applicant should coordinate with the Parks Department in the event that street trees are proposed. All new landscaping outside of property lines must be maintained by the owner. 3. No Parks Mitigation Fees are required. Fire Prevention 1. Preliminary fire flow is estimated to be 2,750 gallons per minute, which requires one fire hydrant within 150 fee- Df the building and 2 additional hydrants within 300 feet of the building. 2. Provide a list of any flammable, combustible liquids or hazardous chemicals that are to be used or stored on sitl. 3. A fire mitigation fee applies to the proposal and is estimated to be $8,437.00 based on $0.52 per square foot of new construction. 4. Separate plans and permits are required for the required fire alarm and sprinkler system installations. 5. Any covered foyer over the access roadway requires a minimum 13-foot 6 inch clearance above the roadway. 6. The turning radius at the south end of the building needs to be revised to meet the 45-foot outside radius and tt 25-foot inside radius for fire equipment. Plan Review-Water 1. The site is served by existing water mains. An 8-inch AC is in NE 12th Street, an 8-inch CI (T. J.) and a 16-inci D.I. are located in Edmonds Avenue NE. 2. The project site is located in the Highlands 435 Pressure Zone. 3. Additional water main, fire hydrants and DDCV assembly must meet current fire flow/fire codes/ regulations per he Renton Fire Department. 4. The project will require loop water main if the fire flow is more than 2,500 gallons per minute. 5. New meters will be required for domestic water, irrigation, and fire protection and must meet current Uniform Plumbing Code regulations. Domestic meters will requires a Pressure Reducing Valve (static pressure in the main s 93 psi. 6. Water System Development Charges of$0.113/square foot of gross site are will be required. 7. The project site is located within Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area. Plan Review -Surface Water 1. The site will require a drainage plan and erosion/sedimentation control plan designed in accordance with the 19 3 King County Surface Water Design Manual. 2. Biofiltration will be required if more than 5,000 square feet of new impervious surface subject to vehicular use is being proposed. 3. Surface Water Development Charges of$0.129 per square foot of new impervious surface area will be added t( the site will be required. Plan Review-Sanitary Sewer 1. The site will be required to connect to the sanitary sewer system. Wastewater System Development Charges o $0.078 per square foot of gross site are will be required. Plan Review -Street Improvements 1. The project has existing street improvements in place (curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street paving and street lights) )n Edmonds Avenue NE. The street frontage on NE 12th Street will require street improvements installed (curbs, gutters, sidewalk, street paving and street lights) per current City Codes/Standards. 2. Traffic mitigation fees of$75 per each new average weekday trip apply. The transportation mitigation fee is estimated to be approximately 9.32 daily trips per 1,000 square feet of new construction. For Phase 1 developmer the fee is estimated to be $5,385.00 (based on 7,700 s.f. of building x 9.32 average trips = 71.8 daily trips x $75). i or ERC.DOC City of Renton PB/PWDepartment Enviro tal Review Committee Staff Repc SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH L UA-98-180, CU-11, V-II,EC '_ REPORT AND DECISION OF March 16, 1999 Page5 of Phase 2 the traffic mitigation fee is estimated to be $5,962.50 (based on 8,525 s.f. of building x 9.32 average dail! trips = 79.5 daily trips x $75). Economic Development/Strategic Planning/Neighborhoods 1. No policy issues raised with regard to the proposes church land use. The proposal appears to be consistent wit policies of the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan that address the location and site design of religious facilities. 2. The site is mapped for an area of high landslide hazard. This potential should be addressed in the geotechnice documentation. D. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS In compliance with RCW 43.21 C. 240, the following project environmental review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards an ' environmental regulations. 1. Earth Impacts: The project site is undeveloped and is located at the intersection of NE 12th Street, Edmonds Avenue N' , and NE Sunset Boulevard. The applicant has provided a slope map which characterizes existing site grades as 0° - 10%, 10% - 25%, 25% - 40%, and greater than 40%. Approximately three-quarters of the site slopes are from 0% 25%, with average slope of 17% across the site. Steep slopes of 40% and greater occupy approximately nine pert !nt of the site, and are generally located on the eastern portion of the property adjacent to Edmonds Avenue NE. Site development would require cutting into the steep slope area in the southeast portion of the site in order to develop driveway from Edmonds Avenue NE. The applicant has applied for a variance from the Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance in order to clear steep slope areas. Development of the site would require grading that has been estimated at approximately 4,300 cubic yards of excavation and 8,550 cubic yards of fill. The applicant has estimated that approximately 5,500 cubic yards of material would be imported to the site in order to achieve design grades. Existing steep slope areas on the eastern portion of site would be cleared and graded in order to construct retaining walls along circulation and parking areas Additional retaining walls would be constructed on the periphery of the site, and in the northcentral portion of the property, within proposed surface parking lots. A geotechnical report prepared by Earth Consultants, Inc. for a previous site proposal in 1979 was submitted with t e project application. A letter dated December 16, 1998 from Earth Consultants, Inc., states that site conditions have not changed significantly since the 1979 geotechnical evaluation, and that it appears that the proposed developme t is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint, provided that the recommendations from the 1979 study are followed. The 1979 geotechnical study indicates that the assumed construction methods would involve structures building or conventional spread footings and floor slabs bearing on firm natural soils. The previous plan was for one- and two- story multi-family housing, with slabs on-grade and parking below the first floor units. Test pits generally indicated that subsurface conditions were for one foot of topsoil underlain by one to 3.5 feet of loose silty sand and sand. TI^ loose soils are generally underlain by 4.5 to 7 feet of medium dense silty sand, sandy silt and sand. All of the test its were terminated in these medium dense soils at depths ranging from 7.5 to 10 feet. The geotechnical report states that the most feasible method of building support appears to be conventional footinc,;s and slabs supported on firm or recompacted native soils or structural fills, depending on final grades and encountered soils conditions. Recommendations included review of foundations plans and detailed analyses for settlements and bearing values. It was noted that unsupported rockeries could be difficult to support due to the medium dense silty sands along the proposed cut. Specific recommendations of the geotechnical report, while intended for the multi-family proposal, appear to be va :1 for the subject application. The recommendations include field examination of conditions by the geotechnical ERC.DOC City of Renton PB/PWDepartment Enviro tal Review Committee Staff Repc •SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH LUA-98-180, CU-H, V-IE EC ' REPORT AND DECISION OF March 16,1999 Page6 of engineer, appropriate design and site preparation. With regard to site prep, the report states that building and pavement areas should be stripped and cleared of all debris, topsoil, vegetation and any other deleterious materia ;. Stripping of 6 - 12 inches of topsoil is anticipated to be necessary. Staff recommends that the applicant be required to adhere to the recommendations of the geotechnical report. Since the extensive grading could result in erosion and sedimentation, staff recommends that the applicant be required to install and maintain temporary erosion control measures to the satisfaction of the Development Service Division. In addition, weekly reports on the status and condition of the erosion control plan would need to be submitted, along with any recommendations for changes or revisions to either the maintenance schedules or installation of such measur s. Furthermore, since major excavation of steep slope areas adjacent to Edmonds Avenue NE could affect the integr ty of the street, the applicant will be required to provide a supplemental geotechnical engineering report. This report shall address the vertical cut that would occur along Edmonds Avenue NE, and propose measures to protect the integrity of Edmonds Avenue NE. Mitigation Measures: a) The applicant shall follow the recommendations of the Geotechnical Engineering Study Sunset Highlander Condominiums, Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds Avenue NE, Renton, Washington, prepared by Earth Consultants, Inc. (October 2, 1979), with regard to any site disturbance, preparation, or development activities. b) The applicant shall engage a qualified engineering geologist to observe installation of all erosion and sedimentation measures at the site. The engineering geologist should make periodic visits to the site to observe site conditions and to verify the performance of the installations. Weekly reports on the status an condition of the erosion control plan with any recommendations of change or revision to either maintenanc schedules or installation shall be submitted by the project engineer of record to the Public Works Inspector c) The applicant shall identify the project clearing limits on the project drawings prior to the issuance of the construction permit, and in the field prior to initiating site work. d) The applicant shall designate staging areas for temporary stockpiles of excavated soil prior to the initiation Af project construction. e) The applicant shall provide cover for temporary cut slopes and soil stockpiles during periods of inactivity. Temporary cover may consist of durable plastic sheeting that is securely anchored to the ground surface o straw mulch. Plastic sheeting should be placed and anchored as specified in Section D.4.2.3 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) - Appendix D. Mulch application shall conform to guidelin s outlined in Section D.4.2.1 of the SWDM, Appendix D. f) The applicant shall establish permanent cover over exposed areas that will not be worked for a period of 3 days or more by seeding in conjunction with a mulch cover or appropriate hydroseeding. Site seeding sho Id conform to the specifications presented in Section D.4.2.4 of the King County Surface Water Design Manu I, Appendix D. g) The applicant shall provide stabilized construction entrances as specified in Section D.4.4.1 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual, Appendix D, prior to the initiation of site clearing. h) The applicant shall install a silt fence along the downslope perimeter of the area that is to be disturbed. Tr silt fence should be in place before clearing and grading is initiated, and should be constructed in conformance with the specifications presented in Section D.4.3.1 of the King County Surface Water Desigr Manual, Appendix D. i) The applicant shall construct shallow drainage swales to intercept surface water flow and route the flow away from the construction area to a stabilized discharge point. Vegetation growth should be established in the ditch by seeding or placing sod. Depending on site grades, it may be necessary to line the ditch with rock to protect the ditch from erosion and to reduce flow rates. The design and construction or drainage swales ERC.DOC City of Renton PB/PWDepartment Enviro tal Review Committee Staff Repo SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH LUA-98-180, CU-H, V-H,EC ' REPORT AND DECISION OF March 16,1999 Page7 of should conform to the specifications presented in Section 4.4.1 of the King County Surface Water Design Manual. Temporary pipe systems can also be used to convey stormwater across the site. j) The applicant shall provide on-site sediment retention for collected runoff. Depending on the contributory area of the runoff, adequate on-site sediment retention can be provided by perimeter protection controls (i silt fencing). However, for larger areas, it may be necessary to construct an on-site sediment trap or settli g pond to reduce the amount of suspended solids in the runoff prior to discharge. Specifications for design , id construction of a sediment trap and settling pond are presented in Section D of the King County Surface Water Design Manual. k) The project contractor shall perform daily review and maintenance of all erosion and sedimentation contro measures at the site. I) The applicant shall provide a supplemental geotechnical engineering report prepared by a qualified licensr I geotechnical engineer which addresses the vertical cut that would occur along Edmonds Avenue NE. The supplemental geotechnical report shall propose measures to protect the integrity of Edmonds Avenue NE during and following site grading activities. The report shall be subject to the review of the Development Services Division and must be submitted and approved prior to the issuance of any construction or buildin permits for the site. Nexus: Mining, Excavation and Grading Ordinance, Environmental (SEPA) Ordinance 2. Transportation Impacts: The proposed development would result in additional traffic trips that would impact local road network during both construction and occupation of the project. City Code requires that applicants provide haul route plans or approval by the Development Services prior to the issuance of a construction permit. Haul hours are also restricte by the Code, and may occur only between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, unless approved in writing in advance by the Development Service Division. These requirements are intended to diminis impacts to the transportation system resulting from the construction of a project. In addition, traffic control measur s are required to be provided during construction. It is estimated that the proposed church would generate approximately 9.32 daily trips per 1,000 square feet of ew development. Therefore, traffic from the 16,225 s.f. church would add approximatley 151.3 new average daily trip to the local street system. Renton has adopted a Transportation Mitigation Fee to address the impacts to the C y's transportation system caused by development, including this proposal. The applicant would need to pay he appropriate Transportation Mitigation Fee of $75.00 per each new average daily trip attributable to the project. he fee is estimated to be $5,385.00 for Phase 1 and $5,962.50 for Phase 2. The fee is due prior to the issuance f a building permit. Driveway access to the site would be via new driveways from Edmonds Avenue NE and NE 12th Street. he Edmonds Avenue NE driveway is proposed to be constructed during Phase 1, while the NE 12th Street drive ay would be built as part of Phase 2, from 5 to 10 years following the completion of Phase 1. Concerns have been rai.,ed regarding the slope of the Edmonds Avenue NE driveway, and whether it would meet the Fire Departme it's requirements for angle of approach and departure. The applicant has estimated that the maximum grade break wr ild be 14% or 8 degrees and would not exceed maximum thresholds of the Fire Department. Both the Edmonds Avenue NE and NE 12th Street driveways were evaluated with regard to safety. The Edmc ids driveway is located 125 feet from the intersection with NE Sunset Boulevard, meeting City minimum standards. he NE 12th Street driveway was analyzed by Plan Review and Transportation with consideration of the steep grade from Edmonds on 12th. Staff determined that the driveway location on NE 12th Street was acceptable as proposed. Extensive cutting of the steep slope and installation of retaining walls is proposed along Edmonds Avenue .E. Concerns have been raised about the sharp drop-off that would be created along Edmonds Avenue NE as a resu of the project. The applicant will be required to install a guard rail along the top of the slope adjacent to the Edmo ds Avenue NE right-of-way in order to provide a separation between the right-of-way and the steep slope. Mitigation Measures: ERC.DOC City of Renton PB/PW Department Enviro tal Review Committee Staff Repc SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH LUA-98-180, CU-H, V-H, REPORT AND DECISION OF March 16,1999 Page8 of a) The applicant shall pay the appropriate Transportation Mitigation Fee at the rate of$75.00 per each new avera e daily trip attributable to the project. The fee is payable prior to the issuance of the building permit. b) The applicant will be required to install a guard rail along the top of the slope adjacent to the Edmonds Avenue JE right-of-way in order to provide a separation between the right-of-way and the steep slope. The guard rail shall be designed and installed subject to the approval of the Development Services Division. Nexus: Transportation Mitigation Fee adopting Resolution, Environmental (SEPA) Ordinance. 3. Fire Prevention/Emergency Access Impacts: The proposal would result in the construction a two-story 16,225 s.f. church in two phases. The City requires that new construction be charged a Fire Mitigation Fee of$0.52 per square foot of new construction in orc +r to mitigate the impacts new construction has on the City's ability to provide Fire Department emergency services (equipment and personnel). For the proposal, the fee is estimated to be $8,437.00. The fee is payable prior to issuance of the building permit for each phase. Fire Prevention has brought forth concerns regarding site access, due to the steep slope from Edmonds, Ind proposed phasing of the driveway construction. The applicant has revised the Edmonds Avenue NE drivewa in response to Fire Department concerns, and has proposed a maximum slope of 14%. The applicant has propose to construct the second point of access, from NE 12th Street, during Phase 2. Emergency access to the site coul( be impeded if the Edmonds Avenue access driveway was blocked. Therefore, the applicant will be required to const ict both access drives during the first phase of development. Mitigation Measures: a) The applicant shall pay the applicable Fire Mitigation Fee at the rate of$0.52 per square foot of new constructi( i. The Fire Mitigation Fee is due prior to the issuance of the building permit. b) The applicant shall construct both access driveways from Edmonds Avenue NE and from NE 12th Street, as ix t of the first phase of project development. Nexus: Fire Mitigation Fee adopting Resolution, Environmental (SEPA) Ordinance. 4. Stormwater/Water Quality Impacts: The applicant has submitted a Downstream Analysis and Preliminary Detention Calculations, prepare( by Penhallegon Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc. (November 4, 1998). The downstream report states that exis ng stormwater travel consists of sheet flow across the site. Local precipitation sheet flows in a southwest direc on toward Sunset Boulevard. Storm water runoff is then collected in a manmade ditch running parallel to Sur Set Boulevard NE and begins to flow west until storm water eventually leaves the project site. The applicant is proper ng to capture stormwater in catchbasins on the west portion of the site and convey the storm flow to a detention v ult located beneath the surface parking lot at the south end of the site. Development standards of the R-10 Zone limit impervious surfaces to a maximum of 60% of the total site area. In order to not exceed the 60% limit of impervious surface on the site, the applicant has proposed the use of grassc te for approximately 50 parking stalls on the north half of the site. Those parking stalls would be constructed du ng Phase 2. Staff has indicated to the applicant that grasscrete could only be proposed for excess parking stalls, in other words, those parking stalls that exceed requirements of the Parking and Loading Ordinance. A total of 90 park ng stalls are proposed on site. Assuming that applicant is required to provide 83 parking stalls, then grasscrete shoulc be proposed for no more than 7 of the parking stalls. However, upon further review, and in consideration of poter .ial impacts to the environment, grasscrete in not appropriate for use in areas subject to vehicular use, when those areas are located in an Aquifer Protection Area. The subject site is located in Zone 2 of the Aquifer Protection Area. There is a potential for degradation of the groundwater if grasscrete is used on the site under parked vehicles. The applicant will need to revise the site plan to eliminate the use of grass crete in areas subject to vehicular use. These revisions will need to be accomplished prior to the issuance of construction or building permits for the site. ERC.DOC City of Renton PB/PWDepartment Enviro tal Review Committee Staff Repo SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH LUA-98-180, CU-H, V-H,EC ' REPORT AND DECISION OF March 16, 1999 Page9 of Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall revise the site plan to eliminate grasscrete within parking areas in ordi •to protect the City's aquifer from possible degradation. The site plan must be revised and approved prior to the issue ice of any construction or building permits. Nexus: Aquifer Protection Area Ordinance, Environmental (SEPA) Ordinance. 5. Parking Impacts: Site plan drawings for the proposed Sarang Baptist Church show that 40 parking stalls would be develc )ed during Phase 1. Phase 2 construction would require that some of the Phase 1 stalls be eliminated or relocE ed. When Phase 2 is completed approximately 30 stalls would be located on the southern portion of the site and 60 s ills would be located in the northern surface parking lot. The proposal would provide 90 parking stalls as document€ I in the revised Master Plan, Sheet A0.1 dated 1/5/99 by Gabbert Architects/Planners. City Code requires one parking stall for each 5 fixed seats within the main auditorium of the church, provided iat parking spaces for any church shall not be less than 10. It appears that the church does not utilize fixed seats w hin the main auditorium, therefore, the applicant has developed parking calculations based on occupant load for E ich hour of service and the peak hours in between. The applicant has estimated that the occupant load for Phase 1 of he project is 150, which they state requires 30 parking stalls. For Phase 2, the applicant has estimated that occui ant load is a total of 370 persons, which they state, requires 83 parking stalls. According to the calculations, that appli ant has stated that they are providing 90 parking stalls. It is not clear whether the occupancy has been estimated based on the Uniform Building Code. The applicant vill need to provide additional information to the Development Services Division in order to justify the parking calculat ,ns for the project. Occupancy load for the building will need to be calculated based on the 1997 Uniform Building C( ie. In addition, the proposed size (in square feet) must be provided for the worship/auditorium areas. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall provide additional information to the Development Services Divisio in order to justify the proposed parking calculations for the project. If Occupancy Load of the building is being use to calculate parking need, then the Occupancy calculation must be based on the 1997 Uniform Building Code. In addition, the proposed site (in square feet) of the worship/auditorium areas must be provided to determine par ng need. Nexus: Parking and Loading Ordinance, Environmental (SEPA) Ordinance. E. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING DEPARTMENTS The proposal has been circulated to City Departmental/Divisional Reviewers for their review. Where applicable, these comments have been incorporated into the text of this report as Mitigation Measures anc Dr Notes to Applicant. X Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File. Copies of all Review Comments are attached to this report. Environmental Determination Appeal Process Appeals of the environmental determination must I e filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM, April 2, 1999. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appe Is to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regardinc the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-430-6510. ERC.DOC Iu LI�T [ LT_v '2.• L • 41:11 - t.‘, ,I;:,... -. ..,:,.1,:! ,.....:r;:::,q,..-.y ;-..,9:;%1 •IZ1.:',.;;'.' ,.. 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N.E. _ —_.� - �; - - ,- ,- ' --- - -_ _-_ u'ol Iv — _-- r_ -_ --_ , a 6 ;• 4 /, /ice/// 1-1-1 .".v"':_.;.1.',.•'."'' -.*. ' '- . .''.:.:‘-'":.;::,-.'..'':':':;. I/.,..;,.;'i..2-1.-..4. ‘'."7..-.,:-:,--17 / -"V A ./ , 1 'g-6.14410111118,67 . CO /A.ii,;.;..:.:(!::-.111/ ...,:,:i:iiiii::i:: / 44a081111111,1110°' / 4 " •• I ,Q• �� 1 S -- / LEGEND (f.••• eQ Pattern Range Beg. Range End Percent Area (Ac) Mi IN 0.00 10.00 17.5 0.40 ' ® 10.00 25.00 57.0 1.30 Er."�- "'-'I 25.00 40.00 16.2 0.37 GRAPHIC SCALE oq' I •• •I 40.00 200.00 9.2 0.21 r 4,.O Ih ®pi. /j/�/p(:�1 EPI..u1ne K��. M`DECENBER,1996 O 885.Da ,.. PL LY'✓�='� °ir• SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH SLOPE ANALYSIS OMNO .. e,®..,s R Penhallegon Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc. N .11 MI xu _ MO RN OS R1W1 M[ R e no sosa smr.01ns�q��elw. R NM Ara.nk le)end SP..w in, '• ID sm C5 or 5 55 EDMU-_ DS_AVE�_N. l-. ---------___ -- -- lip ._. ' 1 .. - -- - IAA T 0 TW'w - K T.W 2910 B, R i _ — _ — — — — 9W X65\- - BW 2965 - - _ — ti At I - - ll m. - .�xea>o . ke l/S/ 1INV 2000 W s0 \\ _ //- 10 .11EA M` LJJ IV xlaas/%,1 11‘ :4* ; FF�29S(2ND STORY)trio b - 11/1f1'/ NV 2010 I tr 50 — .� /• E•- _/fir►.. 87208 Wn'L oaRaol VK{aT TW.20 0 C8 ,.W. A till' ,Y,.1t_tx.310 6 Aw 20 SO ill Ma til P00. U1' .ano a OIV x11.>0 • Tit MO �< LJJ ZINv zeo>z 11, '/ ���� ,: � // /I / /r' R E IMIFaurW-Ei.nrcamiii!==1111 .-- 1 ' / SECTION A-A w ani qe soac: _iB GRAPHIC SCALEv 20 20 ,,,:o auttBREAK-1.:-10- A AK ARPROA.Aw�a nw TRUCK y s 1e; (PTA FIRE ARIYENT) .:.1:.0. `'.1 r ev 0000 p1�— �Planning p-i/ j '°AWMARCH 1999 PRELIMINARY GRADING AND 89 088.00 D,AW, KN Surveying SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH ""-O" � ye STORM WATER PLAN �- h� ,aD KN _�EWn 10 On mars >� w en ellegon Associates Consulting Engineers. Inc. bill. .0 lnx r-10' PHASE 1 5 s i n-- biE n .nl Ma=RONIg is-.gym. MOD R Ne-r--1.MD NM We+w SWR..U.1 NO Sal CS W '' EDMONDS AVE. N.E.__ —� _ — �p�j� _ Ng1Ua.e110110115 (.('.. a-u .— J— i6- i . - _-' -- -- - _ - --; _ . - IItlY ,25.NI000R0, OIIOo 2-1 K�pP �jagIS3� 6aL Tio ra nso _ -- -- - —y _ "/ - IB- T-- -�1�- -\- ,i--- fio4.w- _ _ _ s r ~ r T v�-vvv��� i:__ rgalleaMenirrl kiii;". ��_, _ 44.44,41"- zit _ _ • . - _ _ 4 A itc#P44:7 r CC .''' I .12.311.0 40 .1: lii, .,, , - 21''''ritili r -------,„----------- ___ _-- --- ....00....,,, /, anon �, ilitillit ' (V ® .' ' FF�281 (BASEMENT) / -Ite �.� / r' '� r..Eno �� � III / FF.295(2ND STORY) 1 I[ s nwm1 - u. WV 203.10-` MIN , its - ENE .n MSS /..\ rnAss u m 116, ./ . f . illik.•*‘• .,. 9RAfE —"1.—..—•' �� �� .-iir _ - _ � ,/,. .Or'."P aror,e'DETENTION VAULT a ffia CETENTIC V0.lMa I / n 6 9k1M / - � � r sexoP .a • r.wtty9 • 1 \ / / [ T - T.. NOM.,_ • 26B J 61r»b lI r w I /_\ c° .,. I AfaI.A..wwo,ldltr.-ILLTEENR. 4 1 /' / ///n i loam 11.1.8 RACE OREM(.1.1_10.. / // / 1 8 APPROACH.APPnol MOLE a not TRUCKROOMC E (Pot ROOM FRC 00,81111E111) / — — — — / L L '" / t awuw J GRAPHIC SCALE St 5 MUM .»R.aPe OM. •y 11 aws/ ;; Ar NOTION�-M SECTION A-A \NNL°0/ yii SCALE,._„ ,--10' I I 6Klneerin[ anm¢aMwm1 M[ .161 • MOO PL P E Planning iO0°00C MARCH,1999 PRELIMINARY GRADING AND n 98885.00 uvr a SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH UV CPU f� ya Dr ins Penhallegon Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc Mt ,• qp• STORMWATER PLAN a[DD KN 1 MOD ID OTT omens 11 M.MOW DOOM eml..to wws R W..n•ru Aso,r.eon 9r0.Ma 11I sal ril C6.__ wY !Md M[ n M[ 1Ro - .- .T- GABBERT r 'r:t ��t: it " -� r r ARC M ITECTS PI_ANW(E Ft' 10748 Lake Ctly Way N.E. Seattle,WA 98125 TEL. (206)367-3600 FAX (206)367-8946 i i 1 [ SARANG EDMONDS AVE.N.E. BAPTIST — CHURCH —RENTON,WA -----��- -- - — // 7 ) /. .:. . % I i, _,,, ,, t IT : : i /i/) / a LI- 1 'W_1 LI 111_I 1111.f bo- _s 5 - A_ L5 1-16 i +v a_ 01-05"99 z i ill .�. GRASS CRETE = II% ', [ 1 LANDSCAPE = 59 o / --------/ 5/re/ N �Jigirl ewe 78056rr zcus�•.so Ddd.q Phase I 7.7004 / Master�� 9.850a ZPHASE 2 Lot Caeraae 1 MASTERPLAN Ca) bra 17•Ma 22R. pANTA; kk: SITE PLAN j ...- i r-s Are 57 WA-17(apace 8'6'W.16R 97<) PFns 19QatJ•7CCMi. 2; AO o bi'e,al.9W.2ov 4 I 1 .00 IMIn — 7—'11k--.' — •,. _ • EDMONDS AVE. I LdKCT TO MVP 1r Mt IA]'fI10Y ,.. _ PROPOSED • W 1 \\\ ,_tc axD Rew,0 • _. 1-tC MO(K.erO L ,-nAygT aax / - _ I-T1waI aOOE ] 1-n1 elmRlr / -. - I R / • (n I • I ROCS....wSERSICE e�/4;�'0 - . .• /•• L 1-ee go usTo a('"") / y ,-TNRaa 'TN r 102 If DA Y I 187 Is r DJ. E• FF..281 (BASEMENT) .. / i•-• i I FF-295(2ND STORY) T-4.12.2 TO1-M ASSEETILT EASING r ec I 111 if rSE i • ♦• �� Z , aA 8•0. 0 co t2 .• • am — / ' /16(el. t it i Mt'f 7 ,/,' � a 1,_ Itas,r / /w POI tg2]3 DNn.D J .r , i / GRAPHIC SCALE I — — — — / NE.12.ST t ti: : 7 a a•x., . g 8 S.t �, ,, ul i I I � _�rS/ 290 290 —C E105E OR ---- — EXIST.Gp1ND ITaDC8 .. r S. I/ If ICss I88 — - - . IiiliMc RR 393]( IRMO GY•'�� Cng1n••rin/ RM IT NORAIYR WA lA 98 • MOO KHN Plsanln{ RID eogc A-210FLi OECEMBER,1998 98886.00 awn taw >r^.]xns SARANO BAPTIST CHURCH p°`O1 MITE PRELIMINARY WATER & SEWER PLAN t.to sna•.o, Penhellegon Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc. .E[ 1•-20'VERT.R owe KIM am MA n ,,,,,Veo•n.alert.own.23..10.•2 MOO R Rsl ee-r.Tu Ns)np-s.1 WY 9.12.E.1�D1 IM 1•.10' 90' C2 O 5 I \ * A --...s - 4 - EDMONDS AVE. N.E. _ _ _ - ,L . -- — — — — - - - I w I I ..• , . . w /�. - N - —' /4%h,\ • ( �JII I L v. '. Z .' • —I - .e F1 iz n Z Z AROVECIDAAL ~-3 <.S F ^ F 1�--EOYpOS A•E.HE.�/i g t PLANS) G]IAPBIp$(;AID �EWMOSI��AggKEE HE. r� n TO 40 ARRNG AREA PARING MIADOEIVALX �111� IM MO OM 41 EAISING I I ��I.``i_ �MI MN) GNADE 'T0° - s.D Etna enAla - _ _ Ill_ _ ]M.._ I. 1 __ EXCAVATION P _ ggggg �IJ��� I i I PARKING RIOT H. EXCAVATION / � _L __ ROI-.__-- - - I 1 �� Or SIIEIGl111tK � �S1RUC111RK ` R, .. ZOO IELL 1 WADE QAD[ NO I O rXl R 41*,\...,�. o.ao 1.GG t. I• ei,hi--iiiMrz: RETARD.MALLS TO RESECTION B-5 DESIGNED BY STNUCNt./ SECTION A•A o CE0TEGI11•LN ENGINEER ]EA.F: -10' -]D' \l`.o O qCy IM. .,w. I me KM Ang1.00. y FEDl0.a�v E00) o'rt JANUARY,1999 ®BBBB6.0� PTnnnlnE ow ACn sur..0.4 SARAN°BAPTIST CHURCH SAO ON o`u®m.DMt q�- TYPICAL SECTIONS D6 x0 1*11*0 S Penhallegon Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc. MXAe NM NA 1•�p' ONO NUN S+i drt Er , •OO WM MI6,MAIN XONoAJOA eA M•w R KM MT M.ru....I Ma•a SAES AU MD WV C4 DA 5 ww • s z UQ J <D.GABBERT March 4, 1999 03A13038 6661 g I.1 Ms. Jennifer T. Henning, Project Manager Planning/Public Works Department NO1N321 d0 J 1.10 City of Renton ONINNTId 1N3111dO13A30 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Subject: Sarang Baptist Church-File#LUA-98-180,CU-H,ECF)-Supplemental Information for ERC Review Dear Ms. Henning: Per your request on February 16, 1999 we are resubmitting portions of the applications for the Environmental Review Committee. We hope to maintain our originally scheduled hearing for March 16, 1999 as per our discussion on March 4`h. You will find attached a 1) Supplement to the Project Narrative, addressing phasing, parking calculations, the Edmonds Avenue NE Driveway, area take-off for slopes, and tree cutting 2) Revised Slope Analysis, Preliminary Grading and Stormwater Plan (including Phase I), Preliminary Water and Sewer Plan and Typical Sections. We have enclosed 3 copies of each revised drawing per your request, as well as colored sets and PMT's. Also you indicate that the ERC may require both driveways to be constructed during Phase I, and additional parking beyond the 37 spaces proposed may be required. If you will note in the Parking Calculations Chart, Renton City Code only requires 30 spaces based on our occupancy load in Phase I. We are actually already proposing 7 spaces over that amount. We will need to know if spaces in addition to these are required by the ERC. To date we have not received confirmation on either of these items. Please advise us early enough so that these two questions will not further delay our clients hearing. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give me a call at 206-367-3600. cerely, olitft":4 Judy . Hi Proj. Manager 10748 LAKE CITY WAY N.E. SEATTLE,WA 98115 Phone:206/367-3600 Fax:206/367-8946 JEVELOPNitca HLANNINLJ CITY OF RENTON MAR 5 1999 Sarang Baptist Church(File No. LUA-98-180,CU-H,V,ECF) RECEIVED Project Narrative-Supplement Ref:Additional Information Required to complet ERC evaluation, dated 2/16/99. Phasing(Ref Question 1) The proposed use of the property is for the development of a 299 seat, 2-story, 16,225 sq ft church structure using Type V One Hour construction, with associated parking, landscaping and utilities. The building will be constructed in two phases. As indicated on the attached site plan, Phase I is 7,700 sf(2 floors); Phase I 8,525 sf(2 floors). The Master Plan proposes that the total percent building lot coverage is 13%with building height of the proposed structure in Phase I is 22 ft from finished grade to the average roof height of pitched roof. This height will not change for subsequent phases of construction. Phase I is pending the approval of construction documents which will be submitted within on month of receiving the Conditional Use Permit and will take approximately 7 months to complete. Subsequent Phase II construction will conclude in 5-10 years to complete the Master Plan for Sarang Baptist Church, and will also take approximately 7 months. Retaining Wall Construction(Ref Question 1) All retaining walls will not be constructed in Phase I. Instead, construction of the retaining walls will occur in 2 phases. The walls at the South, West and along the South end of Edmonds will be constructed first (please refer to the Phase I Site Plan and Preliminary Grading and Stormwater Plan Phase I for clarification). These plans indicate exactly where the retaining walls will be constructed in each phase. Phase I construction will require: 2,225 Cubic Yards of Cut 6,750 Cubic Yards of Fill Phase II construction will require: 2,075 Cubic Yards of Cut 1,800 Cubic Yards of Fill Total Cubic Yards of Cut= 4300 Total Cubic Yards of Fill= 8550 i Parking Calculations(Ref to Question 2) We have provided parking calculations for both phases of the project and is outlined in the table below. You will note that the parking availability over both phases of the project exceeds the city requirements with approximately 90 stalls and city code requires only 83 cars. These stalls are required to efficiently serve our clients demand. We do not require a variance however, because we have been authorized to reduce the amount of impervious surface by Laureen Nicolay written request dated December 29, 1998. With this plan the impervious surface has been to 60%by adding grass crete on 11%of the parking spaces. Since grass crete is only considered at Y2 then we have reduced impervious surface by 5.5% leaving the project with 59%imperfious surfaces over all. This grass crete option was also authorized on December 29, 1998. 11 DEVE!CD'_ CITY OF RENTON MAR ;, 1999 Parking Stalls incude: RECEIVED Phase I 37 total = 12 compact 8'6"W x 16D(32%)+ 4 handicap Phase II 90 total =25 compact+4 handicap+61 regular 9W x 20D Please reference the Master Plan and Phase I Site Plan for details. (There have been no changes to these drawings) Calculations are based on the occupant load for each hour of service and the peak hours in between. The first hour consists of Sunday School,Nursery services only. The second hour consists of 2 worship services taking place simultaneously (in 2 different languages), Nursery and Children's Church services. The parking requirements have been calculated for each Phase. PARKING CALCULATIONS PHASE I PHASE II Occupant Parking Spaces Occupant Parking Spaces 1s` Hour Load Required Load Required Worship 0 0 0 0 includes i c&2nd Language Sunday School 120 25 300 70 Nursery 5 15 3 Children's Church 0 0 0 Maximum Total 125 25 315 73 2nd Hour Occupant Parking Spaces t Occupant Parking Spaces Load Required Load Required Worship 125 25 300 70 (includes 1'&2nd language) Sunday School 0 0 0 0 Nursery 5 1 15 3 Children's Church 20 4 55 10 Maximum Total 150 30 370 83 Total Parking Required by City 30 Cars 83 Cars Code Total Parking Provided 37 Cars 90 Cars Difference -7 Over -7 Over )EVELOPMENT PIANNINC� CITY OF RENTON MAR u u 1999 RECEIVED Edmonds Driveway Construction(Ref to Question 3) The drive on Edmonds will remain as planned,however some additional grading has occurred so that it will meet the Angle of Approach and Departure for the Renton Fire Department. Please reference the diagrams on the Preliminary Grading and Stormwater Plan to review the sag and crest curves. The Max Grade Break = 14%or 8 degrees=Maximum approach angle. With a angle of 8 degrees the grading will not exceed the maximum approach or departure angle of the Fire Department. There are no drives over 15%therefore an application for the Board of Public Works is not required. Area Take-Off for Slopes(Ref to Question 4) The Slope Analysis Map has been resubmitted with a improved graphic pattern for legibility. Please reference the map for the amount of area within each slope category. Tree Cutting Plan(Ref to Question 5) This plan has not been modified. Per conversation with Jennifer Henning in February, we indicated that we would have to remove all trees including the Alder and Maple trees along the perimeter of the site, in order to successfully grade and construct the site during Phase I and Phase II, however that the trees would be replaced. She indicated that we may be required to replace at a ratio of 1:3. If this is necessary we will be more than happy to accommodate the requirement. • it 1 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: FEBRUARY 24, 1999 TO: JENIFFER HENNING FROM: NEIL WATTS Nf d SUBJECT: SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH- ACCESS CONCERNSI I have reviewed the site plan and visited the site to determine if the driveway location onto NE 12th St was acceptable. Bob Cavanaugh of the Transportation Division also visited to site to investigate the same issue. We both concluded that the driveway location is acceptable as proposed. The driveway location on Edmonds Av NE must remain a minimum of 125 feet from the intersection at Sunset Blvd NE. The driveway must also have a level landing area for vehicles prior to entry onto Edmonds Av NE. The driveway must also have sag and crest curves which meet or exceed Fire Department standards. The applicant should provide a profile for the new driveway, as well as a revised grading plan, to verify that these conditions will be met. "44.7Ft it Penhallegon Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc. Engineering • Planning • Surveying • Consulting DEVELOPMENT PLANNING February 22, 1999 CITY OF RENTON FEB 2a 1999 Ms. Jennifer T. Henning, Project Manager Planning/Public Works Department RECEIVED City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Subject: Sarang Baptist Church—File#LUA-98-180,CU-H,ECF) Dear Ms Henning: Per our telephone conversation today, I am enclosing 4 copies of the slope analysis of the subject property as requested. The area of each slope range has been calculated in acres and the grid pattern for the different areas has been modified so that each area will clearly stand out on reproducible copies. Also as we discussed, I would like some clarification on how close the entrance road to the church can be constructed to Sunset Boulevard and where that distance is measured from (i.e. center of intersection, stop line etc). As soon as we get that information, we will provide a profile of the entrance road confirming that emergency vehicles will be able to access the site. If you have any questions on any of this information please do not hesitate to give me a call at (425) 827-2014. Sincerely, PENHALLEGON ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Xe/1/1 /'U�.".'"t . Kenneth H. Nilsen, P.E. Project Manager cc. Judy Hicks, Gabbert Architects Enclosures 750 Sixth Street South, Kirkland,Washington 98033 L Phone: (425)827-2014 • Fax: (425)827-5043 4 ., �• CITY i RENTON 7 ..li u� Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator March 5, 1999 Ms. Judy Hicks Gabbert Architects Planners 10748 Lake City Way NE Seattle,WA 98125 SUBJECT: SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH,FILE NO. LUA-98-180,CU-H,ECF Dear Ms. Hicks: The additional materials requested by the City in order to continue processing the above-referenced application were received on March 5, 1999. Effective as of the date of this letter, the "On-Hold" status has been removed from the project application. Staff will present the project to the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on Tuesday, March 9, 1999. If the ERC issues an environmental threshold determination of non-significance-mitigated (DNS-M), a 14-day appeal period will commence on March 15, 1999 and end at 5:00 pm on March 29, 1999. This appeal period is required by City and State law, and must be completed prior to the date of the public hearing. If the applicant or any other party appeals the environmental determination, or any of the required mitigation measures, then the appeal would be heard as part of the one open-record public hearing, per the State Permit Streamlining Act ESHB 1724. We have tentatively re-scheduled the public hearing with the City's Hearing Examiner for Tuesday, April 6, 1999 at 9:00 a.m. However, this date cannot be confirmed until the ERC has issued an environmental determination. As stated in my letter of February 16, 1999 to you, the date of the public hearing was re-scheduled by virtue of the action placing the project"On-Hold". I hope this letter clarifies the anticipated revised schedule for the project application. Please feel free to contact me at (425) 430-7286 if you have any questions regarding this correspondence. Sincerely, t(A ‘i-ficaNF) ) Jennifer Froth Henning cc: John S. Banchero Pastor Chong Kim c/o Stephen Malshuk Calvary Baptist Church General Counsel,NW Waste Industries, Inc. 1032 Edmonds Avenue NE 54 South Dawson Street Renton, WA 98056 Seattle, WA 98134 H•\DIVISION S\DEVELOP SER\DF.V&PI.AN ING\PROJECTS128-180.JTH\OFFHLD.DOC 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 ®This paper contains 509'.recycled material,20%post consumer �► F CITY RENTON LL Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator February 16, 1999 Ms. Judy M. Hicks Gabbert Architects Planners 10748 Lake City Way NE Seattle,WA 98125 SUBJECT: SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH(FILE NO. LUA-98-180,CU-H, V, ECF) Dear Ms. Hicks: The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) met today to consider the above-referenced proposal. The ERC had several questions regarding the project and decided to table their discussion of the proposed church, pending the receipt of additional information needed to evaluate the project. Specifically,the following information is needed: • 1. Phasing. Information on the construction/development activity proposed for each of the two phases should be discussed in greater detail, and clearly shown on the grading plans. For example, the narrative indicates that Phase 1 is intended to take approximately 7 months to complete and would be accomplished during this calendar year. Phase 2 is anticipated to occur 5 to 10 years from now (2004 - 2009). However, it is not clear how much clearing and grading would be accomplished in each phase. It appears that all of the grading and construction of all retaining walls would occur in Phase 1, but not construction of the drive-way from Edmonds Avenue NE. You will need to provide an accounting of the amount of cut and fill (in cubic yards)that will occur in each phase. Also, please estimate the length of time that construction would occur for Phase 2. 2. Parking Calculations and Request for Modification from the Parking and Loading Ordinance. Please provide parking calculations for each phase of the project. For example, we know that 37 parking stalls are proposed for Phase 1, but we are not able to find the calculations showing how this figure was arrived at. Parking calculations are also required for Phase 2. If the proposal would provide more or less parking than required by City Code, you will need to submit a letter requesting a modification from the Parking and Loading Ordinance. (See attached Code sections regarding Modifications.) 3. Edmonds Avenue NE Driveway Profile. A profile for the Edmonds Avenue NE driveway is needed to determine whether the sag and crest curves meet standards of the Fire Department. Driveways over 8% and up to 15% require approval of the City's Board of Public Works. Driveways over 15% are not permitted. Application may be made to the Board of Public Works anytime after the land use application has been accepted for review. A copy of the Board of Public Works application is attached. 4. Area take-off for Slopes. The slope map should indicate the amount of area that is within each of the slope categories, either in square feet or acres. he slope analysis map should be resubmitted using a graphic pattern that is legible for the purposes of the public hearing and for publication in H:1DI VISION.S\DE VELOP.SERIDE V&PLAN.INGIPROJECTS198-180.JTHIHOLDLTRDOC 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 • Page 2 February 16, 1999 I. staff reports. As you can see from the attached reduction, we are not able to discern the slope categories when the drawing is reduced. a 5. Tree Cutting Plan. The tree cutting plan, Sheet A0.3 shows several trees to remain under the proposal. This does not appear to be possible due to the grading activity proposed. Please verify 1 which trees will be saved and which would be removed. Effective as of the date of this letter, the project is "On-Hold". Since the ERC was not able to 1 issue an environmental determination, the date of the public hearing will need to be re-scheduled. Once the requested materials are received, the project will be re-scheduled for both the ERC and ' Hearing Examiner. Any revised drawings will need to be re-submitted (3 copies -- one of which is colored for public hearing), and a PMT reduction be submitted for any drawings that change. I should note that the i ERC has concerns regarding emergency access for Phase 1 and may require both driveways to be constructed during Phase 1. In addition, they may require additional parking (beyond the 37 spaces proposed)to be constructed during Phase 1. Should you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please feel free to contact me at (425) 430-7286. Sincerely, ......i Otk NI "e/V1A/ ,1 c,:_s_ u NS 'fer To ennmg Project Manager cc: John S.Banchero do Stephen Malshuk General Counsel,NW Waste Industries, Inc. 54 South Dawson Street Seattle, WA 98134 Pastor Chong Kim Calvary Baptist Church 1032 Edmonds Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 Jana Huerter,Land Use Review Supervisor 1 I 4-9-260 d. There are no similar improvements in E. ALTERNATE PROCEDURES: the vicinity and there is little likelihood that the improvements will be needed or 1. Authority:The provisions of this Title are required in the next ten (10) years. not intended to prevent the use of any mate- rial or method of construction or aquifer pro- e. In no case shall a waiver be granted tection not specifically prescribed by this unless it is shown that there will be no Title, provided any alternate has been ap- detrimental effect on the public health, proved and its use authorized by the Plan- safety or welfare if the improvements are ning/Building/Public Works Administrator. not installed, and that the improvements are not needed for current or future de- 2. Decision Criteria: The Administrator velopment. may approve any such alternate, provided he/she finds that the proposed design and/or D. MODIFICATION PROCEDURES: methodology is satisfactory and complies with the provisions of this Title and that the 1. Application Time and Decision Au- material, method or work offered is,for pur- thority:Modification from standards,either in pose intended, at least the equivalent of that j; whole or in part, shall be subject to approval prescribed in this Title in suitability, strength, by the Planning/Building/Public Works De- effectiveness, durability, safety, maintainabil- i! partment upon submittal in writing of jurisdic- ity and environmental protection. tion for such modification. Application will be made prior to detailed engineering and de- 3. Substantiation:The Department Admin- sign. istrator shall require that evidence or proof be i, submitted to substantiate any claims that may I' 2. Decision Criteria: Whenever there are be made regarding its use. practical difficulties involved in carrying out • the provisions of this Title, the Department 4. Record of Decision: The details of any Administrator may grant modifications for in- action granting approval of an alternate shall dividual cases provided he/she shall first find be written and entered in the files of the Code that a specific reason makes the strict letter of enforcement agency. (Ord.4367,9-14-1992) this Code impractical, and that the modifica- tion is in conformity with the intent and pur- pose of this Code,and that such modification: 4-9-260 VIOLATIONS OF THIS CHAPTER AND PENALTIES: a. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance,environmental pro- Unless otherwise specified, penalties for any tection and maintainability intended by violations of any of the provisions of this the Code requirements, based upon Chapter shall be in accord with RMC 1-3-2, sound engineering judgment; and Civil Penalties. (Ord. 4722, 5-11-1998) b. Will not be injurious to other prop- erty(s) in the vicinity; and c. Conform to the intent and purpose of the Code; and d. Can be shown to be justified and re- quired for the use and situation intended; and e. Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) 9 - 75 4-4-080 F the developer or occupant is required to through a binding contract with the provide at least the number of spaces City of Renton. At a minimum, the listed as the minimum requirement, and Transportation Management Plan will may not provide more than the maximum designate the number of trips to be listed in this Code. reduced on a daily basis, the means by which the plan is to be accom- b. Multiple Uses: When a develop- plished, an evaluation procedure, ment falls under more than one category, and a contingency plan if the trip re- the parking standards for the most spe- duction goal cannot be met. If the cific category shall apply, unless specifi- Transportation Management Plan is cally stated otherwise. unsuccessful, the developer is obli- gated to immediately provide addi- c. Alternatives: tional measures at the direction of the Planning/Building/Public Works De- i. Joint Parking Agreements: Ap- partment, which may include the re- proved joint use parking agreements quirement to provide full parking as and the establishment of a transpor- - •.ards. tation management plan (TMP) may be used as described in subsections /.; d. Modification: The Planning/B ' •- E3 and F10c(ii) of this Section to - ing/Public Works Department may auth•- meet a portion of these parking re- rize a modification from either the quirements. minimum or maximum parking require- ments for a specific development should ii. Transportation Managemen conditions warrant as described in RMC Plans: A Transportation Manage- 4-9-250D2.When seeking a modification ment Plan (TMP) guaranteeing t e from the minimum or maximum parking required reduction in vehicle trips requirements,the developer or building may be substituted in part or in while occupant shall provide the Planning/ for the parking spaces required, sub- Building/Public Works Department with ject to the approval of the Planning/ written justification for the prop od- Building/Public Works Department. ification. The developer may seek the assis- e. Parking Spaces Required Based tance of the Planning/Building/Public on Land Use: Modification of these min- Works Department in formulating a imum or maximum standards requires Transportation Management Plan. written approval from the Planning/Build- The plan must be agreed upon by ing/Public Works Department (see RMC both the City and the developer 4-9-250). (Ord. 4517, 5-8-1995) USE NUMBER OF REQUIRED SPACES RESIDENTIAL USES: Single family dwellings: 2 per single family dwelling. Tandem parking is allowed. Two (2) family dwellings: 2 per dwelling unit. Tandem parking is allowed. Mobile homes: 2 for each trailer site plus 1 screened space for each 10 lots for recreational vehicles. Boarding and lodging houses: 1 for the proprietor plus 1 for each sleeping room for board- ers and/or lodging use plus 1 additional space for each 4 persons employed on the premises. Multi-family and apartment houses: Resident spaces: 1.5 for each dwelling unit. Guest parking spaces: 1 guest parking space shall be required for every 4 dwelling units required in apartments or planned development with 5 units or more. 4 - 30 . 4 EDMONDS AVE. .N.E._ _ - - __ - I -L�R14 M- - - - - Y - .-� —/ - •u,. S,li -/ - I ... ` 7 � {Ir-_l :ZIT--__ 1 �f. . . .p, . _ _IT ,i I1I '11 74 Xt IMJI*Y SELI II Cr:' ,.;1ia, , << -1/1 I .i..i�1ii'�' yxKp1C�,Z9jry :°. • ef. 41 .to ` \' / • , - \ > �-\ a�pwMu� °R9 • 1 - ifiA Its/'Y ule*..i.',i7 , ,f • • • _ 1111I— — •isr. s,Z7Yrraiza *c .:w^�"r.?f: a trr-y — — — — — — — .,-. , r O. / 1 • / 0 I 1 / I! I ,' / 1 ' I / �� 1 I / ' \i _ , // I - - / / LEGEND l7L Color Range Beg. Range End i i 0.00 10.00 MEM 10.00 25.00 • cEAPHIC SCALE � 25.00 40.00 40.00 200.00 a••1 •111•1=EM • II.•m) OYou Mio YE a nO �_ ..,- - .-ENS- UEIIYBUI•) SLOPE ANALYSIS 98685.00 tom P SARANC BAPTIST CHURCH "`0111` Mr, P Panhe4egou Aseocle Lee Cona ul Llrg irmineers, Inc. —W I•-=Q• �gl�� o® KM Mm near-vn®um.v.moe YW Ma A -yw, cam .MS h M1._TO �1+1 w-�,ne NA Mr« !1R,Oa Oa - -fal I __ APPLICATION FOR CITY OF RENTON BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton,WA 98055 (425) 235-2569 i OWNER Telephone ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Zip Code LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY include King County Assessors #: (attach separate sheet of paper if ner c ry) NAME OF PROJECT: APPLICANT: Telephone BUSINESS ADDRESS:: • Zip Code Telephone Attach a separate letter stating in detail: 1. The request 2. Applicable City Code 3. Items and quantities involved 4. Justification for request 5. Time allotment required for request. Attach a 1"= 100' drawing of your site and mail the completed application and map to: CITY OF RENTON Board of Public Works Arneta Henninger, Coordinator 200 Mill Ave. S Renton,WA 98055 You will be contacted if application is incomplete or if additional information is required. COMPLETED applications received by 5:00 Monday will be placed on the agenda approximately 2 weeks from that date. Applicant's Signature [Office Use Only] DATE OF FILING: DATE OF HEARING: DEFERRAL ( ) New ( ) Extension VARIANCE ( ) New ( ) Extension Offsite ( ) UNDERGROUNDfl'G ( ) DRIVEWAY Onsite ( ) SLOPE GRADES ( ) NOISE EXCESS R/W ( ) H.\ iLE.SYS'TR.\f\SIBPW\0020.DOC\ FORM 81/0020 10.97 • • • k y l N - ," . t r •CITX OF RENTON ..AL -,. Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator February 10, 1999 • Pastor Chong Kim Calvary Baptist Church 1032 Edmonds Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 SUBJECT: Sarang Baptist Church 9 LUA98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF • �I Dear Mr. Kim: We are hereby advising you that the date for the public hearing has changed as indicated below. The date of Tuesday, March 16, 1999, at 9:00 a.m., has been set for a public hearing to review the above-referenced matter. The hearing, before Mr. Fred Kaufman, Renton Hearing Examiner, will be • held in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you one week before the hearing. If you have any questions, please call me at (425) 430-7286. Sincerely, t/t-cvn Jenni r He ning Project Manager cc: Property Owners Judy Hicks/Gabbert Architects Planners Ducui l ient2 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98055 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: t%‘Ir . COMMENTS DUE: FEB 3, 1999 APPLICATION NO: LUA98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 21, 1999 APPLICANT: Judy Hicks, Gabbert Architects PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Henning PROJECT TITLE: Sarang Baptist Church WORK ORDER NO: 78480 LOCATION: NWC of Sunset Blvd and Edmonds Avenue NE SITE AREA: 78,038 s.f. I BUILDING AREA(gross): SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Review to develop a church building and 127 parking stalls. Phase I of the project would result in the construction of 7,700 s.f. of building and 37 parking spaces. Phase 2 would add 8,525 s.f. of building and 90 parking stalls. Applicant also seeks a variance from landclearing and tree cuttir ordinance to clear slopes greater that 40% primarily on the east portion of the site. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Informal n Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessai Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Lanci/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services X Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet 8 Calls for Service Annually Theft from construction sites is common. To protect materials and equipment , it is rec- ommended that all materials and tools be locked up when not in use. Construction traile s should be kept locked when not in use, and should also have a heavy-duty deadbolt instal ed with no less then a 1-1/2" throw when bolted. I also recommend the construction company post "No Trespassing" signs on the property while it's under construction to deter B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS trespassers , as well . It s important to provide sufficient lighting when you have large parking areas . Theft from motor vehicle is the most common occuring property crime in the City of Renton at present. C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or ;yeas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. C. Driggers February 23 , 1999 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Re. 101E3 City or nenton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEE r REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: CpyLstructtc V SeAJ t(Qa COMMENTS DUE: FEB 3, 1999 APPLICATION NO: LUA98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 21, 1999 APPLICANT: Judy Hicks, Gabbert Architects PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Henning PROJECT TITLE: Sarang Baptist Church WORK ORDER NO: 78480 LOCATION: NWC of Sunset Blvd and Edmonds Avenue NE _ SITE AREA: 78,038 s.f. I BUILDING AREA(gross): SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Review to develop a church building and 127 parking stalls. Phase I of the project would result in the construction of 7,700 s.f. of building and 37 parking spaces. Phase 2 would add 8,525 s.f. of building and 90 parking stalls. Applicant also seeks a variance from landclearing and tree cuttin ordinance to clear slopes greater that 40% primarily on the east portion of the site. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major lnformati Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessar Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glana Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS PRO v1 DE 4 L'SS I!3 L E p4R f>r/Iv 6 f L/Z S Tor Cc < P2o-'WO41 Qv1/2ED !` IrII..IG PE/y v(3L 11 We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or ireas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Re' 1Oi93 City C. .-.,ton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: FEB 3, 1999 APPLICATION NO: LUA98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 21, 1999 APPLICANT: Judy Hicks, Gabbert Architects PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Henning PROJECT TITLE: Sarang Baptist Church WORK ORDER NO: 78480 LOCATION: NWC of Sunset Blvd and Edmonds Avenue NE _ SITE AREA: 78,038 s.f. I BUILDING AREA(gross): SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Review to develop a church building and 127 parking stalls. Phase I of the project would result in the construction of 7,700 s.f. of building and 37 parking spaces. Phase 2 would add 8,525 s.f. of building and 90 parking stalls. Applicant also seeks a variance from landclearing and tree cuttir ordinance to clear slopes greater that 40% primarily on the east portion of the site. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Informal impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessai Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LIghvGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet 17,16C2,/17/4(2/t ) B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS / jf�7G�fiY�CC< 7�.L lit r� A777e 121, C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS 0 AL We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or yeas where ad itional information is nee to properly assess this proposal. �/// Signature o Director or Authorized Representative Date / 9/ DEVAPP.DOC Re 10I93 City of Itarrwon Department of Planning/Building/Public vvvrks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEE • REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Ftv-e pre tytAmiell COMMENTS DUE: FEB 3, 1999 APPLICATION NO: LUA98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 21, 1999 APPLICANT: Judy Hicks, Gabbert Architects PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Henning PROJECT TITLE: Sarang Baptist Church WORK ORDER NO: 78480 LOCATION: NWC of Sunset Blvd and Edmonds Avenue NE _ SITE AREA: 78,038 s.f. I BUILDING AREA(gross): SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Review to develop a church building and 127 parking stalls. Phase I of the project would result in the construction of 7,700 s.f. of building and 37 parking spaces. Phase 2 would add 8,525 s.f. of building and 90 parking stalls. Applicant also seeks a variance from landclearing and tree cuttin ordinance to clear slopes greater that 40% primarily on the east portion of the site. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Informati Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessar Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LlghtGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet J14,000 Feet J /VDto-f- f#479‘c /�/- rVD/dG� B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS Ali( C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS see lari.e/41 ()-•1/(-ri4fri We have review d this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact o areas where additional nformation is nee 2' , o properly assess this proposal. a4&t)-0 //2 7/7, Signature of irector or Authorized Repre ntative Date DEVAPP.DOC R 10,93 a-- • �y �- O CITY OF RENTON ��N�o� FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MEMORANDUM DATE: January 29, 1999 TO: Jennifer Toth Henning, Planner FROM: Jim Gray, Assistant Fire Marshals � , SUBJECT: Sarang Baptist Church, Edmonds Av. NE Fire Department Comments: 1. The preliminary Fire flow is 2750 GPM which requires one fire hydrant within 150 feet of the building and two additional hydrants within 300 feet of the building. 2. Provide a list of any flammable, combustible liquids or hazardous chemicals that are to be used or stored on site. 3. A fire mitigation fee of$8,437.00 is required based on $.52 a square foot of the building square footage. 4. Separate plans and permits are required for the required fire alarm and sprinkler systems installation. 5. Any covered foyer over the access roadway requires a 13 foot 6 inch clearance above roadway. 6. The turning radius at the south end of the building needs to be revised to meet the 45 foot outside and 25 foot inside radius for fire equipment. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL &DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Reviewing Department Water Comments Due: FEBRUARY 3, 1999 Application No.: LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF Date Circulated: January 21, 1999 Applicant: Judy Hicks, Gabbert Architects Project Manager: Jennifer Henning Project Title: Sarang Baptist Church Work Order No: 78480 Location:NWC of Sunset Blvd. and Edmonds Avenue NE Site Area: 78,038 s.f. Building Area(gross): A. Environmental Impact(e.g.Non-Code) Comments No comment. B. Policy-Related Comments No comment. C. Code-Related Comments The site is served by existing water mains located as follows: 8" AC in NE 12th Street, 8" CI (T.J.) and 16" D.I. in Edmonds Ave NE. The project is located in aquifer protection Zone 2 and in the Highlands 435 Pressure Zone. Additional water main, fire hydrants and DDCV assembly must meet current fire flow/fire codes/regulations per the Renton Fire Department. The project will require a loop water main if the fire flow is more than 2,500 GPM. New meters will be required for domestic water, irrigation, and fire protection and must meet current UPC regulations. Domestic meter will require a PRV (static pressure in the main is 93 PSI). Water (SDC) fees of$0.113/sq. ft. of gross site area will be required. 2 -2- 7? Si nature of Director or Authorized4147r Date g P sarang2 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL &DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Reviewing Department Surface/Wastewater Comments Due: FEBRUARY 3, 1999 Application No.: LUA-98-180,CU-H, V-H, ECF Date Circulated: January 21, 1999 Applicant: Judy Hicks, Gabbert Architects Project Manager: Jennifer Henning Project Title: Sarang Baptist Church Work Order No: 78480 Location:NWC of Sunset Blvd. and Edmonds Avenue NE Site Area: 78,038 s.f. Building Area(gross): A. Environmental Impact(e.g. Non-Code) Comments No comment. B. Policy-Related Comments No comment. C. Code-Related Comments The site will require a drainage plan and erosion/sedimentation control plan designed in accordance with the 1990 KCSWDM. Biofiltration will be required if more than 5,000 S.F. of new impervious surface subject to vehicular use is being proposed. Surface water (SDC) fees of $0.129/sq. ft. of new impervious surface area added to the site will be required. The site will be required to connect to the sanitary sewer system. Wastewater(SDC) fees of$0.078/sq. ft. of gross site area will be required. 2 —Z- 99 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date sarang 1 City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL &DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET Reviewing Department Transportation Comments Due: FEBRUARY 3, 1999 Application No.: LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H, ECF Date Circulated: January 21, 1999 Applicant: Judy Hicks, Gabbert Architects Project Manager: Jennifer Henning Project Title: Sarang Baptist Church Work Order No: 78480 Location: NWC of Sunset Blvd. and Edmonds Avenue NE Site Area: 78,038 s.f. Building Area(gross): A. Environmental Impact(e.g.Non-Code) Comments No comment. B. Policy-Related Comments No comment. C. Code-Related Comments The project has existing street improvements in place (curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street paving and street lights) on Edmonds Ave. NE. The street frontage on NE 12th Street will require street improvements installed (curbs, gutters, sidewalk, street paving and street lights) per current City Codes/Standards. Traffic mitigation fees of $75/trip will be required (see attached mitigation form for mitigation fees imposed on the project). "a411 4414144r Z Z 677 Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date sarang3 • U n ) JP 7R. wr47T F Er.wa,r;...,w�..wc.++`+w.nn.wxYr::.�. Project Name Sccv (V1 1 Bapti SiT Crli u vL J Project Address R)uJ c.o✓,t V Saps-et $J'c( if Edfroo i Ave )J Contact Person Tinily Hicks) C)a919cv-t. 1 rcllitects Address 1 O 7 '- L a kt C'hi (')a i NE • Phone Number ZO6 - - 3 6O0 . Permit Number L UA - q g - 18 0 Project Description !eve1 f c1ii c 1 hla 4 12. 7 sr &e Ina vfcocr7 /uT p 4 - -7700 s-f bldff 37 eky. SPgceS / Plisse . - 9525 s-f hlh1 d qD 'fry �Pa�s . . Land Use Type: Method of Calculation: G17uvc'1 (56 ,I) ❑ Residential ig'ITE Trip Generation Manual 0 Retail 0 Traffic Study pa`� S 13 %Non-retail 0 Other G q•3 Z quill �v� , pp.A /DUG s1_ hi, Calculation: P r/..e - AJe�. Dk�ly Tyv = (7.7)0.3Z) _ 7 I: o(a,l -tv, S . S P 2 Avty Darin lr = ( 6.525 1 / /-t 475 p-, -t v,p pira,� 1 (7I.8) ( $75 ) _ .) 5335 .• )144,Zc 2 (79.5) ($7 5) _ 5 Transportation Mitigation Fee: -Pk 1 = 5 3 85 f 2 516 Z. 5 Calculated by: &"f w 2Z Date: i/Zy/9 Account Number: Date of Payment City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEE ' REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: �[UVI�IMtL QPUe jopW MMENTS DUE: FEB 3, 1999 APPLICATION NO: LUA98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 21, 1999 APPLICANT: Judy Hicks, Gabbert Architects PROJECT MANAGER: Jennifer Henning PROJECT TITLE: Sarang Baptist Church WORK ORDER NO: 78480 LOCATION: NWC of Sunset Blvd and Edmonds Avenue NE _ SITE AREA: 78,038 s.f. I BUILDING AREA(gross): SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: Applicant requests Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Review to develop a church building and 127 parking stalls. Phase I of the project would result in the construction of 7,700 s.f. of building and 37 parking spaces. Phase 2 would add 8,525 s.f. of building and 90 parking stalls. Applicant also seeks a variance from landclearing and tree cuttinc ordinance to clear slopes greater that 40% primarily on the east portion of the site. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Informatic Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessar Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet f B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS tv0 C'OULY 15Su T WITH 4:14c-A-243 To rite Pa-opoSE GNuec.H LW36JfD USE , THc 6-2op "f2 H('PE7ioZ5 To SE c-orvS,Sr e-N-t W iTH LAN° USE eocicik^h . Tt-t/}7 Pc1)OI2 35 L..oc. I07.) PFD D 517E IDC3) rV OY f Z-1Go0US `19 4LITlr-3 , CCorhp2CN1D-vslvt P L PP1-c-t 1- 34 . i v-ic. 6►7E s wiFtg,PC-r r-vrL ' -" ' -" of c.H Lilly pst0c H-itzr-t-20. rt+t5 Por rrirz 5rto 01.0 OE Hf6:p 3S IN) i yt c, G.E0-7E4.ii 00 C u r-i Vv-r/`f flaw. 2 ei-tr /1rtr7 690 u c r '3 P-C LOC-iF ter) T H c= C N V 1— EL(_'n"'t &27V 7. P/9 C..E "CnIn — 10 Fc n c C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where alonal f eeded to property assess this proposal. '• 4/9? Signature of ►ector or A rized epresentative Date DEVAPP.DOC R. 10/93 CITY OF RENTON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION LIST OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS within 300 feet of the subject site PROJECT NAME: J 2k C7 {gym S T Ch��12 C(4 APPLICATION NO: ' / " LU14 °I 8 • 1 80, C U-tt , V FL The following is a list of property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. The Development Services Division will notify these individuals of the proposed development. NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER ''L�eA 22 i+1,1 ii I (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) (Continued) NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER Applicant Certification I, LAd 1/4-1 k- t-kic rS , hereby certify that the above list(s) of adjacent property (Print Name) owners and their addresses were obtained from: 0 City of Renton Technical Services Records .„ ;<' �^� ❑ • le Company Records 7W r ; ,,. g County Assessors Records �' -f, =. - y�� LI �?r ti ` Signed Date (Applicant) Q5. 14''''‘UV.„..‹. ;�; ��,' NOTARY ATTESTE S scribed and sworn before me, a NotaDi Public, in and for the State of Washington, residing at AT T t e on the 9 day of I c MSf_s2 , 1998 . Signed Li . ,- ' ` -5 (i- y K-1%-,1 eeA,, C .__))t.\ S "tc (Notary Public) ****For City of Renton Use**** CERTIFICATION OF MAILING I, ` tnCkt 1Z• rer hereby certify that notices of the proposed application were mailed to (City Employee) each listed property owner on I. 2 .R Signed k.. t,ler- Date: I* .to "I cl 1 NOTARY AT T: Subscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington residing � � on the ocQ`i'i day of ,i2 , 19 9q Signed , . 44„- i tprop07l98doc MARILY KAMCHEFF REV COMMISSION EXPIRES 6/29199 2 _ or. OF ASSFs ' s�+ f om;' OFFICIAL '•?�F,�1� i w: . �1 PUBLIC INFO o• '� � •(n / INFORMATION DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS x,• v .� o KING COUNTY ADMIN. BLDG. RM 700A :� s 500 4th AVE. , o. . • SEAL .*(),- SEATTLE, WA 98104-2384 ` O•�NTY,\NN " (206) 298 7300 /7?-3-9J aee-t_ ;1- I • 1 NAME ADDRESS PARCEL I. !lun Fields 1208 Dayton Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 33274001 I 5 Clay A.Rice 2316 NE 12th St Renton,WA 98056 33274000 110 Javier&Marina Ruiz 1207 Dayton Ave NE Renton,WA 98055 33274000. 18 Scott F&Danielle M Smith 1212 Dayton Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 33274001. 117 Richard J&Terre Scappini 2400 NE 12th St Renton,WA 98056 33274001' 13 Ann Belmondo 1835 NE 12th St Renton,WA 98056 33439003, 10 Ann Belmondo 1835 NE 12th St Renton,WA 98056 33439003. 112 Highlands Care Center do McElroy George&Assoc P 0 Box 565048 Dallas,TX 75356 09230591 r 15 Renton Church of Christ c%Marvin N.Berg 23805 140th SE Kent,WA 98031 092305911 17 Capital Equity Fund III do Ted Yamamura 15448 SE 47th PI Bellevue,WA 98006 09230590• 16 Renton Church of Christ c%Marvin N.Berg 23805 140th SE Kent,WA 98031 09230590. 15 Michael Rogers 3 Lake Drive#100 Bellevue,WA 98005 092305908 13 Renton School Dist 403 435 Main Ave S Renton,WA 98055 042305904 19 Ronald F.McCollum Charlene A.Hedington 1170 Camas Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 082305914 7 Fred L.Wendling 2331 NE 12th St Renton,WA 98056 082305914 15 David W.Van Duine 2335 NE 12th St Renton,WA 98056 082305910 6 David G&Jackie L Lukowski 1164 Camas Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 082305909 18 Puget Sound Energy/Elec Property Tax Dept P O Box 90868 Bellevue,WA 98009 082305919 6 Nina Agabian 2351 Pacific Ave San Francisco,CA 94115 082305913 11 1 Marie E.Hogan 3611 I Street NE,#195 Auburn,WA 98002 082305904 1 Nina Agabian 2351 Pacific Ave San Francisco,CA 94115 082305913 10 Tat Vuong Ha 658 Blaine Ave NE Renton,WA 98056 082305920 6 ' ndly Food Mart Mgmt 2125 112th Ave NE Bldg 6,#100 Bellevue,WA 98004 082305911 7 ndly Food Mart Mgmt 2125 112th Ave NE Bldg 6,#100 Bellevue,WA 98004 082305911 ,5 Sandy S.Khammixay 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 101 Renton,WA 98056 81302000 10'10 Margaret E.Schwartz 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 102 Renton,WA 98056 8130200021 Astron Dev Group Inc. 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 103 Renton,WA 98056 8130200031 Valerie Fassett 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 104 Renton,WA 98056 8130200041 Cheryl Garretson 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 105 Renton,WA 98056 8130200051 Gayle M Junior 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 106 Renton,WA 98056 8130200061 Sunset Heights Condominiums 1 150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 107 Renton,WA 98056 8130200071 Sallie&Sidney Van Dyke 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 108 Renton,WA 98056 8130200081 Mary I Ball 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 201 Renton,WA 98056 8130200091 Tram H Kim&Hiep Thi Ng 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 202 Renton,WA 98056 8130200101 Kevin F Walsh 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 203 Renton,WA 98056 8130200111 Donna A Snyder 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 204 Renton,WA 98056 8130200121 Georgia Walters 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 205 Renton,WA 98056 8130200131 Valerie Phillips 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 206 Renton,WA 98056 8130200141 Rosemarie&Conrad Reyno 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 207 Renton,WA 98056 8130200151 Gayland Seaberry 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 208 Renton,WA 98056 8130200161 Marianne R Ostlund 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 301 Renton,WA 98056 8130200171 William&Camilla Yeend 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 302 Renton,WA 98056 8130200181 Jerry Sue Walcom 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 303 Renton,WA 98056 8130200191 Marjory E Ackley 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 304 Renton,WA 98056 8130200201 Messiah Fa'izah A 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 305 Renton,WA 98056 8130200211 Isabel Castro 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 306 Renton,WA 98056 8130200221 Cao Hoa V&Phoebe Bui 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 307 Renton,WA 98056 8130200231 Clara Susan Scott 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 308 Renton,WA 98056 8130200241. "--•id Woodhouse 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 109 Renton,WA 98056 8130200251 la R.Baldwin 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 110 Renton,WA 98056 8130200260 vien B Le&Emily Sun 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 111 Renton,WA 98056 8130200270 Alexis L.Riley 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 112 Renton,WA 98056 8130200280 Shelley A.Autrey 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 113 Renton,WA 98056 8130200290 1 I • I NAME ADDRESS PARCEL . mg So Ying 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 114 Renton,WA 98056 81302003 0 Shig&Ikuko Takahashi 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 115 Renton,WA 98056 81302003 0 John Bellinger 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 116 Renton,WA 98056 81302003 0 Theresa M Tarli 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 209 Renton,WA 98056 81302003 0 Carlos E Castaneda 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 210 Renton,WA 98056 81302003 Sandra R Kinsey 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 211 Renton,WA 98056 81302003 Gregory T Garman 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 212 Renton,WA 98056 81302003 0 Joseph L Bentson 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 213 Renton,WA 98056 81302003 0 David E Wester 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 214 Renton,WA 98056 81302003 0 Ruby D Taylor 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 215 Renton,WA 98056 81302003 0 Barbara A Hornberg 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 216 Renton,WA 98056 81302004 0 Andrea C Hollister 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 309 Renton,WA 98056 81302004 Eugene P Knox 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 310 Renton,WA 98056 81302004 Henry A&Irene E Lingat 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 311 Renton,WA 98056 81302004 Pham Minh -Nguyet Thi 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 312 Renton,WA 98056 81302004 Marilyn L Birley 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 313 Renton,WA 98056 81302004 Michael A Russo 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 314 Renton,WA 98056 813020046n0 Mary J Ulibarri 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 315 Renton,WA 98056 813020047 0 Pauline Ann Duke 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 316 Renton,WA 98056 813020048 0 Isabel B Castro 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 121 Renton,WA 98056 81302004910 Patricia M Jones 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 122 Renton,WA 98056 81302005 Kyle Janders 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 123 Renton,WA 98056 81302005 Gary Robert Clark 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 124 Renton,WA 98056 81302005 Mir Y Moosaviasl 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 125 Renton,WA 98056 81302005 Janice L Kittelson 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 126 Renton,WA 98056 81302005 Lewis J Dora 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 127 Renton,WA 98056 81302005 " 1 M Fortune 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 128 ; Renton,WA 98056 81302005 man K&Brigitte Perry 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 221 I Renton,WA 98056 81302005 Kay E Broome 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 222 Renton,WA 98056 81302005 Maple-Workman Dona+Work 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 223 Renton,WA 98056 81302005 Wayne E Campbell 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 224 Renton,WA 98056 81302006 Debra Heslop 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 225 Renton,WA 98056 81302006100 Kimberly C Walters 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 226 Renton,WA 98056 813020062 0 Scott A Loomer 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 227 Renton,WA 98056 813020063 10 Steven Lee&Ng Chui Lung 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 228 Renton,WA 98056 81302006 Joann K Johnson 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 321 Renton,WA 98056 81302006 Dirk Paul Patin 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 322 Renton,WA 98056 81302006 Kerry Lee Crollard 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 323 Renton,WA 98056 81302006 Susan Mary Oehler 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 324 Renton,WA 98056 81302006 Jess M&Carol S Lym 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 325 Renton,WA 98056 81302006 George Dean Castagno 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 326 Renton,WA 98056 81302007 0 Gregory A Karalus 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 327 Renton,WA 98056 81302007100 Albert Walker III 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 328 Renton,WA 98056 813020072 Paul Mainwaring 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 117 Renton,WA 98056 81302007300 Bobby G Edwards 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 118 Renton,WA 98056 81302007400 Paulette Joyce Dorsey 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 119 Renton,WA 98056 81302007500 Dale L&Ann C Gleason 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 120 Renton,WA 98056 813020076 0 Lorene E Eng 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 217 Renton,WA 98056 813020077 0 Kimberly A Pinion 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 218 Renton,WA 98056 813020078 0 Philip K Chu 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 219 Renton,WA 98056 81302007900 Michelle L Donaldson 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 220 Renton,WA 98056 81302008000 I 2 4 332740001000 332740002008 332740012007 Clay A.Rice Javier&Marina Ruiz Scott F&Danielle M Smith 2316 NE 12th St 1207 Dayton Ave NE 1212 Dayton Ave NE R n, WA 98056 Renton,WA 98055 Renton, WA 98056 332740014003 81302005900 334390032400 Richard J& Terre Scappini Maple-Workman Dona+Work Ann Belmondo 2400 NE 12th St 1150 Stmset Blvd NE 1835 NE 12th St Renton, WA 98056 Suite 223 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 334390032202 092305916105 Ann Belmondo Highlands Care Center 1835 NE 12th St c/o McElroy George & Assoc Renton, WA 98056 PO Box 565048 Dallas, TX 75356 092305910207 092305906106 092305906205 Renton Church of Christ Capital Equity Fund III Renton Church of Christ do Marvin N. Berg do Ted Yamamura c/o Marvin N. Berg 23805 140th SE 15448 SE 47th PI 23805 140th SE Kent, WA 98031 Bellevue, WA 98006 Kent, WA 98031 092305908003 042305904809 Michael Rogers Renton School Dist 403 3 Lake Drive#100 435 Main Ave S Bellevue, WA 98005 Renton, WA 98055 082305914507 082305914705 Ronald F. McCollum Fred L. Wendling Charlene A. Hedington 2331 NE 12th St 1 1170 Camas Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 082305910406 082305909408 082305919506 David W. Van Duine David G& Jackie L Puget Sound Energy/Elec 2335 NE 12th St Lukowski Property Tax Dept • Renton, WA 98056 1164 Camas Ave NE P 0 Box 90868 Renton, WA 98056 Bellevue, WA 98009 082305913301 082305904201 082305913400 Nina Agabian Marie E. Hogan Nina Agabian 2351 Pacific Ave 3611 I Street NE,#195 2351 Pacific Ave San Francisco, CA 94115 Auburn, WA 98002 San Francisco, CA 94115 082305920306 082305911107 082305911305 Tat Vuong Ha Friendly Food Mart Mgmt Friendly Food Mart Mgmt 658 Blaine Ave NE 2125 112th Ave NE 2125 112th Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 Bldg 6,#100 Bldg 6,#100 Bellevue, WA 98004 Bellevue, WA 98004 813020001000 81302000200 Sandy S. Khammixay Margaret E. Schwartz i 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 101 Unit 102 I Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 81302003300 a1302003400 81302003500 Theresa M Tarli Carlos E Castaneda Sandra R Kinsey 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE U • "09 Unit 210 Unit 211 B n, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 81302003600 81302003700 81302003800 Gregory T Garman Joseph L Bentson David E Wester 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 212 Unit 213 Unit 214 Renton,WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 81302003900 81302004000 81302004100 Ruby D Taylor Barbara A Hornberg Andrea C Hollister 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 215 Unit 216 Unit 309 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 81302004200 81302004300 81302004400 Eugene P Knox Henry A& Irene E Lingat Pham Minh -Nguyet Thi 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 310 Unit 311 Unit 312 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 81302004500 81302004600 81302004700 Marilyn L Birley Michael A Russo Mary J Ulibarri 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 313 Unit 314 Unit 315 Renton,WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 8 004800 81302004900 81302005000 Pauline Ann Duke Isabel B Castro Patricia M Jones 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 316 Unit 121 Unit 122 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 81302005100 81302005200 81302005300 Kyle Janders Gary Robert Clark Mir Y Moosaviasl 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 123 Unit 124 Unit 125 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 81302005400 81302005500 81302005600 Janice L Kittelson Lewis J Dora Joan M Fortune 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 126 Unit 127 Unit 128 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 81302005700 81302005800 Norman K& Brigitte Perry Ray E Broome 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 221 Unit 222 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 812'11006000 81302006100 81302006200 V e E Campbell Debra Heslop Kimberly C Walters 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 224 Unit 225 Unit 226 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 81302000300 81302000400 81302000500 Astron Dev Group Inc. Valerie Fassett Cheryl Garretson 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE L' '03 Unit 104 Unit 105 R n, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 81302000600 81302000800 Gayle M Junior Sallie& Sidney Van Dyke 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 106 Unit 108 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 81302000900 81302001000 81302001100 t Mary I Ball Tram H Kim & Hiep Thi Ng Kevin F Walsh 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 201 Unit 202 Unit 203 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 81302001200 81302001300 81302001400 Donna A Snyder Georgia Walters Valerie Phillips 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 204 Unit 205 Unit 206 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 81302001500 81302001600 81302001700 Rosemarie&Conrad Reyno Gayland Seaberry Marianne R Ostlund 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 207 Unit 208 Unit 301 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 8 001800 81302001900 81302002000 William &Camilla Yeend Jerry Sue Walcom Marjory E Ackley 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 302 Unit 303 Unit 304 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 81302002100 81302002200 81302002300 Messiah Fa'izah A Isabel Castro Cao Hoa V& Phoebe Bui 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 305 Unit 306 Unit 307 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 81302002400 81302002500 81302002600 Clara Susan Scott David Woodhouse Linda R. Baldwin 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 308 Unit 109 Unit 110 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 81302002700 81302002800 81302002900 Dien B Le& Emily Sun Alexis L. Riley Shelley A. Autrey 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 111 Unit 112 Unit 113 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 811n1003000 81302003100 81302003200 K g So Ying Shig&Ikuko Takahashi John Bellinger 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 114 Unit 115 Unit 116 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 81302006300 01302006400 81302006500 Scott A Loomer Steven Lee&Ng Chui Lung Joann K Johnson 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Ur'^27 Unit 228 Unit 321 RI I, WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 81302006600 81302006700 81302006800 Dirk Paul Patin Kerry Lee Crollard Susan Mary Oehler 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 322 Unit 323 Unit 324 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 81302006900 81302007000 81302007100 Jess M& Carol S Lym George Dean Castagno Gregory A Karalus 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 325 Unit 326 Unit 327 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 81302007200 81302007300 81302007400 Albert Walker III Paul Mainwaring Bobby G Edwards 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 328 Unit 117 Unit 118 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 81302007500 81302007600 81302007700 'aulette Joyce Dorsey Dale L&Ann C Gleason Lorene E Eng 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 119 Unit 120 Unit 217 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 31 )07800 81302007900 81302008000 Kimberly A Pinion Philip K Chu Michelle L Donaldson 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 218 Unit 219 Unit 220 enton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 81302000700 Sunset Heights Condominiums 1150 Sunset Blvd NE Unit 107 Renton, WA 98056 tirtY O r"'Z' lea,,v,,u•arlor side yard setback A 10 foot wide landscaped setback is requred from the street property line along arterials.Buildings are limited to two stories NOTICE OF APPLICATION and 30 feet in height.The maximum lot coverage permitted Is 50%of the parcel,and the maximum impervious lot coverage permitted is 60%of the total lot area.It appears that the proposal would meet the development standards)1 AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF the R-10 Zone. NONSIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED(DNS-M) Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: None. 41 Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The proposal is subject to the City's Environmental Review(SEPA)Ordinance. DATE: JANUARY 24,1999 Zoning Code,Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance,Street Standards, Public Works Standards Uniform Building Code,Uniform Fire Code,and other LAND USE NUMBER: LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF applicable building and construction standards. APPLICATION NAME: Sareng Baptist Church Proposed Mitigation Measures: The following mitigation measures will likely be imposed on the proposed . project.These recommended Mitigation Measures address project Impacts nal covered by existing codes and regulations as Cited above. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant requests Conditional Use Penult and Environmental Review to develop a church building and 127 parking stalls. Phase I of the project would result In the construction of 7,700 s.f.of 1.Transportation Mkigatee Fee:The proposal may be subject to a building and 37 parking spaces.Phase 2 would add 8,525 s.f.of building and 90 parking stalls.The applicant also seeks Transportation Mitigation Fee payable at the rate of$75.00 per each new io a variance from the landscaping and tree cutting ordinance to clear slopes greater than 40%primarily on the east portion average daily(rip attributable to the project. of the site. 2.Fire Mitigation Fee:The proposal will be subject to a Fire Mitigation Fee al PROJECT LOCATION: NW corner of Sunset Blvd.and Edmonds Avenue NE the rate of$0.52 per square loot of new construction. OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED(DNS-M):As the Lead Agency,the City of Comments on the above application must be submitted In writing to Jennifer Toth Henning, Project Manager, Renton has determined that significant environmental Impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. DevelopmentGrady Way, byFebruary Therefore,as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110,the City of Renton Is using the Optional DNS(M)process to give Services Division,public 1055 South Renton,9 WA 9 AM,Council Chambers,on 8,1999. This notice that a DNS-M is likely to be issued.Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are Integrated Into matter U also1055 scheduled for a hearing on March are interested s Inthearing,pleaseeas Floor,Renton a single comment period.Them will be no comment period following the Issuance of the Threshold Determination of City Hall, ntServices South Grady Way,Renton. If you that tehearing in attendingas therescheduled contactm nts Non-Significance Mitigated(DNS-M).A 14 day appeal period will follow the Issuance of the DNS-M. Development Division,(425) date Inds to ensure e,you the has not been rescheduled. if comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date Indicated above, may still appear at the hearing and present your PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: January 14,1999 comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal,or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional Information by mail,contact Ms.Henning at(425)430-7288. Anyone wise NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: January 21.1999 submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. APPLICANT: Pastor Chong Kim CONTACT PERSON: JENNIFER TOTH HENNING(425)430-7288 Calvary Baptist Church 1032 Edmonds Avenue NE 'PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION Renton,WA 98058 OWNERS: John S.Banchem(do Stephen Malshuk) Elizabeth Banctrero(c/o Stephen Malshuk) Dr.Robert Florer • Nancy Florer Permits/Revlew Requested: Conditional Use Permit,Environmental Review(SEPA),Variance from Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance(Code Section 4-4-130:C.4) Other Permits which may be required: Construction Permit,Building Permit,Mechanical Permit,Electrical Permit Requested Studies: Geotechnical Report,Slope Analysis,Level 1 Drainage Analysis Location where application may be reviewed: Planning/Building/Public Works Division,Development Services Department, 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055 • PUBLIC HEARING: Public hearing tentatively scheduled for Tuesday,March 9,1999 before the Renton Hearing Examiner In Renton Council Chambers.Hearings begin at 9:00 AM on the 7th floor of the new Renton City Hall located at 1055 Grady Way South. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Land Use2oning: The proposal Is designated Residential Options(RO)on the City's Comprehensive Land Use Map,and Is zoned Residential-10 Dwelling Units per Acre(R-10).Churches are permitted upon approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the City of Renton Hearing Examiner. Development Standards: The proposal must comply with setbacks as follows:front-minimum 20 feet,rear minimum 20 feet,comer side yard minimum 15 feet for side yard along street,5 CENUALOT.DOC CERTIFICATION I, E t 41 f-Y 441 WWI, herebycertify that 3 copies of the above document were posted by mo in conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on 112.'/' 1 • Sined' U ATTEST: Subcribed and swornbefore me, a Nortary Public, d fo he State of Washington residing ice , on the cgisq-A day o • /l_I MARILYN KAMCHEFF COMMISSION EXPIRES 6/29/99 - L. • 1.1* NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) DATE: JANUARY 24,1999 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA-98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF APPLICATION NAME: Sarang Baptist Church PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant requests Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Review to develop a church building and 127 parking stalls. Phase I of the project would result in the construction of 7,700 s.f. of building and 37 parking spaces. Phase 2 would add 8,525 s.f.of building and 90 parking stalls. The applicant also seeks a variance from the landscaping and tree cutting ordinance to clear slopes greater than 40% primarily on the east portion of the site. PROJECT LOCATION: NW corner of Sunset Blvd.and Edmonds Avenue NE OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED(DNS-M): As the Lead Agency,the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore,as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110,the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS(M)process to give notice that a DNS-M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non-Significance Mitigated(DNS-M). A 14 day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: January 14,1999 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: January 21,1999 APPLICANT: Pastor Chong Kim Calvary Baptist Church 1032 Edmonds Avenue NE Renton,WA 98056 OWNERS: John S.Banchero(do Stephen Malshuk) Elizabeth Banchero(do Stephen Malshuk) Dr.Robert Florer Nancy Florer Permits/Review Requested: Conditional Use Permit,Environmental Review(SEPA),Variance from Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance(Code Section 4-4-130:C.4) Other Permits which may be required: Construction Permit,Building Permit,Mechanical Permit, Electrical Permit Requested Studies: Geotechnical Report,Slope Analysis,Level 1 Drainage Analysis Location where application may be reviewed: Planning/Building/Public Works Division,Development Services Department, 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055 PUBLIC HEARING: Public hearing tentatively scheduled for Tuesday,March 9,1999 before the Renton Hearing Examiner in Renton Council Chambers. Hearings begin at 9:00 AM on the 7th floor of the new Renton City Hall located at 1055 Grady Way South. CONSISTENCY OVERVIEW: Land Use/Zoning: The proposal is designated Residential Options(RO)on the City's Comprehensive Land Use Map,and is zoned Residential-10 Dwelling Units per Acre(R-10). Churches are permitted upon approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the City of Renton Hearing Examiner. Development Standards: The proposal must comply with setbacks as follows: front-minimum 20 feet,rear minimum 20 feet,comer side yard minimum 15 feet for side yard along street,5 GENMALOT.000 feet for interior side yard setback. A 10 foot wide landscaped setback is required from the street property line along arterials. Buildings are limited to two stories and 30 feet in height. The maximum lot coverage permitted is 50%of the parcel,and the maximum impervious lot coverage permitted is 60%of the total lot area. It appears that the proposal would meet the development standards of the R-10 Zone. Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: None. Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: The proposal is subject to the City's Environmental Review(SEPA)Ordinance, Zoning Code,Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance,Street Standards, Public Works Standards Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code,and other applicable building and construction standards. Proposed Mitigation Measures: The following mitigation measures will likely be imposed on the proposed project. These recommended Mitigation Measures address project impacts not covered by existing codes and regulations as cited above. 1. Transportation Mitigation Fee: The proposal may be subject to a Transportation Mitigation Fee payable at the rate of$75.00 per each new average daily trip attributable to the project. 2. Fire Mitigation Fee: The proposal will be subject to a Fire Mitigation Fee at the rate of$0.52 per square foot of new construction. Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Jennifer Toth Henning, Project Manager, Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, by 5:00 PM on February 8, 1999. This matter is also scheduled for a public hearing on March 9, 1999 at 9:00 AM, Council Chambers, Seventh Floor, Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton. If you are interested in attending the hearing, please contact the Development Services Division, (425) 430-7282, to ensure that the hearing has not been rescheduled. If comments cannot be submitted in writing by the date indicated above, you may still appear at the hearing and present your comments on the proposal before the Hearing Examiner. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional information by mail, contact Ms. Henning at (425) 430-7286. Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: JENNIFER TOTH HENNING(425)430-7286 PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION Sarang Baptist Church NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP rr�� :- Q��, P O O.MD l , \k. , I rA-- , �" .,, F. 'p R-8 1 iI a • 117 IIIO . I 10 1' 01f' I R 3 _. L. 'n I I_. /. SU '» o ot oraftc ' al ) 6 Jr' f H rES I's - M-I N 'U N I NE 1011, ., RMI I q , ' I + R -C' Of I./M-I , RM-1 ' .NE 9ttr arsamv( Q^_oo aoo AGW111/1T 11PV. �'.7; CITY �IF RENTON •. Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator January 21, 1999 Pastor Chong Kim Calvary Baptist Church 1032 Edmonds Avenue NE Renton, WA 98056 SUBJECT: Sarang Baptist Church LUA98-180,CU-H,V-H,ECF Dear Mr. Kim: The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. It is tentatively scheduled for consideration by the Environmental Review Committee on February 9, 1999. Prior to that review, you will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. The date of March 9, 1999, at 9:00 a.m., has been set for a public hearing to review the above referenced matter. The hearing, before Mr. Fred Kaufman, Renton Hearing Examiner, will be held in the Council Chambers on the seventh floor of City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA. The applicant or representative(s) of the applicant is required to be present at the public hearing. A copy of the staff report will be mailed to you one week before the hearing. Please contact me, at (425) 430-7286 , if you have any questions. Sincerely, ifj) ‘,4 NW/1 Jennifer Henning Project Manager cc: Property Owners Judy Hicks/Gabbert Architects Planners ACLYTLI-.DUC 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, Washington 98055 Thic naner rnntainc F(lc/rervrlari material 9nci nnct rnnct Omer .. ' CITY F RENTON iS..._.. i i td ..LL .,�, Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator December 29, 1998 Judy M. Hicks Gabbert Architects Planners 10748 Lake City Way N.E. Seattle, WA 98125 Subject: Revisions and Additional Information Needed for Sarang Baptist Church Conditional Use Permit, LUA98-180 Dear Ms. Hicks: In order to accept your application as complete, we will need additional information and clarifications. A geotechnical report will be required as part of the Conditional Use Permit application package. Should you have any questions regarding the level of detail for the report, please contact Neil Watts at 425-430-7278. A preliminary slope analysis indicates that there may be slopes on the site in excess of 40%. To perform grading or other work in these areas would require a variance from the City's land clearing regulations. Please prepare a slope analysis and, if applicable, provide a plan indicating areas of the site that are 40% or greater in slope. If slopes are 40% or greater, you may chose to revise your plans to avoid these areas or submit an additional $250.00 application fee for the land clearing variance request and also provide the associated written variance justification supporting your request. It appears that you are proposing to provide more parking spaces (30 extra), shorter stall lengths (18' vs. 20'), and narrower aisles (20' vs. 24') than the Code allows. Also, as currently proposed, you will be exceeding the maximum allowable impervious surfacing of the R-10 Zone. There are several options to address these issues. Option 1: Revise your plans so that the area of impervious surfacing is brought down to the 60% maximum by reducing the number of parking spaces. This will also reduce the scale of your parking modification request since you will now be proposing a lesser number of stalls. If parking code modifications are still required r after the revision, you will also need to submit a written justification for the modifications. This is an administrative review and there is no additional fee. Please follow the attached instructions for revisions. 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 op._. - .- -- . Ms. Judy M. Hick December 29, 1998 Page 2 Option 2: Revise your plans by designating some of the parking stalls (not aisles) with "grass crete" surfacing so the area of impervious surfacing is reduced to the 60% maximum. If parking code modifications are still required after the revision, you will also need to submit a written justification for the modifications. This is an administrative review and there is no additional fee. Please follow the attached instructions for revisions. Option 3: Submit an additional $250.00 application fee for the impervious surface variance request and provide the associated written variance justification and also information supporting your parking modification requests. Although you are only 5% over the impervious surfacing standard, staff would likely not be able to support such a request since there do not appear to be any special circumstances relative to the subject site. Whatever you decide, sheet A0.2 Masterplan Site Plan, will need to be clarified to distinguish between the Phase 1 and Phase 2 construction. Shading or labeling the Phase 2 portion of the project may help accomplish this. Also, please standardize all references to site size and number of parking stalls throughout the application package. The figures listed on the site plan, master application and project narrative need to be made consistent. Please contact me or Jennifer Henning, project manager, at 425-430-7200 within the next week to discuss timing for submitting the revisions. Thank you. Sincerely, Laureen Nicolay Associate Planner ...........:. ::R ENT ::::-:•::::::::it'Si+;v.::;•::;+.:::::.......::::iv»:•:}i:i4aa:i':i}::.::w::ii:i:{4:4:n:;•:•::.:�v. • ... ... ...... ... ... ... .... .k.............:....�.n.:;:.:::...,......... -�ii:<ti�;::•i}ii}i;•i�«i•:4':i:;i!ivii::;:4:•iiiii::ii�::::.�.� ...".;::: ;::<..:...t............ ......:..... ............... Eft G ..;:.:.,.;:.;::.;:.;;:.>.:;.;:::::<.:>:;>:'<<:»:::::>;:<::>>:.:;<.;:.;:«.>':;.:. ::.<::. ?:i '> _ .y:;+;i:::i::::::::::`.}?.".::.Yi;:l: ,.:i:}::X'>;;ti::>j?;:�:i::i:{::�•ii::::i'.::.:::t::4::ii:4:::: .' "�.� : :: :::.. . .. . : : : :LAND:y.USE PERM' T..::. :: :. .. :: :::::::.::.... ........ .....::::::::.::::: .......... .:..: .:::�: •t1l'tA�TER APP�1�,A,TI�l� PROPERTY OWNERS} PROJECT 1NFORMATON Note If there is more than one Iepal owner.please attach an edditioflal' PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME; Dr. Robert Florer Sarang Baptist Church - PROPERTY/PROJECT ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION: ADDRESS: 2201 Sunset Ave SW Vacant Site • 4 • See Legal Description Attached • • KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): CITY: Seattle ZIP: 98116 082305904 7' F T F'!. CITY Y vi-- KENTL TELEPHONE NUMBER: (206) 932-3669 EXISTING LAND USE(S): JAN 14' 1999 Vacant APPLICANT (if.oth;er than owner} RECEIVED PROPOSED LAND USES: NAME: Pastor Chong Kim Church IPANY (if applicable): EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: . Sarang Baptist Church R-10 ADDRESS: 1032 Edmonds Avenue NE PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable) • R-10 CITY: Renton ZIP: 98056 EXISTING ZONING: • R-10 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (425) 255-3291 PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): R-10 • CONTACT PERSON ............::...... SITE AREA (SQ. FT. OR ACREAGE): NAME: j dy Hicks 1.79 Acreage 75,6?je, COMPANY(if'app!icable); Gabbert Architects Planners PROJECT VALUE: • $1, Million ADDRESS: 10748 Lake City Way NE IS THE SITE LOCATED IN THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA? - No Seattle ZIP: 98125 IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY • SENSITIVE AREA? - TELEPHONE NUMBER: (206) 367-3600 Yes ::;.;:;;:;::;:;.;:::::»:>:::.<::.......:LEGAl.DESE TION OF PROPERTY.::(Attach Se ate;:sheet:if necessary} . . .. .,. . y . I1 • • > !:: T,YPE.:OF:APPLICATION & PEES ... li!ii <:::;;:<ii;!i•::>::i:i.::::;::>:::::.. ll if. (ort:: . . s hate 1 : C s of wrll.determine fee ...:.. ..: ... ::.:::;:;.:.;>..:;:<;:<;�.; :::.: Check �.:.:aPp::cat ..::::typ:�... t ,..::.... .pp:y .:...�� t.,.� ::.::: :.... .. ;:... _.....:. .::..,. ...::..::.:;::: _ANNEXATION S SUBDIVISION: _ COMP. PLAN AMENDMENT $ " _ REZONE $ _ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT $ _SPECIAL PERMIT • $ _ SHORT PLAT $ _TEMPORARY PERMIT " • • $ _TENTATIVE PLAT $ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT S _ PRELIMINARY PLAT $_ 7_'SITE PLAN APPROVAL $ _ FINAL PLAT $ GRADE & FILL PERMIT $ (NO. CU. YDS: 1 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: $ VARIANCE $ (FROM SECTION: ) _ PRELIMINARY • WAIVER $ FINAL _WETLAND PERMIT $ _ ROUTINE VEGETATION. MOBILE HOME PARKS: $ MANAGEMENT PERMIT. $ _ BINDING SITE PLAN $ SHORELINE REVIEWS: _ SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT $ _ CONDITIONAL USE $ _ VARIANCE $ • _ EXEMPTION $No Charge $ NVIRONMENTAL REVIEW $ REVISION $ I, (Print Name) F it, l 1\Qff - declare that I am(please check one)'tha owner of the property involved in this application; _the authorized representative to act for the property owner(please attach proof of authorization), and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. • ATTEST: Subscri ed nd<A ern to before mei.;>yrj i3 lcy�'�end ���- �1�% -� � for the State of l iding at T;` ,;; ' � _, (Name caner/Re rase tative) w ,on theL days"qj +,' ;�,-�'. (Sig"na ure of wner/Representative) �+�` - ram.# - ,.. (Signature of No'Zs ary Public) (This section to be completed by City Staff) <.::::;>` :: City File Number A AD BSP CAPS CAP U CPA CU A CU H ECF LLA `...:. ......MHP...FP.UD.: :FP..PP R....fiVMP .:SA A:::S AAH_:.SI:i PU:ki .iA PL H..:SP....SM...SNfb....TP: .V.A:....V>B'....V-H W - • E $ .OTAL POSTAGE'P _VIDED S ::: :; : :.,;>::::::>: ;�<:::;::::: ::::: .......TOTAL:FE S ...>.:... .... 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RECEIVED PROPOSED LAND USES: NAME: Pastor Chong Kim Church IPANY(if applicable): EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: Sarang Baptist Church R-10 ADDRESS: 1032 Edmonds Avenue NE PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable • R-10 CITY: Renton ZIP: 98056 EXISTING ZONING: R-10 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (425) 255-3291 PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): R-10 CONTACT PRSQ,N SITE AREA(SQ. FT. OR ACREAGE): � / NAME: Judy M. Hicks �. .c, I DI(Jv ` COMPANY if applicable): Gabbert Architects Planners PROJECT VALUE: • $1 Million ADDRESS: 10748 Lake City Way NE IS THE SITE LOCATED IN THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA? NO Seattle ZIP: 98125 IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTP'..LY SENSITIVE AREA? TELEPHONE NUMBER: (206) 367-3600 Yes LEGAL SDESE !TIOI1[ E}F:PROPERTY (Atta.h se ateaheet.If rtec4ssary} ATTA-co v . _ .. . .... . .TYPE OF APPLICATION & FPES . <<< >: <:':<iiNiii:. _ h _, 1 : ic. f ..w II:` etermine > eWpg.i:.:;:::><::>::;::::;::::i ;::.:...>::<>:. >:.:.Check..ai[ applrcatiof�:tYP:eS_t,.at:aPP.:Y .:. :4� sta:.� _::I.;�:..<.:: . ::� >:; _ANNEXATION $ SUBDIVISION: . _ COMP. PLAN AMENDMENT $" . _ REZONE $ _ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT $ _ SPECIAL PERMIT $ _ SHORT PLAT $ _TEMPORARY PERMIT " • ' $ _TENTATIVE PLAT $ 'CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $ _ PRELIMINARY PLAT $ SITE PLAN APPROVAL $ _ FINAL PLAT $ _ GRADE & FILL PERMIT $ (NO. CU. YDS: 1 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: $ _VARIANCE . $ (FROM SECTION: ) _ PRELIMINARY ' WAIVER $ _ FINAL • —WETLAND PERMIT $ _ ROUTINE VEGETATION: MOBILE HOME PARKS: $ MANAGEMENT PERMIT $ _ BINDING SITE PLAN $ SHORELINE REVIEWS: _ SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT $ _ CONDITIONAL USE $ ,VARIANCE $ . = EXEMPTION $No Charee ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW • $ REVISION $ ' :. ..!,: AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP: ::::>: ::> I, (Print Name)11),114ej 9-to .ems ,declare that I am (please check one)' the owner of the property involved in this application; _the authorized representative to act for the property owner (please attach proof of authorization), and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ATTEST: Subscribed a d s orn to before me, a,NotecyiPykiO,in and A- ', C=y k 0 iete:- K, , for he State of iding ,.w i (Nam?e of Owner/Representative) - , on the VN dy .e ,, v �'�:% jiliall 0_1(nti. -4 • _., ! 4Y3a ie, (Signatur of Owner/Representative) ` r ,�i9ir0ss‘ (Signature o otary Public) , ;.rr....1,1*�, : (This section to::be:comp.l ted;i..by.CityStaff : ....:.... ............ ::>i i]i::< s::: ::::; - City F1Ie Number A AAD BSP CAPS CAP U' CPA CU A> CU H ECF .. LLA .: ..M11.R FPUD.:..FP...PP::R...RV,:MP .A....SA .SA..Ft SHPL:-A SHPLH....SP ..SM....SMET ... P VA::...V B :V;H 3/). TOTAL FEES $ TOTAL POSTAGE PROVIDED $ MASTERAP.DOC , REVISED 8/97 A'Sfryt e P-3e-98 12 : 1 1 PM CA IRY BAPTIST CHURCH 206 2 3291 P. 04 O1! Lt t q4 • V • • CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ✓9N1 �� A.L.T.A.COMMITMENT �t.. I,y SCHEDULE A (Continued) - v Order No.: 526888 Your No.: LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT (Paragraph 4 of Schedule A continuation) BEGINNING ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; 30 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 8; THENCE WEST ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 145 FEET; THENCE SOUTH PARALLEL TO THE EAST BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION 638.93 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE NORTH LINE OR MARGIN OR MARGIN OF PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 2; THENCE IN A SOUTHEASTERLY DIRECTION ALONG THE NORTH LINE OR MARGIN OF SAID , PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 2, TO A POINT 30 FEET WESTERLY OF THE EAST BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION 8, AS MEASURED ALONG A LINE PROJECTED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO SAID EAST BOUNDARY LINE; THENCE NORTH PARALLEL TO AND 30 FEET WESTERLY OF THE SAID EAST BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONDEMNED IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NUMBER 655879, FOR PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 1; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF BEGINNING AT A POINT 75 FEET NORTHEASTERLY AND OPPOSITE HIGHWAY ENGINEER'S STATION 48 + 00 ON THE A LINE CENTER LINE OF BR 405, NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY IN A STRAIGHT LINE TO A POINT 30 FEET WESTERLY•AND OPPOSITE HIGHWAY ENGINEER'S STATION 23 + 50 ON THE 116TH AVENUE CENTER LINE OF SAID PROJECT; THENCE NORTHERLY TO A POINT 30 FEET WESTERLY AND OPPOSITE HIGHWAY ENGINEERS' STATION 23 + 75 AND THE END OF THIS LINE DESCRIPTION; AND EXCEPT THE NORTH 30 FEET CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 7906250755. CHICAGO TITLE INST.RANGE COMPANY dum.el:45.77 w, NV! U UQ F-Z =z RJ Qa December 9, 1998 GABBERT City of Renton Jennifer Toth Henning Senior Planner 1055 S. Grady Way via\ Municipal Building off' ��1 •N�U`J Renton, WA 98055 yr J 4 ��99 aN wD Dear Jennifer, eG'" Re: Land Use Permit Master Application Please note that there are four owners on the designated property, however due to illness Mrs. Elizabeth Banchero was unable to sign the application document at the time of notarization. She did however sign the attached paperwork for the removal of the covenants, and it too is notarized. Her husband Mr. John S. Banchero signed both documents. We hope this is sufficient for your needs. Please call me if there is any question regarding the authenticity of the application. ank you. . Hic 1 er 10748 LAKE CITY WAY N.E. SEATTLE,WA 98125 Phone:206/367-3600 Fax:206/367-8946 4 GENERAL DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY OF ELIZABETH M. BANCHERO ELIZABETH M. BANCHERO, as principal, domiciled and residing in the State of Washington, hereby revokes any other general durable power of attorney which she may have previously executed, and as authorized by Chapter 11 . 94 of the Revised Code of Washington, as amended, designates and appoints JOHN S . BANCHERO, SR. as her attorney-in-fact should she hereafter become disabled or incompetent . If JOHN S . BANCHERO, SR. is at any time unable or unwilling to serve, JOHN STEPHAN BANCHERO, JR. and CATHERINE VIRGINIA MALSHUK, or either of them if the other is at any time unable or unwilling, shall serve as attorney-in-fact for the principal . 1 . Powers . The attorney-in-fact, as a fiduciary, shall have all powers of an absolute owner over the assets and liabilities of the principal, whether located within or without the State of Washington, including, without limitation, the power and authority to: a. Make deposits to and payments from any account in a financial institution in the name of the principal and to enter any safe deposit box to which the principal has a right of access and deposit or remove property therefrom. b. Consent to medical and surgical care and non-treatment for the principal; consent to the withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment for the principal; consent to the admission of the principal to a medical, nursing, residential, or similar facility; and to enter into agreements for the principal' s care. c . Sell, exchange, or otherwise transfer title to the principal' s stocks, bonds, or other securities . d. Sell, convey, exchange, or otherwise transfer or encumber any real or personal property of the principal . e . Disclaim, in whole or in part, any interest in property, whether outright, in trust, or otherwise, so long as in the sole discretion of the attorney-in-fact such disclaimer would not be detrimental to the best interests of the principal, and would be in the best interests of those interested in the estate of the principal and of those who take as a result of any such disclaimer. Page 1 (3 h:\estate\2006\BANC4272.DPA f . Submit all federal and state income tax and gift tax returns on behalf of the principal and to pay all such taxes as may be due . g. Represent the principal during audits, appeals, and lawsuits related to any income or gift tax return filed on behalf of the principal, and to pay any assessments for interest or penalties levied against the principal in connection with such tax returns . h. Make transfers of the principal' s property, both real and personal, to any trust created by the principal of which the principal is the beneficiary during the principal' s A life. i . Make transfers of the principal' s property, including but not limited to transfers to the principal' s spouse and gifts to the principal' s children, for the purpose of qualifying the principal for governmental medical assistance to the full extent provided by law should there be a need for medical care or for the purpose of preserving for the principal' s spouse the maximum amount of property allowed under applicable law if an application has been made for governmental medical assistance; any transfers made pursuant to this paragraph shall not be deemed to be a breach of fiduciary duty by the attorney- in-fact . j . Make gifts, whether outright or in trust, to the relatives of the principal and the spouses of any such relatives, in accordance with any pattern of making gifts to such persons which the principal has established or planned to establish or in such amounts as the attorney-in-fact shall determine appropriate so long as such gifts would be in the best interests of the principal and those interested in the estate of the principal, such determination to be made in the sole discretion of the attorney-in-fact; provided, however, the attorney-in-fact may make gifts to himself or herself from the principal' s property in accordance with any pattern of making gifts which the principal may have established or planned to establish, but shall make other gifts to himself or herself only to the extent such gifts are advisable for the attorney-in-fact' s health, support, maintenance and education. k. Make, amend, alter or revoke any community property agreement, agreement as to status of property, or other document of similar import entered into by the principal and her spouse, and make, amend, alter or revoke any of the principal' s life insurance beneficiary designations and retirement plan beneficiary designations so long as in the sole discretion of the attorney-in-fact such action would be in the best interests of Page 2 h:\estate\2006\BANC4272.DPA the principal and those interested in the estate of the principal . Except as otherwise provided above, the attorney-in- fact shall not have the power to revoke or change any estate planning or testamentary documents previously executed by the principal, unless the document authorizes changes with court approval . 2 . Purposes . The attorney-in-fact shall have all powers as are necessary or desirable to provide for the support, maintenance, health, emergencies, and urgent necessities of the disabled or incompetent principal . 3 . Effectiveness. This power of attorney shall become effective upon the disability or incompetence of the principal . Disability or incompetence shall include the inability to manage her property and affairs effectively for reasons such as mental illness, mental deficiency, physical illness or disability, advanced age, chronic use of drugs, chronic intoxication, confinement, detention by a foreign power or terrorists, or disappearance . Disability or incompetence may be evidenced by a written statement of a qualified physician regularly attending the principal and/or by other qualified persons with knowledge of any confinement, detention, or disappearance . Incompetence may also be established by a finding of a court having jurisdiction over the incompetent principal . 4 . Duration. This durable power of attorney becomes effective as provided in section 3 hereof and shall remain in effect for the period and to the extent permitted by Chapter 11 . 94 of the Revised Code of Washington, as amended, or until revoked or terminated under section 5 or 6 hereof, notwithstanding any uncertainty as to whether the principal is dead or alive . 5 . Revocation. This power of attorney may be revoked, suspended, or terminated in writing by the principal with written notice to the designated attorney-in-fact . In addition, if this power of attorney has been recorded, the written instrument of revocation shall be recorded in the office of the recorder or auditor of any county in which the power of attorney is recorded. 6 . Termination. a. By Appointment of Guardian. The appointment of a guardian of the estate of the principal vests in the guardian, with court approval, the power to revoke, suspend, or terminate this power of attorney. The appointment of a guardian 0 Page 3 E 13 h:\estate\2006\BANC4272.DPA of the person only does not empower the guardian to revoke, suspend, or terminate this power of attorney. b. By Death of Principal . The death of the principal shall be deemed to revoke this power of attorney at the time the attorney-in-fact receives actual knowledge or actual notice of such death. 7 . Nomination of Guardian. If it should at any time be necessary to appoint a guardian or limited guardian of the person or estate of the principal, the principal hereby nominates the then acting attorney-in-fact designated above as the principal' s said guardian or limited guardian. 8 . Accounting. The attorney-in-fact shall be required to account to any personal representative subsequently appointed for the principal . 9 . Reliance. The designated and acting attorney-in- fact and all persons dealing with the attorney-in-fact shall be entitled to rely upon this power of attorney so long as at the time of any act taken pursuant to this power of attorney, the attorney-in-fact had not received actual knowledge or actual notice of any revocation, suspension, or termination of the power of attorney by death or otherwise . Any action so taken, unless otherwise invalid or unenforceable, shall be binding on the heirs, devisees, legatees, or personal representatives of the principal . 10 . Liability of Attorney-in-Fact . The estate of the principal shall hold harmless and indemnify the attorney-in-fact from any and all liability for acts done in good faith and not in fraud on behalf of the principal . 11 . Property. This power of attorney shall apply to all the principal' s interest in community property and to the principal' s separate property, whether now owned or hereafter acquired. 12 . Applicable Law. The laws of the State of Washington shall govern this power of attorney. IN WITNESS WH EOF, the undersigned has executed this instrument as of the o2) day of f�/lj��y� /C , 1993 . Eliza th M. Banchero Page 4 h:\estate\2006\BANC4272.DPA - STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss . COUNTY OF KING This is to certify that on this cq•.h day of 5 N , 1993 , before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared ELIZABETH M. BANCHERO, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing General Durable Power of Attorney, and acknowledged to me that she signed the same as her free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. (Seal or stamp) � �, 1 >, _ `iv 6-viz sic Notary Public in and for the `',„."%,, State of Washington �ZTE DF �� My appointment expires Cn -a1) -9y dr— ����55iON FkQ � (C i C cP '9F,�' NOTARy"'\ • •--..� or i '% �'A VBLIG '=S ,ts11'11s'26 -96'`_=,`C m s 41,1q. WASN\.. Page 5 h:\estate\2006\BANC4272.DPA I . -. .:........... ELO PM •. ..:SRVtC�•S• :. ....... _d.....:::::: • • • • U.SE. :P'ERT .... PROPERTY OWNER(S� >; ; :::;:: PROJECT INFORMATION Note N there(a.:more that one le of owner, eaae attach en additional: Q hl notarized:Mastee.{Epplice't(on for::each oNfiner.....:.:::i::::is:::>:>;;;::>>:>:::::::><::.;<;;;;:;:;; PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME: - 'John S. Banchero Sarang Baptist Church c/o Stephen Malshuk PROPERTY/PROJECT ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION: General Counsel ADDRESS: NW Waste Industries, Inc. Vacant Site 54 S. Dawson Street • See Legal Description Attached • CITY: Seattle ZIP: 98134 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 0823059043 • TELEPHONE NUMBER: (206) 763-2900 EXISTING LAND USE(S): :.�(P"- .� Qr, REND Vacant C.'O `ir y9 9 APPLICANT (rf:.oiher thart:owner}' : >;>: ` 1 PROPOSED LAND USES: NAME: Pastor Chong Kim Church rkeCi• �, IPANY(if applicable) EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: Sarang Baptist Church R-10 ADDRESS: 1032 Edmonds Avenue NE PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicat R-10 CITY: Renton ZIP: 98056 EXISTING ZONING: R-10 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (425) 255-3291 PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): R-10 CONTACT PERSO••• SITE AREA(SQ. FT. OR ACREAGE): NAME; Judy 11. Hicks "/": -Acreage It IN 7c COMPANY (if applicable): Gabbert Architects Planners PROJECT VALUE: $1). Million ADDRESS: 10748 Lake City Way NE IS THE SITE LOCATED IN THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA? • No : Seattle. ZIP: 98125 • IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF ENVIRONMENT ,Ll SENSITIVE AREA? TELEPHONE NUMBER: (206) 367-3600 Yes LEGAL;DES( TION'OF PROPERTY (Attach se >Eta sE eat if..r�ecessary}... ..:.... . • • • ' 1' TYPE OE APPLICATION & FEES h_ANNEXATION S SUBDIVISION: • _ COMP. PLAN AMENDMENT $ • _ REZONE $ _ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT $ _ SPECIAL PERMIT $ _ SHORT PLAT $_ TEMPORARY PERMIT $ _TENTATIVE PLAT $_ XCONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $ Ze` -OJ _ PRELIMINARY PLAT $ _ SITE PLAN APPROVAL $ _ FINAL PLAT $ GRADE & FILL PERMIT $ (NO. CU. YDS: ) PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: $ VARIANCE $ 5O'00 (FROM SECTION: Lf_9_5(7 ) _ PRELIMINARY ' WAIVER $ _ FINAL • _WETLAND PERMIT $ _ ROUTINE VEGETATION. MOBILE HOME PARKS: $ MANAGEMENT PERMIT' $ _ BINDING SITE PLAN $ SHORELINE REVIEWS: _ SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT $ _ CONDITIONAL USE $ _ VARIANCE $ EXEMPTION $No Charee ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW $ ` ' OO REVISION $_ F :I V•IT:O F;OWNER•SHIP .. :. • :;:•;: ;::>::;>: ::< >'.»::::::. I, (Print Name) I lu.S B(NC N(z- ?O,declare that I am (please check one)_the owner of the property involved in this application;_the authorized representative to act for the property owner (please attach proof of authorization), and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. E DEES;%I JO1 c 1EQ�CCI F �LJ 1 E O Arr gUbactripd andesworn to before me, a Notary Public,in and T►N U fo a (� residing at (Name of Owner/Representative) , on the 20 day of iSignature of dwner/Representative �i1 '�� \Iu P \\ e�t=�S ( t `c'Pubtic) Of City File Number A: AAD BSP CAPS CAP U CPA CU A CU H LLa H ...SHPL-A ;SHPL-I-1...::SP.:::::;::SM.. S.ME:::>:T :;:.... :.A... _V-B :.Va '`:V✓. TOTAL:FEES .<5.: TOTAL POSTAGE.PROVIDED. .::$. +:<`: :: : MASTERAP.DOC r REVISED 8/97 • N N V ow z November 17, 1998 =z U< 0'J <d _GABBERT Jim Hanson C1 j 1'Ur- Planning/Building/Public Works - hLAI 1055 South Grady Way BAN 14 199g Renton,Washington 98055 Re: Removal of Restrictive Covenants Dear Jim, Gabbert Architects Planners will be providing architectural services for Sarang Baptist Church, and request on the behalf of the property owner, the removal of the referenced restrictive covenants assigned to the described property. Per our research these covenants are duly burdensome in terms of required setbacks,screen heights and dedication of right-of-way. On October 29th,we completed a preliminary review for a conditional use permit with the City of Renton, and were directed to enter our request according to the policy and procedure guidelines for the Removal and/or Modification of Restrictive Covenants Sec. 400-13. Per the attached Declaration of Restrictive Covenants (File No. R-234-78), we acknowledge that these were imposed by the current owners,John S. Banchero, Sr.,his wife Elizabeth Banchero, and Dr. Robert Florer and his wife Nancy Florer. As far as we know, the covenants were entered into as part of the deed June 13, 1979, and accepted and approved by the City of Renton-Office of the City Clerk on June 25, 1979. The site is currently vacant, and our client proposes to develop a church that will have a maximum occupancy load of approximately 478 people. We are proposing a 2-story type V 1 HR structure at approximately 10,800 sq ft., with parking between 100-118 stalls. Per Larry Brown, of Star Properties, a Commercial Brokerage Company, and agent for Sarang Baptist, at the time of these covenants, there was a proposed 71 unit condominium project called "Smart Highlander". At which time it was a R-3 & R-4 zone with frontage property on NE 12th, dedicated to the City, he assumes this was why the restrictive covenants were attached. Some years later in 1987, a Mini-Warehouse facility was proposed. Both of the prior proposed uses were high activity throughout the day and week, and would require high screens as to shield adjacent properties.However,the use we are proposing is a considerably less intrusive type of structure with the highest activity period on Sundays. We believe that the restrictions are duly burdensome to the development of Sarang Baptist Church and therefore petition your office to have these restrictions removed and/or modified so that we may meet our client's needs for the site. In addition to our specific references, please see the attached copy of the recorded restrictive covenants and a legal description of the property. If you have any questions please contact me at(206)367-3600. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sin rely, Ju . cks P ng Department CC: John S.Banchero,Sr.and Elizabeth Banchero Dr.Robert Florer and Nancy Florer Pastor Chong O.Kim,Sarang Baptist Church Marlin Gabbert,Gabbert Architects Planners Larry Brown,Star Properties 10748 LAKE CITY WAY N.E. SEAU,-E.WA 98'15 Phone:206/367-3600 Fax:2C6/367-89'6 Whereas, John S. Banchero, Sr. and his wife Elizabeth Banchero, and Dr. Robert Florer and his wife Nancy Florer, are the owners of the following real property in the City of Renton, County of King, described as follows,we request removal of the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants for the reasons listed below: • Beginning on the north line of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section B, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County Washington, 30 feet west of the northeast corner of said Section 8, thence west along north boundary line of said section, 145 feet,thence south parallel to the east boundary line of said section, 175 feet,thence east parallel to the north boundary line of said section 145 feet, thence north parallel to and 30 feet west of the said east boundary line of said section to the point of beginning. Zoning At the time of attached Restrictive covenants, the property was zoned R-3 and R-4, today is zoned R-10 which permits churches subject to the approval of a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit. We are in the final stages of applying for the CUP with the City of Renton. Landscaping Screens/Right of Way 1. A 10-foot landscape screen shall be required along the western property line at least six (6) feet in height and dense enough to constitute an effective sight screen in conjunction with existing vegetation per review and approval of the Planning Department. The west side of the property adjoins a vacant lot and R-8 zoned property. Also along this section we do propose parking and feel 6ft height of this screen is excessive. At most we would request adjusting this to no higher than 4ft to shield car lights from residential property and acting as an effective sight screen. 2. A 50-foot landscape screen,exclusive of right-of-way for N.E. 12th Street,along the north property line at least six(6)feet in height, incorporating existing vegetation, and dense enough to constitute an effective sight screen. Recreational use may be included in this area subject to review by the examiner. We are proposing an exit/entry along the N.E. 12th street (which is 30ft) and therefore a 50ft16ft high screen would hinder visibility for driving and pedestrian safety. This is excessive since the N 30ft of the property is dedicated for public right-of-way. Height Restriction Per the City of Renton zoning code the height restrictions in this zone is limited to 2 stories or 30 feet. The covenant increases that to 40 feet.We would like for this to be consistent. Site Review The declaration of Restrictive Covenants states that Hearing Examiner is required to review site plans. We would like to note that per zoning code, churches are required to obtain the approval of the Hearing Examiner, but however, are exempt from Site Plan Review since we are applying for a conditional use permit. We would propose that our exemption from Site Plan Review be duly noted and not considered a requirement under these covenants. Duration The covenants are noted to run with the land and expire on December 31,2025. Attachments: 1. Declaration of Restrictive Covenants w/legal description We request that these covenants be removed from the property listed in the attached description as the proposed use has changed since they were adopted. Pastor Chong Kim is proposing this as the new site for Sarang Baptist church which we feel is in alignment with the current Comprehensive Plan for R-10 neighborhoods and would qualify as infill development that increases density while maintaining the single-family character of the existing neighborhood. We no longer feel that these covenants are necessary and have become unduly burdensome in the planning and construction of the church. h J9n S. Banchero, Jr Dr. Robert Florer Elizabeth Banchero ' Nancy Florer On this CD day of I\)p t) e crn n , . 19 Q c , before me personally appeared -3o\-\S S • arc5n e co Sc- . Qc'C. E t t zcib `- cx vac -e the persons who executed the within and foregoing instrument,and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said persons for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. In WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. � � DEE$F i t Notary Public in and for the State of Washington residing �_ N ���/ is in S cca 1 f VJ s Pk i 1 �' • e. ,�_ it Of • We request that these covenants be removed from the property listed in the attached description as the proposed use has changed since they were adopted. Pastor Chong Kim is proposing this as the new site for Sarang Baptist church which we feel is in alignment with the current Comprehensive Plan for R-10 neighborhoods and would qualify as infill development that increases density while maintaining the single-family character of the existing neighborhood. We no longer feel that these covenants are necessary and have become unduly burdensome in the planning and construction of the church. John S.Banchero,Sr .Robert Florer Elizabeth Banchero Nancy Florer On this \ \ Oay of N O t ecv\(3P , 19 l , before me personally appeared O QP- -sac tiPo-1cl `-1-\ ��F'_,�� the persons who executed the within and foregoing instrument,and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said persons for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. In WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. „ • ji:)ev• 4\r\ t Notan ubti m and for the tate of Washington residing „+ in ty .ram-rr 4 1�;,c • SEP-30-98 12 : 18 PM CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 206 2SS 3291 . 17 1 . � ..V,li .1•�n. .►:�♦ .' • :1 Pile No. R-234-78 Turaar for Benchero I Plater 1 DE,LARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHEREAS, John S. 8anchero, Sr. and his wife Elizabeth Ranchero, and Dr. Robert Florer and his wife Nancy Floret-, are the owners of the following real property in A the City of Renton, County of Ring, described as :ollows: ; , ..I . :Beginning on the north line of the northeast quarter of the northeast y .) quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range S East, W.M. in King 14 :1 County Washington, 30 feet west of the northeast corner of said Section , ,N 8: thence west along north boundary line of Said section, 145 feet, thence south parallel to the east boundary line of said sectioa, 175 ', feet, thence cast parallel to the north boundary line of said section, ; . 145 feet, thence north parallel to and 30 feet west of the said east .. boundary line of•said section to the point of beginning. .-, o` WHEREAS, the owners of said described property, hereinafter "the property," o4 a desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the land as to use, present and future, of the property; µ\ NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owners hereby establish, grant and impose ...r restrictions and covenants run. ning with the land as to the use of the land • ..; hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors, heirs and assigns, as follows: 1.ANDSCAPING SCREENS - - ` A 10-foot landscape screen shall be required along the western property line at least4 six (6) feet in height.and dense enough to constitute an effective sight screen in ‘ conjunction with existing vegetation per.review •and approval of the Planning Department. i t ---t, A SO-foot landscape screen, exclusive of right-of-way for N.E. 12th street, along the north property line at least six (6) feet it height, ineorperating existing vegetation, tI • and dense enough to constitute an effective sight screen. Recreational use may be r 1 included in this area subject to review bl• the Examiner. DEDICATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY , •..-_. Dedication of the north 30 feet Of the property, exclusive of the aforementioned 111 5Q-iot landscape screen, is required' for public right-of-way on N.E. 12th Street. • *� HEIGHT RESTRICTION i Maximum building height shall be restricted to 40 feet. ' - ewe , SITE REVIEW i4Review of the site plan by the Hearing Examiner of the City of Renton is required for •• development of the property in compliance ►.ith the conditions of approval and the j / Comprehensive Plan. DURATION i' These covenants shall run with the lend and expire December 31, 75. I at any #L. ' 1 time improvements are installed pursuant to these covenan , on of the covenants pertaining to the specific installed improvements as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton shall terminate without necessity of further documentation. ` 1 • SEP-30-98 12 :22 PM CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 206 25S 7-3291 P. 01 . Proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of Kin- County may be instigated by eithe the City of Renton or any property owner adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants. Reasonable attorneys' fees incurred during an enforcement proceeding will be borne by the parties whom the court determines to be in error and shall be en<.ered as a judgment in such action.' John S. Bancherp, Sr. Dr. Po ert F orer /' L7Lf4/Z4:1 Elizabeth Banchero _ Nancy Florer f D STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY of KING y On _h.is• `/ da of , sn.v 197 , before me -ona 1 e eared _ . . ..�'�<�: " : .f� , • t e p:/ons who exe ted the within and foregoing instrument, and ac owledged said instrument to be the ree and voluntary act and reed of said pers- s for the uses and purposes therein m-ntioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, .-ve hereunto set my h. •. and affixed my official seal the day and y'.ar first above wri Notary Public in and for the to of Washington, residing in l _ �l .�; i't3GJ( J nl11.4014. AICIPso`B DG \6_:; • • • L_... .OPVENT PI ," CITY uF F.Li L., Sarang Baptist Church Pb4 1 9 Project Narrative RECEIVED Project Location and Description: We are seeking a Conditional Use Permit for the development of a Master Plan for a 2-story 16,225 sq ft church structure,with associated parking,landscaping and utilities. Currently the site is undeveloped and has a total area of approximately 78,038sf and its general location is at the intersection of NE 12th Street and Edmonds Avenue NE. The subject site is zoned R-10,the adjacent properties to the East are zoned RM-C; to the North R-10;to the South RM-I and CC;and the property to the West is zoned R-8. Site Conditions The irregular shaped property is located at the intersection of NE 12th Street and Edmonds Avenue NE in Renton Washington. The property is currently undeveloped and generally covered with heavy brush and young second growth deciduous trees. An existing high voltage electrical power substation is located towards the north side of the property. The special site features to be considered are the topography which generally slopes steeply to the southwest at approximately 17%with a total drop of 26 feet across the site. The soils on the site are classified as Indianola and Ragnar type soils. These soils consist of loamy fine sands which have a relatively high permeability rate. According to the King County Sensitive Areas Map Folio,there are no sensitive areas associated with the site (Ref: Downstream Analysis and Preliminary Detention Calculations, Penhallegon Associates Consulting Engineers,Inc.November 4, 1998). Drainage Conditions Existing storm water travel on site consists of sheet flow across the site. Local precipitation falling on the site sheet flows in a southwesterly direction toward Sunset Boulevard. Storm water runoff is then collected by manmade ditch running parallel to Sunset Boulevard NE and begins to flow west until storm water eventually leaves the project site. (For Offsite Drainage Description ref: Downstream Analysis and Preliminary Detention Calculations, Penhallegon Associates Consulting Engineers,Inc.November 4, 1998). Scope of Development The proposed use of the property is for the development of a 299 seat, 2-story, 16,225 sq ft church structure using Type V One Hour construction,with associated parking,landscaping and utilities.The building will be constructed in two phases. As indicated on the attached site plan, Phase I 7,700 sf(2 floors); Phase II 8,525 sf(2 floors). The Master Plan proposes that the total percent building lot coverage is 13% with building height of the proposed structure in Phase I is 22 ft from finished grade to the average roof height of pitched roof. This height will not change for subsequent phase of construction. Impervious Surfaces&Access/Right-of-Ways Due to special grading conditions, access to the site is difficult requiring additional impervious surfaces to make smooth transitions in grades for parking, pedestrian and vehicle access. T , . U U ondly due to the lone narrow shape of the lot impP*3iatis mutt be itrro a f The site is served by entry and exit access from Edmonds Avenue N.E. on the Eastern boundary; and access from N.E. 12th on the Northern boundary. There will be no access directly onto Sunset Boulevard since the right-of-way is under State control(part of the I-405 right-of-way).The right-of-way along 12th is in excess of the 50' required by city code. Parking and Related Impacts The parking availability exceeds the city requirements with approximately 90 stalls, which will be sufficient to support additional parking needs which may be generated during the day by employees, day care and other special services. This issue was addressed in the Pre-application meeting with Jennifer Toth Henning. The operation of day care services will be held during regular church services on Sundays 8:00am and 11:00am and Fridays at 7:00pm.Also,approximately 5-6 people will work at the church during the day on a regular basis and this will • have no direct impact on parking or traffic. Lastly, classes will be held during the weekends only during regular service times and enrollment would consist mainly of church members, so there should be no anticipated increase in parking need(See Traffic below for more information on neighborhood impacts). We have reduced the impervious surface to 60%by adding grass crete to 11%of the parking spaces. Since grass crete is only considered at 'A then we have reduced impervious surface by 5.5% leaving the project with 59% impervious surfaces overall. The grass crete option was authorized by a December 29, 1998 Revision request from Laureen Nicolay. Phase I of the development is pending the approval of construction documents which will be submitted within one month of receiving the Conditional Use Permit. Subsequent Phase II construction will conclude in 5-10 years to complete the Master Plan for Sarang Baptist Church. Various reports were waived by the City of Renton during the pre-application meeting on October 19, 1998. They include the Geotechnical Soils report, which will be completed once the CUP is granted; and a full Traffic Study prepared by a State of Washington licensed engineer. The city defined the potential transportation problems and we have included them and our approach to solve them below. Improvements Per a pre-application meeting on October 19, 1998 with the city of Seattle indicated the following improvement responsibilities: Fire Department,Jim Gray,Assistant Fire Marshal Fire flow is 2750 GPM which requires one fire hydrant within 150 feet of the building and two additional hydrants within 300 feet of the building. There is currently one existing hydrant within 150 feet, and we will add 2 additional hydrants per this requirement(Ref.Location on site plan). City of Renton,Paul Lumbert Sewer-Sanitary mains exist with the following improvements required: 1. 8"in Edmonds Ave NE between NE 12th St.and NE Park Drive • Service from this main requires lift-station 2. 8"in Sunset Blvd.NE(old roadway)south side of NE Park Drive • Service from this main requires a casing bored under the roadway 150'+/- 3. 8"in Camas Avenue NE • Service would require a main which extends through adjacent property's west of site in an easement. 4. 8"in NE 12th Street • Service from this main would require a main extension and may not be able to provide gravity flow j from the site. Water-Existing water mains: 8"A.C.in NE 12th Street and 8"C.I. (T.J.)and 16"D.I. in Edmonds Ave. NE(Plan W-241). Project is in Aquifer Protection Zone 2 and in the Highlands 435 Pressure Zone. Water Main Improvements Required: 1. Additional Water main to meet current Fire Codes • This is currently under review • Loop Water main required because Fire flow=greater than 2,500 GPM Fire report lists as 2,750 GPM • New water meters for domestic and irrigation/meet UPC regulations 2. Fire Hydrants-One existing,must add 2(see Fire improvements above) • h Transportation Require curbs,gutters,sidewalks,driveways,paving and street lights,associated paving and drainage improvements required along both Edmonds Ave NE and NE 12th St. • Per Master Site plan these improvements have been made. • Indicated that churches require additional parking and increase traffic-we have proposed more than the minimum parking stalls and feel additional impact on neighborhood parking will be minimal if at all existent. Construction Costs &Materials The total estimated construction cost including extension site work would be $1.5 million. Construction build out is at approximately $75 sq ft. The Fair Market Value of the proposed completed project after both phases is estimated in the area of$2 million. This includes improvements and site preparation expenses (estimates are in 1998 dollars). The estimated types of materials for exterior are textured pine plywood siding with pine battons 2 ft on center. With stained sealed natural wood color and stucco veneer as indicated on drawings. Ii Fill and Excavation This is an important area for this development because of its steep slopes and grading. It has been estimated by PACE Engineers that approximately 3000 cubic yards of excavation and 8500 cubic yards of fill - of which 5500 • cubic yards will be imported to the site, will be required to complete the grading plan for the site. It has been indicated that minor erosion could occur during construction and the best management practices will be used to minimize during construction. However, there should be no erosion once construction is complete. (Ref: Downstream Analysis and Preliminary Detention Calculations,Penhallegon Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc. November 4, 1998). Tree Removal _ The property is currently undeveloped and generally covered with heavy brush and young second growth deciduous trees. All vegetation within proposed building and parking lot locations will be removed. Vegetation on the steep slopes will be kept intact where feasible to help ensure slope stability. Also one large cedar tree will be saved. A tree removal plan will be determined after a complete Geotechnical analysis has been submitted. This report has been waved by the City for CUP and is only required for Building Permit application. Since grade's exist of 40%or greater,we have submitted a Variance Request. I 1 .i j i 1 Construction Mitigation Description Sarang Baptist Church Proposed Construction Dates Phase I of the development is pending the approval of construction documents which will be submitted within one month of receiving the Conditional Use Permit. Assuming 60 days to obtain the permit, construction should start in June 1999 or before, and will be completed by December 1999. Subsequent Phase II construction will conclude in 5-10 years to complete the Master Plan for Sarang Baptist Church. Hours of Operation We anticipate the hours of operation will be during normal working hours 7:30AM-5:30PM Monday- Friday. Please note these are flexible. Proposed Hauling and Transportation Routes These will be determined by the General contractors and officials issuing grading land hauling permits. All traffic for hauling will be done during non-peak hours. Impact Minimization Measures A Civil Engineer will be employed to design a mud and erosion control plan. As well a transportation engineer will advise prior to construction,measures to minimize traffic,transportation and noise impacts. Traffic will be impacted during extraction and foundation work. The contractor will be required to be responsible for transportation impacts and shall file a traffic control plan with city official and DOT if required. AN 14 1999 CM(el: Justification for the Variance Request JhN 1 Conditional Use Permit LUA98-180 We are requesting a Variance on the behalf of Sarang Baptist Church for Conditional Use permit, LUA98- 180. Due to the unique grading conditions which exist on the site, we wish to vary from the city code requirement in section 4-9-5D under General Provisions. Which does not allow tree cutting or land clearing where the slope is in excess of 40% . We have outlined our justification for varying from tree cutting and clearing vegetation here as well as our methods to preserve the integrity of the landscape. Please find, that the following conditions exist: A. We believe that this section of the code implies undue hardship on development of this site, because special circumstances exist which directly refer to its shape, size, topography and location. We have taken extra precautions to work with the natural topography in terms of the church design,parking and site planning. The site is irregular and oblong in shape bordered by two very busy streets, Sunset Blvd to the South and Edmonds Ave N.E.to the East. Since we are not allowed exit and entry on Sunset,due to its slope and since the right-of-way is under State control (part of the I-405 right-of-way), it is only logical to have entry and exiting from Edmonds and NE 12th, which are by far the safer of the three streets. The overall topography of the site is hilly with varying degrees of slopes. Therefore a special circumstance exists along Edmonds Ave NE, in that the slope is 40% or greater in some areas (ref Slope Analysis Map), and covered with heavy brush and young second growth deciduous trees. We have completed a slope analysis on the property and are aware of the vulnerability of the slopes along Edmonds and others which may exist at 40%or greater. Therefore, we have taken precautions such as ensuring vegetation will be kept intact where feasible and the addition of retaining walls to help ensure slope stability. In order to develop the site,we must clear some of the trees which exist in this area to provide visibility of and access to the church from the street. However, the facility will be appropriately screened from the residential areas as not to intrude upon their privacy. We have designed terraced retaining walls along Edmonds in order to provide support to the slope and minimize erosion and sliding. The walls will be built of Geoblocks, each block measuring approximately 2ft in height, 4ft long, and 2ft deep. This is essentially a reinforced concrete block gravity retaining wall. Please reference the section drawing on the Slope Analysis (PACE),to review the height and width of the walls. The final retaining wall will be designed by a Structural Engineer once the Conditional Use Permit is granted. B. Without a variance on this particular section of the Building and Zoning Code, Sarang Baptist Church may not be able to build a facility to serve the growing Christian and/or Korean population in the nearby area. We do not feel that granting this variance will be "materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity." Instead, this building is designed 4' to increase the sense of community in the area, through providing a facility where people of many cultures can worship and establish a presence in the area to address the needs of the Korean community there. Gabbert Architects Planners have taken extra precautions in the development of this site, simply because it is very challenging and unique in its topography, size and location. The zone is R-10 and the church facility fits well in this residential zone. There are two other church's in the area, one of Lutheran Faith and another of the Baptist Faith. However, Sarang is unique in that it provides an opportunity for those in the Korean community who wish to worship in their own language. Currently Sarang Baptist is sharing the other Baptist facility in the area. And because they are growing and anticipate continued growth in the years to come,they must build a facility suitable to the needs of their ministry. C. For so long the church has been the cornerstone in a community, and because we are in America "land of the free",we must constantly allow room to serve our diverse communities to the fullest.We believe that granting this variance will not result in special privileges inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone. Instead,that granting this variance is the minimum that will help us accomplish the overall desired purpose of this facility. With this variance, we will be able to apply civil design techniques which directly address the stability of the topography so that it will not be detrimental to the owners and/or adjacent properties. D. We hope to make it very clear that we are requesting the minimum to allow us to vary from the tree cutting and removal of vegetation only on sites where slopes are 40% or greater. In no way do we intend to `clear' the slopes along Edmonds. As we understand the necessity for some vegetation to mitigate the impacts on the site.As referenced on the Master Plan&Site Plan,the area along Edmonds will be landscaped, with the retaining walls strategically placed to even out the grade. Parking is not a major issue where the slopes are concerned. Given the irregular shape of the site, we have minimized the placement of parking along Edmonds where the steep slopes exist in Phase I. Also note,that per the analysis, only 9.2%of the site has slopes of 40%or greater, whereas over 90% of the site has 40%or less. In light of this, we request that the approval of the variation of tree cutting and removal of vegetation on slopes that are 40% or greater be granted to accomplish this project. Through our analysis and in our professional opinion, we have not determined that granting the variance would be materially detrimental to the public welfare, or injurious to the property or improvements in the neighborhood. Instead, the variance would help to support the construction of a facility which has historically been a support to communities, and which will continue to help in preserving the integrity of the area. If you have any further questions regarding the slope analysis or this written justification for variance, please direct them to Judy M. Hicks at(206) 367-3600. Thank you h • J Justification for the Variance Request '•� ' Conditional Use Permit LUA98-180 — •^ "" We are requesting a Variance on the behalf of Sarang Baptist Church for Conditional Use permit, LUA98- 180. Due to the unique grading conditions which exist on the site, we wish to vary from the city code requirement in section 4-9-5D under General Provisions.Which does not allow tree cutting or land clearing where the slope is in excess of 40% . We have outlined our justification for varying from tree cutting and clearing vegetation here as well as our methods to preserve the integrity of the landscape. Please find, that the following conditions exist: A. We believe that this section of the code implies undue hardship on development of this site, because special circumstances exist which directly refer to its shape, size, topography and location. We have taken extra precautions to work with the natural topography in terms of the church design, parking and site planning. The site is irregular and oblong in shape bordered by two very busy streets, Sunset Blvd to the South and Edmonds Ave N.E.to the East. Since we are not allowed exit and entry on Sunset, due to its slope and since the right-of-way is under State control (part of the I-405 right-of-way), it is only logical to have entry and exiting from Edmonds and NE 12th, which are by far the safer of the three streets. The overall topography of the site is hilly with varying degrees of slopes. Therefore a special circumstance exists along Edmonds Ave NE, in that the slope is 40% or greater in some areas (ref: Slope Analysis Map), and covered with heavy brush and young second growth deciduous trees. We have completed a slope analysis on the property and are aware of the vulnerability of the slopes along Edmonds and others which may exist at 40%or greater. Therefore, we have taken precautions such as ensuring vegetation will be kept intact where feasible and the addition of retaining walls to help ensure slope stability. In order to develop the site,we must clear some of the trees which exist in this area to provide visibility of and access to the church from the street. However, the facility will be appropriately screened from the residential areas as not to intrude upon their privacy. We have designed terraced retaining walls along &fmonds in order to provide support to the slope and minimize erosion and sliding. The walls will be built of Geoblocks, each block measuring approximately 2ft in height, 4ft long, and 2ft deep. This is essentially a reinforced concrete block gravity retaining wall. Please reference the section drawing on the Slope Analysis (PACE),to review the height and width of the walls. The final retaining wall will be designed by a Structural Engineer once the Conditional Use Permit is granted. B. Without a variance on this particular section of the Building and Zoning Code, Sarang Baptist Church may not be able to build a facility to serve the growing Christian and/or Korean population in the nearby area. We do not feel that granting this variance will be "materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity." Instead, this building is designed to increase the sense of community in the area, through providing a facility where people of many cultures can worship and establish a presence in the area to address the needs of the Korean community there. Gabbert Architects Planners have taken extra precautions in the development of this site, simply because it is very challenging and unique in its topography, size and location. The zone is R-10 and the church facility fits well in this residential zone. There are two other church's in the area, one of Lutheran Faith and another of the Baptist Faith. However, Sarang is unique in that it provides an opportunity for those in the Korean community who wish to worship in their own language. Currently Sarang Baptist is sharing the other Baptist facility in the area. And because they are growing and anticipate continued growth in the years to come,they must build a facility suitable to the needs of their ministry. C. For so long the church has been the cornerstone in a community, and because we are in America"land of the free",we must constantly allow room to serve our diverse communities to the fullest. We believe that granting this variance will not result in special privileges inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone. Instead,that granting this variance is the minimum that will help us accomplish the overall desired purpose of this facility. With this variance, we will be able to apply civil design techniques which directly address the stability of the topography so that it will not be detrimental to the owners and/or adjacent properties. D. We hope to make it very clear that we are requesting the minimum to allow us to vary from the tree cutting and removal of vegetation only on sites where slopes are 40% or greater. In no way do we intend to `clear' the slopes along Edmonds. As we understand the necessity for some vegetation to mitigate the impacts on the site. As referenced on the Master Plan&Site Plan,the area along Edmonds will be landscaped, with the retaining walls strategically placed to even out the grade. Parking is not a major issue where the slopes are concerned. Given the irregular shape of the site, we have minimized therplacement of parking along Edmonds where the steep slopes exist in Phase I. Also note,that per the analysis, only 9.2%of the site has slopes of 40%or greater, whereas over 90% of the site has 40%or less. In light of this, we request that the approval of the variation of tree cutting and removal of vegetation on slopes that are 40% or greater be granted to accomplish this project. Through our analysis and in our professional opinion, we have not determined that granting the variance would be materially detrimental to the public welfare, or injurious to the property or improvements in the neighborhood. Instead, the variance would help to support the construction of a facility which has historically been a support to communities, and which will continue to help in preserving the integrity of the area. If you have any further questions regarding the slope analysis or this written justification for variance, please direct them to Judy M. Hicks at(206) 367-3600. Thank you r �k ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Purpose of the Checklist: The State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA), Chapter 43.21 RCW,requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. Instructions for Applicants: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each questions accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a questions does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply." Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. Use of checklist for nonproject proposals: Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." In addition, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (PART D). For nonproject actions, the references in the checklist to the words "project", "applicant", and "property or site" should be read as "proposal", "proposer",and"affected geographic area,"respectively. SEPA CHECKLIST-197-11-960 1 A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of the proposed project, if applicable: Sarang Baptist Church 2. Name of Applicant: Gabbert Architects Planners 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: 10748 Lake City Way N.E., Seattle,WA 98125 (206)367-3600 (206) 367-8946 Fax 4. Date Checklist prepared: 12/4/98 5. Agency requesting Checklist: Gabbert Architects Planners 6. Proposed timing or schedule(including phasing, if applicable). Phase I is pending approval of CUP and construction documents will be submitted within one month of receiving the CUP. Phase II will conclude in 5-10 years to complete the Master Plan. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. Sarang Baptist Church is preparing a Master Plan and will be developing the facility in phases. These periods are undecided at this time. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. Soils Report;Civil Engineering Drainage Report 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. No 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Conditional Use Permit Building Permit Variance SEPA CHECKLIST-197-11-960 2 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.) This site is currently vacant and the proposed use is for a church with maximum occupancy load of approximately 299 in worship assembly area and 69 in childrens classes/nursery. It will be a 2-story Type V One Hour structure at approximately 16,225 sq ft,with parking ketwPPn 100 '18 at 'O S ced 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. See legal description attached to CUP Application. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARTH a. General description of the site(circle one): Flat,rolling,hilly,steep slopes, mountainous, other. Hilly with steep slopes approximately 17% grade. b. What is the steepest slope on the site(approximate percent slope)? 4 Approximately 17% grade c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils,specify them and note any prime farmland. According to King County Conservation District Soils Maps the site consists of Indianola and R&G Ragnar Soils. (SEE SOILS REPORT) d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. No. e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Approximately 3000 cubic yards of excavation and 8500 cubic yards of fill-of which 5500 cubic yards will be imported. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. Minor erosion could occur during construction and the best management practices will be used to minimize during construction.However, there should be no erosion once construction is complete. SEPA CHECKLIST-197-11-960 3 g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? 65% h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion,or other impacts to the earth, if any: Bmps;silt fence; straw bales;working in dry weather; quarry spall pad 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. We are proposing a church and do not foresee danger in emissions during or after construction. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odors that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: Not Applicable 3. WATER a. Surface: (1). Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year- round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. Drainage System discharges into Lake Washington located downstream. (2). Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes,please describe and attach available plans. No (3). Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. None (4). Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. SEPA CHECKLIST-197-11-960 4 '' No (5). Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. No (6). Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No b. Ground: (1). Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description,purpose, and approximate quantities if known. YES-Possibly infiltration of storm water consistent with K.C.S.W.P.M and Geotechnical Report and City of Renton requirements. (2). Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals....; agricultural; etc.,). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. None c. Water Runoff(including stormwater): (1). Describe the source of runoff(including storm water)and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities,if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. S.W. will be collected on-site and treated for water quality and detention consistent with the City of Renton Requirements. SW will discharge into existing drainage system along Sunset Blvd. (2). Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. Pollutants associated with runoff from parking lots. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface,ground,and runoff water impacts,if any: BMP's include a wet vault. SEPA CHECKLIST-197-11-960 5 4. PLANTS a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: _x _deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other evergreen tree: fir, cedar,pine,other shrubs _x_grass pasture crop or grain wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush,skunk cabbage, other water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other _x other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? All vegetation within proposed building and parking lot locations will be removed.Vegetation on steep slopes will be kept intact where feasible to help ensure slope stability. Also one large cedar tree will be saved. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants,or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any. There will be a proposed landscaping plan and preservation of at least one large cedar tree and the enhancement of vegetation will be included. Landscaping will be provided to meet Renton codes, however,we are unable to answer exactly how this will be handled at this time. 5. ANIMALS a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: birds: hawk, heron, eagle,songbirds, other: Information Not Available mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other: Information Not Available fish: bass,salmon,trout, herring, shellfish, other: Information Not Available b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. Information Not Available at this time. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. Information Not Available d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife,if any: None other than landscape at the present time. SEPA CHECKLIST-197-11-960 6 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Electric and natural gas b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe: No c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, it any: d. The use of insulation and insulated glass or double paned windows. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion,spill,or hazardous waste,that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe: None (1). Describe special emergency services that might be required. None other than fire/ambulance. (2). Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: Requirements and procedures are unknown at this time b. Noise (1). What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? Traffic-site is located close to Sunset Blvd. (2). What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short- term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Short term-Equipment operation-during construction only-approximately 9AM-5PM Long term-Music during worship services-Sunday Morning 8am-9am 11am- 1pm f, Fridays 7pm-9pm (3). Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts,if any: None at this time SEPA CHECKLIST- 197-11-960 7 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Vacant b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. No c. Describe any structures on the site. None d. Will any structures be demolished? If so,what? No e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? R-10 f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? R-10 g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Not Applicable h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive"area? If so, specify. No i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? 5-6 j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any. Not applicable 1. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: See pre-application materials 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low- income housing. None b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low- income housing. None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: Not Applicable SEPA CHECKLIST-197-11-960 8 10. AESTHETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? 37'6" as measured from finished grade to roof peak. 22'as measured per zoning code definition. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed' None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: None 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Outside parking lot lights-evening b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? Glare from headlights of cars along Sunset is the only possibility at this time. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: None at this time. 12. RECREATION a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? None b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any. None ft a SEPA CHECKLIST-197-11-960 9 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. None b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts,if any: None 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. The site is served by access from Edmonds Avenue to the east and access from N.E. 12th as the northern boundary. There will be not access directly onto Sunset. See site plan for details. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? Yes-approximately one to two blocks to the nearest site. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? 110-118 parking spaces. The lot is currently vacant and will not eliminate any parking. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so,generally describe(indicate whether public or private). No e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation. If so, generally describe. No f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. Information unavailable at this time. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts,if any. None at this time. { SEPA CHECKLIST-197-11-960 10 15. PUBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools,other)? If so, generally describe. See report. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services,if any. None 16. UTILITIES a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer,septic systems,other. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project,the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. C. SIGNATURE The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. ,-.( Signature e9lre il Name Printed Marlin Gabbert AM Date Submitted /270 S I SEPA CHECKLIST-197-11-960 11 f • linuart 13, 1999 Laureen Nicolay G;; . City of Renton • 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton,Washington 98055 r-► i SUBJECT: Revisions to Sarang Baptist Church Conditional Use Permit Application ) City file#LUA98-180 We are resubmitting the Conditional Use Permit, LUA98-180 for Sarang Baptist Church with the revisions per your December 29, 1998 letter. Also,we are a land clearing and variance request for slopes at 40%or greater. Please note the justification below addressing each item from your revisions letter. Geotechnical Report Per my conversation with Neil Watts and Jennifer Henning the 1987 geotechnical report that we submitted with the original application is sufficient for CUP. Slope Analysis Our civil engineer has completed the slope analysis and we have included the drawing. Per the analysis, there are '.t indeed 40% slopes existing on the site. Therefore, we have attached a justification for land clearing and variance request,with$250.00 check enclosed. (REF: SLOPE ANALYSIS 11 COPIES) Parking The additional parking is required because for churches we prefer to design more on-site parking that is safe and specifically supplied to support the facilities use. This will also reduce any possible parking impacts on the surrounding neighborhoods.As well,it makes it safer for church members(in particular women and children)leaving the facility at night, where sufficient parking is located closer to the facility. (REF: SITE PLAN - Phase I/Master Plan 11 copies ea) Impervious surfaces- We have indeed proposed additional parking over the city code which indeed increases impervious surfaces over 5%. Therefore to reduce the impervious surface we have chosen your Option 2 by designating much of the Phase II parking as "grass crete" which would bring the impervious surface down by 5%. According to Jennifer Henning there were no limits on the % of grass crete, however, it only accounts for 50% of pervious surface, therefore by adding 11% grass crete, our actual reduction is approximately 5.5%. This is sufficiently within the grounds for our 60% impervious surface range, therefore no parking modifications should be required. Also, please note that we are only over the impervious surface range of 60% at the 2nd phase of building, which means the grass crete need be added during this phase only. (REF: SITE PLAN(s)) Parking stall size-In reference to the size of the parking stalls we have modified the drawings to show that the stall lengths are indeed 20', which is illustrated on the Phase 2 Master Plan, sheet A0.2. If you will please note, 18' from the back of the car to the curb, and 2 ft overhang into the landscaped area. This does not intrude into designated landscape areas, pedestrian pathways or building setbacks. In areas where the aisle widths were 20' they have been increased to 24' by adding 3 compact parking stalls of 16' with 2' overhang (total 18'). This was added as employee parking, and does not exceed the 40% requirement per code. Please note in the areas where the aisle width is 20' there is no parking and therefore, no turn-a-round space required. Again, much of the compact parking is not added until Phase II of this project. (REF: SITE PLAN (s)) Standardized References- Please note we have standardized all references to site size, and number of parking stalls. Includes: 12 copies Updated Project Narrative 12 copies Site Data Sheet 10 copies Justification for the Variance Request 11 copies Master Application(s) Justification for the Conditional Use Permit Request Sarang Baptist Church The proposed Sarang Baptist Church Project, a two-story building with a footprint of approximately 9,850 square feet and related parking,with landscaping meeting all requirements of the zoning codes of the City of Renton. The proposed use is compatible with the general purpose goals and objectives in the standards of the comprehensive plan and the zoning ordinance with the exception of the variance request for impervious surface. Historically, churches have been allowed in residential areas without Conditional Use Permits. In the past fifteen years, Conditional Use Permits have been required in more and more communities. In the past twenty five years, Conditional Use Permits have been increasingly been required of churches. The increase in church size and society's growing dependence on the automobile, have resulted in subsequent traffic issues and concerns for what were small scale residential neighborhoods. This site is on the corner of a state highway, also known as at the intersection of Edmonds Avenue NE; a commercial development borders on the south side across Sunset Boulevard NE;the east side is single and multi- family;there is a power station and vacant lot on the west side;single family residential property to the north at the narrow end; across to the east, across Edmonds Avenue NE, there is multi-family residential; kitty cornered from the site,to the northeast,is a school. Churches are an integral part of social and religious life in America. It then contributes to a strong sense of community and neighborhood identity. The location of the site supports public transportation. The project will be visually attractive and contribute to the well being of the neighborhood in terms of its basic ministry to people. Sarang Baptist Church will contribute a connection to the community instead of isolation. It will provide activity that will contribute to the commercial center to the east of the proposed development. It is a part of the system of facilities which meet the public and quasi-public service needs of present and future Renton residents, especially serving the Korean community within the Renton area. There is a definite community need for this facility. Within the City of Renton,there are various ethnic community groups. In this instance, there is a Korean community that wishes to worship in their own language. Imposing dispersion criteria because there is a church across the street would be unconscionable considering the specific nature of the church and its ministry. The proposed location is well-suited to its proposed use,because of its relative location to commercial multi-family and its minimal impact on single family residential areas. The project will have no adverse effect on adjacent properties. In fact,the project will contribute to the improvement of the neighborhood and be an asset to adjacent properties. Any traffic generation is limited to non-peak travel times and the building location and sites are such that residential areas will be well screened from the project. 4'f <k.L:i 1 ,. r Sarang Baptist Church Site Data Data Analysis Description Code Requirements Proposed Comment Code Ref Total square footage of the site NA 78,038 Total square footage of existing area(s)of 0 0 impervious surfacing Total square footage of existing 78,038 0 natural/undeveloped area Square footage(by floor and overall total) 1st 9,850 2"d NA 6,375 Total 16,225 Percentage of lot covered by buildings or 50% 13% structures Total pavement square footdge both existing pavement, 0 new pavement proposed to be installed 40,300 Total 40,300 _ Code Impervious Surfaces 60% %of Impervious surface 59% Grass Crete Parking 3,981.12 sf=11%of total parking has been building 9,850 revised to grass crete. To increase pervious SW&Parking 36,192 surface. This increases Total 46,042 total pervious to 5.5% since Grass crete is only measured at 50%. Square footage of any on-site wetlands 0 0 Parking analysis to include the total parking Cars Size Cars Size spaces required and provided 60 Cars 90 Cars Regular 39 61 @ 9' x 20' Compact 30%Max. Used 18 @ 8'6"x 16' 25 @ 8'5"x 18' "ADA Accessible"spaces 3 @ 16' x 16' 4 @ 16' x 16' Square footage of landscaping for each area, for interior parking lot landscaping, 4,657 perimeter-general 23,231 Total 27,888 Allowable and proposed building height 30' 22' Building setbacks required by code Front Yard 20' 120' Side Yard Street 15' 37' Side Yard 5' 37' Rear Yard 20' 236' g:\8061sarang\docs\preconst\site data.doc C41711 l?%* 4 '999 F1"' , , SEP-30-98 12 : 10 PM CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 206 255 3291 P. 02 /,2.1"0 +NZ&J't Itie it .,,IIrJ . 1�i'ar,'1ire"iiit�`�:3�dI'tila4 r hW ZNIir 1,eY� /..'1dE' ./'ss/'"N,5,./"+.3 i x i N a.k.-• r 7,1C1 Or, M COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE .1 pi a , Cl' r Uf--R• ENT�N.; ► .. BAN 1 w 4 1999 D It CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY w' w ,r 1i '� 0. .i CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Missouri corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title Insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor i of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefore; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Exclusions from Coverage (appearing herein)and to the Conditions and 5 ` Stipulations hereof. 'Si This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or i policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance NI s of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. / / '%1 afiThis Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies «t committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is11 !, not the fault of the Company. wi In Witness Whereof,CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this commitment to be signed and sealed \ as of the date of policy shown in Schedule A, the policy to become valid when countersigned by an authorized signatory. , 11 kwI 1l Issued by: 1): CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 1800 Columbia Center CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 701 Fifth Avenue By: Seattle, Washington 98104 +'.tNeu'' (206) 628. 5666 it . , ;.., , ‘t president aSecretary w N., SEP-30-98 12 : 10 PM CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 206 255 3291 P.03 `iUCAOO TITLE INSURANCE COMPA,„,: 1000 coraraxa cpIMI, 701 tarn Avmri Title Unit: U-06 SEATTLE, WA 98104 Phone: (206) 628-5610 A.L.TA.COMMITMENT Fax (206) 628-9717 SCHEDULE A OrderNo.: S26888 Officer: DARYL S/ROGER T/BARB W/PAUL S. YourNo.: —. Commitment Effective Date: SEPTEMBER 18, 1998 at B:00 A.M. 1. Policy or Policies to be issued: PREMIUM APPLICABLE BETWEEN$190,001.00-S200,000.00 M IF ALTA Owner's Policy Amount: $200,000.00 1992 STANDARD Premium: $720.00 NON-RESIDENTIAL PRIOR POLICY RATE T $ 61.92 Proposed Insured: SARONG BAPTIST CHURCH, AND SARONG BAPTIST CHURCH Policy or Policies to be issued: Amount: $o.o o ALTA Loan Policy Premium: Tax: Proposed Insured: Policy or Policies to be issued: Amount: So.00 ALTA Loan Policy Premium: Tax: Proposed Insured: 2. The estate or interest in the land which is covered by this Commitment is: FEE SIMPLE 3. Title to the estate or interest in the land is at the effective date hereof vested in: JOHN S. RANCHERO AND ELIZABETH RANCHERO, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS TO AN UNDIVIDED ONE-HALF INTEREST; AND ROBERT FLORER AND NANCY FLORER, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS TO AN UNDIVIDED ONE-HALF INTEREST 4. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY WLTACOMA/OTC 5/RLK • SEP-30-98 12 : 11 PM CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 206 255 3291 P. 04 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.TA.COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A (Continued) Order No,: 526888 Your No.: LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT (Paragraph 4 of Schedule A continuation) BEGINNING ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; 30 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 8; THENCE WEST ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION, 145 FEET; THENCE SOUTH PARALLEL TO THE EAST BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION 638.93 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE NORTH LINE OR MARGIN OR MARGIN OF PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 2; THENCE IN A SOUTHEASTERLY DIRECTION ALONG THE NORTH LINE OR MARGIN OF SAID PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 2, TO A POINT 30 FEET WESTERLY OF THE EAST BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION 8, AS MEASURED ALONG A LINE PROJECTED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO SAID EAST BOUNDARY LINE; THENCE NORTH PARALLEL TO AND 30 FEET WESTERLY OF THE SAID EAST BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONDEMNED IN KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NUMBER 655879, FOR PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 1; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION THEREOF BEGINNING AT A POINT 75 FEET NORTHEASTERLY AND OPPOSITE HIGHWAY ENGINEER'S STATION 48 + 00 ON THE A LINE CENTER LINE OF BR 405, NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY IN A STRAIGHT LINE TO A POINT 30 FEET WESTERLY•AND OPPOSITE HIGHWAY ENGINEER'S STATION 23 + 50 ON THE 116TH AVENUE CENTER LINE OF SAID PROJECT; THENCE NORTHERLY TO A POINT 30 FEET WESTERLY AND OPPOSITE HIGHWAY ENGINEERS' STATION 23 + 75 AND THE END OF THIS LINE DESCRIPTION; AND EXCEPT THE NORTH 30 FEET CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 7906250755. CHICAGO Tr1'LE INSURANCE COMPANY dunks/1.1s.an/ne. SEP-30-98 12 : 11 PM CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 206 255 3291 P. 05 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.TA.COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B Order No.: 526888 Your No.: Schedule B of the policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following matters unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS A. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. B. Encroachments,overlaps,boundary line disputes,or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. C. Easements,or claims of casements,not shown by the public records. D. Any lien,or right to a lien,for contributions to employee benefit funds,or for state workers' compensation,or for services,labor,or material heretofore or hereafter furnished,all as imposed by law,and not shown by the public records. E. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. F. Any service,installation,connection,maintenance,tap,capacity or construction charges for sewer,water, electricity,other utilities,or garbage collection and disposal. G.Reservations or exceptions In patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; Indian tribal codes or regulations,Indian treaty or aboriginal rights,including easements or equitable servitudes. H. Water rights,claims, or title to water. I. Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverse claims or other matters,if any,created,first appearing in the public records,or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS FOLLOW CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Mt7 co,is .SEP-30-98 12 : 12 PM CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 206 255 3291 P. 06 t CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.TA.COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 000526888 Your o.: SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS A 1, RELINQUISHMENT OF ACCESS TO STATE HIGHWAY NUMBER 1 AND OF LIGHT, VIEW AND AIR BY DEED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: RECORDED: DECEMBER 29, 1971 RECORDING NUMBER: 7112290094 lr 2. CONDEMNATION OF ACCESS TO STATE HIGHWAY NUMBER 1 AND OF LIGHT, VIEW AND AIR BY KING COUNTY DECREE TO STATE OF WASHINGTON; ENTERED: NOT DISCLOSED SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NUMBER: 655879 c 3, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT: RECORDED: JUNE 25, 1979 • RECORDING NUMBER: 7906250764 n 4, PAYMENT OF THE REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX, IF REQUIRED. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SITUATED WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF LOCAL TAXING AUTHORITY OF 2100. ANY CONVEYANCE DOCUMENT MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THE OFFICIAL WASHINGTON STATE EXCISE TAX AFFIDAVIT. THE APPLICABLE EXCISE TAX MUST BE PAID AND THE AFFIDAVIT APPROVED AT THE TIME OF THE RECORDING OP THE CONVEYANCE DOCUMENTS. 5. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES) : YEAR: 1998 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER; 082305-9043-00 LEVY CODE: 2100 ASSESSED VALUE-LAND: $ 200,000.00 OH1CA00 TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY emt.omDi/I Sol/rlm •SEP-30-98 12 : 12 PM CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 206 3291 P. 07 • i CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.TA.COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 526888 Your No.: SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS: $ 0.00 GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: BILLED: $2,639.95 PAID: $1,319.98 UNPAID: $1,319.97 • 6. MATTERS DISCLOSED BY SURVEY RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 7908249006, WHICH WILL FOLLOW BY SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT. a 7. TITLE IS TO VEST IN SARONG BAPTIST CHURCH, AND SARONG BAPTIST CHURCH, AND WILL THEN BE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING MATTERS SHOWN AT PARAGRAPH(S) 6 . • 8. WE FIND NO CORPORATION UNDER THE NAME OF SARONG BAPTIST CHURCH ON THE LIST OF ACTIVE CORPORATIONS IN THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. IT MAY NOT BE A LEGAL ENTITY CAPABLE OF HOLDING AN INTEREST IN REAL PROPERTY. EVIDENCE OF THE EXISTENCE OF SAID CORPORATION MUST BE SUBMITTED. z NOTE 1: EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1997, DOCUMENT FORMAT AND CONTENT REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN IMPOSED BY WASHINGTON LAW. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE DOCUMENT BY THE COUNTY RECORDER. FIRST PAGE OR COVER SHEET: 3" TOP MARGIN CONTAINING NOTHING EXCEPT THE RETURN ADDRESS. 1" SIDE AND BOTTOM MARGINS CONTAINING NO MARKINGS OR SEALS. TITLE(S) OF DOCUMENTS. RECORDING NO. OF ANY ASSIGNED, RELEASED OR REFERENCED DOCUMENT(S) . GRANTORS NAMES (AND PAGE NO. WHERE ADDITIONAL NAMES CAN BE FOUND) . GRANTEES NAMES (AND PAGE NO. WHERE ADDITIONAL NAMES CAN BE FOUND) . ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION (AND PAGE NO. FOR FULL DESCRIPTION) . ASSESSOR'S TAX PARCEL NUMBER(S) . RETURN ADDRESS (IN TOP 3" MARGIN) . **A COVER SHEET CAN BE ATTACHED CONTAINING THE ABOVE FORMAT AND DATA IF THE FIRST PAGE DOES NOT CONTAIN ALL REQUIRED DATA. ADDITIONAL PAGES: 1" TOP, SIDE AND BOTTOM MARGINS CONTAINING NO MARKINGS OR SEALS. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY doomD2/rlm!I 1347 " -SEP-30-98 12 : 12 PM CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 206 2SS 3291 P. 08 • r CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.TA.COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No,: 526888 your o.: SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS ALL PAGES: NO STAPLED OR TAPED ATTACHMENTS. EACH ATTACHMENT MUST BE A SEPARATE PACE. ALL NOTARY AND OTHER PRESSURE SEALS MUST BE SMUDGED FOR VISIBILITY, FONT SIZE OF B POINTS OR LARGER, THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED AS AN ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON THE DOCUMENTS TO BE RECORDED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF R.C.W. 65.04. SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHICH MUST ALSO APPEAR IN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT: PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE S EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN. END OF SCHEDULE B CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY *saw:mm/1-15.47 ". SEP-30-98 12 : 13 PM CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 206 255 3291 P. 09 i Y CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A.L.TA.COMMTTMEHT SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 526888 our No.: SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS THE FOLLOWING PARTIES HAVE BEEN SENT A COPY OF THIS COMMITMENT: STAR PROPERTIES LARRY BROWN 1/1 (425)251-6111 ROBERT FLORER 1/1 JOHN BANCHERO 1/1 SARONG BAPTIST CHURCH PASTOR CHANG KIM 3/3 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY •�•��/.tp/t.ts�r ,'-SEP-30-98 12 : 13 PM CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 206 255 3291 P. 10 . 0CHICAGO TITLE SURANCE COMPANY �''' 1600 COLUICIA CIVTIR, 701 STU Ave, szATrx.e, wA,su garor 0S104 IMPORTANT: This is not a Survey. It is furnished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. N N . e0 i3 -' I 7_ . . ._..., \` r 12 T •r-..r. ST r MN ,tY for e ifpr Po 1 Pok • I I e jltl j r •%It 1 fc, 41 11,1 1 . 16:".45 t „all 1 Ili_ itr ^r t ��LK -M W R • 4 'eiTgoiPi ric, . •• . . 14, ,' 1 US, jil sit , .� y F ,I 1 x, A igi 77 AA sty -- .—A.,.....,,,,..,s Tie°. O. du ' ti 1 1 IN ems' I O ill .-tIN I 4171 " c"P' t•P 6.11 l'ei- l' !4 \G‘A' '4e'--.7'44.f. ''' 's joa .0., !• ��/' r� /,�t1 �o"/ �� ` Jfr �` rl� poi 1 p R {I rf �� • SIP i6 I „Ot jt > tl"" r ir ,�. N I•TH 0•,�® W 4,,, '•.E m� I.-ei I} (1� O W. a Q4� SP • C rt°� —� �s • Q• 4�'• ^ I I c t • .i_..,_,r It TM PL � . MA/ ' -SEP-30-98 12 : 14 PM CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 206 255 3291 P. 11 • Loir EXCLUSIONS (Cont'd,) 4. Any claim,which arises out of the transaction vesting in the Insured the estate or Interest Insured by this policy, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that is based on: (i) the transaction creating the estate or Interest insured by this policy being deemed a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer; or (ii) the transaction creating the estate or Interest insured by this policy being deemed a preferential transfer except where the preferential transfer results from the failure: (a) to timely record the instrument of transfer; or (b) of such recordation to impart notice to a purchaser for value or a judgment or lien creditor. ALTA LOAN POLICY FORM (10-17-92) The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees or expenses which arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any law,ordinance or governmental regulation(including but not limited to building and zoning laws,ordinances, or regulations) restricting, regulating, prohibiting or relating to(I) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the land; (ii)the character, dimensions or location of any Improvement now or hereafter erected on the land;(III)a separa- tion In ownership or a change In the dimensions or area of the land or any parcel of which the land is or was a part; or (iv) environmental protection, or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except to the extent that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encum- brance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded In the public records at Date of Policy. (b) Any governmental police power not excluded by(a)above,except to the extent that a notice of the exercise thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. 2. Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy,but not excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Date of Policy which would be binding on the rights of a purchaser for value without knowledge. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters: (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company, not recorded In the public records at Date of Policy, but known to the insured claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the insured claimant prior to the date the insured claimant became an Insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy(except to the extent that this policy Insures the priority of the lien of the Insured mortgage over any statutory lien for services, labor or material); or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the insured mortgage. 4. Unenforceabillty of the lien of the insured mortgage because of the inability or failure of the insured at Date of Policy, or the inability or failure of any subsequent owner of the indebtedness, to comply with applicable doing business laws of the state In which the land is situated. 5. Invalidity or unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage, or claim thereof, which arises Out of the transaction evidenced by the insured mortgage and is based upon usury or any consumer credit protection or truth in lending law. e. Any statutory lien for services, labor or materials (or the claim or priority of any statutory lien for services, labor or materials over the lien of the insured mortgage)arising from an improvement or work related to the land which is con- tracted for and commenced subsequent to Date of Policy and is not financed in whole or in part by proceeds of the indebtedness secured by the insured mortgage which at Date of Policy the insured has advanced or is obligated to advance. 7. Any claim,which arises out of the transaction creating the interest of the mortgagee insured by this policy, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that is based on: (I) the transaction creating the Interest of the insured mortgagee being deemed a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer; or (ii) the subordination of the interest of the insured mortgagee as a result of the application of the doctrine of equitable subordination; or (iii) the transaction creating the interest of the Insured mortgagee being deemed a preferential transfer except where the preferential transfer results from the failure: (a) to timely record the Instrument of transfer; or (b) of such recordation to impart notice to a purchaser for value or a judgment or lien creditor. ' -SEP-30-98 12 : 15 PM CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 206 255 3291 P. 12 . ►kMbmato xR.,,,"e FIRST A ,J RICAN TITLE tom' ^.' iwtNUE sear;.,-v;a.tioNrG;bM yt.;Oe { MISSr'�C!aSIWtD FOR=OMNI'S Vic, e _ I I ..F ,,„„- First American Titla INSURANCE COMPANY ., gTAo:E t:f — or..C. % ..40' . _ • N Washington.1.- p.'t:--- IcIA-- FII.d for Record at Request of r., aen.or st►t 'n wk.( )! 7 0. () tRVINUF Cf"116 — ' }q�, _ t- CName. American Titl_e�CPertr Vhiuton ,t� t �^ 1000 seconQ Avenue 3+b 5TATEdF ,�.t-C0'veiz, -- c, _.._._... _._._ ..._..._.__._._._. . Jaahington T, TcX _0.1 t N CigandStats..._., • Seattle»„WA 9644 -. 0 0, S 0 _ _.�.. . , Wr i N D[/lt)F SEPt to y�� (77 _ .,, ,yN c *FVRNUF Escrow No. 12802AF 'o ._ — t'1.louts cxCJSF N TAX PAID SEP211978 Statutory Warranty Deed I E 49730 ' i . . "" OHN C. RUSHMORE and A. ELIZABETH RUSHMORE, his wife; ' and ROBERT H. GRAYSON and ELINOR SUE GRAYSON, his wife, for and in comlderaGaao( 'Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration, JOHN S. BANCHERO and ELIZABETH BANCHERO, his wife, as to an undivided in hand pil d,convey,and ,,■menu to/ one-half interest; and ROBERT FLORER and NANCY FLORP,R, his wife, as to an undivided one-half interest, the following dea.rthed neat*Mau,situated in the County of King 9 ,Srek of • Beginning on the North line of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W,M., in King County, Washington, 30 feet West Of the NE corner of said Section 8; thence West along the North boundary line of said Section, 145 feet; thence South parallel to the East boundary line of said Section, 638.93 feet, more or leas, to the North line or margin of Primary State Highway No. 2; thence in a Southeasterly direction along the North line or margin of said Primary State Highway No. 2, to a point 30 feet Westerly of the East boundary' line of said Section 8, as measured along a line projected at right angles to said East boundary line; thence North parallel to and 30 feet westerly of the said East boundary line of said Section to the point of beginning; EXCEPT that portion condemned in King County Superior Court Cause No. 655879E for Primary State HighwayNo. 1, and that portion thereof beginning at a point 75 feet Norheasterly and opposite Highway RentoneIntes rchange;4thencenNortheasterl A line yeinea BR r 30 feet Westerly and opposite Highway Engineer's Station 23+50 on the116th Avenue center line of said project; thence Northerly to a point 30 feet Westerly and o .osite Highway Engineer's Station 23+75 and the H sad of t is ling desc � lion. Situate in the City or Renton, County of King, State of Washington. SUBJECT TO: Relinquishment of rights of access to State Highway and light, view and air under terms of Deed to the State of Washington, recorded December 29, 1971, nder Recording No. 7I,12290094. D ' , 2 C� day o! September ale erg H. G ayson \ 3- 'ef'. A ttmore .• • . E inor Sue Grayson e-2 pp^ STATE OF WASHINGTON, A. EliRI re' 1j(atuJ is Coualy of King - On this day personally appeared before me JOHN C.RUSHMORE b A. ELIZABETH RUSHMORE, to me known Is OR the Individual s dmeriLed in and who executed Or within and foregofns Instrument, and • acknnwled t thPY signed the same as their rum and voluntary act sad deM:, kr tb. .—+ uM+ and e•-eoees therNi mentioned, GIVEN under my hand and official seal this .%f,, t,A0ay Pf, September .18 78, i 1j �,i • • „Notary Public !a saw he 1,14 31.4.6 Fer nra_m i, , 1 tasllfej it ?1/ lJ-f/� .. . .....,.•+'' /('er','a e 1 Li I - 44•SEP-30-98 12 : 15 PM CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 206 255 3291 P. 13 . ,•••11.mimilm"."71 .11.1.1 s•r.vn: (Ir• 9FIREK#W, I•�x county . /fi(Gtrjj.:�,c-G ,. . 1 On this day personally appeared before me ROBERT if, GRAYSON and ELINOR SUE GRAYSON, CJ •o me known to he the individual a desrrihed in and wha executed the within and foregoing instrument, and CV Ch acknowledged that they signed t'e same as their tree and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein men.ivned. 00 CIVEN under my hand and official seal this • day of September �., 78. • • ovary is in eed Jor the foie o/� 7 j1YrKOre.p ACKNOWLEDGMENT- tNDIVICrtJAL residing at FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY • • • • • • • • SEP-30-98 12 : 16 PM CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 206 255 3291 P. 14 ..�y`�•. r. • • fill t'•grur. ,r rl rlr.Uu"' ( Id}cl 1, pit,•.. Ih• It,I I'.wl hq Ir'.1'Ir.',111 r,. .rll.•1 l ,rvr• w,.IV, r 'tap, I.' ,teri,l rll,l I•f rnr „ .nrr/ r ulr, ., I .r„I,n.r •n. .....1 r I'n,d..r.. II,,., r.. „rqt L,. I•r,,,.,r..,l ,un. ,,.1., •.1..,11 1, ,••1 ru,.�f by LI,. .p..:1,�,�•� .I ,..•I,rltt•.r•I,.I„n r• r ,II I.,/..,Lso wolves l.I,...�.,,1t1'•r 11 eau,' I .r..l,i u,,.. ,., ,. . Lr w•,..Ilnud Ly LJr,! vft,^.I i re r L,,1 'Ir•1•'.,•r, 11 1:,.• 1" .1 1• 1,•11;10 ,.gl rrl,r,•b1 10 pulf:b.ra•, llrr V/ni ,<,t :,Ii,r11 11.,1 ills titled coy, vith II' r.lr,r1 Count I,r,,•,atment of nocurd:. and I:levtionO when ether documents .re revoi tl.,d, A viol..t,,•n by .1ny v,'IPler or vend'r'n ot1,'llt of any'prnvininn of orain,.M'a tb, 1 o' a civil penalty in an aount not to exceed $25 On for each vielatlon. 1 9J maY [WWI. In asaosa m m ent • Ntfli' 9Q,I'UIICll71SF;u • If theta to net re.lnenable accoaa to puullc saMi'tary.sewer ty4tom frvn the parcel you are thinking of huyin9, 1'ou must Install a private newer .yatcn'•npprovod by the )(Iry County I,'par•t•:cnP Of health in order to b.,lid .. house or Any strutLure >••hieh :11f be need for human habitation. tin b' Skiing permits aro lsaueu for par els which cannot have .'corns to .u•Jrroved public or approved privet,: sown' systems. No permit Will be lamed for And no nrrtie tank. 57rt.ema ma; no located On thi:+ parcel llhl„LR it has been subjected to a �4• ,.ercola,inn tent within r.ne year briar t•, application for a buildintl permit. Even it a timely percolation test ha: been made. no permit will Irc leered and no septic tank -.'ctt'p May be located on this p if the Department of health has not approved the plan-for and approved the installation of tho private sewer system. Before you enter into an eorcerent to purchase this parcel, you should contact the Ring County • Departmunt of Health to determine the preccduros for-installing a private sower system. your seller may havo had a percolation tcrt redo on the parcel by a registered civil or sanitary engineer or certificatod sewage disposal system dralnner.'. 1f so, that fact and the conclusions of the test appear d ` Below. • 'I:LLI:n'n 'r•Pnt:SPITAT)ONa PLRCOLAT11;:, TEST. Seller must complete either Atetomont A or Sc..;cmunt D as appropriate. A. ►1y ascent (dome of Aicnt) .:•s,.. , a registered civil or r•anitar, nnpineer nr certif1Catci sewage disposal system designer, ham conducted percolation tests on this parcel; (Legal Description) QThe MoreoJation teat was con;ltleted rn Mato) _ From the testa, n.y a'innt concluded that :1..•ptic tanK ayatt.• oou enulu not le installed on this parcel oj in conformance with standards sot hi ring County aria—Fir-effect at air to Of the test. N tr, I ratitcacnt that the atatcm•'nts above are true. w llei s stgnatu" auto • G. Ne percolation testa hr,t•tl lwen Conducted on this rattail (Legal Description) • I have no knowledge or informatina from which d determination Can be made as to wheth,r a septic tank system may be installed on tiib parcel, except be Coll/rig: (To be completed by sailor.) • • CA; • f represent that the statements above are true. r.s ;ellor's Signature Date BUTCA'S SIGNATURE I have read this statement and understand its contents, • �. Prespoctive urc�o,cTh iFlV io pate Uhl '1'I' (In Till: ALTrUNA'rlvlO •'' I hove read thin diaclonure torn an0 understand itn COntentn. I waive vendor's dieclooutai a Unconditinnally or •( / upon Dthed o t lrch a m-'.ut, wh l rw men d f unh e'x lnq ae pa rtyeel pa r.m ee j Hsoa h./248/1 X,c'CI r put' .at,er s f.ignaturu pate SEP-30-98 12 : 16 PM CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 206 255 3,291 P. 15 Nal • P.A.P. P414-1 ( ) WARRANTY DEED CS 1 130N 405, North Renton i++terchang.wy KNOW ALL MEN BY TNESE PRESENTS. Thai the (ieuntvr s, ARM* BURCNILL and PATRICIA BURCHILL, his wife On October 28, 1954 and at all times since, and JOHN C. RUSMMORI and A. ELIZABETH RUSHMORE, his wife, and ROBERT M. GM1rSON and ELINOR SUE GRAYSON, his wife, for and in consideration of the sum of- - • • TEN AND NO/100 - - - ($IO,00) - - • •Doll,irr, .` and other valuable consideration, .ruby convey and warrant to the STATE or WASHi O1oN, the following described real estate sNu- ,tted in king County. in the State of Washington. to the sumo ...vent and purpose us if the rights herein granted hu'l been acquired under Eminent Domain statue.' of :he State of Washington; All that portion of the following described Parcel ;'A".lying easterly of the following,«... ....,_.,,,•, .. described line; �, Beginning at a point 75 feet northeasterly and opposite Highway Engineer's Station 48+00 s. on the A Line center line of SR 405, North Renton interchange; thence northeasterly in ▪ a straight line to a point 30 feet westerly and opposite Highway Engineer's Station 23+50 on the 116th Avg. center line Of said project; thence northerly to a point 30 feet west- C er:y and opposite Highway Engineer's Station 23+75 and the and of this line description. PARiEL "A": ▪ Beginning on the North line of the Northeast z< of the Northeast i; of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W,M., in King County, Washington, 30 feat West of the Northeast corner of said Section 8; thence West along the North boundary line of said Section, 145 feet; thence South parallel to the East boundary line of said Section, 63d.93 feet, more or less, to the North line or margin of Printery State Highway No. 2; thence in a Southeasterly direction along the North line or margin of said Printery State Highway No. 2, to a point 30 feet Westerly of the East boundary line of said Section 8. as measured along a line projected at right angles to said East boundary line; thence North parallel to and 30 feet Westerly of the said East boundary line of said Section to the point of beginning; EXCEPT that portion condemned 1n King County Superior Court Cause No. 655879, for'Primary State Highway No. 1; Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. The lands herein conveyed contain an area of 4.200 square feet, more or less, the specific details concerning ell of which are to be found within that certain rep of definite loca- tion now of record and on file, in the office of the Director of_Highways at Olympia, and bearing date of approval 1April-27, 1965 and r vl ed April s 1970land the center line of which is also shown of record in Volume 3 of Highway Plats, pagi,137, records of said county. Also, the grantors herein convey and warrant to the State of Washington all rights of ingress and egress (including all existing, future or potential easements of access, light, view and air) to, from and between SR 405, North Renton interchange and the remainder of Said Parcel "A"; EXCEPT that northerly from Highway Enginea,.f Station 22+32 the grantors, • their heirs, successors or assigns reserve a right of reasonable access to the 116th Ave.i.S. center line of said project. By initialing the appropriate space below, the undersigned agree; To surrender possession of the premises conveyed of �./ , which date II based on payment fN the purchase hiving been made Iva (abig at Yeast 9 d days prior thereto. C tt^ (Initial) t: Q r,, , � ,. Tpt IN btrl A.i_ ,..�' -SEP-30-98 12 : 17 PM CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 206 255 3291 P. 16 r- • •.ie•,:,.c ,:n•e,: !1 :he debr•ery of Thu deed :, heat), :ende el and that the te•rw.t 'r'•rs7'0n! i e'en, r hit: •'nt t.e•`01,1e h{iidtap upon the State .f N'urhrngtnn linters and until accepted ••U•,r"rd t•e•n,n wel,fno few ;tie .hate of Washltofo4, ()ope►tTn1t of Hinhtcay,: by the Chief . . •.1'.;,, .►yens rkr•ed rhre IS day of ( .f y 7/ Ia • . ." rrYa �+ :,.ArS ,6.��Jwj n ZI'. a / •.41::, i♦'u!x.'4. �ccopted anti approved: / ,,yyN. `( ' - t).,tC' �?.' �,� `Gt.w`1!r dr. � ' .ti.. '•�. '. :'�, ,tf�'E,�'^•,' y 'TA•t-T OF ' ASfT\G•M\ / .. lf'‘AT ,ENj III' iiiaetN'A\'S rifle! ttlp•.r -• 'vie' ,bent .. 4 •Inmtidual acknowledgment form. F7• i Cnunty nl /111•4441e,•e 4k 1. rl.e undersigned,n rintnr9 ublic in and.for-the State ofyuSl�, hereby certify that on this �1 -d day off 'c� I1,2 . . personally appeared before me a .. �7 a•y 5,.. ct.-r w.41Pil"'r'' me known to he the Individuals described in and who executed the foregoing I .. . :eknou•Jed9ed that �+-� signed and ataffd the some as `�'�% free and roluntor�y ;• ' rnr the lades and purposes therein mentioned, ,fM`N. `"" ••,.O C" Civen under my hand and official seal the day and year las ore to ' 3 : .*Or . ,%It 1. . *tare PubWC to or 1 .' -...' 1 •.'" nutting at .. M et ''•.� - rCorpontfan acknovled Cam_-_.. .� 51 •..v.� 5'.'/- ' ement tom) VATS 0T WASHINGTON. • Couab of f(Sttg a j� .411441141 °ll a aTa o •••o., lrthur Ataehill r ,-ent A., h it m the irtd ua M and who executed the within and foregoing instru r 11 pr at1;t0 ' tom.__. the same as_eb b*.�igfted _free_.___.Joe and voluntary act f.ndrde s f dr t I.it . purposes therein mentioned• of iffif �#dl '11a1►d 1p thO l8 day of.fit. ,]9.71 29 .�a , ` Narry lta M awd/o►the� o Wash ingloe, 0 G *Woof u « %I'l w ..�.��,oa '4 ,� . •-cc: as& 'A CU.wR 9'sjeE _5.PUTV sealing at (cidAvi ,,, . \ k...i ci a1' w7 ., a Ti 0y� 40,0 , cv j o .r � i r W _ r► ' ,ete g fs 2 t3 ' • , fit ei _� ' S,EP-30-98 12 : 18 PM CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 206 2s`' 3291 /7( I7 N . :) Pile No. R-234-78 Tura"; for Bnnchero I F)orar i DE:L RAT1AN OP RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS . ` WHEREAS, John S. Banchero, Sr. ens his wife Elizabeth 8anchero, and Or. Robert Florer and his wife Nancy Florer, are the owners of the following real property in A the City of Renton, County of King, described as :calorie: -J _ aeginning on the north line of the northeast quarter of the northeast ;I :.) quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range S East, M.M. in King = County Washington, 30 feet west of the northeast corner of said Section , I 8, thence west along north boundary line of said se. tion. 145 feet, Ounce south parallel to the east boundary line of said section, 175 ', feet, thence cast parallel to the north boundary line of said section, � 145 feet, thence north parallel to and 30 feet west of the said east ; boundary line of said section to the point of beginning. c, WHEREAS, the owners of said described property, hereinafter "the property," o desire to impose the following restrictive covenants running with the lend as to use, present and future, of the property; ,,'*. NOW, THEREFORE, the aforesaid owners hereby establish, grant and impose . •...; restrictions and covenants running with the land as to the use of the land ,; hereinabove described with respect to the use by the undersigned, their successors, heirs and assigns, as follows: LANDSCAPING SCREENS A 10-foot landscape screen shall be required along the western property line at least . ' 4 six (6) feet in height'and dense enough to constitute an effective sight screen in conjunction with existing vegetation per.review •snd approval of the Planning Department. A 50-toot landscape screen, exclusive of right-of-way for N.E. 12th Street, along the ` north property line at least six (6) feet it height, incorporating existing vegetation, .0 and dense enough to constitute an effective sight sc:eet.. Recreational use may be included in this area subject to review by the Examiner. 1 DEDICATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY 1 Dedication of the north 30 feet of thr property, exoinsive of the aforementioned It 5Qt landscape screen, is required' for public right-of-way on N.E. 12th Street. �,1l • HEIGHT RESTRICTION �� i Maximum building height shall be restricted to 40 feet. -mow sees SITE REVIEW Review of the site plan by the Hearing Examiner of the City of Renton is required for-!4 development of the property in compliance .ith the conditions of approval and the Comprehensive Plan. DURATION ALThese covenants shall run with the land and expire December 31, 7025. I at any time improvements are installed pursuant to these caveman , on of the i covenants pertaining to the specific installed improvements as required by the Ordinances of the City of Renton shall terminate without necessity of further . documentation. ' 1 •SEP-30-98 12 :22 PM CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 206 2F`- 3291 P. 01 V J �I • Proper legal procedures in the Superior Court of Kinn County may be instigated by eithe the City of Renton or any property owner adjoining subject property who are adversely affected by any violation or breach of these restrictive covenants. Reasonable attorneys' fees incurred during an enforcement proceeding will be borne by the parties whom the court determines to be in error and shall be en<:ered as a judgment in such action. • i ,6$411-ze,G Iohn S. Ranchero, Sr. Dr. Robert Florer i ! tG`C EG r 10e-24-b Elizabeth Ranchero Nancy Florer Q' tom• —_ 57 STATE of WASHINGTON) gCOUNTY OF KING On this, da of ine 19�1, before me ona 1 altpeared .• ?,�.�,. T l ' t per/'ons who exe tad the within and foregoing instrument, and ac owledged said instrument to be the ree and voluntary act and deed of said pers s for the uses and purposes therein m-ntioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, .-ve hereunto set my h. .- and affixed my official seal the day and yi.ar first above wrl -• 7 Notary Public in and for the to of washington, residing in ��U its r@GJ( J err. ��� - REt: Gh h'UNIClP�L BLDG .r.r L v'• SouTN BA form No PS-1A ccopyrury icesi COMME AL AND INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE CorM,«a•i BrOrw•Associow litPur'U»••1.Salo Apeemw PI HASE AND SALE AGREEMENT AY/Wrx w•Rsysd 13, Rev t This Has Been Prepared For Submission To YourAltomey For Revew And Approval Pear To Syrnp nterio. Pp•t d 5 No Representalon li Made : Licensee As To Rs Sufhaiency Or Tax Conseuerces a>miaa •.1 rt/J IaTPG...•o.rn• N 'f4110 i Date: 7e �1e 1C ' 191 2. 1 ki)P114i) i� �4 idersigned Buyer, a/ A 6 tie C„.1"'1 agrees to buy 2 ._ _.Iler agrees t44sell on the f Ilowin to ,the real property and all improvements thereon(colle vel the'Property')commonly known 3 as NtWCYR aT 5uNSB� �1(4 NE ' E,aratt4d. S in the City of NC 4 -r', % County,Washington, legally described as: s--s-� SC1�ZDS -L1-• U3• 5 J C-Ai�'r< / f/ C'-e 5 7J'i 5�f �- `�f J (Buyer and Seller authorize the Listing Agent, Selling Licensee, or Closing Agents to insert and/or correct, over their signatures, the legal 6 description of the Property.) 1 L, 7 1. PURCHASE PRICE. Th to purchase price is-7.-Wa �tac�ele d -i LCV$F1 a e-, G r ,, 1'4-, 8 Dollars ($L •`-�), including the earnest money, payable as follows (check only one): / I t 9 D all cash at closing, including the earnest money, with no financing contingency. �� � 1,y90 10 ❑ all cash at closing, including the earnest money, contingent on new financing under Section 4a below. ❑ $ / % of the purchase price in cash at closing, including the earnest money, with the balance oft��se 12 price paid as follows(check one or both,as applicable): ❑ Buyers assumption of any underlying note and deed of trust,or real estate a t, 13 under Section 4b below, ❑ Buyers delivery at closing of a promissory note for the balance of the purchase price,secured by a deed of trust 14 encumbering the Property, as described in Section 4c below. 15 O Other. 16 17 ,• 2. EARNEST MONEY RECEIPT. Selling Licensee acknowledge+receipt fr m Buyer of$SCSS eamest money, in the form of 0 Cash 18 O Personal check Promissory note due O N M v v♦1 A t , 19 ❑ Other , to 19 be held 0 by Closing Agent ❑ in Selling Licensee's pooled trust account(with interest paid to the Washington Housing Fund). Selling 20 Licensee may, however, transfer the earnest money to Closing Agent 21 If the earnest money is to be held by Selling Licensee and is over$5,000,it shall be deposited to: 0 Selling Licensee's pooled trust account 22 0 A separate trust account in Selling Licensee's name,with the interest credited at closing to Buyer/Seller(strike one)whose Social Security 23 (or taxpayer ID)Number is: . If this sale fails to dose,whoever is entitled to the earnest money is entitled to interest. 24 Selling Licensee shall not deposit any check until mutual acceptance of this Agreement. Buyer agrees to pay financing and purchase costs 25 :urred by Buyer. If all or part of the earnest money is to be returned to Buyer and any such costs remain unpaid, Selling Licensee may ,!6 duct and pay them therefrom. i\ 27 3. ADDENDUMS.The following addendums are attached thereto: 0 None lirt-c clU tv," A. . 28 4. FINANCING. 29 obligation to close is conditioned upon Buyer accepting a written commitment for financing. Buyer will not reject those terms of a nt 1 which provide for a loan amount of at least percent( %)of the purchase price,interest not to exceed 2 percent( %)per annum,a payment schedule calling for monthly payments amortized over not less than ( )years, .3 and total placement fees and points not more than percent( %)of the loan amo • . :uyer shall make immediate ;4 application for said commitment,pay required costs and make a good faith effort to procure such f• rig. This Agreement shall terminate 35 and Buyer shall receive a refund of the earnest money unless Buyer gives tasting Agent wri s- otice that this condition is satisfied or waived 36 on or before ( )days(60 days, if not completed)followi•r tual acceptance of this Agreement 37 b. Assumption of Existing Financing. If payment of the pur •. : price includes Buyer's assumption of a note and mortgage or deed 38 of trust,or a real estate contract,Seller shall promptly deliv• . :uyer a copy of the underlying debt instrument(s)to be assumed,and Buyer 39 shall be deemed to have approved all of the terms• . -debt instrument(s)unless Buyer gives notice of disapproval within five(5)days after 40 receiving such instrument(s). If any of • - • instrument(s)requires the consent of a third party to the assumption by Buyer,then Buyer 41 shall apply for such consent wi • ..- en(7)days after receiving the debt instrument(s); upon Buyer's request,Seller shall assist Buyer by 42 requesting the third pa '- •••nsent to the assumption on Buyers behalf. This Agreement shall terminate and Buyer shall receive a refund 43 of the earnest i•- unless Buyer gives Seller written notice within ( )days(30 days,if not completed)of receiving 44 the be. ment(s) stating that such consent is available. Buyer shall pay any assumption fees or other out-of-pocket expenses 45 .n. .. - 46 c. Seller Financing. If Seller is financing a portion of the purchase price by promissory note and deed of trust, unless a different form of 47 note or deed of trust is attached hereto or referenced herein, Buyer shall execute and submit to the Closing Agent (i) the Fixed Rate 48 Promissory Note(CBA Form No. N-1A or NWMLS Form No. 24A)and only those optional clauses in that form required by this Agreement 49 shall apply; (ii)a UCC-1 Financing Statement covering the personal property described in Section 14 below; and (iii)a Short Form Deed 50 of Trust, LPB No. 20, which shall be revised to contain the following modifications to the Master Form Deed of Trust incorporated therein: 51 (i) New Subsection 1(d). The following new Subsection 1(d) shall be added: '(d) All inventory, equipment, goods, supplies and 52 enals now or hereafter owned by Grantor and located at or on or used in connection with the property,and all present and future accounts, 53 eral intangibles,chattel paper, Documents,instruments,depoosit accounts,money,contract rights, insurance policies,and all proceeds, ` INITIALS Buyer ' r / Buyer 4, Seller / Seller 55 Date /- t ! '� Date fi - •; a Date ;_5 'F Date 5-, r WHITE—Brokers Copy GREEN—Escrow Copy CANARY--Purchaser's 2nd Copy PINK—S•II•ra Copy GOLD—Purchasers 1st Copy • 0 Copyrpry 1950 CBA form No PS-1A Convrwwl Brokers A..oc kran Kettles*4 bw^pr..m.ni COMME AL AND INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE As Flights w.«r.a Rev.12/96 PvmW.HASE AND SALE AGREEMENT -a e.p.2ar5 (CONTINUED) &1.o..SK nroducts, substitutions and accessions therefor and thereto. This Deed of Trust is intended to constitute a security agreement under the 'form Commercial Code of Washington, and a UCC-2 Fixture Filing.' (ii) Section 5. This Section shall be amended to provide that the amount of the late charge shall be five cents($.05)per dollar, but : + if any different amount is provided in the promissory note, the amount in the promissory note shall control. f (iii) Subsection 25(c). This Subsection shall be amended to read: '(c)the Grantor encumbers, mortgages, sells, conveys,transfers t or alienates, in any manner,whether voluntarily or involuntarily,without Beneficiary's pnor wntten consent,which consent Beneficiary may 61 grant or deny in its sole discretion, (i)all or any portion of its interest in the property,including any present or future right to legal or equitable 63 title to all or part of the property, or(ii) in one or more transaction, fifty percent or more of the stock or partnership interests in,or the right 64 to control, the Grantor." 65 (Note to Buyer and Seller: If the Property is currently used primarily for farming or agricultural purposes, then a nonjudicial foreclosure/ 66 forfeiture remedy is available only to Seller by using a real estate contract not a deed of trust). 67 d. Section 1031 Like-Kind Exchange. If either Buyer or Seller intends for this transaction to be a part of a Section 1031 like-kind exchange, 68 then the other party agrees to cooperate in the completion of the like-kind exchange so long as the cooperating party incurs no additional 6) liability in doing so, and so long as any expenses(including attorneys fees and costs)incurred by the cooperating party that are related only 7) to the exchange are paid or reimbursed to the cooperating party at or prior to closing. 7 5. INSPECTION CONTINGENCIES. This Aiireement shall terminate and Buyer shall receive a refund of the earnest money unless Buyer gives 72 written notice to Seller within -- kZ., O - days(20 days if not filled in)of mutual acceptance of this Agreement stating that 73 Buyer is satisfied,in Buyer's reasonable discretion,with the results of the following inspections. If such notice is timely given,the inspection 74 contingencies stated in this Section 5 shall be deemed to be satisfied. 75 a. Books, Records, Leases,Agreements. Seller shall make available for inspection by Buyer and its agents as soon as possible but 76 no later than ten(10)days after mutual acceptance of this Agreement all documents available to Seller relating to the ownership and operation 7 7 of the Property,including without limitation:(i)statements for real estate taxes,assessments,and utilities,property management agreements, 7 8 service contracts, leases of personal property or fixtures, leases of all or a portion of the Property, and a schedule of tenants, rents, and 73 deposits; (ii) plans, specifications, permits, drawings, surveys, reports, and maintenance records; and (iii) accounting records and audit 83 reports. Buyer shall determine within the contingency period stated in the preceding introductory paragraph whether it wishes and is able 81 to assume,as of closing, all of the foregoing leases, contracts, and agreements which have terms extending beyond closing. Buyer shall 82 be solely responsible for obtaining any required consents to such assumption. Buyer agrees to indemnify and defend Seller from any liability 83 duding for attorneys fees)arising from or relating to performance required after dosing under such 144-asAs,contracts,and agreements 84 I leases assumed by Buyer. This agreement to indemnify and defend Seller shall survive dosing. t;,3 b. Property Inspection. Seller shall permit Buyer and its agents,at Buyer's sole expense and risk,to enter the Property,at reasonable 86 times after legal notice to tenants,to conduct inspections concerning the structural condition of the improvements,all mechanical,electrical 87 and plumbing systems,hazardous materials(limited to a Phase I audit only),pest infestation,soils conditions,sensitive areas,wetlands,or 83 other matters affecting the feasibility of the Property for Buyer's intended use. Buyer agrees to indemnify and defend Seller from all liens, 83 costs,expenses, including attorneys and experts fees,arising from or relating to Buyer's entry onto and inspection of the Property. This 90 agreement to indemnify and defend Seller shall survive dosing. 91 6. TITLE INSURANCE. 5" a. Title Report. Seller authorizes Lender and Listing Agent,Selling Licensee or Closing Agent,at Seller's expense,to apply for and deliver 93 to Buyer a 0 standard 0 extended(standard,if not completed)coverage owners policy of title insurance. If an extended coverage owners 94 policy is specified, Buyer shall pay the increased costs associated with that policy including the excess premium over that charged for a 95 stangard coverage licy nd a cost of any survey required by the title insurer. The title report shall be issued by 96 G 4-,: c. #..tom �;��e I s. c.e. . 97 b. Permitted Exceptions. Buyer shall notify Seller of any objectionable matters in the title commitment or any supplemental report within 98 ten(10)days after receipt of such commitment or supplement. Buyer may not object to the following: (a)rights of tenants existing as of dosing; 99 (b)real property taxes due after closing; (c)if consistent with Buyer's intended use of the Property,easements and reservations including 10) reserved oil, gas, and/or mineral rights; (d) governmental building and land use regulations, codes, and laws; and (e) printed general 101 exceptions appearing in said policy form. This Agreement shall terminate and Buyer shall receive a refund of the earnest money,less any 102 costs advanced or committed for Buyer, unless (a) within ten (10)days of Buyer's notice of such objections, Seller agrees to remove all 1C3 objectionable provisions, or(b)within fifteen(15)days after Buyer's notice of such objections, Buyer notifies Seller in writing that it waives 104 any objections which Seller does not agree to remove. The provisions referenced in(a)through(e)above and those provisions not objected 105 to or for which Buyer waived its objections shall be referred to collectively as the'Permitted Exceptions.' The title policy shall contain no 105 exceptions other than the General Exclusions and Exceptions common to such form of policy and the Permitted Exceptions. 107 7. CLOSING OF SA�I f. This sale shall be dose on or before t• f4 '`j I , 19 ► 1 ("closing") by 108 4-k eCQ owA I £se got,/ s r.,tor/ ("Closing Agent'). Buyer and Seller will, immediately on demand, 103 osit with Clo%ing Agent all instruments and monies required to complete the purchase in accordance with this Agreement. 'Closing'shall 113 oe deemed to have occurreddwhen a}f documents are recorded and the sale proceedfs a available to Seller. If this sale cannot be closed 111 INITIALS.Buyer 1 ✓/ Buyer 4 Seller Seller 112 Date /'c. - • ? Date ,r" - c - i¢' Date , = 4' Date 113 WHITE—Brokers Copy GR"EN--Escrow Copy CANARY--Purchasers 2nd Copy PINK—Sellars Copy GOLD--Purchasers 1st Copy o Copyright 1996 BA Form No PS.1A Comm.rwl Brokers A.sowUon P„u,.se a See Agreement COMME AL AND INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE AM Ripnts Row..a ellB15. Rev 12/96 Puru.HASE AND SALE AGREEMENT — p.043or5 (CONTINUED) .••..o.rra the above date,because of circumstances beyond the control of the party whose performance is delayed,dosing shall be extended seven 1 t s beyond cessation of such circumstance but in no event more than thirty(30)days beyond the above date. Time is of the essence in 1 i performance of this Agreement. 1 3 8. CLOSING COSTS. Seller shall pay the excise tax and premium for the owner's standard coverage title policy. Seller and Buyer shall each 1 7 pay one-half of the escrow fees Real and personal property taxes and assessments payable in the year of dosing; rents on any existing 118 tenancies, interest; mortgage reserves; utilities;and other operating expenses shall be pro-rated as of dosing. Buyer shall pay all costs of 119 financing including the premium for the lender's title policy. Security,cleaning,and any other unearned deposits on tenancies,and remaining 123 mortgage or other reserves snail be assigned to Buyer at dosing. The real estate commission is due on dosing or upon Seller's default under 121 this Agreement,whichever occurs first,and neither the amount nor due date thereof can be changed without Listing Agent's wntten consent. 122 a. Unpaid Utility Charges. Buyer and Seller❑ WAIVE O DO NOT WAIVE the right to have the Closing Agent disburse dosing funds 123 necessary to satisfy unpaid utility charges affecting the Property pursuant to ROW 60.80. If `do not waive'is checked, then attach CBA 124 Form UA("Utility Charges"Addendum). If neither box is checked, then the"do not waive'option applies. 125 9. POST-CLOSING ADJUSTMENTS, COLLECTIONS,AND PAYMENTS. After closing, Buyer and Seller shall reconcile the actual amount 125 of revenues or liabilities upon receipt or payment thereof to the extent those items were prorated or credited at dosing based upon estimates. 127 Any bills or invoices received by Buyer atter dosing which relate to services rendered or goods delivered to the Seller or the Property prior 128 to dosing shall be paid by Seller upon presentation of such bill or invoice. At Buyer's option, Buyer may pay such bill or invoice and be 123 reimbursed the amount paid plus interest at the rate of 12%per annum beginning fifteen(15)days from the date of Buyer's written demand 13.) to Seller for reimbursement until such reimbursement is made.Rents collected from each tenant after dosing shall be applied first to rentals 131 due most recently from such tenant for the period after dosing,and the balance shall be applied for the benefit of Seller for delinquent rentals 132 owed for a period prior to closing.The amounts applied for the benefit of Seller shall be turned over by Buyer to Seller promptly after receipt 133 10. OPERATIONS PRIOR TO CLOSING. Prior to dosing,Seller shall continue to operate and maintain the Property in the ordinary course of 134 its business and shall operate the Property in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and ordinances. Seller shall not enter 135 into or modify existing rental agreements or leases(except that Seller may modify or terminate residential rental agreements or leases in 133 the ordinary course of its business),service contracts,or other agreements affecting the Property which have terms extending beyond dosing 137 without first obtaining Buyer's consent,which shall not be unreasonably withheld.Seller shall maintain the condition of the Property in at least 133 the condition existing on the date of mutual acceptance of the Agreement 133 11.lir ESSION. Buyer shall be entitled to possession,subject to existing tenancies(if any),`{on dosing CI 14) (on dosing, if not completed). 141 12. SELLER'S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. Seller represents and warrants to Buyer that,to the best of Seller's knowledge,each 14? of the following is true as of the date hereof and shall be true as of dosing: (a)Seller is authorized to enter into the Agreement, to sell the 14,3 Property,and to perform its obligations under the Agreement;(b)All books,records,leases,agreements and other items delivered to Buyer 141 pursuant to Section 5 above are accurate and complete; (c)The Property and the business conducted thereon comply with all applicable 14'i laws,regulations,codes and ordinances; (d)Seller has all certificates of occupancy,permits,and other governmental consents necessary 14.: to own and operate the Property for its current use; (e)There is no pending or threatened litigation which would adversely affect Buyer's 14 • ownership of the Property after dosing; (f)There are no covenants, conditions, restrictions, or contractual obligations of Seller which will 14 adversely affect Buyer's ownership of the Property after dosing or prevent Seller from performing its obligations under the Agreement,except 14:. as disclosed in the preliminary commitment for title insurance or as otherwise disclosed to Buyer in wnting prior to closing; (g)There is no 150 pending or threatened condemnation or similar proceedings affecting the Property, and except as otherwise disclosed in the preliminary 151 commitment for title insurance as or otherwise disclosed to Buyer in writing poor to dosing,the Property is not within the boundaries of any 1 planned or authorized local improvement district;(h)Seller has paid(except to the extent prorated at closing)all local,state and federal taxes 1 (other than real and personal property taxes and assessments described in Section 8 above)attributable to the penod pnor to dosing which, 154 if not paid, could constitute a lien on Property(including any personal property), or for which Buyer may be held liable after dosing: and(i) 156 Seller warrants that,to the best of Seller's knowledge,there are no pending or threatened notices of violation of building,zoning,or land use 155 codes applicable to the Property,and that Seller is not aware of any concealed material defects in the Property except , O.,t C. 157 . 158 Seller makes no representations or warranties regarding the Property other than those specified in this Agreement, Buyer otherwise takes 159 the Property 'AS IS,'and Buyer shall otherwise rely on its own pre-closing inspections and investigations. 160 13. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. Seller represents and warrants to Buyer that, to the best of its knowledge: (i) there are no Hazardous 16 Substances(as defined below)currently located in,on,or under the Property in a manner or quantity that presently violates any Environmental 1 Law (as defined below), (ii) there are no underground storage tanks located on the Property; and (iii) there is no pending or threatened 163 investigation or remedial action by any governmental agency regarding the release of Hazardous Substances or the violation of 164 Environmental Law at the Property.As used herein,the term"Hazardous Substances"shall mean any substance or material now or hereafter 165 defined or regulated as a hazardous substance,hazardous waste,toxic substance,pollutant,or contaminant under any federal,state,or local 165 law, regulation, or ordinance governing any substance that could cause actual or suspected harm to human health or the environment 167 0vironmental Law") The term"Hazardous Substances"specifically includes,but is not limited to, petroleum,petroleum by-products,and 1tai stos. Seller agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Buyer harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, penalties, 16 remediation costs and expepsess�uding attorneys'andgconsyltants'fees and cos t yer may incur or have asserted against it as 17C INITIALS Buyer " J/ Buyer /' /� Seller Seller _ 171 Date 1:, r, c. = ' - Date j - < , cf.- Date - Date 17; ' ITE-8roksrs Copy GREEN—,crow Copy CANARY--Purchassr'$2nd Copy PINK--SNIor's Copy GOLD Purchaser's 1st Copy • 0 Copyrpro 1 vu. MCBA Form No PS•1A Comm.ro.i erorurs Assoo.yon Pura,.,e a s.r Aprwn•ni COMM IAL AND INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE All Rpnu R.wr..d R. 12/96 f ..,.:.RASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Immo P.p.1of5 (CONTINUED) LL al/r.s u r.. aresult of the presence of any Hazardous Substance in,on,or under the Property which violates any Environmental Law at any time pnor 73 closing. The provisions of this Section 13 shall survive closing or termination of this Agreement. 74 1... r.:RSONAL PROPERTY. This sale includes the following personal property:XNone 0 That portion of the personal property located 75 on and used in connection with the Properly,which Seller will itemize in an Addendum to be attached to this Agreement within ten(10)days 76 of mutual acceptance(None,if not completed). The value assigned to the personal property shall be the amount agreed upon by the parties 77 and, if they cannot agree, the County-assessed value if available, and if not available, the fair market value determined by an appraiser '78 selected by the Listing Agent and Selling Licensee. Seller warrants title to,but not the condition of,the personal property and shall convey •79 it by bill of sale. Buyer shall pay any sales or use tax arising from the transfer of the personal property. 80 15. CONDEMNATION AND CASUALTY. Buyer may terminate this Agreement and obtain a refund of the earnest money, less any costs 81 advanced or committed for Buyer, if improvements on the Property are destroyed or materially damaged by casualty before closing, or if 82 condemnation proceedings are commenced against all or a portion of the Property before closing. '83 16. FIRPTA- TAX WITHHOLDING AT CLOSING. Closing Agent is instructed to prepare a certification (CBA or NWMLS Form 22E, or 184 equivalent)that Seller is not a'foreign person'within the meaning of the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act. Seller agrees to sign 185 this certification. If Seller is a foreign person,and this transaction is not otherwise exempt from FIRPTA,Closing Agent is instructed to withhold 186 and pay the required amount to the Internal Revenue Service. 187 17. CONVEYANCE. Title shall be conveyed by a Statutory Warranty Deed subject only to the Permitted Exceptions. If this Agreement is for 188 conveyance of Seller's vendee's interest in a Real Estate Contract,the Statutory Warranty Deed shall include a contract vendee's assignment 189 sufficient to convey after acquired title. At closing, Seller shall transfer to Buyer by written assignment all agreements, service contracts, 190 rental agreements, tenant leases, leases of personal property or fixtures, and any other agreements or contract nghts which Buyer is 191 assuming pursuant to Section 5 of the Agreement. The wntten assignment shall provide that Seller shall be responsible for and shall indemnify 192 Buyer against any defaults occurring by reason of actions taken by Seller or performance due pnor to closing,and that Buyer shall assume 193 and indemnify Seller against liability arising from all performance due after closing. 194 18. SEATTLE REQUIREMENTS. If the Property is in the City of Seattle, (a)Seller shall deliver to Buyer a Certificate of Land Use and Local 195 Assessments(not applicable to single family dwellings not represented to be a lawful site for more than one dwelling unit), and(b) Seller 96 warrants that U.L.approved smoke detectors are installed. Only in buildings constructed before 1980 may the smoke detectors be battery 197 powered. 198 19 1TICES AND COMPUTATION OF TIME. Unless otherwise specified, any notice required or permitted in,or related to,this Agreement 199 st be in writing; signed by any one Buyer or Seller(including either husband or wife); and received by or at the selling office of Selling 230 Licensee who, for this limited purpose,shall be the Agent of both parties. Any time limit in or applicable to a notice shall commence on the 231 day following receipt of the notice by the Selling Licensee, unless that is a Saturday, Sunday or holiday,in which event it will commence on 232 the next following business day. Buyer and Seller further authorize Selling Licensee to receive on their behalf all other documents relating 2,)3 to this transaction that may be delivered from one party to the other, including but limited to Seller's Real Property Transfer Disclosure : )4 Statement(RCW 6.4.04),and any additional written notices,responses or communications relating to such documents. Upon receipt by the 235 Selling Licensee,the party to whom the notice or any another document is directed shall be deemed to have received and to have knowledge 2J6 of the contents of the notice or document. SELLER AND BUYER MUST KEEP SELLING LICENSEE ADVISED OF THEIR WHEREABOUTS 237 TO RECEIVE PROMPT NOTIFICATION OF RECEIPT OF A NOTICE. SELLING LICENSEE HAS NO RESPONSIBILITY TO ADVISE OF 218 RECEIPT OF A NOTICE BEYOND EITHER PHONING THE PARTY OR CAUSING A COPY OF THE NOTICE TO BE DELIVERED TO THE 2J9 PARTY'S ADDRESS ON THIS AGREEMENT. 210 20. AGENCY DISCLOSURE.n At the signing of this Agreement,Selling Licen 211 represented . Ps' '`�� .Li and the 212 &yr.ban S.Y 6 or rhr S.lw nor B ) l stingAgent ` 213 n.ert oft,crw.and lha Company name ) represented . Each party signing this Agreement con- 214 insert S. Buyer,or both wand tt'uy.r) firms that prior oral and/or written disclosure of agency or non-agency was provided to him/her in this transaction. If Selling Licensee and 215 Listing Agent are different salespersons affiliated with the same Broker, then Seller and Buyer confirm their consent to Broker acting as a 216 dual agent. If Selling Licensee and Listing Agent are the same person representing both parties,then Seller and Buyer confirm their consent 217 to that person and his/her Broker acting as dual agents. Both parties confirm receipt of the pamphlet entitled'The Law of Real Estate Agency.' 218 21. ASSIGNMENT. BuyeTR'may 0 may not(may not,if not completed)assign this Agreement,or Buyer's rights hereunder,without Seller's 219 prior written consent, unless provided otherwise herein. 220 22 DEFAULT AND ATTORNEY'S FEE. In the event Buyer fails,without legal excuse,to complete the purchase of the Property,then(chock 221 one): 222 `i'1 that portion of the earnest money which does not exceed five percent(5%) of the purchase price shall be kept by Seller as liquidated 223 Cages (subject to Seller's obligation to pay certain costs and a commission under Section 25 below) as the sole and exclusive remedy 224 ilable to Seller for such failure; or• 225 INITIALS.Buyer Buyer f; l / Seller W Seller 2'6 Date + Data �' - ' Date - G Date 7 WHITE—Brokers Copy GREEN--Escrow Copy CANARY—Purchaser's 2nd Copy PINK—SNt.r's Copy GOLD—Purchase's lit Copy ff. OCopy,VI 116°6 p CbA Form No P -1A CommMWl brokers Assoo.lron Purchase a Sete Agreement COMMI AL AND INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE AA Rights Reserved Rev 12196' P_.._HASE AND SALE AGREEMENT Paps 5 o1 5 (CONTINUED) oor�a.0 ' rar.v Lame sepCury O Seller may,at its option,(a)keep as liquidated damages all or a portion of the earnest money(subject to Seller's obligation to pay certain 2J its and a commission under Section 25 below)as the sole and exclusive remedy available to Seller for such failure,(b)bnng suit against ; y yer for Seller's actual damages, (c)bring suit to specifically enforce this Agreement and recover any incidental damages,or(d)pursue : 0 o..y other rights or remedies available at law or equity. : 1 If Buyer,Seller,Listing Agent or Selling Licensee institutes suit concerning this Agreement,the prevailing party is entitled to court costs and : 2 a reasonable attorney's fee. In the event of trial, the amount of the attorney's fee shall be fixed by the court. The venue of any suit shall : 3 be the county in which the Property is located,and this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state where the Property is located. : 4 23. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. 1 5 a. Complete Agreement The Agreement and any addenda and exhibits to it state the entire understanding of Buyer and Seller regarding :.ti the sale of the Property. There are no verbal agreements which modify or affect the Agreement. : 7 b. No Merger. The terms of the Agreement shall not merge in the deed or other conveyance instrument transfemng the Property to Buyer 2.J5 at closing. The terms of this Agreement shall survive closing. 239 c. Counterpart Signatures. The Agreement may be signed in counterpart,each signed counterpart shall be deemed an original,and all 240 counterparts together shall constitute one and the same agreement. 2 1 d. Facsimile Transmission. Facsimile transmission of any signed original document, and retransmission of any signed facsimile 2 2 transmission,shall be the same as delivery of an original. At the request of either party,or the Closing Agent,the parties will confirm facsimile 2 3 transmitted signatures by signing an original document. 2 3 q S 24. ACCEPTANCE;COUNTEROFFERS. Seller has until midnight of 1 " , 1993 to accept this offer(if not filled in,the 2 i third business day following the last Buyer signature date below). Acceptance is not effective until a signed copy hereof is actually received 2 .3 by or at the office of Selling Licensee. If this offer is not so accepted, it shall lapse and Selling Licensee II refund the earnest money to 2.;7 Buyer. If either party makes a future counteroffer,the other party shall have until 5:00 p.m. on the tie day(if not filled in,the second 2.45 day)following its receipt by or at the office of Selling Licensee to accept the counteroffer,unless sooner withdrawn.Acceptance is not effective 249 until a signed copy thereof is received by or at the office of Selling Licensee. If the counteroffer is not accepted or countered,this Agreement 2C shall lapse and the earnest money shall be refunded to the Buyer. 2 1 25. SELLER'S ACCEPTANCE AND BROKERAGE AGREEMENT. Seller agrees to sell the Property on the terms and conditions herein,and 252 further agrees to pay a commission in a total amo nt computed in accordance with the listinia reement. If there is no written listing 253 "^•moment,Seller agrees to pay a commission oft %of the sales price or$l S OO 0,Q *The commission shall be apportioned 254 een Listing Agent and Selling Licensee as s cified in the listing agreement o?any co-brokerage agreement Seller assigns to Listing 26 it and Selling Licensee a portion of the sales proceeds equal to the commission. If the earnest money is retained as liquidated damages, 26 any costs advanced or committed by Listing Agent or Selling Licensee for Buyer or Seller shall be reimbursed or paid therefrom, and the Z7 balance shall be paid one-half to Seller and one-half to Listing Agent and Selling Licensee according to the listing agreement and any co- 2`8 brokerage agreement. Seller acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Agreement, signed by both parties. Neither Listing Agent nor Selling 22 Licensee are receiving compensation from more than one party to thiis transaction unless d sclattached osed•on an addendum,in which case 2L'i0 Buyer and Seller consent to such compensation. -K Q Av,a o a o"' Pe c i Ira'c e_ oT IC-1.-*Dcz'oo0O•d f 261 26. LISTING AGENT AND SELLING LICENSEE DISCLOSURE. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE DISCLOSED IN WRITING TO BUYER OR 2E2 SELLER, NEITHER SELLING LICENSEE NOR LISTING AGENT HAS MADE ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES X.:, CONCERNING THE LEGAL EFFECT OF THIS AGREEMENT, BUYER'S OR SELLER'S FINANCIAL STRENGTH, OR THE 2,. PROPERTY, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE PROPERTY'S ZONING, COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS 2 (INCLUDING LAWS REGARDING ACCESSIBILITY FOR DISABLED PERSONS), OR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. SELLER AND au BUYER ARE EACH ADVISED TO SEEK INDEPENDENT LEGAL AND TAX ADVICE ON THESE AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED 2 7 TO THIS AGREEMENT. / 2E4 Buyer (/1,L/174/'H(7C, /41/ (. i3 C /2,",r'AD-a e• 4/A`1 ?C 2'4 . 19/a Home Ph.(Z ) Sic' -97uf 269 Buyer-'7y0")Y f,'e" S c- Pi�><c-i Date 4- — — 1 k , 19 98' Office Ph. < -f) 2w- ?.)7/ 27.) �C Buyer's Address /�'�.2 i91o?� o- 44-, /F C-Ai%c•N1 (.c//r-li 6/fi2,S 6 Fax No. 271 Selling nsee(Company) �.k.-MIL Lpprgit'7Z+J Fax No2THAt'r] Office Ph. -L 111 Home Ph. 272 By +lP' l 1M••}�fl b..-►`� 11 Print Name 1..- 'Pr�t 7, . � - o `w/Jr,... 273 Seller �(I t`"P. f1� Date '� S- 75'e- , 199 7 Home Phone/^12---3‘.‘ ' 274 Seller Date _ 2 19 Office Ph. 275 Print Seller's Names I.C --~C T 6tied►, 8 o 1J oc Nk2 r Fax No. 276 Sellers Address Z.a 1 S N set- A,, '` e W - Clk i t b 277 Listing Office s"i" 4.t_ Fax No. Office Ph. Office No. 27713` / `y^ 9 , `�27. __ "ER'S RECEIPT. Buyer ackn ges receipt of a Seller signed copy of this Agreement�o ! 19 V.;BUYER �� �j BUYER `" r.`� al 'MITE—Broker's Copy GREEN—Escrow Copy CANARY—Purchassr"s 2nd Copy PINK-S.Ibfs Copy GOLD—Purchaser's 1st Copy T° • Addendum "A" Terms & Conditions 1. This offer is subject to and contingent upon the buyer successfully completing a feasibility study for its intended use. This shall be completed to the buyer's sole satisfaction. If the contingency is removed then the buyer shall close this transaction within 30 days thereafter or in no event later than March 1, 1999. 2. Buyer's agree to leave the property in its current natural condition. Any necessary work to be done on the property such as soils tests, Phase 1 enviro. Studies, surveys, utility ginvestigation and so forth, shall be done at buyer's sole expense and shall not be commenced until a satisfactory hold- harmless agreement is executed between the parties. All reports shall be made available to the sellers at no cost as partial consideration in this transaction. To the extent legally possible, all liens the result of buyer's contractors, agents etc., shall be the buyer's responsibility to pay and to have removed from the . subject property. No construction work shall commence until the promissory note and Deed of Trust is totally paid off by buyers or the buyers furnish the sellers with a construction bond at buyer's sole expense. ., 3. The feasibility study period includes the requirement for the Church to review a conditional use permit from the City of Renton at the buyers sole cost. Sellers agree to sign necessary paperwork as property owners to apply form and process said permit. 4. Sellers agree to provide any survey information previously done on the property to the qbuyer without cost within 10 days of mutual acceptance of this Agreement in order to process this sale timely matter. I ili INI"I IA1.: Buyer 5 f_�/___ Buyer r _ Seller L'" Seller Date ,Z r/z ?., A Date - —j. Date — -f1 r — Date QTB� 2 8 4 0 CALVARY BAPTIST CHURC.. RENTON HIR,S BRANCH dba SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH 1640 DUVALC AVENUE NE ge, 7 1032 EDMONDS AVENUE NE RENTON,WA 98056 RENTON,WA 98056 19-211250 9/10/1998 (425)254-8057 — SAY TO THE Exceptional Escrow *"5,000.00 DRDER OF $ Five Thousand and owl 00****...*.********.***.**********.****.**..****************.***.************ DOLL./ iS Exceptional Escrow - Renton MEMO Sunset & Edmonds Lot (STR 82305 T.L. 43 K STURE '''—c 11100 2840II' is L 250000 241: 6 2876 40411' a SECURITY FEATURES INCLUDED.DETAILS ON BACK.8 CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH dba SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH 2 8 +0 I I CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH dba SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH 2 8 ff 0 4 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL WAIVED MODIFIED COMMENTS: REQUIREMENTS: BY: BY: Calculations, Survey, Drainage Control Plan 2 Drainage Report 2 Elevations,Architectural3ANDa Elevations, Grading 2 Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy)4 Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) 4 - Flood Plain Map,if applicable 4 Floor Plans 3AND4 (e Geotechnic al Report 2AN0?3 Grading Plan, Conceptual 2 Grading Plan, Detailed 2 King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site 4 Landscaping.Plan, Conceptual4 Legal Description 4 List of Surrounding Property Owners 4 Mailing Labels for Property Owners 4 Map of Existing Site Conditions • Master Application Form 4 Monument Cards (one per monument) , Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 Plan Reductions (PMTs) 4 r Postage 4 Cr „ '•is RENTON • Public Works Approval Letter 2 �ofl� Jnf i n ,9 Title Report or Plat Certificate 4 Topography Map (5'contours)3 RECEINIEq ✓traffic Study 2 /?e,oe ree CuttingNegetation Clearing Plan Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 Wetlands Delineation Map4 81r r\ '— Wetlands Planting Plan 4 X I, —Wetlands Study4 Cr011j This requirement may be waived by: o,�S/ 1. Property Services Section PROJECT NAME: c'I9 1 6 ,g/ 2 Public Works Plan Review Section Building Section DATE: / 2// /q8" 4 Development Planning Section h:\division s\develop serkiev plan ine\waive Is r , • 18=19 v °C1 c'Ia r�o� y 7 MEMORANDUM �'�v/iw,• 9 Z998 N DATE: l0 •l(o • `7 8 TO: Construction Services, Fire Prevention, Plan Review, Project Planner FROM: Jim Hanson, Development Services Division Director SUBJECT: New Preliminary Application: S2X V ptist Ch,-A-ra-- LOCATION: W--f fdor)cLs _ �E. ��P�I1,.x�r► tS �Z + A meeting with the applicant has been scheduled for //:GO rill, Thursday, 9 2-9' for one of the 6th floor conference rooms (new city hall). If this meeting is scheduled at 10:00 AM, the MEETING MUST BE CONCLUDED PRIOR TO 11:00 AM to allow time to prepare for the 11 :00 meeting. Please review the attached project plans prior to the scheduled meeting with the . applicant. You will not need to do a thorough "permit level" review at this time. Note only major issues that must be resolved prior to formal land use and/or building permit application submittal. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please send a representative. Please submit r-written comments to VVJ, at least two (2) days befor._ a meeting. Thank you. 7/ 1-r � /d/x/fg or i i Uti Y O� + + CITY OF RENTON "P � FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU - N,vG MEMORANDUM DATE: October 19, 1998 TO: Jennifer Toth Henning, Planner FROM: Jim Gray, Assistant Fire Marshal 49-i_ SUBJECT: Sarang Baptist Church, Edmonds Av. NE Fire Department Comments: 1. The preliminary Fire flow is 2750 GPM which requires one fire hydrant within 150 feet of the building and two additional hydrants within 300 feet of the building. Tim,s << I i n0 2. Provide a list of any flammable, combustible liquids or hazardous chemicals that are to be used or stored on site. 3. A fire mitigation fee of$10,899.20 is required base on $.52 a square foot of the building square footage. (mAkk4 X ,D 2 y 4. Separate plans and permits are required for the required fire alarm and sprinkler systems installation. 6�y� 5. Any covered foyer over the access roadway requires a 13 foot 6 inch clearance above roadway. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. 1 34iNin,.-C- P 1 cv0----s I CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: October 26, 1998 TO: Jennifer Henning FROM: Paul erb tN�� ' • SUBJECT: Sarang Baptist Church - Preliminary Application Note on Preliminary Review Comments Contained In This Report: The following comments on development and permitting issues are based upon the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Board of Adjustment, Board of Public Works and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on programmatic, site planning and other design changes made by the applicant. Sanitary Sewer: The site has existing sanitary sewer mains located as follows: 1) 8" in Edmonds Avenue NE between NE 12th Street and NE Park Drive (Service from this main would require a lift-station). Sf'" • 2) 8" in Sunset Blvd. NE (old roadway) south side of NE Park Drive (Service from this main would require a casing bored under the roadway_ 1 3) 8" in Camas Avenue NE (service from this main would require a main extension through adjacent property's west of the site in an easement). 4) 8" in NE 12th Street. (Service from this main would require a main extension and may not be able to provide gravity flow from the site). October 26, 1998 Page 2 Side sewer connection permit is at $80/each. Wastewater (SDC) fees of $0.078/sq. ft. of gross site area will be required. Water: The site has existing water mains located as follows: 1)8" A.C. in NE 12th Street. 2) 8" C.I. (T.J.) and 16" D.I. in Edmonds Avenue NE (Plan W-241). The project is located in Aquifer Protection Zone 2 and in the Highlands 435 Pressure Zone. Additional water main, fire hydrants and DDCV assembly must meet current Fire Codes/Regulations per the Renton Fire Department. The project will require a loop water main if the fire flow is more than 2,500 GPM. New water meters for domestic and irrigation will be required and must meet current UPC regulations. Water (SDC) fees of $0.1 13/sq. ft. of gross site area will be required. wicAkq- , Surface Water (Storm Drainage): The storm drainage plan and erosion/sedimentation control plan must meet the requirements of the 1990 KCSWDM as adopted by the City of Renton. A Level One drainage report is required. Biofiltration will be required if g p q q parking areas or driving surfaces subject to hrcu a`1—r use i -g trea,er than 5,000 sq. ft. Surface water DC) fees of $0.129/sq. ft. f new impervious area built on the site will be required. ---_ Transportation: The project will require curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, paving, and street lights on adjacent rights-of-way per City Codes/Standards. Traffic mitigation fee of $75/trip will be required. General: Construction permit fees will be required for construction of water mains, side sewer, storm drainage system and street improvements.. The cost of permits are as follows: The first $100,000 is at 5% of the cost of the construction, the second from $100,000 to $200,000 is at 4% of the cost and the third all the amount over $200,000 is at 3% of the cost. Half of the fee must be paid upon application for building and off/on site utility and street improvement construction_ review. The remainder shall be paid when the permits are issued. CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: October 29, 1998 TO: Pre-Application File No. 98-79 FROM: Jennifer Toth Henning SUBJECT: Pre-Application Comments for Sarang Baptist Church General. We have completed a preliminary review of the pre-application materials for the above- referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision makers (e.g.,Hearing Examiner,Zoning Administrator,Board of Adjustment,Board of Public Works,and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. As we understand the proposal,the applicant is seeking a Conditional Use Permit for the development of an approximate 20,000 square foot two-story church structure on a vacant site, generally located at the intersection of NE 12th Street and Edmonds Avenue NE. 1. Zoning. The subject site is zoned R-10. The-R-10 Zone permits churches subject to the approval of a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit. Development standards of the R-10 Zone include: front yard setbacks of 20 feet from the street, and rear yard setbacks of 20 feet. The parcel is located on a corner lot,therefore,the side yard setbacks required are 15 feet from the property line. Heights of buildings in the R-10 Zone are limited to 2 stories or 30 feet in height. Accessory structures have a height limit of 1 sto or 15 f verage shall not exceed 50%and the maximum amount impervious surface pernutted is 60°/. owever,the existing restrictive covenants take precedence over the requirements of the Zone, unless removed through the proper process. Site plan review is required for proposals in the R-10 Zone. However, since a conditional use permit is being sought,the proposal would be exempt from Site Plan Review. 2. Environmental Review. The proposal is subject to environmental review. An environmental checklist will need to be filed with the land use application. Typical mitigation measures placed on development include payment of a Fire Mitigation Fee($0.52/sq. ft. of new development), payment of a Traffic Mitigation Fee($75/each new average daily trip)based on new trips as determined through the Institute of Transportation Engineers manual. Other mitigation measures can address stormwater issues,geotechnical issues,noise, etc. The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee issues \\TS SERVER\SYS2\COMMON\H:\DIVISION.S\DEVELOP.SER\DEV&PLAN.INGVTH\PRE-APPS\SRNGCHR.DOC October 28, 1998 Page 2 an environmental threshold determination. A 14-day appeal period follows the issuance of the environmental determination. If an appeal is filed,then the appeal would be heard by the City's Hearing Examiner and would be combined with the hearing for the Conditional Use Permit. 3. Conditional Use Permit. The proposal would be subject to a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). A public hearing will be required with the City's Hearing Examiner. The purpose of a conditional use permit is to allow certain uses in districts from which they are normally prohibited by the City Code, when such uses are deemed consistent with other existing and potential uses within the general area of the proposed use. The CUP criteria includes compatibility with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning, community need,parking,traffic and circulation of vehicles and pedestrians, noise/glare, landscaping, and public improvements. The issues generally associated with churches include traffic,parking, and noise. Applicant w uld v C� ll also need to address the ' U" - V " ,w l 51A, 5�6 4. Parking. Churches require 1 parking stall for each 5 seats in the main auditorium. Additional uses within the church will generate additional parking need, such as offices, classrooms, day care, and the like. The use and operation of these areas should be discussed in your application,for example,would classes be held during the weekdays, or only on weekends? The R-10 Zone states that required parking should be accommodated in the rear yard, side yard, or underground, unless determined through the Site Plan Review process that parking may be allowed in the front yard or under the building. 5. Restrictive Covenants. The restrictive covenants on the property are in effect unless removed by the Renton City Council. The process for removing the covenants is attached. 6. Timing. From the time a Notice of Application is issued by the City, a combined environmental review and Conditional Use Permit application takes 12 weeks to process. This includes appeal periods for the environmental determination, and the Hearing Examiner's decision,but does not address the time for appeals brought to the City Council, after the issuance of the Examiner's decision. cc: Jana Huerter . . ' D4 . Z3N R5E E 1/2 . , :C..) -- ! !----.1,I ! 1 1 • :' ' , •rNE 112th St.t-•:--T i -- --, ! : i , , -,,, . AI --..,-•--&---- 4 rre, - ! i 1 ; I 1 : 1 , . !---R-8-I t• i,I- I-- ----;' i LETT. ---1--1--! / : • .-1-\- • — ! 1 .--°--- ----1R-r-"arr--1 ---R 10 _., - , r. , ..... . --i- - 1 - -- . Z CZ'° ! , 1 I —\\.. 900 \ RMtC.7-C(R /_ r_T _ - -, i , , L___ re 1 ; 1 —7-- $.. - INEADOith 4-1 i RM RM-I _C: IPr '.- ...- - * _ . _ RM-I 1R • : — "I ,1\4; 1 I 1 NE .9th _ RM—I ---- .cof i Hi _ /. ISO -c0_ . \ , -- ---- ----r-: —I-- - r--., 1 I r•-ire 1 1 F ) __IF= --J- 66 ________I .. \ \ rZ). I -1-L-7-- --MR2,[______ :_qug -1 - 7-0c- tri • , , \ \ 1. 4571-777-- . ; ; i • , . \ \ --•-- - --:-(Nleth let- . - co • • 7-8 I, / . `,0 • \ \ _ --.§: 0?- -R-,-8. . :: - _c, _'.. 1.2' .10_ 1 I \ \ N 8th 8t.\ . 1--- --CY- '''- -8thr-sf--- - - _I-- 1 t • ,1-7----__ Z 8,. ,... R- ,.--_I itligati ,I. co ., ,- ..q . E-i -ce_ ...-• ' ,, 1 .s, -.7:: \''./_!..1../.. ./L., -/ ,. , ! , • .p.01 i t4 ,—.! i ' . I ... 1 vA- ---/-, • co ..--- \ 1-- - 1.-• SI''''' 7170 I Z ,\\ I \ \ H-:• —1-- .v,PA... ' - ce/ : ,, \ ' , . \ : I -Tr: --• \s/ •C.'i Armt_ R_E3/ .',>. c..) -i 1 ---1, '•< 4Y4•1 -?Th,./' ..// • 1 i -_, ..)-.....1 ,..// , 7v40.....:", .• i • , L. _i.;_,____-___ ._p._.9.p__-::_ . % , 1 . TH\\.• I ---,--- ,-. -,."-\:-- .. -i- i-i-•-/ , . !,\ • ; , . , ,,...: I I I / ' ,/ , '( — . - ---Ze- ?-- — ' , .4d ji • , , • . ‘' / .:--- ,°. --.1%-- -.7... •. . ; . . . . . i;?" ' -..,.;.• e).< --- — NE 5:thi, 0. ...".: •.\---,...... • Edmoricir sr_ . , .. . \ \ ‘ . •,>'-'.-- \''\i// --, • - • i •. \‘.?»,)•es° . \>/.*-t- ->N "\q. Hob : .• , , , . , . • -I rt-,.. *111- • , .. ••••• 1\ c..3 Fernd.616. . r •-• li "/ ' .4. •.,\\,- ..__/ - ,V ICA , _ ,.... .........„ r - , // I 1 s.,.\' • \ -R8 1 . 5- co -•••,, \ \ . .4 AA ,- ---- -I- \ ••• • . . . F4 • 17 TZ3N R5E E 1/2 • ? yo 4go E4 ZONING 1:4800 • •f 4111). P/B/PW TECHNICAL SERVICES 8 T23N R5E E 1/2 -- t.,,,0 oviat98 . c. wiLL POLICY & PROCEDURE Subject: I Index: PLANNING/BUILDING/ REMOVAL AND/OR MODIFICATION OF PUBLIC WORKS RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS I Number: 400-13 Effective Date I Supersedes I Page . •Staff Contact I vApprove By 2/9/9A I N/A ( 1 of 1 I Jim Hanson I a& �CtA 1.0 . ,PURPOSE. To establish a procedure for the removal and/or modification of restrictive covenants. 2.0 ORGANIZATIONS AFFECTED: All departments/divisions 3.0 REFERENCES: • • • N/A 9.0 ,POLICY: Ii It shall be the policy of the City of Renton to formally consider the applicant's request for the removal or modification of restrictive covenants. Over time, the conditions prompting the original covenants may change. A formal process to allow the removal of restrictive covenants will allow the City to be responsive to changing site conditions. 5.0 DEFINITIONS: ,Restrictive Covenants: A restriction on the use of land usually set forth in the deed, but may also be added by the use of anothe recorded document. Restrictive covenants usually run with the land and, if running with the land, are binding upon subsequent owners of the properly. However, some restrictive covenants may run for specific periods of time. 6.0 PROCEDURE: 6.1 Property owners wishing to remove or alter restrictive covenants must submit a written application to the decision-making body, or its successor body or individual, which had the final authority to require the covenant originally. At minimum, the application must include a recorded copy of the restrictive covenants to be altered, legal description, and a letter explaining the need for removal/modification. 6.1.1 The fee, if any, will be as set forth in Section 5-5-1 or the Renton Municipal Code. 6.1.2 The City may require notification of surrounding property owners, beneficiaries of the covenant other than the general public and any parties of record. 6.1.3 The applicant must be able to demonstrate to the original decision-making body, or its successor that there has been a change in circumstances (i.e. new Comprehensive Plan designation or zoning designation) so as to make the covenant undesirable from the City's standpoint or that the covenants are duly burdensome on the property owner. Actions taken by the property owner cannot be used as a basis to claim undue burden. a q {$ 1 1 • • MEMORANDUM • DATE: !0 'Flo 'OF TO: Long Range Planning FROM: Jim Hanson, Development Services Division Director • SUBJECT: New Preliminary Application: Stearn Q 5' Chu.-ram LOCATION: [QS I - Please review the attached preliminary project plans for consistency with • applicable Comprehensive Plan Policies. Please submit your written comments to T 2/ f.- no later than (9l' A . Thank you. We will not be able to include comments received after this date in the presentation/summary we prepare for the applicant. • • • • (0): � Ea rth Consultants Inch I g , Geotechnical Engineers.Geologists&Environmental Scientists December 16, 1998 E-1075-1 Gabbert Architects Planners 10748 Lake City Way Northeast Seattle, Washington 98125 Attention: Judy Hicks Subject: Sarang Baptist Church Renton, Washington References: Earth Consultants, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering Study October 2, 1979 Penhallegon & Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc. Preliminary Grading and Stormwater Plan Dear Judy: As requested, we have reviewed the referenced geotechnical engineering study and Preliminary Grading and Stormwater Plan for the purpose of providing information regarding - the feasibility of the proposed development from a geotechnical standpoint. Based on visual observation of the current site conditions, it does not appear the site conditions have changed significantly since the referenced geotechnical engineering study was completed. It is our understanding conceptual designs have been completed for the current development plan. In our opinion, the proposed development is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint. In general, the recommendations contained in the referenced geotechnical engineering study remain applicable for the development, however, the recommendations contained in the study should be updated to reflect current standard of practice. The opportunity to be of service on this project is sincerely appreciated. Should you have any questions, or need additional information, please call. ,. ., - mt .£ Very truly yours, 6 ,j _Op yv v1nsi cc 1 C�-Opium. p , `� ,o@ ,.. `4o (< �OFRE �� ��� EARTH CONS , ; S ,.IN ; o J�r� NT h x 14 pi) / 1 , 1 V&�4iE•kil �K le R. Cam be q. ' 4121'6116 A Manager of Geote 1,1• eZIT,•:- KRC/bkm xr [EXPIRES ll1Iyl&) 1805-136th Place N.E.,Suite 201,Bellevue,Washington 98005 Bellevue(425)643-3780 FAX(425)746-0860 Toll Free(888)739-6670 October 2, 1979 E-1075 West and Wheeler Associates, Inc. 205 Marion Street Seattle, Washington 98014 Attention: Mr. Mike Turner Subject: Geotechnical Engineering Study Sunset Highlander Condominiums - Sunset Boulevard and Edmonds Avenue N. E. Renton, Washington Gentlemen: In accordance with your request and within the scope of our proposal dated July 27 , 1979, we have conducted a geotechnical engineering study for the subject property. The purpose of this study was to explore the subsurface conditions of the site to provide recommendations for site preparation and foundation design. The scope of our study included test pits, laboratory ' testing and geotechnical engineering. Our study indicates that the proposed building at the site may be constructed using conventional spread footings and floor slabs bearing on firm natural soils. - The following sections describe the investigation and explain our recommendations in greater detail. PROJECT DESCRIPTION At the time our study was performed, the site and proposed building locations were as shown schematically on the Test Pit Location Plan, Plate 1. This is based on a Paving and Grading Plan prepared by Centrac Engineering Associates , Inc. dated Sep- tember, 1979 . It is planned to construct two main buildings of one and two-story townhouses and three-story condominiums, all of wood-frame construction with slabs-on-grade. The condominiums will have parking below the first floor. The anticipated maximum wall load will be on the order of 2 to 3 kips per lineal foot, - i West and Wheeler Associates, Inc. E-1075 October 2, 1979 Page Two dead plus live load. Column loads on the condominiums are expected to be on the order of 150 kips. Maximum cuts and fills on the order of 10 feet will be required to prepare the site for develop- ment. Rockeries up to 10 feet in height will be constructed along Edmonds Avenue N. E. If any of the design criteria should change, we should be consulted to review the recommendations contained in this report. FIELD INVESTIGATION AND LABORATORY TESTING Our field investigation was performed on August 20, 1979. The subsurface exploration consisted of excavating eight test pits to a maximum depth of 10 feet below the existing surface. The field investigation was continuously monitored by a field engineer from our firm who classified the soils encountered, main- tained a log of each test pit, obtained representative bulk soil samples and observed pertinent site features . Soils were classi- fied visually in the field according to the Unified Soil Classifi- cation System which is presented on Plate 2 . Logs of the test pits are presented on Plates 3 through 6. Representative soil samples from the test pits were placed in moistureproof containers and returned to our laboratory for _ _ further examination and testing. Classifications were supple- mented by index tests such as sieve analyses on representative samples . Field moisture determinations were performed for each bulk sample. Results of moisture content determinations, together with classifications , are shown at the appropriate depths on the test pit logs. The results of the sieve analyses are illustrated on Plate 7 and 8 , Grain Size Analyses . SITE CONDITIONS Surface The proposed site is bounded by N. E. 12th Street to the north, Edmonds Avenue N. E. to the east, N. E. Sunset Boulevard to the south, and a Puget Power substation to the west. The northern half of the site is moderately wooded and slopes generally to the west. The south half is covered with brush and scattered trees and slopes from east to west. At the time of our investigation, no surface seepage or running water was noted. Subsurface As indicated on the test pit logs, the surficial soils gener- ally consist of up to 1 foot of topsoil underlain by 1 to 3. 5 Earth Consultants, Inc. West and Wheeler Associates, Inc. E-1075 October 2 , 1979 Page Three feet of loose silty sand and sand. These loose soils are gener- ally underlain by 4. 5 to 7 feet of medium dense silty sand, sandy silt and sand. All the test pits were terminated in these medium dense soils at depths ranging from 7 . 5 to 10 feet. No groundwater was encountered during our exploration which was performed during the dry season. Some seepage may be encoun- tered in deep cuts during the rainy season. . DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS General Based on our study, it is our opinion that the site may be developed as planned for construction of the proposed buildings . Site development should, however, incorporate the recommendations presented herein into the project design and construction. The primary soil engineering feature to be considered in development of the site is the loose condition of the upper soils. The most feasible method of building support appears to be conventional footings and slabs supported on firm or recompacted native soils or structural fills, depending upon final grades and encountered soil conditions . Should the condominium garage column footings be heavier than 150 kips, we should be allowed to review foundation plans and pro- vide more detailed analyses for settlements and bearing values . Some difficulty may be encountered in constructing the planned rockeries due to the medium dense silty sands along the proposed cut. They may not stand unsupported at the planned cut of 1H to 5V. The following sections of this report present specific recom- mendations for design and construction of the foundations and site preparation. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of West and Wheeler, Inc. and their representatives for specific application to this project in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical practices. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Foundations The proposed structures may be supported on conventional con- tinuous and individual spread footings bearing on the natural medium dense sandy soils, structural fill or recompacted loose soils. Each footing bearing surface should be examined by a representa- tive of Earth Consultants, Inc. If any loose soils are observed Earth Consultants, Inc. 1 West and Wheeler Associates, Inc. E-1075 October 2, 1979 Page Four below the footing surface, we recommend that the footings be deep- ened to bear on the medium dense native soils underlying the loose soils or the loose soils removed and recompacted, whichever method is more feasible. Exterior footings should be bottomed at a minimum depth of 18 inches below the adjacent final grade. Interior footings may be bottomed at 12 inches below the top of slab. The footings bot- tomed on firm natural soils should be designed for an allowable bearing pressure of 1500 pounds per square foot (psf) for dead plus live loads. The bearing pressure for the condominiums may be increased to 3000 psf if all footings are at least 3 feet below final adja- cent grade. All footing excavations in native soils should be recompacted. A one-third increase over the above bearing pressure may be used when considering wind or seismic loads. For the above design criteria, we estimate that the footings in structural fill, less than 5 feet in depth below footings, may undergo a maximum total settlement on the order of 1 inch, with differential settle- ments on the order of 1/2 inch. Where footings will be supported partially in cut and on fills greater than 5 feet in depth, we recommend overexcavating footings in cut areas to 18 inches below and beyond footings and replacing with structural fill prepared in accordance with the Site Prepares- tion section of this report. In addition, we recommend placing additional footing reinforcement 10 feet either side of the cut- fill line. Footing excavations should be examined by a representative of Earth Consultants, Inc. to verify- compliance with our recommenda- tions. Retaining Walls Basement walls retaining natural soil or properly compacted backfill, and which are free to yield at least one-thousandths of their height, may be designed for an active lateral earth pressure state using an equivalent fluid pressure of 35 pounds per cubic foot. Restrained or nonyielding walls should be designed for the same fluid pressure plus an additional uniform lateral earth pres- sure of 100 pounds per square foot. These values do not include surcharges due to hydrostatic pressures, adjacent high footings , sloping backfill or stockpiles. - Horizontal loads may be resisted by passive pressures exerted against the foundations or by friction between concrete and the supporting subgrade. For design, we recommend using a passive Earth Consultants, Inc. West and Wheeler Associates, Inc. E-1075 October 2, 1979 Page Five pressure exerted by an equivalent fluid weight of 300 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) . For design purposes a friction coefficient of 0 .30 may be used between soil and concrete. Slab-on-Grade Building floors may be constructed as concrete slabs-on-grade supported on firm natural ground after recompacting the upper 12 inches of cut surface, or on structural fills prepared in accordance with the Site Preparation section of this report. The slabs should be underlain by at least 4 inches of free draining gravel. The gravel may be covered by an impervious plastic liner protected by 1 to 2 inches of sand in areas where moisture is undesirable. Pavements The upper 6 inches of all pavement areas should be constructed on the densified subgrade prepared in accordance with the Site Preparation section of this report. All fills below that depth may be compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum density. The minimum pavement section for light traffic areas may consist of 2 inches of A. C. surfacing over 4 inches of crushed rock base, or 3 inches of asphalt treated base. We will be glad to assist you in designing pavement sections for heavier traffic areas. Site Preparation The building and pavement areas should be stripped and cleared of all debris, topsoil, vegetation and any other deleter- ious materials . It is anticipated that a stripping depth of 6 to 12 inches will be necessary. Stripped materials should be removed from the -site or stockpiled for later use in landscaping. After excavation to grade, the resulting surface should be proofrolled with a vibratory roller under the observation of a representative of Earth Consultants, Inc. to detect any loose areas or soft spots. Any such zones should be overexcavated and replaced by structural fill to a depth that will provide a stable base beneath the struc- tural fill. The toe of all fills should be keyed into firm ground. Any required structural fill should be placed in 8 to 10 inch loose horizontal lifts and compacted to at least 95 percent of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Test Designation D-1557- 70 (Modified Proctor) . The fill should be benched into slopes as it is being placed. The on-site soils, if free from debris and organic matter, and if not excessively moist, may be used as structural fill for dry weather construction. However, some of these materials contain an excessive amount of fines and will be difficult to compact when wet. Hence, if wet weather conditions are evident and it appears that compaction of the site soils will Earth Consultants, Inc. West and Wheeler Associates, Inc. E-1075 October 2, 1979 Page Six be difficult, we recommend the use of imported granular mater- ials containing no more than 5 percent fines passing the No. 200 sieve. - It is planned to construct rockeries up to 10 feet in height along Edmonds Avenue N. E. Our test pits in this area indicate medium dense silty sands . The typical section by Centrac indi- cates a batter of 1H to 5V. It may be difficult to hold the cut for long periods at this slope. We will be glad to consult with you concerning the construction of the rockery and providing more detailed design criteria. We recommend that a competent contrac- tor with a proven record of experience be used to construct the rockery. All placement and compaction of structural fills should be observed and tested by a representative of Earth Consultants, Inc. Groundwater Control The subject site contains fine grained soils that will make _ grading operations difficult during wet weather. For this reason, it is important that groundwater be controlled wherever possible. Seepage should be anticipated from cuts during rainy weather. Surface interceptor ditches may have to be placed along the top of all cuts. Subsurface drains may have to be placed _ _ either along the toe or top of all cuts, whichever location appears to be more feasible. We suggest the location of subsur- face drains be made during grading operations by a representative of Earth Consultants, Inc. , at which time the seepage areas, which if present, will be more clearly defined. The site should be graded to drain at all times and all loose surfaces sealed at night to prevent the infiltration of rain into the soils . After a rainfall, equipment should remain off the soils- until they have had a chance to dry sufficiently. Additional Services It is recommended that Earth Consultants, Inc. be provided Ai the opportunity for a general review of the final design and specifications in order that earthwork and foundation recommenda- tions may be properly interpreted and implemented in the design and specifications. The analyses and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the test pits . The nature and extent of variations between test pits may not become evident until construction. If variations then appear evident, Earth Consultants, Inc. should be allowed to reevaluate the recommenda- tions of this report prior to proceeding with the construction. Earth Consultants, Inc. West and Wheeler Associates, Inc. E-1075 October 2, 1979 Page Seven It is also recommended that Earth Consultants, Inc. be retained to provide geotechnical services during construction. This is to- observe compliance with the design concepts, specifica- tions or recommendations and to allow design changes in the event subsurface conditions differ from that anticipated prior to the start of construction. The following plates are included and complete this report: Plate 1 Test Pit Location Plan Plate 2 Legend Plates 3 through 6 Test Pit Logs Plates 7 and 8 Grain Size Analyses We trust the information presented herein is adequate for your requirements. If you need additional information or clarification, please call. Respectfully submitted, EARTH ONSULTANTS , INC. +/' S. ( ++ e`o� ,„1-.?A b`f e . Levinson,P. E. ti� • c cP Chief Engineer BT/RSL/mgmi ' 6 C 14691 eO 2 1N1 T Z�S , O Ss/°N A L F;4//' Earth Consultants, Inc. t _ _ ___Ir. .. . LEGEND J I TP-1 I Approximate Test Pit m 1 Location r' 1 I I I -TP 2m 1 1 r___ _ _ _ ___I , I rl /,i\ L", la JTP-3 TP-8 TP-4 ❑ 1-- 1H TP-7 .-- ---17 TP-6 ❑ m - N 1 r-- Scale: ICI 60s ` \ • 06 issimmi \ 0 30 60 120 T P-5,- \ m i 1 \ I . TEST PIT LOCATIONS PLAN #4141 SUNSET HIGHLANDER CONDOMINIUMS Earth - RENTON, WASHINGTON Consultants Inc. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING & GEOLOGY 7;77o. 1075 Date Sept. '79 I Plate 1 GRAPH LETTER MAJOR DIVISIONS SYMBOL SYMBOL TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONS :°b a O:o:O WELL-GRADED GRAVELS, (RAVEL-SANG GRAVEL •00. : •D GW MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES AND CLEAN *RAVELS 'O b•,:DOO GRAVELLY (IlrtI• •r .. nn•.) . 6 :♦::. GRAVEL- SOILS I. • 'G• •-••G G P POORLY-GRADED GRAVELS,•G• R• SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES COARSE G. .O'r''il GRAINED i V SOILS ' 1lb SILTY GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND- YORE TNAN SO% i I E.: GM SILT MIXTURES ID OF COARSE FRAC- GRAVELS WITH FINES LION RETAINED (•II/rKMN• •III.*I of r . 1 ON NO-• SIEVE fines) CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL-SAND- ' 'a MIXTURES CLAY MIXT [3 e •. . WELL-SNADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SAND Ge O0-0 0 SW e SAMOS, LITTLE OR NO FINES AND CLEAN SAND e a 0• c . SANDY (Irtll• •r MDfines) S•f.;- SOILS •• •• POORLY-GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY MORE THAN 50% •• ••• - SP SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES • OF MATERIAL IS ••••• •�•• • LARGER THAN M0. 1 •'II•rrN• 200 SIEVE SIZE SM SILTY SANDS, SAND-SILT MIXTURES MORE THAN 50% SANDS WITH FINES OF COARSE FRAC- • (.I►r.e TION PASSING i.►N •IMMf of /f t l...) �r/� ` ' NO. ♦ SIEVE 4SC CLAYEY 1AM07, SAND-CLAY MIXTURES MORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE - ML SANDS, ROC% FLOUR, SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS OR CLAYEY SILTS •ITH SLIMIT PLASTICITY IM MI ORSAC CLAY! OF LOW TO MEDIUM FINE SILTS LIQUID LIMIT ��/ PLASTICITY, LT CLAYS, GRAINED AND CL LESS THAN GO SOILS SANDY CU SILTY TE, SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS 4I CLAYS OL ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY JNIORGIB OU AC SILTS, YICAC[ G OR M�-{ DIATOMACEOUS FINE SAND OR MORE THAN 50% SILTS SILTY SOILS • OF MATERIAL IS LIQUID LIMIT / WOOS ANIC CLAYS OF HIGH __ SMALLER THAN NO CLA77 GREATER THAN 50 CH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAYS 200 SIEVE SIZE OH ORGANIC I MEDIUM TO HFGN ►LA7TIGTYTT, ORSANIC SILTS .�• P I PEAT, HUMUS, •W' NP SOILS HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS WITH NISH ORGANIC CONTENTS TOPSOIL "" Humus and Duff Layer •�•�•�•�•�• Uncontrolled with FILL :•:•:****: Highly Variable Constituents _ ••••• NOT[ DUAL SYMBOLS ARE USED TO INDICATE BORDERLINE SOIL CLASSIFICATION! ii SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART THE DISCUSSION IN THE TEXT OF THIS REPORT 13 NECESSARY FOR A PROPER UNDERSTANDING OP THE NATURE OF THE MATERIAL PRESENTED IN THE ATTACHED LOGS I 2r"O.D.Split Spoon Sampler - jj Ring or Shelby Sample t P Sampler Pushed Iii Earth * Sample Not Recovered Consultants Inc. 40411 47 Wa ter Level (date) Ts Torvane Reading LEGEND qu Penetrometer Readings _ 1 Water Observation Well Proj,No. 1075 Date Sept. '79 I Plate 2 TEST PIT LOGS Log of Test Pit Elev. Depth (ft. ) USCS Soil Description w Lab Data 0 Brown TOPSOIL, loose, moist. Tan, silty SAND with gravel and roots , dry to SM moist, loose. 8 5 _; SM Tan, silty SAND, medium dense, moist. 18 • 10 - Test pit terminated at 8 feet on 8/20/79. Groundwater not encountered. 15 Log of Test Pit 2 Elev. 0 Brown TOPSOIL, loose, moist. r 6 SM Tan, silty SAND with roots, loose, dry to moist. 5 3 J•"' SP fine grained, 5 5 feet,clean SAND, stloose, grades to medium dense 10 Test pit terminated at 10 feet on 8/20/79. Groundwater not encountered. 15 - SUNSET HIGHLANDER CONDOMINIUMS Amilttit Earth RENTON, WASH I NGTON Consultants Inc. - OEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING • GEOLOGY ProjAa 1075 Date Sept. ' 79 Plate 3 TEST PIT LOGS Log of Test Pit 3 Elev. Depth ' (ft. ) USCS Soil Description w Lab Data 0 Brown TOPSOIL, loose, moist. r lJl • ,::.•.: 6 SM Tan, silty SAND with roots, dry to moist, loose. 12 5 SM Tan, silty SAND, medium dense, moist. ��'�•.tl• SP 22 SM Gray to black SAND with silt, medium dense, wet. 16 ML Blue-gray, sandy SILT, medium dense, moist 10 — Test pit terminated at 9 feet on 8/20/79. Groundwater not encountered. 15 Log of Test Pit 4 Elev. 0 Brown TOPSOIL, loose, moist. El}} SM Tan SAND with silt and roots , loose grades to - 5 SP medium dense at 3 feet, dry to moist. 5 — 'I - - 21 q-u = 3.5 _ I ML Tan clayey SILT, stiff to hard, moist. to 4.5 tsf SM Tan, silty SAND with gravel , medium dense, moist. 15 — 10 — Test pit terminated at 9.5 feet on 8/20/79. Groundwater not encountered. 15 - • SUNSET HIGHLANDER CONDOMINIUMS .140 Earth RENTON, WASH I NGTON Consultants Inc. GEOTECNNICAL ENGINEERING Is GEOLOGY ROP*1 1075 1Date Sept. '79 I Plate 4 TEST PIT LOGS Log of Test Pit 5 Elev. Depth (ft. ) USCS Soil Description w Lab Data 0 Brown TOPSOIL,- loose, moist. r- SM Tan, silty SAND with roots, loose, moist. _ 10 ML Light tan, sandy SILT, medium dense, moist. 5 SM Gray, silty SAND with gravel , medium dense to dense, 10 moist. r 10 — ' — Test pit terminated at 7.5 feet on 8/20/79. Groundwater not encountered. 15 - Log of Test Pit 6 Elev. 0 Brown TOPSOIL, loose, moist. I ) 'N SM Tan, silty SAND with roots, loose, dry to moist. r 5 ML Light tan, sandy SILT, medium dense, moist. l 5 �''" ' SP Tan, fine grained, clean SAND, medium dense, moist. 10 —' Test pit terminated at 9 feet on 8/20/79. Groundwater not encountered. 15 Atilt SUNSET HIGHLANDER CONDOMINIUMS Earth RENTON, WASHINGTON Consultants Inc. lir G[OTECNNICAL ENGINEERING & GEOLOGY Proj.No. 1075 Dote Sept. '79 Plate 5 TEST PIT LOGS Log of Test Pit 7 Elev. Depth (ft. ) USCS Soil Description w Lab Data Brown TOPSOIL, loose, moist. /— 6 4 5 —�.::: Tan, fine grained, clean SAND with roots to 3 feet, SP loose grades to medium dense at 3 feet, dry to moist. 4 10 • — Test pit terminated at 9.5 feet on 8/20/79. Groundwater not encountered. 15 Log of Test Pit 8 Elev. 0 Brown TOPSOIL, loose, moist. 5 5 — SP Tan, fine grained, clean SAND with roots to 3 feet, loose grades to medium dense at 3 feet, dry to moist. 10 — Test pit terminated at 9 feet on 8/20/79. Groundwater not encountered. 15 SUNSET HIGHLANDER CONDOMINIUMS Earth RENTON, WASH I NGTON Consultants Inc. 111.1 OEOTECMNICAL ENGINEERING ! GEOLOGY 1075 6 Proj.No. Date. Sept. �79 Plate SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS • SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES I NUMBER OF MESH PER INCH, U.S. STANDARD GRAIN SIZE IN MM 4 pp pp 8 1Qp p p N 0 1 n N 7- ^ :•4 : /1. V N f 8 g O O O 0 8 O O O 8 8 IOO •0 N\ 90 p 10 M , \ ,_ , _ . 71 o z n z -I f m (n1-1 TO ' SO —I N Z _ ` _ m m 0z D , , ilk ' . m 90 _ __ , \ 2 0 C Q 1 0 1 4 - I 90 z 2:1 1-, W �I ---I 0 o goo CJI 7J H O 10 Y II n1 O O r A N 4 ♦ n N ^ O 10 • n N m = ,ZI+ 822 22 fd ^ o g o q q 8 8 8 8 8 8 Q GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS -4 nr COBBLES COARSE I FINE COARSE I MEDIUM 1 FINE FINES 1'* GRAVEL SAND z M 1.4 0 DEPTH -a = o LEGEND BORING (ft) USCS DESCRIPTION NAT.W.C. % LL PL - c, c3 , z 3 TP-1 2 SMSilty SAND with gravel 8 no z CIc CD cn TP-3 1.5 SM Silty SAND 6 L I I I I l I I I I I , I SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES I NUMBER OF MESH PER INCH, U.S. STANDARD �p GRAIN SIZE IN MMo p o p t00N • • • N �- .- a.a 13 • O f $ 8 g o 0 0 o O O O O O 0•0 90 . \ , , , 10 rn X m rn eo I - xo z z n -+ m To I Z 30 -i m - 0z xi 60 40 O a CD m in so SO 0 _ _ I m 40 T 60 'C t 1 t T I a m 30 70 _ _ , -I m so 0. \ , z o m WI be p p o p -- p, T 1p - - - too U-1 70 = b 0 $ $ 0 0 R N O O 10 . II N O 10 �• •• Cl " $ X • n N ." O 10 V' II N fli a21 a o - O 088 88 8 8 z I-+ GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 0 -I G) iii I) CD 9 COARSE I FINE -COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE FINES CD r 14 COBBLES GRAVEL SAND z M 0 CD N ; DEPTH - � � LEGEND BORING (fi) USCS DESCRIPTION NAT.W.C.% LL PL • zo • oz -10 Lo o0 z TP-3 4 SM Silty SAND 12 7 z y C CD 3 °' — TP-7 8 SP Clean SAND 4 l 1 I 1 I t I , I SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH OPMENT CITY uF RENTOW JAB, 14 t C9 RECEIVED DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS AND PRELIMINARY DETENTION CALCULATIONS NOVEMBER 4, 1998 -0H H. Prepared For: Sarang Baptist Church • T„°7'- 4� . 15 4 0 'P ‘-Ss Prepared By: EXPIRES:10/21/ Pal Penhallegon Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc. 750 Sixth Street South Kirkland, Washington 98033 _ ' I According to records provided to PACE by the City Renton and a previous survey(1986), there is an existing storm drainage system along the south side of the subject property, within Sunset Blvd. NE right-of-way.This drainage system will be the proposed point of connection for the onsite flow control and water quality facilities.A visual inspection of the site did not locate this drainage system. Additional investigation or potholing will be required to verify the point of connection. Upon site inspection there was no evidence of capacity problems,overtopping or erosion problems. Flow Control and Water Quality Facilities: Flow control and water quality design criteria for the site are in accordance with the City of Renton which has adopted the King County Surface Water Design Manual. The King County Surface Water Design Manual requires that detention be provided to limit peak flows from the developed site during the 2-year, 10-year and 100-year, 24-hour peak storm run-off rate to the existing condition peak flow rates for the 2-year, 10-year and 100-year, 24-hour design storm events with appropriate correction factors (see attached isopluvials). Runoff is estimated using the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph method. See attached preliminary storm water detention calculations for actual sizing. Water quality is proposed to be achieved by the construction of a wetvault with a permanent pool volume equal to the volume of runoff from the proposed development areas subject to vehicular traffic using the water quality design storm. The water quality design storm shall be equal to 64 percent of the 2-year, 24-hour total precipitation. The permanent pool volume for the wetvault is planned to be combined with the total required detention volume. The characteristics of existing site conditions includes young second growth deciduous trees. Soils are Indionala and Ragnar which are classified as type "A" and "B" soils respectively (see attached soils map). As such, runoff would be expected to be minimal. For preliminary detention volume sizing calculations the curve numbers for "A" and "B"soils where averaged. As can be seen by the attached preliminary calculations used to size the detention and water quality facilities for this site, the required detention volume is approximately 12,530 CF including a 30% factor of safety. The required water quality volume is 4,770 CF. A infiltration tank may be used in lieu of a detention vault depending upon the recommendations of the soils report which has not yet been completed. • Project Location: The location for the proposed church is located on the west side of Edmonds Avenue NE between Sunset Boulevard NE and NE 12th Street in Renton WA., see Site Location Map Figure 1. The site is recorded as Parcel"C"beginning on the north line of the NE 1/4 of Section 8,Township 23 North, Range 5 East,Willamette Meridian, in King County WA. The site is bordered to the north by NE 12' Street, to the west by a Puget Power substation and an undeveloped parcel of land, Sunset Boulevard to the south, and Edmonds Avenue to the east. Project Description: The site is has a total area of approximately 1.80 acres all of which is planned for development. Proposed development for the site consists of a 2-story 10,800 sf church with associated parking, landscaping and utilities. Currently, the site is undeveloped. Site Drainage Features: Topography at the site generally slopes to the southwest at approximately 17% with a total drop of 26 feet across the site. Site vegetation consists primarily of young second growth deciduous trees. Soils on the site are classified as Indianola and Ragnar type soils. Indianola and Ragnar soils consist of loamy fine sands which have a relatively high permeability rate. According to the King County Sensitive Areas Map Folio, there are no sensitive areas associated with the site. Existing storm water travel on site consists of sheet flow across the site. Local precipitation falling on the site sheet flows in a southwesterly direction toward Sunset Boulevard. Stormwater runoff is then collected by manmade ditch running parallel to Sunset Boulevard NE and begins to flow west until stormwater eventually leaves the project site. Offsite Drainage Description: Upon leaving the site, the surface water drainage enters a manmade ditch located on the north side of Sunset Boulevard NE and begins to flow west for approximately 125 feet where the ditch ends and flattens out. Stormwater then begins to sheet flow southwesterly for approximately 100 feet flowing towards the southwest corner of the intersection of Park Avenue NE and Sunset Boulevard NE. Upon reaching the intersection of Park Avenue NE and Sunset Boulevard NE, the stormwater continues flowing west for approximately 140 feet along the south side of Park Avenue NE where it is collected by a curb inlet. The stormwater is then conveyed through a 30 inch concrete pipe traveling west for approximately 0.65 miles, through a series of pipes and catch basins prior to discharging into Lake Washington. See Figure 2 for flow path. J F1.1 e.r:. , s..et:4sw5:x.:''t';+;f.� erm.....4,A., .. w.rea< ,A44. .::.N.r„1.r.::- -,.L,t,.'Mew:eras.Ms.; CIO 'T al.'. __-_J l� AV N_ t- eo t1" �,, PARK AV N fA noz n, `1: ,t ti AYIf r S 4 ' 4�; I 100 -"'�� iii FR •N I I I I I I I I II-I:_ ---di i 0.0 W.: 4HI(.' �� DOMES AV �:A 1 .i--" 20,0 . 4ipirdi. er �-. t1K4A xK,NN..-._AY Nc a* IOR:OLN I.AY ME S(/Ng' _ A W,NOITEd .fir ,T to (� te y N ! 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' \- -:-* --- .. likw.garik44L-it t‘ • _Ajit:- i 0151 T . tik.,„,. . .1,41.1 f OIL iffrli\ l ilia h y ril ' ! �1, ►mmit d-to 10 linuiri i 2 �1 .,;* .,,iti / *IN him. -1541441Pilliklpi 1 Will \ • V011p!,4414/0111111301,1101VM* PI i cb 19 __ , Aktil ..: itio - - wok . IlMitlikt A lif • Ai 0 \\ _. t„ -i45,4=ti-li -,-4iolgoomir 16i 4 *A ' ".- AtifiLL lAitita. ' Ann I/!d. .r PR.03,,zed i ( o / __: i 1 c... 400-11,1, IP 0 1/11 ,_..1!..11F.'el:=14fir.=":2:4.,.....,.11%- tapoOP;14s. .'.; wok .,.. .., kik , t g• di 1411ZiAlEirotilijii iiilliks.:ii, 1 'Ire . 1 . A i rilltlY( %IS ... ' . ‘ - Ni\i 4rr ,.-./ , iiiiiktZ,V. . daN V:0.- - 1 =''' , , . . . 1141%,.* c - -..4broiN, — ,I% '' , - .. -- . Ivor \,i\- pat liNekilqs. - 104 \.1,-..or -- '': , , - • - Ttliteipt,alliptgbA\-, 11 --"I. , ,- ,Hibrilige401"„ ,Lef * j , ..t.,a., iimilli. ,..., ,_._....., , _. .... _ _....voN \ 1 4.1i4' '' --- -*A '00/1710111 .--- V,. 4ks .. .= ! Iiimi -,-., ,vt:- is pliogiti Ffitrwiri i ..____. i lips. _ .,., linsiotamplum 14. tt ‘..411,10 / ,__,,)_i / ,‘ ? .„11:. _ V21111 '.......m. illIMINI .1.• \ , v..... . ii 'J ootor*-vist Ds Wilke-IfFillilpili *-kqg • • .,, .‘, : , 4p.,.. *Ai !Am ao . ,,,. prarrio ....-xitiNinplip._ . -- - i ;,.. , riM1181,49rfrm.) r , ,, \. _ 10 trillink pkisiPeigl. 1 4*-iir - 111•01.11.1)*1 ri t lag- VN fs -- - s, 4 L c..-Ir • - ry �._ �n 4 :!/Yp:gar . oak Ar, .- s .. _ , cv • repriiel fictilirlool. .1" 1r1Rfr. -r • it.h'�. 1117 IN i� ti. ` MEWN11II ,_,J 2-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION i` irar`li, ilg •=u - ..3.4�' ISOPLUVIALS OF 2-YEAR 24-HOUR �' • �����' 35 TOTAL PRECIPITATION IN INCHES W-r�'���� tr 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 M11a M - ' Ai ni ry _v7 y- '- t. 1:300,000 3.5.1-8 1/9O • KING COUNTY, W ASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL FIGURE 3.5.1E 10-YEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIALS 21 ..----,;.„ii.---gamPowlIVI- 4:4ertam(%4 ii.i iii Is• • .? .. • \,-.:---- �l‘-'4irir` .,440,,LT, - /4/8104a0 1 ook \ � Iti.Y0A K rorifipirAit, 2.3___ 6,3,,... pi7 „ , 1 Iiiiki 24 iT , AIIIIMA Allikliallt 25 ., jiiipaiki 0011/111 lk 2.7 i 141111:74111 py II _ ;A:if 04 'N , ... iit . • I '1-• i 2 '1. ; _ Ok4I/01:-.04 ' , - r 1 a �'./0� illpri • jpit&N‘bw.1111 e I �. a° '---. s''." .\ 141117 tkiiilltliVIAMI iirl ,, ., moccf N -- e,, ''ZY..41.-.,, Ni' szurrtiiiitudr . ;k. ,.s-rA_•--•..7:•- .t.. ‘V.: 3 ■ar r 1' %_.1L,. �l.,�im ,,,, .-=' .=Ark ' 111 • sai,,-.41W eh° 'ip4*10. Aft). • _ v -- . likAYIK ,en A di mIIiIraIIMnkI III..,, ,/2 :al I Illitt* ii / !mai. - .. VAY, ,,. _, .-A ,--- -11bibbVi ' ' AI% 1,,,., -Ni AM" i .---: is i .k\ k%.----___..,,i,.,,, Via a3 I - - --\ Real 4\ rtviroil h i liffr . • /17 t , liPAY.IA'•:1411 011 kviOW )&, 4 ,:t Writ 9:111 -Iwo 4 ,Irri,40.101\ / . ift I . , ma? irk it il ‘. . lik vi --. - ---Aw*It V, . ! !aPONIN _ \\ `e,----- "...vr-, 14 in.Mgt . I 1-111 . 14 N, i .--*:-4'. c 1 i x. i NTI r90111r / ; • %taimpillit \LAN 'K' Villfalk - , ,7. .: . ' -1 lir: OEMS IIMOMBIENIPPe* lw Tibly . ... ; ( , , , ... , RIIIIMPNI 'OM L .......- .. AP' -=\ R51181 ,.._ 441i t irAteilialr ANII \ ; 1 ----- ',RH" A ; - .' \"."1 tik. ' ire- NMI ir-III w. rtel-AM01/4 - -iTelp - .-7-\T FP ArtikiMillilklb i . F.,4_ • p .��6 .fr• �'�`''� ,�� fr , \. 77:4111Ur ' M ' 4 'i' wi lrAi /MI '� ) Nringoin b . 10-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION , rrine r■En 3.4°' ISOPLUVIALS OF 10-YEAR 24-HOUR 1' `r Will Ike° TOTAL PRECIPITATION IN INCHES 5S) ��1P' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Miles (L, A _ -1�r 1:300,000 3.5.1-10 J �5. 1/90 4.0 • KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON, SURFACE WATER DESIGN MANUAL FIGURE 3.5.1H 100-YEAR 24-HOUR ISOPLUVIALS # :‘. rin0A04%.14,4stt .tf-A .. ORLI vo ohlti. .2.111 1 „.:, I 1,,,,1,Ai11101, SilL Awe- i, 1141 4 r. _ ,., - a Alin 1 1 i97, ,,tiefi 721 t . 411Nei,-.601j.) `t )4to .o q4 �1 41 ' ‘ -..e.41'w.r. 41 $ "--11411104417 ' f. , it - ��� ; , -,,, ,„,o,„.._.it. iviiii ‘ , . . 4 011-2.f.glfarillopkulinki e if ov .4 il 4twillit.‘41k 4dillraim‘ 7.111 .4/40ri 4 2 Eck Ae.,,..„ - "lilt wNgrteizl_AoY!�:1,4' lli ' �c w jI Pri1 •� �� 1, 0C rerfi - - ' tip. A • "reehr`ht,'-'11411ttk • ..-. IttifrAt -.wgwaiiolisilimmoo.'''-'11 - 1-11relt . IS .•(. %.‘440C hal 1 li iilL, , - -15•°-19 .001"""- /06.* ° 111110' 11Y A I hawt,- t4'4 ,,,,..gowiri -f4 ,.../. Alikporip A qf Alik. ,, 4w,AP 'qr. -2> -114f,. ri 46 i _ __ .1:- inaill‘\i,\1::killvigiciVot. . \, V017 NIIMIllirr Ow%Noli .‘144NIA :141:: i -- v i IiiiiipliatiftNo-PAillawm- 11 \ IPIP"' :•.:-, � u , .4kiip ...14Fisr$, Is 1. .. . , ....„ ,,,, k3/4 1116- hip •1 "I Q=... " . . 4 1 - ____, , ___: il Al it "', k. 1 ll 71Alaredillillit _.- 44\Vi 1 4- i lir. _ 0,..„ , glimitiiiiiiiMillim legs Alt- l' ,1talkil 4 ...;., (,4 Or / i ark'-,4* 10111111111111MMMai q%AVIII *a `. ' F4, II :Mai prig 11111117019 I Age . _ / IF i ' 11:IIE. ‘11121.E ( litiV it,lailamh '-• .1 ,.. / , ii TANI \IIR74151. ri,,.- \ \ PallIPIMAilip1411.141e101 firi -�� awl "� f ►"�� -- � ' 1' 140; ,_ \ •. Wrii '1,11#"4,-.'"ififfrotir ifs _,J % . vf,_iinif , • .1 ' i .1' .N4,,ififirtiir 4 - •.. N • - - ' 4 - ,;, .liiii • ai 0 v VINPAiii . .wA , r°' . 21MArl�� 100-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION l3101 �16i 6. �3.4- --ISOPLUVIALS OF 100-YEA R 24HOUR O N lirat���t l ¢ ' TOTAL PRECIPITATION IN INCHESQ vitira, 5• 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mlles - . 3.5.1 13 0, O ,--s ;�, 1:300,000 �' • ♦, • 1/90 SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH PRELIMINARY DETENTION VOLUME CALCULATIONS 2 YEAR STORM- DEVELOPED CONDITIONS ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 2-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 2.00" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ENTER: A(PERV), CN(PERV), A(IMPERV), CN(IMPERV), TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 .59 74 1.19 98 5.1 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN 1.8 .6 74.0 1.2 98.0 5.1 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) .61 7.67 8413 ENTER [d:][path]filename[.ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: i 2YD 2 YEAR STORM- EXISTING CONDITIONS ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 2-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 2.00" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ENTER: A(PERV), CN(PERV), A(IMPERV), CN(IMPERV), TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 1.796409811 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN 1.8 1.8 64.0 .0 98.0 11.0 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) .02 23.83 764 ENTER [d:][path]filename[.ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 2YE • 10 YEAR STORM- DEVELOPED CONDITIONS ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 10-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 2.90" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ENTER: A(PERV), CN(PERV), A(IMPERV), CN(IMPERV), TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 .59 74 1.19 98 5.1 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN 1.8 .6 74.0 1.2 98.0 5.1 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) .97 7.67 13338 ENTER [d:][path]filename[ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: l OYD 10 YEAR STORM- EXISTING CONDITIONS ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 10-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 2.90" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ENTER: A(PERV), CN(PERV), A(IMPERV), CN(IMPERV), TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 1.796409811 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN 1.8 1.8 64.0 .0 98.0 11.0 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) .06 12.50 2764 ENTER [d:][path]filename[ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 10YE • 100 YEAR STORM- DEVELOPED CONDITIONS ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 100-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 3.90" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ENTER: A(PERV), CN(PERV), A(IMPERV), CN(IMPERV), TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 .59 74 1.19 98 5.1 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN 1.8 .6 74.0 1.2 98.0 5.1 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) 1.41 7.67 19095 ENTER [d:][path]filename[ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 100YD 100 YEAR STORM- EXISTING CONDITIONS ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 100-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 3.90" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ENTER: A(PERV), CN(PERV), A(IMPERV), CN(IMPERV), TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 1.796409811 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN 1.8 1.8 64.0 .0 98.0 11.0 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) .21 7.83 5953 ENTER [d:][path]filename[ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 100YE 2 YEAR STORM- BYPASS ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-1A DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 2-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 2.00" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ENTER: A(PERV), CN(PERV), A(IMPERV), CN(IMPERV), TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 .01 74 0 98 11 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN .0 .0 74.0 .0 98.0 11.0 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) .00 12.50 12 ENTER [d:][path]filename[ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 2YBP 10 YEAR STORM- BYPASS ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 10-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 2.90" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ENTER: A(PERV), CN(PERV), A(IMPERV), CN(IMPERV), TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 .01 74 0 98 11 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN .0 .0 74.0 .0 98.0 11.0 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) .00 7.83 30 ENTER [d:][path]filename[ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 100YBP 100 YEAR STORM- BYPASS ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 100-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 3.90" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ENTER: A(PERV), CN(PERV), A(IMPERV), CN(IMPERV), TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 .01 74 0 98 11 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN .0 .0 74.0 .0 98.0 11.0 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) .00 7.83 55 ENTER [d:][path]filename[ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 10YBP DETENTION VAULT VOLUME CALCULATION SUMMARY OF INPUT ITEMS 1) TYPE OF FACILITY: VAULT 2) STORAGE DEPTH(ft): 4.00 3) VERTICAL PERMEABILITY(min/in): .00 4)PRIMARY DESIGN HYDROGRAPH FILENAME: 100YD 5) PRIMARY RELEASE RATE(cfs): .21 6)NUMBER OF TEST HYDROGRAPHS: 2 TEST HYD 1 FILENAME: 1OYD TARGET RELEASE(cfs): .06 TEST HYD 2 FILENAME: 2YD TARGET RELEASE(cfs): .02 7)NUMBER-OF-ORIFICES, RISER-HEAD(ft), RISER-DIAM(in): 2, 4.00, 18 8) ITERATION DISPLAY: NO BOTTOM ORIFICE: ENTER Q-MAX(cfs) .03 DIA.= .74 INCHES TOP ORIFICE: ENTER HEIGHT(ft) 3.5 DIA.= 3.06 INCHES PERFORMANCE: INFLOW TARGET-OUTFLOW ACTUAL-OUTFLOW PK-STAGE STOR AGE DESIGN HYD: 1.41 .21 .21 4.00 101 '.8 TEST HYD 1: .97 .06 .11 3.61 9140 TEST HYD 2: .61 .02 .02 2.76 69'►0 ENLARGEMENT OPTION: ALLOWS FOR INCREASING STORAGE AT A SPECIFIED STAGE HEIGHT, TO PROVIDE A FACTOR OF SAFETY. ENTER: STORAGE-INCREASE(%), STAGE-HEIGHT(ft) 30 4 PERFORMANCE: INFLOW TARGET-OUTFLOW ACTUAL-OUTFLOW PK-STAGE STORAGE DESIGN HYD: 1.41 .21 .16 3.80 12530 TEST HYD 1: .97 .06 .07 3.55 11700 TEST HYD 2: .61 .02 .02 2.17 7160 WATER QUALITY VOLUME CALCULATION ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-1A DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 2-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 1.28" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ENTER: A(PERV), CN(PERV), A(IMPERV), CN(IMPERV), TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 .59 74 1.19 98 5.1 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN 1.8 .6 74.0 1.2 98.0 5.1 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) .36 7.67 4770 Applicable Fees to the City of Renton Sarang Baptist Church CiT y uF 'ENTON Hearing $2, 000.00 JAN 1 4 1999 Environmental Review 500.00 RECEIVES Total $2, 500.00 108TPe1 � $2)530.00 ';-;, �'y* r.~t'✓,``. .,- -� �; "f � `' �wr;, r' �.ti"'ti`7",yp.Mt '�'- _ - r'eiIV�' 1�1N=� � • a` JAN / 19 get - (� Security enhanced document. See back for details. ]i=e-: r..muff=1—t— -a_�Se...._._��.�c..to m,,.,,?,c.�„�,,. SARANG BAPTIST CHURCH 1003 BUILDING FUND 1032 EDMONDS AVE.NE RENTON,WA 98056 November 25, 1998 19 /1250 DATE PAY TO THE 6 ORDER OF City of Renton 5 I $ $2,530.00 5 **** Two Thousands Five Hundred Thirty dollars and 00/100 **** DOLLARS• )SEAFIRST BANK Renton Hills Branch 052001 1840 Dwa II Ave.N.E. Renton,WA 98059 UP 411 FOR "° C 11'00 L003u' I: L 250000 2 36 LI, 5 5 Li,n' **************************************************************** City of Renton WA Receipt **************************************************************** Receipt Number: R9900216 Amount : 250 . 00 01/14/99 14 :25 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #1005 sarang bap Init : LN Project #: LUA98-180 Type: LUA Land Use Actions Location: NW CORNER OF SUNSET BL NE & EDMONDS AVE NE Total Fees : 2 , 782 . 96 This Payment 250 . 00 Total ALL Pmts : 2 , 782 . 96 Balance: . 00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 000 . 345 . 81. 00 . 0019 Variance Fees 250 . 00