HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - Logan Avenue North & Lake WA Blvd • ill sr EXHIBITS 1 . Petitions for Street Vacation. 2. Boeing Property Utilization Plan . i 3. City of Renton Arterial and Street Plan - Page 17. 4. Central Business District Plan - Page 39. 5. Chamber of Commerce Transportation Committee Meeting.Minutes, April 24, 1975. ss 6. Letters from Washington State Highway Commission. ,I', 7. Letter from Metro Transit System. sr sr • sr 0 . • I. ' l `..� . . 1I PETITION FOR VACATION-'OF-;'STREET (1 i To: , The City Council of the City of Renton, Washington 4. . Comes now' the undersigned petitioner and pursuant to i!l • , RCW Ch. 35. 79 respectfully-shows :: . I , � , - The undersigned petitioner requests that the following;l described part of Logan Avenue North in the City of Renton be vacated pursuant to RCW Ch. 35.79 : • i . That portion of Logan Avenue North, North of 6th Street•(:, . located in Section 7, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, l . W.M. State of. Washington described as follows : iI '. • ' Beginning at the Northwest corner of the intersection � I • . of Logan Avenue North and 6th Street, thence N. 0° . � . -26 '-18" E . a distance of 1298. 87 ' , thence S . 89° f, 33 '-42" .E. a distance of 5 . 00 ' , thence N. 0° . -26 '-18",'I C E. a distance of 864. 73 ' , thence N. 41° -22 '-31" W. ' a distance of 25 .31 ' , thence N. 43° -47 '=01" E : a U . . . distance of 50 .18 ' , thence S. 41° -22 '-31" E . a dis- tance of 43 .92 ' , thence S . 0° -26 '-.18" W. a distance ' of ' 883 . 83 ' , thence S . 89° .-33 '-42" E. a distance of !i, 25 . 46 ' , thence S . 0° -26 '-18" 'W. a distance of 1298. 87,' , • thence. N. 89° -34 '-11" W. a distance of 80 .00 ' to tile point of beginning. ' An area !of 3.43 acres or . i • l ' • 149 ,360 .58 s .f. II 4 Th• e undersigned petitioner is the sole. owner of all .• !' property abutting on said area. . • G . v • • . WHEREFORE, petitioner prays that proceedings beheld hereon for the vacation of said area of. said Logan Avenue North. . in the manner prescribed by RCW Ch . 35 .79 . . • Respectfully subm ..tted, ' ! • THE BOEING COMPANY . ;, By .. • • . • Its II, • Date; _. • f • ---ilii.1.1- '• ?Ie.:40--- . ••••••••.••••••••• �'6A11r ` ' . II • • • ..,h. ."..• . . . ... . . : . . • • '�• I • it • '� �� x I , ,z.;zii':,{.:.I . • .. "`• . i • . • 1; ? .III • II 1 • y • r ! • w JJ CALC •LtJ,ftt',CMT I0/1 Q REVISED .OATC ... ..•.. .._ �• �II II • :I.; CHECK • ..,.._.__._.� l • i . APPD/ PAGE ` THE .G.+�r. r am-�f//V COMPANY ! • RCNTON, WASHINGTON , YO I11 0.111 . ( . ' PETITION FOR VACATION-OF STREET 0 To: The City Council of the City 'of. Renton, Washington Comes now the undersigned petitioner and pursuant to RCW Ch. '35 . 79 respectfully shows : II • . • I The undersigned petitioner requests. that the following ' described part of Lake Washington Boulevard in the City of Renton be vacated. pursuant to RCW Ch. 35 . 79 : • IP That portion of Lake Washington Boulevard, also II' known as Secondary State Highway No.. 2A and Park ,I Avenue in Renton, Washington, as situated in the North- i . . ' west Quarter of Section 8 , Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , King County, Washington, more particularly . • • . ' described as follows : I' . Commencing at the intersection of the South line of. II' . ; 'said Northwest Quarter with the Easterly margin of said • i"l - Lake Washington Boulevard, said point of intersection , also bein the Southwest corner of the BoeingCompany' s � I' g 1 Y . "tract known as Parcel IV; thence North 0° -57 ' -41 i. East along the Easterly margin of said Lake Washington • • Boulevard 1,283 . 43 feet to a •point 30 . 00 feet right of P . and measured at right angles to the Washington State Highway Department North Renton Interchange Centerline Station "A" , 0+00 , said Station being the point of . curvature of a curve to the right of centerline radius • H • 572 . 96 feet; thence continuing North 0° -57 '-41" East . along the Easterly margin of said Lake Washington Boulevard 295 . 08 feet to the point of intersection with . . a curve of radius 617 . 96 feet having a radial bearing I . . South- 60° -30 '-59" East; thence continuing North 0° II -57 ' -41 East along said Easterly' 1 . 89 feet; thence .tangent to the preceding course Northeasterly • 0 ... - • along a curve to the right having a radius of 287 . 64 ' feet and a .central angle of 39° -21'-41" an arc ,i, '. . di.stanca of 197 . 60 fact to the true point of hocfinnincf; . • thonco continuincj NorthoautoL.,1y alon j . paid cuivo an l ' • . . . . arc distance of 49 .93 feet to a point of reverse 1 ,__, curvature of a curve to the heft of radius 2,112 . 37 . : ', feet; thence Northeasterly along said curve to the left ,' ' . an arc' length of 145 . 43. feet to a point of intersection ll • • with the Southwesterly margin of said North Renton O . , Interchange from whence the center of said curve bears ' • North 43° -40 '-35" West; thence North 46° -ll ' -29" , West along the Southwesterly margin of said interchange • . 60 . 06 feet to a point on the Northwesterly margin of • said' Lake "Washington Boulevard and the Southeasterly margin of the Burlington Northern Railway Right-Of-Way, , said point being on a curVe of radius "2 , 052 . 37 feet I, • .,; . from which the center bears North 43° -361 -11" West; , , :'. ., thence Southwesterly along said curve an aro length of 138 . 68 feet to a point of point of tangency; thence Sou-.oih . ' 50° -43 '-32" West along the Southeasterly margin of said Burlington Northern Railway Right-Of-Way 43. 62 feet; thence South 39° -16 '-28" East 5 . 64 feet to a .;. point of intersection with the Westerly margin of said . ' , Lake Washington Boulevard, said point being on a curve • of radius 347 . 64 feet from which the center bears 1i • ' South 49° -40•'-38 East; thence leaving said Westerly : : margin •of Lake Washington Boulevard along the •radial ( ,1 . ' ; : to the curve, having a radius of 347.64 feet and a : central angle of_ 39° -21'-41" , South 49° -40 ' -38" East 60 .00 feet to. the true point of beginning. I Containing 11,949 square feet or 0 .274 acres , more . I. or less . ' I • I I • �' . 11 • The' undersigned petitioner is the sole owner of all I . . ,. ' property abutting on said area. • WHEREFORE, petitioner prays that proceedings be held • ' , , hereon for the vacation of said area of said Lake Washington • ' Boulevard. in. the manner _prescribed by RCW Ch." 35 .79 . - . Respectfully submitted, , • TIIE BOEhNG COMPANY II By I, • • . Its Date : • 1, -2- • o .I' • • • II `. , i!` . , I I I I ' / • • . • , , 1-• is • / . . / evC, yl,>' ., . ' , {rah ♦�xh'V r • �1� • . \ / • .. . . . ///' • • . , ,\. \ • /.' .• • � � 1 • k,-)I1 / . . " • • ( ) • • ' 'L'I..\ . • 7.,. a I CZG L.L,.�.1�C �� ' 11 •. .• • , .3.0..E 1 4 _.0 a.... ��I ::,. • • • f1 i l f�4C • i . 'v C REVISED DATE. .••.. CHIC l.�nr��� r. I fr�l � LAKE WA5H) -1-:ON PSLVD: 1 . CHECK 1y�1 ( I `` .. . ....._ I �. APPD / ,�j � •• L� V,..,•u�6 �U 1 J 1 O !'J ,,, 1! J1 /{�I4_ . �� � rAGfv APPD l IAL� /U 7- Ty T- /� 714E f�✓.07, �O/� COMPANY RENTON, WASHINGTON • TO•79 D•N7 •!'I000 I• T • • • • • • 7 • • • BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY CURRENT PROPERTY ACQUISITION ANC • ,:,. UTILIZATION PLANS EO 1975 • • • RENTON, WASH INGTON • - • • • 'r • • INTRODUCTION .' 0 CURRENTLY-BOEING OPERATIONS AT° RENTON ARE DIVIDED INTO FOUR ZONES TOTALING 258 ACRES. • _ ZONE 1 AREA EAST OF PARK AVENUE NORTH. CONTAINS HEADQUARTERS • OFFICES AND LIGHT MANUFACTURING., • ZONE 2 AREA BETWEEN PARK AVENUE NORTH AND LOGAN AVENUE NORTH. LOCATION OF SUB ASSEMBLY OPERATIONS AND ENGINEERING OFFICES. - AIRPLANE P Q.DuCTION' ZONE 3 AREA BETWEEN LOGAN AVENUE NORTH AND THE CEDAR RIVER. C.OMPLE.X CONTAINS WAREHOUSE, SHIPPING, RECEIVING AND FINAL ASSEMBLY OPERATIONS FOR 707/727/737 DIVISION AND HYDRO- FOIL CONSTRUCTION. ZONE 4 RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT. LOCATION FOR AIRPLANE ELECTRONIC INSTALLATIONS A'ND`NREFLIGHT OPERATIONS. • .' 0. THE AIRPLANE PRODUCTION COMPLEX BORDERS ARE: • -EAST-PARK AVENUE NORTH . -WEST-CEDAR RIVER • -NORTH-LAKE WASHINGTON - - -SOUTH-CITY, SCHOOL AND RESIDENTIAL AREAS I . . . • 1 i.'amaadlaailArk.— . . • ' ' • ' . I ' . . • _ . . .. . . . . ........... . . . • • • . . 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L'••••'„•,, , ..,:.:,'.:'.;•.'', - • • -.':' . . , • • I • • ' • . ,,.... . , • • .. w ,,,•,.,. - y BENEFITS OF LOGAN AVENUE NORTH VACATION st . -:'` • CITY OF RENTON 0 FUNDS ACQUIRED BY SALE, "' 0 ADDITIONAL TAX REVENUE. . • O REDUCED STREET MAINTENANCE. • • :`.: ...• . THE BOEING COMPANY . . . r ___ _ 0 IMPROVED SECURITY— J. -.�'. 0 . OPERATING COST IMPROVEMENT. . % . • . ,< — • C- EMPLOYEE BENEFITS IN TRAFFIC AND PARKING. MAJOR SUBSTATIONS WITHIN SECURITY PERIMETER PER DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE SURVEY. f.; . - - - - - - - - =- - - II Page 17 ARTERIALS AND STREET PLAN FOR THE +I RENTON URBAN AREA +I' Prepared by: City of Renton Planning Commision Date: June 16, 1965 I� . The major arterial route from the business district follows a route along Logan Avenue to North 6th Street and connecting to the North Renton Interchange via. Park Avenue. ;I • II . dip • to • 405 >I RENTON URBAN AREA I ; I I COMPREHENSIVE PLAN I I MAJOR 1i ARTERIALS & HIGHWA I RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION I I DAVID IENSEN BANNING DIRECTOR y I< 1 SARAN Fa OF .�:.... a,n.u..�l.n..a...« »o:... �,..... # � 1 — L-- ---I LEGEND • I !� EXISTING 1 I PROPOSED ' A '—' ® F LEE WAY S ®� / - �. 1 - , 1 insimism nAAJOR ARTERIALS �m �I III OFEDERAL STATE ' �,�,HIGHWAY. l HIGHWAY I1' ... 14 ---- A \ 4,',\ ' LAKE v •� .i _. €1,� t,,Vr:iallh• W SSHINGTON `� ;��1TIV : , 11 " EMMI ,I 1I: . 1;!iiIr$ ' 1- ____ T1b IIIIIIICA Vilt#1411 gala i I in um 0114:44% .II III I diOlik •\ 4.6P+1‘1, Ill'A' , 04 , . _ ( _/___. . ..,....,,,, 1,,.. 'VII MP", . - I 4.1" __,__ Niofi 4ii 4rl1 N.,0E_ t t'1MiEEi' . ,„a,MMr ■ I y__ ,�..., 0� , ,., _—. i stl wa- Nr..A.,.f_,p .,\f•...t.- \ ' >r' ram_1, „►.MIMI 4..1„4.. ;.ate, - — �,��._ �. . , —,_ ' ��• ■�f 1 ,,,, 7 . , I 1 1 4 , 1 • 1 eat I , . , r. 1 . 1 we • ,, , ____ __ IIIIII NMI 1 , i AA 1 n ,.. ♦ i. A i C 5 j� .. { _ 3 � � 1 7 °' �I. LAKE I I _ YOUNW l ._ Y llW J —LJ� I FJ _z I ( 5 5 1 • Page 39 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT PLAN RENTON, WASHINGTON Prepared by: John Graham and Company �II for City of Renton Date: October 15, 1964 Consultants recommendation for connecting the Central Business District to the North Renton Interchange utilizes Park Avenue around the major industrial complex. j • .ri " " 141'•.A..4p': i‘4..„4S,; ,e.i,,,,,.,",,.,.,,",°'':r.4•,'(,• z4:.1., .t0',„.,e,4‘-,. 1•fr ,.,,I al••.....\A.,.11., i,‘,,„ ,A, i.) • '^.'•-i.'1' .'1',41%.,,'',:.„‘fIi'. :,i:•.::,1, c.1''a.i./,..a -.i._c.-.1•,A '.,„IL r4•,v', :wS: � IN w;k Y' . % , '..,e',‘'s.,..„7 N,,-•t.`'.••i1•.„.),t,A.•:•s.'...4 (A •1 .1 1 .ham w Y , -4J j< rk +•,. .....'I 4" ..":-11.- 0 ''''''. t :r \t \1 ..:: 4.6' :;,i4V-1-J--• '`Iiii. '-• 1 ‘N ','' 1, '''. t1.1#4i. •i:."''... . t .4 ' , \ itf iz, I % . 'L.. - 4 rta ,- i;.A.:, i ,..,7-.21 , -4, ,ti „.---:- . \ . aw'g ,. , --A.0 ,. ..\* . 4- ' - '';'" • :.' 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'� ' /`� "`` vil 'ice' y �� !ti Er 1J �' .�f hv;�. s'" • ri,21,44:, „6.e.,--,',„- :,,,i9.1r.•-•:.piz ,•••••. 2 '- ,/ # .., _,,,C' 1 . - •=i-- -- . - -. ,„. ' *. i' y .. �' �_t '.1 Iy' Y h CS ` f'+ • ..s '11 4 1 , o r.1 • _ - •,�Yi rri.., 'v im�1,Fr, , y 11 .�•}�-t•- •• - •h'••k�1 ; •,'�, ,'5 4 Imo .wm� ) yq w iu muuum. ,f.'-..."I: , '. ' , -... -;;;,,.: ....,:,.,4 1 .,....`,4,-,;„„ , r, , ,::::‘,;,..,;.1., . ..i, .,....:., ..„, . ... , ..... ,, P. e .q,/.1 � _ram y � 1. i,c,,. - 4\.� / .,� 1 'ar i�- /�'!I '�a `r fir' 39 Greater Renton, Washington Chamber of Commerce Transportation Committee - -- -- , - ' April 24, 1975 here being a quorum present the meeting was called to order by acting; . ' . Chairman Martin Overmyer. 1 MEMBERS PRESENT: Richard J, Archer, Warren Gonnason , Charles McGarrigle, Bill Nelson, Martin Overmyer, Cecilia Partlow, H. 01 -Torgeson. . I MEMBERS ABSENT: R. A. DeBoer, . Chairman , Robert L. Anderson, James E. Denzer, Mayor Avery Garrett, Richard Giovi , Dickinsan ' Reeves, John H. Swanson. GUEST: Dave Hamlin , City of Renton - Traffic Engineer. STAFF: K. F. Johnson. OGAN STREET Mr. Overmyer introduced the City Engineer and the VACATION: Traffic Engineer,to review the Logan Street vacation from the city 's viewpoint . PIROPOSALS Mr. Dave Hamlin reviewed the Vacation and reviewed EVIEWED: the alternate proposals by The Boeing Company. He also reviewed some of the proposals of improving Park Avenue to take the overflow of traffic and lto encourage the free flow of through traffic. General discussion was held on the program. VACATION. Mr. Warren Gonnason explained the process of vacation II PROCESS: and said that typically the city would sell the pror,er- ty .for half of its appraised value. ;J 1 Further discussion was held on what might be done wiih any proceeds received from the vacation, if it were �in fact vacated. MOTION: It was moved by McGarrigle and seconded by Torgeson that any funds that are derived from the sale, if 1 there is a vacation of Logan Avenue , be used for tho improvement to the street and to the alternate routes . The motion passed unanimously . a I There being no further business the meeting was declared adjourned at 11 :00 a .m. • Respectfully submitted, K. F. JOHNSON, CCE Manager • 1 . I SHIi 'GTON STATE � > a HIGHWAY COMMISSION ;r - �'1 Danr�111 an, G� �rnur DEPARTi 1ENT OF HIGHWAYS � ! ,• 4 ' j 7 Office o District Engineer # w, a District 1 � 6431 C rson Avenue South +a . fir Seattle, Washington JBIOB !` _ f 4_ i! April 24, 1975 ` - �/ ' -�� it • Join •D. Bixby tor f Facilities I' c o , li •-7d7/727/737 Division Boeing Commercial Airplane Company P. 0. Box 3707 Seattle, Washington 98124 I, I'. SR 515 Dear Mr. Bixby: City of Renton Resolution No. 1893 In your letter of April 18, 1975 you asked several questions of . the Department concerning long range plans for the northerly exten- sion of SR 515 in Renton, particularly as it relates to the Logan Avenue vacation proposal by your Company. I believe the attached copy of a letter I sent to Mr. Warren Gonnason, III Public Works Director for the City of Renton, adequately explains the Department of Highways' position on that controversy. !I Very truly yours, • W. C. BOGART, P. E. i;l' District Engineer . WCB:fc Encls. cc: Warren '=onnason/w.encl. lit I!I Ii l,l A.H.Park.r Chairman Harold Walsh Baer Ferguson vrr;inia K. Gun5y Howard Sorensen, Harold L. joUlaC Berne on Everett a,a rVaiia • I, il 1 .WASFINGTON ,STATE., v HIGHWAY COMMISSION r . DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS •, �` Daniel J. (vans-III�r 3 •fir a �, �,-v >, % OV�I-n0f '' G.H.Andreti� ��� t �., a+�r .��C s- i! irector Office of District Engineer Distri t 1 va` ��_+ 6431 orson �,+` ` ,�. "kY Seattl Avenue South Washington 9B 108 ',;; � April 24, 1975 I, Mr. Warren C. Gonnason Public Works Director f The City of Renton Municipal Building - 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 �' I I' I' Dear Mr. Gonnason• Proposed Vacation of Logan Avenue North I; City of Renton I I' You asked in your letter of April 16, 1975 for any comments the State Department may care to make with regard to the for the City to vacate a p petition by the Boeing Company '� ortion of Logan Avenue North for the improving security and internal material flow associated with theoses of ir The subject of the extension of SRof its present terminus with production. 515 north SR 900 to the North Renton Interchange at 1-405 has been the cones City forquite sometime, tm a andt hasC been the subject of considerable orresponden,rn of the Cibety fo the Department and the City. I recognise full well that the concept of suchI,e Puget Sound Governmental Conference 1990 an extension was placed on the ' of course, does not constitute that the route Transportation tbeaPstate highway, that a need exists for a tr=nsportation facility in thatlan. This in itself, , believe, that decision was made following corridor adIbut officials; consultation of P.S.ru.C. with City I feel that the State's Iefeel to the Garrettt ' from on this matter was defined very Februarytr 25,M r a George Andrews, Director of Highways,well datedn the of our 1974, copy of which is attached. eipio ' highway route at SR 515, Basedh Legislature,on the description I feel thatby planning at this time for ans arterial sindthis corridor must the City of Renton until such time that a s by the ustI �' subsequent studybe retained establishing a specific corridor, and that s with that corridor is given to the State Highwamey responsibilityilegislat aconductessociated I' action, ghwa Department y P tment by legislative i' Should you desire that a representative of the Department attendance at your Public Hearing on May5please tame of of Highwaysth be ofin I' that meeting. advise me of the time of I Very truly yours, I'' WCB:fc Encle. W. C. BOGART, P. E. cc; , - t.. D. Bi District Engineer xby/w.encls. Baker Ferguson hairman - Harold Walsh Walla Wal a A.H.Parker Everett Virginia K.Gunby Y Howard Sorensen Sanffla `y` F i •i ;. 7 i II _. - \M IIiihny ,1 ifmn, ,6 01.le,l, P.idn { � i,) . .. --' ; ``I II —r• ofyen,,,u• 'IVut.tn7,ryt.eu, tlu .,o.i l:`Ul7) J�374••;Celt i n ' `� ' , „ ,:•terii • '\� .`,, February 25, 19-7- v,�•i r�? „- LE,;i. STUDY IN'R. ' •-•: StuDy i'0'1 1 \ \ ' \ \ STU;:v1,.AY - I tir , Avery Garrett, Mayor Fh?INR- The City of Renton C17 ,}�. i'iuI -icipul Building • LI, ti I(;,c......... "j , ... 20 Mill Avenue South _..__ALL I':I,.,NTil ,I Re ton, Washington 98055 `- ��___r F;,S ' Re: City of Renton Resolution No. 18931. SR 515 Dear Avery: I received- a cony of the Renton City Council 's resolution urging the De artment to proceed �.'ith an extension of SR 515 to a connection with I-4O5 at the North Renton Interchange. __ • As you will recal ( , the extension of SR 515 from Bronson Way (SR 9G0) to I•-405 at the North Renton Interchange was the subject of a Legislative Study pur�Suant to Chapter 170, Section 13, Extraordinai-- Session Laws rep rt was submitted to the Joint Committee on Highways in 1966. (A copy of • the report is enclosed. ) The Department's findings at-that time indicated that 'such a. route "does_not appear i ro:l-k-< ---44 ci=--42ega-erg--flr -i nters-ta-fie, need based on legislative parameters for state highways. " The 1967 session took no action to amend the legal description -of SR 515. Therefore, the legal des ription of SR 515 remains as follows: "RCN 47.17.705 State route No. 515, A state highway to be known as state - . route 515 is established as follows: • J • Beginning at a junction with state route number 5l6 in the vicinity east of Kent, thence northerly to a junction with state route number 900 in Renton. " Recognizing that nothing remains static, especially transportation plans, I' . I s ill hesitate to change the Department's recommendation to the Legislature until this matter has been restudied, Only recently I have been apprised of . r .. 9 _ .. _ I;� - .......„. . . . . . i . 1 • - . - . ..,• , . My Avery Garrett -2- February 25, 1974 . , . , . , .....• , . .. .' ' • . . . . , [ • 1 II th City of Renton 's desire to undertake a sub-regional transportation study r th t would develop a total transportation plan for the Renton area. it would - - -se m the study should precede any action to further modify the highway system 1. in the City of Renton. • - . . . . . . Having spent a number of years in the Legislature yourself, I am sure that you can appreciate my position on this matter. Hopefully, a Renton sub- 1 reglonal transportation study will cive us a new perspective on your total transportation needs, both auto and transit. Sincerely, • \ , • • . . . . G. H. ANDREI'S , . Director of Highways . . . I • . . ,. GHA:bt ' . • 1, . . j. . • . . Enclpsure . . . . -- _ . . .. . .__ . . . . , _ - _ • . ! 1 • . c ,1 cc: : Highway Commission H... R. Goff ---: ,. - -.. - W. C. Bogart . - -N E. I. Roberts - • . . . • • \ • • . . i . . . . • - • . . . . . . • . - . ,, 1,1. • •• . • . - . p . . • • , 1 . • . , - .. . • • , . . . - • • . . , .. . . . . . • : . . . • . . ' .. • ' : • . , . . • . • . . • II . . . , . . . , , •„.. . 1 . ... . . . . • . . . • , - , — - . • n1: • " CITY. 6). I:t:" ; .I' .1A _51 11,1(; (\M `' .,:IWO • I FiT , ;, , °, i It CITY COUNC L Oil '1'11E CITY of ) i.,U )N DO RL OLVL AS 1'OLLQI`JS :. " • • I Sr CTlOi; . I. :' `Tie City of Renton , acting by and through its , , . , ', City Council , hereby re-affirms its'' unqualified support and .'assistancc . • :11'- ' - for t:he construction of SR-515 and lsai_d right-of-way to constitute • : r arterial road through the City of Renton. i 4 ama�o g ,,1 : ;' , • • SFCT]:ON : I : • The City of Renton hereby urges the Washington ; ., S :ate Department. of Highways to proceed with all deliberate speed • and urgency for the construction and early completion of said I, I• • right-of--way through the City', of Renton and its fina]. connection. with limited access Highway I-405'. at and near the North Renton • a • Interchange . 1 .I SECTION III : The City of Renton further requests said Washington //L I fundin from ;'!., sI • ;State Department of Highways to promptly ,,ee): adequate g , (, im 1`ement "and complete 1•'�1 I:1 the �`Jasliingt n State Legislature .irk order to p p•, ,said roadway project which is' not only of utmost ',importance 'and need •• l ;' .• • i for the citilrens of Renton, but/all of, the , commuters and persons''who . M rl'.'. ' ., :'i ;1„`., :!Ili.,:,. r", „ ' are employe at the' various industrial plants within the Greater.:Renton' .�Cz�.,:, ,"'. ' iii . f area. - - , -- - •-r , • - - .. - li i ij V lr:jfi:' •l • T IV ' The City Clerk is: hereby autharized `and directed' 4:::. ;3 ' SFCTT,,. tr ,: ., I r{ ': • _ fit, ,�', .;t to for�tard .uthenti•cated copi.cs of r`this, Resolution to the members of +. I •t+< ` ,� ; Transportation Committee and such.''other' publ ie $ r.:-. the Senate nd. I1ot_�c Transportation t ''{ I 4 • i • j'' I :.i i'i o F, officidls. c s may be' deemed advisable ,, `'` • :C THE Y, .COUt1C: L this; r4 '' day of :Febru:ary 1g71F ` • rj,rt ' a I . PASS): BY. HE CITY h°,. • • ' . :� ..-4'. ' KRi•- r. , V t, f:• /i • r • Y ''� .n . R b.,: I... I; ;,>; 7 v , .19'114 '.,. APPROVED. Li' THE T,c�`.�0' !liis 4 till d;iy--of }'cbru�J.r, I.. :•. ,• ka . f Q • i ` ' / } p !. Ved L7j.c.s'}.l. ✓C1y � ti ' �!I' It , ilyor' , ,I • fir. {. :. �,t ,,•,A1'ri H . `:f'+/t/;r..Ia.11; (.:I. Iy �111aii'`1icy1 At,. ;I ' . . , . . . , . • . . • I , . ••..-;..,- • -, .; -,,...,.. iic•... ,',.!'7?... '.r, .-;;.!!••" -1.' .-'' .-. ..--,,- - • ;•••.•---,", --•• • :- ••';'• '" ."-,,•.;,.27..1.0:;t.`',',,:,„:•..4?,11i''; . , . .[ • i''.,!•i. i,'.;,., ', ,11 '!:,,,,,,:::.....,, . i . :,. . , ..,. ri • y'" 1 r I: • , . . , . . ,., '- • . . • • '.,..;• . .•.,., 4'4"[ '? y',,f. . . • . , - . .. , . : . , . , • ' - .-,. i• . . '0'4"1 ','.4.1.:''''ti:Ift :'%21 „ ,,., '' 1'- . ' .. i'' • • .14' : :'. H:r.', ''' S':;i' , . . • . . .', ., . , . i . a,. ,i . .• ' 0 . 'OM r.t..,N ../, ' .,. • , T T.i iTi r-i rrr-y , 0T.-41 ilitz-11r,,,:tT 0 N . ; , . • , . . . . • ..: . . 0 MUNICIPAL DUI I.DING 200 MILL AVL. SO. fiENTON. I1A`;14. (,)[',OrA . ) 1 i •,.. 4cf, ' ,,. .-, , —.... i. -..:0, —4 •AVERY GAIIIIETT, I'VtAVOR DELORES A.' MEAD ', .,!•,• , . . . , • l'..c, 1 ...' -: •. . , • . • . , . CITY CLERK 1.0 . .., ... :!. . • • • ltt \ : - • ,,.. . - ,•1 ...• ., .,.....,...• . 1 D SEP1 - ... , . 7, . •• • , . . . . Pebruary, 15, 1974 ' . • . • , , .. . ! - i • .• . 1..; . .,, ' ,i. , . ..,,,;,!' 1 . I,: • , . .. ,, , • . . , ..„ , J•,..:, , . , • State Higho(-zy Commis:37:On . . . .• • . '. . . d• . • ': ' 1. •-.' .-'', :'i• • . . . • • , • . 1 Director of Highways . . . . . . . • 1 Hi.ghwoys AcZministration Bldg. • • • . „ , , Olympia . , . , WA 98,504 . . . , . - , 1 • ., . •-,.- . . • 1 ' 1?e: li'it7 of Rento)1 Ef-solitticw, No. 1893;, S11-61b . . .. . . • . . (Ben n so 'H ighway R (!a i..!lotion) . . . ., , • •• .,-.. . . • . , .•., . , ,. , . • '''.. ' • • 1 , • •'. i%, . • • • . ,,, ., 4 . • ,• • . • I, . . . . Dear sir3: • • • . .. , . .. . . . . .. • • • . . , The Renton City Council, at itn rogichir mi..,,tiag of February 4, 1974, . . ' V.• ;-. ., F" • " ' . 1 has adopted resolution, as above-refernzied, urging the Washington . , . . . . . State Depart0:int of Highways to sci?k-ad,-.!quato funding from the State , . . . . ' ._. Legislaturt.? to proceed with speed and i.i.oyenc.,y w•ith complet•1:607 of . ?•'---• .t• . . SR-516 and fipal connection with .limited acc.......ss I-40r) at the North . . . . , c• .,, " ' . 1 • Renton InterMange. The implementation is of the utmost need and . • . .„ . k . . , .• 1 . i . 20 gency -to Li e City of Renton and its industrial cotablisiments . . , evidenced by its priority in the City 's Si:c-Year Street Program. • ,, . • " . • , .- . ,,,. . , • Your .courtesies in assisting and expediting the matter will be . , . . . . appreciated. , . . . . , .. • • • - .,..„ :,, , . ii, .. ,,. : . . • , , • - t,- - . • Vary truly you , . ,. ' 1. .-,-. ••••I'' • •- .. . • ., ' k, ' ' I v' ,. . . . 1, --, - • . " - ... . ;CITY OF RI . .• - • • , . - . 'f .,.. . ' - '1'!?.,. ':-.-.,!' , . •. • . ,. . . . 1,• ' • ,.• . . . • . . -- • . . ' .• 49.1.41:i../4-J a )21 ••(_,J • • ...• •i ,, I; . . . . i • . . . , • • . . .. • • '.'.'1, ,;:'.., '.... . 1j) !: .; ' . . . , • . • - • - ' • ' • . • Delores A. Mead -: .. .••• • . . • . ..-.., .,.:•, .!-.•• •! .. 0, . . • . . • ' City Clerk , . . . ' , . )•.--1,-4:- . •;:,. ' '. .d.'1•: , ,.. . ' . • !-.% ., • :,.p, , .. H,:- '. '.'.•] , , -,... . , . . • DAN:j t ' . . . . • . -, - • • • • : , , . , .•! . ,.. . , :. - •-„,..; •., ••••, 1 ••-f,, t . • " . . . .. .... ',,,,i•!--, ... ,,---, --,-, , : . • . , . . , . . . , • 1,,,y,,,,, ; ' I,':,,c., .„,,,,..1.,, . , • Enclosure . • . ., . . . . , , . . -- ••••, ..,.. .. . „ • . . . - i. •.i'.: ' 'q. ...";•. l'• . . , . . , . . . , . . . . . , . , . , . . . -. -' ': • if., `;'.‘..:';',••• 1,1-.,;'•'•-..,r,•.•-t•,' .,. , . . . . •. . cc: --State Representatives 11thq'1;418t,',PistrriCts - • • .. ..• • . ... ...-... ,.. ,',.c. — 1 .,•;: ., -;. , t,,, n • ' ' ei.,". 'Vi . . . Cha lln, Transportation Committee, floUse and Senate .1/ ,.. ,,•''' . - - • . • -• - ---, .-i,, ,. -'...' IIIH,:.,-....,:•,„;',,-. : . , . , . • • State Highway Dsrector and DtstrPet Engineers ' .,::..- •,•-' ,1- .'-:., ' f- . ' 4 ••7 • ., •:- T,'- '. , 1,1'.,--.-., ::;; ,,.. , . 1 The Boeing Company , . • . • • • , • 1,1,e - , - i ... • •--' ,'- ',,;,:' '11'.:-.', ' •••T . . . . Pacific Car and Foundry (PACCAR) . . . , ; ..,, f. . , . . • • ' •,-----:: . , Washington Association of Oities • . : : • --- 1 1 ..-. . . . • ;. --, .,. 11,'':,;;.'",2, --..;-. • ' . . . • ' ' 11 ,' . ,,.::• ' • • cc Mayor 4vcry Garrett : i• : • . , --- . • • ' t" ' ' '' .''''':-.• ..,' 'IH, • •'..-' 1, . . . . .. • Council President C1y7:ier - .. - : , . 1-..• --- i', .-- - •1..-...::... ',-„ i': .,. • ' i'. :, • • •''' • ' i',-,.?:;'.•, . -,,;! • --:•. •••• :,• •••' '' -1 :1_••••.:,,,,?-. . . , . ., • . • City Attorney Shellan . . . 1••;,, .,,. .. . , , „ „ , . , . .• . . . . - .-.,. ., . . . . ' . ,. .. _ . • ... . • ' . • . • • ,• . -' ;,i-•••'.,... • . ; . • . , . • . • •• ' '' • ' '''''' -I''•';:.'-'.. .".•''' ,:: . ' .. '. .) • . .. . . , . • .... : , .: :'.• • • . ; • ,..-: ! •-.•? '7.1' •. ':-,,'•, •':''•k'..''.,. .' '..: • ' ....-"'• ‘,.:;. ...L. '•'.'L'''''/2•.''*,).'4t,;1.i.--L''1 4"--j'.2':''.-;.-''-t'-..• H--)--:-,:------ ----' - I ' '1 '7- 7 ••,. "^ . CL ! 1.1-- P Vei( ) C1 t ( 1cr ::i:i.?..'....JA:/i.,:1I 't!•.• :f.:"'•'..:.•:-.'i.i i•' • ... . . . . . .. .. . ,. . . . .. ., „ . .. ,. . . ,. . • . - - 111.:,:..-:.-F.;:',- .. . . . . , . APPROV-.:D BY THE MAYOR this . 4 ill Li;ly--of re brwiry , 1.071 ., . ..:,,. '!::., ...,..,,, I • . .,. • . . . -I::..•:•'•.:::;,'II il: ..'..:'::'1.,;.';''''* - ,il i i.................. . . . .. ...1,x,1,(...4 J. .1:', ...._--1A.J.- 4,---.--...-------------,----"" ••• •,•;.• i; ....•,:...,i 1 1,',.,-!: :: g): - ,.. , •/"... - . . ,/ / : , . ,.„.• 4. ..,. , 4 .,....,, . •1,y C.:;).)11.t:t ,:;:, Mayor . . -4, c, — --,,,!-•,:f2.,•'..-0.!. .--.---:::: ,.;7.,., - ' ." ..:„.:.. :.• --. ..,':0:-6.'1 ;A-4•'. -•,.., ' :'• . . . . ...,c • _ .:: , ' - '-',•.•-,.* 1•,,`;:!.,.•f,,,,- . •fs.-: .,.. .. . . -. • . „ / ,I: . . . . , . . . . •. ., . . . . , t',(4'.4.1i.(1`./1. -:.; It:J..I ,JJ: , ,"1:.i.iy ..At ii..di,ricy ' ' . . ., . ,• • .,„. . .• .„. • . . ,:.,;.'• : 1,-,f....-',i ; 4!....i.• . . . . . . • . , .. •. . f, . . . , . .. :•*: ,!•••%"..,,f.,r -,1.-.1.:', ,i')...r.fl. , . • , . . , . , . . . . , . . . . , ,. , • . , , . . .. • . i - .:--,4-,-1 .: •, ,•'• •,: . I - • . . I ' ••.-,',.'ic ..7,',..:',i4 , ' .i..; . . . .,..- -',..,,..';• 1 '4;v:--•-• • . . .- . . . . F,• 1. Id I" ' 'i7r` , Y{ 5 /975 " municipality of metropolitan Seattle FAc;,! TIES RENToNE' 1 Metropolitan May 1 , 1975 Council • CHAIRMAN C.CAREY DONWORTH AUBURN • STANLEY P.KERSEY - • ' BELLEVUE MI F.(MEL)VANIK Mr. Richard Archer • KENT Boeing Commercial Airplane Company'ISABEL HOGAN North Eighth Street & Logan Avenue : KIRKLAND Renton, Washington 98005 ROBERT L.N'..k - MERCER ISLAND Dear Rich: . AUBREY DAVIS,JR. RENTON Subsequent to our meeting of April 22, we have re-evaluated our AVERYGARRETT opir'ions regarding the short-term implications of the proposed SEATTLE closure of Logan Avenue, north of North Sixth, and its potential WESUHLMAN effects upon Metro Transit's service to the Boeing Company's JAMES K.BENDER GEORGEBENSON -- Renton plant. These concerns were outlined in a .letter dated BRUCE K. TCHA HILL PMAN April' 3, 1975, to Michael L. Darland of the Puget Sound Govern- . PHYLLIS LAMPHERE mental Conference. WAYNE D.LARKIN JOHN R.MILLER RANDY REVELLE Given the amended bus access to the plant discussed at our meeting, SAM SMITH JEANETTE WILLIAMS when eby Metro would serve the new North gate off Park Avenue, OTHER CITIES necessitating minimal adjustments in present service, no cause for SELWYNL."BUD--vOUNG concern with respect to transit operations exists, pending final KING COUNTY decision on operational details. JOHN D.SPELLMAN ..-�•.` PAUL BARDEN _ ery trM Il\/ \/ 4rsou , I RUBY CHOW J J yours, I ROBERT B.DUNN THOMAS M.FORSYTHE EDWARD HEAVEY //"/�{/�/'��) iDAVE MOONEY `-..J A / 8• (,L%_,, •./-� TRACY J.OWEN BILL REAMS .Donald F. Munro BERNICE STERN UNINCORPORATED Manager, Transit Planning AREAS MARJORIE ARNOLD DFM:wbs • I ROD CHANDLER cc• M. Darland, L.THOMAS ECKSTRAND PSGC JOHN FOyRNIER,JR. A.DEAN WATHINGTON SEWER DISTRICTS HANFORD B.CHOATE f A EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR RICHARD S.PAGE Pioneer Building • 600 First Avenue • Seattle, Washington 98104 • 447-6666 BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE 7/4-gir'47L) � ?./1116 • 77 _ v I • V -w zub"-P . eg-0 - oi.cf- 26 gi/4 ca ri � -�� • U V(1,J11N b _i__ -... OF R , 0 .emu., O �'Y o OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 0 RENTON,WASHINGTON , 0, . k- ''' ''*I POST OFFICE BOX 828. 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING 0 RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 255.8578 IA • (0 0 �Q� GERARD M.SHELLAN,CITY ATTORNEY LAWRENCE J.WARREN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY gTED SEP"E• EO April 6 , 1976 • Mr. Warren Gonnason Director of Public Works . Municipal Bldg. Renton, WA 98055 • . . • . Re: Burlington Northern -. City of ' Renton R/W Lot 17 Dear Warren: . • • • We are handing you herewith copy of a Limited Liability Report we received on April 5 from Mr. R.. M. Boyd of Burlington Northern. . We would appreciate it if your office would check out the legal description to determine exactly the area to be acquired • by the City. We have also asked the Title Company to furnish some additional information. We cahl your particular attention to Exception 1, page 3 which contains a reversionary provision to the Grantor. We want to be sure the designated streets are in existence as originally set f rth. .. We assume that it would be to the best interest of the City to acquire this property at the price indicated. The Railroad will furnish to us a. Quit Claim Deed releasing any and all of their interest in said property. We would appreciate hearing from you as quickly as possible. We remain , . • Very r ly ours , . Ger rd M. Shellan GMS:ds • • Enc. • • • of •,"4 , P \ . ' , . ll I CITYO,Z IONWAS INGTON mar m ° 'Lake Washington c& ANC NO`� r7� s �`Bouievaidalong the radial to the .•AN ORDINANC O EaCITYt ,s, �^ •hav g a radius of 347.64 r , . OF RENTON, ASHINGTON feet and a central angle of 39°. , VACATING A PORTIONS OF -21',-41", South 49° -40'.-38" LAKE W A S H I N G T 0 N East 60.00feettothetruepointof BOULEVARD ALSO KNOWN AS beginning. SECONDARY STATE HIGHWAY Containing 11,949 square feet or Affid vit of Publication ,NO. 2A, AND PORTION OF 0.274 acres,more or less.. LOGAN AVENUE NORTH,' ' EXHIBIT"B" NORTH OF SIXTH STREET, IN That portion of Logan Avenue RENTON, KING COUNTY, North, North of Sixth Street located STATE OF WAS INGTON WASHINGTON iri Section 7, Township 23 North, COUNTY OF KING ss. WHEREAS proper petitions for Range 5,East, W.M. State of ' vacating portions of Lake Washington described as follows: Washington Boulevard,also known Beginning at the Northwest can- es Secondary State Highway No.2A, er,of the intersection of Logan / and Logan Avenue North, north of Avenue North and Sixth,Street, .r11h...G1 being first duly sworn on Sixth Street, Renton, King,County, thence N.0°-26' 18" E. a dis, p' vashington,were duly filed with the tance of 1298.87',thence S.89° City Clerk on or about March 4,1975 -33'-42"E. a distance of 5.00', oath,deposes and say that..8.r7c is the ....iCf.$3.i:C�i,P..:C .e '.k of and said petition having been signed thence N. 0°•26' 18" E. a dis ' by owners representing 100%of the tance of 8.64,73, thence N.41 THE RENTON REC RD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) prgperty.abutting upon such streets -22'-31"W.a distance of 25.31', times a week.That s id newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and ' :bought to be vacated;and. thence N.43°-47'-01"E.a dis- has been for more th n six months prior to the date of publication referred ,, WHEREAS the City Council by Lance of 50.18', thence S. 41° (to, printed and publi hed in the English language continually as a news-, Resolution Nos. 1974 and 1975 -22'-31"E.a distance of 43.92', paper published four 4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, passed and approved on April 7, thence S.0° -26'-18"W.a dis- and it is now and duri g all of said time was printed in an office maintained 1975 and after due investigation,did Lance of 883.83',thence S.•89° at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton tux and determine the 5th day of May, -33'-42"E.a distance of 25.46'; Record-Chronicle ha been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the 1975,at the hour of 8:00 P.M.in the thence S.0°-26' -18"W.a dis- Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, City Council Chambers of the City of tance of 1298.87',thence N.89° Renton to be the time and place for a -34'-11"W.a distance of 80.00' Washington.That the annexed is a Ordinance rt f3. Na. 3017 public hearing thereon,and the City to the point of beginning.An area ... Clerk having given due notice of such of 3.43 acres or 149,360.58 s.f. �iearing in the manner provided by ___ , few, and all persons having been I heard appearing in favor or in opposi- tion thereto;and as it was published in regular issues(and " 'WHEREAS the Department-of'I not in supplement f rm of said newspaper) once each issue for a period Public Works• the Planning • Vepartment of the City of Renton, together with the appropriate City • council Committee,having duly con- of On. consecutive issues,commencing on the eidered said petitidns for said! Qacations,and having found same to 1, r� be`In the public interest and for the.+, 26 day of $ ".ch ,19.d•6 ,and ending the public benefit, and no injury or damage to any person or properties vill result from such vacations; ! *NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY i day of ,19 bothdates COUNCIL OF THE.CITY OFE inclusive, and the such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- BEN70N, WASHINGTON, DO I. scribers during al of said period. That the full amount of the fee ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:. 1 ;°SECTION I.: The following{ pescribed portions of streets,to-wit: charged for the f regoing publication is the sum of $B.3.0, which .. See Exhibit"A"as to portion of has been paid in f 11 at the rate of per folio of one hundre wor s for the Lake Washington Blvd. first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent ' .' See Exhibit"B"as to portion of I . insertion. Logan Avenue North BE AND THE45' AME ARE HEREBY VACATED. 1 • SECTION II:The City Council r� h@reby elects to charge a total fee of U $128,350.00 to Petitioner-Owner, I ohtef Cie `& said amount not exceeding one-half I (' )of the City's appraisal of the right- of=way interests herein vacated,and Subscribed and s orn to before me this .26 day of i such charge being reasonable and! , proper as provided by law. • 1 SECTION III:This Ordinance 1 'March , 19..76.. shall be effective upon its passage,I ' approval and five days after its d �,> publication. Cal - A certified copy of this Ordinance, Notary Public in and for the State g Washington, shall be filed with the'Office of j residing at Kent,King County. Records and Elections,King County, and as otherwise provided by law. "- PASSED BY THE CITY, COUNCIL this 22nd day of February,; —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 1876, . I 9th, 1955. _ Delores A.Mead, —Western Uni n Telegraph Co. rules for countingwords and figures, 7 City Clerk! !APPROVED BY THE MAYORf adopted by t e newspapers of the State. this 22nd day of February, 1976. , Charles Delaurenti, " Mayor Approved as to form: Gerard M.Shellan, City Attorney Published in the Renton Record- V.P.C.Form No.87 . . _ Chronicle March 26 1976 R3700 1 _ .._ 0-R0 30I1 —EXRIBIT:"A •That portion of Lake Washington Boulevard,also known as Secondary State Highway No.2A and Park Av- enue in Renton, Washington, as situated in the Northwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: •Commencing at the intersection _ of the South line of said • Northwest Quarter with the Eas- terly margin of said Lake Washington Boulevard, said . point of intersection also being the Southwest corner of the Boe- ing Company's tract known as •Qarcel IV; • thence North 0° -57' -41" East r along the Easterly margin of said Lake Washington Boulevard 1,283.43 feet to a point 30.00 feet right of and measured at right angles to the Washington State Highway Department North Renton Interchange Centerline Station"A",0 4-00,said Station being the point of curvature of a curve to the right of centerline ▪radius 572.96 feet:. ▪thence continuing North 0°-57' 41" East along the Easterly 1 „margin of said Lake Washington •Boulevard 295.08 feet to the • point of intersection with a curve of radius 617.96 feet having a radial bearing South 60°-30'-59" °East; thence continuing North 0°-57' - •'41" East along said Easterly °margin 1.89 feet;thence tangent 'to the preceding course Northeasterly'along a curve to the right having a'radius of '287.64 feet and a central angle of 9°-21' -41"an arc distance of l97.60 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing Northeasterly Tong said curve an arc distance of 49.93 feet to a point of reverse Curvature of a curve to the left of ' radius 2,112.37 feet; thence i Northeasterly along said curve to the left an arc.ength of 145.43 feet to a point of intersection with „. the Southwesterly margin of said North Renton Interchange from 'whence the center of said curve bears North 43°-40'-35"West; !thence North 46°-11'-29"West .along the Southwesterly margin of said interchange 60.06 feet to' a point on the Northwesterly margin of said Lake Washington ' Boulevard and the Southeasterly ' 'margin of the Burlington North- ;ern Railway Right-Of-Way,said point being on a curve of radius '2,052.37 feet from which the cen- t'br bears North 43° -36'-11" 9 'West; thence Southwesterly along said curve an ec length of 138.68 feet to a point of point of tangency; ' thence South 50°-43'-32"West along the Southeasterly margin of said Burlington Northern Rail- 1, Way Right-Of-Way 43.62 feet; I thence South 39°-16'-28"East 1 5.64 feet to a point of intersection •with the Westerly margin of said .l;ake Washington Boulevard, `, 'said point being on a curve of radius 347.64 feet from which the center bears South 49°-40'-38" East; thence ler-""7 said Westerly �c t.' I . 0?' R I L) z �' .. OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON 1 0 ,q I OBI . • i 0 i¢ �• ti POST OFFICE BOX 628. 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 255-8678 0 CD. I 0,0 <1.Q' GERARD M.SHELLAN,CITY ATTORNEY LAWRENCE J.WARREN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY gTfO SEPZ��® March 26 , 1976 Mrs . Delores Mead , City Clerk Municipal Building Renton, WA 98055 Re : Escrow - Statutory Warranty Deed -. The Boeing Company to City of Renton re widening of Park Avenue' North. . Dear Mrs . Mead: This it to acknowledge your Interoffice Memo dated March 25 , received today , furnishing to the undersigned the original of the Statutory Warranty Deed executed by the Boeing Company under date of March 19 , 1976 relating to the widening of Park. Avenue N. , together with a copy of the accompanying Agreement executed by both the Boeing Company and the City of. Renton. This Is to acknowledge that we shall hold said Warranty Deed in our office subject to the terms and conditions of said Agreement dated March 22 , 1976 . We are also forwarding to the attorneys for the Boeing Company the corrected legal description, Parcel No., 1 , which you indicated was in error , together with copy of your Memorandyz�/7 • f� We ref 'ain , I ,//ff / ', I Very �pilily , o is , 1 r ! '1 1 .„ , ,, it ., ,,,„ Gerar`i, `1'he �la " J, ' L-. \i GMS : as } .cc: Omar Parker , Atty at Law ( . • i 1 I V *I •.:k kts.' INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM Date: March 25, 1976 To: Mr. G. M. Shellan, City Attorney From: Del Mead, City Clerk Re: Statutory Warranty Deed - The Boeing Company (To be held in escrow) We forward herewith, per your request, The Boeing Company Statutory Warranty Deed marked "original " , along with a copy of Agreement, CAG 018-761 concerning conveyance of Park Ave. N. to the city and Resolution/No. 3017 regarding the vacation of portion of Lake Washington Blvd. , Logan Ave. N. and N. 6th St. In checking the exhibits to the agreement we find Parcel No. 1 legal in error and the corrected legal description has been attached. We have also secured new copies of legal descriptions for parcels 2 and 3, those previously attached being illegible. I. • • - CITY OF -RENTON , WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO, 3017 • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON . VACATING A PORTIONS OF LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD ' ALSO KNOWN AS SECONDARY. .STATE 'HI.GHWAY.NO. ; 2A, AND PORTION OF LOGAN AVENUE NORTH, NORTH OF 6TH STREET, IN RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON • . WHEREAS proper petitions for vacating portions of Lake Washington Boulevard, also known as Secondary State Highway • No. 2A, and Logan Avenue North, north of 6th Street , Renton., King County, .Washington, were' duly filed with the City Clerk on or about March 4 , 1975 and said petition having been signed by owners repre- senting 1.00% of the property abutting upon such streets sought to - be vacates ; and WHEREAS the City Council by Resolution Noy . 1974 and 1975 pass d and approved, on April 7 , 1975 and after due investigation, : did fix a-Id determine the 5th -day of May, 1975 , at the hour of 8 : 00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers of the City of Renton to • be the t .me and place for a public hearing thereon, and the City Clerk having given due notice of such hearing in the .manner provided by law, and all persons, having been heard appearing in favor or in oppos• tion thereto; and WHEREAS the Department of Public Works and the Planning appropriate Departme t of the City of Renton, together with the/City Council • Committe , having duly considered said petitions for said. vacations, and having found same to be . in the public interest and for the public benefit , and no injury or damage ,to any person or properties will result prom such vacations; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON , DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : ' SECTION I: The following described portions of streets , to-wit: • See Exhibit "A" as to portion of Lake Washington Blvd. . See Exhibit "B" as to portion( of Logan Avenue North --1- r • BE AND THE 'AME ARE HEREBY. VACATED. SECTION II : The City Council hereby elects to charge a total fee of $ 1.28 , 350 09 to Petitioner-Owner, said amount not . exceeding ure--half (1/2) of the. Cityrs appraisal of the right-of-way interests he i ein v acated, and. .such charge being reasonable and proper as p ovided by law. S4CTION III: This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication. . A certified copy of this Ordiance shall be filed with a the Office ,.)f Records and Elections , King County, and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 22nd day of February, 1976 . Delores A. Mead , ..ity C erk __ A. PROVED BY THE MAYOR this 22nd day of February , 1976 (. ,.. arles Delaurent?, I:B.vor Al oved as t f•.,,, : . Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: 3-26-76 • _2_ j EX:II3I% A" IL That portion of Lake Washington Boulevard, also known as Secondary State Highway No . 2A and Park Avenue in Renton , Washington, as situated in the North- vest Quarter of Section 8 , Township 23 North , Range 5 East, W.M. , King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows : Commencing at the intersection of the South line of 1 said Northwest Quarter with the Easterly margin -of said Lake Washington Boulevard, said point of intersection also being the Southwest corner of the Boeing Company ' s tract known as Parcel IV; thence North 0° -57 ' -41" East along the Easterly margin of said Lake Washington Boulevard 1, 283 . 43 feet to a point 30 .00 feet right of and measured at right .angles to the Washington State Highway Department North. Renton Interchange Centerline Station "A" , 0+00 , said Station being the point of cirvature of a curve to the right of centerline radius - 572 . 96 feet; thence continuing North 0° -57 ' -41" East along the Easterly margin of said Lake Washington Boulevard 295 . 08' feet to the point of intersection with a curve of radius 617 . 96 feet having a radial bearing South 60° -30 '-59" East; thence continuing North 0° r! -5I ' -41 East along said Easterly margin 1 . 89 feet; _ thence tangent to the preceding course Northeasterly along a curve to the right having a radius of 287 . 64 feet and . a .central angle of 39° -21 '-41 an arc distance of 197 . 60 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing Northeasterly along said curve an . arc distance of . 49 . 93 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a curve to the left of radius 2,112 . 37 feet; thence Northeasterly along said curve to the left an arc length of 145 .43 feet to a point of intersection ‘Iith the Southwesterly margin of said North Renton Interchange from whence the center ,of said curve bears North 43° -40 '-35" West; thence North 46° -11 ' -29" • West along the Southwesterly margin of said interchange 60 .06 feet to a point on the Northwesterly margin of . said Lake Washington Boulevard and the Southeasterly ii margin of the Burlington Northern Railway Right-Of-Way, sjaid point being on a curve of radius 2 , 052 . 37 feet . from which the center bears North 43" -36 ' -ll" West; thence Southwesterly along said curve an arc length of 138. 68 feet to a point of point of tangency; thence South 50° -43 '-32" West along the Southeasterly margin of said Burlington Northern Railway Right-Of-Way 43 . 62 feet; thence South 39° -16 '-.28" East 5 . 64 feet to a paint of intersection with the Westerly margin of said L`i�ke Washington Boulevard, said point being on a curve o radius 347 . 64 feet from which the center bears South 49° -40 '-38" East; thence leaving said Westerly m Irgin of Lake Washington Boulevard along the -radial to the curve , having a radius of 347 .64 feet and a � ' -- !" South 4 ° -4 ' -3 ceµ:tral angle of 39° -2� 9� 0 8" East 60 .00 feet to the true point of beginning. Ccrtainin ; 11, 949 square feet or 0 .214 acres , more or 1.:ss . rt I _ EXHIBIT "B" That portion of Logan Avenue North, North of 6th Street located in Section 7, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, . W. M. State of Washington described as follows : . Beginning at the Northwest corner of the intersection . of Logan Avenue North and 6th Street, thence N. 0° 26 '-18" E. a distance of 1298. 87 ' , thence S . 89° 33 ' -42" E . a distance of 5 . 00 ' , thence N. 0° _ -26 '-18" E. a distance of 864. 73 ' , thence N. 41° -22 '-31" W. • a distance of 25 .31 ' , thence N. 43° -4-7 '-01" E . a distance of 50 .18 ' , thence S . 41° -22 '-31" E . a dis- tance of 43 .92 ' , thence S . 0° -26 '-18" W. a distance of 883. 83 ' , thence S . 89° -33 '-42" E. a distance of 25 . 46 ' , thence S . 0° -26 '-18" W. a distance of 1298. 87 ' , ' thence N. 89° -34 '-l1" " W. a distance of 80 .00 ' to the point of beginning. An area of 3. 43 acres or • 149 , 360 .58 s .f. . • Pionee National Title Insurar -C Company "/J 71- SECOND AVENUE • SEATTLE.WASHINGTON 98104 • TELEPHONE (206) 682-6600 .//LIMITED LIABILITY PORT - "irJ•- REFER TO: • ►� �_,. 4"/ NUMBER : A 149811 ° Et z. '-7 t,, UNIT : 2 �rz o BURLINGTCN ORTHERN, INC. r,,. r INDUSTRIAL - . EVELOPMENT & PROPERTY �fd'kN�A.G.EMENTr LOBBY 2-CEN RAL BUILDING �`''j.�r -'./'r . SEATTLE, •WA HINGTON • 98104 I Lc' ryes ATTN: R. M. BOYD REF: R/W LOT 17, . 18- F es' . DATE : JANUARY 29, ' 1976 AT' 8:00 A.M. THIS IS A • REPORT AS OF THE DATE SHOWN ABOVE, SHOWING- THE RECORD TITLE IS VESTED IN " BURLINGTON NORTHERN, INC. , A DELA'WARE CORPORATION, TITLE HAVING BEEN TAKEN • IN THE NAME. CF NORTHERN PACIFIC AND PUGET SOUND SHORE RAILWAY COMPANY COVERING THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY: THE RIGHT TO MAINTAIN AND OPERATE ONE OR MORE RAILROAD TRACKS ON, . OVER, AND ACROSS -,CERTAIN LANDS IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON,..UNDER TERMS OF RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED DATED AUGUST 29 , 1891, EXECUTED BY ERASMUS. M. SMITHERS AND DIANA B. SMITHERS, HIS WIFE, IN .FAVOR OF NORTHERN PACIFIC AND PUGET SOUND SHORE RAILROAD COMPANY , RECORDED SEPTEMBER 19, 1891 , IN VOLUME 137 . .OF DEEDS, PAGE 423, UNDER AUDITOR ' S FILE NO. 35369, SAID LANDS BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: • BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE. OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE COLUMBIA & PUGET SOUND RAILROAD COMPANY 1671 .38 FEET NORTH OF AND 220 FEET WEST OF THE CORNER TO SECTIONS 17 ; 18, 19, :AND 20, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W .M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON- . WHICH POINT IS ALSO ON THE WEST MARGINAL LINE OF BURNETT STREET IN THE ' TOWN OF .RENTON; • THENCE ALONG. THE WEST MARGINAL LINE OF SAID BURNETT STREET NORTH 424.62 FEET TO A POINT 60 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF BLOCK 26 IN - THE TOWN OF RENTON, • ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 1 OF PLATS, PAGE 135, IN KING COUNTY, WASHNGTON ; THENCE WEST 50 FEET ; THENCE SOUTH 450. 78 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE 0 THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE COLUMBIA & PUGET SOUND RAILROAD . • COMPANY;- . THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY• NORTH 62°23 ' EAST 56.43 FEAT . T0- THE POINT OF BEGINNING; ALSO - . BEGINNING AT THAT POINT WHERE THE WEST MA.RGIN.AL LINE OF BURNETT STREET IN THE TOWN pF RENNTON INTERSECTS THE SOUTH LTNE OF - THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE COLUMBIA & P�iGET SOUND RAILROAD COMPANY, AS CONVEYED BY DEED DATED OCTOBER 8, 1883, RECORDED IN VOLUME 32 OF DEEDS, PAGE 339, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY, A- 149811 PAGE 1 (.. 1 . WHICH SAID PCINT . IS. 1502 FEET NORTH OF AND 220 FEET WEST OF THE STONE MONUMENT AT THE CORNER TO SECTIONS 17, 18, 19, AND 20, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, • RANGE 5 EAST, W.M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE SOUTH 1026 FEET TO A POINT 60 FEET WEST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BLOCK 28 IN THE TOWN OF RENTON; THENCE EAST 17. 82 FEET; THENCE CURVING TO THE RIGHT FROM A TANGENT BEARING SOUTH 10°24' WEST, WITH A CURVE' OF A RADIUS OF 1462.7 FEET THROUGH 20°. pF CURVATURE, A DISTANCE OF 513 FEET TO A POINT 379.3 FEET WEST OF THE (STONE MONUMENT AT THE CORNER TO SECTIONS 17, 18, 19, AND 20 . AFORESAID; HENCE WEST 93.97 FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY CURVING TO THE LEFT FROM A TANGS T BEARING NORTH 32°22' EAST, WITH A CURVE OF A RADIUS OF . 1382.7 FEET HROUGH 21°22' OF CURVATURE, A DISTANCE .OF 515.55 FEET TO A POINT OF COM OUND CURVE; THENCE CONTINUING WITH A CURVE TO THE LEFT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 735.45 FEET THROUGH 11° OF .CURVATU.RE, ' A DISTANCE OF 141. 17 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY WITH A LINE RUNNING. DUE NORTH AND . SOUTH .PARALLEL WITH ' AND 270 FEET WEST OF THE LINE BETWEEN SECTIONS 17 AND 18 AFORESAID; THENCE NORTH 857.6 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF- THE • RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE COLUMBIA EPUGET SOUND •RAILRO,AD COMPANY; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-0 -WAY NORTH 62°23 ' .EAST 56.40 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT THOSE PORTIONS OF THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED PROPERTY CONVEYED TO THE • CITY OF RENTON FOR STREET PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED .UNDER AUDITOR'S, FILE NO. 880521, SAID EXCEPTED4••PORTIONS BEING MORE. PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: . THE WESTERLY 15 FEET OF SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY • AND RUNNING FROM THE SECTION LINE BETWEEN SECTIONS 18 AND 19 AFORESAID TO THE .SOUTH LINE OF 6TH, AVENUE WEST PRODUCE? EASTERLY; AND A STRIP OF L ND 60 FEET IN WIDTH ACROSS SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY, THE NORTH AND SOUTH LINES CF SAID STRIP BEING RESPECTIVELY THE NORTH AND SOUTH LINES OF 6TH AVENUE W ST PRODUCED EASTERLY; AND . , THE WESTERLY 15 .FEET OF. SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY AND RUNNING. FROM THE NORTH LINE OF. 6TH AVENUE WEST TO THE SOUTH LINE OF 5TH .AVENUE WEST ; AND . A STRIP OF L)ND 60 FEET IN WIDTH ACROSS SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY, THE NORTH AND SOUTH LINES .F SAID STRIP .BEING RESPECTIVELY THE NORTH AND SOUTH LINES OF 5TH AVENUE WEST PRODUCED EASTERLY; ANr, THE' WESTERLY 25 FEET OF SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY AND RUNNING FROM THE NORTH LINE OF 5TH AVENUE WEST TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE RIGHT-OF-.WAY OF THE COLUMBIA ' AND PUGET - SOUND RAILROAD COMPANY, THE WEST LINE OF SAID STRIP BEING PARALLEL TO AND 25 FEET EASTERLY FROM THE EAST LINE OF BLOCK 32, SMITHER ' S 1ST ADDITIONLTO THE TOWN OF RENTON, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 9: OF •,PLATS , PAGE 76, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; • AND THE. NORTHERLY( 50 FEET OF THE EASTERLY 25 FEET OF SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY BETWEEN '5TH AVENUE WEST AND COLUMBIA AND PUGET SOUND. RAILROAD COMPANY'S RIGHT-OF-WAY AWL) . . S . THE WESTERLY 25 FEET • OF SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY AND RUNNING FROM THE NORTH LINE P•- 149B11 PAGE 2 , • • OF COLUMBIA AND PUGET SOUND RAILROAD COMPANY' S RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE SOUTH LINE OF 3RD AVENUE WEST PRODUCED EASTERLY, SAID ' STRIP BEING PARALLEL TO AND 25 FEET EASTERLY FROM THE EAST LINE OF BLOCK 33, SMITHER' S 1ST ADDITION TO HE TOWN OF RENTON. . SUBJECT TO: 1 .1 TERMS AN PROVISIONS OF RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED DATED AUGUST 29, . 1891 , EXECUTED BY ERASM-US M. SMITHERS AND DIANA .B. SMITHERS, HIS WIFE, RECORDED • SEPTEMBER •19, 1891, UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NO. 85369, AS. FOLLOWS: ALWAYS_ RESERVING THE RIGHT AT ANY TIME IN THE FUTURE TO OPEN AND LAY • OUT ACROSS ,S ID .STRIP AND RIGHT-OF-WAY 3 PUBLIC STREETS AND. TO CONSTRUCT - AND MAINTAIN . THE NECESSARY APPROACHES AND CROSSINGS THEREFOR. OVER SAID . . STRIP AND1RIGHT=0E-WAY;• SAID STREETS TO .BE LOCATED AS FOLLOWS: ONE STREET 30 FEET IN WIDTH, THE SOUTH_ LINE OF .WHICH SHALL BE COINCIDENT WITH IT.HE SOUTH LICE OF SAID SECTION 18; ONE STREET 60 FEET IN WIDTH, THE NORTH LINE OF WHICH SHALL BE COINCIDENT WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF BLOCK 28 IN THE TOWN OF RENTON PRODUCED; ALSO A SECOND STREET 60 FEET IN WIDTH, THE • NORTH AND SOUTH MARGINAL LINES OF WHICH SHALL BE TRUE PROLONGATIONS OF THE NORTH AND SOUTH MARGINAL ;,TINES OF 5TH STREET IN THE TOWN OF' RENTON. SAID • LAND TO REVERT TO GRANTORS, ,''HEIR HEIRS AND . AS"SIGNS, WHEN NOT USED FOR THE PURPOSES HEREIN NAMED. • • 2. EASEMENT AS GRANTED BY BURLINGTON NORTHERN, INC. , 'IN FAVOR OF THE CITY OF RENTON, R CORDED MARCH 15, 1974, UNDER AUDITOR' S FILE. NO. 74031.50406, FOR PURPOSES AS FOLLOWS: • • r A. A. LONGITUDINAL ENCROACHMENT UPON AND ALCNG A PORTION OF SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY SITUATED IN ;THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 18 • B. FOR UTILITIES, UNDER, OVER, AND ACROSS A PORTION OF SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY SITUATED IN • THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 18 • IN THE EVENT THAT SAID PORTIONS SHALL AT ANY TIME CEASE TO BE USED BY THE PUBLIC FOR HIGHWAY PURPOSES, OR SHALL BY OPERATION OF LAW OR OTHERWISE BECOME . VACATED OR . ABAND- ONED, THE EASEMENT HEREIN_ GRANTED SHALL IMMEDIATELY CEASE AND TERMINATE WITHOUT NOTICE OR rTHER PROCEEDINGS ON THE PART OF THE . RAILWAY COMPANY, AND1THE CITY, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, SHALL • IMMEDIATELY RECGNVEY SAID PROPERTY TO THE RAILWAY COMPANY • 3. UNRECORDED CONTRACT DATED JANUARY 16, 1974, BETWEEN BURLINGTON NORTHERN, INC. , AND THE CITY OF RENTON, PROVIDING FOR . THE DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION AND _MAINTENANCE OF A CERTAIN HIGHWAY; CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE BEING: GI.VEN..BY ' INSTRUMENT .RECORDED MARCH' 15, 1974, UNDER AUDITOR' S FILE • ' NO. 7403150406. • . NOTE: • GENERAL TAXES FOR YEAR : 1976 ' AMOUNT : $452.77 WHICH APPEARS ON THE TAX ROLLS AS COUNTY TREASURER' S PARCEL NO. 182305-9051-07 A- 149311 PAGE 3 • . . ;WHICH CANNOT BE PAID UNTIL: FEBRUARY 15, 1976 (THIS REPORT IS RESTRICTED TO THE USE OF THE ADDRESSEE, AND IS NOT TO BE USED A A BASIS FOR CLOSING ANY TRANSACTION AFFECTING TITLE TO SAID PROPERTY. LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY IS LIMITED TO THE COMPENSATION RECEIVED THEREFOR. _f1 .0 QA) ' AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY CHARGE: $185.00 TAX : $9.81 • • ✓' RBA/RDM 0084 • • A- 149811 PAGE 4 i I Off. iz&� 4(1 :. :+� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 0 RENTON,WASHINGTON i >_ . : a . 0 AI J, POST OFFICE BOX 828, 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 255.8878 0 ��� GERARD M.SHELLAN,CITY ATTORNEY LAWRENCE J.WARREN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY .1tb SEP1E� March 18 , 1976 Mr. Warren. Gonnason Public Wog ks Director Renton Municipal Building Renton, TAT shington 98055 Re : Agreement - Widening of Park Avenue North, Vacation of Logan Avenue North, etc . Dear Warr n: After various telephone discussions with Mr. Parker, one of the attorneys for The Boeing Company, the Agreement for the Park Avenue acq isition has been revised and a copy is enclosed herewith together with Exhibits . The portions outlined in red contai the revisions . As I pointed out to you in our letter of larch 11, 1976 , I was not willing to agree , as originally proposed by Boeing, that we guarantee them a variance or conditional use permit by reason of this "taking'r . Therefore this has been deleted completely and' all we assure them is • that , after the "taking" , the remaining property would constitute a legal nol-conforming use . We would al)preciate it if you would forthwith go over this Agreement , together with the Exhibits , to be sure they meet with your pill approval since both the City and Boeing are quite anxious to conclude this matter by Monday , including resolving the lease extension agreement for the Airport. I advised Mr. Parker that we want to conclude all of these matters simultaneously , including any rental payments due the City for simultaneously , airport property. I would ap2reciate it if you would, in particular, recheck the In a.l description of the property to be acquired as well• as the improvements that the City will have to relocate at its expense. , upon such widening a& shown on the Exhibit . It might also be a good idea if you would have your office make copies of the enclosed agreement and Turnish it to the appropriate Council Committee as well as the Mayor ' s office . . Awaiting your answer, we remain Ydhrs very truly , City Attc.t' ne'_J . • W • MAR 1976 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, dated as of the 22nd day of March, 1976 , is entered into by and between The Boeing Company, - a Delaware corporaticn (herein "Boeing" ) , and the City of Renton, a muni- cipal corporation of the State of Washington (herein "Renton" ) . RECITALS A. WHEREAS , Renton has determined that the future widening of the street adjacent to that certain property more particularly . described n Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporat-d herein (hereinafter referred to as the "Park Avenue North Prop rty" ) will be necessary for traffic safety, circu- lation and control; . B. WHEREAS , Renton has requested that Boeing convey the Park Avenu North Property to Renton for valuable consideration to be used by Renton to widen the street adjacent thereto; C. WHEREAS, Boeing and Renton have agreed on the terms , provisions and conditions relating to the conveyance of the Park Avenue Nor h Pr.operty and desire to set them out in this Agree- ment; and D. HEREAS , the terms , provisions and conditions of this Agreement significantly benefit the public health, safety and general weluare. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the prompt and faithful observance �nd performance of the terms, provisions and con ditions her inafter contained, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS : 1. Subject to the terms , provisions and conditions hereof, Boeing afire s to convey the Park Avenue North Property i.o Renton by warranty deed in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B. Boeing shall execute and, give such deed in trust to Mr. Gerard M. Shellan, the "present C'ity1 Attorney for Renton (hereinafter "Shellan" ) , at such time as the conditions in paragraph 5 of this Agreement have occurr d, but such deed shall not be deemed delivered to Renton nor hall any right, title or interest in or to the Park Avenue Norti Property be deemed to have been conveyed to Renton • until such ime Ias Shellan shall deliver the warranty deed to Renton pursuant to, the terms , provisions and conditions of this Agreement. 2 . At such time as Renton intends to use the Park Avenue North Property for the purpose of widening the street adjacent thereto, Renton shall promptly give Boeing written notice thereof. Renton and Boeing recognize and agree that the conditions of paragraph 3 of this Agreement necessitate that such notice be given to Boeing at such time as will adequately allow for the satisfaction of the conditions in paragraph 3 . Boeing shall retain title to and shall have the sole and exclusive right to continue to occupy and use the Park Avenue North Property until one year after the date -that Boeing receives such notice from , Renton unless a lesser period of time is required because of conditions o requirements by any federal agency or other entity which is providing funds to Renton to be used to widenthe street adjacent to' the Park Avenue North Property; provided, however, in any such ca4 Renton will use its best efforts to obtain the consent of such federal ae_ency or other entity to such one-year period. Upoi the expiration of one year from the date Boeing receives suc notice from Renton or at such earlier time as may be required .,y such federal agency or other entity or agreed in writing between Renton and Boeing, Shellan shall deliver the warranty dee to Renton subject to the terms, provisions and conditions of this Agreement; provided, however, Renton r.eore; sents and warrants to Boeing that all buildings or other imi,rove- • ments (existing as of the date of this Agreement) on the property -2- abutting the Park Avenue North Property presently constitute a legal and valid nonconforming use and Renton further represents and warrants to Boeing that after the conveyance of the Park * . • Avenue No th Property to Renton all such buildings or i_mprove- ments wil continue to be a legal and valid nonconforming use and 1 that Renton will not require the removal or other relocation of such buildings or other improvements . L 3 . If Renton fails to fully complete the widening of the street adjacent to the Park Avenue North Property within 20 years from the 'ate hereof then all right, title or interest which Renton may now or hereafter have pursuant to this Agreement or otherwise in or to the Park Avenue North Property shall terminate and be of no further force or effect and Renton shall execute any and all instruments necessary to effect such termination and to vest all right, title and interest in and to the Park Avenue North Property in Boeing. • 4 . Renton will assume responsibility for widening the street adjacent to the Park Avenue North Property, including without limitation any and all improvements or appurtenances related thereto. Any such widening of the street adjacent to the Park Aven e North Property, including without limitation any and all impro ements or appurtenances related thereto, shall be at no cost or expense to Boeing nor shall any cost or expense thereof or relate. thereto be assessed against the property abutting the Park Aven e North Property. Renton shall pay all the costs and expenses of moving and relocating to Boeing ' s satisfaction the property and improvements (now located on the Park Avenue North PropertyI the description and a=pproxima.te__location_ pf_which are shown as numbers 3 , 4 , 7 , 8 , 11 and 12 on Exhibit I) attached -3- 1 • • hereto and by this reference incorporated herein . Renton will also preerve and maintain pedestrian and vehicle crossing access ' from one side of the .street adjacent -to the Park Avenue North . Property to the other side of such street to a standard not less than presently exists and Renton will pay all costs and expenses relating to such preservation and maintenance. . 5 . This 'Agreement shall not be effective unless and until Renton v cates those portions of Logan Avenue North and Old Lake Washingt n Boulevard more particularly described on Exhibit C attached hereto and -by this reference incorporated herein; • provided, however, that the preceding portion of this paragraph shall be construed as a condition precedent to the effectiveness of this A. reement and shall not be construed as 'an 'agreement by • Renton to vacate such portions of Logan Avenue North or Old Lake . Washington Boulevard or as an agreement by Renton to disregard any law r lating to the vacation of city streets . 6 . . Boeing has .paid Renton and Renton hereby acknowledges receipt or One Hundred Five Thousand One Hundred Twenty-Eight and • No/100 Do lars ($105, 128) which amount was determined to be due Renton by agreement between Boeing and Renton as follows : Valu of Logan Avenue. North $241, 550 Valu of Old Lake Washington Boulevard 15 , 150 S256 , 700 Less 1/2 as required by statute (12.8', 350) Tota to be paid. for Logan Avenue . Nort ' and Old Lake Washington Boul yard vacated by Renton $128 350 Amou t to be -paid by Boeing • for osts of relocating Boei.ng' s • imprqovements on Park Avenue North • Property . 25 , 000 . Less value of Park Avenue North Property to be conveyed to Renton ( 48 , 222) Total paid to Renton $105 , 128 -4- . • • • Renton shall be entitled to retain and keep such One Hundred Five Thousand One Hundred Twenty-Eight and No/100 Dollars ($105 , 128) • paid, by Boeing pursuant to the terms , provisions and conditions hereof upon the occurrence of the conditions contained _n •para- graph 5 of this Agreement notwithstanding anything to the• con trary expressed or implied elsewhere in this Agreement; provided, however, if Renton has not vacated such portions of Logan avenue North and 0 d Lake Washington Boulevard within fifteen (15) days after the d to of this Agreement, such One Hundred Five Thousand One Hundred Twenty-Eight and No/100 Dollars ($105 , 128) shall be promptly returned to Boeing. 7 . An communication, including without limitation any notice, requ-st, instruction or other document, to i;e given .or delivered hereunder by any party hereto to another , shall be in writing and -elivered personally or• sent by .certified mail , . return recei t requested. The day on which any such communi- cation is so personally delivered, or if given by mail , three (3) days after tie date it is mailed, postage prepaid, shall be deemed the dcte it is received. Notices shall be addressed as follows : If to B Bing: The Boeing Company P. O. Box 3707 Seattle, Washington 98124 . Attn: Property Manager If to Renton: • City of Renton • 100 2nd Avenue Building Renton, Washington 98055 Attn: Mayor ' 8 . . The failure of any party to insist upon strict per- formance of a y terms , . provisions or .conditions of . this .Agreement shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment: of any -5- • ,I • such terms, provisions or conditions , and the same shall remain in full force and effect. 9. This Agreement and the Exhibits attached hereto set forth the entire agreement 'of the parties with respect Lo the transactions contemplated herein and cannot he amended or changed except by written instrument signed by the parties to be hound.. I WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this • Agreem nt as Of the day and year first above written. • CITY OF RENTON THE ' BOEING COMPANY By By M yor ---- — —-- — • Its • ATTEST: • By City Clerk Approved as to form and legality: • • • GeraK1 Shellan, • City Att•rney . • STATE OF .WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY 0 ) On .his day of , 1976 , before me per-sonally appeared' and to me known to be the and , respectively, of the CITY OF RENTON, the corpo ation that executed the within and foregoing instru- • ment, and acknowledged . said instrument to be the free and volun- tary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein m ntioned, and on oath each stated - that her was t `l to execut said instrument and that the seal affixe s Lithecor-d por.ate se. l of said corporation: In. Witness tness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offici. l seal the day and year first above written . Notary Public in and for the State . of residing at • -6- STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss . . COUNTY OF ') _ dayof , On this __----------- 1976 , before me per- to rye known to be per- sonally appeared the of THE BOEING COMPANY , the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and a acknowl- � edged . s id instrument to be the free and voluntary ct and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on path stated that seal affixedauthorized isthe corporate execute scalsaid ofr�:;aid strumen,t and that th corporation. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written . Notary Public in and for. the State Of residing at `_ • • -7- .. . .. • ' . . , . ' , . • • , . ., • • . _... . . . . . . •:-,..:,:',I % . • • ' , `:11../ • . . • PARK AVF '....7:•• .1, • ' . . . . .. . • . . -......-.. . .. ........ .. •..,• - • . I PARCEL 41• . ___....... ......._ . _ • •,;!,,.. ''..A . . . . 1 • '1'ho- ocu;t: 10 locA. Jying sout.horly Of Clic ..../,-.::.;',:.,1-1 ,,r i,1 ,..:1•., I. Hr„..); , .:„2 .1 ,i', .•', ''. '1. southerly L.1yhL -of.-way line of N. 8th '.. trk.!,..:L; And the (:a...;1:. 15 rc.,:t lyiny northorly of Lhc ...-..h.cr :/ i., ,...... :1,1,:-. . . . • H':'„ ' -. the southerly ri(jht-of-wcAy line of N. 8Lh :.J.;.-, oL :.,!" ti...: i.,,.: 1;.....,... :.,,! ;1•;• described wtin t,rilut.: . f 1 ' d',-, , , . ;•;', : Mi • 1 joyinling at. th.e intor!Jection of Lhn nor'ch 11.:.,o o:. I ... ,.. • ' . 1/4 of Lhe ! 1.) 1/4 of Se,..:tion 0,. T -0. 2.3 H . , ',.., i . !, ;' .' , with ..11'.?, N prduction ,ofthe W 'li.ne of P,'‘:...: ..v..6 . , ,1:. .-!..........-.. i.:, • . I . Renton Fam Plnt , acc Lo Vol. 10 of Pl,c, :; , p,.....,-. , 1 S aly prokIncLion to a pi.: Lhoh 7P..., ;.1 ::1 lino of :.;.:1 $;k1hUiv, th W plt and 6iJ_;11 -711..., H... N .,.*.::11 :isi :-, ..; ',: tho N prodootion of 1:..11,. conter li.1.;,.! of P,... , 17 ..;1.. , prod conter lin , to the N ilne of: Li : '...., .r.,(,) :!. (.,;. :;..1.. :,;:,,,.,,•v , • . . . , • Lh W illig :/..1 H lino to the ely m(in of tho H I' I''. 7 r'. . : ---'.:1;,' , 1 . • . • . ' •Lh El,,I, olq .,.(1 cly irjn• to the N liko of • • 1 1 N lind to tit o point of ).),.yinpinri, . . .. . . . 1 Enc.10(.1 Inc) oi 1 I Lit in.lr 1:i on of f.,1..rc.!at, rlyi,L-o: --.,: .•' .... i .. ' ,•c: :,,,,' t„: . : ;..,!..._•,.. . i Ho. 1574 lyincj withi.n tipa ra,ove. doso.cib,-.,(1 4,! ; ;; 1. r-1,:i . . : i . . •••,„; . . . ' '1'.S'.;, .I ' , . . , • „ . . • '' ' ' • . . ••,- . 4 . . ' . . ',-• , . , • ':•'.;•' .. . •,',:', . . • . . . • . . . . . . • ' • . ,;.•,',' " '! . • ' . . . , . . . . , . , .. . . • i, I . • ; A. • I . I . . ' . ' . ':!;•• • • .• ' • ..... . , .., . . • ' I .. . . . . • - . ------ - ..... . ,:.,, ' • 1 . . . • . . ' ..::'—d • . . . . . . 1 ' H . . . . . • . . . , ' i • . . . . . • 1 ' EXHIBIT A .i 1 . page 1 o f 4 . . .. ... . . .... ..... .. . . 1 1 . I . I . • „--,„ ,........., ' . . • . . ,, „ , . , . --,..,• . ' .,. . • . , ..40, 1: ' .. . , • • •.. .., PAW.; AVNII• N('•4•:TII • • • • . • • . . , • ':•'')‘.11.) • , • .. • . .. . • ... • .-1...11')I ,. •. . . . . : . . • • . . . . . . ' . 4i;c,./•,.` . • . . . , . . '',:,',:.c.(.7i,'• . .. , ... . • . i-,0-1 `1:/.4,;c . . • '•: : • . . . . . PARCEL n • 2• - . • • ,..... . ".„ " . - , . . . __..... '''-fk.:,-‘,.. - . , • . . . • ...f," . . ... ...... . m„,.... . . , ,r,..‘,•;-,:'--., All- . Eit.'iy..):0.-...i.on Of 'fract•:."A" 'id thi n i'..4:: 171 :;•.::::.: on :• , •L ,. ,,:••,•,•, , •,,,,:.,;•.(je ..,,1,1:;I: . ....... , • ';'.4:-'-' :' '• • '•• 5 -East:1, 1.1.It. '--, • . . - . . '-2.:;! . , . , . . . , . . . . . Ly i ng fasIor 1 y ci'l: 1.1,42 4:aster.]y r ight-oil•-\•••,17 ; :: ::,: 1::. i,••::•.. ',..'..: 1.: :. •• , .4 . °: • Blvd. (also 1,,nown: a:: Park Ave. N. and , 1.so .'.,•,- ,,.. ,•-;, .„:. .: , ::•„• .. • • i-::4' 4. •., 2-A) apc1' sou Hina;:a.,.1:1 y anil !-,0131:1,wfly 0.17 lie !„,..„: .i,(•.:,, ,..•!• I.: -; ,,,•,:-.,'..- • '„'. way manji n of .P.5.11 . Ilo• 1 : (SR-'105) Noisill; ias,.:11 ,--,..,,' •, :::,I., :,•,-1. .:, •:,:•.: ;•.-- i . . •.; .4-1•4': righL-)..)f-wayyand wes1r2rly and northwesLcrly CA 1.1,4:: 1,... 11,-, .,: :.(: line• • . . , • 4,4.4, . • .., - . . .., . . ,,,,,.::: • - - •• - . . , .Beg inn „ng' at: a poi nl.. on thc south li nr.,. of .L1-0.2 1:',.: 1./..I ...f .•• •:.i:n. - , -',...4.iAl • -point being 25 f.cuL ..a•Jt: ot 11.1c 'intnrsQ ...tion of I.:1-:::: .: ::,1,.,:o.Thy ;:.:::'..; -.5f..- • way. I i ne of, Lake 11.-H,hingLc.m Blvd. with .,sa.i.,:.1 ...,,,iiii, i .i :,•, ,,.;.. ,...,,,, ........ -. ./..; . .. . • of f'!e:tcLion ';'; •. . . •„ ., . . .. . .. . . .. . ' . . . . • . . • Thence nor04,.,rly• alOng a line whi,.41 is Oarallc . wiLI: ,.;:,I ..!., 4.c:y!.' -•,.:..toriy ,,. ., . of, as yruN.w.,urc•d at: right !mg 1 e.s to so ici ,.- :-..I..or I-../ .r- I. :::---,:: -:.• -.,.• 1.••::•,' LI c...'.. .. ' . Lake W,7 :ihi 1-1(j1...ott Blvd'. a clis Lance of. 170 fo,,l.: . . . . , • ,..,,.. Tho,pca no r t.h,,./.,!;Le!rly in it ;;Lrairjht.:. 1..i n:-...: to a. ic,i nr. : ,.... : • •..: 4 . . ..,, .. .;., , as Inca! urod kl:. right rIngl.o;:i to 1.1,110 .c,:y...,I.Orly c '4•;':;:.-.4,:" .....:y , ...I •fr.. • •:' :„..11„..i . • : rodf.1, rai.1 point 1.o.int.. 470 fo.et. north ')I i... .t..! :J111',..1', . ! ,,,' ,,, '.,11.' '.'.'2.' 1/.1 CZ. ,.. . • I (3 SOCLIOn' ; . .. .. . . ,. . . . , . . . • . '...,.:,, . . a10Wj a- 1.i:1 . 10. ',..'.1 1.(:,, .:, :-, : ,., .. i : •• '.. 1; .... . . . .:.. ". . . foc..1:. 1.,,, (:)1 ::•11. 1.-cas y;17.1.y r.i gl:I:-ol:--......ay :::...:..j,,, :, ' ,, ,4 : • . ..;. •-•, , , ,::. sc..c.: • Iligh...4.1y Eng) nnt-o-. 1.: . 1....it,:i.on .0100 ''',•III k i ng 1.1hn. ::, ,:t. 4 • ,:. .-.: . ... I;:',.• ..:-.......c!:: , . 1 inc (A-1 i•ml). i;nr.vi•y. Of 11.:;.11;. No. 1 (..Ii -•••.i..:!;,') , ..... ; ,, : . . ,,•• i„....•:-.;..., :Hs, ;-,....,_.:,, c,“;I:orly thorof rom; • - •,: , ; .. . ., ,.,,,.,... . , . . . „,. •.,, ,. . . . .,. . ,.„ . . .. • . '. • • ;. •:::1:;'. Together wit.h ...II...1 .111.A portion. of. 'frac:I:. "A" 11.:[:: :::g '....4.;.,:."..,-, ,-. :-., ,ri !. •.:2,1: 1,n-,,I . ••'^ . • '5 fOot %,iiid,,.271,ying. adjacent. to anal paralicl. ,....).th L',:,, :•.4-..1.•••::.: •,,•• 2.-.... !.f...-of-w,-„y .. margin bf P.S,.1r.. NO: 1 -(SR--.105) from a pOinL. r,!Tf.d:-.,.1.!* Hi.:LW,.:: :0vi0..: f' '...H St-011.10r1 .01 00 :through, a curve to the rht ',:.,:; a p„)i. :. l,..i ,....... . I '.: I . ..'..i 0... .•.,... . 5+.55 mor'e. or- .1 e:•;:-,,.. ,: _ ,. • ' . . , . . : . . :,,,,,... . . . , ;,1. • 'Frac L " '1" : • . . .. . . . , . . - Thal: po -I.i-14 o1 noi•1:14.....et. qu•Ir tor (11..( 1/4) o I. :'....,: .. . •.,.. '•,, • •......:•:, /.2 • . ,••••• ' • ' Range 5 Ea:;1., W.M-. , denCribcd a%., follows: - . •6.1 ,........ • ... . ,... ,, 11,:(Jilmil)el .11. . t10: iillonlqcUi.011 01 ow :,..1!.-1, 1J !,. -,, ,„, , ,: ,,, - .,.,.,,..... ,p„. ... . .: . .., • , (11W 1/'fl will, Cho. 0..raorly rorcjim of I'Lirl.; St.L.-(.,,.!t., t11.!:() 1..1,..,.....ii ,,:i ..'• ,,;(..)11,i,v2.7 . ,. SLato llighwily No. 2/‘,. tln leco South 80°28' 10" i...1!0. ris:c..:-:.; :- ..;•:(1 ::,,.......•. s 1 i:-.e i..i.- 771.. 21 feeL; 1.14onc:e North 0' '31 51" East 253. 2.3 Icr.:r. l o I.I..: H....i.r.. „ ...::. . .„. . . .. , .• •,„- c1.117,./111.litf(.1 0 I: zt f.:111 V.Q to the loft of ).ildiu , '‘..,,',',C) ik:-1,:.; ;.i.. :0•.• .,,,1 I.:. •!•1:,• a1opr.1 -,A id 17m-v0 •27•1..H2 fc•(q. Lc) the po.int. of 1 .::: •,.-:t.../; I I,•,•;•: •• ::: ; ',..:', . • 17`“:19 I 39" t:,ion w o' YI.:::t. I:o il i III.orsni: i I h 11,4: :4.,„:: I,,•:,:,:„, r i •• : ::„,....• .: „.....,,,.. ,• '1 . .4:• , .. , . - „ . . . . . . : . . . . . . , • - . • ,...•::', , . •,,,.••. . . • . ,- . .... . ., . . - . . . , . .......... . ,. . . . . . , . . , • • . . ... .... . • . , • •. . . • . . • , . . . 1.; • . • , . ' '.• • ' • • . , . .• . . . . . . .. ., . . . . ' . .. . . . ... , • . . , `• . . . • ': ....''... :.• : :• : 1 3-1.. . , .. • . . . . .... . • . • ' • • . . . . . . . ... . .. . : . • EXHI.1T A . . . ' * • • .1)ag0 2 o'f .1 . . . . 1 . . . . . . . - --------- . . , . .. . . . . •. . ' . 4 . . . .._ ......._, . . . . . • 1 . , . , . • • i . , .1.-,; i,, • - / K AV. ' IIIII'ci: . , • 0-'t'. • ' . . . •••••,<;.t. , . • , . . •.', ' . . . • - i . . . • , . '11. . .:...,';.., - • PARCEL 113 , ..........._....___.________ ....... ._ ___..._____._ ......... . _ , . . •,. e`,c.f., _ . . , ,. • ' . . IiiV . •; t'. . , • • • ' ''"4:!'?..44.. • 10.1 th a t. portion of Traci L "13" lyiny nol:L.1;....,,::.,1 ,.•.r 1 •,.. ,); II.. ;.;:cI....,". riyht-of-u;ly iin(!-of P .S.11. NO. 1 (:...,P. '10'.:;) ::'.. 111 '-'-LH ., ::. .,': :....: .:.,-, A- :'''•I,.',:,;..: lino ri,inL-01-,..,,ly,, and ,....ost,H.-ly off the ....• •:.;, . • ,.::: .:I. . . . ...f., . ..:::1.. • t.:171:71 h i h•J I.•fli la Vl:1• ,17. (Pi T)... AVe. ls!. ) ;i1I(1 k .:,',; ,'i ; '.• ::, : ' .. ..• ,.' ., y Lie foli )winy dc.scribeii lino; : ; • . . Bey I no-).ng a L a, po i r,t orpo:,.;i Le Pi gin.....:y 'Eroi i i-,,-•r ' :; :••• •,• l• • , .. . Ip.., , . ,•:: 1.2,,::: •,.:...,•.j.. ccn tr:r llino (:A-1..iro:) ...nlevcly of P.S.H. No. 1 I :m, 50 feot lolAhwestc.srly therefrom; . 1::-!•I'::''. .1•I‘ - ..•••• ,:..; Thence. ....,, uLnwo!...,L.J.:rly parallel with :;aid (.: r, :i..::.lin- ,;;, ...,:.- ; ,-% . . ...1,;',.. • : • I .. 1 oppositc: Highway, i:n'iincc.Ir ' s StaLion ;11.'23 . 33 ::,..:. L,.....; : --. . . - 1 : 1 111,:nco nori.hw,-nt(•rty a dir;tanceof ,5 fue:: ,...,..) ,: ., .., J.I —:- .. . , ::: .L....,...1. ..Ii., . 1. .•.. 14.2s). 33 uo•..1 55 Ce,I.!L-. nor thwi:::-•Lorly th...:::..c f r•-.:,:-:-,, ::•, i•i :',I. .:1 -.,:. : - 2' . .:3 ,11..-,.:‘, being t.h,..! P.T..' oL a cu.r.vc: Lo Lile left; .:, I I . . • .. . ‘ . Ti , . hmr.:e l naiu .h.r.!a:;r„.211y. al.ony ,-.). curvc: to 1.1-10. I,.i,i. i, Iv : : ‘; , 627 .96 Istqlq. Lo dpoint- .opposito hiyhw..cy Iii.it-.::. 1 :: :-.', .,' f•:, ..,‘.'. , . . • . .. :-.;a i 6 S I-.a :1.011 Z11.:-.;(..) ). ....1 119 LI le, 1?.C„ of !--ia id (....:1„..:.v.: „t:,•i ,' : . . ' •,•••" .::.- Ly ., ., Llwrc from; . . . . „ • • , . ' •• Toy,•tTher .../i.l n ,) ::l., i p of: lon(1 3.5 1-....! ,t. w.i .:..: 1 .• : .,•; ,,,, h. • :.!. : .., :,..I. parn11c1 %•:i I 11 1:hc. •.•:‘,..,;Licrly riyht-o f-'..;:c„' 1,II c•: 1 i, •..I 1, l'•,‘ ... ,- I; 11.•• • •:'; .• - 'lilvd. (P.iirk ((VI!. N. ) running iron • II i•jh.,..,,,y ::: ,,.,I, .„ ••,i c)„ .;.,, , ••• .-, . ,,:,..--, .• . , , . .11.)cve, :-.()ti thi!r.1 y I.,.., .II. :;outh ,l inC. 6', C:0'/,:i ..,,. i, , I •:. ) , • '. 1 : • .':.. •1', .:,. .....' ...r:' " . ,..,;„ , . • • A11 that. portion of Wv9rnmcnt .f,ots 1 , 2 .all.C: 3 I.:, :;.,.. LIu,; 1. , -. ..!.. /3 ::. , • Itng. 5 E , W.M. Puny southi:asterl.y of the :1 .;: . l'y . ,..:n. i,'./J, ....,•.,',..,2rly of • „•,., Lake Wnshington ntvcl. s.E. (al!opshnown i.,:; P.-1,.:... .,...f,, . M. ) ,..;.,1 :...,: Hc:: :,u,.-...,cly ond wgstil:rly of P.'.;.11. - 1, North P,(:nton .'..;.1.,:•.,..'n-...;- ,I.. ..;..:.- .. ,'... , -.i .....-: ..,c_Ung -4.. . . th.ILI portlion of 1,,.ft.,! Wn5hington Blvd . ,,.:-., v3...,1Ly., „.,, .. : .,,i :.., ,... • . . 2'...-. . . . ....) . . .. . : • • . • . „.. . ... . ., i •:,. . I . . '.....' • •. • . I,-.„,- I . • .,., " .. , :0:L. • • • • •,•3 • - 1 . ! . • , . . ' • ' . ,.. ..1 . . : . -;• •, • . . ' • • •• , . . - ...._ „ ," . . -. . : • . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . • ., • . • . . . . , . . .. • . . . . . . ., . . , ' ' • ExiiTBI,T A ..• . Page 4 of el • ' • • . . . . I ' ------•- 1 ...._ .... ._.._ . ..... .,. . .. . . . 1 . ( ' 1 I i . Statutory Warranty Deed The Grantor, _THE BOEING COMPANY, a Delaware corporation .(hereinafter referred to as "Boeing" ) , for and in consideration • • of TEN DOLLARS ($10) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, conveys and warrants to the CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington (hereinafter referred to as "Renton" ) , that certain real estate , situated in the County of King, State of Washington, more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein (hereinafter referred to as "the Property" ) ; SUBJECT TO: 1. An easement affecting a portion of the Property for the purpose of an electric' transmission line and incidental. purposes in favor of the City of Seattle which instrument was recorded on • December 27 , 1934 under Auditor ' s No. 2836038 . 2 . An easement for construction, maintenance and operation of a railway track over portions of the Property reserved in a deed from Pacific Coast R. R. Co. , a Washington corporation, recorded under Auditor 's File No. 4662540 . 3 . Condemnation by the State of Washington of a right of access t state highway and of light, view and air, by decree entered ' une 29 , 1966 . under Case No. 656127 . • 4 . Any encumbrances or defects that may attach after the date of this Statutory Warranty Deed through any person other than Boeing. ,.,ate, EXCEPTING AND RESERVING to Boeing , its successors , assicas , invitees 'licensees and permittees a nonexclusive per_peLoal ease- ment over, across, and under the Property as follows : Boeing shall have the perpetual, right to operate , maintain , repair and replace the bridge abutments presently on the Prcoorty eI P g 1 , EXHIBIT P • Page 1 of 3 • . the 13, 8.011-volt feeder duct. presently on the Property, and the storm sew-r presently on the Property, together with all necessary or convenient appurtenances to such abutments , duct and sewer, and shall have the right of access over and across the Property to enable Boeing to exercise its rights hereunder. The ydescrij.l_ tion and approximate location of such abutments , feeder duct and storm sewer are shown as numbers 5, 6 , 9 and 10 on Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. , Power of Termination Thi conveyance is made under and subject to the following conditio s : 1. . The Property shall be. used to widen the street adjacent . to the Property .within 20 years after the date of this Statutory - - Warranty Deed; and . . 2 . Renton will assume responsibility for widening the street a jacent to the Property, including without limitation any • and all improvements or appurtenances related thereto. Any such widenin of the. street adjacent to the Property, including , without limitation any and all improvements or appurtenances . related thereto, shall be at no cost or expense to Boeing nor shall any cost or expense thereof or related thereto be assessed. against the property abutting the Property. Renton shall pay all . the' costs and expenses of moving and relocating to Boeing s satisfy tion the property and improvements (now located on the . Pro ert the• description and approximate location of which are shown as numbers 3 , .4 , 7, 8,, 11 and 12 on Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein . Renton will also p eserve and maintain pedestrian and vehicle crossing access from o e side of the street adjacent to the Property to the other side o such street to a standard not less than presently exists and Renton .will pay all costs and expenses relatinq• to such - • preservation and maintenance. . EXHIBIT B • • Page 2 of 3 . If the Property or any' part thereof , by the action or omission to act of Renton, or its successors or assigns , is not used to wisen the, street adjacent to the Property within 20 years after the sate of this Statutory Warranty Deed or . the conditions stated in' paragraph .2 above are not complied with or are other- wise not fully satisfied and' fulfilled, then Boeing. shall have the right o re-enter the Property and terminate any estate, right, tit .e or interest of Renton, its successors or assigns , in f and to the Property. {;.4 1.- al 614 �" CL' G-- '4- �, N, ,. '1 r ,. . • 4.-i,'.-- . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , BOEING has caused this instrument to be executed b its proper officers and its corporate. seal to be ' hereunto a fixed this day of , ' 1976 . . • THE BOEING COMPANY By • Its • STATE OF W' SHINGTON .) ' ss: COUNTY OF ) ' . • • On this ' day•,of • 1976 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Wash- ington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared , to rile known to be the . of THE BOEING COMPANY, the corporation that executed the fore • - going instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the • free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses. and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal . affixed i. the corporate "seal of said corporation. Witnsss myand handnd official seal hereto affixed the day ' and year firs above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at • EXHIBIT H Page 3 of 3 . known _i L.iF_'C C):1<.:1=`� �r isa t•_ ; L'.. ...i. v No . Avenue in 1`:�:ntOn , V:!_ -ln:; Luc as i_ Lu...L'.'(!. 1/i-!st Qua :ter a ,_'cL oi: RTh r E C15t , W. t'i. , King Coon , t'i._' ._,•' ;ton , I.. .r.(.: r.,t .. t' L.C._. . .. ., . described, as 1 s i lc':J,i : Commencing at the intersection of t".(;_. said i'..rthwest_ Quarter with the f:ostor.iv ;(L r ; Lrt c. .. C: i'i ishin gton Boulevard , Ld poi:1 _ 01. also b ing the Southwest corner of Che tract C:nown as Parcel IV; thenci_'. North 0° -_t % ' -" i " East along the Easterly margin of :ia...lt i .:t;: _. t•,..1 ,.._. , ton • I3aul'`v rd 1 , 283 . 43 feet to a' point 30 _ 00 ; c;e_. r . . t and measured at right angles to the t';a,?ii.:i toil • i•iighwa Department North Renton Int.cr.caanciu Centerline Station "A'' , 04-00 , said Station being the point a t curvature of a curve to the right of centerline rani u 572 . 96 feet; thence continuing North 0° -57 ' --41" Est • along the Easterly margin of said Lake Washington • Boulev ird 295 . 08' feet to the .point of int'arr'octio,a with • a cury of radius 617 . 96 feet h rvir.("f a racjiat '.;:_ :;:-i_;1cI • • South 0 ° -30 '-59 'East; thence continuing t:L rtn 0" • 57 '=-41. East along said Easterly margin 1 . 89 teat. ; • thence tangent to the preceding court c: Nail: Ll•,o,..oLaIy along a curve to the right 'having a red i.u:.; of feet and a central angle of 39 ° --21 ' "-11.'' en arc distance of 197 . 60 feet to the true point thence continuing Northeasterly e Lan'I se i.d cor'.ro .1z1 arc distance of 49 . 93 . feeL to a point of r I• curvature of a curve to the left, of radius 2 , 11 -) _ 37 fee ; thence• Northeasterly along said curv::- to :" left an rc ' length of- 145 . 43 feet to .2.1 point otf ' in'•":c_ raecti on , t with the Southwesterly margin of said North he.nton . L Interchange from .whence the center of said curve hears North 43° -40 - r �� West; • 3� est; thence Nort11 46' -1.1 - • i'ies along the Southwesterly margin of l c.; _ nt_ccch:,.n7` 60 6 feet to a point onthe Nort.;l 'i st'.ccl ,r rn:-1::;.L:1 or: said Lake Washington Boulevard and the Sou ,,s t 'i ma.r_gin of the Burlington Nor then. Railway. I:'i(ji1C: Ui--,,'; y, sai point ' being on a curve of radius 2 , 052 _ 17 feet fro;, which the center bears North 43 :i:, ' :".l." • them cc Southwesterly along said curve an ar" c :l..:)nc:; th of 138 , 68 feet to a point of .point of tangency; i..'ho nc0 50° __43 ' -32" West along the Southa.:i.s!.:e2r1.7 sai I_iurl_ington Northern Railway Nrtjtlr:`-OC-',•Iev : _ 6 ,? • feet; thence South 39 ° --16 '728" .,..,;. t 5 . 64 ,:t .. .: . :) • point of intersection with the Westerly mnrgi_:1 a ! :. La)' Washington Boulevard , said pair:.: let• i. I);; o:1 c),, ' • of -7ad•iti,; 347 . 64 feet from t•Jiiich .the col; L'ai • South 49 ° -40 '-38" . East; thence 16.nvinlr _.,1.Lot „lt.: _C .:' t• margin gin of Lake Washington `iou1.avarc:l e lon:j the :ti_ • to he curve , hav_incg a rec.ius at :14 7 . 64' f.c_e:N aad central angle of 39 ° -2 ' ' 1' , 8cmLlr 49 " - •r' (; ' .-. ., ' .'s U0 . 00 fiat to true point of: beginning . * • Cc... .___ i .1 n• 11 , 949 ..uoire feet or 0 .274 ao cc!s , .:,(.' , • C)_ _ • C • • --__C'ac3 e I of 2 . . ..„. . • • • • That portion of Logan Avenu Lh 6th Strr,Pt located in Section 7, Town-,,hip 23 Nort , W. M. SLate of Washington desccibed as • • • Pc-ginning at the Northwest corner of the in of Logan Avenue North and 6 th Stro,.-.! t , thec.-! 0 ' N . a distance ot 1298 . 87 ' , Lhencc 5CD ' . *• 1 -23P -42" E . a distance of 5 . 007 , thenc 12; ' , -26• ' I E. a distance of 864 . 73 ' , thence N . 41 ' -22 ) -31" W. . I a distance of 25 . 31 ' , thence E . 43° -471-01" E . • distance of 50 .18 ' , thence S . 4.1.' -22P -31' E . a tance of 43 .92 ' , thence S . 0' -26 -1fl " of 883 . 83 ' , thence S . 89 ° -42 " E a (I_Htan.c,-, off 25 . 46 ' , thence S . 0° -26 '-18" W. a • thence N. 89 ' -341-11" W. a distal-I.:2e of: 55 . 00 ' to point of beginning. An area of: 3 . 43 ,* c.'res c . . 149 , 360 . 58 s .f. • • • • • • • . • • • • EXHIBIT C Page 2 of 2 1 • • • I { 1)-SOO • I 1 ' 10.10 I . II , o to-co ca.. :_R - • - 1 > I •' ti • II 10•I1 ' • . 1 �1 1• •9i • IF _ _c i RD•Ss,•? 1 ID-ff -- I' �•• • 1 1. // f (� .i,-•3. -_v,i' _ �_r __ _ - _ - c__ __.-___ ---_-_' — --•3 '--N._ _ - --�- }r�a`na�1. :ay J'(r J_-.. .-.I- _ ':y=-_i-'�>R�a-> � - 4-_<-tJ u -- ,:(.-1-:.:'r_v r-;.:- .. 3 j.---- J ! ;I�C••s;.Ter,st.r:+a� 3-IC\AIL siean .rt.-, CAvi r L2 �• Ws•.D sq ' . -{ PA2[ AV T-15, f(• 1 t(• a - .�_P.-D T s.u- _------.—_ _..___•_. _ _ t... ..___1-�_ __--Z. - -- '` / '"'., eT[r T. Car(:.sr L.JC _ A YAt1 Ai CG TO)CTDAfi -D.:tr Ctiof) -- RLSTRIC10.13 NY SG gr.c0.TOR (D(N(!.•t ,t_L • DCDXS 10-E5 ••• 16.1f ` - - .- , , - ! Ili �` , b I o 1--I • iI O - I / • F-f le-SS DLL<. I. __ �`/ • {'jOL,rfy CJ, i --_S- ;;1•LI Ti Li-sG�'1[° . A-.- « v. • �• .. • %R' 0.-T liuE • r • !z Ff::D Pa,EL.r v.!G '� O� P��P =U tL-1 .d -- .•J..T:.. 61,M. �.- SD , T i� n.M� • - • 1 s1« N.N -T / 1 ter. ' f --=J--- -� C,t bLo v,•T eaD[c - ( n.1 rf rrafe(D':.ts•Or acre:cc .-_ • _1` Fut 3:•o.,OT d H•U t(cft.;;•:rp A • T. EpDP,L1J( • 19 S OD YGLT. F E_P P 1 �� _ A,L(:e 0'(551^ STY/Yct(G VALVES 4D Ee;T d:Ge Cr Ia 5J `a:( E� LAf1 1 ArrGDX 10'CAsi Cr rRDr:f:D P).OPEOTT LI L • • I .40 - Of,eff AG,Ira•tr Arr.,6•C•31 cf F0.01'.)`_o Foot L1.:C -t'I I• 100' 3 , I CI IfCD Peer L.J[ LAST FAC[e. )11,.)J VOLT TIE:to J'JCT WED= 16 EAcr ric r>s()rJ.7.,...L • LueT Peof.u.E 77 i__ fs' S P / LAST bc. • • f C .. ,�"y L-w _ r 31-,0• G• ,�1taLe:Dlir.'--s,•c-n3-LLL-v�_J:-4{rii•�—;.J(:-f—ce-f',.-^Fe;CD-rr!. • oioi • o - PS>ea:r::i ezof 4 F(uet. .f fMX CO wti;Of Pe-tD:(e-n;• ,.JE }•- .{ r pA.oSL AG,t rater or .L•.A' Oa:; of Payf.S)S P.o r.L•dE I • i :__-_ —_.__. 1.; I- .._.•1 _S!- V t•3•; :1>A•1 :c JCa •rr•l.•,J9'LA.t II (.ofetto r•ef. 'C • - 1 ----1 1L- .D 1.. fr c- !- r-__ i � 4 )JAT[R L1JC I I•::' •J„ Cf(a[�l • ,rfR•f l C•fs Of !a>(<e L: I,' I I •!..,, - T / oust c:ss•OC e" fotr:: ^U( ,_•fC - CeeT.eo.1. D;•T1,)!----'" 1t ' �1 l . r 5 E G T 1 O u A'A _---- — -- _ • • J51 L,•.-)P••:-:(2.e-d�Y11-r•;I-L—, e••::`N F t-1C/.'=./%i.,_,1 -�«'- /^f/J�/�' ('t (7 AuouRK wN ro•13 .,11 -_•. �- 1 _ —' • • (-1 111 —i j-^ !///. ...'• �u�J� /.%.:(:,'WA,' • _tt�� D•:re,.c.• Ii D•Itl'-:F.-!S if ID'( 17:1_>l t.!v- _.—_ -.—__-__-_-. _. _ ____ U EVCRETT.Wn. MN1 _ ... i'�/!i/�"• ) 'v!rp 1 IFIF_ RE - 1 ' ••• GYJL/AK/A/.1/if///F(.7/L![.%i!/A'1 -j JJ '9 t.D__._—_! {—�_—� —I__— F; N.wN. ..«, �r•�•r_.. . . \',\it K A\.'F.to U_ . 1 -- _. • fACat,II) ,f.eYcvC••t ,• STATTtE '•'! • . . „ • 1 • 1 -., , .. ., , • , . . . . • -IT :. l'Al.:( 1•:1, :1'2 (HIHI. i ii‘i,,,I) '• ,, -.All• . • .',1„;,.; . _. . _______. ._ •• ilt . •' -,,4 , . I • . .,•':,...t . .‘•„.. • I • . . . ,,, . . . ......• liwit•Ijin •of I''. '-'..II. I:o.. 1 (!',R ,10'.-.)) ; tlic,ri • , ,.;(.)1;t ,,.., it ; ',. ,.• .,..:.1 •••••••.-t : ', .• .-1.1e,'...., Said f-il'ay 1- i (J1)1.-c.)1 -...,1'), if-la1;(.11 ri 1....(•) ,•til i iiL.',-!.•,,••(..1. , ,.. ...;; I.,: . h•• ••.: •.',. •. 1- .- '.I c;',•_- of-way' myin ar of PovY, AVoouc .N. ; . . ,2"..!..:;• •-e•!- , . • -'1i•i. ,.... ' ' Thence souLherly al(2ny Li) easter-1y i 1n1.- I 1:...y _ (.) -I....v.,- •,1,-,)-c: 1 II t)1 :••••.!-11.,. .••,..,,••r.‘..1t., ::. -.:: ' I• " ' -,,,q.,•:., to ail inl.e..,.): ..(;I:i.on t•i,i 1111 1:11n soti t:.11 1 inr.! oi. '•11(' i'.`.•: ' /,': c.', :-. •,:y i o.1 -. •,••,..,:i '..),;(.: •'4,,,p,i'-', '..,,.. :'1,4• . 1 . ro.i.nt. of l'Jr.y inni.m,i. • , • . .;•:, • „.. • • '' - ' • . . . • • •..•..•', ,', '!:, •••• , , • . . ' . . ..',..••••.•:• . ••;,,,,,:-,-,-: • • •. •,..., ,, , • • , . • . ' •• •:';''• ' . . • . ','••:,• I • • • . • i',... ' : ••• i • 1 • . ., . . ' . . . .-. I , . • . . . . • • • . . . •• I . . • .• I • . I . . . I • . . • • . .' . • ' .• ' • I . . . . ....,.: . • • • , I . . • . , • . , ,' ' • ';'-'-•;'il. • . . • :•••;i1•;',. ., . . . . . • ).... • • . , ••.•:.i.:: . •:•.•,:;r: • . . • . • , . . . • . . . '•••,:• . • . . . . . • .J. •, . , . . . ..,, . ' .• . , . ..-.• . . . . • :, '. • . . :. . . . . . . ,. • . . , .. • • ' .. . . . , ' . •• . . ' ____. . .:•.. • . ,,• .1, .....:.',.. ' . . . . ''''•• • '1',; . . ..• • . - :)...-,,e(4.- . . , . . • %,..:. ' . . ' • ,_.._ . . . . •• . , . ' • .. , . . . • . " . • • . . . •.• • . '. • . • EXIIIBIT. A . ,- • . ,.. . • page 3 c) 4 ., . . . . • • . . - • ------ • • • _ . • - • • 291 =:I,I OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY . RENTON,WASHINGTON YOST OFFICE BOX 628. 100 and AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON,WASH INGTON 98055 .255.8878 A IO , o Q' GERARD M.SHELLAN,CITY ATTORNEY LAWRENCE J.WARREN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 4l4. D SEP��� March 16 , 1976 Mr. Warren Gonnason Public Works Director City Ha 1 Renton , WA 98055 Re : Park Avenue N. - The Boeing Company Dear Wa ren: We are :zanding you herewith a copy of Pioneer National Title Inrance Company preliminary report relating to the widening • of Park Avenue North. Would you please check out the legal description to be sure it covers the right of way to be acquired by the City . Items 1 and 2 of the prelmininary report will have to be eliminated by The oeing Company at closing time , while Items 3 , 4 , and 5 would remain of record. Please verify this immediately so that the attorney for The Boeing Company and our office• may complete this matter without delay. I have also suggested to Mr. Parker that the lease extension agreement regarding the airport property be executed ,simultaneously , the monies due the City paid forthwith on account of rentals due , and . any remaining exhibits , i. e. , the survey of the total square footage leased , be attached at a later date . • If you have any further questions in this matter please let us know. We rem in , Very truly yours , Gerard M. Shellan Gi°IS : ds Dnc . cc: Om. r S . Parker, Jr. , Attorney at law - we received last night from Mr. Gonnason the enclosed plot plan which should be utilized as an exhibit to our agreement to pinpoint the exact improvements which the City would have to re-locate at the time of widening. If you have any questions let me know. G.M. S . • • 'e Pioneer N�_ __ )nal Title Insurance COr _� .a11y w�SHINGION LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION kr- PRELIMINARY COMMITMENT FOR ATICOR COMPANY TITLE INSURANCE 719 SECOND AVENUE • SEATTLE WASHINGTON 96104 • TELEPHONE 6b2 6600 NUMBER : A-152152 (UNIT : 16 TO: PERKINS, CCIE , STCNE , OLSEN E WILLIAMS A consolidated statement ofall ATTORNEY AT LAW charges and advances in connection ISCO WASH INCTCN BUILDING with this order will be provided SEATTLE , WASHINGTCN atclosini,. ATTN : CANA CALCART RE: CITY CF RENTCN./BCEING COMPANY I � ATE : MARCH 1 , IS76. AT e: 00 A.M. IN EVENT THE TRANSACTION FAILS TC CLOSE AND THIS COMMITMENT IS CANCELLED, A FEE WILL BE CHARGED TO COMPLY WITH THE STATE INSURANCE CODE AND THE FILED SCHEDULE OF THIS COMPANY COVERAGE AMCUNT PREMIUM TAX CWNER ' S STANCARC LATER PICKEER NATICNAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AGREES TO ISSUE ON REQUEST AND CN PECCRCING CF ANY APPROPRIATE CCCUMENTS , ITS POLICY OR POLICIES AS APPLIED FOR , WITH COVERAGE AS INDICATED, BASED ON THIS PRELIMINARY CONNITNENT THAT TITLE TC THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS VESTED CN THE DATE SHOWN ABCVE IN THE BCEING CCMPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION SUBJECT ONLY TO THE EXCEPTIONS SHOWN HEREIN ANC TO THE TERMS, CONCITICNS AND EXCEPTIONS CCNTAINED IN THE POLICY FORM. THIS REPCRT AND CCMNITYENT SHALL HAVE NC FORCE CR EFFECT EXCEPT AS A • BASIS FCR TEE CCVERACE SPECIFIED HEREIN. ' B Y- ijektd. -112--a- DESCRIPTION: AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY V rin PARCEL NC. 1 THE EAST 10 FEET LYING SCUTHERLY OF THE WESTERLY PRODUCTION CF THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-CF-WAY LINE OF N. 8TH STREET; ANC THE EAST 15 FEET LYING NORTHERLY OF THE WESTERLY PRODUCTION CF THE 1 A- 152152 PAr.p • 11 I SOUTHERLY RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE OF N. 8TH STREET CF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED MAIN TRACT: MAIN TRACT: - • BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTICN OF THE NCRTH LINE CF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER CF THE SOUTHWEST CF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST , W.M., IN KING COUNTY , .ASHINGTCN, WITH THE NORTH PROCUCTICN CF THE WEST LINE OF PARK AVE. , AS SHOWN IN RENTCN FARM PLAT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME. IC F PLATS , PACE 97, IN KING COUNTY , WASHINGTCN ; THENCE SOUTH ALONG TEE SAId NORTH PRODUCTION, TO A POINT THEREON 715 FEET NORTH CF THE SOUTH LINE CF SAID SUBDIVISION, THE WEST PARALLEL TO ANC DISTANT 715 FEET NORTH FROM SAID SOUTH LINE TO THE NCRTH PRODUCTION CF THE CENTERLINE OF PELLY ST . , THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID PRCCUCEC CENTER LINE , TC THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 66C FEET OF SAIC SUBDIVISION, THENCE WEST ALCNG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN CF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY RIGHT—OF—WAY THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG. SAID EASTERLY MARGIN TC THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION, THENCE EAST ALCNG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE POINT CF EEGINNING; INCLUDING ALL THAT PCRTICN CF STREET RIGHT—OF—WAY VACATED BY ORDINANCE NO. 1574 LYING WITHIN THE ABCVE DESCRIBED MAIN TRACT. PARCEL NC. 2 ALL THAT PCRTICN CF TRACT "A" WITHIN NORTHWEST QUARTER CF SECTION Al TOWNSHIP 23 NC TE , RANGE 5 EAST, W. M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTCN; LYING EASTERLY CF THE EASTERLY RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE CF LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD. ( ALSC KNOWN AS PARK AVE. N. AND ALSO SECONDARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 2—A ) AND SOUTHEASTERLY NC SCUTHERLY CF THE SCUTHEASTERLY RIGHT—CF—WAY MARGIN OF PJS. H. NC 1 ( SR-405I NORTH RENTCN INTERCHANGE A—LINE RIGHT—CF—WAY AND .WESTERLY ANC NORTHWESTERLY CF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE CF THE NCRTHWEST QUARTER CF SECTION P , SAID PCINT BEING 25 FEET EAST CF TEE INTERSECTION CF THE EASTERLY RIGHTIICF--wAY LINE CF LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD. WITh SAID SOUTH LINE OFI THE NORTHWEST CUARTER CF SECTION 8; I THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG A LINE WHICH IS PARALLEL WITH ANC 25 FEET EASTERLY OF, AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO SAID EASTERLY RIGHT—CF—WAY MARGIN OF LAKE WASFINGTC . BLVD . , A CISTANCE OF 170 FEET; THENCE NCRTHWE TERLY IN A STRAIGHT LINE TC A POINT 10 FEET EASTERLY CF, AS MEASURED AT PIGET ANGLES TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT—CF—WAY MARGIN OF SAID ROAD, SAID PCINT EEIhG 470 FEEL NCRTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8 ; THENCE CONTINUING NORTHERLY ALONG A LINE WHICH IS PARALLEL WITH AND 10 FEET EASTERLY F SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-CF-WAY MARGIN TC A POINT OPPCSITE HIGHWAY ENGINE ►, ' S STATION C+CO NARKING THE PC CF A CURVE ON THE i 1 1 CENTERLINE ( A-LINE ) SURVEY CF P. S.H. NO. 1 ( SR-4C5) , SAIL PCINT BEING 40 I FEET EASTERLY THEREFROM ; I TCGETHER WITH ALL THAT PORTION CF TRACT "A" LYING WITH A STRIP CF LAND 5 FEET WIDE LI ING ADJACENT TC AND PARALLEL WITH THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY t'ARGIN CF P.S .H. NC. 1 ( SR-405 ) FROM A PCINT OPPOSITE HIGHWAY ENGINEER ' S I STATION C+OC THRCUGH A CURVE TO THE RIGHT TC A POINT CPPCSITE S,TATICN 5+55 MCRE CR LESS. I, TRACT "5" THAT PORTION CF NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION R, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 ( EAST , W. N. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTCN, DESCRIBED AS FCLLCWS : 1 BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION CF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER 1W1TH THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF PARK STREET , ALSO KNCWN AS SECCNCARY STATE (HIGHWAY NC. 2A , THENCE SOUTH 89°28 ° 1S" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE 771.21 FEET ; THENCE INORTH C°3115,1" EAST 253. 23 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT CF RADIUS 850 FEET; THENCE NCRTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE 274. 22 FEET TC THE PCINT CF TANGENCY ; THENCE NORTH 17°59 ' 39" WEST TC AN INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-CF-WAY MARGIN CF P .S.H NO. 1 ( SR ' 405 ) ; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY AND WESTERLY ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-CF-WAY MARGIN TC AN INTERSECTION WITH THE EASTERLY RIGHT-CF-WAY MARGIN CF PAR AVENUE N. ; I THENCE SCUTFE 'LY ALCNG THE EASTERLY RIGHT-CF-WAY MARGIN CF PARK AVENUE N. TIC AN [NTERSECTICN WITH THE SOUTH LINE CF THE NCRTHWEST QUARTER CF SECTION 8 ANC THE PCINT CF BEGINNING. I 1 I PARCEL NO. 3 AL THAT PCRTICN CF TRACT "B" LYING NORTHWESTERLY OF THE NORTHWESTERLY RIiGHT-CF-WAY LINE CF P. S.H. NC. 1 ( SR 405 ) NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE A-LINE RIGHT-CF-WAY , AND WESTERLY GE THE WEST RIGHT-CF-WAY LINE CF LAKE WA1ShINGTCN B_LVD. N. ( PARK AVE. N. ) ANC EASTERLY AND SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE FCIILLCWING DESCRIBED LINE: I BEGINNING AT A PCINT OPPOSITE HIGHWAY ENGINEER ' S STATION 6+50.00 CN THE CENTERLINE ( A-LINE ) SURVEY CF P. S.H. NO. 1 ( SR 4C5) , SAID PCINT BEING 50 FEET NORTHWESTERLY THEREFROM ; THENCE SCUTHWESFRLY PARALLEL WITH SAID CENTERLINE SURVEY TC A POINT OPPICSITF HIGHWAY ENGINEER ' S STATION 4+28.33 AND 50 FEET NORTHWESTERLY THEREFRCM ; THENCE NCRTHWESTERLY A DISTANCE OF 5 FEET TO A POINT OPPOSITE STATION 4+2I8 . 33 AND 55 'FET NORTHWESTERLY THEREFROM, SAID STATICN 4+28. 33 ALSO BEING THE P.T. CF A CLRVE TC THE LEFT ; .d- 152152 PAGE 3 t - THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT LAVING A RADIUS CF 627.96 FEET TC A PFINT OPPOSITE HIGH AY ENGINEER ' S STATION C-+OC , SAID STATION ALSC BEING THE P .C. CF SAID CURVE AND 55 FEET WESTERLY TFEREFROM ; TOGETHER WITH A STRIP CF LAND 15 FEET WIDE LYING ADJACENT TC ANC PARALLEL WITH THE WESTERLY RICHT-CF-WAY MARGIN OF LAKE WASHINrTON BLVD. ( PARK AVE. N. ) RUNNING FRCP HIGHWAY STATION 0+CC AS REFERENCED ABOVE , SOUTHERLY TO , THE SOUTH LINE CF GCVERNMENT LOT 3, SAID SECTION 8. I \ TRACT "B" ! ALL THAT PORTION OF GCVERNMENT LCT 1 , 2 , AND 3 IN SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 23 \ NCRTH , RANGE 5 , EAST , W. N. , IN KING COUNTY , WASHINGTON, LYING SCUTHEASTERLY OF THE NOPTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CCMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY, WESTERLY OF LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD. S. E. ( ALSO KNCWN AS PARK AVE. N. ) AND NORTHWESTERLY AND WESTERLY CF P.S.H. - 1, NCRTH RENTCN INTERCHANGE A-LINE RIGHT-CF-WAY INCLUCINC THAT PCRTION OF LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD. AS VACATED BY CRDINANCE 2513 . 1 EXCEPTIONS: 1. GENERAL TAXES, AS FOLLOWS , PLUS INTEREST AFTER DELINQUENCY: FCR YEAR AMCUNT PILLED AMOUNT PAID 1976 1145273 .82 $.00 BEING CCLNTY TREASURER ' S PARCEL NO. C823C5-9011-08 SIAIC TAXES AFFECT : PARCEL 2 AND CTHER LANDS GIENERAL TAXES , AS FOLLOWS , PLUS INTEREST AFTER DELINQUENCY: FCR YEAR AMCUNT BILLEC AMOUNT PAID 1H1576 1135198 .59 $. 00 BEING CCI;NTY TREASURER ' S PARCEL NO. C823C5-S079-C7 SAID TAXES AFFECT : PARCEL 3 AND OTHER LANDS GENERAL TAXES, AS FOLLOWS, PLUS INTEREST AFTER DELINQUENCY: 1 FCR YEAR AMCUNT BILLED AMOUNT PAID BEI1976 118E291. 36 $.00 ING COUNTY T EASURER ' S PARCEL NO. 082305-9152-07 SAIL TAXES AFF CT: PARCEL 1 AND OTHER LANDS 2. 1 LIEN OF REA1 ESTATE EXCISE SALES TAX UPON ANY SALE CF SAID PREMISES , [ F UNPAID. 3 . 1 AN EASEMENT AFFECTING THE PORTION CF SAIC PREMISES AND FCR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN , ANC INCIDENTAL PURPOSES. FOR : ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINE i A-I52152 PAGE 4 1 • IN FAVOR OF : CITY CF SEATTLE RECCRDEC : CECENEER 27, 1934 AUDITOR ' S NC . : 28'6038 4. EASEMENT FOR CCNSTRUCTICN , MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF A RAILWAY TRACT CVER PORTIONS OF SAID PREMISES RESERVED. IN DEED FRCP PACIFIC COAST R.R . CO. , A WASF- INGTCN CCRPCRATICN, RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR ' S FILE NC. 4662540 5. CONDEMNATION BY THE STATE CF WASHINGTON CF RIGHT OF ACCESS TO STATE HIGHWAY ANC CF LIGHT, VIEW AND AIR, BY DECREE ENTERED : JUNE 2S , 1566 CASE NC. : 656127 THE CW'NER ' S/ URCHASER ' S POLICY TC BE ISSUED WILL CCNTAIN THE WA 10 • INCCRSENENT NCTE : INVESTIGATION SHOULD BE MADE TO DETERMINE IF THERE ARE ANY SERVICE, INSTALLATICN , MAINTENANCE CR CCNSTRUCTICN CHARGES FOR SEWER, WATER , GARBAGE CR ELECTRICITY. N'P/DN 0159 A- 152152 PAGE 5 ,i. N. • 3 „ OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY S RENTON,WASHINGTON 6 POST OYRCS BOX 52e. 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING A BENTON WASHINGTON 08055 255-8d78 0 Q' GERARD D.S.SHELLAN,CITY ATTORNEY LAWRENCE J.WARREN. ASSISTANT CITY AT'•ORN EY 97' 4- 40 SE f'1 E'� ( arch 11 , 1073 • Mr. Warren Gonnason Public Works Director Renton Municipal Building Renton , Washington 98055 Re: Agreement - Widening of Park Avenue Forth Dear Warren: We have. received today the enclosed letter from Mr. Omar S. Parker, Jr. , one of the attorneys for The Boeing Company, together with the proposed Agreement relative to the conveyance unto the City of Renton of certain properties for the widening of Park Avenue North. Our comments would be as follows : 1. You should determine whether the consideration for the vacation of Logan Avenue North, etc. is in the sum of $105 ,128. 00 or $120 , 350 . 00 as suggested by Mr. Parker. As far as the vacation ordinance is concerned , the consideration to be paid therefor is separate and apart from the Park Avenue property matter. 2. There is , of course , no objection for the under- signed to hold the 'warranty deed in escrow. - 3. Paragraph 2 provides for one year notice and it is my recollection that our prior understanding stipulated a possible lesser notice if that should be required by some other governmental agency providing funds for the widening. You should make that determination and let .n` know. 4. Some determination should be made whether a "variance., conditional use permit or exception" is required as set forth in paragraph 2 of the proposed Agreement. It would appear that after the "taking" the remainder of the Boeing proDer ty would constitute a legal, non-conforming use in • mh •:ti, • Warren Connason Page 2 March 11 , .1 %5 case the setback requirement would no longer be in compliance with our existing ordinance and there Would appear to be no need for any of the aforementioned actions. Since the City is paying for this acquisition , the is 3uance of a variance , etc. should not constitute a condition precedent to the issuance of t e Deed. We suggest that the agreement simply provide that after the "taking"n.g" any remaining setback between any structure owned by Boeing and the new right of way line shall be considered a legal , non--conformin, use, if such remaining setback is less than the present requirement. 5. The City is responsible to pay the cost of moving and relocating certain properties opined by Boeing. It seems , to avoid later dispute, that these should be properly identified by a map and their approximate location specified. After you hafe a chance to look over these documents , we would appreciate your so thatwe mayreply comments to Mr. Parker. We °Pe sending him a copy of this letter so that he is fully advised of our position. .i e remain Yours very truly, Gerard M. Shellan City Attorney GS: nd. n'c1. .`S r v- z r4ru., OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEYS RENTON,WASHINGTON -7 0 Q - POST OFFICE BOX 92d, 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING 0 RENTON.WASHINGTON 98055 255-ed78� 0 4 • GERARD bI-SHELLAN,CITY ATTORNEY LAWRENCE J.WARREN, ASSISTANT CI-,Y ATTORNEY "P9rED SEP1V4- March 11 , 1976 Mr. Warren Gonnason Public Wrks Director Renton Municipal 3uilding Renton , . ashin;ton 98055 Re: Agreement - Widening of Park Avenue North Dear Warren: We have received today the enclosed letter from Mr. Omar S. Parker, Jr. , one of the attorneys for The 3oeing Company, together with - the proposed-Agreement relative to the conveyance unto the City of Renton�of certain properties `or the widening of Park Avenue North. U r comments would be as follows : 1. You should determine whether the consideration for the vacation of Logan Avenue North, etc. is in the sum of$105 ,128. 00 or .$123 , 350 . 00 as suggested by Mr. Parker. • suggested As far as the vacation ordnance is concerned , the consideration to be paid therefor is separate and apart from the Park Avenue property matter. l 2. There is , of course , no objection for the under- signed to hold the warranty deed in escrow. . - 3. Paragraph 2 provides for one year notice and it is my recollection that our prior understanding stipulated th at:possible lesser notice if t� at should be required by Some other governmental agency providing; funds for the ,rad-ening. You should make that determination and let ma know. I-IF. : Some determination should be made whether a "variance.? Conditional use permit or exceoty on't is reeu?red as set forth in )arap.raph 2 of the proposed .' ,r e: e-nt. It would ¶.Dear that after the 'I takirs -the remainder or' the 3oein7 p�ro_lerty would constitutea le al, non-conforming use in o . 11 p c- z,. s_ r, '-S • Nr. Warren Gonnason Page 2 , March 11 , 1.9 /75 case the setback requirement would no longer be in compliance with qur existing ordinance and there would appear to be no need for any of the aforementioned actions. Since the City is Paying for this acquisition , the issuance of a variance , etc. should not constitute a condition precedent to the issuance of ,e Deed. We suggest that the agreement simply provideafter that a_ the "taking" any remaining setback between any structure owned by 3oeing and the new right of way line shall be considered a legal , non-conforming use, if such remaining . setback is less than the =resent requirement. 5. The City is responsible to pay the cost of moving and. ,relocating certain properties owned by 3oeing. It -_seems,.to avoid later dispute ,that these should be properly identified by a map and their approximate location specified. After er you hve a chance to look over these documents , we would appreci+ your comments so that we may reply to .Ir. Parker. We are sending him a copy of this Letter so that he is fully advised of our position. ;e remain • Yours vary truly, Gerard M. Shellan City Attorney . G:'t3: nd Encl. 1 CITY OF RENTON CITY CLERK'S RECEIPT No. 1693 RENTON, WA. J- / , 19 -7 RECEIVED OFF u -0O LLARS FOR: CODE 'AMOUNT Taxed - Gene1w1. 8u4-cne 4 Li.cenb ea Pnu6./Occup. Bw. . Licemes O-then /� .au 361 -,3 0 J 25)/ o 0 Anima-E. L.ic,en4 ee Non-Bws-.ne4s Li.cen4 e o 8 Pew . Sale-Maps, Pubs. , Cooia, etc. Pneci.nct Rent pa �/1, TOTAL d • /65/18' 66 Dame's A. Mead, City Csehh BY 6), CgLLe7/____.1_ A,` _ 1 \ I • CHECK NUMBER \ THE Alli7AFZAW COMPANY" 0 1267 SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98124 \ DATE , DESCRIPTION . AMOUNT 1 I 2/23/76 PO#011877 Ref: 2-76. 105 ,128. 00 k • . . . I Property acquisition - Portions ' of:Logan Ave.. . . North and Lake Washington Blvd. from the City of . , I • i Renton 1 . 1 \ . . . . .. .,. . . 1 . , . . . . . •,, , : . . . • . . . . . .. , . . . . 1 . , . . . : • DETACH BEFORE DEPOSITING I • ' , . . ' —_-_ - . - •.--. ••,- . . -. -. ----.. - • , - - . , . . THE ASifig/P*749Arig.COMPAMY 66-152/531 \ • P.O.BOX 3999,SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98124 . . CHECK NUMBER 01267 I 1 . CHECK DATE AMOUNT i ... rAY TO THE ORDER OF: 2/26/76 01c1.05 ,128. 00,* ' I 1 09038 • THE CITY OF RENTON . %....,, Ge 2/04,6-491"/ I • • . • /8.69%‹. .19--*7-44-ei Wachovia . . _.. • . . . _ .. .. Wachovia Bank&Trust Company,N.A. . . • ....\ ' Greenville, N. C. • . , . . • •. .. . . .- • I - vo0000 L 26 ? no 1:0 53 lon0 & S 21: ' &1110 0 Sill 78 S11'' - , • - • - . \ • . _ . _. . .. ... . . \ . . ... ...._____...........„....._________ . , ,,f,'Y,',!--7. :,. ,,,,,, ,,z9:7 --,.•- 0 Y ,"';:P'gTAP4V7P.Mmk-wrATWA5mpptg*mpow ,,.,,,, „,,. 57,,pr Ii CITY OF RENTON CITY CLERK'S RECEIPT No. 1693 II RENTON, WA. c_3- / , 19 7 RECEIVED OF I ��-� �� �U/ i� 7e ,-Lz.ga V/-e 1,-,iL.--,- -�-,q>- ent e",,,e,J,e iLcc- c7 O L LA RS FOR: CURE AMOUNT Taxes Genen.aa. Buzin�6 L�.cen,6 ea Mill Pno0. /Occup. Bu.o. Licenaea O.th en / c -«--' /i u_.-C' a'e/m., , `14c .c.,., (. 4'.C,U NM An1-ma.e. L.icen s e o Non-bu sineaa I eena ea 6 Pehm. Milll Safe-Napa, Pubt. , Copies, etc. _ In — Pnec i,nc-t Rent _ 71-') D4 2 e,114 1. / �I . yam`et.,-a� Ct--L—f t7. TOTAL Nial II De.kones A. Mead, City Cteit By 61; ` -d__-,� • ' . • • - , .'''•' •.'''' '''. '' ' Am,— ',rm.. 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ITORirl.g. .,,l't,fliTi,,,,,,:4,,,..,..,..•:,1,4,11f,!*1* ' (� ,`� ,,• �A 0 ` U '� PLANNING DEPARTMENT • RENTON,WASHINGTON ID MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON.WASHINGTON 98055 • 235-2550 0 Co• p�°4 ��� MEMOR�iNDUlit Tt-D SEF�� February 5 , 1976 TO : Del Mead , City Clerk FROM : Planning Department RE ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - VACATION OF PORTION OF LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD Th ' attached proposed ordinance is verified as to co tent, description and general location . We ---------'in erstand the legal description is being confirmed by the Public Works Department. We concur with the City Attorney ' s recommendation to hold publication of the ordinance until the conditions of the agree- ment with the Boeing Company have been met. • A tachment MLS : wr 36,5676) FEB 1976 N RECEIVED z CITY of RENTO! '-, CLERK'S OFFICE ��' • F EC /1/ ' EII/FD o 3 INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM 1976 cs- 2 TO : Planning Department � p0 FROM : Del Mead, City Clerk RE : Ordinances and Resolutions I ' We attach Resolution (s) and/or Ordinance (s) which have been prepared by the City Attorney. Please verify content , legals , description and general location of • tlhe improvements and return to this office for further processing and presentation to the Legislation Committee . An Ordinance vacating a portion of Lake Washington Boulevard also known as secondary State Highway No 2A I I Renton City Council 2/2/76 Page 5 VOUCHER APPROVAL MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF Finance Committee VOUCHERS NO. 8054 THROUGH NO. 8123 IN THE AMOUNT OF $131 ,880.84 Report HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION AS TO RECEIPT OF MERCFIAN- DISE AND/OR SERVICES, PLUS LID #291 REVENUE WARRANT #R-9 $2,055.56 AND CASH WARRANT #C-11 $2,055.56 AND LID 295 REVENUE WARRANT #R-2 $11 ,076.45 AND CASH WARRANT #C-3 $11 ,076.45. CARRIED. Warrants ,No. 8047 through 8053 were machine voided during processing. ORDINANCES Legislation Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer submitted committee report recom- Committee Report mending first, second and final readings for of an ordinance providing for the issuance and sale of $2,950,000.00 par value Water and Sewer Ordinance 3007 Revenue Refunding Bonds, 1976. Following first reading of the ordi- 1976 Water & nance refunding the city's 1975 Water and Sewer Bonds, it was MOVED Sewer Revenue BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE Refunding Bonds •ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance 3008 The Legislation Committee report recommended second and final readings Municipal Court of an ordinance relating to Municipal Court elimination of probation Probation Fees fee. Following readings, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, First Reading 1/26 COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 3009 The Legislation Committee report recommended second and final readings Council -of an ordinance establishing the Council Committees of Community Committees Services Committee and Planning and Development Committee (originaly entitled Community Development Committee) , ordinance having been on ' first reading 1/26/76. Following reading of the ordinance amending the Council 's committee system, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 3010 The Legislation Committee report recommended first, second and final Installment Not- readings of an ordinance establishing particulars of an installment LID 292 note in connection with the financing of LID 292 through Peoples National Bank of Washington. Following first reading of an ordinance re purchase of an installment note in amount of $18,367.90 being the unpaid assemments, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings, it was MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED, ORDINANCE ADOPTED. First Reading The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an Ordinance amendatory ordinance relating to payment of false alarm charge on False Alarm Fee- privately owned, burglar alarm systems. Following reading of the Friv•ate. Burglar ordinance establishing 30-day billing system, rather than 10-day, • Alarm Systems it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ►First Reading The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an Ordinance ordinance vacating portions of Lake Washington Boulevard N. and Street Vacation Logan Ave. N. , north of 6th Street, as petitioned by The Boeing Company. Following reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER MATTER BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer noted ordi- nance would be held pending final papers and all payments. RESOLUTIONS Resolution #2016 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption Senate Bill 2993 of a resolution re pending bills in the 1976 Special Session of the House Bill 1293 Washington State Legislature including S.B. 2993 relating to State Opposed as Statc Sales Tax and H.B. 1293 relating to Historic properties - Public Interference in Projects; stating these bills are not in the best interest of the Local Matters city and authorizing the City Clerk to forward copies to appropriate committees to make the city's position clear. Following reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. 10:50 p.m. A. i i nut-r‹- Delores A. Me d, City Clerk • WARRANT DISTRIBUTION 2/02,76 FUND TOTAL WARRANTS MACHINE VOID: NO.18047 - #8053 • CURRENT FUND $564271 ,55 PARKS AND RECREATION FUND 64,515,98 ARTERIAL STREET FUND $283, 08 STREET FUND *3, 626152 LIBRARY FUND *1i365,72 WORK INCENTIVE FUND ( WIN ) •84, 71 CETA FUND S1/ 219136 STREET FORWARD THRUST 01234053 1975 WATER b SEWER CONSTR 66/ 010,00 WATERWORKS UTILITIY FUND 650, 463,01 AIRPORT FUND $25304 EQUIPMENT RENTAL $5, 335008 FIREMEN PENSION *2, 217196 TOTAL OF ALL WARRANTS *131/ 880184 WE) THE UNDERSIGNED MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF RENTON CITY COUNCIL, HAVING RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION THAT MERCWANDISE AND/OR SERVICES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED OR RENDERED. DO HEREBY APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 8054 THROUGH NO, 8123 IN THE AMOUNT ;F $1318880, 84 THIS 2ND AY OF FEBRUARY 1976. 'OMMI TTEE CHAIRMAN . .• - MEMBER w, LID.#291 MEMBER w .�- 5. +� }�J `0/ 'e„i. REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-9 $2,055.56 CASH WARRANT P!O.#C-11 $2,055.56 L.I.D.#295 REVENUE WARRANT NO.#R-2 $11,076.45 CASH WARRANT NO.#C-3 $11,076.45 � OF . �� U ;....R 0 . z '" • • OFFICE .OF THE CITY ATTORNEY• RENTON,WASHINGTON 0 obi o POST OFFICE BOX 626. .100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 255-8678 O,Q • <C ' GERARD M:SHELLAN,CITY ATTORNEY LAWRENCE J.WARREN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY �TFD SEP . January• . 30, 19 7 6 j Mrs. Del. Mead' . City. Clerk . . . ' ' City of Renton Renton, Washington . . Re: Proposed Ordinance. re :vacation of portions . ' of Lake• Washington Boulevard and Logan AVenue ' • North.. (The Boeing Co. ) Dear Del: • We are handing you herewith Original of. the proposed vacation Ordinance: for approval and verification by. the Public Works Department.; • It would be :our recommendation that this Ordinance hot be ' published until such time as all of 'the 'conditions of the Agreement reached with The Boeing Company have been met,. including . the preparation and approval of the deed to. portions of Park . Avenue No.rth. that is to be. prepared by The Boeing Company together. with. .the Agreement. We understand that the agreement reached includes an additional payment of approximately $2.5 ,000.'00 '-to cover the. 'cost of removal and dnsolition of any improvements owned by. the Petitioner and presently located within the proposed right-of-way of Park Avenue No.rthl The. 'City. is to have, :20. 'years .in which. to. make such improvement, .to-wit: 'widening of the road. As we had previously mentioned to. the. City. staff and also to. The Boeing representatives, this additional payment may be :adequate. to cover such removal if the widening takes place. :within the .fores:eeable :future.' If, for any reason, however, such project is not undertaken for five,. ten or fifteen years hence, .the cost of removal may be Substantially higher. and possibly .even ex:cee:d the. payments. to be made by. The Boeing Company to. the '.City.. It 'is ildrefore to the City' s, vital interest that any such improvement be. made :at the earliest possible time :fin order. to safeguard .the. :City' s, firaicial interest. This also Tor the reason that the payment of so:-called "relocation costs" by. another governmental agency' may not be a certainty in the years to. come.: I We are sending a copy of this communication to. the attorney for The Boeing Company so; that proper arrangements can be: made for the timely payment of the agreed consideration to. the City before this Ordinance becomes: effective.. If we can be of any further assistance to you in this matter, please advise. We remain Y rs. .very tr. . y, Gera . M. Shell an City. 'ttorney. GMS:nd Enc.. cc:. i r.. Ted. Kuhr.au I . i i • ,s�1Y • • (o 0,_ (12) cc7(it .ce,(,/. - - ; - .2 ____' 1 1 V . . ! Matiw 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY RENTON,WASHINGTON Z t o t,4G �'.'? POST OFFICE BOX 828, 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 08055 255-8878 'Al (O• O �. g' GERARD M.SHELLAN,CITY ATTORNEY LAWRENCE J.WARREN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY ��TED sEPtE� January. 30, 1976 • ' 16' • ji!,,_).-,-- • , . ISi ��. . . f p'�'1i ,e .L'ic V?)V . . Mrs . Del Mead . � I� �� • City. Clerk . k A / • • . City of Renton • • Renton, Washington Re:. Proposed. Ordinance. re .vacation of portions of Lake• Washington Boulevard and Logan AVeriue • North.' .(The Boeing Co. ) Dear Del: We are .handing you herewi.th. .original of the proposed vacation Ordinance. for approval- and verification by. the Public Works Department.: . It would be :our recommendation that this Ordinance 'riot be published until such time 'as all of The conditions of the Agreement reached with The Boeing Company have been met, including • the preparation and approval of the 'deed to portions of Park Avenue North that .is. to be prepared by. The Boeing Company together with the 'Agreement. We understand that the agreement reached includes an additional payment of approximately .$25,000 . 00 'to. cover the cost of removal and demolition of any improvements owned by the Petitioner. and presently located within the proposed right-of-way of Park Avenue . North. The City is. to have. :20 years in which. to make such improvement,- to-wit:. widening. of .the road. As we had previously mentioned to the City. staff and also to The Boeing representatives, this additional payment may be adequate. to cover such -removal if . the widening takes place within the foreseeable. If,' for any reason, however, such project is not undertaken for five,. ten • •or• fifteen years hence,. the 'cost of removal may be 'substantially • higher and possibly .even exceed the payments. to he made by The Boeing Company to the .City.. It .is tierefore to the City' s. vital interest that any such 'improvement be. made at the earliest possible time in order to safeguard the .City' s. 'firmcial interest. This also for the. reason that the Payment of so-called "relocation costs" by another governmental agency' may not be a certainty in the .years to come.' . We are .sending a copy of: this communication to. the attorney for The Boeing Company so that proper arrangements can be made for the timely payment of the agreed consideration to the City before this Ordinance becomes. effective,. If we can be of any further assistance .to. you in this matter, please advise. We reiain Yotirsl very tr. y, ri � Gera. M. Shel i an City. Attorney , l GMS:nd . Enc. cc: Mr. Ted Kuhr.au I I • . I . I y We ar sending a copy of this communication to the attorney for The Boeing Company so that proper arrangements can be made for the ti ely payment of the agreed consideration to the City before this O dinance becomes effective. If we an be of any further assistance to you in this matter, please advise. We remain Yours very truly, Gerard M. Shellan City Attorney GMS:nd Enc. cc: Mr Ted Kuhrau 1 , 1 r gaa ,tip. January 30, . 1976 Mrs. 'el Mead City Clerk City •f Renton Rento , Washington Re: Proposed Ordinance re vacation of portions of Lake Washington Boulevard and Logan AVenue North. (The Boeing Co. ) Dear D-1: We are handing you herewith original of the proposed vacation Ordina ce for approval and verification by the Public Works Depart ent. It wou d be our recommendation that this Ordinance not be publis ed until such time as all of the conditions 3rthe Agreem nt reached with The Boeing Company have been met, including the preparation and approval of the deed to portions of Park Avenue North that is to be prepared by The Boeing Company togeth r with the Agreement. We and rstand that the agreement reached includes an additional paymen of approximately $25 ,000. 00 to cover. the cost of removal and de olition of any improvements owned by the Petitioner and presen ly located within the proposed right-of-way of Park Avenue North. The City is to have 20 years in which to make such improv went, to-wit: widening of the road. As we had previously mentio ed to the City staff and also to The Boeing representatives, . this additional payment may be adequate to cover such removal if the wi ening takes place within the foreseeable future. If, for any reason, however, such project is not undertaken for five, ten or fif �een years hence, the cost of removal may be substantially higher and possibly even exceed the payments to be made by The Boeing Company to the City. It is -therefore to the City' s vital interest that any such improvement be made at the earliest possible time in order to safeguard the City' s fira,.cial interests This also for the reason that the payment of so-called "relocation costs" by another governmental agency may not be a certainty in the ye rs to come. 9 ; Q i � 1 . ev • . PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT January 26 , 1976 1. Renton, Park-and-Ride Lot . The State Highway Department presented the results of the study for the Renton park-and-ride lot site selection. After reviewing the matte and listening to the comments from various members of the public, it is the recommendation of the Committee that a public hearing be held by the City Council . . 2 . Vacation of Logan Avenue North to The Boeing Company. The matte of the negotiations for the vacation ' of Logan Avenue had previously been referred to the Transportation Committee, and the Public Works Department has .Conducted detailed negotiations with The Boeing Company. . The Committee concurs in the recommendation of the Public Works Director and recommends the granting of the vacation Subject to the following: a. T e City will agree to vacate the requested portions . . of Logan Avenue North and old. Lake .Washington Boulevard abuting the premises of The Boeing Company and provide for the conveyance unto the City of Renton portions of Park Avenue North for street widening purposes . The Boeing Comp ny, in turn, would pay unto the City the sum of $105J128 , which payment would be made at .the time the ordinance providing for such vacation has been duly passed. b . Simultaneously with "a" above , The Boeing Company . , would execute and deliver unto the City a Deed, in proper form and warranting good title to the portions of. property along Park Avenue . North. Said Deed; however, . • would be held in escrow and not recorded, until such time as the City elects to proceed with the street improvement project. The City would give unto The Boeing Company • timelly notice before any such work is. done on Park .Avenue North, and such notice to be at least one year, unless a lesser notice is required by reason of outside funding, and the. requirement that construction must begin within a certain time period. In any such case , the City would fur ish unto The Boeing Company the maximum notice ava. lable or permitted c. Any work performed by The Boeing Company within .the • Par Avenue North right-of-way as above deeded shall be subject to the approval of the City by appropriate permit, and any utilities replaced will be located outside the pro osed right-of-way. In the event the City 'does not 1 PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT January . 26 , 1976 Page initiate construction of the widening of Park Avenue within the above-deeded rights-of-way within a 20-year period from the -date of this ordinance , the property thus deeded along Park Avenue North will be reverted to The Boeing Company. 3 . I-90 . After due deliberation, the Committee unanimously recommends that the Mate proceed as soon as possible with the construction of I-90 . After considerable discussion of the configuration, the majority of the Committee felt that the 4-2T-4 configuration should be recommended, and a minority of the Committee recommends a 3-2T-3 configuration. It is further recommended that the State Highway Department be advised of the City 's recommendation in this matter. Kenneth Bruce , Chairman Earl Clymer Patricia Seymour cah ZrA Renton City Council 1/26/76 Page 4 Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. The meeting recessed at 9:15 p.m. and reconvened at 9:30 p.m. Roll Call : All Council members present as previously stated. OLD BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL REFER THE QUESTION Sounders Socceir OF TAX ON PROFESSIONAL ATHLETICS WITHIN THE CITY TO THE FINANCE AND Renton Static . PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Personnel MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER OF Director Office SECRETARIAL SUPPLIES FOR THE PERSONNEL DIRECTOR TO THE MAYOR' S Supplies OFFICE. CARRIED. The Administrative Assistant was asked to handle the matter. Public Works & Trans ortation Public Works and Transportation Committee Chairman Bruce submitted Committee Report committee report recommended a public hearing be held by the Council for the selection of a Renton park-and-ride lot site, the committee Park & Ride Lot having reviewed the matter and results presented by State Highway Site Selection Department study. MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY SEYMOUR COUNCIL CONCUR February 9, 1976 IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND HOLD PUBLIC HEARING FEBRUARY 9. Public Hearing CARRIED. Street Vacation ;The Committee report recommended granting of the vacation of portions Portions of of Logan Ave. N. and old Lake Washington Blvd. abutting the premises Logan Ave. N. f of The Boeing Company as previously referred to the Transportation Lake Washington Committee and negotiated by the Public Works Department with The Boulevard Boeing Company. Conditions of the vacation were listed , including payment of $105,128 to the City along with deed to certain portions of property along Park Ave. N. by The Boeing Company, noting the property would revert to The Boeing Company in the event the City does not initiate construction of the widening of Park Ave. within the deeded portion within a ,20-year period. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND APPROVE STREET VACATIONS. Councilman Stredicke ob- jected to 20-year time period and favored 10-year period. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER MATTER ; TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. I-90 Highway The Committee Report stated that after due deliberation, the Corrinit- Project tee unanimously recommends that the State proceed as soon as pos- sible with the construction of I-90. After considerable discussion 4-2T-4 of the configuration, the majority of the Committee felt that the Four Lanes East 4-2T-4 configuration should be recommended, and a minority of the Four Lanes West Committee recommended a 3-2T-3 configuration. The report further • Two Lanes Tran it recommended that the State Highway Department be advised of the City' s recommendation in this matter. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY 3-2T-3 SEYMOUR COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND INCLUDE RECOMMENDA- Three Lanes West TION OF THE MINORITY COMMITTEE FOR 3-2T-3 CONFIGURATION.* Council- Three Lanes Eas1t man Grant submitted letters from Seattle City Council Member George Two Lanes Transit E. Benson, Chairman of the Transportation Committee, and from John Miller of the Seattle City Council , concluding Renton would not benefit from a 10-lane freeway and that there is an opportunity to spend part of the $512 million to benefit many municipalities . Councilman Grant noted that for the next five years 85% of federal tax dollars for transportation purposes for King County would go directly for the 7 mile I-90 stretch of freeway between Bellevue and Seattle at a cost of $512 million. Grant noted 8-1 Seattle City Council vote favoring the 3-2T-3 plan at a cost of $468 million, freeing funds for projects in other municipalities. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, SUBSTITUTE MOTION, COUNCIL ADOPT THE MAJORITY REPORT RECOMMENDING 4-2T-4 CONFIGURATION** Following further discus- sion, it was MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, FOR PREVIOUS QUESTION. CARRIED.**ROLL CALL ON SUBSTITUTE MOTION FAILED: 3 AYE - McBETH, BRUCE, CLYMER; 4 NO - STREDICKE, GRANT, PERRY AND SEYMOUR. FAILED. *ROLL CALL ON ORIGINAL MOTION: 4 AYE - STREDICKE, GRANT, PERRY AND SEYMOUR; 3 NO-BRUCE,McBETH, CLYMER. MOTION CARRIED RE 3-2T-3. MOVED BY SEYMOUR, SECONDED BY GRANT, LETTER WRITTEN BY THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT ACCOMPANY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR GONNASON, CITY 'S REPRES- ENTATIVE, EXPRESSING COUNCIL'S DECISION***Councilman McBeth requested his vote be registered when letter is written and record so indicate, ,r,/--(-t(14/ • 'January 19 , 1976 c\ II TO: , COUNCILMAN KEN BRUCE ✓.G� �, ;`✓ph 1 � Chairman, Utilities & Transportation Committee, FROM: WARREN GONNASON r4 ,,�, \ Public W i Works Director �U „1 RE : ITEMS TO BE ' INCLUDED ON AGENDA FOR JANUARY 22 MEETP G. . 1) ' Washington State Highway Department Presentation ' of Proposed Park-and-Ride Lot 2) Continuation of , Negotiations with' .The'. Boeing , Company Re : Vacation of Logan Avenue, 3� 1-90 Considerations OLD BUSINE S - Continued Page 4 12/8/75 Scarsella Appel decision; developer has proposed landscaping over and above ordinance Continued requirements and in lieu thereof he may include sum of money to be used for other wildlife habitat. Planning Director Ericksen used map to explain landscaping proposed. AMENDMENT TO MOTION CARRIED.** . MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED.* Contribution to Councilman Grant presented check for $25 from Mrs. Clarissa Fawcett Green :River—, , , for Preservation of Green River Wildlife Habitat. MOVED BY STREDICKE, Wildlife Fund SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ACCEPT CHECK FOR DEPOSIT IN WILDLIFE FUND. CARRIED. Committee of W ole Council President Pro tem Perry presented Committee of the Whole report Report recommending that the matter of the Cedar River Master Plan be referred Cedar River to the Community Services Committee. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY Master Plan SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT AND CEDAR RIVER MASTER PLAN BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Parking on The Committee of the Whole report recommended that the parking problem Burnett Ave. S. on Burnett Ave. be referred to the Public Safety Committee for review. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT AND REFER MATTER OF PARKING PROBLEM ON BURNETT AVE TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK. Following discussion, Motion CARRIED. Downtown Parki g The Committee of the Whole report noted regarding the matter of parking for the downtown area, the Committee recommended that the r Public Works Director be authorized to present the parking problem to the downtown merchants and report back to the council their response. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE OF WHOLE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Rainier Ave. The Committee of the Whole report recommended that the referral re changing the name of Rainier Ave. to Renton Ave. (S.Grady Way to City limits) be placed on the next Committee of the Whole agenda. MOVED BY GRANT, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. Logan Ave. Sig al MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT THE MATTER OF-SIGNAL LIGHTS Lights • ON LOGAN AVE. N. AT 6th, 7th AND 8th WHICH ARE INCLUDED IN PROPOSED STREET VACATION BY THE BOEING COMPANY,BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTA- TION AND PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR DISCUSSION. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THE SUBJECT OF Marina CITY OPERATED MARINA ON LAKE WASHINGTON TO THE PARK BOARD. CARRIED. Council Position Council President Pro tem Perry reported Committee recommendation that Committee of the Whole interview candiates for Council position which will be vacated January 12, 1976 when Councilman Delaurenti assumes office of Mayor, that the meeting be held 12/18/75 and dead- , line for applications to be filed with Council President be 12/15. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION Special Meeting OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TO MEET WITH CANDIDATES. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL SET SPECIAL MEETING FOR COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AT 8:00 PM, DECEMBER 18, COUNCIL CHAMBERS. CARRIED. Fire Master Plan Councilman Schellert requested written progress report from Fire Chief Williams prior to 1/12/76 re Master Plan for Fire Protection. VOUCHER APPROV'L MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VOUCHERS NO. 7195 THROUGH NO. 7300 WHICH HAVE RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION AS TO MERCHANDISE RECEIVED OR SERVICES RENDERED) IN , THE AMOUNT OF $121 ,914.53, PLUS LID #291 REVENUE FUND WARRAND #R-7 IN AMOUNT OF $2,127.60 PLUS CASH FUND WARRANT NO. C-9 IN AMOUNT OF $2,127.60. MOTION CARRIED. Vouchers No. 7188 through 7194were' machine voided during processing. ..;: ORDINANCES Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report Ordinance No. '987 recommending second and final readingsfor an ordinance rezoning Rezone G to B-1 the Gary Moritz property from G to. B-1 (First reading 12/1/75) . Moritz Propert Following second reading of the ordinance rezoning property located on Union Ave. N.E. next to Mobil Station, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT. ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: Six Ayes : DELAURENTI, PERRY, .CLYMER, BRUCE, GRANT AND SCHELLERT; One No:. STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance No. 988 The Legislation Committee report presented an ordinance for second Inner Harbor: t-ne and final readings, annexing to the City propert located north Annexation • of the Municipal Airport. created by the relocation of the Inner Renton City Council Page 3 12/8/75 4- - CORRESPONDENCE - Continued William G. Moran Councilman Perry left the Council Chambers and took no part in any Rezone discussion nor in any action regarding this matter. Upon inquiry Continued by Councilman Stredicke, Planning Director Ericksen noted rezone would allow applicant to convert existing home to duplex and is across the street from R-3 zoning; that if used for any other purpose must go before the Planning Commission. MOTION CARRIED. Isle & Lake Addn. Letter from Planning Director Ericksen further reported Planning Com- Pickle Final Plat mission recommendation for Council approval of Final Plat of Lyle L. #FP-846-75 Pickle for Isle and Lake Addition, a residential subdivision located on the north side of N. 38th St. between Lake Washington Blvd. N. and .. Park Ave. N. The letter noted existing use as one single family residence with proposed, use of nine lot single, family residential subdivision, being in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan and noted conformance with the City's Subdivision Ordinance for the two acres. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Renton Management Letter from the Renton Management Association donated $100 for flood Association relief to help alleviate suffering and hardship of community members; Donation donation being forwarded to the Maple Valley Flood Relief Fund. Street Vacation Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported cost analysis N.W. 5th between used in determining fair value for that portion of N.W. 5th Street Lind & Stevens N.W. between Lind Ave, N.W. and Stevens Ave. N.W. , proposed street vacation requested by Gary Vigoren. The total 12,000 sq. ft. is listed at $5,800 with half testimated value $2,900, the cost for each of the four abutting property owners is calculated at $725. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Flood Damage Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason submitted preliminary Cedar River damaged caused by recent Cedar River flooding which is being coordi- nated with State and Federal agencies to effect Disaster Fund applica- tions. Bank erosion between Logan Ave. bridge and mouth of Cedar River $50,000; bank erosion upstream from Logan Bridge $10,000; Park Depart- ment landscaping $10,000; wash-out upstread from half-bridge $30,000 to $40,000; gravel deposits at mouth of Cedar $300,000 to $400,000; May Creek $50,000, total estimate from $450,000 to $560,000 food damage. The letter reported preliminary investigations indicate no structural damage to any of the City's major bridges and structures including the Library and City Hall ; also reporting diversion works around Springbrook Watershed operated successfully. The letter noted the Department was hopeful that a substantial portion of repairs may be accomplished by Disaster Relief Funds. RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:10 p.m. and reconvened at 9:30 p.m. All Council- men were present at Roll Call . OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report regarding Appeal by Scarcella Brothers of Planning Commission Community Services decision of partial fill permit, reporting study made of issue Committee Report involved and the Soil Conservation Service recommendations. The committee report recommended that the Council concur in the request Scarcella Bros. Inc. of the applicant and allow the landfill and that the applicant work Appeal of Planning with the Planning Department on the landscaping requirements. MOVED Commission Decision BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION Re Landfill OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE:* Discussion ensued wherein Coun- cilman Grant noted Soil Conservation representative Bill Cokely' s comments that S. C. S. would not object to specific alternate wetland areas. .Alan Austin, 1515 Norton Blgd. , Seattle, representing Scar- sella Brothers, Inc. questioned landscaping required and noted favor- able attitude toward voluntary contribution to preservation and main- tenance of wildlife habitat in lieu of landscaping if a savings was realized. Councilman Stredicke noted existence of fund for wildlife preservation and also noted reduction which could be made in landscap- ing with resultant savings to be contributed to the preservation of wildlife habitats. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL AMEND MOTION TO CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE BY DECLARING THE CITY COUNCIL DOES FIND IMPACT ON ENVIRONMENT BUT SINCE DEVELOPER HAS PRESENTED LANDSCAPING PLAN TO THE CITY THIS IS MITIGATION FOR LOSS OF WILDLIFE HABITAT.** Grant further explained this would meet SEPI reauirements: Council would overturn Planning Commission rwf.. r , ' - ._. . , . .,. , . . • . ..; , 9a),,,,,,c)-- , . . . ..:. v,.. r. , • . . ,.,. , . . . . . . , , . . .,.::. .. ....,.,.. ,,,, ., . . • pF R�A. .1 .. , . . . „, „.• 4,. 7 , . . , • .„. 4., r- , z o OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY• RENTON,WASHINGTON 0 .0„ I ' POST OFFICE BOX CM 100 2nd AVENUE BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 26055 255.8678 , Q� ��� I GERARD M.SHELLAN,CITY ATTORNEY LAWRENCE J.WARREN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY glF4 sEPZ�� October 29 , 1975 . The Boeing Commercial -Airplane. Cotpany . • Box 3707 Seattle, WA' 9812r+ Attention : Mr. Robert Morgan, Property Manager 'i/S 75-66 . • ' Re: Vacation of Logan Ave. N. , Gentler:en: dedication to City of portion of ., Park Ave. N. , etc This is in iiursuance of our 'recent discussions regarding the proposed • vacation of a portion of. Logan Avenue North and old Lake Washington ' • Blvd. North : abutting premises owned by your Company and the conveyance unto the' City of certain portions of Park Avenue North for street widening putposes. :,e have .also reviewed your letter of Septerher l9 , 1075 addressed- to our ?labile Works nirector, all of which matters have also been heretofore considered by the City Council' s Transportation Committee: Our tentative conclusions at this time would be as follow, - A. The City Would agree to vacate the requested portions of street as above identified , as provided by law, and your Corr.par.y in turn would then pay unto the City the sun of t8O .128 , which payment would be made at the time .the ordinance providing for. such vacation has been duly passed. . B. ; Simultaneously with A above , your Company would execute and deliver: unto the City a Deed, in proper form, and warranting good title, to. the portions of propertv. alonp Park Avenue North. Said Deed, however, would be held in escrow and not recorded , until such ' time as the ! City elects to proceed with the street improvement project. The City would give unto the FoeinF Company timely notice before any such work is done on Park Avenue ! orth , and such notice to be at least one year, unless a lesser notice is required by reason 'of .outside funding , . and the requirement that construction must begin within a certain time period. In any such case , the City would furnish unto the -Boeing Company the rraximum notice available br ,perr'itted. . C. The Boeing Company shall bear, at its expense , all casts of relocating; Company-owned facilities located within the areas of Park Avenue 'North to he deeded to the City , as set forth in paragraph S hereinabove., Allof such relocation trust take place, after notice • thereof by the City unto your Company, and such ;•pork must proceed - in a timelyHand expedit' m r. . 1 Page. Two sir. Robe .t. .tior an October 9' : :1975.. ' We would .suggest that you consider the.,above at an early date and advise City.;of: your final decision .and acceptance of this proposal Very truly yours , • CITY OF RENTON . ' Warren C. Connasoz: . Public Works Director Renton City Council Meeting o S 9/22/75 - Page 3 Recess MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. • Meeting recessed at 9:40 p.m. and reconvened at 9:50 p.m. Roll Call : All Councilmen present. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett established the week of October 5 Fire Preventior through 11 , 1975 as Fire Prevention Week and urged community organi- Week zations and citizens to take part in coordinated effort for fire 10/5 - 11/75 safety. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. D.A.V Proclamation of Mayor Garrett declared October 1 , 1975 as D.A.V. Bicentennial Bicentennial Medal Project Day and continuing through October 31 , Medal Project 1975, urging all citizens to support the Disabled American Veterans Day - 10/1/75 and Auxiliary in promoting sales of the official 1975 Bicentennial Medal or Stamp-Medal combination. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. Disabled American Veterans, Valley Chapter No. 12, Commander Lou C. Anderson, 1917 Harrington Ave. N.E. , was introduced by Mayor Garrett, and explained all funds will go to the support of Bicenten- nial projects, including local as well as state and national projects. Anderson noted the organization was supplying applications to receive the medals by mail , priced $5 or $15. OLD BUSINESS Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee report recom- Bid Award mending Council acceptance of low bid of Associated Sand and Gravel Resurfacing of Co. , Inc. of Tukwila in the amount of $20,740 for resurfacing of Park Ave. N. Park Ave. N. between N. 4th and N. 8th Streets , and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , •COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND AUTHORIZE BID AWARD. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke noted this Logan Ave. project does not interfere with City's plans to acquire six-lane Street Vacation roadway through Boeing Company to section of Park Ave. N. Transporta- & Widening tion Committee Chairman Perry noted working with Boeing Company on the Logan Ave. street vacation and street widening. City Permits Councilman Stredicke noted Seattle newspaper advertisement designating availability of City, State, County and Federal permits with single loca- tion for all permits for each agency and inquired regarding such sign for City Hall . Mayor Garrett assigned Deputy Public Works Di.rec- Carco tor Bennett to investigate. Councilman Stredicke also noted need Reader Board for reader board signing at Carco Theatre as discussed with Municipal Arts , Allied Arts and Valley Community Players. Aviation Councilman Stredicke noted negotiations were continuing with Boeing Committee Company for Airport lease; that considerable response received re restaurant development on Airport with list of applicants forthcoming. First Aid Car Councilman Stredicke noted need for second aid car in the City, that upon discussion with Finance Director Marshall , some funds may be available at the end of year which could be used. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE 'MATTER OF PURCHASING OF SECOND AID CAR BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE TO REPORT BACK IN TWO WEEKS.* Stredicke also asked review of City policy not to transport victim to hospital by aid car, also review of ambulance licensing as pertains to one master license for every 30,000 population. *MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE FURTHER INVESTIGATE TRANSPORTING VICTIMS TO HOSPITAL RATHER THAN WAITING FOR AMBULANCE. CARRIED. . VOUCHERS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS NO. 6293 THROUGH NO. 6371 IN THE AMOUNT OF $180,733.39 having received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers #6286 through 6292 were machine voided. CARRIED. ORDINANCES Legislation Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented an ordinance amending Committee animal licensing for second and final readings.. Following readings by .the -Clerk of the ordinance extending license due date from 1/31 to Ordinance #2966 3/31 of each year and increasing late fee to $1 .00, it was MOVED BY Amends Animal SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL Licensing Due CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. (First reading 9/15/75) Date & Fee Renton City Council Meeting 9/22/75 - Page 4 ORDINANCES = Continued First Reading Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an ordinance Municipal Arts establishing a special fund to be known as the City of Renton Municipal Fund Arts Fund. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, City Attorney Shellan noted ordinance amended as proposed by Legislation Committee re per- centage. Following reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. Original ordinance having been drafted in April 1975, Clerk was asked that copies be made available to originating organizations. CARRIED. Ordinance #2967 Legislation Committee recommended first reading of an ordinance.amend- Separability ing #2962 (Bulk Storage Ordinance) passed by Council 9/8/75 and adding Clause re a "separability clause." Following first reading, it was MOVED BY Bulk Storage PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND Ordinance FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #2968 The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an Separability ordinance amending Ordinance #2963 (H-1 Heavy Industry of Zoning Code) Clause re and adding a"separability clause" to the ordinance adopted 9/8/75. H-1 Heavy Following first reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, , Industry THIS ORDINANCE BE FORWARDED TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Ordinance Following readings, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDI- NANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT D.A.V. Valley Chapter 12,Commander, Lou Anderson, presented Mayor Garrett with first order blank for Bicentennial medal , urging his be the first Renton order. ADJOURNMENT Council President Delaurenti noted three items to be discussed at Committee of the Whole meeting 10/2/75: Seattle Center matter, Puget Sound Governmental Conference membership and Planning Commis- sion Chairman request for purchase for 1976. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 10: 32 p.m. Delores ead, C CitY erk '/'• r ') p.'%u - " ,' 1 "t f .. . -r*. • - TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT JULY 21, 1975 • SUBJECT : LOGAN AVENUE NORTH/LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD ., STREET VACATION (BOEING) Th Transportation Committee recommends that the following ac-tions be - taken relative to the Boeing Company ' s request foie the vacation of portions of Logan Avenue North and Lake Washington Boulevard: 1 . That all utilities (water and storm sewer) in the portion of Logan Avenue North to be vacated1be conveyed to the ' Boeing Company for an amount equal to their present value . • 2. That the City negotiate a right-of-way trade with the Boeing Company in order for the City to acquire additional width on Park Avenue North for future widening purposes . The amount of additional right- of-way that the City will require from the Boeing Company will provide for a total of six through lanes plus left-turn lanes where required on Park Avenue North from North 6th Street to Garden Avenue North (See attached sketch) . 3. That the City retain a professional appraiser to appraise the right-of-way involved in the vacation and exchange to determine the present market value. • Chairmanc-4gorgeCY. Perry I Iderrriet Bruce Richard M. Stredicke GJP :mg , . N • . , ., PROPOSED WIDENING . _ , • , PARK AVE NORTH , , ,, N, 6TH, .S7: TO GARDEN AVE . . / ' / / // , . • .- // / // „, , -z\ . / , //. / / / // 1 . > \ / , \ . / 1 /// / R/w / i 1 3/ , , / / 13' II ' 11 11 7 11 /I /1 II 1 I I / . 1 1 n m SI al n A n 0 1 1 1 1 • ..,,--13-1.24-..i -it t A N. 10TH, ST i - I 1 I.I ! 4, + .1 i „ 1 1I 1 .. • 1 . .. I 1111 R/N , ' II 9.5 11 II I 1 1 / 11 1 1, 9 , «LV 1 0 _fl M Fa_ n kl I k e - i , . -... it I I I , II ' I 1 . 11 11 - I II`_ • . I it I i R/w R/w . l ® , / 9.5 ' II ' lI 11 /2l 11 / I / III 7.5 L _-I I 1 1 a a a a.a a d �L I I ijl., 1*=-- -- t t I . 1 . ! , III I N. 8TH. ST, I Cr : , - • 1 I l %w P, Re .- , , 1 , I I i I I I I 9.5I !I n 11 1I rA ril.n 12 11 Pa II IS • 1 ! 7 _ ., , . '' 1 I l• 1 ck,t, e -.-irn . 1 4? , , i_ .1 R • R/w Ii I iI i� I I III 1 9.5' !i ' I , ' 11 / 12 ' 11 ' 11' Ili 75' I I I I i. ‘ e e .* 1 f f 1 ... I 1 1 ('- i' I Il' 1 . :.-2•1''''' t N 6TH. ' ST. - . • - . -- • - IL - -' ' - - - --1-- -17- -- ' - - ,_---- ae- , 4 Q GEC �� . i�c��L c�„ 1 1J i Renton Ci y Council 7/21/75 Meeting - Page 3 AUDIENCE COMMENT - Continued Creative Arts Carco Theatre Manager, Steve Rabon. (Park Dept.), reported success of Festival Festival 7/19 and 20 with increase of 2,500 persons in attendance for total of 7,500 with 10,000 anticipated for next year'. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from City Clerk Mead, reported receipt of petition for annexa- Inner Harbor tion of Inner Harbor as filed by Boeing Airplane Company whose signa- Annexation ture represented 100% of the eligible assessed valuation. • The letter noted circulation of, the petition was authorized by Council 7/7, and Public Hearing recommended the date of Monday, August 18, 1975 be set for Public 8/18/75 Hearing on the proposed annexation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND SET HEARING. CARRIED. Surplus Equipment Letter from Purchasing Agent Church asked resolution be adopted declar- 7 4-dr Sedans ing surplus seven vehicles within the Equipment Rental Fund which 1 Station Wagon have been replace and also three pieces of equipment in the Fire 1 Fire Truck Department for disposition which will not be replaced. The letter 1 trailer mou ted noted equipment would be disposed of by sealed bid. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, pump SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PURCHASING AGENT AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. . Downtown Letter from P. R. Thorn, Manager of J. C. Penney Co. , Inc. , Renton, Redevelopment noted growing opposition to planters located on 3rd Ave. and opposed any program that would eliminate any portion of the "new" downtown redevelopment; .noting touring professionals agree that the approach taken by the City in the restoration is the best on the entire Pacific Coast. The letter expressed the belief that the business community and property owners should step, forward and plan and create any new off street parking, noting willingness to serve on any committee. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Mayor Garrett noted Asst. Plan- ning Director Magstadt was meeting with the downtown businessmen. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER THE SUBJECT MATTER OF FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF THE CORE AREA TO THE COMMUNITY SERV- ICES COMMITTEE. Councilman Grant asked that committee look into the matter of City participation in parking facility. MOTION CARRIED. Heather Downs Letter from City Clerk Mead reported receipt of petition for sanitary Proposed LID 297 sewers in the vicinity of Heather Downs Divisions No. 1 and 2 and Sanitary Sewers recommended that the petition bearing 117 signatures be referred to the Public Works Department to check validity of signatory ownerships. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER PETITION TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report Driver recommending the City request the State to proceed with the planned Warning project to install a "surveillance control and driver information System system," which will provide signs and other devices to advise motor- for Freeways ists of congestion and problems on the freeway networks including I-405 and Renton "S" curves. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Transportation ' Transportation Committee report recommended the following actions be Committee Rpt. taken relative to the Boeing Company' s request for the vacation of portions of Logan Ave. N. and Lake Washington Blvd. : (1 ) Convey all Logan Ave. N. . & utilities (water & storm sewer) in the vacation portion of Logan Ave Lake Washingt n N. to the Boeing Co. for an amount equal to their present value. Street Vacation (2) Negotiate a right-of-way trade with Boeing Co. to acquire addi- tional width on Park Ave. N. to provide for future expansion to six through lanes plus left-turn lanes on Park Ave. N. from N. 6th Street to Garden Ave. N. (3) The City retain professional appraiser to determine present market value of right-of-way involved. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT INCLUDING THE RETENTION OF AN APPRAISER AND REFER THE MATTER BACK TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Aviation Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee report which Committee Rpt. recommended termination of the R.W. Dennis & Assoc. lease on the R.W. Dennis northwest corner of the Renton Airport (occupied by Dominion Aircraft) Leasehold effective 6/1/75 (termination of present lease 11/30/76 with two Future Restaur.nt three-year renewal options) . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, Development Site COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED, Renton City Council 7/21/75 - Page 4 ' OLD BUSINESS- Continued Aviation The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be Committee Rpt. authorized to execute lease agreement with Dominion Aircraft Corp. to Dominion Aircraft continue occupancy of R.W. Dennis leasehold premises on month-to- Lease month basis effective 6/1/75,subject to a 90-day cancellation clause, based on rental rate of $800 per mo for 25,715.86 sq.ft. at $.08 per ft. per yr. plus $628.56 per mo. for the building, as recommended in recent appraisal of Robert H. Garmoe, MAI. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REQUEST. CARRIED. Renton Aviation The Aviation Committee report recommended consolidation of Parcel A Lease (Main property lease) , Parcel B (Hangar Bldg. including real property) and Real property previously known as City T and Stanke hangars under one lease agreement with 10-year term to Renton Aviation, Inc. , being currently under lease to that company. The report recommended new rate increase of $539.79 per month and includes all roads and taxiways and lease rate of $1 ,623.46 per mo. The report also recommended Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute standard lease agreement upon approval of the City Attorney. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilman Stredicke noted Renton Aviation would be responsible for removal of older build- ing. MOTION CARRIED. Public Works Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce recommended no change in the Committee Rpt. boundaries of Adams Vista LID 295,sanitary sewers, and recommended LID 295 referral to the Legislation Committee for proper ordinance. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDA- TION. Councilman Stredicke protested including within the improvement district property located outside the City limits not intended to be annexed. MOTION CARRIED. Attorney's Councilman Grant presented City Attorney Shellan's opinion of July 14, Opinion - Whether the constitutional limitation of disbursing public funds Utility Rates for the necessary support of the poor and infirm specifies any age limitation, either minimum or maximum to those who may be eligible, opinion having been requested as concerns granting of reduced utility rates to the poor and infirm Senior Citizens. The opinion quotes applicable Attorney General Opinion and historical reasons for extend- ing benefits to qualified senior citizens, and advises that if the special utility benefits are extended to other than senior citizens who are poor and infirm, the City should establish written standards setting forth the qualifications that would have to be met as well as definite guidelines when such benefits would terminate. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER COMMUNICATION TO THE HUMAN RESOURCES COORDINATOR AND THE HUMAN RIGHTS AND AFFAIRS COMMISSION TO READ AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Finance & The Finance & Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert presented com- Personnel mittee report recommending that the Council concur in the Mayor's Committee Rpt. appointment of Mrs. Joan Walker to the Renton Planning Commission, term to expire January 1 , 1977. Mrs. Walker, being, present, explained Planning her work with planning committees and interest in the City. MOVED BY Commission STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND Appointment CONCUR IN MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. Downtown Parking The Finance and Personnel Committee report recommended the appropri- Signs ation of $900 from excess cash in Street Fund into Traffic Engineer- ing budget account 104/15. 542.64.23.00 for five additional public parking signs, and the matter be referred to the Legislation Com- mittee for ordinance. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. Councilman Stredicke noted the new parking signs were not visible until the driver was flush with the sign and asked that a sign be designed to give advance direction; Mayor Garrett asked the Public Works Director to note request. MOTION CARRIED. Management Finance & Personnel Committee report made the following recommenda- Employees Salary tions effective August 1 , 1975: (1 ) An 11% salary adjustment be Increase granted to non-represented management employees at a cost of $28,130 and for the Mayor, Attorney, Assistant Attorney and Police Judge at a cost of $3,398 and the funding as follows: $22,641 from excess revenue in Current fund, $3,458 excess cash in Street Fund, $1 ,800 excess cash in Library Fund, $2,542 excess cash in Water Fund Jolt ® cra � ir�a� ee. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 12 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 P. . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER M yor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called t e meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to C 11 the Roll . ROLL CALL OF CIARLES J. DELAURENTI, Council President; GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. COUNCIL STTIREDICKE, EARL CLYMER, KENNETH D. BRUCE, HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J. GRANT. MOTION CARRIED (Councilman Stredicke requested the Clerk record his dissenting vote). Councilman Grant arrived at 8:30 p.m. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; DEL BENNETT, Deputy Public Works Director; DON STARK, Administrative Assistant; ED TORKELSON, Data Processing Manager; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF MAY 5, 1975, AS PREPARED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- , . Street Vacation lished according to law, Mayor Garrett reconvened the continued Public Portions of Hearing to consider vacation of a portion of Logan Ave. N. lying north of Logan Ave. N. & 6th St. and a portion of Lake Washington Blvd. N. near the intersec- Lake Washington ion of Park Ave. N. and access to FAI 405, which had been requested by Blvd. N. Boeing Commercial Airplane Company. Report from Board of Public Works ghairman Bennett found no objection to the proposed vacations, however, Continued from a�Ils a condition, recommended that the North 6th/Park Ave. route be sub- 5/5/75 stituted as the corridor for any future considerations of extension Of SR 515 and that the Public Works Department and the Transportation t Committee be authorized to negotiate an appropriate exchange of right- , of-way for the North 6th/Park Ave. North corridor and resolve the matter i of utility easements. Upon inquiry, Deputy Public Works Director noted this recommendation coincides with the Public Works Department recomnen- ration. Transportation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee eport recommending: (1 ) That the Council concur in Board of Public orks recommendation to vacate said portions; (2) That the N. 6th/Park Ave. route be substituted as a corridor for future extension of SR 515; t (3) That the Public Works Department and Transportation Committee be : authorized to negotiate an appropriate exchange of right-of-way for the N.6th/Park Ave. N. corridor and resolve the matter of any utility asements; and recommended that assessment totaling no more than 50% the appraised value of the vacation be charged. Councilman Perry noted 30 days would be needed by the Public Works Department for deter- mination regarding easements,and study of Six-Year Street Plan would be gomnenced in order to coordinate with Transportation Committee report. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL REAFFIRM PLAN FOR EXTENSION OF SR515 FROM GRADY WAY TO NORTH RENTON INTERCHANGE,DESIGNATING N.6th/Park R. . r THE ROUTE AS OTHER THAN BURLINGTON NORTHERN TRACK RIGHT-OF-WAY. CARRIED. Coridor from Corri or I 405, MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN BOARD-OF-PUBLIC Easements & R/W WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORTS AND THE COUNCIL REFER THE TTER WORKS DEPARTMENT To Be Arranged. CARRIEDBACK MOVEDTOTHE BY STREDICKEATRANSPORTT SECONDED IBYEE DELAURENTIAND ICPUBLIC HEARING BE. CLOSED. CARRIED. (See later comment Page 5. ) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- G. Schneider ished according to law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing to con- Application for ider the Application of Gerald E. Schneider for Rezone from GS-1 to R-2 „Aeezone f 10 acres located on Monroe Ave. N.E. between N.E. 6th and N.E. 4th Streets proposed as condominium/townhouse apartment complex, being in agreement with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Letter from Gerald E. Schneider withdrew application for R-2 zoning for property east Of Monroe Ave. N.E. for the reason that funds and interest rates previously acceptable for the proposed development are no longer available, claiming delays in processing of application made this action necessary. Renton City Council 5/12/75 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Schneider Letter from C.A.U.S.E. Co-chairman, Michael L. Smith, 3402 N.E. 7th St. , Rezone expressed thanks to those listening to views and giving assistance, be- Request ing disappointed that strength of opposition was not presented. The letter Withdrawn reviewed growth in the area and asked that all rezone proposals be halted until the Comprehensive Land Use Plan has been updated, realizing that the Highlands area is next priority for updating of Plan. Mr. John Tilton, 3511 N.E. 6th St. , C.A.U.S.E. Co-chairman, expressed thanks for cooperation and was both pleased and disappointed in the withdrawal of the rezone application. Councilman Delaurenti noted Hearing was scheduled because of Council concern for the peoples wishes. Councilman Stredicke called attention to correlation between Gerald Schneider and Dura Develop- ment Co. , developers of Honeydew Apartment Complexes, and took issue with alleged delay in processing. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED DELAURENTI , CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Moved by Clymer, seconded by Schellert, that no action be taken on the Schneider Rezone request. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, THAT COUNCIL ACCEPT MR. SCHNEIDER'S LETTER FOR WITHDRAWAL 'OF REZONE REQUEST. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , CITY STAFF TO REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL RELATIVE TO PUBLIC EASEMENTS ON N.E. 6th STREET FOR POSSIBLE VACATION; COUNCIL CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING. Stredicke explained a street vacation may be needed to prevent access into residential area from future development,which would be determined upon receipt of report. MOTION CARRIED. (Time: 8:25 p.m. ) (See later Motion Page 5. ) CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Robert D. Martindale, 616 Stevens Ave. N.W. , requested street Street Vacation vacation of a portion of Lake View Boulevard separating his lots 349 and Portion of 350 in C.D. Hillmans Division No. 5, which is unusable for a roadway as Lake View Blvd. it falls off 60 foot cliff. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER STREET VACATION REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO CHECK VALIDITY OF SIGNATURES. CARRIED. Senior Citizens A petition bearing 161 signatures asked that relief be granted to Senior Garbage Rates Citizens in regard to the present mandatory garbage/refuse collection and disposal rates. The petition noted the two-can mandatory fee is excessive as Senior Citizens normally have less than one full can; that income is paid out for service not necessary or utilized; that 319 residences of owners with limited incomes now receive special water/ sewer rates and as Senior Citizens incomes cannot keep up with general inflationary increases, relief is petitioned in order to assist them to live. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL ACCEPT THE PETITION AND REFER SAME TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMEN- DATION. CARRIED. Summons & A Summons and Complaint for False Arrest and for Damages was filed Complaint against the City by Steven J. Krebs and Kathryn Krebs, claiming Krebs S.J. Krebs was falsely charged with auto theft on 10/4/74 causing damages totaling $10,794.75. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , REFER MATTER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Fireworks Stand City Clerk Mead presented 8 Fireworks Stand Applications received from: Applications Renton Emblem Club, Renton Hilands Lions, llth District Demos, St. 6/28 thru 7/5/75 Andrews Presby. Youth, VFW Aux. #1263, Coalfield 5* Club, Ace Fireworks Co. and Affairs Unlimited Softball . The Clerk noted 11 stands could be licensed in accordance with Code provisions, application period ending 4/30 each year. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, APPLICATIONS BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Proposed Letter from the Board of Public Works noted review of proposed annexa- Annexation tion of property in the vicinity of Maple Valley Hwy. east of Orton Rd. W.D. 90 and determined that the annexation by Water District #90 does not impact the City and reported no response to the Boundary Review Board will be . necessary. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS' RECOMMENDATION AND NO RESPONSE NECESSARY TO THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. Discussion ensued wherein the Clerk was asked to notify the Boundary Review Board by letter if necessary and the MOTION CARRIED. y ) , Renton City Council. 5/12/75 Page 5 ORDIINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS.- Continued Ordinance #2932 The Legislation' Committee 'report.recommended second and final readings Street Vacation for an ordinance vacating a portion of County Road #80 at the Renton County Road #80 Shopping Center as requested by Robert Edwards, having been placed on first reading on 5/5/75. Following reading, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: AUL .AYES. MOTION CARRIED. First Readingg. T e Legislation Committee"report recommended first reading with,.referral Rezione G to MP back to committee on an ordinance rezoning property from General Classifi- (Agostino) c4tion Distri.ct..G to Manufacturing Park District M-P, located E.Va1ley .Hwy. Following reading,MOVED BY STREDI'CKE, ,SECONDED; BY' SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE. REFERRED BACK TO, THE ,LEGISLATION COMMITTEE.,., CARRIED. First Reading The 'Legislation, Committee report recommended first reading only for Rezone G9600-L-1 ah ordinance. rezoning property on East Valley Freeway at SW 43rd' St. , (Allenbach) from MOVEDGBY6CLLYMERtoI,'igSECONDED' B SCHELLERTLht Indust District r'ORDINANCEiBE.REFERRED BACKaTO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance #2933 The Legislation Committee report recommended first, .second and, final Appropriation readings on an ordinance appropriating funds from Excess Revenue to Fire College Department and;Data Processing ,in. the amount of '$965. and".to Water. Work-Stud Maintenance in the amount. of $1 ,950 for college work study students. y SECONDED BY DELAURENTI Programs "following first reading,. it was MOVED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL .ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO, SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. . . Following readings, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI,. SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ,ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading egis1atlon Committee Chairman Clymer presented ordinance establishing. Establishing 'and creating a; "Department. of Data Processing" providing for appointment Data Processing 'of Director, specifying duties and matters relating thereto. Follow- Department ing .reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI',. SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE, LEGISLATION COMMITTEE.' ; . CARRIED. Street Vacation Councilman Grant inquired of the Logan Ave. Street Vacation requested Logan Ave. N. by Boeing Commercial Airplane Company and asked that plans include the trail on either' Park. Ave. .'N., or' Logan Ave. N.' .as., planned,' and hoped that the Boeing.Company would participate in funding such a trail . AUDIENCE COMMENT Mrs. Marlene.:Bronson, inquired further regarding 'Honeydew Apt:.; access, favoring„ forty-foot roadway. Mr. Mike Smith recalled letter presented earlier during Schneider Rezone (1st Paragraph Page .2),' and asked that rezonesbe halted. until update of Comprehensive Plan. MOVED BY DELAURENTI', SECONDED BY PERRY,,, COUNCIL REFER REQUEST OF MR. SMITH TO HALT REZONES, TO; THE COMMITTEE, OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION:., CARRIED.. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, MEETING ADJOURN: The regular meeting of the City Council adjourned at 11 :00 p.m. . De o . Mead, it Clerk wARRAh-.T OISTRIUUTION S/LP/75 FUYO TOTAL WARRANTS AP Peh,/Wei Vol t/164#'9&6 - 443/, CURRENT FUN6� Voioe 04- . - $9.90 • ��/� '�J9, 9',� ' PARK FUND $4043115b STREET FUND OS/ 711140 wATERoiORKS ,UTILIYiY FUND S8,0605111 . AIRPORT FUNJ' 412E3639 EQUIPMENT RENTA6 d7+ 906i4b TOTAL OF ALL 0ARRANTS wE� THE 14NPERSIUNEO MEMSERs Off' THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF RENTQN : CITY COUNCIL, MAVINU RECEIVED DEPARTMENTAL CERTIFICATION T►iA1' • MERCHANDISE AND/PR SERVICES NAVtr. bEE.N RECEIVED Ok RENDERED, PO HERESY ' APPROVE FOR PAYMENT VQUCNERb NO, 4JI4 THROUQH NO, 4407 IN THE AMOUNT rep ®sd. VI/ ' OF TNIE ETa " QAY OF Av . ly� _ . • COMMITTEE :ti CHAIRMAN "'` `,4' . ,-� � M MdER a ,lo- •- -� . .rla-11\-.. ME'MdER a o- a, s .a a . a w * i 286 . Revenue Warrant No.# R-4 • S99:.00 Cash Warrant' Nod • C-6 $99.00 " • • • • • ... "... ..,. . . .. of ,. . .. 'I'„ .'Ir .I ,1� '1 ',: I. .,, . '1•• • r 1 `;! .`+ ,,.,'I.'1''. •:I : ,1 Sr': :1 •i: : `i' j,(`'•11 I' ,:Li •I• 'I rr, I• , � '. I i• ':c, ;..;:.'1, ;•. S • ( 'I'' 1�5'•',1Ii'�'•`;I�•.I•I;I'' I!1! • 'I • • ''�''• I I,.1 I1� ): •1 ;, �•, I4, i • I•'i-i. ' `• ' 1..'' {.IA 1yi1;.-. _ ,1�, ' . ,•ri!;',, r , . tI i' ' • III ',.1,•' ' I'I ' 1,,''1'i � � ' I I.' .'I. '.]' •I,r" 1• r ;'•M1t ' ,.. „ ',',:: '` a;,I1,1 . I,i I I , 1 ' . ,l; : !� ; 1 I. l, ' 'r: L, , '1','J, ', ,I ,')': ,lf• i i• J'1' '1,1: `' ;� T TIO COMMITTEE REPORT 4 ,• ;,I•. ',� I; TRANSPOR A N :,�+,',,'I• t 11,,.,1�:J' • .1�,..' # .1' '' .. i t 1 '1' ., : .: •t .i, i '). ':'1 i• ,• `• ''•' • • MAY 12, 1975• . „'I' • .,. ;,,;, I,, „ - , ''' III :?. ,il'. •'I 11 „II', 'J1. *d.5,,,• ,.,,.' `"•';I' The ,Transportation Committee, "having met' on,,'E'riiday `''May,l,,nyny ;' '''" 1'975, recommends ,the, following:, ' . ''I:ia, .',:,-',1; .,. ` '''' ',•' <I '1 TY at 'the Council' concur ',in the recommendation!.of '.the°.',:'' <' ' I'' " ,"''` Board•'of Public Works '' to 'vacate a port•ison'';pt;!�Log'an :}; ,;``' ''<<'I•' , .•'F's' i' " •i Street and Lake..Washin ton Boulevard,'; .;',,:,, ; ?;,''!' . ,i ' I , g. , .'Irk, '.V.• :.�l,., 1 ,+ I,. •I�' ,'' "r .1 That' the North' 6t'h/Park Avenue 'route be substituted•i ) ; 4' ' 'I• ' ' ' ' 2 , as a 'corridor for' ',future considerati'ons .'of'.''extensi'ons. ''' ,'I,', �' "'.I J ',I,, "1'I', :n• , ,),: 1•.. _yi I 1 I•,Yi .'•,. ,I• ' ';.' Of SR 515.; ','Iri' 1 ;.1,1'j,L IIF/ 1,' ' 'IiI' • �'• `.I,i .II.. I' , ,� .. ,II.•'.,r 'I. r ,i,•i.',' � �i�Si1.: r %;II '�'1�: :I., I .I.1..I �1., y . ,. .• 'I - J I I ..r , +. ,,J .1•`� ('' :J''. �3' -Arid. that the 'Public .Works Department and'°T'ranspor.tatidn,• , •J,, :'', Committee be authorized to .negotiate an appropriate', ,`' `, ,;,,:'' IJ•' • exchange of• right-of-way for the.,North '16th/Park_"Avenue' - North corridor and resolve; .the matter 'of 'any- uti'litsr,,;l:, ` ', J � •` J, .:i easements .1 '', i" ' I•' {l+:'t',,'. '/''l s'!': :1, .. , I ','I .':` .,' I ':: ',a; ' ':The! •Committee further 'recommends :that• an)I' � assessment,' totcllnQ` ,,•,„ •.I,; no more than 50% of the '..appraised value of the',.vacati'o,.,b'e ,.:, ,lchar�{e '; . l` );; rr`i°;.i • .'I'. •I'1� •.I. il'• ., 'I r,• • ,: I,•'1. 1, I .{i );I: '}',� GF I .r • 'f • ''li•', , 'i (, 1 �r 11, I 1 :l .f'' ',, , , , �!I :hi . . ;,' ,j' , ,11" II),,I 1,''i• 'ICI,, I, .',' •, 'I �.•��, •'il -p• 'I' '�+ I' '���r'It',• II,.I,P.., ,., , I I ° � `1`•'. ,, ,'1' 'i '1„,�I �11,+I,.'�:1'uit I;�•"'r i''�I: .'I•.!� Chairm eor J': ;,Perry • ,1. I;..Ji', i, r11' ,I • .I: ,.I'. ,:I,,'I 11 - o.'":•'t•f,r;•',','• •,• ,1`' . • • +. 'I •',••I i'1'�'•'f� • 1 .:.,1i.'•7„ ':1' '!i 'l i I ,1. ' r;,F' �' . ,;;; .�i I. • ,, r, .:I{ I. ' .II,'•{ '`i,lr. :,''"l •'I •,I ., , • Richard M. e�icke . • r �' •+:•I' ''I t '•I ' ice '•' ,i,l:' ''•' ''iit,,r J,'' 'I: a r,1I1{f,•.'}'�•i 1 rod `` '',, 1'„ •.', '!.'',� • J� r, ,• ii:' il, U I' Pil\,ii:;i�;�*.k,..+,ff�i7,i,'':. 'll _ •II 1 '� J ,J':1•, 1 11'Ir' a,l• I: :I,t '1-., ? . Charles J • ';1. •;; .Ic;: 'I: Delaurenti ,;,,''.,;•;, ';; - ',. ., ! : • :1•,, •`;f;7• 'i'71`::4•,rr.;•1',j'I',:,..i; :,. :!.' ' •i II: ,• L1, " 'ft; .!'• 17.. '' .s-Ji' ;•!':;!;i'. ,4� " . I" it y :i d�'' 'h'I' ''i'rr �i,;'•-I' rir" I�p `{. -•1 1 I ) r•.. ' _•' ' i 'I l•`':jl•) I:' ;a J.Y ;1',{'',1'��'. ,i,:'• �:„ •I 1 '„J,•h'��a �;l i 47 1 I I I i• • ' 'I• �•s'! l �•r,'i '� . �JI,i'', i, .'I�';' ';, , jl; •'V ,1 . . •+•r ,r ' •J �•.' .i ,1;iJl� ,, r ,:[ ', r r' ,I:Ji ; ,1�1(JI''i ,- /1��/ , '�1' 'i{• II Al• i: ''�' '•il 1 ." I i,. " Ijd1 j :I • Kennet • Bruce 'I :I •; :I '1, �� �zi, -y�: 5','; `I ' ' • I1•,, ���,, • g� .ors-�'-� '.�:' ���-� T- �•:� , ) � �r' "'� i; m 4JGI,f`C.,.' • is; ,,• (;.;!!: 'a. .,: . �r 'I,I.1' II :r !''1 '.II• r,r I •, I. //-.. %� /,i;4:•.I,„�'I�,1-!:�j; •. I •i`1'� .'fir' ''{: • L• ,It •J• •r(` •'y7 7 •J „4,r G':•,�1, r • I: 11, ;,�: I ;,;•, II 1: , .✓, � '1 I%,• •, _ • /^L J'•i it•i'�;.1" 'I• •+,: ?.I',f::a'' f:l,:,,,. ')' it�"� 'ir''•. 'Ys, "r�//• // ri// 1•.( .'�G•I.��D 1'' ',(//.''��/� l,. • ,'• r);., j1' �,r:'' ,i i +.�,•,•i, , 1','I.''I'' •!I.'''' Ir:,'l.'I',.;• rV/ 1,5 '/C .^.. I iF� I, /' '' •i :: ,'I .1;• -. 'a�'• ,�: ,i`r V. ,A, t,.i•'Ij" .�{ 'I''' 61•' J - ,l .1Le "1 �'' '�:i! ' •'Ji:•i, 1.. ,d1, •.I, .}'i r�'I':, ir;i'•�. ' '',q,_,1`.'r:�._ �,,: .:•, ., `i+i(•.l',.v,• •'i . i r• �'r�� •• ,.,i�'rV,r:�!-, �° , .. '!'I,.. � ,.s;t.:;-};,,,. ''r....... 1.1_r,'i•Irl� .. ..,. .r , U �� ® , .• 1 { BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS • RENTON, WASHINGTON a al , " : o .MUNICIPAL'BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON„WASHINGTON 98055':• I•BA8-3310 , I 9 I „ I• , , 'Qr CAPITAL° , ,,, I. , • Honorable Avery Garrett, 'Mayor ' ' Members I,of the City Council ' ' • ,I Re: ' Proposed Street Vacations--Portion of Lake Washington' Boulevard . , , Portion of Logan Avenue North ' ' ' 'Gentlemen: , ' ' The Board of Public Works has reviewed the above-referenced , ,, . ,; ',;,';, proposal for street vacations including both traffic and utility ' ' ' considerations . As at result of its review, the Board hereby : ' , ' reports no objections to the proposed vacation of a, portion of. .' . , ' '' ' Lake Washington Boulevard and a portion of Logan Avenue North.', As , . a condition 'of the vacations , however, it is recommended that- the ' ' North 6th/Park Avenue' route be substituted as the corridor for ,any, ; ; ' future considerations of extension, of SR 515 and 'that the Public''.' t` ' ' Works Department and the Transportation Committee be authorized to 'i;' ' negotiate an appropriate exchange, of right-of-way for, the . North''•6th/.'r, 'I . ' 'Park Avenue North corridor and, resolve the matter' of any utility,,; , , , , easements . , ' ' , Sincerely, . ' • • D NNE''TT • . " Chairman. , ti , call A , A A'K , ,::. , �):1 ' Ji. r � • , ' ,J'.i^ 17 t.,1 :'. 'd^7r C„f'.,. .7 I ' ., 7'7, • 1, y, b.. , . ' ' r ,. • , ' . r ( .r.___'.. . rt , I :, , I ' `' J 5 „ ' rr' 'f..„,,T ,;Y',' 4r I - ',,, , ,i'. fir.. , '' '', , 1 , ' V °,ce ' , 71;E4, ...y4.)1.1 .�..4'I ' II , . ' ,y , '. ,prI' , ' +, ,i "ri�.' , . I,' .�.. r ?' ` , r1 ; ll' J J' i /'t% . :"'' l h,r'1a� ,,dy�'.', f i;�' 1 I I i'!I"'i.f d;f`' + ,a i ,'`''', , I 1- �� OCR Iti , Q v t , ' "fir•rflr'IM).P:`'" ,i'� „ •�. G` L� [[--.D •• �,' , .r ,'I:' CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 12th day of May , 19 7; , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Vacation of a portion of Logan Avenue North, north of North 6th Street as requested by The Boeing Company. Continued Hearing from May 5, 1975 • An and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON 7f.ea Delores A. Mead , C ty Clerk • DA E OF' PUBLICATION Moy 9, 1975 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss . COUNTY OF KING ) I , hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one ccpy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of , 19 Signed ATTEST : • Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. • 1 i _ CITY OF RENTON ! ' • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City \,Council has fixed the' 12th day of May , 19 7c, , at 8 : 00 ,P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building , Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Vacation of a portion of Logan Avenue North, north of North 6th Street as requestedby The Boeing Company. 1 Continued Hearing from May 5, 1975 Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON ibielitbdJa .60..0( Delores A. Mead , C ty Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION May19, 1975 41%)(f. ' A ifidavit of Publication STATE OFj WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. • L being g first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that .G}1 . is the phic,fe...c.i.G�,tc of THE RENTONIRECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That said newspaper' is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid placeof publication of said newspaper. That the Renton Record-Chronice has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King _ _- -- County, -- - Not. public Washington.That the annexed is a hoaxing Logan 8.ri Ay. 10T CEMI OF ©F RENiro"WIN - - 'NOTICE O PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN as it was published in regular issues (and that the Renton City Council has not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue fora period (fixed the 12th day of May, 1975,at i 8:00 p.m.in the Council Chambers of one consecutive issues, commencing on the Hof the Renton Municipal Building, Renton,Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider 9 day of �'-3Y , 19 75.., and ending the I the following: Vacation of a portion of Logan. Avenue North, north of North 6th 1 Street as requested by The Boeing day of , 19 ,both dates Company. inclusive, and'that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its p Continued Hearing from May 5, subscribers d ring all of said period.That the full amount of the fee 11975 Any and all interested,persons charged for the foregoing publication is the'sum of$....$. which are invited toa be present to voice has beenpaid in full at the rate of samoval,disapproval or opinions on per folio of one hundred words same. for the first inslertion and per folio of one hundred words for each CITY OF RENT ON subsequent insertion. Delores A.Mead,City Clerk Zj I Published in the Renton'Record LChronicle May 9,1975.R3227 1 OW clerk, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9 day of 1-44.924- Notary Publi�:nd for the State of Washington, . resi. :t Renton,King County. —Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective June 9th,1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. drr Affidavit of Publication ' - STATE OFF WASHINGTON COUN Y OF KING ss. u.''1"Ld being first duly sworn on oath, deposes says that ..�. .J.,is the to44 c.,... of THE RENTON(RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri % eiTy ii' sgaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now - and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the --- __._ aforesaid plat of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton -;,. , Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of :OITY CP RENTON the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, KingNEO,TICE I PUBLIC HEARING ' County, • RENTON CITY COUNCIL. Washington.That the annexed is a Not" ��`i�''�y C NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 12th day of May, 1975,at 1':€hz'�11" ,t, 11 r'."v a '8:00 p.m.in the Council Chambers �of the Renton Municipal Building, I Renton,Washington as the time and as it was published in regular issues (and place for a public hearing to consider not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period the following: • , Vacation of a portion of Logan, Avenue.North, north of North 6th of 0T"' consecutive issues, commencing on the I Street as requested by The Boeing: I Company. Continued Hearing from May 5, �}, ry 11975 day of E''(1 i' , 19 i. ., and ending the Any and all interested persons fare invited to be present to voice day of , 19 , both dates ;approval,disapproval or opinions on I same. inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its I subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee i CITY OF RENTON,' ' Derores A.Mead,City Clerlf Published in the Renton Record charged for thie foregoing publication is the sum of$.... 5.�......which ;Chronicle May 9, 1975:R3227 has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent insertion. -` G //)-) . aly al ,z Subscribed and sworn to before me this `;) day of , Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton,King County. —Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective June 9th,1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co.rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. • RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 5 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to call the roll. ROLL CALL OF CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, Council President; GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. COUNCIL STREDICKE, EARL CLYMER, KENNETH D. BRUCE, HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J. GRANT. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL 'MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; DICK GEISSLER, Assistant Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director'; VERN CHURCH', Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; DON STARK, Administrative Aide; GENE COULON,, Park & Recreation Director. Special Mayor Garrett introduced members of the Renton High School Government Recognition class who assumed administrative and legislative positions through the day and during Council meeting: Larry Maust, Assoc. Mayor; Priscilla, Student Parrott, Council President; Mark Murakami , Acting Fire Chief; Terry Participation Olson, Acting Park and Recreation Director; Carol Schwendeman, Acting Police Chief; Steven Zemanck, Acting Finance Director; Michelle Pearce, Acting Public Works Director; Planning Director and Assistant, Josette Oliveira from Brazil and Savina Pflug from Germany; Acting Librarian Mauri Kaipainen from Finland; Clyde Shelton, Acting Administrative Asst.- PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- Street Vacation' lished according to law, Mayor Garrett opened the Hearing to consider Portions of vacation of a portion of Logan Ave. N. , lying north of N. 6th Street and Logan Ave. N. & 'a portion of Lake Washington Bld. N. near the intersection with Park Lake Washington Ave. N. and access to I 405 as requested by Boeing Commercial Airplane Co. Blvd. N. Letter from W. Bogart, State District Enq. ,recognized the extension of SR 515, north of its present terminus with SR 900 to the North Renton Interchange at I-405, was placed on the Puget Sound Governmental Confer- ence 1990 Transportation Plan, that a need exists for transportation facility in that corridor, however, based on the description of State highway route at SR 515, as established by the Legislature, that plan- ing at this time for an arterial in this corridor must be retained by the City until such time that a subsequent study. is conducted establish- �ng a specific corridor, and that some responsibility associated with that corridor is given to the State Highway Department by legislative action. Mr. Michael 'Darland, Director of Transportation Planning Division of Puget Sound Governmental Conference, used 'slides ,to present information t)yhich was made available to The Boeing Co. ' s Property Manager, R. Morgan. on 3/20/75, noting two potential implications of their 1990 Regional Transportation System Plan: Recognition of the need for future tie be-, 1ween the completed section of SR 515 and I-405; and the provision of exclusive transit way(s) for, peak-hour operation between SR 522 in the north and I-5 in the south shared with carpools between SR 522 and fE 12th St. serving the communities of Bothell., Kirkland, Bellevue, enton and Tukwila. Mr. Darland explained long range transportation Fenton showing East Lake Washington corridor with widening of I-405 and. use of railroad r/w in this corridor for implementation of transit recom- mendations that additional corridor will be required by 1990,that devel- opment of transit within this section could be, alternative to providing Boeing Reps. additional auto-vehicle lanes on I-405. Mr. Robert G. Johnston,Director R. Morgan Of Civic & Governmental Affairs for Boeing, introduced Boeing' representa- H. Blangey t?ves with Mr. Richard Archer, Planning Engineer, using charts to explain D. Potter. the Boeing Airplane Company's proposed, use of .Loan Ave. N. and Lake . R. Archer Washington Blvd. N. upon vacation of those right -of-ways as petitioned. R. Johnston Mr. Archer explained that company's desire to unify the plant which is. d vided by Logan Ave. N. which would reduce number of gates and guard Renton City Council 5/5/75 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Street Vacation stations required, and by the positioning of entrance gates at Logan Ave. N. Logan Ave. N. and at Lake Washington Blvd. N. , reduce the amount of Lk.Wash.Blvd N. traffic along Lake Washington Blvd. Upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan noted two requirements on street vacations: Sufficiency of signatures, finding by legislative body that no present or foreseeable future need exists for the property and no resulting dariage or injury to users of that right-of-way;he inquired about easements on Logan Ave. N. , and noting need to determine whether abutting property owners would be willing to assume cost of 1/2 appraised value. Following further discussion, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, PUBLIC HEARING BE CON- TINUED FOR ONE WEEK AND REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. CARRIED. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL DECLARE RECESS. CARRIED. Meeting recessed at 9:10 p.m. and reconvened at 9:20 p.m. with all Councilmen present at Roll Call as previously shown. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and L. I. D. 274 posted as required by law, Mayor Garrett reconvened the Public Hearing Undergrounding continued from April 21 , & 28,to consider final assessments in the Utilities in amount of $227,737 for L. I.D. 274, construction and installation of Central underground power and utility lines, ornamental street lighting system Business in the downtown area. Letter from U.S. Postal Service, Real Estate District Service, San Bruno, CA, was noted which claimed exemption from local taxes. City Clerk Mead also noted the City Attorney has written to the Post Office suggesting payment in lieu of assessment because of enhancement of property value to the owner. Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted minority report_noting review of methodology of assessments for triangular pieces and of the American Legion request for exemption of a portion of their property located at 55 Williams S. The minority report noted determination that southerly 20 ft. strip is a perpetual easement used as a street access between Williams and Burnett Ave. S. and therefore recommended that the City Council approve the reduction of the American Legion assessment by $200, and that the final assessments are reasonable and equitable and the City Council confirm the final assessment roll , thereby overruling protests. Public Works Committee Member Stredicke submitted minority report recom- mending that the assessment roll for L. I .D. 274 be accepted with the following changes: (a) that assessment be eliminated from 20-ft. roadway on property owned by the American Legion and assessment accepted by the City; (b) that Council find residential areas within the LID did not benefit to the same degree as business community and assessments on those residential properties be reduced by 15% with City assuming the difference. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE COUNCIL ADOPT SECOND MINORITY REPORT (Stredicke' s report) . Public Works Direc- tor Gonnason anticipated difficulty in determining residential property from business property as entire LID area is zoned business. Gonnason noted protests received: Salvation Army, Mrs. Putman,: Dobson-Houser & Dobson, American Legion, and Charles Custer; that only, Custer' s protest asked reduction in residential assessment. Following further discussion, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, AMEND MOTION TO DELETE REFERENCE TO RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. ROLL CALL: 3 AYE: CLYMER, BRUCE, SCHELLERT; 3 NO: DELAURENTI , PERRY, STREDICKE. Tie vote broken with AYE vote cast by MAYOR GARRETT. MOTION CARRIED deleting item (b) from Stredicke' s minority report. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED confirming the assessment roll and eliminating $200 (representing 20 ft. roadway) for American Legion property. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , CITY ABSORB THE POST OFFICE ASSESSMENT, UNDER PROTEST. Councilman Perry L. I.D. 274 suggested writing to Congressman if no payment in lieu of taxes received Roll Amended from the Postal Service. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED & Confirmed BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONFIRM ROLL AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE., ($10 per f.ft. ) CARRIED. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, PUBLIC HEARING ON LID 274 BE CLOSED. CARRIED. (Time: 9:55 p.m. ) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and Honeydew Too posted as required by law, Mayor Garrett reconvened the continued Hearing Apartments to consider the further development of the proposed Honeydew Too Apart- ment Complex in the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N.E. ; continue Whitman Court N. E. Street Vacation within the Honeydew Estates residential area; dissolution of LID 288 requirements (street installation for alternate • Renton City Council 5/5/75 - Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Street Vacation stations required, and by the positioning of entrance gates at Logan Ave. N. Logan Ave. N. and at Lake Washington Blvd. N. , reduce the amount of Lk.Wash.Bly• N. traffic along Lake Washington Blvd. Upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan noted two requirements on street vacations: Sufficiency of signatures, finding by legislative body that no present or foreseeable future need exists for the property and no resulting dariage or injury to users of that right-of-way;he inquired about easements on Logan Ave. N. , and noting need to determine whether abutting property owners would be willing to assume cost of 1/2 appraised value. Following further discussion, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, PUBLIC HEARING BE CON- TINUED FOR ONE WEEK AND REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE AND THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. .CARRIED. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL DECLARE RECESS. CARRIED. Meeting recessed at 9:10 p.m. and reconvened at 9:20 p.m. with all Councilmen present at Roll Call as previously shown. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and L. I. D. 274 posted as required by law, Mayor Garrett reconvened the Public Hearing Undergrounding continued from April 21 , & 28,to consider final assessments in the Utilities in amount of $227,737 for L. I.D. 274, construction and installation of Central underground power and utility lines, ornamental street lighting system Business in the downtown area. Letter from U.S. Postal Service, Real Estate District Service, San Bruno, CA, was noted which claimed exemption from local taxes. City Clerk Mead also noted the City Attorney has written to the Post Office suggesting payment in lieu of assessment because of enhancement of property value to the owner. Public Works Committee Chairman Bruce submitted minority report_noting review of methodologv of assessments for triangular pieces and of the American Legion request for exemption of a portion of their property located at 55 Williams S. The minority report noted determination that southerly 20 ft. strip is a perpetual easement used as a street access between Williams and Burnett Ave. S. and therefore recommended that the City Council approve the reduction of the American Legion assessment by $200, and that the final assessments are reasonable and equitable and the City Council confirm the final assessment roll , thereby overruling protests. Public Works Committee Member Stredicke submitted minority report recom- mending that the assessment roll for L. I .D. 274 be accepted with the following changes: (a) that assessment be eliminated from 20-ft. roadway on property owned by the American Legion and assessment accepted by the City; (b) that Council find residential areas within the LID did not benefit to the same degree as business community and assessments on those residential properties be reduced by 15% with City assuming the difference. ' MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE COUNCIL ADOPT SECOND MINORITY REPORT (Stredicke' s report) . Public Works Direc- tor Gonnason anticipated difficulty in determining residential property from business property as entire LID area is zoned business. Gonnason noted protests received: Salvation Army, Mrs. Putman, Dobson-Houser & Dobson, American Legion, and Charles Custer; that only Custer' s protest asked reduction in residential assessment. Following further discussion, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, AMEND MOTION TO DELETE REFERENCE TO RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. ROLL CALL: 3 AYE: CLYMER, BRUCE, SCHELLERT; 3 NO: DELAURENTI , PERRY, STREDICKE. Tie vote broken with AYE vote' cast by MAYOR GARRETT. MOTION CARRIED deleting item (b) from Stredicke's minority report. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED confirming the assessment roll and eliminating $200 (representing 20 ft. roadway) for American Legion property. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , CITY ABSORB THE POST OFFICE ASSESSMENT, UNDER PROTEST. Councilman Perry L.I.D. 274 suggested writing to Congressman if no payment in lieu of taxes received Roll Amended from the Postal Service. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED & Confirmed BY PERRY., COUNCIL CONFIRM ROLL AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. ($10 per f.ft. ) CARRIED. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, PUBLIC HEARING ON LID 274 BE CLOSED. CARRIED. (Time: 9:55 p.m. ) PUBLIC HEARING This/being the date set and proper notices having been published and Honeydew Too posted as required by law, Mayor Garrett reconvened the continued Hearing Apartments to consider the further development of the proposed Honeydew Too Apart- ment Complex in. the vicinity of 1150 Union Ave. N.E. ; continue Whitman Court N. E. Street Vacation within the Honeydew Estates residential area; dissolution of LID 288 requirements (street installation for alternate RENTON. CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 5 , 1975 Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 P . M . Council , Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and asked the Clerk to call the roll. ROLL CALL OF CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, Council President; GEORGE J. PERRY, RICHARD M. COUNCIL STREDICKE, EARL CLYMER, KENNETH D. BRUCE, HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J. GRANT. CARRIED. 1 • CITY OFFICIALS AVERY .GARRETT, Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director;IDEL MEAD, City IN ATTENDANCE Clerk; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; DICK GEISSLER, Assistant Fire Chief; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BOB HUGHES, Legislative Aide; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works' Director; . VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; VIC TeGANTVOORT, Street Supt. SHARON GREEN, Personnel Director; DON STARK, Administrative Aide; GENE COULON,. Park & Recreation Director. Special Mayor Garrett introduced members of the Renton High School Government Recognition class who assumed administrative and legislative positions through the day and during Council meeting: Larry Maust, Assoc. Mayor; Priscilla Student Parrott, Council President; Mark Murakami , Acting Fire Chief; Terry Participation Olson, Acting Park and Recreation Director; Carol Schwendeman, Acting Police Chief; Steven Zemanck, Acting Finance Director; Michelle Pearce, Acting Public Works Director; Planning Director and Assistant, Josette. Oliveira from Brazil and Savina Pflug from Germany; Acting Librarian Mauri Kaipainen from Finland; Clyde Shelton, Acting Administrative Asst.. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub Street Vacation lished according to law, Mayor Garrett opened the Hearing to consider Portions of vacation of a portion of Logan Ave. N. , lying north of N. 6th Street and Logan Ave. N. & a portion of Lake Washington Bld. N. near the intersection with Park Lake Washington Ave. N. and access to I 405 as requested by Boeing Commercial Airplane Co. ' Blvd. N. Letter from W. Bogart, State District Enq. ,recognized the extension of SR 515,north of its present terminus with SR 900 to the North Renton Interchange at I-405, was placed on the Puget Sound Governmental Confer- ence 1990 Transportation Plan, that a need exists for transportation facility in that corridor, however, based on the description of State highway route at SR 515, as established by the Legislature, that plan- ning at this time for an arterial in this. corridor must be retained by the City until such time that a subsequent study is conducted establish- ing a specific corridor, and that some responsibility associated with that corridor is given to the State Highway Department by legislative action. Mr. Michael Darland, Director of Transportation Planning Division of Puget Sound Governmental Conference, used slides to present information which was made available to The Boeing Co. ' s Property Manager, R. Morgan, on 3/20/75, noting two potential implications of their 1990 Regional Transportation System Plan: Recognition of the need for future tie be- tween the completed section of SR 515 and I-405; and the provision of exclusive transit way(s) for peak-hour operation between SR 522 in the north and I-5 in the south shared with carpools between SR 522 and NE 12th St. serving the communities of Bothell , Kirkland, Bellevue, Renton. and Tukwila. Mr. Darland explained long range transportation plans showing East Lake Washington corridor with widening, of 1-405 and use of railroad r/w in this corridor for implementation of transit recom- mendations that additional corridor will be required by 1990,that devel- opment of transit within this section could be alternative to providing - Boeing Reps. additional auto-vehicle lanes on I-405. Mr. Robert G. Johnston,Director R. Morgan of Civic & Governmental Affairs for Boeing, introduced Boeing representa- H. Blangey tives with Mr. Richard Archer, Planning Engineer, using charts to explain D. Potter the Boeing AirplaneCompany's proposed use of Logan Ave. N. and Lake R. Archer Washington Blvd. N. upon vacation of those right -of-waysas petitioned. R. Johnston Mr. Archer explained that company's desire to unify the plant which is divided by Logan Ave. N. which would reduce number of gates and guard • • CITY OF RENTON I I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • • BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 12th day of May , 19 75 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : . t Vacation of a portion of Logan Avenue North, north of North 6th Street as requested by The Boeing Company. • Continued Hearing from May 5, 1975 Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . 5 CITY OF RENTON I ! Delores A. Mead, C .ty Clerk DATE ..OF PUBLICATION • May 9, 1975 CERTIFICATION • • • li STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss. COUNTY OF KING S iX (o i , L E. S ) ; e. L , PJ i I ) s hereby certify that Uwe (. ) copies of the above notice were posted by me in SIX• =z-e conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building, Renton , Washington on date of M a ii '7 , 19 17,4 . • Signe c- e----f) AT EST : Notary -Public: in and for the State Of Washington , residing at Renton . • I - • o ei es ents • . , plan for Logan a ' A public hearing on the staff had made no specific 20 feet. of roadway which • proposed vacation of a por- recommendations prior to is used by the public. tion of Logan Avenue North the public hearing: The city will absorb the , and•a portion of Lake Wash- City Attorney Gerard Shel- costs not covered in the pro-• ington Blvd. North was con- Ian advised the Council that perty owners' assessments tinned by the City Council a decision.to vacate the pro- as well as the cost to the Post Monday for a week,"and re- perty,should be based on Office on Williams Avenue, ferred to the Transportation the lack of any foreseeable South. Committee and the Board necessity for use of the sec- The Council acted on a mi- of Public Works. • tions, as a public right of nority report from Council- The City Council Transpor- way, man Ken Bruce, chairman tation Committee will meet LID 274 of the Public Works Corn- to discuss the matter to- In another public hearing, mittee. A second minor-, morrow at• 5 p.m. in the the city council approved ity recommendation from Council Chambers. the final assessment roll Councilman Richard Stred- Mike Darland, director of for LID 274, which provid- icke, which would reduce the the Transportation Planning ed for the undergrounding costs to those using pro-- Division for the Puget Sound of utilities in the downtown perty as private residences, Governmental Conference, Renton area. • was not given approval. made a presentation to the The Council also approved Stredicke said•the business City Council for a long range ' a request from the Ameri-. community, and not the sing- corridor plan connecting Lo- can Legion-for a$200 reduc- le family residents had asked gan to Sunset Highway at tion in its assessment for for the undergrounding pro- the freeway. He showed jecf in the first place. diagrams of several plans — utilizing the development of exclusive transit ways as a _ _ "real alternative to provid- ing additional auto lanes on I-405. The Boeing Company pe- titioned the city for the va- cation since Logan Avenue dead ends on Boeing prop- ' erty. Robert Johnston and Richard Archer,Boeing rep- resentatives, explained the • company's plans in the event the "street portion is vaca- ted. "The two zones of ' the plant would become one if Boeing gets Logan," Ar- cher explained. He presen- ted•a diagram showing that 42 percent of.the Renton Boeing plant'is located east of Logan, and 47 percent on the west side. "The proposed vacation would mean a lot to the I Boeing Company in terms of efficiency as well as an at- tempt to eliminate Boeing traffic clogging local streets," he explained. Warren Gonnason, public works director, stated ,at I, the hearing'that the city - , J , { 11 CITY OF RENTON - - . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING , ' 1 •B Y ,; RENTON CITY COUNCIL , - ;. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has - fixed the' 12th day of May , 19 75 , at B : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers" of the, Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : I , - 1, Vacation,of a portion of Logan Avenue North, north of North 6th Street ashrequested by The Boeing Company. - Continued Hearing 'from May 5,, 1975 , / I A4 and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . , , CITY OF •RENTON , , ' ALIA),,,,,-' a 74,6a..0( 1 Delores A. Mead , City Cleric 1 . DATE OF PUBLICATION - " May 9, 1975 , ) -"U' Affid vi�t of Publication �o°moo - ----"- _ , STATE OF WASHINGTON • COUNTY 0 KING ss. CITY OF RENTON OTICE OF PUBLIC HEARIl iN.HEARING DATE-MAY 5, 1975 T rbara, Can �1•r�?1c51, PIROPOSED STREET VACATION being first duly sworn on RESOLUTION NO.1975 WHEREAS a Petition has been • she chief clerkfiled with the City Clerk of the City of oath, deposes and says that is the of nton on orabout March 4„1975 THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That titioning for the vacation of a por- said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for tin of a certain street as'hereinafter more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, `'ore particularly described and said printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- tition having been signed by the weekly newspaper ip Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now Hers of'more than two-thirds of and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the • t e property owners abutting upon aforesaid place of ublication of said newspaper. That the Renton I , t e portion of said street sought to be Record-Chronicle h s been approved as a legal newspaper by order of v cared, same being described as the Superior Court f the Countyin which it ispublished, to-wit, Kingf [lows: That portion of Logan t in P � ` ue,North, North of 6th Street in County, k nton,Washington. "esoliztion 1975 i NOW THEREFORE, BE IT Washington.That t e annexed is a 1 PIESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND 1 IE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY I OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS .FLLOWS: SECTION I:That'the 5th day of 00 as it was published in regular issues (andt t e City of the hour of bars t e not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue foraperiod i e City Council.Chambers in the p Punicipal Building, Renton, 11 ashington,be and is hereby;fixed, one • the time and place when the, of consecutive issues, commencing on the oresaid Petition for vacating the 11 oresaid portion of street shall be day of April • , 19 75 , and ending the and and determined. I ' SECTION II: The City Clerk is reby authorized and directed to day of , 19 - ve notice of said time and hearing both dates provided by law,and any a inclusive, and thAt such newspaper was regularly distributed to its ,ob• - subscribers during all of said period.That the full amount of the fee I persons interested therein'orr ob j cling to said vacation;may then 21.60 pear,and be heard thereon, or charged for the foregoing,publication is the sum of$ , which t ey may file their written objections has beenpaid in -ull at the rate ofper folio of one hundred words t reto with the he CityClerk prior to or the time of the hearing on said for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each - - - _ - cation. The City Council shall • subsequent insertion. 1 rmm' atojprior to any such ` ro. t is hear ./ t ing, EE'OD f efii k..- J F ,appraisal; Ex secured BO; er l ddetermine'the fair ar et va__• Cii i the property sought to be vacated as . provided for in Ordinance No.2349 • 11 ' and the'City may likewise retain an ' ,easement for.public,utility and Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of _—__- related purposes. API 75 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 7th day of April 1975. ,19 Delores A.Mead City Clerk —1't.._c-4, 021-144_„91/ , APPROVED BY THE MAYOR - > 'Notary ' .lic in and for the State of Washington, this 7th day,of Aprih1975:" ., siding at Renton,King County. Avery Garrett -Mayor . -Approved as to form: —Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281,effective City Atrd M.Shellan • June 9th,1955. City Attorney , Published in the Renton Record- -Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, Chronicle April 11,1975.R3184. adopted.by th newspapers of the State. ' ` DA, . /-...2 ' /6- TQ:° V. Lee V. TeGantvoo .t J. Williams D. Hamlin ,`;, : ii /R. Nelson D. Houghton ' D.Bennett T. Touma Cheryl FROM: Warren Gon n Ep4/ /' SUBJECT: Review and report back. See me. Route and return. Prepare response for my signature. Take appropriate action: Prepare special report. Set Up meeting. For your information. File REMARKS: WASHINGTON STATE ��t� ° q-' - HIGHWAY • CO 1 v 1 1 V 1 I .,J O N ' 4 r Daniel J. Evans-Governor 1r��� i ! i,,�,, G.H.Andrews-Director DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ` Office of District Engineer ' f C� ,District 1 a.Pa � HHayS 6431 Corson Avenue South C Seattle, Washington 98108 I r— LP re,`.✓A April 24, 1975 ` � t ADR 2 a 1975 \(„e�/ 'may C1TY OF RENTON Mr. Warren C. Gonnason '��G�-t}�t1 �j17t +cta Public Works Director The City of Renton Municipal Building - 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, Washington 98055 Proposed Vacation of Logan Avenue North Dear Mr. Gonnason: City of Renton You asked in your letter of April 16, 19715 for any comments the State Highway Department may care to make with regard to the petition by the Boeing Company for the City to vacate a portion of Logan, Avenue North for the purposes of improving security and internal material 'flow associated with their production. The subject of the extension of SR 515 north of its present terminus with SR 900 to the North Renton Interchange at 1-405 has been the concern of the City for quite some time, and has been the subject of considerable correspondence between the Department and the City. I recognize full well that the concept of,such an extension was placed on the Puget Sound Governmental Conference 1990 Transportation Plan. This in itself, of course, does not constitute that the route would be a state highway, but that a need exists for a transportation facility in that corridor and, I believe, that decision was made following Ilconsultationof P.S.G.C. with City officials.. I feel that the Staters position on this matter was defined very well in the letter to Mayor Garrett from George Andrews, Director of Highways, dated February 25, 1974, a copy of which is attached. Based on the description of our highway route at SR 515, as established by the Legislature, I feel that planning at this time for an arterial in this corridor must be retained by the City of Renton until such time that' a subsequent study is conducted establishing a specific corridor, and that; some responsibility associated with that corridor is given to the State Highway Department by legislative action. Should you desire that a representative of the Department of Highways be in attendance at your Public Hearing on May 5, please advise me of the time of that meeting. Very truly yours, WCB. fc W. C. BOGART, . E. Encls. District' Engineer cc: John D. Bixby/w.encls. A.H.Parker Chairman Harold Walsh Baker Ferguson Virginia K.Gunby Howard Sorensen Harold L.Boulac \ tremerton Everett Walla Walla Seattle Ellensberg secretary • 1 t� • i''-r. f flit ( .r. ,t. r.rr : .C.) .. it - t \/' / /1 Y CO 5r 1•` c, } r•• - ••s' „a•� ` �1.!�!f' ' ' ' If1 . 1 . • ' L.i I)I , ,I' , \ILNI OI Ili((II�1'.�1'r� ' . .: .:_ �� :'_:!� •i,tI,,e.ny 1r!rnrnu.t.r;rt.lrn 131,11d(n11 • `r`�'", �' • • �r C)lyrn!nu, \' J,Junc)I.tx, 'JEJ!.iod (:_`CJ(i1 :'L 3-nC)Cl;i \ ` ! ADVANCE PLANNWG, iN•,f:• \ RMcr lac.. ,�` '�: . February 25, 19 •ffan PIA• Eta; . =- w ' • Vrr STUDY E\C R....`.:`'�'i... a STUDY TEAM.( • STUDY T:41.1• '' \ \ \ , a STUDY TEAM molom Mr. Avery G rrett, Mayor cEERn.iy,. The City of Renton - ' MGR. INTO. Municipal Building ALL PEFZLCWIEI 200 Mill Av 'nue South v-f�,.l'-...,re,, -.4-C..._ Renton, Washington 98055 • - Re: City of Renton Resolution No. 1893 . - SR 515 r • Dear Avery: 1 received a copy of the Renton City Council 's resolution urging the ' . Department to proceed with an extension of SR 515 to a connection with I-405 at the -North Renton Interchange. . As you till recall , the extension of SR 515 from Bronson Way (SR 900) to I-405 at the North Renton Interchange was the subject of a Legislative Study pursuant to Chapter 170, Section 13, Extraordinary Session Laws of 1965. A • report was submitted to the Joint Committee on Highways in 1966. (A copy of the report is enclosed. ) The Department's findings at that time indicated that such a route 'does not appear to qualify from an inter-region or interstate need based on legislative parameters for state highways . " The 1967 session • took no action to amend the legal description -of SR 515. Therefore, the legal description o SR 515 remains as follows : . "RCW 47.17,705 State route No. 515. A state highway to be known as state route 515 is established as follows: . Beginning at a junction with state route number 516 in the vicinity • east of Kent, thence northerly to a junction with state route • � number 900 in Renton. " • Recognizing that nothing remains static, especially transportation plans, I still hesitate to change the Department's recommendation to the Legislature until this matter has . been restudied. Only recently I have been apprised of ' • .. .D I Mr. Avery-Garrctf -2- February 25, 1974 • • the City of Renton 's desire to undertake a sub-regional transportation study that would develop a total transportation plan for the Renton area. It would -:seem. the study should precede any action to further modify the highway system in the City of Renton. Having spent a number of years in the Legislature yourself, I am sure that you cap appreciate my position on this matter. Hopefully, a Renton sub- regional transportation study will give us a new perspective on your total transportation needs, both auto and transit. Sincerely,• / • G. H. ANDREWS Director of Highways GHA:bt . • Enclosure cc: ! Highway Commission H. R. Goff • W. C. Bogart -N E. I. Roberts • . . . . . . . . - . - - , • -, - • , . . . • . . „., . ,.. . . . . . —___,..„ . • •• •- - . . . . .. . ' 1•;.e .. .. , - • • e... . rs 0 t•II'Al'ri,,::,‘ v. Ill IIE CITY OF RE N TO1 I, l' • i 1..-.:: NI , .."1,,V,..' 0 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH, 90055 0 - 0 1 , --, . ..AVEHY GARRETT, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD •P CITY CLERK OA c ., " • y. % ', , . - • .-1 :.' ..!. •• .. . . (4-1) SE i'l . .. February 15, 1974 . . • . . . • . . .. - . . .• . . . State Highway CO . • , .mmission • . . Directof, of highways , • • • • , . . . Highways Aa3ninistration Bldg. • • Olympia; WA 98504 . . . : • • . . • . . . Re: City of. Renton Rosoln lion No. 1 893, SR-515 • (Benson 'Highway Rol°ea!7.01) • . • • .• . • Dear Si 3: - • • • - • , . . The Re) ton City Council, at its regular met-ting of Pc.•bruary 4, 1974, has ad i fled resolution, as above-re f erenced„ urging OW Washington i • State • apartment of' Highways to sec..k-adequato funding from the State Legisl titre to proceed with speed and urgency with completion of' SR-515 and final connection with limited access I-405 at. the North • . . Renton Interchange. The implemntation is of the utmost need and urgency to the City of Renton and its industrial establishments as evidenced by its priority in the City 's Six-Year Street Program. . . - Your courtesies in assisting and expediting the matter will be . . . . 1 • - ' • apprectated. . • . . . , . •• • . . . . . . . • • Very truly yours, • . . . . . . . - . , • • . • ' • . - ',.CITY OF 1?ENTON_ . -. . . . . , . • ..• . . • . . . . 1.,. ..., — • . ..-., • - • • • • 644.--te./.../ II. /21_4 ..."1 • , • i. - . • ... .!...;;' ! ,•'.- • . , . •• • ' • •-• - •' ' • --.•'•• - '" -" ' •• • '' Delores A. Mead J •• t4.__. • . • . .... . ....4 City Clerk . •--.....,1 - - . . .----frs' . . . . • . . • . • ' DAM:j t ' . . . • • • • . . . . • • . . . . . • • • Enclosure . . , . . . •-• -, - . • • - • - .. cc: State Representatives 11th & 41st Districts . • Chairmen, Transportation Committee, House and Senate , . . . _ __ Sitate Highway Director and District Engineers 4. •1.- " / I . I — The Boeing Company • • _I ,,,, 47" • . _ --- Pacific Car and Foundry (PACCA1?) • . . Washington Association of Cities " - • . , • • . . . . 'o • . .. . , _. ....- icc: Mayor Avery Garrett . . . . .. • , - . . ._ . .. - CO uncil President Clymer • ; . / . -_.... . C.ty Attorney Shellan • 1:"7,- • • . - . • , .„ .,. .... . ,. . . , . ' . . • . . . , . . ,;• • • . . • . • . . . • • . / I • • . _ .1.:0 ,(Y1_ a . ://.11L., 1________ A . Muad , City Clcrk . . . . . AP ROVED BY THE MAYOR this . 4t):1 ci;ly—of February , 1074 . . ,.•. . .. ; . . i a. . . , , ,,,..„,,- . ,......____ _.....„ ,,......„,..._____ k .-2- • 1-,--v---61y,Apn rr‘i!..t.I.: 5 F:ayor a -I.:Q.,,Lc,trA : . . ,./2';'-f..7 j.KZ._4,1.1.Lc'.t...7 ..fl. , Sfi t:J.:1 (.12•1 ,-'ci.t.y iatovncy • .. ! , . . . • . . . .. . . • . • • . . • , . • • RESOLUTION.lip O T] ON NO , ) H9I • e`�. THE CITY COUNCIL Or THE CITY OF ] ENON DO 1:1 OI,V1: AS FOLLOWS : i SECTION . I : Tie• City of Renton , acting by and through its , City C�uncil ,,.._llcreUy re-affirms a.ts unqualified support and assistance • for the co-istruetion of SR-515 and said tight--of-way to constitute a major arterial road through the City of Renton. SECTION II : • The City of Renton hereby urges the Washington State Department. of Highways to proceed with all deliberate speed • and urgency for the construction and early completion of said right-of--day through the City of Renton and its final connection • with limited access Highway I-405 at and near the North Renton Interchange . .. . . SECTION III : The City of Renton further requests said Washington r State Department of Highways to promptly seek adequate funding from . the Washington State Legislature .in` order to implement and - complete , _. . said roadway project which is not only of ii.tmost importance and need to . • • for the citizens of Renton , but/all of the commuters and persons who are employed at the various industrial plants within the Greater Renton area. . . • SECTION IV : The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward..authenticated copies of this Resolution to the members of • the Senace and House Transportation Committee and such other public • • _. official . as may be deemed advisable. ' 9 • PASSED DY THE CITY COUNCIL this 4th day of February , 1974 . I eior•ei A . 1,uad , City Clurk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this . 4uj.� =1,-Iv--'of February , 3.97rt ., . i „____ . , . : __:_„„:„._„_________. . Ajpi; Svcd ig , tc, ,�0a i1 : r t � , , ` l ,� ' J / - • Ct �.,.ta.•ig Fl e ::;r'it:.1.:1 ,_,t: , (:i. h :T03 ,l :y . • WAS)-r?NG I-ON STATE WA ! C.0 M /'4 I S S tE v,: � ��� 1\r�<: U'I7IC'1 C)EPARTI-1\1ENT OF HIGHWAYS • Office of District Engineer _. />;> 2 d� • District I <rarr n''ur it5girxa95.� 1" 6431 Corson Avenue '.oath Seattle, Washington 9:^O8 April 24, 1975 . • Mr. ohn D. Bixby . Dire tor of Facilities 707/ 27/737 Division Boei g Commercial Airplane Company P. 0., Box 3707 . Seattle, Washington 98124 • SR515 Dear Mr. Bixby: City of Renton Resolution No. 1893 In your letter of April 18, 1975 you asked several questions of • the Department concerning long range plans for the northerly exten- sion of SR 515 in Renton, particularly 'as it relates to the Logan Avenul vacation proposal by your Company. I bel'eve the attached copy of a letter I sent to Mr. Warren Gonnason, Public Works Director for the City of Renton, adequately explains the Department of Highways' position on that controversy. Very truly yours, . 61 W. 'C., BOGART, P. E. • District Engineer • WCB:fc Ends cc: Warren C, '4onnason./w.encl. • ,'.. I!. I'riLer(.hJirr m rijrnir 031.,Ih . I;.,Lr !(•r;is ,n BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE COMPANY P.O. Box 3707 - .Seattle,Washington 98124 A Division of The Boeing Company • April 18, 1975 • R-6000-2-419 • Mr. \Wesley Bogart Distrct Engineer Washington State Department of Highways • 6431 Corson Avenue South • Seattle, Washington • Subject: . Washington State Department of Highways Planning, S. R. 515 Dear Mr, Bogart,. As you know, The Boeing Company has requested the City of Renton to vacate the porti in of Logan Avenue which is currently bounded on three sides by Boeing property. In discussions with various Renton officials, a question was raised as • to the State Highways Department's plans (near term and long range - six years) for a northerly extension of S. R. 515 from its present terminus at Grady Way. There has been some speculation that the state may be planning to extend S. R. 515 through downtown Renton.and northward up Logan Avenue through the industrial area and . connect with the North Renton interchange. specifically, wri would like t0 know: 1 . Des your current Six Year Highway Construction Program contain any,plans for extending S. R. 515 further than South 2nd Street? • 2.. If your Six Year Program does not include any plans for extending S. R. 515, has your department ever studied extending S. R. 5.15 through Renton? If so, what routes were considered? On May 5 the City of Renton wi 1.1 conduct a public hearing on our street vacation •requesii. Any information you can provide will be of assistance in that hearing. • • Sincerely, * //?' l / • t John D. Bixby % • / Director of Facilities • 707j727/737 Division • ,''P' 'I I '.;i. r�':� Z ,.: i :be I v1 " N.'�%�''.:;,n..a, }yn"` � , • .. s, s D . PR2.5 '1 f5 ' '� x rErR® CITY OF RENTON ' :. t ', ' , o,•ol Ir.,Tin p.. ' ,.I ;,. L municipality of metropolitan seattle ' I1h: Metropolitan April .,23 , 1975 Council CHAIRMAN - - • ` - , C.CAREY DONWORTH • ''„ AUBURN 'I ,'I ,;y STANLEY P.KERSEY , ,, " ' `1 BELLEVUE Mr. Warren C. Gonnason, P.E. , ' ., M.F.(MEL)VANIK Public Works Director. • ':' = , :' ',: City of Renton KENT ''. ISABEL HOGAN 20 0 Mill Avenue South •• ` KIRKLAND Renton, Washington 98055 ., ROBERT L.NEIR - ' " MERCER ISLAND Dear Mr. Gonna son: ,Y,. ' AUBREY DAVIS,JR. ; •' RENTON Proposed Vacation of• Logan Ave. North " `'' ' AVERY GARRETT City of' Renton - ' SEATTLE WE5 UHLMAN Thank you for the referenced notification by letter • JAMES K.BENDER of April 16, 1975. ' GEORGE BENSON TIM HILL PAUL KRAABEL In reviewin1. g Metro facilities, in that vicinity, we ', PHYLLIS LAMPHERE y'' ,,,i'" WAYNE D.LARKIN find that a' portion" of the' Eastside Interceptor,, Section: ;.°" ,„'• _ : :-',..,,,,; JOHN R.MILLER 2• may be involved. However, the proposed vacation would '•';'.',. ••' ' RANDY REVELLE SAM SMITH not interfere with access. to the-.interceptor -since ; it is ' '• :.'; ,.: . JEANETTE WILLIAMS ' located east of 'the railroad tracks parallelto.,Logan - OTHER CITIES Avenue North SIELWYN L,'BUD'r YOUNG I KING COUNTY A airi; thank 'you for inviting our 'comments'. ' ' , JOHN D.SPELLMAN , PAUL BARDEN , , . •I_• RUBY CHOW ' ur Very truly .yo s, ., , ROBERT B.DUNN 1•'., ., - ?' THOMAS M.FORSYTHE • EDWARD HEAVEN ra' DAVE MOONEY .;..,-._...__.,.JA, ..G+: t..,... .. BILL REAMS . ' , . 'Theodore W'. , Mallory •, -',.. BERNICE STERN ' Director of Technical UNINCORPORATED „ Services i ' 1 '•, • " ' ' AREAS 1 ' ' MARJORIE ARNOLD yy �77{� ROD CHANDLER '), y M.lmd L.THOMAS ECKSTRAND , � JIM SHAHAN {, 'I A.DEAN WORTHINGTON �ZL1'�J�'3 t !' SEWER DISTRICTS' ' . A.1(:�7, P ' HANFORD B.CHOATE I�j' •• �• R.�J/5• � � t. ',i� EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR • lli r V RICHARD S.PAGE .•',��. C!TY of RENTON '.,. y CLERK'S OFFc co., • 1015 Pioneer Buildina • 600 First Avenue • Seattle, Washington 98'104 •' '447-6666 ' '' CITY OF RENTON • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 5th day of May , 19 75 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building , Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Vacation of a portion of Logan Avenue North, north of N . 6th Street as requested by The Boeing Company. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead , City Clark DATE OF PUBLICATION • 4/11/75 CERTIFICATION• • STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss . COUNTY OF KING ) I , j d�)1i , . Ph j ,)i ps- hereby certify that three ( 3 ) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington' on. date of ./ 77/7' c , 19 1 Signed 1--/ ATTEST ; Nota'by Public in and for the State of, Washington , residing at Renton . Ci _ ` 7 '' • /�'n Grand cry ihiI on the Park•216 First Avenue South•Seattle7�shington 98104.206/464-7090 LI( 1 ,-�' Gover`rrmentai Conference .. Puget �ound A Cp' March 20, 1975 - _•- Mr. Robert N. Morgan • ' :915 I Property ;Manager Boeing Commercial Airplane Co . . ,.;, Renton, Washington `c Dear Mr. . Morgan: . It was arpleasure to meet with you and other members of The Boeing Company. this morning to discuss the proposed Logan Avenue abandonment • in the vlicinity of North 6th Street and your facility's present gate at Logan's northern terminus. Based on our understanding of your pro- posal , which is being discussed with the City of Renton, this action would allow The Boeing Company to enlarge and unify the secure peri- meter of the facility, reduce the number of gates and guard stations., and at the same time reduce current and potential traffic conflicts between rthrough traffic and Boeing personnel and material . The involvement of the Puget Sound Governmental Conference (PSGC) in this matter originated with a query from Renton City Councilmember George perry concerning the status of Logan Avenue in our ex ouri1990f0 Regional Transportation System Plan and its potential as an As Mr. Dinndorf of my staff and I explained today, there are two poten- tial implications in our 1990 highway and transit plan recommendations • that relate to your`proposal . They are: 1 . A recognition of the need for., a future tie between the completed section of SR 515 and I-405 as depicted on our plan map of the 1990 highway element, page 24 of the 1990 Transportation System Plan for the Central Puget Sound Region, Volume 2: Plan Report. 2. Provision of an exclusive transit way(s) for peak-hour operation between SR 522 in the north and I-5 in the south shared with carpools between SR 522 and NE 12th St. serving the communitias ° Bothell , 1990Kirkland, PZan. Bellevue , further Renton and Tukwila, page 52 state on page 52 of the same report: If the transit recommendations are implemented, land use controls could be established to further transit usage ; by creating clusters of high-activity centers adjacent to the transit routes. In addition, future evaluation could include the possible use of the railroad right-of- way within this corridor for implementation of the transit , recommendations. y I' - I . Page 3- I , i . • We restate again that prior to the actual implementation of any specific transportation facility in that area, more detailed study is absolutely mandatory. The need, type, location and its impacts on the community, including both the public and private sector, must be more closely , assess;ed. Our request that you thoroughly evaluate the potential , at this early date, for a mass transit right-of-way, through your facility, , is based on our findings in the 1990 Plan document, wherein we state: • Widening existing 1-405 to six lanes coupled with the 1980 transit improvements would carry the •forecasted 1990 volumes, but additional corridor capacity would be required not long after 1990 The develop- . ment of an exclusive transit way within this section of the corridor does • attract sufficient ridership to be considered as a real alternative to providing additional auto-vehicle lanes on I-405. i . . Whilelthe ultimate timing and type of transportation improvements in the Renton area are difficult to forecast, we can state with certainty that mass transportation will have to be a key factor in the City of Renton and your Renton plan is future. . We will be pleased to further elaborate on our thoughts and to offer you any further assistance in this matter should you so desire. Sincerel . ! iteie,R4t64 . . , . •• . . Michael L. Darland, Director .� Transportation Planning Division MLD/ec X • cc:Mayor Avery Garrett V' Councilman George Perry E.I. Roberts, District 7 W.C. Bogart, District 1 Dr: Richard Page-METRO . Warren Gonnason, City of Renton • . • . I CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY , RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 5th day of May , 19 75 , at 8 : 00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building , Renton , Washington as the time and place for ,a public hearing to consider the following : Vacation of a portion of Logan Avenue North, north of N. 6th Street as requested by The Boeing Company. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead , City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION 4/11/75 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) Sb. COUNTY OF KING I � hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building, Renton , Washington.,on,;,,date of , 19 Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton . I " Renton City Council 07/75 - Page 5 CORRESPONDENCE Continued Street Vacation MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL REFER LETTER TO Continued THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of the Mayor designated April 12, 1975 as Hike-Bike for the Retarded Day to recognize and commend our citizens for their Hike-Bike for labors on behalf of the mentally retarded which constitute 3%.of the the Retarded population. The proclamation urged citizens to support the program Day - 4/12 and also the King County Chapter of the Washington Association of Retarded Children. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. Quality Control Proclamation of Mayor Garrett designated April 6 through 12, 1975 as Week. Renton Quality Week and urged all citizens to join in support of the April 6-12 increasing importance of the quality control professionals of the I country. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION FOR QUALITY CONTROL. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett announced appointment of Raymond Saude to R. Saude to the position of Sergeant in the Renton Police Department effective Police Sargeant April 1 , 1975 subject to customary six-month probationary period, having successfully completed Civil Service examinations. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPOINTMENT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS R1OVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL REFER THE SUBJECT OF Trails & TRAILS AND WILD LIFE TO THE PARK BOARD AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COM- Wild Life MITTEE. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Delaurenti presented Committee of the Whole Report Comittee of the ecommending that the matter of a status board for the emergency (Whole Report communications and records center be referred to the Public Safety Communications Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Labor . MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER THE STRUCTURE OF Committees THE LABOR MANAGEMENT AND NEGOTIATING COMMITTEES TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR POSSIBLE RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Carnival MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE SUBJECT OF SANITARY Facilities FACILITIES FOR CARNIVAL PERSONNEL BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. VOUCHER Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended approval APPROVAL for payment of Vouchers No. 3684 through 3849 in the amount of $88,655. 76, having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. Vouchers No. 3674 through 3683 were machine voided during processing. and Voucher No. 3830 in 'the amount of $4.00 was voided. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY ORDINANCES AND CLYMER, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. RESQLUTItQNS Legis a ion Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report Committee Rpt. recommending adoption of a resolution approving and providing for the execution of the Third Amendatory Contract amending the Open Resolution 1973 Space Contract No. WASH-OSA-99(6) between the City and U.S. of A. Amendatory ;(See Page 4 re Lake Washing Beach Park property) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Contract for SECONDED BY STREDICKE, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ BY THE CITY CLERK. Lake Property 'CARRIED. Resolution 1974iThe Legislation Committee report recommended adoption of two resolu- Public Hearing tions setting the date of May 5, for a public hearing for Street Street Vacation Vacation of a portion of Logan Ave. N. and Lake Washington Blvd. N. Portion Logan as requested by The Boeing Company. Following reading of resolution I 'for vacation of portion of Logan N. , MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY Resolution 1975 ,GRANT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Following reading Public Nearing "of resolution setting hearing re vacation of portion of Lake Washington Street Vacation Blvd. N. , MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED Portion of Lake1AS READ. CARRIED. Washington Blvd.; Renton City Council 4/7/75 - Page 6 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Ordinance 2923 The Legislation Committee report recommended first, second and L. I.D. 285 final readings of an ordinance fixing the amount, form, date, Bonds interest rates, maturities and denominations of Local Improvement District 285 Bonds and directing the issuance and sale to Seattle- Northwest Securities Corp. Following first reading by the Clerk, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Following readings, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. All Terrain The Legislation Committee recommended that an ordinance regarding Vehicles All-Terrain Vehicles be placed on first reading. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL HOLD ORDINANCE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Cabaret The Legislation Committee report reported the Cabaret Ordinance Ordinance Section 5-3105, Paragraph C regarding referendum has been reviewed. The committee report recommended that no further action be pursued on this matter due to lack of interest. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. ROLL CALL: 4 AYE, DELAURENTI, SCHELLERT, CLYMER, PERRY; 3 NO, GRANT, BRUCE AND STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested the City Clerk to present written report regarding the history of the cabaret ordinance. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 1 :00 p.m. a _ Delores A. Mead, City erk 11 TY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 1975 I 1 WHEREAS a Petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton oni or about March 4 , 1975 petitioning for the vacation of a portio )f a certain street as hereinafter more particularly described and said 'etition having been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the )roperty owners abutting upon the portion of said street sought to be ,acated, same being described as follows : See Exhibit "A" attached hereto • NOW THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL 'F THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON , AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : That the 5th day of May , 1975 at the hour of i : 00 P . M. at the City Council Chambers in the Municipal Building , Renton , 'ashington, be and is hereby fixed as the time and place when the aforesaid etition for vacating the aforesaid portion of street shall be heard and etermined. SECTION II : The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to ive notice of said time and hearing as provided by law, and any and/or 11 persons interested therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear nd be heard thereon , or they may file their written objections thereto with he City Clerk prior to or at the time of the hearing on said vacation. The ity Councillshall determine , at or prior to any such public hearing, as to hether an appraisal shall be secured to determine the fair market value of I . he propertylsought to be vacated as provided for in Ordinance No . 2349 and he City may ' likewise retain an easement for public utility and related pur- )ses . • PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 7th day of April , 19 75 r.` Delores A. Mead , Cits* Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 7th day of April , 19 75 A ery Garr t, Mayor "prov d as to form: 53127r/14.. / i:Cill :card M. Shellan , City Attorney JBLIGATION PATE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE : 4-11-75 1 ' ! I • I , EXHIBIT "A" I i That portion of Logan Avenue North, North ofW.6th Street located in Section 7, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. State of Washington described as follows : Beginning at the Northwest corner of the intersection . of Logan Avenue North and 6th Street, thence N. 0° 26 °-18°' E. a distance of 1298. 87 ' , thence S . 89 ° 33 '-42" E. a distance of 5 . 00 ' , thence N. 0° . -261-18" E. a distance of 864. 73 ' , thence N. 41° -22 '-31" W. • a distance of 25 .31 ' , thence N. 43° -47 '-01" E . a distance of 50 .18 ° , thence S. 41° -22 '-31" E. a dis- tance of 43 .92 ' , thence S . 0° -26 '-18" W. a distance of 883. 83 ° , thence S . 89° -33 '-42" E. a distance of 25 . 46 ' , thence S . 0° -26 '-18" W. a distance of 1298. 87' , thence N. 89° -34 '-11" W. a distance of 80 .00 ' to the point of beginning. An area of 3.43 acres or 149, 360 .58 s .f. • • I ' Ij 1 • III I 11 • I • • • • • • • • 9 � f • r L April 2, 1975 TO: I Mayor Garrett Council President Delaurenti Transportation Committee Chairman Perry Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer FROM': .. Del Mead, City Clerk , • SUBJECT: Proposed Street Vacations of Portion of Logan Ave. N. and a Portion of Lake Washington Blvd. N. requested , by The Boeing Company a _ Mr. Mike Darland of the Puget Sound Governmental Conference ;called today, to verify attendance at the May 5, 1975, City Council Public. . Hearing re the above-captioned subject - 8:00 p.m. m ;._ is. ' , i 0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WARREN C. GON NASON, P. E. • DIRECTOR; ,: " n MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055.' .p 04, {�;" • ' 206 235-2569 . , 47--0 SEP��� 'r AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR . i .. . April 2, 1975 To:= Avery Garrett, Mayor • Members of the City Council a FROM: Warren C. Gonnason, P.E. f Public Works Director SUBJECT: Proposed Resolution - Street Vacations 1) Portion Lake Washington Blvd. ' _ 2) Portion Logan Ave. North Petitioner: Boeing Company t W have checked the, legal descriptions contained within the a'ttached''resolutions for both proposed vacations and find them to -be satisfactory .. The Boeing Company owns 100% of the property abutting both proposed ' - vaacations.. , �1 ' _ - ' ) r-;A :.,e��_. :1CS—vl^�'ic { Yl. AMH:'pmp. .. `;f7 ' :' , - ° .,' �,` v„. 1 S��},5 ..e! .. ... - y' C'� 't:,' a ',., <. .1• THE CITY 010 RENT;• IN :„- 8 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASEI..98055 , (--5 •- AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD., �-o CITY CLERK, 0�,4tt0 sEP�-�� _ March 26, 1975- ,, Pug t Sound Governmental Conference _ 216 First Ave. South Sea rtle, Washington 98104 Att ntion: Mr. Michael L. Darland, Director - Transportation Planning Division Dear Mr. Darland: The Renton City Council at its regular meeting of March 24, 1975 has instructed the City Clerk to invite you to participate in the .Public IHea-ing scheduled May 5, 1975 for the purpose of discussing the.-proposed - _ Stret Vacation of a portion of Logan Ave. N. and a portion of Lake . Washington Blvd. N. as petitioned by The Boeing Company. The informa Lion you are invited to deliver would be as presented to The Boeing` -, Company on March 20, and discussed in your letter of the same date addressed to Mr. Robert N. Morgan of the Renton Boeing plant. The Public Hearing to be held at the regular meeting of the Renton ,' ' City Council in the 2nd Floor Council . Chambers of the Municipal - Building at 8:00 p.m. is scheduled for May 5, 1975.' : Ifthis date meets with your schedule, please advise this office as soori .as possible. Tihaik you for your courtesy. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON - • Maxine E. Motor . Deputy City Clerk ''', I r , Renton City Council 3/24/75 - Page 4 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Kiwanis Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted committee report recom- Air Fair . mending approval of Council and Airport Staff of the Renton Kiwanis I7/12 & 13 Club plans for the Air Fair July 12 and 13, 1975, profits to be used to fund development of a park in the southwest corner of the Airport 1 ' on Rainier Ave. The report recommended the Kiwanis matter be referred to the Bicentennial Commission in order to coordinate the event during 1976. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Boeing Leasehold The Aviation Committee report noted the Airport Director has been Interests authorized to retain Robert H. Garmo, M.A. I. , to accomplish an appraisal of the Boeing Company's leasehold interests at the Renton Airport which is to be completed by May 1 , 1975, funds budgeted. The Boeing lease is due for renegotiation by June 1 , 1975. Councilman Councilman Stredicke inquired re building permits for Quendall Terminals' Inquiries activities and asked the Public Works Director for report. Stredicke ' also inquired re Alexander Auction moving, being advised by the Public Works Director re Board of Public Works Hearing at 9:00 a.m. on April 9, (open to the public) , that the building has been inspected by the Health, Fire and Building Departments. Councilman Stredicke noted receiving complaint on parking regulations in North Renton at Sartori School and asked that the matter be looked into, Mayor Garrett asking the Police Chief to check. Publicity MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, BROCHURE REPORT OF THE CBD BE Brochure PREPARED FOR PRESENTATION AT THE A.W.C. CONVENTION. IN JUNE AND THE Downtown COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE BE GIVEN AUTHORITY TO PROCEED. It was Improvement noted $2,000 budgeted for City reports. Councilman Clymer urged inclu- sion of Carco Theatre and other capital improvements in the brochure. MOTION CARRIED. School Bond Following short discussion, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY Levy $5,400,000 CLYMER, THE CITY COUNCIL GO ON RECORD APPROVING THE RENTON SCHOOL BOND ISSUE SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 8, 1975, SPECIAL ELECTION. CARRIED. PSGC Concerning Councilman Perry called attention to letter from Michael L. Darland, Vacation of Director of the Transportation Planning Dvn. of the Puget Sound Govern- Portion Logan IN. mental Conference addressed to Mr. Robert Morgan of the Boeing Commercial & Lake Washington Airplane Co. which recognized the need for a future tie between the Boulevard North completed section of SR 515 and I-405 as depicted on their 1990 Transpor- tation System Plan and provision for transit lane and use of railroad r/w, noting presentation to Boeing regarding the Logan Ave. abandonment near N. 6th St. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, CITY CLERK BE INSTRUCTED ' TO INVITE MIKE DARLAND OF THE PUGET SOUND GOVERNMENTAL CONFERENCE TO MAKE PRESENTATION TO THE COUNCIL OF THE SAME MATERIAL PRESENTED TO BOEING AT THE STREET VACATION PUBLIC HEARING MAY 5, 1975. Councilman Perry noted being in contact with Mr. Darland three years ago while representative ' to the Puget Sound Governmental Conference, but has made no further con- tact. Following further discussion of requests for vacation of portions of Logan Ave. N. and Lake Washington Blvd. N. by the Boeing Company, and that the resolution setting the public hearing has not yet been adopted, ' the MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS ' No Council Councilman Clymer noted no Council meeting would be held March 31 , as Meeting 3/31/75 it is the fifth Monday of the month, Council meetings being held first four Mondays of each month. Sprinkler Councilman Schellert inquired re downtown fire and whether or not sprink- Systems for . lers would minimize fire hazard, being advised by Fire Chief Willaims Fire Protection that sprinklers would be helpful . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THE SUBJECT OF SPRINKLERS FOR FIRE PROTECTION IN DOWNTOWN TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Sockeye MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, MATTER OF SOCKEYE SALMON Fishing FISHING IN LAKE WASHINGTON BY RENTON CITIZENS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUN- ITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK. Councilman Stredicke suggested meeting with concerned citizens and Indian Council . CARRIED. 1 - Renton City Council 3/24/75 - Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued National Flood Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason reported the Federal Insurance Insurance Administration has identified three areas within the City which are Program, considered as 'Special Flood Hazard Areas;" which encompass seven resi- Flood Disaster dences (One area-with six residences in the Maplewood Homes area, one Protection Act area across Cedar River from Maplewood and Maplewood Addition with no of 1973 residences and vie area on Monster Road with one residence). The letter explained the 1973 Act requires formal. application for participation in the insurance program prior to 7/1/75; otherwise, there will be no Federal financial assistance or mortgage loans from federally-insured or regulated banks or savings & loan associations available for buildings within the identified special hazard areas. Gonnason's letter recommended the City proceed with the application which will require adoption of three resolutions or ordinances relating to procedures for building permits and Zoning control as applied to flood-plain management. Councilman Perry suggested any legislation be coordinated with King County Flood Control Plan as presented by K.C. Councilman Mooney, being advised by Public Works Director Gonnason that the National Flood Insurance Program does not contain a financial commitment. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND THAT THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE HOLD THE MATTER AWAITING INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COM- MITTEE. CARRIED. "Public Letter from Mayor Garrett requested authorization for execution of a Education in a grant application to co-sponsor nine multi-cultural workshops in Renton Multi-Cultural presented by the Renton School District; the Center for Research and Society" Services, Seattle University to be co-sponsor. The letter noted the Workshops City will have no financial responsibility for the project, that Staff Open to Public time for any City employee requested for input into planning for the workshops,shall be reimbursed, that the application for funding is in the amount of $3,500. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , CONCUR IN MAYOR'S REQUEST AND THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE GRANT APPLICATION. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Charles Shane, Mountain View Ave. N. , inquired whether Social Security benefits constituted income pertaining to special water and sewer rates Special Utility for Senior Citizens. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT Rates for Renton THE SUBJECT OF SPECIAL UTILTY RATES BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS Senior Citizens COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. Following discussion wherein Councilman Schellert noted City is, limited to subsidizing the poor and infirm. MOTION CARRIED. Executive MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONVENE IN EXECUTIVE Session SESSION. CARRIED. Council recessed to Closed Executive Session at 9:02 p.m. and reconvened at 9:37 p.m. Roll was called with all Council- men present as previously shown. OLD BUSINESS MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, REQUEST FOR FINAL PAYMENT, PHASE I , Final Payment DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, WHICH WAS TABLED 4/17/75, BE TAKEN FROM West Coast THE TABLE. CARRIED. Public Works Director Gonnason noted Councilman Electric Co. Grant had reviewed the downtown project with the Public Works Department Downtown representatives this afternoon and approval given. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Improvement SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR'S LETTER CAG 3012-72 OF MARCH 14, AUTHORIZING FINAL PAYMENT TO WEST COAST ELECTRIC COMPANY LID 274 ACCEPTING PROJECT AS OF 3/17/75 AND ESTABLISHING START OF 30 DAY LIEN PERIOD FOR REFUND OF RETAINED PERCENTAGE.* (See Minutes 3/17/75 Pg.l . ) Need for Council approval was discussed. Expenses and funding of LID 274, CBD, were discussed, total cost of the LID reported as $690,864.33 with 40.954% being assessed against the property owners. Preliminary of total costs of the downtown improvement - $1 ,905,968. 1MOTION CARRIED. Aviation Report Aviation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented Committee report requesting AAAE Conference approval for attendance at the 1975 American Association of Airport Executives Conference in Portland, Oregon, June 8-11 , 1975 by the Air- port Director and Airport Committee members Stredicke and Delaurenti , funds having been budgeted. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THIS REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ;•. �, °,}' n-is Grant' tral on the Park o 216 First Avenue South o Seal Vashington 98104.206/464-7090 Y , i Puget Sound Govethmental Conference MarcI 20, 1975. :. qR 4 1975 Mr. Robert 'N.. Morgan „ : .21To Ot aENTON Property..Manager Boeing Commercial Airplane Co: Rento , Washington• ' Dear Mr. Morgan: It was a 'pleasure to meet with you and other members of The Boeing Company this morning to discuss , the proposed Logan Avenue abandonment , in the vicinity of North 6th Street and your facility's. present gate at :. Logan's northern terminus. Based on our understanding' of your pro- posal , which is being discussed with. the, City of' Renton , this. action would allow The Boeing :Company to 'enlarge and. unify the secure peri - meter of the .:facility, reduce :the number of gates and guard stations, '- ' ' • and at the, same. time reduce current and potential traffic conflicts between through. traffic and Boeing personnel and material . , The involvement of the Puget Sound. Governmental Conference (P•SGC) in , this matter;. originated with a query 'from Renton City Councilmember George Perry: oncerning the status of Logan Avenue in our' 1990 Regional Transportation System Plan and '',its potential as an extension of SR 515. As Mr. Dinndorf, of my staff and I explained today;' there are two poten- tial 'implications in our 1990 highway' and transit plan recommendations' " . that relate to yourproposal They are ,,•._g, 1 . A'recognition of the need 'for a future tie between the ' completed section of SR 515 and I-405 as depicted on our plan ,map of the 1990:,.highway element, page 24 of the 1990 ,Transportation Systen.Pltan for the Central Puget Sound' Region, Volume 2: :. .Plan''Report. 2. ,', '.,Provision of an exclusive transit way(s) for peak-hour operation between SR 522 'in the north and I-5 in, the ,; .south shared with carpools between SR 5-22 and NE 12th St. serving the communities, of Bothell , Kirkland, Bellevue, Renton and Tukwila, -page 52 of the'1990 Plays. We further state on page 52 of the same report:. ' If the transit recommendations are implemented, land use controls could be, established to further transit usage by creating clusters of high-activity centers adjacent to the transit routes. " In addition, future evaluation could include the possible' use of the railroad rz.ght-of- „ way within this corridor for implementation of the transit recommendations. r-1j}�t�j*}y:y;,'!{pa,ii.�f,,!;Frig 46;�1�'��n IY:,,,.v,1Ji., I,( , V 11�a I4 I�.n1� • �k Jw It r'� e' .•f �� I itlg 41 +:.oi' t,�F rryi����,,�^�`i`�1'+r5iti:l.t ii7jdk���1�,'I�r`5.' .� ,� (hi`;,..a;gn},,,rid.;47 d,,: ,4,,f i;,h;',40i?f' ;r(. Page ^ :.;;;11:.,!0,.ipfe !i . , k X .. 1 ieve that we clearly .stated,,that the plans of the PSGC are system level , plans. Prior to . the actual 'implementation of our recommendations, more detailed corridor arid/or,'location and design studies are required in both state and federal law. In these more finite studies, alterna- , `{' tive solutions including the alternative of "doing nothing" are evaluated 1 . for their, social ; economic and environmental consequences . Necessarily, A, therefore; Logan Avenue and its extension for SR 515 and• the railroad `" right-of-way for an exclusive bus lane facility could be candidate alternatives in a detailed evaluation of either or both of our recom- mendations. The 1-405 corridor in the vicinity of Renton and The Boeing. Company plant, due in, large measure to acute topography;' will be increasingly difficult and costly to serve with new freeway'. improvements to I-405. We would hope that Boeing would consider the potential of setting aside S and ;guaranteeing 'a right-of-way for exclusive two-way operation of excliusive transit lanes which would approximately correspond to the now abandoned railroad right-of-way and Logan Avenue which currently transverse your facility. To the best of our knowledge, as expressed today, vie are not .aware of any immediate plans on the part of the Washington State Department of Highways (WSDOH) or METRO to study or begin implementation of any new transportation facilities in your vicinity. We are aware that SR 515 is listed as the number 4 priority 1 in the 'Renton .,capital improvement program, but is necessarily tied to the; state' s capital' improvemnt programming. , Boeing I currently employs 40,000 persons at the subject Renton plant. Thej opportunity to serve this facility and the City of Renton with improved masstransportation would be more promising with this option available than without„it. One of the current dilemmas is to provide a Means of exiting the ,I-405 facility at the north .and south of Renton to provide high-speed quality transit service to the city and its major employers,' while at the same time avoiding local traffic con- I1 gestion.: It, is possible to envision a staged development of current bus transit service one day having exclusive right-of-way in the City of Renton from which to provide important intra-city local transit service. This facility would be backed-up by the park-and-ride lot facilities ' which we, METRO, the WSDOH, and local governments are now in the process of siting. While exclusive lane transit service is in its formative stage, carpools might also avail themselves of the facility. In the long run , the right-of-way would exist fora higher technology transit facility if, as and when it were determined desirable and • feasible. , , i'':', , , . , : . 'iY gc FjiJ tntJ' Y F'yy',F S,'i 1': I'l, p�,'',`'. : r ,^'y 2r�•gr, , la , ;�`$J r y:�,`-f '�t'1. .•P'f^:� r .d's 7 tail iG>•i' ,i ,.:;.r,•, ' F''Eti; •1; }�2p",i' Jim ,?r;�..',,i':a • ki'i':rj,Y4.,riX,i0i'' "'2Yi'., fte•3 S'�'r $ yyy,}5f,,,'• ,,Jt:L'•,,o }+i'24• a ter 1,:i ,''y; " :W''•;,,3 ii• Ifil,ii�t-Y4 .< , Page 3- `'� We restate again 'that prior to the actual implementation of any specific ',., : tr,ansportation 'facility in that area, more detailed study is absolutely :':,' '. ' `mandatory.. The need; type, ,,location and its impacts on the community, , '.>; ', including both the public..,and private sector, must be more closely ;i;;_ i , : as',sessed. Our;,request. ;that,;you thoroughly evaluate the potential , at r','°.' this, early date'; .„for a mass, transit right-of-way, through your facility, id ..; is based. on' our';::findings' in ithe.,1990. PZcnz document, wi��erein we state: . ' - Widening ,e,;cisting I=405 ,to. six 'lanes coupled with the 1980 transit 1 . °''improvemnts would carry thee-forecasted 1990 .volumes, but additional 1,', corridor capacity 'would be required not long after '1990e . . . .The develop- 2 '�,,;'� r , ,,''•�'r ' • ,,"',''mint..of:.'an 'exclusive transit 'wayi'within this 'section of the corridor does ' attract suffic•ie0 ridership to be csonsidcred as 'a veal alternative to providing additional auto-vehiole lanes on I-405. While the ultimate timing and ,type of transportation improvements in • the Renton area are difficult to forecast, we can state with certainty that mass transportation will have to be a key factor in the City of ' Renton and your Renton plant's future. We wi l V be tipleased to further 'elaborate on our thoughts and to offer you any further assistance in this matter should you so desire. ! Sincerel F 1..'" / 4:64 Michael L. Darland, Director , Transportation 'Planning Division ' MLD/ec cc:Mayor Avery Garrett ' ' . ' Counci,.1man. George Perry ' E. I. Roberts, District.'7, ' • ' ' W. C. Bogart; 'Di s tri ct' l g� .,' I ' Dr.'. Richard Page-METRO �/ ' ! Warren Gonnason, City of Renton 4� I , 1 ' Renton City Council 3/17/75 - Page 3 OLD BUSINESS Transportation 'Transportation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee report recom- Comlmittee Repor mending that a resolution be adopted setting the date of May 5, 1975 for Street Vacations public hearing re Boeing Company request for vacation of a portion of Reciuested by Logan Ave. N. and Lake Washington Blvd. N. and that the matter be referred Boeing to the Legislation' Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 1 Metro Bus ,Following discussion of the placing of a demonstration Metro bus shelter Shelter on Taylor Ave. N.W. near Renton Ave. , it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED 1 BY PERRY, THAT THE FEES FOR USE OF PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY ($10 per yr) , BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Banning Councilman Stredicke noted the State Board of Health regulation banning Smoking in smoking in public places and called attention to the need for adoption Public Places of the ruling for the Council meetings as it is enforced for Municipal Court hearings. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL .REFER THE MATTER OF BANNING SMOKXNG TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. ROLL CALL: (3) AYE: DELAURENTI, STREDICKE, CLYMER; (4) NO: PERRY, BRUCE, GRANT and SCHELLERT. MOTION FAILED. Colnmuni ty Services Community Services Committee Chairman Grant submitted committee report Committee Report recommending that the Council concur in the Planning Director's request East Side Green and reaffirm the City's participation and non-financial commitment to River Water the East Side Green River Water Shed Project. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND Shed Project BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMIT- ' TEE. CARRIED. (See Resolution #1970 adopted 3/17/75) L.I.D. 291 MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECONSIDER PRIOR ACTION OF 3/10 Water Mains ON LID 291, WATER MAINS IN LAKE WASHINGTON, KENNYDALE AND MAY CREEK AREA. Lake Washington ROLL CALL: (5) AYE: DELAURENTI, CLYMER, BRUCE, GRANT, SCHELLERT; (2) NO: Kennydale Area PERRY and STREDICKE. MOTION CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read the previous Reconsidered motion from March 10, 1975 which was now before the Council: "MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, LID 291 BE ENDED AND THE SUBJECT MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE." MOTION FAILED. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECONSIDER AMENDMENT OF MARCH 10, WHICH DELETED SOUTHERN,'PORTION OF LID ALONG LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read motion now before the Body: "TO EXCLUDE SOUTHERLY PORTION ALONG LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD." MOTION FAILED BY ROLL CALL VOTE: (2) AYE: PERRY and STREDICKE; (5) NO: DELAURENTI, CLYMER, BRUCE, GRANT and SCHELLERT. MOTION BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT Public Hearing ,THE LID PROPOSAL BE REFERRED TO THE JJEWSLATION COMMITTEE AND THAT A PUBLIC 3/24/75 HEARING BE SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY MARCH 24, 1975 WITH ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ,NOTIFIED. CARRIED. At the time of the Public Hearing 3/24/75, the motion before the Body: "Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, Council authorize creation of the L.I.D. and refer the matter to the Legislation Committee for necessary ordinance." Public Works Director Gonnason explained the modified plan of the LID, with deletion of the 8" water main paralleling Lake Washington Blvd. from N. 36th to N. 37th St. and the 12" main from 'Lincoln Ave. S.E. , 84th St. to S.E. 80th St. The boundaries of the district will remain unchanged and those properties not receiving benefits due to deletion of water mains, will not be assessed.. The assessments on all remaining properties within the district will remain in force from the previous preliminary roll. VOUCHER APPROVAL Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert requested Council ap- proval of Vouchers No. 3383 through No. 3543 in the amount of $97,392.70 ' having received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. Vouchers No. 3247 through 3382 were machine voided during processing; Voucher 3494 in amount of $888 Voided. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer submitted committee report recommend- Ordinance 2919 ing second and final reading for an ordinance imposing certain tax on Gambling - . card rooms and asked that the City Clerk notify Council in November to Establishes Tax , review these fees. Following readinz of the ordinance setting $500 yearly • On Card Rooms - I fee for card rooms, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL Rules & ADOPT CONCUR IN LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT AND ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ! Regulations ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. I ' I 1 1 1 1 Renton City Council 3/17/75 - Page 4 ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS - Continued :s First Reading Legislation Committee Report recommended first reading and referral back Ordinance Re to the Legislation Committee of an ordinance relating to disorderly con- Disorderly duct and trespassing. Following first reading, it was MOVED ;F3Y DELAURENTI, Conduct SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. • CARRIED. First Reading The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading and referral Ordinance Re back to committee of an ordinance setting a probation fee and relating Probation Fee to Municipal Court. Fol'low1ng reading of the ordinance establishing $50 fee, probationary costs for persons not fined or jailed but rehabili- tated, covering cost of processing. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTE. CARRIED. Resolution #1968 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Street Vacation resolution setting date of public hearing .on April 21, 1975 for street Public Hearing vacation of a portion of old County Road #80. Following reading of the 4/21/75 resolution for street vacation at Renton Shopping Center as requested by R. L. Edwards Robert L. Edwards, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL ALJPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #1969 The Legislation Committee recommended reading and adoption of a resolution Federal Aid designating the Mayor/City Clerk to sign Federal Aid Grant Projects, i.e. Grant Projects S.W. 43rd St. Project. Following reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. • Resolution #1970 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Reaffirming resolution reaffirming the City's prior commitment to the Green River Water Green River Shed Project. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, RESOLUTION BE Water Shed ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Participation MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. The ADJOURNMENT meeting adjourned at 10e12 p.m. JQa a_ 7 Delores A. Mead, Cit Clerk yr • ee -1" TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT MARCH .17 , 1975 . � , SUBJECT:. REQUEST FOR STREET VACATION, PORTION OF LOGAN .� AVENUE NORTH AND LAKE WASHINGTON. BOULEVARD BY I' •, THE BOEING COMPANY . Th.e Transportation Committee recommends that a resolution : be, adopted setting the date of May 5 , 1975 as the public •hearing date for the Boeing Company request for .vacation bf .a portion of Logan Avenue North and Lake Washington Boulevard North, and that the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee . . . • - Kenneth Brucq„, -ce1 Richard tredicke ' . I. GJP :mg • - 1 d 1 ~ /. . • ,tip 1}y, sfa: wf ; + X . _ ___ _ _ • �� W:+ — - 1r1 i ... l , ° 1- 'Y, x V i,Y!!t' • `f • . • I 1a 8o -. . I•° I. • F . • • I(!' . •i I. .X.ph X .... V. • • j -4'.- . rf,.' ' l'. . at . `Iw y . . • ;aNy • • ,. .. .. 4 , f-- ,---_..... ---Y• .1.1°:•.` , < F Y i • . LA10,,atiter IOA/$1 REVISED DATE D (A\ /^} 0{y CHECK��J.p COI� �/�� p( APPD l�l "^;,!''���,E 91/.F'� .fkJ°. . .. .......... ..'�A.V��� 1�s� 4f I M -..---- I _ APPD/ / THE �®,E,IVfi/ COMPANY . PAGE • I • RENTON. WASHINGTON 'I' . TO••73 D-R7 ;F•70(SO r 1 `s- 3 /o • 75 PETITION FOR VACATION OF STREET �/ tea` o � o To� The City Council of the City of Renton, Washington e,>�������� 77 L Comes now the undersigned petitioner and pursuant to RCW Ch. 35. 79 respectfully shows : I • The undersigned petitioner requests that the following described part of Logan Avenue North in the City of Renton be vacated pursuant to RCW Ch. 35 .79 : That portion of Logan Avenue North, North of 6th Street, located in Section 7, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. State of Washington described as follows : Beginning at the Northwest corner of the intersection of Logan Avenue North and 6th Street, thence N. 0° -26 '-18" E. a distance of 1298. 87 ' , thence S. 89° -33 ' -42" E . a distance of 5 . 00 ' , thence N. 0° . -26 '-18" E. a distance of 864. 73 ' , thence N. 41° -22 ' -31" W. • a distance of 25 .31 ' , thence N. 43° -47 '-01" E . a distance of 50 .18 ' , thence S. 41° -22 '-31" E. a dis- tance of 43 .92 ' , thence S . 0° -26 '-18" W. a distance of 883 . 83 ' , thence S . 89° -33 '-42" E. a distance of 25 . 46 ' , thence S . 0° -26 '-18" W. a distance of 1298. 87 ' , thence N. 89° -34 '-11" W. a distance of 80 .00 ' to the point of beginning. An area of 3 . 43 acres or 149 , 360 .58 s .f. II The undersigned petitioner is the sole owner of all property abutting on said area. WHEREFORE, petitioner prays that proceedings be held hereon for the vacation of said area of said Logan Avenue North in the manner prescribed by RCW Ch . 35 .79 . Respectfully submitted, THE BOE COMPANY J n . P er By It Director - Facilities and Serviccs Date: March 4, 1975 INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO' WarrenGonnasson, Pub. Works Dir. DATE 3/4/75 FROM: Del Mead, City Clerk REI: Street Vacation part of Logan Avenue North and part of Lake' Washington Boulevard I The attached petitions were filed by the Boeing Company this date ,I for Council action next Monday a r / ' ii:iZ , / �� , ,i, ,, (77 P / / i Z-6,-6<C (77 ..,-&/ A h „-- -2-p f -,.-- , . ... . ..... 411 Renton City Council Minutes of 3/110/75 Meeting - Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE - Continued Powell Ave. SW agencies, the Board of Public Works recommended vacation of two Street Vacation areas requested with retention of an easement adjacent to FAI 405 for Continued the State Highway Department's illumination system. The letter fur- ther recommended that the City negotiate the exchange of additional right-of-way required for the P-1 channel as part of the consideration for the vacation, and suggested date of Public Hearing be set. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION ' COMMITTEE AND THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR COMMENT. Public Works Director Gonnason noted this was undeveloped stub-ended street,recorded about 1900. MOTION CARRIED. Street Vacation Two petitions for Street Vacations were received from The Boeing Com- Portion Logan N. pany, Director of Facilities and Service, John R. Potter. The vaca- Lake Washington tions requested were for portion of Logan Ave. N. beginning at N. Blvd. N. 6th St. to the street end, an area of 3.43 acres of 149,360.58 sq.ft. ; the second area portion of Lake Washington Blvd. N. (also known as Secondary State Highway No. 2A) near North Renton Interchange and Park Ave. N. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL REFER PETITIONS FOR STREET VACATIONS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR CHECKING AS TO VALIDITY OF PETITIONS AND TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. The Committee was asked to check for conflict with proposed bike trail and SR515 Extension. "Project 17761" Letter from the Renton Bicentennial Committee Chairman, Lew Innocenti , 3/14/75 at invited attendance at the "Project 1776" workshop at Lindberg High School Lingberg High on Friday, March 14, 9:30 a.m.. Yakima High School is sponsoring "Project 1776", a statewide campaign to encourage citizen and student participation in planning for Bicentennial activities with Lingberg High selected for the Seattle/South King County area host school . Green River Letter from Planning Director Ericksen noted 3/6/75 Kent meeting . Valley Watershed wherein King County representatives indicated the Soil Conservation Project Service felt it would be feasible to implement the Eastside and West- side Project areas on an individual basis for the Green River Valley Watershed Project. The letter noted the Eastside Project includes Renton, Kent and Tukwila and could be implemented at an early date if desired; further noting request of King County Councilman Mooney that cities reaffirm concurrence in the proposed project, preferably by resolution; and letter request is forthcoming from Councilman Mooney. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ASPO Planning Letter from Planning Director Ericksen requested attendance of four Conference Planning Commission delegates to the American Society of Planning Officials joint conference with the Community Planning Association of Canada in Vancouver, B.C. April 12 to 17. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS A Proclamation of the Mayor declared March 16, through March 23, 1975 Internationail as International Demolay Week. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY GRANT, Demolay Week' COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Master Councilor Keith " 3/16-23/75 Wendorff introduced others from the Local Chapter: Larry Cluphf, Sr.. Councilor; Koel Wendorff, 7th Preceptor; Loren Moore, Jr. Deacon; Brad Houk, 1st Preceptor; Scott Henry, Chaplin; James Davis, Almoner; Chuck Youells, Marshal and Dawn Davis, Sr. Princess. "Employ the Older A Proclamation of Mayor Garrett declared "Employ the Older Worker" Worker" Week Week of March 9, through 15, 1975, and urged employers to recognize 3/9-15/75 the merits of hiring those over 40 yrs. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COPIES OF THIS RESOLUTION BE SENT BY THE CITY CLERK TO MAJOR INDUSTRIES IN THE AREA. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mrs. Phyllis McGerry, 551 Windsor P1 . , inquired of Record Chronicle newspaper report of Councilman Schellert's remarks at Committee of the Whole meeting to Port of Seattle representative. Councilman Schellert noted that it was not Council nor Administration policy but ' his remarks that an outside source could possibly help in development of Lake Washington Beach property and did not pertain to present park. • Renton City Council • Meeting of 3/10/75 Page 4 AUDIENCE COMMENT - Continued Lake Washington MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, DEVELOPMENT OF LAKE WASHINGTON Beach BEACH BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE.* Councilman . Development .. •.Stredicke suggested possible financial gain to the City with the build- Continued ing of a marina with charges for storage and launching. Mrs. McGerry noted lake current flowing to the south which could bring pollution from a marina into the Lake Washington Beach Park. *MOTION CARRIED. Executive Session MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL MOVE TO EXECUTIVE SESSION. CARRIED. Councilmen went into executive session at 10:30 p.m. and reconvened Council Meeting at 11 :25 p.m. Roll Call :` All Council- men present. Labor Negotiation Labor Negotiations Committee Report recommended the Council approve Report the addendum to the existing agreement of 2/5/73 between the City and Fire Fighters Fire Fighters Local #864, and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized Addendum to to execute the addendum. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CAG-011-73 CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Pro tem Perry noted 3/6 Committee of the Whole meeting Committee of the attended by Susan Gerrard, Director of Community Affairs of the Port Whole Report - of Seattle. Councilman Perry presented Committee of the Whole report 1975 Sewer/Water recommending approval for inclusion in $3,000,000 revenue bond jssue, Bond Issue 1975 sewer and water bond issue projects as presented by Public Works ' Director. The modified report added new trunk sewers and interceptors along with replacement and rehabilitation. The report also recommended referral of the 21 water and sewer projects to the Finance and Persoq- nel Committee for inclusion in the bond program. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance and Personnel Committee Report submitted by Chairman Schellert, Report noted reviewing specifics of the proposed $3,000,000 water and sewer Water & Sewer revenue bond issue with Staff and Financial Consultant and recommended Bond Issue 25-year bonds be sold at public sale with date of bid opening to be determined by the Finance Director. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, BOND ISSUE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Public Works Public Works Committee Report submitted by Chairman Bruce, concurred Committee Report in the Public Works Director's recommendations for the 1975 Water 1975 Water Pipe Utility material bid which was opened 2/26/75, for the following and Supplies awards: Schedule A, Water Pipe, in amount of $57,452.40 and Schedule G, Fire Hydrants, Modern, in amount of $791 .60 to the Pacific States - Cast Iron Pipe Co. Schedule B, Fittings12" & Smaller, in the amount of $6,170.96 and Schedule C, Fittings 16" & Larger, in amount of $15,769.05 to Crane Supply Co. Schedule D, Gate Valves, in amount of $8,461 .42 and Schedule E, Butterfly valves in amount of $7,972 and Schedule F, Fire Hydrants, Traditional , in amount of $1 ,103.10 to the Pacific Water Works Supply Company. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE AND AWARD BIDS. CARRIED. Honeydew Too Public Works Committee Report recommended concurrence in the request Apartments of Dura Development ;Co. to amend the previous agreement and declaration of restrictive covenants executed by them for the Honeydew Apartments which deletes the requirement for L. I.D. 288, street and lighting instal- lation, and continues to provide for the vacation of Whitman Court within the Honeydew Estates residential area and provides for the vaca- tion'of Whitman Court 'N.E. which is within the Honeydew Apartments and the Honeydew Too area; also providing for a 40' access to new `. apartments from the northeast corner thereof to the Sunset Highway. The report notes the agreement will be predicated on the performance by the applicant in meeting all terms and conditions prior to vacation of Whitman Court or terminating the LID, also recommending the committee report back to Council for final approval of the agreement, preparation and authorization to execute. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. Public Works Director Gonnason used display maps to answer questions regarding the request Public Hearing of Dura Development Company. Mr. Jim Summers, Vice President, explained 4/7/75 Dura's plans. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, SUBSTITUTE MOTION Condemnation/LID PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT BE HELD UNTIL APRIL 7, AND A PUBLIC HEARING 5/23/75 SET FOR THAT DATE SO THAT PEOPLE IN THE AREA CAN BE NOTIFIED. CARRIED.