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Cciiiimi“P'9-.-/- -, • .,..., • tenrS''.2 --' ' • ' The • - ..4",•-..1..••••••••::' . •-• . -1 •.-City• Of.!.Re n ..,,,• •• -• • --, the administration annexation. d with'.-the „..• ‘..• :. .th..at . , , propose August 'l6 . . •••"''''''..•. • . - .11 t.-1s,'-• recommended-'.and.'opPos e the Council on area::-.0 - .. •„. publichear4ng:- ., h • King' County • . . scheduled -before:t e , • . . . •' ...• i • '. .' I -.: •• is '• •- • • -: - •....•-, -•• .'''..:' • . '. • • , . . . . .. .. • '• . ' '-•- hearing • , scheduled. ,.-, ,,,•:,,;,--•,. -:.,. ...,• -./..:,-,,,:•::::',.:;:,...;:y. ,:,,,_.. ,,. ,, ,. • . , . , . , • . ..., • . , . . • • . • . . -,::::,'.i,-. . , -.. ,,.„--.,.., -,':,. .....::,,-,..:„...y,,,,,.... . .,-..,,,,„.., •'...,''...*.,-. .::,::', ..',','''-- . - Seymour-Thorpe , . n Patricia . . . . ...'- .:,:i:,%,:,' . ••"'';-• - "''-'-''.'' •'' -• itan.,,:;',.::.:-:'!..'::-• '7.-,".. l..''':::.---...-:,, '' . • Btucei:':Chalr. ,y, ...,,'..:,,. ...... ...,--. .,•:-.. .,,- - • . , - .-,,,,,,,,, -. ..:.:,,:.".:.,----:-:.---i,-.... .-.:; ' ,.-.....‘.:•: -:- .-:,..L,. . ..:::::--.',: 1-: .• . . •:•:'•'11•,'-'''..-'•• • -l•'.•- •.':•-•i-••:•• -':-.. ::.•• •.i,'•:'•?::::••••...:' •:::-•!r; --•-•::.'''..''-i,i-'••!:'..:'•;:-,.-,-..,••'•''',',;-•':•'. ;. . . _ • --1 ClymerEarl . • •i • • ,,,,.:Y.. _ ,. ' ':- •-•- ..'",:..•-•-,.;-,'':: - •'.1.''. ....:•,'•'• ..•-' • • •• •. . • .' I-. - • . -:-,'•.•.• 2 • ,''H,.--,.••,,,-1:•::: . ..:-, .. '. '.1....„.. : • • • • . ., ,_ . . , .. -,.••.,,, ... .,... .,,,, .., . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . 1 . . . . • ...._... . ,"-, •,• -.•... ,..; ,. . -. i -• , .... . ...• .„,.,...„, . .-., , .::.,,,-•-. . - ,-- . •• . -- • .. . • '':•.: '1 •'. . ':''..'....''.i • .. '• • •''''...": • ':..•.•-.'. . :.. • ::• ''• -;.''...:"-:. .:. -- • ....•- . ., . , .,• • - ....,,-• .. . -, • .. . . .. ,.:_ , • 1 . . ,, . . - . . . - . . _ .... . ........ . . . .. . . • , . . 1 �� r Renton City Council 7/26/76 Pag 6 V OLD BUSINESS - Continued I SR-515 Following a discussion of public hearing for SR-515,,relocation of p Public Hearing Benson Road, scheduled for August 16, 1976, Councilman McBeth withdrew Scheduled 8/ 6 his motion that no action be taken on the' SR-515 matter until the week of J August 23, other than the holding of the hearing, 0)eing, concerned due i to his scheduled vacation during the time of the hearing). Public Works Director Gonnason reported the Highway Commission will be meeting on August 16 and 17, and have contacted the city for earlier decision to be used as basis for their planning. Upon inquiry, Gonnason noted the State Highway Director Bogart indicated that without local support, the Highway Department would likely divert funds to projects with local sup- port. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE TO NOTIFY THE STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT THAT DUE TO CONSIDERABLE PROTEST REGARDING THE ROUTING OF SR-515, THE CITY HAS SCHEDULED A PUBLIC HEARING FOR AUGUST 16, 'AND THAT THE CITY HAS AT THE SAME TIME HAD CONSID- ERABLE SUPPORT AND NO DECISION WILL BE MADE PRIOR TO OR DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING; FOLLOWING THAT TIME, THE CITY WILL TAKE A SOLID STAND FOR OR, AGAINST THAT ROUTING. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AN RESOLUTIONS Legislation Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report and Committee Report asked that the first item be held for one week regarding vacation of ortion of N.E. 18th St. (See earlier action) , and that the second • item for vacation of alley located within Block 12, Car Works Addn to Renton, also be held until all fees paid. . . Ordinance #30441 . The Legislation Committee recommended first, second and final readings Ambulance of an ordinance amending Chapter 1 of Title V, Business Regulations of Service. Tax the City Code providing a new subsection imposing a certain tax on ambu- lance services. Following first reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECONDHAND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following readings, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Councilman McBeth explained the superseding of licensing by the State and the imposing of city 'tax in lieu thereof in amount $200. Councilman Stredicke explained interaction of two ordinances. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. . Ordinance #3045 The Legislation Committee recommended first, second and final readings , Repealing of an ordinance repealing Chapter 33 of Title V, Business Regulations Ambulance of the City Code relating to ambulance service and licensing. Following Licensing reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read ordinance repealing city's ordinance due to preemption by State. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL ADOPT, ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3046 The Legislation Committee recommended first, second and final readings Confirming , of an ordinance approving and confirming the assessments , and assessment Assessment Roll roll for Local Improvement District #291 , watermains 'in' the Lake Washing- LID 291 , ton, May Creek and Kennydale area. (See earlier adjustments - Correspon- Watermains ' dence) Following first reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read the ordinance. . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES, CARRIED, Ordinance #3047 The Legislation Committee report recommended first reading of an ordinance Akers Rezone changing the zoning classification of certain property within the city Factory Ave. N. from Residence District R-2 to Business District B-1 (Akers). Following between Bronson reading, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND & N. 2nd St. ' ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following reading of rezone in vicinity of Factory Ave. and failure of any persons to speak against rezone, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3048 The Legislation Committee recommended first reading of an ordinance provid- Appropriation ing for appropriation of $242,267 unanticipated revenue from H.U.D. of HUD Funds Following reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL Community ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Following read- Development ing, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE Program AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED, Renton City Council 7/26/76 Page 5 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Fire Chief Council President Stredicke inquired regarding return •of the Fire Chief to active duty, being advised by Mayor Delaurenti that George Williams returned last Thursday morning and has been requested to complete the master plan. Discussion ensued re appearance before LEOFF Board .with appeal to the State Board, that this is a" personnel matter rather than matter for 'the legislative body, unless vacancy matter is advised by the Civil Service Board. City Attorney 'Shellan advised intent of leave of absence would be total ''of six`'months .leave. Truck' Speed Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe requested checking of speed of trucks on Dirt Haulers SW 43rd' St. by Police Department. Ci,tizens Advisory Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe noted meeting of CATV Citizens Advisory Committee - CATV Committee and the election of Bob Larson as Chairman, reporting the committee's request "to be considered as an advisory committee. Time schedule noted with report to Council by December 1 . Street Vacation MOVED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, SECONDED BY McBETH, property owners in same Notification vicinity be notified by mail as regards proposed street vacation. Council President Stredicke suggested hand out rather. than mailing of notices, however, Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe noted problem of notifica- tion with property owner vs. resident. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, MATTER OF EXPANDING NOTIFICATION BE REFERRED TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE TO REVIEW: AND' REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. , CARRIED, folloing—discus sign of impact on budget. , Planning & Report from Planning and Development Committee presented by Chairman Development Perry recommended no changes to the present zoning ordinance regarding Committee Report the number of parking stalls required for multiple dwelling units per ' 'letter of request from Real Estate One and recommended referral to the Parking stalls Planning' Commission for -their review and recommendation.. MOVED BY PERRY, ' SECONDED BY McBETH; COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Access to • The Planning & Development Committee' report recommended that the matter Victoria Park . ' of street planning related to Victoria Park', specifically a second entrance to Victoria Park (Victoria Park Home Owners Assoc, letter of 4/8/76) be referred to the Planning Commission and that a second entrance be incorporated into any new platting that affects Victoria Park. MOVED BY PERRY,, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF '- ' THE COMMITTEE. Perry noted new platting for Victoria Park presently with Commission CARRIED. Zoning Ordinance The Planning& Development Committee report recommended that the zoning ' ordinance and changes made thereto by the Council, be referred to the • Legislation Committee to be' placed on its first reading. MOVED BY .PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See Ordinances) Planned Unit ' The Planning and Development Committee, having reviewed the oral and Development' ' written comments received at the Public Hearing., on the Planned Unit Ordinance. Development Ordinance, and having_ revised the. Ordinance, recommends that _ the 'P.U.D. Ordinance be referred to the Legislation Committee to be placed on 'its -first reading. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL 'CONCUR 'IN `RECOMMENDATION- OF THE COMMITTEE.' Committee member McBeth noted ' pn 6/7/76 he moved that the PUD ordinance be brought before the Council for public hearing on 6/14/76, 'that Stredicke seconded that motion and the public hearing was held on 6/14/76. MOTION CARRIED. (See Ordinances) • Planning and Development committee Chairman Perry reported having met with King County Examiner', Bruce, Lange, and noted recommendation forthcom- ing as regards zoning examiner, as well as recommendation re ,SEPA. Public Works Transportation Public Works & Transportation Committee-Chairman, Bruce presented committee Committee Report report recomiending the project for the extension of Talbot Road between Grady Way and S. 7th Street, proceed ,as planned by .the Public Works Department. The report-noted review of the petition for'deletion of said project'.: MOVED BY. :CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, .COUNCIL CONCUR IN. REPORT. Public Works Director Gonnason explained plan to tie extension into SmithersS. with -three lanes, left turn to S.7th St. and right turn onto i Burnett S. ; that negotiations with Burlington Northern for right-of-way in center of Burnett-St.•S. soon to be completed. 'Upon further questioning by ' Stredicke, Gonnason noted the signal at Grady Way & Talbot Rd. not sched- uled for replacement and tied into computer programming, that other signal on Grady Way would be replaced. MOTION CARRIED, Councilmembers Stredicke and Seymour-Thorpe requesting their NO votes be recorded. ! I . t Affiidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. • Barbara C°?mpagna being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that 5 bO is the C f l 8 clerk of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) ��Nashington,was duly filed with the Renton, King Count y times a week.That,said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and City Clerk on or about May 12,1976, Washington has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred and said petition having been signed BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- by owners representing more-thari VACATED. paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, Itwo-thirds of the property abutting • SECTION II: The City Council and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained upon such street sought to be hereby elects to charge a fee of at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton vacated;and $720.00 to Petitioner-Owners, said Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the WHEREAS the City Council by amount not exceeding one-half of Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, Resolution No. 2042 passed and the City's appraisal of the right-of- I approved on May 24,1976,and after way interests herein vacated, and Ordinance No• 3049 due investigation, did fix and such charge being reasonable and Washington.That the annexed is a ' determine the 28th day of June, proper. ' ' 1976,at the hour of 8:00 P.M.in the SECTION III: This Ordinance City Council Chambers of the City of shall be effective upon its passage, ! Renton to be the time and place for a approval and five days after its public notice of such hearing in the publication. • manner provided by law, and all AcertifiedcopyofthisOrdinance/ as it was published in regular issues(and , I persons having been heard appear- shall be filed with the Office of I not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period • ,ing in favor or in opposition thereto; Records and Elections,King Coun- and ty,and as otherwise provided by law. WHEREAS the Department of PASSED B Y THE C I T Y OnC Public Works and the Planning COUNCIL this 2nd day of August, of consecutive issues,commencing on the 1 Department of the City of Renton 1976. t having duly considered'said petition Delores A. Mead, 11 U?U9 '.' ,3 76 for said vacation,and having found City Clerk day of 19 and ending the same to be in the public interest and APPROVED BY THE MAYOR for the public benefit,and no injury or this 2nd day of August, 1976. ! damage to any person or properties Charles J. Delaurenti ! will result from such vacation; Ma or day of ,19 both dates y inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- NOW THEREFORE,CIT CITYO ApprovederardM. form: COUNCIL O F THE CITY O F Gerard Shellan,City Attorney scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Published in the Renton Record 36 ��; I SECTION I: The following Chronicle August 11, 1976.R3918 charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ • 1hich g, described portion of street,to-wit: -- has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of cCITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON All that portion of street right-of- first insertion and per folio of one hundred w ORDINANCE NO.3049 way known as N.E. 18th Street, I insertion. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY• having a width of 30 feet,being / OF RENTON, WASHINGTON the south 30 feet of the west 96 • ^�� VACATING A PORTION OF feet of Tract 233,C.D.Hillman's `-`�'` N.E. 18TH STREET LOCATED Lake Washington Garden of BETWEEN BLAINE AVE. N.E. • Eden Division No.4 as recorded Ch AND ABERDEEN AVENUE in Volume 11 of plats page 82, N.E.,AS MORE PARTICULAR- records of King County, LY.DESCRIBED BELOW Washington, so dedicated for Subscribed and sworn to before me this street purposes WHEREAS a proper petition for. As situated within the NE 1/4 of j vacating a portion of N.E. 18th the SE 1/4 of Section 5,Twp.23 August 19.76 Street, located between Blaine Av- N., Range 5 E., W.M. (Located enue N.E._and Aberdeen Avenue between Blaine Ave. N.E. and - N.E., Renton, King County, Aberdeen Avenue N.E.), Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Kent, King County. —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. • V.P.C.Form No.87 - Renton City Co nci l 7/26/76 ' Page 2 - . CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Original Swimming MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, SUBJECT LETTER AND COUNCIL ACTION "Pool"..- Black -., BE REFERRED TO THE RENTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR CONSIDERATION OF PERMAN- River near Mos s ' ENT PLAQUE AND PHOTO DISPLAY OF EARLY RENTON. Mayor Delaurenti noted Home (Continue ) plaque for swimming pool was being designed. MOTION CARRIED. ; Surplus Letter from Purchasing Agent Church requested a 1967 Chevrolet 3/4 Vehicle ton pick up truck known as C34, S/N CS 2472143030 within the Equipment Renton, be declared surplus and the Purchasing Agent be authorized to : . sell vehicle by sealed bid method. The letter noted this truck has been replaced with new vehicle purchased on the State vehicle contract with no provision for trade-in on fleet bid. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY . BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PURCHASING AGENT. Upon z, inquiry by Council President Stredicke, Purchasing Agent Church noted city has not held other than sealed bid as not enough vehicles to warrant cost of Auctioneer. MOTION CARRIED. Damages Claim . Letter from Martha G. Wiberg, 1201 S. Third St. , noted letter from Wiberg . Great American Insurance Co. denying her Claim for Damages, explained work done during LID 293 by Moss Construction Co. replacing drains under sidewalk and alleges leaking basement as a result and explained City Public Works Dept. testing and suggestion of filling cracks in retaining wall . The letter noted this would increase the water pressure on the wall and lead to possible collapse, that the basement leaks and no proof has been given that it was 'not the fault of the contractor or the city. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RE-REFER LETTER TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, INSURANCE CARRIER AND TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE TO MEET WITH MRS. WIBERG FOR DISCUSSION CONCERNING THE MATTER, CARRIED. Street Vacatior Councilman McBeth noted persons in the audience concerned with proposed N.E.18th St. street vacation of portion of N.E. 18th St. , and 'reported that there (Engum) would be no discussion or decision on the :matter this evening. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, LEGISLATION RELATIVE TO THE ENGUM PETITION FOR STREET VACATION, BE WITHHELD FOR ONE MORE WEEK.. CARRIED., Park & .Ride Lot Letter from the District Engineer, W.C. Bogart, Washington State Highway Commission, noted May 25, 1976 meeting with the City Council by Dave Glaze and Art Smelser of the State Hwy. Com. regarding development of. a Park & site in Renton. The letter listed Council recommendations and asked review and response as to accuracy or completeness in order to begin study effort early next year: 1 . Council requested the Trans-' portation and Utilities Committee to work with State Highway Dept. ; Metro and Interdisciplinary Team during further study of the -Park & Ride with periodic reports to the City Council ; 2. The study be directed toward development of two.:sites .in Renton with one in the N.E. part of the city to accommodate approximately 400 cars to be developed as a first priority' with second site in the south part of Renton; 3. The Council will request Metro to restructure the planned bus service to adequately serve a lot in N.E. Renton. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, Council refer letter to the Public Works and Transportation Committee. Stredicke noted basic agreement by Council to items stipulated and MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, SUBSTITUTE MOTION, COUNCIL REFER PARK AND RIDE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR FURTHER STUDY AND THE MATTER OF ANSWERING LETTER TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE FOR RESPONSE. CARRIED. LID 291 Kennydale Letter from,Mayor Delaurenti reported re. Council referral of 7/19/76., Lake Washington the matter of water assessment for Misty Cove Apartments was discussed Water line . with' John O'Neil . The letter reported on 9/4/75 the Public Works uept. , Assessments through Utilities Office Engineer Olsen, committed. to compensate John O'Neil of Misty Cove Assoc. $3.20 per fft for original 6-inch water main installed by Water District #107 and for easement granted for construction of new water main in LID 291 . The letter noted city commitment in con- nection with easement to provide a hook-up connection to the city's domestic service without additional hook-up charge, with the filing of an application the only action necessary by O'Neil . The letter noted erroneous assessment against Wayne C. Shreve for amount of $162.72 to'be credited toward easement rights. The letter recommended that the follow- ing adjustments be made in the assessment roll for LID 291 : 1 . Reduce assessment on Misty Cove Apts. from $6,858.41 to $6,448.81 , a reduction of $409.60; 2. Eliminate the $162.72 assessment against the property of Wayne C. Schreve; 3. Reduce total amount of assessment roll by amount of $572.32, from $405,389.59 to $404,817.27, additional $572.32 to be financed by Water Utility. Referral to Legislation Committee recommended. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 26 , 1976 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti , presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President;- PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE: COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, EARL CLYMER, KENNETH D. BRUCE AND ROBERT E. McBETH. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN WILLIAM J. GRANT. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, Mayor; DONALD CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; IN ATTENDANCE DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GERARD M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; WARREN GONNASOfd, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; WILLIAM BENNETT, Deputy Finance Director; RICHARD GEISSLER, Asst. Fire Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent. PRESS MARK PELLEGRINO, Greater Renton News; DON CREW, Renton Record Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF JULY 19, 1976 WITH FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: Page 2, Paragraph 4; Line 17, change "required"to "inquired." Page 3, Paragraph 1 , third line from end of paragraph, add CARRIED (following 1976) . CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA These items were distributed to all members of the City Council for reading and study, were considered to be routine and were enacted by one motion of the Council without separate discussion: Voucher Approval Vouchers No. 10,253 through No. 10,463 in the amount of $457,205.89 having received departmental approval as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered, were recommended for payment by the Finance Committee. Vouchers No. 10,247 through 10,252 were machine voided during processing. Bid Opening Bid Opening of July 21 , 1976 for surplus property of two lots located Surplus Property at the northwest corner of Anacortes Ave. N.E. and N.E. 24th Street received two bids as shown on attached tabulation. Recommendation: Refer to the Public Works Director. Final Payment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason. recommended Council acceptance President Park as of July 26, 1976 for completion of the President Park overlay project ' Overlay by CAG 033-76, first and final payment of $62,919.72. Also recommended was Associated Sand payment to contractor of the retained amount of $6,991 .08, if after 30- & Gravel Co. days, no liens or claims are filed against this project and proof of pay- ment of tax liabilities is received. Recommended: Council concurrence. Final Payment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended payment of•final SW/43rd St. progress estimate in amount of $16,000.31 for CAG 055-75, S43rd St/Spring- Intersections brook Rd. - intersection and SW 43rd St/E.Valley Rd. intersection. The Moss Construction letter also recommended that if after 30 days, no liens or claims are Company filed and proof of payment of tax liabilities is received, the retained amount of $30,787.79 be paid to the contractor. Council acceptance of the project as of July 12, 1976 was noted. Recommended: Concurrence. Final Payment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended acceptance as of Springbrook July 20, 1976 for the Springbrook Springs Improvement by the Howard Schwicht Springs Construction Company and final payment be made in amount of $27,619.61 . The letter recommended retained amount of $13,915.68 -be paid contractor if after 30 days no liens or claims are received and proof of payment of tax liabilities received. 'Recommendation: Council concurrence. Consent Agenda MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED. BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE ALL ITEMS OF THE Approved , CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED.. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS • Henry Moses Letter from Mayor Delaurenti joined with the Park Board in recommending Honored Council approval to re-name the Liberty Park Swimming Pool in honor of Henry Moses, the last chief of ,the Duwamish tribal . bands in this area and a well-known and respected Indian family, to be accomplished at a dedication ceremony during Renton's Diamond Jubilee celebration 9/6/76. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL. CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED: ICITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 3049 • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON VACATING A PORTION OF N. E. 18TH STREET LOCATED BETWEEN BLAINE AVE. N.E. AND ABERDEEN AVENUE N.E. , AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED Cid BELOW .D CD +m WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating a portion of CDN.E. 18th Street, located between Blaine Avenue N.E. and Aberdeen . r Avenue N:E. , Renton,. King County, Washington, was duly filed with the City Clerk on or about May 12, 1976, and said petition having been signed by owners representing more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon such street sought to be vacated; and WHEREAS the City Council by Resolution No,• 2042 passed and approved. on May 24, 1976, and after dile. investigationl did fix and determine the 28th day of June, 1976, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers of the City of Renton to be the time and place for a public hearing thereon, and the City Clerk having given due notice of such hearing in the manner provided by law, and all persons having been heard appearing in favor or in opposition thereto; and WHEREAS the Department of Public Works and the Planning Department of the City of Renton having duly considered said I • petition for said vacation, and having found same to be in the public .interest and for the public benefit, and no injury or . damage to any person or properties will result from such vacation; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE, CITY OF RENTON, • WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following described portion of street, to-Wit: ' All that portion of street right-of-way known as . . N.E. 18th Street, having a width of 30 feet, being the south. 30 feet of the west 96 feet of Tract 233, C. D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 as recorded in Volume 11 of plats f jl, I �I • " • I I page 82, records of King County, Washington, so dedicated for street purposes As situated within the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 5, Twp.. 23 N. , Range 5 E. , W.M. (Located between Baline Ave. "N.E. and Aberdeen N Avenue N.E.) , Renton, King County, Washington. `qqD BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED. OD CD N SECTION II: The .City. Council hereby elects to charge a fee of $720.00 to Petitioner-Owners, said amount not exceeding one-half of the City's appraisal of the right=of-way interests herein vacated, and such charge being reasonable and proper. SECTION III: This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication. A certified copy of this Ordiance shall be filed with the Office of Records and Elections, King County, and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 2nd day of "August, 1976. Delores A. Mea , C lc! er1c " -- APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 2nd da of* u � 6= Y '�J ti, 0-29 i16. Charles . Delaurenti, 'M;3yoro. Ap ved as to, f, : Anfie G and M."Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: 8-6-76 • • " _ \' O .' tif 1 iii.r-..trf:-.;, 0 Q l< A , a 6-3 .'L ._..u . _. X • • - • 07E .-, . 3 a Zt9U9t `O L s sk z a 0 91.79T-rjr1V 're:. "'-'v+"' _ '':kis'�1� nlcja ,t: yt 1rS .!'. ��s,�j � Y`n '�. � �PT;�.,'�s�� •i��`.•,:A.iltl,; � v L J.>�7 .,- U.i`f ;i 6:.i+Y ���'1'teett ttesX i' Ar, a ;f t. m.a....-!-.,.....s......>... _) "'"':i:mow w�a«w„ ,.. ,✓ _ S CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 3049 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON VACATING A PORTION OF N. E . 18TH STREET LOCATED BETWEEN BLAINE AVE . N.E. AND ABERDEEN AVENUE N.E . , AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BELOW WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating a portion of N.E . 8th Street, located between Blaine Avenue N .E . and Aberdeen Avenu N .E : , Renton, King County, Washington, was duly filed with the Cty Clerk on or about May 12 , 1976 , and said petition having been igned by owners representing more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon such street sought to be vacated; and WHEREAS the City Council by Resolution No. 2042 passed and approved on May 24, 1976 , and after due investigation, did fix -nd determine the 28th day of June, 1976 , at the hour of 8 : 00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers of the City of Renton to b the time and place for a public hearing thereon, and the City Clerk having given due notice of such hearing in the manner prov.ded by law , and all persons having been heard appearing in favo or in opposition thereto; and WHEREAS the Department of Public Works and the Planning Depa tment of the City of Renton having duly considered said ueti ion for said vacation, having and found same to be in the public interest and for the public benefit, and no injury or derma e to any person or properties will result from such vacation; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : , SECTION I : The following described portion of street , to-wit: All that portion of street right-of--way known as it N.E. 18th Street; having a width of 30 feet , being the. south 30 feet of the west 96 feet of Tract 233 , C. D. Hillmanls. Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4as recorded in Volume 11 of plats 1 : ,.,-. a''.'e'', "� �'.'6a�n ,v` l.i.gas fS �`ghg.%6�.+,✓.� '.''sr3 'k: , 4 .. - �. .. tI a. Lna.+zww.+•ennr..ti'+.wNJkdl3't�-�++li'lari:,RIL<tAA:r&i{!A'J;k.Y:tf.eNF^S x'+fin:,..;.+.. ,. , •..• , •'- ?✓ page 82 , records of King County, Washington, so dedicated for street purposes As situated within the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 5 , Twp. 23 N . , Range 5 E . , W .M. (Located between Baline Ave.. N.E . and Aberdeen Avenue N.E . ) , Renton, King County, Washington BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED. SECTION II : The City Council hereby elects to charge a fee. of $720 .00 to Petitioner-Owners , said amount not exceeding one-half of the City' s appraisal of the right=of-way interests herein vacated, and such charge being reasonable and proper. IECTION 'III : This Ordinance, shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication. A certified copy of this Ordiance shall be filed with the Office of Records and Elections , King County, and as otherwise provided by law. I y PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 2nd day of August, 1976 . 1 Delores A. Mead, City Clerk Y� dl APPROVED BY THE. MAYOR this 2nd day cf August , 1976 . Charles it . Delaurenti , MMayor. - I Ap ved as t. f• , : il G and M. Shellan, City Attorney , III Date of Publication: 8-6-76 Ii 11 id i .. `0 BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS • RENTON, WASHINGTON +Sw 1L :' MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 BA 8-3310 1.RT C5 , tieco ,�1916 I',... J� O 1 July 9 , 1976 e, 0--rl c\ s 0F\Cti•,v) - - Honorable Charles J. Delaurenti , Mayor Members of the City Council Re : Engum Proposed Street Vacation ' Portion of NE 18th Street Between Blaine Avenue NE and Aberdeen Avenue NE • Dear Mayor Delaurenti and Council Members: Af er receiving the Board of Public Works ' report indicating no objections to the proposed vacation and no utility easement requirements , the City Council referred the matter back to the Board for an in-house appraisal to determine an equitable value . The Board recommends a value of $0 . 50 per square foot. ' This rate was determined utilizing the 1976 tax roll. The computation would be as follows : Area of street 2',880, ;,square feet @ $0 . 50 per sq. ft. $'.1 ,4.40,'. 00: % Appraised value .$ , 720 .00 ' Thus , the two petitioners would be required, to pay a.` vacation fee of $360 . 00 each. Bota Mr. and Mrs . Jo,el Engum and Mr. and Mrs . Carl R. Latsch. have indicated no objection to the proposed fee . . , Sincerely; , .. . / ( ----"..�—yi-•-i/tC?•..;.1' s-a''._ _ // I Warren C. Gonnason, P.E. j Chairman li cah . . il! cc: Tom Touma it 4 11 I 1 If I ,I II. ...... • _ - is. ==,•;,,:w,1:9'83i i's'i r:'`4::'s; 'r'bai'"vJ' :`:':k%', ICI ' .iitica - t..4�r•b_f;=i�;un;nc<<tiY�.c: ;�:;.,,?�?� .. 4' u.. Renton City Council 7/jl2/76 Page 4 CONSENT AGENDA - Continued Voucher The Finance Committee report approved for payment Vouchers No. 10137 Approval through No. 10246 in amount of $696,502. 98 having received departmental I certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services rendered. I The committee also recommended payment of vouchers No. 9702 in amount of $771 .70; No. 9555-$258.36; No. 9816-$158. 39 and No. 10,006-$253. 45. 1 (Vouchers No. 10,130 - 10,136 machine voided. ) Payment approval recommended. Consent Agenda MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL APPROVE ALL ITEMS OF THE Approval 'CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS I Street Vacation Leetter from Board of Public Works , Chairman Gonnason, presented in-house Portion appraisal as requested by Council referral for the proposed vacation of NE 18th St. a portion of N. E. 18th St. between Blaine Ave. N. E. and Aberdeen Ave. NE (Engum) (no easement requirments) , recommending value of $0. 50 per sq.ft. as flolTows: Area of street-2,880 sq.ft.r @ $0.50 per sq.ft. - $1 ,440 and 1/2 appraised value equals $720. The two petitioners, both Mr. and Mrs . Jl .oel Engum and Mr and Mrs. Carl R. Latsch, have indicated no objection to the proposed fee of $360 each. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUN- CIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND ACCEPT THE JJIN-HOUSE APPRAISAL, AND THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE IFOR DRAFTING OF ORDINANCE. CARRIED . Alley Vacation )letter from Board of Public Works , Chairman Gonnason, presented in-house Near Factory N appraisal as requested by Council referral 6/28/76 for proposed alley vaca- . (Waldenburger) Lion as filed by Martha Waldenburger for vacation of 16 ft. wide alley Within Block 12 of the Plat of Car Works Addn. to Renton between Factory N. & N. 3rd P1 . The letter noted utility easement required for sanitary newer in alley, recommending appraised value of $2.24 per sq. ft. as fol- lows : Area of alley 1 ,160 sq ft. @ $2. 24/sq.ft. $2,598.40 and 1/2 appraised value equals $1 ,299.20 to which Mrs . Waldenburger has, no objection. T1OVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS RECOMMENDATION, ACCEPT APPRAISAL AND THE MATTER. BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Street Vacation Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason presented in-house appraisal I' Portion of as requested by the Public Works & Transportation Committee for portion Jefferson NE of Jefferson Ave. NE, in amount of $0. 75 per sq. ft. as follows : Area of �, Street 13,200 sq.ft. @ $0.75 per sq: ft. - $9,900 and 1/2 of appraised value q $4,950, with the two petitioners , Highlands Community Church and e equals Highland East not objecting to payment of $2,475 each. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION, ACCEPT AP- PRAISAL AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED, State Highway Letter from Washington State Highway Commission, Director of Highways , W.A. ;l Certification Bulley, presented certification of state highway routes within the limits of State Routes of incorporated cities and towns as of 7/1/76 in three parts: ( 1 ) Trans- 1 Within City ferred Routes no longer necessary to the state as certified to state auditor. (2) Limited Access Routes vested in the state and not certified to cities and towns; and (3) Certifications of state highways within the incorporated cities and towns, other than limited access routes , 'that are being certified to cities and towns. Letter noted certification required by RCW 47.24.010. II City Clerk Mead reported certification on file in Clerk's Office. Latecomer' s Letter from Robert E. Kenkman, Branch Manager, Benton-McCarthy Realty,Inc. Agreement requested latecomer's charge on S. 172nd St. on totally northerly end of S. 172nd St. Talbot Hill Homes and on the southerly portion on S. 175th St.on the exten- q' sion of mains for plat of Talbot Hill Homes located in the southeast section just outside of the city and intend to tie into city systems. The letter enclosed sketch of area listing total bid of $22,384 including engineering, which equals latecomer's charge of $6.64 per sq.ft. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER LETTER TO MAYOR'S OFFICE AND PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. MOVED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, SECONDED BY McBETH, AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO PUBLIC WORKS AND. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. Council N'I President Stredicke requested matter of annexation be investigated. . Akers Rezone Letter from Planning Director Ericksen presented Planning Commission recom- mendation for rezone of 4,120 sq.ft. property located at 111 Factory Ave.N. (� from R-2 to B-1 for proposed use of real estate office of present single d family dwelling as requested by Fred W. Akers (Application R-869-76) . • d1 ''Fig' �':Ji.:• ✓'ey'y - -t^ __ -�z/nt� .. ...\k .,, ,.:"V �' ' ... .1 -�• t, -" „YYhx -::dt'•:,:i::.. . :fh;?�rS:>x�raur�. a•. .;;u�.ts�?xa, 5`.��>fi.;Y•:� � cns+ ,tw:ar;,�tt;+ �.: ,...,,.a .::i,>a�r , ..j.._• .,:.>-;. I.a.,,,. �,........ '.. .t3'iL'cut- -..gym . , _ .,;, •; w...n:.,wq,�r�+..W..«..,.cr-„�., �.... .t •+r h ..: ,.�. y — '.f 4•' 'yvl :l 'f ,.X..f , r i iL" :L:: F"RENTON WASH TON 3 0 4 9 • ...17 5• li, it:J• CITY OIv:- �, WA SH IN E. THE C I1Y 0 F RE NTOP l ; OFEST 8 H S T N. E T ,0 •T 0 'CA hN A LOCATED::`B TWEEN'; BLAINE AVE N. E. AND ABERDEEN`' AVENUE' N;oE 'k-AS `MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED. ' 0, = _ , , 3 It :t•r„ petition- for=.vacating portiono N.E 1'8th,,;S;tre. Blainelo'cated';'b:e;twee Avenue .E 'and Aberdeen�n was duly 'f.il with: , L. �Rertonr 'Kri' - „County, Washington, the ,.Ci-t 'Clerk'<I:on`'.or' 'ab.*V::"Ma" '12, 1976 ,. . and said petition having,' 1 been s'ilgne,d•;:b =y';'owners _Yrepr'ese_nting more than two-thirds of the properly ,:abuttin ,upon;','s:uch. .strreet sought to be vacated;- and . WHEREAS the' Cit Council by Resolution No. , 20LL2 pawed' Y. • and 'aP roved and after due investigation, d „ , `arid�..3.de.,ter mie the 2.8th day,ne of June, 1976 , at the' hour of •• ` 8 :'0;0 `P..M, :in 'the:'.C<ity' Counc'il 'Chambers of the City of: Renton` to be !tie time'.,:and; ;e plac :for a public hearing thereon, and the City Clerk,yhaving;'=-given -due notice of such hearing in the manner provided'. by: law,,,;::.:and ;'all persons having been heard appearing favor ox' 'in'•opposition thereto; and WHEREAS t'he':;''Department of Public Works and the Planning_ Department,; of `the::City ,of'.;.Renton having duly considered said: .. , petition. fore';ysai�d:,.vacation., and having found same to be in the. public, ':interest :and for the public benefit; and no injury or damage to any '<person :or;proper.ties will result from such vacation; NOW. THEREFORE;, `THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, • WASHINGTCN., 'O D " ORDAIN`.AS .FOLLOWS : l ' ''SECTION• :I : ' The following described portion of street:, to-wit• ,,-All'. that. portion of street right-of-way known as 1:8th: Street, having a width of 30 feet, being `'thd'south,-.a0._feet of the west 96 feet of 'Tract 233 , C.: ;D .'',Hl'lmant;s:' Lake Washington: Garden of Eden recorded in Volume 11 of plats ,-- ...____L-:.. - page 82, records of King County, Washington, so dedicated for street purposes As situated within the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of ' Section 5 , Twp. 23 N. , Range . 5 E . , W .M. (Located between Baline Ave . N.E . and Aberdeen Avenue N.E . ) , Renton, King County, Washington BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED. SECTION II : The City Council hereby elects to charge a fee of $72000 to Petitioner-Owners , said amount not exceedi g one-half of the City' s appraisal of the right=of-way T - interests herein vacated, and such charge being reasonable and Proper. IECTION III: This Ordinance, shall be effective upon its passage , approval and five days after its publication. A certified copy of this Ordiance shall be filed with the Office of Records and Elections , King County, and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 2nd day of August, 1976 . o. . Delores A. Mead, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 2nd dew of August, 1976 . - - C . CZ.J.—---,. e:-' ------- --/, ,,,'61/, -27/ ./v,/,,_..t,,„ , ' • Charles j . Delaurenti , Mayor. Ap ved as tl, f;,,,, ,: , ' C rard M.- Shellan, City Attorney , Date of Publication: 8-6-76 i 1 Renton City Council , 7/119/76 Page 2 , CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued LID 291 Charges Letter from John O'Neil , Westlake Associates, 1500 Westlake N. , Seattle, Misty Cove Apts. asked reconsideration of the $6,800 assessment being levied against the Misty Cove Apartments, 5021 Ripley Lane N. , claiming to have objected because of belonging to.Water District 107 with sufficient pressure and ater supply. The' letter claimed deletion from assessment roll of ether parcels on Ripley Lane and that in fairness should be treated equally and not be assessed unless hook up made to Renton water supply. Upon inquiry by Councilman McBeth and recollection that public hearing closed July 12, and assessment:rotl adopted, Assist. City Attorney Warren noted this letter not timely. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, REFER LETTER TO MAYOR'S OFFICE FOR RESPONSE. John O'Neil being half owner of Misty Cove Apts. , explained incidents in development of the Local Improve- ment District 291 , again urging deletion. Upon inquiry, Public Works Director Gonnason noted Fire Department regulations for fire flow indicate hook up necessary. MOTION CARRIED. f;IUD Community Letter from Planning Director Ericksen requested appropriation of Development Housing and Community Development Block Grants in the amount of $242,267 Funds unto the proper budget categories: Housing & Community Development $33,257; Senior Citizen Activity Center $97,429; Cedar Center Park $4,414; Renton Green River Valley Wildlife Habitats and Greenbelt Acquisi- tion $4,900; Preventive Health Services $10,167; Cedar River Trail System $92,100. Upon indication from Councilman Grant as to approval of request excepting for Wildlife and Greenbelt Acquisition, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH THAT THE $4,900 ITEM, RENTON GREEN RIVER VALLEY WILDLIFE HATIBATS AND GREENBELT ACQUISITION, BE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SEC- ONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER ALL ITEMS, EXCEPT THE WILDLIFE AND GREENBELT ACQUISITION, TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR APPROVAL AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. July 4, 1976 Letter from James A. Johnson, Renton Concessions , 11517 84th Ave. S. , Concession Seattle, operator Liberty Park concession stand in Gianini Stadium, Stand brought to the attention of Mayor and Council th'e misunderstanding between himself and Bicentennial Committee members regarding matter of food dispensing at the Fourth of July Old Fashioned Picnic. Letter from Bicentennial Committee member Stredicke sumbitted comments regarding frustrations of both parties regarding food needs, sales and spirit of the event. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THIS COM- MUNICATION TO THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT TO ANSWER. CARRIED, AUDIENCE COMME T Dona Pomerville, 1822 Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , opposed vacation of portion of N.E. 18th St. between Blaine Ave. N.E. and Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , explain- Protests to ing use by school children due to lack of sidewalks ,and unsafe conditions Vacation of on Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , reporting lack of notification. Representative of Portion NE 18 ,h Gene Bonomi , abutting property owner, 1732 Aberdeen NE,reported lack of ' A (Engum Petiti .n) notification and opposed blocking of public right-of-way, objecting to lack of investigation as to present use. Gary McFarland, 1732 Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , objected to' the fencing off of right-of-way as it is used regularly. Public Works Director Gonnason explained street vacation procedure wherein 86% of the abutting property owners signed petition for vacation of that portion of N.E. 18th St. and that it had been ti posted in three places on May 26, and again on June 2, 1976 and that the public hearing was held June 28, and vacation fees collected. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION -COMMITTEE TO REVIEW COMPLAINTS. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, LEGISLATION BE WITHHELD FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Mrs: Pomerville required about removal of fence and was . assured by Mayor Delaurenti that he would have it removed. Grace Maresh, 1417 Blaine Ave. N. E. , inquired re posting of notice. Issaac Blufton, 1724 Aberdeen Ave. N.E.', reported the community uses this portion of right-of-way and reported the community would purchase same for school walkway and play area, noting heavy, fast traffic on Aberdeen N.E. Councilman Perry noted City has provided several school walkways. MOTION ' TO REFER TO WITHHOLD LEGISLATION FOR ONE WEEK, CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:35 p.m. Recess and reconvened at 9:50 p.m. , ROLL CALL: All council, members present. OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke presented Committee of the Whole Report d Committee of the recommending that the matter of water and sewer rates be referred back Whole Report to the Council without a recommendation. MOVED BY GRANT " SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY GRANT, p = . 9 ; RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 19 , 1976 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER ° Mayor C. J. Delaurenti , presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order, asking for a minute of silence in memorial for Mrs. Phyllis Shellan, cancer victim, wife of City Attorney, Gerard M. Shellan. ROLL CALL'OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE; COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY: EARL CLYMER, WILLIAM J. GRANT, KENNETH D. BRUCE AND ROBERT E. McBETH. ROLL CALL OF CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, CITY OFFICIALS Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; LAWRENCE WARREN, Asst. City Attorney; CAPT. BOURASA, Police Rep.. ; DONALD CUSTER, Administra- tive Assistant; WILLIAM BENNETT, Deputy Finance Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; M.TOUMA, Office/Design Engineer: PRESS DON CREW, Renton Record Chronicle; MARK PELLEGRINO, Greater Renton News. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF JULY 12, 1976 WITH FOLLOWING CORRECTION: Page 6, Paragraph 6, Motion re Composting: SECONDED BY GRANT. MOTION CARRIED. SPECIAL GUESTS Mayor Delaurenti introduced Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Bundy, parents of Council- woman Patricia Seymour-Thorpe, who are visiting from California. CONSENT AGENDA Claim for Damages was filed by Ella Mae Jeffery, 12202 132nd Ave. S.E. , Renton, for damage to auto in amount of $110 allegedly due to fault in Damages Claim roadway which was backed over by claimant at Landee Feed Co. Recom- mendation: Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Consent Agenda MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA Approval AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. • SPECIAL Council President Stredicke, with the aid of Planning Director Ericksen, PRESENTATION presented slide show of the July 4th Celebration at Liberty Park and noted forthcoming request from the Bicentennial Commission for continua- ' ti.on of the event in years to come. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Latecomer's Letter from Michael H. Yuhl , P:E. , Yuhl & Associates, 1268 W.Lk.Samm.Pkwy. Agreement N. E., Bellevue, made application for client to construct a developer's Requested for extension of the City's sewer system to serve the proposed development Sewers in of apartment complex on the south side ofmpire Way east of'68th Ave. area of (Monster Road). The letter also requested-Council authorization. to Monster Road enter into a latecomer's agreement with the City as the proposed sewer has the capability of serving areas north of Empire Way S. currently not sewered. The letter noted City Engineering Department acceptance of design and approval that sewer could accommodate additional flow. Council President Stredicke inquired whether area inside City limits, being advised negatively by the Public Works Director. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANS- PORTATION COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE AND REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Talbot Road Petition bearing 36 signatures was filed requesting that. Council remove Extension to from consideration, that part of the Six Year Construction Program as South 7th St. listed - Item #3, Page 1 , of the Public Hearing Review 1977-1982, the extension of Talbot Rd. to S. 7th St. at a cost of $122,000 for approxi- mately 317 feet to be purchased from Puget Power and Renton Issaquah Motor Freight Co. The letter petitioned for improvement of local streets as the Mayor mentioned in election campaign and the improvement of Burnett. Ave. with .a green belt and play area for children with money not used for short connecting street (Talbot Road Extension), MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL REFER THIS COMMUNICATION TO THEPUBLIC' WORKS. AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. Discus- sion ensued, Public Works Director Gonnason reported the land could be acquired within 45-60 days and project completed .by October or November. Stredicke noted the plan was adopted and transmitted to .the State. McBeth. noted matter of priorities for the plan was in. committee. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE:. STREDICKE,T.HORPE, PERRY,McBETH; 3-NO:CLYMER,GRANT,BRUCE. CARRIED. 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''..BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS • RENTON, WASHINGTON . dll o MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 14 h � . o p'y�AO�T CAPIT�I�i �� f+yam\\+� A13.141�.0,4) � N v CO 1 Ln/0) ',„ r,I,, July 9 , 19 76" s 1 of R.sQF\ Honorable Charles J. Delaurenti , Mayor Members of the City .Council' • Re : Engum Proposed Street 'Vacation Portion of NE18th, Street Between BlameAvenue NE and _ Aberdeen Avenue NE - . Dear Mayor Delaurenti and Council Members : After recei`ing, the' Board of Public Works '_ report indicating no objections Ito, the' proposed vacation vacation and no utility easement requirements , :.,'the =City-..Council referred the matter back to the . Board for an in=house appraisal to determine an equitable value . The Board recommends 'avalue of $0 . 50 per square foot. This rate was de ermined .utilizing the 1976 tax roll. The computation would be as follows : rea of street 2 ,880 square feet vl $0 . 50 per sq. 'ft. $1 ,440 . 00 1 Appraised value .$ 720 . 00 --. Thus , the two petitioners would be required to pay a .vacation fee of $360 . 0 each. Both Mr.' and Mrs . Joel Engum and Mr. and Mrs . Carl R. Latsch have indicated no objection to the proposed fee. Sincerely, ,I7 ' , Li .. J Warren C. Gonnason, P.E. ' - Chairman cah cc: Tom Toum. Il RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 28, 1976 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti , presiding, led the Pledge of- Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order, asking the Clerk to Call the Roll . ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL GEORGE J. PERRY, EARL CLYMER, WILLIAM J. GRANT AND ROBERT E. McBETH. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, ABSENT COUNCILMAN KENNETH D. BRUCE, BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, Asst. City Attorney; IN ATTENDANCE DONALD W. CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; JAMES MAGSTADT, Asst. Planning Director; RICHARD GEISSLER, Asst. Fire Chief; CAPT. BOURASA, Police Rep. ; TED BENNETT, Deputy Finance Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent. PRESS ERIC PRYNE, Renton Record Chronicle (See later. ) PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Waldenburger published, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider Alley Vacation petition of Martha Waldenburger for vacation of 16, ft. wide alley Near within Block 12 of the Plat of Car Works Addition to Renton between Factory Ave N. Factory Ave. N. and N. 3rd Place. Letter from Board of Public Works, Chairman Del Bennett, reported review and finding that this right-of- way not needed for the present or future street system and reported no objections to the proposed vacation, noting that sewer is located in the alley and utility easement will be required. Public Works -- -. .__.,Director Gonnason used wall map- to point out,the proposed vacation, explaining the State Highway Department owns the right-of-way on northerly side,(State arterial funds having been used to acquire street right-of-way) and that State Highway joined in signing of the petition for vacation. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, GRANT THE VACATION OF THE ALLEY RETAINING EASEMENT AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR IN-HOUSE APPRAISAL. CARRIED. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY CLYMER, REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being; the date set and proper notices having been posted and Engum Petition , published, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider Street Vacation petition filed by Joel L. Engum for vacation of a portion of NE 18th Portion of Street between Blaine Ave. N.E. and Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , petition N.E. 18th St. having been certified by Public Works'Department as representing 86% of abutting property owners. Letter from 'Board of Public Works reported the city has no need for this portion of right-of-way as part of the street system and has no objections to the proposed vaca- tion, reporting no requirement for utility easement with this vacation. Public Works Director Gonnason explained proposed vacation and noted property to the west of the street had not signed the petition and that this could provide access to the rear of that property. There being no audience comment, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS LETTER, GRANTING VACA- TION AND REFER BACK TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR IN-HOUSE APPRAISAL AND SETTING OF PROPER FEES. CARRIED. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Six-Year ' published, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider Street the proposed Six-Year Street Construction Program, 1977-1982. Public Construction Works Director Gonnason distributed copies of the proposed additions, Program deletions and 'changes , also supplying copy of the Street Maintenance Division Five-Year Repair and Improvement Plan, itemizing storm drain- age and street overlays proposed for 1977-1981 , which will be included in the planned allocation of 1/2t Gas Tax funds. Wall maps were used in explaining location of arterials and funding planned for improve- ments. Gonnason noted change in the pTan due 'to adoption of the Comp- rehensive Plan for Green River' Valley, deletion of Lind Ave. from S. 7th to Sunset SW and extension of Strander Blvd. from W.Valley to Talbot Rd.S. with access to E.Valley freeway. Following discussion Renton City Council 6/28/76 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Six-Year of minor arterials, Council President Stredicke noted improvements Street to S. 7th and Shattuck Ave. S. which were listed, reminding Councilmen Construction of dissension when improvement to S.7th came before Council recently. Continued .. . . Gonnason explained Longacres Parkway SW with four phases, that Phase 1 would be funded by L. I.D. Stredicke inquired about dirt hauling in valley and whether or not Lind SW and Longacres Parkway roadways were being filled also, being advised by Gonnason that the contractor was filling for roadbed and participating to order to complete streets. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE AND THE HEARING BE CONTINUED FOR TWO WEEKS.* Upon inquiry Public Works Director Gonnason noted submittal required by July 1 , by State law. Mayor Delaurenti invited audience comment. Dennis Stremick, 2532 Smithers S. , inquired re cost of Talbot Rd.S. _ to .7th Ave. S. extension, being advised of $122,000. Stremick objected to improvement at that expense, being advised of future SR515 tie-in. David Burkebile 2539 Burnett Crt.S. , inquired about SR515 funding and recalled to Council State Highway Dept. hearings of 1970 wherein testi- mony was given that if SW 43rd was widened to 4-lane, SR515 would not be needed. Reo Seitz, 2526 Smithers Av.S. , objected to State Highway Dept. building highway 'through city without hearings for public, being advised by Gonnason of the unfortunate lapse of time between hearings and construction. Further discussion ensued regarding SR515 wherein Seitz complained of State condemnations along SR515 route causing degradation of area. *MOTION CARRIED REFERRING MATTER TO THE PUBLIC Public Hearing WORKS COMMITTEE AND CONTINUING HEARING TO JULY 12, 1976. Burkebile Continued to . requested that State be directed to declare a moratorium on SR515 7/12/76 condemnation procedures. Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe asked that sufficient quantities of the 6-yr street plan be available for distri- bution to all of audience. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 10 MINUTES. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:15 p.m. and reconvened at 9:26 p.m. All Council members present at roll call as previously shown. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda matters, previously distributed for Coun- cil information and study, are considered routine and are enacted by one motion, unless removed by Council action for separate considera- tion: Proclamation Proclamation of Mayor Delaurenti declared September 20-26, 1976 as Renton Square Dance Week.. The proclamation was awarded to Charles Square Dance Week Prochaska of the Blazing Stars by Mayor Delaurenti who noted participation on July 4 and Labor Day in Renton by the group;—Stredicke also noted their participation in opening ceremonies for the-tome. Statium. Group Health Letter from Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound, 200-15th Ave. E. , Support Center Seattle invited Mayor and Council members to attend June 29 , press conference at Sheraton Renton Inn to announce construction startup of Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound's 93,312 sq.ft. Support Center. Letter noted Group Health now serves more than 211 ,000 enrollees. Night Vision City Clerk bid opening 6/23/76 for purchase of one nigh vision device Device (for Police Dept. ) received two bids as shown on attached tabulation. Bid Opening Referral to Public Safety Committee recommended. (See later report) Power Sewer . City Clerk bid opening for power sewer rodding machine (Equipment Rental ) Rodding Machine received four bids as shown on attached tabulation. Referral to the Bid Opening 6/24 . Public Works and Transportation Committee recommended. Water Main City Clerk bid opening 6/23/76 installation of a 24" ductile iron water Bid Opening main from Well #8 in Cedar River Park to the Mt. Olivet tank at Bronson Way and. NE 3rd St. , with six bids received as shown on attached tabula- tion. Referral to the Public Works & Transportation Committee recom- mended. (See later committee report) Proposed Letter from King County Boundary Review Board, Seattle, reported pro Annexation by posed annexation by King County Water District #58 of certain area in KCWD 58 the vicinity of Valley freeway #167 & S. 212st St. , referred to as Fite; Resolution 1516. Recommendation: Refer to Public Works. Dept. b For (Tune 28 Hearing • �� :: 14.E"u t, O PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT .w 0 WARREN C. GONNASON, P.E. •ch DIRECTOR o �° A �o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WA. 98055 • 206 235-2569 li A 41'6 SE Pit*® . CHARLES J. DELAURENTI • MAYOR June 1, 1976 - Hnorable Charles J. Delaurenti , Mayor , • Members of the City Council Re : Engum Petition for Street Vacation ; Portion of NE 18th Street between Blaine Avenue NE & Aberdeen , Avenue NE Dear Mayor Delaurenti and Council Members : . The Board of Public Works has reviewed the proposed vacation of a portion of NE 18th Street between Blaine Airenue NE and Aberdeen Avenue NE . The Board agrees that f the City has no need for this portion of right-of-way ,,` a5 part of the City street system and has no objections • ,;' to the proposed vacation. There - are no requirements for \'' u� ility easements with . thisvacation. Sincerely, BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS ..,) D' 1 Bennett `J4 �`✓M- `+�! • t C�`airman ,. ch 1? 34 cc : Public Works Director '`W 9\• Planning Director ;4`..' Juid 197( o ` , Design Engineer ;' RFrCR1ED • • . C Y kECJ1t` • 1 c ; CLERK'S QFFiCE ,'`' \\\ , 1 ' . • : . . , , . • .: • , CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOVICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 28th day of JUNE , 19 ,76 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : I All that portion of street right-of-way known as N .E . 18th Street, having a width of 30 feet, being the south 30 feet of the west 96 feet of Tract 233 , C.D. Hillman ' s Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 as recorded in Volume 11 of plats , page 82, records of King County , Washington, so dedicated for street purposes . lAs situated within the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 5 , Twp. 23 N . , Range 5 E . , W.M. (Located between Blaine Ave . N . E . and Aberdeen Ave . N . E . ) 1 I ' Any! and all interested persons are invited to be present to Voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON 1 ) -) j.. j 1 ) Maxine E . Motor, Deputy City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION 5-28-76 ( Resolution #2042) '.CITY O,F,RENTON, . WASHINGTON \� / �y� I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING r G." I HEARING DATE: 'V • JUNE 28, 1976 RESOLUTION NO.2042 WHEREAS a Petition has been a filed with the City Clerk of the City of ,Renton on or about May 12, 1976, Affidavit of Publication pursuant to the requirements of 'RCW 35.79,petitioning for the vaca- I 'tion of a portion of,a certain street,as 'hereinafter more particularly STATE OF WASHINGTON described,and said petition having , COUNTY OF KING ss. been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abut- ling upon a portion of said street 'sought to be vacated, and same being described'as follows: `O 1 b 3"O "'l 11 a sO- °"' being first duly sworn on All that portion of street right-of- way known as N.E. 18th Street, oath,deposes and slays that �b'e is the £ G1 �� of he sou h 30 feet ofOtheew st'n96 THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) feet of Tract 233,C.D.Hillman's times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and Lake Washington Garden of has been for more khan six months prior to the date of publication referred Eden Division No.4 as recorded to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- , in volume 11 of plats, page 82,' paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, re c o rd s of King County, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained Washington, so dedicated for at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton 'street purposes. Record-Chronicle bras been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the As situated within the NE 1/4 of Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, ' the SE'/4 of Section 5, Twp,23 N.,Range 5 E.,W.M. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT Washington.That the annexed is a..AO.ties.et...0 f.a... .L { . ..i RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE Nt3E`^r%nr, .s t;.`s`oitth ,C'n No. 2042 „OF RENTON, WASHINGTON,CITY j FOLLOWS: SECTION I:That the 28th day of • as it was published in regular issues(and ;June,1976,at the hour of 8:00 P.M. not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period •at'the City Council Chambers in the Municipal Building, Renton, King County, Washington, be and is of Ofl consecutive issues,commencing on the , hereby fixed as the time and place when the-aforesaid Petition for vacating the aforesaid portion of 28 day of Mey ,19 76 ,and ending the street shall be heard and determined,which said hearing date i is not more than sixty nor less than twenty days from the date of day of ,19 both dates , Passage of this Resolution. inclusive, and thatisuch newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- SECTION II: The City Clerk is scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee : hereby authorized and directed to , give notice of said time and hearing ' charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $..7-.!: ,3which as provided by RCW 35.79.020 and has beenpaid in full at the rate of any and/or all persons interested per folio of one hundred words for the therein do objecting to said vacation insertion. may then appear and be heard i ' thereon,or they may file their written I ' The City IikeWise-reserves the , objections thereto with the City Clerk: right to retain an easement for public. j JCS c p� � at or prior to the time of hearing on • utility and related purposes. s said vacation. PASSED BY THE CITY, h �tW SECTION III: The'City•Council ' COUNCIL this 24th day of May,' shall determine, as provided for in ,' 1976• RCW 35.79.030 as to whether an Maxine E.Motor, 28 .appraisal shall be secured to ' ' Deputy City Clerk' Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of determine the fair market value of APPROVED BY THE MAYOR r , the property sought to be vacated as i this 24th day of May, 1976. r 1976d:1"/„: provided for in Ordinance No.2349 Charles J. Delaurenti,; and the amount of compensation to Mayor be made by the Petitioner-Owners to I Approved as to form: /� � i��'the City for such vacation hut t°,tiich ' Gerard M.Shellan, said amount shall not exceed one- •• City Attorney ' Notary Public in and for the State of W hington, half of the appraised value of the Published in the Renton Record-' residing at Kent, King County. area to be vacated. ; Chronicle May 28, 1976. R3808 • —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June ' 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, . adopted by the newspapers of the State. • V.P.C.Form No.87 • i • CITY OF RENTON . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council• has II fixed the 28th day ,of JUNE , 19 76 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and •place . for a public hearing to consider the following : • All that portion of street right-of-way known as N .E . 18th Street, having a width of 30 feet, being the south 30 feet of. the west 96 feet of Tract 233 , • C.D. Hillman ' s Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No . 4 as recorded in Volume 11 ,of plats , page 82, records of King County , Washington, so dedicated for street purposes . As situated within the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of • Section 5, Twp . 23 N . , Range 5 E . , 'W.M. (Located between Blaine Ave. N.E . and Aberdeen Ave . N.E . ) Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON • Maxine E . Motor, Deputy City Clerk • DATE OF PUBLICATION 5-28-76 '(Resolution ##2042)• CERTIFICATION • STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss . COUNTY OF KING I , 'eS-jje 2 . %))jpf hereby certify that three ( 3) copies of the above not, ce were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy. was posted at the V. Municipal Building, Renton , Washington on date of 2C 4 Zrne 2, 19 76- ' • Signed • • TTEST :. • Notary Public ina3d .for the State of 4a"'h ngrt:n ,< rpslding at Renton. • • LEGISLATION COMMITTEE REPORT MAY 24 , 1976 • The Legislation Committee recommends the following: 1. To be placed on second and final reading, an ordinance rezoning certain properties from P-1 to B-1 (Heglund) . • 2. To be placed on first reading, an ordinance amending -.he Comprehensive Land Use Plan as it relates to the Green ;River Valley. 3. To be read and adopted, a resolution setting June 28.E for. e public hearing regarding vacation of a portion (4:-r Of N:E. 18th. Street. 4 . To :be. read and adopted,:: a resolution providing a transfer of funds within the water fund to provide for rental of backhoe and dump truck. �A � , ,, Chairman arl'ymer • o •;9&1- - • ge , J'erry William J. Grant EC:mg Renton City Council. 5/24/76 - Page 6 CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS MOTION CARRIED: : ORIGINAL MOTION AS AMENDED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recommending the proposed Dead Bolt Ordinance be referred to the Dead Bolt Building Division.to consider the amending of the Building Code requir- Ordinance ' ' ing ;this or similar type-,of safety devices on all new multiple occupancy structures as per request of City Attorney. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE. RECOMMENDATION OF, THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. LaValley Councilman Clymer reported that a revocable permit had been prepared Patterson Street . by, the Legislation Committee for use of city-owned property on Mountain .. Vacation Request View Ave.: N. i'n. lieu of: street vacation,' prohibited by law. Revocable �lountai n View, permit': is for :period of one year and prohibits any building on the property. Avenue North MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE PERMIT. . MOTION. CARRIED. ' European Trip Councilman Perry announced that he would be vacationing. in Europe for for Councilman the next four weeks, Councilman McBeth would serve as Chairman of the ferry Planning and Development Committee in his absence. Tree Clearing Moved by Seymour, seconded by Stredicke, the matter of tree clearing be referred to.the. Planning Commission' s Special Studies Committee for recommendation of an ordinance to the Council . Roll Call : Ayes - 2, Stredicke, Seymour. Nos 4, McBeth, Bruce, Clymer, and Perry. Failed. ORDINANCES AND •. Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recommend RESOLUTIONS ing the ordinance' rezoning certain properties from P-1 to B-1 (Heglund) Ordinance 3034 be placed on second and final reading, first reading 5/17/76. MOVED BY Rezone from P-1 CLYMER, 'SECONDED BY BRUCE, :THAT THE ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND tb B-i FINAL READING. CARRIED. After reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED Hoglund Property BY STREDICKE, ORDINANCE BE.ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION Shattuck Ave. S: . CARRIED..` (The old Puget Power. Substation. ) Resolution 2042 . Legislation Committee` report recommended adoption of a Resolution setting Public Hearing ,Se June 28, 1976' for :a' public. hearing regarding vacation of .a portion of • . N.E.. 18th St. (Joel ' L Engum , petitioner). MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY N.E. 18th St: � PERRY; RESOLUTION BE READ. MOTION CARRIED. After reading, it was MOVED Vacation Between BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY. PERRY, THE RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. MOTION Blaine N.E. & e CARRIED:: • Aberdeen N.E. Resolution2043 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Funds Transfer Resolution providing a transfers (`'funds within the water fund to pro- for Equipment vide, for rental of backhoe:.and dump truck in the amount of $3,480.00. Rental Following reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED .BY BRUCE, THE RESOLUTION .BE 'ADOPTED AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. Adjournment MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THE COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. The Council Meeting adjourned at. 12:20 P.M. Maxine E. Motor, Deputy City Clerk j CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City IS Council has ixed the 28th day of JUNE , 19 76 , at : : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal .uilding, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a .ublic hearing to consider the following: All that portion of street right-of-way known as N.E . 18th Street, having a width of 30 feet, being the south 30 feet of the west 96 feet of Tract 233, C.D. Hillman ' s Lake Washington Garden of EdenII Division No. 4 as recorded in Volume 11 of plats , page 82 , records of King County, Washington,:, so dedicated for street purposes . As situated within the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 5 , Twp. 23 N. , Range 5 E . , W.M. (Located between Blaine Ave. N.E . and Aberdeen Ave . N.E . ) Any and all interested persons ,are invited to be present o voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON ,:Maxine E . Motor, Deputy City Clerk • DATE OF PUBLICATION 5-28-76 (Resolution #2042) CERTIFICATION TATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I , hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building, Renton , Washington on date of , 19 • Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in ,and for the St ate of Washington , residing at Renton. v , _ • - , . - -.:---{ ./ ' . CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 2042 — ' WHEREAS a Petition has been filed with the City Clerk of th City of Renton on or about May, 12 , 1976 , pursuant to the . . . requi ements of RCW 35 . 79 , petitioning for the vacation of a portion • of a ertain street ; .as hereinafter more particularly described, and s id petition having been signed by the owners of more than two- third of the property abutting upon a portion of said street sought to be vacated, and same being described as follows : All that portion of street right-of-way known as N.E . 18th Street, having a width of 30 feet', being the south 30 feet of the west 96 feet of Tract 233 , C . D. Hillman' s Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No . 4 as recorded in volume 11, ofilats , page 82, records of King County', Washington, so dedicated for street purposes . As situated within the NE 1/4 of. the SE 1/4 of Section 5 , Twp . 23 N. , Range5 'E . , W.M. 1 ' NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY i I COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : That the 28th day of June , 19-76,at the hour of : : 00 P.M. at the City Council •Chambers in the Municipal Building, - , 1 Ren;on, King County, Washington, be and is hereby fixed as the time 1 1 1 1 li and place when the aforesaid Petition for vacating the aforesaid portion of street shall be heard and determined, which said hearing dat is not more than sixty nor less than twenty days from the date ' ii• li •• • of .assage of this Resolution. • 1,• SECTION II: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directe. d to give notice of said time and hearing as provided by RCW 35 . 79 .020 , an i any and/or all persons interested therein or objecting to said , vacation may then appear and be heard thereon, or they may file their 1 11 -1- , • • • • ,1 • 1: III t , t, writt n objections thereto with the City Clerk at or prior to the • time of hearing on said vacation. • • SECTTON III: The City Council: shall determine, as provided for in ROW 35. 79 . 030 as to whether an appraisal shall be secured to det rmine ;the fair market value of the property sought to be vacate , as provided for in Ordinance No:. 2349 and the amount of compen ation to be made by the Petitioner=Owners to the. City for such v cation but which said amount shall not exceed one-half of the ap raised value of the-area. to be vacated'.. The City likewise reserves the right to .retain an easement • for pu lie utility and related purposes PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL th sf:? day of May, 1976 . • C Ce;Ck APPROVED BY THE MAYOR .this '4 day of May, 1976 . • /5/.. Charles J Dyaurenti, Mayor. Appr ved as to form: Gera (/ M0 /Shellan, City Attorney v \ ' � u43) -2- . Renton City 'ouncil 5/17/76 Pap 3 Consent Agen•a Continued Consent Agenia MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, COUNCIL ADOPT ALL ITEMS, ON THE. Approved CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENC Letter from City Clerk Mead reported petition filed by Joel L. Engum 1717 Blaine Ave. N.E., requesting street vacation of a portion of N.E. Proposed 18th St. located between Blaine Ave. NE and Aberdeen Ave. NE. The Street Vacation letter noted petition has been certified by the Public Works Depart- NE 18th St. ment as representing 86% of the abutting property owners and as to validity of signatures. The City Clerk's letter recommended that the vacation request be referred to the Board of Public Works and to the Public Works and Transportation Committee for determination regarding 'appraisal and payment by abutting property owners and as concerns retention of utility easements; further recommending the matter be Public Hearinu referred to the Legislation Committee for resolution setting June 28, as date of public hearing. MOVED -BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH., COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY CLERK AND SET DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING 6/28/76. CARRIED, Holiday Chang:s Letter from Personnel Director Green stated that during the last session, the State Legislature passed a bill changing the legal holidays for the state and its political subdivisions by deleting Columbus Day and General Election Day and replacing them with the day following Thanksgiving and one floating day. The letterr noted the new law does not have the effect of adding or deleting the number - of holidays in existing bargaining agreements. The letter requested , this matter be referred to the Finance and Personnel Committee to. : meet with management and union representatives to ascertain their desires in this regard. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF PERSONNEL DIRECTOR AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. 'CARRIED. Cedar River Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason requested adoption of a Flood Damage resolution making. a. Finding of Fact that the repair and restoration . Repair & of the Cedar River flood damage is an emergency situation. The Restoration letter noted Depart. of Fisheries permits place time restriction on performance of this work between June 1st and. August 15th for opera- tions in 'the river and May 1st to August 15th for operations adjacent to the river; that the Corp of Engineers has exempted this activity from permit procedures because of emergency nature of restoration. As Federal Disaster funding applications may not be approved until June, there will be insufficient time for the bidding process and preparations of specifications. The letter noted 16 separate restora- tion locations with city forces doing the major part of the work; four of the highest cost category projects are: South river bank - Perimeter Road (Est. $30,309) ; North river bank - opposite side from first item ($41 ,730) ; River bank at City Hall (Est. $19,000) ; Maple Valley Highway embankment. Referral to the Legislation Committee was requested. When queried by Councilman Grant, Public Works Director Gonnason noted that if matching funds were not available the gabions would be deleted in order that remainder of work could be accomplished. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND REFER MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. (See Resolutions) Park and Ride Letter from State Highway Commission, District Engineer Bogart and Planning and Transportation Engineer Glaze, reviewed events in the selection of a Renton Park and Ride Lot leading to the referral of the matter back to the Public Works and Transportation on 4/21/76 when Council rejected Site #8, and reported receiving no further direc- tion from the City and have now revised the Renton Park and Ride Lot to a lower position in their work program. Further noting the. preliminary engineering funds in the current budget for Renton have been depleted and the budgeted funds for property acquisition and construction will be made available for use on other projects; not planning to proceed with any further study or development work on the Renton Park and Ride Lot until further guidance received from the city. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL REFER THE . MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION AT MEETING NEXT TUESDAY EVENING. CARRIED. Renton City Council 5/17/76 Page 4 Correspondence and Current Business Defense of Letter from Renton Fire Fighters Local 864 objected to unfounded Fire Department remarks made at a public council meeting on 5/10/76 about the Fire and Members Department and members, which were reiterated in a local newspaper.' The letter noted that due to absence of its Chief, the department is vulnerable, noting this casts an unfortunate light on the profes- sional fire fighters who work in the most hazardous occupation in this country and who are proud of their ability to save lives and prop- erty, and spend many hours away from their families to be trained and recertified for staffing emergency medical units for the benefit of Renton citizens. The letter asked if some law had been broken such accusations be formulated into writing and filed with authorities. The letter pledged continued efforts to provide the city with the finest well-trained professional fire fighters in hopes of obtaining the most fire safe environment possible. Mayor Delaurenti announced he will be assuming the duties of Fire Chief, noting there are no better fire fighters in the state. Councilmen McBeth and Stredicke both reiterated the remarks which had been made were unworthy of reply and noted high esteem of Fire Department and personnel . NEW BUSINESS Upon inquiry by Council President Stredicke, Asst. Fire Chief Building Safety Geissler explained safety inspection by the department of twice Inspection yearly for high hazard and yearly for other buildings, and explained method of correction for violations Public Safety Committee Report Public Safety Committee Chairman McBeth submitted commitee report Fireworks Stands recommending the nine fireworks stand applications and display applica- & Display tion be approved, being in compliance with provisions of the code. Approved MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Finance & Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Grant submitted committee Personnel report recommending transfer of funds from CETA Fund and WIN Fund Committee Report and $2,000 in Legislative budget for quarterly reports, into the ' Flood Disaster Disaster Relief Fund for the city's matching funds for restoration Funds along the Cedar River bank. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. Councilman Grant noted CETA funds approximately $6,839 and WIN funds $6,778, plus $2,000 constitute the 15% matching funds in order to receive Federal funds. MOTION CARRIED. Appointments The Finance and Personnel Committee report concurred in the Mayor's Confirmed reappointment of Tom Teasdale to the Renton Park Board, term to expire June 1 , 1980. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN Park Board COMMITTEE REPORT. Roll Call Vote followed lengthy discussion: 3-AYES: McBETH, GRANT, CLYMER; 2-NO: STREDICKE AND SEYMOUR. MOTION CARRIED. Library Board The Finance and Personnel Committee report concurred in the Mayor's reappointment of Ann Beckley to the Library Board, term to expire June 1 , 1981 . MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Clerk Dispatch The Finance and Personnel Committee report concurred in the appointment Police- Department of Mary V. Widmer to the position of Clerk Dispatcher in the Police Department. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Municipal Arts The Finance and Personnel Committee report concurred in the Mayor's Commission:. appointment of Sylvia Coppock to the Municipal Arts Commission, term to expire December 31 , 1978. MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY McBETH, SECONDED BY GRANT, FIRE DEPARTMENT MASTER PLAN UPDATE BE BROUGHT BEFORE THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING OF MAY 25, 1976. McBeth noted this would be an hour presentation, public hearing would be held at later date. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES & Legislation Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report recom- RESOLUTIONS mending second and final readings and adoption of an ordinance_annex- Ordinance #3031 ing 45.3 acres known as Allenbach 'Annexation (1st reading 5/10). Follow- Allenbach Annex. ing readings, then MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY GRANT, ADOPT ORDINANCE. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE ADOPTED. pF n-J • �� 1 o THE CITY OF RENTON �� el 7 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o °. CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR 0 DELORES A. MEAD �A CITY CLERK .1 el) SEP-i - May 17, 1976 • • • The onorable C. J. Delaurenti , 'Mayor and embers of the Renton City Council Re: , Proposed Street Vacation - Portion of N.E. 18th St. Located 'betweeri Blaine Ave. N. E. and Aberdeen Ave. N.E. Petition filed by Joel L. Engum D• ear Mayor and Council Members : Stre t Vacation petition, as above-referenced, has been certified by the Public Works Department as representing 86% of the abutting property owners and as to validity of signatures. It is recommended that the vacation request be referred to the Board of Public Works and to the Public Works & Transportation Committee for determina- tio regarding appraisal and payment by abutting property owners and as con- I cer s retention of utility easements. It 7s further recommended that the matter be referred to the Legislation Coiii ni ttee for resolution setting June 28, as Public Hearing date. Yours very truly, • Delores A. Mead, City Clerk • 1 DM/m • I I ', / I 4 ` -/-g"-/'-d-- Yg" -'(-`, , ,d6x1! , ,,,,,,,a,ei -1- i-ic 6-w 7 0, - ideli-ee-e_.-. Ei,u/7 //e5L--7) " ,a f � i i c-fo , it I ,i ,Af /rr'f///A/n I j III INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date May 14, 1976 TO: Del Mead, City Clerk FROM: Tom Touma, Design Engineer SUBJECT: Proposed Street Vacation - N.E. 18th Street We have checked the legal description contained within the attached petition proposing vacation of a portion of N.E. 18th Street and find it to be satis- factory The sig atures on the petition represent 86% of the abutting property owners and are valid as representing the legal owners names from the 1976 King County Assesso s Tax Rolls. AMH:sn Attach. F,,60 28 2930,? cv NOIN38 fo ADO nu ®3A 1333a 9Z6I AyW 1fidCIZ Uj PETITION FOR STREET VACATION IN THE CITY OF PENTON, WASHINGTON Circulated by . Q L L . ENGU�►y Date AM y /0, /176 ii, , Ad ress /7/7 &iVA/E Ar/ENUE We Telephone No. 22- - g3g REN'TOAI, /A.5 N/N 6 TON 9805.5 I III To the Honorable Mayor 'and Members of the City Council City of Renton City Hall Ren on, Washington , I lGen lemen: .. We, the undersigned,. property owners abutting a portion of N.E. 18th Street I • respectfully request the vacation of that portion of said street right-of- wayI ore particularly described as follows: 11 that portion of-street right-of-way known as N.E. 18th Street, awing a width of 30 feet, being the south 30 feet of the west 96 eet of Tract 233, C. D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden II Division No. 4 as recorded in volume 11 of plats, page 82, records of King County, Washington, so dedicated for street purposes. Is situated within the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 5,. Twp. 23 N. , \ ' ling. 5 , E. , W.M. \ I Additional Comments: . . . ).Th ,.,---azAAZZ-7-tY e/e4 -C- 6 Name: \ ,12.1 _e ,.. `z„ _ Name : .-Le../..:.C/e Address 1 71 7 alrt[.rt.•e 2' (3. Address: ( v 0 l 134Q >...,,_ 4"+� IV.„: Legal: Lpr 227 f UWELL'5 ISTADDiTj0n) Legal: Portion - Tract 233 , C. D. Hillman' s Lake Was . Garden of Ed, Div. #4 Name: Name: Address\: Address: ILegal: Legal: \ ' . I . . 10 1 . . I , 11,3. fj,L5 2 I ...s.i.....33...,.... i • " 10 I 7 . I LL/ 7 2 • 6. , 9 I • 11 . .KENNY- ' 8 _, 295 282 274 ' 5 254 DALE • 32 G Z 23 4 li '205 I: N. • 9 ›- 4 LIONS 3 • iz Ct 3 PARK Li, . : 10 < - 1 14 ---I L , I- z 0 , . It 2 • ,N.E. 24-T-t-' S1'. .i .. i Z i 0 5 4 3 '...\:' g-- .• 1.•"" 1 It 1-- 331 2 7' 6 7'.':.:.: .. "-- . • 4 ...i•.:.e 9 i o RD N.''.E• 23 ST. , i 330 . 2.(34 283 273 262 253 242 235 224 4.:',.\.:•• . 3 . I • 5 I , • • . - : I 329 • •...• i• •: ;-‘- 1 i 1 V 3 ''' , I '..1 -......' N.E. 21"LP ST. . . I A, 16 %::.:..1 - 328 2 15 1 , • 3 14....11:',/3...S:::• - i.•:.i 293 284 272 - 263 252 243 234 225 . 3 4 . . - a ...i 1 .>14 .-_ 327 . la • 5 :'-‘. • 4 > . ' 6...•-•••:-.:r- ..,..:).•'.1 i _ 6, > ... < . J 0 7 4 , - .. 9 8 '326 . WE. I 2 0-T_L I.4 ST. 1 111111A1 1 . ' 114 Illir ing N.E • •• 325 -% ...... .:.''.. -:-. NCI 2 .'.. • . • 1. •., mop 4.1.1 ••: 32A 29 2 28 5 ZT I 2G 4 Z5 I 244. .Elba 2.1 5 2.08 -, . • • •••,. .•• -__:-.1>IMO 1.-1 ..... PROPOSED STR A A • i ,<C 1. 323 . • •. • • .I ... kV G ---;: ' .. zz Esella i.... . .... ...... i... .i , .... .• ; : z3 zor, ... T... . _ . 322 • I , 2..:4, • 6 ,.... I-- (-) 25.• , lawn en n , . -- y...-1881911ma•,:t mos - _ R. 4 Iiilliomi5 WI 521 291 28G ' 27'0 2 5 -,ca 245 ripki11. Km 214 209 • --- t-- , . z ,7 Mill muNILII l• • 0 2 MI IIIII 1?:. 320 N.E. if.3.... 6 Ili 5-r. ,2 . , • i 14 • 1 15 i.,;. .4....-• ' . z_.____.,___LLI ._,_,- • . , a 2 is •: 1 I • 1 i :. 319 ..••••• ii I ui •. I Si >u• 37 m •••:••.• 266 - • I (r) . .4 .."i I .: -2 • . . . ....... L.0 4 ill . r .-'477).- , 318 0 290 5 ‘; 5. 1..:10 5- 5.:: :*•:.I 249- Lcij.. 24G. 231 228 2.13 210 ,.....4..-__,,,, ,,....,--•-:i;1.•Lclei ... ›/.. ." 9 .• . :1 t.,, :2 1Y --) 6 • . ,e, -. b ,..s t•.. ---.-ft4t) 317 .--\.t 1. u ...-% i .• ; 7...••i..i 7 ' 8 Z 7 7cz: o a- W .. • . . , • • , 4 • .. .• _ ' 149 - -: • . • • . • . -g 5 • %. 42.{(..1,, 8. .Cr IL ,i1 ., ...z: .. . '"4.:7• --7- .....1.' •••••• . . ... -- tuj_•, zas 288 zGe:, z6,7 2.461 . . 'z47.. .'23.0 22tD ,LJ iii:: z t i 314 , ) . ‘oi • " I 3 \ • • • •1 . V#, ik , • . - - 121:±1 . . . • - I •• ... , •••T '. el ". 12 • . -2 12 13 --•-izl .• ›--. .. ST. - v \ \ NORTH 0 • 0 . T./VP 2.3 Alp idi , ‘r N. 5 '7 • - \ i. 3 8 cv, 9P, i .l\N)...,,,............s. pR 900) .. . . .. / \ . . ... ,. l . . ".•: . ili 7-> ' ;•.:..... 0 ......: 41 14.% \• ,rI • ` - �� _., ' Ili 11 I ; r; 'k, • PETITION FOR STREET .VACATION I , IN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON \. . . ' • .• 1 Circulated by C/DEL L , ENGUM bate /1f,q y /0, / 76, Tele hone No. 2 Z 6 57.3fi% l Address • /�/7 / LAl�►/E r�l�'E�/UE NE P 1 lc ENTOn/,•. G1'/,45 t//N G 7VN • 98 D S 5 . • . To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council . City of Renton " City H S11 Renton, Washington , I • Gentlemen: I l I We, the undersigned, property owners abutting a portion of N.E. 18th Street respectfully request the vacation of that portion of said street right-of- way. more particularly described as follows: All that portion of street right-of-way known as N.E. 18th Street, having a. width.of 30 feet, being the south 30 feet of the west 96 feet of Tract 233, C. D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Diviision No. 4 as recorded.. in.volume 11 of plats, page 82, records of King County, Washington, so dedicated for street purposes. IAs s'tuated within the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 5, Twp. 23 N. , • I Rng. 5,. E. , W.M. I Additional Comments: • \ . . \ . -42--e '---aw.,./..4,(_t-v,,/ ..., -a-'&.°--0---6 :_.- ...„.0 . -(:-:(4, • ' --- d- "--d ).- . Name: _ Name: k Address: l7/7 /di ,,,c,� v��' Address: / $C) / 1341 +`�fr-- 4 /V... I Legal: Z\DT 2 Z oWELL's (ST ADD. rood Legal: Portion - Tract 233 , C. D. 1Hillman's Lake Was . Garden of Eden, 1 I Div. #4 II Name: Name: Address: I ;- Address: ILegal: Legal: I I 1 I . - • • . . 0.345678• .N \ G off: (� r j !! N.E. rµ S I. _ --� 24 , 2® ff x, i �..-_-- - 4.1 3 I c o I �� a Q�PEI z -� 391 3 N.E. 23R 1 D ST. 1 d, • 4 ,,': 3 1 jjo - Z94 283 273 262 253 242 235 .2 Z4 ,... , 4 Z ,,, I � 5 329 • . . } i .�� i ••_ N.E 2 Si. p W 1 lb .I — I'' '; 328 • 2 115` 8: • i I, -- 293 • 284 272 263 252 Z43 234 225 4 z ' . 13-.,.•1a.. I 111 5 +'iz 5 W 327 f* 1 e . 4 ::.- , . c. II 9 1 S 1 I, 326 1 20?" ST. ) r r . . ' —�---- • . 4f f h UJ Zilr. 325 f . ? Z 9 : 22 285 271 .2G,4. 251 . 2.44. i 31A .` I O,�t.'s,�,a w T�15 u� ; ZZ ZI 9 . g i li- - • Z3 Zo .Y o 7 N.I 322 t.v; s} N 5 - - t6 a�..i.-�I,•.. 5.ct 4 291 28c2 ZTO 2(o5 .d 245 . Z J,,t ,w3 3 Z14 ZOS , 321 W -• 114 u• _ i 2 • 320 N.E. - 16 TH ST. Z®®w�� 1 w w . I 2c6. to 4 Q�11�Q6i'. w z • 250 s�6�� :•nom W =•':1 Z49 0 24ro 231 228 213 210 3180 ‘ ra��. r- w 317 �..•Y�na®�P I , — • • `�7 %O. [ilk . . i 21�9 Z88' a 2(7 2.48 247 Z3O 229 t ZI'a 211 \ - tJ a 314 — — —3 ,It 1 • y- 4 14 313 1 �o 4 - 1— W.E.- - 12TN - - ST. W i 0 'a ` in25 G W Z a cs , � • a / _ r r jj-T-- 1111\ i DR. , zF P 900 1I ' i IB ui i 'T:.\ 17 4 4i • • ;.Y Ib NiE 0 14 Q ' 7 3 j' 1 -r" 1 . a \ ' 1 13 Z .•7 `L.`.:'.. I w N;E. lOT" ST. t . , i2 .. W // S \ \� -- O _m / 6 it V � 9 911 12 13IS_ 1 - . . .. , . . . . , .,,,, • ,.._.. . . . • , . ,,,_ . :. . , • ,,,I,' . . i' • . . Of ) .-7 • • , . . , 4• & • ' THE CITY OF. RENTON ,,t• I • — mme,.0, ..., MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 2r, NIL (51k, f o s a) CHARLES J. DELAUREN11, MAYOR .. DELORES A: MEAD . 0 ... '*, ".4 ',3 ! 43' • 4 ' • . . CITY CLERK . •P f<, • • • 41-tp SE -S*9 . • May 17, 1976 . . . . . • . . . 1.. . , . • . - „ • • . - . . ' • . . . The Honorable C. J. Delaurenti , Mayor ' . • . ' an' Members of the Renton City Council . , . . , . • Re: Proposed StreetVacation - Portion of N.E. 18.th St. ' ' Located between Blaine Ave. N.E. and Aberdeen Ave. N. E. • • Petition filed by Joel L.'Engum .. De, r Mayor and Members: • . - • . . . . . . . . . . Street. Vacation petition, as. above-xeferenced, has been certified by the . • Pu'l-lic Works Department as representing 86% of the abutting 'property owners ' an as to validity of signatures. . . . • . .. . It is recommended that the vacation request be referred to the Board of Puplic Works and to. the Public Works & TranSportation COmmittee for determina- tibnregarding appraisal and payment by abutting property owners and as con- ce. . ns retention of utility easements . . . . . .. , . - . .• , . . •• ' It is further recommended that the matter be referred to the. Legislation , • ' . Co flittee for resolution setting June 28, as Public Hearing date. . . . . • . , ' . , • . Yours very truly, ' • . . • . Adoti-ett Q• 77--6a-c0( •. . Delores A. Mead, City tlen . . , •. . • . ' • . . . . . . . • • . . . . . .. DM i . . . . . • . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . • . • • . . . . . , . . , . . • . . . . . . . . . ., • . . .. . . . • . • - . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . ' . • .. . . . . , • . . . . . . • . . . . . . • 0 'I I III INTEROFFICE MEMO TO : Public Works Department , Engineering Division r`R:1M : Del Mead , City Clerk RE : Documents requiring Legal Descriptions or Verification Attached are documents which we have received from the City Attorney requiring legal descriptions or v+orifications of the legal . Please rrovido information as necessary and return to the Cis:v CleCk ' s office for further processing. , . R PETITION FOR STREET VACATION IN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON Circulated by C.1'U4-4/. L , LCNG/aM Date /!�/9 y /0, /97( Address /rf/7 /j-A/we 4v ,/L,c /lE Telephone No. 22 to - �38 f.ENTO/✓, Ail,s tf/N G 7VM 98 055 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Renton City 1.111 Renton, Washington Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, property owners abutting a portion of N.E. 18th Street respectfully request the vacation of that portion of said street right-of- way more particularly described as follows: All that portion of street right-of-way known as N.E. 18th Street, ha 'ng a width of 30 feet, being the south 30 feet of the west 96 fee of Tract 233, C. D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Div'sion No. 4 as recorded in volume 11 of plats, page 82, records of King County, Washington, so dedicated for street purposes. As situated within the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 5, Twp. 23 N. , Rngl 5 , E. , W.M. Additio al Comments: 6:-:7' a.644-e,--2,1-Je/etr--Z) ,/ -ein -----474.4„,„,,,- ///e -ejt: Name: Name: Address: 1`7/-7 ,, eg..rr;,x /v�c Address: ( U / 13 >•.x= 4 /V/2: Legal: LOT 22, P(XJ LLJ5 1 ti-DDITiod Legal: Portion - Tract 233, C. D. Hillman' s Lake Was . Garden of Eden, Div. #4 Name: Name: Address: Address: Legal: Legal: „l 9y cri cc) - rri .� N p Z \S >� nr . i� rN.yj, 7 i�' r-:\ , ., ,, ., • . ,, . . . . , . . „. . - '• . . •. ' . ' . . . - .:-...•,., ,,, ,,.4, , ,, ., ... ,, r ,. . , ., . . . r . . • • „. • • • • • .• • .... ,• , • .'':,'..if;t:',i,,:,...,Zi:i1;::;:'"''4'' :..':,t,C r. 7•'., '':' ,( ,O'..,„. • ; ' ' ,. .,, I.. , . • • :;:,„..'V.;', ;'...11,;..,?,,,.:'%'..','r,t.','': ':',: ';''..4:'.'. '.''.''.:• . , ' ., ' . u . • :-''''1 r.''..''.'''''iri''''''•4‘:''Sr7t"::-.; '-:., '',. J/ 'sq. i,',,'", ,:f.,' ;,'i. : ,' . , ..• ' ' ' ' , . , . : , L,''. , , . • . I;:,'''.1 ''',(;j:''''',,:''''.'';'':1 F.'''.,. I.:.t.,'": ..,:''''''::" 'i': ' ''' 7. ; '. . ' '. 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';;se'.,',:i.,/ ,7\ ..... 4Vt0 OF.......:79,4.,ip 12 '4, -.., ve_. ' ' - ' i". • - - - - - , . VOLLARS • 4•:„.„-(,. ,..,,.., „,• -. ._._ 4-it' ',..J--.0-4-#C•4e -e,zQ -1„ „ . ,. . •,,, . . , .. ,_ • . 4.,44`, .tiii, k.. i :;till;,14. l'''''''SY'l.,: % ';'"e ' Mi:,;'S'•• :' ' '' • , , , :$' :,' . . . „ . .: . , . , ,..,:-4,4,,7 .,"..,-4,f,' • . ' ' ''''''' ' '''' ''''-'i''''''' '-' S''''''' ,' COrk' ' '' AMOUNT ,.4••-,p, 14.!.,.„,.„,• ,, ,.- •: -•••,,,.y.;.: ,:...' . " ,• ,..,. . . . .,'--41.• . ,,,,i4r;:i ttitA ' ' . ''''.•t•",4:''- OV— '' . . . .. . • ,Lc. ,.. ,. 44.... - . .: . . _ • .,,••„..,i ..vth,, , „ • -':!'4',"--k fitt-4',-.31:4 /Occup. BUZ.. U.c.en.se.s , . • S&culli,4) ' - ' 1.';.-'r;.. ', , :, '3a:',,7'..?d , ' I th,e3 , . • ,:.' iiii,i-p,e4eLP:,:;. ‘ '.., , , . : • ', ' . , - , - -.--2., ,, ,k ,..o...,;.'. .: • 4.. -: • .t.t..., .'4".'''' • .vuo,ute.4.6 Licen..se4 6 Peiun. , . . , •J,J,t •.c,. ,- • , . . ,..., „. , . • . , , . . ,,itap4 Pubt. Copie4s, etc. 1 , . , . . 'felt/let Rent - . , ,..,-.• . . , - ,, , , • ' '.'''''''.';!.(t','A- '4 l':' ' , I F, t-e.61).-7.6R4 t' TOTAL . .. .. • . .., . , • -. ., , ',,' , ; .,;•,;I ,— ,..:;'-''.)..'• 1)e,telA:,,,A;; Meetct,, Cit41.,,C..evtlz.., : . . .., -,.-,..,.4,„4.,T41-,• kq. ....- ; , , " - " • ' -„,-+,,-, ,:- ,•,:: =:.',-,:-,•,',,,' ',,,,'%' ;i c''';,,'-.'i':,i`7.',-',,''';',,,. :,: .c,.,,:','7. , .. 't ' '•''','..'' ' ''';`;'.,' '''% 't' .'1"',;41:,..'''.i''',:'t,',,''',-7,‘:,1. ,'.':,,.,",i.,.,,,,R,,,.,,;:,,':.:'',:r`.':.t,`:„, , ,•,,,, •, ''.::^';k1,1',IPM;,,. ....1'.''''',',„ .. ..,,:'.=',''', ..',','Itilf.;',,',%1'.'4',.'t-.,':;-::?"c14 .t":„',4:'"'..e...'el r;:i.,'„i-.:e.',.( ' - , . ' , ,,,,-...,:,,,,-,?,,,,!-;,-,1:.;•,-.:' '„,,,--';'., '',;,': ' , , ".,:',. :--74:,- ,,,,.. ',• , : ,".': ;' ,: '''-''.,,".'':',' " ''''2;1%.,',.:)kiA. ' ''''i' 4, . .., •• .. . PETITION FOR STREET VACATION IN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON • Circul.ted by '�,'DEL. L , ENGUM Date /i',q y /0., /c176 Address /?/7 / LA/A/E AWA/U6 /VE Telephone No. 22 6 ~ .SI3 gcl RErVToi,. b 45/l/NGMY • 98055 . • To the Honorable Mayor and Members of 'the City Council City of Renton • City Hall . Renton, Washington Gentle en: • . We, the undersigned, property owners abutting a portion of N.E. 18th Street respect, ully request the vacation .of that portion of said street right-of- way mot particularly described as follows: All that portion of street right-of-way known as N.E. 18th Street, . having a width of 30 feet, being the south 30 feet of the west 96 feet of Tract 233, C. D. Hillman's Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4 as recorded, in volume 11 of plats, page 82, records of 'ing County, Washington,- so dedicated for street purposes. As ituated within the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 5, Twp. 23 N. , Rng. 5 , E. , W.M. Addition=1 Comments: / i ...__4_• . • ,,,cy--. ,..), . azx,t,,z_..„,/ c.--;-Th -- ---l� . . . ., . • .1.2_1,,.." . ‘ . . (......d.„....c. Name: �'�i !�—'� t-,,`-G - Name: . . .e2w,---6.52---. 2 -- - Address: J7/.7 .!._3,6;1crnt-.0 0 / f Address: / 8'C) / /34j 5,�,, 4 iV Legal: 07 221 . POWE ..15 . I 'TADapiT/Dn1 Legal: Portion - Tract 233, C. D. Hillman' s Lake Was . Garden of Eden, Div. #4 Name: • Name: Address: Address: • Legal: • Legal: • • Zre3A- J67 .. ' I I I I 'c•) l • I 1 i 1 i i . 24 r-`-1 ST. .... 1 , . _ -, I * • -I Z 5, 4. 3 !•;::::':. r- • . .. 331 2 >. 6 7:•• .:•••••:: 7 - < ••\•,:••15 i o 23R° ST. 330 Z.Liii- 283 273 262 253 242. 235 224 ,.:: • 3 •:.:‘:•.. • i •,11. z 5 5 - . ; ; • : :. .: r- i •%. '... ; I :-:: ' I - i •• ; ••, i .•1 .. 's I ''.i -.-..•• 329 . . 1.1,E„ 2.1...±s• ST. 11.1 I ik, t:;..-....1 -328 > 2 i:.... 293 284 27Z ' 2G3 Z52 2.4 3 2 34 225 4 ••: .. 13 ".•••4 2. ... ;" •,,..P..1 I - 327 ' • W 5 •••'• ,....;:•'iz 5 hi ` .... .23%-; .•-•S../ JO 7 4 ..., 326 i N.E. 1-.E. 1-1 :- 201 S-i.[ 1 I . La •• .. zi'-rif'•fi . _ ._ 325 ./..••. ..•'.. .. • • • • - -• . .., ..• .... : : ..., : .•'Z '. : ' : .. : .•''•• • E 9 .. .•.:- ; -.. _ • 1 •• : . ui . 3 : •• •-•• ' . efi•> - - 4 292. Z85 271 2 4 ?...15 208G 4 251 Z44. -TA 324 .. • us i .•• MOPr'.60.2) > ..... •< • -5-7-1e42,6 r 144 cA77 N " • ,i3,4 ST. !....: 32.3 '• : •• ... 22 ZI 9... 5 ':-.. ::•••••...- i'. 1 7 : : .*• ' *•,; I , 2o Z4 9 G 322 2.•:.:. 8 I u , ...-•-• .1-1 \ i.2.• .,.,;t 4 32.1 291 Z8 270 ZG5 24 Z14 20 S L c•e1,0b ..,,.,,.-..' 14 (-) • Z 2 , • 0 •• 2 L 1 320 N.E. . ›. 1 6 iii. s-r. ; . z .- z 11111111 z ..- i._ 3 . , . , . , , • , 1 > • 4.-- - . a If) 4 dill z . La .1 am=< I.:. ›... • L1.1 2 - 20 5 .,Illiscu .. 5 5.:....: w :.-;I 249 Lcul 24G 231 228 213 210 , 318 0 •-- ••••/:EC -.: EL : ' , •-'1115111311LI' b .1 La, (..1 2 • F .. I „ i . ; ''.. 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