HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - SW 12th St BEGINNING OF FILE FILE TITLE /Ae•drrit) pfroq / // /, 01,, . e • Renton City Council 4/24/78 Page 3 Old Business - Continued - Ways. and Means Committee - Continued Ordinance #3159 The Committee recommended rescinding of Ordinance No. 3159, Rescinded street vacation of a portion of SW 12th St and alley, as no payment has been received and thus the ordinance has never been ( ' (I published. MOVED BY SHI.NPOCH, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND RESCIND ORDINANCE #3159. CARRIED. Voucher The Ways and Means Committee recommended approval for payment of Approval Vouchers #17816,through 18004 in the amount of $529,878.74, having . received departmental certification as to receipt of merchandise and/or services. Vouchers #17811 - 17815 cancelled. Payment approval also recommended for LID #297 Warrants R-2 $398.26 and C-2 $398.26; plus LID #302 Warrants R-14 $6,903.65, C-21 $6,400, C-22 $105.40 and C-23 $298.25. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT. CARRIED. Upon inquiry Historical Prpers of withholding payment to contractor for demolition of Earlington Found/Retained by School and ownership of vault contents of papers found in structure, Contractor i City Attorney advised the contract was silent and title ownership Earlington S hool would remain with the City, that contract payment may not be withheld. Demolition . ' MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL ADVISE THE ADMINISTRA- TION THAT WE SUPPORT ATTORNEY'S REMARKS AND ANY NECESSARY ACTIONS BY THE CITY. CARRIED. ' Utilities Utilities Committee Chairman Shane presented committee report recom- 7 Committee Re ort mending the City Council concur in recommendation of the Public Contract Award Works Department and accept the low bid of National Construction CBD Sewers Co. and award the contract for the sewer improvements in the Central Business District (S-209) in the amount of $112,706.33 (4/13/78 bid opening). MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. Sewer Study Councilman Perry left the Council Chambers and took no part in the Northeast Re ton following matter. The Utilities Committee report noted review of sewer needs for the Northeast Section of the City and program for Kennydale Sewers. the May Creek Interceptor and connecting Kennydale and Honey Creek interceptors to serve that area; the committee instructed the staff to continue efforts to get funding assistance. The report noted several property owners in the Kenhydale area are desirous of pro- ceeding with land development projects which had previously protested. The report recalled LID #296 hearing with 70% protest and project terminated. The report noted change in attitude in Kennydale and, therefore, recommended that the Council again initiate the Kenny- May Creek dale LID for sewers by resolution of the City Council and that Interceptor this matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for prepara- tion of the necessary resolution. Moved by Shane, Second Trimm, Council concur in the recommendation. Following discussion, SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, THAT THE RECOMMENDA- TION BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO MEET WITH ANY INTERESTED PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE AREA. ROLL CALL: 3-AYE: CLYMER, THORPE, STREDICKE; 3-NO: SHINPOCH, SHANE, TRIMM. MAYOR DELAURENTI VOTED AYE AND SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Perry returned to the Chambers and discussed committee meeting with Metro and Sewer District 96 in regards to May Creek interceptors and funding plan proposed by Metro. Public Safet Public Safety Committee Chairman Trimm recommended referral of the Committee subject of prevention of storage of motorcycles in homes and apart- Motorcycle ments to the Ways and Means Committee, noting 'combustibility danger. Storage Attorney Warren noted need for caution. CONSENT AGEND' The following items are reviewed by all Council Members , considered routine and adopted with one motion without separate discussion. Adopting motion follows items. Damages Claim Claim for damages was filed by Milda S. Franks, 12240 SE 240th St. , Kent, for personal injuries in amount of $254.82 for fall on sidewalk on Williams, alleging uneven low spot. Refer to City At- torney and Insurance Carrier. CBD Sewer Bid Opening 4/13/78 Central Business District (CBD) Sewer Improve- ments, two bids received. (Attached to 4/17/78 Minutes) Refer to Public Works Department and Utilities Committee. (See contract award above. ) Renton City Council 4/24/78 Page 4 Consent Agenda - Continued Proclamation Proclamation of Mayor Delaurenti declared May 1978 as Family Camping Month. Park Boad Letter from Parks and Recreation Director Webley reported for Chairman informational purposes that the Park Board elected Joan Moffatt as Chairman on 4/13, succeeding Ronald Regis who has served as Chairman for the past year. • Final Plat Letter from Hearing Examiner Beeler recommended approval with Parkwood Homes #2 conditions for Parkwood Homes Division No. 2 Final Plat 135-78. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for proper resolution. Street Vacation Letter from City Clerk Mead recommended 5/22/78 be set for public NW 3rd St. hearing on proposed street vacation of a portion of NW 3rd Street Public Hearing between Maple Ave. NW and Taylor Ave. NW. Certification received 5/22/78 for 100% ownership signatures on petition and $100 filing fee received. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution. Consent Agenda MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA. Approval CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENL BUSINESS Park Name Letter from Parks and Recreation Director Webley requested Council Change to concurrence in Park Board decision that the name of Lake Washington Honor Beach Park be ,changed to honor Gene L. Coulon and an appropriate. Gene L. Coulon Plaque be insta•l•l,ed,, The letter also requested Council authority to hold a formal ceremony around the first of June. The letter noted article re Mr. Coulon's career was submitted to the National Park and Recreation Assoc. by., David Towne, former Director of Parks for the City of Seattle, will be released to the newspaper at the appropriate time. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST AND' FORWARD THE MATTER OF FUNDING FOR PLAQUE TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Lake Washington Letter from Department of Natural Resources, Commissioner of Public Wharf Site Lands and Division of Marine Land Management, reported receipt of Vacation and City Resolution No. 2173 regarding petition to vacate "Wharf Sites" Log Storage and "Slips" Lake Washington Shorelands situated in front of sections , 29 and 32, and regarding certain log storage activities at the South end of the lake. The letter noted receipt of request to relocate the outer harbor line in that portion of the harbor area and will incorporate Renton's vacation request with the relocation proposal for presentation to the Harbor Line Commission and notify the City at such time as item scheduled. The letter suggested a meeting to identify problems and determine action as regards log storage activities which is currently included in a lease issued by the Port of Seattle. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE. REFER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Engineering Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason submitted agreement from Services CH2M Hill , engineering consulting firm, to furnish engineering Agreement services for study and design of a Supervisory Control and Tele- metry System for Water and Sewer Utilities. Authority for Clerk and Mayor to execute agreement was requested. MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND CLYMER, REFER AGREEMENT TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Fire Department Letter from Renton Fire Fighters Local 864, Gary Newton President, Clothing clarified any misunderstanding re Councilman Stredicke's request Allowance to change the current contract language from "clothing allowance to bonus allowance." The letter explained negotiations regarding proposed quarter-master system and requested opportunity to dis- cuss any subject in question prior to introduction on the Council floor. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, REFER THE COMMUNICATION TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN FOR RESPONSE. CARRIED. Historical Letter from Renton Historical Society President, Ethel Telban, Firebell noted the original firebell once used to summon the City's volunteer IV 4 OF A .► THE CITY OF RENTON 0 Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 n s w3�r' 4 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI I MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD -o `a' CITY CLERK 0441. SEP-0-`.O MEMORANDUM Date: April 24, 1978 To: Richard Stredicke, Chairman of Ways & Means Committee From: Del Mead, City Clerk Re: Street Vacation - Portion of S.W. 12th Street and Alley, Block 41 , C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Division No. 1 , Ordinance No'.-'3159 Ordinance No. 3159 was passed by the City Council on October 17, 1977. No payment has been received and thus the'brdinance has never been published to become effective. Sale of this property did not materialize when Council turned down the auto racetrack application. - During the 90-day payment period, petitioners and their attorneys-'were contacted several times. Both Mr. and Mrs. . Turner .ha'e"subsequently entered a nursing home and the other petitioners have indicated their parti- cipation had been as a favor'''to other petitioners. Attorneys for petitioners have indicated correspondence would be forthcoming requesting lower assessment, however, we haven't heard from anyone since our last contact on .March' 27, 1978. In view of the various circumstances, we would recommend that Council rescind the ordinance at this time. �.., • _7/78 RE: W 12th St. Vacation Tal ke with Mr. Minaker, Attorney for fir. a d Mrs. Turner. Turner feels price too high when he has no sale and no return on the land. He would be willing to paY fees assessed in 1960 at the time other land was vacated. The sale for this property did not materialize when Council turned down auto race track..),)„, .. F-4o/7-2 : Ec : S-i- Vi-t, . cc() / p_U ic- sa---14-1.1"--(--)2-- ,7". A.d......'14-(24/ 1‘473,;/11/70-bA,-6 eial-0,44-,;- . 0.17 _ — /, _.2__ 7 er? /a ; £t ce.-7--i- N.„,_•--2,,,a_.,,,-e-47 "..: - , , .,„--‘ iy 2'21.4,-, - .,-- --- ,--(4----c---1'-- I/ / --0!„,,,- AeZ‘-'1 *-'d e,411 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 3159 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON , VACATING A PORTION OF S .W. 12TH STREET AND A PORTION OF NEARBY ALLEYWAY WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating a portion of S .W. 12th Street (South 150th Place) , together with a nearby alleyway , Renton, King County, Washington, was duly filed with the City Clem on or about August 3 , 1977 , and said petition having been sign-d by owners representing more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon such street and nearby alleyway sought to be vacated; and WHEREAS the City Council by Resolution No. 2129 passed and approved on August 15 , 1977 , and after due investigation, did iix and determine the 26th day of September , 1977 at the hour of 8 : 00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers of the City of Renton to be the time and place for a public hearing thereon, and 'he City Clerk having given due notice of such hearing in the Danner provided by law, and all persons having been heard appe.ring in favor or in opposition thereto; and WHEREAS the Department Of Public Works and the Planning ' Depa tment of the City of Renton having duly considered said petition for said vacation, and having found same to be in the publ.' c interest and for the public' benefit , and no injury or damate to any person or properties will result from such vacation; . NOW THEREFORE , THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON,. DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : The following described portion of S .W. 12th Street and a portion of nearby alleyway, to-wit: The northerly 30 feet of S .W. 12th Street ( South ' 150th Place) adjoining Lots 29 through 41 inclusive, Block 41 , C . D. HiThants Earlington Gardens Division No . 1 as recorded in Volume 17 . of Plats , page 74, records of King County, Washington; lying Easterly v" of the Easterly R/W line of Oakdale Avenue S .W. (80th Avenue South) extended; and lying Westerly and Northerly of all that portion of S.W. 12th Street (South 150th Place) previously vacated by the City of Renton under Ordinance No . 2475 on April 7 , 1969 .. Together with all that portion of an alley running in an easterly and westerly direction through Block .41 of said plat of C. D. Hillman' s Earlington Gardens Division No. 1, abutting Lots 16- through 28 inclusive and 29 through 41 inclusive; lying Easterly of the Easterly R/W line of Oakdale Avenue S.W. (80th Avenue South) extended; and, . Westerly of all that ,portion of alleyway previously vacated under.,said Ordinance No . 2475 As situated within the Northeast. 1/4 of Section 24, . Twp. 23 N. , Range 4 E . ,W.M. BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED, subject to payment unto the Cit by Petitioner-owners of the amount of $ 9 , 222 . 00 which same amount does not. exceed 1/2 of the appraised value. of the are.: hereinabove vacated . SECTION 'II: This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication. A certified copy.: of this Ordinance shall be filed with the Office of Records and' Elections , King County, and as otherwise pro ided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 17th day of October , 1977 Delores Mea it (Clem � Y APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 17th day.ot Octo.ber , 1977 Charles Dehaurenti,_ ',aFf,y'or Ap as to form: ef:r3 '.ellan, City Attorney Dat ; of Publication: ' � 4Y CZ., V 4.e s cv Renton City Council 10/3/77 Page 4 Old Business - Continued Community Services Community Services Committee Chairwoman Thorpe presented committee Committee Report report recommending that the Council direct the City Attorney' s office to proceed with the necessary legal steps to obtain the Burlington Burlington Northern property on the Cedar River. MOVED BY PERRY, Northern SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. Councilwoman Property Thorpe commented for the record that the money for this property included in block grant funds. MOTION CARRIED. Aviation The Aviation (Public Services) Committee Chairman Stredicke submitted Committee Resort committee report recommending that the seaplane base contractor, Tripp Construction Co. be granted a sixty day extension of time for Seaplane Base completion of the seaplane base improvements . The report explained Construction completion has been delayed due to unresolved differences of interpre- CAG-008-77 tation among the contractor, supplier and engineer based upon the design criteria for height of waves as pertains to the installation of the floats , Airport Director meeting with all parties to finalize project. The report noted extension of time is least objectionable alternative to prevent litigation between contractor and his supplier and to obtain end product which City specified; that the committee has asked the Airport Director submit weekly status report. The report noted seaplane base project is funded approximately 70% by FAA who have agreed to time extension. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Renton District Councilman Stredicke noted for information, letter received from Court King County Councilman Mike Lowry agreeing with Renton Resolution Name Retained No. 2135 asking retention of name Renton District Court rather than change to Central District Court. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE, OCTOBER 13, i9EETING OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE BE CANCELLED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means The Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee Committee Report report recommending first reading for an ordinance vacating portion SW 12th Street of SW 12th St. Following reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND Vacation BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Resolution #2138 The committee report recommended reading and adoption of a resolution Fund Transfer[ transferring $5,000 for the purpose of continuing construction work Cedar Center Park on the Cedar Center Park. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2139 The committee report recommended reading and adoption of a resolution Surplus designating as surplus three typewriters to be sold "as is" without ' Typewriters warranty. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND THROPE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Suburban Mayor' s Mayor Delaurenti noted Thursday attendance at Suburban Mayor' s meet- ! Meeting ing, that he would be unable to attend the Metro Park and Ride meeting that night at the Sheraton Inn; see meeting schedule. Attami /� iC..,7e G''00 Delores A. Mead, City Clerk Renton City Council 10/3/77 Page 3 Consent Agenda - Continued Bid Opening City Clerk Mead reported Bid Opening 9/21/77 sanitary sewer lines LID 306 - and appurtenances L. I .D. 306, Sunset Blvd. N.E. at N.E. 7th St. Sanitary ' Eight bids received, see tabulation attached. Refer to Public Sewers Services Committee. Renton NOW Letter from Renton N.O.W. , President Beth Borst invited City officials Invitation re to attend October 6, 1977 education program on the Allan Bakke's Afirmative "reverse discrimination" case, with special speaker from the National Action Committee to Overturn the Bakke Decision. The letter noted affirma- tive action policies will be affected when the U.S. Supreme Court hears this case later this month, and invited discussion on the effects of this decision on the City. Program 7:30 Renton Library. • Surplus Letter. from Mayor Delaurenti recommended that three unusable and non- Typewriters repairable typewriters assigned to the Municipal Court, be declared 18 Years Old . surplus. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. (See Resolution #2139) Consent Agenda MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT CONSENT AGENDA AS_ Approval PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Portmar Boat Letter from Bd. of Public Works Director Gonnason reported B. A. Rentals Porter dba Portmar Boat Rentals, has been operating his business LAG-976-66 on City-owned property on Cedar River on a month-to-month tenancy Tract #6 since termination of Lease Agreement LAG 976-66 in December 1970. The letter recommended that 'Mr. Porter be given proper 30-day notifi- cation to vacate the premises due to extent of corrective work required due to Building and Fire Code violations, including instal- lation of sanitary facilities and, fire and domestic water service; and also due to impending construction of the Cedar River Trail System. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST AND NOTICE BE SENT TO MR. PORTER. CARRIED. Mayor Delaurenti noted 30-day can- cellation clause in lease. Brown/Strand Homes Letter from Ray Brown, Brown/Strand Homes, 1309 Monroe Ave. N.E. , Latecomer' s reported installation and payment of sewer line - NE 27th St. on private Request ' property to service two houses at 2311 N. E. 28th St. and 2317 N.E. 28th St. Mr. Brown' s letter requested Latecomer' s Agreement in event surrounding property would desire to hook on sewer in future. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Perry introduced Gerry Cichanski , 515 116th N.E. , Bellevue, Architect of new main fire station, S. Second St.. and New Headquarters Mill Ave. S. Perry explained presentation at Committee of Whole Fire Station meeting 9/29/77 with additional information requested. Mr. Cichanski Plans Approved presented sample, exterior, ribbed, building block and explained $4,000 alternative of increasing foundation to allow future addition of brick at cost of $40,000 to $50,000, however advising against same as unnecessary. Chichanski explained the "no frills" plan with $500,000 budget; explaining turning radius of ladder truck as deter- mining bay location for exit onto S. Second, which had been advised by Fire Station Advisory Committee. Cichanski recalled presentation 10/7/76 prior to bond issue, noting switch to EDA funding for present plan; recalling Council approval of apparatus exit onto Second at the 10/7/76 meeting. Cichanski explained roughed in restroom plumbing in basement part of base bid. Mr. Cichanski distributed sketches. Councilman Stredicke questioned signalized intersection at Second and Mill , also street widening. Councilman Clymer noted need for acquir- ing additional property for parking. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT PLAN AND MOVE AHEAD. Councilman Stredicke noted need for more room for fire personnel . Councilwoman Thorpe noted need for working out items while approving basic design. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting Time MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL EXTEND MEETING TIME BEYOND Extended THE SCHEDULED 11 :00 P.M. CLOSING TIME. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL. HOLD EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS LAND ' . Executive Session APPRAISAL AND ARBITRATION ON KING COUNTY/CITY HEALTH SERVICES CONTRACT. CARRIED. Council Members left the Chambers at. 11 :05 p.m. and reconvened at 11 :30 p.m. ' Roll Call : All present as previously shown. � ,f : �4 „/ ; ,,ram t�= if % : , RENTON ChTY ,.COUNCIL • Regular" Meeting October 3 , 1977 : Municipal .Building :Monday 8 00. P . M. Council Chambers : M I N `U "T E S. ' . .: CALL TO ORDER Mayor -Charles J. Delauren:ti: led the Pledge .of Allegiance to the • Flag and opened the regular meeting 'of the, Renton City Council . ,ROLL CALL OF - GEORGE` J. PERRY, Council President; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE; 'COUNCIL RICHARD M. :STREDICKE,,'KENNETH D BRUCE,, EARL ,CLYMER. MOVED BY ' CLYMER,"• SECOND PERRY, :ABSENT COUNCILWOMAN BARBARAA Y.. SHINPOCH BE EXCUSED `_;,CARRI,ED ' STAFF IN CHARLES J. DELAURENTI,: Mayor; G: :M. SHELLAN; City Attorney; GWEN ATTENDANCE MARSHALL, Ei:nance Director; DEL MEAD, City.-clerk; RICHARD GEISSLER, • Fire Chief;: GORDON: Y.' 'ERICKSEN,:, Planning,,Di;rector, WARREN GONNASON; ' Public Works Director, CAPT. BOURAS-A;,,;Police Representative; DONALD CUSTER, Admini strati ve` Assistant.: . • 'PRESS GREG• ANDERSON, 'Renton: Record Chronicle. ' MINUTE APPROVAL Upon inqui,ry by Co.unci l , President, Perry, of, any correcti ons or. '9/26/77 additions to Council.Minutes ;Counc1.lman._Strediclee:.asked- for clari, ' fication regarding. need: for Envi"ronmental,'`Impact ''Statement as con- cerns :construction`:on Renton Hill , Planning Director Ericksen advis- , ing that.until. plansare submitted no impact statement can be made. ' Addition Councilwoman Thorpe "requested:incl:usion :of" inquiries' regarding legal : - •Street Vacation standing Of: in-house appraisals, beinqz advised by Mayor Delaurenti ;SW 12th . that City staff is qualified, Attor.ney_.Shellan confirming in-house appraisal, to be proper and:' legal.;''that:.:;:cost� of outside appraisal to 'be passed'on to.,appl i cant, .:the:larger areas::possibly warranting arl,>;� outside: appraisal , in-house of mutual :benefi:t ;to parti es,however.. ' . ; -MOVED_ BY PERRY SECOND, STREDICKE;.,•COUNCIL`'MINUTES BE APPROVED AS CORRECTED: .CARRIED: . ern g PUBLIC HSARI G Thi,s:.being_<"the .date :set and'. prop otices Navin been posted and Comprehensive published according; to' law, ,Mayor .Delaurenti opened the public hearing :: South Renton to .cons'ider :the Planning Commission recommendation regarding the Planning`Ar."e : Comprehensi"ve• Plan of the South Renton Planning area which "is generally Victoria Parkk described ;as being, south.'of Victoria Park extending. to approximately south.,to SE 186th;'•SE 186th >:and east of the Valley Freeway to _the "Benson Highway. -:';'valley Freew y to`• 'Letter' from,Planning :Di.rector,.,Erl cksen' explained series of public; Benson :Road : hearings: completed by the Planning_ Commission regarding subject and - area.:noted;- which had:been :initiated by :two requests for comprehensive ' land :use :plan designation, amendments by .Charles L. Di vel bi ss .for:. Amendment Requests :area west of Summerhil1" and' Sunset, Vista Apartments and from Gene D;ivelbiss CPL901 , L. .Erwin.: and Ronald W.. Scott for "vicinity of "98th :Ave. S. at Carr Road: Erwin & Scott:. The letter explained Commissions- determination to-review entire area CP-092-77 An: the "general: vicinity ;of the Valley General Hospital ; outsi•de:",o;f: the: : city.. limits but within comprehensive" planning-".area boundaries Letter from Robert.E: �McBeth.,:"Gouge_,; McBeth` & Faul 1 , Attorneys at.Law',;.';: ':' : , represented Trinity Associates owners -of property situated adjacent: to ".SW '43rd St. :(Carr Rd. ) to the-,south and'.al so to .the east of Talbot Rd.:, intersection, noti:'ng; concern for:placement of property ;in ;'-;i: P-1zonte :which is presently' under for-..updating. The letter .. - ? s; -- - . :.- , : . h . requesed,.modification, to te comprehensive land-use p• lan and proposed. . designation of R-3 and light commercial use; due to' direct. access to :., - major:.arterial closefproximity to..the Valley General, Hospital and medical related" facilities and immediate-access to .utilities. The . letter noted plans for clinic and:medical:-o'ffices, coninerci al: medi calV_. and r.multi-family fac%.l iti es _ o •. -�P1'aniii D rectir -.Ericksen called attention :tocom rehensive plan :"and Presentation 9." p � Planning Commission'recommendation 'available„ to: audience,.,Used sl,ides and' wall maps and explained-!,thel Commission ;recommendation ".includinigV ,` three". phases:'of land Use,.:, community?faci.li:ties::and` circulation, alongi ,,, ,. with- the defini"ti.on" "and :purpose, noting,-inncl;usi:on; of that area outside r v,' - thecity.;Almits because,of"'nee_d ford-.l.ong; range_ planni»ng :of ,areas,that ,� x. ` ' ma " become art of the city Erlksen;`ex 1ained ".antici ated` roWth of'' y P 1 p p 9 5,CO3 1*Ur' ` i 0y2 110410 .110 Renton City ouncil 10/10/77 Pa e 6 Old Business - Continued Public Services Public Services Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee report Committee Resort recommending award of contract to low bidder, Renton Construction Bid Award Company, for LID 306, Harries ,Garden'Home Tracts sanitary sewer LID #306 project, Alternate B - PVC pipe, in amount of $30,190.25. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE., COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Cavenee Sewe 1 The committee report recommended that the request of Gerald D. ,Request Cavenee for sewer service outside of the City boundaries be allowed only upon annexation to the City. . Moved by Stredicke, Second Shinpoch, concur. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, RETURN TO COMMITTEE. CARRIED. LID #308 ti The committee report recommended favorable consideration of petition Glacier Park 1 by Glacier Park Co. for street improvements on SW 41st and SW 34th Street Streets between Lind Ave, and the E. Valley Highway; 11/7/77 set Improvement : for public hearing. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR 41N COMMITTEE REPORT. City Attorney Shel lan' noted question re 'single party improvement district, inquiring whether City as a whole would benefit from the street improvement. Councilman Clymer cautioned , setting of precedent. MOTION CARRIED. Latecomer' s. The committee report recommended a latecomer' s agreement be granted Agreement • for ten-year period-to Mr. Davis for construction of water main, Mr. Davis allowing other properties to connect, authorizing Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreement. MOVED BRUCE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR.CARRIED. Ways & Means The Ways & Means Committee Chairman Clymer submitted committee Committee Retort report concurring in the Mayor' s appointment of Robert J. Kingen Appointment to the Planning Commission, effective through ,1/31/80, replacing George C. Nelson, who has resigned. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 1978 Tax Lev Councilman Clymer noted. for the record that under RCW the City of Renton, tonight,was to advise the electorate of setting the levy for the City.; however, County Assessor' s report has not been received, making impossible task without the basic figure of assessed valuation. City Clerk Mead noted ,King County Assessor advised the assessed valuation would likely be ready by 10/17; Mayor Delaurenti asking the Clerk to check further. NEW BUSINESS Councilwoman Shinpoch extended appeal .for secretarial services for LEOFF Boad the LEOFF Board meetings, first Saturday of each month; Mayor Secretary Delaurenti asked for request _in, writing. ORDINANCES A D RESOLUTIONS Wa s & Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman ,Clymer presented committee report Committee Retort- recommending first reading Of an ordinance to transfer ,and appropriate First Reading funds recommended by Finance Director pending-review-Of EDA-LPW Appropriatio funds; main fire station, Cedar River trail' and-Talbot Hill pump EDA Funds station projects'. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ordinance #3157 The committee report recommended first, second' and final readings Acquisition •'f of an ordinance authorizing acquisition of property by eminent domain BN Property or (parties of record: Burlington Northern and heirs of Henry Yesler) Senior Cente for purpose of Senior Citizen Center construction; and, authorized Attorney to proceed. Following reading, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL SUSPEND: RULES AND ADVANCE TO .SECOND AND FINAL READ- INGS. CARRIED. Following readings , it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, ' SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE. CARRIED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. .CARRIED. . First Reading The committee report recommended first reading of ordinance vacating .,Street Vacation a portion of SW 12th St. and portion of alley nearby, lying easterly SW 12th St. of Oaksdale Ave. SW. ' Following' reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER BACK TO COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 42.44A, r...777,7 _ :ter_ Renton City ouncil 10/10/77 Pa' e 6 Old Business - Continued Public Services Public Services Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee report Committee ke ort recommending award of contract to low bidder, Renton Construction Bid Award . Company, for LID 306, Harries Garden Home Tracts sanitary sewer LID #306 project; Alternate B - :PVC pipe, in amount of $30,190.25. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Cavenee Sewe- 1 The committee report recommended that the request of Gerald D. Request i Cavenee for sewer service outside of the City boundaries be allowed only upon annexation to the City. . Moved. b.y Stredicke, Second Shinpoch, i concur.' SUBSTITUTE MOTION CLYMER, .SECOND PERRY, RETURN TO COMMITTEE. CARRIED. LID #308 i The committee report recommended favorable' consideration of petition Glacier Park by Glacier Park Co. for street improvements on SW 41st and SW 34th Street Streets between Lind Ave. and the E.. Valley Highway; 11/7/77 set Improvement for public hearing. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. City Attorney-Shellan noted question re single party improvement district, inquiring whether City as a whole would benefit from the street improvement. Councilman Clymer cautioned setting of precedent. MOTION CARRIED. Latecomer' s The committee report recommended a latecomer' s agreement be granted Agreement ' for ten-year period to Mr. Davis for construction of water main, ' ' Mr. Davis allowing other properties to connect, authorizing Mayor and Citv _Clerk to execute agreement. MOVED BRUCE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR.CARRIED. Ways & Means The Ways & Means Committee Chairman Clymer submitted committee Committee Resort report concurring in the Mayor' s appointment of Robert J. Kingen Appointment to the Planning Commission,, effective through 1/31/80, replacing George C. Nelson, who has resigned. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. 1978 Tax Lev, Councilman Clymer noted for the record that under RCW the City of Renton, tonight,was to advise the electorate of setting the levy for the City; however, County Assessor' s report has not been received, making impossible `task without the basic figure of assessed valuation. City Clerk Mead noted King County Assessor advised the assessed valuation would likely be ready by 10/17; Mayor Delaurenti asking the Clerk to check further. NEW BUSINESS Councilwoman Shinpoch extended appeal for secretarial services for LEOFF Boad the LEOFF Board meetings, first' Saturday of each month; Mayor Secretary, Delaurenti asked for request in, writing. ORDINANCES A D RESOLUTIONS ' Ways & Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented committee report _Committee Report recommending first ,reading of an' ordinance to transfer and appropriate First Readin; funds recommended by Finance Director pending review of EDA-LPW Appropriatio ' funds; main fire station, Cedar River trail and Talbot Hill pump EDA Funds station projects . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK, CARRIED. • Ordinance #3157 ' The committee report recommended first, second and final readings Acquisition if of an ordinance authorizing-acquisition of property by eminent domain BNProperty or (parties of record: - Burlington Northern and heirs of Henry Yesler) Senior Cente for purpose of Senior Citizen. Center construction; and authorized Attorney to proceed.. Foliowing .reading; MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READ- INGS-. CARRIED. Following readings, it. was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE. CARRIED. ROLL CALL: , ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Readin. The committee report recommended first reading of ordinance vacating Street Vacation a portion of SW 12th St. and portion of alley nearby, lying easterly • SW . 12th St. ' of Oaksdale Ave. SW. 'Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER BACK TO COMMITTEE. CARRIED. . • \ itt1;,1 � 4: � THE CITY OF RENTON • MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 0 °� °' CHARLES J. DELAURENTI • MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD o 0 CITY CLERK tD SEP1 . October 17, 1977 • • Ivonne A. Lucker, Trustee 4137 - 94th Ave. S.E. Mercer Island, WA 98040 Re: Street Vacation Petition Portion of S.W. 12th St. Dear Petitioner: Pursuant to our letter of .October 4, 1977 regarding street vacation, • as above-referenced, we have been apprised that the vacation fees ere not divided to reflect proper shares of property ownership. e enclose your individual billing for vacation fees, payable to the City of Renton, at this time. Upon receipt of full payment Of $9,222.00 from all the property owners, we shall publish the ordinance to consummate the street vacation. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON • Delores A. Mead • City Clerk DAM:j t• • • Enclosure Finance Director Public Works Director Coldwell Banker - Mr. Friedman 624 Invoice No_ - CITY OF RENTON 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WASHINGTO.N 98055 City Clerk's Offjce Department or Division • Date October 17. 1977 Yvonne A. Lucker, Trustee Please make checks 4137 94th Ave. S.E. payable to Mercer Island, WA 98040 Finance Department City of Renton L Ar-a - 3,259.50 square feet at $1 .00 per square foot = $3,259.50 1/2 of Appraisal Fee $1 ,629.75 -r S REET VACATION - PORTION OF S.W. 12th ST. Total Due $1 ,629 75 n..j F R� '" dl J THE CITY OF RENTON c..) �� r MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 z rn p :YI CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD /Q c° CITY CLERK 0 �� . 4TFD SEP1E�O October 17, 1977 E. R. Turner A. M. Turner c%o C. W. Minaker, Attorney • 5904 California Ave. S.W. Seattle, WA 98136 • • Re: Street Vacation Petition • Portion of S.W. 12th St. Dar Petitioners: Pursuant to our letter of October 4, 1977 regarding street vacation, a above-referenced, we have been apprised that the vacation fees w re not divided to reflect proper shares of property ownership. W enclose your individual billing for vacation fees, payable to the City of Renton, at this time. Upon receipt of full payment v. of $9,222.00 from all the property owners, we shall publish the ordinance to consummate the street vacation. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON ogie6 Delores A. Mead City Clerk DAM:jt E closure cL: Finance .Director Public Works Director Caldwell Banker - Mr. F. Friedman Invoice No 622 CITY OF RENTON 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 . City Clerk's Office _ 33 la;; Department or Division Date Octo'er 17, 1977 r- I E. R Turner Please make checks A. M .Turner. to c/o . W. Minaker, Attorney payable 5904 California Ave. S.W. Finance Department Seat le, WA 98136 City of Renton Area - 15,184.50 square feet at $1 .00 square foot = $15,184.50 1/2 of Appraisal Fee $ 7,592.25 S REET VACATION - PORTION OF S.W. 12TH ST. 1 { re neolft Total Due $7,592:25 INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date October 13, 1977 TO: Del Mead, City Clerk FROM: Donald Monaghan, Office Engineer SUBJECT: Street Vacation Appraisal SW 12th St. (together with portion of alley) This office has received a request from Mr.. Friedman of Coldwell Banker to revise the division of the appraisal cost for the above referenced street vacation as follows: Yvonne Lucker - area 3259.50 sq. ft. at $1.00 per sq. ft. _ $3,259.50 1/2 of appraisal = $1,629.75 Turner, E.R. - area 15,184.50 sq. ft. at $1.00 sq. ft. = $15,184.50 and A.M. 1/2 of appraisal = $ 7,592.25 Please send revised letters to Ms. Lucker and Mr.. E. R. & A. M. Turner reflecting the new figures. ?.<('A*2 AH:pmp pF R , ► THE CITY OF RENTON �A, ...,.5 7 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 z R{ o p Nal CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR A DELORES A. MEAD .o (O CITY CLERK 4TED SE PT October 4, 1977 Yvonne A. Lucker, Trustee 4 37 - 94th Ave. S.E. M rcer Island, WA 98040 Re: Street Vacation Petition Portion of S.W. 12th St. D ar Petitioner: T e above-referenced rights of ways, containing 18,444 square feet, have been appraised at $1 .00 per sq. ft. , based upon a p for appraisal in near proximity to the subject area. T e City's appraisal value 'is $18,444.00, therefore one-half t at amount, or $9,222.00 is payable to the City as the vaca- t'on fee. Each of the two abutting property owners would be 1 able for his pro rata share in sum of $4,611 .00. Checks or m ney order may.. be made payable to the City of Renton. U on receipt of full payment of $9,222.00, we will forward the o dinance to the City. Council for final action to consummate t e vacations. I you have any questions regarding the matter, please call , P . 235-2500. Very truly yours, CITY OF RENTON (-41 y �J Delores A. Mead City Clerk D'M:jt • • • pF ° THE CITY OF RENTON VP " A� MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 0 ' CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR • DELORES A. MEAD co. CITY CLERK O,Q 44-0 SE PI— • October 4, 1977 E. R. Turner . AI M. Turner cYo C. W., Minaker, Attorney 5904 California Ave.. S.W. • S attle, WA 98136 Re: • Street Vacation Petition Portion of S.W. 12th St. • • Dar Petitioners: The above-referenced rights of ways, containing 18,444 square . f et, have been appraised at $1 .00 per sq. ft. , based upon a p 'ior appraisal in near proximity to the subject area. The City's 'apprai'sal value is $18,444.00, therefore one-half that amount, or $9,222.00 is payable to the City as the vaca- tion fee. Each of the two abutting owners would, be liable for his pro rata share in sum of $4,611 .00. Checks or money order may be made payable to. the City 'of Renton. Upon receipt of full payment of $9,222.00, we will forward the ordinance to the City Council for final action to consummate the vacations. If you have any questions regarding the matter, please call , Ph. 235-2500. Very truly yours, CITY. OF RENTON Delores A. Mead City Clerk DAM:jt 1 INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date September 30, 1977 0293 3/ � oLP TO: Del Mead, City Clerk Ve 0.0. (55' FROM: Richard C. Houghton �, ,�✓ C� c SUBJECT: Ordinance - Street Vacation of Portion of ;tact. (ta and nearby alleyway e2,9 S‘Z�� We hav? checked the legal description contained within the above referenced ordinance proposing vacation of a portion of SW 12th St. and a nearby alleyway. and find it to be satisfactory. Based on a previous appraisal made in near proximity to said subject right-of- way, i.e. Thomas Ave. SW, I hereby set an appraisal figure of $1.00 per sq. ft. for SW 12th St. including the alleyway as described in the ordinance. The area proposed for vacation contains 18,444.00 sq. ft. //1 AH:pmp v44i< 1 SWIa I ' RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September ?6 , 1977 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and opened the regular meeting of the Renton City Council . ROLL CALL OF GEORGE J. PERRY, Council President; EARL CLYMER, RICHARD M. COUNCIL STREDICKE. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY , COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. The meeting recessed at 8:05 p.m. and reconvened at 8:12 p.m. Roll Call : PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE, PERRY, CLYMER AND STREDICKE. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, ABSENT COUNCILMAN KENNETH D. BRUCE AND COUNCILWOMAN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. STAFF IN C. J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; G. M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; GWEN MARSHALL, ATTENDANCE Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; RICHARD GEISSLER, ' Fire Chief; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; DONALD D. CUSTER, Administra- tive Assistant. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 12, AND SEPTEMBER 19, 1977 AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COVMENT Charles Shane, 3003 Mt. View Ave. N. , objected to proposed 90--unit condominium on Renton Hill because of inadequate water, street Renton Hill access , fire protection and asked that environmental impact be prepared. Mr. Shane also objected that Renton Hill residents must attend lengthy hearings and questioned vacation of Grant Ave. S. Public Works Director Gonnason noted Grant Ave. S. has not been vacated, additional right-of-way has not been acquired. Gonnason explained environmental impact statement would be required at the proper time. Councilman Stredicke reported building moratorium placed on Renton Hill (Res. #2137 9/26/77). City Attorney Shellan advised against Council participation in this subject matter until such time as it officially comes before the body. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notice having been posted, Street Vacation published and mailed, exceeding legal requirements, Mayor Delaurenti Portion of opened the public hearing to consider the vacation of a portion of SW 12th St. SW 12th Street together with nearby alley, lying southerly of SW (S. 150th P1 . ) Grady Way and easterly of Oaksdale Ave. SW, northerly of FAI405. Letter from Board of Public Works, Warren Gonnason, Chairman, noted review of proposed vacation as petitioned by Coldwell Banker on behalf of E. R. and A.M. Turner and Yvonne A. Lucker. The letter reported no need for retention of utility easements and no objections to the proposed street vacation as the right-of-way is not necessary for present or future use as part of the City' s traffic circulation system and would be consistent with previous vacation of adjacent rights-of-way. Public Works Director Gonnason used wall map to point out area and the Springbrook Creek, as requested by Councilman Stredicke. Gonnason reported no conflict. Councilman Stredicke explained to C.W. Minaker, Attorney for Mr. and Mrs. Turner (also present) the City' s policy of receiving payment of 1/2 appraised valuation of property to, be vacated. Mr. Minaker expressed belief that this vacation was completion of prior incomplete street vacation and charges should be in accord. Councilman Clymer reported the entire street had not been vacated previously to prevent landlockinq of property. Councilman Stredicke noteu if street was not vacated, off-site improvements could be required. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CLOSE THE HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, THE CITY VACATE THE PORTION OF SW 12th STREET AS REQUESTED WITH THE PAYMENT OF ONE-HALF APPRAISED VALUE AND MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR IN-HOUSE APPRAISAL AND TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ORDINANCE. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda items, previously distributed to all Council Members are considered routine and are enacted by one motion unless removed by Council action for separate consideration. Renton City Council 9/26/77 Page 2 Consent Agenda - Continued Mayor' s Proclamation of Mayor Delaurenti named the week October 9 to 15, Proclamation 1977 as Fire Prevent Week, urging effective fire safety. Council Fire Safety Week concurrence recommended. Cedar Center Letter from Planning Department Housing and Community Development, Park Fund Acting Coordinator Gary Kruger, requested fund transfer in amount Transfer of $5,000 between Cedar Center Park funds in order to continue construction detail work on the Cedar Center Park by City staff. Refer to the Ways and Means Committee. Voucher Ways and Means Committee report recommended Council approval for Approval payment of Vouchers No. 15275 through 15420 in the amount of $127,713.29 having received departmental certification; also approval requested for LID #302 Revenue Warrant R-4 in amount of $10,202.05 and Cash Warrant C-4 $52.05 and C-5 -in amount of $10,150. Warrants 15271 through 15274 were machine voided. Council concur- rence recommended. Claim for Claim for Damages was filed by Pioneer Distributors, 326 S. 3rd St. , Damages John Swanson, in amount of $298.06 for cost of plumbing repairs, alleging insufficient inspection by the City inspector at time of installation of undergrounding and sidewalks. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. LID 308 Letter from City Clerk Mead reported receipt of petition for street Street improvements on SW 34th St. and SW 41st St. between Lind Ave. SW Improvements and the East Valley Freeway, which had been verified by the Public Works Dept. that petition represents 100% of the total front foot- age. The letter recommended that the Council set date of 11/7/77 for public hearing on the preliminary local improvement district roll and that the matter be submitted to the Ways and Means Com- mittee for resolution. Council concur and refer to Ways and Means Committee. (See additional referral on Page 3) Appointment Mayor Delaurenti announced appointment of Robert J. Kingen, 3014 Lake Washington Blvd. N. , to the Planning Commission to complete the term of George C. Nelson, now resigned. Appointment effective through 1/31/80. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA Approval AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Surplus Letter from Municipal Judge Stone requested permission to place Typewriters three surplus typewriters in the Police Auction October 4, 1977 and listed manufacturer and serial numbers, requesting referral to the Ways and Means Committee for resolution. Moved by Perry, Second Thorpe, Council refer request to the Ways and Means Com- mittee. Councilman Stredicke asked for information such as age and use, etc. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE. CARRIED. Request for Letter from Geraleb Cavenee, 2424 Dayton Ave. NE requested Sewer Connection City -sewer connection of property located at approximately 13406 G. Cavenee SE 99th St. (Sierra_Heights area) . The letter noted service would be for single family residence and perc test has been disapproved due to unfavorable soil conditions. The letter noted support of any annexation of /the area. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. 1978 Property Letter from King County Council Chairman, Mike Lowry, reported the Tax Levies County Council is required by RCW 84. 52.070 to certify the amount of property taxes levied in King County annually to the County Assessor and requires the amount of taxes to be levied for each taxing district, that the deadline for submitting 1978 property tax levies is 10/28/77. The letter stated that for Renton to receive any property taxes in 1978, Resolution must be received by the County by the 10/28 date, that the Assessor will notify each district 4; FOR SEPTEM"' 26 PUBLIC HEARING U 0°© o— 9z gOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS 0 RENTON, WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING o 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH o RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 v BA 8-3310 �9 © o �' / 2SAoRT CAPITAL�F _ . September 20 , 1977 Honorable Charles J . Delaurenti , Mayor M mbers of the City Council Re : Coldwell Banker Proposed Vacation of Portion of- SW 12th Street• Dear Mayor Delaurenti and Council Members : The Board of Public; Walks has, •re.viewe.d the proposed vcation of a portion of SW -12th Street as petitioned by Coldwell Banker. Responses - from PugetiPower, Pacific Northwest Bell , Washington Natural Gas Company, . the cable TV company, and the' City' s Traffic Engineering ad Utilities Divisions indicate no •ob.je.ctions' to the proposed vacation and no need for any utility easements , The Board of Public Works therefore reports ,,no objections • to the proposed street vacation, as the right-of-way is not necessary for present or future use as part of the city' s traffic circulation system: Furthermore , vacation of .this right-of-way would be ,c:onsistent with p evious action vacating adjacent rights -of,way. S 'ncerely, • :-, ,) (,-.".,./ ;ter Warren C . Gonnason, P .E . Chairman A;'y +'" cc: Engineering Division '`'; `J" 4 C , Traffic Engineering Division ` ,, Planning Department `.,ir °e"` yak-` - SP.,.`fi' 1 R ' FOR SEPT] ER 26 PUBLIC HEARING „ ,..--- ti cj et I BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS • RENTON, WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING • 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 o S,o •. °Rr CAPITAL 0 September 20 , 1977 Honorable Charles J . Delaurenti , Mayor M mbers of the City Council Re : Coldwell Banker Proposed Vacation of Portion of SW 12th Street Dear Mayor Delaurenti and Council Members : Tie Board of Public Works has reviewed the proposed vacation of a portion of SW 12th Street as petitioned b Coldwell Banker. Responses from Puget Power, Pacific Northwest Bell , Washington Natural Gas Company, tl e cable TV company, and the City's Traffic Engineering a d Utilities Divisions indicate no objections to the proposed vacation and no need for any utility easements . Tie Board of Public Works therefore reports no objections to the proposed street vacation, as the right-of-way is not necessary for present or future use as part of t e city' s traffic circulation system. Furthermore , vacation of this right-of-way would be consistent with previous action vacating adjacent rights -of-way. Sincerely, ' J /y L7. - -eP- arren C . Gonnason, P .E . Chairman .1,,. ,( 0_,,, ah ` '` 1� `4G c: Engineering Division R!� b, }' f Traffic Engineering Division `,�,=3 0 -4, Planning Department ` , �` � - '' ` ,, Csv %CIS NP c 11 LJ (z , n. r Ah/Ic pvad-o 0 7"! 9pp;_ ���!� /Lef/o% 0 V s A eakS - C, OPD1Yiakicc_ • ,------;)-- , j._. -----) 4Ado-,-,,fvj 0 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. Tjt)rr,;er.•et Ile]"t•,.iu h being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that s- e is the Chief Clerk 1' of 3rr4 CITY OF RENTON 1 i' w, NOTICE THE RENTON t.. RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) •,+;, „ c PUBLIC HE RING times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and j• BY has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred ,+, ,• , RENTON CITY COUNCIL I to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- NOTICE IS HEREBY paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, ."' GIVEN that the RentonCity and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton Council has fixed the 26th j Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the day of September, 1977,at ' Superior Cour`of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton, Municipal Building, Renton, Washington.That the annexed is a ;,G 1 I C 5 of > la b 1.?C Washington,as the time and. place for a public hearing to: �.a 1;Zn ,. rya,,,,,,,, consider the following: : Petition of abutting prop- , .,r.:-, , erty owners for vacation as it was published in regular issues(and of a portion S.W. 12th 1 h not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period Street (South with a Place), together with a •'": nearby alleyway,adjoin- . ! -- ing Lots 29 through 41 1F.„.-,.. inclusive,Block 41,C.D.: of consecutive issues,commencing on the + Hillman's Earlington 1 r Gardens Division No. 1, �-�) day of i�C U t ,19....(1..,and ending the - ' as more clearly defined -- - in Resolution No. 2129 ' ,., ^r• adopted by the Renton ,,;,,.,.•• City Council August 15, day of ,19 ,both dates 1977. • inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- Any and all interested per- scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee •• sons are invited to be pre- " sent to voice approval, dis- ' . 1 1 rX a-s;h'•=°r approval or opinions on , charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of 8-L.- B�y which f,,-, same. has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the �• CITY OF RENTON first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent •f�'-• Delores A.Mead insertion. City Clerk jr �,,"-� 1 ' Published in The Renton I ,!^l t .CS�S?ir1.�lLC��.� I"+- Record-Chronicle August --tt ) •o',•,.,,,.• 26, 1977. R4515 C '1 ,e 7 Ole1`{Z ..1.._ Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26 day of ,t`' l ll: US t , 19.77 ..... ... . . ..../4".. .. Notary Publ in nd for the ate of Was ' gton, residing at Kent, Ki ounty. —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, . adopted by the newspapers of the State. V.P.C.Form No.87 Affidavit of Publication • STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. i' '% • ( t'' !.s being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that 5, Cis the ('- • of -- ----":, CITY OF RENTON THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) NOTICE OF times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and PUBLIC HEARING 4 has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred ""' BY to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- RENTON CITY COUNCIL I paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, NOTICE IS HEREBY and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained GIVEN that the Renton City II at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton Council has fixed the 26th Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the da of September,1977,at Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, y' m, in the Council 8:00 p• Chambers of the Renton Washington.T at the annexed is a (% i �° ="C Municipal Building, Renton, Washington,as the time and . , place for a public hearing to ' consider the following: 1 Petition of abutting prop- erty owners for vacation as it was published in regular issues(and of a portion of S.W 12th �,,I not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period -•., Street (South 150th 1 Place). together with a nearby alleyway,adjoin- of 1 consecutive issues,commencing on the ing Lots 29 through 41 incusive,Block 41,C.D. 1,1 Hillman's Earlington r o t-''I dayof ' '!'`UC t ,19 f 7 : asardens Dclvisiondefined i. ,and ending the • in Resolutieon the Renton , day of ,19 ,both dates City CO by Council August 15, , inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub 1977. scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee Any and all interested per- • sons are invited to be pre- .1 ,'c -if-) sent to voice approval,dis charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $•� •.1`; which approval or opinions on has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the same. first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent CITY OF RENTON insertion. Delores A.Mead City Clerk I P1I l° a-44-F4 { V` Published in The Renton °I �' Record Chronicle August 26, 1977. R4515 Subscribed and sworn to before me this Z day of 0 a.t 't i 19 Notary Publi ip and for the tate of Washington, residing at Kent,Kin ounty. —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. V.P.C.Form No.87 CITY OF RENTON OFFICE OF TH ; CITY CLERK • 200 Mill Aver ue South Renton , Washington 98055 Coldwell Banker Brokerage Co. ' Park Place 6th & University " Seattle, WA 98101 Attn: Mr. Fr.nk Friedman Associ. te Broker • Yvonne A. Lucker 4137 - 94th Ave. S.E. Mercer Island, WA 98040 E. R. Turner A. M. Turner c/o C. W. Minaker, Attorney 5904 California Ave S.W. Seattle, WA 98136 7 d 7//77 . l CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING , BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 26th day of September , 19 77 , at 8:00 p.m. in. the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, as the time and place , ' _.�in - of. INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO: Le's Phi",lips, .Public Works Dept. DATE August 19, 1977 FROM: Del Mead, City Clerk RE: Publi ' Hearing - Street Vacation - S.W. 12th St. - September 26, 1977 Enclosed are five copies of the above-captioned Public Hearing notice. Please post in area acid return affidavit. Thanks. • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the _26th d{ .r e September 19 77 , at 8:00 pin. in toe Council Chambet's of the Renton Municipal Building , Renton, Washington , as the time and place for a punt i c hears n5_to Consider the following : Petition of abutting property owners for vacation of a portion of S.W. 12th Street (South 150th. Place) , together with a nearby alleyway, adjoining Lots 29 through- 41 inclusive, Block 41 , C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Division No. 1 , as more clearly defined in Resolution No. 2129 adopted by :the Renton City Council i-ufust 15, 1 97 7. • Any am all interested persons are invited to be present to voice apr rova l , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON Doll ores A. Mead , ;_. l `e Clerk DATE (. lUBL I.4:ATION C E R T i F I CAT I N • (1)TATE W AS; N 1 ) ss . COUNTY OF KING 1 ' ��._ �.-_ .���� her'bY cer t i fy that ��s ��s_. _ ./fir�e 3, copse , of the .Dove notice were pPPsted by me in three or more C:)nspicuo s places on the property descri bed and two copies were posted at the R :ntoo Municipal Building, 200 Mill .Ave, South, Renton , WA on date of �_�2_z , 77 • �-{n� SiPei /7 n ,an70 _ or- the Sta Cer or I'r7s I li-ing i ri. Renton • 6/76 +< � :,. ; ':i,Y.t:... a•:)' s` • �f s.• et; - " �t?:• .1 ti•. �'r ;',,A Y. •aF' ` rn 3{.I r.t n�:j <, f' #f r'i, n�` , 'Yjr'.Fc °f • 1. r. "1, '•t '.s J. .zti„ .i•T ar,'t..; , n.. r. .tom� �.b:. ..,z: "'.S r t.' it� rl ' `f .v i•.'�'''vi ',ly r tt rA"S t I r . • ,•fie 'f<.z;r`" .',a Fr , , .,ILL 4 w) ,,t� i. ' kx ..;,,';.." ..e..;,,.,s,:::,4,4(. 7..,:e.,r., ,,,.%;.7.,,,,,,,:.,....,.......::„.. ......,,..._,„.....i.,,,,:,::.,,,:'7.1r,.:^;',',:'''•',-,'-. ", ,.,': '..',.,..''',, '', riA it, 1. ,f)i� o`. � i.e r 7 .. r. iy. - 4' `.IJ' r. -, /j fJ r.p..,.._ _ _ r!-. i�`?• `t(f �. „ - • c ,�Mi-.., fi +•r h., I ti ;:, 'xi• c'h . LS f1 f'. 1, .V� l r + :f �:f;F�1 t3 i.e._ ' ,I ' %`Ili..`.;,1,�. �i ��\` Tt -• ". tS C i. - {rice'•- t:rr _ - , •"- _ - iIJ �'tli y{' .'-!": j 1•,f y , Yt.:y. ''.fl *tyr .,1.'I:M �'v/ C s' fit.. n, Sti.» 9r. r 'f4,A 1+a; Yy?, . y Y8l it; 5t^rr. _ al:- 'r" r '`rt,1 C ,E te 't. • 'aiixt: t -riit , s.j`, . ..;gY 4" i .. - ,any'"=4''`:!' ;'. 1% ''ri. sX, rt.'. �•L'•I:t' T= Y. - , l 1 a. �,i'. ,'ice, �'=`•`i.: 1. '"t,=� ,.{ .irt ; r:+ ..! ';r`,ra ' r„ • ...- ', ':,';:'.',:" r,}'t _ (}_,: a+'"� :.rt'" :i,-, •3: .:4-,,,,•:-':'••w - - i:+ :hen:-4cw 4-r,�q,,..�r,iv�.!' n:.4 Y�' ."F`b ,n5.,1 " i Jaen`+'`I'„'�':`h�n`v.'" _ : r. 1.ti r'n tM1 , r I " v,:.r s' t y.'f; Vie, {- Fr'' r:r^) , .i3 tzs' )w), r ± I. - ; { CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 26th day of September , 19 77 , at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a ublic hearing to consider the following: etition of abutting property owners for vacation of a portion f S.W. 12th Street (South 150th Place) , together with a nearby lleyway, adjoining Lots 29 through 41 inclusive, Block 41 , C. D. Hillman's Earlington Gardens Division No. 1 , as more clearly oefin:ed__ .in Resolution No. 2129 adopted by the Renton City Council 'ugust 15, 1977. Any ana all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapp oval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON oleze-te.41i q. 7-it.z.a..0e., Delores A. Mead, City Clerk DATE 0 PUBLICATION Ausust 26 1977 CERTIFICATION STATE IF WASHINGTON) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I , hereby certify that ( ) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three or more conspicuous places on the property described and two copies were posted at the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Ave,- South, Renton, WA on date of , 19 . Signed ATTEST: Notary Public in and for the State of Washin ton, residing in Renton 6/76 / 1 Renton' City ,Counci.i; , , , 8/15/77 - Page 3 , . ORDINANCES. ANip RESOLUTIONS: , ,, ' ..Ordinance 3153 , ,Ways 'and.'Means ;.Cormi�ttee 'Ch'ai'rman. Clime';presented',comnittee' .repor.t, : ' ' Funds Appropri a- : ,recommending second ':and final readi ng of,an ordinance appropriating tion for Cedar , •' and .transferring .$394.,252.00 from the Housing and Community Develop- .' ' 'River, Trail & ' ..ment Block Grants for Cedar:River Trail , .Cedar Center Park and for ' Cedar Center Park Planning on; Senior Citizen Activity Center and Preventative Health_, , first reading 8/8/77. Following readings,', it was MOVED BY PERRY, ! ' SECONDED BY CLYMER,. TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE,;AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL , AYES, MOTION CARRIED. .Resolution •21Z8 ' 'The Ways and Means Committee reportreommended reading and`adoption • Funds Transfer. , , of a .resolution transferring' $4,900`''for' .the Glencoe Park improvements for Glencoe Park , Following' reading, it was MOVED By CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADOPT THE. RESOLUTION. AS READ. .: MOTION, CARRIED. Resolution 2129 The Ways and ,Means Coniwittee report recommended reading and adoption •Street Vacation , of a resolution setting public hearing date of 9/26/77 for. vacation ' S.W. 12th St. of a: portion o'f S.W. 12th St.'. and a portion of nearby alleyway. Follow- Public Hearing reading,, SHINPOCH, SECONDED. BY. PERRY, TO ADOPT THE , Set - 9/26/77 ', RESOLUTION AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. (A.M. Turner/Yvonne Lucker) Resolution 2130 The :Ways and Means Committee report recommended reading and;adoption ' '. Vacation of .a ' of a resolution vacating'' •a perpetual easement for utilities 'dated 3/27/67 Existing Ease- ' ' for :a new ,easement executed by owners for, utility. •purposes.... ,Following ment - Holt/ 'reading', it was MOVED BY 'CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO ADOPT.,THE RESOLU-,:.• Bonnell TION ,AS ,READ. . .'MOTION CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMM INT .,Frank Cenkovich,,:.. 2625. Benson Road S.',, inquired°.r,egarding.,,dis'position. of recommendations from 'the, Senior: Citizens 'Committee; the Mayor advised that all recommendations had been •submitted to the Council-, the particular . ; 'bond' issue matter now. in the Community Committee Charles Shane, +' , 3003 Mountain View Drive, .,inquired regarding the .1.8M:,dollar Cedar River 'r'; ',,trail fund ,grant, questioning priorities and whether, i t could be utilized, ' • • ' for the .Seni or' ;Citizens .Center. •Mayor Delaurenti advised :the trail and ` river beautification would benefit all, citizens as well' as . senior citi- zens, plans proposed .for the past fifteen' years 'now ,to be a-real ity; ' ' •'. . : this item being categorized third 'in' priority .in the grant .program. ' Adjournment; • MOVED 'BY.•BRUCE, SECONDED BY. SHINPOCH,' COUNCIL 'ADJOURN.' ,CARRIED: Council , .. .adjourned at 8:50.p.m. • ' . ` . " , : Delores A. Mead, City C rk j.t, { • CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF August 15, 1977 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thurs. , 9/8 8:00 p.m. PERRY Council Chambers Senior Citizens Funding PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PERRY Tues. 8/16 4:30 p.m. 3rd flr. Conf. Rm. Community Development Plan COMMUNITY SERVICES Tues. 8/23 4:30 p.m. SEYMOUR-THORPE 3rd flr. Conf. Rm. - WAYS AND MEANS Mon. , 8/22 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th flr. Conf. Rm. • PUBLIC S,.ERVICES Tues. 8/16 8:30 p.m. BRUCE 4th flr. Conf. Rm. Fire Dept. Master Plan Aviation Committee Tues. 8/16 7:30 p.m. Stredicke OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS k CiTv OF RENTON, WA3HINGTON- RESOLUTION NO, 2129 \. 1.-IEREAS a Petition has ioe3-: with the Clerk of City of Renton on Cr about :!1..1.rr,ut , 197'7 , , ursuant to. the r«.'4;arements of .2!,CW petition fop he ; etatj or of a !,..ortion of a certai(1 street, together with a pc:r.,tion of a nearb- alleyway, as hereinafter more parti'mlarly described, and scid petition having been signed by the owners Of more than 1,wo-thirdS of t.i.;.e property abutting upon a porti,..-.)n of said s:tree and, alleyway sought to he vacated, and same being 'described as foilowai, The northerly 30 .feet of the S .W . 12th Street (South_ lS0th Place) adjoining Lots 29 through 41 inolusiv6) Block-41„ C. D. Hinman' s Earlington Gardens Division No, 1 as recorded lit Volume 17 of lats . page 74) recorus of King CoUnty, Wa:ibington; lyihg Easterlyof the Easterly redW line of Oakdale Avenue' ( 80th Avenue South) extended; and lying Westerly and Northerly of all that portion. of S .W . 12th 'Street (South 150th Place) previously vacated by the City of Renton unilien, Ordinance No-. 2475 on April 7 , 1969 ; - TOQETHE'R with all that por.--rio,..1 of an alley running, in an easterly and Westerly dirction through Block Ni of said plat. . of C . D., Hillman's Earlinton Garc.lens No.. 1, abutting Lots 16 through 23, incl'.isiys and 29 through '41 nclusive; lying Easterly of the Easterly g/w line of Oakddie Avenue S .W. .(8('th Avenue South) extendedl and Westerly of all that portion of alleyway previOUsly vacated under said Ordinance 247a, As situated within the Northeast 1/4 of Scetion 24 , Twp,. 23 N , Range 4 E. ,W.M. NOW 'THEREFOR2--2., BE IT RESOLTHL, BY TEL NA'ZOR ZND TT-1r. CITY :. )UNCTL or TilE CITY OF RENTON , !dASHINGTON , ,AL SECTION I: That the 2Gth day ofSeptetber „ , 177 ,at 'eh e Of.: 6: 00 P h at the City Council Chambers in the Build rig , Ttenton, King County, Washington, be and is h.--?.re'Dy fieu as the time and place when 'the aforesaid Petitior: for vacat,.ng-theforesaid .portion of S ,W, 12th St . and portion of alley within ,Block Al C. u Earlington Gdruens shall • , • be he.rd •and determined, which said hearing date is, not more than - ixty nor ,less' than twenty days from the of passage of this Resoluti6n. • SECTT:ON III: The City Clerk is hereby aUtherized and directed. to give notice: of said time and hearing- as provided Cy ROW 35 .7.91,01,20::.and -any and/or all persons interested therein • or objectingtO'said :vacation may then appear .and be heard thereon, ' or- -they:May file their written objections thereto with the City- Clerkat-or prior to the time of heating on said vacation. • S'ECTIONIII: The City Council shall determine , as prf.:..vided • for i RCW 35.39-.2030 as to whether an aDpraisal shall be secured to de-,:ermine' the fair market value of the property .sought to be va ated. aS Provide“pr in Ordinance No. 2349 and the amo..int of cop.pensation 'to be• paid by the Petitioner-Owners to the. City for s ich vacation 'but which said amount shailnet exceed one- half f the' appraised value of the area to be vacated. The . City likewise reserves the right to retain an easem.nt .for .public .utility and relatec purposes . • PASSED BY THE, CITY COUN this 15thday OILof August , 1977 . • es . Mea APPROVED BY. THE MAYOR this 15th day of August, 1977 • • k • Charles J/. Delaurentl , Mayor .•'. -.,Droved as to forlp.: Li" • a. oildr,I, City Attorney Publication .Date of Public Hearing Notice : 8-14-77 • INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM CITY OF f<ENTON, TO : Warren Gonnason, Public Works Director DATE : August 12, 1977 FROM Del Mead, City Clerk RE : *onlixuaraoarAxauoti Resolutions Vacation of Portion of S.W. 12th Street, together with portion of alleyway. We attach Resolution (s) and/or Ordinances (s) which have been prepared by the City Attorney. Please verify content , legals , description and general location of the improvements and return to this office for further processing and presentation to the Legislation Committee . I ' i I INTEROFFICE MEMO TO: Del Mead, City Clerk DATE; August 11,1977 FROM:Berard M. Shellan, City Attorney SUBJECT: Vacation of Portion of S.W. 12th Street, together with portion of Alleyway Dear Del: Enclosed is the original of a proposed Resolution setting the public hearing date on the above street vacation for September 26 , 1977 . Please have the legal description verified. Ge rard M Shellan GMS-:nd Enol.: CITY. OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS a Petition has been filed with the City Clerk of th- City of Renton on or about August 3 , 1977,. pursuant to the requirements of RCW. .35.79 , petitioning for the vacation of a 11) ortion of a certain street, together with a portion of a nearb y alleyway, as hereinafter more particularly described.,. . and said petition having been signed by. -the 'owners of more than two-thirds of .the property abutting upon a portion of said stree.t and alleyway sought to be vacated, and same being described as follows :' The. northerly 30 'feet of the. 'S .W. 12th Street „_ _, _(south 15 0th..Place) adjoining Lots 29. through. 41 _. inclusive,: Block 41, C. D. Hillman' s- Earlington - - . . Gardens Division No.. 1 as recorded in Volume 17 of - Plats, page .74, records of King County, Washington; lying Easterly :of. the:. Easterly R/W line ::of Oakdale Avenue 'S .W.. (80th. Avenue 'South) extended; and lying Westerly and Northerly of all that portion of S .W. 12th Street (South 150th ;Place) previously vacated by. the City of Renton under Ordinance No. 247.5 on April 7 , 196.9 ;. TOGETHER .with 'all that portion of an alley running in an easterly and Westerly direction through Block. 41 of said plat of C. D. Hillman' s Earlington Gardens Division No. 1, abutting Lots 16 through .28 inclusive and 29. through '41 'inclusive; lying Easterly of the Easterly R/.W line of Oakdale Avenue S .W. (80th. Avenue_ South) extended; and Westerly of all that portion of alleyway previously vacated under said Ordinance No . 247.5. As situated within the Northeast 1/4 of Section 24, Twp... 23 N. , Range .4 .E. ,W.M. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY. THE MAYOR AND THE ' CITY. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I: That the '26th day of September, 1977 ,at the hour of 8 : 00 P.M. at the City Council Chambers 'in the Municipal Building, Renton, King County, Washington, be and is: hereby fixed as the time and place when the aforesaid Petition for vacating the aforesaid portion of S .W. 12th St . and portion of alley within Block 41 C. D. Hillman' s Earlington Gardens 'shall I _ -I- be. heard and determined, which said hearing date is not more. than sixty nor less than twenty days from the date of passage of this Resolution. SECTION :II: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of said time and hearing as provided by RCW .35.79 ..020 and any and/or all persons interested therein .or ojecsting to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon, or they may file :their written objections thereto with the City Clerk at or prior to the: :time '.of. hearing on said vacation. *SECTION III: Th.e. City. Council shall 'determine, as provided for in RCW. .35.79..030. as to whether an appraisal shall 'be. secured to. determine the fair market value of the property sought to be,vo:c ed:._as provia6d-__for. =:in -Ordinance==No _23= 9'`and`the_amount : `.: of compensation to be:, paid by the Petitioner-Owners';to the City for such. :vaca.tion but which said amount shall not 'exceed one-. half of .the appraised value of the area: to: be :vacated. The City likewise reserves the right to retain an easement for public utility and related purposes. PASSED BY. THE :CITY. COUNCIL this day of August, 1977 . Delores. A. Mead, City. Clerk . APPROVED BY. THE MAYOR this . day of August, 197.7 Charles .J. .Delaurenti., Mayor Approved as to. form: , Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Bublication Date of Public Hearing Notice Renton City Council 8/8/77 Page Correspondence and Current Business Unemployment to the State no later than 12/15/77 and that the decision will affect Compensation the City' s 1978 budget. The letter attached feasibility study made Continued at the Personnel Director' s request by Gates-McDonald Co. of the City's record over the past two and one-half years in order to determine financing method. The letter asked consideration during the 1978 budget process. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE COUNCIL'S WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Melydige Letter from Public Works Director presented 3/10/77 request from Barbara Warehouse Bonnell Holt and Frank B. Bonnell , Jr. requesting vacation of the Watermain second portion of the Melridge Warehouse watermain relocation project. Relocation The Public Works Director advised easements representing the new loca- and tion from the relocated watermain have been received by the City and Easement therefore the existing easement may be vacated and recommended the Vacation Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the vacation of easement. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke for explanation, Public Works Director Gonnason noted area, Earlington Industrial Park, Lind Ave. , explaining replacement of waterline; City Attorney Shellan explained substitution of easements. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUN- - CIL MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Paul Hanks Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason transmitted copy of agree- City Sewer ment signed by Paul Hanks in connection with his application to con- Connection nect to the City sewer main on Union Ave. NE. Letter noted agreement in compliance with Council requirement covering promotion of annexa- ti'on and conformance to City regulations. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHIINPOCH, COUNCIL GRANT SEWER CONNECTION AS REQUESTED. CARRIED. Water Supply Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason requested Council concur- City of Kent rence in City of Renton continuing to supply emergency water to the City of Kent at Renton' s standard rates for in-city water. The letter explained the 8/3/77 request due to emergency, the pumping of water from Renton's system in the vicinity of SW 43rd St. and East Valley Hwy. at rate of 2,000,000 gallons per day, which is within the capa- bility of Renton' s system; also noting Renton can continue to provide this water for an indefinite period subject to the demands of the City of Renton. The letter proposed sale of water at the same rate for similar amounts by Boeing and Paccar. Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry, Gonnason explained City of Kent water emergency caused by van- dals opening hydrant and draining water from reservoir. Gonnason also explained City of Renton capacity of 16,000,000 per day, maximum usage now 10,000,000, formerly has been 12,000,000. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR SALE OF WATER TO THE CITY OF KENT FOR A 30-DAY PERIOD AT THE STANDARD RATE. CARRIED. Street Vacation Letter from City Clerk Mead reported petition has been filed for vaca- Portion SW 12th tion of a portion of SW 12th St. and portion of alley within Blk. 41 , Near FAI 405 , Hillman' s Earlington Garden, also reporting receipt of $100 filing fee. & Oaksdale SW Petitioner: Coldwell Banker. The letter recommended referral to the Board of Public Works for determining easement retention; to the Pub- lic Safety Committee and Public Works Department for appraisal deter- mination; and to the Ways and Means Committee for resolution setting public hearing 9/26/77. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Committee of Council President Perry presented Committee of. the Whole report recom- Whole Report mending that the method of financing for the Senior Citizen Center be Senior Center referred to the Community Services Committee for recommendation prior Funding to or at the Committee of the Whole meeting on 9/8/77. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Tree Trimming Councilman Stredicke called attention to need for tree trimming where street signs are being hidden from view of motorists. Mayor Delaurenti reported the matter of tree trimming is being taken care of by the Public Works Director and Street Supt. Renton City Council 8/8/77 Page 4 Old Business - Continued Community Services Committee Member Stredicke presented Community Services Committee Committee Report Report announcing, committee review of storm and surface water drain- Storm & Surface age ordinance and recommended referral of the ordinance to the Ways Water Drainage and Means Committee for appropriate action and to be placed on the Ordinance agenda for the Council meeting of 8/22/77 as a public meeting item. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR . CARRIED. Transfer of MOVED STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, REMOVE RESOLUTION FROM TABLE AND REFER Air Park TO WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, AUTH- ORIZE ADMINISTRATION TO TRANSFER AIRPORT AIR PARK PROPERTY TO PARK DEPT. FOR PARK PURPOSES AND PARK BOARD BE EXTENDED COURTESY OF USE OF STATE RIGHT-OF-'WAY FOR CONTINUATION OF PARK PURPOSES IN THAT GENERAL AREA OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE., Councilman Stredicke explained 60% of the property belonged to Airport. MOTION CARRIED. (See Resolution h 2126) Nome Protection Councilwoman Shinpoch asked Police Department to investigate placing from of advertising on doorknobs , which causes problem for residents away Advertisements from home on vacation. Mayor Delaurenti noted vacation protection infor- mation had been enclosed in utility billing, suggesting neighbor- hood house watching. Ways & Means Council Committee Chairman Clymer reported the Ways and Means Committee Committee Report recommended the Hearing Examiner include map with all rezones that are Zoning, Plats , referred to Council . MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND PERRY, MAP. BE INCLUDED Etc. IN ALL MATERIALS COMING TO COUNCIL FROM THE HEARING EXAMINER , INCLUDING MAP WHICH HAS BEEN FURNISHED BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES The Ways and Means Committee Chairman submitted committee report First Reading recommending first reading of an ordinance providing for appropria- Trail and Park tion of funds in amount of $394,252 for the Cedar River Trail and Planning Cedar Center Park planning. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, THE ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ordinance #3150 The Ways and Means Committee report recommended second and final Alley Vacation reading of an ordinance providing for the vacation of a portion of Waldenburger Alley, Block 12, Plat of Car Works Addition located between Factory Ave. N. and N. 3rd P1 . First reading of ordinance 8/1/77. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3151 The Ways and Means Committee report recommended second and final Appropriation readings 'of an ordinance providing for appropriation of funds from Seaplane Base unanticipated revenue for the Airport Account in the sum of $60,000. Municipal Airport Following reading of ordinance, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. (First reading8/1/77) ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3152 The Committee report recommended second and final readings of an Loveless-Powell ordinance rezoning property from G to B-1 and R-2, known as the Rezone Loveless Powell rezone, first reading 8/1/77, located SW corner of NE Sunset Blvd. and Duvall Ave. NE. Following discussion, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL REQUEST THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO WITHHOLD SIGNING AND PUBLICATION UNTIL PROPER, EXECUTED RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS ARE RECEIVED AND RECORDED. CARRIED. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Stredicke noted for record, his re- luctance in voting Aye, and did so only because of absence of other Council members. Resolution #2126 The Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a resolution Fund Transfer transferring funds from the Airport unto Park account in amount of Air Park $10,000 to facilitate administrative management of the Air Park. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS/ READ. CARRIED. 0 R i'ftt 41 0 THE CITY OF RENTON `® 7 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 0121 CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR DELORES A. MEAD �Q. CITY CLERK �4TFO SEPZ August 8, 1977 • Honorable C. J. Delaurenti , Mayor and Members of the Renton City Council Re: Petition for Street Vacation - Portion of SW 12th St. and Portion of alley within Blk. 41 C.D. Hillman's Earlington Garden Petitioner: Col dwel 1 Banker/,cip«D MQ )1 Dear Mayor and Council Members: The 5100 filing fee has been received on the above-captioned petition for vaca ion of. portion of S.W. 12th St. Refelral is recommended to the Board of Public Works for determining ease- ment retention, to the Public Safety Committee and Public Works Department for appraisal ..determination. Refer to Ways & Means Committee to seta public hear ng 9/26/77. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON add n-e Delores A. Mead, City Clerk • CA TY OF RENTON No. 1854 FINANCE DEPARTMENT RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 8 - Q 19 77 RECEIVED OF - cs �11 E.) (CO-L,o ca. QD F-------r- 1 100 7.10,-7:14,_. ..SW I .. ..V TOTAL /CO _6 0 GWEN E. MARSHArLL�,�FIN�j CE DIRECTOR BY a (.u/(��'�-�6 '1-1_,-, INTEROFFICE MEMO August 4, 1977 TO: Maxine Motor, Deputy City Clerk FROM: Don Monaghan, Office Engineer SUBJECT: Street Vacation: portion SW 12th St. and portion alley within Blk. 41 C. D. Hillman's Earlington Garden Division #1 Petitioner: Caldwell Banker Mr. Frank Friedman ' The attached petition was submitted to this office for a preliminary verification of the signatures prior to payment of the $100.00 filing fee by the petitioner. We find the signatures on the petition to be valid and to represent 100% of the property abutting the right-of-way proposed for vacation. Please contact Mr. Friedman of Caldwell Banker at 292-6125 and inform him that the City Clerk's office will accept the filing fee and begin with the processing of his street vacation. AH:pmp Attachment A. Rr„As...ck „�,++,e,,,�;, : pi,.,,,c.�.,,nt^ ...,.,�.w :,.. e r9 �r'«ec.,,L e. • C3I . RECEIVED oldwell Banker AUG G 3 1977 COMMERCIAL BROKERAGE COMPANY en v u, UTILITIES ENGINEERING August 1, 1977 • Engineeri g Department City of R-nton 4th Floor City Hall 200 Mill Avenue S. Renton, WA 98055 Attn: Ar ene Haight Dear Ms. aight: I am encl sing the petition for street vacation we discussed this morning. After you have Necked it over, please phone me at 292-6125 and inform me of the next step. Very truly yours, C LDWELL BANKER CO ERCIAL B KERAGE COMPANY Frank Friedman Associate Broker FF:ms Enclosure' PARK PLACE•SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98101•(206)292-1600•A COLDWELL BANKER COMPANY PETITION FOR STREET VACATION IN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON Circulated By Date Address Telephone No. To The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Renton City Hall Renton, Washington Gentlemen : We , the undersigned property owners abutting a portion of S .W. 12th Street (South 150th Place) , together with a nearby alleyway, respectfully request the vacation of that portion of both parcels of right-of-way more particularly described as follows : The northerly 30 feet of S .W. 12th Street (South 150th Place) adjoining Lots 29 through 41 inclusive , Block 41, C. D. Hillman' s Earlington Gardens Division No. 1 as recorded in Volume 17 of Plats , page 74 , records of King County, Washington; lying Easterly of the Easterly R/W line of Oakdale Avenue S .W. (80th Avenue South) extended; and lying Westerly and Northerly of all that portion of S.W. 12th Street (South 150th Place) previously vacated by the City of Renton under Ordinance No . 2475 on April 7 , 1969 . Together with all that portion of an alley running in an Easterly and Westerly direction through Block 41 of said plat of C. D. Hillman' s Earlington Gardens Division No . 1 , abutting Lots 16 through 28 inclusive and 29 through 41 inclusive ; lying Easterly of the Easterly R/W line of • Oakdale A-revue S .W. (80th Avenue South) extended; and Westerly of all that portion of alleyway previously vacated under said Ordinance No . 2475 . As situated within the Northeast 1/4 of Section 24 , Twp . 23 N. , Rng. 4 E . , W. M. /p/i/NC °o0017 _7;2 Name: ! ,v/1 37� Name://./ 97/fli'-,� Lt.('/,2�/ J• 7,/g,25e; 2A/C--/L q /"/VoNA/6 , 1.4c/!e2 / C,W /J/Nf1Ke / /d I''y, 7. y/;7 yc/ n S �. I Address:���`� 0Aa/F0n_/V'/. 4V€ SLJ SC-brr�c- %S73C Add ress : fie-2eeic. ySLAA/4 L✓,/+f, �G�o /4s /ors Z q /`l s 1 o L- G Ts / &F Legal : 'tl�l i/Y aoye, Oz. Legal : Tiff 4/30'yC Name: Name: Address : Address : Legal : Legal : III - I NAME ADDRESS ,/ADDRESS PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 7, �}N 0 ,(4. /'� C�i �✓i i'///via L�/CAy-Ty, 9 R �'. Lr/2NG�I2 14 /2 L/FOIZN/RAV6.sli, D S6 4 r7LC 4//4 q,3G D /L L1114r/ /9-ic L-/iY4'Y / dZDC Ais �11�1s16y Hy M s &/2 1, &COn0 64) by v o L Lq M e / 7 / H doti y , lJ�s�,�tiwv YvoNNF A , G. U c/L Fn I2 pis>E( Lp7'S /6 T/-n 8� y/37 q & • ®F- 771 c— /6 o vG— / �E2C('e. �S[/atio P�SCdz /PC-D L4 TG LAS/dtr/yTOa gge:346 ` I — ---— �,'. — _ Ir S.w. • \ .....•. .... I \ ...,. -.• I Q 1.. \ \ . \ .i. \ Q • • W 0- \ 5•''• R-�. L\NE �A. 1 I PAGE,G SM,SS, N G�ADY RN R AN 1 N�R�NE T T LE ?tii �' PROPOSED S REET A AT � o SEA _ 1- 1111111! i ' .. .- .." .•-•1 4 1,.gigiligillillill 1 lioui '� �����rr Q rr��T I 1 I ' -40 lail ; ice` i ": > -- IL, '// �- INTER s•TDTE. > —--- - — - --��•---1. I ,i ,,..:.:::•.*: . . 1\1--:__--- -1---1-713,5______1§ . - \) 1 3 6 ---- •—•34-----,2 din, l_ T. N 11.�� 16 U/ --] _ W I 111111 IIIIIIIIIIIl II �ILL] >Ju1L, IIILUJ W j 3 ItL `- ---T„�.. 11 Mitl A ROPOSED STREET CATION I = I NORTH L>< EVlOUSLY VACATEGI BY 0RD.IN0.2475 _ u EADER D_O_1.1IT101�, -CLAIM NO. 4_ ,E \ —1 \ SCALE!I = 400 z l 313 U ,u I W _.J i' Nt 1in I Io 3 CC ct cc I w ,r1 0 ZI 2 V I 4 \ \ N N ' I