HomeMy WebLinkAboutDOE1_SMAPermitDataSheet_Broodstock_211130 Shoreline Management Act Permit Data Sheet and Transmittal Letter From: (local government) To: (appropriate Ecology office) Alex Morganroth City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renton WA, 98057 Maria Sandercock MARI461@ECY.WA.GOV Transmittal Date: 12/6/2021 Receipt Date: (provided by Ecology) Type of Permit: (Indicate all that apply) Substantial Development Conditional Use Variance Revision Other Applicant Information: Name: Tessa Gardner-Brown Address: Address: 601 Union St Seattle WA 98101 Phone(s): ( 206 ) 292- 2078 Local Government Decision: Approval Conditional Approval Denial Applicant's Representative: (If primary contact) Name: Address: Phone(s): Is the applicant the property owner? Yes No Location of the Property: (Section, township, and range to the nearest ¼, ¼ section or latitude and longitude, and a street address where available.) SW quarter of Section 17, Township 23N, Range 5E Water Body Name: Cedar River Shoreline of State Significance: Yes No Environment Designation: Shoreline High Intensity Project Description: (Summary of the intended use or project purpose) Local permit no. LUA21-000259 State permit no. The applicant is requesting Administrative Site Plan Review, an Administrative Conditional Use Permit, a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit, a Shoreline Conditional Use Permit, and a Shoreline Variance in order to replace the existing sockeye salmon broodstock collection facility (BCF). The City of Seattle, acting as the SEPA lead agency, issued a Determination of Non-Significance on October 22, 2020. No appeals were filed. The project site is at River Mile 1.7 of the Cedar River in Renton, Washington, immediately upstream of WSDOT’s I-405 bridge over the Cedar River. Development would occur in the Cedar River and along its south bank on parcel 1723059014 owned by the City of Renton. There is no site address associated with this parcel. The project is in the SW quarter of Section 17, Township 23N, Range 5E. Work would also occur on WSDOT-owned parcel 1723059179 where development would widen an existing access road. The existing parking lot on the parcel would be used temporarily for construction staging. SPU would coordinate with WSDOT to obtain approval and required access agreements. Construction access/staging would also occur on the north side of the river on parcel 1723059013 (Cedar River Park) owned by the City of Renton and in WSDOT right-of-way for I-405. In 2008, Seattle Public Utilities constructed the original BCF at river mile 1.7 on the Cedar River, within the City of Renton. The BCF was constructed to facilitate on-going fish collection activities in support of the Cedar River Hatchery, located upstream. The Cedar River Hatch ery program was established to satisfy terms of the Landsburg Mitigation Agreement, which is intended to mitigate for habitat loss for sockeye salmon above the Landsburg Diversion Dam. The purpose of the BCF Replacement Project is to replace the existing BCF with a new facility. Replacement is expected to improve operations at higher river flows, which will help to fulfill the goal of sufficient genetic diversity over a longer Sockeye collection period for the Cedar River Hatchery, given the ability to operate later into the season. Replacement of the existing BCF will also improve safety for facility operators by minimizing operational maintenance needs. Work proposed by applicant includes construction of a new in-water concrete sill in the bed of the Cedar River, construction of a new concrete retaining wall to support the boat ramp on the south side of the river, reconstruction of a portion of the boat ramp below the OHWM, and widening of the access road that connects the boat ramp to Houser Way S. During construction, the site would be accessed via both the boat ramp access road on the south of the river and Cedar River Park Dr on the north side of the drive. Staging of equipment would occur on both sides of the river. Project construction would occur over two seasons starting in late spring 2022 and ending in the fall of 2023. The applicant anticipates no net loss of ecological functions and proposes the construction of riparian and channel margin enhancement on a 10,900 sq. ft. of low flood terrace and gravel bar near the project site. In addition, the applicant has proposed the installation of large woody material to increase aquatic habitat complexity, removal of invasive species, and planting of native trees and shrubs. Critical areas on the site include sensitive slopes, steep slopes, a high seismic hazard area, the wellhead protection area zone 1, and a flood hazard area. The site also located within Reach C of the Cedar River regulated shoreline area and includes teh Urban Conservancy, High Intensity, and Aquatic Shoreline designations. The applicant submitted a biological assessment, drainage report, critical areas report, and geotechnical report with the project application. Notice of Application Date: August 26, 2021 Final Decision Date: November 18, 2021 By: (Local government primary contact on this application) Alex Morganroth, Senior Planner Phone: 425-430-7219