HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/14/2021 - MinutesMINUTES Wheelchair Accessible. American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter available upon request. For this or other assistance, please call 48 hours in advance: 711 (TDD) or 425-430-6600 (voice). City of Renton Board of Park Commissioners - Special Meeting Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 4:30 p.m. Virtual Meeting via Zoom 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Shun Takano called the meeting to order at 4:34pm. 2. ROLL CALL Members Present: Cynthia Burns, Al Dieckman, Tim Searing, Shun Takano, Troy Wigestrand and Marlene Winter Members Absent: Larry Reymann City Staff Present: Cailín Hunsaker, Parks and Trails Director; Leslie Betlach, Parks Planning and Natural Resources (PPNR) Director, Roberta Graver, Administrative Assistant Tim Searing moved to excuse Larry Reymann’s absence, motion seconded, all in favor, motion carried. 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Al Dieckman motioned to approve the meeting agenda, motion seconded, all in favor, motion carried. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Marlene Winter motioned to approve the August 10, 2021, minutes as presented, motion seconded, all in favor, motion carried. 5. DISCUSSION / ACTION ITEM a. Forestry Plan – Ian Gray, Urban Forestry and Natural Resources Manager; Chris Peiffer of PlanIT Geo; John Bornsworth of Peninsula Environmental. Ian shared that the current Urban Forestry Plan is 10+ years old, and the new plan is in underway. He is working with the consulting team who are working on various elements of the plan. Chris walked through an informative power point presentation giving an overview of the project, the background, extent, benefits, challenges, the Urban Forestry Management Plan Approach, timeline, and milestones. Then they opened the floor for questions and discussion. The project began in May 2021 and the final will be delivered to council in February 2022. Board member questions: 1. Is the PPNR division aware of our attempt to grow a canopy in drafting plans for community development? Ian: Yes, he is working with lots of different departments to capture a complete picture of the urban forestry needs and concerns. 2. What about the cutting of trees on public property? Ian: We need to do a better job at providing education about maintenance and stewardship of public and private trees. 3. Has the City ever considered (or had) some kind of incentive program for private citizens in their landscaping, to ‘plant certain’ kinds of trees? Ian: I’m working with Community and Economic Development to create a recommended tree list to use as a guideline. This isn’t complete yet. I’m also working on annual tree planting initiatives and adding volunteer events. John: Outreach and education tied with an incentive could be effective. 4. Will you work with local nurseries or stores to provide citizens with “where to find the best trees”? Ian: When I get these calls, I can point them toward resources. 5. Board member comment: Planting native trees are best, but with climate change, this might change. PRESENTATION TO THE PARKS COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 RENTON, WA URBAN FOREST MANAGEMENT PLAN WELCOME & INTROS Ian Gray, Urban Forestry & Natural Resources Manager Chris Peiffer, Project Manager, Presenter Rocky Yosek, Urban Forestry Consultant John Bornsworth, Principal, Community Forester Micki McNaughton, Urban Forestry Planner 2 AGENDA 3 Welcome & Intros Background (Extent, Benefits, Challenges) UFMP Approach, Highlights Timeline & Milestones Discussion &Next Steps 4 BACKGROUND: EXTENT, BENEFITS, CHALLENGES 5 BACKGROUND: EXISTING PROGRAMS & EFFORTS 6 Related Programs, Policies, Plans & Studies 7 APPROACH: DEFINING THE UFMP 8 What is an Urban Forest Management Plan? ❖Vision ❖Data-driven ❖Goals & actions ❖Shared priorities ❖Policy & programs What do we have? What do we want? How do we get what we want? How are we doing? ❖Long-Term Vision ❖Baseline Conditions ❖Urban Forestry Needs -Community, Management, Administrative ❖Goals & Objectives ❖Strategies ❖Implementation Schedule & Budget ❖Monitoring & Evaluation APPROACH: SCOPE OF WORK APPROACH: PLANNING PROCESS 10 RESEARCH DEEP DIVE: Existing plans, ordinances, practices CITY CONSULTATIONS: Workflows, operations, services, best practices, standards, challenges, opportunities EXISTING CONDITIONS: tree data analyses, ecosystem benefits, trends, maintenance needs, planting, preservation BENCHMARKING: Establish baseline metrics for comparison and monitoring ($ per tree, staff per tree, etc.) COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: Existing and potential partners, recommendations, public surveys, website, SM URBAN FOREST AUDIT: Systematic evaluation from which goals and actions are developed and can be monitored STATUS OF PLANNING ELEMENTS 11 RESEARCH STAFF INTERVIEWS DATA ANALYSIS BENCHMARKING COMMUNITY 36 resources Survey 27k inventory Data gathering Outreach Strategy Discovery matrix 35 staff invited 19 responses Canopy assessments Comparison to 3,500 TC USAs “Rooted in Renton” Past UFMP, existing plans ID workflows, strengths, challenges, priorities Ecosystem benefits analysis Comparison to 670 cities (2014 census) Project website Policy review Follow-up interviews Tree Equity Score Finalizing numbers Survey #1 Survey #2 (IP) 12 PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT HIGHLIGHTS 13 APPROACH: GOAL & ACTION FRAMEWORK EffortPriorityCo-BenefitSTRATEGY LEAD YEAR FUNDING MECHANISM 1.A Action 1.A) S.M.A.R.T Department Name(s)2022 Special assessment district APPROACH: ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT 14 Evaluate MonitorReport Revise UFMP Monitoring Plan ✓Work Plans ✓Urban Forest Audit System ✓Key Performance Indicators ✓Implementation Guidance ✓Methods for Evaluating ✓Monitoring Methods ✓Benchmark Reports ✓Guidance for Revision 15 Interpret Findings & Draft Plan Review & Revise Draft APPROACH: PRESENTATIONS, DRAFTS, & FINAL Final Plan & Delivery Presentations & Discussion APPROACH: RECAP OF EXPECTED OUTCOMES 16 Expected Outcomes ✓Support budget increases ✓Staffing & resources ✓Coordination & workflows ✓Policies & ordinances ✓Training & orientation ✓Programming ✓Community stewards ✓Sustainable management ✓Healthy, thriving urban forest ✓Adaptive management What do we have? What do we want? How do we get what we want? How are we doing? 17 TIMELINE & MILESTONES 18 Task A. Research Deep Dive May –June 2021 Task B. City Operations and Workflows June –September 2021 Task C. Existing Conditions June –September 2021 Task D. Benchmarking Research August –September 2021 Task E. Community Engagement May –December 2021 Survey #1 July 2021 Survey #2 September 2021 Task F. Urban Forest Audit System September 2021 Task G. Goals & Actions September –October 2021 Task H. Monitoring Plan September –October 2021 Task I. UFMP Drafting September –November 2021 Task J. Presentation September 2021 –February 2022 Task K. Final UFMP February 2022 May 2021 –February 2022 19 OPEN DISCUSSION & NEXT STEPS 20 …… THANK YOU! 21 Ian Gray, Urban Forestry & Natural Resources Manager igray@rentonwa.gov Chris Peiffer, Project Manager, PlanIT Geo (717) 579-9890 │chrispeiffer@planitgeo.com www.planitgeo.com │www.treeplotter.com Stay informed at RentonForestryPlan.com Renton, WA Urban Forest Management Plan Timeline & Milestones Sept 2021 1 10-YEAR URBAN FORESTRY MANAGEMENT PLAN TIMELINE & MILESTONES September 15, 2021 Contact: Ian Gray, City of Renton Urban Forestry & Natural Resources Manager: igray@rentownwa.gov │ (425) 430-6601 Chris Peiffer, Project Manager, PlanIT Geo: chrispeiffer@planitgeo.com │ (717) 579-9890 Renton, WA Urban Forest Management Plan Timeline & Milestones Sept 2021 1 Table 1. Renton UFMP Project Milestones and Timeline Task Description Timeline Task 00 Project Management Monthly Task A Initial Research May – Jun 2021 Task B City Operations & Workflows Jun – Sept 2021 Task C Existing Conditions Jun – Sept 2021 Task D Benchmarking Research Aug – Sept 2021 Task E Community Engagement May – Dec 2021 Public Survey #1 Jul 2021 Public Survey #2 Sept 2021 Task F Urban Forest Audit Sept 2021 Task G Goals, Actions Framework Sept – Oct 2021 Task H Monitoring Plan Sept – Oct 2021 Task I UFMP Development Sept – Nov 2021 Task J Presentations and SEPA Plan Review Process Sept 2021 – Feb 2022 Planning Commission & SEPA Plan Review Process Parks Commission Sept 14, 2021 Planning & Development Committee (initiate public process) Nov 8, 2021 Planning Commission (consolidated briefing and public hearing) Dec 1, 2021 Planning & Development Committee (Commission mtg follow-up) Dec 6, 2021 Planning Commission (deliberation and recommendation) Jan 5, 2022 Parks Commission (review and recommendation) Jan 11, 2022 Planning & Dev’t Committee (Parks Commission follow-up, refer to Council) Jan 24, 2022 Council Meeting Jan 24 or Feb 7, 2022 Task K Final UFMP Feb 28, 2022 Renton, WA Urban Forest Management Plan Timeline & Milestones Sept 2021 2 PROJECT MILESTONES Table 2. Renton UFMP Project Milestones by Category and Timeframe Milestone Key Project Management Collaborative Team Participation Community Outreach Planning (opps for Collab review/input) Planning Commission & SEPA Processes Key Project Milestones May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Kickoff Team Meeting Team Meeting Team Meeting Team Meeting Team Meeting Team Meeting Team Meeting Internal Work Plan UFMP Website Collab Team Kickoff (7/20) 2nd Tier Staff Surveys (responses by 7/30) Urban Forest Audit Canopy and Planting Goals UFMP Draft #2 Planning Comm- ission (12/1) Planning Comm- ission (1/5) (alter- nate) City Council (2/7) UFMP Outline Research Research (ordin- ance) Data Analysis Bench- marks Goal Frame- work Draft Final Docu- ment Planning & Devel- opment Comm- ittee (12/6) Parks Comm- ission Presen- tation (1/11) Final Doc- ument (UFMP) Comm- unity Outreach Strategy Data Analysis Public Survey #1 Staff Survey Follow-ups Public Survey #2 Monit- oring Plan Trans- lation Services Minor UFMP Revisions Planning & Devel- opment Comm- ittee (1/24) Final Delivery Trans- lation services City Staff Survey (responses by 7/23) Tree Story Interactive Map Parks Comm- ission Presen- tation UFMP Draft #1 Planning & Devel- opment Comm- ittee (11/8) City Council (1/24) Renton, WA Urban Forest Management Plan Timeline & Milestones Sept 2021 3 KEY SCOPE OF WORK ITEMS Excerpt from the complete Scope of Work. View the “PlanIT Geo Final Scope of Work for Renton WA UFMP 5-12- 21” for the comprehensive Scope of Work to the Renton Urban Forest Management Plan. Table 3. Excerpt from the UFMP Scope of Work Detailing Draft Plan and Presentations Task I. Urban Forest Management Plan Development Complete the UFMP Drafts September-November 2021 The previous tasks (A-H) provide components to the overall Plan that will be tied together in Task I. Based on the UFMP Outline, Draft 1 of the Plan will be completed in MS Word and Adobe PDF and both formats are shared via the FTP site for the City Collaborative Team to conduct internal reviews (Draft 1). The Project Lead will compile all feedback and meet remotely with the Consulting Team to discuss feedback and required edits. The Consulting Team will make revisions and send to the Collaborative Team for a second round of reviews (Draft 2). The Project Lead will compile all feedback from the second review session and the Consulting Team will update the draft to serve as Draft Final Document (Draft 3). This Draft Final Document will include all style and format requirements and graphic design and will be provided to the Parks Commission 2-4 weeks in advance of the presentation (Task J). The final UFMP will be prepared after the second Parks Commission remote presentation (Task J). Task J. Presentation Parks Commission Presentation September 2021, January 2022 The Consulting Team will provide the Parks Commission with a remote presentation of the project at mid-point, i.e., after the City staff interviews (Task B). The Consulting Team will work with the Project Lead to determine the meeting date and finalize the presentation. In addition, the Consulting Team will provide an in-person presentation of Draft Final Document. City Council “Committee of the Whole” January or February 2022 Upon completion of the Draft Final Document, the Consulting Team will adhere to the Planning Commission and SEPA Plan Review processes by providing initial presentation content and can attend meetings based on the hourly rates provided in this scope of work. After the processes are completed, the Consulting Team will attend the City Council “Committee of the Whole” meeting remotely to oversee the final presentation and closing of the project. Task K. Final UFMP Final UFMP February 2022 After the remote Parks Commission meeting and other Planning Commission and SEPA Plan Review processes, the Consulting Team will prepare the final UFMP (“Final Document”) by making minor, if any, changes as a result of these meetings. The Final Document will adhere to the style guides, format, and other City requirements. The Final Document will be styled and formatted to serve the City staff while being comprehensible and easy to follow for the general public. Final Delivery February 2022 All documents, studies, data, and supporting resources will be provided to the City in a zipped folder along with document and file structure guidance. The Consulting Team will check in with the Project Lead for confirmation of all project deliverables to complete the project.