HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Agenda Packet AGENDA City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Monday, February 27, 2017 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC HEARING a) Tim D Annexation and Proposed Zoning - A-16-002 4. PUBLIC MEETING a) North Agape Annexation - A-16-003 5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 6. AUDIENCE COMMENTS  Speakers must sign-up prior to the Council meeting.  Each speaker is allowed five minutes.  When recognized, please state your name & city of residence for the record. 7. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of February 13, 2016. Council Concur b) AB - 1858 Mayor Law appoints Rocale Timmons to the Community Plan Advisory Board- City Center for a term expiring March 1, 2020. Refer to Planning & Development Committee c) AB - 1861 Mayor Law appoints Shane A. Moloney as City Attorney, effective April 1, 2017 at Step D of the salary Grade m49. Council Concur d) AB - 1853 Administrative Services Department recommends adopting a resolution to set the threshold for state sales tax credit for 2017 at $6,022,000 related to the Benson Hill annexation. Council Concur e) AB - 1855 City Attorney Department requests authorization to hire a Senior Assistant City Attorney at Step E of the salary Grade m42. Council Concur f) AB - 1859 Community & Economic Development Department recommends approval to develop a work program for 2017 and a revision to Strategy 8.3.1 of the City Center Community Plan. Refer to Planning & Development Committee g) AB - 1860 Community & Economic Development Department recommends approval of the recommended priorities for the Benson Hill Community Plan. Refer to Planning & Development Committee h) AB - 1854 Public Works Department requests authorization to purchase ten vehicles valued at $288,335. The funds required to purchase the vehicles were included in the 2017/2018 Biennial Budget. Council Concur 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the Chair if further review is necessary. a) Committee of the Whole: Council Retreat Follow-up: Revised Council Meeting Schedule; Regional Policy Agenda b) Utilities Committee: Water & Wastewater Utilities General Services 2017/2018 Agreement c) Planning & Development Committee: Sunset Court Fee Waiver Request d) Finance Committee: Vouchers 9. LEGISLATION Resolution: a) Resolution No. 4305: Sales Tax Annexation Credit. (See Item 7.d) 10. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; visit rentonwa.gov/cityclerk for more information.) 11. ADJOURNMENT Please visit our website to view the agenda for the preceding: Committee of the Whole Meeting Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 To view Council Meetings online, please visit rentonwa.gov/councilmeetings 60 %  Di r e c t  Pe t i t i o n  to  An n e x Pu b l i c  He a r i n g Fe b r u a r y  27 ,  20 1 7 Pr o p o s e d A n n e x a t i o n : Ti m D . AGENDA ITEM #3. a) An n e x a t i o n P r o c e s s An n e x a t i o n  Ef f e c t i v e  30   Da y s  Af t e r  Pu b l i c a t i o n  of   2 nd Re a d i n g   Ci t y  Co u n c i l  Adopts   Or d i n a n c e Bo u n d a r y  Re v i e w  Board   Ap p r o v a l Bo u n d a r y  Re v i e w  Board   45  Da y  Re v i e w No t i c e  of  In t e n t  to   Bo u n d a r y  Re v i e w  Board Co u n c i l  Ho l d s  Pu b l i c   He a r i n g Pe t i t i o n  Ce r t i f i e d  by   Ki n g  Co u n t y Pe t i t i o n e r  Su b m i t s   60 %  Pe t i t i o n Co u n c i l  Au t h o r i z e s   60 %  Pe t i t i o n Ci r c u l a t i o n   Co u n c i l  Me e t s  wi t h   Pe t i t i o n e r Pe t i t i o n e r  Su b m i t s   10 %  Pe t i t i o n AGENDA ITEM #3. a) • St a t e  la w  re q u i r e s  a  pu b l i c  he a r i n g  wi t h   pr o p o n e n t s  to  ac c e p t ,  re j e c t ,  or  ge o g r a p h i c a l l y   mo d i f y  th e  pr o p o s e d  an n e x a t i o n • Al s o ,  re q u i r e s  tw o  pu b l i c  he a r i n g s  re g a r d i n g   pr o p o s e d  zo n i n g • To n i g h t  is  th e  fi r s t Pu r p o s e AGENDA ITEM #3. a) Lo c a t i o n AGENDA ITEM #3. a) • Lo c a t i o n :    At  th e  no r t h e r n  po r t i o n  of  Ci t y  limits;  in  th e  Hi g h l a n d s  Co m m u n i t y  Pl a n n i n g   Ar e a • Si z e :  2. 7  ac r e s • Us e s :  Si n g l e ‐fa m i l y • Bo u n d a r i e s :   • No r t h  –P a r c e l  li n e ,  ne a r  NE  26 th Ct • Ea s t  –P a r c e l  li n e ,  ne a r  12 4 th Av e  SE • So u t h  –P a r c e l  li n e ,  ne a r  NE  25 th St • We s t  –P a r c e l  li n e ,  ne a r  Ly n n w o o d  Av e  NE Ba c k g r o u n d AGENDA ITEM #3. a) AGENDA ITEM #3. a) Ex i s t i n g C o n d i t i o n s AGENDA ITEM #3. a) To p o g r a p h y AGENDA ITEM #3. a) En v i r o n m e n t a l • No  we t l a n d s  in   pr o x i m i t y • Ho n e y  Creek   ap p r o x i m a t e l y   70 0  ft so u t h w e s t  AGENDA ITEM #3. a) • Fi r e • Re n t o n  Fi r e  Au t h o r i t y • (N o  ch a n g e ) • Ut i l i t i e s • Ci t y  of  Re n t o n  Wa t e r   • (N o  ch a n g e )   • Re n t o n  Se w e r  Ut i l i t y • (N o  ch a n g e ) • Sc h o o l s • Re n t o n  Sc h o o l  Di s t r i c t • (N o  ch a n g e ) Pu b l i c S e r v i c e s AGENDA ITEM #3. a) • Ur b a n   Re s i d e n t i a l   Lo w • R ‐1  zo n e Co u n t y L a n d U s e De s i g n a t i o n & Z o n i n g AGENDA ITEM #3. a) • Re s i d e n t i a l  Low   De n s i t y • Al l o w s  RC ,  R ‐1, or  R ‐4   zo n i n g Re n t o n L a n d U s e De s i g n a t i o n & Z o n i n g AGENDA ITEM #3. a) • Re s o u r c e  Co n s e r v a t i o n  Zo n e – L a n d  wi t h  si g n i f i c a n t   en v i r o n m e n t a l  co n s t r a i n t s ,  no t  ap p r o p r i a t e  fo r  ur b a n   de v e l o p m e n t ;  la n d  su i t a b l e  fo r  en v i r o n m e n t a l   co n s e r v a t i o n  or  re s t o r a t i o n ;  an d  la n d  us e d  fo r  ag r i c u l t u r e   or  na t u r a l  re s o u r c e  ex t r a c t i o n • R ‐1  Zo n e – L a n d  wi t h  si g n i f i c a n t  en v i r o n m e n t a l   co n s t r a i n t s ,   th a t  ma y  ha v e  po t e n t i a l  fo r  de v e l o p m e n t  at  a   le v e l  of  in t e n s i t y  co m p a t i b l e  wi t h  th e  en v i r o n m e n t ;  or   la n d  th a t  pr o v i d e s  ur b a n  se p a r a t o r s • R ‐4  Zo n e – L a n d  su i t a b l e  fo r  la r g e r  lo t  ho u s i n g  an d   su b u r b a n ,  es t a t e ‐st y l e  dw e l l i n g s  co m p a t i b l e  wi t h  scale   an d  de n s i t y  of  th e  su r r o u n d i n g  ar e a Re n t o n L a n d U s e De s i g n a t i o n & Z o n i n g AGENDA ITEM #3. a) • St a f f  re c o m m e n d s   R ‐4  zo n i n g Re n t o n P r o p o s e d Z o n i n g R ‐4 AGENDA ITEM #3. a) Ci t y A n n e x a t i o n P o l i c i e s AGENDA ITEM #3. a) • Go a l  L ‐E:  Pr o m o t e  an n e x a t i o n   wh e r e  an d  when  it   is  in  Re n t o n ’ s  be s t  in t e r e s t • Po l i c y  L ‐8:  Su p p o r t  an n e x a t i o n  wh e r e   in f r a s t r u c t u r e  an d  se r v i c e s  al l o w  fo r  ur b a n   de n s i t i e s  an d  it  wo u l d  co n s o l i d a t e  se r v i c e   pr o v i d e r s  an d / o r  fa c i l i t a t e  th e  ef f i c i e n t  delivery   of  se r v i c e s • Po l i c y  L ‐9:  Co n s i d e r  fi s c a l  im p a c t s  fo r  ea c h   pr o p o s e d  an n e x a t i o n Co m p r e h e n s i v e P l a n AGENDA ITEM #3. a) Bo u n d a r y R e v i e w B o a r d Ob j e c t i v e s AGENDA ITEM #3. a) • Us e s  ph y s i c a l   bo u n d a r i e s ,  in c l u d i n g  bu t  not   li m i t e d  to  bo d i e s  of  wa t e r ,  hi g h w a y s ,  an d  land   co n t o u r s • Bo u n d a r y  us e s  pa r c e l  li n e s   • Pr e v e n t  ab n o r m a l l y  ir r e g u l a r  bo u n d a r i e s • Th e  bo u n d a r y  is  re g u l a r • Cr e a t e  an d / o r  pr e s e r v e  lo g i c a l  se r v i c e  ar e a s • Se r v i c e  ar e a s  ag r e e d  to  pr e v i o u s l y ,  ar e  un c h a n g e d • An n e x a t i o n  is  of  an  un i n c o r p o r a t e d  ar e a  to  a  city   th a t  is  ur b a n  in  ch a r a c t e r • Re n t o n  is  an  ur b a n  ci t y   Re l e v a n t B R B O b j e c t i v e s AGENDA ITEM #3. a) Fi s c a l A n a l y s i s AGENDA ITEM #3. a) • Cu r r e n t  Co n d i t i o n s : • 1  dw e l l i n g • Es t i m a t e d  2  re s i d e n t s • Fu t u r e  Co n d i t i o n s : • Es t i m a t e d  7 a d d i t i o n a l  dw e l l i n g s • Es t i m a t e d  ad d i t i o n a l  20  re s i d e n t s • Co s t s  in c r e a s e  3. 3 %  an n u a l l y • Re v e n u e  in c r e a s e  2. 5 %  an n u a l l y • Li m i t e d  to  sa l e s  ta x ,  ut i l i t y  ta x ,  an d  fr a n c h i s e  fee As s u m p t i o n s AGENDA ITEM #3. a) Fi s c a l A n a l y s i s Op e r a t i n g  Fu n d   Ex i s t i n g Y e a r  10 Re v e n u e s $ 2 , 0 6 4 $ 1 8 , 3 3 4 Co s t s $ 1 , 5 5 5 $ 8 , 1 6 1 Ca p i t a l  an d  En t e r p r i s e  Fu n d s Re v e n u e s $4 2 5 $ 3 , 1 5 6 Co s t s $1 8 1 $ 1 , 7 0 4 AGENDA ITEM #3. a) • Ci t y  st a f f  re p r e s e n t i n g  Ci t y  fu n c t i o n s   re v i e w e d   th e  pr o p o s e d  an n e x a t i o n • Al l  de p a r t m e n t s  in d i c a t e d  th a t  th e  pr o p o s e d   an n e x a t i o n  re p r e s e n t s  a  lo g i c a l  ex t e n s i o n  of  their   se r v i c e s Co m m e n t s AGENDA ITEM #3. a) • Th e  be s t  in t e r e s t s  an d  ge n e r a l  we l f a r e  of  the   Ci t y  ar e  se r v e d  by  th i s  an n e x a t i o n • Re p r e s e n t s  a  lo g i c a l  ex t e n s i o n  of  Ci t y  se r v i c e s • Co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  Ci t y  an n e x a t i o n  po l i c i e s • Co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  Bo u n d a r y  Re v i e w  Bo a r d  criteria Co n c l u s i o n AGENDA ITEM #3. a) Re c o m m e n d a t i o n • Th e  Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n  re c o m m e n d s  th a t   Co u n c i l : • Ac c e p t  th e  60 %  Di r e c t  Pe t i t i o n  to  An n e x • Au t h o r i z e  th e  Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n  to  fo r w a r d   th e  No t i c e  of  In t e n t  to  th e  Bo u n d a r y   Re v i e w  Bo a r d AGENDA ITEM #3. a) 10 %  No t i c e  of  In t e n t Pu b l i c  Me e t i n g Fe b r u a r y  28 ,  20 1 7 Pr o p o s e d A n n e x a t i o n : No r t h A g a p e AGENDA ITEM #4. a) An n e x a t i o n P r o c e s s An n e x a t i o n  Ef f e c t i v e  30   Da y s  Af t e r  Pu b l i c a t i o n  of   2 nd Re a d i n g   Ci t y  Co u n c i l  Adopts   Or d i n a n c e Bo u n d a r y  Re v i e w  Board   Ap p r o v a l Bo u n d a r y  Re v i e w  Board   45  Da y  Re v i e w No t i c e  of  In t e n t  to   Bo u n d a r y  Re v i e w  Board Co u n c i l  Ho l d s  Pu b l i c   He a r i n g Pe t i t i o n  Ce r t i f i e d  by   Ki n g  Co u n t y Pe t i t i o n e r  Su b m i t s   60 %  Pe t i t i o n Co u n c i l  Au t h o r i z e s   60 %  Pe t i t i o n Ci r c u l a t i o n   Co u n c i l  Me e t s  wi t h   Pe t i t i o n e r Pe t i t i o n e r  Su b m i t s   10 %  Pe t i t i o n AGENDA ITEM #4. a) • St a t e  la w  re q u i r e s  a  pu b l i c  me e t i n g  wi t h   pr o p o n e n t s  to  ac c e p t ,  re j e c t ,  or  ge o g r a p h i c a l l y   mo d i f y  th e  pr o p o s e d  an n e x a t i o n • If  Co u n c i l  ac c e p t s  pr o p o s e d  an n e x a t i o n ,  Council   al s o  au t h o r i z e s  ci r c u l a t i o n   a  60 %  Di r e c t  Petition   to  An n e x Pu r p o s e AGENDA ITEM #4. a) Lo c a t i o n AGENDA ITEM #4. a) • Lo c a t i o n :    At  th e  ea s t e r n  po r t i o n  of  Ci t y  limits; in   th e  Ea s t  Pl a t e a u  Co m m u n i t y  Pl a n n i n g  Ar e a • Si z e :  13 . 9  ac r e s • Us e s :  Si n g l e ‐fa m i l y • Bo u n d a r i e s :   • No r t h  –P a r c e l  li n e • Ea s t  – 1 5 8 th Av e  SE • So u t h  –P a r c e l  li n e ,  ne a r  NE  1 st Pl a c e • We s t  – 1 5 6 th Av e  SE Ba c k g r o u n d AGENDA ITEM #4. a) AGENDA ITEM #4. a) Ex i s t i n g C o n d i t i o n s AGENDA ITEM #4. a) To p o g r a p h y AGENDA ITEM #4. a) En v i r o n m e n t a l • No  st r e a m s  in   pr o x i m i t y • Sm a l l  wetland   ac r o s s  158 th Av e  SE AGENDA ITEM #4. a) • Fi r e • Re n t o n  Fi r e  Au t h o r i t y • (N o  ch a n g e ) • Ut i l i t i e s • Wa t e r  Di s t r i c t  #9 0 • (N o  ch a n g e )   • Re n t o n  Se w e r  Ut i l i t y • (N o  ch a n g e ) • Sc h o o l s • Re n t o n  Sc h o o l  Di s t r i c t • (N o  ch a n g e ) Pu b l i c S e r v i c e s AGENDA ITEM #4. a) • Ur b a n   Re s i d e n t i a l   Me d i u m   • 4  –1 2  Dw e l l i n g   Un i t s  pe r  Acre • R ‐4  zo n e Co u n t y L a n d U s e De s i g n a t i o n & Z o n i n g AGENDA ITEM #4. a) • Re s i d e n t i a l  Low   De n s i t y • Al l o w s  RC ,  R ‐1, or  R ‐4   zo n i n g • Pr e z o n e d R ‐4   in  2007   Or d i n a n c e  #5254 • Wi l l  be c o m e  effective   up o n  an n e x a t i o n Re n t o n L a n d U s e De s i g n a t i o n & Z o n i n g AGENDA ITEM #4. a) Ci t y A n n e x a t i o n P o l i c i e s AGENDA ITEM #4. a) • Go a l  L ‐E:  Pr o m o t e  an n e x a t i o n   wh e r e  an d  when  it   is  in  Re n t o n ’ s  be s t  in t e r e s t • Po l i c y  L ‐8:  Su p p o r t  an n e x a t i o n  wh e r e   in f r a s t r u c t u r e  an d  se r v i c e s  al l o w  fo r  ur b a n   de n s i t i e s  an d  it  wo u l d  co n s o l i d a t e  se r v i c e   pr o v i d e r s  an d / o r  fa c i l i t a t e  th e  ef f i c i e n t  delivery   of  se r v i c e s • Po l i c y  L ‐9:  Co n s i d e r  fi s c a l  im p a c t s  fo r  ea c h   pr o p o s e d  an n e x a t i o n Co m p r e h e n s i v e P l a n AGENDA ITEM #4. a) Bo u n d a r y R e v i e w B o a r d Ob j e c t i v e s AGENDA ITEM #4. a) • Us e s  ph y s i c a l   bo u n d a r i e s ,  in c l u d i n g  bu t  not   li m i t e d  to  bo d i e s  of  wa t e r ,  hi g h w a y s ,  an d  land   co n t o u r s • Bo u n d a r y  us e s  pa r c e l  li n e s   • Pr e v e n t  ab n o r m a l l y  ir r e g u l a r  bo u n d a r i e s • Th e  bo u n d a r y  is  re g u l a r • Cr e a t e  an d / o r  pr e s e r v e  lo g i c a l  se r v i c e  ar e a s • Se r v i c e  ar e a s  ag r e e d  to  pr e v i o u s l y ,  ar e  un c h a n g e d • An n e x a t i o n  is  of  an  un i n c o r p o r a t e d  ar e a  to  a  city   th a t  is  ur b a n  in  ch a r a c t e r • Re n t o n  is  an  ur b a n  ci t y   Re l e v a n t B R B O b j e c t i v e s AGENDA ITEM #4. a) Fi s c a l A n a l y s i s AGENDA ITEM #4. a) • Cu r r e n t  Co n d i t i o n s : • 8  dw e l l i n g s • Es t i m a t e d  22  re s i d e n t s • Fu t u r e  Co n d i t i o n s : • Es t i m a t e d  20  ad d i t i o n a l  dw e l l i n g s • Es t i m a t e d  ad d i t i o n a l  56  re s i d e n t s • Co s t s  in c r e a s e  3. 3 %  an n u a l l y • Re v e n u e  in c r e a s e  2. 5 %  an n u a l l y • Li m i t e d  to  sa l e s  ta x ,  ut i l i t y  ta x ,  an d  fr a n c h i s e  fee As s u m p t i o n s AGENDA ITEM #4. a) Fi s c a l A n a l y s i s Op e r a t i n g  Fu n d   Ex i s t i n g Y e a r  10 Re v e n u e s $ 1 5 , 6 8 2 $ 6 0 , 9 8 2 Co s t s $ 9 , 3 0 5 $ 3 7 , 6 7 5 Ca p i t a l  an d  En t e r p r i s e  Fu n d s Re v e n u e s $3 , 3 9 8 $ 1 1 , 7 4 6 Co s t s $1 , 4 5 1 $ 6 , 1 0 6 AGENDA ITEM #4. a) • Ci t y  st a f f  re p r e s e n t i n g  Ci t y  fu n c t i o n s   re v i e w e d   th e  pr o p o s e d  an n e x a t i o n • Al l  de p a r t m e n t s  in d i c a t e d  th a t  th e  pr o p o s e d   an n e x a t i o n  re p r e s e n t s  a  lo g i c a l  ex t e n s i o n  of  their   se r v i c e s • Wa s t e w a t e r  re q u e s t e d  bo u n d a r y  be  am e n d e d  to   in c l u d e  15 8 th Av e n u e  SE Co m m e n t s AGENDA ITEM #4. a) Co m m e n t s AGENDA ITEM #4. a) • Th e  be s t  in t e r e s t s  an d  ge n e r a l  we l f a r e  of  the   Ci t y  ar e  se r v e d  by  th i s  an n e x a t i o n • Re p r e s e n t s  a  lo g i c a l  ex t e n s i o n  of  Ci t y  se r v i c e s • Co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  Ci t y  an n e x a t i o n  po l i c i e s • Co n s i s t e n t  wi t h  Bo u n d a r y  Re v i e w  Bo a r d  criteria Co n c l u s i o n AGENDA ITEM #4. a) Re c o m m e n d a t i o n • Th e  Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n  re c o m m e n d s : • Co u n c i l  am e n d  th e  bo u n d a r y  to  ex t e n d  ea s t  to   in c l u d e  15 8 th Av e n u e  SE • Au t h o r i z a t i o n  to  ci r c u l a t e  a  60 %  Di r e c t  Pe t i t i o n   to  An n e x  sp e c i f y i n g  th a t  pr o p e r t y  ow n e r s :   • Ac c e p t  th e  Ci t y ' s  zo n i n g • As s u m e  th e i r  pr o p o r t i o n a l  sh a r e  of  th e   Ci t y ’ s  ex i s t i n g  bo n d e d  in d e b t e d n e s s AGENDA ITEM #4. a) February 13, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES  MINUTES  City Council Regular Meeting  7:00 PM ‐ Monday, February 13, 2017  Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way    CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE     Mayor Law called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 7:00 PM and led the  Pledge of Allegiance.     ROLL CALL    Councilmembers Present:  Armondo Pavone, Council President  Ed Prince  Randy Corman  Ryan McIrvin  Ruth Pérez  Don Persson  Carol Ann Witschi  Councilmembers Absent:                         ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT     Denis Law, Mayor  Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer  Alex Tuttle, Assistant City Attorney  Jason Seth, City Clerk  Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator  Jennifer Henning, Planning Director  Mark Santos‐Johnson, Community Development Project Manager  Amanda Askren, Property & Technical Services Manager  Commander Jon Schuldt, Police Department                AGENDA ITEM #7. a) February 13, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES  PROCLAMATION    National Children's Dental Health Month:  A proclamation by Mayor Law was read declaring  February 2017 to be National Children's Dental Health Month in the City of Renton, and he  encouraged all citizens to join in the special observance. Wendy Dore, Outreach and  Marketing Manager for The Center for Pediatric Dentistry accepted the proclamation with  appreciation.    MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE  PROCLAMATION. CARRIED.    SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS    JP Morgan Chase Foundation Grant to Homestead Community Land Trust: Community  Development Project Manager Mark Santos‐Johnson introduced Cat Martin, JPMorgan Chase  & Company's Vice President & Relationship Manager. Ms. Martin provided an overview of the  organization's philanthropic endeavors and presented a check in the amount of $500,000 to  Kathleen Hosfeld, Executive Director of Homestead Community Land Trust. Ms. Hosfeld  expressed appreciation for the grant funds and noted that her organization will be working in  partnership with the City of Renton and the Renton Housing Authority to use the funds to  build affordable housing.     Energize Eastside Project:  Kara Durbin, Senior Local Government Affairs Representative,  provided a brief overview of Puget Sound Energy's Energize Eastside project. Additionally,  discussion ensued regarding Puget Sound Energy's education and outreach programs,  potential use of access roads for future trails, and replacing non‐native vegetation with native  vegetation in the right‐of‐ways for the project.     PUBLIC HEARING    Street Vacation Request: This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and  published in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Law opened the public hearing to  consider the street vacation request in the vicinity of SW Langston Rd, between SW Sunset  Blvd and Stevens Ave. SW (Petitioner Langston 14, LLC.; VAC‐16‐002).    Property & Technical Services Manager Amanda Askren reported that the petition was  received on December 6, 2016 and 87.6% of abutting property owners signed it. She stated  that the purpose of vacating the right‐of‐way is to clear up clouded title to SW Langston Rd  for the City, assist in providing safer right‐of‐way, and to align property abutting each end of  the petitioner's property. Ms. Askren provided a historical analysis of the issue, explained that  SW Langston Rd was not built in the center of the right‐of‐way, further explained that this  discrepancy has been depicted in surveys since at least 1938, noted that City utilities are not  located within the area requested to be vacated, and displayed a map depicting how the  current right‐of‐way cuts through residential properties. She added that the petition was  circulated to various City departments and outside agencies and reported that at this time no  objections to the petition were received. Ms. Askren concluded by stating that the  administration recommends Council approve the street vacation petition as long as no  objections from outside agencies that have yet to respond are received, and that the  petitioner obtain an appraisal and follow the guidelines for next steps as outlined in City  Code.  AGENDA ITEM #7. a) February 13, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES  Responding to Council inquiries, Ms. Askren clarified that this process will relinquish  ownership of City right‐of‐way that affected residents have been using as front yards and  driveways for more than 70 years. She also clarified that Council holds the authority to waive  any potential fees and/or compensation due for vacating the property.     Correspondence was read into the record from Matt Schmidt (Renton) and Laird and Kathryn  Thornton (Renton), all expressing opposition to the street vacation petition.    Public comment was invited:    Mark Shark, Kirkland, remarked that this is a complicated issue but must be completed in  order to clear up title issues on a few pieces of property his organization is attempting to  redevelop. He also indicated on a map which properties along SW Langston Rd are in the  process of being redeveloped.    MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC  HEARING. CARRIED.    MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE STAFF  RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE THE PETITION TO MOVE FORWARD. CARRIED.    ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT    Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative report  summarizing the City’s recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of  its business plan for 2017 and beyond. Items noted were:   Inclement Weather Response Reminder: Help prevent local residential street  flooding by monitoring catch basins near your home and keeping them clear of leaves  and other debris. Street sweepers are dispatched daily to clean up debris along major  arterials. Please remember during snow and ice events, the department sanders and  snow plows are dispatched to keep major arterials drivable. Visit our website at  http://rentonwa.gov/living/default.aspx?id=21258 to view our snow route maps.  Please do not park or abandon your vehicle within any portion of the traffic lanes.  Abandoned vehicles impair snow and ice removal and impact response of emergency  vehicles.   Preventative street maintenance will continue to impact traffic and result in  occasional street closures.      CONSENT AGENDA  Items listed on the Consent Agenda were adopted with one motion, following the listing.     a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of January 23, 2017. Council Concur.   b) AB ‐ 1845 Mayor Law reappointed Martin Regge to the Planning Commission for a term  expiring January 31, 2020. Council Concur.   c) AB ‐ 1849 Mayor Law reappointed Bill Huls and Marsha Rollinger to the Municipal Arts  Commission for terms expiring 12/31/2019. Council Concur.     AGENDA ITEM #7. a) February 13, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES  d) AB ‐ 1842 City Clerk submitted a 10% Notice of Intent to Annex petition for the proposed  North Agape Annexation and recommended a public meeting be set on 2/27/2017 to consider  the petition; 13.90‐acre site abutting the City at its eastern City limits. Council Concur; set  public meeting for 2/27/2017.   e) AB ‐ 1844 City Clerk submitted the 60% Direct Petition to Annex for the proposed Tim D  Annexation; and submitted the staff recommendation to set a public hearing on 2/27/2017 to  consider the petition and proposed zoning. Council Concur; set public hearing for 2/27/2017.   f) AB ‐ 1851 Community & Economic Development Department recommended approval of a  100‐percent fee waiver of the estimated development and impact mitigation fees in the  amount of $460,599 for the Renton Housing Authority's Sunset Court Apartments project.  Refer to Planning & Development Committee.   g) AB ‐ 1843 Police Department requested approval to hire a Police Service Specialist at Step D  of the grade pn62 of the salary range. Council Concur.   h) AB ‐ 1848 Public Works Administration Department requested authorization to purchase  seven vehicles and four pieces of equipment valued at $807,252. The funds required to  purchase the vehicles and equipment were included in the adopted 2017/2018 Biennial  Budget. Council Concur.   i) AB ‐ 1847 Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of Addendum 11‐16 to  LAG‐91‐005, with Northwest Seaplanes, Inc. for a ground lease rate adjustment from $0.62  per square foot per year to $0.7252 per square foot per year, effective January 1, 2017  through December 31, 2022. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee.   j) AB ‐ 1850 Transportation Systems Division requested approval to purchase video detection  and signal cabinet equipment in the estimated amount of $150,000 for the Adaptive System,  Phase 1, of the SW 43rd St./SE Carr Rd./SE 176th St./SE Petrovitsky Rd Corridor Safety project.  The funds required to purchase the equipment were included in the 2015/2016 Biennial  Budget and included in the 2017 Carry Forward Budget amendment. Council Concur.   k) AB ‐ 1839 Utility Systems Division submitted CAG‐16‐077, N 30th St & Burnett Ave N Storm  System Improvement project; contractor Northwest Cascade, Inc., and requested acceptance  of the project, release of the retainage bond in the amount of $28,128.10 after 60 days, and  approval of the final pay estimate in the amount of $34,905.03, subject to receiving the  required releases. Council Concur.   l) AB ‐ 1840 Utility Systems Division submitted JOC‐01‐079 (formerly CAG‐13‐149 WO #79), I‐ 405 & SR 169 High‐Density Polyethylene Pipe Pull project, contractor Forma Construction, and  requested acceptance of the project, subject to receiving the required certifications. Council  Concur.   m) AB ‐ 1846 Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a contract with RH2 Engineering,  Inc. in the amount of $227,322 for Water and Wastewater Utilities 2017‐2018 General  Services project.  Refer to Utilities Committee.    MOVED BY PAVONE, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT  AGENDA, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED.        AGENDA ITEM #7. a) February 13, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES  UNFINISHED BUSINESS    Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report approving for payment on February 13,  2017 claims vouchers 353810‐353811, 353813‐353814, 353824‐353840, 353846‐354125, 5267‐ 5278, 10001‐10004, 100001 and three wire transfers and one payroll run with benefit  withholding payments totaling $6,881,598.78 and payroll vouchers including 584 direct deposits  and 34 payroll vouchers totaling $1,210,743.86.     MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE  COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED.    Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Pérez presented a report recommending  concurrence  in the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a  professional services consultant agreement with Perteet, Inc. to provide construction  observation and administration services for the Main Avenue South (South 3rd Street to Mill  Avenue South) Project in the amount of $325,114.     MOVED BY PÉREZ, SECONDED BY WITSCHI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE  RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED.    Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Pérez presented recommending concurrence in the  staff recommendation to adopt the Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to  execute the agreement with King County Metro Transit for the purchase of ORCA  Business Cards and ORCA Business Passport Products.     MOVED BY PÉREZ, SECONDED BY WITSCHI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE  RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED.    Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Pérez presented a report recommending  concurrence in the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute  Supplemental Agreement No. 3 to CAG‐15‐177 with OTAK, Inc. to complete final design and  construction documents for Phase 3 of the Lake Washington Loop Trail project in the amount of  $321,203.     MOVED BY PÉREZ, SECONDED BY WITSCHI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE  RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED.    LEGISLATION   Ordinance for second and final reading:   a) Ordinance No. 5832:  An ordinance changing the Zoning Classification of certain properties  with the City of Renton (King County Parcel Nos. 3123059114, 3123059007, 3123059011,  3123059032, 3926800010, 3926800020, and 3926800030) from Commercial Office (CO) to  Commercial Arterial (CA) (File No. LUA16‐000734, Rezone HE)     MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE  AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED.            AGENDA ITEM #7. a) February 13, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES  NEW BUSINESS    Please see the attached Council Committee Meeting Calendar.    Councilmember Persson asked the Administration to investigate ownership of the political  signs that are still out in public right‐of‐ways, in order to have the owners remove them.    Councilmember Persson also asked the Administration to review a letter from Greenpoint  Landscaping requesting consideration of their services when the City's current landscaping  contract expires.    Additionally, Councilmember Persson requested a letter be sent to Congressman Dave  Reichert regarding funding support for the University of Northern Texas' Using DNA  Technology to Identify the Missing project.      MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PÉREZ, COUNCIL APPROVE SENDING A  LETTER TO CONGRESSMAN DAVE REICHERT IN SUPPORT OF REQUESTING THE  NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF JUSTICE (NIJ) TO CONTINUE GRANTING FUNDS TO THE  UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN TEXAS FOR THE Using DNA Technology to Identify the  Missing PROJECT. CARRIED.    ADJOURNMENT    MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. TIME:  7:56 PM.    Jason A. Seth, CMC, City Clerk  Jason Seth, Recorder  Monday, February 13, 2017  AGENDA ITEM #7. a) Council Committee Meeting Calendar February 13, 2017 February 14, 2017 Tuesday 8:30 AM Legislative Lobbying Day in Olympia (a quorum may attend) February 20, 2017 Monday CANCELLED Council Holiday in honor of Presidents’ Day February 23, 2017 Thursday 3:30 PM Utilities Committee, Chair McIrvin – Council Conference Room 1. Water & Wastewater Utilities General Services 2017/2018 Agreement 2. Emerging Issues in Utilities – Solid Waste 4:00 PM Planning & Development Committee, Chair Prince - Council Conference Rm. 1. Sunset Court Fee Waiver Request 2. Docket #12 3. Emerging Issues in Economic Development - New Development - Code Compliance - Project Status February 27, 2017 Monday 3:30 PM Finance Committee, Chair Persson – Council Conference Room 1. Vouchers 2. Emerging Issues in Revenue Streams 4:30 PM Public Safety Committee, Chair Corman – Council Conference Room 1. Emerging Issues in Public Safety 5:00 PM Committee of the Whole, Chair Pavone – Conferencing Center & Chambers 1. Local & Regional Issues including Regional Legislative Matrix 2. Economic Development Update 3. WSDOT Update on Renton Projects (in Chambers at approx. 6pm) AGENDA ITEM #7. a) AB - 1858 City Council Regular Meeting - 27 Feb 2017 SUBJECT/TITLE: Appointment to Community Plan Advisory Board-City Center RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Planning & Development Committee DEPARTMENT: Executive STAFF CONTACT: April Alexander, Executive Assistant EXT.: 6520 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: None. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Mayor Law appoints Ms. Rocale Timmons to the Community Plan Advisory Board -City Center for a term expiring March 1, 2020. EXHIBITS: A. Recommendation memo B. Application STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Concur with Mayor Law's appointment of Ms. Timmons AGENDA ITEM #7. b) April Alexander From:rtimmons@secodev.com Sent:Wednesday,December21,2016 9:09 AM To:April Alexander Cc:rtimmons@secodev.com Subject:Application for boards,commissions,or committees. The following registration was submitted via the City of Renton website: Data from form “Application for Boards,commissions,or committees”was received on Wednesday,December 21,2016 9:08:43 AM. Boards,commissions,committees Field Value BoardsCommissionsCommittees Community Plan Advisory Board*-Benson Hill Title Ms. Name Rocale Timmons address P0 Box 4155 City,State,Zip Renton,WA 98057 Applicant’s email rtimmons@secodev.com Applicant’s phone 425-902-9253 Applicant’s alternate phone 206-293-8823 Renton Resident?true 2009 I former Residence Seatac I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics with a minor in .Urban Planning and an Executive Master of BusinessEducationalBackgroundAdministrationdegreefromtheUniversityofWashington. Occupation Director of Planning and Development I have more than 12 years of urban planning,commercial, mixed use,residential,and infrastructure project management/entitlement experience in public and private organizations. Prior to joining SECO Development,I was a Senior Planner for OccupationBackground the City of Renton,facilitating legacy City projects, engaging a diverse set of stakeholders and negotiating very compelling,yet competing,interests associated with complex urban redevelopment projects.Development project entitlements include:2,000,000+SF of commercial space; 1,300+multi—family units;and 250+single—family dwellings, valued at $650 MIL+of investment. Employer SECO Development 1 AGENDA ITEM #7. b) Field [Value 1 Community Activities I would like to join the City Center Community Plan Advisory Reasons Board in order to better serve the community I live and work in. Can attend day meetings true Can attend night meetings true Email ‘Application for boards,commissions,or committees.”originally sent to analexander@rentonwa.gov from rtimmons(isecodev.com on Wednesday,December 21,2016 9:08:43 AM.The following were also sent a copy: rtimmons@secodev.com. 2 AGENDA ITEM #7. b) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ityof AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT iuit©ii e RECEISIr M E M 0 R A N D U M FE8 j DATE:January 9,2017 TO:Denis Law,Mayor r FROM:C.E.“Chip”Vincent,CED Administrator SUBJECT:City Center Community Plan Advisory Board The City has received an application from a member of the community and staff is recommending she be appointed to the City Center Community Plan Advisory Board. Rocale Timmons is a resident of the Southport area and also works for SECO Development.She previously worked as a Planner for the City of Renton and firmly is committed to the betterment of the City and the City Center Community Planning Area. She will be of great benefit to the Advisory Board. Staff recommends Rocale Timmons be appointed to the City Center Community Plan Advisory Board to a three year term,expiring March 1,2020. AGENDA ITEM #7. b) AB - 1861 City Council Regular Meeting - 27 Feb 2017 SUBJECT/TITLE: Appointment of Shane Moloney as Renton City Attorney RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: Executive STAFF CONTACT: Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer EXT.: 6500 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: None. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Current City Attorney Lawrence J. (Larry) Warren has announced his retirement, effected April 15, 2017. Mayor Denis Law has appointed Shane A. Moloney to succeed Larry Warren in this position, subject to confirmation of the City Council per RMC 3.9.2. Shane Moloney has served in the position of Sr. Assistant City Attorney for Renton since December 2015. Prior to Renton, Mr. Moloney served four years as the City Attorney for Mill Creek, Washington; for three years as an Assistant City Attorney in Mercer Island; and for five years with the legal firm of Short Cressman & Burgess, PLLC. Shane has performed admirably during his tenure with Renton, taking the legal lead in formulating the interlocal agreement between the City and the Renton Regional Fire Authority, and providing legal advice for various public works issues—most notably the recently adopted amendment to the Boeing Master lease agreement. He has assisted the Human Resources and Risk Management Department on complex personnel issues, and has been lead counsel in developing a franchise agreement with Puget Sound Energy, the 200 Mill Development Agreement, and other contracts of significance. Shane was also lead counsel in developing the City’s Section 8/income source discrimination legislation. EXHIBITS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Council concur with Mayor Law’s appointment of Shane A. Moloney to City Attorney, effective April 1, 2017 at salary grade m49, step D. AGENDA ITEM #7. c) AB - 1853 City Council Regular Meeting - 27 Feb 2017 SUBJECT/TITLE: Annexation Sales Tax Credit RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: Administrative Services Department STAFF CONTACT: Jamie Thomas, Fiscal Services Director EXT.: 6929 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: SUMMARY OF ACTION: Each year by March 1st, the City of Renton must report annexation related costs to the State of Washington to request state sales tax credit funding to assist with the net service costs associated with an annexation area. RCW 82.14.415 provides that cities may impose sales and use tax as a credit against the state sales and use tax to provide for assistance with these annexation-related costs. This resolution certifies the actual costs to serve the Benson Hill Annexation area exceeded revenues generated in the area by $3,675,000 for the State’s previous fiscal year ended June 30, 2016 (the City's 2015 fiscal year). It also identifies the City's projected annual costs to provide services to the area will exceed resources by $6,022,000 for the State's fiscal year July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018, therefore maintaining the need for the sales tax credit of one-tenth of one percent (0.1%) be continued during this period beginning July 1, 2017. The large increase in expenses over revenues generated in the ar ea is due to the effect of the creation of the Regional Fire Authority, which creates a disproportionate reduction in property taxes collected in the area (roughly 14% of total property taxes collected city -wide) compared with the proportional reuction of fire service costs in the area (9% of total). EXHIBITS: A. Resolution STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the resolution identifying the net cost threshold and setting the sales tax rate for 2017. AGENDA ITEM #7. d) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    RESOLUTION NO. _______    A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE CITY  OF RENTON TO IMPOSE A SALES AND USE TAX AS AUTHORIZED BY RCW  82.14.415 AS A CREDIT AGAINST STATE SALES AND USE TAX, RELATING TO  ANNEXATIONS.    WHEREAS, state law authorizes the reallocation of the sales tax already collected by the  state to be remitted to the City to assist with funding the costs of certain newly annexed areas;  and   WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter 35A.14 RCW, the Council called for a special  election to be held, at which election the question of annexation was presented to the voters of  the Benson Hills Annexation Area; and   WHEREAS, the notice of intention to annex was filed with the King County Boundary  Review Board and subsequently approved; and  WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter 35A.14 RCW the annexation was put to a vote of  the people in the annexation area; and  WHEREAS, King County Elections certified that the annexation had been approved by  voters; and  WHEREAS, following a favorable vote on the annexation proposition, the Council adopted  its Ordinance annexing said Benson Hill Communities Annexation Area effective March 1, 2008,  an annexation area that has a population greater than ten thousand (10,000) people; and  WHEREAS, the Council finds that the true and actual net costs to provide municipal  services to the annexation area totaled Three Million Six Hundred Seventy‐Five Thousand Dollars  AGENDA ITEM #7. d) RESOLUTION NO. _______    2  ($3,675,000) for the City’s fiscal year 2015 and the State’s fiscal year July 1, 2015, to June 30,  2016; and  WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that the projected net costs to provide  municipal services to the annexation area exceeds Six Million Twenty‐Two Thousand Dollars  ($6,022,000) for the City’s fiscal year 2017 and the State’s fiscal year July 1, 2017, to June 30,  2018; and  WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 82.14.415, the City is authorized, under the circumstances  of this annexation, to impose a sales and use tax, with that tax being a credit against the state  tax;  NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES  RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS:  SECTION I. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects.  SECTION II. The Council does hereby determine the threshold amount in providing  municipal services to the Benson Hill Communities Annexation Area is Six Million Twenty‐Two  Thousand Dollars ($6,022,000) and that a tax rate of one‐tenth percent (0.1%) shall be continued  during the State’s fiscal year starting July 1, 2017, to assist the City in providing municipal services  to the area.    SECTION III. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative  procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this Resolution.  SECTION IV. This Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and  signatures hereon.  AGENDA ITEM #7. d) RESOLUTION NO. _______    3  PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ______ day of ___________________, 2017.        ______________________________  Jason Seth, City Clerk       APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this ______ day of ___________________, 2017.        ______________________________  Denis Law, Mayor            Approved as to form:      ______________________________  Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney    RES:1726:2/13/17:scr  AGENDA ITEM #7. d) AB - 1855 City Council Regular Meeting - 27 Feb 2017 SUBJECT/TITLE: Compensate Leslie Clark as a Senior Assistant City Attorney at Step E, Grade m42 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: City Attorney STAFF CONTACT: Larry Warren, City Attorney EXT.: 6484 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: There is no fiscal impact related to this recommendation. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Leslie Clark is a talented attorney with over 13 years of experience working for private law firms, where her practice focuses on representing government agencies and litigating a wide range of cases. Prior to becoming an attorney, Leslie worked for the cities of Seattle and Newcastle as a land use planner. Her overall experience is well suited to fill some of the gaps that will b e left by the retirement of our two most senior attorneys. The decision to hire Leslie was bolstered by the recommendation of Senior Assistant City Attorney Shane Moloney, who worked with Leslie for five years in a private law firm and vouched for her outstanding work ethic and character. As a partner at her current law firm, Leslie’s compensation and benefits exceed the compensation and benefits the City provides at Step E of Grade m42. Leslie will replace Zanetta Fontes who is retiring at the end of March. Zanetta Fontes is also compensated at Step E of Grade m42. The difference between Step C, the entry step that could be offered without Council approval, and Step E is $1,081/month, which would be covered by the existing budget for the position. EXHIBITS: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize hiring Leslie Clark at Step E, Grade m42. AGENDA ITEM #7. e) AB - 1859 City Council Regular Meeting - 27 Feb 2017 SUBJECT/TITLE: City Center Community Plan Advisory Board Recommended Amendments RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Planning & Development Committee DEPARTMENT: Community & Economic Development STAFF CONTACT: Angie Mathias, Long Range Planning Manager EXT.: 6576 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: The City Center Community Plan contains eight goals and numerous strategies to accomplish those goals. The City Center Community Plan Advisory Board is tasked with making recommendations to the City regarding which implementation strategies should be prioritized for inclusion in departmental work programs. The City Center Community Plan Advisory Board has made recommendations in 2013 and 2016. Many of the work programs related to these recommendations have been completed or initiated. One of the implementation strategies in the plan is to “Create a greenway/promenade between the Cedar River and N 1st Street” (Goal 8.3). Residents of that area have expressed concern and frustration with the nebulous nature of this strategy. In response to this concern, the Board has asked to make two amendments to this goal/priority. 1) Council direct staff--beginning in 2017--to develop a work program that engages the public so the community can participate in providing more specificity to the policy. The work plan will take into account the likely redevelopment of 200 Mill and the potentially significant changes within the Civic Node, and its potential impact on the surrounding neighborhood. 2) Council adopt a revision to the strategy 8.3.1: “Complete a detailed implemen tation strategy for the greenway/promenade based on the conceptual design” by adding the statement: “The City shall not utilize Eminent Domain in furtherance of this strategy”. EXHIBITS: A. Advisory Board Implementation Priorities STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the recommended work program and revision to strategy 8.3.1. related to the City Center Community Plan. AGENDA ITEM #7. f) Pr i o r i t y R a n k Strategy Who $Ar e re s o u r c e s cu r r e n t l y av a i l a b l e ? Ke y St a k e h o l d e r s Ti m e - f r a m e Ot h e r r e l a t e d pl a n s Lead: Planning Support: Economic Development, Community Services Lead: Planning Support: Transportation, Community Services, Utilities, Economic Development, Fire & Emergency Services Lead: Planning Support: Community Services Lead: Planning, Community Services Support: Economic Development Lead: Transporation Support: Planning, Community Services Short-term Museum MP Lead: Planning, Economic Development #3 (tied) 4.2.1 Consider rezoning the intact, single-family area of the South Renton neighborhood. #3 (tied)3.1.1 Complete a conceptual plan for the civic node $$No General public RMC #3 (tied) 2.2.3 Initiate a sidewalk café case study and develop tailored regulations to encourage sidewalk cafes in Downtown. $Yes General Public Short-term Short-term $Yes Residents, Businesses, Property owners Short-term Short-term TIP City Center Community Plan Advisory Board - 2013 Priorities #1 1.1.1 Update existing design standards for the City Center to ensure new development will fulfill the vision.$Yes Residents, Businesses, Property owners Short-term RMC RMC#2 1.1.2 Create cohesive urban design standards for the public realm that include standards for gateways, wayfinding, street trees, street lighting, pedestrian-scaled lighting, landscaping, street furniture, utilities, and public art. $$Yes Residents, Businesses, Property owners 6.11.1 Establish priority bicycle improvements consistent with the Trails and Bicycle Master Plan within City Center subarea. #6 $Yes General Public A G E N D A I T E M # 7 . f ) AB - 1860 City Council Regular Meeting - 27 Feb 2017 SUBJECT/TITLE: Benson Hill Community Plan Advisory Board Recommended Priorities RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Planning & Development Committee DEPARTMENT: Community & Economic Development STAFF CONTACT: Paul Hintz, Senior Planner EXT.: 7436 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: In order to ensure the Benson Hill Community Plan is implemented and successful, the City created the Benson Hill Community Plan Advisory Board. The Board is tasked with making recommendations regarding which strategies of the Plan should be prioritized for inclusion in departmental work programs. The Planning and Development Committee has reviewed the recommendations of the Board and directs staff to initia te work for the following strategies:  Improve 116th Avenue SE to provide a walkable, bikable, and environmentally-friendly way to connect to destinations.  Provide skills training and support for immigrants at schools or a community center to welcome new residents and foster a sense of community across diverse neighbors.  Complete missing links in sidewalks and add pedestrian-scaled street lighting and calm traffic on routes to schools, parks, and commercial areas.  Continue improving the pedestrian environment around the Benson Shopping Center. EXHIBITS: A. Advisory Board Prioritized Strategies STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the recommended priorities for the Benson Hill Community Plan. AGENDA ITEM #7. g) The Benson Hill Community Plan Advisory Board’s Prioritized Strategies 2.1.1. Improve 116th Avenue SE to provide a walkable, bikable, and environmentally-friendly way to connect to destinations. Details:  Within existing right-of-way, explore the feasibility of establishing bike lanes and sidewalks to support walking and biking on this central spine. A central median may be used as a pedestrian refuge where a turn lane is not needed. Work with Council Transportation Committee to prioritize any proposed street improvements with other projects throughout the city. (Project is already in the adopted 6 year TIP).  Include ample space and amenities (e.g., seating, bike racks, and public art) for pedestrians and cyclists so that 116th becomes appropriate and comfortable for all users.  Install pedestrian-scaled street lighting to create a safe and welcoming environment.  Incorporate natural drainage where possible to treat rainwater in an ecologically sound way.  Choose appropriate native species to reduce the maintenance burden, reinforce local ecology, and encourage healthy plant establishment.  Continue seeking Complete Streets, Safe Routes to School, and other grants that may become available (CPPW, Livable Communities, Healthy/Active Living, Transportation Alternatives, etc). Departments Involved: Transportation Systems, Utility Systems, Parks Planning and Natural Resources Public Involvement: Land owners along 116th Avenue SE, (possible LID funded) Estimated Cost: $80,000+ Timeframe: Mid-term to Long– term dependent on grant funding or LID funding 5.2.1. Provide skills training and support for immigrants at schools or a community center to welcome new residents and foster a sense of community across diverse neighbors. Details:  If Cascade Village redevelops with a community center (Strategy 1.1.3), ensure that the community center is designed to support skills training. Departments Involved: Human Services, Renton Schools, Economic Development, Planning, Renton Technical College Public Involvement: Local immigrant services organizations (e.g., Somali Youth and Family Club) Timeframe: Ongoing Estimated Cost: $20,000-$80,000 2.3.1. Complete missing links in sidewalks and add pedestrian-scaled street lighting and calm traffic on routes to schools, parks, and commercial areas. Details:  See Walking and Bicycling Improvements map (Figure 4-15) for location-specific improvements requested by community members. Incorporate and prioritize any proposed projects in the next update of the Trails and Bicycle Master Plan. Public Involvement: Affected property owners, bicycle groups (e.g., Cascade Bicycle Alliance) Departments Involved: Transportation Systems Timeframe: Mid-term Estimated Cost: $20,000-$80,000 2.3.3. Continue improving the pedestrian environment around the Benson Shopping Center. Details:  Work with property owners to provide or improve walkways through parking areas and ensure pedestrian connections between lots. For example, providing walking paths in strategic locations (e.g., along 109th Ave SE near the Jiffy Lube and at SE 179th Place near Arby’s) would increase pedestrian access to commercial areas. When possible, buffer the sidewalks on 108th Avenue SE and SE Carr Road/SE 176th Street from traffic with street trees and landscaping.  Require buffered sidewalks with redevelopment. (Also see Strategies 5.3.1 and 1.2.4 regarding design guidelines to accomplish an urban form more conducive to walking.) Departments Involved: Planning Public Involvement: Property and business owners Timeframe: Ongoing-terms Estimated Cost: $80,000+ AGENDA ITEM #7. g) AB - 1854 City Council Regular Meeting - 27 Feb 2017 SUBJECT/TITLE: Authorization to Purchase Fleet Vehicles as Approved in the 2017 - 2018 Biennium Budget RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: Public Works Administration STAFF CONTACT: Ron Kahler, Fleet Maintenance Manager EXT.: 2660 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: The Fleet Maintenance Section obtained quotes for the next round of purchases of vehicles. The 10 items are estimated at $288,335. All 10 purchases are replacement vehicles budgeted in the Council approved Equipment Rental Fund 501 Vehicle Replacement and Acquisition Schedule as part of the 2017 -2018 biennium budget. Quotes for four of the 10 vehicles came in over budget, with three of them coming in at $29,634, or $634 each over the per vehicle budget of $29,000 and the fourth vehicle coming in at $29,634, $7,634 over the budgeted $22,000. The overage of the four vehicles exceeding the original budgeted amount is not expected to increase the overall Equipment Rental Fund 501 Veh icle Replacement and Acquisition Schedule. Vehicles are being purchased from various vendors using their respective state bid contract numbers. SUMMARY OF ACTION: As part of the 2017-2018 biennium budget, Council approved the Equipment Rental Fund 501 Vehicle Replacement and Acquisition Schedule. The Fleet Maintenance Section is in the process of soliciting quotes for these purchases and has received several of them over the past few weeks. For efficiency purposes vehicles are purchased at intervals throughout the year so that upon delivery the Fleet Section can outfit them as needed and put them into service without impacting daily operations of the mechanics. This request is to authorize the Mayor to approve the purchase of the next round of veh icles for which we have received quotes. These purchases will replace aging vehicles that are currently part of the city’s fleet. EXHIBITS: A. Issue Paper B. Northsound Dwayne Lane Quote #2017-2-503 C. Dwayne Lane's Chrysler Jeep Dodge Quote #2017-2-548 D. Bud Clary Chevrolet Quote #2017-1-386 E. Bud Clary Chevrolet Quote #2017-2-573 F. Columbia Ford Quote #2017-2-514 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor to approve the purchase of the next round of vehicles from various vendors using their respective state bid contract numbers. The estimated final cost of the purchase of all 10 vehicles is $288,335, including sales tax. AGENDA ITEM #7. h) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:February 17, 2017 TO:Armondo Pavone, Council President Members of Renton City Council VIA:Denis Law, Mayor FROM:Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator, ext. 7311 STAFF CONTACT:Ron Kahler, Fleet Manager, ext. 2660 SUBJECT:Authorization to Purchase Fleet Vehicles as Approved in the 2017-2018 Biennium Budget ISSUE: Should Council authorize the Mayor to approve the purchase of 10 replacement vehicles totaling approximately $288,335 that are included in the Council approved Equipment Rental Fund 501 Vehicle Replacement and Acquisition Schedule as part of the 2017-2018 biennium budget? RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor to approve the purchase of 10 replacement vehicles totaling approximately $288,335 that are included in the Council approved Equipment Rental Fund 501 Vehicle Replacement and Acquisition Schedule as part of the 2017-2018 biennium budget. BACKGROUND: As part of the biennium budget process, the Fleet Maintenance Section submits a Vehicle Replacement and Acquisition Schedule. The most recent schedule was adopted November 14, 2016 when the City Council approved the 2017-2018 biennium budget. This schedule contains a large number of vehicles that will be purchased across all city departments over the next two years. City Policy and Procedure #250-02, Purchasing, Bidding and Contracting Requirements outlines a process in which Council must authorize the Mayor to approve purchases if the total of the purchase exceeds $100,000. Quotes for a total of 10 vehicles have been received from various vendors using their respective state contract bid numbers. Quotes for four of the 10 vehicles came in over AGENDA ITEM #7. h) Armondo Pavone, Council President Members of the Renton City Council Page 2 of 3 February 17, 2017 budget, with three of them coming in at $634 each over the per vehicle budget of $29,000 and the fourth vehicle coming in at $29,634, which is $7,634 over the budgeted $22,000. The four vehicles exceeding the original budgeted amount are all Ford Interceptor SUVs. The increase of $634 per vehicle for three of the four SUVs is attributed to the fact that the Columbia Ford state contract was recently renewed. As for the fourth vehicle, the Fleet Maintenance Section received a special request from the Community and Economic Development Department to replace a Ford Taurus with a vehicle that would be dedicated to inspection and permitting. It was requested that this vehicle be upgraded from a sedan such as the existing Taurus to a four-wheel drive SUV that would allow staff to maneuver through construction sites with rough and uneven terrain safely and effectively, as well as provide enough space to store plans and inspection equipment. The overage of the four vehicles exceeding the original budgeted amount is not expected to increase the overall Equipment Rental Fund 501 Vehicle Replacement and Acquisition Schedule. Existing Vehicle Year Purchased Replacement Make & Model Replacement Cost Vendor & State Contract Bid Number Ford F550 #D111 2006 Ram 5500 $36,699 Dwayne Lane #05916 Ford Club Van #B062 1995 Ram Promaster Cargo Van $25,651 Dwayne Lane #05916 Chev. Astro #B098 2001 Chevrolet Express 2500 Passenger $27,481 Bud Clary #05916 GMC Sonoma #C204 2001 Chevrolet Colorado $26,656 Bud Clary #05916 GMC S15 #C207 2001 Chevrolet Colorado $26,656 Bud Clary #05916 GMC S15 #C210 2001 Chevrolet Colorado $26,656 Bud Clary #05916 Jeep Cherokee #B083 1999 Ford Interceptor $29,634 Columbia Ford #05916 Chev. Silverado #C221 2003 Ford Interceptor $29,634 Columbia Ford #05916 Ford Explorer #B109 2003 Ford Interceptor $29,634 Columbia Ford #05916 Ford Taurus #A376 1998 Ford Interceptor $29,634 Columbia Ford #05916 AGENDA ITEM #7. h) Armondo Pavone, Council President Members of the Renton City Council Page 3 of 3 February 17, 2017 RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor to approve the purchase of 10 replacement vehicles totaling approximately $288,335 that are included in the Council approved Equipment Rental Fund 501 Vehicle Replacement and Acquisition Schedule as part of the 2017-2018 biennium budget. The vehicles are being purchased from various vendors using their respective state bid contract numbers. Delivery of all vehicles is anticipated over the next few months. cc:Jan Hawn, Administrative Services Administrator Mike Stenhouse, Maintenance Services Director Ron Kahler, Fleet Manager Hai Nguyen, Finance Analyst AGENDA ITEM #7. h) Vehicle Quote Number: 2017-2-503 Create Purchase Request View organization purchase requests This is a quote only. You must create a purchase request to order this vehicle(s) Contract & Dealer Information Contract #:05916 Dealer:Northsound Dwayne Lane (W1675)Dealer Contact:Mike O'Donnell 10515 Evergreen Way Dealer Phone:(425) 754-5006 Ext: Everett WA 98204 Dealer Email:fleet@dwaynelane.com Organization Information Organization:RENTON, CITY OF - 21725 Email:rkahler@rentonwa.gov Color Options Bright White (PW7) - 1 Tax Exempt: N Vehicle Options Order Code Option Description Qty Unit Price Ext. Price 2017-0919-001 2017 Ram 5500 Cab&Chassis 2WD 60 inch CAB to Axle (DP5L63)1 $29,785.00 $29,785.00 2017-0919-006 Cab to Axle Upgrade: 84inch CA. Available with Regular and CREW Cabs 1 $200.00 $200.00 2017-0919-013 Work Grade Vinyl 40/20/40 Bench Seat/Black/Diesel Gray 1 $225.00 $225.00 2017-0919-017 Power Accessory Group and 2 Remote Keyless Entry: includes pwr windows, pwr door locks, pwr hearted mirrors, and 2 remote keyless entry 1 $850.00 $850.00 2017-0919-020 Daytime Running Lights (LM1)1 $50.00 $50.00 2017-0919-021 ParkView, Rear BACK-UP Camera (XAC), requires additional charge for installation 1 $395.00 $395.00 2017-0919-022 Cab Steps, Regular Cab Chrome Tubular Side Steps (MRT)1 $350.00 $350.00 2017-0919-031 Max Trailer Tow Package (AHQ), includes Underbody thermal protection and Transmission Software Calibration. Available with diesel only. Requires option 032, SEE 032 1 $395.00 $395.00 2017-0919-032 Trailer Brake Controller (XHC) see 031 1 $295.00 $295.00 2017-0919-033 4.88 Rear Axle Ratio (DMS)1 $125.00 $125.00 2017-0919-038 Voltage Monitoring Auto Idle Up System (XF6)1 $150.00 $150.00 2017-0919-040 Alternator, HD 220Amp (BAJ)1 $195.00 $195.00 2017-0919-202 Spotlight 6 inch Clear Lens, Pillar Mounted Leftside (DLR)1 $500.00 $500.00 Quote Totals Total Vehicles:1 Sub Total:$33,515.00 9.5 % Sales Tax:$3,183.93 Quote Total:$36,698.93 AGENDA ITEM #7. h) Vehicle Quote Number: 2017-2-548 Create Purchase Request View organization purchase requests This is a quote only. You must create a purchase request to order this vehicle(s) Contract & Dealer Information Contract #:05916 Dealer:Dwayne Lane's Chrysler Jeep Dodge (W1675)Dealer Contact:Mike O'Donnell 10515 Evergreen Way Dealer Phone:(425) 754-5006 Ext: Everett WA 98204 Dealer Email:fleet@dwaynelane.com Organization Information Organization:RENTON CITY OF - 21725 Email:rkahler@rentonwa.gov Color Options Bright White (PW7) - 1 Tax Exempt: N Vehicle Options Order Code Option Description Qty Unit Price Ext. Price 2017-0415-001 2017 Ram Promaster Cargo Van Low Roof (VF1L11) WB 118 inches,OVL 195 inches 1 $20,650.00 $20,650.00 2017-0415-008 Alternative seating: THREE passenger Front seat, Driver PLUS Dual passenger(CAA) requires option 009(CDL) 1 $295.00 $295.00 2017-0415-015 Cargo Partition, No door (CWC)1 $345.00 $345.00 2017-0415-018 Daytime Running lights (LMK)1 $50.00 $50.00 2017-0415-024 Radio upgrade, Uconnect 5.0 AM/FM/CD/BT (RA2), required when ordering 025(XAC) and 026(JLN)1 $545.00 $545.00 2017-0415-025 Rear Backup Camera(XAC), requires ordering option 024(RA2)1 $295.00 $295.00 2017-0415-027 Trailer Tow group: includes receiver hitch and wiring (AHT)1 $585.00 $585.00 2017-0415-029 Cargo Compartment Floor Mat: Black hard plastic (CKL)1 $375.00 $375.00 2017-0415-038 LED- Cargo area lighting (LCP)1 $285.00 $285.00 Quote Totals Total Vehicles:1 Sub Total:$23,425.00 9.5 % Sales Tax:$2,225.38 Quote Total:$25,650.38 AGENDA ITEM #7. h) Vehicle Quote Number: 2017-1-386 Create Purchase Request View organization purchase requests This is a quote only. You must create a purchase request to order this vehicle(s) Contract & Dealer Information Contract #:05916 Dealer:Bud Clary Chevrolet (W262)Dealer Contact:Becky Davis Dealer Phone:(360) 423-1700 Organization Information Organization:RENTON, CITY OF - 21725 Email:rkahler@rentonwa.gov Color Options White - 1 Tax Exempt: N Vehicle Options Order Code Option Description Qty Unit Price Ext. Price 2017-0407-001 2017 Chevrolet Express 2500 Passenger (CG23406) 12 PASSENGER 1 $23,539.00 $23,539.00 2017-0407-002 Air Conditioning Both Front and Rear And Auxiliary Rear Heater 1 $870.00 $870.00 2017-0407-004 Power windows(R8J)1 $100.00 $100.00 2017-0407-010 Console, Center Storage/Engine Cover(BA3)1 $20.00 $20.00 2017-0407-011 Cruise Control/Tilt Steering Wheel(ZQ3)1 $395.00 $395.00 2017-0407-013 Door, Sliding Side With Vented/Flip Out Windows(YA2)1 $150.00 $150.00 2017-0407-015 Hub Caps(5Z5)1 $20.00 $20.00 2017-0407-024 Towing Package 2’’ RECEIVER HITCH W/ 7 PIN WIRING CONNECTOR.(Z82)1 $280.00 $280.00 Quote Totals Total Vehicles:1 Sub Total:$25,374.00 8.3 % Sales Tax:$2,106.04 Quote Total:$27,480.04 AGENDA ITEM #7. h) Vehicle Quote Number: 2017-2-573 Create Purchase Request View organization purchase requests This is a quote only. You must create a purchase request to order this vehicle(s) Contract & Dealer Information Contract #:05916 Dealer:Bud Clary Chevrolet (W262)Dealer Contact:Becky Davis Dealer Phone:(360) 423-1700 Organization Information Organization:RENTON, CITY OF - 21725 Email:rkahler@rentonwa.gov Color Options red hot - 3 Tax Exempt: N Vehicle Options Order Code Option Description Qty Unit Price Ext. Price 2017-0703-001 2017 Chevrolet Colorado 2Wd Extended Cab (12M53)3 $20,528.00 $61,584.00 2017-0703-002 Transmission 6 speed automatic(N8D)3 $1,250.00 $3,750.00 2017-0703-004 WT Convienence package includesRemote keyless entry/ Cruise control and EZ lift tailgate 3 $490.00 $1,470.00 2017-0703-007 Alternative Gas Engine, 3.6L V-6 Includes 3.42 Rear Axel 3 $1,235.00 $3,705.00 2017-0703-008 Bedliner, Spray On(Over The Rails And Tailgate) (DLR)3 $415.00 $1,245.00 2017-0703-016 Tralering Heavy Duty Includes Trailer Hitch And 7 Pin Connector (Z82)Not Available With 2.5L Requires 3.6L V-6 Includes (G80) Automatic Locking Rear 3 $575.00 $1,725.00 2017-0703-017 Seat, VINYLTrim Instead Of CLOTH (H2R)3 $0.00 $0.00 2017-0703-021 Back Up Alarm(8S3)3 $120.00 $360.00 Quote Totals Total Vehicles:3 Sub Total:$73,839.00 8.3 % Sales Tax:$6,128.64 Quote Total:$79,967.64 AGENDA ITEM #7. h) Vehicle Quote Number: 2017-2-514 Create Purchase Request View organization purchase requests This is a quote only. You must create a purchase request to order this vehicle(s) Contract & Dealer Information Contract #:05916 Dealer:Columbia Ford (W403)Dealer Contact:Marie Tellinghiusen 700 7th Avenue Dealer Phone:(360) 423-4321 Ext: 187 Longview WA 98632 Dealer Email:mariet@colford.com Organization Information Organization:RENTON CITY OF - 21725 Email:rkahler@rentonwa.gov Color Options Oxford White - 4 Tax Exempt: N Vehicle Options Order Code Option Description Qty Unit Price Ext. Price 2017-0506-001 2017 Ford Police Interceptor AWD Pursuit-Rated Utility/SUV (K8A/500A)4 $26,464.00 $105,856.00 2017-0506-022 Interior Upgrade, (Includes full carpeting, carpeted floor mats, center floor console w/ cupholders)(retains column shifter)(deletes standard console mounting plate between front seats) (Not available with Ready for the Road, Ultimate Wiring, Cargo Wiring Packages)(65U) 4 $386.00 $1,544.00 2017-0506-029 Daytime Running Lights (942)4 $44.00 $176.00 2017-0506-044 Rearview Camera, Alternative (video will be displayed in 4" center stack instead of in rearview mirror)(D87R)(No Charge) 4 $0.00 $0.00 2017-0506-060 18" Painted Aluminum Wheels (64E)4 $469.00 $1,876.00 Quote Totals Total Vehicles:4 Sub Total:$109,452.00 8.3 % Sales Tax:$9,084.52 Quote Total:$118,536.52 AGENDA ITEM #7. h) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    RESOLUTION NO. _______    A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE CITY  OF RENTON TO IMPOSE A SALES AND USE TAX AS AUTHORIZED BY RCW  82.14.415 AS A CREDIT AGAINST STATE SALES AND USE TAX, RELATING TO  ANNEXATIONS.    WHEREAS, state law authorizes the reallocation of the sales tax already collected by the  state to be remitted to the City to assist with funding the costs of certain newly annexed areas;  and   WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter 35A.14 RCW, the Council called for a special  election to be held, at which election the question of annexation was presented to the voters of  the Benson Hills Annexation Area; and   WHEREAS, the notice of intention to annex was filed with the King County Boundary  Review Board and subsequently approved; and  WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter 35A.14 RCW the annexation was put to a vote of  the people in the annexation area; and  WHEREAS, King County Elections certified that the annexation had been approved by  voters; and  WHEREAS, following a favorable vote on the annexation proposition, the Council adopted  its Ordinance annexing said Benson Hill Communities Annexation Area effective March 1, 2008,  an annexation area that has a population greater than ten thousand (10,000) people; and  WHEREAS, the Council finds that the true and actual net costs to provide municipal  services to the annexation area totaled Three Million Six Hundred Seventy‐Five Thousand Dollars  AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) RESOLUTION NO. _______    2  ($3,675,000) for the City’s fiscal year 2015 and the State’s fiscal year July 1, 2015, to June 30,  2016; and  WHEREAS, the Council finds and determines that the projected net costs to provide  municipal services to the annexation area exceeds Six Million Twenty‐Two Thousand Dollars  ($6,022,000) for the City’s fiscal year 2017 and the State’s fiscal year July 1, 2017, to June 30,  2018; and  WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 82.14.415, the City is authorized, under the circumstances  of this annexation, to impose a sales and use tax, with that tax being a credit against the state  tax;  NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES  RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS:  SECTION I. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects.  SECTION II. The Council does hereby determine the threshold amount in providing  municipal services to the Benson Hill Communities Annexation Area is Six Million Twenty‐Two  Thousand Dollars ($6,022,000) and that a tax rate of one‐tenth percent (0.1%) shall be continued  during the State’s fiscal year starting July 1, 2017, to assist the City in providing municipal services  to the area.    SECTION III. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement such administrative  procedures as may be necessary to carry out the directions of this Resolution.  SECTION IV. This Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and  signatures hereon.  AGENDA ITEM # 9. a) RESOLUTION NO. _______    3  PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ______ day of ___________________, 2017.        ______________________________  Jason Seth, City Clerk       APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this ______ day of ___________________, 2017.        ______________________________  Denis Law, Mayor            Approved as to form:      ______________________________  Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney    RES:1726:2/13/17:scr  AGENDA ITEM # 9. a)