HomeMy WebLinkAboutGene Coulon Beach Park Improvements - Bath house and Stove Shelter - Stage 2 (1968) CONTRACT DOCUMENTS and TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS for LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK Renton, Washington .(Bath House ' & Stove Shelter) STAGE II DEVELOPMENT 1 ADDENDUM NO. 1 4 Dated - July 31 , 1968 LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK STAGE 11 For The City of Renton Bid Opening Date —August 5, 1968, 8:00 P.M. at City Hall , City of Renton Cedar River Park, Renton, Washington TO ALL PLAN HOLDERS Notice is hereby given to all bidders that the following Addendum No.' 1 shall supplement and supercede (if in conflict) all plans and specifications previously issued for the information of bidders on this project. No bid will be accepted unless the bidder has received all addenda and, furthermore, acknowledges that receipt on his bid form. ITEM NO. 1 - ARCHITECTURAL A. Sheet No. A-2 - Detail 4/A-2 - bench - provide metal pipe supports at maximum of 6'-6" 0.C. and 411 minimum of 2 per bench. B. Sheet No. A-7 - Detail 7/A7 - provide 3-16d toenails at each rafter to 6 X 16 beam connection. ITEM NO. 4 - SPECIFICATIONS • A. Base Bid & Alternates Alternate No. 1 - basket storage units Provide and install 23 basket storage racks as specified in lieu of the 32 asked for. B. Section 15-B - Plumbing and Drainage - _ Fixtures - P-4 - Lavatories - - - Provide two "Metering Line" S-4171 self metering faucets without pop up stop, as manufactured by Speakman Company in lieu of the two American Standard R2215 faucets specified. C. Section 15B-4 Plumbing and Drainage - Fixtures - P-7 Sink (stove' shelter) Provide one S-4321 "Metering Line" self metering faucet without pop up stop, as manufactured by Speakman Company in lieu of the American Standard R-2215 specified. D. Section 10G - Lockers 0 The following is an acceptable alternate to the basket and basket rack specified: Series 300, No. 303, 7-5/8 X 9" X 13" baskets with welded rack construction for 2 tiers high and 4 wide. Provide baked enamel finish. Metal gages ;-shall be equal to those specified in Section 10G-2 of specifications or heavier. .The "versatile" basket and racks are supplied by Frank D. Cohan Inc. of Seattle. Racks shall be supplied with 6" legs and expanded metal shelves. ADDENDUM NO. 1 -2- E. Section 15 - Schedules - Page 3 The Building Contract completion date is extended from the November 27., 1968 - date specified to December 27, 1968, Along with this extension, the contractor will be required to wait 30 days from completion of wall panel erection before finish floor slabs are poured or any finish materials are installed on roof. All shimming and leveling of wall panels will take place at the end of this period. ITEM NO. 3 ELECTRICAL A. Provide 2 #10 3/4" conduit .for circuits number A-16, 17. B. Provide remote switches in Office #1 for 2 ex fans in Shower Rooms #12 & #8. C. Panel A shall be a 2-section panel and shall contain a 200A-2P circuit breaker in each section. D. Provide 2 sets of 3# 500 MCM i,n 2-3" c to Panel A service gutter and 3# 500 MCM in 3" c to Panel A main breakers. E. .Stub 5, 1" conduits through floor and out footing, 2 feet beyond footing and cap for future use. F. Turn all flush mounted heating panels 90 degrees or to run parallel with ceiling joists and provide necessary headers and bracing. ITEM NO. 2 MECHANICAL A. Provide galvanized steel Penthouse with rain louvers and screen above 16" X 16" X 30" plenum discharge through root from exhaust fans EF-1 , 2 and 3.. Free area shall be a minimum of two sq. ft. Provide 6" curb and flashing. B. Sheet M-1 . Locate all piping vent tight against the nearest wall where plan indicates vent in open room or access spaces. - PAGE 1 INDEX LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK STAGE II DEVELOPMENT • (BATH HOUSE & STOVE SHELTER) INDEX TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS BIDDING REQUIREMENTS Title Number of Pages Invitation to Bid Instruction to Bidders 2 Base Bid & Alternates 1 Form of Bid 2 Bid Bond 1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Owner/Contractor Agreement (AIA Document A-101 , (1966 Edition) 5 General Conditions (AIA Document A-201 , 1967 Printing) 17 Supplementary Conditions 7 Bond to City of Renton 1 Wage Rates 14 Washington Statute - Chapter 39. 16 1 SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS 1 Y�cP r `` PAGE 2 INDEX TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Number of Pages DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Section 1A - Statement of Work 1 1B - Temporary Construction & Facilities 1 1C - Inspection & Tests 1 ID - Miscellaneous Requirements 1 1E - Schedules 3 DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK Section 2A - Clearing of Site 2 2B - Earthwork 3 2E - Paths 1 2G - Lawns & Planting 6 DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE Section 3A - Concrete Formwork 2 3B - Concrete Reinforcement 2 3C - Cast-In-Place Concrete 3 3D - Precast Concrete 2 DIVISION 4 - MASONRY Section 4A - Mortar 2 48 - Unit Masonry 3 DIVISION 5 - METALS Section 5F - Miscellaneous Steel & Iron 1 DIVISION 6 - CARPENTRY Section 6A - Carpentry at Site 3 6D - Millwork and Casework 2 6F - Wood Preservative Treatment 1 DIVISION 7 - MOISTURE PROTECTION Section 7D - Shingle Roofs 1 7E - Architectural Sheet Metal 2 7H - Caulking & Sealing 1 7J - Thermal Insulation 1 DIVISION 8 - DOOR, WINDOW & GLASS Section 8A - Hollow Metal Work 3 8D - Rolling Doors 2 8F -„Wood Doors 1 8L - Glass & Glazing 2 8N - Finish Hardware 3 PAGE 3 INDEX TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Coned) DIVISION 9 - FINISHES Number of Pages Section 9B - Gypsum Drywall 1 • 9J - Painting & Finishing 4 9M - Special Coatings 4 DIVISION 10 - SPECIALTIES Section 10C- Toilet, Partitions 2 1OD- Toilet Accessories 1 IOG- Lockers 1 DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL Section 15A -Mechanical - General r -F2 15B -Plumbing & Drainage ^,cc,j 15C -Ductwork ,2 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL Section 16A -Electrical --- 6 • �N• PAGE 1 INVITATION TO BID CALL FOR BIDS CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON WILL ACCEPT SEALED BIDS IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, ROOM 104, CITY HALL, RENTON, UNTIL 5:00 P.M. ON August 5, 1968 OR SAME MAY BE PRESENTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL UNTIL 8:00 P.M. ON SAID DATE AT WHICH TIME ALL BIDS WILL BE OPENED AND READ FOR: The Construction of Lake Washington Beach Park, Stage II Development. Drawings and specifications, including bidding documents and conditions of the agreement, may be examined at the following offices: 1 . City Clerk or Parks and Recreation Department, City Hall , Cedar River Park, Renton, Washington. 2. Olson-Richert-Bignold, 231 Williams Ave. So. , Renton, Washington 3. Associated General Contractors of America, Inc. 4. Plan Bureau, Seattle, Washington 5. Northwest Plan Center, Seattle, and Bellevue, Washington 6. Associated Subcontractors of Washington, Tacoma, Washington Bona fide prime bidders may obtain plans and specifications at the architect's office upon receipt of a deposit of $25.00 for one complete set of documents. The deposit will be forfeited unless a bid is submitted and all bid documents are returned in good :usable condition within seven (7) consecutive calendar days after the date set for bid opening. WASHINGTON STATE SALES TAX SHALL BE SUBMITTED AS A SEPARATE BID ITEM. A CERTIFIED CHECK OR BID BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF FIVE (5) PERCENT OF THE TOTAL BID MUST ACCOMPANY EACH BID. THE CITY OF RENTON RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND/OR ALL BIDS AND TO WAIVE ANY INFORMALITIES IN THE BIDDING. SPECIFICATIONS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM (see above) HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE of 1st PUBLICATION: July 17, 1968 DATE of 2nd PUBLICATION: July 24, 1968 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE: July 17, 1968 PAGE 1 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1 . GENERAL To be entitled to consideration, proposals shall be made in accordance with the following instructions: 2. EXAMINATION OF SITE & DOCUMENTS Before submitting a proposal , the bidder shall : (a) Carefully examine the drawings and specifications . (b) Visit the site of the work and fully inform himself of existing conditions and limitations. (c) Rely entirely upon his own judgment in preparing his proposal , and include in his bid a sum sufficient to cover all items required by the contract. 3. INTERPRETATIONS Questions regarding drawings and specifications should be addressed to the architect, and will be answered by addenda addressed to all bidders . Neither owner nor architect will be responsible for oral interpretations. Questions received less than 48 hours before the time set for bid opening cannot be answered. All addenda issued during the bidding period will be incorporated into the contract. 4. FORM OF BID Submit bid in duplicate, on form furnished by architect, without alterations in the form, nor any recapitulation of the work to be done. Fill in all blank spaces in the form; sign in longhand. If bidder is a .partnership or co-partnership, each partner must sign; if a corporation, print name of state in which incorporated, followed by the signature or signatures of the person or persons authorized to sign and the names of the offices they hold in the corporation. 5. ORAL & TELEGRAPHIC BIDS Oral or telegraphic bids, or modifications of bids, cannot be considered. 6. SUBSTITUTIONS Bids shall be based upon the articles and materials named in the specifications. Substitutions may be made ONLY under the following conditions: (a) Ten or more days prior to bid 'opening: Prime bidders may submit to the architect written requests for approval of articles or materials which they guarantee equal or superior to those specified. Such requests shall be accompanied by complete description and technical data. Approval , if any, of proposed substitutions will be made by addenda issued to all bidders . (b) At the time bids are received: Prime bidders may submit, on a separate sheet enclosed with the bid form, a list of proposed substitutions which they are willing to guarantee, and stating the additions to or deductions from the bid prices in case they are allowed. Technical data shall be submitted, as above. The owner reserves the right to reject all such proposals, and they will not be used to determine the low bid. (c) After the contract is signed: Substitutions will be allowed in exceptional cases only where the contractor, through no fault of his own, is unable to obtain specified ktems in time to avoid delay to the work. II,' `D L- ti� V PAGE 2 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 7. ALTERNATE BIDS Except as stated above, alternate bids other than those listed in the bid form cannot be considered. Failure to bid upon all items listed in the bid form may cause rejection of the bid 8. BID GUARANTEE Certified check or bank cashier's check or bid bond, equal to five percent of the Base Bid plus additive alternates , is required with each bid. Make payable to the City Treasurer of the City of Renton . Bid Bond shall be issued by a bonding company licensed to transact business in the locality, and shall be written in the City of Renton 's Bid Bond form included herein. 9. SUBMISSION OF BID Enclose bid and bid guarantee in opaque sealed envelope addressed as follows: Name of Bidder Here City Clerk of the City of Renton Renton City Hall Cedar River Park Renton, Washington Mark sealed envelope clearly as follows: SEALED BID FOR: STAGE II DEVELOPMENT ON LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK NOT TO BE OPENED UNTIL Deliver as required by the Invitation to Bid. Bidder is responsible for delivery of his bid at or before the time set for opening 10. DISPOSITION OF BID GUARANTEES The successful bidder's bid guarantee will be retained until he has entered into contract and furnished the required performance and payment bonds. The right is reserved to hold the bid guarantees of the two next low bidders until • he has done so, or for a period of 30 days, whichever is the shorter time. Bid guarantees of all other bidders will be returned to them as soon as feasible after the bid opening. 11 . FORFEITURE OF BID GUARANTEE Should a bidder fail to enter into contract and furnish the required bonds within 10 days after his bid is accepted, his bid guarantee will be forfeited to the owner as liquidated damages, but not as a penalty. 12. EVIDENCE OF QUALIFICATION A bidder whose proposal is under consideration shall , upon request, promptly fur- nish satisfactory evidence of his financial resources, his experience, and the organization and equipment he has available for the performance of the contract. 13. WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS Any bidder may withdraw his bid, either personally or by written request, at any time prior to the hour set for the bid opening. No bid may be withdrawn or modi- fied after the time set for opening unless and until the award of contract is delayed for a period exceeding 30 days . PAGE 1 BASE BID & ALTERNATES A. GENERAL Each bidder shall state in his bid, in the spaces provided therefore in the Bid Form, the following: (1 ) Base Bid: His proposal for performing the work of the Base Bid, as defined in Paragraph "B" below. (2) Alternate Bids: His proposal for performing additional items of work, omitting items of work, and for substituting material and/or construction for those specified in the Base Bid, all ad defined in Paragraph "C" below. B. BASE BID Includes all work shown on drawings or specified, excepting only those items included in the following additive alternates and work specifically shown or noted as N. I .C. (not in Contract) . C. ALTERNATE BIDS Alternate No. 1 - Basket Storage Units Provide and install 32- basket storage racks as specified in section l0-G of specifications.• Locate as indicated on plan sheet A-4 Alternate No. 2 - Fixtures Substitute for those fixtures specified in section 15A-1D the following: P-1 Water Closets Wall hung, blowout white, cast aluminum super Secur ware "WALBOL" Model A-300 complete with: Sloan No. 152YU flush v alve with concealed vacuum breaker and "Tamper Proof Aluminum Seat Closet. Carrier", "Zurn" or approved to fit conditions with adjustable feet. • P-3 Urinals Wall hung, white, cast aluminum, blowout, super Secur ware "AI1UR" Model A-600, with Sloan No. 152YU concealed vacuum breaker. P-4 LAVATORIES Wall hung, white, cast aluminum, plain back, super Secur Ware "ALCO" Model A-75S, 17-1/2" x 19", complete with: B-5A filler valves, and security spout. Carrier "Zurn" or approved to fit conditions. Alternate No. 3 - Landscape See Sheet A-2 for all landscape specifications and alternate. • il PAGE I . FORM OF BID To: City of Renton Z i c/0 Renton City Council 1l'' City Hall , Cedar River Park Renton, Washington Having carefully examined the specifications entitled: Contract Documents and Technical Specifications for Lake Washington Beach Park State II Development (Bathhouse & Stove Shelter) Renton, Washington July 17, 1968 and the drawings, similarly entitled, as well as the premises and conditions affecting the work, the undersigned proposes to furnish all labor and materials {{ and to perform all work required by and in strict accordance with the above- :. named documents for the following sums: A. BASE BID For the Base Bid, as described in the specifications, the sum of: �Ne- 141v"-i n e l "?-l�.Y0 -r.�r,-,.1 c.4^,.) elr`f F_ //«1Y n P r it �d�.P r c �v l �-�v DOLLARS ($ f®d2 f f 3 �j ® fi. ) . I B. ALTERNATE BIDS . j The undersigned agrees to perform the substitutions called for in the 1. following alternates, as described in the specifications, for the following additions to or deductions from the Base Bid: H Alternate Number & Description Addition Deduction No. 1 Basket Racks ?,' � $ $ '"'' j'`i No. 2 Fixtures / ? $ $ No. 3 Landscape ,' �,- $ ��, $ C. OVERHEAD & PROFIT All of the above bid prices include overhead and profit. D. SALES TAX -.4 None of the above bid prices include state sales.tax: i j E. CONTRACT & BONDS • i If the undersigned by notified of the acceptance of this bid within 30 calendar days after the time set for opening of bids, he agrees to execute . a contract for the above work, for a compensation computed from the above sums, in AIA Form of Agreement A-101 , and to furnish performance and payment bonds .�s required by the specifications. 410 E, • PAGE 2 FORM OF BID F. BID GUARANTEE The undersigned further agrees that the check or bid bond accompanying this proposal is left in escrow with the- owner, that. its amount or penal sum is the measure of damages which the owner will sustain by the failure of the undersigned to execute said agreement and furnish the required bonds, and if the undersigned fails to deliver the said documents within 10 days after written notice of the award of the contract to him has been received, then in full effect, but if this bid is not accepted within 30 days after the time set for opening bids, or if the. undersigned executes said contract and delivers said bonds, then the check shall be returned to him or the bid bond shall become void. G. ADDENDA Receipt of Addenda numbered ,r is hereby acknowledged. I r' ;.. t 4._.ye . P } £ Y: tsl ,e ti ,° Bidder Street Address Telephone Number If° City Zip Code i • • c,t I i ji 1 , i o E •7 r;`:h r e^ s;-t Y o t"-',•; r:,y;^k ,--' :,4i3 C ; + ' Z^ -. . � �N 7: ' � � a � r ' x � ' ; . S' < �a` 7 �{ ,� ?�. •t t �`,��o w��:� c4 1Y;,�,. '' } F �,; ,8 t • � • � � , f -.. ,_ _ w t. .. . > A °." vr i., '..'. t i „si' r ;: s i ti *i n gF - r. GENF_RAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMER7IICA """`k''4. , 'i nsi nz iw..1 _„, 1 Y Iv 'Al;' Bid or Proposal Bond r Approved by The American Institute of Architects, Bond No. •' A.I.A. Document No. A-310(Sept. 1963 Edition) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we,—_.— J. D. STEWART • D/B/A J. D. STEWART COMPANY 1 as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and the GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, of Seattle, Washington, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Washington, as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound • unto THE CITY OF RENTON i • as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of 5% OF AMOUNT BID Dollars ($ ), for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. • WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a bid for CITY PARK BUILDING 1 ` 1 1 . t 1 NOW, THEREFORE, if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid, and give such bond or bonds as may be I specified in the bidding or contract documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of 2'. t i such contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof, or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter such contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall • pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the"amount specified in said bid ` ' and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. , . - i 29th JULY A.D. 19 6B •�,� Signed and sealed this day of ;� J. D. STEWART' COMPANY • (Seal) 4 (Principal) X 40160.0‘000ftwor .1' . • A (Title) F { GENERAL INSURANCE PANY OF AMERICA .v : G. M. DERSON, (Attorney'- n-Fact) 4,r.- S-54'. '`R3 3/64 . - ._. p 1 0l`�o1. THE AMERICAN 'INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS olAgne NOV • AIA Document A101 • Standard. Form of Agreement Between • Owner and Contractor where the basis of payment is a STIPULATED SUM Use only with the latest Edition of AIA Document A201, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction. • AGREEMENT made this lD day of in the year of Nineteen Hundred and 4 JLZ, BETWEEN p atr City. o, �e<r. .n„ a v4 T4ic“A c 'r c,r t 7, 4.p >Tto4 the Owner, and • 4kggi;#. ,St.e-,4arcr toPp 3 .1— ;: . :y=~.i' `rt Co. !Y �': qa, 4 : 7 a ,LL, ; :: the Contractor. • Y4-71-) The Owner and the Contractor agree as set forth below. AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT•SEPTEMBER 1967 EDITION • AIA® 1 ©1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 N. Y. AVE., N.W., WASH., D. C. 20006 . SEPy aal_ ARTICLE 1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement, Conditions of the Contract (General, Supplementary and other Conditions), Drawings,,Specifications, all Addenda issued prior to execution of this Agreement and all Modifications issued subsequent thereto. These form the Contract, and all are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. An enumeration of the Contract Documents appears in Article 8. • ARTICLE 2 THE WORK The Contractor shall perform all'the Work required by the Contract Documents for tttt, oanttr4cticio. .of !- (Here insert the caption descriptive of the Work as usedaaon other Contract Documents.) »Ja .t'._ ( °" •fig �{ R�7 ..y,:;+,,..v, f $� j.'t'=, tl ';,,'i 4. �x�'.''' .r^'t�t�'�F.."�.� 'ty.,:�.�yp._,.r �R�� a.:'.'���t'd.�smr.w�'e a� 3� �3s.F�t.��. 'S� ��_a ';�.�.-,1y'�� .°v`t�- • • • . . ARTICLE 3 • • ARCHITECT The Architect for this Project is • ARTICLE 4 • TIME OF COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION The Work to be performed under this Contract shall be commenced tipatit ifalt VI* eG-r:` ` al,A. si.sata and completed ci1�` `�eo � ?-c a a: : i >�, .r . •1,a40. (Here insert any special provisions for liquidated damages relating to failure to complete on time.) it;i6 izi4)01.atcofit .VV: %aon ltnh5, VLI' `{ai'..c,';p itrR.' t t e 0, twtse • /vViu) • • • AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT• SEPTEMBER 1967 EDITION •AIA® • 2 ©1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 N. Y. AVE., N.W., WASH., D. C. 20006 SEQ 1 � 1*Sk in:V! rolztor zatiltt otwes-Az,ns furldtcil: U praT4r .otidcnc,2 Oat contraztr ruity ctl$,p110. t c, Titatc Lu.. A 4:11zPOr 77,D 51: .te, cof k:as&k:Dtm a raF2‘ aQt0qill 44.1d a fstakrcitc,toet$ Nixtific4A2 of rs.:f0Q,tratJ-i-w frit fom,-, ;Ta.vj tb-16 • This Agreement 11/e d the da s d year st written above. 1.1.';? nt=PTC„ r;tert, OWNER CONT ACTOR /Age&e"%-''1/ CfiL4, AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT• SEPTEMBER 1967 EDITION • AIA® 5 ©1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 N. Y. AVE., N.W., WASH., D. C. 20006 su 0 1968 • ARTICLE 5 CONTRACT SUM The Owner shall pay the Contractor for the performance of the Work, subject to additions and deductions by Change Order as provided in the Conditions of the Contract, in current funds, the Contract Sum of 'it .� ; :. p* •:n`v' �. �i.6i' �'.� and y yy 2 9✓+� E , ono. ��'Cn.$;l:v a r', � y .kFy} a. Ace dollars n .''spa ... iaY:;f` e- T�, � '�� � .y,�,::8 .M1.3 � �.i-�. �,3 �� ��,.�$'. .t:� �Y '7r.� i ��w.. °l'���. fi`.�iL�z Q�Y1 24'W{i Ti.44�.i$' :�.;" K M's. suer cyst* tt^ inciui .r;: Ytata. S:ri ;:R Tex. (State here the lump sum amount,unit prices,or both,as desired.) • • • ARTICLE 6 PROGRESS PAYMENTS Based upon Applications for Payment submitted to the Architect by the Contractor and Certificates for Payment issued by the Architect, the Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to the Contractor as pro- vided in the Conditions of the Contract as follows: On or about the someAmeTith day of each month per cent of the proportion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to labor, materials and quiipment incorporated in the Work and se.mi6. 'y i a, (7 Z) per cent of the portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to materials and equipment suitably stored at the site or at some other location agreed' upon in writing by the parties, up to the first . 1 s; .4 day of that month, less the aggregate of previous payments in each case; and upon Substantial Completion of the entire Work, a sum sufficient to increase the total payments to per cent of the Contract Sum, less such retainages as the Architect shall determine for all incomplete Work and ' unsettled claims. (Here insert any provisions made for limiting or reducing the amount retained after the Work reaches a certain stage of completion.) dl O: 1 - l ./p),L) AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT•SEPTEMBER 1967 EDITION • AIA® 3 ©1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 N. Y. AVE., N.W., WASH., D. C. 20006 SEQ -} p 1�6a • - • ARTICLE 7 FINAL PAYMENT Final payment. constituting the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum,shall be paid by the Owner to the Contractor L`� r'-Ly'' taw days after Substantial Completion of the Work unless otherwise stipulated in the Certificate of Substantial Completion, provided the Work has then been completed, the Contract fully performed, and inal,Certi�icate for Payment has been issued by the Architect. and f srt"c r ";,roVi ed 3.Vat the' �:ontractttr s aatlf ut ,vrt; arni,:;t: }rr�. r cvz enc h;s-L ,s, y , st ter a, .I' lar ,t r, aa.tert41 and a uipoev t i.ias beeA .Pade and .ail 041 igatIons du* any . tave ri t c tta1 agency. sl-44'1 1 t z v 'w. :an fully ;satisfied; :;n l tbat :has. cor4),11c'd ARTICLE 8 w44 t provisions' of tho re;taln .d . p r etat sa • law of thci State, of 'riiia 0.74 on MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS (c17,,ap,t or 60.2c.t of the, eviscc Code 8.1 . Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in the Conditions of fie Contract snail the meanings designated in those Conditions. 8.2 The Contract Documents,which constitute the entire agreement between the Owner and the Contractor,are listed in Article 1 and, except for Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement, are enumerated as follows: (List below the Agreement,_Conditions of the Contract (General, Supplementary, other Conditions), Drawings, Specifications, Addenda and accepted A'lternates,showing page or sheet numbers in all cases and dates where applicable.) I. StandardFor c4 1 3.I4s fa✓eut , i.,t: ell Owoar t Contractor, it M tiocuaant A1'�.il ( . `f'i74gfi r). Z. Caners1 Conditions of ttks Contract for Cor.s•ttric ? n.,, r`tlll tocumen A201 (. Po,..4x� .>. 3. T�; ,Supplei�cttz 'ary' Coa{ditlort:1 t() tbz Contract (7 �:: ;.;�:g). s., v li. City f� :':tAon Stet} 'arc 'Foraa �:. '•fund Perforrsance toad 10. t contract prtc : (1 olgc�). 5, S.i SQir '.itces (14, pait .`),. 6 :401,i;r t t� to t,ll l: *;t?tr tt.er ` .l Z. (1 5,a.j )a 7. lid ,.l on4 in t= t►x c�1: flv percent (1s ;%, of no, ��m ou�tt. bid ,- te4 July 9, i; .. a. t:ort� of id -(:ro ,; 45 .}. . -IY71.r1,tat1ort 'tY '-.1d :45ri;�'' r5u .13cation July 17. 15i.:'3a t�e''ido[id" 4 iru lca't,lo: •. T.fl7 ;$GIs, '1' {4', loin:. an t;t`Phi:t2'3 '1 c±�t t l s�/ . 1', . r 1� .. .�,3 4 • . 113. l.�s t.ruct iQn ■tc Ed.i th terAates t(' pa )• -13r St ktcduie Of Dr'o1hi.iiags-i Hided 40,11itt v vicinity map _... s-. • . a t .-r 1o, f b Al 7..17-6 Sitea�lareaiapii':5rr+i�,.�, ' ;a11tEz": i'L.e Fur+ atiop pin„ , 1-ai3:i .-3 ti J.7.r17:" ; Flour +'lour Plan A-4 6 7 Z 7'",1 i:i ~.--f]o .f i r..➢ti.)- oor sOltEfCA%I A,.Gy a 3 7 c; ' • txt.e.r'ior elevations-details A-6 C. 7- I.7-�, _.3 exterior + kevattoas-Wi Section- ,pa...7 C 7-17-68 -1nUrlCi<r 31'vti51atitm.":1etili 1's a`-8 '• °17 A r ia n.oti ai4�pl c,�l r(���%{{L;;�y+Yl3iJ,f. ;,; �. { �} s(�. .. 1 :7; �'"t,�•=tis.�a)• f / P�/i c ," k)ic41 t �5:1g�-tr kai .2 t ssSS t' , f A 7-16- ,16 ,7 14, `'l'S :114col SpulificatiTans for ,tR-ft F ir_rstrl<cctit<n of a t thha—'.is'1 .St.'.`t, ti-g, tv''' (84. pag4s./)-1A- AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT• SEPTEMBER 1967 EDITION •AIA® 4 ©1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 N. Y. AVE., N.W., WASH., D. C. 20006 SEP 19�,$ THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS AIA Document A201 General Conditions of the Contract for Construction TABLE OF ARTICLES 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 9. PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION • 2. ARCHITECT 10. PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND 3. OWNER PROPERTY 4. CONTRACTOR 11. INSURANCE 5. SUBCONTRACTORS 12. CHANGES IN THE WORK 6. SEPARATE CONTRACTS 13. UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION 7. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS OF WORK 8. TIME 14. TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT Copyright 1911, 1915, 1918, 1925, 1937, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1966, © 1967 by The American Institute of Architects, 1735 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006. Reproduction of the material herein or substantial quotation of its provi- sions without permission of The AIA violates the copyright laws of the United States and will be subject to legal prosecution. AIA DOCUMENT A 201 • GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION • ELEVENTH EDITION • AIA SEPT. 1967 © 1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 SEP 0 19ba INDEX Acceptance of Defective or Non-conforming Work . . . 13.3 Contracts, Separate 6.1 Access to Work 2.2.3 CONTRACTOR 4 Accident Prevention 2.2.4, 10 Contractor, Definition of 4.1 Additional Costs or Time, Claims for 12 2.1 Contractor, Stopping the Work by the 9.6.1 Additional Work 12 Contractor,Termination of the Contract by the 14.1 Administration of the Contract 2.2 Contractor's Liability Insurance 11.1 Agreement,Extent of 1.1, 1.2 Contractor's Relations with Subcontractors . . . . 1.2.4, 5.3 Allowances, Cash 4.8.1 Contractor's Responsibility for Protection Applications for Payment . .2.2.5, 9.2.1, 9.3.1, 9.3.3, 9.4.1, and Safety 101, 102 9.4.2, 9.5.1, 9.6.1, 9.7.2 Contractor's Responsibility for Those Arbitration, Owner-Contractor Claims and Performing,the Work 410 Disputes 2.2.6 through 2.2.12, 7.10 Contractor's Review of Contract Documents . . . 1.2.2, 4.2 ARCHITECT 2 Contractor's Superintendent 4.9.1, 10.2.5 Architect, Definition of 2.1 Contractor's Supervision and Construction Architect's Access to the Work 2.2.3 Procedures 4.3 Architect's Authority . 2.2.2, 2.2.12, 2.2.14, 2.2.17, 4.17, 12.1.2 Contractors,Mutual Responsibility of 6.2 Architect's Authority to Reject Work 2.2.12 Copies Furnished of Drawings and Specifications . . . .1.3.1 Architect's Authority to Stop the Work 2.2.12 Correction of Work 13.2 Architect's Decisions 2.2.6 through 2.2.12 Cutting and Patching of Work 415 Architect's Interpretations . 1.2.5, 2.2.6 through 2.2.11, 12.1.6 Cutting and Patching Under Separate Contracts . . . . 6.3 Architect's Full-time Project Representative 2.2.16 Architect's Status 2.2 Damages, Claims for 7.4, 8.3 Architect's Visits to Site 2.2.3, 2.2.4, 2.2.15, 7.8, 9.7 Damages for Delay 8.3.4 Debris Removal 4.16, 6.4 Bonds,Contract(Performance, Labor and Deductions for Uncorrected Work 7.6.1, 13.3.1 Material Payment) 7.5 Defective or Non-Conforming Work, Builder's Risk Insurance (See Property Insurance) . . . 11.3 Acceptance of 13.3 Delays and Extensions of Time 8.3 Cash Allowances 4.8.1 Documents, Execution of the Contract 1.2.1 Certificates for Drawings and Specifications at the Site 412 Payment . . . .2.2.5, 2.2.15, 5.4.2, 9.4, 9.5.1, 9.6.1, 9.7.2 Drawings and Specifications,Ownership of 1.3.2 CHANGES IN THE WORK 12 Drawings, Arrangement of 1.2.4 Changes, Minor 2.2.14, 12.3 Drawings as Written Interpretations 1.2.5 Change Orders 2.2.14, 4.8.1, 12.1 Change Orders, Definition of 121.2 Easements 3.2.2 Claims and Disputes Between the Contractor Emergencies 10.3 and the Owner 2.2.6 through 2.2.12, 7.10 Execution, Correlation, Intent and Interpretations Claims for Additional Cost or Time 8.3.2, 8.3.3, 12.1.6, 12.1.7, of the Contract Documents 1.2 12.2 Extensions of Time 8.3, 12.1, 12.2 Claims for Damages 7.4, 8.3 Extras 12 Claims of the Subcontractor 5 3.1 4 Cleaning up 4.16, 6.4 Failure of Payment 9.6 Codes 4.7.2, 10.2.2 Field Orders 1.2.5, 12.3, 12.4 • Commencement of the Work 7.5.1, 8.1.2 Final Payment 9.7 Communications 2.2.2, 3.2.4, 4.9.1, 4.17 Fire, Extended Coverage, Vandalism and COMPLETION,PAYMENTS AND 9 Malicious Mischief Insurance. . . . .. . . . . 11.3.1 Completion,Substantial 2.2.15, 8.1.3, 9.7 Guarantee Bonds 7.5 Contract, Definition of 1.1.2 Guarantee 9.3.3, 13.2.2, 13.2.7 Contract Bonds 7.5 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 1 Indemnification 418 Contract Documents,Copies Furnished and Information and Services Required of the Owner . . . . 3.2 Ownership of 1.3 Inspections 2.2.15, 7.8, 9.7 Contract Documents, Definition of 1.1.1 Instructions to the Contractor 2.2.2, 3.2.4 Contract Documents, Execution, Correlation INSURANCE 11 Intent and Interpretations 1.2 Insurance, Builders Risk (See Property Contract Modifications 1.1.1, 1.2.5, 12 Insurance) 11 3.1 Contract Sum, Changes of 12.1, 12.2 Insurance, Contractor's Liability 11.1 Contract Sum, Definition of 9.1.1 Insurance, Fire, Extended Coverage, Contract Termination by Contractor 14.1 Vandalism,and Malicious Mischief 11 3.1 Contract Termination by Owner 14.2 Insurance, Loss of Use 11.4 Contract Time 8.1.1 Insurance, Owner's Liability 11.2 2 AIA DOCUMENT A 201 • GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION • ELEVENTH EDITION • AIA ® SEPT. 1967 © 1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 I i Insurance, Propeirty 11.3 Property Insurance 11.3 Insurance, Special Hazards 11 3.5 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY . 10 Insurance, Stearn Boiler and Machinery 11 3.2 Interest 7.9.1 Regulations 4.7.2, 10.2.2 Interpretations and Decisions Rejection of Work 2.2.12, 13.2 of the Architect 2.2.6 through 2.2.12 Releases of Waivers and Liens 9.7.3, 9.7.5 Interpretations, Written 1.1.1, 1.2.5, 12.3, 12.4 Responsibility for Those Performing the Work . . .4.10, 9.7.1 Retainage 5.4.2, 9.7.3, 9.7.4 Labor and Materials 4.4 4.5 Review of Contract Documents by the Contractor . 1.2.2, 4.2 Labor and Material Payment Bond ' 7.5 Royalties and Patents 7.7 Law of the Place 7.1 Safety of Persons and Property 10.2 Laws I 4 6, 4.7, 7.1, 10.2 Safety Precautions and Programs 2.2.4, 10.1 Liens ! 9.7.31 9.7.5 Samples, Shop Drawings and 2.2.13, 4.13 Loss of Use Insurance 11 4.1 Schedule of Values 9.2 Schedule, Progress 411 Materials, Labor;and 4.4, 4.5 SEPARATE CONTRACTS 6 Minor Changes In The Work 1.1.1, 12.3, 12.4 Separate Contracts,Owner's Right to Award 6.1 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 7 Shop Drawings and Samples 2.2.13, 4.13 Modifications to the Contract 1.1.1, 12 Site, Use of 4.14.1 Mutual Responsibility of Contractors 6.2 Special Hazards Insurance 11 3.5 Specifications, Organization of 1.2.4 Non-Conforming Work,Acceptance of Steam Boiler and Machinery Insurance 11 3.2 Defective or 133.1 Stopping the Work 2.2.12 Notice of Testing and Inspections 7.8 SUBCONTRACTORS 5 Notice to proceed 81 2 Subcontractor, Claims of Notices, Permits, Fees and 4.7 Subcontractor, Definition of 5.1.1 Subcontracts,Award of 1 2 4, 5.2 Subcontractual Relations 5.3 OWNER I 3 Substantial Completion and Final Payment . . . .2.2.15, 9.7 Owner, Definition of 3.1 Substantial Completion, Date of 2.2.15, 8.1.3 Owner,Termination of the Contract by the 14.2 Sub-subcontractor, Definition of 5.1.2 Owner's Information and Services 3.2 Subsurface Conditions . . . .. . . . . . . 12.1.6 Owner's Liability Insurance 11.2 Successors and Assigns 7.2 Owner's Right to Carry Out the Work 7.6 Supervision and Construction Procedures 4.3.1 Owner's Right to Clean Up 4.16.2, 6.4 Superintendent, Contractor's 4.9.1, 10.2.5 Owner's Right'Ito Award Separate Contracts 6.1 Surveys 3.2.1 Ownership of Drawings and Specifications 1.3.2 Taxes 4.6 Patching of Work 415 Termination by the Contractor 14.1 Patching of Work Under Separate Contracts 6.3 Termination by the Owner 14.2 Patents, Royalties and 7.7.1 TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT 14 PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 9 Tests 2.2.12, 7.8 Payment, Applications for . . 2.2.5, 9.2.1, 9.3.1, 9.3.3, 9.4.1, TIME 8 9.4.2, 9.5.1, 9.6.1, 9.7.2 Time, Definition of 8.1 Payment, I Time, Delays and Extensions of 8.3, 12.1, 12.2 Certificates for .2.2.5, 2.2.15, 5.4.2, 9.4, 9.5.1, 9.6.1, 9.7.2 Title of Work 9.3.3 Payment, Failure of 9.6 Payment, Final 2.2.10, 9.7 UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK 13 Payments, Progress 9.3, 9.4 Uncovering of Work 13.1 Payments to Subcontractors 5.4 Unit Prices 12.1.3, 12.1.5 Payments Withheld 9.5 Use of Site 414 Performance Bond 7.5 Permits, Fees and Notices 4.7 Values,Schedule of 9.2 PERSONS AND PROPERTY, PROTECTION OF 10 Progress and Completion 8.2 Waiver of Claims by the Contractor 9.7.6 Progress Payments 9.3, 9.4 Waiver of Claims by the Owner 9.7.5 Progress Schedule 411 Warranty 4.5, 9.3.3 Project, Definition of 1.1.4 Words, Recognized Meanings of 1.2.3 Project Loss olir Damage Insurance 11.3 Work, Definition of 1.1.3 Project Representatives, Full-time 2.2.16 Written Notice 7.3 I AIA DOCUMENT A 201 • GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION • ELEVENTH EDITION • AIA ® 3 SEPT. 1967 © 1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 SE' 1 0 196$ GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION ARTICLE 1 as provided in Subparagraph 4.4.1 necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work. It is not intended CONTRACT DOCUMENTS that Work not covered under any heading,section, branch, class or trade of the Specifications shall be supplied unless 1.1 DEFINITIONS it is required elsewhere in the Contract Documents or is reasonably inferable therefrom as being necessary to pro- 1.1.1, -THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS duce the intended results. Words which have well-known The Contract Documents consist of the Agreement, the technical or trade meanings are used herein in accordance Conditions of the Contract (General, Supplementary and with such recognized meanings. other Conditions), the Drawings, the Specifications, all 1.2.4 The organization of the Specifications into divi- Addenda issued prior to execution of the Agreement, and sions, sections and articles, and the arrangement of Draw- all Modifications thereto. A Modification is (1) a written ings shall not control the Contractor in dividing the Work amendment to the Contract signed by both parties, (2) among Subcontractors or in establishing the extent of a Change Order, (3) a written interpretation issued by Work to be performed by any trade. the Architect pursuant to Subparagraph 1.2.5, or (4) a written order for a minor change in the Work issued by 1.2.5 Written interpretations necessary for the proper the Architect pursuant to Paragraph 12.3. A Modification execution or progress of the Work, in the form of draw- may be made only after execution of the Contract. ings or otherwise, will be issued with reasonable prompt- ness by the Architect and in accordance with any schedule 1.1.2 THE CONTRACT agreed upon. Such interpretations shall be consistent with The Contract Documents form the Contract. The Contract and reasonably inferable from the Contract Documents, represents the entire and integrated agreement between and may be effected by Field Order. the parties hereto and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral, 1.3 COPIES FURNISHED AND OWNERSHIP including the bidding documents. The Contract may be 1.3.1 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Docu- amended or modified only by a Modification as defined merits, the Contractor will be furnished, free of charge, in Subparagraph 1.1.1. all copies of Drawings and Specifications reasonably nec- essary for the execution of the Work. 1.1.3 THE WORK - The term Work includes all labor necessary to produce 1.3.2 All Drawings, Specifications and copies thereof furnished by the Architect are and shall remain his prop- the construction required by the Contract Documents, erty. They are not to be used on any other project, and, and all materials and equipment incorporated or to be with the exception of one contract set for each party to incorporated in such construction. the Contract, are to be returned to the Architect on re- 1.1.4 THE PROJECT quest at the completion of the Work. The Project is the total construction designed by the Architect of which the Work performed under the Con- . ARTICLE 2 tract Documents may be the whole or a part. ARCHITECT 1.2 EXECUTION, CORRELATION, INTENT AND INTERPRETATIONS 2.1 DEFINITION •- 1.2.1 The Contract Documents shall be signed in not;less _ 2.1.1 The Architect is the person or organization identi- than triplicate by the Owner and Contractor. If either the fied as such in the Agreement and is referred to'through- Owner or the Contractor or both do not sign the Condi- out the Contract Documents as if singular in number and tions of the Contract, Drawings, Specifications, or any masculine in gender. The term Architect means the Archi- of the other Contract Documents, the Architect shall tect or his authorized representative. - identify them. 2.1.2 Nothing contained in the Contract Documents shall create any contractual relationship between the Architect 1.2.2 By executing the Contract,the Contractor represents and the Contractor. that he has visited the site, familiarized himself with the local conditions under which the Work is to be per- 2.2 ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT formed, and correlated his observations with the require- 2.2.1 The Architect will provide general Administration merits of the Contract Documents. - of the Construction Contract,including performance of the 1.2.3 The Contract Documents are complementary, and functions hereinafter described. what is required by any one shall. be as binding as if 2.2.2 The Architect will be the Owner's representative required by all. The intention of the Documents is to during construction and until final payment. The Architect include all labor, materials, equipment and other items will have authority to act on behalf of the Owner to the AIA DOCUMENT A 201 • GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION •' ELEVENTH EDITION • AIA'® 4 SEPT. 1967 © 1967.THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 extent provided in the Contract Documents, unless other- tion of any such claim, dispute or other matter may be wise modified by written instrument which will be shown made until the earlier of: to the Contractor. The Architect will advise and consult .1 the date on which the Architect has rendered with the Owner, and all of the Owner's instructions to his decision,or the Contractor shall be issued through the Architect. .2 the tenth day after the parties have presented 2.2.3 The Architect shall at all times have access to the their evidence to the Architect or have been given Work wherever it is in preparation and progress. The a reasonable opportunity to do so, if the Architect Contractor shall provide facilities for such access so the has not rendered his written decision by that date. Architect may perform his functions under the Contract 2.2.11 If a decision of the Architect is made in writing Documents and states that it is final but subject to appeal, no demand 2.2.4 The Architect will make periodic visits to the site for arbitration of a.claim, dispute or other matter covered to familiarize himself generally with the progress and by such decision may be made later than thirty days after quality of the Work and to determine in general if the the date on which the party making the demand received Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract the decision. The failure to,demand arbitration within Documents. On the basis of his on-site observations as said thirty days' period will result in the Architect's deci- an architect, he will keep the Owner informed of the sion becoming final and binding upon the Owner and the progress of the Work, and will endeavor to guard the Contractor. If the Architect renders a decision after arbi- Owner against defects and deficiencies in the Work of the tration proceedings have been initiated, such decision Contractor.1 The Architect will not be required to make may be entered as evidence but will not supersede any exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the arbitration proceedings except where the decision is ac- quality or quantity of the Work. The Architect will not be ceptable to the parties concerned. responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, 2.2.12 The Architect will have authority to reject Work sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and which does not conform to the Contract Documents. programs in connection with the Work, and he will not Whenever, in his reasonable opinion, he considers it be responsible for the Contractor's failure to carry out necessary or advisable to insure the proper implementa- the Work irk accordance with the Contract Documents. tion of the intent of the Contract Documents, he will 2.2.5 Based on such observations and the Contractor's have authority to require the Contractor to stop the Work Application for Payment, the Architect will determine or any portion thereof, or to require special inspection or the amounts owing to the Contractor and will issue testing of the Work as provided in Subparagraph 7.8.2 Certificates1 for Payment in such amounts, as provided whether or not such Work be then fabricated, installed in Paragraph 9.4. or completed. However, neither the Architect's authority 2.2.6 The Architect will be, in the first instance, the to act under this Subparagraph 2.2.12, nor any decision interpreter of the requirements of the Contract Docu- made by him in good faith either to exercise. or not to ments and the judge of the performance thereunder by exercise such authority, shall give rise to any_ duty or both the Owner and Contractor. The Architect will, responsibility of the Architect to the Contractor, any Sub- within a reasonable time, render such interpretations as contractor, any of their agents or employees, or any other he may deem necessary for the proper execution or prog person performing any of the Work. ress of the Work. 2.2.13 The Architect will review Shop Drawings and 2.2.7 Claims, disputes and other matters in question Samples as provided in Subparagraphs 4.13.1 through between the Contractor and the Owner relating to the 4.13.8 inclusive. execution or progress of the Work or the interpretation 2.2.14 The Architect will prepare Change Orders in, ac- of the Contract Documents shall be referred initially to cordance with Article 12, and will have authority to order the Architect for decision which he will render in writing minor changes in the Work as,provided in Subparagraph within a reasonable time. 12.3.1. ' 2.2.8 All interpretations and decisions of the Architect 2.2.15 The Architect will conduct inspections to deter- shall be consistent with the intent of the Contract Docu- mine the dates of Substantial Completion and final com- ments. In his capacity as interpreter and judge, he will pletion, will receive written guarantees and related docu- exercise his! best efforts to insure faithful performance by ments required by the Contract and assembled by the both the Owner and the Contractor and will not show Contractor, and will issue a final Certificate for Payment. partiality to either. 2.2.16 If the Owner and Architect agree, the Architect 2.2.9 The Architect's decisions in matters relating to will provide one or more full-time Project Representatives artistic effect will be final if consistent with the intent of to assist the Architect in carrying out his responsibilities the Contract Documents. at the site. The duties, responsibilities and limitations of 2.2.10 Any; claim, dispute or other matter that has been authority of any such Project Representative shall be as referred to'the Architect, except those relating to artistic set forth in an exhibit to be incorporated in the Contract effect as p iovided in Subparagraph 2.2.9 and except any Documents. which have been waived by the making or acceptance 2.2.17 The duties, responsibilities and limitations of of final payment as provided in Subparagraphs 9.7.5 and authority of the Architect as the Owner's representative 9.7.6, shall; be subject to arbitration upon the written during construction as set forth in Articles 1 through 14 demand of!either party. However, no demand for arbitra- inclusive of these General Conditions will not be modi- AIA DOCUMENT A 201 • GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION • ELEVENTH EDITION• AIA ® 5 SEPT. 1967 © 1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 SEP � 0 6ID6 fled or extended without written consent of the Owner The Contractor shall do no Work without Drawings,Speci- and the Architect which will be shown to the Contractor. fications or interpretations. - 2.2.18 The Architect will not be responsible for the acts 4.3 SUPERVISION AND CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES or omissions of the Contractor, any Subcontractors, or any of their agents or employees,or any other persons per- 4.3.1 The Contractor shall supervise and direct the Work, forming any of the Work. using his best skill and attention. He shall be solely re- sponsible for all construction means, methods,techniques, 2.2.19 In case of the termination of the employment of sequences and procedures and for coordinating all por- the Architect, the Owner shall appoint an architect tions of the Work under the Contract. against whom the Contractor makes no reasonable objec- tion, whose status under the Contract Documents shall 4.4 LABOR AND MATERIALS be that of the former architect. Any dispute in connec- 4.4.1 Unless otherwise specifically noted, the Contractor tion with such appointment shall be subject to arbitration. shall provide and pay for all labor, materials, equipment, ARTICLE 3 tools, construction equipment and machinery, water, heat, utilities, transportation, and other facilities and services necessary for the proper execution and comple- OWNER tion of the Work. 3.1 DEFINITION The Owner is the organization identified 4.4.2 The Contractor shall at all times enforce strict dis- 3.1.1p erson or g cipline and good order among his employees and shall as such in the Agreement and is referred to throughout not employ on the Work any unfit person or anyone not the Contract Documents as if singular in number and skilled in the task assigned to him. masculine in gender. The term Owner means the Owner or his authorized representative. 4.5 WARRANTY 3.2 INFORMATION AND SERVICES REQUIRED 4.5.1 The Contractor warrants to the Owner and the OF THE OWNER Architect that all materials and equipment furnished un- der this Contract will be new unless otherwise specified, 3.2.1 The Owner shall furnish all surveys describing the and that all Work will be of good quality, free from faults physical characteristics, legal limits and utility locations and defects and in conformance with the Contract Docu- for the site of the Project. ments. All Work not so conforming to these standards 3.2.2 The Owner shall secure and pay for easements for may be considered defective. If required by the Archi- permanent structures or permanent changes in existing tect, the Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence facilities. as to the kind and quality of materials and equipment. 3.2.3 Information or services under the Owner's control 4.5.2 The warranty provided in this Paragraph 4.5 shall shall be furnished by the Owner with reasonable prompt- be in addition to and not in limitation of any other war- ness to avoid delay in the orderly progress of the Work. ranty or remedy required by law or by the Contract 3.2.4 The Owner shall issue all instructions to the Con- Documents. 'tractor through the Architect. 4.6 TAXES 3.2.5 The foregoing are in addition to other duties and 4.6.1 The Contractor shall pay all sales, consumer, use responsibilities of the Owner enumerated herein and and other similar taxes required by law. especially those in respect to Payment and Insurance in Articles 9 and 11 respectively. 4.7 PERMITS, FEES AND NOTICES 4.7.1 The Contractor shall secure and pay for all permits, ARTICLE 4 governmental fees and licenses necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work. CONTRACTOR 4.1 DEFINITION 4.7.2 The Contractor shall give all notices and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders 4.1.1 The Contractor is the person or organization identi- of any public authority bearing on the performance of fied as such in the Agreement and is referred to through- the Work. If the Contractor observes that any of the out the Contract Documents as if singular in number and Contract Documents are at variance therewith in any masculine in gender. The term Contractor means the respect, he shall promptly notify the Architect in writing, Contractor or his authorized representative. and any necessary changes shall be adjusted by appropri- 4.2 REVIEW OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ate Modification. If the Contractor performs any Work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, ordinances, rules 4.2.1 The Contractor shall carefully study and compare and regulations, and without such notice to the Architect, the Agreement, Conditions of the Contract, Drawings, he shall assume full responsibility therefor and shall bear Specifications, Addenda and Modifications and shall at all costs attributable thereto. once report to the Architect any error, inconsistency or omission he may discover; but the Contractor shall not be 4.8 CASH ALLOWANCES liable to the Owner or the Architect for any damage re- 4.8.1 The Contractor shall include in the Contract Sum suiting from any such errors, inconsistencies or omissions. all allowances stated in the Contract Documents. These 6 MA DOCUMENT A 201 • GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION • ELEVENTH EDITION • AIA SEPT. 1967 © 1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 I allowances shall cover the net cost of the materials and tions, schedules, performance charts, brochures and other equipment delivered and unloaded at the site, and all data which are prepared by the Contractor or any Sub- applicable taxes. The Contractor's handling costs on the contractor, manufacturer, supplier or distributor, and site, labor, installation costs, overhead, profit and other which illustrate some portion of the Work. expenses contemplated for the original allowance shall 4.13.2 Samples are physical examples furnished by the be included ih the Contract Sum and not in the allow Contractor to illustrate materials, equipment or work- ance. The Contractor shall cause the Work covered by manship, and to establish standards by which the Work these allowances to be performed for such amounts and will be judged. by such pers ns as the Architect may direct, but he will not be required to employ persons against whom he 4.13.3 The Contractor shall review, stamp with his ap- makes a reasonable objection. If the cost, when deter- proval and submit, with reasonable promptness and in mined, is more than or less than the allowance, the Con- tract Sum shall be adjusted accordingly by Change Order or in the work of any other contractor, all Shop Draw- which will include additional handling costs on the site, ings and Samples required by the Contract Documents labor, installation costs, overhead, profit and other ex- or subsequently by the Architect as covered by Modifica- penses resulting to the Contractor from any increase over tions. Shop Drawings and Samples shall be properly the original allowance. identified as specified, or as the Architect may require. At the time of submission the Contractor shall inform the 4.9 SUPERINTENDENT Architect in writing of any deviation in the Shop Draw- 4.9.1 The Contractor shall employ a competent super- ings or Samples from the requirements of the Contract intendent and necessary assistants who shall be in at- Documents. tendance at!the Project site during the progress of the 4.13.4 By approving and submitting Shop Drawings and Work. The superintendent shall be satisfactory to the Samples, the Contractor thereby represents that he has Architect, and shall not be changed except with the con- determined and verified all field measurements, field con- sent of the (Architect, unless the superintendent proves struction criteria, materials, catalog numbers and similar to be unsatisfactory to the Contractor and ceases to be data, or will do so, and that he has checked and coordi- in his employ. The superintendent shall represent the nated each Shop Drawing and Sample with the require- Contractor and all communications given to the superin- ments of the Work and of the Contract Documents. . tendent shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor. 4.13.5 The Architect will review and approve Shop Important ci mmunications will be confirmed in writing. Drawings and Samples with reasonable promptness so as Other communications will be so confirmed on written to cause no delay, but only for conformance with the de- request in each case. sign concept of the Project and with the information ' 4.10 RESPONSIBILITY FOR THOSE PERFORMING given in the Contract Documents. The Architect's approv- THE WORK al of a separate item shall not indicate approval of an 4.10.1 ThelContractor shall be responsible to the Owner assembly in which the item functions. for the acts and omissions of all his employees and all 4.13.6 The Contractor shall make any corrections re- Subcontractors, their agents and employees, and all other quired by the Architect and shall resubmit the required persons performing any of the Work under a contract number of corrected copies of Shop Drawings or new with the Contractor. Samples until approved. The Contractor shall direct spe- 4.11 PROGRESS SCHEDULE cific attention in writing or on resubmitted Shop Draw- ings to revisions other than the corrections requested by 4.11.1 The Contractor, immediately after being awarded the Architect on previous submissions. the Contrai t, shall prepare and submit for the Architect's 4.13.7 The Architect's approval of Shop Drawings or approval an estimated progress schedule for the Work. Samples shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility The progress schedule shall be related to the entire Proj- for any deviation from the requirements of the Contract ect to the extent required by the Contract Documents. Documents unless the Contractor has informed the Archi- This schedule shall indicate the dates for the starting and tect in writing of such deviation at the time of submis- completion of the various stages of construction and shall sion and the Architect has given written approval to the be revised as required by the conditions of the Work, specific deviation, nor shall the Architect's approval re- subject to the Architect's approval. lieve the Contractor from responsibility for errors or 4.12 DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS AT THE SITE omissions in the Shop Drawings or Samples. 4.12.1 The Contractor shall maintain at the site for the 4.13.8 No portion of the Work requiring a Shop Drawing Owner one copy of all Drawings,Specifications,Addenda, or Sample submission shall be commenced until the approved Shop Drawings, Change Orders and other Mod- submission has been approved by the Architect. All such ifications,lin good order and marked to record all changes portions of the Work shall be in accordance with ap- made during construction. These shall be available to the proved Shop Drawings and Samples. Architect.) The Drawings, marked to record all changes 4.14 USE OF SITE made during construction, shall be delivered to him for the Owner upon completion of the Work. 4.14.1 The Contractor shall confine operations at the I site to areas permitted by law, ordinances, permits and 4.13 SHOP DRAWINGS AND SAMPLES the Contract Documents and shall not unreasonably en- 4.13.1 Shop Drawings are drawings, diagrams, illustra- cumber the site with any materials or equipment. AIA DOCUMENT A 201 • GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION • ELEVENTH EDITION • AIA 03 7 SEPT. 1967 i© 1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 I SEP 1 0 1963 4.15 CUTTING AND PATCHING OF WORK ARTICLE 5 4.15.1 The Contractor shall do all cutting, fitting or SUBCONTRACTORS patching of his Work that may be required to make its several parts fit together properly, and shall not endanger 5.1 DEFINITION any Work by cutting, excavating or otherwise altering the 5.1.1 A Subcontractor is a person or organization who Work or any part of it. has a direct contract with the Contractor to perform any of the Work at the site. The term Subcontractor is re- 4.16 CLEANING UP ferred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singu- 4.16.1 The Contractor at all times shall keep the prem- lar in number and masculine in gender and means a ises free from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish Subcontractor or his authorized representative. caused by his operations. At the completion of the Work 5.1.2 A Sub-subcontractor is a person or organization he shall remove all his waste materials and rubbish from who has a direct or indirect contract with a Subcontractor and about the Project as well as all his tools, construc- to perform any of the Work at the site. The term Sub- tion equipment, machinery and surplus materials, and subcontractor is referred to throughout the Contract shall clean all glass surfaces and leave the Work "broom- Documents as if singular in number and masculine in clean" or its equivalent, except as otherwise specified. gender and means a Sub-subcontractor or an authorized 4.16.2 If the Contractor fails to clean up, the Owner representative thereof. may do so and the cost thereof shall be charged to the 5.1.3 Nothing contained in the Contract Documents Contractor as provided in Paragraph 7.6. shall create any contractual relation between the Owner or the Architect and any Subcontractor or Sub-subcon- 4.17 COMMUNICATIONS tractor. 4.17.1 The Contractor shall forward all communications 5.2 AWARD OF SUBCONTRACTS AND OTHER to the Owner through the Architect. CONTRACTS FOR PORTIONS OF THE WORK 4.18 INDEMNIFICATION 5.2.1 As soon as practicable after bids are received and prior to the award of the Contract, the successful bidder 4.18.1 The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless shall furnish to the Architect in writing for acceptance by the Owner and the Architect and their agents and em- the Owner and the Architect a list of the names of the ployees from and against all claims, damages, losses and subcontractors or other persons or organizations (includ- expenses including attorneys' fees arising out of or re- ing those who are•to furnish materials or equipment suiting from the performance of the Work, provided that fabricated to a special design) proposed for such portions any such claim, damage, loss or expense (a) is attributable of the Work as may be designated in the bidding require- to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury ments, or, if none is so designated, the names of the to or destruction of tangible property (other than the Subcontractors proposed for the principal portions of the Work itself) including the loss of use resulting there- Work. Prior to the award of the Contract, the Architect from, and (b) is caused in whole or in part by any negli- shall notify the successful bidder in writing if either the gent act or omission of the Contractor, any Subcontrac- or the Architect, after due investigation, has tor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of reasonable objection to any person or organization on them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, such list. Failure of the Owner or Architect to make an regardless of whether or not it is caused in part by a objection to any person or organization on the list prior party indemnified hereunder. to the award shall constitute acceptance of such person or organization. 4.18.2 In any and all claims against the Owner or the 5.2.2 If, prior to the award of the Contract, the Owner Architect or any of their agents or employees by any em or Architect has a reasonable and substantial objection ployee of the Contractor, any Subcontractor, anyone di to any person or organization on such list, and refuses in rectly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone writing to accept such person or organization,the;success- for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnifi- ful bidder may, prior to the award, withdraw his bid cation obligation under this Paragraph 4.18 shall not be without forfeiture of bid security. If the successful bidder limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or submits an acceptable substitute with an increase in his type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by bid price to cover the difference in cost occasioned by or for the Contractor or any Subcontractor under work- men's compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other such substitution, the Owner may, at his discretion, employee benefit acts. accept the increased bid price or he may disqualify the bid. If, after the award, the Owner or Architect refuses 4.18.3 The obligations of the Contractor under this Para- to accept any person or organization on such list, the graph 4.18 shall not extend to the liability of the Archi- Contractor shall submit an acceptable substitute and the tect, his agents or employees arising out of (1) the prepa- Contract Sum shall be increased or decreased by the ration or approval of maps, drawings, opinions, reports, difference in cost occasioned by such substitution and an surveys, Change Orders, designs or specifications, or (2) appropriate Change Order shall be issued; however, no the giving of or the failure to give directions or instruc- increase in the Contract Sum shall be allowed for any tions by the Architect, his agents or employees provided such substitution unless the Contractor has acted such giving or failure to give is the primary cause of the promptly and responsively in submitting a name with injury or damage. respect thereto prior to the award. 8 AlA DOCUMENT A 201 • GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION • ELEVENTH EDITION • AIA ® SEPT. 1967 © 1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 5.2.3 The Contractor shall not contract with any Sub- on account of such Subcontractor's Work. The Contrac- contractor or any person or organization proposed for tor shall also require each Subcontractor to make similar portions of thelWork designated in the bidding require- payments to his subcontractors. ments or, if non'e is so designated,with any Subcontractor 5.4.2 If the Architect fails to issue a Certificate for Pay- proposed for the principal portions of the Work who has ment for any cause which is the fault of the Contractor not been accepted by the Owner and the Architect. The and not the fault of a particular Subcontractor, the Con- Contractor willlnot be required to contract with any sub- tractor shall pay that Subcontractor on demand, made at contractor or person or organization against whom he has any time after the Certificate for Payment should other- a reasonable objection. _ wise have been issued, for his Work to the extent corn- 5.2.4 If the Owner or the Architect requires a change of pleted, less the retained percentage. any proposed 1Subcontractor or person or organization 5.4.3 The Contractor shall pay each Subcontractor a just previously accepted by them, the Contract Sum shall be share of any insurance moneys received by the Contractor increased or decreased by the difference in cost occa- under Article 11, and he shall require each Subcontractor sioned by such change and an appropriate Change Order to make similar payments to his subcontractors. shall be issued. 5.2.5 The Contractor shall not make any substitution for 5.4.4 The Architect may, on request and at his discretion, any Subcontractor or person or organization who has furnish to any Subcontractor, if practicable, information been accepted by the Owner and the Architect, unless regarding percentages of completion certified to the Con the substitution is acceptable to the Owner and the tractor on account of Work done by such Subcontractors. Architect. 5.4.5 Neither the Owner nor the Architect shall have any obligation to pay or to see to the payment of any moneys 5.3 SUBCONTRACTUAL RELATIONS to any Subcontractor except as may otherwise be required 5.3.1 All work performed for the Contractor by a Sub- by law. contractor shall be pursuant to an appropriate agree- ment between the Contractor and the Subcontractor (and ARTICLE 6 where appropriate between Subcontractors and Sub- subcontractors) which shall contain provisions that: SEPARATE CONTRACTS .1 preserve and protect the rights of the Owner and the Architect under the Contract with respect to 6.1 OWNER'S RIGHT TO AWARD SEPARATE CONTRACTS the Work to be performed under the subcontract 6.1.1 The Owner reserves the right to award other con- so that the subcontracting thereof will not preju- tracts in connection with other portions of the Project dice such rights; under these or similar Conditions of the Contract. .2 require that such Work be performed in accord 6.1.2 When separate contracts are awarded for different ance' with the requirements of the Contract portions of the Project, "the Contractor" in the contract Documents; documents in each case shall be the contractor who signs .3 requlire submission to the Contractor of applica- each separate contract. tions for payment under each subcontract to which the Contractor is a party, in reasonable 6.2 MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTORS time to enable the Contractor to apply for pay- 6.2.1 The Contractor shall afford other contractors rea- ment in accordance with Article 9; sonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of .4 require that all claims for additional costs, exten- their materials and equipment and the execution of their sions of time, damages for delays or otherwise work, and shall properly connect and coordinate his with respect to subcontracted portions of the Work with theirs. Work shall be submitted to the Contractor (via 6.2.2 If any part of the Contractor's Work depends for any; Subcontractor or Sub-subcontractor where appropriate) in the manner provided in the Con- proper execution or results upon the work of any other tract Documents for like claims by the Contrac separate contractor, the Contractor shall inspect and tor!upon the Owner; promptly report to the Architect any apparent discrepan- .5 waive all rights the contracting parties may have cies or defects in such work that render it unsuitable for against one another for damages caused by fire such proper execution and results. Failure of the Con- or other perils covered by the property insurance tractor so to inspect and report shall constitute an accept- described in Paragraph 11.3, except such rights as ance of the other contractor's work as fit and proper to they may have to the proceeds of such insurance receive his Work, except as to defects which may develop held by the Owner as trustee under Paragraph in the other separate contractor's work after the execution 11.3; and of the Contractor's Work. .6 obligate each Subcontractor specifically to con- 6.2.3 Should the Contractor cause damage to the work sent to the provisions of this Paragraph 5.3. or property of any separate contractor on the Project, 5.4 PAYMENTS TO SUBCONTRACTORS the Contractor shall, upon due notice, settle with such other contractor by agreement or arbitration, if he will 5.4.1 The'Contractor shall pay each Subcontractor, upon so settle. If such separate contractor sues the Owner on receipt of payment from the Owner, an amount equal to account of any damage alleged to have been so sustained, the percentage of completion allowed to the Contractor the Owner shall notify the Contractor who shall defend AIA DOCUMENT A 201 • GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION • ELEVENTH EDITION • AIA ® 9 SEPT. 1967 ©;1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 SEP .. 0tb'oa,. such proceedings at the Owner's expense, and if any 7.5 PERFORMANCE BOND AND judgment against the Owner arises therefrom the Con- LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND tractor shall pay or satisfy it and shall reimburse the 7.5.1 The Owner shall have the right, prior to sign- Owner for all attorneys' fees and court costs which the ing the Contract, to require the Contractor to furnish Owner has incurred. bonds covering the faithful performance of the Contract 6.3 CUTTING AND PATCHING and the payment of all obligations arising thereunder in UNDER SEPARATE CONTRACTS such form and amount as the Owner may prescribe and 6.3.1 The Contractor shall do all cutting, fitting or with such sureties as may be agreeable to the parties. If patching of his Work that may be required to fit it to re- such bonds are stipulated in the bidding requirements, ceive or be received by the work of other contractors the premiums shall be paid by the Contractor; if required shown in the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall subsequent to the submission of quotations or bids, not endanger any work of any other contractors by cut- the cost shall be reimbursed by the Owner. The Contrac- not excavating or' otherwise altering any work and shall tor shall deliver the required bonds to the Owner not not cut or alter the work of any other contractor except later than the date of execution of the Contract, or if the with the written consent of the Architect. Work is commenced prior thereto in response to a notice to proceed, the Contractor shall, prior to commencement 6.3.2 Any costs caused by defective or ill-timed work of the Work, submit evidence satisfactory to the Owner shall be borne by the party responsible therefor. that such bonds will be issued. 6.4 OWNER'S RIGHT TO CLEAN UP 7.6 OWNER'S RIGHT TO CARRY OUT THE WORK 6.4.1 If a dispute arises between the separate contractors 7.6.1 If the Contractor defaults or neglects to carry out as to their responsibility for cleaning up as required by the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents Paragraph 4.16, the Owner may clean up and charge the or fails to perform any provision of the Contract, the cost thereof to the several contractors as the Architect Owner may, after seven days' written notice to the Con- shall determine to be just. tractor and without prejudice to any other remedy he may have, make good such deficiencies. In such case an ap- ARTICLE 7 propriate Change Order shall be issued deducting from the payments then or thereafter due the Contractor the MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS cost of correcting such deficiencies, including the cost of 7.1 LAW OF THE PLACE the Architect's additional services made necessary by such default, neglect or failure. The Architect must approve 7.1.1 The Contract shall be governed by the law of the both such action and the amount charged to the Con- place where the Project is located. tractor. If the payments then or thereafter due the Con- 7.2 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS tractor are not sufficient to cover such amount, the Con- tractor7.2.1 The Owner and the Contractor each binds shall pay the difference to the Owner. him- self, his partners, successors, assigns and legal represen- 7.7 ROYALTIES AND PATENTS tatives to the other party hereto and to the partners, suc- 7.7.1 The Contractor shall pay all royalties and license cessors, assigns and legal. representatives of such other fees. He shall defend all suits or claims for infringement party in respect to all covenants, agreements and obliga- of any patent rights and shall save the Owner harmless tions contained in the Contract Documents. Neither from loss on account thereof, except that the Owner shall party to the Contract shall assign the Contract or sublet it be responsible for all such loss when a particular de- as a whole without the written consent of the other, nor sign, process or the product of a particular manufacturer shall the Contractor assign any moneys due or to become or manufacturers is specified, but if the Contractor has due to him hereunder, without the previous written con- reason to believe that the design, process or product sent of the Owner. specified is an infringement of a patent, he shall be re- 7.3 WRITTEN NOTICE sponsible for such loss unless he promptly gives such in- 7.3.1 Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly formation to the Architect. served if delivered in person to the individual or member 7.8 TESTS of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom 7.8.1 If the Contract Documents, laws, ordinances, rules, it was intended, or if delivered at or sent by registered regulations or orders of any public authority having juris- or certified mail to the last business address known to diction require any Work to be inspected, tested or ap- him who gives the notice. proved, the Contractor shall give the Architect timely no- 7.4 CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES tice of its readiness and of the date arranged so the 7.4.1 Should either party to the Contract suffer injury or Architect may observe such inspection, testing or ap damage to person or property because of any act or proval. The Contractor shall bear all costs of such inspec- omission of the other party or of any of his employees, tions, tests and approvals unless otherwise provided. agents or others for whose acts he is legally liable, claim 7.8.2 If after the commencement of the Work the shall be made in writing to such other party within a Architect determines that any Work requires special in- reasonable time after the first observance of such injury spection, testing or approval which Subparagraph 7.8.1 or damage. does not include, he will, upon written authorization 10 AIA DOCUMENT A 201 • GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION • ELEVENTH EDITION • AIA ® SEPT. 1967 © 1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE. N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 from the Owner, instruct the Contractor to order such 7.10.3 The Contractor shall carry on the Work and main- _ special inspection, testing or approval, and the Con- 'tain the progress schedule during any arbitration pro- tractor shall give notice as in Subparagraph 7.8.1. If such ceedings, unless otherwise agreed by him and the Owner special inspe,'ction or testing reveals a failure of the Work in writing. to comply (1) with the requirements of the Contract Documents or (2), with respect to the performance of the Work, with laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or orders ARTICLE 8 of any public authority having jurisdiction, the Contractor shall bear all costs thereof, including the Architect's addi- TIME tional services made necessary by such failure; otherwise the Owner !shall bear such costs, and an appropriate 8.1 DEFINITIONS Change Order shall be issued. 8.1.1 The Contract Time is the period of time allotted in 7.8.3 Required certificates of inspection, testing or ap- the Contract Documents for completion of the Work. proval shall l be secured by the Contractor and promptly 8.1.2 The date of commencement of the Work is the p y date established in a notice to proceed. If there is no delivered by him to the Architect. I notice to proceed, it shall be the date of the Agreement 7.8.4 If the! Architect wishes to observe the inspections, or such other date as may be established therein. tests or approvals required by this Paragraph 7.8, he will 8.1.3 The Date of Substantial Completion of the Work or do so promptly and, where practicable, at the source of designated portion thereof is the Date certified by the supply. Architect when construction is sufficiently complete, in 7.8.5 Neither the observations of the Architect in his ad- accordance with the Contract Documents, so the Owner ministration of the Contract, nor inspections, tests or may occupy the Work or designated portion thereof for approvals by persons other than the Contractor shall re the use for which it is intended. lieve the Contractor from his obligations to perform the 8.2 PROGRESS AND COMPLETION Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 8.2.1 All time limits stated in the Contract Documents 7.9 INTEREST are of the essence of the Contract. 8.2.2 The Contractor shall begin the Work on the date 7.9.1 Any ]moneys not paid when due to either party of commencement as defined in Subparagraph 8.1.2. He under this Contract shall bear interest at the legal rate in shall carry the Work forward expeditiously with adequate force at the place of the Project. forces and shall complete it within the Contract Time. I 7.10 ARBITRATION 8.3 DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS OF TIME 7.10.1 All claims, disputes and other matters in question 8.3.1 If the Contractor is delayed at any time in the arising out of, or relating to, this Contract or the breach progress of the Work by any act or neglect of the Owner thereof, except as set forth in Subparagraph 2.2.9 with or the Architect, or by any employee of either, or by any separate y respect to! the Architect's decisions on matters relating changes ordered inrthe to ed bbythe laborOwner,eorfiby to artistic effect, and except for claims which have been waived byi the making or acceptance of final payment as unusual delay in transportation, unavoidable casualties or provided by Subparagraphs 9.7.5 and 9.7.6, shall be de- any causes beyond the Contractor's control, or by delay cided by arbitration in accordance with the Construction authorized by the Owner pending arbitration, or by any Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration cause which the Architect determines may justify the Association then obtaining unless the parties mutually delay, then the Contract Time shall be extended by agree otherwise. This agreement so to arbitrate shall be Change Order for such reasonable time as the Architect specifically enforceable under the prevailing arbitration may determine. law. The award rendered by the arbitrators shall be final, 8.3.2 All claims for extension of time shall be made in and judgment may be entered upon it in accordance with writing to the Architect no more than fifteen days after applicable law in any court having jurisdiction thereof. the occurrence of the delay; otherwise they shall be I waived. In the case of a continuing cause of delay only 7.10.2 Notice of the demand for arbitration shall be filed one claim is necessary. in writing] with the other party to the Contract and with the American Arbitration Association, and a copy shall 8.3.3 If no schedule or agreement is made stating the be filed with the Architect. The demand for arbitration dates upon which written interpretations as set forth in shall be made within the time limits specified in Sub Subparagraph 1.2.5 shall be furnished, then no claim for delay shall be allowed on account of failure to furnish paragraphs 2.2.10 and 2.2.11 where applicable, and in all other cases within a reasonable time after the claim such interpretations until fifteen days after demand is dispute loc. other matter in question has arisen, and in no made for them, and not then unless such claim is event shall it be made after institution of legal or equi- reasonable. table proceedings based on such claim, dispute or other 8.3.4 This Paragraph 8.3 does not exclude the recovery matter in question would be barred by the applicable of damages for delay by either party under other pro- statute of limitations. visions of the Contract Documents. AIA DOCUMENT A 201 • GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION • ELEVENTH EDITION • AlA ® 11 SEPT. 1967 © 1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 ARTICLE 9 to the Owner, with a copy to the Contractor, for such amount as he determines to be properly due, or state in PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION writing hi's reasons for withholding a Certificate as pro- vided in Subparagraph 9.5.1. 9.1 CONTRACT SUM 9.4.2 The issuance of a Certificate for Payment will con- 9.1.1 The Contract Sum is stated in the Agreement and stitute a representation by the Architect to the Owner, is the total amount payable by the Owner to the Con- based on his observations at the site as provided in Sub- tractor for the performance of the Work under the paragraph 2.2.4 and the data comprising the Applica- Contract Documents. tion for Payment, that the Work has progressed to the 9.2 SCHEDULE OF VALUES point indicated; that, to the best of his knowledge, in- formation and belief, the quality of the Work is in ac- 9.2.1 Before the first Application for Payment, the Con- cordance with the Contract Documents (subject to an tractor shall submit to the Architect a schedule of values evaluation of the Work as a functioning whole upon of the various portions of the Work, including quantities Substantial Completion, to the results of any subsequent if required by the Architect, aggregating the total Con- tests required by the Contract Documents, to minor devi- tract Sum, divided so as to facilitate payments to Sub- ations from the Contract Documents correctable prior to contractors in accordance with Paragraph 5.4, prepared in completion, and to any specific qualifications stated in such form as specified or as the Architect and the Con- his Certificate); and that the Contractor is entitled to tractor may agree upon, and supported by such data to payment in the amount certified. In addition, the Archi- substantiate its correctness as the Architect may require. tect's final Certificate for Payment will constitute a further Each item in the schedule of values shall include its representation that the conditions precedent to the Con- proper share of overhead and profit. This schedule, when tractor's being entitled to final payment as set forth in approved by the Architect, shall be used only as a basis Subparagraph 9.7.2 have been fulfilled. However, by is- for the Contractor's Applications for Payment. suing a Certificate for Payment, the Architect shall not 9.3 PROGRESS PAYMENTS thereby be deemed to represent that he has made ex- haustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the 9.3.1 At least ten days before each progress payment quality or quantity of the Work or that he has reviewed falls due, the Contractor shall submit to the Architect an the construction means, methods, techniques, sequences itemized Application for Payment, supported by such or procedures, or that he has made any examination to data substantiating the Contractor's right to payment as ascertain how or for what purpose the Contractor has the Owner or the Architect may require. used the moneys previously paid on account of the Con- 9.3.2 If payments are to be made on account of mate- tract Sum. rials or equipment not incorporated in the Work but de- 9.4.3 After the Architect has issued a Certificate for Pay- livered and suitably stored at the site, or at some other ment, the Owner shall make payment in the manner pro- location agreed upon in writing, such payments shall be vided in the Agreement. conditioned upon submission by the Contractor of bills 9.4.4 No Certificate for a progress payment, nor any of sale or such other procedures satisfactory to the progress payment, nor any partial or entire use or oc- Owner to establish the Owner's title to such materials or cupancy of the Project by the Owner, shall constitute an equipment or otherwise protect the Owner's interest in- acceptance of any Work not in accordance with the Con- cluding applicable insurance and transportation to the tract Documents. site. 9.3.3 The Contractor warrants and guarantees that title 9.5 PAYMENTS WITHHELD to all Work, materials and equipment covered by an 9.5.1 The Architect may decline to approve an Applica- Application for Payment, whether incorporated in the tion for Payment and may withhold his Certificate in Project or not, will pass to the Owner upon the receipt whole or in part if in his opinion he is unable to make of such payment by the Contractor, free and clear of representations to the Owner as provided in Subpara- all liens, claims, security interests or encumbrances, here- graph 9.4.2. The Architect may also decline to approve inafter referred to in this Article 9 as "liens"; and that no any Applications for Payment or, because of subsequent- Work, materials or equipment covered by an Application ly discovered evidence or subsequent inspections, he may for Payment will have been acquired by the Contractor; nullify the whole or any part of any Certificate for Pay- or by any other person performing the Work at the site ment previously issued to such extent as may be neces- or furnishing materials and equipment for the Project, sary in his opinion to protect the Owner from loss be- subject to an agreement under which an interest therein cause of: or an encumbrance thereon is retained by the seller or .1 defective work not remedied, otherwise imposed by the Contractor or such other .2 claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating person. probable filing of claims, CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT .3 failure of the Contractor to make payments prop- 9.4erly to Subcontractors or for labor, materials or 9.4.1 If the Contractor has made Application for Pay- equipment, ment as above, the Architect will, with reasonable .4 reasonable doubt that the Work can be com- promptness but not more than seven days after the re- pleted for the unpaid balance of the Contract -- ceipt of the Application, issue a Certificate for Payment Sum, 12 AIA DOCUMENT A 201 • GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION • ELEVENTH EDITION • AIA SEPT. 1967 © 1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 SU 1 01568 I I .5 damage to another contractor, property might in any way be responsible, have been .6 reasonable indication that the Work will not be paid or otherwise satisfied, (2) consent of surety, if any, coippleted within the Contract Time, or to final payment and (3), if required by the Owner, other .7 unsatisfactory prosecution of the Work by the data establishing payment or satisfaction of all such ob- Contractor. ligations, such as receipts, releases and waivers of liens arising out of the Contract, to the extent and in such form 9.5.2 When the above grounds in Subparagraph 9.5.1 as may be designated by the Owner. If any Subcontrac- are removed, payment shall be made for amounts with- tor refuses to furnish a release or waiver required by the held because of them. Owner, the Contractor may furnish a bond satisfactory to the Owner to indemnify him against any such lien. If 9.6 FAILURE OF PAYMENT any such lien remains unsatisfied after all payments are 9.6.1 If the Architect should fail to issue any Certificate made, the Contractor shall refund to the Owner all for Payment, through no fault of the Contractor, within moneys that the latter may be compelled to pay in dis- seven days after receipt of the Contractor's Application charging such lien, including all costs and reasonable at for Payment, or if the Owner should fail to pay the Con- torneys' fees. tractor within seven days after the date of payment es- 9.7.4 If after Substantial Completion of the Work final tablished in the Agreement any amount certified by the completion thereof is materially delayed through no fault Architect oar awarded by arbitration, then the Contrac- of the Contractor, and the Architect so confirms, the tor may, upon seven additional days' written notice to Owner shall, upon certification by the Architect,and with- the Owner,and the Architect, stop the Work until pay- out terminating the Contract, make payment of the bal- ment of the amount owing has been received. ance due for that portion of the Work fully completed 9.7 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION AND FINAL PAYMENT and accepted. If the remaining balance for Work not fully completed or corrected is less than the retainage stipu- 9.7.1 When the Contractor determines that the Work lated in the Agreement, and if bonds have been furnished or a designated portion thereof acceptable to the Owner as required in Subparagraph 7.5.1, the written consent of is substantially complete, the Contractor shall prepare for the surety to the payment of the balance due for that submission to the Architect a list of items to be corn- portion of the Work fully completed and accepted shall pleted or corrected. The failure to include any items be submitted by the Contractor to the Architect prior to on such list does not alter the responsibility of the Con- certification of such payment. Such payment shall be tractor to Complete all Work in accordance with the made under the terms and conditions governing final Contract Documents. When the Architect on the basis payment, except that it shall not constitute a waiver of of an inspection determines that the Work is substantially claims. complete, he will then prepare a Certificate of Substantial g,7.5 The makingof final Completion which shall establish the Date of Substantial payment shall constitute a Completion, shall state the responsibilities of the Owner waiver of all claims by the Owner except those arising and the Contractor for maintenance, heat, utilities, and from: insurance, and shall fix the time within which the Con- .1 unsettled liens, tractor shall complete the items listed therein, said time .2 faulty or defective Work appearing after Substan- to be within the Contract Time unless extended pursuant tial Completion, to Paragraph 8.3. The Certificate of Substantial Comple- .3 failure of the Work to comply with the require- tion shall be submitted to the Owner and the Contractor ments of the Contract Documents, or for their written acceptance of the responsibilities as- .4 terms of any special guarantees required by the signed to them in such Certificate. Contract Documents. 9.7.2 Upori receipt of written notice that the Work is 9.7.6 The acceptance of final payment shall constitute a ready for final inspection and acceptance and upon re- ceipt of a final Application for Payment, the Architect "Waiver of all claims by the Contractor except those pre will promptly make such inspection and, when he finds viously made in writing and still unsettled. the Work acceptable under the Contract Documents and the Contract fully performed, he will promptly issue a final Certificate for Payment stating that to the best of his ARTICLE 10 knowledge,' information and belief, and on the basis of his observations and inspections, the Work has been PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY completed lin accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents and that the entire balance found to be due the Contractor, and noted in said final 10.1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND PROGRAMS Certificate, is due and payable. 10.1.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, 9.7.3 Neither the final payment nor the remaining re- maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and tained percentage shall become due until the Contractor programs in connection with the Work. submits to the Architect (1) an Affidavit that all payrolls, 10.2 SAFETY OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY bills for materials and equipment, and other indebtedness connected with the Work for which the Owner or his 10.2.1 The Contractor shall take all reasonable pre- AIA DOCUMENT A 201 • GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION • ELEVENTH EDITION • AIA ® 13 SEPT. 1967 © 1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 SEP 1 0 1968 cautions for the safety of, and shall provide all reason- ARTICLE 11 able protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: .1 all employees on the Work and all other per- INSURANCE _ sons who may be affected thereby; .2 all the Work and all materials and equipment 11.1 CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY INSURANCE to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off the site, under the care, custody or 11.1.1 The Contractor shall purchase and maintain such control of the Contractor or any of his Sub- insurance as will protect him from claims set forth below contractors or Sub-subcontractors; and which may arise out of or result from the Contractor's .3 other property at the site or adjacent thereto, operations under the Contract, whether such operations be by himself or by any Subcontractor or by anyone di- including trees, shrubs, lawns,walks, pavements, rectly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by any- roadways, structures and utilities not designated one for whose acts any of them may be liable: for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of construction. .1 claims under workmen's compensation, dis- ability benefit and other similar employee bene- 10.2.2 The Contractor shall comply with all applicable fit acts; laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders of any .2 claims for damages because of bodily injury, public authority having jurisdiction for the safety of per- occupational sickness or disease, or death of sons or property or to protect them from damage, injury his employees, and claims insured by usual or loss. He shall erect and maintain, as required by exist- personal injury liability coverage; ing conditions and progress of the Work, all reasonable .3 claims for damages because of bodily injury, safeguards for safety and protection, including posting sickness or disease, or death of any person danger signs and other warnings against hazards, promul- other than his employees, and claims insured gating safety regulations and notifying owners and users by usual personal injury liability coverage; and of adjacent utilities. .4 claims for damages because of injury to or de- 10.2.3 When the use or storage of explosives or other struction of tangible property, including loss of hazardous materials or equipment is necessary for the use resulting therefrom. execution of the Work, the Contractor shall exercise 11.1.2 The insurance required by Subparagraph 11.1.1 the utmost care and shall carry on such activities under shall be written for not less than any limits of liability the supervision of properly qualified personnel. specified in the Contract Documents, or required by law, whichever is greater, and shall include contractual liability 10.2.4 All damage or loss to any property referred to in insurance as applicable to the Contractor's obligations Clauses and caused in whole or in part under Paragraph 4.18. by the Contractor, any Subcontractor, any Sub-subcon- tractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any 11.1.3 Certificates of Insurance acceptable to the Owner of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may shall be filed with the Owner prior to commencement of be liable, shall be remedied by the Contractor, except the Work. These Certificates shall contain a provision that coverages afforded under the policies will not be can- damage or loss attributable to faulty Drawings or Specifi celled until at least fifteen days' prior written notice has cations or to the acts or omissions of the Owner or Archi been given to the Owner. tect or anyone employed by either of them or for whose acts either of them may be liable, and not attributable to 11.2 OWNER'S LIABILITY INSURANCE the fault or negligence of the Contractor. 11.2.1 The Owner shall be responsible for purchasing 10.2.5 The Contractor shall designate a responsible and maintaining his own liability insurance and, at his member of his organization at the site whose duty shall option, may purchase and maintain such insurance as will be the prevention of accidents. This person shall be the protect him against claims which may arise from opera- Contractor's superintendent unless otherwise designated tions under the Contract. in writing by the Contractor to the Owner and the Architect. 11.3 PROPERTY INSURANCE pur- 10.2.6 The Contractor shall not Ibad or permit anypart 11.3.1 Unless otherwise provided, the Owner shall chase and maintain property insurance upon the entire of the Work to be loaded so as to endanger its safety. Work at the site to the full insurable value thereof. This insurance shall include the interests of the Owner, the 10.3 EMERGENCIES Contractor, Subcontractors and Sub-subcontractors in the 10.3.1 In any emergency affecting the safety of persons Work and shall insure against the perils of Fire, Extended or property, the Contractor shall act, at his discretion Coverage, Vandalism and Malicious Mischief. to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss. Any addi- 11.3.2 The Owner shall purchase and maintain such tional compensation or extension of time claimed by the steam boiler and machinery insurance as may be required Contractor on account of emergency work shall be de- by the Contract Documents or by law. This insurance termined as provided in Article 12 for Changes in the shall include the interests of the Owner, the Contractor, Work. Subcontractors and Sub-subcontractors in the Work. 14 AIA DOCUMENT A 201 • GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION • ELEVENTH EDITION • AIA SEPT. 1967 © 1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 SE? 10196B 11.3.3 Any insured toss is to be adjusted with the Owner ARTICLE 12 and made payabie to the owner as trustee tor the in- sureds, as their interests may appear, subject to the re- CHANGES IN THE WORK quirements Of any applicable mortgagee clause and of Subparagraph 11.3.8. 12.1 CHANGE ORDERS 11.3.4 The Owner shall file a copy of all policies with 12.1.1 The Owner, without invalidating the Contract, the Contractor before an exposure to loss may occur. If may order Changes in the Work within the general scope the Owner does not intend to purchase such insurance, of the Contract consisting of additions, deletions or other he shall inform the Contractor in writing prior to corn- revisions, the Contract Sum and the Contract Time being mencement of the Work. The Contractor may then effect adjusted accordingly. All such Changes in the Work shall insurance which will protect the interests of himself, his be authorized- by Change Order, and shall be executed Subcontractors and the Sub-subcontractors in the Work, under the applicable conditions of the Contract Docu- and by appropriate Change Order the cost thereof shall be ments. charged to the Owner. If the Contractor is damaged by 12.1.2 A Change Order is a written order to the Con- failure of the Owner to purchase or maintain such insur- tractor signed by the Owner and the Architect, issued ance and so to notify the Contractor, then the Owner after the execution of the Contract, authorizing a Change shall bear all reasonable costs properly attributable in the Work or an adjustment in the Contract Sum or the thereto. Contract Time. Alternatively, the Change Order may be 11.3.5 If the Contractor requests in writing that other signed by the Architect alone, provided he has written special insurance be included in the property insurance authority from the Owner for such procedure and that a policy, the Owner shall, if possible, include such insur- copy of such written authority is furnished to the Con- ance, and the cost thereof shall be charged to the Con tractor upon request. The Contract Sum and the Contract tractor by appropriate Chance Order. Time may be changed only by Change Order. 11.3.6 The iOwner and Contractor waive all rights against 12.1.3 The cost or credit to the Owner resulting from a each other for damages caused by fire or other perils to Change in the Work shall be determined in one or more the extent covered by insurance provided under this Para- of the following ways: graph 11.3, except such rights as they may have to the .1 by mutual acceptance of a lump sum properly proceeds of such insurance held by the Owner as trustee. itemized; The Contractor shall require similar waivers by Subcon- .2 by unit prices stated in the Contract Documents tractors and Sub-subcontractors in accordance with or subsequently agreed upon; or .3 by cost and a mutually acceptable fixed or per- Clause, tentage fee. 11.3.7 If required in writing by any party in interest, the 12.1.4 If none of the methods set forth in Subparagraph Owner as trustee shall, upon the occurrence of an insured 12.1.3 is agreed upon, the Contractor, provided he re- loss, give bond for the proper performance of his duties. ceives a Change Order, shall promptly proceed with the He shall deposit in a separate account any money so re- Work involved. The cost of such Work shall then be de- ceived, and he shall distribute it in accordance with such termined by the Architect on the basis of the Contractor's agreement as the parties in interest may reach, or in ac- reasonable expenditures and savings, including, in the cordance with an award by arbitration in which case the case of an increase in the Contract Sum, a reasonable procedure shall be as provided in Paragraph 7.10. If after allowance for overhead and profit. In such case, and also such loss r o other special agreement is made, replace- under Clause above, the Contractor shall keep ment of damaged work shall be covered by an appro- and present, in such form as the Architect may prescribe, priate Change Order. an itemized accounting together with appropriate sup- 11.3.8 The Owner as trustee shall have power to adjust Porting data. Pending final determination of cost to the and settle any loss with the insurers unless one of the Owner, payments on account shall be made on the parties in interest shall object in writing within five days Architects Certificate for Payment. The amount of credit after the occurrence of loss to the Owner's exercise of to be allowed by the Contractor to the Owner for any deletion or change which results in a net decrease in cost this power, and if such objection be made,arbitrators shall be chosen as provided in Paragraph 7.10. The Owner will be the amount of the actual net decrease as con as trustee shall, in that case, make settlement with the firmed by the Architect. When both additions and credits insurers i accordance with the directions of such arbi- are involved in any one change, the allowance for over- head and profit shall be figured on the basis of net in- trators. If distribution of the insurance proceeds by crease, if any. arbitration is required, the arbitrators will direct such distribution. 12.1.5 If unit prices are stated in the Contract Docu- ments or subsequently agreed upon, and if the quantities originally contemplated are so changed in a proposed 11.4 LOSS OF USE INSURANCE Change Order that application of the agreed unit prices 11.4.1 The Owner, at his option, may purchase and to the quantities of Work proposed will create a hard- maintain Such insurance as will insure him against loss of ship on the Owner or the Contractor, the applicable unit use of hi property due to fire or other hazards, however prices shall be equitably adjusted to prevent such hard- , caused. ship. AR DOCUMENT A 201 • GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION • ELEVENTH EDITION • AIA ® 15 SEPT. 1967 c 1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 SEp 1 0 196$ 12.1.6 Should concealed conditions encountered in the tect, be uncovered for his observation and replaced, at performance of the Work below the surface of the ground the Contractor's expense. be at variance with the conditions indicated by the Con 13.1.2 If any other Work has been covered which the tract Documents or should unknown physical conditions Architect has not specifically requested to observe prior below the surface of the ground of an unusual nature, differing materially from those ordinarily encountered and to being covered, the Architect may request to see such generally recognized as inherent in work of the character Work and it shall be uncovered by the Contractor. If such provided for in this Contract, be encountered, the Con- Work be found in accordance with the Contract Docu- tract Sum shall be equitably adjusted by Change Order ments, the cost of uncovering and replacement shall, by upon claim by either party made within a reasonable appropriate Change Order, be charged to the Owner. time after the first observance of the conditions. If such Work be found not in accordance with the Con- tract Documents, the Contractor shall pay such costs 12.1.7 If the Contractor claims that additional cost or unless it be found that this condition was caused by a time is involved because of (1) any written interpretation separate contractor employed as provided in Article 6, issued pursuant to Subparagraph 1.2.5, (2) any order by and in that event the Owner shall be responsible for the the Architect to stop the Work pursuant to Subpara- payment of such costs. graph 2.2.12 where the Contractor was not at fault, or (3) any written order for a minor change in the Work 13.2 CORRECTION OF WORK issued pursuant to Paragraph 12.3, the Contractor shall 13.2.1 The Contractor shall promptly correct all Work make such claim as provided in Paragraph 12.2. rejected by the Architect as defective or as failing to con- 12.2 CLAIMS FOR ADDITIONAL COST OR TIME form to the Contract Documents whether observed 12.2.1 If the Contractor wishes to make a claim for an before or after Substantial Completion and whether or increase in the Contract Sum or an extension in the Con- not fabricated, installed or completed. The Contractor tract Time, he shall give the Architect written notice shall bear all costs of correcting such rejected Work, in- thereof within a reasonable time after the occurrence of cluding the cost of the Architect's additional services the event giving rise to such claim. This notice shall be thereby, made necessary. given by the Contractor before proceeding to execute the 13.2.2 If, within one year after the Date of Substantial Work, except in an emergency endangering life or prop- - Completion or within such longer period of time as may erty in which case the Contractor shall proceed in accord- be prescribed by law or by the terms of any applicable ance with Subparagraph 10.3.1. No such claim shall be special guarantee required by the Contract Documents, valid unless so made. If the Owner and the Contractor any of the Work is found to be defective or not in ac- cannot agree on the amount of the adjustment in the cordance with the Contract Documents, the Contractor Contract Sum or the Contract Time, it shall be deter- shall correct it promptly after receipt of a written notice mined by the Architect. Any change in the Contract Sum from the Owner to do so unless the Owner has pre- or Contract Time resulting from such claim shall be viously given the Contractor a written acceptance of such authorized by Change Order. condition. The Owner shall give such notice promptly 12.3 MINOR CHANGES IN THE WORK after discovery of the condition. 12.3.1 The Architect shall have authority to order minor 13.2.3 All such defective or non conforming Work changes in the Work not involving an adjustment in the under Subparagraphs 13.2.1 and 13.2.2 shall be removed Contract Sum or an extension of the Contract Time and from the site where necessary, and the Work shall be not inconsistent with the intent of the Contract Docu corrected to comply with the Contract Documents with ments. Such changes may be effected by Field Order or out cost to the Owner.. by other written order. Such changes shall be binding on 13.2.4 The Contractor shall bear the cost of making the Owner and the Contractor. good all work of separate contractors destroyed or dam- 12.4 FIELD ORDERS aged by such removal or correction. 12.4.1 The Architect may issue written Field Orders 13.2.5 If the Contractor does not remove such defective which interpret the Contract Documents in accordance or non-conforming Work within a reasonable time fixed with Subparagraph 1.2.5 or which order minor changes by written notice from the Architect, the Owner may in the Work in accordance with Paragraph 12.3 without remove it and may store the materials or equipment at change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. The Contractor the expense of the Contractor. If the Contractor does not shall carry out such Field Orders promptly. pay the cost of such removal and storage within ten days thereafter, the Owner may upon ten additional days' written notice sell such Work at auction or at private sale ARTICLE 13 and shall account for the net proceeds thereof,.after deducting all the costs that should have been borne by UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK the Contractor including compensation for additional architectural services. If such proceeds of sale do not 13.1 UNCOVERING OF WORK cover all costs which the Contractor should have borne, the difference shall be charged to the Contractor and an 13.1.1 If any Work should be covered contrary to the re- appropriate Change Order shall be issued. If the pay- quest of the Architect, it must, if required by the Archi- ments then or thereafter due the Contractor are not suf- 16 AIA DOCUMENT A 201 • GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION • ELEVENTH EDITION • AIA SEPT. 1967 © 1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 1 1 I 1 ficient to cover such amount, the Contractor shall pay the then the Contractor may, upon seven days' written notice difference to the Owner. to the Owner and the Architect, terminate the Contract 13.2.6 If the Contractor fails to correct such defective and recover from the Owner payment for all Work ex- or non conforming Work, the Owner may correct it in ecuted and for any proven loss sustained upon any ma- accordance with Paragraph 7.6. terials, equipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery, including reasonable profit and damages. 13.2.7 The obligations of the Contractor under this Para- graph 13.2 shall be in addition to and not in limitation of 14.2 TERMINATION BY THE OWNER any obligations imposed upon him by special guarantees 14.2.1 If the Contractor is adjudged a bankrupt, or if he required by Ilthe Contract Documents or otherwise pre- makes a general assignment for the benefit of his credi- scribed by law. tors, or if a receiver is appointed on account of his in- 13.3 ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE solvency, or if he persistently or repeatedly refuses or OR NON-CONFORMING WORK fails, except in cases for which extension of time is pro- 73.3.1 If the Owner prefers to accept defective or non- vided, to supply enough properly skilled workmen or proper materials, or if he fails to make prompt payment conforming Work, he may do so instead of requiring its to Subcontractors or for materials or labor, or persistently removal and correction, in which case a Change Order disregards laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or orders will be issued to reflect an appropriate reduction in the of any public authority having jurisdiction, or otherwise Contract Sum, or, if the amount is determined after final is guilty of a substantial violation of a provision of the payment, it shall be paid by the Contractor. Contract Documents, then the Owner, upon certification by the Architect that sufficient cause exists to justify such ARTICLE 14 action, may, without prejudice to any right or remedy and after giving the Contractor and his surety, if any, seven days' written notice, terminate the employment of TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT the Contractor and take possession of the site and of 14.1 TERMINATION BY THE CONTRACTOR all materials, equipment, tools, construction equipment 1 and machinery thereon owned by the Contractor and may 14.1.1 If the Work is stopped for a period of thirty days finish the Work by whatever method he may deem ex- under an order of any court or other public authority hav pedient. In such case the Contractor shall not be entitled ing jurisdicion, through no act or fault of the Contractor to receive any further payment until the Work is finished. or a Subcontractor or their agents or employees or any 14.2.2 If the unpaid balance of the Contract Sum ex- other persons performing any of the Work under a con- ceeds the costs of finishing the Work, including com- tract with the Contractor, or if the Work should be pensation for the Architect's additional services, such stopped fori a period of thirty days by the Contractor for excess shall be paid to the Contractor. If such costs ex- the Architect's failure to issue a Certificate for Payment ceed such unpaid balance, the Contractor shall pay the as provided in Paragraph 9.6 or for the Owner's failure to difference to the Owner. The costs incurred by the Owner make payment thereon as provided in Paragraph 9.6, as herein provided shall be certified by the Architect. 1 1 1 1 1 1 AIA DOCUMENT A 201 • GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION • ELEVENTH EDITION • AIA ® 17 SEPT. 1967 O 1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 SEP 0 1968 1 / / l n. - -_ ; - -- . , . -- , - T Ar.. - _- - ,. 1 ` GOYE,RNDRANS_ - n--— lam :STATE �/_/�S: I N G T O N IA 11 ruv /Frf..N pF PR FESSI^NAL Lic .,c : - i , TH15-CERri ES THAT THE PERDOPLNAMED HEREON IS LICENSED AS PROVIDED FY LAW AS CiE-1 gRAL Oki RA TUs1 il Fj J 0 STFw All ir GrT i a wA=4T,j.4( DUNAt.D 4 Zi@21 Et-ST VA.LI,_FY 14W`' 111 LNiT wA 4631 'k�� ACCOUNT NUMBEREX n;R4?ION DATE c I14 -- E 6DVPd.AiTOM5.DIRECTOR' I �. SEP 1 0 1968 t GENERALM. INSURANCE COMPANY OF AERICA Home Officer 4347 Brooklyn Ave. N.E., Seattle, Washington 98105(A Stock Insurance Company) 1 196V tigI AUG2 I ' s Certificate of Insurance f General Insurance Company of America hereby certifies that such insurance policies as are indicated hereunder have bees . issued and are in full force and effect on the effective date of this certificate. Name of Insured and Mailing Address (Street, City, State) • r JACK D. STEWART dba JACK D. STEWART COMPANY 18821 EAST VALLEY ROAD KENT, WASHINGTON "98031 • - J August 11 , 1967Policy Period: from to August 11 , 1970 • 12:01 A.M., Standard Time, at the address of the insured shown above. This certificate indicates insurance afforded only with respect to such and so many of the policies of insurance as are in- dicated by number herein, and to such and so many of the coverages under such policies as are indicated by the inclusion of limits of liability, amount of coverage or the word "Included". This certificate is only a,statement of the existence of the policy or policies of insurance herein referred to and does not change or affect the terms thereof. • Type of Insurance, Policy Number • Coverage' Limits of Liability or Amount of Coverage Public Liability One Person Other Than Bodily Injury One (Accident)(Occurrence Auto or Elevator, Oae Accident -Property Damage Aggregate Auto - One Person Public Liability! Bodily Injury One(Accident)(Occurrence Property Damage One (Accident)(Occurrence Workmen's Subject to the terms of the Workmen's Compensation Compensation laws of the state in which policy affords coverage. Comprehensiye Liability ' CP 181679 Combined Limits Liability $300,000. Each Occurrence , One Person ii . , One(AccidentXOccurrence) Aggregate One (Accident)(Occurrence) Location of risk covered, or description of automobile or elevator covered, or description.and'location of operations or work covered:' k Lake Washington Beach Park Job #592650 . F El This policy provides Products and Completed Operations coverage.. . Certificate is issued to: Name and Address Dated' ' at Seattle, Washington 1- CITY OF RENTON on August 19 , 1968 RENTON CITY"` HALL , ,. RENTON, WASHINGTON _ OEN RA IN URAN E COMPANY OF AMERICA ;'((--(6; . (1' _ . - / C-70 R7 4/63 S P {J i I :i 4j, PAGE 1 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS SC-1 GENERAL A. Specified Elsewhere Refer to Division 1 for additional requirements sometimes included in this document. B. Conflicts In case of conflicts between these specifications and the General Conditions, the specifications govern. SC-2 MODIFICATIONS OF THE GENERAL CONDITIONS Par. 1 .3. 1 COPIES FURNISHED Delete and substitute the following: The architect will furnish to the contractor, without charge, 6 copie of the contract drawings and specifications, and.6 copies of detail drawings and instructions issued subsequent to the execution of the contract. Additional copies requested by the contractor will be fur- nished to him at the cost of reproduction. Par. 4.6 TAXES Delete and substitute the following: State sales tax will be paid by the owner. A proportionate amount of the sales tax will be added to each payment voucher issued to the contractor. All other taxes shall be paid by the contractor. Par. 7.5 PERFORMANCE & PAYMENT BONDS Delete and substitute the following: The contractor shall secure and pay for performance and payment bonds issued by a bonding company licensed to transact business in' the locality of the project in the City of Renton Bond Form included herei Liability under each of the bonds shall be 100 percent of the contract sum. Delivery of the bonds shall be in accordance with Par. 7.5. 1 . Art. 9 PAYMENTS & COMPLETION Amplify Article 9 to add: Provision for payments to the contractor shall be as follows: (1 ) On or about the last day of each month ninety (90%) percent of the proportion of the contract sum properly allocable to labor, materials and equipment incorporated in the work and seventy five (75%) percent of the portion of the contract sum properly allocab to materials and equipment suitably stored at the site or at some other location agreed upon in writing by the parties, up to the last day of that month, less the aggregate of previous payments in each case. (2) Upon substantial completion of the entire work, a sum sufficient to increase the total payments to ninety (90%) percent of the contract sum, less such retain,ages as the architect shall determine for all incomplete work and unsettled claims . (3) Thirty days after substantial completion: The balance due under the contract, provided the work be then fully completed and the contract fully performed. Par. 7.4. 1 Amplify Par. 4.4 . 1 by adding at the end of paragraphs "and as other- wise provided by law." PAGE 2 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS SC-2 MODIFICATIONS OF THE GENERAL CONDITIONS (Continued) Par. 11 . 1 CONTRACTOR 'S LIABILITY INSURANCE Amplify the paragraph by adding the following: (1 ) During the term of the contract, the contractor and each sub-contractor shall at his own expense purchase and maintain the following insurance in companies properly licensed and satisfactory to the owner: (a) Workmen's Compensation as required by all applicable Federal and State laws . (b) Public Liability: Including coverage for direct operations, sublet work, and completed operations insurance with limits not less than those stated below: 1) Bodily Injury Liability $300,000 each person $300,000 each occurrence 2) Property Damage Liability $50,000 each occurrence $100,000 aggregate Continue coverage on completed operations for at least two years. (c) Comprehensive Automobile: • Liability insurance including coverage for owned, non- . owned, and hired vehicles with limits not less than these stated below: 1) Bodily Insury Liability $300,000 each person $300,000 each occurrence 2) Property Damage Liability $50,000 each occurrence Liability Insurance may be arranged by Comprehensive General Liability and Comprehensive Automobile Liability policies for the full limits required; or by a combination of under- lying Comprehensive Liability policies for lesser limits with the remaining limits provided by an excess or Umbrella Liability policy. Par. 11 .2 OWNER'S LIABILITY INSURANCE Amplify Par. 11 .2 to add: The owner shall carry a contingent liability insurance to the following minimum limits: Personal Injury: $300,000 each person $300,000 each occurrence Property Damage: $50,000 each occurrence $100,000 aggregate Art. 2 ARCHITECT Amplify Article 2 by adding the following: In addition to the items called out above, the architect will comply with the requirementsof the contract between the City of Renton and the Architect dated December 12, 1967. ;: •7 1 ^ PAGE 3 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS SC-2 MODIFICATIONS OF THE GENERAL CONDITIONS (Continued) Par. 11 .3 PROPERTY INSURANCE ' Fire, Extended Coverage and Vandalism Insurance on the Completed Value Form for the full insurable value of the work in the names of the owner , the contractor and all subcontractors as their • interests may appear (Subparagraph 11 .3 . 1 of the General Conditions) Par. 13.2.2 WARRANTY & GUARANTEE Amplify Paragraph 13.2.2 to add: The contractor shall and hereby does guarantee roofing, membrane waterproofing, fleshings, skylights, roof scuttles, and all other work which is a component part of the roofing, to be weathertight under ordinary wear and usage for a period of two years from and after final acceptance of the structure. This guarantee is an extension of the 1 -year guarantee on all work called for in Par. 13.2.2 of the General Conditions, and is in addi- tion to the roofing guarantee and bond, if any, specified in Division 7. Art. 8 TIME Add the following: (1) Commencement and completion of contract: The work shall be commenced on the date defined in Par . 8. 1 .2 and substantially completed as defined in Par. 8.1 .3 by the • 27th day of November, 1968 and fully completed not more than 30 consecutive calendar days thereafter. (2) Liquidated damages: For each consecutive calendar day after the dates above-fixed for completion that the work remains uncompleted , the contractor shall pay the owner the sum of $75.00 as fixed and agreed liquidated damages, but not as a penalty. SC-3 MODIFICATION OF THE STANDARD FORM OF. AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER & CONTRACTOR Art . 7 FINAL PAYMENT Add the following: And further provided that the contractor shall have furnished proper evidence that payment for all labor, material and equip- ment has been made and all obligations due any governmental agency shall have been fully satisfied; and that he has complied with the provisions of the retained percentage law of the State of Washington (Chapter 60.28 of the Revised Code of Washington) . Add the following Article: • Art. 9 STATE LICENSING LAW The contractor agrees and covenants to furnish unto the owner proper evidence that the contractor has fully complied with the State Licensing law as specified in Chapter 77, Laws of the State of Washington of 1963, as amended; and a contractor's Certificate of registration shall be in full force and effect throughout the work project hereinabove enumerated. • PAGE 4 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS SC-4 SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. WORDING OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS These specifications are written in the' abbreviated or "streamlined" form, ' and frequently include incomplete sentences . Words such as "shall ," "shall be", "the contractor shall ", and similar mandatory phrases shall be supplied by inference as they are in a note on the drawings . The contractor shall provide all items listed and perform all operations called for, all in accordance with Par. 4.4.1 of the General Conditions, as modified herein. B. DEFINITIONS The word "approved", as used herein, means "approved by the architect". "For approval" means "for the architect 's approval". "Selected" means "selected by the architect". "As directed" means "as directed by the architect". "Provide" means "furnish and install ". Where the words "or approved" are used, the architect is the sole judge of the quality and suitability of the proposed substitution. C. NUMBER OF SPECIFIED ITEMS REQUIRED Wherever in these specifications an article, device or place of equipment is referred to in the singular number, such reference shall include as many such items as are shown on drawings or required to complete the installation. Dr. LINES & LEVELS Before startingwork, locate all general reference points . Take such steps as -are necessary to prevent their dislocation or destruction. If disturbed or destroyed, replace as directed. Employ competent surveyor to lay out work; be responsible for its accuracy. E. PRIOR USE OR OCCUPANCY The owner has the right to use or,occupy the building or any part thereof, or to use such equipment installed under the contract , prior to final acceptance. Such use or occupancy shall not constitute acceptance of the work or any part thereof. F. AFFIDAVIT OF WAGES PAID 1 . Chapter 63, Laws of 1945, and amendment by Chapter 133, Laws of Extra- ordinary Session, 1965, requires that a contractor or sub-contractor on a public works ' project must submit a statement certifying the rate of hourly wage paid each classification of laborers, workmen, or mechanics employed by him upon such work, and further certifying that no laborer, workman or mechanic employed by him upon such work has been paid less than the prevailing rate of wage or less than the minimum rate of wage specified in the contract . 2. The following procedures for implementing compliance with the above referenced law are quoted from a directive issued by the State of Washington Department of Labor and Industries under the date of May 2, 1966: "The Contractor on or before the date of commencement of work shall file a statement under oath with the owner and with the Director of Labor and Industries certifying the rate of hourly wage paid and to PAGE 5 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS SC-4 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) be paid each classification of laborers, workmen, or mechanics employed upon the work by the contractor or subcontractor which shall be not less than the prevailing rate of wage. Such statement and any supplemental statements which may be necessary shall be filed in accordance with the practices and procedures required by the Department of Labor and Industries ." 3. Detailed procedures to be followed by the contractor and subcontractors are quoted from the same directive: "Prior to commencing work, each contractor and each and every sub- contractor shall file a sworn statement of intent with the owner and with the Department of Labor and Industries as to the prevailing wage rates, including fringe benefits, for each job classification to be utilized. The wage rates thus filed will be checked against the pre- vailing wage rates as determined by the Industrial Statistician of the Department of Labor and Industries . If the wage rates are correct the Industrial Statistician will issue an acknowledgment of approval to the awarding agency (owner) . If any incorrect wage rates are included, the contractor and/or subcontractor will be notified of the correct rates by the Industrial Statistician and approval will be with- held until a correct statement is received. If the State affidavit from S.F. 9843 is used for filing a statement of intent, it must be conspicuously noted thereon that it is a preliminary filing only." "Copies of wage rate approvals will be furnished the awarding agency and the contractor (and the prime contractor in the case of a sub- contractor) by the Industrial Statistician ." "Each voucher claim submitted by a contractor for payment on a project estimate shall state that prevailing wages have been paid in accord- ance with the pre-filed statement or statements of intent on file with the Department of Labor and Industries as approved by the Industrial Statistician. At the conclusion of the project the contractor and his subcontractor shall submit affidavits of wages paid to the Department of Labor and Industries , 1601 Second Avenue, Seattle 98101 , for certification by the Director S. F. 9843 "Affidavit of Wages Paid" or on a similarly constructed form should be filed to secure the Director's certification. Final payment on the contract to be withheld until certification by the director that the prevailing wage requirements of the law have been satisfied has been received by the awarding agency." 4. Forms titled 'Affidavit of Wages Paid on Public Works Contract, ' form S.F. No. 9843, can be obtained from the State of Washington Department of Labor and Industries, and shall be used by the contractor in accord- ance with procedures stated above. G. MAINTENANCE OF STREETS, ETC . The contractor shall be responsible at all times for the maintenance of streets and other utilities affected by construction operations . Debris and rubbish shall not be permitted to accumulate, and all premises shall be maintained in a neat and workmanlike condition. In the event that the contractor fails to conform to these requirements, the owner shall have the right to have the work done by others and the cost will be deducted from monies due the contractor. PAGE 6 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS SC-4 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) H. ITEMIZED SCHEDULE OF COSTS Prepare in form satisfactory to architect a complete breakdown of costs . Include cash allowances as separate items . Sum of all items shall be equal to contract price. Furnish to architect before signing of contract to do the work. J. STATE AND FEDERAL MATCHING FUNDS The contractor should be aware that Federal funds and State funds are being used to assist the City of Renton in the construction of the Lake Washington Beach Park project . K. NON-DISCRIMINATION During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows: 1 . The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, or national origin. The contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for, employment, notices to be provided by the contracting officer setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. 2. The contractor will , in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, creed, color or national origin. 3. The contractor will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice, to be provided by the agency contracting officer, advising the labor union or workers ' representative of the contractor's commitments under Section 202 of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment . 4. The contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and of the rules, regulations , and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. 5. The contractor will furnish all. •information and reports required by Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and by the rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the contracting agency and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders . n PAGE 7 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS SC-4 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued) K. NON-DISCRIMINATION (continued) 6. In the event of the contractor 's noncompliance with the nondiscriminatio clauses of this contract or with any of such rules , regulations, or orders, this contract may be cancelled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part and the contractor may be declared ineligible for further Government contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, or by rule, regulation, or order of the Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law. • • • F :h - F7' ,"rt .rs,, :K ,ha<''.St`;d'-i._ mot';; .°r3`vx,�,::�.:' `}t_ ..0 iz`_' ,-,� a +,-A ,;"","' 1,,,,,,y }` S�: i '� 3%�i..^�. ¢•Y�. •wY +� )^t�.!p,,'"~ :zi,i.,.,,•y;'. ,. y`t,e:"�f':'r. ':.'� '•,v'r�' i,�-,,'y:+'w.� ,t�Yn�. � r ;�:. ,�!r.. m r• g•`;d43� c<� rky ( a,: a.. b.., SY` ;!'�.r:4i:` 'ti is ks k3x %£, . A �;•` r�: 'r .Ai 4i. �i-ri„t:.(;,j ;,nY. i..' ?• .i'i, ..t�,M , iP' 'il 'At�,,..y y ,Fsy,. :;r •-S?, �ra.;.t'''.., sr. ?ax�; b. .£�"'£<h'('`�. h s:. 'tk.`�' i�' �N v�'!�'=�'�t,73>�«,f"� v"<� '.<�q � ;}• `q: ;•�,' �, •!� ::1`�;,' ,y'�,��fi�, ��.4b1,�e..�-,'.'t^ r., $�L"dam,'' .i st_ � - ""v�:�.1.r r>'' ,� - d� �. '`�,vs�`+:. G kk P, '1,.t r ,S_��,,�� - t,,aq' ,s4r 0 r`.'#=•tr;.�c .z?1No ii'i.E: ., t. I'P .!e--,r..,k ':Y'.. ?7 74 `` w `:y.:"i;. ;'S;,::. •.. '`2:.f=�;+i;r`T_•lrv,.�".. ,.t '•:3a' �� r�., ..i, ., <.r#,< ,. .',s^9 �+f .,il., s :':§�'' g. ,tt Ea..t, : .'..._., ..;ti yihn ',1„..1.„?d:.,,y,.,.,,'},t*•_;t....z,� . a ,s,,,,. `k ,, : ..."1�' v: ,-,,.. .. ,j4, " •. -tar ,,, '. rr'r ati t >,', fie; 1.h 'h:,, d4•;Y, C 1 - - A/ ,r ^Hs,y; ��.� '�r,�x�t w� '✓: ._ 'rik: �y,?;.�AA` '_�y�„.;„•4,':aaY_? S ., ��y:`•i -,�g ��� .0�(-y� x".;i vtw �'�',.:: '`.•.`,/;^•_;Y.,,�. r ,,'},. R• IN RAN E •MPANY •F AM RICA ,1« : `,���s%y ',„r,�^ 4-4° 6 ' L #.x c 'fir„ ` r < �y J,y_,,t , '$ -3 Yk"AAA o. .<c" V ,.x .'�' a , .,;� : 3t ..,,,, >,•"' �• fed -.11fiO1L P ....,0064-W'rq�j iv r_ 21 �f,; .'. v4 y*(� nA\ .V. 34 .. dj4 ii ..J �� i. �•'''tw. ., , .•,K :Mss--'�-`-T,7`'c'.r <"ki -.;``i-S`:it•^ •`!r,d=:':- #�,-:z.. �'.r.4.,.4 .,�sa.._ • +�t ; .e, n„•?� �,,, :cam , '.. ,:,,rsly','i':,•'v.-- Y., _.11t:s 1•,•_�. s2 fK,:a':till,,. k7. +, pt,- `J_ ,... '1. . . �>.,....:.x''.:,_4.+:+3.r .:n�.��:='^'�.."�'.•�i....:?>iu",;ci-°`i•%`atr�'�.�.�ic1���n:.:'�...,...:.f _�!..'i'_'_.,,1�... -+. _. t_.�. 3, ^ti:� .a ���a_ Public Works Contract Bond State of Washington Bond No. 621281 • ;.;- KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, ' i 1"`' ,_:•;:s; J. D. STEWART dba J. D. STEWART COMPANY ' °F As Principal, and GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, a corporation, organized and existing t -,a,,t ``,�'j"4:i� under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Washington, and legally doing business in the State of Washington, fi "n ` s' as Surety, are held and bound and obli ated unto THE �r ING ON I;. .. Y, firmly g ra and THE CITY OF •RENTON i 4. ,,., in the full and just sum of ONE HUNDRED TWO THOUSAND ONE-HUNDRED THIRTY-NINE DOLLARS ($ 102.139.00 ) lawful money of the United States; for the payment of which sum well i .;. and truly to be made, we do bind ourselves, our and each of our heirs, executors and administrators, succes- r sors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. , ' ?` This bond is executed in pursuance of Chapter 39.08, Revised Code of Washington. THAT CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE 'SUCH, that whereas the Principal entered into a certain • contract with: ' THE CITY OF RENTON is f• h"- < h dated the i rB , 19 IN ��/ day of f. for i I r:,k:r,.• Constructon of Lake Washington j •� Bath House & Stove Shelter = i . .v 4; NOW, 'THEREFORE, if the Principal shall faithfully perform all the provisions of such contract and pay all l' `` laborers, mechanics and subcontractors and materialmen, and all persons who shall supply such person or per- sons, or subcontractors, with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of such work, then this obligation is { void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. 4,. . Provided, however, that the conditions of this obligation shall not apply to any money loaned or advanced to " the Principal or to any subcontractor or other person in the performance of any such work. , ,' f Signed and Sealed this � �� day of -e , 19�d ,,, Witness: ,,s /�� f///) /1/" : ' - -- --4/1./%01,-,4 Principal �r Countersigned: — . , —ANY O' - MERICA GENERALI ,/ —ANCE ' r B 1 �� Attorney-in- ac Vol' ° 4i Resident Agent, Washington • ',P......,:,.. f. s-444 R4 8/65 .. ... - -... .. v . CERTIFICATION OF NONDISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT The bidder represents that he / '/ has, / / hie-atot, participated in a previous contract of subcontract subject to either the equal opportunity clause herein or the clause contained in Section 301 Of Executive Order 10925; that he /7 has, /7 ---filed all required compliance reports; and that representations indicating submission of required compliance reports, signed by proposed sub- contractors will be obtained prior to subcontract awards. Company Title (The above representation need not be submitted in connection with • contracts or subcontracts which are exempt from the clause.) D.I .F. 14.43 SEP 0 1966 .. H. U • PI:.1:�,RI • H. 11. ..a . rv.•u.l�. LAN:EL J. EVANS �;A',1(};.';:y j,r; :rl :�r?, lJir�•rt.nr ]4.nfrKg7:13hj� Governor ;uNervicor STATE W ASIIiNGTON DEPARTMENT OF 1„e,. :SIC AND INDUSTRIES INDUSTRIAL REL[iTIONS DIV.SION 1601 SECOND AVENUE BUILDING, SEATTLE, WASIIIN.,i ON Jai1Ji Co . For BUILDING TRADES May 28, 68 Date. , KING COUNTY Page 1 of 14 pages (Project name, number and county) •. JOB CLASSIFICATION" ;R 1I;,UR ASBESTOS WORKERS: of 8/1/67 Journeyman a7 Foreman - 25 cents per hour over Mechanic Health 8 Welfare 25 cents • • Pension Fund 25 cen_a. Occupational Health 6 Research Fund 1 cent BOILERMAKERS 8 BLAC:(SMIr :S: .., of 10./1/67 Foreman a--f. Assistant Foreman (Leadman) 5.73 Boilermaker - Blacksmith 5.53 Boilermaker - Blacksmith :e1p`r 5 2 Health a Welfare 20 can Pension Fund 25 cents Vacation Fund 35 cents Apprentice Fund 1 cent BRICKLAYE:z: 8 .AR T1 :Y.3CNS: 7, 68 Journeyman Rr Kl ... �:^s, Stone Masons, Cement 3locklaye:f,- Cleaner_ , Pointers and Caulkers Exterior Marble `.sons 5.5: Interior L<arble Mains 3.1 Foreman - Jver 5 men 5. Foreman - 70 ', Irs z 5.6- Hea- h 8 Jeifare 13 center Pens ion F..nd 18 cents CARPS* R' • of 2/15/68 377,1 Ca2 intf_ .. - 6.2 Sa.. lers, S'�__ . "j/ .',7w r L7 Vr�.Mato :ioor �. ; . prL dcrs, _�� L hin _r s a:ac 0pLrators o . ,:ner tic:ary Peace ,od 'orkir7 Tools 1,/11_.:'ri;.".z and :.acnine Lrectoi 5.2-_ Pil ri•,ers, Bridge, Dock anc A7 ar_ 3ui10-:rs 5.23 Boa..-:en - Acc,... :ical ;Torre:o 5.26 Aco tical Fore.T. . 5.6 E: S.F.S.F.N. :7—OS- .J_65 3 a`�• }<INS 1-lCONQ SHEET COUNTY OF DATE May 28, 1968 PAGE_or_- Ill._PAGES JOB CLASSIFICATION P°'R riGUR Millwright Foreman $ ' Carpenters Foreman 5.J0 Piledriver Foreman 5.70 Piledriver Foreman (On Power Rigs wf.i_ dr�.vl..; and.. :.rg 5.80 Employees on Boatswain Chairs, Sw:.n. .in; Su., ended Sca_cL . Hoist Tower Construction over 50 fee: shall receive 25 eer. ._ )er r over Journeyman Riggers, including Signalmen, iurni—.: and r:. ers shah ..a according to Classification in which working ' Health 6 Welfare 20 cents Pension Fund 20 cents Apprentice Fund 1/2 cent • CARPET, LINOLEUM S. SOFT TILE LAYERS: As of 3/1/68 Jouneyman (less than 1 year) $ Journeyman (More than 1 year) 4.92 Health 6 Welfare 17 cents Pension Fund 15 cents Apprentice Fund 3 cents • • CEMENT :MASONS: To /1/69 Cement .-:asonsE Composition, Color 8 Mastic,Plastic F. Liquid. Vinyls 5.70 Trowel Machine 5.70 Paving 5.70 Grinder and all other power tools used by Cement Masonb .roar :here jurisdiction„ Chipping Gun and Bush Hammer - when fi..ishl;g work is to follow 5.70 Gunite Nozzleman 5.70 Foreman Differential: 25 cents when supervising one of ant ir:.:lut Five men other than himself, 372 cent when Supervising, Six or mon. men other than himself. The Foreman Differential shall apply over the highest paid Man under his direct Supervision. Health 8 Welfare 25 cents ELECTRICIANS: As of 7/1/67 a ourneyman Wireman F. 1 e .::ician a�5 General Foreman - 20,o over Journeyman 6.56 Foreman - 10% over Journeyman an 6.02 Foreman Cable-Splicer 10% over Journeyman 6.02 Construction Stockman - 50v of Journeyman . ' � iCGf.0 5liEC? COUNTY OF- May 28, 1968 GATE PAG[._,J JOB CLASSIFICATION PER HOUR Health & Welfare 14 cents Pension Fund 1G of gross 1i bor Payroll ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS: As of 8/20/67 Elevator Constructor Foreman $ 6.12 Elevator Constructor Mechanic 5.44 Elevator Constructor Helper 3.81 Probationary Helpers 2.72 Health & Welfare 10 1/2 cents Pension Fund 121/2 cents Vacation Fund 21%, less than 5 years 4' %, more than 5 years GLAZIERS: As of 7/1/67 ourneyman $ 4.73 Health E Welfare 12 cents Pension Fund 10 cents IRONWORKERS: As of 7/21/67 Structural Ironworkers $ 5.40 Ornamental Ironworkers 5.40 Machinery Movers, Machinery Erectors 5.40 Riggers & Signalmen 5.40 Welders & Burners 5.40 Fence Erectors 5.40 Sheeters 5.40 Reinforcing Ironworkers 5.25 Foreman - 25 cents per hour over Journeyman with 3 men or less 50 cents per hour over Journeyman with 4 men or more Health C Welfare 25 cents Pension Fund 15 cents Apprentice Fund 1 cent LATHERS: To 1/1/69 Journeyman ( Includes 25 cents per hour vacation pay) $ 5.30 Health 6 Welfare 18 cents Local Apprentice Fund 1 cent National Apprentice Fund.1 cent r_r_ O_ KING SECOND SHEET COUNTY OF DA7F. May 28, 1968 .A64o.— 14 AGE JOB CLASSIFICATION PER HOUR 'PLASTERERS: To 1/1/69 Journeyman (includes 25 cents vacation Pay) Health 6 Welfare 20 cents Pension Fund 20 cents Local Apprentice Fund 1 cent National Apprentice Fund 1 cent OIL BURNERS: As of 7/1/67 Journeyman Foreman (Weekly) $ -.9 0 Journeyman Heating Equi7ment Mechanic (Weekly) 185.50 Intermediate - ALL Qualified Personnel (Weekly) 157.70 • Beginner - ALL Qualified Personnel (Weekly) 139.15 • Health 6 Welfare 14 cents Pension Fund 1% of gross labor payroll Retirement $.600 per work week Vacation Fund 1 day per month on Journeyman Pay Basis PAINTERS: As of 5/1/68 Journeyman Painters 6 Stripers $ 4.94 Journeyman Tapers- 4.94 Spray, Sandblasting, Steamcleaning, Swing Stage, Bridges Towers, Tanks on Legs, Steeples, Stacks, Toxic Materials, Bitumastics 6 Open Structural Steel 5.14 Foreman 50 cent per hour over highest Journeyman Classification Health 6 Welfare 15 cents Pension Fund 15 cents Apprentice Fund 1 cent PLUMBERS 6 PIPEFITTERS: As of 1/3/68 Journeyman Plumber $ 5.55 Foreman - 45 cents per hour over Journeyman General Foreman - 70 cents per hour over Journeyman Health 6 Welfare 21 cents Pension Fund 21 cents Vacation Fund 33 cents Apprentice Fund 2 cents • - :� C. KIN� Sf:CONC SHEET COUNTY OF DA:E _. May 28, 1968 JOS CLASSIFICATION 1-.OUR ROOFERS 8 WAT ROOFERS: As )f 4/1/68 Journeyman Roofers & Waterproofers $ 5.32 Kettleman Tile 6 Slate Roofers ;.67 Foreman - 25 cents per hoar over n4lest Classification Sue,.. vi:.ec Helpers - 85% of Journeyman Scale Health & Welfare 12 cents ..JRKERS: As 4/1/68 Journey;:.1:1 .6 6 4.59 He—_ _n 5 Welfare 17 cents Pec._onFund 10 cents Apprentice Fund 1 cent SP.RI?;:;LER ITTERS: As pf 1/1/68 Jour:.ayman Foreman - 50 cents per hour over Journeyman I ea-ch 6 Welfare 11 cents Pen: _or: Fund 15 cents TERR;L;._O ./ORKERS: To 7/1/68 Jo'u_ _eyman $ 4.97 Health 6 Welfare 15 cents Pension Fund 18 cents • KING SELOND CC.UNTY OF May 28, 1968 DATF JOS CLASSIFICATION PEF-. HOUR TILH ..:ErfERS: of 4/1/68 ,----,------- journe.yrnan Health & Welfare Pension Fund 18 ce.r.: TILE, MARBLE & TERRAZZO HELPERS: of 1/2/67 Helpers , .ZU • Health 6 Welfare 15 • • 3 II ,CCONC SHEET COUNTY OF King OATF May 28, 1968 `It 7 A/ PAQL ZOP (' rwf. � JOB CLASSIFICATION PCR HOUR L B:-. ERS: To 1/1/69 Cement nt bumper-Paving $ 4.65 Concrete Saw Operator 4.50 Du*np r n 4.40 Faller 6 Bucker 4.40 n Saw 4.60 Fon. wetter (steel forms) 0 4.55 Gener _1 'Laborer: 'per,, Truck Spotter, Pitman, Brush Cutter, Choker Setter, Ccncrete 6 Monolithic .Laborer, Asphalt Laborer, Ditch Digger, Pc; Tender, Drierman, Concrete Form Stripper, Carpenter Helper, irack Laborer, Flagman, Well Point and Header Laborer 4.30 Grademan and Stake Hopper 4.55 Groutman (pressure 4.45 High Scaler 4.60 ifiot: :gin 6 Hod Carrier 4.60 Nozzlen n (concrete pump, green cutter when using combination of h i; h pressure air and water on concrete and rock, sandblast, .;unite, shot-crete) 4.55 Pipe ,ayer 6 Caulker, Pipe Wrapper 4.60 Pipe 'ot Tenderer 4.50 Pow(' 4.65 P cw.�..rms:.'6 Helper 4.40 Pow .. Whe,..l Barrow or Buggy 4.50 Pow .: Tools-Heavy Duty Jackhammer. Pavement Breaker, %J_ ators, T,,..mpers, (Multiple and self-propelled), Railroad Spike Puller 4.50 Power Tools-Light Duty Chippers, Grinders, Tampers, and similar 2l -ct is and Air Operated Tools 4.45 Raker-Asphalt 4.50 Roader 4.55 Slc7..:r (over 2„ feet) 4.40 Sp: _..er :carries grade with rodder) 4.55 Swi. ,ing Scaffold or Boatswain Chair over water or over 25' in hei.At 4.45 • Timberman - Sewer 4.60 Wagon Driller and Airtrac 4.60 Wagon Driller and Airtrac Helper 4.40 Hine: i^.c'__o ng monolithic work) 4.50 Miner, shaft and raise ,6 5 Sp= .60 Powc. ,: .75 Pc:vc _. nan's Helper .50 Re- .aber an ,.60 Oh Te .der 0 ,4 0 Mu: a..: Laborer .40 4 0 and Bull Gang .35 Maintenance Man 4.*rgi:::iP 3 King :.ECONC SHEET C.CUNTY OF_ DATE May 28, 1968 PAGE icOIr 1* JOB CLASSIFICATION FCR HOUR LAB(;R ERS: (C;)NTINUED) Cof er Iam work: Miners shall be . work wi c..� or. behind oo;fer.ia-rs i haz is equivalent to shaft exc ,vat�..�r. Riggers, Burners, and Welders shall paid according to the classification in which they are working • when one of the Laborers is designated to act as Foreman, he shall receive thirty-five (35) cents per hour above highest Laborer's classification supervised. A Contractor shall have the right to determine in his sole discretion the need for any number of Laborer Foreman. COMPRrSSE; AIR WORK: To 1/1/69 Lb. thru 14 lbs. - 6 hrs. work $ 42.80 Over 14 Lbs. thru 18 lbs. - 6 hrs. wc.rk 45.50 Over 18 lbs. thru 22 lbs. - 4 hrs. work 6 hrs. work 55.75 Over 22 lbs. thru 26 lbs. - 4 hrs. work Over 26 lbs. thru 32 lbs. - 4 hrs. work .70 Over 32 lbs. thru 38 lbs. .- 3 hrs. work 52.10 Over ;8 lbs. thru 44 lbs. - 2 hrs. work 5�.80 �0.10 Outside lock and gauge tender (per shift) 35.80 The pressure controls for all air locks at the jobsite shall be op�. ated by a lock and gauge tender BEY:ZITS: : Hea�t: 8 'Welfare 25 cents Pension Fund • 20 cents Training Fund 02 cents 3 SECOND SHECT C OUNTY OF King DATE May 28, 1968___ PAGE yOP_. if -.PAGEY JOB CLASSIFICATION PER HOUR OPERATING ENGINEERS: To 5/1/68 Patch Plant Operator: Batch and Mixer, 200 yds per hr and under $ S.:l Batch and Mixer, over 200 yds per hr. through 400 yds per hr. 5.53 Batch and Mixer, over 400 yds per hr. through 600 yds per hr. 5.99 Broom, power (Wayne, Saginaw and similar types) 5.28 Bulldozers S.28 Pay Dozers and Linked Pusher and similar 5.65 Bump Cutter (Concut, Christianson or similar types) 5.56 Cableways: 3 is and under 5.65 Over 3 yds, 6.01 Cement Ho;s 5.42 Corn ressors: Excavating 5.01. Steel erection including sand blasting, painting of the same 5.39 Cranes: "A" frame trucks, single power drum 3.31 "A" frame trucks, double power drum 5.65 Crwler, truck type, floating, locomotive Whirley, either 3 yds and under or 150' of boom and under, or 45 tons and under 5.65 Crawler, truck type, floating, locomotive, Whirley, either over 3 yds or over 150' of boom or over 45 tons 5.01 Tower cranes, Pecco, Lorraine, Bucyrus and similar types 6.01 ydralifts 5.65 iry::ter cat cranes and attachments 5.65 Conveyors j..31 Conveyors, Beltcrete with power pack and similar types 5.60 Crushers, rock 5.31 Derricks, all S.65 Drilling machines, core, cable, rotary and exploration 5.65 Finishing machine operator, concrete paving 3.31 Fireman, hot plant and drier • .9 6 Hoists, air tuggers and deck winches (power) - .31 Hoists on steel erection, towerrobiL_es and air tuggers 5.39 Loaders: : Elevating-Athey, Barber Greene and similar types S.31 Elevating belt type - Euclid and similar types 5.60 Elevating grader type - Dumor and similar types 3.42 Forklifts or lumber stacker (on Construction job site) 5.28 Forklifts with tower .39 Forklifts with power btrom and swing attachment 5.65 Overhead and front end, under 2--1/2 yds .31 • Overhead and front end, 2-1/2 yds up to 4 yds . .5 overhead and front end, 4 yds and over :J 3 F •.,. King SECONO SKEET COUNTY OF May 28, 1968 DATF 1 PAGE/ GOP._ 1 ___PAGES JOS CLASSIFICATION PER HOUR OPFTATT\n ENGINEERS CONTINtJ D I occmot ives: Dinkey - air, electric, stea, gas or diesel $ 5.38 Rod or geared engines 5.42 Mec^anics, heavy duty Mechanics helpers, heavy duty shop 4.77 Mixers: ^..:shalt 5.25 ' obiie type with hoist combination 5.65 Concrete mixers and batch - 200 yds per hr and under 5.31 Concrete mixers and batch - over 200 yds per hr through 400 yds per hr 5.60 Concrete mixers and batch - over 400 yds per hr through 600 yds per hr. 5.69 Paving .42 Paving dual 5.60 Motor patrol graders • 5. 37 Mucking machines, Mole or Tunnel Drill 5.55 Oil .iistrilutors 5.07 Oilers and/or brakemen 4.86 ui;mUnt service oiler and firemen Y. 2 C'ler driver on truck cranes over 45 tons 02 Piles=river engineers 5.65 Pot dole diggers, mechanical ;.25 Pow,. " plant operators 5.31 .'.11le.r Kenyon • ..31 Concrete and pump crete 5. 31 iter 5.13 Ro_.. . rs, tampers and vibrators: plant, road mix or multilift materials 5.31 `her than plant, road mix or multilift materials (Where tower, to _,-..y rate of equipment used.to pull) 5.01 tea:. concrete 5.28 Scr: :ers: Carrvdli type, single 5.28 1rr, 11 type, Double 5.42 5.31 Sh-vi,1s: hawier and truck type, all att,:oZme:ts .3 yds and under 6.65 ^-awler and truck type, all attachnents, over 3 yds 6.01 Sor ceders, Blaw Knox, Cedarapids, Jaeger or similar types 5.31 Slip Form Paver 6.01 SECOND- SHEET COUNTY OF King • DATE May 28, 1968 PAGr !I OP__ JOB CLASSIFICATION PER HOUR OPF ATI`1f FI\IGINEi:RS CONTINUED: Sub ':;railer (Curries or other automatic types) 5.65 Trac corn, Farmall type, 60 H.P. and under 5.01 Tractors, Farmall type, over 6 C H.P. 5.13 Tractors, Farmall type, used as backhoes, rubber tired (Ford Ferguson, Case and similar types) , 60H,P. and under 5.45 Tractors, Farmall type, used as bac::hoes, rubber tired (Ford, Ferguson, Case and similar types) , over 60 H. P. 5.65 Tournapulls, Caterpillar, Euclid scrapers and similar type equipment - 25 yds and under 5.37 .Tournapulls, Caterpillar, Euclid scrapers and similar type equipment - over 25 yds through 40 yds 6.65 Tournapulls, Caterpillar, Euclid scrapers - over 40 yds throu¢_,^ 55 yds 5.93 Tournapulls, Caterpillar, Euclid scrapers over 55yds to be negotiated . Trenching machines: • Under 16 inches 5.31 16 inches and over 3.55 Master Mechanics - $ 2.00 per day over shovel scale • Foreman - .25 cent per hour over highest classification under hiL :upc:vision Wage scales for operators of equipment operated on heavy construc:�ion 7.ot listed herein shall be negotiated at the time such equipment is to be operated. Operators on underground work shall receive a ten per cent additional premium, operators of mucking machines excepted. Ali cranes, shovels and loaders shall. be classified in accordance with the respective manufacturer's rated capacity (struck measure). • FRINGE BENEFITS: Health 6 Welfare 25 cents Pension Fund 30 cents SECOND SHEET COUNTY OF King DATE May 28, 1968 rwo r_ 1 _PA GEM JOB CLASSIFICATION PER HOUR TEAMSTERS: To 6/1/68 A 'trame or I-Iydralift" trucks when "A"-Frame or Hydralift" is in use $$ 5.38 Buggymobile 5.09 Bulk Cement tanker 5.24 Bull lifts, or similar equipment used in loading or unloading trucks, transporting materials on job sites: Warehousing 4.94 Other than Warehousing 5.26 Bus or ranhaul 4.94 Dumptors, Dump -Trucks, Letourneau, Caterpillar, Euclid, And similar top-loaded equipment: Up to and .including 5 yds 4.94 Over 5 yds to and including 12 yds 5.14 Over 12 yds to and including 20 yds 5.24 Over 20 yds to and including 30 yds 5.39 Over 30 yds to and including 40 yds 5.54 • Over 40 yds • 5.69 Escort or Pilot rar 4.84 Flatbed: Single Rear Axle Dual Real Axle 5.04 Grease and/or Fuel Truck Driver 4.94 Greasers, Tire Service 4.94 Hyster Operators *Handling bulk loose aggregates) 5.09 Levarmarl and Loaders at bunkers and batch plants 4.84 Lowbed H.D. Trailer: • 7nder 50 tons gross ,.14 50 ton gross and over . 39 Oil distributor Driver 5.14 -_up Truck 4.84 cos , huster and Similar Straddle equipment 3.09 S` -sor Truck --.94 or Truck and Trailer (other than earthmoving equipment) D.14 S _rry Truck 5.14 S?ry ader, Flaherty -.94 Su, ?er.; 4.84 ea: Driver 4.89 Transit-mix used exclusively in heavy const. 0 to and including 4-1/2 yds ).13 Over 4-1/2 yds to and including 6 yds. 6.28 Over 6 yds to and including 8 yds 5.43 'ver 8 yds to and inc]'iding 10 vds 5.58 %ver 10 yds to and including 12 yds 5.73 Over 12 yds to and including lc: yds 5.38 :ver 16 yds to and including 20 yds 6.03 ✓er'20 yds 5.18 . Effective all jobs as of 6/1/66, all types of trucks or equipment us: to haul Portland Cement ready-mix shall be governed by the transit-mix scales. ) CCOND Sh EET .:,C.$NTT OF_ King DATE May 28, 1968 PAc.,130 _ 1 1F _ .__PAC.GL JOB CLASSIFICATION /� CONTI NUED: f'cR HOUR r EA'�. CON T r•i lure roc :er, Turnawagon, Turnatrail;:r, Vacuum Truck Warehouseman Water, W on and Tank Truck: .84 Up to 1000 gallons ' lions to 3000gallonsU4 ��.00 �-.� Over gallons .24 Winc., Tr S`...:gl. ',ear axle axle - 5.14 Pry; .• .um . _:y: Add to above rates for underground operation. Where a triple shif-_ Is worked a .naive per cent (5%) pay premium will be paid for the second or swim shifts 3 ten percent (10%) pay premium will be paid for the third or gr.:veyard shift. Drive-s, helpers and warehousemen handling sack cement will receive fifteen (150 ce..ts _.er hour premium pay. When; _ Foreman or Dispatcher is designated to take charge of a are,' he all pa not less than twenty-five (25 ) cents per hour over the :nigh_ t classification under his supervision. Any work performed, other than driving, such as gassing, greasin•- , or :servicing any teamster equipment, shall be paid for at the employee's regular rate Wage scale for operators of equipment to be operated on heavy construct.,_on and not listed herein shall be negotiated at the time such equipment is to be operated. FRI= BENEFITS: : Health a Welfare 28 cents Pension Fund 20 cents I' r hereby-tert i fy rtu r, (Affiant) (Agent) , -pays or supervises the paying o .•e '(Title) f* roY ea of ._, _. m-eae'the'ollowing project for the City of Seattle, , Ordinance No. , L.I.D.------`, and is in a (Name of Project) • position to have full knowledge of the facts set forth in the affidavit respecting the payment of wages of employees working on the project herein mentioned. Affiant Sworn to' before me this day of , 19 $bury Public • • The affidavit accompanying each payroll report shall be sabstantially the following for.. • ; a . as of Affiant) ('rifle) • hereby certify that I pay or supervise the payment of the persons employed by • ' , on the following project for the Cityof (Contractor) • Seattle, , , Ordinance No. That' the attached payroll sets out accurately and completely the name,. occu pation, hourly wage rate, total number of hours worked and the full weekly wages earned, of each person employed on the above project for the weekly payroll period from the +`.day of • 19 19 to the day of That no laborer, workman or mechanic employed on the above project has been paid less than the prevailing rate of wage or less than the minimum rate of wage specified in the contract: That no rebates have been made either directly or indirectly to or on behalf of said contractor from the full weekly wages earned as out on the attached pay- roll and that the full amount due has been paid. • Signature of Affiant Sworn to before ma thin day of 19, 4 Notary Public The City Comptroller will withhold payment on all estimates for work performed by the contractor under this contract until all payroll reports of said contractor for work performed have been filed with the Secretary of the Board of Public Works. Wage Rates Page 19+ of IA • Chapter 39. 16 RESIDENT EMPLOYEES ON PUBLIC WORKS Sections 39. 16.010 Percentage of resident employees specified--wages. 39.16.020 Procedure when resident labor unavailable. 39.16.030 Provisions to be written into contract--civil penalty 39.16.040 Criminal penalty. 39.16.010 Percentage of resident employees specified--wages. In all contracts let by the state, or any department thereof, or any county, city or town for the • erection, construction, alteration, demolition or repair of any public building, structure, bridge, highway, or any other kind of public work or improvement, the contractor, subcontractor, or person in charge thereof, shall employ ninety-five percent or more bona fide Washington residents as employees where more than fifty persons are employed, and ninety percent or more where fifty or less are employed; and shall pay the standard prevailing wages for the specific type of construction as determined by the United States Department of Labor In the city or county where the work is being performed. The term "resident" as used in this chapter, shall mean any person who has been a bona fide resident of the state of Washington for a period of ninety days prior to such employment: Provided That in contracts in- "' volving the expenditure of federal aid funds this chapte shall not be enforced in such manner to conflict with or be contrary to the federal statutes, rules and regulations prescribing a labor preference to honorably discharged soldiers, r sailors, and marines, or prohibiting as unlawful any other preference or discrimi- nation among the citizens of the United States. (1943 c 246 sec. 1; Rem. Supp. 1943 sec. 1032210a:) Prevailing rate of wages--1945 act: Veterans ' preference in examinations: RCW 39.12.010, 39.12.020 RCW 41 ,04.010 - 39.16.020 • Procedure when resident labor unavailable. In the event a sufficient number of Washington residents shall not be available the contractor or subcontractor shall immediately notify the public body with whom the contract has been executed of such facts, and shall state the number of nonresidents needed. The public body shall immediately investigate the facts and if the conditions are as stated the public body shall , by a written order, designate the number of nonresidents and the period for which they may be employed: Provided, That should residents become available within the period, such residents shallbe immediately employed and the period shortened consistent with the supply of resident labor. (1943 c 246 sec. 2; Rem. Supp. 1943 sec. 10322-10b.) 39. 16.030 Provisions to be written into contract--Civil penalty. The provisions of this chapter shall be written into every such public contract, including the following penalty. Any contractor or subcontractor who shall employ a nonresident in excess of the percentage preferences, excepting as herin permitted, shall have deducted, for every violation, from the amount due him, the prevailing wages which should have been paid to a displaced resident. The money so deducted shall be re- tained by the public body for whom the contract is being performed. (1943 c 246 sec. 3; Rem. Supp-.:, 1943 sec. 10322-10c.) 39.16.040 Criminal penalty. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of thi, chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (1943 c 246 sec. 4; Rem. Supp. 1943 sec. 10322-10d) I . PAGE 1 SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS The following drawings dated July 8, 1968, are those mentioned in these specification and are hereby made a part of the contract: Drawing Number Description Cover Sheet, Index, Location Sheet A-1 Master Plan (Stage Development) Sheet A-2 Site Plan, Landscape Plan Sheet A-3 Foundation Plan, Plumbing Plan Sheet A-4 Floor Plan Sheet A-5 Schedules, Details Sheet A-6 Exterior Elevations, Details Sheet A-7 Elevation, 'Sections, Details' • Sheet A-8 Interior Elevations' Sheet A-9 Stove Shelter Sheet M-1 Mechanical Plan (Plumbing) Sheet M-E Electrical Plan Sheet M-E ' Mechanical Plan (Ventilation) • • • • • 1 r PAGE 1 • • SECTION .1A - STATEMENT OF WORK lA-1 STATEMENT OF WORK A. SCOPE OF WORK Th.e Contractor shall furnish all labor, material , equipment, tools and other Items required to construct the following work as described in the drawings and specifications . 1 ) Construct a Bath House Facility complete with precast concrete exterior walls, concrete block interior walls, composition shingle roof, mechanical , electrical and all other work as shown and noted . 2) Construct a stove shelter complete with precast concrete pilasters, concrete floor slab, composition shingle roof, mechanical , electrical and all other work as shown and noted. 3) Do all site work as shown and noted including grading, filling, gravel paths, landscaping, irrigation system, and all required site utilities. B. COOPERATION & INTERFACE OF CONSTRUCTION The Stage 11 contractor shall be made aware that the City of Renton has awarded the Stage 1 construction work on LaKe Washington Beach Park to three separate prime contractors for the Site Work, Red Samm Mining; the • Building Construction, J. D. Stewart;. and the Landscape Work, ,Landscapers Northwest. Certain portions of these contracts will be accomplished con- • currently with work of the Stage 11 Contractor. Significant interfacing of. cons_tr_uc,tio_ n will be necessary. In order to efficiently implement the major portion of these interfaces and avoid numerous interferences between the various contractors, a Master Schedule has been prepared and included in Section lE of this contract package_• Each contractor shall plan his work in- sucha�manner, as to meet the milestones indicated_on.:.the_.schedule. ,_.ctf",kcpntractor fai.l.s,..tp,meet.:. the completion dates called..out in the Master Schedule, rhe shall-' pay° all .,costs of damages or delays caused to the City of Renton. or other„pr.ime,_contractors,.. The Stage 11 Contractor shall schedule his work and activities on and about the site in such a way as to minimize interference with the City of Renton or other Stage 1 contractors. The Stage 11 Contractor shall use only those areas of park site as are directed by the Architect during construction. • • • PAGE 1 SECTION 1B - TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION AND FACILITIES lB-1 GENERAL A. Specified Elsewhere Refer to General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions for additional items of temporary construction and facilities. B. Alternates Refer to "Base Bid & Alternates" for possible effect on work of this Section. 1B-2 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS A. Temporary Utilities Contractor to provide and pay for water and electricity required during construction. B. Temporary Heat Furnish, by methods approved by the architect, temporary heat including fuel and power as required to protect materials, and work from dampness and cold and to dry out the building. Permanent heating plant may be used for this purpose when same is ready. Refer to Technical sections for temperatures to be maintained for the work of the various trades. C. Temporary Toilets Provide chemical type toilets, adequate in number for all those connected with the work. Locate where directed when work is started; keep in sanitary condition. Remove from site upon completion of the work, or sooner if and when permanent toilets are made available. • PAGE 1 SECTION 1C - INSPECTION & TESTS 1C-1 GENERAL A. CITY INSPECTION Inspection and tests specified herein are in addition to those performed by building officials as required by the Building Code. B. PRIOR CERTIFICATION Portland Cement and asphalt concrete mixing plants, and plants producing wood steel or• concrete products which have received prior certification by the building official are not subject to plant inspection. C. NOTICES Notify architect at least 24 hours before work requiring inspection is started. 1C-2 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS A. DUTIES OF CONTRACTOR Call for and obtain all required City of Renton inspection and others as required. Obtain all certificates of inspection and submit to owner's representative. B. CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE The architect will make a form inspection including placement of reinforce- ment prior to placing of concrete. He will also make tests as required. C. PRECAST CONCRETE PANELS The architect will inspect the placement of face rock and prior to placing of 2" cover. He will further inspect the placement of reinforcement prior to placing of concrete and will make tests as required. PAGE 1 SECTION 1D - MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS 1D-1 ASSOCIATION & STANDARDS A. Associations AIA American Institute of Architects, 1735 New York, Ave. , N.W. , Washington DC, 20006 ASA American Standards Association, 10 E. 40th St. , New York, 10016 ASTM American Society for Testing & Materials, 1916 Race St. , Philadelphia, 1g103. CS Commercial Standard of US Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20025 CSI Construction Specifications Institute, Dupont Circle Building, Washington, D.C. 20036 , DFPA Douglas Fir Plywood Association, now known as American Plywood Assn. , R.O. Box 1337, Tacoma, Washington 98401 UBC Uniform Building Code of International Conference of Building Officials; 50 South Los Robles, Pasadena, California 91101 . UL Underwriters Laboratories, 207 East Olive Street, Chicago 60611 Names and addresses of other organizations appear in the technical section ' where their products are specified, or are listed in Sweet's Architectural file. B. Dates of .Standards Except where a specific date of issue is mentioned hereinafter, references to specifications issued by the above-named and other organizations shall mean the edition current on the date of the Invitation to Bid. 1D-2 PROJECT CLOSEOUT A: Maintenance Manuals & Instructions Before final payment, furnish to owner through the architect, manufacturers ' ' manuals of instruction for proper care and maintenance of materials and equipment installed under the contract. In addition, and when so requested, instruct owner's maintenance personnel as to such care and maintenance. B. As-Built Drawings As the work proceeds, keep a careful record of piping and other concealed work whose installed locations vary from those shown on contract drawings, whether because of change orders or job conditions. Mark such variations on prints furnished by architect, and deliver to him before final payment. I ' PAGE 1 SECTION lE - SCHEDULES 1E-1 SCHEDULE In order to efficiently implement the major portion of the construction inter- faces and avoid interferences between the various contractors (Stage 1 and Stage 11 ) , the City of Renton, the Railroad and the Power Company, a Master Schedule has been prepared and made a part of these specifications. This Schedule sets forth the significant "Start" and Completion dates for each phase of the work. The Contractor shall submit within twenty days after award of this contract a simplified critical path or bar schedule showing his plan for meeting the specified completion dates specified in the Master Schedule. These preliminary schedules shall be combined into a total project schedule by the contractor and the architect working jointly to implement a compatable schedule. The following list of events titled "Master Schedule Glossary of Milestones" is also represented by a bar chart on Page 3 of this section. Each milestone number on the bar chart corresponds to the Glossary Number and Description of Work listed below. All work involving interfaces or interference with other contractors, the City of Renton, the Power Company, and the Railroads shall be scheduled with all parties at least seven days prior to commencement of that item of work. MASTER SCHEDULE GLOSSARY OF MILESTONES a. Red Samm Mining Co. starts on site work. b. Complete rough grading of site to include the fill and compaction in area of restroom building, stove shelter and picnic shelter, children's play area and the tennis and game courts. The Red Samm Mining Co. shall turn over the Building Sites and the area immediately to the east of the Building Sites to the J. D. Stewart Company for their construction opera- tions. Red Samm Mining shall turn over the tennis and game court area and the children 's play area to Landscapers Northwest for their operations. c. The J . D. Stewart Company shall start on site erection of the restroom, picnic shelter, and stove shelter. . They shall confine their operations to the areas between the buildings and immediately east of the buildings. d. Red Samm Mining shall complete the installation of piles for the bridge and the grading and compaction in the area of the bridge abutments . This area shall be turned over to J . D . Stewart Co. for the construction of the bridge. e. The J. D. Stewart Co. shall start erection of the bridge to Mariners Island. They shall confine their operations to the area immediately adjacent to the south and north abutment . f. The Landscapers Northwest may start construction of the tennis and game courts and the playfield areas. They shall confine their construction activities to the areas immediately adjacent to their work areas. g. The Red Samm Mining shall complete the installation of the sewer and domestic water systems to within 5 feet of the building structures. They shall also complete all site rough grading, the placement of gravel embankment for shore protection, and the grading and drainage of the parking lot area . The Stage 1 site shall be turned over to Landscapers Northwest for the completion of their construction operations . Both the Red Samm Mining Co. and the J . D. Stewart Company shall use the undeveloped portions of the site for haul roads and operations areas after this date. - f a _, PAGE 2 SECTION 1E - SCHEDULES 1E-1 SCHEDULE (continued) h. The Red Samm Mining Co. shall complete all work under their contract and shall turn over the work to the Owner. j . Landscapers Northwest shall start the construction of all items of work. k. The J . D. Stewart Co. shall start erection of the park entrance sign. 1 . The J . D. Stewart Co. shall complete all work under their contract and shall turn over the work to the Owner. m. Landscapers Northwest shall complete all items of work except planting of large trees . n. Landscapers Northwest shall complete all work under their contract and shall turn over the work to the Owner. o. Award Stage 11 building contract. p. Stage 11 contractor shall complete all work under his contract and shall turn over the work to the Owner. • • • • • MASTER SCHEDULE - LAKE WAS H I N G TON BEACH PARK MAY JUNE JULY . AUGUST SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. .JAN. • SITE CONTRACT 0 20 o 02 to (STAGE 1 )• A B D G Red Samm Mining Co. • 25 BUILDING CONTRACT 20 �o 9 (STAGE 1 ) E K L - J . D. Stewart • LANDSCAPE CONTRACT o — — ® 20 (STAGE 1 ) F • NI • Landscapers Northwes • • 15 2'1 BUILDING CONTRACT • (STAGE 11 ) • N 4Z n m -o C GI = r m cn PAGE 1 SECTION 2A - CLEARING OF SITE 2A-1 GENERAL A. WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS Removal of below grade construction such as concrete slabs, pavement, foundations, and the like is specified in "Earthwork". B. UTILITIES Keep active utilities intact and in continuous operation, street drains and sewers open for free drainage at all times. C. BLASTING & BURNING Do no blasting or burning on site without written permission of the Architect and other constituted authorities. D. ALTERNATES Refer to "Base Bid & Alternates" for possible effect on work of this Section. 2A-2 DEMOLITION 'A. .DEBRIS All debris will be removed from the site and disposed of at the contractor's expense..' B. PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY Extend requirements of Article 10 of the General Conditions to include protection of neighboring property,. occupants of said property, customers, visitors, and passers-by from injury. 2A-3 CLEARING AND GRUBBING A. GENERAL 1) Protection Protect construction and growth in areas to remain undisturbed until completion of contract. Leave in as good condition as found. 2) Monuments Carefully maintain bench marks, monuments and other reference points. If disturbed or destroyed, replace as directed. B. CLEARING 1) Remove trees only where noted on drawings or where required for buildings or other improvements. Verify with the Architect before beginning work. PAGE 2 SECTION 2A - CLEARING OF SITE 2A-3 CLEARING AND GRUBBING (Cont 'd) 2) Trees to remain Box and protect from damage until completion of contract. Remove interfering branches and roots without damage to trunks, as directed. Paint cuts more than 1-1/2 inches in diameter with tree wound paint. C. GRUBBING 1 ) General Remove stumps and roots larger than 1-1 /2 inches in diameter to the following levels: a. In areas to b e occupied by improvements: to not less than 18 inches below existing grade b. In other areas: To not less than 6-inches below, finish grade. D. DISPOSAL OF CLEARED AND GRUBBED MATERIAL Haul away from site at Contractor's expense or burn on site if permission is obtained from governing authorities. • • PAGE 1 SECTION 2B - EARTHWORK 2B-1 GENERAL A. WORK IN THIS SECTION Rough site grading, excavation, finish fill and backfill of building structures. B. MONUMENTS Carefully maintain bench marks, monuments , and other reference points. If disturbed or destroyed, replace as directed. C. UTILITIES Protect active pipes encountered; notify persons owning same. Remove inactive utilities from within building lines. Plug or cap where indicated or directed. D. DUST CONTROL Protect persons and property from damage and discomfort caused by dust. Water as necessary to quell dust. E. EXCESS OR SHORTAGE OF EARTH Furnish and place additional material hereinafter specified or needed for fills. Excess material may be spread in eight (8) inch layers on un- developed area of park. Do not use unsuitable foundation material removed from beach area for fill . 2B-2 EXCAVATION A. EXISTING FILL The original fill material placed on the park site contained broken asphalt and concrete pavement and other debris. The Contractor should be aware that this material may be encountered while excavating on the site. B. EXCAVATION FOR STRUCTURES 1 ) General Excavate as necessary for work shown on drawings or specified. Remove rocks, boulders, slabs, pavement, existing foundations, and other obstructions. Allow ample space for form work and the installation of drain tile. Leave bearing surfaces undisturbed, level and true. 2) Depth of Footing Excavation Excavate to solid bearing at elevations no higher than shown on drawings . • • PAGC SECTION 2B - EARTHWO,;K 2B-2 EXCAVATION (Cont 'd) • 3) Excess Excavation Should excavation, through error, be carried to elevations lower t11,..i • those shown on drawings , fill to proper levels at contractor' s expens::. Fill under footings with concrete of required strength, under slabs with compacted gravel . Earth or gravel fill under footings not permitted. 4) Water and Frost • Keep earth under footings and slabs dry and free from frost. Should bearing surfaces be softened by water or frost, re-excavate to solid bearing and fill with concrete at contractor' s expense. 2B-3 FILLING • A. GENERAL Remove debris and decay matter 'from areas to be filled before proceeding. Use approved materials only for fills. Obtain architect's approval before filling against concrete or-masonry walls. Make fill as soon thereafter as feasible to insure maximum settlement. B. MATERIAL A clean pit run sand and gravel of a gradation which will allow the specified compacted density to be obtained. C. COMPACTION OF FILLS Compact by whatever means necessary to insure minimum 95% compaction as determined by ASTM DG98 Method. D. • Replace slab which develop settlement cracks during one year guarantee period. D: FILLS UNDER INTERIOR SLABS Approved pit run gravel , 4'' in depth. Cover with reinforced Kraft Paper, • "Brownskin", "Sis.alkraft,'' or approved. Lap joints 4 inches; turn up 3 inches onto. vertical surfaces. Repair punctures in membrane before ' pouring concrete. E. SOIL BEARING TESTS -.p Provide. laborer with steel bar to test soil under architect's direction. Should doubt exist as to bearing capacity of soil , architect may order load tests at owner' s expense. Pour no footings until architect approves. PAGE 3 SECTION 2B - EARTHWORK 2B-4 ROUGH SITE GRADING A. General Grade entire area of property true to line grade and cross section. - Slope ground away from building walls to facilitate drainage. Grade to uniform levels or slopes between points where grades are noted on drawing. All depressions or ruts which contain water shall be drained. Round surfaces at abrupt changes in levels. Should figures conflict with contours, consult architect. B. Levels Grade areas outside buildings to following levels: 1) Paving, walks and other surfaced areas: To underside of surfac•iung. 2) Lawn areas To finish grades, allowing for 6 inches of topsoil . 3) Planting Areas: To finish grades, allowing for 12 inches of topsoil . C. Grading Around Trees 1 ) Raising grades: (Not more than 16 inches) Place washed gravel directly around trunk before any earth fill is placed near tree. Extend gravel not less than 18 inches around all sides of tree, top approximately 2 inches above finish grade at tree. 2) Lowering grades: Do regrading by hand to levels and extent indicated Cut roots as required 3 inches inside bank, and paint ends with tree wound paint. 2B-5 FINISH GRADING Spread stockpiled topsoil evenly over lawn and planting areas , extent as shown on drawings; bring to finish grades , allowing for settlement. If on-site topsoil is not sufficient, provide approved fertile black loam from off-site. Submit sample of off-site topsoil ; obtain approval before hauling to site. - PAGE 1 SECTION 2E - PATHS 2E-1 GENERAL A. WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS of these specifications Rough grading of surfaces to elevations required for surfacing specified herein. Exterior concrete walks . B. ALTERNATES Refer to "Base Bid & Alternates" for possible effect on work of this Section. 2E-2 SURFACING Surfacing of paths shall be constructed of native soils with a minimum of 7% fines . Paths shall be constructed and rolled firm and smooth and shall be sloped to drain with a minimum of 3/8 inch one (1 ) foot . Follow with application of dust oil . • PAGE 1 SECTION 2G LAWNS & PLANTING 2G-1 GENERAL A. WORK IN THIS SECTION Grass area including soil preparation; limits as defined on drawings. Trees and shrubs; quantity as specified on plant list. All labor and materials necessary for completion of the work as indicated on the landscape plan and irrigation plan and in this section of the ,/ specifications. J B. WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS of these specifications . Clearing of site. Boxing of trees to remain: site drainage and utility systems . Backfilling of trenches of site drainage-and utilities to grades noted above. C . GUARANTEE One year after final completion of project, or one year after work of this Section is completed, whichever is the later date: Lawns shall be solid color well-sodded mat, reasonably free from weeds. Plants shall be alive and in vigorous growing condition. D. PRECAUTIONS Locate underground utilities and drainage lines prior to excavating or driving stakes. Take proper precautions to prevent damaging or disturbing these improvements. Contractor responsible for damage or dislocation . • E. ALTERNATES . Refer to "Base Bid & Alternates" for possible effect on work of this Section. F. UNUSUAL AND UNEXPECTED CONDITIONS Should the contractor encounter an unexpected situation or become aware of an unexpected problem, he shall notify the Architect at the earliest possible moment. G. SUBSTITUTIONS All substitutions must be submitted to the Architect in sample form together with three copies of descriptive literature for approval with five (5) calendar days after the contract is executed. Substitutions after this date will not be accepted. All substitutions subject to Architect 's approval . H. SAMPLES The contractor shall furnish for approval all samples as directed . The work shall be in accordance with the approved samples . J . NOMENCLATURE Plant names shall conform to Standardized Plant Names, Secpmd Edition , 1942. K. GUARANTEE Plants supplied by the Contractor shall be guaranteed to be true to size, name, and variety. PAGE 2 SECTION 2G - LAWNS & PLANTING 2G-2 TREES & PLANTS A. GENERAL No. 1 grade as defined by Washingon Grading System. Fresh, well -established, vigorous, or normal habit of growth, free from disease, insects, insect eggs, and larvae. Subject to inspection for quality, size and variety at place of growth and upon delivery, and for injuries and condition of balls and roots during placing. Remove rejected material from site and replace. B. MEASUREMENTS Conform to dimensions shown on drawings, except as follows: 1) Plants: Oversize plants may be used but contract sum will not be increased. Undersize plants , up to 10 percent of any one variety, may be used provided average cover is equal to that specified. 2) Trees: Diameter of trunk one foot above ground surface not more than 10 percent smaller than that called for. 3) Conform to the horticultural standards of the American Nurseryman's Association. C. DIGGING & HANDLING Trees and shrubs in containers, or balled and burlapped, as noted on drawings. Ground cover plants may be bare-rooted, unless otherwise noted. Continuously protect roots and balls of plants from sun and drying winds . 1 ) Trees in boxes or butter tubs accepted if containers are in good condition. Root-bound material and material pruned back in cans will be rejected. 2) Balled and burlapped plants : Dig with firm, natural balls of soil around roots, diameter and depth sufficient to encompass fibrous and feeding roots. Dig early enough only, to become well established at nursery. Wrap carefully in standard burlap, and bind with twine. Root-bound material or material pruned back not accepted. Balls cracked, broken or dry at center will be rejected. Lift by ball only when transporting . 3) Bare-rooted plants: Dig with sufficient depth and spread of roots to insure full recovery and development. Do not allow roots to become skinned or dried out. 2G-3 OTHER MATERIALS A. Grass Seed Use the following grass seed mixture (proportions by weight) Certified Blue Tag Seed: Illahee Creeping Red Fescue 50% Chewing's Fescue 20% Astoria Bent Grass . 30% PAGE 3 SECTION 2G - LAWNS & PLANTING 2G-3 OTHER MATERIALS (Continued) B. NEW TOPSOIL Approved natural , fertile, friable sandy loam, free frp, rubble, stones larger than 1 inch in diameter, lumps , plant roots , weed seeds or other extraneous matter, and it shall not be taken from areas in,.which are growing any obnoxious weeds such as Morning glory, berries, or Quack grass. Bog peat is not an acceptable substitute for topsoil . Submit sample, obtain Architect 's approval before hauling to site. C. LIME Ground dolomitic limestone containing not less than 85 percent total carbonates, 30% passing 20 mesh screen, 50% passing 100 mesh screen. D. BONE MEAL Commercial grade, 0.5 percent nitrogen, 30 percent phosphorous. E. MANURE Well -rotted, unleached stable or cattle manure, at least one year old, free from harmful materials, reasonably free from shavings , sawdust and refuse. F. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Fertilizer shall be a standard brand with dealer's guarantee and analysis attached to the container: 20% Nitrogen: 50% Nitrate, 50% Sulfate 20% Phosphorus: Single phosphate 20% Potash Murate of potash or Sulfate of potash Urea Formaldehyde: 50% Available Nitrogen by weight. Contractor shall keep all fertilizer containers and labels on site as proof of quantities for approval by Architect . G. BAILED PEAT MOSS Commercial grade, dark brown color, stockpiled and dried for at least one year. Acid reaction ph-4 to ph-5, low in woody material , free from mineral or other foreign matter harmful to plant life. H. SPECIAL MIXTURE Equal parts topsoil , manure and peat moss, mixed thoroughly. J . SAWDUST Sawdust shall be as supplied locally but must be approved by Architect before delivery to job site. K. BARK MULCH Ground bark shall be as supplied locally but must be approved by Architect before delivery to job site. L. STAKES, TIES, GUY WIRES Adequate in size and strength, and otherwise suitable for the intended use. Stakes shall be 2" x 2" Cedar stained light green. Stakes shall be long enough to support tree or shrub against strong winds . Guys shall be 12 gauge galvanized wire. Each guy shall be passed through a piece of rubber garden hose at tree trunk to protect tree. Guys shall be securely attached to stakes. PAGE 4 SECTION 2G - LAWNS & PLANTING 2G-4 GRADING & SOIL PREPARATION A. GENERAL Provide and place additional topsoil and other materials needed for fills . Remove from site excess materials and those unsuitable for work of this Section. B. PLANTING BED PREPARATION Finish grade all areas. Spread two inches (30% by volume) sawdust evenly over entire planting area. Add mixture of commercial fertilizer per 1000 square feet, as follows: 125 pounds of ground dolomitic limestone 14 pounds Urea Formaldehyde (available Nitrogen to equal 7 pounds) 15 pounds 20/20/20 Thoroughly mix fertilizer and organic additive into top six inches of existing soil . Allow to stand minimum of twenty-one days before installing plants . C. PREPARATION OF LAWN AREAS Finish grade all areas thoroughly, Spread evenly (30% by volume) 2" sawdust over entire lawn area. Add mixture of commercial fertilizer per 1000 square feet, as follows: 125 pounds ground dolomitic limestone 14 pounds Urea Formaldehyde (available Nitrogen to equal 7 pounds) 15 'pounds 20/20/20 Thoroughly mix fertilizer and organic additive to top 6" of existing soil . (Allow to stand for a minimum of 21 days before applying seed.) Fine grade and roll until uniformly compacted with even smooth grade. 2G-5 PLANTING A. LOCATIONS Scale locations of trees and shrubs from drawings and mark with stakes. Obtain Architect 's approval of locations before planting . Space ground cover plants as indicated, or as directed. B. HOLES FOR TREES & PLANTS Planting shall be done in a manner to assure the least setback to plants . Dig circular pits with vertical sides for all plants. Pits shall be 12" greater in diameter than root ball or root spread. Depth of pit shall be such as to accommodate the ball or roots when the plant is set at finished grade, allowing for a minimum 6" of planting soil in the bottom of the pit. For trees, allow a minimum of 6" under roots and diameter of 24" greater than rootball or rootspread. C. GROUND COVER PITS Plants from flats not less than 4 x 4 x 4 inch size, from small pots or field clumps at least 8 x 8 x 8 inch size. t `= PAGE 5 SECTION 2G - LAWNS & PLANTING 2G-5 PLANTING (Continued) D. BACKFILL MIXTURES Prepared soil (same as "Planting Bed Preparation") shall be placed and properly compacted in the bottom of each planting hole, so that plant will be at proper level after planting. E. PLACING PLANTS & TREES Place in accordance with best practice during normal planting season, unless otherwise approved. Wrapping on balled and burlapped plants shall be cut, loosened and rolled back from upper half of rootball so that the soil around the roots remains unbroken. Confirm location and placement of all plants with Architect. Plants shall be set plumb, straight and faced for best effect. Orient plants and trees for best finished appearance, as directed. Backfill with specified mixture to within 6 inches of finish grade, add • water and allow to soak away, then fill hole to finish grade. Form shallow watering basin around each plant or tree Water plants well at least twice before mulching. After settlement, fill with additional topsoil to finish grade, rake beds clean and smooth before applying 2" mulch of ground fir or hemlock bark. F. STAKING & GUYING All trees shall be guyed or staked. Wire ties with rubber garden hose section protecting trunks shall be placed as high as practical on tree trunks . For guys, stakes shall be 24" long, with three guys per tree. For staking, stakes shall be 8 feet long with two stakes per tree, placed diametrically opposite each other with two ties to tree. Guy where possible. Where guys will interfere with lawn areas, or where there is inadequate space to guy, trees shall be staked. G. PRUNING Prune in accordance with standard horticultural practice, only after plants and trees are placed, not prior to delivery. Paint cuts more than 1/2 inch in diameter with tree wound paint . H. MULCHING After all plants are planted, beds shall be rakes smooth and clean, allowing 2" at edgeboards and paving for depth of mulch. Place mulch over beds . Mulch shall not cover trunk or stems of plants more than 1". J. MAINTENANCE Maintain by watering, spraying, weeding, and cultivating, and removal of dead material , tightening and repairing of guy wires, resetting of plants to grade and position, as 'required. Begin immediately after planting; maintain for 30 days thereafter. ;�"iJ , i7 PAGE 6 SECTION 2G - LAWNS & PLANTING 2G-6 SEEDING A. TIME FOR SEEDING As soon as possible and consistant with construction. Verify pro- posed time with Architect. B. PREPARATION Scarify areas to a depth of approximately one inch. C . SOWING SEED Seed hydraulically using Silva-Fiber (Weyerhauser) mulch at a rate of 1400 pounds per acre and seed at the rate of 215 pounds per acre. Water slowly and thoroughly. Keep moist until well established or until the first mowing. D. MAINTENANCE OF SEEDED AREAS Immediately after seeding, barricade seeded areas to prevent trespassing. Sprinkle with fine spray for 30 days, as necessary. Repair wind and water erosion and any other disturbance of seed bed. Re-fertilize and re-seed until even coverage is assured. Remove rank growths of weeds and repair as above. Mow to a height of 2 inches when average height of grass is 4 inches . Repeat for second cutting. E. CLEAN UP At time of Final Inspection, the Contractor shall have cleaned the area. All debris and excess material shall have been removed from site by the Contractor. 2G-7 PLANT LIST See Sheet A-2 of working drawings for basic bid, alternates and notes . PAGE 1 SECTION 3A - CONCRETE FORMWORK 3A-1 GENERAL A. Building Code Requirements of the Uniform Building Code, if more rigid than those herein, govern. B. Alternates Refer to "Base Bid & Alternates" for possible effect on work of this Section. 3A-2 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS A. Board Forms "Standard" grade Douglas Fir or approved, T&G or shiplap, S1S2E, not wider than 8 inches, nominal one inch thick. B. Plywood Forms 5/8 inch DFPA EXT "PlyForm" or approved. Use wherever smooth surfaces will be left exposed to view. Arrange joints as indicated or directed by Architect. ' C. Form Ties Dayton "Sure-Grip", Richmond "Snap-Tys", or approved, type recommended by manufacturer for condition of installation. Wire ties and wood spacers not permitted. D. Coring Provide coring of slabs and walls for mechanical and electrical work, sizes and locations as directed by mechanical and electrical trades . E. Form Workmanship Conform to shapes, lines and dimensions shown on drawings. Form for weakened plane joints and other surface indentations, as indicated. Make forms tight to prevent leakage of mortar. Provide access openings as required for cleaning and inspection of forms and reinforcement prior to placing of concrete. Avoid splicing forms on concrete fins or other prominent features . F. Cooperation Allow other trades time and facilities to install necessary embedded items. PAGE 2 SECTION 3A - CONCRETE FORMWORK 3A-2 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS (continued) G. Treatment of Forms 1) Board forms: Keep wet previous to placing concrete; wet thoroughly just before placing. 2) Plywood forms: Coat with approved stainless form oil . For surfaces to be painted, use minimum quantity required for form removal . H. Re-Use of Wood Forms Withdraw projecting nails; clean concrete from contact surfaces . Form boards that are gouged, warped, delaminated, or otherwise of a condition that will leave the finished concrete of a visibly different texture or appearance shall not be used for exposed concrete work. J. Removal of Forms Remove forms at a time and in such manner as to insure complete safety of the structure, and without damage to concrete surfaces . Remove form ties 4 days after pour, unless directed otherwise. Leave supporting forms and shoring in place until concrete has attained sufficient strength to safely support its own weight plus any loads imposed upon it. The Building Official may require forms to remain in place for a specified time. ATAi 4 ` '� L PAGE 1 SECTION 3B - CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT 3B-1 GENERAL A. Abbreviations ACI : American Concrete Institute, P.O. Box 5754, Redford Station, Detroit, Michigan 48219 ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 CRSI : Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, 38 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois 60603 B. Shop Drawings . Reinforcing steel shop drawings bending and placing diagrams shall be prepared in strict accordance with ACI Report 315-65. Placing diagrams shall be accurately followed on the job. , C. Alternates Refer to "Base Bid & Alternates" for possible effect on work of this Section. 3B-2 MATERIALS A. Bars Billet steel bars for concrete reinforcement, ASTM Specification A 15, current edition, intermediate grade except where noted otherwise on drawings. No. 3 bars and larger deformed in accordance with ASTM A 305, current edition. Each piece of steel grade marked or each shipment accompanied by a certificate of inspection. B. Mesh Cold drawn steel wire, ASTM Specification A 185, current edition. 6 x 6 inch. mesh, No... 10. wire, _.unless noted otherwise on drawings . • C. Accessories Conform to CRSI "Manual of Standard Practice for Reinforced Concrete Construction", current edition. Include all devices necessary for proper placing, spacing, supporting and fastening steel reinforcement in place. Metal accessories galvanized where legs will be exposed in finished spaces. Concrete, ceramic or plastic accessories may be substituted for steel , subject to Architect 's approval . r PAGE 2 SECTION 3B - CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT 36-3 FABRICATION & INSTALLATION A. Fabrication Clean, bend and splice reinforcement in accordance with ACI Publication No.15, current edition. Welding, if used, performed by welders certified by American Welding Society. B. Installation Place steel accurately in accordance with approved placing diagrams . Fasten securely in place to prevent displacement before and during pouring of concrete. Exercise care to be sure that reinforcement is protected by the required thickness of concrete, as indicated on approved placing diagrams. Lap sides and ends of mesh reinforcement not less than one mesh. PAGE 1 SECTION 3C - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 3C-1 GENERAL A. Standard Specifications Conform to "Suggested Specifications for Plain & Reinforced Concrete", ST 106, issued by Portland Cement Association, 33 W. Grand Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60610, as modified herein and on the drawings . Above standards apply to conventionally reinforced heavy aggregate concrete only, except as noted otherwise. B. Alternates Refer to "Base Bid & Alternates" for possible effect on work of this Section. 3C-2 INGREDIENTS A. Portland Cement Conform to ASTM C150-59, Type I or III . B. Aggregate Washed sand and gravel conforming to Uniform Building Code, Paragraph 3.26.040. C. Bonding Agent Colma Bonding Compound as manufactured by Sika Chemical Corporation and distributed by Charles R. Watts Co. , Seattle, Washington. Use in strict conformance with manufacturer's instructions. D. Admixtures "Plastiment" manufactured by Sika Chemical Corporation. Add at the mixing plant per manufacturer's directions. Provide in all slabs and walls. Reduce water content to provide slump recommended by manufacturer. E. Water Potable. 3C-3 MIXING & PLACING A. Concrete shall be proportioned in accordance with ACI 211 to produce concrete of required strength, workability and water tightness. Maximum permitted slump shall be 4 inches . Strength shall be as noted on structural drawings . B. Ready-Mixed Concrete shall conform to ASTM C-94 "Specifications for Ready-Mixed Concrete" and ACI 304 "Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, and Placing Concrete". PAGE 2 SECTION 3C - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 3C-3 MIXING & PLACING (coned) C. Before laying concrete slab, all screeds and other leveling devices shall be installed to true elevations. D. Notify Architect at least twenty-four (24) hours before pouring any concrete. E. Upon resumption of work after stoppage, the surfaces of previously poured concrete shall have all laitance removed, and surface wetted down. F. Mechanical vibration shall be used for all work with sufficient intensity to cause thorough settlement. G. Concrete floor shall be finished monolithically without topping and shall be finished by hand using steel trowels to produce a true level , polished surface. H. The floor shall be thoroughly cured by keeping damp and covered with Sisal Kraft paper for one week, or other approved method, and finished surfaces shall be protected from damage at all times. See Section 3C-6 3C-4 CLEANING & REPAIRING CONCRETE A. Form Tie Holes Fill with cement mortar mixed as dry as feasible, and rammed solid. B. Voids & Gravel Pockets Repair as directed wherever, in Architect's opinion, it is necessary. • C. Finishing Exposed Surfaces Knock fins off smooth; patch imperfections to match adjacent surfaces. Rub surfaces with carborundum stone where directed. Leave surfaces clean and smooth, ready for painting. 3C-5 CONCRETE SLAB FINISHES (Interior) A. General Screed slabs, for whatever finish, to true levels or slopes. B. Non-Slip Float Finish Screed and tamp to bring fine particles to surface. Float with wood or carpet float to true surfaces, tolerance 1/4 inch in 10 feet. Leave slightly roughened surface. Mark off slabs as indicated or directed; round edges to 1/4 inch radius. Provide where noted on drawings. C. Troweling, where called for hereinafter: Trowel by hand or machine to hard, dense surfaces, free from trowel marks. Do not absorb wet spots with neat cement or mixture of sand and cement. Wait until surfaces are dry enough for proper troweling. PAGE 3 SECTION 3C - CAST- IN-PLACE CONCRETE 3C-5 CONCRETE SLAB FINISHES (Interiors) (coned) Chemical dryers not permitted. Trowel to level or true slopes as indicated, tolerance 1/8 inch in 10 feet. D. Defective Work Remove and replace, when directed, loose topping, slabs which show excessive shrinkage cracks, and any slabs which do not drain properly. 3C-6 CURING & PROTECTION A. Where special coatings are indicated in finish schedule, the concrete shall not contain any admixture at the time of pour which might interfere with the bond and cure of the plastic flooring. Also, no curing agents or compounds shall be used to control the set or cure of this slab except CLEAN water. B. Concrete slabs and panels shall be cured for a minimum of 7 days. Keep from drying by covering with film, coating or other water retaining material and wetting as required. C. Protection Contractor shall be responsible for condition of slabs and concrete finishes at completion of job. They shall be clean and free from mortar, paint, asphalt, or other materials. D. Finish See painting Section 9J for concrete slab finish in restroom building. 3C-7 CONCRETE WALK FINISHES A. General Screed all slabs , for whatever finish, to true levels or slopes. IMPORTANT - Tool all edges between screeds and concrete. B. Exterior Pebble - Surface Finish On areas noted exposed aggregate, finish shall be exposed by water spray and brush. Use a concrete mix of stright 7/8" rock with no fines. Add lamp black to mixture . . . verify amount with architect. After initial set, brush and wash off matrix carefully, exposing proper amount of even aggregate. Prepare 2 foot by 2 foot by 4" thick sample for approval before proceeding. After final curing, clean surface with 10 percent muratic solution, rinse with clean water. Slope as noted to achieve positive drainage off surfaces in all areas . PAGE 1 SECTION 3D - PRECAST CONCRETE 3D-1 GENERAL A. Alternates Refer to "Base Bid & Alternates" for possible effect on work of this Section. 3D-2 PRECAST CONCRETE PANELS, EXPOSED ROCK FINISH A. Panels and piers may be precast by approved precast concrete firm, cast by Contractor at his own yard facilities, or cast at job site. In any case, casting methods shall be reviewed and approved by Architect before commencement of actual panels . B. Samples Contractor shall prepare two 2 foot x 2 foot samples for approval of Architect before starting actual panels. Approved Sample shall be kept at job-site and used as standard for panel finish appearance. C. Shop Drawings Submit drawings showing reinforcing, lifting anchors, inserts, and other details in accordance with General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. D. Materials 1 ) Cement, aggregates , water and admixtures shall be as specified undel- 3C-2. 2) Rock for exposed face shall be Black River Quarry "2-1/2" coarse or approved. E. Placing 1) Panels shall be cast in a sand casting bed. Rock shall be carefully cast in sand bed. Coverage shall be complete and uniform. Rock shall be imbedded approximately half of depth into sand. Smaller rock shall surround larger rock to minimize exposed concrete. 2) A casting layer of concrete of approximately 2 inches thickness shall be placed over rock. Exercise care not to dislodge rock during concrete pour. Leave surface rough to develop bond to structural wall concrete. 3) Structural concrete shall be mixed, placed, and finished, in accordance with Section 3C-3; interior finish in accordance with 3C-5-C; curing in accordance with 3C-6. F. Erection Panels and piers shall not be lifted until compressive strength tests equal 2100 psi and ten days minimum have elapsed since pouring. Panels shall be securely braced until welded or otherwise secured by framing or masonry wall . All welding shall be done by welders certified by the American Welding Society in accordance with AWS Recommended Practices, current edition . tlf • PAGE 2 SECTION 3D - PRECAST CONCRETE 3D-2 PRECAST CONCRETE PANELS, EXPOSED ROCK FINISH (Continued) Exposed welds shall be ground flush with adjacent surfaces and depressed plates grouted flush with surface of panels. G. Caulking Where so indicated, caulk joints using polysulphide type sealant, as specified in "Caulking & Sealing" Section of these specifications. H. Pointing Point other joints with mortar specified in "Mortar" Section, color selected. Form joints to detail , or as directed. J. Cleaning & Repairing Clean surfaces of bondbreaker and other foreign substances, whether or not they are to be painted. Repair or replace damaged units, as directed. K. Grouting All inserts and voids shall be dry packed flush with the surrounding surface. All dry pack shall be mixed with Portland cement, sand bonding agent, water, and white cement. (no lime allowed) The Contractor shall make test patches with various ratios of white and gray cement. The architect will select the ratio that the contractor shall use on all exposed patching. PAGE 1 SECTION 4A - MORTAR 4A-1 GENERAL A. Certificates If ready-mixed mortar is used, furnish certificates from mixing plant stating that mortar delivered to project conforms to these specifications. B. Alternates Refer to "Base Bid & Alternates" for possible effect on work of this Section. 4A-2 MATERIALS A. Waterproofing Admixture Horn "Hydratite", Master Builders "Omicron", Sonneborn "Hydrocide", or approved. B. Accelerator Calcium chloride liquid, "Anti-Hydro", "Trimix", or approved. C. Retardant Plasticizing agent, Sika "Plastiment", Sonneborn "Sonotard", or approved. D. Other Materials Conform.to requirements of Uniform Building Code, current edition. 4A-3 SETTING MORTARS A. Types Mortar types specified herein refer to Tables in Uniform Building Code, current edition. B. Masonry All walls and partitions below grade construction, isolated piers, and reinforced walls where so noted on drawings, Type "S" mortar. 4A-4 GROUTING ✓; POINTING MORTARS A. Pointing Mortar One cubic foot Portland cement. 1/4 cubic foot hydrated lime or aged lime putty. 3 cubic feet 80 mesh ground sant. Use natural sand. B. Grouting Mortars • See Division 3 - Concrete, for other grouting mortars. 4A-5 ADDITIVES A. Waterproofing Admixture Add, in proportions recommended by manufacturer, to mortar in rest rooms, where exposed to weather or in contact with earth. Waterproof cement, of type specified, may be used and waterproofer omitted, at contractor's option . PAGE 2 SECTION 4A - MORTAR 4A-5 ADDITIVES (continued) B. Accelerator, Retardant Add to mixes where required by weather conditions, as directed. 4A-6 MORTAR MIXING A. Proprietary Products Mix in accordance with manufacturer's directions . B. Other Mortars Mix in accordance with requirements of Uniform Building Code, current edition. PAGE 1 SECTION 46 - UNIT MASONRY 4B-1 GENERAL A. Work in Other Sections of these specifications: Metal slots in concrete for anchorage of other masonry. Mortars for masonry specified herein. Dampproof coatings applied to masonry.. Masonry for manholes and catch basins . B. Building Code Requirements of the Uniform Building Code, if more rigid than those herein, govern. • C. Workmanship 1) General : Lay work to true lines , plumb and level unless otherwise indicated. Fill joints full of mortar, except: a) Expansion joints, construction joints, earthquake joints. b) Space between wythes of cavity walls. Exercise extreme care to keep above spaces clean and free from mortar droppings. Do not allow mortar droppings to plug weep holes . 2) Cavity wall construction: Install anchors, herein specified, as work proceeds. Smooth out mortar squeezed from joints on cavity side of wythes. 3) Cooperation: • Build in work of other trades , as required, without weakening or defacing masonry. D. Precautions 1) In freezing weather: Do no masonry work unless approved means are provided for heating materials , and masonry is protected from frost until mortar has hardened. Anti -freeze ingredients added to mortar or grout not permitted. 2) In rainy weather: Do no work unless materials and work are protected by cover. E. Alternates Refer to "Base Bid & Alternates" for possible effect on work of this Section. 4B-2 MASONRY UNITS A. Partitions and Walls Hollow units, ASTM specification C 90, latest edition, made with 1/2 pumice, 1/2 sand and gravel . • 1,1C. PAGE 2 SECTION 46 - UNIT MASONRY 4B-2 MASONRY UNITS (continued) B. Miscellaneous Provide matching lintel blocks, bond beams, and other special shapes required. 4B-3 LAYING CONCRETE UNITS A. General Lay in regular bond, breaking vertical joints to true, evenly spaced lines, unless otherwise indicated. Units with open cells exposed to walls not permitted. Make joints uniform, approximately 3/8 inch wide. On exposed work, compress joints with round tool when mortar starts to harden. Build units tight to bucks and to abutting concrete. Bond each course at corners and intersections. B. Lintels 1) Openings up to 4 feet wide: Lay first course above opening horizontally, or provide lintel block. Fill cells with concrete; see drawing for reinforcing. Provide not less than 8-inch bearing on each side of opening. 4B-4 ANCHORS A. Cavity Walls Fabricate from 1-1/2" x 1 -1/2" x 12 gauge angle. Extend 3 inches into 4-inch walls, 4 inches into 6 inch walls. Complete with 1/4 inch round diameter bar vertical at 1 inch in from end of tie. Place ties staggered at 24 inch OC vertical and 36 inch OC horizontal . B. Metal Bucks & Frames Build in anchors furnished by metal buck and frame manufacturer. Fill space between masonry and buck or frame full of mortar. 4B-5 MASONRY REINFORCEMENT A. Bars Intermediate grade deformed steel bars made from billets. B. Wire Mesh "Dur-O-Wall", "K-Web", or approved, No.9 gauge side and cross rods (standard) . Width of mesh recommended by manufacturer for wall thickness . Page 1 SECTION ,5F - MISCELLANEOUS STEEL & IRON 5F-1 GENERAL A. Work.:,in Other Sections of .these ''spec i f i cat i ons Anchors, cramps, ties and dowels fpr masonry. Rough 'hardw.are for carpentry. Finish painting of steel and iron items. Anchors, bolts and sleeves for mechanical and electrical work. B. Shop Drawings Show complete details of construction and methods of installation. Submit in accordance with General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions . C. Shop Treatment After fabrication but before installation, remove rust scale, grease and oil by wire brushing and chemical cleaning. Touch up galvanized metal surfaces damaged in fabricating with "Galv-Weld," "Galvicon," or approved; no painting required. Coat other metal with one heavy coat approved metal primer. ;D. Alternates w Refer to "Base Bid & Alternates" for possible effect on work of this section. 5F-2 MATERI'AIS & FABRICATION A. Materials Structural steel ASTM Specification A7, cast steel A27, cast iron A48. Other materials best commercial quality, suitable for the intended purpose. :. B. Fabrication of Steel Form to accurate sizes and shapes, with sharp lines and angles. Punch and shear to leave clean surfaces . Weld or rivet permanent connections; grind exposed welds smooth. Do not use screws or bolts where they can be avoided. When used, countersink heads and draw up tight; nick threads to prevent Loosening. . Provide holes at?do.nnections for work. of other trades. - C. Joi.ntts & Faenings Detail for ample strength and stiffness; conceal wherever possible. Where exposed to weather, form to exclude water. • t09'' PAGE 1 SECTION 6A - CARPENTRY AT SITE 6A-1 GENERAL A. Work in Other Sections of these specifications Temporary toilet and field office buildings , temporary enclosures , project sign. Wood edging strips for pavement. Forms for concrete. B. Furnished Under Other Sections, but installed under work of this section Hollow metal frames . Wood doors. Finish hardware. C. Building Code Requirements of the Uniform Building Code, if more rigid than those herein, govern. D. Evidence of Grade Each piece of lumber and plywood stamped with grade mark and trademark of the Association having jurisdiction, or each shipment accompanied by official certificate of inspection. E. Maximum Moisture Content, when delivered to project Wood to be embedded in masonry or concrete, wood siding and subfloors, 12 percent. Laminated construction, 16 percent. Other materials, 19 percent. Furnish moisture content certificates if and when requested. F. Rough Hardware Provide all necessary for installation of work specified herein, sizes and quantities required by Building Code or hereinafter specified. Hard- ware exposed to moisture hot-dip galvanized steel or approved type nonferrous metal . G. Attachments Where wood engages masonry or concrete, provide approved type metal plugs or inserts, spaced as required for a rigid and permanent installation. Wood embedded in masonry or concrete not permitted unless shown on drawings or specified, then must be kiln dried and preservative treated as specified. H. Storage and Protection Protect lumber, plywood, millwork and casework from the weather. Protect roof sheathing until covered by roofing, subfloors until finish floors are installed. Be sure that building is thoroughly dry before finish woods are placed in it. J. Alternates Refer to "Base Bid & Alternates" for possible effect on work of this section. PAGE 2 SECTION 6A - CARPENTRY AT SITE 6A-2 ROUGH CARPENTRY, GENERAL A. Rough Lumber • Douglas fir, or approved, surfaced 4 sides to standard dimensions , except where rough sawn stock is specified or special shapes are indicated. Beams, construction grade, 1500 f working stress. Joists and rafters, "Construction" grade, 1500 f working stress. Rough Umber not otherwise specified, "Standard" grade. B. Metal Accessories Joist hangers and framing connectors, where indicated, manufactured by Heckman, Holmann 6 Barnard,—Timber Engineering, or approved. Secure with nails, screws or bolts recommended by manufacturer. C. Workmanship Carefully lay out, cut, fit and install rough carpentry items. Use sufficient nails, spikes, screws and bolts to insure rigidity and permanence. Drive nails perpendicular to grain of wood in lieu of toe- nailing, where feasible. Provide for installation and support of plumbing, heating and ventilating work. Install work to true lines, plumb and level , unless indicated otherwise. D. Ceiling Joists , Set with crown side up; lap and splice' together over intermediate bearings. Block ends of joists . E. Solid Bridging Provide nominal 2 inch solid bridging over bearings, 2 inches less than depth of roof joists, full depth for ceiling joists . F. Plywood (concealed) Douglas fir, U. S. Commercial Standard CS-45, exterior type. G. Plywood (soffit) Douglas Fir "Ruff-cut" as manufactured by Pope & Talbot Inc. , Kalama, Washington, premium grade, plain pattern. H. Roof Decking _ . 1 ) Material : "Select Deck" Douglas Fir, 2" X 8" size, single T&G long edges, standard pattern selected. 2) Installation: Each plank to span one or more spans, end joints above supports and staggered. 3) Nailing: Blind nail each plank to each support with nails long enough to penetrate at least 1-1/2 inches :. into support . Face nail each plant •to each support in a similar manner. Nail each plank to adjacent piece mid-way between top and bottom tongue at 4-ft. centers . Drill holes in planks as required to prevent plitting. I . Wood Screeds (Edging Strips) "Construction" grade douglas fir, or approved, S4S, nominal 2 inches thick. Preservative pressure treated in accordance with Section 6F of these specifications. Install in true lines, in as long lengths as feasible. Provide wherever edges of surfacing are exposed; leave in place. SL, PAGE 3 SECTION 6A - CARPENTRY AT SITE 6A-2 ROUGH CARPENTRY, GENERAL (Coned) J . Roof Sheathing & Plyscord Ext. - DFPA C-C Douglas Fir Plywood. Lay sheets with face grain perpendicular to supports , end joints on bearings. 6A-3 INSTALLATION OF ITEMS FURNISHED UNDER OTHER SECTIONS A. Millwork Install millwork items specified in another section or shown on drawings Install running trim in as long lengths as feasible. Miter casings and mouldings; glue joints with waterproof glue. Use finish nails, set for puttying, except where screws are required. Cleanup after installation with fine sandpaper or steel wool . Remove sharp external corners. B. Hollow Metal Frames Install frames in accurate location, plumb and level . Anchor in accordance with manufacturer' s directions and approved. shop drawings. Install doors and hardware as specified below. C. Wood Doors Install frames in accurate location shown on drawings; anchor securely in place. Fit doors to frames with uniform clearance, not more than 3/16 inch at heads and jambs. Clearance at sills as directed. • D. Finish Hardware Install hardware listed in hardware schedule or required to complete the project. Adjust moving parts to operate freely, without binding, at time of final acceptance. Make further adjustments, when requested, during 1-year guarantee period. 6A-4 MISCELLANEOUS A. Screening at Vents 16 x 16 or 14 x 18 mesh aluminum screen cloth, diameter of wire not less than 0.011 inch. Lap openings not less than 2 inches, stretch taut and tack securely in place. B. Exterior Benches and Handrails Port Orford cedar, or approved, sizes indicated, S4S, edges and corners eased. Install in single lengths. Secure with hot-dip galvanized screws or bolts as detailed. rd r 1 � PAGE 1 SECTION 6D - MILLWORK AND CASEWORK 6D-1 GENERAL A. WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS of these specifications: Items specified in "Carpentry at Site," Installation of millwork and casework specified herein. Finish hardware not specified herein . Painting and finishing. Plumbing and electric fixtures and connections. B. WORK INCLUDED IN THIS SECTION All other finish woodwork, both exterior and interior, shown on drawings, speci - fied herein, or required to complete the project. C. QUALITY STANDARDS Conform to "Quality Standards of the Architectural Woodwork Industry," current edition, published by Architectural Woodwork Institute, hereinafter called AWI , West End Building, Nashville, Tennessee 37203, as modified herein and on the drawings. D. MILLWORK S CASEWORK MANUFACTURER ' Experienced in woodwork of the quality specified herein and approved by the architect. E. SHOP DRAWINGS Show profiles. of mouldings, details of joints, and other pertinent items. Show connections of casework to adjoining construction, whether or not all items are furnished by this subcontractor. Submit in accordance with General Conditions and. Supplementary Conditions . F. ALTERNATES Refer to "Base Bid & Alternates" for possible effect on work of this Section. 6D-2 INTERIOR MILLWORK FOR STAIN FINISH Species and grade as noted on drawings . 6D-3 CASEWORK A. SPECIES & GRADE Exposed parts to match other interior woodwork; all casework AWI "Custom" grade. Parts concealed wheni'drawers and opaque doors are closed optional with contractor B. COUNTER TOPS (1 ) Plastic laminate, "Formica, '" "Micarta,", "Textolite," ornapproved, solid color, selected by architect from manufacturer's standards . Provide self-edge, end splash and splashback of matching material where indicated. C. CUTTING FOR OTHER TRADES '.Cut holes for plumbing and electric fixtures as directed by subcontractor fur- nishing these items . PAGE 2 SECTION 6D - MILLWORK AND CASEWORK 6D-3 CASEWORK (coned) D. Doors and Drawers Shall be lip type cut from single sheets of plywood to match grain. Door showing excessive warp shall be replaced. See drawings for details. E. Shelving Dividers All shelving dividers and other plywood concealed when doors and drawers are closed, shall be 3/4" DFPA-INT• B-B fir plywood or to match exposed parts at contractor's option. All shelves shall hav e 1/4" hardwood edges to match interior cabinet millwork exposed to view. F. Metal Drawer Slides All drawers shall have metal slides. See Hardware Section 8H. G. Adjustable Shelf Brackets Knape & Vogt No. 256, or approved. Provide 4 for each adjustable shelf indicated. Drill holes in casework for brackets in 2 rows at 1-inch centers, full height of space. H. Cutting for Other Trades Cut holes for plumbing and electrical fixtures, as directed by contractor. I . Installation of Hardware Furnish and install above-specified hardware, complete. Install casework hardware specified in "Finish Hardware". Do work in accordance with AWI standards. 6D-6 MISCELLANEOUS A. Closet & Storage Shelving 3/4" DFPA-INT B-B fir plywood. All shelves shall have 1/4" hardwood edges to match interior cabinet millwork exposed to view. Closet rods and shelves with supports to be stained. B. Metal Trim for Laminated Countertops Use smallest of this trim available. Verify with architect. PAGE 1 SECTION 6F - WOOD PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT 6F-1 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS A. Material Toxic water-repellent color solution, "Penta WR", "Wood Life" or "Woodtox." B. Treatment Immerse wood in solution for at least three minutes. Apply liberal brush coat of same solution to surfaces cut in fitting at job site. C. Materials to be Treated All surfaces of wood framing joining concrete. D. Wood Screeds in exterior concrete and asphalt work; Pressure treated but not colored, to allow for stain. PAGE 1 SECTION 7D - SHINGLE ROOFS 7D-1 GENERAL • A. Work in Other Sections of these specifications Roof sheathing or stripping; gutters and downspouts. Staining of wood shingles or shakes after installation. Flashing of pipes and ducts passing through roofs. B. Sheet Metal 1) Zinc alloy, thickness indicated on drawings, Illinois Zinc "Eraydo", or approved. 2) Extent of work in this section: Except as noted in Pars. A and B above, provide all sheet metal work required for a weathertight roof, in accordance with standard specifications named below and manufacturer's directions. C. Guarantee Work of this section is subject to 2-year guarantee called for in Supplementary Conditions. D. Alternates Refer to "Base Bid & Alternates" for possible effect on work of this section. 7D-2 ASPHALT SHINGLES A. Shingles Carey '""325 Fire-Chex", Johns-Manville "Fiberglass 325 Seal-O-Matic", or approved, manufacturer's standard color selected. B. Application Install shingles in accordance with manufacturer's directions published in Sweet's Architectural File, latest edition. PAGE 1 SECTION 7H - CAULKING & SEALING 7H-1 GENERAL A. Extent of Work Caulking and sealing of joints between door and louver frames and exterior masonry and concrete, and other spaces noted on drawings to be caulked or sealed. B. Alternates Refer to "Base Bid & Alternates" for possible effect on work of this section. 7H-2 MATERIALS . A. Caulking Compound (Conventional type) Grace-Horn "Vulcatex", Sonneborn "Kaukit", or approved. B. Sealant (Polysulphide type) Grace-Horn "Hornflex", Sonneborn "Sonolastic", or approved. C. Color Approximate color of adjacent surfaces, unless directed otherwise. D. Back-Up Material 1) For caulking compounds: Glass fiber or raveled strands of non-staining cotton wicking. 2) For sealants: Rubber gasketing rod recommended by sealant manufacturer. Diameter 1/3 greater than width of joint where it is to be installed. 7H-3 WORKMANSHIP A. Preparation Be sure that surfaces are clean and dry before proceeding. Prime unpainted porous surfaces with primer recommended by manufacturer of the caulking or sealing material . B. Protection Mask surfaces adjacent to joints as required for complete protection. C. Back-Up 1) Joints to be caulked: Where more than 3/4 inch deep, pack with back-up material to within 1/2 inch of surface. 2) Joints to be sealed: Where more than 1/2 inch deep, install rubber rod to within 1/4 inch of surface. Where less than 1/2 inch deep, apply tape to bottom of joint to prevent adhesion of sealant to bottom of joint. D. Caulking & Sealing Use caulking compound except where sealant is specified or noted on drawings. Mix 2-part sealant in accordance with manufacturer's directions . Caulk or seal joints before final coat of paint is applied to adjacent surfaces. Apply with gun having nozzle of proper size. Fill joints and voids solid. Superficial pointing with skin bead not accepted. Remove excess material and leave surfaces neat, clean and smooth. PAGE 1 SECTION 7J - THERMAL INSULATION 7J-1 THERMAL INSULATION A. Material Thermal treatment for the ceilings, walls and floors shall be Fiberglas Building Insulation as manufactured by Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp." Material shall have the manufacturer's name, guaranteed thermal resis- tance, and thickness printed on the package wrapper and vapor barrier for complete identification. The insulation shall conform to Federal Specifications No.HH-1-521C, Type 1 , Class A or B. Products shall be: I . .Ceilings Kraft faced fiberglas HH-1-521C, Type 1 , Class b, 6 inches thick with a winter and summer R value of 20. 2. Walls Friction fit Owen -Corning Fiberglas, Class A, 3-1" thick with R value of ll ; separately install over face of studs .002 mill polyethlene to provide a continuous vapor barrier. 3. Floors (where crawl spaces occur) Reverse flange bat, Owens-Corning,- 3i" thick with R value of 13 . • 1. • PAGE 1 SECTION 7E - ARCHITECTURAL SHEET METAL 7E-1 GENERAL A. Work in Other Sections Wood blocking and nailers. Sheetmetal work for heating and ventilating systems. Flashing for pipes. B. Shop Drawings Furnish complete and detailed shop drawings of stainless steel counters. Submit in accordance with General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. C. Electrolytic Protection Where aluminum is to be in contact with dissimilar materials, treat contact surfaces to. prevent electrolysis. D. Alternates Refer to "Base Bids & Alternates" for possible effect on work of this Section. 7E-2 MATERIALS A. Countertops - Type 302, 14 gauge, #4 mill finish B. Jambs, Head, & Trim - Type 302, 18 gauge, # 4 mill finish 7E-3 • WORKMANSHIP A. General Select materials carefully for matching color and texture after finishing, Flat surfaces smooth and true, free from waves and buck'es Edges, corners and angles clean, sharp and square, joints precision fitted. Make connections with concealed mechanical fastenings wherever possible. Where not possible, welding as hereinafter specified, may be used. Allow for expansion and contraction; make exterior work permanently weathertight. B. Welding Employ craftsmen skilled in welding architectural metals; do work carefully. Exposed welds to match adjacent surfaces in color and finish, free from porousity, cracks and blow holes. C. Counter Tops All tops shall be 14 gauge stainless steel . All tops shall turn up against walls, etc., and shall have horizontal and vertical corners coved on a ?� 13 PAGE 2 SECTION 7E - ARCHITECTURAL SHEET METAL 7E-3 WORKMANSHIP (Cont'd) C. Counter Tops (cont'd) 5/8" radius and the top of the back shall be turned toward wall and secured to wall . Table tops, sink and drainboard edges shall be finished with a 1-1/4" die formed rolled edge. Corners to have the same radius. Splash ht. - 6". Corners shall be fully rounded and made integral , and of the same materials . as the top and the rolled edges. Radii of all points on the surfac,eshall be equal , resulting in a fully curved corner, both horizontally and` . vertically. Filler pieces or soldering shall not be used in place of ;.all welded construction. All tops, drainboards and unexposed sink basins : shall have an approved sound deadening mastic applied on underside'.' Provide adequate bracing under metal tops. Wood framing as detailed may serve for this. See Mechanical specifications. Stainless steel sinks may be supplied integral with counter tops in lieu of those specified, as long as integral sinks meet quality of those sinks specified. D. Cleaning After all other trades have finished their work, clean surfaces with plain water, white gasoline or distillate. Use no acid or abrasive. E. Protective Coatings For aluminum and Stainless Steel : Strippable plastic, Acker & Acker "Spray-Mask," Pittsburgh "Spraycoat," or approved. Apply one heavy coat to surfaces immediately after finishing. Remove just prior to final acceptance. • PAGE 1 SECTION 8A - HOLLOW METAL WORK 8A-1 GENERAL A. Work in Other Sections Finish hardware for frames specified herein. Hollow metal doors in toilet compartments. Finish painting of doors and frames specified herein. Installation of items specified herein. Caulking of exterior hollow metal door frames in masonry and concrete. B. Standard Specifications Conform to "Recommended Specifications , Standard Steel Doors & Frames: , SDI 100, published by Steel Door Institute, Keith Building, Cleveland, Ohio, 44115, as architect judges them applicable and as modified herein. C. Certificate Furnish letter from manufacturer stating that hollow frames delivered to project conform to these specifications. D. Manufacturer Member of Steel Door Institute, or approved. E. Shop Drawings Furnish manufacturer's published details of standard stock items. Furnish detailed drawings of variations from standards. Submit in accordance with General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. F. Alternates Refer to "Base Bid & Alternates" fox possible effect on work of this section. G. Materials First quality open hearth full cold rolled stretcher leveled sheet steel . H. Workmanship Execute in strict accordance with best steel cabinet craftsmanship. Cut, punch, form and miter to hairline measurements. Re-roll , hammer level , and straighten steel for flat surfaces. Make exposed joints practically invisible. Use welding wherever possible in preference to screws, bolts and nuts. Finish work smooth and true, free from waves and buckles. 8A-2 METAL DOORS & FRAMES • A. Doors Flush type, 18 gauge steel both sides. Reinforce with formed 16 gauge steel sections 6 inches apart full height of door. Continuous stiffener r_ 0> ca PAGE 2 SECTION 8A - HOLLOW METAL WORK 8A-2 ' METAL DOORS, & FRAMES (cont'd) A. Doors (cont'd) channels at tops and bottom, welded to side plates. Reinforce edges at tops and sides; finish flush. B. Door & Relite Frames Integral combination buck and frame of pressed steel , formed to detail of 16 gauge material . Miter corners; weld full length of joint; grind exposed welds smooth. Use no exposed screws or other fastenings unless mechanically necessary. Glass installed in glazing compound with metal bead. C. Provisions for Hardware:. 1 . General Reinforce for surface applied hardware. Conform to standards of hardware manufacturer, except as modified herein. Mounting heights as directed by architect. 2. Reinforcement within frames for butts and pivots: 3/16 by 12 inch steel plate, width equal to frame width at hinge locations. 3/16 inch thick steel plate, full width of head and frame for pivots. 3. Other requirements : Provide special approved reinforcements as required for any other attachments. Spot weld reinforcements to doors and frames as indicated on approved shop drawings. Provide standard reinforcement for door closers,' whether or not closers are listed in Hardware Schedule. D. Anchors Unless otherwise shown, install as follows: 1 . To concrete walls: 12 gauge frame stiffeners, 3" wide, at bolt locations welded to, frame, unless otherwise noted. Provide holes in stiffeners to receive bolts for anchoring to concrete. One stiffener for each 2 feet in height, but not less than four for each jamb. Locate stiffeners near floor at jambs, near corners of frame at head. 2. To masonry walls: Adjustable jamb anchors of 14 gauge crimped or bent steel . Not less than 2 by 12 inches in size. One anchor for each 2 feet in height but not less than four for each jamb. Two 1-1/2 inch diameter holes in each anchor to receive wall reinforce- ment. 3. To floors: Clip angles, not lighter than 12 gauge, welded to bottom PAGE 3 SECTION 8A - HOLLOW METAL WORK 8A-2 METAL DOORS & FRAMES (Coned) D. Anchors (coned) of each jamb. Two holes in each clip angle to receive floor anchors. Arrange so clip angles may be field adjusted to floors, if required. Provide floor anchors for frames in masonry and steel stud partitions 4, To slabs over: Clip angles, not lighter than 12 gauge steel as required to bypass obstructions between door frame and slabs. Two holes in each leg for bolting to frame strut and to concrete. E. Installation Set bucks and frames plumb and true; brace until built-in. Secure clips to floors with expansion bolts set in lead shields. Shim any frames built into concrete, to true lines, and secure with bolts, as above. Grout frames solid with mortar. Allow mortar in head of frame to set before proceeding with any masonry work. Install doors and hardware; adjust to operate to Architect's satisfaction. F. Louvers for Metal Doors Louvers standard with door manufacturer, or by "Airolite", "Ventilouvre", or approved. Detail for conditions of installation and to suit Oplicable code requirements. Finish to match doors. PAGE 1 SECTION 8D - ROLLING DOORS 8D-1 GENERAL A. Work Included Provide and install all rolling doors as shown on drawings including frames, hardware and all special attachments. B. Work Not Included Preparation of openings in accordance with dimensions in the approved shop drawings of the manufacturer. Structural framing if required. C. Manufacturer Doors shall be as manufactured by the Cookson Company, 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, San Francisco, Calif. , 94107. , or as approved by architect. D. Type Doors shall be Cookson type CD-8-1 , curtain: extruded aluminum, flat faced Midget Slots (Cookson Slot No. 8) . Footpiece shall be tubular in shape and provided with double vinyl astrogal . 1 ) Barrel : Curtain to be coiled around a steel tubing of not less than 4" diameter. Counterbalancing unit to be enclosed and shall rotate on grease sealed ball bearings. 2) Counter Balance: Shall consist of oil tempered torsion springs capable of counter- balancing weight of curtain. • 3) Operation: Doors shall be of push up operation with finger lifts mounted on the bottom bar. 4) Guides: To be fabricated from aluminum extruded shapes. "Alloy 6063." Guides to be fitted with wool pile stripping. 5) Locking Device: Footpiece of curtain shall be furnished with a concealed sliding bolt deadlock operated by a thumb knob. 6) Hood: Aluminum hood of .040" minimum thickness shall be furnished to encase curtain roll . 7) Finish: Curtain, bottom bar, guides and hood shall be given a 204-R- anodized finish. All other parts to be given a shop coat of aluminum paint. Vid cr PAGE 2 SECTION 8D - ROLLING DOORS 8D-1 GENERAL (coned) E. Shop Drawings Indicate supporting construction, and clearances required, methods of anchoring, and other pertinent details. Submit in accordance with General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. 8D-2 INSTALLATION A. General Install door by trained mechanics in accordance with manufacturer's directions and approved shop drawings. Doors and grilles in perfect alignment, free from warp, twist or distortion. B. Adjustments Upon completion, lubricate moving parts and adjust doors and grilles to operate smoothly, without binding. SECTION 8F PAGE - WOOD DOOR; 8F-1 GE` A. Work in Other Sections Metal door frames. • Finish hardware. Installation of doors specified herein. B. Packa in q & Protection Each door sealed on both faces a for complete and all edges, and individually y packaged. C. Louvers Make proper provision for louvers where indicated Furnish Panelouver Series 18$ ' or approved. Fabricated from,20odel 190, with integral flat flange, 9a• steel , factory primed. Screws on inside of door. D. Alternates Refer to "Base Bid & Alternates" for possible effect on 8F-2 FLUSH DOORS work of this sect 1 f A. Manufacturers Model numbers listed hereinafter are taken from log published ind Sweet 's the We Similar and equalArchitectural File, latest edition. Roddis Rezzo, products of Eggers-Hardwood Products Curtis, or U.S. Plywood may be substituted, subject to ' , B• Guars a! Paine • 1 architect s approval Before final payment, furnish manufacturer's by architect, warranting each door for the term of ins form approved Conditions of guarantee shall be years stated beo guarantee as stated in U.S. Plywood standard published in Sweet 's Architectural File, latest edition approved.Fitting C. Factoror Y Prefit doors to steel door frames and in "Finish Hardware." Coordinate machine for snap drawings of door frameo Prefittin hardware listed specified above and numbered hardware schedule.machining d with approved a drawings. to correspond Each door packaged as P with opening numbers on the D• Doors Shall be Weyerhaeuser Roddis solid staved core DSC-1 overlaid face conforming to CS 171-58 t SECTION 8L PAGE 1 8L-1 GENERAL - GLASS GLAZING A. Labels Original labels, showing manufacture, quality on each piece of glass, except where cutting and thickness, required Deliver other glazing materials in on inal makes. this impossible, 9 containers Do not remove labels or ° , manufacturer's labels thereon. pen containers until architect inspects and appro, B. Weather Condition Do no glazing when temperature is below 40°not glaze in wet weather except under F. or when dust is over. Present. c C. A roved Glass Manufacturers Name American Saint Gobain Glass Company____ Abbreviation Libbe Owe Ford Glass Company --------ASG Y- ns- MMississ1phiGlass Company----------------------------MG F Pittsburgh 9 Plate Glass Company-----------------------PPG 8L-2 SHEET GLASS A. Clear Sheet Glass ASG, LOF, PPG or approved, „B" quality, hereinafter specified. 8L-3 PLATE GLASS A. Clear Plate Glass ASG, LOF, PPG, or approved, both sides, glazing quality, 1/4" thick unless noted otherwi B. Clear Wire Glass ASG, LOF, PPG, or approved, polished both sides, glazing quality, 1/4" thick unless noted otherwise. 8L-4 INSTALLATION OF GLASS A. Standard S ecifications Conform to "Glazing Manual" of Flat Glass Jobbers Association, 10th Street, Topeka, Kansas modified herein, , as architectbland10 West (Current edition) . • judges it applicable as Recommended materials and methods are mandator others" are used, they shall meanY� where the words �' "work in other divisions of work by these specifications. B. Glazing Schedule 1) Where kind of glass is noted on drawings: Glaze openings as noted. 8L-4 I SECTION 8L PAGE 2 INSTALLATION OF GLASS (Cont 'd) & GLAZING (Cont d) 2) Where kind of glass is not noted: openings with clear sheet Glazeup to 60 united glass, single strength for united inches inches, double strength for lightslights 3/16 inch heavy sheet for larger from. 60 to 90 C. Putt lar er g Color Putty color shall match color of wood stain. D. Glee inpgnworkpletion, clean excess putty and compound Final cleaning of from glass and surround- glass will be by contractor. 8L-5 UNBREAKABLE MIRRORS A. Super Secur Mirror, 10-1/$" x ll- as manufactured by Aluminum Plumbing polished or maapnufactured Fixture Corp. , Burlmingame, plated steel lit ,-, • , Burlingame, California B. Installation ------------ Install with 8 - 1/4" In accordance with flat head spanner screws manufacturer's directions, and expansion shields 8L-6 SPANDREL PANELS --------------- A. Manufacture Glasweld or approved. B. Sam les Submit samples of all General disions materials s samples specified herein as per requirements Gener rangesConando f,niamplshes. shall be of such size andq to indicate of the Color tube selected standarda line. C. Materialfrom -1) Shall be Glasweld, Type B two 1/8 (Laminated panels) , 1/4 inch composed all fa two sinch thick Glasweld sheets, thick, where both surfaces are ex laminated back-to-back 2) Shall be Glasweld Posed. where one surface Glasweld, type A panels, 1/8 inch unexposed. � thick at all installations, PAGE 1 • SECTION 8N - FINISH HARDWARE i 1 8N-1 GENERAL SCOPE 111 A. REQUIREMENTS Instructions to bidders, list of alternates and special conditions are a part of this contract. The contractor shall be responsible for proper , operation and fitting of hardware in locations specified and shall protect all exposed hardware surface during construction period from damage to finishes. The contractor shall supply a room under lock and key to store all finish hardware until installation is made. The hardware supplier I. shall mark each item of hardware individually for each opening as to location of installation in, accordance with approved hardware schedule. 1 ' B. WORK INCLUDED Provide all finish hardware with suitable fastenings for complete work in accordance with drawings and specifications, and subject to terms and conditions of this contract. Those quantities and locations listed in ! each instance-_are:for 'the contractor's convenience.only, and are' not l; guaranteed. ltem not specifically mentioned but necessary to complete II the work shall: befurnished,' matching in;..quality; and finish the items 1 specified. for:S imOar locations.. All . Like items to be of.one manufac- !' turer if at all.=possible. if C. WORKEXCLUDED: I .!, Toilet. stall l's- and accessories. + ` D. SCHEDULE,. SUBMITTAL ' Upon being awarded the finish hardware contract, .'tile finish- hardware supplier shall prepare and submit for approval in four (4)• _copies,.. a • complete schedule of finish hardware required herein. Such schedules I( must be completely detailed, showing all items, numbers and finishes • for all hardware for each separate opening. " Approval :of the schedule shall not relieve the hardware supplier of the-responsibility of errors 11 or omissions ,therein. • II E. KEYING 1 Key to the existing "Best" system for the City of Renton. Provide ' construction cores during construction;. Permanent keying will be obtained,'and permanent cylinders will be installed. by,_Best•'after !l completion of ,job. F. FASTENINGS , All hardware to be furnished with proper fastening devices to meet i ' existing conditions. Hardware for exterior`doors shall be applied with C ': spanner head screws. Provide two (2') ',spatiner wrenches for each: size of screw. " G. SUBSTITUTIONS : . 4: Except as listed.. in the following paragraphs, ,pO substitutions of materials will be accepted unless approved:•'by thet:;-`architect five (5) 114' days prior to bid. opening. Catalog cu:ts. or�physical` samples must be submitted for approval . If approved,.`the,architect-:,wall notify all Ilit geperal contract bidders in writing `• Other subst,itutionS will not be , approved'or` permitted.. Fa PAGE 3 SECTION 8N - FINISH HARDWARE 8N-3 DOOR SCHEDULE (Cont';d) HW 3 Doors 7, 8, 9, 13 & 15 1-1/2 pr Butts P`K179 26D 4# x 4# 1 Lockset LF5407 x Best Conversion Knob US26D 1 Stop 500 or 520 series as required US26D HW 4 Doors 20 & 21 1 Set Pivot Hinges Chicago 6007M-RB 26D 1 Latch 309 US26D • 1 Stop 515 US26D Apply to Gate HW 5 Door 10 • :.i 1-1/2 pr Butts FKBB179 26D 4i x 4 1 Privacy LF53Q2 x 380B US26D 1 Closer 52 x SB x TB&MS { 1 Stop 524T US26D HW 6 Doors 11 , 12, 17, 18 & 19. All Hardware by Door MFGER. • HW 7 MISCELLANEOUS Signs - Best Manufacturing Gray type ES Plastic 2-1/2 " high with 1-1/2" high letters, Fasten with one way screws and adhesive to read as follows: 1 MEN 1 WOMEN MEN SHOWERS 2 WOMEN SHOWERS 1 OFFICE 1 FIRST AID STATION HW 8 CABINET HARDWARE Hinges - Stanley 332, 1590, or 1585 as required Pulls - Stanley 4484 US26D Catches - Stanley 46 Shelf Standard - KV255 Shelf Brackets - KV256 Cabinet Locks - Yale 5591 26D if and where shown on drawings. 411 't 6d? 1' PAGE 2 SECTION 8N - FINISH HARDWARE: 8N-2 DOOR HARDWARE A. Butts Stanley Works - Size for width are minimum. Provide butts of wider thoow • to allow 180° where structural conditions permit. B. Locks Yale listed, Acceptable substitutions: Corbin, Sargent C. Closers • - . . Yale listed. Acceptable substitutions: LCN, Sargent. Size as recommended by manufacturer. Use parallel arm on exterior doors opening out, also doors 1 & 2. D. Push 'Pla'tes & Pulls Baldwin listed - acceptable substitutions: . Cipco, Brookline, Builders • Brass. E. Kick Plates !' Baldwin listed - Gray panelyte where indicated. . ' . Kick plates shall be 2" less than door width. jf • Acceptable substitutions: .Cipco, Corbin, Builders Brass. . F. Door Stops is • Baldwin listed - Provide fastenings as required by structural conditions.` 1 Acceptable substitutions:. Builders Brass, Corbin. • G. Silencers Yale listed - Provide three (3) for single doors and provide four (4) for pairs of doors Yale 890 for Hollow Metal Frames, Yale 891 for Wood Frames: • Acceptable substitutions: Corbin, Glynn- Johnson H. Miscellaneous As listed. •• 8N-3 DOOR SCHEDULE HW-1 ' Doors 1 , 2, 5, 6, 14 & 16 • • Each shall have: • 1-1/2 pr Butts FBBl99. .32D. 4i x 41 NRP 1 Deadlock 323 ST x 2 3%4" B.S,. x WBS x US26D 1 Cylinder Best Lock•Co. `1E64 US26D 1 Closer 80 Series X SB• S TB&MS • • . _ _ 1 Push Plate 100 US32D 8 x 16 . 1 Pull Plate 9104 US 32D - 1 Wall Stop 521EP US26D , 1 K-Plate 8 x 2" LDW 1'' HW 2 Doors 3 & 4 Each shall have: 1-1/2 pr Butts FB179 26D 41 x 4 • 1 Lockset LF5407 x Best Conversion Knob US26D 1 0.H. Stop 711-30 x 26D , ri,o • • '\ �:, , ZLs PAGE 1 SECTION 9B - GYPSUM DRYWALL 9B-1 GENERAL A. Standard Specifications Conform to American Standard Specifications for Gypsum Wallboard Finishes, A97. 1 , latest edition. Recommended materials and methods are mandatory; those proposed as equal or equivalent must be approved by architect. B. Building Code Requirements of the governing building code, if more rigid than those herein, prevail . C. Temperature & Ventilation Control temperature and ventilation for best results. 96-2 MATERIALS A. Manufacturer Bestwall , Celotex, Flintkote,Kaiser, Johns Manville, Pabco, US Gypsum or approved. k. 1 B. Fire Resistive Finish Board Type "X" fire-rated board, tapered edges, 5/8 inch thick C. Regular Finish Board • Standard non-fire-rated gypsum wallboard, beveled long edges, 1/2 inch thick. Use for finished surfaces not otherwise specified or noted on drawings. D. Other Materials Made or recommended by gypsum wallboard manufacturer. Provide all indicated or required for a complete installation. 96-3 INSTALLATION A. General Install wallboard by methods specified below, in accordance with standard specffi,cations and manufacturer's directions. B. To Wood Construction Single layer method: • Secure wallboard to supports by double nailing method. C. Joint, Corner & Edge Treatment Reinforce inside corners in accordance with manufacturer's directions. Treat field joints and nail or screw heads in accordance with standard specifications. Protect external corners and exposed edges with metal trim D. Cleaning and Repairing. After installation and before painting, correct surface damage and defects. Leave surfaces clean and smooth, and without, defects which will be apparent after painting. FJi? 1 0 1969 PAGE 1 SECTION 9J - PAINTING & FINISHING 9J-1 GENERAL A. ALTERNATE See Base Bid & Alternate for possible effect on work in this section. B. COLORS Selected by architect from samples prepared on the work by contractor. Allow ample time for selection; do no work until colors are approved. C. LABELS Deliver materials in unbroken containers, manufacturer's original labels thereon. Do not open containers or remove labels until architect inspects and approves. D. CONDITIONS OF WORK Do no outside work during damp weather, when temperature is below 50°F. or until surfaces have thoroughly dried from effects of such weather. Temporary heat for inside work is specified in Division 1 . Control Temperature and ventilation for best results. Do no work when dust or insects are present. E. FIRE PREVENTION Take extraordinary care to prevent fire. Keep rubbing cloths and oily rags in tightly closed metal containers. F. PROTECTION & CLEANING Protect adjacent work with drop cloths . Clean paint splatters and stains from completed surfaces. G. MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE Leave 1 gallon of each type and color of paint at site where directed. Label each can for positive identification. 9J-2 MATERIALS A. MANUFACTURER AND GRADE Highest quality, manufactured by Samuel Cabot, Preservative Paint Company, Dupont, W.P. Fuller, National Lead Co. , Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, Pratt and Lambert, Sherwin-Williams, Benjamin Moore, or approved . B. MATERIAL LIST Submit complete and detailed list of materials proposed for use on the work. Include letter from manufacturer, stating that materials are the best of their respective kinds and suitable for the intended purpose. Obtain architect' s approval before proceeding. 9J-3 MIXING & THINNING A. PROPRIETARY PRODUCTS Mix and thin in strict accordance with manufacturer's printed directions . B. OTHER MATERIALS Mix and thin in accordance with standard practice, as approved. PAGE 2 SECTION 9J - PAINTING 6. FINISHING 9J-4 PREPARATION OF SURFACES A. General Put surfaces into proper condition to receive paint and other finish. Contractor is responsible for defective work from any cause, including unsuitable and improperly prepared surfaces . B. Protection Before applying paint or other finish, remove or provide ample protection for hardware, plates , light fixtures and similar items. Replace upon completion. Remove doors to paint bottom edge. Employ skilled craftsmen for removing and reinstalling above items . Where paint is to be applied to glass, clean glass thoroughly before painting. C. Concrete Remove all traces of form oil and curing compounds before painting. Lightly sandblast surfaces or wash with 10 percent muriatic acid solution. If time permits, exterior surfaces may be allowed to weather for 6 months in lieu of above treatment, at Contractor's option. D. Wood Sandpaper smooth, then dust off; touch up sap and knots with an approved sealer. After prime coat has been applied, fill holes and cracks with putty or plastic wood. For transparent finishes, color putty to match-wood. E. Non-Galvanized Steel & Iron Remove grease, rust scale and dirt; touch up damaged areas in shop coat with same material . Where shop coat is asphalt base paint, apply one coat polyvinyl acetate asphalt sealer before applying finish coats . F. Unit Masonry Remove grease, oil , dirt, dust and efflorescence by approved methods. 9J-5 APPLICATION OF PAINT & OTHER FINISH A. Workmanship Highest quality, by skilled mechanics , in accordance with best trade practices. Spread material evenly, without runs or sags . Cut sharp lines against glass , other materials , and different colors. Vary shades of successive coats to prevent skipping. Prime backs of frames and trim with sealer or paint. Sandpaper exposed surfaces of doors, frames and trim between coats . Allow ample time between coats for thorough drying. Do not paint putty for at least 3 weeks after it is applied. PAGE 3 SECTION 9J - PAINTING & FINISHING 9J-5 APPLICATION OF PAINT & OTHER FINISH (Cont'd) B. Defective Work Contractor responsible whatever the cause; refinish at Contractor' s expense. Repar work damaged during construction. Leave in first class condition at time of final acceptance. 9J-6 FINISHING SCHEDULE, GENERAL-. A. Shop Coats Work scheduled hereinafter is in ADDITION to shop coats specified in other Sections. B. Doors Finish both faces and long edges of interior doors as scheduled; finish tops and bottoms with 2 coats of specified finish. Finish both faces and all edges of exterior doors as scheduled. C. Windows & Wall Louvers Finish all surfaces, both exterior and interior, as scheduled. 9J-7 FINISHING SCHEDULE, EXTERIORS A. Metal Doors & Non-Galvanized Ferrous Metal Touch up damaged areas in shop coat with same material . Two coats fortified alkyd enamel . B. All Other Exterior Woodwork One coat oil base wood stain. C. Galvanized Metal on Roofs Touch up damaged areas in shop coat with same material Two coats alkyd gloss enamel . D. Other Galvanized Metal Touch up damaged areas in shop coat with same material . Two coats polyvinyl copolymer masonry paint. E. Wood Benches No applied finish required. 9J-8 FINISHING SCHEDULE, INTERIORS A. Wood Doors One coat oil base wood primer; two coats semi-gloss exterior alkyd enamel PAGE 4 SECTION 9J-- PAINTING & FINISHING 9J-8 FINISHING SCHEDULE, INTERIORS (cont'>`d) "'" ' " r4-/•. B. Gypsum Board & Concrete Where enamel is scheduled: One coat alkyd primer-sealer, tinted to match final coat; one coat alkyd satin enamel . C. Porous Masonry Where enamel is scheduled: One coat filler-sealer; two coats alkyd satin enamel . D. Ferrous Metal Touch up damaged areas in shop coat with same material ; two coats alkyd satin enamel . E. Wood Trim, Shelves & Casework One coat penetrating stain One coat gloss varnish One coat satin varnish 9J-9 BATHHOUSE BUILDING CONCRETE FLOORS AND COOKTOP PEDESTAL A. Concrete Finish Apply on'a11 concrete floors (after cleaning per Section 9J-4 C. ) the following materials per manufacturer's instructions. 1 ) Apply 2 coats of "Lapidolity" as manufactured by Sonneborn, or equal . Apply only after concrete has been allowed to cure for 28 days. 2) Apply 2 finish coats of transparent "Sonothane" as manufactured by Sonneborn, or equal . Cut first coat 25% with manufacturer's standard reducer. Apply prior to finish of construction. • PAGE 1 SECTION 9M - SPECIAL COATINGS 9M-1 GENERAL A. WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS of these specifications: Conventional painting and finishing. B. MATERIALS, GENERAL First quality, freshly compounded, showing no signs of deterioration, delivered to project in sealed containers bearing manufacturer's original labels . Do not open containers or remove labels until architect inspects and approves. C. MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATE & GUARANTEE Before starting work, submit letter from manufacturer stating that: 1) Subcontractor has received proper training and is approved for the work. 2) Materials delivered to jobsite will conform to these specifications. 3) He guarantees that the finished coatings will meet tests prescribed by Crossfield Products Corp. , or comparable tests approved by the architect. D. Colors & Textures Selected by architect from manufacturer' s standards. Submit samples; obtain approval before proceeding. E. Alternates Refer to "Base Bid & Alternates" for possible effect on work of this Section. F. Thickness & Surface The minimum thickness of the Dex-O-Tex Decorflor shall be 3/32". The surface of the finished Dex-O-Tex Decorflor shall be semi-gloss, dense, non-porous and non-absorbent. 9M-2 MATERIAL COMPOSITION. AND PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS OF "DECORFL0 R" A. The Dex-O-Tex Decorflor plastic floor system shall be composed of a Bisphenol-A-Epicholohydrin condensate type resin. It shall be flexibilized with a reactive diluent of a kind and amount not detrimental to the required physical characteristics. B. Minimum physical characteristics for this plastic flooring composition shall be as follows: 1) Shear Bond (MIL-D-3134) Min. 700 PSI 2) Moisture Absorption • Less than 0.75% 3) Shock resistance (MIL-S-901) Complies 4) Hardness (ASTM D785) R100 5) Resilience: Deflection (simple beam) 1" per ft. @ 1/4" 6) Chemical Resistance: Refer to Crossfield Products Corp. Brochure L-30 or consult Crossfield Products Corp. - x. SAGE 2 SECTION 9M - SPECIAL COATINGS 9M-2 MATERIAL COMPOSITION AND PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS OF "DECO.RFLOR" (continued) C. Two-thirds of the aggregates shall have at least a 90% silica content. D. The basic mix shall be composed of 100% reactive elements. 9M-3 PREPARATION OF SURFACES A. Concrete: A smooth uniform surface shall be provided by others to receive Dex-O-Tex Decorflor. It shall be brought to the proper elevation as shown in the plans and finished by sufficient steel troweling to effect a surface free of depressions and ridges. The slab shall be cleaned, free of dirt, laitance and other bond inhibiting agents, preferably by machine abrasions. The concrete shall not contain any admixture at the time of pour which might interfere with the bond and cure of the plastic flooring. Also, no curing agents or compounds shall be used to control the set or cure of this slab except CLEAN water. The existing concrete slab shall then be muriatic acid etched using a 1-part acid to 3-parts water mixture. Rinse thoroughly with clean water. • A clean, dense, dry concrete surface shall be provided for the application of the plastic flooring. 9M-4 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE The Dex-O-Tex Decorflor (plastic flooring) shall be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer' s application instructions S-911W and as outlined below: A. Bondcoat - After the surface to be covered has been properly prepared apply the activated Bondcoat mixture onto areas to be covered with the plastic flooring. B. Body Mix - Blend together in a clean container Resin "A" and Curing Agent "B" until homogenous. Add the aggregate portion and apply into the Bond- coat while the latter is still tacky. Evenly trowel and compact the aggregate until a smooth, dense, even surface is achieved. C. Sealing - The seal coat will also be a mixture of the "A" and "B" compon- ents of a two-component, clear, chemical resistant sealer. A minimum of two seal coats will be necessary to fill the voids in the body coat. • D. Floors - The final seal coat at all floor applications shall contain 10% #30 mesh silica sand at all floor applications (Floor Only). PAGE 3 SECTION 9M - SPECIAL COATINGS 9M-5 SAMPLES AND GUARANTEE A. Samples : Materials shall not be delivered to the project site until 3 samples of the finished flooring have been submitted to, and approved by, the architect or his representative as designated. B. Guarantee: The finish flooring composition shall be guaranteed against failure of application, workmanship or materials used therein for a period of 1 year. 9M-6 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS OF "GLAZITE" A. Wall coating shall be of incombustible and spray on type. Material shall be a minimum of 90 percent inorganic, shall not include any thermo-setting resins, and shall not be of the intumescent agent type. All material shall be freshly compounded and shall be "Glazetite" as manufactured by the Desco International Association. B. DELIVERY AND STORAGE Coating materials shall be delivered to the site in manufacturer's original unbroken containers. Each container shall have a label attached which shall contain manufacturer 's name, product name, date of batch, proportion of mix and intended use. Materials shall be stored at the site in accordance with manufacturer 's instructions. C. PREPARATION OF WALL SURFACES All concrete block and concrete wall surfaces to receive special coating shall be free from excess mortar with all joints tooled and cleaned. The contractor shall fill all voids in block and concrete flush with grout consisting of white portland cement and 30 mesh silica sand proportioned in equal parts by volume, to which shall be added one gallon of Descotex Base Coat chemical additive. Grout shall be mixed to a creamy consistency and allowed to dry prior to further applications . Grout shall be applied over concrete block to a sandpaper like texture. When sufficiently set, or hardened, the surfaces shall be fog wetted as required for a period of two days and allowed to cure an additional two days . Application of special coatings shall not be started until walls have reached a dryness of a 16 percent reading, taken from a moisture meter designed for this purpose. Walls to receive special coatings shall be maintained at a minimum temperature of 50 degrees F. for a period of 48 hours after special coating has been applied . Plumbing fixtures, toilet partitions, toilet accessories, grilles and any other items that may inter- fere with wall coating application or may be damaged by same, shall not be installed until special coating has been cured . D . APPLICATION • Prior to application of "Glazetite," all surfaces not to receive coating shall be protected by masking. Application of the special coating shall be in accordance with the manufacturer 's recommendations . Sufficient time shall be allowed to complete application of coatings and at no time shall speed of project completion or unsuitable drying conditions be allowed to detriment- ally speed up these operations. Coating film shall be of an even thickness through all walls, corners and joints.. Application of mastic colors shall be simultaneously applied to achieve the desire blend at a spreading rate of 75 square feet per gallon, minimum. Glazetite finish coat shall be applied at a spreading rate of 200 square feet per gallon, minimum. The PAGE 4 SECTION 9M - SPECIAL COATINGS 9M-6 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS OF "GLAZITE" (continued) D. APPLICATION (continued) addition of thinners for proper sprayability shall not be considered in determining material coverage. E. TESTS The material shall meet the test requirements as required by the manufact- urer. F. EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS The contractor or applicator shall demonstrate proficiency of application and knowledge of plasticized polyvinyl chlorides and of the product hereinbefore designated "Glazetite." They shall submit the names and locations of at least three jobs where application of Glazetite has occurred and where satisfactory performance can be shown to have been delivered (without repair) for a minimum of five successive years . Contractor may use factory licensed applicators. G. GUARANTEE The contractor shall guarantee all labor and materials for a period of 5 years against defective materials and workmanship in accordance with Clause 8, General Conditions. PAGE 1 SECTION 10C - TOILET PARTITIONS 10C-1 GENERAL A. Shop Drawings Show layouts, dimensions, methods of anchoring, and other pertinent details. Submit in accordance with General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. B. Samples Submit sample of toilet paper holder proposed for use, sample of shower curtain for color selection. Approved paper holder may be used on the work. C. Certificate of Compliance Furnish affidavit from manufacturer, stating that material and finish of items delivered to project conform to these specifications. D. Substitutions Manufacturers ' names and catalog numbers listed below establish the standard of quality required, but are not restrictive. Similar and equal products of other manufacturers may be substituted, subject to architect's approval . E. Alternates Refer to "Base Bid & Alternates" for possible effect on work of this Section. 10C-2 ENAMELED METAL TOILET PARTITIONS A. Material & Finish Synthetic baked-on enamel on galvanized bonderized steel , color selected. B. Compartments Floor-braced type, flush partitions, doors and pilasters. Sanymetal "Academy" with anti-grip head rail . 10C-3 HARDWARE A. Material Stainless steel or chrome plated brass, manufacturer's standard, unless otherwise noted. B. Each Door to Non-Pay Toilets • One pair gravity type hinges, to hold door open when compartment is unoccupied. One coat hook with rubber-tipped bumper. One slide bar latch with combination stop and latch keeper. SEP PAGE 2 SECTION 10C - TOILET PARTITIONS 10C-4 MISCELLANEOUS A. Screens Include vestibule screens and urinal screens, where and of type indicated, material and finish to match compartments. B. Toilet Paper Dispensers Surface type standard with partition manufacturer, for folded paper, two for each compartment, installed back to back where possible. 1OC-5 SHOWER & DRESSING COMPARTMENTS A. Compartments (Metal ) Type, material and finish to match toilet compartments, dimensions indicated. Seats "FAS" grade birch, selected for color, or other approved hardwood, finished with 3 coats spar varnish, and mounted on substantial brackets finished to match compartments. B. Hardware Chrome-plated brass curtain pins, one pin for each 4-inch length of headrail . Two double-prong chrome-brass stainless steel coat hooks. C. Curtains 8-ounce pre-shrunk duck, color selected. Fabricate for 10 percent fullness, 1-1/2 inch triple thickness hemmed edges top and bottom. Rust-proof metal grommets near ends and at 4-inch centers in top hem. 10C-6 INSTALLATION OF PARTITIONS, SCREENS & COMPARTMENTS A. General Install rigid, plumb and level , in accordance with manufacturer's directions, and approved shop drawings. B. Hardware Install complete; adjust doors and hardware to operate without binding. Clearance at vertical edges of doors uniform and not to exceed 3/16 inch. C. Cleaning & Repairing Repair or replace damaged parts, as directed. Leave work clean and free from defects affecting durability or appearance. PAGE 1 SECTION 10D - TOILET ACCESSORIES 1OD-1 GENERAL A. 6amples Submit sample of each type of accessory proposed for use. Obtain architect' s approval before proceeding. Approved accessories may be used on the work. B. Types It is the contractor' s responsibility to provide the exact type of accessory required by conditions of installation. C. Substitutions Manufacturer's names and catalog numbers listed below establish the standard of quality required, but are not restrictive. Similar and equal products of other manufacturers may be substituted, subject to architect's approval . D. Alternates Refer to "Base Bid & Alternates" for possible effect on work of this Section. 10D-2 PUBLIC RESTROOM ACCESSORIES A. Soap Dispenser Surface mounted, stainless steel , "Bobrick No. B-25" dispenser. B. Towel Disposal Surface mounted, stainless steel , "Crown" No. 1102 wall bin. C. Seat Cover Dispensers Surface mounted, stainless steel, "Proco" No. 502 dispenser. D. Towel Dispenser Surface mounted, stainless steel , "Crown ' No. 104 dispenser. E. Feminine Napkin Vendor Surface mounted, white enamel , "Modess" No. 8N napkin dispenser. F. Feminine Napkin Disposal Unit Surface mounted, white enamel , "Mipro" No. 2815 with kraft liner. G. Robe Hooks Surface mounted, "Heavy Duty Hook," No. 627, as manufactured by The Charles Parker, Co. Builders ' Hardware - Distributor, or approved. Provide one-way non-removeable screws. 10D-3 INSTALLATION A. General Install accessories in accordance with manufacturer' s directions where indicated or directed. B. Surface Type Accessories Exercise special care to install in a rigid and secure manner. C. Cleaning Leave accessories clean, whole and free from defects. r> 1 0 196 . PAGE 1 SECTION 10G - LOCKERS 10G-1 GENERAL `' A. Work in Other Sections of these specifications: Concrete or masonry base for lockers , where indicated. B. Number Plates Provide non-corrosive number plates on each basket with corresponding number on plate secured to basket rack directly above basket. Schedule of numbers will be furnished by architect after award of contract. C. Installation Assemble specified equipment, plumb, level and true. Leave equipment clean and free of defects. D. Alternates Refer to "Base Bid & Alternates" for possible effect on work of this Section. 10G-2 BASKET RACK & BASKETS A. Manufacture Interior Steel Equipment Company or approved. B. Baskets Manufacturer's regular - without pilfer guard type, 9 inches wide, 13 inches deep, 8 inches high,. electro-plated with bright zinc, then chromate=dip finished. C. Basket Racks Manufacturer's standard construction, as published in Sweet's Architectural File, 40 inches wide, 13 -5/16 inches deep, 72-1/2 inches high, for 7 tiers of baskets. Baked enamel finish, color as selected. 1OG-3 LOCKER BENCHES A. Pedestals Manufacturer's standard steel , finished to match lockers. Space one foot from each end, not more than 6 feet apart between. B. Benches Clear Hardwood, 9-1/2 inches wide, length indicated, finished with 3 coats sealer. C. Installation Secure benches to pedestals with screws from underside, pedestals to floor with expansion bolts set in lead shields. SE. PAGE 1 SECTION 15A - MECHANICAL - GENERAL 15A-1 SCOPE OF WORK The work under this Contract shall include all mechanical as specified herein and shown on the drawings. The work shall consist of, but not be limited to the following: 1 . Plumbing 2. Sanitary sewer connection 3. Water service 4. Ventilation systems 15A-2 DRAWINGS A. The mechanical drawings are part of these specifications. B. Drawings are diagrammatic only (unless specific dimensions are given, location of pipes and ductwork are not necessarily exact.) C . All measurements must be verified by actual observation at the site and the Contractor shall be responsible for all his work fitting in • place in a workmanlike manner. Refer to the architectural and electrical plans for other details of the job effecting the mechanical work. When a discrepancy occurs between plans and specifications the Engineer shall be called upon for clarification before the installtion is made. 15A-3 ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS All work shall comply with the codes and ordinances of the City of Renton. 15A-4 SUBMITTED DATA The Contractor shall submit complete bound brochures giving the names of manufacturers and catalog numbers, trade names and technical data and requested information on each item to be furnished. The contractor shall submit shop drawings and detailed description of items which are 5 copies each within 30 days after award of contract. The following shall be submitted: 1 . Exhaust units 2. Grilles 3. Hot Water Tank 15A-5 CUTTING AND PATCHING The project shell Contractor shall do all cutting and patching in the project shell structure at the expense of the mechanical contractor. The General Contractor will do all cutting, framing, patching and etc. , for the interior work under this sub-contract. Any cutting or patching required due to the fault of the mechanical Contractor shall be done by the General Contractor at the expense of the mechanical contractor. PAGE 2 SECTION 15A - MECHANICAL - GENERAL 15A-6 PROTECTION AND CLEANING Protect all equipment from damage during progress of job. Clean up all equipment and fixtures at the completion of the job. 15A-7 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS During the progress of the work mechanical Contractor shall record all changes in piping and ducts on a set of reproducible drawings kept specifically for that purpose. These shall be delivered to the Architect prior to final payment . 9 PAGE 1 SECTION 15B - PLUMBING & DRAINAGE 15B-1 GENERAL All plumbing including all necessary pipes, hot water, tank, connections, cleanouts, traps, sleeves, cover plates, etc. Provide all fixtures as noted so as to achieve a complete and satisfactory job. 15B-2 MATERIALS The material incorporated into this work shall be new and of a quality con- formable to Uniform Plumbing Code and in no case inferior to any specifically specified material . No reclaimed or second hand material shall be used. 15B-3 WORKMANSHIP A. The work shall be performed by qualified workmen skilled in the particular trade in which the work is done. B. All work shall be done in accordance with laws, rules and regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. C. The costs of all permits and hook-up charges shall be included in the bid price, and the contractor shall procure these permits. D. Tests 1 ) The bid price shall include the cost of all required tests . 2) All - plumbing and sanitary lines shall be tested for leakage before backfilling or concealing within walls, floors, or ceilings. E. The contractor must do all necessary excavating and backfilling for this work. Backfilling must be compacted under all slabs and footings. Sewer lines shall rest on solid bearing . Backfilling material and methods subject to Architect 's approval . Dispose of surplus earth as directed bytht Architect. F. Unions shall be provided at all pipe connections to equipment and at any point where necessary to disconnect piping for repairs. G . Flashing and counterflashing of all pipes and ducts through the roof must be done by this contractor. Four psf sheet lead flashing will be used for all vent pipes vents. 15B-4 FIXTURES A. All fixtures shall be mounted in accordance with the architectural plans and provisions shall be made to the type and finish of the wall . B. All fixtures shall be as noted or approved. C. P-1 Water Closets Wall hung, blowout, white vitreous china, American Standard F2510 "instanto" elongated, complete with: Sloan Royal No. 112YV flush valve with exposed vacuum breaker, screwdriver stop. Church No. 9500, black seatwith check hinger, open front, no cover. Closet carrier, "Zurn" or "Wade" to fit conditions with adjustable feet. J la-iU1:� PAGE 2 SECTION 15B - PLUMBING & DRAINAGE 15B-4 FIXTURES (continued) C. P-2 Water Closets (concessions) Floor mounted, siphon jet, white vitreous china, American Standard, F 2122-11 "Cadet" elongated, complete with: N 3010-7 water control N 3075 trip lever No. 5 flush valve Church No. 3 P-3 Urinals Wall hung, white, vitreous china, blowout, American Standard No. F6570 "Jetbrook", with Sloan Royal No. 180YV exposed hand operated hand valve, exposed vacuum breaker, screwdriver stop. P-4 Lavatories Wall hung, white and resisting enameled cast iron, flat back, American Standard "Regalyn" No. P-4867, 19" X 17", complete with: Two.R2215 self metering faucets with aeration R-2607 loose key stops and wall supplies 17 gauge chromed brass P-trap and tubing to wall R-2532 grid strainer R-2560 chrome plated faucet hole cover for center punching "Zern" lavatory carrier Z-1236-5 P-5 Service Sink Cast Iron, acid-resisting enameled, 22" X 18", American Standard No. P7705 with R-5001 faucet and P-7798, 3" trap standard . - P-6 Drinking Fountain (Stove Shelter) Stainless steel , deck type, "Haws" Model 1820. P-7 Sink (Stove Shelter) Stainless steel , 18 gauge, 16" X 20", American Standard No. SSR 1620-1 (one hole and self rimming) , complete with: One ,R-2215 self metering faucet with aeration R-4505 'strainer R-2607 loose key stops and wall supplies 17 gauge chromed brass P-trap and tubing to wall P-8 Sink (concessions) Counter top mounted, triple compartment, seamlessly drawn of 18 gauge type 302 stainless steel with Uniform satin finish. Interior corners rounded to 1 -3/4" minimum radius, underside sound dampened. Mounting rim integral with sink flange. Sink to be Elkay "Lustertone" regular depth Model No. LT-4621 , punched with standard six-hole punching in back ledge, centered on dividing partitions . Provide Tiara single lever faucet Model No. LK-220, and drain outlet and strainer No. LK-99 wall supplies and 16 gauge chromed brass P-trap and tubing to wall . PAGE 3 SECTION 15B - PLUMBING & DRAINAGE 15B-4 FIXTURES (continued) C. P-9 Lavatories (concessions & office) Counter top mounted, rectangular lavatory seamless formed, 18 gauge type 302 stainless steel with uniform satin finish . Elkay Model No. PLR-1917, punch with standard three-hole punching. Centered in back ledge. Provide Tiara single lever faucet model No. LK-220 and drain outlet and strainer No . LK-99. Wall supplies and 16 gauge chromed brass P-trap and tubing to wall . P-10 Showers (men's) Bradley 5-person circular column type, model No. "Type OM" or approved. Provide complete with: Mixing chamber, interior piping, shower heads', metering control valves, soap tray, drain casting,cove.r for top of column, liquid soap dispenser and telescoping shroud. Finish shall be stainless steel . P-11 Shower (women) Bradley single person wall-type, model . No. "Type GCS" with integral type screwdriver stop or approved. Provide completewith: Shower head, metered control valves, union connections, mounting plate and stainless steel machine screws for mounting. All exposed parts shall be stainless steel P-12 Drinking Fountain (pedestal mounts) Vandal proof, 42", Haws standard model 30, precast concrete pedestal complete with: 20 gauge stainless steel , satin finish receptor and push botton, vandal proof valve. 156-5 PIPING All domestic waterpiping above ground shall be copper type L. All water supply to fixtures to be stubbed out with copper compression stops to be used on each supply. All water piping below ground shall be Type K or cement lined cast iron. All drainage pipe shall be cast iron or DWV vents may be any material allowed by code. 15B-6 HOLES All holes to be canopy flanged and puttied, caulked.. 15B-7 CODES All material and workmanship shall be in strict accordance with the Western Plumbing officials Uniform Plumbing Code, 1964 edition as modified and adopted by the City of Renton. 15B-8 GUARANTEE The Plumbing Contractor shall guarantee his equipment and installation for a period of one year after acceptance of the building against any defective materia or faulty installation. PAGE 1 .. SECTION 15C - DUCTWORK 15C-1 DUCTWORK A. Scope: Provide all sheet metal work -as shown on the drawings . B. Gauge and construction of ductwork shall be as recommended by the latest edition of the ASHRAE Guide and Data Book. C . Sheet metal shall be lock-forming quality galvanized steel of U.S . Steel , Bethlehem or Republic Steel manufacture. D. Hangers: Ducts shall be hung with galvanized strap hangers running down the side and turning under the bottom, attached with sheet metal screws. Not to exceed 3 ' O.C . E. Elbows in ducts shall have an inside radius equal to the maximum width of the elbow, where possible, otherwise, shall be maximum possible radius . F. Square corner inserts shall be used only where shown. Shall be Sound Control Products, Co. , Sono-turn or equal . G . Offsets in ductwork: the drawings do not show all offsets which may be required. H. Flexible connections shall be of Ventfabrics, Inc. Duro-Dyne Manufacture or equal , shall be neoprene-impregnated, fire-resistive fabric. J . Dampers: 1 . One damper shall be provided for each opening . 2. Dampers shall be located if possible where accessible and as far as possible from opening being controlled. 3. Damper construction shall be as recommended by "Duct Manual & Sheet Metal Construction for Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems", by Sheetmetal and Air-conditioning Contractors National Association. 4. Quadrants shall be Elgin or equal . Elgin numbers indicated. Under 10", Catalog No. EQR-2X; 10" to 20" - EQR-4; over 20" EQR-5. 15C-2 EXHAUST FANS EF-1 & EF-2 A. Scope: Provide exhaust fans . B. Manufacturer: shall be Pace, Penn or Studevant C. Type: Utility type mounted above ceiling with spring isolators. D. Drive: Belt drive with variable pitch sheave. PAGE 2 SECTION 15C - DUCTWORK 15C-3 EXHAUST FANS ET-4 & EF-5 A. Scope: Provide exhaust fans. B. Manufacturer: shall be Pace, Penn or Trane. C . Type: Roof mounted, centrifugal fan. D . Drive: Belt drive with variable pitch sheave. 15C-4 EXHAUST FAN EF-3 - shall be ceiling mounted Nutone Model No. 8720 with #860 three speed switch. 15C-5 WEATHER CAP - EF-1 , EF-2, & EF-3 shall discharge into common plenum and exhaust through single Penn Domes weather cap. PAGE 1 SECTION 16A - ELECTRICAL 16A-1 SCOPE OF WORK A. General The work herein specified includes providing for all electrical apparatus, equipment, tools, labor and equipment necessary to provide complete electrical systems as shown on the drawings and described in these specifications, complete and ready to operate. All materials and work shall conform fully to applicable provisions of the 1965 National Electrical Code (N.E.C.) and to the supplementary rules and regulations issued by the State of Washington, Dept. of Labor and Industry as if set forth completely herein in full . The work shall include, but not be limited to the following systems: 1 . Service and entrance conduit with metering provisions from transformer pad. 2. Power and lighting panelboards and feeders . 3. Lighting fixtures and lamps. 4. Electric space heating with automatic controls . B. Permits and Inspection • Take out 'and pay for all permits and/or inspection. fees . This work shall be subject to inspection by the Uniform Building Code and/or the State of Washington Department of Labor and Industries . C . Drawings The d t wings are in part schematic in nature. The Owners reserve the right to change locations of outlets, etc. , without incurring extra costs whenever such moves do not alter the total labor and/or material involved. D Equipment and Material to be Used All equipment and materials provided under this contract shall be new, free from defects, and shall conform to the quality specified. After award ofthe contract, request for substitution of material and equipment may be made by this Contractor in writing to the Architect. Except in cases where the item to be substituted is an item, such as wire, pipe, conduit, fittings, or similar, any request for substitutions shall clearly state the reason a substitution is requested. E. •Delineation of Work 1 . These specifications do •i'ot attempt to define the work of subcontractor! or trade unions. The division and section designations are to reference only. 2. The Contractor shall not delegate any responsibility for any work to any subcontractors, agents, or suppliers. All dealings in the fulfillment of these contract documents shall be directly between the Contractor and the Architect. PAGE 2 SECTION 16A - ELECTRICAL F. Coordination of Work 1 . Check all dimensions of the equipment to be installed or provided by others so that correct clearance and connections may be made between the work installed by this Contractor and the equipment installed or provided by others. 2. Check the location of all fixtures and other equipment to be sure that they clear all door swings or other obstacles. 3. Check all architectural drawings for dimensioned locations and mounting heights of all equipment which might be shown on the architectural drawings. 4. All working measurements shall be taken from the building, checked with those shown on the drawings and if they vary, report to the Architect at once before proceeding with the work. Should Contractor fail to comply he shall alter his work at his own expense as directed by the Architect. 5. No extra payments will be allowed where obstructions in the work of other trades, or work under this contract, require offsets or re- location of conduit, boxes or other devices. G. Workmanship The work under this contract shall be performed by workmen skilled in the particular trade and includes all the work necessary to properly complete the installation in a workmanlike manner so as to present a neat and finished appearance. H. Use of Building There shall be no pipe threading or cutting done on any finished concrete floors, or on any other floors in the buildings after finished floors have been installed. J . Cutting, Patching and Framing 1 . Provide all cutting, patching and framing work that is necessary in connection with this work. 2. Provide the necessary backing required to support all fixtures and equipment installed under this contract. K. Guarantee This Contractor shall be responsible for all work done and materials installed under these plans and specifications . He shall repair or replace, as may be necessary; at his expense, any defective work, material or parts which may show itself within one year of the date of final acceptance, if in the opinion of the Architect said defect is due to imperfection of material or workmanship. PAGE 3 SECTION 16A - ELECTRICAL 16A-2 MATERIALS A. All building wiring and cables shall be run in rigid conduit or EMT in block walls and in rigid conduit under slabs . Underground wiring shall be installed in rigid conduit except that 5 feet beyond buildings, underground wiring may be direct burial . All other wiring shall conform to applicable code provisions . B. Provide complete system of copper conductors in the conduit system. Minimum wire size shall be no. 12 awg and shall be type THW or as noted on drawings . C. All conduit shall terminate in a bushing. Conduit 3/4 inch and smaller may terminate in metal bushings; all larger conduit shall terminate in insulating bushings. D. All conduit shall be concealed in walls., above ceiling, or below floor. 16A-3 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS A. Branch circuit conductors terminating at each wired outlet shall be left not less than eight inches in length. B. Boxes shall be secured to structure independently of wiring system. Install so that the finished surface is true with the finished wall or ceiling. C . Provide all inserts that are necessary for the installation of the electrical work. Suitable steel inserts or expansion type anchors of steel or lead shall be used as holding devices. Fiber or plastic inserts shall not be used. D. Minimum grounding and bonding of service cabinets and other devices, shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the National Electrical Code. E. Outlet boxes shall be pressed steel sized for number of conductors per N.E.C. F. Outlet boxes for flush mounted switches and receptables shall be mounted so that the face of the box Is flush with the finished surface of the wall or partition. All boxes shall be adequately grounded. G. Line voltage switches shall be Arrow-Hart, 1991 -1 , with stainless steel plate or approved. H. Switches shall be mounted 4 feet above the floor unless otherwise specified on the drawings. Mounting heights shall be taken from the finished floor level to the center line of the box. J. Duplex convenience receptacles shall be Arrow-Hart, 5252-1 with stainless steel plate or approved. 1 PAGE 4 SECTION 16A - ELECTRICAL 16A-3 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS (coned) K. Mount box up 12 inches from finished floor to center line unless specifically shown otherwise. L. Circuiting shall conform to provisions of N.E.C . 16A-4 LIGHTING AND POWER PANELBOARDS A. Furnish and install lighting and power panelboards as shown on drawings. B. Panel shall be of the circuit breaker type with bus capacity noted in panel schedules. Load shall be so distributed among the phases to provide balanced load . C. Circuit breakers shall be one, two or three-pole with common tripping element calibrated for current ratings as shown on the drawings and schedules. D. Lighting panelboards shall be GE, Westinghouse type 108 or equal with bolted line connections. No plug-in type breakers will be permitted. E. Cabinet and trim shall be of code gauge steel with three inch wiring putter all around, directory frame with heavy gauge on each door. Two keys shall be furnished with each cabinet with all locks on all cabinets keyed alike. Directory card shall have typewritten list of each circuit service. F. All wiring in panelboards is to be neatly cabled and tied. 16A-5 LIGHTING FIXTURES AND LAMPS A. Furnish and install lighting fixtures as shown and specified. Fixtures shall be installed per manufacturer 's recommendations and N.E.C. and shall be Underwriter's approved. B. Check conditions and requirements of building construction, work is based on furnishing materials required to complete each fixture ready for use. C . All fluorescent fixtures shall have ETL and CBM rated ballasts and all ballasts shall have fuse protection within fixtures, Bussman HRE block with GLR fuse with "A" sound rating. Ballasts shall be guaranteed for two years with Contractor guaranteeing installation for a like period. D. All flush lighting fixtures are to be installed in accordance with code requirements. Electrical Contractor shall furnish junction to flexible conduit lead type "AF" fixture wire where required. E. All lighting fixtures to be complete with lamps . All fluorescent fixtures to have lamps, color as selected. F. Contractor shall corrdinate installation of fixtures with ceiling installatior • o PAGE 5 SECTION 16A - ELECTRICAL 16A-6 MOTOR WIRING A. Electrical contractor shall do all power wiring and make connections to all motors and controls. Circuit protection and disconnect switches by Electrical Contractor. B. Line voltage thermostats and speed control switches will be furnished and installation by Electrical Contractor. C. Electrical Contractor shall check to see that all motors are properly lubricated and have proper overload protection before starting. 16A-7 SAFETY SWITCHES A. Where shown on plans or specified herein, furnish and install externally operated safety switches enclosed in steel cabinets, with front operation handles. B. Switches used for disconnecting purposes only shall be unfused type HD 250 volt as noted, of capacity or size of motor or equipment indicated on the drawings. 'Disconnecting switches shall be installed on all roof ventilating and exhaust fans . , and all motors not in sight of ••panelboard. C. Fused safety switches shall be type HD, 250 volt, quick make, quick-break. D. All fusible safety switches shall be equipped with Fusetron type fuses sized as indicated on drawings . Provide one spare set of fuses for each fused switch. E. Label all safety switches with stenciled black bakelite nameplates with 1/2" white letters denoting item served. 16A-8 COOKING RANGES Provide and install heavy duty, 2 element range top with closed burner elements and 4 position heat switch connect through Weliome # SB-20A meter. Switches shall be General Electric No. XNC-5X10. Top shall be formed of 16 gauge 316 stainless steel . Unit shall be as manufactured by F.S. Lang Mfg . Co. , Redmond Washington and shall be approved by the City of Renton, Electrical Department. Submit shop drawing showing completed assembly before construction of unit on table top. 16A-9 FINAL COMPLETION WORK A. Panel Index Provide typed index for each panel , listing a general description of the load on each branch circuit breaker. • B. Clean-Up and Lamping Clean all debris left by this Contractor from the project site. Clean all panels, light fixtures, and other apparatus provided under contract. Install new and clean lamps in all fixtures. Remove tools and other EC owned items from the job site. PAGE 6 SECTION 16A - ELECTRICAL 16A-9 FINAL COMPLETION WORK (cont'd) C . Inspection and Nature of Completion h The Architect will make Penal inspection and prepare lists of work remaining to be done. However, it is the EC 's responsibility to see that all work is satisfactorily completed in accordance with the contract documents and to notify the Architect that he is ready for final inspection. • - - / • • Cj • y /)1L2.) .t '' /jj'JJ/I(ny',J' j/ • 217LIU �- PAGE 1 1 �4 =F _ • CALL FOR BIDSINVITATION TO BID Sealed bids will be received until 3:00 o'clock P.M. September 11, 1969, at the office of the City Clerk and publicly read aloud at 3:00 o'clock ,P.M. • same day, in the first floor conference room located at the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South for the construction of Lake Washington Beach Park, Stage III, Development, in the City of Renton, Washington. Drawings and specifications, including bidding documents and conditions of the agreement, may be examined at the following offices: '!$ • 1. City Clerk or Parks and Recreation Department, Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, Washington. 2. Olson-Richert-Bignold, 231 Williams Avenue South, Renton, Washington 3. Associated General Contractors of America, Inc. , Seattle, Washington 4+. Plan Bureau, Seattle, Washington 5. Northwest Plan Center, Seattle and Bellevue, Washington '., : . . 6. Associated Subcontractors of Washington, Tacoma, Washington. Bona fide prime bidders may obtain plans and specifications at the ' architect's office upon receipt of a deposit of $25.00 for one complete set of` documents. All deposits shall be made payable to the Architect and will be forfeited unless a bid is submitted and all bid documents are returned in good • usable condition within seven (7) consecutive calendar days after the date set for bid opening. WASHINGTON STATE SAUFS TAX SHALL BE SUBMITTED AS•A SEPARATE BID ITEM. A ' ' CERTIFIED CHECK OR BID BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF FIVE (5) PERCENT OF THE TOTAL BID --- MUST ACCOMPANY EACH BID, AND SHALL BE MADE PAYABLE TO THE CITY TREASURER OF THE CITY OF RENTON. THE CITY OF RENTON RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND/OR ALL BIDS AXD TO ' WAIVE ANY INFORMALITIES IN THE BIDDING. SPECIFICATIONS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM (see above) , • L--1,-",„- 2/ 22=4,-,--- HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE'OF 1st PUBLICATION: August 27, 1969 • DATE OF 2nd PUBLICATION: September 3, 1969 • • DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE: August 28, 1969 Il r 4pFR�, v N , U ®e ms-/9 PARKS Sr RECREATION DEPARTMENT•RENTON,WASHINGTON ha CITY HALL, RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 sAORT CAPITAL June 25, 1969 Mayor 0. W. Custer and Members of the City Council Renton, Washington Re- Lake Washington Beach Park I � Gentlemen: Submitted herewith is the following billing: Certificate of Payment No. 8 for work accomplished on Stage 2 Building Contract by J.D. Stewart Com- pany - C.A.G. 1352-68 - $6,279.72 The City of Renton will be reimbursed by State and Federal funds to the percentage which they have been committed. Respectfully, 'Gene L. Coulon Director att. cc: Helmie Nelson . � �_ a n a aTv RCA T : OWNER ❑ MN ARCHITECT [] FOR IP E.�". t��7' CONTRACTOR gj' -'^ AY/Ail HELD t. A1A DOCUMENT G703 OTHER PROJECT: I Lake Washington Beach Park _ Stage 11 (name, address) Renton , Washington; 9905 A (- TO (Owner) ' City of Renton ..-1 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 68•-15 Parks & Recreation 1 Renton Municipal Bldg. CONTRACT FOR: bathhouse f; Stove Shelter Ventonr Washington, 98055 Stage II I __l CONTRACT DATE: • . In accordance %.Iith this Contract and the attached Application For Payment the Contractor is entitled to payment in the amount stipulated below. The present status of the account for this Contract is as follows: I ADD -39.00 ITIONS $ DEDUCTIONS $ ORIGINAL CONTRACT a SUM • Change Orders aPproved CHANGE ORDERS in previous monkhs by 132.00 1505.00 TOTAL ADDITIONS .Owner-- 'TOTAL 1-�2_®f1 -- Subsequent Changei Orders — TOTAL DEDUCTIONS _ y5 5.. Number Applroved CONTRACT RAC'T SUM TO DATE1 aQ- Q� (d;ate) . $ 1!1��� r`a.(}f: BALANCE TO FINISH . . S 200-.00 TOTAL COMPLETED TO DATE $_ 100.,566-00 ! MATERIALS STORED . . ;--- 000..00 _ 1 TOTAL COMPLETED & STORED 5- 10.(,66_xo_-__-- RETAINAGE -_10 -% .—__.L0,D6.6i0 — TOTAL EARNED LESS 90,509.40 RETAINAGE -s..s.. tax..$ A.,072 92 LESS PREVIOUS I CERTIFICATES . . . . $ 88 302.&G TOTALS - -- -- --- ------ THIS CERTIFiCA G E $ --6.s279.72 -- - 132.00 1505.00 Net change by Change Orders $—.1373 O0 I Architect: Olson-Ric ert-Bigno ' � may. Certificate No. 8 Date: June 3, 1969 ' Toilet accesN r es l�wovv — ,��:_,.� .� - - -- - - - Locker ber�che 1,000.00 1,000.00 Plumbing 18,000 .00 18,000.00 Ventilation ��,000.00 ,000.00 Electrical 11 7n0.00 11,700.00 . 95,789.00 95, 589.00 200.00 • • 9247-B ,zw ytA City of Renton . sfftd , vtt rf Pu licatio Beach Park Date of aid Opening, Aug.,5 CALL FOR BIDS CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON THE CITY OF RENTON, STATE OF WASHINGTON, WASHINGTON, WTTJ, ACCEPT g��¢¢ e , SEALED THE OFFICE OF HE BIDS . N CLERK, ROOM KING COUNTY--SS. 104, CITY HALL, RENTON, UN- TIL. 5:00 P. M. ON AUGUST 5, 1968, OR SAME MAY BE PRE- ' SENTED TO THE CITY COUN- CIL UNTIL 8:00 P. M. ON SAID The undersigned, on oath states that he is an DATE AT WHICH TIME- ALL BIDS wrr.T, BE OPENED AND authorized representative of The Daily Journal of Commerce, READ FOR:nstruction- of Labe a daily newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper TheWashington Beach Park, Stage of general circulation and it is now and has been for more II Development. Drawings and specifications,' than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter including bidding documents and referred to, published in the English language continuously conditions of the agreement, may be examined at the following of-, as a daily newspaper in Seattle, King County, Washington, fices: City Clerk or Parks and and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an Recreation Department, C i t y office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of Hall Cedar River Park, Ren- , this newspaper.a The DailyJournal of Commerce was on the ton, WashingtonP p 2. Olson-Richert-Bignold, 231 12th day of June, 1941, approved as a legal newspaper by Williams Ave. So., Renton, Washington the Superior Court of King County. 3. Associated General Con- tractors of America, Inc. The notice in the exact form annexed, was published in 4. Plan Bureau, S e a t t i e, 'Washington regular issues of The Daily Journal of Commerce, which was 5. Northwest Plan Center, Seattle, and Bellevue, Wash- regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below ington 6. Associated Subcontractors stated period. The annexed notice, a of Washington, Tacoma, Wash- ington. Bona fide prime bidders may obtain plans and specifications at the architect's office upon receipt of a deposit of $25.00 for one complete wailc ti e nts. The deposit forfeited was published on July 17 1 68 - unless a bid is submitted AND all bid documents are returned in good usable condition within seven (7) consecutive -calendar days after the date set for hid ' - opening. WASHINGTON STATE SALES, TAX SHALL BE SUBMITTED AS BONDA SEPARATE 'BID CERTIFIED CHECK OR IN THE AMOUNT•BID OF G%i^`!t ‘47,1(,0-1.-- FIVE (5) PER CENT' OF THE TTOTAL T_HBID MUST ACCOMPANY Subscribed and sworn to before me on THE CITY OF RENTON RE- ; SERVES THE RIGHT TO RE- � 1:iT 1 7 F.8 1 �EJECT ANY AND/OR ALL BIDS I .r•---". �:_----'_ AND TO WAIVE ANY INFOR- ; MALITIES IN THE BIDDING. SPECIFICATIONS MAY BE I OBTAINED FROM (see above).HELMIE NELSON, r Notary Public fo the State of Was ington, City Clerk. residing in Seattle. Date of Publication: July 17, 1968. (9247-B) (Note: ROW 42.28.060 states—"It shall aot be necessary for a notary public in certifying t• ' an oath to be used in any of the courts in this state, to append an impression of his official seal—") • • INTER-°OFFICE MEMO. . • . TO: G.M. Shellan, City Attorney DATE August 28, 1968 • FROM: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk • • Re: C.A.G. 1352-68, J.D. Stewart; dba J.D. Stewart Co. • Stage II Development, Lake Wash. Beach Park 'Bathhouse 8c Stove Shelter Dear Mr. SheIIan:. • • • We are submitting herewith contract documents on the above-captioned- improvement • - • and we will . not ,execute; untii we. receive' the State License, expiring August I, 1969., . rather than the one enclosed . Please advise if this otherwise meets with your approval. • • • • • Helmie Nelson • • • 13) 1 1,h 4 0 . .'� q 0 ®5, t' ''1 = '1_, PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT•RENTON,WASHINGTON Lt" ce CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 Imamx �o �y4s„oRr CAPITAVCEtit, j,/-- / j _ ug ust 9, 1968 Apo 10 11T2131g : ,Ajryt./ e„j �V t, Mayor D.W. Custer G� �v. F*.6,,r_, and ry' Members of the City Council `•\�'• ..c J Renton, Washington es), r' �+� Gentl emen: At the regular meeting of the Park Board, held August 8th, it was the recommendation of the Board that the following bids be accepted: 1 . Low bid of Rumsey and Company for work on the six tennis courts located in Liberty Park, Highlands, and North Highlands, in the amount of $26,580. 2. Low base bid of J.D. Stewart for Stage 2 of the Lake Washington Beach Park project, in the amount of $102,139. Respectful 1 y, e4,,... - \,,..... Gene L. Coulon Director � 7 .-1.14-.174-0444 . .:X.0,04, At."11 /4)44.101 RENTON CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA July 29, 1968 Office of the City Clerk 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC HEARING: PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1. Letter from G. T. McDaniel requesting change in the Comprehensive Plan to allow better utilization of his property located on S.E. 93rd Street. 4. AUDIENCE COMMENTS 5. ADJOURNMENT wW Rf 1 CALL FOR BIDS CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON CALL FOR BIDS THE CITY C;+ RENT;DN, WASH- CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON INGTON WILL ACCEPT SEALED THE CITY OF RENTON, WASH- BIDS IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY INGTON WILL ACCEPT SEALED CLERK, ROOM 104, CITY HALL, BIDS IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY RENTON, UNTIL 5:00 P.M. ON CLERK, ''ROOM 104, CITY HALL, August 5, 1968 OR SAME MAY BE RENTON, UNTIL 5:00 P.M. ON PRESENTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL August 5, 1968 OR SAME MAY BE UNTIL-8:00 P.M. ON SAID DATE AT PRESENTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL WHICH TIME ALL BIDS WILL BE UNTIL-8:00 P.M. ON SAID DATE AT OPENED AND READ FOR:— - WHICH TIME, ALL BIDS WILL BE The Construction of Lake Wash- OPENED AND READ FOR ington Beach Park, Stage 11 The Construction of Lake Wash- Development. ington Beach Park, Stage 11 Drawings and specifications, in- Development. cluding bidding documents and Drawings and specifications, in- conditions of the agreement, may cluding bidding documents and be examined at the following , conditions of the agreement, may offices: be examined at the following 1. City Clerk or Parks and offices: Recreation Department, City Hall, I 1. City Clerk or Parks and Cedar River Park, Renton, Washing- Recreation Department, City Hall I 'ton. g Cedar River Park, Renton, Washing-'I 2. Olson-Richert-Bignold, 231 ton. Williams Ave.So., Renton, Washing- '2. Olson-Richert-Bignold, 231 ton Williams Ave.So., Renton,Washing- 3. Associated General Contrac- ton tl tors of America, Inc. 3. Associated General Contrac- 4. Plan Bureau,Seattle,Washing- tors of America, Inc. I ton 4. Plan Bureau,Seattle,Washing 5. N o r t h w e s t Plan Center, ton Seattle,and Bellevue,Washington 5. N o r t h w e s t Plan Center, 6. Associated Subcontractors of Seattle,and Bellevue,Washington 1 Washington,Tacoma,Washington 6. Associated Subcontractors of( Bona fide prime bidders may 1 Washington,Tacoma,Washington obtain plans and specifications at Bona fide prime _bidders may the architect's office upon receipt obtain-plans and specifications at of a deposit of $25.00 for one the architect's office upon receipt ' complete-set of documents. of a deposit of $25.00 for one The deposit will be forfeited • complete:set of documents. unless a bid is submitted and all 'The deposit will be 'forfeited I bid documents are returned in good unless a bid is submitted and all usable condition Within seven (7) bid documents are returned in good I consecutive calendar days after the usable condition within seven (7) 1 date set for bid opening. consecutive calendar days after the. WASHINGTON STATE SALES TAX date set for bid opening. I SHALL BE SUBMITTED AS A WASHINGTON STATE SALES TAX SEPARATE BID ITEM. A CERTIFIED, SHALL BE SUBMITTED AS A,, CHECK OR BID BOND IN THE ' SEPARATE BID ITEM. A CERTIFIED AMOUNT OF FIVE (5) PERCENT OF CHECK OR BID BOND IN THE ` THE TOTAL BID MUST ACCOMPANY AMOUNT OF FIVE (5) PERCENT OF EACH BID. 'THE TOTAL BID MUST ACCOMPANY THE CITY OF RENTON RESERVES EACH BID. THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND THE CITY OF RENTON RESERVES OR ALL BIDS AND TO WAIVE ANY THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND INFORMALITIES IN THE BIDDING, OR ALL BIDS AND TO WAIVE ANY SPECIFICATIONS MAY, BE OB- INFORMALITIES IN THE BIDDING. TAINED FI4JM (see above). SPECIFICATIONS MAX BE, OB-' HELMIE W. NELSON • ' TAINED FROM (see above). • CITY CLERK HELMIE W. NELSON € PUBLISHED IN RECORD CHRONI- CITY CLERK CLE JULY 17,24, 1968. PUBLISHED IN RECORD-CHRONI- �_ -- CLE JULY 17,24, 1968. August 20, 1968 Tech Construction Co. 630 Lind Ave. S.s;. Renton; Washington 98055 Re: City cf Penton: Lake Washington Beach Fark Bathhouse and Stove Shelter Gentlemen: This is to advise than the Renton City Council at its regular meeting of August 5, 1966 has awarded the above-captioned improvement to J.D. Stewart Co. in Kent, °ashington. Thank you for your interest and your bid. Very truly yours, CITY Cr FENT0N Helmie '.:','. NrIson City Clerk WIN/sk p ✓ d-''lieu) 2/ J 19 4( 1)11)1 August 20, 1968 J.D. Stewart Company 18821 E. Valley Hwy. Kent, Washington 98031 ke: City of Fenton Bid Award: Opened 3/8/68, Lake 'Washington Beach Park Bathhouse and Stove Shelter Gentlemen: This is to advise that the Fenton City Council at its regular meeting of August 5, 1968 has accepted your low base bid on the above-captioned improvement. Contract documents are being prepared and will be ready in a few days. Very truly yours, CITY CF FENTON i W. Nelson City Clerk H`Vsk August 20, 1968 General Industries, Inc. dba COASTAL CONSTRUCTORS 20215 6L.t h :^:. Lynnwood, Washington 98056 Pe: City of Renton Bid: Lake Washington Beach Park Bathhouse and Stove Shelter • Gentlemen: This is to advise that the Penton City Council at its regular meeting of August 5, 1963 has awarded the above-captioned improvement to the J.G. Stewart Co. in Kent, -`rashington. Thank you for your interest and your bid. Very truly yours, C I TY OF PENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/sk August 20, 1968 Central Puget Construction 721 S.W. Lind Street Renton, Washington 93055 Re: City. of Fenton Bid: Lake Washington teach Park Bathhouse and Stove Shelter Gentlemen: This is to advise that the Renton City Council at its regular meeting of August 5, 1968 has awarded the above-captioned improvement to J.G. Stewart Co. in Kent, Washington. Thank you for your interest and your bid. Very truly yours, CITY OF PENTON Helmie N. Nelson City Clerk HWN/sk dVs.,„42 Affidavit of Publication 6 ,,gyp 6,Avd, STATE OF WASHINGTON ss COUNTY OF KING ^�' • '1"�: ' - a being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that, is the of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE,a semiweekly newspaper.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, - printed and published in the English language continually as a semi- weekly newspaper in Renton, King County,Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the • aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton • _ Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior'Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King County, • Washington.That the annexed is a • as it was published in regular issues (and not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period of "l consecutive issues, commencing on the F_,.• day of , 19 , and ending the is 'day of , 19 , both dates inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee charged for the foregoing,publication is the sum of$ -' •`;'which has been paid in full at the rate of$3.20 per folio of one hundred words for the first insertion and$2.40 per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent insertion. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of ,19 Not y P blic in and for the State of Washington, esiding at Renton,King County. —Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective June 9th,1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. • 1 \ fi rt• • Legals - Legals The Construction of Lake Wash- the architect's office upon receipt ington Beadh Park, Stage ,11 of a deposit of $25.00 for one Development. complete set of documents. Drawings and specifications, in- The deposit will be forfeited cluding bidding documents and unless a bid is submitted and all conditions of the agreement, may bid documents are returned in good be examined at the following usable condition within seven (7) 'offices: consecutive calendar days after the date set for bid opening. 1. City Clerk or Parks and WASHINGTON STATE SALES TAX Recreation Department, City Hall, SHALL BE SUBMITTED AS A Cedar River Park, Renton,Washing- SEPARATE BID ITEM. A CERTIFIED r—t - - ton. CHECK OR BID BOND IN THE 2. Olson-Richert-Bignold, 231 AMOUNT OF FIVE (5) PERCENT OF CALL FOR BIDS Williams Ave.So., Renton,Washing- THE TOTAL BID MUST ACCOMPANY jCITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON ton THE CITY OF RENTON, WASH- 3. Associated General Contrac THE CITY OF RENTON RESERVES I INGTON WILL ACCEPT SEALED tors of America, Inc. THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND BIDS IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY 4. Plan Bureau, Seattle,Washing- OR ALL BIDS AND TO WAIVE ANY CLERK, ROOM 104, CITY HALL, ton INFORMALITtES IN THE BIDDING. 1 RENTON, UNTIL 5:Q0 P.M. ON 5. Northwest Plan Center, SPECIFICATIONS MAY BE OB- August 5, 1968 OR SAME MAY BE Seattle,and Bellevue,Washington TAINED FROM (see above). (PRESENTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL 6. Associated Subcontractors of HELMIE W. NELSON UNTIL 8:00 P.M. ON SAID DATE AT Washington,Tacoma,Washington CITY CLERK s WHICH TIME ALL BIDS WILL BE Bona fide •prime bidders may PUBLISHED IN RECORD_CHRn3W- OPENED AND READ FOR:-.- - • _Abtain plans and specifications at CLE JULY 17. 24...logo 16010( �iy, j `�G 1( PAGE 1 i�° f✓� r'J ! ' (:' rJ FORM 0 F B I D l To: City of Renton c/O. Renton City Council City Hall , Cedar River Park Renton, Washington Having carefully examined the specifications entitled: ' Contract Documents and Technical Specifications for Lake Washington Beach Park Stage II Development (Bath\house & Stove Shelter) Renton, Washington July 17, 1968 and the drawings, similarly entitled, as well as the premises and conditions affecting the work, the undersigned proposes to furnish all labor and materials and to perform all work required by and in strict accordance with the above- named documents for the following sums: A. BASE BID For the Base Bid, as described in the specifications, the sum of: ON 1'��L H U m 4 to IR IJ l I Lu \I l - 1 1 V ' ( �i l. �' t1 w�`f h•t ti� l="l) t— (�; l \ i��1) > I i t/ 1 Y1� L �l �r'DOLLARS ($ � ,1 a • 00 ) • B. ALTERNATE BIDS The undersigned agrees to perform the substitutions called for in the following alternates, as described in the specifications, for the following additions to or deductions from the Base Bid: Alternate Number & Description Addition Deduction • No. 1 Basket Racks $ 2 3`jC)) ' $ No. 2 Fixtures $ No. 3 Landscape $ C. OVERHEAD & PROFIT' • All of the above bid prices include overhead and profit. D. SALES, TAX None of the above bid prices include state sales .tax. E. 'CONTRACT & BONDS If the undersigned by notified of the acceptance of this bid within 30 calendar days after the time set for opening of bids, he agrees to execute a contract for the above work, for a compensation computed from the above sums, in AIA Form of Agreement A-1O1 , and to furnish performance and payment bondsHas required by the specifications. PAGE 2 FORM OF BID F. BID GUARANTEE The undersigned further agrees that the check or bid bond accompanying this proposal is left in escrow with the owner, that its amount or penal sum is the measure of damages which the owner will sustain by the failure of the undersigned to execute said agreement and furnish the required bonds, and if the undersigned fails to deliver the said documents within 10 days after written notice of the award of the contract to him has been received, then in full effect, but if this bid is not accepted within 30 days after the time set for opening bids, or if the undersigned executes said contract and delivers said bonds, then the eheck shall be returned to him or the bid bond shall become void. G. ADDENDA Receipt of Addenda numbered 1 is hereby acknowledged. CENTRAL PUGET CONSTRUCTION CO. 721 S.W. Lind Ave. BAldwin 6-7470 Bidder , Street Address Telephone Number /i ;; 7' �. ,5� c. - —� Renton, Washington 80 By 1— 1 -tom '� g 9 55 Lyle\Clarkston City Zip Code President k. . .._: . _ ., . . . ,.,. ,:n . . . +:d . . . . ,,t --Herewith find deposit in the form of a certified check, cashiers check, cash, '; �- ercent or bid bond____)in n the amount of $ 1 5 ", lj which amount i s not less than five p • of the total ;bid. ii 6 A I . Sign Here L BID BOND . Know All Men By These Presents: • ral 'Pu et Construction Co. a Washington. Corporation aS Principal , That we, Cen ,t and, Fidelity• and Deposit Company of Maryland • , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto .the City of Renton, as Obligee, in the penal sum of • Five Percent of the Total Amount Bid (5%) Dollars, for the bind themselves, their heirs, executors, payment ofwh,i,ch the Principa l and the Surety these presents. administrators', successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by The condition of this obligation is such that i. theh ObligeeH shall make any • • award to the Principal for Lake Washington Beach y the Principal therefor, and according to the terms of the proposal or bid madntract with the Obligee in accor- the Principal .shall duly make and enter into a co e terms of said proposal or bid and award and shall give bond for the _ dance with th roved by the Obligee; or •�'', : faithful performance thereof, with Surety or Sureties app , if the Principal shall , in case-: of failure so to do, pay and forfeit to the Obligee the penal: amount of the deposit specified in the call for bids, then this obligation shall- be null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force end effect and the Surety shall forthwith pay and forfeit to the Obligee, as penalty liquidated damages, .the amount of this bond. . k; i . ,19 6 8 DAY Of •August . : ..? SIGP�ED,; SEALED AND DATED THISCentral/uge /Con tr tion Co a Washington Corpor- t.' - / ation :;. ' • ? '/l�(�'-�—t1 cam` �'.. B `�[ / ./-1"1 A of Maryland . • Fidelt and Depos ./Co�ii�pan . . , .;<;-;///ii :(/// ,/ '. - :, , • By. �,. l urety c /j • 19, , _ . ' i , Received return ot deposit in the sum of $ s I Power of Attorney FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND HOME OFFICE, BALTIMORE,MD. KNOW ALL MEN'BY THESE PRESENTS:That the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, a corpora- tion of the State of Maryland,by WM. H.C. GRIFFITH ,Vice-President,and M. A. KELLY Assistant Secretary, in pursuance of authority granted by Article VI, Section 2, of the By-Laws of said Com- pany, which reads as follows: "The President,'or any one of the Executive Vice-Presidents,or any one of the additional Vice-Presidents specially authorized so to do by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Committee,shall have power, by and with the concurrence of the Sec- retary or any one oil the Assistant Secretaries, to appoint Resident Vice-Presidents, Resident Assistant Secretaries and Attorneys- in-Fact as the business of the Company may require,or to authorize any person or persons to execute on behalf of the Company any bonds,undertakings;recognizances,stipulations, policies, contracts,agreements, deeds,and releases and assignments of judgments, decrees,mortgages and instruments in the nature of mortgages,and also all other instruments and documents which the business of the Company may require,and to affix the seal of the Company thereto." does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint Jack Griffin of Seattle, Washington 1 its-Vi e and lawful agent and Attorney-in-Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver, for, and on its behalf as surety, and as its act and deed: any and all bonds and undertakings, each in a penalty not to exceed the sum of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000) And the execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon said Company,as fully and amply,to all intents and purposes,as if they had been duly executed and acknowl- edged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its office in Baltimore,Maryland, in their own proper persons. j The said Assistant Secretary does hereby certify that the aforegoing is a true copy of Article VI,Section 2, of the By-Laws of said Company, and is now in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Vice-President and Assistant Secretary have hereunto subscribed their names and affixed the Corporate Seal of the said FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, this 13th day of September , A.D. 19__66____ ATTEST: FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND (SIGNED) M. A, KELLY By L�I�__HC_,___GRIFFITH (SEAL) I Assistant Secretary Vice-President STATE OF MARYLAND / SS: CITY OF BALTIMORE On this 13th day of September , A.D. 19 66 , before the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of Maryland,in and for the City of Baltimore, duly commissioned and qualified,came the above-named Vice-President and Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND,to me personally known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the preceding instrument,and they each acknowledged the execution of the same,and being by me duly sworn, severally and each for himself deposeth and saith,that they are the said officers of the Company aforesaid,and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company, and that the said Corporate Seal and their signatures as such officers were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal,at the City of Baltimore,the day and year first above written. (SIGNED) EVELYN D,___JONE.S (SEAL) Notary Public Commission Expires July 1, 1967 CERTIFICATE PRICE , Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND,do herebycertify that the attached Power of Attorney dated September.._13_th ,19...6.6-_,in behalf of Jack Griffin of Seattle,....Washin_gton is a true and correct copy and that same has been in full force and effect since the date thereof and is in full force and effect on the date of this certificate;and I do further certify that the said C. GRIFFITH and M, A- KELLY , who executed the attached Power of Attorney as Vice-President and Assistant Secretary respectively,were ion the date of the execution of the attached Power of Attorney the duly elected Vice-President and Assistant Sec- retary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND,and that the said WM, H.C... GRIFFITH was one of the additional Vice-Presidents specially authorized by the Board of Directors to appoint any Attorney-in-Fact or to authorize any person or persons to execute on behalf of the Company any bonds, recognizances, stipulations, undertakings, deeds, releases of mortgages,contracts,agreements and policies,and to affix the seal of the Company thereto as provided in said Article VI, Section 2 of the By-Laws of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seal of the s 'd Company, this 5 th day of August 19 68 L1419—Ctf. Assistant Secretary • PAGE 1 FORM OF BID To: City of Renton c/O' Renton City Council City Hall , Cedar River Park Renton, Washington Having carefully examined the specifications entitled: - Contract Documents and Technical Specifications for Lake Washington Beach Park Stage II Development (BathThouse & Stove Shelter) Renton, Washington July 17, 1968 and the drawings, similarly entitled, as well as the premises and conditions affecting the work, the undersigned proposes to furnish all labor and materials and to perform all work required by and in strict accordance with the above- named documents for the following sums: 1 A. BASE BID For the Base Bid, as described in the specifications, the sum of: :: • DOLLARS k B. . ALTERNATE BIDS The undersigned agrees to perform the substitutions called for in the following alternates, as described in the specifications, for the following additions to or deductions from the Base Bid: Alternate Number & Description Addition Deduction _ No. 1 Basket Racks $ ' _� C, $ No. 2 Fixtures $ 4C 2.. $ No. 3 Landscape $ 1 ! ;;I G. C. OVERHEAD & PROFIT All of the above bid prices include overhead and profit. D. SALES TAX None of the above bid prices include state sales-tax. E. CONTRACT & BONDS If the undersigned by notified of the acceptance of this bid within 30 calendar days after the time set for opening of bids, he agrees to execute a contract for the above work, for a compensation computed from the above sums, in AIA Form of Agreement A-101 , and to furnish performance and payment ;bonds as required by the specifications. • PAGE 2 FORM OF BID • F. BID GUARANTEE The undersigned further agrees that the check or -bid bond accompanying this proposal is left in escrow with the owner, that its amount or penal sum is the measure of damages which the owner will sustain by the failure of the undersigned to execute said agreement and furnish the required bonds, and if the undersigned fails to deliver the said documents within 10 days after written notice of the award of the contract to him has been received, then in full effect, but if this bid is not accepted within 30 days after the time set for opening bids, or if the undersigned executes said contract and delivers said bonds, then the eheck shall be returned to him or the bid bond shall become void. G. ADDENDA Receipt of Addenda numbered 1 is hereby acknowledged. General Industries, Inc. d/b/a Coastal Constructors 20215 — 64th West 774-4174 • Bidder Street Address Telephone Number rf • By / /�-''� �' Lynnwood, Washington 98036 City Zip Code E. A. nes, President State Washington • • PAGE 2 FORM OF BID F. BID GUARANTEE ' The undersigned further agrees that the check or bid bond accompanying this proposal, is left in escrow with the owner, that its amount or penal sum is the measure of damages which the owner will sustain by the failure of the undersigned to execute said agreement and furnish the required bonds , and if the undersigned fails to deliver the said documents within 10 days after written notice of the award affthe contract to him has been received, then ' in 'fulldeffect, but if this bid is not accepted within 30 days after the time set for opening bids, or if the undersigned executes said contract and delivers; said bonds, then the check shall be returned to him or the bid bond shall become void. G. ADDENDA' Receipt; of Addenda numbered I is ! hereby acknowledged. General Industries, Inc. d/b/a : Coastal Constructors 20215 — 64th West 774-4174 ' Bidder ' Street Address Telephone Number B /! Lynnwood, Washington 98036 City Zip Code E. A. .nes, P esident State : - ' ashington • • • • • • • ' • • • -...�.._ ....... • +zs.-,d�;�fau~,�� T-y;i, �''Fs: '�i� .$n:`,`YJ :IN- * e4.', '.'' �^»',T'^'*^P .. , b4 r r` �,0.�,". ,4 �.,^•.�r¢'i~'.��Y,.°s*� H-d`x t (��) ." .,Y..' g, ,i•� �y,y it tT 'Tpt w.k ,SYMBOL c a;-'-✓,..,�# -;,:s,.'-s . ,. :,„ i,,,, ''r1'. }, .•4 `" P•V "•&irp SERVICE ':< ': `;.Y "'''ay ,Y r a .:4 .'..4 xi- �-'4;„ :44.`w`'-t-,, J. '.'::.{ `.1';:..: - i .fit <',t... ^ *If,«', .i"-g ; `, '.'',1-; V: "T P,, ''t '°'IN %AN ^ f:GR �.P.'`,-,;,;'`'3"''<:4 54•a';-$.1,..;::1'-',.=4 ;a-:; , .:.Y1:s,% . • �$.rs A„NI'EM9ERO.F�UN1 �EA� AC,_FIG,� „UR. CE, AU ri- ,� .,.� •<�?- 'r `:,.1,' ,e. •/''E t3F'FtCE:' TACC)IVl'A., WASHINGTON ,:-:,,.-< :,` �1'` ,' >a . .. .,. E -' V M.+ i7' `';.�.•,�,.e. �",� t5`:..':•n,��� .�3,{tR3,�: t •Iy si ,' �,c.':�'.'sc aba•.�,v..iz:�rkv �,' • :;1Y>, �7.T:i �5..�I..Z. t� ., �' � 4 � - 'Y:s a i�;�':(,'.9�"3,2' •,�"Ws .%ab,-•t-, ay 1 ' w • • ® Bond No. • • • • BID BOND • • • • KNOW LL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That We, GENERAL INDUSTRIES, INC, dba • • COASTAL CONSTRUCTORS • as Principal, and the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation or anized and existing under ® the laws of the State of Washington, and authorized to do business in the State of �JASHINGTON • • as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the CITY OF RENTON • • • • as obligee, in the sum of FIVE PERCENT (5%) OF THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE ATTACHED BID • • DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States • • . of America, to the payment of which sum of money well and truly to be made, the said Principal and Surety • bind themselves, their and each of their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and. • severally, by these presents. • • • THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that, if the Obligee shall make any award to the • Principal for: V • • • • CONSTRUCTION OF LA WASHINGTON BEACH PARK, STAGE II DEVELOPMENT •IC • • • • • • • • • • • according to the terms of the proposal or bid made by the Principal therefor, and the Principal shall duly make • • and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said proposal or bid and award and • • shall give bond for the faithful performance thereof, with the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY as • Surety or with other Surety or Sureties approved by the. Obligee; or if the Principal shall, in case of failure • so to do, pay to the Obligee the damages which the Obligee may suffer by reason of such failure not exceed- • • ing the penalty of this bond, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in • • full force and effect. • • - • • Signed, Sealed and Dated this 5th day of August 19 66 • • • • -,i .17`-• ;''.'� • • • GENERAL INDUSTRIES, INC. di?a', _, ' i, tto COASTAL CONSTRUCTORS •' • - Principals) • <'''' ' --- , • By: " _' io— •. • E. A. ..•nes President • • • • UNI D ' ' - FIC INSURANCE COMPANY • • , ' By: , -Z‘te-1, (2/1-/e)e., z: _. • Robert E. Wilcox `Attorney-in-Pact • - • • • • • •i • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i • • • • • • • • • • • B-1312-Contract- Bid Bond • PAGE 1 FORM OF BID �_. To: City of Renton c/O Renton City Council City Hall , Cedar River Park ; Renton, Washington Having carefully examined the specifications entitled: . • Contract Documents and Technical Specifications for Lake Washington Beach Park Stage II Development (Bathihouse & Stove Shelter) Renton, Washington July 17, 1968 and the drawings, similarly entitled, as well as the premises and conditions affecting the work, the undersigned proposes to furnish all labor and materials and to perform all work required by and in strict accordance with the above- named documents for the following sums: • A. BASE BID For the Base Bid, as described in the specifications, the sum of:// 67-0 z-t-(A•dtaaki--e z=4-4„_ifs_e_cke,t4; ae A0-6 DOLLARS ($ �U�) k%(1) ).• B. ALTERNATE BIDS The undersigned agrees to perform the substitutions called for in the following alternates, as described in the specifications, for the following additions to or deductions from the Base Bid: Alternate Number & Description Addition Deduction No.. 1 Basket Racks $ 97 $ No. 2 Fixtures $ / 1.5-S $ - No. 3 Landscape $ / 2 75` $ C. OVERHEAD & PROFIT All of the above bid prices include overhead and profit. D. SALES TAX None of the above bid prices include state sales.tax. . E. CONTRACT & BONDS If the undersigned by notified of the acceptance of this bid within 30 calendar days after the time set for opening of bids, he agrees to execute a contract for the above work, for a compensation computed from the above sums, in AIA Form of Agreement A-101 , and to furnish performance and payment bonds as required by the specifications. • PAGE 2 �.: ,. FORM OF BID F BID GUARANTEE The undersigned further agrees that the check or bid bond accompanying this proposal is left in escrow with the owner, that its amount or penal sum is :' . the measure of damages which the owner will sustain by the failure of the �ndersigned to execute said agreement and furnish the required bonds, and if the undersigned fails to deliver the said documents within 10 days after written notice of the award of the contract to him has been received, then in full effect, but if this bid is not accepted within 30 days after the time set for opening bids, or if the undersigned executes said contract and delivers said bonds, then the eheck shall be returned to him or the bid bond shall become void. G. ADDENDA Receipt of Addenda numbered n.0 C is hereby acknowledged. Cis Cd US-'. co. LbuisS.iv• vit$- /S`f S Bidder Street Address Telephone Number B ✓,� ,ev 40-4.,163-R7) euTo.� q S Y City Zip Code 1 ' llr _ a .4 f I. SYMBOL 1 OF SERVICE `A MEMBER OF UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE GROUP ' HOME OFFICE:.TACOMA, WASHINGTON , ' • • • • • Bond No. B 572678 .I,• r, • • • BID BOND • " • • • KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That We, • • , TECH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC. • • as Principal, and the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under • the laws of the State of Washington, and authorized to do business in the State of WASHINGTON • as Surety, dre Ld c rm1y_NTONunto the • • 11 U tt� • • as obligee, in the sum of FIVE PER CENT OF BID • • I (5%) DOLLARS, lawful money of the United States • • of America,;to the payment of which sum of money well and truly to be made, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, their and each of their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and • • severally, by these presents. • • • • • THE' CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that, if the Obligee shall make any award to the • Principal for: • • ! THE CONSTRUCTION OF LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK, • • STAGE II DEVELOPMENT • , • • • • • • • • • • • • according to the terms of the proposal or bid made by the Principal therefor, and the Principal shall duly make • and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said proposal or bid and award and • • shall give bond for the faithful performance thereof, with the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY as • Surety or with other Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; or if the Principal shall, in case of failure • so to do, pays to the Obligee the damages which the Obligee may suffer by reason of such failure not exceed- • • ing the penalty of this bond, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in • • full force and ieffect. • • • • Signed, Sealed and Dated this 5TH day of AUGUST l•8 • • I • • 1 • • • • • • TECH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, TNC. • Principal(s) • I • • • • • • l UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY • • I cj. e&-<_J2_-A,0_,,,, e • II By: WALLACE M. BOSTICK Attorney-in-Fact • • • • i • • • B-1312-Contract- Bid Bond • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , • PAGE 1 FORM OF BID To: City of Renton c/O Renton City Council City Hall , Cedar River Park Renton, Washington Having carefully examined the specifications entitled: . Contract Documents and Technical Specifications for Lake Washington Reach Park Stage II Development (Bath'\house & Stove Shelter) Renton, Washington July 17, 1968 and the drawings, similarly.=entitled, as well as the premises and conditions affecting the work, the 'undersigned proposes to furnish all labor and materials and to perform all work required by and in strict accordance with the above- named documents for the following sums: A. BASE; BID For the Base Bid, as described in the specifications, the sum of:77 • / / 7 / (�GL1` L t_rsc/C—{- �f.'c:Cr ( C (,r_�'G`'J _.l-',,e; CMG DOLLARS ($ ) . B. ALTERNATE BIDS /0 'l C/6 The undersigned agrees to perform the substitutions called for- in the following alternates, as described in the specifications, for the following additions to or deductions from the Base Bid: Alternate Number & Description Addition - Deduction No. 1 Basket Racks $ ; , ( ;�/ 7 .•. $ No. 2 Fixtures $ ./ No. 3 Landscape $ / % 1 C. OVERHEAD & PROFIT All of ,the above bid prices include overhead and profit. SALES TAX None of the above bid prices include state sales .tax:: E. CONTRACT & BONDS If the undersigned by notified of the acceptance-of this bid within 30 calendar days after the time set for opening of bids, he agrees to execute a contract for the above work, for a compensation computed from the above sums, in AIA Form of Agreement A-101 , and' to furnish performance and payment bonds as required by the specifications,' X o PAGE 2 FORM OF BID F. BID GUARANTEE The undersigned further agrees that the check or bid bond accompanying- this proposal is left in escrow with the owner, that its amount or penal sum is the measure of damages which the owner will sustain by the failure of the • undersigned to execute said agreement and furnish the required bonds , and if the undersigned fails to deliver the said documents within 10 days after written notice of the award of the contract to him has been received, then in full effect, but if this bid is not accepted within 30 days after the time set for opening bids, or if the undersigned executes said contract •and delivers said bonds, then the check shall be returned to him or the bid bond shall become void. G. ADDENDA Receipt of Addenda numbered6,O. is hereby acknowledged. 6i().0 LI (-5 /JA Eid Bidder Street Address Telephone Number By °J��.. �!!J-Y� C J7i FU c/'r. fo s.---- / City Zip Code C-V2'J2'tt) • 1 1 Bid Opening August 8, 1968 BID TABULATION SHEET 1968 LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK BATHHOUSE AND STOVE SHELTER Alternate No, I Alternate No, 2 Alternate No,3 Bidder,, & Address Bond Basic Bid Basket Racks Fixtures Landscape CENTRAL PUGET CONSTR,; 721 S.W. Lind St, X $125,763,00 $2330,00 $2158.,00 $1375.00 Renton, Wn; 98055 VENTURE CONSTRUCTION NO BID ,TECH'CONSTRUCTION CO. 630 Lind Ave, S.W. Renton, Wn, 98055 X $103,z890.,00 $2097,00 $1958.,,00 $3275,o0 J.D. STEWART CO.1 18821 E,. Valley Hwy,, X $1022l39,00 $2300,.00 $1735.00 $1400,.00 Kent, Wn, 981 031 1 - S & T CONSTRUCTION NO BID 1 General Indusltries Inc, d/b/a/ COASTAL CONSTRUCTORS X $121 ,332.00 $2450,00 $2252,00 $1467.00 20215 64th W. Lynnwood; Wn, 98036 • • • = I . -.9- PAGE 1 INVITATION TO BID CALL FOR BIDS . • 1 CITY OF. RENTON, WASHINGTON • • . THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON WILL ACCEPT SEALED BIDS IN THE:OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, ROOM 104, CITY .HALL, RENTON, UNTIL 5:00 P.M. ON Augusts 1968 OR SAME MAY BE PRESENTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL UNTIL 8:00 P.M. ON SAID DATE} AT WHICH•TIME ALL BIDS WILL BE OPENED AND READ FOR: The Construction of Lake Washington Beach Park, Stage II Development. 1 • Drawings and specifications, including bidding documents an'd conditions of the . agreement, may. be examined at the following offices: . . 1 . City Clerk or Parks and Recreation. Department, City Hall , Cedar River Park, Renton, Washington. 2. Olson-Richert-Bignold, 231 Williams Ave. So. , Renton, Washington • • 3. Associated General Contractors of America, Inc. 4+. Plan Bureau, Seattle, Washington • 5. Northwest Plan •Center, Seattle, and Bellevue, Washington • 6. Associated Subcontractors of Washington, Tacoma, Washington , • Bona fide prime bidders may obtain plans and specifications at the architect's • • office ulpon receipt of a deposit of $25.00 for one complete set of documents. The deposit will be forfeited unless a bid is submitted and all- bid documents are • returned: in good :taxable condition within seven (7) consecutive calendar days after • the date set for bid opening. WASHINGTON STATE SALES TAX SHALL BE SUBMITTED •AS A SEPARATE BID. ITEM. A CERTIFIED CHECK OR BID BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF FIVE (5) PERCENT OF THE TOTAL BID MUST ACCOMPANY EACH BID. ' THE CITY OF RENTON RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY :AND/OR ALL BIDS AND TO WAIVE ANY INFORMALITIES IN THE BIDDING. SPECIFICATIONS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM • (see above) . ^The Construction of Lake Wash- the architect's,office upon receip, ington Beach Park, Stage 11 of a deposit of $25.00 for one • Development. completa,set of,:doeuments..a.'1t," • Drawings and specifications; in- - 'The''depositY'w,ii,-,, ;tfor�eite' ' 1cluding bidding documents and unless,a-.bid.,is•submittedG4aandtiall (conditions of the agreement,'may bid docwments'a're/etturnedi good be examined at the following usable;cendfidn witbrri seven, `0) DATE of 1st PUBLICATION: July 17 1,6$ offices: consecutive:Zalendar:days.�giVe'the' DATE of 2nd PUBLICATION: July 241 1968 date set•loPbid,openin'e f �.3&,. Y 9 1. City Clerk or Parks and WASHINGTON.S,TATEJSWES�TAXI DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE: July 17, 1968 Recreation Department, City Hall, SHALL '-BE,ISUBMLTTED'`���S A' ton. CHEC ;OR ;BID ;gOERTIFIED Cedar River Park, Renton, Washing- SEPARATEBID ITEM NDNiTHE 2. Olson-Richert-Bignold, 231 AMOUNT OF FIVEw(_5),tilERCEj OF. • CALL FOR BIDS Williams Ave. So., Renton, Washing- THE.TOTAL,BIDoMU,ST'A000MRAN�Y • CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON ton EACH.BI,D: • ._,t;1A:. :" THE CITY OF RENTON, WASH- RESERVES) 3. Associated General Contrac- THE'CI;TY�OF':RENTQN RESERV4ES1 INGTON WILL ACCEPT SEALED tors of America, Inc.., THE RIGHT'IckF3EJECT ArNY ,fee BIDS IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY 4• Plan Bureau,Seattle,Washing- OR 'ALL;BIDSiAND TOJW�A,�IV,yE ANKI " CLERK, ROOM 104, CITY HALL,•ton ? INFORMALfTitES IN;THHE BIDDING. RENTON, UNTIL 5:00• P.M.--ON- 5. N o r t h west Plan Center, SPECIICATI,ONS``M�AE- I August 5, 1968 OR SAME MAY BE Seattle,and Bellevue,Washington TANNED FROM (see,above):;x'r^ ..r` PRESENTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL 6. Associated Subcontractors of e,>• HELMIE W.,NELS"' • UNTIL 8:00P.M. ON SAID DATE AT Washington,Tacoma Washington t g , � i;. '�CIT�CLERff WHICH •TIME ALL BIBS`WILL BE Bona fide prime bidders may PUt3.LISHED.IN RECORD eH N'a I PENED'AND READ,FOR:-"': - - obtain plans and specifications at CLE JU 4Y 17?24 1968' '-- • • PAGE 1 • INVITATION TO BID CALL FOR BIDS • - CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON • • THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON WILL ACCEPT SEALED BIDS IN THE•OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, ROOM 104, CITY .HALL, RENTON, UNTIL 5:00 P.M. ' ON Auqust 54_1968 QR SAME MAY BE PRESENTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL UNTIL 8:00 P.M. •ON SAID DATE AT WHICH TIME ALL . BIDS WILL BE OPENED AND READ FOR: The Construction of Lake Washington Beach Park, Stage II Development. • Drawings •and specifications, including bidding documents avid conditions of the . agreement, may be examined at the following offices: . • 1 . City Clerk or Parks and Recreation Department, City Hall , Cedar River Park, Renton, Washington. 2: Olson-Richert-Bignold, 231 Williams Ave. So. , Renton, Washington 3. Associated General Contractors of America, Inc. 4. Plan Bureau, Seattle, Washington 5. Northwest Plan Center, Seattle, and Bellevue, Washington 6. Associated Subcontractors of Washington, Tacoma, Washington • • . Bona fide prime bidders may-obtain plans and specifications at the architect's office bpon receipt of a deposit of $2 .00 for one complete set of documents. The deposit will be forfeited unless a bid is submitted and all bid documents are returned in good :usable condition within seven (7) consecutive calendar days after the' date set for bid opening. WASHINGTON STATE SALES TAX SHALL BE SUBMITTED .AS A SEPARATE BID ITEM. A CERTIFIED CHECK OR BID BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF FIVE (5) PERCENT OF THE TOTAL BID MUST ACCOMPANY EACH BID. . THE CITY OF RENTON RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY 'AND/OR ALL BIDS AND TO WAIVE ' ANY INFORMALITIES IN THE BIDDING. - • - . SPECIFICATIONS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM (see above) • ✓ The Construction of Lake Wash- the architect's office upon receipt: fington Beach Park, Stage 11 o, a deposit of $25.00 for on *.w.. Development. cu���aizte set.of docurments'414,i. :, IDrawings and specifications, in- 'The sit::depo Will tiebforfeited. eluding bidding documents and unless,a ibid. is-`submitted a djaIl conditions of the agreement, may bid docume nts are returned in°good; DATE of F 1st PUBLICATION: July 17, 1968 be examined at the following usable condition"Within,.se'in(].)- offices: consecutive calendar•daj!s after the, DATE of 2nd PUBLICATION: July 24, 1 968 date set for'bid,opening:"t;' ?;- ;,: DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE: July1 1968 1. City Clerk or Parks and WASHINGTOM•STATEC,SALES•TrAX; 7° Recreation Department, City Hall, SHALL :BE'";SUBMITTED;xASr Al • Cedar River Park, Renton, Washing- .SEPARATE;.3I121'1TEM A,CERTIFIED ton. CHECK,,,OR�'BID - BOND' INT;.HE# 2: Olson-Richert-Bignold, 231 AMOUNT-'OF FIVE•-(5):,P,ERCEN,jT O CALL F,OR BIDS Williams Ave.So., Renton, Washing- THE TOTAL BID MUST ACCOMP'AN CITY OF.RENTON.,WASHINGTON ton EACH BID. ';r -,'ti�; 9 :' • THE CITY OF RENTON, WASH- 3. Associated General Contrac- THE OF,RENTONR SERIES NGTON WILL ACCEPT SEALED tors of America, Inc. THEE RIGHT ',TO:-,REOECTrANY,�AND'' BIDS,IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY. 4. Plan Bureau,,Seattle,Washing- OR.'AELInB DS AND O:WAIVE ANY' CLERK,•,ROOM 104,. CITY 'HALL, ton INFORMALITIES IN THEEBIDDING:i.', RENTON, UNTIL 5:00 P:M; ON 5. Northwest Plan Center, SPECIFICATIONS „MAY.'"BE 3:OB' August 5, 1968 OR SAME,MAY BE -Seattle,and Bellevue,Washington TAINED FROM (see ab ove) e,, • PRESENTED TO THE CITYaCOUNCILt . 6. Associated Subcontractors of HELMIE W.NELSONi • UNTIL 8 OO,F E;�M ON SAID,DATE AT: ashington,Tacoma,Washington 'CITY CLBRK N/HICH TIMALL BIDS W LLB IBE ' 8oha fide'•prime bidders may PUf3L1�SF4ED IN RECORD CHRONI OFENED'AND READ FOR f obtain plans and specifications at CLE JUtY,17.24. • RENTON CITY COUNCIL • REGULAR MEETING • August 5, 1968 • 8:00 P.M. Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. We Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge Of Allegiance was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Garrett, Barei, Shane, Grant, Bruce, Maxin, Edwards, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Schellert. Moved by Maxin, seconded by Schellert, that the absent Councilman be excused, Mr. Morris being ill. The motion carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: D. W. Custer, Mayor, Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Go M. Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Chief of Police, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Jack Wilson,' City Engineer, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, Gene Coulon, Park Director, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent and Jan Klippert, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor. Corrections or revisions to the minutes were invited and Councilman Edwards requested that Page 2, Paragraph 1 under Ordinances for Introduction, meeting of July 22nd be changed from "The Committee reported it will hold the proposed Ordinance for one week" to show the document to be held "until the next- regular meeting". Moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of July 22, 1968 and the special, meeting of July 29, 1968 as noted and otherwise as prepared. Carried. Mrs. Norma Cugini' and Mrs. Richard Neglay were in attendance to present -awards for the water color artwork submitted by City Officials as requested as a fun project of the • Renton Art Show, to be held August 9, 10, and 11 on the mall in the Renton Shopping Center. Mrs. Cugini placed First Prize ribbon award on the lapel of Councilman Schellert for his painting entitled "Traffic Confusion" depicting a perplexed eyeball glaring at a conglomera- tion of traffic signal lights. Second prize, gayly decorated paper plat ribbon award, was presented to Councilman Delaurenti for a unique abstract of green and blue angular designs within a black .outline maze. The artwork was declared for sale as are other bona fide paintings of the show with sale proceeds to be donated to the Valley General Hospital and ' the Oliver Hazen High School. OPENING OF BIDS: Bathhouse and Stove Shelter, Stage 2 Development of Lake Wn. Beach Park. This being the date set, sealed bids were opened and read by the Clerk as submitted by the • following:' -Jo D. Stewart Company, Kent, Wn., Tach Construc o n�C Renton; General In- dustries, Inc. d/b/a Coastal Constructors, Lynnwood, Wn s� as per atta ed tabulation'' ').- Bid bonds accompanied all bids. Moved by Shane, seconded by Grant, to refer the bids to \ the Park Board to report back.. The motion carried. Bid bonds accompanied all bids. • OPENING OF BIDS: Blacktop of 12th Avenue North from Sunset Blvd. E. to 132nd Ave. S .E . This being the date set, the following sealed bids were opened and read by the City Clerk: BIDDER AND ADDRESS BASIC BID TAX TOTAL BID • Red Samm Mining, Inc. S 8,360.00 $ 376.20 $ 8,736.20 P. 0. Box 776 Redmond, Wn, 98052 Rainier Asphalt Paving Co.. $ 8,312.50 $ 374.06 $ 8,686.56 P. 0. Box 444 Renton, Washington 98055 Moved by Shane, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the bids to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. The motion carried. Bid bonds accompanied both bids. OPENING OF BIDS: Tennis Court repair and resurfacing, Highlands Park, North ,H ag4h3ans,..'# ark.' and Liberty Park, per specifications (Bid bonds accompanied Fboth''b 'd`s .f, { � BIDDER AND ADDRESS TOTAL BID Rumsey & Company Contractors $ 26,580.00 3821 Airport Way South . Seattle, Wn. 98108 • Raecolith, Inc. $ 27,000.00 5622 Corson Avenue Soo Seattle, Wn. Moved by Delaurenti, second by Perry to refer the bids to the Park Board to report back. Carried -1- Bid Opening August 8, 1968 BID TABULATION SHEET ►968 LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK BATHHOUSE AND STOVE SHELTER Bidder & Address Bond Basic Bid Alternate Nos I Alternate No., 2 Alternate No.3 Basket Racks Fixtures Landscape CENTRAL PUGET CONSTR„ 72i S,W, Lend St,, X $125,763,00 $2330,00 $2158.00 $1375„00 Renton, Wn, 98055 VENTURE CONSTRUCTION NO BID TECH CONSTRUCTION CO, 630 Lind Ave, S,W. Renton, Wn, 98055 x $103,89osoo $2097,00 $(958,00 $)27500 J,D, STEWART CO„ 18821 E, Valley Hwy, X $102, 139,0O $2300..00 $1735.„00 $1400,00 Kent, Wn: 98031 S & T CONSTRUCTION NO BID General Industries Inc, d/b/a/ t/ COASTAL CONSTRUCTORS X $121 ,332,00 $2450,00 $2252.00 $1467,00 20215 64t h W, Lynnwood, Wn 98036 -9-. July 15, t968 Daily Journal of Commerce 83 Columbia Street Seattle, Washington 98104 Re: Construction of Lake Washington Beach Park, Stage 11 Development Gentlemen: We enclose herewith City of Penton Call for Bids as above-captioned. Please publish on Wednesday, July 17, 1966, :old supply Affidavit of Publication in duplicate. Thank you for your courtesies In this matter. Very truly yours, CITY OF PENTON Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/sk cc: Park Dept, • Enclosure , . ., Alp 7-----,A _,,,,, / ) .ice,.. . ,e,_ ,„, , :,.A. ,i.,rfii,. . w 64, '7';e4-'4' aie, -e 5; F' ` 't=e` April 19, 1968 Mayor D. W. Custer and Members of the City Council . Renton, Washington • Gentlemen: The Park Board has instructed me to request that /,,� a Resolution be prepared transferring $30,000.00 G`-.° ,�a from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund to the Park Fund 1710, Capital Outlay Account 604, for the .5-b -, mil" purpose of commencing development on Stage. 2 of the Lake Washington Beach project. Repayment of this amount will be made no later than December 31 , 1969. Respectfully, Gene L. Coulon Director j April 19, 1968 /-/ f 1 1 Mayor D. W. Custer and Members of the City Council Renton, Washington Gentlemen: This is to inform you that I have received noti- fication from Mr. Einar Hendrickson, Administrator of the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recrea- tion, that the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation has approved Stage 2 of the Lake Washington Beach project. The City is hereby authorized to proceed with this portion of the project. Respectfully, Gene L. Coulon Director July 81 1968 Mayor D.W. Custer • and Members of the City Council • Renton,, Washington Rea Lake Washington Beach Park Centln€ The Park Board hereby requests permission to call for bids on Stage 2 of the Lake Washington Beare Park Project. The development of this stage of the project is to be let under one contract - bathhouse and stove shelter. Date of first publication is to be July 17, 196B, and second publication, July Z'+, 196f. The suggested bid opening date is August 5, 1968. Respectfully, Gene L. Coulon Director • PAGE 1 INVITATION TO BID CALL FOR BIDS CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON WILL ACCEPT SEALED BIDS IN THE'OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, ROOM 104, CITY HALL, RENTON, UNTIL 5:00 P.M. ON August 5 1968 QR SAME MAY BE PRESENTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL UNTIL 8:00 P.M. ON SAID DATE AT WHICH TIME ALL BIDS WILL BE OPENED AND READ FOR: The Construction of Lake Washington Beach Park, Stage II Development. • Drawings and specifications, including bidding documents an'd conditions of the agreement, may be examined at the following offices: 1 . City Clerk or Parks and Recreation Department, City Hall , Cedar River Park, Renton, Washington. 2. Olson-Richert-Bignold, 231 Williams Ave. So. , Renton, Washington 3. Associated General Contractors of America, Inc. 4. Plan Bureau, Seattle, Washington 5. Northwest Plan Center, Seattle, and Bellevue, Washington 6. Associated Subcontractors of Washington, Tacoma, Washington , Bona fide prime bidders may obtain plans and specifications at the architect's office upon receipt of. a deposit of $25.00 for one complete set of documents. The deposit will be forfeited unless a bid is submitted and all bid documents are returned in good .arable condition within seven (7) consecutive calendar days after the date set for bid opening. WASHINGTON STATE SALES TAX SHALL BE SUBMITTED ,AS A SEPARATE BID ITEM. A CERTIFIED CHECK OR BID BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF FIVE (5) PERCENT OF THE TOTAL BID MUST ACCOMPANY EACH BID. THE CITY OF RENTON RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND/OR ALL BIDS AND TO WAIVE ANY INFORMALITIES IN THE BIDDING. SPECIFICATIONS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM (see above) HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK • DATE of 1st PUBLICATION: July 17, 1968 DATE of 2nd PUBLICATION: July 24, 1968 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE: July 17, 1968 I \ V-1)/ ( May 10, 1968 Mr. Einar H. Hendrickson Administrator 'interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation 114 North Columbia Olympia, Washington 98501 Re: Lake Washington Beach Park Development - Stage 2 IAC ;F 66.0l 8 Dear Mr. Hendrickson: Transmitted herewith is Claim Fund Warrant from the City of Renton in the amount of $1 ,100.00. This payment represents the administrative surcharge as described and agreed to in Section 4(f) of the Project Agreement. Sincerely, Gene L. Coulon Director enc. 1 cc; Helmie Nelson, City Clerk