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010322 Council Participants
Meeting ID Topic Start Time End Time User Email Duration (Minutes)Participants 84938072917 City Council 1/3/2022 18:40 1/3/2022 19:28 jsubia@rentonwa.gov 48 41 Name (Original Name)User Email Join Time Leave Time Duration (Minutes)Guest Angelina Benedetti abbenedetti@msn.com 1/3/2022 19:02 1/3/2022 19:28 26 Yes April Alexander analexander@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 19:03 1/3/2022 19:28 26 Yes Armondo Pavone apavone@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:50 1/3/2022 18:50 1 Yes Armondo Pavone apavone@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:50 1/3/2022 19:28 38 Yes Bailing Out Benji info@bailingoutbenji.com 1/3/2022 19:22 1/3/2022 19:28 6 Yes Carmen Rivera (She/Her)crivera@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 19:00 1/3/2022 19:00 1 Yes Carmen Rivera (She/Her)crivera@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 19:00 1/3/2022 19:28 28 Yes Catherine Miller Thornton catherine.millerthornton@gmail.com 1/3/2022 18:56 1/3/2022 19:05 9 Yes Chip Vincent - Renton cvincnet@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 19:02 1/3/2022 19:28 27 Yes Council Chambers councilchambers@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:43 1/3/2022 18:44 1 Yes Council Chambers councilchambers@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:44 1/3/2022 19:28 45 Yes David Eales rentoncommunityofchrist@gmail.com 1/3/2022 19:08 1/3/2022 19:28 21 Yes Diane Dobson - Renton Chamber of Commerce diane@gorenton.com 1/3/2022 19:00 1/3/2022 19:28 28 Yes Doug Levy - Outcomes By Levy# LLC doug@outcomesbylevy.onmicrosoft.com 1/3/2022 18:59 1/3/2022 19:28 30 Yes Ed Prince eprince@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:48 1/3/2022 18:49 1 Yes Ed Prince eprince@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:49 1/3/2022 19:28 40 Yes Ed VanValey evanvaley@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:58 1/3/2022 18:58 1 Yes Ed VanValey evanvaley@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:58 1/3/2022 19:28 30 Yes Ellen Bradley-Mak# City of Renton (she/her)ebradley-mak@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:56 1/3/2022 19:28 32 Yes J Alberson jalberson24@comcast.net 1/3/2022 18:52 1/3/2022 18:56 4 Yes J Alberson jalberson24@comcast.net 1/3/2022 18:56 1/3/2022 19:08 12 Yes J.J. Saunders jjsaun777@aol.com 1/3/2022 18:43 1/3/2022 19:10 28 Yes James Alberson - Sandler Training james.alberson@sandler.com 1/3/2022 18:52 1/3/2022 18:53 1 Yes James Alberson (James Alberson - Sandler Training)james.alberson@sandler.com 1/3/2022 18:53 1/3/2022 19:28 35 Yes Jason Seth/City Clerk jseth@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:41 1/3/2022 18:41 1 Yes Jason Seth/City Clerk jseth@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:41 1/3/2022 19:28 48 Yes Jay bookieboy34@gmail.com 1/3/2022 18:59 1/3/2022 19:28 29 Yes Judge Giner jginer@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:58 1/3/2022 18:58 1 Yes Judge Jessica Giner jginer@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 19:10 1/3/2022 19:10 1 Yes Judge Jessica Giner (Judge Giner)jginer@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:58 1/3/2022 19:10 13 Yes Judge Kara Murphy Richards kmurphy@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:57 1/3/2022 18:57 1 Yes Judge Kara Murphy Richards kmurphy@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:57 1/3/2022 19:10 13 Yes Judge Kara Murphy Richards kmurphy@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 19:10 1/3/2022 19:10 1 Yes Justice Mary Yu mary.yu@courts.wa.gov 1/3/2022 18:52 1/3/2022 18:54 2 Yes Justice Mary Yu mary.yu@courts.wa.gov 1/3/2022 18:54 1/3/2022 19:10 17 Yes Justice Mary Yu mary.yu@courts.wa.gov 1/3/2022 19:10 1/3/2022 19:11 1 Yes Kari Roller kroller@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:56 1/3/2022 19:28 33 Yes Kelly Beymer kbeymer@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:57 1/3/2022 19:28 31 Yes KGilman kgilman@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 19:07 1/3/2022 19:28 22 Yes Name (Original Name)User Email Join Time Leave Time Duration (Minutes)Guest Kim-Khanh Van kvan@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 19:00 1/3/2022 19:00 1 Yes Kim-Khanh Van kvan@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 19:00 1/3/2022 19:28 28 Yes Kristi Rowland# City of Renton krowland@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:55 1/3/2022 18:56 1 Yes Kristi Rowland# City of Renton krowland@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:56 1/3/2022 19:28 33 Yes Martin Pastucha mpastucha@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:59 1/3/2022 19:19 21 Yes Martin Pastucha mpastucha@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 19:18 1/3/2022 19:28 10 Yes Martin Pastuchap mpastucha@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:58 1/3/2022 18:59 1 Yes Preeti Shridhar pshridhar@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 19:03 1/3/2022 19:28 25 Yes Renton Staff (Judith Subia)jsubia@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:40 1/3/2022 19:28 48 No Richard Woodrow woodrow8302@comcast.net 1/3/2022 19:18 1/3/2022 19:19 2 Yes Ron Straka rstraka@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:59 1/3/2022 19:28 29 Yes Ruth Pérez rperez@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:50 1/3/2022 18:52 3 No Ruth Pérez rperez@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:53 1/3/2022 19:28 36 No Ryan McIrvin (he/him)rmcirvin@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:55 1/3/2022 18:56 1 Yes Ryan McIrvin (he/him)rmcirvin@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:56 1/3/2022 19:28 33 Yes Ryan Rutledge rrutledge@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:58 1/3/2022 18:59 1 Yes Ryan Rutledge rrutledge@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:59 1/3/2022 19:28 30 Yes Shane Moloney smoloneyrenton@gmail.com 1/3/2022 18:58 1/3/2022 18:58 1 Yes Shane Moloney smoloneyrenton@gmail.com 1/3/2022 18:58 1/3/2022 19:28 30 Yes Vangie G. (she/her)vgarcia@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 18:54 1/3/2022 19:08 14 Yes Vangie G. (she/her)vgarcia@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 19:08 1/3/2022 19:09 2 Yes Vangie G. (she/her)vgarcia@rentonwa.gov 1/3/2022 19:10 1/3/2022 19:28 18 Yes