HomeMy WebLinkAboutGene Coulon Beach Park Improvements - Lake WA Beach Park - Stage 1 (1964-1971) V;Inutes of the Benton City Cot" ,1 Meeting =; 2-14-66 PUBLIC HEAR]Iw: Disposition c - ake Washington Beach Park Pro! ,y This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication was read from Jerome and Adeline Faull opposing relinquishment of the Lake Shore property and recom- mending development and improvement for use by the public as a recreational park. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that this letter be referred to the Property Com- mittee. The motion carried. Audience comment was invited at this time. Mr. Dean Morgan was introduced and represent- ing the Boeing Company, outlined the proposed exchange of properties, including service and monetary considerations,which were presented with the aid of maps and charts to illustrate various factors. Included in the exchange would be a purchase for benefit of the City of 1.8 acres of the Foss owned property at cost of $77,000.00; provide 1175' of culvert material; reclaiming thereby 1.22 acres of land, $80,000.00; perpetual signal maintenance contract for railroad crossing, $12,500.00 and install cyclone fence with cedar slats along property line, $4,725.00, or any combination in lieu thereof as the City may wish per prior discussion. The Boeing Company expansion plans were outlined and the need for the additional high bay area now occupied by Puget sound Power and Light Company which cannot be sold until land is acquired to relocate existing buildings and facilities which,as proposed, would be the 3.5 acres Boeing desires to secure from the City to exchange with Puget. Audience comment was invited and those persons making inquiry and speaking in opposition to the transfer of property included Mr. Tom Cooke, who pointed out that 4 acres of land were available across the street which Puget Power might utilize for relocations in lieu of the City land. He also inquired regarding right of public domain and it was pointed out that the City has condemnation rights but must have funds available to so act. Mr. Addison Ames inquired whether the proposal will infringe upon existing buildings and'if a "m7r ..a. would be in. future development plans. Infringement was designated on the 3.5 acres and a marina had been planned as a facility in the finished pattern. Upon inquiry Fa-.' ..n:L ctor, ,Gene . Coulon, in connection with this particular development program, pointed out that an inventory had been taken so that the City might qualify for funds and that a six-year plan for park development and acquisition has been filed wherein a need to acquire additional property within two years adjacent to the Lake Washington Beach Park property was designated,as shown also - in the 701 Plan which denotes need for acquisition to meet pressing needs of the Puget Sound area. Mr. Morgan stated that the building in question (sailing club structure) could be relocated if it is to be subject to infringement; the. Boeing Company would make such accommodation as may be necessary.. Others speaking regarding relocation of the Puget Sound facilities and opposing the property trade included Mr. Charles Shane, Dr. and Mrs Bardarson, Mr. and Mrs. David Gosse,' Charles Stimson, Dr. Peter Roffey, Mr. James Marenakos, Wilburt Olson, Mrs. Phyllis McGerry and Ben Wagner. Inquiries included question why :trade based on sq. ft. per sq. ft. was not made and Mr. Morgan advised this had been attempted but the land was not available for such negotiation. Also speaking during ensuing discussion were Ann Pile, Elizabeth Rivily, Frank Ives and Phillip Erwin. Prior trade of portion of Mothers Park for the Lake Washington Beach property was, brought up and inquiry made as to whether restrictions had been transferred in the transaction. Park Board Member Tom Teesdale recalled that at the time the park had been acquired on Lake Washington the legislators were informed, and it was 'the intent that the property be likewide dedicated for park and recreation purposes only. Upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan advised that Mr. Lee Monohan had, donated Mothers Park to the City with restricted use and that later heirs had claimed interest and at this time had been paid and the interest released and restrictions removed with no transfer of restrictions being made in the exchange. Mr. Shellan pointed out that under the law a City has the right to exchange or trade property with a Municipal Corporation or with private parties, 1. If they find the part that is traded is of no further use to the City and 2. If the transaction would be of benefit to the general public. If the Council feels that even though some land is being lost the money makes up for the difference then the Council only can decide this. He also stated that the City may condemn as far up the lake as it has money for, however cautioned against' , just after selling, its buying property it has just disposed of for private use, as problems may arise. Park Director Coulon advised that in 1954 the Park Board, City Council and Planning Commission had instructed him to look for water front property and that 15+ acres were traded forthis 22 acres of swamp which was subsequently filled and sloped to provide maintenance at less cost with thought in mind it could be later developed, and that work has been done over the past year and a half toward securing matching funds to proceed. The Six year report said in the first part of 1968 the City would attempt to acquire an additional 5-10 acres. The recommended acreage is 4 acres per 1000 persons and we are short 22 acres according to present population. Question arose as to effect the exchange may have on the City's application for aid, $55,000 having been allocated pursuant to application filed with the Interagency Committee which application would now be changed in content. It was felt in the near future with the $110,000.00 ,development of the area might be commenced. Mr. Coulon asked that the application be kept active and accordingly the Park Board felt no other action could be taken. Mr. Coulon displayed a drawing and ad4vis d the area to be reclaimed was closer to 3/4 acre rather than 1.2 acres. i A 11111 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-14-1966 PUBLIC HEARING (Cont.) Lake Wn. Beach Park Property President of the Council Bruce Hulse advised that since matter of park development has come up he wished to announce that the Council has scheduled a public hearing on Park Development and Acquisition on April 4th at which time stock will be taken and some determination made as to what action is to be taken in pursuance of the Six-Year Park Program and putting it into effect which will be dependent upon what the Park Board, the Council and the people of the community want to do. If development is desired they can get behind a bond issue and raise enough money to get the job done. This is only a small part of the 701 Comprehensive Plan program and Capital Improvement plan but anyone interested is invited to be present in the Council Chambers on April 4th. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, that Council concur in the recommendations of the Property Committee as submitted on February 14th, accepting the offer by the Boeing Company with exception that $92,500 be accepted in cash to be used for park develop- ment with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee, all of which was felt to be in the best public interest and the subject property no longer of use for park purposes. Councilman Hulse, referring to control of water in front of the Foss property through the inner harbor line relocation and to the fence already in place, the hope to trade on square foot for square foot basis, reclaiming question and railroad maintenance contract where legal problems may be involved, and with deference to the Comprehensive Plan and application for matching funds, stated he would have to vote against the motion. Perry called attention to recommendations that the reclaiming is not necessary for the park development and that the area to be exchanged had been for anticipated parking use which can be relocated onto the Foss property, and referring to inner harbor line re- location outlined approximate 500 ft. of land was available for use as well as the island for additional development. After further discussion on funds to be available and property to be developed, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that in place of the recommendation of the Property Committee, motion be substituted that the land negotiations be held to square ft. per square ft. basis. Inquiry was made as to whether this meant improved for unimproved property and dollar value for dollar value. Perry and Pedersen stated this would not resolve the problem this having been tried unsuccessfully during the past nine months, that the negotiations had been in good faith and the offer is a fair one and to start all over again will accomplish nothing. Gianini stated he had not favored selling park property and recalled 20-25 years ago when the City had no industry and wanted it and now that it was here and the Property Committee has been appointed to act on behalf of the Council, he felt the Council should back the Committee. Vote was taken on the pending substitute motion and declared lost. Vote by roll call was requested by at least two members and resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Schellert No: Bruce, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Poll. The motion lost. Schellert called attention to rezone which will be necessitated in order for Puget Power to use the property for their purposes and moved to refer the matter to the Planning Commission to determine uses which could be justified in the area. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist. After discussion regarding whether the motion was in order and Attorney Shellanrs comment that a motion to refer has priority, the vote was taken and motion declared lost. Roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Bruce, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. No: Hulse, Schellert and Dahlquist. The motion was lost. Question was called for on original or main motion to concur in the Property Committee recommendation of February 14th with exception that $92,500 be accepted in cash to be used for park development with referral of the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Bruce, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry and Delaurenti. No: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist and Poli. The motion carried. Recess was declared at this time. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. C0 MUNICATIONS : A statement was read of architectural services by Johnston-Campanella on the Renton Public Library for the month of January, 1966 in sum of $678.40. Estimate No. 9, C.A.G. 832-64. Certificate No. 8, recommended for payment in sum of $56,211.54 for work completed to February 25, 1966 by A. V. Phillips on the new Renton Public Library Contract construct.Lon. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the payments with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. -5- j r • .-- 4,1 /!2,_,/ 7/ c7Z-(:-/A---- -(.2/i-J--/-) 31,---e%' R2/11 SHELLAN, PAIN,STONE. & SWANSON TELEPHONES ATTOFN EYE, AT LAW ALPINE 5-NES ARTHUR678 L.HAUG 1N (1903-196G� STREET DU1LDING GERARD p SHE-LAN IOO SOUTH ,L-GNU .<CCT ALPINE 5-8679 JOHN K.PAIN,,i2. POST OFFICE BOX E26 STANLEY E.STONE: RtNTON,W%�=�HINGTON J�055 ARTHUR D.r+W'AN ciOv J. ROBERT WAL,+ER July 2�'/ , 1971 r ! ',r. W. hoogt n dijk Senior Rental Representative Port of Seattle P. 0. Box 1209 • - Seattle , Washington 98111 Re : Lake Washington Log Storage Zoning • Dear Sir: • This is tO let you know that your letter dated July 14 , 1971 addressed to the Mayor and City Council has been turned over to the Planning Department and our office. v, As you are undoubtedly aware , the City of Renton , =o• � • some time past , has followed a policy of disallowing and discouraging any further log dumps within or near the waters frthe pri o mary under the jurisdiction of the City. This is hfVr tended e reason that former log storages on she lake cause unsightliness , pollution , as well as interference with recreational facilities that the City has been working on during the last few years around the South shore of Lake - Washington. • • Very substantial sums have been expended , including receipts of State and Federal grants , to improve the shoreline 1 of the the lake and to provide for the expansion of parcels shave _ Lake Washington Beach Park. Several adjoining been acquired by condemnation and the last such Parcel is • • now in litigation and. is being tried in the Superior Court for King County at the present time. To allow any, additional log dumps or storage areas of any type that close to recreational log that are being used by thousands of our citizens would be detrimental to their interest. Therefore , it is the conclusion of the Renton Planning Department and the City generally that .no further permits shall be issued within the area indicated in your letter. • Mr. W. Hoogendijk - 2 - July 27 , 1971 If you need any additional information, we suggest that you contact our Planning Department or the undersigned. We remain Very truly yours , SHEZ AN , PAIN , STONE 3 SWANSON Gerard \. Sheilan GAS :tj;c cc.: 2&yor • ?resident of Council Dick Hansen , Planning Department Gene Coulon , Park Department . 3elmie Nelson — 4 OC -22' ill (S, „ Lo) PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT•RENTON,WASHINGTON ha , CITY HALL, RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 so 1' CAPITA' June 7, 1971 Mayor Avery Garrett and Members of the City Council --/P/A,,te-tie6 :2542 d5e4r--1-7-c-') Re: City of Renton vs Dillingham Lake Washington Beach Park Gentlemen: We have just been notified by the Assistant City Attorney that the Supreme Court denied the City's appeal and upheld the Trial Court's decision in its award of attorneys' fees and appraisal fees. The sums due and payable are: Attorneys' fees $ 46,016.00 Appraisal fees 5,000.00 $ 51 ,016.00 8% Interest on total - 461 days Feb. 27, 1970 to June 8, 1971 4,510.42 $ 55,526.42 Cash available is: Park Forward Thrust $ 4,323.80 Lake Washington Beach Forward Thrust 18,728.45 Excess cash balance in Park Fund, which must be appropriated 29,331 .92 $ 52,384.17 This will leave a balance of $3,142.25 which must be appro- priated by the Council from some source. Respectfully submitted, ••.:..ttlhakk1/41 • 13.1t‘ Gene L. Coulon cc: Helmie Nelson Director J-2/14 kJ/ 6,4) '4-4 /64V) LA' W August 13, 1970 Washington State Parks & Recreation Commission 7150 Cleanwater Lane Thurston Airdustrial Center P.O1 Box 1128 OlyMpia, Washington 98501 Attention: Dave McKim, Real Property Agent Dear Mr. McKim: This office has been requested to reply to your letter of July 28, 1970 to Mrs. Gwen Marshall, Deputy City Clerk, City of Renton regarding two pro,osed park sites on Lake Washington. Please find attached legal descriptions of the various properties involved together with approximate acreage and water front footage figures. Also, please find attached a City of Renton map indicat- ing the two properties in red. If we may be of any further assistance to you in this matte:, do not hesitate to call. Very trulrs, .040-0141.1144".1 RLH:mj R. Lyman Houk cc: Gwen Marshall, Engineering Department Deputy City Clerk '4"' Encs. 1� • DANIEL J. EVANS /�/l A Q OON G , -s^IN J GOVERNOR I r - • COMMISSIONERS €,=. WASHINGTON j; STATE, MRS. ELEANOR BERGER .r ;''.r JEFF D. DOMASI�IN " " PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION JOE W. HAMEL t'11 ;• RALPH E. MACKEY 'Y`''2` , 7150 CLEANWATER LANE JAMES G. McCURDY PHONE 753-5755 JAMES W. WHITTAKER WILFRED WOODS THURSTON AIRDUSTRIAL CENTER P. O. BOX 1128 OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 98501 ��' - '�0 CHARLES H.ODEGAARD, �l� :`O� July 28, 1970 - DIRECTOR 1 t. Q . Mrs. Gwen Marshall . Deputy City Clerk .' Office of the City Clerk . Municipal Building • Renton, Washington 98055 • Re: Potential Boat Launch Sites ' on Lake Washington ' Diear Mrs. Marshall: I • This is in regard to the two proposed park sites on Lake Washington, suggested by the Renton' City Council and brought to .our attention by you on July 9, 1970. In order for us to properly catalogue these sites in our area investigation files, it will -be necessary to know a few relative facts. If you would provide us with a legal description of the areas, together with acreage, asking price, feet of waterfront and any other pertinent information which you might have access to, we would be glad to give the sites a place on our list of sites to be investigated. ' . It would also be quite helpful if you would mark the location and, if possible, the outline of the two areas on the enclosed metsker map. • Ylour cooperation and interest in State parks is sincerely ' • appreciated. • ..Y-eu - v'er truly, r Dave McKim Real Property• Agent DM:arw Enclosure 9___ -n ,--LJ ...a.t.,, .- (P-61-"(7,--e-42-4-f)-7--"-1-'' _ 4_,,,_, . , . , ____"„fri....„ ...., 2...„_v_,.azief. ._%een,.„_y , _lip__), er-rx,"--eyt_} . BY • _ TowNsHip 25, NoRTH, . RANGE.: ... . . .... - .KROLL MAP COMPANY. INCA, — , , • 8161-2ND..AVENUE KING '— ' 0UNiTY,, WASHINI . . SE.ATTLE , . SCALE: 2 INCHES is I MILE • . . I . • ,--. • , , ?0) r_ xis,,• . . r ip.,,4.,,, 11. ,11 ' • r•1 A 4 • • N.t. •X‘ - ••••.I' 441t---- '''''' •-• .7 ....'. 1 1 ''i.- wt."i.a..."' -' 'XII 7.-..3C74 .•• 1th" b.,.16.'"!;.y:,,". le 1 ‘IkjiT 41?. '‘' I v",sollilIV:1,':w.t -...if v.,...,..1: ••••• ' • ' wok .1 .__i . tx,..-4,,. . 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' " Groat point ' II‘''. ..,. ,' .• .I--• .----,-. :.. ,,,,:. • r;-•-.. ..- ;:‘. 'il."..',,,;,.-- C4,1;;" ''- -- -,:),'• 1\-1- '.::.',4,4 '' '::?-1, .,"\`' .- '' • ' • '6 .4"-i' Illitr4T— ') , .. •. -, . .1,,,,,.: . 04 . , 17. ir-r-,.... ..„1,...::,:irkt:7,-.,..t11.,••1.tervIr...:•17:16f,„4' 4§rimalf.i..,: _t __.. ..•,, •-..... n , =,. e......," ',......„:4/.4i . .JIR litot tt 14 121*FR , :,..,1 55 41 1.16.t.t.....,.1.;... . • • 1)6° • -1. •41..:1.' •• -:14;' /1744 [ --r ‘,..!...f,' -WILBU li-k,-;:,1 1.. ,431 ....44.7:t.:2_,iiiii!i•4 1 0 , .••,•0 . , , ss moms= ! ' ,.` • ., NOY 6 ' . ' . '. .[ • •I , , ., ' I . ; , ..- ,-' , •-...._ --. . . , . , • ,, .... I ..- . • , ' ••••" .. / . . INTER—OFFICE MEMO , TO: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk DATE February 13, 1970 . FROM: R. Lyman Houk, Engineering Department RE: J. ,H. Baxter Company Property Acquisition _ Dear Helmie: , , Gerry Shellan's memo of January 23, 1970 regarding the J. H. Baxter Company Property . Acquisition requested that the City Engineer determine whether the legal description contained in the assignment of permit from the Northern Pacific Railroad for crossing was satisfactory.. We-have checked this description and find it does cover the present crossing. Gerry also suggested that our Department and the Park Department determine whether the , permit from the Corps of Engineers would be of any particular benefit to the City. Jack '\, ( Wilson and Gene Coulon have both concurred that this permit would be of benefit and should, " be-.assigned to the City. If you have any further questions 'regarding this matter, do not l� itate to call . ' .. RLH:mj cc: Gerry Shellan, City Attorney Lyman Gene Coulon, Park Department • . /TA)) 1,0 'y' RDINANCE NO. a SS' .-iS (VAN ORDINANCE of the City of Renton, Washington, providing for the condemnation of right of way and easement in, over and upon certain land necessary for ingress , egress and improvement of the City' s Lake Washington Beach Park all situated in the City of Renton, Washington; and providing further for the payment. for said right of way and easement. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : That the City Attorney for the City of Renton be and is hereby authorized and directed to purchase and/or institute and prosecute to determination in the Superior Court of. the. State of Washington, in the County of King, an action in name of the City .of Renton for condemnation and acquisition of right of way and easement in, over , across and upon the following described land, situated in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, for the purpose of obtaining the necessary property and property rights for means of ingress , egress., access and improvement of the City of Renton Lake Washington Beae'h Park "'all situated in the City of Renton, Washington, to-wit: Ali that portion of the Burlington-Northern (Northern Pacific) Railroad Company' s Seattle Belt line Right-of-Way over Government Lot 1 in Section 5, Township 23 North ; Range 5 East, W.M. described as follows : Beginning at the Northwest corner of Government Lot 1 of said Section 5; thence South 2° 12' 39" West along the Westerly line of said Government Lot 1 a distance of 410 .04 feet to an existing concrete monument on the Meander line of Lake Washington which lies South 38° 47' 51 " East a distance of 535.61 feet from the inte.rse"ction of said Meander line with the North line of Section 6, Township 23 North , Range,.5 East, W.M. ; thence North 74° 47' 06" East a .distance of 117.23 feet to existing' King: County Aerial Survey Brass Disk No. B-168; thence South 4.0° 07' 34" 'East -a .distance, of 747.95 feet to existing King County Aerial Survey Monument No. 8A-14; thence 'Nor"th 57°43' 51 " West a distance of 270.98 feet to a point on the centerline of the existing main line track (N.P. Railroad Station 1016+10 .5) and the true point of beginning; thence North 38° 26' 03" West along the centerline of said track a distance of 40 feet; thence North,51°: 33' 57" East a distance of 19 feet, more or less , to the Easterly margin of ,sa;id " railroad rightof-way; ,thence South 38° 26 ' 03" East a distance of' 80 feet; thence South 51 ° 33' 57" West a distance of 100 feet to the Westerly margin of said railroad right-of-way ; thence North 38° 26' 03" West a distance of 80 feet; thence North 51 ° 33' 57" East a distance of 81 feet, more or- less , to the centerline of said main line tracks ; thence South 38° 26' 03" East a distance of 40 feet to track centerline Station 1016+10.5 and the true point of beginning. SECTION II: That the acquisition of said right of way and easement for the purpose herein mentioned is for a public use and necessity and for the public benefit. SECTION III : Payment for the right of way and easement herein described to be acquired shall be made from the general fund of the City of Renton and/or from such other fund or funds of the City of Renton as may be available. therefor . SECTION IV: Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as a waiver by the City of Renton of its right to decline. to take and pay for said right of way and/or easement after the amount of damages has been ascertained and within the time allowed by law. SECTION V: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 4 day of April, 1970 . Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAJOR this 6 day of April, 1970 . very G rret.t,. ayor Approve s to form: Ge r M. S elilla , City Attorney DATE OF PUBLICATION APR 10 1970 • -2- A / 06yl11 �d /ORDINANCE NO. ,2 5"3 1(0. -/IL) .. :(//jP1 g)Olf AN ORDINANCE of the City of Renton, Washington, providing for the condemnation of right of way and easement in, over and upon certain land necessary for ingress, egress and improvement of the City' s Lake Washington Beach Park all situated in the City of Renton, Washington; and providing further for the payment for said right of way and easement. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I : That the City Attorney for the City of Renton be and • is hereby authorized and directed to purchase and/or institute and • prosecute to determination in the Superior Court of. the State of Washington, in the County of King, an action in name of. the City of Renton for condemnation and acquisition of right of way and easement in, over, across and upon the following described land, situated in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington, for the . purpose of obtaining the necessary property and property rights for means of ingress , egress:, access and improvement of the City. of Renton Lake Washington Beach Park all situated in the City of Renton, Washington, to-wit: Ail that portion of the Burl ington-Northern (Northern Pacific) Rail road Comp'any' s Seattle Belt line Right-of-Way over Government Lot 1 in Section 5, Township 23 .North , Range 5 East, W.M. described as follows : Beginning at the Northwest corner of Government Lot 1 of said Section 5; thence South 2 12 39" West along the Westerly line of said Government, Lot 1 a distance of 410 .04 feet to an existing concrete monument on the Meander line of Lake Washington which lies South 38° 47' 51 " East a distance of 535.61 feet from the intersection of said Meander line with the North line of Section 6 , Township 23 North , Range 5,•East, W.M. ; thence North 74° 47' 06" East a .distance of 117.23 feet to existi:ng' King: County Aerial Survey Brass Disk No. B-168; thence South 4.0° 07' 34" .East a distance of 747.95 feet to existing King County Aerial Survey Monument No. 8A-14 ; thence •North 57°43' 51 " West a distance of 270.98 feet to a point on th,e centerline of the existing main line track (N.P. Railroad Station 1016+10.5) and the true point of beginning; thence North 38° 26 03"• West along the centerline of said track a distance of 40 feet; thence North, 51° 33' .57" East a distance of 19 feet, more or less , to the Easterly margin of said railroad righttof-way; ,thence South 38° 26 ' 03" East a distance of' 80 feet; thence South 51 ° 33' 57" West a distance of 100 feet to the Westerly margin of• said railroad right-of-way ; thence North 38° 26' 03" West a distance of 80 feet; thence North 51 ° 33' 57" •East a distance of 81 feet, More or. less , to the centerline of sai d main line tracks ; thence South 38° 26' 03" East a distance of 40 feet to track centerline Station 1016+10.5 and the true point of beginning. SECTION II: That the acquisition of said right of way and easement for the purpose herein mentioned is for a public use and necessity and for the public benefit. SECTION III : Payment for the right of way and easement herein described to be acquired shall be made from the general fund of the City of Renton and/or from such other fund or funds of the City of Renton as may be available therefor . SECTION IV: Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as a waiver by the City of Renton of its right to decline to take and pay for said right of way and/or easement after the amount of damages has been ascertained and within the time allowed by law. SECTION V: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage , approval and publication as provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of April, 1970 . Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAJOR this ' 7day of April, 1970 . r) Avery Gqyret't, Mayor Approve as to form: //4' Ge ar M. e 1 , City Attorney DATE OF PUBLICATION APR 1 0 1970 -2- 0g. R4, ; ' hit 'f' : f • RENTON,WASHINGTON OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY C.) POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5.8678 171 ems '" AERARO Al. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY ' 404.l CAPITSL JOHN K. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY April 1, 1970 �J U Helmie Nelson '' City Clerk rL;` ' City Hall Renton, Wash 98055. Dear Helmie: Pursuant to, the City Council' s request we have prepared and are' -enclosing'herewith original and two'copies of proposed ordinance providing for the condemnation of permanent ease- ment across the-=railroad 's property to the ,.former Baxter premises. on Lake Washington. Would you please remind the Engineering Department again to provide us with the correct and complete legal description of the area :to be acquired by these proceedings together with maps . . The.:•legal description will have to be written in the appropriate place . We are also enclosing herewith a copy of the Notice and Complaint that will be filed in the Superior Court as soon has approved the suggested . • ,. as the City Council pp ordinance . If any other. departments have any questions on ‘this matter, please call John Pain or the undersigned. Thanking you, we remain Very - ruly yours , u . 7CityAttorney GMS:bjm cc: Mayor Council President Chairman, Legislative '.Committee` Gene Coulon, Park Dept . , Lyman Houk, --. Dept. Otr �44. J`i•/� Q . OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON o POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 54575 i l-� •7 , QERANO M. 5NELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY S ‘.139 l CA►ITAO MINN K. PAIN, JR.,ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY j April 1, 1970 /620444 , , ;--q-)11 dar17 c��G !"4) - Helmie -Nelson f4)/-4. 1r(--/ City Clerk. City Hall Renton, Wash. 98055 / / Dear Helmie: .'-,,i-ems-• dA,4; . ._. S Pursuant to the City Counci 's request we have prepared and are enclosing herewith original and two copies of proposed ordinance providing fbr the condemnation of permanent ease- ,,N. sent across the railroad 's property to the former Baxter .` premises on Lake Washington. Would you please remind the Engineering Department again to provide us with the correct and complete legal description of the area to be acquired by these proceedings together with maps . The legal description will have to be written in the appropriate place. We are also enclosing herewith a copy of the Notice and Complaint that will be filed in the Superior Court as soon as the City Council has approved the suggested ordinance. If any other departments have any questions on this matter, . please call John Pain or the undersigned. Thanking you, we remain Very -1 ruly yours , yir.:J(1 M. Shel n t Attorney GMS:bjm cc: Mayor Council President Chairman, Legislative Committee Gene Coulon, Park Dept . Lyman Houk, Bldg. Dept. { • 1 2 3 4 • 5 6 IN. THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON 7 IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING 8 In the Matter of the Petition of ) THE CITY OF RENTON, a municipal ) 9 corporation of the State of Washington, to acquire by con- ) 10 demnation certain property rights ) within the City of Renton, King ) NO. 11 County, Washington, in connection ) NOTICE AND SUMMONS with the construction, improvement, ) -- 12 provision for ingress, egress and ) access to the City's Lake Washington ) 13 Beach Park facilities as contemplated ) by City of Renton Ordinance No. ) 14 ) 411163e• vviRA 15 THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: 16 BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY, a corporation . 17 YOU, AND EACH OF YOU, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on the 18 • 19 day of , 1970, at the hour of 9:39 A.M. , or as 20 soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, the undersigned will 21 present to the Superior Court of the State of Washington in, and 22 for the County of King, Department of the Presiding Judge, Room 23 No. 916, King County Courthouse, Seattle, Washington, a Petition 24 in condemnation of certain real property and property rights 25 located within the City of Renton, King County, Washington, 26 which are more particularly described in the attached Petition 27 for the uses and purposes described therein. , 28 At such time and place a hearing will be held and the 29 Court will be requested to find that such real property and 30 property rights soughtto be taken by the City of Renton are 31 NOTICE 6 SUMMONS 32 Page One SHELLAN, PAIN, STONE & SWANSON • ATTORNEYS AT LAW • I00 SO SECOND ST.BLDG..P.O.BOX 626 • RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-8678 ALPINE 5-4144 r ✓ 1 2 required and necessary for the uses and purposes described 3 in' said Petition and to enter an Order reciting such findings 4 and setting a date for trial on the issue of just compensation 5 to be paid for such property and property rights. 6 • • 7 8 Gerard M. Stepan Attorney for City of Renton 9 100 S. Second St. Bldg. P.O. Box 626.E Rentona Wash. 98055 10 AL 5m-8 67$ 11 • 12 - 13 14 15 . • 16 17 • 18 • 19 20 • 21 22 23 24 25 26 . 27 • 28 • . 29 . • 30 31 NOTICE 6 SUMMONS • 32 page 2 • SHELLAN, PAIN, STONE & SWANSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 SO.SECOND ST.BLDG.,P.O.BOX 626 RENTON. WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-8678 ALPINE 5-4144 Copy To • I 417444-;,_ = Great American - Insurance Company • From: • • • February 17, 1,70 lr, amp u miser i/61 lNihonLasiss ar s Dtr�sest. Ise. ✓ ,2,� 7504 Driiosfset Way Vest foil-- Tus.a, Is. 10447 Ass issurai: City s isms' Claim s w1a Lasiss.pses Sates .t Loess $-31-N i 14-61 . agar lit. Varrissss • Our tansstlsatiss of year slab Ise lies/alias damage at Lars Yastisstes *sash Park in Mates, in 1946, arms M asalijasas es the part of err ia- eared, the City of Masts. . Aloe, the time period has expired fee filing a claim gamest tks City ad Mestos asserting to statutory preegiur*. Therefore ors have r alternative but to respectfully deq ?wavelets, for the eosurrensse of 6-3146 and: !-l-6i. • • Very truly yours, Phil Selma Claim Deft. • was: Vogues Crsa�sk � Vogues City of Metes `. "` t� C • • F.1 4054A-3-65 •, / O1 v tiro O (� S% `Z OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-8678 �9 0 GERARD NI. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY 9 Q, ORT CAPITA-of JOHN K. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY January 23 , 1970 Mrs . Helmie Nelsonc3(2 72/17. City Clerk City Hall Renton, Washington • Re: City of Renton - Baxter 6 Co , Property Acquisition Dear Helmie: We have received this morning the original and one copy of the "Assignment of Permit From the Northern Pacific Railroad For Crossing" from Baxter' s attorney. We are enclosing said documents herewith for execution by the Mayor and City Clerk but before such execution and recording, the City Engineer should definitely check out the legal description contained in said Assignment to be sure it does cover the present crossing . In addition, we are handing you original and one copy of the "Assignment of Army Corps of Engineers Permit" that we had pre- viously requested and if that meets with your approval, same should likewise be executed by the Mayor andCity Clerk. Our Engineer and Superintendent of Parks should probably determine whether the Permit from the Corps of Engineers would be of any particular benefit to the City. If so, a copy of the Assignment should be sent to the Army Corps of Engineers to indicate that the City has acquired the interests of the former owner, J. H. Baxter Company and requesting their consent to such assignment . The Attorney for the Baxter Company has also brought into our office the Assignment of the Harbor Area Lease (Port of Seattle) which the Mayorr,and City Clerk in the meantime have signed. We are enclosing a copy hereof . This document, after it has been approved by the Port of Seattle, should likewise be recorded with the Director of Records and Election, King County. Enclosed please also find the billing from the Port of Seattle covering the rental for the harbor area, as described above, in the sum of $146 . 00 covering the calendar year 1970 . This should likewise be paid by your office . You may also request the Port of Seattle to forward to you a copy of the Lease after the Assignment is approved. Helmie Nelson Page 2 January. 23 , 1970 If we can be of any further help to. ypi in this matter, please let us know. We remain ' 7 Yours v ,i87 tr y �� 1 GeraraM. herlan City. Attorney GMS :nd t cc: City Engineer 614-1 j>, I//�� t /1 Ili,+/� �,1' September 8, 1969 It is the recommendation of the Park and Recreation, the Property Committee and the Park Board that the City proceed with the purchase of the J. H. Baxter property on Lake Washington with permanent easement for ingress and egress and easement Amff vacation of property held by the Griffin Home. Ken Bruce, Chairman Park & Recreation Committee KB:s 722 ems_ • •,.5":1: ,;( /f da i i ! _ .,, p, -- ly_ w,:,„"p () )114' FORWARD THRUST FUND MONEY AN a- S 196 o Received in 1968 $ 248,000.00 Waterfront Acquisition: 48000.00 Anticipate from Interagency 2 64,000.00i Scheduled to receive in 1972 Scheduled to receive in 1973 100,000.00 General Park Acquisition: Received in 1968 354,000.004 000.00 Anticipate from Interagency 35 Total amount of Forward Thrust Funds approved for City of Renton 766,000.00 Total amount of Forward Thrust Bond Issue for Parks in County 118,000,000.00 City' s share s= .65 of 1% Due in 1968 (not yet received 34,032.00 Urban Arterial Streets: Scheduled to 'receive in 1969 102,096.00102, 6.00 Scheduled to receive in 1970 136,128.00 Scheduled to receive in 1971 Scheduled to receive in 1972 102,096.00 Scheduled to Receive in 1973 68,064.00 Scheduled to receive in 1974 68,064.00 Scheduled to receive in 1975 34,032.00 Total amount of Forward Thrust Funds approved for City of Renton 680,640.00 Total amount of Forward Thrust Bond Issue for Cities of King 2,000,000.00 County excluding Seattle City' s share = 34.0319% Construction costs on 3rd Ave. No.-4th Ave. No. State paid 90% City paid 100 Underground wiring costs on above project: 0°Jo According to Schedule 71 Puget Power was to pay 90% City was to pay Puget Power has paid the entire costs but is contesting this and a Court Case will probably decide whether the City has to pay Puget Power the 10% , ,;,. ,,,,��_ ; ,, L �`. .:} L CITY. CAM , - .. ,,,' : 1 :'. "'"'', • ./, -.,--- ' • , ‘ " . i / ' • . (If.-- . . . ., - 4.:,- . . . - - . .•. • i • 1--. . • .k.." - • . / OFFICE OF TIIE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON f ' 12" /.- :-‘),:„.1:p : --.) / POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-8678 , "''',..; GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY . . ' /I . /. \ *•• - ' ''''' 1 i. ' 't AT \' V . . : , V ':i ' JOHN K. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY ... . . 1 AA.''' • - \-) '--',‘ . •.', . , , . • Vi ' • • ' . . ' ' , : ._ .. Port of Seattle •: , . • V4/1-Y)k) P.0.Box 120:.:; : . '- '• ' , • . . . l'jc Seattle, Washington 93111 . _ • May13 , i?.:69 7 . . . . ' • . • Attention: Mr.Wade Thoinpon, Assistant Manager . .. Property Ivianagerant Depa.rtment : . . , . • ' Dear Ivir.Thonipson: ._. . • . . Thank you very friuch for your letter of May 8, .1'.-. ..:9 rzgarding the harbor area Lease noi.vheld by the J.H. Baxter Corn The negotiations for the con:Aim/nation of the City acquisition of the subject property are progressing •.-.atiifactorily and I expect it to be completed in the : near future. It is, the City Park Board's: intent to plan devetopintnt of the area at a fairly early date although there will be an interim period of limited usage by the public. The Board therefore reque. t that an extion of the Leace to our City be finalized az soon as possIble, and in conjunction with the acquisition of the property from Balt:ter. The terra Lhould be for a period of 30 years and zimilar to the Agreezaarit with the Port of &.:Iattle reiative to the • e-Astina Lake Washington Beach Park area. We und.erstan‘f, that there will be • no sub-lea6iric) of any type. so that the coneid,aration or the. Lease would only be, nominal. . • • . . ,. • . Thanking you for your courteous coopzration. - ' liva remain, . . . Y7ra; vary truly, . . / , .. / ,./ ' ? , 5..-,, -• _, .., C.; rard 1411. S oallan , - City Attomtl, - . : . . .. . - : . . . GMS:jmi . . .. . ,bcc: Mayor . _ Gene Coulon " . " ? Chairman Property itt( . City Clerkfr--- - . ' ',i- .'- •President of Coun ' kiiit , 1. OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY o RENTON,WASHINGTON 1)4) POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-8678 GERARD M. SHZLLAN, CITY ATTORNEY - tij 1:,'� d7DE91:7 K. PAEN, .91: ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY ) tl ; 4)4 n,' 4_,ro.,dLI 1 (i if J Mr. Cusp Craig J.11.13axter & Company 1700 S. B1 Camino Real ,y 2, 1 g69 SAD Mateo, California 94402 re: .7.F 1. Paxtpr Ri Co. - City of Renton Deer Sire This Le to confirm our recent telephone conversat9onts, regarding the above captioned real estate transaction. Would you please let us knew the name of tha Surveyor who is working on the subject ratter and approximately how soon hie work will bo completed. We have not had ©ny further word frmmtho Northern Pacific Railway Company but assume that you ed11. Beep us posted in that regard. If you wish ue to, we shall be glad to contact the Port Seattle directly regarding any Leese a ttension and we will await your advicee in that regard. The City in the meantime has had several meetings with the Federal Agency in the hope of getting some assistance in financing, but fif not, the City, ec previously indicated, is prepared to pay the agreed price from its own internal funds. - Trusting to hoer from you at en early dote. We remain, jl °Curs very truly, Gerard M. Shellen City Attorney GMS:jml bce: Mayor City Clerk President of the Council Gene Coulon CoLY . , . . • . . e = .. : )4,1 . ...,,,, . 1,. .. . . . ,...• Li //^V/�'.. 1ny11/ V kAl kr • j-0-i ' . . (,00),, _. \, /u) Y6c(14' vp PIN . • *Pr G )11--- -V 1/).. I (i )7,;e October '114, 1968 Mayor 0.W.,Custer .and , Members of the City Council • Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Lake Washington Beach Park Gentlemen: Submitted herewith, and 'recommended for payment, is the final estimate for work performed by Red-Samm Mining Company,, Inc., on the site contract for the Lake Washington Beach Park, ,, C.A.G.' 1286-68, in the amount of $1,504.80. Attached you will find copy of letter from Olson-Richert- Bignold, architects, representing Certificate of Substantial Completion. , . . . . • If, after thirty days, no liens or claims are filed against this project, and upon proof of payment of t ai1-M-t- es, it is recommended that the retained amount f $9,162.34/be paid the contractor. - . . . . _ Respectfully submitted, Gene L. Coulon att. Director cc: Elelmier Nelson ' '' -<.f_ee! ,,,...--x.,?-eeA. ,A,,E.," :„.7._e_, (:4-z,.....-6cy,- — &,,," -e-4-i,---a -<-) - .LAC- ) (/ '" �'�r�_f t� p�-/ /ti z l • i�R-'`"fie _-,i) S 1, (<2 ------C4 ( ' lc .�.-- -t= ;1 eve- , v 11 �° Form 2474—DUPLICATE Reg.No Cl 7•1470E Revised 9-15-55. DISBURSING OFFICER Tax Commission of the State of Washington Contractor: /57 tip. . �L F �9 PWC N? 14 7 9 8 RED-SAMM MINING COMPANY, INC. ,tF�, ��=q � =: - 2503 • 116TH NORTH EAST �,''N ,./> BELLEVEIE, WASHINGTON 98004 lficate of Payment of State Excise Taxes by Public Works Contractor We hereby certify that taxes, increases and penalties due or to become due from the above named contractor under Chapter 180, Laws of 1935, as amended, with respect to the following public works contract: LAKES WASHINGTON Br,4cH PARK*STARK Z..."...SITE... EVELOPMENTa CITY...OF....k E,NTON together with all other taxes, increases and penalties due from such contractor, have been paid in full or are readily collectible from other sources. This certificate is issued pursuant to the provisions of Chap. 60.28 RCW (Chap. 236, Laws of 1955), for the sole purpose of informing the state, county, or municipal officer charged with the duty of disbursing or authorizing the payment of public funds to said contractor that the Tax Commission hereby releases the state's lien on the retained percentage provided by Chapter 60.28 RCW for Excise Taxes due from said contractor. This certificate does not release said contractor from liability for additional tax which may be later determined to be due with respect to the above mentioned contract or other activities. Dated at Olympia, Washington, MAY 1.9 1969 TAX COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON 3 Certifying Officer JACK J. GILeE:RT, AUDITOR • • CIS a'.EFICAT OWNER ❑i ARCHITECT ❑ FOR PAYMENT CONTRACTOR ❑ — FIELD ElAIA DOCUMENT G703 OTHER PROJECT: Lake Washington Beach Park ' (name, address) Renton, Washington • TO (Owner) . p C i ty of Renton 7 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT, NO: 66-03 Renton Municipal Bldg. CONTRACT FOR: ' Lake Washington Beach Park Renton,, Washingten 98055 Stage 1 - Site Contract' L CONTRACT DATE: ' In accordance with this Contract and the attached Application For Payment the Contractor is entitled to payment in the , , amount stipulated below. The present status of the account for this Contract is as follows: ADDITIONS $ DEDUCTIONS $ ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM . . $..--95,710.00 . Change Orders approved CHANGE ORDERS in previous months by TOTAL ADDITIONS . . .$—___148.40 Owner— TOTAL 148.40 4,255.00 SUB TOTAL $ 95,878.40 Subsequent Change Orders TOTAL DEDUCTIONS $ 4,255.00 Number Approved CONTRACT SUM TO DATE . $ 91 ,623.40 (date) BALANCE TO FINISH $ Q00•d0 TOTAL COMPLETED TO DATE $ 91 ,623.40 MATERIALS STORED . '. . $ 000.00 TOTAL COMPLETED & STORED $ 91 ,623.40 RETAINAGE G % . 000.00 TOTAL EARNED LESS . RETAINAGE $ 91,623.40 LESS PREVIOUS + S.S e tax 4,123.05 CERTIFICATES . $ 86,171 .81 — THIS CERTIFICATE ' $ 9,574.64 ' TOTALS 148.40 4,255.00. Net change by Change Orders $ " 4,106.60 • Retained o (30 day period expires 11/6/68) Architect:Olson-Richert-Bignold V ' ,,.n,„ .f_ _ lJ LLij J,i4 War, November 11 , 1968 Certificate No. 5 ' ' ', UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY 340 CENTRAL BUILDING SEATTLE. WASHINGTON 98104 TELEPHONE: 206/MAIN 2-7772 HARRY L. MASTERS, CPCU MANAGER April 24, 1969 The City of Renton Office of the Clerk , _6i2 Renton Municipal Building Renton, Washington A*tin: Mrs. Nelson • Re: Red-Samm Mining Co. , Inc . Our bond #73003-12-630-68 Contract for Lake Washington Beach Park - Stage I Development Gentlemen: Please be advised that we, as surety, have no objection to the release of any funds/final payments to Red-Samm Mining Co. , Inc . , in connection with their contract for Lake Washington Beach Park - Stage I Development. We know of no claims or leins for unpaid bills or sub- contractors on this project. Sincerely, UNITED,.STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY,,COMPANY L / C P. E. Fowler, Superint6Rde Fidelity-Surety-Burglary PEF:vm cc : Red-Samm Mining Co. , Inc. cc : Olson, Richert & Bignold cc : Wolfstone-Donley-McMannama Seattle 26 (10-68) • ityrit eg_ - "' PAGE 1 INVITATION TO BID WAfrl CALL FOR BIDS CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON • • THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON WILL ACCEPT SEALED BIDS IN• THE. OFFICE OF. THE CITY CLERK, ROOM 104, CITY HALL, RENTON, UNTIL 5:00 P.M. ON August 5, 1_968 OR SAME MAY BE PRESENTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL UNTIL 8:00 P.M. ON SAID DATE AT WHICH• TIME ALL BIDS WILL BE OPENED AND READ FOR: The Construction of Lake Washington Beach Park, Stage II Development. • Drawings and specifications, including bidding documents and conditions of the . agreement, may. be examined at the'following offices: 1 . City Clerk or Parks and Recreation Department, City Hall , Cedar River Park, Renton, Washington. 2. Olson-Richert-Bignold, 231 Williams Ave. So. , Renton, Washington 3. Associated General Contractors of America, Inc. 4. Plan Bureau, Seattle, Washington 5. Northwest Plan Center, Seattle, and Bellevue, Washington 6. Associated Subcontractors of Washington, Tacoma, Washington Bona fide prime bidders may obtain plans and specifications at the architect's office upon receipt of a deposit of $25.00 for one complete set of documents. The deposit will be forfeited unless a bid is submitted and all bid documents are returned in good ;usable condition within seven (7) consecutive calendar days after the date set for bid opening. WASHINGTON STATE SALES TAX SHALL BE SUBMITTED AS •A SEPARATE BID ITEM. A CERTIFIED CHECK OR BID BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF FIVE (5) PERCENT OF THE TOTAL BID MUST ACCOMPANY EACH BID. - THE CITY OF RENTON RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY.AND/OR ALL BIDS AND TO WAIVE ANY INFORMALITIES IN THE BIDDING. SPECIFICATIONS MAY BE, OBTAINED FROM (see above) HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK • DATE of 1st PUBLICATION: July 17, 1968 DATE of 2.nd PUBLICATION: July 24, 1968 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE: July 17, 1968 feL.4,4 .Se41 May 22, 1968 Mayor D. W. Custer and Members of the City Council Renton, Washington Re: Lake Washington Beach Park Gentlemen: Following a close study of the base and alternate bids submitted to the City on May 13, 1968, and relating to Stage 1 of the Lake Washington Beach Park project, it is the recommendation of the Park Board, the architects and the Park Director, that the fol- lowing bids be accepted: 1 • SITE Red.Samm Mining Company, Inc., Box 776, Redmond Washington Base bid $ 54,230 Unit price bid 34,500 Alternate S4 7,000 Total of $95,730 2 . BUILDING J.D. Stewart Company, 18821 E. Valley Highway, Kent, Washington Base bid $ 31,521 Alternate B1 7,535 Alternate B2 less 200 Alternate B3 2,950, Total of $41,846 3 - LANDSCAPING Landscapers Northwest, Inc., 7504 Bridgeport Way West, Tacoma, Wash. Base bid $ 53,694.50 Alternate LI 1,836.00 Alternate L2 803.50 Total of $56,334 The above bids do not include Washington State sales tax, however, the above named were low bidders on this project. Respectfully, Gene L. Coulon cc: Helmie Nelson Director biv\e) CERTIFICATION )10 1 , I, Helmie W. Nelson, the duly elected, qualified, and acting City Clerk of and for the City of Renton, Washington, do hereby certify that the City of Renton has budgeted money for matching purposes in its 1969 budget for the acquisition of additional waterfront property and said money is available as of this date. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and the official seal of the City of Renton, Washington, this At., day ofi '- �-', 1969. L! ,tom� /� /1 _���-f,✓ Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk (Official Seal ) Bid Opening e / � ��ry�� g---2/-_---- , . . y 13 1968 /� 4,,.."a,, aid} . .."`. (--t) BID TABULATION SHEET 1968 LAKE WASHINGTON REACH PARK - STAGE 1 DEVELOPMENT--SITE BIDDER & ADDRESS ACK. BASE BID UNIT PRICE 'ALT#S-1 ALT#S-2 ALT#S-3 ALT/IS-4 PILINGS ADD. #1 #2 #3 #4 OVER BASIC #1 • ' BS 4.25 DEPTH S & T CONST, CO. x $58,212 .00 $2,300.00 $24,2:00.00 $9,000.00 $1,500.00 +$10,000.00 -$2,000.00 -$750.00 SBS 2.00 -$1.50 9840 S.E. CARR RD. CS 1.50 +$2.50 � CU.YD. LIN. FT. _RENTON, WN.-Bid Bond • • 1 ' RED-SAMM MINING CO.INC. x $54,230.00 $3,000.00 $22,000.00 $8,000.00 $1,500.00 +$ 6,600.00 -$2,400.00 -$150.00 BS . 4.00 Box 776 SBS '2.00 • REDMOND, n I ,-Bid Bond CS 1.50 +2.65 CU.YD. LIN. FT. IVERSEN CONST, CO. x $70,330.00 $2,100.00 $28,050.00 $9,600.00 $4,800.00 +$ 9,000.00 -$1,960.00 -$900.00 BS 5.50 3501 PAINIrR AVE. SO. SBS 3.00 SEATTLE, WN,-Bid Bond I CS 5.50 YD. +3.00FT. FROST & HILL INC, x S61,099.00 $1,500.00 $17,600.00 $9,000.00 $1,750.00 +$ 9,500.00 -$1,800.00 -$500.00 BS 4.50 8005 So. 222 CS 1.60 KENT, WN,-Bid Bond I CU.YD. +1.30 LIN. FT. I E . . • • • • r-- • • Bid Opening . May 13, 1968 • • _ BID TABULATION SHEET 1968 LAKE WASHINGTON REACH PARK - STAGE 1 DEVELOPMENT--LANDSCAPING - BIDDER & ADDRESS ACK. I BASE BID ALT. #L-1 ALT. #L-2 ALT. #L-3 ALT•. #L- . ALT. #1-5 • • ADD. _ I a Landscapers Northwest 7520 Bridgeport Way W. x $ 53,694.50 $ 1,836.00 $ 803.50 $ 3,200.00 $ 6,03L..00 $ L ,295.00 • acoma, Wn.-Bid Bond Olympic Landscaping Co. 1723L. Aurora Ave. No. x $ 56,500.00 $ 4,900.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 4,300.00 • $ 5,500.00 $ 3,300.00 Seattle, Wn.-Bid Bond • • • • • • • . �--- Bid Opening May 13, 1968 BID TABULATION SHEET 1968 LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK - STAGE 1 DEVELOPMENT--BUILDING BIDDER & ADDRESS I ACK.. BASE BID ALT. #B-1 ALT #B-2 ALT. #B-3 ADD.. . #1 • f _ J.D. Stewart Co. 18821 E. Valley Highway x $ 31,521.00 +$ 7,535•00 -$ 200.00 +$ 2,990.00 Kent, .-Bid Bond * e , Vic Workman • 23608-94th So. x $ 32,500.00 +$ 7,650.00 -$ 220.00 +4:3,400.00 Kent, Wn.-Bid Bond J.M. Curtis Co., Inc. 4807-196th S.W. x $ 32,892.00 . • +$ 7,773.00 -$ 200.00 +$ 2,692.00 Lynnwood, Wn.-Bid Bond . Iversen Const. Co. . 3501 Rainier Ave. So. • x $ 34,697.00 +$ 7,000.00 -$ 250.00 • . +$ 3,060.00 Seattle, Wn.-Bid Bond t f y • • • { y.—pie;-6 • 41-)41 • WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT • 4-15-68 • Referral of 3-II-68: Funding for elevation of roadway .access to Lake Washington Beach Park, $15,000.00 The Ways & Means Committee recommends funding this project from Street Department account 1320/605, (Widening North 3rd Street, since this item has been included in the Urban Arterial 3rd - th Street Couplet Project), •-gnd reaorame ads----e-far--r-a-1--t;-o—t-he—L-aw--afAc-Or-d-i-nanoe--00411Ma-t=tee o -Rest�ilrt i -tra s •e-rr~i.•ng_tJae—morae•y—i-n#o_'Earlc_De.par-tme-nt --Acc•ou.at--I-�1(1�6O5_�ake-Wash-= -i ngtoo Be_ar..h-0evE lopme t- Mot. / h c'dcG9d, WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Z. 3 cr°�L{�fit t-t Henr, Sch llert, Chairman • 00-4 • • 07, /A/•1-jej WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT 4-15-68 • Referral of 3 -lk-68: Funding for elevation of roadway access to Lake Washington Beach Park, $15,000.00 The Ways & Means Committee recommends funding this project from Street Department account 1320/605, (Widening North 3rd Street, since this .item has been included in the Urban Arterial 3rd - Lth Street Couplet Project); .- ad_.r.e oo-mme444.s-=r�#e --a4--to-the--L-aw'--and-Or-d-i-r;arice---Gomm-i-t-t-ee f-or-Res-o+uH.-un- -=t-r'a sferr-i_ag_tkie-mono-y--i � Par__Depar-t-men-t---AGGount•-=-I?1-0/605---Lake-Was-h--- �a.rag or�E3eaGla-Deve1_opment. . ma,f, WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE pr, Sc Ilert, Chairman v � - Great • • • American GENERAL ENDORSEMENT Insurance • COMPANIES _ • • ,> th • 1441• • ZEt 1.012X-10 INIAT !:-7.11a rii.ttnj:4:71' 7'4 IT? 11,:q7,311,0r;13 AW-VANIO Mr6111 P07.71,07: main° colog ri..* 1'4 (x).. 3mia-Wro,.) 17,M,""StlInof, etriT71 SICY,X rav LAIR, frIVI Dz. OP rem,13 1-41),m, Pi-TP:iLY,Tre Noo • • This policy is subject otherwise 'to all its terms. • ENDORSEMENT EFFECTIVE EXPIRATION DATE i TYPE OF POLICY AMENDING POLICY NO. 5.:G1?-1t1Xf.'fA r ISSUED TO • COUNTERSIGNED BY: Authorized Representative AutbO'rized Sigagutte - - •-A) F. t4004F-7-03 • & Great - . American iic Insurance %�� - „- ceii/icttte ® inóuraflCe COMPANIES �] GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY 0 AMERICAN NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE • COMPANY certifies that the following insurance policies have been issued to: Name of Insured CITY Or .10.1ToN Address of.Insured RENTON, WAS1LNGTON TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY PERIOD LIMITS OF LIABILITY BODILY INJURY PROPERTY DAMAGE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION STATUTORY NO COVERAGE and EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY $ NO COVERAGE �... . . $ H COMPREHENSIVE 3-26-68 t' 50Oy,000 PER o SON EACH GENERAL LIABILITY ,�"j?�n 1 9�rg71 3 (510110k, OCCURRENCE $ 509000q OCCURRENCE 5®30�68 $ NOT C0147 y REGATE i 100g 000� AGGREGATE MANUFACTURERS' AND $ PERSON $ EACH OCCURRENCE CONTRACTORS' LIABILITY $ EACH $ AGGREGATE OWNERS' AND CONTRACTOR $ PER ON $ OEACH CCURENCE PROTECTIVE LIABILITY $ OCCURREacE ..,$ AGGREGATE ' OWNERS' LANDLORDS AND $ PERS N TENANTS' LIABILITY $ -OCCURRENCE $ EACH COMPLETED OPERATIONS $ PER ON AND $ EACH $ EACH OCCURRENCE PRODUCTS LIABILITY $ AGGREGATE $ AGGREGATE COMPREHENSIVE 3-26. 68 to $ 300,000o PERSON , AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY SIP 1796871 .5-30-68 $ 30090000 OCCUURRENCE $ 50,s000n OCCURRENCE OWNED AUTOS $ Whim OCCURENCE $ EACH E. OCCURRENCE H� HIRED AUTOS $ EACH N Q¢ $ OCCURRENCE $' OCCURENCE ,:1 OTHER NON-OWNED $ PERSON AUTOS $ EACH. EACH OCCURENCE $ OCCURRENCE. a W E. O DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF OPERATIONS AND AUTOMOBILES COVERED ALL OPERATIONS PERFORMED FOR PACIFIC COAST R. R3 CO. UNDER PE 0.41T NO. 168 In the event of cancelation of the said policy(s), it is the intent of the Company to mail 10 days prior notice thereof to PACIFIC COAST 1L 0O0 . at (Street and Number) (City or Town) (State) at whose request this certificate is issued. This certificate is not valid unless countersigned by an authorized representative of the �ompany. Date 6 63 Countersigned By /r _Z. ,"{ a F20032- 10-66 / Signature - • • -- • .L • • Great American • GENERAL ENDORSEMENT Insurance COMPANIES • • • X tri`I=D ria;a4 •"'574.t:la.p.I, TO 1,B171,11.1Zif.13 ATM0 • TPIDlea tEla;,1 irtie NOTTIF-M3 Pt4ariz'SC: (-„eg-:(1-V1117. t'7,E1P;razz.7):Ro 110'2j L3LT; . it CINZ 0.1i`` .10iTc.1,1 tTa.r..ira F.;00 973120 • • • • • This policy is subject otherwise to all its terms. ENDORSEMENT EFFECTIVE .EXPIRATION DATE i TYPE OF POLICY AMENDING POLICY NO. ISSUED TO TO COUNTERSIGNED BY: • 05? no 1-1N33,* Authorized Representative Au .)orized Signature 4 - • - . . __L L . • • - Great • • ' American .lr'.d '_\ C 't j r/;it 6'�o �°Cd6�ce • Insurance ` � . COMPANIES • ® GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY AMERICAN NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE • COMPANY certifies that the following insurance'policies have been issued to: • • Name of Insured cur OF RaTTON Address of.Insured R" TONS WASHINGTON LIMITS OF LIABILITY TYPE OF INSURANCE • POLICY NUMBER POLICY PERIOD BODILY INJURY PROPERTY DAMAGE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION STATUTORY NO COVERAGE and EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY $ NO COVERAGE' $ 3OO�q /� .._ 9 OOOo PE EARSCH ON COMPREHENSIVE t� ., EACH EACH 3-26-68 to $ .�OGAGOOo OCCURRENCE $ 505,0000 OCCURRENCE GENERAL LIABILITY SLp 1796371 30-63 ++�wl�REGATE AGGREGATE � $ NOTCOYIE M. $ 1_00000 MANUFACTURERS' AND $ PERON $ EACH OCCURRENCE CONTRACTORS' LIABILITY $ EACH $ AGGREGATE OWNERS' AND CONTRACTOR $ EACH PERSON $ OCCURENCE PROTECTIVE LIABILITY $ EACHRRF.NCE $ AGGREGATE OCCLJ OWNERS' LANDLORDS AND - $ PER ON � TENANTS' LIABILITY $ EACH $ EACH COMPLETED OPERATIONS $ PERSON AND $ EACH $ EACH OCCURRENCE PRODUCTS LIABILITY $ AGGREGATE $ AGGREGATE • COMPREHENSIVE rq �Qry 3 26 68 to $ 3005,000. PERSON AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Sap 1796871 5-30-63 $ 3009000. OCCURRENCE •$ 500000 OCCURRENCE OWNED AUTOS $ PEACH ON ? $ OCCURENCE $ OCCURRENCE F $ PERSON H� HIRED AUTOS — ¢� $ OCCURRENCE $ OCCURENCE Q EACH ;� OTHER NON-OWNED $ PERSON AUTOS $ EACH $ OCCURRENCE a CO x . H 0 . DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF OPERATIONS AND AUTOMOBILES COVERED • I� RIC PF�?�OYwi '0 FOPS ttr, I�ORTH N PAEI C 1 F ICIA COMPAN ' A$ RESPECTS .. THE CONSTRUCTOI19 MINT IANCE .AND USE OF THE RAILROAD GRADE CROSSINGS WHERE LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD CROSSES THE RIGHT OF WAY AND TRACKS OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RILXtY!iY O PANY0 • In the event of cancelation of the said policy( ), it is the intent of the Company to mail 10 clays prior notice thereof to NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY at (Street and Number) (City or Town) (State) . at whose request this certificate is issued. This certificate is not valid unless countersigned by an authorized representative of the.Company. 26-C3 e !- >7 i ;_- Date � Countersigned By... , 4 ' r )� l"J • e / F20032- 10-06 Signature F, Great • American GENERAL ENDORSEMENT • Insurance COMPANIES • • • . , • • 7..11 All.7i.rarir) TEO T.Ift -stf.exntri.on ,P.TIkaplr,r) un-ra • Ti Pfeine, R4. cla4 1,90F.IiDriy) km gir:43 CSI (17.13.-F; cl:gp.711,c.k•fri:341 P;;JIth:fi-o) mic),5s11, Tf.1.51 MIt (33-.A.-VP Eta C00 R7..07,-Ir via 4'1'4) ',61.40c,,40 • • • • • This policy is subject otherwise to all its terms. ENDORSEMENT EFFECTIVE EXPIRATION DATE TYPE OF POLICY • AMENDING POLICY NO. r '7•A ISSUED TO COUNTERSIGNED BY: (2.0 110 fg, o)e? Authorized Representative Authorized Signature • t.7 14004 F-7-03 o . • Great t �- • American f j = of Insurance �� -. 'e •• arh wale oil inourance COMPANIES • GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY Di AMERICAN NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE • . COMPANY certifies that the following insurance.policies have been issued to: Name of Insured CITY OF Pia TON Address of Insured REHTON, WJ IIaNGTON LIMITS OF LIABILITY TYPE OF INSURANCE . POLICY NUMBER POLICY PERIOD BODILY INJURY PROPERTY DAMAGE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION STATUTORY NO COVERAGE and EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY . $ NO COVERAGE' C0 $ JV /5'-0'Jo PERSON EACH MPREHENSIVE 3s26_ $ 30090OOo OCCURRENCE GENERAL LIABILITY �� � � NOT Nn $ p�Q�dQOo occURRENCE LP 1796871 4,30m68 $ 0011 ai�n,ECF •REGATE $ .200 00Oo AGGREGATE MANUFACTURERS' AND $ PERSON $ EACH OCCURRENCE CONTRACTORS' LIABILITY . $ OCCURRENCE $ AGGREGATE OWNERS' AND CONTRACTOR . $ PERSON $ OCCURENCE PROTECTIVE LIABILITY $ OCCURRENCE 4 $ AGGREGATE OWNERS' LANDLORDS AND $ PERSON TENANTS' LIABILITY EACH. EACH $ OCCURRENCE. $ OCCURRENCE COMPLETED OPERATIONS $' PERSON AND $ OCCURRENCE $ EACH OCCURRENCE PRODUCTS LIABILITY $ AGGREGATE $ AGGREGATE � COMPREHENSIVE . ' tO EACH$ 300�000o PERSON • AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY SIP 1796871 5-30-6.3 EACH EACH $ . 0 00„ OCCURRENCE $ OCCURRENCE EACHOWNED AUTOS $ PERSON $ OCCURENCE $ EACH F" EACH E",''., HIRED AUTOS $ • PERSON <p� $ OCCURRENCE $ EACH ¢a OTHER NON-OWNED $ PER ON AUTOS $ EACH $ EACH --.. _ _. E --"- - " OCCURRENCE a w H F • • 0 DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF OPERATIONS AND AUTOMOBILES COVERED ALL vionK. PEMME° FOR THE PACIFIC COAST RAILWAY AS RESPECTS THE CONSTRUCTION9 .. M1 NTENANCW AND USE OF THE RAILROAD GRADE CROSSINGS WHERE LAKE WASHINGTON BOULLV11RO ! CROSSES THE RIGHT OF WAY AND TRACKS OF THE PACIFIC GO ST R, R. CO0 • In the event of cancelation of the said policy(s) it is the intent of the Company to mail 10 days prior notice thereof to PACIFIC COAST R9 H CO. at (Street and Number) (City or Town) (State) • at whose request this certificate is issued. This certificate is not valid unless countersigned by an authorized repr, yptative of the/Company Date —2 G - Countersigned By --` -ice -4.-/. ..,-. ( • k 1-//..... ..... ......................... F20032- 10-66 Signature a-M: r:e'' A 9 .; • • • Great • American GENERAL ENDORSEMENT Insurance COMPANIES • • • • 7,a2 ViVs Z./TO: StiR 1456,, 5'), 141P:1 • • • . • This policy .is subject otherwise to all its terms. ENDORSEyEt47'EFFACTIVE EXPIRATION,DATE TYPE OF POLICY A4NOTN . Pp1ISY,v149.,, • • . COUNTERSIGNED BY: Ccir A 6eC.— (e. Authorized Representative Authorized Signature f.:1q 8 s • ,\ . Great American ,l• r_" y. Insurance cpcaie cil inóurance COMPANIES • ® GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY AMERICAN NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY certifies that the following insurance policies have been issued to: . • Name of Insured CITY OF R UITON Address of.Insured RLNTON9 WASHINGTON LIMITS OF LIABILITY TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY PERIOD BODILY INJURY PROPERTY DAMAGE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION STATUTORY NO COVERAGE and EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY $ NO COVERAGE COMPREHENSIVE 3..26.,68 tO $ 2509000o HRION$ 50080O0o OCCURRENCE $ 250�,OOOo OCCURRENCE GENERAL LIABILITY SIP 1.79687�. 5-30— REGATE AGGREGATE $ NOT coB. tf� $ OOn000o MANUFACTURERS' AND $ PERSON $ EACH OCCURRENCE •CONTRACTORS' LIABILITY $ OCCURRENCE. $ AGGREGATE OWNERS' AND CONTRACTOR $ PERSON $ EACH OCCURENCE PROTECTIVE LIABILITY $ EACH OCCURRENCE, $ AGGREGATE OWNERS' LANDLORDS AND _ $. PERSON . TENANTS' LIABILITY $ EACH $ _ EACH COMPLETED OPERATIONS $ PERSON AND $ OEH CCURRENCE $ EACH OCCURRENCE PRODUCTS LIABILITY $ AGGREGATE $ AGGREGATE COMPREHENSIVE 3-26-63 to $ 300,000o PERSON AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY SIP 1796871 5 3Om68 $ 3009000. OCCURRENCE $ 509000. OCCURRENCE OWNED AUTOS $ PERSON > $ OCCURENCE $ EACH F $ EACH i- HIRED AUTOS PERSON 4q $ OCCURRENCE $ EOCCURENCE 4 EACH a OTHER NON OWNED • $ PERSON AUTOS $ OCCURENCE $ EAH OCCURRENCE Ix td H 0 • DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF OPERATIONS AND AUTOMOBILES COVERED ALL OPERATIONS PERFORM FOR THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY UNDER PE..NIT NO. 97302. ' In the event of cancelation of the said policy(s), it is the intent of the Company to mail Odays prior notice thereof to NOTH.F.a I P A. .I 'I Ca.B. 7.?'10.a:..�'e�.l`s'!`!`J�� at (Street and Number) (City or Town) (State) at whose request this certificate is issued. This certificate is not valid unless countersigned by an authorized representative of the Company. �6r,68 <._ �� ��/ Date .��zY '•-� Countersigned By � �/ �r:<:e.: F20032- 10-66 i Signature (c4„-z-- WATT T_MLLUTION CONTROL COM SION P. O. Box 829 OLYMPIA 98501 Phone 206-753-6874 ��STATE o Commission DANIEL J. EVANS S — —`— fc )OH MAURICE AHLQUIST Governor e, _ tO-- �OHN BIGGS JAA4ES P. BEHLKE w YY"..y Z WALLACE LANE, M.D. Acting Director /J `�'a.7 0yt� DOVALD W. Moos ( (j �'L 1889 THOR C. TOLLEFSON S)` 5ei- ,1, joveinuer 6, 1968 /kJ . Honorable Mayor and i-:.emoers of the City Council City Hall i`a/ 8 Renton, Washington 96055 1966 414 L. Re: Construction Grant Application forrr Pollution Control Facilities WPC-Wn-224 • �f City of Renton - /.., i :�j- -- •., .. Gentlemen: Your application for a federal grant to aid in financing sewage treatment facilities has been considered along with other applications received for funds under the provisions of PL 84-660, as amended. Project applications received by the Commission requested total funds in excess of $3,527,000, and the funds remaining to be distributed for this fiscal year amounted to $262,350. Your application was not given a priority because of the loca- tion of the application on the relative priority list, which is established on the basis of abating existing pollution, financial need and engineering status. The Water Pollution Control Commission sincerely regrets that funds are not available to honor your grant request at this time. This situation inevitably means that some communities must construct facilities without immediate grant assistance. Your application will remain active and be rerated in June 1969 for either a retroactive ~.;rant or an initial grant, depending upon the construction status of the project. Undertaking construc- tion of the project will not in any way detract from gaining a retroactive grant in the future. However, it is essential that prior to construction, all requirements of this agency and the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration have been. satisfied. You are assured of the Commission's interest in your project as part of the overall program of sewage treatment plant construction in the State of Washington, and we are eager to be of all possible assistance as you progress. Very truly yours, JAMES P. BEULKE Acting Director JPB:RJB:ls cc: Mr. Robert K. McCormick, Regional Engineer KEEP WASHINGTON WATERS CLEAN — 4OF - v _ T • U ®® }A^��� µ PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT®RENTON,WASHINGTON ` o -A 41 ' CITY HALL, RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 o ALPINE 5-3464 •••'' 9�ysAOR, CAPITAL OF � September 13, 1963 Mayor D. W. Custer and /f j Members of the City Council Renton, Washington Re: ake Washington Beach Park Gentlemen: ,,(,16 - Submitted herewith are the following billings: • 1 . Certificate of Payment No. 3 for work accomplished on Lake Washington Beach Park by Red-Samm Mining Company, Inc. - C.A.G. 1236-63 $4,776.24 "` 2. Certificate of Payment No. 2 for work accomplished on Lake Washington Beach Park Building Contract by J. D. . ,Stewart Company - C. .G . 1238763. $10,873.12 / 7L • ' 3. Certificate of Payment No. 1 for work accomplished on (, Lake Washington Beach Park by Landscapers Northwest, "'`� Inc. - C.A.G. 1290-68 $1 ,734.01 4. Statement for professional services rendered on Stage 2 r` Development of Lake Washington Beach Park by 01 son Richert-Bignold, architects - C.A.G. 12.40-,67 , ., . 0 2- Via- The City of Renton will be reimbursed by State and Federal funds to the percentage which they have been committed. • Respectfully, p Gene L. Coulon Director att. cc: Helmie Nelson • OLSON r ICHE T • e I TOLD ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS DONALD S. OLSON 231 WILLIAMS AVENUE SOUTH ROGER R. RICHERT RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ROBERT W. BIGNOLD TELEPHONE (A.C.206) BA 6-3522 September 10, 1968 City of Renton Park & Recreation Dept. City Hall Cedar River Park Renton, Washington 98055 Re: City of Renton Contract CAG 1240-67 Phase 11 and 111 Subject: Lake Washington Beach Park - Stage 1 Development STATEMENT For professional services rendered during the Phase 11 design effort as defined in paragraph 3 of referenced contract. $202,635.95 (project construction cost) X 7% .X 75% - $10,638.39 For professional services rendered during the Phase ill design effort as defined in paragraph 4 of referenced contract: Construction Supervision Time - 309 hrs. @ 10.00 3,095.00 For Addendum No. 1 to referenced contract: Construction Supervision Time - 300 hrs. @ $10.00 3,000.00 Total $16,733.39 NOTE: Maximum fee for construction supervision $6,446. 12. Less Previous Payments 14,263.39 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ 2,470.00 • e r \ . (, • • VOUCHER FORM STATE OF WASHINGTON INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION Agency City of Renton Project Lake Washington Beach Park IAC No. 66-01a Voucher No.. 7 Period Covered by This Voucher: From August 1 , 1968 To September 1 , 1968 Payment is hereby requested for expenditures by the above listed project agency for the per Indicated. Obligation Total. Since Obligations For IAC Cost Categories Last Billing to Date Use Salaries and Wages 2470.00 22,11i4.64 Contract Personal Services _ Other Contractual Services Travel and Telephone _ Supplies and Materials _ Equipment Retirement and Pensions Land Buildings 10,873. 12 26,735.59 Improvements other than Buildings 19,510.25 99,401 .02 TOTAL 32,853.37 148,251 .25 I certify that the above is correct and just and is based upon actual payment(s) of recoi Signature Gene Coulon Date Title Director of Parks & Recreation FOR IAC USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE . FUNDING FORMULA Voucher Total Less Local Contribution Participant: % Amount • Subtotal Federal : % Amount Less Federal Contribution State: Fund % Amount Subtotal Fund % Amount Less Ten Percent TOTAL State Contribution • CERTIFICATION FOR PAYMENT REMARKS: Project Officer • Date Assistant Adm. bate PAYMENT RECORD State Share 10% Cumulative ,di Local Federal Fund. - Fund Withheld Total • PROJECT STATUS REPORT September 10, 1968. PROJECT TITLE: Lake Washington Beach Park - IAC No, 66-018 PROJECT DEVELOP- MENT COST: Stage 1 • - $220,000.00 Stage 11 - $110,000.00 TOTAL COST $330,000.00 PROJECT STATUS: STAGE 1 The Building Contractor has erected all precast wall panels and roofed all buildings. The bridge is complete except for handrails. The Site Contractor has performed all work except for paving the entrance road. This is being delayed to facilitate in- stallation of a sewage lift station force main under another contract. The Landscape Contractor has installed and tested 70% of the irrigation system. STAGE 11 The contract has been awarded to J. D. Stewart Co., General Contractor, Kent, Washington. Work will start within the next two weeks on this phase of the project. 1 L • OWNER ❑ • . ARCHITECT ❑ 1L PAYMENTCONTRACTOR ❑ • FIELD ❑ AIA DOCUMENT G703 OTHER ti La%e .'aa'':irt •ton reach Park PROJECT: . (name, address) Ran ton, `;.'a S h i rat;ton • • TO (Owner) • • • ' E City of ::nton 7ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 'r"-` . City Hall CONTRACT FOR: L..l e `Push i noton nc>ach Perk . . Car MyerI"ark tacle l - Site Contract ';',. • • t.Ciltor , at5n i n q ten i • 1- _1 CONTRACT DATE: In accordance with this Contract and the attached Application For Payment the Contractor is .entitled to payment in the ‘ amount stipulated below. The present status of the account for this'Contract is as follows: ADDITIONS $ DEDUCTIONS $ ©R i�GINA� CONTRACT SUM • $ ' %"���'` ) Change Orders approved CHANGE ORDERS_ 1 in previous months by TOTAL ADDITIONS $ 1101.40 Owner— TOTAL ,r17f�.�ti) SUB TOTAL $ '; Subsequent Change Orders TOTAL DEDUCTIONS . $ `}- 55.^'0 Number Approved CONTRACT SUM TO DATE . $ 91 `''?•1V3 • (date) BALANCE TO FINISH $ I ,: t;^,th) . 148.40 Ib,7 E+ .06 TOTAL COMPLETED TO DATE $ ..,;, _'<- >. T MATERIALS STORED . . . $ •"�•' D ' TOTAL COMPLETED & STORED $ ''`: 023.40 r RETAINAGE i.• % `;„012);�.3�•? ,. - TOTAL EARNED LESS • • - RETAINAGE $ '' ,093 •1.'"' • ' LESS PREVIOUSI" S.S. Tax 3, - 95 . . CERTIFICATES . . . . $ 1"_ •'``('•e7 THIS CERTIFICATE $ 4,77C,.2.14 TOTALS Net change by Change Orders $ "•�I T l 06••60 • Architect: .-°JMc. ~r=.i2:i".>::rt irt;r;ld Certificate tkl. 3 • r). . •. ,,- BY: )1,(4..44y_ ( Date: c, cr >er `= l am 1 • BUSINESS OFFICE: SH 7-2600 PROJECT OFFICE: VA 2-7400 13620 Sunset Highway 2503 — 116th North East Bellevue, Washington INVOICE Bellevue, Washington Sept, 6 , 1968 City of Renton Cedar River Park Renton, Washington 98055 . LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK DEVELOPMENT SITE Schedule A • 1. Clearing & Site Preparation 100% x $4,700.00 $4,700.00 2 . Site Grading 1007 x ' 5,000.00 ' 5,000. 00 3. Remove Existing Piling 100% x 5,800.00 5,800.00 4. New Piling & Log Boom 100% x 8,200.00 8,200.00 5. Oversize Rock 100% x 1,800.00 1,800.00 6. Access Road . • 100% x 10,100.00 10,100.00 7. Parking Area 100 x . 2 ,650.00 2 ,650.00 8. Embankment for Structures 100% x 2 ,000.00 2 ,000.00 9. Water Supply System 100% x 5,650.00 5,650.00 10. Drinking Fountains 100% x 2 ,400.00 2 ,400.00 11. Sanitary Sewer System • 100% x 5,930. 00 5,930.00 $ 54,230.00 • Less credit for asphalt paving -on- access road Lump sum (1,600.00) Schedule B 1. Unsuitable Excavation 100% x 3 ,000.00 3,000.00 I�3`e 2 . Select Beach Fill z2.. 100% x 25,000.00 25,000.00 3 . Beach Sand 100% x 8,000.00 8,000.00 fc3o ,,t.. 4. Common Sand ' 100% x 1,500. 00 1,500.00 °'_-.qs 5. Extra Lenght Piling 56 LOF. @ 2 .65 148.40 -- Total Amount Earned $ 90,278.40 • Wash. State Sales Tax 4,062 . 53 $ 94,340.93 • . • Less .Previous Billings (88 ,767. 53) Balance This Billing 7XX 9- J Contractor 5 ,333 .40 RED--SAMM MINING. C1MPANY ' Sales Tax 240. 00 • 2503 -116th N. E . • Bellevue, Washington fi, • _________ _ • CERT ICA T E• OWNER ❑ ARCHITECT ❑ • • , • '. FOR PAYMENT CONTRACTOR ❑ 1 FIELD ❑ AIA DOCUMENT G703 OTHER w • PROJECT: Lake Washington Peach Park (name, address) RentOn„ Washington , TO (Owner) F. City of Renton ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 55-tJ3 ' City Vaal CONTRACT FOR: BuildingContract - Stage 1 Cedar River Park Rontonashin ion 98055 ' , `s� LCONTRACT DATE: • ' • In accordance with this Contract and the attached Application For Payment the Contractor is entitled to payment in the ‘ amount stipulated below. The present status of the account for this Contract is as follows: ADDITIONS $ DEDUCTIONS $ ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM . .$ 1.__8.4"�-8 Change Orders approved . CHANGE ORDERS in previous months by TOTAL ADDITIONS $ c • Owner— TOTAL SUB TOTAL �?} � Subsequent Change Orders $ 3j TOTAL DEDUCTIONS $ Number Approved CONTRACT SUM TO DATE . .$ 1 P f-7';D (date) BALANCE TO FINISH $ E1 7. . TOTAL COMPLETED TO DATE $y-4 27.00 • MATERIALS STORED . $ 000.00 TOTAL COMPLETED & STORED $ 28-,4-2 :;O . RETAINAGE 1.0 % 2 8.4_2-7*� i • TOTAL EARNED LESS s RETAINAGE $ 25,S5 y .33 ' • • LESS PREVIOUS+ S.S.tax 1,151.29 • CERTIFICATES $�5���2,f7 THIS CERTIFICATE $1 -87 z -2 • - TOTALS • • • Net change by Change Orders $ 000.g0 • • Architect: Olson-',�icz`ert-B , olc� Certificate, No. 2 By: c1)1t-c/..--1 ,/ /, -L Date: ST EIRFA RT C "ghe house ilia' gacL bade' GE! E EAR. • • 10206 S. E. 224 TH;• UL2 e 1753 Cf.s NTLA©T©.1KENT, WASHINGTON 98031 7;)9 1,9 6 : . . : • t, • . . • A : , • ( c", i 1 3 o ; 0.2 0 . 0 .„ t) '„• D . 2 \ Lc • • ) .4'Y. • " ;•••,,? 0 • ...P.; ' n,") 0 - o " e 7? •-• • 0 : • " • 0 7: 1'1 e- .• ‘? ' ;* o(s:3 • . .. ' 60,2%,3321 • . . cc J. tki. STVU' ,, nE ART CO. AfIV.1 le house !hal Back luth's .q. 4111111: ;:-,_,,.. • GE NESI 'AL 0. 11 sg, 10206 S. E. 224 T1-1.• UL2•1753 C(0)NTIF2ACTOUR KENT, WASHINGTON 98031 • r 1968 ..' . _.....)...1 -. ;2.:::::cloF.1 11. l'et -1. ;. :c7.',.t.in nc.:4 'fi:'4..'::::70 0 li ',--, P',.- T.7 . 47A 0 00 474.00 .1',....: 0 ) ", ..'-% 7.,'''''P rl ••••e,.. ) ,.f .,0 ,,,.., -. ;:.-31 11---1-. '-- "i'•-•`''.:'":.-.'1..c,P, • 7699',..- 7® OO ,... • -, , -•.••,-/I:',, ...17; •. . - 7 o . .' ''',. - .7c: •':'- —--.) : q'.:/,..)0 c.CO -"' P s.a ..1‘(,° . - or" f: ,.....-.., . ZatA.,......r.:. :1„..... ,..„?.,..,.- -.1."2.... ... .r..I.ix;...A....+ .....,,,, 9,.LI . ' ' • :' .:'' g(‘'''' ..-'.:,.--..-,a ' c,'...,7... ' ,V1 '' • a,- • ,, .-,..... it:3.c.-..) -.:.;0 J'' .t. ' ....0 ,:. ..r i". ,),' ;5.., 01. .:—'1,:.!0 00 „ .. ,, 1. : :..:.•-...". *,,, s.1.,),I: ' 71 '''',,r,',',' 0:"-C.% -;.. . : . ••:. -.: r 1' :• . i: ; - '..7.7,: ....-*-•...-r 4 3 C)C, •2.:: .. ..."..4, .• .i' ,'-. :2 :. -,-, .., r• • .. f•e, 1' l''a'7".1 '• , 1 ., ••LI 1, ...'"S .. i ' * '• 9 . 415 ,, .—..;,..., A ..... t..i, 2 ..'‘o:7 • js- -. , . ' - „.. a i _. ..'.0 C.; - ... ',.. ' ",41,,;, . , ''''' \ 0 "..; ;_ 0 00 .. .-4")-, 'Y'i . r_.!... . , s. . . ......."..tes.,...-...1'....-3...... .,„ , _ I ...;0 .. 4144.s,,,, r' ! 0 .1 Y . :::-..:.-:1;c4 .;' .... • :. '....'';7 a-'a ,.....:..r ..,.. „--:::•:.,-.,.,-,.,.,...--,_,, -.:,,,, F.,i.....,.,,.ii-,., '..,- - , . , 0 -, F.'Pac,Q I ty c-omp1iQp4A.L merrlioof 5 e, 8 u.L1 6,c,.. c..)eqPi,t.,e- oh, t.)As d t"t" .'h A4pLu-ij.?.,r2 ro DATE _.,...........4' ti pLt.,..i —r:A>t: .... . l .:S; Pr v ,,:i tC?i,,y'. ..."'",:— , .4qi.,-;It --' , 1 CrEEMEECATE OWNER ❑ • _ _ ARCHITECT ❑ EFGER PAYMEN g CONTRACTOR ❑ • FIELD ❑ . A!A DOCUMENT G703 OTHER 4 PROJECT: Lake Washington each Park • (name, address) Renton, Washington • . TO (Owner) • • • E C i ty of Renton 7 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 66-03 • • City Hall CONTRACT FOR: Landscaping Contract-Stage l • Cedar River Park r. • Renton, Washington 98055 } L J CONTRACT DATE: In accordance with this Contract and the 'attached Application For Payment the Contractor is entitled to payment in the 1, - amount stipulated below. The present•status of the account for this Contract is as follows: ' • ADDITIONS $ DEDUCTIONS $ • ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM . .$ 5( ,_311-00 . • Change Orders approved CHANGE ORDERS in previous months by TOTAL ADDITIONS . . .$ 67.88 . • Owner— TOTAL SUB TOTAL $ 56,11.01 .88 Subsequent Change Orders TOTAL DEDUCTIONS . .$ 000.00 • Number Approved CONTRACT SUM TO DATE . .$ C;6,14C1 .88 (date) BALANCE TO FINISH . $ 40, 735.73 • 1 67.88 • TOTAL COMPLETED TO DATE $ 15,666.15 . • MATERIALS STORED .. . .$ 000.00 TOTAL COMPLETED & STORED $ 1C,6(t:.. 1S . • r - RETAINAGE 1 n % 1 ,566.62 • ,i •• ' TOTAL EARNED LESS . RETAINAGE $ 14,.?`fc).53 LESS PREVIOUS S.S. tax G31+.48 • CERTIFICATES . . . . .$ • 000.00 . • THIS CERTIFICATE $ 14,734.01 • TOTALS • Net change by Change Orders $ +6'7.88 Architect: Olson-a' ichert-t3lgnold Certificate No. 1• ' . By: /)T ...c. ```-t'/i f�'F'-/4 Date: September tember 6,1`i68 • • • , ® L1111D CHERG •�IO11TNll1 ,�, I C SEP 5 • . I '�s� 7504 BRIDGEPORT WAY W. TACOMA. WASHINGTON 98467 PHONE JU. 4-3608 , _ - .(SAME AS SOLD TO UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATEDI •°'©'s : CI�`y t-$_Ros�tc ---- -- - —-- — -- ,." Lek v € a 'k--- -- _c. CI ty t0fl —` ---'— ---- Cody R S i r 'Park DATE OF INVOICE CUST. P.O. NO: SALESMAN TERMS DATE SHIPPED SHIPPED VIA a �S s NET 1 arwl1 ;'�,5. '•,�"�-'•-:.:�'', '_: .i _- C9 p fl 6YJ a �'��:-.:`r �..t'y---_.:w.a. 19.-•.�...�' `,IY. _r:; "r. _ rat •'!, CY 9 Zg - : '3 q 7° 5 . O' p ig g1=�9ca tat.i of z r I p or y0-:.ia• q 4ti ' o" to 1 ,�-2 4=1.0 ..� tea..:. 0:4 tl.rs., , ' '^19. ''?"/. I 2,'_ 3 ( f!; }j— r3r 'i »SX� �3 # :•7' ss p�a e ers— rt�r:• �h': rt_ z; e rill .O \ —__ ai.tcss .• P t::.`. 9 II 'dD c .yFh P ?. tmrtra ue-'-=3'DQ ';:• :- f """,�y r'' - - qa, is0 p[. n �p /!S o t I 1 .1 tell -0_ p.,,,,, 1 rlikn�a` cal �',S i'L'Yi •{,cese.,u 1-,'-:',_c-Aad^p.la rtf,'.01,�; 'Erbil--(�'-714/D-'ic..t' �_.�__—_—_-� r _t0, tftt T"3 i' J `', - . 0- • 1,- I _ '-.___.. _ I fi B3GY' .,_5,) t tc —Q $ 3,vc tc an c;st.Qd_dg k_ tSiz � ,t . o I __ : I t • q.ALf.5 TA___— — - CUSTOMER COPY 73X Q// . • 1,4e. oRiGNAr 0-,441-L4 RESOLUTION NO. M16"..‘ WHEREAS the Waterworks Utility Fund has received certain funds in excess of the estimated revenues and surplus for the current year, and WHEREAS it is necessary and advisable to expend a portion thereof for the purpose of installing a certain Lift Station at the Lake Washington Beach Park site, and said expenditures being necessary and in the public interest and for the public benefit, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIE CITY OF RENTONi WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: There is hereby appropriated from such excess revenues the following amount, to-wit: FROM: Waterworks Utility Fund $18,000.00 UNTO: Water Maintenance 1820/605 Structures and Improvements: $18,000.00 SECTION II: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make the above appropriations and transfers. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 1st day of July, 1968. - -21d Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THF 411,MAYOR this 1st day of 1968 /(//' ///' /1C, •c- /Donald W. Custer, Mayor Approvdd as to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney • 7/2} OV / V a/ U ®®;. 2, the MAYOR'S OFFICE • RENTON, WASI-IINGTON • D.W.CUSTER CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 •ALPINES-3464 SORT CAPITAL OEjilit44-frk71 / - i(961 './-cve ✓� June 24, 1968 Members of the Council City of Renton � 9 LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK LIFT STATION Attached is a letter from Gene Coulon, Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation, and a letter to Mr. Coulon from Bert McHenry of the City' s Engineering Department, concern- ing the estimated cost of a lift station in Lake Washington Beach Park. This project was not a part of the Beach contract but was felt to be a matter for funding from City sources . Just before the bid call for work on the Park the City was informed by Metro, and the Park Department subsequently informed by our Engineering Department, that the gravity system originally planned would not be acceptable. Since the City had not contemplated this additional cost either in project estimates or in the 1968 Budget, it will be necessary to fund the approximately $18, 000 required for this work. It is my suggestion to the City Council that these moneys be advanced from the Utilities Department Excess Revenue Account to do the work at this time . The money would -then be refunded next year by the Parks and Recreation Department in the 1969 Budget. Such action would allow for the timely completion of this necessary work so that park operations would not have to be disrupted in the future, and payment can be effected in next year ' s budget so as to not create an undue hardship on the Utilities Department. I would further recommend that the Utilities Department call for bids on this project rather than the Park Department . Your consideration of these Departmental requests and my, suggestions will be appreciated. • ) .1 f D . W. Custer, Mayor cc Mr. Coulon Mr . McHenry 7P • June 20, 1968 To: Mayor D. W. Custer From: Gene L. Coulon Director•, Parks & Recreation Dept. Re: Lake Washington Beach Park Transmitted herewith is a Cost Estimate from the Engineering De- partment for installation of a lift station in connection with the development of Lake Washington Beach Park. This was not a part of the beach contract but was considered as a part of our arrangements with the Utilities Department whereby we pay for installation of water meters and water and sewer lines to park property boundaries from monies specifically carried in the Park budget for this purpose. This was originally planned as a gravity system, but just prior to calling for bids, it was deemed advisable to install a lift station. Monies are not available to do this project and we are hoping that it will be possible to have the Utilities De- partment call for bids and pay for this work at this time. The Park Department will budget for repayment of the cost of this project in its 1969 budget. • - . .7/6 • or • y 0 Vs CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE • RENTON, WASHINGTON `! Ll` 0 • JACK WILSON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 •� • 9sp(4T CAPITAL OF� . Jame 17, 1968 • • • Gene Coulon • Park Department City of Renton • • Dear Mr. Coulon: • We have prepared the plans, specifications and bid data attached. for the Lift Station and Pressure Line at Lake Washington Beach Park. • Our estimate of the cost including lift station, wet well, pressure pipe to metro, casing and pipe under railroad track, metro connection is $18,000. This includes: 1. Lift Station E( Wet Well $13,000 • 2. 410 LF C.I. Pipe @ $3.00 1,230 . 3. Drop Con to Metro 200 4. 50 L.F. 10" Steel Casing 1,500 • 5. ' 100 cu. yd. Select Backfill @ $2.50 250 • 6. 50 cu. yd. Gravel Bedding @ $2.50 125 $16,305 • 10.o.Tax $ Cont . • - . 1,630 $17,935 USE 18,000 • Items needing completion and marked by paper clip include: • (1) Inst to Bidders Item 10 payments for this work will be . (2) Dimension in (pump chamber) para 2 page 1. (3) Dimension check on motor shafts para 2 (motors) page 4. (4) Metro connection detail (missing ) You will need complete item (1) . We will check on items (2), (3) , and (4) and will supply the information prior to your bid advertising. .Please advise if you need additional information or data. Very truly yours, Bert H. P•lcIlenry (;4 . / t GP/6 7 December 174 '1967 1 ? J-) Renton.Sailing Club -- 10205 115th S.E. e971 . � Renton, Washington '!s= 6s!d)/ 1 � •n,�"fir; Mayor and City Council • City Hall Renton,. Washington i=1 Gentlemeng "� x. ti The Renton Sailing Club thanks you for having made it po ,a for us to conduct sailing instruction and offer recreational sai in the area that is now to be developed as the Lake Washington Beach -Park. As citizen°, we are as eager as you are to have the development of this park site progress rapidly. To that end, we are making arrangements to remove our equipment from the area. We understand that there has been no revision of the original plan for the park, which will establish the island as a base for water skiing, with a launching ramp at the eastern side of the park. If this • is the case, might we suggest that slalom courses, jumps, etc. be established for the use of water ski enthusiasts and that the area be promoted as a special mecca for them. This would be similar to boating preserves in southern California, where different activities are encouraged in separate areas. This park has the advantage of being fairly distant from residences where the noise of outboard motors and the wakes of the boats might be undesirable. ' However, if the Beach Park is promoted for motor boats and water skiing, it will become hazardous for small sailboats, canoes, rowboats, and all the small craft that are presently to be found 'in the Beach Park Area. Therefore, we would like to suggest the development of 72nd Street as an area for small- boats, sail boats, and fishing boats. This would effectively segregate widely different activities and promote safety. - Of course We realize that funds for a proper development might not be immediately available., but a survey to establish the exact location and extent of the property and installation of a few truck loads-of fill for a parking area would create an immediately usable access. Accordingly, we request permission to anchor off this street end a float with our building and equipment on it. In this manner we can continue to offer and enjoy the recreational activity of sailing in Renton, and to provide instruction to those desiring it, as we have for the past -three years. • We would be happy to meet with the council or its representatives at any time to answer questions about our past and future operations. We ask your serious consideration of this proposal and request. ` = , Sincerely David David W, Gosse, Vice President ~� =�a Renton Sailing Club • December 17, 1967 ' . -;jie,e Renton Sailing Club J 10203 11,th S.E. �/' Renton, Washington c>e02-2-'' / •14,1_2 Art"..I'(R 1f�y9,, 6,A_c,//./ f4r} % :7. Mayor and City Council ' r ,r`� , :', City Hall Z ,C, ` ••'-`� ;'• Renton, Washington 9� ';\ rc • Gentlemen; �%- ", -' u t.�v k The Renton Sailing Club thanks you for having made it pow 11tit �'� for us to conduct sailing instruction and offer recreational sai •ng - in the area that is now to be developed as the Lake Washington Beach Park. As citizens, we are as eager as you are to have the development of this park site progress rapidly. To that end, -we are making arrangements to remove our equipment from the area. . We understand that there has been no revision of the original plan for the park, which will establish the island as a base for water . skiing, with a launching ramp at the eastern side of the park. If this • • is the case, might we suggest that slalom courses, jumps, etc. be established for the use of water ski enthusiast© and that the area. be .' , . . promoted as a special mecca for them. This would be similar ,to boating preserves -in southern California, whore different activitieo are . encouraged in separate areas. This park has the advantage of being fairly distant from residences where the noise of outboard motors and the wakes of the boats might be undesirable.. ' However, if the Beach Park is promoted for motor boats and water .skiing, it will become hazardous for small sailboats, canoes, rowboats, and all the small craft that are presently to be found in the Beach Park Area. Therefore, we would like to suggest the development of 72nd . Street as an area for small boats, sail boats, and fishing boats. `this would effectively segregate widely different activities and promote ' safety© Of course we realize that funds for a proper development might not ' be .immediately .available, but a survey to establish the exact location ' and extent of the property and installation of a'few truck loads of fill for a parking area would create an immediately usable access. Accordingly, we request permission to anchor off this street end a float with our . • . building and equipment on it. In this manner we can continue to offer ' and enjoy the recreational activity of sailing in Renton, and to . provide instruction to those desiring it, as we have.for the past three years. . • We would be happy to meet, with the oounoi:l or its representatives at wily time to arldwor Ooo-biono about our pant aria suture of credence WO ask your bedbug consideration of this proposal and request. ,. -• •'V•\ Sincerely ' / . . .'1 David W, Gosse, Vice President , % j ) Renton Sailing Club ':% 4 -' Al4AA-v" )/ -- - /-44-i' Lli""414-'4Jii4,t- i:inutes - Re 'ton City CI al Meeting 11-13-6/ COMMUNICATIONS: Mayor Custer extended welcome to Mr. Carl Johnson and his group of high school students who were present as they have been for several weeks, as a part of a Social Studies learning experiment. Also introduced were Councilmen-Elect, Thomas R. Edwards and Paul Maxin and Louis i rei, others arriving and being introduced later in the evening. Let:er from the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation, Mrs. T. W. Chandler, Secretary, requested permit to conduct door-to-door canvas for fundo in the City of Renton on December 7, 8 and 9th. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to grant a no-fee permit granting the fund solicitation as requested. Carried. Application from Longacres Cafe requested that Mutual Amusement Co. be granted the required license to operate a pinball device at said business, 9072 Third Street, and Application from the Renton Eagles requested that Mutual be granted license for two coin operated pool tables at 316 South 3rd Street. Moved by Poll, seconded by Schellert, to refer the applications to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. 7' Letter from Gene L. Coulon, Park Director, requested, on behalf of the Park Bard, a transfer of $2,200.00 from Cumulative Fund 1689 unto Park Fund 6120/604, State and Federal Participation, to cover 1% fee to be paid to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation for administrative charges in connection with the Lake Washington Beach Park project grant. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee for necessary Resolution to effect the fund transfer. The motion carried. Letter from the Municipal League of Seattle and King County, C. A. Crosser, Executive Secretary, submitted report prepared by the Public Safety Committee, regarding recom- mendations on Police Recruitment, Salaries and Fringe Benefits, which will be on file in the City Clerk's Office. Letter from Councilmen-Elect, Louis Barei, Charles F. Shane, William F. Grant, and Thomas R. Edwards, requested that the present City Council not take any action in regard to the 30 year non-exclusive Puget Power Franchise until they have been sworn into office as they are basically opposed to the franchise presently being considerec'. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, that the request be granted. The motion carried. Letter from Jack Wilson, City Engineer, requested authorization to-call for bids for drilling a new well in Cedar River Park and recommended the date of December llth for bid opening. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the request for bid call and in the recommended bid opening date. Carried. Letter from Charles A. Ruud, Record Stationery and Office Supply gave notice to the city of termination of lease dated May 18, 1959 providing for use of his business property for public parking purposes, it being felt that the City has not adequately policed the area. It was requested that the $1.00 payment provided for by the lease, be placed in a fund to support policing of Fourth Avenue South as per posted parking limits. Mayor Custer advised that this matter has come up for discussion heretofore and that one public official has received a ticket for parking in the lot so there has been some degree of policing. He noted that the lot has not been advantageous to the City and acceptance of the termination was recommended and a motion entertained for referral accordingly. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the request acknowledging the termination of lease as contained in the letter. Upon inquiry, City Attorney Pain advised that the letter was adequate notice and the lease could be terminated as per action taken. It was noted that the signs should be 'removed. - le in accordance with the lease terms were put up .and.:.the lot striped. The motion carried. Notice from the Association of Washington Cities urged that the date of November 14th be reserved for attendance at the District Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the City of Renton at the Renton Inn, at which time Municipal Problems and Community Development will be the topics for discussion. Mayor Custer extended invitation to the newly elected Councilmen to attend. Project Agreement was submitted for acceptance and execution by City Officials to be returned to the Urban Arterial Board per C.AG. 1224-67, regarding allocation of funds in sum of $67,500 and authorization to proceed with the North 3rd and North 4th Strec'.: one-way couplet project (Priority No. 5) . Also enclosed was a supply of Vouchers to be used by the City in billing the Urban Arterial Board for costs incurred. Moved by ^hnllert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Agreement as submitted with the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to execute and return same. Carried. -2- fi_„Ci November 29, 1967 ee /T.5& d1/4/ • Mr. Samuel Throm 11026 Park View South Seattle, Washington Re: Revocable Permit, P.AG. $68-65 Private Use of Public Property Dear Mr. Thrum: The Renton City Council, at its regular meeting of November 20th, has concurred in the Park Board request that the above-captioned Permit be terminated so that construction of the Lake Washington Beaach Park development may proceed expeditiously and in an orderly manner. The City hereby gives the Renton Sailing Club notice of permit revocation and you are requested to take steps in accordance with terms of Section 4 of the Permit effective 30 days from receipt hereof. Your courteous cooperation in restoration of the property to its original state is greatly appreciated. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Heinle W. Nelson City Clerk HWN/dm • cc: City Attorney Park Board I' 11) ,. .. November is ! spV . . Ei nor hf. H ndri ckson Admi hi at rrtoa� • _ :,': Interagetacy• Chi ttee for . Re • z,' .', ;`,. Outdccr Decroe tion - b v •.,P ,.� 114 North Cote bi !AC #�a i•Oi 8 BoR ..6�A� 1 ,5.` Olympi Op t ' Dear c4v, Handricksonli. ' • Transrji teed herevii th i s the Claim' • ;s. - fi r*r the"city of Renton in :the amount:at.$2!260.aP • �' T$i sYant,`. represents the ad�ic" tstrative surcharge �, - aes descri$edLiond ag reed to'4 ,Section ' ( ) of t6� :Project Agreement. •• • u.:_. • ` a S i ncere1 • Gene .L. Coulo , enc. t Director , . : tir, • F - cc: Helmie Nelson • ®"V 11 C.) : ' ley "�. PARKS '& RF(HFATI()N 1)NPAI2TNIENT 0R14:NT()N,W L', 31NGTON o CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 ® ALPINE 5-3464 I S �9ysA0Rl CAPITe November 16, 1967 Mayor D. W. Custer and Members of the City Council Renton, Washington Gentlemen: 6•,� As you know from recent information, we are fast approaching construction development of the Lake Washington each Park. In 'this connection, I have been instructed by the Park Board to write the City Council and request that the Revocable Per- mi.'. granted, the Renton Sailing Club, Inc., now be terminated so that said ,development can proceed in an orderly manner. Under term of the Permit granted by the City Council, it was understood (as stated. in Paragraph k of the Permit) that: "The Perini t herein granted is subject to revocation by the City of Renton and the undersigned Permittee agrees, upon notice to it by'. the City of not less than 30 days to take immediate steps to terminate all activities from said premi- ses and to restore sane to substantially the condition it is in at and immediately prior to the issuance of this Per- mit." It is the Park Board's sincere hope that complete development of this area can t;o expedited as rapidly as possible so the people of Renton may enjoy, at the earliest 'possible date, the activities related to this type of facility. Respectfully, Mtn g (A9 kkokiArtf Gene L. Coulon Di rector <3 c� �RENTON CITY COUNCIL {, li� REGULAR MEETING Il October 9, 1967 8:.00 P.M. ,6),, Office of the City Clerk The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by D. W. Custer, Mayor, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison by the assembly. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Trimm, Hulse, Schellert, Gianini, Pedersen, Perry, Delaurenti, Poli and Morris. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, that the absent Council Members be excused. Carried. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Frank Henry, Asst. Police Chief, M. C. Walls, Fire Chief, Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Sven Johnson, Building Director, Jack Jones, Librarian, Gene Coulon, Park Director and Jan Klippert, Administrative Asst. to the Mayor. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Poli, that'the Minutes of the previous meeting of October 2, 1967 be approved as written. Carried. Mayor Custer announced that the City has been informed that it is to receive some $111,000.00 from the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation which money had been allocated toward improvement and development of Lake Washington Beach Park. Also,�$67,000.00" / has been granted the City by the Urban Arterial Board to be used for the North 3rd_andy 4th Street one-way couplet. Councilman Pedersen inquired of the City Attorney regardln negotiations for acquisition of property for widening and channelization of Logan and additional access into and egress from the Couplet. City Attorney Shellan reported the Carpenter Hall Board had agreed to convey the property at the $1.50 per sq. ft. price and were to submit their acceptance in writing which has not yet been received; that Renton Coil Spring had indicated agrement, however Mr. Ray Pepka, the owner was to secure a legal description, there being some question as to the correct boundary. The Tonnelli property owners are not satisfied with the City appraisal and were advised to secure their own for comparison, condemnation proceedings possible to be involved in this parcel which is needed to extend North 3rd Street from Burnett to Logan. Mayor Custer noted that any allocation from the Urban Arterial Board may be used only for preliminary Engineering studies and right-of-way acquisition. OPENING OF BIDS: One 1968 Tractor, Jacobsen G-10 or Equal This being the date set, the following sealed bid was opened and read by the City Clerk: Northwest Mowers, Inc. 5% Certified Check Bid Deposit $3,087.98 1149 North 98th Street enclosed Seattle, Washington 98103 Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to refer the bid to the Park Department, Park Board and Purchasing Agent for recommendation. The motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS: Certification from Johnston-Campanella, Murakami, and Company, verified wage statement and recommended payment of Progress Estimate #3, due Absher Construction Company, for work completed to 9/30/67 on the new City Hall Contract, C.AG. 1156-67, $33,669.90. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the payment to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. Application from Phillip S. Lammon, owner of L. & L. Dairy Bar requested that Mutual Amusement Company be granted required license to operate Shuffleboard Device at said business located at 401 - South 3rd Street. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried. Letter from City Engineer Wilson, reported,regarding letter of intent to annex property to Renton submitted by Sylvina M. Bogue, that the area in vicinity of the Heather Downs Addition contains approximately 54 acres and is assessed at valuation of $29,130.00. The letter was signed by owner representing 47.41% of the assessed valuation. It was noted that the boundaries are very irregular butthe Engineering Department would support any annexation In order that sewers may be extended to help in development of this area. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. There was no representative of the area present for a preliminary meeting and the pending motion carried. -1- i1 �64 September 21, 1967 � GU CERTIFIC AT ION STATE OF WASHINGTON) COUNTY OF KING ) I, HELMIE W. NELSON, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of and for the City of Renton, Washington do hereby Certify that the City of Renton has budgeted the sum of $110,000.00 in its 1967 Budget as its share of funds for recreational develop- ment of the Lake Washington Beach Park and said sum became avail- able January 1, 1967. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and the Official Seal of the City of Renton, King County, Washington, this?/ day of September, 1967. • Helmie W. =MO, City Clerk • rt is 1 w,vi,v)P_D a=Afrt°: //7--<'6 )('ROJECT PROPOSAL FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION GRANT-IN-AID ASSISTANCE TO STATE OF WASHINGTON - INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION 1018 East Union Avenue, Olympia, Wa shington 98501 FOR IAC USE IAC No. Preliminary Application Reviewed by Final Application ASSURANCE is hereby given that the following information concerning the project herein described is presented to the best ability of th pplicant, and that all applicable pro- visions of Federal , state and local statutes h$ve. $en complied wi . Date: 8/8/67 By D. W. Custer, Mayor /G4 1 ----- --- (Name and title of officer applying) ATTEST: By Halmie Nelson, City Clerk V(6,17- -c-lJ (Chief clerk or legal officer of applicant agency) 1. IDENTIFICATION OF APPLICANT c. Person to whom inquiries concerning application should be directed. a. Legal Name l: Name Gene L. Coulon City of_Renton 2. Title Director of Parks & Recreation b. Mailing Address 3. Address Rm. 109, City Hall City Hall Renton, Washington 98055 Renton, Washington 98055 4. Phone No. AL 5-31464, Ext. 43 2. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION a.) Project Title Lake Washington Beach Park b.) Brief Description of Project The project proposal is to develop an existing 22.3 acre undeveloped waterfront area including approximately. 1 ,100 feet of waterfront located on Lake Washington within the city limits of Renton, Sting County, Washington. This development project will be accomplished in three stages. Development of outdoor recreation facilities wi l l in- clude a boat launching site with parking for 500 vehicles and vehicles with boat trailers, beach and swl naafi ng area with a bathhouse, picnic areas with kitchens, shelter and comfort stations, water skiing area© play equipment for pre-school and elementary school age children, game courts and open recreation areas for all age groups. The enti re area will be landscaped. c.) Beginning Project date September 1967 Ending Project Date June 30. 1969 (d. ) IJ:iwj Al'I1v11,1o'1 ;'il�,i�'�i Pt)(1illl(itit(i)1l.tt (AuIIItt) (.lilil'ti 3wi[ n9nq --- - - J59' _frontage - -- --------- hack) area ( land) 11/2 acres As previously Play areas 1 4 acres submitted in Game courts z acre plans. Open area 2 acres Pudding 5 acres Shrubbery & landscaped 11 acre f.) Acres: In site covered by this application 22.1 Total acres of entire area or park 22.3 g.) Service area population 1967 - 60.Q00 1985 - 139,000 h.) Attach: Map showing site in relation to total service area and designate other existing recreation areas. i.) Attach: Site plan showing proposed development. j .) List other agencies or.groups consulted during the formulation of this proposal. Included as a part of Renton's Comprehensive Plan - Planning Department, City Council corral t tees . 3. SITE CHARACTERISTICS Exi sting a. ) Check one: New site Addition to existing site n b. ) Location : Section 5 Twp 23 Range 5 County King Town Renton Town population 23,500 Miles from nearest townWit in ci ty limits c.) Cover: Acres in: Developed land Forest Rock Grass Desert Water Cutover Other (specify) di Topography: Acres in: Flat 22.3 Rolling Hilly Mountains 0. ) Roadfront: Feet on: Dirt Gravel Paved 60° access right-of-way which fronts on a paved highway. f. ) Waterfront: Name of body of water Lake Washington Waterfront footage 1,100° g.) Present Use of Area None. except limited use by sailing boats. C) 4. FINANCIAL AND LEGAL _ o Et;IIrnolcd c ut;l ul prci1001, cuv(red Icy tlrlr:r Acc rr1.:'11:icon j4.50,LPOP _._._ _ Doyc.+Iojfl rc-;rtl Total $ 1+50,000 b.) Applicant's share: A $ 140,000 Date Ava. Now Source Budget c.) If User Fees are to be charged indicate: Anticipated annual revenue Type(s) of fee(s) d.) Cost factors: Project Project Year Development Costs Operating Costs 1st $ 220,000 2nd 110,000 3rd 120,000 30,000 yr. 4th 30,000 yr. 5th 302000 yr. 6th 30,000 yr. Total anticipated project development cost $ 450„000 e. ) Type of interest in site to be held by applicant: Fee simple Less than fee simple (specify) f.) Description on all legal rights to be held by applicant and any other person or organization. ,FOR ACQUISITION ONLY g.) Parcels To Be Acquired: PARCEL ESTIMATED NUMBER OF ESTIMATED METHOD OF APPROX. TOTAL NUMBER ACRES VALUE BUILDINGS VALUE ACQUISITION ACQUISITION • TOTAL ESTIMATED VALUE $ h.) Has any interest in this site been obtained to date by the applicant? Yes If yes, what interest when obtained No i.) Does the applicant, hold an option on the property? Yes I-1 No L.___1 Option prit:(, Jun cl,1to FOR DEVELOPMENT ONLY j . ) List the names of organizations which will undertake the development and des- cribe how this will be performed. City of Renton is assuming the sole responsibility for the development of the proposed project. No other organizations are involved. This will be done -h.) Identify phases indicated: Beginning C ,pletion Estimated Date Date Cost Site Planning A rchi tect's fees 3/66 6/69 $ 28,326 Contruction Planning Site preparation 3/66 6/69 212,990 Contruction 3/66 6/69 208,684 State administrative surcharge 2,250 • 5. PLANNING a.) Is there a continuing comprehensive planning porgram for the entire urban area? [x fe s r-INo Name of Planning organization City of Renton Planning Department r • b. ) Does this proposed project conform to the land use element of the e comprehensive plan? x lYes I._. INo c.) What priority does this project have in the plan and/or the Capital Improvement Program A THE FOLLOWING ATTACHMENTS ARE NOT REQUIRED UNTIL NOTIFIED BY IAC. 6. ATTACHMENTS a. Attach a written opinion of the applicant's established legal officer or advisor citing statutory or other legal authority relied upon authorizing the applicant to: (1) acquire or improve public outdoor recreation land and undertake planning activities incident thereto; (2) receive and expend the funds involved for the purposes described; (3) accomplish the objectives given in the project proposal; and (4) commit the applicant to statements made in the proposal. b. A certified statement by applicant's chief fiscal officer indicating the applicant's share is now available and in what account. c. Attach copy of resolution adopted by local governing body authorizing .1,:;:: uest for financial assistance through the IAC. d. Attach justification as to why the applying agency is best suited to undertake this project and include detailed plans for operation and maintenance. e. Legal description 'of project. f. Aerial photograph cutout of site (USCA or SCSI preferred) . g. Photographs showing salient features of site, indicating camera location. h. Agreements or arrangements made with other organizations for participating in the project, or in later operation and maintenance of the completed project. 1. Al lm:h :;nc•li lior Ink iii,illon ,i:; will (motile I.he Uonunitluc to boiler �iu►lyrc the project or will clarify gnu;wer.; to questions contained in this form. 2. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION (d) Uses or Activities :,ace Requi resaonts (Acres) Buildings 14 acre Picnic area 6 acres Boat 1aaunching 80 front ft. .. • . .. .7.- , ..?-' ',... 41,04b4.11°.*46 2 7,i-,,•:- .o.o • • ir.--. 12. •?/31''' /1 7-‹.-6 • . ,: .._. :;:',1:: .• 10;0444 •111 0.44 12.- : 114) ,, . . , _._.. ,,e4 ,/ 4,-z--2 61 pli./11 . .. . 1.' -7-0 il ' PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION GRANT-IN-AID ASSISTANCE TO • ..• . . STATE OF WASHINGTON - INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION •• . 1018 East Union Avenue, Olympia, Wa shington 98501- • . . . . . FOR IAC USE . .. . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . • . IAC 'No. . ' Preliminary, Application , •• . , , . .. . . • . . . Reviewed by ' Final Application • - -— . . . . ., . . • ASSURANCE is hereby given that the following information concerning the project herein . ' • . .described is presented to the best ability of the_applicant„ and that all applicable pro- . , .. visions of Federal , state and local statutes h,}ve been complied with'. ' ' . • • , . . . . • •. A*et 0, r 1 i i./..,-e,•., ,.. ,..,. ,-. , .. _........„.. . • IDate: (veto?' By 0. W. Custertileypr Z../ f' 1.-' G - : • - - . ,- . . , „ . , . . (Name and title of officer applying) . . . .. . . , -. •• ATTEST: By_ Helmie Nelson„ City Clork ) 79/f-' 1 -)L (Chiet clerk or legal officer of applicant agency) • . . . . • .. . . . . . . • . ' ' • •. .. . ' . . . :. . . . . •_ .. • • , • •• 1. IDENTIFICATION OF APPLICANT . • c. Person to whom 'inquiries concerning . • :.- • • , . , ..• application should be directed. . . . •• ' .. a. Leal Name . 1.. Name Gone L. Coulon ,• . • • • . , - City of Renton • . • 2 . Title Director of Perks & Recreation • • . , b. Mailing Address , • . ' 3. Address Rm, 109, City Hall • •• . City Hall • . Renton, Washington 98055 .- . . ,- • .' • Penton, Washington 98055 4 . Phone No. AL 5-3464, Ext. 43 . ., . • , . . . . ' . . • - . •. . - .. 2. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION . . , . ' • . : . • • • . . . . . . . .. - a.) Project ,Title Lake Washington Beach Park .' . ., • . . . • , • . • .. • . . • • ,. • • ' . . ' .. : •,b.) Brief Description ot Project'. • ' ' ' ' ' .Iho project proposal im . to develop an existing 22.3 acre undeveloped waterfront area • .-• :including approximately 1 ,100 feet of waterfront located on Lake Washington within . .... the city limits of Renton, King County, Washington. This development project will be : • accomplished in three stages. Development of outdoor recreation facilities will ' in- • . - elude a boat launching site with parking for 500 vehicles and vehicles with boat . . : .i .• trailers, beach and swimming area with a bathhouse, picnic areas with kitchens, shelter, .., . • and comfort stations, water skiing area, play equipment for pre-school and elementary • school age children, game courts and open recreation areas for all age groups. The .' .• • - entire area will be landscaped. . - . • . - , o.). Beginning Pro et date. Saptember1.962.,....... rm.1 ing Project Date- juin_ 39,1.969_ . . ,,..., ....., • . . . , . . . . . . , . . • (t ,),:iii.j,,:i ol. i\, iiville.; :;1,,iee Pewiiieilielwi (N.H.:0 ' Hilitti • . . SAlivnird . • ., 7:3.91 1.71-P9togg. ..... .._. • .. .. ,„..... . . Beech area ( land) • 111 OCr011 ALI provl mud y ' . . • Ploy areas 11/4 acres submitted in . TT l pans. Game courts • .2 acre . . --- ' ' • •• - . Open•area . -2 acres • . . ' . •• -Purimi-g- . 5 acres-s • ., • .. • --- . • Shrubbery & landscaped 14 nr rn • f.) Acres: In site covered by this application_ 22.3 Total acres of entire area or park 22.3 g.') Service area population 1967 - 6O,000 19.85 - 1392000 h,) Attach: Map showing site in relation to total service area and designate other existing recreation areas. i.) Attach: Site pl,in showing proposed development. • J.) List other agencies or.groups consulted (luring the formulation of this proposal. ;.- Included as a part of Renton°s Comprehensive Plan Planning Department, City Counci 1 commi t tees. 3. SITE CHARACTERISTICS Exi sting a,) Check one: New site Li Addition to existing site rl ' b.) Location : Sectibn— 5 Twp 23 ` Range 5 _ County King _ Town Renton Town population 23,500 Miles from nearest townWithin city limits • c.) Cover: Acres in: 'Developed land Forest Rock Grass Desert Water Cutover Other (specify) d.) Topography: Acres in: I,lat_22 e3 _ Rolling Hilly — Mountains e. ) Roadfront: Feet on: Dirt �'rravel Paved6O° access right-of-way which front on a paved highway. f.) Waterfront: Name of body of water _ Lake _Washington Waterfront footage 1,100° g.) Present Use of Area None, except limited use by sailing beats 4. FINANCIAL ANDi,i ;Al, 0 a: ) 'I:;.;tInlakil oI Ih1H ,(pI,I1(•allon An,(Iiilttlll(m .. ' I sovololrii ent Total $ 450,000� _ b.) Applicant's share: Ai'_ S 11408,000 ' Date Ava`' _ " Now , Source Budget; - - c.) If User hees are to be charged indicate: Anticipated annual revenue . Type(s) of fee(s) • . d.) ;Cost factors: - , . Project Project ' ' Year ' . Development Costs Operating Costs . 1st $ 220,000 --- . • ' 2nd 110,000 . 4 C}1 ___•�__ ..________.,�_ €�000 S9 Pe stll _�. -- 30900(0 yr ' 6 t}�-_ «_... - - ---30,0Qo y r ' Total anticipated project development cost_1 450p000 • ,e:) Type of interest in site to be held by applicant: . x • Fee simple Less than fee simple (specify) , ' . • • • f.) Description on „ill legal rights to be held by applicant and any other person or organization. ••FOR ACQUISITION ONLY g.) Parcels To Be Acquired: PARCEL 1 STlMA"rBD NUM[3F F2 OF ESTIMATED METHOD OF APPROX. _ TOTAL - NUMBER ACRES VALUE BUILDINGS VALUE ACQUISITION DATE OF VALUE' • ACQUISITION ' TOTAL ESTIMATED VALUE $ ' h.) Has any interest in this site been obtained to date by the applicant? . Yes If yes , what interest_ - when obtained No -: i.) Does the .111,1 i,.•ai',I hold ,ln 1,1)ti„11 nil Ilia irl•c,j1(grI y';' Yc :; ( -1 NJc; l II ' .( 1111Io11 pl i,'i' i,)-wi1,1I irdi ((oh 1''('�ll I`1J;Vl,:(,�.)1'�� I:i1'I' c ?N I,'. j . ) List the names 01 01i.).111iz ((roll. wtiipll will Linde' take the development and des- cribe.how this will be performed( . • ' I : City of Renton is as stoi ng the sole responsibility .for the development of the . 1 identity phases incaica_ted ,,? 1 Beginning •� Cc 1;etion Estimated •Date .ato Cost Site Planning Architect's fees __3L66 -- ___6/69 __�__ $ 28,326 Contruction Planning , . .Site preparation 3/66 _ • 6/69 212,990 • ' Contruction 3/66 • _ 6/69 _ 20€I,684 • ,State administrative surcharge 2,250 . S. PLANNING a.) Is there a continuing comprehensive planning porgram for the entire urban area? Yes -1No Name of Planning organization City of Renton PlanninLQeparr'tment b. ) Does this proposed project conform to the land use element. of the comprehensive, . plan? ' I.x !Yes 1 - No c. ) What'priority doe:; this project have in the plan and/or the: Capital Improvement l'rocrranr '� THE FOLLOWING ATTACHMENTS ARE NOT REQUIRED UNTIL NOTIFIED' BY IAC, ' ' '6. •ATTAC HM c N a. Attach a written opinion of the applicant's established legal officer or advisor citing statutory or other Iegal authority relied upon authorizing the applicant to: .. (I) acquire or improve public outdoor recreation land (Ind Undertake planning - activities" incident thereto; (2) receive and expend the funds involved for the' ' ' purposes des:.Hrihed; (3) accomplish the objectives given in the project proposal; :. ' ' ;;I and (4) commit the applicant to statements made in the proposal. • . ,' I '1 ... b. A certified statement by applicant's chief fiscal officer indicating the applicant's . share is now available and in what account. . - c. Attach copy of resolution adopted by local governing body authorizing r ,c.q;ue_:t'. for financial assistance through the IAC. . d. Attach justification as to why thu applying agency is best suited to undertake this project and include detailed plans for operation and maintenance:. , e. Legal description cat project. f.'Aerial photograph cutout of site (USCA or SCS , preferred) . • { eg, Photographs showing salient feature of site, indicating camera location, la. Agreements ot arrangements mode with other organizations tor participating in the project , or in later operation and maintenance cal the cunipleted project, . 1. Attach nut otti• r 1i1lornr,ilic'rr ,r:; will eIial,le thce r ;c,irrnrllle:c• to I„'lier ,irralyz the "project or will I,n II ,cn:,wc•i :, to acre,tticrn; c aril rin(;d in Ihi;; loan, . sic . . ' 2. PROJECT IDEPUT!FICATIOr4 • • (d) Uses or Activities Space Requirements (Acres) But1dings 4 acrc . . . Picnic area 6 acres Boat front t.. i i, ti U C+� p-e jP 7, l' \ I?icS ti Ri EC'?I': \'1'It/N 1D1;1';\ Pl'P Ili:: !'1`• 1.'p�,N'1'(D:�',\\',1ti111N(;`I O CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 b ALPINE: 5.3484 -PT r AURr CAPITAL U4 /// / � -�'� � . tt(//J0_64 August 8, l.967 . /-44.,.: 1111----'-' . . . . Mr. Einar H. Hendrickson' Administrator interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation 114 North Columbia , Olympia, Washington c,)G O1 Re: Lake Washington Beach Park Development Dear Mr: Hendrickson: • • . - C. il, c //5/Q'-_ 3 • We are hereby making application for matching monies for the second phase of the Lake Washington Beach Park Development. • As you will recall , the total cost of this development is estimated to be $450,000 and is planned to be accomplished • in three phases . The first phase has been previously ap proved and submitted by your agency, in the amount of $220,000. The second phase development amounts to $110,000 and, s i-nce this is an area which is oriented to marine acti- • ' vity, we are requesting consideration of not only federal ' . matching funds but state funds connected with Initiative 215. The City has matching funds available at this time for this second phase. • Inasmuch as we have previously submitted all necessary in- formation and document, including preliminary site plan and development plan, these are not accompanying this present • application. Any information that is not contained herein wi 11 be in our file in the: previous submittal . . Your consideration of this application will be sincerely appreciated. Yours truly, Gene 1.. . Coulon enc• I Director k • { I • [ / ( June 1 , 1967 Mayor P W. Custer and Members of the City Council Penton, Washington rienticmci: Submitted herewith for Council action are the Project Agreement and the Project Proposal - Assurances with the Washington State Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation for the development of Lake Washington Beach Park . Council authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk's signatures are needed in order for the City to proceed with rilase 1 of the i-roject. The Project Proposal - Assurances is identical to the one signed by the Mayor and City Clerk on January 24, 1966 and, with two ex- ceptions, the Project Agreement is the same as the one signed by the Mayor and City Clerk on Septeaber 22, 1966. These exceptions are: ( 1) The amounts of money involved hove increased in that Phase 1 of the Project has been enlarged. In the original Agreement, the City was to appropriate $55,000 and the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation $55,000, making a total of $110,000. In this Agreement, the City is to appropriate $e2,500„ the Interagency Committee of Washington State $27,500, and the Bureau of Out- door r-ecreation $110,000, making a total $220,000 for the be- ginnin development. (2) Section 5, paragraph f(iv) has been deleted and this elimi - nates the need for the contractor to submit a weekly wage payment statement. Resoectfully submitted, Gene L. Coulon att. 2 Director cc: G .M. heflan Ai PROTECT AGREEMENT G ' '� l&). wt THIS `CONTRAC•T_'.agreed upon by and between ty:.of Renton,ttashingtorb w {' .' (herein called the."Contractor',')".and the 4, 7, • ; ::�washington State Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation'.(herein,called.the-."State"; '_-.' : <,Qrakie " C"), WITNESSETH..THAT° f, . . y,,WHEREAS` the State, pursuant to Chapter 12, Laws of,19,63,. Ex:; Sess, (Referendum ,Bill No°''11 adopted and ratified;`b vote of the people at the'State.Gene al ,, Y P Px "November, 3.‘,/ 1964), and the Marine Recreation Land Act of 1964, 'Chapter 5, Laws.o ' 196. (Initiative Measure No. 212;5', passed by vote of the,people,at the State 'General ,.,, "'. Electi.on ''November 3, 1964), has undertaken a program, assisting in the development and Improvement of outdoor recreation lands, which is expected to be Partially financed ender the Federal Land and Water,.Conservation Fund Program; - WHERE the Contractor desires financial assistance in-..connection with'ar1 out door recreation project (Project,No, _ ), which project has' been•approved bythe' State„and found to be eligible for''allocation of funds a 'WHEREAS, Federal assistance from the Federal Land and Water Conservation:Fund : w• is conditioned,upon compliance by the State of certain,terms'and conditions,;:andassume=f tion by the State of certain responsibilities, the performance of which require'that_the State also impose certain'terms,':.conditions, and responsibilities'on recipients'of funding : assistance, ' . ,t. ` 41_ v .1•::,•.: .1• .`,',:Ark ' ,, 4 WHERE theparties hereto reco nize:that the undertakings • ' - ''!:• :��: g u ak gs of •the" Federal and State -' government and of the recipient With regard to this new program:.constitute,: In':;many'.re spects, pioneer efforts in intergovernmental relations and that:changes and adjustments • in this agreement are to be expected . 4 .. •A'• �r1l.i•''sr.•�, ,.. � ,t •I; ' NOW,' THEREFORE, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows:, ' efinitions _:', a.• The.term "BOR" as used,herein means the Bureau of Outdoor` Recreation;-,,E. - �-tTnited States Department of the Interior° • °' ' `. ba'":-The term "TAC"`as used herein means the"-State Interagency-,Committee for Outdoor Recreation c,,•'The.term "Director," as ,iised herein means the Director of the Bureau of •' Outdoor Recreation,. or any representative lawfully delegated the ' authority to act for such`,Director. <d. The term "Chairman" as .used herein means the Chairman of tho; Inter= ;:•, ' agency Committee for Outdoor Recreation o o. The term "Administrutoi 'c' as used herein means the Administrator of-thc `LL.' . '. • Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. v,. . 1 �f INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE ApplicC L City of Renton Washington FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION ._,� . Project Proposal - Assurances Project.:No. 1. Name and description of Project: (Same as appears on application) Lake Washington Beach Park 2. In submitting this Project Proposal the City of Renton ._� (herein referred to as the appl pant) HEREBY CERTIFIES AND ASSURES THAT: A. No financial assistance has been given or promised under any !other'Federal program or activity with regard to the proposed project. • B. The applicant has the ability and intention to finance its sh a of the costs of the project, ! C. ,All property or facilities acquired or developed under this ITogram sha'.1 operated in compliance with all requirements and regulati, his imposed by • or pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 3 CFR 17, as long as such property and facilities are used for purposes bf public out- door recr eat on, D, . The applicant accepts the obligation to comply with appliceible laws, rulas and regulations in effect at the time of the award and to the further terms and conditions of the Interagency Committee and of the Bpreau of Outdoor Recreation Manual in effect at the time of the award, • "`.. .,, 3.. Subject to the award of funds, with respect to project prop sets for the acqui. sition of interests in land and water, the applicant certifi s. that:. A. Property acquired will be placed in use as an outdoor creation facility and will be retained for such use in perpetuity or of rwise as provided an, agreed to in the project agreement; • Prior approval the Dire ctor of the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation and the Chairman of a IAC will be obtained before any other disposal is made of such propert . B. No uses of such property other than those describ d i,n the proposal will . . be permitted unlesa approved in advance by the Director and the Chairman, 4.-=Si b ect to the award of funds, with respect to pro ject'proposai-s"£or-dove1opme,:t S the appGlicant certifies that: A. The applicant has the intent and ability to finance the operation and main- tenance of the facility being developed, according to standards establish,--:( ' ,by the Director and the Chairman, for so long as it is required. The appil- cant may delegate these functions to its political subdivisions but the responsibility for their performance continues to lie with the applicant. Be. The applicant will supply development specifications and detailed plans to the Director and the Chairman for their approval before actual work is. otar-tod, when,regttoat©d°-lay tho•Director or the Chairman. CITY OF Rf NTOIV Signature y ATTEST: Actin (Seal) City Clerk: Title; Mayor Date, _ , 1,44VI f August 7, 1967 Mayor D. W. Custer, and Members of the City Council Renton, Washington Gentlemen: With reference to Mr. Harvey Cole's request for a floating restaurant in the Lake Washington Beach Park area, the Park Board considered this at their last meeting. Because it is anticipated that development of this area will start in the near future, and because the • inner harbor area wii l l be used for •swimming, boating, and other water activities, it is the Park Board's recanmendation that the request be denied. Respectfully, Gene L. Coulon Di rector • � )-1A 'dRN RAILWAY MANY '<"'1, 5 1 t - � I: I 1 1:,•�/ ff..:I'AR I MEN T' , P.: • 40.: 1::!:t N F,,,_3T vF...:1T"i'L_. 1:,...,1IIP10.`��J 90101 N;:,trd <-19CJ .... ., .,CLAMS A. Et::s: RT, - `4fC�tE,L`l c:,..c1 /" a 'ti c,::':�'ta>_nna^_E_t.4;YID H,79T `�'.�f�.-�-�/ /✓ , 1 ,,' .'V.K....,,ODROW f...., TAYLQR, ,,,,,,,z;4. .-- (7/--s-/ge/ - R>.,, rdr orf:c: N.L. JR rds:3 �GEirv' �(/ 'r G QIZGI: C INMAN. JR, - • L,./t n M-1ehNC.v - - - .. , • T,:1�,:1;.:3 C CLi' -1,i.._ jI? rini„!Y (.:,:Il'r:'.. �.. '' `, City ar t1:. riffs; a t. 12', 1 ..o'i, v.1--1,11‘ 1 ,! : ,,` t?;.“1 - •, • '_1t•ionttIg11 ._i' 'ti_.. _ ... :111 - In, ''..?' .:1.:1:1= Gentlemen: (',. . ': n p1,,-��t. 1_ e ..i-e.tl�! ,_i: .. _ i:'_ city I enclose hcrowith ili?: o � h L ' In ;r..tm1?11CC1.1Crr.i. to Lie r, _1' i?+. ._Ji I n i ' 1 r,�, '' t_ ci::iC�� It .0 ,1.1i1 l.�">., �,_d a issued J.il:=' l... tJC]1'111Q, ' .LU11 ' i. -il .".i . c,, 1:1'' .. 1 1 1, 1.1 n'i 1 �' .. •',. t yu� I'.� �i _•t•, ';:� i. 1.J r:, 1�� L"icy ..�.cj .�}�,1ar t:•tr�c.:ke a t 1,C:1YLk1 k,.-_,P, I.,il. till .'10,.::1?1.'I!l `I11. ,l.:i ,l_:i`i It„Pl ; !r 4.,(' �' _ t.. :tl tiZ i.�:v'L1 a t:i1c r:1 ;:,y1-;:i Cf.)17::t r',1 1 110.+.. i:k1,_• r ,, illI 1.i tilt...) cU1;.7.1111,:i C1t? c)c' 1 C' 40'1.11iL 'VC" t,`.1'. l'111111.1. ;11i:t1 i'1•' l.61. 1. .11. 1. C(`111lk° ;i ,',;10.1;11.'Ctl.l!1Ut.. 11;,i(JJ" Of, :IA:L:3 , li. - 'Ly 'f .1r, ';I, tL i.t: till ,.11. '•r. .. 1_ 1:a,y al , ,. .,.(.1.vt. 1 U1 to t::i(1 r ' 1 »' ' • A new (."--JedC,1.11.t have been :issued in lieu O_' the r•i off., , i s:.;' '.. - n cne but y 1.1? : } you 'J . �a-.1.vi5'cC't t:: that. the city £cco dCd the other 7 'Lours truly, .. • • • '' . i'�,t, ,7i.. ' i' • • !• 1/ E; ; ; _ - a ' :i.,Sl'.11;`U'.'d I1, Taylor - ' - 1LL .. , `'l tt1 ir' - , Rri;i' ' ''' ' , Lt.1 r 1.1r. ii. 1. .,i1` 1.. 1 ,l1"1 ;q • , , - .. ' . it,,, ,i.i .i. ... „ - • . .- .. v . . ,• .... �1_, Gi"' ..C, .. ._ .� ;gip I it ). '•1/•,. :.'• ....(t flMir.,,�' JY,.e. 4 ' ' 3,, ,'yea.•- 1 •. 1.1 : ., f '.r..5' ,S`;{,'o:'ti:7S^'f -!:1, -Y-. _ _. . _ „ry.....,.• t , , • • • �4. • I ' . . . / -, (,) ,A. lig'04,,,,,:--, . 3-` ... ' ': , -,--- • - GRE1, \IORTHERN RAILWAY COMPAN, ,' .5/1/Z1) -7 •-,-,$,!,,,,.•.,.;,, - ..--:!--•!••,4....-..1-70. : • - -• -,s, I' LAW DEPARTMENT 404 UNION STREET SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98101 MAIN 4-1000 . CLARK A. ECKART, V.11-011,1 C. 1/2C . R. PAUL TJOESEM. GENE:AL ATTOTINZIN LIN=ef asr --i Z/ J4e,61/ 2 ,. Incoprzow L. TAYLOR, }/7/1.1b --- .44-7 - * * July 21., 1967 . LAWRENCE D. SiLIEIRNALE. r.v.=-Arsrr CENVVI.ATFORNEIY0 ' GEORGE ATTORNEN . 1;, •:' '''i''. . Parks & Recreation Department • , • '$,-•:••,,?,•,,,, . •,11,, , , City of Renton ' ,,,,,, H‘4:,,,,;•., . -,•,.,,:-,:,:c., City Hall • .. !,,,,,,;,...,,,,;,;) :, :, ,,-,•:•1.•,•,,-! 'Renton, . vgashington • 9805'3 , , , ,••,, ...v:,;?i: . • ..., ,r,- :-..i,, ,,. . . • ,.:1, ,.il.,;:l Attention ' Gene L. CoUlons DirectOr • . 't• ..,:(;:-;. - . . . Gentlemen: , . . • .. 1,-,:::`,:.,ii !1', • • : ' . ., r•c•;,,;ykii . . „,• •,,,,:ili • :. r•:••-• •,4:,.•;;;• • Pursuant to the request of the city 1 enclose herewithL • . • t:.,,,-";:i.,, an amendment to the easement dated June 14, 1967, issued in - ' v::0.,, ,•:,;.., ••• ' . ,,,:,•:.,;,,-,T1,-,,, connection with •the city' s crossing of the Boeing spur track , - ;;-!,-,i •1•.;;,,';1, • ,.' at north Renton. This amendment is issued to alleviate the ,,,•, .n.•:,!;,,,,,,, city concern that the ri,yht to the continuance of the crosping ',!'i,(• .:,-;,'!; 1'might be extinguished by the railroad' s, subsequent usa Of itri ' • J,!•/1.,•il ';41 , . . q ,,••,.. ,...,.. . . ;•• 1;,..,•,,,.- property pursuant CO the suLiexior rights reserved unto itself. . ' ,,;,.:,•,,,_: ,, • P.;•, •:.;i;;'•;Ji •. .. , . , i,; •,; •,1••*,:,,,,,i . • A new deed would have been issued in lieu of the prior ' rr,..:?. •i'J', • „ i•,,i., ,•-•: ...1,-, • one but you have advised me that the city recorded the other . ... • easement. . . . Ri',:.:',44,:, $,i, ..,..,,,••,. • • . ,....•,,.•„.6.,f,,. • . . : . . • . !ours truly, • . . . .,!,-.'',,,,Ii,v.;,•, . , . . / • • t' - .!•;•,,• / /,----, ; ,, , .. ,:: • • , , •i. - • Or//1--z`-,:-(.t.ilz( d (A"'4.:. • "(14(< -- 1,', ,.., L.i: • ' . i7,:" '''',.; Yi0OCir OW L. Taylor - • --- m:,1 va.i.r: fr '•••••••'1. • ,..0:! , • , . . cc: Mr. G. M. Inclan . . . • .. • x,, ,,-, . .,.. . •. . , , Mr. .t. M. Boyd • ,- ' ?';,i',..:.'•,. .•:`, 1 • , Mr. C. A. Eckart , • • ':•:''.• j'',(:''', . , • , V-1- )(2/) . %. • • .' . : ,) A je .\( /'.)''' . , . -- ,- / . t, 6-I f ,.)15 ' • ,,,, ., ' - , . ,. • , ...— . 4 kAlocrlicin • . .. . ,.,„,.•,,„ ,1 . ,,. :1,:' ‘:;'•,;, • • . .1:'' , ;;' 7;7777.;:17-,,,77:77 7,77;'''';ctfr.,•:'71'•!'.' '"''''''''T ••"'- '''•;.-7.:'''.1.;!*-7,.:krP,,,.,,...,.7 177'9,7,:•`!'•'''''''''1'-.7,;:;-:,":7"..p7,7-17Tir7T..?'7'g-71"' 7:::,`Tr77,7,777777:1Nr17-q5"7,773,;:',7;!,--'''';' :•! '..t I,, .;Y..",. , , : :-7,,,fN,',,' ,,.,t, ., ..,.. , ,.,,;:, .%:. ,•'., , =:' ,,.;•, ..' ... ,.. ,.;':,-*.;:. .! !'..0.".'' ,,,1 ..': • ,;,, • ;..; ;,.:. • , .:i—, ;1.,):: ,',- -, 1 ', '., ' .• . ,;. ' ', '..-1.: ;-,•,•, . . ,;.' ?,..:.-.', ..' '': ! • ",;•,';• i?t:j;„•';', st..'r, • • ' 1 :' . ' :• )",.. :.;-,.•:',:•,'''-`: -,;, r'•.':.: `. ';',''., ' ' Ai ). • . . :.'" !,..•''' ' 'L. • ' ,' ;' ,'•;• ' ''':'' ' ''' •,' !•'''. •' ' " ' ,:,''..) -,•: ':, ... . . . „ •. • ... .. • , ., ,, . , . , "•,.•• '. , --. •• . ., ; . . . ..... .,,•,, •1' •• .y,., ;, , •. . , . • . .• .• - . .::,:,. • -'•, .1!;:i!`:,Ii:. . . •. • . - .. .x•-• . .. , ,._:,_ . '7"--,...--,...„_)-.'• ... ---'4,, e -, , • •• • ,<'• .6,, \,, . .,,,,_ • - - . • . .. . A ' . . , , .• • : , . . . . ' . . . . . . . . • , ,,, .. . . ' . . .. ' • , . .. • . . • ' AMENDMENT TO EASEMENT ' . . . . . wHEREAS, the Grantor, PACIFIC COAST R. R. CO. , a Washington . . • corporation, did by instrument dated June 14, 1967, grant to the City of Renton, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, .. . _ an easement for highway purposes over, upon, and across its right . . .,. . . • of way located in Lots 46 through 51 of Block 361 of C. D. Hillman's .. . . . . • Lake Washington Garden of Eden Addition to the City of Seattle, , . . _ . Division No. 5, , according to plat thereof recorded in ,volume 11 . . of plats at page 83; and . . . . . . . . WHEREAS, said easement was recorded in volume 4955 of . _ . • • , .. deeds at page 366, records of King County, Washington; and WHEREAS, the Grantor desires to clarify and amend the grant . _ . . -, contained in paragraph I thereof; now therefore, , . . . • • . Paragraph I of the above described easement is hereby . . . . amended by adding thereto the following sentence: _ • . . . . . . • , '• _ " The rights reserved to the Grantor shall not be • , . . exercised in a manner inconsistent with the grant . - . . . herein made to the Grantee. " . • . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . - - . • - . Except as herein amended, said easement shall remain ,. . . . . . . : unchanged. . . . • • . . . . . • _ . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused its 'corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and these presents to be executed: . -. . .. • /7% - -7-7--- /- • • ' •,•' • • by its duly authorized officers, this .,,2-4±-,--- day. of ,.:,./ 1_,-._. / •\.,7 . . . - / -. , • . - . 1967. . .. , .. . , • . . . . . . .. . . . , . . , . . . , . . . . . . • , . , PACIFIC COAST R. . R. CO.' :-' i - •, - . . •. - ' - . . , . . . . . . .. , . . „ . . . . . , , . - -- • . . . ..• . • - . . . .. - . - . . - . . • . • . . . . , • , • . . • . . . . . , . . , . . ., res ' ent .. : :. '• ,- . . .. . ' . . • , 111_ . • ' . • . . . . . • . . , .. . . . . , . . • . , : , . ,,-,. • • . .--.• ' - Attest: ,r....._ .--:- - r,....A--- ' t<.?' -- /j-d---t:/\/'--.-',,---' • L; - - • • Secretary .- ,, ..• . , STATE OF WASHINGTON ' .),. : e —.. , . ... . , ..-• ) .,'-s' s '.. • j.. ,,-. :,---: .i• .,.. `.....-'':.-::: ,--: '• -':,,. .: . -'::::‘,: : .:.:.:-',;,:-.'He'- •:-.. e ', '''.:•-•' . County of• King -':-,,' - :-,,, • ) . ...': - •.-;•:, •-, ,'. .--, ,'. 2.';..-': 1,:.,„-.,.: E.-, •,•-:'.';,-,:': ''..':,:::.„ - :,,''- ',--:-''.'' '' '..--.,:,• 2 - • . . .. ,, .., ,• — . . .. . _. , . , .. . , • -, , , ''..., -.---- '',.. -.. On this ,day' persona1,1y ap:peareet1?pfote rne,:i.-.a, not-,:ary-, public ...•...r-,._-, , r. -,,,' : ,- :„ ,, in 'arid ..f.'or - thd Stat,,o,/bf-. vitashintoni . .clark. ;A ckart and 13,,;;.:.•pan;L:;:: . , . ... . . • ' V. -...-- , .. . .. i,:' • .. . ..- , .--, . ,:.'.,":', .„.•! .,;:.,..--;- -.:.:-,,.::.-7i..'.„..i-- ,• ... . L . __. . ....,... . .. . , . _ .. . \ _..-. - . . , . . . _ , . . • . .. . _ ... _ ,. . . . , .,. . . •_ . . , , • . . , • •. - \• Tjossem, to me known to be the president and secretary, respectively, of Pacific Coast R. R. Co. , the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument, and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed this doy of 1-967 - • Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle • • • • • • • • • i it� ','',T. P>, ,yr: i , II r" i" • r •1• sr- ir ' r'. t"rt5"` n1 ^ " IL': r 1t p rr +r1, i At• ,'YY'.:I 11 i, :, ti , - G.. r tl ' • t I li; '3'. ' ' d P.J1ti '11,y i sq Y 6.�r`p 9 �G a ' • :J i . .t• u! . r ,,i 1 f .. r F r F 'l • • • 4, .• ,,,,,,..,.:,.,•,..,,,„..,,..,„„,,,..., .,.....„.......,,,,,„,.,....,„...,.,.... ..,,,...,,,•....,., ., .,,..,:,•,:„.3......,,•, :,...i..,.....;, ., , ,..• .: :-,_,,,.,..::.-i•-••,,,,,;,1•...;;;,...,-,„•,.. .. •,.,,,,,,.,.".„,,, ,•_,.•".,,..,, ,,,•:,'.-A 7...-„'',',L„:;5:,'•i,'.::, .. ,;f.,,,,,1.--•:..!,-,,,'',:,..,t,. :,;!. ,_,'..,.; f ,•.,,-,:,,,•.:;..•.,...,,,.,... i,'•°, ; ,..?; :, • ({: . I . r'i'll'1il„ /y �r I rP ..,r; :. +tM 'rr{.,1�I r,F+. b: l •;If - ' =' S!If_1 :L _:i r t- T :'•' i; jF, • ti r , i' Y, I`9�Lt! • ~r � r , " ,r, `1 ;ti' .pp��r � x'I 1.. B 4 Ik • a 4- p , :op.::: r . f" y ( i rj]]�{ 't ' YF ,ter' R� At * S _ 9i o: L � ,]1 1' j^!, f " M ' ' �a�4 d'k.-..1Ir'r l i •• • al tt le* •1u� i (`� 1' • • 'Yl fi� h � 1' � �l t + n rr'' t - q� l E9 M1 �. • � �•• �ty ,f' '3,1 :,it 'L^ Y sr«r L1i�,is'b l � , } 1t , l �5 11 • • • Ptf .if', I'* :. �1 Th :. 1"i I y Si.. N^r _N4 i ;�S Y ¢�imoM 'Mro•,r. .,' r. ' ,li 'f =7x.yr: 7: ',d yBs. `t:l .r • , 31, I ,r ,! 't r - 11' `� �ii r r ' -,P.• T :`s „ _ 1.e a �' L Vi i. I, $ li . 't f r ,p- .'s�. � ile.,. a�:: iY l n� �:V :r . 4 : ,d { 'I 4. �n. sr F,f. J. , r 1�`I Ri : 'i' 9 ' 1r � ,t f: s'f.:1:. l,. -i, i "l'"'1 ^ ••'n _ y" • • y,•I. , ,1 a:' '� ' !r , , ry _ tt • • f •'r •• • Fp ^i, i • X D1, 'F r` 'I,i` e'j; 1" r r`.d,r 'r" 6I, ': `1, rr1' ' .. r ya�7 •.. 'S t1 i"n; ,14, ry.i' • /'{'.'il„ AI ti:•" .a. •I iy`. ;,. µa,;y !, r ., L'. r . :unl.'l' i;' `;+.y- .+:' V f'y.lrl 77, I t• f 1 7. �fl�.,• 1 1,'r.yrr.• V ^f i�l 4 r•1 ',aj; tv `�r . +f ! / ) 4,0 7 0/1--" July 10, 1967 • .. . tw.: ...'' Mayor D.W. Custer, �..� and' Members of the City Council Renton, Washington Re: Lake Washington Beach Park access road Gentlemen: Submitted, herewith for acceptance and execution by the City -i s Easement-R.W. 7146 (.W-15502) for public. access road to Lake .Washington Beach Park across the Northern Pacific Railway Company's Lake' Washington Bela Line. This has been checked by the City Attorney and the City Engineer. Respectfully, Gene L. Coulon Director att.. 2 `',1A*fig 10.,,,///!_ii ti- -'fit, (.2- ) pF R�, A.?) j i • , '7 146 . • 1 " C.) 4 Y4 1 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT•RENTON' WASHINGTON N� O ih o,� o CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 a ALPINE 5-3464 ART CAPITAL-CC June 1 , 1967 Mayor D. W. Custer and Members of the City Council , Renton, Washington Gentlemen: (`, /7-,6 . //y, —6 -7 Submitted herewith for Council action are the Project Agreement and the Project Proposal - Assurances with the Washington State Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation for the development of Lake Washington Beach Park. Council authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk's signatures are needed in order for the City to proceed with Phase 1 of the _ Project. The Project Proposal - Assurances is identical to the one signed by the Mayor and City Clerk on January 24, 1966 and, with two ex- ceptions, the Project Agreement is the same as the one signed by the Mayor and City Clerk on September 22, 1966. These exceptions are: ( 1) The amounts of money involved have increased in that Phase 1 of the Project has been enlarged. In the original Agreement, the City was to appropriate $55,000 and the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation $55,000, making a total of $110,000. In this Agreement, the City is to appropriate $82,500, the Interagency Committee of Washington State $27,500, and the Bureau of Out- door Recreation $110,000, making a total $220,000 for the be- ginning development. (2) Section 5, paragraph f(iv) has been deleted and this elimi - nates the need for the contractor to submit a weekly wage payment statement. Respectfully submitted, - - 1 `% �\yAN..i. %\)...VklYN.. Gene L. Coulon ' att. 2 Director r'31�1e3,�. ,: cc: G .M. She 11an off, 41 .?v, Ai \, JUN1867 ril CITY of ROHN Nc'� CLERK'S onCE ? p1ti • O v=� / /.F. U tt, `Z, PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT•RENTON,WASHINGTON a b a CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 0 ALPINE 5-3464 �9ysA( OF February 6, 1967 RT.cAPITAL Mayor D. W. Custer and Members of the City Council Renton, Washington Gentlemen: Submitted herewith for your consideration, approval and execution are: (1) Easement granted to the City of Renton by Puget Sound Power and Light Company for roadway and utility purposes in connection with the Lake Washington Beach Park. (2) Agreement between the City of Renton, the Pacific Coast Railroad Company and the Northern Pacific Railway Company, which relates to the access road, grade crossing, signal and certain work on Lake Washington Boulevard. The legal description of the easement from Puget Sound has been checked by the Engineering Department, as has the sketch submitted by the rail- roads which is attached to the agreement. These documents were submitted to the City Attorney for his comments. The questions he raised were: (A) That this was an agreement, not an easement. • Mr. Boggs of the Northern Pacific and Mr. Taylor of the Pacific Coast have stated that the agreement provides for their submit- ting easements to us and they have assured me that this will be done once the agreement is signed. (B) That the Pacific Coast Railroad indicated willingness to donate suf- ficient fill for raising the site. This was offered some time ago and the property from which the railroad was going to get the fill no longer belongs to them, therefore they cannot supply it. f' • 4 OF U ©G9 :, �i- / PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT•RENTON,WASHINGTON flCITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5.3464 CAPITAN- Page 2. Mayor and City Council February 6, 1967 (C) That the City should retain title to the signals'. I have attached hereto letter from Mr. Boggs of the Northern Pacific Railway Company stating that "the City shall own the signals." • Respectfully submitted, Gene L. Coulon, Director att. 3 • NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY • • • ' LAW DEPARTMENT DEAN H. EASTMAN Western Counsel • HAROLD G.BOGGS • 805 Central Building ROGER J.CROSBY Seattle,Washington 98104 ROBERT J.ALLERDICE • MAin 3-5560. . Assistant Wesfern Counsel • • February 1, 1967 . • Mr. Gene L. Coulon, Director Parks and Recreation Department City ,of Renton . Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Sir: • Confirming our telephone conversation today, I am authorized to advise that, as a part of the consideration for the City's execution of the agreement for crossing signals at the crossing to serve Lake Washington Beach Park on the Northern Pacific' s Lake Washington Belt Line, the Railway Company agrees that the City shall own the signals. Very truly yours, • HGB/fk . cc Mr. N. M. Lorentzsen . Mr. J. E. Hoving • N''d.i THERN PACIFIC RA! LWI-. . COMPANY. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 181 KING STREET J. E. HOVING ASST. CHIEF ENGINEER LINES WEST OF LIVINGSTON. MOST. - SEATTLE. WASH. 98104 - January 23, 1967 • Renton - 6 • Mr. Gene L. Coulon, Director Parks and Recreation Department City of Renton Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Sir: Enclosed in triplicate, for your further handling as to execution on the part of the City of Renton, is an agreement between the City of Renton, the Pacific Coast Railroad Company and the Northern Pacific. Railway Company covering a grade crossing at Northern Pacific Railway Company's Mile Post 3+5268 (Lake Washington Beach Park) on our Lake Washington Belt Line on the Tacoma llth Subdivision. The agreement has been executed on behalf of the Pacific Coast Railroad Company and the Northern Pacific Railway Company and after the appropriate signature has been placed for the City of Renton, will you please return the Northern Pacific Railway's copy and the Pacific Coast Railroad Company's copy to me for distribution on the part of the railroads. The Exhibit "A" sketch, which accompanies the agreement, has been corrected in accordance with your letter of January 18, 1967 and under separate cover I am forwarding a transparency of the corrected sketch for your use. • Yours very truly, Ass stant hief Engineer Rti1L:d j Encl. (3) cc: Woodrow L. Taylor, GN Harold G. Boggs, NP EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE, made this � ^ day of � � 1,4 , 196 , be- tween PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, a Washingt.r dorporalkon, herein. "Grantor", and THE CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation, herein called "Grantee", WITNESSETH: That in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) in hand paid, • receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the performance by Grantee of the covenants hereinafter set forth, Grantor hereby grants unto Grantee, without warranty of any kind, a right of way for roadway and related utility purposes over and across and following described land situated in the County of King, State of Washington, to wit: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Government Lot 1, Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian; thence North 88°51'05" West along the North line of said Section 8, the distance of 960.01 feet to the Northeast corner of the Shuffleton Steam Plant property; said corner being on the curving westerly boundary of the Northern Pacific Railway right of way of radius 1,388.68 feet from whence the center bears North 74°38'25', West; thence continuing North 88°51'05" West 56.32 feet; thence South 14°23'31" East 102.34 feet to a point on said westerly boundary of Northern Pacific Railway right of way, said point being on a curve of radius 1,388.68 feet from whence the center bears North 70°23'59" West; thence Northeasterly along said curving boundary an arc length of 102.78 feet more or less to the point of beginning. This easement is granted on the following terms and conditions: 1. Said roadway and related utilities shall be constructed and main- tained at the sole expense of the Grantee and in a good and workmanlike manner. 2. Grantee agrees to save and hold Grantor harmless from all loss or damage which may be due to the exercise by Grantee of the right herein granted and from all claims for such damage by whomsoever made and to indemnify Grantor for all such loss, damage and claims. 3. Grantor reserves the right to use said land for its own purposes in any way, and to grant rights in said land to others, not inconsistent with the right herein granted to Grantee, and Grantee hereby assumes all risk of loss or damage, including damage or injury to persons or to property, which may be suffered by Grantee resulting from Grantor's use of said land and any of its equipment thereon, whether said damage or injury be due to the negligence of Grantor, its servants or agents, or otherwise. 4. The rights hereby granted shall continue and be in force until such time as the Grantee shall permanently abandon the use of said roadway, at which time all rights herein granted shall cease and determine. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been executed by the parties hereto as of the day and year first above written. PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY By Manager-Distribution Attest:, % GRANTOR r7 / f. %G .� , v` % Secretary / GI \T1 1 f • STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. • COUNTY OF KING ) On this ., day of -rvc.t , 19G , before me personally appeared a.Q � - and , to me known to be and , respectively, of PUGE ET &OUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, the corporation tha executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and volun- tary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. Nota ublic in and for the State of Washington, residing at • . , • ' ^ • c- - . „ . . .c.-' • - .. . ../\- . . . , .. it-•-3, o44.z9 5.:, f"7: .,.:77.- -; 4 Cie 6-5 . : • '' c.„ Qj'\. • : , , c) ,/\ •, • ..... • •• .... , . . . 7 . / S' ' ......\, • . . ' %. ,•, \r . .. . . ....- Cs . I ./... . Al 47°,57'05"W 1 ' 2- 100.C20 • .i /'/\- / ,11 \ 1 • ....: - , - r, • ,c5'. yl4 0-1%, e;A •,.....S1-1 u„11,...1 4-y--- % ; . . 1 % 1,c / iiP6P6 Al . -...--\ - . i • ,0 vj, , .1 it, 37' , . ' 1 ---- ----.---r''.,,,, IA V •i . 1 p r-*. • , - . ' -------,----- ." • 1 ;L---'•--' '.------:""- ‘. . ...,. • ' . . . . .. . , . _ • . ' ''''' . • ‹.:, . o,, -• , . . • .. <2- . . '`4, • . . ...-- -------' V 02, G , ..._---- , -VrL( _ . ..; ....L.------J--7------.7.-- . . •- .. . . : 1 ' tneIGNIED OY , DATE .; . . EntAWN 11Y • . i 1 HORTON DENNIS & ASSOCIATES INC j E G 5 12.65' . CIIIC:KEO OY ( "../e'.1 (iviI Enc.-11,1001.s 01)(1 StiniuyOrS 0 ' ...r.vvioycl.) ny 11 v" 1 *,- / • i 1 1 , SE:Al II E., WASIIINGIC)N 1 1 , ^ .1 . 1 , I tas.-....a77-............,roa.......aram,reson,..,..................rewra..,....wra...n..x4.4.2c.xter,.........--2. r.aroml.....eatry-a,..- .P.,....--azz-vss...¢ . (7,7, 0 I DAT Zi I 4 CHANGE•0 APP:-'10VrID i DATO , :4,•••••..- -....-•! •••••-• -: LI I trcuvl."%tc"> •-•7. ,... _ • , • • • . •� . 6 //e t7 • *AGREEMENT made this v2(4 day of 1967; between the CITY OF RENTON, a Washington municipal corporation, hereinafter called City, NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, a Wisconsin corporation, hereinafter called Pacific Company, and PACIFIC COAST R. R. CO. , a Washington corporation, hereinafter called Coast Company, said railroad companies being sometimes here- ,/ 4nafter called the Railroads. . ��- J / . The .City desires a crossing at grade of the Pacific Company' s (! ' ", and the Coast Company' s rights of way and tracks in the location vl /i� ��/Y' shown on map marked Exhibit "A" of the District Engineer of the r/(/ ; ' 'I / Pacific Company, dated Office District Engineer of Pacific Company, 6 November 23, 1966, attached hereto and made a part hereof (said crossing hereinafter being referred to as the new crossing) ; and in conjunction therewith the City intends to raise the existing ' level of Lake Washington Boulevard, which in turn will require the raising of the Coast Company' s main line tracks where they . cross the same, as more particularly shown on Exhibit "A" (said crossing hereinafter being referred to as the existing crossing) . The Railroads have heretofore granted .to The Boeing Company a temporary crossing permit for the construction and use of a • crossing in substantially the same location as desired by the • City of Renton for the location of the new crossing, which crossing permit will expire on January 31, 1967. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual dependent promises hereinafter contained, the parties agree as follows: I. • . Each of the Railroads will provide an easement across its right of way for the new crossing free of charge to the City. II. The City and the Pacific Company agree as respects the new crossing over the Pacific Company' s right of way that the work to • 1 . • • be dond and the expenses to be borne will be as follows: • 1. WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY THE CITY OF RENTON AT THE • CITY' S EXPENSE: (a) Do whatever additional grading the City requires • as necessary for the approaches to the crossing and provide and maintain adequate drainage • under it. • (b) Provide asphalt paving for the entire crossing • of the Pacific Company' s right of way. 2. WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY THE PACIFIC COMPANY AT THE CITY'S SOLE EXPENSE: • (a) . Install approved type of automatic crossing signals at the crossing. (b) Rehabilitate the trackage after the installation of the crossing. (c) Install header and flangeway rail in the crossing. (d) Provide flagman necessitated by the construction of the rail crossing, the Pacific Company to be the sole judge as to the need for such item. 3. The Pacific Company shall be named as an additional insured in the public liability insurance policy which the City • agrees to carry, as respects .the construction, maintenance and use of said crossing. III. ' The City shall pay to the Pacific Company the actual annual cost of maintaining said crossing signal system. Such payment • shall be made within thirty (30) days after rendition of bill therefor. • IV. ' The City and the Coast Company agree as respects the new. and existing crossings over the Coast Company' s right of way that the work to be done and the expenses to be borne will be as follows: • • • 1. WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY THE CITY OF RENTON AT THE CITY'S EXPENSE: (a) Do whatever additional grading is required for the approaches to the new crossing on the - railroad right of- way. and provide .and maintain adequate drainage thereunder. • (b) Furnish all materials and perform all work ' necessary in connection with the raising of the level of Lake Washington Boulevard, as desired by the City, including raising the • level of the Coast Company' s right of way. (c) Provide asphalt paving for the, entire crossing of the Coast Company' s right of way at both . crossings. 2. WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY THE COAST COMPANY AT THE CITY' S SOLE EXPENSE: • (a) Install header and flange rails at both crossings. (b) Provide necessary flagging ' at both crossings • during construction. 3. WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY THE COAST COMPANY AT ITS • OWN. EXPENSE: • (a) Prepare tracks at both crossings for paving. (b) Raise its track across Lake Washington Boulevard to the revised level mutually agreed upon. 4. The Coast Company shall be named as an additional insured in the public liability insurance policy which the City agrees to carry, as respects the construction, maintenance and use of both of said crossings. • ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this 3 L?a.. • • agreement in triplicate the day and year first • above written. CITY OF RENTON • . / •:•(/("7; • Mayor • • By city Clerk NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY de if By - • VICE PRESIDENT 6 PACIFIC COAST R. R. CO. President • • • • 4 • z� i o I• � �r E r V V � � S2.OZ' CIO S`-17P.:7_;5'�? SZoE' /3 1 O1l SS3.?Jb' Oil79 ;YSdN W .7.00fO 0 4&/nfo0 ' :S J ::-' =)i ,.4;j6,4_44/141).,) July 10, 1967 Mayor €1 .W. Custer and Members of the City Council Renton, Washington Re: Lake Washington Beach Park access road Gentlemen: Submitted herewith for acceptance and execution by the City is Easement R.W. 7146 (W-15502) for public access road to Lake Washington Beach Park across the Northern Pacific Railway Company's Lake Washington Belt Line. This has been checked by the City Attorney and the City Engineer. Respectfully, Gene L. Coulon Director att. 2 ')1 )(1)1/6/4)? • )010. 0) ..4/ July 10, 1967 Helmie Nelson Gene Coulon Lake Washington Beach Park access road We have, this date submitted to the Mayor and City Councillor acceptance and execution Easement R.W. 7146 (W-15502) for public access road to Lake Wash- ington Beach Park across the Northern Pacific Rail- way Company's Lake Washington Belt Line. When this instrument is recorded, the Northern Pa- ci•ti c Rai l way Company would appreciate being advised as to the plat, folio, auditor's number, etc. • . , . • ' • . :". • , • 4/.:. .7., .. . . t ) . OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 0 RENTON,WASHINGTON ,,., _, . , POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-8678 • \._ GERARE) M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY • JOHN H. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY • I) 41/42 Junz 23, /967. • 'V) 'ilf • Of/ ... 741" I \ • fejp, / Mz. Gene L. Coulon 8ur.?..rintendent of Parka P.onten City nall • • . Ltanto ! iton 00055 ca!loment frma Pacific Ccaat . . R.R. Co - Lake Waohington ar.,.ach ................_—___—_—_—__ Dear Gene: \ We have received thio Liorning the unsigned proponed easement from NortboTn Pacilic Railway regarding access to Lake Wash- • ington Ocseh. Wc bc.lieve that thio eau ha approved an to form, Greet T{NI would refer to hnvz the eacczent road "for public strcet \ . aw.1 purposza incidcntal thereto". The consideration ahould \ be the customary \ . • . • I If you have any furthar qtastions in this matter° please let ' \ to know. \ . Oc mmai_n, . \ . Very truly'yourac, I / EIMIGAN,/ 131311..LAN 81..MIN / /7 /j // i/ / - 1 / / / L /" i . • / ,,, .1' • // ?, // ‘' • • . By Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney . GMS2hb. , Encl. - • . ec: Mayor Przeident of Council . City (Ilea L.,..-•- , . . . . , • •,,' 4,.0 iLP,.r.i usi'yjrz ire,A,Awi`c,,,Yi{ ,,L,9:P.ii_.,,,,:i:,,,,„„,, ,: ".: � w-15502' SKIENT - - R. 14. 7146 • • • 'The Grantor, NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, a Wisconsin corpora i • tion, hereinafter called Railway Company, for and in consideration of - ; One and No/100 Dollars ($1.00) , .'-I to it paid. and the agreements herein contained, does hereby ,ton gigrant to the CITY ; , ,OF RENTON, a municipal corporation of the State ofgr :, ea7.l.ed CI.ty. for ublic street nurposes including a grade l .an easement to use p1 crossing over the Railway Company's track and for no other purposes, the fol:- - : lowing described premises situated in King County, State of Washington:,. .-, Eli' .:. . ' ,:'., _ :,: '•'..• •' : ll•) • That portion of- Government Lot, laccording o Section no8 and he re at poedrtion at • ' •;:: ,:,:.,. ',. , ''''I CA • of. Lake co e,Tashington Shore Lands, g r..f thereof, lying westerly'-of Government hot 4 of Section. 5 and . � Government Lot 1 of said. ,Section 8, Township 23 North, Range • ' 5 East, [v.M., indicated in Red color on Railway Company's map , - i ,. 69-25, dated November 23, 1966, revised'numbered A.C.i Folior s • - .. Ida; 1, 1967 :end. identified as Ki hebit "An at ached hereto and' - made a part hereof. '; ',;:.J,iubli 'UT( express condi•tion3: . " can file ire This easement i.s made subject to the following - Vatilt. - I , _ • :The rights hereby granted are subject, 'however, to such use of the - . _ wish to make not inconsist= : "± above described premises as the Railway Company Y :. - ..'. rent with the grant hereby made and to permits,.• leases and licenses heretofore. ; : granted by the Railway Company across, along or said premises. ,- • The Railway Company reserves the right to maintain, reconstruct and`'' relocate its existing track and to cnmstruct, maintain, reconstructit and .nd relo- ',, :;'. cate such additional tracks as it may deem necessary _ " • any, other use of said premises not inconsistent with the grant hereby made., III • person or company permission to con- _ - -� The City shall notprant to any - - • struct or maintain any public or private utilities' or facilities on any portion of said premises, the Railway Company hereby reserving to itself the right to grant such permits provided such utilities or facilities are so located as not to interfere with the use of said street for public travel.. a/tie. • °� �ilPrtrhe in . •' _; It is understood that the details o constrautomauction ic of sigd nals, de crossing and appurtenant facilities, including maintenance of said signals shall be covered by a seperate agreement be- tween the City of Renton and Pacific Coast Railroad Company and Northern - Pacific Railway Company. V • ' ,, .In the event, that said premises shall at any time cease to be used. operation of law 'or otherwise become - . : . by. the nulale'c.ta�s ?f .stxeet,or shall by p� . : .. • vac��ted; or,'-stbandonOd', the"permission hereby granted shall immediately cease. i .`. _ ' 'w • 'f da.T of }S -;'Date'a is •% t J J `` l� {{ „ NORTIFRN PACIFIC .RAILWAY COMP '10 .: ti • CIT " dTPN By . ' V' �j .i ..i.., .�sa-,gyp \f ,_=, rilyj • - •�• � �.r T r ....tea.+„+.-:.:t ,,,,,, ,,,.. :,,,,,,, • .•,.,,... m ,,off, ' eo,ry 4ic) %`y v o"1.4955 PACE G44 I _. ,‘. ! : , , - [1::. , : „ , q . , , , ,,', ' ' :',::,... STATE OF AMPT ESOTA ) ... PiA ( ss ;;: County of j' Ramsey ) Jy it #`: ,j On this ,/ .� - .�day of , ' , 19 61 ,' before me per- sonally appeared E. B. STANT*"' , to me known to be a Vice i President,, and /743-14 y! J Sq.._ ,( ,,L- , to me known to be ASSISTANT , Secretary of the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, ;i ;�� and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of 3� " ' said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath i stated that they viere authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal ,5 ' y 'affix©d is the corporate seal of said corporation. r (F,,i '- ' '' In ,.dit.ness iRiereof, I have hereunto set my hand' and affixed my o--` .14 .?',- fic.i,a1 sPa1 the day and year last above written. ''�0..'""ris, J. W, THAYER i ,.° `, ' . '', tent Public, Ramsey Co Minn. +! ' c'. -\,„.t,.; : t'n �, ,_.e Y Commission Expires Nov. 17!• 1971 iii ry4i.,', i 'i 9 ti 0 8I ue- rwn II On file in _ Vault, 7 �4t . to 41 ,d for Record I I';Ig67 /0.M: .. Request of CITY LERK ROBERT A. MORRIS, County Auditor ...__ _ . . . .•:,.. .. • :1 ---7-- •---„,- ACIFIC COAST R. R. CO. i!!:::::-••:.::::f R. M. BOYD. LAND St TAX AGENT . ,.... -,.., 4.04 U ON STREET-SEATTLE. WASH., 98101 ,... . —. 1 Seattle, Washington , '.;., 1 ? June 15, 1967. ..•:::(...;,,, • ':i.,. ..• . Vi \ l&jr(j11)Renton, Wash. -P.C.#219 () I I • :.f;,.3::,... _ . . _ . . :.:• ' '' ': / . • Mrs. Helmie Nelson, City Clerk It.. -,,,•:; City of Renton Room 104, City Hall • Renton, Washington 98055 , . . . _. . . . _ . . . . . . _ • Dear Madam: . .. , . . , . , • Enclosed is an easement dated June 14, 1967 from Pacific Coast R. R. Co. to the City of Renton, for a highway crossing of the . Boeing Spur Track at North Renton to provide access to the City Park. .,:,:,•,,,:-, ,,,i . , . „•,,'-}"I . Provision for this grant of easement was made in the agreement :;:•!,• ••• .': • executed on February 21, 1967 on behalf of the City of Renton, Northern lf,-.:1'N','; Pacific Railway Company and Pacific Coast R. R. Co., covering tqe -. .. _ .-. placing of the grade crossings and installation of automatic grade crossing signals. .' . i,..",•:', Yours very truly, /// -, ,• ----) ..--• (.1. ;:,•.1!, ',:.!:!.1 --•-• 2' . . , . • k.,. , . . . . l Encl. .f; , ,.....21 . . . !':1::4•,i:er:: • • ; q:-.i,,:;i, ,.:;`:'".'• . ::;•,''.i•::':. : • ••• ,:.:'.,;::i' • ,:.:•!., ,,,,; •:: .:;'.•:''.1 . . (je,.....:-.---)," • , .. . ., . • --(/' --(A 1 1 e'-e( ,1 1 /( . / .. ,./ ,. . ,. . .. : 1 i • . ., ( 'C f)/ (' /.,A•el'.' ' ' '6.1. ')'t(./KA„. , , f,/ I ., .. . . . .. . . .. ., • . . ., . . .. . ,. . . . . . . . •, ... , . . . . .. . , • • . ., .. ' .,. . , • , .:, ::i:::,,„,:.:.::H::.:;':.,::: 1. ' ' . . : •.....:, ...'H.1.• :',':. '.%.,:1,.::: . •.:. -• . . . ' . , ..,. ,„.„• , . „ , ,„ , , ,.. .... , ..,„ ,., , •• . . . . ' . : .:.::•...'•::.',,..:,'.' ,...'i:', :':;', I.,.. • •,;,„-,,I. ..,:, r 1' '.';' .'','. '';i:',i'i,' . ..'.." . ' ,. . ... . ��, ?, 0 �'� '- �-r. CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE o RENTON, WASIHINGTON JACK WILSON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-3464 ®L J o A June 26, 1967 RT CAPITAV�F • • Honorable Donald Custer, Mayor Members of the City Council Re: Lake Washington Park Access - Gentlemen: This department has reviewed and approvoC) the legal description contained in the proposed easement from Pacific Coast Railroad to the City of Renton for access to the Lake Washington Beach Park, Very truly yours, Ja k Wilson y Engineer JW:mc • . I •( •_ +• ..y'h - 1,j r - r • • _ 7i • fir:- ; f'.' + _ ' ' is;. (:2eA2., `:' f F RR sTHE WASHINGT0V UTILIT • IES AND TRANSPOgTATIONCOMMISSION 'r : ~' ` ii . • - , -, yr, -• , _ - 1 • •f' "- Il. .. i . - •.1•''�L 1. • ,; =cz �f.,.ar 'irrroN.' r: J: • ,, ic municipal )'' v .r .y GoTpor q etiLioner,' ) is , h. ss•`'''' VG,�'. .} - ) r ',�-_� :..� _ 'j;['I�CLI :CC•.CQAST`RAILROA ti P �•� t,. ' • �� :4. ti D=COMPANY ) -'=•ORDER'..GRANTI NG. P NQRTHGRN PACIFIC ] TTTION'^ ,. : :AND i RA•ILLIAY ) = -,�i. �._ f;(h�i 11>+y,_:. ' 2 ) _; ... , :. ' • , . �:.. '; Res ondent '' - `tip L..:::,. �c : ",:., . -- -9"!, -'. J. .ry� r'� , . ;Y ;,; y. _ nkon filed petition"',wj.'t_ti :the -Z`T shin to 'U =` ,, and T,ranspor'tation Coniniiraaion on the ,.11th a g •qu s tins,' - „ ;'" autliorit: t day ot.Ap �i l;t 1.966! .rcc ueotii.rt -F `•,,'' -;' y' ? eatabl�.sh` a;.:1i.igh�•ra� railway croc,, a 1 3 ' _..•...:'<i , J" ,� ^^ing• aG.�Urade .at��'t�ia inter- ';, ' - _ ' '._ `'"- -'s'ecti.ot- of. a••proposed. cie" ark access- road and;tracks:'•owned; and' o ;4 'f'` ..'.. -oy:'Lhe; pacific. Coase`12ail.r oad;Com perla'ted' .- ` , �: ''� parry -•and.. tIie Northern"Paci.fi;c I:ailc•�av '- •''n :r, �Couip'any,.-• .ioint: .respondent3' to this proceeding, and; rnoYe+' arti l .. �=;= -- - ',,'Oateci' _in• t11'e-:NI;w of the'1,l<r7'I S ;r cv ge ,5"- to ' ,;' - „ •of' Section a, Township 23. ,Nortrh, 'Range 5' R:a'st 'k `�i=.i�T�`'a,:-r;.` .itrorrnear ,r'a�,/Z. o. i�3. en :, -;.' �__ _� � � .; _ gineering •stati'ottt` 1O61;t-�4'.1., •or1'�'tlie Nort;le •�' ��• - ncii_ic. aliTnmenc '-and on the Pacific - f' : ,,- c •Coast.e.rili;p.ment,•'i.n ''the :GiC Qf'.Rcuton j:_King C un FJ Y, .';'` _-: .LL 'ci �:, o t y,-,.. ashington. - .: • . -, `Gr:':.: `I 1. ,i: .,+-'r k•[ `" A o iLr . s- C per''-oE' t.lie;; e!t;ition'w s 1 +'` -.,.-.�� ,:;.. P, ;? c u1y�ae.r`ved .,upor ''th"�:�join�I'res •oridenta` i -`r . 'ancl''-.on .the -23rd of..March , ,:� .' ,.�,^.T` - day .1967, the,resportdet}t '-Northern�P � - ." ' Com mn answered 'btr �'• ac.�fa,c.'Rai'Zt�3 , ,.._' �'. '•L'.;-' .- P y, y filing a Cons ;I•.a ,: .- ;f-•. eat� and fiver" of;�I-learing:'o�f,Respondents.'.;:`; ;•: ":�`=-:t,F,- ,+. ,?,=:,, - tner p ci'fic Railwayc; =, n�-: -,• �[vor i�; a : ompany�� consenting .to 'the entc�rin`g,�oi'•an order.:-b;j' _ • -r, -' "4: r'y ', the' Com�mH.ssiori-without further notice or.'public hearing', ro idi n th "'cro.as- 12 �iri� ii��i:pri:,truct fflashing' ._ �� .P, v g, c ; --.' _ la ed_,.and; au'Comatic f las - F_ hing lighs=.. sigr�als,',`tire •�.ns'tal].ed•at�'- � ` k ,,r. ,,..,,t •h cost -arid expe�tse.of the,.petitioner. • On,' the .30th,.day,.of''Marchi, 1967 -s'•>�'�+,,,�;th'e -respondent; Pacific Coast Railroad Company, answered. the:`` eti.tion:•6 ` 'f-iling'.;a '-"Coti&eitt U o ecified Conditions!! 'y• ' P n';SP, Cond .t:ions . co t.-he ' } ;�' )`3„ '`-•"ran' order;'b :,.the Commi. •-5' risenting•�Eo entering of. _- =�+' • - _ _ y asio-n 'Without further. riOtice- or . ub :i- • - 1 c• ti r - P e i n ro- '-'�, •viding°':tltat' the •-crossin.g �'•` constructed at the� �,_ _ �s `sole..coa,t.rand';ex � _ 4 - p't'tit zo r - pence o£:. t:he: �' > ,: " ':.' lae f -find: from..fr''� _ ' , field investigation arid`evidence"fu in 'the 0t+st on;: th i rnished �- i a -the C ty:of'�'Renton has acquired certain• property,- fronting'' , - ,�• :: , - .upQn'.,I,ake._i'lashington",: 'which it intends to develop as a publ i.c''park, .and ,the."..:,.;: , r' ,-,;- ' • ;--` v •=railroad crossing petitioned for here-in' is necessary.,:to: provide,_public':':- _ . ';_�'' .;'' :Qc•cess ,to• the: property;', that vehicle traffic will be s.easonal,' probably.con- ' : j,. ,. =_.;.;r •_ g- �.f'•500 daily,, .during the •surrner. months, ,and will -i'itclude 'some .boat' :; :--�'"tra;ile-ra,;.-that traffic on.:'the Northern Pacific track,:averaged 1,O .trainsper. '.. '.` ,:.•.,:, hours •during 'year 1966, "and the Pacific Coast;,spur line`'recei'ves. only:- _ ., �.__ '''..,-- ''= .'occasiona_l 'switching`,use, ''that the sight, distances provided for-.vehic.le='--', -- 1 .'' ''_,-' .drivers appear to be reasonable for '.a 15 riPH ,vehicle, ,speed limit; which ;will. • ,_ , --_ '{ 1 i• 9ed by 'the City;. •that with the installation'•ot automu c ' .� �@ .�.m�o -automatic aignals�'�on '- _'" . ; -th.6- Northern Pacific ling, and hand flagging of •the occasional t'rain:.move- . , LL,.: .: .:;-niefto:on 'the Pacific Coast,_',spur line, the- crossing ;should 'be reasonably..safa . ' WU E 1Qe '1- 9856 a:, .I: Page 2..: , , • -..,.-,♦ is ,'. :r gt5 pub1�'c''use•• that it'',:,: , �.s iinpracticaX•'' to 'separate""g�'ade`s�'at�. .la - tFiis cation `,-,-; fo-r tile•::amount--of seasona'r,;traffic. involved -„'.3 , H- °2 ,.;- .,and further discouraged by' �°�'' = l cic-lo�F,suf ficient room for' a`separation .structure -between :;,;-r'- -'t:: tw erg Lake';Wash..ng toii,:.; :., ' jr,;. ,,-' *' . : Uaul..evard-and .the :l'Tothe •'P -,` '' • .. �: `: ,,,, ,':` :°'.' acific line;;--that there .-..is.,rio<.other=;p.ractzcal - ''' • 'lteatic n-fox.-a grade: eras., ' to :=i., ;-_,,,.,.,_, s, g give access to- the,, ak 'property tlian ,th'e:::, .'. `oOr e , e1Ccted, and`. that -therefore, ,Che grantsn og, the°. t, g petition will be_ ii lie public, inCexesC.: � . -,. .: 0.'R b:E R t, ; • 2. Y {+'p}� 17�,, F' Yt tt A iE 0 _ T : 2-�. rys y d• A °-��'._ 1ZD'1 Y�-' 4J D. rye., p-Mat' t, he a �1,: - - �} Citoh filed"= r �tli �b�rx r � � ' Fie' Co 1. .ui ;:ss`iof,on =,the: l .t ; 'y. h �l.ay c� , April; "126G li ttie.'C, •i.- a y t�.;:of Renton, .�equesLn± w.0 rij,.ko• estalikisht •�: - _ �:�.1�ighwayMrailwa rade'c - ;. , Y .g rgssing' a Elie intersect }' fo'E raolt`s: .o�,rried arid.,o ierat;ed b „ ,' r, .:,. ;;f," .l .y. the Northern •Pao1,ffe`.-Rai ly�aY ,Com an and "%':` ,', th. 'u' ic, -Coast Rai C P Y� *t ;' f c�: ompany9 loco ed; '• ''-Elie NE- of 'ih NG ' v: ' � ,of. .8ect o' 8, 2ot�*nshjp 23 North Ran e `.,- $. 'S` E. W° . .. is her , " _. :., F °a �b,y :gramted ;unifier.::.th •f011 fa ,.• ; ;:in `' ! ni`UP condido "i �, ow, <; ,,, ,'i' 1 it -.�}, - t.l 0 1 - '~I, a"' �.t3� in shAll . -.. _ - g _ be',plank._ o�� 'be(r j I 't c�': a i l a and :_{:; - �° • for. one ''® -' �.Y. r 0�.'AtiGh ,I 'Q ut id a , Ll '^O „ .::the.:''t• Z', v, 0 d "4``s' fi J Y;" tho'• sho 1 1,�=: • K Y' „ . si •n - _ :sr f3 � ldE.� tTEdti .� d :.t':: - 4. ^�s. � e atiCOC11141G= ��.-tz'shin 'f° �:`' �;' .��-1 �:� • �tix;�ed`on�each'. , .�; < • tr� ry; µµ -� „�3 .� a,, o,. the :Northe'rn 'P` ,.�: 'S.�-% •'F'„�fl'4'• a'SS?i:' ��: r LZe'a,fa.c'', ,' , :,. C:k, f n'- r "h .f ' ',,"�::. ; .� ,$- e annoy' ms to'� rov - -_ f de•:'ade ua,t ?,i^ „ „p'' • -f'r •,t i o Ve t ,�°� hi' le:+�ti e x- f•J!!�� p.r*:1 vY •4 11 •4L6: • .�i • i A .drat i � o : '�� n t ,. • t • - • r' Ri 1. .t 1 ` :h4��� :r-Z 1�' '�+{r{t� �( ''O+I.nn t''S }� L)n'' `f L Tn d:: e dtt. r f3e �' x ,, • st .1 n • • u' �3' iP.'; .:3, ,`i;- • aF3t :S .11b`"''straC - S t}Y• Y{S - h,Li. may /� c� r sr ?l,� �i*"ii'� a�'SizFiCrt�- rd', �. to' _ - �. ri� [� (�z cd' �^'jy:_ - _ ':tom • • 5' `'T n= ���� k l n �ti �', �{�v arid':�� , ��idt` t- g 'tif�:ti 's�. - is - y.,I �. o€�e _ h., ,. - c .'th � - e� p -.Pr. <t�,. :,; _ ro G:- t e x'' li P lo'c` `�r�` 3�`4 �_- Eit�' x'C?�s t icn�� t�' 7. �A' 9, tr O .� `Ill'' rLti 1 - i • l_ p=G ;�:o. �� • o a a: -C •o- r•- b'. :T -Y. <.r ,r ' =f T �.•L A -'l y. d^ t sY..I Y t' f^"avJ _ n�j'� ti"' riu,, - �ia.. J`` T)Yl J, .11 M1 n �, 9` h" 7� ,O`�r rr ,1 a'. 7 ,i �'1 t - �:I •,`:''fit. '��'� T .A ,�r �tr�Kd6 r� jT 1.. • 'c`t: J ,1, '�}-.� 1i�pp�p "Y. �"u.�,4. r'= T�r her Aid LI'167,. er �7,' y:' AL: I J'• ,u' q] , n cR di ..- y t. 1!" �`FCS` �,t, .Fv •' a • ,. _ S'i�` nj" 's-J::.tZa•r<r-,•...,5V'..• �.- ,`�2` ;.y, :e:.�°. -r'L" n`.4 ;a?c"• .�' - re,, w i' • , is v° "s, F.,t. - }I ,y ti' lii ,r' - ,.tn' '-i r, � �•+ ..t°: ��M :x .. ;-,:.;..f..:;::•dirt'.-., `'!;f yy,: �:• t '' .o .J'.. a'�y.t ::yi .J•; 'r +,i r • T-. - ,1> , . y. • •S ;;�a t` h. l,. "'4 Sq tri:' t`` AI } i jry f, V rL .:a }..,, ..,r.<.'�..-..air.`.. ,'; '�.''.�,. _ '..�L' a } _.`1 _ " yt�r.i:i V� S` _ 3� a :G�o uz - - ssi'= on r .a` e - 'i •f- ��,vrr 7 yv , v=} _�`:,:- ly. K^ r 1' 'L °a' i't�`� +iF.S, 4- ,fir, . :<,,': y. g'S tr r:t:�:, Ye~' .Sx „1. y`. ri'. t a > G� y,'. A 0 Au �f. • _ � ,. ��E�B, v�'`,01�};�.0:SipTl.'�r, - �:'.�;;, J' 2 at.` , - , _ fi, en•, _ ':t` �fi. EN yi'' Y -i, �5- s�. - • +Ft, t'S �i�.1 r - �Fm - - r• SY, ;j ( ^' ,`, is ilz, ,r1 ii'r' ..f • •ti %i" i'y+ f,r +yJ `7 �Ay l"i } a ». j. c'f s •• _ - L. ;1' S2� P:;'< 3' `t 4 u :.jV I�N, - f'T - dsr': 1t. ,;h. ..,�y YS ', is n �k r :: 1. „Y. '4` A 'rl:J. ^,fir'..�_ .f:, • y 5 7. ' y.. 4.=. e:...:, c t. l • S - 4.i.1;...1`,4:.......;..-.,"Yr • i. i� f F' • _ ,•L ,,ice - ,'M at ' _ 4'it n u; I�= r, y,Jz� M: a- r� a' lS. �_F.n •i' mot'�I'f - -" �( M YF�•1' lN' H'' ,�j ''j't .4� a� 1f L Ai .1: t- �Pt�'i e. Y 1 , , • el Gtil/4/VV" P 641 . . • • )4.2-/I-j)JP ' BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION . CITY OF RENTON, a municipal ) . . corporation ) ' ) Petitioner, ) , ) vs. ) CAUSE NO. T-9856 PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD COMPANY ) ORDER GRANTING PETITION AND NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY ) COMPANY ) Respondent. ) ) . . ) ' The City of Renton filed a petition with the Washington Utilities '. and Transportation Commission on the Ilth day of April, 1966, requesting - authority to establish a highway-railway crossing at grade at the inter- section of a proposed city park access road and tracks owned and operated • ,by the Pacific Coast Railroad Company and the Northern Pacific Railway .` Company, joint respondents to this proceeding, and more particularly lo- cated in the NEI-. of the NW' of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East ' W. M. , at or near railroad engineering station 1061-f64.1, on the Northern Pacific alignment and 2-t57 .1 on the Pacific Coast alignment, in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. A copy of the petition was duly served upon the joint respondents and on the 23rd day of March, 1967, the respondent, Northern Pacific Railway Company, answered by filing a "Consent and Waiver of Hearing of Respondent Northern Pacific Railway Company" consenting to the entering of an order by the Commission without further notice or public hearing, providing the cross- ing is constructed and automatic flashing light signals are installed at the sole cost and expense of the petitioner. On the 30th day of March, 1967, the respondent, Pacific Coast Railroad Company, answered the petition by .. . filing a "Consent Upon Specified Conditions" consenting to the entering of ' an order by the Commission without further notice or public hearing, pro- . viding that the crossing is constructed at the sole cost and expense of the petitioner. We find , from field investigation and evidence furnished in the . petition, that the City of Renton has acquired certain property, fronting upon Lake Washington, which it intends to develop as a public park, and the railroad crossing petitioned for here-in is necessary to provide public access to the property; that vehicle traffic will be seasonal, probably con- e si_sting of 500 daily, during the summer moats, and will include some boat trailers; that. traffic on the Northern :acific track averaged 10 trains per 24 hours during year 1966 , and the Pacific Coast spur line receives only ' occasional switching use; that the sight distances provided for vehicle drivers appear to be reasonable for a L5 NP i vehicle speed limit,-which will be imposed by the City; that with the; installation of automatic signals on the Northern Pacific line, and hand flagging of the occasional train move- ments on the Pacific Coast spur line, the crossing should be reasonably safe ' . a' n' . . F ,. CAUSE NO. T-gti.`,i) Page 2 for public use; that it is impractical to separate grades at this location ' .for the amount of seasonal traffic involved, and further discouraged by lack of sufficient room for a separation structure between Lake Washington ` Boulevard anci the Northern Pacific line; that there is no other practical location for a grade crossing to give access to the park property than the one selected, and that therefore, the granting of the petition will be in ' the public interest. 1 • WHEREFORE IT IS ORDERED That the petition filed with the Com- , - mission on the lith day of April, 1966, by the City of Renton, requesting '. authority to establish a highway-railway grade crossing at the intersection of tracks owned and operated by the Northern Pacific Railway Company, and f ' the Pacific Coast Railroad Company, located in the NE•a4 of the Ni,-4; of Section i 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W. M. , is hereby granted under the follow- ' ing minimum conditions: • I. That the crossing shall be planked or hard surfaced ' between the rails and for one foot outside of each outside rail for the full width of the traveled road- way, including the shoulders. t: ' . 2, That shoulder mounted automatic flashing light signals . , shall be installed on each side of the Northern Pacific • track in such manner as to provide adequate clearance for vehicle as well as train traffic. f; 3. That standard reflectorized sawbuck signs shall be in- stalled on each side of the Pacific Coast spur track. r . 4. That a standard reflectorized advance warning sign shall la be installed on the right hand side of the westerly , k.`;, approach near the park �"property line, located approximately a. 200 feet from the Pacific Coast crossing, c t • . y. DATED at Olympia, Washington this 24th day of April, 1967. V WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION FA i[ks „ I��b;; ' ROBERT D. TIM, Chairman FRANCIS PEARSON, Commissioner_ 6`' } a ' DAYTON A. WITTEN, Commissioner G; i' f s- tv.s x si< FI#r: d • l'7 ,,!vr::svi1:cal.?tnit!'.atti.Y ':"N;3tRU4!4ftytiti +rn ms tlea,,,errosa. ,,,nx r ,r•:a..3. ,,..:..._.,...�. ... ..�..�..e...�...__.._. __..__ elk Uirv42 19/1 Pj/0,1, zfriA) • ( 1 Jr June 1 , 1967 • Mayor D. W. Custer and Members of the City Council Renton, Washington Gentlemen: Submitted herewith for Council action are the Project Agreement and the Project Proposal - Assurances with the Washington State Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation for the development of Lake Wa'shington Beach Park. Council authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk's signatures are needed in order for the City to proceed with Phase 1 of the Project. The Project Proposal - Assurances is identical to the one signed by the Mayor and City Clerk on January 2L 1966 end, with two ex- ceptions, the Project Agreement is the same as the one signed by the Mayor and City Clerk on September 22, 1966. These exceptions are: ( 1) The amounts of money involved have increased in that Phase 1 of the Project has been enlarged. In the original Agreement, the City was to appropriate $55,000 and the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation $55,000, making a total of $110,0000 In this Agreement, the City is to appropriate $82,500, the Interagency Committee of Washington State $27,500, and the Bureau of Out- door Recreation $110,000, making a total $220,000 for the be- develoment. (2) Section 5, paragraph f(iv) has been deleted and this elimi- nates the need for the contractor to submit a weekly wage payment statement. • Respectfully submitted, Gene L. Coulon att. 2 Director cc: G.M. 416,INI bt) ( June 1 , 1967 Mayor D . W. Custer and Members of the City Council Renton, Washington Clentiemen: Submitted herewith for Council action are the Project Agreement and the Project Proposal - Assurances with the Washington State Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation for the development of Lake Washington Beech Park. Council authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk's signatures are needed in order for the City to proceed with Phase 1 of the Project. The Project Proposal - Assurances is identical to the one signed by the Mayor end City Clerk on January 2L, 1966 end, with two ex- ceptions, the Project Agreement is the sane as the one signed 'by the Mayor and City Clerk on September 22, 1966. These exceptions are: (1) The amounts of money involved have increased in that Phase 1 of the Project has been enlarged. In the original Agreement, the City was to appropriate $55,000 end the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation $55,000, making a total of $110,000. In this Agreement, the City is to appropriate $82,500, the Interagency Committee of Washington State $27,500, end the Bureau of Out- door Recreation $110,000, making a total $220,000 for the be- ginnir,; development. (2) Section 5, paragraph f(iv) has been deleted and this elimi-, nates the need for the contractor to submit a weekly wage payment statement. Respectfully submitted, Gene L. Coulon att. 2 Director cc G .M. Thoflan „ . •... m.mmiN . ,.::-.!..•;,F. ,., r'':;-' • i - , . , . Auo(r. THE WASiliNGIoN UTILIYIE .; AND TRANSPORTATION COMlSSION '.i 1 . CITY OF hEiNiTON, a municipal ) .. corporation ) ) 4. , Petitioner, ) ) '14!, j Vs . I CAUSE NO. T-9656 ; • ,. . PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD COMPANY. 1 ORDER GRANTING PETITION 1!i , AND NORTICERN PACIFIC RAILWAY ) COMPANY ) ,, ) ..‘ . . Respondent. ) .ii ) • 11160e ,4 • • el . . . . . . . . ) ., . :1 ,L1 The City of Renton filed a petition with the Washington Utilities 41 . and Transportation Commission on the Ilth dny of April, 1966 , requesting aul... ority to esLabilsh a highway-,-ailway crossing at grade at the inter- section of a proposed city park access road and tracks owned and operated by the Pacific Coast Railroad Company and the Northern Pacific Railway d 0 'Company, joint respondents to this proceeding, and more particularly lo- C,1 cated in the NE% of. the NW% of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East '.1 W. N. , at or near rnilroad engineering station . 1061+04.,1, on the Northern Pcific alignment 'and 2437 .1 on the Pacific Coastalignment, in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. .1 . n A copy of the petition was duly served upon the joint respondents .,, :.. -:, and on the 23rd day of Mnrch , 1%) , the respondent, Northern Pacific Railway Company, answered by iiiing a "Consent nod Waiver of hearing of, Responddt Northern Pacific Railway Company” consenting to the entering of an orderclby ;;i the Commission without further notice or public hearing, providing tle coss- ,?s ing is constructed and automatic finshin,::, l 'lght. signals are installed\at. \, •::1 'q the sole cost and 'expense of Lne petitioner. On the 30th day of March, 196,7,' the respondent, Pacific Coast Rnilroad Compnny, answered the petition by ... .5•!. filing a "Consent Upon Specified Conditions" consenting to the entering of .. ..- an order by the Cothmission without further notice or public hearing, pro- vidiag that the crossing is constructed at the sold cost and expense of the .. petitioner. y1 We find , froM field investigation and evidence furnished in the ,:ii petition, that Lno City/of Renton hns acquired certain property, fronting upon Lake Ww,hington, /Which it intends to develop as a public park, and the railroad crossing petitioned for here-in is necessary to provide public access to the property; that vehicle traffic will be seasonal, probably con- '11 sisting of 500 daily, during the summer months, and will include some boat trailers; that traffic on the Northern Pacific track averaged 10 trains per 'M 24. hours during year 1966, and the Pacific Coast spur lino receives only ,i•>, occasional switching use; that the sight: distances provided for vehicle drivers appear to be reasonable for a 15 M2:1 vehicle speed limit, which will A ' be imposed by the City; that with the installation of automatic signals on 0 the Northern Pacific line, and hand flagging of the occasional train move- ments on the Pacific Coast spur line, the crosIsing should be reasonably safe :11 . ,..; 1J' . '. , . 11,m r.,.._ r . .._. . _ ..._. . .,;,............. _____ _ _ . . „. ,_ . - , ••••• '' ' ' r'4'4 ' ^^'"%r? ;.''„':' •.U ,•. , '• 'W- kii ; •,_ 1:,X'.'4, •:,1::;11 .,' '-.:' ',,.1.,:'••,',ilz„',. j..,,,,,_::,'',:,":",:''' ,:,r,., ,:i.',!•- ,,.l'i.:`.','-' '''•,:. :; , :, :. ::',.,'• ' .,'fl•L''S" 1 ' . ''“:. 'L'..': 1 : '' . • ' T. .. 1. :'.' ;: '„,.. --.-,'/ • .4 • CAll:iE NO. T-98',n , Vago 2 , . ,. tor public use; that it is impiactical to separate grades at tbis location .or the amount of. seasonal traffic involved, and fUrtber discouraged by lack ot su.C.:.icient room for a separation structure between Lake Washington Boulevard and the Northern Pacific line ; that there is no other practical location for a i:,rnde crossing to give access to the park property than the ,., one selected , and tillit the.CelOro, L'i“.t granting oi.. the petition will be in the public interest. • . •.,,. 0 It WilEREl'O.tE IT LS oitORED That the petition riled with the Corn- nil ssion on the ilth day oi Apcil, l9b6 , by the City of Renton, requesting ., authority to establish a highway-railway grade crossing at the intersection of tracla owned and operated by the Northern Pacific Railway Company, and •,,,i the Pacific Coa st Railroad Compaay, located in tne Ni , ot tile .NW-6 of Section • A 8, Township 23 North , Range S East W. M,, is hereby granted under the follow- ing minimum conditions: • 1. That the ci-o!.;!;:in6 :;:.,;,i".. 1.)c pini....c.eci or hi-d surfaccd between the rails and fo: oae toot. outside of each outside rail. for tile foil wld,...11 ot the traveled roa - ,, way, inclUding tbe soultters. i 'Is 2. That: shoulder mounted automatic flasilin 11.,.-,lit signals snati be instalied on each side Oi. the Northern Pacific track in. such manner as to provide adequate clearance for vehicle as well ..ka tr.-in trailfic. 3. That standard reZlectorir.ed sawbuc::. signs shall be in- stalled on each aide of tne .i'acific Coast spur track. 4. Tilat o :;tar..,:.;tid rc.,..1ccLoviz,...t advirrice warning sign shall be installed on the vzght ;,,,,.a. side of the westerly approacn near 1.11,!. ',',-,':.:, proi,o.:-Ly line, located approximately .! ,•1 200 feet I rola the Pac i.t:iC Coast crossing. ql ..; 4 i DATED at Olyiapia, Washi,ng,s.on tnis 24th day oi. April, i9ol. J - WASIiINGTON UTILITT.ES AND T'RANSPORTATiON COMMISSION ( . • 40itERT D. Ti2'L' , Cnairman I . [ , k o'RANCIS PEARSON, Commissioner , • r . q' DAYTuN A. WITTEN, Co,m,dssioner i.i. .,,`;‘;', .' • t,.,. .i. . • i, •• . . Ito, ) •,i't:' ,,11:';''. • :: P _ % ;.---Y•77,7r.'":;-:`',.; -;,,,,i,,,,:,01,-,:i.r,,,,„,.. ,.,,,:i' :::6-..,„:;-. ,., , ,,,-,,,:. , ,„„. . : r . .-. 7 ,..:,: , - , . .:•.,i : - ,t!,-,;,. - • : , : -' 1 ,-, - .,., - , ,' r-,-.--.7•,-0-;,"?.?,,--4*,-,'• -•'.i,,,, ,-$;:-.-!•,!•'-, ',-.- ‘!„--•,, i,..A,--.-,. - ', 4. : -• - ' '.•..•., - • . - •,' ' ,-4 •' ; : • :':- , : .•• . . •:-.. .I :-";.., . , ' - .1.° ' ':.•:. •:,.:'.,,f',',, 7-: ::'?'''''.4,;,..1a-ti,,-.0- ::',-1, :-,r.t-2,1,,,,'4-: ',-',4j:',.i."1t1i ;:':,;:': '''''',`:'4'..' ''!',i. r'' '' • ,1`... '? •-' '-' '... i'14 ' 1, '21 ,. :' ' ' , ^ :1 1, '..., '",:i'7::': ‘.',*"t43.14;.4.:IP' ''')'',1;:f4YW:4; :k.1.4#1''' ';'Y ''''''' '''' '..L,` '";)..::•,. '1'.''.'..''" : . ',,".1:::'?"::. , '.; ';'-':44,:':.- ''';';'-'1':,' • '-'i"' -'4'. '' '' ''514...71.14 tilIC,A04.n::::,,i:q-,J, 31,,.J:!: : ,,,. . - ;; .: ",,'; ,..'-',,, ,::: ,•]-,,:.. ; ,,, ,•;',,,., 1 '---1 '.. ,.•I' , .- --. ;'.' ' ",..'...,41741-14.-.11,4.1-i-r.444" :,;V - x:',;; -.,.kt:-,,:v.',; ., ,: ,, . .- :: , ,, ,. , .: „,,• . ,. ,..,,..; ' -:, , - - • '...i' -- .---,-' ....r 4,iiic., Vairj..,",'--,,'.r.,-47i,::::,,tf:',:::t..,.',-':•,. '':;,:-; ': .-.. .,..; -.- ' : ', ,,- -: :: ;. 4.! . ' ...- ,r) j-1(111( 104' alv-v d February 270 1967 It la the recommendation of th aytzNeens Comittee that the funding for the Court goats in connection uith the Lake Wachlngton Beech lausult be from the 116n-Departnenta1 Budcat0 Account 34-Empert 3ervices0 and f.k91.30 be approprlatod from eurpluzi revon4es to cover tiro cost. It l5 further recomended that this be referred to the Law and Cedinance Coe' rlittee for the drafting of the necessary ResolutiOnIait • mra • • J - _ ' V -_' OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 0 RENTON,WASHINGTON ir COY o POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5.8678 g * GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY 9 • 4,Sp 1�� ARTHUR L. HAUGAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY ORT CAPITA-0C n !/! I' J September 8, 1966. / ,it G/C/1/1-4- .--'- , ./4-&- / 'I'll ' 144-1 4- V i'Lj . _/ \L, fa.41/401'LA-4 Honorable Donald W. Custer, Mayor and the Members of the City Council . • , City of Renton City Hall Renton, Washington 98055 • Re: Lake Washington Beach Project Gentlemen and Mrs. Dahlquist: The Mayor's office submitted to us, yesterday a letter from the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation dated August 30, 1966, together with the proposed project agreement between the City and said State agency. We have looked over the proposed agreement and from a strictly legal standpoint, believe that it is in proper form. However, it appears to us that this proposed agreement imposes a more than usual amount of red tape on the City in carrying .out any such project, in addition to which all of such work, changes, super- vision and amendments are subject to approval of the state and fede • - ral agencies involved. You will note, of course, that the City will have to appropriate , $55,000.00 as its half share of the total cost, while the state contributes nothing on this project, and the federal agency, the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, is to contribute the remaining $55,000.00. , However, 1%a of the total cost, namely $1,100.00 is to be paid by , the City to the state, as part of its administrative expenses inci- dental to the project, which must be paid immediately as soon as the project has been approved by both state and governmental units. It seems to us that all of these matters should be thoroughly under- . . stood by the City Council and.-the departments involved, including the 'ill matters of financing, calling for bids and the various restrictions and requirements imposed upon the City and the contractors perform- . ' ing the work. The City should be quite sure that the projected es- timate of $110,000.00 is adequate and sufficient to take care of the improvements listed in paragraph 4, as othcrwiselthe City may be responsible for any excess costa. \_ . • fide s V Honorable Donald W. Custer, Mayor and Members of the City Council September 8, 1966. Page 2. Please also keep in mind that the federal government's share of the projected cost will be paid in installments only, together with a 10% retention until the job has been accepted so that there may be some possible delay in making payments to the City's contractors, which probably should be kept in mind when such a contract is en- tered. We also notice that this project agreement calls for a competitive bidding for all contracts in excess of $2,500.00, which seems to be inconsistent with RCW 35.23.352 which allows construction of public works up to $5,000.00 without competitive bidding. . We certainly shall be glad to go over this whole agreement with the interested parties, so that the City is fully aware of its obliga- tions. Since the City has to comply with a certain manual issued by the federal government, regulating policies and procedures, this should also be studied possibly,by the Park Director, to be sure that the City cannot be declared '_n default of the project. We remain, / Respectf 1 yours, NAUGAN & Sl LL N Gerard M. City Attorney GMS:hb. cc: President of Council City Clerk Park Director V rv.VT IOW T`V 1/4 V,I� STATE OF W INGTZO � Interagency Committee r .. foa' Outdoor Recreation 4.� 1 Daniel J. Evans .� 1018 East Union Avenue, Olympia, Washington 98501 Phone (706) 753-7140 Governor 6 August 30, 1966 Marvin B. Darning • Chairman PARTICIPATING AGENCIES • DEPARTMENT OF COMM'RCil ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Daniel B. Ward The Honorable D. W. Custer • Unectar Mayor, City of Renton DEPARTMENT OF FI°HERIFS City Hall Thor C. Tollefson Cedar River Park Director Renton, Washington 98055 Beach Or GAn�.r Re: Lake Washington Beach Project John A. BlyIN Dear Mayor Custer: hiccloi , DEPARTMENI or HIGHWAYS There are enclosed three copies of the standard form of agreement for federal- Chnrles G. Prahl state-local participation in the project for which you have applied for funds. Director Inasmuch as the other requirements have now been essentially met, matters appear DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL to be in order fora approval byyour legal counsel attestingas to form of this agree— RESOURCES PP g Bert L. Cole ment, and your counter-signing with our Chairman for the execution of this work. Commissioner of Please note that we have filled in appropriate blanks to identify your project on Public Lands pages I , 2, 3 and 12 so it is ready for your inspection and signature. STATE PARKS & RECREATION COMIvI ISSION Chcules H. 0<1,.,,;,n,d In the event there are legal questions about this phase of the arrangements, please have your legal counsel call our Assistant Attorney General , Mr. Lloyd Peterson, 1 at Olympia 753-5633. If there are exceptions or additions peculiar to your project, they should be discussed with him and entered onto the next to the last page as CITIZEN MEMBERS qualifying riders to this agreement in advance of the signature page. We hope Lewis A. Cell Everett that you can expedite this agreement signing for us so that we can proceed with Warren A Bishop the grant. Pullman Keith H. Campbell Spokane Sincerely, . Marvin B. Doming / ( � .1 Seattle 1 Z. S.dttl„ EINAR H. HE D IC1<SON Administrator • ADMINISTRATOR EHH:MV:r • E e rr H. n,.n. i nn Encl. /-•s' P API/, h W V idlit,/ o _td,prvi 1 , Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 5-8-67 COMMUNICATIONS: Writ of Mandate and Temporary Restraining Order, State of Washington Ex.Rel. John P. Pringle, Petitioner vs. The Civil Service Commission of the City of Renton, filed in connection with examination for ]Lieutenant in the Renton Fire Department and to restrain the City Council from making the permanent appointment of Mr. Ted LaValley to the position until after hearing and determination of the Court. Perry requested to be notified when the matter is heard. Original documents had been transmitted to the City Attorney. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business: Council President Trimm called attention to Committee of the Whole meeting to be held on May llth at 7:30 p.m. Councilman Perry inquired on possibility cf limiting number of service stations in the City by taking the one company with the largest number and restricting all other Companys to that amount. Schellert noted that the Law and Ordinance Committee had discussed this matter and Mr. Shellan had suggested possible control in so far as fire zones are concerned. Hulse added that some cities have been successful in establishing a control and limiting the number deeming this type of operation to have a certain kind of hazard. It was noted that under a similar ordinance for control a City was taken to Court and City Attorney Shellan added that it was unconstitutional. Councilman Delaurenti called attention to complaint he had received regarding problems created by horses in a residential area. Mayor Custer requested the Building Director to report regarding his investigation of this matter. Mr. Johnson advised that he has talked to the property owner on several occasions and that he is an avid horseman who does concern himself with training of the animals and it was noted that a mare and foal are considered as one; owner feels he is within his limit of animals on the property, understanding at one time that he was allowed three when the area was annexed to the City, and now by an understanding agreement the number to be 5. There has been no written agreement executed, and Mr. Johnson felt the matter needs more research. Delaurenti inquired whether Civil Suit action would be the proper step to be taken and upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan stated that if enough evidence can be produced the complainant might bring civil suit. Upon inquiry by Pedersen it was noted that there is no manure pile in the vicinity. Planning Director Ericksen added that at the present time three horses are allowed on the premises. Delaruenti added that the matter had been called to his attention and as a representative for the district he felt it should be brought to the floor. New Business: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, that City of Renton Vouchers #8049 through 8126, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 8049 - 8086 (8050 Void) $ 12,154.31 City Street Fund 8087 - 8095 8,106.22 Cedar River M. & I. 8096 591.39 Equipment.Rental 8097 - 8106 822.20 Parks 8107 - 8111 427.79 Water Works Utility 8112 - 8122 5,294.22 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 8123 529.24 Airport 8124 - 8125 115.31 City Hall Const. Fund 8126 3,100.00 $ 31,140.68 Councilman Hulse called attention to Senate Bill 545 which allows Cities to borrow money to finance street projects and inquired whether this might be of some help to the City on such projects as the Logan--Smithers proposal. Also, he wished to inquire whether Lake Washington beach park is likely to be developed or started this year. Park Director Coulon advised that he had reported at staff meeting this morning on this matter and he has been to Olympia on a number of occasions and spoke with the project manager on Tuesday of last week and it was admitted that we have done everything required at this point and it is now a matter of some paper work to be done there and they would then go to the Bureau of Reclamation and to Washington, D.C. Mr. Coulon noted prior allocation and if approved on present basis allocation would be in total of $220,000.00. It was hoped that some work might be started yet this summer.. Perry inquired regarding an agreement regarding the road construction at the tracks. Mayor Custer noted that the document has just been returned from the Railroad Company and clearance to go has been received from the Trans- portation Commission and now the written agreement is needed to proceed and if everything goes accordingly it could happen within the next year. Park Director Coulon added that the Railroads have both said they would forward the required easement and the signals have been ordered and should arrive in August. Perry urged that matters pending for ,he railroad be expedited to get like cooperation in securing necessary papers for the crossing, -6- ,017,{k Minutes - Renton City council Meeting (Cont.) 9-12-66 COMMUNICATIONS: City Attorney Shellan reported discussion with Mr. Richard Muller, Attorney taking Mr. Burns' place, who has ascended to the bench in the meantime, and relative to the defective pipe in Tiffany Park, problem of determining applicable statute of liimitations.is yet to be resolved. Ordinarily, it is three years on oral agreements and six years if there is an agreement in writing. Since no information as to any warranties'or representations in writing are apparent it will be our position that the City could not reasonably have discovered at the time of acceptance of the plat and pipe that there was latent defect and the three year statute of limitations would commence from date of actual discovery of the defect. Mr. Muller agreed that the 6* pipe apparently is defective, but he had some question as to the balance. It was urged and deemed to be of utmost urgency that an expert examine the sections of pipe now available for inspection and determine whether they are defective or not and support his conclusions with proper facts. Compromise was offered of 4880 ft. of 6" pipe with cold tar dip, however experts information as to fair and realistic cost - figure for replacement of all defective pipe is needed. If suit is to be instituted the Council should authorize same. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. The motion carried. A letter from Mr. Einar-H. Hendrickson, Administrator, Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation acknowledged receipt. on August 15th of the City of Renton, Lake Washington Beach Park Project (second phase) application which submission complies with the September 1 deadline date as required by the IAC. A letter from the City Attorney reported looking over proposed agreement regarding the Lake Washington Beach Park Project which had been submitted by the Mayor's office upon receipt from the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. From legal stand— point it appears in proper form, however, Mr. Shellan pointed out that the agreement imposes a more than usual amount of red tape on the City in carrying out any such project, in addition to which all work, changes, supervision and amendments are subject to approval of the State and Federal agencies involved. It was noted that the City will have to appropriate $55,000 as its one-half share of the total cost while the State contributes nothing, the Federal Agency , the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, is to contribute the remaining $55,000. However, 1% of the total, namely, $1,100.00 is to be paid by the City to the State as part of its administrative expenses incidental to the project, which must be paid immediately upon approval of the project by both state and federal governmental units. The City should be quite sure the projected estimate of $110,000 is adequate to take care of listed improvements in paragraph 4. Also, the Federal governments share of the cost will be paid in installments only, together with a 10X retention until the job has been accepted so there may be some passible delay in making payments to the City's contractors.. The Competitive Bidding requirement eh .all cainaracts in excess of $2,500 seems to be inconsistent with RCW 35. 23.353 which allows construction of public works up to $5,000 without such bidding. Since the City must comply with a certain manual issued by the Federal Government regulating policies and procedures, it was recommended that this be studied,possibly by the Park Director, to be sure the City cannot be declared in default. A meeting was suggested so all obligations may be reviewed. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schelle _ , to refer the letter to the Committee of the Whole and the Park Board. Carried. Park Director Coulon reported Park Board instructions that a Resolution be requested transferring $55,000.00 from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund unto the Park Fund,6120, Capital Outlay .604, for purpose of commencing development'of the Lake Washington Beach property, which request is based upon receipt of the Agreement for Federal-State-Local participation in this project from Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. A letter from Delbert Bennett, Traffic Engineer requested authorization to call for bids for Traffic Signal Systems at Rainier Avenue and 4th Place and Rainier Avenue and 7th Avenue with September 26th being recommended as date for bid opening. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to authorize the bid call and bid opening date. The motion carried. A letter from Renton Municipal Court Judge, Paul Houser, requested appropriation of excess revenues in sum of $2,000.00 in order to maintain proper operations, increased traffic and parking citations requiring printing of additional tickets and other office maintenance supplies which will be needed as a result of such increase. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poll, to grant the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried, -2- • 1/777•, • • • OFFICE OF TIIE CITY ATTORNEY RENTON,WASHINGTON • • POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASI-IINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-8678 • GIEIRARD SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY Ji4 H. PAIN, JD., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY Odfri • (V1) • • • '.' • P17(7.jc • • r : :cc 17 1957 72i7; .1 71 1)7 ;:r r'.7 t:CO CS! J171 (37= b)7]..1d 7 ,f;777 t 1:17?.3 r: 171 n 7.0 rc (D5Z Z1`,7 13'37. • • ?..7c7:•.•;-r!7,-! 7.7k7.n7.7.7 yc.ttt7 , • • II, I • • • • [7:12) y/ • )7fv,!, W cA4Lz.)0 ///))L) ge'“)11 February 27, 1967 It is the recommendation of the Ways et Means Committee that the funding for the Court Costs in, connection with the Lake Washington Beach lawsuit be from the Non-Departmental Budget, Account 314-Expert Services, and $91.30 be appropriated from surplus revenues to cover this cost. It is further recommended that this be referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the drafting of the necessary Resolution. Henry Schellert, Chairman Bruce Hulse Dan Poli c6) .. Pil b ilL 6 Minutes - Renton City Meeting Councilee ing 2-6-1967 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) Applications from Boulevard Tavern and Cougar's Den requested required license be granted Regal Amusement Company and Kurt Hamlin, Snappy Tavern to operate Shuffleboard devices in said business places and from Melrose Tavern for American Shuffleboard Sales Corp. to operate Coin-type Billiard Table. Moved by Poli and seconded by Schellert, to refer the requests to the Police and License Committee with power to act. The motion carried. —' Claims for damages were filed by Merges, Brain & Hilyer on behalf of Lllewllyn Mills, 411 Chicago Avenue, Pacific Washington in sum of $250,000 claiming false arrest in connection with automobile accident wherein arrest was made for being drunk in public. Robert Purcell claim covered damage to residence from water when inadequate drainage caused back-up from sewers. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the claims to the City Attorney and the Insurance Commission: Motion carried. A letter from the League of Women Voters reported plans for a one-day excursion to Olympia, Tuesday, February 28th to observe the Legislature in session. Chartered busses will leave Renton at 8:30 a.m. and return at approximately 5:30 p.m. Round trip fare is $2.75 and reservation forms were attached. All members of the community are invited to participate. Mrs. Gerard Shellan is in charge of reservations. A letter from Mayor Custer advised that unexpended revenue balance of $114,698.05 is available for appropriation resulting from unanticipated revenues in the 1966 budget. With .regard'tcf several projects under consideration by the Council in previous actions it was recommended that moneys be appropriated as follows: Cumulative Fund 1689, Park Acquisition $15,000 Cumulative Fund 1689, Fire Apparatus 10,000 Cumulative Fund 1894, Municipal Buildings 50,000 Street Salaries & Wages, Overtime 1,000 Street Material and Supplies 15,000 Additional Parking Checker 5,789 $96,789 Included in the recommendations are funding for the grandstand, data processing equipment and the purchase of Parcel B Shorelands property, etc. Part of the funds have been designated "Unappropriated Revenues" to allow for eventuality of higher costs than were budgeted for taking of the population census in March. This also would be sufficient to cover the first installment on Parcel B Shorelands if the Council should decide to purchase the property from the State over a period of years. Moved by Morris, seconded by Gianini, to refer the letter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. - A letter from Mr. Richard E. Hitt, Acting Director, Washington Association for Mental Health, Inc., 704 - 3rd Avenue, Seattle, requested No-Fee Permit to conduct fund soliciting campaign door-to-door in the City of Renton during the month of March. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to grant the request with required Hold Harmless Agreement. Carried. Letter from Park Director Coulon submitted Easement from Puget Sound Power and Light 141( Company for roadway and utility use of property at Lake Wn. Beach Park site along with proposed Agreement between the City, Pacific Coast and Northern Pacific Railroad Companys regarding access road, grade crossing, signal system and certain work on Lake Washington Boulevard. The descriptions have been checked by the Engineering Department and the documents as to form by the City Attorney. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Gianini, to refer the matter to the Property Committee for recommenda- tion. Carried. letter from The Boeing Company, directed to Del Bennett, Traffic Engineer, requested that formal action be taken by the City to petition for reopening of the access route between Sunset Blvd. and 4th Avenue North to relieve traffic congestion at this inter- section, it being felt that some 4000 vehicles a day would benefit from such route. Inquiry was made as to whether petition has been submitted and upon negative reply it was pointed out that it was intended that the Lake Wn. Beach crossing be transacted before proceeding with this matter. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to report back. Carried. (See further discussion under new business) A letter from Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, submitted Planning Commission recommendations from its public hearing meeting of January 25, 1967 and rezone of properties was recommended as follows: J. David Jensen, Appl. R-370-66, from G to B-1, property located on Northeast corner of S.E. 128th Street and 132nd Ave. S.E. -4- • - - ( r . . . . J,...._ . . . . . . . .. " , . . , . . . . . . , • . . . . . OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ° RENTON,WASHINGTON .: . . . . •. POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-8678, • GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY • • • . . . . ARTHUR L. HAUGAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY . . • . . . . . January 30 1967. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Gene L. Coulon . . . . . . . . Superintandor.st Of . . . . . . Renton City flnll . .• IlenUlr., Waohington 9R053 . . . . . . . . • . , . . as: L.&zWs ng e ehiton Baach - - . . Park Cropeio/, . . . - . . . . . Dsar Gene: '. . . . . . . . . . • . , This is to acknow/edge receipt of your letter dated January 26, , . .. ' , . . 1907, together with enclosnrou, recine3ting our cemmeatm on same. . • . . . . . „ easement eltecuted by Puget Sonnet' Power & Ught Company appeata ,. . . . . . . , • to be in proper Eorn, The proposed agreement between the City .. . . . . . . . . . . . . , tlorthern P8Cieie Railway Company and Pacitic Coast aoft. Co ' . . . . . . , , .. pnny also appears to be in order as to i'orm. Plesco remember . , . . . though. that in addition to the agreement , permanent easements will . . -. . . . = . still have to be executed and delivered to the City, !Anne the .-,,,, • " . . ' agreeme,nt simply provides that "the Railroads will provide' an easment". . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . • • . . Eotice, should also be given to the City'a insurance carrier, lia . . . . . • . wall en any third party dlontractor doing the work, to name the • .. _ . , . . . . Railroads eo an additional insured pertaining to the construction, . „ . . . _ . _ malfntenance CEB3 use of the crossing. We believe that this can be . . .. . • at nominal coat, -if any, by means of! c.-tdoreement. ' .. .. . .. , In-checking our notee tamed or previous meetings with the prinei. . . . . . . . . . .. pals involved, we round two itsms that had previously been, tGnta- . . _ . . . . .. . tively at. least, agread upon which do not ape- r in the agreement . . . . , . . itole. On ates eowe willingneos on the pat oi?. tha, PacifiC . . • . . Cot R,R, Company to donatc4--'the City sufeicient Eill for the . . . roi0mg 0? the cite; secondly. my notes also indicate that there .. , . . . alonld hs come provinion that the City woOd retain title tu the . ' oignalo. we wouid LIS,WM3 thet there lc no objection to eover both . . . ' ocsno oe a letter. You may wont to chock out thtm latter . . ito,m uith tho Railroad ond qlso 113 our o that the CttY En8inoor t1,35 . . • . . . . . . , . .. . , . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . \:., 0y ED . . . , , • • . . . . • •ir Gana L Coulon fc - •Jo'84ua ry-70, 1 Y!i�/o' :. • • -%: ;>, c 3 uhed over the documento and tits anbibits thoroughly to be € bsoluitoiy pure that they `coves all of the City'o requir smont r' 5':.: 10 r -on bye of •any further to you in this matter., 'p) a!: Very truly youst •, '. . . •j , • `K City/ t9 tome ,: •p 1]'L`.; .zic'9 ' '-'::'>' ' • i residcn 0 ou ci$ - ',N y?fit:,..`'i { .mot ; "I • b t • fi� 1 �,,•'••c,1. -s _ - ct 5. h vI.11 3 h ,'ti •. . :+� , a , ..,. :- -.j".�.a it :?':.' i : r3. ,,((ff``4i . M1 1 y .. , .. .. �FaQp i•,YF •{,':' �f,L 'w i • ~ila'rY�n r,. W • `'r;: ' rr' : , is t, Yt,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF REPOT id UNOFFICIAL TABULATION PRECINCTS 1 through7:44. ._ September 15, 1964 REOUIRED TO VALIDATE 2,442 3235 YES ' 2347 NO - TOTAL BALLOTS ISSUED 21.3 5582 Total votes•.,east 'at Pol1s•on 'Bond Issue TOTAL ABSENTEE BALLOTS CAST .. _ TOTAL SERVICE VOTES 7 9% ( Without -Absentee votes)--_, v% Required for Passage � • - LAKE 6'WASHINGTON BEACH BOND ISSUE r * 40% of last election PRECINCT • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 SUB-TOTAL YES 106 66 70 39 57 169 74 83 70 46 83 75 81 87 73 96 80 92 79 98 67 78 NO 67` 61 30 44 47 146 87 47 58 43 49 72 56 74 37 S0 60 72 56 58 30 63 C.` I PRECINCT ._. 23. 24 25. 26 —2-7 28 • 29"' 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 3 44 TOTAL ' YES 'e5 R 66 52 i S4 73 i 19 L 81. _110770 80 63 107110134 , 70 ' 71 21_1211i81 76 183 61 _ 7-27 NO 1 59124 17I 145 80 1 14 1 71I 85I 70 176 27 661 69119 145 62 44 58 151 33 165 150 I 2347 h. \ ' i •• I • • • • !. .- • is • 1; ....... , ' .. 1 y� .i -' ''« ram. - -- • • • • • • - Ii I /: fr • i ._._..1 I ; :,-.," : i:. . I 1 • • i , .• . _ _.. j,, • i i} �. • • • • I; I w... • � _.,:. i' !�' : 1 ,:- I' ` •'• i • • / 1:•-• , • _� ; • T-• - 1 . .. : . } •; 3 1 i.. _ i j .v 4 ( • �'. ! ( 1* i i • • it Pr 4(/,) February 27, 1967 It is the recommendation of the Ways & Means Committee that the funding for the Court Costs in connection with the Lake Washington Beach lawsuit be from the Non-Departmental Budget, Account 31 -Expert Services, and $91.30 be appropriated from surplus revenues to cover this cost. It is further recommended that this be referred to the Taw and Ordinance Committee for the drafting of the necessary Resolution. /% ferry Sch Vert, Chairman Bruce Hulse _ r . '---( -� Dan Poli I -I jf. "fir rf .✓ f ()IF ii.. � . ' 4`� Yyi ® OFFICE OF THE CITY` ATTORNEY 0 RENTON,WASIIINGTON C.. p POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5"8678 . . GERAr D R9. CEIEE4_AN, CITY ATTORNEY -'OAT CAPITA' 5CHNI Lt. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY February 16, 1967 . Mrs. lielmie Nelson, City Clerk City Hall Renton, Washington • Re: Copt Bill , Stimson vs City of Renton ' Dear llelmi.c: 1 . Enclosed you will find a copy of a Cost Bill that we have received in the above captioned case this date. This is the amount of Court Costs the City will have to pay and we suggest that a proper warrant be dram • and forwarded to us for submission to the counsel for the Plaintiff. . If you have any questions in this matter please let us know. We remain • Very yruly yours , • II / . Gerard M. Shell. n Cit'y Attorney Cis:ds Enc. i/ ! r V • • 1 ; a4V al? ' IN T}[ SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF iASIIINGTON FOR KING COUNTY CRARLES K. STINSON, ) Plaintiff, ) ) -vs- ) NO. 656 133 ) CITY OF RENTON, et al . , ) ) COST BILL Defendants . ) ) Comes now the plaintiff, and submits herewith the follow- /Jig statement of costs and disbursements to be taxed against the • , defendants : Clerk's Fees : Filing $15 .00 Certified Copies of Preliminary Orders 6.00 Fee for Serving Papers 3 .50 Attorney's Fees (Statutory) 10.00 Witness Fees : Gene Coulon (2 days) 12.00 Marvin B. Durning (1 day) 4.40 John K. Burleson (1 day) 6.00 Baird Bardarson (1 day) 6.00 Auditor's Fee , Certified Copy of H. Deed 3 .00 Auditor's Fee, Lis Pendens 5 .40 Premium for Bond on Preliminary Restraining Order 20.00 $91 .30 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS • COUNTY OF KING iNk /A) being first duly TRETHEWEY, BRINK & WILSON AT TURNEYS AT LAW 1410 IOM 0UILDING SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 90101 • • MAIN 3-6722 iP t' r yey7l•Lui`' � .ice i 4 r hi - : Y sworn on �� ;1 c'��:�t. s �s : • .";'!at he is the attorney {-7.(J. the plaintiff in the above . entitled cause, and that the above and foregoing statement of costs • and disbursements , exclusive of the statutory attorney' s fee, is . true and correct, and the said amounts have been actually disbursed , • • in the said action. l . • Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 - day of • , 196 . r Y . Notes Public in and for. the State . of Washington, residing at, Seattle. • • STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING SS. the undersiyred, being first duly sworn, on oath states. Th_t tiff tint is > citi er of the Untied States and over tha age of 1lvent -one ye=.rs; T'.ol o.i Ih s' day alirnnl deposited in the mails ret Ic United S;s,t.. ,•f . :I .a ;-I' r.r!y si.sped and add- essad u.rva;: t t r„�, ut record of pf is$fff- dcH.svilnt, conl=....1. i „ c ,./ ci ;no documonf,to which this affidavit is allac:.ud. 6..IA-7r--- -t,0.,..n.:P l_•_ F�V ..: Subscribed�nd�yvorn In b for Riot , .....day • ..„Q( Notary Public for W shingjtorl Residing at k,.�;::: '.(.fir-'• , • • T Y , BRINK & WILSON 1418 IBM Building . Seattle, Washington 98101 Attorneys for Plaintiff • • . i • TRETHEWEY, BRINK & WILSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW , 1418 IBM BUILDING SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98101 . • r • • MAIN 3-6722 • ' • • rirtherrs':Pr:;cift.e :,11•Jiatia, y'..Camp*rny,• . : ,• • , . - + . • . ' ` Engineering.Departmen . . • • ' 381.'K5sa Streets _ . • • " .. -$eatt3.e,' W61'81-iingtnn-.981.04' . ' ;"+.ttexat .5ai a•: Sdr•i:.•V.••::t 4.:HY v11ng?:• , ' . Ae t'.: Chic _E ina r .: .'•Ret, ,-,.:Agrectm nt:•13,04=670 .11ery,n:. ,. •. • L. _. �Gr3.de;::CzoseiTig' Milo.,-P st' $+.$ 68: • -' . . '. • . ...•• T.e1tG .�1•-�:�h3n�tkzX3 Beach PAxk , ` • ' . Gent3.emet^i t . •... - .orski t-.t6.•:,yt itr.:cf;mmnim3catf,lr rr •-ir J..triuy.r .;28rd,wt- ret:si>ait herewith : -...executed'•c.-pies M the ate r e--c.apti. ned,';doci sert',:nrie:.tii, bc. retai.lisid . :. . • • -'by' Nirthern •P,lc3fid •.;atid.'the', ther;'t ::,be tiled .with; the ,P�icific'.C�aa °t'.: _•• .Ratio;c 'Ctiriiatzy., -. . . .• ; • We th nk yoac i'or.yE ui, ca'Nut,teeies- .xi,•this' , remi;tt 3: end: hope:that. „ . _•'the; E semerit, my..la¢.,£*srt'hc�i ri»g;.rips --haste.., • -• . . . -. • • . -. .. • :'�` tare .year tr r3 • CI'TY:.or 'RENTO .. .' . . - Cler , ec.: M .it: a L. .'Fay3.r+r ' ' -. ;1.ts-t;':.13ener<a att?)ritey, • ' ' Pr)e :'fic. C;`.iclit..13,cnf1roid:.'Cro• - . , , . • • • . . .;'',/j)„.). • ;- (--,0(•/-1 aW�/" February 24, 1967 .• • . - • 'Puget Sound Pr,wer & right C r'mpany ., . 620 Cr:'dy Way , . . • Rent..,n, a,zhi.ngt=n . . ' Attention: . Mr: Ce+ rge. ,rt F - . •• . Ret Eaeement For- Hake Wn: Beech . Park access Purposes ' .. . Gentlemen: • . . - We tr remit herewith for y �ur files executed copy of Easement as . . .nb ove-captioned dated 'Jonulty 24, 3967► . Thank you f))r year courtesies .i.n this traa�saction. . -. . . Yours very truly, , . . • CITY OF RENTON . . . • Nelson-Helmie W. Nelson- " City Clerk Enclosure • '. ( of,/ 442,- 4 54i-e\ii 94---- 6#III Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1-9-67 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Hulse submitted Committee of the Whole report from meeting of December 27th which recommended that the Council concur in suggestions of the City Hall Building Committee to relocate the Planning Department on the 3rd floor, the Municipal Court Clerk on the 1st floor and dual use of the Council Chambers for Municipal Court purposes. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations. The motion carried. Recommended that the Mayor's request for an additional parking checker for the downtown area be allowed. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommendation with referral to the Ways and Means Committee for funding recommendation. Carried. Councilman Schellert called attention to article in the Clears Horizons ,.publication relative to Air Pollution Control and urged that Council Members read same. He further called to mind that the County Commissioners declared that an emergency exists and requested authorization to form a County Board of Health for Air Pollution Control purposes and that the State Board of Health has approved the request giving them control over air pollution for the whole county. Discussion regarding costs for operation to be charged cities next year on per capita basis was noted along with mention of formation of taxing districts and assessment on assessed valuations which it was felt would not be fair and equitable with benefits for Renton. Councilman Garrett advised his Street and Alley Committee report will be submitted next week, the report not yet having been prepared, and additional time was granted. Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Police and License Committee has been studying the Fireworks Stand Ordinance and that a new proposal has been placed in the hands of the Law and Ordinance Committee for presentation to the Council. Councilman Poli, Power and Light Committee Chairman,submitted Committee report regarding referral of a Petition of Tiffany Park residents for street lighting and survey has revealed that due to many problems such as no poles on which to attach lights and lack of funds for such installation by the City, it is the recommendation that if property owners would install the ornamental poles and underground wiring (by L.I.D. or some other method) the City would provide the electrical energy and Puget Power would supply the light fixtures and brackets however, until this is accomplished lights cannot be provided in the area, petitioners to be so notified. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee reported regarding referral of Bid Call for 1967 Legal Publications that the City Attorney has been consulted and with the thought in mind that if circulation warrants and other papers want to bid new bid call should be taken and it was thus recommended that the bid submitted heretofore by the Record Chronicle be rejected and new bid call published with opening on February 13, 1967. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. The City Clerk was advised to make any revisions which might be warranted at this time. The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers 6251 through 6497, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Commtttee,be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 6251 - 6345 $ 26,113.69 City Street 6346 - 6369 22,899.70 Arterial Street 6370 17,500.00 Cedar River M. & I. 6371 - 6373 30.18 Off-Street Parking 6374 18.34 Equipment Rental 6375 - 6406 6388 Voided 2,431.57 Library 6407 - 6415 885.88 Parks 6416 - 6457 10,837.46 Water Works Utility 6458 - 6484 12 470.98 1965 W. & S. Construction 6497 4,826.85 Airport 6485 - 6493 659.10 Firemen's Pension 6494 - 6495 108.15 Cumulative Reserve 1990 6496 12.46 $ 98,794.36 Councilman Hulse inquired regarding progress on railroad crossing and access to Lake Washington Beach Park. Park Director Coulon reported receipt of an Easement for the parcel the roadway will be crossing which will be submitted upon approval by the City Attorney and also that in talking with representatives of the Railroad, a permit has been issued and should be forthcoming in two or three weeks. -5- Adu '- ';11' Avrt/ Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 1-16-67 COUNCIL COMMITTER REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Cont.) time as the legislation is passed and approved by the Governor. Councilman Garrett submitted letter from Chester Biesen, Executive Director, Ass'n. of Washington Cities, which was read noting air of over-optimism around the State on the part of numerous officials, the feeling seeming to be "its in the bag", "they'll have to do something now", which appears to be very premature and unrealistic at this time. Other lobbyists are extremely strong and able to exert far more pressure politically than are cities. It was urged that cities continue to work to see that their own delegations are cultivated and made as friendly as possible toward the cities' cause - Legislators thought to be friendly having a way of changing their minds in a hurry under pressure. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse moved that City of Renton Vouchers Nos. 6498 through 6624, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee for 1966, be approved by the Council for payment at this time. Fund Breakdown follows: The motion carried. Current Fund 6498 - 6525 $ 12,024.79 City Street Fund 6526 - 6537 3,484.47 Arterial Street Fund 6538 1,875.00 Cedar River M. & I. 6539 - 6544 384.48 Off-Street Parking 6545 10.00 Equipment Rental 6546 - 6558 2,829.41 Library 6559 - 6590 3,268.04 Parks 6591 - 6602 3,164.02 Water Works Utility 6603 - 6615 4,595.73 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 6616 and 6624 20,593.35 Airport 6617 - 6622 137.28 Cumulative Reserve 1975 6623 1,062.32 $ 53,428.89 Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton 1967 Vouchers No. 6625 - 6628, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Library Fund 6625 $ 5,390.00 Airport 6626 1.00 Cumulative 1975 6627 6,000.00 Current Fund 6628 22.00 Councilman Hulse inquired regarding further report on Lake Washington Beach railroad crossing and Park Director Coulon advised of receipt of plans for the signalization and crossing however, the agreement documents have not yet been received. Councilman Schellert reporting in minority for the Ways and Means Committee advised that the City has not received tax revenues due from the County and excess revenues are not available at present as anticipated, some $196,000.00 still receivable. The Committee is unable at this time to report method of funding for a new Parking Checker and the matter will be retained for the present. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Law and Ordinance Committee Chairman Morris submitted proposed Resolution of the City of Renton authorizing fuid transfer from Planning Department Account 1700/308, M. & 0. unto 1700/606, Capital 0 tlay, $350.00. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to adopt- Resolution No. 1416 as read. Carried. (Tape Recording Equipment) The Law and Ordinance Committee submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington authorizing Street Department fund transfer from 3200/802, Sidewalks (St. Maint. 3240/306, Stationary Equip.), $1,032.14, unto 3200/606, Machinery & Equipment, (St. Maint. 3240/606, Machinery & Equipment) . Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur and adopt Resolution No. 1417 as read. The motion carried. The Committee presented a proposed Resolution authorizing fund transfer from Waterworks Maintenance Account 7120/605, Capital Outlay in sum of $3,271.82, unto Waterworks Maintenance Accounts 7120/311, $4.25, 7120/315, $2,260.16, 7120/317, $15.00 7120/325, $62.92, 7120/417,. 892.86 and 7120/203, $36.63. Moved by Poli, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1418 as read. Carried. -5- Fir fa'-' -"' ' • OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY •• RENTON,WASIiINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WAS.I-IINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-8678 �J:: Ei)11.1/t2 : • •'GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY (/ ARTHUR L. HAUGAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY • ' V60.,jj September 8, 1966. Honorable Donald W. Custer, Mayor cud the Members of the City Council City of Rentono. City Hall " • , Renton, Washington 98055 ' Re: Late Washington Beach Project Gentlemen and Mrs. Dahlquist: - The Mayor's office submitted to us, yesterday, a letter from the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation dated August 30, 1966, together with the proposed project agreement lent tetween the City and • staid State agency. We have loohed over the pro.porNed agreement and • • from a strictly legal otandpoiut, telieve that it is in proper form. , However, it appears to ue that this proposed egrcemcnt imposes a . • more than usual amount of 'red tcpr"on the.City in carrying out any . such project, in addition to which all of •eueh work, changes, curer- vioion and omcndmenta are subject to approval of the state and Code- . rel agencies involved. , You will note, of course, that the City will have to appropriate . $55,000.00 as its half share •of the total cost, while the state contrihatoo nothing on this project',' end the federal agency, the bateau of Outdoor Recreation, ice to contribute the remaining $55,000.00. . t'.oaever, 1% of the total coat, rxa1y $1,100.00 is to be paid by . the City to the state., as part of its administrative expanses inci- dental to the project, which > .uat to paid immediately as soon ©s the ' ,project has Caen approved by both state and governmental units. • .It teems to us that all of theca matters should be thoroughly under- • stood by the City Council and the departments involved, ineJling the natters of financing, calling for bide and the various restrictions and requirements imposed upon the City and the contractors perform- . , ing the work. The City -should ba quite sure that the projected ce- • .. . . `;, tivate of $110,000.00 is adequate and sufficient to tate csre of . the improvements listed in paragraph 4, as otherwise the City may . • 'be responsible for any cXccss coats. . , • _ ' • ,. .,, C CoY , ' , •. , • 4 _ , . , _ . llonerable Donald kl. Custer, Mayor licratarevof the City Council -. tomber 0, 1966, . 13caa 2. Please also keep in mind that the federal government's share of the ,projected cost will be paid in installments only, togethe:: with a , , • ,, 10% retention until the job has teen accepted so that there may'be -" scule possible delay in making payments to the City's contractors, ' , . . •• which probably should be kept in mind when such a contract is en.. tcred. We also notice that this project a,greement calls for a competitive , '.. bidding for all contracts in excess of $2,500.00, which -seems to be inconsistent with llal 35.23.352 which allows construction of " - Public Clorlsa up to $5,000.00 without competitive bidding. We certainly shall be glad to go over this whole agreement with he interested parties, so that the City is fully aware of its °blip- - tions. Since the City has to comply with a certain manual issued • , • • by the federal government, regulating policies and procedures, this should also be •studied possibly by the Park Director, to be, sure that the City cannot be declared in default of the project. , .. We remain, • . , • , ,, Respectfully yours, PAIIGAN 8: SHEILAH . . , . , Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney , GMS:hb. , , ' • . ' cc: President of Council , City Clerk . , Park Director . , . , , di' 110 xers (.(d .fey t Council Meeting Minutes Renton City Cou c ee g 11-28-66 COMMUNICATIONS: Letter was read containing signatures of four property owners petitioning the City for annexation of properties in vicinity of S.E. 116th Street (South side) between 133rd and 136th Avenues S.E., to the City of Renton. The letter of intent was signed by Mr. and Mrs. Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Wickham, and is legally described'as the NW4 of the NE 4 of the SW 4 of the NW4 of Sec. 10, Twp. 23 N., Range 5 E., W.M. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the letter of intent to the City Engineer to check validity. Carried. A letter from Park Director Coulon submitted and recommended acceptance and payment of final estimate for work performed by Rasmussen Construction Company, $5,455.91, Kiwanis Park shelter building, The work under this contract was completed on November 4th and accepted by the Parks & Recreation Department on November 14th. Acceptance by the Council to commence- 30 day lien period with release of $3,300.00 plus tax to be paid thereafter upon proof of payment of tax liabilities. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poll, to accept the project as of November 21, 1966 with payment of final estimate referred to the Auditing and Accounting Committee with power to act. The motion carried. A letter from Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, requested December 19th bid opening for 1967 legal publications specifications to include 8 point type, the same as general news style and price to be quoted per 100 words rather than by column inch.Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation of the City Clerk. Carried. Letter from City Clerk Nelson reported charge of Equipment Rental Account 3600/303 Utility Service - Power with $145.78 in power bills which are chargeable to the Current Fund. Cash transfer has been made from the Current Fund to the Equipment Rental Fund and Resolution is now required to appropriate excess revenues into Equipment Rental Fund Account to make up the expenditure, referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee was recommended accordingly. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from Lycette, Diamond and Sylvester, Law Offices,requested on behalf of Mr. Jack Curran and Howard Keller, who are building the Bonanza Restaurant,Rainier & 7th Avenue, a Late-comers Agreement whereby costs might be recovered in future hook ups to 8" sewer line, built instead of the 6" line so that it might accommo- date other properties in the area. Since those owners who had previously agreed to participate have not as yet it was requested that the City assist by authorizing the Agreement. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Pedersen, that the Late Comers Agreement be authorized with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Letter from Fire Chief Walls requested permission to make temporary loan of the Cityts 1927 Howard Cooper Fire Engine to the State Fire Service Historical Museum located in the Seattle Center which is operated by the State Firemens' Association, Inc. The cost of restoration, if any, would be the responsibility of- the Museum and receipt will be executed for the vehicle. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to grant the loan of the fire engine. Carried. Letter from Einar H. Hendrickson, Administrator, Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, gave tentative approval to application for financial assistance for Lake Washington Beach Park #2, proposed development of 22 acres of waterfront property to include swimming, beach area, play areas, game court and an open area. Federal allocation recommended was $55,000.00 and $27,500.00 State funding aid. The City matches only 4 of this $110,000.00 and a total of $220,000.00 allocated for this project. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Unfinished Business Councilman Hulse submitted Committee of the Whole Report which was read with Council action taken as follows: It was recommended that the request of the Statewide Bench Advertising Company be referred to the Public Relations Committee for study. This proposal was for installation of benches at bus stops. Motion was made after discussion L._ - b y Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur. The motion carried. Recommended proposed Ordinance amending the City Code to provide for new mode for posting public notices by the Board of Adjustment be placed on second and final reading. It was decided that appeal procedure remain within Council jurisdiction and not be made to Superior Court as recommended by.the Board. Moved by Poll, seconded by Bruce, to concur with reccmmendations as read. The motion carried. -2- (PA'W"lief/vriii 16)64/It- v Meeting9-26-66 Minutes - Renton City Council COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter from A. C. Hinckley, Standard Oil Co. of California, reported application for building permit to construct service station at corner of 132nd S.E. and State Hwy. #2 and pointed out that no sanitary sewer is presently available at the subject site. It is felt that since the City requires extension of the existing line up and across the city street to property line at their expense, credit to Standard. Oil Co. should be given for the cost of installing the sewer in the city street and it was suggested that such cost be deducted from hook-up and pumping charges. Otherwise, Late-Comers' agreement was requested to provide that any person hooking up to portion of line they install would pay one-half of installation costs. Specifications for installation of the sewer and grades to be required to meet the existing line were requested from the City Engineer's office, so they may comply with construction rules. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee. The motion carried. A petition containing 32 signatures was read calling attention to unsightly growth of underbrush and weeds on property located between the Highlands and Windsor Hills, West of "E" Street and South of 6th Avenue North, owned by Hallie H. Smiley, and requesting that the city require owner to clear the property and remove the hazardous "jungle" from the corporate limits of the City. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Poll, to refer the petition to the Building Director to report back. Carried. Letter from H. A. Blenco, President, Monterey Community Club, called attention to the bank resulting from cut made by Highway Department for the Third Avenue Extension which presents serious traffic problem at entrance to Monterey Terrace just off Third Avenue North, rising some 8 to 10 feet high. The City was requested to remove the bank and also to replace concrete sidewalk which was removed along with entrance sign to Monterey Terrace on East side of the drive through to Third Avenue (approx. 20 ft.) Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee and the Street Commissioner to report back. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer submitted proposed Agreement in which the City would join with other Valley Cities to hire an engineering consultant for purpose of studying arterial needs in the Green River Valley. The City of Renton will participate in sum of $7,122.50 and concurrence was requested with authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the document. Funds have been budgeted in the 1967 Preliminary Budget based on the amount stipulated. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur with authorization granted to execute the Agreement as requested by the Mayor.Carried. A letter from the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recration, Einar H. Hendrickson, Administrator, acknowledged receipt of the City's project proposals advising that approximately 100 projects have been submitted. Review of the projects is scheduled for completion in time for the October 8 meeting in Wenatchee, project funding deter- mination may be forthcoming at the November meeting in Seattle. (Lake Wn. Beach) Letter from King County Commissioner Wallace submitted proposed Resolution on Revised 1967-69 Biennium Priority Schedule for State Highways in King County, copy of which schedule was attached along with form of proposed Resolution, and favorable action was requested in adopting like Resolution. Areas concerning Renton were outlined by City Engineer Wilson and it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. Carried. Letter from Leland L. Sphar, President, Pacific Northwest Pollution Control Assn. encouraged City personnel to attend the annual meeting on water pollution control in Portland, October 19-21 at the Sheraton Motor Hotel. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, to refer the letter to the City Engineer and someone from the Water Department be encouraged to attend. Carried. Petition for annexation of certain properties to Renton,located North of S.E. .96th Street, per letter of intent of 8-15-66, was read wherein it was stated that property owners agree to assume the pro-rata shares of the City's bonded indebtedness ,- • pre- existing and it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to refer the Petition to the City Engineer to check signatures and report back as to validity. Carried. (J. D. Sweazey properties et al; five signatures appearing on petition) Two messages from the Association of Washington Cities were directed to Municipal Officials, as read by the Clerk. One announced workshop on Employee Alcoholism September 28 and 29th in the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers' Hall 2700 - 1st Avenue, Seattle Second message submitted copy of comparative study of variable annuity retirement benefit and charts comparing this benefit with an escalator prepared by the Public Pension Commission in its study of proposed consolida- tion of firemen•. and policemen retirement systems. -2- 0 V 1? ,`"‘• c,) t / \ \ 1 I ON 111,:1'.1 WPM ENT 14:NTON,W S I 1 INWPON qt CITY FIALL, CFDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 o ALPINE 5 3464 Opr ' CAPitP0- flItVviA/ 1/6„-) /itit4 u September 12, 1966 1/, tti /6 L ttior p:rps'o'r,1 .-10 VT;y and Rr_nton, Washington • The Park Board has instructed me to request that a Resolution he prepared transferring $55,000 from the ,c(Lir River Acquisition Fund to Park Fund 6120, Capi - tal Outlay Account 04, for the purpose of starting development of the Lake Washington Beach Property. This request is based on the receipt of the Agreement for Federal-State-Local participation in this project from the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation which, on the City 's approval , will be ready for pro- •, ssing of the grant. Respectfully submitted, (1Cne I . Coulon UI re( tor 7 / -) 6 127' • ( 11 . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . , •,,,-.,, . •k ,--,. - ,/" L--- , . . '. , . . . • . . . , ' STATE OF WASHINGTON • . INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE FOR • - ' , OUTDOOR RECREATION • . Danc.,,l.-.1-,,, Evans, .Governor, • 1018 East Union Avenue . , Marvin 130 Durning Chairman • Olympia, Washington . . .. , . . .. . . . „ . . . . . . . . , . • September 16, 1966 - .• , . . .:' . • , . . C'jVlau---./,API/,, 6// /) . . • . , . ... . • . . • ' . ' . . . . CL W. Custer, Mayor . , . , r ... City 1-laW • . '. ' ..,..,,.,, „ ., ! . . . .. ,., . . Cedar River Park ' . . ... . , ,. .. , . - , Renton, Wahington 98055 ' ' Re: Project applications . ,' :,' • :. . . . , . .. .., . . . Dear Sir: ' . . . . . , . : .. . . . . . . . . , . . •This will acknowledge receipt of the project proposals you have submitted to tile ..,, Interagency Committee for possible funding, P-,ppro:dmately 100 projects have Neon . , submitted,tothe committee for consideration.. ReViow of; these project proposals ' ' , • . is sch',::cluled for completion In time for our staff to prepare and submit a report on : ' . . each project to the Committee at the October 0 meeting In wonatchoo„ ' The Com- , mitee may roan project funding determination at the Nov meeting b3 seattio. . . . . Prior to the November meeting'the Interagency Committee's staff will field Inspect . . now proD,osals and apply its rating system to all proposals that appear to be ell-. gibs to meet state and federal program requirements. . .. . . . , • .. . . . ,. • . EithOUrlh.th ë project proposal application form submitted by the agency should ! , , . , . rvovido sufficient information for Committee cons4deration, a number of c.ipplying . agencies hEIVO previously made formal presentation to the Committeo to pi'ovido ' : • . • .1clit.!cnr.;?,1 information, If you have not lied an opportunity to be heard orally, . . ' this can T-,c, c.cheduled to coincide with the Wc.matcheb meeting., • Should you desire :. to make a presentation please advise us by September 26 of the nature otyour pro- • ' sen'i:ation and the amount of time re..quiredo , . . .., . , . . . : CI(-/..nce r4'ely/'.. .. . . ,. . • . . • •,.. , ... ,. . .., . ,. . ..• . . . . .,. . ' ,2 . . . . • ,, . ,' A . . . ., .. . .., •• . ... ., ...„.., ,.- .. . • . ' TIT,\MT. Ti L, IMNI)RICE;:;011 • . ... ' . . . AkitMd:lCs.A.cre . P i_.:.‘. (i.'.: E. V t.1 V. ) . . , . . 1:1II110.) • . . ' . 1..) '!'k) ) ° . • . • , . , . . . . , • . . ' . . . . ..., . . , . . , . , . • .• , ,, . , . . , • , . . , , . .. . . . . • • • A4 STATE OF WASHMITOiiiii leg interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation Daniel J. Evans ,-. .v 1018 East Union Avenue, lympia, Washington 98501 Phone )206) 753-7140 Governor Lem August 23, 1966 Marvin B. Doming — / Chairman • ay C--/ PARTICIPATING AGENCIES •I /(X) 1)1 DEPARTAIENi Or _�"•.t.l1i RLE :� ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT w/ The Honorable Donald W. Custer D,-Hal B. '.Toni Drn:car Mayor, City of Renton DEPARTMENT OF FISHERliS City Hall Thor C. Tnl'ers„n Renton, Washington Re: Beach Park Project Director DEPARTMENT OF CAME Dear Mayor Custer: lohn A. Biqa, • ""rt"' This is to acknowledge receipt by the Interagency Committee on August 15 DEPARIMENI Of lir/WA^AVS of the City of Renton, Washington Beach Park Project (second phase) appli- Ch:n Ies G. I'rahl cation. Director DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL Your submission of said application complies with the September I project RESOURCES Bert L. Cole submission deadline as required by the IAC. Commissioner of Public Lands We will contact you if additional information regarding this project is re- STATE PARKS S RFC Rf+•IION COMMISSION quired. Charles H. Od ego.rnl Director Thank you for your promptness in this matter. Respectful) yours, CITIZEN MEMBERS Y Lewis A. Bell " 7 •Er,�•ett .. Q 7 Warren A. Bi,f)Jp Pullman ` Keith H. Campbell EINAR H . HENDRICKSON Spokane .Administrator Marvin B. Doming Seattle EHH:MM:r Thomas O. Wimmer Seattle cc: Mr. Marvin B. Durning Mr. Gene L. Coulon, Director, Parks and Rec. Dept. , Renton ADMINISTRATOR [arm II, II,,,,,(I... .. Olsrnpra FECEIV D AuG MAYOR Interagency Committee ) )utd0or I- ,oct tior.i Daniel J. Evans LLe 1018 Rest llnien Av,inou, Olympia, WeshrnTton 98501 hhono (706) 753-7140 Governor August 30, 1966 v();) Marvin B. ()Limning / Chairman UUU fri2)4 PARTICIPATING AGENCIES A..)2, 10,15/„.d. DEPARTMENT OF COV,,tAEPCE & • ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Daniel B. Ward The Honorable D. W. Custer ()ureter Mayor, City of Renton • • DEPARTMENT Or I SHE RILS City Hall Thor C. Tollrrson Cedar River Park Dire,-tr,r Renton, Washington 98055 6 LOG 2 DFPAREMLNT OI GAML Re: Lake Washington Beach Projec John A. 14rdus Dear Mayor Custer: w106/ Director • DEPARTMENT Or HIGHWAYS There are enclosed three copies of the standard form of agreement for federal- Charles G. Prahl state-local participation in the project for which you have applied for funds. Director • Inasmuch as the other requirements have now been essentially met, matters appear DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES to be in order for appby yourgattesting g legal counsel as to form of this a ree- Bert I. Cole ment, and your counter-signing with our Chairman for the execution of this work. Can,missfonrr r,r Please note that we have filled in appropriate blanks to identify your project on Pr 61ir l ands pages I , 2, 3 and 12 so it is ready for your inspection and signature. STATE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Charles H. Odegoard In the event there are legal questions about this phase of the arrangements, please Director have your legal counsel call our Assistant Attorney General , Mr. Lloyd Peterson, ' at Olympia 753-5633. If there are exceptions or additions peculiar to your project, they should be discussed with him and entered onto the next to the last page as CITIZEN MEMBERS Lews A. Bell qualifying riders io this agreement in advance of the signature page. We hope Everett that you can expedite this agreement signing for us so that we can proceed with Warren A, Bishop the grant. • Pullman Kr•rrh H Comrphrll Spokono Sincerely, Marvin B. Punnrrrj Seattle q �r'� / Thomas O. Wrmmor (<' ✓)r GPGY/YY���„///y1 L Seattle EINAR H . HEI�lDIRIC,<SON - C R 6 id 74,6 Administrator ADMINISTRATOR EHH:MV:r Einar H. HendricEson Encl . Olym1da .„,- •-- - _ ' ..,, '.. _ :-,. ., :,_ . , OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • RENTON,WASHINGTON , POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5.0070 . , ., , ., ( GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY ARTHUR L. HAUGAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY ' Oda) ) ':';', ,;ijIYY.Y('0 r September 8, 1960. ' ‘Aki 6 , oriAli . . ,::: •::, : „,,, 4-- 64/ ,::: ,',:. • ,', r: Honorable Donald W. Custer, Mayor ' .' •,, :: :., end the Members of the City Council City of Renton • City Rail -„‘ Renton, Washington 98055 . „ . " 1 Re: Lake Washington Beach Braila , , Gentlemen and Mrs. Dahlquist: .• .• „ , • ; ,, • ,,., : -, • • .-,,,,..,;; -,..,-. ,: - The Mayor's office autatitted to ua, yesterday, a letter from the •, ‘' „ . ': ,:',f,''f''•-',' . --,- ''''': Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation dated August 30, 1966,; ,,:- ' ,: ' ',,-:',:- r "L,..-.•i• ' ••••, ,.. together with the proposed project agreement ,f.tweert the City and said Stste agency. We Nive looped over,the?proposed agreement and',:.:-.: • . ,.' • ', :"s. ..., .. .: ;'-::,,:-,';:',. ..'i, ::• ': ,,:''froal n StrictlY legal tstandnOint, believe that it is in 'proin3r fez*. „,. ''' . -- '---'' '-''• 'Y'. ''' 1Ioziever. it appears to us that ,this proposed agreement imposes '- - '-:, : .;,..-:i'.. •:•,. . '' ' ' more than usual amount of 'red 'taw oa the City in carryina out any: 0 . .,,, „; . ,, ,i',,,-,.: ' '.•,' ouch project, in addition to N'74icti.01 of auchiwon%;,changes, supor- vision and amendments are 'autijeet to approval of the state and fe44-•;, ,ral cooneies' invOlved. „ -,, , •,:... \,, . „. . ',;:, -:.:(,: •:',:,,':: ,,, ,,-.;'toll will note, of course, that the City tall hive to appropriate : ‘ ' $55,000.00 se its half share of the total cost, while the state contritutoo nothing on this project, end the federal agency, the tiveau of outdoor ktccrcationi): ip to contribute the remaining $55,000.00. ' , ,: ,-,-,,,H• -',.-,-2, „ 110uaver, 1% of the total cost,,:•namely $1,100.00 is to he paid by City to the state, PS Part of its edministrztive OKILIElad3 itlei-; l''; ' • : : '.- ..; ':- ''', ',dental to the" project, which mu !' be paid immediately as soon as,,the'''' . .:.' • „;--- , .project has b3C11 approved by both state and goyernmenta?Thunite. : .-,:.•':,' ., ' .:2 :-:.; ?, :..-:.:'''..: •:- .. •-•• . . , „ . ., Jt- deer to ue that all of the matters should be thoroughly under71::::,: • , ,otood by the City Council and'the departmonts 'involved, inckaling the,:.:•' . • ' -,• ,:•.,; :.'-.:', :,-: ; ,.:,patters of financing, calling for bids and the various restrictions ,.. ,,• --,::,:, ,,• , :-,:, :":: •-:', and requirements imposed upon the City and the,contractors perforal- ing the work. The City should te quite sure ,thet the projected es- ticato of $110,000.00 is adequate cni sufficient to tabs care of the improvements listed in paragraph 4, as otheivisa the City taay be responsible for any execsa,,*ceates, ,,,,,, , . ,. . , . E3 , . .: '"' ,.. ,•4‘`..!...1 , ••---.••,,••-.f -.,:L .n -...,--„,:.:,...;',',•••••-.4 iNL4-4„..,,•-•-:IL,..-,..„,,,,,„ • .•....-.... ••••.,,,,,..• ,;,., ',t,' ;"'..'''';" .. '.; ... ....,,•:. •,,f.,;,',',..;.',"",..(,•.',••;;',;"kt:I'';',;?,•,..-.V.•••\'',,-3,,,.,‘•':ii'..,,•.' '.';'4' i.•;',,,•..‘,...,.',.p;','6',,,41,:',';': -q;-'• ''''.:•,';..i,r1',-•%:;',V-••• •, '••.:.-..• .;.-. i(-"i';':''''''T...?4":;_,;Y 1,4...,•!'.•• ''':"..•••..11'1;:;•'' '',•• '4-:,.,P!''.:-•'''.•.'';'...•...;;;;,,,,',',•••'; ;.. . '';''''''''' '.?%'''I'•••':::.' 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M.;'. thi ••'dui'v chic$.-eti 7 .qu '3 i:-L l(!4•I' aiid.,-60.1• • itty,€lex;k::: o. •,:1nri.::•f?o,:2' tb,e'•.•;;''~s'ty!,:'cif Peat{-+rtm kIs airx ,;tori do':h,r,lhra . . - ,a °L- '.'ev,.tab:�fi•-.this i.ttiscii�rd::1 .a tru arras '.cram,et , :opy•c i' -: rpt . . ..0 i) - .. • ' '.: . : 'ux-the. C of : £iriti' c 'fif`'.ti w-•City:. f'.R nto '+4 ityit:.C' ici . • .,y _= r .;o .. ep :t96 7.: e_.in the,.regards ... " Of-the: f cc.e., f. tiio-,ti�S.C.e"°k iai 'eif.d City: '. _ ILL `WIT i�.S,.. ittik ro .I. 23eres_a t .se 'my`hard 'dnd.'•: e '..f1c.i ` •-c!la 3. :of 'th6 City, r P':- entgia,,',.l: zts...Lour ty,"W�oh,f nigtari g till.s& 22zid.:' .. =' - :d; y of 'Gc4,�ptes r;'" :9€,6. ", " .• , • . , i `r_.c� ",We1 o C1: d ?rk • - ,_ a '.'•', _ — ' `• — .' !'. a►'. �i September 22, 1966 Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation 1018 East Union Avenue Olympia, Washington 98501 Attention: Mr. Einar H. Hendrickson, • Administrator Re: Lake' Washington Beach Project wf f2s6 City of Renton, Washington C.AG. 1067-66 61/4 Gentlemen: We enclose,herewith.executed Contract Agreements as captioned above for federal-state-local participation in project for which the City has applied for funds, the execution of which was authorized by . the Renton City Council at its regular meeting of September 19, 1966. Kindly return two executed copies for our files, retaining the third for your records. Yours very truly, CITY OF:RENTON Helmie'W. 'Nelson . City Clerk HWN/dm Enclosures` '- ` ,:'r!'' ' OFFICE OF • THE CITY ATTORNEY, e RENTON,�YASHINGTON 's`yt. ;,t•,' .` .: , POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100-2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE$,-8678,..•; H. p • GE&2AR® iyd.•SHEl.6AN, CITY ATTORNEY ,, ' !i 't • AItiTB.U1 L HAIUGAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY • • Ja A �q '.'u �'Sn.•`s'r4;,'r.. .};.J.:; :;;Mr.r anlo \9L°ab r • - • • • q.. I'1.-:- -q• Renton Municipal Airport . r" I i, Renton, aehin ton 98055 q . ,.0 `,,1.(rr:.,.,'3�:,�s: '` Re: Lea 1rt .:I ' ',,,.r<. ,,,, J,,,;, (.',. ®�, supplement to Saari ',,;. fir. 'lefty:• - •.:SJ.. �F received yesterdays., y use amber 19, g 96C t T;�';t, •.,'' r,'M,: ',p;.�' �:� �� �•�W�A0.l�i-i W���. .474YOi., ����'�, 'g`���'r��' ��4�' �"in: , ` ,n1rr • p.tentar 14.i for ,a iesee„ ioalry��ike�eut ae a't�ov oa ;ti®en d t" rl..,ti,'Y'' 1rr;ia,4i,:.:, - • F. :"I ' r`' b �' tib - .;t ..+ x r..,;: ';. •' ". ' .,'ise7 rµ ,7�:5"';::'�`,r•,',' �.. ..r' :l� py • ,°-;,, . ., ; ,` ,;,_': Le:::.are'ha6ding'•you .ieerewitta original and two copies'-of ueh:..€ou ;.ie.'., .:/ .',ii .e nt .for. your approval.; .4 :r :=`t . ' :;.;'':J '; p oPp �, presume thit,.:t4a�.' °e�risee& aga� ,` _•,.,,`,•. <• ,; '. "r °•, ,s °• ioaa' s -'been duly`cEeck d,, lg yoa� have' 'sn urstionr'legal,. �';.,;':' ':; {dY;;.:'1, F,, : l l t' this matter, please :dc�;,nat he®irate•,to let Us ,know.:. '''''' '.:•,: ' 8 ' would �pprtwitte it 'if you 'would advil u ,e t}1r• au yli,e, p %r.` -, .,,ti/,I; .,- `'i..J- 'J 7.d, ad vile FYii yY�{N:� CD.Vppli u3L `y . : 1.'�1; it ;.. , s":•'been executed, so...that iils-.; it conform oua';..cm i e .5.. .�7, ;s' ,7ex•>raza • " •Y • , i r ) y 1'' :.' Y'f\ n,- r':'f.:i'tr Ryr,V -, - / r .1 i , „ `. . r ! Very Ul 9UE8_ s q}�gqp p • a : >�4` 5c:' L 1Q4V 9 a'- _ 4 'u4•; ,;a-' .'ih. � ° .'i � fi '- , y. ) • • ,i r ICJ, -,�tl•-f'., _ .ail ' �'3l'.•' t' - � ,'•y1,• .'' '��? :Ff K. +Y • .,•.I 'd: Gp M. Shallots. ,' r . ', - ',, City. Attori • 5: `f^'' 4 ;J it,,./', .,4 '!: J. "�7 , fi 'I:I 44: : . Y:,.�l .S, 'fji .J•. i: 'tx:�, ,CS.M • • • ,. LiF; ,. r . ,;1. , ' Cif Cl�»4. , � i y • ;. .1, .I.v ,.1 ,j� :y"f}� Ida;:;" r, ..�. 'i� �y'; ,', 4 •'j',' rt,•' Yk'J, .i. � L ✓'" ,�1.�;'7 '�1', i,..: : .t _ �' �.., ',hl,l.� .'r„, .,P'i .rl.• ~y,i' - ' • j • .: , ' i (. • 'tfl;r. -'irk,•.•,•,::'I ,..;'11,• ".�y'�'• ', .1� f;i .4{ I+ 'i` r k• 5 I t, i' I,1/ 4} , , 0 � A rM1/r, ' !�df i .'S..::.,,Y. ,,,,,,..,,,, k� II.51 • . -• , , .. �J.". .w..,' '1 rr,•i,f'� i. 0 -•'�: '4eK ... � ', .�„ t A 1t, '•1'. ...L.,_. PACIFIC COAST R. R. CO. R.M.BOYD, LAND&TAX AGENT 404 UNION STREET-SEATTLE, WASH.,98101 Seattle, Washington September 8, 1966 Renton, Wash. - P.C.#225 Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk Renton, Washington Dear Madam: Referring to our letter of August 2 with which we furnished you the executed vamp-1-848d duplicate of Pacific Coast R. R. Co. Permit (#168 - LD#227) dated June 2, 1966 covering the location of a 10-3/4 inch casing pipe for carrying a water line under tracks of the Boeing Spur at railway survey station 2+90 in renton. If you can now send us the consideration of $10.00 for issuing the permit it will enable us to close our file on the matter. Yours v ry truly,/ 73/ Land & ax Age t Aed b,/ 0/1 fi • . L,.• '''i..k..,4,1-'''il _____:___ ey577,27A, i., - \tii. 6A • SiTilVE ®F IT SPAR 0 0-"7 r ; Interagency Committee r_.7, for Outdoor Recreation Danial v•1. Evarla �j of/ L.__�.1 1010 Ealt Unlon Av.nuo, Olympia, Washington 90501 Phono•1206) 751-7140 /"/' Govuor ij rn August 23, 1966 . Marvin B. Dunning • Chairman //' . ibAir.. . • . • • PARTICIPATING AGENC ES • DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE & ECONOMIC DEVELCFMLNT The Honorable Donald W. Custer Don:el B. Word . Di,ector W,ayor, City of Renton . DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES City Hall . Thor C. Tollolson Renton, Washington • Re: Beach Park Project I Director DEPARTMENT OP GAME Dear Mayor Custer: , John A. Biggs .a This is to acknowledge receipt by the Interagency Committee on August 15 . Director DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS of the City of Renton, Washington Beach Park Project (second phase) apple- Charles G. Prohl cation. Director DEPARTMENT OP NATUR L Your submission of said application complies with the September I project Bert L. Colo submission deadline as requirod by the IAC. • I Commissioner o1 • Public Lando • We will contact you if additional information regarding this project is-ro- S1ATE PARKS P. RECRI Ai IOrJ COmM ISTIOIJ 1 ii 111l'CI. ' Clhurlcs II. Odrgoonl • Director Thank you for your promptness in this matter. • • • CITIZEN MEMBERSRespectfully yours, - • Lewis A. Bull Evorolt , Warren A. Bishop • Pullman • EINAR H. HENDRICKSON a;olih H. Campbell Spokano Administrator Marvin B. Dvrnlnll ;;.alllo • [I-11-1:MM:r - Thomo,0, Winvnor Seattle • cc: Mr. Marvin B. Durning Mr. Gene L. Coulon, Director, Parks and Rec. Dept., Renton :.DMiNISTRATOR Einar H. Ilcndrickson ' Oi,mpla • • . ,t Vi/.:4Ob ri _ ...,S .,. 90J •Se«N_ L. , i, eli " SS ArJO�"��q1. i' , STATE OF WASHINGTON 4. Interagency Committee `a=,,;►: a ;', ;� .�;.' ` for Outdoor Recreation. /. '�, .,, ,}ef �6,, ,r 1 �y 4 F� 'r7.' Danial pi. Evanol . v y 1010 East Union Av.nu., Olympia, Washington 90501 Phone (206) 753-7140 ;:� -.G09orngr• }� (((JJJ August 23, 1966 �, Marvin B. Durning "1 Chairman u! Pr)F- PARTICIPATING AGENCIES DEPARTMENT OF COM ERCE 8 • r ';, .I ECONOMIC DEVELO MENT The Honorable Donald W. Custer G:z;=-4, :,r Daniel B,'Word , ' ,.' 'Diroctot Mayor, City of Renton City Hall N •'DEPARTMENT OF PISHcRIES �? Renton, Washington Re: Beach Park Project Thor C, Tollofson g /� Director - ,,1 °;.'DEPARTMENT OF GAME Dear Mayor Custer: - vvv John A. Biggs , 1 ': Dire"°` This is to acknowledge receipt by the Interagency Committee on August 15 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS of the City of Renton, Washington Beach Park Project (second phase) appli • - j. Charles G. Prahl" cation. Director .. ' DEPARTMENT RESOURCES OP NATURAL Your submission of said application complies with the September I project • Bert L. Colo submission deadline as required by the IAC. !. . Commissioner of ' „y".ry;. Public Lands.. We will contact you if additional information regarding this project is re-, ., j STATE PARKS & RECREATION u i red. COMMISSION q Charles H. Odogaard ",," , :; DifeCtor Thank you for your promptness in this matter. ` Respectfully yours, , ,. CITIZEN MEMBERS Lewis A. Boll ' E4orott `,' Warren A. Bishop Pullman EINAR H. HENDRICKSON 1 ',` Keith H. Campbell Spokane Administrator ..;V Marvin B. Duminp I : SaatHq EHH:MM:r ,, I 9 Thomas O.•Wimmor I Scattlo .. • cc: Mr. Marvin B. Durning ' , r:'Gene L. Coulon, Director, Parks and Rec. Dept., Renton ADMINISTRATOR Einar H. Hendrickson , Olympia . • 1)91 jr/.;), /ytekulLtiti-V Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 8-22-1966 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Schellert, Chairman, Ways and Means Committee, recalled referral of requested additional staff for the Planning Department and Committee study of the request. A Program Analysis brochure,as prepared for the Committee by the Planning Department, was distributed which outlined work program and desired goals for the balance of the present ye4r and for the year 1967,and anticipated man hours to be required for ful • - fillment of the goals 'in substantiation. $2,395.00 is the cost requested for the hiring of an additional employee, Grade 23, for four months. The Committee recommended approval for hiring of one additional Assistant Planner at Grade 23 for the remainder of the year with funding therefore .to be app cprated into the budget from-excegs revenues. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Perry, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist recalled referral of some months ago to the Planning Committee the matter of rezoning of the hospital property and pursuant to the matter being before the Planning Commission as shown in the current minutes of the meetings, she inquired as to where the matter now stands. Planning. Committee Chairman Trimm stated that the matter is still pending with further meetings being scheduled and the Com- mittee does not have a recommendation at the present time. Councilman Garrett, Chairman, Street and Alley Committee, submitted report advising of meeting with property owner utilizing street right-of-way for truck loading and unloading at intersection of 4th Avenue and Wells Street (Service Laundry) and the following recommendations were made:(1) The property owner restrict the use of large vans on Wells Street; (2) The property owner negotiate a hold-harmless with proper insurance clause to protect the City from liability; (3) The property owner obtain a revocable permit with a five-day cancellation clause; the property owner make an attempt to obtain proper off-street area for loading and unloading operation as soon as possible. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Street and Alley Committee recommendations. Carried. Councilman Garrett stated the Committee had met earlier this evening regarding petition for improved crosswalk and traffic control at 3rd Avenue between Mill and Main Streets and would likely have a report at the next Council meeting. Additional time was requested on the matter of request for four-way stop at 10th North and "N" Street. Granted. Councilman Pedersen, Property Committee"Chairman, reported receipt of notice that invoice in sum of $300.00 is pending payable to Glenn W. Wallin for appraisal of Lake Washington. Beach Park property adjoining Shuffleton Power Plant and East bank of Cedar River Waterway, North of 6th Avenue North. The Committee recommended funding from excess revenues. . Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee for the proper appropriation. Carried. ' NEW BUSINESS: Mrs. Dahlquist inquired further regarding the hospital property rezone since the matter had again been presented to the Planning Commission and Councilman Trimm advised that the Hospital Board Attorney has been in contact with the Planning Committee since the meeting with the Commission and the matter is being given proper attention. Councilman. Pedersen reminded the Council of the Committee of the Whole meeting to be held on Monday, August 29th at.-8:O0, p.m.. - Moved by' Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that Vouchers Nos. 4682 through 4734, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be accepted for payment by the Council at this time. Carried. Fund breakdown follows:- Current 4688 - '4708 $ 4,304.11 City treet 4709 - 4713 7,734.90 Equipment Rental 4714 - 4715 307.28 Library 4732 15,000.00 Library Construction 4733 1,565.67 Parks 4716 - 4721 1,309.69 Water Works Utility 4722- 4729 8,205.70 Airport 4730 - 4731 22.02 Cumulative Res. 1975 4734 16,822.88 $ 55,272.25 -3- • May 7, 1966 Renton, Washington Mayor and City Councilmen of Renton City Hell Renton Washington I The Lake Washington Beach Park issue has county wide implications because it is the only adequate waterfront access from, Rainier Beach, South, And up the lake to the East Channel Bridge. To summarise your actions so far in pushing for the sale of this 3.5 acres: of public waterfront park property: 1-You made your decision to sell public land before even a belated public hearing was held 2-You have stilled the voice of the Municipal Art Commission 3-You have implied retaliation to certain city businessmen if they spoke on the issue 4-You have gone against the recommendations of your Planning Commission, Park Board and flown in the face of the 701 Comprehensive Plan 5 You have incurred the disapproval of the Allied Arts of Renton and the League of Women Voters 6-You are ignoring the petition of over 1000 Renton Voters to open the park this summer and not to sell 7-You have refused to • even question the real culprit in the case-Puget Power the.company which will be the recipient of our park land even though they don't need it. ' . Ali•this, gentlemen, without the voice of support of a single Renton Voter,• commission or planning body to date, . • • In theireckless pursuit of this deal you made with Boeing last winter . you will jeopordize hundreds of thousands of dollars in state and federal . matching funds for the parks developement and will make condemnation of • needed additional contigous waterfron land difficult if not impossible. You are about to say the 3.5 acres in question is unfit and unusable for park purposes. In so doing you either perjure yourselves or prove you have n�t even given a cursery glance to the property. I believe that the relentless path of this steamroller against the public will and interest has been engineered by Boeing and Puget Power employees who sit on the council serving company interests. . . Perhaps you feel you have gone thisfar and have nothing to lose by pursuing . this intemperate course. The public would like to know what you have to lose if you turn down this proposition. . May I say again, that in this time, in this area, public waterfront park is beyond price, never for sale; and, demands speedy developement. r.. /2 . Sincerely . cc Renton Record-Chronicle Baird M. Bardarson M.D. Renton Enterprise 32.0 Renton Street Seattle Times {enton,• Washington , Sri a l;t],e i':[ . , .. ., .. ... ..., .. .• ,,„--- , • ; „ :.--- .- • 2/0-//&(., _ [ t : --li LI .[ _ .r , or --'_---- ). zPI--,-- 4_, March ?l, • 166 The Tol-InrTb.l.e svor Custer embe'rs of thc rit:/ Ccuncill (- en t lern en Thank you for your ! et- er of Tcrcr A replying to ,.7)11r state- ment concerning refer:-al of the natter of the sale of lake V:achinFton Yeach brobert to the boeing Comaany. In cti originHl let, er r'e swgested that, since this might poss1 ' .1y Le ohLnge 'Ln MP comprehcnsive plan, the matter I might 1,roper.y, by to Jar , be referred to the Planning i Commission for herings . The council, and later the City 1 Clerl,:,, reported th the 71!ater had a] reedy been referred to the Planning Cowission . I E investigation confir-.]ed our belief that this matter had not been referred to that bcTI.y. I . z 1 The land use me and the comunity facilities portions of .L the plan desii_Jiates the who1c - re,a for a bark rid recommends exbansion of said lErlf.-. . , Yours truly, 41,f.v, :10/zajz. i .rs . Donald Famblin, President \ . , i . . ,Il tl,---- '. ''®s OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY. :© RENTON,WASIIINGTON ''; " "'i'l'( o POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 9.8055 ALPINE5-8678 -� moo. ; _ GERARD IN. SHELLAW, CITY ATTORNEY: " ,r' , ,, AR U6t L. @9AUGARI, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEYJune ]96 DST CAPITAL \ T S,o F� � 6, 6 • . " '' ' ' '''''''' '‘7' a ,' , ,', Mrs:, `Helmie Nelson LL City Clerk t „;;4 4. %,' 'City all '', 'Renton,• Washington ' . 1 ',, r ;'' i �i it J:' , ,' "Vit�:,F;'fiJ ��{r r .. � F r' : , Re Quit Claim'Deed' to 'PS P&L, , { L>11tc ' Wc1sItialgt�,C7 Beach •pir.ope ty ::' ;: r �; Dear 'Helmie: fir +. ."- We are handing you herewith the 'original and',one .copy. of 'the F ' 'tr .;t, Y`F '`�' Claim Deed • .Cit proposed � i; ,3 ;_,. Quit from the' y 'to ..Puget Sound Power & Li h, - ,' ,'s`•',h'is � � •Caffipany. ' ,,,:„s•.:,: fora- the reason, as explained in our letter to the q°•. '' -.•r:Julie :2,'. '1966, that the ,present law doesthe i cou•oF .' ' � ncit permit C ty'.to 'm$ke''';,y '' ,; ;.,:;';y .{ this:- exchange under the' facts, of this "case, • We 'suggest,ggest, the�efore3' `- ' •..that, this document bc:vo.id(;.d, , , .• • >'.�: I F , , Xf',°you have.any questions IA this matte'r, 'pletase i et:".tip know We••.rema'i.1 zr•„ ' ;'r. } Ygdrs 'Very, truly,•, •• I ',,..,. - •:•,.. .• ' ' :... : - .:"7::.:':;,',:':.• r?...'"'.;"'• . ••• i,' l• ,..,..,' ...';'''':••,.' ''.-•'''.,;:. .I, ' By G •fa'rd M. ;She n ` , , ityAttorp.ey ry. :f„ GNS:nd '.::01 :' . • • • 1" ' : Mayor � a • c ' ,r . p • rrF, ti / l " 'i. <:4" " f- ,,,..C'..,.,rr'"r F," cla�F,"`l.:q`2'F'„:,fi°' 410 11)QUIT CLAIM DEED / THE GRANTOR CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation of the Second Class under the laws, and statutes of the State of Washington, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration conveys and quit c Aims to PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY, a Washington Corporation, the following . scribed real estate, situated' .in the County of King, ,State of Washington, together w' h all after acquired title of' the grantor therein: An irregular tract of la lying in the southwest ' arter of Section 5, Township 23 North, Range East, W.M. , King Count- , Washington, being particularly located in T ,ct No. 6 of Lake Was gton Shorelands as shown on sheet No. 3 of map prepTaed by Udo Hesse an. iled in Cause No. 156371 in the Superior Court of Kt' g County, entitle. Seattle Factory Sites Company, et al, vs Annie J."'dams, et al, an, more particularly described as follows: . Commencing at the southest corner of ' ne southwest quarter of said Section 5, Township 23 North Range '5 Eas , W.M. ; thence North 88°51'05" West along the south line of ' .id southw t quarter of Section 5 a distance of 1,084.18 feet more or less ;to a poi of intersection with the curving Westerly margin of the right-ow-way o ' he Pacific Coast Railway Company, said point being on a curve co `, ex w: ,terly of radius 1,268.68 'feet from which the center of the circle :ear-, North 73°15'49" West and the True Point of Beginning; thence alon_,,s.',d curve to the left an arc length of 76.38 feet to a point from whenc :, he center of the circle bears North 76°42'47" West; thence North 73°"d '50" West 1,040.85 feet to a pointcf intersection with the northerl 1) e of the Shuffleton Steam Plant property; thence South 43°06'56" East . ong .aid northerly line 496.53 feet to an existing concrete monument, .aid monument being an angle point upon said northerly line of the Shuf' eton SO-am Plant property; thence South 88°51 '05" East 637.22 feet, more o ess, to •he True Point of Beginning. (Containing 153,044 square feet or , 5134 acres ;. SUBJECT to easements, estrictions a-`. reservations of record. THIS CONVEYANCE is -de pursuant to d ty of Renton Ordinance No. 2235 passed u and adopted on May 9, 19' . and subject to the �\ erms, provisions and limitations therein contained and specifiti and to those herein set•?.forth as follows: (a) No str ture or object placed on thw; above described tract shall exceed thir -five (35) feet in height abov • ground level; ' v (b) screen planting of trees or shrubber shall be placed and maintained along the northerly and easterly perm.} ter of the tract; ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has cau-,-d this instrument to be executed liji14;4111 by its proper officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this /,54Aday of May, 1966. CITY OF RENTON, a-municipal orporation A By D.W. Custer, May By Helmie Ne , City Clerk STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ��// On this /✓�_ day of May, 1966, be ore me, the un'ersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly co' uissioned a d sworn, personally appeared :..;t.D.W.. CUSTER and HELMIE W. NELSON to me k' own to oe the Mayor and City Clerk respectively of The City of Renton, the municit 1 orporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrume : to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and p pos s therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the s- d instr ` ent and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. ota Public in and for the State of Washi ¢ton, residing at Renton . 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'•-i.l'-'xii'',•• . • - • • ...stk.e,.,cit Council. .plqat',.the,-.,--p.roperty:''in,'„521.oe!4.1.97,.4,' was, ...,._:P.„? ,,.,9 ,,,..i,..,,.i•,;.:i..,,L,,, .'-':,'•',- ". i--;-1-- recitlire-'...., finding„ if ‘,Fol..1... .. . .. ! . s.6iili 'il'inii. .k.thrI., •eli..060,e#'m3,7„,ppill.1_4.(,)_Ti-f5.1,T.7.; ,.,1:4. .thellai.,..;,orolitistio;,:ji.!..4.:210 ::::. :!.,..,,. a finding,-aa to. . portion.-. . . • -- .- ---. - .,,..--•.„,..1-,,,A.",,,--,„,...- ....,..:,;...,,.:.:, ,..:;.A 1.,,;,;.'0,13-1-000 p'Ole, to make such- - ' . • ..,.,,still,,,••• .__cif tit....,..,,..,••Thera,wfilo-no .,,,4F,... ,,,,,,-....., by aartio.,-timb. hold .t . ..... .. . . is... . . . ..„,s , . , s t if ied'for J.11 the , .,,City,--, 1,„ 1...-',.,..,,,. ,....,,-1 ,:,..„...„,;..,. i'....."`•''':--"''''''''''''''''''''s ' -' '-1, - ' includ ing,•the.one..-cour,104.4in44;-.,v7119-.:1' •••; '''- '- • -'. '• :..theieot 6;..„-,,,,,.., ...1.,-1,,,, 'an" "°°34; ' '. ' fact, ''wie' no longer. useful.;',Jhe,.. Court,i.- ..-... :-.'"•• -,•-•-•, ''''''',;-; '"1:'-'..-; r ., • ;, three. and ...one-half. acres, in- - . ,, ,.. •..,,. ,. .,,,.. ..., . e.etuate,,ani,-"eChangecnd4;'11'r-,. 1,:. -' 1-;,. 0Y.91,5..,,j. C.,-4,...4I..,...':;.,.:,:-,,,....',?' ';`;'''''''-';''''' ''C';''''''•:-''.''.0 ' 'il'•:that the•City.-could.-not legally.?y,',.. ff' 0-7.-,,,,,,---•px-Sit,•n. - - .• • .,- - • 4 ''. 'i 1 g,' for"the reasons, sunmiated-..,:.,-,.., state .above.. Therefore,-•••••TherefOr, '-,thef!..13rOP-CIS'ed4..tranaac .?.ORt.I.g1-q4,,,,...:•:1-.R. 1.:-','.;".'!..,: • '•. I:.,;...;y.....',.,.-•:.'-‘1.•••th Boeing Company. andtor. Puget Bound, 'T'alfi.e.t...-ancli-,- ...4.et-.."...9003p4,iny..,,!.1,1,.. 9....,.;,„..!) ;:_:•,.,-p,,,.,,,,,,,..,..„,.„,..,„::,,,,,_,,,,,,.e,..,:..,,,:,,,,... condition..',-•"':' ' '/,..''.-1„,-s-',...:---,.--.-.p,-,,,v_,,,„1,.....„-„- in in its'.-present i • ,,,,,,,?..4,1,-',,,,....,•-•,-„-:;•,...,01-L-...„-.,,.cy..,,,-...,--r,..r,•....,,,,,,'• •• .;•..,-,',-:.,.;,, •:,';-.,,.;"••• ' 'and the' beach site will havelto. F9T4 - •:,....•-•..•.,,,_, • .,.•,-;.•;,,,•......,.-,'-'.;,•,. .• ::: - •, -•-..,:,•;...k,,.,: ..,•,:o -.,•'r.,,;. „•••,?,;.;,...,/,i, .; :,y, ,,,..iX, - ,,••': •-:-.....;;-•:C.-'-(,;,1:....aP,,, ' • •;„ . . -...: - • ‘ , ,7 . •- ‘''' '-'''.--......•„',,,'..... '. .-..,.1.,.'•-•, ,-; .... ,•:, ,: .-- - , ,;, ''. ''...-.,----, •- - .-- '.:---•...-,--..,:••-:,‘, '' • . . -Y''''''" !•'''.i.' '..,.•' .-"•.' ' . ...2. .", y ..". '.'t . ' ' ;• I ' "'...! . ...?,tr','• r"'• '''. '..:'•%"•-,. .. ' III -:•,;1':.,,1!1 ''.. '• • . to provide for .apt ., _,...,,L,...,,,,,.....,,,,., ' ':;it''MaY"'be•advisable to submit to the. ne?c..t.„4.eaislatUrelya00,,propo,sa?' to Mb 1c4."..cy,,,e',,,,•xtn.7c,,,;,,,f;,::;:..1.:,.„. - :- !..existing•law-so as to givethei ..dity,;:COune,14,-,some.authority.. .p .,.. . , ,.. ,... ,c..,,,...... ,,,,•,,...,,, .' ' .7.--. ''''''''''''L'-'•' ' to Navin la i determine.,that;esisi..Ag.pr 013e..,.±..it y".:2,. ..13 -.. '7..:::,, ,...,-•;:.,r.,, :i.,,,o7....." 4.....,...,..;;.!;,,../.,:1,.._.„,::.:,::,,,,:.{!, .' " ' '-, ••••,....:.r,-.,.change•Nithout av g ...,, .,, . es. wer....on-,. . .• Aga....iiii'-:: .,.,.7.-e....;,'w;a';•.ii,..t t...c .°2111‘13'hiz.:*e.-:,...61;.3,,- ..-te,...•144i.„.-.46.'., testimony' on behalf., •:..,4i1342,1r,•-,..9 -',!, ..-by.. any'•' . '''''''''''•'-'. '''' ''interested party' wi?)I..ing.. to ,a,tate that- -.....tha,•three.!,and: one-hal ...,... .c r ..• • - - , .......,-...1.,:;,,..,,,, '-' ''••'' ' '- •:'- -': useable-or: on xt . o : ., .• f• f r park or recreation.al .• ' pabl'. lipd-Ino...-'aItefnative h4t,',;-" '..PP,. .•,..,:•:, ..,....:•,;.:-.:,....!.,>,:,,-.:,,,,,..,..,....;;.,.,;,..,,: PI:r.r.1()s 9 1'.ll''''. 7..."..r.'6'..f9.:r. 9'....244.•-!1'4516-1TIO:ii:dt?:'.aanta.-.8; ;.'7•"--',-.a...',.i.-t.i!,', ' '' . ''',','-''- '--•'-.i----'' •• -3. '' :uie' felt that.• ti?e•....104Bet 'PTP. ",...-... '..,.-....,,,..-,.„-,•,„,. ,.. .,., , ; •,, . ..,: „::::,...„, ,.,.,-.. ..,,,,....;.,-.. .. ...-....,..-.„-..-,..-,,:4;..., • .• ..-„.',.,.....-t;,:•,• ,,,,,,:a 9 el, • ' ';•• , .., •t••:• •••-:.• !••••:,, .,P.-•,' , .,- .„•`:"..- ,`"".',..-'1 ..„-, ;•••'•.•- .',..,,‘`,,,,:,•,,,:,v-,•,•'-„,...,!_:.•-i---,-',, •4,.;....„1,,•..:,i':1 •1'.. . . --' . . law strictly,--,,:•••.' •.:,‘,.•. 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'Vf,;tj," , 'i' tr:.y ', f'.g•rr9.. .:,,'h-, v` •,•, I' '6r, y. li.. -'I "yy,. r;f ' r `.: �'M.,:'.: :1� • 77 , : ' 2' :, .a,` r; y,line:,2',' 19G6: A 4"'„ ,:'Ma or•and City Council ' Page . 's' 'If.!`an member,of• , the Council wishes g;''Y.', Y' • any:.additional information �iri`zegard.,to 'this- - '„ ?, <,: somewhat complex.'litigation,. the undersigned,,certainlp.will".be lad' to ,,,answer ;;, ;. ',any-_questions,'at the next regular council 'm "',... ''," e/ 'remain' ;,,: 7� 'rI 'r •C 1' 4.Y y.w`a' •�y�'7/� .gip; '�1 e �•L1t!{dV ti� S' r "1,143 ;'fi,' Y`' +, N ,l ri _ r B @rar+C d.P2 die`, .� �S llan "�}, CityAttorne s r, ':GMS d' 'cc' Y Cit Clerk Gene Coulon , '' p`"' q,-t .'i. 'i ,r •rl ,p ii:A1)211iP) INTER -OFFICE MEMO Date nay 2I4. 1966 From: Iloimie Nelson Departmental Account No. To: £9r. Gerard Mellen Expenditure Account No. MESSAGE: Re: Quit Claim. Deed to Puget Sound Power & Light dated May 13, 1966 (File Le: Lake Washington Desch) Mr. Fheilan We are returning to you the original and copy of the above-captioned Quit Chaim Decte per your request. Uel,mte Nelson HU/1c . , . • ' '. . . . • ij ,-,,,- •,.,. • . •, • ' ' ' ' ' . . , • 4-i s',:-. .:17-2:•Th•• '„,::' 1,..' •:::''':;••'',..:,, ., • . . . .. j SY•:•.: m..,,., ---) 0 ' • . ' . '' ' . . . . - . , . , , - g -43 4,N: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ' RENTON,WASHINGTON--• • •:. ::: , - • • , 1---- r<,4--- . POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 9.80,55 ALPINE 5-8678 t-rea..• r-i -,k, - • . •:, , , ......4 ,:S .. , . . , . • , • .. „. .*.. GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY ' • ',' •4 -14?, ..,, c ti' ARTHUIR.L. RAUGAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY ' • May 1,9, 1906 0 .' CAPITAk-C3' . , . . , .. . . . , .. . . . . , . . , •• • . • ..1.-A . . . . . • ,.. .., . . ... , . . , .. . . • • . . .. ,. . ... • . '• '' ' '." • ' . • ki A • ' .. . .• •' . . • ,_. ., . • . , . •• .. . . . , ... . •• ' . . . . , .s' . Mrs. Helmie Nelson , . . . . , _ •)",j ,'. : City Clerk : - . " , ...". , • . . . . City Hall • • • ' . . .. . . . .. , . . Renton, Wash i LIE;ton .. . . . . . , . .. .. 1, „,,f. , . • , . . .. . , -Dear Helmie: . . . , . . .. . • . ,..; We are returning to you herewith a proposed 'Quit Claim deed . • with the corrections that we had suggested over the phone, namely,'2 ,.-r • -. . • .. . . . . . we have eliminated item (c) pertaining to Light Industry uses. The', . - .- _ 0 : undersigned personally felt that any such restriction at this time ,_,,,,,:,,,.,-, ,.may be misleading since the property involved, according to the ' - Planning Director, is zoned for. recreational uses and the abutting . . - property tclthe west for heavy industry uses. . , - - " .., . . , It would appear that if the transaction with Puget Sound Power:& . . Light Company (The Boeing Company) is consummated then a proper ., . petition for rezoning will have to be submitted since a mere • ' -, conveyance cannot by itself change the zoning. , - • . . . • ' .. - ' ' , . . . • . , . , . . • • - If this meets with your approval and that of the Acting Mayor, we suggest that you execute the document and return to us as quickly . . as possible. ...„. / . . We remain . . , onrs vol)/y-,11.1.),y/:// • . • /HAUGAI/, S•FI/ELIAN' Z PAIN.' ' . /// By GerardM.-Shellan , . //. , City Attorney . . , • //' - / . . -GMS:nd / . . . Kucl. . i . . . • , .. c4: . .Urtw 0 1111 1 ,, A0,;11)1, Mr'yo L:' nrwdun 1.:, .11:kni.11 , . . . . . .. . , . • . . . . . ,. , • . , . . , .A . . . , . , " . . • . . , „ .. . ' . • :.' . . . . • I' QUIT CLAIM DEED '. • ' THE GRANTOR CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation of ,the Second Class under • - the laws and 'statutes of the State of Washington; for and 'in consideration of Ten ' '",'''Dollars ,tnd 'other, good 'and 'valuable consideration 'c,onveys ,,,and, quit 'claims ' to: PUGET SOUND 1 . POWER .AND LIGHT COMPANY, a Washington Cor,pbrati.on; ' the following described real estate, • • situatediin the County of King, State of Washington, together' with all after acquired title of ;the' grantor therein: _ .,•, ' An. irregular tract of land' lying in the southwest "quarter,' 'of',Section 5, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, : W.M. , King County,.Washington,', being particularly located in Tract. No. 6 Of 'Lake Washington 5I'iorelandr;� as. shown . . ' On, shoot No. 3 of map prepared by tido Hesse and filed in Cause.No,;; 156371 . . - • ln. the Superior Court of King County, entitled Seattle Factory Sites' ' ,Company, et al, vs Annie J. Adams , et al,. and" more particularly'.described .;, as follows . r: , Commencing at the southeast corner of the southwest;.quarter.ofsaid: Section, 5, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.•;,,thence ,North' 88°51'05',' West along the south line of said southwest quarter' of `:Section:5' a distance ' ` . Of, 1,084.18 feet more or less to, a point of intersection with,: the' curving westerly margin of the right-of-way of' the Pacific Coast' Railway Company, • ' • ' staid" point being on a curve convex westerly of radius 1`; 1 268.68 feet' from„ ''•`' ''' ' si'hi.cl:a the center of the, circle bears North 73°15'4911 West and the True ' ` 'P,oint of .TT3c,f;i.nni.ng, thence along said curve to the; left.an`,arc' length of . .l6,38 feet to a tio:i,nt from 'whence tiles center o'f? tlie. ci.i:eloeloars North 76°42 '47" West; thence North 73°09!50" WY.c;t -1,040.85 feeL''to .a point d . - intersection. with the northerly line of the Shuffleton'SteamPlant property; :" thence South 43°06 '56" East along said northerly line 496:53 feet to an `.' '.-existing concrete monument, said monument being :an angle point upon said ';'•-,2; ,':;_`;_ :':' ' n,ortherl.y line of the Shuffleton Steam Plant property; :thence. South 88°51 '05" •'1 ' ;5t;`' .East 637.22 feet, more or less; to the True Point of":Beginning. •.(Containing - 153;044 square feet or 3.5134 acres) ;t.,. SUBJECT to easements, restrictions,and reservations of ,record. ' THI s CONVEYANCE is made pursuant 'to City of 'Renton. Om•dinance' No 2235' passed•: '.'- ,alai adopt:rld. on.May 9, '.1.966. and. subject to the te't:ms, -provisions,' and limitations. therein contained and specified,and •to ,those herein set forth :as :follows t ' ':1' ell � j� t, ,', e'' ' No, structure or object aced(, ) ''s_ placed on the above'"d'esc'ribed-'�tra'ct 'shall' exceed ).'''! " ,j 'thirty-five (35) feet in height,'above ;ground 'level " (b). e•A screen planting of trees or shrubbery, shall be ;,placed 'and,-maintained r. :` .along,.'the, northerly and easterly perimeter _of- 'the tract.;i' {• .�t..1 ': 'IN'WITNESS 'WHEREOF, said" corporat:i.on. has caused, this .:iristr.timent to ',be,. executed , i, rS�'ffi S^. ?'Y'ir' G1;1':di„ ;:1;{;t`:e�;7±,,. ±t.i..,ry2,..n..(,'.r's+•u. ,r,:, -.�trr;-ad';,�n.ys„ .:usax+..::, rhnn• - ,".7 .7 tm ''n I P> :t 'a't, ..J.nr„ t,• .,f,;:s,:IT•5i A .;r'trr.t i ,r.+i; ,tt. ,a. r, yt rr < ,) '`x{F.; %:'i:e" 1`„••: : .. k e5" J.,rr „Yu,4k. {. .s!"!r :'I�, ,:n n.-,n;• �l` .Yi'r!ii` i; '.�;�;'o .J,,.., .a t,`(y� i't.. ';l}}��t,4. ;fl� "tJ . "vtY '.f'. •f ) Y. �9'' °!. ,.t"h�" i k 9'. t! ':1:,;:-. Trd;;i.,;!<'; P4 ff��y�,,, ,s ,.i,x ,�� Y st., ,t. (sr, � S`''S� „y v` , •:''i•{a".' ,4 „ck;: s . ,,;,.. ,.t;t,t,..:9 t;9.• .r... €'IN' , i ,.,�., • =�,'p,^a^7�ci fi h t � ('ft. ;,, (udi,nl, t.glLi,i, aL ''t'`'; >D `I n.it t1. ,.A.IL� �+ �t'd4 i. .aat'i'fieYs.;,, "'Y, rHdt` lxih" t=r, :t.. .lt gt > r,:' tic hhe. ,1', '� ,.tk',,,I,g,'1Vin „?stay 9.1[1.§.t4;. �'s. :i'; .i,.. ',Via }. 1s „i-i i.(j;itVi. 411%1, t .r 10,U 6: r.41. f.i !• :!,t } F :�!,t}l., t.t'k::i,. ,,� .kyh�, nit t ..�,'1r xr'�. P. ,,z r. 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St .,�: ,-t.Y.Y t in''n ku, c. d,,. s''�>.{' iili t�.ItJ�: ,, .1 ..b.',' .d, ,;,,;,t.fl.d.t ,r'•{,,;i�'," {t:'.r ''i ! t •t ; �. {r`,}. ,�; �1 (',�, a` 'r+ '!r1 ,A, r. 4 4"1. ,f .1 ' I, .,. >ll„ Y •.tt.;r,;.3; :1e;,, ;J,,.,,.t,;' ,,i,,,444 ri';',,,, ,.h t.i. e ,t"a :,,.. v,,,;1..,,..'f#1,;t , ,r,',4,n r,r+ t, ,t.,., .,t }�,��t`',t,,dll 2 1.:trd 1:i{'�ti:1'<..,I �:,kv>.,.,,r=:;,� r ,1, I ,,r, ,:t; �r t" 'd.- ~;>F�".a,',;~�14. a�" ..t.. l:,t'., .u.,,r� )"( i•.1-,,11'°�i�#•,t p,(..✓.,,F.roet �'. ,:;�', i� it tF4f.lN,...a{�, `.s,fs�Ytki.,.tlSo .C..I...4,..r�`',r.t'.f„Y.,a.,.t..,..oiun�N,.-"�-i.N}�ri�tt.:..,�(:;.��N.,at..�,fi3,.,.���,,!„„".t-,....i{..., �b;!:•i;t.,,r.,.,.{d:�l„t;'t:r.,:.,_.,..��r:e:cl�Jzii,z.,S,:e,.,. ,,i,s11.,,,..,,...,1:,:.,{.,...;Y.,,-.d}!t;i .d.tr.. n.�4':.,r'•t.'.,+!�,lltrcir:.t:=Jat{t�:'If;.� r' : _ r { 4 'i by its nt1oper. officers and its corporate seal" to'be hereunto "affixed ,this,,'/ , ... day? Of Ala l966. ' . CITY OF RENTON', 'a' nunici a ,: p 1'.coxpoxation' By D.W. .Custer 'Mayer • P J' Helmie NebnCity. .,Clerk • STATE 0T' WASHINGTON ) } ss , ,. 'COUNTY OP KING ) ., , F. . . '' • On this %3.- fJday of May, 3.966, before me, the';'undersigned;' a,Notary public) in..and for the',State of,Washing ton,;-duly commissioned' and sworn, personally appeared ,,D1�,, ICUSTER..:and HELMIE ,U. : NELSON to me 'known to be':the Mayor and City', Clerk respectively of The: City.,of Renton, ,the .municipal ''corporation .that executed the foregoing •' ins tt;umcnt,, and acknow;Lodged the, said. ins trumcn.t• to be the free and .volun.t:ary 'act and deed of said corporation,' for the uses and purposes . therein mentioned, and, on oath stated that- they ,are authorized to execute••.the said: instrument..,and that the seal affixed.' is the corporate i seal of said corporation. ''.,, ' . . , • ' ' - ' 'WITNESS my hand and official seal, hereto affixed'..the, day and', year first' above • :,�irittecY :1 • • • • Notary-Public in.and' for the State of.. f Washington, residing at Renton ,. r . f . • I• ri�'"; ;i jf � �t't� ::)+:ATM ,:;t,. .�: .:uq - -.;e. .:�;.,. —,'a,.r. _ - - ,,, per, h ;71. t 'J;" .ik;�': {^n'�t, •,I,,;.r':;i°+,,.;:NI ? . 1Y it� „( 1 1 1 ,t !.'Y'l•n7Y, �y�� i °;1'",('• :h ..f.,5 `� _ 'xs, � �, �y t, R4et;r::i'e',^.!: .14.:i'. uy.:.�Y; .fa, '� 1 1. 'I'I': `j1r � t b i .!. ftSt •.A.hi�r'. :•i`l:�},}.):s .,•�Y. •.�\ ,t.nt: t�`H 1� 'f .}. r},f t/ 1 , .t�f f >!, �'t%: d !lt•, w'4.5 ,,{:�n•it:i.��'i`',i' ,f ,4 ..�' .. 1. .I.' '.� �f.�. I, t�1 'tf ,t t4.f :1i. ,0,. .Y, , ,k ep _ t 'r9`vi51`.Y.4:i` .i0;,E-.,,iit"'.{75, ''/I ;!: il, f.rg;kI tM,,,fS e,7a.VAa;Ai 2;f, : n ! 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'd%' ;f, F7i;'t. ;8• 9 ivy �C. ia,,11.�. y q `'�,� ter{ .� `:c'�i v',tl.. ,.y.,..,, p r.2�' t'th, ,� 4,,, o,,. i. .1>✓, 4s f• ��'T,' - ,tit ,,{ 1 } .� .1..f ;�., .,: .5i i;, t :%tr': .1, x t t'�, lad ". ''1't5 :7 i:. r'•F�ri. .l!�'e '.1',t: ri 'ii'. 5 y 1 I Y J n);•, Y °,�R.4 "{ ..:1 vli`t4,`.ft�. '1. �I, !. ''C't' ,t'sd :'t;d"ht,"''• :;l'i i'.i', 1,i, .,,T„«t', i .e.�r h� "t'if'w '$ !S" ..4 fc,..,.:;t':., 6f �(ir�.,;,� .4 �f� r,r' �! n,R-,?h�.5�r,:,:,....1......,s,.t�,.Y.,oc�'::!...c.1,,..-A-'.,{'�.,_..sah.l::,r..a:i€.�„:r�,iF�,..,�n: ., .,: ..:...,,..i'i� .{:�tY na".. .. , ,:f:c;:.: :,...;t.ar�,,,,!a:r-...r:: � .t,;:�4�7i'.'fi:,;;;itl,•r;�`'i,t..t�':xl..e.ti�ttll,i'.1�fPt:t.k..r���if�il,.+...t,! /7,._; 'l�� `t jif) ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHING`DON PROVIDING FOR THE ACQUISITION AND PURCHASE OF CERTAIN WATERFRONT PROPERTY IN EXCHANGE FOR OTHER PROPERTY, AND CASH PAYMENTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT OF LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH PARK SITE; DETERMINING SUCH EXCHANGE AND ACQUISITION TO BE BENEFICIAL AND USEFUL; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO MAKE, EXECUTE AND DELIVER PROPER CONVEYANCES TO EFFECT SUCH EXCHANGE AND ACQUISITION. • BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The City Council of the CITY OF RENTON hereby makes the following findings and determinations after careful and deliberate consideration, public hearings • and investigation by appropriate committees and boards, to-wit: a) The CITY OF RENTON acquired from the Pacific Coast R.R. Company approxi- mately 22.33 acres of unimproved property at the south end of Lake Wash- ington in 1955 in exchange for approximately 14 acres of non-lakefront property, same being a portion of the former Mother's Park property which exchange was.duly approved by all interested parties including consent thereto by the heirs, successors and assigns of one Lee Monahan. Complete Release apd Relinquishment to said Mother's Park property by said heirs is of record with the King County Auditor's office. True copies, of said Release and Conveyances, with policies of title insurance, art on file in Cause No. 656133 in Superior Court in and for the County .of King, reference being had thereto. b) That since the acquisition of said waterfront properties in 1955 numerous attempts have been made to provide for sufficient financing for the development of that site to be thereafter dedicated to the public for its Use and enjoyment; that a proposed General Obligation Bond Issue for the purpose of improving said beach site was defeated by the electors of the CITY OF RENTON in September of 1964; that except for some clearing, seeding and installation of drainage facilities no permanent improvements have • been made and said facilities have never been opened for use by the general public; in order to make such properties available to the general public and in addition to the necessary improvements for said facilities, a proper access roadway across two sets of railroad tracks will have to be constructed and established, together with adequate warning signals and appurtenances thereto. c) That the CITY OF RENTON'S Comprehensive Plan, together with its imple- menting plans and reports encourages and recommends the acquisition of additional waterfront properties especially to the northeast of the existing beach site, and recommends the development of said facilities for public usage; that within the present beach site there is located a certain drainage ditch carrying run-off waters which should be culverted and fully covered which would result in the reclamation of an additional 1;22 -acres of usable property within said site. d) That sometime during the latter part of 1965 the City Council , acting by and through its Property Committee, entered into negotiations with The Boeing Company for the exchange of certain properties. After lengthy negotiations it was duly recommended by the Property Committee that the CITY OF RENTON convey unto The Boeing Company or its nominee approximately 3.5 acres of non-waterfront property as more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth. That parcel of property abuts, to the west certain properties owned by Puget Sound Power. and Light Company, and UY.._" ?-aid properties are pre-sentry -1- . 'i- unimproved. The Committee further recommended that the CITY in exchange should receive from or through The Boeing Company conveyances by Warranty Deed of approximately 1.8 acres of waterfront property adjoining the present beach site on the northeast containing approximately 300 feet of waterfront, as described in Exhibit "B" hereto, that in addition thereto the CITY should receive in cash the sum of $92,500.00 from The Boeing Company for the im- provement of said total beach site, construction of facilities, and necess- ary culverting of an open drainage ditch hereinabove referred to; and as further consideration in the exchange the CITY should receive free of charge an easement from Puget Sound Power & Light Company to complete a roadway access for pedestrian and vehicular traffic across existing rail- road tracks to the beach site, as more particularly descrisd on Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. e) The City Council particularly finds that such proposed exchange will result in a net loss of approximately 0.5 acre out of a total area of 22.33 acres (to-wit: acquisition of 1.8 acres of waterfront property and the reclamation of app. 1.22 acres of presently unusable drainage ditch pro- perty); offset by gain of cash funds required and necessary to accelerate the improvement of said beach park premises and the opening of same for use. and enjoyment by the general public. The CITY during such negotiations secured the services of competent appraisers to evaluate each of the properties hereinabove referred to, whose appraisals have established that under the terms of abovedescribed exchange proposal the CITY will receive in excess of $44,500.00 over and above the difference in appraised values of said two parcels of land. f) It is further specifically found and determined that such proposed exchange is not in violation of any plan including the CITY'S Comprehen- sive Plan for the development of community facilities but is simply a means of implementing same, including the acquisition of additional waterfront property in exchange for non-waterfront property, together with cash sufficient to provide the necessary improvements; that such exchange of properties will result in less than 5% diminution of total area available for beach park use, in lieu of which additional waterfront afae will be acquired. SECTION II: The foregoing findings and determinations are hereby found to be true and correct in all respects. It is found in particular that the land-parcel des- cribed in sub-paragraph (d) hereinabove (and in Exhibit "A" hereto) is no longer useful, advantageous or beneficial for such beach park use and development, and that an exchange thereof for adjoining property containing waterfrontage is more useful, advantageous and beneficial and is in the public interest and for the public benefit. It is further found and determined that the sum of $92,500.00 in cash receivable in such property exchange should be used and applied solely for the development, improvement, and better- ment of the total beach park facilities including the additional waterfrontage and such funds shall not be used for other purposes. SECTION III: The Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the necessary instruments of conveyance to consummate such exchange, including a Quit Claim Deed in favor of The Boeing Company or its assignee, of the area described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein, also to accept conveyance to the CITY by owner's proper Warranty Deed of the property described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein; -2- also to receive payment o,f and remit to the City Treasurer, the cash sum of $92,500.00 mentioned in foregoing Section II; also to accept a proper Easement from Puget Sound Power and Light Company in favor of the CITY OF RENTON providing a permanent street right-of-way 242 square feet at a suitable location over Northern Pacific Railway right-of-way and tracks for access, ingress and egress, to and from the subject beach park area. SECTION III: The Mayor and the City Clerk are further authorized to make and receive delivery of executed instruments and monies hereunder through Pioneer National Title Insurance Company or Transamerica Title Insurance Company as Escrowee. SECTION IV: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication.. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 9th day of May, 1966. is/ Helmie Nelson Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 9th day of May, 1966. /s/ Donald W. Custer Donald W. Custer, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/ Gerard M. Shellan Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: May 11, 1966 /T./A). ri -`; ORDINANCE NO. c o;R e S"/ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON PROVIDING fOB THE ACQUISITION AND PURCHASE OF CERTAIN WATERFRONT • PROPERTY IN EXCHANGE FOR OTHER PROPERTY, AND CASH PAYMENTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT OF LAKE WASHINGTDN BEACH PARK SITE; DETERMINING SUCH EXCHANGE AND ACQUISITION TO BE BENEFICIAL AND USEFUL; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK '10 MAKE, EXECUTE AND DELIVER PROPER CONVEYANCES TO EFFECT SUCH EXCHANGE AND ACQUISITION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The City Council of the CITY OF RENTON hereby makes the following findings and determinations after careful and deliberate consideration, public hearings • and investigation by appropriate committees and boards, to-wit: a) The CITY OF RENTON acquired from the Pacific Coast R.R. Company approxi- mately 22.33 acres of unimproved property at the south end of Lake Wash- ington in 1955 in exchange for approximately 14 2 acres of non-lakefront • property, same being a portion of the former.Mother's Park property which ' exchange wash.duly approved by all interested parties including consent thereto by the heirs,, successors and assigns of one Lee Monahan. Complete Release and Relinquishment to said Mother's Park property by'said heirs is • Of record with the King County Auditor's office. True copies. of said Release and Conveyances, with policies of title insurance, art on file in Cause No. 656133 in Superior Count in and for the County of King, reference being had thereto. b) That since the acquisition of said waterfront properties in 1955 numerous attempts have been made to provide for sufficient financing for the development of that site to be thereafter dedicated to the public for its ise and enjoyment; that a proposed General Obligation Bond Issue for the purpose of improving said beach site was defeated by the electors of the CITY OF RENTON in September of 1964; that except for some clearing, seeding find installation of drainage facilities no permanent improvements have been made and said facilities have never been opened for use by the general public; in order to make such properties available to the general public and in addition to the necessary improvements for said facilities, a proper access roadway across two sets of railroad tracks will have to be constructed and established, together with adequate warning signals and appurtenances thereto. c) That the CITY OF RENTON'S Comprehensive Plan, together with its imple- tenting plans and reports encourages and recommends the acquisition of additional waterfront properties especially to the northeast of the -. existing beach site, and recommends the development of said facilities for public usage; that within the present beach site there is located a Certain drainage ditch carrying run-off waters which should be culverted and fully covered which would result in the reclamation of an additional 1.22 'acres of usable property within said site. d) That sometime during the latter part of 1965 the City Council , acting by and through its Property Committee, entered into negotiations with The Boeing Company for the exchange of certain properties. After lengthy negotiations it was duly recommended by the Property Committee that the CITY OF RENTON convey unto The Boeing Company or its nominee approximately 3.5 acres of non-waterfront property as more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth. That parcel of property abuts, to the west certain properties owned by Puget Sound .Power: and Light Company, and Y..' Taid properties are presently -1- I , unimp£ovedr The Committee further recommended that the City in exchange Should receive from or through The Boeing Company conveyances by Warranty, Deed of approximately 1.8 acres of waterfront property adjoining the present beach site on the northeast containing approximately 300 feet of waterfront, as`descrbec� in Exhibit "B"'tieret'o', that "ii'àddLtfor thereto5 the CITY should receive in cash the sum of $92,50'0.00 from The Boeing Company for the im- provement of said total beach site, construction of facilities, and necess- ary culverting of an open drainage ditch hereinabove referred to; and as further consideration in the exchange the CITY should receive free of charge an easement from Puget Sound Power & Light Company to complete a roadway access for pedestrian and vehicular traffic across existing rail- ! road tracks to the beach site, as more particularly described on Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. e) The City Council particularly finds that such proposed exchange will result i,n a net loss of approximately 0.5 acre out of a total area of 22.33 acres (to-wit: acquisition of 1.8 acres of waterfront property and the reclamation of app. 1.22 acres of presently unusable drainage ditch pro- perty); offset by gain of cash funds required and necessary to accelerate the improvement of said beach park premises and the opening of same for use and enjoyment by the general public. The CITY during such negotiations secured the services of competent appraisers to evaluate each of the properties hereinabove referred to, whose appraisals have established that under the terms of abovedescribed exchange proposal the CITY will receive in excess of $44,500.00 over and above the difference in appraised values Of said two parcels of land. f) It is further specifically found and determined that such proposed exchange is not in violation of any plan including the CITY'S Comprehen- sive Plan for the development of community facilities but is simply a means of implementing same, including the acquisition of additional waterfront property in exchange for non-waterfront property, together with cash sufficient to provide the necessary improvements; that such exchange of properties will result in less than 5% diminution of total area available for beach park use, in lieu of which additional waterfront- age will be acquired. SECTION II: The foregoing findings and determinations are hereby found to be true and correct in all respects. It is found in particular that the land-parcel des- • cribed in sub-paragraph (d) hereinabove (and in Exhibit "A" hereto) is no longer useful, advantageous or beneficial for such beach park use and development, and that an exchange l thereof for adjoining property containing waterfrontage is more useful, advantageous and beneficial and is in the public interest and for the public benefit. It is further found and determined that the sum of $92,500.00 in cash receivable in such property exchange should be used and applied solely for the development, improvement, and better- ment of the total beach park facilities including the additional waterfrontage and such funds shall not be used for other purposes. SECTION III: The Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the necessary instruments of conveyance to consummate such exchange, including a Quit Claim Deed in favor of The Boeing Company or its assignee, of the area described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein, also to accept conveyance to the CITY by owner's proper Warranty Deed of the property described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein; -2- also to receive payment of and remit to the City Treasurer, the cash sum of $92,500.00 mentioned in foregoing Section II; also to accept a proper Easement from Puget Sound Power and Light Company in favor of the CITY OF RENTON providing a permanent street right-of-way 2,842 square feet at a suitable location over Northern Pacific Railway right-of--way and tracks for access, ingress and egress, to and from the subject beach park area. SECTION III: The Mayor and the City Clerk are further authorized to make and receive delivery of executed instruments and monies hereunder through Pioneer National Title Insurance Company or Transamerica Title Insurance Company as Escrowee. SECTION IV: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 9th day of May, 1966. /s/ Helmie Nelson Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 9th day of May, 1966. /s/ Donald W. Custer Donald W. Custer, Mayor APPROVED A S TO FORM: /s/ Gerard M. Shellan Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney a Date of Publication: May 11, 1966 -3- OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 'o RENTON,WYASHINOTON.'. POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5.8678 ' ' ' • GERAR� PA. SHELLAN; CITY ATTORNEY ,,,,t''•„ 1" ARTHUR L. HAUGANr ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY i. F I " ''. ,`' 1.1:er IFW a4//t j . . .. liolmo.n, d:arion, Perkins,. Cole 6a•Stone . ,' ,' ' Attorneys aS 1900 Washington Building Seattle, Washington , Attention: ilr. U. Weston Foss ,, 'J, ,•- ., Dear Wes: ,:. Asper your request, we are enclosing herewith.:aa photo copy of}.. Ordinance €icy. 2235 for your records. Please let us 'know it you - have any comments in regard thereto. We remain 'fold& very truly, J/ //Z7 &: SUELLAN i By Gerard Di. Sh4lan City. Attorney, GMS � ; cc: Mayor City Clerk , 6-- /V 1 OFFICE OF TIIE CITY ATTORNEY RENTON,WASHINGTON , ( t POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-B678 ti) / GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY 4 it P if - ARTHUR L. HAUGAN,,ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY April 1966 ,./11/ 1444 &<4> "' Apal966 cce, r- cky RECENED Hon. Donald W. Custer, Mayor Cif . Members of the City Council 13 rt " City of Renton City Hall Renton, Washington • Re: Stimson vs City of Renton, et al Gentlemen and Mrs. Dahlquist: Enclosed you will find Court Order dated April 20, 1966 duly signed by Judge Agnew which vacates and dissolves the restraining order hereto imposed against the above Defendants. We thought that you would be interested in having copies of this Order fcr your file. We remain Yours very truly, • HAUGAN SHELLAN / / 8 Gerard M. Shellan City Attorney GMS:nd Encl. cc: City Clerk • • 0 y IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY CHARLES K. STINSON, ) Plaintiff, ) ) -vs- ) NO. 656 133 CITY OF RENTON, a Municipal ) corporation, DONALD W. CUSTER,. ) ORDER UPON TEMPORARY HELMIE W. NELSON, BRUCE HULSE, ) RESTRAINING ORDER AND HUGH BRUCE, HENRY SCHELLERT, ) ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE JEANNETTE DAHLQUIST, GLEN ) GIANINI, HENRY PEDERSON, AVERY ) GARRETT, TOM TRIMM, GEORGE PERRY, ) CHARLES DELAURENTI, DAN POLL, ) VERN MORRIS, ) Defendants . ) THIS MATTER coming on regularly for hearing before'.this Honorable Court.. on April /i , 1966,. plaintiff being tcpr.eneffled by his attorney, Daniel Brink, and defendants being represented by Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney of Renton; and the Court having heard the oral argument of counsel and having duly considered the Briefs and Memoranda submitted by counsel and the Court being advised in all the premises , now, therefore, it is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that that certain Restrain- ing Order heretofore issued by the Court under date of March 21, 1966, and directed to all of the defendants above named, is hereby vacated and dissolved. . DONE IN OPEN COURT this Q() day of April, 1966 . x47 (i i, / Audge . . //P esented b Copy Received and Notice of Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Presentation Waived: of the City of Renton, Washington 4 Daniel Brink, Attorney for Plaintiff • 2 • ENTON ENTERPRISE Renton Town Talk Renton, Wash. Proof of Publication - CITY OF RENTON This is a copy of your NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL ---•P-►-]]- 1..E---..... .:lg CITY HALL as it appeared for the first time this week. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council has set It will be published on the following dates: March 1�4yr 1966Aat 8.00�,.l in the Co 1 (ham �. ;:� " '�Y•,-.. �Ia-�'-ch---`�- �.96� Hall, Re a,t. • ;the time a ace'. :e. . b;- lic Hearin • -+,a posed sale and/or dad-'`. of a a Immediately following the last insertion the portion of the Lake Washing- , affidavit of publiction will be delivered to ton Beach Park Property. Any and all interested per- ! your office. sons are invited to be present and voice approval or disap i Cost of notice-®.g -.per ....1QQ yuo. s. ...94 word s. proval to same. at the regular statutoryrate, will be' CITY OF RENTON� Helmie Nelson City Clerk g4 'Published ..in The Renton �� Enterprise Mar_ch.2, 1966. ..�� Thank You We are pleased to have this oppor- tunity of serving you and hope that you will favor us with your next publication. iv))) May 7, 1966 Renton, Washington Mayor land City Councilmen of Renton City Hall Renton, Washington The Lake Washington Beach Park issue has county wide implications because it is ,the only adequate waterfront access from Rainier Beach, South, And up the lake to the East Channel Bridge. To summarize your actions so far in pushing for the sale of this, 3:,5 acres of public waterfront park property: 1-You made your decision to sell public land before even a belated public hearing was held 2-You have stilled the voice of the Municipal Art Commission 3-You have implied retaliation to certain city businessmen if they spoke on the issue 4-Your have gone against the recommendations of your Planning Commission, Park Board and flown in the face of the 701. Comprehensive Plans 5-You have incurred the disapproval of the Allied Arts of Renton and the League of Women Voters 6-You are ignoring the petition of over 1000 Renton Voter' to open the park this summer and not to sell 7—You have refused to even question the real culprit in the case-Puget Power-the company which will be the recipient of our park land even though they don't need it. All this, gentlemen, without the voice of support of a single Renton Voter, commission or planning body to date. In the reckless pursuit of this deal you made with Boeing last winter you will jeopordize hundreds of thousands of dollars in state and federal matching funds for the parks developement and will make condemnation of needed additional contigous waterfron land difficult if not impossible, You are about to say the 305 acres in question is unfit and unusable for parkipurposes. In so doing you either perjure yourselves or prove you have not even given a cursery glance to the property. I believe that the relentless path of this steamroller against the public will and interest has been engineered by Boeing and Puget Power employees who thit on the council serving company interests,. Perhaps you feel you have gone thisfar and have nothing to lose by pursuing. this intemperate course. The public would like to know what you have to lose if you turn down this propositions May I say again, that in this time, in this area, public waterfront park is beyond price, never for sale, and demands speedy developement., Sincerely82 r gC ( cc Renton Record-Chronicle Baird M0 Bardarson M.D, Renton Enterprise 320 Renton Street Seattle Times Renton, Washington Seattle PI _:.) ; _ •e91,")) - cx �` � fl ti ,• , .,,,,-, ..‘,:y,‘ ,.":-', 7-4:7y:i-c6,,kil, •,,..:, - 2;•;-. , '.,i • 7`` ' r �� "` 4J i y wl VCR �friY,� +�• 0> '� '4i Witt • is 1: .: t�N is City of Renton Council C018V l . Gentlemen: • „1 e following is to record nr :rot = t to the sole ; .5 � crs 1 s of L .lce ; Main tan Lje.nr,h Park. The true worth of the lend is41 clearly stated in this excerpt from an 'editor`iaal by. John • til 3 F'ornier in the Renton Chronicle of May 12, 1955. "The oc4uisi tiof. of a. 20-acre tract of ti�reterfront r s k d on land Lake Washington ,, on by the City rf' Renton is a. distinct accomplishment : p li shment that should pay big ,1 ' civic stud recreational dividends tothis A � �.is co)izmunitV® l„ i- the park development l.opme�nt 1.1n s s ->ec.i a l significance due .1, o .''l f and waterfront1irl location it1 �r,•<<:lation kkINI to other .a,ecrea t'i,ont areas t :A nth.is 't y fi°•''' -- +mead psr'k sites are ni;rost imc?osnib:Le to .obtain ,. ,.• ns the result` of continuing encroachment of Lusine:s.s rilT one. Industry and the develoom + private ex�,� of �r v .. e sitese il e; e n ;tee __ a, � nfjc� _ r=front , cy.r•k ,�'site is a. most vG�.lu�;blc as.,et. Tt ' shou_ld ibe develospcd to its ultimate • .€I • to .o{agr t e ,�t:ili_...a tion of cam`, reful and pro„er>. nlaan,. .. aial - -- n_s. g end development technlic ue:^ e " „ tQa' The Renton News Record said at t;7 time f aii of the park ac�uisitian, .0.1 nvT. i hl fit large block of land available or the cVi entire lake , end en area thet will give Renton one '' 11`tJ1a ,: -, of the finest recreation areas a in i-be state in the ,,,,I opinion of the City Council members. " f4 ...: 'Why does, the • Council thin''-c we deserve less tod iy? - . '''.`,.' I``''t is t�;i . '-.,„ ,,,-,, On another occascion before the perl<s purchase , the News Record said 1¢`'1'r y •tar. o "C i. t if 1' .'l ^ d 4'":a: T _Cei ,._l for some time hove eyed r:a lire tr�,rct E._'_; sa.i:c rt hj.n ,tazaowned,.c. byt )e - of mond st the ( of L a, I'c;+ t oT'ti; rn Hallway which inet;t an en • i.si l} kililr ' bathing bench end boot 1 1 ^ C f cili } i 7et t•tl 'How VJ con)`t`i ft, 1,10, €'�'t' lend he piiarr t this atl;n 1 d c bee7s reclaimed I e•wenll ts;, t'� t pe t" . of I t •i. e to be mold to 1'`o'ot1't.-�p� (, ;t}i' 1 krls - , --TO' come thi, council eny�s the lend is ,� o ,J `��ho , � n�t ;st�. t•a�b:l_to . .t' a i.Je7.)r'l.#; �_>ux ao���; .n K}n`-body with on cave 'in 'hi.s head con see that it ► sa perfect? . " y I 'd like, to he-ar some debf>t€. on that subject? .t doesn ' t male sense 1,: a;,i{ 1)\, ./--; - • . •- . _.„ -e12,,,,?.-e / 7 -=' c=. ...c.- ,/I r', ‘• ' ., ''./ rf,s+,.:". 'Z'".•A e;t9 . .---3e,a; . (tij,:giv- . (....„ at c -,-' .7.1 1986 .z.?,"-• __. __. , .. '. :, C:111F9 ' . . . . . t:. . L, e(2› ,\-':). c e.,,,,.2,.3,,,,,,\\, 77) . ,/ .2_ , ../f a‘ , , --1-r"-n/ . . ; ' /It/ . 1/1 //....K.)." 67,e.,,,,,, , _,J, 1-) te:24 ""-e-le i / ., ,-..x/.4--e-- (...---r---1-4--4-- (''7 6f--- 1/;" 4-"") ' . ..., _,-Z, ,i' --, d' •-• -L<.' -r-1--' '''''''''7 .,. ./..0 ,,„ , 4,..-2 /54,,,...,4 a-z--,4/1 , .. . ,‹ x,,,,,, t.,/,b(J--,6-7- . , . . I ,,,,..e„.., /4, 67 , . .. . . .--(..-..' ... ."-k-3„,...,e.c...... ,- ...,. . exe ,,.(://,,, _-....._(,) -!,,i,2),... e-e-te,— ,. ..,_ . ,./ / fj,y4s, 1 • ._ ....._... :.-aza. i .e. _ ---- 41-4-21-4-4,n-i-4....-0.-"-- ---7 . . -:,..• -• . , .. l• _ __ ____9 -------:-/-/f 1-"e'"---e- 7aete-C ' zi-0.-....4. . . .7) -z...-1... Gde-e-4-e- , :<Z#71. ,: , (./ i. I ---,..t.t..-0&.4.4--- , _.4i.4‘....,,,..,,,, ,7_,.,-,4,4,,,,..,.e. ,..5. ---7-1--ef- • ( -11,•-:' ,,4e2-2..-0‘ ...,4,-...-f.„...4...44.4...,2. . / . ' '•. .1. .. • 11 fl 2. • --,• ••• 49,-41-7s- Z‘M' •04- Ale- G ,a,,ev Z.. P-1. .--t----.0.-4, ,,,,.., _,....... _.....z.„1„....., .....<2_,.........„.„...„.„_ , . . _ . . • ‘t • ,1 s. ,-7-to a.-__7......4„...t.,_,. ,t4..d...e.„,,6,,, E...,,L, -7e--:,2- ; ' ' I fa' ...--- P ,',' it If.", _,6 . .,. e,f7••,• k ,., r ,,.. (..„k t,.."=g; ,e1•(.'A n,f(Cr., tj ,i. '' ' 1,4n01, 4-4-,,(_. , If -, • . Iiil . . • ' • ' * . . . ' , '• — :- t ,..., . , . • . t(- - ;dam �!L(--' 6- Y f April ;, 1966 ,. Mr. D. W. Custer, Mayor - `` and Renton +wit Council : - City; Council Hall .. ' Cedar River. Park ' " . Renton, Washington ., Gentle , As a taxpayer who ,is,. interested in improving the, faci.litiea ,. ��f.. �� 4 :`. �, - ;�;: Du' A.t..,: and the public image of Renton I, implore you-to-•reconsider•the-::,.: ';`.;:. sale of part Lf the Lake Washington Beach Park. This is not just'... - • ,,;,„ another parcel of land. It is the:only really useable tract 'an the lake from Rainier Beach to Illahee. ` With the current population ..1.• ` of the area and. the projected increases _development`and .expansion`' .'',' • of this park are of primary importance. - •`- ., . Looking back-through tho history of ths1,,o 'perk.;£., find that at' ' ' ' ' various times many, of our City Councilmen :gore interontod in •the . ; park. If this interest was real, I call upon them'oow'to, help' , ' „- ''`:. ;•` reverse this 'trend to force citizens to 'seek•their" 'recreation at the '•.;',.', • ::'•,'''.: �,. ,., • expense of neighboring cities whose parke are already crowded. . ' For inete.nce, 141r. Bruce,'in' 1955 spoke'of developing .a public :'. ,.; .' . . , beech and picnic site on Lake Washington "right ,now"..,. And.-he 2sai.d;, '.•,,:,.''`'+ ',:',,','::,' :. various clubs could be given the opportunity to- ,join with-:the city `• in developing this "last beach site available on Lake 'rdaehingtontt . - Perhaps public opinion. woe not strong enough then, but it is now, • . lets fun this t,lem°, not extinguish its . , Mr. Perry worked for the bond drive to develop the pu'k. It only : — ' . • failed by a little despite inadequate publicity ,and the nc'ccs pity' :'to ; . compete with other money issues. . At least, one man who worked with him. . on this said recently "But Mr. Perry couldn't have voted to Sell the park, he worked so hard to promote it "." Even these two could act to save our park,' and the others who.. ' came to office on the platform of improvement of Renton and' especially ,h' ,, parka for cur citizens should also contemplate the fact that they are helping kill any interest people might develop in Renton by forcing , them to follow their interests elsewhere., , . LeAs think s4,niri on this, E4ent1e41 ► , Aftfo nil people are .s ` irr�l�+:.l'tgnt to lloo,th 't, eixp4roion, 6.b lo.na id o.t'ld. k�hi6 (pork.. woulcd €aervc3 r 1c c.ttt'oct uncl ic.eep ueoplc In ti!1s area. Yours truly �• " J an M. Goasa • lO2O3 11th • :. ,. Renton, Wr-scshiragton ',, . . -. . kr, �• '/// April 3,, 1966 , .1' Renton, Washington ,Mayor Donald Custer and Renton :.;ity �oancilmen City: Hall Renton, ,,,a ;iiington - Dear sirs . ,The following is the headline a lu lebd article of Mr Ii'ourniert s . , publication, The nenton Chronicle, dated Nay j, 1955 "CITY. GETS CAALid+..,, '�JAs�,i1l;ti'_iC)i'l BEACH ?;._' a. u SJ1L lgt h�1 Beach site-the last one left-. for Renton .' :'Dreams of La r came: true this wee__ with the corlsui'1ation Of a land exchange, bett,reen the ; city and. t ,.e Pscii'ic Coast ta.-ilraad." • '`'` , The phrase, -"the last site left, " co:a. s though' -today,•. eleven .years ' ;''. ' late i', with l even more impact as we stand on to threshold Of; tenton' s greatest popula pion explosion. The dreams that mere spoheri� of :leapt ', iror,l a marshy swamp which was practically in�!cccss ;a.ble.' But t°:>ey wore'' cta:ca is i'a��klianc.d from the knowledge that the public, wi th a Ypeautiful . lake at its doorstep,: had no access at all that was adequate. . _ Through the years Lhe )ark has taken shape title f i11, grading -, ana , . soddirlgo.. As Northwest growth Las taken place, all public agencies .,haver- H . been: in.^Ln?animmous aggi cei ant that the ;public is being shortchenged,,:in: : :,. ' `terms of access to our regions greatest asset--WATER. ` We will soon 'reap-' :: - ' the rel•Tar4s of our shortsightedness in having acquired too little, public waterfront. . The count- 1 will recall that only 20 months ago it parsed an ordinance " H . .stating..t}l<at the !.teed to cavelope our lake Washington catch .Park was: so'' ' r l ; � an +:l'�1e:i. genc r existed. '.The, emergency which was , so obviou5;.to (,zest 't, i�t� !� the couttc.,.:i. 20 11OHti.0, ai 0 .i.Or dov . 1,upial,t .nt; o:l our beach park ;a. Ivor ` p.r. ese nu. -ld �,row.l.al;; ,i.ai.'t,=..>' ,by Ll1t. 1:ilatr10,ti't. • - , 'It isa t`lis context, the council will: soon 'h,_e iJe ore :i_'t ' an• ordinance - upon Irrrh1C_1 they must that act, which S Latea that 3. 5 acres of thliSpark' is; ' "sixr, lus nci no longer suita,Jle for park purpose's." As bearers of the ,'* . . ., public tr `.t )asS�;t�;e of an ordinance bearing such wordings which- l's_'. ,, .. the only way -the land can be sold, would. be an outrage because it --i's patently untrue. The legal requirement to find the property surplus, and unsitable iS not an empty device to sell park land, but calls i.or. an honest deter_,in&tion. The role that, industry pea,/s in our affairs should be questioned.', Boeings a tt1 Guar appears to be that hail townbun is town one „L;icratbon ' rLm,)ved IL'oiii tile 1.10!.,I 'P;111i; who �:i.�'LI:.�I:,i.,d . .1,'t'.ii':1 i;.�,�lal o,Cu•.I t1,a,i.°; i ;lit., ,l.Url0la .. ;i r ' t r' �t.i r:.'a- t. .,i,t U 1 lr r ,, c ' 1D1.1R 1',:1,+ ,1.'! ,� .�, I•.I,s!(1 ..t,i,!• t,l.' V` . :.1 . l,ti _7.!' than 1,�+,; 1 a t tt,l 1, r,,, ll: ;ll,(,7 1 4 .�1��,1 •2.� �a� I ? O!1 'cal a uciIbyn IL} wu!t_l.d e.laim La Ed iiE.`;iLoa.`1e Wl'1lta,, Coi1q o�'ly i/i)did . ;;11C {C rlt � „ have as the ultimate i11 City planning, prodLicti.ori schedules , a:Sse; !lily . Plants , and ex.•ansion fans , cre,;sed by eXecdtiVeS who Jive clsew1.ler , ' pThis and the ,t uiliaxl as i.i.l'::. t.10i1;:� of the Renton Citizenry a hazy �-;;:lo<:�t. attitude will continue until the aasenton City Government brings the Boeing C 1"i!l'pt,1.1'Y up siior:, ri ;�.),sinr -Le be pressured by economic threats.. f That this should be the fate of a, ci cy �"Tith `the ''envi`a,,-,•10`.tax. base Ghat:;;:''':.:•,: : {‘,,' ,. Renton e�. y"s9r. rLit: LLes ,the situatio�:ii ironic'. i'he 'sour,c,e o .' ;'the tax base ,`' :.,.;; of „the comgLuzity a is 1 p tly become ;the 'cii e o os ac `' ' �^ �i�. a � ar�rr i f'. b t :1e' �Lo':-fi:�he ;:��r . en oy en•t' - .the bennefits o: this wealth. ,;,.• , - •7•Tfie , j -e' skiing'Loh Beach ,1 drI_ issue is "a',.` %ooa one ,at','ti,ThS'ch:.:t'o '.'ddr`aw�,%'the>';'._ -:a``. 'I 1 a: ' 1 'rieo. - It r as i)LL'rJI:LC support and cieirlonstrated pubz%c:`'need .to, justify' �.t, • ,. ;:Baird 1�J1. Bar'uur son qq M.'D,d: - � � - - ' v+ ` , I ,I i.',,' - .. a ' - z Fti ,7:1, - ' '{�` Fro„ .....i_� _ .. SAVE OUR LAKE PARK COMM 'EE z_� ASKS YOU, Mr. and Mrs. Citizen to take a look at Lake Washington Beach Park Mayor as it can be: THIS SUMMER with available funds • Don Custer 1. open to the public as a casual use Park BA 6-3222 2. with informal picnicking, swimming, boating and fishing 3. mowed grassy open space for play . City Council as it will be: WHEN FULLY DEVELOPED with 5 to 10 additional acres Hugh Bruce 1. fully landscaped and equipped playground and ball field AL 5-4249 2. patrolled swimming, and bath house Jeanette Dal quist 3. boat launching and moorage, sailing, water skiing AL 5-6270 4. complete picnic facilities with stoves, etc. 5. campfire places Charles De_aurenti as it stands: NOW _AL 5-6114 1. THREATENED BY THE GREEDY EYE of industry - 2. ABANDONED by a City Hall philosophy which forgets the Avery Garrett public's urgent need while it wheels and deals with industry AL 5-7117 3. JEOPARDIZED for future development by the dangerous precedent about to be established Glen Gianiri WHAT STANDS IN THE WAY of preservation and development of AL 5-6510 Lake Washington Beach Park? , Bruce Hulse 1. CITY HALL LEADERSHIP that says the Big Taxpayer AL 5-6054 comes first 2. INDUSTRY which is not above raiding our community's Vern Morris most valuable recreational asset AL 5-5566 3. THE PUBLIC itself - apathetic and timid, who will stand by passively and let this happen to them Henry Pedersen WHAT CAN YOU DO? AL 5-3279 1.. RUN, don't walk, to the nearest phone and blow'the whistle • , on this transaction by letting City Hall know how you feel :. George Perry 2. Urge Puget Power to stop being the real obstacle to `.i BA 6-3208 Boeings expansion . 3. Join with the SOLP COMM. by signing or sponsoring a Dan Poli petition - offer your help to Chuck Stimson, chairman, AL 5-9407 AL 5-7067, or Baird Bardarson, AL'5-1237 A. Henry Schellert REMEMBER, Mr. and Mrs. Citizen, our ONLY real Waterfront Park is ;, SAL 5-3398 in danger NOW • .' SECOND BEST is not good enough for our community.rind our kids • Thomas '1'rimrnu Let's work together to save Lake Washington Beach„Park! AL 5-5358 g 'The Boein Co. MEETING .,;;::1 237-2121 : .,:1 Sunday, March 27, 8:00 PM •'r''` Puget Po er .;Y:`a' . AL 5-2464 Senior Citizens Hall (next to Renton Library) x s:t \6. 7 H. ..i. _}.y :......•... 2'Y4Yii{�2�''' �,ve'n6'.°• Mffiut es of.the Renton City Council Meeting 3-21-66 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter was read from the Office of the Suptt. of Elections, Edward J. Logan, certifying election of March 8, 1966 for proposed Annexation to the City of Renton, (Kennydale Island area), which was canvassed on March 14, 1966 with results as ' follows: '1 Absentee Ballots: 2, Total Vote 284.Prop. I - Annexation - For 131 Against 151 - Defeated Prop. II' - Assumption of Indebtedness - For 57, Against 202. A letter of intent to annex property adjoining 4th Avenue North between t"Itt Street and 132nd Avenue was read. (Cemetery Rd.) City Engineer's letter reported check of County Records indicates letter of intent is signed by owners representing 55.38% of the assessed valuation of the property requesting to, be annexed, and the area contains approximately 90 acres with an assessed valuation of $37,090.00. A meeting with person representing the property owners of said area was held with Mr. John Harer advising that the owners were willing to assume their pro-rata share of the pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, that the property owners be authorized to circulate proper petition for annexation which shall indicate willingness to assume the bonded indebtedness as discussed. The motion carried. A letter was read frcm Douglas L. Mora11, D.M.D., 1015 Walla Walla Avenue, calling attention to situation existing in Municipal Parking Lot #2 whereby one half of the North side of the lot is posted as a Truck Loading Zone and is not metered. The area is occasionally used actually for truck loading,but is used as free truck parking •for up to ten trucks, on a twenty-four hour basis, seven days a week, .,This makes it difficult for the public to park resulting in loss of patronage by the businesses as well as loss of revenue by the City. It was requested that in lieu of Municipal Parking Lot being reserved for private use, the entire lot be metered, or else all meters be removed and the public be allowed to use the area without time limit. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. :::-A letter was read from Mr. Charles K. Stimson, Chairman, Save our Lake Park Committee, reporting objectives of Committee,formed by a group of interested local citizens, to preserve Lake Washington Beach Park; acquire additional property for its full • development;- to. encenrage updating of its planning and to urge its early opening to the public. The Committee advised of circulating petitions throughout the community and that it feels the City Council has not been made aware of the depth of community feeling for the preservation and development of the '.park. It was requested that the Council postpone any action on the sale of the Park property which might reduce its size or threaten its future security as a community facility. A letter was read from Mrs. Donald Hamblin, President, League of Women Voters, relative to the Lake Washington Beach property sale to the Boeing Company. Prior suggestion that since the matter might involve a change in the Comprehensive Plan it might properly be referred to the Planning Commission was recalled.:and letter. _ndw advised-- .it was their confirmed belief that the matter had not been so referred. City Clerk Nelson reported receipt of Temporary Restraining Order and Order to Show Cause filed against the City of Renton, the Mayor, City Clerk and City Council:'by Charles K. Stimson, along with Summons and Complaint, restraining and enjoining the Defendants from passing any Ordinance authorizing the sale, exchange or transfer of all or any portion of Lake Washington Beach Park, as described in Complaint docu- ment. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by C .'anini, that the letters from Mr. Stimson and the League of Women Voters be referred to the Committee of the Whole and that the Restraining Order documents be referred to the City Attorney. Carried. A letter from Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, requested Transfer of funds within the Street Maintenance Department Fund 3240, from Acct. 412, M. & 0., Tools and Equipment, $1,006.42 unto Acct. 606, Capital Outlay, Machinery and Equipment. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter from Murray, Dunham &r Waitt, Attorneys At Law, by Roger E. Dunham, requeste0ermiosion to construct a sewer, advancing the total initial cost of installation for extension of the Benson Road Sewer to S.E. 168th, provided a Late-Comers Agreement might be contracted for subsequent reimbursement for cost from future- hook-pups. This had been discussed with the City Engineer and determined .r• the least time-consuming method for extension of the main trunk sewer to serve the proposed apartment house development on the Northwest corner of S.E. 168th and 109th Ave. S.E. Moved by Poll, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee, City Engineer and City Attorney to report back. Carried. • • 9 V.k.6 „4:0 47 ' J J T oJj • 5.17.oboaeg ih4iu6.J4. ..30026 To6;:p 'aGLAG Ii r.QUI wocT-ribe' J1 3 1:Fr, c4.O. 1:::.;111GGT.. SUg -LOT- -.“.‘.;;;2T0.11 c.. hLoATqGq Ot • (,••• E . _ . j•;?.. Cirri 11.11 1,14 71,(Ut. -1:' , VCOW i Q" .10.0.12 y 1i4:17.GX. ATe . .dAfG2J.:Gq .J,Lquar,GL O14,111.N12 47 (2,',,LLTecr '.45q re:SPJI6 C.0 .11:p HoL,;1..! 4.1.1-?k 2.1-Tila01; BOcpbuT.i . H C'T'1:.61.93;n4.21°Cfl- • i OS. 5; !it; JJ TJJ y• ' ' f:1.1G ç ; 'I; •A Cor'iicrj: o2 4 2; • ,a1.101v1 • . • .• • .7k.! ! .1?-ILC T 9 Li. • • . C::.',E)i.)..1;1J73 • J•3L101 11/ ' Ill I " 7-11: ri.. Ao_pen?' -.PTGP t6eTi.fit rf:p5 • %!u6-12J-: „1-,p6 (.4,s,•%:.;:robLir,:-:;Li Cf.ir • • ,f.);;3 3 ineto . kV: . • 7: . (1T. of,1111f r•-•1- r-; .4.S=E; •' 3li:11- 14:'.. ' Cj . •; e:A(.1 •-• Kw f,fuq D;.; 6i)A 11E-1: • : 1.1G'Y. G pG p6 :12G ;d":., 41:TWG • f. 3jt 1,3 :p1( :!* Cj 2 S2 .S2 1:6dflO2:f..16-: TrON p?1 41:0 ps:,-::4;:!. ?GP:muI r;y6 •TzsT2 2c40:% :1% IouTIJA=p14: 4a :0?9,1 . . ,N‘0s.1.7; sarq .11“; • „py rof: #N miTGLGp1, TOT2 M7TTi..; • wyg):w - bLOT)GT. 1,O3 .%NollGq A I C )1 BISICE PigIGn II Ot iTG • 47p bc,T...?ou mTzp, ,,,IL• „lopfl y S2C22Or.f N.:1:1flS12. 011 2o .L',71. .ix1_ig' saig I S • CW.L14/ :17.6[7LG2G114VA 1:61:';G-q-csn'A Ng') CT47-.2r; F,13F.->„TMGGL:2 y ,ggloTrTO vAonrili.; :30V T2T - bnob. II - IugGpv.cInGF,.f? - EpT. lofuTf0.L6 :el...h.T.ob- I - - mpTcy Y..(.;a1.1T.F.2 S2 Towis.xJ44(a.! .r.pe 1. 90.6 gell.pm' ▪ Ms2 i-yrs.„1-,T0G 111C EcimuLq ; • C1.1.t..7A. C if • CITY OF RENTON NOTICEOF RENTOI4I CITYI COUNCIL C G CITY HALL NOTICE IS HEREBY',GIVEN that the City Council has set March 14, 1966 at 8:00 p.m. in theCouncil Chambers, City Hall, Renton,,Washington, as the time and place for;a Pub- lie .Hearing to consider pro- posed sale and/or trade of a portion of the Lake Washing- ton Beach Park Property. Any and all interested per- sons are', invited to be present and voice approval or ,disap- proval to. same. CITY OF RENTON Helmie Nelson , City Clerk Published in The Renton Enterprise 'March' 2, 1966. I� Minutes -Renton City Council Meeting 4-11-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter was read from Mayor. Custer advising the Council of the following matters regarding ,the access to Lake Washington Beach Park: It has become evident that the property cannot be opened to safe public access for at least six months .henc.e.The Park Board has agreed that it will likely be necessary to wait until the spring of 1967 before the property can become functional. A major consideration is providing access which requires raising and improving Lake Wn. Blvd. at and near the entrance road, estimated to Cost approximately $13,000.00 for which no funds have been budgeted in 1966. In addition to raising the Blvd. to the level of the railroad crossing, storage lanes would be provided for the turn movements to enter the park and it is most desirable to complete this project this yeartbLz requiring the Austin Company to A revise the roadway they have constructed so the City will not have this cost to assume in the future. It was recommended that since $12,500.00 has been authorized for a 4 railroad crossing signal installation, the Mayor be authorized to order the signals and installation immediately. Recommended that $13,000.00 be appropriated for raising and improving Lake Wn. Blvd. as proposed by the City Engineer in drawing attached with bids called for as necessary and the project under the City Engineer's direction. Recommended that the City Attorney, Ways and Means Committee in conjunction with the Park Board determine whether the $13,000.00 might be taken from the $125,000.00 loaned to the Park Department from the Cedar; River Acquisition Fund. Further recommended that the moneys remaining in Park Fund 605 (Lake Washington Beach Park Account) be used to provide sewer, water and underground electrical utility services to the park and that the City Engineer be authorized to obtain an easement from Northern Pacific Railroad Co. for utility purposes. And concurrence was requested for the Mayor to be authorized to apply to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission in Olympia to obtain legal access into the park over the route of the existing crossing has constructed by the Austin Company, as well as in foregoing recom- mendations. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Perry, to concur in the requests and ecommendations of the Mayor as read. Carried. A letter 'from Mayor Custer reported voicing opposition at the Metro Council meeting of April 7th to the proposed contract between Metro and the City of Kent as instructed by theCouncil on the grounds that such an agreement was somewhat unusual and in this case extremely beneficial to the City involved to the detriment of the original Metro member cities. Kent must make its decision by April 18th and the Metro Council will make final decision at its regular meeting of April 21. Unless further advised by the Council Mayor Custer will vote against the proposal as it has been presented. Mayor Custer advised that an area petitioned for annexation has been enlarged South and East along 132nd Avenue S.E . and letter of intent to annex same was read signed by owner Albert Balch, President and Owner, First Investment Co. A letter from the City Engineer reported check of the County records indicates the letter to annex property adjoining 4th Avenue North between "I" Street and 132nd Avenue S.E. was signed by an owner representing 24.26% of the assessed valuation of the property requested to be annexed. The area contains approximately 150 acres and has an assessed valuation of $56,920.00. The Clerk was requested to notify the property owner to appear for the preliminary meeting required by law. Mayor Custer announced that there will be a grand opening ceremony for the new Renton Library at 2:00 p.m. this coming Sunday afternoon, April 17th with open house between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. and everyone was invited to attend. PROCLAMATION: Mayor Custer declared April, 1966 to be Teaching Career Month in acknowledgment of the achievement of the teachers of our Nation. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Proclamation. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse, reporting for Committee ,f the Whole submitted recommendation that the, Contract between the City and Johnston-Campanella for planning of a new City Hall be revised to incorporate suggestions in letter from David:P.... Johnston dated March 15, 1966 as directed to City Attorney Shellan, as an addendum and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute same. rwed by Perry, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendations of the Committee of the Whole. Carried. -4- i /i / J;l t^^ 01, t° L. ",.J' {. ti (, �e ''- ,..I• OFFICE.OF TIIP CITY ATTORNEY ® RENTON,WASIIINGTON p o • .POST OFFICE BOX,66,'100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-8678 9 3, GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY ySoO §1'' ARTHUR L. HAUGAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY April 8, 1966 R' CAPITA-0 i H n, Donald W. Custer, Mayor ( ', Members of the City Council City of Renton Renton, Washington Re: Charles K. Stimson vs City of Renton et al Gentlemen and Mrs. Dahlquist: We arc handing you herewith a copy of "Supplemental Memorandum by City of Renton et al" regarding the above captioned case that we had filed with Judge Agnew's Court on Thursday, April 7, 1966. As promised, the Judge rendered his opnion this morning and we are enclosing herewith a copy of same for your records. Plaintiff 's attorney and the undersigned have requested the Court to set an early trial date which has likewise been done. The matter will be heard in Superior Court on May 31st. If we can supply you with any additional information in this matter, i. li a ie let us know. i We remain ;'f • pours very tr�1,i� /7 // / HAUGAN & S eZ' '/7 . t By Gerard M. Shellan City Attonty GMS:nd Encl. A i -.'ivr? rN�::" -:'^.::.h,..,: ^'rr..r' t ,,,.,,y*•: .-77, .Fi?i:i:.^C .�Ra,•. y....r.. ,A: ;'rr• :yt — 'P'i•, - ... ..,, .. r .., .,I. •.. .......' :. }•; --—' — rrsa.^.x;z• . -rCPii'it' 'aas:,,,. .. , ..• ., ...,.,6 ..1, ., C. �•1 r �'..:.: tr !.{.' .P:':••:.:::ri'!:;!: ''..-, 4i:t':':'£�t•C'^ '�\�:..-' a'!'��i y., 1 t 0. ',- :d: •1' . .) .Y .1, ,^ t 1"� f. ::` r: :;.. 1rL n7::I,' •id't'/., Lt, ':r:.:'I M•- 1 , r ! v•,t��. u.,, ... ..,., .. u. .�, ,.. ,4� ,,.n: +5 ,,•:� .,,i. Y,.;,.� :.:." lr. :.1, •l; � .. ) .. , .,. .. ,r.. t. .. ...1,�.,,.... a.,Y. •.., .. :,'� .i'i.• V�7: CI"1.A .rt N:� �41'itr:'�� •� r t1 v , . 4 ,r .t:4, Y,� l t1. , ,.y:'' i 'f.t� ": .:. r f r i ,1. ,Y •T.: { ✓t t .) iY i. A, k ^^,5 ,rit. .'`' 1 Y. :). 1 .f. ii 0.. Y� .i .C4 �:1�:: { s h f .!.i .r u i.i.: f Nh1l S R �14 •r, .1 ) f S Its ¢.1 7 �I I:• I. .t. 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IN AND POR THE COUNTY OF LUG . . 1 cmplas ir.,, STEMSON,, ) ) 2 , Plaintiff, ) . ) 3 ,,,,o. ) ) O. 6 5 6 I 3 3 4 CITY 917 RELT.I'ON,, a Municivall ) Corporation, Dorbviza 11. cosTER,, ) SUPPLEMENTAL MEMORANS,D1 EY 5 liE12.-ITE V, NELSON, ThCUC HULSE, ) HUGH RP,(3C,7,, NEN3.1!: SC3ELLERT, ) CITY OF RENTON ET AL 6 JEANFITE ZAIII.(41.7YST, GLk.7,11 ) GIANINI, FIENRY PEDER.5)M1, AVEP‘Y ) 7 CARRT7T, TO TR1MM, GEORGE PERRY, • ) CTF.A 7.7' ri ri12:LAria TcaTi , D.A1.1 !MI, ) 8 VERN itg.)R,RI.F4, ) ) 9 DeEtkadants. ) ) 10 11 i 17-1.1;z: Slipplemerital Memorandum is Stet:70 it tell to the Honorable Court in 12 fup..,ther suppt of the City's pinadingsand Memorandum on E ile and in answer 13 to P ainti.f.T's Supplemental Mamorandum received this date. 14 1: t vc. .11i.ei ;.,,p. ,ar that the principal question at tide stage of the proceed- 1j) InE4m in On zwio rmjnod by DoCcnrinntoo JAm thcrOx Momornmitom (pagom 7. 0) mal to [ 16 the timlilirmap of Plainti,WIA Prnyar Cor a continuance of the temporary injunc- 17 tion Defer/dente position Le simple and clear, namely that the leginlotive 18 body of the City of Renton has taken no final action of any kind whatsoever, 19 whether by Reooltgtion or Ordinance, to effect consummation of an =change of 20 real estate. Plaintiff simply relics on an oral motion made by memivars of. 21 ttva City's legislative body referring the matter to a Council committeer no L.22 actin had taken place whatsoever which changed the character, ownership or • 23 disposition of the City's property in question and therefore there was nothing 24 for thn Court to review or to enjoin: The case of Stet% en rel Cunning v Odell , .25 38 Wn. 2d 27 is controlling in every respect. The facts of the just cited case 26 arc quite similar to the one at bar, the only difference being that the Board 2 7 of ounty Comissionors, in lieu ot the City Council, by proper motion ordered 28 that. 6an oppropriate Resolution ba drawn and submitted by the Planning Commission. 29 In this case the motion was made by the. City Council to ito Law and Ordinance 30 Committee to prepare a proper Ordinance. In the Odell case rie wall as the present 31 . :.:,-, Viz:ziki.ira c:cted too in'eas:turQlv ulteca hc appcalied 41:1) tilc,. equity pa o2. pc I" -•.11,.,,,,i ,1,11.11,,11 . tl.,i', . .111 . , . . , .. I i„,.. m I.,,,,, . ...., .. . • , ,:„i,'„...11', '!1'... .,•1!, .y!!uiol'i'll1i1111 .;'011;!..ii,t'll!,,Hrii.,, .,, ;• rlill-,,..T1141,:r 3. i, '''' .:r0i!,0"'t t • - ., .., , • -.1.,,,w.,.iiill... ..., . .. - ...,H, • • ,,, ,, , n!,:',:;,.. !f,i0 '! '., • ' ' ' r ' . ;'1:Ii.•,11.1111. 11111,k— ,+; ,-,;;;15' ,•. NI:VH.I, • :.1- :!':''' 5, • i,i414-.:.%:•;:i',01)•:','1:+:', , ; ,. ' , : ':.il • i , ,l, •*, - • . ;, .+'..!, ,•! ,', , + ,W11iV,00:+ , 51:Tdt ''' , . , : , ,' ' i;!Ii41!;:''il. •:,: 1 ' ,,I ,.;:•: ' :' • ' 1:, '.; •:'''NW:!;'?,,V+%1.1! !!iel ,' , : !'!:4,i'!'' . ' ' • ," ',•••::' -:• ''C-';,' ',in ,1..;',-+ • ' ,,1!I, ,::'. ,,i'!illi'll!,,H:ili', :i . ,;::,',:ii, ' ' l'::‘', ••+1'.;i:+ii,' '$! l':,I;4jjOirl ' -: ' - '. r'''I'l . '.1 ' ' , *:.!;,iHk!'t •;.: ' 'r' ' '' : ': i i, 'i'' .• , ':ti +4 i' i3'41 1 . ., :::i:; :,,, .01 . ,,,, ,,I,I,, 1,i;i,. ,i ,' ,.,,.1,:,. _ Iii:,,,,,I,;:;-i,,,i ,r,i: ,,..,,.i.-2,‘: , ;;. r.,,n;:,, . ', ', '••' ',: P•!i 111.!,.. -'', . ..:, : „ 4 ' , „:'. 5 j,1 ,• .,iii :i •.0H1;,,1 ' .' " '• ' : " :- 16H !!•';'",, . '•" '' • . ,.....,, . . . , '.,_ .• .. . . .1 . I '• . 1 against a legislative body, unless there is n distinct and clear nhowing of 2 irreparable, imediate And subntantial harm to the complainant! Plaintiff 3 has made no showing whatever that theca prerequisites do enist. The case of 4 tillions verCibbs, 47 Wn. 2d 629, in 'Unwise controlling hera. In that ease 5 the complainant petitioned tha King County Planning Commission to reaune certain , 6 of er lands and said Comminsion recommsnded to the Board of County Commissioners 7 thatsuch petition ba granted. However, the Commissioners by Resolution !anent- . 8 mouoly d,znied the petition. The complainant than sought a Writ of Mandato to 9 cowsal the Board GO County Commissioners to accept the recommendation of the 10 Pia:ening Commission. The Writ was duly denied by the Court and the action 11 dimissed with prejudice. The question before the Court wan whether the action 12 of th.e. Board wan arbitrary, capricious and discriminatory. It wan duly deter- 13 mined that when n Board of County Commissioners, similar to n City Council, I 14 acts pursuant to a statute relating to zoning, it in a legistative body exer- 15 ci, ins legialAtive powers. 3ee State ex rel Lyon v Bosrd of Couny Commissioners 16 of Pierce County, 31 Wn. 2d 3661 the Court Curther hold that: ' 17 "/n the absence of fraud, thin Court will not inquire into the motives which actuated tho local legislative body to enact, 18 or fail to enact, on Ordinance or Resolution." Sec Cornelius v Scottie, 123 Wn. 53; Cline v Seattle, ID Wn. 6660 and other cases cited therein. 19 _______........ It is w.1.1 established that Courts ,/1.11 not review, except for clear abuse, 20 the discretion vested in public officers tegar v cuick, 46 Vn• 2d 477, The 21 Gibbs crAF.oz, supra , further makes thin pertinent finding: 22 __ ___ "Arbitvary and capricious action 02 administrative bodies means 23 wilful and unreasoning action, without consideration and in disre- gard of facts or eircumetnnces. Where there is room for two 24 opinions , action is not arbitrary or capricious when exercised honestly and upon due consideration, even though it may in .25 1-olisvod that an erroneous conclusion haa been reached." 26 T4, c also of Vincent v Seattle, 11S lin.47.5, cited in appellants Brief! (pagv, 2) . , -------- acicms clondy Inapplienblo to the promont ettuntion, Thnt co 1,nvolve4 thca 28 proposed 7nvocotton of an amusomant license issued to the PlaintUa by the 29 City of Seattle which revocation, iR consummated by the City Council, would 0 have revOcred Plaintiff's pro;,4,rty valueless and useless. . The City of Seattl,t 31 Ordinance wao drawn in such manner that, en found by the Court, it offended J r., 7 9 the provivione of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Federal Constitution since ip,m,,,N,en,.,..MI P.VAIN 1 wimp,.A At I AIN .44." 14 1 I U4,WApilmi:NO; ALtNNE.13•EIG 78 :::::: FR,5.41q7'7.;'. • - : .. • • . ,.. : ::... ,,.„_,:. .,c..:.,,..:.-. ;;,; ;;;,:i:z.,,.,i!..;;;,, :,.-iy4,i::;iifki!ii,ip :1: :;:,:i:•n:i:,:;!!nni!Pii!;!i..:!;,:if;,-!i;:.:;':•:.-:.•,• :.14:F:;.!:,,,..,.,..,.;,,i,..,:: :,i,,i.., . „.;:,; :, ,,?,.,,..o.r,.....,.:-:-:... - . . . ,:-.. 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' ...''•..• '•:',..:,•' •• • •'•''. ..• ''."''.'•:•.'•:-; .• 1, ,'::, :;:-: ;:!!J!..f;i1:i:::i' c." • . . ,._ . ,• . ,- , ,--- ,• • . • . , . . • ' . 1 it deprived a person se his property without due process of law. Plaintiff • 2 in "is action has no personal or proprietary interest in the subject weter 3 that differs from the interest of any other citisen of the community. 4 Ths case of Hiner v Pasco, 50 Wo. 2d 229, as cited in Plaintiff's Brief 5 (pages 2, 3 and 4) is ettramely interesting from a historical viewpoint since 6 at he time that en%) was decided a third clans city, such as Pasco, had no 7. specific power to lease or exchange property. lloutiver, this situation was 8 remedied by an amendment to R.C.W. 35.24.010 in 1957 when a third chive city 9 was endowed with the power to exchange -property, including park property for 10 other property, including the right to lease, poll or otherwis dispose of such 11 pro erty end to make, execute and deliver proper conveyances to effect any 12 such trannaction. It will ho noted that this ititartdmont to the law in somewhat 13 sira!ilur to the amendment granted to second class cities, ouch ao Renton. es 14 per 35.23,010. However, even prior to 1957 the. Supremo Court held in 15 tit afore-cited case that the City of Pasco, halving unqualified title to real 16 ea te, may dispose of omme when such disposition is for the common benefit. 17 Th re was nothing in the act which would indicate that fee title to real estate 18 must remain irrevocably in the municipality. The Court further construed the 19 words "to dispose or as meaning "to get rid of, part with, bargaii, stfay"„ The 20 Coilirt concluded bilised on the law no it than enacted that the city could sell 21 ouch property for the purpose of establishing a parking lot but could not then 1 22 lease it to a third party. In the Minor case the city had acquired the property 23 in question but, similar to the Renton case, subject property hod never been 24 developed or opooed to the public or parh or rocreational purpoacm. ilurther- •25 more Plaintiff in the Pomo° case nought to have declared unconstitutional certain 26 special legislation applicable to the City of Pasco only which would be per- 27 ta asible under the Declaratory Judgment Act, R.C.W. 7.24.020, and there is 28 I • no reference in the case whatever that an injunction wan termed prior to the 29 trial on the merits. • mcQuillin (3rd Edition) Municipal Corporations, special reference bring 31 maI de to Paragraph 49.51 , contains the following applicable information: 32 "In the exercise o2the sound discretion of the court, and in -IAUGAN,SHELLAN &PAIN • 1TTORNEYS AT LAW NTON.WASHINGTON -3- ALPINE 5-8673 :'.' : ':KiV",`W 'b — '',r, ''' . ''" ' ' '. ' ':''': '41 ',1'7"7.V.1, ' • ':y', ',,..`,.':;,' •; ,iilf;',,:,',ji;, ,,:';i1,':i!,,,',,,.:,,; ,ow.,•,i,,,, ,,• if.,,,• i,, ,1. • i,,,11 I" ,,, ,", ',,,,- • ,i• i.• , 0-0'i,"wie,,-‘1, I, ! , , , '' ,;'`: :',1',1;',.'i::!,L ,!41;;;;:,,'!...,:;3 '..•,',L,','.;;;::',!‘,,,,:,:'..k'1,4'•;);'),i,X1',,i'•.,`,!;i1, ,,,A1,,;'''?",(.0!..':'7,?'4,i'''.•,?',',",1•P',.,1'ilL;'; ' ','',,.,, , `',! '''''' ':'!I,In;1';11!'‘i Igl!:'!1;111;:'11:1:',.°' ::.''1 ;:!'!;;A "”; ' 'll'i'll..1T,11.1!'N''ili 1'111140 ii;I i':''' . ' 1 , . ,,;,,,,.„.,„,.;; 1,!:i.;.44::,,w,, ,,,,, m1,0„„ ?:6y!,.,4,,,,,;!1 .i,;,:..,. .. .::..,,•,..,.!:., 0, : p„. .,. , , ,.,:i. „ , .., ,,,. , . .. ' .p.„ p 1,./ov, ,„;;;;;:p.:•;•'.i,:;.:,),;:'.,:, • , ,;.!',,`',; ':! i'.'''i''''''.1 !IM:,: n,'Nr::Vfl :41 :'..:::1.,i, . :. 11, !.':'... „., „ '.„ .! :.1;,,::1 1;: j;;:;:,.,,;..,':• ;,,., ,. 4 ,10R04* '.0Wke14',W4.:(Ail, i' -' 2.'':*- . , . * ''.: PJ ' ', 11.1'; ''OY! '" - .• r-ro -...' • ,-_, . . . . \ . 4 _ . 1 conformity with the rules applicable to injunctions general/y, nn injunction will lie to restrain a municipal corporation 2 from acts inf 1 itting irr.nars ble damn5e.to,irivate. rints or prorterty not its own and without auth—oriq_or sanctiora of I 3 low, where such sets are 1 their nature ministerial as dis- i tinguished from acts leaislative_or discretionary, in their 4 character, sod there is no aaequate remitly iii. law." (Emphasis ours; , pages 272, 273, 274) 5 6 The', genoral rule, as sustained in the majority of jurisdictions. is that no 7 act of a municipalwithin corporation the sphere oe its powers, which is free L 8 fro fraud or collusion, on which involves the cmArcise off administrative or , 9 legislative discretion on the part of the municipal authorities will be restreined 10 by injunction, unless there is an abuse oZ discretion resulting in damage or 11 oppresoion to an individual, or his property. or his rights therein. There 12 must bet a allowing by the Plaintiff of special iralwry and the Writ will not isoue 13 on nacre apprehension or threat of injury: (AlcQuillin (3rd Edition) Page 277) 14 it is quite evident here that Plaintiff does not fall within any category which 15 wotld entitle hits to an injunction: 16 It is Defendants° firm position that its ultimate decision off trading or 17 exchanging properties to be dedicated for public park and national purposes 18 is a strictly Ingiolative function with which the City Council hoe boon endowed 19 off for which it is responsible. It seems to the writer herein that Plaintiff's 20 obliection appears relegated to the question of wisdom or discretion in con- 21 summating' any such ex-change. It is conceded that legislative bodies may, on 22 . occasions, indulge. in the exeretse of poor judgment or even in the consumustion 23 of tmoloactiono which a knowledgeable businesomon would loudly condemn xa being 24: in )pportasno or evtan"riditulous". This however, is ram. ne issue hsforn this •25 Court since neither the Court nor counsel, although some.titoes tempted to do iito, 26 dare substitute its judgment for that of a legislative body, provided always .27 that there is no clear-cut showing that such body is guilty of fraudulent acts 28 o, clearly oppressive, arbitrary and capricious activities. 2 9 i If thin writer may inject a aomowhat non-legalistic approach to the :),() pr.oblom at hond it would bo this; te, as Plaintiff so fervently contends, 31 Us City's proposed action is illegal, ultra vireo or froudulent, wouldn't 32 these allegations, if true, by themselves prevent the consummation off the iAUGAN.SHELLAN &PAIN TTORNEYS AT LAW NTON,WASHINGTON ALPINE 5-6678 I ri :!..,1,,,'ly,;,,, ''',,:.,:".",,779...'.:'.'''; :'P!Inii„:f HZ,I .:q;::ri:.:1 ., j„:::::!,:,•,',,,, ,','':i'Y' ':'?',;,;',';3;:,:.;ii;',WA'' ,;.W4:P;All:Mii'% !],!'''d'i'';, rt,?Vlii;Visi,S.,1!:: '' • , ,: '', , ..1;::: .:.:',: i.i•';;: ''','';s'' ."'• ,, :.:.' ! ,, . ‘,..!;.i, , • ,,: :,.',''-'i '.::,:'':!:i,','',.:,,',:',•':„.:,''';,",:"i:1', .1;'::;'''?U";'L'''' .' ::'7',.',': :: ;:n::i;., : ., ' .,'.`'';': :;..,,:,: , 4 .I.A .:,:.. ": 7'.?Yiltjgj - .-:,:•:!:.'' `.*:'i.':'•''''''1' '''1 .: '' ' ''':.''' ''.::. . %.t."': ' 'r .. '';' .'"':,:e :;'.` ' '.:,.i•:•:::•;;;' ':::i':':t:•::': :!" ,; ,-'-:"'li':.:,!!:'::i..,•:•; -,;.:,::.;`:- ,•,,i:;:.:C.,..:,' : ;.,:,,,:,,,,r, ,.!'!i;1•,i!1 ,..:.,,;;;:':•7 , ., ..., ,ii. , .:. ,::::..,.:.,..::• ,.,,,,,,;. :::„.•:z:.:,;,. ,: .. .k:•,, :,. !:,,,..,., . .•. .. ,.....„:",::::.:,::..."...,,.......„,..,„,..: , :,.....„,,, ..:.„,,„.,.,...r...,.....• .,.. ,• i,,,.:.!:„•,....,„•;,•,,:,,„;„ ,, ,,, • • ...„ „,„ . ..c. ,4. .,.:.' :.,.-!..-:',-; :'.' .-,.,. *7.,.. 'i":1 'n, ,_• • , .,. . ,..., 1 proposed transaction? The City is dealing here with two responsible corporations 2 namely The Boeing Company and Puget Sound Power and tight Company which we 3 assume and trust that Plaintiff will concur, are solvent and reliable; to en- 4. change lands, each party grantor and grantee would of necessity require title 5 ins ranee. since prudent judgment would dictate that each party wanted to be lin 6 ass ;rod of being vested with clear title, free of all encumbrances and clouds. 7 It star.da to reason if Plaintiff's contentions are right, that a title iosurancee 8 couLany would he unwilling to insure the City's title which nation, by itgself, 9 would of nece.asity nullify all of the proposed proceedings that Plaintiff to .10 so bitterly complaining of. If, on the other hand, as Defendants contend, the 1 1 title compnies would sanetiOri, the proposed exchange AO being in compliance 12 wi h all applicable laws, then Plaintiff certainly, at that time, could proceed 13 to eeeh a declaratory judgm-nt or move to vacate such conveyance on any of the 14 grounds that Plaintiff has heretofore allege& This, in the writer's opinion, 15 wo Ad certainly be a practical appr.oech to the problem which may possibly help 16 to reduce further litigation and eliminate the necessity of injunction. 17 One final statement would be in order pertaining to the legal character- .18 is Ice of the fn3b_Feet property. At the time o2 its acquisition in 1955 the 19 City Council approved the exchange and stipulated that the subject property was 20 "to be dedicated and used for park, playground and other municipal recreational 21 purposes", The applicable Ordinance, particularly Section 2-10/ (a) defines 22 "park" as on area of land which is developed and. used for public recreational 23 2...Lp;,,,er., (Copy of said Ordinance being attached hereto for reference) It 24 aPpears uncontroverted that the subject area, at least up to thin time, hoe not .......... •25 been developed and not opened to public use. 26 . . . -27 Respectfully Submitted 2 8 ' 29 . .,..........,.................._. Gerard DI, Shelilm. City Attorny oe the City oE Renton, tlashington. 30 31 . . . 32 1AUGAN.SHELLAN . &PAIN TTORNEYS AT LAW NTON.WASHINGTON ALPINE 5-8678 • I 5't l'n`, '‘V':''..'1,1+,11*. ;t')r 3' : ii,:• f4y •,,,',..i::;,ii,:,.,i,i,,,„.:,: , .,:.:,i,::.iv!rg,, ,D;-,:. •.:, : .... Fig . 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W. CUSTER, MAYOR =;µ;.. mot: � ib' 1. 1 April 11, 1966 . Members of the Council City of Renton Access to Lake Washington Beach Park Following a meeting held Wednesday, April 6, with several parties concerned with access to Lake Washington Beach Park, and after a subsequent meeting Friday evening, April 8 with the Park Board, I would like to advise the Council of the following information: • 1. It has become clear that the Lake Washington Beach property cannot be opened to safe public access for att. least six months from this date. This fact is due to • a 'number of circumstances which cannot be altered by City action. 2. The Park Board has indicated a desire to open the park to public use as soon as possible, but the Board concedes that it will likely be necessary to wait until the spring of 1967 before the property can become a func- • tional park. . 3 . A major consideration in providing access to the b aclt properly io Lhe r Ltif ing t: nd improving of Ltike Wn . Blvd. at and near the entrance road. This project is estimated to cost approximately $13, 000 for which no moneys have been budgeted in 1966 . This project would not only raise the level of Lake Washington Blvd. to the level of the railroad crossing, but would provide storage lanes for the turning movements necessary for vehicles entering the park. It is extremely desirable that this project be completed this year, thus requiring the Austin Company to revise the roadway they have constructed at their expense . no Ghat- t ho City will not: In-Ivo LO boar thin cunt in the • . uLure. . Council -2- April 11, 1966 Because of the above-mentioned facts, and after meeting with several City Department Heads and the Park Board, I would like to make the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. Since the Council authorized the expenditure of $12, 500 for a railroad crossing signal installation, I could suggest the Mayor be authorized to order the signals immediately, and installation of same on behalf of the City. 2 . It is recommended that $13 , 000 be appropriated for the purposes of raising and improving Lake Washington Blvd. as proposed by the City Engineer in the drawing attached and according to the cost estimate submitted. The project could be accomplished under the direction of the City Engineer and the work completed after bids have bieen called for as necessary. 3 . It is recommended that the City Attorney and the Ways and Means Committee in conjunction with the Park Board, determine whether the $13 , 000 for the above-mentioned poject might be taken from the $125, 000 loaned to the Park Bear6 Department from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund. 4. It is further recommended that the moneys remain- ing in Park Fund 605 (Lake Washington Beach Park) be used • to provide sewer, water, and underground electrical utility services to the park, and the Council is hereby requested • to authorize the City Engineer to obtain an easement from the Northern Pacific Railroad for utility purposes . 5 . It is recommended that the Mayor be authorized to make immediate application to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission in Olympia for the purposes of obtaining legal access into the park over the route of the existing crossing as constructed by the Austin Co. Council ' s concurrence in the foregoing recommendations will be appreciated and will effectively speed action to • solve the somewhat complicated problem of safe public access to the Lake Washington Beach property. The Park Board has been consulted and concurrence in the above-mentioned request9 received. D. W. Custer, Mayor March 28, 1966 _ Renton 'City Council City:.Hall Renton, Washington. Gentlemen: Because of the recent protracted discussion before. the City .Council. concerning- the ;Lake: Washington Beach 'property, I-have delayed . re- questing of .:the Council`the, authority•'to take certain action to imp rove ,the park. It has now become apparent that no further delay is possible if ,`the- City :'is.':to ,consider opening :the •`park to;;eveia partial use this summer.. :.Therefore, I; should. like to' make' the following recommendations 'fore which I : ask',the Council' s consideration: 1.:. I :hereCity, , . • by. request that-.the Mayor, :• City Attorney and City, Engineer be authorized to formulate the final agreement between the several ' parties involved toward .'gaining for the City a safe and improved road access,:which will include a utility easement into the park. 2. It is recommended that Council confirm that $12,500.00 to provide the costs of installing, : suitable railroad -crossing signals, be. taken from.Park _Fund`Account 60.5, which was originally budgeted for such • purposes. , •. 3. It is recommended that the Mayor and. City Attorney "seek ::final agreement toward;,the $12,500.00 payment for signal maintenance between the several parties involved. 4. It is recommended that the .Council designate that portion of S.E.. = 72nd Street. between Ripley Lane and the lake as a park property. so that. it; 'might be: developed Whenever the .Council should deem appropriate as a boat launching site. All of the above, recommendations have been discussed with appropriate ' Council Committees and the Park Board and,agreement has been reached on all but the last recommendation which pertains to the designation of S.E." 72nd, Street as park .property:. . I would appreciate the Council ' s Consideration of these- recommendations. . - 71:' W (491rf4210- Ma inr z, 4 I`}yyy-���i _:x is,' // / *tiokf // �. _ Y 4Lk i A 7, 11111Renge ov I �3iW �. ,Wila aS 9t7®@t!O$®R1 the Jet Transport Capital of the World fit'>'s.x�u:". % F; y ` OFFICE OF THE MAYOR D. W. CUSTER, MAYOR k: ! 2,14.q. April 11, 1966 Members of the Council City of Renton Access to Lake Washington Beach Park Following a meeting held Wednesday, April 6, with several parties concerned with access to Lake Washington Beach Park, and after a subsequent meeting Friday evening, April 8 with the Park Board, I would like to advise the Council of the following information: 1 . It has become clear that the Lake Washington Beach property cannot be opened to safe public access for at least six months from this date. This fact is due to a number of circumstances which cannot be altered by City action. 2. The Park Board has indicated a desire to open the park to public use as soon as possible, but the Board concedes that it will likely be necessary to wait until the spring of 1967 before the property can become a func- tional park. 3 . A major consideration in providing access to the beach property is the raising and improving of Lake Wn. Blvd. at and near the entrance road. This project is estimated to cost approximately $13, 000 for which no moneys have been budgeted in 1966 . This project would not only raise the level of Lake Washington Blvd. to the level of the railroad crossing, but would provide storage lanes for the turning movements necessary for vehicles entering the park . IL is extremely desirable that this project he comp] eLed ibis year, thus requiring the Austin Company to cev i ::�-� t h1: ru;111w,iy I lioy h,'ive eonnl ittel ecl rif: LI►o:1 r t+;;llotitso no t_l'iaL Lho City wi. I.l ttol:. hay() Lo bout LIti;_i cunt in L)icj future . Council -2- April 11, 1966 Because of the above-mentioned facts, and after meeting with several City Department Heads and the Park Board, I would like to make the following recommendations to the City Council: • 1 . Since the Council authorized the expenditure of $12, 500 for a railroad crossing signal installation, I would suggest the Mayor be authorized to order the signals immediately, and installation of same on behalf of the City. 2 . It is recommended that $13 , 000 be appropriated for the purposes of raising and improving Lake Washington Blvd. as proposed by the City Engineer in the drawing attached and according to the cost estimate submitted. The project could be accomplished under the direction of the City Engineer and the work completed after bids have been called for as necessary. 3 . It is recommended that the City Attorney and the Ways and Means Committee in conjunction with the Park Board, determine whether the $13 , 000 for the above-mentioned project might be taken from the $125, 000 loaned to the Park Beard Department from the Cedar River Acquisition Fund. 4. It is further recommended that the moneys remain- r�c.e n7 ing in Park Fund 605 (Lake Washington Beach Park} to used to provide sewer, water, and underground electrical utility services to the park, and the Council is hereby requested to authorize the City Engineer to obtain an easement from the Northern Pacific Railroad for utility purposes. 5 . It is recommended that the Mayor be authorized tp make immediate application to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission in Olympia for the purposes of obtaining legal access into the park over the route of the existing crossing as constructed by the Austin Co. Council ' a:., concurrence in the foregoing recommendations w'i.11 by appreciated and will effectively speed action' to solve the somewhat complicated problem of safe public access . to the Lake Washington Beach property. The Park Board has been consulted and concurrence in the above-mentioned requests received. D. W. Custer, Mayor, O w Ou C) N L11 W LLI -IJ LIJ I L�L-LLL_i_j !.!.14 L' - . . ..... 4.4-4-. 4 .. . ....... -4 -1-4-!, 1 4' .... .... ..... .... .. - . . 171-- .t j ......... . .. .. ......... ­­ ­. —�­-- l- L. .. - I. — 1-1-11- 1. ..." 1:11 1 - 111--- r -.1.11 , - TII HEMEW .... ....... air_ >91 1 V<5 Alle 24 4 o4l,. LOW .. . . ..... .. Ll ... .... ... . .... ..... ... .... . ..... nll :i :i III Hill HH 7TT ir -LLLJ W Li 1 lil! t 4] i. J i I L I I ! J [IJ-11 4 Jd-1 --�- 4 Y. t... ... . . .... . . 144- J 4 +-t �tl i,� 1 1, � ;ILL c v 1p LGUE OF O € fl VOTS • , • ). March 21, 1966 • The ; Honorable Mayor Custer , Members of the City Council • Gentlemen: • Thank you for your letter of March 8 replying to our state- ment concerning referral of the matter of the sale of Lake Washington Beach property to the Boeing Company. In our original letter we suggested that, since this might possibly be a change in the comprehensive plan, the matter might properly, by state law, be referred to the Planning Commission for hearings. The council, and later the City Clerk, reported that the matter had already been referred to the Planning Commission. Investigation confirmed our belief that this matter had notibeen referred to that body. Thelland use map and the community facilities portions of. thelplan designates the -whole area for a park and recommends expansion of said park. Yours truly,/(/( J/J 4/ 4,,a4 Mrs . Donald Hamblin, President • • Prir : Minutes - Renton City Council Meeting 4-4-66 COMMUNICATIONS: Letters were read from Baird M. Bardaraon, Charles K. Stimson, Jean Gosse and / William Reynolds objecting to disposition of any Lake Washington Beach property, recalling past actions of the City in acquiring same and urging that will of the people as well as industry be considered. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to \\ table the communications until such time as an Ordinance is introduced for con- sideration to sell subject property. Carried. A letter from the Board of County Commissioners submitted Resolution No. 31624 declaring the election of March 3, 1966 to be defeated. Copy of Resolution was attached along with canvass of votes. (Annexation of Kennydale "Island" area. A letter from Planning Director Gordon Y. Ericksen requested authorization to attend the American Society of Planning Officials Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from April 17- 21, 1966. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Dahlquist, to grant the request. Carried. A letter from Planning Director Ericksen reported recommendation of the Planning Commission from Special meeting of March 30th to approve the Final Plat of Rolling Hills }i2 as submitted. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter from Albert S . Reisberg, Building Director, requested that Revocable Permit be granted for sign for the Standard Oil Company on Third Avenue West of Burnett Street. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur in the request. Carried. A letter from Mr. and Mrs. Ray Charlton, 15033 S.E. 14th Street, Bellevue, reported that in conversation with Engineering Dep't. personnel she was advised that since power easement on Lot 0 had been moved West, the property was buildable. A letter was requested to the effect that a building permit for a 1040 sq. ft. single level dwelling can be erected on the subject property, notarized by the City and Power Company, upon receipt of which water assessment on the lot will be paid. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee. Carried. A petition containing signatures of four business operatoxs,vicinity of Municipal Parking Lot #2,reeuested that the parking arrangements on Beacon Avenue behind Holmes Electric Co. not be changed,as indicated by the City it was to be revised. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, to refer the communication to the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. A letter from City Attorney Shellan submitted copies of Answer and Affirmative Defense together with Trial Brief prepared by the City Attorney in connection with the Stimpson vs. City of Renton et al Court Case. Photographic exhibits are filed with the City Attorney and may be viewed by interested parties his office. The aforesaid documents are on fi]:,:, in the office of the City Clerk. APPOINTMENTS: Letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in appointment of Mr. James F. Matthew to position of Fireman in the Renton Fire Department, effective April 16, 1966 at which time the six-month probationary period provided for in Civil Service Rules will commence . Fire Chief's letter approving the candidate and Civil Service Commission certification were attached. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the appointment. Carried. Appointments of Mrs. Winifred Jones to position of Clerk-Steno I and Miss Glenna Little to position of Clerk-Dispatcher in the Renton Police Department were submitted by Mayor Custer for Council concurrence. Attached were Police Chief and Civil Service letters of approval and certification. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointments. The motion carried. A letter read from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in the appointment of Reverend Earl Dean, Minister of the First Methodist Church of Renton, as a member of the Youth Guidance Committee. Reverend Dean will represent the Renton Ministerial ' Association and Mayor Custer expressed a desire that this organization have continuing representation on the Committee. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the appointment. The motion carried. -5- ;-,10;i02Wovi,i0; 2 G > �'� April 3, 1966 Renton, Washington Mayor Donald Custer and Renton City Councilmen City Hall Renton, Washington Dear Sias The following is the headline and lead article of Mr Fournier' s publication, The Renton Chronicle, dated May 5, 1955 • !'CITY GETS OWN LAKE WASHINGTON BEACH Dreams of' a Lake Washington Beach site-the last one left- for Renton came true this week with the consumation of a land exchange between the city and the Pacific Coast Railread.," The phrase, "the last site left, " com_ s through today, eleven years later, with even more impact as we stand on the threshold of Renton' s greatest' population explosion. The dreams that were spoken of leapt from a marshy swamp which was practically inaccessable. But they were dreams fashioned from the knowledge that the public, with a beautiful lake at its doorstep, had no access at all that was adequate. Through the years the park has taken shape with fill, grading and sodding. 1 As Northwest growth has taken place, all public agencies have been in unanimous aggreement that the public is being shortchanged in terms of 'access to our regions greatest asset--WATER., We will soon reap the rewards of our shortsightedness in having acquired too little public waterfront. The council will recall that only 20 montha ago it passed an ordinance stating that the need to develope our lake Washington Beach Park was so great that an emergency existed. The emergency which was so obvious to the council 20 months ago for developement of our beach park is ever present and growing larger by the moment. It islin this context that the council will soon have before it an ordinance upon which they must act, which states that 3. 5 acres of thispark is "surplus and no longer suitaule for park purposes. " As bearers of the public trust, passage of an ordinance bearing such wording,, which is - the only way the land can be sold, would be an outrage because it is patently untrue. The legal requirement to find the property surplus and unsuitable i,$ not an empty device to sell park land, but calls for an honest determination. The role that industry plays in our affairs should be questioned. Boeings attitude appears to be that Renton is a. town one generation removed from the immigrant who should feel grateful that his lunch bucket is: filled . each day. Rather, than being an enlightened member of the Renton community, it would claim to BE Renton. This Company would have as the ultimate in City planning, production schedules, assembly plants, and expansion plans, pressed by execta.tives who live elsewhere, and the human aspirations of the Renton Citizenry a hazy ghost. This attitude Will continue until the Renton City Government brings the Boeing Company up short refusing to be pressured by economic threats.. Page 2 That this should be the fate of a city with the enviable tax base that Renton enjoys, makes the situation ironic. The source of the tax base of the community has apparently become the chief obstacle to the enjoyment of the benefits of this wealth. The Lake Washington Beach Park issue is a good one at which to draw the line. It has public support and demonstrated public need to justify it. 6-L Uik-' lb 1l J Baird M. Bardarson, M.D. PTT-. 1/17 -III 2,-" (1-g --'-'171-‘--- -72 ---)-"--'-j-r-D'------ :717 //-2-- 2- Gam. . G�3� � /i -----1-2-"-t-"1 7-2---- ,-":7r7--rj>"''-"" _-,-T.--,,-,--- -7-,:..7. ------1, (// . ,,,,,,fir- ,-„r.-- .rtzir---- ..,,,_,,, , ,- `, --)--,-,2-4-' �-`,"" rya „„,6 / , r • 4, _y-Z1 /2-1--72J di fiC144.-44'4A^^-- • 446 April 5, 1966 Mr. D. W. Custer, Mayor and Renton City Council City Hall cedar River Park ' Renton, Washington Gentlemen; As a taxpayer who is interested in improving the facilities and the public image of Renton I implore you to reconsider the sale of part of the Lake Washington Beach Park. This is not just another parcel of land. It is the only really useable tract an the lake from Rainier Beach to Illahee. With the current population of the area and the projected increases development and expansion of this park are of primary importance. . Looking back through the history of this park I find that at various times many of our City Councilmen were interested in the park. If this interest was real, I call upon them now to help reverse this trend to force citizens to seek their recreation at the expense of neighboring cities whose parke are already crowded. For instance, Mr. Bruce, in 1955 spoke of developing a public beach and picnic site on Lake Washington "right now" . And he said (various clubs could be given the opportunity to join with the city in developing this !last baach site available on Lake Washington" . ' Perhaps public opinion was not strong enough then,• but it is now, lets fan this flame, not extinguish it. Mr. Perry worked for the bond drive to develop the park. It only • :failed by a little despite inadequate publicity and the necessity to compete with other money issues. At least one man who worked with him • 'on this said recently "But Mr. Perry couldn't have voted to sell the !park, he worked so hard to promote it:" Even these two could act to save our park, and the others who 'came to office on the platform of improvement of Renton and especially ;parka for our citizens should also contemplate' the fact that they are helping kill any interest people might develop in Renton by forcing them to follow their interests elsewhere. Lets think again on this, gentlemen. After -all people are as important to Boeing's expansion as land is and this park would serve to attract and keep people in this area. Yours truly j Jean M. Gosse 10203 ll5th S.E. Renton, Washington -c:7 ;42/ • • k% : % 22 3 4 • '3 f /•j��l =n,[ {WW1\ . City' of •Renton Council • • Gentlemen: • • The following is -to record my protest to the sale of 3.5 acres of Lake Washington Beach Park. The true worth of the land is clearly stated in this excerpt from an editorial by John Fornier in the Renton Chronicle of •May 12, 1955. "The acquisition of :a 20-acre . tra.ct of waterfront park land on Lake Washington by the City of Renton is a distinct accomplishment that should pay big civic and recreational dividends to this cornmunitsf. -- The park development has special significance due ,to its size and waterfront location in relation to other recreation areas in South King County. '-- Good park sites are almost impossible to• obtain as the result of continuing encroachment of business industry and the development of private sites. -- The Renton waterfront park site is a most valuaible asset. It should be developed to its ultimate through the utilization of careful and proper plan- ning and development techniques. " • The Renton News Record said at the time of the park acquisition, . • "It is the 'last large block of land available on the entire lake , .and an area that will give Renton one of the finest recreation areas in the state. in the opinion of the ,City. Council members. " • Why does the Council think we deserve less today? On another occassion. before the parks purchase, the News Record said, "City Officials for some time have' eyed a large tract of land at the foot of Lake Washington owned by the Great Northern Railway which is regarded <as an ideal site for bathing . beach and boat moorage facilities. " . How come after this same land has been reclaimed from the swamp that part of it is to be sold to Boeing? -: ow,. come this council says the land is not suitable for park purposes when anybody with an eye in his head can see that it ' s perfect? I 'd like to hear - some debate on that subject. It doesn't make sense. • • Sincerely, - - ',. -' .- -'',. -"'"r..."`• ''''••''i',.."..'. 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''',''' t'''...--A '••• •'' ''.••••• -• •••'•'-'';,•,-1,.....P-i,.•,:t.,... ,••,.,',, •',-,!,;. ,:-•••,, . k • • ••:•, • IN THE SUPERIOR CO UBT OF THE STATE or 'tUSHIHtiTt3W IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF NINO - 1 CHARLES K. STINSON, ) 2 - ) ' 3 Plaintiff . ) ) vs ) 4 ) CITY', OF RENTON,, .a Municipal ) NO. 6 5 6 1 3 3 5 Corporation, DONALD W. CUSTER, ) HELMIS' W. NELSON, BRUCE HULSE, ) MEMORANDUM BY,CITY OF RENTlON 6 EUQB DRUCE, -HENRY SCHELLERT, ) JEANNETTE DAHLQUIST, GLEN - ) 7 GIANINI, HENRY PEDERSON, AVERT ) GARREITT, ,TOM ;RINK, GEORGE-PER&Y, ) 8 CHARLES DELAURENrI, DAN PALI, ) VEiRli MOREIS, ) 9 ) 10 Defendants ) ) 11 ) 12 This Memorandum is submitted to the above Honorable Court as an aid in 13 14 determining the issues and this Memorandum incorporates herein by reference the 15 City's Answer and Affirmative Defenses on file herein. 16 The sole issue for review may be paraphrased as follows: 17 Does the legislative body of a city of the second class have the right to 18 determine whether it is in the beat public interest, after duly deliberating upon 19 all the pertiaent facts and after bolding a public hearing thereon for said purpose, 20 to exchange parcels of properties within a proposed park area whereby ae a result 21 thereof, the City gives up 3.5 acres, without loss of water front, and in turn 22 acquires l.8 acres of property with additional water frost of/3od feet, together 23 with'. the cash gum of $92,500.00 which latter sum enables the City, in turn, to 24 reclaim approximately 1.2 acres of existing land by culvertiag and making same .25 availablerfor public usage and apply said cash sum for further improvement of the 26 subject area so as to have all of said facilities available for public use at the. 27 earliest possible date. 28 In the City's opinion, all other issues raised by Plaintiff are immaterial 29 and irrelevant to the above issue. However, in order to provide the Honorable 30 Court with a complete background the following information is submitted. 31 a. Any allegation or inference by Plaintiff that the heirs of Lee Monahan Lake- 32 haver any interest or reversionary rights to the/Washington Beach property are not HAUGAN.SHELLAN based on fact whatsoever; a simple reading of the quit Claim Deed executed by said &PAIN ATTORNEYS AT LAW tENTON.WASHINGTON ALPINE 5-8678 -14' 1 heirs under date of April 19, 1955. speaks for itself and any attempt to read into 2 this complete release and relinquishment any attempt to transfer reversionary interim 3 from one park to. another is utterly without substance; be it remembered that the 4 Monahan heirs are n donors or dedicators under R.C.W. 35.23.010; they werepaid, 5 based on the tax stamps 'affixed to .the deed, *10,000.00 and in consideration 6 therefor4released all of their interest. It is fundamental that such covenants 7 as proposed byPlaintiff are disfavored in the law and must be P Po expressly declared 8 . by clear, cogent and unambiguous language. 0winn vs Cleaver 56 We (2d) 612;;. Amy 9 such covenant or encumbrance must further be recorded With a sufficient legal I0 description of the land to-which the'covenant applies without reference to any 11 extrinsic evidence or else any reference must be made to a written instrument 12 whioh does contain such sufficient description. Seattle v Jasaresus. 60 Wn 2d 6S7s 13 Tonto, .Inc. vs Meaning, 59 Wn 2d 479. In the case at bar the language in the 14 deed does not describe the property whatever to which the purported covenant is 15 to attach and the purported "covenant" itself is simply a recital expressing the 16 consent requirements of R.C.W. 35.23.010. The language of the deed and release 17 makes it absolutely clear that such "consent" was not a limitation on the preceding 18 sections of the deed in with the grantors (needy the heirs) had surrendered and 19 conveyed all their ruts to the municipality 20 b. • Some reference has been made, although in a minor vein, that the City 21 has failed to comply with the statutory requirements in' attempting to "amend" its' 22 Comprehensive Plan. The City's position simply is that the aforesaid exchange and 23 adjustment of boundaries is not, by any stretch of the imagination, an amendment. .or 24 aodiftation of the City's Comprehensive Plan but is simply one step to implement .25 such Plan by exchanging properties, adjusting boundaries. and in the process 26 acquiring additional water front property, together with cash to make the proposed 27 - park usable and open to the public which the City has been unable to do for the lest 28 eleven years because of lack-of funds and the defeat of a bond issue approximately 29 one 'and one half years ago. It is axiomatic that comprehensive plans rarely specify - 30 the detailed courses of action needed to achieve a desired state 'but are attempts 31 to look into the future and indicate a general course of conduct. The City's 32 Comrunity Facilities Plan, alerred to in Plaintiff's Complaint, outlines on page HAUGAN,SHELLAN &PAIN ATTORNEYS AT LAW RENTON,WASHINGTON ALPINE 5-8678 .2. 1 10 thereof the objective which "should be the wale, the City". These include 2 among others that, 3 "The Park Board should be allotted adequate funds to accomplish the 4 three objectives: maintenance of present facilities, development of existing sites, and the timely purchase of sites for future parks 5 and recreation centers" 6 The aforesaid Community Facilities Plan provides, among others, for contemplated 7 disposition or acquisition of various park lands throughout the City and it appears 8 rather clearly from such lengUge that the acquisition, disposition or trading of 9 lands by the City was not intended to be regulated by the Comprehensive Plan, 10 which, after all, only states broad objectives and goals for long range City 11 planning predicated at all times upon adequate financing to carry them out. 12 It is of interest in this connection to refer to the most recent adoption by 13 ths;City of a document entitled "A Review of Progress Under the Workable Program 14 .forlCosmanaity Improvement" which was submitted to the Housing and Hone Finance Agency 15 under date of January 10, 1966; this is the latest expression of intent by the 16 legislative body sad includes, among other goals set for attainment, the proposition 17 that "the beat:mina of development work of Lake Washington Beach Park, a $450,000.00 18 project, will be sought during 1966". 19 Even if we assume, contrary to all facts available to the City, that an 20 exchange of park properties resulting in a diminution of area of less that' 5% 21 constitutes, is substance, a substantial modification of a comprehensive plan, 22 requiring a public hearing, than in such case, the City has likewise complied with 23 the requirement of R.C.W. 35.63.120 inasmuch as a public hearing, duly advertised 24 and; fully attended by all interested parties, was duly held, as provided by law, .25 on March 14, 1966, before the City Council. Any modification as that term is 26 generally understood means "to make a basic or important change" which is not the •27 case here since the City, realising that the proposed park Tito is practically 28 surrounded by industrial activities, desires merely to provide more water front 29 together with :such needed financial assistance to accelerate the site development 30 and to "open up" the area to public use. 31 This present lawsuit is certainly an indication, after much publicity was 32 given this project, both pro and con, that nobody was misled by the purpose of such HAUGAN.SHELLAN 8c PAIN ATTORNEYS AT LAW RENTON.WASHINGTON ' ALPINE 5-8678 .3. 1 public hearing and that its sole stews* to further consider such exchange. 2 B�.C'.W. 25.63.120 doss not specify that Another public hearing must be held before 3 the Pianaiag Commission prior to any hearing before the City Council and it is obviou 4 in this ease, as alleged by Plaintiff, that some members of the Planning Commission, 5 also inratru.ental in this pending lawsuit, are not in complete *grimmest with the 6 goals of the legislative,body in this regard. Property used by a municipality 7 for a governmental purpose is Rot restricted by soling laws, unless the statutes 8 or the sowing ordinances specify to the contrary which is not the case hers. 9 61 A.L.R. 2d 970; McQuillan Par. 25.15 and cases therein cited. 10 c. As stated above the City acquired the Lake Washingto* leach site more 11 than eleven years ago and although the City has, for many years past, enjoyed a . 12 • very favorable tax base by reason of heavy industrialisation within its confines, . 13 no adequate funds have been available for the purpose of improving the beach site 14 to a-condition where it could be cede available for public benefit. All work done 15 up to date has bee* of a prelideary nature, ‘consisting primarily of clearing 16 underbrush and providing some drainage. During the last twelve months further ' 17 eepa sioe of the industrial Concerts located within the City have born fruition. 18 Enos of the projects being presenetly undertaken by The Boeing Company consists, 19 among others, of the constructio* of an 618,000,000.00 plant addition located to 20 21 the West of the subject beach site. Adjoining thereto is the Puget Sound Power 6l Light Company's £8uffleton Pleat sad to the east of the subject beach site are 22 res'identia'.1 and commercial establishnsaets; in front of the City's beach area, 23 located between the inner and outer harbor line, are log booms of considerable, 24 magnitude and said area in question, or at least a portion'thereof, is being leased .25 to ,taw Voss Tog Company. Allot the foregoing matters may be classified as 26 incidental or fringe benefits to the City whth will, in due time, result in .27 add',itioasl revenues to meet the overgrowing responsibilities that the City will have 28 ,to tics .in the future. 29 30 Attached hereto are the following exhibit° which are sehaitted to the Court 31 as further aid in acquainting itself with the physical and topographical features of the subject and coining areas, to-wit: 32 r HAUGAN.SHELLAN s Looking southwesterly; in foreground parcel to be acquired; &PAIN ATTORNEYS AT LAW RENTON.WASHINGTON ALPINE 5-8678 1 background shows triangular parcel to be traded by City; background shows 2 Puget's Shuffleton Pleat and Doting complex. 3 Ii1IT 2,s Looking southerly; parcel to left of picture to be acquired by City; triangular parcel to right presently owned by City; foreground shows 4 log booms end ships owned by loss Tug Coapaay. 5 =MIT 3: Looking easterly; shows parcel to be acquired by City. 6 twin 4: Looking northeasterly; shows drainage ditch through City property Which is to be reclaimed by culverting, gaining another 1.22 acres 7 of usable property. 8 UHIIIT 3: Looking seuthvvste4r; shows part of drainage ditch and debris . 0a City'I property; to be reclaimed as shown on Zzbibit 4. 9 T • Looking northwesterly; shows present debris and structures 10 front of City's beach site. 11 s Looking northerly; dhove .portion of future site of beach Park er development; area to right of picture shows additional acreage to 12 be acquired in trade with frontage on water. 13 The City's legislative body, along with its various departments, commissions, boards, 14 as veil as the general public, by maamsaf public hearings and open, public 15 diseusdons, considered and deliberated upon.all of the relevant and material aspects 16 ' of ;the proposal, which may be briefly summarised as follows: 1) on the credit side 17 of the ledger, the City would acquire approximately 1.8 acres of additional lands, 18 together with water front of app. 3 oa feet to the northeast of the subject site 19 which aequidition has been endorsed and recommended by the Park !bard and Planning 20 Commission and is part of the City's Comprehensive Plan; inaddition thereto the 21 City would be furnished with an misspent, free of cost, over properties presently 22 owned 'by Puget bound Power i, Light Conpanywhieh easement is necessary in order to 23 ' establish proper access amd mom of ingress and egress to the beach site which 24 ' sweep road has heretofore been &greed upon with the Railroads owning a portico .25 of said right-of-way and which access has also been recommended and concurred in 26 •27 by the Park loerd and other public bodies, inaludiag the City Council; furthermore, the City would receive the sum of 892,300.00 in cash of which * portion, so it, has .28 been,deterohed, would be utilised to duly culvert a certain drainage ditch which 29 runs *long the easterly portion of said subject site and thus reclaim app. 1.22 30 31sift of park site for use by the, public which property would otherwise be uneven- 32 able far public.use by reason of said drainage ditch and the abutting swampy area; HAUGAN,SHELLAN the ba_ " __e of the cash fund, as determined and voted by the legislative body, &PAIN ATTORNEYS AT LAW RENTON,WASHINGTON ALPINE 5-8678 _5. 1 would be spent exclusively for the isprovemsnt sad benefit of the park site in 2 order to accelerate its availability to the general public. 2) Oa the debit side 3 of the ledger, the City would give up app. 3.5 acres of land. Bat fronting upon 4 the water, as a result of which transaction and giving due credit for the aforesaid •5 reclaimed portion of land, the City would suffer a get deficit of app. one-half 6 (1/2) acre. Looking purely at the materialistic aspect of the propose', the City 7 would receive, is cash, an excess of 1)44,500.00 over and above the difference in 8 appraisals for the twoparcels of pro perty p party hereiaabove referred to, both such 9 a ppraisals having been concluded by an appraiser retained by the City of Seaton. YO It is small wonder therefore that the City Council adopted a very realistic view 11 in ;proposing consummation of said transaction since, after all is said and done, 12 the City's loss of usable land would be less than 3% of the total 22.33 .crease low 13 owned by the City amid in lieu thereof acquire-additional beach frontage and close 14 t o $45.000.00 in cash earmarked for further development of the park. The question, 15 therefore, before the Court is whether the foregoing, proposal so adopted by the 16 City's legislative body is arbitrary, in bad faith and amounting to a fraud on the 17 public as alleged by Plaimtiff7 The City's legislative body fully eyapathises math 18 Plaintiff sad his organisation of sailing enthusiasts for their genuine concern 19 about boating and related activities; however, on the other bead, it is the 20 legislative body's sworn duty to consider the welfare of the City as a whole and 21 that of4.411 of its citiaens, not just one particular group, no matter how well 22 meaning; It is the City's position that this is certainly a case and circumstance 23 where the Court should invoke the de aiaiais rule. The cases are certainly legion, 24 not reguiriag say special citation. that theCourts will not interfere with the .25 exercise of legislative discretion by a municipal body. The elected officials of 26 the City in whom the power is vested must determine the facts end such determisuktiop •27 cannot. be set *aide unless the action of Che tribunal is arbitrary, oppressive or 28 fraudulent_: City authorities are required to.act fair ly and honestly upon ressoaabl 29 information but when the have muted theirdecisi n be overthrown b the 30 Court.. William Vr Topeka 85 &Laa. 857; 118 Pat. 864; West v Oakland. 30 Cal. App. 31 556, 159 Pee. 202; it is also basic that when the officers of a municipal goverm• 32 meat have exercised their discretion, such as in the award of a contract. the HAUOAN,SHELLAN &PAIN ATTORNEYS AT LAW RENTON,WASHINGTON _L ALPINE 5-8678 _'V 1 presumption obtains that such action was regular and lawful, sod such presumption. 2 can be overcome only by proof that the officers acted without 1istification or fraudulently; *Rust v Wain 254 Ill. 343; People v sent, 160 Ill., 655; Altschul kr� 4 v City o1 Spriafields 48 Ohio App. 356. The old maxim, amply tested by time and 5 judicial- decisions over centuries that "the law does not concern itself with trifles" 6 was never more applicable than to the instant situation where the net loss of useable 7 land in this exchange amounts to not more than 3% of the total subject site and the 8 City is more than adequately compensated. 9 There is no contention by Plaintiff alleging any insufficiency of connsiders- 10 Lion to the proposed exchange but merely a persistent expression of opinion differing 11 from the conclusion reached by the City's legislative body. If Plaintiff and other 12 officials of the sailing club are less than enthusiastic about the City Council's 13 ability to negotiate such exchanges, after due consideration of all pertinent 14 matters, then any such objections should be vociferously expressed, at election 15 time and candidates elected whose viewpoints. may more closely coincide with those • 16 of complainants 17 Finally, the Defendants herein strongly maintain that the action of the 18 legislative body leading up to the proposed ordinance and its enactment are 19 strictly legislative functions. It is a well settled principle that the court 20 will, not enjoin oroppeed legislative action. Miniab v Hanson, 64 Wn 2d 113; State es 21 riot Cunning v 0441, 58 We 2d.275. In the lamer awe the Court, on page 278 said 22 as follows* 23 "The right of a legislative body to exercise its legislative powers 24 will not be invaded by the judicial branch of government. The separation of powers doctrine is so fundamental that it needs no •25 discussion. See Household Pima•ge Corp. v State, 40 Wm. (2d) 451, 244. P. (2d) 260 (1952). In Vincent v Seattle, 115 Wash. 475, 26 197 Pac. 618 (1921), us recognised the doctrine as applied to interference by the courts with the legislative acts of a city 2 7 ceuncil. In that case we held the proposed action of the city council was judicial is its nature rather than legislative, and 28 stag 29 '. • • Therefore the rule which'we have so often rsccpnnn�ised that the courts will not. enjoin.Opposed, 30 legislative action does not apply here.'" (Italics the court's) 31 The proposed acts of the City Council and its Law and Ordinance Committee 32 certainly are not judicial in nature but are typical, everyday legislative functions. HAUGAN,SHELLAN &PAIN ATTORNEYS AT LAW RENTON,WASHINGTON ALPINE 5-8678 ��� 1 ThereforenvOmporary.yinjunction as sought by Plaintiff should issue and the 2 ex part e restraining order heretofore issued was likewise improper. It is self 3` evident that no station hari, or could have been taken to effectuate the proposed 4 exchange until atm the adoption of a proper ordinance, with adequate findings 5 supporting such p� i exchange. Defendant* believe that the case of �isa vs Odell* 6 supra, is controlling. Therefore any temporary injunction as sought by Plaintiff 7 in this case would be untimely and premature as it would seek to enjoin proposed 8 activities of a legislative body. 9 10 Respectfully submitted 11 12 BATMAN & UMIAK 13 14 By Gerard K. Shellan 15 City Attorney 16 17 18 19 20 • 21 22 23 24 •25 26 .27 28 29 30 31 32 HAUGAN,SHELLAN &PAIN � ATTORNEYS AT LAW ��77��'' RENTON,WASHINGTON ALPINE 5-8678 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KING • 1 CHARLES K. STIMSON, ) ) 2 Plaintiff, ) ) 3 ) ND. 6 5 6 1 3 .3 4 CITY OF RENTIDN, e Municipal ) corpOration, Downn W. CUSTER, ) 5 HELMIEV: NELSON, BRUCE.HULSE, ) ANSVER HUGH BRUCE, HENRY SCHELLERT, ' ) 6 JEANETTE DAHLWIST, GLEN ) GIANINI, HENRY PEDERSON, AVERY ) 7 GARRETT, TOM TRIMM, GEORGE PERRY, ) CHARLES DELAURENTI, DAN POLI , ) 8 VERN MORRIS , ) ) 9 Defendants. ) ) 1.0 11 COME NOW the above Defendants, consisting of the' duly elected. Mayyr, 12 City Clerk and Councilmen and the CITY OF RENTON, a city of the second class 13 under the laws and statutes of the State of Washington, and herei4th answer 14 Plaintiff's Complaint as follows: 15 .• 16 Answering Paragraph I , Defendants admit same. 17 • 18 Answering Paragraph II , Defendants admit. same. 19 1 , III 20 .Answering Paragraph III , Defendants admit same. 21 Iv 22 Answering Paragraph IV, Defendants admit thet the CITY OF RENTON pur- 23 chased, for valuable consideration, certain properties upon the south shore 24 of Lake Washington which property has been owned by the CITY OF RENTON in fee '26 simple ever since that acquisition; otherwise, Defendants deny the allegations 26 of said Paragraph. 27 • 28 Answering Paragraph V., Defendants admit that some improvements have been 29 made within the confines of the Lake Washington Beach Park but otherwise deny 30 the remaining allegations of said Paragraph and these Defendants expressly deny 31 that said Park has been used or opened for use by residents of the CITY OF RENTON. 32 HAUGAN,SHELLAN &PAIN ATTORNEYS AT LAW "1" RENTON,WASHINGTON ALPINE'S-8678 1 2 Answering Paragraph VI, these Defendants admit. that they had acquired. 3 by donation and for valuable consideration, certain properties formerly known 4 as "Mother's Paris" abutting Park Avenue, Renton, Washington , but specifically 5 deny the remaining allegations of said Paragraph. 6 VII .7 Answering Paragraph VII , these Defendants admit that certain portions 8 of park properties were exchanged, na provided by law and ne further set forth 9 herein, and otherwise deny the aalleg, Lions of said Paragraph. 1.0 VII I I. 11 • Answering Paragraph VIII, these Defendants admit that the CITY has 12 heretofore adopted various implementations of its Comprehensive Plata,_ for the 13 future development of the CITY which Plan. these Defendants admit, contains. 14 among other matters and data, the quotations contained in Plaintiff's Paragraph 15 VIII. 16 I!: 17 Answering Paragraph IX, these Defendants admit the adoption of a 18 certain "Land Use Report" as a proposed implementation of its Comprehensive Plan 19 but otherwise deny the allegations contained in said Paragraph. 20 • X 21 Answering Paragraph X. Defendants deny that Lake Washington Bench Park 22 is the only waterfront park owned by the CITY )F t N1ON. but admit that the 23 CITY is desirous of acquiring and developing for use additional park areas. 24 P.I • .25 Answering Paragraph XI, Defendants admit the adoption of a certain 26 Motion but deny that any Ordinance was approved or prepared and further deny 27 the remaining allegations of said Paragraph, including, the accuracy of said Motion as quoted by Plaintiff. 28 XII 29 Answering Paragraph XII, these Defendants deny the allegations therein 30 contained. • 31 XI I I 32 Answering Paragraph YIII , these Defendants deny the allegations therein HAUGAN.SHELLAN &PAIN ATTORNEYS AT LAW RENTON.WASHINGTON _ ALPINE 543678 • _$ 1 contained. 2 xiv 3 Answering Paragraph XIV, these Defendants admit that Plaintiff's reference 4 to CU 35,23.010 ie partially correct but otherwise deny the remaining allegations 5 of said Paragraph. 6 XV 7 Awewering Paragraph XV, these Defendants admit that application had been 8 made as alleged but deny the remaining ellegationsof said Paragraph. 9 10 Answering Paragraph XVI , these Defendant! deny each and every allegation 11 therein contained. 12 xviI 13 Answering Paragraph XVII , these Defendants deny each and every allegation 14 therein contained. 15 XVIII 16 Anewering Paragraph XVIII , these Defendants deny each and every allegation 17 therein conteined. 18 XIX 19 Answering Paragraph XIX, these Defendante deny each and every allegation 20 therein contained. 21 xx 22 Answering Paragraph XX, these Defendants deny each and every ellegntion 23 therein contained. 24 xx/ .25 Answering Paragraph XXI , these Defendente deny that Plaintiff is without 26 any plain, speedy or adequate remedy at law and especially deny that Plaintiff 27 is entitled to a decl4ratory judgment pursuant to RCW 7.24 since Plaintiff's 28 rights, etatue or other legal relations are in no way affected by any statute, 29 municipal ordinance, contract or franchise. 30 FURTHER ANSWERING AND BY WAY OF AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE, THE CITY OF RENTON, 31 s City of the second class, and the aforesaid Defendants allege as fellows: 32 HAUGAN,SHELLAN &PAIN ATTORNEYS AT LAW -3- RENTON,WASHINGTON ALPINE 5-8678 • • • • 2 The CITY OF RENTON is a City of the second class under the laws end 3 statutes of the State of Washington, its population being in excess of 22,000 4 persons end thpt it Ls governed under the mayor-council form of government ne 5 set forth in RG 35.23.01 ) et seq. 6 II • 7 Thet these Defendants, in further answer to Plaintiff's various allege- , 8 tines including prier exchanges of certnin properties owned by the CITY OF RENTON, 9 herewith submit the fallowing historical datae 10 a) The CITY OF RENTON had acquired from a certain Grantor mimed Lee MonDhan under date of SepteMber .8, 1939 certain properties con- sistingof epproximetely eighteen and one-helf cres. located in North Renton end in elose. Victnity of properties owned or 12 controlled' by The Boeing Compeny; gelid property was dedicated to the CITY, upon the CITY paying certain delinquent taxes thereon 13 whieh Deed is recorded in Volume 1361 of Deeds, page 1k2, containing certain restrictions as to usage far industrial and city park purposes; 14 that thereafter said dediceter waived certain restrictive provisions of said Werrenty Deed. Sometime thereafter in 1952-53 it as deter- 15 tamed by the CITY OF RENTON, acting through and by its park Boerd, that said property was ne longer suitable or usable for 9 public 16 park; thereupon the CITY OF RENTON, acting by and through its Council and City Attorney negotiated with. the Pacific Coast R. R. 17 Coapany for an exchange eta portion, of seid '"Mother's Park" property consisting of apprerimetely fourteen end one-boll acres, 18 for epprexinetely 22.33 acres of subject Lake Washington Beach . property; that in order to consummate said transectten, it became 19 necessary to secure a release by the heirs of said Leeeieonohnn • who, upon being paid the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) 20 - in April of 1955, executed their Quit Claim Deed, el copy of which . is attached herete, marked Exhibit "A" and mnde a pert hereof as 21 if fully set forth. Said Deed specifically provides that its purpose was to extinguish end. remove it restrictiens or limitations or 22 cenditiens created by Dr reserved in that certain Deed from Lee Nenehen to the. CITY OF illaqT)Nels heretreabove referred to; end 23 said Deed further specifically provides for the consent of said heirs to the exchange of said properties as aforesaid; that 24 thereafter the CITY acquired, in fee ple a Warranty Deed from the Pacific Coat R. R. Company of the eubeet Lake Weishington .25 Beach property. A copy of said Warranty Deed and of policy of title insurance ix attached hereto, labeled Exhibit "r end 26 made a pert hereof as if fully vet forth; that no restrictions, reservetions , reversionary interests or other encumbrances of any .27 • type er nature whatsoever ever attached to er ran concurrently • with the sub ect Lake Washington Bench property and the CITY OF 28 QEMN at All times has held said property in fee simple, free and unencumbered. 29 30The Defendenes herein expressly deny that any heirs of Lee Monohan or any other 31perty have any special interest, either reversionary or otherwise, in and 32te ASIA Lake Washington Beach property; but allege said property is held in fee HAUGAN,SHELLAN PAIN ATTORNEYS ATTORNEYS AT LAW RENTON.WASHINGTON -4- • ALPINE 5-8678 1 eiapla by the CITY OF i1&to= for the benefit of the general public, and for 2 such other municipal purposes as its legislative body may determine from time 3 to time. . 4 5 Defendants admit and allege that the CITY,OF aEN1)N has adopted from timee 6 to time implementing Ordinances to its Comprehensive Plan for the physical devel- 7 opeent of the CITY among which is the "Community Facilities Plan" dated July 21 8 1969 and adopted by City Ordinance No. .2196; that ell of said plans are general 9 in nature, setting forth CITY'S policies and goals projected for a period of '10 twenty to forty years hence and all of them being predicated and contingent 11 upon having available sufficient appropriations of funds to implement same; that 12 Said plans consist primarily of statements of policy by its legislative body 13 pimply setting forth the framework for future achievement and all of which are 14. duly encumbered by the financial obligations incident to such proposed improvements 15 and projects. All of such plans and projections are entirely general in nature 16 and all maps and charts in connection therewith merely broadly outline any 17 such proposals as a future guide, without particularly designing or limiting 18 speciffic boundaries or details. These Defendants further allege that all of 19 their proceedings in the subject matter of this lawsuit were conducted for the 20 sole purpose of at least partially implementing the CITY'S plan for the actual 21' 8avelo ent and use of the subject property for the benefit of the general public 22 . and. to acquire, whenever possible, additional waterfront adjoining the premises 23 presently owned by the CITY in fee' which additional acquisition of waterfront 24 lends is one of the specific goals and recommendations contained in the CITY'S .25 "Cvimmunity Facilities Plan" of 1965. 26 IV •27 Theee Defendants refer specifically to *CV 35.23.440, subsection 22 28 reading as follows: to-wit: 29 "Property: To have, purchase. hold, use and enjoy property of every uses or kind whatsoever, and to sell, lease, transfer, 30 mortgage, convey. control or improve thasamei to build, erect or construct houses, buildings or structures of any kind needful 31 for the uses or purposes of such city." 32 which specific power granted to a second class city provides for the disposition, HAUGAN.SHELLAN &PAIN ATTORNEYS AT LAW .gw RENTON.WASHINGTON ALPINE 5.8678 • 1 sale and tr:,nsfer of such property held in fee by the city; in addition thereto 2 reference i made to RCW 35.23.010 which specifically provides for the exchange 3 of park pro•erties. • 4 v • 5 , The subject property located along the south shore of Lake Washington, 6 consisting .f 22.33 acres has been held in fee by the CITY for the last eleven 7 years but s id property has not been made available oropered to the public for 8 park or rec eational facilities by reason of the fact that such premises are 9 not presently usable for said purposes,-,except that a revocable permit was here- 10 tofore issue. to the Renton Sailing Club under date of May 10, 1965 11 permitting a- id Sailing Club to utilize an area of 50 feet by 250 feet for 12 giving instr cAons for sailing to members of said club, and that otherwise said 13 property ha been barred to members of the public because of its unfinished and herein 14 unsettled coidition; that in fact the aboveePlaiht;iff; is acting/ as (Vice-Presi- 15 dent of the 'enton Sailing Club) for the other officers and members of said club. 16 That the CIT' OF RENTON was contacted during 1965 by representatives of The 17 Boeing Compa y proposing a trade of property which would, on the' one hand, provide 18 additional a ea for the vast expansion of the Boeing facilities , and secondly, 19 provide addi ional waterfront to the CITY OF RENTON and cash amounts for the 20 purpose of i proving the property and making it available for use by the public; 21 that these D-fendants by and through. their appropriate Council committees nego- 22 tiated and d:• liberated in regard to this matter for a period of approximately 23 nine months .uring which. time various public hearings and meetings were held 24 with all int-.rested parties to advise the general public of all proceedings •2 5 in connectio therewith; that such proposal as finalized by and between the 26 parties, wou d provide for an exchange of approximately three and one-half acres 27 of said property which does not abut upon the shoreland for approximately 1.8 acres 28 of shoreland property together with the cash sum payable to the CITY of t92 ,500.00, 29 a portion of which sum would be utilized to reclaim approximately 1.2 acres of 30 CITY land which presently contains a drainage ditch and is not usable for the 31 public benefit; as a result thereof the CITY could thus reclaim 1.2 acres by 32 culverting s:Ime and making it usable for the public benefit, together with 1.8 acres HAUGAN.SHELLAN &PAIN ATTORNEYS AT LAW :ENTON,WASHINGTON ALPINE 5-8678 -6- • • 1 of addition,1 property to the northeast of the existing premises which centaine approximately ,3,00 feet DC waterfront, in exchange for 3.5 acres of city-owned 3 property nit fronting upon the lake; in addition to which the CITY would receive 4 $92,500,00 in CA101 which the Defendants, by and through their legislative body, 5 voted shoult be used excInsively for the use, betterment and improvement of sub- 6 ject property se AS to accelerate the availability and use of said premises for 7. the benefit of the general public, which the CITY, because of financial limits- 8 titles, has can unable to do during the last eleven years; that as a result of 9 said negotittions and proposal , the net deficit of usable property to the CITY 10 would amount te approximately one-helf CO acre out of a total acreage of 22.33 acres which deficit would be compensated on, a cash basis, as aforesaid , for 12 improving s id total area . That the CITY secured appraisal for the respective 13 parcels of . r.operty involved showing a fair market value for the 3.5 acres of 14 - 125,)00.00 and a fair market value of the l.E acre parcel of 'e77,000.00; AS 15 a result of these appraisals the CITY would receive in cash some t244,5)0.00. 16 difference in over and ab ve the/appraisal priees.That all of these facts, appraisals and all . 17 other infoteation relevant thereto were duly considered by the legislative body 18 of the CITY OF RENVIii over a long period of time and it was duly determined 19 after publi hearing thereon, that such exchange and trade of properties amounting 20 te less thm: five per cent (5%) of the total park area involved, together with 21 the receipt of cash funds for the improvement and betterment of said park, were 22 in the public interest and for the public benefit;" in addition to which the 23 CITY would eceive certain fringe benefits i.e. additional tax revenues by 24 reason of a substantial increase in the assessed valuation of the commercial •25 and indusstral properties within the CITY OF RENTON which, in turn, would amount 26 to many the sands of dollars each year: That any such exchange or trade as 27 of • hereinabove set forth does in no way constitute any violation/or substantial 28 deviationft any previous plans or policy statements adopted by the legislative 29 body of the CITY OF ereelseN but in fact im merely one step or weans to implement 30 and improve the present facilities owned by the CITY and continue to finance 31 bonds by such improv, ments without submitting such financing to a vote of/the people; 32 that in far the CITY ha* heretofore attempted to finance the improvement of HAUGAN.SHELLAN &PAIN ATTORNEYS AT LAW IENTON,WASHINGTON -7- ALPINE 5-8678 said Lake Washington Beech Park by n bond issue in the sum of $450,000.00 2 in September of 1964 which bond issue, however, wns defeated at the polls by 3 the electors of the CITY. That the aforesaid exchange, as proposed does not 4 constitute any amendment or modification of any comprehensive plan; and in fact 5 any sech exehonge as provided for in RCW 35.23.010 does not require any public 6 hearing in regard thereto but, nevertheless the legislative body of the CITY 7 advertised and called for public hearings on this proposal so as to seek the. 8 public's opinions, and recommendations of various groups and organizations. 9 All of such hearings and deliberations were open to the public and all parties 10 duly deliberated on the issues subn!.tted: thet all departments, boards and 11d:emissions having an interest in the subject matter have been duly consulted 12 with full opportunity to voice approval or disapproval of the pending proposal 13 and all interested members of the public were accorded adequate opportunity to 14 be heard before said bodies, without any prejudice, to any party whatsoever. 15 16 THEREFORE ell of the actions, proceedings and acts of the City Council 17 of the CITY OF RENTON were regular and proper in all respects and conform to 18 the lows and statutes of the State of Washington; end the proposed exchange of 19 properties end the lime of !°F4S111 fends raced in such exchange by the CITY for 20 the improvement of subject properties is for the common good and in the public 21 interest and any such exchange will benefit And improve the over-all park facilities. 22 23 UHEREFORE Defendants pray that Plaintiff's Complaint be dismissed with 24 prejudice and that the Temporary Restraining Order be dissolved forthwith and .25 that Defendants have their costs and disbursements herein incurred. 26 zi STATE OF WASHINGTON ) Gerard M. Sheller', of HAUGAN & SIIELIAN ) es City Attorney of Renton. 28 COUNTY OF KINGS DONALD W. C(7STER, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says: 29 That he is one of the Defendants herein named and that he is authorized to wake this verification on behalf of all Defendants herein named; that he has 30 read the foregoing Answer, knows the contents thereof and believes the same to be true. 31 Dzina14. V,Z1( Custer, Mayor of Raton. 32 SUBSCR/BED AND SWORN to before me thinOtfA day. of March, 1966. .........—. • LiZ.I/J I HAUGAN.SHELLAN ./) &PAIN Notary Public in and for the State ATTORNEYS AT LAW ENTON.WASHINGTON -8- of Washington, residing at Renton. : ALPINE 5-8678 ' �/ 1,'. i L,. y.,� a • �/ t ®Q �.1-,-- ' 'Z, P'A.RIiS c4z RECREATIONllEPAR'I.'1VLLN'i`6RENTC9N,AVASHIN(i'i`ON '' ,' ? `g : , CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 ® ALPINE 5-3464 ii L 6,4e4) 9qy ,��r ii r CAPITA-� /e) : February ll+, 1966 , . Mayo Do W Custer Members- of�the" City Council Attention:: Henry Pedersen, Chairman ' .. I Property Committee /- ,r:•. :. Gentlemen; Following the Committee of the Whole meeting on January 18th, a. proposal - ` .fromi the Boeing Company, addressed to the Mayor and City Council and .to the 'attention: of the Property Committee, was referred. to the Park Board. for thei r consideration. . Thi"s communication concerned the .Lake. Washing- • • • ,:. ::: : . '.; '.. .: '..'''., -, fon Beach Park and proposed that the City deed 3.5+ acres to the Puget • -• Sound Power & •Light, Company and; in return. 'for this, the Boeing Company' • would: . ' a. Deed approximately 1 .8 acres north of the park .- ,,i,: property to the City. - - b. ' .Supply. necessary culvert material to culvert ;:, the stream. C. Install. Cyclone 'fencing between property lines '. ,:. •' of the park and Puget Sound Power & Light. . ' d. Provide the City with perpetual signal mai ntene - . ;,• ance for proposed rai 1 road cro/ssi ng -to, the beach.. ::, �. ' property:. At ;thei r meeting on February 3rd, the. Park Board studi ed thi s proposal' - thoroughl y;,and.instructed me to report their findings and action to you.' . a. Concerning the releasing of 3.5+ acres of- beach park property to . Puget- Sound Power & Light, the board finds as follows . . Just recently the City' completed a "70l ' Study," a part. of which - related to community faci 1 i ti es." Subsequently, the City Council : passed andl approved the .Community Facilities' Section which indicated :,that there . ': ',,t " `::::`:: was; a need to acqui re an addi tional 5 to 10 acres .Of property adjacent , to the north. si de of the exi sting si te. A three-year study of the Puget Sound povernmcnta Conference, , rec'ommended:" that top priority be given' to water. recreation" sites." <It : ,: , > '::'"' ! also''recoMmended that,'.every piece of exi s.t:i ng public recreation . ,lend :. , . should be held inviolate against any other kinds of development At the same :time that this study .Was going on, we were also completing certain work'-"which would make us eligible for state and federal matching funds, and:a part of. the r.equi rements was.. to develop a 6-year plan.' 1 hi s was t of �E J � ��� f/� °� o �%/.f m)l .:s, ` PA h ES cC, R.EC1 lCA'l'ION 1)EPAR'1`A4 L'NT®.R.I:N'.PON,IV:I',IIINGTON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 © ALPINE 5-3464 - , 99ysp0 O`c `t4 _ "'IRT CAPITPO- ' February 14 , 1966 Mayor D.:W. Custer Members of the City Council •.' : Attention:• Henry Pedersen, Chai rman . ; Property Committee Gentllemen Following the Committee of the Whole meeting on January 18th, a proposal , from the Boeing Company, addressed to the Mayor and City Council and to. the attention of the Property Committee, was referred to the Park Board e ; ';: ,'`. for,ithei r" consideration. This communication concerned the Lake Washing ton Beach Park and proposed that the City deed 3.5+ acres to the Puget . . Sound Power & Light Company and, in return for this, ' the BoeTa ing Company' would: , ' as Deed approximately 1 .8 acres north of the park { ' property to the City. ' 1' b. Supply necessary culvert material to culvert the stream.•. - , c. Install Cyclone fencing between property lines. of the park and Puget Sound Power. & Light. d. Provi de the Ci ty wi th perpetual si gnal rnai nten- ance for, proposed rai 1 road crossing to the beach,, property, '. `At .thei-r meeting on February 3rd, the Park Board studied. this proposal thoroughly and instructed me to report their findings and action to you. • a. Concerning the releasing of 3,5+ acres of beach park property to Puget Sound Power & Light, the board finds as follows: , Just recently the City completed a "701 Study," a part of which related to community facilities. Subsequently, the City,Council passed _ and approved the Community. Facilities Section which indicated that there • was, a need to acquire an addi tional 5 to 10 acres..of -property- adjacent to the north side of the existing sites . • A three-year study of the Puget Sound Governmental Conference recommended that top priority be gi von to water ,recreation si tes. ',. I I. also recommended that every piece of existing public recreation. land should be held inviolate against any other kinds of development. , At the sariie time that this study was going on, we were also completing certain work which would make:us eligible for state and federal matching funds, and a part of the requirements was: to develop a 6-year plan. This was rt{ . --2A „ done, and again:,in this plan'the board indicated that' there was a need to acqui re additional property adjacent to the beach park. This was Subsequently passed by the Capi tal Improvement Committee and the City Council 1 so this could be. forwarded to the Interagency Commi t'tee i ri Olympia i n time for us to eligible for funds this year. The board feels ' that, everything clearly indicates that there i s. a need to retain what we have and add to it. ; b, ome: mention was made .of" reclaiming 1 .22 acres by installing' a cul- vert but this is not necessary for the development of this park. streepi was purposely relocated on the perimeter of the property so that it would act as a natural barrier between the railroad property and park property and could also be landscaped in such a manner as to screen and' r add to the attractiveness in its ultimate development. r.:. . , ca :. There i s an exi sting Cyclone fence separating..the Puget Sound Power & Light property and the park property, and this i s quite adequate. .'It is planned to landscape and plant along this fence line so as to again beautify and screen the two properti es. d Regarding the si gnal maintenance for the rai 1 road crossing to the park,l this is a charge which .i s requi red by the rai 1 road for maintenance of tlii s installation. ,'This is a one-time cost, andsincePu et� Sound Power & Light will be using this crossing to get into .their property, :r ' ... they(shoold`:share i n this cost. ...:,..;,; It. is the Park-Board firm belief that the benefit,`to the people of ' ' this communi ty, from a recreational standpoint, far surpasses whatever other use may be made of this property by Puget Sound. Power & Light'.. In view of-what the studies have shown - the_701 Study, the Puget, Sound Governmental Conference Study, and the inventory which we died for state and federal matching funds - it is the recommendation of the Park .Board " that!.the request of the Boeing Company for 3.5÷;acres of the beach. park ... prc�prty for .Puget: Sound Power & Light be denied.,( Respectfully, subni tted, RENTON PARK- BOARD Tory Teesdale Chai rman Mrs. Peggy Shi del er a Ronald Recis b l Gene L . Coulon, Director, Henry Pederson, C ha.1 rman Property .Carpi ttec: j , 1 ( ,_ ----(7 7/6; 6c2e 4-04.---6;t/L,_<,___. =l',' HEADQUARTERS OFF'ICS ': . . i' . t._. : , /. .I'y.._AI " , 0 • , ' M1i _, J 'E,. _--"4— � ..1-. _ -7>n_). 1... . ,... :._ July 2 , 1965 i ' ',y L •' ig V.4 ...�3°"' ,--0 P t---t."jf�✓' K� r i' 1• 1-12 0.3-2-9 4 I Honorable Mayor and City Council City Iall Renton , Washington i Attention : . Mr. Henry Pedersen I Chairman , Property Committee } Subject : Lake Washington City Park Property K-1,1/6-J ..------- Gentlemen : o To meet the increasing demand for commercial jetliners , The t Boeing Company is currently planning expansion of` its facilities in Renton through acquisition of a portion of the Puget Sound i Power & Light Company property to the cast of ourplant . . flow- f ever, in order that Puget may make available the land necessary for the proposed expansion , a small portion ( approximately 3. 4 , i acres as shown on the attached plot plan ) of the upland area of c the Lake Washington City Park property is required to accommodate the relocation of certain of Puget ° s facilities . Therefore , it is requested that the city consider the sale of #. the property needed to allow for our expansion . The proposed p expansion will not only benefit Boeing but the city as well by increasing the tax base and creating additional payroll for the i; community, r . 2f for any reason it should be determined that the city cannot sell the property required , we would be most anxious to explore i otherlmethods of making the property available. - You are respectfully requested to give this proposal your early and favorable consideration in order that we may proceed with E; our .plans on a timely basis . Very truly yours , i fr TF'IF, BOEI,NC COMPANY IIorarlr-Iu,ier't>iirl or ('ir,z. ,_.: fY'f . . - t rl fi `, ,,�. D. B ix ,Y / Director of Facilities ; i Attachment . . -• J . > fie-o,1-' //,--z-/X, ('- ,4 "V-, ix*,letje./--- V e,d-l-1,... / .6.12 tf-tt_2 — i Ne syy '�, PARKS A:. RECREATION 1)EPARTMENT®RENTON,WASHINGTON g� o ,-, l a: , CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 © ALPINE 5.3464 , cg -v �e4, ART CAPITA\-0E January 24, 1966 Mayor D . W. Custer and Members of the City Council Renton, Washington Gentlemen: Attached herewith is a copy of letter and en- closure received today from the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. fhe .e arc hci NI ;ubmi t ted for your i nformati on, Respectfully, \ --y ‘., , Gene L. Coulon Director <,tt . 2 . . . . • r ,i ..- 4.;". . .. "rf-1if• I;, ,.. ,...!. . _ -,:-:: ,,,(- 1 L), .._,., c:.1ac, .,7- ., DM 1 rn i.b ..,,t-i e ...-;;, ,,., -,,1- 1,-* ; ..0-4-,. ., . , r.1 ,,,a(-.7.6 .. ..,..,, -..._, t............., .......=...; 6....,i -..'...`k...., i........6. .."11.i.L. Doniel J. / • Tanuary I 8, , 19 6 5 Morvin B. Ourn;.,9 •Mr. Cone L...'..o,•...1,,i, • . . City {-Tall Cedar Hi'.•et- Park • Menton, 1•Ash. 0805'3 1 )ear Mr. ( lonloa: Thank you loi sesdina in 'roe' Haw and I'', )k Hill's . We annieHale Ihe Fact lltal you have I;en !hi Lillie I.C, PrnViii(! ll!. OH ilin rf (111(::-;0;(1 611.(101- filefltS. 1 V.re are enclosing a Form "Ass•tr,c.incc-s" which you should fill out and return to us as sooi•-•" as possible. As you may lknovv, due to the number and scope of projects submitted to us , WC ore ian 'ioina to 'be able to inal..e -I decision before March as to which ones, will he Inaded HI i lily. 1ihoal 'year. We ate picsenlly reviowing all pluieols and siVi if I'.i!),1 OW i!V,111.k I i.i t111 ('I 1 ,11 I.1 all WII i C 1 I I i') 1110,1:,111.1: inc 1'1 (Mr.., V\IU ' III (i I\.'C",,.1 air propr,-',.11 ‘niv (:,It (dui ccni:iirHrolic,d1, Si»(. ..‘rely,, . (..1::), ,• ' 1 (' 2 ( MARV IN L. V I A.LLE . . Consult.arn . . ,. . h. i ‘,...‘nc. 1 . . . . .. , • . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 , • . • ... 1, \ ' ,,,, . . .. . . ) ,,,, ., •. ,,, W'P. , YW 0'.' 11 1P,PIPP 0 /1, 'W il P p. . :. . :1' ' . . . I • , INTERAC7IT;NCY Appli c FOP Off TIT,'")0!-?. Project Proposal Project Co. of l'iiiject: Crim-.. as appears, on application) 2. In submitting this Project Frori-v.-.)sal the ______________________________ (herein referred to as the applicant) HERTRY. CILTiTIFIFS ANIL) ASSI)PFS A. No firianeiol assistanc,? has ;peen qiven Or promied under any other l'ederai program or .-Ietivity with the propot--:ed proji.2ci. ,Inplic,Int has Is ability on len I() tinonee of.; share of the ei)sts hg..' 1 j All (11,c't or levedapc.(1 under this progyam shall he peuteh jr, compliance with all requirements and regulations imposed by or :?,ur.,:',13;4.nt to Title VI of the Civil Picjilts Act of 1964 and 43 CFR 17 , OS long as such property arid facilities are used for purposes of public out- , , qoor recr cation. D, The accepts the obligation to comply with applicable laws, rules , and regulations in effect at the time of the award and to the further terms mci condit ions of CR tuteragt,ney Committee and of the fsureau (if Outdoor [tei•reali!!:\ Ivionaol in effect of he time of !he oword , 3 . Sulitectii ile nwold ol fund.; „ Vs I in;pie proir(,1 ph,p();:,•,1 !: 1,,r sitloii of interests In land and %vote' , the ,iptilleant certilles that: A. Property acquired will be placed in use as an outdoor recreation facility and will be retained for such use in pereetulty or otherwise as provided ant: adrecd to in the prc!icet agreement. • Prier r.-ipprow!1 ni the DIT! ctcr cf the Bureu of Outdoor Recreation and the Chairman of the TAG will be obtained before any other disposal is made of such prop( rty, P. rAlo uses of such uropenty other than those described in the proposal will he pelmitied nniess appioved it! ‘idvance hi lie Director and the C.:11girman. i.;kibleci 1Hi IC,' il'I of Inndt; , with lespet pinjeet plopot.alti for tInvelohmeni the applicant certifies ! hat: A. The apis!lic.ant has the intent and ability to finance the operation and main- tenance of the facility being developed , according to standards establisbc( by the Dire,ctos and the Chairman; for so long as it is required. The appli- cant may delegate these functions to its political subdivisions but the rdsponsibilit'y for their performance continues to lie with the applicant, Be. The applicant will supply development specifications and detailed plans to thc Plie,Thr ono file (Can !thin for their approval before act ial work Is t;huted , •.•,,han tegne:nedI IIIk. I )11LC1(11 r ; 1 '111( : Date: . . DANIEL J. EVANS GOVERNOR COMMISSIONERS: .'�." d. WASHXNGTON STATE . MRS. ELEANOR dERGER �ii�rI�','"J},,z'",a�" ) , ;_gr�� FARMS & REA q �g y � 7 1� .�L � CLAIR V. GREELEY % Ri JOE W. HAMEL JAMES B. HOVIS Q,A� HOWARD MARTIN ' ' STATE""IDE JAMES W. WHITTAKER . ; i^ ,� .. 01 OUTDOOR RECREATIONAND OPEN SPACE PLAN CHARLES H. ODEGAARD, DIRECTOR "- -' C E I V r•- 01 SOUTH FRANKLIN OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 98502 PHONE 753-5767 L. dA°a 5 s ;,.;g, December 31 , 1965 MAYOR Dear Sir: On behalf of the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission and its staff I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the approximately two . • years in which you have given us excellent cooperation as we endeavored to • • coordinate the Washington State Outdoor Recreation and Open Space Plano It would be less than truthful if we did not state that there have been misunder- standings and honest disagreements. It would be equally unrealistic to ex- • pect that such a tremendous project would not evolve such differences. Yet, despite this, the local, state, and Federal agencies have cooperated and as a result have provided: 1 . An Initial Statewide Outdoor Recreation and Open Space Plan which has been accepted by the Interagency Committee for Outdoor • Recreation and the Federal Bureau of Outdoor Recreation and which now serves as the basis for Washington's outdoor • recreation funding. Often this accomplishment by all of you is overlooked. 2 . The more formal Plan which has been accepted by the Department of Commerce and Economic Development under the 701 Program and which is now being reviewed by all of you as requested. I am sure that we all look forward to the day when this also is accepted as the Plan for the • State of Washington. We in your State Parks Department are proud of the role we were requested and able to play and most sincerely believe that you should be equally as proud of what you have done. The c:I,,lljtlinmc,+d mhlllionanee I�t tlilrt Hon eti wolf tact ►ufimnittslut el. the aotlen program will piuh,-ibiy be done by the Interagency Committee, We know that A PLAN PREPARED COOPERATIVELY WITH THE STATE DEPARTMENTS OF COMMERCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, FISHERIES, GAME, HIGHWAYS, NATURAL RESOURCES AND U. S. BUREAU OF OUTDOOR RECREATION; FINANCED IN PART THROUGH AN URBAN PLANNING GRANT FROM THE HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY,UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 701 OF THE HOUSING ACT OF 1954, AS AMENDED. 3 Page 2 you will give this Committee the same fine support which has been given us. Thank you . Sincerely Charles H. Odega-rd Director C-H O:1 s INrTER CIENI...Y (:;(_,;.. ;, T Appl is _�...._— -- __- I C1f; QUT17:inOi, i l:i.: ;i. r10IV • Project i,: sur::liccrr Project 1'ro' 1. Name and C..-71- cripcion of Project- :3arne as apeaa,s on application) r , 2. In submitting this Project Proposal the i '' O' ____________________ (herein referred to as the applicant) ITLREBY CFYtT11'11: At\'l:' F�`:;; I.:P,)�S TE1AT: A. No financial assistance has been given or promised under any other federal pronralll or activity with regard to the. proposed project. 11, The appiic:'.Int 11.1:i the ;Wility and i11Ir•nt.ion to finance its share of the costs ot the project. C. All property or facilities acquired or developed under (leis program shall be operated in compliance with all requirements and regulations imposed by or pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 43 CFR 17, as long as such property and iacilities are used for purposes of public out- door rscr cation . [1. The apuli; . Ili accepts the obligation to comply with applicable laws , rules , and regulatloic; in effect at: tie:' time of the nwaid and to the further terms and conditions of the iatei'.lilnlli'\' Committee and Cif the Iturei.iu. of Outdoor Iion Mutui.11 in effect c't ;il the time of tilt.' award . 3 . Subject to the award of funds , with re spcct to project proposals for the arcqui.•- sition of interests in land and water, the applicant certifies that: A. Property acquired will be placed in use as an outdoor recreation facility and will be retained for such use in perpetuity or otherwise as provided ant: ocrt ed to in the project agreement. Prier approval of the D it ctcr cf the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation and the Chairman of the IAC will be obtained before any other disposal is made of such property. BB. No uses, of such property other than those described in the proposal. will 1,c pm;i(Iti•d Iliiti'1;1 ! I'lir .' 'ii 1!I nfiv.11we by the 1')itactor and the (.:11 llri'aur1. 4 , :3ubjeel to the award of funds , with respect to project proposals for cieveloprrlent the applicant certifies that: A.' The applicant has the intent and ability to finance the operation and main- tenance of the facility being developed , according to standards establishe, by the '-)irector and the Chairman, for so long as It is required . The appli- cant may delegate these functions to its political subdivisions but the resp')risil.-iiity for their performance continues to lie with the applicant. Pe, 'iiie ,i;•plic.:rit will supply clr:vrloprnrni specifications; and detailed plans 10 the I nI+'i IoI and the ( 'Iinll'iii in 1 1 their approv d helot ;1f-:1.11i11 work Is ,lit ,! H, Iti ' I '(li'+•t(il rii 111,' l ,1L1111111f1 , .. ry,ff':1, :r I I, --.,'qi , ',i: 11 if - ''..,L • r• i ' 1' • = (('(l(� (1tj 1 ! , 1\ - . .--I I_ ) ,f „ . ._; : _', ;Iv 1O{ ,tI` ;) .I1 .. ,1r,.<q;'_:c' Pit" t t). - - . _ ,r, t f )• 11 n t!l 1, l. I •I'1 `), Y 'rl t�) -:J}(.:�.L• •,):.}1.1(i ,-,�) 11 j_ t1. "(. -1-:C:'j_ 4. 7. _. , • „I 4 i':''. s'u tt! +11 i..' •r) ( ,t i. r'� )U:.i<1 tit(S,' r„ ., .):. ,! .. '.!! i• -, .y'' :',.i�"r, •` 2:. 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'. : l _ .-:L?wi pp, i • HEADQUARTERS OFFICES • F'.0"•;_3(,. 3707 • 3;.AT"fl.*: V ,H:,'.i::a 'O''•I !=)r312 1 • • i February 21, 1966 1-1203-2301 • 1! ' Honorable Mayor and City Council • • City Hall i. Renton, Washington, i .. •• t ' •;.Attention: •• Mr. Henry Pedersen , Cha.i.r'man • . Property. Committee . r Subject: Lake Washiiig'ton City .Park Property • 1 .1 • ' Reference: .. Letter J.. D. .Bixby to Honorable Mayor • ' and City Council dated January 6, 1966 r •Reference Number 1-1203=2-234 • Gentlemen: • • • • Reference' letter outlined The I3oein1. g _Company' s offer to acquire approx- . ima"tely 3.5 acres of subject park 'property by providing additional land; . • culvert material, fence installation, and a perpetual signal maintenance • 1, contract at a total cost' to Boeing of approximately '$174,225, although I' : ' the park. property was appraised at only• $125,000. I; We wish to clarify and reaffirm our previous "offer and advise that with �• the exception of. the fencing costs ($4,725) which would be required under is any circumstances, should the City desire, Boeing would be willing to adjust the offer to provide any combination of materials or services or •• is cash to the extent; of the• original offer or. should the City desire, •to ,; pay al:l, cash ($1.69,,500) with the understanding that 'Boeing would install11 'the fencing at the earliest possible date. . S • f_. In 'previous conversations with the property committee, it was mentioned • ' ' r that the City might be interested in excess fill material Boeing might ;;. . have,, to help bring portions of the park property to a higher elevation. h At .the present time, we have 10,000 cubic yards' of material which we will 'be happy to place on the park property if we can be advised of the City' s desire. Our construction schedule requites immediate' disposition • of this mater.in1 , Lho.r•of'oro,, your prompt, 'reply in motion l.cnF. The of'rer• II ' o:l' :Gh:U-i :I':1.1 1 wn lo'•l n1 I n ii o 1, ,;on 1, l ng•'c+n 1, 11jnw 1,1111 I,rn'lri l'i,i• (It. Lh,, pn l'It , • pi.6004y , h,1Wl,v+ir, Wit Pohl' 'taw (111,,y wl l I finc,?1,l, I,,h., .,it '„r. liii 11,11w. 11111,i1 • nc)11;iidu:rl.11'I,,n l'11r I,hii Lriin,il'11I'. !} k'; '2• " Honorable Mayor and City Council -2- 1-1203-2-301 1`, i • rl We hope that this matter can come to a favorable conclusion at an early date to, allow us to proceed with our critical expansion plans. Your help is solicited and will be greatly appreciated .. • Very is ru l.y you rs , ',I'l1I? I;r01 ENG C'.0MPANY j . Ileadqu a rt. ys 0 C 1'ices (///i,liiit ) 01) ' : • • ,,,VTV'ii/,,,1;••44 ?)'1,./-. D. Bixby i' • Director of Facilities t: !i r; , E'; I,; i; f• F 1, • x; 1 E1: • • C lj • I' j< it - f k ii, ,,<: . I ,-/ •(/<;. ? Pi-OPLR i Y COMMITTEE 'REPORT ;414/66 ;' .; It is the recommendation of the property Committee that in exchange for 3,5 ...s: acres plus of.•Lake Washington Beach property. The Boeing Company meet the , r.:;,, 1 follow.ing1 conditions : ;!,i' 1. ' Provide. .the Ci;y' of Renton free and clear 'title to apron. 1.8 acres of Foss r!'+; Property according to Map attached to proposition. Cost---$77,00.0.00 ...!, 2. Boeing Co. to install a cyclone fence with cedar slot along newly • 1, I,; ' ' . 'HT . -created property line between Park and the Puget Sound Power & Light Co.' Steam k'l.s. ' .. plant apron. Cost.' $4,725.00 ;a, 3: Pay to the City of Renton $92,500.00 in cash. Said sum to be the cost ' • .' ' , of culverting the 'stream thorough the Park, and pay for perpetual maintance. "t;; of railroad crossing signals' at the entrance of Park. All Legal matters to be prepared. by;�.: the City Attorney. r f,: 11::::. It is the recommendation ofthe Property Committee according to a survey ' ', ' f i.:, conducted by our traffic engineer that the request of Wilco Properties Inc: to(...--- I;;? ' purchase a Parcel of Property located at 4th Avenue North & Burnett be denied. ;_': Property Committee / ) F, . , `7 Cam,/ _ -- Ili ,I; 'I;ti .. �. CAL • n • • p19i • • • • ug rl • tell Kam^' Off_ I1- � 'a U ' ®® '�`® L' 'CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE RENTONT, WASHINGTON k,� ''7c f • JACK•WILSON CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 • ALPINE 5-3464 rj; F 14 1966 • SA�Rr CAPIT�� February , '.(: i� i : 1;r 1; 0 Councilman Henry _Pedersen IA . : Chairman Property Committee ' •• Re: Request byWilco Properties, Inc. to purchase a - • . ' . P a p !i. . • . Parcel. of Property located at �.th Avenue North • . ' . and Burnett Street. Dear Hank: s Upon your request I have reviewed the request by Wilco Proper-• 1; ties, Inc•. to purchase a small triangular parcel of property -presently , part of the street right-of-way o f x.3us nett Street, r.. t: Parking in this small area would force the parked automobiles •f to back out onto the traveled lanes of Burnett Street. In addition . c.. the persons using this area would have to cross 4th Avenue- North. • ' • . • f; _ Both situations from a traffic standpoint could create additional - . i traffic hazards. In my opinion the poor sight distance due to the . i! . • ' Railroad Crossing would make a pedestrian crosswalk in this area • ' extremely undesirable. • I I. ' . • . .When the proposed 3rd Avenue North and I.tth Almnue North complex . I.! is . constructed it would seem likely thi., x ight-o.f-way could be - - t` " utilized for a free right turn lane onto l4.th Avenue North,. •'q I would therefore recommend this request be denied, • �; V j}y truly yours, 'i • ' - Del Bennett . . , •Traff`ic Engineer • " . • • '• DB:me ' • cc: . Gordon Erickson, Pl.r�.nni.ng .])i.x•c�cto,t� i . E • : • wcA}, eac-i OF RENTON CITY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council has set March 14, 1966 at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, City Hall , Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a Public Hearing to consider proposed sale and/or trade of a portion of the Lake Washington Beach Park Property. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present and voice approval or disapproval to same. CITY OF RENTON Helmie Nelson City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION: March 2, 1966 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-21-66 COMMUNICATIONS: A letter was read from the Office of the Suptt. of Elections, Edward J. Logan, certifying election of March 8, 1966 for proposed Annexation to the City of Renton; (Kennydale Island area), which was canvassed on March 14, 1966 with results as follows: Absentee Ballots: 2, Total Vote 284.Prop. I - Annexation - For 131 Against 151 - Defeated Prop. II - Assumption of Indebtedness - For 57, Against 202. A letter of intent to annex property adjoining 4th Avenue North between ttITt Street and 132nd Avenue was read. (Cemetery Rd.) City Engineer's letter reported check of County Records indicates letter of intent is signed by owners representing 55.38% of the assessed valuation of the property requesting to, be annexed, and the area contains approximately 90 acres with an assessed valuation of $37,090.00. A meeting with person representing the property owners of said area was held with Mr. John Harer advising that the owners were willing to assume their pro-rata share of the pre-existing bonded indebtedness of the City. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, that the property owners be authorized to circulate proper petition for annexation which shall indicate willingness to assume the bonded inebtedness as discussed. The motion carried. A letter was read from Douglas L. Morc41, D.M.D., 1015 Walla Walla Avenue, calling attention to situation existing in Municipal Parking Lot #2 whereby one half of the North side of the lot is posted as a Truck Loading Zone and is not metered. The area is occasionally used actually for truck loading,but is used as free truck parking for up to ten trucks, on a twenty-four hour basis, seven days a week, -,TbiS makes it difficult for the public to park resulting in loss of patronage by the businesses as well as loss of revenue by the City. It was requested that in lieu of Municipal Parking Lot being reserved for private use, the entire lot be metered, or else all meters be removed and the public be allowed to use the area without time limit. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Street and Alley Committee to investigate and report back. Carried. (A letter was read from Mr. Charles K. Stimson, Chairman, Save our Lake Park Committee, reporting objectives of Committee,formed by a group of interested local citizens, to preserve Lake Washington Beach Park; acquire additional property for its full • • development; tci. euco.u_rage updating of its planning and to urge its early opening to the public. The Committee advised of circulating petitions throughout the community and that it feels the City Council has not been made aware of the depth of community feeling for the preservation and development of the park. It was requested that the Council postpone any action on the sale of the Park property which might reduce its size or threaten its future security as a community facility. A letter was read from Mrs. Donald Hamblin, President, League of Women Voters, relative to the Lake Washington Beach property sale to the Boeing Company. Prior . suggestion that since the matter might involve a change in the Comprehensive Plan it might properly be referred to the Planning Commission was recalled.:and letter -now advised-- it was their confirmed belief that the matter had not been so referred. City Clerk Nelson reported receipt of Temporary Restraining Order and Oar to Show Cause filed against the City of Renton, the Mayor, City Clerk and City Council:by Charles K. Stimson, along with Summons and Complaint, restraining and enjoining the Defendants from passing any Ordinance authorizing the sale, exchange or transfer of all or any portion of Lake Washington Beach Park, as described in Complaint docu- ment. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by O.Wanini, that the letters from Mr. Stimson and the League of Women Voters be referred to the Committee of the Whole and that the Restraining Order documents be referred to the City Attorney. Carried. A letter from Vic TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner, requested Transfer of funds within the Street Maintenance Department Fund 3240, from Acct. 412, M. & 0., Tools and Equipment, $1,006.42 unto Acct. 606, Capital Outlay, Machinery and Equipment. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the request with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter from Murray, Dunham & Waitt, Attorneys At Law, by Roger E. Dunham, requested permission to construct a sewer, advancing the total initial cost of installation for extension of the Benson Road Sewer to S.E. 168th, provided a Late-Comers Agreement might be contracted for subsequent reimbursement for cost from future- hook-ups. This had been discussed with the City Engineer and determined r the least time-consuming method for extension of the main trunk sewer to serve the proposed apartment house development on the Northwest corner of S.E. 168th and 109th Ave. S.E. Moved by Poll, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Sanitation Committee, City Engineer and City Attorney to report back. Carried. -2- Minutes if--the' Renton City Cour"41 Meeting 2-14-66 PUBLIC NEARING: Disposition of ke Washington Beach Park Prop(` This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication was read from Jerome and Adeline Faull opposing relinquishment of the Lake Shore property and recom- mending development and improvement for use by the public as a recreational park. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that this letter be referred to the Property Com- mittee. The motion carried. Audience comment was invited at this time. Mr. Dean Morgan was introduced and represent- ing the Boeing Company, outlined the proposed exchange of properties, including service and monetary considerations,which were presented with the aid of maps and charts to illustrate various factors. Included in the exchange would be a purchase for benefit of the City of 1.8 acres of the Foss owned property at cost of $77,000.00; provide 1175' of culvert material; reclaiming thereby 1.22 acres of land, $80,000.00; perpetual signal maintenance contract for railroad crossing, $12,500.00 and install cyclone fence with cedar slats along property line, $4,725.00, or any combination in lieu thereof as the City may wish per prior discussion. The Boeing Company expansion plans were outlined and the need for the additional high bay area now occupied by Puget Sound Power and Light Company which cannot be sold until land is acquired to relocate existing buildings and facilities which,as proposed, would be the 3.5 acres Boeing desires to secure .from the City to exchange with Puget. Audience comment was invited and those persons making inquiry and speaking in opposition to the transfer of property included Mr. Tom Cooke, who pointed out that 4 acres of land were available across the street which Puget Power might utilize for relocations in lieu of the City land. He also inquired regarding right of public domain and it was pointed out that the City has condemnation rights but must have funds available to so act. Mr. Addison Ames inquired whether the proposal will infringe upon existing buildings and'if a r: :ina. would be in_ futurE development plans. Infringement was designated on the 3.5 acres and a marina had been planned as a facility in the finished pattern. Upon inquiry r r�c�or, .Gene . Coulon, in connection with this particular development program, pointed out that an inventory had been taken so that the City might qualify for funds and that a six-year plan for park development and acquisition has been filed wherein a need to acquire additional property within two years adjacent to the Lake Washington Eeach Park property was designated,as shown also - in the 701 Plan which denotes need for acquisition to meet pressing needs of the Puget Sound area. Mr. Morgan stated that the building in question (sailing club structure) could be relocated if it is to be subject to infringement; the. Boeing Company would make such accommodation as may be necessary. Others speaking regarding relocation of the Puget Sound facilities and opposing the property trade included Mr. Charles Shane, Dr. and Mrs Bardarson, Mr. and r!is. David Gosse, Charles Stimson, Dr. Peter Roffey, Mr. James Marenakos, Wilburt Olson, Mrs. Phyllis McGerry and Ben Wagner. Inquiries included question why :trade based on sq. ft. per sq. ft. was not made and Mr. Morgan advised this had been attempted but the land was not available for such negotiation. Also speaking during ensuing discussion were Ann Pile, Elizabeth Rivily, Frank Ives and Phillip Erwin. Prior trade of portion of Mothers Park for the Lake Washington Beach property was: brought up and inquiry made as to whether restrictions had been transferred in the transaction. Park Board Member Tom Teesdale recalled that at the time the park had been acquired on Lake Washington the legislators were informed, and it was the intent that the property be likewide dedicated for park and recreation purposes only. Upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan advised that Mr. Lee Monohan had donated Mothers Park to the City with restricted use and that later heirs had claimed interest and at this time had been paid and the interest released and restrictions removed with no transfer of restrictions being made in the exchange. Mr. Shellan pointed out that under the law a City has the right to exchange or trade property with a Municipal Corporation or with private parties, 1. If they find the part that is traded is of no further use to the City and 2. If the transaction would be of benefit to the general public. If the Council feels that even though some land is being lost the money makes up for the difference then the Council only can decide this. He also stated that the City may condemn as far up the lake as it has money for, however cautioned against , just after selling, its buying property it has just disposed of for private use, as problems may arise. Park Director Coulon advised that in 1954 the Park Board, City Council and Planning Commission had instructed him to look for water front property and that 15+ acres were traded forties nacres of swamp which was subsequently filled and sloped to provide maintenance at less cost with thought in mind it could be later developed, and that work has been done over the past year and a half toward securing matching funds to proceed. The Six year report said in the first part of 1968 the City would attempt to acquire an additional 5-10 acres. The recommended acreage is 4 acres per 1000 persons and we are short 22 acres according to present population. Question arose as to effect the exchange may have on the City's application for aid, $55,000 having been allocated pursuant to application filed with the Interagency Committee which application would now be changed in content. It was felt in the near future with the $110,000.00 ,development of the area might be commenced. Mr. Coulon asked that the application be kept active and accordingly the Park Board felt no other action could be . taken. Mr. Coulon displayed a drawing and addvis=:d the area to be reclaimed was closer to 3/4 acre rather than 1.2 acres. i194es of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-14-1966 PUBLIC HEARING (Cont.) Lake Wn. Beach Park Property President of the Council Bruce Hulse advised that since matter of park development has come up he wished to announce that the Council has scheduled a public hearing on Park Development and Acquisition on April 4th at which time stock will be taken and some determination made as to what action is to be taken in pursuance of the Six-Year Park Program and putting it into effect which will be dependent upon what the Park Board, the Council and the people of the community want to do. If development is desired they can get behind a bond issue and raise enough money to get the job done. This is only a small part of the 701 Comprehensive Plan program and Capital Improvement plan but anyone interested is invited to be present in the Council Chambers on April 4th. ',loved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, that Council concur in the recommendations of the Property Committee as submitted on February 14th, accepting the offer by the Boeing Company with exception that $92,500 be accepted in cash to be used for park develop- ment with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee, all of which was felt to be in the best public interest and the subject property no longer of use for park purposes. Councilman Hulse, referring to control of water in front of the Foss property through the inner harbor line relocation and to the fence already in place, the hope to trade on square foot for square foot basis, reclaiming question and railroad maintenance contract where legal problems may be involved, and with deference to the Comprehensive Plan and application for matching funds, stated he would have to vote against the motion. Perry called attention to recommendations that the reclaiming is not necessary for the park development and that the area to be exchanged had been for anticipated parking use which can be relocated onto the Foss property, and referring to inner harbor line re- location outlined approximate 500 ft. of land was available for use as well as the island for additional development. After further discussion on funds to be available ana property to be developed, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that in place of the recommendation of the Property Committee, motion be substituted that the land negotiations be held to square ft. per square ft. basis. Inquiry was made as to whether this meant improved for unimproved property and dollar value for dollar value. Perry and Redersen stated this would not resolve the problem this having been tried unsuccessfully during the past nine months, that the negotiations had been in good faith and the offer is a fair one and to start all over again will accomplish nothing. Gianini stated he had not favored selling park property and recalled 20-25 years ago when the City had no industry and wanted it and now that it was here and the Property Committee has been appointed to act on behalf of the Council, he felt the Council should back the Committee. Vote was taken on the pending substitute motion and declared lost. Vote by roll call was requested by at least two members and resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Schellert No: Bruce, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. The motion lost. Schellert called attention to rezone which will be necessitated in order for Puget Power to use the property for their purposes and moved to refer the matter to the Planning Commission to determine uses which could be justified in the area. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist. After discussion regarding whether the motion was in order and Attorney ShellanTs comment that a motion to refer has priority, the vote was taken and motion declared lost. Roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Bruce, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. No: Hulse, Schellert and Dahlquist. The motion was lost. Question was called for on original or main motion to concur in the Property Committee recommendation of February 14th with exception that $92,500 be accepted in cash to be used for park development with referral of the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Bruce, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry and Delaurenti. No: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist and Poli. The motion carried. Recess was declared at this time. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. CO:i`;UNICAT IONS : A statement was read of architectural services by Johnston-Campanella on the Renton Public Library for the month of January, 1966 in sum of $678.40. Estimate No. 9, C.A.G. 832-64. Certificate No. 8, recommended for payment in sum of $56,211.54 for work completed to February 25, 1966 by A. V. Phillips on the new Renton Public Library Contract construct:Lon. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the payments with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. -5- / y Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting - 2-14-66 PUBLIC HEARING: Disposition c ake Washington Beach Park Prof. .y This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication was read from Jerome and Adeline Faull opposing relinquishment of the Lake Shore property and recom- mending development and improvement for use by the public as a recreational park. Moved by Garrett, Iseconded by Bruce, that this letter be referred to the Property Com- mittee. The motion 'carried. Audience comment was invited at this time. Mr. Dean Morgan was introduced and represent- ing the Boeing Company, outlined the proposed exchange of properties, including service and monetary considerations,which were presented with the aid of maps and charts to illustrate varioua factors. Included in the exchange would be a purchase for benefit of the City of 1.8 acres of the Foss owned property at cost of $77,000.00; provide 1175' of culvert material; reclaiming thereby 1.22 acres of land, $80,000.00; perpetual signal maintenance contract for railroad crossing, $12,500.00 and install cyclone fence with cedar slats along: property line, $4,725.00, or any combination in lieu thereof as the City may wish per prior discussion. The Boeing Company expansion plans were outlined and the need for the additional high bay area now occupied by Puget Sound Power and Light Company which cannot be sold until land is acquired to relocate existing buildings and facilities which,as proposed, would be the 3.5 acres Boeing desires to secure from the City to exchange with Puget. Audience comment was invited and those persons making inquiry and speaking in opposition to the transfer of property included Mr. Tom Cooke, who pointed out that 4 acres of land were available across the street which Puget Power might utilize for relocations in lieu of the City land.; He also inquired regarding right of public domain and it was pointed out that the City; has condemnation rights but must have funds available to so act. Mr. Addison Ames inquired whether the proposal will infringe upon existing buildings and'if a 'mar na.would .be: in. future' development plans. Infringement was designated on the 3.5 acres and a marina had been planned as a facility in the finished pattern. Upon inquiry P^ck_Ditector, ,Gene • Coulon, in connection with this particular development program, pointed out that an inventory had been taken so that the City might qualify for funds and that a six-year plan for park development and acquisition has been filed wherein a need to acquire additional property within two years adjacent to the Lake Washington Beach Park property was designated,as shown also . in the 701 Plan which denotes need for acquisition to meet pressing needs of the Puget Sound area. Mr. Morgan stated that the building in question (sailing club structure) could be relocated if it is to be subject to infringement; the'. Boeing Company would make such accommodation as may be necessary. Others speaking regarding relocation of the Puget Sound facilities and opposing the property trade included Mr. Charles Shane, Dr. and Mrs Bardarson, Mr. and Mrs. David Gosse, Charles Stimson, Dr. Peter Roffey, Mr. James Marenakos, Wilburt Olson, Mrs. Phyllis McGerry and Ben Wagner. Inquiries included question why :trade based on sq. ft. per sq;. ft. was not made and Mr. Morgan advised this had been attempted but the land was not available for such negotiation. Also speaking during ensuing discussion were Ann Pile, Elizabeth Rivily, Frank Ives and Phillip Erwin. Prior trade of portion of Mothers Park for ;the Lake Washington Beach property was: brought up and inquiry made as to whether restrictions had been transferred in the transaction. Park Board Member Tom Teesdale recalled that at the time the park had been acquired on Lake Washington the legislators were informed, and it was the intent that the property be likewide dedicated for park and recreation purposes only. Upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan advised that Mr. Lee Monohan had donated Mothers Park to the City with restricted use and that later heirs had claimed interest and at this time had been paid and the interest released and restrictions removed with no transfer of restrictions being made in the exchange. Mr. Shellan pointed out that under the law a City has the right to exchange or trade property with a Municipal Corporation or with private parties, 1. If they find the part that is traded is of no further use to the City and 2. If the transaction would be of benefit to the general public. If the Council feels that even though some land is being lost the money makes up for the difference then the Council only can decide this. He also stated that the City may condemn as far up the lake as it has money for, however cautioned against , just after selling, its buying property it has just disposed of for private use, as problems,may arise. Park Director Coulon advised that in 1954 the Park Board, City Council and;Planning Commission had instructed him to look for water front property and that 15+ acres were traded forthis 22 acres of swamp which was subsequently filled and sloped to provide maintenance at less cost with thought in mind it could be later developed, and that work has been done over the past year and a half toward securing matching funds to proceed. The Six year report said in the first part of 1968 the City would attempt to' acquire an additional 5-10 acres. The recommended acreage is 4 acres per 1000 personsiand we are short 22 acres according to present population. Question arose as to effect the exchange may have on the City's application for aid, $55,000 having been allocated pursuant to application filed with the Interagency Committee which application would now be changed in content. It was felt in the near future with the $110,000.00 ,development of the area might be commenced. Mr. Coulon asked that the application be kept active and accordingly the Park Board felt no other action could be . taken. Mr. Coulon displayed a drawing and. adjis=d the area to be reclaimed was closer to 3/4 acre rather than 1.2 acres. , 4 Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-14-1966 PUBLIC HEARING (Cont.) Lake Wn. Beach Park Property President of the Council Bruce Hulse advised that since matter of park development has come up he wished to announce that the Council has scheduled a public hearing on Park Development and Acquisition on April 4th at which time stock will be taken and some determination made as to what action is to be taken in pursuance of the Six-Year Park Program and putting it into effect which will be dependent upon what the Park Board, the Council and the people of the community want to do. If development is desired they can get behind a bond issue and raise enough money to get the job done. This is only a small part of the 701 Comprehensive Plan program and Capital Improvement plan but anyone interested is invited to be present in the Council Chambers on April 4th. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, that Council concur in the recommendations' of the Property Committee as submitted on February 14th, accepting the offer by the Boeing Coinpany with exception that $92,500 be accepted in cash to be used for park develop- ment with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee, all of which was felt to be in the best public interest and the subject property no longer of use for park purposes. Councilman Hulse, referring to control of water in front of the Foss property through the inner harbor line relocation and to the fence already in place, the hope to trade on square foot for square foot basis, reclaiming question and railroad maintenance contract where legal problems may be involved, and with deference to the Comprehensive Plan and application for matching funds, stated he would have to vote against the motion. Perry called attention to recommendations that the reclaiming is not necessary for the park development and that the area to be exchanged had been for anticipated parking use which can be relocated onto the Foss property, and referring to inner harbor line re- location outlined approximate 500 ft. of land was available for use as well as the island for additional development. After further discussion on funds to be available and property to be developed, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that in place of the recommendation of the Property Committee, motion be substituted that the land negotiations be held to square ft. per square ft. basis. Inquiry was made as to whether this meant improved for unimproved property and dollar value for dollar value. Perry and Pedersen stated this would not resolve the problem this having been tried unsuccessfully during the past nine months, that the negotiations had been in good faith and the offer is a fair one and to start all over again will accomplish nothing. Cianin stated he had not favored selling park property and recalled 20-25 years ago when the City had no industry and wanted it and now that it was here and the Property Committee has been appointed to act on behalf of the Council, he felt the Council should back t e Committee. Vote was taken on the pending substitute motion and declared lost. Vote by roll call was requested by at least two members and resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Schellert No: Bruce, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. The motion lost. Schellert called attention to rezone which will be necessitated in order for Puget Power to use the property for their purposes and moved to refer the matter to the Planning Commission to determine uses which could be justified in the area. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist. After discussion regarding whether the motion was in order and Attorney Shellants comment that a motion to refer has priority, the vote was taken and motion declared lost. Roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Bruce, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Poll. No: Hulse, Schellert and Dahlquist. The motion was lost. Question was called for on original or main motion to concur in the Property Committee recommendation of February 14th with exception that $92,500 be accepted in cash to be used for park development with referral of the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Bruce, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry and Delaurenti. No: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist and Poli. The motion carried. Recess was declared at this time. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. COIMNICATIONS : A statement was read of architectural services by Johnston-Campanella on the Renton Public Library for the month of January, 1966 in sum of $678.40. Estimate No. 9, C.A.G. 832-64. Certificate No. 8, recommended for payment in sum of $56,211.54 for work completed to February 25, 1966 by A. V. Phillips on the new ,Renton Public Library Contract construct.Lon. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the payments with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. -5- Minutes of the Renton City Colin, — Meeting 2-14-66 PUBLIC HEARING: Disposition of ce Washington Beach Park Prope, This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication was read from Jerome and Adeline Faull opposing relinquishment of the Lake Shore property and recom- mending development and improvement for use by the public as a recreational park. Moved by Garrett,jseconded by Bruce, that this letter be referred to the Property Com- mittee. The motion carried. Audience comment was invited at this time. Mr. Dean Morgan was introduced and represent- ing the Boeing Company, outlined the proposed exchange of properties, including service and monetary considerations,which were presented with the aid of maps and charts to illustrate various factors. Included in the exchange would be a purchase for benefit of the City of 1.8 acres of the Foss owned property at cost of $77,000.00; provide 1175' of culvert material, reclaiming thereby 1.22 acres of land, $80,000.00; perpetual signal maintenance contract for railroad crossing, $12,500.00 and install cyclone fence with cedar slats along' property line, $4,725.00, or any combination in lieu thereof as the City may wish per prior discussion. The Boeing Company expansion plans were outlined and the need for the additional high bay area now occupied by Puget Sound Power and Light Company which cannot be sold until land is acquired to relocate existing buildings and facilities which,as proposed, would be the 3.5 acres Boeing desires to secure from the City to exchange with Puget. Audience comment was invited and those persons making inquiry and speaking in opposition to the transfer of property included Mr. Tom Cooke, who pointed out that 4 acres of land were available across the street which Puget Power might utilize for relocations in lieu of the City land.'; He also inquired regarding right of public domain and it was pointed out that the City has condemnation rights but must have funds available to so act. Mr. Addison Ames inquired whether the proposal will infringe upon existing buildings and'if a 'marina. would be, in. future development plans. Infringement was designated on the 3.5 acres and a marina had been planned as a facility in the finished pattern. Upon inquiry PP=rktJ)irector, ,Gene • Coulon, in connection with this particular development program, pointed out that an inventory had been taken so that the City might qualify for funds and that a six-year plan for park development and acquisition has been filed wherein a need to acquire additional property within two years adjacent.,to the Lake Washington Beach Park property was designated,as shown also - in the 701 Plan which denotes need for acquisition to meet pressing needs of the Puget Sound area. Mr. Morgan stated that the buildinglin question (sailing club structure) could be relocated if it is to be subject to infringement; the. Boeing Company would make such accommodation as may be necessary. Others speaking regarding relocation of the Puget Sound facilities and opposing the property trade included Mr. Charles Shane, Dr. and Mrs Bardarson, Mr. and Mrs. David Gosse, Charles Stimson, Dr. Peter Roffey, Mr. James Marenakos, Wilburt Olson, Mrs. Phyllis McGerry and Ben Wagner. Inquiries included question why :trade based on sq. ft. per sq. ft. was not made and Mr. Morgan advised this had been attempted but the land was not available for such negotiation. Also speaking during ensuing discussion were Ann Pile, Elizabeth Rivily, Frank Ives and Phillip Erwin. Prior trade of portion of Mothers Park forlthe Lake Washington Beach property was brought up and inquiry made as to whether restrictions had been transferred in the transaction. Park Board Member Tom Teasdale recalled that at the time the park had been acquired on Lake Washington the legislators were informed, and it was the intent that the property be likewide dedicated for park and recreation purposes only. Upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan advised that Mr. Lee Monohan had donated Mothers Park to the City with restricted use and that later heirs had claimed interest and at this time had been paid and the interest released and restrictions removed with no transfer of restrictions being made in the exchange. Mr. Shellan pointed out that under the law a City has the right to exchange or trade property with a Municipal Corporation or with private parties, 1. If they find the part that is traded is of no further use to the City and 2. If the transaction would be of benefit to the general public. If the Council feels that even though some land is being lost the money makes up for the difference then the Council only can decide this. He also stated that the City may condemn as far up the lake as it has money for, however cautioned against , just after selling, its buying property it has just disposed of for private use, as problems may arise. Park Director Coulon advised that in 1954 the Park Board, City Council and'Planning Commission had instructed him to look for water front property and that 15+ acres were traded forthis .22 acres of swamp which was subsequently filled and sloped to provide maintenance at less cost with thought in mind it could be later developed, and that work has been done over the past year and a half toward securing matching funds to proceed. The Six year report said in the first part of 1968 the City would attempt to'acquire an additional 5-10 acres. The recommended acreage is 4 acres per 1000 persons and we are short 22 acres according to present population. Question arose as to effect the exchange may have on the City's application for aid, $55,000 having been allocated pursuant to application filed with the Interagency Committee which application would now be changed in content. It was felt in the near future with the $110,000.00 ,development of the area might be commenced. Mr. Coulon asked that the application be kept active and accordingly the Park Board felt no other action could be . taken. Mr. Coulon displayed a drawing and ad4vie.,d the area to be reclaimed was closer to 3/4 acre rather than 1.2 acres. Minutes of the Renton City,totncil Meeting 3-14-1966 PUBLIC HEARING (Cont.) Lake Wn. Beach Park Property President of the Council Bruce Hulse advised that since matter of park development has come up he wished to announce that the Council has scheduled a public hearing on Park Development and Acquisition on April 4th at which time stock will be taken and some determination made as to what action is to be taken in pursuance of the Six-Year Park Program and putting it into effect which will be dependent upon what the Park Board, the Council and the people of the community want to do. If development is desired they can get behind a bond issue and raise enough money to get the job done. This is only a small part of the 701 Comprehensive Plan program and Capital Improvement plan but anyone interested is invited to be present in the Council Chambers on April 4th. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, that Council concur in the recommendations of the Property Committee as submitted on February 14th, accepting the offer by the Boeing Co ; any with exception that $92,500 be accepted in cash to be used for park develop- ment with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee, all of which was felt to be in the best public interest and the subject property no longer of use for park purposes. Councilman Hulse, referring to control of water in front of the Foss property through the inner harbor line relocation and to the fence already in place, the hope to trade on square foot for square foot basis, reclaiming question and railroad maintenance contract where legal problems may be involved, and with deference to the Comprehensive Plan and application for matching funds, stated he would have to vote against the motion. Perry called attention to recommendations that the reclaiming is not necessary for the park development and that the area to be exchanged had been for anticipated parking use which can be relocated onto the Foss property, and referring to inner harbor line re- location outlined approximate 500 ft. of land was available for use as well as the island for additional development. After further discussion on funds to be available and property to be developed, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that in place of the recommendation of the Property Committee, motion be substituted that the land negotiations be held to square ft. per square ft. basis. Inquiry was made as to whether this meant improved for unimproved property and dollar value for dollar value. Perry and Pedersen stated this would not resolve the problem this having been tried unsuccessfully during the past nine months, that the negotiations had been in good faith and the offer is a fair one and to start all over again will accomplish nothing. Gianini_ stated he had not favored selling park property and recalled 20-25 years ago when the City had no industry and wanted it and now that it was here and the Property Committee has been appointed to act on behalf of the Council, he felt the Council should back the Committee. Vote was taken on the pending substitute motion and declared lost. Vote by roll call was requested by at least two members and resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Schellert No: Bruce, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. The motion lost. Schellert called attention to rezone which will be necessitated in order for Puget Power to use the property for their purposes and moved to refer the matter to the Planning Commission to determine uses which could be justified in the area. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist. After discussion regarding whether the motion was in order and Attorney Shellants comment that a motion to refer has priority, the vote was taken and motion declared lost. Roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Bruce, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. No: Hulse, Schellert and Dahlquist. The motion was lost. Question was called for on original or main motion to concur in the Property Committee recommendation of February 14th with exception that $92,500 be accepted in cash to be used for park development with referral of the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Bruce, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry and Delaurenti. No: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist and Poli. The motion carried. Recess was declared at this time. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. CO=NICATIONS : A statement was read of architectural services by Johnston-Campanella on the Renton Public Library for the month of January, 1966 in sum of $678.40. Estimate No. 9, C.AeG. 832-64. Certificate No. 8, recommended for payment in sum of $56,211.54 for work completed to February 25, 1966 by A. V. Phillips on the new Renton Public Library Contract construct_Lwn. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the payments with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. -5- • • . . , ' . . .. . . ' . .. . . .' . . • I -, , . . . . . -1,farch 20, 196b . . . . • . 1 • . . .• . : - • . . . . . . . To kayo Donald Custer, and litembers of the City Council; •. . , hLnton, HWashington • . , • . . . . . . . . , . Gentlem,rn: - - . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . The Save Our Lake Park Coldmittee 1.1as been formed by a group , . • . a . of ipteh_o,-sted local citizens witil tour main objectives : 1 - To • preserve . Lal,:e Washih,zton 1Jeach Park; 2 - To acquire additional pro.oerty -ror its full ae 3 - To encourage updating of . its plujnnin3 IF - To urge its early opening to tne ,ACLA..ic . • . . • The Coldmittee .Ceels at the City Council lies not been made , . . aware Of th,,I, debt of communityffeelihg and concern for the • preserVation .and deveio .lent of Lhe Park. This Perk altars the public la beautifL1 lakefront setting where native waterfowl . . find sanctuary in the heart of industrial activity. It has . . long hen a peacef,J1 D.1_ Ce of repose for the man with the fish- ing c)ole caLL l''or years the LriuueLng hole for the kids of the • comunity because of its easy Lccess, by biz..ie of foot . . . . . . It is truly an oasis in tie midst of an increaSingly industrial ' . , setting: made all th:1 mo-ze desirable 'Dv its broxiity to the . •(- - center of the city. We are indeed feutunate to:havesuch a . D-L,,ce )20vi0ed for the public by the wisdom of .city fathers who foresaw tho needs of ahothorIeneration. . . . . The Sa've 0r .1-_,:, 1,:e park Com,Aittee is :)resently . circulating petitions throughout toe comunity cc that the City Council will be assured of support in making a decision to reject any proposal . ' for sale or trade of too Park at tnis time or in the future, . and to assure roe CouneiI of the community ' s vigorous approval of acquisition of additional adjacet )roperty car its fall dp::velopment. .: , . . The Committee feels that sucn interest is barticularly appropriate - • . at this time in vi,:w of the hearings scheduled for Aaril ,..)11 parks . We hcHe that from OU2 aCtiVitis Will coi-le a momntam_and interest which will j..-. • ..emeht; olahs for parks in gnneral in which we can all • be even more OruUd ,i1uWiliCLi will reflect credit on a great city. . We earnestly reuest Li at tAe Council postpone any Lotion Jul the sale of the P .1.'JC property which might reduce itS •size or thren its future security as au ut.kt .(.tin, coldmuiLity facility. ' .., • ' H , -,: ' • . . .1. y ' • , . ._ • SC - 2iy ------- • . __.- „ • A „„..i..„, • . . . . . . . .., Charles K. cJtimsOn„. Chairman 8a,,JG Our 14ale , , . . , P...rh Cimittee 10203 116th 0.E. , nehton ' cc : iiecord Chronicle • . . - , . . ..iuLl.uoil .A.I.t .;r,)2i; . ;..30.:attle Ti,i:es . . , , 5attle Post-Ltelligencer . . , . . . , .• . _ . - - • • A 3AVE OUR LAKE PARK COMMITTEE We, the undersigned, oppose the sale or trade by the City of Renton of any portion of the Lake Washington Beach Park to the Boeing Company, and believe that the Puget Sound Power and Light Company should withdraw its demand for the 3.5 acres of the Park in question. We believe that the Park should be opened for limited use to the public this summer. We believe additional lands should be acquired to the north of the Park. We believe that a new overall plan of Park development and facilities should <, .be ppde. 1‘. We believe that the public interest demands top priority treatment by the City , and industry in the aforementioned. NAME - ADDRESS PHONE • • r , 1.•• •• • • 'ft • • • • • • • •• r;‘j • • • •114' „ • '‘‘ f ; • •.t4 • • • ,• • • • • 14'0, 4 , • 2-28-66 • Minutes of the Renton City council Meeting COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS NEW BUSINESS: (Cont.) Councilman Hulse called to mind the Committee of the Whole meeting Tuesday, March 1st at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the matter of Bonds, insofar as finance and capital improve- ments of the City are concerned. Councilman Schellert reported attendance at the Washington Planning Association meeting in Richland, the theme of which was Industrial Expansion for Cities, the "image" of a city being an important factor in determining whether industry settles in the area , in- cluding implementation of a Comprehensive Plan. Mr. John Swan,of the Department of Commerce and Economic Development in Olympia, pointed out that a brochure guide is available to cities whereby InduF2try may uo various points therefrom to determine if a certain city qualifies or is the type in which it would like to settle. Councilman Schellert advised he had attended a Board Meeting on behalf of Board Member Hulse and appointment was accepted on a Committee of which notification will be coming forthwith. Councilman Pedersen requested a Property Committee meeting on Thursday, March 3rd at 7:30 p.m. and urged full attendance. Councilman Garrett requested a Street and Alley Committee on Tuesday, March 1st at 7:00 p.m. in the City Engineerfs office. Councilman ,Delaurenti moved that the Cabaret License Ordinance be amended to reduce the fee for Piano Bar entertainment,: if it is'e.:cJ u, 've and no' further 'entertainment is provided in addition thereto, to $100.00 per year or $25.00 per quarter, with the matt€: being referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion was seconded by Poli and carried. ORDINANCES ;AND RESOLUTIONS: Councilman Morris, Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, submitted a proposed Resolution of the City authorizing the City Clerk and City Treasurer to transfer the following: "A" - From: Cedar River Acquisition Fund, $80,000.00 and Cumulative Reserve Fund No. 1894, $70,000.00 Unto: Park Fund, $36,000.00; Street Fund, $35,000.00; Library Fund, $29,000.00 and Current Fund, $50,000.00. '_!;" - From: Cedar River M. & C . Fund, Dept. 3400, Acct. 605, $11,000.00 unto: Current Expense Fund, Non-Departmental Fund 1920, Acct. 601, all of the aforesaid constituting loans bearing interest at 6,2. interest with "A" being repayable not later than June 30, 1966 and "B" not later than December 31, 1967, as read by the Clerk. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Delaurenti, to adopt Resolution No. 1362 as read. Carried. The L.w an'd Ordinance Committee submitted proposed Resolution of the City appropriating from excess revenues in excess of estimated for 1966, the sum of $1,400.00, unto Current Fund 1920,1Account 606, Non Departmental. (Electronic.Stentil Making'icchine) Moved by Bruce, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Resolution No. 1363 as read. Carried. The Committee submitted a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll of L.I.D. No. 254, as amended, for the improvement of a certain area within the City of Renton by the construction and installation of certain water mains and appurtenances thereto and by doing all the work necessary in connection therewith: levying and assessing the amounts therefor against the several lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property as shown on said assessment roll, as revised, and as confirmed by the City Council; and providing for the payment of such assessments into the Local Improvement Fund, District No. 254 of the City of Renton as created by Ordinance No. 2190, as read by the City Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, and seconded by Poll, to place the document on its second and final reading. Carried. After the final reading, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to adopt Ordinance No. 2218 as read. Roll call vote followsd with all aye votes being cast. The motion carried. The Committee submitted for first reading, a proposed Ordinance declaring that an emergency,exists and appropriating monies for the purpose of providing for the payment of necessary expenses and capital outlay necessitated by such emergency. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the document to the Law and Ordinance Committee;pending.proper publication. Carried. As there was no further business to come before the Council, and no audience comment, it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. There were 24 visitors in the Council Chambers. /77-€Ze7c.1 LLi\ D. W. Custer, Mayor Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk -4- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-28-66 COMMUNICA+IONS:(Cont.) A letter from Mayor Custer submitted City of Seattle Ordinance #94549 and Real Estate Contract pertaining to exchange of property between the City of Renton and Seattle City Light, as previously authorized by the Renton City CounciL. It was suggested that the Contract be reviewed as to form by the City Attorney. Moved by Hulse, and seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole and the City Attorney. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer submitted proposed Agreement from Mr. Harold Hagestad, City Engineer of Auburn, regarding an areawide traffic plan study in which the City was requested! to participate. The City's share of anticipated cost would be about $5,000 to be paid during 1967 and 1968 in two payments. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to refer this matter to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. Letter fiom Building Director Reisberg recommended., for purposes of control, that Revocable Permits be issued to cover temporary use of portable school and church buildings inasmuch as general classification under the Uniform Building Code requires minimum standards of construction, sanitation facilities, etc. which cannot be met by portables. The use is to be limited to schools and church purposes and will be for a period of 3 years, subject to extension by further action of the Council. Moved by Poli, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee. City Attorney Shellan advised that this would be a Variance and is covered by presently existing Ordinance. The motion carried. A letter from Renton Aerie #1722, F.O.E., requested Permit to place banner over 3rd Avenue 'during month of March to welcome Northwest Eagles Bowling Tournament partici- pants. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Morris, to grant the request. Carried. A letter from Mr. Charles K. Stimson was read regarding proposed sale of 3.5 acres of Lake Washington Beach Park Property and its intended use for transformer storage. It was felt the sale was not in the public interest and that conflict of interest would be involyed in Council vote and that private utility encroachment on city land is of gestionable justification. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Hulse, to refer the letter to the Property Committee and the Park Board. A letter from the Renton Police Officers Benefit Association, Inc. invited the Mayor and Council to the Circus-Variety show on March 15th at 7:30 p.m. in the Renton High School,. funds to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Fund. A letter, from Purchasing Agent Vern Church requested permission to call for bids for the Citys 1966 Automotive Equipment, as budgeted. . March 14 was recommended as date for opening of the Bids. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the request For bid call and date recommended for opening of the bids. Carried. A letter read from Martin R. Hill requested No-Fee Permit to allow YMCA Indian Guides to sell slight bulbs door to door in the City on Saturday, March 19, 1966. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poll, to grant the request for the Permit. Carried. Mayor Custer reported for himself and the Police Chief, that the matter of additional personnel for traffic control purposes, as recommended by the Traffic Advisory Com- mittee, has been implemented. The Budget allowed for three new patrolmen and only one has been hired so far,so funds from the salaries not yet expended will be used to pay for six men for three hours extra per day during peak traffic hours to help alleviate the problem. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS Councilman Schellert submitted report of the Ways and Means Committee as follows: Recommended that until tax moneys become available,loans be made to funds to finance city operations with repayment to be made not later than June 30, 1966 at 3% interest. From: Cedar River Acq. Fund, $80,000 and Cumulative Reserve Fund #1894, $70,000. Unto: Park Fund, _$36,000; Street Fund $35,000; Library Fund $29,000 and Current Fund $50,000. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur. Carried. Further recommended that $11,000 be borrowed from Cedar River Maintenance & Improve- ment Fund at 3% interest, to finance purchase of public use areas from the Federal Gov't. in the Highlands area, said loan to be repaid not later than December 31, 1967. Moved by Morris, seconded by Delaurenti, to concur with both loan matters being referred to the Law and Ordinance Committee for proper legislation. Carried. Also recommended that $15,000 for funding of the library foot bridge be funded from Cumulative Fund #1894. Moved by Morris, seconded by Hulse, to concur. Carried. -2- Vietie,t,te-1/ 2�v ed--7X-74ee10203 116 th SE, Renton! Washington February 25, 1966 To The Mallyor and City 'Council City Hall • Renton, Washington c% 44 Dear Sirs This letter is in regard to theproposed sale of the 3..5 acres of Lake Washington Beach Park Property., It has been brought out in the papers that this trade or sale would ruin the proposed developement of Lake Washington Beach Park and jeopardize the $300,000.00 in matching funds; which are being sought for its` developement.. . If this land is sold it will be very difficult to Condemn needed extra land to the North.. . The sale is opposed by the Renton Park Board' Allied Arts of Renton, The Renton Planning Commission, The Renton Sailing Club and all public reaction. that I am aware of, and is not . in thepublic interest...: I.. think those council members who are employed by Boeing, Puget Sound Power and Light Co. ,, or who have recieved consideration from Boeing in land. dealings, . should disqualify themselves. from a final vote.. To be put in aposition of conflict of interest was not a part ,of .being elected to this council, and noX council members should be asked, or allowed, to put t Ihems elve's in that .position.. ' .. • It appears that Puget Power has sold 35. acres at the Shuffleton plant for well over. 1: million dollars to the Boeing Co. Now they say they must have 3..5 acres. of .City of Renton property,, at our. only :site of waterfront park, to store their transformers... . They recently sold 270 acres of land, in Renton to the Transamerica Corporation for upwards of 2 ,million dollars.. The Puget Power Co._ and its subsidiary', Puget Western,, is.. one ' of the largest landowners in the City. Its power lines gobble up tremendous areas of land for Right—of*way... My question is, how has this company,, a: private utility supposed!) acting in the . public interest, been able to justify putting our waterfront'. park ,in jeopardy by encroaching on ci ty% land? ' Sincerely urs • .Charles K. S.timson P.S.. I would like this letter 'read 'at, the next council) meeting before action is taken on this -matter._. cc. 1-Record—Chronicle , 2—Enterprise , „, CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON C ! TY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council has set March 14, 1966 at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, City Hall , Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a Public Hearing to consider proposed sale and/or trade of a portion of the Lake Washington Beach Park Property. Any and all interested persons are invited to be present and voice approval or disapproval to same. CITY OF RENTON Helmie Nelson City Clerk ' . DATE OF PUBLICATION: March 2, 1966 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WAS H I NGTON) )ss COUNTY OF KING ) I, hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above document were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described above and one copy was posted at the City Hall, Renton, Washington on Signed: Ch ATTEST: Notary Public in and for the State Hof Washington, residing at Renton. - ,,,r, + March 20, 1966 • To Mayor Donald Custer, and members of ,the City Council;, Renton, Washington Gentlemen: • The Save Our Lake Park Committee has been formed' by a group . of interested local citizens with four .main objectives : 1 - To preserves_ Lake Washington. Beach Park; 2 - To acquire additional property for its full develoDment; 3 - To encourage updating of its planning; 4 - To urge its early opening to the public . The Committee feels that the City Council has not been made aware of the depth of community feeling and concern for the . preservation and development of the Park. This Ps:rkreffers the public a beautiful lakefront setting where native waterfowl find sanctuary in the heart of industrial activity. It has long l)een a peaceful place of repose for the man with the fish- ing Dole and for years the swimming hole for the kids of the commui'ity because of its easy access by bike of , foot. It is truly an oasis in the midst of an increasingly industrial setting made all the more desirable by its proximity to the cente of the city. We are indeed fatutunate to have such a place provided for the public by the wisdom ,of city fathers who f resaw the needs of another generation.. The Save 0�,r Lake Park Committee is i�r enently circulating petitions throughout the community so that the City Council will be assured of support in making a decision to reject any proposal . for sale or trade of the park at this time or in the future, and to assure the Council of the community' s vigorous approval of acquisition of additional adjacet property for its full development. The Committee feels that such interest is particularly appropriate at this time in .vies.: of the hearings scheduled for April on parks . We hope that from our activities will come a momentum and interest which dill implement plans for parks in general in which we can all be eveli more proud and which will reflect credit on a great city. We earlestly request that the Council postpone any action on the sale of the Park property which might reduce its size or threaten its future security as an outstanding community facility. 'es c 'u ly , Charles K. Stimson, Chairman Save Our Lake Park Committee 10203 116th S.L. , Renton cc : Record Chronicle Renton Enterprise Seattle Times Settle Post-Intelligencer . 1 SAVE OUR LAKE PARK COMMITTEE We, the undersigned, oppose the sale or trade by the City of Renton of any portion of the Lake Washington Beach Park to the Boeing Company, and believe that the Puget Sound Power and Light Company should withdraw its demand for the 3.5 acres of the Park in question. We believe that the Park should be opened for limited use to the public this summer. We believe additional lands should be acquired to the north of the Park. We believe that a new overall plan of Park development and facilities should be made. We believe that the public interest demands top priority treatment by the City and industry in the aforementioned. NAME ADDRESS PHONE .�v Y ' 1 . .,,... .., .----- . . , •. , . , . r . , March 20, 1966 . . ,• . , , . To MayorDonLld Custer, and members of the City Council; 1 henton, Washin::cton . , •Gentlemen: . . x.J , • . ,The Save Our Lake Park Coiamittee has been formed by a group of interested local citizens with four main objectives : 1 - To preserve:_ Lake Wi,shingtoil .13eL,ch Park; 2 - To ace care additional property for its full develoment ; 3 -' To encourage uceatiug of . . ' its plahnin ; + - To urge its early opening to the public . - • . t - 1 • . '. . The Coollittee feels that tile City Council has not been made . , i' - aware4 the depth of community feeling and concern for the , . • preservation and develogment o: the Park. This Park2offers the , . 0 _ . public LF). beautiful lakefront setting wnere native waterfowl find, sanctuary in the heart of industrial activity. It has . • , . . . , . ' long been a peaceful place of repose for the man with the fish- ing polle and for years the swimming hole for the kids of the „- : communi,cy because of its easy access by bike of foot. It is truly an oasis in the midst of an increasiilgly industrial ,4! settifm,1 made all th.0 mo:::e desirable b its proximity to the center of tne city. We are indeed foucunote to have such a - N, plce provided for the public by tile wisdom of city fathers . M . - who foresaw the needs of another generation, . . ., . $ . - . • The 'Save 0 r L,,ke ,:,ark Uo4ittee is -resently circulatinL, , - • petitiohs throuEhout the co.:,muaity so that the City Council will be assured of support in ma.:in a decision to reject any ()r000sal R • - for sale or trade of the Park at this time or in the future, .. and to ,,ssure the Council o:: the commhity ' s vigorous approval of • D acquisition of adition::-.1 adjacet oroperty for its full djJvelopment. "t - The Committee feels that; such interest is barticularly appropriate ) li at this time in view of the heLtriilgs scheduled for April on parks . We hope, teat from Our activities will come a momentum and interest . . which will im.)..eent plans for Darks in gnneral in' which we can all DC even more Jroud ,nu w,Lich will reflect credit on a great city. iie earnestly recuest th::,t tile Council postpone any Lction on the sale k p, • ,....,., . .4 of the Lc:sr- pioL.,Luy which might reduce its size or threaten its future security us an outsthainE; coimuunity facility. P fit 0%6 Juso9c.: 1).1y 4 e i, 7--- --,--,.., 0 u11;,r1 K. LAlmson, • (,;nairmail S;:,ve Our Lake P-rk ', ,,I,Iiiiiti,-,„e 10203 1.16Lh ,j.E. , Jenton i cc : hecord L: zonicie N :Lentoil ],nterorise attle Tim ,, r , . 4 SeL.,Ltie .Post-il.tollj .:,ncuT. . 11. 4,. f SAVE OUR LAKE PARK COMMITTEE We, the! undersigned, oppose the sale or trade by the City of Renton of any portion of the Lake Washington Beach Park to the Boeing Company, and believe that the Puget Sound Power and Light Company should withdraw its demand for the 3.5 acres of the Park in question. We believe that the Park should be opened for limited use to the public this summer. We believe additional lands should be acquired to the north of the Park. We believe that a new overall plan of Park development and facilities should be made. We belileve that the public interest demands top priority treatment by the City e F` and industry in the aforementioned. r• NAME ADDRESS PHONE IG; Vrr: 41. ii I c F., rS t: 6;, I r f 4: 44 . criee.4.401. atra. L4:! 4.,e 1," . IV FIW, S5X7XIOR MUDTS' 't•T7 TUF TA7E rr VASSIMOTNN V".4, For. TS,FIC COUNT: ', • c 4.1 i •g• . jot , ) CHARLES K. STD!SON, ) ;! ) ....,...... ---- ,„ imaintiff s ) ) 64,Du L33 -1m- ) NO. ) CITY F RENTON, a Municipal ) coxp4ation, DONALL O. CUSrER, ) HELOIE W. NELSON, BRUCE HULSE„ ) TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER KUM haucE, HENRY SCHELLERT, ) AND ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE JEANNETTE DARLUIST OLIZI ) CIANINI, IONZY PEDERSON, AVERY ) % GARREIFT, TOM TRIM, GORGE PERRY, )) CHalq,S DE LAURETZI, DAT PeLlv ) VEF IRI3„ ) _ Defendanto. ) , ) This matter coming on regularly for hearing this day before the undersigned, one of the judgen of the above-entitled court, it appearing to the court front the verified Complaint and affidavit filed herein that this it a proper case for e temporary rostr ining order and that unless the order le issuee as pr.ued for, 1 laintiff will suffer great and irreparable injury before the matter cna be heard after notice to defendants , now, therefore, it is ORDERED that the defe danta, the City of Renton, a Municipal corporation, Donald W. Custer, Helmie TiL Nelson, Bruce Huls , Hugh Bruce, Watry Schel/ert, Jeannette Dahlquist, Glen Gianini, Henry Pederson, Avery Garrett, To Trim, George Percy, Charlies DeLaureati, Dan Polio and Vern Morris , and each of them, are ez,trained and enjoined from passing any ordinance authorizing the ale' exchange or tran2er of all or any portion of Lake Wash- ington Beach Park as described in the Complaint, and it is further TRETHEWEY, BRINK & WILSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1418 IBM BUILDING SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98101 MAIN 3-6722 1 1 . , . . . ORDE1 :0 that defendants 'and each c.f,.:C them ar,s, -..:::05trained at4 en/oined from proceeding in any wety or takinganraction what- I ' soever to sell, exchange or transfer al/ or any portion. of 'Lekr,,, 'L. Washington Beach. Park, and it is further I , OpERED that defendants appear before the Honorable bit t PLINEN at 9:30 AJL or a soon. thereafter as th matter way bo' heard, on the , V:4" day of travel, 1966, in, 200,Mkik, 5 , Department (0 , at the Courthouse on Third and James , Seattle, Wtshington, than and there to show eau why the temporary restraining order herein should not remain in effect ) until the matter can. be heard on merits, and. it is further ORDERED that up© L plaintifV6 entering into a bond In cro ava s m of $ 401,16---- with surety satisfaction to the Clerk of th superior Court to fate defendantsconditioned to pay all damag a and costs which may accrue by reason of this restraintng order, the above restraining order shall betook) effective. DONE IN OPEN COURT this .. ( day. of arch 1966. WILUM J. WILKINS , „Judge . . . . Presented by: \ . . • irisiDaLtel Bank ' Danicq. Brink ' Of. Attorneys ftiteddla.attrulfENGIDN, ,,„., Ccramiy WALT27. VT, RaZSCIILIT,., CoLkr,i-y, (71.:1' ; Ic{rkg Co-,..rrosil og,oalek2 Clerk vf tile !;vi:D$.:.3,i....;,1! 0.-4:lai,7 ' 7, ':11,!, ; cil':: ,1 .VV.'i ,);T.,,:i.A.1, ill V County ft:,,. 'King, d.o hemby ceIf) that .k flaw. c.;):,1,.:;v, : .14: ,,,.. ,:.,.r.ting c,:p3i with thcf exiginol Instruirgmt 'as i:11,c sltvie appears on 1.i.: :•hci of 1:cc-di'd in ny and that tjie same is a true and prefect ,.,. i. ... .:: :• -.3; (Aid citi :;A..11 and 0 'Ow. w'lok: 7.11ei%:of.. RN TESTIMON-1Z Wi: IL:IU".31::, I havi. 'i:-.)?,-.,:_.•:' . 'I. y:-i, hand and affixyJ the Scat of said Stvociar Coup!: zit nly c4.Cicc day of , 19 • " . WM .fig W. F33NNI-ILIER, Clerk By t• ,--17)'''''' -'1----'6 . ___ __. ontit.v C11;74,' TRETHEWEY, BRINK & WILSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW 14I9 IBM BUILDING SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98101 MAIN 3-6722 . . ,;:.;•1,111157 TATCri7 E.3.7r ORNKLE5 t. STIMS0gm ) linikf, ) ) -vs. ) NO. ) crrpr REMIN,. a lionicipai ) corporation,, CSf,..1Er4 Ut W0 14E14014 BRUCE' IFOLSE,„ ) 1.44MION 7011TI HEIM SCOLURT, ) REOTRAIKINO 01071',.?, tniarnmeE wauttivr, cum ) ca...anna, nn PEFSMSON, _IMPS ) • Gatrrrt Tam ranix, CECARE. ) alt,11,12.0 Larmvr, Dar K1LT.,„ ) MORRI50 • ) ) Defendantv. ) CCVMS now the platnciff and movito thiz Court for an order tomporarily restraining defendantu herein. from proceedinll in an" way or taking any action of any and rhatsoover to sell, exchange or trantfer*, or to pave any ordiname or other4se. to wAhotile the salm, exchange or tranefer of ell or any portion of the. "Lake Washington Beach Park" property. ev described in th*,. Complaint filed herein unttl plaintiff*a applicatton lor an tv- . 1.inctiettpA0212401542:may he heard, on the ground th4t commie- aim and, continuance of ouch acteiIpro4we Er4at And irropar- . able harm and injury to plaintiff., Thte motion to bed upon tho Complaint filed herein and the affidavit hereto attached, TRETREV17,, mum 1:47LSON Erink, TRETHEWEY, BRINK & WILSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1418 IBM BUTLDING SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98101 MAIN 3-6722 OF VikSIMICT57:4 ) CHARMS K. 52114401i, be first 4uly imprn ooeth . depose* end tays He to Old plaintiff it the abave-ontitted action and makosithis affidavit in support of a temporary. restraining order agotnet defendants , The allegtions of. the Complaint on, file herein. ere tree. end. correct end are tneorparoted in their entirety heroln, by refevenct, The Council meets Natch 21, 1966,. at SOO gind p/aintiff is. tnformed that the Council intends to pus at or4nance tranvferring the 8.944t ProPertY. If Chi iv done . plaintiff end. other citizen of Renton, 1,111 be irrevocably harme4. A short delay,/ while the legal, quest:tom are resolved, . could,' not in any € )" harm the defendan,t$. tr. no delay is granted, Oeintiff and othera wilt have forever lost vzluable property. isiClurlos attme(m Salami Subscribed, and morn to. before Ills this;• /,4./:-" Oa', of Harch„ 1966. izatary rdblic tn 'and, for the State V!zir,hington, residinG at Zoattle. . . TRETHEWEY,TT0RL BFJNK &A%LSO N A 1410 IBM BUILDING SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98101 MAIN 3-6722 ., , ; IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE`,STATE OF `wASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY CHARLES K. STIMSON, ) Plaintiff , ) ) NO, -vs- ) ) CITY OF RENTON, a Municipal ) SUMMONS corporation, DONALD W. CUSTER, ) HELMIE W. NELSON, BRUCE HULSE, ) HUGH BRUCE, HENRY SCHELLERT, ) JEANNETTE DAHLQUIST, GLEN ) GIANINI , HENRY PEDERSON, AVERY ) GARRETT, TOM TRIMM, GEORGE PERRY, ) CHARLES DE LAURENTI, DAN POLL, ) VERN MORRIS , ) ) Defendants . ) . THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID, CITY OF RENTON, a Municipal ' corporation , DONALD W. CUSTER, HELMIE W. NELSON, BRUCE HULSE, HUGH BRUCE, HENRY SCHELLERT, JEANNETTE DAHLQUIST , GLEN GIANINI, HENRY • PEDiRSON, AVERY GARRETT, TOM TRIMM, GEORGE PERRY, CHARLES DE LAURENTI , DAN ;POLI , VERN MORRIS . ,,j YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED TO appear within ' twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, if served within the State of Washington (and sixty days after said service, • - ,,, if served without the State of Washington) , exclusive of the day of service, and defend the above entitled action in the Superior Court . of fthe State of Washington for the County aforesaid; and answer the complaint of the plaintiff , and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for the plaintiff , at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do , judgment will be ren- • dered against you according to the demand of the complaint which 7,1 will be filed with the Clerk of said Court, a copy of which is jr herewith served upon you. TRETHEVEY, BRINK &.,WILSON. , Of Attorneys for Plaintiff --- Hi OFFICE AND POST OFFICE ADDRESS : 1418 IBM Building Seattle, Washington TRETHEWEY, BRINK & WILSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW 93101 1410 IBM BUILDING . SEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98101 Mtn 3-6722 MAIN 3-6722 • 4 ' ( ‘• • CYr(1 q.n.f!.Z% o'lL3, tyrtl.41 .1.c7.Ei nul ..- , , 1,1 By firr1r,--, -- 3 --, • - o Cac'3C7, f:i1.1`kr,,, 17, C C r.;',7.-.1 I :7.7 c..7:17:.1 .nq r—sr fr`r-nr," rl "17 a F.it. •?.:7b `j! 1.- 0 7..11 11 l,tP. / C cOD tit 1‘. t.. • Ft; t: tti 10. t;. tt‘, ' {: TRETHEWE'(, BRINK & WILSON tt AT ..)RIVEYS AT LAW '11 1.110 I IDM OLIII_Olt JG ION 00101 111.. 1.1A,I1 3•0/..1:1 •II 1:!/ '• 11:11 111, • r.,; .. . . . .IIIIk ' I. ,, • ._ „•-•.' P, • V 1. IN THE SUPERIOR.4rOURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON ,-,.. FOR KING COUNTY k i: CHARLES K. STTMSON , ) , 1:. !. , ) Plaintifi , ) l' ) . _ -us- ) NO. 1Y ) CITY OP RENTON , a Municipal ) vi corporaLion , DONALD W. CUSTER , ) HELMIE U. NELSON , 1;RUCE HULSE , ) h• HUGH 11RUCE , HENRY SCHELLERT, ) COMPLAINT h• JEANNETTE DAHLOUIST, GLEN ) L GIANINI , HENRY PEDERSON , AVERY ) GARRETT, TOM TRIUN, CEO ROE IP RRY, ) 1' CHARLES DE LAURENTI , DAN POLT , ) VERN NORRIS , ) 1!: 1.'i• ) , . DerendanLs . ) 1' ) li 1: - 1- i F For stateent of. claim against defendants , plaintiff , m 1: ' L alleges : I ., .t: c The plainLLIC i.s a resident , registered voter and tax- . . • payer residing in Lhn City oil Renton within King County, Washing- 1: ton . . F II 11 - 1-! The City of Renton is a Municipal corporation, and a '• il 1; city of the second class under the provisions of RCW 35 . 23 . III . . Donald W. Custer is the Mayor of the City of Renton, !, lielmie W. Nelson is the City Clerk , and all other named defendants '( t are duly elected Councilmen of the City of Renton. , IV 1: 1: The City of Renton has , since April of 1955 , owned land h r 1! r on the Soulh shore of Lake Washington , which has been designated L by the. Cite of Renton as "Lake Washington Beach Park, " which was I. -11;1:.1111 \..')LY, pi:Ir.-1K & \,1',/1!.soN A i 1,%I:THLY!; A I. Li‘,..i 1.11,1 II lt.1 IIIIII DIN.: I ..-T,AIILE.V.71:01M(11,:tl ')/11M i MAIH :3-67.!:! I i . . ! -....:•:'';:!iili VV./A V;.!.'- :i;,.;:".j!:•:;'i!i.! !•}4,;:ii,!'. .,!;:..,.'..'..:::;,!h!f!,`''i',4::4!4 ii.L10 iiAggligii!]!!!!! ,;; ;.!XR;;;?Z-.<'$.,!s.:;‘).'tlilrlif4R7P,:!'..AV.,7i;ti..si:‘fC:;':t7i,1ViWellilirgA 14,3TROKIPA M i 1!P' .. 'L.-..:A tiRMAIO!01'',A. ;.T W,!: ?;:);1!!''X-';';..:i; i''.i.,1'r.i V-ti K MIP;M:4.t44,'''''X•15.:k1;92:0..:.;;!:Wii:VW..;,'',,,tV,'Wf,i.N.,,, ,:•:0,.:1'Wk liteigklikt?AlViT 1 1 . :1''!!:4:: : ,.!,:.,j I t4;14Ye,;!-I!,Hi i,.,,,. !.:',f:!;il‘‘‘::'-,:.::'.'' ':,. •,':.:.,-: :?!‘!!!:i;-!:::,l'M.!.t::!,;:r,!;9?P-PlqjC:.;';,;014.5'N':',,q.(i:1*;?..4:';',:%4:'.:ANK.,!. .:$.1i.i.;;;.;;;•:!':','.;,:,:i'51:§.%,. ..1'''''''''i'''0.A i e4.0000.5NFRI %;1 ,i C:i.i',.41 ., ...'-'.. 1V1,,'i 01 n t 1 P•1!..,1-,-•=•:.V;•-•:,.-..-:•:,:i,,';';',,,:k•;,-..;•-•\.;.,:••••:_4•...2,-,r,•;!;g-riOA'Ag'ie••?-cg -;. :!:;N,•:',j'!:';'3::•';:!;i:;:;r4;00,,f;;.j.' ' '',:•,••:::;'::.• •:;;N,.--W-.",' ',:Y'ri.t. :-.:1 i:44iliNii$140i'Z,:liiipliluiwL. ,I,!l.!!t.4.!' iff•:?:z.,-.' .,,J. :, ....c --.'',.:',FP:-.-':-.. ,...v:.,s,.',.,..33, .,:4s_ .. , , ...-:.;:...';:....!:...,:;. . m,t-;:.,---!::-".:.,': op'i' ,:-: .,.(f..,..=-:ithtopiOlf.ai.k :.j ., i,14qr'-'...,'F.'!. •::::,:.,',?);.41;41,:e14: .;1-4,';.,,,c'^`,,,".,'",F4'•-••-. ':':.:Si`.-(.-X,:'''''.!.'f:;'.7?".:111,rfi'..t1T:223•NT4'.-;i,"•",..°,'.:';iilf:A '.T, • .•`: ;'":z;',4',i.'4J,; ,V:"... ::),-,: :,'„::;': i'.1 •,,-''..•ii' f3liif•O.Wil,iS4,1,"0.! !i:V, .:1:!;i. ". .„- A- W0giW4g1; ,' ,. '"W=' -OVirM''•%'8f744A741VIVIMIg „,. , ,,,,„„q,.,„,,,,, ,z,?-,,,m,w,„.,!..,adv,Far„ ,,,„mi4A-...tg,,,:,, ; -: ,,,1;•,??,'Iii:rN;'ilke:35U4Onl,i14i .: ; :aillii.-3 ',,, ,,VA•1, -*Ii,4'14-kiaV2.Nlauil61,11ii, -, r • acquired by deed recorded in Volume 3461 of Deeds , page 530 , records of the King County Auditor , the legal description of which is hereby incorporated by reference . V Since the acquisition of the Lake Washington Beach Park land , the City of Renton has graded , improved, sodded, and planted the area , and it has in fact been used as a park by residents of the City of Renton for fishing , resting, sailing , boating, playing,g, • and other recreation . VI The City of Renton had previously owned an area of land which it had acquired from one Lee Monohan, which had been donated to the City of Renton by said Lee Monohan "exclusively for city - t. t. park purposes ." pt' VII In - the year 1955 , the City of Renton had the opportunity to acquire the Lake Washington Beach Park property in exchange for the Mother ' s Park property. In order to accomplish the exchange , �, L the city had to comply with RCN 35 . 23 . 010 , which required a re- i; lease of the donor of the Mother' s Park property, or his heirs . f i, Such a release was obtained in the form of a quit claim deed dated !' i' April 19 , 1955 , and recorded May 3 , 1955 , under Auditor ' s file E,. !' number 4568653 from the heirs of Lee Monohan, said deed containing the following covenant and restriction: "Without limiting the foregoing , the said ,', grantors , on behalf of themselves , their heirs and assigns , do hereby consent to the exchange of all or any part of said I; ft property by the City of Renton for other property to be used for park, playground , or other recreati_onaL purposes . " The City of Renton specifically agreed to this restriction by kl: I:1 ' is TRETHEWEY, BRINK Fa WILSON II ATTORNEYS; AT LAW 1410 I IlN (lull-nlf IC I. 51-Ail LE,Wl1::IIIIJ(iIi1lJ 011:(11 h! , t.lAlrt 3-t;7-'.: • I 2 - i. . 1. `F•T T.. T , 1• ., ,. ...0.K...F,A,ti\1 : .h i-...r. ... rn Y YI , i ."{ $.:.a ro. ,h1,'• : .....i. ii,• 3 : :fAiii i:•e lllti' ::rri i r :I' :i ,l'ii:: t• c r >. L'I' f l.,i 1ry. I N . D . 1 •:a• . . !t.Yj _. ')w`?.PD 4 aa 4 1 y ' tiq " d Y} F •alg J44:Y' fi „ j iii? „„ a;A 4 , t' drli I7� r .t1.. j;,;kI' ' . u4.e r t � i* n: • 1 :ii' r,d I t, ,v I' s •v, ,^:•.f:..^ . ., . fi • c M i..•i; a i 1a� r tr . ,. , , „ .. .. . ! r ru I ,. i .,i:;:� ; a , ,. . . .: '1 . t r . • •M . .• A :. • eti1t` . . t ? 'a, ..lrl.•. ,t +�tFr � ,I.,, . , , r . ... ' .:h N • �. ' ;' `i'•`' ' 1 11 ::'1, ;, • u . " � r „ r ... . . f:1 ' : : t . Ltt ::.•v :a i . - accepting and recording the deed from the heirs of Lee Monohan, �' and in pursuance thereof did then acquire the Lake Washington I Beach property in exchange, which was then dedicated to use as park property by the City of Renton. i. VIII I'. By Ordinance Number 2196 of the City of Renton dated i 1 1, December 6 , 1965 , the City of Renton did adopt "as an implementa- i I: tion of the City' s ' comprehensive plan for the physical develop- j; i ment of the City of Renton' ," a community facilities plan, dated i 1965 , containing the following statements : "In addition to the demands that will be ,, t made by future population increases , changes in our way of life will emphasize E, the need for parks and open spaces ." (page 1) g' yAAy' f "However" , the greater effect and benefit f, ' will be realized if adequate park and open ,; spaces provided along with the effective f', application of zoning and sub-division controls . " (page 3) f. "In addition to the developed and partially ' developed park and recreation facilities , the City has acquired the Lake Washington Beach and the Cedar River Park properties , !: which when developed will provide valuable and needed additions to the community' s I', park system. " (page 6) I "A, The Community is badly in need of an ;' adequate waterfront park, where community 1 needs for swimming, picnicking, boating ;: and other recreational activities can be met." (page 6) , "RECOMMENDATIONS I' To aid in overcoming these problems , recom- 1, mendations as contained in Table II indicate I1. �; expansion of certain existing parks and sites is+: to more adequate sizes , and in some cases to c: r. meet minimum area requirements . It is pro- posed that at Lake Washington Beach the park ` properties be extended northerly to include 't• additional waterfront and five or ten acres of additional land area . Such an expansion TRETHEWEY, BRINK & WILSON !',T TOR IJ GYS VJ AT LA IiI�a: 1410 IDM OUILDIDIG h;: CATTLE,WASHING ION 00101. A:• t•1Alrr 7-072 `? r. — 3 - itf d ' tr.�" .•,i�...3' vF>", ' -la.S r . „- ".'z!.:;*..o„f � �.� y,l:?.'J;Y: 9 1^+;r � r;..�.„ ir;:• L1,,. 74-,`li�l M a�� s�4., yi1 t; ii.a2 �1r1: �: t i , • ,L?�'i't. .. ' : ,:� '' 'I , !':' ,..� ,,t � e7ra ' FFIt lt< /F<��K.°p'PN':nIrct I� �Y . {-�.t:; ��'' �i�y � " 'i i,:•� da � p� ` ttt�rNr:.4 .f•:q T�.,„thh4 :raf t1x. t,rf d Pa.w,2 t} '•'I f .i.,. 3s aht smr ' t)•4v, . t. � i• r, � r}' ' },•'�r. ; s'; : �h '��.� K r:; :1'+Y.r�`�� ..1 i w...',u �, �. ,`t�tN utt1 r 1"'4tt�V.hErial� ;.ylr.s k}°e,. ,, r iiz.,L1;.n4"Yg n+t:= n1r i1 a ,#1,rA� Y� � t piy 1::?,1 ia.r,t �;;;;0 a.,.,rfill.'".r, . ':; ;.:h l:r N'sy•, ,I{;1.1,:tl+.•,f..•,.f., �,.i7Yl;i .•,21i,f..,: :,tist6f., 4 i!:•1.4 s � GS NN ',s r �.,:7s 1; _r„r.;%:a1;. 1 e.• ,r.C:a,.=..L.. n.se,.),fc .- 5'' y.. ',t'6 ,, sdr':.r1, . °1;•ii: a. , Yd l..Irf: I1iii:.IF iiii:t`` t'ly: ::'�;:::::,1....,.,;t1,;':`7 ,i,.." '''; }t.1• k,,�.;.. �y ,Jr, l: . : . ca. 1,: sit ;,I, :r.•r:; + . rtt,4_. , 1�q' ii! > ' a t: g tsh 9 { • • ,� �i � ." :,.,,,,A�i',asaci. , :i i;: . , I ! ;..11,,.. IFr:..1l1• iI,C� h+ .rI•. ,,: :; ,:ni � J ,�:. ': Ca ,: . •' '" .dF , N:1r •f•' Y: :.i^ ~- 7at x A :' , ••: • , 1 " . t't I 1 .ikt�ft' � !1,, i ;' t ),%•' 1'� i. t' :�. a •' rw, .)'.r,/ .!tt .. a . r.V1iF,:YSbt , l2 .i. i' . . n+ .> I' k J E f+ IA � II iI i I �.! ,,� � Y� ` %'"4 � •.t, '1 • , r? i , , .a°i ,. .•�: • �'19 yi4 ' . , : l1'I i . " :1i f, t . .I, . I ' " i, e , +r i' I 'a (\�, ram, 1 • i j will permit the incorporation of boating activities as a feasible part of the opera- tion of this park in its final development. " (page 7) IX I'. I Also, the City of Renton did adopt Ordinance Number 2204 on January 17 , 1966 , and incorporated therein as a part thereof the "Land Use Report, 1965" as a part of its comprehensive plan for the City of Renton, which Land Use Report recognized the exist- ence of and dedication of the Lake Washington Beach Park property 1. as park property for the use and benefit of the citizens , and in the land use maps so showed it to he dedicated. 1 X I i' As shown in the foregoing community facilities and land use reports , the Lake Washington Beach Park property is the only :i waterfront park in Renton , and further that the City of Renton does not have adequate park areas . The present park area of Ren- ton is greatly below the recommended average needed for areas of It this population as shown by the community facilities report in ; • Ordinance Number 2196. I XI !, is At the last meeting of the Renton City Council on the 't 14th of March, 1966 , the defendants , the Mayor and the City Council- men, did propose and approve an ordinance by a motion reading as , I. 1 follow; : : I: " . . .accepting the offer by the Boeing Company with the exception that $92,500 1; be accepted in cash to be used for park development with referral to the Law and fI. ' Ordinance Committee... ." p' By this motion to adopt an ordinance, the City Council of Renton, I: the defendants herein , have given their intention to pass an ordin- i; TRETHEWEY, BRINK & WILSON ATTor:r)Ev> AT LAW 141,) 1❑M Dui l.Ol rio r B[AI rl.t:.v1A lllr'1G'IUrJ D0101 I l.1Alri 3-672 I:; — Li_ — , .�77....111•.:Y,r.,/1 " \ -M14.}J.•.�h,•i.. 4�Y..,n. ,.. Y:I7•r"•;V,-.:!a.i•t.:Y. ' rf ` •).:`t.Kt......,n..<•'{:�•„,t�if+i.�.•...,''�.1.�•1:"•,{ {).i,t,R.�i+{..r,.I1 ii:' iTF !Y 0 ' .. YY .i ':ti,Ik " ,i� Aet. 'f i4 , �. 7i�°.:1�,r.'.:'...:.I.. :.:..a'....,,._�Y:,.�:.:K �h>^,.;•s"-:;;�r,i'':l l.i:.., .l..f .•.•.....• .3':t..^'r:•:,r':.:i. i.•.: :f•:.�:.. � : `:'�•j::,r(.i:.1,. • 'I K'1� r't til1. .�� C 1 �i1:t 1 :S. ;1;• :.1.1;. ;.'..,,;. !..:.^,.::.,•: •�•. ' •.y ':l.• : " + u'r ' , . : ' • �": .J !i , t'tt�' pL 6 t1: V'4 FJI ,} , f1i y`6� � rYr. ,. �, Y k C b; r,},:>,:.; '7+.^`: r ::'::i 1.:1t ,'::C:" f1:. !.rt Irn. .,:I+i { tf l.,eat lEl1}q 17rrI,....:titif:::i: : 1•',::. :. .Ir k i a " 1 � r o ) . tiii tt : H�.t, . ,.: „.r• . ;L :: 4<t:,Y A;ry . , ...'Irr.r 4', l t r r rJ0 !� n s„ n .i 1 ,n E ; ..i . i t ^ .,...il1.a .. r . . , . '..' J,• n1�. , I:it .. ,. • . o •{ 0 , F tt . ; h" rIi . :1:. Nt A : i.. yj ;... N •e{::.. � • % T . :t. . .rI � 3 , . , 1 .Y : :'.. :4 , e { 1 : r 4 " ,. I ,• , )'J ,.0 ,{ . :v +r ., . • ; rYr� , :t , '.i::; :4'*- ::' ,� . ,i d.'i� iI:.,,1"' . 1 t' • ^ r ii r S I', ance which would grant to the Boeing Company some 3 . 5 plus • acres on the Southerly edge of Renton City Park as shown by Exhibit A i'' as an attachment hereto for 1 . 7 plus acres to be acquired by the r, Boeing Company and dedicated to the city on the North edge of the G, property , also as shown on the said exhibit, and plus $92,500 to q be paid by the Boeing Company to the City of Renton. This pro- (. perty to be acquired is unimproved land . XII `` The defendants have threatened to violate their compre- hensive plan without amending it as required by RCW 35 . 63 . 120 , i, i which makes mandatory any amendment or modification of the plan to be heard by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission was not consulted, but did in fact make a report recommending tt against the sale or exchange of this park property. XIII 1 The sale and exchange was also against the recommenda- 1 I. i. tion of the Park Commissioner and all members of the Park Board, against the public interests of the citizens of Renton and not supported by any legal , equitable or sufficient reason, and if permitted to be consummated would be a fraud perpetrated upon the I' citizens and taxpayers of Renton. l' XIV ,. (: RCW 35 . 23 . 010 requires that a second class city in any , I: i, 1' exchange for park purposes must make a finding "that any property ;' acquired for park purposes is not useful for such purposes ." At I_ the Council Meeting of the defendants on March 14 , 1966 , no dis- i G cussion or evidence was taken on whether or not the Lake Washing- I i; ton Beach Park property was useful for park purposes . In fact, it r , park purposes as shown bythe has been useful and useable forp p ;, TRETHEWEY, BRINK & WILSON • ATTORNEYS AT LAW I. i' 1410 1DM DUILDING SEATTLE,WASHINGTnrl 90101 MAIN 3-0722. , 1 t. 5 - .' r"g7 ' kP^,�:l�i'�,r '1'))I:}sl„ r�•.,,1�"h...y. 57,,�,511. ,_1'' 'n'''7"Vi'i'7""ln;:4•,l iq.rw ,T:�7•^!..?=?,N?I`Y i. ,�".. .�• .,l l,r ;';r'.il, 'i rt, t 1 �;;<;�; � ': - ':e. al �:tr's_ .�3 :3.. ;•,' ,•,�r, -,;r:r,., r,}...,Ft;,; .c,r, >..illYir:N t": �t' �b;:. J .a%'„ Jli ::�,G>zt .v.,tom ..rra. .�..,;•. ,;?{. �5":e. ,i::G;',:r...:;r,,., 'H:�'��'� ,,;., 1�t" !•>,Y. ,n,:f1J.. r,+. tyt x�•fN 3'It.,t '-��.�`'.�', d'' *um. vifrr �:sr MTrr'".*£M.r Flr!''��75F I 1. { ".�a.h -,�".. .,_ syr��;a ,.c r Z'JiiMt .,�?,.!. ,+S'„'d;:>'C*N.-I. "a; ,t..:H �s:i:.i:%^%t`i". 3�'� •scf.. ,.dJ .0 :tI!, !'i 1 it '+L'( }>«, • ,sitiP, '22�� ','•• :kirj((. Meg i ..,.'{It. .:r` •lr r,i,,,,, r, `G•Vtii.°, •5.. 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( .a.arlr,d' .1N,Id,ll.,.,,tr,, }. it 1, U'` �o..•,:,:n..,.• ',:i;:i� ,,.:t.Y!ilt,rl !,r. }„C14:+ 1.� .ae:!13., �'tb ��-• 3:+:•f,-�. ri., ..I' :{fli: 'L, „Ir.rl.i rt�r u, 1 rl ,1 I •,..,!. .j,'.;. -r :} F r ..4. r•; .,n:: ,':�r.�: :r}':; `..1, �,,.r�.:t ;isilal.,: } 111 Aa, .,,, r 1 F::'}r,1. �41:'. `:Y•!.. !:1' .Y�::,ii'I.�. 1,. �r1'II, 1� I' i�� .I I. r- '�i' ..I r r,- i}: t. �1 } di: I: r t, 1.t ;.r 11, :a,i,l, :'.I'.is ¢"jl"� 'I.'! �I t i l'! „f 'll ,r '1" �K` 'I�' 1�1" 1 'T',4 i' '1l r �} .�: 14 n .r� t'r }kL. CH I' 4''{ 4� JI Y` .il, ,t ! 1' +i 1 }P N' f !r, .t'�11 �.1' •I it}'i { 1l} r r i, 1': I) 1�' I I i. I •'I'tL A A. t I I �i': .;.t',�91 +1.,. 17, 1.Y: 't.: q +'1 t, I �J 'I'l. :'�'t.i". JJ 'rs '1 r t ^��!J U !1 '1: 1 :'M ?I �'SH t 1 7 •'Ski' F 7 t'' :'Ir �l I • �n.v^'•d}.^� "l d: ,nh..,. ,,...,.t,1,.'�,!,.,r�.::,ai',y,t ;:><4:t/_„ ,_ ^lt,.,,._r . ,.,.n . c.... ... ......... ... ..'i,.:...,, r... 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EV i. t, 1. 77-,..,.) ntz-inctiod pinn 17,7:771n11.':. n, No bflol ou!,-71..tr.,-,1 1.':).7 . eln C1E'... oT acoin ( o c'..-:o 170',1oz-ol COVO7MMClt rnd no E7 r: PCrIl.l Cc..771:1T.31.<7n vo I. 2U7.63 . ,..ce:-..-2 ',L'unclo 1,:l.n.7° bo!,-.,.71 f'... .77int::::!..mToly prc.,-Icad bnc'ocl „ Lli i: t:• g' I; g; . 1277 rT.:,'..2o Cic...7 02 r:o ....c.tn Nno , boy ecillr,d f.,0 (-,-nfl??..,7 n7 '....15.„,2M10 In cbinl.r.1..,:13 ...'7.'crn no tf.-,Iro o F..:co t7-.7.—.J...,-,n rolonoo o2 ,.'i rcot1-1.clr. C.:1-tot bo pro .or bo uccd ro7 "r--4c, p. „. ti. p?..c.7a.7.7c:o.r,-1 , or OCI'ilOT CC:C:-.'00t:1(77-11.11 F.irr:,0:7,c0 „" y . 41. 0 '';'' pori: p7:7.Ipo-fc..-.7 [..1a7clacnod C:o 15o ,0.-.:T37.0Cnr-c Co no . ::. 12,..701n3 Cc2i7=7 by c-,?..c.o e.lo2c7,7:1.anD ID D7012:71-ty tolld In ..,. .,, rovoz=n.:".1.31 , 1-.:,..o'.,_ p :I.of,:-.o,.....'7, copncT..r..--.79 by r±0 Cy o'? f.....=-.C.,0 :.' Co'T CLO Cr..17:..Tr31 UC',0 C7.(1 ':::,.',--_.1-1-,4!.1.17-. o no pinI (Y2 cnf.3 of,:t.'..or (1C712:0 c7.-..1 to....77nyc,'3 02 t'.7:-..o CIty 02 Cr271 ,-71n. i; 17,..Urrg ,I. t,t 1:1 ti t: Tho noz. c220-_Nr.-. o ft° t*.T.17nnc.:(*.-.7.,,d crmnofior wrz,,116 to (7,0 1! 1, nI...c, ','::.;21..?a,fi.... Nro,..-, 77 nr.,,J Fov pnrU pupn000 i-J.,n cmn7.7.2 o'? p thi 0 , 5 (.11=0 t7.0 0 p171,v10 ..777-1,:7-:,..,:or:7:7 onl nem:41m 1,1 (.1n .I.,7TD licco V..z-n q K a,0 ., mi..n,7:111T:.,, n r.1,-..Y:', 1(7. .) t'..o to cl.C7 oe 'A .2 ncrc:o (-: .'., 1.. .)...9.1y Y n i'. TRETHEWEY, BRINK a WILSON li:1 ATTC RNEYS AT LAW 141 I OM OUILDING .,. SEATTLE:.WAS HIN m or,J 913ini kl A III :1-67.12 ii.F: ra.iliMii ;!';:110,011RiA..i;;Ofi,Zt,,,ti:cY19.440P1Witl)., ,P,Nqty,A;1 I y'•,,,•;.!;.{.,,•:1,:.!;., ,1,t;t:ll'ot!:1!:;li ;;, ,;; ;,;s4;,,I,:;11:,,;t,A.,, ' IL',`;IHYINV4tit$III,9,11 : 41VC*41'14,46LhOnlitY4. 11 .7r1;:444"i=1:16,t11-11:Tn! '. ".".';' AVSaA0P4' i1=Tiii'(;e!,;SC''''';';"4'P'..:: .]' • Taill:..':!::: 4?..tRq;iiig0,74i1.!lillilltilil:VT.ir,L7.; *;4414400Agilk* M4CV,W''Ahk,W114.14.11*-1,,i 'iK4i,i;: 6&,6aa'AlilicHR:i;AelSki'l!'AVi'(34'it';'4,'S.: i fl/ OWtk.;t$4A'P:'!4A1'1.4&ee*4gVqOWJVU' : ' 'gsiVM';', &qgti('I'':'iC:t1; 100;iOk;W;eii;U ;:4'(:;lg ':' *41;1;1!iffrrc.11X0Y- Te..A00.,,-* Y.'1K,',1 ,'2.,), FP .O. .::i:J..: i'.::: p.v. giNiA,Jai4. .:,1:4'il::, if,4,4t'i'vz,m;ffit$IeRwh::...7 y,..,.,:.w. . NE .4mtAi,ii:ii4.,i,,,- : . .„,,,.:,.. .0. , . tu..J:v!,,,, ,,?-2,..',,,, ,,,,,'....... .....„:...-.:...,...i,‘,1.,no.,,,:14ip'.,.., , ,,,FyE.,,,,! ,,,!_..einwigao,,4.q.,. .,i1-i:, ,,,;.:.,,.: 04,..4e,,.viR.4.,0,i,,,,, ..,,,,, , ,,i.i;Lft..,„,.. t4n. ! ,..,..q:,1,%', ..4 ': AW,AMIft040M,tegTt.',., ,q0"ii0c'-48YT.;,':.,*;Wi4:::,: w , E, ,,, , ...',. . i.. ..:(;.'..74 .....,' :1W.41!2W,, ,-. 40di7i',;41;MVVrIT.M: 01W1.::. . vi';-1-iR,.:(.10 *iqgi.. .:,:.,o *,elg,,.:i!,f1:P,. .q, ' . , (.' , 3 LiIrr.!it... illd oct.'.1, :;n b E.-..ho dc...0.2cna...Intc.; is tor,:'.;n11.17 I. noA2 , i3 o.,$'5Tnr17 and coD',''iclou5, cIA !. Tcc;..; fH,:_ldin.,,, of . 1:21D 1..,=3,:= 051 VOO fo: paJ. n11.11 cacy,-)I,cicuo onl 21.1,7, pol.:721ncd Co 3, ui,l con5'..,..iucc n fi.rm.114i upcn eto t'....,,2:77aytTc1.-3 cnd 3 1-3,o1,7,,,.,,7:71.1 • of 1::-.1'3 ?.:','.."..1.3 l:.:. of `U!,..',11 1 C. r:n.1:,. 1 CM et 0 , I ,t. ,---, Ccad.o.nto anl c.,.2c!-1 or: ffc.n aro cnjo:'..n. , nf.T.7 t..71,11 1,,,..=:: intoly orT.rs,(.7. untr, c.), ri.Tanoc, of 17....-1:-.'!. n.: (...-,, :-,?:.?..y . ll-...,o. r...-.7:-.!.n-t 7,..<73,!.-. '...7c : 1.,..t) T..-:•.'3 c,:-.,r1 ( Cy C ir: 7.),. C I. :.1.7.'0."-:;:.3 'Z71.11 t",;0 17 0 T.:C''"C'',.....r,'I a ro 72 c.:1::.,,o Cl...(21 Co o'3crY,i..,1 41 rm o'L7. z'. 1..,...3 procr,7c7 f...E1 c7.7.-, ovr_In'::. i: fn 0....._cco-:,,, _11 In ..c.'.-.,l'io c2t:7„,„7::..), but Chi 0.r.7,,, cM2n!':o tz.nuo (01.7.,ca7 [ 1,-....!:coo:7,. .... ..1 cilz% c...!,zo c.:;:cr,..1c713o, . I r 1722 I., r' '..57o ploinil-. ..7.7. . ..o ult.11 .7.:ue'.. cny pat o cc-.......dy (2? cf.1.-:-..r1T,nin ,. 1;1 3.,.: 72.:2:2702 , pl...:0,-1(.7::.1.ff proyag 1: r. ,,. ., '..., `7.71.1.-.1.:•., c.'::.2 el o 2 c-7-.17.2.1 co c,-..6 cc:s...c.h of c'11. .1 rc:o n•.::::-:---,7..--ae:.:2,7 cn,f,lo'!..nf..1 -1.7n7n r.,:l.:1. t.".!,..)..2,.702, c7".. 6 cmctir..,n3 of u. -...o pfg 7,: o (7,..rc :',..c,-:.1 n Cr.- Oa ? ir g• s'. pr,-.!•07,0!.*: L-,or.A, c,-.3r.7. cm'h?, Cno 6o2 .27S:3 .p 0:- Cl....-,.7.71 17.,.....:-...c,..:-..,:-11.. cn CO c__-_-_.c7n777.7o c7.1f,..7C.1.1.. 11-..Z-....3 rn'e.:T.rT 1; cn c_T:2")..g.crtc.:.1.cn f_'-'.0T 3 t-....7.2o.7,-....: 7 P._.njenotf.cn. l'4: • '.'''), 71113t ca t.c.:7127 Injuac .c..cn o c2r3ntod ii c-.. .1 ool t17.1..n1 cn r.±.-_.?, E7.-,-13 of Co Encf:c7.,, i: l'-'- , T11:1 T. c.Z.v.?..3 c al.!7::,.,', c:.-71'vN,-..-.)-1 0 (7_colcra .:',a 17 pt7.7 .. I!: . Pi. il Co r''.71 7.24 Co L72..'71 c,I.:1:1: ct C.,11'2:. f"..4:...o e..:1, 0r.In'.7.09 p ) !,1 k TRETHEVV7Y, BRINK & WILSON A-r LAW I 4 1 El ID rvi 1711111_DING I' I. SEATILE,WASHINCION90101. IP,' MAIN3..0/ k.. cl .--''''''''''''''''''"'"r"Icl•-•:,::-:l':":' iriViraiVIER,7.47(1q1,;:;:.::°,cii.m-••• :-C,.';WiC1134,'11%!::' 1:',41igiligiNVIRIW.WiliqfFig,.;',9k1T.MKTNI;?,i4ii-iiAi.4,g.IPN.511!;,ZI•RiWiNiA .'eV,Y4. ,:.i:,'. t.';',41;111:C :1•2t:1,::,,ij ...:!4.,:.:!',:!::T:.i. 1 I . tr , v TZ, iW,WocA6W,kgo' ,tvil.i.t.,..;..,,,F.,.,iviml',:4.4.'ooii,,IL'...tg?m4.ft :..4:.,J, ,q,ag.',R,.FOWigtO ,.'...i.6Jn ppiovt...,,'A:,,, A4g,T,r,'Av,o6.x, r, t,,,41,-:,,, ..: .. .-, , ,i;iiiiiiiiii':•:-.,i,.::. .,),.,1!,.,. , ,;,.*.,i,i,..::-;„:.,. ,..i,,,gftwifvtifi:ilaiKi;!:.ff:',;;:,,,n!? ,15 : A 1::,,, 4 'D.1....n•, :q;:u,,ft.1;! ;qc:,•:''i,:,,,,:f.:,I.‘-,,..'. •:•'- ',,i4TONTO:s.,ivAs.;.,:,f;t4.1.',..*?.;vii;:4, ,,i;;N!i,:,.:, 5!,!,,tykk....tiu; ,,,.;,!-;!:t. ,,, !:;,•;.n,,,,‘,:!.,,,,t,,,,i,:,.,,,1,,,,..ir,,: .;, .,,,,li!; : :;!,',:.:).iJi.,,ii'47, ,:f:::`,,,‘,, :':.f,: ,.....,:yi,.,:;i,!.;•, :•;V.::: .;.,..1. :i'..ni:,1i,:i0'.‘',"1'i''.':' Nre;,,, , a.-,e,Fi,:,•,;;IiP'.!.,:iit!fiii'711!1:6c . .g.,A.,,, , ,, ,',,,,,:: J ,, , . , : .,.v. 0, .:.wer. ,,.,1,?e,i.i,J ,:lnV . . ,. 0,,!!..,!f:.: ',.:y!,,,,.',,-,:.:,„, ,,,,....,,,,,,,„•,!.,r.,-„,,,,,.:,,,,m,,,ko.,,,,,f,,,,,,,,,„::,,,r4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,:.; 1....,,, ,,,:,,... . •;i:..:..,,,-,,,r,,L,,,..:. ,,,, ,ii! :!.. i,'!..,,,,;:i1.6.4;;;.s. 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I':il l,: ;t;1] 1 I( J,1'f'1: . i!L 4' � *'L`�.•.., �. 9•,•/"14 t.1 i,t ,�!.!i..,'. ,tt;:h;1;"::. , t .!i, t rats i,t, 'tr �itY ^1 fS ,.{.. {>'�* '�'� •t .:s t: t'',:,:, ! .%. r 4'ti'`i;> } ,-r; a '! it I r t ( ,I'at ! ((:; ,.N,� . -„ �+�.`..:`,,. . �s rx, _.;�!7r ',�: '',K , ' :,. ,,,t.,a t,F.t s,., , ,',' tt r dt.i"", ,}3 t S',. .,J ,tr .,�iT r! ,, ,a,l I �„,r{{r „Lh!, ::.1 r. 't , 1t1, r,al•',t;^r t+..`�;d, �' ,•* ;, ,..�":5:'F..>.d'°iit _ ,.{, IF:... tf st,'fit 1:,>,, t;�,•;F os.:a.Y�Pt,.t.,t.:,. t,,1!. :,, t.,, i,t s .t� girt,,,.,,!,I t „3 I , �i,. i ! r i , i, ., t. ,,.,I,,. :ii ' :f" �.�'- ;a,a ,..q,, , 4 ..1 , ...2 l i t,a.a 1, ,..'i i t t,a{t t,{.,: I I U: :IYi'sY�Fl��l �T,tft,,,d.I c ,�It#i i ! ...L,�...,�If IF,»,.!1; !,I,.r(,)t I Il�!,.t ,d t,t ,�.;.N,:r,! i: .ful:;;,.t,�. al.'a't ., t' '•!.:I •s.. r 3,a�, ..,.�.,,Ytu:i{'d.d .I! � t „t 4.,.,;t F t.. t t{.,�.ttf'tlbt'',I;,,,:,I I, ':,t. ( ,1 •. ,I,.,I,1.•� {, ,k),.rl i,. .,t. I,tt,t lUr, !!rl il!, i:1„t, dr,,; tf ,�..snit liM k r« ,: tt;iI;nt!-d„lf''l{ a,. t.t,:,. 'i,t•a,1, ,t t •[}, u,� .i.�.. ,.,ay.r.;�1,.h�P...................F.is(G�.,,tl.Uv,�vv�n�3liii.,,1,tiw,.,,»..`.1.:{��_S.:.F{:.! .ii>,ln$�s�t°,s,i,l..<Nr+w� .+_r.,,v.'� i.{�•p,Li .Y�tk}' r+u, to 11.�t MI ry,{ t . 1.,....,. --- '.t,i-.F si..t:�'u.' . , ., ,...... . r r .o,,....�.n ,i.'�.Lxri�iv.uutit�?i3i4ci+iStSi� ����/� ,/� i::..,lY' MAY:.,'�r' ..,1. ,t. {��. i' < �itd: .1le_C.M_/C it ( SQ�__;City ":er'< in and for the City of Renton, �, ,9thin^tcn, do ereby rer,-fy t'-T', t'^ " ,':^ ,r:';:uton is a true d correct �3", r; of i'7-cl":•cn No tg9(7 - - .,.rdo , as it a .^I'al` on file f;i"_:r}• 'rilly office. ` , a. ;;Witness Whereof I have hereunto ser_.F,'_ Lind.and affixed the seal of the y,of•Renton, this ,v.til> - 'day of+, R_f'g_ i_=__l2.tp_.&_,___, y u 2�a :i i^/ City Clerk 'tl — — ;, RESOLUTION NO. , WHEREAS, t- e .'CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation of the 'i. State:/Of Washl ngt:on, is owner in fee of certain real property p y here- inbelow -ref.erred to and described as Parcel A, same and other property :r having been conveyed to the City of Renton for park and other purposes :F 4 ' by deed from LEE MON-OHAN dated September 8, 1939, recorded in ,, Volume 1861 of Deeds, page 1429 records of King County, and WHEREAS ' :I , i! j said Grantor has heretofore waived in writing certain restrictive '1 I • provisions contained in said deed, and WHEREAS the City of Renton now 1 finds that aforesaid property is not useful or suitable for park or . other municipal purposes and that an exchange thereof for other 1 property more useful and suitable to the City of Renton is advisable and in the general public interest; and WHEREAS the Pacific Coast '.-'E1. '.'Ro ' Co. , a corporation, is owner in fee of certain real property • of equal monetary value, hereinbelow referred to as Parcel B, located in the City of Renton on the south shore of Lake Washington, which ' is more suitable and useful to the City for. park, playground- and ' swimming purposes, and said owner being agreeable to an exchange of ' . ' said properties; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE ''CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The Mayor and the City Council of the City of • Renton hereby expressly find and determine that the following des- cribed real property is not useful, beneficial or suitable to the City of Renton for park or related purposes, to-wit : That portion of the Northwest * of the Southwest * of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East W.MO , ' described as follows: , , Beginning at the point of intersection of the North ' line of said subdivision with the North production of the • West line of Park Avenue, as shown in Renton Farm Plat, • as per plat recorded in Volume 10 of Plats on page 97, records of King County; thence South, along said North production, to a point thereon 715 feet North of the South line of said subdivision; thence West, parallel to and distant 715 feet North from said South line, to the North production of the center line of Pelly Street; thence South, along said produced center line, to the North line of the South 660 feet of said subdivision; , thence West, along said North line, to the Easterly ',r.CY:•a1L` '1� ::B" ..tl: ,. RSe>^t•: .^ 'd , •p R:. 4Y-0 •n r ,� i A I ,t 'l'f; p i••iF Y, :SXa 4 a ty S �, ,t w" n c: d ,'.4, ,�:• ': , 't ,•r.:�rrl .i �t .ts': t r.t...r :t„ +,+ ,r i i;itl`; +,+ .I 1' .iP:.. .1'i `:'.it` .,, lt... •r Ix i,.h, "R„„if• r Nip' i'�yl "N , , .I••{. .,.r�i f:'6. .q ,r a. I �r)ti>,ua; •t., F{� air' t .S; 'iii'` + t.. .1 .dc. ire•' r u fti':•rrti•1^ F..;.:,i:e o, : :il>FI � .t..,t.dr:,l' o .,a' t,,d�.., t"' 1� 'lr."10 !r Y'.r I . )' . . • �.,•, �. .F . d' ,.r �1,, ita3'.,„} ,r, ., 1 { ,1 ,, .:•f>t.. _ : i ..,., :r., }F::ct �•.' r.!,r1' if .!4,. ..r•:Pt F,.,,�.( .. J. .J� ..t, ,t.• a_': , _� •lt, i i ai'td i f, : 1ua, „ rn/ , a;: ., dF ..i.+ .ia r ,,.. :�t,1 .1 '�Ir: t •cG :,„ . Y ,i. ',1. �,fy,. .1,. I,, .�{.. .F': � :�1 i.:�':,. Si"'':'�,:,�..�..' hw'.L,. yv t ,.?, I kr'• �.I': I �t. '.1• ..Po .Y.'.''.:!: 'U t'Y::}'+'a� .,:t7. q.7 i/Tt'l •h ,�1 t,•:`��,`l'.,., ., .i.' .l4 Fkt.)7'. 7.. '����. t� .I,• .P ( .,�7d •r nli1�'I r t 7, '1„ a,iii 'a;.n. �� ,, ^. �dJ tl�:"1 ::H: Yt J 'd i� '1, a. `r ' ,p. r.F'r'i ep'' t,'' f. {. tti� Ih ! i .t't .i F T.F 'Y 1� .1. I ' ,�r�F i I+ ,�, i'r 1 !Ii f Mr t i .. ....: is I 1 n" i:• II .,1'' . a ;•'., ,i 1 '1 I .'(' I• '1'� '1 �:) I 1d1'.1 I 1. �'1 ,ii t%`...,.,r( , r' s ill: {: .,., .!'• o-` 1, ,a' ps,t, �J,7, �)�',., 1 ,s1 1 t .,I e, 1. :1 ,1 '1 '.r. ?�1 'gib :1' I �•' ,(•1', I s, ,ttl:r;: t "1 ,Ie t,•'.t'` k:c,... .'. ,!� 'a •,r::r i d i'i m' 4 t' r. {ti a�.. .d rri 'rl •'t' 1, �J ii' •! r, �G.,•, :i`; �II.� �:t;r r` 1. �fe' ,,y' j;` r ;'t ' ,. iy'• :is t"'_ .t KtF' t t °,: �7. ':t'• to!�.r If . ,;.t •.rt. , i '!, ,•i, 'li^.,.,,. :0�;f' ,..r .:4,r.., :a'�� :.',,'"A r. ,•1 �f a, .L 1• ., •l t�;':',1, ',I .1e ,�.i: r 1• t , .{• �'�.. ;:%':)..f"=:• ..r. :r��....� yn •:1,:, ,). :<,d' r ): ..r' °,r.t h i1�::it ,f rFl� .t •rl:•` c!�.�,: t�;:�',. i,d .1, ,III ,:r�,•r,, rt ^h. r" 1 , �,l,t;:,;•:Sr;:'r , d a....4;' ^{{' `tl' ;�p;i'' '.iii' ..r.. F, :. •• ,d,.�r; ,d�•ile d a t r 1 .i 'irit�'� 51;: r.F."f .t �%+(..A•a, r,! •a- ,,,, ':h, �i'',u I's al #'� tl lr:• ,:.r•.t•t: :•r: ,ii •.t•,tr, .1'ro� Ili:{' .•cY:%:;r-:a:::::.......::. ,t v,r.r.: 't' ,.1': i'1',. >,.o ,!'.u:- i ,,r'I.t M. 1'� d i�.,• R 'i,.ti� ,. "f r.d•,> ';)•. °tf fF1'p .u,,' J .t:i t,4� ,t ,z...• 'u ,r; ,u � �`� (I�1 •„� ,F., 'v'};' ,a. i .tr ,i I ,d;,::;., C'.".+' ri Y F;:' e d tub 1, 1 t ,'`I :,1 i%t` �,i rt. w t t,l•.. a l°�. v i f h r YF; b ,.^{j't a "i,. t r r, fa^,1 ruia t L y b�• ,t• .g,,. .;�r z3� 'bir• F.-•:,1: 3rn�l r'n;:• •, c�,.•t ri YK9t Yr .;p "`c4{ 1 7t,l,t ti{ }i1 i;L, slit q�, :;:;a:filiii) j(}i i tii i,p �. r .t 1;:° ( 1� dlFr. i xi`,:a �+; 3 11 t..:,,'y,t;,;`o i::�:ii:.r,;,{a, lc} �� �:d r�'i �, ,:�; , !I, � iHt1,41 r(( l�'uari: ::SL.;F.'- .s:.,.4.: :t.Ii�V1,1i1b.5U,iA:iial.UCL� i ' , .rt. •J�I`!:t.5`i t.�bY �c ,, i +',ivt•,,r ,..ikcit +^. 31 �'<.t a '.m ,7' ii'i 1'+ ..:xly 1� . .t.��;,k' I , 1 r a.F ba3�, rK,�+�r`�+�t 1" ����,:�-.+ ,. ,�t�a �"r''�, r' , t em i '+'' r�o.: .��i.:t..u.._ �;74�{t.S�-li%:-� ��53; .�;�.. i -a�1`��'Y�X'�7^Y1 } fL;,,,w�',,��,, ,ti',CN ,ill , ., ,, "45+�' '1 ,i ;r"'a T;a 1 • aik I'i' ],, margin of the Northern Pacific Railway right of way; yit • . , thence Northerly, along said Easterly margin, to the ' .,; North line of said subdivision; thence East, along said North line , to the point of beginning; EXCEPT '!I • the North 80 feet thereof; situate in the City of ; Renton, County of King, State of Washington; • ;;: and that the best interests of the City of Renton and the public in 111 general will be served by an exchange of aforesaid property for . the I ;c following described property, same to be dedicated and used for park, 4,1 !ail playground and other municipal recreational purposes, (Xxxiti lxakxkkx 1'� r; Itif0Max kbaaxxx2xx XXxEg4xM gITImxxx kxIdaxxk xx;ututig xiWOMAg3cx x All that part of lots 26 to 51, both inclusive, in l block 361 of Co D. Hillman 's Lake Washington Garden ' of Eden Addition to the City of Seattle, Division No. j� 5, according to plat thereof recorded in volume 11 of .. . r plats, page 83, records of said county, as delineated 'j on Sheet No, 3 of map prepared by Udo Hesse and filed iij in King County Superior. Court Cause No, 156371, together - i! with all the shore lands in front thereof, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the southwesterly boundary of said lot 51 as delineated on said Udo Hesse map, per® pendicularly distant westerly 170.0 feet from the center line of the track and right of way of the "Lake Washington 'r - Belt Line" of the Northern Pacific Railway Company; thence i northwesterly along the said southwesterly boundary of lot 51, a distance of 1080 feet, more or less, to the Y Inner Harbor Line; thence north 4.5°45' east 721.076 ' i feet along the Inner Harbor Line to an angle point in said line; thence south 19°45' east along a production . of the Inner Harbor Line , 320 feet, more or less to the ;j ,s line between Lots 32 and 33 in said block 361; thence 1 south 58°13 '58" east along the said line 120,0 feet; thence north 70°38 ' east 100 feet, more or less, to a point perpendicularly distant southwesterly 170 feet,. ';;, from the said center line of track and right of way;-:'. ' thence southerly parallel with the said center line to the point of •beginning; ALSO . All that part of the shore lands fronting upon government lot 1 in section 8 and government let 4 in section 5, town: ship 23 north, range 5 east of the Willamette Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly boundary of lot 51 in block 361 of C. Da Hillman' s Garden of Eden' i Addition to the City of Seattle , Division No. 5, as j delineated on Sheet Noe 3 of marj repared by Udo Hesse,. . and filed in King County Superior Court Cause No. 156371, with the Inner Harbor°Line; thence south 45°45! west 317.915 feet; thence south WI 15 ' east 680 feet, more or less, to ' - • the line between sections 5 and 8 in said township and : range produced; thence east along' the said section line produced 630 feet, more or less, to a point perpendicularly distant easterly 170 feet from the center line of the track and the right of way of the "Lake Washington' Belt. Line" of the Northern Pacific Railway Company; thence ' northerly, parallel with said center line, to a point ' ' in the southwesterly boundary of said lot 51; thence northwesterly along said southwesterly boundary 1080 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning; all ' . .. . • situated in the County of King, State of Washington. '. . . • _2- , .,... ,..,...� ...:..... .. .•,....:r).}. .�.�s,,.r r..k,,i.�.... . n.... :eq.,C;�n >,�),- .:>. ::;;; :Vi�Y-�o9',. ,' :2. ;"t. •S;.,R.. .3... ,,.,' a .'S��.7.Y!::e: J;Ak r. ,7:.. .`tls ut,<C: .. �,.1. o- i .,L*.-e :�° ,'v kt:: .'s "7 , ':,.(, tc .,t, ' r..; =vM. c:l,3. (,:ems.. t'•.':.:':i' ,G •t' t•.� „. ... � :bin�, ,,. ...'J, i.. ..r r ,;i.,^ '�W, drl.� „r� :@C 'a..>i 'V �,e n;::+S.u9'i,.,.t:'•..,...!.......:.....•.,,..... ..',hk.t . .,, .,...,,.,,..�.r..,".,:...(., .. ,....., ..........,.. . . .._. i..a,•;z)a :> . ,,,,,l;;;ji ;lt,^ �ti'<vr: %' !ti 1 M5. ,•t';.,,,..{ ,, !,r,:�%• 'a,•.,i,i; Irl' x�,}G ,t�.,t'Sb J,15nt�sis "r.N iiir� ,t', '+.4;it,:,. . � :.i ..,.....��........ •:•... . i.•.3, ,,.....:r.. .. .,,, .li l•: YLi:��`:I�%•' w�`-`;4". .b Z..,A}a. � fit....._...................... .. ., � 9 .. ,.� ........ nr ,vn:,.,..:,r:�:;�ya.�L - xr. �.t, ,n1•r.... �a. .a',., l .+ ��1's.��,.:�;x�s{. 'a' °i.r:, %at..,o-y}1 ,(•�'a.1;.41,. s,r+,x�,,.>t,.,,a;. r.,' •''�! `;ti...,._.,. _,....•...... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,'.i . �.• ..,'.,: a ".... ..r,, ' .... :'ii;'X„e'.� k..r'`W ',L ..8. ..p , � •,•7,,..,. .V.L' ..7:. .k „t, ::x.: ksi'. :: .,i:.t U•: ;!: ;i ,4. ,;r•:• a.(' A e ,+ ''.%i r,�t::' •i t 'H'� a'I .f ::r: "lh• ,,{Y,s is 1, aYi? ,i,, ,t'.: r.d,, r rT: ^°� ",it. K;°� . ..V.i 'i i a s �'' ti.. �` Ott, ryd::,'-' ,,�.. :;+,iir x �is y ;r'-.. .r Y.•r': .F , f': ,�' 'ids ':1; r Si 'V, I 'Y'S.i tt ,r f .J.r.c!'YP :arl�!:t'` {�.s i r�-n,{jt �1'! 4.h: �zii��:C:i.;. i. r 'd I '%iXK% :fit': aati}c �Y.i',".., r't. ,7.',fit!' i.1. `.v•' r,, mot, t ,a /r ` r Cii�S :f"2'1 ,'n Yt 'i"-; i r � -R 'Y t 'Y,�� J i�, ri� i�"i'1 1,� ;i�.,3 i'y,., 'i1 �'[�'. !%h ,YK:Y,,.i,' tr..' . .,� �„'�';.� h., riFB.!:'�i?`64 I '�iY,'r ...,;'.; r .• ' !. <ii1tJiiii;ii V.Sf a „lt Lt,'. :ir1:ri't 7,: F�tt'Id, ;;'::,"„t::;.r'„•i 'tr.1, '. %.. . . „r 7ir,'.�(. V` SPt, ,!'„1. 3 ,i.,.i;ai,.I..l. i, ,d. .!. .t. ,.!i'C„ t' ^1.., .1 H.! ,:frr.....•t!f:,i.1:''^ ,y''.a;; "l'. y U .c,y'tyrt ,. f x�l'" ,�• y�i•• ,r, ::�;r;' aait!iitii . ,,,� .,:.', .�.,+ ..,r,: `: ,�_ ,a .t„.,:C,, Alfii;il• r .s`� t..i; .,1 ,rs,. t '1:'' ! lnt.Pas i.;, h .e .s.,i!' iK;�rit,,,;t;i L s. is . 1•g�{<!.r.' '.! !1: t ti ,.r. ,.R' it;i"!ik £' �.�J,% ,i', ,J, 1- ,i � rtt°d;1 {a,.d.;,i.��• �irh!:�.arJ,'..11� ,,.,..:.., .?:_ 9^ ' -i.l.'k`.".: �1"A�a v! .z1..n.�d' .�;�t 't .,+T,�` '�§.'(�.f.a15 .. - 1::;!..!,s :tr .u � r...,,,.,..',i,.u..3:!..........__�._•._? _c^?:Vcco:: ..,.::i�....�sr.,��.:�....,--Wttl:,:�'�'� s�ud�„t."1�„�.'..:`?�:�: '{c:it:.lirU jt:C;3i',irltiy�=�+�Sr•n"!:!Y L t r{��Lct:!::HiJ t.Ci�.<it:� 1 , ! PI . i,l' i.sn, • !{{II r v y '.11 :J ,i j , SECTION II: The Mayor and the City Council of. the City of f Ii 16, Renton hereby expressly consent and agree to the exchange of properties ';! as hereinabove described. Title to the property thus conveyed by the ' :i !°t,lj City in such exchange shall vest in the Grantee free and clear of any .::Vi,Ali trust in favor of the public arising out of the prior grant or dedication.11N . `i1 SECTION III: The Mayor and the City Clerk of the City of Renton are hereby authorized and directed to execute, deliver, and/or accept A appropriate instruments of conveyance to effectuate such exchange of • I, said properties. iA .:1 .yi , .,I PASSED BY THE' CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF. RENTON this 15th day ' of March, I k ,,-. , • • t1-5'2;':: ;t -31"!:// , . . F� d Shaff, , ity Clerk ' ; 3 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 15th day of March.,'• 955: . `;.n; :i3 ;18 i ' (4-\,;‘ )--- k---4-11:/ /‘" . • • 111 Joe R. ,Baxter, Mayor' •f+ • • A roved as to form: / , GerardFlo S ell an Assistant City Attorney C • • 1 • Minutes`of the Renton City Coui'fl Meeting - 2-14-66 PUBLIC HEARING: Disposition of, ke Washington Beach Park Prope This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication was read from Jerome and Adeline Faull opposing relinquishment of the Lake Shore property and recom- mending development and improvement for use by the public as a recreational park. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that this letter be referred to the Property Com- mittee. The motion carried. ` Audience comment was invited at this time. Mr. Dean Morgan was introduced and represent- ing the Boeing Company, outlined the proposed exchange of properties, including service and monetary considerations,which were presented with the aid of maps and charts to illustrate various factors. Included in the exchange would be a purchase for benefit of the City of 1.8 acres of the Foss owned property at cost of $77,000.00; provide 1175' of culvert material; reclaiming thereby 1.22 acres of land, $80,000.00; perpetual signal maintenance contract for railroad crossing, $12,500.00 and install cyclone fence with cedar slats along property line, $4,725.00, or any combination in lieu thereof as the City may wish per prior discussion. The Boeing Company expansion plans were outlined and the need for the additional high bay area now occupied by Puget Sound Power and Light Company which cannot be sold until land is acquired to relocate existing buildings and facilities which,as proposed, would be the 3.5 acres Boeing desires to secure from the City to exchange with Puget. Audience comment was invited and those persons making inquiry and speaking in opposition to the transfer of property included Mr. Tom Cooke, who pointed out that 4 acres of land were available across the street which Puget Power might utilize for relocations in lieu of the City land. He also inquired regarding right of public domain and it was pointed out that the City has condemnation rights but must have funds available to so act. Mr. Addison Ames inquired whether the proposal will infringe upon existing buildings and'if a'm i__na.would .be in. future development plans. Infringement was designated on the 3.5 acres and a marina had been planned as a facility in the finished pattern. Upon inquiry P? re tor, ,Gene . Coulon, in connection with this particular development program, pointed out that an inventory had been taken so that the City might qualify for funds and that a six-year plan for park development and acquisition has been filed wherein a need to acquire additional property within two years adjacent to the Lake Washington Beach Park property was designated,as shown also • in the 701 Plan which denotes need for acquisition to meet pressing needs of the Puget Sound area. Mr. Morgan stated that the building in question (sailing club structure) could be relocated if it is to be subject to infringement; the. Boeing Company would make such accommodation as may be necessary. Others speaking regarding relocation of the Puget Sound facilities and opposing the property trade included Mr. Charles Shane, Dr. and Mrs Bardarson, Mr. and Mrs. David Gosse, Charles Stimson, Dr. Peter Roffey, Mr. James Marenakos, Wilburt Olson, Mrs. Phyllis McGerry and Ben Wagner. Inquiries included question why :trade based on sq. ft. per sq. ft. was not made and Mr. Morgan advised this had been attempted but the land was not available for such negotiation. Also speaking during ensuing discussion were Ann Pile, Elizabeth Rivily, Frank Ives and Phillip Erwin. Prior trade of portion of Mothers Park for the Lake Washington Beach property was, brought up and inquiry made as to whether restrictions had been transferred in the transaction. Park Board Member Tom Teasdale recalled that at the time the park had been acquired on Lake Washington the legislators were informed, and it was the intent that the property be likewide dedicated for park and recreation purposes only. Upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan advised that Mr. Lee Monahan had donated Mothers Park to the City with restricted use and that later heirs had claimed interest and at this time had been paid and the interest released and restrictions removed with no transfer of restrictions being made in the exchange. Mr. Shellan pointed out that under the law a City has the right to exchange or trade property with a Municipal Corporation or with private parties, 1. If they find the part that is traded is of no further use to the City and 2. If the transaction would be of benefit to the general public. If the Council feels that even though some land is being lost the money makes up for the difference then the Council only can decide this. He also stated that the City may condemn as far up the lake as it has money for, however cautioned against , just after selling, its buying property it has just disposed of for private use, as problems may arise. Park Director Coulon advised that in 1954 the Park Board, City Council and Planning Commission had instructed him to look for water front property and that 15+ acres were traded forthis .22 acres of swamp which was subsequently filled and sloped to provide maintenance at less cost with thought in mind it could be later developed, and that work has been done over the past year and a half toward securing matching funds to proceed. The Six year report said in the first part of 1968 the City would attempt to acquire an additional 5-10 acres.f The recommended acreage is 4 acres per 1000 persons and we are short 22 acres according to present population. Question arose as to effect the exchange may have on the City's application for aid, $55,000 having been allocated pursuant to application filed with the Interagency Committee which application would now be changed in content. It was felt in the near future with the $110,000,00 ,development of the area might be commenced. Mr. Coulon asked that the application be kept active and accordingly the Park Board felt no other action could be . taken. Mr. Coulon displayed a drawing and ad4vis=d the area to be reclaimed was closer to 3/4 acre rather than 1.2 acres. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-14-1966 PUBLIC HEARING (Cont.) Lake Wn. Beach Park Property President of the Council Bruce Hulse advised that since matter of park development has come up he wished to announce that the Council has scheduled a public hearing on Park Development and Acquisition on April 4th at which time stock will be taken and some determination made as to what action is to be taken in pursuance of the Six-Year Park Program and putting it into effect which will be dependent upon what the Park Board, the Council and the people of the community want to do. If development is desired they can get behind a bond issue and raise enough money to get the job done. This is only a small part of the 701 Comprehensive Plan program and Capital Improvement plan but anyone interested is invited to be present in the Council Chambers on April 4th. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, that Council concur in the recommendations of the Property Committee as submitted on February 14th, accepting the offer by the Boeing Company with exception that $92,500 be accepted in cash to be used for park develop- ment with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee, all of which was felt to be in the best public interest and the subject property no longer of use for park purposes. Councilman Hulse, referring to control of water in front of the Foss property through the inner harbor line relocation and to the fence already in place, the hope to trade on square foot for square foot basis, reclaiming question and railroad maintenance contract where legal problems may be involved, and with deference to the Comprehensive Plan and application for matching funds, stated he would have to vote against the motion. Perry called attention to recommendations that the reclaiming is not necessary for the park development and that the area to be exchanged had been for anticipated parking use which can be relocated onto the Foss property, and referring to inner harbor line re- location outlined approximate 500 ft. of land was available for use as well as the island for additional development. After further discussion on funds to be available and property to be developed, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that in place of the recommendation of the Property Committee, motion be substituted that the land negotiations be held to square ft. per square ft. basis. Inquiry was made as to whether this meant improved for unimproved property and dollar value for dollar value. Perry and Pedersen stated this would not resolve the problem this having been tried unsuccessfully during the past nine months, that the negotiations had been in good faith and the offer is a fair one and to start all over again will accomplish nothing. Gianini stated he had not favored selling park property and recalled 20-25 years ago when the City had no industry and wanted it and now that it was here and the Property Committee has been appointed to act on behalf of the Council, he felt the Council should back the Committee. Vote was taken on the pending substitute motion and declared lost. Vote by roll call was requested by at least two members and resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Schellert No: Bruce, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. The motion lost. Schellert called attention to rezone which will be necessitated in order for Puget Power to use the property for their purposes and moved to refer the matter to the Planning Commission to determine uses which could be justified in the area. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist. After discussion regarding whether the motion was in order and Attorney Shellan's comment that a motion to refer has priority, the vote was taken and motion declared lost. Roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Bruce, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. No: Hulse, Schellert and Dahlquist. The motion was lost. Question was called for on original or main motion to concur in the Property Committee recommendation of February 14th with exception that $92,500 be accepted in cash to be used for park development with referral of the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Bruce,. Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry and Delaurenti. No: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist and Poli. The motion carried. Recess was declared at this time. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. COMMUNICATIONS : A statement was read of architectural services by Johnston-Campanella on the Renton Public Library for the month of January, 1966 in sum of $678.40. Estimate No. 9, C.A.G. 832-64. Certificate No. 8, recommended for payment in sum of $56,211.54 for work completed to February 25, 1966 by A. V. Phillips on the new Renton Public Library Contract construct,un, Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the payments with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. -5- . :vi .nutss Of the Renton City Counc= 1eeting 2-14-66 PUBLIC HEARING: Disposition of Washington Beach Park Proper' This being the date set, the hearing was declared open. Communication was read from Jerome and AdelineFaull opposing relinquishment of the Lake Shore property and recom- mending development and improvement for use by the public as a recreational park. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Bruce, that this letter be referred to the Property Com- mittee. The motion carried. Audience comment was invited at this time. Mr. Dean Morgan was introduced and represent- ing the Boeing Company, outlined the proposed exchange of properties, including service and monetary considerations,which were presented with the aid of maps and charts to illustrate various factors. Included in the exchange would be a purchase for benefit of the City of 1.8 acres of the Foss owned property at cost of $77,000.00; provide 1175' of culvert material, reclaiming thereby 1.22 acres of land, $80,000.00; perpetual signal maintenance contract for railroad crossing, $12,500.00 and install cyclone fence with cedar slats along property line, $4,725.00, or any combination in lieu thereof as the City may wish per prior discussion. The Boeing Company expansion plans were outlined and the need for the additional high bay area now occupied by Puget Sound Power and Light Company which cannot be sold until land is acquired to relocate existing buildings and facilities which,as proposed, would be the 3.5 acres Boeing desires to secure from the City to exchange with Puget. Audience comment was invited and those persons making inquiry and speaking in opposition to the transfer of property included Mr. Tom Cooke, who pointed out that 4 acres of land were available across the street which Puget Power might utilize for relocations in lieu of the City land. He also inquired regarding right of public domain and it was pointed out that the City has condemnation rights but must, have funds available to so act. Mr. Addison Ames inquired whether the proposal will infringe upon existing buildings and'if a 'ni.0 na.would be in. future development plans. Infringement was designated on the 3.5 acres and a marina had been planned as a facility in the finished pattern. Upon inquiry t 7,-41 F:.tcctor, .Gene . Coulon, in connection with this particular development program, pointed out that an inventory had been taken so that the City might qualify for funds and that a six-year plan for park development and acquisition has been filed wherein a need to acquire additional property within two years adjacent to the Lake Washington Beach Park property was designated,as shown also . in the 701 Plan which denotes need for ecqu3.sition to meet pressing needs of the Puget Sound area. Mr. Morgan stated that the building in question (sailing club structure) could be relocated if it is to be subject to infringement; the• Boeing Company would make such accommodation as may be necessary. Others speaking regarding relocation of the Puget Sound facilities and opposing the property trade included Mr. Charles Shane, Dr. and Mrs Bardarson, Mr. and Mrs. David Gosse, Charles Stimson, Dr. Peter Roffey, Mr. James Marenakos, Wilburt Olson, Mrs. Phyllis McGerry and Ben Wagner. Inquiries included question why :trade based on sq. ft. per sq. ft. was not made and Mr. Morgan advised this had been attempted but the land was not available for such negotiation. Also speaking during ensuing discussion were Ann Pile, Elizabeth Rivily, Frank Ives and Phillip Erwin. Prior trade of portion of Mothers Park for the Lake Washington Beach property was, brought up and inquiry made as to whether restrictions had been transferred in the transaction. Park Board Member Tom Teesdale recalled that at the time the park had been acquired on Lake Washington the legislators were informed, and it was the intent that the property be likewide dedicated for park and recreation purposes only. Upon inquiry City Attorney Shellan advised that Mr. Lee Monohan had donated Mothers Park to the City with restricted use and that later heirs had claimed interest and at this time had been paid and the interest released and restrictions removed with no transfer of restrictions being made in the exchange. Mr. Shellan pointed out that under the law a City has the right to exchange or trade property with a Municipal Corporation or with private parties, 1. If they find the part that is traded is of no further use to the City and 2. If the transaction would be of benefit to the general public. If the Council feels that even though some land is being lost the money makes up for the difference then the Council only can decide this. He also stated that the City may condemn as far up the lake as it has money for, however cautioned against , just after selling, its buying property it has just disposed of for private use, as problems may arise. Park Director Coulon advised that in 1954 the Park Board, City Council and Planning Commission had instructed him to look for water front property and that 15+ acres were traded tortilla .22 acres of swamp which was subsequently filled and sloped to provide maintenance at less cost with thought in mind it could be later developed, and that work has been done over the past year and a half toward securing matching funds to proceed. The Six year report said in the first part of 1968 the City would attempt to acquire an additional 5-10 acres. The recommended acreage is 4 acres per 1000 persons and we are short 22 acres according to present population. Question arose as to effect the exchange may have on the City's application for aid, $55,000 having been allocated pursuant to application filed with the Interagency Committee which application would now be changed in content. It was felt in the near future with the $110,000.00 ,development of the area might be commenced. Mr. Coulon asked that the application be kept active and accordingly the Park Board felt no other action could be taken. Mr. Coulon displayed a drawing and adds.sd the area to be reclaimed was closer to 3/4 acre rather than 1.2 acres. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 3-14-1966 PUBLIC HEARING (Cont.) Lake Wn. Beach Park Property President of the Council Bruce Hulse advised that since matter of park development has come up he wished to announce that the Council has scheduled a public hearing on Park Development and Acquisition on April 4th at which time stock will be taken and some determination made as to what action is to be taken in pursuance of the Six-Year Park Program and putting it into effect which will be dependent upon what the Park Board, the Council and the people of the community want to do. If development is desired they can get behind a bond issue and raise enough money to get the job done. This is only a small part of the 701 Comprehensive Plan program and Capital Improvement plan but anyone interested is invited to be present in the Council Chambers on April 4th. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Schellert, that the hearing be closed. Carried. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, that Council concur in the recommendations of the Property Committee as submitted on February 14th, accepting the offer by the Boeing Company with exception that $92,500 be accepted in cash to be used for park develop- ment with referral to the Law and Ordinance Committee, all of which was felt to be in the best public interest and the subject property no longer of use for park purposes. Councilman Hulse, referring to control of water in front of the Foss property through the inner harbor line relocation and to the fence already in place, the hope to trade on square foot for square foot basis, reclaiming question and railroad maintenance contract where legal problems may be involved, and with deference to the Comprehensive Plan and application for matching funds, stated he would have to vote against the motion. Perry called attention to recommendations that the reclaiming is not necessary for the park development and that the area to be exchanged had been for anticipated parking use which can be relocated onto the Foss property, and referring to inner harbor line re- location outlined approximate 500 ft. of land was available for use as well as the island for additional development. After further discussion on funds to be available and property to be developed, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, that in place of the recommendation of the Property Committee, motion be substituted that the land negotiations be held to square ft. per square ft. basis. Inquiry was made as to whether this meant improved for unimproved property and dollar value for dollar value. Perry and Iedersen stated this would not resolve the problem this having been tried unsuccessfully during the past nine months, that the negotiations had been in good faith and the offer is a fair one and to start all over again will accomplish nothing. Gianini stated he had not favored selling park property and recalled 20-25 years ago when the City had no industry and wanted it and now that it was here and the Property Committee has been appointed to act on behalf of the Council, he felt the Council should back the Committee. Vote was taken on the pending substitute motion and declared lost. Vote by roll call was requested by at least two members and resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Schellert No: Bruce, Dahlquist, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. The motion lost. Schellert called attention to rezone which will be necessitated in order for Puget Power to use the property for their purposes and moved to refer the matter to the Planning Commission to determine uses which could be justified in the area. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist. After discussion regarding whether the motion was in order and Attorney Shellan's comment that a motion to refer has priority, the vote was taken and motion declared lost. Roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Bruce, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry, Delaurenti and Poli. No: Hulse, Schellert and Dahlquist. The motion was lost. Question was called for on original or main motion to concur in the Property Committee recommendation of February 14th with exception that $92,500 be accepted in cash to be used for park development with referral of the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Bruce, Gianini, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, Perry and Delaurenti. No: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist and Poli. The motion carried. Recess was declared at this time. After the recess, roll call was taken with all Council Members present as previously listed. CO' UNICATIONS : A statement was read of architectural services by Johnston-Campanella on the Renton Public Library for the month of January, 1966 in sum of $678.40. Estimate No. 9, C.A.G. 832-64. Certificate No. 8, recommended for payment in sum of $56,211.54 for work completed to February 25, 1966 by A. V. Phillips on the new Renton Public Library Contract construct..un. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the payments with referral to the Auditing and Accounting Committee. Carried. -5- �_ ALA. 6411441111 RENTON FUNERAL HOME Telephone ALpine 5-8281 300 THIRD AVENUE, RENTON, WASHINGTON March iii, 1966 To His Honor The Mayor: To the Renton City. Council; To The Property Committee: We strongly oppose the relinquishing of the Lake Shore property to the Boeing Co. We recommend the property be improved to the point that it may be used by all of the people as a recreation park. 711, ,erome V. F 1 Adeline Faull � t Y p i t nrr 11, 6141*All kc. klM11.1: R N T • N F• U " : ERA HOME . Telephone Alpine 5=8281 300 THIRD AVENUE, RENTON, WASHINGTON• March lit", 1966 To His Honor The Mayor: To the Renton City Council; To The Property'Connittee s ' We strongly oppose the relinquishing of the Lake Shore property to the BoeingCo. We recommend the property be improved .to the paint,, ' . that it may be used by all of the people as a recreation park. • • ,erome V. F 1 Adeline Faull tl: . 1 ri/- Minutes of Renton City Council Meeting (Cont.) 3-7-66 A letter read from Victor TeGantvoort, Street Commissioner advised of expiration of Lease agreement between the City and Mrs. Anna Elliott for the lease of her gravel pit and it was suggested that a new agreement be executed for an additional three year period, commencing May 1, 1966. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Property Committee. Carried. A letter read from Mr. Edward R. Haines, 19833 - 106th Ave. S.E., Renton, requested to lease property on the East bank of the Cedar River Waterway lying North of 6th Avenue North, identified on Engineering Map B-9.2-50 as Parcels 1, 2 and 3. Moved by Perry, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the matter to the Property Committee. The motion carried. A -letter from Leo A. Daly & Associates, requested, on behalf of The Boeing Company, certain easements in connection with proposed improvement of Lot 15 and prior sewage treatment plant site east of Cedar River and South of 6th Avenue - LAD Job No. 221565, Nine Airplane Positions - Apron "D" . Easement instruments were attached. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the request to the City Engineer and Property Committee. Carried. A letter from the Washington State Highway Commission, P. J. McKay, District Engineer, advised of Federal Aid route hearing at 10:00 a.m. on March 23rd at the Kent City Hall, 303 West Gowe Street regarding C.S. 1740 SSH 2-M (SR 181), Kent West Bypass RL 94. An informal pre-hearing will be held March 22nd during hours of 1:30 p.m. and 5:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. . Considered will be the proposed improvement of Secondary State Highway No. 2-M (West Valley Highway) by realignment to bypass the commercial areas of Kent beginning in vicinity of South 262nd Street, Northwesterly to Meeker Street and then North and Northeast to a connecting with SSH 2-M near South 228th Street. All interested persons were invited to attend. A letter from the Renton League of Women Voters, Mrs. Donald Hamblin, President, referred to matter of Lake.Washington Park property and suggested referral to the Planning Commission for hearing,changes in the Comprehensive Plan and rezone being involved, and also, a "cooling off period" since the Council has final decision. Delaurenti suggested the League be advised that the matter has been to the Planning Commission and that a hearing has been set for next Monday. A letter from Planning Director Ericksen submitted Planning Commission recommendations from its public hearing meeting of February 23rd which were read with Council actions taken as follows: 1. PLAT: Preliminary Plat of Rolling Hills Village No. 3, the 3rd stage development proposed for single family residential use, Appl. S-279-66 area bounded by Puget Drive, 116th Ave. S.E. and S.E. 160th Street, the proposed plat is in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan and adoption is recommended with 501 Cul de sacs in lieu of 401 as shown as required by Ordinance. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. 2. REZONE:Application-R-286-66, Michael Mastro, from R-3 to B-1, property located on Benson Road north of S.E. 168th Street. Proposed use would be extension of existing B-1 use at intersection. The Comprehensive Plan indicates Multiple Family Residential use in the subject area, however the proposed use is considered feasible for a neighborhood type shopping facility and approval was recommended subject to change: of the Comprehensive Land Use Map to reflect a business use. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the rezone request to the Planning Com- mittee, the area not in accord with the Land use map. Carried. 3. REZONE: Appl. R-288-66, Ralph Richardson, from G-7200 to B-1, property located at intersection of S.E. corner of Benson Road and S.E. 166th Street. Proposed use is for a service station and although the Comprehensive Plan indicates multiple family residential use, the location appears to be a logical business use area and the Commission recommended aprroval of the request subject to change of Comprehensive Plan to reflect proposed use. Councilman Perry recalling that some months ago it had been requested that the Planning Commission not submit recommendations with contingencies, moved that the matter be referred back to the Planning Commission until rezone is in accordance with the Plan. The motion was seconded by Bruce, and during discussion, Planning Director Erickson noted that upon the inception of the Comprehensive Plan only major business areas and centers had been considered with small neighborhood type centers not having been taken into consideration and as requests were made and the zoning being logical and feasible use of the areas,handling of the problem was now confronting the Commission and requests had been forwarded to the Council. -2- 1),!? /1/64/j/1"iiiAj6) . 1114 j)P (P o March 8, 1966 Pu Mrs. Donald Hamblin, President, Renton League of Women Voters 13025 - 188th Avenue S.E. Renton, Washington Dear League Members: , Pursuant to your letter of March 7 which was presented to the City Council on the same date,at its regular meets pg, we are directed to advise that the matter of the Lake Washington Beach Park property has been referred to the Planning Commission heretofore and a Public Hearing has been set on 1+hrch 14, 1966 at 8:00 p.m. in the Coi`tncil Chambers at City Hall for dis- cussion of the property. 9 Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk HWN/dm \ \\ 09 6.2 • • 014 • March 7,. 196 J nton City Council honton,. Washington hontlernen: While The Lo ague of Women Voters has no position on 'the Luke Washington Park issue we do,, boever, wish to point out that: When the council can reasonably anticipate public concern over decisions or cha.nes involTv its" the ConiprehensiveFian, the council might find it aG vie able to refer the ]flatter to the p1 anninc c cL!ni i s s i.on., In other words we are su ;jestin ; e cooling off period , realizing that the council has the final authority. There seems to be an. indication of a chanEe in tiie Compre- hensive Flan which, if so, must by state law. be referred to the Planning Commission for public hearings. t There is also a rezone involved which also be referred to the Planning Commission. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely, Mrs. Donald Hamblin, President Renton Loague of Women Voters Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-28=6U COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (Cont.) Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, reported that his Committee [17\ had met with the Park Board and other Council Members last Thursday and again this . evening and no further progress has been made on the Lake Washington Beach Park matter insofar as any mutual agreement is concerned and it was recommended that a public hearing date of March 14th be set, for public review of the matter. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur and the City Engineer was requested to furnish. a map showing all encroachments and pertinent features for exhibit. The motion carried. Mr. Charles Shane stated he would like to call attention to the fact that the same members who were opposed to sale of the property to him were now in favor of selling and he wished to make inquiry of each member beginning with Mr. Pedersen. Remarks from the audience were declared out of order at this time and Mr. Shane was invited to speak later in the meeting when audience comment is invited. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to move the next item of business. Pedersen advised he would willingly answer any questions at the proper time in the conduct of business but that the regular order should not be interrupted by comment from other than Council Members.. The pending motion carried. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, submitted his report regarding referral of possible removal of parking from Garden Street between 8th Ave. North and Lake Wn. Blvd. Attention was called to previous action,when the area parking was restricted, and upon a . request of The Boeing Company to utilize the street for parking purposes the subsequent lifting of the restriction. Due to the expansion program presently under way the problem in the area has not yet reached its peak. The Boeing Co. is aware of the need for additional parking area and is negotiating at present for additional land. Inasmuch as Garden Street is not a part of the City's arterial street system, serving primarily only as access to the Boeing Parking lots and since critical need still exists, the Committee recommended parking not be restricted until additional off-street parking areas are developed. Moved by Poll, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Delaurenti, Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, submitted Committee report also signed by the City Engineer, that bids on 1966 water main equipment be awarded various Companies as follows: Award to low bids of Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe:Schedule A, $113,420.73 and Schedule B, $ 9,102.39 and second low bid on Schedule C, $15,512.88 inasmuch as low bidder, Western Utilities Supply qualified the bid to extent that.the City would have to unload the material. They also made an error of app. $300 per valve on the 16" valves. The second low bid exceeds the low bid by $44.39. Schedule D to low bidder Pacific Water Works Supply Company, $4,514.47 and Schedule E to low bidder H. D. Fowler, Inc. in total amount of $1,522.28. Moved by Trimm, and seconded by Gianini, to concur in the bid awards as recommended. Carried. The review of the City's Fire Zone Districts had been referred to the Fire and Water Committee and Councilman Delaurenti reported that the Committee recommends a public hearing be set for March 28th for review of proposed amendment to the present Fire Zone Ordinance and modification of the maps. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendations. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that City of Renton Vouchers No. 2468 through 2520, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, along with L.I,O. #255 Cash Fund Warrants 2,3,4 and 5 and L.I.D. #255 Revenue Fund Warrants 2 and 3, be approved for payment. Carried. Fund Breakdown follows: Current Fund #2468 - 2494 $ 4,731.21 City Street Fund 2495 - 2496 30.62 Off-Street Parking 2497 16.93 Equipment Rental 2498 - 2499 57.04 Parks 2500 - 2501 168.84 Water Works Utility 2502 - 2507 3,641.09 Airport 2508 - 2511 285.44 Firemen's Pension Fund 2512 - 2520 1,064.66 L.I.D. 255 Cash Fund Warrant #2, $ 954.54 #3, 59.57 #4, 500.00 #5, 859.36 L.I.D. Revenue Fund Warrant #2 $1,514.11 #3 859.36 -3- , Minutes Of the Rehtor ity Council Meeting 2-21-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont. )- Plahning Commission Recommendations: 2. Preliminary Plat of Pacific Coast Railroad Company' s Ear'lington properties in vicinity of 7th Avenue and extension of 87th Avenue South., The proposed Plat is in accdrd with the Comprehensive Plan.. Councilman Mot'ris, referring to a letter from the Pacific Coast • R.R. Company, directed to Planning Director Ericksen, outlining pro- visions and stipulations relative to the Plat, moved to concur in the Planning Commission recoit►tendation to approve the Plat with deletion of the next to last paragraph of the Railroad Company' s letter which. provides for reversion to the railroad company- on May 1, 1976 of the subject land unless the City, prior to that date, has constructed the extension of 87th Avenue South from 7th Ave.. So... to a .Connection with Sunset Highway. The motion was seconded by Hulse and discussion ensued. After recommendation that the reversion date be effected in event the construction has been commenced instead of completed, it was moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Planning Committee, several points having been offered which it was. felt needed_ further discussion. Mr. Paul Tjossem, Attorney for Great Northern Railway Company, advised of , the need for early action there having been some delay of extent during- time the matter was before the Planning Commission. Several Council Members expressed opinion that action: should be taken without additional delay and' spoke against the motion including, Pedersen, Garrett, Morris . - . . and Perry. Schellert felt to oppose would establish precedent. Verbal vote on the pending motion resulted in majority no vote and the motion was declared lost. Moved. by Garrett, seconded by Pedersen, to amend the present pending motion: by makixig .the f,oJ.1'wing substitution-unless the City has commenced the construction of an• extension by May.i;: 1966 the property will revert to the Railroad Company. Hulse pointed out that the arterial plan included this street and if need is warranted the right of way would be under con- struction within ten years. The amendment was voted upon- at this time and carried. and the original motion,. as amended, to concur in the recom- mendation with provision for- commencement by May 1, 1.967, also carri.ed... The letter from the Railroad' Company was amended by Mr. Tjossem to con,- form to the Council' s action,. and the Mayor advised that. the Preliminary Plat 'was now; accepted.. Recess. was declared at this time.. After the recess roll was taken and all. Counci,l Members were present as previously listed.. Upon inquiry by Hulse regarding effect of prior action on future develop ment insofar as time limit is concerned,. City Attorney Shellan advised that it was not• likely that precedent would be. set unless a situation arises• involving industrial plat bordering the railroad... • Letter from Mr.. Dwight Gardner, Citizen's Advisory Committee,, Green River Flood Control Zone District,. submitted names of the five-man Committee. and advised of offer to cooperate in any way to assist development of the Watershed Project in the best manner consistent with Comprehensive Planning. A letter from: Planning Director Ericksen submitted Planning Commission recommendation- from its meeting of February. 9th that the Council' be advised of the. critical need for park': and recreational land with. par ticilar emphasis on the need for public- water access and the •Commission.: would like to. go on record as opposing any sale of park property.: with res edt. :to, the need for the City. to acquire additional park land while it. is still available. The Commission requested to be advised of any negotiations relative to the sale or trade of park or' recreational. property in view of public interest involved. Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-21-66 PROCLAMATIONS: (Cont. ) Proclamation by Mayor Custer was read designating the week of March 6 through 12, 1966 as "Housing for the Handicapped Week" wherein all organizations of the physically handicapped, agencies and committees serving the handicapped are called upon, along with the general public to give recognition and observance to this week in an effort to aid Correction of existing housing problems of the handicapped. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to concur in the Proclamation. Carried. A Proclamation was read calling attention to the concert to be presented by Mr. Milton Katims and the Seattle Symphony Orchestra on February 27th at the Renton High School auditorium at 3:00 p.m. , for the enjoyment of all interested citizens of our City. Citizens were encouraged to attend this. cultural activity which is afforded our community only once each year. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Poli, to concur in the Mayor' s Proclamation. The motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse, President of the Council, submitted Committee of the Whole report with recommendations as follows: Recommended the Mayor, City Attorney and Property Committee be authorized to negotiate a contract at cost of $10,000 with Architects, Johnston-Campanella Co. , Inc. , so that planning for the new city hall may be commenced. Moved by Perry, seconded by Schellert, to concur. After discussion, it was moved by Garrett, seconded by Delaurenti, to amend the motion to include recommendations that the amount of contract cost shall not exceed $10,000 and that the contract be drawn with phases and definite designation of services and program to be covered by the fee. The motion to amend carried and subsequently the original motion as amended. Recommended to allow the request for a new Steno I, Grade 14, ($355-$431_ with allowance made for third step, for the Building Dep' t. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Recommended to refer the letter from the Allied Arts, Inc. regarding placement of ballfield and a grandstand in Cedar River Park in lieu of Liberty Park, to the PP.rk Board for recommendation. The motion carried. In other actions, Chief Walls outlined details of Fire Department need for training site and it was decided to leave the matter in the Fire and Water Committee. Mayor Custer requested to consult with each Council Member regarding changes in Council Committee assignments and no objection was raised. Initiative 226 was tabled for this time. Councilman Schellert, Ways and Means Committee Chairman, reported financial position of the City regarding available funds in various budget accounts. Councilman Schellert, submitted Ways and Means Commttee report recommending that approximate sum of $270.00 for purchase of desk for the City Clerk' s office, be funded from Cumulative Reserve Fund #1182. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur. Carried. Councilman Pedersen, Chairman of the Property Committee, submitted letter which was read as written by Mr. J. D. Bixby, Director of Facili- ties, The Boeing Company outlining proposals relative to the Lake Washing- ton Beach Park property which reaffirmed the previous offer with exception of the fencing costs in sum of $4, 725, and Boeing would be willing to adjust the offer to provide any combination of materials or services or cash to extent of original offer or, should the City desire, will pay $169, 500 cash with understanding that Boeing would install the fencing at the earliest possible date. Also, e tra fill materialis available at present and 10,000 cubic yards will be placed on the park property if so desired, the construction schedule requiring immediate disposition, and is not contingent upon transfer of the park property, -6- Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 2-21-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont. ) Councilman Pedersen reported that .the Property Committee recommends the original proposal be accepted, it being considered fair and equitable. Moved by Morris, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter back to the Property Committee pending renegotiation,with Park Board included,, and to also report, there having been previous joint referral of the matter. After some discussion and suggested motion lacking second the vote was taken and upon voiced dissent, roll call was properly requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Schellert, Dahlquist, Gianini, Poli, Delaurenti and Morris. No: Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm, and Perry. Seven ayes votes and four no votes were cast and the motion carried. Delaurenti suggested meeting of the Council Members Saturday at 10:00 a.m. to visit the Park property. Councilman Poli submitted recommendation of the Light and Power Committee that a 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Light be installed on Pole No. 2203 on 10th Place North. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the recommendation. The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Poli, that Vouchers No. 2402 through 2467, having been previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved by the Council for payment. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 2402 - 2431 $ 2, 571.27 City Street Fund 2432 - 2438 1, 639.37 Equipment Rental Fund 2439 - 2447 2, 529.80 Park Fund 2448 - 2450 404.82 Water Works Utility 2451 - 2464 20, 177.82 1965 Water & Sewer Const. 2465 526.84 Airport 2466 11.05 Cumulative Reserve Fund 1894 246-7 10.42 $27,871.39 Councilman Hulse, Chairman of the Capital Improvement Priority Committee, reported investigation of capabilities of Electronic Stencil Producing Machine for Non-Departmental use per City Clerk' s request and it was recommended that the machine be purchased in approximate sum of $1,400 from excess of anticipated revenues, 1965. Moved by Poli, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. The motion carried. Councilman Schellert called attention to M-P zoning of property on South 180th Street with a portion zoned L-1 and H-1 and moved that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission to review consideration of zoning all M-P. The motion was seconded by Hulse and carried. Councilwoman Dahlquist referring to letter anticipated regarding parking on Garden Street, move& that parking be removed between 8th Avenue and Lake Washington Blvd. allowing 2 additional lanes of traffic movement. Failing to be seconded/the motion was declared lost, and it was pointed out that more parking facilities will be solution to such problems. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Gianini, that the Council consider its previous action in motion to refer Lake Wn. Beach property matter to the Property Committee and Park Board. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, that this motion be tabled. The, motion was declared out of order, the mak4:r,not having been on the side of prevailing vote and second motion thereby void, and not recognized by the Chair% As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. There were 18 vise rrs. -7- Mal-or.- City Clerk 1 11 Il k „ - .. , ts ,`:StNA S H i N G T O N_ the Jet Transport Capital of the World PLANNING DEPARTMENT T. - .. February 21 , 1966 1 Honorable Donald W. Custer, Mayor'. `: ' Members of the City Council ' ' Re : Disposition of Lake Washington Beach ' • `•' Property ' Gentlemen arid Mrs . : Dahlquist: - The Planning Commission at its:. meetirigof Feb_ ruary 9 , 1966 discussed the matter of •the disposition' . .: of a portion of the Lake Washington Beach Park. As -' , ' a result of this discussion the Commission has re=:. : quested .that: the City Council be informed of the crit ical need for park and recreational land with partic ., ular emphasis.: on the need for public water access . . The• .Commission would like to go on record as opposing any sale of park' .property and would like to emphasize • • ., the need for the City to acquire additional park land while it is still available. Further, the Commission requests that .the . City Council inform them of any negotiations relative to the sale or trade of park :,r or recreational. ,property, in view of the public inter- est invo1ve 'The Commission in itF5 study of Community •Facil- ' _ ities in the City of Renton 'noted with. particular 'con ern the dwindling supply of recreational land and facil- ities in relationship to population growth. Particu- lar stress is placed on the need for adequate proyi- sion for our expanding.. population. It is further em- phasized that parks and open spaces and the need for recreational facilities is an important public need, , often neglected. The: Planning Commission further con- , curs with the City Council that the needs of the citi- • tens of Renton should receive primary attention ' in .the development, program, of:•our City, and that the :recrea -bona]. needs • of the -pealip not be .forgotten. bi..n :o'r:eLy , • 7-7 % d'rdon Y • Lricksen - , / Planni Director GYE 'p c , Renton City Council Meeting 2-14-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) A letter from Gene L. Coulon, Park Director, was read submitting findings of the Park Board relative to the request of the Boeing Company and Puget Power re Lake Washington Beach Park property. Moved by Pedersen, seconded by Perry, to table the communication until later in the meeting when the Property Committee report is presented. Carried. (i-, A letter from Mrs. Phyllis M. Grimes, Secretary, Allied Arts of Renton, Inc., expressed concern over actions being considered by the Council with respect to proposed grandstand in Liberty Park, it being .suggested that such an improvement be located in Cedar River Park rather than to overcrowd Liberty Park, the Council being commended for planning to build the grandstand The other action anticipated was selling or trading of portion of Lake Washington Beach land which was protested and the Council was urged rather to develop the park for public use as quickly as is feasible, additional recreational facilities being greatly needed especially in view of growth of the community. Moved by Poll, seconded by Gianini, to refer the communication to the Committee of the Whole. The motion carried. A letter from the Washington State Highway Commission was read, which was directed to the Renton Chamber of Commerce and copy to the Mayor, outlining progress of the North Renton Interchange construction and the City connection as well.as, to. the East, the location of Primary State Highway No. 2-RE and its construction. It was reported that operations are moving along very satisfactorily and every effort is being made to assure expediate progression. A letter from Herb Williams, Commander, Fred Hancock Post #19, American Legion, invited the Mayor and Council to the annual Boy Scout Bean Feed on Tuesday, February 22, 1966 at 6:30 p.m. at 55 Williams Street. A letter from Chester Biesen, Executive Secretary, Asstn. of Wn. Cities, requested suggestion for pane]. participants and items for the agenda for the 1966 State convention in Yakima, May 11, 12 and 13. The theme selected is "Citizen Action In°government". An outline of the proposed program was attached and will be on file in the City Clerkts office if anyone wishes to read the details. A Brochure from the Association of Washington Cities announced 3rd Annual Public Report- ing Contest and outlined judging standards. This will be on file in the records of the City Clerk. A letter from Mr. John Monson, President, Colorcable, Inc. submitted application for Permit to construct and operate a CATV System in the City of Renton. Proposed Franchise Ordinance was attached. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry to refer the application to the rower and Light Committee for recommendation. Carried. Letter from Leslie Hood, Chairman, Mid-Winter Conference, Frank R. Vaise Post $1263, V.F.W., Renton, Washington thanked the Mayor and Council for cooperation and participation at the recent conference at the Renton Inn. APPOINTMENTS: A letter from Mayor Custer requested concurrence in the appointment of the following. to position of Fireman in the Renton Fire Department: William H. Larson, John J. McLaughlin and Larry R. Weiss, effective February .16, 1966 at which time the six-months probationary period will commence in accordance with rules and regulations of Civil Service. Commission certification was attached and approval of the Fire Chief. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the appointment. Carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Pedersen advised of meeting regarding bids on covering of the Reservoir and Fire and Water Committee report was read recommending that the low bid of Western States Construction Company of Bellevue, in the sum of $62,012.13 be accepted. Moved by Schellert•,•'seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Pedersen reported regarding request of Wilco Properties, Inc. to purchase parcel of land on Northwest corner of Burnett Street No. and 4th Avenue No., that the Committee, after conference with the Planning Director, City Engineer and Traffic Engineer, has recommended that the request be denied it being determined that parking in this small area would force the vehicles to back out onto the lanes of Burnett Street. Also persons using the area would have to cross 4th Avenue North and the poor visibility due to the railroad crossing would not allow desirable crosswalk. When the 3rd & 4th Avenue North complex is constructed it would seem likely this right of way could be utilized for a free right turn lane onto 4th Avenue North. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. -3- ,. Allied Arts of Renton,. in.,-.... iiii"...c.„71/4_,) ' 1 , 1-Ionor cal;. klayor•' and City' Coulici 1- . C.a.t I o;' Renton,' Renton, Washington ' Gentl'ewe;n' and Mrs'. Da]quilt; the Board',:of Directors''of Allied Arts of Renton, wishes to ' - express concern over two cours`_s 'of .act:ion being, considered by the ' , City Council. fie wish to commend the Council for planning to build a ' „ grandstand for tine benefit of spectators and participants at ball ' • . ' ��am,-:6,, �i would like to suggest however, that a new ball field' ' _ . and'.gra,ncl gaud would be much better ,located on Cedar Rivor Pii,r'Y .Land.'.'' ,' rather than over-crowding Liberty Park. 1c1e also wish to protest the selling or trading; of any portion of. Lake lilashington Beach land. We viould rather urge the ' -~ : Council to rievelope this park land for public use;as, quickly as is- feasible, . Additional park and recrea'tlonal facilities'are greatly. - " needed in' view of the present growth of the. 'community, ' • Sincerely, , , (1:;),,,',.? ‘..,?L'7,1„a_.../' 1// A,...-e-V-1,tv:-.11-0,-J--L.--=-2 ,: .' ';,,; hi . 'St;anley L. Grimes, !Tr.. SCcretary, ' n 1 ,(:6(ro . _o,. . . t,It .4 ' . c i 4 ;a J 1 1 r 1flU1! 1 jejle), -411.fr gerr/12 0 , U ®d -,i ` . PARKS & RECREATION DE+'PARTMI1:NT aRENTON,W.\.SI-IINGTON _: la i ci? • CITY HALL, CEDAR RIVER PARK, RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 o ALPINE 5.3464 '® s,°: Ps4So 1�� URT CAPITP\- February 14, 1g66 :, : ' ' . Mayor' D. :W. Custer ,'' ` '' , Members: of, the .City..Council Attention: Henry Pedersen, Chairman ' , , Property Committee Gentlemen: ; . Following the Committee of the Whole meeting on January 18th, a proposal from, the Boeing Company, addressed to the Mayor and City Council and to , ' the attention, of the Property Committee, was referred to the Park Board` : for their consideration. This communication concerned the Lake Washing, ' ' ton Beach Park and .proposed 'that the City deed 3.5+ acres to the Puget , Sound Power & Light Company and, in return for this, the Boeing Company • s,ould:.' , a. Deed approximately 1 .8 acres north of the park , property to the City: e., b. Supply necessary culvert material to culvert the stream. c. Install Cyclone fencing between property lines of the park and Puget Sound Power & Light. d. Provide the. City with perpetual signal mainten-' ance for proposed rai 1 road crossing ,to the beach - property� ' • At thei r meeting on February 3rd, the Park Board studied thi s proposal thoroughly and instructed me to report their findings and action to you. a'. Concerning the releasing of 3.5+ acres of beach park property to Puget Sound Power S Light, the board finds as follows Just recently the City completed a "701 Study,11 a part of which related to community facilities. Subsequently, the City Council passed and approved the Community Facilities Section which indicated 'that there was a need to acquire an additional 5 to 10 acres of property adjacent to the north side of' the existing`site. " ., A three-year study of the Puget Sound Governmental Conference recommended that top priority be given to water recreation si tes. zt .. also recommended -that, every piece of cxi sting ng public recreation Lard ' should be held invio1rate against any other kinds of development. At the . same time that this study was going on, we .`were also completing.certain work which would make us eligible' for state and federal matching funds, and a part of the requirements was to develop a 6-year plan. This was r -2- ' done, and again, in this plan the board. indicated that there was a need to acquire additional property. adjacent 'to. the beach park. This`was subsequently passed by the Capital Improvement Committee and the City . Council so this could be forwarded to the Interagency Committee in Olympia in time for us to eligible for funds this year. The board feels that everything c l earl y indicates that there is a need to retain what we have and add to ito " b. Some mention was made of reclaiming 1 .22 acres by installing a cul- vert but this is not necessary for the development of this park. The stream was purposely relocated on the perimeter of the property so that ' . i t would act as a natural barrier between the railroad property and park ". property and could also be landscaped in such a manner as to screen and • add to the attractiveness in its ultimate development.~ c4''. There is an existing Cyclone fence separating the Puget Sound Power & Li ght property and the park property, and thi s i s quite adequate. It is planned to landscape and plant along this fence line so as to again ' beautify .and. screen the two properties. d,, . Regarding the si gnal mai ntenance for the rai 1 road crossing to the park,' this is a charge which is required by the railroad for maintenance of this installation. This is a one-time cost, and .since Puget Sound Power & Light wi 1 1. be using this crossing to get into their property, - they should share in this cost. It is the Park Board 's firm belief that the benefit to the people of this community, from a recreational standpoint, far surpasses whatever other use may made of this property by Puget Sound Power & Light. In view of what the studies have shown - the 701 Study, the Puget Sound Governmental Conference Study, and the inventory which we did for state and federal matching funds - it is the recommendation of the Park Board that the request of the Boeing Company for 3.5+ acres, of the beach park property for Puget Sound Power .& Light be denied . ' . Respectfully submitted, RENTON PARE BOARD 'ore' Teasdale, Chai rman Mrs. Peggy Shideler. Ronald Re is • bya �� =�4 ?�� Gene L. Coulon, Director cc; " Henry Pedersen, Chairman PropQrty Commi t:t.ee ‘ --6') 111 :14:;42---m6r ' 1- -,---"J ,4,2-0-4ca-eira-14-c-cy/ FICE OF ANNULI, NIE-k-j--;%jETING .."--1----2 The Renton Sailing Club qa annual meeting will be held at 8s00 FND Wednesdays March 2,9, 2966D at the home of Baird Bardarsons 320 Renton Street (Hot Avenue.) Members and friends are urged to attend. Agenda,- 141inutess 20Cemmittee Reportss 3431ans for 1966D 4-Election of Officers 5-Social Hour with short exciting sailing film.. Flash- The Green River Cornamity College has asked the Renton Sailing Club to participate in their Physical Education Program by preparing and running a sailing class for their spring curriculum° _vo ' yelp115ated- The boats need refurbishing soon for the coming sessonos rigora. Can yaa Help? . Phone Dave GosseD BA6 1987 or sign up at the meeting. Danoega-The property committee of the Renton City Council has uader serious consideration the selling of 3 cores of Lake Vashington Beach Park. (The Renton Sailing Club stands on that part of ito) Also being considered by the city is the leasing of. the . ! property to the Austin Company for a oonorete mixing facility. Believe it or not bath 1 , proposals have, good chance of passage um2ess a good turnout of people with a different point of view make themselves heard Monday evenings Feb. lbs at 840 PN in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The RSC position 1-The Beach Park property is beyond price and irreplaceable. 2-The Planning Coraission and the City Council have both confirmed studies that say 5 tpoitiomai acres till be necessary for future needs. The Cityps proper pursuit in the public interest should be am aggressive program of property acquisition, 3-The park should be opened this 811F-ABT in a program of graduated developemmt with the aid of interested civic groups. . .- Reminder- The now year will start with the annual meeting and the MOO dues are now payable. Either mail the amount to Alice Stimsons 10203 226th SEs RentonD or be prepared to pay at the annual raeting. In order to vote at the meeting you must be a paid up member and future mailers will only be snot to those who have paid their dues. Sea you in the Council ChaMbero Monday nights Beet Regardos, . Brad Mo Bardarsom M.D. President, Renton Sailing Club . . . .. . . :.' ' . . . , , -. • , • .• , . .. . . , . , ... . ' . • . . ., . . . .• -, . . .. , . . . , •-• , . . . . • . . , . • , . . , . . - • . ..• .:, . . . • 1 . • . .• . . , . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • , __-_., - . . ,•,. _ • ... . . . . . . • • , . (,____.—,___—=--•.._;,..- .1! . , • • ' . 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NET ON, the duly €Ject:eci, qui.,al:i1ed and ac:t:u W City C:1.03:k•' .' .. • _ e0f HUd for the (.1,i.icy of P:0nt;on, Waashirll;tcon do hereby Certify 1:11 at thr! C;i t;)/: ' ' :o lion 1:on 114;.:, lJUla1` t41:0(:1 the: .;7iuc a' r..1',C >1.,a�2 :,.)'),0 0 ` (. v ' c ! 1' ,�: � .a,t'1 ;��:,,� ,� �1E�Ei ll�,ac1),,eC .:.a,r� Ito , , '';5hatx�e of •,Cur�ci,_) for .ree.a:eationil 'ekve1.cal:;;aiont or tlaea Like W,rr:lhiuf.{tnn 13o,�lch ; • '.P,^u1 < iy11 ta:i.(i Whin 11,;:i1.:1 be aval..)0b.3e a'6 L)1 Jllal.lka;l:y .1., ':1966 IN WITNESS .WHEREOI', I hereunto o et my band and the OfiFit'is:). `S(1/11 o'f the City. of Fenton, King County, Washington, this /.a',( =day of C}eceaalhEir, ` 1965. • (`i 0 as 1') t:,Y • Healmic: W. NelSon, C:i y Clexkc ,• • • • • • i •rr -0A,/-;4-.h.-e,,.g-. '4,A.:A-'''',2.;,,-. ( / 4 'w " WIX } 'tea U/// ) ry .N"'- FH 'i{irk•fri 1, i<a i 4`^vgE!,C I',0 ' q M1:b..7,:1,: . eta,1M.;/�ee:- a:,, I �' : }�!a = `s''.i. :t�� .)""r;,Wfli,S1i9IRJGT0 • the Jet Transport Capital of the World. . . � ` '"{l. "'" PLANNING DEPARTMENT' ^ '' ,�(q'�,,(y �P��.1�',�'4-�1Y.'` l} iSeyi -.. LVF. awy' ���.., 7.' ' February 21 , 1966 • honorable' Donrtl d W. Cus ter. , Mayor-. , . Members "of the 'City Council - ' 'Re : Disposition of Lake Washington Beach P• roperty ' Gentlemen and 'Mrs . , Dahlquist : . - � ' , . The Planning Commission at its meeting of .Feb- • . ruary '9., 1966 discussed thernatt'er of the disposition o;l - a portion of the Like Washington Beach Park. �s • ' a result Of this discussion the. Commission 'has , re- ' ' ' ' . quested :that'.:the ..City Council be informed of the ' crit- .. ic"al need for' park and recreational land with partic- ' ular .emphasis on the, need" for p.ublic water access . The Commission would like to go on record as opposing . any sale of 'park property and would like to emphasize . the need for. the City to acquire additional park. land • - while it ' is still available. Further, the Commission requests that the 'City them of ' any . , • negotiations relative to the sale' trade,' bf park or recreational property in . view of. the public inter- ' '. 'est involved . '. The Commission in its study of Community r'aci l- ities in. the City of Renton noted with particular con- ern ttxe dwindling supply of recreational land and facil- ' ities in relationship to population growth. Particu- lan. stress is 'placed on the need ,.for adequate provi- . sion' for -our expanding population. - It is further em- phasized that parks .and open spaces and the need • for recreational . facilities is an .important public need, . • often .neglected. • The Planning Commission further con- ' curs with the City Council that the -needs of the citi- zens of Renton" Should receive primary . attention in the . development program of 'our. City, and that the recrea- tional needs of the. people not be forgotten. . S.inperely,' : ' ,@d'rdon Y Eri`cicsen . ' 'Planni , Director ' (/ ' , GYI :•pc . . , ,...3...„. ., ., ......:,,,:,..,. .... . .. , . • • , . ,,, ,,,2'.1,4'.:7,:• VI ' ' '` al ‘J.. ' I ..,,,Z..,::.,,, ‘'-,'-`-,;4,-:-.. :.1' -•.'":".- '-' ' . .. : . . _ _ /, , ,,,,,,,, ,,,, • 'll'•:::: , ' --',-,,:,r..: ,.L";•1:21'),,,',--..',•"..'• .i:.:',i_-:'.',!''',, •/ ''."i••:/.'' ':'----.' ' .•'-'•'''',,". , . , •• , . . • . . . . , . . . . . • . .-', . HEADQUARTERS OFFICE i-• `...'',,I', .• '-, ''' ` I . • • : '' '. --- '' ', . `' ' . . , . . , • '. • , . , , , . ' .• . . . , . . . . . , . : • . , . . • , • . . , . . , • , . . , . ,. . , , . • 'February 21 , 1966 .W . . ' . . , ' - • ,m,: • , •., . , !--,:-'y • . , . 1.-1203-2-301. . . • .. • , . , . . . . ' ' . . , • ' ' . . , • •. • . . , . , . ' • . , , . . . . . . . . , . . . . ' • , . . . , . , . . . . . . _ . _ . • • . .1-.ij', . , Honorable Mayer and City Couneil . . . . • City Hall , . , . . . ,•-- . . Renton, . Washington • , - , • , . , .• . ' • . ';..i: . . 1 1i•i, . . . . . ' Attention: Mr. Henry Pedersen, ChairMan,.. .. , Property Commi.ttee • ' - .• , . , . . . , . . . . , . , . .. . , , • , 1' . . ' • u.S•.'. bj ect.: - - .Lake Washington Ci.ty Park Property . . . . . . . , Rcfe rence: . Jotter, i J. ,1).. Hi-shy L'o Hn()r oatite Mayor . . • . ' and C i.ty Council dated jaho a ry 6, 1966 i',•"';. . . , . • ' . . .. Reference Number J.-1203-2.-234 . . . . , „ .. . " . • . , . , 0 . , . .., . .1 . . . Gentlemen: Reference letter outlined The BoeingCepany' s offer to 'acquire approx- .• • ,,::,: , . . • , .• : imately 3...-6 acres of subject -park- property by. providing additional land., . . - • Culvert mat e ri a:L , fencens itallation , and a perpetual signal maintenance, . _. . . • contract at a total cos L. to lloo log o I. apples i ma Lely $17/1 ,225, al thou i,1.0-i. . . the, park p rope rty 1%,;1; :1 )p r:1 i sod a out y. $125 ,000 .- • .. . i-.• , .. • . . . . . . . ., . . 'Wo wish to el a r i fy. and rear-1: i nii our p revions 4)1'to.r and- ;id v.i se Lieu I. W i th ' . . . the exception'. o f the, Fein.;ing cos l.s ($4 ,725) which wooLd he requ i red under ,. . . . -any .circumstances, should the City desire, Boeing would be will i.ng to . . . adjust , the offer to provide any combination of materials or services or , . . . , dash to the. extent of the original offer or should the City• desire, to pay all cash ($ . , g i... . . .. . 169,500) with the nndersitanding that Boeing would install . i, . , . . the fencing at the earl.iest poss ihl.e date. ' •ii•• , . . , . . ..1 . • In Previous conversations with the property committee,, it was mentioned . • • that the City might . be interested in c*cess' fill material Boeing mi gilt . . • 'have, to help bring:portions of the park property -to a higher elev af ion . . . . AL the •present Limo., we have 10,000 cubic yards .of material which we . , . . . . 'will. be .happy to place on the park property I I we can be advised of Lime . . • ''''i . , Ci.ty' s des ire.. Ou r cons t ruction s e hod 0 I e -requ i res immediate dispos it ion ,. . •. of this ma t e r i al , L I 1 ero I o re, you r• prompt; reply i s requc.,s t.ed. The of 1:e ti • , . . . . . ,. • of this fill. materAal. is not • eontingenf upon the transfor of the park •• i • . . . • 'l . . . . , property, however, we hope the C:i ty W i 11 accept. the of for as addi tional. • . . . . . . cons i.deyation for the trhnsfer.. , :,' • . . • , . , . . , . . . . , • . . . . . . . . . . , , • , . . .. . , - , . • .' ,/ , . _. . . . ' . , . . , . . . . . .. . . , • ,_,... . . . , ,.. ., .• - . . .. .. , . . . „ . . ,,„ . , . , . , • . . . . . , • ' -, • . . . . , • . , , •- _,..,__. „......„--,i-,......,,,,—....--,..„-x.,..,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,i,„.,,,,,,,;i-ii',.7_,-1,,,,i7i.).:,,,,pLPI,i'_:,,i-iii;,,,,rie., .-s',-•:).-;•!,;-:,.:",5,':-; .• • i Honorable Mayor and City Council -2- 1-1203-2-301 We hope that this matter can come to a favorable conclusion at an early date to allow us to proceed with our critical expansion plans . Your help is solicited and will be greatly appreciated . • • Very truly yours , • THE BOEING COMPANY Headquarters Offices • / z,./// D. by 1"/ • Di rocim I 01 Faci I i. i • • . , • • • • • • • i• Renton City Council Meeting 2-14-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (cont.) Property Committee Report - Lake Wn. Beach property Pedersen reported the Property Committee felt it would be able to reclaim land which it cannot now use as it would be fixed to eliminate hazard presently existing for children and with addition of the Foss property the city would lose only a portion of an acre. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poll, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Schellert, Poll and Morris. No: Pedersen, Bruce, Gianini, Garrett, Trimm and Perry. With four aye votes and six no votes the motion was lost. Upon inquiry by Hulse regarding proximity of the sailing club building to the subject area Park Director Coulon advised within 250 feet or even closer. Park Director Coulon pointed out that the Council is talking in terms of money not real estate, that what the City is going to get for return was not considered by the Park Board. Its only concern -is' with property and what it could do for the City with water front property being at a premium and being mindful of the recommendation of the budget for the governmental project that a hold should be put on all of this property. Planning Director Ericksen recalled adoption of the City's Comprehensive and Community Facilities Plans in which the subject area is included and advised that if there is to be readjustment possibly the matter should go back to the Planning Commission for public hearing prior to any conclusive Council action. Pedersen moved the previous question on motion to concur in the Committee recommendations. It was pointed out that a 2/3 vote is required and the matter is not debatable. Morris stated the business cannot be conducted for the citizens properly if debate is cut off. The welfare of the community is involved and it should be open tc 1iscusaki and vote not forced.. ' . Moved by Poll, seconded by Morris, to table the matter until the next meeting. City Attorney Shellan pointed out that neither motion is debatable and that it takes a 2/3 vote on each with motion to table having priority and taking precedence. Pedersen stated inasmuch as his motion was not debatable vote should have been taken. The motion to table was voted upon and hearing dissenting voice vote roll call vote was requested and resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Schellert, Gianini, Poll. and Morris. No: Bruce, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm and Perry. A 5 to 5 tie resulted and the motion was lost. i Vote was taken on the previous question for concurrence in the Committee report and was declared lost. Garrett deemed speeches to be now in order. Dr. Bardarson again spoke stating that although it might be a good deal money wise would the city then dispose of one-half or all of the property if offered good deals and where does it stop. Mr. Jack Scannell, 9514 - 100th Ave. S.E.; advocated justification in actions of both the Park Board and the Property Committee in doing 4heir job. Mr. Scannell was advised upon inquiry that approximately 20 acres are involved in the total park site and he observed that we are concerned in losing about 1.7 acres and reclaiming 1.22 acres which we own now and could reclaim anyway, for an estimated $80,000.00, the price per acre not being particularly important. Inference that Boeing might go elsewhere was discounted inasmuch as they need only this 3.5 to complete a total 20 or 30 acres they are getting in the area and although work has been stopped at present the additional 3.5 acres is not a requisite for completion of the final assembly plant. The factor of $48,000.00 per year property tax was to be considered inasmuch as in ten years receipts of $480,000.00 would allow purchase of any parcel of land desired. It was confirmed that the Park Board has not expanded the park site to date due to lack of funds as if we had already picked up the ten acres to the north then the 1.7 acres we would lose would be in- significant. He inquired whether the transaction with Boeing could be delayed pending acquisition of additional land desired and then perhaps re-negotiate. It is Council's position to decide what will be best for the citizens of Renton and to be concerned with anticipated expansion and the whole community not two or three interests. Perhaps the matter should be returned to the Property Committee for appraisal of the undeveloped property. Inquiry was made regarding affect on applications for matching funds,which list present sites as they now exist and Director Coulon advised that this is the concern expressed by the Park Board. Regarding reclaiming,funds therefore are not presently available nor for development of the park but if they so decide at a later date and funds are available they could proceed. Levelling requirements is an important factor with railroad property levels involved. -5- Renton City Council Meetulag 2-14-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS (cont.) UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Lake Wn. Beach-Property Committee report) Moved by Poli, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter back to the property committee to re-negotiate on square ft. per square ft. basis. Perry and Pedersen advised this has been done, that additional property cannot be secured for us by Boeing, that the matter has been negotiated for nine months and gone over again and again. Also no authority has been given to get appraisal on land we may buy.. It was suggested that if this proposal is favorable it should be approved and if not, turn it down. 7 Moved by Poll, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter back to the Property Committee to secure an appraisal and renegotiate the 3.5+ acres. Pedersen reported this has been attempted and cannot be accomplished as Foss does not want to sell. The City Attorney pointed out that it could be condemned. Vote resulted in dissect and roll call was requested which resulted as follows: Aye: Hulse, Schellert, Gianini, Poli and Morris. No: Bruce, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm and Perry. The vote was 5 to 5 and the motion was I lost. Mayor Custer had arrived and it was suggested he break the tie. Recess was declared < after which roll call was taken with all Councilmen present as previously listed. Upon request, the Property Committee recommendation to accept the Boeing Company proposal was again read. After discussion on propriety of the action, Mayor Custer assumed the chair which Hulse vacated. Moved by Morris, seconded by Schellert, to reconsider the motion which had just lost. The motion was declared out of order as the maker was not on prevailing side of the prior motion. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Morris, to refer the matter back to the Property Committee for appraisal and determination of valuations of areas involved, and to the Park Board, which was added upon request and with permission of second. Upon dissenting voice vote, roll call was taken and resulted as follows: Hulse, Schellert, Gianini, Poll, and Morris. No: Bruce, Pedersen, Garrett, Trimm and Perry. The five to five tie vote was broken when Mayor Custer voted aye sending the matter back to the Property Committee and to the Park Board. Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, reported that no letter has been received regarding parking on particular streets which had been referred to his committee. Councilman Perry reported that the pamphlets to be submitted to the Kennydale voters is ready and may be seen at the Chamber of Commerce at this time. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Bruce, that Vouchers 2274 through 2401, having been approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee, be approved for payment. Carried. Fund breakdown follows: Current Fund 2274 - 2310 $ 7,173.47 City Street Fund 2311 - 2326 3,521.52 Cedar River M. & I. 2327 - 2329 30.18 Equipment Rental 2330 - 2339 456.36 Library 2340 - 2364 3,665.17 Parks 2365 - 2374 553.44 Water Works Utility 2375 - 2393 4,170.64 Airport 2394 - 2400 771.44 Cumulative Fund No. 1975 2401 48,900.13 $69,242.95 Councilman Hulse announced a Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, February 15th at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Councilman Pedersen inquired as to whether his Property Committee or the Park Board has jurisdiction over the property acquisition which was referred to both earlier in the meeting. Upon request, City Attorney Shellan answered that the Property Committee's function is to acquire property and negotiate. Once it has been acquired and turned over to the Park Department then the Park Board has sole jurisdiction of maintenance until such time as the property is disposed of and all the control the Council then has is matter of finance. Perry added that at the last meeting with the Park Board and Committee of the Whole, all were agreed that the City would accept payment in lieu of improvement and otherwide there had been no objection so the Property Committee pro- ceeded on that basis. -6- :i ,iS" — Jfd. - _S/ QV.:.( 11;.,f ,/J /_"_ I'`1,1, . 11 -r''�� HEADQUARTERS OFFICES - 0:;: %'- . - ii�ry fk4/ 04.jurii L::, : • li , df January 6, 1966 F 1-1203-2-234 ` ?, 1, PI;): Honorable Mayor and City Council `; . City Hall ' . D • Renton,. Washington T 11ti:eat;ion: Mr. Henry Pedersen ; .0 j ;� =: ' Chairman, Property Committee l' ' ;"1C • ,u_ 1)'�, Subject: 'Lake Washington City Park Property ,/ '•I WI 'l, f a' Reference: Letter J. D. Bixby to Honorable Mayor •and .,r, City Council dated July 2, 1965 ,.,, •S Reference Number 1-1203-2-94 ' I,,, Geritlenlen: Reference memo requested the City of Renton make available to Boeing approx- i:;. imately 35 acres of the Lake Washington City Park Property to allow Boeinghi f -to' expand its operations at Renton ,on property owned. by Puget Sound Power ' .and Light 'Comp any• j'; n; - We have been -advised that the property requested has been appraised at i' $125,000. : Therefore, in order that the City will be adequately compensated, '. ' • 'and the' Park placed in better condition than at' present , we submit the It' following proposal: In consideration for the City deeding the requested I i; property• to. Puget' Sound Power and Light Comptuiy ,. the Boeing Company, w.,11 : " . (1) 'purchase and deed to the City approximately 1 •8 acres of theFoss "' ' ' Property immediately adjacent to the Park Property on the north and • '„ ' east as' shown. on the attached map (Cost -, approx.:imately $77,000) ; (2) supply the necessary• culvert material (5' x 9' Pipe Arch Culvert) . to ' culvert the stream completely across the Park Property,,; approx- . . . imately 1,175' , thereby reclaiming 1 .22 acres of presently unuseable property; (Cost - approximately $80,000) • (3) install a cyclone ence.wi'th cedar sl,ri:s along the newly created W ti rope l l:y 1, ins; I_,r;'l,wi;iii. the I'111'l; t:mtl Elea Pit I ;-it,iiti l fowi; ' {lncl I,i,l,'ht, r;', ti f(}41.I t {,1.i;f;; r;'i'. I hi) L',l;){ (o,,,,p;-01 y :`,I,0:1111 .I ,I :1 I1 t, w lt I C;I'1 N I:,I I i;p 11 l 11(;is �,I l 1 1 1 i . Property t.y (It) it. - alpl.ire•xim1:'1tt:11.y ;jl'I ,7;''(i) ; • /• II -j Y,:i ter - - :1. Page 2 .,j i ii+ t_ A. '(4) provide the City with a perpetual Signal Maintenance Contract for �`;4 the new railroad crossing at the entrance to the Park (Cost - approx- j; ; imately $12',500) . -;`! • iY 5lp PO, In addition, Puget Sound Power 'and Light. Company will grant an casement , 1,,,., across a portion of their property, (shaded green on the attached map) ; C;rl: required for the new entrance roadway to the Park at; the location approved ::zx by the rail:roacl. f'4I -�- J 0 k �i.'� t e, i'1 a c,.c_.. u s c ,2 N e.,,� �r e, e.. c• s s, _) ,14�j-' L l ' I" i'�7, 11 Initially it was planned that oil storage tanks were to:be constructed on ;r" ' ' a portion of the Park Property.„ however," the plans have been changed and •no iii '' storage tanks will be placed in this area. Puget's current and projected • .- '41: bx7li development plans provide that this area will be utilized for yard storage • ,,,,: and a new shop building. The fencing in Item (3) above will screen the . . `1.0-; Puget operations from view from the Park, Property. . tFs " l,'(t1 ' Your' timely and 1•avorabl e action on this proposal will be 'greatly appreci- .- ?;'i, 3 ' ated and will allow Boeing and Puget to complete their negotiations for 4;,j the lands necessary for construction o1• Boeing's new Final Assembly Build:- . ;;iA ings . x(i!i {tt Very truly yours, «: Fiej• t . , . THE BOEING COMPANY Et:Ct, { Head halters Offices i 0 yy;t n.1 ZKi: , • . 1).i:rcctul. of l? lc:ii :i.tic s f,,.� - •Attachment ' " • 6;.1` Ifl t:.' ,i, i�;ii it aFL'Fst4 ;l il. ec`y.i._Ii� e+,l!I.l Al,�r :i' tal i ..., . . .:: ...; ',„.., ' , 6/tyhf - -f/4-'-. a4- /A-t.-- ,-------) . ' • . - PRu'i RTY COMMITTEE REPORT.' ..,; zj .4f66 - . ,)' ( 7 It. 7.s the recommendation of the property Commit tee that in exchange" for 0.5 ' . " acres plus of Lake Washington Beach property. The Bo eing Company meet the following"conditions: • 1. Provide the City, of Renton free and clear title to apron .1..8 acres of Foss Property according to Map attached to proposition._ •Cost---$77,000.00 . . ' 2. Boeing Co. to install a' cyclone fence with cedar slots along newly created property line between Park and the "Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Stearn' ' plant apron. Cost $4,75.00 , , 3,. Pay to the City of Renton $92 ,500.00 in cash. Said sum to be the cost ' of culverting the stream thorough the Park. and pay "for perpetual maint-tance . of railroad crossing signals at the entrance of Park. All Legal matters to be prepared_.bZ; the City"Attorney. - It" is the recommendation of the Property Committee according to a survey ' L` �� conducted by our traffic engineer that the request of Wilco Properties Inc. to purchase a Parcel of Property located at 4th Avenue North & Burnett be denied. , ' Property Committee • '.r'�jY!'!/ �_ �. °_ _ �J.f _.._..._..._.__._______.._ _.. v • Renton City Council Meeting 2-7-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS UNFINISHED BUSINESS (cont.) Committee of the Whole Report It was recommended that the letter from McLean & Company requesting appointment as financial consultants to the City be given to the Mayor to reply that the City is presently represented by Foster & Marshall and their request will be placed on file fur future reference. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry, to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommendation. Carried. Regarding Notices P-66-4 and P-66-5 from the Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, )5.-- it is recommended the Corps be advised that the City has no objections to the Puget Sound Power & Light Company projects to place fill in the waters of Lake Washington, fronting the Boeing Company and to construct outflow water diversion structure with relocation of five 7-pile dolphins in the waters of Lake Washington. Comments are I to be filed not later than February 12, 1966 to insure consideration. Moved by Poll, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the Committee of the Whole recommendation. Carried. Regarding legislation for Air Pollution Control, it was recommended that the Mayor be authorized to send letters of inquiry to neighboring cities regarding formation of an Air Pollution Control District. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Perry, to concur. Carried. Chairman of the Property Committee, Councilman Pedersen, presented Committee recommenda- tion to accept offer of Mr. Cliff Neuman, of 13656 - 197th Avenue S.E., Renton, to de- molish residence at 204 Mill Street, next to the Nursing Home, for the materials and payment of $20.00 with removal from site, except concrete and filling of cellar to be completed within 30 days. Insurance will be secured holding the City harmless and $250.00 performance bond if possible. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Gianini, to concur in the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Garrett reported that the matter of parking on 8th Avenue is pending in the Street and Alley Committee and will be held until some communication is received. Councilman Perry submitted report of the Public Relations Committee regarding referral of Initiative 226,for Cities sharing Sales, Use Taxes, for sponsorship by the City. The Committee recommended that the Tentative Draft supplied be referred to the Committee of the Whole and person or persons responsible for drafting the Initiative be invited by the Council President to meet with the Council to supply information which the Committee was unable to secure from the brochure furnished. Mr. Perry pointed out that the Tentative Draft is to be subject to revision and wondered how much revision and also whether the Sales Tax would be raised in event the Cities were to receive a share. Councilman Garrett pointed out that no one would be able to answer whether the sales tax would be raised or not except the Legislators and that answer would not be forthcoming until a year, from now. The pending motion carried. The matter is also in the Legislative Committee pursuant to referral of last week. Councilman Poli, Chairman of the Light and Power Committee, submitted report recommending installation of the following 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor Lights: Pole at S.E. 80th and 110th Place; Pole No. 10664 at S.E. 80th Street; Pole 8803 at 108th Ave. S.E. ; Pole 9257 at 108th Ave. S.E. ; Pole 11418 at end of S.E. 93rd Street; Pole at intersection of S.E. 73rd Place and Lake Wn. Blvd. and Pole bearing inscription 965 W.C.P. 1-45 adjacent to Pole 11266 at S.E. 74th Street. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to concur in the recommendations as read. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Hulse requested a Committee of the Whole meeting following adjournment of this meeting and also a meeting on February 15, 1966 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, to approve Vouchers 2138 through 2273, having been previously approved by the Accounting and Auditing Committee. Carried. Fund Breakdows follows: Current Fund Vouchers 2151 - 2199 $ 7,888.25 City Street 2200 - 2206 14,858.09 Cedar River M.& I. 2207 52.65 Off-Street Parking 2208 - 2209 219.60 Equipment Rental 2210 - 2229 1,320.23 Parks 2230 - 2239 764.28 Water Works Utility 2240 - 2267 44,395.25 1965 W. & S. Const. 2268 11.03 Airport 2269 - 2273 226.77 Firemen's Pension 2138 - 2150 1,178.89 $ 70,915.04 -7- Renton City Council Meeting 1-24-66 COMMUNICATIONS: (Cont.) r A Public Notice No. P-66-4 was received from the Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, advising of application by Puget Sound Power & Light Company for permit to place a fill in the waters of Lake Washington, fronting the Boeing Company,as per print attached. Any comments or objections to be submitted not later than February 12, 1966 to the U.S. Army Engineer District office at Seattle. A second Public Notice No. P-66-5 advised of application from Puget for a Dep't. of the Army permit to construct outflow water diversion structure and to relocate five 7-pile dolphins in the water of Lake Washington, per prints attached. Objections to be submitted in writing not later than February 12th. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Dahlquist, to refer the matter to the Committee of the Whole. Upon inquiry, City Engineer Wilson advised that he had received copies of said Notices,faseseesno objection,but further investigation is intended and the pending motion carried. A letter from City Attorney Shellan advised of opinion recently handed down by the Supreme Court of the State of Washington in the case of Baxter-Wyckoff Co. vs. City of Seattle which involved use by a private company of public right-of-way and the charges made therefor by the Municipality. After paying annual fee for many years the Company refused to pay further challenging validity of fees claiming they had a right as abutting land owner to use the street in any fashion which did not inter- fere with rights of the public. The Court's conclusion was that the abutting land- owner has no right to build permanent structures in the street nor to set up storage yards therein for private business purposes. Rights of abutting owners are limited to rights of ingress and egress, light, air, water and certain temporary and non- exclusive uses of the street. Any temporary permit granted by the City was merely a privilege and the use granted could be prohibited by the City absolutely or could be granted upon such terms and conditions as the City may see fit to impose. This is a matter strictly within discretion of the City Council and the City would be within its rights to charge such property users according to the square footage of the street area being used. Since the City has encountered similar problems in the past the information may be of assistance in future deliberations. The City Clerk reported receipt of publication from Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle which comprises Annual Staff Report to Metropolitan Council, 1965. Same will be placed on file for reference in the City Clerk's office. A letter from McLean & Company, Investment Securities, per Mr. S. J. Granberg, recalled discussion concerning long range financing for Renton and advised of review of projected five year capital improvement program, outstanding bonded in- debtedness, and federal grant programs affecting the proposed development. Such investigation revealed that it would appear prudent for the City to retain a financial advisor on a continuing basis and' services were offend by McLean and Company for such retention, minimum services to be rendered in such event were outlined and details thereof offered at later discussion with the Mayor and City Council.. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, to refer the communication. to the Committee of the Whole. Carried. The City Clerk reported receipt of Claims from Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Co. for damages to their property,which included poles and aerial cables, resulting when a tree felled by the City Sewerage Department struck said properties. Bills to be submitted at a later date. It was pointed out that the Street Department was in- volved in the incident and not the Utility Department. Second Claim was read from Mrs.. Julia Kusnierz, 7720 So. 153rd Street, which called attention to "Metro Mess" on her property which caused loss of trailer rental income. Reimbursement of $105.00 monthly until the project is completed was stipu- lated. It was pointed out that the construction is not Metro but L.I.D. 255,of the City,for Sanitary Sewers, in the Longacres area. Moved by Perry, seconded by Poli, that the Claims be submitted to the City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. Carried. A petition was read, containing six signatories, requesting the vacation of a portion of South .130th Street between 87th and 88thiAven0es South, drawing attached. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Bruce, to refer the petition to the City Engineer to check ' validity of signatures and percentage as to abutting ownership. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer submitted proposed Resolution authorizing the filing of application with the Economic Devbpment Administration for grants and/or loans under terms of Public Law 89-136 specifically concerning Logan-Smithers arterial project and Third Avenue North project. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Perry, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordinance Committee. Carried. Renton City Council Meeting 1-17-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Cont.) Councilwoman Dahiquist called attention to matter of removing parking from 8th Avenue extended to Lake Washington Boulevard and moved that the matter be referred to the Street and Alley Committee. The motion was seconded by Delaurenti and carried. Mrs. Dahiquist called attention to the primary factors considered when people are making decisions on whether to come into Renton to build or live and they are traffic and housing, and expressed the opinion that one reason for lack of housing is due to the fire zones which she felt need to be evaluated with the idea in mind of helping to correct the existing situation. Moved by Dahiquist, seconded by Schellert, to refer the matter to the Fire and Water Committee for re-evaluation of the present fire zones. It was suggested the person with whom Mrs. Dahiquist had conversation be referred to the Chairman of the Fire and Water Committee to discuss the matter. The pending motion carried. Councilman Pedersen advised of hearing held by the Sanitation Committee'wIth residents and property owners in the Kennydale and Lake Washington Beach areas and as a result of the hearing and the favorable reaction the Committee recom- mends that the matter be referred to the City Engineer to check and if desired, to proceed with formation of an L.I.D. Moved by Poli, seconded by Dahiquist, to concur with the recommendation. Carried. Councilman Pedersen reported for the Property Committee regarding written request of B. A. Porter to extend his Marina Lease,that the Committee recommends granting the renewal at $250.00 monthly.for(5 year period as per original waterway lease agreement. Moved by Perry, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Property Committee. Carried. The Property Committee recommended that the Council concur in the findings of the City Engineer and rescind all objection to the Boeing Company's application and request to rebuild the bridge at the mouth of the Cedar River allowing-the construction according to plans submitted under supervision of the City's Engineering Department and the U.S.Corps of Engineers. Moved by Schellert, seconded by Perry. to concur in the recommendations and to so notify the Corps. The construction upon approval will then come under our building permit regu- lations and proper permit from the City Building Department must be secured therefor. Upon inquiry regarding permanence and movability of the new bridge it was pointed out by City Engineer Wilson that the new structure could be moved in minutes by a crane lift whereas the existing one has ballast tanks which have to be inflated and pulled out by a tug. The pending motion carried. Councilman Poli submitted Light and Power Committee report from referral of December 6, 1965 recommending, regarding request from Pacific Car and Foundry and the Boeing Company, that a 7000 Lumen Mercury Vapor light be installed at the end of 8th Avenue and a second one to the South at the railroad crossing. Further lighting of the area to be held pending completion of construction in the area and Engineering Department report. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the Light and Power Committee recommendations. Carried. NEW BUSINESS: Moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurenti, that City of Renton Vouchers, previously approved by the Auditing and Accounting Committee be approved for payment by the Council, including Nos. 1960 - 2067 for 1965 and 2068 - 2093 for 1966. Carried. Fund breakdowns folios: 1965: Current Fund Vouchers 1960 - 1993, 2064 $ 8,508.58 Street Fund 1994 - 1999 5,914.42 Arterial Street Fund 2000 - 2001 299.61 Cedar River M. & I. 2002 - 2003 41.11 Equipment Rental 2004 - 2012 2,193.96 Library 2013 - 2035 5,892.61 Parks 2036 - 2047 3,582.13 Water Works Utility 2048 - 2058 11,969.24 Airport 2059 - 2063 315.35 Cumulative Reserve 1975 2065 - 2067 760.72 $ 39,477.73 -4- Renton City Council Meeting 1-2-66 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont.) NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Schellert called attention to the meeting to be held next Monday, January 10, 1966 in the County Commissioners Office regarding the Kennydale annexation. Councilman Pedersen reminded the Sanitation Committee Members, Perry and Morris, of the meeting with property owners of Kennydale and the Lake Washington areas to be held on Wednesday, January 5th at 7:30 p.m. with Engineering Consultant ito discuss feasibility study of Sanitary Sewer project in said area. Mr. Wilson, City Engineer and City Attorney Shellan, the Mayor and any others interested were invited to attend, and a recording secretary was requested. 'ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: The Chairman of the Law and Ordinance Committee, Councilman Vern Morris, submitted a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington authorizing the City Clerk and the City Treasurer to make the following fund transfers in order to maintain proper accounting balances: From: Library Fund Account No. 5000 Salaries & Wages, 120 Temporary Employees, $900.00 Maintenance and Operation, 305 Utility Service - Phone, $275.00; 306 Stat. Equipment, Maintenance, $ 54.00; 309 Bldg. Repair, Maintenance, $ 75.00; 313 Ass'n. Dues, $ 19.00; 417 Material & Supplies, $850.00; 504 Travel Expense, $ 43.00 Unto: Library Fund Account No. 5000 Maintenance and Operation,403 Books, Maps, etc. $500.00 Capital Outlay,606 Furniture and Equipment $1,716.00 Total $2,216.00 From: Current Fund Building Maintenance Acct. 1800/201, $. 400.00, Police Department Fund Acct. 2100/203, $ 795.00; 311, $290.00; 312, $700.00 Library Fund, Acct. 5000/201, $ 300.00 Park Fund Acct. 6120/201, $450.00 Unto: Current Fund Police Department Fund Acct. 2100/201 Statewide-Emp. Sec. $2,935.00 From: City Street Fund Traffic Control Fund Acct. 3120/201, $100.00; 203, $160.00; 204, $ 45.00 Street Maintenance Fund Acct. 3240/201, $1,200.00; 202, $600.00; 203, $282.00 Unto: Street Maintenance )Fund Acct. .3240/303, Street Lighting Energy, $2,387.00 Moved by Bruce, seconded by Hulse, to concur in the transfers adopting Resolution 1351 as read. Carried. City Attorney Shellan with apology to Councilman Trimm,advised that State Statute, Law of 1907 which supersedes' Roberts Rules of Order, provides that at any time at the request of any two members of the council, on any question, roll call vote can be implemented. In this instance the Secretary may go back and identify the question and if any two wish to have vote taken or stand on roll call they could do so. City Attorney Shellan advised that it will be well for Planning Commission Minutes where rezones are concerned, to specify that the rezone as recommended is in compliance with the 'Comprehensive Plan as our Ordinances will so state and in the rezone does not comply it cannot be passed without amending the Comprehensive Plan. It was pointed out that there had been no superseding or •repeal of the;.1907.:Law:.•:In comment, Mr. Day thanked the Council for the time and Mrs. Dahlquist for her support. Moved by Dahlquist,,seconded by Poll, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. F -I Ye.--4-4-4-4---' ...." /- 27_6..‘...,"L./ / Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk D. W. Custer, Mayor -5- /, , -.-- ----1- fyi - . ,, , ,-, , I CITY OF RENTON • R , WttSi11NU'TON OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY Gerard M.Shellan,City Attorney ' i Arthur L.Haugan,Ass't.City Attorney • • - ' • "Honorable Donald W. Custer, Mayor, • i , City of Renton ,� City Hail ' • Renton,. Washington �� - .- . . V•_ i Re: Access of City of Renton to : - Lake Washington Beach Property Dear Sir: "� ' Enclosed you will find a copy of a .letter received this date from the . Northern Pacific Railway,Company which, is in ens er to our previous correspondence, This letter" should bel self-explanatory and. you tan- doubtedly have copies .of our previous i°correspondence with 'the railroads V • referred to. It ,would be, our urgent suggestion that-you arrange a mee t ing with a l l concerned at the earliest possible date to finally resolve this matter. We :also suggest .in this connection .that the representative of the Pacific Coast Railroad ,be so advised. • . • We remain ,. �-. -. _ Very ruly yours, V - . l''1 GAN & SHELLAN • , j1. l� 8 and M. 11an V . ' i ity A, rney. GI!lS:de : - . cc: Mr. 'Gene Coulon ' ' : k . Mr. Jack Wil son. . _ - i ; _ . Mrs. H®imie Nelson . 1 , .1 ' ' I 1 ' : � . . , . ... .....•.,.......... . , . . '. . • . . ,.,. ..•........ ,...., . . •, . . .. • , . . . I •r••. .•.. 7.7'1..t .' .. • ,,---. • ir,n4i:;:.',.1:! t'i ....'.'1,::,;;:!,-,i;,: ,. •-...11 . _ NORTHER A- PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY . : ., H- ' ' • ' '''''''''' ''' .. , . . . . • Law Department . . . , • ' • l'i ,'.,i•:'!,';•:. • DEAN H.EASTMAN Wesiern Counsel ' , . April 29, 1965 . • • . ::::::::::::::;::.:;:::::: HAROLD G. BOGGS . 909 Smith Tower • . . . •. . f...'...';.i.i:...1.,-.1 ::'g ROGER J. CROSBY ' Seattle, Washington 98104 • r,.:,2;;:...:::;:.:::::-,;;;,: • ROBERT J. ALLERDICE . . MAin 3-5560 , ,.•. „...,.T:::.::..........,. • . 4,,,,tenr Weise,' Couniel . • • 1 • . . , . ., . • . . , , , . , .. , . . . . . . .. . . • . • . . ''''""''AI:,....''.i.', ' Mr.; Gerard M. Shellan . . . - pagilEe . . . City Attorney . , .. . ' --- , . Cityfof Renton . .• _ . i,,,,,,,:•-•"::::....:::: Renton, Washington . . . . . ., ,;,::::•,,,,:_„:,..,,,,:. . . . . , 5 ,....,.ii,,i,•!:.,,...,;:.N!!, . . . . . . , .. . . • • RE: Access of City of Renton to . ,. ri,.' :' :•!;,;i:' • . Lake Washington Beach Property r.....-41:.:,::::,•-:... . .• Dear Mr. Shellan: • . . . t! ,,,,-, i .:'1:,:.. • , . . .,- • :,..:::::....,,,,,,.:-• . . • . .' . Replying to your letter of March 1 to Mr. . '-.. Having regarding access to the Lake Washington Beach . • . - • ', ...,,,:!:!,,,,'ii:ii:.:. property at our Mile Post 3+5268 at Renton. ., . . . . . • ., . ii ,i;:IT:;!i.' :;!:. ,. . :,••••..,:;..,,,,,;:,;:::,:.,.. . •: In your reply you indicated the following , f,-,,,,,,,.:,,•::.*- . . •., . ., ,..;..::,.,.„..,.:.:,,..: Item 1(a) Installation and maintenance of traffic , • iiilig-ii.:i:!:i!. control signals at the junction of Lake • , ... 'Fi::j.:-. T7i'q. . . . . ' Washington Boulevard and the park entry. - - .; • r.:, .,,,',;,,i,Mig,:-., . . . . road. (The Engineering Department of .. , • Ni.i::.1pit:q, . .. . . . the City of Renton had concluded ' . ', • iir.,,:r.,,,,,,,,,,,', . .. _ r:l.....:..,........;.,.::.,y • . .• traffic control signal system is not . • necessary, at least at this time. ) , • , ' .- , • IT,----m,F,: • .. , . 512iTiiF4:::•!,,;,, . , . • . „ . . . . .• . .. Item .1(b ) City is agreeable to grade the approaches . . . . . . to the park entry crossing on the Railway , . ri::7;t:::-:::.;_::=1;• ... .. . H . ' ' Company right of way and provide and main- tam : n adequate drainage under them. . The above mentioned work together with main- . . : • . - tenance of the approaches to be at the • ' , ' r.:::.• ,:!:'.•;;:... :1 . , ,._,...:.''.::- ',1`.-i:'.:•:i.'• • ' expense of the City. . . . . . . . . ., . ' ' ,•-•::::::.: ;i:,..,:i:7, . . ,,,,,:,:::.,....•::::.,:;:, . . _ . , • . Item 1( c ) Place and maintain asphaltic concrete , •vif:E.; ,:::!,,,,,,, . . i,• :,.:::,i!;:'--1:,;:, itsa: !sS . ' . .. paving1-( a . TTh-i.2.ewlo- k11177-threo ..j.t.Ygat:',a . . ex- pense . . . • .. • - illigii!g:::;:': . .. .. . . • . • ,i,gingi ::.• Item 2(a) Install and maintain approved type of automatic crossing signals at the park ' • iiii:;ii.,.iti::i,,i,i: entry crossing. •. . . , • • - . • • .,;,.i!p.i ;:.,..:,. ..w.-..:.. . .. . . . • . . . .. .. . i.:::,'''::.::.:: : :, :,:ii.-.,,,,,,,,,i,,i:. ;:::.::::''''''r,i;T:;.i.r::::::::,,:...:..::' . 4Tt;i1-: :h :iki;i.;;;•, , I,i,g.: :'ipi!.0,:,1!T.,:,.117:13;IFip`,; ".1: ''-,,•• ' : . .:i.,,,::,,;..,,, ;: „,.,,! ,,, ,,, ,,,, ,:',!,, , i!;,:.::: ::::,!1,,:, .::,,7 !:• :;i:.;:7i:: ;;i ;i;i,,i,,i ;;: ::'il,:!i. V:ii:ii:gn! . .l - t!i!i&:,!f,..Y%ivi :"4,fd;liii0:;Yi!!;; ••7, ,'";: ,!,;,P:.,. H.4::. ,,,,.,,,.:,„,,, i,,,•„,,,,,,,,- ,,...i,:,,i':,, ::,,H„...-1,',.:.-A.A.,.,...,".'4::.:',,,:', H1-,: ',.iiin !,,A,Mg& a:.;. 120Mi4,',0iiVlii,44TiHRiil :40. 414 : tiii'''4q:'ii'i:-':" .1 ; •-:,,IH;:i,,tt!-:!,;;ii,,,.1,.:ih,:i,;diliH,:.,ii.:: :i .itii;j11 ,::•?,''ti;i: iliti:i!;:::14.!! ,- 4': :';IA%! ,101;E4ii! !il!li; ".; MITIi:; ,:i:i:,1iiiPi;,4,.::i, ..... . ,i,,,. ...,!,-,-.:,,.:.I.i,,,:,.,.,i.',...,::....E,4:::ii; E,: :::::•44,.;:ii,..1 ,i;i im,.i1r:-: i,;.,.-,:-. .,I, : , . ..:.:.,,„,,:r, . .•,,.i .. :,,,„.,,,::, ,,,, , „.. ., ,,... ., .‘ ,...i„ ,,;,,„.,„„,, .;,:„.!,:. .,,:.:. -,,,:',',••:;-• . ,„i,,,,?:!:::: .;,„,„,,,,„,i,:;:,,,:',:'•,•,::.!.:. e , ,,,,,,,:T,r,..• ::-.;.:,• ..'.:•: :';-.'.-;J:::::.:.,! .i'...', ..-:4.,'':, .:.:,;.:,,i. :':,,i'::':J,,..:,...' :..,,'....,'.H-, :,,..::4.:-,, ,....',:. . ,' . :',".,. H:..i ,, , H.:M 'a ii. .OUMf,,. :::1'0,':IFg ,'..,401';'.-ir.: ,H: ,-,, H,, ,,':H..:, ,,,,, .,,,.:,,, ,,,, . ,,,!:, -,... ,., .., ,,'.4.,i.:I\i -..,-::::.,-;.- .,T ,H.: • H* ..'•,•;iT,1 !:liY: Ti....;,iiY),,:4;';HY,""'H';',Y!!,",1:'ii;l'iii', .':''.i1'.!,,6, ':::.-11.:1 ;-1:!' .1',!1-;: ',..i ,'i‘.: • :. ,, :.,:- •;..• . , .::i•!!:;;i;:.•• .!:':,, :• .i.':•.•!. .:,,j ,.-. • 1 i.,..,1 •.ii 1•,:: .1'1-L„., , ':•'•,! ''i :•'.•,.! 'ii,,:.'•..' ' '! ,'':•':'!:1"'"!':!ir!!:'!'•!••'''' '::';'1:1;:i!ii:''!f'!;!!IN.111;- ; :?,;•:!•;1• !--,;14!•i;:`,.Y.'.., . , . , . . . . . ... ';ii'•"!i.i'::.j- 2' • • . • . .. „ . . .. . , . .. . ., .i. • .,. . . : : • . .:,::::' ;',F:'ini:. ,•-• • i • - ;• • 1:':::::,:;;;::'::•,:, .... ':!1!.,-.:1.•::: , . . . . . ,. , •. , . . ,„ . . . . .. .. . . - . Mr. Gerard M. Shellan . • . ' ' . , . , • , April 29, 1965 • b:::').:::;:: :xr 1::::,:•1;:::-.vvr.:::;;:, . . . • Page Two . . . . .' r!:.! :;'•:::,;.;iiiii:! , • !!';'0:1, :::::-i! . . ,...--....." ,... . , • Estimated Installation Cost $12,060 . .•;;ii : :H:i.: i Estimated annual mainten- ance . . , . of $500 . ' ' , : • . . . , . Capitalized at 4% = S12, 500 12, 500 :, ,,,,,,,4i.;:i:.:,i,i;•,,,,i, • . • ,.. . • . ‘ , , .. :„,' "•;.;:,-:',' .4:.,. : . . . . $24, 5 Total . . 60 : . •• . ii ,..:.,,.,,;z.22,::- , . • , ,,.,. .;2.i„.:',!. - IteJli -2( b ) Rehabilitate the trackage for the instal-'. ' . lation of the park entrycrossing . ' Vi .:;::''...•-.T,U,',' . . . • ... ,., . . . Estimated rehabilitation cost . $375 . . • ,,.,),.:-.,.::::fr,,,,, . . Item 2(c ) Install and maintain flange rail in the , . rf...,::.,........f.7, . . crossing. . . . t-...=2,,, „ . v-.i.Hii;.,,,I,.-•: $21 Estimated installation cost 5 . - ' . ,::•211,t'':'"-1 T ' Your letter was silent concerning Item 2(e ) of Mr. . , • . . ' Hoving' s letter of February 5, 1965 relating to flagmen, .. signs, etc . necessitated by the construction of the • . , ' . . i:.1,!v!iiiix',,. • grade crossing. It is estimated this item of expense . ' may total $300 and will probably be less depending, of , ' ., .i ,",-,,.:-i:•:..'.:iiii . ' course, upon the need for flagmen. , . With regards to indemnifying the Railway Company you indicated the City would include this exposure under . ' its public liability policy. . 1!:,'T:;;;:,,:].•,:•:; • . _ • 1.:.:1;:;'! '-•=:-'.,..:f' • . . ' A- meeting at your convenience to clarify the . . . condition3concerning the crossing project will be -appre- • !: !!1 -i,;i1.1ii • , ciated. '' i4. 1.:-1?t,,,- • . • . . . ,.::,.:-: ;, :,.i••_::: . . . . . Very truly yours, , . . . • ' ii,:::::Ye'L . . , . . . , . • • , . . ... . . . . . , . . HGB :mij . , . ' cc : . N.' M. Lorentzsen . . , . - . • ' Iiii. ling.:i;i::, J. E. Hoving • . ii!H!.:',,:,:•,:•,,,,:: • . . . D. H. Shoemaker • ' .. . M. H. Nixon , • . : I. W. Brewer • . E':,gi; . • 'ii,::::::::::: , • . . • .. pi.,::.:.";,,,,';;;,,,, • ,,..,i,-;i•;...-......:y_ , • •. . • . . . . . • . lil:;:;:;;:,;,:::,,:,.-.:;: . . ,., .... _ . . , . , •• ,..,,,:,:i:!:,:-,;,.: 2,-• . . , . ' : rf.'i:•;:'ii : :•-;• --' W Di,::•,:::,:. ..'i'.i.::,;::::::::.tHY'.:. :1W4q.! :.. ..:::::: ggi'J''4V,4APY:::FIHH''',:jPIMMillriWW:lr==gg4rVi;.PIP-21:04 ::'2".:: i : . . 01; ffi'' 'iW.:1P464AH •AUi!M4PAN 'Ilft.,'W7040 :' ,i,„.,,, ,,..1 :],;•:,..: 4:.;;: ;.:H!,1 :•!:i. , i.'„ i: •:I: .-::,i i',i,':!::'iii : H,!'i::;1:;t::::i,:::::::; .•:;'.•N::'„.:.e!•:..,''•..,":.:..:.'.',,'.:„,"'':::''.':....,:,:L•'.!;',;''":,::..-.::'.,:.'!..••":.;,',,:t!li:;';:,'.',,'.••,,•',•,,i H''.;::'.::,.'•,•''':'r•.,;y;:l:.';;.',1',;.'.'f:!'.,i,,•r 1,'...'.'.'.•C,.::„'''';::':.,.''1.:;..,..,:."....'.:;:::':!,;,'.:.':`::;:;'i'"::',:'':'':;'•-':',:;',;..:.:'':,P,•;.•-;';;,:;:•'.,:!:•',';:':';::'.,..'•.•,•,;;?:.''i.1,,:i:'i`L,i L;,."• .,,'":.."•,'.%':..'..:.,,":;:'i::.:.:'.4:''t1i-.•.,,.!I•I.,:r!...';.:i:i:..1.':::!::::YN:,.:,,",;:'llI"i.kiiO'Hll'''i:li:;:Y:'1!i/N.1i'i[1:!•.:i,::,,,i: i':,'i 1,.:'1-;''''j!';i!;'i:?l'..,,.,:iii:i';.1:`1!':Z:•:':,:•i'':;.'i•1i...; 1 !g.:.:.0..i.:.l.:!.'i;.'i'::.'';•.,.':1.'.;'i.i'ii.;..'.'..'.'i.:.'..'.:'"r.,';'.i".11..:.'::.,..T1.%P.5'; .ii,.1i'i.'l'l.',..•.:;.:'1•i;''''I''''::, .4 . . . , _. ,. 1 . .•..• ' . . 1 I,r,', . • • , . r i *',.Z2 -.e., OA"°'49 CITY OF RENTON .gLiy . RENTON, WASHINGTON OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY ... l'54rch 4, 196.5 Gerard M.Shellan, CityAttornuy Arthur L. Haugan,Ms't.City Allorney . . , . V.loific Coast R. ,: . Co. 404 Union Street . Scottie, ',- achington 96101 Attention: [,3r. Clart% A. 6,cksrt 1;e: Access of City of Renton to 1 1407Ko Washington beach property q n . Dear Clark: . . RIforence is Inro,by made to your letter dated Vovamher 12, 194. Since that time ve have hoc cdaitional correspondenct with the Northern ?softie 2narany ' 1 Cr.:Tany wi.iih, as usual , has delayed this project for some titTn. Un finally il 1 rcsekr?3d 3 letter 2ron Mr. Uovins datdd February 5, 196!5, a copy of which ve n7nt c:-..eloo'Inr,, !o,1- ycu7 in!?orElstion. At least at this stsge of the ume we . J1 aro happy tv say that tha site of the crossing hso boon agrood upon. We c elno encloOns, for your records, n copy of cur latter dated March 4, 19 .5, add:T:0613Cd to 1Ar. Rovins, in reply. ! : I ; • , 1 :,-7:-/ In this connection x-:1 rhould also mention that, basod on our rooting a ,, Se?teober 4, 19CA, you indicated that some help veld ho forthcomin P.rom your company in connection T,rrith the raising of the ron,d grade and the :.1 imprm.ntzent th,,:xeo , 5.noluding fIrce dirt, etc. We ere ciao wondarinr!. what additional 7-.,•)7.p -yen con provide in defraying thu costs of the c,rede crossing /7 itrel:% t)el.ndin tho siznals. . , \\i; • vi ...:"our oar17) reply mnid ha very rIne:h approciAted ninon thq nttli fm morn than ' d r51Y- , to ,1.71f,;pe!.:e (..-:: this lopc!,-dolayed prob3cm forthwith. U ' . Very truly yours, • . PAUCAN k SHULLAN . . • . By Cersrd M. 2hollan City :ttorrey C.:3:cls bc:Nayor Custer . Mr. Wilson, City Eng. Uelmie Nelson, City Clerk . • Mr, Coulon, Supt. of Parks , . , . . . . . ,. . . . , .. . • , • .. , . • . . . . . • . . . . - '. ' „" e6M1-Ye :;' !".i,e4;,',fe.o.'ne,:z.z.ee,--,,'••, ,:;.-- ,, •.:, -- •—,. ----- - 4 . . - ...- • . • , . . , . --- CITY OF RENTON . RENTON, WASHINGTON . OFHCEOFCITYATIORNEY March 4, 1965 Gerard M.Shellan, Cal/Attorney Arthur L. Haugan,Ass'I.City Attorney . , . . . Northern Pacific Railway Company . . lel King Street . , . Seattle, Washington 98104 • . , • Attention: Mr. J. E. Roving Assistant Chief Engineer . f';'• . , Re: Access of City of Renton to ; 1-11 . Lalm washin totLL3=121:01.2aLty, V ' . . Dear Mr. Roving: ii rr s • , This in to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated February 5, 1965 which we, ,_. immediately upon receipt, forwarded to our Parka and Engineering Departments • for their comments. We believe that we are finally making some progress in p having reached agreement on the location for the grade crossing. 11 11 We noticed that you have imposed certain conditions which undoubtedly will 1 have to be clarified. It is the initial judgment of the City Engineering Department that Item 1(a) of your condition, namely traffic control signals, is not necessary, at least rn not at this timm. The City is willing, as part of this project, to take care i '.., ..ii of Items 1(b) and (c) consisting of grading the approaches, drainage and, asphalt in the crossing. ! . i As to your conditions specified in Paragraph 2, it is the City's firm opinion that the installation of any crossing signals and other equipment as specified in (a), (b) and (c) ahould be shared on on equitable basis between the parties. V\ V In this connection we would like to have from you, at a very early date, the W anticipated total costa involved. Thereupon we would like to meet with you • .1 / and resolve this matter in full since the City is anxious to proceed with this i project. One final comment should be made in reference to Paragraph 2 (f). L The City would, of course, include this exposure under its public liability policy and be glad to furnish you with a copy thereof. This would be in standard form and certainly should be satisfactory to your company. We would appreciate hearing from you without delay. . ' We remain • . Youry‘lry truly, - // -/' WW! . SIMIAN , . . 4-,, . . • . . . Gerard . Shellan . . City Attorney . - .GMS:de be: Mayor Custer . . . . Mr. Wilson, City Eng. . • ' , , • ' Relmie Nelson, City Clerk . .. . . . . • . , . .. . . Mr. Coulon, Supt. of Parks . . . . . ' . . . . .„ • . . . , . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . ' . . . . , . . . . _ .. . . , . .. . . . „ . . . , . . . , . . . _ . . . . . R',:^:,. IN'1'ER/ ( 1,'NCOY ( '" -4I,,el1 _.1. 1)llc(31i'...'.L.,._--_._-__.._..."___..__..------- "POP burr-DC)( „is:cr:,?__'ToNI - ptA rc> c ct. l,Ct�, Project 1'ropo„a1 - 1.;:surer nce ! _ . ,)/ 1, Name 'ai ( Fsrr 1 p L,on of Project: (Same? as -appears on application) ' G. In submitting this Project Proposal the`--C? I.Y� „r-._RE !_'._i i._.---______.,_..-----._...,.__._---.. • � � ---_ _----(herein ref,rred to as the applicant) - • HEREBY CERTIFIES AND ASSURES THAT: . .A No'flnancial"assirtance has been given or promised uncll-.'r" .any , C)t'hefr.., Federal program or activity with regard to the: proposed project, , B. The-,appliicant has ,the; ability and intention to finance its share of, the costs of the }.�rojec,t. :C, Ali property or facilities F.1Cgoirc.d or developed I;31)(1el tidS r)rogram ,hail jr, ' HI , ' operated in compliance with all requirements and regulations irupc)>e,:.i hi or Pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 19f 4. and rl ; C.i ii I'? ,, ri lonCg as such property and facilities.; are used for purposes of. pullllc alit'-' • . . door recr U�it.ion. , " %):. `IIIC.c.)13IJIiC,r1)C ticcc;pt..; tile', Lidi(_ta)tiOu t,o co[n{,'ly with ahpiicobi 0 I_o:,w; , rl"11.C,•t; and rectulet:lcur in effect at: the time; of the Ow,-rrd' and to the fu,rt.},.or terms" .' and conditions of the Interagency c.,enc" Committee and of ti Bureau of -outdoor Recreation P,/i'anizal in effect at: the; tirY)c; of the award, 3'., Subject to the award of funds , with respect to projectproPo`;als for the acqui ,., sition of interests in land and watch, the applicant certi.fi.eS that: , • P. P'ro.perty acquired will be placed in use as an outdoor tee resnt:,Ion.fuci.lity ,` and,n11 be retained for such' use in perpetuity or otherwise as'.provided 'anc , acrt:Ed 't0 in the pro,l"rct agreement, " Prior approval cif the Dist ctcr ci t.lhe . curenu of Outdoor Recreation and the Chairman of the IAC vazll he 'obtained . ' before any other dsposal" is made of such property, :B. No uses of such property other than those described in the proposal will ' . be"permitted' niless ,approved in ocfvance,by the Di.rectur"c'ind the .Chairman. -. .", 4,, Subject to the award of funds , with. respect to project proposals for development. - . - ' ' the applicant certifies that: . A. The applicant has the intent and ability to. finance the operation and. main-` tenance of t:.he'facility bolne 'devr,lope,d , 'according Co 5t:•,rndc.trd:s. e stabii.she, by the Director and"the Chairman, for .so long EIS it. i,s required . The appli- cant may C elegate.these functions, to Its political subdivisions but the responsibility for their performance continues tto lie with,the applicant.' . : ,Be., Tne apulicanit will sunply'clevelopment specifications and detailed plans to-the Director' and the Chair`r an for their approval before actual work is started , when requested by the Director or the .Chairman„ . i '` l(}rl i:i t.l l ro• : ..,. ,. f s { Ti!-� !r� r�'�, !�'�r'� I,I,;j'jl� I, I'i' 1 I}�'1 ;i� ,i .'ail l ..,..._.,....,. . .. .. .. ..... ...... ,.. .,,... ., . „ r' �f i Iti • 'fit • Minutes of the Renton iuy Council 12-6-65 COMMUNICATIONS,: (Cont. ) .Planning 65Mthission ReCemtiiendations: speandCSchoolroftArts_att1 S01yMai"ion A�hele rt, Appl. P-264-65, for Art Gallery . eni�e bias approved with inderstanding that oceupahe kec uireMeiits epedified by the City Code will be met. Moved by pr:+rryi 60cb i td by tiri1ce, to concur in the approval. Carried. Schellert requested hit abstaining vote to be recorded. • A letter was read from Planning Director Ericksen advising that the Planning Commission had considered the variance request of Whitehall Laboratories for reduction in number of required parking spaces from 32 to 10. In review of present parking and anticipated future parking problems the Commission voted to recommend denial of the Variance since applicant has additional space available to provide the required parking. It _was further pointed out that while seemingly excessive to needs of the present owners, it may be necessary for future owners to have the expanded facility. A letter • from Mr. Gordon Adams, Branch Manager .of Whitehall Laboratories, appealed the decision and Mr. R. M. Boyd, from Bellevue who was in the audience, advised that he was the land agent for Pacific Railroad Company who sold the property to Whitehall Laboratories and that at present they have only four employees and do not feel the expense of blacktopping a considerable area is a reasonable requirement at this time but would comply ct. "Jny time the need is warranted, such .a large expenditure not having been set aside theparties are desirous to- deal further with the problem. ' Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Perry, that December 13, 1965 be set for date for hearing and the parties appealing be so notified, as no action may be taken prior to a hearing. Carried. Letters were read from John Graham and Company and Olson Richert & Associates, Ardhitects, requesting to be considered by the Council when designing of the new city hall is contracted. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Schellert, to refer the letters to the Property Committee. Carried. A letter was read from the Renton Aerie No. 1722, F.O.E. reminding that theblood.• bank will be at the Eagle' s on Wednesday, December 15th and meals will be furnished to all donors. A letter from Baird M. Bardarson, M.D. expressed appreciation to the Mayor and Council for the work done in bringing the concept of Lake Washington Beach Park nearer to realization by pledge of $125,000 by the City to be matched by State and Federal sources, access to the park and recognized need for acquisition of additional property to the Northeast.' A point of issue was raised relative to a trade of property referred to as 3.6 acres, which loss of land was deemed disastrous to adequate development of the park. Recommendation of the Community Facility Plan was quoted which proposed extending of the beach property to include additional waterfront and 5 to 10 acres of additional land area and Dr. Bardarson continued that once given to Boeing the 3.6 acres will be lost to the City. A 20 year pro- jection with year-around swimming pavilion, shellhouse, canoeing facilities, rowing, sailing and fishing areas, launching ramp, moorage facilities and beach, swimming, restaurant facilities, bicycle and foot paths available, anticipated . 40 :acres would not be too much land for the City' s needs. Mr. Bardarson urged that acquisition powers not slacken for additional property should the council decide loss of present park site is undesirable. Moved by Perry, seconded by Garrett, to refer the communication to the Property Committee. Carried. A letter from Mayor Custer requested Council concurrence in the purchase . of certain Pacific Coast Railroad Co. property needed to complete the \\\ western approach to the North Renton Interchange. Moved by Morris, seconded by Poli, to concur in the purchase and that the Mayor be authorized to pro- ceed as requested. Carried. The Mayor: advised that another parcel owned by the railroad was involved and the State had requested to negotiate for this purchase. -5;- 'ALPINE 5-0471 - • - - _\L �-r_ �JC� � 44, 4+72,i,. �a, ✓""• l!' r_. ;f P.: r ©AIRD M. DARDARSDNJ, M. D. • NO\: 227 -4TH PLACE / P.ENTON, WASHINGTON )))/yz,4< /J 23 November 1965 141- ii Mayor Donald Custer and City Councilmen City of Renton Renton, Washington Dear Sirs: May I thank you for your most courteous letter of November 22nd in response to mine. I fear that mine may have contained far more heat than necessary and for this I apologize. May I also express my appreciation for the fine work done by yourself ;0d the Council in bringing the concept of Lake Washington Beach Park so much nearer fruition. The major successes you have attained through diligent negotiation and forward look- ing leadership are: 1. The City pledge of $125,000 to be matched by State sources for a total of $494,000, 2. Props.access to the park, 3. The realization that acquisition of additional property to the nort.h- east.,is- essent.'ial. These points have no relationship to present negotiations for trade or sale of prop- erty and mean that work can be started on the present park site as soon as matching funds become available. The point at issue is not the acquisition of the narrow strip of waterfront prop- crt'.y to the north, but. the loss of the precious 3.6 acres of prime park land we pre- sently possess in the trade now.be:i.ng considered. Such a loss I would consider disastrous to the adequate development of the park. I have no doubt: that, left to dispassionate arbitration by any planning body or group interested in parks, such a trade could only be labeled shortsighted, unwise, a mistake. 'The Community Facilities Study approved by the Planning Commission and just. recently by the City Council, after public hearings, could properly be considered as a guide to our course of action in development of this site. On page 7 under recommenda- tions, it states: "It is proposed that. at Lake Washington Beach the park properties be extended northerly to include additional waterfront and 5 to 10 acres of add:i- L f+]na I. land area,,i Nowhere does .i.l Iri,i.tl:. MIA. r1 (al:get: waterfront luirk a'l:ca wc.2 now possess he traded for . a smaller one. On the contrary, IL implies Oat:. for adequate development of this park and additional. 5 to 10 acres of land are necessary along with the additional waterfront. The 3.6 acres of our present park, once given to Boeing, will never re- turn. • - f „ .--:,-:H', .....••,-11 ,,,. .. - ''.i -''. - .. ' ' - , ,,A , ,k,,,,. , ,; L . .•. , . . , , • . :. Mayor Donald Custer and City Councilman 23 November 1965 City of Renton Page 2 . . . Renton, Washington . , . . . . . , . . . , . . . ' . . . . .. . , . , . . ' , .. ' When considered in terms of our 20 year needs, enough land must be available t.o consider a year-round swimming pavilion, shellhouse, facilities for canoeing, row- . ring -ancl, sailing, fishing areas, launChingiramp, moorage facilities, beach, swim- . . ':Ming, restaurant facilities, bicycleand foot paths.. 40 acres- would not be too much,: . . , • . , . . . . . . , The property to the north is_ being negotiated for now. • Should the Council decide . that loss of any of our present park is undesirable, certainly the powers it pos- sesses for acquisition of the necessary additional property will not slacken. , Your letter states: "I suppose it might appear in this case that. the Boeing , . Company is being accorded more consideration than the needs of the city for park sites.” . . . . .. . . . . That,: gentlemen, ,is the point. •. . . . , . . . “ . .,Sincerely . , , (/ . . . . . , (i. 6( (16 WI--7' '1610 . f .:', . r. . . ,• ., . . : , Baird M. Bardarson, M.D. ' • , . . - .. • , ' . BMB:ac , . • - PS, : I would prefer that the letter, be ,placed on the agenda to be read at the next Council Meeting, If this is not possible,. could each of the Councilmen receive a , copy. If this is not possible, could I be so informed so as t.o personally distrib- ute copies. . , . . . . . . cc: ' Allied Arts . Municipal Art Commission . Chamber of Commerce Park Department. :Enterprise Planning Commission Garden Club , Record Chronicle . .. Kiwanis Club • Rent-on ,Area Council PTA . League of Woman Voters Renton Recreation-Council Lions Club Renton Sailing Club Rotary Club .. . . . . • .- ,. . . , . . • . . . . ' . . . , , . . • . _ _ . CITY OF .RENTON • . Rl NTCN,•�'JASFHNGTON .- .• . •OFFICE OF,CITY ATTORNEY20, ., " • . . ' ' Gerard M..Shellan,C(fyAttorncuSeptember . ' Ar;hur L. Haugan,Ass t.CityAttornEy -`` • / .. 1 ✓ Northern Pecifis. Rail Company . • Co. Central Building F, • • 1 Rex - North ROMOM Crossing to , : • i r{ e p �ttngt Beach . . • . - , Pegg*: - . . c You vxmach far �r letter of T. to r 10, 1965 toget r I - • ' ' ' 1,3 ± • with enclosures. to have turned the tatter over to our City " pieer 1! c • .. whoadvises' that es far as he can. t •th. estimate � to a be ti ,, reasonable.ble►. +ever, it shodld be usahnnttood that the final cost • k, to the City shodld helm-sod. on the final out:4y of costs by the . • , railroads rot-to exceed the estimated smoant. Itta for the roast* . ' . . that the City has to budget such items and cat exceed the . , budgetary Lk.;,.: •,° t wish .'ma's take. this opportunity to thank you for your i s - • f, lc t Y' Ware, • • .G • ' • ?! . • • , • Carex°d M. She . . ci Attorney : " . - . . ,- bas iayar tsar `: wry -1 yt„ „ ,00 y..A-- '' ,' '' , CITY OF RENTON • /v RENTON WASHINGTON OFFICE'OF.=CITY ATTORNEY: (Yj September 1 3, 1965 ' Gerard M.Shellan, City Attorney - ' Arthur L.Haugan,..Lss't.City Attonurp ' , Mi.' Jack Wilson, City" Engineer , City Hall . T?en'uon9 . ;,Tashi gio"sl Pe: Access of City of Renton to Lake Washington Beach Property Dear Jack; 'Pursuant to oii.r meeting "with the railroad representatives on September 8, 1965, we have received this da to,f ro i Yr. Harold G. Boggs of the Northern Pacific Railway Company, the enclosed F,stirnate relative to the automatic . ' lashi;kg; lights 1.nstallation. ; Would you please check 'iihis matter over to • ' 'determine - bether.;•i v a..ppoar:� reasonable, in all respects So that. same may . � - , bo incorporated into tho ozrPrr.],1.. agreement rel.at_ing, to th® �ermaxaeht �. - coon j:1.n . site and Gonstrlrct:ton - , . -'•'Ie remain ' Very t» yyours, t jf n [ , , .A., A _I S • ' -'• ' , - ggLL Jet i ��, 4- ? ''.// z'' -/-- --;'-?'- - ' '. s '' . Ct�xai d M �'zel!asp 4 / C:Lt7y. .A,`�',uorney , t Gl`fS.Cls -= _ be: Helmie :Nelson ' . a Mayor Custer . ' . . • Henry Pedersen, o„ roftw 44))W 64/r e:‘,/ d4714--""' //� n THE 70�f3/. aL/L/7 (7-/27 COMPANY AJI.,?-/j, r HEADQUARTERS OFFICES • P.O. BOX 3707 • SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98124 Cdi• �. i_ � _'" July 2 , 1965 IN REPLY REFER TO JUL 8 1 + 1-1203-2-94 Honorable Mayor and City Council MAYOR City Hall Renton , Washington Attention : Mr. Henry Pedersen Chairman , Property Committee Subject : Lake Washington City Park. Property Gentlemen : To meet the increasing demand for commercial jetliners , The Boeing Company is currently planning expansion of its facilities in Renton through acquisition of a portion of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company property to the east of our plant . How- ever, in order that Puget may make available the land necessary for the proposed expansion , a small portion (approximately 3.4 acres as shown on the attached plot plan ) of the upland area of the Lake Washington City Park property is required to accommodate the relocation of certain of Puget 's facilities . Therefore , it is requested that the city consider the sale of the property needed to allow for our expansion. The proposed expansion will not only benefit Boeing but the city as well by increasing the tax. base and creating additional payroll for the community. If for any reason it should be determined that the city cannot sell the_..property required , we would be most anxious to explore other methods of making the property available. You are respectfully requested to give this proposal your early and favorable consideration in order that we may proceed with our plans on a timely basis . Very truly yours , • THE BOEING COMPANY Headquarters Offices .., D. Bix y Director of Facilities Attachment /00. 0 57-=,50 06 Au ON I, CQ � 1. All 1 it - 00 00 00 A EXPAMnION (JOINT 13C7X t7-: T- r FO-1 T] 0 M ► POWER Pi- ANT ­1 A LDRY WELLVA L Y0A AY 0 0 0 Cc)Nc rj(,-N. t 4 N,_ Rr A LIGHT N T- Po, F===6 h --A jvWTC_H YAR. DOO 000 000 ------------ A I WATER TANK X INTAKE. , cIRCEN� CUAST R R CONNECTION Nor NO T L 5 incitc.afe,5 Nc,6 Fbrkwag Cable lndicafe,, City WotE:, Line Pipe exceptasr*fed) lndiccife5 Ere- P�jmp Lmmn,', InJicci�e5 G' Line to 5Praq Pipes cil knfake Indicates Fire, Hiqdrant 0 LIGHTING 5TANDARE) , a, k , L01' PLAN ro i 1_,5.,464da. Rds, Trans. L1f7,Z_T c J, ii .5 SHUFFLETON POWER PLANT 4 726'42 Added Odle 3 PUGET SOUND POWER &.UGHTo COMPANY 3 17-.3-4J 4ddccJ F. 0 -7a-nk -#,A f14 I O.M. VVF_B5T'F_R FNGMEEF?1NG-UQRPC*�AT+0N_ 5EATTL4,�_,,, 4F Z 100 Ft 4 c 7 - VI ir C Ak, M U_nQ:.LQ; I I LF', OF, 3 dqw .1 - -- , - N 41, X�; W - - ----------- AL A4 �T jelkfi (24)4 , ,ugust: 20, 1965 p,ar y' Ur. J. E. Coviri T. sia urlt C:hieff Engineer: Northern Pacific Railway Cocpany • 131 F;thg Street Seattle, Washington 98104 - ra Temporary Crossing Permit 1.JC,a r: MI:. Loving: '.ttachod is a copy of a "Ten:lor:ry CLC:1r:•inc Permit" ..c•oared by your legal dcp,ar:t ent at the request of the City. .L have been instructed to return this document to you unsigned and,, as a partial cx?;71cnat:ion for such action, X have Also included the comments of our City littorney, on whose advice taw Council acted. Pe3rso n l *, X a:a somewhat oJifappointed in the terms c;:s: the proposed porIait. R:a cstrLain there was an urrder— c' the intent and pu�w;.ox,C ��:: tjic permit x P;,�ue stet standing a of j' ,f with railway' representatives of by t:�,�.� City �:'�: a coating ai ..,.wuy r����: u'y 4i. WUU certainly no it plicatio i that tho City %c3uld consider the terms e3:pressed in .P41:a4 :F:r+k1 4 G : tl.,3 t' d i; the '' � ' expect to insure 314 permit. ri+�'+1`sii3G94..,C ,.�..)_.y City 4:cG�1. hold the is harmless against any liability ari,s:in, from 'the negligence of the City through its use of tha railroad crossing, but in no cvcat: did we expect to insure the railroad : z:oia ita own negligence. Since the permit, in my opinion, Should result only in the clarification of an existing situation, i would• urge that Paragraph 4 be dolote d from Chia pernit and that Para- n. I gran a 5 be amended. giro permit should then be resubmitted to the City for appropriate action by the Council. T await i your early reply and will cooperate in cvc y way possible to r. ; conclude thismatter for. the benefit. o both parties concerned. I Sincerely, 1; y D. W. Custer Mayor -.i cc Clark Eckart Great Northern t hern i • p)foy CITY OF RENTON v RENTON, WASHINGTON � '�' • OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY • August 16, 1965 • Gerard M.Shellan, City Attorney Arthur L.Haugan,.Ass't.City Attorney • . • • Hon, Donald N. "Custer, Mayor ! • r; City of Renton • City Hall Renton, Washington • Re: Lake Washington Beach Crossing • Dear Sir: , We have received this date a copy of the proposed temporary crossing permit dated July 6, 1965 and heretofore signed by the representatives of the Pacific Coast R.R. Company and the Northern Pacific Railway Company; Even before this matter is officially submitted to our office for our comments and recommendation, we cannot help but make; at this time, some comments and recommendations which, although premature, should be considered by your body. It is indeed unfortunate that the railroads did not see fit to submit such proposed agreement to the City before signing same, at least no such copy ever reached our office and we doubt somewhat whether it reached yours. We would say that paragraph 4 is unacceptable from a legal standpoint since, to all intents and purposes, it makes the City an insurer for all injuries and damages even though caused solely by the railroads. This, to say the least, is an unreasonable request by the railroads in question. This section is so worded that assuming, for instance, two railroad trains colliding at or near the intersection, or a railroad .employee alighting from a railroad train at or near the crossing, and no City employee or City equip- ment being in sight for miles, the aforesaid section would require the City to pay for all of such damages that may have been incurred. The railroads not only want the City to hold them harmless from any liability in connection with the City's use of its beach park but also to protect and indemnify them " from their own negligence. We are quite certain that learned legal counsel for the .railroads would never permit their clients to sign any such document and we are not prepared to so recommend either. • Section 5 of the Temporary Crossing Permit must, of necessity, be likewise amended and modified since our insurance carrier certainly would not be interested to insure the railroads for their own negligence for the limits specified, not to mention the possible substantial increase in ptemiums to the City. Likewise Section 6 does not seem to be fair or equitable since the City is to • i pay the railroads "any cost of maintenance required to said crossing": If the .. .: •;AA. .5 '>n•.aR•±F-:'!s•:�+'r 'a:.,-;Xl-,:,t4i,t t..,.q:Pi :','-',F4'.s;r,.�,..E:. .'�� .,T: .n-.•s 7:. :rS- •dS':,1•✓r:c:.�_• i Xti.. •f` t� :9;.ir�L:!;':,.:ii..s - � .S.,f,. :�;. ;,ram._ !.��. — .rf ..u; s 1':w;�:':;;' �:JS! •r...e—b,•.�.-.,..;;7[ieLr;::�i•.; .r. 4, _.-F.c,a:. "'.q r.=,5. � ,�:�`.."s,,'. !1'�: - �"ii}•'s N., :y,:Iai.':',ir.K; :Y:.:.., 'T;F1�rj.� l.. 7 r .)+: "4i'�fl:t'S. .:ti '^La" t ,.�j.'��. - ._.......- ^r. -`�a'rt 1'a..l'�}- ver. .d.u� �'.'4iv'.' sk.;reo:C..... ;a ."hc• r, e<u. •u.:, ..}. ;:,: t:r. 'S �",i;'.;::1:L h�Y,'. ','i ..P y ."�.: :;C;:::�'•dv - - };,Y;,':r L:" h�j ,•,',.tR:.,. ":t i:C Y.-! ..a'. ..W 74'" �:{;: -,YtC't",�"+'.a'li%'ile�:��• pti �?r.�,..�.,..rn•r:' ..L:.`; rT. .�':k.s, ,n-, .l.C.,.))r>t. +y\ .'l{3.� :.t'k�L'S:' •<;' ''q s''�f: "��+" "'.'T^:-:: •t.' f ..,1'=�` ,:".sZ%:�:. .fI,.S�• k.:... A� ,-R'�e P,'1.'y, .Y.r.'--..�5 .:9•;1{,e:l�t•:: +(r;:nr":1. ,,yy(("":;5., * .,ti.,, ;a� � 1, ,5, :'4.. ...i., Ca= h.w. ,b^. ,tix.. tp. ,;,1,,i:..,..., .9. 1 .+: ,�i`, .a.''7': ..:�' .>• ,,t,i �9a•'`^9t'�.;''' �'�:' .s. «r..;i _ .s,Ty ,d i.::.�!� �t"+'.4.,. :,5. "t 'J': ;'•s,•i i- ':,h. .. :l. - F. S- t,f 4, :is' 'i7':': :S7" -i- .t'Sti' "V�.• a. '�'•R�i+t'i '.�. .K�r,;• 'C;:!,i'• g [i' �:�::�`f'•'r; .n Tr. ,{-'• r.L.ry,. �""S�' "'S'„%:::';:, t' :r'C.'e•� _�"'7.a�.,"i.�: I�^Y'";,••.l, ,7.f !.9,.°.F;: „ . � �': r,:�-•�- ,,;, ,. ..'k' ,w'-�_ - =,.f• �," `tom.' +•xf�:4:,. f, :•�`�4;H .� f., a:�•i.;`t..L-.,, t,,,.c••$. :':rI. r,,,;:,.r. .tt kH':£'f�P^i• 'L FC. a.a. , ,,s s `�1. 'L "�1+ •'�a. .`i',;r. a 7 {. (-,.�� .3 ,�{,"'` v I, �,, f+ e�;!d l..it���Y•'ti�d.�. ..f.l: .'.• d':, a :7.,.fit �, I�X ,t„ ':'�,t ..$':mY" .,v fXid.n '�k, a.� �., k'f .,9' '> 2.. 1L.•: 9.i,.,d{,..tlya;;;Lrat..,- r,���;'a6 i..s 3x�, '' }ae tt °'S'41tib:�wp� KKy ��N' � r:t,,=r t^��n`{~:il _ri7h" 4'an.` �`��i .1'ii; "!^' 'a Fc� -�- `;'. 5.,F•r!?,.�,,a.;.�i't- ,L Y,.s^:;8�-� L' u..,.,r:•:_r�'•t``:: •h'��' ..rii.t: � ' ' �.w�_t.,:'�L?J=L:�4� .Yx,t �L,,..,,,,;,, ..: . .- - - . . ' „ , r Hon. Donald W. Custer, Mayor ,. ' ' Page•2 •: August 16, ✓ 1965 -•g, F; :., ' City is to, pay any' costs, it shall be limited to the cost reasonably' required. , l: , .. the !city's usage of said crossing and for no other reason; otherwise we - - would be underwriting customary and common maintenance 'costs of .the, railroads.• .1, themslves, ,_ „— ', ' - Any such crossing permit should provide for at least 'a 30 day'cancellation • - clause, instead :of 10 days', ' We certainly hope ,that after, several years of correspondence and.meetings, a permanent crossing, is now being worked out and completed. It is still our • , . . position, that we had submitted to _youon several occasions in the p,ast,. that= ' ., the City did not acquire landlocked property from the railroad, and that at ,. t; least an. implied easement. existed for the last ten years or so which,'allowed" : ', the City access to its property, across the railroad tracks.' At the time -this_. ' t deal was consummated with the representatives of the railroad, it was certainly understood that there was access to it which clearly. meant vehicular' ' ' : and pedestrian access. ' Even if the railroads ,were completely Unwilling; which • } . - - we are sure they are not, -to provide us with a crossing permit in 'writing'; • ` . ' ' it 'Would be our opinion that the City has, as- in the past, a:definite right'; - : 'to Cross to reach its property Which right the.-City•has exercised during the F ..‘'.'1. last ten years for maintenance, improvement and 'construction purposes :of- the - ''i a - _ . lake .Was a -h'ngton Beach site. We. have no objections'.if you desire to forward a copy of this letter;together with'your own comments, if any ,additional are needed, to. Mr. Clark Eckart, - : ' President of the Pacific Coast` It.R. Company since we-know Mr. Eckert. to 'be an ' excellent;:experienced 'lawyer who will readily recognize the vali_dity':'of our ,. •i ' objections heretofore raised. If'•we can: be of any further assistance' to you:_'iii' this matter;',pl'ease let us,; . - . knovi. . 'We remain : / • �� yours \(erytttr9ly ', . ' :.. HAUGAN &'f SHELL ,`✓r 1 - . , i y Gaurd.M.,: oilouan;, - • • , ' . . . '. / - City Attorney CMS:nd cc, City Engineer - _€ _ Park. Superintendent.. - - City (]7arlr' i ,i . � !;ram ' ,. r _ ri] ,C -' .. _ i'`' 'n. •+ -, `:,;4,tr tri-' `. 1� ""'4,i;- (9 r ' the let Trc,rasf�':.o. (.:npitnl (�( the \A'orlci ' � _ ' I 1�,,= {ter' `':C l'I_{!' rl1��`‘,,'+.�� 14_eMbers ( .=. �:he Council. _ _ .. Cit, o1 Renton . . • . , DLt.r1n'j a meeting ''Fith roe-r_e:�eetatl\Jos _oC t�'t�e �;r�'.t1"l� T�ln':tl1C?=n 7� 17..1_`i:LV ,CC?T17� it.' on tTill�i '7, 1�)ct>, Y L"CCi11C ;` Crl . • that el tol'il l a(:fY'oemC r?t, ' 10 '.e' signed by the OSil,Jf'uty ;1rlCl the i 1 . c`).0 Renton , • be. )r .{ art(1 „T.111..'. a,cC,¢ rhr . , ldcl •I'i t , 1„i:'f'0t:'1,;, t'l la;, ?;,'l.a I road c.l b 5. :1.1111 to 1 =1'1'. l;1"11:1 (l'Cl<:`(..': )'{. 1 0 „1t;(, . , ;, `"(;il',11.i ' q.tc.)0., ',d.:icii 12�a1:l� ctirl .`-+ilc-.1-I��-(;'t. c.i.;1T"a..-t'�i 1:1.t ., c..1 t-.\j i t. l;'a,E'.j,It Cl' l C:i.V . Attached is the Proposed "Tem:�nr try Crossing perm1_ _n • • PZepared b:/ the Pacific is Coast and Northern. .Pacific e:L.L ; why. Comnc:l..ie s . Since this matter is of concern to several. City der) rtmen.t, and the—City Col:lncil. , .. :C am sub , milting. to You :Tor. vonr consideration at his..,time. I The most;'f important,Lout, c a l.1?:C�`.i n 't= l:LS 11 n11.71a'l ;1.1':C�i)(> `,r ' - •t::itat, i 1.., The City shall not T)F:.n1?lit :he. Public' 'Lo .Ilse '! tic • • . ctossing as , -1n access route 10..the paL\ and 7 . . The-City must k{='E;1 'the ( tossing chained lnd ' . '• lhcked '! at ' 1,1 times when not in 'u.se. . .. " . - The above mentioned rest.ricticns of the •c.r-o;;sinq - • Ty(1111.d indicate that the C:1,1 v might have call! C? 'i=o changeI' Tlie k�i:E?t"il'1�'I on of- theRenton a L.l.L1lC) Club now using ;1 portion of the Lc 1<o Washington Beach PPiirk. In the i • ' i.nl;.e re`_,,ts of keeping the puhla.c sa-Fe, encl inuring the City from puss Lt7�.e liabilities l.i'_.`3 because"lll e ofaccidents i't't'. . - - - the public cT:ossincf, - I would urge the Couno:i.l ' early Consideration off the terms of the nroPosed permit. • , _ ' ii_ %_ . - - 1). W . r..?ls,•1'.,`.�i , NI F.I'(i()f. `. c '` ' ' CITY OF RENTON .. RENTON, WASHINGTON OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY Gerard M.Shellan, CihrAttorney August 16, 1965 Arthur L. Haugan,Aas't.Gay Attorney Ban. Donald W. Custer, Mayor City of Renton City Hall ' . . Renton, Washington L.)) Re: Lake Washington Beach Crossing Dear Sir: II We have received this date a copy o$ the proposed temporary crossing permit dated July 6, 1965 and heretofore signed by the representative of the Pacific Coast R.R. Company and the northern Pacific Railway Company. Even before this matter is officially submitted to our office `= / for our comments and recommendation, we cannot help but make, at this time, some comments and recommendations which, although premature, should be considered by your body. i CI L11 It is indeed unfortunate that the railroads did not see fit to submit r such proposed agreement to the City before signing same, at least no such 1 copy ever reached our office and we doubt somewhat whether it reached yours. , Li We would say that paragraph 4 ire unacceptable from a legal standpoint since, to all intents and purposes, it makes the City an insurer for all injuries . and damages even though caused solely by the railroads. This, to say the-.. least, is an unreasonable request by the railroads in question. This . -\' )//i7 section is so worded that assuming, for instance, two railroad trains colliding at or near the intersection, or a railroad employee alighting from a railroad train at or near the crossing, and no City employee or City equip' went being in sight for miles, the aforesaid section would require the City to pay for all of such damages that may have been incurred. The railroads not only want the City to hold them harmless from any liability in connection with the City's use of its beach park but also to protect and indemnify them . from their own negligence. We are quite certain that learned legal counsel for the railroads would never permit their clients to sign any ouch document and we are not prepared to so recommend either. Section 5 of the Temporary Crossing Permit must, of necessity, be likewise • amended and modified since our insurance carrier certainly would not be interested to insure the railroads for their own negligence for the limits specified, not to mention the possible substantial increase in premiums to the City. Likewise Section 6 does not seem to be fair or equitable since the City is to pay the railroads "any cost of maintenance required to said crossing". If the • Eon. Donald W. Custer, Mayor . Page 2 Aaaaguat 16. 1965 - City is to pay any ewers, it ab ll be limited to the cost reasonably required the City's easy o of ataid cro.hatu and for no other reason; othe;rwiee we would be underwriting ctsatomary and common maintenance costs of the railroads thems elves. Any ouch cros i tog permit should provide for at leant a 30 day cancellation clause, instead of 10 daeye. We certainly hope that after: several year* of correspondence and mceAt1ntge,.; a s ; croseing is now baring worked out and ce pleted. It otill our position, that we had submitted to you on several occasions in the pant, that : the City did not acquire lendloched property froi the railroad and that at least an implied easement existed for the last ten years or no which allowed .: the City access to its property acroee the railroad tracks. At the time this deal was coneumeated with the reprresentativee of the railroad, it eta S - certeinly saladoretood that there wan access to it which clearly naeamt vehicular and pedeetrien accesa. Even if the railroads were completely unwilling, which we are are aura they are not, to provide see with a crossing permit in writing,- . it would be our opinion that the City has, as in the past, a definite right to cross to reach Eta property which right' the City hat; exercised during the : : '.; • last tea years for maintenance, improvement and construction pu►rpoeee of the. Lake Washington, Beath site. • ' We have no objectiona if you desire to forward a copy of this letter,together with your own corelenta, if any additional are needed, to tom. Clartm Eckert, . President of the pacific Coast R.R. Company since we know Mc. Eckart to be an :_ s; excellent, experienced lawyer who will readily recognise the validity of our objections hereto ore rained. If we can be of any further assistance to you in this matter, please let us .. . .`.,.;. ate raalsn : : Yours very truly, . iJCA3, ds : .. By Gmarcd M. �hallrtta. . : • City Attorney GMg s end cc: City E aglineeea Park Sepo,a'iotem len I City Ciertile 6 August 1.3, , 1965 Me4ers of the Council Cit=7 of Renton • During a meeting with representatives of the Great Northern Railway Company on July 6, 1965, I requested that a formal agreement, to be signed by the Company and the City of Renton, be prepared. This agreement would affect the railroad crossing to the entrance of Lake Washington Beach Park and should clarify the City' s right or entry. Attached is the proposed "Temporary Crossing Permit" prepared by the Pacific Coast and Northern Pacific Rail- way Companies. Since this matter is of concern to several City departments and the City Council, I am sub- mitting to you for your consideration at this time. The most important features of this permit propose that: 1. The City Ehall not permit the public to use the crossing as an access route to the park and; 2. . The City must keep the crOssing chained and lOcked "at all times when not in use. . ." . The above, mentioned restrictions of the crossing . would indicate that the City might have cause to change • tlie operation of the Renton Sailing Club now using a IDOrtion of the Lake Washington Beach Park. In the interests of keeping the public safe, and insuring the City from possible liabilities because of accidents, at the public crossing, I would urge the Council ' s early consideration of the terms of the proposed permit. D W. Custer, Mayor , z 4'frAYA-2 • July 12, 1965 Members of the Council City of Renton Re Lake Washington Park Access Since the Council 's action in granting a permit- ' to the Lake Washington Sailing Club for access to the Lake Washington Beach site, there has been considerable discussion concerning access to the Park. As the Council members are undoubtedly aware, the City has for approximately- the last three years, attempted to reach, a final agreement concerning construction of a permanent entrance to the Park from Lake Washington Boulevard. To clarify this matter, and to enable the Council to take some action toward a final agreement with the two railroad companies involved, may I present the follow- ing report: 1. The City does have access to Lake Washington Beach Park by a prior commitment of the Pacific Coast Railway Company, which has an easement across both railroad. tracks at the site ofthe Park. In other words, the Pacific Coast Railway Co. has simply extended to the City its right of entry. 2. Several meetings have been held over the past few years in an attempt to provide the framework for an agreement to construct a permanent crossing over these tracks. At the present the City does not have enough funds to complete the project as required by the railroad's terms. These costs are expected to total approximately $25,000, and the project would include filling, grading, and paving of a roadway from Lake Washington Blvd. into the Park and would provide for the installation and maintenance of a signal warning system, and header and flange rails at the City' s expense. • Council -2- July 12, 1965 3. The City Engineer, City Attorney, Park Superintendent, and myself have met with the railroad and have discussed on several occasions, the various details of a future agreement. At this point, I feel that the final terms are available and that the City Council should study the matter and make a decision concerning the action the City will take. Although this matter has probably been referred to one or more Council committees in the past, would suggest that it now be referred to the appropriate committee, and that the City begin final negotiations for the agreement to implement construction of a permanent access to Lake Washington Beach Park. D. W. Custer, Mayor cc Park Department elev it July 12, 1965 Members of the Council City of Renton Re Lake Washington Park Access Since the Council 's action in granting a permit to the Lake Washington Sailing Club for access to the Lake Washington Beach site, there has been considerable discussion concerning access to the Park. As the Council members are undoubtedly aware, the City has for approximately the last three years, attempted to reach a final agreement concerning construction of a permenent entrance to the Park from Lake Washington Boulevard. To clarify this matter, and to enable the Council to take some action toward a final agreement with the two railroad companies involved, may I present the follow- ing report; 1. The City does have access to Lake Washington 'Beech Park by a prior commitment of the Pacific Coast Railway Company, which has an easement across both 'railroad tracks at the site of the Park. In other 'words, the Pacific Coast Railway Co. has simply extended Cto the City its right of entry. 2. Several meetings have been held over the past few years in an attempt to provide the framework for an Agreement to construct a permanent crossing over these tracks. At the present the City does not have enough funds to complete the project as required by the railroad's terms. These costs are expected to total approximately 25,000, and the project would include filling, grading, and paving of a roadway from Lake Washington Blvd. into the Park and would provide for the installation and maintenance of a signal warning system, and header and flange rails at the City' s expense. Council -2- July 12, 1965 3. The City Engineer, City Attorney, Park Superintendent, and myself have met with the railroad and have discussed on several occasions, the various details of a future agreement. At this point, I feel that the final terms are available and that the City Council should study the matter and make a decision concerning the action the City will take. Although this matter has probably been referred to one or more Council committees in the past, I would suggest that it now be referred to the appropriate committee, and that the City begin final negotiations for the agreement to implement construction of a permanent access to Lake Washington Beach Park. //1/ 1JS �'G D. W. Custer, Mayor cc Park Department el/L1V9 tar' (/%°11) ' o Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting June 28, 1965 COMMUNICATIONS: (cont.) A letter from City Attorney Shellan reported that Quit Claim Deed from the State of Washington to the City of Renton,covering 1,553 sq. ft. of property near Houser Way and Mill, contains a very definite reversion clause applicable immediately upon ending the public use of the subject property. Therefore, it is very doubtful that the City could use said property for purposes of exchange or sale since said transactions would not constitute "use for public purposes" . It undoubtedly could be used for parking and storage in which event the deed should be accepted. If the primary intent is to use it for later sale or exchange with private owners, then the deed in its present form is unacceptable unless the State agrees to delete its reversionary interest. Moved by Morris, seconded by Bruce, to defer action until committee reports later in the meeting. Carried. A letter read from J. David Jensen, Planning Director, advised that the Planning Commission at its public hearing of June 23, 1965 considered the Final Plat of Hill- crest Lane and recommended its adoption by the Council. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Carried. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Hulse, to refer the matter to the Law and Ordi- nance Committee for the proper document. Carried. Application from Ethel P. Lawrence of Newberrys, for Keymakers License was read. Moved by Poli, seconded by Perry, to refer the application to the Police and License Committee with power to act. Carried,. A letter from Baird M. Bardarson, M.D., President, Renton Sailing Club, acknowledged a letter from Mayor Custer regarding hazardous activities at Lake acknowledged Park and implied revocation action on temporary use permit. The Sailing Club Board wished to report the success of its junior sailing program in teaching 160 boys and girls the elements of sailing, respect of water and survival techniques in the water and that the adult evening program is also receiving enthus- iastic response. Both instructors are qualified life guards and one in addition has both a Water Safety Instructor rating from the Red Cross and Aquatic Administrator from the Boy Scouts and"no swimming"restrictions have been enforced during the school hours. It was noted that prior to the sailing classes activity a count revealed 50 people on the beach and some ten water ski boats using the area as well as private vehicles whose owners were fishermen which problems did not result from the sailing clubs program. The Park Department had been informed immediately of the defective lock and the Club installed new locks giving duplicate keys to the Park Department. The Sailing Club feels it has conscientiously lived up to the terms of the Permit and appreciates the trust placed in it by the City. Officials of the City were in- vited to -the facility to get a first hand knowledge of the service to the youth of community offered by this worthwhile program which was deemed an appropriate use of public property. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Perry, to refer the letter to the Mayor for what- ever action he decides might be appropriate. Mayor Custer reported that the City has posted no swimming signs to replace those which had been removed and new signs had been posted at the entrance to the park advising that the area was in development stage and not open to unauthorized persons or vehicles. The creek area has been cleaned up which runs into the lake and it is hoped that the problems will be soon solved now pending. Poli inquired whether posting the area absolves the City from responsibility. City Attorney Shellan advised that the City in posting notices has given warning to the public and if they still go in they are trespassing. The signs strictly serve notice that this is not open to the public generally and the City has done its duty which is about all that can be done. The pending motion was subsequently carried. PROCLAMATION: A Proclamation was read wherein Mayor Custer declared the week of July 4-10, 1965 as Safe Boating Week. All Boating and Sailing interests were urged to publicize and observe Safe Boating Week and to extend efforts throughout the year as well. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Morris, to concur in the Proclamation by the Mayor. Carried. Mayor Custer inquired as to attendance at the Renton Aviation Festival "Kick-Off" Dinner to be held at the Boeing Cafeteria June 30th at 7:00 p.m. . Tickets are $5.00 each. Parking will be provided and a certain section will be reserved for City personnel. -3- 20vh::)_d Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting (cont.) 5-3-65 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (cont.) subscriber system for television signal distribution over and across certain City streets, for a period of five years. After the reading it was moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Bruce, that the Ordinance be referred to the LAW AND ORDINANCE COMMITTEE to be held for a week until further investigation of this matter has been made. Carried. The Clerk read a proposed Ordinance submitted by the Law and Ordinance Committee, amending Section 1-2501 of Title I (Administrative) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" relating to sick leave. This amendment would provide that the sick leave benefits herein specified shall not be applicable to .any employee who is covered under any Relief and Pension Act or similar legislation providing for sickness and/or disability payments, of the State of Washington or any other govern- mental unit granting substantially equal or greater benefits than herein provided. Moved by Morris, seconded by Perry, that the proposed ordinance be placed on second and final reading. The motion carried. Following the second and final reading, it was moved by Trimm, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No. 2155 be adopted as read. Roll call vote was taken with all Council Members present voting aye. The motion carried. AUDIENCE COMMENTS Mr. Tom Teasdale commended the Police Department on the work they did following. the earthquake. Councilwoman Dahlquist noted that $12,456 was budgeted for the improvement of the Lake Washington Beach property and suggested that a portion be used for providing utilities at the beach. Moved by Dahlquist, seconded by Schellert, that the matter of expending funds from the Lake Washington Beach Property Account for water and sewer utilities, and restroom facilities at the Lake Washington Beach, be referred to the PARK BOARD to investigate and report back. Carried. Councilman Perry requested that the City Engineer prepare for the meeting of May 12th, a report on the present condition of the public use areas in the Highlands, which are being considered for sale to the abutting property owners. Councilman Bruce expressed the opinion that the City Council should request the Governor to declare Renton and the surrounding community a disaster area, as a result of the earthquake damage. Mayor Custer advised that there had been some concern as to whether or not the State should be declared a disaster area and that is the reason Renton and many other cities have prepared reports of earthquake damage such as the one presented this evening. The State will receive assistance from the Federal Government if the accumulated totals of the cities of Washington indicates the necessity. It will not be possible to reimburse each individual, but the City will receive funds for street repair and other such items which would be to the benefit of all residents of the City. Moved by Bruce, that the City request the Governor to declare Renton and surrounding community a disaster area. The motion failed for lack of second. Mr. Kay Johnson, of the Chamber of Commerce, advised that the Small Business Loans Association will provide loans at 3% interest for those who need them. Mayor Custer also advised that legislation was being considered for damage by the earthquake. There being no further business to come befoLe this meeting, it was moved by Morris, seconded by Poll, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. and there were approximately 20 visitors in the chambers. -4- • • f4tPiLL) April 26, 1965 Members of the Council City of Renton At the last Council meeting the Mayor was requested bY motion to study and make a recommendation to the Council concerning the request of the Renton Sailing Club to use Lake. WaShington Beach Park as a boat launching and inttructional site, • I have studied the situation at some length and have directed 'that the alternate site, SE 72nd Street, be surveyed by the Engineering Department to determine its availability for use. I have also consulted with repre- sentatives of the Club and the Park Department concerning the arguments for and against the Club' s proposal. As a result of my studies I recommend to the Council the Snowing: 1. That the Council grant to the Renton Sailing Club the temporary use of the SE 72nd Street site for a boat storage and launching site. 2. I suggest the Council authorize the Mayor to direct the Street Department to clear and fill this site to make it more readily accessible and acceptable. 3. In the event legal complications should ensue from the City' s efforts to improve this site, I suggest the Council authorize the temporary use of 50' of water- front -and land to a depth of 200 ' along the Shuffleton Plant fence in Lake Washington Beach Park to the Renton Sailing Club, providing the necessary "hold harmless agreement and evidence of liability insurance is first - obtained from the Club. (_ 5.6c 2• Council i -2- April 26, 1965 4. Regardless of which site is to be used, the City should require, as a condition of use, the instal- • lation of adequate sanitary facilities, the posting of appropriate signs, and contractual arrangements for • adequate policing of the area use4 in the interests of the public health, safety and welfare. 5. It should be the City' s stated policy that the SE 72nd Street site will become and remain a boat launching site; it might be possible, for instance, to make this site available exclusively for power boats at some future date, 'and the sailing club may be able to make full use of Park Department facilities in Lake Washington Beach Park in the future. I submit these recommendations to the Council for consideration. D. W. Custer, Mayor • • • • N.11,...45...rv✓. 1 Y , ` - ''' ''d ' ' '' ' : ' ITY• OF RENTON �. :":)76),,,:i', 119' WASHINGTON .. ' .. ,' ,' • „ • , . ,: ",, ,•�. c� RENTON, WAS G .. . ,.• t' r TTO RNEY " , February 1965', . ;,. OFFICE OF CITY A 0 ;�' ': e y 8, '•:Gerard M.Shellan,•bay Attorney' 'ti. 'i•I ''r• .- Arthur L.Haugap,A.+s't.CityAttorney a , ' " Mr'. Jack Wilson;: City Engineer. :. • . City o 'Renton ' 'Renton Washington •.. ' ' ' Coulon,' Su'Superintendent, of Perks r , „ , ;, .. J"' ., ..,. .„„,„ Mr. Gina. psi. � �, City of Renton •,: '' ,. - ,: : , ' L , Renton Washington' : • .7 ,• ` '', •, ,Res Access .of City of Renton to k,1 :,F'' • r: . .. _ Lake Washington beach property', �.. I. .. Dear Jack and Gene: • . •• • 1,.. : s, , t,• B -ou ,will find of a letter which we have received this date . ' nclo$ed y copy • from Mr. J. Roving. Assistant Chief Engineer of the Northern Pacific ! ' ,' ' Railway Company, together with their Exhibit "A" doted November 1S, .1964,, es prepared by' the Railway 0 ' ''' '''' would you please check over this Exhibit immediately to determins6whether' 1., ., . [ it coincides with the latest proposal made by the City, heretofore approved , ' !_ ,r`; by the Pacific Coast RR Company and is evidenced by your drawing dated , , f"''i.'7,. October 16, 1964. , We would also suggest that you check over the various conditions suggested ' ; by the' Northern Pacific Railway Company so that we can then prepare an , • ''' appropriate riate answer. It would appear that both railroads have now agreed • ' ' r.' i 1` ` �,in prinGi a to this plan and it would be incumbent upon all of us to t. ' '; follow It up and bring this matter to a successful conclusion. y ; Very truly yours. , „ • .. • :;' HAUCAN & SH L1AN 't • 4 . . .,. ' By Gerard M. Shellan ` Cit Attorney <+', -• , y y ' ' �Cn1�5 ad s • ' • I - , •,.1 -:: .-_; _.• • .. - . . •. „• ,. VV" fl -"� . .. jzii , . , ' ICilij- * : . ' ,. • • - - • �2F3 tc'...it <£_�.'.61L,.".. .. . .. • - . ....� ...1.c C(1ri3—:: •.i�t£`r."' J7°CO,. . • J 4 r+^..9 3 a1�Tr.0 p�'J'7 (q 9 us, r . 4 . tG t9 ,T . t:a. 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' :1 i �1171, kr ° "�, ••I is e °a -7,..a p'_ ;�... n:, G . y 4: a::t .C,y 1 , CSz" w r.-7 T'r ?; n i1 • ".1 .,.1 to a.�.a.a:i j,l°J 7a"7.i t4'1�1).l ° „ .rt,.Ji?!L i•`r', , �,?,ty ;kti;,k�t:aiii,DY � . e..:lt �' . J. `i• u�nv2,0,' I�s t,...EMi�'l1CRl.� i'mIl,,i+ .. . Yi.rA:itjtsm:•,.'R' t'a:.lu4.'::d,c ;Zti:ti:1,.•7cSy l42-1, . w`_ i�'3:1.f7 1'1u :,Ze31.:^" A t_'L1yt3 , . I . •• •• TF:.J, i$i : 3a,'�:• : 03 :`h c O:_' ',a,7 r;�i1'3:A. . s " INTER-OFFICE MEMO jfil"'(14,42i-1 Date July 21, 1964 From: Ce+sere M. Shol1An, City Attorney Departmental Account No . To: Gc:e Coulono Parts Super!ntendent Expenditure Account No . Message: Dear Gene: We acknowledge receipt of your letter to the City Engineer regarding the most recent letter received by you from the Northern Pacific Railway Company. We did not, however, receive copy of access plan as they have prepared it. It would be our suggestion that we meet on this matter withothe City Engineer as quickly as possible before another meeting is set up with the representatives of the Railroad. We certain should have from them, without further delay, the coot estimates which should, or to a certain extent will determine the rc‘«te we should pursue. We remain Yours truly, HOGAAN, S L & PAIN GMS:nd, /v cc: City Engineer cBy a rd M. She an (!i ry r 1 ark tv Artnrnca ' .:'''- :-.:';''i" ..,;•';is'4;:-.':,, ,;;;• :,..--',' .''::'•-::: , 1,••• -,,."-;,:,1,1‘;-, r• ;',...-,.:'-:;:;:.•"`,.... .--•••:-.:,_•••'.`-•••••,‘,-','•:,, '`0;,:`,:••:,;,;•••;--':';',•.':,,,..;','! ....';•Vi':::A..;.'::}--:::/4.:; -,.-r 7,',...;;7.,,..,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,,,;;;,.,:•,:.,,,....,,.,,,/,:!;,,,',' ''.-.;',;;;,,,..%,, ,,''1:',::,; •::;.-,-..-t,,,:..,,,;,2-'. :.•-i'•,';.:,,,,-.r.-4.--..'',,•k,'';,.. 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", , ' ..,, . hays been advised that in view of the access problem arising ae,.a- result:.:]?,1-...•,:; ::•i::, .::.,,,-•,:: of the:property exchanged between.the Pacific Coast Railroad and the c :.,.,..,:,;.„_.- ..:•,-.,,-,:,,,,, ,..; • :••:-.••,,,,..vs,-,/•,-,-.,,,-...,;.City of Renton8' ;•and the fact that the Pacific Coast Railroad assured the,;:i2;,,,,,,,,),..,:,,,:,,,,,,,,,,,: . ,...,-. . , •''''',Y.City access to the beach property,' the Northern Pacific is willing to -'•.•• •,;.:•••:;. ./ .•?-•;,„: -.:;,-, k•,,s-• • • ••'.:;;;;;,•._.,,;;; ,3,-r-• offer the Citt-accese under Bridge. 3 (Puget Sound underpass). The terms ,..,:.;:::::,...;•;',-;-:-..::•::•,. , of agreement-LbetWeen the Northern Pacific and{Puget Sound IPower, do not...',...--.,•.•.r.„.--•,',...,:•..;.•••,•.-: ,,,f•. ,• . , •':';: prohibit„the. Reil.wey'•Company from'providing, public access„under.the„, ,•.: ,,,,..,,:•.„,;,,,,,•:,,,..1;f:.,••,)::::,., . ;:,.. .„ .,. ,. _•.•• . . ,. . .,..„,._ _ . .,. .. ,„, ',. . ,,-.: .• .• -;-3„,i :,.. ,, ,,,.;:;_•.....,;.,.c..•••.,••••:-,.: ',..f.•:•;:::•.!:,--..-".. .•.. n .--:.:,.;;;..urauge•-:;:•4,;„,..n.:,_,•.„....,,i; :„;:;,,,,,:,•,-:,,.:.,,,:,,,,-.-[,,,,,,,,,:: •,i-,.,-.;-, :,,•„ A,.•,:::-,: ,!,-.-.- ::, : : ,= ,,':•••‘••• ,, •:;..:,4•• -..,:• ,••:•...,• ..,,, ,,,,,;•-•-•:,_,.. •-,•:, • :,,;,:i..-.v,-„,...,-,..,?.,,•?,;,,,,,,•,,,,.,,,,, ,,,,,i:,..:-,,,,,,,,,-:- ...•,:-:,•-,,. .-in:4.,•••r,•. -r• ..;-;- ,..-:••; 'i•••• ,• ;,-., : • ,: .-•••,,,-,-•• !--,,-;•-i0-;•', Such,acceas under Bridge '3 ,aiould be granted,' with the provision .. ••• -,:-,:-,y..:,.,:r•-:::7't';'.• that the- 'City of Renton bear the 'Coot'of revision in the obtain 'bridge,; :1-..:':::.--:-.:,•-•,-..: ,- ; , . ;,,,..;,.,, .,••:,:••,i..„: ::.:•.s".;•-. access over. the Pacific Coast property to the beach site without die- , .,•,...,, ..;;;,,-. ••:-.,..,:,-;.,:..-:.:.; oting Power. . ru -the Company's property and also apsumm- the power.Comp , ,, ,.,,,,,,,,,,,,:,,,, e_. , a :-,. •'„, :,.,- :•i-,-;.,:;,•:,,7:::--..,,,-;:!%:•,' obliastione of maintenance and reconstruction or said Bridge. .8.,,, „,•.„,:i:.,,,,-...;,,,--„..„:::•...,,,,,,,,,t2, . . ...,..- •. -, , .. . • ... , - -,. -.- L-.•!....5.•:.---;,-, --_,,:-•,,,,,_:"..,„,:1••••,,:. ,•,p-_,-...:-•:.c..,..-.,.;,,---,,:-....,,...;,....:,.....:, i•,,-,, ,,-.. .:,-, ... . ,.. .: . -, ,.•: -• - • ;,:. -.., .c,...„- ',/ , '.• : : : ,..,! :,": „ .,' 'I', '',,-",',:: .,,,2,;-.;-,ti '44:,,Xit,'.',:.S,-",..,•..'';',!,':.:,.''''.!,.7,:,... .'''r,' : .7 . ',, •%,' -,..'• , ,• ' - '''''''.."' It the,above plan is not satisfactorys• alternate proposal':of2;<`:•,,"::::,;',,...1-,';,•,':;,':(1:1„ ..'„"!.;:•-•'-';'•:. . , .. . ..., ‘k'':'''''..-••";;grade'ere:ming at Railway Y2 3+5167 would.be progressed, ,Including coat ••,,-...,:,-!.. ..:, ,;,-;•••. .:„•••,•;;-•T,:,4f,.,..,..--,•••-! •::,-::•,- .- ... , of the crossing, 'automatic flashing light signals and a cyclone fence •-,,--,. along the2eseesent paralleling the track on the easterly aide,. also ' tf.7:Li..-.1.: .';',.....1.-Ai:-...-.1.'i,.., 1 ''.'.,;.--• .saintenince coat'og crossing and automatic mignon., ,Liter'determination'':'.,”.., !,.;,..;',•..-:',:•, .,,-;•.e-'..., 14 4,:;•'' will be lade as to naceaeity of gates in conjunction with crossing' signals.,:-..;,,,, ,;: :•: All.abovevork .at expense .of the City; in edclition, the City to do all• ,.',',.:;',,,',.'..'",-,',..-,-::i,,..1.:...,:: roadwie grading and surfacing. Attached are three prints of Exhibit :•A":-- •• ,,,..;',•,-'-',f_FJ•1-•:, • . .,,,,,, . „ , ,•,:,,.-.,,,::::;-z.4:•;,-,-,,, sketch last waged July'8, 1964 'depicting..proposed:easement and;.,..,..1:....;:-!„:.,,,•••,;,-.,,,F,-_;,,,,;,,.,:,:y.,, _-:,•, •-,• • s';'''S•::.:,;.':.'-7''-4'':i','.5I,--'T:.,-,-'-,:..,',.,-,,;.'•.•.. .,- 1i,:'.:j-••:.•-i,---=1_rii*..4;,'.nf:•,r:...:•;.:•.'"•',.i,,.:',.'•.oI..;::::,,''.•i.,,:,•-, i•;, •;i.!;,-:.:',I:•b..',.0.s 4:.: d:-"-.:-o -..,.,.ro,•-;:-,A..:.-;s',-.,.':1,.;,Y;::„.-',.-•':.-'..:.':-'.'-.,,•.,;::.,,."i•'..,',1-.•„''c:•;-:.r..--.,.,-.-s'- '4-'---';;-:,...'s-. `',,,i'::.,:'',.."',,:,':,:.:-.1'5=,-.1.;•,•:•,`-,..,.".:.1•:':,:.',"::.z:;,',-.',..'.,'-',f:',..-.,.„','.;;;'-..4-•,,:.,";I,-,J:,'q,I;'..':',,,'I'.F';;;'.''Y./'.'-,,..',.,'..:,..;:,'W:. i 1 A f':•,...:;,,!-,:,,',1 V !t' .54 . c , ,, , y,'!:.::.'.''-,.,::'.,.-:;.',.',':--`:,"','.'.-.-.:,,`!1:'''''1.?.--:,-,.,''•.,'!::,:,,..',.;'-'•.*'.:..,-';'‘,':.'':'','','',:'0''.i•"'-,''.':.'.:.r'..C,'.;..''--...,,I, .':-.'1- ....',.+;:i,:;:•,;;Y; ,F'` ';,i'`.''11'':/ ' '2 -4':"'...C' -....,-,..f.',"•'.•'.''...':::', .,if;';;":`..,:.i:'..' e`..:1 '' ''',;':.'t". .•'•K‘,1'.r.:'.:"!`'..'f,:, ;:r'r:+ c:.1,7•`•, -..;,,--":•:;:•.',,...,,*•.;:-;,.,%•:•,-2,-,:.",',.:.1q, :`,,A.,• :--,--`.::',::$ 1,.•?A',.'-..,----..;i:,-: .',,,•'-'-",;:`1.t,--.:‘,:i.':,•--1':.-.::'Y..:)..-212. -`,: ,1''?-.... .,,• ,'.',-, . - :'•,:':,,:' ' •- '-.:'':-.5•''il :-':..3'-..;'''-'1,'.-':',.-'.:,':.' ''.'. ' .-'---:-.'• ,.:: 'Mr.' Gene L. Coulon, -Parke & Recreation Dept•. 2 . July 8, 1964 • . t . I will be pleased:to meet with interested parties, if'you deem r. ''', •,: „ such meeting necessary, to discuss the matter. Upon receipt of advice . `' ' ;t •rfrom'you as to the plan most acceptable, estimate of cost wi7.l be pro- ; ' vided.. '' ' • . : Yours very truly, . • ' e. 4 . .. • , . . „ , .. , • , , , • , `• v s$istartt Chi Engineer • .. :., i .. • .. `' 'cc `; D. H.. Shoemaker (1) . • N..M. Lorentzsen (1) •• r,` :';', • I.' L Brewer (1) . }, .R. .rG.. Brohaugh (1) ! • . : . A r cost for ten years wi be approximately euitimatj $1 .55 . 1 s ._ pp Y `f 2 'r ea ,c is worth , A�. your home $ , , yearly • If your home••i s. worth $15,000, your yearly cost for ten years will be approximately $1 .80 , • If your home, i.s worth.$18,000, your yearly cost for ten years will be approximately $2.25' ; ' N1626,27478 • • ,1 ��'L E W aI► l C . • �1E1'of RNTpN NORTH : � h'SI OFFICE, . • ,l, BOAT LAUNCHING RAMP • ;' IIL,;`� lL ', G L'�TRAILER . PARKING • ( il:i' ; ' „. ' '' BEACH ; , ,-54P .uf,,r,. r j • • ,;.a� BATH H °• ..., _ '. `fit,{ f ,'P l.t_ . . ` �!' .-�,:.,�;,.,,, ,. .. { ., IMM1v. It?t,,<: ti, !1 �`(/ -111. { I ,•{,} ,IP •;ti ,,..., 'x,f•'1' Z I`` •are ,''. - " ' ., r , ii7 1 4�. . ... 15`' v 111Y SF' 'y' °ii v ! `• V O . •.V';1 1' _ - i!, ''t`l.. - I V.b• .q li i.(' r• e I. r' 1('�° '-0AY+j )r„G ...s'�'44U .. .•, , 1- I • , , 1 1. 'ram• •I 1i1• '' gill,) V."7 `•• '- ", !,9 ,�4 ; ,' Ai :' yt tti11 ., {'iSt r;Ni :� (..ioj )!,I ih, L4.11,•l .*. y`''./ ''li/ fir: %'r;. " 14'1,,l • ,.50.. i�',`i tll .G r''4, -7,i(1' 12i0„44'r ,,y ' 1>J � ,'' ;i 1 r i�. •.•; -� ',J• ',,,'r , I+t ( It-.`t`G°%,yy, 1 ,?s+„1' ,, - L,}- _ ' .• A . )` N''. i ''.-.i ij,t, 1 �{F.. k,r.\,'�LK'-ll .9.:+ .9 C. L�'� . � •r •,. 1g ytir !i I Il. i}�li`iU i'' f1�-; 4 •i , 1_'Y �6:r`1 �i.. i I'�, .i v! I • /i :, Li. AKE WASHINGTON ti BEACH PARK Q �j `t i {{�� \\\' \ I . let1,2)) LU cik.i-e(L,tA4-i Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-20-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS NEW BUSINESS: (cont. ) Councilman Perry inquired regarding amount of money on deposit at present in the Cedar River Park Acquisition Fund and Mayor Custer advised that there is approximately $410,000.00. Mr. Perry moved that $200,000.00 of this money be set aside as matching funds for any participation from merchants and other businesses in completion of the Lake Washington Beach. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist. Upon inquiry regarding legality of such use of this money City Attorney Shellan advised that under the present Resolution it was provided that this money is to be used for civic improve- ments in the Cedar River Park area only, such as City Hall, Civic Center,_ Library or Playground. Changes have since been made by amendment to e _ nd this woUId--again be necessary if it its determined that the Cedar River Park area for which the ys been designated is no longer suitable for the purposes for which the money has been sdveCl ant-that-the money is no longer needed for the purposes and place to '`which—it presently is committed: Et would have to be decide th�'at the use otherwise is more inthe public interest in which case the legislative body could act accordingly. Stating the motion to be commendable, but needing further thought and discussion, it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurert i, to refer the matter to the Committee of The Whole. Carried. . The audience was invited to comment at this time and Mr. Louis Barei, 614 - 12th Place South, made inquiry regarding decisions of the Council from meeting with the Library Board as to location of the proposed library site. Mayor Custer advised this matter will likely be ready for report at the next council meeting. Councilman Schellert requested a meeting of the Ways and Means Committee on Monday, April 27th in the City Clerk's office at 6:50 p.m. As there was no further business to be presented, it was moved by Delaurenti,seconded by Poli, to adjourn. Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. There were 56 visitors in the Council Chambers. • -6- -4 ,c (1 ors.-..c...n. ... �..,_...,.__--....... Minutes of the Renton City Council Meeting 4-20-64 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS NEW BUSINESS: (cont. ) Councilman Perry inquired regarding amount of money on deposit at present in the Cedar River Park Acquisition Fund and Mayor Custer advised that there is approximately $410,000.00. Mr. Perry moved that $200,000.00.of this money be set aside as matching funds for any participation from merchants and other businesses in completion of the Lake Washington Beach. The motion was seconded by Dahlquist. Upon inquiry regarding legality of such use of this money City Attorney Shellan advised that under the present Resolution it was provided that this money is to be used for civic improve- ments in the Cedar River Park area only, such as City Hall, Civic Center, Library or Playground. Changes have since been made by amendment, to the Resolution and this would again be necessary if it is determined that the Cedar River Park area for which the money has been designated is no longer suitable for the purposes for which the money has been saved and that the money is no longer needed for the purposes and place to which it presently is committed, Et would have to be decided that the use otherwise is more in the public interest in which case the legislative body could act accordingly. Stating the motion to be commendable, but needing further thought and discussion, it was moved by Hulse, seconded by Delaurerti, to refer the matter to the Committee of The Whole. Carried. The audience was invited to comment at this time and Mr. Louis Barei, 614 - 12th Place South., made inquiry regarding decisions of the Council from meeting with the Library Board as to location of the proposed library site. Mayor Custer advised this matter will likely be ready for report at the next council meeting. Councilman Schellert requested a meeting of the Ways and Means Committee on Monday, April 27th in the City Clerk's office at 6:50 p.m. As there was no further business to be presented, it was moved by Delaurenti,seconded by Poli, to adjourn. 'Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. There were 56 visitors in the Council Chambers. -6- ),(L) vi ___----- , dijt 1 ,eif ' .-----' O i j2) �--, tt.x, ,,, .,y, 4"Z (C--"Z -'/`C` ./'),- '.-- I_E:L 1--..1 , ) j 3,C i/ (s (/ r MOTION ' It is moved that the Park Board and its Superintendent prepare and submit to the Committee of the Whole as soon as possible, but not later than four weeks from date, a report in summary form of the proposed improvements to be placed, on the City's Lake Washington Beach, including site preparation, together with estimated cost therefor. The purpose of such a report is to allow the City Council to study the appropriate method of financing such proposed improve- : ments. •i. i 4 , t.r i, 1( 'Ni '' .J I'f f-; 7 ��e A / ,t-,. i c. , / L , :,, -llc,.-L f e ' ✓/. . L.I 1 r;:i-(C .t".,-) V"`"' • 7 I , , 0/1)2A1 tOu'ajvri . CITY OF RENTON r - :144-- RENTON, WASH I NGTON , OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY Gerard M.Shellan, city Attorney Arthur L.Haugan,Ass't.City Attorney Fehr:a:7 12, 19614 . Mr. Woodrow L. Tailor, Attorney Pacific Coast B. R. Co. h0/4 ;Align Street Seattle 1, liestdariton Doer Mr. Taylor: ge: Proposed access of City of Renton to beach .property (t.ek*.? Washinston Accoss) North Renton - . -- - 0 Reference is hereby made to your letter of January 27* 1964, pursuant to which Ire have im:diateay totiried our City Engineer and, Park Superintendent? Before our City Eneirafir PrOaltd, to do additional work* we would like to take you up ©n the proposal cort4ined in the last paragraph of yolu. afore- said letter azd have ono More get together among all of the parties concerned. iie thare.fore- suezeet that we all'meet- on Tuesday, February 25th, at 9200 o'clods A.N. in the City Engineer's office, City Ball, Renton, to discuss this matter. We ars sendiN copies of this comunication to District Engineer for Uorthorn Pacific 4ilway Comp awl to the city officials concerned. We would vary mob appreciate if sili of you would confirm the aforesaid date and time, Thankina you for your courteous cooperation, we remain y Very tr.uly youro„ , FIAUGAN, Oro SULTAN? ' cil.W;iw DTI Gerard B. Shallart„ City Attorney cot tt. i . G. Brohah, Dist. Eng. Northern Pacific Railway. Company ngincering Deportment Seattle* Washington 983.o4 Oct Mr. Jack Wilson, Renton City Engineer cc: i-V. Gene Coulon, Renton Park Supt. f-c-ri"--Mrs. Nelraie &oleo% Renton City Clerk