HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH - Zoning Amendment (9/24/73) i#Y ,, • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF.WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. Barbara C np4gnsa being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that ...$.heis the ....Ghtief..clerk of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of .._. _. _. . the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King County, 4;;���CITY�`,OF`�RENTON�;��-�T;y;� Washington.That the annexed is a Public hearing Ylg 'e ;): :NO:TICE OF5P`gLIC HEARI'NG�* I( RENTONI CIBTY COUNCIL zoning ord• setbacks etc. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has ? fixed the 24th day of September, l n i as it was published in regular issues (and 1973, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period Chambers of the Renton Munici- i asltheutimle and place oraa public of os11e consecutive issues, commencing on the hearing to consider the following: 1 Proposed Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance concern- n 19 .... ... and endingthe ! ing Setbacks, Landscaping, ],, day of SEp�e �3••, Permitted Uses, Establishing Procedures and Related Mat- ters fora Light Manufacturing day of , 19 , both dates Park District (MP-1) and inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its Heavy Manufacturing Park Dis- subscribers during all of said period.That the full amount of the fee trict (MP-H). Any and all interested persons f 96 are invited to be present to voice I charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$ 7, , which aopsame ' disapproval or opinions I has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words CITY OF RENTON for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each Delores A. Mead, subsequent insertion. ,Y Published in the Rentyn Clerkee v cord-Chronicle September 14, atPV4C—.-- 1973. R1945 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17 day of , . Sapt....,19....73 (� z • Notary ubl c in and for the State of Washington, esi ing at Renton,King County. -- \ ' '-Pased'by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective - June 9th,1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. li7---g-- 1----7---1 / Renton City Council Meetiny minutes Page 3 10/15/i7i3 , Correspondence and Current Business Bid Opening: City Clerk Mead reported October 3, 1973 Bid Opening for sprinkler Sprinkler System system materials for Liberty Park, reporting three bidders (see Liberty Park attached tabulation) . Letter from Park Director Coulon reported Park Board recommendation that the low bid of Papsco, Inc. in the amount of $8,106.61 be accepted. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PARK BOARD AND LOW BID OF PAPSCO, INC. BE ACCEPTED. CARRIED. Claims for Damages City Clerk reported Claims for alleged damages reported by Mrs. Beverly Mrs. B.J. Jones Joan Jones, 1407 Ethier Rd. , for automobile damage because of poor Mr. G.T. Hall visibility due to brush. Second claim filed by Mr. George Thomas Mrs. F. McWilliams Hall, 4258 S. 166th, Seattle, for automobile damage due to construc- tion on Sunset Blvd. N.E. Third claim filed by Mrs. Florence McWilliams, 1314 N. 26th, for personal fall due to crosswalk condi- tion. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE THREE CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Sign Ordinance Letter from the Renton Municipal Arts Commission reported having gone on record supporting enforcement of the City's Sign Ordinance, being concerned about the status of the ordinance asking for a clarification of the City's position, i .e. , funding for enforcement also whether "grandfather" clause proposed and ramifications of same. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COMMUNICATION BE REFER- RED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RESPONSE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. F. Cenkovich Mr. Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Rd. , inquired re progress on Senior Citizens facility plans. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett was read proclaiming the week of National Flower October 21 to 27, 1973 as National Flower Week in tribute to the Week beauty and happiness brought by flowers and plants. MOVED BY 10/21-27/73 DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLA- MATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Appointment to the Aviation Board by Mayor Garrett was read, reappoint- Aviation Board ing Mr. Gary Dime to a three-year term to expire November 6, 1976, having been a member of the Aviation Board since 1966. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, APPOINTMENT OF THE MAYOR BE REFER- RED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Committee of Whole Committee of the Whole report submitted by Council President Clymer Report - Water recommended that the water and sewer rate study be referred to the & Sewer Study Public Works Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Public Works Report Public Works Committee report submitted by Committee Member Perry CBD - Phase III recommended that the low bid of Westerra, Inc. in the amount of Bid Award $86,734.55 be accepted and the contract be awarded for the Phase III Westerra, Inc. Downtown Improvement Project Landscaping, this being in concurrence Landscaping with the October 11, recommendation of the Public Works Department. Councilman Perry noted Downtown Merchants Committee had approved the plans for planter boxes for South 3rd St. Perry further asked that the Downtown Renton Action Committee Minutes of August 6, 1973 be read into record wherein the committee approved the planter box design eliminating 20 of the 42 parking stalls on S. 3rd St. and adding 95 stalls with new lot on Burnett Ave.S. and several additional stalls by elimination of mid-block crosswalks and relocation of loading and taxi zones. Councilman Delaurenti asked number in attend- ance at 8/6/73 meeting, being told 22 including 9 City employees. Councilman Stredicke noted Downtown Action Committee meeting this date confirmed approval of downtown beautification design including planter boxes. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CON- CUR IN PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT ACCEPTING LOW BID OF WESTERRA, INC. AND AWARDING CONTRACT. CARRIED. MP-L&H Ordinance Legislation Committee report submitted by Chairman Perry recommended PUD Ordinance that the proposed MP-L and MP-H zone ordinance and Planned Unit Develop- ment ordinance be held for turtner review in conjunction with the Community Services Committee and the Planning staff. MOVED BY CLYMER SECOND BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR TN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. • Renton City Council Meeting Minutes • Page 4 10/15/72 ' NEW BUSINESS Community Services Committee member Stredicke submitted Community Services Committee Report - Senior report bearing Chairman Grants signature only, which recommended Citizens Assoc. the Mayor appoint a Senior Citizens Association for the City, having met with senior citizen groups, administrative personnel and Human Rights and Affairs Commission. The report further recommended that the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) be represented by two members, the United Mine Workers by two representatives and Renton Retired Teachers Association and other interested groups be allowed to represent, submitting a list of persons willing to • serve on Senior Citizens Association. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COMMITTEE REPORT BE REFERRED TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE. CARRIED. Meeting Schedule City Clerk Mead read report from Councilman Grant regarding schedul- ing of future Community Services Committee meetings that consideration would be given as requested by Councilman Stredicke in recent letter. The subject of application for funds under Referendum 29 for senior citizens facility was discussed. Transportation Committee Chairman Perry reported progress on the SR-515 and FAI 405 assignments from the 6-Yr Street Plan, noting problems through industrial area. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. I Delores A. Mead, City Clerk _ • , °_ , _ 7 ? PRELIMINAR PROPOSED MP-L AND MP-H ZONES TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE (fifth revised draft) 8 - 30 - 73 Recommended for Adoption by the Planning Commission and Council Community Services Committee • RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT ' d Please dispose of Previous Editions I SI O I\I ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON , ADDING SECTIONS 4-732 AND 4-733 OF TITLE IV ( BUILDING REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO . 1628 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORD,INANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON" CONCERNING SETBACKS , LANDSCAP- ING , PERMITTED USES , ESTABLISHING -PR,OCEDURES AND RELATED MATTERS FOR A LIGHT MANUFACTURING PARK DISTRICT (MP-L ) AND HEAVY MANUFACTURING PARK DISTRICT (MP-H) . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON , AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : A new Section 4-732 (Light Manufacturing Park District of Title IV (Building Regulations ) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled " Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended to add the. following : Section 4-732 , as added : 4-732 : MP-L , LIGHT MANUFACTURING PARK DISTRICT 4-732 . 1 Purpose of District . The purpose of this district is to promote high quality light manufacturing parks within the City of Renton . These manufacturing parks are to be designed , constructed and maintained so that they are a functional and esthetic indus- trial asset to the City . The requirements of the district are intended to promote the type of use , intensity of use and standards of on-site and off-site effects which minimize traffic congestion ; noise ; glare ; heat; air , water and visual pollution ; and fire , safety and flood hazards . 4-732 . 2 Permitted Uses . A. . All uses permitted in an L-1 zone , except residential and retail uses , are allowed as a matter of right . Similar uses not specifically mentioned may be permitted by the Planning Commission . B . Conditional Uses . Retail trade , uses intended for the traveling public , business service , major public utilities and gen - eral office uses shall require the approval of a special permit by the Planning Commission . The applicant shall have the burden of proof that the above uses would be beneficial primarily to the manufacturing park or secondarily to the City . The Commission may attach conditions to these uses . C. Accessory Uses . Accessory buildings and uses customarily associated with any of the above uses are permitted when located on the same site . D . Residential Uses Prohibited . All residential uses are prohibited . ti • E . Signs . Signs are permitted only as specifically pro- vided in the "Renton Sign Code , " also known as Chapter 19 of Title IV ( Building- Regulations ) of Ordinance No . 1628 . • 4-732 . 3 Parking and Loading . Parking and Loading facilities shall comply with the " Parking and Loading Ordinance ', " also known as Chapter 22 of Title IV ( Building Regulations ) of Ordi - nance No : 1628 . The loading area shall be separate from the parking area . 4-732 . 4 Setbacks . A. Front Yard . No building or structure shall be located - closer than sixty ( 60) feet to any street or highway property line . A ten ( 10) foot strip adjacent to such property line shall be appropriately landscaped and maintained except for designated pedestrian , vehicular , rail and utility accessways . The remainder of the sixty (60 ) foot required open space may be used for off- street automobile parking and for loading of goods and merchandise . B . Side and Rear Yards . . No building or structure shall be located closer than ten ( 10) feet to any property line not abutting a street or highway except abutting a railroad track . The total of both side yards for corner and noncorn'er lots shall be forty _ (40 ) feet . No setback is required if the side yard or rear yard ' abuts a railroad track . The yards may be used for walkways , screened storage , parking and loading purposes or shall be completely landscaped . If the side or rear yard is used for parking or loading , a five ( 5 ) foot landscaped strip is required along the property line except where a joint parking lot uses the contiguous side or rear yards of two ( 2 ) lots . C . Waterways . , All structures shall be located at least sixty ( 60) feet from the bank , easement or right-of-way , which ever is greatest , of any river , creek , lake or drainage channel . The first twenty ( 20 ) feet of the required setback shall be adequately landscaped , shall be reserved for trails , and shall not be fenced . D . Variable Loading' Area Setback . Loading area setbacks shall be determined by the Planning Commission . The developer shall inform the Commission of the type and length of trucks intended to serve the site . No parking shall be permitted in the loading area . Right angle loading areas shall have the following minimum setback areas from any landscaped area : - 2 - • MINIMUM RIGHT ANGLE LOADING AREA Single-Unit ' Tractor-Trailer Loading Area Truck Length Length Setbacks 30 ' 45 ' 50 ' 55 ' 60 ' • 60 ' 65 ' 65 ° 70 ' 70 ' 75 ° 75 ' 80 ° 80 ' 85 ' 85 ' 90 ' 90 ' 95 ' J 95 ' 100 ' Any non-right angle loading area shall have a minimum loading area depth of fifty ( 50) feet . The Planning Commission shall review any non-right angle loading area and may require a loading depth greater than fifty ( 50 ) feet if the length of trucks serv- ing the facility need more than fifty ( 50 ) feet for maneuvering . 4--732 . 5 Permitted Floor Area . The maximum permitted floor area to be contained in all buildings on a lot shall not exceed two and one-half ( 2 1 /2 ) times the buildable area of the lot . 4-732 . 6 Permitted Height . No height limit is imposed , provided that one ( 1 ) additional foot of width is provided for each required open space , on the periphery of the lot or site for each foot in height any building or structure on the premises exceeds forty (40 ) feet . 4-732 . 7 Landscaping . A. Landscaping Requirement . The planting strip in the public right-of-way , plus a ten ( 10) feet wide strip continguous to the public right-of-way and a five ( 5 ) foot wide strip along the side and rear lot lines shall be landscaped except for designated ped- estrian, vehicular , rail and utility accessways . The planting strip and landscaped area shall be planted with trees , shrubs , ground covers or ` other landscaping materials approved by • the Plan- ning Commission . B . Residential Zones and Uses . Along any common property line with a residential zone , residential use , recreational use or day nursery use , there shall be a planting screen installed not less than ten ( 10) feet in width , and in such planting screen there shall be -evergreen shrubs or trees which shall be maintained at a height of not less than five (5 ) feet . . Such landscaping shall be adequate to act as a visual buffer between the two (2 ) us'es . - 3 - C . Sprinkling System. An automatic underground sprinkling system shall be installed in all landscaped areas including the planting strips . Such sprinkling shall, be set at a frequency and duration to insure the continued life and well -being of the landscaping . The Planning Department may waive the sprinkling system requirement upon proper application and for good reason , which shall include , but is not limited to , the landscaping would not require such a system and a high water table . ' D . Bonds . Performance bonds for the installation and main- tenance of the landscaping shall be posted with the City prior to the issuance of a building permit . The installation bond shall be for a three ( 3 ) year period after the installation of the land- scaping . The bonds shall be equal to a minimum of one hundred fifty ( 150 ) percent of the estimated costs of the installation for a one ( 1 ) year period and maintenance for a three ( 3 ) year • period . The developer may substitute a certified or cashier ' s • check in lieu of a performance bond . Such check shall be in the same amount as the bond it is substituting . The City reserves the right , in addition to all other remedies available to it by law , to proceed against such bond or other payment in lieu, there- of without notice to the developer . In case of any suit or action' to enforce any provisions of this Ordinance , the developer shall pay unto the City all costs incidental to such litigation includ- ing reasonable attorney ' s fees.. The requirement of the posting of any performance bond or other security shall be binding on the applicant , his heirs , successors and assigns . E . Maintenance . All landscaping shall be maintained in a reasonable manner and shall be subject to periodic inspection by the ,City. 4-732 . 8 Outdoor Storage . The outside storage of materials , sup- plies , products , containers and trash dumpsters is permitted within the ' buildable area of the property provided such storage area is • screeried, from all adjacent property lines by a wall or sight- obseuring fence not less than five ( 5 ) feet nor more than ten ( 10 ) feet in height . There shall not be dumped , placed , or allowed to remain on any property any refuse , trash , rubbish or other waste material outside of a building , except in non-flammable , covered or enclosed containers . 4-732 . 9 Performance Standards , A . Air and Water Pollution . Air and water emissions shall meet the minimum standards of the appropriate agency . B . Noise , Vibration , Heat and Glare . Noise , vibration , heat and glare generated on the site shall meet the' minimum standards of the appropriate agency . - 4 • 4 . 732 . 10 Site Approval . . To insure that the ' intent and various provisions of this zone are. met , the site plans shall be approved. by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of any building ° permit . Proper application for a site approval shall be made to the Planning Department with a fifty ( 50 ) dollars fee and shall include , but is not limited to , a site plan , vicinity map , building elevation drawing and a landscaping plan . The landscap- ing plan shall be drafted , at a scale of one ( 1 ) inch representing ten ( 10 ) feet with a north arrow and shall include , but is not limited to , existing and proposed contour lines ; planting bed dimen- sions ; plant location ; plant list ; size and spacing of plants ; irrigation systems ; cross section of bed depth , and curbing and paving detail ; plant specifications ; soil mix ; fertilizers ; mulch cover ;. and staking detail . SECTION II : A new• Section 4-733 (Heavy Manufacturing Park • District ) of Title IV ( Building Regulations ) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton " is • hereby amended to add the folloviing : Section 4-733 , as added : 4-733 : MP-H , HEAVY MANUFACTURING PARK DISTRICT 4--733 . 1 Purpose of District. . The purpose of this district is to promote high quality heavy manufacturing parks within the City of • Renton . These manufacturing parks are to be designed , constructed and maintained so that they are a functional and esthetic industrial asset' to the City . The requirements of the district are intended to promote the type of use , intensity of use and standards of on-site and off-site effects which will minimize traffic congestion ; noise ; glare ; heat ; air , water and visual pollution ; and fire , safety and ,flood hazards . 4-733 . 2 Permitted Uses . A. All uses permitted in an H-1 zone , except residential , retail uses , and those uses listed in Section 4-713 ( a ) are• allowed as a matter of right . Similar uses not specifically mentioned may be permitted by the Planning Commission , B . Conditional Uses . Retail trade,, business service , major public utilities , general office uses , and those uses listed in Section 4-713 ( b ) shall require the approval of a special permit by the Planning Commission . The applicant shall have the burden of proof that the above •uses would be beneficial primarily to the 'manufacturing park or secondarily to .the City. The Commission may attach conditions to these uses . C . Accessory Uses . Accessory buildings " and uses customarily associated with any -of the above uses are permitted when located • on the same site . . - 5 - D. Uses Prohibited. All residential uses are prohibited . The following uses are prohibited : auto wrecking ; . salvaging ; petroleum refining or storage of such products ; lubricating grease or oil compound manufacturing.; creosote treatment or manu- facturing ; and tar manufacturing or its storage . This Section does not prohibit the storage of minor amounts of fuel and lubri - cants for on-site use . E . Signs . Signs are permitted only as specifically provided in the " Renton Sign Code , " also known as Chapter 19 of Title IV ( Building Regulations ) of Ordinance No . 1628 . 4-733 . 3 Parking and Loading . Parking and Loading facilities shall comply with the " Parking and Loading Ordinance , " also known as Chapter 22 of Title IV ( Building Regulations ) of Ordinance No . 1628 . The loading area shall be separate from the parking area . 4-733 . 4 Setbacks . A. Front Yard . No building or structure shall be located closer than sixty (60 ) feet to any street or highway property line . A ten ( 10 ) foot strip adjacent to such property line shall be appropriately landscaped and maintained except for designated pedestrian , vehicular , rail and utility accessways . The remainder of the sixty (60 ) foot required open space may be used for off- street automobile parking and for loading of goods and merchandise . B . Side and Rear Yards . No building or structure shall be located closer than ten ( 10 ) feet to any property line not abutting a street or highway except abutting a railroad track . The total of both side yards of corner and noncorner lots shall be forty (40 ) ' feet . No setback is. required if the side yard or rear yard abuts a railroad track-. The yards may be used for walkways , screened storage , 'parking and loading purposes or shall be completely land- scaped . If the side or rear yard is used for parking or loading , a five -( 5 ) foot landscaped strip is required along the property ' line except where a joint parking lot uses the contiguous side or rear yards of two (2 ) lots . C. Waterway. All structures shall be located at least sixty (60) feet from the bank , easement or right-of-way , which ever is greatest , of any river , creek , . lake or drainage channel . The first twenty (20) feet of the required setback shall be ade- quately landscaped , shall be reserved for trails , and shall not - be fenced . D . Variable Loading Area Setback . Loading area setbacks shall be determined by the Planning Commission . The• developer shall inform the Commission of the type and length of trucks in- tended to serve the site . No parking shall be permitted in the loading area . Right angle loading areas shall have the follow- ing minimum setback areas from any landscaped area : - 6 - • "JT MINIMUM RIGHT ANGLE LOADING AREA 8 Single Unit Tractor-Trailer Loading Area Truck Length Length Setbacks 30 ' 45 ' 50 ' 55 ' 60 ' 60 ' 65 ' 65 ' 70 ' 70 ' 75 ' 75 ° 80 ' 80 ' 85 ' 85 ' 90 ' 90' 95 ° 95 ' 100 ' Any non-right angle loading area shall have a minimum loading area depth of fifty ( 50 ) feet. The Planning Commission shall review any non-right angle loading area and may require a loading depth greater than fifty (50 ) feet if the length of trucks serving the facility need more than fifty (50) feet for maneuvering . 4-733 . 5 Permitted Floor Area. The maximum permitted floor area to be contained in all buildings on a lot shall not exceed two and one-half ( 2 1 /2 ) times the buildable area of the lot . 4 . 733 , 6 Permitted Height. No height limit is imposed , provided that one ( 1') additional foot of width is provided for each re- quired open space on the periphery of the lot or site for each foot in height any building or structure on the premises exceeds fifty (50 ) feet . 4-733 . 7 Landscaping . A. Landscaping Requirement , The planting strip in the public right-of-way , plus a ten (10 ) foot wide strip contiguous to the public right-of-way and a five (5 ) foot wide strip along the side and rear lot lines shall be landscaped except for designated pedestrian , vehicular , rail and utility accessways . The ' planting strip and landscaped area shall be planted with trees , shrubs , ground covers or other landscaping materials approved by the Plan- ning Commission . B . Residential Zones and Uses . Along any common property line with a residential zone , residential use , recreational use or day nursery use , there shall be a planting screen installed not less than ten ( 10) feet in width , and in such planting screen there shall be evergreen shrubs or trees which shall be maintained at a height of not less than five (5 ) feet . Such landscaping shall be adequate to act as a visual buffer between the two ( 2 ) uses . - - 7 - • C . Sprinkling System. An automatic underground . sprinkling system shall be installed in all landscaped areas including the planting strips . Such sprinkling shall be set at a frequency and at a duration to insure the continued life and well -being of the landscaping . The Planning Department may waive the sprinkling system requirement upon proper application and for good reason , which shall include , but is not limited to ,- the plants would not require such a system and a high water table . D. Bonds . Performance bonds for the installation and main- tenance of the landscaping shall be posted with the City prior to the issuance of a building permit. The installation bond shall be for a three ( 3) year period after the installation of the land- scaping . The bonds shall be equal to a minimum of one hundred fifty ( 150 ) percent of the estimated costs of the installation for a' one ( 1 ) year period and maintenance for a three (3 ) year . period . The developer may substitute a certified or cashier' s check in lieu of a performance bond . Such check shall be in the same amount as the bond it is substituting . The City reserves the right , in addition to all other remedies available to it by law , 'to proceed against such bond or other payment in lieu there- of without notice to the developer. In case of any suit or action to enforce any provisions of this Ordinance , the developer shall pay unto the City all costs incidental to such litigation includ- ing reasonable attorney ' s fees . The requirement of the posting of any performance bond or other security shall be binding on the applicant , his heirs , successors and assigns . E . Maintenance . All landscaping shall be maintained in a reasonable manner and shall be subject to .periodic inspection by the City . 4-732. 8 Outdoor Storage . The outside storage of materials , sup- plies , products , containers and trash dumpsters is permitted within the buildable area of the property provided such storage area is screened from all adjacent property lines by a wall or sight- obscuring fence not less than five ( 5 ) feet nor more than ten ( 10) feet in height. There shall not be dumped , placed „ or allowed to remain on any -property any refuse , trash , rubbish or other waste material outside of a building , except in non-flammable , covered or enclosed containers . 4-732 . 9 Performance Standards . 'A. Air and Water Pollution . Air and water emissions shall meet the minimum standards of the appropriate agency . • • 8 - B . Noise , Vibration , Heat and Glare . Noise , vibration , heat and ; glare generated on the site shall meet the minimum standards of the , appropriate agency. • - 4 . 7.33. 10 Site Approval . To insure that the intent and various pro- visions of this zone are met , the site plans shall be approved by thelPlanning Commission prior to the issuance of any building per- mit . Proper application for a site approval shall be made to the Planning Department with a fifty ( 50 ) dollar fee and shall include , but; is not limited to , a site plan , vicinity map , building eleva- tion drawing and a landscaping plan . The landscaping plan shall be ;drafted at a scale of one (1 ) inch representing ten ( 10 ) feet with a north arrow and shall include , but is not limited to , exist- ingiand proposed contour lines ; planting bed dimensions ; plant loca- tion ; plant list ; size and spacing of plants ; irrigation systems ; cross section' of bed depth , and' curbing paving detail ; plant spe- cifications ; soil mix ; fertilizers ; mulch cover; and staking detail . SECTION III : This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect frdm and after its passage- approval and legal publication . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THIS . day of , 1973 . Delores A. Mead , City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 1973 . _ Avery Garrett , Mayor Approved as to form: Date of Publication : - 9- - PROPOSED SHORELINE MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE (THIRD REVISED DRAFT) 4-11-73 PREPARED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY AND RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLEASE DISPOSE OF PREVIOUS EDITIONS 1 i CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON IMPLEMENTING THE SHORELINE MANAGEMENT ACT OF 1971; REGULATING SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENTS ON THE SHORELINES OF THE CITY OF RENTON BY REQUIRING PERMITS, APPROVAL BY THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING; ESTABLISHING ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES FOR ISSUING PERMITS; AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES, CIVIL AND CRIMINAL, FOR ANY VIOLATIONS THEREOF. SECTION 4-201: Title and Purpose 4-2502 : Definitions 4-25103 : Policy 4-25104: Substantial Development Permits 4-2505 : Exemptions 4-2596: Variances and Conditional Uses 4-2507: Review of Application 4-2508 : Application of Permit System to Development Undertaken Prior I to June 1, 1971 4-2509: Time Requirements for Permits 4-2510: Rulings to State 4-2511: Enforcement 4-2512: Rescission of Permits 4-2513 : Appeals 1 4-2514: Real Property Assessment 4-2515 : Penalties I . 4-2516: Severability 4-2517: Effective Date I 1 1 • • -2- 4-2501: TITLE AND PURPOSE 1. Title. This Ordinance shall be hereinafter known as the "Renton Shoreline Management Ordinance", may be sited as such, will be hereinafter referred to as "this Ordinance" and same shall be and constitute Chapter 25, Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 known as "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton". 2. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to implement the SHORELINE MANAGEMENT ACT OF 1971 (Chapter 286, Laws of 1971, 1st Ex. Sess.) and to regulate developments on the shorelines of the City of Renton in a manner consistent with the policies and aims promulgated in Section 2 of said Act, which is incorporated herein as if fully set forth. -3- 4-2502: DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Ordinance, certain terms, phrases, words and their derivatives shall be construed as specified in this section. Words used in the singular include the plural, and the plural the singular. The word "shall" is mandatory; the word "may" is permissive. 1. Building Director. The Building Director of the City of Renton or his designated and authorized representative. 2. Conditional Use. A use, or the expansion of a use, beyond the uses contem- plated in a particular environment or environments subject to specific con- ditions to insure that there is no conflict with the intent of the environment or environments. 3. Development. A use consisting of the construction or exterior alteration of structures; dredging, drilling, dumping, filling, removal of any sand, gravel or minerals; bulkheading, driving of piling, placing of obstructions, or any project of a permanent or temporary nature which interferes with the normal public use of the surface of the waters overlying lands subject to this Ordinance at any state of water level. 4. Director. The Director of Planning of the City of Renton or his duly designated and authorized representatives. 5. Master Pro am. The comprehensive shoreline use plan for the City of Renton, and the use regulations together with maps, diagrams, charts, or other descriptive material and texts, a statement of proposed desired goals and standards to develop in accordance with the policies promulgated in Section 2 of the Shoreline Management Act of 1971. 6. Ordinary High Water Mark. The mark on all lakes and streams that will be found by examining the bed and banks and ascertaining where the presence and action of waters are so common and usual, and so long continued in all ordinary years, as to mark upon the soil a character distinct from that of the abutting upland, in respect to vegetation as that condition exists on June 1, 1971, or as it may naturally change thereafter. 7. Person. An individual, partnership, corporation, association, organization, cooperative, public or municipal corporation, or agency of the state or local governmental unit however designated. 8 . Shorelines. All of the water areas of the City, including reservoirs, and their associated wetlands, together with the lands underlying them; except A. Shorelines of state-wide significance ; -3- B. Shorelines on segments of streams upstream of a point where the mean annual flow is twenty (20) cubic feet per second or less and the wet- lands associated with such upstream segments; C. Shorelines on lakes less than twenty (20) acres in size and wetlands associated with such small lakes. 9. Shorelines of Statewide Significance. Those shorelines described in Sec- tion 3 of the Shoreline Management Act of 1971. 10. Shorelines of the City. The total of all "Shorelines" and shorelines of state-wide significance" within the City. 11. Substantial Development. Any development of which the total cost or fair market value exceeds one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), or any development which materially interferes with the normal public use of the water or shorelines of the City; except that the following shall not be considered substantial developments for the purpose of this Ordinance. A. Normal maintenance or repair of existing structures or developments, including damage by accident, fire or elements; B. Construction of the normal protective bulkhead common to single family residences; C. Emergency construction necessary to protect property from damage by the elements; D. Construction of a barn or similar agricultural structure on wetlands; E. Construction or modification of navigational aids such as channel markers and anchor buoys; F. Construction on wetlands by an owner, lessee or contract purchaser of a single family residence for his own use or for the use of his family, which residence does not exceed a height of thirty-five (35) feet above average grade level and which meets all requirements of the City other than requirements imposed pursuant to this Ordinance . 12. Substantial Development Permit. The Shoreline Management substantial development permit provided for in Section 14 of the Shoreline Management Act of 1971. (RCW 90.58.140). 13. Variance. An alteration of the use regulations of the master program of the City of Renton. 14. Wetlands or Wetland Areas. Those lands extending landward for two hundred feet (200') in all directions as measured on a horizontal plane from the ordinary high water mark; and all marshes, bogs, swamps, floodways, river -4— deltas, and flood plains associated with the streams and lakes which are subject to the provisions of this Ordinance; the same to be designated as to location by the Department of Ecology. -5— 4-2503 : POLICY In case of any inconsistency or conflict between the provisions and terms of this Ordinance and the aforementioned State Act, the latter shall be controlling. --b- 4-2504: SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMITS 1. Application Forms and Fees. No substantial development shall be undertaken on shorelines of the City without first obtaining a "substantial development permit" from the Director. Applications for such permits shall be made on forms and in a procedure prescribed by the Director, shall be made by the property owner, or his authorized agent, lessee, contract purchaser, or other person entitled to possession of the property, and except for applica- tions filed by or on behalf of the City or other governmental agencies, shall be accompanied by a receipt issued by the Director of Financing showing payment of the applicable fees which are hereby imposed as follows : FEE VALUE OF DEVELOPMENT $ 25 Less than $10,000 $ 50 $10,000 but less than $50,000 $ 75 $50,000 to $100,000 $100 More than $100,000 TO 2n Compliance of Application. Upon receipt of the application Director shall cause the application to be investigated and determination made as to its conformance with the standards of this Ordinances 3. Publishing and Postings The applicant shall cause to be published notices thereof once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the area where said development is proposed; provided, however, that the Director shall have the right to require additional publications by the applicant in a newspaper of general circulation in a neighboring jurisdiction if it appears that the proposed project may affect the environment of such neighboring jurisdiction. Three (3) copies of the notice shall be posted prominently on the property concerned and in con- spicuous public places within three hundred (300) feet thereof. Each said notice shall include a statement that any person desiring to present his views to the Director with regard to said application may do so in writing to said Director and any person interested in the Director's action on an application for a permit may submit his views in writing or notify the Director in writing of his interest within thirty (30) days from the last date of publication of such notice. Such notification or submission of views to the Director shall entitle said persons to a copy of the action taken on the application. The applicant shall submit proof of publication to the Director within ten (10) days after the last date of publication. An affidavit of publication by the newspaper shall be sufficient. -7- 4. Review Guidelines. Unless excepted by the provisions of this Ordinance, no substantial development permit and no other permit shall be granted unless the proposed development is consistent with: 1. The policy aims of this Ordinance and the Shoreline Management Act of 1971; 2. The guidelines and regulations as issued by the Department of Ecology and as same may be amended from time to time; 3. General compliance with the master program of the City of Renton or as same may be amended from time to time. 5. Burden of Proof on Applicant. The burden of proving that the proposed sub- stantial development is consistent with the criteria which must be met before a permit is granted shall be on the applicant, • 6. COndition12122.E2yal. The Director may attach to such permit any terms or conditions regarding the location, character and other features of the proposed structures or use as may be deemed necessary and reasonable tol carry out the spirit and purpose of this Ordinance, in the public interest, and in compliance with the City's ordinances, regulations and codes. 7. Notification of City Departments. It shall be the duty of the Director to timely furnish copies of all -applications and actions taken by the Director unto the City's Building Director and Clerk, and such other officials or departments whose jurisdiction may extend to all or any part of the proposed development. 8. Bonds. The Director may, in special circumstances, require the applicant to post a bond in favor of. the City of Renton to assure full compliance with any terms and conditions imposed by the Director on any substantial development permit. Said bond shall be in an amount to reasonably assure the City that any deferred improvement will be carried out within.the time stipulated. -8- 4-2505 : EXEMPTIONS The following shall not be considered substantial developments for the purpose of this Ordinance; 1. Any project with a certification from the governor pursuant to Chapter 80.50 RCW; _ 2. Any development on Shorelines of the City included within a preliminary or final plat approved by the City prior to April 1, 1971, if: A. The final plat was approved after April 13, 1961, or the preliminary plat was approved after April 30, 1969; or Be Sales of lots to purchasers with reference to the plat, or substantial development incident to platting or required by the plat, occurred prior to April 1, 1971; and' C. The development to be made without a permit meets all requirements of the City, other than requirements imposed pursuant to this Ordinance; and D. The development does not involve construction of buildings, or involves construction on wetlands of buildings to serve only as community, social, or recreational facilities for the use of owners of platted lots and the buildings do not exceed a height of thirty-five (35) feet above average grade level; and E. The development is completed by June 1, 1973. 3. Any person claiming exemption from the permit requirements of this Ordinance as a result of the exemptions specified in this Section may make application therefor to the Director for such exemption forms in the manner prescribed by the Director. -9— 4--25;06: VARIANCES AND CONDITIONAL USES The granting of variances and conditional use permits may be allowed after the approval or adoption by the City of its master program or any segment thereof, but Such approval or adoption shall not be unnecessarily delayed by the City. 1. Variances. Substantial development permits may be granted which are at variance with the criteria herein established before a permit is granted Where, owing to special conditions pertaining to a specific piece of property, the literal interpretation and strict application of the criteria would cause undue and unnecessary hardship. No such variance shall be granted unless the Director of Planning finds : A. Exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applying to the subject property or to the intended use thereof that do not apply generally to other properties on shorelines in the same vicinity. B. The variance permit is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant possessed by the owners of other properties on shorelines in the same vicinity. C. The variance permit will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property on shorelines in the same vicinity. D. The variance permit will not adversely affect the master program developed or being developed for the City. Eia The public welfare and interest will be preserved; if more harm will be done to the area by granting the variance than would be done to the applicant by denying it, the variance will.- be denied, but each property owner shall be entitled to the reasonable use and development of his lands as long as such use and development does not conflict with the Shoreline Management Act of 1971 and the provisions of this Ordinance. 2. Conditional Use. A "conditional use" permit may be granted subject to the fkillowing conditions : Ad The use will meet such performance standards that make the use compatible with other permitted uses within that area. B. The use will cause no unreasonable adverse effect on the environment or other uses. C. The use Will not interfere with the public use of public shorelines. D., Design of the site will be compatible with the surroundings and the City's master program. E.' The use will not be contrary to the general intent of the City's master program. -10- 4-2567: REVIEW OF APPLICATION 1. Review Criteria. The Director of Planning shall review an application for a permit based on the following: A. The application; B. The environmental impact statement, if one is required; C. Written comments from interested persons; Z. Information and comment from other City departments affected; E. Independent study of the Department of Planning of the City;' F. Evidence presented at a public hearing, should the Director decide that it would be in the public interest to hold a public hearing. The Director shall have powers to prescribe rules and regulations for such hearings. 2. Additional Information. The Director may require an applicant to furnish information and data in addition to that contained or required in the application forms prescribed. Unless an adequate environmental statement h<ps previously been prepared for the proposed development by another agency, the Director shall cause to be prepared such a statement, prior to granting a permit, when the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 would require such a statement. 3. Administrative Standards. In addition to the criteria hereinabove set forth in this Section, the Director may from time to time promulgate additional standards or criteria in connection with any application for a permit and s .ch standards and criteria shall become effective, when reduced to writing, and filed with the City Clerk and as approved by the Department of Ecology. -11- 4-2508 : APPLICATION OF THE PERMIT SYSTEM TO DEVELOPMENT UNDERTAKEN PRIOR TO JUNE 1, 1971 1. Permit Required. Substantial development undertaken on the shorelines of the City, prior to June 1, 1971,shall not require a permit except under the following circumstances : A:. Where the activity was unlawful prior to June 1, 1971; B.. Where there has been an unreasonable period of dormancy in the project between its inception and June 1, 1971; C. Where the development is not completed prior to June 1, 1973; D. Where development occurred prior to June 1, 1971, on a shoreline and ' continued on to a different lake, river or tributary after June 1, 1971, a permit shall be required for the substantial development undertaken i after June 1, 1971. 2. Phasing. Substantial development undertaken prior to June 1, 1971, shall not continue without a permit unto other phases that were not an integral part of the development being followed at the time construction commenced. -12- 4-2509:. TIME REQUIREMENTS FOR PERMITS The following time requirements shall apply to all substantial development permits: 1. Permit Valid. Construction or substantial progress toward construction of a project for which a permit has been granted pursuant to this Ordinance must be undertaken within two (2) years after the approval of the permit by the City, or the permit shall terminate. If such progress has not been .4011 made, a new permit.4,4ii be necessary. 2. Complete Construction. No permit authorizing construction shall extend for a term of more than two (2) years. If the project for which a permit has been granted has not been completed within two (2) years after the approval of the permit, the Director shall, upon such expiration, review the permit and upon a showing of good cause may extend the permit for a period up to one (1) year, otherwise said permit shall terminate; provided, however, that no 'permit shall be extended unless the applicant has requested such review and extention prior to the expiration date of said permit. 3. Review Period. No construction pursuant to such permit shall begin or be authorized and no building, grading or other construction permits or use permits shall be issued by the Director until forty-five (45) days from the date of final approval and grant of the permit, or until all review proceedings are terminated if such proceedings were initiated within forty-five (45) days of the date of final approval by the Director. 4-2510: RULINGS TO STATE Any ruling on an application for a substantial development permit under authority of this Ordinance, whether it be an approval or denial, shall concurrently with the transmittal of the ruling to the applicant, be filed with the Department of Ecology and the Attorney General by the Director. 4-2511: ENFORCEMENT All provisions of this Ordinance shall be enforced by the Director of Building, and/or his designated representatives. For such purposes the Building Director or hisduly authorized representative shall have the power of a police officer. -13- 4-25,12 : RESCISSION OF PERMITS 1. Non-compliance with Permit. Any substantial development permit issued by the City under the terms of this Ordinance may be rescinded or suspended by the Building Director of the City upon a finding that a permittee has not complied with conditions of the permit. 2, Notice of Non-compliance. Such rescission and/or modification of an issued permit shall be initiated by serving written notice of non-compliance on the permittee which notice shall be sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the address listed on the application, or to such Other address as the applicant or permittee may have advised the City; or Such notice may be served on the applicant or permittee in person or his agent in the same manner as service of Summons as provided by law. 3. Posting. In addition to such notice, the4Director shall cause to have such • otice posted in three (3) public places of which one (1) posting shall be at or within the area described in the permit. 4. Public Hearin® Before any such permit can be rescinded or modified, a public hearing shall be held by the Director unless waived by the permittee no stoner than ten (10) days following the service of notice upon the permittee. The Director may recess or continue such hearing and publically announce the time and place of such continued hearing in which case no further notice shall be required. The Director shall have the power to prescribe rules and regulations for the conduct of hearings before him; and also to issue summons for, and compel the appearance of witnesses, and to preserve order. The privilege of cross-examination of witnesses shall be accorded all in- terested persons or their counsel in accordance with the rules of the Director. When the Director renders a decision, he shall make and enter written findings from the record and conclusions thereof which support his decision and the findings and conclusions shall set forth the manner in which the decision is consistent with the criteria set forth in Section 2-504 of this Ordinance. 5. Final Decision. The decision of the Director shall be the final decision of. the City on all applications and the Director shall render a written decision and transmit copies of his decision as hereinabove stated, including the Department of Ecology, the Attorney Generalts office, the applicant, and such other departments or boards of the City as are affected thereby and the legislative body of the City. -14- 4-2513 : APPEALS Any person aggrieved by the granting or denying of a substantial development permit on shorelines of the City, or by the rescinding of a permit pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance, may seek review from the Shorelines Hearing Board by filing a request for the same within thirty (30 days of receipt of the final order, and by concurrently filing copies of his request with the Department of Ecology and the Attorney General's office as provided in Section 18 (1) of the Shorelines Management Act of 1971. A copy of any such appeal notice shall' likewise be filed with the Director and the City Clerk of the City of Renton. 4-2514: REAL PROPERTY ASSESSMENT All the restrictions imposed by this Ordinance shall be duly considered by the King County assessor in determining and establishing the fair market value of such affected property. -15- 4-2515 : PENALTIES 1. Prosecution. Any person found to have wilfully engaged in activities on the City's shorelines in violation of this ordinance or the Shoreline Management Act of 1971 or in violation of the City's master program, rules • or regulations adopted pursuant thereto, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or by imprisonment in the City jail for not more than ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 2. Injunction. The City Attorney may bring such injunctive, declaratory or other actions, as are necessary to insure that no uses are made of the shorelines within the City in conflict with the provisions and programs of this Ordinance or the Shoreline Management Act of 1971, and to otherwise enforce provisions of this Ordinance and the Shoreline Management Act of 1971. 3. Public and Private Redress. Any person subject to the regulatory program of this Ordinance who violates any provision of this Ordinance or the pro- visions of a permit issued pursuant thereto shall be liable for all damages to public or private property arising from such violation, including the cost of restoring the affected area to its condition prior to such violation. The City Attorney may bring suit for damages under this subsection on behalf of the City. Private persons shall have the right to bring suit for damages wader this subsection on their own behalf and' on behalf of all persons similarly situated. If liability has been established for the cost of re- storing an area affected by violation, the Court shall make provision to assure that restoration will be accomplished within a reasonable time at the expense of the violator. In addition to such relief, including monetary damages, the court in its discretion may award attorneys' fees and costs of the suit to the prevailing party. -16- 4-2516: SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Ordinance or its application to any person or circum- stance is declared unconstitutional or invalid by any Court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity or legality of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. 4-2517: EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five (5) days after its publication, unless otherwise provided for hereinabove. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THIS - DAY OF , 19 Delores A. Mead, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS DAY OF , 19 Avery Garrett, Mayor Approved as to form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: BRIEF COMPARISON OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL ZONES FEATURES L-1 H-1 M-P MP-L. MP-H {Setbacks None None V Street----60 ' - Street----60 ' Street----60 '': , Side Yd . --20 ' Side Yd . --Min . 10 ' Side Yd. --Min . 10 ' Total 40 ' Total 40 ' , Rear Yd . --10 ' Rear Yd . --10 ' Rear Yd. --10 ' , except R. R. except R. R. except R. R. Waterway--None Waterway--20 Waterway-- - - -- 20 ' - Uses L-1 uses H-1 uses L-1 uses L-1 uses , special H-1 uses , special , permit for retail , permit for retail , • etc . ; residential etc. ; residential , , prohibited . petroleum refining and storage prohibi - . ted. Landscaping None None 10 ' adjacent to 10 ' adjacent to 10 ' adjacent to street street ; 5 ' along street ; 5 ' along side & rear lot side & rear lot lines except by lines except by R . R . ; planting R . R. ; planting ' strip in public strip in public R-of-W ; 20 ' by R-of-W ; 20 ' by waterway . waterway. Review Staff for Staff for. Planning Com- Planning Com- Planning Commission building permit building permit mission for site mission for site for site approval approval before approval before before building building permit . building permit. permit . Loading Area None OV None • 50 ' Variable , 50 ' Variable , 50 ' minimum. minimum. , Planning Department 8-29-73 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING By RENTON CITY COUNCIL • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Community Services, Committee of the Renton City Council has fixed the 22nd day of March, 1973 , at 7 : 30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Washington as the time and place for a public hearing . to consider the following : Proposed Planned Unit Development (PUD) Ordinance. • Copies of the April 12 , 1972 , edition (seventh draft) are available upon request from the Planning Department, Third Floor, Municipal Building . Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval, disapproval of opinions on same, CITY OF RENTON • • // Maxine E. Motor , Deputy City 'Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION 3/9/73 & 3/11/73 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING / ) I , 2Cl4i.=/ v'� ��'�'" hereby certify that three (3) copies of th ' above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the Cit Municipal Building, Renton, Washington on date of �1���/ , 197 Signed //7G2 • ATTEST `o,t0 i ?rr,r - ‘\ Notary Public in and for the Stet? � of Washington, residing at Renton;; • J i7 Renton City Council _Meeting minutes "`.,,_:,. Page 3 10/15/73 'Correspondence and Current Business Bid Opening:Ilr City Clerk Mead reported October 3, 1973 Bid Opening for sprinkler Sprinkler System system materials for Liberty Park, reporting three bidders (see Liberty Park attached tabulation) . Letter from Park Director Coulon reported Park Board recommendation that the low bid of Papsco, Inc. in the amount of $8,106.61 be accepted. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PARK BOARD AND LOW BID OF PAPSCO, INC. BE ACCEPTED. CARRIED. Claims for Damages City Clerk reported Claims for alleged damages reported by Mrs. Beverly Mrs. B.J.. Jones Joan Jones, 1407 Ethier Rd. , for automobile damage because of poor Mr. G.T. Hall visibility due to brush. Second claim filed by Mr. George Thomas Mrs. F. McWilliams Hall, 4258 S. 166th, Seattle, for automobile damage due to construc- tion on Sunset Blvd. N.E. Third claim filed by Mrs. Florence McWilliams, 1314 N. 26th, for personal fall due to crosswalk condi- tion. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE THREE CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Sign Ordinance Letter from the Renton Municipal Arts Commission reported having gone on record supporting enforcement of the City's Sign Ordinance, being concerned about the status of the ordinance asking for a clarification of the City's position, i.e. , funding for enforcement also whether "grandfather" clause proposed and ramifications of same. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COMMUNICATION BE REFER- RED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RESPONSE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. F. Cenkovich Mr. Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Rd. , inquired re progress on Senior Citizens facility plans. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett was read proclaiming the week of National Flower October 21 to 27, 1973 as National Flower Week in tribute to the Week beauty and happiness brought by flowers and plants. MOVED BY 10/21-27/73 DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLA- MATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Appointment to the Aviation Board by Mayor Garrett was read, reappoint- Aviation Board ing Mr. Gary Dime to a three-year term to expire November 6, 1976, having been a member of the Aviation Board since 1966. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, APPOINTMENT OF THE MAYOR BE REFER- RED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Committee of Whole Committee of the Whole report submitted by Council President Clymer Report - Water recommended that the water and sewer rate study be referred to the & Sewer Study Public Works Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Public Works Report Public Works Committee report submitted by Committee Member Perry CBD - Phase III recommended that the low bid of Westerra, Inc. in the amount of Bid Award $86,734.55 be accepted and the contract be awarded for the Phase III Westerra, Inc. Downtown Improvement Project Landscaping, this being in concurrence Landscaping with the October 11, recommendation of the Public Works Department. Councilman Perry noted Downtown Merchants Committee had approved the plans for planter boxes for South 3rd St. Perry further asked that the Downtown Renton Action Committee Minutes of August 6, 1973 be read into record wherein the committee approved the planter box design eliminating 20 of the 42 parking stalls on S. 3rd St. and adding 95 stalls with new lot on Burnett Ave.S. and several additional stalls by elimination of mid-block crosswalks and relocation of loading and taxi zones. Councilman Delaurenti asked number in attend- ance at 8/6/73 meeting, being told 22 including 9 City employees. Councilman Stredicke noted Downtown Action Committee meeting this date confirmed approval of downtown beautification design including planter boxes. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CON- CUR IN PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT ACCEPTING LOW BID OF WESTERRA, INC. AND AWARDING CONTRACT. CARRIED. MP-L&H Ordinance Legislation Committee report submitted by Chairman Perry recommended PUD Ordinance that the proposed MP-L and MP-H zone ordinance and Planned Unit Develop- ment ordinance be held for furtner review in conjunction with the Community Services Committee and the Planning staff. MOVED BY CLYMER SECOND BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 4 10/15/73 NEW BUSINESS Community Services Committee member Stredicke submitted Community Services Committee Report - Senior report bearing Chairman Grants signature only, which recommended Citizens Assoc. the Mayor appoint a Senior Citizens Association for the City, having met with senior citizen groups, administrative personnel and Human Rights and Affairs Commission. The report further recommended that the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) be represented by two members, the United Mine Workers by two representatives and Renton Retired Teachers Association and other interested groups be allowed to represent, submitting a list of persons willing to serve on Senior Citizens Association. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COMMITTEE REPORT BE REFERRED TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE. CARRIED. Meeting Schedule City Clerk Mead read report from Councilman Grant regarding schedul- ing of future Community Services Committee meetings that consideration would be given as requested by Councilman Stredicke in recent letter. The subject of application for funds under Referendum 29 for senior citizens facility was discussed. Transportation Committee Chairman Perry reported progress on the SR-515 and FAI 405 assignments from the 6-Yr Street Plan, noting problems through industrial area. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk 4111 410 RentoniCity Council Meeting Minutes October 1, 1973 Page 3 Community Service dealership real estate office of Ford who explained critical time Committee Report schedule for closing all transactions regarding property located at Continued Rainier Ave. S. and Grady Way. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, AMEND MOTION AUTHORIZING MAYOR AND CLERK TO SIGN AGREE- MENT UPON APPROVAL OF SAME BY CITY ATTORNEY. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. VOUCHERS FOR Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert presented committee APPROVAL recommendation for payment Vouchers No. 8453 through 8605(with the #8453 8605 exception of Voucher No. 8490)having received departmental certifica- tion that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. Vouchers totaled $113,444.62. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS, CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Committee Chairman Perry submitted committee report recommending second and final readings for an ordinance relating to Ordinance 2804 funeral and other processions, requiring illuminated headlights for Funeral[ all vehicles in funeral procession and for unescorted processions, Processions requiring all vehicles to comply with all traffic control. MOVED First Reading BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE 9/24/73 REPORT. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance by City Clerk Mead, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Roll Call vote resulted in unanimous Council approval. MOTION CARRIED, ordinance adopted. First Reading Legislation Committee report recommended first reading for an MP-L and MP-H ordinance creating Manufacturing Park District Light and Heavy with to Zoning Code setbacks and landscaping requirements, Public Hearing having been Ordinance held September 24, 1973. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND PLACE ORDINANCE ON FIRST READ- ING. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE REFERRAL TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COM- MITTEE. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke, Councilman Perry ,reported meeting with Planning Department, City Attorney and Community Services Committee at which time joint referral was suggested in order to answer any remaining questions. AMENDMENT CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. First Reading Legislation Committee report recommended first reading with referral Renton' Planned back to Legislation Committee and Community Services Committee for Unit Development an ordinance establishing and creating a "Planned Unit Development Ordinance Ordinance.' MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CON- CUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE AND ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading of ordinance regulating the uses permitted, design, standards, proced'YreG and prescribing penal- ties for the violation of the proposed PUD ordinance,it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, ORDINANCE BE REFERRED BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Resolution 1877 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of U.A.B. Office a resolution declaring surplus,office equipment no longer needed Equipment which had been used in connection with the City's Urban Arterial Declared Surplus Street Construction Program. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND RESOLUTION BE PRESENTED TO COUNCIL. Following reading, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution 18.7.8 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Vacation of resolution declaring the City's intent to vacate all that portion of Whitman Ct. N.E. Whitman Court N.E. within Honey Dew Estates No. 1 lying between the North line of said sub-division and the North margin of N.E. 11th St. , setting date of Public Hearing as October 23, 1973 at 8:00 p.m. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Perry also presented Transportation Committee Rpt. . Committee report as a result of September 25, Transportation Commit- tee meeting and recommended that a public hearing be held October 23, eli , ' Renton City Council Meeting Minutes October 1, 1973 Page 4 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Resolution 1878 1973 for the proposed vacation of that portion of Whitman Court N.E. Continued as previously stated and that the City Council hold Special Meeting on October 23, 1973 for purpose of the meeting. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN FIRST PART OF TRANSPORTATION Vacation of COMMITTEE REPORT SETTING PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION OF WHITMAN COURT Whitman Ct. N.E. N.E. ON OCTOBER 23, 1973. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY Public Hearing STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORTS. CARRIED. Following October 23, 1973 reading of the resolution, it was MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY GRANT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from Monterey Terrace Community Club requested that the City provide ingress/egress to 3rd Ave. N.E. at the intersection of Monterey Terrace Monterey Drive N.E. and Bronson Way N.E. , calling attention to the Community Club increased use of 3rd Ave. N.E. to the East. Cover letter from Public Requests Works Director Gonnason suggested this matter be referred to the Traffic Revision Transportation Committee, reporting that the Public Works Department was proceeding with a study of the situation and would prepare a report for the Transportation Committee. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THESE COMMUNICATIONS BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. President of the Monterey Terrace Community Club and writer of the letter, Mr. Warren Parkhurst, was present and explained situation- Also present and verifying need for attention to the ingress/egress problem especially between 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. were: Renton Police Judge Paul Houser, Mr. Harry Blencoe, Fire Chief Walls and Mr. R. Peretti. MOTION CARRIED. Claim for Damages Claim for Damages filed by Mrs. Jeanne Crossett, 2633 Lake Youngs Mrs. J. Crossett Court S.E. , presented by City Clerk Mead, claimed auto damage from unprotected guy wire during downtown construction. MOVED BY . SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, CLAIM BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. League of Women Letter from League of Women Voters of King County South President, • Voters re Mrs. Jane E. Shafer, noted letter also sent to Renton Planning Com- Orillia Flats mission, regarding Shell Oil Co. request for permission to build Planning oil storage tanks on their property on the Orillia Flats, and asked regarding development of the area as to industrial development and open space as regards energy demands,and publicity on environ- mental statement making citizens aware of ramifications of any decision made. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. PROCLAMATIONS International A Proclamation of Mayor Garrett was read, proclaiming the month of Toastmistress October, 1973, as International Toastmistress Month. MOVED BY GRANT, Month - October SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. Doctor Pat Smith A Proclamation of Mayor Garrett was read, proclaiming October 18, Day - 10/18/73 1973 as Doctor Pat Smith Day for dedication to helping Montagnards of South Vietnam. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report Committee Rpt. recommending that the Building Department hold the issuing of any building permits for any development on this entire street until Re Whitman Crt NE public hearing has been held. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, Proposed Street COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation Com- Vacation mittee report also recommended that the appropriate department post the &ea for the public hearing and notify concerned property owners. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. Meeting with Transportation Committee report informed Council of the meeting State Highway Rep. with Mr. Don Hoffman, Traffic Engineer for District 7 of the Dept. Re Sunset Blvd. NE of Highways, discussing medial curbing on Sunset Blvd. N.E. between N.E. 10th St. and Harrington Ave. N.E. Mr. Hoffman agreed to further study situation, if decidei not to remove curbing, will again meet with committee•for further review. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED GRANT, CONCERNED PROPERTY OWNER BE NOTIFIED OF THE COMMITTEE'S ACTION. CARRIED. 1 - RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 24, 1973 Municipal Building Monday 8 : 00 P.M. Council Chambers MINUTES FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett, presiding, led the Pledge of Allegiance and called CALL TO ORDER the Renton City Council Meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF KENNETH D. BRUCE, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, GEORGE J. PERRY, CHARLES COUNCIL DELAURENTI, and HENRY E. SCHELLERT. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI THAT ABSENT COUNCILMEN EARL CLYMER AND WILLIAM J. GRANT BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. Councilman Grant arrived at 8:15 p.m. CITY OFFICIALS AVERY GARRETT, Mayor; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance - IN ATTENDANCE Director; GERARD SHELLAN, City Attorney; HUGH DARBY, Police Chief; R. GEISSLER, Asst. Fire Chief; VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent; JACK LYNCH, Administrative Assistant; KENNETH WHITE, Personnel Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; WES CREWS, Acting Building Director. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 17, 9/17/73 1973 BE APPROVED AS PREPARED AND MAILED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING his being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- Proposed Ordinance lished as required by law, Mayor Garrett opened the Public Hearing .on Amending Zoning the proposed ordinance amending the City's Zoning Regulations by add- Regulations ing Light Manufacturing Park District and Heavy Manufacturing Park Adding District. Planning Director Ericksen showed comparison of existing MP-L and MP-H and proposed Industrial Zones with setbacks, uses, landscaping, review and loading areas for Light Industry, Heavy Industry, Manufacturing Park and the proposed Manufacturing Park, Light and Manufacturing Park, Functional and Heavy. Persons present making inquiries were: Mr. Sven Johnson, Esthetic 1520 Index Ave. N.E. , and Mrs. Barbara Lally, 816 Camas Ave. N.E. Industrial MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. Asset to City CARRIED. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY PERRY, REFER PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. A motion by Grant, with second by Stredicke, to amend the previous motion that the proposed ordinance be reported out of the committee by next Monday night, was ruled Out of Order by Mayor . MOTION CARRIED, Ordinance referred to the Legislation Committee for review and recom- mendation. A motion failed which was made by Grant, seconded by Stredicke, that the Legislation Committee make report on the matter at the next meeting. AUDIENCE COMMENT MOTION CARRIED TO ADVANCE TO AUDIENCE COMMENT ON THE AGENDA WHICH WAS MADE BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE. Former City Councilman Charles Mr. C. Dullahant Dullahant was introduced by Mayor Garrett. Mr. Sven'Johnson made further inquiries re proposed ordinance adding two new zones, Manufac- Mr. S. Johnson turing Park Light and Heavy, being advised by Councilman Grant L-1, H-1 and MP would still be in effect, the new zones requiring more Mr. D. Campbell landscaping etc. Ms. Beth Campbell, 4037 S.E. llth St. concerned about safe walkway along Maple Valley Highway during construction Mr. J. Bell period, asked Mr. Sven Johnson to explain alternative which was to cover Metro pump line with wooden walkway, Public Works Director Maple Valley Hwy. Gonnason advised that would be very expensive temporary solution, advised working with the State Highway Department and the contractor to aleviate problem. Mr. David Campbell, 4037 S.E. llth St. , asked place- ment of fill in curve area to widen shoulder. Mr. Jack Bell, 16405 Maple Valley Highway, told of dangerous situation for pedestrians and cyclists. Councilman Perry announced meeting with State Highway Department on September 27, to seek solutions. Renton Historical At the request of Mr. Frank Storey, 1326 Kennewick Ave. N.E. , agenda Society item was read from Renton Historical Society asking use of the now Request for vacant Highlands Library as it would give better access for the public, New Quarters more display and storage facilities along with work area. Mrs. Ann Beckley, 655 Ferndale Ct. N.E. , noted the Society desired to exchange their present room in the Highlands Administration Building with the Library site. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THIS REQUEST BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. Recess CARRIED. COUNCIL RECONVENED AT 9:55 P.M. Roll Call showed all Council- men present as previously. 1 Renton City Council Meeting Minutes September 24, 1973 Page 2 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance 2801 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented committee report Abandoned Septic recomending second and final readings for an ordinance relating to Tanks and private sewage disposal and use of abandoned septic tanks utilizing Drainfields same for storm_water disposal. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Following First reading reading of the ordinance, it was MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY PERRY 9/17/73 COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE. Roll call vote showed unanimous Council approval and MOTION CARRIED, Ordinance adopted. First Reading Legislation Committee report recommended first reading and referral Amendment to back to the Legislation Committee of an amending ordinance relating Funeral to unescorted funeral and other processions complying with traffic Procession control. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN Ordinance COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Following reading, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECOND BY DELAURENTI, REFER BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Ordinance 2802 Committee of the Whole report submitted, recommending concurrence in $95,000 E.A.A. the request of the Mayor for approval of E.A.A. loan for sewer and Loan for water project in vicinity of North Renton Industrial Area(9/10/73 North Renton first reading and referral) . MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED DELAURENTI, Industrial COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER ORDINANCE TO THE LEGISLA- Sewer and Water TION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Following recommendation for second and Project final reading from Legislation Committee Chairman Perry, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, TO PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Following reading of the ordinance accepting $95,000 loan from Economic Assistance Authority and placing same in Capital Outlay Account, MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. Upon request of Councilman Perry, Public Works Director Gonnason explained that 60% of the costs of sewer project would be recoverable through late comers agreements, $55,000 of the E.A.A. loan to be part of that sewer project. Council- man Grant objected claiming subsidization of local industry in amount of $185,000. At Councilman Stredicke's request, Gonnason explained trunk sewer line to relieve Highlands area and that project was of general benefit, project having three sources of funds: HUD funds, City funds and EAA loan. Further explaining larger water mains through under-developed,industrial zoned area. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN 4 AYE: BRUCE, STREDICKE, DELAURENTI, SCHELLERT, 2 NO: GRANT AND PERRY. MOTION CARRIED, ORDINANCE ADOPTED. Resolution 1876 Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of a Transfer of Funds resolution transferring $260,000 Federal Shared Revenue to the Current and Park Funds. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT THE THE RESOLUTION BE PRESENTED. CARRIED. Following reading, MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. CARRIED. VOUCHERS FOR Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Schellert recommended payment APPROVAL of Warrants No. 8306 through 8452 in the amount of $366,662.84 hav- #8306 - 8452 ing received departmental certification that merchandise and/or services have been received or rendered. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason requested authorization for final payment of $1,355.54 to A & M Construction Equipment Co. Final Payment for Edmonds Ave. N.E. - Phase II Street Project which was completed A&M Construction and accepted by the Public Works Department on 9/12/73, recommending Equipment Co. Council acceptance as of this date. Letter also recommended that if no CAG-018-73 liens or claims are filed against the project within 30 days and proof of tax liabilities is received, performance bond in amount of $1,000 and retainage bond 'in amount of $4,000, be released. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR. CARRIED. VFW Request For Letter from the Post Commander of the Frank R. Vaise Veterans of Armistice Day Foreign Wars Post #1263 of Renton asked that the Mayor and Council retain November llth as the official data of celebration for Armistice Day. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THIS COMMUNICATION BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. • MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, SUBSTITUTE MOTION TO REFER COMMUNICATION TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. SUBSTITUTE MOTION CARRIED. BRIEF COMPARISON OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL ZONES FEATURES L-1 H-1 M-P MP-L MP-H Setbacks None None Street----60 ' Street----60 ' Street----60 ' Side Yd . --20 ' Side Yd . --Min . 10 ' Side Yd . --Min . 10 ' Total 40 ' Total 40 ' Rear Yd . --10 ' Rear Yd . --10 ' Rear Yd . --10 ' except R . R. except R . R. ' except R. R. Waterway--None Waterway--20 Waterway-- - - -- 20 ' Uses - L-1 uses H-1 uses L-1 uses L-1 uses , special H-1 uses , special - permit for retail , permit for retail , etc . ; residential, etc. ; residential , prohibited . petroleum refining and storage prohibi - - ted . Landscaping None None 10 ' adjacent to 10 ' adjacent to 10 ' adjacent to street street ; 5 ' along street ; 5 ' along side & rear lot side & rear lot lines except by lines except by R . R . ; planting R . R. ; planting strip in public strip in public R-of-W ; 20 ' by R-of-W ; 20 ' by waterway . waterway. Review • Staff for Staff for. - Planning Com Planning Com- Planning Commission building permit building permit mission 'for site mission for site for site approval approval before approval before before building building permit . building- permit. permit . S Loading Area None None ' 50 ' Variable , 50 ' Variable , 50 ' ' minimum. minimum. Planning Department ` 8-29-73 r- PREUMNARY PROPOSED MP-L AND MP-H ZONES TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE (fifth revised draft) 8 - 30 - 73 Recommended for Adoption by the Planning Commission and Council Community Services Committee RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT Please dispose of Previous Editions REVISION ORDINANCE NO. J AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY .OF RENTON , WASHINGTON , ADDING SECTIONS 4-732 AND 4-733 OF TITLE IV ( BUILDING REGULATIONS ) OF ORDINANCE NO . 1628 ENTITLED " CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON" CONCERNING SETBACKS , LANDSCAP- ING , PERMITTED USES , ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES AND RELATED MATTERS FOR A LIGHT MANUFACTURING PARK DISTRICT (,MP-L ) ,AND HEAVY MANUFACTURING PARK DISTRICT _ (MP-H) . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON , AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : A new Section 4-732 (Light Manufacturing Park • District of Title IV (Building Regulations ) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton is hereby amended to add the. following : Section 4-732 , as added : 4-732 : MP-L , LIGHT MANUFACTURING PARK DISTRICT 4-732 . 1 Purpose `of District . The purpose of this district is to promote high quality light manufacturing parks within the City of Renton . These manufacturing parks are to be designed , constructed and maintained so that they are a functional and esthetic indus- trial asset to the City . The requirements of the district are intended to promote the type of use , intensity of use and standards of on-site and off-site effects which minimize traffic congestion ; noise ; glare ; heat; air , water and visual pollution ; and fire , safety and flood hazards . 4-732 . 2 Permitted Uses . A. All uses permitted in an L-1 zone , except residential and retail uses , are allowed as a matter of right . Similar uses not specifically mentioned may be permitted by the Planning Commission . B . Conditional Uses . Retail trade , uses intended for the traveling public , business service , major public utilities and gen- eral office uses shall require the approval of a special permit by the Planning Commission . The applicant shall have the burden of proof that the above uses would be beneficial primarily to the manufacturing park or secondarily to the City . The Commission may attach conditions to these uses . • C . Accessory Uses . Accessory buildings and uses customarily associated with any of the above uses are permitted when located on the same site . . D . Residential Uses Prohibited . All residential uses are prohibited . E . Signs . Signs are permitted only as specifically pro- vided in the "Renton Sign Code , " also known as Chapter 19 of Title IV ( Building Regulations ) of Ordinance No . 1628 . 4-732 . 3 Parking and Loading . Parking and Loading facilities shall comply with the " Parking and Loading Ordinance , " also known as Chapter 22 of Title IV ( Building Regulations ) of Ordi - nance No . 1628 . The loading area shall be separate from the parking area . 4-732 . 4 Setbacks . A. Front Yard . No building or structure shall be located closer than sixty ( 60) feet to any street or highway property line . A ten ( 10 ) foot strip adjacent to such property line shall be appropriately landscaped and maintained except for designated pedestrian , vehicular , rail and utility accessways . The remainder of the sixty (60 ) foot required open space may be used for off- street automobile parking and for loading of goods and merchandise . B . Side and Rear Yards. No building or structure shall be located closer than ten ( 10) feet to any property line not abutting a street or highway except abutting a railroad track . The total of both side yards for corner and noncorner lots shall be forty (40 ) feet . No setback is required if the side yard or rear yard abuts a railroad track . The yards may be used for walkways , screened storage , parking and loading purposes or shall be completely landscaped . If the side or rear yard is used for parking or loading , a five ( 5 ) foot landscaped strip is required along the property line except where a joint parking lot uses 'the contiguous side or rear yards of two ( 2 ) lots . C . Waterways . All structures shall be located at least sixty (60) feet from the bank , easement or right-of-way , which ever is greatest , of any river , creek , lake or drainage channel . The first twenty (20 ) feet of the required setback shall be adequately landscaped , shall be reserved for trails , and shall not be fenced . D . Variable Loadinj' Area Setback . Loading area setbacks shall be determined by the Planning Commission . The developer shall inform the Commission of the type and length of trucks intended to serve the site . No parking shall be permitted in the loading area . Right angle loading areas shall have the following minimum setback areas from any landscaped area : - 2 - MINIMUM RIGHT ANGLE LOADING AREA Single-Unit Tractor-Trailer Loading Area Truck Length Length Setbacks 30 ' 45 ' 50 ' 55 ' 60 ' 60 ' 65 ' . 65 ' 70 ' 70 ' 75 ' 75 ' 80 ' 80 ' 85 ' 85 ' 90 ' 90 ' 95 ' 95 ' 100 ' Any non-right angle loading area shall have a minimum loading area depth of fifty (50 ) feet . The Planning Commission shall review any non-right angle loading area and may require a loading depth greater than fifty ( 50 ) feet if the length of trucks serv- ing the facility need more than fifty ( 50 ) feet for maneuvering . 4 -732 . 5 Permitted Floor Area . The maximum permitted floor area to be contained in all buildings on a lot shall not exceed two and one-half ( 2 1 /2 ) times the buildable area of the lot . 4-732 . 6 Permitted Height . No height limit is imposed , provided that one ( 1 ) additional foot of width is provided for each required open space on the periphery of the lot or site for each foot in height any building or structure on the premises exceeds forty (40) feet . 4-732 . 7 Landscaping . A. Landscaping Requirement . The planting strip in the public right-of-way , plus a ten ( 10) feet wide strip continguous to the public right-of-way and a five ( 5 ) foot wide strip along the side and rear lot lines shall be landscaped except for designated ped- estrian , vehicular , rail and utility accessways . The planting strip and landscaped area s-hall be planted with trees , shrubs , ground covers or other landscaping materials approved by . the Plan- ning Commission . B . Residential Zones and Uses . Along any common property line with a residential zone , residential use , recreational use or day nursery use , there shall be a planting screen installed not less than ten ( 10 ) feet in width , and in such planting screen there shall be evergreen shrubs or trees which shall be maintained at a height of not less than five (5 ) feet . Such landscaping shall be adequate to act as a visual buffer between the two ( 2 ) uses . - 3 - • C . Sprinkling System. An automatic underground sprinkling system shall be installed in all landscaped areas including the planting strips . Such sprinkling shall be set at a frequency and duration to insure the continued life and well -being of the landscaping . The Planning Department may waive the sprinkling system requirement upon proper application and for good reason , which shall include , but is not - limited to , the landscaping would not require such a system and a high water table . D . Bonds . Performance bonds for the installation and main- tenance of the landscaping shall be posted -with the City prior to the issuance of . a building permit . The installation bond shall be for a three ( 3) year period after the installation of the land- scaping .. The bonds shall be equal to a minimum of one hundred fifty ( 150 ) percent of the estimated costs of, the installation for a one ( 1 ) year period and maintenance for a three ( 3) year period . The developer may substitute a certified or cashier ' s check in lieu of a performance bond . Such check shall be in the same amount as the bond it is substituting . The City reserves the right , in addition to all other remedies available to it by law , to proceed against such bond or other payment in lieu there- of without notice to the developer . In case of any suit or action to enforce any provisions of this Ordinance , the developer shall pay unto the City all costs incidental to such litigation includ- ing reasonable attorney ' s fees . The requirement of the posting of any performance bond or other security shall be binding on the applicant , his heirs , successors and assigns . E . Maintenance . All landscaping shall be maintained in a reasonable manner and shall be subject to periodic inspection by the City. 4-732 . 8 . Outdoor Storage . The outside storage of materials , sup- plies , products , containers and trash dumpsters is permitted within the buildable area of the property provided such storage area is screened from all adjacent property lines by a wall or sight- obscuring fence not less than five ( 5 ) feet nor more than ten ( 10 ) feet in height . There shall not be dumped , placed , or allowed to remain on any property any refuse , trash , rubbish or other waste material outside of a building , except in non-flammable , covered or enclosed containers . 4-732 . 9 Performance Standards . A. Air and Water Pollution . Air and water emissions shall meet the minimum standards of the appropriate agency . B . Noise , Vibration, Heat and Glare . Noise , vibration , heat and glare generated. on the site shall meet the minimum standards of the appropriate agency . - 4 4 . 732 . 10 Site Approval . To insure that the intent and various provisions •of this zone are met , the site plans shall be approved by ' the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of any building permit. Proper application for a site approval shall be made to the Planning Department with a fifty (50 ) dollars fee and shall include , but is not limited to , a site plan , vicinity map , building elevation drawing and a landscaping plan . The landscap- ing plan shall be drafted at a scale of one ( 1 ) inch representing ten ( 10 ) feet with a north arrow and shall include , but is not limited to , existing and proposed contour lines ; planting bed dimen- sions ; plant location ; plant list ; size and spacing of plants ; irrigation systems ; cross section of bed depth , and curbing and paving detail ; plant specifications ; soil mix ; fertilizers ; mulch cover ;• and staking detail . SECTION II : A new Section 4-733 (Heavy Manufacturing Park District) of Title IV ( Building Regulations ) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton " is hereby amended to add the following : • Section 4-733 , as added : 4-733 : MP-H , HEAVY MANUFACTURING PARK DISTRICT 4-733 . 1 Purpose of District. . The purpose of this district is to promote high quality heavy manufacturing parks within the City of Renton . These manufacturing parks are to be designed, constructed • and maintained so that they are a functional and esthetic industrial asset to the City. The requirements of the district are intended to promote the type of use , intensity of use and standards of on-site and off-site effects which will minimize traffic congestion ; noise ; glare ; heat ; air , water and visual pollution ; and fire , safety and flood hazards . 4-733 . 2 Permitted Uses . A. All uses permitted in an H-1 zone , except residential , retail uses , and those uses listed in Section 4-713 ( a ) are allowed as a matter of right . Similar uses not specifically mentioned may be permitted by the Planning Commission . B . Conditional Uses . Retail trade , business service , major public utilities , general office uses , and those uses listed in Section 4-713 ( b) shall require the approval of a special permit by the Planning Commission . The applicant shall have the burden of proof that the above uses would be beneficial primarily to the manufacturing park or secondarily to the City. The Commission may attach conditions to these uses . C . Accessory Uses . Accessory buildings and uses customarily' associated with any of the above uses are permitted when located on the same site . - '5 - • i D. Uses Prohibited. All residential uses are prohibited . The following uses are -prohibited : auto wrecking ; salvaging ; petroleum refining or storage of such products ; lubricating grease or oil compound manufacturing ; creosote treatment or manu- facturing ; and tar manufacturing or its storage . This ,Section does not prohibit the storage . of minor amounts of fuel and lubri - cants for on-site use . E . Signs . Signs are permitted only as specifically provided in the "Renton Sign Code , " also known as Chapter 19 of Title IV ( Building Regulations ) of Ordinance No . 1628 . 4-733 . 3 Parking and Loading . Parking and Loading facilities shall comply with the " Parking and Loading' Ordinance , " also known as Chapter 22 of Title IV ( Building Regulations ) of Ordinance No . 1628 . The loading area shall be separate from the parking area . 4-733 . 4 Setbacks . A. Front Yard . No building or structure shall be located closer than sixty (60 ) feet to any street or highway property line . A ten ( 10 ) foot strip adjacent to such property line Shall' be appropriately landscaped and maintained except for designated pedestrian , vehicular , rail and utility accessways-. The remainder of the sixty ( 60) - foot required open space may be used for off- street automobile parking and for loading of goods and merchandise . B . Side and Rear Yards . No building -or structure shall be located closer than ten ( 10 ) feet to any property line not abutting a street or highway except abutting a railroad track . The total of both side yards of corner and noncorner lots shall be forty (40 ) feet. No setback is required if the side yard or rear yard abuts a railroad track . The yards may be used for walkways , screened storage , parking and loading purposes or shall be completely land- scaped . If the side or rear yard is used for parking or loading , a five (5 ) foot landscaped strip is required along the property line except where a joint parking lot uses the contiguous side or rear yards of two (2 ) lots . C. Waterway.. All structures shall be located at least sixty ('60) feet from the bank , easement or right-of-way , which ever is greatest , of any river , creek , lake or drainage channel . • The first twenty (20) feet of the required setback shall be ade- quately landscaped , shall be reserved for trails , and shall not be fenced . D . Variable Loading Area Setback . Loading area setbacks shall be determined by the Planning Commission . The developer shall inform the Commission of the type and length of trucks in- tended to serve the site . No parking shall be permitted in the loading area . Right angle loading areas shall have the follow- ing minimum setback areas from any landscaped area : • - 6 - • MINIMUM. RIGHT ANGLE LOADING AREA Single Unit S Tractor-Trailer Loading Area Truck Length Length Setbacks 30 ' 45 ' 50 ' 55 ' 60 ' 60 ' 65 ' 65 ' 70 ' 70 ' 75 ' 75 ' 80 ' 80 ' 85 ' 85 ' 90 ' 90 ' 95 ' 95 ' 100 ' Any non-right angle loading area shall have a minimum loading area depth of fifty (50 ) feet. The Planning Commission shall review any non-right angle loading area and may require a loading depth greater than fifty (50 ) feet if the length of trucks serving the facility need more than fifty (50) feet for maneuvering . 4-733 . 5 Permitted Floor Area . The maximum permitted floor area to be contained in all buildings on a lot shall not exceed two and one-half ( 2 1 /2 ) times the buildable area of the lot . 4 . 733 . 6. Permitted Height . No height limit is imposed , provided that one ( 1 ) additional foot of width is provided for each re- quired open space on the periphery of the lot or site for each foot in height any building or structure on the premises exceeds fifty (50 ) feet . 4-733 . 7 Landscaping , A. Landscaping Requirement . The planting strip in the public right-of-way , plus a ten ( 10 ) foot wide strip contiguous to the public right-of-way and a five (5 ) foot wide strip along the side and rear lot lines shall be landscaped except for designated pedestrian , vehicular , rail and utility accessways . The ' planting strip and landscaped area shall be planted with trees , shrubs , ground covers or other landscaping materials approved by the Plan- ning Commission . B . Residential Zones and Uses . Along any common property line with a residential zone , residential use , recreational use or day nursery use , there shall be a planting screen installed not less than ten ( 10) feet in width , and in such planting screen there shall be evergreen shrubs or trees which shall be maintained at a height of not less than five (5 ) feet . Such landscaping shall be adequate to act as a visual buffer between the two ( 2 ) uses . - 7 - C . Sprinkling System. An automatic underground sprinkling system shall be installed in all landscaped areas including the planting strips . Such sprinkling shall be set at a frequency and at a duration to insure the continued life and well -being of the landscaping. The Planning Department may waive the sprinkling system requirement upon proper application and for. good reason , which shall include , but is not limited to , the plants would not require such a system and a high water table . D. Bonds . Performance bonds for the installation and main- tenance of the landscaping shall be posted with the City prior to the issuance of a building permit. The installation bond shall be for a three ( 3) year period after the installation of the land- scaping. The bonds shall be equal to a minimum of one hundred fifty ( 150 ) percent of the estimated costs of the installation for a one ( 1 ) year period and maintenance for a three ( 3) year period . The developer may substitute a certified or cashier ' s check in lieu of a performance bond . Such check shall be in the same amount as the bond it is- substituting . The City reserves the right , in addition to all other remedies available to it by law , to proceed against such bond or other payment in lieu there- of without notice to the developer . In case of any suit or action to enforce any provisions of this Ordinance , the developer shall pay unto the City all costs incidental to such litigation includ- ing reasonable attorney ' s fees . The requirement of the posting of any performance bond or other security shall be binding on the applicant , his heirs , successors and assigns . E . Maintenance . All landscaping shall be maintained in a reasonable manner and shall be subject to periodic inspection by the City . 4-732 . 8 Outdoor Storage . The outside storage of materials , sup- plies , products , containers and trash dumpsters is permitted within the buildable area of the property provided such storage area is screened from all adjacent property lines by a wall or sight- obscuring fence not less than five ( 5 ) feet nor more than ten ( 10) feet in height. There shall not be dumped , placed , or allowed to remain on any property any refuse , trash , rubbish or other waste material outside of a building , except in non-flammable , covered or enclosed containers . 4-732 . 9 Performance Standards . A. Air and Water Pollution . Air and water emissions shall meet the minimum standards of the appropriate agency . - 8 B . Noise , Vibration , Heat and Glare . Noise , vibration , heat and glare generated on the site shall meet the minimum standards of the appropriate agency . • 4.•733. 10 Site Approval . To insure that the intent and various pro- visions of this zone are met , the site plans shall be approved by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of any building per- mit . Proper application for a site approval shall be made to the Planning Department with a fifty ( 50 ) dollar fee and shall include , but is no.t limited to , a site plan , vicinity map , building eleva- tion drawing and a landscaping plan . The landscaping plan shall be drafted at a scale of one CO inch representing ten ( 10) feet with a north arrow and shall include , but is not limited to , exist- ing and proposed contour lines ; planting bed dimensions ; plant loca- tion ; plant list ; size and spacing of plants ; irrigation systems ; cross section of bed depth , and curbing paving detail ; plant spe- cifications ; soil mix ; fertilizers ; mulch cover; and staking detail . SECTION III : This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage- approval and legal publication . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THIS day of , 1973 . Delores A . Mead , City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 1973 . Avery Garrett , Mayor Approved as to form : Date of Publication : - 9 - BRIEF COMPARISON OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL ZONES FEATURES L-1 H-1 M-P MP-L MP-H Setbacks None None Street----60 ' Street----60 ' Street----60 ' Side Yd . --20 ' Side Yd . --Min . 10 ' Side Yd . --Min . 10 ' Total 40 ' Total 40 ' Rear Yd . --10 ' Rear Yd . --10 ' Rear Yd . --10 ' except R. R . except R . R. except R. R. Waterway--None Waterway--20 ' Waterway-- - - -- 20 ' Uses -L-1 uses H-1 uses L-1 uses L-1 uses , special H-1 uses , special • permit for retail , permit for retail , etc . ; residential etc. ; residential , , • prohibited . petroleum refining and storage prohibi - ted . Landscaping None None 10 ' adjacent to 10 ' adjacent to 10 ' adjacent to street street ; 5 ' along street ; 5 ' along side & rear lot side & rear lot • lines except by lines except by R . R . ; planting R . R. ; planting strip in public strip in public R-of-W ; 20 ' by R-of-W ; 20 ' by waterway . waterway . eview Staff for Staff for. Planning Com- Planning Com- Planning Commission building permit building permit mission for site mission for site for site approval approval before . approval before before building building permit . building permit. permit. Loading Area None None 50 ' Variable , 50 ' Variable ,- 50 ' minimum. minimum. Planning Department 8-29-73 , A44, OF R�l� . , 0 -U r, OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ® RENTON,WASHINGTON —'"Ns!',� POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND AVENUE BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5.8678 v; O1�O • GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY �� JOHN K. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY ���� o�4TfD SEP1��� September 9 , 1973 Q�p.�22 �`5er,\. AN.) ��913 , Mr. Gary Kruger c-rr,�lc� �� Planning Department City Hall Renton, Washington 98055 Re ; Proposed MP-L and MP-H Zones Dear Gary; We have received, a couple of days ago , your latest draft of the proposed amendment to our Zoning Ordinance relating to the above matter. Our comments and suggestions regarding this matter would be as follows ; a. Some determination should be made whether it would not be more appropriate to amend the existing code sections relating to light and heavy industry, namely 4-712. and 4-713 , instead of creating new sections therefor. If you prefer the latter, then section 1 in each instance should be reworded to read as follows : "There is hereby created and established a new section, •( to be known as Section 4-732 (Light Manufacturing Park District) ►j of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled ' \ "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" to read as rr�� follows ; " b . There may be some questions about the wording of Sub- paragraph b in 4-732 .2 in which you state that "the applicant shall have the burden of proof that the above uses would be beneficial primarily to the manufacturing park or secondarily to the City" . How about a benefit to the general public? Furthermore, since all uses now permitted in L-1 zone would be authorized , why would the applicant have the additional burden of proof that the above uses would be beneficial ---? From a strictly legal standpoint , it seems to me that once the use is a permitted one under our present Zoning Ordinances and the applicant complies with all lawful rules and regulations of such ordinance , then he is entitled , as a matter of right , to a building permit . It seems that the "burden of proof" requirement should be unnecessary. c. Re: Subparagraph C (4-732 .4) : You may want to add in that subparagraph that a greater set back may be required if same is required by any other governmental entity having jurisdiction there- over. For instance the flood control people, may sometime in the future, insist on a greater set back in which case the applicant should comply therewith instead of the set backs required by this ordinance. d. Subsection B (4-732 .7) Landscaping : As expressed on various occasions before , we have some concern about the requirement of planting certain designated shrubs or trees without any discretion on the part of the owner to beautify the area. You indicate that the planting screen shall consist of evergreen shrubs or trees ! Conceivably there may be other screening materials as or more attractive than those designated and it would be somewhat confining if a municipality insists that only those designated screening materials could be used. e. Subsection D (4-732 .7) Bonds : As we had suggested previously, before this type of bond is required, some inquiries should be made of bonding companies to determine whether this eact type of security is issued and the cost thereof to the applicant. The bonding companies undoubtedly want to have established some standards as to maintenance so that they are aware of the obligations assumed . Again, suppose that the applicant provides the City with a written contract between a maintenance service company and the owner and if so , should not this be sufficient to protect the City? We had previously given you, on several occasions , our comments about the question of sprinkling systems and therefore will not repeat our comments . f. Subsection 4--732 .10 (Site Approval) : We are just wondering whether, to accomodate the public more readily and to avoid delays , an initial review of site plans could not be handled by the Planning Department instead of submitting it to the Planning Commission. Again, our primary concern should be to assure the reasonable inter- pretation and enforcement of our laws and service to members of the public. Therefore should not the Planning Department staff be in a position to advise the applicant that a preliminary inspection of —his plans meetswith requirements of the ordinance? You realize , of course, that it is the applicant's primary responsibility to see to .- it that hi.s proposed improvements do not run afoul of the City 's laws . A speedy determination should be made to benefit the public. The above comments would, of course , also apply to your proposed amendment regarding the "Heavy Manufacturing Park District". If we can of any further assistance to you in this matter, please advise . We remain Ver truly yours , Goa d M. Shel an Ct Attorney GMS ;bjm P . S . Gary: In the future would it be possible for your department to send your proposals to our office sometime before the matter is reported out of Committee to the full City Council . For instance we received your memorandum just two days ago and you advise that on the following day, namely September 10 this matter would be reported out. Since your department has been working on this for many, many months , we certainly would appreciate, in the future, some longer period of studying this matter and issuing our comments . Thank you very much. G.M.S . • Renton City Council Meet,--' Minutes September 10, 1973 - Pagi. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Claims for Alleged City Clerk Mead presented Claim for Damages filed by Nick John Puhich, Damages 424 S.W. Langston P1. , for auto•damage. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE TO REFER THIS CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. Nick J. Puhich CARRIED. Good Chevrolet Claim for Damages for Good Chevrolet, 617 S. 3rd, by Kenneth M. Nieman was presented by the City Clerk (glass breakage) . MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, REFER CLAIM TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Mrs. S. O. Dime City Clerk presented Claim for Damages filed by Mrs. Staffie 0. Dime, 104 Pelly, for glass breakage at Andy's Cafe. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, CLAIM BE REFERRED TO CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE . CARRIER. CARRIED. Wm. B. Christie City Clerk Mead presented Claim for Damages filed by William B. Christie, 841 Shoremont Rd.S.W., Seattle, for damage to plane at Renton Airport. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, REFER CLAIM TO CITY ATTOR- NEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. • New Careers/ Letter from Mayor Garrett asked Council action to authorize signing of Operation agreement between the City the the New Careers/Operation Improvement Improvement - organization in order to proceed with initial starting date of Hiring of September 24, 1973. The letter recalled,Mayor's memo of July 3, and Unemployed further explained the hiring of 4 persons who will receive on-the-job training three days per week and attend school the other two days, with reimbursement to the City of 80% of the salaries for first year and 40o for second year. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND COMMITTEE OF WHOLE. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO AMEND MOTION AND ADD THAT THE LETTER ADDRESSED TO MR. JACK LYNCH FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY DATED SEPTEMBER 5, 1973 BE INCLUDED IN REFERRAL. CARRIED. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED. 1973 AWC Meetings Permission being granted for additional Agenda item, City Clerk Mead read letter from Association of Washington Cities announcing the 1973 Regional Meeting schedule. Each Councilman asked to notify Council President who will in turn notify the City Clerk in order • that necessary reservations can be made. ti PROCLAMATIONS A Proclamation of Mayor Garrett was read noting imminent energy crisis Energy and called for energy conservation measures to be taken immediately, Conservation asking employees and residents to embark on voluntary program to reduce their consumption of energy wherever possible. MOVED BY GRANT SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PROCLAMATION• OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Appointment of Mayor Garrett was read, announcing appointment of Mr. Human Rights & Robert E. Cotner, 12243 S.E. 184th St. to the Human Rights and Affairs Affairs Commission for a two-year term to expire April 25, 1975, Mr. R. E. Cotner Cotner being insurance salesman residing within Renton School District. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THIS APPOINTMENT BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. • CARRIED. • OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chairman Grant submitted committee report Community Services concurring in the Board of Public Works recommendation for landscaping Committee Report and curb and gutter replacement; at_ S.2nd_ St. traffic islands at the High School with combination of .ground cover (low-spreading shrubs and S. 2nd St. accent specimen shrubs) at a cost of $5,600 and $3,600 for-curb and Traffic Islands • gutter replacement around,the• islands, with Forward Thrust funds avail- Landscaping able to complete project indicated by Public Works Director. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COM- MITTEE,CARRIED.. Public Hearing Community Services report also recommended the fifth revised draft on 9/24/73-r-e-- MP-L and MP-H zones to the zoning ordinance be referred to the Legis-la- zoning Ordinanc tion Committee and further recommends that a Public Hearing be held on "-- Manufacturing September, 24, 1973 before the City Council on this matter. MOVED BY Park SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION Light & Heavy OF COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED. i \ • COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT SEPTEMBER 10 , 1973 • • ITEM 1 : LANDSCAPE TREATMENT ON SOUTH 2ND STREET TRAFFIC ISLANDS IN VICINITY OF HIGH SCHOOL • The Community Services Committee concurs in the recommendation of the Board of Public Works to accept alternative number 3 (5 of those alternatives presented by the Planning Department ,.\,� for landscaping of traffic islands in the vicinity of the high school. This alternative consists of a combination of :_) ground cover , low-spreading shrubs and accent specimen shrubs , estimated to cost $5, 600 . The Board further recommends the replacement of curbs and gutters around the islands at an additional cost of $3 , 600 . The Public Works Director has indicated that Forward Thrust funds are available to complete this project. a ITEM 2 : REVISED DRAFT ON MP-L and MP-H ZONES TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE . The Community Services Committee recommends that the attached fifth revised draft on MP-L and MP-H zones to the zoning ordinance be referred to the Legislation Committee, and • ' further recommends that a public hearing be held on this matter before the City Council on Monday, September 24 , 1973 • at 8 : 00 p.m. ,4// ,4„,.. , . . • . . • , • 7;77-„.• • .... Chaff man W 4.am J il Grant r--.J. 2 7 ) i / � .)_ ; / � • .,e - el ert ' ••" . ,,` . Stredicke I t , • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE1OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 24th day of September , 1973 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Proposed Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance concerning Setbacks , Landscaping, Permitted Uses , Establishing Procedures and Related Matters for a Light Manufacturing Park District (MP-1) and Heavy Manufacturing Park District (MP-H) . Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON A4E.,!_s) 7-2CL-(/ Delores A. Mead , City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION September 14, 1973 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss. COUNTY OF KING I , hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one (copy was posted at the City Municipal Building, Renton , ,Washington on date of , 19 Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. � U ' ,r. � , S. 3 .e -. 4.%Z. g; , �r�_ 7 81O'' .ay.f' uO. .� ALIBI S !!!'',• a ., . oa raa / , ! aloc:o ! . . . . . OV '1:1• <S,- •-. ',la_ ?)0 . A‘.1 Q Wf.,•?,,7,j',zv ,i .N.1Q 0 F Fl(.--'E 0 I.` T in E C IT'V A 9.".1`0 RN EY 0 RENTON,W ASH I N G-TON I:dia, :-Za,,.,-,,•;:g,' . . POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND STREET BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-8678 2 a. o b. .'N:, •2; • . 0 p 13 4 c,' GRAIL) P.I. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY ' . 0 JOHN K. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 4i.t. cts0 • . c0 SEP1- April 12 , 1973 • • 1 . • — . • Mr. Gordon Erickson Planning Director : • Planning Building o enton, Washington 1 - Re : Light and Heavy Manufacturing • ! Park- Distriot pear Gordon: • 1 o..... We received a few days ago the provosed amendatory ordinance 1 to our zoning code relating to light and heavy manufacturing park districts . . ' Before this matter is processed we would suggest an early . . nMeeting to discuss some of the provisions of this proposal. Some changes will have to be made in the legal form as now Submitted and there may also be some quesiii5H as to legality in the imposition of requirements. Incidentally , it would ppear that there is a line missing in subsection D of 4-732.7. 1 ! Again, w would suggest that you look at the mandatory require- . tent of/Underground rinkling system, regardless of the size Of project, as well as the proposed requirement that a portion of public riOtz9faway 3;e- isproved by the owner. ai There may also be a question as to whether any owner should be required to provide in any landscaping plan such details ( .s providing information about the soil mix , fertilizer,' mulch I cover, etc. There also should be some provision, as we hay. in ,. othasordinanceal providing for the deferment of landscaping 1 as long as a proper bond has been posted to assure the. City , - :that such work wall be alone vsithin a oeasonable period of time. Subsection D of 4 .732 .7 may therefore be at variance with 1 other ordinances containing landacaping requirements . / /these are just aome of the items that struck us as warranting SOMG discuseion and clarification. Flease let us know when ' you are ready to meet. i . . Wt1 i7e.m.aLn x' . tru _ yours , _//) , ' r413,-no' '1,ellan ( .., ...,. .../.1. -;a43 :ds • a/ o/ . ( / --- ' a . . . . . pF R., ti �a...R O 0) '2, O 1,14'1 CE O h`TI I (:'ITY A7"rORN EY a RENTON,\V BSI-II NGTON Z i 8 POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND STREET BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-8678 0 O pA ;C; GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY 0 43 <Q' JOHN K. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY '1.6 SE 13.09 April 12 , 1973 Mr. Gordon Erickson Planning Director Municipal Building Renton, Washington Re: Light and Heavy Manufacturing Park District Dear Gordon: We received a few days ago the proposed amendatory ordinance to our zoning code relating to light and heavy manufacturing park districts. Before this matter is processed we would suggest an early see meeting to discuss soma: of the provisions of this proposal. Some changes will have to be made in the legal form as now submitted and there may also be some questions as to legality in the imposition of requirements. Incidentally, it would appear that there is a line missing in subsection D of 4-732.7. v Again, w would suggest that you look at the mandatory went of/Underground require sprinkling system, regardless of the size of project, as well as the proposed requirement that a portion of public right-of-way be improved by the owner. P . There may also be a question as to whether any owner should be required to provide in any landscaping plan such details as providing information about the soil mix, fertilizer, mulch cover, etc. There also should be some provision, as we have in otheroLdinances , providing for the deferment of landscaping as long as a proper bond has been posted to assure the City that such work will be done within a reasonable period of time. Subsection D of 4.732.7 may therefore be at variance with other ordinances containing landscaping requirements. These are just some of the items that struck us as warranting some discussion and clarification. Please let us know when you are ready to meet. Wei'8211Fi3.n cry tru yours, I Ger A. Shellan G3S:ds e N lik\N> - oF 27/- 9 - 7� ti Uti �� 4D Z PLANNING DEPARTMENT • REN TON WASHINGTON MIL MUNICIPAL BUILDING • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • BA 8-3310 mimo 9 y� 9ySA, ORT Cg PIT A1-O�<� April 5 , 1973 Ai'Y01- I The Honorable Avery Garrett, Mayor 6 Members of the City Council ' * Renton, Washington "` 4_R Re: Planning Commission Recommendation - Zoning Ordinance Amendments : MP-L, Light Manufacturing Park District MP-H, Heavy Manufacturing Park District 1 Gentlemen: Thel Planning Commission and Planning Department, in the continuing effort to review and update the City of Renton' s Zoning Ordinance, has been studying the existing manufacturing park, light industrial and heavy industrial zones. It ;is felt that an update of said zones is necessary in order that the industrial park concept may be extended to heavy industrial type uses. The Planning Commission, as a result of its study, is forwarding to the City Council - with a recommendation for approval - the attached amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. These amendments would add two new sections: Section 4-732 , 'MP-L, Light Manufacturing Park District, and Section 4-733 , MP-H, Heavy Manufacturing Park District. The Planning Commission would be happy to meet with the Council or Council Committees to discuss in detail the proposed amendments . Very -rulyyours, cordon Y. - icksen Plannin• D rector GYE:bmi Attach. cc: City Attorney ry • f • ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ' - ADDING SECTIONS 4-732 AND 4-733 OF TITLE IV (BUILDING REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 1628 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON" CONCERNING SETBACKS , LANDSCAP- ING, PERMITTED USES , ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES AND RELATED MATTERS FOR A LIGHT MANUFACTURING PARK DISTRICT (MP-L) AND HEAVY MANUFACTURING PARK DISTRICT (MP-H) . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : A new Section 4-732 (Light Manufacturing Park District of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of ' Renton" is hereby amended to add the following: Section 4-732 , as added: • 4-732 : MP-L, LIGHT MANUFACTURING PARK DISTRICT 4-732 . 1 Purpose of District. The purpose of this district is to • promote high quality light manufacturing parks within the City of Renton. These manufacturing parks are to be designed, constructed and maintained so that they are a functional and esthetic indus • - trial asset to the City. ' The requirements of the district are intended to promote the type of use , intensity of use and standards of on-site and off-site effects which minimize traffic con- gestion; noise; glare; heat; air, water and visual pollution; and • fire, safety and flood hazards . 4-7322 Permitted Uses . A. All uses permitted in an L-1 zone, except residential and retail uses , are allowed as a matter of right. Similar uses not specifically mentioned may be permitted by the Planning Commmission . B. Conditional Uses . Retail trade, uses intended for the traveling public , business service, major public ulitities and gen- eral office uses shall require the approval of the Planning Com- mission. The applicant shall have the burden of proof that the above uses would be beneficial primarily to the manufacturing park or secondarily to the City. The Commission may conditionally . ,, ,; pp.rove these- uses e y C. Accessory Uses . Accessory buildings and uses customarily associated with any of the above uses are permitted when located on the same site . • D. Residential Uses Prohibited. All residential uses are prohibited. E. Signs . Signs are permitted only as specifically provided • vl• r in th "Renton Sign Code" , also know as Chapter 19 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 . 4-732 .3 Parking and Loading: Parking and Loading facilities shall ' compl with the "Parking and Loading Ordinance" , also known as Chapter 22 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No . 1628 . The loading area shall be separate from the parking area. • 4-732 4 Setbacks A. Front Yard. No building or sturcture shall be located closer than sixty (60) feet to any street or highway property line. ' A ten (10) foot strip adjacent to such property line shall be ' appropriately landscaped and maintained• except for designated pedestrian, vehicular, rail and utility accessways . The remainder -" ' of th sixty (60) foot required open space may be used for off- , street automobile parking and for loading of goods and merchandise . . . Side and Rear Yards . No building or structure shall be located closer than ten (10) feet to any property line not ,,abutting a street or highway except abutting a railroad track. The total' of both side yards for corner and noncorner lots shall be forty ' , ' (40) :eet. No setback is required if the side yard or rear yard . abuts a railroad track. The yards may be used for walkways , • screened storage, parking and loading purposes or shall be com- pletely landscaped. If the side or rear yard is used for park- ' ing or loading, a five (5) foot landscaped strip is required ' ' along the property line except where a joint parking lot uses the contiguous side or rear yards of two (2) lots. C. waterways . All structures shall be located at least sixty (60) feet from the bank, easement or right-of-way, which -ever is greatest, of any river:, creek, lake or drainage channel'. " D. Variable Loading Area Setback. Loading area setbacks'-. . . shall be determined by the Planning Commission. The developer shall inform the Commission of the type and length of trucks • intended to serve the site. No parking shall be permitted in the ' , loadi g area. Right angle loading areas- shall have the following.. : minimum setback areas from any landscaped area': - . MINIMUM RIGHT ANGLE LOADING AREA Single-Unit Tractor-Trailor Loading Area Truck Length Length Setbacks 30 ' 45° 50 ' 55' 60 ' 60 ' 65 ° 65 ' 70 ' . " 70 ' • 75 ' 75 ' 80 ' 80 ° 85 ' 85 ° 90 ' 90 ' 95 ' ' ' 95 ' 100 ' • - 2 - Any non-right angle loading area shall have a minimum loading area depth of fifty(50) feet. The Planning Commission shall review any non-right angle loading area and may require a loading depth greater than fifty (50) feet if the length of trucks serving the facility need more than fifty (50) feet for maneuvering. 4-732 .5 Permitted Floor Area. The maximum permitted floor area to be contained in all buildings on a lot shall not exceed two and one- half (2 1/2) times the buildable area of the lot. 4-7321. 6 Permitted Height. No height limit is imposed. provided that Y one (1) additional foot of width is provided for each required open space on the periphery of the lot or site for each foot in height any building or structure on the premises exceeds forty (40) feet. 4-7320 Landscaping, A. Landscaping Requirement. The planting strip in the public right-of-way, plus a ten (10) feot wide strip contiguous to the public right-of-way and a five (5) foot wide strip along the side and rear lot lines shall be landscaped except for designated pedestrian, vehicular, rail and utility accessways . The planting strip and landscaped area shall be planted with trees , shurbs and/or ground covers . B. Residential Zones and Uses. Along any common property line with a residential zone, residential use, recreational use or day nursery use , there shall be a planting screen installed not less than ten (10) feet in width, and in such planting screen there shall be evergreen shrubs or trees which shall be maintained at a height of not less than five (5) feet. Such landscaping shall be adequate to act as a visual buffer between the two (2) uses. C. Sprinkling System. An automatic underground sprinkling system shall be installed in all landscaped areas including the ' planting strips . Such sprinkling shall be set at a frequency and duration to insure the continued life and well-being of the landscaping. D. Bonds . Performance bonds fox the installation and main- tenance of the landscaping shall be posted with the City prior to the issuance of a building permit, " The installation bond shall be • for a three (3) year period after the installation of the landscaping. - The bonds shall be equal to a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) , , ' ' percent of the estimated costs of the installation and maintenance, but in no instance less than five thousand (5 ,000) dollars per acre ' of landscaping for installation and no less than five hundred (500) dollars per acre of landscaping per year for maintenance . The developer may substitute a certified or cashier ' s check in lieu ' of a performance bond. Such check shall be in the same amount as the bond it is substituting. The City reserves the right, in addition - 3 - to all other remedies available to it by law, to proceed against _ g such bond or other payment in lieu thereof without notice to the developer. In case of any suit or action to enforce any provisions of this Ordinance , the developer shall pay unto the City all costs incidental to such litigation including reasonable attorney' s fees . The requirement of the posting of any performance bond or other security shall be binding on the applicant, his heirs , successors and assigns . E. Maintenance . All landscaping shall be maintained in a reasonable manner and shall be subject to periodic inspection by the City. 4-732'. 8 Outdoor Storage . The outside storage of materials , supplies, products , containers and trash dumpsters is permitted within the buildable area of the property provided such storage area is screened from all adjacent property lines by a wall or sight-obscuring fence . , not less than five (5) feet nor more than ten (10) feet in height. There' shall not be dumped, placed, or allowed to remain on any property any refuse , trash, rubbish or other waste. -material outside of a building, except in non-flammable, covered or enclosed containers. 4-732 . 9 Performance Standards. A. Air and Water Pollution. Air and water emissions shall meet the minimum standards of the appropriate agency. B. Noise, Vibration, Heat and Glare . Noise, vibration, heat and glare generated on the site shall meet the minimum standards of the appropriate agency. 4-732 . 10 Site Approval. To insure that the intent and various provisions of this zone are met, the site plans shall be approved by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of any building permit. Proper application for a site approval shall be made to the Planning Department with a fifty (50) dollars fee and shall in- clude, but is not limited to, a site plan, vicinity map, building elevation drawing and a landscaping plan . The landscaping plan shall be drafted at a scale of one (1) inch representing ten (10) feet with a north arrow and shall include, but is not limited to, existing and proposed contour lines; planting bed dimensions ; plant location; plant list; size and spacing of plants ; irrigation systems; cross section of bed depth, and curbing and paving detail; plant specifications; soil mix; fertilizers ; mulch cover; and staking detail. - 4 - • • SECTION II : A new Section 4-733 (Heavy .Manuf_acturing Park District) of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended to add the following: • Section 4-733 , as added: 4-733 . 1 Purpose of District. The purpose of this district is to - promote high quality heavy manufacturing parks within the City of Renton . These manufacturing parks are to be designed, constructed and maintained so that they are a functional and esthetic industrial asset to the City. The requirements of the district are intended to promote the type of use , intensity of use and standards of on-site and off-site effects which will minimize traffic congestion; noise; glare; heat; air, water and visual pollution; and fire", safety and flood hazards . • 4-733 .2 Permitted Uses. A. All uses: permitted in an H-1 zone, except residentl and - retail uses, are allowed as a matter of right. Similar uses not . specifically mentioned may be permitted by the Planning Commission. B. Conditional Uses. Retail trade, business service, major public utilities and general office uses shall require the approval of the Planning Commission. The applicant shall have the burden of proof that the above uses would be benefical primarily to the manu- facturing park or secondarily to the City. The Commission may conditionally approve these uses. • C. Accessory. Uses . Accessory buildings and uses customarily associated with any of the above uses are permitted when located on the same site . D. Residential Uses Prohibited. All residential uses are prohibited. E. Signs . Signs are permitted only as specifically provided , in the "Renton Sign Code" , also known as Chapter 19 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 . . 4-733.. 3 Parking and Loading. Parking and Loading facilities shall comply with the "Parking and Loading Ordinance" , also known as Chapter, 22 of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 1628 . The loading area shall be separate from the parking area. • 4-733 . 4 Setbacks . • A. Front Yard. No building or structure shall be located • closer than sixty (60) feet to any street or highway property line. • A ten , (10) foot strip adjacent to such property line shall be appro- .priately landscaped and maintained except for designated pedestrian, • - 5 - 1 3 vehicular, rail and utility accessways. The remainder of the sixty (60) foot required open space may be used for off-street automobile parking and for loading of goods and merchandise. B. Side and Rear Yards. No building or structure shall be located closer than ten (10) feet to any property line not abutting a street or highway except abutting a railroad track. The total of both side yards for corner and noncorner lots shall be forty (40) , feet. No setback is required if the side yard or rear yard abuts a railroad track. The yards may be used for walkways , screened storage, parking and loading purposes or shall be completely land- scaped. If the side or rear yard is used for parking or loading, a five (5) foot landscaped strip is required along the property line except where a joint parking lot uses the contiguous side or rear yards of two (2) lots. C. Waterway. All structures shall be located at least sixty (60) feet from the bank, easement or right-of-way, which ever is greatest, of any river, creek, lake or drainage channel. D. Variable Loading Area Setback . Loading area setbacks shall be determined by the Planning Commission., The developer shall inform the Commission of the type and length of trucks intended to serve the site. No parking shall be permitted in the loading area. Right angle loading areas shall have the following minimum setback areas from any landscaped area: MINIMUM RIGHT ANGLE LOADING AREA Single-Unit Tractor-Trailer Loading Area Truck Length Length Setbacks 30 ' 45 ' 50 ' 55 ' 60 ' 60 ' 65 ' 65 ' 70 ' 70 ' 75 ' 75 ' 80 ' 80 ' 85 ' 85 ° 90 ' 90 ' 95 ' 95 ' 100 ' Any non-right angle loading area shall have a minimum loading area depth of fifty (50) feet. The Planning Commission shall review any non-right angle loading area and may require a loading depth greater than fifty (50) feet if the length of trucks serving the facility need more than fifty (50) feet for maneuvering. 4-733 . 5 Permitted Floor Area. The maximum permitted floor area to. be contained in all buildings on a lot shall not exceed two and one half (2 1/2) times the buildable area of the lot. 4-733 . 6 Permitted Height. No height limit is imposed, provided that one (1) additional foot of width is provided for each required open - 6 - space on the periphery of the lot or site for each foot in height any building or structure on the premises exceeds fifty (50) feet. 4-733 . 7 Landscaping. A. Landscaping Requirement. The planting strip in the public right-of-way , plus a ten (10) foot wide strip contiguous to the public right-of-way and a five (5) foot wide strip along the side and rear lot lines shall be landscaped except for designated pedestrian, vehicular, rail and utility accessways . The plant- ing strip and landscaped area shall be planted with trees , shrubs , and/or ground covers . • B. Residential Zones and Uses . Along any common property line with a residential zone, residential use, recreational use or day nursery use , there shall be a planting screen installed not less than ten (10) feet in width, and in such planting screen there shall • be evergreen shrubs or trees which shall be maintained at a height of not less than five (5) feet. Such landscaping shall be adequate to act as a visual. buffer between to two (2) uses . C. Sprinkling System. An automatic underground sprinkling system shall be installed in all landscaped areas including the planting strips . Such sprinkling shall be set at a frequency and at a duration to insure the continued life and well-being of the landscaping. D. Bonds . Performance bonds for the installation - and main-. tenance of the landscaping shall be posted with the City prior to the issuance of a building permit. The installation bond shall be for a period no longer than one (1) year and the maintenance bond shall be for a ,three (3) year period after the installation of the landscaping . The bonds shall be equal to a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) percent of estimated costs of the installation and maintenance, but in no instance less than five thousand (5 , 000) dollars per acre of landscaping for installation and no less than five hundred (500) dollars per acreof landscaping per year for maintenance . The developer may substitute a certified or cashier' s check in lieu of a performance bond. Such check shall be in the same amount as the' bond it is substituting. The City reserves the right, in addition to all other remedies available to it by law, to proceed against such bond or other payment in lieu thereof without notice the the developer. ' In case of any suit or action to enforce any provisions of this Ordinance, the developer shall pay unto the City all costs incidental to such litigation including reasonable attorney' s fees . The requirement of the posting of any performance bond or other security shall be binding on the applicant, his heirs , successors and assigns , E. Maintenance . All landscaping shall be maintained in a reasonable manner and shall be subject of periodic inspection by the City . - 7 - 4-733 . 8 Outdoor Storage . The outside storage of materials , supplies, products , containers and trash dumpsters is permitted within the buildable area of the property provided such storage area is screened from all adjacent property lines by a wall or sight-obscuring fence not less than five (5) feet nor more than ten (10) feet in height. There shall not be dumped, placed, or allowed to remain on any property any refuse, trash, rubbish or other waste material outside . of a building, except in non-flammable , covered or enclosed containers . 4-733 . 9 Performance Standards . A. Air and Water Pollution. Air and water emissions shall meet the minimum standards of the appropriate agency . B. Noise , Vibration, Heat and Glare . Noise, vibration, heat and glare generated on the site shall. meet the minimum standards of the appropriate agency. 4-733 .10 Site Approval . To insure that the intent and various pro- visions of this zone are met, the site plans shall be approved by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of any building permit. Proper application for a site approval shall be made to the Planning Department with a fifty (50) dollar fee and shall include, but is not limited to, a site plan, vicinity map, building elevation draw- ing and a landscaping plan. The landscaping plan shall be drafted at a' scale of one (1) inch representing ten (10) feet with a north arrow and shall include, but is not limited to, existing and proposed contour lines; planting bed dimensions; plant location; plant list; size and spacing of plants; irrigation systems ; cross section of bed septh, and curbing and paving detail; plant specifications; soil mix; fertilizers; mulch cover; and staking detail . SECTION III : This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 1973 . Delores A. Mead, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 1973 . Avery Garrett, Mayor Approved as to form: Date of Publication: Gerald M. Shallan, City Attorney - 8 - _ . PREUMINARY PROPOSED MP-L AND MP-H ZONES TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE (fifth revised draft) 8 - 30 - 73 Recommended for Adoption by the Planning Commission and Council Community Services Committee RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT Please dispose of Previous Editions REVISION ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON , .WASHINGTON , ADDING SECTIONS 4-732 AND 4-733 OF TITLE IV ( BUILDING REGULATIONS ) OF ORDINANCE NO . 1628 ENTITLED " CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON" CONCERNING SETBACKS , LANDSCAP- ING , PERMITTED USES , ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES AND RELATED MATTERS FOR A LIGHT MANUFACTURING PARK DISTRICT (MP-L ) AND HEAVY MANUFACTURING PARK DISTRICT (MP-H) . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON , AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : A new Section 4-732 ( Light Manufacturing Park District of Title IV (Building Regulations ) of Ordinance No . 16281entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended to add the. following : Section 4-732 , as added : 4-732 : MP-L , LIGHT MANUFACTURING PARK DISTRICT 4-732 . 1 Purpose of. District . The purpose of this district is to promote high quality light manufacturing parks within the City of Renton . These manufacturing parks are to be designed , constructed and maintained so that they are a functional and esthetic indus- trial asset ' to the City . The requirements of the district are intended to promote the type of use , intensity of use and standards of On-site and off-site effects which minimize traffic congestion ; noise ; glare ; heat ; air , water and visual pollution ; and fire , safety and flood hazards . 4-732 . 2 Permitted Uses . A. All uses permitted in an L-1 zone , except residential and retail uses , are allowed as a matter of right . Similar uses not specifically mentioned may be permitted by the Planning Commission . B . Conditional Uses . Retail trade , uses intended for the traveling public , business service , major public utilities and gen- eral office uses shall require the approval of a special permit by the Planning Commission . The applicant shall have the burden of proof that the above uses would be beneficial primarily to the manufacturing park or secondarily to the City . The Commission may attachconditions to these uses . C. Accessory Uses . Accessory buildings and uses customarily associated with any of the above uses are permitted when located on the same site . D . Residential Uses Prohibited . All residential uses are prohibited . . • E . Signs . Signs are permitted only as specifically pro- vided in the " Renton Sign Code , " also known as Chapter 19 of Title IV ( Building Regulations ) of Ordinance No . 1628 . 4-732 . 3 Parking and Loading . Parking and Loading facilities shall comply with the " Parking and Loading Ordinance , " also known as Chapter 22 of Title IV ( Building Regulations ) of Ordi - nance No . 1628. The loading area shall be separate from the parking area . • 4-732 . 4 Setbacks . A . Front Yard . No building or structure shall be located closler than sixty ( 60) feet to any street or highway property line . A ten ( 10 ) foot strip adjacent to such property line shall be appropriately landscaped and maintained except for designated pedestrian , vehicular , rail and utility accessways . The remainder of the sixty (60 ) foot required open space may be used for off- street automobile parking and for loading of goods and merchandise . B . Side and Rear Yards . No building or structure shall be located closer than ten ( 10) feet to any property line not abutting a street or highway except abutting a railroad track . Theltotal of both side yards for corner and noncorner lots shall be forty (40) feet . No setback is required if the side yard or rear yard abuts a railroad track . The yards may be used for wa4ways , screened storage , parking and loading purposes or shall be completely landscaped . If the side or rear yard is used for parking or loading , a five ( 5 ) foot landscaped strip is required along the property line except where a joint parking lotuses the contiguous side or rear yards of two ( 2 ) lots . C . Waterways . All structures shall be located at least sixty ( 60) feet from the bank , easement or right-of-way , which ever is greatest , of any river , creek , lake or drainage channel . The first twenty (20 ) feet of the required setback shall be adequately landscaped , shall be reserved for trails , and shall not be fenced . D. Variable Loading' Area Setback . Loading area setbacks shall be determined by the Planning Commission . The developer shall inform the Commission of the type and length of trucks intended to serve the site . No parking shall be permitted in the loading area . Right angle loading areas shall have the following minimum setback areas from any landscaped area : - 2 - ' I • MINIMUM RIGHT ANGLE LOADING AREA Single--Unit Tractor-Trailer Loading Area Truck , Length Length Setbacks 30 ' 45 ' 50 ' • 55 ' 60 ' 60 ° 65 ' 65 ° 70 ' 70 ' 75 ° • 75 ' 80 ' 80 ' - 85 ° 85 ' 90 ' 90 ' 95 ' 95 ' 100 ' Any non-right angle loading area shall have a minimum loading area depth of fifty ( 50 ) feet . The Planning Commission shall review any non-right angle loading area and may require a loading depth, greater than fifty ( 50 ) feet if the length of trucks serv- ing the facility need more than fifty ( 50 ) feet for maneuvering . 4--732'. 5 Permitted Floor Area . The maximum permitted floor area to be, contained in all buildings on a lot shall not exceed two. and One-half ( 2 1 /2 ) times the buildable area of the lot . 4-732:. 6 Permitted Height . No height limit is imposed , provided that lone ( 1 ) additional foot of width is provided for each required open :space on the periphery of the lot or site for each foot in height any building or structure on the premises exceeds forty (40 ) feet . 4-732 . 7 Landscaping . A. Landscaping Requirement . The planting strip in the public - - right-of-way , plus a ten ( 10 ) feet wide strip corrtinguous to the public right-of-way and a five ( 5 ) foot wide strip along the side and rear lot lines shall be . landscaped except for designated ped- estrian , vehicular , rail and utility accessways . The planting strip and landscaped area shall be planted with trees , shrubs , ground covers or other landscaping materials approved by • the Plan- ning ' Commission . ' B . Residential Zones and Uses . Along any common property line ! with a residential zone , residential use , recreational use or day nursery use , there shall be a planting screen installed not less than ten ( 10) feet in width , and in such planting screen there shall be evergreen shrubs or trees which shall be maintained at a : height of not less than five (5 ) feet . Such landscaping shall be adequate to act as a visual buffer between the two (2 ) uses . • - 3 - i ! C . Sprinkling System. An automatic underground sprinkling system shall be installed in all landscaped areas including. the planting strips . Such sprinkling shall be set at a frequency and duration to insure the continued life and well -being of the landscaping . The Planning Department may waive the sprinkling system requirement upon proper application and for good reason , which shall include , but is not limited to , the landscaping would not require such a system and a high water table . D . Bonds . Performance bonds for the installation and main- tenance of the landscaping shall be posted with the City prior to the Issuance of a building permit. The installation bond shall be for three ( 3 ) year period after the installation of the land- scaping . The bonds shall be equal to a minimum of one hundred fiftJy ( 150 ) percent of the estimated costs of the installation for one ( 1 ) year period and maintenance for a three ( 3) year period.. The developer may substitute a certified or cashier ' s check in lieu of a performance bond . Such check shall be in the same amount as the bond it is substituting . The City reserves the right , in addition to all other remedies available to it by law ; to proceed against such bond or other payment in lieu there- • of 'iithout notice to the developer . In case of any suit or action to enforce any provisions of this Ordinance , the developer shall pay unto the City all costs incidental to such litigation includ- ing ' reasonable attorney ' s fees . The requirement of the posting of any performance bond or other security shall be binding on the applicant , his heirs , successors and assigns . E . Maintenance . All landscaping shall be maintained in a reasonable manner and shall be subject to periodic inspection by the; City . 4-732 . 8 Outdoor StorA2e. The outside storage Of materials , sup- plies , products , containers and trash dumpsters is permitted within the,' buildable area of the property provided such storage area is screened from all adjacent property lines by a wall or sight- obscuring fence not less than five ( 5 ) feet nor more than ten ( 10) feet in height . There shall not be dumped , placed , or allowed to remi,ain on any property any refuse , trash , rubbish or other waste matlerial outside of a . building , except in non-flammable , covered orienclosed containers . 4-732 . 9 Performance Standards , A. Air and Water' Pollution . Air and water emissions shall meet the minimum standards of the appropriate agency . i B . Noise , Vibration , Heat and Glare . Noise , vibration , heat and glare generated on the site shall meet the minimum standards of ' the appropriate agency . • - 4 - i • 4 . 732 . 10 Site Approval . To insure that the intent and various provisions of this zone are met , the site plans shall be approved by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of any building permit . Proper application for a site approval shall be made to. the ' Planning Department with a fifty ( 50 ) dollars fee and shall include , but is not limited to , a site plan , vicinity map , building elevation drawing and a landscaping plan . The landscap- inglplan shall be drafted at a scale of one, ( 1 ) inch representing ten ( 10 ) feet with a north arrow and shall include , but is not limited to , existing and proposed contour lines ; planting bed dimen- sions ; plant location ; plant list ; size and spacing of plants ; irrigation systems ; cross section of bed depth , and curbing and paving detail ; plant specifications ; soil mix ; fertilizers ;. mulch cover ;, and staking detail . SECTION II : A new Section 4-733 (Heavy Manufacturing Park District ) of Title IV ( Building Regulations ) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton " is hereby amended to add the following : Section 4-733 , as added : 4- 733 : MP-H , HEAVY MANUFACTURING PARK DISTRICT 1 4-733 . 1 Purpose of District . . The purpose of this district is to promote high quality heavy manufacturing parks within the City of Renton . These manufacturing parks are to be designed , constructed and, maintained so that they are 'a functional and esthetic industrial asset to the City . The requirements of the district are intended to promote the type of use , intensity of use and standards of on-site and off-site effects which will minimize traffic congestion ; noise ; glare ; heat ; air , water and visual pollution ; and fire , safety and flood hazards . ' 4-733 . 2 Permitted Uses . A. All uses permitted in an H-1 zone , except residential , retail uses , and those uses listed in Section 4-713 (a ) are• allowed as a matter of right . Similar uses not specifically mentioned may, be permitted by the Planning Commission . R. Conditional Uses . Retail trade , business service , major 1 public utilities , general office uses , and those uses listed in Section 4-713 ( b) shall require the approval of a special permit by the Planning Commission . The applicant shall have the burden of proof that the above uses would be beneficial primarily to the manufacturing park . or secondarily to the City. The Commission may attach conditions to these uses . 1 C . Accessory Uses . Accessory buildings and uses customarily associated with any of the above uses are permitted when located on the same site . - - 5 - li • D. Uses Prohibited. All residential uses are prohibited . The following uses are prohibited : auto wrecking ; salvaging ; petroleum refining or storage of such products ; lubricating grease or oil compound manufacturing ; creosote treatment or manu- facturing ; and tar manufacturing or its storage . This Section doesnot prohibit the storage of minor amounts of fuel and lubri - cants for on-site use . E . Signs . Signs are permitted only as specifically provided in the " Renton Sign Code, " also known as Chapter 19 of Title IV ( Building Regulations ) of Ordinance No . 1628. 4-733 . 3 Parking and Loading . Parking and Loading facilities shall comply with the " Parking and Loading Ordinance , " also known as Chapter 22 of Title IV ( Building Regulations ) of Ordinance No . 1628 . The loading area shall be separate from the parking area . 4-733 . 4 Setbacks . A. Front Yard . No building or structure shall be located • closr than sixty (60 ) feet to any street or highway property line . A ter ( 10 ) foot strip adjacent to such property line shall be appropriately landscaped and maintained except for designated pedestrian , vehicular , rail and utility accessways . The remainder of the sixty (60 ) foot required open space may be used for off- street automobile parking and for loading of goods and merchandise . B . Side and Rear Yards . No building or structure shall be located closer than ten ( 10 ) feet to any property line not abutting a street or highway except abutting a railroad track . The total of both side yards of corner and noncorner lots shall be forty (40 ) feet : No setback is required if the side yard or rear yard abuts a railroad track . The yards may be used for walkways , screened storge , parking and loading purposes or shall be completely land- scaped . If the side or rear yard is used for parking or loading , a five ( 5 ) foot landscaped strip is required along the property line except where a joint parking lot uses the contiguous side or roar yards of two (2 ) lots . C. Waterway . All structures shall be located at least sixty ( 60) feet from the bank , easement or right-of-way , which ever is greatest , of any river , creek , lake or drainage channel . The first twenty ( 20) feet of, the required setback shall be ade- quately landscaped , shall be reserved for trails , and shall not, be fenced . • D . Variable Loading Area Setback . Loading area setbacks shall be determined by the Planning Commission . The developer shall inform the Commission of the type and length of trucks in- tendd to serve the site . No parking shall be permitted in the loading area . Right angle loading areas shall have the follow- ing minimum setback areas from any landscaped area : - 6 MINIMUM RIGHT ANGLE LOADING AREA 4 Singlet Unit Tractor-Trailer Loading Area Truck Length Length Setbacks 30 ° 45 ' 50 ' 55 ' 60 ' 60 ' 65 ' 65 ' 70 ' 70 ' 75 ' 75 ° 80 ° 80 ' 85 ' 85 ' 90 ' 90 ' 95 ' 95 ' 100 ' Any non-right angle loading area shall have a minimum loading area depth of fifty ( 50) feet. The Planning Commission shall review any non-right angle loading area and may require a loading depth greater than fifty (50 ) feet if the length of trucks serving the facility need more than fifty (50) feet for maneuvering . 4-733i5 Permitted Floor Area . The maximum permitted floor area to belcontained in all buildings on a lot shall not exceed two and one-half ( 2 1 /2 ) times the buildable area of the lot . 1 4 . 733L6 Permitted Height . No height limit is imposed , provided that one ( 1 ) additional foot of width is provided for each re- quired open space on the periphery of the lot or site for each foot in height any building or structure on the premises exceeds fifty ( 50 ) Meet . 4-733 . 7 Landscaping . A. Landscaping Requirement . The planting strip in the public right-of-way , plus a ten (10 ) foot wide strip contiguous to the public right-of-way and a five (5 ) foot wide strip along the side and rear lot lines shall be landscaped except for designated pedestrian , vehicular , rail and utility accessways . The planting stripj and landscaped area shall be planted with trees , shrubs , ground covers or other landscaping materials approved by the Plan- ning Commission . B . Residential Zones and Uses . Along any common property line with a residential zone , residential use , recreational use or day nursery use , there shall be a planting screen installed not less than ten ( 10) feet in width , and in such planting screen there shall be evergreen shrubs or trees which shall be maintained at a height of not less than five (5 ) feet . Such landscaping shall be adequate to act as a visual buffer between the two ( 2 ) uses .; 7 0 C . Sprinkling System. An automatic underground sprinkling system shall be installed in all landscaped areas including the planting strips . Such sprinkling shall be- set at a frequency and at a duration to insure the continued life and well -being of the landscaping . The Planning Department may waive the sprinkling system requirement upon proper application and for good reason , which: shall include , but is not limited to , the plants would not require such a system and a high water table . D. Bonds . Performance bonds for the installation and main- tenan;ce of the landscaping shall be posted with the City prior to the issuance of a building permit. The installation bond shall be for a three ( 3) year period after the installation of the land- scaping. The bonds shall be equal to a minimum of one hundred fifty ( 150) percent of the estimated costs of the installation for a one ( 1 ) year period and maintenance for a three (3) year period . The developer may substitute a certified or cashier' s check in lieu of a performance bond . Such check shall be in the same amount as the bond it is substituting . The City reserves the right , in addition to all other remedies available to it by law , ; to proceed against such bond or other payment in lieu there- of without notice to the developer . In case of any suit or action to enforce any provisions of this Ordinance , the developer shall pay Unto. the City all costs incidental to such litigation includ- ing reasonable attorney ' s fees . The requirement of the posting of any performance bond or other security shall be binding on the applicant , his heirs , successors and assigns . IE . Maintenance . All landscaping shall be maintained in a reasonable manner and shall be subject to periodic inspection by the City . 4-732 . 8 Outdoor Storage . The outside storage of materials , sup- plies , products , containers and trash dumpsters is 'permitted within the buildable area of the property provided such storage area is screened from all adjacent property lines by a wall or sight- obsc!uring fence not less than five (5 ) feet nor more than ten ( 10) feet in height. There shall not be dumped , placed , or allowed to remain on any property any refuse , trash , rubbish or other waste material outside of a building , except in non-flammable , covered or enclosed containers . 44- 73:2 . 9 Performance Standards . A. Air and Water Pollution . Air and water emissions : sh,all meet the minimum standards of the appropriate agency . • - 8 - B . Noise , Vibration , Heat and Glare . Noise , vibration , heat and' glare generated on the site shall meet the minimum standards of the, appropriate agency . • 4 . 7.33 . 10 Site Approval . To insure that the intent and various pro- visions of this zone are met , the site plans shall be approved by the' Planning Commission prior to the issuance of any building per- mit . Proper application for a site approval shall be made to the Planning Department with . a fifty ( 50 ) dollar fee and shall include , but is not limited to , a site plan , vicinity map , building eleva- tion drawing and a landscaping plan . The landscaping plan shall beldrafted at a scale of one ( 1 ) inch representing ten (10) feet with a north arrow and shall include , but is not limited to , exist- _ ing and proposed contour lines ; planting bed dimensions ; plant loca- tin ; plant list ; size and spacing of plants ; irrigation systems ; cross section of bed depth , and curbing paving detail ; plant spe- cifications ; soil mix ; fertilizers ; mulch cover; and staking detail . 1 SECTION III : This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage- approval and legal publication . i PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THIS day of , 1973 . Delores A. Mead , City Clerk APPROVED BY THE .MAYOR this day of , 1973 . Avery Garrett , Mayor Approved as to form : Date of Publication : - 9 - Pr{ t !I// " CITY OF RENTON / OFFICE OF CITY CLERK Date 72 , , From: Del Mead, City Clerk To: Mayor Avery Garrett Councilman Bruce Councilman Clymer Councilman Delaurenti Councilman Grant Councilman Perry Councilman Schellert Councilman Stredicke Airport Building Department. City Attorney Finance Fire Library Personnel Planning Police Public Works Purchasing • Street Traffic Engineering Utilities Other Re: For appropriate action For your information Remarks : 8/73 FILE COPY CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL II NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 24th day of September , 19 73 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Proposed Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance concerning Setbacks , Landscaping, Permitted Uses , Establishing Procedures and Related Matters for a Light Manufacturing Park District ' (MP-1) and Heavy Manufacturing Park District (MP-H) . Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead, City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 24th day of September , 1973 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Proposed Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance concerning Setbacks , Landscaping, Permitted Uses , Establishing Procedures and Related Matters for a Light Manufacturing Park District (MP-1) and Heavy Manufacturing Park District (MP-H) . Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON 4/1-4'E-1-//1 77/- etie, Delores A. Mead , City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION September 14, 1973 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss . COUNTY OF KING I , hereby certify that three ( 3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building, Renton , Washington on date of , 19 Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 24th day of September , 1973 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Proposed Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance concerning Setbacks , Landscaping, Permitted Uses , Establishing Procedures and Related Matters for a Light Manufacturing Park District (MP-1) and Heavy Manufacturing Park District (MP-H) . Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON A/M-6J (' r'/ l( Ce.,(�( Delores A. Mead, City Clerk ' DATE OF PUBLICATION September 14, 1973 CERTIFICATION ' STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss . COUNTY OF KING I , hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one ' copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of , 19 Signed ' ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. 111 CITY OF RENTON • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING I " BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 24th day of September , 19 73 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Proposed Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance concerning Setbacks , Landscaping, Permitted Uses , Establishing Procedures and Related Matters for a Light Manufacturing Park District (MP-1) and Heavy Manufacturing Park District (MP-H) . - I Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON • /4/6-1-e-J 722(,(e._,(5,( Delores A. Mead, City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION September 14, 1973 • CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss . COUNTY OF KING ) I , hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of , 19 _ Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. CITY OF RENTON • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 24th day of September , 19 73 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : Proposed Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance concerning Setbacks , Landscaping, Permitted Uses , Establishing Procedures and Related Matters for a Light Manufacturing Park District (MP-1) and Heavy Manufacturing Park District (MP-H) . Any and all interested persons are invited to be present ' to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON (- d Delores A. Mead, City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION September 14, 1973 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF ICING I , hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building, Renton , Washington on date of , 19 Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton . VELIMIN RY PROPOSED MP-L AND MP-H ZONES TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE (fifth revised draft) 8 - 30 - 73 Recommended for Adoption by the Planning Commission and Council Community Services Committee RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT Please dispose of Previous Editions a"'"YtiflISON f::l i - ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON , ADDING SECTIONS- 4-732 AND 4--733 OF TITLE IV ( BUILDING REGULATIONS ) OF ORDINANCE NO. 1628 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE, CITY OF RENTON" CONCERNING SETBACKS , LANDSCAP- ING , PERMITTED USES , ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES AND RELATED MATTERS FOR A LIGHT MANUFACTURING PARK DISTRICT (M,P-L) AND HEAVY MANUFACTURING PARK DISTRICT (MP-H) . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON , AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : A new Section 4-732 (Light Manufacturing Park District of Title IV (Building Regulations ) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended. to add the following : Section 4-732 , as added : 4-732 : MP-L , LIGHT MANUFACTURING PARK DISTRICT 4-732 . 1 Purpose of District. The purpose of this district is to promote high quality light manufacturing parks within the City of Renton . These manufacturing parks are to be designed , constructed and maintained so that they are a functional and esthetic indus- trial asset to the City. The requirements of the district are intended to promote the type of use , intensity of use and standards of on-site and off-site effects which minimize traffic congestion ; noise ; glare ; heat; air, water and visual pollution ; and fire , safety and flood hazards .. 4-732 . 2 Permitted Uses . A. All uses permitted in an L-1 zone , except residential , and retail uses , are allowed as a matter of right . Similar uses not specifically mentioned may be permitted by the Planning Commission . B . Conditional Uses . Retail trade , uses intended for the traveling public , business service , major public utilities and gen- eral office uses shall require the approval of a special permit by the Planning Commission . The applicant shall have the burden of proof that the above uses would be beneficial primarily to the manufacturing park or secondarily to the City. The Commission may attach conditions to these uses . C. Accessory Uses . Accessory buildings and uses customarily associated with any of the above uses are permitted when located on the same site . D . Residential Uses Prohibited . All residential uses are prohibited. ' Ilr I _ i E . Signs . Signs are permitted only as specifically pro- vided in the "Renton Sign Code , " also known as Chapter 19 of Title IV (Building Regulations ) of Ordinance No . 1628. 4-732 . 3 Parking and Loading . Parking and. Loading facilities shall comply with the "Parking and Loading Ordinance , " also known as Chapter 22 of Title IV (Building Regulations ) of Ordi - nande No. 1628. The loading area shall be separate from the parking area . 4-732 .4 Setbacks . A. Front Yard. No building or structure shall be located closer than sixty ( 60) feet to any street or highway property line . A ten ( 10) foot strip adjacent to such property line shall be appropriately landscaped and maintained except for designated pedestrian , vehicular, rail and utility accessways . The remainder of the sixty (60) foot required open space may be used for off- street automobile parking and for loading of goods and merchandise . B . Side and Rear Yards . No building or structure shall be located closer than ten ( 10) feet to any property line not abutting a street or highway except abutting a railroad track . The total of both side yards for corner and noncorner lots shall be forty (40 ) feet . No setback is required if the side yard or rear yard abuts a railroad track. The yards may be used for walkways , screened storage , parking and loading purposes or shall be completely landscaped . If the side or rear yard is used for parking or loading , a five (5 ) foot landscaped strip is required along the property line except where a joint parking lotiuses the contiguous side or rear yards, of two ( 2 ) lots . ' C. Waterways . All structures shall be located at least sixty (60) feet from the bank , easement or right-of-way , which ever is greatest , of any river, creek , lake or drainage channel . The first twenty (20) feet of the required setback shall be adequately landscaped , shall be reserved for trails , and shall not be fenced . D . Variable Loading Area Setback . Loading area setbacks shall be determined by the Planning Commission . The developer shall inform the Commission of the type and length of trucks intended to serve the site . No parking shall be permitted in the; loading area. Right angle loading areas shall have the following minimum setback areas from any landscaped area : - 2 - it MINIMUM RIGHT ANGLE LOADING AREA Sin6le-Unit Tractor-Trailer Loading Area Truck Length Length Setbacks 30 ' 45 ' 50 ' 55 ' 60 ' 60 ' 65 ' 65 ' 70 ' 70 ' 75 ' • 75 ' 80 ' 80 ' 85 ' 85 ' 90 ' 90 ' 95 ' 95 ' 100 ' Any non-right angle loading area shall have a minimum loading area depth of fifty (50) feet . The Planning Commission shall review any non-right angle loading area and - may require aloading depth greater than fifty (50) feet if the length of trucks serv- ing the facility need more than fifty (50) feet for maneuvering . 4-732 .5 Permitted Floor Area . The maximum permitted floor area • to be contained in all buildings on a lot shall not exceed two and one-half (2 1 /2) times the buildable area of the lot . 4-732 . 6 Permitted Height. No height limit is imposed , provided that one ( 1 ) additional foot of width is provided for each required open space on the periphery of the lot or site for each foot in height, any building or structure on the premises exceeds forty (40), feet . 4-732 . 7 Landscaping'. ' A. Landscaping Requirement. The planting strip in the public right-of-way, plus a ten (10) feet wide strip continguous to the public right-of-way and 'a five (5 ) foot wide strip along the side and rear lot lines shall be landscaped except for designated ped- estrian , vehicular , rail and utility accessways . The planting strip and landscaped area shall be planted with trees , shrubs , ground covers or other landscaping materials approved by • the Plan- ning Commission . B . Residential Zones and Uses . Along any common property line with 'a residential zone , residential use , recreational use or day nursery use , there shall be a. planting screen installed not less than ten (10) feet in width , and in such planting screen there shall be evergreen shrubs or trees which shall be maintained at a height of not less than five (5 ) feet . Such landscaping shall be adequate to act, as a visual buffer between thetwo (2 ) uses . - 3 - • C . Sprinkling System. An automatic underground sprinkling system shall be installed in all landscaped areas including the planting strips . Such sprinkling shall be set at a frequency andiduration to insure the continued life and well -being of the landscaping . The Planning Department may waive the sprinkling system requirement upon proper application and for good reason , which shall include , but is not limited to , the landscaping would not require such a system and a high water table . D. Bonds . Performance bonds for the installation and main- tenance of the landscaping shall be posted with the City prior to the issuance of a building permit. The installation bond shall be for a three (3) year period after the installation of the land- scaping . The bonds shall be equal to a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) percent of the estimated costs of the installation , fora one ( 1 ) year period and maintenance for a three (3) year period. The developer may substitute a certified or cashier ' s check in lieu of a performance bond . Such check shall be in the same amount as the bond it is substituting . The City reserves the right , in addition to all other remedies available to it by law; to proceed against such bond or other payment in lieu there- of without notice to the developer. In case of any suit or action to enforce any provisions of this Ordinance , the developer shall pay; unto the City all costs incidental to such litigation includ- ing' reasonable attorney ' s fees . , The requirement of the posting of any performance bond or other security shall be binding on the applicant , his heirs , successors and assigns . E. Maintenance . All landscaping shall be maintained in a reasonable manner and shall be subject to periodic inspection by the' City. 4-732 . 8 Outdoor Storage . The outside storage of materials , sup- plies , products , containers and trash dumpsters is permitted within the buildable area of the property provided such storage area is screened from all adjacent property lines, by a wall or sight- obscuring fence no.t less than five (5 ) feet nor more than ten (10) feet in height . There shall not be dumped , placed , or allowed to remain on any property any refuse , trash , rubbish or other waste material outside of a building , except in non-flammable , covered or enclosed containers . 4-732 . 9 Performance Standards . A. Air and Water Pollution . Air and water emissions shall meet the minimum standards of the appropriate agency . B . Noise , Vibration , Heat and Glare . Noise , vibration , heat and glare generated on the site shall meet the minimum standards of the appropriate agency. - 4 - 4 . 732 . 10 Site Approval . To insure that the intent and various provisions of this zone are met , the site plans shall be approved by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of any building permit. Proper application for a site approval shall be made to the Planning Department with a fifty (50 ) dollars fee and shall include , but is not limited to , a site plan , vicinity map , building elevation drawing and a landscaping plan . The landscap- ing plan shall be drafted at a scale of one ( 1 ) inch representing ten ( 10 ) feet with a north arrow and shall include , but is not limited to , existing and proposed contour lines ; planting bed dimen- sions ; plant location ; plant list ; size and spacing of plants ; irrigation systems ; cross section of bed depth , and curbing and paving detail ; plant specifications ; soil mix ; fertilizers ; mulch cover ; and staking detail . SECTION II : A new Section 4-733 (Heavy Manufacturing Park District) of Title IV (Building Regulations ) of Ordinance No . 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton " is hereby amended to add the following : • Section 4-733 , as added : 4-733 : MP-H , HEAVY MANUFACTURING PARK DISTRICT 4-7.33. 1 Purpose of District. . The purpose of this district is to promote high quality heavy manufacturing parks within the City of Renton . These manufacturing parks are to be designed , constructed and maintained so that they are a functional and esthetic industrial asset to the City. The requirements of the district are intended to promote the type of use , intensity of use and standards of on-site and off-site effects which will minimize traffic congestion ; noise ; glare ; heat ; air, water and visual pollution ; and fire , safety and flood hazards . • 4-733. 2 Permitted Uses . A. All uses permitted in an , H-1 zone , except residential , retail uses , and those uses listed in Section 4-713 (a ) are allowed as a matter of right. Similar uses not specifically mentioned may be permitted by the Planning Commission . B. Conditional Uses . Retail trade , business service , major public utilities , general office uses , and those uses listed in Section 4-713 (b) shall require the approval of a special permit by the Planning Commission . The applicant shall have the burden of proof that the above uses would be beneficial primarily to the manufacturing park or secondarily to the City. The Commission may attach conditions to these uses . C . Accessory Uses . Accessory buildings and uses customarily associated with any of the above uses are permitted when located on the same site . • - 5 - D . Uses Prohibited. All residential uses are prohibited . The following uses are prohibited : auto wrecking ; salvaging ; petroleum refining or storage of such products ; lubricating grease or oil compound manufacturing ; creosote treatment or manu- facturing ; and tar manufacturing or its storage . This Section does not prohibit the storage of minor amounts of fuel and lubri - cants for on-site use . E . Signs . Signs are permitted only as specifically provided in the "Renton Sign Code , " also known as Chapter 19 of Title IV (Building Regulations ) of Ordinance No . 1628 . 4-733 . 3 Parking and Loading . Parking and Loading facilities shall comply with the "Parking and Loading Ordinance , " also known as Chapter 22 of Title IV ( Building Regulations ) of Ordinance No . 1628 . The loading area shall be separate from the parking area . 4-733 . 4 Setbacks . A. Front Yard . No building or structure shall be located closer than sixty (60) feet to any street or highway property line . A ten ( 10) foot strip adjacent to such property line shall be appropriately landscaped and maintained except for designated pedestrian , vehicular, rail and utility accessways . The remainder of the sixty (60) foot required open space may be used for off- street automobile parking and for loading of goods and merchandise . B . Side and Rear Yards . No building or structure shall be located closer than ten ( 10) feet to any property line not abutting a street or highway except abutting a railroad track. The total of both side yards of corner and noncorner lots shall be forty (40) feet . No setback is required if the side yard or rear yard abuts a railroad track . The yards may be used for walkways , screened storage , parking and loading purposes or shall be completely land- scaped . If the side or rear yard is used for parking or loading , a five (5 ) foot landscaped strip is required along the property line except where a joint parking lot uses the contiguous side or rear yards of two (2 ) lots . C. Waterway. All structures shall be located at least sixty (60) feet from the bank , easement or right-of-way , which ever is greatest , of any river , creek , lake or drainage channel . The first twenty (20 ) feet of the required setback shall be ade- quately landscaped , shall be reserved for trails , and shall not be fenced . D . Variable Loading Area Setback . Loading area setbacks shall be determined by the Planning Commission . The developer shall inform the Commission of the type and length of trucks in- tended to serve the site . No parking shall be permitted in the loading area . Right angle loading areas shall have the follow- ing ' minimum setback areas from any landscaped area : - 6 - MINIMUM RIGHT ANGLE LOADING AREA 6 Single Unit Tractor-Trailer Loading Area Truck Length Length Setbacks 30 ' 45 ' 50 ' 55 ' 60 ' 60 ' 65 ' 65 ' 70 ' 70' 75 ' 75 ' 80 ' 80 ' 85 ' 85 ' 90 ' 90 ' 95 ' 95 ' 100 ' Anyinon-right angle loading area shall have a minimum loading area depth of fifty (50) feet. The Planning Commission shall review any' non-right angle loading area and may require a loading depth greater than fifty (50) feet if the length of trucks serving the facility need more than fifty (50) feet for maneuvering . 4-733 . 5 Permitted Floor Area. The maximum permitted floor area to be contained in all buildings on a lot shall not exceed two and oneihalf (2 1 /2) times the buildable area of the lot . 4. 733 . 6 Permitted Height. No height limit is imposed , provided that one ( 1 ) additional foot of width is provided for each re- quired open space on the periphery of the lot or site for each foot in height any building or structure on the premises exceeds fifty (50) feet . 4-733. 7 Landscaping . A. Landscaping Requirement. The planting strip in the public right-of-way , . plus a ten (10) foot wide strip contiguous to the public right-of-way and a five (5) foot wide strip along the side and rear lot lines shall be landscaped except for designated pedestrian , vehicular , rail and utility accessways . The • planting strip and landscaped area shall be planted with trees , shrubs , ground covers or other landscaping materials approved by the Plan- ning Commission . B. Residential Zones and Uses . Along any common property line with a. residential zone , residential use , recreational use or day nursery use , there shall be a planting screen installed not less than ten (10) feet in width , and in such planting screen there shall be evergreen shrubs or trees which shall be maintained at a height of not less than. five (5 ) feet. Such landscaping shall be adequate to act as a visual buffer between the two (2) uses . - 7 - C . Sprinkling System. An automatic underground sprinkling system shall be installed in all landscaped areas including the planting strips . Such sprinkling shall be set at a frequency and at a duration to` insure the continued life and well -being of the landscaping . The Planning Department may waive the sprinkling system requirement upon proper application and for good reason , which shall include , but is not limited to , the plants would not require such a system and a high water table . D. Bonds . Performance bonds for the installation and main- tenance of the landscaping shall be posted with the City prior to the issuance of a building permit. The installation bond shall be for a three ( 3) year period after the installation of the land- scaping. The bonds shall be equal to a minimum of one hundred fifty ( 150 ) percent of the estimated costs of the installation for a. one ( 1 ) year period and maintenance for a three ( 3 ) year period. The developer may substitute a certified or cashier' s check in lieu of a performance bond. Such check shall be in the same amount as the bond it is substituting . The City reserves the right , in addition to all other remedies available to it by law , to proceed against such bond or other payment in lieu there- of without notice to the developer. In case of any suit or action to enforce any provisions of this Ordinance , the developer shall pay unto the City all costs incidental to such litigation includ- ing reasonable attorney ' s fees . The requirement of the posting of any performance bond or other security shall be binding on the applicant, his heirs , successors and assigns . E . Maintenance . All landscaping shall be maintained in a reasonable manner and shall be subject to periodic inspection by the City. 4-732 . 8 Outdoor Storage . The outside storage of materials , sup- plies , products , containers and trash dumpsters is permitted within the buildable area of the property provided such storage area is screened from all adjacent property lines by a wall or sight- obscuring fence not less than five (5 ) feet nor more than ten ( 10) feet in height. There shall not be dumped , placed , or allowed to remain on any property any refuse , trash , rubbish or other waste material outside of a building , except in non-flammable , covered or enclosed containers . 4-732 . 9 Performance Standards . A. Air and Water Pollution . Air and water emissions shall meet the minimum standards of the appropriate agency. - 8 - f I . � I B . Noise , Vibration , Heat and Glare . Noise , vibration , heat and Iglare generated on the site shall meet the minimum 'standards of the appropriate agency. 4. 733. 10 Site Approval . To insure that the intent and various pro- visions of this zone are met , the site plans shall be approved by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of_ any building per- mit. Proper application for a site approval shall be made to the Planning Department with a fifty (50) dollar fee and shall include , but ; is not limited to , a site plan , vicinity map , building eleva- tion drawing and a landscaping plan . The landscaping plan shall be drafted at a scale of one ( 1 ) inch representing ten (10) feet with a north arrow and shall include , but is not limited to , exist- ing ; and proposed contour lines ; planting bed dimensions ; plant loca- tion ; plant list ; size and spacing of plants ; irrigation systems ; cross section of bed depth , and curbing paving detail ; , plant spe- cifications ; soil mix ; fertilizers ; mulch cover; and staking detail . SECTION III : This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage- approval and legal publication . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THIS day of , 1973 . Delores A. Mead , City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 1973 . Avery Garrett , Mayor, Approved as to form: Date of Publication : - 9 - 1 r COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT ' , SEPTEMBER° 10 , 1973 ITEM 1: LANDSCAPE TREATMENT ON SOUTH 2ND STREET TRAFFIC ISLANDS IN VICINITY OF HIGH SCHOOL The Community Services Committee concurs in'. the' 'recommndatiön - of the;Board of Public Works to accept alternative number 3 '' ) of those alternatives presented by the Planning Department , •for landscaping of traffic islands in the vicinity of the high school. This alternative consists of a combination of `U ' "ground cover, low-spreading shrubs and accent specimen k . ,shrubs , estimated to cost $5, 600 . The Board further C' ' recommends the replacement of curbs and gutters around the islands at an additional cost of $3 , 600 . The Public Works Director has indicated that Forward Thrust funds are available to complete this project. ITEM 2 : REVISED DRAFT ON MP-L and MPH ZONES TO THE, ZONING ORDINANCE The Community Services Committee recommends that the attached fifth revised draft on MP-L and MP-H zones to , the zoning . ordinance be referred to the Legislation. Committee, and . ' further 'recommends that ' a public hearing be held on this matter before the City Council on Monday, September 24 , 1973 at 8 : 00 p.m. -- r/____ , , Chai/man Wit m J. Grant _ , ��...• . , 1 ' .e gel ert - t -edicke , 1