HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - Renton Highlands/BIk 17 Ct• f . - . j cf t; CLASS OF SERVICE ,� — I--- t Y_I� SYMBOLS \ f:Da Letter This is a full-rate �3 0,.e� v Telegram or Cable- —,.L=Ni¢heLecter ggram unless its de- 'ferred character is LCeDeferredCable dicated by a suitable N I 0. N *symbol above or pre- NLT—Cable Nibthc Leccer • ceding the address. A. N. WILLIAMS Ship Radiogram PRESIDENT - The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIM_E_at point of origin, Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination ISE033 LONG . au AN.D . ii0 PD 10 EXTRA=ADAK I_"ALASKA 3 940A= HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS CITY COUNC-ILLT IRENTON WASH=1 JUST ' HEARD ABOUT, FENCE ORDER STOP IN VIEW ' OF FACT ALLEY HAS f NEVER BEEN USED AS SUCH BELIEVE A NINETY DAY EXTENSION ON3 TIME LIMIT NOT AN UNREASONABLE REQUEST STOP COUNCIL APPEARS TO BE SEEKING EASY - WAY OUT _ INSTEAD OF MAKING ' A STAND AGAINST VOCIFEROUS BUT UNWARRANTED AND UNNECESSARY. -OPPOSITIONS STOP. MY WIFE, AND -II ACTED IN GOOD FAITH UNDER ADVICE AND TAPPROVAL OF CITY ATTORNEY AND CITY ENGINEER' STOP PLEASE DON11 MAKE US SCAPEGOAT OF ANY . OFFICIAL SHORTCOMINGS STOP THE COUNCIL HAS THE. POWER AND THE AUTHORITY .TO ACT ALL THAT IS] 'REQUIRED IS THE COURAGE --OF YOUR CONY I'CT 1ONS— SROBERT. A HOW.ARD BOX 6 FLEET POST OFFICE 230 - CARE POSTMASTER SEATTLE WASH= . - . THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE . • • TN=.THE .SUPERTOR:COURT OF} TIC STATE:OF UASH?NTON ; ,` IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF"KING ROBERT A. H©WARD"and,DOROTHY ;'` • • );• • FIOWARD, his wife;:. -c .) . No. :$"34.8:7;1. . . , 'P1ainttffs, ,) . ; ;S U B' P: E NA ' GEORGE W. PITCHER and SALLY'• ` G. P?TCHER,. his wife,' • :; ' ): ' Defendants•." ). ;- THE STATE `CF,WASHINGTON`TO: WILEYCROOK,'' GREETINGS: Y,ou are- hereby commanded and required' to`pe and appear before the ' ' Superior court,- within and for the ;county of-King, in the state of Washington, 'at the court room of said court in the City :of Seattle, i.n . said county,and state,; on the 15th:day of September,' 1952, at 9:30 o'clock A. M. of :tha;t, day, then and there 'to testify on; the part of the ,defendant :in"the above entitled' case, now pending in :said court,.wherein Robert A. Howard and Dorothy Howard are plaintIffs and George N. Pitcher and Sally,. G. Pitcher are defendants.,. And:for failure to attend you may:be punished, as for "a :contempt of-Court, and-will be liable to pay to the•party injured any 'damages occasioned by you: failure to attend, ; 'Given under my hand and authority of said court this 12th day of September,,.:1952. " • _ • _ _ CLYDE . BARNARD, Attorney for Defendants �6, =Nye4o , 47 G✓ /Y 0. D. 0stfius J sTL,4 © 3 <, 643 0 -S'E• - l?En tz 2, ' VVasfi. 41A1 0 i e; ; J. ••itg• Zv�,Z•L 4 ,t)< -4-)- ::Le• L gell M.7i4Lio a ,..>e al. -e/ . -1,(_/-, .‘ -e (ff•:„L4_,_,_ : , ,47114164. _t„ , , "�4(A €) 1 -� .,e.tc,e. . . . , , _ \---- -ii. , . . ,..„... ,_,,. .,_)._<. ..J :.--6 ._,t,t_eit_d_zfa.z. . ,_xeu,64:0 _,,,,,,,,,a,,,_, _e_i„ _.4_,.._ dteAL.6. . veeet .7�� t', , i.e7c4. „_4._e2 ..4t). . 2//6.ee' ... 04C04zoef - 1 ' � ..C. cd -�-e . ICJ 0. U. Ds.E/Zus 643 0 c nSE.. c enton 2, ' 71/a.A. e?We' r6-20-50 Referred to the Real Property Committee, 1 City Engineer, Supt. of Utilities and a member of the Mayor ' s Disposition Committee - I • [ 1.N 1..-[ PLAI\11\111\IG 4 4 4 4 4 City Hall RENTON, WRSHINGTON June 19, 1950 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Renton Renton, Washington Gentlemen: At the regular meeting of the Renton Planning Commission held on May 31, they discussed the problem of vacation of alleys in the Renton Highlands Addition as per your request in your letter of May 19. As a result of this discussion, the Planning Commission would like to submit the following recommendations for your consider- ation in seeking a satisfactory solution regarding the vacation of these alleys: (1) No alley or alleys should be vacated unless there is 100% agreement for such vacation bythe adjoining property owners. (2) No alley should be vacated if it'is found unfeasible or impractical by the City Engineer's office. (3) Where alleys lead to a platted play area, at least one portion of the alley should not be vacated and should act as the public access to said playfield. We hope that these recommendations will be of help to you. Yours very y C. . Myer , Secreta CGM:isb. (.1-• . . . - • , rp• "4,4- - f . . • •• • • • • • • • C 0 P Lakeside', Washington July 4, 1910 Mr. Mayor Members of the City Council Renton, Wash. Gentlemen: In my opinion the real issue before your honorable body in the fencing (ally) of Block 17 of the Highlands, City of Renton has been overlooked. The fact remains undisputable that they were dedicated by the United States government to the use of the people . Since we are a Democracy our government could not act otherwise. This Gentlemen , is the American Way of life and for it men have fought and died. The fencing of the alley of Block 17 is not a matter of personal interests nor are the peoples of it Charlie McCarthy' s through whom the voice of individual interests speaks : When the homes of Block 17 were purchased , each buyer knew the liabilities and assets of his property. Because I find myself in a most strange position I am calling to your attention the fact that from a child ' s first month, in the public schools they are trained in the way of active citizenship--- they are taught to share and to put aside personal interests for the welfare of the group . I am in no way inferring that the persons who pressed and presented the petition are not good citizens . I think they are , but, I do be] ieve that they were unconscious of the Democratic principle involved and therefor abstracted and projected incorrectly. I am respectfully asking you Gentlemen, that my signature be withdrawn on the petition for fencing the alley. . (Block 17) In appreciation of your cooperation Sincerely yours /s/ Jewel C . Perret P.S. I signed the alley fencing petition purely for• reasons of neighborhood harmony and since find myself in the position of failing to practice the principles of citizenship which I teach. In the Psychology of Personal Adjustment the mind must remain fluid (not static) . Only a fool or one mentally ill is incapable of such adjustment. To function scientifically the mind must be capable of changes as circumstances and standards make necessary. /s/ Jewel C . Perret o J - i i . 1 \ " °1 . ..3. 4 - '6 41 , 1 1 AA 1 A lkI , 1 \01, - -dirc 71 . _ . 1 in - . , 41 - to- )_=-i , A . . 00 / , 44. , 1 P3121 - _. fY ,. ; . •;A . ..1 . t '...3 :',I i•• 1 * , ; • k ..../ •:-, -I '1,",\ . VI. ...-m.•...'4's r sd . t) • ..-...-"'.1. '':'t ... 1'6 . 1('.3 ••c- , ? \ • . • . . ,'•44:.'ii 1511.--A A---F'l I : 'f I:100" •, k .. . '''' ilitlh• ' ' :.1.1 12:,51 2 '• —,...,.. i ''''‘ ,-1.r ' , '-'--.. • ,..x••••• • - 4... ,..- ••.,•,„..-_-_,•• .., •• - . ,.. .., _ ,INTSTAM,' 'i ;*ru.P.K.:qTRIgigif : '-'eAl ;T1..-.4'113.,'24 • = i; 'as.,•.,:hr.-•••-t, ..pTi..--iiiitge.7. . , - e.wht or r••••.1 1`,..t... `,7•1 c: , NATIONAL.1• , —1. ..' - r 7-18-50 Referred to Street & Alley Committee with the rest of the Communications . Utz gyp, f RENTON, WASH., JULY 13, 1950. HON. MR. MAYORS, MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL, RENTON, WASH. GENTLEMEN: AFTER LISTENING TO THE ARGUMENTS PRO AND CON REGARDING THE ABANDONMENT OF THE ALLEY IN BLOCK 17 RENTON HIGHLANDS, I HAVE CONCLUDED THAT I SIGNED THE PETITION FOR THE ABANDONMENT WITHOUT BEING FULLY ACQUAINTED WITH ALL THE FACTS. THEREFORE, I RESPECTFULLY REQUEST THAT MY NAME BE REMOVED FROM SAID PETITION. RESPECTFULLY, 1 10-aro-r vi/(4 s 71Z1(, - • • - . 7 -127 P47' ez77 7-7p, P7S,/ 420 • 57..77,1• ,• • • eeweeci, ee,/,:zo/) ,Ze t/1- \-/` /.1" • \,/ ei-//7470,7( /e3r 7(.7/ / // . e-e / e rci / 4:1,9 • /eir 7/ / / / • ,. {:-.• 7-1 t„.,, 1/ -4- . • a(713' ,„5-/ • • • • • • t htumMA f'-C, l 7,44acca:se414 „ , ), 7--,-)- , ,,s-o• •_- , ,„/2 e. ,2„ if.----- :7- .7,,,,z e . 77 - • ,4_. 6. t-,-/-r-4--C- --"4--. A .. •. . s--- 0 - me. •._.-J,.7/A/6', .-- spa/AL.,. • • . . - • , - • • . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . .. . . . , . . , . . . . . • . . . . . . . , . . . , . NGUST 22 , .19, 0.. . . . ' . , , , . . . . . . . , , • . . . . „. . . . . • .. . - ( , . . . . . . ' . ., . . ,, . .• . , ... ' ”. .. . .. HONOR*A3LE. ':1AYOR ., ... EMBERS OF THE 0 IT Y COUNC IL ., -• .. - . . .R ENT OH , viA 3 HI NOT ON * ,. . . . , S IRS• ,', • . ' , . .- ' . :-. - • . .. :- . • : ' IE• ,-J13-!-I T1.) ESTABLISH A IIEET ING , II,ATE •:./ 11-11 YOUR HONORABLE BODYWITH THE PERSCS '(..) NCERNED - ITH ' THE ALLEY4AY - 1N BL)CK 17 , :',EJON HICIIL1 IPS , COUNTY OF, - • K INS' IN THE STATE OF HASH ! NG.TJN, -THE PURPOSE OF THIS' . • -' flEETIIIG WE WISH- TO SETTLE THE ALLEY IN - THIS BLOCK 17 . : MORE SAT I SPACVJ2 FLY THAN JUST A 13 HOOT STRIP OF SAND a • • ' '. A• ID ,iEEDS THAT IS HOT USEAP,LE . : WE WISH TH 13 ALLEYWAY . . . TO BE EITHER CLOSED UNIT IL SUCH .A TIME THAT. THE NECESSARY ' PER - CENT .OF THE PROPERTY' OWNERS ABUT I NG • ON THIS• ALLEYWAY . ' . SHOULD DES IRE THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE SAME AND ALLOWED TO BE 'FENCED AND HAVE. THE IWO I N I NG PROPERTY- 'OWNERS ,'FIA,VE. PER- . . MISS I VE USE OF ONE HALF. OF THE ALLEYwAY AJO I N INC TH I ER . • '. PROPERT I ES', .OR TO HAVE THIS ALLEY .JAY I,:")PROVED , 'OR EVEN TO • BE POSSIBLY VACATED. . ,;•iE ARE HOPING FOR THIS - MEET INC TO BE• :• ESTABLISHED ON A DATE IN THE 'NEAR .FUTURE ALLOYING THE RE- .. QU IRED T I;s1E By LA'i FOR THE ;•10T ICE TO BE POSTED ., ' .. . . • . • ' ' • /E RE MA IN VERY S i NCERELY YOURS ' . . • • . . , .• , „ , e . . . . e•ste---,,c, . •. . i i 'a2 sfi 3 7 - .ii, . . . . . . . . : ' • . ' ' . '04 *". itY . . . , ...,,--e--t.•6-"c-.--,-4 .,, V 0 ... . . . . . c.....7 . 0 " . • . " ' ' 17),X . 4117?Ce- > . ' /1.)140-t-ve--6/. , • . _.•. P, ' / ' . , . . , . . • < ' 0-1 1-LiCk— 6 --1.--- ti.-.: ,.,, . : . • • • -- -'' ' • v.. ' . . .. ,X. , _.• - • , • . • k,L „ . , .. . • - il--) ' '-' ' 1 . . ' • _.:4'.. ' \ - • • \ i \ Le. .. . . . , . . . . -7/04. . . e4 -i . c - -N>I' e 7 ,,:k IV. ._, 0 . ..c., . - . . ' ' ' -' ..' . , - e..-e,,,G41,•1/4, 0 & '", / / -. •. • Mr. naugan: This is our file copy. . . ' September 18, 1950. Honorable Mayor Members of . the City: Council Renton, Wn. Gentlemen: While I was in the Attorney General's Office in Olympia on the " 12th of Sept. 1950 I was given a '.letter on request. The original is held, .by me and 'my be seen by asking. ' The following is a copy of, that letter. September ]2 , 1950 Mrs. Dorothy I. Howard 2513 '.7th Ave'. N. Renton, 2, Wash. Dear Mrs. Howard: You have made inquiry of this office ' as to the power' of the' City Council of Renton to temporarily close a platted alley and 'to. permit 'the" abutting owners ' to use the area of the .alley way until such-• time as the •property owners shall duly 'request that the alley be improved. ' You have also in- . quired as to whether both husband and wife, must sign the petition. We have called ,your'- attention 'to thefact that the attorney General' s office is restricted in rendering official opinions and advice: and that such opinions , and advice can only, be given to state officials, prosecuting attorneys , etc. In view of the situation as outlined by you? however, we call your . attention 'to the provisions of Section 9297, Remington' s ; Revised Statutes , relating to the vacation. of alleys by incorporated cities upon petition of the ' owners of more . than' two-thirds of the private'•property abutting any such alley. . This section of the statute ..sets out the procedural..steps to be followed in a vacation proceeding and the method .therein prescribed has been held exclusive by our courts. Seattle V.Hinckley, 67 Wash. 273, 279, 121 Pac.• 444. • We refer you to the cases of Peterson V. City of Seattle, 191 Wash. 587,. 71P (2D) :668, and Olsen V.Jacobs, 76P. (2D) 607, , 193 Wash: .506, for more recent .discussions by our Supreme Court on the General principles involved in such vacation proceedings. , We also refer you to Volume , 11 , of McQuillin on Municipal Corporations, Sections "30:.:185 ET Seq. .for a general discussion of the matter... " • In the limited time available we have not found any cases relating to temporary closing .of a alley ways.'such as you indicate is contemplate.-, as distinguished . from a . final vacation, of the area as is provided in Section 9297 Supra. it has 'been held that there is no power 'to vacate a street for a fixed-. term of years. for the- benefit 'of, the abutters. II McQuillin Municipal Corporatioi, 126, Citing Glasgow V. St.Louis, 87 Mo. 678. In;view. of' the . fact,`that the" City. has° only such power to vacate streets and alley ways as the legislature has delegated to it under 'section 9297• of Remington' s Revised Statutes, it would appear that the City would., note;have; the power to close the alley • temporarily.'in= the::'manner you indicate is contemplated but could-'_ only';'make''a 'final- vacation of the :alley: as,,in said section .'provided• In'"any`such vacation, proceeding, '''as" ',to' abutting _. ; ;. .. property. ,owned:'by' husband':and`wife ,: the 'signature. of " the husband .as: manager, ,of the community, wouldbe':°:suf- ficient. .' .Fry;V. O'Leary, 11+-1_U1as'h:"-?+65 , • The" Foregoing-,is submitted' !informally in the.'•hope:.' that:, it may be ..of ',some-?as sis tance'. to .you and.:•.the''Renton City'. Council in working ',out a solution :to ` the Problem.- involved = wer`. . 'tru'l ours' :SMITH TROY ATTORNEY GENERAL• - • _ /s/ Fred 'L. Harlocker Fred , L'. Harlocker : Assistant,Attorney General .' .FLH:ME : _ Yours: very" t.rul y /s/' Dorothy. I Howard Mrs. Dorothy..I. Howard..:: • „ale./ .a,le.-67 10/ - • I's Le" ol Are _ \ 2/tf, . er-1,C.Irelt-e,e--et^Le;''''';') /1/70 • 1 .� - .- _ ram•-+� - ,.. , y It'''''' . • ‘ . ' . .' '' . :-..' • . „ ':''s ,i(:' ..,.. '. '— giii....644ifeazy ,71 .(ki 49• % i-.. .'. ...- ' ':: • 10-17.507. Referred' to City'•. :•.:: Attorney. • • . ..ate. . ..- _` , ti��. 'f: , _ . . - ., ' ; , - , ,_. • • ;► :��;1 ` :• fit'- •-�,- � -,•- ,.:. --,, �.�� �,, -.yam_ \ \ \ . " '% '' .:: '' ••'mow% ���,\��, . � \}, • • .�\ `oy y� ' a. • ' `‘,Z,v; ;' ''..'-r. ... N.-3,N. '..\-...-." \ . ,,. •�'� •' - -,. . %..; 5`C,: S'\: , . ��� ; \v� :tit :�v1_ •�: :c \ = I March 23,1951 Honorable Mayor,Mr. Baxter, Members of the City Council, Renton, Washington Gentlemen: I wish at this time to withdraw my signature from the Petition that I signed for Mrs. Dorothy Howord for the closeing of the Alley in Block 17. I wish the Alley in Block 17 declared open and have signed the Petition to improve Alley 17. This Petition to improve the said Alley has been signed by both me and my wife. I respectfully request that before any action is taken t o either close or vacate this Alley "17" that I as an abutting property owner be notified. Respectfully submitted, Very truly yours. 'f. '-....ille----e. --/-r-c_,9:2--42-7-41-4 , )71/1-0 )7it.,t2__.c__ \ 4 �' O Gam*- �a����L / 6t-) BLOCK 17 PLAT OF RENTON PIGHLANDS . SUPPLEMENT. . -• Honorable Mayor • ' . Members of,the City Council. . Renton, Washington . Gentlemens . We the undersigned property owners of lots et opposite our respective names hereby petition 'your• honorable body to close the 16•footalley as platted in Block 17, Renton Highlands Addition to the City of Renton, King County,'Washington, and grant permission to the owners of the 'lots involved to use one-half of the .alley fronting .on each lot . - bounded by an extension of the lot lines'to the center of said alley for the construc- tion of fences or structures of a temporary nature, or improvements such as lawns, gar- .dens, playyards, etc. . . , , . We understand that by such action the City is not vacating.the,Alley and that at any . 'time when a. sufficient majority of property owners concerned shall petition the City. Council for improvement of this alley and the City Council approves such petition, we , will, upon request of the City Council,'.remove any temporary structures from said alley. ` We also understand that the City of Renton reserves perpetual right to enter upon said V alley as located to conetruct, Voperate and maintain any utility such as Sewers, Water . or Gas Lines, Pole Lines, etc., as may be necessary or desirable in the best interests of the City of Renton, King County, Washington. ' ADORES; ' . . • ' . • ( • ip 3 , /s/ H. H. O'Neil 628 E. St. . . ' - 24. 17 - /s/ Mrs. Irene Langloid • 2509 7th Ave. N. 12 17 - /s/ Mrs. George V. Church 632 E. St. - 25 17 /s/ Mrs. John Hynes .(01ga) 2410'6th Place 22 17 . /s/ Mrs. G. 0:' Osthus (Mary Ellen) 643 G. .Street •19 17 /8/ Mrs. Phyllis S. Sewell '67 G. Street 18 17 /e/ Mrs. Lorene .Simmons . 651 G. Street - 17 17 . /s/ llr.,. James Ramsay 2423-C 7th Ave.N. • - 10 17 /s/ Mr. Earl Haynes 2423-B 7th Ave+N. 9 17 - /s/ Mrs.. Dorothy I. Howard ' 2513 7th Ave.} . 13 17 /s/ Mr. Glenn i . Sohwendeman• 2413 7th Ave.N; - 3 17 /s/ Mrs. Marie Smith. V . 201-B 7th Ave;}t. 6 ' 17 /a/ Ors. Joyce M. Devine 2409 7th Ni .. ' 2 17 - /s/ Angeline Potoshnik 636 F. St. . 26 .17 /s/ Mrs. Elisabeth T. Thompson 655 G. Ste -,- 16 17 • /s/ Ctrs. Janet Pedersen ' 2421-C 7th. ' 7 ' 17 , • . /s/ Mrs. June Bakames 2414 6th Place V • 21 17 /0/ Gertrude-•M. Riggs- . , •2421-C 7th Ave.N. . . 7 . 11 /d/ Clarence G. Riggs 2421=C 7th.Ave.N. 7 17 . V * /s/ Mrs.' Leona Ramsay , . .2423-C 7th Ave.N. 10 17 . . /s/ Ms. Nancy Strugar 628 E. Street - . 24 17 ' • * a re-sign from the original petition,- 6rs. .James Remeay • . : . . . The following notation was fastened to face of petitions . . This supplement and the original. petition have all of the required names except two. - The required'names being both men.and wife in the case of joint property and one name in the case the property is singly ownede • . They also 'have at the end the names 'of .both man and wife on 'two lots Who will own 'them , in the near.future. The lots being Ho. lend. 24. Mrs. Dorothy Howard. .. STATE OF, WAS}I NGTON) . )SS COUNTY OF KING .I, Wiley Crook, City Clerk in and for the City of Renton, Washington, do hereby certify that the above is a true and •correct copy of a petition suunlement , for permission to close the 16 foot Alley an platted in Block 17, Renton Highlands Addition to the City of Renton, . King County, Washington, and grant permission to the owners of the lots involved to use one- half of the Alley fronting on each lot bounded by the extension of the lot lines to the center of said Alley for, the construction of fences or structures of a temporary nature, or improve- ments such as lam, gardens, playyards, etc.. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the Official Seal. of the 'City of Renton, Washington,. this lst day of June, 1951. . ' - /`i' ' • Wiley Croo]� City Clerk . . BLOCK 17 PLAT OF.RENTON' MGHLANDS S11T'r L 2ST . Honorable Mayor . Members of the City Council . . Renton, Waahington . Gentlemen: We the undersigned .property owners of lots"et opposite our respective names hereby petition your honorable body to close the 16 foot alley as platted in Block 17, Renton . • Highlands Addition to.the City of ttenton, King County, Washington, and grant permission to the owners of the lute involved to use one-half of the alley fronting on each lot bounded, by an extension of the lot lines to the. center of said alley for the construc- tion of fences Or structures of a temporary nature, or improvements such as lawns, garo done, playyards, eta. We understand'that by such action the.City is not vacating the Alley and that at any time when' s sufficient majority of property owners concerned shall_petition the City Council for improvement Of this alley and the City .Council approves such petition, we will, upon request of the City.Councils remove any temporary structures from said . . alley. , ,1e also understand that the City of Renton reservee perpetual right to enter upon said alley as located to construct, operate and maintain any' utility such as Sewers, Water or .Gas Lines, Pole Lines, etc., as may be neaesassary'or desirable in the best interest* ' . of the 'City of Renton, ]ring County,-Washington.ashington. ' AIM }&DRESS ' /e/ H. V. O'Neil 628 E. fit. • 24. - 17 /s/ Mrs. Irene. Langlois 2509 7th Ave. N. - . • 12 17 ' /s/ Mrs. George W. Church 632 E. St. ' , 25 17 /s/ Mrss. John Rynee (Olga) 2410 6th `Place • 22 .17 /a/ Mrs. G. O. ..2stbus (Mary Ellen) 643 G. Street 19 , 17 ' /a/ Mrs, Phyllis 8. Sewell, ' ' 647 G. Street . 18 17 ' • /s/ Mrs. Lorene Simons . 1 651 G. Street . 17 . 17 /s/.rir ,. %Tames Ramsay' • ' . 2423-C 7th Ave.f. ' .' 10 . 17 ./s+/ Mr. Earl Haynes ' • 2h23-B 7th Ave.N. - . ' , 17 /e/ Mrs. Dorothy,I. Howard . -2513 7th Ave'.!;. , 13- 17' • /ss/ Mr. Glenn M. Schwendeman 2413 7th Ave.N. . • '. • 3 . -17 ' /A/ tars. Marie Smith 24a1-B 7th Ave.:;. 6 17 . /a/ Mrs. Joyce M: Devine' . • : 2409. 7th N. . . • 2 17,. /e/-Angeline Potoshnik ' . 636 E. St. . • . 26 - 17.. .'. /s/ Mrs. Eliaabeth'T, Thompson 655 G. St. : • - •. ' . 16 • '17 . : • . /s/ W1. Janet Pedersen ' 2421-C 7th '. '. . 7 ' 17 /a/ Mre. June Bakamus, 2414 6th .Place ' . ' 21 17 . /e/,Gertr a M. Riggs , ' . .2421-C 7tb Ave.N. . . : ' 7 .17 . /s/ Clarence G. Riggs ' . 2421-C 7th Ave.N. .' - 7 ' 17 • a /s/ Mrs. Leona Ramsay 2423-C 7th Ave.N. ' 10 • .17 ' /a/ Mrs. Nancy' Strugar '. . ' 628 E. Street ' 24 .17 . * a re-sign. from the origi a1. petition -. yin, James,61msay , . - . , The following notation was fastened to face of petition: "Thins supplement and. the original petition have all of the required names except two. ' . . The.required.namee being.both man• and.wife"in the case of joint. property and one name in the case the property i s singly owned.' , .. , . ' . - They also have at the end the names of both man and,wife on two lots who will own then in.the near future. The loss being r.o. 7 and 24. ' ' Mre, t►orothy .Howard. STATE'OF v ASI a rGTON , .. . SS. COUNTY OF .PaNG. . . • . . ' , ,- , . I, Wiley; Crook,'City Clerk in and for the City of Penton, tashington, do hereby certify that the above is a try and correct copy of a petition j vkoment , for permission to Close the 16 foot Alley as platted 'in Block 17, Renton Highle ds'Addition to the City of Renton, - icing County, Washing on, and grant permission to the 'owners of the lots involved to use one- half of the Alley fronting on each lot bounded .by the extension of the. lot lines to' the center of said Alley for the construct .on of fences or structure*. of a temporary nature, or improve.- . mentsr such as Irina, .gardens ayyards, etc. . In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the Official Sea], of the City of Renton, Washington, this lot day of June, 1951. - ., . 'Wiley Crook City Clerk . • - BLOCK' 17 PII!i OF RtIVICN F1i.Ci1LANDS • -, SUP1Ib !T • Honorable Mayor • • . . . . • Amhara of the City Council . Renton, Washington . -• •. . . • . Gentleteni - •. . .• . - . • -We the undersigned Property owners of lotei et opposite our respective names hereby . • petition your honorable body to close the 16 foot•alley as platted in I31aek 17, Renton Righlands,Addition to the City of Trenton, hi.ng•County,, •Washiru ton, and grant permission • to •the owners of the lots involved to use one half' of the alley fronting on each lot . • bounded by an extension of.the•lot lines to the center, of said .alley for the construe- . tion of fences or structures of .a temporary nature,, or improvements•such as lawns,- gar- . . -dens, playyardss, etc. V We understak d, •that by such .action the •City I.S. not vacating ,the Alley and that at a shy • - time when a eutfioiant majority of property owners aonoerned shall petition the City . Council for improvement of thin alley and the City council apprOvee etch petition, we will, upon request of .the. City Council, remove any temporary structures from said . ' alley. ' . . . , • We also understand that.the City:of Fenton reserves perpetual right to enter upon said ' ' - alley ',ass located to'construct, operate. • maintain any utility such so Sewers, Water or Bross Lines, Pole Lines, etc., ae•may bee, necessary or desirable in the best interests • • .of the City of Renton, King County, 'aehington.. /e/ il: v. mitt.... • • .: ' • (128 . t.'• 24 . -17 • • • .' ' • /s/ firs. Irene 't,arglois.. 2509 7th Ave.. N. _ 12 17 _ /s/ Mrs.' George t;, Church. 632 E. -St.: - 25 17 - . V . . /s/ Mrs. John Rynes (Olga) 2410 6th Place. • - 22.. • 17 . . . . /es/ flees.'. G. 0. Osthus -(sty,i ten),• 643, G. Street -. .. -. 19 17 . /a/ Mrs,-Phyllie S, Sewell • 647 O. . Street ., - 18 17 , • /0/ Mrs. Loren Simone • 651 G, Street 17 17 /.as/ Mr, Jzzrnea.Rss11isay , • . , • 2423-C 7th Avc3.t1., . ' 10 17 • - /es/ Mr. Earl Haynes,- - , • ' 2423-B 7th ve.N.: 9 . 3.7 /e/ Mrs. I orothy 1., Irowan :. P513 7th Ave.N. - .. • 13 17 ' ' ' . /a/ Mr. Glenn Ii. Schwendeman • : 21 3.7th 4ve.B." , . • 3 17. • /a/ Mrs., Marie Sasi:th . 2421'43 7th Ave.} .. ,.- ' 6 17 . • /s/ Mrs. Joyce IL'Devine - 2409 7th B. - • 2 17 . ' /s/ Angeline.,Potoshnik . .. 636 E. St. 26 17 /s/ Mrs. Elizabeth T. Thoapion 655 0.. .,Set. ' ' 16 17 • : /ef Was Janet Pedersen • 2421-C 7th . ' ' . 17 - . /s/ Ctrs, June Bakemsiss ., 2416 .6th,Place . .- ' - _ 21 • 17 ' /s/ Gertrude IA, Riggs : 21-C. 7th.'Ave.N. ,, - _ 7 17 . • /s/ Clarencte G.•Riggs . 242'l-C 7Gh ,Aire.R. " 7 : 17 • . .* /s/ Jere. Leona Ramsay, 2423-.0 7th Ave.N. • - • 10 17 . /e/-Mrs. Nancy Struger 628 K. Street 24 14: • • --'a a .re-sign from the original. petition 0- M rat..J+emea.i'nmsay V• _ • -- - - . - The folloeing notation was fastened .to face of petitions ' "This supplement and the original petition have all of.'the required names except two. - . The required nan+es being both.men cued wife in the case- of joint.property and one name in.the case the property is singly owned.. . . They also have at the .end the -mars of both-man and wife on•tiro Iota mho vi.11 ors them • ' in the near future. The,lots .being i;o, 7 and 4. Mrs. Dorothy-Noward. ' .. .. • ;TATL OF v AS2 I t�GTON • :.' . . •. •', r V . S3 COUNTY OF MG • • ) • • .I, tiley Crook, City Clerk in and for the City of Renton, Waiihingtoni do hereby certify that the above is .a trim and correct copy of, a petition ,sunnlesaent, , for permission to close . the 16 foot Alley as platted. in-I31ook 17, Renton Highlands Addition to the City,of Renton, • ring County, Vashingtcin, and .grant permission to the Owners of the lots involved to use one,- half of the Alley fronting on.each lot bounded,by the extension of the lot lines, to the center of said Alley for the eenstructiork of ferie or structured of a temporary nature, or imprcrree wants such as 1' A gamarla, Planrards, etc. . -.In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand end'the Official Seal. of the City of Renton, Washington, this let day of June, 1951. - . • . . . . ... , c6 -. . ,. . V . . ' . ' Wiley Crook City Clerk , DUCK 17 PLAT Cr a'�,x +�?'i ,+3(',.'ri�;?+�►;� t : i'1L= `.Z T Ilonorablo t3ayor Members of the City Council Lenten, ►aashington Gentlemen t - Vie the underniened property owners of lots et opposite our respective names hereby petition your, t_onoreblo body to close the 1E foot alley as platted :.n hock 17, Lenton li.E3.ende Addition' to the City of Lenten, ling County, rashineton, and grant permission to the owners of the tote involved to use one-half of the alley fronting on each lot bounded by an nxt eneion of the lot linen to the center of said alley for the construc- tion of .fences, or structures of a temporary netuxe,, or improvements such as Lawns',, rare dens, playeards, etc. Tea underataar:d that by such action the City io not vacating the Alley and that at aey time when a sufficient majority of property owners concerned -shall petition the City Council for inprovement of this ahoy and the City Council approves such petition, We will, upon recuest of the City Council, remove any temporary structures from paid alley. r e also understend that the City of Penton reserves perpetual right to enter upon said alley as located to construct, operate and maintain any utility such as Sewers, 'ater or Gas Lines, role Lines, etc., as may be necessary or desirable in the twat interests of the City of Lenten, Eine County, ;o.shingt n. APDB;;; a DISQL /e/ It. V. C'Neil (28 . bt. 24 17 /n/ flr . Irene Lrtnelois 2509 7th Ave. N. 12 17 Mrs. George z„. Church 632 ::t. n5 17 /t!/ Puss. John 4nes (Olga) 2410 6th Place 2. 17 is/ Mrs. C. C. Ces- t us ("1.n.ry Mien) 643 G. Area 19 17 rya/ Mrs. .'hyll±e I. Fewoll troet lg 17 /e/ flro. Lorene ammo • 651 G. }treat 17 17 /a/ Mr. Jars Ramsay 2423-0 7th Ave.31. 10 17 /s/ Rr. 6arl Baynes 2/23 7th \.ve.r. 9 17 /S/ Mro. i.orothy 1. Foward 7513 ?tp Ave.!'. 13 17 /e/ ^fir. Glenn t;. :'et:s erxionan 21,13 7th Ave.ti, 3 17' lei egrs. Mario atith 2/21-rt 7th ,We.r. 6 17 /s/ pars. Joyce 1 . Devine' 2409 7th flu 2 17 /e/ Angeline i°otonhnik (36 2. St. 26 17 /a/ Mrs. ai abeth T. Thompson 655 G. 3t. 16 17 /0/ tars. Janet Pedersen 2421-C 7th 7 17 /a/ Mrs. June Dakamuc 2414 6th Place 21 17 /a/ Cortrude P. Riggs 2421-C 7th Aeo.?c. 7 17 / 21-C 7th Ave.1<.!lJ Clarence G. °t"..1.fg� �r` 7's /e/ Mrs. Leona Re e 413-C '?`th Ave.! . 10 17 Renew • /a/ Mrs. Vancy Strum 628 E. street 24 17 * a re-sign from the'oz iginal petition a Urn. Janes P'arwny The fo lasing notation was festened to face of petitions "This supplement said the original petition nave all of the roeui red ranee except two. The reeuired names being both an and wife in the case of joint property and one name in the case the property is singly owned. They also have at the end the nanes of both man end rife on two late WA" will own them in the near future. The lots being Ile. 7 nee 24. Mrs. Lorothy reward. T:.Tr. r S�I� ) .�,73.t:r:r J '��l�tT�i r � )J3 CC'fr,'714I. OF S UG Is riley Crook, City Clerk in and for the City of Lenten, rnehin fton,, do hereby certify that the above in a true and correct copy of a petition, smagmed , for permission to close the 16 foot Alley an platted in Block 17, Renton !fleMands Addition to the City of Lenten, King County, Vashingtov, and grant permission to the owners of the lots involved to use one- half of the Alley fronting on each lot bounded by the extension of the lot lines to the center of said Alloy f og g uc ten ,or structures of n temporary nature, or imfravee me3ntss such a s 1 In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the Official $sal of the City of Penton, Washington, this 1st day of June, 1951. XeY_er- Wiley Crooity Clerk • t, MAR. r 28CJ 1i�f1.. _ . Referred to Street & Alley Committee and City Engineer for report hack. Apr .+th. More tie granted. c,) 111 &Va J � f yv,i f,/' ,Y � .'^ / °,fir' ^+•_ .> ' 'sue i . '' +i' . _. BL CK 17 PLAT OF RENTON H-I-GHLAN_DSI' �� ,•? To the Honorable 3ayor and City Council f Renton Gentlemen: • We the under igned property owners of Lots set opposite our respective names in Block 17 Plat ,of Renton Highlands, • (Housing Project) here by petition your honorable body to vacate the 16 foot Alley as platted in said Block 17. We understand that 'by said vacating one half of the Alley fronting on each lot bounded by the extension of the lot lines to the center of said Alley reverts to the lot involved, pro- vided however the City of Renton reserves the perpetual right to enter upon said Alley as located to construct, operate and , • maintain any Utility as Sewerts,' Water or Gas Lines, Power Lines etc,' as may be necessary or desirable in the best interests of the City of Renton,- King County, Washington. , , NAME i \ ADDRESS 4 LOT BLOCK ADDITION "tea ‹.-le+4,1a. -A , L ,c2 13 7 44Pd / /7 , ediva/x1,66., 73, ( A) -&, - .1 \ V'rA L L \ G -.)--V- ' i-1 ,_ /(-) i/ • _ a. .....,- -,,,,,t,,dd_. , Ali 2 3 /j- 7 -X. , /1 ,, ViLdreAvl . . o ....Vt,A)_ci„..t.) v -_-__ay ),3_fl_7-11 In,o. __ _ _ 17 �_----___-—_,._ - 4,)2-0141---/f j tR 4.4. 4 6 - 2' -.-. t.c ,_ .. \)-2,0. 1 0_1 1 Ts: i 9 ,a_o_rieeia,t4 3•- : 7 ' .. c-a ��. - „VIA 1 _7k. .v_E':_/moo -' -5- '---L 7 -- • ._- . 1 _____ig4z.. ____.- , .... __,______ ' . -<-11_,---,--___•41-1411-9Le„c,___ • . 4 / / I . , , 4 ; 401 ,, ' . 60fS7,e j. , _ _ . — - - - Air , , ,, , 4 'Yip=6-17eir,A,„, c2A 1 '? c )-04, 1122- 4--- -,u2--L_ __a_l_ _______PV & v ' /64 /- , , 1 4 - 6,5‘1 r -at 4- 1 7 , Lop; ji/ ' r_, 1 1 , At,,-440 _ 6 '0- r -34-t 7-- , 11\ , " '6 ___. -' , a Pi . 4_ ,� . -...- . .6...a/1/..r/ • BLOCK 17 PLAT OF RENTON HIGHLANDS • NAME • - ADDRESS LOT BLOCK ADDITION • • • • • • • March 28, 1950 V ACAT .L'tiG BLOC BLOCK 17 PLAT 'a. 1 L,?; OIl' HIGI:LANDS :. (28 Lots in'Block To the Honorabi..a - • `- 18 signed.) -aid. City Council o i&n+ can . Gontlonear'. . • Vie: . the unders i ned Property owners' of Lots set opposite otr respective names in. Block :t.`r P1at of Ron-ton Highlands, (Housing Project) here by ' petition your. honorable body to Vacate the 16 ,foot- Ailey as platted in • said Block 17. We vnc'erstand that by said:said -Vacating one half of'..thc Alley fronting on each lot bounded by' t1ic' extension._on. of the 'lot lines to the center of said 11 y rev .rts tc the lot involved., provided however the City of Renton reserves the perpetual . - .ght ,,to enter 'upon. said. Alley:as located to con- struct, operate and maintain any t?l'itY as Sewers ,:. .tp? ter or Gas Lines Power Lines etc, , e,s may be necessary or desirable in the best interests of the City of. Renter. Kin County, ?•',rash:ingtona • NAM - • -ADDR Sp.! • &PCB'` BLOCK ADDITION. s Robert "A. Ifel,tiard ' ;s) . c? t �d .f�i�` 'ent:le k s 2509: 7th 'o th .� ' . 17 r1/43 G s) Jewel C ...:Pcrrot ;' 661. G. St' 1�.. . 17 ;s,) Vivian , tavnes 221,2?-- .7th .'vC' 9 : 3.7 ,$) iJS.th DavidsonV 21- 1 2 !"A (�6,h AV e,N, 8.. 17 ;s) Leona �'`'nsa.y �, <wC 7th ;'. e ,r 10 . 17 s) Lee .L. 13 11_ -n ton 242l_ . 7th A.vo.N 5 .17 ' ,$) Smith • e 1•.2).,-B 7th ;,1v '. a' • 6 17 ) ��"rS'Iu,T' a, cl'itsrez�.cerna 2 13. 7th 17 s) Lecy�LL;r .I�e � c. 2409 7th ' vc,N. 2 17. :s) , Robert S't?uger :'628.E,. t. • . 21 17 s) John ri,y r es %};ZC 6th Place c 22 .17 s) • ' Srs - Juno real t s' 21 14 6th' Place 21. 17 s) Pc"toshi-tik l�366 I' St., 26 17 s) Dno.�yV Pe osh_nik 6):+2' .E St . 2.7 17 s) L.E,T o"t'1 c��o�? j .. �;r .aCc 16 17 , Sa s) George 1,'.', d urc7{1 - - 6' 25 17 .. s) • "i413.d:C k`c' '.''s Lord L 1 6 ? e 'St. • 28. . - t Sr6 T F UAS"_'l^T(7r� p:-`� s..,.�� 1E. tr's• �. aa: x�•,r..4.Cad, .. .. COUNTY'. OF .�:.1'T G ' • 'p Wiley y 1 b'i .l Cr.ook' City Clerk k, .� n C � p l z 9 a' �, _E _£' .n and ., 1E City 3 G' euck �' at hereby' certify'that_'_?; 'b.e F OfiriS a true and correct c opY of ' petits on for vacating the alloy in flock J_7'3 I..eiitorz -!.igh arsiS3 .Audi1i r a .t Rent onus re- sented at the March 28 - o g - J1 o_ witness s z, r.�,• i c e e' my.-hand r 'S �^ 4 n f in ,�7�.t�"lf: .�5 ih +.°i £}.3. I �I. 1,`�' ' �l�':s t::' unto 'w �� S.-'.T'_'.�. c�.Y?Ci C,.f'_E:'' �� a_C.:`�i..,.y �!3 G'c�.�. ®1 the City of. Fenton, 1.,',rashington °c,; ist day Of June,- 95 r. ^) Ley Cr ,�. City Clerk ' March 28 .1950 • • . '. BLOCK 17,0. PLAT or IILI'�:%( H GILANDG . . . , '.. (28 Lots in Block ' - To the d iorab?e -Mayor - • - ' . 18 signed.) . 'aid City .( ouncl.1. of. Ilonton • - : . U 9sI 1emen#i - . . Ile the ersigzied property owners of Lots set :opposite. QUI respective limes in �ck 17 P?,pt of Renton; highlands, (Hoiz ing Pro;oct). here by petition yO,ur honorable body •to•,vacate the 16 foot Alley ac platted in - . . said E1oc:•. 7• . We unc?ex':: V.nd that by. said vacating one half of the- Alley fronting on ' • each lot. bounded -by. the extension.- of the lot lines to the center of said ' . . Alley :•r:vert's to the lot• 'involved, provided hewever the City of Fenton -• reiscives the perpetual. right 'tor .'enter upon said .Alley as located to con- struct opwrrzto• and iairktain and'Utility as Sewers, We;ter or Gas Lines Power Linos (-Ito" as may be. necessary or -desirable -in the best interests of the 'city . Renton# King County, ?:'ashington. : : • LUL aD ' ', - . urg, a.u. ADD I ,ION . (0; I Ibex t A. �-Tcw*rd 2513 '7th ,forth . ' . . . 13 • 17 • - . (s) , Edward A, • La Lois . 2509 7th 'North 12 . 17 (s) .Tat-,el C, Per ,t. : • .661-0. St. • . • - •15 . '17 . (s) , Vivian 1.. Hayrnes . • 2423 B ' .N'.7th /We 17 (s) Beth . :�.ividt 2423-A,' 7th Ave.N• - ,id • 17 (s) • Loons_ "jamsaS, '\ 2'+23--C '7th _Ave.N. _ - • 10. ' 17 . , (•s) ' Leo .L. Eiil ngton 2'21..A 7th Ave .N. . '.. 5. 17 (s) 17 (s) A1rs.G,r1:1. cY iezideman 2413 7th . ,ve.I , 3 17 (s) Leonard Devine - r. • 2409 7th..Ave./.. - .2 . 17' . , . (s) Robert Straugar • 628 E St.' 24 . 17 '• ' (•s) 'John Lyziet, - . 2410. 6th Place- • ' . • 22 17. • (s) Mrs. June' a ,mus .2414 6th ;Place • - - '21' 1.7 (s) Mike Pots .rik • ' • 6:-16'E 'St . 26 H 17 (s) Emery rofe ha1?k• • • . 642 E :St. . • 27. 1.7 (,s • L.�%F.Thomiisbn ' 65 ` t G. • . • 16 • 17 ' (s) • 'George i,", i urch .632 t. 's' '. . . 25 17 (s) . T•11.idred T.., Lord 646 E.. ct. . 28, 17 s• pa +•.r w .m a .... ,r h,. .ti ka. �.., �., ...s .s m.,.. �. .. a« ... s... .,;. r STATE 0'tl, 11/131- ''' G-Te.is) . . � �} ' COUIN`.I'Y".C: • KUMrr .. .. ,,) • , Ii Wiloy Cr oo1,0. City C.1t r's: i ,:?,. for,, the City' . f C. r ' LasTrInzton.0 hereby •corti. , :1.-nt t o Above AL, true o:_:11 correct cofly o_:' a L otition for vacating the alley in.B1ocL .17, rontcn .,:xWhi.1n-1, Additiora' to lr_,nton• as prey . - s.ented' at th,: Iic.rch 28, 1950 Cou .cif••meetinr . In witness •t"hcri,? _ h vc 1-,Iore unto cet my h% 5`ai1 an #h(..; O f,.fi c:' . Ucal of the 'City of 1:tn.t.m a Edu:sh' ng°t,on this 1st day: of Jtnol 1951,E • • 0__ I---er.-e-4---, • . 6-13-50: The Council takes favorable action on the petition on Block 17, as petitioned the Council. & that Mr. Howard be permitted to put in his fence. • 'June 291 1950 City Engineer with City Attorneys assistance make a . check of the signatures on this petition and bring in a complete report to the July llth meetings and the Council would at that time have a discussion on this petition, -11-50 t ,lOr-iginal motion permitting' private use of this 694..e.91-dt-m'Valley (B1.17) be rescinded. (Also) All obstructions in all dedicated alleys, &' all other alleys legally acquired by the City, for the use of the City and the public, be ordered removed. . • THIS PETITION IS SIGNED BY 100,a OF THE PROPERTY OWNERT' IN BLOCK 17 WHO OWN LOTS ADJACENT TO THE ALLEY. ay..: 02A-a L_ ___ _ i _ BLOCK 17 PLAT OF RENTON HIGHL/N DS_ 21 t [ Honorable Mayor .. , `��1' _ , r ^(D "�� � Members of City Council �`, r- �t� . Renton, Washington ( rt'. . .y.-. ' t -1.) ' ' 1 - Gentlemen: :, . `; p�-0J r ;r s J ( / Vie the undersigned property owners of lots set opposite our respective names hereby petition your honorable body to close the 16 foot Alley as platted in Block 17, Renton Highlands Addition to the City of Renton, Iing , County, Washington, and grant permission to the owners of the lots involved to use one half of the Alley fronting on each lot bounded by the extension of the lot lines to the center of said Alley for the construction of fences or structures of a temporary nature, or improvements such as lawns, gardens, playyards, etc. We understand that by such action the City is not vacating the Alley and that at any time when a sufficient majority of property owners concerned shall petition the City Council for improvement of this Alley and the City Council approves such petition, we will, upon request of the City Council, remove any temporary structures from said alley. We Also understand that the City of Renton reserves perpetual right to enter upon said alley as located to construct, operate and maintain any Utility such as Sewers, Water or Gas Lines, Pole Lines, etc., as may be , necessary or desirable in the best interests of the City of\Renton, King County, Washington. NUE ADDRESS LOT ' . BLOCK 1 ` ,..‘%7 - ' )' V61- / - e -7 2/. i / 7 • . . .—i a . . . d ED:52___ ZelA) CC : c4 7 &'Y1 V f 7i/ f, . _ A a /,,-/ , . _ ,„,,,, , . , , , _,,,,,f , 6 / 7 rJ .:_ 3 ,2 '7'_ ,,4_,4 _, iL5-- / 7 . • , ,__ __.0.,i_ _a_ri.lra-- .23---- f 7 _ __,:et_.. i,. - / 7 _ AdC_________._ g,,z _je:.-i_e_I -:04 _i_ji, j_. t � �.-.e-L� ._ _.Y_ ass&.__. .7 �. - .... _ _/3 ._._! _ /7 _ , ' ,• . ., .. - . . . . , 1 . .. - • ,, ' . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . , • • • NAME - ADDRESS • . LOT BLOCK . . • , . . . . .•. 1 . .• - " • _____ , ..01P5r • • ) 4 _ X I ? :.& . . ' -. , . r• - . , . . 1 . 1 . 1 \ !, q 2_,_. --• -• 454 .----4,g'c ,. _......__ 1 . I 7 i 7 . . 1 . • 1 , . i . i • Lib-M-4-- ---,--:- la/1 -1-8 ' ' ' •• '9°12- g17 ' I 17 i . . 711,...44.04__. ____H' ___Lz_.:. . _ 1 . :_____4 . -:_., _ , „___ _ ._ . ., __. .?..734_27Le___-_744 L' (a / 7 • . •, , , _ . • . • 74e.Li , AL.. i 5 I 7 : 1 . . _ . _... . : ., . )7.. ' i ri .7„...,:z---, , 1 ; ),,,,--- /7 Lo.....7 .,. _ • c • ., -...?".1 „59.- I . , . , I . • • . . . . ' II . . • • • ii . . ' •. • . . . , , . II . . . • . . . . .. . ,. . , 61;fr ilk ,41:1 4-11-:.- ---i ./ . . . • BLOCK 17, ,PLAT OF RENTON IaGHLAirD& • Honorable Mayor . Members of City,Council . • . Renton, Washington ' • Gentlemen: ' . le the undersigned•property owners of lots set- opposite our respective names hereby petitio, • your honorable body to olose 'the 16 foot alley as platted in Block 17, Renton Highlands Addition to the City of Renton, King County, Washington, and grant permission to the . owners of the lots involved to use .one half of- the Alley fronting on each lot bounded by the extension of the'lot lines to the center of said Alley•for the Construction of fences or etruoturei of is temporary nature, or improvements such as lawns, gardens, 'playyards, etc. We understand that by such action the City- is not vacating the Alley and that at any time when a sufficient majority of property owners ,conderned shall petition the City Council for improvement of this Alley and,the City Council approves such petition, we . - will, upon request of the City Council, remove any temporary struotures 'from said Alley. We also understand 'that the City of Renton reserves perpetual right to enter upon said Alley, as located., to construct, operate and maintain any Utility such as Sewers, Water ' . or Gas Lines, Pole Lines,. etc., as may be.necessary or desirable, inthe best interests - of the City..of Renton, King County, Washington. . . N ME .. . AAPpESS la BLOCK • /s/ Wm. F. Pedersen . . 2421-C 7th North ' • • 7 . ' 17 ' . /a/ E. D. Sewell . . 647 G. St. . 18 • 17 /e/ L. M. Thompson 655 G. St. • 16 . . 17 , /s/ G. W. Church • • • 632 E. St. • 25 17 /s/ John Rynes . 2410,6th Place • , ' • 22 . • 17 /s/ A. Bakamus , • 2414 6th Place ' : 21 . 17 . /s/ E. A. Langlois ' 2509 7th Ave.N. . - • • 12 . 17 /s/ Robert A. Howard , . 2513 7th N. 13 17 /s/ Leonard Devine • 24P9 '7th 24., 2 17 /s/ Ruby A. Schwendeman • 2413 7th N. 3 17 /s/ Mike Potoshnik 636•E.• Street . 26 17 • /s/ Strugar, Robert 628 E. Si. - - . . 24 . 17 /a/ Emery Potoshnik , • - 642 E. St. . .27 •17 /s/ Crawford C. Simmons • ' 651 G. St. • 17 17 /e/ Mrs.. James 'Ramsay 2423-C 7th Ave.N. 10 17 /s/ Beth Davidson 2423-A 7th Ave.N. ' 8 17 . /a/ William D. Smith 2421-B 7th Ave.N. 6 17 /a/ Leo L. Billington ' . , 2421-A 7th Ave.N. 5 - 17 /e/ Vivian I. Haynes . . .2423-B 7th. Ave.N. • - , . 9 17 /s/ Mildred F. Lord., . 646 S. St. , • • 28..- . 17 /e/ Jewel:C. Perret • • , 661 G. St. . . • . 15 17 . /s/ G. O. 0sthue - • . -. • , 643. G. St. . - 19 ' 17 The following notation was stapled to face of petitions . ' , • "This petition is signed by 100% of the property owners in Block'17 who own lots adja- , cent to the alley," . STATE.OF TASIiINGTON ' . • SS COUNTY ,OF KING . : ' • . I, Wiley Crook, 'City Clerk in and for the•'Pity of Renton, Washington, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a petition for permission to close the 16 foot Alley as platted in Block 17, Renton Highlands Addition to the City.of Renton, King,County, Washington, 'and grant permission to 'the owners of the lots involved to use one-half of the • Alley fronting on each lot.botmded by the extension of the lot lines to the center of said ' Alley for the.construction of fences or structures of a temporary nature, or improvements such .as lawns, gardens, playyards, etc. ,_ . ' . , . . In witness.whereof I have'hereunto 'set my hand and• the Official Seal of the City of Renton, Washington, this 1st day of June, 1951. . . . . . � � , , &-e7L-gok_ . - ' - (L- Wiley Croo City Clerk • BLOCK 17, PLAT OF'RENTON 1I611LAUDS honorable Mayor - Members of.City.Counoil , . Renton; Washington . - ' ' • Gentlemen: - . We the undersigned'property owners of lots set oppoolte our respective names hereby petitio your honorable body to close the 16 foot alley as platted in Block 17,E Renton Highlands . Addition to the City•Of Renton, Ring County, ?asbington, and grant permission to the .. owners of the lots involved to use one half of the Alley fronting on each lot bounded by the extension of the-lot lines, to the center of said Alley for tea Construction of fences . or etru,ctures .of a.temporary nature, or improvements such as lawns, gardens, playyards, etc. - . We understand that by such action'the City is not vacating the Alley and that at any time when a sufficient majority.of.property .owners concerned shall petition the City , Council for improvement'of this Alley and the -City Council approves such petition, we . will, upon request of the* City Council,,.remove any temporary Structures from said Alley, ' We also understand. that the City of Renton reserves perpetual right to enter upon said. ' - ' Alley, as located, to construct, 'operate and maintain any Utility such as Sewers, Voter ' - • or Gas Linea, .Pole 'Lines, etc., as may be necessary or desirable' in the best interests . - of the City. of Renton, King,County, Washington. . . ADDP.DSS - , ' pLOC}t . /s f Wm, F. Pedersen - . . '2421=C 7th,North ' ' . ' 7 17 - . /s/ E. D. Sewell . . 647 G. St. 18 ' 17 ' /s/ L.. M. Thompson ' • : 655 G. St. . . 16 , • 17 . /a/ G. W. Church 632 E. .St. • 5 . . ' ,' /s/ John Rynes ' ' ' ' ' ' 2410 6th Place 22 . 17 /s/ A. Ilakamus . - _ -' 2414 6th Place . , . • 21 17 ' /s/ E. A. Langlois ' . . 2509 7th Ave.N. • ` . : 12 '. • 17 /a/ Robert.A.,,Eowa�rd • _ 2513.7th,. H. , 13 17 . . . , /s/ Leonard Devine 2409 7th I4 2 . 17 ' • /e/ Ruby A. Schwondeman .- ' .. . 2413' 7'tih N. ' ' 3 17 • . /s/-Mike, Potoshnik 636 E. street • ' , 26 17 - /e/'Strugar, Robert ' 628 E. St. 24 17 /a/ Emery I'otoshnik • . • ' 642 E. St. - 27 17 ' /s/ Crawford C. Simmons. • • • , 651 G. St. 17 . 17 /s/ Mrs. .James Ramsay . . . 2423-C 7th Ave:H. . . 10 . 17 /a/ Beth•Davidson ' -' - 2423-A 7th Ave.N. 8 17 /s/ William D. Smith - • ' 2421-8 7th Ave.N. ' • . . . . . • 6 . ' 17 /s/ Leo L. Billington . • . •2421-A 7th..Ave.N. 5 : • 17 • • ' . • /s/ Vivian I. Haynes . • . 2423-B 7th, Avast''.. 17 " ' /e/ Mildred F. Lord . L' 646 St. . z� 17 ' /s/ Jewel C. Ferret , '661 G. St. 15 17 ' /s/ G. 0. Osthus - ' , ' 643 G. St.' . • . . . • 19 • 17 • . The following notation was- stapled to facie of petition, ' • . -. - ."This petition'id signed by 100% of the:property owners in Block 17 who own lots adja- cent to the alley." . i. . STATE OF.WASHINGTON . , SS . . COUY OF LNG . 1, Wiley crook, City Clerk in and for the'City of Renton, Washington, do hereby certify . that the above is a trite and correct copy of a petition for permission•to close the 16 foot Alley as 'platted in Block 17, Renton Highlands Addition to the City of Renton, King County, Washington1.-and grant permission to the .owners-of the lots involved to use one-half of the Alley fronting .on each lot bounded by the extension of the lot.lines to the center of said . ' Alley for the construction of fences or etrUctures of a'-temporary nature, or improvements *whips lawns, gardens, playyetr4e, etc. . ' - ' . . . • -.•. - In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the Official Seal.of the City of Renton, Washington, this 1st day of June, 1951i , . "vr. • • • - ' Wiley Crook City Clerk . BLOCK 17, PLAT OF I NT0N !1C ILA D$ , . .Honorable Mayor . - ' ' ' McMbers, of City. Council ' ' Renton, Washington - . . Gentlemen: . We the tinder.signed property owners of lots set opposite our respective names hereby petitio your honorable. body to. close the 16 foot alley as platted in Block 17, Benton highland* ' Addition to the City of Renton, King'Cotmty, Eashington, and grant permission to the owners of the lots involved to use► cae;half of the Alley fronting on each lot bounded by the extension of the lot lines to the center of said Alley for tho Construction of fence' ' - or atruotures of a temporary natures or improvements such as lawns, gardens, playyards, eta. We understand that by 'such action the City is not 'coating the Alley eM that at any time when a sufficient majority of prop' Owners concerned shall petition the City. Council for improvement of this Alley and the City Council approves such petitions se will,' upon request of the City Council, metre any temporia7 structures from said A]1ey. We also understand that the City of Renton reserves perpetual right to enter upon said Alley, as located,.to construct, operate and maintain, any' Utility such as Sewers, rater or Gas Lines, Pole.Ltnee, eta., as maybe necessary or desirable in the beat interests ' of the City of- Renton, ring County, Washington. /e/ Im. F. Pedersen . ' 2421-C 7th north .. 7 17 ' /a/ E. D. Sewell 647 G. St. 18 17 . /s/ L. M. Thompson - . 655 G. st.' 16 '17 /a/ G. W. Church 632 E. It. ' 25 17 /s/ John Rynps ', ' 21,10 6th Plane 22 17 ' /e/ A. t akamus 241 ,•6th .Place 21 . 17 /s/ E. A. Langlois 2509 7th Ave.N. • 1122 117 17 /a/ Robert A. toward • 2513 7th K. /s/ Leonard bovine 2409 7th N. 2 ' 17 /s/ Ruby A. Sohwondomen 2413 7th N. . . - 3 17 /e/ Mike Potoshnik ' 636 E, Street 26 17' /s/ Struger, Robert . . 628 E. St. 24 17 •/s/ Emery X otoshnik ' ' . 642 E. It. 27 ' 17 /s/ Crawford C. Simmons (651 G. St, 17 17 /s/ Mrs. James-Ramsay 2423-C 7th Ave.N. 10 17 /11/ Beth Davidson 2423-A 7th Ave.l . 8 * 17 /a/ William D. Smith 2/421-8 7th Ave.N. 6 17 /s/ Leo L. Billington ' 2421-A "7th 'Ave.N, /s/ Vivian. 1. Haynes 2/.23-B 7th kvs.N: 9 17 /s/ Mildred F. Lord bob E. St. . 28 17 /s/ Jewel C. Perrot . 661 G. st. - 15 17. /e/ G. 0. Cethtts 643 G. St. 19 ' • . 17 The following notation was stapled to face of petitions ' 'This petition is signed by 100% of the property owners in Bieck 17 who own lots edja- . cent to the alley.* , . . - .. .. 0. .. .. STATE OF rASK}!GT0M . ' SS COUNTY OF UM ' . ' X, Wiley Crook, City Clerk in and for the City of Renton, Washington, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a petition for permission to oleos the 16 foot Alley as platted in Block 17, Renton Ifighlands Addition to the City of Renton, King County, Washington, and grant permission to the owners of the lots involved to use, one-half of the Alley fronting on each lot bounded by the extension: of the Lot lines to the center of said ' Alley for the construction of fences ar structures of a temporary nature, or improvements: such as lawns, gardens, playyards, etc. , In witness whereof 1. have hereunto set-my hand and the Official Seal of the, City of Renton, sashington,, 'this lot day of June, 1951. . , (T, L„-!k_ ' . . - ' Wiley C City Clerk ' BLOCK 17, PLAT OF IEn'rc IC+iII DS • �►b1e mayor limbers of City Count. ' . - ' Renton, Washington ' . Gentlesent - d . We the undersigned property owners of lot; set opposite our respective names hereby petitio • your honorable body to'close the IG foot..allay as platted in Block 17, Renton Richlands Addition to the City of Benton, Ring County, Washington, and grant Permission to the owners of the lots involved to use one half of the 'Alley itanting on each lot bout led by the extension of the 3iat lines to the center of said Alley for the Construction of fences . . or structures of a temporary nature, or improvements. such as lases, gardens, T Yyards,� etc. We understand that by'such action the-City is not vacating the Alley and that at any time when'a sufficient majority of.property owners concerned •shall. petition the City . Council for improvement of this Alley and the City Council approves such petition, we pill, upon request of the City Council, remove any temporary structures from said Alley. We aalio understand that the. City of Renton reserves Perpetual right to enter upon said Alley, as located, to construct, operate- and maintain any Utility such as Sewers, Water or Cu Lines, Pole tines, etc., as away be necessary or desirable in the best interests of the City of Penton, King County, Washington. • ADDERS • - , . /s/ Wm. P. Pedersen 2421.0 7th North • 7 17 /a/ B. D. Sewell 647 G. St. • ..• • 18 17 /e/ L. M. Thompson • • . ' 655 G. St. . ' • 16 - • 17 . /s/ G. W. Church 632 E. .St.. • 25 . 17 /s/ John Lyrae ' . 2410 6th Flece 22 . • 17 ' /s/ A. Bakamus • . • . ' 2fl/ 6th Place • . - 21. 17 • /s/ B. A. Le►ng3.ois 25e9.7tb Avo.W. • 12 17 • . /i/ ?.obert A, l ower d ' 2513 7th M. .- 13 17 • /s/ Leonard Devine ' • -2409 7th 131 . • ' ' 2 • 17 ' . /a/ Ruby A. S ohttendemen 2413 7th r.:. . . 3' .17 - /s/ Mike Rottaebnik • . ' ' 636 E. Stroet • 26 17 • /s/ Struger, Robert . _ 628 r•. St. ' . . . . . . 24 17 /s/ Ferry. otoe#hnik , 64�2 C. .►t., . . • 27, 17 • /s/ Crawford C. Simmone3. • :. 651 G. St. , . . . .• . . 17 17 . is/ Mrs. James Ramsay • • 2423•C 7th Ave.tt. • I . ' .10 ' 17 ' • • /a/ Beth Davidson . . • . 24'.23.4 ,7th Avve.ht. • ' . 8 1 17 . Is/ William D. Smith .• -, .242_1-B 7th Ave.B. ' , /s/ Leo L. Bill.inCton • ' ' • ' 2421•A 7th Ave.$. , /s/-Vivian-I. Haynes 242341 7th Avast:: 9 • 17 17 • /s/ Wildred F. Lord ' . . . '646 E. St. . . • 28 . , 17 /s/ Jewel C. Perrot 661 G. St. 15 17 • • /s/ G. U. 0ethus 643 G. St. 19 17 • ' The following notation was stepled to face of petitieent ' . "This petition is-signed by of the property owners,in• Block 17 who ern lots ad3a• cent to the alley." , . • ' . . ... .. ... . ... ... .1. .M .. . .. .r. (r - STA t.t OP 'BASIC NGT0tN • ' ' . ' 33 , COMITY OF KING . • I, Wiley Crook, City Clerk in and'for the City of Renton, Washington, do hereby (mortify that the above is a true and correct copy of a petition for permission to close the 16 foot Alley as platted in Block 17, Renton Highl ds Addition to the City of Renton, Ring County, Washington, and grant permission to the owners of the lots involved to use cneo.belf of the Alley fronting on each lot bounded.by-the tottension of the lot lines to the outer of add ' Alley for the construction of foncee or, structures of a temporary nature, or improvements such as lawns, gardens, p3.ayyards, etc. , ' In witness whereof x. :have hereunto set my hand and the Official. Seal of the City of Renton, Washington, this let day of June, 1951. . - - ' ltil. Crooac ty 'Clerk . . • . • . . • • . . • . . If . . . . . , . . . • . . . . . . • • • • . . . . . . . . - • . • . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . , ... . . . . . . . • , , . • . ' . . , ' • - • • . . . .. . . , . . . . . . ik:,rch 13, 1951 , • • - • • . , . . , • . . ' . , ' • . . . • . . . . . • . , . . , . • . TO ,,-ACiti IT r AY C,oy•-cri,7,T • . - . . . . , . . '131-11.0 is to certify' ÷ila t the . fol3.ow1ng, it a true . . cxcerpt '12 T eya the Council ninutos of V'ebruary • 27 y 19.c.:il 0 • . . . . . . • . . "C ounciluan 31.,/1ft r cp Or ted. that tho Otrcet f.°. A.1 3.cy Cannittec, . . • • C 1 t.:9' Attorney and (.7:-....ty .*..:1'.:1:1gi ra.c,er had determined -t..1.•...3.t tl:,.,:: a 13..cy . in Block 17 is not in condition 'to bc used for throth....-th tyaffic duo to a severe drop off; " that thc approximate cost of iLl- DI!(NJ_nf,T .,,-;C.1:I.(.i a lie y 1.Toul c:i .bc .',.2000 4,00; that it is -.possible to . • enter thc a 1.1.e.yy from c ithcr end, but it 'is ne,cc s sary for the entorin vehicle to 1,ack out; tt if 'the Council s'!).c...ond do- . • clan:: the alley open, it „(olad condone a. !lazardons condition, Therefore y the C ommittee re c orme.ilds. trr.lt th,.:, ( it.ne 13. ..).c.1 c la r e the subject .F..,11ey r.,s '1'1)1101-Y1-'1,1,D" to .p rot(...c 4,7. the !.1......blic„ until such time . r.-..s .abuttin.L, ?-)1. :.;pc-3.'ty cmle3.02., .),•:-,t:it;ic,,n fc-s inprove-. r.aent by tilq f ormaticr., of a Loc1 -.1.,..::i,..2,:-.over_lon.t 1..ristr ict* . . . .1,!..eved by ''.(ril;:my scce,..,..;,1!;-..e.1 by L5.71.1C0 7 that thr C,mine,:12. concur - • . . . in t,11,,, rc.colz.lcnfl 7.. ...1 at: .of the Et..1.-::e.L t a .,;.11ey C ommittoc,„ City . . P,..-:,.-, or ne y fa TO. C.,1.ty :C.:lag ineer . • , . , . . . . . . , . . • . .. . . . , . • . . . . . . . . . . • • . • . . • • . . . . • . . ... . . . . • . . . . , . . • • • . . . ., - . .. in T;:.itnilo ,...?1?.c;i-cof Y. hereunto ,5(...-:.6 my hand rind the . 0 :IC.IA T, SLAI, of t1,-..c, City of .'i cutort, ,.. a s hin t on this 13 th day of .!larch y 3.9516," .. , . . ., . • • , .. . • .- • . . . . . . . .. . - . . . . . . . , . . • ' . . ' ...0 .1......4,—.4.„...... , . . . . • , . . • . W i icy Cr k 1. City CI e r7..{. . . . • CIT,y Cr -•. 'PIO' T..1.-.Gi ON . . . ... . . • . . . .. , . , . . . . . . • . . . . .. . . . . . • •. . . . . . . • . . . . • .. . .. . . . . • • . . . . . . • • . .. . . . . . .. . , . . . . . • . . • . . i • _ ,-- / . _ ...-) 3 7 . i ......: •.- ....? i ..,.,. )7L--,v-,. -,-/4.. r %.c.,..:1...,,.P. 2- . .. ,., ;:.:•,. • ' . . d 0 , i— '''C•— f' .' • • • . . (V- i 0 /./ / (, ,Jt :: 1 � � 1:/{ .),2 0 / IL, 11 � Renton Washington September 11, 1950 The special meeting of the Street & Alley Committee was called:;tb order by Councilman George Swift, Chairman at 8:00 o'clock P.M. A communication was read from property owners of Block117, Renton Highlands. Mrs. Sally Pitcher spoke on the question of vacation of the Alley in Block 17 stating that it was her opinion that the alley cannot be vacated. Mrs. Dorothy Howard spoke on the question of vacation of the Alley in Block 17 stating that it was her opinion that the alley could be vacated. After considerable discussion by members of the City Council, it was determined that the alley should not be closed, but if a proper petition, with the required number of signatures of property owners whose property is located on the alley in Block 17, is presented to the Council for improvement of said alley, the Council would consider the petition for improvement. The City Engineer stated that it would cost approximately 800 per foot, based on property frontage on the alley, for improvement of the alley in question. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Swift, that the meeting adjourn until the property owners, whose property is located on the alley in Block 17, bring in the proper petition to the Council for the improve- ment of said alley. Carried. Renton, Washington Washington May 6, 1950 A Special Council Hearing with the general public on matters relat- ing to petitions of vacancy for alleys in certain blocks of Renton Highlands Addition to the City of Renton. The meeting was presided over by Hugh Bruce, Chairman of the Real Property Committee. Councilmen present were: Tamborini, Richardson, Freyman, Trimm, Swift and Delaurenti. Mr. Max Clarke of the Mayor' s Committee for disposal' of Highlands permanent homes, explained the reasons and procedur6 which established the alleys. Pro and Con discussion from the audience. ,r\ After much discussion the meting was adjourned at 11:30 A.M. (Acting) Secretary George Swift • , is ' I, f •I 9 �' , t / , II / ©''M®r/ "+• 3 _ �• /mow�f,�� � ,�T•s"® c 4 �s-7.1*- '-4: .c'- -. _ ,.�- :I.:' E" �._ des 2� , / ).....„‘"e„.:_c, 4 , . , li At,- -. '"14. -.;1.".' e .. , , - c.--a-ett-e : v.:re ,. . .....,, ---7-- ,(3.:Z..- ft..?_ ..„0,,,„....tj ,..,,..,..._4„,77,_., ,&'' . . t V . . ,, . ' , ..Xv.41•...; ..„,,....4-7. ,,e(.,i.,/ e„1!, ' .7/__. ,70---. n +.- ...1..,, r3,z-e--G-: fir. W/.. •' 2.,e_e_.c,., , r'4, .G0 %' , 1� , 11 4..„,r'.t--e_'_=P Lam;te. -�- h t..s trt., ---,..1.-4.4e... .......4.?.....e...4,4t..244.1.,.. . . pcire.t.„...4_,i) cie--_ . ...., d.,g,44,....4.4.....,-, .....0' --;e1 . ' / `-/ 11,• "904, e'lte .7 , . 7-7 4, >1/0-S#e' &49. lid 0- ' • ••'. , -6wr-42..* 9 'I! s r _ J / e -ear' y, 03 tt =r I ear' t_ 4Ai1 --", , 412-1 ,i . et.:...4. :-.4Z, > II : ,t•r•- '5' 11 - ..044.e. ..'4 e.--.€Z.,';:i--; , ' ;Wet •Jet1141L e"tril° J -' 6 , # 4tn. :I a&-,i it / [C�ff/J ;; ,„,,,g . t ,, ,t, ..4f ,i' '' ,.; ,.(,4t ' - *AKA, !pi - '- - - ..-/"._-_______________:L___..._:__ ..:7_,..-:-.27:. -1:.:.:- ----- _. _..• ._ ,,,( • /7 - - - ; ; f, Mrs . Sally Pitcher stated_t.hat she had appeared before the Councilmen last Tuesday night and had informed them that t e_'p t .tion that was presented by Mrs.' Howard was attained by misrepresentatioh,� ceit and fatsr=155UZZEZZZ and added tonight duress; that there was no question how the signatures were obtained. She had informed Hugh Bruce that he did not have the signatures of 100% of the property owners abutting the alley. At 628 E. Street the property is owned by Mr. & Mrs. Hugh O'Neill who reside at 342 Whitworth, in Renton who are violently opposed to the vacating of the alley. She also has the name of another party who are opposed to blocking this alley by Mrs .& Mr. Howard and Mr. & Mrs. Langlois , the name of William F.Pederson who occupies the premises of 2421C 7th North in B1.17 abutting the alley. When he signed the petition, he signed with the understanding with Mrs. Howard that the alley was to be left opened, that is how that signature was obtained. Another piece of property at 661 G. Street, was a' terrible and gross miscar- riage of trouble--they are not sure when they wake up on Wednesday morning if they are able to get out of their yard. This woman is serving you gentle- men, instructing your children in school, her husband is almost incapacitated to the extend he is in utter misery to even walk. Mr.Howard went to their home on several occasions and by threats, misrepresentation, fraud and absolut deceit, obtained the signature, from those people. That is the petition you acted upon to close the alley. If you doubt the truth from all her statements if you question her veracity, that has never been questioned in a court of law or otherwise, ahe asked that the Councilmen confirm the facts to Mr. Wiley Crook, he can verify that they are tax payers, own their property and are legal voters. She is a registered voter, her husband is a legal voter and the O'Neill' s are registered voters. Neither the Howards nor the Langlois are registered voters. That the Councilmen are elected by the voters---who ' is running the town, someone off the street or someone who is paying the taxes. The Police Dept. is supposed to enforce the Ordinances enacted by the City. She stated that if the alley is vacated, there will be ho fire hydrants installed in the alley-- it is worthless---she understood unless there is a clear access , that they can not install a fire hydrant within an enclosure--- and when the alley is blocked off, no hydrant will be installed. She has an oil burner---she applied for a permit for the installation--she applied for and received a permit to build a fence around her property---property owners around her have not applied for a permit . .Mr.Denser, former bldg.Insp. gave and signed her building permit. Her understanding and knowledge of the law is the petition that was brought before the Council is a worthless petition according to Council Ordinance--in Renton a petition must be signed by both husband and wife or single property owner. The City Attorney will verify that fact. She respectfully asked this Council, that you gentlemen inform Mr. & Mrs. Howard and Mr. & Mrs. Langlois be instructed forthwith to remove the obstruction in the alley so that the City will not be liable for the damag that she as a citizen will have to pay. She stated that our City Attorney can tell theCouncil that we can bring the entire matter of the alleys in the Highlands before the Attorney General's Office , who has the right to ask the Supreme Court of the State of Washington for declaratory judgement. If a suit is brought before them this would eliminate a lot of time , etc and hard feel- ings. Councilman Tamborini stated he would like to have this check into and if we are in error we should correct it. These people are not registered voters . Both parties have not signed the petition, the matter should be checked into and if the public wants the petition re read, it should be reread. Councilman Bruce stated that it was not necessary to be a registered voter if a property owner to sign the petition. Mr% Pitcher stated that she and her husband were registered voters , the O 'NP,fl's were registered voters and she wanted the Council to take into consideration the fact that they are the registered voters and asked that a roll call vote be taken on the question. ' Mrs .Pitcher: Page 2. Councilman Richardson stated that the lady was out of order. Counc :l4Davidson: stated that we are on the subject of vacating of Block 17 , Renton Highlands addition. Mayor Baxter stated, in regard to this question of vacation, the Council is unable to come to a decision that he' would suggest the signatures be checked and verified by the City Attorney and report later. Councilman Tamborini stated that he was absolutely against thgvacation if they don't want the alleys improved they should be left as `is , if they do not have 100% signatures they are entitled to a hearing. The City Attorney and City Engineer should make a check and if they do not have 100% signatures they should be entitled to a hearing. That he himself was still against build- ing fences on the line. Mayor Baxter stated that this was not the same as the Council had passed on. Councilman Tamborini stated that we had previously passed an Ordinance on new land plats by the City of Renton and in this new Ordinance, there was to be no hew land platted except that a 66' Street R.ightiof 41aybe allowed and a 16-20' alley. We are working contrary to the Ordinance. Mayor Baxter stated that the Council was not prepared to bring in a report at this time. City Attorney Haugan stated that as far as he was concerned there was no change in the statement he had previously made-- the legal question was the same. (The land was originally platted by the Government with the alleys and that only by request for vacating wit 100% signatures could this alley be vacated. Check with Mr. Crook & Mr. Haugan) of the :pettition A gentleman from the audience stated that the last paragraph/contained a legal question. Councilman Richardson stated that the Council had been waiting for the recom- mendation from the Planning Commission and that on June 20th a communication had been read from the Planning Commission stating their recommendations . City Clerk, Wiley Crook, reread their 3 stipulations as writtenain the minutes. Mrs . Pitcher asked that she again be heard-- If she brought (as she had) concrete evidence that the Council does not have 100% approval of the alley,' confirming this fact by someone you have the utmost confidence in--contact Mr. Crook and he will prove that they do not have the O'Neill' s signature on this vacation petition. Mr.Crook stated that he had contact the O'Neill' s and they had informed. him that their daugter and son-in-law were purchasing this lot, however they did not have the title as yet themselves. Councilman Tamborini stated that the originalCow ,exs should sign. City Attorney Haugan stated if Jamgxdoxxotxlmaxx the owner of the fee title has not signed then they do. not have 100%. Mayor Baxter stated that it was proven at this time that the alley does not have 100% signatures. . That the Planning Commission had recommended that no alley should be vacated unless there is 100% agreement for such v acation by the adjoining property owners. Moved by Tamborini, seconded by Hansen, that the City Engineer with the City Attorney' s assistance make a check on the petition and report back at the July llth meeting a complete report and the Council will change their decision. r3'univiamXmsxx § isi$ xwacmaamonfauciaartoma Councilman Bruce asked towgplain to the audience that theirecommendation of the Property Committee, owing to the fact that the petitions were signed by 100% of the property owners--tin.t the Council is not anxious to close the alleys , but if 100% of the property owners had not signed this petition, that the Council owed these people an . apology. That this list was certified to be correct and that there were 100% signatures of property owners on the petition. The motion carried. • .- , tk '••.,-,,..Jsr,(„L^ !?