HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - Renton Highlands/BIk 18 NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION TO VACATE ALLEY IN BLOCK 18, RENTON HICHL.ANDS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a petition to vacate the below described alley in Block 18, Renton Highlands Addition to the City of Renton, King County , State of Washington, has been filed with the City Clerk and the City Council of the City of Renton by more than two-thirds of the owners, as required by law (100% in fact, to conform to Council requirements) of the private property abutting upon said below described property; and that the 30th day of October, 1951, at the hour of 8 P.M. , at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Renton, has been fixed as the time and place at which a public hearing will be held by the City Council upon said petition; and that any persons interested therein or objecting thereto may then and there appear and be heard. The alley in Block 18 sought by said petition to be vacated is described as follows : That alley in Block 18 (abutting Lots 16 to 24 inclusive) Plat of Renton Highlands, according to plat recorded in Volume 46 of plats , pages 34 to 41 inclusive, records of King County, (Renton Highlands Addition to the City of Renton, in King County) , State of Washington. DATED this 5th day of October, 1951. Wiley C ok - City Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING STATE OF WASHINGT0N) )SS COUNTY OF KING ) • = lqi ) , being first duly sworn, on oath de s and says : That he is a citizen of the United States , over the age of 21 years and competent to serve legal process ; that on the 0 day of October 1951, affiant duly posted and set up a true copy of the foregoing notice in three (3) of the most public places in the City of Renton to-wit ; at the Renton Highlands .Admin- istration Building, North Recreation Building, and the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, ALSO, in a conspicuous place on the above described alley, in Block 18, sought' to be vacated. subscribed and sworn to before me this if day of / , 1951. Notary Pub is in and for he State of Washington, residing at Renton, • • ; ; • • NOTICE OF FEARING ON PETITI,ON TO VACATE ALLEY IN BLOCK 18, -RENTON HIGHLANDS , ADDITION TO THE. CITY OF RENTON, KING ' COUNTY', WASHINGTON . . . - • NOTICE 'IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a petition to vacate the below ' described alley in Block 18, Renton Highlands Addition to the City ,- ' of Renton, King County,"-State. :of Washington, 'has 'been filed with . the '.City Clerk• and the City Council of the . City of Renton by more than two-thirds of the owner4as required by' law . (100% in fact, to conform to Council requirements). of the private property abutting • , upon said , below described property;' 'and that the 30th day of OCtober4 -1951, at the hour of ,8 P.M. 'at 'the City Council Chambers In the , V • City Hall of the- City of Renton, has. been fixed .as the time and • place at which 'a public .hearing will be held by the City Council ' • upon . said petition; and :that any persons interested therein or ob- ' jeeting thereto may then and- there appear Vand' bo, heard. . ' The alley. in Block 18 sought by said petit .on "to be vacated • . is described as follows: - • That. alley inVBlock:i8 '(abutt.ing Lots•16 to 2+ • • . inclusive) Plat of Renton Highlands, according, to ' plat recorded in -Volume 46 of plats, Vpages 34 to 41 inclu- . sive, records ' of King County, (Renton Highlands Addition ' • . to the City :of Renton,'.in King County), State Of Washing- ' • ton. • DATED this 5th' day of October 1951. . ' /s/ WILEY CROOK ''IlLEY CROOK - ClTY CLERK AFFIDAVIT' OF POSTING • STATE OF WASHINGTON). . . V - COUNTY OF KING ' ) /s/ SGT.• JACK BRATTAS • • - being first duly sworn,- on oath 'deposes • • and says: That, he Is' a citizen' of. the. United States t 'over the age of .21 years and competent to serve legal process; that on ,the 8th day. of October'' .1951,, affiant duly posted and set up a true copy of • the foregoing notice in three (3) of the most public places in the" City of Renton-to-wit; at the Renton 'Highlands Ad .nistration Build- ' in North-Recreation Builds and the Bulletin Board at the City Hal ,- Also,' in-- a conspicuous" place on'the- above "described- alley; "in- Block 18, sought to be vacated.• /s/ Sgt. Jack Brattus " Subscribed- and sworn to before me this 8th day of Octobers 1951. -E.W.ISACKSON • - /s/ E. W. Isackson ' ' NOTARY "PUBLIC ' ' . ' ' Notary Public in and for the State .'Commi'ssion expires. : - of Washington, residing at Renton. April �5, 1953 ' STATE 'OF WASHINGTON : ' , V ' , • • ' I. , • NOTICE OF HEARING_ON PETITION TO VACATE i' ALLEY, TN BLOCK 18, RENTON HIGHLANDS • ADDITION TO THE CITY ,OF RENTON, .KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a petition to vacate the .below . described alley in Block 18, Renton Highlands Addition to the City • of Renton, King County, State -of Washington, has been filed with . the City Clerk and the. City Council of the 'City of Renton by more than two-thirds of "the owners, as required by law (100% in fact, • ' to conform to Council requirements) of the private property abutting , upon said below described property;. and that the 30th day of October, l951, at the hour of 8 'P.M. ' at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of' Renton, has . been fixed as the time and - place at which a nubile hearing will be held by_ the City Council upon said 'petition; and that any persons interested •therein or ob= jecting thereto may then and . there appear and be heard. The alley in Block 18 sought by said petition to be vacated , is described as follows: . . That alley in Block 18 (abutting Lots 16 to 24 inclusive) Plat of Renton Highlands, according to ' plat recorded in Volume 46 'of plats, pages 34 to' 41 inclu- sive, records of King County, (Renton Highlands' Addition to the City of Renton, in King County) , State of Washing- ton. • - DATED this 5th day'of 'October, .1951. . Is/ WILEY CROOK WILEY CROOK - CITY CLERK AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ' STATE OF WASHINGTON) .)SS,, • , COUNTY OF KING ) /s/ SGT_. JACK BRATTAS being, first. duly"' sworn, on oath deposes, . and says : That he is a citizen of the United States, over the age • of 21' years and competent ,to .serve legal process;' that on the 8th day of. October, 19510 affiant duly posted and set up' a true copy of the foregoing notice in' three .(3) of the Mn.st public' places in the City of Renton to-grit;- at thc. Renton Highlands Administration. Build- ' ing, North"Recreati'on Building, and the Bulletin Board at the City ' Halls- Also, in a• cen_snicuous place on the above d escribed alley„. in - • - • . Block 18, sought to be vacated) Y /sf Sgt. Jack Brettus . Subscribed and sworn to before' me 8th day cif October, 1951. E.W.ISACKSON /s/ E. W. Isackson NOTARY PUBLIC ' ' ' • . Notary Public in and for the State • Commission expires of Washington, residing at Renton. April 25, 1953 •STATE OF WASHINGTON ' NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION TO VACATE ' ALLEY, BLOCK 18, RENT'ON HIGHLANDS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF RENTTON,KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a petition to vacate the below described C ?alley in. Block 18, Renton Highlands Addition to the City of Renton, King County, State of Washington, has been filed with the City Clerk and the City Council of the City of Renton by more than two-thirds of the owners whose private property abutts upon said below described property; and that the ` ,,-., day of October, 1951, at the hour of 8 P.N. at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Renton, has been fixed as the time and place at which a public hearing will be held by the City Council upon said petition; and that any persons interested therein or objecting thereto may then and there appear and be heard. The alley in Block 18 sought by said petition to be vadated is described as follows: That alley in Block 18 (abutting Lots 16 to 24 inclusive) Plat of Renton High lands, according to plat recorded in volume 46 of plats, pages 34 to 41 inclusive, records of King County., . (Renton Highlands Addition to the City of Renton in King fountyb State of Washington. DATED This day of October, 1951. WILEY CROOK, City Clerk STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS. COUNTY OF KING ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING , being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says : That he is a citizen of United States over the age of 21 years and competent to serve legal process; that on the day of October, 1951, Affiant duly posted and set up a true copy of the foregoing notice in three (3) of the most public places in the City of Renton to-wit: at and also in a conspicuous place on the above described 4.140dWae2 alley in Block 18, sought to be vacated. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of October, _951. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Renton. ORDINANCE NO. ;413 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, VACATING ALLEY IN BLOCK 18, RENTON HIGHLANDS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WAshington; RESERVING AN EASEMENT AND RIGHT-OF-WAY THEREIN FOR CONSTRUCTION, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC UTILITIES AND , SERVICES, WHEREAS, a proper petition for the vacating of an alley in Block 18, Renton Highlands Addition to the City of Renton, King County, Washington, as here- inafter more particularly described, was duly filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on the 5th day of October, 1951, said petition containing the signatures of the owners of more than two-thirds of all the property, to-wit: 100 per cent, abutting upon said alley sought to be vacated, to-wits by the owners of abutting Lots 16 to 24 inclusive; which petition was read at the regular meeting of the City Council on the 5th day of October, 1951, and WHEREAS the City Council by Resolution No. 820 adopted on the 5th day of October 1951, did fix and determine the 30th day of October, 1951, as the date of Public hearing on said petition and directed the Clerk to give notice of said hearing in the manner provided by law; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk has duly caused notice of such hearing to be published and to be posted on said alley for the time and in the manner provided by law; and WHEREAS a public hearing was duly held upon said petition on the day so fixed at a regular meeting of the City Council and no protest or objection to the granting of the said petition nor to the vacating of said alley having been made, filed or received, and the City Council did at that time vote to grant said petition for vacating; and WHEREAS said petitioners and abutting owners have consented and granted unto the City of Renton a utilities easement, right- of-way, and rights for the purpose of construction, repair and maintenance 'of public utilities and services on, to, over and upon said above described alley; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The following described alley, to-wit: That alley in Block 18 (abutting Lots 16 to 24 inclusive) Plat of Renton Highlands, according to plat recorded in Volume 46 of Plats, pages 34 to /1 inclusive, records of King County, Renton Highlands Addition to the City of Renton, in King County, State of Washington. be and is hereby vacated. SECTION 2: The vacating of the heretofore described alley is proper and advantageous to all concerned and will serve the public interest; it will not diminish or impair the area, value of or use.of said alley in its entirety, nor the purpose thereof, nor the use and enjoyment by the public of said alley, nor cause injury or damage to any properties or persons, but the granting of said petition for vacating of the above mentioned alley is in the public interest. SECTION 3: The City of Renton, herewith accepts and reserves in the above described property an easement, right-•of«way and right for the purpose of construction, repair and maintenance of public utilities and services. SECTION 4:. This ordinance shall be effective from and after its passage, approval and publication in accordance with the law„ PASSED by the City Council of Renton this 6th day of November, 1951. /s/ Wiley Crook Wiley Crook - Clerk APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Renton, this 6th day of November, 1951. /s/ Joe R, Baxter - Joe R. Baxter - Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/ Gerard M. Shellan Asst. City Attorney Date of. Publication: November 8, 1951. ORDINANCE NO, 141.E AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, VACATING ALLEY IN BLOCK 18, RENTON HIGHLANDS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WAshington; RESERVING AN EASEMENT AND RIGHT-OF-SWAY THEREIN FOR CONSTRUCTION, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC UTILITIES AND SERVICES. WHEREAS, a proper petition for the vacating of an alley in Block 18, Renton Highlands Addition to the City of Renton, King County, Washington, as here- inafter more particularly described,, was duly filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on the 5th day of October, 1951, said petition containing the signatures of the owners oflmore than two-thirds of all the property, to-wit: 100 per cent, abutting upon said alley sought to be vacated, to-wit: by the owners of abutting Lots 16 to 24 inclusive; which petition was read at the regular meeting of the City Council on the 5th day of October, 1951, and WHEREAS the City Council by Resolution Noi 820 adopted on the 5th day of October 1951, did fix and determine the 30th day of October, 1951, as the date of Public hearing on said petition and directed the Clerk to give notice of said hearing in the manner provided by law; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk has duly caused notice of such hearing to be published and to be posted on said alley for the time and in the manner provided by law; and WHEREAS a public hearing was duly held upon said petition on the day so fixed at a regular meeting of the City Council and no protest or objection to the granting of the said petition nor to the vacating of said alley having been made, filed or received, and the City- Council did at that time vote to grant said petition for vacating; and WHEREAS said petitioners and abutting owners have consented and granted unto the City of Renton a utilities easement, right- of-way, and rights for the purpose of construction, repair and maintenance of public utilities and services on, to, over and upon said above described alley; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The following described alley, to-wit: That alley in Block 18 (abutting Lots 16 to 24 inclusive) Plat of Renton Highlands, according to plat recorded in Volume 46 of Plats, pages 34 to 41 inclusive, records of King County, Renton Highlands Addition to the City of Renton, in King County, State of Washington. be and is hereby vacated. SECTIOAi .2: The vacating of the heretofore described alley is proper and advantageous to all concerned and will serve the public interest; it will not diminish or impair the area, value of or use of said alley in its entirety, nor the purpose thereof, nor the use and enjoyment by the public of said alley, nor cause injury or damage to any properties or persons, but the granting of said petition for vacating of the above mentioned alley is in, the public interest. SECTION 3: The City of Renton herewith accepts and reserves in the above described property an easement, right-of.-way and right for the purpose of construction, repair and maintenance of public utilities and services,- SECTION AA: This ordinance shall be effective from and after its passage, approval and publication in accordance with the law. PASSED by the City Council of Renton this 6th day of November, 1951. /s/ Wiley Crook Wiley Crook - City Clerk ' APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Renton, this 6th day of November, 1951. /s/ Joe R. Baxter - Joe R. Baxter - Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/ Gerard M. Shellan Asst. City Attorney Date of Publication: November 8, 1951. Le' September 25, 1951 Jot.) R. PPxters tlayor and ":onbors of the City Council (.:)nt1e7,014 The Tv:Jtition for the vacanc7 of tlo ti7Glve (12) foot • alloy abu'Aini7 Lots 1(.. to 24 inclusive, in iaock 18, Renton r.Oditien has boon eY-Imimd Pnd my finanp,s are as fo].louo 1. The deacr:Iption of the alley .,,ldth is incorrect RS yrsitton into t'ro y-)titjon; t,r9170., (32) foot being t:510 correct dti instea0 of sixteen (16) feet as 2. Tio si:-..nntures arpoa2inn on t . netition are the ITamos of the o-n,.!r-:1 (1-2 Ell 2.3.- pro.7-r.r.,/ nimtbinr on tJe .11Dey. Yours • Jar.°s iii-h-ton C5ty Jan. 24, 1951 PORTION OF PLOCK 18 PLAT OF RENTON HIGHLANDS Honorable Mayor Members of City Council Renton, Washington • to the undersigned property owners of Lots set opposite our respective names hereby petition your honorable body to vacate the 16 foot (12') Alley as platted and bounded by Lots 16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24 all in . Block 18, Renton Highlands Addition to the City of Renton, King County, Washington. • . We understand that by said vacating one half of the Alley fronting on each lot bounded by the extonSion of -the lot lines to the center of said • Alley reverts to the lot involved, providdid however the City of Renton reserves ' . the perpetual right to enter upon said Alley as located to construct, operate and maintain any Utility as Sewers, Water or Gas Lines, Pole Lines etc, as may be necessary or desirable in the best interests' ef the City of Renton„ King County, Tashington.. . • • NAME • . ADDRESS, • LOT .tennoth D. Nelson -7-5/0-V7/4 Mrs. Kenneth D. Nelson-- 77* 2620 6th Ave.N, 32 16,- , Mrs. Jack L. Cowan ' Jack L. Cowan - 2614 6th Ave. 17 Mrs. F. Alfred Roworth . /2 F. Alfred Roworth-trji 614A G St. 24 ,'" Edward J. Hahn Phyllis K. 1iahn-/.6L-I 2604 6th Ave. 3.9 11/ Fred A. Herman Barbara H. Herman-/ - 612-C. G St. . .23 e< Edward H. Quagliotto • • Nadine Quagliotto 2610 6th AvE.;;M. 18 c// Mrs. L. 1:obley W. L. Nobley — /•. --;7"-Y2•6-,-----er 612 G. St. •204;2- 'ivonne i1FIon 4 . Williams S. Wilson 610 G St. -22 Theresa Moritz . - Victor R. Moritz 63.2P, G • 21 vf • • t)\. • • i2 • • • • 7-24-51 Referred to the Street P- Alley Committee and City Engineer to investigate and report back. . . t/f/7 C • • • • - September 25, 1951, Joe R. Baxter, Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: The petition for the vacancy of the twelve (12) foot alley.abutting Lots 16 to 24.:inclusive, in Bloch 18, Renton Highlands Addition has been examined and my findings are ,as follows: 1. The description of ' the alley width is incorrect as written into the petition;. twelve (12) feet being the correct width instead of sixteen (16) feet as smitten. 2. The signatures appearing on the petition' are the names of the owners of all the property abutting on the alley. • Yours truly, James,. Highton, City Engineer • PORTION OF BLOCK 1$ PLAT OF RENTON HIpHLAN DS Honorable Mayor Members of City Council Renton, Washington Gentlemen: - / / We the undersigned propert owners of Lots set opposite our respective names - ereby petition your honorable body to vacate the foot Alley as platted_-- — %14' and bounded by Lots 16-17-18-19-20-2.1-22-23-24-a11 in e Bloc 18 Renton Highlands Addition to the City of Renton King County, Washington. We understand that by said vacating one half of the Alley fronting on each lot bounded by the extqnsion of the lot lines to the center of said Alley reverts to the lot involved, provided however the City of Renton reserves the perpetual right to enter upon said Alley as located to construct, operate and maintain any Utility as Sewers, Water or Gas Lines, Pole Lines etc, as may be necessary or desirable in the best interests of the City of Renton, King County, Washington. NAME ADDRESS LOT " ',114105/,/ R6/4#-..e 1. -%Wf-fr,e-77eizie- /‘.- rt.„, z,irea,(4.,„42±, O. ita.,e-0-71.9 _ 4C y Z _ I y- '..6 it 1 ect.turvvtd kfat/A — 6 ar cititb , �a / `r am,/�[�,/j jj 6 (.64) / 9 L :< /I'4. its e - . Ii. t N. ' . qZ ! ,,(�. .16 /0 - 6 g. 7/0 . /g` ,'� `rwt Lu, . `14,64-J2-Q-2s, ......P'4-: -. ,1? 7724.1.--i- /.zas_._ .. A tv �� i'� fir` _-& f� __.. May 2J d. Referred to: REAL PROPERTY COMMITTEE CITY ENGINEER SUPT. OF UTILITIES & a , Member of the Maypt's ' Disposition Committee. 622 G. Place Renton, ?n. August 31, 1950. , Hon. Joe R. Baxter Members of the City Council Gentlemen: After consulting legal counsel, I wish to withdraw my signature on the Petition concerning Block 18. I do not wish this alley to be vacated or obstructed, in fact I feel that the interests of all citizens in Renton would be better served if the alleys should remain dormant until such time as the citizens of Renton should deem otherwise. I wish this letter read at the next meeting of the City Council,, Thanking you in advance, I re- main, Very truly. yours, 7 Charles A. Brunette • ear 625. ,Gi,44 /1" I �'� 7Z �/e�n� (=( -1-a-e-r•-r-e r Igo y 1 V ' --- - IP.',-..---t,--,11. ___.43,!.;11 . . . . Honorable Mayor Member of the City Council Renton, Washington We, the under signed property owners of lots set forth opposite our respective names, hereby petition your honorable body to vacate the sixteen foot Alley es plotted end bounded by lots 1-2-3-4-5-8-12-13-14-15-23-26»27-28-29-38 & 32, all in block eighteen, 'Renton Highlands addition to the City of Renton, King County, Washington. We understand that by naiad veoatina one half of the alley fronting on each lot, bounded by the extension of the lot lines to the center of said alley • reverts to the lot involved, provided however, The City of Renton reserves the perpetual right to enter upon said allay as located to construct, operate and maintain any utility es sewers, water or gas lines, poles for pole lines, etc. as may be necessary or desirable in the best interests of the City of Renton. . __ New Address Lot Number �C . �3�=H�-y: 1.3 _e ,• ' „ 63 ` et--- 4 -e. /V.. _ ! r / . ..Z., a i4.,Yrive_,„ ‘39-1/, g,t /2 - . c. 1.4 A.,601 . . 6 .31 1--( 2?< . /- 24.4._ I' 7 (9,-- o, 1 '6 'Al, 3 0? ,7. . e... ,.i- J -�.___"9. ___. - scil.-Z ,CP _>aiel, • ‘i(c.C3 -td1,-Z/ . to. ..,660 . Airt-kv,444.._ x 6-,._ k ilt 3 1461-7/-2- , CAv 4, I/e C. Gr 57. .9 o —44 ` , Ci44T . . . . ' ,.. • , . • . : • ....._. . _, . . . . • • • . . . .. . • . . . . . , . . ., . . . Honorable ”syor • ' . . Member of the City Connell • . . , Renton, r1ash1ngton .. ,. • .• 1Ve, the under signed property chimers of lots set 'forth 'opposite our respective -names, hereby petition your honorable body to vacate the sixteen foot Aley • as platted and boundod by lots 1.62-3-4•Z-8-1.13,-6134.14-1.5-25.26-27-28-i29,-30 & Z2, all in block eighteen, 7-lenton Trighlands addition to the City of 'Renton, IT'ing. . County., 7ashin...tton. . . . , • . .. . . . . . vie tniderStand that by said vacating one half of the alley fronting on Pan. lot, bounded 'by the extension of the lot lines to the center 'of said alley ,,, • .. . revert to the lot iniolved, provided hoever, The City of Renton reserves • .,..•., 'the perpetual right to enter -upon said alley oiLlocated to construct, operate'. • and maintain any 'utility es powers, V4:7,ter or gas lines, roles for polo lines, etc.. as may be necessary or desirable in 'the "best interests of -the City of' - Renton. . • 7 .: . Name !Address , tot cumber • •, . , '• • a..?‘/.9 va‘// 7-416,,p, A/a • • 7_ ,;: ,;i • „. . . . 666 g Sr . _... _ - .. . .. . . . . . . r-R2A,X.vt,e4. ___ _ ,I._ 2 .7;-- •. . . • . ... • . . _ , - i . F.3. . • . . . . . . . . ---- . • - -- . . • - 7 . . . ., • •••• . ' 1 • . I N . . . . I • . • . • • • , w COPY Honorable Mayor members of the City Council Renton, Washington Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners of lots set forth opposite our respective names, hereby petition your honorable body to vacate the sixteen foot alley as platted and bounded by lots l-2-3-4 5-8-12-13-14-15-25-26-27-28-29-30 and 32, all in blocl`eighteen,2) Renton Highlands addition to the City of Renton, King County, Washington '�. We understand that by said vacating one half of the alley fronting on each lot, bounded by the extension of the lot lines to the center of said alley reverts to the lot involved, provided, however, The City of Renton reserves the perpetual right to enter upon said alley as located to construct, operate and maintain utility as sewers, water or gas lines, poles for pole lines, etc., as may be necessary or desirable in the best interests of the City of Renton NAME ADDRESS LOT NUMBER DAJID R. GRAHAM 635 "H" STREET 13 4 M,D. ENGESATT 2636 - 6th Avenue North 15 CARL A. HEILMAN 639 "H" S ' a T 12 L a G RADKE 631 "H" " ].t,. GEORGE L. LUSE 616 "A" G. STREET 27 KARL G. ROOS 638 "G" STREET 32 JUNE D. CHRISTIANSEN 638"G" STREET 1 JOHN P. GERTEN 64.8 "G" STREET 2 G.W. HANNUS 652 "G" STREET JAMES R CHAD OK 616-C, "G" STREET 30 CALVIN E. STORM 61 -C, "G" STREET 26 JANET POFF 261, & 2611 7th Avenue No. CHARLES E. CROME 662 "G" STREET 5 FRANK I. WATTS 656 "G" STREET 4. R.M. HALSTEAD 616-B,. "G" STREET 29 • ... 1�. .. Ali'• r • • Honorable Mayor me abere,of the City Council Renton, Washing , • Gentleman: . We, the undersigned property owners,Of lots, set forth opposite 'our..reapeative:names, hereby petition stout honorable' body to vacate the ai +en foot alley asplatted and • bounded by lots 14. -5- -i2 3-3 v- . 25-2647.28 29 3O and r32, all in block eighteen„ Renton Highlands addition to the City of Renton, King County, Washington. • We understand that by said_vacating one half of the alley 'fronting, on each lot, bounded 'by the extension- of the lot-linen to the r center of said alley reverts to the lot involved,, provided, however, The City of.:Renton reserves the perpetual right to enter upon said alley as located to construct, operate and maintain utility as sewers, -water or-gar lines, poles, for pole•lines, etc., as may be necessary or desirable in' the best interests of the City of Renton.:. - . ' IIAME 1 5 ' A] F LQT • 635 "8" STREET MAD. ENGESATT _. :2636 - 6th Avenue North- • CARL A. HEILMAN .. 6391."H" STRp T - L.G. .R EE_ 631 "H" ►. • GE9kGE L. LH'SE : • 616 "A," G. S� G. RO9S 63( g,TREET 2 ONE D. GIiRIST A SEk:: 638"G" STREET 4• JOHN P. GEI T?I+i' 6LS "Q,' STREET 2 ‘, 4114111 65 "G" STREET • 3 : : . , *TAMES 3, (HAIyyJIOK : ; , 16.-C. ."Ga STREET.. 3o CALVIN Ek STORM " 6i C. NIA STREET 26 JANET pow g613 2411 2th Avenue No, clangs E. CRCME 662 r!G" STREET• AUX I. WATTS 65 rrGn.;TREAT ` ' R.11. STEAD . 61643,,ND" STREET • • • • •