HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - Earlington Add/BIk 8 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION TO VACATE THE 16 FOOT ALLEY IN THE SOUTH ONE-HALF OF BLOCK g, EARLINGTON ADDITION TO RENTON. NOTICE IS HEAREBY GIVEN that a petition to vacate portion of alley in Block 8, Earlington Addition, to-wit: That portion of the alley:,abutting on lots 9, 10, 13, 14, 17 and 1$ located in the south half of said Block $, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton. The City Council of the City of Renton by resolution duly adopted at its regular meeting on November 1, 1955, fixed and determined the 6th day of December, 1955, at the hour of 8 p.m. at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Renton, as the time and place at which said public hearing will be held by the City Council upon the petition to vacate said alley. Any and all persons interested therein or wishing to object ,theretc may then be heard thereon or may file their written objections to said vacation with the City Clerk prior to said time of hearing. FLO . SHAFF, CITY RK Posting affidavit attached to_back. CERTIFICATE OF POSTING STATE OF WASHINGTON) )SS COUNTY OF KING ) I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am the of the City of Renton, King County, State of Washington. On the 3 day of /✓v✓. , 1955, I duly posted "NOTICE OF VACATIOIv", a true copy thereof be- ing attached to this Certificate, in each of the following public places within the corporate limits of the City of Renton, to-wit: 1. c'y ,'/e I M'r. Co,‹ .s/anvo-,✓' J--,•ice - J, 2. vd..ve„ j/e . N. Cor, <r/4. E '4u ti,.,,� J1h 8 a-? 0.Sid'( L J-'2' 3. Fb i ei /Z/e USL= C . of//Z'AJJ,2 fi ✓.7/e ' ' X 4e City Hall Bulletin Board, City Hall, Cedar River Park. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name this .3 day of /SD✓. , 1955. ASSIQ ANT C TY ENGINEER Subscribed and sworn to before me this -fiti day of u-��e�.�2�� , 1955. 7-ebt Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Seattle. ' 'rERSOLtiTI QN. NO. 894 _ WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the City Clerk of, the. • City of Renton on July 114. 1955, petitioning-'the_vacation of :an allay in• the south half of Block 8, Earlington Addition, said-petition being ssigned,by the owners..-of.more than. two-thirds (2/3) of .the property • abutting upon the nbove-dessc.ribed`a?ley sought to be vacated, ' to-wit;, • toy one.'hundred per cent ' (100%) of said abutting .property:owners; said ' alley ..sought to be vacated. being described as. follows.: . • • : That portion of 'the alley, 16':feet. in width,,, located. in• the south- half' of Block 8' z .rii.ngton, :abutting • bats. 9, .l4, 1.3, .114: 11 and-1 , . all.. situate is:i. Renton, • Xing. Countys 'ashington.`- REZERVfl ,:ND' ::XCE??TINO Unto the :'city:O Renton a.:ten -foot easement within Said alley to be v.aacated,,: for. all public purposes. NOW T% REFORi, BLl TT. RE OLVED:PrY`:°. , k = 'OR AND T1i4. .G1TY CODE IL op THE CITY OF, RENTON, WAS?HINGTOtis Section `1: That:.thie'..6th,day Of: Decembers.',1955,: at the hotar of 8 p.m. sit the ' City.. Coux cil Chambers in the City stall:: of the _-•City of . .. "Renton, .King County, W ,ashington, ' be and is hereby ..fixed *.aa the time, arid place .when aforesaid petition:for vacating . of, 'the: above described alley shell be heard' end deteri4ned: " 'The City Clerk ie authorised, and directed to .give notice of ' said time and` hearing. ssprflvided. by law;, any and All ,persornst interested • therein or _objecting to .raid vacation may then appear and be heard' thereon, or they may,"file ,their written objections thereto with the ',City Clerk prior to the ,hear{ng,.on said .vacation:. : • . PASS SD BY. THE CITY COUNCIL .this 1st day .of Nov ember, 1955. ' FLOYD W. SHAFF _ • ; Floyd Si. whaff, :City.. Clerk • . .M1 : '.'APPROVED. BY THE ;MAYOI " this.1st dray of Nooesmber, 1955. f. . JOE R.:BAXTER : , - Joe ft, Baxter,::Mayor ,. Approved as to. forest . ; . GERARD M. 'SHELLAN r ` . .. • : cl erard M. Shellan . .. • : . Assistant City. Attorney , . _ . " - -• RESOLUTION NO. 894 - . . _ WHEREAS; a petition has been filed with the City . Clerk of the • ' City of Renton on July 140 1955, petitioning .thevacation . ef an alley :A.n the south half of Block 84 Earlingtan 'Addition, said petition being ' _signed by the owners of more than two.ithirds (2/3) of the property abutting upon the abOve7described . alley sought to be vacated, to-wit, by one hundred per cent (1O0%) of 'said abutting property owners; said alley sought to be, vacated being described as follows: . That portion:of the alley, 16 feet 'in width, located in the south half of Bloc!: 8, 3arlington, abutting • • lots 9, 10, 13, 1L1, 17 and 18, all situate in Renton, King County, Washington, RESERVING AND EXCEPTING unto the. City of Renton a ten foot • ' easement within said alley, to bo .Vaeatedvfor all public • •• purposes. • NOW THERE7ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND .THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RSIITON, WASEINGTON0 .AS FOLLOWS Section-1:. That tho .6th. clay of December, 1955, at the hour of 8 D.m. et the City' Council CharilDw.:,s in the ,City' Hall of the City of • Renton, King County, Washington, be and is hereby. fixed as the time and place when aferesaid 'petition ter vacating "of 'the above-described alley shall be heard and' determined. ' The City Clerhid authorized and directed to . giVe notice of - . said time and -hearing asprqvided.bylaw; any .and all persons interested * therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard. - . • thereon, or they may fiiv .their written objections thereto with the • - . . City Clerk prior to the hearing on said vacation. . • PASSED'BY THE CITY' COUNCIL this 1st day of November„ . 1955. • FLOYD.W. SHAFF Floyd W. naffs City Clerk - . APPROVED BY. THE MAYOR this 1st day of November, 1955. :• 30E R. BAXTER' . Joe R. Baxter, Mayor • Approved as to form: . ' • . GERARDM. smnium . Gerard M. Shellan Assistant City' Attorney . • • • . - .-.Madill= I ' ORPT"4,NGT; MO. 1533 riaIMP:UCT: OF TF7 C117" ORE":*",I7 7,.c1:1"FGTON VPC"TTNC iIO1 OF ADTT IUtrc el E4TwucTom AnDram, to:1%TED rz,r,i7ToN, Krim CO'r175 Ill"'Ill:NCTON• wrsr..w, a proper rotition for vacating p(rtion of alley in Block 8, 1:arline- ton Addition, as hereinafter mcro nartioulerly described, was duly filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on July 1 , 19550 signed 17 all of the owners of the property chufting n..)on portion of said alley, sought to be vecated, which petition was read at the regular meeting of the City Council on July 19, 19552 and WIFIVAF, the City Council after due investintion did fix the 6th day of December, 1955, AS the date of public heering; on said petition and directed the Clerk to give notice of said hearing in the manner provided by law and the City Council duly passed Resolution No, 89h fixing and determininr said date of hearing; and 1::17TAr; the City Clerk has duly caused notice of such hearing to. be published and to be posted for the time and in the manner provided by law; and -MAS a public hearing was duly 'held upon said petition on the day so fixed at a regular meeting of the City Council and no protest or objections to the granting of said petition or the vacating of portion of said alley having teen made, filed or received, and the City Council did at that tine vote to grant said petition for vacating, subject to certain reservations as hereinafter more particularly described; I and tINFT",1P5: the City'Council finds that the vaentang of the hereinafter described portion of this alley is proper and advantageous to all • concerned and will serve the public interest and not cause injury or dnmage to any oroperties or persons, but the granting of maid petition is in the public interest; NOW ThaREPOT?,„ BE TT BY TEE MTOR AM) WE CrTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP 1171TON nS FOLLOS: FlCTION I: The following described oration of alley, to-wit: Tint portion of the alley, 16 feet in width, located in the south half (*) of Block 8, 17.,nrlimeton hddition, abttine lots 9, 10, 13, lh, 17, 1fl, all situate in Renton, King County, Washing RT,STnNI"C unto the City of Renton the following described easerent therefrem, for all ou"olic purposes and uses, to-wit: The northerly five feet of the south one-half and the south- e-Isterly five feet of the north one-half of that :portion of the alley in the south half of Block 8 as hereinabove described,. PE AND TM rAT i 711:1,77 "ACA,TI subject to the reservation hereinalicvo specified, • CTI N II_t This; ordinance.shall be erfective fromand air _its passage, Apprcrvv1:...and, legal publicsztioati as.piovi.de ?4:SSIT:B Ti E CITY ;CCII4CIL.-this 13th ``;dap.of December, .1955: • • ;''.Loyd ;63. Shari*, ;City Oierk APfROVf . of D® ... . �.�, �f� this 13t � ' ka'', ci�u�r. . ce:aiber, 195r4:' '_ - _. • • JOKE. A. rfi nt t Joe R. 'Taaxter, ',Mayor.• - -. Approved as .to GERt .w' 11... 'S'{Ftr A.tt; Gerarc''M.. 5fae11 n Assistant City Attorney , -�D�ate cif"i b cation: .'Decor fiber: 22y 1955o. • • • • • • _ F i CERTIFICATION *)'77-6"-- >--"r- 107 STATE OF WASHINGTON) )SS COUNTY OF KING. ) I,ELTON L. ALEXANDER, the duly elected,qualified and acting City Clerk of and for the City of Renton,Washington, do hereby Certify that,, the attached Ordinance is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. /4 3_3 of &he City of Renton, as it appears on file in the records of the office of the City Clerk in said City, and 4s the same was duly and e gularly adopted,passed and approved on the .3 day of 19u'3 , and published according to Law on ?, 19 . -T---- IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set y hand and the Official Seal of the City of Renton,Washington, this ;I day of -it— 19 Elton L. Alexander, City Clerk .... ... .....________.................. _..................______.... _.... .... _Ar-( 5r)-2 - Y-T ' - ' Councilman Swift reporti__, in regard to the previous pet___in for the vacation of the 16 foot alley in the south one-half of Block g, Earlington Addition, that this property had been dedicated for an alley several years ago; that the alley traverses the block in a northeasterly direction from bank of slope of the Dunlap Canyon Road (Sunset Boulevard West) to 5th Avenue West---that the bank is so steep that the committee feels the street will never be extended to meet the Dunlap Canyon Road as it would require a tremendous fill and the expense of a bulkhead to serve this property; that since 100% of the property owners abutting this alley request vacation, that it is the recommendtion of the Committee, that after the required .ring, providing there are not sufficient protests to block such action, that the Council grant this vacation and that the date of December 6, 1955 be set as the date of hearing, it being understood that the City retain a 10 foot easement through the center for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining public utilities. The Notices of Hearing will be posted in 4 public places within the corporate limits of the City of Rentor at least 20 days prior to the date of hearing. (So moved and carried.) . • -l�C� + r7� �� LLv' G�..C_� % �7'L e- fi t.<_.!_( 1_ / U - / y�S.,s •ic �t,iV' ; cQ._L�C,t; `& tOL4 -�&tO-A ��Vl j,C�W¢1�v� �c�y2L4 � 'vL S ' i' n1 • • . July 14, 1955 ' Honorable Joe R. Baxter, Mayor Members of the City Council Gentlemen: - . Submitted herewith is a petition for the vacation of the 16 foot alley in the south one-half of Block 8, Earling- ton Addition. The alley described in the petition traverses the block in a northeasterly direction from 5th Avenue' West . to Sunset Boulevard West. The petition is in error with res- pect to the minimum requirement of conveying the center 10 feet of the alley to the City for easement rights. Any con- sideration should be conditional on .correction of easement des- cription. S‘gNcd l.va z . 0 f :. ames L. High on, Ci ngineer �/ ? 1 `l" c�.c-z""e"� £7 14 c i e y^ rye.+ / eL-ji -�/G.•"✓>_,---y•-._,c^,.t L.C✓'-.1-b,J c .S--'L✓' od%a.r-✓ 4-e .-C_.. ....,.: =ei z:La ke-- ,e___,___- i ) .....,.. ,to.,e,„,__.„..., t J ? •..x�_.. 4--/ ,( - ti ) gam^ fe •y r� d /.- /� .-1_ .' 1 wt,'GC1,�Yrt'.'" t/ .• %5 f.°.�C.'.�L' �!h,�..,�t'?',_.,:.�tp_.»;.,.e,•../ oc—'.,4 1 e--' Ce/ ft / - epg 0 a.-2,,,, 176-- . . X/CIV‘:-.' L-7"' --(../(Ate, ,g_e____-.7,t1 0/y2._____d____z_e__,..„,,t___,_____A j 1--Ct-..4----- -c--...____./ '( ./ G ' —1,94- L-(`.�c-(/ . ;flu. L/�� i �t G C� '72_G��7.0 ���1-- -6 � a � jGC/JGLL �/ d � ^ PETITION• Honorable Joe R. Baxter, Mayor Members of the City Council Gentlemen. ,We, the undersigned, owners of LOTS' 9,:.10, 13, il , 17 and 18, BLOCK 8, EARLINGTON ADDITION, hereby petition your ' honorable body to vacate the sixteen (16) foot north and south alley which abuts upon the above described properties. We a- gree, as attest by our respective signatures, to convey to the C'ty f Renton a perpetual easement on the five—E-) feet of pro-or two a i .2)teet air a?c4 S adjacent—teA e centerline of said alley for the purpose' of constructing, operating and maintaining public utilities. Respectfully submitted, NAME ADDRESS PROPERTY DESCRIPTION W444 t� t ��3. .e � � /.Q-►- 17-4- /6 .3 -4iit-ti / c``► /6 sd = -ae, /3 Y / ' • 1 � ... • July ? , 1955 • Honorable Joe R .Baxter, May-or Members of the .City Council Gentlemen: Submitted herewith is a petition,for the vacation of the 16..foot alley in the south one-half of Block 8, Earling-- ton Addition. The alley described in the petition traverses the block in a northeasterly direction from 5th Avenue West to Sunset Boulevard West. . The petition is in error with res- poet to the minimum requirement of conveying the center 10 feet of the alley to the .City for easement rights. Any con-, . sideration should be conditional on correction of easement des- cription. ' .. i bo _ J g .. fr .. " J'arnes L. �iigli�` x��ty Engineer cc: .Councilman Swift James Highton,. eity Engineer 7-19 (Richardson) So move on City Engineers report and above suggestion. The City Engineer stated that petitioners were in error in reading petition, that he did not believe they were. deliberate in their attempt to cut down on the size of easement that the Street & Alley Committee could take this request under consideration. ' 7-2.0-55 James Highton will send easement forms :(5?) for the petitioners signature covering the City/s requirements---If they sign this will take care of the matter:. 10-18-55 - Councilman Swift reported owing to the "topography of the ground that the street would probably never be extended as it would require a tremendous fill and the expense of a`"bulkhead to ,serve this property; that since .160% of the abutting property owners request vacation, and that the date of Dec- ember 6, 1955 :be:'set: for the hearing, it being understood that the City retain a 101 easement through the center fo the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining public utilities.; ,��.�zz ��,, - " PETITION Honorable Joe R Baxter, Mayor Members of the City Council Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, owners of LOTS 9, 10, 13, 14, 17 and 18, BLOCK 8, EARLINGTON ADDITION, hereby petition your honorable body to vacate •the sixteen (16) foot north and south alley which abuts upon the above described properties. We agree, as attest by our respective signatures, to convey to the City of Renton a perpetual easement on the five (5) feet of property adjacent to the centerline of said alley for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining public utilities. Respectfully submitted, NAME ADDRESS P ROPERTY DESCRIPTION Kenneth Crabtree 423 Lind Street Lots 17 and 15 E. W. Sather 5303 47th S.W. Sea.16 Lots 9 and 10 Lyndle R. Cooper 308 5th Ave. West Lots 13 and 14 • •