HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - 129th Ave S t, Ilr//x/ November 13, 1956 Mr. Ray S. Hartman 12823 88th Avenue South Renton, Washington Dear Mt.. 'Hartman:: This is to advise you that your request for vacation , ' of 129th Street South between nth Avenue South and 87th Avenue South is being held by the City of Renton, pending development of this area. After it has been determined what planning is being. made for this area, if you wi11 again submit a request for vacation, this request, or any further requests, will be -given consideration by the Renton City Council. , ' This for your information. Very truly yours, THE CITY OF RENTOrd Elton Alexander, City Clerk Ins - ccs, Frances B. Keller, 12822;,87th Ave. S. ' Mrs. Kenneth W. Thompson, 12910 88th Ave. S. - Oliver Belland, 12915 Bath Avenue South . Renton, Wash. Sept. 6, 1956 Hon. Joe Baxter, Mayor City of Renton Dear Sir: I am writing to inquire about a petition for vacating a street; (So. 129th between 87 Ave. So. and 88 Ave. So. ), which I believe was read in Council meeting on or about Feb. 25, 1956. We petitioners have never heard anymore regarding this matter. We understand it is in committee for Streets and Alleys. We would appreciate it very much if you could get some action on this petition. Thank you for your attention. Respectfully Yours, gal � . A . } /v0d �L_< fc._r,. ✓L_c::t.� ( e V 6- �k�' L�'�F 6R Cod p,7 6 1 a a City of Renton Mayor and Council Members Jan. �7, 1956. cc: City Clerk Dear Sirs: We, the property owners adjoining the street described below, petition for vacating 129th. Street South, between 88 Ave. South and 87th. Ave. South. We had petitioned the County to vacate; this street, prior to the annexation of this area by the City of Renton, but the County Engineers office suggested that the problem be brought up with the officials of the City Of Renton, as annexation was in the process at - that time. They agreed that the street had very poor possibilities as a future thoroughfare, but that some agreement would have to be made to allow the passage of facilities, as water and sewer thru this area, in the future. The following are the reasons why we present this petition: 1. This street (129th. South) is already vacated between 88 Ave. South and 90th. Ave. South and the possibility of making a con- tinuation of 129th. Street South between 87th. Ave. South and 84th. Ave. South are very remote, as the old County Rock Quarry abounds in this Area and a possible street would be a problem. 2. The contour of the terrain between 88 Ave. South and 87th. Ave. South,, at this street makes the possibility of a future ' street almost impossible. The street would be too steep for vehicle travel. s 3. Two of the houses, in the group of three abutting this street are located on, or very close, to the street right of way. 4. Vacating this street would allow adjoining property owners to improve the appearance of this property. , We, the adjoining property owners request your attention to this problem at your earliest convenience. ptc,„6 A , /144 .., ,.x f3 L 3 -- ,5' mg. . 4,_,„ . , r �� � ,/,� ^ a 9 GAS, Isr) ) i Q) /�`7,6 l gcg AVE. p5v/ (/.;'i, _,7 ,i- ,c. 7-z.,.) /.: %/,5iJ�r7 -,2 ifi 'gift; 14,6i/ .[C(/ 4;? -2 " .. 1 - r �: (4,-yr.✓`i'-'3-e_-...r..in ) A:•1fst 7` ;' r ;. a... / , ,.�,,•� 'rtf ,, '4:d''[.,1�".-4...�+' `.'--,�;''.1-a:r',�G.. rig :,-a..:f. .'G.e/„::,P�-AL 61/i,`t�E.- �' • City of Renton ' - _ Mayor and,Council. Members Jan. 27, 1956 i, cc:' ,City Clerk. Dear Sirs: - i, . We, the pioperty owners adjoining the street described below, petition for vacating 129th. -Streot South,- -between'88 Ave. South and. 87th Ave. South. We had petitioned the County to 'vacate this street, prior,to the annexation - of this area by the City of Renton, but the, County Engineers office suggested that _ the problem be brought up with the officiyals of' the. City of Renton,, as annexation - was in the process at that time. ' They agreed that the street had very poor - possibilities as a future -thoroughfare,- it that some agreement would have to be.. made to allow the passage of facilities, as water and sewer thru this 'area, in _ the future. - The following are the -reasons why we present this petition: - . - . 1.- This street (129thSouth) is already vacated between 88 Ave. South ' and.90th Ave.- South an1 the possibility of making a continuation of 129th Street South between 87th Ave. South and 84th Ave.- South are very"remote, as the old County - - Rock- Quarry abounds in this 'Area and a .possible street would be a- problem. , .. 2. -The. Contour of the terrain between 88 Ave. South and 87th Ave. South, ` at this street makes the possibility of a,'future street almost impossible. The - street would be too steep for vehicle travel. - .. ,. - ' 3. Two of the houses, in .the:group'of three abutting this street are located one or very close, to the street right of'way. -. ' . - - - 14. "Vacating this street'would allow adjoining property owners to:improve - - the appearance of this property. - ,- - ' - ` , We, the adjoining,property owners request your attention to this problem at your earliest. convenience. _ /s/ RAY G. HARTMiAN 12823 88th Ave. So. - - - FRANCIS B. KELLER- 12822 87th Ave.! So. ' Mrs.. KENNETH THOMPSON 12910 88th Ave.So. - OLIVER ,BELLAND 12915 88th Ave. So. . ; " . . . O -. , . _ i .. . . . • ,z4/ k7i The shaded area.is the lend that would be added to the property if 3.129th is vacated according to existing petition. The actual chicken house is approximately 50, from Mr. Kenneth Thompeents residence on the north and , . ! about 701 from l'Ir• Cecil 1 Jordants residence on the south. //S • . ; — „,...„ • 7 ,....„„ . , . ,,,,,,_,_..„.„,,, .,.,. ..............„ , ,, .. .-,..;.2) -11„-7-../. (7,---7-e--6,-;;;A;'"?.--00.' -27,--7-"PV _i .11-..,tee/ / / -7-2----/ -79 4.r' /.-4-0.• , . 1 0 02' ---,V::,2"-g-',fe-v.7-4•71,0.7,-,,JLA i-F--2.- 1 ..y,,,,„ _, .,-,,,-;;;mp-7/-cp .,-: /7-;-.,-. 7)------_•0 -,/,r ,--- z !,:.-...-.-:,-.:,-z-.. , '5'1 • • r ..;•/44 • ,„.-,...:-.496,, ---?-6, ‘,.;-„.......7„,„.,7,,,.....,,.- I I./7.../.1,[t\ 1 / ....;p2-.. , [7:;',/;d7/ _ Ex ................ _ 77:" 7 r re / . , - -7-p,..1V- .s- of the,.`.Committee of the Council as a Whole on Monday evening, November 19. 1956 at8 P.M. and that one item business would be consideratio f a Councilman to fill the Council .vacancy, Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, reported in regard to the petition received from Joseph Lissman for the vacation of a portion of 131st Street between 90th Avenue South and 91st Avenue South, that the Committee recommend- ed that thb vacation be granted as this property was unusable as a street, also that there would be considerable work and expense in the developing of the roadway, includ- ing a high fill, and that this would also create a maintenance problem to the City. Councilman SWift stated that this matter had been investigated by the Street Commis- sioner also,,22Moved by Heppenstall, seconded by Bruce, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Street & Alley Committee. In regard to this matter, Rev, Marr, from the audience, stated that he had discussed this matter with the City Engineer, and that he thought there might be a possibility of using this roadway area as a cush- ion to take up the error in the survey---that this roadway area was level and that there was not a''steep grade there. Mr. Lissman who had requested the vacation 4 months previously, stated that Councilman Swift9s statements were correct and that he felt the Council should act on it. After discussion as to the possibility of using the roadway area, and\the matter of vacated street areas reverting to the adjacent property owners, it was moved by Trim, seconded by Hansen, that this matter be referred bacyto to the Street & Alley Committee for further consideration. Carried, Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, reported in rega• to the previous request of Ray Hartman,and others, for the vacation of South 129th Street between £37th and $Sth Avenue South, that this request be held pending the de- velopment of the area, that the Committee felt that 87th and 8 th Avenue South could be opened to connect with South 132nd Street, and that the petitioner's should be noti- fied that after it was determined what planning was made for this area, that any fur- 1 ther requests would be given consideration by the Council, Moved by Richardson, sec- onded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Committee. Councilman Swift reported in regard to the request of the Church of ` e a er Day Saints for cross walks, that the Street & Alley Committee recommended installa- tion of the crosswalks as requested; also, in regard to the outside lights, that the Police Department investigate and recommend the type of fixture that would be best. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Garrett, that the Council concur in the recommendation o±> the Committee. Carried_ / - 5 - benefits to be received thelCity are concerned---that V1iC of the bids received did not meet the specifications as they did not bid a firm price, and of the other tiro; the equipment of one was 'not suitable for Use in City of Renton alleys, that it was the Committee's decision that the bid of the Wester Disposal Company was the lowest responsible bid& The bid of the Western Disposal Company is as follows: Commercial Rate, $020 per can, first 20 cans or unit per month, $,122 per can for each additional can or unit, with a minimum rate of $1,22 per month. Residential Rate,(Cans not exceeding 25 feet from point of pickup)$1e.22 per month for . not more than 2 cans per week) 50 per month for each additional can per week thereafter, WITH THE FOLLOWING SUGGESTED RATES TO THE CUSTOMER -. any difference between the con- tract price and the customer price to coverthe cost of administration) billing and dump rental, Commercial Rate, $.25 per can, first 20 cans or unit per month, $*15 per can over 20 cans or units, MINIMUM CHARGE - 61035 per month* Residential Rate, (Cans not exceeding 25 feet from point of pickup) $1.35 not more than 2 cans per week. $1e85 - not more than 3 cans per week., $2035 not more than L. cans per weeks • $2085 - not more than 5 cans per week, with a corresponding charge for cans placed at a greater distance.. Moved by Richardson, seconded by Hansen, that the Council concur in the recommendation of the Sanitation Committee that the bid of the Western Disposal Company be accepted, that the contractor start making collections on January 1, 1957, and that the matter of dump rental be referred to the Ordinance Committee to draft the necessary Ordinance covering same, Carried* The Council was informed that the Contractor had advised the City that they would appreciate any City Employees presently working on garbage col- lection contact them in regard to working for them as their knowledge of the City and their past experience,would be helpful to the Contractor . Id �.�N Councilman Swift, Chairman of the Street & Alley Committee, requested the. City Engineer and Fire Chief to investigate the two requests for street vacations in Earl.- ington Addition as soon as possible, so the Committee would be able to consider the requests further* /� c , _,.; ) .