HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - 132nd St - Assembly of God 12.10.57. ' Committee report on request of Assembly of God Church for vacation of 132nd between 90th and 91st Avenue South. A meeting was held Tuesday "12.10.57" by the Committee along with the City Engineer and Reverend Mair relative to moving 132nd to another location. At the request of the City Engineer, he would like more time to study the feasibility of this change of 132nd . Some checking will be made as to existing streets, street intersections and grade. When this checking has been conpleted, we will again have a meeting and come in with our Committees recomendation. ;237‘jor T 1 . d. LOTTO. r Renton Planning Commission MINUTES Dec„ 116 1957 Members Present:- Ch„ Jim Denzer, Ed Swanson, Lewis Perotti, John Austin, Miles Lotto,. Chas. ImlcGarrigle, Alden See, Wes.. Busch,.'Jerry Cordell, & Pete Myers Don Humble, Jim Highton, & Walt. Will were also present. la The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved with then following corrections„ 1). 7i 2 to read " preliminary and final plat" 2). 22 Don Humble stated that the Bardesono and Val Airey petitions did not have Plot Plans when submitted and he therefore were not valid zoning requests and he objected to the calling calling for the hearing. 2, Don Humble reproted regarding the street vacation request of Starvich & Johnson was not a legal request in that they were reported by the engineers office as not the sole ovmers on the property involved.. 3. The committee studying the Variance request of the Nazarene Church reported that they recommended that the variance be allowed provided adequate parking for both the existing structure and the proposed building be. provided as specified in the Ordinance. It was moved by I.IcGarrigle, seconded Peretti; that we concur in the recommendations of the committee. Motion Carried. 4. A report was made by the committee studying the Special Permit. of I?Ir. Van C. ' Dillon to construct a 9-plex on lot 31, block 46 Renton Highlands r 2 Plat. ' The committee recommended that the Special Permit be granted. A letter was ' read from Planning Director Don Humble in which he stated that there were no circumstances or conditions peculiar to this land to deprive the owner of reasonablo use of his land, and that it was contrary to the original plans of the Planning Commission and the City of Renton to reduce the populations density of the area. A letter was also road from the Building Inspector Walt Will in which he stated that the property does not warrant this.. arianco as it is not working any hardship on the property owners. Ho further stated that the buildings requested would not be in harmony with the SR-2 District. After discussion, a motion was made by Alden See, seconded by McGarrigle; that we concur in the recommendations of the Committee. Motion Carried. It was moved by Cordell, seconded by Perotti; that a hearing be called for tho � . meeting of Jan. 8, 1958. Motion Carried. (Louis Perotti rescinded from voting on this matter as his Company was connected with the sale of the property..) 5. The report of the committee studying the Special Permit and .Variance request of W.A. Harrison was read,. Tho committee rocomendod the granting of a special permit to build a triplex on this property, and recommended tho granting of a variance for a 19' rear yard instead of the 25 ' required. They stated that the rear yard slopes steeply toward the back property lino and the smaller back-yard would not harm other property owners. A letter was road from lgalt Will Bldg. Inspector stating that the property does not warrant this variance as it is not working a'hardship on the property owners. A letter was road from Planning Director Don Humble stating that no circumstances or conditions which. arc peculiar to this land that do not apply generally to other land in the neighbor.- hood and which deprive the applicant of reasonable use of his land. He recommend- ed that the variance should not be granted. It was moved by E. Swanson, seconded by Cordell; that we concur in the recommendations of the committee, and that a hearing be called for Jan. 8, 1958 if one was not already advertised for Dec, 18. Motion Carried„ r , Ronton Planning ' Commission Minutes «2« Dec. 11, 1967 6. The committee reported which was studying the rezoning request of Harold C. Leo forTraot A Block 26B,_ Ronton Highlands Corrected Plat # 2. The committee statod " that they could see no objections to rezoning this property. 7. The conrmittoo studying the street vacation request of the Assembly of God stated that they had some more checking to do with the City Engineor and further study the surrounding streots.. 1hon .this has boon completed, they said thoy would thou make there final report and recommendations. . 8. The committee studying tho Rozoning petition of Fred Peacock for a tarilor park, stated that he would have to reviso his application and plot plan in light of the new ordinance so that it would conform. Until this was done they would not be able to make a report. ' 9. '' The request of A.P. 'Burzonski'for a vraianoo of a front yard to 14 1-6" instead of the required 201 because of the bed-rack conditions of the land" It is tract 13 of the Wallin ea Edwards First Addition. • It was moved by Cordon, seconded by McGarriglo; that we recommend to granting of the Vraianco as requestod. Motion carriod. ' 10. The final plat of Ridge Crest #2 was presented for study and rocommendations. A motion was mado by Perotti., seconded by Lotto; that the plat bo filed until the street is black-topped or a bond is posted covering the black-topping of this street, and ho so bo notified. Motion Carried. 11. The rezoning petition to rezone Lot 13 Wost of Grady 14ay,. Lots 14,15,16,17,18, MIA 19,° & 20 s presented.• It had boon submitted by Angolo boric and was to rozono from •R-3 to B-1. Those lots more in' Block 17 Town of Renton.. It was moved by See, seconded by Lotto; that a hearing bo called for Jan., 8,, 1958.. 12. A'latter was road from Planning Director Don Humble stating that the property lying along tho'top of tho bank ,at the northoastorly edge of Ronton Sconis Hill is zoned H-1(Hoavy Industry).• He further oallod attention that the remainder of Sonic Hill oast of a lino midway between Mill & Cedar Streets is zoned R-1.• Ho rocoxmiondod that tho Planning Commission take necessary, stops to offoct the rezoning of the doscribod H-1 area in order to protoot the residential character of tho Ronton' Scenic Hill.. 13. City Engineer Highton reported that we would be getting a Variance roquost for tho now sorvico station at 4th & Paric to permit thorn to make additional driveways., After discussion ho was requested to make recommendations for the next mooting. 14. Thoro being no further business, the mooting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m.. Jim . Donzor I Chairman C, G, My o r s Soorotary r• Renton Planning Commission MINUTES November 27, 1957 Members Present:... Ch, Jim Denzer, :,like Lotto, Wes. Busch, Alden See, Chas. McGarrigle, John Austin, Lewis Peretti. , Don Humble, Planning Director, Jim Highton, and Walt Valls of the City Egineering Dept. were also present. L. Minutes of the previous meeting, of Oct 23, 1957 were read and approved. 2. The hearing on the final Plat of Block 15 & 31 of corrected plat of Renton Highlands W2 was opened. A motion was made by McGarrigle, seconded byLotto; that we recommend to the City Council the approval of the Final Plat of Renton Development Corp. as presented, Motion Carried. 3. Rezoning request of Fred Peacock was again presented. It had been held up pending the adoption of the Trailer Park Ordinance. It was turned over the a committee to work out solution and recommendations. The committee appointed was Mike Lotto Chairman, Alden See, '[es, Busch, and Lewis Peretti. 4. The variance request of Mr. Chas. Shane was brought up for action. The committee studying this request made the following recommendations.: "---that the committee ittee recommend that the variance be granted, provided that all buildings, building overhangs, walks and/or other improvements be within the boundaries of the owners property line." They stated that this recommendation was concuured in by the City Engineer, and the Planning Director. Lewis Peretti moved, seconded by Lotto; that we recommend to the City Council that they concur with the committee's recommendations in the granting of this variance as written. Motion carried. 5. The Wallin & Edwards annexation petition was brought up for discussion. Since no additional signers could be obtained to square off this section, it Was moved by See; seconded by McGarrigle;,that tyre recommend the annexation of the tract. Motion Carried, 6. The request by the Nazarene Church for a variance was placed in the hands of a new committee. The committee consists of Wl1os. Busch, Chairman, Jerry Cordell, Alden See, and Mike Lotto, 7. The Special Permit of Alex C. Van Dillon was discussed. A committee of John Austin Chairman, McGarriglo,, and Peretti was appointed to study the request and report back at the next meeting. 6. The final Plat of portion of Block 16 Corrected Plat of Renton Highlands W2 of H.H. Smiley was presented, A motion was made by Lotto, seconded by Cordell; that we recommend to the city council the acceptance of Final Plat. Motion Carried.- 9. It was moved by Chas, McGarriglD, seconded by See; that the Public Housing Auhtority be advised to correct their error in the 7th Ave. North Street. Motion carried, 10. The final Plat of Honey Creek park was introduced for acceptance. -Moved by See, seconded by Cordell, that we recommend to the city council that they accept the Final Plat of Honey Creek. Motion Carried. v Renton Planning Commission Minutes -- 2 Nov. 27, 1957 11. The Final Plat of Replat of Block 12,13,14,36,37,38 of corrected plat of Highlands #2 was presented. Motion was made by Lotto, seconded by See, that we recommend to the City Council, that they accept the Final Plat as submitted. Motion carried. The committee reporting on the variance request of Matt Minerich stated that they recommended that it not bo granted. A motion was made by Cordell, seconded by Austin; that we concur in the recommendations of the committee.Motion carried. N. Rezoning request was presented on Tract A Block 26B corrected plat of Renton High- lands #2, Harold C. Lee owner. Moved by See, seconded by Cordell that a hearing bo called on Dec. 18th, 1957. Motion Carried. A committee consisting of Peretti, Chairman, Cordell, and McGarrigle was appointed to study the requost and report back at the next meeting. 1.4. Director Don Humble was requested to advertise the Special Meeting which is being sot up one week duo to the Christmas holidays. ?.5. Request of Shaw Drugs to constrmct an incinerator was turned over to the building Department, 16. A potition for s street vacation by Starwich & Johnson for street lying between 87th So. & '88th So. was presented. A committeo was appointed to investigate. The committee is Cordell Chairman, See and Denser. 1.7. Variance request of Geo. Nakashoma was presented. Moved by Busch, seconded by Cordell; that a hearing be st for Doc. 18th 1957. Motion Carried 18. Variance request of Mr. Ausman was presented. Moved by See, seconded by Cordell; that a special permit be granted to Mr. Ausman on Garden St. Motion Carried., 7.9. Street Vacation of the Assembly of God was presented. It was for vacation of 132nd botvreon 90th & 91st Avo. So. Moved by See, seconded by Cordoll that it be placed in the hands of a committee to study. Motion Carried. Lotto, chairman, Austin, and McGarrigle were appointed to act as this committee. 20. A request by the General Petroloum Co. to erect a sign on City property on Bronson Way Worth was presented, moved by McGarrigle, seconded by See; that we rocommond against the erection of said sign on city property. Motion Carried.. 21. A request for Special Pormit and Variance submitted by William llarrison, to build - a tri-plox on the corner of 13th & I St, Ronton Highlands was presented. A motion was made by Austin,, seconded by McGarriglo; that a hearing be sot for Dec. 18 h, and it be placed in the hands of the committeo which is roporting on the Van Dillon potition„ Motion Carried. e2. Petitions of Bardosono and Val Airey for rezoning were prosontod. It was moved that a hearing be called for Dec. 18th and a committee be appointed to investigate and report back._ Motion Carriod. The committee appointed were See, chairman, Busch, and Cordoll, 23. Letters vroro road from the Planning Director concerning recommendations and reports from his office. _ 24. The mooting adjourned at 11:15 p.m.