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� r CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: November 30, 1998 TO: Sandi Seeger/Karen Codiga FROM: ! Lesley Nishihira, x7270't SUBJECT: Stonegate Lot Line Adjustment, File #LUA-98-158, LLA This Lot Line Adjustment has been approved and sent to the County for recording. Once recorded, we will receive a copy of the mylar and the recording number. Please update the status of the proejct in SIERRA as well as on the project tracking list. Thank you. 007 DECMEMO.D0C1 CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: November 30, 1998 TO: City Clerk's Office FROM: Lesley Nishihira, Development Services Division, x7270' SUBJECT: Stonegate Lot Line Adjustment; File#LUA-98-158, LLA Attached please find the above-referenced original mylar and three copies of the mylar for recording with King County. Please have Consolidated Delivery & Logistics, Inc. take these documents via: 1-hour service ($20.55)-1:00 PM deadline to City Clerk 2-hour service ($16.55)-12:00 PM deadline to City Clerk X 4-hour service ($12.45)-10:00 AM deadline to City Clerk Attached is a check for the amount of$12.45 for the fee to CD&L. According to Finance, the King County recording fees for this and all subsequent plat recording should be charged to account#000/007.590.0060.49.000014. Please call me at x7270 if you have any questions. Thank you. cc: Property Management Yellow file Document2\ OF::RENTON ••LL 3�'° j. Planning/Building/Public Works Department t..: _ Gre Zimmerman P,E:-,Administrator Jesse:Tanner,Mayor gg. •. - . ,. , • November 25, 1998 • Neil Cabbage • • Horton Dennis &Associates, Inc. 320-Second Avenue South Kirkland; WA 98033-6687 • SUBJECT: . - Stonegate Lot Line Adjustment Project No. LUA-98-158, LLA Dear Mr. Cabbage: The City;has ,finished reviewing your proposed lot ,line adjustment and is now ready to approve and send the final version for recording. Please, submit the original signed mylar and a check for$12.45:made out to CD&L (for courier fees) to me at the third floor counter- of City Hall. Please verify that the mylar has been signed by all owners of record and that the mylar has been notarized with an ink stamp.(not embossed). „The ink stamp must be legible so that King County will promptly record the,lot line adjustment. If you have further questions regarding this project, please call me,at (425) 430-7270. • Sincerely, • 471/;" Lesley Nis ihira 0- _ • , Assistant.Planner. - cc: Daniel & Kimberly.Sherman, Property Owners Chaffey Corporation, Property Owners • ume \ 1055 South Grady Way,-Renton,Washington 9805.5 ; - Thls nansar rnntainc FO%rarJnlnrl material 9I1%nnet rnna imor CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: November 5, 1998 TO: Sonja Fesser, Property Services FROM: Lesley Nishihira, Development Services Division, Extension #7270 SUBJECT: Stongate Lot Line Adjustment, File#LUA-98-158-LLA Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment. If all Property Services concerns have been addressed and you are now able to recommend recording of the mylar, please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However,r if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording (re)recording, please let me know. Thank you. Property Services approval: I. '° \ Ill to Name Dto Robert T. Mac Onie, Jr. Mapping Supervisor cc: Yellow File ( Q n �J � � }/s� „At....„ i 1/Icy98 PLATMEMO.DOC\ _ r r !1. = i 7 r r , r I. ...i ! I 'i 4.)'3: G j [ ! ( l I. .....CITY ii:4:.....a::•bnl'-j�1-r'h'`l,.t r .L .. . _ ITYIOF RENTON MEM ;ORA:NDUM DATE: November 9, 1998 !� TO: • Sonja Fesser, FROM: . . l " Ron Strak - Staff Contact : Mike Dotson ' SUBJECT: Application Review for Stonegate Lot Line Adjustment, LUA-98-158-LLA, Lots 9 and 10. As requested in your memo dated November 6, 1998; the following are the concerns and comments of the Surface Water Utility regarding the subject Lot Line Adjustment. As shown on the attached plan sheet, we do have existing facilities•along the alignment of the lot linel:between ,.lots' 9 and., 10. We-are aware that ,there is: an. existing easement. dedicated over.these facilities. If the easement area is not restricted by the adjustment of ;. the lot line; .we 'continue and ;;tp,have,easement:rights:to maintain, repair': _and replace e our facilities, then we have no issues with the adjustment of the lot line. .. " "For'your-information; there are many'occasions when easements'do not align with lot lines. . 'Easement areas are subject to:the terms"of the easement:language that dedicated'it snot overlaying lotlines 'Vic i;.��,,ld!' E k:r[ 4o h.�-�' o.r��_� ' s'�..�'r .:L%- �K � oL=: j-wti . ':;Therefore-our recommendation-,is.that'because.there..are.'currently£;surface water.;facilities :,,;. < . :-located within the,easement area, that:the}requested lot line adjustment be. accomplished -' _ without infringing on the existing•facilities oreasement rights: - ' ' = :: t':: • If you havelany questions please contact Mike Dotson at X-7392. Thank you. • • c:/winword/work/LLA.doc/mdd CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: November 5, 1998 TO: Neil Watts, Plan Review FROM: Lesley Nishihira, Development Services Division, Extension#7270 SUBJECT: Stonegate Lot Line Adjustment, File #LUA-98-158-LLA Attached is the most recent version of the above-referenced lot line adjustment. If required improvements have been installed and/or deferred and any other Plan Review concerns have been addressed and you are able to recommend recording of this lot line adjustment, please initial this memo below and return to me as soon as possible. However,;if you have outstanding concerns or require additional information in order to recommend recording, please send a written summary at your earliest convenience. Thank you. JePlan Review approval: i IAA Name Date cc: Yellow File PLATMEMO.DOC\ r _ IT OF RENTON • mu.°="=:�U, - - Planning/Building/Public Works Department • "r ` • . - Greggimmerman P.E. Administrator - Jesse Tanner,Mayor : gg October 29,"1998 . • Mike Mickiewici PLS _ • Horton, Dennis, &Associates, Inc. ,. 320 Second Avenue South Kirkland,I WA 98033-6687 • SUBJECT:. ' Stonegate Lot Line Adjustment I Project No. LUA-98-158, LLA Dear Mr.iMickiewicz: I . The City'l of Renton has,reviewed your proposed lot line adjustment. Please make the following changes so that we may approve your proposal: . 1. Please provide on the plan the distance from the revised property line to the closest point of the existing structure.' 2. The ground floor square footage of the existing structure on lot 9 will need to be shown on the plan. 3. Note the City's land use action number(LUA-98-158-LLA) and the,City's land record number(LND 30-175) on the drawing. The type size.used for theland record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number: •7 t: - ''.;, 4. The approval line for the City of Renton Director of Development Services should be removed.. 5. The new legal description forslots 9 and 10 should include the section,township and range. 6. The new legal description for lot 9 is also in error. That portion,of lot 10 which attaches to lot 9 lies northedv of the described line, not-southerly,of said line. , 7. Note the date the existing monuments were visited, per WAC 332-130-050 1.f.iv., if not the same as noted in the Surveyor Certification. Once the above changes have been made, please submit two copies of the lot line adjustment to me for review. -If you have any questions regarding your application or the changes requested'above, please contact me at(425)430-7270; Sincerely,1 ; It frt!_5 47/352--D - • , - Lesley Nishihira • • Assistant Planner cc: Daniel&Kimberly Sherman/Property,Owners • Ch alley Corporation/Property Owners: REVISRE:noc�. 200 Mill Avenue South `Renton;Washington 98055 . - ,, This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer - • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: October 23, 1998 TO: Leslie Nishilura FROM: Sonja J. Fesser t)1( SUBJECT: Stonegate Lot Line Adjustment,LUA-98-158-LLA Format and Legal Description Review Bob Mac Onie and I have reviewed the above referenced lot line adjustment submittal and have the following comments: Comments for the Applicant Note the city' land use action number(LUA-98-158-LLA) and the City's land record number(LND- 30-175) on the drawing. The type size used for the land record number should be smaller than that used for the land use action number. The approval line for the City of Renton Director of Development Services should be removed. The new legal descriptions for Lots 9 and 10 should include the section,township and range. The new legal description for Lot 9 is also in error. That portion of Lot 10 which attaches to Lot 9 lies northerly of the described line,not southerly of said line. Note the date the existing monuments were visited,per WAC 332-130-050 1.f.iv.,if not the same as noted in the Surveyor Certification. Note the square footage of the house on Lot 9. Comments for the Project Manager: Does this realignment of the property line have an adverse impact on the maintenance of, or access to, the underlying drainage easement? • \\TS SERVER\SYS2\COMMONU:\SFESSER\STNGTLLA.DOC October 21, 1998 Page 2 Fee Review Comments: Lots within or affected by the lot line adjustment are subject to the city's special charges,if applicable. • City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: 'Five ?rev Altiv% COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 29, 1998 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-158,LLA DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 15, 1998 APPLICANT: Horton Dennis&Associates, Inc. PROJECT MANAGER: LESLE;YNIS IHIRA F: lPPT PROJECT TITLE: Stonegate Lot Line Adjustment WORK ORDER NO: 78450 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU LOCATION: 5310 NEI24th Court . OCT 1 6 19913 SITE AREA: 38,936 square feet I BUILDING AREA(gross): N/A1;;,— � SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting the revision of the dividingroe line two aId' n arcels. PP q 9 property rtY J P The purpose of the Iot!line adjustment is to correct the property line so that it lines up with a fence that has been erroneously constructed. LI '-LOPMENT FL c.; ur r.trw i , A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the I Probable Probable More Element of the P►obab$4 Li C iPio'bailliPQ More Environment Minor Major Information . Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary - Imp cpisr'r fityprits,-f"i Necessary Earth ! Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants I Recreation LandrShoreline Use Utilities Animals _ Transportation • Environmental Health I Public Services Energy/ I Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet /0 • • • B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS ' 9� • We have revi ed this application ith particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where addrti al information is/:ed to property assess this proposal • .0 �.V I / 9 Signatur of Director or Authorized R-•resentative Date DEVAPP. OC Rev.10/93 • City a_ __-nton Department of Planning/Building/Pu Vorks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: Kat 17eJ1teu) COMMENTS DUE: OCTOBER 29, 1998 APPLICATION NO: LUA-98-158,LLA DATE CIRCULATED: OCTOBER 15, 1998 APPLICANT: Horton Dennis&Associates, Inc. PROJECT MANAGER: LESLEY NIEII /.di°47e 11 PROJECT TITLE: Stonegate Lot Line Adjustment WORK ORDER NO: 78450 �'�el SON LOCATION: 5310 NE 24th Court 9 i998 SITE AREA: 38,936 square feet I BUILDING AREA(gross): ASlWit.i) s" 1` SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting the revision of the dividing property line between two adjda ¢arcels. The purpose of the lotiline adjustment is to correct the property line so that it lines up with a fence that has been erroneously constructed. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air i Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use ! Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS Zecu ✓vlwleIL� TVOinq , C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS PVC) c..0 W/e . We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional infonpation s nee ed to properly assess this proposal. / Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date DEVAPP.DOC Rev.10/93 c r= CITX- -JF RENTON •..1L 'f i' ,;_ 1 Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator • October 15, 1998 • • Mri Mike Mickiewicz, PLS • Horton Dennis&Associates, Inc. • 320 Second Avenue South Kirkland, WA 98033-6687 SUBJECT: Stonegate Lot Line Adjustment(LLA) Project No. LUA-98-158,LLA Dear Mr. Mickiewicz: The Development Planning Section of'the City of Renton,;has determined that the subject application is complete according to'submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review.` Following our review,you will be notified: (1) that additional information/corrections are required to continue processing your application; or (2) that the lot line adjustment appears ready for approval and the mylar is being requested. Please contact me, at(425)430-7270,if you have any questions. Sincerely, Lesley Nis ' Ira ' Project Manager - - • cc:, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sherman/Owners • • ACCPTLTR.DOC 200 Mill Avenue South -Renton,Washington 98055. • -65 This oaoer contains 50%recycled material.20%post consumer .......................:.......::::..::.....:..:::..::.......:.::.:...:.::.: SE. PERM .....:.:.::::..:::.........::.: ................................................ • MASTER-AP PLICAT I OPt------"":---x-x"-'*x" >;`»`PRQP:ET1f>O'fIVN:ER ::.:;>:<.;;::.;:.;:.;:.;;;>:.::.;;:.::.................................................................. ....�....:.::.::.::::.::..:::::.�:::::::::. .................................. ................................... . ..MATRON....................:............. `fVgt.-.:If.:...:.:r.:;t9;r�i•,re::2leri`bh.:Ie .�.:.Wn.t,.•..ease'atecf►driaddiporiel: minarzed� gtetii:.::;:ei:iaa. :;::::Q:::.e::C •;,p•:.:..e:}: :':'• :':::':: ;: :i::: ::::::::::::::: '#:'::n an d.Ma t c.Appl� .........................................,........., PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME: STc•k-L i ZTh L� LAi t. A, A US►net =."L►T 12etL lLL_ �► lt.Lrvti3�2L�/ S,.Is21Ai L PROPERTY/PROJECT ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION: ADDRESS: 53\12) I ALL. 241I CT. 5310 ALCr z.4 Cr. CITY: 2l_1.1Tei 1._l ZIP: CLSO Sq KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 8o3Sd-lo - ooao TELEPHONE NUMBER: ' EXISTING LAND USE(S): �LI.IC1lL ( AYYAIL.`/ G51171-n]CL ..::::::::. >1=AP L CANT"�f :::ther >ha::: :: : ::>::::::er;•' ';<<`<''> .....................::..::P.:::1:.:.::.:..:..:.:..::::t..:.:.:at.:.::.::...:::'�:.:.:::n:;awn.er).:.:�.::::::.:::::.:.:;.:. PROPOSED LAND USES: NAME: MULL=. MiCILi t_u 3 i C�� BLS Awl COMPANY(if applicable): I� EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: (AO ZTc tU �6 i LS S PVS SOcI ATem R ADDRESS: 32_0 SON• PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): CITY: -.12.14.L.Q.L)� ZIP: O18033-64C.a7 OEVELOfl NT PLAH EXISTING ZONING: LIMY OF RENTC - l .00T 12 19BB TELEPHONE NUMBER: 2S - $ZZ- ZS ZS PROPOSED ZONING (if applice65I.•eEC 7 AVE D .......... SITE AREA(SQ. FT. OR ACREAGE): NAME: SDM( AS Q��L_.c4L.1T lOL c1- -rL ki •: 2.0• s35 jx i?vac,iaosEt COMPANY(if.appliceble) PROJECT VALUE: hi/A • ADDRESS: IS THE SITE LOCATED IN THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA? o CITY: ZIP: IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA? TELEPHONE NUMBER: kirb :•isii%(isy:%::'is4iiiii}ii'ti4riiii:;it•{'{i:?;?i::i:iiiLii::Q:rj;i;•ii: - _ ;i::yi::ii::s[li•::}:'' :;:;:;2;:::::::::'li:i::::ii':i::::i::`:l'. iiiiii:•:!•:.......... ....... :. !�iiii:Q:i:;>:yi::i:{ti}Oipj•>ii}i::�}O:[}bi:i'iii iL.i}is ii::[�:ii�::.ny:ii::{i:::Yi:':::i::::ii::�i .RE�P.ERTY::�A .:�� . ��.:.:�::::::::::::�::� ::: �. ::.�:::::'Y}.:::::<...........::>:::::.;::.; ::. ._w�Cl�?11C;:(�!.:::.;: .:::::::::::::.............................................�,. ...... Lo-t' q . 'PLIaT o F STen ?era_ 2E Co 2.CJ CD 1►J • \1oLLarn�. 1-11 oi= SLATS . PAGES L.Z.- G08 . 2.ccozOS or- C-) Ci5vn_11-" . V.LASlrltniC,To i.l. • • f. . «.:::::::::::.:>:::.:;:.;:<.:;;:::<:>:::.::.;:.:;.;:.::.::. .....:....:::.::... :.::.::,...:.�.>_. ..i .�_ .::..,,:,::::.,. �.:.::'. .:.:.:::..;':::�'::::.:���. .;:<sta..........II..I..:det..............e....ees,...........................:.................. :..:..:::.:::t'YES:..................:.....:PP..Y.....:..;:.�::::::.......::.,. • _ANNEXATION $ SUBDIVISION: _ COMP. PLAN AMENDMENT $ _ REZONE $ 1-LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT $ ZIO SPECIAL PERMIT $ _ SHORT PLAT S' " —TEMPORARY PERMIT _ - • • :$ _TENTATIVE PLAT $ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $ _ PRELIMINARY PLAT • — $ _ SITE PLAN APPROVAL $ _ FINAL PLAT $ _GRADE & FILL PERMIT $ (NO. CU. YDS:- i • •) - ' • PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: $ _VARIANCE $ • (FROM SECTION: ) _ PRELIMINARY _WAIVER $ _ FINAL — • WETLAND PERMIT $ —ROUTINE VEGETATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: $ MANAGEMENT PERMIT $ _ BINDING SITE PLAN $ , SHORELINE REVIEWS: _ SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT $ . _ CONDITIONAL USE $ _VARIANCE $ _ EXEMPTION • $No Charge _ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW $ REVISION $ • I, (Print Name)MtKAE 1.4144Ltie WIC.Z,declare that I am(please check one)_the owner of the property involved in this application;V the authorized representative to act for the property owner(please attach proof of authorization),and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ATTEST: Subscribe and ttiorn t- • 'v• .Ii i and M6Kf. ly( WICa,G1.Cs lCZ for the State of W�S resi• gat Name of Owner/Representative) &AL CI'e,,s , w4 , on e 1AdayI IARY PUBLIC ( Del- 194 STATE OF WASHINGTON • ERIC M MUSIEL PAy(Signature of Owner/Representative) ,c ' _ ? "i ent Expires JUL 20,2001. :: • (Signature of Notary Public • ;;::,,::;;:<.;:.;::;:" ;:.: .:. :..::.. ..::: :....... ..:.:::::.;...;:;::.;A:.;:::;�►AD.;;;:.;BSP.;;:.;::CAP'.:S.:::.:CAP-:U::>>:;CPA.::::.CU:A;;;;;:CU.:.H:::::.EC . .::: LA;:.::>: :>s... MASTERAP.DOC REVISED 8/97 • :+:ki}:•ii is :3:#:{�:{::::::.:�:::::.�.�:::::::::.:::::::::... raw;, .. w:n...........4::iivviiil iiii{:i>.i:i:iii:i:•is4Yv:�iY:{:{•is+:•i::C:4i:f:4•.ii:{•i:{•i::. 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ZIP: 9,8383 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 8035 4O- 0�00 • TELEPHONE NUMBER: 4IZS- 82.Z- 5c a( EXISTING LAND USE(S): ...........:................................................................................................................................. StLLGL1_ t=Ar Q.k..S Ol.V CAE. ............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................. > p .,.::: :i:A°:T:::::' <�....A..PL1.�AN...... �.f..ifrxhef Ahartb.wn.er.: :<:::>::>:>:>::<>;:<:»::::> PROPOSED LAND USES: NAME: MILLL IY1 i ClG l ELn ►BLS SAYv►t.- COMPANY(if applicable): EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: 1-lo12-1-C1►�1�E1.L.Llg 5 AsSOctl� ADDRESS: 32.0 SL'.c01.11� �VG1.lt�Ls SooTL.( PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): • CITY: I+Ct2t[..L.A.a ZIP: %033-�G'I`) • EXISTING ZONING: i 3EVFLOPMENT PLAN CITY OF RENTC . TELEPHONE NUMBER: 42.S- SZ.Z- 2 2.S OCT 12 19 PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): D :>:::::::::::::>:<:i::<::{.i<i>::;:::::iii:i::::iii: C>,°.19T .CE E:is;.. ;.::,'><: '`E »< >><> > >'' i:.iii:.i::i::ii::i::::i':::;:::ii::{i:i::{:i;:i:<�:: • • SITE AREA (SQ. FT. OR ACREAGE): NAME: SA• • As QP LLCbtiJ i �,g, ctS-) Z1 Lxt5T1rUC-- .' • COMPANY(if applicable): PROJECT VALUE: Lt/A' ADDRESS: IS THE SITE LOCATED IN THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA? tto CITY: ZIP: IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA? TELEPHONE NUMBER: ro • :: i::ii}ii:iii'r:::Y::i'ri't:Siii:'}:........:...: :: ::?j; ..' .td :ii . ...'. :.}:n,::{:...;Y ,. !vi::4•.ii.}..iit?ni;e .'}::.'isi>:4:4:is:}:ii::ii::i::::ii::::i}::::i?i :. :::A. .. ,: ::f::necessar.;:.:;:<:>:_:]:i:::�>::»:::;:iiiiii:;:>:::i-ii: - �.PF�':T'�::::.A1t>Ea.�h.;;s� .. ��::s.Crt�.�t;�...;.�::.�::�..:�::.�::::::.Y.�::::::.:......:...:....::::::. ..�: • LimT \0, PLA i e F STDrUl_G.ATl=, •c PLAT 12=C.0-¢--l-r %.k.± vcn,Lu'fAI V11 CC PLATS,'?AC-,e.S 62.- t 8 2.e.:co ..zs 01= v.tKie, Coour1 a Vt.{AS4l(A.)c,Yoa, ::::::::::: am :.::;:.::.:::.:::::.:::::.�.�:.�:::::.. . ;>: ::: � ::. . . :. I�at:.a . 1. .:::.:+�i. :::staff:iw :l.:determine.:�e:.:..:::::......::: . .,,.:,..::.....::...... ::.::.:;:.:;:;:<::.:.>::.::.::.:::.::.:::.::.;:.;;:i.;:Gia.�e:cic;:.atl.;a. ::pl�cat offay a::;: ::.. PP.:Y,.,.:.. !.::: ANNEXATION - ' =•-•- '•-' $; SUBDIVISION: . — COMP. PLAN AMENDMENT $ _ REZONE $ --LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT $ — _ SPECIAL PERMIT $ _ SHOR-TPLAT -• : < '$ - TEMPORARY PERMIT ' ' - $ •' _ — • TENTATIVE PLAT $ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $ _ — PRELIMINARY PLAT $ — SITE PLAN APPROVAL $ _ FINAL PLAT: . ... _ $ _GRADE & FILL PERMIT $ (NO,,CU:YDS: _ • ' i • ') - •• ,. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: $ VARIANCE $— (FROM SECTION: ) _ PRELIMINARY —WAIVER $ _ — FINAL • •• - • • • , WETLAND PERMIT =- ,$ - _ — ROUTINE VEGETATION MOBILE HOME PARKS: $ MANAGEMENT PERMIT $ BINDING SITE PLAN $ _ SHORELINE REVIEWS: _ SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT $ _ CONDITIONAL USE $ { VARIANCE $_ _ EXEMPTION $No Charge _ ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW $ REVISION $ ; ...............:.:..........................................:::.......................................IAFFIDalli<'i101:P::OWN......:............................................::. :::::.::........... I, (Print Name)TLle...(1 \MI('k4,u,J(C'7.declare that I am (please check one)_the owner of the property involved in this application, ahe authorized representative to act for the property owner(please attach proof of authorization), and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. • ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn.t, i u' •t= Public,in end Pit M‘CV..A.G I.CZ for the State of H+ s ': resi• g at 1 (Name of Owner/Representative) ' ' ' - ••' •' �l' �l Cv a..k. �,�+It , on ; e 7 day UfJTARY PUBLIC O T. 19 STATE OF WASHINGTON . . t E�MUSIEL �� MY Appnintrn ices JUL 20,2001' ( Ignature of/44-,Owner/Representative)' •,_, (Signature of Notary Public) pletdby,C `"Sta...: ).< <<'' ::i <:<< :«'< '` :<<< >::»>:"'.<:`<»<:>`<: ::: : : : :;; :.:<.;:.:;;:.:.:;:.;:.;:.:'.:::.;;; :. section<.toti:i�::co(n ate ..b ..0. ... t ff.............. ............................. ....... .............::::...::.:::... <::.:;::'.; �;:: :.�.. . ':::;:>::: :::::. P-S.;::>::;CAP-U;;:<:::.CPA::.;;:CU:A:.;:.;:.:CU::......... ...........:.............: : :::.:Ci. ::.I=iIa..N.umber... ::.:. .::... ..... V-:H. �::.:::: ;::»>:..:. ;:::>::<:: .»:::::.>:.:>;::::::.::.: P:>::>:SA.:A::::>:;SA-H;:<:::>SHP:,L;:A:::::SH..Pi..:H.::.:SP..:.:SM:.:.;.:S15tt.E.....TP...... ............... :«<::> :::<:>:<�tttf.P:.:,:.1~Pt117�.:..:.EP.PF'.R.....B�M....... . VIDED::>::$:<;; ; <:::'::::;;:<;;<: ::!: '` :>::.. :<::.;:.::.;:::.;'::.;'.;:.;:.;:.;.. :.. :: '.;:::;. �.>::;:: >:<:>:::>•::>::>::>>::>�>::>::>:>::::;>::>:::>::::>:>:>::::>::: :::> .' :' ':.>:P iAGE:PRO. . . . :. '::::::>:::::<::::>'TOTAL:.:I .::;.5.::::::.:. ::.::,::: :...::.: :.:::::::.. : T©,TAL,..a.ST:.:.:.:..:... : ...:.::::.:;:... .;'.;:.>. MASTERAP.DOC REVISED 8/97 Horton Dennis &Associates, Inc. HDA Consulting Engineers, Planners & Surveyors October 8, 1998 9523.21 City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 RE: STONEGATE Lot Line Adjustment Dear Sirs: This letter is being prepared as a part of the requested submittal package for a single family lot line adjustment. The project involves the minor adjustment of the line common to Lots 9 and 10, Plat of STONEGATE as recorded in Volume 177 of Plats, Pages 62 through 68 inclusive, Records of King County, Washington. The Plat is situated in a Portion of Govt. Lot 1 and Section 3, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., City of Renton. The adjustment is to move the common'rear corner 8.09 feet southerly as a result of erroneous fence construction. As stated above,this project involves the adjustment between two single family lots and will not adversely effect any setback requirements or Lot area. At the time of our survey,the only structure existing on the two lots was a single family residence on Lot 9. This is shown on the Lot line adjustment map attached. There is no requirement for any additional Utility or Access Easements. The Parking, Lot Coverage and Landscaping Analysis has been addressed through the building permit process. All Utilities,Drainage Control and Wetland issues were addressed during the Platting Process. Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions or require any additional information. Sincerely, Horton Dennis&Associates, Inc. Michael G. Mickiewicz, PLS op ®,� p 0 Principal `(C\� 1' a 4oc, 320 Second Avenue South, Kirkland, Washington 98033, Phone (425) 822-2525, Fax(425) 822-8758 Kirkland•East Wenatchee•Leavenworth ' Plat of Stonepat "Lot Line Adjustment Lots 9 & 10" Project: 9523 | Tue Oct 6 07:42:10 1998 Lot Map Check ----------------�----------------------------------------------_-- ---- | Lot name: NEW LOT 9 North: 8905.5 East: 8672.6444 Line Course: S 01-50 E Lenqth: 160.00 North: 8700.0303 East: 8832.5499 Line Course: S 04-10-16 E Lengths 140.00 North: 8160.4012 Oast: 8842.7329 Curve Lengths 4 .31 Radius: 50.00 Delta: 4 -37-41 Tanqent: 23.12 Chord: 41.97 Course: S 61-00-53 W Course In: S 04-10-16 E Course Out: N 53-47-57 W RP North: 8710.5336 East: 8846.3696 End North: 840.0645 East: 8806.0220 � Line Course: N 6-08-16 W Length: 16204 North: 8630.7905 East: 8670.8030 Line Course: N 1-24-51 E Length: 74.75 North: 8905.5258 East: 8672.6478 | Perimeter: 580.90 Area: 20,535 sq.ft. i Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0046 Course: S 46-11-13 E Error North: - .00321 East: 0.00334 Precision Is 125,424.03 ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------- Lot name: NEW 1.01 10 North: 8830.8 East: 8670.7996 Line Course: S 6-08-16 E Lengths 162.84 North: 840.0672 East: 8806.0187 Curve Length: 56.81 Radius: 50.00 Delta: 65-05-58 Tangent: 31.91 Chord: 53.80 Course: S 03-39-04 W Course In: S 53-47-57 E Course Out: S 61-06-05 W RP North: 010.5666 East: 8846.3663 End North: 8106.3733 East: 8802.5924 Line Course: S 1-06-05 W Length: 156.75 North: 8010.6221 East: 8665.3615 Line Course: N 1-24-51 E Length: 220.25 North: 8830.8050 East: 8670.7972 Perimeter: 596.66 Area: 18,401 sq.ft. | � Mapcheck Closure' - (Uses listed courses, radii , and deltas) Error Closure: 010045 Course: N 33-16-11 W Error North: 0100372 East: -0.00244 Precision 1: 133,974.99 | � i / ' • • CIIAFFEY 205 Lake Street South, Suite 101, POBox 560 CORPORATION Kirkland, Washington 98083, (206) 822-5981, Facsimile (206) 822-1508 • • ® October 5, 1998 9523,21 EMUS ■... ■u111•ir■ ■U■s8s1■ City ofRenton 1055 South Grady Way Renton,Washington 98055 • RE: STOMEGATE Lot Lae Adjustment Dear Slurs: On behalf of Chaffy),Corporation as well as Mr. and Mrs. Sherman,this letter is to serve as proof of authorization requesting that Mr. Mike Mokiewiaz,?LS at Horton Dennis&Associates,Inc. be designated as the authorized representative for this project. Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions or require any additional in#braustion, Sincerely, Chaffee►Corporation • • ICevini A M General Kirkhind Division 10/06/98 TUE 12:21 1TX/RX.NO 92051 lH H WSshi gton - ^ MUt�� Loan Servicing 1! •nd Avenue F.v."nox 91006 • Seattle,WA 08111 • August 27, 1998 Daniel L. Sherman Kimberly Sue Sherman 5310 NE 24th Ct Renton, WA 98059 VIA FAX: (206) 762-5928 RE: Loan 0012459681 Lot Line Adjustment Dear Daniel and Kimberly: Persuant to our phone conversation today, Washington Mutual Bank has been made aware of, and gives its consent to the proposed lot line adjustment to the property our loan encumbers. At this time, there are no legal requirements that you will need to fulfill. However, we do request a copy of the lot line adjustment after it has been recorded. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me at (206) 461-2216. DEVPMT PL P Sincerely, ELOCIIY OFEN FcEPd` 0�� 12 1` , -c RECEV Karen Yaeger Special Services Representative • GRAPHIC SCALE NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP 200 0 100 200 400 I LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT IN m 1 LOTS 9&10, PLAT OF STONEGATE ( IN F4T ) VOL. 177 PAGES 62 - 68 1 inch =I 200 ft. 2.E.►srou O Q.. 44S O LOT 1 Tr\ • \ TRACT f\ I ♦i I► . 26th ST T 1 ♦ 1 1 1 1 -/ T;; • ,*T ; 1 I I - IU V! 51 \/W• Q ./♦/ -\1 1 - 1 _ — 49 -;�; •-;i; ';:; -;i V t / -;-; 2 ; 2 0 i �" SE. 100th PL - `` .,. A0 NE. 2' „ ce �!1 ^, 1 _ 11 _ 1'1 71��ci 4908 ; ; A^ G._.. . . 1r ; 1; /[ /[{/�,y� %► %►:. •rd CTA;:'. ;E5 15 1:: It-In. 0 • - „,,. 11 1._ N�. O ;:: 1 17 I 8 9 ' 20 a;i L -. la.: I Z 1r ri � 8 42 ♦ •• a I A • I / 1 H0• IA ' T. E II' - 4 i 2;: IU-Utl-Eltl US:IbYM MIJM-UIYII YUUR t(Ub44tl0.,4tl I-r0U r.ui ur r'-aiu Tom. AFTER RECORDING MAIL.TO: ' DAHIEL L. BURN AM 5310 N.E. 24TH COURT 82I70o. VA 90059 1 1 Filed far Racial as Requera or Pi cat Aeerlean Talc Company E1crpar Number 25969X0I I Statutory Warranty Deed Orantat{a)- CHAFFEY CORPoMATION OraolcW): DANIer. L. SNERNAN, KINBI:RLY sDX 911XIINAN Abbreriala l LegAl• L er 9, sTONWG►TE, as par P1ar. recardaa an volume 117 of • Place. Page 62-68 lnclualve, records af•FING County, WA Addiaiawl acyiPa)on NIUU (`�lJl �4�y yZ Ai;:tars Tas Parcel Numbs:ME eog540-0090 T l5T�Vj • THE cRAItfrcutcaar rey CORPORATION, a Washington Corpecat:ion for and in eaupdcratioa of TgR DoLi.ARS AND oTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSI Pg AT1ON • 1 in band paid.4 n ays nod sauna to DANIEL L. 5It K& .N and KZMBeRLY sag aaapaaN, CI A4aDand and ralrp Mt rellaarirlg described real piale.Quiet!In Mc raunry or KING ,Stale of WarLtiRbiatr Los 9, imakuars. Accom XMo To TUB PLAT TERREQW 22008 m0 me voLpa 177 or wit PLATS. puree 62 THboD033 68, ARcvfma QT also caONTR, magnum*. SITUATE IN'THE COONS! OP EI1W. stir! OP stA8a2k017c f. ma=to 62.N EXHIBIT 'A• a7TActan limearTo AND BY Tara aaPPr aca anal a PART 2131I01. Dated Mk 31ac dayar December. 1997 By CRAPPEY ICORPORATjoN By BY I' 1�L. I'varlii,LB 11011287' CHATFEY, A RIVE ti.P. -' - STATE OF WABHIK County of I�INc J SS I eenli Mal I know erbaYe glufariary evidence rhea ROBERS CIBAPFEY it _a IDa paRtcA vbo 4ppelred Derwe :. me,and laid peiaon ackrwelodgw0 That na signed t• Hamm[,on oath awed rhea ha nu awharlrnd In ea reg:the inrt j i and acktImeirsage it a EXECUTIVE-vICE-B- -ID(t{IT of C ••F. `,TTTTTr RATION N• ro be lie fax and Volu a h pany for h - pu _ .rw. .._._ C, Meal: January ]'4. t �ri./�i �/,,.. C/` ''�9.s ���� �`� `� it �L' rtr tea. L. ' •FN1± / (� `�:`� lP An rrio N. a?ublta in and ror tha SOW Or /` /,>, sim ' ; My apptIntment eapinva: 5/20/99 ,� 1 , ..tciv / e. lie 411% N.no0;4 ;;;!? rt e i Pip I 1.111-10 El5O7tiQa O&/O6/98 49,9.9i 0359512.0Q . i1111111111111111 10/08/98 THU 15:14 [TX/RX NO 9288] lu.utl—en uS:IbrM rKUM—UrIIJ ruun +2064488349 T-780 P.03/07 F-510 • I `• •tt ,; , 1 • First American Title Insurance Company SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE ORDER NO. 301069-5 LIABILITY: $1,000.00 FEE: S200.00 TAX: S 16.40 FIRST AMERICAN TI, L E INSL'RANC L COMPANY. .t California corporation, herein called the Company, SUBJECT TO THE LIABILITY EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS SET FORTH BELOW AND IN SCHEDULE . . GUARANTEES CHAFFEY CORPORATION herein called the Assured, against actual loss not exceeding the liability amount stated above which the Assured shall sustain by reason of any incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A. LIABILITY EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS 1. No guarantee is given nor liability assumed with respect to the validity, legal effect Or priority of any matter shown herein. 2. The Company's liability hereunder shall be limited to the amount of actual loss sustained by the Assured because of reliance upon the assurance herein set forth, but in no event shall the Company's liability exceed the liability amount set forth above. 3. This guarantee is restricted to the use of the Assured for the purpose of providing title evidence as may be required when subdividing land pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 58.17, R.C.W., and the local regulations and ordinances adopted pursuant to said statute. It is not to be used as a basis for closing any transaction affecting title to said property. • LACrLoi i C� —/ p 10/08/98 THU 15:14 [TX/RX NO 9288] 10-08-08 03:16PM ' FROM-UNIT FOUR +2064486348 T-780 P.04/07 F-610 SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE CORDER NO. 301069-5 SCHEDULE A The assurances referred to on the face page are: A. Title is vested in: CHAFFEY CORPORATION, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION B. That according to the Curnp:.uly's title plant records relative to the following describied real property (including those records maintained and indexed by name), there are no other documents affecting title said real property or any portion thereof other than those shown below und:r .ecord matters. The tollowingl matters are excluded from the coverage of this guarantee: 1. Unpatei ted mining claims, reservations or exceptions in patents or in acts authorizing the issuance thereof. 2. Water rights, claims or title to water 3. Tax Deeds to the State of Washington. 4. Documents pertaining to mineral estate_. Description: PARCEL A: THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1 , SECTION 3 , TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT, NORTH 88°37' 17" WEST 30 .00 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THEREOF; THENCE NORTH 88°37' 17" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 594 . 68 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT WHICH IS 698 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OFISAID GOVERNMENT LOT; THENCE SOUTH 17°02' 52" WEST 556 . 69 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT WHICH IS S36 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT AND 548 FEET EAST OF THE WEST LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT; ,r,r. ^ " wA-4'7 N 951 10/08/98 THU 15:14 [TX/RX NO 9288] lu—uo—no ui:lorm riunr-uirii ruuI +Z084486848 T-780 P.05/07 P-b10 ORDER NO. 301069-5 THENCE SOUTH 1°25 07" WEST, PARALLEL: WITH SAID WEST LINE OF GOVERNMENT LOT, 595. 79 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO Ti!E SOUTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT; THENCE SOUTH 88°01' 27" EAST, ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 744 . 61 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT 30 FEET WESTERLY OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT AND ON THE WEST MARGIN OP 148TH AVENU. SOUTHEAST; THENCE NORTH 1°25' 22° EAST, ALONG SAID MARGIN, 30 . 00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88°01' 27" WEST 425 . 00 FEET; TI:ENCE NORTH 1°25' 22'' EAST 262 . 3.3 FEET; THENCE NORTH 65°00 ' 00" EAST 113 . 89 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°01' 27" EAST 323 . 00 FEET TO SALE WEST ROAD MARGIN, TO A POINT FROM WHICH THE POINT OF BEGINNING BEARS NORTH 1°25 ' 22 " EAST; THENCE NORTH 1°25 ' 22" EAST, PARALLF' ITU THE EAST LINE OFb. S ID GOVERNMENT LOT AND ALONG THE WEST MAP:-IN - _ AID 1118TH AVENUE �'. - SOUTHEAST, 735 . 55 FEET. MORE OR LESS, rO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL B : 1 THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 3 , TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 529 FEET THEREOF; (ALSO KNOWN AS LOT A, KING COUNTY LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER S- 90M0248 , RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO . )009210864 . ) Record►Matters : - J FACILITY CHARGES, IF ANY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO HOOK- C �\\ UP, OR CONNECTION CHARGES AND LATECOMER CHARGES FOR WATER OR " �, 1 SEWER FACILITIES OF CITY OF RENTON AS DISCLOSED BY ` � INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 3 , 1986 UNDER RECORDING NO, 01l2 8612031455H . �'""�TT � CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4510 ; BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ANNEXING CERTAIN 0' TERRITORY OF THE CITY OF RENTON (STONEGATE ANNEXATION; FILE NO. A494-0C2) , UNDER RECORDING NO. 9505030203 . (Ltiftth i 1110 DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: CHAFFEY CORPORATION, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION TRUSTEE: PSM FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT CORP. , A WASHINGTON CORPORATION BENEFICIARY: KEY BANK OF WASHINGTON, RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION LOAN DEPT. ORIGINAL AMOUNT: $3 , 375, 000 . 00 DATED:i AUGUST 11, 1995 I . -.. _ 10/08/98 THU 15:14 [TX/RX NO 9288] Iu-uo-cos uo;Irnil rnu -unii ruun Tguonnnba4tl 1-rou r•uorot r-olu QCHICAGO TITLE INSL ..c;E COMPAN 2 4 S." _ ,G I1,r,,It kLLtINJA r RLULNsr,n - HICAC,C)TITLE INS 'rz+nCE Cnr1P aN :530 NE 8TH STREET, SU:-E _'6. - BELLEVUE. WASHINGTON 98Q04 • ",II N mt.,IdlL1.D lu"ItR% r•, .• • ;ttAFFEY C=RPORATION P BOX 560 �7 Cs F-1 FIRKLAND. WASH I NGTr N 90083 • F7 • •lo,)z - a 9 ,5 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED _m S; THE URANTOR STONEGATE, .TP . A WASHINGTON CDRPORAT:CN P. N �' v Jl ITN DOLLARS AND ':HER G A= �'.D L.78_k ;:t::='a6+'":••+ - \,I • t4 ,n hind p.ld,con.xy and-,I,rinu to ' CHAFFEY CORPORATION. A brASH:NC T.S = R?CRAT:Sr Inc(ollowcng desenbed real cstatc s.to.tcd,n the County u( r.:NO )zate of wun+egtao LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED tiERC'TC AS EXNISI'.' A' Act_ B. :MIS REFERYNCE :FADE A ® PART HQRROFIAS IF FULLY INCORPO2A'_'ED HEREIN CD O sonjEoT To EZC>:.'TIOt1S SET FOR',II ON ATTACHED EXHIS•_: AND `BY TH:S REFERaNCE MADE A PART HEREOF :S :F FVI^t :NC.G.RPORATEC 'SR6IN WO 21 g CI L)atcd. Ay,CUST 11. ISIB STONEGATE. -.- H�t r/ 1ted. ' STATE OF I+ASI1SNGT014 s• COIJSrr'! OF KING H ON THIS L4tADAY OF AUGUST. :BBB. sECORE HE, THE UNDERSICN£C. A NOTARY PUBLIC :N AHD FO K :THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. � INGTON. DULY COIASIISIONED AND SWORN, PCRSONAI•LY APPEARED DCT .D U. : Rv T To P2 RaoVN To Bs THS PRESIDENT OF THE CORPORATION THAT CVT D THE FOREGOINGt INSTRUMENT. AND ACEPOI+LEDOED THE SAID INSTRRISBNT TO BE THE PRss AND vOT TART ACT AID IT DEED OF SAID CORPORATION. FOR THE U:.Es AND PUR.OSES TMERRIN KE TIONi'a AND ON miss sums E, THAT HE WAS AIfTHARIZED TO EXECDTE TN2 SAID INSTROKENT AND THAT THE SEAL. AFFIXED 'n 'O IF AN"1 IS THE CORPORATE SEAL OP SAID CORPORATION. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. : HAVE hEREUNTO $ET KY RAND AND AFFIXED BY OFFICIAL SEAL TM DAT AN (EAR FI Sjt T A8 WRITTEN iT. PR:NTED SAME Paula h.. Adams Q'dJ� ► •>..P�: ::OTARy 'FUEL:_ ::•IA D F=R TPS STATE .F :.Sn::::T^.:i /J T :l _ Es:.:sc AT <srklanc mI �� fit=` - -_i7:9S:: Ext.:RES -',:=-0A �;.'` 49ila 10/08/98 THU 15:14 [TX/RX NO 9288] Iu-uu-co uo.Ilrm irnum-unll ruurt1 / TLUD44e0a4tl I�f tlU Y•Uf/Uf t'�DIU • �p \ J 1 LEG "'"'"—"----'-----"'"' . 1 AL DESCRin107• • 'f n�Iona r.., rrcu Ln I.all.i+l�d In in lint•.i N mMO►1u•i _. hallo... • PARCEL A :ES_A-BC:7 =] ::CZ , RACE £1+" T)AT PORTION OF COVERNMENT L-. rE�;04 ] 7HNSM ' -OLrcE _N KING C0'.H wASHINGTC:I C wiLt�Tl'£ tSgRIPiAN. tpws NORTH es-3- :_ BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTh LINE OF Sl,1C GO�/ERNt:T:NT' : CR LESS WEST 30 00 FEET PROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF '.HEREOFmoRE TO THENCE NORTh BB"]7-:'' vEST. ALONG SAID NORTH :.NE. %9• sa FEE-. A POINT WHXCH IS, 69B ',FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF .A:- COvERNMENT OR LESS. TO a POitr'f xrIICH :S 5]6 THENCE SOUTH 17'02'521' VEST 556.69 FEET. r R.S LOT S. 5.d POE' EW1 1 5 5 6 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT TINE OF SLID '250 'll-MT ice' THENCE SOUTH257' wY%T. PARALLEL wITN SAID WEST FEET- MORE OR LRSS. TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SA:O -OvERNHEN ..TcCT +DRi CP :FiS THENCE BOOTH YS•Dl'2?' GAST. ALONG SAID SOUTH . .f'.ET . �L= Cr. A POW!' ]O FEET WESTERLY OF THE EO6fl1Ey;.T CORNER F SALT THE WEST MARGIN OF 1:6TH AVENUE So1TTHEArT _: FFF- THENCE NORTH 1.25'221 EAST. ALONG SAID ,u.RC THENCE NoRTN 04001.'3i' (JEST 425 .0 FEY': r THENCE NORTH 1-25'22t LAST 26: 2] FEET o � 00'00' EAST _13 d9 FEET. - 'a_t: • THENCE NORTH 65• 323 JO FYF'= C= SA:C ',ES: A^,.^ 7-� - , . • THENCE SOOTN eB•01'=7' ST EAST NORTH .-25 -- 7 CCVtptrtglttT .: AND wHICH TN DOIRC 09 t1!° EA T. IALL - THENCE NORTH >'2S°21� EAST. P-s-vetrcL ►iI:7< E CAS: L_NY 4; ALONC THE rrLST FARGIN OP SAID :60T11 AVENUE SOUTHEAST -3 15 To THE POINT OF HYOZIY1yIN0 • PARCEL 5- e LOATH THE SOOTHEAST QUARTER as THE NORTHEAST ?CARTER OF SE—':CN . --OWNS1_, RANGE 5 trAST. VILLAS MID.=CIAN, IN KING COUNTY WASH-NC'O'I' EXCEPT THE EAST 529IFEET THEREOF -�r�:.'. YC'IRBE. - 90R02�e P.SOOPSEO 'ALSO KNOWN AS LOT A. XING COUNTY �.. L:gE -L'S_- ' URDER RECORDING SOMBER 9009210Y6• ° I - • CIlIIJ+w TITLE I .5:.M'`lGCow...1 10/08/98 TAU 15:14 [TX/R% NO 9288] HORTON DENNIS &ASSOCIAT L'c. INC. CONSULTING ENENGINEERS 320 SecS&Sii ,YO S LEITITC G )C�' 1TriaaRS m, L� HDA Kirkland,WA22-2 98033-6687525(206)8 FAX.(206)822-8758 DATE JOB� NO. 1,p O-Va.-e \523.ZI ATTENTION RE TO C c, WE ARE SENDING YOU , sx Attached 0 Under separate cover via the following items: O Shop drawings 0 Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order f C4T1GA.) PAC(tG�` ( C-A.\ COPIES DATE NO. 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COPY TO SIGNED: t711,!4...M �;C sit-rtl�aC.� **************************************************************** City of Renton WA Reprinted: 10/12/98 15 :21 Receipt **************************************************************** Receipt Number: R9806153 Amount: 450 . 00 10/12/98 15 :21 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: 86830 CHAFFEY CO Init: CRP Project #: LUA98-158 Type: LUA Land Use Actions Parcel No: 803540-0100 Site Address : 5304 NE 24TH CT Total Fees : 450 . 00 This Payment 450 . 00 Total ALL Pmts: 450 . 00 • Balance: . 00 ***************************.************************************* Account Code Description Amount 000 .345 . 81, 00 . 0012 Lot Line Adjustment 450 . 00 I i