HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_Public_Comment_Email_BMCO_Long_220210_v4CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. From:notification@civiclive.com To:Party of Record Subject:Party of Record/Public Comments 2022-02-10 01:57 PM(PST) Submission Notification Date:Thursday, February 10, 2022 1:57:38 PM Party of Record/Public Comments 2022-02-10 01:57 PM(PST) was submitted by Guest on 2/10/2022 4:57:33 PM (GMT-08:00) Canada/Pacific Name Value NameFile:LUA22-000011 Gender Mr. Name Geary Long Address:1020 N 41st Pl Renton, Wa 98056 Email Geary.long@gmail.com Phone Party of Record Only Comments Critical Areas Report MPACTS AND PROPOSED MITIGATION REQUIRED: There will be no direct impacts to any critical areas (May Creek or the offsite wetland) resulting from the proposed development. The proposed development within the Shoreline overlay is consistent with the City of Renton Shoreline Management Program (RMC 4-3-090). It will be necessary to reduce the 100-ft vegetation conservation buffer so that it terminates at the Site’s southern boundary. This is allowed under the City of Renton’s Shoreline Management Program since there will be no loss of ecological function (that portion of the vegetation conservation buffer on the subject property is currently unvegetated and covered with impervious surfaces and the total reduction of buffer width is less than 50% of the standard width). No mitigation is being proposed. However, the Administrator of the Department of Community and Economic Development (or designee), may request that the non- native, invasive blackberry currently growing within the May Creek Trail Park along the Site’s southern boundary be removed and replaced with native trees and shrubs. (Pages i and ii) Comment: Barbee Mill HOA does not support the position: “No mitigation is being proposed.” While there may not be direct impacts to the May Creek Greenway critical areas immediately adjacent to the development (Figure 1), it can be anticipated that there will be collateral impacts to the May Creek Greenway critical areas immediately to the west of the development (Figure 2). The May Creek Greenway, with the Lake Washington Viewing Trail located to the west in the Barbee Mill site, is part of the Urban Conservancy Overlay District (4-3-090C) and contains tracts that are designated as Native Growth Protection Areas (NGPA) (4-3-050G) and Barbee Mill Community Organization (BMCO) is responsible for maintaining and protecting these tracts. Maintenance includes ensuring that no alterations occur within the tract and that all vegetation remains undisturbed unless the express written authorization of the City has been received. Currently there have been incidents of non-residents accessing the May Creek trail and trespassing onto the NGPA areas for picnicking, social gatherings, swimming, boating access and off-leash dog runs. This trespassing results in alteration/disturbance of vegetation in the NGPA tracts. Barbee Mill residents, with the help of the Renton Police, have intervened in these trespassing incidents. With the increased population resulting from a 385 unit dwelling directly across from this trail, along with a 40% - 50% turnover rate, it is reasonable to expect that trespassing onto the NGPA areas will increase resulting in substantially increased alteration/damage of the vegetation and shoreline. Potential impact will be increased cost to BMCO to repair altered/damage lands and increased cost to Renton Police due to increased trespassing reports. Based on this potential for alteration/damage of the NGPA a mitigation is appropriate. A meeting with the City of Renton and Vulcan Real Estate seems appropriate to explore solutions to protect the NGPA tracts from alteration/disturbance due to anticipated incursions resulting from the increased density. Prefer US Mail To view this form submission online, please follow the link below: https://rentonwa.gov/form/one.aspx? objectId=18334769&contextId=17174246&returnto=submissions