HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH - Hud CDBG Program (1977) • , ,11. . u. . { `1 - f i 4 • • • jy t•. 1977 • • • • BLOCK GRANTS . PROGRAMS - HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT . $ 40,296 PLANNING AND .IMPLEMENTATION PARK FOR THE HANDICAPPED - . 160,000 Provides parking and land- • • scaping for the Sr. Citizens . • • •Center • . . • SENIOR CITIZENS ACTIVITY CENTER . • 150,000 CEDAR RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM '. 150,000 • PREVENTIVE HEALTH CARE • 15,000 - • • $515,296 • HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING =AND INPLE"'ENTATION The city of Renton's highest priority project in 1975 and 1976 was for a Planning and Implementation grant that would allow the city to assess the needs of Renton's low and moderate income residence and develop policies, goals, and objectives to be implemented after developing a strategy that met with city and federal guidelines: . The Community Development Plan with its Housing Assistance Component are now complete. Along with implementing the Housing Assistance Plan and the Community Development Plan a full time professional staff will devise • programs and activities to meet their goals and objectives and evaluate the progress of these programs and activities. The Housing and Community Development staff will be responsible for the management of those programs associated with the Community Development Plan and the Housing Assistance Plan while supervising, coordinating, and monitoring activities necessary for effective implementation. TOTAL $40,296 Population Monies CEDAR CENTER PARK (Designed for multi-use by the elderly, handicapped, and low/moderate income persons of all ages) In 1976 the city of Renton received $10,000 ,of its population monies to be used to develop a master plan for a park designed for use by the handi- capped. The park is to be built adjacent to the proposed Senior Citizens Activity Center and the Cedar River Trail . The park will provide a varied recreational and open-space system which will be an integral part of the Senior Citizens Center and the 103 units of Senior Citizens Housing being -constructed by the Housing Authority of Renton. The $160,000 that is being requested would allow the park to be constructed during 1977-1978. This would include parking facilities and some land- scaping that would serve the Senior Citizens Center upon its completion. This park will be an intricate part of the proposed Senior Citizens Act- ivity Center. $ 40,000 Population Monies 120,000 Needs Monies TOTAL $160,000 • SENIOR CITIZFf�1S ACTIVITY CENIERR In 1976 the city received $100,000 to develop a master plan and purchase a portion of the property on which to build the proposed center. An extensive site analysis was undertaken and the site proposed meets all the guidelines set for such a center by HUD. It also meets the require- ments set up by the Mayor's Senior Citizens Planning Committee. Mithun & Associates was chosen as the architect and schematic plans have been developed. The proposed site has been appraised and land acquisition is underway. The 1977 request would allow the city to complete the purchase of the necessary land, pay demolition and relocation costs, and proceed into the design development phase. The proposed Senior Citizens Activity Center would serve the 4,000 plus senior citizens of Renton. It will be developed in stages.. . When the center is completed it will provide a complete range of senior citizens services. $ 22,000 Population Monies 128,000 Needs Monies . TOTAL $150,000 • CEDAR RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM The Cedar River Trail System proposal was co-sponsored by the King County . Parks Department in 1976 and received $92,100 of interjurisdictional monies. This money was to be used for development of a master plan for the 3.2± miles along the Cedar River beginning at Lake Washington Park, and ending at the easterly city .limits. This trail would eventually become a part of an over-all system planned for King County. It would provide a multi-use recreational system within the Cedar River floodway. The trail will provide varied recreational activities while preserving open space adjacent to the Cedar River., . It will also provide wildlife habitats while enriching environmental opportunities for the residents of Renton. The trail will increase control of the river bank erosion and allow necessary flood control protection while. improving water flow in the downstream portion of the river. In 1976 a phasing schedule for development and schemetic design were to be completed'. Both of the above items have been completed. The following permits and clearances have been applied for: 1. Corps of Engineers 2. Department of Fish and Game 3. FAA notice of proposed construction . Permits from the Department of Ecology for flood control and the city of Renton for a building permit will be applied for at the time working drawings are completed. All drawings will be completed in sufficient time to receive the above permits and meet the 90-day start up time re- quired for EDA funding. An application has been submitted to EDA for matching funds of $1,880,000. An Environmental Impact Statement has been written on this trail system. The King County Parks Department has agreed to co-sponsor this trail pro- ject in 1977. The city' s request for $150,000 will allow the city to acquire more easements and purchase rights-of way across privately owned land that will maintain public access and preserve open space within and adjacent to the Cedar River Floodway. TOTAL $150,000 Interjurisdictional Monies 3 PREVENTIVE. HEALTH CARE In 1975 the city used $14,000 of its population monies to provide a part- time public health nurse and a' local physician (for consultation) to pro- vide low-income .persons and senior citizens with free services which in- clude:. health screening,. minor treatment, health education and referral. In 1976 the city received $10,167 of county population monies to continue . this program on a somewhat reduced basis. The $15,000 requested for 1977 would allow this valuable, free health ser vice to continue using a half-time public health nurse and eight hours per month consulting time from a local physican. The program will serve app- roximately 200 persons per month. Services will be contracted through the Seattle/King County Department of Public Health. The city of Renton has over 4,000 Senior Citizens and 3,000 families whose incomes are below the national poverty level . These target groups are less able to afford reg- ular medical checkups and tend to seek medical attention only when problems become acute. This program will help low income people to identify the problems before they reach the acute stage: TOTAL $15,000 Needs Monies ' ' Renton City Council • 11/15/76 Page 4 • • , • OLD BUSINESS Paper Recycling Council President Stredicke reported regarding 11/8/76 request for status of City' s paper recycling program, noting Mayor Delaurenti 's memo of the 15th 'advising the City has sustained a loss of $101 .52 for • operation of the recycling program through 10/31/76 including capital outlay cost of recycling shed, however, the City has received "net" revenue of $215.39 for the March through October 31 , period. The Mayor's letter explained that the Washington Excelsior Co. with whom the City has signed contract for recycling materials, has merged with the Ideal Paper Co. of Seattle and problems between the City and the recycl- ing company appear to be resolved. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, . COUNCIL REFER THE RECYCLING MATTER TO THE COUNCIL BUDGET COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Olympic Pipeline MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER TO THE COMMUNITY SER- Property on VICES COMMITTEE THE QUESTION OF THE PROPERTY DEEDED TO THE CITY FOR PARK Lake Ave. , PURPOSES BY OLYMPIC PIPELINE COMPANY. The matter of updating the house Talbot Hill near at estimated cost of $1 ,700 was discussed, also that property is being Freeway R/W mowed by the Park Department. MOTION CARRIED. Planning & . Planning & Development Committee Chairman Perry presented committee Development report re referral of 4/19/76 advising no legislation is required for Committee Report contract zoning, that upon advice from the City Attorney that per rec- ent court ruling the City has right to contract zone. The committee Contract Zoning recommended:re 5/17' referral , that no changes be made in the Mobile Home Ordinance until . the Planning Commission has completed its study and Mobile Home Parks made recommendations. Regarding 5/17/76 referral re Planning Commission approval on special permits, the Committee recommended that no action was Special Permits required as jurisdiction now with Planning Examiner. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT.* Discussion Rolled Curbs ensued wherein Councilman Perry inquired of City Attorney Shellan re contract zoning and was advised that this is written agreement between developer and City that any changes or deviation from city code are to best advantage of the public. Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe noted con- tract zoning is used in some cities rather than planned unit development ordinance. Council President Stredicke inquired re rolled curbs in PUD or Mobile Home ordinances , and was advised by Planning Director Ericksen that rolled curbs could be so allowed but not in subdivision. Upon fur- ther inquiry by Stredicke, Public Works Director Gonnason explained that rolled curbs were not considered for Cedar Ave.S. project due to require- ments for wheel stops. Stredicke asked written report for next week on use of rolled curbs, noting recent subdivision. *MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Legislation Legislation Committee Member Perry presented committee report recommend- Committee Report . ing first reading and referral back to committee of an ordinance chang- ing zoning classification from apartment house and multiple dwellings, First Reading R-4, to light industrial , L-1 , better known as the O' Brien rezone, O'Brien Rezone located at the northwest corner of Seneca NW and SW 13th St. Following Ordinance reading, it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND PLACE ON FIRST READING AND REFER BACK TO THE LEGISLA- TION COMMITTEE. . CARRIED. Resolution #2073 The Legislation Committee report recommended reading and adoption of Community three resolutions adopting the Community Development Plan, Housing Development Plan Assistance Plan and Community Development Program Grant Block for 1977. Following reading of the resolution adopting the Community Development Plan, it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RESOLUTION. Public hearings held 11/1 and 11/8/76. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution #2074 Following reading of the resolution adopting the Housing Assistance Plan Housing it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS Assistance Plan READ. Public hearings held 11/1 and 11/8/76. MOTION CARRIED. Dated 10/76 Following reading of the resolution relating to the 1977 Block Grants Resolution #2075 Program, wherein public hearings were held 11/8 and 11/15/76 explaining 1977 Block Grant grant requests for projects, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, Program COUNCIL CONCUR IN RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Planning Commissioner, Clark Teegarden,. inquired as to 10/18/76 request by the Planning Commission for attendance at conference in Wenatchee for three members commencing 11/17/76, one member having since resigned. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PLANNING COM- MISSION REQUEST AND GRANT TRAVEL FUNDS NOT TO EXCEED $120. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. 10:50 p.m. �-, a Renton City Council . 11/15/76 ' Page 3 } CORRESPONDENCE .AND CURRENT ouSINESS.. . -, Travel Request Letter from Police Chief Darby requested authorization to attend the . Police Chief Sheriffs:•and Police .Chiefs',Association mid-winter meeting in Yakima • December '7 through loth; 1976 and advance travel funds in 'amount of -: • $150. The letter noted funds- are available in the 1976' budget. : MOVED. BY. GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN TRAVEL REQUEST.: F • Following discussion, ROLL CALL VOTE: 3 'AYE- SHINPOCH, BRUCE, GRANT; 3 NO-STREDICKE, PERRY AND. THORPE:. MAYOR DELAURENTI VOTED°AYE AND BROKE ' TIE VOTE.. MOTION 'CARRIED APPROV.I.NG.TRAVEL REQUEST, OF CHIEF DARBY. . • Travel Request . Letter-from Chief Darby_ requested Council authorization for five members • Emergencies of the' Emergencies Service Team to attend a Criminal Justice 'Training; Service. Team' . Seminar. for S.W.A.T. team at Ft. . Lewis 11/29 'through 12/3/76,, being ' . conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. , The letter also • requested advance travel .funds .in amount of.$150, which are included in the 1976 budget.' MOVED BY GRANT, , SECONDED BY. BRUCE,' 000NCIL CONCUR . IN. TRAVEL REQUEST. Upon inquiry by Council President.Stredicke,, 'Mayor • Delaurenti noted fees of $2 each per night's lodging and $4 each per day meals. . Police representative,. Capt. Buff; noted -commuting would be diffi- cult because of evening..sessions. MOTI.ON...CA.RRI.ED. Earlington • Letter. from Arlene Ross (Mrs. -Richard) and Juliet R.. Tharp (Mrs:- John - Park 359 Thomas Ave. SW, reported two year effort-of citizens :interested • . '. in a neighborhood park, on Earlington hill.... The. letter explains the King County Parks Dept. has' Forward Thrust funds slated for park develop- . ment in the Earlington/Campbell -Hill areas. a.nd as a result of meetings between the two neighborhoods;.. the funds. have been divided and '$52,000 . • allotted, to 'the. Earlington 'neighborhood for purchase of property suit able for a park. The letter reported meetings with:Mr. -Maxon of King County Parks Dept, who advised the money ,will. be absorbed if not .used soon, that- the County would be willing to turn this amount over to 'the . - Renton• Parks .Department for purchase of property with. the understanding that- the city would then develop..and maintain the site.: In meetings. with Park Director Coulon and the Park 'Board in the springOf this year, it was determined _the city would refuse the money as' the. proposed 'site was too small .and a committee was'formed to look for a larger site in ' the county. The letter further reported two sites were found but upon ' informal survey; the Earlington Park_Committee continues'. to. recommend the . . - sold Earlington Elementary-School site as over..200 children.are within walking distance. • The letter requested Mayor and Coun;cil.. attention'., .. . Upon inquiry by .Councilman Grant as to-power of City' Council re decision . of. Park' Board, .whi_ch' is quasi-independent body; City Attorney. She.11an advised that as the Council has budget.control , Council. may purchase park property'. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED. BY ,SEYMOUR-THORPE,. 000NCIL' GO ON' RECORD FAVORING ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY. THROUGH .KING -COUNTY AND ::REFE R THE MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY 'SERVICES 'COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION. • Steve Abercrombie, 519 SW 3rd Pl.., 'acted as .community: spokesman and noted .' . lack of parks in Earlington hill' area and desire for park facilities -for children. ages. 4- to 12 yrs: located within their own neighborhood, .noting . area, size of almost two acres and that ball field 'was not desired. Council members' Stredicke. and Thorpe noted citizen' desir.e for small -parks . in various_ areas. MOTION CARRIED. . • . Burnett Ave., '• Letter from Good Chevrolet Inc. , Vice President Kenneth M. Nieman, in' Parking reply to Council inquiry of '11./1/76, parking of cars on Burnett Ave.. S. between 4th & 7th S., and reported the company has taken immediate steps . ',; . for removal of' cars" because of the urgEncy expressed". . The letter further explained difficulty in obtaining secure storage' area,. asking City .assis tance i.n prevention of loss from vandalism at temporary location at the . foot of Burnett Ave: at' old Chevron. Heating Oil' property.where' cars have . been stored since 11/3/76 and vandalism already reported.,' The letter noted the company should .be able to store all:. of .their cars in their own facility within '30 days. MOVED BY STREDICKE, ' SECONDED BY ,PERRY, COMMUNI- CATIONSE REFERRED BACK TO MAYOR'S OFFICE.', Stredicke asked that Police Dept. dive proper surveillance. . Councilwoman ,Thorpe noted that property '. for temporary storage was being purchased for 'senior" citi'zens housing. . • •MOTION CARRIED. :Property, Adjacent Letter from Mark S. Wheaton, Port Angeles, WA, offered two pieces. of - to Watershed • property to the City., having been informed that the Renton Water Works was interested as it joins the City's watershed property. . The letter . . .' reported having been informed by Public Works Director Gonnason 'that- . the City does have an interest as protection 'to.the watershed, however. . that King County may be ,interested in park site. .The letter offered 20 acres with home for-.'$135,000 and 10 acres at '$50,000 and explained ' terms available. MOVED BY. STREDICKE,,'SECONDED BY SHINPOCH,. COUNCIL: REFER COMMUNICATION TO THE PUBLIC WORKS &. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED.. { 1„ • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON • COUNTY OF KING ss. • • Bj3.Y?b C rap a n.e being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that.4%i'.le is the Chi of clerk of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) C CITY RENTON times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and �` NOTICE ; has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred rPUBLIC HEARINGS•, to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- ,BY RENTON .; • paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, CITY COUNCIL. and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained November 8; at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton November 15,x1976. _ 't Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the NOTICE,`IS HEREBY Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, GIVEN that the'fienion Cityy Council Washington.That the annexed is a 'vr;%LA.A .<... ..P.�r. :1,1-C° of November,* 15X1.976{ad8t �. of November,8, 19761,Sild'' p.m. in;the.'Cou;mci.11, d 9.t1 a3 ,n. s.oethe Renton ?.. .f,`��... ,l. Yl Ct`'t)1C. . I ,... .f...... ...C.� ChamberMunicipal'Btiilding,:Renton; Washington,as the.time and as it was published in regular issues(and place for public hearings to' not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period consider,the.followingr',r:;_' HU,D'1977 BLOCK GRANT PROPOSALS'', ofx1=J.0 consecutive issues,commencing on the The proposed',projectsi for.1977 are:.; ' PI a n n i,n g a n plementation, $49 296.00;; day of 'goy ember ,19 76 ,and ending the Senior Citizen Activity.,Cent= er, $150,000.80; Cedar �7 Center Park for the Hind', 12 day of i c'v ember ,19.. ,both dates 'capped,•$,1'60;OOP 100; inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- Cedar River Trail,System, scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee $150,000.00 ventive.;,Pre Health Ser;vIc'esr,- $15,000.00. charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $J®.a ?O which I Any and all:;interested has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the persons are, invited'to.,be, first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent 'present to voice-approval, insertion. disapproval,or opinions on' same. . CITY RENTON �• ?`� I ores AAtlead� •••• Del ' City Clerk,. • C hi.Q f f;Jr? Published in Th®:Renton Record-Chronicle,'Nov ,4A and d_12; 1976. Fi41528 ff Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1.2 day of i.`.d0'V.raI1?.7.E33'" , 1976... Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Kent, King County. —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. • —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures,. adopted by the newspapers of the State. • V.P.C.Form No.87 ' 2 . - 771.. RERE O CITY COUNCLL ; . Regular_ Meeting - November .15, 1976. = • Municipal Building - • Monday , 8: 00 P . M. - • - • Council.. -Chambers . MINUTES ' • . 'CALL TO ORDER . Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and. called- the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to. order. ROLL CALL OF.- _ l'' RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; .BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, KENNETH D. . COUNCIL . . .-BRUCE, WILLIAM J. GRANT, ,GEORGE J. PERRY and PATRICIA M. .SEYMOUR-THORPE. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, ABSENT COUNCILMAN EARL-CLYMER BE EXCUSED. CARRIED. • . . • . CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES J. .DELAURENTI, Mayor; GERARD M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; GWEN IN ATTENDANCE -MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL. MEAD, City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, Public . Works Director; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; CAPT. J. BUFF, . - • Police Rep. ; D. W. CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; VERN CHURCH, Purchas- ing Agent,; RICHARD GEISSLER, Asst., Fire Chief; JOLLY SUE BAKER, Housing and. Development Coordinator. ' . : • PRESS IN MARK-PELLEGRINO, Greater Renton News; SALLY TEMPLE, Renton Record ATTENDANCE Chronicle . . . ,.. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BRUCE,,, COUNCIL' APPROVE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 8, 1976. AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. . INTRODUCTION - Former Mayor Avery Garrett was introduced and welcomed by Mayor' Delaurenti . SPECIAL ' . Metro Transit presented to Council those conclusions and recommendations PRESENTATION as to service changes and needs from public meetings held in Renton. '. • Community Services Committee Chairwoman Seymour-Thorpe, having taken Metro Transit part in the Metro meetings, introduced Metro Transit Company personnel' assisting with the presentation. Wally' Brown, Transit Planner, explained the corridore- study and used wall maps to explain service changes,- noting limited budget and short-range improvements recommended. Mr'. 'Brown fur- .. ther explained the need for Park & Ride. Lot in Renton establishing long' range planning. Brown explained the revised routing, direct service to: • Seattle,. Renton Boeing and Duwamish area; also eliminating of loops and streamlining of routes to shorten time between Seattle and Renton by 20 minutes; adding of extra busses during peak hours. Councilman Perry made inquiries. to ascertain -special consideration for senior citizens in Highlands area, Councilwoman Shinpoch urging covered shelter. 'Metro officials distributed copies of the. proposed changes in bus scheduling :: effective June 1977 for Routes- #42 &- 107. . _ PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- . . HUD 1977 • lished according to law, Mayor Delaurenti opened the second public hear- Block Grants. ing to consider the Housing Urban Development 1977 Block Grants' Program. . . Program . The first hearing was held 11/8/76 at which time the projects were listed along with grant request: Housing & Community Development Planning & Implementation $40,296; Park for Handicapped $1.60,000; Senior Citizen. Activity Center $150,000; Cedar River Trail System $150,000; Preventive Health Care $15,000, 'Total project. $515,296. Planning Director .Ericksen . reported no new. inquiries received. 'MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, • COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Community Services Committee Chairwoman Seymour-Thorpe reported. the committee has reviewed the block • grant proposal and recommended' Council --concurrence, in the recommended • program as presented. MOVED BY THORPE, SECONDED' BY PERRY, COUNCIL CON CUR IN PROGRAM AS PRESENTED AND REFER TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This 'being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- . Street .Vacation lished according to.law, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to Portion of consider vacation of a portion of Camas Ave. NE- between NE .Park Ave. and . Camas Ave.NE Sunset Blvd.. NE. as petitioned by Mike Potoshnik, Jr. , 3403 Burnett Ave. N. Letter from the Board of Public.Works noted finding that this right- of-way is not needed for the present or future city street system and - reported no objection to the proposed vacation, _that no utility easements will be required. The letter reported in-house appraisal using County, . • assessed valuation ,of the. abutting property which is $.50 per sq. ft., , • and recommended payment of $750. for the 75'X40' area which is one-half . appraised value as required- by law. Letter from City Clerk Mead reported attempt to. secure signature of abutting property. owner, Washington State Highway Department; the City' Clerk's Office has been in contact with ' Mr. Ball of. the State Highway Department who is checking processing pro- . cedures with Headquarters and will advise.. The Clerk recommended refer- . • • ral back to the Board .of Public Works. until all fees 'are paid and. proper . • conveyances received. Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry, Planning Dir- ector Ericksen noted rights-of-way are not'zohed. but generally -assume 'the zoning of adjacent property, being zoned. commercial in this case. Renton City. ;Counci 1 - ' ., 11/15/76' Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued ' : - ' ' - - • • ' Street Vacation MOVED BY STREDICKE,:'SECONDED BY. BRUCE, COUNCIL CLOSE THE HEARING. CARRIED. : Portion of MOVED BY STRED.ICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, CITY COUNCIL 'DETERMINE' THAT THE ' Camas Ave NE PROPERTY IS NOT NEEDED AND- APPROVE THE VACATION UPON PAYMENT OF FEES, Continued ! -INSTRUCTING THE CITY CLERK TO WITHHOLD PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE .UNTIL PROPER CONVEYANCES RECEIVED. CARRIED. ., . PUBLIC HEARING This being the date' set and proper notices, having been published and Friends of Youth posted according to law, Mayor Delaurenti •opened the public hearing, : Special Permit continued from 11/8/76, to consider. issuing -of-special revocable permit ' to Friends of Youth for halfway house for eight teenaged boys on property located at 1919. Talbot Rd.S. Community Services Committee- Chairwoman Seymour-Thorpe' reported review .of the permit and made recommendation for approval based on conditions which meet the concerns of surrounding. neighbors,. 'which are noted here briefly: . Approval of permit on year-to.- year basis for up to three..years; review of permit at any time; maximum • . of eight residents; 24-hr. supervision; reasonable noise level ; no. cars or motorcycles for residents at the site; home structure to be rehabili tated and maintained, as well as grounds; screening from single family :residences. The committee had determined that' the Neighborhood Advisory Council would not be an enforceable requirement, that the Planning Commission- and Hearing Examiner are existing advisory council in this case. Council President 'Stredicke suggested' the following names for advisory council : Don Holm, Janet Harris, Louise Matlock, Joe Venera, Mrs. James Hamilton, Mrs. .Dean Ringer and Mayor Delaurenti . . .Friends ' of Youth Robert G. Lillie, Executive Director, Friends -of Youth, 2400' Lake Continued Washington Blvd. N. ; was present responding to .inquiries. John. VanEyk, 230 S. •15th, pointed out lack of supervision for girls' home at the site two years ago as .one of reasons for opposition by neighbors. Upon . discussion of the screening requirements, and City Attorney Shellan's • . opinion that existing fencing benefits both parties, .Councilman Perry requested the record indicate Attorney's opinion that fencing, in any event, will be the responsibility of the applicant. . Following further . discussion, it was MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE, COUNCIL CLOSE THE HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY SEYMOUR-THORPE,' SECONDED BY , ' SHINPOCH, COUNCIL GRANT THE SPECIAL PERMIT TO FRIENDS OF YOUTH BASED ON . - CONDITIONS SET FORTH 'BY THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE WITH THE FOL- ' LOWING CHANGES: Remove word "additional". .and "wood", so that Item 8 ' - concerning screening reads. (in part): Screening in, the:form of. six-foot sight-obscuring' fencing, landscaping, Or both, Shall be provided along the north and south property lines adjacent to single family residences. ' ' Plus the addition of- item 9: Parking shall not be allowed on Talbot Rd. Halfway House It was determined referral to committee was .not necessary as City Attor- • Approved ney Shellan would be placing agreements into contract form. MOTION TO APPROVE SPECIAL PERMIT, CARRIED. . Recess ' MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council , recessed at 9:20, p.m. and reconvened at 9:30 p.m. All Council members were present at roll call as previously shown. SPECIAL AWARD Mayor 'Delaurenti awarded Barbara Shinpoch a City of Renton award for • outstanding service to the community,.having served five years on the . , ' Barbara Shin;poch Municipal Arts Commission and as Chairman of the Renton Housing Authority. Councilwoman Shinpoch' accepted the award, expressing thanks, and noted , ' - --award would be placed with.the one received from the Library Board. . CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda items, previously distributed to all Council- members, are considered 'routine and are enacted by one motion unless removed for separate consideration by Council action. Appointment Letter from Mayor Delaurenti announced appointment of Michael J. Magula ' Michael Magula to the position of Sergeant in the Renton Police Department effective • Police Sergeant 11/16/76 subject to the customary six-months probationary period. The • letter noted ,Magula is replacing John Gibson. Council concurrence requested. • . • CETA Funds Letter from Finance Director Marshall requested appropriation of $50,025 to be 'transferred from Comprehensive Employment Training unanticipated revenue to CETA salary budget for funding' of"several positions-which were extended after adoption of the 1976 budget. Refer Legislation Committee . ' Consent Agenda- MOVED.BY GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA AS • ,Approved PRESENTED. CARRIED. _ ' . • Renton City Council 11/8/76 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued Community income persons through construction of new multi-family units particu- Development Plan larly for families with children is the-number one priority on Renton Continued Housing Assistance Plan.. This took into consideration 53 new units under constructed by Conifer and the 103 units to be constructed by the Housing Authority for senior citizens and .will, insure -adequate housing for the low income families. . (See later report recommending adoption of the Housing Assistance and Community Development Plans and referral to Legis- lation Committee) MOVED STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CLOSE THE HEARING. CARRIED.. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY THORPE, THE COMMUN-- ITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN BE REFERRED BACK TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, REFER THE MATTER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- Housing lished according to law, Mayor Delaurenti opened the second public Assistance Plan hearing to consider the -Housing Assistance Plan which consists of an inventory of the housing stock, formulation of housing goals and objec- tives, identification of the type and location of housing needs and formulation of appropriate strategies for meeting housing needs. Copies of the plan document were made available. Planning Director • Ericksen reported .no new input had been received since the first hear- ing 11/1/76. There being no audience comment, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING'. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY SEYM0UR-THORPE COUNCIL REFER THE HOUSING ASSIS- TANCE PLAN TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER RESOLUTION. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING ! This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and pub- 1977 H.U.D. lished according to law, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to Block Grant consider the Housing Urban Development 1977 Block Grants Programs.. Programs Planning Director Ericksen ascertained the document had been distrib- uted to all council members and other interested persons and explained the years growth for fiscal year ending July 1 , 1977 and the proposed future program listing the monies needed: Housing and Community Development Planning and Implementation, $40,296; Park for the Handi- capped, $160,000, which provides parking and landscaping for the Sr. Citizens Center; Senior Citizens Activity Center, $150,000; Cedar River Trail System, $150,000; Preventive Health Care, $15,000; Totaling: $515,296- for which application is being submitted to King County. Housing & Development Coordinator, Jolly Sue Baker, was present to answer questions. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CLOSE THE HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY THORPE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUN CIL REFER THE MATTER BACK TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. Second Hearing scheduled for November 15, 1976. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, published Special Permit and mailed, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider the Friends of Youth special revocable permit to operate a halfway house by Friends of Youth Halfway House for up to eight- teenage boys at 1919 Talbot Rd.S. in an SR-1 zone, special covenants having been prepared between Friends of Youth and neighbors. Robert G. Lillie, Executive Director, Friends of Youth, 2400 Lake Washington Blvd.N. , asked Council approval for Special Per- • mit to operate the halfway house for up to eight teenaged boys who have completed approximately nine month residence at Griffin Home and need continued care in a more independent living situation while obtaining vocational and educational training along with counseling to make transition to independent living situations. Mr. Lillie explained the need for the facility for the boys whc have reached the maximum age for Griffin Home, and explained 24-hour supervision, careful screening of boys, upkeep of property, boys will not be permitted to have cars, • control of loud music, supervised recreation and covenants with neighbor- hood, for the proposed residence. Don Holm, 1002 S. 3rd St. , presented map of the Talbot area showing all protesters in relation to the site. and that concerning the protestors , only 15 are within 600 ft. of the proposed residence and the remainder are over2,000 ft. distance. Mr. Holm asked that the special permit be granted. Mr. Kurt VanHultern_. Kirkland, explained the need for the group home for those young men leaving Griffin Home with no place to go. • RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 8, 1976 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00 P. M. .Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regu- lar meeting of the Renton City Council to order asking the Clerk to call the roll . ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, KENNETH COUNCIL D. BRUCE, GEORGE J. PERRY and PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE. MOVED BY STREDICKE SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEN EARL CLYMER AND WILLIAM J. GRANT. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; GERARD'M. SHELLAN, City Attorney; LARRY IN ATTENDANCE WARREN, Asst. City Attorney; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; CAPT. BOURASA, Police Rep. ; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; VERN CHURCH, Purchas- ing Agent; JOLLY SUE BAKER, Housing & Development Coordinator; D. W. CUSTER, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT. , PRESS IN DON SMITH, Renton Record Chronicle; MARK PELLEGRINO, Greater Renton ATTENDANCE News MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 1 , 1976 AS WRITTEN WITH THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: Page 5, Burnett Ave. Parking Lot, Line 6, change "with" to "without.." Page 5, Council recess, Change reconvened 10:35 to "11 :35 p.m. " Page 1 , Olympic View Terrace Annexation, Line 16 & 17, clarify by: ". . . .advised by Ms. Hodge that persons protesting the annexation are not included in the proposed local improvement district for sewers. " Page 6, last paragraph add to persons nominated by Councilman Stredicke: "Jackie D. Cooper." . MOTION CARRIED. INTRODUCTIONS Honeydew School , 6th Grade class of Mr. Graham. Troup 446 of Cross & Crown Lutheran Church, Boy Scouts of America, Leader: Mr. Nelson. Barbara Shinpoch Council President Stredicke presented letter regarding filling of Coun- Appointed to cil vacancy and legality of the appointment of Barbara Shinpoch to Renton " the Renton City Council to position formerly held by Councilman Robert . City Council McBeth. The letter listed 12 various lawyers and municipal law experts with whom the legality had been checked of a council member voting on his own replacement when that position is not actually vacant, noting matter is subject to challenge in courts and does raise question re rights of that person to assume office and to vote. . In order to resolve doubt and move forward at budget consideration time,' the letter proposed motion that Barbara Shinpocy be appointed to the position vacated. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL APPOINT BARBARA SHINPOCH TO THE POSITION VACATED BY COUNCILMAN ROBERT McBETH. Upon inquiry by Councilman Perry, City Attorney Shellan reported that motion confirming Council action of last week would remove any doubt as to legality and do no harm. MOTION CARRIED. Councilwoman Shinpoch took no part in Council discussion or voting on this matter. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and Community posted according to law, Mayor Delaurenti opened the second public hear- Development ing to consider the Community Development Plan, first hearing having Plan been held 11/1/76. Planning Director Ericksen explained components of the plan included identification of types and location of community needs, formulation of Community Development goals and objectives, and development of strategies to meet those goals. Letter submitted by Com- munity Services Chairman Seymour-Thorpe answered questions raised by Council President Stredicke that the public utility investment in the King County Economic Objectives which are to be. used to serve areas to improve housing conditions, are the type necessary in a plat such as curbs, gutters, sidewalks and sewers which are necessary for eliminating conditions detrimental to health and safety of residents. The letter also noted that the storm water utility on Bellevue's ballot was. of a different nature, dealing with long range planning of over-all , natural drainage such as creeks, swamps , etc. The letter also reported the long-term objective assuring an adequate housing supply to low and moderate • . _ - _ - • --- -._, _/-7 e.0, r/ ' ...o'.,".... 1�. : . Y7y , :_ere •6 -o&/1 , - , • jr >v - _ . MOIri hYe,,, S.',...• ..'0: .lia.i4seripUci...v g t 0 0. rris.'A Ye- .se_ .-,.. .0.. c 7:-A-.,,. .,st.-•....,,, .,.. Ow P N ,. t- N. r sK. . , Renton City Council 11/1/76 Page CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS - Continued Springbrook City Clerk Mead reported receipt of Superior Court Case No. 819335 First Trout Farm Amended Complaint, Donald J. Gallagher and Mary D. Gallagher, dba Spring- Court Case brook Trout Farm vs City, claiming damage due to diversion and discharge of waters. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH, COUNCIL REFER CLAIM TO CITY ATTORNEY. CARRIED. _ Bid Opening City Clerk Mead reported 10/28/76 bid opening for sanitary sewers in LID 300 the Olympic View Terrace area, LID 300, with 12 bids received as shown Sewers on attached tabulation. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY McBETH , COUNCIL REFER BIDS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Planning Commissioner, Clark Teegarden, 264 Seneca P1 . NW, called atten- tion to the filling of the council position by the Council before the vacancy exists and noted eight council members. Mr. Teegarden noted suprise at failure of Council to nominate Mike Smith,who had run for office for council position. Mr. A. E. Noble, 1005 Monroe Ave. NE, asked each council person to consider whether or not they are discharging duties to office elected. OLD BUSINESS- Motion to adjourn by Stredicke, seconded by Clymer, Failed. Community Services Community Services Committee Chairwoman Seymour-Thorpe presented com- Committee Rep or mittee report recommending two public hearings be held on the HUD 1977 Block Grants Block Grant proposals, 11/8/76 and 11/15/76. MOVED BY THORPE, SECONDED 1977 BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION AND HOLD PUBLIC HEARINGS AS REQUESTED. CARRIED. • Aquatic Center Community Services Committee report recommended that the City not authorize co-sponsorship of application for a Greater Seattle-King County International Aquatic Center for local public works funding. The report noted the center worthwhile, however this would be in compe- tition with the city's own applications. (Request made to Council 10/25) MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Grant requested recording of his NO vote. Burnett Ave.S Councilwoman Seymour-Thorpe asked for information concerning Burnett Parking Lot Ave. S. parking area in order that committee can proceed, asking portion included, noting use by new car dealers for storage. Mayor Delaurenti reported meeting scheduled and noted area between 4th & 5th would be cleared, that decision not yet made on area between 5th & 7th', and upon further inquiry noting expenditure cannot be made with Council concurrence. • Record re Councilman Clymer asked to make clear to candidates for council position Policy Matter the debates were not personal matter, but of policy regarding voting of council member on filling of own vacancy. McBeth - Councilman McBeth recalled his 10/11/76 resignation effective at close of Steps Down Old Business 11/1 , ..reported having enjoyed the time he spent on the council , askino. the council members to move forward from this point on; stepped down with regret and extended congratulations to newly elected Council member Barbara Shinpoch. Moved by Stredicke, seconded by Clymer Council adjourn. Roll Call : 3-Ayes: STREDICKE, THORPE, CLYMER; 3-No: PERRY, GRANT, BRUCE. Mayor Dela'urenti broke the tie with NO vote and Motion Failed. (Time: 11 :30 p.m. ) MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council reconvened 10:35 pm and the following Council members were present at Roll Call : THORPE, PERRY, CLYMER, GRANT AND BRUCE. NEW BUSINESS Mayor Delaurenti asked Council member-elect Barbara Shinpoch to step Oath of Office forward and receive the Oath of Office which was administered by City Clerk Mead. Congratulations and welcome were exterded to Councilwoman Shinpoch. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, COUNCILWOMAN SHINPOCH ASSUME COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS FORMERLY HELD BY COUNCILMAN McBETH UNTIL THE FIRST OF THE YEAR WHEN NEW ASSIGNMENTS ARE MADE. Mayor Delaurenti called atten- tion this would include the LEOFF Board position with Councilman Bruce. CARRIED. • • n N 32 . z—;pv CD -v sv lD m--I CD • m = p, = O c-) • c < ,.r 77 D a-11c< WHO 3 I— CI CA 01j OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK November 1, 1976 m mc -1 z -- — SANITARY SEWERS - OLYMPI_C_ VIIEW_TERRACE_--_-- -_ - - - - - . -I _--a- - ---- m c+ Nv L.I.D. 300 ----BID OPENING -• 10/28/76 o Lc) N� (-) (D O CONTRACTOR BB Total Price Total Price e m z 33 0rt• a' C) EEO Subtotal SS Subtotal SS Tax I 3 Plastic Pipe Concrete Pipe 0-c) rD • Frank Coluccio Construction X X No Bid $71,658.30 (D m < O > o C 9500 Empire Way South • $67,987.00 $3,671.30 o �. -s .< m = Seattle, WA 98118 • X co CD w o -< o o cb O > m --<< a DiOrio Utilities Co., Inc. X X $61 ,555.00 $3,323.97 $64,878.97 $61 ,555.00 $3,323.97 $64,878.97 0 0 z r 7265 2nd Ave. So. X $58,555.00* $3,161.97* $61,716.97* $58,555.00* $3,161.97* $61 ,716.97* = W c c o s7 Seattle, WA 98108 c+ -n - Hanson Excavating Co., Inc. X X $93,145.75 $5,299.87 $103,445.62 $101,737.00 $5.493.80 $107,230.80 m a) = -��-i Z.rn -zz•I • 4102 S. Adams St. �, , c --i Tacoma, WA 98409 0 � ` Skip Jacobson Constr. Co. X X $62,554.00 $3,377.91 $65,931.91 $62,554.00 $3,377.91 $65,931.91 -s m `< ¢' z cn 13547 S.E. 27th Place X = C7 �< 0, z o m • su L73C7 Bellevue, WA 98005 • a. z • z Lindbrook Construction Inc. X X $87,182.00 $4,707.82 $91,889.82 $39,�17.00 $4,812.31 $93,929.31 Q, o C z —I o 20727 52nd W. P.O. Box 1066 X X $87,578.00* $4,729.21* $92,307.21* $89,513.00* $4,833.70* $94,346,.70* c-r o --1 m o Lynn;:ood, WA 93036 J ou ,o0. = m Lundberg Construction Co. X .X No Bid $83,558.75 $4,512.17 $88,070.92 --' -< 3420 - 13th Ave. S.W. X • o -s co Seattle, WA 98134 cn 7a c�-r -I z, National Construction Co. X X $111,000.00 $5,994.00 $116,994.00 $111 ,000.00 $5,994.00 $116,994.00 -3 n m :< o cC-) P. 0. Box 3397 X -ipo rn Midway, WA 93031 p • p" • Pacific PavingCo., Inc. X X $22 255.00 •$1,201 .77 $23,456.77 fD C 3 C) $86,425.00 $4,666.95 $91,091.95 C� z n P.O. Box 80203 - 121 S. River St. X $85,185.00* $4,599.99* $89,784.99* O CD co 73 z o Seattle, VA 93108 - , k Z �-r. �-+'C, Renton Construction Co.• X X $61,583.00 $3,325.48 $64,908.48 $61,614.00 $3,327.16 $64,941.16 O � o m C 14329 S.E. i26th St. X A r cn • m r Renton, WA 93055 m CD n 70 Howard Schwicht Constr. Co. X X $79,345.00 $4,284.63 $$83,629.63 $79,345.00 $4,284.63 $83,629.63 • X. ` m c -mn P.O. Box 527 X rD • Enumclaw, WA 98022 ¢' z Paul Snyders Constr. Co. X X $80,110.58 $4,326.97., $84,436.55 $80,145.61 $4,327.86 $84,473.47 t o P. 0. Box 475 X • o 0 Kirkland, WA 98033 L o - nTr -State Construction Co. - X X $29,822.00 $1 ,610.39 $31 ,432.39 $82,995.50 $4,481.76 $87,477.26 c< 1 0 -�i m 959 - 108th N.E., : • X $84,156.00* $4,544.42* $88,700.42* c-) c o -o Bellevue, WA 98004 z 0 z r * Engineering Corrections -5 C cO -< z am+ -p 1--) A w m z X) c1- cn o = m o 0 a m . cn CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL November 8, 1976 November 15, 1976 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE'N that int Renton City Council na,, fixed tne dates of Novtxther 8, 1976 and iovember 15, 1976, at 8:0 In the (munt, 1 ',ha} t.): the Pen t Bold `4• ,° , • 4 ;, ' ,5,; , ,,;' • • HUD 1977 BLOCK GRANT PROPOSALS The proposed projects for 1977 are: Planning and Implementation $40,296.00 Senior Citizen Activity Center $150,000.00 Cedar Center Park for the Handicapped $160,000.00 Cedar River Trail System $150,000.00 Preventive Health Services $15,000.00 Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same, CITY OF RENTON /. a Delores A. Mead City Clerk DATES OF PUBLICATION: November 5, 1976 November 12, 1976 ( - CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL November 8, 1976 November 15, 1976 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the dates of November 8, 1976 and November 15; 1976, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for public hearings to consider the following: HUD 1977 BLOCK GRANT PROPOSALS The proposed projects for 1977 are: Planning and Implementation $40,296.00 Senior Citizen Activity Center $150,000.00 Cedar Center Park for the Handicapped $160,000.00 Cedar River Trail System $150,000.00 Preventive Health Services $15,000.00 ! Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTONoaGenedi Qy�, ,, ///i,a d Delores A. Mead l City Clerk DATES OF PUBLICATION: November 5, 1976 November 12, 1976 411 INTER—OFFICE MEMO �. TO: Les Phillips, Public Works Dept. DATE November 4, 1976 FROM: Del Mead, City Clerk RE: NOTICES OF PUBLIC HEARINGS - HUD 1977 BLOCK GRANT PROPOSALS - 11/3 & 11/16, 1976 Enclosed are six copies of the above-captioned hearing notices. We are posting at the Highlands and the main post offices. Please post as soon as possible. Return affidavit to this office. Thanks. 110 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS RENTON CITY COUNCIL November 8, 1976 November 15, 1976 NOTICE IS HLREbY GIVEN that thi: Renton City Council hds fixed the dates of November 8, 19/6 and November 15, 1976, at 8:0 p,m. in the Cocil r.hambers of tho PenteJo !It.oHLipal • 1 H. ,o,! fo; Hvi;ini : HUD 1977 BLOCK GRANT PROPOSALS The proposed projects for 1977 are: Planning and Implementation $40,296.00 Senior Citizen Activity Center $150,000.00 Cedar Center Park for the Handicapped $160,000.00 Cedar River Trail System $150,000.00 Preventive Health Services $15,000.00 Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON a 1 / I, • Delores A. Mead City Clerk DATES OF PUBLICATION; November 5, 1976 November 12, 1976 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT VEMBER 1 , 1976 SUBJECT: HUD 1977 BLOCK GRANT PROPOSALS The Communit cervicles Committee has reviewed the HUD 1977 Block GG . oposals and-re-comm- • • .t two public hearings be J . on the proposals. The first pul geearing will be he: d on November 8 , 1976, and the second on •. - •er 15 , 1976. •,6�.erti �•.� -m e,.,t a c-v�-L 'i/c, • Cecia4 . . tom,, ' -0, nuts .per- ,� 4 Meet-et-4 Chairwoman Pa - ._ Se our-T • =- Kenneth Bruce Earl Clymer PST:mg A 1 i 1