HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH - CDBG Program (1979) . . CITY OF RENTON HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1979 PROGRAM PROPOSAL , _ - _., c_ • C14 . 4e,X-44' -*--,1 - 44-0131010.11 , . w.arm. • . ..°1;g"k senior citizens' •center is 4 fK 1 `rQ .;-..p.:;;;:;xj4:::....,,...,;:i.-:-.,../.:,:. .r..,..-..;.1..., _-_ri- I.:irj-----_-__...wri.tt or....—5..._.:'_ ..,,: .., .:`.4.....:z -„s .. i,......„._......j. . Al, .- 1110P- / ,•'yr, � 1� `l ft housing rehabilitation • ;• .� '- .�• ; ti \ ` cedar river trail CITY OF RENTON HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1979 PROJECT PROPOSALS • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT DECEMBER 11 , 1978 OVERVIEW The City of Renton ' s Housing and Community Development Block Grant Program was initiated in 1975 in response to the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. Since this time the City has received block grants totalling over one million dollars for a variety of improvements targeted toward revitalization of its ' target area ' . Block grants replaced a number of narrower grant programs (Urban Renewal , Model Cities , Rehabilitation Loans , Neighborhood Facilities and Open Space ) making it possible to plan for and finance many kinds of improvements at one time , without having to write several separate applications for funding to operate a Housing and Community Development Program. More importantly , with the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 , Congress recognized that rundown housing , inadequate parks , and similar problems were not limited to the big cities , that smaller cities and rural communities also have many of the same needs . The overriding purpose of Housing and Community Development Program (H & CD ) is to improve the living condition of people with low and moderate incomes . Congress established that purpose by adopting the following objectives for H & CD programs : ( 1 ) Eliminate slums and blight, and prevent decay of neighborhoods ; (2 ) Eliminate conditions which are unsafe , unhealthy , and socially harmful to communities ; ( 3) Conserve existing housing and encourage new construction to give everyone the opportunity to live in a decent home and community; (4 ) Improve public services which support community development; (5) Improve th,e way land and other natural resources are used , provide a better arrangement of residential , commercial , industrial , recreational , and other needed activity centers ; (6) Break down artificial barriers that separate people of different incomes ; (7 ) Restore and preserve historic or other special buildings and areas for the enjoyment of future generations ; THE FUNDING PROCESS: The City receives its block grants through the King County Consortium, a partnership between the King County government and 25 incorporated cities within the County . These governments have agreed that the County ' s yearly "entitlement" , the lump sum of- H & CD block grant funds it expects to receive , will be divided into three parts : ( 1,) 50% of the grant is divided among the unincorporated County and 25 cities according to the population of each; (2) 10% is set aside for "joint projects" in which different governments cooperate on special , innovative projects ; (3') 40%, the balance, is put in a " needs fund" for which each jurisdiction competes on the basis of the urgency and special merit of its proposals . Although Needs Projects compete on their individual merit, the : , County requests that each jurisdiction submit its needs projects on a priority basis . This is done to give County Staff an additional indication of the importance each jurisdiction places on each of its projects . Another indication is the amount of population funds allocated toward each project. The County and .City governments have also agreed to work together through a six-member Joint Policy Committee of elected officials which reviews proposals submitted by the member governments , and selects the proposals to be funded from each pot of H & CD funds . It then sends the list of recommended projects to the King County Council which reviews and adopts the final application before it goes to HUD . CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: HUD requires jurisdictions receiving block grant funds to provide opportunities for citizens to participate in an advisory role in all phases of the program. In anticipation of the 1979 Program, a neighborhood meeting was held in May for residents of thei target area . Houses and apartment units in the Neighborhood Strategy Area received a leaflet advertising the meeting . An announcement was also placed in The Record Chronicle. • , Twenty-six residents of the target area attended the meeting . Those in attendance were briefed on past and present projects , supplied with information on the City ' s housing programs , and asked for input on neighborhood needs . Among the ideas expressed were the need for a park in South Renton , the need for housing rehabilitation , and the need for a minor home repair/yard cleanup program for elderly and disabled persons . A Citizens ' Advisory Committee was established in early August to provide additional input. to City Staff and in turn to the Mayor and . City Council . This ten-person committee consisted of residents of the target area . Extensive work meetings were held during which the committee reviewed project proposals , funding levels , and project priorities ._ The 1979 Program proposal , therefore, is a result of the City' s on-going program as previously approved by the City Council and new projects and programs as recommended by the Citizens ' Advisory Committee . The final step in the citizen participation process is tonight ' s public hearing at which citizens can comment on the projects and programs as recommended by the Citizens ' Advisory Committee . In accordance with HUD regulations , an article explaining the hearing was placed in The Record Chronicle 10 days prior to tonight ' s hearing . PAST PROJECTS : Besides directly benefiting low and moderate income persons , the block grant program is intended to revitalize certain designated ' target areas ' . In 1975 the City recognized the needs of its older central core area by designating it a target area for revitali - zation and rehabilitation. This area was defined as the Central Business District and surrounding residential neighborhoods . HUD recently recognized the City' s committment to this area by designating it a Neighborhood Strategy Area . This program will bring within the next 20 years over $3 ,000 ,000 in Section VIII funds to the central core. During the first three years of the program, funds have been used toward realization of those objectives as set forth in the City ' s Community Development Plan . All of the physical activities resulting from the program have been located within the target area and along the Cedar River. Among these are the Cedar River Trail System, Senior Citizens ' Center and Cedar Center Park. Construction is currently underway on a 1 .3 mile pedestrian trail/linear park along the river from the mouth of Lake Washington to the Civic Center. It is felt this project will greatly aid in the rehabilitation of the target area and will provide an incentive to homeowners and businesses, to upgrade both the housing stock of the area and the commercial uses along the waterway . Partial funding has also been secured to continue the trail southeast from the Civic Center to the proposed King County Regional Park. This will open 2. 3 linear miles of riverfront and adjacent City-owned wetlands , open space , and wildlife habitat to the residents of the target area . When completed in 1979 , the Senior Citizens ' Center will be the largest senior center in the State of Washington and will provide a complete range of recreational , nutritional , health and informational services . The facility is being: cons.tructed . on a 1 . 8 acre parcel in North Renton , part of which was formerly part of the City ' s shop site. This site is located in approximately the center of the Neighborhood Strategy Area and in close proximity to Cedar River Terrace. This facility is scheduled for completion in early 1979 and will contain 72 units of subsidized elderly housing . Also under construction is Cedar Center Park . This park will provide a multi -use recreational system adjacent to the new Senior Center and Cedar River Trail . The park is specifically: ddesigned as a barrier-free environment for use by elderly and handicapped persons of the area . It will provide easy access between the Senior Center and Cedar River Trail and Cedar River Terrace. It will contain boccieball , lawn bowling , suffleboard courts , a fountain , and open sitting areas . Because of both programs ' location within the target area , the Preventive Health Services Program and Renton Area ..Youth Services have received block grant funding . During the past three years the Preventive Health Services Program has provided free health screening , minor treatment , health counseling , health education , and referral to low income persons and senior citizens'. RAYS which received funding from the 1978 program, provides counseling services to youth of the area . Last year ' s program, although still supplying funding for such projects as the Cedar River Trail and Senior Citizens ' Activity Center , attempted to focus upon the two adjacent residential neighborhoods , North Renton and South Renton . The Housing Repair Program and Fire Prevention Programs both are aimed at furthering community revitalization and neighborhood restoration by providing housing repair grants , home fire-safety inspections , and smoke detectors to the residents of the target area . Besides these two programs , the Federal 312 Loan Program and King County Weatherization Program were initiated within the City. HOUSING 8 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM 1975, 76, 77, 78 PROGRAM YEARS 1975 PROGRAM 1976 PROGRAM 1977 PROGRAM 1978 PROGRAM HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLANNING & IMPLEMENTATION PLANNING & IMPLEMENTATION PLANNING & IMPLEMENTATION PLANNING & IMPLEMENTATION (POP) $ 39,535 (POP) $57,708 (POP) $ 33,257 (POP) $ 40,296 PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES (POP) $ 4,000 PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES (NEEDS) $ 15,000 (NEEDS) $15,000 $19,000 MEDICAL SERVICES FOR ELDERLY (NEEDS) $ 10,167 (NEEDS) $ 14,000 SENIOR CITIZENS ACTIVITY CENTER SENIOR CITIZENS ACTIVITY CENTER SENIOR CITIZENS ACTIVITY CENTER (POP) $ 28, 147 (POP) $30,000 (POP) $38,000 (NEEDS) $30,000 $60,000 (NEEDS) $59,429 $ 97,429 CEDAR CENTER PARK (POP) $40,000 RECREATION, WILDLIFE CEDAR CENTER PARK (NEEDS) $120,000 $160,000 HABITAT ACQUISITION (POP) $ 4,414 (POP) $ 13,621 CEDAR RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM GREEN RIVER HABITAT AND (JOINT) $150,000 CEDAR RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM WILDLIFE ACQUISITION (JOINT) $100,000 (POP) $ 4,900 HOUSING REHABILITATION CEDAR RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM PROGRAM (JOINT) $ 92, 100 (POP) $30,000 (NEEDS) $20,000 $ 50,000 FIRE PREVENTION PROGRAM (POP) $ 3,000 NEIGHBORHOOD STRATEGY AREA PROGRAM, PHASE 1 (JOINT) $ 9,805 (NEEDS) $40,195 $ 50,000 BIKE TRAIL SYSTEM: PHASE 1 (POP) $ 7,000 YOUTH SERVICES PROGRAM (POP) $ 5,000 (NEEDS) $ 15,000 $ 20,000 GREEN RIVER BASIN STUDY (C-POP) $ 13,402 $71,708 $242,267 $393,443 $375,559 1979 HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM CITIZENS' COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS POPULATION NEEDS TOTAL PRIORITY NO. PROJECT - FUNDS FUNDS REQUESTED 1 PLANNING & IMPLEMENTATION $ 33 ,321 -0- $ 33,321 2 SOUTH BURNETT PARK $ 40 , 000 $ 70 ,000 $110 ,000 3 SENIOR CITIZENS ' CENTER $ 24,000 $ 20 ,000 $ 44,000 4 HOUSING REPAIR PROGRAM $ 20 ,000 $ 55,000 $ 75,000 5 YOUTH SERVICES PROGRAM $ 6 ,000 $ 14,000 $ 20,000 6 PREVENTIVE HEALTH CARE PROGRAM $ 7 ,000 $ 9 ,820 $ 16 ,820 7 MINOR HOME REPAIR/YARD CLEANUP PROGRAM $ 5 ,500 -0- $ 5, 500 TOTALS: $135 ,821 $168 ,820 $304,641 • PROJECT SUMMARIES: 1 . Planning and Implementation Program . This program provides for staffing , basic operating supplies and other assorted administrative expenses necessary to carry on the daily planning and administrative tasks and responsibilities related to the Housing and Community Development Program. Specifically this staff will be responsible for ( 1 ) identifying needs of the community, specifically those involving the Neighborhood Strategy Area , and the low and moderate income residents of the area , (2) developing projects and programs to meet these needs , (3 ) managing the City ' s Housing Repair Program, (4) coordinating all housing programs (312 Loan Program, Weatherization Program and Neighborhood Strategy, Area Program) , ( 5) assisting in the management of projects funded through the Housing and Community Development Program including the monitoring of construction of the Senior Citizens ' • Center , Cedar Center Park , and the Cedar River Trail System, (6 ) obtaining citizen input and participation in all phases of the planning process , (7 ) assuring that all federal regulations and requirements are met , and (8) identifying and seeking other potential funding sources involved with housing or general community development. 2. South Burnett Park This project involves the construction of a functional parkway on the abandoned railroad right-of-way along South Burnett Street in the South Renton neighborhood. This neighborhood is presently without an active neighborhood park due largely to the lack of available land . Although efforts have been made by the City (grading , etc , ) the right-of-way has generally deteriorated into an eyesore. If funding is secured , formal design plans for the linear park will . be finalized . Tentative plans , based upon a random door-to-door sampling method to determine neighborhood attitudes and needs , include areas for both passive and active recreation . Included are a picnic area , patio ,. horseshoe pits , tot lot and multi -purpose playcourt, walkways and extensive landscaping . • 3 . 1 Senior Citizens ' Center This project is the final funding phase needed for completion of ' the Senior Citizens ' Center. When completed in Fall of 1979 , this 18,000 square foot building will provide a complete range of recreational , nutritional , health , and informational services . In ; order to avoid a costly delay , the City Council voted on July 17 ; 1978, to award the contract with the stipulation that the 1979 Housing and Community Development Program would be utilized to secure an additional $50 ,000 for use as the project' s contingency fund . It was further recommended that if not utilized for cost overruns , these funds be used to reinstate a portion of the deductive alternates (carpeting , cabinet work , outdoor trellis , bathroom tile, additional landscaping ) , or allow bond funds to be utilized for much needed furnishings . Since construction began last August, there have been no changes in the scope of the project and therefore , $44 ,000 is needed for completion of the facility instead of the previous estimated $50 , 000 . 4 4 . Housing Repair Program This program grants eligible homeowners in three designated target neighborhoods- up to $2 ,000 of repairs/rehabilitation to their homes . The program began in July 1978 through a $50 ,000 allocation from the City ' s 1978 Block Grants . This was the City ' s initial effort to upgrade the City' s single family housing units . To maximize the effectiveness of the limited funds available and to assure the greatest amount of impact, the program is limited to three residential neighborhoods : North Renton , South Renton and Renton Hill .. Through the first year of the program, 23 houses are receiving substantial rehabilitation. This grant will allow the present program to continue , and should result in an additional 33-40 homes receiving substantial repairs . 5. Youth Services Program This program will supply Renton Area Youth Services (RAYS ) with additional funds for specific programs . RAYS is a private , non-profit agency that provides a wide-range of services within Renton and surrounding areas . These services include individual , family and group counseling ; crisis intervention ; community education ; community services and restitution ; employment and job development, and an alternative living program. Funds obtained through the Housing and Community Development Program will be used for individual and family counseling , youth employment, and community education . Besides funds originating from its general budget, the City utilized $20 ,000 of its 1978 Block Grant allocation for the youth services program. • 6. Preventive Health Care Program This program is a continuation of the Preventive Health Care Program initiated with Housing and Community Development funds in 1975 and renewed the past three years . The project provides free health screening and assessments , minor treatments , health counseling , health education , and referral to low income persons and senior citizens . The program operates at the Senior Center two afternoons per week and at Valley Pulse Clinic two afternoons per week. During the 1977 program year (July 1977-June 1978) , 645 low income and 1199 senior citizens received medical attention through this program. Between July 1 , 1978 and October 25 , 1978 , 210 low income persons and 328 senior citizens have received services . 7 . Minor Home Repair/Yard Cleanup Program This program will supply elderly and disabled residents of the Housing Repair Program neighborhoods with no-cost minor home repairs , exterior painting , and yard cleanup services . Youth of the Neighborhood Strategy Area and a full -time supervisor would be supplied by the Department of Youth Services through the Youth Employment and Demonstration Projects Act. The City ' s contribution to the program would be funds for equipment and materials . Details of the program are presently being worked out with the Department of Youth Services . Current plans provide for the minor home repair and painting portions of the program to run through the summer months , and when funds are exhausted for materials , the emphasis of th'e . program will be shifted to yard clean-up and miscellaneous chores . • • PROPOSED 1979 HOUSING & COMMUNITY _""'"'' I: /" Pew DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM �--J - .• ! �� �,\ I`'y dr. r '(,_.,1I_:• �,1h ilFp 0 E5c'liC. ra` "a I' ry. . L. ppPLANNP G AND IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM 'a' C� ' o• •.•0:t qi L • c 0 r' =• .s:. `�'--- ® SOUTH BURNETT PARK _,g9d•..�o*o 'oy, �`��r�! �. .°' e W 2 a E. c° *,:: .. •'--T i�,_S..-.h •' I� © SENIOR CITIZENS' CENTERr. , �, O .=`�"0•+ •`••4'ii'*;a'�,1g HOUSING REPAIR PROGRAM I ICI e..I „ri^ •� E. `a,. 'i :r • MMff�� P Imo'- �,,7 �I- • 0 AIIINICI PAL ..SI ® • S,, •''wu `-..i , -• P!.o4 •cw:_ I'. RENTOl1 uOC�:' i:: ." ,A;,¢,rJOc V • YOUTH SERVICES PROGRAM AIRPORT __ - ,ata �°:, - �., ,; -' ; »yoo• • • ,,. 3� $ $� . pP- ILA • PREVENTIVE HEALTH ., �! ti; •� cat I .c e o`er • V. • \`CARE PROGRAM Boundary• 1 . I .,„ . a,.. _�i, .. .d =,•', ^ ' -_ c • `�_ • •• • I� •.•.4 a.a •••.! a a - T, r'?•_tf^_ .ti� - ._.• . ,-- 1 MINOR HOME REPAIR/YARD CLEANUP PROGRAM • _ I s- r-f., =c `• uj. 4 �;,::5, ? is. r_, ,, �` •( J/r�� PAST PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION • ' ar,. 1 '� _ I :! 'A nP�� _ I `f a "-6, .`,,,, ' ;+, .; ,c`' • " • ' 1 I - . • „. - a -. 1 L.• •• "'° ,.,p 1 •,,p t` •,, LISERT' • I. \ \ i c., ;�o��r Q/ I.• PARR • C , �' CEDAR RIVER TRAIL •- ,_ { ''-P, „=..s c q•I. .. -- • ' Etime . .;•'• '- ,. •-• _''.1,..? -110„gc,,t,1.3\ 5 l'• ir.,:••: •:-.. •;::. EA..... ': :.'''' . apstol I" ' L I CEDAR CENTER PARK �a• ?• ,{,' -- P• • ',�; �% • _- .,`, o .�.!� o} e•--•r,�3 �I i� ^moo `� �`i � •�„.c � ? • ��.I. ' OTHER PROJECTS I UNDER CONSTRUCTION J _ • : _r; �' I i'jr' L . I.3 i • • •_ ... 1., _ -- • • -'..; f 1 CJrJ I-_._ , r.• 'rf•�" -i ... _ r e.- \'r ';'`r. ... w ` S— CEDAR RIVER TERRACE -• 5,.2 c z3 . t_-- L,r Yr.',"1 - ' ••; . :, .cd- c_ { 11. I r� • ,o ija •`C ti .a f _ /.l .• -1 �° emu • ?• FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS = i. c n• ti\ ` , �\ • ,^1_ t t'S D O,.'Q'.. `l,.' i--{tL Gl ba .., , • •Ij., „ „ „.0 ,ley • •_ - • 1. • _,xsy-. e o ♦ _ I �< Renton Neighborhood ; , -• _:r .-�y. ;' ;® • �r�, ,` 5 :JI I ¢.-- + t.•r. --� c ��`(j p>�o�' •--, +. . •.r• nri e::-, �,r • a I .r • - _� ;ie •4 € ?1'�. 0 1❑I` ----y • •',• 1. --._.7' ` .. I Strategy Area . 9 a - = • _ -• 7 _ l; i;= h „: ram. . r . * '.• �1 'a.: 8.s:_,.•,r.! n-mac • I •` ,C'y _6 Sj I Atin ,__________.______,_________I1CAC tlifiC � 'J ff`s�'i r� 1et'- � - ,. c., I °, •S 'R°' -- �I II Feet • ti -- ism -. -- • �!- r/A� _ 1979 H & CD ' INTERJURISDICTIONAL PROJECTS REQUESTS (SUBMITTED SEPTEMBER 1, 1978) PROJECT SPONSORING JURISDICTIONS AMOUNT OF REQUEST 1 . CEDAR RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM%C RENTON/KING COUNTY $100, 000 2 . NEIGHBORHOOD STRATEGY AREA PROGRAMg RENTON/AUBURN/KING COUNTY $139, 965 3. GREEN RIVER BASIN PROGRAM KING COUNTY/VALLEY CITIES $100, 000 4. CASCADE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKgg KING COUNTY/RENTON $ 35, 000 5 . EAST VALLEY GOOD NEIGHBOR CENTERggg KING COUNTY/RENTON $ 7,400 *Recommended by King County Executive for full or partial funding . **Not recommended by King County Executive as joint funding , but funded through County population funds . ***Not recommended by King County Executive for funding . 1 C if '•. - ' ; " eon CityCo„ R ij r ' 6/25/79 Page 3 Ordinances and Resolutions - Continued Ways and Means Committee report recommended the:following. resolutions for adoption: . RESOLUTION #2280 Resolution was read adopting• the City's-Six-,Year Transportation ;,r Six-Year. Improvement Program and Arterial Street :Plan as amended. MOVED Transportation ` BY CLYMER, SECOND PROCTOR TO'ADOPT THE RESOLUTION, AS READ: .ROLL :, , ';;: ...,Improvement Program CALL: 5-AYE: SHINPOCH,. STREDICKE, PROCTOR, CLYMER, TRIMM, . ;: , and Arterial Street 2-NO: PERRY, SHANE. MOTION; CARRIED :,� Plan , RESOLUTION #2281 Resolution was reed setting August 6, .1979 as date for public Vacation of Alley hearing re petition for vacation of alley located between 'N,. Between SW 12th SW 12th St. and SW 13th St Petitioned by Pierotti (VAC-14=79) : , , ='' '''' " -. . & 13th Streets MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND CLYMER .TO.ADOPT THE; RESOLUTION AS READ. ''''' ' - VAC-14-79 CARRIED. ''n ` Resolution was read a approving Tiffany .Park:No. 4 Final' Plat. : RESOLUTION #2282PP 9. Tiffany Park No.4 FP-340-79. Property located on east side of Monroe Avenue SE Final Plat between SE. 16th Place and SE 17th Place: :' MOVED BY CLYMER, . FP-340-79 SECOND PERRY TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION WAS READ. CARRIED. Voucher Ways and Means Committee report recommended approval of Approval Vouchers No. 23715 through No. 23901.in the amount of $332,760.48 (Machine Voids #23710 - 23714) . . CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to all Council members and; ''.'. :' adopted by one motion without separate .discussi_on unless requested " :` : (Adopting motion to follow agenda- items.) MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH TO REMOVE ITEM 8d FROM THE. . . AGENDA RE APPOINTMENT. TO,THE BOARD OF ETHICS: CARRIED. ` Board of Letter was read from Mayor Delaurenti requesting confirmation Ethics of appointment of Mr. William L. Johnson to the Board of. Ethics. Moved by Shane, second Trimto confirm-appointment: Motion failed Mayor noted he would present another name to council,.. : Cedar River. Trail Letter from Planning Director Erickson recommended council accept System-Phase 2 completion of the Cedar River. Trails System-Phase 2 as of June' 25, , 1979 by Sun-Up Construction; Inc: . The report requested final • ' payment due of $17,106.86 and the retained amount of $73,125.65 .. be paid the contractor if after 30 days no liens or' claims ,are filed against the project and proof of tax payments, made. Concur. ' . . Funds for Work Letter from Planning Director: Ericksen requested Ordinanceto Study Student/ appropriate and transfer funds for one Work Study student/ Housing & Community Housing & Community Development Block,-Grant Program' in the amount .' Development Block of $2,580.94. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Grant Program . Final Payment Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason (revised) recommended SW 16th' St. & council accept completion of the 19.79 Street Improvemets, SW 16th 'St. Monster Rd. SW and Monster Rd. SW Intersection as of June 1, 1979 by. Associated . Intersection Sand and Gravel Inc. The report requested retained amount of CAG-017-.79 $690.90 be paid contractor if after 30 days no liens or. claims are filed against project and proof .of tax payments made. Concur. Phase I - Letter from Planning Director Ericksen , reproposed Phase I- Bike Trail Bike Trail System and proposed alternative route requesting ` System referral to the Community Services Committee for coordination and liaison purposes. Concur. Pre-Cut Hearing Examiner recommended: approval with •Restrictive Covenants International of of Rezone R-344-79, Pre-Cut International of Washington, from Washington - Rezone G6000 to L-1. Property located on SW 13th St. betweenSeneca ' R-344-79 Ave. SW & Freeway. Concur and refer to Ways and Means. Committee'. k b f r.-, .4 O c R '_ THE CITY OF RENTON ®01MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON. WASH. 98055 op - IP A IA " CHARLES J. DELAURENTI , MAYOR ® PLANNING DEPARTMENT 235-2550 04A SE P It10 June 21 , 1979 Honorable Charles J . Delaurenti , Mayor Members of the City Council RE : Request Ordinance to appropriate and transfer funds for one Work Study student/Housing & Community Development Block Grant Program Dear Mayor Delaurenti and Council Members : Funding from the University of Washington College Work-Study Program is available for one student to assist on the Housing & Community Development Program over the summer months . Specific duties would include performing outreach work for the City ' s housing repair programs , assisting in the preparation of informational brochures , assisting in the preparation of grant applications , preparing maps , charts and displays for citizen presentations , and assisting in collection of data for special studies or surveys involving housing and community development . Funding would be 65% of salaries and benefits reimbursed from the Work Study Program and 35% of salaries and benefits funded from the Housing and Community Development Planning & Implementation Grant. Appropriation and transfer of funds would be as follows : APPROPRAITE FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Work Study Program) 65% of salaries (Work Study allowance salary rate) $1,444. 72 APPROPRAITE UNTO: CD-507-78/Planning 4 Implementation/Work Study a/c 000/000/07.538.52. 11. 00(Salaries) $1,444. 72 TRANSFER FROM: CD-507-78/Planning $ Implementation 35% of salaries, overages/benefit Work Study Student $1,136.22 a/c 000/000/07.538.43. 11.00 (Salaries) TRANSFER UNTO: CD-507-78/Planning & Implementation/Work Study a/c 000/000/07.538.52. 11.00 (Salaries) $974.48 13.02 (FICA) $148.30 13.05 (Ind. Ins) $ 13.44 $1,136.22 TOTAL APPROPRIATION AND TRANSFER: $2,580.94 Honorable Charles J . Delaurenti , Mayor Members of the City Council June 21 , 1979 Page Two We respectfully request your concurrence in this matter with referral to the Ways and Means Committee for the proper ordinance . Very truly yours , Goirdon Y ricksen , -lanni irector GYE : sh 9/A.AAj'' Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON ' COUNTY OF KING ss. TL-r('='a :'is.j;:'"•SOf being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that no is the "l' r•}— '1 `T'ti of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and --" has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred v@OW to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- r ' I RENTON EDD invited Q��j i_ King yWashington, NOTiICE OF sent to voice approval, .paper published four(4)times a week in Kent, Count PUBLIC HEA"RING.� � 'aP rov �� and it is now and duringall of said time was printed in an office maintained I p 4,opinions', • at the aforesaid place f publication of sai newspaper.That the Renton 1979 BLOCK GRANTS` 'same` ; Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the DECEMBER 11 r 1978� `z CITY o[ RENTON Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, NOTICE'IS HEREBYSGI `il Maxine E , VEN that the Renton yCrty :,'Deputy•City °N ijt` •10 a r• O.+ re�3 >�,. Council hasfixed the date of •P•ublished• .in the Renton Washington.That the annexed is a December 11 1978 at 8 oo .Record Chronicle c al p.m. in the Council Chambember1,` `,R5262.- •-.. •,x,a, U • ers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Washing=). ton,as the timeand place for,p'; a public hearing to'cons1ider as it was published in regular issues(and °the followin i. N• not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period g' ' 's ?` 1979 HOUSING- •..,�1�' AND COMMUNITY;!,54� DEVELOPMENT,BLO6 GRANT PROGRAM of consecutive issues,commencing on the Any and all iriteresteid peck 1 recce F :nr 7` day of ,19 ,and ending the day of ,19 ,both dates inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $1 f which has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent insertion. 7Icrk Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 7)ecemi r 78 , 19 Notary P is in an or the State of Washing on, residing at Kent, King County. —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. V.P.C.Form No.87 24C4 _0 :,tzA(o. . (./ ri- Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON - COUNTY OF KING ss' CIN OF-` ',, '- .-�" , arm...l".. .1.ka.Sz being first duly sworn o �,.�� 5 --i a oath,deposes and says that;x,e:...is the . Ca* ^„ � . 9., THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONIC r st ` w . ' �' ` ', y 4 F .av�� /� p times a week.That said newspe>� Z , has been for more than s r, ' ". c yn, z {'`_ :" }, to, printed and pt h)s;`.;, z a ' t r y • °.° .e • i. x paper publis ti ^ ` r " and it i. `• - '.4 > :L , ; l ,-Ax,� .5 r ,r„�,: f � '- as it was published in regular issues(and not i�eip�Iement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period of 0.11.p consecutive issues,commencing on the ..?,2.xict.day of..S.ep.t^:vbar ,19.7.£1....,and ending the • .2.2 n day of £ p.t a-calb e.r ,19.7. ..,both dates inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $D�'7 , which has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the first insertion and per folio of one hundre wo ds for each subsequent insertion. .......:a.....0 l fr..r Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2.210 day of t p`i.:3:1.b a r , 19-.7.S... f3 --. Notary Pu i n and for the State of Wa gton, residing at Kent, Ki ounty. —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. V.P.C.Form No.87 CITY CLERK ' S OFFICE' INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: DATE : 11/27/78 LES PHILLIPS , Public ,Works Dept . FROM: Maxine Motor, Deputy City Clerk ' -. SUBJECT : 1979 Housing and Community Development. Block Grant Program : Renewal of special use ,permit for. Talbot Houser Attached are 10 copies of Notice of Public Hearing in regards to the above mentioned. _:',° 5 copies of Talbot -House for posting: Please post throughout, the city. Enclosed is one copy for your files and one certification copy to':be'. retiirned, to our, office ice when complete. THANK YOU . • RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 11 , 1978 Municipal Building Monday , 8 : 00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO'ORDER Mayor Charles J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and called the Renton City Council meeting to order. POLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council. President, GEORGE J . PERRY, PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR- COUNCIL THORPE, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, CHARLES F. SHANE, THOMAS W. TRIMM. CITY OFFICIALS C.J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; LAWRENCE WARREN, City Attorney; WARREN IN ATTENDANCE GONNASON, Public Works Director; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; MAXINE MOTOR, Deputy City Clerk; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; BRUCE PHILLIPS, Fire Rep. ; CAPT. JAMES BOURASA, Police Rep. ; JOHN WEBLEY, Parks & Recreation Director. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 4, 1978 MEETING AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING= This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, Alley Vacation published, and mailed according to law, Mayor Delaurenti opened Block 11, the Public Hearing to consider the request for alley vacation Car Works of Block 11, Car Works located between Houser Way No. and No. 3rd P1 . Letter was read from Warren Gonnason, Chairman Board ' of Public Works, recommending vacation of the alley as petitioned by Ken Hart for Carl Olson with retention of an easement and charge of 2 the assessed valuation totaling $2,580.48. Mr.Gonnason described the area being considered for vacation. Mr. Ken Hart, 13219 Northrup Way, St. 203, Bellevue, representative for Mr. Olson the applicant noted their concurrence in the fee and with the easement requested. Mr. Hart noted alley will be used for parking. Councilman Shane inquired as to ownership of surrounding lots. Mr. Gonnason explained ownership of property by Carl Olson and the State who has stated they have no interest in the property. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE THAT THE PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND STREDICKE TO CONCUR IN THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS RECOMMENDATION GRANTING VACATION OF ALLEY AND SETTING OF FEES.REFER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, 1979 Housing and published, and mailed according to law, Mayor Delaurenti opened --; ' Community the Public Hearing to consider the 1979 Housing and Community Development Block Development Block Grant Program. Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, Grant Program explained purpose, funding, citizen participation, planning and implementation, and proposed projects. Citizen' s Committee recommendations as presented by Mr. Ericksen were as follows: 1)Planning & Implementation, 2) South Burnett Park, 3) Senior Citizens' Center, 4) Housing Repair Program, 5) Youth Services Program, 6) Preventive Health Care Program and 7) Minor Home Repair/Yard Cleanup Program for a total request of $304,641. Community Services Committee report presented by Chairperson Seymour-Thorpe recommended Council concurrence in the Citizens' Committee recommendation as amended by moving priority No. 1 to no. 7 allowing South Burnett Park to become Priority No. 1. Minority report was presented by Councilman Stredicke relisting priorities with "people" oriented items first. Mr. Sandy Webb, 264 Chelan Ave.. SE, noted concern over possible highway construction in the area. Versie Vaupel , 221 Wells No. , member of Citizen's Committee, explained how housing repair should be a top priority. Kathy Koelker, 532 Cedar Ave. So. , member of Citizen' s Committee, explained some of the projects and made suggestions for future Citizen' s Committee for Block Grant Programs. Veer, Renton City Council 12/11/78 Page 2 Public Hearing - Cont. PUBLIC HEARING Tom Park, 440 Smithers So. , questioned possible duplication of 1979 Housing requests. Mayor explained they were not. Councilman Stredicke and Community noted that the entire city should be included, not specific Development Bloc target areas. Councilwoman Shinpoch questioned how many people Grant Program - would the park serve and the reason for priority. John Webley, Continued Parks Director, noted approximately 950 people would receive service from the South Burnett Park. Councilwoman Thorpe explained the importance of the park to the area and that any of the items listed could be deleted or only receive partial funding. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND THORPE TO ADOPT THE COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT. Substitute motion by Stredicke, second Perry to adopt the minority report. Amendment to the substitute motion by Shane, second Stredicke that all of Renton be included. Roll Call : 3-Aye: Perry, Stredicke, Shane; 4-No: Clymer, Thorpe, Shinpoch,. Trimm. Amending motion failed. Roll Call Substitute Motion: 3-AYE: Perry, Stredicke, Shane; 4-No: Clymer, Thorpe, Shinpoch, Trimm. Motion failed. *ROLL CALL ON THE ORIGINAL MOTION: 5-AYE: CLYMER, THORPE, STREDICKE, SHINPOCH, TRIMM; 2-NO: PERRY, SHANE. MOTION CARRIED. Motion by Stredicke, Second Shane Housing Repair Program be changed in policy to include the entire City. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY THORPE, SECOND CLYMER TO REFER TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE OF IMPLEMENTING PROGRAM TO INCLUDE ENTIRE CITY. CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND SHINPOCH TO RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 9:25 p.m. and reconvened at 9:40 p.m. Roll Call : All council members present. PUBLIC MEETING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted, Special Use published, and mailed according to law, Mayor Delaurenti opened Permit-Friends the Public Meeting to consider renewal of Special Use Permit for of Youth Friends of Youth. Community Services Committee report presented by Chairwoman Thorpe recommended renewal of the Special Use Permit with the same conditions as in the original agreement and the addition of two conditions for revamping the landscaping strip along the northern driveway inside the cyclone fence and completion of painting and exterior improvements to the building. Additional conditions to be accomplished by June 30, 1979 and subject to review and approval by the Planning Dept. Mr. Clyde Carlson, 2500 Lake Washington Blvd. North-representing Friends of Youth, noted concurrence in Committee report. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND SHANE TO CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Criminal dode Councilman Stredicke inquired of the changes in the criminal Changes code. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE TO REFER MATTER OF CHANGES IN THE CRIMINAL CODE TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Moved by Shane that a 2% tax be placed on all wagering at Shane Longacres. Motion failed for lack of second. Moved by Shane to give up to $50- off on city's share of taxes for senior citizens living in their own home. Motion failed for lack of second. Councilman Shane also inquired about the garbage rates. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee report recommending second and final readings of the following Ordinances: ORDINANCE #3269 Ordinance was read changing the zoning classifications Brown/Strand of certain properties within the City from General Classification Rezone District (G) to Single Family Residence District (SR-1). Rezone R-226-78 requested by Brown/Strand. First reading was 12/4/78. The area is located east side of Union Ave. NE, between NE 24th and NE 25th Streets. MOVED. BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. ,,••••••0' ..,. . , . ,,: . • •. - . ,- , . . . . . • . • . , . . . . .., • . ., . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . • . . .. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . ,, . . . . . . . . . . • .. . . ' COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE . . . . . . . •. . . . . COMMITTEE REPORT . . . . DECEMBER 11, 1978 . . • • . . . . ' . . RE:, 1979 HOUSINGAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ,. . . , . . . . . -, • . . . . ' . . -The Community Services Committee recbmmends Council concurrence in the Citizens ' Committee recommendation as amended by moving Priority No. 1 to No. 7 allowing . . South Burnett Park to become Priority. No. 1 (see . • attachment) . . , . . . . . . . . • ... . . .. . . ::... • . —. . . . . .• ,, . .',. , . . , . . _ • . . . 49,a-r.1-42c.A..;.- 7,1• .. . . . . . . _ Patricia Seymour-Thor e, Chairwoman ..- • . . . .. ..„.. . . . . . . -, • . . • . . , . . . , . . , . . . .. , • Riohard- Stredicke: ,::: • • . . .• . , . . , .• . • . .. . ., ., • -.. . . . , .. . , . . . . . . . .., --) • .„.. . . .. ....-- _ . . • Thomas Trimm . _ - . . .. . . ., . . -'• . • . . • • • ..,,,:, . • ,, • , . . . •• . ,' . • ' . . . • . . • . . , . . •, • . . . . . . . . . • . . , • . • •• , , • ; , . • . . . . • . . . . „. . • . . , . . . . .. , . .. , . . . .. . . . . • ., . , . . .. . . . . . . • . ••, • • . - . • r' . . • . ..,..,. . .,,..„ , • . - . , • , , , , . , . . . , ','i,!•'' '. • . , • . • . , . . • , 1979 HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM CITIZENS' COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS POPULATION NEEDS TOTAL PRIORITY NO._ PROJECT FUNDS FUNDS REQUESTED i 1LN 1 - PLANNING & IMPLEMENTATION $ 33,321 -0- $ 33, 321 - ‘2, 5- SOUTH .BURNETT PARK $ 40,000 $ 70 ,0.00 $110 ,006- k ) SENIOR CITIZENS ' CENTER $ 24 ,000 $ 20 ,000 $ 44 ,000 1 N. ! HOUSING REPAIR PROGRAM $ 20 ,000 $ 55 , 000 $ 75,000 • I 4 YOUTH SERVICES PROGRAM $ 6 ,000 $ 14 ,000 $ 20 ,000 'AN 5;' z PREVENTIVE HEALTH CARE PROGRAM $ 7 ,000 $ 9 ,820 $ 16 ,820 • I 40j MINOR HOME REPAIR/YARD' CLEANUP PROGRAM $ 5 , 500 -0- S 5 , 5i TOTALS : $135 ,821 $168 ,820 $304 , 641 • MTNORITY • • r� P O R T • Community Services Committee December 11 , 1978 Submitted by Dick Stredicke After much discussion and changing, the citizens ' committee on the Housing and Community Development Block Grant Program for 1979 was reviewed by the Community Services Committee . ' It is my understanding that the motion passed at that meeting shifted a single item on the "Priority Listing" but did not change a single amount of dollars . requested. I have absolutely NO QUARREL with any of the recommendations , nor the dollar amount! My concern is with the listing which will be submitted . . Listed No . 1 is the Burnett Street Lineal Park , at $111 , 000 . The park is needed and should be fully funded on this program. But it shouldn ' t come at the expense . of RAYS funding or Home. Repair funding. The committee recommendation shows a total of $30 , 000 more than the administration originally recommended . The total amount -- $304 , 641 -- should be allotted for Renton programs . $135 , 821 of that amount is "population" money, virtually guaranteed, but unassigned. The "needs" money was where the increase took place , and it should have - received the treatment accorded the program by the citizens ' committee . The difference of opinion then is with the order ONLY , not the requests or merit of same . We ' ve used- these funds for the Cedar River Trail , -Park For the Handicapped, Senior Center and Wetlands . :1y request is to place PEOPLE first! If for some reason , some monies were cut , the recommended order could fund' fully the lineal park and cut short the requested financial 'aid so desperately ' needed by RAYS , our seniors and the low-income seeking to repair their homes so that they can continue to live in them. It is my sincere hope that all of the funds requested- be granted . , But with past experiences in "priorities" the listing should be changed. Therefore , I recommend the following allocations be requested for the 1979 Housing and Community Development Block Grants : • Project "Population" "Needs" Total Request Money ; Money . • 1 . Housing Repair Program $20 , 000 $55 , 000 $75 , 000 2 . Preventative Health Care $ 7 , 000 .$ 9 ,820 = $16,820 3 . Youth Services (RAYS) $ 6 , 000 $14 , 000 $20 , 000 4 . Senior Citizen Ctr, $24 , 000 $20 , 000 . $44 , 000 5 . . South Burnett St . Lineal Park $40 , 000 $70 , 000 $110 , 000 6 . Minor Home Repair and Yard Work $ 5'; 500, --0- $ 5 , 500 7 . Planning & Implementation (Administration) $33 , 321 --0- $33 , 321 TOTALS $135 , 821 $168 , 820 $304 , 641 • Your concurrence in this order of submittal is urged. I Renton City Council 11/27/78 Page 3 Consent Agenda - Continued *Motion Adopting Consent Agenda Items Page 2 . AWC Request for Association of Washington Cities request that city designate a • Legislative legislative liaison to serve as the primary contact person in the Liaison city for legislative matters. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND STREDICKE TO REFER TO BUDGET COMMITTEE OF THE COUNCIL. CARRIED.. Completion of Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended that City S-209, CBD Sewer Council accept completion of S-209, CBD Sewer Improvements, by Improvements National Construction Co. , Inc. as of November 27, 1978. If after 30 days no liens or claims are filed and proof of payment of tax liabilities are received, the retained amount of $12,246.13 be paid to the contractor. *Council concur in recommendation. Log Storage Letter from State Department of Natural Resources advising that Lake Washington Foss Launch and Tug Company is phasing out portion of log storage activities along the south side of Lake Washington. *Information. Gray Rezone J. Clifford Gray Rezone (R-225-78) for property located at Maple SW (R-225-78) . and SW .12th St.Hear.ing Examiner recommended B-1 with restrictive covenants. *Refer to. Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. Request for Hearing Examiner' s decision re Ray Brown request for rezone Rezone-Brown (R-226-78) was approval of rezone from G to SR-1 for property (R-226-78) . , located at Union Ave. NE and NE 24th St. *Refer to Ways and Means Committee for ordinance. Claim for Claim for Damages was filed by Puget Sound Power & Light Co. , 620 Damages So. Grady Way, in the amount of $1,386. 15 alleging Water Dept. dug up electric facilities. *Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Carrier. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Public Hearing Letter from Gordon Ericksen, Planning Director, recommending 12/11/78 Block December 11, 1978 for public hearing in regards to 1979 Housing Grant Program and Community Development Block Grant Program. Following discussion, MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE TO CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Recess - MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED. Council recessed at 8:55 p.m. and reconvened at 9:05 p.m. Roll Call : All Council Members Present.. Talbot House Letter was read from Robert G. Lillie, Executive Director, Friends Special Use of Youth requesting renewal of the Special Use Permit for Talbot Permit-Public House. .Upon inquiry Mike Smith, Planning Dept. , noted council Meeting 12/11/78 approval is required once a year for three year Special Use Permit. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND SHINPOCH PUBLIC MEETING BE HELD DECEMBER 11, 1978. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE TO REFER TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Request for Letter was read from Ernest Tonda, President, Renton Historical Relocation of Society requesting consideration and approval for the relocation of Chief Seattle the Chief Seattle fountain ("Iron Mike") to a more attractive and Fountain suitable location along Mill Ave. South. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND CLYMER REFER TO THE ADMINISTRATION.Municipal Arts Commission to be contacted.CARRIED. Sewer Service Letter was read from Warren Gonnason, Public Works Director, requested to Dunlap council review request for sewer service to Dunlap Canyon Apartments Canyon Apts. and reconfirm its earlier action. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE TO RESCIND ACTION OF SEPTEMBER 27, 1976 IN AUTHORIZING THE CONNECTION. CARRIED. Renton City Council 11/27/78 Page 4 New Business - NEW BUSINESS Renton Letter was read from Warren Gonnason, President Renton Management Management Association, concurring in the Mayor's recommendation for a 10% Association cost of living salary increase for management and non-represented Requests employees. Also requesting that authorization and direction be given to the Personnel Director to appear and discuss the study and recommendations that have been completed. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND TRIMM REFER THE MATTER OF COST. OF LIVING TO BUDGET COMMITTEE AND REFER MATTER OF SALARY STUDY TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. Substitute motion by Thorpe, second Shane to refer matter to budget committee. Motion failed. ORIGINAL MOTIONCARRIED. Equipment Letter was read from Ted Bennett, Finanace Dept. , advising Rental Rates no need for increase in equipment rental rates for 1979, but consideration should be given to increasing rates on those pieces of equipment being considered for replacement in 1979. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND CLYMER TO REFER TO BUDGET COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilman Councilman Shane made the following motions which failed for lack Shane ! of second and requested they be entered into the record: A 2% tax be placed on wagering at Longacres. The city add back $89,000 and return $50 to every senior citizen age 65 and older. Councilman also requested the city establish standards and advertise for City Attorney.Councilman Perry noted for information that authority for appointment of city attorney rests with the Mayor and Council only confirms the appointment. Aviation Councilwoman Shinpoch requested the Administration to advise the Committee Aviation Committee as to its present status and authority. Mayor requested City Clerk's office research files as to the formation of the Aviation Committee by council. action. " � z Preliminary Councilman Stredicke requested,in writing, from the administration any Budget requests that were made for additional money not included in the preliminary budget. Airport Councilman Perry inquired as to jurisdiction over the airport by Jurisdiction the Airport Director and Public Works Director. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND STREDICKE TO REFER MATTER OF REPORTING RELATIONSHIP OF THE AIRPORT DIRECTOR AND THE. JURISDICTION OF THE AIRPORT TO THE TRANSPOR- TATION COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. ROLL CALL: 5-AYE; TRIMM, SHANE, SHINPOCH, STREDICKE, PERRY; 2-NO; CLYMER, THORPE; MOTION CARRIED. .. 4-Way Stop . '! Councilman Stredicke noted as requested by petitions4-way stop was Petition installed at the intersection of NE 10th St. and Olympia Ave. NE. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. 9:45 p.m. . Maxine E. Motor, Deputy City Clerk , g... ..:047.4:ie I07 OF RA, A �� THE CITY OF RENTON U `� Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 o . CHARLES J. DELAURENTI, MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 9A �' 235- 2550 o9gTD� SEP1E°e November 27 , 1978 et4. a , / �� M gyp\,`g� 5? (.51 c.., i.-.-A. vtccsx.‘, ..a., ,,J0-) The Honorable C . J . Delaurenti , Mayor c� ok Ce, a and Members of the Renton City Council �'- C\� ,�SCYc �. Renton Municipal Building q%� C�-E� Renton , Washington 98055 sERm l,2�d� RE : Public Hearing on 1979 Housing and Community Development Block Grant Program Dear Mayor and Council Members : A citizens' committee has been meeting since early August and reviewing possible projects and programs to be included in the 1979 Housing and Community Development Block Grant Program. In addition to this form of citizen participation , the Department of Housing and Urban Development requires one public hearing prior to submission of the City ' s 1979 Block Grant Application . It is hereby recommended accordingly , that December 11 , 1978 be set to allow public input on the proposed 1979 Housing and Community Development Program . Your concurrence in the hearing date as recommended is hereby requested . Very truly yours , �.-_. / ,� ' .''ordon .: ricksen , fir•'' ' lannifg Director r` 7 GYE : sh NOTIcE RENTON CITY COUNCIL will hold a • PUBLIC HEARING in RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH ON DECEMBER 3 a, 1978 AT 8:00 P.M. GENERAL LOCATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: • [Complete legal description.available in Public Records office, City Clerk) For the purpose of considering a proposed 1979 HOUSING AND COMMUNITY -DEVELOPMENT BLOCK—GRANT PROGRAM • C E R T I F I C A T I O N STATE (kWASHINGTON) ) s s . COUNTY OF ;IVNG A0#0 I , „51�s L . ;)„� ' ereby certify that ;edi p copies .pf .the above notice Were posted by me in 7Nr oyEirimPee conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the Citx .Munic,Xal Building , Renton , Washington on` ,date of e C. , 19 7� Signed ✓/ • ATTEST : • • Notary Public in .and for the State of Waah4nrttnn _rnai r74 _ - ni. v� ..i.... ' rr^ 1 • t'•� '"yr J` :q.u& t+ 1 n(„ k f �i, :I... b �L,i-v:a.,... S"i 4,'F4' 1„ .h �F' 1,�L{ `s: •h. 1' y,. u. �!i,• i ''Y. 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'S.,.,..,..„.„.......„,..„..... ,__ _ ..._ . ." . ." , - -'.f..:..r:,.'i tit'. , CITY 'CLERK' S OFFICE INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: DATE : FROM: SUBJECT : 2.1.ocL A:7:tv.cilet1 nvo 10 .;;(3.p.ic.3 o2 hiv..)L:LcciI > 7•J Ho,lzia3 ..cosarcLs to 1Q nc,ovn pofit tlAcl • 'Eaclouct -ID ono copy ctiicatior4 copy O be '.7c.tturaci.2 :;u) car • . co.m.piatc. YOU . • NOTICE RENTON CITY COUNCIL will hold a puBLIC HEARING in RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERS . 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH ON DECEMBER 11, 1978 AT 8: 00 P.M. GENERAL LOCATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: LEGAL DESCRIPTION : (Complete legal description available in Public Records office, City Clerk For the purpose of considering a proposed 1979 HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM DATE OF PUBLICATION: `m . I ji`m` DATE OF POSTING: SIGNED: � The removal, mutilation, destruction ' or concealment of this notice is a mis- pr n i n � demeanor punishable by fine and imprisonment. OF R.� �� o THE CITY OF RENTON 4$ © Z MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 i z o CHARLES J. DELAURENTI MAYOR • PLANNING DEPARTMENT 09 �� 235- 2550 O �P ' SEPl°a MEMORANDUM 1g1- (51 November 27 , 1978 TO : Maxine Motor , Deputy City Clerk FROM : Ed Hayduk, Housing and Community Development Coordinator Attached is a legal advertisement for public hearing on the 1979 Housing and Community Development Block Grant Program. Please place this announcement in the December 1st issue of the Record Chronicle. EH : sh r - CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 1979 BLOCK GRANTS DECEMBER 11 , 1978 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the date of December 11 , 1978 , at 8 : 00 p .m . in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building , Renton , Washington , as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : 1979 HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. t2)210 -.' CITY OF RENTON Maxine E . Motor , Deputy City Clerk Published in the Renton Record-Chronicle on December 1 , 1978.