HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH - Mileage Levy (1972) R ` INTER-OFFICE MEMO TO: Awen Marshall , Director of Finance DATE 9, 2 FROM: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney RE: Dear Gwen: We are handing you herewith sample Ordinances for the adoption of the tax levy for 1973 which you will undoubtedly need in connection with the public hearing thereon- on October 2nd. Would you please fill in the necessary blanks so that all the information is available to the Legislation Committee and the City Council. 1 If you have any further questions on this ma- er, please advise. We remain j' / G and M. Shellan GMS :nd ! / Encl. J ICY J c • r a CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON , FIXING THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT' OF TAX LEVIES NECESSARY TO RAISE THE AMOUNT OF THE ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES FOR THE YEAR 1973, AS REQUIRED BY RCW 84 . 5'2 . 020 ; AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO CERTIFY SUCH BUDGET OR ESTIMATE OF THE AMOUNT TO BE. RAISED BY. TAXATION ON THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF. THE PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON • THE CITY 'COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN - AS FOLLOWS,: • ' SECTION I: Pursuant to the requirements of RCW 84 . 52 . 020 , it is hereby certified that the estimated amount necessary to be raised by ` '- for calendar year 1973 and said taxation is 'the sum of $ .'"�-"=---f---�—�-:•� amount of tax levy is necessary to be levied upon the real and personal property subject to taxation in the City of Renton, for the purpose of raising the necessary revenues for said City for the/ calendar year 1973 , to-grit: \``•, �"� a �, /o , / (TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION $ � `--M-, `�-6 ' rr -25 ) Mills Amount Current Fund / Excess r,, f t r' C��� .2.., . . r;. - -) Mi,l lags /���_ �-.R A� . ti_. � �= �, 1,N15 '-mac ' x / SECTION II: That said taxes herein provided for are levied for the purpose of raising revenue sufficient to pay the principal and interest upon the general bonded indebtedness of the City of Renton, the General Fund, and for carrying on of the different departments of the municipal government of the City of Renton, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1973 and ending December 31, 1973 ; and the final budget of the City of Renton to be adopted and completed as specified _l_ in Chapter 95 , Laws of 1969, Extraordinary 'Session. SECTION III: That the taxes collected from the levies hereby fixed and made, together with the estimated revenues from sources other than taxation which constitute the appropriations of the City of Renton for the fiscal year 1973 , shall be so appropriated and as finally itemized and classified in the Annual Budget for the fiscal year 1973 to be adopted by the City of Renton as specified in Chapter 95, Laws of 1969 , Extraordinary Session. SECTION IV: A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be transmitted to the appropriate Governmental Agency of King County and such other Governmental bodies as provided by law. SECTION V: This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication, unless otherwise provided for hereinabove . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of October , 1972 . City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of October , 1972 . Avery Garrett, Mayor Approved as to form:. Gerard M. -Shel1an, City Attorney Date of Publication: -2- CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO . 2747. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, FIXING THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF TAX LEVIES NECESSARY TO RAISE THE AMOUNT OF THE ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES FOR THE YEAR 1973, AS REQUIRED BY RCW 84 . 52 . 020 ; AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO CERTIFY SUCH BUDGET OR ESTIMATE OF THE AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION ON THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I: Pursuant to the requirements of RCW 84 ..52 .020 , it is hereby certified that the estimated amount necessary to be raised by taxation is the sum of $2,255,987.00 for calendar year 1973 and said ' : . amount of tax levy is necessary to be levied upon the real and personal, property subject to taxation in the City of Renton, for the purpose of , raising the necessary revenues for said City for the calendar. year 1973 , to-wit: . (TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION $ 272 ,723,330 ..00 ) Mills Amount Current Fund 8.000000 $2,181,787: '. Excess Millage .27941 74 ,200,_ 1965 General. Obligation .Bonds 8.27941. $2,255,987'. - (Excess Levy based on assessed " valuation of $265,563,554) SECTION II: That said taxes herein provided for are levied for the purpose of raising revenue sufficient to pay the principal and interest upon the general bonded indebtedness of the City of Renton, the General Fund, and for carrying on of the different departments of the municipal government of the City of Renton, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1973 and ending December 31, 1973 ; and the final budget of the City of Renton to be adopted and completed as specified -1- r 1 in Chapter 95 , Laws of 1969, Extraordinary Session. SECTION III: That the taxes collected from the levies hereby fixed and made, together with the estimated revenues from sources other than taxation which constitute the appropriations of the City of Renton for the fiscal year 1973 , shall be so appropriated and as finally itemized and classified in the Annual Budget for the fiscal year 1973 to be adopted by the City of Renton as specified in Chapter 95, Laws of 1969 , Extraordinary Session. SECTION IV: A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be transmitted to the appropriate Governmental Agency of King County and such other Governmental bodies as provided by law. ' SECTION V: This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication, unless otherwise provided for hereinabove. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 57" day of October , 1972 City/ Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 4144' day of • October Tx, , 1972 . rY r Maybr - Approved as to form: eie efe Gerard K. -Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: (CGT0,6 e /- A_S, / 67 7 -2- 7,„01GI Y 0 RENTON 4. WASHINGTON_s 'I ',.ORDINANCE.NO.2747 •' •AN ORDINANCE'OF;THE,CITY' ' • OF RENTON, WASHINGTON,' . ' , FIXING THE ESTIMATED ', AMOUNT OF TAX LEVIES NEC- Aff♦davit of Publication ESSARY ;EC' •RAISE'•,.,THE. . t AMOUNT OF THE ESTIMATED` ' EXPENDITURES FOR •THE - YEAR 1973; AS REQUIRED BY;. STATE OF WASHINGTON RC1N'84:52.020; AUTHORIZING' THE CERTIFY COUNTY OF KING ss• SUCH (TY BUDGE CLERK OROESTIMATE ' OF THE AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION ON THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF'THE' StellaGreenwood being first duly sworn on _ PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN , ` -THE CITY OF,RENTON, WASH- INGTON . ' ' oath, deposes and says that she is thechie' clerk of THE, CITY COUNCIL 'OF THE , CITY OF'KENTON, WASHINGTON, THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That ` DO'ORDAIN As FOLLOWS: said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for SECTION I: Pursuant to the more than six months prior.to the date of publication referred to, requirements ,of RCW 84.52.020, printed and published in the English language continually as a tri it is hereby certified that'the'esti- weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now mated amount necessary to be and duringall of said time wasprinted in an office maintained at the raised 98•taxation c the' sumo r • $2,255;987.00 for calendar year aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton . 1973,and said amount of tax levy Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of • is necessary to be levied upon.the the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King :real and personal property subject . County, to taxation in the City of Renton; for -the purpose of raising 'the. _ Washington.That the annexed is a Ord... 2747 necessary revenues for said City for the calendar year 1973, to-wit , (TOTAL ASSESSED:VALUATION 0.0 $272,723,330) . - . Mills Amount • • Current - • . • • Fund 8.000000 $2,181,787 as it was published in regular issues (and E(cess,Mil lage 27941 .. 74,200 not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period 1965 General Obligation . , Bonds'(Excess Levy. 'based on assessed- ' • of one' consecutive issues, commencing on the valuation of • • $265,563,554) • ' 8.27941 $2,255,987 25 day of (XI 4a 19 72 and ending the SECTION I'I: That said taxes herein provided for are levied for ' • the purpose of 'raising' revenue ' day of , 19 both dates I' sufficient to pay the principal•and ' , inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its interest upon.the general bonded , . indebtedness of the City 'of Ren- , subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee ton, the',General Fund, and for ;carrying on"of the different 'de-- char charged for the foregoing 27.81. partments of the muliici al - ' g g g publication is the sum of • which ernrhent of the City of Renton, __ has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words the fiscal year beginning January for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each i 1, 1973 and ending December 31, I .1973; and the final,budget of'tlie subsequent insertion. ' City'of Renton to be adopted and �`� U1-.W completed as specified in Chapter \ '`.'� 95,:Laws of 1969, Extraordinary ��• �•� Session. SECTION' Ili:. That the taxes ' collected from the levies hereby - chief clerk fixed and made, together with the - estimated revenues from sources. other than taxation Which,consti- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2- day of lute the appropriations of the City of Renton .for the •fiscal year ' 1973, shall be so appropriated t °trg 19 72 ' and as finally itemized and classi- ual Budget for the - I ! fiscall'ye yearr - d in a Ann-1973 to-be adopted by , at - Notary u lic in and for the State of Washington, 95, Laws of 1969, Ex- traordinary iding at Renton,King County. Session. SECTION 'IV:. A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be trans- mitted to the appropriate Govern- -Passed by the Legislature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective mental.Agency of King;County ,• June 9th,,1955. and such other Governmental •bodies as provided by law. , —Western Union Telegraph Co.rules for counting words and figures, SECTION V: This Ordinance • adopted by the newspapers of the State. shall be effective upon ,its pas- sage, approval.and.five days.after , ' its publication, unless ,otherwise • provided for hereinabove'. • PASSED;BY THE CITY COUN-• . CIL this. 21st day Of October, 1972, . - .. ' - - - s(Delores A. Mead C APPROVED BY ,Ti E I MAYOR —— this 21st day of October,'1972, , "s/Avery Garrett Avery Garrett, Mayor ,Approved,as to-form:--, . --• s/Gerard4.'Shellan - " ' `Gerard M•"...Shellan; ' • City Attorney ,, .• . ' Published ,in the',-Renton Re cord-Chronicle'Octolier 25; 1972., - MUNICIPAL RESEARCH AND SERVICES CENTER OF WASHINGTON 4719 BROOKLYN AVE.N.E. a SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 9810E ® TELEPHONE 206-543.9050 L31:2;3 . November 29, 1972 `L'y \�'�2 L't MEMORANDUM TO: Mayors, City Managers, City Supervisors tc ��.� rC.t; +v ez`. Finance Officers, and City Clerks S U c\ �1, c FROM: MUNICIPAL RESEARCH AND SERVICES CENTER OF WASHINGTON ��' SUBJECT: PROPERTY TAX LEVIES I Because of the passage of Initiative 44, a city or town which has not enacted its property tax levy by December 6, 1972, could be faced with a complex, and even chaotic, situation concerning property taxes. The Initiative, which was approved by' the electorate, becomes effective December 7, and in effect repeals the current distribution of the 22 mill property tax among cities, counties, and other taxing districts in favor of a 20 mill limit on basic property taxes. However, no distribution formula for the 20 mills is provided in the Initiative. As of December 7, then, no allocation or reallocation of the 20 mills will be in effect and presumably cannot be established until the 1973 Legislature convenes. To avoid potential problems, municipalities which have not already done so should enact the property tax levy, in dollar amounts, prior to December 7. (It is realized that the legal date for setting the levy was in October, but that many cities and towns were unable to meet this date because assessment figures were not available at that time.) II In setting property tax levies, cities and towns should also be reminded that, beginning next year, a "freeze" will be in effect which will limit revenue from basic property tax levies to 106% of the highest levy of the three preceding years (1970, 1971, 1972) . Thus, cities not levying their maximum allowable millage this year might be precluded from doing so later. Increased valuations attributed to annexation or new construction are excluded from the freeze. III Another factor to consider in determining levy amounts is that a reduction of property tax levies may also affect future revenue sharing allotments from the U.S. Treasury inasmuch as tax effort is part of .the formula for distribution of these federal funds . Lam,,.rence J . Martin '...... Co!7aQit n.t \ F\\F•'I I 1/A, DAN�/IEJ_r J.EVANS.GOVERNOR rt��,�, , CLYDE B. ROSE,;DIRECTOR (SEORGE KINNEAR. DIRECTOR • %• PROPERTY TAXES 1 1 ! IHH,) • telly STATE OF WASHINGTON ,e`A I � � DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ,:; � OLYMPIA 98504 _ �' ' 151 November 21, 1972 } j .�:� ti' = of TO:: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS �?:;+ . �' ,~� SUBJECT: SJR 1 & In itiative 44 , The possibility has come to our attention that there may be counties which have not, yet made for themselves and for other taxing districts the 1972 tax levy, for taxes due- and payable in 1973. If any levy is not made by Decem- ber 6, 1972 (the 29th day after the General• Election) this could well lead to a chaotic situation. The reason for this is that the levy would probably then be subject to the provisions of SJR 1 and Initiative 44, which will be effective on December 6, 1972. It has also come to our attention that one of the possible reasons, for late levies is the fact that, under state law, the dates for final adoption of budgets for both counties and cities have been extended to various dates in December. These dates for final adoption of a budget should not be construed t.o amend the provisions of RCW 84.52.030, which states that levies shall be made' in October. We realize that the October deadline has already been missed in many cases; but nevertheless, in order to avoid those potential problems presented this year, by SJR 1 and Initiative 44, it is imperative that all levies be made as soon as possible and in no case,later than December 6, 1972. Our previous memo on the matter of SJR 1 and Initiative 44, dated November 14, 1972, assumed that all levies had been or would be made within ,: . 30 days after the General Election. Very truly yours, DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE • STATE OF WASHINGTON . , (7P4O y y. . B• ose, Direct Pr.`erty Taxes ' ' CBR/ms Attach: ' ' OC\ATI!N OF ec �4'usKkO *.s- 3 ' 4 1 SJR 1 AND INITIATIVE 44 SJR 1 and Initiative 44 were both approved by the voters at the November 1972 general state election. Both measures change the present limits on regular property tax levies. SJR 1 amends the State Constitution by striking the references to the required assessment level of 50 percent and the 40-mill limit and substitutes in their place a limit of 1 percent. This 'is equivalent to cutting the present constitutional limit on regular property taxes in half. The old provision, with a mandatory assess- ment level of 50 percent and 40-mill limit, was equal to a 2 percent limit. That is, the aggregate of regular levies could not exceed 2 percent of the true and fair value of the property. Under the new constitutional provision, the Legislature can provide any come bination of assessment level and millage limit it desires as long as the total; effective rate of regular property taxes does not exceed 1 percent. For example, it could provide for 100 percent assessment and a 10-mill limit. It could also set the limit in terms of so many dollars per $1,000 true and fair value. The ' total limit would be $10 per $1,000 of value and the Legislature would have to allocate the dollar limits within the $10 total to each of the various taxing 5' districts. Initiative 44 makes a change in the statutory limit, rather than the Constitu- tion. Initiative 44 lowered the present statutory limit of 22 mills on a mandatory 50 percent assessment level to 20 mills at 50 percent. This is compatible with the new 1.percent constitutional limit contained in SJR 1. However, under Initiative 44, the 1973 Legislature will be required to determine how the reduction from 22 to 20 mills will be accomplished. In effect, it will have to decide which taxing districts have their millage rates reduced. Had Initiative 44 not passed, the reduction and reallocation of millage necessary under the 1 percent limit would have automatically gone into effect under the terms of Section 24, Chaper 299, Laws of 1971. Under this law, the reductions would have been made -in the state public assistance levy and the state school levy. The state'and ,the schools would have shared all of the revenue losses. Section 24 accomplished this by an amendment to RCW 84.52.050, but Initiative 44, in effect, repealed RCW 84.52.050. • The effective date of both SJR 1 and Initiative 44 will be for taxes levied ! in 1973 for collection 1974. The reduction in regular property tax revenues expected during the first biennium (1973-1975) resulting from the reduction of . 22 mills to 20 mills, will be approximately $75 million. , Research and Information Division ' Department. of Revenue November 20, 1972 . � W� HARLEIf H. HOe • r KING COUNTY ASSESSOR 708 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 October 16, 1972 City Clerk City of Renton Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Sir: I am enclosing herewith a Certificate of Assessed Valuation of CITY OF RENTON for the year 1972. Due to the delayed availability of the Utility Valuations it was necessary to extend the date of budget filing contained in R.C.W. 84.52.020 and therefore all 1973 budgets myst be filed with the County Assessor on or before the 31 st, day o'f' October, '1'972. This year, for the purpose of excess levies only, it is necessary that the assessed valuation be adjusted to reflect the Senior • Citizen Exemptions. (Chapter 288, 1971 Session Laws of the State of Washington, 1st Extraordinary Session, Forty—Second Legislature). For this purpose only, your assessed valuation prior to the Waterer • craft adjustment is $ 273,246,747 Very truly yours, HARLEY H. HOPPE, Assessor • County of KING • ,F'.., • S. T. Schreiner • Accounting Division manager. STS/gt ENCL. ,t HARLEY H. HOPI KING COUNTY ASSESSOR 'j 708 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 October 16, 1972 • City Clerk ,I City of Renton Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Sir: I am enclosing herewith a Certificate of Assessed Valuation of CITY OF .RENTON for the year 1972. Due to the delayed availability of the Utility Valuations it was necessary to extend the date of budget filing contained in R.C.W. 84.52.020 and therefore all 1973 budgets m st be filed with the County Assessor on or before the 31st day•"'o�"• October, 1972. This year, for the purpose of excess levies only, it is necessary that the assessed valuation be adjusted to reflect the Senior Citizen Exemptions. (Chapter 288, 1971 Session Laws of the State of Washington, let Extraordinary Session, Forty—Second Legislature). For this purpose only, your assessed valuation prior to the Water— craft adjustment is $ 273,246,747 Very truly yours, • HARLEY H. HOPPE, Assessor County of KING • S. T. Schreiner Accounting Division manager STS/gt ENCL. ` t King County State ashington , ,' '+. , ' Department of Assessments 1144;44 -""7 — ,County Assessor HARLEY H. HOPPE 708 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 i I, Vito T. Chiechi, Administrative Assistant to the Assessor of King County, Washington do hereby certify that the assessed, valuation of all the taxable property situated within the boundaries of CITY OF RENTON for the year 1972 is $ 276,890,723 The above valuation is as recorded in the King County Assessment roll and reflects changes ordered by the King County Board of Equalization through 29 September, however, such board is still in session and will remain in session for an undetermined period of time. Included in the above valuation is $ 159,860 .. which is water- craft (R.C.W. 84.36.090). . WITNESS my hand this 16th day of October, 1972 • Vito T. Chiechi Administrative Assistant King County Department of Assessments. , WATERCRAFT TOTAL LIMITS-1 159,360 273,063,412 LIMITS-2. 500 3,827,311 /.. s /7-1 (../ ee i i 1-"° ae / / l�i'/l-dt ---t..-2-2-1-747.-/--?z-/ y 044..t.„,,,z-- ____ ir�-6 CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO . 2747 Vi/ Q AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY. OF RENTON , WASHINGTON , FIXING THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF TAX LEVIES NECESSARY TO RAISE THE AMOUNT OF THE ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES FOR THE YEAR 1973r AS REQUIRED BY RCW 84 . 52 . 020 ; AUTHORIZING THE e CITY CLERK TO CERTIFY SUCH BUDGET OR ESTIMATE OF THE AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION ON THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON , DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I: Pursuant to the requirementslof RCW 84 .52 .020 , it is hereby certified that the estimated amount necessary to be raised by taxation is the sum of $2 ,255 ,987. 00 for calendar year 1973 and said amount of tax levy is necessary to be levied upon the real and personal property subject to taxation in the City of Renton, for the purpose of raising the necessary revenues for said City for the calendar year 1973 , to-wit: (TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION $ 272 ,723,330 .00 ) Mills Amount Current Fund 8 .000000 $2 ,181, 78 Excess Millage . 27941 74 ,20 1965 General Obligation Bonds 8. 27941 $2 ,255 , 98 (Excess Levy based on assessed valuation of $265 ,563,554) • SECTION II: That said taxes herein provided for are levied for the purpose of raising revenue sufficient to pay the principal and interest upon the general bonded indebtedness of the City of Renton, the General Fund, and for carrying on of the different departments of the municipal government of the City of Renton, for the fiscal year inning beg January 1, 1973 and ending December 31, 1973 ; and t 'nal, �1\r e6if''� t _ _ _a..._.+„,� �,-1� nmmnl Pted sU ar • • RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 21 , 1972. Municipal Building 9 : 30 A .M. Council Chambers M I N U -T E S CALL TO ORDER Mayor Avery Garrett called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order, ,having been continued from October 16, 1972 Renton City Council Meeting which recessed at 1:25 a.m. October 17, 1972. ROLL CALL OF BRUCE, CLYMER, STREDICKE, PERRY, DELAURENTI AND SCHELLERT. GRANT COUNCIL MEMBERS arrived 9:35 a.m. • CITY OFFICIALS IN AVERY GARRETT, Mayor, DEL MEAD, City Clerk, G. M. SHELLAN,- City ATTENDANCE Attorney, CLARK PETERSEN, Library Director. and BERNARD RUPPERT, Building Director. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices being published and posted. 1973_Millage Levy-. as required by law, the continued public hearing was convened. Continued from and Clerk read letter from Vito T. Chiechi, Administrative Assistant October 16, 1972 to the Assessor of King County certifying assessed valuation of all taxable property situated within City for 1972 $272,723,330. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY PERRY., THAT PUBLIC HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. • ''MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT A TOTAL OF 8 MILLS BE SET FOR 1973 MILLAGE LEVY. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO • AMEND MOTION TO READ 7 MILLS, INSTEAD OF 8 MILLS. Roll Call Vote resulted in Ayes: GRANT, STREDICKE and SCHELLERT. No's: BRUCE, • CLYMER, PERRY and DELAURENTI. Amendment to Motion Failed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, AMEND.MOTION TO COLLECT 74 MILLS. Roll Call Vote resulted in Ayes: GRANT, STREDICKE and SCHELLERT. No's: , BRUCE,-CLYMER, PERRY and DELAURENTI. Amendment 1973 Millage Levy to Motion Failed. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, FOR Set at 8 Mills - PREVIOUS QUESTION. CARRIED. Roll Call Vote on original motion • resulted in Ayes: BRUCE, CLYMER, PERRY and ,DELAURENTI. No's: GRANT, STREDICKE and SCHELLERT. GRANT changed vote to '4ye" in order to re- \ quest reconsideration in future. .Motion carried adopting 8 Mill Levy. • MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE,- SUBJECT OF REVENUE SHARING BE REFERRED TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR PROPER ORDINANCE. CARRIED. Ordinance 2747 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented 1973 Millage Levy 1973 Millage Levy ordinance certifying that estimated amount necessary to be raised by , To Raise $2,255,987 taxation is sum of $2,255,987.00 which was read by Clerk. MOVED BY • STREDICKE, SECONDED BY GRANT, THAT ORDINANCE BE RETURNED TO LEGISLA- 8.00000 Mills TION COMMITTEE. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE TO AMEND .27941 1965 G.O. THAT THIS MATTER BE LAID ON TABLE UNTIL FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER • Bonds AND ASK KING-COUNTY ASSESSOR'S OFFICE FOR DELAY IN SETTING OUR MILL- 8.27941 Total AGE UNTIL THAT DATE. - Amendment failed. MOVED BY GRANT, SECONDED Millage ' BY STREDICKE TO AMEND MOTION TO REFER•TO FINANCE COMMITTEE. Motion failed. Original Motion Failed. ' MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, TO PLACE ORDINANCE ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. City Clerk Mead read ordinance, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Stredicke expressed opinion that levying of 8 Mills was not 'hecessary"as ordinance stated. Roll Call Vote resulted in Ayes: BRUCE, CLYMER, PERRY and DELAURENTI. No's: GRANT, STREDICE and SCHELLERT. GRANT changed vote to Aye in , order to request reconsideration in future. MOTION CARRIED. VOUCHERS MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY GRANT, AUTHORIZE PAYMENT WARRANTS NO. 1560 THROUGH 1562. CARRIED. RECESS ' MOVED BY GRANT,. SECONDED SCHELLERT, COUNCIL RECESS 10 MINUTES. CARRIED. Reconvened 11:26 a.m. Roll Call Vote showed all Councilmen present. Public Works Committee .Chairman Grant recommended concurrence. in Board of Public Works recom- mendation to approve application for use of public right-of-way for Wholesale Auto lighting at Wholesale Auto Center, Inc. at 365 Rainier Ave. N. MOVED Center, Inc. BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. ` City Clerk 30-Day-Revocable read Board of.Public Works recommendation, matter reviewed at October Permit meeting, lighting plans subject to national code compliance under supervision of Building Department. MOTION CARRIED. Renton City Council Regular Meeting Page 2 10/21/72 LETTERS OF MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY PERRY, TO CONCUR IN COMMITTEE COMMENDATION. RECOMMENDATION TO SEND LETTERS OF COMMENDATION FOR BEAUTIFICATION FOR BEAUTIFICATION TO WHOLESALE AUTO CENTER, INC., B & B AUTO PARTS, and RENTON DODGE. MOTION CARRIED, copies to be sent to Planning Commission. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Frank Cenkovich asked Council consideration for senior citizens Frank Cenkovich on fixed incomes for tax relief. MEETING ADJOURNED MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MEETING BE ADJOURNED. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned 12:00 noon. ;77/_eLer__„W_ Del Mead, City Clerk II RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING October 21, 1972 Municipal Building 9:30 A.M. Council Chambers REFERRALS LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Subject of Revenue Sharing for proper ordinance m CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 2747 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON , FIXING THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF TAX LEVIES NECESSARY TO RAISE THE AMOUNT OF THE ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES FOR THE YEAR 1973, AS REQUIRED BY RCW 84 . 52 . 020 ; AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO CERTIFY SUCH BUDGET OR ESTIMATE OF . THE AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION ON THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : - SECTION I: Pursuant to the requirements of RCW 84 .52 . 020 , it is hereby certified that the estimated amount necessary to be raised by taxation is the sum of $2,255,987.00 for calendar year 1973 and said amount of tax levy is necessary to be levied upon the real and personal property subject to taxation in the City of Renton, for the purpose of raising the necessary revenues for said City for the calendar year 1973 , to-grit: (TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION $ 272 ,723,330 .00 ) Mills Amount Current Fund 8.000000 $2,181,787 Excess Millage .27941 74,200.. . 1965 General Obligation Bonds 8. 27941 $2 ,255 ,987 (Excess Levy based on assessed valuation of $265,563,554) SECTION II : That said taxes herein provided for are levied for the purpose of raising revenue sufficient to pay the principal and interest upon the general bonded indebtedness of the City of Renton, the General Fund, and for carrying on of the different departments of the municipal government of the City of Renton, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1973 and ending December 31, 1973; and the final budget of the City of Renton to be adopted and completed as specified -1- in Chapter 95, Laws of 1969, Extraordinary Session. SECTION III: That the taxes collected from the levies hereby fixed and made, together with the estimated revenues from sources other than taxation which constitute the appropriations of the City of Renton for the fiscal year 1973 , shall be so appropriated and as finally itemized and classified in the Annual Budget for the fiscal year 1973 to be adopted by the City of Renton as specified in Chapter 95, Laws of 1969 , Extraordinary Session. SECTION IV: A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be transmitted to the appropriate Governmental Agency of King County and such other Governmental bodies as provided by law. SECTION V: This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication, unless otherwise provided for hereinabove . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 4,/ sr day of October , 1972 . 1 1 i r l Aelin,e,42 , City/ Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this '47/ 44- day of October 72.- , 1972 .ry itrr 441lay -1-, Approved as to form: ' f Gerard M. -Shellan, City Attorney Date , of Publication: De To G � 5� / C! 7,L -2- ' , OFR�� THE CITY OF RENTON fi MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 OVA = AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK DEL MEAD, CITY CLERK O,Q� 41- /*EO SEPO-- October 24 , 1972 • Mr. Harley H. Hoppe King County Assessor 708 King County Administration Bldg. Seattle , Washington 98104 Attention: Mr . Vito T. Chiechi , Administrative Assistant Dear Mr . Chiechi: We enclose herewith two certified copies of City of Renton Ordinance No. 2747 certifying the estimated amount to be raised by taxation for the Calendar Year 1973 is the sum of $2 , 255 , 987 and the millage levy is 8. 27941 . Kindly acknowledge receipt of the ordinance on the duplicate copy enclosed and return to this office in the enclosed, self-addressed envelope . Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead City Clerk Enclosures: cc: Mr. S. T. Schreiner , Acct ' g. Division Manager Assessor ' s Office Mr . Tracy Owen, Chairman, King County Council cc: Mayor Garrett City Attorney Council President r 411, CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF RENTON 1973 MILLAGE LEVY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing has been continued by the Renton City Council to Saturday, October 21, 1972 at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, to consider the proposed 1973 Budget as it pertains to the millage levy for the calendar year 1973 . Any taxpayer of the City of Renton, King County, Washington may appear before the City Council and be heard concerning the proposed levy. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the City Council will hold a public hearing on Friday, December 1, 1972 for the purpose of Fixing the Final Budget for 1973 which hearing may be continued through Wednesday, December 6, 1972,. unless the Budget is adopted prior thereto. (Further notice of this public hearing will again be published at a future date.) CITY OF RENTON /S/ Avery Garrett Avery Garrett Mayor ?7/z, {_ Del Mead City Clerk r:. Published in the Record Chronicle October 18, 1972 : 11111 NTON CITY COUNCIL :. 111111V ''.. . .. ; ' -- ": :' REGULAR MEETING October 16, 1972' . Municipal Building I/// 8:0 0 P.M. Council Chambers MINUTES . FLAG SALUTE AND - Mayor Avery Garrett led the. Pledge of Allegiance and CALL TO ORDER called the Renton- City Council meeting to order. ' ROLL CALL OF BRUCE, GRANT, CLYMER, STREDICKE, PERRY, DELAURENTI COUNCIL MEMBERS AND SCHELLERT. CITY OFFICIALS IN AVERY GARRETT, Mayor, DEL MEAD, City Clerk, G. M. ATTENDANCE . Shellan, City Attorney , GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director, . :GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director, BERT McHENRY, Acting Director' of Engineering, GENE COULON, Park • Director, VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent , JACK LYNCH, Mayor 's Administrative Assistant, BERNARD' RUPPERT, Building Director, M. C. WALLS, Fire Chief, .and, CLARK ' PETERSEN, Library Director . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED' BY GRANT,•. SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MINUTES'.BE COR- 10/2/72 RECTED TO SHOW SUBJECT WAS "BEING PAID DURING SNOW STORM" Page 4, Item 4, Emergency, Clothing, Minutes of October 2 , .1972 . CARRIED. MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED ' BY GRANT, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEET- ING' AS AMENDED . . MOTION CARRIED. BID' OPENING . . City 'Clerk• Mead opened and read bids for Branch Library $235,000 Limited Bonds as follows : . Seattle Trust and Savings 4 . 8888%, G.O. Bonds 1972 • Seattle First National Bank - 4 . 9233% average interest, Interim Funding Seattle-Northwest Securities Corp. . - 4. 8162% interest, • National 'Bank of Commerce of Seattle - 4 . 574576% interest . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, BIDS BE REFERRED TO CITY 'S FINANCIAL CONSULTANT AND FINANCE DIRECTOR AND TO• REPORT BACK . LATER . CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the ,date set and- proper notices being pub- 1973 Millage Lev lished and posted as required 'by law, the public hearing was declared open and . letter from Vito T. Chiechi , Audience Comment Administrative Assistant to the Assessor of King County Mario Gotti was read -certifying assessed valuation of all taxable J. Sporcic . ' property situated- in City for 1972' $276, 890., 723. in- R. Lewis ' - cluding $159, 860 . which is watercraft . MOVED BY STRED- - T. Teesdale ICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, HEARING BE CLOSED. CARRIED. Hearing Contin ed (See -reconsideration of , action and continuation of Sat . 10/21/72 hearing) MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED STREDICKE, CITY. 9:30 A .M., , OF RENTON NOTIFY KING COUNTY COUNCIL THAT MILLAGE LEVY - BE SET AT 7 MILLS . Councilman Clymer urged removal of . ' 2%' util'i`ty tax . Finance Director Marshall advised any • ' ' effort we make to cut our own taxes then will be cut in the amount received 'in revenue sharing. ROLL CALL VOTE RESULTED IN AYE'S: GRANT, STREDICKE AND SCHELLERT. NO'S: BRUCE, CLYMER, PERRY AND DELAURENTI . MOTION TO 'REDUCE LEVY BY ONE MILL, FAILED. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY. BRUCE, RECONSIDER CLOSING OF PUBLIC HEARING . . . ,..'AND DELAY ACTION UNTIL MORE INFORMATION RECEIVED. CARRIED. City Attorney advised City will be jeopar-' - 'diz,ed on Federal Revenue Sharing if not taxing full , - , amount. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY 'STREDICKE, TO CON- ' TINUE 1973 MILLAGE LEVY HEARING FROM THIS 'EVENING ' UNTIL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 , 1972 at 9:30 A .M. CARRIED. BID OPENING inancial Consultant Dick Kennedy' 'of Seattle-NW Secur- , $235,000 Ltd.G.O. ities presented report read by City Clerk, low bidder, Library Bonds National Bank of. .Commerce at 4.574576% interest . • .MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, CITY COUNCIL ACCEPT Branch Library ' LOW. BID OF NATIONAL -TANK OF COMMERCE AND RETURN OTHER Construction Bid ' BID DEPOSIT CHECKS TO 'BIDDERS. Library Director . Petersen ' .- Opening' 11/14/72 advised Branch construction to be 'completed' by August, • .1973. MOTION CARRIED. . PUBLIC HEARING This being. date set', 'pubiic, hearing declared open , • Broadacres , Inc. City Clerk read letter from Mrs . Thomas B. Leonard, Open Space Classi- President Renton School District Council of PTA advising fication Request , PTA had voted October 10, opposing 'Longacres open space. application for 'tax 'redtiction . Letter also read from OSC-705;-72 MINUTES - RENTON CITY;COUN STING Page 2 . ; - . 10/16/72 PUBLIC HEARING - Continued .. . . , Broadacres, Inc. Mrs. Donald E. Hamblin urging denial of 'Broadacres application, it,/ Open Space Request not qualifying with;ibtent of open space legislation. Planning OSC-705-72 Commission recommendation and Minority Report read by City Clerk. Planning Director Ericksen gave presentation showing maps and slides Audience Comment of Longacres area, advising Majority report had been adopted by Robert Koch Planning Commission by a 3 to 2 vote, Chairman abstained. Mr. Joel Versa Vaupel Rindal, Attorney .representing Broadacres, Inc.,reviewed, request . under RCW 84.34.040 .asking for relief of 300% ta'x increase reporting June Leonarld-:•Rufus'Sprague ' ` ''full assessed valuation real property taxes of $92,812.50, 'anti.ci- 'gating $60,000. -under open space classification. : Dr.' Shelby Bewley, Superintendent of Renton Schools. strongly urged application .be denied, 'reporting. school district land in area, reassessed at a true value of $30,000. per acre while Longacres land reassessed at $17,542. showing not reassessed at rate higher than current use. - He reported Renton. School District would lose $37,634.35 this year . alone, Renton property owners would have to"make up as school assess- . - - ment in dollar amount. Mr. Bob Thorpe representing Washington State Environmental Council urged denial. Mrs. Judy Mayes repres- enting Renton Education Association asked Council' to reject appli- cation. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, HEARING BE CLOSED; . MOTION CARRIED. ' ' • MOVED. BY'CLYMER, 'SECONDED BY. DELAURENTI, THAT 'THE BROADACRES REQUEST BE DENIED. , MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, TO AMEND MOTION TO INCLUDE: DENIAL IS BEING MADE AFTER REVIEW OF DETAILED INFORMATION FROM THE CITY ADMINISTRATION, REVIEW AND PRESENTATION BY. THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND AFTER WEIGHING TESTIMONY GIVEN HERE TONIGHT, THAT APPLICATION OF' BROADACRES, INC. BE DENIED ON THE BASIS . THAT BENEFITS TO GENERAL WELFARE OF PRESERVING OF CURRCiNT •USE WEIGHED AGAINST POTENTIAL LOSS OF REVENUE IN GRANTING APPLICATION DOES NOT•JUSTIFY ACTION AND CURRENT USE AS NATURAL AREA IS QUESTION- ED, NOR DOES IT ABUT PROPERTY OF NATURE OF NEIGHBORHOOD PARK, FARM, - FOREST, NATURAL WILD LIFE PRESERVE OR OPEN SPACE,' AND INDUSTRY SPOKESMAN HAS INDICATED NO' CHANGE IN PROPERTY IS PLANNED, THEREFORE DENIAL IS IN ORDER. Councilman Grant reported being Washington , Jockey Club employee, not owner or stock or bond holder, nor having any proprietary interest, spoke in favor of granting application . for ecological reasons and actual use of abutting area. ROLL CALL Broadacres, Inc: ' VOTE ON AMENDMENT RESULTED IN AYES: CLYMER, STREDICKE, DELAURENTI Request Denied AND SCHELLERT. NO'S: BRUCE, GRANT AND PERRY. NOTION CARRIED. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION-AS AMENDED RESULTED IN AYES: BRUCE, CLY , STREDICKE, DELAURENTI AND'PCHELLERT. NO'S: GRANT AND PERRY. :1 MOTION CARRIED, APPLICATION FOR OPEN SPACE CLASSIFICATION DENIED. Recess ' _ MOVED BY,GRANT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, '10 MINUTE RECESS. CARRIED. .Council reconvened, at 10:23 p.m. Roll call vote'rosulted in all ' TRANSPORTATION present, Bruce and Grant arriving at end of roll .call. • MOVED BY . comgr TE ',RWmq PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT, TO SUSPEND RULES AND GO TO TRANSPORTA22O,N : Pipeline Road COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. City- Clerk Mead read committee report Barricaded dt .Park . of,October 6,. 1972 advising the Mayor to remove the south barricade Open on South on ,the Pipoline .Rd, 'which will provide access from the south to ' - . Philip Arnold:Park, and. that a,permanent barricade be installed and Audience Court . , maintained at. the north end of the Pipeline Rd., such barricade Mario Gotta to be located at the mid-point of the parking lot of the park and Ewald Keonstle % to be located in the Pipeline right-of-way and the parking .lot t•, Karen Passche .prohibit thru traffic on the Pipeline right-of-way, with referral Vern'Potter to the Legislation Committee. The report further recommended:. (1) Louie Traverse That the Transportation Committee send.letters toRenton-Rill Anne Saturnii residents re secondary access to .the south and that Renton Rill Mary Lou due1tino ' Advisory Committee be reorganised if sufficient interest. ' (2) Speed Mario 1'onda I . limit on Edmonds 8.E. to Benson Hwy. be increased from 30 mph to 40 Jean Christ , mph in accordance with recommendation of Traffic BBgineer and-.matter ' ' Sharon Herman - referred to Legislation Committee for proper ordinance. (3) .Park- • Fred Burkhalter ing be restricted on south side of S.3rd St. from Mill S. to-Cedar • Edna Costner Ave. 'S. and matter be referred to Legislation Committee for Steve Douglas., ordinance. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY GRANT TO CONCUR IN CaiITTEE • Rita Jones . ! • REPORT. . Acting Engineering-Directorr McHenry explained dual locks Harold O'Hara , to allow emergency vehicle use of road. City Clerk read letter' . . _ from Chairman, Renton Athletic Council aakhroonsideration for these using Perk, and if road ta:be`cloaed, that it be closed, at parkin - lot of park. Petition bearing 196 names asking to keep .Pipeline Read Open was read by Clerk. Following discussion MOTION CARRIED •ADOPTING 'TRANSPORTATI®N COMMITTEE`REPORT. NcRenry'advised barricade plaearaent to take two weeks. . , , . CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON , FIXING THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF TAX LEVIES NECESSARY TO RAISE THE AMOUNT OF THE ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES FOR THE YEAR 1973 , AS REQUIRED BY RCW 84 . 52 . 020 ; AUTHORIZING THE , CITY CLERK TO CERTIFY SUCH BUDGET OR ESTIMATE OF THE AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION ON THE ASSESSED • VALUATION OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF, • RENTON, WASHINGTON THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS SECTION I : Pursuant to the requirements of RCW 84 . 52 . 020 , it is . . hereby certified that the estimated amount necessary to be raised by 'taxation is the sum of 2 , 260 , 174 .00 for calendar year 1973 and said amount of tax levy is hecesSary to be levied 1.1the real and Personal property subject to taxation in the City of Renton, for the purpose, of, raising the necessary revenues for said Cl/ for the calendar year 1973 , to- it: (TOTAL ASSESSED VALUAT $_273 ,246,747 .00 ) Mills , Amount Current Fund . 8.000000 42 ,185, 974 k; ocowo a, Z-1-6r}c" , 2, 099.) 33-/ Excess Millage 1965 General Obl gation 7 , Bond / LAI (E3icess Levy based on\ ' :assessed valuation of\. • ,_ , $273 , 246, 747) . 27155 74, 200 8. 27155 $2 , 260, 174 SECTION II : That said taxes herein provided for areslleviedT for the purpose of raising revenue sufficient to pay the principal and interest upon the general bonded indebtedness of the City of Renton, , the .Geneal Fund, and for carrying on of the different departments of the municipal government of the City of Renton, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1973 and ending December 31, 1973 ; and the final budget of the City of Renton to be adopted and completed as specified Ili / zs in Chapter 95 , Laws of 1969 , Extraordinary Session. SECTION III: That the taxes collected from the levies hereby fixed and made, together with the estimated revenues from sources other than taxation which constitute the appropriations of the City of Renton for the fiscal year 1973 , shall be so appropriated and as finally itemized and classified in the Annual Budget for the fiscal year 1973 to be adopted by the City of Renton as specified in Chapter 95 , Laws of 1969 , Extraordinary Session. SECTION IV : A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be transmitted to the appropriate Governmental Agency of King County and such other Governmental bodies as provided by law. SECTION V : This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage , approval and five days after its publication, unless otherwise provided for hereinabove . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of October , 1972 . City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of October , 1972 . Avery Garrett , Mayor Approved as to form: Gerard Ivi. -Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication: -2- . 0 �r ; �1 THE CITY OF RENTON A - - ^'' -- MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 cri 0 O ; .T tit, "" AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR A OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � 4 DEL MEAD, CITY CLERK s. TFD SE PP .„ , October 24 , 1972 . f` ,i • Mr. Harley H. Hoppe King County Assessor . , 708' King County Administration Bldg. . ' . Seattle, Washington 98104 Attention: Mr . Vito T. Chiechi , Administrative Assistant Dear Mr . Chiechi: ' We enclose herewith two certified copies of-City of Renton 'Ordinance No. 2747 certifying the estimated ' amount to: be raised by taxation for the Calendar Year . 197.3 is the sum of $2, 255 , 987 and the millage levy :• , is 8. 27941 . r i'.,' ' • Kindly acknowledge receipt of the ordinance . on the ' . ; duplicate copy enclosed and return to this office in the enclosed, self-addressed envelope . • Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON 1 , 12Delores A. Mead . City Clerk , Enclosures: cc; Mr. S. T. Schreiner , Acct ' g. Division Manager Assessor ' s Office Mr . Tracy Owen, Chairman, King County Council • cc: Mayor Garrett City Attorney • �/Council President MEMORANDUM• October 20 , 1972 To: The Honorable Mayor Avery Garrett Members of the City Council From: Del Mead, City Clerk Re: Assessed Valuation - City of Renton We have, in today' s mail, received another revised '` assessed valuation certification for the City. The new total is $272 ,723 , 330 . We are down a total of $48, 220 ,429 in assessed valuation and accordingly will lose $385 ,763 in tax loss over last year . • Si C HARLEY H. H® i �;`:. „ r'. , ,- KING COUNTY ASSESSOR 1., 1 ' 708 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 • y rc ' .-'cF 19 October �� T ``.,r•' Car. ry ) ;v y' • City Clerk . City of Renton Renton, Washington 93055 Dear Sir: I am enclosing herewith a Certificate of Assessed Valuation of _.._.._.__Ci y of_Renton �_ ___� ��__� for the year 1972. Due to the delayed availability of the Utility Valuations it was necessar., to extend the date of budget riling contained in R,CaW, 84,52,020 and therefore all ,1973 buffets must be filed with the County Assessor on or before the 3rd of November 1972, For purposes of statutory levies your assessed valuation, adjusted for Watercraft, is $ See below For the purpose of excess levies only, it is necessary that the • assessed valuation be adjusted to reflect Watereraft and the • Senior Citizen Exemptions. (Chapter •283, 1971 Session Laws of the State of Washington, 1st Extraordinary Session, Forty—Second Legislature) . For this purpose only, your assessed valuation is $ See bel ow s Very truly yours, , HARLEY H. HOPPE, Assessor • County of KING 0 , . S. T, Schreiner ` Accounting Division Clanager. ' Watercraft only, W/C & Exemptions STS/gt . Limits 1 . 269,008,471 �'; 265,563,554 ENCL. Limits 2 3,576,051 3,376,991 HARLEY H. H®I _ • %;,:,`i '''. KING COUNTY ASSESSI,„= 708 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 • CU -. � ins • • • I. Vito T- Chiechi, Administrative Assistant to the Assessor of King County', . Washington. do Hereby certify that the assessed valuation of all the ta.'able property s.tuated within the boundaries of CITY OFRENTON�_________ for the year 1972 is qi .__.__._.SEE BEL_OW___._.__._.____._._.__ The above valuation is as recorded in the King County Assessment roll and ' reflects changes ordered by the King County Board of Equalization through 29 September, however, such board is still in session and will remain in session for an undetermined period of time. SEE BELOW Included in the above valuation is which is water-- • craft .(R:C-W. 84, 36.090) . WITNESS my hand this 19th day of October, 1972 • Vito T: Chiechi • Administrative Assistant King County Department of Assessments TOTAL A.U. it WATERCRAFT , !LIMITS-1 269,1 446,879 � 173,010 LIMITS-2 3,576,451 500 MEMO R AND U 0� 1. THE CITY OF RENTON :',•;"' MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH. 98055 o , 3. AVERY GARRETT, MAYOR • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' 46� DEL MEAD, CITY CLERK qp Tet)SEP1 October 17 , 1972 To: Members of the. Renton City Council From: Del Mead, City Clerk Re: Assessed ValuationsCity of Renton ;. We have received a call this date from the King County • ;Assessor' s Office advising of a calculating error in all prior assessed valuations. The new figure for Renton is $273, 246 ,747 This means we are down an ,additional amount :of $29, 152.00 `,.`:' ` in tax dollars or a total of $381, 576.00 loss over last • year. cc: Jack Lynch ,', j . " %o - i '- %.-, 1~ ,.,:.,:;.;.',,,', . ,0,7- / ,---7--L-r./.._- )-• 77;21:eg.---4----,-- . .::". - ':,-A;.: ' '. . 77, . ., , '''N__---1:14---1,-1-.- , (_„,(..--a-- , /Le c„,./Ze,.(i-t-,.-1--,-!.. (":-/-' C''- -(‘- . . --jjjj ;cC52J 7Z c- .. f S./C- 2— l/,V/'(/t; 4_—e_,d_.vi'':e,:_d •e.—/(-.c'L_- .. City City of Renton '`���" `` `; ' Renton, Washington 98055 — — HARLEY H. HOPP KING COUNTY ASSESSOR C•� E.',;=< - x s, 708 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 October 16, 1972. City Clerk City of Renton ' Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Sir: I am enclosing herewith a Certificate of Assessed Valuation of CITY OF RENTON for the year 1972. . Due to the delayed availability of the Utility Valuations it was necessary to extend the date of budget filing contained in R.C.W. 84.52.020 and therefore all 1973 budgets must be filed with the County Assessor on or before the 31st day of October, 1972. • This year, for the purpose of excess levies only, it is necessary • that the assessed valuation be adjusted to reflect the Senior Citizen Exemptions. (Chapter 288, 1971 Session Laws of the State of Washington, 1st Extraordinary Session, Forty—Second Legislature). - For this purpose only, your assessed valuation prior to the Water— craft adjustment is $ 273,246,747 • Very truly yours, HARLEY H. HOPPE, Assessor ' • County of KING LIMITS-1 269,618,496 l - to LIMITS-2 3,268,251 ' S. T. Schreiner ' Accounting Division Manager STS/gt - :.� < �, OOT 1972 3 ENCL. i T of [?F 4l n;; 5 _ ' I CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON , FIXING THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF TAX LEVIES NECESSARY TO RAISE THE AMOUNT OF THE ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES FOR O RITHEG TYEAR 1973 , AS REQUIRED BY RCW 84 . 5 O ; CITY CLERK TO CERTIFY SUCH BUDGET OR ESTIMATE OF THE AMOUNT TO BE RAISED YLOCATED TAXATION WITHIN THE THEASSESSED OF VALUATION OF THE PROPERTY RENTON, WASHINGTON THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : Pursuant to the requirements of RCW 84 . 52 . 020 , it is hereby certified that the estimated amount necessary to be raised by taxation is the sum,,of $ for calendar year 1973 and said ,. amount of tax levy is `necessary to be levied upon the, real and personal property subject to tax tion in the City of/Renton, . for the purpose raising the necessary revenues for- said City for the calendar year 1973 , \ to-gait. i " (TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATIO $ �7 '-""-` \E. / Mills . Amount Current Fund ' `/ J/ ` Excess Millage ,'' ' "` '.3 / - -- f i ,' , SECTION II : That said taxes herein provided for are levied for the purpose of raising revenue sufficient to pay the principal and . interest upon the general bonded indebtedness of the City of Renton, the Genea1 Fund, and for carrying on of the different departments of the municipal government of the City of Renton, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, . 1973 and ending December 31, 1973 ; and the final budget of the City of Renton to be adopted and completed as specified T G141- t.--4---- ,4), King County Stay Yashington i� �' ,4 `A Department of Assessments i a ,, , ;;, ,5 ' „fr 4j,County Assessor HARLEY H. HOPPE 0 V; ' q.,�-Y r ,.. fewy1.y t,. ,(yy,..` 451 708 King County Administration Building Seattle, Washington 98104 ' `- ` . • ' I, Vito T. Ch''iechi, Administrative Assistant to the Assessor of King County, , Washington do hereby certify that the assessed valuation of all the taxable property situated within the boundaries of CITY OF RENTON , \ for the year 1972 is $ 276,890,723 The above valuation is as recorded in the King County Assessment roll and reflects changes ordered by the King County Board of Equalization through 29 September, however, such board is still in session and will remain ,in session for an undetermined period of time. Included in the above valuation is $ 159,860 which is water- craft (R.C.W. 84.36.090). , WITNESS my hand this 16th day of October, 1972 '..''':,...'.: ',' #17.--;311(.7").aLe....g.„.:„., . Vito T. Chiechi • ' ' Administrative Assistant King County Department of Assessments WATERCRAFT TOTAL LIMITS-1 159,360 273,063,412 . LIMITS-2 500 3,827,311 f • --- _� �,,,, -Ffen,nPnt die-nartments of HARLEY H. H011- ,- j - s ! KING COUNTY ASSESSOR s�� r t+ s {'�, c. :^ , �'. �' �`� z � 708 King County Administration Building 14,1 ;jr-, pax; 1 ; i; Seattle, Washington 98104 October 16, 1972 S City Clerk - City of Renton Renton, Washington 98055 Dear Sir: I am enclosing herewith a Certificate of Assessed Valuation of CITY 'OF RENTON for the year 1972. Due to the delayed availability of the Utility Valuations it was necessary to extend the date of budget filing contained in R.C.W.' 84.52.020 and therefore all 1973 budgets must be filed with the County Assessor on or before the 31st day of October, 1972. This year, for the purpose of excess levies only, it is necessary that the assessed valuation be adjusted to reflect the Senior Citizen Exemptions. (Chapter 288, 1971 Session Laws of the State of Washington, 1st Extraordinary Session, Forty—Second Legislature). ' For this purpose only, your assessed valuation prior to the Water— craft adjustment is $ 273,246,747 Very truly yours, HARLEY H. HOPPE, Assessor County of KING S. T. Schreiner Accounting Division manager STS/gt ENCL. • interest upon the general bondedindebtedness of the City of- Renton, j .4, ;.J,,' '. '_.foil O •.' ••. •... ' .,:. : .... a 4 7,/ .4 i I. / `7 �7 Ltkiv.. ,• • :: 3..4 . a/ r 2... Si' . ,, .* . • • • •• . . 2- •• ' , ., ... • . N ° `^.�) ING '-,••,...,; ,s,,. :. 01- -‹. ' • . iwaft.' .• ,. . • , • . A • AR o N rmg • f• r' 1,( p N A • , a 0 ORDAIN : • • AS FOLLuw� . • .. • romAnt� of RCW 84 . 52 020 , , it is .. ` . . CITY OF RENTON , WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON , FIXING THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF. TAX LEVIES NECESSARY TO RAISE THE AMOUNT OF THE ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES. FOR THE YEAR. ' 1973 , AS REQUIRED BY RCW 84 . 52 . 020 ; AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO CERTIFY SUCH BUDGET OR ESTIMATE OF THE AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION ON THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I: _ Pursuant to the requirements of RCW 84 .52 . 020 , it is , hereby certified that the estimated amount necessary to be raised by taxation is the sum of $ for calendar year 1973 and said \ the real and personal amount of tax levy is necessary' to \�be levied upon h subject to taxation in te `City�f Renton, for the purpose of property i1 • raising the necessary revenues fork id City for the calendar year 1973 , t to-izit: \ 1 \..)(TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATS�N $2176 ,890 ,723 i \J Mills .• Amount_ Current Fund \ 8 . 000000 $2 , 215 ,12 ,Vr, \ . 267976 74 , 20 Excess Millag \, \ 1 + \. J SECTION II : That said taxes herein provided for are levied > , . rinci al and :� for the purpose of raising revenue sufficient to. pay the p P interest upon the general bonded indebtedness of the City of Renton, the General Fund, and for carrying on of the different departments of the municipal government of the City of Renton, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1973 and ending December 31, 1973 ; and the final budget of the City of Renton to be adopted and completed as specified • t _1- ')14,cs tp_J 3 a / L i 7v07 '( )()j to i CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON , FIXING THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF TAX LEVIES NECESSARY TO RAISE THE AMOUNT OF THE ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES FOR THE YEAR 1973, AS REQUIRED BY RCW 84 . 5'2 . 020 ; AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO CERTIFY SUCH BUDGET OR ESTIMATE OF THE AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY. TAXATION ON THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I: Pursuant to the requirements of RCW 84 .52 . 020 , it is hereby certified that the estimated amount necessary to be raised by taxation is the sum of $ 2 , 260 , 174.00 for calendar year 1973 and said amount of tax levy is necessary to be levied upon the real and personal 'property subject to taxation in the City of Renton, for the purpose of raising the necessary revenues for said City for the calendar year 1973 , to-wit: 7Z16.6) ; ,e.‘..�,,''(w-- (, / /2 /7 ('TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION $.273 , 246, 747 .00 ) Mills Amount Current Fund 8.000000. $2 , 185 , 974 r` Excess Millage 1965/ -neral Obligation Bonds (Excess Levy b:•sed on /assessed valuat ' on of $273, 246,747) , 27155 74, 200 8. 27155 $2 , 260, 174 SECTION II: That said taxes herein provided for are levied for the purpose of raising revenue sufficient to pay the principal and interest upon the general bonded indebtedness of the City of Renton, the Geneal Fund, and for carrying on of the different departments of the municipal government of the City of Renton, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1973 and ending December 31, 1973 ; and the final budget of the City of Renton to be adopted and completed as specified _i_ in Chapter 95 , Laws of 1969 , Extraordinary Session. SECTION III: That the taxes collected from the levies hereby fixed and made, together with the estimated revenues from sources other than taxation which constitute the appropriations of the City of Renton for the fiscal year 1973 , shall be so appropriated and as finally itemized and classified in the Annual Budget for the fiscal year 1973 to be adopted by the City of Renton as specified in Chapter 95, Laws of 1969 , Extraordinary Session. SECTION IV : A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be transmitted to the appropriate Governmental Agency of King County and such other Governmental bodies as provided by law. SECTION V: This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication, unless otherwise provided for hereinabove . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of October , 1972 . City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of October , 1972 . Avery Garrett, Mayor Approved as to form:. Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney - Date of Publication: -2- )- 7a ;---3 3 ° 114ed ,(0 0,4,60\ eit "0 8' CC147'" v �,e. 7Z772:t I3r: �) I3 8 Y.() ? \U� I )`-z . (1/ l � fd— o9,8 'rL C /1-y- eJA-i 16 / ( ilT> io ( DA 7-YN ,7 // 0 0 Ad/ ,1/ 1 X\Y )\ • 7( / e ?/' JJ tti 4 / N/ _ • _ I/. ") La"e l+.•-••-•,,,,-... ,,,g/, 71..A.. ..s",--"",_ 1 , .'k .."1,41,,ei ''''''7; • iffeL6A:i iSSell'' 1 ,4e // li . / / . / /7 /1 , ,,, 6:e----- dr BIL AEN1.ON CITY COUNCIL • REGULAR MEETING. - (• October 2 , 1972 Municipal Building• ' 8 : 00 P .M. , Council Chambers MINUTES FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the Renton City Council meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF ' ' BRUCE , GRANT , CLYMER, STREDICKE , PERRY , DELAURENTI. COUNCIL MEMBERS - AND SCHELLERT . CITY OFFICIALS IN AVERY GARRETT, Mayor, DEL MEAD , City Clerk, G. M. ATTENDANCE SHELLAN , City Attorney, 'HUGH R. DARBY , Chief of Police , GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director, GORDON ERICKSEN , Planning Director , BERT' McHENRY, Acting . Director of Engineering , JIM FRASER, .'Personhel Director, GENE COULON , •Park Director, VERN CHURCH , . Purchasing Agent, Vic TeGANTVOORT , Street Superin- tendent, JACK LYNCH , Administrative Assistant to the Mayor, BERNARD RUPPERT , Building Director , and M. C. 'WALLS , Fire Chief . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO APPROVE 9/25/1972 THE MINUTES OF, THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF SEP,TEMBER 25 , 1972 AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT. CARRIED. INTRODUCTIONS Mayor Garrett intorduced Renton ' s new City Clerk, Del Mead and• Maxine Motor , Council Recording Secretary. Councilman Stredicke introduced Record Chronicle reporter Chris 'Leachtenauer , who was welcomed by Mayor Garrett . PUBLIC HEARING( This being the date set and proper notices being 1973 Millage Levy published and posted as required by law, the public hearing was declared open and letter was read from Tracy J. Owens of, King County Assessor ' s Office advising of extension to ten working days after date of notification of ' assessed ' values to taxing Hearing Extended districts , delay due to availability of utility to October 16 , 1972 valuations from the Washington State Department of Revenue which did not arrive in time . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , AS WE HAVE NOT RECEIVED ASSESSED VALUATION/ HEARING BE CONTINUED' UNTIL DATE OF OCTOBER 16 , 1972 . Councilman Schellert urged council to consider lowering property taxes . MOTION CARRIED PUBLIC HEARING FOR 1973 MILLAGE LEVY ' EXTENDED UNTIL OCTOBER 16 , with Administration to' ' obtain information on amount of revenue sharing . Community Services Community Services Committee Chairman Clymer Committee Report submitted report recommending concurrence in the Change in Board of Mayor ' s letter of September 19 , changing qualifica- Adjustment tions for Position #4 of Board of Adjustment from Position No. 4 a general' contract, (member of A .G. C . ), licensed by the State to a person actively engaged in the management or ownership of an established retail business in the City. The reason for change was no citizen was member of that organization . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION • COMMITTEE . MOTION CARRIED . ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented RESOLUTIONS committee report recommending ordinance be placed ' on its first reading and referred back to committee : Legislation Change in Position #4 Board 'of Adjustment. MOVED Committee Report BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. CARRIED . An amendment to Board of Adjustment Ordinance changing the composi- tion of Position No . 4 to an owner, manager , or operator actively engaged in the conduct or operation of a retail 'business located in Renton city limits was read by City Clerk Mead. MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY STREDICKE , REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE . MOTION CARRIED . The Legislation Committee recommended the following ordinances be placed on their first, second and final reading and be adopted MINUTES - .RENTON CITY,, COUNCIL MEETING .Page 2 10/2/72 . . - ORDINANCES, AND RESOLUTIONS -. Continued Amendment to Ordinance relating to parking restrictions on Traffic Code West side of Talbot Road 8 : 00 a.m., :to 5 : 00 .p.m. Talbot Road South MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER; ORDINANCE . BE . PLACED ON FIRST READING. MOTION CARRIED. . 'Ordinance read prohibiting parking West side Talbot Road S . on school days' from South City Limits to- _ Puget. Drive. MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED GRANT , • ORDIDIANcE BE REFERRED BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE . • .CARRIED. . ORDINANCE NO. 2743 Ordinance appropriating funds from , excess revenue Appropriation funds into U.A.B. Fund Budgetary Accounts , Street , and • to Budgetary Accounts Street Forward Thurst Budgetary Accounts . MOVED Urban Arterial -BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GRANT, • TO CONCUR IN . Street RECOMMENDATION OF 'LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND PLACE Street Forward ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. City Clerk Thrust Mead read ordinance, authorizing Director of Finance to provide following appropriations : • ' ' UNTO : Urban Arterial Fund Budgetary ' Account 302/542/13/.63. $1 ,101 ,446 . 00 Account 302/542/11/11 25 , 000. 00 Account 302/542/11/13 1 ,533 . 00 UNTO : Street Fund Budgetary Account 104/542/16/63 227 , 287 . 00 ' UNTO: Street Forward Thrust Fund • Budgetary Account 301/542/11/11. 2 , 500 . 00 Account 301/542/11/13 153 . 00 • - • Account 301/542/13/63 ' 227 , 287 . 00 I • MOVED BY SCHELLERT , . SECONDED BY GRANT, 'THIS ORDIN- ANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. . CARRIED. Following reading , MOVED BY SCHELLERT , . . SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE ALL AYES . MOTION CARRIED. • _ RESOLUTION, NO. 1820 Resolution authorizing the Mayor ' and City Clerk to . 2% of Proceeds from enter into agreement and sign contract with Seattle- Sale of Liquor tot King County Health Department re Central Alcoholism Aid Alcoholism Agency was read. MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED ' Program BY , SCHELLERT , RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. , . MOTION CARRIED. Hon. .Gary ,Grant , State Representative State Representative was introduced,commenting in support of this program. ' GARY GRANT Present, An Ordinance transferring funds from certain excess Favoring the Project revenues received in excess of estimated revenues to • ORDINANCE NO. 2744 current fund miscellaneous services for the 'Transferring $2 , 500. purpose of paying the City ' s fair share for the City ' s Share Central Alcoholism Agency. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, Alcoholism Program SECONDED BY DELAURENTI TO PLACE ON FIRST READING. • CARRIED. Following reading, MOVED BY ' DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , - ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON • 1 SECOND AND FINAL READING. MOTION CARRIED. After - reading, MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , CORRESPONDENCE AND • ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED ,AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE ALL AYES . CURRENT BUSINESS MOTION CARRIED. . Claim-Wanda Messmer Claim for .personal injuries filed by Wanda Mae • 24664 156th S .E . Messmer was read by City Clerk . , MOVED BY PERRY, • Kent, Wa. 98031 SECONDED . BY CLYMER, THAT THE CLAIM BE REFERRED TO THE CITY `ATTORNEY AND THE INSURANCE CARRIER. • CARRIED . Beautification Request for use of public, right-of-way for lighting. 365 Rainier Ave . N. purposes was read from Tommy R. Crook of Wholesale Auto Center, Inc , MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY . BRUCE , MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS • COMMITTEE FOR . RECOMMENDATIO.N . CARRIED. St. Bernadette Request for No-Fee . Permit for six elementary school . . School , Burien . . children to sell candy bars in 'Renton from September 30 , ..through October 7 , 1972 to benefit the St. Bernadette School activity fund was presented by City Clerk . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST. ' CARRIED. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF RENTON 1973 MILLAGE LEVY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing has been continued by the Renton City Council to Saturday, October 21, 1972 at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, to consider the proposed 1973 Budget as it pertains to the millage levy for the calendar year 1973 . Any taxpayer of the City of Renton, King County, Washington may appear before the City Council and be heard concerning the proposed levy. NOTICE IS FURTHER. GIVEN that the City Council will hold a public hearing• on Friday, December 1, 1972 for the purpose of Fixing the Final Budget for 1973 which hearing may be continued through Wednesday, December 6, 1972., unless the Budget is adopted prior thereto. (Further notice of this public hearing will again be published at a future date.) CITY OF RENTON • /S/ Avery Garr-ett Avery Garrett Mayor / . �C C 17/6a-Ge-- . ' Del Mead City Clerk Published in the ,Record Chronicle October 18, 1972 . CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF RENTON 1973 MILLAGE LEVY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing has been continued by the Renton City Council to Monday, October 16 , 1972 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, to consider the proposed 1973 Budget as it pertains to the millage levy for the calendar year 1973 . Any taxpayer of the City of Renton, King County, Washington may appear before the City Council and be heard concerning the proposed levy. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the City Council will hold a public hearing on Friday, December 1, 1972 for the purpose of Fixing the Final Budget for 1973 which hearing may be continued through Wednesday, December 6, 1972 , unless the Budget is adopted prior thereto. (Further notice of this public hearing will again be published at a future date .) CITY OF RENTON 6e0i rrett Mayor 77-t- t Del Mead City Clerk Published in the Record Chronicle October 6, 1972 MEMO R A N D U c.) r THE CITY OF RENTON 2 ocrw-F;o o MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE.SO. RENTON,WASH.98055 Oda `TI AVERY GARRETT,MAYOR • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK DEL MEAD, CITY CLERK 471.O SEP��46 October 17 , 1972 To: • Members of the Renton City Council From: Del Mead, City Clerk Re: Assessed Valuations. - City of Renton We have received a call this date from the King County Assessor' s Office advising of a calculating error in all prior assessed valuations. The new figure for • Renton is $273, 246 ,747 . • This means we are down an additional amount of $29, 152.00 in tax dollars or a total of $381, 576.00 loss over last year. • .jam ' cc: Jack Lynch '•‘i•i" ,z,'-.:,••••• -n-,y,,•-.•:,.• • , ' -'-..:-.- ".,.-,.'•...".,..,,•:- ..,..„ , . ., ; , •••• '•';'•k'?'11:- •- ,__, ._••• . . . ..- :-:-*;•,',•,•.:•:,,';*. : .• .,,,-, . , ?...:',':,i:'•.. .;;;..i;•.;.,,,,, .%,, , *,4:4;:,-7 *.•'f-4-il.:.:1;:.',:,•,, , '... , . :. :::?,.:,•'.4..-,•-•i,'•-:• ;',i,':;,.*';;:,...,i'J.: . 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Ailbk:-G;i4liinr40' 'ad being first duly sworn on .• . •.- „ .-'::2'f,'_!:.-i',;',-'-:',...;',.Y''.7, ' '•-.'i'..; •:..:,.y'rl.'i',.- , •'''i.'.':•-.''..:.."--.•:.'.••:::,'V''','-' 1 . oath, do,00. .4.:4.0':,s4ys that ...ighais the em„if,' rtia.4,' ' of . • ., .;-:•,,.......",.:„..i:;.:.,:.!.•-..f.,-,,,,..„. . . . . . --•'-:•!'-i'L',,•';',-''',;.' ••,:••i;;;')THE RENTT6N;fiCORD-CHRO1TICLE, iliTTeeiffriltvspaper. That . . . . said n6W:SpiPee:-.:.0'-'2a-•;legal:newspaper and it is now and has been for • . - .:,..'--?--,&-.:,,.,. .,..,;,,-?„,-,. - . ':• more itiarCSi*..m0nths prior to the date of publication referred.to, • . • printed;„And:,.published.in the English language continually as a tri ,. :,:;.,:,,-.4,.:,;•',:,$..i.:. ,: i:Yi's.:',, weekly'n'ovspakr:ln;'Rinton, King County,.Washington, and it is now . ,.;',,-,.•:::... ''e',..';',.':',....'-'',',.--'..'.,: .,. and during:411'•of aid time was printed in an office maintained at the. , • aforesaidt:,;pik )ciEpublication of said newspaper. That the Renton . Recordiiroiniel'e,has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of .. . . .,.„. ., .. - - the Sug6rior.SCOurpof-the County in which it is published, to-wit, King • • ', '-':•.:_"...r..,,,..?;',-; . County,•;.i.c':' •:---- ---:..,-;!•--.., . . NOtg. public hiaringa . Washintitoiii....1*t•00 annexed is a • :3,-,k".(:).-,-e:'',5,!,,;,.'e,-•::-!,',.:,,:. . • ,-':•-•'....;•,-,';;;i•;,-,c',-- ‘f,c,,....;•,(:,,,, :..,:.,;:',!.!.,,:,::;:,-:?,,•-:,, : , . ,..,•-.-. . . . .- CITY CIF RENTON,WASHINGTION •,.'••• •,•;,'-i%c.::',:,':'">: - '.•', !,NOTICE.CY PUBLIC HEARING '';14••••'• ii. ':',.•.:r!••, • • 4.:,3'.*144.,....idiv,v, • , . , • . -- - .••'-;^•i.*TITY CV RENT()N . ;•;i-'.•-•:'•.;.-•,••••.;:"-)A?:;•;:.7-•.: 777 • . , • . --'i-i-ij•,,:*•:.:,•,•;;k1i;'e•'%.,."..,:,•'"'''"-. ' . . , *••".•'.:A.L.973:hl I LLAGE.'111W ‘,.••-,V:i•:•••,..,.:,•i,j'Ai'o': ::',!,-,. • ..as it was published1 in regular issues (and• •:)... „,,TdCEI'llf' HEREBY Mjal '..,.4:•':, ,''Ki:',.-,!•:II ..• ',*c''.' ,,":.•:,"•-".."„'''';,•,''''' '- . ,..iti:pfpybi id,:hearing ilm) bmii) .'•:.:•,;;-•.•,7:',]•;';',.-•• •,•''not in sittiP1040:piiiin of said newspaper)once each issue for a period ,Ccifltif59,,e0•f,byf,":.at) 'Renton City • '''",''',.. ..'! *:is-••i-: . 10:,:n*:`i'*44;:•; :.!' : •:•••••' • '..Clitificili&'''Mohday, October 16,' . -,,-;,,. .,',:, -J,E._:,:.'-: ••:•:;,..t,;:,;:i.,. . . A•977-ritp:00.:0:m. in Vag Counc ..:*';'g•';,.':'•:,';:;',s.i,',,fill*; , of '-'2'j'•'-'';'•'• 4).!trc'' ': . consecutive issues, commencing on the Crrim ber ,...61 the lagifoi) il pal !:T:1:!31113 m)IR ftpertal7D'ins ''''''.','?•1'.!."''''::,i::).1'•''.c''''''''''-','1.1t. 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That the full amount of the fee ,tCilf;1,priiniA'lo'heard concerning mo -:':',-(:'::",`•*"-',°-.-,;'-`2''''''l piloOtTee -s.J'..-• ri,..F.'',!'-i..::::'; ',V.,.';`' :,'..;:.1 • • . . ,:t3t110'Sirik!ai?ti ictl,h he'1,4,C:rriltl_yni: liddliapyu,fropDroesceemco- 9 18. ' • • chargeptO•illei.fol,f0koing publication is the sum of$..- 0 , which . . 10,fill*xLrg!'i1P-ie 7- '.-6(ri f°i.r Budgette has be8ii;PAid:lit fillat the rate of per folio of one hundred words for theWtieiii4ltiorianci per folio of one hundred words for each , ..„......„ , subs eci4iiii",', '- . itlich hearing'WIZ be continued '';''''.1-:?::' ''',-;:•M; , .• ...., ...„,....•.,, ' rtbromg1,;),Aecinesday,'December 5 ):97.2guriless'.the Budget tb) .iai • '• ,..-,•:-..., :.:'-•;2:i . . • *i,c?,e.sill 4,11,..?.`p_ ths pupieicreto.,EltliCky . ,•-::.....7',7?".:‘:'::::'- '1'`, M.t:i''',..-f 4,:;'A:::::' :• .• .--'et.\41%,,,QgJ.Q.N. 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October 5 gm' .-- :•:;-k.':,1,7,.,.,,,,tg,.., • • ;.i•-•., ,,,,,,..,.4,-.•,,,,..., .:• • ,__•,,,,,,,,,,o;',::'.,,,,. ; ., !.,R,1.47.8kk.-,:,,,:,'--- .:•„...:,,,,,:,,,...:.,..;,.,,,:;,..i.i t,':..7:',AAIVY:j:,w.,,;., .. 079 k 1r"' s .'1:.,',..til.:,i';;;f:ft:,,M.,,,•!:.• . • . . , ' . •..!' '.': :'.::'!ki--" ...2.-.,`- ':;‘,V, . . . , .: '•..,,,,f„,.,,.:-,-,,.:,,,,,:.- ,,%;,-1.:.7:.:‘,-...4,v,t-f:-..,;••.., 0,---V-i-e.,—(,,..a-- .ZF Not . ublic in and for the State of Washington, . . Y - residing at Renton,King County. '1,.•?,-.4-il.,'.;'?„•,...,''-...;.-',•••: ,_: • ‘,,'.....4., ,:= ;', ....:. . . ..--••.:,;--:::,..-...,-,-..'%•-',7, _ ..,.. ., . , , —Pass6t*Ylille,714,7iSiature, 1955, known as Senate Bill 281, effective • , --,:--,-...:(,!,-,,,,.,_:•--,,,:-.::;,....-.. June*h:;1955';''.7.: ..?';'•,:.••-.'.:;.:1!.:,',"c- -, :n.';'.."-..: ;fr',.;,';c:".-:`,-..,,•:,' ,.-:'::',-.'.,-,- , ' . . —West41441iilijii: relegkaph Co. rules for counting words and figures, . .:.. .,... , . adopfedloy.:,the newspapers of the State. , '.:,!6)A. .....':::;.,:jr;:.','',,,,•.- , r . \ • . 1 • 1 , r • I • •. i . • 1 r, ;- ., Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON • COUNTY OF KING ss. OtE311:a.••.reenwoorl being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that ..,,4-1„is the c3Y .c,.c...c.le.rk of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King -----_ County, �— ___________J-_ Washington.That the annexed is a _L d V C O O- n..0 d N tD p a' (-). .l0',n JZi'._`--N.-, -▪ 000isQ cJ; miZ`>,- as it was published in regular issues (and 5. _ ,—C c?-_+'x o'?,' not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period a. S lv m '�m.=-tmrz1 l el > >T7 ,m Z Dt-1-1em"' I -0�oa m � 1''�mO: " one �s 0 CO moz. z� of consecutive,issues, commencing on the o 2 3-< -.<z c�i+�. .o; . 18 Ccta %2 =.. 0 c.<<. EE,�-' ,`.. day of , 19 , and ending the 5 0._ —0 z 4. 19 o-a s a 0 0 >ae- v,Y o —o day of , 19 ,both dates D� —�.—zo = n�P3� inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its _ o 5, 3 a, O. '�k� a w_: g Y T... 7.CD_1m a.0 '<io, CIEA subscribers during all of said period.That the full amount of the fee = iv o m,Q 0 �� .3.3_,M„�' charged for the foregoing $ 99. which ) - �2 o d ,, 6).".� m o g g g publication is the sum of ..�.o. o o-,, 1.a,., ,: J ID j C a,..7 C. , ,OOsn., has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words ;a st m a ,-, O ,�� S for the first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each ° fD a-2 _ 3` -..' °. N subsequent insertion. A o x l JJ S G7 �.N1• c • % .,%}.C...\/, - ViUQA mz � 1 o Q `'m; �chic. cicc r a.�'�; tones �•:: 4�ia to R-C , cecn�O•NbC O iv . - _• --, = Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18 day of 6•0 '0'_"1�c-�: Oat, ,19....72 _ 3o _�co o ° a', o, . • CL,D66 Nota P blic in and for the State of Washington, ,_,- o. "' c)m • ,, residing at Renton,King County. �' c,5 3 d )Z 3 Q rP3`' Osn�,odor O • E. t5-0 1' P— assed by the Legislature, 1955,known as Senate Bill 281, effective June 9th,1955. Western Union•Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, 'adopted by'the r ewspapers of the State. - • `:EN UN CITY :-.;outvCIL • REGULAR MEETING October 2 , 1972 Municipal Building 8 : 00 P .M. • Council Chambers MINUTES • FLAG SALUTE AND Mayor Avery Garrett led the Pledge of Allegiance CALL TO ORDER and called the Renton City Council meeting to order. ROLL CALL OF BRUCE , GRANT , CLYMER, STREDICKE , PERRY , DELAURENTI COUNCIL MEMBERS AND SCHELLERT . CITY• OFFICIALS IN AVERY GARRETT , Mayor, DEL MEAD , City Clerk, G. M. ATTENDANCE SHELLAN , City Attorney , HUGH R. DARBY , Chief of Police , GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director, GORDON ERICKSEN , Planning Director , BERT McHENRY , Acting Director of Engineering , JIM FRASER, _ Personiiel Director, GENE COULON , Park Director, VERN CHURCH, Purchasing Agent , Vic TeGANTVOORT , Street Superin- tendent , JACK LYNCH , Administrative Assistant to the Mayor, BERNARD RUPPERT , Building Director , and M. C . WALLS , Fire Chief . MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY BRUCE , SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO APPROVE 9/25/1972 THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 25 , 1972 AS PREPARED AND MAILED OUT . CARRIED . INTRODUCTIONS Mayor Garrett intorduced Renton ' s new City Clerk , Del Mead and Maxine Motor , Council Recording Secretary. Councilman Stredicke introduced Record Chronicle reporter Chris Leachtenauer , who was welcomed by Mayor Garrett . UBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices being 1973 Millage Levy published and posted as required by law, the public hearing was declared open and letter was read from Tracy J . Owens of King County Assessor ' s Office advising of extension to ten working days after date of notification of assessed values to taxing Hearing Extended districts , delay due to availability of utility to October 16 , 1972 valuations from the Washington State Department of Revenue which did not arrive in time . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , AS WE HAVE NOT RECEIVED ASSESSED VALUATION, HEARING BE CONTINUED' UNTIL DATE OF OCTOBER 16 , 1972 . Councilman Schellert urged council to consider lowering property taxes . • MOTION CARRIED PUBLIC HEARING FOR 1973 MILLAGE LEVY EXTENDED UNTIL OCTOBER 16 , with Administration to obtain information on amount of revenue sharing . Community Services Community Services Committee Chairman Clymer Committee Report submitted report recommending concurrence in the Change in Board of Mayor ' s letter of September 19 , changing qualifica- Adjustment tions for Position #4 of Board of Adjustment from Position No . 4 a general contract, (member of A . G . C . ), licensed by . the State to a person actively engaged in the management or ownership of an established retail business in the City . The reason for change was no citizen was member of that organization . MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , TO CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE . MOTION CARRIED . ORDINANCES AND Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented RESOLUTIONS committee report recommending ordinance be placed on its first reading and referred back to committee : Legislation Change in Position #4 Board of Adjustment . MOVED Committee Report BY STREDICKE , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING . CARRIED . An amendment to Board of Adjustment Ordinance changing the , composi- tion of Position No . 4 to an owner , manager , or operator actively engaged in the • conduct or operation of a retail business located in Renton city, limits was read by City Clerk Mead . MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY STREDICKE , REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE . MOTION CARRIED . The Legislation Committee recommended the following ordinances be placed on their first , second and final reading and be adopted : • MINUTES - RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING Page 2 10/2/72 ORDINANCES .AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Amendment to Ordinance relating to parking restrictions on Traffic Code West side of Talbot Road 8 : 00 a.m. , .to 5 : 00 p.m. Talbot Road South MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON FIRST READING. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance read prohibiting parking West side Talbot Road S . on school days from South City Limits to Puget Drive. MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED GRANT , ORDINANCE. BE REFERRED BACK TO LEGISLATION COMMITTEE . CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 2743 Ordinance appropriating funds from excess revenue Appropriation funds into U.A.B. Fund Budgetary Accounts , ,Street, and • to Budgetary Accounts Street Forwar.d 'Thurst Budgetary Accounts . MOVED Urban Arterial BY SCHELLERT , ' SECONDED •BY GRANT , TO CONCUR IN Street RECOMMENDATION OF LEGISLATION COMMITTEE AND PLACE Street Forward ' ORDINANCE ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. City Clerk Thrust Mead read ordinance. authorizing Director of Finance ' to provide following appropriations : UNTO : Urban. Arterial Fund Budgetary Account 302/542/13/63 $1 ,101 ,446 . 00 Account 302/542/11/11 25 , 000. 00 Account 302/542/11/13 1 ,533 . 00 UNTO : Street Fund Budgetary Account 104/542/16/63 227 ,287 . 00 UNTO: Street Forward Thrust Fund Budgetary Account 301/542/11/11 2 , 500 . 00 Account ,301/542/11/13 153 . 00 ' Account 301/542/13/63 227 , 287 . 00 MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY GRANT, THIS ORDIN' ANCE BE ADVANCED TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. • CARRIED. Following reading , MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ. ROLL CALL VOTE ALL AYES . MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1820 Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to 2% of Proceeds from enter into agreement and sign contract with Seattle- Sale of Liquor to King County Health Department re Central Alcoholism , ; Aid Alcoholism Agency was read . MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED Program BY SCHELLERT , RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED AS READ. MOTION CARRIED. Hon. Gary Grant , State Representative State Representative was introduced,commenting in support of this program. GARY GRANT Present, An Ordinance transferring funds from certain. excess Favoring the Project revenues received in excess of estimated revenues to ORDINANCE NO. 2744 current fund miscellaneous services for the Transferring $2 , 500 .. purpose of paying the City ' s fair share for the City ' s Share Central Alcoholism Agency. MOVED BY SCHELLERT , Alcoholisim Program SECONDED BY DELAURENTI TO PLACE ON FIRST READING. CARRIED. Following reading, MOVED BY DELAURENTI , SECONDED BY SCHELLERT , ORDINANCE BE PLACED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING. MOTION CARRIED. After reading, MOVED BY SCHELLERT , SECONDED BY DELAURENTI , .; CORRESPONDENCE AND ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AS READ,. ROLL CALL VOTE ALL AYES . CURRENT BUSINESS MOTION CARRIED. Claim-Wanda Messmer Claim for personal injuries filed by Wanda Mae 24664 156€h S .E . ' Messmer was read by City Clerk . MOVED BY PERRY, Kent , Wa. '98031 SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE CLAIM BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE INSURANCE CARRIER. . CARRIED . Beautification Request for use of public right-of-way for lighting. 365 Rainier Ave. N. purposes was read from Tommy R. Crook of Wholesale Auto Center , Inc . MOVED BY GRANT , SECONDED BY BRUCE , MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATION . CARRIED. St. Bernadette Request for No-Fee Permit for six elementary school School , Burien children to sell candy bars in Renton from September ' 30 , through October 7 , 1972 to benefit the St. ' Bernadette School activity fund was presented by City Clerk. MOVED BY PERRY , SECONDED BY STREDICKE , TO CONCUR IN THE REQUEST. CARRIED . CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF RENTON 1973 MILLAGE LEVY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing has been continued by the Renton City Council to Monday, October 16, 1972 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, to consider the proposed 1973 Budget as it pertains to the millage levy for the calendar year 1973 . Any taxpayer of the City of Renton, King County, Washington may appear before the City Council and be heard concerning the proposed levy. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the City Council will hold a public hearing on Friday, December 1, 1972 for the purpose of Fixing the Final Budget for 1973 which hearing may be continued through Wednesday, December 6 , 1972 , unless the Budget is adopted prior thereto. (Further notice of this public hearing will again be published at a future date . ) CITY OF RENTON Avery Garrett Mayor Del Mead City Clerk Published in the Record Chronicle October 6, 1972 i., �j .'i 9�. • ;•. ` ,::_.. �' 1 �q • ''. � F• ,•a: I t i i'.;' ,' J 'Owen Chalrmai .-ti' ` ; 1 p ;?o ' Yracy .. , ; -.. -, CV );1J Room 403, King County Court Howie .S : , `=' S®attIe Washington 98104r,,r,,'<; . '.: `' • 344-2300 • <:�':r 21• :September . 1g7.21. F •f • �• - � "gel., - 4., CITY�, of RENT(� .. Gentlemen s_= .,s. Due''-, g to:The 'd>=.Aay'ed availability of utility valuations ,'from tah®'_ Wash • n ton Stat.e.'Depar tin ent of • Revenue D . .the time for' filing . ,.,?�' ' :' �ivagets :with- the' •Kg County Council is extended to ten (10. .), vap...: 77.2.-..:::.....,... .....;,..,,,,., ,..:...,. ,rk '''a - ,ng.:days. .after .the._c ate of the King County assessor..°s notification of--:assesse'd values.', to. the various taxing' districts o-f King County. ..„_:_:: : .,'': '. -: Tracy .J7 C, g .. . `'' '4' SL rm '.s.� .j Kvi'sig,: County' -Coun'cil - :: _ • • • • ; i : " 3RACY..1,OWEN;•Dist. No. B. •, ROk3ERT •B. DUNN, Dist. No. 2' WILLIAM H. REAMS, ®1st, No, 3 ' BERNICE STERN Dist, No. 4 �,,,,,.A� , cnocvTl1F- mkt. Ale. a — ED MUNRO, Dist. No. 7 ED HEAVEY, DIm. Na. 8 — DAVE AQOONEY, D10..,No: , -2.-- CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON • .' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING . CITY OF RENTON 1972 MILLAGE LEVY . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a { • public hearing Will be held .- by the Renton City Council on Monday, October 2, 1972 at 6:00 p.m. -in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, .to - . consider the proposed 1973 Budget as it pertains to the millage • levy for •the calendar year 1912. Any taxpayer of the City of Renton, King County, Washington • . . may appear before the City Council and be heard concerning the ' ' proposed levy. • s NOTICE I3 FURTHER GIVEN that the City Council Will hold a public hearing on Friday, December 1, 1972 for the purpose of ' Fixing the Final Budget for 1973 which hearing may be continued '; through Wednesday, December 6, 1972, unless the Budget is adopted .prior thereto. (Further notice df this public hearing will again . . be published at a future date. ) . CITY OP RENTON • 47 • Avery Garrett' Mayor . Helmie W. Nelson City Clerk . • Published in the Record Chronicle September 20 and 27, 1972 • CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON , FIXING THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF TAX LEVIES NECESSARY TO RAISE THE AMOUNT OF THE ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES FOR THE YEAR 1973 ,. AS REQUIRED BY RCW 84 . 52 . 020 ;. AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO CERTIFY SUCH BUDGET OR ESTIMATE OF THE AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION ON THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I : Pursuant to the requirements of RCW 84 . 52 . 020 , . it is , hereby certified that the estimated amount necessary to be raised by taxation is the sum of $ for calendar year 1973 and- said amount of tax levy is necessary to be levied ,upon the real and personal property subject to taxation in the City of Renton, for the purpose of raising the necessary revenues for said City for the calendar year 1973 , to-grit: (TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION $ ) Mills Amount Current Fund Excess Millage = SECTION II : That said taxes herein provided for are levied for the purpose of raising revenue sufficient to pay the principal and interest upon the general bonded indebtedness of the City of Renton, the General Fund, and for carrying on of the different departments of the municipal government of the City of Renton, for the fiscal year . . beginning January 1, 1973 and ending December 31, 1973 ; and the 'final budget of the City of Renton to be adopted and completed as specified , -1-. in Chapter 95 , Laws of 1969 , Extraordinary Session. SECTION III: That the taxes collected from the levies hereby fixed and made, together{with the estimated revenues from sources other than taxation which constitute the appropriations of the City of Renton for the fiscal year 1973 , shall be so appropriated and as ,: finally _itemized and classified in the Annual Budget for the fiscal . • year 11973, to be adopted by the City of Renton as specified in Chapter 95 , Laws of 1969 , Extraordinary Session., SECTION IV A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be transmitted to the appropriate Governmental Agency of King County and such .other • Governmental bodies as provided by law. :SECTION V: This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage , ., approval and five days after its publication, unless otherwise provided . , for hereinabove PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of October , 1972 .. City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of October , 1 972 • Avery Garrett, Mayor ;. Approved as to form: . Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney Date of Publication; • -2- CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF RENTON 5 'a . 1973 MILLAGE LEVY NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN that a public hearing has been ,continued by the Renton City Council to Monday, October 16, 1972 at 8:00 . • p.m, in -.the •Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building; , to consider the proposed 1973 Budget as it pertains to the milcale ndar levyfor the . year 1973 . Any taxpayer of the City of Renton, King County, Washington _ • ma appear- before. the Council and "be heard- concerning , y� City .. g • • the proposed levy . , NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the City Council will hold a public. hearing. on Friday, December 1, • 1972 for the purpose of Fixing the Final Budget for 1973 Which hearing may be continued through Wednesday, December. 6, 1972 ,. ,unless the Budget .is. adopted : prior 'thereto. ': (Further notice of this public hearing will. again .'• ; be published at a future date ) CITY OF RENTON Avery Garrett Mayor . . • Del Mead .. , City Clerk,. . Published in the Record Chronicle October 6, 1972 ; • CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON • • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF RENTON 1973 MILLAGE LEVY NOTICE .IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing has been continued by the Renton City Council to Monday, October' 16, 1972 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, to consider the proposed 1973 Budget as it pertains to the . millage levy for the calendar year 1973 . Any taxpayer of the City of Renton, King County, Washington may appear before the City Council' and be heard concerning — , the proposed levy. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the City Council will hold a public hearing on Friday, December 1, 1972 for the purpose of Fixing the Final Budget for 1973 which hearing may be continued through Wednesday, December 6 , 1972 , unless the Budget is adopted prior thereto. (Further notice of this public hearing will again be published at a future date .) CITY OF RENTON Avery Garrett i Mayor Del Mead City Clerk • Published in the Record Chronicle October 6, 1972