HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210923-401Certification-NWS-2020-848.pdf STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY Northwest Regional Office  PO Box 330316  Shoreline, Washington 98133-9716 (206) 594-0000 711 for Washington Relay Service  Persons with a speech disability can call 877-833-6341 September 23, 2021 Renton School District No. 403 ATTN: Matt Feldmeyer 300 SW 7th Street Renton, WA 98057 RE: Water Quality Certification Order No. 20701 for Corps Reference No. NWS-2020-0848, New Elementary School 16, City of Renton, King County, Washington Dear Matt Feldmeyer: On June 2, 2021, Renton School District No. 403 submitted a request for a Section 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) under the federal Clean Water Act for the New Elementary School 16 project in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. On behalf of the state of Washington, the Department of Ecology certifies that the work described in the Joint Aquatic Resource Permit Application (JARPA) and the public notice complies with applicable provisions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, and 307 of the Clean Water Act, as amended, and applicable state laws. This certification is subject to the conditions contained in the enclosed Order. Please ensure that anyone doing work under this Order has read, is familiar with, and is able to follow all of the provisions within the attached Order. If you have any questions about this decision, please contact Neil Molstad at (425) 389-5549 or neil.molstad@ecy.wa.gov. The enclosed Order may be appealed by following the procedures described within the Order. Sincerely, Joe Burcar, Section Manager Shorelands and Environmental Assistance Program Northwest Regional Office Enclosures Sent via electronic mail to: matthew.feldmeyer@rentonschools.us e-cc: Kristin McDermott and Jacalen Printz, Corps of Engineers Hugh Mortensen, The Watershed Company Laura Brent, Brent Planning Solutions Loree’ Randall, Ecology, SEA Amy Jankowiak, Ecology, NWRO, WQ ECY RE FEDPERMITS V.2021 IN THE MATTER OF GRANTING A WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION TO Renton School District No. 403 pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 1341 (FWPCA § 401), RCW 90.48.120, RCW 90.48.260 and Chapter 173-201A WAC ) ) ) ) ) ) ) WQC ORDER No. 20701 Corps Reference No. NWS-2020-0848 New Elementary School 16 project, wetland in the Honey Creek watershed, located in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. Renton School District No. 403 ATTN: Matt Feldmeyer 300 SW 7th Street Renton, WA 98057 On January 7, 2021, Renton School District No. 403 (School District) submitted a pre-filing meeting request to the Department of Ecology (Ecology). Then, on June 2, 2021, the School District submitted a request for a Section 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) under the federal Clean Water Act for the New Elementary School 16 project, which will impact a wetland in the Honey Creek watershed. Ecology considered the WQC request valid on June 2, 2021. The project is located in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. Ecology issued a public notice for the project on June 4, 2021. The project proposes construction of a new elementary school to serve the Renton Public School District. The construction of the school will result in unavoidable impacts to 0.28 acres of a Category IV forested and scrub-shrub depressional wetland. To compensate for these wetland impacts, the School District proposes to purchase credits from the Springbrook Creek Wetland and Habitat Mitigation Bank. The project site is bounded by Duvall Avenue NE to the east and NE 12th Street to the north in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, NW ¼ Section 10, Township 23 N., Range 05 E., within Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 8 (Cedar-Sammamish). AUTHORITIES In exercising authority under 33 U.S.C. § 1341, RCW 90.48.120, and RCW 90.48.260, Ecology has reviewed this WQC request pursuant to the following: 1. Conformance with applicable water quality-based, technology-based, and toxic or pretreatment effluent limitations as provided under 33 U.S.C. §§1311, 1312, 1313, 1316, and 1317; 2. Conformance with the state water quality standards contained in Chapter 173-201A WAC and authorized by 33 U.S.C. §1313 and by Chapter 90.48 RCW, and with other applicable state laws; and, 3. Conformance with the provision of using all known, available and reasonable methods to prevent and control pollution of state waters as required by RCW 90.48.010. WQC Order # 20701, Corps No. NWS-2020-0848 September 23, 2021 Page 2 of 15 4. Conformance with Washington’s prohibition on discharges that cause or tend to cause pollution of waters of the state of Washington. RCW 90.48.080. 5. The project proponent of the project authorized is responsible for obtaining all other permits, licenses, and certifications that may be required by federal, state, local or tribal authorities. With this Water Quality Certification Order (WQC Order), Ecology is granting with conditions Renton School District No. 403’s request for a Section 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) for the New Elementary School 16 project which will impact a wetland located in the Honey Creek watershed within the City of Renton, located in King County, Washington. Ecology has determined that the proposed discharges will comply with all applicable state water quality requirements, provided the project is conducted in accordance with the WQC request that Ecology received on June 2, 2021, the supporting documents referenced in Table 1 below, and the conditions of this WQC Order. Table 1. Supporting Documents Date Received Document Type Title & Date Author January 26, 2021 Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA) Form JARPA (signed November 12, 2020) The Watershed Company January 26, 2021 Wetland Delineation RSD Chelan Ave NE Wetland Delination Report (dated November 26, 2019) The Watershed Company January 26, 2021 Mitigation Plan Wetland Mitigation Bank Use Plan, Renton School District Elementary School #16 (dated October 2020) The Watershed Company June 2, 2021 Mitigation Plan Sheets New Elementary School #16 Mitigation Plan Permit Set (dated January 28, 2021) The Watershed Company June 2, 2021 TESC and Demolition Plans TESC and Demolition Plans (dated March 26, 2021) LPD Engineering June 25, 2021 State Environmental Policy Act Mitigated Determination of Non- Significance (dated June 21, 2021) Renton School District No. 403 WQC Order # 20701, Corps No. NWS-2020-0848 September 23, 2021 Page 3 of 15 Issuance of this WQC Order for this proposal does not authorize Renton School District No. 403 to exceed applicable state water quality standards (Chapter 173-201A WAC), ground water quality standards (Chapter 173-200 WAC) or sediment quality standards (Chapter 173-204 WAC). Furthermore, nothing in this WQC Order absolves Renton School District No. 403 from liability for contamination and any subsequent cleanup of surface waters, ground waters, or sediments resulting from project construction or operations. A. General Conditions Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 401 certification is granted with conditions to Renton School District No. 403. Ecology has determined that any discharge from the proposed project will comply with water quality requirements, as defined by 40 CFR 121.1(n), subject to the following conditions pursuant to Section 33 USC §1341(d). Additionally, the following conditions will be incorporated into the Corps permit and strictly adhered to by Renton School District No. 403. This WQC Order does not authorize direct, indirect, permanent, or temporary impacts to waters of the state or related aquatic resources, except as specifically provided for in conditions of this WQC Order. Specific condition justifications and citations required by 40 CFR 121.7(d)(1) are provided below each condition in italic text. 1. In this WQC Order, the term “Project Proponent” shall mean Renton School District No. 403 and its agents, assignees, and contractors. • Justification - Ecology needs to identify that conditions of this WQC Order apply to anyone conducting work on behalf of the Project Proponent to ensure compliance with the water quality standards and other applicable state laws. • Citation - 40 CFR 121.1(j), Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.080 RCW, Chapter 90.48.120 RCW, Chapter 90.48.260 RCW, Chapter 173-200 WAC, Chapter 173-201A WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 2. All submittals required by this WQC Order shall be sent to Ecology’s Headquarters Office, Attn: Federal Permit Manager, via e-mail to fednotification@ecy.wa.gov and cc to neil.molstad@ecy.wa.gov. The submittals shall be identified with WQC Order # 20701 and include the Project Proponent’s name, Corps permit number, project name, project contact, and the contact phone number. • Justification - Ecology needs to identify where information and submittals are to be submitted to be in compliance with the requirements of this WQC Order. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.120 RCW, Chapter 90.48.260 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 3. Work authorized by this WQC Order is limited to the work described in the WQC request package received by Ecology on June 2, 2021 and the supporting documentation identified in Table 1. • Justification - Ecology has the authority to prevent and control pollution of state waters. By authorizing a discharge into a water of the state, through a WQC, Ecology is certifying the WQC Order # 20701, Corps No. NWS-2020-0848 September 23, 2021 Page 4 of 15 project as proposed will not negatively impact our state’s water quality. Therefore, it is imperative the project is conducted as it was presented during the review process. Any deviations from information within the WQC Request package and this WQC Order must be disclosed prior to the initiation of the planned work. • Citation - 40 CFR 121.5, Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 90.48.120 RCW, Chapter 90.48.260 RCW, Chapter 173-200 WAC, Chapter 173-201A WAC, Chapter 173-204 WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 4. The Project Proponent shall keep copies of this WQC Order on the job site and readily available for reference by Ecology personnel, the construction superintendent, construction managers and lead workers, and state and local government inspectors. • Justification - All parties (including on-site contractors) must be aware of and comply with the WQC Order for the protection of water quality. • Citation - 40 CFR 121.3, Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 5. The Project Proponent shall provide access to the project site and all mitigation sites upon request by Ecology personnel for site inspections, monitoring, and/or necessary data collection, to ensure that conditions of this WQC Order are being met. • Justification - Ecology must be able to investigate and inspect construction sites and facilities for compliance with all state rules and laws. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 90.48.090 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 6. The Project Proponent shall ensure that all project engineers, contractors, and other workers at the project site with authority to direct work have read and understand relevant conditions of this WQC Order and all permits, approvals, and documents referenced in this WQC Order. The Project Proponent shall provide Ecology a signed statement (see Attachment A for an example) before construction begins. • Justification - Ecology needs to ensure that anyone conducting work at the project, on behalf of the Project Proponent, are aware of and understand the required conditions of this WQC Order to ensure compliance with the water quality standards and other applicable state laws. • Citation - 40 CFR 121.1(j), Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 173- 201A WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 7. This WQC Order does not authorize direct, indirect, permanent, or temporary impacts to waters of the state or related aquatic resources, except as specifically provided for in conditions of this WQC Order. • Justification - Ecology has the authority to prevent and control pollution of state waters, and to protect designated uses. By authorizing a discharge into a water of the state, through a water quality certification, we are certifying the project as proposed will not negatively impact our state’s water quality and will comply with the state’s water quality requirements. WQC Order # 20701, Corps No. NWS-2020-0848 September 23, 2021 Page 5 of 15 Therefore, it is imperative the project is conducted as it was presented during the review process, and as conditioned herein. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 173-200 WAC, Chapter 173-201A WAC, Chapter 173-201A-300(2)(e)(i) WAC, Chapter 173-201A-310 WAC, Chapter 173-204-120 WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 8. Failure of any person or entity to comply with the WQC Order may result in the issuance of civil penalties or other actions, whether administrative or judicial, to enforce the state’s water quality standards. • Justification - Ecology must protect waters of the state from all discharges and potential discharges of pollution that can affect water quality to protect aquatic life and beneficial uses. Civil penalties and other enforcement actions are the primary means of securing compliance with water quality requirements. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 90.48.037 RCW, Chapter 90.48.080 RCW, Chapter 90.48.120 RCW, Chapter 90.48.142 RCW, Chapter 90.48.144 RCW, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 9. The Project Proponent shall provide Ecology documentation for review before undertaking any major changes to the proposed project that could significantly and adversely affect water quality, other than those project changes required by this WQC Order. • Justification - Ecology has independent authority to enforce our 401 certification conditions issued through this WQC Order pursuant to RCW 90.48. In order to ensure the project will comply with water quality standards in the event of any major changes, Ecology must be able to review the scope of work involved in the construction and operation of the project, otherwise all work must stop and a new 401 certification pre-filing meeting, followed by a new 401 request (after requisite 30-days) is required. • Citation- 40 CFR 121.1(k) &(n), 40 CFR 121.3, Chapter 90.48 RCW, and Chapter 173-201 WAC. 10. The Project Proponent shall send (per A.2.) a copy of the final Corps permit to Ecology’s Federal Permit Manager within two weeks of receiving it. • Justification - This conditions is needed to ensure that all the conditions of the WQC Order have been incorporated into the federal permit. • Citation- 40 CFR 121.10 11. Nothing in this WQC Order waives Ecology’s discretionary authority to issue additional Orders if Ecology determines that further actions are necessary to implement the water quality laws of the state. • Justification - Ecology must protect waters of the state from all discharges and potential discharges of pollution that can affect water quality to protect aquatic life and beneficial uses. • Citation - Chapter 90.48.120 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. WQC Order # 20701, Corps No. NWS-2020-0848 September 23, 2021 Page 6 of 15 12. This WQC Order will automatically transfer to a new owner or operator if: a. A written agreement between the Project Proponent and new owner or operator with the specific transfer date of the WQC Order’s obligations, coverage, and liability is submitted to Ecology per condition A.2.; b. A copy of this WQC Order is provided to the new owner or operator; and, c. Ecology does not notify the new Project Proponent that a new WQC Order is required to complete the transfer. • Justification – Ecology needs to ensure that anyone conducting work at the project, including any new owners or operators, are aware of and understand the required conditions of this WQC Order to ensure compliance with the water quality standards and other applicable state laws. • Citation – 40 CFR 121.3, Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 173- 201A WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. B. Notification Requirements: 1. The following notification shall be made via phone or e-mail (e-mail is preferred) to Ecology’s Federal Permit Manager via e-mail to fednotification@ecy.wa.gov and cc to neil.molstad@ecy.wa.gov. Notifications shall be identified with WQC Order # 20701 and Corps reference # NWS-2020-0848, and include the Project Proponent name, project name, project location, project contact and the contact phone number. a. Immediately following a violation of state water quality standards or when the project is out of compliance with any conditions of this WQC Order. b. At least ten (10) days prior to all pre-construction meetings c. At least ten (10) days prior to conducting initial in-water work activities. d. Within seven (7) days of completing in-water work activities. • Justification - Ecology must be aware of when a project starts and ends and whether there are any issues. This allows Ecology to evaluate compliance with the state water quality requirements. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, Chapter 173-201A-300-330 WAC, Chapter 173-204 WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 2. In addition to the phone or e-mail notification required under B.1.a. above, the Project Proponent shall submit a detailed written report to Ecology within five (5) days that describes the nature of the event, corrective action taken and/or planned, steps to be taken to prevent a recurrence, results of any samples taken, and any other pertinent information. • Justification - Ensure the Project Proponent remains in full compliance with state water quality requirements for the duration of the project. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.120 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. WQC Order # 20701, Corps No. NWS-2020-0848 September 23, 2021 Page 7 of 15 C. Timing 1. This WQC Order is not effective until the U.S. Corps of Engineers (Corps) issues a permit for this project and will remain valid for the duration of the associated permit for the project. • Justification – Certifications are required for any license or permit that authorizes an activity that may result in a discharge or fill material into waters. This WQC Order is not valid until the Federal agency issues a permit. Additionally, Ecology needs to be able to specify how long the WQC Order will be in effect. • Citation – Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 173-201A, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. D. Construction General Conditions 1. All work in and near waters of the state shall be conducted to minimize turbidity, erosion, and other water quality impacts. Construction stormwater, sediment, and erosion control Best Management Practices (BMPs) suitable to prevent exceedances of state water quality standards shall be in place before starting maintenance and shall be maintained throughout the duration of the activity. • Justification - Disturbed areas without appropriate BMP’s and construction methods can discharge excess sediment to waters of the state and degrade water quality. Ecology must protect waters of the state from all discharges and potential discharges of pollution that can affect water quality to protect aquatic life and beneficial uses. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 90.48.080 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, Chapter 173-201A-300-330 WAC, Chapter 173-204-120 WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 2. All clearing limits, stockpiles, staging areas, and trees to be preserved shall clearly be marked prior to commencing construction activities and maintained until all work is completed for each project. • Justification - Ensures that the project proponent preserves sensitive areas from discharges and potential discharges of pollution that can affect water quality to protect aquatic life and beneficial uses. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 90.48.080 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, Chapter 173-201A-300-330 WAC, Chapter 173-204-120 WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 3. No stockpiling or staging of materials shall occur at or below the OHWM of any waterbody. • Justification - Ecology must protect waters of the state from all discharges and potential discharges of pollution that can affect water quality to protect aquatic life and beneficial uses. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 90.48.080 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, Chapter 173-201A-300-330 WAC, Chapter 173-204-120 WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 4. The Project Proponent shall obtain and comply with the conditions of the Construction Stormwater Permit (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System - NPDES) issued for this project. WQC Order # 20701, Corps No. NWS-2020-0848 September 23, 2021 Page 8 of 15 • Justification - Ecology must protect waters of the state from all discharges and potential discharges of pollution that can affect water quality to protect aquatic life and beneficial uses. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 90.48.080 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, Chapter 173-201A-300-330 WAC, Chapter 173-204-120 WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 5. Within the project limits 1 all environmentally sensitive areas including, but not limited to, wetlands, wetland buffers, and mitigation areas shall be fenced with high visibility construction fencing (HVF) prior to commencing construction activities. Construction activities include equipment staging, materials storage, and work vehicle parking. Note: This condition does not apply to activities such as pre-construction surveying and installing HVF and construction zone signage. a. If the project will be constructed in stages 2 a detailed description and drawings of the stages shall be sent to Ecology for review at least 20 days prior to placing HVF. b. Condition 2.a. shall apply to each stage. c. All field staff shall be trained to recognize HVF, understand its purpose and properly install it in the appropriate locations. d. HVF shall be maintained until all work is completed for each project or each stage of a staged project. • Justification - Ecology must protect waters of the state from all discharges and potential discharges of pollution that can affect water quality to protect aquatic life and beneficial uses. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 90.48.080 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, Chapter 173-201A-300-330 WAC, Chapter 173-204-120 WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 6. All clearing limits, stockpiles, staging areas, and trees to be preserved shall clearly be marked prior to commencing construction activities and maintained until all work is completed for each project. • Justification - Ecology must protect waters of the state from all discharges and potential discharges of pollution that can affect water quality to protect aquatic life and beneficial uses. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 90.48.080 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, Chapter 173-201A-300-330 WAC, Chapter 173-204-120 WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 7. No petroleum products, fresh concrete, lime or concrete, chemicals, or other toxic or deleterious materials shall be allowed to enter waters of the state. 1 Project limits include mitigation sites, staging areas, borrow sources, and other sites developed or used to support project construction. 2 A stage is part of a project that has been separated into at least two distinct areas to be built during separate timeframes. WQC Order # 20701, Corps No. NWS-2020-0848 September 23, 2021 Page 9 of 15 • Justification - Ecology must protect waters of the state from all discharges and potential discharges of pollution that can affect water quality to protect aquatic life and beneficial uses. • Citation -Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 90.48.080 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, Chapter 173-201A-300-330 WAC, Chapter 173-204-120 WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 8. All construction debris, excess sediment, and other solid waste material shall be properly managed and disposed of in an upland disposal site approved by the appropriate regulatory authority. • Justification - Ecology must be assured that the Project Proponent is managing and disposing of material to protect waters of the state from all discharges and potential discharges of pollution that can affect water quality to protect aquatic life and beneficial uses. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 90.48.080 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, Chapter 173-201A-300-330 WAC, Chapter 173-204-120 WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. Equipment & Maintenance 9. Staging areas will be located a minimum of 50 feet and, where practical, 200 feet, from waters of the state including wetlands. • Justification - Requiring a minimum setback ensures that material will not end up in waters of the state. Ecology must protect waters of the state from all discharges and potential discharges of pollution that can affect water quality to protect aquatic life and beneficial uses. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 90.48.080 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, Chapter 173-201A-300-330 WAC, Chapter 173-204-120 WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 10. Equipment used for this project shall be free of external petroleum-based products while used around the waters of the state, including wetlands. Accumulation of soils or debris shall be removed from the drive mechanisms (wheels, tires, tracks, etc.) and the undercarriage of equipment prior to its use around waters of the state, including wetlands. • Justification - Ecology must protect waters of the state from all discharges and potential discharges of pollution that can affect water quality to protect aquatic life and beneficial uses. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 90.48.080 RCW, Chapter 90.56 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, Chapter 173-201A-300-330 WAC, Chapter 173-204- 120 WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 11. No equipment shall enter, operate, be stored or parked within any sensitive area except as specifically provided for in this WQC Order. WQC Order # 20701, Corps No. NWS-2020-0848 September 23, 2021 Page 10 of 15 • Justification - Ecology must protect waters of the state from all discharges and potential discharges of pollution that can affect water quality to protect aquatic life and beneficial uses. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 90.48.080 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, Chapter 173-201A-300-330 WAC, Chapter 173-204-120 WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 12. Fuel hoses, oil drums, oil or fuel transfer valves and fittings, etc., shall be checked regularly for drips or leaks, and shall be maintained and stored properly to prevent spills into state waters. • Justification - Ecology must protect waters of the state from all discharges and potential discharges of pollution that can affect water quality to protect aquatic life and beneficial uses. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 90.48.080 RCW, Chapter 90.56 RCW, Chapter 173-200, Chapter 173-201A WAC, Chapter 173-201A-300-330 WAC, Chapter 173-204-120 WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 13. Wash water containing oils, grease, or other hazardous materials resulting from washing of equipment or working areas shall not be discharged into state waters. The Project Proponent shall set up a designated area for washing down equipment. • Justification - Ecology must protect waters of the state from all discharges and potential discharges of pollution that can affect water quality to protect aquatic life and beneficial uses. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 90.48.080 RCW, Chapter 90.56 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, Chapter 173-201A-300-330 WAC, Chapter 173-204- 120 WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 14. A separate area shall be set aside, which does not have any possibility of draining to surface waters, for the wash-out of concrete delivery trucks, pumping equipment, and tools. • Justification - Ecology must protect waters of the state from all discharges and potential discharges of pollution that can affect water quality to protect aquatic life and beneficial uses. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 90.48.080 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, Chapter 173-201A-300-330 WAC, Chapter 173-204-120 WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. E. Wetland Mitigation Conditions 1. The Project Proponent shall mitigate wetland impacts as described in the Wetland Mitigation Bank Use Plan, Renton School District Elementary School #16 (hereafter called the “Mitigation Plan”) as identified in Table 1 or as required by this Order. • Justification - Alteration of water quality necessitates the use of mitigation as a method of controlling pollution. When mitigation is provided, the impacts are not considered significant enough to water quality, at least in the long-term. The water quality standards, along with WQC Order # 20701, Corps No. NWS-2020-0848 September 23, 2021 Page 11 of 15 mitigation, protect wetlands as well as permitting some level of degradation where unavoidable or necessary. • Citation – 33 CFR 332, 40 CFR 131.12, 40 CFR 230, subpart J, Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.54 RCW, Chapter 90.74 RCW, Chapter 173-201A-260 (3)(i-ii) WAC, Chapter 173-201A-300 WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 2. Prior to impacting wetlands, the Project Proponent shall submit to Ecology documentation from the bank sponsor verifying the purchase of 0.20 wetland mitigation bank credits (credits) from the Springbrook Creek Wetland and Habitat Mitigation Bank. This documentation must include the Ecology Order Number, Order issuance date, impact acreage, the amount of credits required by the Order, and date of credit purchase. • Justification - This condition is necessary to ensure the compensatory mitigation was actually provided by the bank. • Citation – 33 CFR 332, 40 CFR 131.12, 40 CFR 230, subpart J, Chapter 47.85.040 RCW, Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.54 RCW, Chapter 90.74 RCW, Chapter 173-201A-260 (3)(i-ii) WAC, Chapter 173-201A-300 WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 3. Unless otherwise authorized by this WQC Order, the Project Proponent shall complete the purchase of credits before impacting wetlands or Ecology could use its discretionary authority to require the Project Proponent to provide additional compensation to account for additional temporal loss of wetland functions. • Justification - Mitigation that is not emplaced concurrent with impacts will result in degradation of existing beneficial uses of the wetlands affected by the proposed action through temporal loss of functions. • Citation – 33 CFR 332, 40 CFR 131.12, 40 CFR 230, subpart J, Chapter 47.85.040 RCW, Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.54 RCW, Chapter 90.74 RCW, Chapter 173-201A-260 (3)(i-ii) WAC, Chapter 173-201A-300 WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. 4. If the Project Proponent has not purchased credits or completed the New Elementary School 16 project within 13 months of the date of this Order, the Project Proponent shall inform Ecology, in writing, of the status of: a) The New Elementary School 16 project b) When bank credits will be purchased With the: c) Reason for the delay d) Expected date of completion The Project Proponent shall submit an updated written notification every 12 months thereafter until the New Elementary School 16 project is complete and the required credits are purchased. • Justification - Mitigation that is not emplaced concurrent with impacts will result in degradation of existing beneficial uses of the wetlands affected by the proposed action through temporal loss of functions. WQC Order # 20701, Corps No. NWS-2020-0848 September 23, 2021 Page 12 of 15 • Citation – 33 CFR 332, 40 CFR 131.12, 40 CFR 230, subpart J, Chapter 47.85.040 RCW, Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.54 RCW, Chapter 90.74 RCW, Chapter 173-201A-260 (3)(i-ii), Chapter 173-201A-300 WAC, and Chapter 173-225-010 WAC. F. Emergency/Contingency Measures 1. The Project Proponent shall develop and implement a spill prevention and containment plan for this project. • Justification - Ecology must ensure that the Project Proponent has a plan to prevent pollution from entering waterways. Ecology must protect waters of the state from all discharges and potential discharges of pollution that can affect water quality to protect aquatic life and beneficial uses. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 90.48.080 RCW, Chapter 90.56 RCW, Chapter 90.56.280 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, Chapter 173-201A-300-330 WAC, Chapter 173-204-120 WAC, Chapter 173-225-010 WAC, and Chapter 173-303-145 WAC. 2. The Project Proponent shall have adequate and appropriate spill response and cleanup materials available on site to respond to any release of petroleum products or any other material into waters of the state. • Justification - Ecology must have assurance that the Project Proponent has the material readily available in WQC Order to address any spills that might occur to protect waters of the state. Ecology must protect waters of the state from all discharges and potential discharges of pollution that can affect water quality to protect aquatic life and beneficial uses. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 90.48.080 RCW, Chapter 90.56 RCW, Chapter 90.56.280 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, Chapter 173-201A-300-330 WAC, Chapter 173-204-120 WAC, Chapter 173-225-010 WAC, and Chapter 173-303-145 WAC. 3. Fuel hoses, oil drums, oil or fuel transfer valves and fittings, etc., shall be checked regularly for drips or leaks, and shall be maintained and stored properly to prevent spills into state waters. • Justification - Ecology must protect waters of the state from all discharges and potential discharges of pollution that can affect water quality to protect aquatic life and beneficial uses. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 90.48.080 RCW, Chapter 90.56 RCW, Chapter 90.56.280 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, Chapter 173-201A-300-330 WAC, Chapter 173-204-120 WAC, Chapter 173-225-010 WAC, and Chapter 173-303-145 WAC. 4. Work causing distressed or dying fish and discharges of oil, fuel, or chemicals into state waters or onto land with a potential for entry into state waters is prohibited. If such work, conditions, or WQC Order # 20701, Corps No. NWS-2020-0848 September 23, 2021 Page 13 of 15 discharges occur, the Project Proponent shall notify Ecology’s Federal Permit Manager per condition A.2 and immediately take the following actions: a. Cease operations at the location of the non-compliance. b. Assess the cause of the water quality problem and take appropriate measures to correct the problem and prevent further environmental damage. c. In the event of a discharge of oil, fuel, or chemicals into state waters, or onto land with a potential for entry into state waters, containment and cleanup efforts shall begin immediately and be completed as soon as possible, taking precedence over normal work. Cleanup shall include proper disposal of any spilled material and used cleanup materials. d. Immediately notify Ecology’s Regional Spill Response Office and the Washington State Department of Fish & Wildlife with the nature and details of the problem, any actions taken to correct the problem, and any proposed changes in operation to prevent further problems. e. Immediately notify the National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802, for actual spills to water only. • Justification - This condition is necessary to prevent oil and hazardous materials spills from causing environmental damage and to ensure compliance with water quality requirements. The sooner a spill is reported, the quicker it can be addressed, resulting in less harm. Ecology must protect waters of the state from all discharges and potential discharges of pollution that can affect water quality to protect aquatic life and beneficial uses. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 90.48.080 RCW, Chapter 90.56 RCW, Chapter 90.56.280 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, Chapter 173- 201A-300-330 WAC, Chapter 173-204-120 WAC, Chapter 173-225-010 WAC, and Chapter 173-303-145 WAC. 5. Notify Ecology’s Regional Spill Response Office immediately if chemical containers (e.g. drums) are discovered on-site or any conditions present indicating disposal or burial of chemicals on-site that may impact surface water or ground water. • Justification - Oil and hazardous materials spills cause environmental damage. The sooner a spill is reported, the quicker it can be addressed, resulting in less harm. Ecology must protect waters of the state from all discharges and potential discharges of pollution that can affect water quality to protect aquatic life and beneficial uses. • Citation - Chapter 90.48 RCW, Chapter 90.48.030 RCW, Chapter 90.48.080 RCW, Chapter 90.56 RCW, Chapter 90.56.280 RCW, Chapter 173-201A WAC, Chapter 173-201A-300-330 WAC, Chapter 173-204-120 WAC, Chapter 173-225-010 WAC, and Chapter 173-303-145 WAC. YOUR RIGHT TO APPEAL You have a right to appeal this Order to the Pollution Control Hearing Board (PCHB) within 30 days of the date of receipt of this Order. The appeal process is governed by Chapter 43.21B RCW and Chapter 371-08 WAC. “Date of receipt” is defined in RCW 43.21B.001(2). To appeal you must do both of the following within 30 days of the date of receipt of this Order: WQC Order # 20701, Corps No. NWS-2020-0848 September 23, 2021 Page 14 of 15 • File your appeal and a copy of this Order with the PCHB (see addresses below). Filing means actual receipt by the PCHB during regular business hours. • Serve a copy of your appeal and this Order on Ecology in paper form - by mail or in person. (See addresses below.) E-mail is not accepted. You must also comply with other applicable requirements in Chapter 43.21B RCW and Chapter 371-08 WAC. ADDRESS AND LOCATION INFORMATION Street Addresses Mailing Addresses Department of Ecology Attn: Appeals Processing Desk 300 Desmond Drive SE Lacey, WA 98503 Department of Ecology Attn: Appeals Processing Desk PO Box 47608 Olympia, WA 98504-7608 Pollution Control Hearings Board 1111 Israel Road SW STE 301 Tumwater, WA 98501 Pollution Control Hearings Board PO Box 40903 Olympia, WA 98504-0903 CONTACT INFORMATION Please direct all questions about this WQC Order to: Neil Molstad Department of Ecology (425 389-5549 neil.molstad@ecy.wa.gov MORE INFORMATION • Pollution Control Hearings Board Website http://www.eluho.wa.gov/Board/PCHB • Chapter 43.21B RCW - Environmental and Land Use Hearings Office – Pollution Control Hearings Board http://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=43.21B • Chapter 371-08 WAC – Practice And Procedure http://app.leg.wa.gov/WAC/default.aspx?cite=371-08 • Chapter 34.05 RCW – Administrative Procedure Act http://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=34.05 WQC Order # 20701, Corps No. NWS-2020-0848 September 23, 2021 Page 15 of 15 • Chapter 90.48 RCW – Water Pollution Control http://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=90.48 • Chapter 173.204 WAC – Sediment Management Standards http://apps.leg.wa.gov/WAC/default.aspx?cite=173-204 • Chapter 173-200 WAC – Water Quality Standards for Ground Waters of the State of Washington http://apps.leg.wa.gov/WAC/default.aspx?cite=173-200 • Chapter 173-201A WAC – Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington http://apps.leg.wa.gov/WAC/default.aspx?cite=173-201A SIGNATURE Dated this 23rd day of September, 2021, at the Department of Ecology, Shoreline, Washington _______________________________________ Joe Burcar, Section Manager Shorelands and Environmental Assistance Program Northwest Regional Office Attachment A Statement of Understanding Water Quality Certification Conditions New Elementary School 16 Renton School District No. 403 Water Quality Certification Order No. 20701 and Corps Reference No. NWS-2020-0848 I, _________________________, state that I will be involved as an agent or contractor for Renton School District No. 403 in the site preparation and/or construction of the New Elementary School 16 project located in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. I further state that I have read and understand the relevant conditions of Washington Department of Ecology Water Quality Certification Order No. 20701 and the applicable permits and approvals referenced therein which pertain to the project-related work for which I am responsible. Signature Date Title Phone Company