HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAC - Smithers Add/BLK 4 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing Reion City Council Renton, Washington A public hearing will be held by the Renton City Council at its regular meeting, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, on November 14, 1961; at 8:00 P.M. to consider a pe-1 tition for vacation of the fol- lowing described property: That certain alley located in Block 4, Smithers Sixth addi- tion to the Town of Renton, as per records of King Coun- ty Auditor's office. any and all persons interested or objecting to said vacation are invited to be present at ,I the Renton City Council meet- ing at 8:00 P.M. on November 14, 1961 to voice their protest or any objections to same. I Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk Published in the R en ton t Chronicle October 25, 1961. 1 I r December 7, 1961 \� Fraternal Order of Eag .es Lodge No. 1722 316 - 3rd Avenue Renton, Washington Attention: Mr. Ace Jones, Secretary Gentlemen: Enclosed herewith is copy of City of Renton Ordina ce, 9 passed by the City Council on November 28, 1961 Vacating ey 71 per request of your organization by letter of 10-10-1961. Yours very truly, CITY OF RENTON By He;mie W. Nelson, City Clerk HWN/dm • !i Enclosure // f 215 Whitworth Street, Renton, Washington. - November 28, 1961. To the Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of Renton, Cedar River Park, Renton, Washington. Gentlemen: This letter is submitted in connection with the dispute between the Fraternal Order of Eagles and the undersigned, relative to their action to secure vacation of the alleys in Block 4 of Smither's Sixth Addition. It is addressed primarily to the members of the Council who are also members of the Eagle Lodge. I had planned to.submit a much longer letter explaining my opposition to the alley vacation. This letter would have noted that these objections were based on sound business principles, the rights of a minority in controversies such as this, as well as the lack of any issue affecting the public welfare which would require action on the part of the Council. However, it is apparent from what has happened to date, the Eagles are in no mood to compromise, and intend to use every means at their disposal, including their very considerable political influence to force this request through the Council. Should the vacation be granted, the Eagles Lodge will be richer through the acquisition of some $18,000.00, worth of city owned real estate at no cost to itself. -It is obvious that whatever promotes the welfare of the Lodge, also benefits its members singly and collectively; therefore, any member of this Council, who is an Eagle, has a personal interest in this vacation proceeding, and it is to his advantage to have the vacation granted. Although this self interest may not influence the decisions of these Council- men, it must, to say the least, make it extremely difficult for them to judge the issues at hand in an objective manner. Moreover, if these Council- men vote for the vacation, there will always be the, suspicion they did so because they wanted to advance the program of their. Lodge. If, notwithstanding the compromising implications, there is a Councilman.Eagle who plans to vote for the vacation, it is respectfully suggested he first review the state laws relating to conduct of public officers. Section No. 42.20.010 of the „Revised Code of Washington" appears to be particularly pertinent. This section provides in essence that: Every public officer who shall be beneficially interested directly or indirectly, in any contract, sale, lease, or purchase which may be made by, through -or- under the supervision of such officer in whole or in part, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor, and any such contract, sale, lease, or purchase shall be void. This statement, I submit, effectively disqualifies any Councilman who is a member of the Eagles Lodge from voting in favor of the vacation. Yours truly, Jg ti e "V D tc.fF . J . RENTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING November 14, 1961 The regular meeting of the Renton City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Aliment at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL OF COUNCILMEN: Dullahant, Reid, Malgarini, Pinkerton, Vietzke, Garrett, Trimm, Johnson, Delaurenti, Poli and Bruce. OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS PRESENT: Helmie Nelson, City Clerk, Dorothea Gossett, City Treasurer, Gerard Shellan, City Attorney, Clarence Williams, Acting Chief of Police, Jack Wilson, City Engineer, Joe Lynch, Street Commissioner, Vern Church, Purchasing Agent, Marvin Schroeder, Suplt. o Utilities W. Sparrow, DisP. Plant, David Jensen, .Planning Director, Harris McClaskey, Librarian and James Denzer, Chairman of the Planning Commission. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AS SUBMITTED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMITS: NO. AMOUNT NAME ADDRESS TYPE OF WORK 7074 $ 15,725.00 Gateway Homes 821 "I" Street Frame Residence 7075 42,000.00 Sherwin-Wms. Paint 600 Third & Smithers Reinforce Foundation 76 1,081.00 Rob't. Wilson 2255-6th Ave. North Re-side Structure 77 19,500.00 Wn. Jockey Club Longacres Track Addition to Clubhouse 78 12,450.00 Keith Tonkin 9515 Mt. View Ave. Frame Residence 79 15,000.00 Jacob Bodenhamer 407 Powell Street Frame Residence 7080 75.00 Mrs. E. Askelin 3226-6th Ave. No. Carport 81 50.00 Ben Lindgren 129 North Wells Wire Dryer 82 695.00 Gene Luck 17215 Springbrook Foundation 83 200.00 S. J. Vukov 1011 2nd Ave. No. Fence 84 100.00 Wm. J. Thompson 205 N. Williams Repair Windows 7085 1.00 Chas. E. Payne 1216 N Place No. Fence PLUMBING & HEATING PERMITS: 4368 Joseph Lynch 303 Powell Street Plumbing Fixtures 69 Bob hane 836 "K" Street Plumbing Fixtures 4370 G. Bakko 2715 - 7th Ave. No. Gas Installations 71 E. H. Wilson 12808-88th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 72 E. H. Wilson 12814 - 88th Ave. S. Plumbing Fixtures 73 Humble Oil Co. 2228 Maple Valley Wy. Plumbing Fixtures 74 Raymond M. Wells 11025-112th Ave. S.E. Heating Equipment 4375 Charles Shane 2215 Maple Way Plumbing Fixtures 76 E. H. Wilson 12814-88th Ave. S. Plumbing Fixtures 77 E. H. Wilson 12808-88th Ave. So. Plumbing Fixtures 78 Harry Olson Const. 2225 Maple Valley Hwy. Heating Equipment 79 Marcus Woodworth 434 Whitworth Gas Installations 4380 W. Lambert 726 '?R" Street Gas Instatilations 81 R. S. Shane 1016 IPIC' Street Plumbing Fixtures 82 Herbert Hess 13242-113th Ave. S.E. Plumbing Fixtures 83 Glen Clow 8821 So. 120th St. Plumbing Fixtures HEARING: Vacation of Alleyway requested by Eagles - Block 4, Smithers 6th Addition to Town of Renton. This being the date set, the Hearing was opened. A written protest to the proposed Vacation was read by the Clerk from Mrs. Jane M. Duff, owner of pro- perty adjoining the alleyway, and. Planning Commission recommendation that the request bIgranted. Mayor Aliment inquired whether there was anyone in the audience wishing to address the Council on the Vacation. Mr. Don Gouge displayed a map of the area advising that the proposed improvement of the property would be an asset to the City and such 'vacation would place the subject alley back on the tax rolls for an added means of revenue. Mr. James Duff, on behalf of his Mother,advised that the property was zoned to business and in anticipation of future development of the property they would need the alley for a loading zone for trucks. Discussion followed regarding , possibly vacating only a portion of the alley or relocation of the alley. A portion of said alley is 11' wide and has not been used for vehicular use and the balance is 16 ft. which can only be used at present by use of ingress and egress through- the Eagles parking lot for thoroughfare. The Hearing was declared dosed. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli that the request of the Eagles be granted vacating the alley. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Dullahant, the matter be referred to. the Com- mittee of the Council As A Whole. Carried. -1- , HEARING: (Continued) 10-10-1961 particpate in any development of property which they did not hold deed to. Inquiry was made relative to possible use of a portion of the presently existing recreation building. Conveyance of the 50 ft. x 250 ft. was in- cluded in an alternate to the present plan and this would be the basis of negotiations for mutual advantage of both parties concerned according to Mr. Houser. It was suggested that the Planning Department meet with the Housing Authority and Architects and work out such a plan to be presented to the Council thereafter. Moved by Malgarini; seconded b Poli, the Hearing be continued for one week to Tuesday, October 17, 1961. Carried. • COMMUNICATIONS: A letter from Mr. Richard Andrews, Northwestern Panel Display Co. , requested to perform litter control services in the City of Renton by providing receptacles placed by the Company at various locations throughout the City. All costs to be absorbed by the Company in connection with installation and mainten- ance of each container, contracting with local agencies for emptyl:ng as needed. Mr. Andrews displayed a container and proposed Agreement for such services. The City Attorney pointed out aspects with which the City would not be able to comply . and Mr. Andrews advised same might be revised to conform to the City's requirements. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Pinkerton, that this matter be re- ferred to the Street and Alley Committee and the City Attorney to report back. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Reid, the matter also be referred to the Chamber of Commerce and Retail Merchant's Association for recommendation. Carried. A letter from the Fraternal Order of Eagles, Lodge No. 1722, by Ace Jones, Secretary, requested the Vacation of the Alley in Block 4, Smithers 6th Addition to the Town of Renton. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Pinkerton, the request be referred to the Planning Commission to report back. Carried. Moved by Trimm, seconded by Johnson, November 14, 1961 be set for date of Hearing on the proposed Vacation. Carried. A letter was read from M213. Roberta E. Hodge, Secretary, Kennydale Community Club, requesting Council attention and assistance in correcting traffic hazards existing as follows: 1. Extra policing requested at intersection of 100th Ave. S.E. and S.E. 94th Street between 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. during which time the sharp turn at said intersection is being made at dangerous and tire-squealing speeds. 2. Also at said intersection,a solid type fence screens all visibility to the South for traffic approaching 100th Ave: S:E. from West side of S.E. 94th. 3. Brush growth at intersection of Lake Washington Blvd. and S.E. 88th is causing poor visibility. 4. High hedge on N.E. corner of intersection of 108th Pl. and S.E. 97th Street-hazardous especially since pedestrian traffic from the Kennydale School cannot be seen. Moved by Reid, seconded by Trimm, to refer this communication to Police Traffic Division and the Street Commissioner. Carried. The Clerk read a communication from the Association of Washington Cities submitted by Floyd C. Miller, Chairman, Sales Tax Initiative Study Committee, making inquiries and study on the subject 'Should Washington Cities sponsor an • initiative for sales tax sharing. A Ballot -form was attached along with several other brochures with data compiled relative to the proposed initiatives. • Moved by Johnson, seconded by Delaurenti, the communications be re- ferred to the Council As A Whole. Carried. A letter was read from the Renton Garden Club, By Nelly Rice, President, requesting Council consideration in conserving Cedar River Park for Park purposes. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Dullahant, to refer this communication to the Council As A Whole. Carried. A letter from the State Auditor's office, by Robert Graham, Chief Exam- iner, advised of recent examination of the City Water-Sewer Utility and the Clerk advised said examination is on file and may be seen in the office of the City Clerk. Moved by Delaurenti, seconded by Reid, the Fire and •Water Committee and Sup't. of Utilities review same and report back to Council. Carried. -2- a 4 •r4, • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEALING RENTON CITY COUNCIL .RENTON, WASHINGTON A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL AT ITS REGULAR MEETING, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, RENTON, ON N,JJ1 s`ER. 21, 1961 AT 8:00 P.M. TO CONSIDER A PETITION FOR `cTAnr,CI"MI OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: That certain alley located ,.:kiteclz Pt,, ,ithers Siz by f c w t ton • to the Torn of :eiton, as Der r cor1s oil la:3c Ceulaty1:aclitor'J office® , ANY AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED OR OBJECTING TO SAID ACP...52 ;; ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT AT THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING Zig 8:00 P.M. ON H0ITLB7.1? 14. 1961 TO VOICE THEIR PROTEST OR ANY .OBJECTIONS TO SAME. / `'/ti�.1J ' � . HELMIE W. NELSON CITY CLERK DATE OF PUBLICATION: a.0Ma, 25. 1963. CERTIFICATION I, Oc-.L.Re�l- C. .�c,.)k y7- , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THREE (3) COPIES OF'THE ABOVE DOCUMENT WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE AND ONE COPY WAS POSTED AT THE CITY HALL, RENTON, WASHINGTON, ON Oc.T l`- 6,1 AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. J SIGNED ATTEST: :�/�-CMG--� 3,, _ N AR.Y PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, RESIDING AT RENTON. .MAW.s.:patition`hes• n iilaed, iit a _t CityClerk si'.:t the City' .of iteiato:a . :,C :o `+ bos oOtoh ' 102. .9 ,`petit'is iig .•t' ;.vscecion of a.certa� y't ille ' i5 ' rem- • , .6rl, . .. =' �., "•- •: .-'`,: � -..• .: . . : ' =..': `. . •. s.after iawr parttcuisrly. c escriibed, aeal+i petition,-.being signed by the ae eri�. of store • thee tea-thircis •of' the propcaz.ty :ebutttu upoti said.alley sought,',to.be vacate*, •seas beieg deswr'.bed aes follows.; - •• • „ .. that .certaein e1 y. iota,' tat.;in,'Block .4 Sixth Aiddt+ laix • • + /t��:c(ry h`s'Toil 'of Linton; As;per..records.of':.ring •Cou'iaty.Auditor s . ry• .. .gyp ..+ - -. �' _ .. .. I • !I0W AriIYVRPiie/+CtiWt, - - .. . Si IT .E6 11iiti'3• BY..T1 *tom, I:;'>i i�'f.$T .(OU)C/I, Eye' CITY CF• a ti3 , , SitaTION i ' Vb.at, t i i t'i .aiat3`:of o r mbar, 1 i96l at the..hour"•.ef--8:00 4/. -. a� . h;i . � -Coup it..ohissatirs ;in:tha city Nei i:' ►f the Y.•of gantott,;I cy County, • • itiib.ngcon, .sae end` it is:hereby ii.X ;aai teaaa•:t: ea .and-,:the: pipoe.ael .•the'aforaesaid : - ' .•petitieis for -vacating. the eforedascribed alley; shrill.be. btearc'1``amed deter t iaeRi. :. - " The CityClaiz'r is';heirebyr letithorized :eta. directed'to giva:notice of said . • .; tiiwit and:hearing' •as provided byla>i aettil.any:uod..all: p* Boas iarerestsd• .thersie •Or • eb j r-c a.ieg" to'said vaeO ,tioa' a nd be 'heard. thereon, or thsy'say 1,file their. written objections.•thereto.with. the-•Cit .:Clerk. riOr. to the'.heari• . , The City': of Renter el.o' rsservaea�t' the;r3 zt ,to:r:ettain'a n ess.ment•for-,ut Uity�-aud other •. purposes,wi t hi zz Said a llaey.. Wight to .be,vacated._ - . •• • • • ?`ASS`D SY.T°HE 'CITY ;CC C L this `17tk•:da r.of .October, 1961 • . _ • 2. Cic :Clerk-, . .•., = P DVifD ' .TUB 'Z;iA`!(ti'iit `a` iae.: 1hs3oy of October, • ..£1'P110f3D AS,TC - rstk, aiiiw+znt,, 'Mayor• . ,•.City' AttariteY. . t3ae�aerdl��C.. Shs1•�:atx ' � - . . -. � • - - /I ORDINANCE NO. 1923 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, VACATING PORTION OF A CERTAIN ALLEY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating of a portion of a certain alley as here- inafter more particularly described, was duly filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about October 10, 1961, said petition being signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon said alley sought to be vacated, which petition was read at the regular meeting of the City Council on said date; and WHEREAS the City Council by Resolution No. 1106 and after due investigation did fix and determine the 14th day of November, 1961 at the hour of 8:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City of Renton to be the time and place for a public hearing thereon and directed the City Clerk to give notice of such hearing in the manner provided by law; and WHEREAS the City Clerk has duly cuased notice of such hearing to be published and to be posted for the time and in the manner provided by law; and , WHEREAS the public hearing was duly held upon said petition on the day so fixed and the P1aniaing Commission having recommended the vacation of portion of the alley as hereinafter more particularly described, and such vacation being in the public interest and for the public benefit and no injury or damage to any person or properties will arise therefrom, NOT THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following described portion of alley, to wit: All of that certain alley platted in Block 4, of Smither?s Sixth Addition as. recorded in Volume 26 of Plats, Page 47, records of King County, State of Washington, EXCEPT that portion of said alley - adjacent to the westerly line of Lots 1 and 2 and the northerly one-- half of Lot 3 of said Block 4; all situated in Renton, King County Washington; BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED. SECTION.II: This Ordinance shall be effective from and after its passage, approval=and legal publication as provided-by_:_lav . PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 28th day of November, 1961.� Helmie Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 28th day of November, 1961. APPROVED AS TO FORM: /S/ Frank Aliment Frank Aliment, Mayor /8/ Gerard M. Shellan Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney PUBLICATION DATE: December 6, 1961 DATE ///// HOTIO • `e/ vc AYE_ c�NOe� DULLAHANT REID MALGARINI PINKERTON, PRES. ►% VIETZKE r/ GARRETT TRIM JOHNS ON • DELAURENTI POLI BRUCE TOTAL (P SUAyEU s?NO� • ORDINANCES AND RESOLTUIONS: (Continued) ]1I=21 -61 Smiley Rezoning Ordinance: • Moved by Pinkerton, seconded by Dullahant, to amend the proposed Ordinance, portion A as outlined, to R-2 zoning with Special Permit to allow specific type of construction, with the balance remaining the same. Carried. Mdved by Garrett, seconded by Johnson, that Ordinance No. 1922 be adopted as amended. Roll call vote followed with all Councilmen present voting aye. ' Motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: OLD BUSINESS: Councilman Pinkerton, President of the Council As A Whole Committee, reported that the Committee recommended that the request of the Eagles be granted and the Alley, Block 4, Smithers 6th Addition to Town of Renton be Vacated;back to the Duff property line. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Council As A Whole. Discussion followed on the question and a letter was read from the Duff family advising the vacation would be acceptable with the 8 ft. alleyway to be granted by the Eagles at the property line. After discussion on legality of such an'alley relative to size under requirements of the Ordinance, and lack of 100% approval of abutting property owners, and right of major property owners.,..the motions subsequently carried. Moved by Bruce', seconded by Poli, to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. Regarding Northern Life Insurance Company plan for employee coverage through payroll deduction, the Council As A Whole Committee recommended that the proposal not be considered. Moved by Poli, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Council As A Whole. Carried. Regarding the request of the City of Auburn for policies of Renton in regard to sale and use of fireworks, it was recommended that the Clerk for- ward a copy of the City's fireworks Ordinance and advise the Auburn officials that no changes are contemplated at this time. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Johnson, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Council As A Whole. Carried. L Regarding the conditon of the Fire Station No. 2 addition the Committee recommended further payment be withheld pending final determination of the in- vestigation. Councilman Garrett, reporting for the Street and Alley Committee, sub- mitted the Committee report which was read by the Clerk with action taken as follows: 1. Regarding the letter from Mrs. Duff-relative to traffic congestion at 4th and Williams and 4th and Wells, the Committee recommended the matter be referred to the Police Dapartment Traffic Officer and the City Engineers. Moved by Johnson, seconded by Bruce, to concur in the recommendation of the Street and Alley Committee. Carried. Councilman Garrett requested the Clerk to notify the letter writer of this action. Councilman Bruce called attention to the request of Bryant Motors for use of a portion of public right of way and Councilman Delaurenti advised two of the Committee hadn't had an opportunity to investigate as yet and more time was granted. NEW BUSINESS: , As.there was no new business to come before the Council, Mayor Aliment invited comment from the audience and Mr. W. Philipp called attention to a letter from the Citizen's Committee for Better Government which had been submitted on • . 11-7-61 requesting execution of Hold Harmless Agreement relative to traffic sig- nals at Renton, Shopping center access and other installations. It was pointed out that the matter was still in the hands of the Street and Alley Committee and a meeting was suggested between officials of the Citizens Committee and the Street and Alley Committee. As there was no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Bruce, seconded by Poll, to adjourn. Carried. Adjourned at 9:45 p.m. -4- . /o .,/ 7-61 The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poli, to concur in'the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. Carried. After the second and final reading it was moved by Poll, seconded by Bruce, that Ordinance No: 1915 be adopted as read. Roll call vote followed with all present voting aye. 'Motion carried. . The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington Changing the zoning classification of certain properties with- in the City of Renton from General Classification District (G) to Residence Dis- trict (R-3) which was read by the Clerk. (Kero Property) . Moved by Poll, seconded by Bruce, that the proposed Ordinance bereferred to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. On question as to verification of the legal description of subject property the Committee requested to hold the proposed Ordinance for further recommendation. Granted. _ The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington changing the zoning classification of certain property within the city of Renton from General Classification District (G) to Business District (B-1) and Residence District (R-4, Multiple Housing) as read by the Clerk. The Ordinance Committee requested to hold this proposed Ordinance for proper check of the legal description also upon Motion by Poll, second by Bruce to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee, which carried. The Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Resolution of the City of Renton setting the date of November 14, 1961 for Hearing on the Petition for ,I)7) Vacating Alleyway in Block 4, Smithers Sixth Addition to the Town of Renton. (Requested by Eagles Lodge No. 1722). Moved by Bruce, seconded by Malgarini, to adopt Resolution No. 1106 as read. Carried. OUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: • Councilman Pinkerton, Chairman of the Sanitation Committee, reported that the Committee recommended authorization be granted the Utilities Department to advertise for bids for a new City of Renton garbage contract with November 7, 1961 to be the date for opening of bids. Moved by Malgarini, seconded by Dullahant, to concur in the recom- mendation of the Committee. Carried. Councilman Pinkerton reported for the Council As A Whole that in regard to the Downtown Merchants' request for Free Parking(in their letter of September 26, 1961,) it was the Committee's recommendation that proposal No. 5 contained in said letter be granted, to-wit: We request that the Council grant free parking in downtown Renton every Saturday from October 1st until December 31st, 1961, plus the 24th of November and from the 18th to 23rd of December, 1961. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Johnson, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Council As A Whole. Carried. Councilman Garrett, reporting for Mr. Reid, on behalf of the Street and Alley Committee, advised regarding improvement to "K" Street, that various proposals have been sent out to the property owners and the traffic department has been requested to make a report and the matter will be held in committee for further investigation and discussion. Relative to the litter control request by Northwestern Panel Display Co., the. Committee, will hold recommendation pending report from the Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Merchants Association. Councilman Johnson, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, and member of the Property Committee, reported that the Property Committee recom- mended the following: 1. Park Site Acquisition-(Balch Property and small parcel known as the Williams property) Sufficient funds have been allocated in the 1962 Budget for purchase of these properties for park purposes. The Committee recommends that the City Attorney and Property Committee be authorized to enter into firm negotiations with the owners thereof. Moved by Dullahant, seconded by Malgarini, to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Property Committee. Carried. 2. Extension of Lease - City Hall Lunch Room - Lloyd & Catherine Kindred. The Committee, recommends that the current Lease Agreement be renewed for the year 1962 under the same terms and conditions Moved by Malgarini, seconded b;' Bruce, to concur in the recommendations of the Property Committee. Carried. -4- 1 a y October 12, 1961 Fraternal Order of Eagles . Lodge No. 1722 316 - 3rd Avenue ' Renton, Washington Attention: Mr. Ace Jones, - Secretary Gentlemen: : The Renton City Council, at its regular meeting of October 10, 1961 in consideration of your request. for the vacation of Alleyway, Block 4, Smithers 6th Addition to the Town of Renton, has set the date cd NQvember 14, 1961 for Hearing on said vacation. ease so advise r. te a itl.ona.L Petitioners. Yours very truly, CITY OF REN1TON By He lhiie W. Nelson, City Clerk - HWN/dm II 4.,,,,DAZ 4v..,e)9 il-d ?— (01 . /-,_„t,6 /qa / 1 �`?j< z" ,L ,1,b ial Renton, Washington '71t August 2, 1961 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the Renton City Council City Hall Renton, Washington Re: Vacation of Alley, Block 4, Smithers 6th Addition to the Twin of Renton Gentlemen: The Renton Fraternal Order of Eagles is desirous of expanding its facilities located in Block 4, Smithers Sixth Addition to the Town of Renton. To facilitate this expansion it is necessary and desirous that the alley presently platted in said Block 4 be vacated in its entirety. The north-south extension of the alley, although platted, has never been improved and the east-west extension of the alley dead-ends at its western extremity at the present boundary of the Eagles parking lot. This alley serves no useful purpose for either the property owners, the public, or the City of Renton, and the , Fraternal Order • - •.les respectfully requests that the City of Renton vacate this al % ,�6 8 ,; �!; .� :,,y Respectfully submitted: a� �r- 01 i CO' j �!� ._ -1 :i 3 QED �4 :S'' 'l� Fraternal Orde f Eagles c;. ;;1 Co r e flF� y..:`,'sly' Lodge No..,, 17 `l.:N ,.;L" t.� sec, x. .` ' \c,lrq, 22'1., , -Secretary The undersigned property owners in Block 4, Smithers Sixth Addition to the Town of Renton join the Fraternal Order of Eagles Lodge No. 1722 in their petition for the vacation of the alley in said Block 4. / Ernesto Barei and Mary Barei, his wife ! /' 01111111 By ' me n act e a • • • • • • April. 3$0, 196 Fraternal Order of Eames ,Lodge No..422 ..316 3rd.:Ague •Renton,.Washinitc . Atteitione., Mr. Ace Jam, SeorsterY Gentle : , Corresponden a has .been xeceivrod from Don Abel, Attcrney for-the Dam Family, owners et -.1 said 2 and re.rt„of Lot 3,.Block 4$, , Snithers Sixth Addition to Renton,, pew, the ,cation of,a portion of the..alley.as covered by Ordinance No* 1923. The;Renton city Council has can,sidare% this protest and since Hoare is . an indication that the.problem miEftt.be resolved, with certain.concessions being made is cousidering the needs of;the Duff . it was're onaended by the Council in it8 meeting.of Agra : , 16,:1.962 ..to der tbig tatter to.the.Eae es Lodge and their, camel for p eeible settlement with the Duff Ferr'►7y.; ,. We are, therefore►, enclosing copies of letters .receive& .on this . subject for your, consideration* Very tom' , . • C° C ce IMNTCt . • Helmie W. Nelson, _ City Clerk Doe. 3 1 ► a _ _h M _.} CITY OF RENTON 3A fig` RENTON, WASHINGTON OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY April 13, 1962 Honorable Frank Aliment, Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Renton City Hall Renton, Washington Re: Ordinance No. 1923 Gentlemen: We are handing you herewith a copy of another letter received this date from Don G. Abel, attorney for the Duff family, regarding the vacation of a portion of the alley abutting the Eagles Lodge. It would appear that some litigation will result by reason of this vacation. We remain, Yours very truly, HAUGAN & SHELLAN -1-ago.41 Gerard M. Shellan City Attorney GMS:mr Enclosure i • ;DON G. ABEL Attorney At_-Lair (COPY)• Northern Life.Tower , ' _ . ' • ' Seattle_ 1, Washington - Main -C3333 April'12, 1962 " • Mr. Gerard P . he?lan ; City Attorney : . Renton, Washington - . '' . . Re: Ordin mce:.No. 1923 . Dear Mr. she l:Lan _ • Thank.you for your le- ter ,off'_April '11. I 'have read ' • • the case you point' to Capitol.Hill. Methodist Church•.v Seattle, ' 52 Wn. (2d) 339 (1958), dnd note that it raises:two interesting , questions. •First, the rule would not apply where the vacation 'would actually reduce access, and of cozii.•se, in the case at hand , • the vacation .o=' the City Of the portion of the alley concerned prohibited access. Secondly, 'the. case 'raises the issue 'of 'collu— • sioti. o.r fraud in the_granting of the case:aent. Probably in this.:: instance collusion is ,more appropriate. as I understand that a - number of the -members of the Council were adamant.that the :Eagles ' Lodge have its.way inasmuch as they 1-:ere members or were in some " way associated with, the lodge , . _ On .the.other hand, nothing ng is ,to be'gais.ned by exchanging, letters' between counsel: If I am right the vacation is void. I do not mean. to shut off negotiation° or the possibility there- ' Of; • .I still think a fair adjustment of:the alley situation con-', - ' , sidering the needs of the Duff family and the desires of the- Eagles,Ledge .could produce 'an intelligent solution'. If there. . . " is any hope in this direction, I trill be glad to meet with you. " Yours very. truly, ' : /s/ Don G. Abel • • Don G: "_Abel DGA:t.: .. . . • i. • • :.. CITY OF RENTON 2// RENTON, WASHINGTON 7A // OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - March 30, 1962 Mr. Don G. Abel • Attorney at Law - Northern. Life Tower 'Seattle 1, Washington Re: Ordinance No. 1923 Dear Mr. Abel: The' City Clerk of the City of Renton has turned over to us your letter of March 23, 1962 relative to a certain ordinance passed by the City of Renton under date of Nov- 0 ember 28, 1961 vacating a portion of an alley. We have checked over the file in this"case and determined that the proceedings were had in compliance with R.C.W. 35.79.010 et -,seq. At the hearing which was continued several times, it developed that the alley in question had never been im- proved* although dedicated many many years ago. In 'addi it deed-ends and would not have been suitable as a public thoroughfare. The City Council therefore determined that the alley served no useful purpose and should' be 'vacat-" " ed. If the City can provide you with any additional information in this matter, please do not hesitate to let us know. We remain : . .You're/ye y truly,. Ge a M. She lan City Attorney - - GMS:dl cct City.Clerk , ' • DON G. ABEL ATTORNEY AT LAW (/� //� NORTHERN LIFE TOWER SEATTLE 1, WASHINGTON MAIN 4-0333 March 23, 1962 Renton City Clerk City Hall Renton, Washington Re: Ordinance No. 1923 Dear Sir: On behalf of the Duff family, I have made an inquiry into the law and facts concerning the above referred to ordinance. I note particularly the language of the Washington case of Fry v O'Leary, 141 Wash. 467 ; Olsen v Jacobs, 193 Wash. 512; and Walker v State, 48 Wn. (2d) 590 . It seems to me the vacating ordinance has the effect of taking private property for private use, in this instance, for the special use of the Eagles Lodge; and, in any event, has the effect of taking private property without compensation con- trary to the provisions of the State Constitution. Please be advised that the Duff family as owners of Lots 1 and 2 and part of Lot 3, Block 4, Smithers Sixth Addition to the Town of Renton, consider the vacation purportedly accom- plished in Ordinance No. 1923 void and of no effect. We do now specifically ask the City of Renton to vacate or rescind or repeal the said ordinance so as to remove the cloud upon the title the Duff family has to the alley of access to the rear of their property. Yours very truly, SC-: -;)-34 4147 on G. Abel DGA:t cc to James Duff C (J r � L� LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Rearing Renton City Council Renton, Washington A public hearing will be held by the Renton City Council at its regular meeting, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Renton, on November 14, 1961 at 8:00 P.M. to consider a pe- tition for vacation of the fol- lowing described property: That certain alley located in Block 4, Smithers Sixth addi- tion to the Town of Renton, as per records of King Coun- ty Auditor's office. any and all persons interested or objecting to said vacation are invited to be present at• the Renton City Council meet- ing at 8:00 P.M. on November 14, 1961 to voice their protest or any objections to same. Helmie W. Nelson, City Clerk Published in the Renton Chronicle October 25, 1961. • • • • • • RESOLUTION NO. / / G' • WHEP AS a petition has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Kenton on or about October 10, 1961, petitioning the vacation of a certain alley as herein- after more p3:rticul3rly described, said petition being signed by the owners of more than two-thirds, of the'proper'ty abutting upon said alley sought to be vacated, same being described as follows: That certain alley located in Block 4, Swithers Sixth Addition to the Town of Renton, as per records of King County Auditor's ' office. . . NOW THBR.+FORE • BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MOE. AND THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CRY O . HE EO'N, WESHINGri,.:N, A i . OLLO S: • S. CTICN I: Thac, tbe. 14th day of November, 1961 at the hour of B:00 P.M. . at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Renton, King County, Washington, be and it is herby. fixed as the time and the place when the aforesaid petition- for vacating the aforedescribed alley shall be heard and determined. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of said time and hearing co provided by law; and any and all persons interested therein or objecting to said vacation may then appear and be heard thereon, or they may file their written objections thereto with the City Clark prior to the hearing on said vacation. The City of Renton ,also reserves: the right to retain an easement. for utility and other purposes within said alley sought to boa vacated. • • PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this .17th•dey of October, 1961. • • • . Halmie'Nelson, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 17thday of October, 1961. Franc Aliment, kiayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: • GerardkM. Shellen, City Attorney DATE // MOTION Ail of/ q4v iiND? DULLAHANT t� REID MALGARINI r/ PINKERTON, PRES. VIETZKE i/ GARRETT ✓ TRUE JOHNSON ✓ DELAURENTI ✓ POLI BRUCE TOTAL ClA1Eci ;aNOil 1 t,,) -1 %t_ c_ Ae... 4.. a • 1, 1 -mot: -- f • • COMMUNICATIONS: (Continued) 11-28-1961 A letter was read from J. T. Stahlhut, Mayor of Sumner, Washington, making inquiry as to mutual benefits to be derived by the Cities in revival of the Association of Valley Cities organization. Discussion followed on the past benefits received by said Association after which,it was moved by Garrett and seconded by Malgarini, that the City of Renton join in the reorganization of the Association of Valley Cities. Carried. A communication was read from the Planning Commission requesting transfer of $100.00 from M. & 0. No. 725 to acct. 780. Moved by Vietzke, seconded by Poli, to grant the request. Carried. Moved by Garrett, seconded by Johnson, to refer the communication to the Ordinance Committee for drafting of the proper Resolution. Carried. The Planning .Direc for submitted a letter which was read recommending to the Council approval of the final Plat of Brentwood,owned by Capital Realty Co. of Tacoma, per Planning Commission Hearing of November 22, 1961. Moved by Poli, seconded by Johnson, to concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission with referral to the Ordinance Committee. Carried. A letter was read from the Housing Authority of the City of Renton, by Louie Gebenini, Chairman, petition for rezoning of the site for the elderly housing project in the Highlands. Moved by Bruce, seconded by Vietzke, to refer this communication to the Planning Commission. Carried. A letter from the Great Northern Railway was read advising that the City Attorney's letter concerning traffic conditions at the Sunset Highway cross- ings has been referred to the Traffic Superintendent who will advise us further. APPOINTMENTS' BY THE MAYOR: Th,e Clerk read a letter of application from Mr. Angelo P. Righi, for appointment to the Library Board. A letter was read from Mayor Aliment, request- ing Council concurrence in the appointment of Mr. Righi, to fill the vacancy of Mrs. Grace Neal on the Renton Library..Board. Moved by Reid, seconded by Poli, to concur in the appointment by the Mayor. Carried. A letter read from Mayor Aliment requested council concurrence in the reappointment of Mr. Pat Hogue and Mr. Erle E. Barnes to the Valley Industrial Commission for an additional three year term, effective from July 1, 1961 to July 1, 1964.. Moved by Reid, seconded by Johnson, to concur in the appointments by the Mayor. Carried. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (/\:- Councilman Garrett, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee presented a proposed Ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, Vacating a Portion of a Certain Alley Located in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, platted in Block 4 of Smither's Sixth Addition to Renton, as requested by the Eagles. The Clerk read the proposed Ordinance. Moved by Poll, seconded by Delaurenti, to refer the proposed Ordinance to the Ordinance Committee for recommendation. Carried. The Committee recommended favorably and that the proposed Ordinance be placed on its second and final reading: Moved by Bruce, seconded by Poll, to concur in the recommendation of the Ordinance Committee. Inquiry was made regarding a communication which had been received by the Councilmen from Mrs. Jane M. Duff relative to the Vacation after which Mr. James Duff, presented the communication to the Clerk for reading. The Mayor ordered the communication i road_ Thn l n1--hnr nine n,ino1r4 nni nrr nni-inn n-F i-hnon ('.ra,,,ni l m.mi-..,-, „1... .,..,..,. .,l,.,. • • l:/// , 215 Whit-worth Street, Renton, Washington. November 9, 1961. Mayor of the City of Renton, Cedar River Park, Renton, Washington. Dear Sir:" I eni the owner of Lots 1 and 2, and the 'north 20 feet of Lot 3, in Block 4, of Smither's Sixth Addition to Renton. This letter is to protest the proposal to vacate the alley in this block. The effects of the-proposed vacation on the above noted property must be considered from the standpoint of how the property will be used in- the future. .Since the lots are zoned for business, and taxes are being paid on their value as business property, the effect of the vacation, on these lots as business property, is the major consideration. Business property; with access to the rear is obviously more useful to it's tenant than the, same property without the access. It follows that the lots in question will suffer a substantial loss in value if the alley is vacated. The proponents of the vacation may argue that the alley behind the lots -is'too narrow to allow large trucks to make the turn into it. However, a hand trucking -operation for sixty feet or so in an open alley is much more desirable than having to carry or hand truck goods through the entire depth of the sales floor of a retail store, in order to reach a stock room Other factors that should..be weighed in considering the proposed vacation are; 1.) The alley is and will be, available to the various city utilities at will whenever the need should arise. 2) The alley provides' the Fire Department unimpaired access to rears :of any building that may be built on the adjoining .lots.. . In summary: 1)- There is now an alley, .dedicated.to the public use which gives access- to the rears of Lots 1, 2, and the north• one—half of Lot 3, in Block 4 of Smither's Sixth Addition. - 2)- This alley is required in the future development of the property in accordance with. the use designated in the zoning ordinance. 3) " Vacation of the alley will cause :a substantial financial loss to the undersigned, should the property be sold. On the other hand, denial of the vacation petition will harm no one. Every land owner will have, every square foot of land he purchased with access provisions existing at the time he acquired his property. Moreover, ,no owner will profit at the expenseof-another. , In the interests of equity and justice, it is respectfully requested that the petition for the vacation of the alley in Block 4 of Smither's Sixth Addition, be denied. Yburs truly, ("le ) (MAJ P1 D ii=i • l 1 ORD/NANCE NO. / 3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, VACATING PORTION OF A CERTAIN ALLEY LOCATED IN THE CITY OP RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. WHEREAS a proper petition for vacating of a portion of a certain alley as hereinafter more particularly described, was duly filed with the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or about October 10, 1961, said petition being signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon said alley sought to be vacated, which petition was read at the regular meeting of the City Council on said date; and WHEREAS the City Council by Resolution No. //flf and after due investigation did fix and determine the 14th day of November, 1961 at the hour of 8:00 P.M. , in the Council Chambers of the City of Renton to be the time and place for a public hearing thereon and directed the City Clerk to give notice of such hearing in the manner provided by law; and WHEREAS the City Clerk has duly caused notice of such hearing to be published and to be posted for the time and in the manner provided by law; and WHEREAS the public hearing was duly held upon said petition on, the day so fixed and the Planning Commission having recommended the vacation of portion of the alley as hereinafter more particularly described, and such vacation being is the public interest and for the public benefit and no injury or damage to any person or properties will arise therefrom, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The following described portion of alley, to-wit: Ail of that certain alley platted in Block 4 of Smither's Sixth Addition as recorded in Volume 26 of Plats, Page 47, records of King County, State of Washington, EXCEPT that portion of said alley adjacent to the westerly line of Lots l and 2 and the northerly one- 3 of said Block 4; all situated in Renton, Ring County, BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY VACATED. SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be effective from and after its passage, approval and legal publication as provided by ,law. ' PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 28th day of November, 1961. 2f-e-Ese Helmie Nelson,': City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 28th day of November, 1961 - ' P APPRQVI /AS T© FORM: la/6Yl""` r: / .�r.��� Frank Aliment, Mayor ., ___� ..�4.... £ �..... ... PUBLICATION 'Dia SEC 6 1961: -1\4) ore-- ?LA `S3 24- c0 Tr- ,V 1 '117 0-‘...) :2.- s, Art.c" POZS.,„ 1,,j-17 Qoct...d-cuvie---s oNza- -1 0 \'5 ) II 72-"OA/ ------- -- .. ,.- - , - .,- ._..,6-- ...,!,t, / , /1 •/ . , 1'7-11 4------- .,--C'" ---' 1' A) i 1 , c'f k )rt .4: /, ,-;'• , ' / - /(.,.s--6 3, J:P7 (7 l / ,e.''?3'1.-1- _ ,/ 1,1) 4--7. '-1 , 1 g — ! 1' 4 'v) ,9 7/1' e--i (-, ./ • ! ,,,/ ,.,?-ff-,t--, ';',1 4, .7.7/..--- -- ".-". ''----:•',,_ .-..:," ..:--4 /0 ..., ,'' -5 ---." ___%, ---. -4, 't•'../, /17"2gv' - - ')-;,ki ,)./` -* ;--,, ...-e..,,i---•el• .---j: -,,?,-;•-1 bir-?*_-:-,K Tr..'" .--?4,77,,,,--- ;-:_z_--.:,---7- 11-",„._—_,-,-...4.---,C, —1---r,';,...,,,,- r-PP-- 711----c-i-e---)--- •.- 4"l''''')'.-; `1'11'7?-7 27-`1-:.--1?--717--2.1--' ("7"-Li--i•-y---..42„,,,e,„ ,,,,1 -7+3 ., ,,, r`167-7-,0-....-1---n/4 lz,,, ios? 1 ./ ,--71- d' • (-7-1----4---1-'a . 7' (7 ' !-5. ,---' 0:2- '',..i'k-o----) . r)----43, --- (-0--2-2,----;,-.01,t---V----'- ("7,- , >,- ,- .."--)---.7:-.;2:7- =-,7---7-f--72,0-9-- )---,--„,--,f_,--,:-.7,-.;=- • r---,D )-e-,--?1,-- ,!. - ,7- (,-')•' • / -•" 4 ii.3 _• le-- Oe- 4,-Z.,,/0 ..., . (---?..•_....-7,,---- _, -.._...4-A....,, :„...„....."_. , _._ ,__,____: _:::__,. .::, )1.2„2 11:-/-e--: _ . " -4 f-'''.. VI--.4 ( T : -1-7 " ;-1---a----- ,- -- 0),."--.1-,t,---.. .." 7-7,, -.0 )-7t-7.1,--,--r-a.,,-2r it. I /....,f7.4.2. i-/-- ih../.......1., (--• .)-7.-7___,g_t,--6,./-z...1,,,30, „.../ .0 7) ,. 7- 1./.).--..- - , , ( - 1-f - 7/ . r_?-4.... -,1- to,.------L.1..,.tit. ... • , • . • . , . , . , , 215 Whitworth Street, Renton, Washington. November 9, 1961 • Council of the City of Renton, C/O City Clerk, Cedar River Park, Renton, Washington. Gentlemen: I am the owner of Lots 1 and 2, and the north 20 feet of Lot 3, In Block 4, of Smither's Sixth Addition to Renton. This letter is to protest the proposal to vacate the alley in this block. The effects of the proposed vacation on the above noted property must be considered frbni the. standpoint of how the property will be used in the future. Since the lots .are zoned for business, and taxes are being paid on their value as business property, the effect of the vacation,on these lots as, business property, is the major consideration. Business property, .with access to the rear is obviously more useful to it's tenant than the ssme property without the access. It follows that the lots in question will suffer a substantial loss in value if the alley is vacated The proponents of the vacation may argue that the alley behind the lots is too narrow to allow large trucks to make the turn into it. However, a hand trucking operation for sixty feet or so in an open alley, is much more desirable than having to carry or hand truck goods through the entire depth of the sales floor of a retail store in order to reach a stock room. Other factors that should be .weighed in considering the proposed vacation are; 1) The alley_.i,s and will be available to the various city utilities at will whenever the need should arise, 2) The alley provides the Fire Department unimpaired access to rears of any building that may be built on the adjoining lots. In summary: 1) There is now an alley, dedicated to the public use which gives access to the rears of Lots 1, 2, and the north one-half of Lot 3 in Block 4 of Smither's Sixth Addition. 2) This alley is required in the future development of the property in accordance with the use designated in the zoning ordinance. 3) Vacation of the alley will cause a substantial financial loss to the undersigned, should the property be sold. On the other hand, denial of the vacation petition'will harm no one. Every land owner will have every square foot of land he purchased with'access provisions existing at the time he acquired his property. Moreover, no owner will profit at the expense of another. In the interests of equity and justice, it is respectfully requested that the petition for the vacation, of the alley in Block 4 of Smither's Sixt x 4& n, be denied. //0/ '\ Yours truly, /��n� / .� '' (A/R=5) CY/1"/ /- DLitt- . '- - -- a mot. " hp) DD ®0'D ,N4li/A'.li H■N O7®N the Jet Transport Capital of the World T . November l)i, 1961 Honorable Mayor Frank Aliment and Members of the City Council Gentlemen : The Planning Commission at its hearing on November 8, 1961 , continued from October 25, upon motion took the follow- ing actions: ' ( I ) Accepted the Final Play of Nance Addition and herewith recommends that the Plat be adopted by the City Council . 16 CIL -- (2) Recommended to the City Council that the petition for the vacation of the alley by the Renton Order of Eagles and others be approved for the following reasons: (a) The present alley is impractical for use, especially the north-south portion, in that there is not adenuate turning space to maneuver vehicles into and out of 1-he north-south portion of the alley. (b) Further, +he north end of the alley- terminates at private property without provision for ingress and egress or turning space. The concurrence of the City Council in the at.ove recommendations is requested. Very truly yours, J . D v-i d J e s e n i Pia ling D rector JDJ : pc it _ ,•-•'- 1-- -7 4.---7 •-• J � �f • I i„t�. _ .jyt , : , . .4)j111.,‘'' AP)) I. bilill , '.• . • , • , .x if,' Renton, Washington 4'11AAugust 2, 1961 To the Honorable Mayor and - Members of the Renton City Council . City Hall • ' Renton, Washington . Re: Vacation of Alley, Block 4, Smithers 6th Addition to the Town of Renton Gentlemen: The Renton Fraternal Order of Eagles is desirous of expanding its - facilities located in Block 4, Smithers Sixth Addition to the Town of V • Renton. To facilitate this expansion it is necessary and desirous that the alley presently platted in said Block 4 be vacated in its. entirety. VThe north-south extension of the alley, although platted, has never been improved and the east-west. extension of the alley _. dead-ends at its western extremity at the present boundary of the Eagles parking lot. This alley serves no useful purpose for either the property owners, the public, or the City of Renton, and the • Fraternal Order o les respectfully requests that the City of Renton ' vacate this al ro 7 v,�? 4 '' _" •`` _ y. fc".% Respectfully submitted: �.,,�- _ =�, 1 `114-31�11` >-„ - • Fraternal Order-- f Eagles ; • • _-a ram, F`le�� •''N s. Lodge No. 1722 � ,"%: . ;' /;/ Secretary //. • The undersigned property owners in Block 4, Smithers Sixth Addition to the Town of Renton join the Fraternal Order of Eagles Lodge No. 1722 in their petition for the vacation of the alley in said Block 4. \ Ernesto Barei and Mary Barei, his wife t B4',Zg y ,.� �' At orneyin fact