HomeMy WebLinkAboutD_Honey Creek Hazard Tree Removal_v2DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT D_Honey Creek Hazard Tree Removal_v2 PLANNING DIVISION CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM CRITICAL AREAS REGULATIONS EVALUATION FORM & DECISION DATE OF DECISION: March 17, 2022 PROJECT NUMBER: LUA22-000080 CAE PROJECT NAME: Honey Creek Apts Hazard Tree Removal PROJECT MANAGER: Brittany Gillia, Assistant Planner APPLICANT/CONTACT: Marsha Newman, A Plus Tree, Inc. 985 Walnut Ave Vallejo, CA 94592 OWNER: Honey Creek Apartments 1332 Duvall Ave NE Renton, WA 98059 PROJECT LOCATION: 1332 Duvall Ave NE, near Bldg A PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant, A Plus Tree, Inc, is requesting retroactive approval of a Critical Areas Exemption for the removal of a dangerous tree that has fallen on a dwelling unit located on the northern edge of 1322 Duvall Ave NE (APN 5169700075), the Honey Creek Apartments. The subject parcel is located within the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone and is approximately 237,022 square feet (5.44 acres). The tree that was removed was a red alder (Alnus rubra) that was seven and a half inches (7.5”) diameter at breast height (DBH) and located within a wetland buffer on the north edge of the property. The subject tree had been uprooted and fallen onto the roof of neighboring townhomes. The wetland mapped on the property is an unidentified wetland and is shown to be less than 50 feet away from the subject tree. An arborist report prepared by Izzy Nosan was submitted with the project application (Attachment A). According to the report, the subject tree resting on the roof was evaluated to be high-risk and was removed immediately to mitigate the risk of the tree sliding off the townhome and into the neighboring community road. CRITICAL AREA: Wetland, Stream EXEMPTION JUSTIFICATION: Renton Municipal Code, Section 4-3-050C.3.c.iii. Dangerous Trees: Removal of non-native invasive ground cover or weeds listed by King County Noxious Weed Board or other government agency or dangerous trees, as defined in Chapter 4-11 RMC which have been approved by the City and certified dangerous by a licensed landscape architect, or certified arborist, selection of whom to be approved by the City based on the type of information required. Limited to DocuSign Envelope ID: CDE96B9F-5D1E-4558-8A3E-075F80B552D8 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Certificate of Exemption From Critical Areas Regulations Honey Creek Apts Hazard Tree Removal LUA22-000080 CAE Permit Date: March 17, 2022 Page 2 of 3 D_Honey Creek Hazard Tree Removal_v2 cutting of dangerous trees; such hazardous trees shall be retained as large woody debris in critical areas and/or associated buffers, where feasible. FINDINGS: The proposed development is consistent with the following findings pursuant to RMC section 4-3-050C.2.d: i. The activity is not prohibited by this or any other provision of the Renton Municipal Code or State or Federal law or regulation; Staff Comment: Removal of dangerous trees within wetlands, streams, and their respective buffers is permitted with a letter of exemption pursuant to RMC 4-3-050C.2. ii. The activity will be conducted using best management practices as specified by industry standards or applicable Federal agencies or scientific principles; Staff Comment: According to the arborist report (Attachment A), Nosan recommends retaining the remains of the tree to become woody debris in the stream and wetland buffer. i. Impacts are minimized and, where applicable, disturbed areas are immediately restored; Staff Comment: The subject dangerous tree was uprooted naturally. As proposed and as conditioned, the fallen tree will be retained as woody debris within the stream and wetland buffer. ii. Where water body or buffer disturbance has occurred in accordance with an exemption during construction or other activities, revegetation with native vegetation shall be required; Staff Comment: The dangerous tree was uprooted due to natural forces as noted in the arborist report. No known construction activities occurred. The fallen tree will be retained for habitat within the stream and wetland buffer. iii. If a hazardous material, activity, and/or facility that is exempt pursuant to this Section has a significant or substantial potential to degrade groundwater quality, then the Administrator may require compliance with the Wellhead Protection Area requirements of this Section otherwise relevant to that hazardous material, activity, and/or facility. Such determinations will be based upon site and/or chemical -specific data. Staff Comment: The subject property is not within a delineated Wellhead Protection Zone as identified in the City’s 2019 Water System Utility Plan. The dangerous tree and its retention for habitat is not anticipated to degrade groundwater quality. DECISION: An exemption from the Critical Areas Regulations is hereby Approved with Conditions* and subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall retain the felled tree within the stream and wetland buffer as large woody debris for natural habitat as per the arborist’s recommendation. DocuSign Envelope ID: CDE96B9F-5D1E-4558-8A3E-075F80B552D8 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Certificate of Exemption From Critical Areas Regulations Honey Creek Apts Hazard Tree Removal LUA22-000080 CAE Permit Date: March 17, 2022 Page 3 of 3 D_Honey Creek Hazard Tree Removal_v2 SIGNATURE & DATE OF DECISION: ________________________________________ ____________________________________ Vanessa Dolbee, Planning Director Date RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14 -day appeal time frame. APPEALS: This administrative land use decision will become final if not appealed in writing to the Hearing Examiner on or before 5:00 PM on March 31, 2022. An appeal of the decision must be filed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). Due to Governor Jay Inslee’s Proclamation 20-25 (“Stay Home, Stay Healthy”), the City Clerk’s Office is working remotely. For that reason, appeals must be submitted electronically to the City Clerk at cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. The appeal fee, normally due at the time an appeal is submitted, will be collected at a future date. Appeals to the Hearing Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, cityclerk@rentonwa.gov. If the situation changes such that the City Clerk’s Office is open when you file your appeal, you have the option of filing the appeal in person. EXPIRATION: Five (5) years from the date of decision (date signed). Attachments: Arborist Report DocuSign Envelope ID: CDE96B9F-5D1E-4558-8A3E-075F80B552D8 3/17/2022 | 4:04 PM PDT 1 ARBORIST REPORT for - Honey Creek Apartments- Indigo Parcel: 5169700075 1332 Duvall Ave. NE Renton, WA 98059 Wednesday, January 5th, 2022 - Site plan on final page of report - By Izzy Nosan | ISA Certified Arborist WE-11653A | TRAQ Certified | izzy@aplustree.com 985 Walnut Avenue, Vallejo, CA 94592 | (206) 550-6679 | www.aplustree.com ATTACHMENT A DocuSign Envelope ID: CDE96B9F-5D1E-4558-8A3E-075F80B552D8 2 Background In- formation This report was prepared on behalf of Honey Creek Apartments con- cerning a tree risk assessment of 1 uprooted red alder tree, from within the northeast section of greenbelt on site (1332 Duvall Ave NE, Renton, WA 98059). The tree included on this report is: 1 uprooted red alder (Alnus rubra.). The tree is resting on the neighboring property’s roof. The assessment was regarding the condition of the tree at time of in- spection. The tree was seen as an imminent hazard and was approved for immediate mitigation by the City of Renton city planners. This re - port was created as post-removal information for a tree removal per - mit. The tree was assessed with specific focus on the potential risk to the property, residents, and neighboring property. The tree on this report was viewed as being high risk, given its up- rooted condition, nearby targets and occupancy rates, and has been recommended for removal. The recommended mitigation is within close proximity to critical tar - get areas, a town-home and the neighboring community road. ATTACHMENT A DocuSign Envelope ID: CDE96B9F-5D1E-4558-8A3E-075F80B552D8 3 Assignment (and any limiting fac- tors) The assignment was a visual assessment in regard to the immediate expectations of the tree, structural integrity, and potential hazards.  This visual assessment was performed solely from the ground and was completed to provide recommendations for mitigation.  Given the City of Renton’s pre-approval for removal, Honey Creek management acquired arborist services for mitigation of this high risk tree. Honey Creek management intends to plant replacement trees according to the City of Renton’s regulations for tree reten- tion standards following mitigatory tree care. No limiting factors were encountered during this assessment. Report Continues On Following Page Observations 1 1 7.5” DBH red alder (Alnus rubra) •Approximate height: 45 feet •A Plus Tree ID# 1000038587 1.a This tree has uprooted from the greenbelt on site and is leaning on the neighboring townhome. 1.b The tree was removed to mitigate the risk of the tree sliding off the townhome and into the neighboring com- munity road. 1.c This tree was recommended to be removed in order to minimize residual risk. Testing No soil assessment or advanced testing procedures were conducted. Discussion Upon inspection of the site, the tree discussed in this report was viewed as high risk and was recommended to be removed immedi- ately as it was resting on the neighboring townhome, with potential to fall into the community road. Given the associated targets, the tree presented on this report was ranked as being high-risk to the Honey Creek community and neigh- boring community. Given the high-risk of the tree, it was recom- mended for immediate removal. ATTACHMENT A DocuSign Envelope ID: CDE96B9F-5D1E-4558-8A3E-075F80B552D8 4 Honey Creek management intends to plant replacement trees according to the City of Renton’s standard, following mitiga- tory tree care. Report continues on following page Recommenda- tions Following the site visit to the Honey Creek community, and the as- sessment of the tree included on this report, the following was recom- mended: •1 uprooted red alder was recommended to be removed immediately to avoid further damage to the neighboring community. It was rec- ommended that all debris be deposited within the greenbelt to repli - cate natural decomposition processes of the native area. •Replacement trees should be a site and climate-appropriate species with adequate access to critical resources. Acceptable species would be: Western redcedar, Western hemlock, Douglas-fir, big leaf maple. Photos On Following Pages ATTACHMENT A DocuSign Envelope ID: CDE96B9F-5D1E-4558-8A3E-075F80B552D8 5 Attachments: Photo 1a: ArborPlus inven- tory data: Tree ID: 101502470 1 uprooted red alder, resting on neighboring town- home. Tree had potential to slide off home and into community road. Tree has been re- moved per City of Renton planner’s approval. Report continues on following page ATTACHMENT A DocuSign Envelope ID: CDE96B9F-5D1E-4558-8A3E-075F80B552D8 6 Site Plan N ATTACHMENT A DocuSign Envelope ID: CDE96B9F-5D1E-4558-8A3E-075F80B552D8