HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommittee of the Whole Packet for 02/06/2017 AGENDA Committee of the Whole Meeting 5:30 PM - Monday, February 6, 2017 7th Floor, Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way 1. WSDOT UPDATE ON RENTON AREA PROJECTS a) Presentation 2. NEIGHBORHOOD PROGRAM UPDATE a) Presentation I-405/SR 167 Corridor Update Renton City Council Committee of the Whole Feb. 6, 2017 Kim Henry, P.E. Project Director I-405/SR 167 Program A G E N D A I T E M # 1 . a ) Regional Consensus EIS Record of Decision, 2002 Roadways 2 new lanes in each direction Local arterial improvements Transit & Transportation Choices Bus Rapid Transit system New transit centers 50% transit service increase HOV direct access ramps and flyer stops Potential managed lanes system 5000 new Park & Ride spaces 1700 new vanpools Environmental Enhancements I-405 Master Plan 2 A G E N D A I T E M # 1 . a ) I-405 Master Plan: Multimodal and making progress Local arterial improvements 50% complete Bus Rapid Transit stations 91% complete or funded Pedestrian/bicycle improvements 65% complete or funded Direct Access and Direct Connectors 19% complete or funded Park and Ride expansions 138% complete or funded Transit service increase 40% complete* Vanpool service increase 30% complete Transit center expansions 70% complete Add 2 lanes in each direction 45% complete or funded 3*does not include ST3 planned service changes A G E N D A I T E M # 1 . a ) I-405 Northbound Peak-Use Shoulder Lane, SR 527 to I-5 •Under construction •Open to traffic in spring 2017 Renton ramp metering improvements •Under construction •Open to traffic in spring 2017 Renton to Bellevue Widening and Express Toll Lanes •Construction start in 2019 •Open to traffic in 2024 I-405/SR 167 Direct Connector •Under construction •Open to traffic in 2019 SR 167 Southbound HOT Lane Extension •Tolling began in December 2016 Current I-405/SR 167 Project Highlights 4 A G E N D A I T E M # 1 . a ) What is a peak-use shoulder lane? •Traffic management strategy that uses a shoulder as a general purpose lane to provide additional capacity when needed (peak periods) •Shoulder is preserved when traffic volumes are lower •Dynamically controlled using overhead electronic signs Peak-Use Shoulder Lane Northbound I-405 from SR 527 to I-5 Timeline •November 2016: Design-build contractor selected •Graham Contracting Ltd. •Funded with I-405 express toll lane revenue •Winter 2017: Construction start •Spring 2017: Open to traffic Scope •Convert right shoulder to general purpose peak-use shoulder lane on northbound I- 405 between SR 527 and I-5 •Build new noise wall for area residents •Complete improvements to express toll lane signage and access 5 A G E N D A I T E M # 1 . a ) I-405 NE 30th Street & NE 44th Street Ramp Improvements 6 Northbound NE 30th Street on-ramp to I-405 •Final configuration: two general purpose lanes and one bus-only lane •Doubles amount of vehicle storage on ramp Northbound NE 44th Street on-ramp to I-405 •Final configuration: one general purpose lane, one shoulder lane for use during peak periods •Allows nearly four times as many vehicles on ramp •Interim solution until full interchange rebuild during Renton to Bellevue project Schedule •Construction is underway •Expected opening in spring 2017 6 A G E N D A I T E M # 1 . a ) •Adds new highway capacity to create a dual express toll lane system between State Route 167 in Renton and Northeast 6th Street in Bellevue. This project will complete a continuous 40-mile express toll lane system from I-405 in Lynnwood to SR 167 at the Pierce County line. •Improves four interchanges: Northeast Park Drive and Northeast 44th Street in Renton, and 112th Avenue Southeast and Coal Creek Parkway in Bellevue. •Builds a new southbound general purpose lane from I-90 to 112th Avenue Southeast in Bellevue. •Builds portions of the Eastside Rail Corridor regional trail, including a new crossing over I-405 at the site of the former Wilburton rail bridge.* •Builds a new direct access ramp at Northeast 44th Street in Renton.** *Partnership with King County **Partnership with Sound Transit Renton to Bellevue: Project Overview Estimated Schedule Construction start: 2019 Open to traffic: 2024 7 A G E N D A I T E M # 1 . a ) Sound Transit 3 package includes for NE 44th Street: •Direct access ramps to/from express toll lanes •Parking for transit users –Supports new I-405 Bus Rapid Transit line –Estimated 30% of existing on-ramp traffic would move to direct access ramps during peak periods Renton to Bellevue: Direct Access Ramp at NE 44th Street 8 A G E N D A I T E M # 1 . a ) •Bridge modifications •Northbound peak-use shoulder lane (SR 167 to SR 169) •Southbound auxiliary lane (to SR 167 off-ramp) Renton to Bellevue: Capacity improvements between SR 167 and SR 169 9 A G E N D A I T E M # 1 . a ) Project Description: Builds a new flyover ramp connecting the SR 167 HOT lanes to the I-405 HOV lanes. Also relocates a noise wall and constructs portions of local streets in the Talbot Hill neighborhood. •Groundbreaking in September 2016 •Sanitary sewer relocation at South 14th Street (Talbot Hill) under way •Olympic Pipeline relocation under way •Guy F. Atkinson Construction of Renton started construction in winter 2017 •Expected open to traffic in 2019 I-405/SR 167 Interchange Direct Connector 10 A G E N D A I T E M # 1 . a ) Early Activities: Renton Hillside Landscaping 11 •Work began in January 2017 •Talbot Road on-ramp shift in place •Scheduled completion in spring 2017 •Planting 20 new trees on hillside •Cedar •Oregon Oak •Shore Pine •Replacing ~75 existing trees •Douglas Fir •Incense Cedar A G E N D A I T E M # 1 . a ) SR 167 Southbound HOT Lane Extension •Tolling started Dec. 17, 2016 •Project delivery ahead of schedule and on budget •Added new highway capacity to extend the southbound SR 167 HOT lane six miles from South 277th Street to 8th Street East •Provides commuters with an option for a faster more reliable trip •Built two new noise walls •Replaced culvert with fish-passable structure •Installed new signals and improved pedestrian connections on local city streets I-405/ SR 167 Direct Connector 12 A G E N D A I T E M # 1 . a ) I-405 Delivery Schedule: Current Funding 13 Program savings (Nickel/TPA) Connecting Washington funding Funded by toll revenue (anticipated by Connecting WA) Scheduled opening of I-405 Bus Rapid Transit corridor-wide A G E N D A I T E M # 1 . a ) CONTACT Kim Henry, P.E. Project Director I-405 Program 425-456-8579 HenryK@wsdot.wa.gov 14 A G E N D A I T E M # 1 . a ) Welcome! Neighborhood Program Update Renton City Council –Committee of the Whole February 6th, 2017 Carrie Nass, MPH, Neighborhood, Resources, Events Manager Drey Hicks, MPAc, Neighborhood Programs Coordinator A G E N D A I T E M # 2 . a ) 2016 Neighborhood Program Highlights Project Grants •3 Project Grants Awarded Total: $17,660.60 •LaCrosse HOA Beehive •Starwood Sport court Install (In Progress) •Winsper Big toy Repair Mini Grants (under $1000) •10 Projects Awarded Total: $3,954.51 •Screen on the Green Event •Supply purchases •Meeting space rental •Kids bounce house rental •Holiday Event Neighborhood Event Grants •4 Neighborhood Event Applications •435 Residents Served •Amount Awarded: $685.50 Communication Grants •15 Grants awarded •Amount Awarded: $13,023.50 City Sponsored Celebrations •President Park (125 attendees) •Kennydale (230 attendees) A G E N D A I T E M # 2 . a ) Welcome! 2017 Neighborhood Program Overview A G E N D A I T E M # 2 . a ) Neighborhood Program Goals for 2017 •Conduct needs assessment to inform and guide program development and implementation o Review best practices –locally and nationally o Survey and key informant interviews •Implement Neighborhood Celebrations and quarterly Neighborhood Forums •Focus on engagement and capacity building for current and new neighborhoods o Identify areas of Renton that are not recognized neighborhoods o Work with communities that are underrepresented o Identify and implement ways to engage renter community (apartment, condos) A G E N D A I T E M # 2 . a ) Neighborhood Program Goals cont. •Enhance integration with other city departments/divisions o Police, Solid Waste, Inclusion Taskforce, Communications, Human Services, Recreation, and Renton Fire Authority •Update and modernize processes and systems o Online grant applications o Update City of Renton Neighborhood Workbook •Enhance communication and outreach with Neighborhoods o Social media (Next Door) o New City website o City News Neighborhood Column A G E N D A I T E M # 2 . a ) Neighborhood Meet & Greet/Grant Workshop •Held on January 28th, 2017 •50+ in attendance •Appx. 45% of attendees were new neighborhood leads •Discussed new and creative ideas for neighborhood grants and programming •Neighborhood leaders interested in following Forum Topics: •Traffic solutions •Engaging diverse neighbors (including different ages and ethnicities, renters) •Crime reduction •Code enforcement •Wetland management A G E N D A I T E M # 2 . a ) 2017 Neighborhood Survey Preliminary Results •Survey Goal •To engage neighborhoods and gather feedback and suggestions to inform development and implementation of Neighborhood Program events, opportunities, and engagement. •114 Responses (as of 2/2/17) •Full analysis and summary will be available by end of March 2017 A G E N D A I T E M # 2 . a ) Q3: What do you feel makes your neighborhood or community area unique? A G E N D A I T E M # 2 . a ) Q4: What are some ways the City of Renton could better engage your neighborhood? A G E N D A I T E M # 2 . a ) Q8: What City of Renton activities do you feel your neighborhood would be most interested in? A G E N D A I T E M # 2 . a ) Q9: What topics would you like to learn about/discuss at future neighborhood forums? A G E N D A I T E M # 2 . a ) Neighborhood Celebrations •City Sponsored neighborhood celebrations in a minimum of two (2) community planning areas per year •New neighborhoods will also get a Celebration when they join (i.e. Neighborhood Program hosting an Easter egg Hunt for Claremont Neighborhood in April 2017) •Celebrations are not exclusive to one neighborhood organization. •City will invite several neighborhood organizations within the surrounding area to take part in the Neighborhood Celebration •City will provide staff, food, beverages, activities, etc. •Celebrations will rotate each year to provide opportunity to all of Renton’s recognized neighborhood groups A G E N D A I T E M # 2 . a ) A G E N D A I T E M # 2 . a ) 2017 Neighborhood Grant Program A G E N D A I T E M # 2 . a ) Purpose of Program •Offers matching funds to “Recognized Neighborhoods” for them to develop, implement, and maintain projects that will enhance the viability and livability of their neighborhoods •Fosters a sense of community •Builds partnerships •Improves communication •Encourages public involvement •Assists residents in identifying needs and assets of their neighborhood A G E N D A I T E M # 2 . a ) Grant Opportunities Neighborhood Event Grant (Up to $1,000) •Up to $1,000 for neighborhood events •Screen on the Green •Neighborhood Party at Henry Moses Water Park •Neighborhood Chili Cook-off Competition •Event Liability Insurance •Food Costs ($2.00 per attendee) Neighborhood Communication Grant •$1.50 per household for Neighborhood Newsletter •Funds can be used for a e-newsletter and/or hardcopy Neighborhood Mini-Grant (Less than $1,000) •Up to $1,000 for neighborhood project •Signage repair/beautification •Meeting Space Rental •Little library Neighborhood Project Grant (Over $1,000) •Playground Equipment •Right-of-Way Beautification •Training/Conference Registration Costs •Renton River Days Float •Community Garden •Neighborhood Website Design A G E N D A I T E M # 2 . a ) 2017 Grant Cycle Neighborhood Event Grant •Available year round! •Applications are due eight weeks before the event date Neighborhood Communication Grant •Due Friday, March 17th, 2017 by 5:00 p.m. Neighborhood Project Grant •Due Friday, March 24th, 2017 by 5 p.m. •Presentations will be scheduled at a later time Neighborhood Mini-Grant •Pending funding availability, will be available from early April to November 2017 A G E N D A I T E M # 2 . a ) Enhanced Neighborhood Program Trailer A G E N D A I T E M # 2 . a ) Neighborhood USA Conference •Conference committed to building and strengthening neighborhood organizations throughout the United States •Opportunity to bring new ideas and best practices to Renton •Nominated Kennydale, Lacrosse, and Norma for Neighborhood USA awards http://www.intheneighborhood.org/2017-nusa-conference/ A G E N D A I T E M # 2 . a ) Thank you! Questions, suggestions, feedback? A G E N D A I T E M # 2 . a )