HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 5811CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE N0. 5811 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, CHANGiNG THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF RENTON KING COUNTY PARCEL NO. 863710-0440; TRACT F OF THRESHOLD 1) FROM RESIDENTIAL-TEN UNITS PER NET ACRE (R-10), TO RESIDENTIAL-FOURTEEN UNITS PER NET ACRE (R-14) (FILE NO. LUA-15-000745, ECF, SHPL-A, SA-A, R, MOD, MOD). WHEREAS, on March 15, 2015, the City accepted an application from Zhao Zhang Su and Ying Han Wei to amend the City of Renton zoning map to change the zoning classification of King County Parcel No. 863710-0440 ("Subject Property") from Residential-Ten (R-10) units per net acre to Residential-Fourteen (R-14) units per net acre; and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is 3,571 square feet in size and is located at approximately 450 feet northeast of the intersection of 108th Avenue SE and SE 170th Street; and WHEREAS, on April 18, 2016 the Environmenta) Review Committee issued a SEPA Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) for the zoning map amendment from Residential-Ten R-10) units per net acre to Residential-Fourteen (R-14) units per net acre; and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is located within the Residential High Density (RHD) Comprehensive Plan land use designation, which includes the Residential-Ten (R-10) and Residential-Fourteen (R-14) zoning classifications; and WHEREAS, this matter was duly referred to the Hearing Examiner for investigation and study, after notice of public hearing was posted and circulated as required by the Renton Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Hearing Examiner held a public hearing on May 17, 2016; and 1 RDINANCE NtJ. 5811 WHEREAS,the matter was duly considered by the Hearing Examiner,wha issued Findings of Fact, Conclusior s of Law and Recommendation on May 31, 2016; and WHEREAS, #he Council duly considered all matters relevant thereto, and al! par#ies were heard appearing in support ar opposition; N W, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCiL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The Gty Council hereby affirms and adopts the Hearing Examiner Findings of Fact, Canclusions af aw and Recommendation, attached hereto as Attachment A. SECTION il, The afficia! City of Renton Zoning Map is hereby amended as set forth in Attachment B, attached hereta. SECTION 111. This ordinance shali be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of a summary of this ordinance in the City's official newspaper. The summary shall consist of this ordnance's title. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 11t" day of July, 2016. r ason . Seth, CityCferk APPROVED BY THE tUTAY{R this 11th day of 1uly, 2016. Denis Law, Mayor 2 tJRDINANCE N. 5811 Approved as to form: l\ i.i ii;"''N<.`t',';',,'fl!!! t,.`l\'.t 1 / /r" CI+I'`! ti`• t P/ tit v J %f t awrence 1. Warren, City Attorney y r Z a. Date of PubHcation: 1uly 15, 2016 (summarv} f;f„ 7 t1 S' 3:. ORD:1924:5/23/16:scr rfirrr s°!„k;"`•> 3 4RDINANCE N0. 5811 ATTACHIVIENT A 1 3 b fi BEF+QRE?HE iE.G E''iL''ETt.FQI THE C:I?"C}F.E:TG ti 1Cl g i RE: 1 s D V lvg ent 12 FL'dDL'tiGS t F CT, CO:iC"LUSIt'FS taF 13 L=t'.r RECt'a.'v',`I'IC v l ez e_F'relsn:i arv Plat, 'it Plau and Stree It gsoc t'4'a ers 15 LL::}-C 1+ t l 1? I. 5C 1#4L.R' l "he agplicaui i re.StinQ apgrr 4=a!,f a sst sge ific re ane_-lct shc p at,site plan re^,a.s d t-c l street sa;ersmcxiif c tic ns fc r tt3 c nst ac.tion 4f three n u•tou hcr nes ith t-a d:el i m:t in e ch. The C't C:o eil has ia.a]r°c ie=autl rit o er tY se applic tiar s tae au.e it i r air d r*,•state p 1,• to ke the ft t decisi n c}n r.zc re u-t a d t e re.;n g apglicat s hatie b en cons€lidat u ith the rr z e reqc st Th+rr j et ite i.5 acr s ifl ar a and i ssentl cte-e oped ith c ne sirt e fazr l hame l ac ted a 16 L i l th•e SE. "Ihe r qc es ed re;c ne is fr€-10 tc R- l fcr t e back-e d (.a; frc m ihe stre t frcmtage} caf the pr#ect site a d ca ly ccrostitutes prc xi atel 1°4 c f t ie tc tal prc ect area. The staff r r notes that th rez would ncrt ncrease 3 the r izmk r c f re i trtial us its all•ed:7this the deYelc gme#. but{c ld re3.11c cate t e resic]ential t densit a d uuit t;., th enabliug the ap licant io k p tlte cursent siu l-faruila residence iu i egt lccatic Th re inin prc jc sile alze;c ed R-14. It is rcccu:t deci tt 3#he'gt; Cc zxcil ap rct.e#e r c an i a sc ated ptoj t agplzca#ic s s a`b;ect t a ccan iti n. Re ne_Pr laz inar i t a€i Strc e Va'i;.erw - 1 4 ORDINANCE N0. 5811 II. TESTL1iCJ''4' c'lt se_ l eutc gla ner,tm m ri P,p. III. E IBITS he 2 e..schibfts ide ti ecii at ga e L of t2ie 'IaY 1i_ '(16 st ff`r por v ere d ticd in##ca the record b d the hearin. The stafrpc=rgoi t}•as ac tte as.hsbit 30. Cit;ufRentor GrIS n a.3s lo ated at the Cii,=s u-bv:te rtiere admitted. as E bi# l. a le x g s fc r the `•iciu t u-ere a ittet9 a.5 ubit j?. c I'. FI-DI GS QF F CT 10 Pracedut al: 11 1. :l:ant CJ r. Stet e,'u t5 tlae a:pli anr. Zhaa cz r`ing'4`ei are t}e o rs fthe l suttjc t p'crp lt'y. 1 ti ?. Hzarin. ? 2 e.aring on the s,bject app caricros .as hel at na on ia i. t1C in the 1 . cnte n Cit,Cc uncil n eetiug chan rs. li :ubstan: 16 3. Prc,iect '1e i c r. 'F'he agplicant is reqi.:tit a rot l af a site sspeeifi rezcne {RIfl tc 17 R1=#1, =#-lot shmt plat. site plan re:eu, a d fi a str t u-ai erc fcar the cer st cm af thrc ne a• tc c n es tc t?.-acre te#hat is currentl;tielopeci witYs tm sin le fa il b e I at 3 at 1 2t 1 14St6 Awe SE. I e#in si g3e-fa ilr haaie cauld be reta ned in-gl ee lcm 1 Sth A;e 5E. T}e ite is locateci °ithin tl Resideatial-l R.-1# and Resi tial-1{ #R-l j zcrr,in district. The gr jec#sBte a;curren#li cou pased af tsrc garcels the sn aller a the n,o (3.7i 1 4qi re feet in areaj i the gc rficm curr ntt-zcan€1-IU and sub;€t ta th reaone r qcu t tt R-1. T#prc pcased resiciential 1 ts rauge in size from,1?5 SF tc 9,?t9 SF in area u-th an avera e lo# size of 6,8 t SF. ihe site ou1d a3s.c cc ntain co svn are-a t an.a sham3 c i ew-av rract_ ,t'ith a ak;nnu,of t o d;a elling uuit per to v2 ame,t r-idenrial c3 siT is 11.7 dc ellifl uuiTs p r t acre. Access t the ite u c uld be frc,n a siugle haf r3 clr ke-y access a cm t e s au h prapert•ltn fr u LBtf;e 5€. e applicant s street ai er n catit n requ st uiore sp ifeallY deacri ed as fol3oi•s_ ti Re oue.Fr linu.*Plat aud Stree t'ai:er-` 5 ORDINANCE N0. 5811 1 Street Frc nta 'ai.-er Tlre a plica:t is rec zing a n.odi catic n fr+ I'.1dfC =-C- t3 F. `e ininru Uesi Standards Table fvr Ft blie Sireets aad e;s"c der to kc g the eaistin 1{St ;er ue SE. rr*hi-caf-c a in prc:es ents c td ppraximatel,2?-fc t pa•e e t u i ih frc3ui the raac u=a'centerline, C.i-fc#curb nd guttcr, and -c ot sideualk an place rather th i-alli g a fle-glanter str<g far trees bei a.e+n the anc ne:•sidew-all alang the prc j ct frtantage. In ac3riitiatz the e.r t nQ c snfi uratian a3loufs tbe e.istina cagb Iine to ren in ccnsistes i uii the uzzc}cmdin b street ccnfigtuati n. th:ternt SE is a Aiinor.r#rial c-it e i5ting R0 4'dt f tc f 1 f€et as per ssessur u p). This tre t cla sificati n req res a r+ninn,ri t-rf-u a•u i th o Ql feet. Ta nxeet i e Cit s con}al te street st ndai far 1C 3th. half street a i rc t ea ents inclt d+e 27-fooi ga-d re ad.a,'-fcr t pla ter s#rip a'-fac>t si a3k l alcmg u ith a suinirii m r gh#f a J€ied:caticxn eaf'.i `c t p r C'it.Crde-+-0b J. B. Shared D7-i,-ev a?icrdi icati 1"l e agg3ic:aut is rec uesting a nrc difi at on frc ui R'C a-1f+J. '`hared I3ri e•a tanciards — ,'hen Peruiiit[e3-- in c r r ta x-tend t3 e 1=' lenath of the chareei dti ev a;J crte than?0 fee#in ien¢th. Th+tt s 1 €s cant ii nnt 13 with the ft llal•in n c]ificatic7u i2 ia_ pur iant#c R.liC-_,:D, if li conc3iticrn..: of a rt-al„re met. l Surro din rea. The s b;t sit is saisraufldin tm sides i ir 1e f n:il4 resideutial 1 clez ltgn nt. sh,in tl e ae ial g cstc gragh.af P e 1 of the ta r perrt, hiJi c3er sit r sin ie- 1 familF clece ogn eut it a4 c narrou se#acl is l cated c n at3jcr nin*Par.e3s to the nrn h zone i R- l l} ai d socFtt zane R-14j. iktac}ed sing e faniil hcmies are lc cated to t e east(z ae i R-1Clj an 17 ,•est zonett Z-14; 1 . :.-erse IIImacts ie gropc e re2 ne> site plan and prelin isa y shc rt glat c3a aot r ate an• lo si ifi an.t ad erse en i.r anuien#I ir.pact. T prc a «i3I t e s.°ec1. b,` aciequate:ar pr ate infrastn cti.re d te un ci in Findiag af F ct 1c. 6. I patt re m re s ecifieall' acict es d as 2 fat ows: nri a2:reas. here are no crit al areas or tber na ra1 r-ster on site B. Ccr€s s atibilit-y. The pr pcssal i couzpat t le c.ith siurc unr g u,s. prc.cssed i' azgzcme is ag.pragriate fc r its 14xa#ion. as t g rcel is a Il gortion of a Iarger L sutaetit sion th#is predn antl alreac-zo ed R-14. Th ta.ffre rt notes t2iat the rezo e r ould nat ncrease the n a r af residenrial tmits allc uxed w thin tb+e L d s elQpsneat. tut s uld realtc ate th re iciential densit ar d uuit pe. T rezane Prc rsa,u csuld alta.the aggli ant ta etaifl t e e i-tic singl fauu3'ho c n I(}Si Rezone.Prelim.tnar Flat an Str et tR'ai.-er-3 6 tJRDINANCE IVO. 5811 Ate S,wfi ch ti;u?d ll,t e.x.ast hon e t e as i zal Li'c f r tl e sia Ie- fa z ii es l ate vn the d esi zde c f If c e E. Ttt o,-erall ut li:sitm adjain3 t1€ star l h des it d c s-Icagment ti th l ttle crr nry setba ta ba#h t.e cautti ar nQrt2z. The parcels to the e c# ar I ss cl deta hed 4;liin_but ihe pro.wsed clewelt}pn.es t w uld be ca,sisteg#«ith tY e hi e +c.ensi- de.-e3ap eat th t a aLreadti izi ie c fr iha e s le-f i hc nes ta the sa rt and crt c f th prcj#site. C. ie s The a at3 ape f#ar s i relati.ely f t uath large tre s d h a:4e etai an restric#iu ri,it ilix'frt m ancB t r the site, Th e 3-stt r'a;astfl nt:tta t e n.~rrili an i t3 e 3-st;c n mit i t the scr th also e-tri t.-ieu°s fsa a ci t3rrc ct th pr,'. g TY e gr smscture •c td nai b2ack a ie c arrid rrs tcr hvr lin s ar'Zt. :E ai ier. Thereft re>the progao erd h+i ts of the sutu res are appr priate fc r t is it uation will n t zs teriall aff t the;i 4 s+.,fs zrrot n prc#ies. 1G sst}e#ics. I'h rrckpcs l d s n+t create a a s si.ficas t a crs esthetic ix cts_ 1 cat c a t a.iti s esi it is ctrsi ent v ith tl e Ci#s desi and l ds a ain`Ean r as outlin d in Fira iaQ c f Fact 2:c. ?1 atid??. 1'' V Li htu :.s condit oned. the pr gcrsal s l gt ting t i l n±t a,•erselti ai ect uro u dsr 13 pT pe ti. A ii timg pl as#prca°id i.-i h t e a glication;therefor e,a c n ii a+n 1 f ap-val rec ire that a li t gI that a ate prc:id fc r public a.f tv ithcaut cas#in e.ce si.°e 1 e n adjacenz prc perties te su mzittec3 at th tir. .f en nc rin ersuit re e.• 1 F. 'e¢etatiers_ Th prvpas€d ePar inatian f getati4n is acst de d tt si niuca t2` d:-e se ihe a alicant l,ill be c upl ing t;•i the Citk's iree retenticn stas.dards, tl 17 4s#.egetation rete icro starldard applica+le tc the pra i t. :s tutlus d iu Fusdin c f l Fact o_ l af sta€`rep t,th Cit."s tree reze ticr stanc zds require retes ti r c f ree si cant trees ar d th +licarst e cc cls t st ndas t recai,in i e p si n fic,nt tr s. j 6. ctern ac af Infrast tcture Adec c o`infra#r 3ct zre'Pu Iic :Serri es. The pr ject ill be iI serv b,•adeqE ate in.fra.sln taz e and ublie ser ices as f rllc;: r t'ates and S u:r Ser-re. tt'ater d s t,ar:er sert-ce fcrs#he c e.-els p st u uld t 3 ro.ide bj;t S os ree J4'ter aud u•r I trict. B. Fire Prc c tic Fir psc.tecticm u°uld be prc.ed b:•Ci?:c«fR.entc F re L garm:c'nt. Rezcme_Pr l.inzza..r:Plat and Sts t V'a,-erv- 7 ORDINANCE N0. 5811 C. .I)raina e. In cou;c iofl:th the Cit J s st u-at r regutati. tu p-apasal n ti*s I si c nt d aifiage iuzga ts. T ae ap ie a.t has subn itte a Te hflical Infc ticzn Report y I ras.a e R port„_ Ex. '1#}t ew•aft a#s d gr ses a r lin.i.narG stcr 3.ater ti st de The Drainage Report gr o s t-Q starna.-ater facilities. r1 cie entic,r ult{.'au?t 1 is pr sed b t e u the c stem t taun c n es E,E?thibit 1`- T i stautt is int cted tc graticie#he required flot t r4l f r is xgert•it us rc fs oftti tc.emes.A co bi area i r.ten ion,'t,-e#t-au2t(G'autt m?is arc sec un r t2 acc ss rc ttu•av c,uutt c f tl e sisa ho s and ihe westem uost to nh e (,.hitait 1. Thi; 4ault i iutendefi iv grcr zde cietentiau fc r the rema nder gf t}.e ga e l ud &sic I'at r Qt;.alit fcsr tl palluticra 7 cn rat i.n gertioc stu faee. Public ;•arF:s staff,z11 r quire r.c Grn::an e flf rhe fina.l s#or ater s:ste u des=tc`ii;•st rui:ater st ndard s a gart c inal g2at ret-ie-,. 4 I}_P•flceri r,ace. 'he prajeei proL c s for ad quate parks and op sgaee. F t gark: ititpacts. the applic nt vs-i21 e paz in a g i gact fe t#ue at che ti e of builc sn i# 1 i nc. :ic c fl-site par i required uncier t e ci#`s park at ace tant arrds t ecau 1 I t2 e#e4 elcxpmestt is le;s than 10 net a xes in size. See R'iC#-'_-I 1''j. 1- ecmditic n d,the pr sal t ill satis apglicable a ace re au ts. r1s gmp eti u itlicut the ccmditions.the grc sal fails tc ieet o sp ce r iiren ents. A?5. by=4' 13 l.l l sf ca csn.paee tract.lo ated a 4-e cm ofthe tcarm ater,a ltc.is grag s. far can.cTn Qpea space that is easi3-,' ac.si le u thin the shsrt g1at. T e cie elc es t 1` incl des a t t I c`7 uvits_ uhach aa suld requir i.>C ;re fe t caf cc nn cn a spaee 1, pursc nz tu R3iC--?-11'E r.';--tii h rcqu res € square feet c f crpen sg e r c-iwelluse tmi#. Addititmal ar a fmm Lat? anc I,cst 3 cauTd satis s this req.iretu nnnt. : ca dititm of 1 agpr7 I r€aires that ihe apfahcant pr s,::d a .-iseti site plan d on5trating c n.aac 7t3t the 35t stg re fc etger it rct uiren cnt. BeYz nd tk e de icit n a u t of c n sp ce, 1 f the t Y e and c esi n of space ati fies 3gpl cal Ie rc c.te zs a c#l ned at p. 1 of tbe staf#'rep.-rr#.1S l Pe st an irculaticrn_ .r's nt ied in Fit c inr af Fact I`ca. 3. tl agpla as t i reqt estin a r m ctification ftom R'4iC'-b-t}iCpF._' -'.tini.riaFm Desi u 5tanc ards TabTe for Put Iic 5tree# and 21e-" ir crrd r ta keep the e:istin, l J$h r"1-en SE ri t-af-s iJ im n-o•ements as i. B auc #3 is. the Frr pc sal Prc.-ides fc s ade u te'agpropria#e pede5-trian circc l tian as rec€red the Ci y's desien and flg u s a stanciard,'C-'-11. Pedestrian entr and access fram 1C th_=e SE, to tbe shrnt plat. i.•c-1d be pro,ided ria a 4-fcx32 mi sideua k al ng the ared cE i4e.ay frtruta. The sid u aik c t uld be Sc cafe.across the fr snt af zach Iai anc3 wcutd grc ic!€ a pe striar coimectian t e ch a u tc re. P"destri n sit w-a3k; as eII as gri ate pet stri c+crtmecti+-fns t rc*hcaui the gro crt. are groposed fc r e uad e cient pe stri access t raugh ut the site.C,,ectioias a€t1d aI 1 r cic ed bet ee a L the propascci sisuctures and the efla ofl ageu sg te tract. Iu eard r t ensuure a s.afe c elinea#ian af#he s cle alb:s. a co ditian Qf apprc t-a1 requires that#lx pedestrian:det.•alks R cme.Preltniin.ar;Flat and Stree#Vt.'ait er-5 8 ORDINANCE N0. 5811 and pn ateeatxti irle-alk t e4nss cted usifl et.cret cr a iff ent ty e a aterial il au the sl r i c eu-aT,. F. Tr c I nro e.a n s. Ti e gragcs l is s-ed ts' ac3ec cat and ap rc gri te tra ic in.frasir nare. t}ffsite ic ia pac#s;ill be arlc ressefi thr the pa n ent caf tr ffi.iu sa#fe due at the tinte af t7uiSding, pemut issu.ance_ Putjlic or s st' c id not find t iat ag tficable re,ilation ret uireci an;traffic iu act analysis ccn set i far the lec Ls oftr ic euer ted4b'the pr+gosal. Pu aiie t'rks s#a t r:-ieu•ed the preliIIziu #raffic circulativn and gr ed strc z i gre c mcnts an i f+u d them ta t ccrnsistent ifih Cit: streer taT c ds h;ct to agFrat-I of the eq.u ted st.fleet t.aiw•ers_ Sta'have alsa focmd t; prupase i t hi ular sir latic t s be:afe au3 ef'ica€t as eanditioue i. a G B veles. The proz sicm pio.ides fcar ae}equat bie cle f cilitic-° , comp ia uith 1 a spli able tric,-ele tand rds. Fer R11iC: -0S F_11_a bicy le ga kiflg s aces are r uired forresidential des elcsgnae4is t at:ceed fi4 e(5 residenrial aits.Attach c3 unit are r ured 1 I ta pro4 ide one-half((.5 ic'ele gari s ac per a e d,e3lin m.it.S acc sha3l mee the r aireaa ents af-t38C.11.c..T3 e eara es tca each uuit sl ould be able to n eet the txac rle 1? garleins requir ent. :conciition of apprcn t reqz es the appli ar t tcs prc ide flc er plans that ide#s adequate bsc•cIe garking c,f ane-ha3f sgace p r du Ilin6 uait.1 1 H_ S haals. Th grc as.al proti-id s far ade uat agpropri# schc ol facilities nd safe 4na conditic r.s tc and fr school. The staff'rcptn#uc ies t t it is anticapat t at t.e Re t+3u 1 Se ool F}i trict can cca Iate aar additic na sttident gene ated b_y t#is proposal at the fc ll•ing sc3 cacFls'ascad Ele e+art.Ne1.iddle S h 41 and Lindber h I i h Schoc l 1{ Fxhi rit }. . ch l I aci Fee_ based on u,ulti-f nul,2o#s, wc uld be re€s.zir cl in order#s i#i ate the prcaposal"s gntent a3 i aacts tt the F ntc n chc l I}is ic#. l e fc zs 17 ga ble to the Citt•as specifiert b,:the Re#cm Suua ipal C. Currently the fee i5 as e se l at$L38.OQ er multi-fan il tmit z i#h credit ic°en f r the tinff r idenee. lcy t z gew hi h sehac}1 stucienL fre thz prc osed cie log ent t ould be b tts i t a -ieir scho Is. 1'e t us stcap#t the hi s s hc 1 is lac ted apgrQ xel 1 a iles frcrna the groj t site at IC33th te SE SE 7(}th St_ St°ents outd t a1:sout along 1(182h Are SE_ alcsng the.i sideu k to SE 1 4th St. 5t i nts ta tl e e3 utar a d middle schuols u outd b t•ithgn v alkiu tiis-cance. S fe u alEe r.a F4t12P`S P.'i5 fI4Ilz 1£ 51t ts3 C3SC3t F 2iI1f lI G t}=all i g on public sict v-alks.The raute bzgins bY FaTking uc on 108#]i,e E,nuning eas#c n SE 1ES th S#and finall-u alt'gar h on 4 6th AEe SE(aggrc iu ztelY I tuile}. Safe u:tkln rcutes taI`e sen iid.dle Schc l t}•u all.in*crfl publ c sic#E•alks and u ide hautcl rv. T e rc ure be in.s b u-tki.ng Eaca-th cm 1 C th:-e SE, ea# on S ?3th St amd nor#h agaiia cm 1(1 th A.-e SE appro?i {.ife,)- i Rezcme_Freli ina.r,Plat and Street't'ai.ess-6 9 ORDINANCE N0. 5811 C't'C L-SIC}ti5+}F L-t' 3 1. :uthcrit,'- '4 C -5-0;+} cla sifies a rez ne rec t as a T pe Ii' agplic tion u-t3icl7 rec€res th hearir e er tc n akk+z a recc n:ra cndaricm t the C'ih-C:tzu il aften c I in a l c h:. The s2i rt sutdi;,7sicm applic rian reqct.si i classsseci s a T,e a lication h.R4SC 4-5- 8{(Gj and tY a:di catia re sts as T pe I licatie as. R.'iC-8 G3{C'j utf orizes n ultipl fa perIIut app3i ti+ns #o be cc soli ated und t e hiQhest nunabes re eu•ci sificatio -h cb ist tI ca.se;ou1d b€T,g I'reti iec. The taff reg rt doesn't idc Tifr u hethes#he agglicant h s Qgted far ons lid.ated reti•iew>ut gi-en that the s.j ct perxluts s,-e a bec su miited#o tL+e ae in an sfler 8 for re.ies• it is pre-t d that crptien has t eu e.erciseci. a rea-vlt of ec n olidation_ the rezone 4 pp ati sh4r#plat nc a odi icatitm re uuests are aIl sui jc-tct t a i pe I'resieu-. l, . Z nis'Cc r re3 i Je Plan Iksi#ians, Th entire gr a;ect site has a an:preh i:plau Iand use n a d si atiuoa of Res deatial High I3en it. T'he laraes af t e h o garcel af th ite i 1 za d R-4 anci the sn llex garcel is z+ned R-lC 1 3. Re ie«;C riteria. F.I C-7-470 g i-erm t e crat ia fi r shar#glat rea eti_ he s eet stanc3ard 13 };•ait er' i subject tca Rto C--'>C} and ihe str ei stanciard mcxlificaticrn is subje t tc R.'iC' -!- 1 ?l`IJ)- R za e st ci rd are sc;ect to R.'1•iC'-9-I8f(F`}._'). ite plau rei,ier•is go;emed t R.,i' 4--C E l3}. :gp cable sta ds re qu ted b fcs;- it itatics a d apgLe,ttarou c rre ptmdin 1 j canelusior cf lau-. 1 IiEZO'-E C:RITERLi 17 F..IiC'-9-150{F(2}{a): T r-nn is in t 3 p rl:i e a;e*.st, :r i 18 The cri#esi€n is met. The progosal is clearly u7thin tt e gublic iix#erest. T gropa al f silitat l c3 tielapnaent f th prcajec#site with na i ifi nt u acis tfl 3.;c inin ragerties. s tc-nnin d in t} i i e s#aff reper.pro esses t se sareet taon.a e wuf-er as a modcficatron pcssccant to`fC 4-9-2itll;. The'4iC >-Y 5-?5`e grocess genencally nthonzes mc+d ficauc ta ''Sta:ar"a-ct.ut limi tion as to scope. RC..-Y-=SC j {Cl a-xize= u-ar.-ers oniti•t4 stzeet star r3.. Sm:e 4-9-_;C} is a:are itic in s a e; rt as con..-eued as t re-t vr grocess tbas=houl i$rsi be app:eti t reque to u°ar•e s°:ee>stanciards. ThQ cau.-requi:e that a sgecafi,: taatut vni`s stzpettszde a eece:a :*atute ssheu bta;h apph• S :.tura ti F3'a.:hrn,7ars S ate epr qfL br r a rr Indu:rraa:. ?b R's.=C 8i f,,l If a progasec u i.ficaaio tr,sazeet srar3ar3:d e=n`t meet+'e sueet wai.•e:erieiia. L Shen the oie general medificatcan standard3 af_ti14f 1-9-'_',Q; can appset? aa uras focmd essar•fcr dus pzojett smt_e t e req s'ec orar.es ofs,red c:ei:ewav:Ygih s dard=aicdn t qualiiv ar a a.•er Tzdar RC':4`-9-'SC Cl. 6 Rezcme_Fr l n.i r Plat d Street Lt'ait ers- 7 10 ORDINANCE N0. 5811 I Findin of F ct 'o. 3 aad '. tt r zone is f r n I are.a and i full' caa patible -th #he sun ttmdin area an 3 ill nut r lt iu an'increas in du-elling nits on the r j ct sit R'iC---184{F}{2}(h}. te r_t r e t at s tc rr irer tl r e tiun crrat7,?prat cr'zm.su t r!i.,' t,??21'?'da.li5 f){L 1'T;El,TtdCT1'''; dTlu"' T'he crgts rfca is met. .s e.ipla ned ia t e staff scp rt, t nt.t.lvT sized parc l tt t is t e bj ct of the rezone zs the result vf ax ct-wc e pas s ian acticr. The result f t at a i erse gc s essian ac#ion u•as the likel reasoa-h,`che lot si je t to the rezcme requ t L landicxked wiU z in tha#i incc nsistent ci•itli the 1c t Lhat segarates it from its cnl ti ail ble acces raad. 1G t•e f SF. :7pfOL'31 Ck ieZC t3 ik l e b1 the p rcel ta t e zon i th s e as the re-t r fthe de^4et ent Prcpc'saI ari lagical and effieiea n a.ner. t ereb fiutherin t e gr:-ation and enaa n ent c,f#he 8 Prop m-auner'a i it Y t dev-lc p the pro ert.in a r aconabl naanuer. R iC'-9-18f1(2j{c}: T'ao r_ora is r tmt a'era i.c7 trirr r ta:o t.he.t ic x l,frn•ofthe r ertiea 1 o`;,t r rsons,'ccar'ir rM tiic rritt th r t:':1a The criterion is met. s detesnuneci iu Finc in f Fact I:c. ,the rezc ne rec ueat z rill nof ereat an si uifie nt ad erse in aaets. Tf eref are.ihe gr sal is not con i iere i#t be n ter l-c3et imc tal 1? t tl gu lic 4 elfare e fthe prc7gerties csf ot+gers n::l ateci mri the 4°i.inicY. 13 1 R.iiC'#-9-180(_'}(dj: z r-r m ets th r i a c-it ici ir3 sir's ctir»Fi ca'ti is.S'ctivn. li 7. he criterioa is naet. The pr sal i ca isi t i#h al stan ards i.ed b subsecti a Fl. Subsec ofl F1 rer.ire. c an istenc°zcith the ccs pr ensi,:e g1 n. Fot the reas it ntifeei Finciu16ofFaetIto. Ia c fth staffre sart_ prap a al is ccm3is#ent ith i ie e;grehensii e glan. Sc se tic 17 F1 also requtres it er iha#{l}i e ibject pr:4 s flat s cific flM•eonsidered in the Zast area land u avalysis rid area zvnin c r 2.7 t at cire tanc ha-e siguifica,tl chau eti svaee the ntc s#rc ent 18 onin ft3 e area. The sta'repcn't u t s t at the rez nz of the prc,'as nc t ccm tder cl in t3 la t rezeme c f th arza.uhich t s done iu C 1. Finally_ 5ubsecricm Fl rer uires that the rezc IIe-m.t 1 r i x cri;eri in .F:tfC.' -9-Q''. RIt1C -4-[ sets ihe re.-te.• ciit ri fcr cca gte2 ensi- plan aate e ts. T}e ec prehensi e glan criteria fc ew upan ia acts tc ero th rat.decg asv,f ublic iflfrast.tute> cc nsistenc} «ith e teher si e pl Q1ajc ti;s aatd iaipacts c n e tirc ntallr• nsiti. areas. Si ce the gr seti rezc e v-ilI nc t re t iu any incr.se isi the ntmaber crf ctt e iug units_ •ill not ac-easel• af ect nr u ir entall,Y sensiti e areas and i11 nc t ad ersel= aff'ett urrouuding praperties.it shairld not a e an.naateaiall ad erse i aact t ofthe fac#rs r€e ired t r t ad r ss i duziag eoII rehensi:e plan r r-ie;and is thesefore c nsidereci to be censis#ent.ith the 3 ccrntpr ensi:-plan criicria efR.iC#--0?{}. PFtELLi'ti F"i4 SHC AT PL.T CFtITERL i Rez€m.e_Pre rni.na.r:1at an t Street V'aiier-S 11 ORDINANCE N0. 5811 R 1C--?-0?0{B): .s or7 i;t silcrt co asdst i z itta th.,{:ic.?ag riraclp cs rfncee.ptrr.i.itt: Lea,cats. C'rec;i rrt iz ir sat s x i h n ti°kit i cz Eprrti sior s fi C'ir Zcr rr C cfe. cc ss:E'stca sis.h rr eess t t a„I c rna for e h sc*crt. 3 Finsical "'h rcacteris ics. Hcn°c? 3 rit.,`e Finsi.A chcrruc'ri.ties. :?r c sc shc rt.rrt mcr• e nie l ccrus aj;c ad ir tn ti r, r rt.crr;.'cor itrott;. CQ stn.ti ir of roT ti e rrrrp.em}ts mcay .rer,cf'crs«:o t i ir rr o,tr?r v a; nr3 sa ci im rc tiem rr s sj ral.e at:d cn tipe,frl,`slavr; r fn_ rairc;a: ;fa. ad c.c,u2te rn?SIOTt_;4'" cfrr irac g xtr s. srr ts, crii t.s, c the'ic x s, s ar Stll?td.'SC7ltt S€7t21ICPT4 z4E`ZSPEZS. 8. The criterion is n ei. `he Ia s ptopcased b't a g3 cant meet all a plicabl zonin staa r as c utlis.ed in Finctin of Fact Na. ?1 c f the staffrc rt if the requzsted rezcr e is rfl4_ rr.s ho a g ia the site plaa F_9.each of il e prc osed f4ur lt ts ba e ec t4 1(3`:ti-e SE-i an inte al s3 areci dri.e.,-a;_ Th+re are nc critical are.s cn n,'ther ph sical characteri-zi s t fthe pr€g.ert;that n:ake i# u.flsuit t le fc r cie-elc-p ent. The giapc-sal gr i far adet taat infrastru t re s r€.u-e i abt:e as 1 detzrrt i in Findin ofF ct Itia. 6_ 11 R'iC`--0?t7{H?(3: I'th.Y'miristratc r,r t.ar ttt rn s€.tc r m a;n proari te r zFsior s jc r Fia a tSlic,2;tlr, sc:;x, crnd ra rQi a-e2,fax trradfnr sr eh c spc c s. age+-r}s, str ts, 17 af:}s. c tJa rtnt rie tis crcs, ter r Y;i s, s rri,ca;t xtzst s,r?+,p.r}'rrrnc s, sit for sehco nci t3Y?erar. c:ri;'c i r re,`erc rrtfcrcts rr rd L+rr t t.+i at tic t se cand irPt r st x tz e.r'th 13 ,r os.s s.t n;, hen is.hni,''rrp rai:`. 1he cr,zi an shrr naEi a r'a ar ti ag a;'t ag ca'cisirn. 1- l 9. The critera an is m et- T e P QP Frt i s fctr ade uate:'agprapriat tr a.tn cnu as r i.re ab t e a e etesuLned in Find rs of Fact 2 0_ 6. The gr l n alces pptcrpriate gr ision far public l heafth,safet-r nd d;-Ifare and the pu lic use aa intere t,ili l serz ci b eaczse it ee aabtes re.soflable 17 use+fland with€tt an c rr+e po ctin si i cant at.•erse imp cts to g b3ic in ra-tn ture_sturoz diflg Prcrpertsc c r the euE-ircmme t a ele#er sa d in Finclit o Fact Nu. . l 1 SITE PI...'ti K iC #-9-ZQO{E}(3}: 'riteria. ',e..irarnisrr rc?c r desi a mustMfir:rr,se.:3.r a;r t i ty c rrrp.icance i,h t}aefd;,'irag: i? d. Caarr liartc crnr`o rsist ct: Confama rr:e ith r iar, na?iri, regu czti n rr ar A ro ais. iracir:`ing: i. Cam teh i sn e Ple rr: 7P Car.reher s.e Picral> its edemer}Fs, ,s, o esri3 es, r+ad icies, spe inl;r.nose Qfth cap ti-bi:°rn i sse a sig aa aa, t.e`cmmarni°7 si ra E'iernerrt; anci ma r ic i c t:igh rir c{'l rrt; PT.t 3 iFCi7hit?it:Tt,i'Lt.;6?r Ptit'a1G°r3.;: R 4n_Pr lifl„an Flat and Strezt[.'ai:er- 12 QRDINANCE N. 5811 ii, e a P r r f.t r a{?r i;rrc rarxG=»`ca;.,t, cr d4 i. si r Regrr Crtic ns:Irrter r cnasn,i e.:irx cft z r sigrr r rrPn icrrs tc crst ir tC- 3 i-1 f1. l. `I'lie ccnit rion is met. T1 e prc pas S i cc istc t itla agplacable cc nzpreheusiz plan lici s and zc rtin ie tatic n as utli e in Fin i u s f act Itir. l aIId'1 af th staffrc rt. ' de zd 3ines cf R'ZC t-3-1 l do tot apgl,to p c jec#in th 14-#zcme. ee R'+riC'=-:-lU+'3.3)(1'b;. Hc e.=e,ila•C:i-?-11'c3r s u apQ de i ta ci rc t resi enti l de:elrspment iaz the P.2-1 ac e. Since R..'S' --1 l a qualifses as a -`l nt4 use re alati,#he afaplicant nsca t esta lish c si7e fc r ite pl n appr st=a1. Fcn the reasc s idc tified in Fin c fF t I ca. '?of#he staffrege rt,the prog s t is ccr sisteg#a•itli t rie ign st ndar.s:K'4-?-11. 1 e grc l is nat yubj t za a gla e i a La ardi nce r ti c7pnaent a re n eIlt. 0 iS;---2{E}(3){b: t7,.Si n aets:P irig;t r cfi,a ts F..z;ir,rc rri s rr.: 1J u,s, irt.`r i: I, .ld°IiCl71Tt S:EStI'1 I df,Cl'',r5 f:it'SI?'liCil:?'."s tlti'(tb't?F':Gd C.'i'CltTf t?'4'faGC.75P 12 ptt I ps r n;rr ir>r f'r,site; 12 13 Crrctflation:?''ra idirr r s n1;;rrrrzsiticr;cn r1 t xr<a s ¢a s s. st s, k;i;.°rn°s rt czd,;n rrt t rvta rti,; 1# r i, Lvc r frr arrd.Storrsg_rfres:Lr c.:7nQ. n€.i,s rrin¢c n'ser.r s,vr r,e cr cu. t rfxiti, r r ov ti n ar, n r i?t ar rss, c.'r€fr cn:r c,`cavi s tr rr irzi r r-.i-a l frrm szr=rcz rtc ir pr rties; l"r' a. i s:e c,i:ira t e.e.:iz 7a,,frt arrc..;ix=hr.at'n;t ttt7i.it ija c i:ce.si.itir ta at.n-e n r*r.''e cr; q ro. Lrtrrdsce aing° Lsirxg t2rtdscn Fng,pr a de rr ruitit ns e r r d rr azt cn}i srr,roaarac in,re,,r i tc rec:.ee npr3e rnad glrare, rr;cr r tc in ri+.°r, axacr'ge err,:i e.rr.n r-he n,p car;tcc a;tt r,c, rr c 1 i. Zi ht r I3esi m rm r r ii:ni_ a t rirar ii tttira c n g:.:ir g i>rra r t c icg .r x-c sn€?t rr hna ss or t'.r i trc i zc rt prr rtF s cmd s r rs. 11. The enteritm i n e. T ere is aa# an €t-er c ra#icn c f ci Telcsgpu at cm t e site. The seurc unc in es 1 ve be en tic lar eci or r zc ned to t e cie4ela ecf at a sinxilar scale. Tl hcant Prc Osin to retain t e e sistiug '-ta sin fanut str ture o a Lot 1 anti cr,str.ui a #+at I +f thr e 3) ri o--tc7r- tauTnhame unit. T structt es ocald be e nlnl s a e acrc ss fihe site i h g rkin gr€ti i i +t e,cta lot. 'I a ap t t is nt t rrap rsau asl,• lc adin c r st rs-a e are s. The agp ic ctt i grc:ding fc r ac ate g-tri u a d ehic zlar circulatios nwc h in¢de;rable an iti y R zcm.Preli,n r P at aud ue t t ai-ers- lt 13 ORDINANCE NO. 5811 3u i lin a s as tt#ern.tsned ifl Fiadig ofFact Tc. i. T7ae p ptssal i l nc t create a erse::e vr i htu i cts as c3etern eci ul Fia ir t fFact to. 4. RIiC--9-([){3}(c;: 07r-.57t Impdcts:tfrri,g:r c r cfi.+n rr ts t the srte, c.`,r n;: i. .SPra ttrereFlae rrt irt.'rcttiisi suf;r ra rrct mtc nc is*ch c,:t?t i,'c ir ac rn r:. 51th?Ctt7't7 7't?Tde^s727tIPd t7; ii. S'trrirrrrr Sc al: 'cnsirl c tion ai t.r sct e cf rorose.ca's ct rr s i rFFcrti n to n asr 1 chcarr cteri n., 1 i ss rmc 1isir c, srte c Tn r i i s,s tigk t,prc;i:'irrg wn fs, czn€c d 4rrf?rr rt!1'eJ F i rr e,3s; rii.:'i nrrul F atures:Pr at t n J te r{1a,°:Itrracis:;p 1n r tcrir ir g is3ir g g,ticra cfiarl sc i:s, r sirg tn rar r':re.cirrc a.rad e.t ae:Ting.:r d,[tin, cant.'t rririrg immr n>t a g si fat.s, rmd r•, Larldsea i a;: L.s c?'im dsccrt irg t 1`gaa th crp-<rmae c?kira re zs, to rc iEi slaar;e c nt'r ri.>nt Kf n cl rl, PQ i ftra an'rrr'r e o€aa sp r s, anc,'gen r;t.' r l e-rah ne.s c?c rartce oftn rc;r r.Lr rr sttt,ir g f115J IT3:tuc Ps+ae c si,rr c rc tE ti r o,f drirr ing c ca sc thnt ti car ss si sc p'i:`,Q 3c,rrra,fro r v r i i ar 1I e:`srricar c ti°rre,s_ 1?. l. T cnteritan i n et. Pr tia; and noi3e retiuctic n s~ill be ced b; the platig o the to ht s t l d the e.s:istiu h and,u1-au ding the t u htrme-ith landscapin and tr 513sointhelandscaPinPIa E. 19. ,s atrte ur Fiadiflg ofFact itit. _1he s ale f t e prc a al 1 is ct inp til le ith s oundin ciecelcr ent,at prcr ies to the nt rt and s uih aie de el ged uith three stcsr' high cle it de.opment. :s d ten.uines3 in F din f Fa t I o. . t e applgc t 15 ade uaiely pratec#s e.sSS ti geta#ion t y.:ce in.e a licabl t egetac cm re#cs.tti reqiiirc-ents. The pro;ct .coul not impaet st slages ar rc-uit in extensiwTe gt dia. The applie at e ates 16 earth,=c ric qt:an#irie at 3ppro:at€l "','1 cubic cards vf c-t u aterial a.d pproximat l 1>1'3 cubic ,ards c f falt mat al. defesnYined ia Findia af Fa# IiQ. . fhe propc sa.t grQiide f+r17ad,e{i t landscap ff sir3ce it cc nnglies ith glica le landscapinfi standard. T't e I opc sal P c v icbes 1 f r aciequ te tauccist.aping as c tcr ni in int ing afFatt:it_ . 1 F IiC'--9-Z Qt,E}(3}d}:.-lecQss xPtrl C"ircrcl,at o r.•Sirfe rr;ci a ccee.;s ra circ.4 inr jc,r l s rs, inc,'u ir: i. Lacarrvn n rf C"r+rrsr dirldtinar:r rc iding crc ess pvir is nn sid stre r r tcr,s:r s r thcr tianr}c ireett c3ara;z t ri str ts ar,'cransr;idr tior fir ar ss rmd r ss rrts or r.i rl, x°.r rrf ih1e, x z a=c r t rc c..r i; ii,hric mrrd Circrrlatrnrr,Pr rr,rrg s'a rd ienc `tiie ir t rne i e°t:tir r si°st rn. iractuc in ih irseati n, a sigr c cf di.nexi;ic ns vj'ti tsicaa ar€rnc'pac estrirrra access poitstl, 3 r rri-€:r,p{rrr rarr ncaa-ca tas, at lkxcr}s, bi;t srr s, c rac emc nr,}°crcc s u-s; ii Lv rc7i rg drtrlD ti4 rr.Se rr;rrirr€o airag rrr c7 tise.crre.s,m crrking c ac pat strian nreczs; n. Trans f a r l Bi'cl c:'rr iiding rrarzsi, ccrrt;s rar'ic r,,f-i:i i€s t rc c;ess; c Pa Teslrrnns:Pr vidi,r,saf errt'amr c;n epec:'st acrn ct nn c atas tsa•,r;zz-;iirrs; crr s. li`:rn s, za t'ic.i-cri.czr:cr:c nrproz rti: Tt zcme,'re2isnin:F1at a d Sireet'L'aa-ers- 11 14 tJRDINANCE N. 5811 13. `e crsteric s met r1s deter ur r in Fir lit g fFact:tc.6,he p c csal ro id s f r a u te acce s, circul tior aad k ic zl faciliti s rc rcd bF t3 e criteriaa a te. '`c dir ct cces tc an att iat tree#is gr sed_ No Iaad a d deli.erw•areas ar pr c sed. "he r c rd dt s c pg+t 3 a y miti;tit.far tran it r cafgaot f cil tie. R1ft.l--?0(E{3)(e): C3perr.pac:I.:r aYa,7,ac i sPr crs a'isti ictz e rv,ac,F'c c a a 3 c a`nrcn:ic t q rare ar c fcrpc n.e n c rct•,r cr rr ic n th t r nt.r=iz rs c?fti SFtt?. 1. The teri+a is met_ The rr gc>al grc.ic3e for a k te c space a.s rec uire b Y the criter c+ 7 abc;e c t zineti in Fi dit g+'Fact:v'. 6. R.iiC.i--`(E}(}(fj: t i vr c Prrblir_ccess: .rr Cassfbae.,rcnrdirag r:n?ri s sca y ia re ir s rrnd lft.Rnr i€r.:nt ia c r cr r irg t;bt'ic n t s3 shores's. 1{} 1`:. 'crit rio is u t. . c tert7zinec in Fi adin of Fact'5. 5_n,cieu•c rid+a tc shareline.s cxr :St. r ar ac l 'ted I shoreli.es ar in the v i iuit f r pezrgc>s r f sequirit 1 public cces. na7tral.;t`st rrrs.r,r rr,air t rc, c*.'rrt€ts tc rat ct:isd7n *cr uYr;RIiC -9-_UO E}t,? o P• 13 s st rrrs a ta:icca t. 1 l. `e criteiic is et. '_'at al s st a s u-i21 not tae ac-;ersely ect d bY the grc per al a.s 1; det r rinet in Fis ing cf Faci?a. w. 16 FL.SC i-9-Cft3(E.3 h}: S m icc s rtra ll,rfrn lr rctarre:'t in c.t i::e p;?i sr°a>c rr le crt i.i i's tc?:::c=.mm atU t+a r,+s z;. 13 17. Tf e criteri ru is et 'Ihe prc ject is s-e i t•ac qt ate es wi es and f ilit€as rieteruzan 9 i a Finciin f Fact i3c. b. 1 r RVC"#-9-2U0(E 3}(i): Pha ing:Irrc.ac irag a ptc i sec c ci an x-ith r t'a,m,s s cara taa c;te'trm,frc m s„'or htr::.c;rc?.. 1. The proi:t i nc i pl s'.. i STREET 5T..'Z}..RD 4:I't RS tS' -9-2 Q(C 2: .ernc srtt fvr iri r af Stre t It a,arvi em rrrs. I'ne cr inistrt tc r tr° rtrr d x a ex c,` st ee t f rcn rraer s s a:ec t t, €tu fi n tit rt t s i. r c s:rt uf' rz,.sti ie;tirr f rsuc f.°ar r. Rc, E relim:nar Plat and St et"a ers- l 15 ORDINANCE NO. 5811 2 R1iC--9-j Of.C}{5},?risaQa CriteranfvrT'rti•rrsvf.'tr tlnr rrtr r ettt:etr r r ra:`e;1.st c::ian St sT:31'!!''2 Pdl'JItJ1'ildPPdi2'.1" rJ e`F!€%Ji G}SlTi¢: M 1 C7. il^1tP1'c':fl'S T'`177ftr7"t)VE171+115 lt'lii t7ii?' CItT 1Si 1#.'Pii 7f 5 LiT St*'`ET.ClTTJ, E77'7C71.'C Q Tl a ra"`2TTtd?[:CI t1tl f;S.i:7T lP??'S Ci?'r'ld. xist,rag sr t tlagra ati3 h z tri nc f;r€?c.rir,'s r ina ro m nts infegzs v. e. Raquire.s1r t imz r m-ra*s caa,'r;' rr r gn.*,.° rrn a ct c n c rh r r ta rr?7ts, sa:. ras P251T3C I7t,'Cfl'QFtCl'zJie^-tPC'Ce-'S5. t. 1YPP.T fll'E' TTC} S]'TtPdiQT IFT1`iT01'1 775 d IT 1'FCP'lPl, LdP t7 FfPE7" 15 iPrit£' i11?i tf C^.' t,fi'(7! f iC iTnp?z v rra r:s xi::be n cr r.ir.ir rro n x 1 i 1G?1}errr.. e. Ixt no crue shcadr'c xy io r grr aa:.cf r r tess i is sr'c at Faca h re,i:t:e nt aetr rr P c;"cr ar rh t.Lri :Ith, s{'it or wet7 o thg im:r.ae rrs r re r cr rr:': trr r.ha; ;tz Tlra,.'r'rJT''PI'tP!s't`?'F T}tJt?I&'^L' rJ?'C't1T7E.it tJ?',2ai"ttP'&'ttc?t''[U Tt B?t. Q l 19_ Frc nia In.rcati ment 'aiz-er Fiecruea-t. Ts e requ teri ua z•er far 1D8 Street frcntage u r 7 me ts identi.tie in Findi of Fa t Tc. s ti fies all ag licat le criteria fe r a tr et standar 1 -ai er. I e«ax;er isju ed tmder sub.ecucm d)ab e,sinc the prcpersed franta e ir xgrc4er ents are cc n ictent c ith tbe cca r.~tin fr mta e tc the sesuth and flrn#h and there is nc indicatian at tlt1 sturc c3in frantage ill be redec-elog! a ris e in the ne t 1 =ears. In adclitic t}e e.kist n¢ 13 rc ati y atlouTs the ctu arni uT#er tc, reu ain i tt e same c i uation as tfie urrr din treet 14 fl:ai tainin #he nctio alaty and saf af#lre street. The fi:e-fc cat-w;c e si zrl: at this 1 cati. na tY e needs c f ihe re3id nts rel in nn t is sicb al: fc r a eess tcr the great nei b rht c3. li ccanditic n af ap proti-al nrilt rec ciir th t the prc+ents s li rotzcie a n7ininlur -foat u de planting strig the backsicle of the sideua.tk. T'he t dified street in gr tien ents E c.tild e# tY e1 otjecia`°e ofa saf and f ctioual u•a3;ab1e en:ir+n e t u•ith enhauced a etics th c u*h the planrer 1 f trip a d t3iu hc ld ha4-no tfetriui ntal eff~t can public al#i.afe-gr elfare. 18 STREET iflDIFIC:TIO i 19 F i'-1-9-'_OtD}(?y:ecisiatr i-irerrcr. r n:r fh r rrre r ae acn:r„`iacut'ri.rnc iti.c in etrr*i'e Cl c t i tc pro i ic r s v,t'this Ti;, i e.t rrm kt:?rrrir P,trrrt r rrur, ;rcm:rrsv'i ccr c rrs fU i aci.icf ral c s s prtr tcf d .h:"srae shc,firs;.irrt thnt cz s c c. rerr n rrsa;re. the S'i t l r o"t is C ca' rmFrc cti:r a, ttacat h i tten aruip ri s uftir ti3 air 1 nc r s i rrtiar o`he C'rr reht ra n 1 is tr t c r:thrrt 4.n rn i c tia is r e ra,fa r:#:irh t i irat.nt c.nd,cs c f this t'oc e. ar7r tr arrr s rn m cWti n: tI. ,S'i Sit7A711Au1' III t ElttS ]E.' 'f3ilCyl C,7'C t.tl{?TI , 1t3ts ilC72S QPtt7 a IE?C'P.5 t7{ I'1t' Y t'om r€iaeru e tc:n im;'se:`eaxae carrr.;th"m.rau fr°£si,a E1ema3r a a the ra.e rrrodi en i ra is ti rrai i»nmr rr;a irrer r r e s.zn ro;mAl mc rat h s F r i czr1;a i m€, R one,Preli.t.in.Plat and Street t"ai-:ers- 13 16 ORDINANCE N0. 5811 iait m z th rb,,ctiti°s crnd sa#'et,,nzcti,, e a r rrac.?, e.rrtiirc rm rat;z;prr rteti n r n Tttt7PTtit^<6)3e`7.r`i3.diF6'I7diET2t7 1 7}'I1i7E?iL`l'2.t 2171'P.1?IPTt S, F't7 tt^'.'FI:i011Ti.b'tP4T77c?)'TTI;i1Cj$E?F7t, j C. l.''t TiC7i t''T jt2Tdt7Yts?t1 ,t'it^P??'C,I7P.T7t'{l Sl 1T?1'l'tf?1 tti1?}g^'; s;'. Crt,rz:, tc tt?ir[,j 4.nc7 ar cs'iha C:.; ti C.'c:ra h s.rJw a t r rs.d c:rr'r qr ireti,'r t1?es carl.i adrracars ntt nc.; rrxr:' 6 1.ic t Cr,.7t Clt l',r.177}'C.'CYS Ft7 l1@.t"TC'Tti'fIPSi dri P 1'7C'ItYIIt'. Sh re i L7ri4-e y';4 c dtficatic Rec t-t. Sance the shareci drt e Y t c sn i n eet all of tt e rec a.uem nts ferr a tr et-irer. t crre general aaodi£catia re i s#audards applti. The re.c r 4 ct tains n u fta at:crn w t er the re{t sted maii catian meets iriterien b3 ab tie.stabl€,;hin t:her #he m ctification zll n eci #h c bjec t- ancl s.afet, fimction ap ran+:e_ enc rQumental l prot tion anti II7aintainat tit intencl d b;= the C°o+e requiren ents. Sase i u fl so mfi engis e 1 ud ni. Ii agpeai that t e -t'report e rc nec sl c gi d the l si5 of s b ctioA a iuirr it anal sis c f ut s.tic t_ Since .-ifieati ns cau t agprc°ed a inistrati 1}_ the co c iti t f 1? approw-aI re uire that the modifi ation be asoee sed actalinisirati-el sinc there iniuff ient 13 infrn atic>u in#he ads:unistrati e recc*rd tt asss s t liance i ith all ag lical le stan ards. l: S'. DE ISIO: 1 ti `he pro o 3 re o e. greli ina shtrt p2 i_ te plan aYad 1 8 :•e SE street st clar i4-r are a3I c nsist ui th apglic ble ccxie crit ria as tem ined in th 'uchasians f Lau• f tt is d ci iQn i`l cc nctiticmed as re amnt nded. Tl hearing asn ner rec4um nd:that the'at C"i ut tiil a gr-e the 17 agplicati ms s t td t2 f fl contiiti ns c f aro-°al: 1 I. The applicant sha31 prv.ide a rainin.um lt7-foc rear J r sett c3c et-a eeu the e::isstin= hQu e and the e.asi ggQgeity b4aundar line af Lat l. , re is cl s flr[ pl t plaa ba21 be sub z€ttexi cca a ri ored bY the Cit'of Rentar Pr e t 'ana rL g ic r to consin:ction peruut apq7rdn.a1 c I,ti ith R'iC?-I 14.. j 2_ °e agplicant shall gra i.e IIxinimtiuu of ten fe t (1'} af on-site laudscapiag a1c n the gt blic stre t froatage af 1C18i:.e SE. A final etaiied ds.cape glan shall be sub iti to d apgrr eci by [he City c f Rentofl Prcr,ect I4iar a¢er priar to ccm-tr€ctia pen7tit apgro,al ccm I ing v ith R'1C`-07f}. 3. If the adjacent prcaperi ot v r c i u st ant tf agglicaut g rntcssie,n 2c rea t-e the crff- 2, site tr es>ihe gra;ect s all be redesi necl to elan:inate sm ac an a site irees. 'ie gr ject re-ci sign ta e 2e imgaet n a;ac nt tr s shal be :er bt, an art an t and re,ie.•eti fQr ag ro.-a3 b the C uurc.t P3anx in F'io,e.t'+nager 6 Rezcme,Ii aunar,Plat and StreQt t'ai.rs- 1# 17 ORDINANCE N. 5811 l] geciestrian ide;•alks at i ri.-at entr;, sit3 a al s e-n ct t usan c crer r a dif`re t,'pe of u ter a2 thart the shared c:e:•a y. A r t-i site pI s all E e 1sn i t t+.an a pra.ed b_.t e C arr t P armin Pre j ct'fa er pai t issuanee a ecr sts zeticm rn it. ie a p;ie n#sball Ciieate a pro?tin atel' 1. f et(1'-6 af ii t-f-ta-a.a1onQ 1J`h e SE sarb;ect to a fival a j. :f xal det iled$treet crc ss-se tivu n.s#be sut auit#c i ar l agg c:ed b1,t.h Pl n,ie Pra1.t I aIIa er grie r tc is,:e a ccros:ruc i+fl per,sait. b. 'I'he appl c nt shaL e te d the shared c iz-.aj,= tract frcrru It t r'il:e tr tt e t pr.r`% 3 e 4f e t rn mc t rce1 (Lctt i tc ser.•r ea} prc as ti resi ial 2 t ;n ted lat lan s sa33 i abgaitte i t au agpra c b{.re Ci#c fI tcn Prc ject I£a¢er f r r t is fe a siru ticm st. r. 'he app ie zat s}12 rc ts.e #h e..i ttin iuzper°-tc s c'i eu a lacat c at ttre n rt«est acsner cfthe:te d eg>lace it it lands apin_Ac e s tt the e,.tsn ia le yhr>m hal1 taa.l+..e cs e s fro the shar i d i-a.•a tract. The a t ri-e:•a clzt sltall i ti ed l c n the ec«s..tructicm p rnut a plicatic n, fcn re e3xr atld agpr ral the C'rrent Pl n g rajecf i s' 1 ach r.su lti-f ily lc t hail t liruite l ta c rze j int e izs.a•ith a sin le,ut c. li fina]detailed site pL n m.a t b su.3srutt d tca. and apgrc t-ed.t e"it}'t f Rent Pr;c t ItrL,naQer riar t i.s tce f a ccra sm ticm pergut. 13 c. The apglicant shail grQ.id r 4-i.e i.ite pla cter:#r tis cc s i nc itf the cc l gen sPar.e sTancl rd of at east taree buu irreci ft w 3 4 qu.e fe t p s t nit. The re ise: sate plau and art lat shal]1x abnut e 1 to.and apprc.-eci by.the C'r nt Pl..ts Fro,ect hf r.a er prio#o is nce a c trucii p r it. l t. Th appl cant haa11 prc;ici flc r platn that i.t f adequa#e b:y'cI.irr af sae-hal pace r d e11= rmit. : c#ai3 flc r plau shall e sul tt d t a d ap rove i t s,'t e 1 Cifi.af Rent fl Prt c t I fana er pricar tc issa an ce structiesn perr it. 3 Il. T i 3pplac n.t ;a11 prt i ide a li htin lan t aai a ua e1 g otid ss :or 3i sa`ei, zthc u# ca-tin e iti e re cm ad;acent pr rti+s: at ti e t e of e ina.ecris gery t 1 z-etiie x. Pedestrian scale and dcu nli tia g sl li l e se in a9 e tc, r afe p stri t ehic ar sa+w euaent. mSe s altema- F t ia a a1e lr a in ha..tae p gp;ecl a}tratit elz,' ear is pe if all listed pt fr y gre;-ision l atect iu 1C'--? Li rti,E..-tericr Ch-Sfte. °I'he ligt t.u gl n sl tr su m i t ci at th ti e f cc ns nseti rn g r 7 it re ie far r eu and rc;a3 XJ the C'ir s P1 n Ze ie+er. The appla ant s1 at1 s buii# buildi€. ele-tic i2aat ar e iste,at th th R_-- z uis desi ri ar i are cc satibl re2ati n go r a.sra2 ch rract stics.ti e:°s aud cista. sit arYaeni ies, stz lzght> greti°ailisl «inds. an i petle tr a aud .-eh el e z etls. The b iil a e2e=ati r,s sl t e s tauufi€ at #he tivae f consmart:c rstut ze.ie: far r:ie- and 3 iC}*Y'l b5 th C it'S'C`1357+'Stt P'ilt'slc ff51eCf'4'"iIl t fS. i3. The gplicant shall cseate a au C?wn :s+ciaticrn HQA j that uza t tai s atl i xpra.-c-xuenis ifl the s r+d drit-e Y tr t. faa.dsc pta i the cr en s ce tract at d ant Re cx_F el,_r inn P2at nd Street ti's4-rs- 1 1$ ORDINANCE N0. 5811 d ll ath r ean on i r°en:nts_:drai't ef th Ht nen#s sha11 be a miTSec t. ro,t. the Cit cfRentQn Pr°ect iana er ud the Cit.ttarge;gra r t4 Fival P1at reeardigg 'uch a ents shal]be reccrrd d cQucctrre tlr n•itli th Fuzal.PI t. 3 The apglicant sha t t ret uired t ab#aifl a t p r cc iru t c e ent fcar al ,•arl trncfi ctesi ut c e Qf the pplic.ant's gres,Y. The t r r eai structiQn e.a,seuient sht I: t sutm itte t the C`it'prior tr anr c nu#s beifl is,5.,t e.ci. 5 15. The morii ic ticm re c-# tc shared dr ti=e,aY lengL ic3en ific d an Fusc it of F ct 'a. 3 shall be prc ce ser3 an c cici l. u n a T.ir i ttrrahb Iv far th r a nns i n e ifl C ulusi an af I.au'To. ' zr D.' i.11a St f'O:b 2'.i.1. m. 1 3 hi n.cJlbnrh s . 11 C'it of R n#oa He rui Exautiner 1? 13 LI"IIQI OTIC:ES l 15 :fected prc>p+€s awners n a,` r st a chan e ir, -alua#ion ft: pr z Y ta g u e l nc t-ich andiu an}'r n,c fre ti Iuaticm. l i3 l I 1 Rc-on,Fr Plat ri Strc et'i s- 15 19 RDINANCE N. 5811 ATTACHMENT B Kin Countv Parcel 863710-0440 Le ai Description TRACT F OF THRESHOLD 1, AS PER PLAT RECORDING IN VOLUME 164 OF PLATS, PAGES 8 THROUGH 12, INCWSIVE, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY AUDITOR; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. 20 ORDINANCE N0. 5811 r _____ W . ... . . ........:.. R,g.... ....... .:...:::..a ^-:•- SE'3Uth=PI o ..... . . ......... . ......... . .......e .. ... .... .... .... ..... ........... ................................o ............. .... ..... ............ ..... .y .... ......... . f...... ................................ CN ; °° :::::::::::::::: ... .... :::::::::.:::j:::;.. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SE 168th Sr wv R-14 o R-14 i `-- I.... .. . . _.___-__-- __--_ _ SE J69th PI f ___ m 0 SE_iT_Dth_St e wC r R-14 i I I .::::__ o so soo SE 168th St Develapment-LUA15-000745 2,000 e Zoning Change fram R10 to R14DateS/SrzpiS E N G E'Cniy"VinrtM Adripm Abrorrrovtch nam nr,v m. G sar,y>r Site 2oning Oesignation ResidenGal-14 OUlAC Renton Q parcels Residenfial 8 du(ac Commercial Neighborhood x:,,,,,,,,., Residertial 4 dufac 0 Proposed zoning change from R10 to R14 e,..l q,cn n 21