HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 5838 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE N0. 5838 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 8, MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION, OF TITLE II (COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS) OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE, UPDATING AND CLARIFYING CODE LANGUAGE RELATED TO THE RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION. WHEREAS, this matter was duly referred to the Planning Commission for investigation and study, and the matter was considered by the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on February 1, 2017, considered all relevant matters, and heard all parties in support or opposition, and subsequently forwarded a recommendation to the City Council; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Chapter 8, Municipal Arts Commission, of Title II (Commission and Boards) of the Renton Municipal Code, is amended as follows: CHAPTER 8 RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION SECTION: 2-8-1: Creation 9of the Renton Municipal Arts Commission 2-8-2: Purpose 2-8-3: �e+�Members 2-8-4: Function 2-8-5: ",:��Arts and Culture Master Plan 2-8-6: �One Percent for Art Pro�ram 1 ORDINANCE N0. 5838 2-8-7: �AFe�s-�9#Citv Art n^�' °,�"';� �,�;�'+'^� Collection 2-8-1 CREATION OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION: There is hereby created a-the Renton Municipal Arts Commission ("Commission"). 2-8-2 PURPOSE: A_The City of Renton recognizes and acknowledges the importance of and benefit to the public in providing visual art and performance in its public works and facilities; and �^�^��-^^;^^ ,^� ^-^�^^*;^^ in the communitv as a whole. The Citv encoura�es and promotes such art and the work of artists, particularly as this work mav reflect the diverse cultures inherent in Renton. It shall therefore be the policy of the City, unless otherwise prohibited or limited by law, to direct and further the inclusion of art in its public�� rp ojects. B. In addition, the Citv encoura�es and supports the inclusion of art especiallv as it mav be accessible to the public, in private development prolects. C. The term "art" shall be liberally construed and includes the conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty and is of aesthetic value. 2-8-3 FJdA1�lA�14-MEMBERS: A. The Municipal Arts Commission ("Commission") shall consist of thirteen (13) members appointed by the Mavor or desi�nee and subiect to confirmation by a maiority of the members of the Citv Council. Of those thirteen (13) members, at least four (4) members shall be residents of the Citv, and at least one (1) member shall be between 15 and 21 vears of a�e. T"^ ''^^��^;«;^^ �"�" ��+ ;^ ,^ 2 ORDINANCE NO. 5838 �,f+t,., r�+„� , .,.L.- .,�r��L,I�� �.+ B. Membership on the Commission shall, whenever possible include members from a varietv of art fields and related professions.The Commission shall elect a chair, vice-chair, and secretarv on an annual basis. T"^ ''^mm;���^^ �",�� �L,�II 4.�, .d.,.,.,1.,.,.,.d h,.+l.., r.,m.w,�«�.,.�. 7 r;+�.�.., -....d � +L, f L, II l, �'I .J .�:+h �li., r`�+., rl�,.-I, .,�+1,., r;+., �.,.J f��.-.,�.-4,,,,d � .,+.,+1,,, „FF• f+l, nn .�1 r•+ �AEIY161�S"c6�mced��..+� �1.-+II + h�, i.�. ���II�'....-�, -..�..J ..FF.,..+ +'I .d 4. +6. �c.c -p�vccaa�co oiiaii iiv�oc i�� ia�i iv�ccai�a ciicc�ai�ui a'ppivvca oy-cii2 r;+..crry-ti�� C. Each Commissioner appointed to serve on the Commission shall be entitled to serve a three (3) vear term. No fewer than three (3) of the terms shall expire each vear. Members of the Commission mav be removed at anv time for any reason bv the appointin�authoritv. Vacancies for the remainder of unexpired terms shall be filled in the same manner as the ori�inal appointment. �#e r'....,..,-,���� .-M-,II .d.,.,.,1�,., .,I�.�.,,,.,+ �...d � .,.J-,*., +1,., n.+� -,�.J i^.�1+...-„ nn-,�+,..- i DI-,.. .,6.�.-L. �M-.II : �I��.J�, *1�,., /"�+.:.- . .,.J ., -,I� f.,.f��+��.., . F L,1' � + � , i .,rl -. �+.--.+.,.,�� .,I�., �.,. �.�,.,I.,..,�,r,+�.,.,+1..,.-., ., -,I� TL�n Ar+� -+rrl /^��I+���-� I�A-�.-+.�..- DI-+n rh-.11 h� r��l�in�++r� r ..r! -. -.I 1� i 3 ORDINANCE NO. 5838 r�+�.i.���i �f ..II i- ni+�l i + + e + F +l� ' 4. +' fl � +6.• �^��:�,Te M��c�r s�all�repese, �^- '' '� � �, �• � �� + nl-, „i,,.�, „r•- •-hnulrl Kn�.,�. .,f��.,,��.,,,�,-,.-„a +ti + ,� + !�oi�� a r � ^"+ f,,.n.d.i.ri b s�_i.d@J-'-"-�-o�-�@Tfo��h I Il ��� �-�-� e r a s eTh e,�e Qe�e�a+�e�� +t,,, r�+., r-�„���,.�� D. All members of the Commission shall serve without compensation for such service.n�;�„+�„�;+„� -, .,� �,,,�,.,,+.,.,,,-„« +�,,,� � n •�� , xl�e Ma�er, er hi��her re�resen�a�ive, ^"^ ^�*^� " * + +• • +^ wifhin �he fellewin��w�;-=�ear�erie��ca—de�erm��e "' " " + �pp�vpi0'acc F^v� �����H��E?F7 Af VVAfIE� ef arra�� �e e�s�ima�e �� + + h . , r_orri+h., r�+.,rq�,�nril m�•, ^�+-.t,1;�6.+4,,, -. ++ l, •,J ,J � +h +/ 1 � i � N � �c���dod_hu nnnr �_ + a��a a�a A�,��.�� = 8-� If, h ewever�h�4�1 a�er �e�i�e�t�a�-t�#e�e-vui�l��e-�� �""�"`'�� pi^cp^aica o�ciic–c^vCT1CT11551A11 Sflcl�� �F�E2WI52 �� �1 5�1 '� + +�' G- TR� CQ R RR� n,,.,�.+,�,,.,�* „��.,.�,,.�.,��.,�+., -,�.� r,.,, n i + �+M �•+ .i—nof�r-���on_af wfunicir�-�I � �� �1� EI��IE �{l�l.d' . �.� a���c�pa sens�ra� Fen�re7e� . 7--P TrmrrS �eEer��ive er Eemmemera�ive s��E��+re�ar�� ��fC12�� SH� "�L� .-L'.,�f��+�r .,.-+:�,.�, +h.,..,..f ,.,�+I,�.-, +l-,�, !'i+., 17..-.t+� .,6,t�L. . 'II h + + .J + .d � i � i or r .,.J.,I.,.�I .,.J ..�,�.J F.,.-�.,L,.,II,.�,. �., �,.-+ 4. +L, !"+ .J +l. + + I + + � � i 4 ORDINANCE N0. 5838 �{ ..,ha�h a��oodt �er��;�oa�ar�� �ellar���B�A A9��e sen��r�s�, r��e��e-e� �e� „ „ B�eiPrtr n�7.d �.,...,l,.,ll.,.. -,.-+ 1-,.,+L,., r�+ ' .,+ .J +•I•� , r I � N y € :�;henavar�uunrL.,F-,r+�.-+„ h.,f,�.,.J ,� ,� +l,• rl, + *l, r � �� � . . � lk WA�'4`S� A ��c cvi c e-TI�TEek�C161 T�'}��I��c6arrcr�i�r �iirrcorr,r��2�� rfs�nmmn�,.,l-,+�,,., .,f+l,,, r.,,,,.�,,;�.-;,,., -, .�I •+I,� � + +�, �,-+ +h,,., th�f�irximi«�„� �ti�ii ,.,,���,�„ ,� ,� +t, � ► � ++., ��1P�1#��A4.IRcii-�iivcii`�a cii^c ci+�e�nEi4 a��reve-�he werlE{3�ef ar+,�,�„-i„e -,_d_m.�.,��+.-"1�1f1i1-�'�l"1�� qrr•^ •,•J +., �.�.,�r-,�+ '+l, +L. + +' + .-+' + + �' N M N �h+-�in +I�.�. I./r1 f � Tl�n +.- + + + h voran� c�ic vdvi rrT�Tv� 'ai c i�i�—cviic��E� Wl�fl��}2 ar�is�e�- dC�15c5 WFu�e ��J.,,,t.,�.-+.,..,.d 6,.,+4.� !'�+.,.-+�Ff �Mair��enanse ' +' � }^*' .�� { + � * ,� a • * ��� � i i��p c c c i v i� 'a iTaTvccr��v ��rrar��cr�.c c catmcrn-r�cmT E111�c.-+h�, -..J..�., .,.d .J�..,.-t�., .,�+4.., D.,.�,+.,., n/l -,I n + r' 4. II 4. r �„o,�q� �I��res�en�ik�i{i��ef�he a�minis�ra��en ef�he Ei� T" � � � .-�,.. -,*�., ..�,I' � h'��, '+ 'f' +' 4 ' + "' p, i cTii v�i i a d��i c i i i c r i r ay-��cPv�=c-�p ccnTc'a crvrrTvra�nunrccr�trrrcc n.l�n for th.o_Cifi��c_wer_I F r � �� .00,��� o, ar� The ar�werl�-�ai�e+�a�Ee��e-��e�e�� , �_n_d—m�Lo—r_e�.-.�+w+w+.+.�rl-.+i.�..�r �'..r +h.� 'rl-. + � U Cl ��a�« �000������c��az,��o��� �v. �����a,panse Af��}e a�mini3�ra�ien Ifl�o m-��.�+�i.�.�n�+I�� .. ��-L� �F•...+ 5 ORDINANCE N0. 5838 �--.-Tha-�a►„n,���,o��hall-�eelE�nrhenever���re�ria�e, '*^ +• � � fin���f�.-+�,,, , ..i .,.,,��,,...,, � + a i r o H Th��'c�w, ri�n e�{��.�� �� ri�� � �' h rt G. rl + .-1 F '+ r�.. i � r1�F-h -, .,1,.,.-,I � �,.-+� .-.I�. .,.-F.,.-.,..-...�., f + + i r r i , ��� ��-+ �c f�cilit�`rnnotr�tio���� ,;,R;,,«nanse Af e�her �en�erferr��Ee r � h., .,F'+ o.,r*., �„�.,.,+.- 2-8-4 FUNCTION: A. In addition to the requirements imposed bv this Chapter the Commission shall adhere to the bvlaws of the Renton Municipal Arts Commission as approved by the Citv Council and adopted bv the Commission a copv of which shall be filed with the Citv Clerk. B. The Commission shall advise the Mavor or desi�nee and Citv Council on matters relatin� to the artistic and cultural development of the Citv particularlv as thev mav implement the Citv of Renton Art and Culture Plan and the One Percent for Art Pro�ram. The Commission shall also act as the conservator and curator of the Citv Art Collection. C. The Commission shall be responsible for reviewin�the desi�n execution and acceptance of works of art funded or otherwise offered to or acauired bv the 6 ORDINANCE N0. 5838 City. The Commission shall be responsible for disbursin� monev bud�eted to it for cultural arts performances and other events, arts-related pro�rams and activities and support of artists and arts and cultural or�anizations as resources allow Anv such funded performance must be held in Renton primarilv benefit Renton residents and, to the �reatest extent possible, be offered free of char�e or at reduced rates. D. The Commission shall seek, whenever appropriate alternative sources of fundin� for furtherin� visual, performin� and cultural arts in Renton. �#e r,.,�,,.�,,,�.-;,,., �h-,n .- .,;+ti,,,,+ .-,,.,,..,,„.-.,+; f h 2-8-5 "�'�",. "�sARTS AND CULTURE MASTER PLAN: A. The Commission shall implement and periodicallv update the Arts and Culture Master Plan. The Commission shall consult with the Mayor or desi�nee elected and appointed officials, staff of various Citv departments and other stakeholders durin�any update of the Plan to ensure inclusion of the Citv's vision and �oals as thev relate to arts and culture in the Plan. B. The Commission's implementation of the Arts and Culture Master Plan shall be subiect to oversi�ht bv the Mavor or desi�nee and Citv Council. �#e 7 ORDINANCE NO. 5838 SAIiFi� Su�a�tad na,;,;;,azi^v��3 {or�F�"�,poin�men�s frem arEhi�es��-�,;;--a�t, m��ri�'�I lit�.--, ,,..I��,.-,+�„ -,� -,r.�l „+M �+ � +• ��. ergani�e ����h cul�ccmmittcet -+� '+ � � i rl + • I + �. ao ic acc�i�� i�ccc�v'ai���� v�aci cc ���+piciiiciit-�trtrr i i i +'.,�,.,+�,+'.�,., 'f 4�v�r���r'r /��� �N�h �nnnintm��*� +., +1,., r'.,.,-,,,,;«�„„ .-h-.II l, � +l, /21 + '+l, - -�- -__.. ._��.............�.. ... � .,..., +L,�.-.J /1 /2\.�,F+I�,.,+.,..„�„ ,.L,.. AII -. „' + + M + F .J h +1,., nn� .,.J r�+., �.,�,.,,.;I +., .- ,-h nn,�.,;� -,1 n + r� h l, r timr�h•• +N� -. r�+ir�rr -.��+��ri+�i -�.�� . r � +� r� � nv r� i rr� a 1 +.,.....r rL,-.II 1�.,F�II.,.d �.� +6,., r r+l, -.I -, + + � Q � �sinnvc n� no�r n�in e��o��i- [A!`II ITICC 2_g_6 ONE PERCENT FOR ARTS PROGRAM: A. s_,_,_h.:��++„+ti„,.,,.,�„i+�+�,.., .- + �onnr� Q �n n +� +• , � , The One �ercent for Arts �ro�ram shall 8 ORDINANCE NO. 5838 result in the fabrication or selection and acquisition of art to be installed and added to the Citv Art Collection. 1. The One Percent for Arts Pro�ram shall be funded bv the amount equal to n^+ '^« +",^ one percent (1%) of the actual total project cost, *^ "^ ���^� {^- � , , a�ie��Fi��p�+�lfs fasili�i�s, whi�h are ����+,"'� ���' ,�����-:,;� +"�-�r--of Capital Improvement Proiects, upon bud�etin� therefor bv the Citv Council and authorization bv the Mavor or desi�nee, with exceptions noted herein. 2. The amount #�a�-+s transferred to the e0ne �Percent ��for aArt #Fund "Fund" shall be based on the Capital Improvement P�roject's�g2�cost �a�+s used for bud�etary ptanning purposes,.The amount transferred to the Fund shall be adjusted up or down from that amount, based on the actual total project cost after it has been completed. 3. Definition of Capital Improvement Proiect: For the purpose of this Chapter, a Capital Improvement Proiect shall be a reference to anv public buildin� decorative or commemorative structure, park street sidewalk parkin�facilitv or anv portion thereof, within the Citv limits, which will be constructed renovated or remodeled, and paid for whollv or in part bv the City and the total proiect cost of which exceeds ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to construct renovate or remodel. 4. The definition of a Capital Improvement Proiect shall not include the Citv's water and sewer utilitv capital proiects. 9 ORDINANCE N0. 5838 5_In the event any law, rule or regulation establishing a source of funds for a particular project, including but not limited to grants, loans, or assistance from Federal, State or other governmental units, specificallv prohibits, limits or excludes artwork as a proper ro'ect expenditure,then the amount of funds from such source shall be specificallv excluded in computing the one percent (1%) amount of the total project cost. Other funds for the proiect, however, will be subiect to the Fund assessment. B. Works of art to be funded bv the One Percent for Arts Pro�ram shall follow the �uidelines of this section. 1. Whenever a work of art is to be funded under this Chapter the Commission shall, in consultation with the Mavor initiate the proiect bv selectin� the appropriate site for a work of art and followin� consultation with the Mavor or desi�nee, recommend the art proiect to the Citv Council. 2. The Citv Council shall consider the recommendation of the Commission and either approve or reiect the recommended art proiect. 3. Should the Citv Council approve the art proiect then the Citv shall proceed to contract with the appropriate artist or artists to acauire or fabricate the work of art. 4. The contract with the artist or artists will be administered bv Communitv and Economic Development Department staff. ^'� {��^�� ,,,*"^-;�^� 0 10 ORDINANCE N0. 5838 , , , �IaFe� ei�her—a3 an in�eg��l�ar� ef ��e ,� + *� * senneE�ie� wi�h wk�ish �he fan�s� �+�� ,+�., �, ,� +� ,. � , C. The One Percent for Art Fund shall not be utilized for maintenance restoration, or repair of the Citv Art Collection, includin� for works of art funded by the One Percent for Arts Pro�ram. „-L. .. .,�+ .-h-,II h., .,1-,�.,.J �.,,J .,,+-.�r.,.J �., +1,,, „ .,.,+ /�0/1 F�..- -, + .-�,.-�.-.,�, ���.,.J IF F.,r �.... ............ �.,.,+.-,.,�F.,.-+., .-���4. F�,.,,d �h-,II 1,., �.,..+.-., + I-. er�rehibi�e� ��-an'-�,'^�er re�;la�ie�-F-ge4e�r��s�s�►�s, �#c���s�c-k� h�, ., .,.J.,.J F.,. � IiL., ., .w.�l.,.- .,��4.1�.. ., i • 2-8-7 CITY ART COLLECTION: A. The Commission shall serve as steward of the Citv Art Collection ("Collection"). It is the resqonsibifity of the Commission to mana�e the Collection by maintainin� an accurate inventorv of works. The Commission shall, on an annual basis, inspect the Collection in order to provide verification to the Mavor 11 ORDINANCE NO. 5838 or desi�nee and Citv Council of the location and condition of all works in the Collection. B. The Commission shall have authoritv to rotate re-site and displav works from the Collection at its discretion, subiect to the requirements of this chapter Meanin�ful access bv the public securitv of the Collection and appropriateness of the location shall be primarv considerations of the Commission. Works from the Collection shall not be located in private offices or other locations not accessible to the public. C. Items in the Collection mav be loaned to nonprofit or public cultural or�anizations or a�encies for exhibition purposes when the exhibition will share the work with new audiences, promote scholarship, or offer new consideration of the work or art or artist. loans shall not be made for commercial purposes. D. The Commission shall maintain a conservation policv from which it mav prepare specifications for a maintenance plan for the Collection. Funds bud�eted to the Commission shall not be used for maintenance of the Collection. Artwork maintenance shall be performed bv the Citv's Facilities Division unless maintenance or restoration of artwork in the Collection requires a level of skill beyond that of Facilities Department personnel,as determined bv the Commission and the Facilities Department. E. Works of art under consideration to be added to the Collection, whether by purchase, creation, �ift, or other means of acquisition shall be evaluated bv 12 ORDINANCE N0. 5838 the Commission as to appropriateness prior to acceptance. Such consideration shall be �uided bv Acquisition Policies as delineated in the Commission bvlaws F. The Commission mav occasionallv find it necessarv to deaccession work or works from the Collection, which shall be done in accordance with Deaccession Policies in the Commission's bvlaws. SECTION II. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of a summary of this ordinance in the City's official newspaper. The summary shall consist of this ordinance's title. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 12th day of June, 2017. i Jason . Seth, t Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 12th day of June, 2017. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: `\���r��"'�'F"R��►,,,��� . .��t F . 1,�4�`��,,,,,,,���,,,,,�tij,�•,,, ,,, � ,� ' ,� ''� Z; , :* _ . ' - = SEAI, = - Shane Moloney, City A torney s s ; .�. ; �= '��0�'�''''����+qnm�������```,9�^���` Date of Publication: 6/16/2017 (summarvl '�����i�R'�rFD SEp�'6�.`���� '''+�N�i��n���a�`�� ORD:1957:5/24/17:scr 13