HomeMy WebLinkAboutKarin Winter 11.16.211 Danielle Marshall From:Karin Winter <karin.nwgsdrescue@hotmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, November 16, 2021 8:15 AM To:Angie Mathias; Chip Vincent; Danielle Marshall Subject:Please help Attachments:Nala.heic Dear Renton Planning Department Members,     I am writing to you with an urgent plea to ask you to PLEASE shut down the Renton Puppyland store and any other retail stores in Renton that sell puppies.  The puppies in these  stores come from puppy mills around the country.      I am with Northwest German Shepherd Rescue.  I hope you'll read the story below about Nala,  a 9 month old puppy purchased at Puppyland in Puyallup.  Our rescue took her in and we feel  the need for people everywhere to read her story.  Nala is just one story, there are  THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of stories out there just like Nala's, all over the US.    ***************************    Rest in Peace, Sweet Nala. The rescue took in sweet Nala last week, after her owner couldn’t afford TPLO surgery. When one of our board members picked up Nala from the owner, she knew right away this wasn’t just a case of a dog needing TPLO surgery. This was a dog in deep distress, with serious neurological issues among many other horrible, medical problems. After several vet visits, scans, tests and visits to a specialist, it was sadly the conclusion that Nala was better off to be free from her painful body that didn’t work. A heartbreaking decision that several responsible people agreed was the only right thing to do. Nala was a baby at only 9 months old. Nala was purchased for $5,000 at Puppyland, a pet store selling dogs from unscrupulous breeders. This particular breeder is widely known to produce litters of genetically abnormal puppies. Puppies who never had a chance at any normal, happy life. These are puppies who are bred strictly for profit. There are so many breeders out there who continue to do this, they churn out puppies is high volumes ignoring the needs of both the mothers and the puppies. Their breeding facilities are typically hell for the dogs. They live in dark, cramped, rusty cages without proper medical care or thousands never even seeing sunlight. Ever. When they no longer are able to produce  CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. 2 more puppies, they are typically killed. There are an estimated 500,000 dogs kept solely in these facilities, purely to produce puppies for profit in the US. And 2.6 MILLION puppies sold in US puppy stores like Puppyland. We share Nala’s story in hopes it reaches a few people who might be considering buying a puppy at a pet store like Puppyland. If you choose to buy a puppy from a breeder, we beg of you to do your homework. A reputable breeder will let you visit their facility, let you ask questions and explain what they are doing to continue this fine, noble breed. They will offer references of previous puppies that have come out of their breeding program. They prioritize the health and well-being of the mothers and the puppies. A reputable breeder doesn't sell their puppies on Craigslist or neighborhood Facebook sites. A responsible, proven breeder typically has a waiting list to purchase one of their dogs. We wouldn’t ordinarily post a petition like the one below, but we are doing so, in memory of Nala. https://www.change.org/p/people-for-the-ethical-treatment-of-animals-peta-shut- down-puppyland-in-washington?fbclid=IwAR2zofOLDrnP- kry05RPFoR9cID_TlAXD_mKFbMSelDPtP6JpkvS8Q8XM6E        I really appreciate both reading this and your consideration in helping to SHUT DOWN THE  RENTON PUPPYLAND!        Most Sincerely        Karin  Northwest German Shepherd Rescue  3 An all‐volunteer 501 (c)(3) non‐profit  www.northwestgermanshepherd.org