HomeMy WebLinkAboutPaula Sardinas 8.18.21FMS Global Strategies, LLC. PO Box 2941 Renton, WA 98059 O: (971) 266-1218 E: info@fmsglobalstrategies.com “We bring people together” Wednesday, July 18, 2021 Danielle Marshall Email: dmarshall@rentonwa.gov Phone: 425-430-7272 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 425-430-6500 Re: D-194 To the Honorable Members of the Renton Planning Commission: First and foremost, thank you for allowing us to speak on this issue. We understand and respect all the effort it takes to hear from constituents, business owners, and elected officials. Our goal is to provide as much of the facts as possible in a respectful manner. As an advocate and lobbyist, we understand policymaking concerns itself with five things: agenda setting, policy formulation, adoption (or decision making), implementation and evaluation. • This commission has done exemplary work in all five areas. As we are now in the policy formulation stage, please allow me to inform you of some pertinent facts: Lobbyists: All sides of this issue have engaged the service of professional lobbyist and advocates. Our registrations are a matter of public records under the RCW. Our clients: The owners of Puppyland/Puppyworld do not now; nor have the ever supported the inhumane or unethical treatment of animals. Our clients have: • Provided written testimony in opposition to this bill and other ordinances. • Connect with constituents and citizens in each community they survived. • Provided emotional support animals and other support to pet-owners; regardless of how they obtained their pets. • Supported veterans suffering from PSTD with acquiring trained service animals for an average cost of $15,000 (to the owners of Puppyland). • Offered lawmakers and commissioners a site tour of their store to assuage concerns. FMS Global Strategies, LLC. PO Box 2941 Renton, WA 98059 O: (971) 266-1218 E: info@fmsglobalstrategies.com “We bring people together” • Offered compliance above what is mandated by the USDA. • Attested to having a direct, personal relationship with their breeders and a strenuous vetting process. • Offered to extend their guarantees—and to pay vet bills and offer a new “furry friend” when a case is well documented; and the loss of a Puppyland pet is due to no fault of the owner. • Offered information regarding the FAQ’s, contracts, and care of their “furry friends”. • Availed themselves to all questions and comments from the media, commissioners, local city councils, Mayors, and the other elected officials. (They are more thorough than most businesses). FMSGS a #BIPOC Governmental Relations Firm has: • Maintained various relationships with rescue agencies in multiples states over 30 years. • Are current members of groups like PETA and the humane society (we have rescue pets in our family). • Scheduled and/or conducted meetings with various elected and county officials of all party affiliations to listen, learn, and act on this issue. • Worked with legislators and local elected officials since 2020 on retail pet sales concerns. • Provided information to the legal challenges concerning “interstate commerce and limiting where owners can source from.” “Several plaintiffs continue to challenge the constitutionality of pet bans”. • Suggested legislation and policies be considered through a lens of equity. o If we were to apply rules and additional regulations; those rules should apply to all stores, agencies, and rescue organizations offering pets; not just those who sale cats and dogs. o Suggested existing owners be grandfathered in; and exempted from new policies. • Swiftly and precisely defended and all activist actions considered “bullying” as we believe Washington is an anti-bullying state. Information for consideration: Seven nuggets 1. The U.S. Bans Importing Dogs From 113 Countries After Rise In False Rabies Records 2. Colorado: Bill to ban puppy and kitten sales from pet stores on hold 3. New York: People United to Promote Pet Integrity 4. New York: Riverhead supervisor hits pause button on proposed bill to regulate pet store animal sales 5. Florida: Orange County pet store owners protest proposed sales ban, say it will cost jobs 6. Pennsylvania AKC: Responsible Choice, consumer protection laws protect pets better than pet store sales bans 7. Maryland: Maryland’s proposed pet-sale ban is barking up the wrong tree FMS Global Strategies, LLC. PO Box 2941 Renton, WA 98059 O: (971) 266-1218 E: info@fmsglobalstrategies.com “We bring people together” Suggestions: • Grandfather in all existing stores; and those who sought a license or permit prior to the adoption of the new rules • New rules and bans, should apply to animal rescue groups, adoption agencies, and “new” pet retail stores. If the ordinances are right for one industry, we want the ethical treatment of all animals. • State laws are typically constitution; we would question whether asking another state to comply with Washington’s RCW is constitutional (which is limited to complying with federal law, i.e., USDA). In closing, as a former citizen of Renton (we now live in Issaquah), we love Renton, the City Council, Planning Commission, and the Mayor. It was where we chose to have our home when we relocated to Washington state. Our kids graduated from Liberty High School. Unlike those who are emailing and advocating from Seattle, Olympia, Kent, and other cities, we lived and paid taxes in this beautiful city. We thank you for your consideration as a Planning Council and very much look forward to continuing to work with all of you. In respect and community, Paula F. Sardinas, August 18, 2021 ___________________ President & CEO FMS Global Strategies