HomeMy WebLinkAboutSue Morrison 8.19.211 Danielle Marshall From:Jeffrey Morrison <jeffreybsl82@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, August 19, 2021 11:35 AM To:Council; Danielle Marshall Subject:Puppyland and Puppy Mills Renton WA Greetings Danielle. Please share this with the entire Commission, I want to voice my concern re: Puppyland to again start selling puppies, who will most likely be from Puppy Mills. I have been an advocate for saving dogs on death row since 2009 when I stepped in to stop my now 14 year old dog from being euthanized. The more I learned about how many dogs, (perfectly good dogs at no fault of their own) are euthanized or gassed by the masses is astonishing. Just in CA alone over 400 dogs A DAY due to irresponsible breeders, and selfish owners fill shelters and City dog pounds are killed purely due to space. TX and AZ are just as bad if not worse. All US States have crowded animal shelter problems. I know several Dog rescues who transport up as many dogs as possible to save a life, and give a 'few' of those dogs a second chance at a life. But this is not enough. Puppy mills can be very incognito on how they operate. 1. They only care about the $Money they will get from the constant breeding of their poor female mother dogs. 2. Most puppies are torn from the mother much too early for them to truly get the correct nutrients to really become a healthy dog. Why are they torn so early? SO the mother will stop producing milk so they can impregnate her again= another litter as soon as possible to get as much Money out of this poor creature. 3. After a life of hell in wire cages, filth and pains from never stepping on a lawn or cuddling on a couch with a human family they are literally 'disposed of , YES disposed of, usually just thrown away in the trash. Hence story lines, "I say this dog in the dumpster, looked like she just gave birth" The poor dog is even too weak to cry out as her body has been a puppy machine and is truly in pain. 4. The Puppy Mill front: Puppy mills are rarely visible. Usually in a back countryside where neighbors can't hear the cries for help, smell the feces/urine covered area. These con artists then take a litter of puppies to one of their partners who seems to have a 'nice' house, in an assumed 'nice' neighborhood and make it look like a healthy Male and Female dog are the parents. Most people view this as 'This seems such a legit place and they care so much for the dogs and puppies'. Puppyland would bypass this part and just have the mills delivered to the store. DOGS ARE living beings not shoes to try on and put back on the shelf. A puppy at a store is fondled, and not properly healthy sitting in a cage or a window storefront. But oh they look so cute- The cuteness will wear out when the vet bills roll in. Why is my dog coughing up blood, why are the back joints so stiff when she is only 2? These are two of MANY deadly effects from over breeding. Each litter from a Female dog is less and less healthy as DOGS WERE not meant to be baby/puppy machines. I ask you to have an open heart and get a clear conscience to do the right thing and not allow PUPPYLAND to be able to offer to sell puppies. Go to petfinder.com and see all the dogs awaiting a forever home. When you have witnessed (as I have) a crowded shelter of perfectly good healthy dogs from owners who disposed of them, moved, divorced, or unfortunately didn't know a dog would "need so much time"; on D-day where if they are not adopted in a few hours they are killed. And then gassed in the masses because there are just too many of them to humanely put down. When you see the dumpster of puppies, Golden retrievers, Terriers, Chihuahuas, Spaniels and Labs CAUTION: This email originated from outside the City of Renton. Do not click links, reply or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. 2 all gassed-dead- tongue out eyes rolled back as they await the garbage truck to dispose of them------YOU TOO will feel as strongly as I do to stand up for these innocent dogs used in puppy mills. I truly appreciate your time and acceptance of this letter. I will humbly appreciate your support to do the right thing. Thank you. Sincerely Sue Morrison sumatrasue@gmail.com WA State resident entire life over 50 years. Please keep WA State free of Puppy Mills.