HomeMy WebLinkAboutPaula Sardinas FMSGS Letter D-194 Opposition 04202022_AttachmentsPROMISES Leaders from the Seattle Humane, the largest non-profit animal shelter in Puget Sound, campaigned over the past decade to build a $30 million facility, and promised to take in more at-risk animals and coordinate more adoptions. Since the opening of the new lavish shelter, Seattle Humane was coordinating fewer adoptions than smaller nonprofit shelters. B ro ke n Seattle Humane’s decline stood out with a 64% drop in intakes, twice as steep a drop as other shelters across Washington. More than 30 current and former staffers and volunteers described a nonprofit plagued by chaotic policies and a toxic work environment. The shelter’s decision to euthanize a dog with minimal notice to staff or volunteers ended with the resignation of the CEO, 13 days after the dog’s death. Despite Seattle Humane’s financial advantage and its spacious shelter, its tally of animal intakes and adoptions was a fraction of those accomplished by smaller shelters in the region at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Giving only two hours’ notice to volunteers and staff, the shelter euthanized a sweet and loving 7-yr old lab named Trudeau. Seattle Humane advertises its lifesaving rate as “one of the highest the country,” but figures the nonprofit reports to Shelter Animals Count don’t align with internal reports. Last year, the shelter euthanized 51 cats and dogs, according to internal reports, but it reported 36 externally. “Such a dysfunctional place. They misrepresent themselves to the general public.” “If you raise an option that goes against a certain group of individuals, it becomes unbearable.” “I constantly watched how young, adoptable dogs deteriorated, to the point that we started having euthanasia talks about them when we could have started training them months before.” Today, consumers have a choice where they can adopt or purchase their "forever furry friend." We advocate for choice, non-racially biased and cruelty- free adoptions. Consumers who are tech-savvy enough to send emails to advocate a cause-- we believe are also smart enough to research interest rates, breeder information, and make informed decisions about how and where to purchase or adopt their pets. Unfortunately-- not all advocates hold Washington consumers in the same esteem. Some believe "they know best" and that consumers need to be told "where they can get a puppy with little to no regard for data or facts. This is a dangerous ideology that seeks only to reward those who tend to be "older, white, and with homes (even though we know homeownership is a problem for the BIPOC community) to adopt a pet. These requirements have been proven to have a disparate impact on communities of color and could be problematic for some disabled veterans. If the proposed ordinance and restrictions are genuinely about the animal's well-being, they should be applied to pet adoptions agencies, not just retail pet stores. Let's treat all animal agencies the same. Professional pet stores, like Puppyland, only get their puppies from licensed and experienced breeders that love what they do and have clean inspection reports. All breeders must be willing to participate in OFA health testing. They are helping to ensure to customers, and the general public, that their choice of breeders is reputable and top-of-the-line! All puppies are vet checked, microchipped, and vaccinated before entering the store. IS THAT PUPPY IN THE PARKING LOT? how much "Passing poorly constructedordinances that limit safe consumerchoices will not save these sweetpuppies." I T W I L L C R E A T E A M AR K E T F OR T H E S E P E O P L E TO S E L L 'S I C K P U P P I E S ' IN "S A F E W A Y , F R E D M E YER , A N D O T HER P A R K I N G L O T S T O C O N S UMER S I N Y O U R C O M M U N IT Y; WE W IL L MA K E S UR E Y OU R C O N S T I T UEN T S K N O W T H I S IS W H A T "Y O U " C H OS E . FMS Global Strategies, LLC. PO Box 2941 Renton, WA 98059 O: (971) 266-1218 E: info@fmsglobalstrategies.com “We bring people together” Wednesday, April 20, 2022 Danielle Marshall Email: dmarshall@rentonwa.gov Phone: 425-430-7272 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Re: D-194- Retail Pet Sales Proposed Ordinance To the Honorable Members of the Renton Planning Commission: Over the past seven-months, we have advocated openly and honestly before the planning commission. The goal has always been to provide facts about legal pet adoptions and retail pet sales. Our policy argument has been based on four facts: • The recently enacted RCW statutes on pet shop sales which, as a matter of Constitutional law, are supreme and occupy the field. • HB/1424 grandfathers in the Renton store and we believe this ordinance may constitute torturous interference and a violation of the law. • Puppyland is not a Puppy Mill, and the Renton Planning Commission lacks the jurisdiction to “serendipitously” make such an assumption, with most members having never even visited the Renton store. • Outwardly it appears the Renton Planning Commission is not acting in “good faith” and has instead elected to act as an arm of a “left-wing” fringe group, engaged to write policy that does not best serve the constituency. (City Attorney’s Comments at the last meeting) As you consider this issue, we’d like to address something that was brought our attention: Emails and Decorum: We respect the Planning Commission, City Council, and the mayor. As advocates, customers, and owners, those we work with do not engage in threats. We unequivocally denounce such reprehensible behavior. As Justice Ginsburg exemplified, you will make more of an impact on the world if you can learn to "disagree without being disagreeable." FMS Global Strategies, LLC. PO Box 2941 Renton, WA 98059 O: (971) 266-1218 E: info@fmsglobalstrategies.com “We bring people together” As public records will show—the conduct of the opposing side can only be classified as repressible and at times inflammatory. Their falsehoods go unchallenged and unchecked by the planning commission. Lobbyists: So much is being made about the fact that we are lobbyists. To be clear, I’m one of less than five PDC registered black lobbyist in the state of Washington. All sides of this issue have engaged the service of professional lobbyists and advocates. Our registrations are a matter of public records under the RCW. Our side is happy to disclose this, we ask Bailing out Benji do the same (rather than ambushing us in public meetings). Here is more information about the causes we advocate for, many benefit small businesses and communities of color. Below is a summary of the work: • Washington Senate hearing on insurance credit scoring bill shows no easy solution • https://www.fmsglobalstrategies.com/wbba • Demonstration shows how state’s transportation system can go electric • Paula Sardinas’ Effort to Help BIPOC Communities • Environmental Justice: Washington Leading on Climate Action • Statewide Renter Protections are on the Way • New Washington law will help people of color get into the marijuana industry We are very proud to be SMEs in 22 distinct policy areas. Much like elected and appointed officials, we recognized a need for more diversity in public policy. Our goal is to educate, advocate, and allow the facts not emotions to dictate our policy positions. We are proud to support small businesses and workers’ rights. Our clients: The owners of Puppyland/Puppyworld do not now; nor have the ever supported the inhumane or unethical treatment of animals. We have actively participated in the regulatory process. Our clients have: 1. Invited and offered lawmakers and commissioners a site tour of their store to assuage concerns. 2. Availed themselves to all questions and comments from the media, commissioners, local city councils, Mayors, and the other elected officials. (They are more thorough than most businesses). 3. Provided an answer to all Commissioners questions concerning JAKS. 4. Understand retail sales contracts fall under the purview of the Washington State DFI. 5. Provided written testimony in opposition to this bill and other ordinances. 6. Connected with constituents and citizens in each community they serve. FMS Global Strategies, LLC. PO Box 2941 Renton, WA 98059 O: (971) 266-1218 E: info@fmsglobalstrategies.com “We bring people together” 7. Conducted community resource drives to help those in need. 8. Supported veterans suffering from PSTD with acquiring trained service animals for an average cost of $15,000 (to the owners of Puppyland). 9. Help both able-bodied and those with exceptional needs, find their furry friends. 10. Provided vet notes for the allegations made by a pet owner in an earlier hearing. 11. Offered compliance above what is mandated by the USDA. 12. Attested to having a direct, personal relationship with their breeders and a strenuous vetting process. 13. Offered to extend their guarantees—and to pay vet bills and offer a new “furry friend” when a case is well documented; and the loss of a Puppyland pet is due to no fault of the owner. 14. Offered information regarding the FAQ’s, contracts, and care of their “furry friends”. 15. Puppyland has had their stores vandalized and been subject to hate mail. It’s a matter of public record and was provided in conjunction with the testimony on HB/1424. 16. Our clients do not pay their staff to testify. They testify voluntarily. What the other side is NOT saying: So much of the argument is emotional and personal attacks. Let’s get back to the facts: It’s very hard to adopt a puppy, and some groups have a more difficult time than others. By limiting and banning the sales, you unjustly impact members of the diverse community. Never has the opposition disputed these facts. • UF: What we’re reading about diversity and equity in animal welfare • Time to Rescue the Rescue Dog Industry? - The Regulatory ... • New York Times: Everyone Wants a Rescue Dog—Not Everyone Can Have One. • The Cut: Why Adopting a Rescue Dog Is So Hard Right Now • NBC News: How to Ace Your Pet Rescue Application (really?) • Issaquah, WA: Class- and Race-based Biases as Barriers to Pet Adoption FMS Global Strategies, LLC. PO Box 2941 Renton, WA 98059 O: (971) 266-1218 E: info@fmsglobalstrategies.com “We bring people together” Progressive Leasing will pay $175 million to settle FTC charges that it misled consumers Consumer Protection Cases: If consumer protection were the issue here, there are far more egregious instances of retail leasing concerns in your community. Progressive leasing has been fined millions for charging over 100% interest rates at retailers like Big Lots (Renton), Lowes (Renton), Best Buy (Tukwila), and other retailers in your community on various appliances, and electronics, computers, and home goods. Yet, you have done nothing to reign in these outrageous costs. Consumer surveys indicate your constituents purchased more appliances, electronics, and home goods than puppies. Progressive leasing offers a Rent-to-own program at more than 30,000 stores by such brands as Best Buy, Lowe’s, Big Lots, and Kay Jewelers in many states like Washington. “In a complaint filed Monday, the regulator said Progressive Leasing led consumers to believe they would not be charged a premium for financing purchases with the program. The complaint says, many consumers ended up paying more than double the ticket price for furniture, appliances, jewelry, and other purchases. The complaint alleges that Progressive Leasing continued to “employ the same practices to lure consumers despite tens of thousands of customer complaints.” Because we are tasked with reviewing all policies through the lens of equity, it was important for our team to share these facts. Suggestions: • Grandfather in all existing stores; and those who sought a license or permit prior to the adoption of the new rules. • New rules and bans should apply to animal rescue groups, adoption agencies, and “new” pet retail stores. If the ordinances are right for one industry, we want the ethical treatment of all animals. • State laws are typically constitution; we would question whether asking another state to comply with Washington’s RCW is constitutional (which is limited to complying with federal law, i.e., USDA). In closing, as a former citizen of Renton (we now live in Issaquah), we love Renton, the City Council, Planning Commission, and the mayor. It was where we chose to have our home when we relocated to Washington state. Our kids graduated from Liberty High School. Unlike those who are emailing and advocating from Seattle, Olympia, Kent, and other cities, we lived and paid taxes in this beautiful city. FMS Global Strategies, LLC. PO Box 2941 Renton, WA 98059 O: (971) 266-1218 E: info@fmsglobalstrategies.com “We bring people together” We thank you for your consideration as a Planning Council and very much look forward to continuing to work with all of you. What we would caution is this, elected officials should not give in to bullying tactics, spam emails, or fringe groups attempting to write ordinances. We believe that the passage of this ordinance will in fact make the sale of puppies much less safe and your constituents will be informed that your actions culminated in that degradation. Our final recommendation is a – DO NOT PASS and that Puppyland seek litigation against the Renton Planning Commission and each Commissioner, should they pass this ordinance. In respect and community, Paula F. Sardinas, April 20, 2022, | paulasardinas@fmsglobalstrategies.com Cellphone| 206-823-9344 ___________________ President & CEO FMS Global Strategies