HomeMy WebLinkAboutConcrete mix design - street panelsDOT Form 350-040 Revised 01/2020 Distribution: Original - ContractorCopies To - State Materials Lab - Structural Materials Eng. ; Regional Materials Lab; Project Inspector Concrete Mix Design Contractor Submitted By Date Concrete Supplier Plant Location Contract Number Contract Name This mix is to be used in the following Bid Item No(s): Concrete Class: Remarks Mix Design No. Plant No. Cementitious Materials Source Plant Type, Class or Grade Sp. Gr. Lbs/cy Cement Fly Ash a F C Alkali % GGBFS (Slag) a 100 120 Concrete Admixtures Manufacturer Product Est. Range (oz/cy) Air Entrainment Water (Maximum) lbs/cy Is any of the water Recycled or Reclaimed? Yesd No Water Cementitious Ratio (Maximum) Mix Design Density (pcf) Design Performance (Attach Test Data) Average 28-day compressive strength (psi) Average 14-day flexural strength (psi) (Concrete Pavement Only) Concrete Chloride Ion Content (% by mass of cement) Water Soluble Acid Soluble Agency Use Only (Check appropriate Box) This Mix Design MEETS CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS and may be used on the bid items noted above This Mix Design DOES NOT MEET CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS and is being returned for corrections Reviewed By: PE Signature Date DOT Form 350-040 Revised 01/2020 Distribution: Original - ContractorCopies To - State Materials Lab - Structural Materials Eng. ; Regional Materials Lab; Project Inspector Mix Design No. Plant No. Aggregate Gradation AASHTO Combined Nominal Maximum Size (In) Aggregates 1 2 3 4 5 Total WSDOT Source No. b Source Expiration Date b ASR Expansion (%) b 14 Day 1 Year Is ASR Mitigation Required? Stock Pile Grading c Percent of Total Aggregate Specific Gravity (SSD) Lbs/cy (ssd) Include Percent Passing for each aggregate component. Include Total only for Combined Gradations. Percent Passing Total 2 inch 1-1/2 inch 1 inch 3/4 inch 1/2 inch 3/8 inch No. 4 No. 8 No. 16 No. 30 No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 Fineness Modulus: (Required for Class 2 Sand) Proposed ASR Mitigation Method: Notes: a Fly ash or GGBFS is required for Class 4000P mix. b Enter data from WSDOT ASA Database. ASR Mitigation is required for sources with 14-day expansions greater than 0.20%. No mitigation is required if the 1-year expansion is less than 0.04%. Proposed mitigation methods for 14-day expansions greater than 0.45% require ASTM C 1567 tests proving that the method is effective. See WSDOT Standard Specification 9-03.1. c Stockpile gradation: AASHTO No. 467, 57, 67, 7, 8; WSDOT Class 1, Class 2; or combined gradation stockpile sizes. See WSDOT Standard Specification 9-03.1. d Attach test results indicating conformance to Standard Specification 9-25.1. Concrete Cylinder Report Concrete Mix ID:153K24HA ACI 318 Performance Approval - 28 Days Spec'd Strength:6,000 Modification Factor:1.080 Number of Tests:20 Standard Deviation:627 Average Range(PSI):0 Fcr= Fc + 1.33(s):6,834 Standard Deviation:580 Fcr= Fc + 2.33(s) - 500:6,960 Coefficient of Variation, V:6.5% Within-Test Std Dev(PSI):0 Within-Test Coeff. of Var.0.0%Average 0.87 0.7%12 19 5,820 7,860 240 Batch-to-Batch Std Dev (PSI):580 Max:7.00 5.4%85 80 7,130 8,910 3,680 Batch-to-Batch Coeff. of Var.6.5%Min:0.00 0.0%0 0 4,850 7,080 0 Date Slump Air CT AT 7 Day 28 Day 1 Day 1 05/22/19 7.00 5.4%78 62 7,410 3,680 2 05/20/19 6.25 5.0%75 56 7,770 3,600 3 05/23/19 3.50 3.0%85 80 5,440 7,100 0 4 05/12/19 5.50 3.5%66 48 7,020 8,880 0 5 04/21/19 3.75 4.4%67 57 5,170 8,470 0 6 11/08/18 0.00 0.0%0 0 5,780 7,680 0 7 10/04/18 0.00 0.0%0 0 6,830 8,910 0 8 09/26/18 0.00 0.0%0 0 5,440 7,770 0 9 09/16/18 0.00 0.0%0 0 4,850 7,080 0 10 08/11/18 0.00 0.0%0 0 5,580 7,730 0 11 07/25/18 0.00 0.0%0 0 5,140 7,110 0 12 07/14/18 0.00 0.0%0 0 6,030 8,110 0 13 07/06/18 0.00 0.0%0 0 5,120 7,430 0 14 06/17/18 0.00 0.0%0 0 6,360 8,550 0 15 06/08/18 0.00 0.0%0 0 5,950 7,430 0 16 06/08/18 0.00 0.0%0 0 7,130 8,630 0 17 06/08/18 0.00 0.0%0 0 5,950 8,100 0 18 05/31/18 0.00 0.0%0 0 5,440 7,720 0 19 05/20/18 0.00 0.0%0 0 5,750 7,330 0 20 05/20/18 0.00 0.0%0 0 5,750 7,950 0 21 01/00/00 0.00 0.0%0 0 0 22 01/00/00 0.00 0.0%0 0 0 23 01/00/00 0.00 0.0%0 0 0 24 01/00/00 0.00 0.0%0 0 0 25 01/00/00 0.00 0.0%0 0 0 26 01/00/00 0.00 0.0%0 0 0 27 01/00/00 0.00 0.0%0 0 0 28 01/00/00 0.00 0.0%0 0 0 29 01/00/00 0.00 0.0%0 0 0 30 01/00/00 0.00 0.0%0 0 0 Customer / Plant:Comments: Mix ID / Number: Application: MIX INGREDIENT AMOUNT (lb/yd3) CHLORIDE ION CONTENT (% by Mass) CHLORIDE ION CONTRIBUTION (lb/yd3) CEMENT 752 0.0050 0.0376 FLY ASH 141 0.0010 0.0014 SILICA FUME (RHEOMAC SF 100) SLAG CEMENT FINE AGGREGATE 1130 0.0025 0.0283 COARSE AGGREGATE #1 1690 0.0025 0.0423 COARSE AGGREGATE #2 0.0025 WATER 267 4.9 (ppm)0.0013 ADMIXTURE TYPE PRODUCT NAME DOSAGE CHLORIDE ION CONTRIBUTION (lb/yd3) AIR-ENTRAINER:MB AE 90 1.00 (fl oz/cwt)0.0006 ACCELERATOR (fl oz/cwt) RETARDER:(fl oz/cwt) WATER REDUCER:(fl oz/cwt) MID-RANGE WR:POLYHEED 997 6.0 (fl oz/cwt)0.0067 HIGH-RANGE WR:GLENIUM 7500 6.0 (fl oz/cwt)0.0092 WORKABILITY RETAINER:(fl oz/cwt) VISCOSITY MODIFIER:(fl oz/cwt) ASR INHIBITOR:(gal/yd3) CORROSION INHIBITOR:(gal/yd3) SHRINKAGE REDUCER:(gal/yd3) COLOR:(lb/cwt) WATERPROOFING:(lb/cwt) TOTAL CHLORIDE ION CONTENT OF CONCRETE (lb/yd3) = 0.127 CHLORIDE ION CONTENT (% of Concrete) =0.003 W-S CHLORIDE ION CONTENT (% of Cement) =0.014 W-S CHLORIDE ION CONTENT (% of Total Cementitious Materials) =0.011 CHLORIDE ION CONTENT ESTIMATOR OUTPUT 154K24HA Features „„Ready-to-use in the proper concentration for rapid, accurate dispensing Benefits „„Improved resistance to damage from cyclic freezing and thawing „„Improved resistance to scaling from deicing salts „„Improved plasticity and workability „„Reduced permeability – increased watertightness „„Reduced segregation and bleeding Performance Characteristics Concrete durability research has established that the best protection for concrete from the adverse effects of freezing and thawing cycles and deicing salts results from: proper air content in the hardened concrete, a suitable air-void system in terms of bubble size and spacing, and adequate concrete strength, assuming the use of sound aggregates and proper mixing, transporting, placing, consolidation, finishing and curing techniques. MasterAir AE 90 admixture can be used to obtain adequate freeze-thaw durability in a properly proportioned concrete mixture, if standard industry practices are followed. Air Content Determination: The total air content of normal weight concrete should be measured in strict accordance with ASTM C 231, “Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method” or ASTM C 173/C 173M, “Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method.” The air content of lightweight concrete should only be determined using the Volumetric Method. The air content should be verified by calculating the gravimetric air content in accordance with ASTM C 138/C 138M, “Standard Test Method for Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete.” If the total air content, as measured by the Pressure Method or Volumetric Method and as verified by the Gravimetric Method, deviates by more than 1.5%, the cause should be determined and corrected through equipment calibration or by whatever process is deemed necessary. Description MasterAir AE 90 air- entraining admixture is for use in concrete mixtures. It meets the requirements of ASTM C 260, AASHTO M 154 and CRD-C 13. Applications Recommended for use in: „„Concrete exposed to cyclic freezing and thawing „„Production of high-quality normal or lightweight concrete (heavyweight concrete normally does not contain entrained air) MasterAir® AE 90 Air-Entraining Admixture Formerly MB-AE 90* 3 03 30 00 Cast-in-Place Concrete 03 40 00 Precast Concrete 03 70 00 Mass Concrete Technical Data Sheet BASF CorporationAdmixture Systems www.master-builders-solutions.basf.us page 2 of 3 Guidelines for Use Dosage: There is no standard dosage for MasterAir AE 90 admixture. The exact quantity of air-entraining admixture needed for a given air content of concrete varies because of differences in concrete-making materials and ambient conditions. Typical factors that might influence the amount of air entrained include: temperature, cementitious materials, sand gradation, sand- aggregate ratio, mixture proportions, slump, means of conveying and placement, consolidation and finishing technique. The amount of MasterAir AE 90 admixture used will depend upon the amount of entrained air required under actual job conditions. In a trial mixture, use 0.25 to 4 fl oz/cwt (16-260 mL/100 kg) of cementitious material. Measure the air content of the trial mixture, and, if needed, either increase or decrease the quantity of MasterAir AE 90 admixture to obtain the desired air content. In mixtures containing water-reducing or set-control admixtures, the amount of MasterAir AE 90 admixture needed may be somewhat less than the amount required in plain concrete. Due to possible changes in the factors that can affect the dosage of MasterAir AE 90 admixture, frequent air content checks should be made during the course of the work. Adjustments to the dosage should be based on the amount of entrained air required in the mixture at the point of placement. If an unusually high or low dosage of MasterAir AE 90 admixture is required to obtain the desired air content, consult your local sales representative. In such cases, it may be necessary to determine that, in addition to a proper air content in the fresh concrete, a suitable air-void system is achieved in the hardened concrete. Dispensing and Mixing: Add MasterAir AE 90 admixture to the concrete mixture using a dispenser designed for air-entraining admixtures, or add manually using a suitable measuring device that ensures accuracy within plus or minus 3% of the required amount. For optimum, consistent performance, the air-entraining admixture should be dispensed on damp, fine aggregate. If the concrete mixture contains fine lightweight aggregate, field evaluations should be conducted to determine the best method to dispense the air-entraining admixture. Precaution In a 2005 publication from the Portland Cement Association (PCA R&D Serial No. 2789), it was reported that problematic air-void clustering that can potentially lead to above normal decreases in strength was found to coincide with late additions of water to air-entrained concretes. Late additions of water include the conventional practice of holding back water during batching for addition at the jobsite. Therefore, caution should be exercised with delayed additions of water to air-entrained concrete. Furthermore, an air content check should be performed after post-batching addition of any other materials to an air-entrained concrete mixture. Product Notes Corrosivity – Non-Chloride, Non-Corrosive: MasterAir AE 90 admixture will neither initiate nor promote corrosion of reinforcing and prestressing steel embedded in concrete, or of galvanized floor and roof systems. No calcium chloride or other chloride-based ingredients are used in the manufacture of this admixture. Compatibility: MasterAir AE 90 admixture may be used in combination with any BASF admixture, unless stated otherwise on the data sheet for the other product. When used in conjunction with other admixtures, each admixture must be dispensed separately into the concrete mixture. Storage and Handling Storage Temperature: MasterAir AE 90 admixture should be stored and dispensed at 31 °F (-0.5 °C) or higher. Although freezing does not harm this product, precautions should be taken to protect it from freezing. If MasterAir AE 90 admixture freezes, thaw at 35 °F (2 °C) or above and completely reconstitute by mild mechanical agitation. Do not use pressurized air for agitation. Shelf Life: MasterAir AE 90 admixture has a minimum shelf life of 18 months. Depending on storage conditions, the shelf life may be greater than stated. Please contact your local sales representative regarding suitability for use and dosage recommendations if the shelf life of MasterAir AE 90 admixture has been exceeded. Safety: Chemical goggles and gloves are recommended when transferring or handling this material. MasterAir AE 90 Technical Data Sheet Packaging MasterAir AE 90 admixture is supplied in 55 gal (208 L) drums, 275 gal (1040 L) totes and by bulk delivery. Related Documents Safety Data Sheets: MasterAir AE 90 admixture Additional Information For additional information on MasterAir AE 90 admixture, or its use in developing a concrete mixture with special peformance characteristics, contact your local sales representative. The Admixture Systems business of BASF’s Construction Chemicals division is the leading provider of solutions that improve placement, pumping, finishing, appearance and performance characteristics of specialty concrete used in the ready-mixed, precast, manufactured concrete products, underground construction and paving markets. For over 100 years we have offered reliable products and innovative technologies, and through the Master Builders Solutions brand, we are connected globally with experts from many fields to provide sustainable solutions for the construction industry. Limited Warranty Notice BASF warrants this product to be free from manufacturing defects and to meet the technical properties on the current Technical Data Guide, if used as directed within shelf life. Satisfactory results depend not only on quality products but also upon many factors beyond our control. BASF MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO ITS PRODUCTS. The sole and exclusive remedy of Purchaser for any claim concerning this product, including but not limited to, claims alleging breach of warranty, negligence, strict liability or otherwise, is shipment to purchaser of product equal to the amount of product that fails to meet this warranty or refund of the original purchase price of product that fails to meet this warranty, at the sole option of BASF. Any claims concerning this product must be received in writing within one (1) year from the date of shipment and any claims not presented within that period are waived by Purchaser. BASF WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS) OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES OF ANY KIND. Purchaser must determine the suitability of the products for the intended use and assumes all risks and liabilities in connection therewith. This information and all further technical advice are based on BASF’s present knowledge and experience. However, BASF assumes no liability for providing such information and advice including the extent to which such information and advice may relate to existing third party intellectual property rights, especially patent rights, nor shall any legal relationship be created by or arise from the provision of such information and advice. BASF reserves the right to make any changes according to technological progress or further developments. The Purchaser of the Product(s) must test the product(s) for suitability for the intended application and purpose before proceeding with a full application of the product(s). Performance of the product described herein should be verified by testing and carried out by qualified experts. MasterAir AE 90 * MB-AE 90 became MasterAir AE 90 under the Master Builders Solutions brand, effective January 1, 2014. © BASF Corporation 2015 „ 01/15 „ PRE-DAT-0013 BASF CorporationAdmixture Systems www.master-builders-solutions.basf.us United States 23700 Chagrin Boulevard Cleveland, Ohio 44122-5544 Tel: 800 628-9990 „ Fax: 216 839-8821 Canada 1800 Clark Boulevard Brampton, Ontario L6T 4M7 Tel: 800 387-5862 „ Fax: 905 792-0651 page 3 of 3 Features „„True mid-range water reduction (5-15%) and excellent performance across a wide slump range, especially the difficult slump range of 5-8 in. (125-200 mm) „„Superior workability, pumpability and finishability qualities even in concrete mixtures containing low amounts of cementitious materials „„Superior finishing characteristics for residential/commercial flatwork and formed surfaces Benefits „„Significantly reduced placement and finishing time resulting in lower in-place concrete costs „„Higher strength at all ages „„Enhanced concrete durability „„Increased service life of concrete structures Performance Characteristics Mixture Data: 500 lb/yd3 (295 kg/m3) of Type I cement; slump 6-7 in. (150-180 mm); 5-6% air; concrete temperature 70 °F (21 °C); ambient temperature, 70 °F (21 °C). Setting Time Performance1 Initial Set Difference Mixture (h:min) (h:min) Reference 6:01 — MasterPolyheed 997 admixture @ 5 fl oz/cwt (325 mL/100 kg) 6:22 +0:21 10 fl oz/cwt (650 mL/100 kg) 6:57 +0:56 15 fl oz/cwt (980 mL/100 kg) 7:31 +1:30 Description MasterPolyheed 997 admixture is a patented multi-component, mid- range water-reducing admixture. MasterPolyheed 997 admixture meets ASTM C 494/C 494M requirements for Type A, water-reducing, and Type F, high-range water-reducing, admixtures. Applications Recommended for use in: „„All concrete applications where superior workability, pumpability and finishability qualities are desired, in particular, flatwork, pumped concrete and pervious concrete „„Concrete containing manufactured sand and harsh concrete mixtures MasterPolyheed® 997 Mid-Range Water-Reducing Admixture Formerly PolyHeed 997* 3 03 30 00 Cast-in-Place Concrete 03 40 00 Precast Concrete 03 70 00 Mass Concrete BASF CorporationAdmixture Systems www.master-builders-solutions.basf.us page 2 of 3 Technical Data Sheet Compressive Strength, psi (MPa) Mixture 7-Day 28-Day Plain 2360 (16.3) 3320 (22.9) MasterPolyheed 997 admixture @ 5 fl oz/cwt (325 mL/100 kg) 3060 (21.1) 3930 (27.1) 10 fl oz/cwt (650 mL/100 kg) 3740 (25.8) 4610 (31.8) 15 fl oz/cwt (980 mL/100 kg) 4620 (31.9) 5460 (37.7) 1Note: The data shown are based on controlled laboratory tests. Reasonable variations from the results shown here may be experienced as a result of differences in concrete making materials and jobsite conditions. Guidelines for Use Dosage: MasterPolyheed 997 admixture has a recommended dosage range of 3-15 fl oz /cwt (195-980 mL/100 kg) of cementitious material for most concrete mixes. As the dosage of MasterPolyheed 997 admixture increases to 15 fl oz/cwt (980 mL/100 kg) of cementitious materials, normal concrete setting characteristics are maintained and early and ultimate compressive strengths increase. BASF does not recommend the use of dosages outside the recommended range without trial testing. Consult your local sales representative for assistance in determining the dosage for optimum performance. Product Notes Corrosivity – Non-Chloride, Non-Corrosive: MasterPolyheed 997 admixture will neither initiate nor promote corrosion of reinforcing or prestressing steel embedded in concrete, or of galvanized steel floor and roof systems. MasterPolyheed 997 admixture does not contain intentionally added calcium chloride or other chloride-based ingredients. Compatibility: MasterPolyheed 997 admixture may be used in combination with any BASF admixtures. When used in conjunction with other admixtures, each admixture must be dispensed separately into the concrete mixture. Storage and Handling Storage Temperature: If MasterPolyheed 997 admixture freezes, thaw at 35 °F (2 °C) or above and completely reconstitute by mild mechanical agitation. Do not use pressurized air for agitation. Shelf Life: MasterPolyheed 997 admixture has a minimum shelf life of 18 months. Depending on storage conditions, the shelf life may be greater than stated. Please contact your local sales representative regarding suitability for use and dosage recommendations if the shelf life of MasterPolyheed 997 admixture has been exceeded. Packaging MasterPolyheed 997 admixture is supplied in 55 gal (208 L) drums, 275 gal (1040 L) totes and by bulk delivery. Related Documents Safety Data Sheets: MasterPolyheed 997 admixture Additional Information For additional information on MasterPolyheed 997 admixture or its use in developing concrete mixtures with special performance characteristics, contact your local sales representative. The Admixture Systems business of BASF’s Construction Chemicals division is the leading provider of solutions that improve placement, pumping, finishing, appearance and performance characteristics of specialty concrete used in the ready-mixed, precast, manufactured concrete products, underground construction and paving markets. For over 100 years we have offered reliable products and innovative technologies, and through the Master Builders Solutions brand, we are connected globally with experts from many fields to provide sustainable solutions for the construction industry. MasterPolyheed 997 Technical Data Sheet * Polyheed 997 became MasterPolyheed 997 under the Master Builders Solutions brand, effective January 1, 2014. © BASF Corporation 2015 „ 01/15 „ PRE-DAT-0060 BASF CorporationAdmixture Systems www.master-builders-solutions.basf.us United States 23700 Chagrin Boulevard Cleveland, Ohio 44122-5544 Tel: 800 628-9990 „ Fax: 216 839-8821 Canada 1800 Clark Boulevard Brampton, Ontario L6T 4M7 Tel: 800 387-5862 „ Fax: 905 792-0651 page 3 of 3 MasterPolyheed 997 Limited Warranty Notice BASF warrants this product to be free from manufacturing defects and to meet the technical properties on the current Technical Data Guide, if used as directed within shelf life. Satisfactory results depend not only on quality products but also upon many factors beyond our control. BASF MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO ITS PRODUCTS. The sole and exclusive remedy of Purchaser for any claim concerning this product, including but not limited to, claims alleging breach of warranty, negligence, strict liability or otherwise, is shipment to purchaser of product equal to the amount of product that fails to meet this warranty or refund of the original purchase price of product that fails to meet this warranty, at the sole option of BASF. Any claims concerning this product must be received in writing within one (1) year from the date of shipment and any claims not presented within that period are waived by Purchaser. BASF WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS) OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES OF ANY KIND. Purchaser must determine the suitability of the products for the intended use and assumes all risks and liabilities in connection therewith. This information and all further technical advice are based on BASF’s present knowledge and experience. However, BASF assumes no liability for providing such information and advice including the extent to which such information and advice may relate to existing third party intellectual property rights, especially patent rights, nor shall any legal relationship be created by or arise from the provision of such information and advice. BASF reserves the right to make any changes according to technological progress or further developments. The Purchaser of the Product(s) must test the product(s) for suitability for the intended application and purpose before proceeding with a full application of the product(s). Performance of the product described herein should be verified by testing and carried out by qualified experts. CONSTRUCTION TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 400 Valley Ave N.E., Suite 102, Puyallup, WA 98372 Tel # 253-383-8778 / Fax # 253-770-8232 website: www.ctlwa.com MISC. LABORATORY TEST REPORT CLIENT Miles Sand & Gravel REPORT DATE December 28, 2021 PROJECT TITLE MISC. TESTING REPORT NUMBER 269 PROJECT ADDRESS N/A PROJECT NUMBER 4303 CONTRACTOR N/A WORK ORDER NO. N/A CONTRACT ORDER NO. N/A PURCHASE ORDER NO. N/A JOB ORDER NUMBER N/A MATERIAL INFORMATION TEST(S) REQUESTED ASTM C117, C123, C142, Wood Waste DATE OBTAINED 12-09-2021 MATERIAL TYPE AASHTO Grading #4 (1 ½” Drain Rock) OBTAINED BY Client – Alex B. SOURCE OF SAMPLE Canyon Pit, B-329 SUBMITTED BY Client – Alex B. LAB NUMBER 21-1731 LOCATION OF SUPPLY Stockpile I.D. NUMBER - MISCELLANEOUS TESTS SULFATE SOUNDNESS SODIUM CLAY LUMPS & FRIABLE PARTICLES 0.0 % REQ. 2.0 max m % WOOD WASTE 0.00 % REQ. 0.05 max COARSE FINE FINE AGGREGATE ANGULARITY % REQ. #200 SCREEN 0.3 % REQ. 1.0 max SIZE % LOSS SIZE % LOSS SAND EQUIVALENT (REF. METHOD) % REQ. ORGANIC IMPURITIES % REQ. 4” – 3 ½” Light Weight Pieces, Specific Gravity 2.0 (coal & lignite) 0.0 % REQ. 2.0 max LOOSE UNIT WEIGHT % REQ. 3 ½” – 3” DEGRADATION % REQ. WT. PER CU/FT RODDED % REQ. 3” – 2 ½” 2 ½” – 1 ½” #4 - #8 FRACTURE (SINGLE FACE) FRACTURE (DOUBLE FACE) 1 ½” – ¾” #8 - #16 SIZE RESULT SIZE RESULT ¾” – 3/8” #16 - #30 % REQ. % REQ. 3/8” - #4 #30 - #50 % REQ. % REQ. TOTAL TOTAL ATTERBERG LIMITS Requirement: PLASTIC LIMIT (PL) % REQ. LA ABRASION LIQUID LIMIT (LL) % REQ. Grading: Result: PLASTICITY INDEX (PI) % REQ. % REQUIRED COARSE AGGREGATE – SPECIFIC GRAVITY FINE AGGREGATE – SPECIFIC GRAVITY SSD Apparent SSD Apparent OVEN DRY % ABSORPTION OVEN DRY % ABSORPTION Flat & Elongated RESULT(S) / STATUS Ratio: Flat: By Weight ☒ Elongated: By Pieces ☐ Flat & Elongated: Total: Requirement: LAB REMARKS REVIEWED BY / APPROVED BY EQUIPMENT SET # 2, 13, 14 TECHNICIAN B. Rowden/do C. Pedersen REPORT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF CONST. TESTING LAB, INC. REPORT PERTAINS ONLY TO THE MATERIAL TESTED. (Revised 08-24-2020) CONSTRUCTION TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 400 Valley Ave N.E., Suite 102, Puyallup, WA 98372 Tel # 253-383-8778 / Fax # 253-770-8232 website: www.ctlwa.com MISC. LABORATORY TEST REPORT CLIENT Miles Sand & Gravel REPORT DATE December 28, 2021 PROJECT TITLE MISC. TESTING REPORT NUMBER 267 PROJECT ADDRESS N/A PROJECT NUMBER 4303 CONTRACTOR N/A WORK ORDER NO. N/A CONTRACT ORDER NO. N/A PURCHASE ORDER NO. N/A JOB ORDER NUMBER N/A MATERIAL INFORMATION TEST(S) REQUESTED ASTM C117, C123, C142, Wood Waste DATE OBTAINED 12-09-2021 MATERIAL TYPE AASHTO Grading #8 (⅜” Pea Gravel) OBTAINED BY Client – Alex B. SOURCE OF SAMPLE Canyon Pit, B-329 SUBMITTED BY Client – Alex B. LAB NUMBER 21-1729 LOCATION OF SUPPLY Stockpile I.D. NUMBER - MISCELLANEOUS TESTS SULFATE SOUNDNESS SODIUM CLAY LUMPS & FRIABLE PARTICLES 0.5 % REQ. 2.0 max m % WOOD WASTE 0.00 % REQ. 0.05 max COARSE FINE FINE AGGREGATE ANGULARITY % REQ. #200 SCREEN 0.3 % REQ. 1.0 max SIZE % LOSS SIZE % LOSS SAND EQUIVALENT (REF. METHOD) % REQ. ORGANIC IMPURITIES % REQ. 4” – 3 ½” Light Weight Pieces, Specific Gravity 2.0 (coal & lignite) 0.0 % REQ. 2.0 max LOOSE UNIT WEIGHT % REQ. 3 ½” – 3” DEGRADATION % REQ. WT. PER CU/FT RODDED % REQ. 3” – 2 ½” 2 ½” – 1 ½” #4 - #8 FRACTURE (SINGLE FACE) FRACTURE (DOUBLE FACE) 1 ½” – ¾” #8 - #16 SIZE RESULT SIZE RESULT ¾” – 3/8” #16 - #30 % REQ. % REQ. 3/8” - #4 #30 - #50 % REQ. % REQ. TOTAL TOTAL ATTERBERG LIMITS Requirement: PLASTIC LIMIT (PL) % REQ. LA ABRASION LIQUID LIMIT (LL) % REQ. Grading: Result: PLASTICITY INDEX (PI) % REQ. % REQUIRED COARSE AGGREGATE – SPECIFIC GRAVITY FINE AGGREGATE – SPECIFIC GRAVITY SSD Apparent SSD Apparent OVEN DRY % ABSORPTION OVEN DRY % ABSORPTION Flat & Elongated RESULT(S) / STATUS Ratio: Flat: By Weight ☒ Elongated: By Pieces ☐ Flat & Elongated: Total: Requirement: LAB REMARKS REVIEWED BY / APPROVED BY EQUIPMENT SET # 2, 13, 14 TECHNICIAN B. Rowden/do C. Pedersen REPORT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF CONST. TESTING LAB, INC. REPORT PERTAINS ONLY TO THE MATERIAL TESTED. (Revised 08-24-2020) CONSTRUCTION TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 400 Valley Ave N.E., Suite 102, Puyallup, WA 98372 Tel # 253-383-8778 / Fax # 253-770-8232 website: www.ctlwa.com MISC. LABORATORY TEST REPORT CLIENT Miles Sand & Gravel REPORT DATE December 28, 2021 PROJECT TITLE MISC. TESTING REPORT NUMBER 268 PROJECT ADDRESS N/A PROJECT NUMBER 4303 CONTRACTOR N/A WORK ORDER NO. N/A CONTRACT ORDER NO. N/A PURCHASE ORDER NO. N/A JOB ORDER NUMBER N/A MATERIAL INFORMATION TEST(S) REQUESTED ASTM C117, C123, C142, Wood Waste DATE OBTAINED 12-09-2021 MATERIAL TYPE AASHTO Grading #57 (⅞” Washed) OBTAINED BY Client – Alex B. SOURCE OF SAMPLE Canyon Pit, B-329 SUBMITTED BY Client – Alex B. LAB NUMBER 21-1730 LOCATION OF SUPPLY Stockpile I.D. NUMBER - MISCELLANEOUS TESTS SULFATE SOUNDNESS SODIUM CLAY LUMPS & FRIABLE PARTICLES 0.0 % REQ. 2.0 max m % WOOD WASTE 0.00 % REQ. 0.05 max COARSE FINE FINE AGGREGATE ANGULARITY % REQ. #200 SCREEN 0.3 % REQ. 1.0 max SIZE % LOSS SIZE % LOSS SAND EQUIVALENT (REF. METHOD) % REQ. ORGANIC IMPURITIES % REQ. 4” – 3 ½” Light Weight Pieces, Specific Gravity 2.0 (coal & lignite) 0.0 % REQ. 2.0 max LOOSE UNIT WEIGHT % REQ. 3 ½” – 3” DEGRADATION % REQ. WT. PER CU/FT RODDED % REQ. 3” – 2 ½” 2 ½” – 1 ½” #4 - #8 FRACTURE (SINGLE FACE) FRACTURE (DOUBLE FACE) 1 ½” – ¾” #8 - #16 SIZE RESULT SIZE RESULT ¾” – 3/8” #16 - #30 % REQ. % REQ. 3/8” - #4 #30 - #50 % REQ. % REQ. TOTAL TOTAL ATTERBERG LIMITS Requirement: PLASTIC LIMIT (PL) % REQ. LA ABRASION LIQUID LIMIT (LL) % REQ. Grading: Result: PLASTICITY INDEX (PI) % REQ. % REQUIRED COARSE AGGREGATE – SPECIFIC GRAVITY FINE AGGREGATE – SPECIFIC GRAVITY SSD Apparent SSD Apparent OVEN DRY % ABSORPTION OVEN DRY % ABSORPTION Flat & Elongated RESULT(S) / STATUS Ratio: Flat: By Weight ☒ Elongated: By Pieces ☐ Flat & Elongated: Total: Requirement: LAB REMARKS REVIEWED BY / APPROVED BY EQUIPMENT SET # 2, 13, 14 TECHNICIAN B. Rowden/do C. Pedersen REPORT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF CONST. TESTING LAB, INC. REPORT PERTAINS ONLY TO THE MATERIAL TESTED. (Revised 08-24-2020) CONSTRUCTION TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 400 Valley Ave N.E., Suite 102, Puyallup, WA 98372 Tel # 253-383-8778 / Fax # 253-770-8232 website: www.ctlwa.com MISC. LABORATORY TEST REPORT CLIENT Miles Sand & Gravel REPORT DATE December 28, 2021 PROJECT TITLE MISC. TESTING REPORT NUMBER 266 PROJECT ADDRESS N/A PROJECT NUMBER 4303 CONTRACTOR N/A WORK ORDER NO. N/A CONTRACT ORDER NO. N/A PURCHASE ORDER NO. N/A JOB ORDER NUMBER N/A MATERIAL INFORMATION TEST(S) REQUESTED ASTM C40, C117, C123, C142 DATE OBTAINED 12-09-2021 MATERIAL TYPE Concrete Sand (Building Sand) OBTAINED BY Client – Alex B. SOURCE OF SAMPLE Canyon Pit, B-329 SUBMITTED BY Client – Alex B. LAB NUMBER 21-1728 LOCATION OF SUPPLY Stockpile I.D. NUMBER - MISCELLANEOUS TESTS SULFATE SOUNDNESS SODIUM CLAY LUMPS & FRIABLE PARTICLES 0.0 % REQ. 3.0 max m % WOOD WASTE % REQ. COARSE FINE FINE AGGREGATE ANGULARITY % REQ. #200 SCREEN 1.5 % REQ. 2.5 max SIZE % LOSS SIZE % LOSS SAND EQUIVALENT (REF. METHOD) % REQ. ORGANIC IMPURITIES Plate #1 % REQ. #3 max 4” – 3 ½” Light Weight Pieces, Specific Gravity 2.0 (coal & lignite) 0.0 % REQ. 1.0 max LOOSE UNIT WEIGHT % REQ. 3 ½” – 3” DEGRADATION % REQ. WT. PER CU/FT RODDED % REQ. 3” – 2 ½” 2 ½” – 1 ½” #4 - #8 FRACTURE (SINGLE FACE) FRACTURE (DOUBLE FACE) 1 ½” – ¾” #8 - #16 SIZE RESULT SIZE RESULT ¾” – 3/8” #16 - #30 % REQ. % REQ. 3/8” - #4 #30 - #50 % REQ. % REQ. TOTAL TOTAL ATTERBERG LIMITS Requirement: PLASTIC LIMIT (PL) % REQ. LA ABRASION LIQUID LIMIT (LL) % REQ. Grading: Result: PLASTICITY INDEX (PI) % REQ. % REQUIRED COARSE AGGREGATE – SPECIFIC GRAVITY FINE AGGREGATE – SPECIFIC GRAVITY SSD Apparent SSD Apparent OVEN DRY % ABSORPTION OVEN DRY % ABSORPTION Flat & Elongated RESULT(S) / STATUS Ratio: Flat: By Weight ☒ Elongated: By Pieces ☐ Flat & Elongated: Total: Requirement: LAB REMARKS REVIEWED BY / APPROVED BY EQUIPMENT SET # 2, 13, 14, 16 TECHNICIAN B. Rowden/do C. Pedersen REPORT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF CONST. TESTING LAB, INC. REPORT PERTAINS ONLY TO THE MATERIAL TESTED. (Revised 08-24-2020) WSDOT MATERIALS LAB 07/31/2018 Aggregate Source Approval Report Owner: Miles Sand and Gravel Aggregate Source: PS-B-329 Lessee: Known as: Miles Canyon Road Pit Located in: E1/2SE1/4SE1/4,E3/8NE1/4SE1/4 Section 24 T20N R3E County: Pierce Remarks: Mineral Agg. and Surfacing: Test Date: 11/07/2014 Expiration Date: 11/07/2019 Absorption: 1.03 Apparent Sp. G.: 2.751 Bulk Sp. G. (SSD): 2.703 Bulk Sp. G.: 2.676 Deg: 79 LA: 11 Remarks: Currently approved as a source of aggregate for: ATB Ballast BST Crushed Cover Stone BST Crushed Screenings Crushed Surfacing Base Course Crushed Surfacing Key Stone Crushed Surfacing Top Course Gravel Backfill for Foundation Class A HMA Other Courses HMA Wearing Course Maintenance Rock Permeable Ballast Acceptance tests need to be performed as necessary. Portland Cement Concrete Aggregates: Test Date: 06/20/2018 Expiration Date: 06/20/2023 ASR - 14 Day : 0.51 ASR - One Year: 0.02 CCA Absorption: 1.02 CCA Sp.G: 2.69 Deg: 72 FCA Absorption: 2.04 FCA Organics: 1 FCA Sp. G: 2.641 LA: 11 Remarks: 1-Year ASR Results expire 08/04/2019 - ZK Currently approved for: Coarse Concrete Aggregates Fine Concrete Aggregates Acceptance tests need to be performed as necessary NOT approved for: Riprap, Quarry Spalls, Rock for Rock Wall, Erosion and Scour Protection: Test Date: Expiration Date: Absorption: Apparent Sp. G.: Bulk Sp. G. (SSD): Bulk Sp. G.: Deg: LA: Remarks: NOT Approved for: Quarry Spalls Riprap Rock for Erosion and Scour Protection Rock for Rock Walls Stone 9-27.3(6) Streambed Aggregates: Test Date: 06/20/2018 Expiration Date: 06/20/2023 Absorption: 1.02 Apparent Sp. G.: 2.737 Bulk Sp. G. (SSD): 2.69 Bulk Sp. G.: 2.662 Deg: 72 LA: 11 Remarks: Currently Approved for: Streambed Aggregate Gravel Borrow for Structural Earth Walls: Test Date: 06/20/2018 Expiration Date: 06/20/2023 Bulk Sp. G. (SSD): 2.69 Deg: 72 LA: 11 Remarks: Contact RME to determine if Resistivity, pH, Chlorides, or Sulfates testing is required Currently Approved for: Gravel Borrow for Str Earth Walls Gravel Borrow for Str Earth Walls ALL OTHER PIT RUN MATERIALS: Project Engineer may request preliminary samples but Aggregate Source Approval is not required. AGGREGATE MATERIALS NOT REQUIRING ASA APPROVAL : Aggregate for Gravel Base 9-03.10 Gravel Backfill for Foundation Class B 9-03.12(1)B Gravel Backfill for Walls 9-03.12(2) Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding 9-03.12(3) Gravel Backfill for Drains 9-03.12(4) Gravel Backfill for Drywells 9-03.12(5) Backfill for Sand Drains 9-03.13 Sand Drainage Blanket 9-03.13(1) Gravel Borrow 9-03.14(1) Select Borrow 9-03.14(2) Common Borrow 9-03.14(3) Native Material for Trench Backfill 9-03.15 Foundation Material Class A and B 9-03.17 Foundation Material Class C 9-03.18 Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill 9-03.19 Mill Test Report Plant Seattle Cement Type GU & I-II Low Alkali Date Production Period February 1, 2022 - February 28, 2022 Certification No.2022-GU-02 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS ASTM C 150 Tables 1 and 3; CSA Tables 1 and 4 CHEMICAL PHYSICAL Item Spec. Limit Type GU Spec. Limit Test Result Item Spec. Limit Type GU Spec. Limit SiO2 (%)A A 20.2 Air content of mortar (volume %)A 12 max 5 Al2O3 (%)A 6.0 max 4.7 Blaine fineness (cm2/g)G A 2600 min 3829 Fe2O3 (%)A 6.0 max 3.5 % Passing 325 mesh 72 minD A 91.1 CaO (%)A A 64.6 Autoclave expansion (%)1.0 max 0.80 max 0.09 MgO (%)5.0 max 6.0 max 0.6 Compressive strength MPa (PSI)min:min: SO3 (%) 3.0 max 3.0 max 2.7 1 Day A A 14.8 (2151 ) Ignition loss (%)3.0 maxF 3.5 max 2.5 3 Days 14.5 12.0 26.9 (3896 ) Na2O (%)A A 0.26 7 Days 20.0 19.0 35.2 (5111 ) K2O (%)A A 0.37 28 Days 26.5 A 42.8 (6205 ) Insoluble residue (%)1.5 max 1.5 max 0.36 Time of setting (minutes) CO2 (%)A A 1.6 Vicat Initial not less than 45 45 96 Limestone (%) 5 max 5.0 max 3.7 Final not more than 375 375 183 CaCO3 in limestone (%)A 70 min 98 Heat of hydration (cal/g) Inorganic processing addition (%)A 5.0 max 0.7 7 Days A A 84.8B (Baghouse Dust) Potential phase composition (%)C C3S A A 57 C2S A A 15 C3A A 8 max 7 C4AF A A 10 C4AF+2(C3A)A A 24 C3S+4.75(C3A)A A 88 OPTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ASTM C 150 Tables 2 and 4 CHEMICAL PHYSICAL Item Spec. Limit Type GU Spec. Limit Test Result Item Spec. Limit Type GU Spec. Limit Equivalent alkalies (%)A 0.60 max 0.51 False set (%)A 50 min 96 ANot applicable. BTest result represents most recent value and is provided for information only. CAdjusted per A1.6. DFineness: 45μm sieve, maximum % retained, 28. EThe reported 28 Days are for the previous production period. FAn ignition loss of 3.5% maximum is allowed provided the cement at 550 ± 25 oC, show a loss in mass of no more than 3.0%. GThe Blaine fineness is being reported in cm2/g rather than m2/kg as done previous to 2022. ADDITIONAL DATA Inorganic Processing Addition Data Type Baghouse Dust Amount (%)0.7 SiO2 (%)15.7 Al2O3 (%)6.4 Fe2O3 (%)1.6 CaO (%)40.3 SO3 (%)0.6 Base Cement Phase Composition C3S (%)59 C2S (%)15 C3A (%)7 C4AF (%)11 We certify that the above described cement, at the time of shipment, meets the chemical and physical requirements of the ASTM C150/C150M-18 specification and the CSA A3001-13 Type GU specification. Signature:Title:Interim Chief Chemist J Trygve Grey 10-Mar-22 Test Result Test Result 3801 E Marginal Way S, Seattle, WA 98134; Ph: (206) 623-5596; Fax: (206) 623-5355 FLY ASH TEST REPORT Analysis by:Lafarge Seattle Concrete Lab Sample from :Centralia Power Plant Average Analysis:March 2022 Test Report Number 4-22 Class F Chemical Analysis Results Limits Silicon Dioxide (SiO2)47.0 % Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3)17.5 % Iron Oxide (Fe2O3)6.5 % Total (SiO2) + (Al2O3) + (Fe2O3)71 %50% Min - ASTM Sulphur Trioxide (SO3)1.0 %5% Max - ASTM Calcium Oxide (CaO)14.9 %18% Max - ASTM Magnesium Oxide 4.4 % Moisture Content 0.13 %3% Max - ASTM Loss on Ignition 0.38 %5% Max Available Alkali as Equiv. Na20 (previous month's result)0.47 %1.5% Max Physical Analysis Fineness Retained on 45 um (No. 325 Sieve)14.8 %34% Max - ASTM Strength Activity Index with Portland Cement % of Control at 7 Days 97 %75% Min - ASTM % of Control at 28 Days (previous month's result)104 %75% Min - ASTM Water Requirement, Percent of Control 93 %105% Max- ASTM Autoclave Expansion 0.02 %0.8% Max - ASTM Density 2.66 Mg/m3 Uniformity Requirements Density, Variation from Average 0.10 %5% Max - ASTM Fineness 45um Sieve, Variation from Average 0.30 %5% Max - ASTM We hereby certify that the composite fly ash sample above meets the chemical and physical requirements of ASTM C618 and AASHTO M295 for class F fly ash. Certified : __________________________________________ WESTERN REGION 5400 West Marginal Way SW, Seattle, Washington 98106-1517 Office: 206.923.0098 or 800.477.0100 Fax: 206.923.0388 Rob Shogren Technical Director Rob Shogren Technical Director Rob Shogren Technical Director