HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/29/2022 - MinutesRHSMinutes_032922_approved RENTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOARD OF TRUSTEES March 29, 2022 Attending: Laura Clawson, Daryl Delaurenti, Maryann DiPasquale, Amy Elizabeth Gorton, Jessica Kelly, Rhea Kimble, Lynne King, Colleen Lenahansen, Mike Lennox, and Elizabeth Stewart. Guests: Kelly Beymer, Administrator of the Parks & Recreation Dept., Renton; Vanessa Chin, Community & Economic Development Dept, Renton; Sarah Samson, Curator of Collections & Exhibitions, Renton History Museum; and Stephanie Snyder, Museum Office Aide, Renton History Museum Call to Order, Introductions, and Guest Speaker President Jessica Kelly called the Zoom meeting to order at 5:32 PM. Jessica reported that Staci VanderPol has resigned and asked for a volunteer to take minutes. Lynne King volunteered. Kelly Beymer gave an update on citywide 2021 accomplishments and 2022 plans, including a PowerPoint. She agreed to share the PowerPoint with the board via email. News, Updates, Correspondence Information Museum Director Elizabeth Stewart reported on museum operations & facility. The asbestos removal is complete and remodel will continue. She also reported on the roles of the Museum Manager, including supervising staff, reporting to the city and a liaison to city government with the board. Laura Clawson gave a brief history of the city’s relationship with the board. Review and approval of minutes Action Item President Jessica Kelly reviewed the minutes of the February meeting; some small changes were needed. • MOTION: Jessica Kelly moved to approve the minutes; Daryl Delaurenti seconded. Motion passed, none opposed, none abstaining. Work session Action Items (1) Committee Reports (Colleen): Committee chairs reported out: a. Bylaws Committee has met twice and is continuing to review the bylaws. b. Fundraising Committee reported that plans are moving forward for a live fundraiser in September. More information will follow as soon as the venue and date is confirmed. Tentative plans include country dancing and perhaps a western theme, celebrating Renton history. Maryann researched and found information about Renton’s 1939 “Frontier Days” Some discussion. RHSMinutes_032922_approved RENTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOARD OF TRUSTEES March 29, 2022 (2) Endowment withdrawal analysis : Daryl Delaurenti presented an in-depth analysis of the effect certain withdrawal amount would have on the Endowment. Discussion. Liz moved that the Historical Society not move forward on a building purchase at this time. Colleen seconded. (3) Bank Signers (Liz): Liz gave an update on the signers for the Historical Society Bank account. (4) Museum Management Agreement (Jessica): The Museum management agreement with the city of Renton has expired. This was a 10 year agreement signed in 2005. Jessica asked for volunteers to review the current agreement, looking to revise and renew with the city. Review the information In Asana. Discussion tabled as time was short. (5) Secretary Position (Jessica ): Jessica reminded the board that Staci VanderPol has resigned and asked for a volunteer secretary until the next election. (6) Board Survey (Colleen): Colleen reported that this will be upcoming. Adjournment Lynne King moved to adjourn, Maryann DiPasquale seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm. Lynne King (volunteer note taker) Renton Historical Society Next meeting: Tues., April. 26, 5:30 – 7 pm, Hybrid Meeting (In person location: 241 Williams Ave S, Renton. (entrance on Williams Ave S and shared with The Pencil Test))