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EX S1011 OR;rie E STUB-0, i ' ,.•. , „' lEiaT't".KETS.KH•6 o•I E 0 .'.9.9\ • 't',E.'If°.(k)...'' STREET BOBS on 1 fOfr P0ANG I....I.001 . -- 0 1, , 03, , r, I 10 II 1 1 1)0.,0,0,0000 _._ EX 0.2..441£VALVE INI'VAlki ... LOT 0 II LOSE TWO W-RE OU. E 1 1 I I- 1. i il r,1..21,..117e \ f-, -.t,:.--,•• •-':, NOIDIING MONS PLAN TOE • • . . r 1- II "'"'' 1 1 , I 1 I - , 1.1.14i..___ .„ .., CTR erPv0(S.NE)07.16 \ 11 II I 1 ,B5.1...----.4., i J,., r 1 r.. .U..l .0.00 1 / •L'::•rt. ."'J.., NO.014-92 . 1 CI • • ' I I .., . i - • '1 =1'14 ', 177. '-v-E- . ._____--•RA,..3 .• 'i'.',..-:':0', 1 1 I .. . 1 . ITIENT' 'R,1,4'i'' 'LOT 1 I ',.. icor 11 8!...PC.•, ,.I.' ' ti 1,,--..747,4 13811DIETO ass3 PLAINT PON '' '.''..81 14. 7.'-'4.,.-t--IF,7\-f,,f‘C....??!•."V'''''',:9!"..,,,,'''',..,./ ',-.., :.1.. • ••,r.,.;•,-,,,..---,,.;•,..,, , PpruonG amass ' ,. 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' TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACING COSTAL 9.1PERMOUS .104.087 SO.FT PRCPOSED IMPERMOUS -164,921 SO.FT. TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF LANDSCAPING.A9.674 SO FT. /1/ '.: . /. ' 1 t, 1 BUILDING SET BACK MON PROPERTY UNE AT SW 3.STREET REPURED.ID.PROPOSED.20' BUILDING HEIGHT .01..H/A PROPOSED., ...„. "."' EASEMENT TO CI`4,OF PENT N 10 SAAC 0 9 c0-aloo. ..; .. . 1----i- '; ./ Aldo,===.,..„ , ,' /."/ ). It 9 9 .5 9 .... otH.,2 3. .,7.1&:.I5/11E: ,:i<il I .'"V \ / ';'/ / // \ /1` -4- . -4•.14 tI ,:// I rn . . .,- ,,,,,,,\ \ . .. ANE T..0..,, CITY OF RENTON NAD 03/91 VERTICAL DATUM. CITY OF PENTON CONTROLLING BENCHMARK: CITY OF RENTON BENCHMARK NO 672 'CHISELED SQUARE IN CONCRETE WALT< 6.5 FEET WEST AND 1.0 FEET NORTH OF SERVICE ENTRANCE DOOR TO A 1 I '.,'......; ;-" '-'--- SAM YOUNKER'S DATSUN.' ...-",-"ez' ,',„. --_-:-..... .4 ,•1 II -4- +- -+- / ...> ,''''...'e z / ' '-41::::,,':\-_----"I'''._''''-- --- `P !I - 10 SP COO 9 01'A 90.00 .- ELEVATION=20 9•K ---- , 1] y L v 7725. ...-'..••'//4117-FiC1;•,oF aijo -8•ES • D'ES /(.7..).), ‘. . ...- ..,.."4101, '''. 41". 1, ':----•-•--,., . 1:22...›(---''' A TA S4CES 01,11 117 O'' jr•.'w' ..„....-,...,_ ,,,,,,,.„. EX SSBH . 1 \ PONT OF EX FROG ELEV.16.60 .... ,c1 N,„< •CASNIT411 ........- LC TIND FIX,RES EL. l'' //' \ I---'-"---•:'--77- .';:;0; ..''''';'<'' './/'. ' ''''' -''''''''')1 iifill1111111111 r----.-___-.------ -ci'-:--- ,-.2_ ' '" 1 4,-filif.,'. ... . ) - °' 11 I ' Tfszi. 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IlMitat'''' .... 2i. ----1. -Zrr:.r,,0,0 EX BO.LOU,EASEMENT DETENTION POND I E CAPPED 6,00)=15 57 I I a x.0771'2e R-601.07' A-03,9.33'EX 15.RENTO . 0 - ..0 ! ' 1 HDF11 56.69 17 LINO P.ENUE 11111b- ' 'Ilk' EXISTING 30'RAILROAD EASEMENT I E cAPPE.6.11vG N,14 i 1-ELBOW L v.40.46. 13111IDING EOM PLAN POE 00 ACCESS ROAD 30•INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT EtTELIINITON NOMMEN CITY OF RENTON LOT 7 BINDING BITS PLAN TOE '......-mm 311/1071192 1110111139,811 EX TYPE 1 CB CURB(TTP) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 5,100 RiL1.16 75 1917RLIINGTONNORVEZEIN 'E I BBC.C..S.Ta 11 ii.'2O4Urj-29731 13OP NO.014-90 EARKINRWArRiomEsAst) SITE PLAN IT 2CONC(ESE),07.1 P.116 00' RI1.1=18 92 FARWEST STEEL-PHASE TWO 1 , I E RESTRICTOR PLATE.10 SE D.... ...i. ..., ././. P'117...'Ti:72727:9?' OVERFLOW EL.16 39 DRAWN SN CRESCO OM _ W. ,...,..., ...' ..... ... .... r...........•............... SNEED 1 OF. 3 . . . • • SW 1/4, SEC. 30, TWP. 23N, R. 5E W.M. G % Lurv�t I�P9Q — — 2 MB2L (TYP — m o �( �Il��l.lii�lsi�\ - A_ �. m BOLLARDS Hal �[ .: • ®lOi�1� A f� !tY�vir Thai/ — — — 1 m V�1111 C�air�i. o��kiit�i.',a� _ jjg\i s \ � �"Zil �`ahl�i�E a� �. —/1-11 1�i�\ /ill► .�i � 1 ,® _ �'"/ s%r%i%%�%.�'I�o• _ _ ;-=v_c=_'�.__ ?�ir�� ��i�,�:,; �y�����\���"��I, .'Ex:rz'•w ' v ��.I-- J�, .i JO�i��_�_eta a��� ��� i sv7Si . � i- nil E HYDRANT � -'-owar _ _ '%%i ��i.�����/.ram/��\'� I � ._. .�.dd e/iIv�.'/o/ . _; Of. - iT is. i%//%G:Kt f,r'ra'�s ,.14iiA �-.+� if�RETAINING WALL `' '17 . CONST. 4' ! I PWR �, i/: ri �I CONC. WALK ,� — 1 I NEW a':51DewuK STOP SIGN C / pi I EDGE PAVING MAIL BOX / I\) ^ II fi ' DIS17JR6ED AREAS — et PROPOSED BUILDING ' ' 1 ' • t — EXISTING,I lit ' � I VEGETATION .(__ apr • TO REMPiIN — o ■ • 1' N ili ' Iii - ; 1 7, ell J t41EII �, ,A _ pI STr EN TON i I11 '�4:4 .�� I EXISTING BUILDING �' i/ \D �14�i ' r' Stih , ` fir i i C:. , a GS NITROGEN r I/• �/ I.I STORAGE PA—I 5Gs1.;' I` r ;1 , _ rii .: ` ' j i �.;� , --'---1ll ,....49.EXISTING PARKIN �'r f� ' , / ii, cs%� y /' EXISTI G PARKING I Immo_ I I '/ •�\\\- exlsrl b III/ — ' 8` I \ I••• /,.b' VEGETATION l �, ��— / �/ TO REMAIN --- ---- ,� - - -' '-------�+--- -�-------MATGHLINE SEA BHT L_2 _ --=_----- �4, HDR] Horton Dennle ll Aeeoolates,Inc. LPtNDSGAPE PLAN Brumbaugh&Associates __sap n� uwO � �mm O d r„®: R CITY OF x RENTON SCALE: I"= 20'-O" Landscape Architecture ��// _` N L3 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS pH.4 w Telophom�r�11 mens.nm LANDSCAPE PLAN FARWEST STEEL-PHASE TWO SW 1/4, SEC. 30, TWP. 23N, R. 5E W.M. ' ' ' et ,. I', - HATCHLINE SEE SHEET L-II __--- r.�. EXISTING VEGETATION ,/� - "' .., it 1� I RIMI ■ 14_ # e %i;,,,,? -. ; �) it ,.., /�a, '' / I 1 PERMANENT U ILITY f�' �,.,; _ �� EA.EMENT TO CITY OF RENTON ^0.' BIKE RACK � •.�' /, ��....,:'"..- J, II SEA G RG ` �Z _.43 �/ O� ..I III -. S G�� a` PROP TANK TANK . + IIII �, /\ / a III , • �n'I \ ` �'���Nsl� •�lC -'A .� > ��/' A-"I DeJENTION POND 1' _ \111^{91 j b•�,y6���\VOO:f`.�— OI�' ! l� �.eiiA.Aa�O.e%-%;ol�l� uo�. vim .� > N i 4• ! h�i 2TG �.r`O� .� � EXISTING l;;,...0 ELDG. ILa-m ''r:„7_7, PROPANE TANK er � ' wPle c LEWe 'r� 15' PERMANENT UTILITY :W'r- ,77s:AI\ fy7,45' -'''' \W, I P� `b 71 co- E . �``�� �, 4 'may \ ESMT TO CITY OF RENTON . j p hi N 76'06 i �_- II' �, or '. � tope) \�!-'. + 4 ��'� WALE T 1 / 13.50. - _-- --_-_ r�� , '''•" EXISTING VEGETATION i u T y "_ �: N Il 'ms�!?� TI _ 1'� TO REMAIN `g O :��f�e•r'..r �+ •as, r.r- - 7i �f 'irgai �� r � "`- ka s ICI ICI I`===1 = I_- I I — - j EX. 12"SD ❑ `S) I I I s. — ---L -E. a: ---/ - -- T -17 \I` T= 32.02' L- - -ASPHALT JI'2W 12"W ASPHALT - LANDSCAPE PLAN 15 SCALE: I" = 20.-0" . I [ m a ' Horton Dannle a Aeaoclataa,Inc. Brumbaugh&Associates AIR ' - V%% CITY OF RENTON Landscape AAYchitecture a�ua /% O DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS tonne.WA aeste CM 'U Fe n'�s�I M..xu em LANDSCAPE PLAN 103 FARWEST STEEL-PHASE TWO WE $aiwraa aar w,I°?/.wive • • O- ._. n —_5 - ® 9O to (l - ll02 /� ® rm4 l6 /B ��� �•c�t'to L. I I 1 ! It i I 1 —0,-0,7-- i-p; ,I I I I7Il,il�lll Ij I II'1'jl I,1 1 -+ F1 w:, —i�'NF,:NIIIIII'II'�I'Ii1 !I�I,m s . ' 2 ii I!' r, II i,'lii ,ljl,l'IIL,� ,III •, a.ps "Ni III li; ,..a.. .I' I'111'j1 '�i� 1 1- ,may I'•hI '!�I,,I,IF :�; ,II,','I'111i�:Illll '= .lr. IjI, I' I.11!II•IG,I!1 ''0: I-S.nra., I { 1 �� sal✓.^aP�a T'zJ' IIIIII 'Iai;r11 :lTi"li.I ••L" - �T, Ili•Iirci !Ilb11i,:iI: ii i I"IG ti I is Ill i!'ill '' ��I�' 8 �dec i II�UII'F NII'il 'iI I m°I n 11'I I''1Hi l l IIll h,l;l! h i yl ll 1141i11�11 I II IL'11'., it , .-4'-`" -1.El ilirliann _# o 4 - — • --- - ---- j TENIFORAFLY M001.11.4O.OFFCE uu,r Br 0,4Fes O S. O U T H E L E V A T I O hi ' _.. EXIr-'TI N GI u ��o wo, m hi --- -@ m O C ll /O O O © 5 4 9 2 / i i: i i:l •71 1 1 ,_ 4 I 1 _- - 1 _---r+.xQ z .„,„,„l v i-I� - . . _.0_ ..._.._. I Q 4 Q Q iL�r, ANT.,,r�.Fo __._ III I I I ! I I Pi a - I!F',11,,I .I,,'II,,III'll'.I' '".! ,'i'.!I!ii 11 :I!' '1;,1! �.,T � !,III �!!,.r!'i�:I!.Ill:p.! 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I l - ..„'',II `I l i1IIIII ,!I III Ill !;11 ',Iii i::ill ii I,1IIi!;'i:!.I I I " . it' I' IL' II , d1 !I dd lLl'Illl i',.11 '. * n • p,N.7-.`"7.n) /[R'IN -F -E /'- S T E I_ E V A T_ I O.N FlN.2,VcGEtIa.s 2"m„ -,.,... 6.,s 3 R 5 //x.,-//-0, nl of i so Reap T�pneG�'ft-,ewr - r W aN R,er_e Foee :�; 1 H g —_--PFo> G o p SNOT P2oVIOGo i c — C� O c ® Q U F- r__—_.._PJ`-(3-Aq_+�IT1��' `—v. EXISTING( h?P�UGT,1R� W lr—,I !_ - - " .,n.No �1.1• -,' 'I'i 'i" ;''. 1 —--______ n,t H dill' it III' IIIII IIIlllll 1'Ii 11�11I,IL'I 11i�� p'' dIIII� m43 "s D IIIi,1;00yIIIIIII ,41.1I111 11II 11 I III,, 1 [ ' '': 1:11' ' I E 1.E `� -- - ,I.'' Iill11II'I',I'I IIII�I1:11riil'!il' b,1ill�l;,-I'-1:-..,:,• 1-I'IInr! ! I'III11iiil ;Il.- -- - - - - - - - -- - - -V-�--=— I!I II IIIIII l 11'11!I II III;IIII III 1; ;IIIIl1�1 �' L� 't`I ii. t, ;II I;iII I IIIII tilli Ills'III,IIIIII III II�it;lhllll I!Iillullll.Ilblll�. Ilh IiiElfiiitt I!':I''t 0 (\� l'L1i615 - .,.�,s- _ - 1 SHEET o r.�ucV"�—� pY hcwSe vcnvf f---. ai 1. - a�.I6.,5�// ,� S T E. L E Y A: T I O N 5 OF • SW 1/4, SEC. 30, TWP. 23N, R. 5E W.M. EXISTING PLANT SCHEDULE . SYMBOL QTY. BOTANICAL NAME/COMMON NAME SIZE NOTES LANDSCAPE NOTES: TREES I. GROUND COVER TO EXTEND UNDER ALL TREE AND SHRUB CANOPIES AT THE LIGUIDAMBAR STTRACIFLUA/SWEETEUM 5'CAL. 545,MATCHED FORM '' FRASPECIFIED SPACING TO PROVIDE COMPLETE COVERAGE IN ALL PLANTING XINS PEMSriVANCA SUMMIT./ASH 2-1/3'CAL. Be6,MATCHED FORM BEDS DESIGNATED TO RECEIVE GROUND COVER. y.�.e 0 BETULA PAPYRIFERA/PAPER BIRCH 3-I/O•CAL. BeB,MATCHED FORM ePRUNUS PRUN S. WANZAN'/FLOYE3ING CHERRY 5'CAL. BeB,MATCHED FORM 2- LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS ARE BASED ON THE SITE PLAN PREPARED BY 0 SCHAUDT STEMM a WILD INC.IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF O POPULV'NICRA'ITILICA'/LOMBARDY POPLAR 4•CAL. BIB,MATCHED FORM ANYFIELD CHANGES TO THE SITE PLANS WHICH MAY REQUIRE AD.USTTIENT BETULA SARA/RIVER BIRCH IS'HT. OF DESIGN. EVERGREEN TREES 3. REFER TO CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS FOR GRADING AND DRAINAGE 0 PSBIDOTS/GA MENZIE511/DOUSLAS FIR IS'HT. BeB,FULL ARE BUSHY INFORMATION. IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY 0 THUJA FLICATA EXCELSA'/EXCELSA CEDAR IS'HT. BeB,FULL AND BUSHY ADVERSE DRAINAGE CONDITIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT THE HEALTH OF PLANT SHRUB5 MATERIAL. EA FUONYFUS SLATS/WINGED BlOIrYNTJU 4. NO PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDES TO BE USED ON THE PROJECT SITE DURING RC RHODODENDRON'CUNNINSHAMS WHITE/RHODODENDRON THE FIRST YEAR WARRANTEE PERIOD. CS CORNY STOLONIFtRA/RESTING DOD6WOOD 5. ALL CEDAR AND FIR TREES TO BE NURSERY GROWN WITH CENTRAL TO TANS Gl'.RITATA/JAPANESE YEW ORIGINAL LEADER INTACT AND HEALTHY. 6ROUNDCOVER ARCTOSTAPHYLO"WAVRSI/KIMIIKIN:ICK `` EXISTING LAY.MO ROUSH GRASS AREAS SEE SPEC NEW PLANT SCHEDULE �\1F y` SYMBOL QTY. BOTANICAL NAME/COMMON NAME SIZE NOTES '1�-F `�' F 'a'n= TREES ,� s�oP w iu°tee vAL.vuRe O c TWIST TORT.CLEAR VINYL ,20 BETULA PAPYRIFERA/PAPER BIRCH I-3/4•CAL. BeB,MATCHED FORM I I VOA Svc'LODGEPOLE PIE TREE STAKES WITH G•CONICAL POINT I LA AF P I9 or ® TO ALLOW • )GROUNDCOVER TREES HON-- NV DIA TREE WELLS iNNTPOSITIVE DRAINAGE OF IFLL ♦2/4>.7� EROSION CONTROL HTDRO95EED SEE SPEC. AAY FROM PCOBUUC 1111.1 I REMOVE OF CURLA.LoJN wE BASKETS. Y 44 " �*jag g BGFLLPTW VE E B I Mi rEIZE° I 1ll lIIIIIInBARK eLCH I III ll I1 w IiSD ti=11=11=n—— 1=11=II=111 -,s. Y; L, i'.,-,+-,;' <- hss. B 1 1 FIT TO GE TNLE THE ROOTBALL DIA ' �^^; (r'r^�''.�L, X 'Me • GET CR..AT NUR-TRY HEIGHT .t«�Y. ( _ '� F y -1 'f ?S^� G.r.f A• TRIPLE STAKE ALL DELIDLUF TREES LARb@R T1AN S.CALIPER 3,C L�/r�j {4/V,\ij �•"u BARK M1LN PH2 W:Gs ro�SINRP STAKE VINE MAPLES AID SUMAC TREES. G TOPSOIL 3 TOPICAL To SFECS.T of O ON GRADE TRH PLANTING / \ / \ / \ 7 DPGDIL P�SPPLG.ADD 3 C. t` .e FERTILIZER PER SPECS. Nr1.0SCA. .....,,,,:ipI x SPACI Kt4 CLARIFY RU ATE I ON EMOVE TOP VS F MATERIAL. REI n OF BURLAP ON BeB �� Ji o MAT�AL Horton Dennis 6 Associates,Inc. 9TA SGI0PILEFOR SP.O.R.COVER TO BE. 13 x ROOTBALL DIA,� SW D MDR] @� Ls.GR r a.. 14. ma..,., Brumbaugh&Associates ENTON 06R�IDCCVER SPACING O SHRUB PLANTING Landscape Architecture aa��o CITY OF RBLIC W nor TO Ewe „m TF..�,• V.6.•TI) a��a .l{! DEPARTMENT OF WORKS �sXYLL WA 0/YV-6. �T...a . ®II QR..n>a LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE AND NOTES FARWEST STEEL-PHASE TWO ACE a/ao/ev Rm wTc /m/w CHEMED. CO I SOLE N Kr ,m I. r,¢ 1 1 I O Cr) 0 C 1 6 1 1 7) {v (5 I 9 !O 9 9 919 9 /6 O /6 ai- i8 --i. _ -- __ - ____ - 4Do-G• 1aLo• Y' x' ¢'¢"% _o-or.y •z*o' P5r-a" t 15Lo• YSLo+ TZto' ¢a fro^ zc.a" 2r,Q" k .E..5_c z81o„ a5:o• A., .P5ron 1 :c" II -'lo:o" -I 1-: z• ;I�.';, 'j‘ 1 ® Ir t...'.o-.-- ---®,..:_... ®:".. .' -, =----.� ®:,-ma c -.; �-- 7'0.--'.--c� .:—.:-G =',W:... 7.—— -- �� "• o,. rd o Ea.,, y T FG - - �f.G. l , L•a✓c+..,n<.a�� .F.G. F.6 yi cw o\ II, Ncc -4I I pc.6,ro5Et7 I ! p 1,3 A,E IZ e 13AY 3 I I • y d.i U'--F (� - c. 1 u.49Di"T ION n�iO , _g_ v' .I ! W G SF. W4FeEHOrISE 1 1 J t2 g�� a„« rI Jtwo T 4. LLI arc • I e� _ __ �= F ..—_-F.•-__� 42) �, NNIO Li T =_= : F; FE I 0^'of .<437r. — �xls /N4 N¢` r 1, 4 Y 12.1 f- -- - I m i CO 5E1 V I 11 s.r4G .P c. i i t I I `o `� _ al __ N; I i �� - ;i NOTES: wA REG1J,USE 12-HEATE' r I 1 • i _ � I - u O—I I - t - - -® _ —= L, I S _ -f, - -"—" IL a T i rI II i EX/S -MI CP 1 q G MANUFj c.T Ny l y .j 1 ,lao q4 rr. j QI j 1 �F" r p — i� I I j JI L E` atan F O 1 Jr ,. _-,sue — . �C `[4 - 1 Jam.Ii k, g.' Ce/ C' I /II— L- I He i c� i DJ v OO 'F` (<> ' uficixv HCD{ il'rfi e=tiiRJiCAR✓ EFF/. rn ___0_ � s 0 o V 4--- O 7 7 O 0 l0 !1 -_ - !2 H _ ,!1 _____ _._..._�. - f1)"07 PI 9 M1'. aOF O O R L . P L A IJ �1:; l.e< E <o�e !1_1!') ///6- - I,.C" 'Ai iN Pf.`,s - SHEETSins- -,vE.--C �\J\® FL G FFEC:4.ri6!.1 .151E Pee. F • .• .• . .. .>;. _,. , ..::.°..�::.::. . G3 •'19 •T23N 'R5E W 1/2• . i ':ice•• '%iYY�`:• f.y .� :"!=:t:',.!: '6 17 .. :,` \ '' •`:• ': SW 23ra St. • __- it -_ - _--i•,' _ _._. _ _._.- _ ._. • ti" °l. . IN - .IH -� � ,.IL � - j w th`. St • • C A R SW 27th St . :`:••• : SW 27th St. J . • A I M a IOth St. z H NIL IH CA . • AIL N ' • 167 • p4th' St° SW 34th St. . :. , W: 3 th St. • ,'I L •• •• +, L IH ctl - ' :IL • a w IM OSW •3sthst: Q . .. ;:' f.I M I- . : 11st St. ;SW :41st .St. A ' . r I ,,. ..:.. • .5::" '': r *,:;:Y . 13 • 31.T23N rRSE W:1/2 __ • , 2:xh!i` ::Vn'..:y yyr�,,rI~ .. .0 200` 400 - T .a'-�-�.-:.:ram•,_.. :,.•..Y;.:<rf,1.r.-. �..p._ .� ,�,,,,, ._sr..:,r;,,.,r...s : y 1 ._.._-.... ,.. , .':. -- tfP. )r .., ,,.",':----- =ri' ZONING:,,,..,,,�; .y: -P/B/PW'.TECH:TECHNICAL' SERVICES- - 77 - - - -- ,.. . Ivo�ros. 5.. , 3 `'�,��.. 0 T23N 'R5 W 1/2 . . • . . . - ,...• : ZONING:MAP • BOOK . : ....., xx - tovitimip,..:2.11 i93maiimg- wan i, .0 459 1.._....f'-7-a.q rill-. 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R16. smE c,R.B PROPERTY unE EASEMENT "�° w„NEa.w.E)_.9B ,_,z,EX SHAH `cs)-u Jz E:ac�ccm-,soB a„}+cµro-,<'8 __oc(E)-u sz / ccs.wE)=,I.sw eroi-u sa °B N R PK,B.xw.°w.E,-B° -mar,�E _ S.W.° 34T °o,STRE-T°° _ . — — — _-°OI.C(N0.14 mso fx THE ° ir, 21M:1508 H158p:cx,-,>.,, _ a • MMin NIIMIr . WI." Er I',,,6.ODIC CURB dr CUTTER—, ME n.°Bw4:°°\3EEB..9,)g J — — — —,z_ ,�I ° —/✓�N�RF xP.°°„.ram72APLE tl5 — o _= P —�rn" ° __ _ I Irtw,l NB)'S0'23•W' 119'65' H S tl-li_h x - - — E l l►,,,. \/"PAR '! (cn E m i m Sx,u°:j'STI rvEE -s°p Rp=, lir,- , �- P1 E )w .�..��ra 1.-. Eo�` �1L71'. [ >,�ii tMI I "rV � ' _ ___ `x .::�� -- w __ P, Ex,rw _ {.y: �.'',I, - aui � Ex.naE xm xTtT!Iflr II Ikonfe 55 Q0: N01A s °Ps' - -_o =6y 9•\ \ xoNG(0- .7 ,mE ,, j "'°*� °"°E .!.RAwnc Is ao.EX 1. I.EX SS. BIIAD225EEIIT�PLAAP®E I i 1 �'� i ---- ----- c,a a rvccs.xq-,IS \ / CIT., J�\""4":,°°• Ex,x sA,E VALVE�v VAULT Nv18LDsf3E®A AOE r5 E s `I n,0 0 50.Er1�,�� II I r I rc u 1I � \ss,xR u„ ]BOP A®.oao-®r 1a ipu 1 d b i I b I �I_� �—E, c .En.E<s_ • II E°-oe 1\�'g1,e'zs(s.vE)=),° I (II M - f "- U 'i ` a.`E�,.,o...o MMM I \ °� I I'II II- -,:o°n E.s.�ENT i I II/I'!d-I!I^' LOT'1 ry I OT E I' ,II r74±71 rEDDYo®II'1']r PcItr 12, BIIAIDD2O am LAB IPOE I:':'i.: I 1 3010LD30TOA AOETEEIBA hl I -\�1 EI�I PAEOEL i I E:5ITELII TG A A ETEIsEA I'.•'e'.: 1 II I+III I it BOP AO.010-rs '1' BDP T®.®m®® I;i " I V 11 I 'sue I i EP :78-7' IN Pk", ONE s II I•i N �W,T on' E.sEME".""m a.."orrxEx,M �! I Ii :i_. oi wF.,a° $ ,I Ii�q „11 �sn o s o»o a :1R22.16.36 • i , //'7`y' 61 Q I\ 1 / 0' _ -- . Q•'' / / / D o)fi'03'49-f A 40 2=0 40 p , I ,i TxA,ER POST RAILROAD E"w N, /Ii�I% o © o )< ©� o o� sz 9 G law o; /�; / ]I L=588.60' SCALE IN FEET Z I un E9.,r w e]0'S8'36- 4,'.� r L ' //// / / I/ I i`un R m 380.8' 13IfsTEE<ees�rvc ��� �I i7\° �',5y!/,�/j//JI L=471.78' / /1 _ / _— < `•�I I SSUH N0 2- -\ _, /•4//' /// s,rloo II %/ /f/ * hi r_ c si '�!. P9 I.' J/' /� n ox cEn TAW 11 , ie/i v/ ..n�ll.. 4w .DOMESTIC 1 R— ,. \\ '%,�/rl'/2/ DATUM / / / 1i t�• I ^ '.."'' \\I// / HORIZONTAL DATUM: p 11 I �� / r / a 1 h n, ,I 0 / /' CITY OF RENTON / i /�i � �� I � ci 41 Eu,dn Ir '...'.'' S5+ NO3��\ srz c c ,�/ /I' / NAD 83/91 /I�o ///'.^ 4-''~ 1 u - // ' 12 °EI 1'CV 1/// ".• nsv YERTCAL DANM: //( _i VI 11mi e- eix ' CITY OF RENTON // / ��-�.�r.S: !� /' v\ CONTROWNG BENCHMARK: 0oI ! /� li r tzsann j% / 1 CITY OF RENTON BENCHMARK NO,6)2 1 //// n )pOFFICE b \ \ CHISELED SQUARE IN CONCRETE WALK �/ .9s sO.F, 4 6.5 FEET WEST AND 1.0 FEET NORTH / / I. • lI ' nry ROoa 9)v j /f°o°nrvf r+% OF SERVICE ENTRANCE DOOR TO +' s,uB-Oui r sENER // �// ' / ` -_, ��/ //%//' / SAM YOUNKER'S OATSUN.• 5 ` / / �-` i ♦-+_ y DIP c.sx ELEVATION=20.94' ._ �- \ 1 1 /Ezui:o CITY Oc PEv,Orv� 0 Cl ] Ex SHIN ELEVPON w Ex, u REG STANDING. Ro xEOO II _ a,rvcRx.oaEs y� . cwsEw-°°, ` EIEo r\ /i r - °__ �� /f �'� i \ �-!•:.IL . 1 -- L� j % _ _ I •1�9y ' _I�° `1-�i�' t //_( \'"f�L —_ 1 _few -���� -LT .B, �r =s- ` 7 STOP SIGN - N i,6— f — � r," '� / NB)'S0'4)•W / ,S F,c so .. /Ps/0 4V .. � ITERN I w.�— _s 1 • �' �• �.�>ls..re5� // T5 - �'°R �_ ,)sB''erx SW ALE R,x.Es°r/m eC/�p/� SPITALT _ � �fr io unury cnaaEoa�-rtrvna 0 OJ51']e• - =02.33S9 Ex,�„E unu,r EASEMENT Ex R ,� AVENUE n EXISTING s°a<iEaOen EASEMENT EASEMENT i E CAPPED B.R rv)='s s,POND R=605' A=03'49'' E ar16'EASEME FIRE R uE N • sFHmton.__,.A ABBOQI®t.„Inc. °56.69.°Boo UND.�E99R°.° �ii/� B x°RE ON R=605.BJ' 1 I HDR a9 TH2,„_x..,x,_,�°.�x L=83.09' L=2].14' R=40.46' LOT r uRaxe waiw,u•u.na L=40.46' BDSDIIAD BEM PLAIT pOEw ss/EBREss EIIBLIIADTOA AOETEEEA J CITY OF RENTON LOT 7 N.TYPE II B BINDING EPPE PLAN POE - EEIIETE3@!EOLSEREDD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS EIIELD904®A A®ETEEEA - / cc E)=9B. BOP AO.014-9E LE.,z o:cfwl_s-ss BaunE MouEBasE) WATER AND SANITARY SEWER PLAN f FAR WEST STEEL- PHASE TWO 1E.RESTRICTION OVERFLOW E<-,°„ ,°9: °°"\'" ,YwY9s Ho, IND/89 . ,,,„ , , , , ---:. - ,,,. . . . illirry ±ir - - W- tip` ,► # o 0 „,la m.,,,,,,.... b . , . ,, -,-, a : . 1-11E! VAI:i\TNIF:111,.,:. 1 I y , it.o...t. d.IGFIi I �• � ,, ... . M ,•. :sue;' ,. ( L.- C r 1: iz z: W z _ i rrgitla C _I : : : M • 1—• ^ 1•Y: Z ,• _ ty1 �nousrwN =T2. . - . . . 0 , IN y- _,I , w+u+dOSQ$1QjS""•r::r, 9"•' !`'S/]'l , , �il?�,... .. .,'.t.... ... ..__.-..._ - r v I :'vri' -''A FrF4.t ,:Acs:•e 1 .. ' ,---.--,_L. _ 1 P .r _ fn r� i 11 1 g ." ! ' Tl ;,..,;*4,-..z.*4.-*************************** . 2Y-4-J5A- 47 W5 COMMENTS LU -0O3 (--C21 .3A . . 125360-0010-07 G I JOES INC 99A001 9805 BOECKMAN RD WILSONVILLE CR . 97070 1.— , • 125360-0020-05 HCWa REALTY CORP 440919 I C/O HOMEBASE SLPPCRT CENTER 3345 MICHELSON DR IRVINE CA 92715 • . - 125360-0065-01 POWELL—ORILLIA L L C 869800 I, 737 MARKET ST KIRKLAND WA 98033 .,- . . . . 125360-0070-04 POwELL—RENTON NO 1 L L C 869999 737 MARKET ST KIRKLAND WA 98033 • • • LECUYER ,FAMILY L L C / ATTN689999 2111 SUNSET AV'S SW SEATTLE WA 98116 12 380-0040—C7 SEATTLE FUR EXCHANGE 540214 200 SW 34Th ST . PG BOX 88159 SEATTLE WA 98138 1253EO-GO50-04 • CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTWAYS C0590480 A iN FINANCIAL ACCOUNT DEPT PO SOX 3175 PORTLAND OR 57208 125380-0060-02 A h. II CO LLC 730367 C/O JOSEPH F HOLTON 2098 S BREEZY POINT RD • CAMANO ISLAND WA 96292 125381-0010-02 ARENSEERG TNbESTMENT5 773517 3401 LIND AVE Sri RENTON WA 98055 ' 1253: 1—O020-00 BEDFORD PROPERTY Ic VESTURS 709999 270 LA.FAYETTE CIR LA-FAYETTE CA 94549 • • i ., I c 1 - CITY IF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator November-7,-2000 Carl Hutchinson Farwest Steel Corporation P.O. Box 889 - Eugene, OR 97440 Subject: Modification of Approved Site Plan for Farwest Steel Phase II File No. LUA-00-002 Dear Mr. Hutchinson: This letter is to inform you that we have reviewed your proposed revisions to the "Farwest Steel" site plan. The site plan was initially approved by the Zoning Administrator,on January 26, 2000. The,approved site plan included a 33,070 square foot building addition to an existing63,868,square foot industrial warehouse/distribution facility. The approved site plan.included 75 on-site parking spaces. The proposed modification would modify the approved site plan in;order to permanently - . place a 3,200 square foot (40 feet wide by:80 feet in length /22 feet in height) structure . to be used for steel storage. The structure was previously approved for use on the property under a Temporary Use Permit (file no;.LUA-00-060). The storage structure would be located a distance of 20 feet from the south side of the existing warehouse building constructed under Phase I. The proposed building would be located over an ' existing 15-foot utility easement. However, the building type and intended use-are such that the applicant does not foresee any difficulties in providing access to the easement if needed. Specifically, the proposal would involve the following alterations to the • approved site.plan: 1., "Increase in total building footprint area'from 99,706 square feet to 102,906 square feet (an increase of 3% in building area); • - 2.- Requirement for two additional on-site parking spaces for the increased storage area-for a revised total of a minimum of 75 to a maximum of 79 spaces required. The Site Plan regulations define a minor adjustment or modification to an approved site plan as changes which do not involve more than a 10% increase in area or scale of the development; do not have a significantly greater impact on the environment and-: :' facilities, and do not change the boundaries of the originally approved plan (RMC § 4-9- • 200.H). . " : Although the Heavy Industrial (IH) Zone does not limit building lot coverage, the. _ - proposed storage structure would increase the current building lot coverage on the site (41%) by only 3,200 square feet for a revised lot coverage of 42%.: :The overall appearance of the property would remain as approved and no modifications are 1055 S o uth Grady Way-Renton, Washington 98055 • = [Sr7 TLIc nine.nrnl�inc Cno/ronvnln`I m�/oriel 9na/_nncf rnnm imcr • Farwest Steel Minor Modification • Page 2 of 2 • , • proposed to the parking, landscape or vehicle circulation areas. In addition, the site currently provides 75 on-site parking spaces, which complies with the minimum amount required for the site with the proposed modification. Therefore, the proposal is approved as a minor modification to the previously approved site plan subject to the following conditions: • The temporary storage area approved under the Temporary Use Permit, which occupied the parking area on east side of the site, must be removed. The Development Services Division reserves the right to revoke the approval :for the proposed structure in the event unauthorized outside storage is - ' resumed: In,addition; the Temporary Use Permit for theproperty expires upon the approval of the modification to the site plan. The applicant'is advised that all code requirements, conditions of the site plan approval and mitigating measures of the environmental review.are still applicable to the development of the site. The applicant should also understand that Environmental (SEPA) Review and Administrative Site'Plan,approval may be required for future modifications to the site plan. In addition,the Temporary Use Permit will remain valid until the date of expiration for the remaining storage use on the property. This decision to approve.the proposed revisions as a minor modification is subject to-a fourteen (14) day appeal period from the date of this letter.•"Any appeals of the administrative decision-must be filed with the City of Renton Hearing Examiner by.5:00 pm, November 20, 2000. If,you have questions;regarding this correspondence, feel free ' to contact Lesley Nishihira at (425)430-7270. Sincerely, Jennifer Henning Zoning Administrator . cc: Parties of Record Ryan Hora, Farwest Steel CYellowFile 7 • • DEVELOPMENT PLANNING FARWEST STEEL CITY QF RENTON Corporation OCT 23 2000 Ms.Lesley Nishihira,Associate Planner October 20,2000 RECEIVED City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton,Washington 98055 Re: Minor Adjustment to an approved plan We are requesting a minor adjustment to an approved plan. The adjustment is to change the Temporary use to a Permanent use. We submit the following on behalf of this request: Temporary use permit,City of Renton File Number LUA 00 060 TP Project Name: Farwest Steel Temporary Permit Number B000401 Site Plan,Phase 11: LUA 00 002,SAA,ECF Location: 201 SW 34th St King County Assessor's Property identification number: 125380 0211 Owner name: Farwest Steel Corporation Applicant Name: Carl Hutchison,Phone 541 681 7273 Questions asked during your review were: does it involve more than a ten-percent increase in area or scale of the development in the approved site plan. The temporary structure is forty(40)feet by eighty(80)feet or 3200 square feet. The entire site is 5.63 acres(phase I and phase II)or 245,434 square feet. The temporary structure does not involve more than 10%. Next we are asked if the structure will have a significant impact on the environment and facilities. The intended use is to comply with the intent of the industrial heavy(IH)zoning. We will use the structure as an extension to the phase I structure while preparing parts to be used by our customers in their heavy fabrication. There are no changes to environment or facilities. Further we are asked if the structure changes the boundaries of the originally approved plan(ORD.4802, 10-25-1999). We are not changing the boundaries of the original approved site plan. The parking spaces utilized by the storage of material will be returned to parking spaces within the next four to six weeks.We will then have 81 parking stalls with the required ADA stalls included. As to visibility concerns: the main warehouse blocks visibility of this temporary structure from the north, the line of poplar trees obscures visibility from the east,the neighbor to the south is Home Base which _ obscures visibility,our neighbor to the West is United Rentals and for the most part our temporary structure is not visible from the West except for a small window from Lind Ave. As we mentioned in our meeting a new facility is being constructed on a site south west of our lot and this will reduce visibility from the west when it is finished. We are submitting two copies of the revised site plan and appropriate copies of the photo mylar transfers in the 8 '%by 11 size. Sincerely arl utchison,Director of Operations Post Office Box 889 • Eugene, Oregon 97440-0889 • (541) 686-2000 Location: 2000 Henderson Ave. • Eugene, OR 97403 Eugene Telefax(541)681-7250 • • .... ./-T. .•a-,r. r Inr. tJty. n.Gpl1G YY.M. I MIND Mai R' v�=.,;ST Im Wlt w -•- ^'' 11M.(7.5 Li.p c-s SrJ•11)} *AIM IeeO4-»m .aa.}mirc.(n,-1475 iE rmm(q-Ixal LLr.cwxe(swi}um 1 Cwa Be4 OL01.1ie0 N-11n CR.nONerfx.R,FI-•Ee •) wtrl4r eeL-Ice a.. pa .aeopaa.>a» }e S.W.e 34T STRE:T "'.1]J. - tl e'caxc LS.a•ewaME)-r•.» ¢Ora 1vaUHT . se•so -A. is a rnIOMT•t1» I �� —�--- so r� ��AM ess 1m rs -A • .7 3�� rrs 01H1 UM Afey _ , • l�—RImeR�I�I ss •� {.il�-_-a S• r calm ass.twaER rss CMS CUT 8 L 6- • —� � 1. 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SITE PLAN --& FAIIVIEST aTELL-PKASE TWO :•Not • It 13,..11741.3. ...- . .......•'n• 0.... ;LW. 0.CAno• ;-11.39 015. 11. . ....,,.., 11 ./... .rt ..3.3. ..........,............ • IITI1111111111111.11MMIIIIIVVEST STEEL Corporation September 22, 2000 'TY OF RENTrr, Mr.Greg Burnell City of Renton Building Plan Reviewer 4 ' 7 /Op 1055 South Grady Way Renton,Washington 98055 ul vtJ1UlV .. Re: Renton-Project#L, 1AOO=06a __ ..._ -- - -. -.-. Farwest Steel Corporation,Phase 2. Building Permit Number B000401 King County Assessor Property Identification Number 125380-0211 We request permission to extend the Temporary Storage Permit to a Permanent permit. We initially planned on a permanent structure for the south side of bay 1. As we got further along with our building process we decided to go with a temporary storage structure due to availability,speed of installation and what we thought would be an inexpensive fix for our storage needs. We located such a structure in Connecticut produced by Cover-it. We were approved for a temporary use permit and later we were requested to apply for a Building Permit. During the process of obtaining the building permit we obtained lateral wind loading,roof snow loading, seismic loading and load combinations from ATR Engineering Inc and all exceeded the minimums. We also had ATR Engineering calculate the design soil pressure,reinforced concrete and anchor bolts(ASTM A325). The structure cost us$14,902.00,the concrete foundations and the installation cost another$11,400. We also incurred the costs of applying for the permit,the permit fee and the costs required to obtain the load requirements mentioned above. We will soon complete phase 2 and cannot imagine removing a structure of this quality. This is more than a temporary structure. We look forward to hearing from you and would be pleased to furnish any additional information you may require. Sincerely your, Carl Hutchison Director of Operations'' Post Office Box 889 • Eugene, Oregon 97440-0889 • (541) 686-2000 Location: 2000 Henderson Ave. • Eugene, OR 97403 Eugene Telefax (541)683-9250 F'd.. ,Y - RENTON- • ITY �:C Planning/Building/Public Works Department J e Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator • February 21,2000 • • • • • Mr. Cliff Williams ' Horton Dennis &Associates 320 Second Avenue South Kirkland,WA 98033 SUBJECT: Farwest Steel Phase II - - V Project No. LUA-00-002,SA-A, ECF Dear Mr.Williams: This letter is•:to inform you that thecomment'and.appeal periods have'ended for the Environmental Review'Committee's (ERC) Determination of Non-Significance - Mitigated. for the above-referenced project. - No appeals were filed. This decision is final and application for the appropriately required permits may proceed. The applicant . must comply with all ERC Mitigation Measures and Site Plan Conditions of Approval. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at(425)430-7382. V For the Environmental Review Committee, • V Elizabeth Higgins,AICP Senior Planner • cc: Farwest Steel/Owners ' • • i 'F Nol 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, t Washin on 98055 . . CITY>OF>RENTOI > ;<> >'» :>< > >> >>»»>»> » > >: >:<> :::: «< » : >< »;>» _ > D; On the 10* day of . 16U,LQ-1k./ , 2000, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing ° v IOec-ls lln documents. This information was sent to: Name: Representing CtAL ' c1 i S'Un "ga,V1V6t Sty. Lf e �f W r1iiowlls L¢17v1 CSC auu / 3S�Gla�� (Signature of Sender) f� 1� 1-44 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence thatIPr /vu k . �ea signed this instrument and acknowledged it to. be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. � ..,fi a CA I✓HEFF Notary Publlle in and for the State • ashington NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON Notary (Print) MARILYN IUAMCHEFF COMMISSION EXPIRES My appointment laihMINTNIENI IHES:6-29-03 JIUNE g,2003 Project Name: JU,ULblt: Dab artaUdil Project Number: • NOTARY2.DOC • ADMINISTRATIVE SITE PLAN REVIEW CITY OF RENTON REPORT AND DECISION FEBRUARY 10, 2000 APPLICATION NO.: LUA-00-002, SA-A, ECF OWNER: Farwest Steel APPLICANT: Carl Hutchison Farwest Steel CONTACT PERSON: Carl Hutchison, Farwest Steel PROJECT NAME: Farwest Steel Expansion LOCATION: 201 SW 34th Street SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Site Plan Approval (SA)would allow expansion of the existing Farwest Steel building. The proposal requires Environmental Review and Administrative Site Plan Approval. The proposed addition is approximately 33,070 sf that will be added to the north side of an existing 63,868 sf building. A. COMMITTEE REVIEW: The following exhibits were entered into the record: Exhibit No. 1: Yellow file containing: application, proof of posting and publication, environmental review and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No. 2: Drawing No. 1 of 3, Site Plan (Received January 4, 2000). Exhibit No. 3: Drawing No. 2 of 3, Grading and Storm Drainage Plan (Received January 4, 2000). Exhibit No. 4: Drawing No. 3 of 3, Water and Sanitary Sewer Plan (Received January 4, 2000). Exhibit No. 5: Drawing No. 1 of 3, Landscape Plan (Received January 4, 2000). Exhibit No. 6: Drawing No. 2 of 3, Landscape Plan (Received January 4, 2000). Exhibit No. 7: Drawing No. 3 of 3, Landscape Plan (Received January 4, 2000). ADMINISTRATIVE SITE PLAN REPOR1 CISION FARWEST STEEL EX'_._ SION/LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF February 10,2000 Page 2 of 6 Exhibit No. 8: Drawing No. 3, Building Floor Plan (Received January 4, 2000). Exhibit No. 9: Drawing No. 5, Building Elevations (Received January 4, 2000). Exhibit No. 10: City of Renton Zoning Map Exhibit No. 11: Vicinity Map B. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, AND DECISION Hiving reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now makes and enters the following: 1 FINDINGS a J The Applicant, Carl Hutchison of Farwest Steel, has requested Site Plan Approval for expansion of I the existing Farwest Steel building. b! The existing Farwest Steel building was approved in two phases in 1997 (LUA 96-022). Phase One was constructed, but Phase Two was not built and the approval was allowed to expire in 1998. This Site Plan Review is for the previously approved Phase Two addition to the main building. c. The applicant's file containing the application, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation, the comments from various City departments, the public notices requesting citizen comment, and other pertinent documents was entered as Exhibit No. 1. d Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended), a Determination of DNS was issued for the subject proposal on January 25, 2000. e The 14 day appeal period ended on February 18, 2000,with no appeal filed. f. Compliance with ERC Conditions: Traffic mitigation fees for this proposed development will be required. Fees are $75.00 for each new average daily (weekday) trip and are calculated based on gross square footage of the new building (33,070 sf). A reduction of twenty(20) percent of the number of trips will be given for use of the existing railroad. f. Plans for the proposal have been reviewed by all City departments affected by the impact of this proposal. g l The subject proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Employment Area - Valley. hi The site plan as presented, complies with the zoning requirements and development standards of the Industrial—Heavy Zone. i. The subject site was annexed into the city on 02-09-87 (Ord. 4040). ADMINISTRATIVE SITE PLAN REPORT FARWEST STEEL EX. ..._3I0N/LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF February 10,2000 Page 3 of 6 j. Land uses surrounding the subject site include: North: Industrial Park of Renton; East: vacant land; South: Farwest Steel Main Building, and West: United Rentals facility. The vicinity map was entered as Exhibit No. 11. k. The applicant's site plan complies with the requirements for information for site plan review. Consistency with Site Plan Criteria In reviewing the proposal with respect to the Site Plan Approval Criteria set forth in Section 4-31-33(D) of the Site Plan Ordinance, the following issues have been identified by City Departmental Reviewers and Divisional Reviewers: 1. Conformance with the comprehensive plan, its elements and policies; The intent of the Comprehensive Plan in areas designated Employment Area—Valley is to "Provide for a mix of employment-based uses, including commercial, office, and industrial development to support the economic development of the City of Renton." Policies in the Employment Area—Valley encourage compatible and related land uses to locate in proximity to one another. Increased intensity of use and greater site efficiency are encouraged. By constructing an addition to an existing building, the intensity of use on the site will be increased and greater efficiency in site utilization will occur. 2. Conformance with existing land use regulations; The intent of the Industrial — Heavy (IH) Zone is "to provide areas for high intensity industrial activities involving heavy fabrication, processing of raw materials, bulk handling and storage..." Warehousing and storage are permitted outright in the IH Zone. The project would conform with lot size and building height regulations. There are no lot width, depth, or coverage regulations in the IH Zone. There is no height limit. The height of the new addition will be 50 feet 11 inches. There is a fifteen foot setback from SW 34th Street, a collector road. The site plan indicates a twenty foot setback in this area. Side and/or back setback requirements would only apply if the site abutted a residential zone, which it does not. All portions of the site not covered by buildings, structures, required parking, access, circulation, or service areas must be maintained as permeable areas and improved with native, drought-resistant vegetative cover. Irrigation, however, is required. The parking requirement is one (1) stall for every 1500 sf of warehouse area and between 3 and 4.5 stalls for every 1000 sf of office area. This equals a range of between 73 and 77 stalls required. The parking plan indicates a total of 75 stalls, including 3 ADA stalls, are provided. Because the proposed project site is located in the Green River Valley, an additional two (2) percent of natural landscaping shall be required for developed sites (as per the City of Renton and the US National Resource Conservation Service Environmental Mitigation Agreement). Areas of native plantings were created with the development of Phase One. The applicant has demonstrated that 2 percent of the total site would be 4,906 sf and the site is providing a total of 31,733 sf of natural landscape area. ADMINISTRATIVE SITE PLAN REPOR1 _.ECISION FARWEST STEEL EX.'=•.. E3ION/LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF February 10,2000 Page 4 of 6 3. Mitigation of impacts to surroundingproperties and uses; 9 p The site layout would not negatively impact surrounding uses. Although the structure is large, it is the same scale as surrounding buildings (Renton Industrial Park to the north and Home Base to the south). Regardless, Staff has requested that the applicant's landscape plan include large trees in the landscape area north of the building to visually reduce the size of the building. The applicant has complied with this request. The height of the new addition will be 50 feet 11 inches along its connecting edge with the existing building. The sheet metal roof will slope at the same angle as the existing roof to a height of 47 feet at the north elevation of the new addition. There will be no roof top mechanical equipment. The foundation, to an above-ground height of 12 feet, will be faced with concrete panels. The addition will be faced with sheet metal siding from the top of the concrete panels to the roof. Materials will be consistent with those on the existing building. The proposal incorporates landscaping to buffer the use from existing and proposed off- site uses. No excessive generation of nuisance (noise, odors, dust) is anticipated to occur from this development. 4. Mitigation of impacts of the proposed site plan to the site; The proposed addition was anticipated in the development of the original site plan so impacts were accommodated at that time. Storm facilities were originally sized for both phases of the project. The building would be oriented east to west, which is appropriate given the size of the building and the function and configuration of streets. Approximately 40 percent of the site has been retained in its natural condition. Traffic areas and landscaped areas are located appropriately to avoid conflicts. 5.! Conservation of area-wide values; property The proposed addition should increase the value of the existing building, and thereby possibly have a positive influence on area-wide property values. 6. Safety and efficiency of vehicle and pedestrian circulation; The proposal provides a separation between truck traffic and private vehicle parking areas. Pedestrian circulation, other than employees, will be minimal on the site except at the office, which has a concrete sidewalk connection to visitor parking. 7. Provision of adequate light and air; No blocking of light or air would occur with this proposal. Parking lot lighting was installed with Phase One. ADMINISTRATIVE SITE PLAN REPORI � CISION FARWEST STEEL Ex...._f310N/LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF February 10,2000 Page 6 of 6 DECISION: The site plan for Farwest Steel Expansion File No. LUA-00-002, SA-A, ECF is approved. CONDITIONS: No conditions are required. SIGNATURES: 2-11M °C Jana flans n,Zoning Administrator date it TRANSMITTED this 10th day of February, 2000 to the applicant and owner: Carl Hutchinson Farwest Steel P.O. Box 889 Eugene, OR 97440 TRANSMITTED this 10th day of February, 2000 to the following: Larry Meckling,Building Official C.Duffy,Fire Prevention Neil Watts,Public Works Division Lawrence J.Warren,City Attorney South County Journal II Appeal Process Appeals of this administrative land use decision [RCW 43.21.0075(3), WAC 197-11-680] must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM February 24,2000. If no appeals are filed by this date, the administrative site plan approval will become final. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-430-6510. • SW 1/4, SEC. 30, TWP. 23N, R. 5E W.M. R.'a rs 1„ /Na, -- — "ms` — • InT.,B„Q J I .e tl rE e. �MC p•C 15.,•,J„ "B�[wt(x)-,eeJ rt s•covc orl-,.:a i _,.aq-u f, °(S wD.,.e as / CYR ero CM Ha xE,„..E,-.ax �, D. 34T i�' „s; , xx.,aa. E �. ... EA. 'SR �i�STR T I ss ,.sD a-ss ----I- _ ass- >; .------------$- m Im e s ss NraRAx - `-y e-ss- ----------- -- -- ...-_- ao:9„txa.*_ y .KR900 x �� ,EE,.Daar[._. Ems. a ' —/� = - - --i II. T .%" 47. .—n= Ya ,\ 61N9 - \- "l;/r .z rrN,+.D- ,"r r ezar�` ONIR _ -- { _.. ,w,,, .-- -- a _ a,r 17 _,eR - ... 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RAILROAD 1t11Le"r.SCL•I�i L 83.09' L•40.46• A BENDING BITH PLAN TO0.ReA`[v u.,E -ry o.oD Da Aa[ss ROW• vl � ', \E, -_,e N.C./Ea oSc EAST"r J APSE.sa'LOT 7 CASE., // \� HIIHLINGTON NOBTHt�N i�_I CITY OF RENTON • Re I,n)'E`r` BINDING RITE PLAIT POE - c"'M BZIBTING HOIEBBABB DEPARTMENT -OF PUBLIC WORKS - °D a oo c BURLINGTON NOBTEBRES [ c-,s,a -_FORKS ,E,:caxc[[)-9 a, HEW NO.014-l! _�___-°.-'u'ca_s re SIII Dxa(•1-s°> SSE"ygoR_!81 SITE PLAN Dxc([ss,-,s,. FARWEST STEEL-PHASE TWO axe(SSEI-„sz axe IGR.)-,z sE a•ERrtDA o ,a,D 'D Dz eau/"< DA,L ,r/ro/Rv PLOT oWC.,%z/x,)/w ter, v• , � S v t` `'Y '/ '�c,1,s' SW 1/4, SEC. 30, TWP. 23N, R. 5E W.M. r16 .. Ex CO Ex CB FaluTO But w]- a°:w`m-Ism lal-,am -M`")-"" wcfs.•FI-,e.e xuNEfN...E]-.9eE(xe,]-xis;x . \ / .�fs.N..9.r]-,ee S.W. 34T[N�i STRE Taox I E.`cif.,-I>,9 . • ; � ¢CAGE ITT es - m s x-zC- xz` m°c v'o, EX M E°- WFO.,] °:m. � °o ,Im ? —° x�— — — —s— '_N� V� !• •i/ _ l��I°`°•�¢«9°.ax��° J _ amnr 61.w 1,8 _\ ° U 4 I 19.68' ex 8 Et Lt J •$ ,•V •8 8 ,^©T4IDINC CAFE P.A. SM,Lr-8- ' ` -_S_ J` _o_ I� a���, ,..:: AS9KA —r^m JT,I]r[FOCB%° uwNE9 aou.N]05— �V:: 8 1. • _ _ per ' °;y° \ rN, [..n \{.\ ■ L ��7.G'�—� 0_—__ —� .UD IM ! 'iiE E�-_ BRAY • j I ( e,v ¢ -- rt HTa'I E�NmRAz.9EF .G.© -�� _ �_ _. _Y�r _�_ .=m_iG9a=_ _....r,tr. -____ affN 9 I ., I I / \ s*�w Caux,g PE I E.a V- :. ® POF NE O s E Os =— __- 'a..Sr. —j'.. p 90V0'00- \ O Mxc°� Rh5500. ri. ° Irc Lzux N0'r.09".“-14e.5A- ® 1 O rno �'�y I / /v BSo�'\ \ e•zwccn-,zax �eW¢ + - RETAIN..,.LL — -I .I .F.0 No A nore.�N..r Iq N I oN\\1 % I.O,.N)-e°4 sLI \ \ ,6 \�N l'r a TI,.ue 0.0 ^'nr� I I Nv-,e]e , R E.PRE MIAMI \ / __ / E`��,[�\`w,e e. [..x CAFE v.LK IN v.NL LOT a 05 ( 1 I' I -y-" I '°2`s°— .,mw,sE _ I—®III i --- i eE___ c / J[\ "' r BINDING BITS PLAIT TOR j I' I 'T ua•9 SO.rr I 1 '+ / cr n K,s Nr7•r.,¢ II `^\ BURLINGTON NORTEHEN III °S' •• sPaF fnP I ula Nmnr DEEm,r\ .( • \ BBP NO.OIa-YA ; I! II ® I® ® ® IIWi zI v._ -, WI' I I �••��L2•I I MTI �2 65• I h'",-;;O;a '-ea OrA nn II I i.,I fr..u,--..OTa `I `` - - i • ¢• ; E - "'- 1 LOT B I-�X3.e BINDING BITS PLAN YOB I4, .I! 1'I • .1•; I l:,i t* %,- �I If“,: _ i BINDING SITS PLAN FOB .(w I iI I BBIILINGTO1 NOBTESES _ 1�1 h, • s I� b I i BIIELIEaToa NOETBSEN #1!I I 1 • HBP a0.ola�A i I. • '�I • I BP nAva N,q � e ! ;AP No.ou-sA I I'{.�sS.A..a�g 1 h�f I�'' 11 j,. jr__ i, ' i".i ! F�,-cse�• i i :'.L'i I ,..:re ro.. _.IJ1I �'1 1 h,I I v j. - j .�- �'T`1i��=I•�I nl ; 1 I ,.:.[,a- .¢ I ! 3;:,i�." I- \i ,.. I ---'/ !r ] CA--- . 1 • 1 I{ LI I ,u, I t L1wa i.- -'..,],�'A , /,I]`' .......:... I{11 i,i In I ' I II 1 I I{ �_!e...0? 1 .I'')1'II,/ W I', �1 0'l S; i _ i1:0' III I I Is;I I j • I I:;"'•-3CBNO 15 / /,%,f // Irr iIl)N1...1` c/e '. III I ,eL,c I III I , .o , .,° I Imo ® / Z I' I!1 • Itl,. . - _ „s0r I;'/P EI 111 -J, SOCc'NOIzzl j° BCO,, °ze.:mI I':.m ., Il i1l :, ._ •xro.C.s_• . , • 'rl'1`} 4._U;.2' '0 Ala �% EX TOT UTILITY II\\i 1 BNDZO'4' j OS _.• I_0I Ia`,1 1 i I-sJ5 11 Q .! fi o '7%/ / A.]6QT'19Yu[t0 N 0 M I I+ ,' I ¢,N.EN P94, E,..RAu.C..°EATEN,0- -it. .1"/ 1I1 Ice Iw`a, - �e m e ®��L=iI' 1 j `, /4./ l Q I \ �s,.[N mow]. .ri..Et::[n�r�a C� a �G, Q' y 4 /� a-44anr _ _ SBB.60' SCALE IN FEET El H II I I I -Z I I; II -1:- F W .. .TOSB'1 c 11 / 1 + 1 u¢�ry[v,F R-]80.04' I i / I1 IIII I (I I SOLO NO:4 _ L. /�/ . w 1 471.7B CB NO 5 I. � �� Ylt l QI®x� I e`\ nv., �� / ° .G/v f CB NO 1 �ll �1 �s,;\I a�ra i NO.Sal t. F ./A .._ �II ?YmP a w —�ce�EO._IQ\ "_,e_CB N0 tz — \--J/ ®�//�/ /o nE r iIII I II\ + .1 _EwOuaL,rrPONDHUL3 /1• ,, - \:. ...1,:cnO SC l' � ram„' C®r,�// j N .•,N DATUM ' i7 i 1`I \• / R/d 'I1j I Il n\ S i / HORIZONTAL REN DATUM: PA ( I DETENTION BASINS / 6'�i a \ i®\ y a�F / // NAD B]/91 I SEE DErc:LS SNEET 5 // •$ p �-L\, WFirR DUFLITI POND N0.3 t 11� '$ \ \ II /-�-\��® Dan ..I� .ti ,b{,/'// VERTICAL B.TUY: I H yr �0INlivE NO _KE NO 4B /} ---%:£' E .III' c NO Q\ (S ' . G /, //I/'/ CONi I CB NO 4 // / / 1 I Am/\ d I GTY OF RENTON BENCHMARK N0.872 S, % C"7 OPpiLB o Ob CB N0.11 •01ISELED SQUARE IN CONCRETE WALK I 15__,r CB NO 591I I I I I `W OR SERVICE ENTRANCE DOOR 0 6.5 FEET NEST AND 1.0 FEET TM rsa�un��tSe : . \\II L' .-_.E11_5”1.¢,;s I,IIaHr`N(I5e .` •{ ,..\ 1 1j -I 11 I I --__,°-_-_-.-ps �/ SAYYI%1NNFA'SOAISUN.- I r,l• \I I/ anrtN nl:.,uv 1.0101 NO a 'Y ��,•f \ ' it ,f!!a7 496� -_ - '//j: ELEVATION-20.94' . - e\N I \ `•y i i, 1 Ca � IL.I /Nib \6e/ tss "'°ew Y ` I+"'\„.r', _ 1All\NO i I__,- t_ V. •r: - ��f,;��. I _ a:i�i;---- \\ I,.e¢¢ .,,.. n, i ��.. 4d \`✓ - w�\ /,O'-`-1� 1 2uI z5:o- ,..,, --,tf• s> ""- . _-_Nu.AN H <.=.�41-Zil G n\ iiii � s. ' _Nu-,-,,,,-,-,---1 ° I "III 40 „I�,E Ili°:f,'Si _ti///I / 'o�ij r '"-re, o a,{11 , T --�; �_ , w :*�9c:, • .�loo ,e �i / _ S_.W-.emu, ---® .. _, _--- - - _ i •i[ NersOa w snse• �L�� =7,17—_ F __— t L 1 :---r..-- F=1-3 a_ v_ e IR �.0 1: ___ _ii --welt: ��YrA.�o-ems-, � —_— —— —__ __——`[,L BE. P/ —� - ---=r�' � �'_ �-�a1�;--�]�N --_ -:1..F - M1 ` � _ -= r. �——�r— �—� E.. .,LE 'a �i� -S�Ecori-e.s°u a _ _ m �lyT'NE-'4.3a—_ ``y __ — •-•.EA!•n `z: Ea c wxe--.- -w .-e..N.51.CHE KEr.auLl Os.m`ymrvl I • C. �-I,X � PEA.` :7 .e�L�---- '�iIr. s l �/.-[..,z _ -_- tits c • : sow 'e _ . _-1._9a,,I— 'L'S. Pvc__� - [a,o" ., - ,x x �EK.,z•o:.n.Fm - _- • I t¢In-[ P ° ''—�"- P9E — - 'F I 1 i -�-T B• 4�s D5 N R- 517.9 Y• . a Horton...Dennis8..7.—b Ina. �[ : 8, -—t[•Is.:•,c BC KULNoao[,s[u[Nry [cAPPEo r'Pvgz)-,S>, I I -O]51'IB- R-6018T' A.ODY9'DS L¢FNE[A EA ER uL I M1 R-BOSeT' LOT. UDR --. ..�w.-I-. n'f �'.• -' i£FPP�BS�GiL1�i L-0309' L-3).11' R-6058Y • c a m.Zas'Nci" IX../.7.SS E w N BINDDB0 BUB PLAN FOE�r 1 -.cso:L _ cN LOT q �e� BBBLBaBTOa NOBTEBEN µ— _� CITY OF RENTON `r, g BINDING BITS PLAN FOB :rCw SZIBTING aOLISBABB DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS `r ei'[ - BURLKIIGTON NORTHERN .,rcw- IL,z CONnm.]ee ___ w>ElNwEe_l GRADING AND STORM DRAINAGE PLAN eRV I-,e]a FARWEST STEEL-PHASE TWO .Nc I`t '9, 10 9x °t\ml MR O/]0/99 1•uE,99WEYi IL 1 •nm to on maw u s •M/. MECiaa wn sCA,r< I.aw me® mg. SW 1/4, SEC. 30, TWP. 23N, R. 5E W.M. 1 • • �f • EX SCDP.B137 ON xxwER,.LATE s. B6 , ,x°w"c i„i��i Ei/ a e'cwc(ro-sm ( e-c6xc(xn,.'e% _,xaE•fr•uu „-n-Es.xn_.e \ / aKISN..s..[,-6,e s;:o E:u E„oo�E: in Si .W.e 34TH e STRE TeJ � ` • Ba- t°n' ,xl LK --a--T--te-so-- - O------,6 m _ -_-_n♦ ` -- _ + e r e-(x)- m Im es -"---- - ''ss- Y-1•- - --.- raEn --_- .- _ ,.awn=_--_=-=° —_--_-.r. _____ __ 6,.wol:ne 11 r. _= ', a.r�n,xB.ru.E+ ._ o.aa.,.:,1 8 \ e [ A,,,,,,,. ...,./. -� - — I I _BaBN_, _ // ` e^�� ! h / 61�y,x - _ _ IN NB]•50'23- - 119.85' v3+/� --o Er•sar,•lr J— o - t�.--- _-_ , .S _ _ . . .. -S-__�_ - _- __--r--� y _ of r L 4v:•...r._ _.. ,�n. - . SW 0 / m n- -_. ._- mm"„���C�uPlrt rJi- rx.uaa, - -71 kx_I iZS51A.3 _ paw _ - . -.__ '(.R'1 _ • .. .__ -..... 1. j r EX 12, .�: fuc u,x.. '"` I `�..•. :�� ;:[.,r c,�[ .;-ia�„- - ;�i;-----;iw?��99pp� s}�.:+x•1 _ '43_'.p I. - _[..u-"--e -- ___ '�aim ,wA l dY.� rl '.:�;'.'.o,:.rS . rr,a YY ..,Tttcr�a '-f b m. \ n, l / ter- ='_--'-_t_-1.•-'--_----_- =_ -__•, r •fit, 39r-. . _ - IE'*,'IiFn 6;.---'------.: REX 1 ;79 \\I 1,''Y/ \ -P-P;'x,r:.�.1.. , .� ' .,./ .. 1)(� _ •',,` - - "E`�m,nfo aeRzr.' ����Iu1MnI ..i t y + u�r�ournu' \\\-p .iv ' N0130'09.Ex�.�4B^50' III _ I, :1 �I ;I I"'�,,:. .I: I I.t„ _ J'I- _, F'bI _f wxe 4uT.,b6 , t` 6/1i\ '."•"'' :V.:,me nn.t -/ •I carve• 1 • •I •a „i I` r �R • , xca 5.ee / \� u.\n `.I I I 1 Jo.' I ,I-I /1 s:•vl._enl 1r:;, I Hal•,anxc.l ., '•i n I 1 .,••• x '\�� `�„a.` -`\ „a` ',wn I 1 I I I 11 1 1 'ji! - L LOT 0 I 1 I'1 I,1 % a\ x�u�,e a. '_--.-_----B658DIHO BLTH PL►S!—it, O8 1 fx ,,pp 11 ,.I o- • - Gs.xtl-T,6 m I 'I Gx\ l HII8LO OTOI3 8083'H88IT I I I 1 I 1 33,70 xi Ft !I 1 I • i • / I \ x HBP AO,O04-DB I e f I I I 1 1 1 e; 1 I: -ail I i Ij I II \ F-a�liiss- I' I ',-{=3-!I I 1 ,.- _-.-("' }Jr Lj` II I1 xi.rii-S.xE• , "I ! I I oI ! , i ,% • jIj'"i----...,.fold _ JI�,i� 1 I i �� ' �`` 1, I I LOT H -: 'I'N 1+1.-,'I BBHBIHO BIRTH PLAIT YOB I I .^ I I I 1 L ueq,r"So kW q 811:31DYHO B¢TH L6H y'O8 :.•:.; '1 I I HIIHLBTOTOH ITOSTHmmB 1 1 t PAIlliC L T I tR 7 %• BII8LII8OTO8 lT 8TBI98R 1I 1 SEP YTO.Ola-YY $I I `I I I id I I I I i o_,asa i 1,3 I I !,'•1r.•r il i ,Lfi"-c o, n x[ a. jj. ; I I--1--i-� - ._,•" t•- -7---- r`h �'/ -i, I T-A,[-}a:=asc' 11 ` I �i I I !I I I• :.;.c as .'i,'.; W �� p[. wr ;//1' `'y1 II I I '71 I I I - .:;,.:,• I i ,•�,:! ! .Saar„r k9N6 ssco jlo s s<F>>lo1' y s,EE I I.'«' 7 a II I '''9"__ I, i ,� I W o I I I I B, �' ' '.f I pl d I I pi 'I I i i ' j II --- I 1-1 j-- '-----y-La"-!l-S�:-1 -- I l"l /' / D.-]69J'49_'n e0 20 o a Q _A WRYER aos. EA,e've�Lawo[•s[.,tr,r-� 1 x ' / X c n sx N lit - - -'<: • .�.1 !'„�/,' -586.60' ' SCALE IN FEET - i oll 14 7 _ o p I p Ir ! '! I-"�t:,.fm, o-]ose•J6• `,/7�pi ��rl I tl' I I j I `9`- 1 1 o-•4j-I-'-f- - ,-:. ,. ,.a !/Q�`/'/// Z ' '9'• /�� 'I(' 11 I [c.., + !r I e� • 1..I �_c•a,- 1_ .' ,/3%�' 'I 41 i i �/ i �_r4=��_ _ �_ °"-w�'—.h!-�_-�-rx"'" --=-3.,•.\ / �:i�'�i/ai./ • {, 1 , 1 / / // fl I ,I°i�— ' c .. _j_ - \ "%;:•, _x.,-fr. v.. DATUM =III I I �` /i r��;' - i I'• I I I � iNA/AK)c..,ex_ i'�:\2:; r'a�,; .:://7 - d III III '^ 1. :•yr/ / //' kyh � P :11 . •. Q v .' '`• JJT�l„ CITY OF RENTON r I /�/ / i IIII • 1 ,I I j \\ +. ,`r1 : /: J \ CONTROLLING BENCHMARK: ,i `=7 L_L__l r I I f' \ \ CITY OF RENTON 6ENCHYARN NO.672 5x e0I I /,t�/�/ 1 I I I OFFICE " CHISELED SQUARE IN CONCRETE WALK r _ r I r l:xx'nBnmix.is'0 \' ^e jrvovvt,.rl,'`\'. 6.5 FEET WEST AND 1.0 FEET NORTH .. I __—-5 un,xv•F-u.lx L"r' ,'/ \ �./ I ! I I _ J •• - OF SEANCE ENTRANCE DOOR TO // / d�%/• ice/ :i-may°c'-sz SAY YOUNKER-S DATSUN.• 1 ,�,/ = ;,.:. , , t I I - -.+K.'- :, t,e'[l' , t91�V pl' _ : ELEVATION.20.94• ax. 41 E ,a I I I • El \j - �� ' �' a,e,r' / N fir'" /: i` '.�_.«EE WAND, li t cfrts.c`.'n5-na, a Iz /' e �� w(P/ - / \ 1 I • � ua,.,.c n.,w.ts j�' • 1 i/ / �i .0 yi/.8 1 \ I 2. -yam rr,/S> -6'L_=Y:n s _ I <i_-,[ , u w I c y=/ �'/ 'L�-.! e `• �- �11�� o �`�;� - a'w ;u :i F nE r-- F NfirsD4]w- z9Q8 _ -,=G�_�_,-��_ _r<c v>-,�,� t •i E Sq-SB' xr a+o..i i.°' +��°° ,11 .___ ., _I _.I._. ]xrL--�'�• I:1==11 2_1__1._=J_s_I. T•3__-_-_- • -- •. - __ - -_'-- .-.l X• __ • -, of , cwc BAsf tat 1 °�x�\ -_- - , �= -� �X-- -_,_ __` --- 1t' -_1� -- 'S- -:=lst-_ : f pL 5_-—� ?= —_ = t.s...t ltwas.rxnn, aaa I�� JS -- -- ,boa — L_..— j_, -1, y =�� 'N.-- _ —=_" 4 — _ ==__ --_: II. ''� x +E�- t,: o a,n:n A u xr fx[nnax POND 0.02'J3'S9' t��=-rs x ,f+.[u 11 I - aL AVENUE eY [r:zn w0AB EASEMENT ' CAPPED 6,CTS5-,5 sx ul R -07517' R-27.3•• Rr-05.87'3•f.'•• � EA a ER ut rod` HDH� ' Associates, I I [Horton,,:* 6 Inc. R-605.6]' x 1 wws•o E.v,�,,x,..rrv,w svw,.v c Accrss Ro.o xc w•Rau: E ss[ AVEo 6-Rxr(xl=,.,, L-B3.09• L-2].14' L-40.46] BIITDYaTO KITH FLAB POE o.ao oo ACCESS ROAD 1. i'1��` ,o w.xcss r EGRESS r.sNExr 8III4LIOOTO08 ITOBTSHHH CITY OF RENTON LOT 7 w \i " CB BINDING BTTI PLAN FOB HZIBICIHD EO11 BASH DEPARTMENT OF xia is BIIRLIFTOTOB NOSTH18RT f - e DEPART __PUBLIC WORKS.-. we cE5-B e. •g:o57 ,- If,xcavC(a5-B 5s BOP Ho.oaa-ort acT:',riE(nw[B.sr) WATER AND SANITARY SEWER PLAN -,68,• ..:j`wc�sf%sxr FARWEST STEEL- PHASE TWO "' x ,aBx otm Bo- Rr 0u ,\ p.m: Worn nnr"`•9eemw,a.o 1 SW 1/4, SEC. 30, TWP. 23N, R. 5E W.M. QJm/ VLKt l!`I'AQ Z MBPIE__(T� IN :_' co u _ BOLLARDS r if -plf vj—ir ,4Lt��nA\ urn �d_Ri ttiri t_ ml I 1 1 ► -Aill - �. li.�ir_w;i:i:�:�s..iiiaiilv�rs o sn:a:, � �:�' �` � a<� � �il1l�Yl � �� /y'i ;.Mtn-'-.-.-"_'� 124—J �45111 ;��...(..,_�WArAM"r;"=74 4.42:7 r 147��i \,� ��, •�_Iile_ �oY/J%!O._�i_� ��a'��ar'-��4,� _ - -- - - �' �0�rs o��_ i:r ram_ i � _ x:i 2'W E HYDRANT7/ -�aa' --: �.../'oi.� Il�.�/�• 3q '� OLJ� _ _is//i/ /m �� _ ,_ . eka�� _ ice_,il�:��/%%%°_r%72:►.NN _A - _'•ri • - - - - -_ _-�0 �� f - �I ��r-4/%1 �`� =i 11�/`4 /lam._ :a.:o,r �1 � RETAINING WALL I • CONST, 4'• PEp , --Ii i, • CONC. WALK II ,' 14. • ' i �� I ' NEW 4'-IDI3vALK 11 • STOP SIGN •• i' - 11 HTDROSEED ALL EDGE PAVING MAIL BOX ^ DISTURBED AREAS r[i1.1 �: ; • PROPOSED BUILDING • I� I ( EXISTING• !I I '�0i — VE6ETAT!ON -1_. • TO REMt11N jV I • -',��t �..a11.. . 1 it 1t a ���/.iiiF / G I1 _J_NTON ' 1 ; 1 EXISTING BUILING / 41k ;1I' I ST, !I( I �IT? ' y� /r,l ' O:. , 5G5 NITROGEN :1'7 `ri _ a 1STORAGE PAD'l ;17' 1 5cs '' aE . • II ii 0 /1,4;1' r /I'', .� ('''''---------� EXISTING PARKIN1.4; i • , µ cs;�� fjr EXISTI G PARKING I `. i I EXISTING �// �/� _ ' '&. �-_' I-•• - .,.....� VEGETATION i 4.19 ,y — 'r I '1 , '•��l TO REMAIN ,� 110 ... I. : I --------/.------/-------MATGHLINE SEe_QHT L-2�-- ---- -- - ------------- HDR Horton D.nnlo ll Aaaoclat.a,Mo. LANDSCAPE PLAN ` F Brumbaugh&Associates OQnnp� :.9.,0°� V ,,, ,"'0�,� C[TY OC REAN SCALE: I"= 20'-O" ts Landscape Architecture N m WA"`NM IS E] Q /��// DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS NanA i mananea LANDSCAPE PLAN FARWEST STEEL-PHASE TWO ' A.K. INES. nm DIlL 2ro/A . . SW 1/4, SEC. 30, TWP. 23N, R. 5E W.M. / _ dirk I. l• 1 1 - 1 1 MATCHLINE SEE SHEET L-I -, 4_1_ , _________•- . _.,. _.• • . ,•,../. •• ., _ ....••4", „..',. it /..1, •-• :•, .. • -to ,,' ,. ($0':.....! i :..-. • EXI5TIN6 VE6ETATION / • . * . 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'''' ',3.7.,....'47 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 331 Pot AAA Callr.11.•ID DANA WA W3033•11233 LANDSCAPE PLAN try..ADM IAA CB..WI SA Rohn.ATMS 1103 FARWEST STEEL-PHASE TWO moon . nor. tr/./. Btu. Loi • SALT 3 Of 3 PO MASA. WI /AA DAtt MAME ... • • • SW 1/4, SEC. 30, TWP. 23N, R. 5E W.M. • EXISTING PLANT SCHEDULE SYMBOL OTY. BOTANICAL NAME/COMMON NAME SIZE NOTES LANDSCAPE NOTES: TREES . I. GROUND COVER IN EXTEND UNDER ALL TREE AND SHRUB CANOPIES ATTI THE LRAxim BAR GYL A McA / MIr/UMI S.GAL Br B,MATCHED FORM SPECIFIED SPACING TO PROVIDE COMPLETE COVERAGE IN ALL PLANTING / FftASIN15 PE UBYLVANIGA E IT/ASH 2-1/2'GAL Br B,MATCHED FORM BEDS DESIGNATED TO RECEIVE GROUND COVER. • • O. BETTA PAPYRIFERA/PAPER BIRCH 2-1/2'CAL. SHE MIATCHED FORM IJ5 2. SCHAV LANDAPE DRAWINGS ARE BASED ON THE SITE PLAN PREPARED BY {`J RiUWg 9.KWAN2AN/FlOYB21N6[HENRY 9•GAL BIB MATCHED FORM SGHAUDT STEMM!WILD INC.IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF OO FORMES NISRA ITILIGA'/LOMBARDY POPLAR 4'GAL. BEB,MATCHED FORM ANY FIELD CHANGES TO THE SITE PLANS WHICH MAY REQUIRE ADJ./SR-TNT O BETULA NIGRA/RIVER BIRCH Is HT. OF DESIGN. EVERGREEN TREES 0 5. REFER TO CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWINGSAND FOR GRADING DRAINAGE F.A PSEVDOGA Ni]IZIESII/DOu5LA5 FIR is.HT. MIS PL L AND&151n' INFORMATION. IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY ® THJJA PLICATA TH'M NA'/EXCELSA CEDAR IS HT. Ba B,FULL AND BUSHY ADVERSE DRAINAGE CONDITIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT THE HEALTH OF PLANT SHRUBS MATERIAL. EA ta1pNYMMJ ALATA/WINGED ELVMTV3 4. NO PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDES TO BE USED ON THE PROJECT SITE DURING Na W10D0DENDRON'GJNNINSHAMS POISE'/RHODODENDRON THE FIRST YEAR WARRANTEE PERIOD. GS CORN)s STOLONIFERA/SEPSIS DOOSWOOD SC 5. ALL CEDAR AND FIR TREES TO BE NURSERY GROWN WITH CENTRAL TAxUs CUSPITATA/JAPANESE YEW ORIGINAL LEADER INTACT AND HEALTHY. TROUNDCOVER ARLTOSTAPKTLOS uVA/11451/KINNIKINNIGK EXISTING LAIR AND ROJAH 6RAss AREAS SEE SPEC JJ' J NEIN PLANT SCHEDULE 4L- P.ik ti 0 I t �1 SYMBOL OTY. BOTANICAL NAME/COMMON NAME SIZE NOTES ` •mac �HJ '�'` �f""1' STRAND,way ETH voleLe O' "eL DPI{GAUGE 6ALV.BPS WRAPPED GEAR VINYL. • TWIST TI6Hf. 20 BEMA PAPYRIFLRA/ H IA/4'GAL. BEB,MATCHED FORM geT rES.'AXESTGLE i I I era sL POINT wTN GROUNDCOVER PLANT TREES HIEN—— NI i 57.T�MAP OP SPECIFIED, ENOIMH TO ALLOM • LAPM IAFEAS FILL MPH POSITIVE ORNNASa I ]'OP SPECIFIED MACH fr/�� EPOSION CONTROL HTDRosEED BEE SPEC N'NY FROM FOOTBALL ` REMOVE TOP US Or!LRCM. LOOSEN YORE BASKETS. %.'il T.`•T'�'u,,am,i....ii I+r�. BALKPILL PIT SO%� re =1N- IL.I_.:P;I t!: - 411 L LIFIEO f-.:T,�.=•_fi'Rn l;;:_ -11- FERTLn81 TO MX BARR MRCP IT MOE Or BED 5-V1h1.•d4�.`.:.•..ce,'yK..... M=h? 1'.D.D. IYIBI -T• I I I I I��xm.Aoe >•xS'n.��7._L::1F(i�"'^"'1?�' ..::+.1�r Y �..t: ..t4'y,'^�'r B 1 _1 PIT TO Be Hulce ITS ROOM._OW y `L,.y x.� 4n< • . SET GRpN AT N)C• NOTES.MIRE fB.Y TSOT - n BARK FII.OH PER SPECS 31 SINGLE STAKE VIAKE.MAPLES yA{.O TREES.THAN B•CALIPER x '` `�' T IL PER SPECS O ON GRADE TREE PLANTING C. :J� ,;y FERTILImL FIER SPECS. Nor To WALL ttii� >i 11IL -11.. TOP In OP xRLAP ON BOB CURE OR NeADBR 11 JL=11:=11=1L 1L=lL ”..w Horton Dennis&Aaaoelana,Ino. .11=11.271111=11.=.1111.=.I I NOM 2PAGRn FOR eRaweoveL TO s TRIAN S Lr.R PER R x ROOIBw.I.PIA II HDH1 tU- -..P.m,vurANce a,OrrN 011 tLA 1T 15, ...F j i Brumbaugh&Associates SURD r"P/RE mT+.•R.r OGROIRmGOVER SPACING CITYOF RENTON _ OStIR{S FLAMIIIG ��G; �I.;/�„4 _.DEPARTMENT OF_ PUBLIC_ WORKS --. - nn Lanaec•paa ArcnN.ctura V Iawd,w MOUE IRn LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE AND NOTES FARWEST STEEL-PHASE TWO 771717 IA I axe IE/v/w ROT a COCRAP. EN op cut I. Ea non m�:. r oa IR RIHNON er PPR WE uRaTu ...„........� 977373 cr) o Y ci;) (.-) 9 .,•,'T- `z,k, ID .4 x..,c __ !;__...__ .,--o,._.,.._ ._-. ....flia_ ....r6!9'. .,• .. o. , Reg,:;• t PA,' ) i 4, .7.6.1. - 4, t, !. ..---4......J......-.,....,...... •le.o.:1•4 Tc1*--0fg5j'?2-;•..,4+11-4....'. 2'. ''. 2.' "-4, ,,,,7.::,. r!' .4'...,.1.t" ' .,,•,,-.‘,...!' '‘- !7!! ,I!+.•e trt I• I ® ii-...i.:-...•0- •- 7709'..-.-.7--.77(0-7.7.777-P• .7- ,77.fF.,-.7; ..-'.,7-bi`:-......,..•....,,P• . .1P:.,•. . ' M....... l''.'-1-r C4PT:-.,'.7-F 1:3.:-.'.. '..-MI'.'':I'....M..-:.';... ''.''..'..6'...-.'-.:..: ''_,-... )'.% -7:Vs''"'''' •!a.: .r , ...s. •! --1--. _A 8 8 a • 4,0144, 1 1 . ... !! 111 . • . I• I i 1 •i' . • . '. I ! 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DESCRIPTION ti / Ri AR/ '%T o f sVC //m. ` CI Q FNT pi A F RENrift/VG 2000 ItE.CeV THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval 0 Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit copies for approval tFor your use 0 Approved as noted 0 Submit _copies for distribution AK — As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints O For review and comment ❑ r; ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGN ED: i1/v `�/ "C#4 it iRTON DENNIS &ASSOCIATES INC. r� CONSULTING ENGINEERS 320 Second AveP.m,outh RS LLIEU�L6Q ^ r U UUn rrirm,r' H DA Kirkland,WA 9&,.,j-6687 (206)822-2525 FAX:(206)822-8758 DATE JOB NO. 2/7/2000 9967 ATTENTION Elizabeth Higgins, AICP TO City of Renton, Planning Dept RE. Farwest Steel Phase II 1055 South Grady Way Project # LUA-00-002,SA-A, ECF Renton WA 98055 WE ARE SENDING YOU li Attached 0 Under separate cover via the following items: O Shop drawings (X Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifications O Copy of letter 0 Change order 0 COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 12 3 Landscape Plan 12 1 Erosion Control Plan 2-- — Site Plan, Sheet 1 of 3 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: CX For approval 0 Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit copies for approval a For your use 0 Approved as noted 0 Submit copies for distribution C$As requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return corrected prints • Ek For review and comment 0 O FOR BIDS DUE 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS . Supplemental submittal for building permit application. FEB 072000 BUILDING DIVISION for Cliff Williams COPY TO SIGNED: • HORTON DENNIS &ASSOCIATES- INC. CONSULTING EN 320 Second Ave iouth LET� �QGz1 SE IT�G�l� H DA Kirkla(206)nd, WA822-25 9 0533- 256687 FAX:(206)822-8758 DATE JOB NO 2/7/2000 9967 ATTENTION Elizabeth Higgins, AICP TO City of Renton, Planning Dept RE Farwest Steel Phase II 1055 South Grady Way Project # LUA-00-002,SA—A, ECF Renton WA 98055 WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached 0 Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ Shop drawings GI Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter 0 Change order 0 COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 12 3 Landscape Plan 12 1 Erosion Control Plan 12 1 Site Plan, Sheet 1 of 3 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: IX For approval 0 Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit copies for approval El For your use ❑ Approved as noted 0 Submit copies for distribution 1 As requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return corrected prints For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Supplemental submittal for building permit application. A7 171Fr. O 7 2001 3011>L 1N !)R/l3 iQN for Cliff Williams COPY TO SIGNED: �4., CIT" )F RENTON 7,7 NAL Planning/Building/Public Works Department 7 e Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator February 3, 2000 Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Subject: Revised Appeal Period The appeal period has been extended to February 18, 2000 for the following project: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED FARWEST STEEL EXPANSION LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF The proposed project would allow expansion of an existing building for the same user, Farwest Steel. The proposal requires Environmental Review and Administrative Site Plan Approval. The proposed addition is approximately 33,070 sf that will be added to the north side of an existing 63,868 sf building. Location: 201 SW 34 h Street. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM February 18, 2000. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of.Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)- 430-6510. If you have questions, please call me at (425)430-7382. For the Environmental Review Committee,Elizabeth Higgins, AICP Project Manager cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division Larry Fisher, Department of Fisheries David F. Dietzman, Department of Natural Resources Don Hurter, Department of Transportation Eric Swenson, Seattle Public Utilities Duwamish Tribal Office Rod Malcom, Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (Ordinance) Joe Jainga, Puget Sound Energy agencyltrl 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, Washington 98055 ®This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer = CIT ' = - -;: Worksbepartitient : • 'Jesse Tanner MayorGregg Zimmerman P.E,Administrator , • February 3,2000 _ • • _ • • Mr. Cliff Horton Dennis&Associates 320 Second Avenue South Kirkland, WA 98033 SUBJECT: Farwest Steel Phase II • Project No. LUA-00-002,SA-A, ECF • Dear Mr. Williams: , . -.'. This letter is written to inform you that the appeal period has been extended to February 18, 2000. :•• Appeals of either the environmental•;determination„(Rcw 43.21.0075(3), WAC 197-11-680) and/or the land'use decision must be filed in writing on Or before'5:00 PM February 18, 2000. If no appeals are filed by this date, both actions will become final. Appeals must,be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examinei-,'CitY of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by city of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-1 1 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-430-6510. If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please call me at(425)430-7382. For the Environmental Review Committee, • . • Elizabeth Higgins,AICP Project Manager cc: Farwest Steel/Owners Enclosures •• drismIeftr •••':'•:;-_••,::.; -- : • •••••• • • ;;. -,'; • :-1055 South Grady WaY,,,RelifOn;Washington 98055 , This PePerboniains 50%recycled meterial,20%post consumer ,.•. , , • • ; • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Charlotte Ann Kassens first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Legal Clerk of the • SOUTH COUNTY 1V TY JOURNAL NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL S 600 S. Washington Avenue, Kent,'Washington 98032 DETERMINATION - -i ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEWCOMMITTEE RENTON,WASHINGTON a daily newspaper published seven (7)times a week. Said newspaper is a legal The Environmental Review committee ' newspaper of general publication and is now and has been for more than six months i (ERC)has issued a Determination of Non- Significance-Mitigated for the following pro- prior to the date of publication, referred to, printed and published in the English language ject under the authority of the Renton continually as a daily newspaper in Kent, King County, Washington. The South County Municipal Code. Journal has been approved as a legal newspaper b y order of the Superior Court of the . FARWEST STEEL EXPANSION PP 9y P LUA-00-002,SA--A,ECF- -- -- _ - i State of Washington for King County. - Proposed expansion of existing building. The notice in the exact form attached, was published in the South County , Location:201 SW 34th Street. Journal (and not in supplemental form)which was regularly distributed to the subscribers • - Appeals of either the environmental determinatiori (RCW-43.21.0075 3), WAC 1 during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a 197-11-680) and/or the land use decision must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM February 18, 2000. If no appeals are Farwest Steel Expansion . filed by this date, both actions will become final. Appeals must be filed in writing J as published on: 2/5/00 • together with the required $75.00 applica- , tion fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of •Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$40.25, ' WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are. charged to Acct. No. 8051067. governed by City of Renton Municipal g Code Section 4-8-11B.Additional informa- tion regarding the appeal process may be, Legal Number 7160 Office,(425)430t651p Renton City Clerk's Ii Published in the South County Journal ,. February 5,2000:7160-• - i • Le Clerk, So , ounty Journal Subscribed and sworn before me on this 0 day of__ , 2000 S°°or`k 09LiA9 op P, Zoo •,�. p(4 !lC:_. C_ti obur„-y), --q„gav, ei j' .gym @� a Notary Public of the State of Washington nt>30,v, o:° a residing in Renton -• • �s°r .E' %. - King County, Washington sAssssr°asaaJ� a :,gip°°��,, NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON, WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated for the following project under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. FARWEST STEEL EXPANSION LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF Proposed expansion of existing building. Location: 201 SW 34th Street. Appeals of either the environmental determination (RCW 43.21.0075(3), WAC 197-11-680) and/or the land use decision must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM February 18, 2000. If no appeals are filed by this date, both actions will become final. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-430-6510. Publication Date: February 5,2000 Account No. 51067 dnsmpub.dot tiOniC;JE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION REVISED APPEAL PERIOD(FEBRUARY 3,2000) FARWEST STEEL EXPANSION LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF The proposed project would allow expansion of an existing building for the same user,Farwest Steel.The proposal requires Envirunmentat Review end Administrative Site Plan Approval. The proposed addition is approximately 33,070 sf that will be added to the north side of an existing 63,868 sf building.Location:201 SW I 34 Street.`CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW THE COMMITTEE THE (ERC) DETERMINED THAT PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE S SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. Appeals of either the environmental determination(RCW,43.21.0075(3),WAC 197.114680)andler the land use decision must be Bled in writing on or before 5:00 PM February 18,2000.If no appeals are filed by this date,both actions will become final.Appeals must be filed In writing together with the required 575.00 application foe with: Hearing Examiner,City of Renton,1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner aro governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4.8.11B. Additional Information regarding the appeal process may bo obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office,(425).4304510. Y�ry}^ ,r„xt ?� A d1�8 31 MI • m � " ap,t�;�: r 211 morr fT Inn(61 , I ".•�� • FOR FURTHER INFORMATION,PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON,DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT(425)430-7382. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION • Please Include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file Identification. CERTIFICATION I, i Ab-e- i 7 i�S , hereby certify that 3 copies of the above document were posted by me in 3 conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on . 7 p�pj ?.ed o r Signed: `r,J ATTEST: Subcribed and sworn before me, a Nortary Public,in and for the State of Washington residing in , on the ! c t day of MARILYN KAMCHEFF NOTARY PUBLIC Jm Cry L,�t„,,_ xe, _ ; STATE OF WAS INGTO COMMISSION EXPIRES ? '''T' 2003 JUNE r MARILYN KAMCHEFF MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES:6-29-03 . . is:::::........::...:......... ...:.............................:....�.{...:::: <...... si: ::......:ii}i:iiiii>i:......is......:isis. ........................................................ENTF3N> »....... :::::::>::::::><>:>:.>::>:: >>>'>'> >' :> '> :»> >'>'>;:>:>::>': IFIT31•�/IT..... ... ..................... . . ......'SERE • On the 21111 day of ,k* .wu&. , 2000, I deposited in the mails of the United States, a sealed envelope containing 'Rem% W -1 bec tsteivl documents. This information was sent to: Name Representing Cyr1 +sun CO.vw eyrt Ck-f w�l\I rc �\UAG�, \- e.V s e �svLk (Signature of Sender) Sasaki._ �r— STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) 99 I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that c�-ram• ‘e-e, c-e-L signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: j G M3i_YN KAMOl-IEFF (Votary Pub' in and for the State o shington NOTARY PUBLIC Notary (Print) STATE OF WASHINGTON My appointmwhap9ltNAMCHEFF COMMISSION EXPIRES MY APPOU4TMENT EXPIHt6:6-29-03 JUNE 29, 2003 Project Name: -'rnunrjest Project Number: LOA ,OD. 002 Sw-IA ,i✓Ce NOTARY2.DOC I • , fr<- REPORT City of Renton & Department of Planning/Building/Public Works DECISION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW& ADMINISTRATIVE LAND USE ACTION DECISION DATE: January 25, 2000 Project Name: Farwest Steel Expansion Applicant: Carl Hutchison; Farwest Steel Owner: Farwest Steel File Number: LUA-00-002, SA-A, ECF Planner: Elizabeth Higgins Project Description: The proposed project would allow expansion of the existing Farwest Steel building. The proposal requires Environmental Review and Administrative Site Plan Approval. The proposed addition is approximately 33,070 sf that will be added to the north side of an existing 63,868 sf building. Project Location: 201 SW 34th Street Exist. Bldg. Area SF: 63,868 sf Proposed Addition Area SF: 33,070 sf Site Area: 5.63 acres Total Building Area SF: 99,938 sf I 1 -- i— ;1 1. I III F I- 4-- g to v - •- i., • Y s - it . o 1_: 1 - pIo W iF i • t ,: ▪h -�4' 1 't i; F u: " • . ,-1:11"ii' 1 1 - 1 lo ,,,/ diGHT iS 1 —_ -. ^ - 2,‘ t I. 1 i t ' , SHE 1 z , W c -- - - HEA I ��' ; /, _ NU INOTON I. ; II! i I o ('Y/�I—�II 11 , .t_�,/ /''l l. . IHOU SiHIN. - I j tor 1 r e-ANW. - . ' . �1.:, --- • 1 r. --In r, i�)6_ 1 M Project Location Map siteercdoc , City of Renton PB/PW Department Administrative Site Plan Approval&Envi ental Review Committee StaffReport FARWEST STEEL EXPANSION LUA-00-002,SA A,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OFJANUARY 25,2000 Page2 of 11 ' PART ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND The project proponent wishes to obtain site plan approval for construction of a 33,070 sf warehouse expansion to an existing 63,868 sf building located on SW 34th Street between Lind Avenue SW and East Valley Road in the City of Renton. The site plan for Farwest Steel Corporation, a steel distribution facility, Phases One and Two was approved by the City of Renton in 1997 (LUA 96-022). Phase Two was not built and the site plan approval was subsequently allowed to expire in 1998. The current project proposal is for the project referred to in the earlier land use action as "Phase Two." The property is in an Industrial - Heavy (IH) Zone (the property was zoned Industrial - Medium at the time of the previous approval). Warehousing and storage uses are allowed outright in the IH Zone. -� The adjacent zoning, across SW 34th Street to the north, is IH and IH is also abutting the site on the west and east. The abutting zoning to the south is Industrial—Medium. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation is Employment Area—Valley(the property was designated Employment Area—Industrial at the time of the previous approval). The area of the project site is in a period of transition and development. Although there are industrial uses in the vicinity, there are also hotels, movie theatres, and restaurants. Because the original approval expired the current project proposal is subject to the site plan review and approval process. The site is located within the Green River Valley and is therefore subject to special landscaping requirements by agreement(Environmental Mitigation Agreement) between the City of Renton and the US National Resource Conservation Service (formerly the Soil Conservation Service). PART TWO: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43.21C.240, the following project environmental review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. A. Environmental Impacts The Proposal was circulated and reviewed by various City Departments and Divisions to determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development. Staff reviewers have identified that the proposal is likely to have the following probable impacts: 1. Earth Impacts: The proposed project site is flat, with a maximum slope of one (1) percent. A geotechnical report (Terra Associates, Inc., February 1, 1996) has been submitted with a cover letter from the engineer(dated December 30, 1999). The letter updates the earlier report as to seismic design considerations and site surcharging requirements. The site was filled in the 1970s. It is outside of the 100 year floodplain. Approximately 79 percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces. siteerc.doc City of Renton PB/PW Department Administrative Site Plan Approval&Envi ental Review Committee Staff Report FARWEST STEEL EXPANSION LUA-00-002,SA A,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OFJANUARY 25,2000 Page3 of11 8 Soil erosion could result during the construction phase of the project, therefore Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control measures will be required as a condition of the construction and building permits. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is deemed necessary. ry Policy Nexus: N/A 2. Air Impacts: Development of the site, as proposed, would not result in any significant long-term impacts to existing air quality. The primary impacts from development of the proposed project are related to construction activities and future vehicle traffic. After construction, vehicle exhaust from automobiles and trucks will be the primary impact to air quality. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is deemed necessary. Policy Nexus: N/A 3. Water Impacts: On-site storm drainage and water quality/detention facilities are in place from the Phase One construction. There are no impacts to surface or groundwater anticipated. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is deemed necessary. Policy Nexus: N/A 4. Stormwater Impacts: Upon completion of the project stormwater from the approximately 79 percent impervious surfaces would ultimately be directed to the City of Renton stormwater system in Springbrook Creek, which flows into the Black River. Runoff release rates shall be consistent with the peak rate of existing site conditions and with City of Renton requirements. Final stormwater drainage plans shall comply with King County Surface Water Design Manual requirements. There are no additional stormwater impacts anticipated. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is deemed necessary. Policy Nexus: N/A 5. Transportation Impacts: The project site is located on the south side of SW 34th Street between Lind Avenue SW to the west and East Valley Road to the east. The existing access, located at the northeast corner of the project site, would be used. There is a second access existing at the south portion of the project site. Traffic on these roads is anticipated to increase by approximately 161.382 average daily (weekday) trips (based on the ITE rate of 4.88 trips per 1000 sf of building area). Although transportation mitigation fees for Phase One were paid previously, additional fees for this project will be required. siteerc.doc City ofRenton PB/PWDepartment Administrative Site Plan Approval&Envi ental Review Committee Staff Report FARWEST STEEL EXPANSION LUA-00-002,SA A,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OFJANUARY 25,2000 Page4 of 11 A credit of twenty (20) percent of the total number of trips, 32.3 trips, will be deducted due to anticipated use of existing railroad. Therefore the total trips, estimated at 129.082 will be subject to the Transportation Mitigation fee of$75.00 per trip, or$9,682.92. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall be required to pay the applicable Transportation Mitigation Fee based on a rate of$75 per each new average weekday trip attributable to the project, less 20 percent of trips for use of railroad transportation. Policy Nexus: Transportation Mitigation Fee: Resolution 3100, Ordinance 4527; SEPA environmental regulations. 6. Aesthetics Impacts: The height of the new addition will be 50 feet 11 inches along its connecting edge with the existing building. The sheet metal roof will slope at the same angle as the existing roof to a height of 47 feet at the north elevation of the new addition. There will be no roof top mechanical equipment. The foundation, to an above-ground height of 12 feet, will be faced with concrete panels. The addition will be faced with sheet metal siding from the top of the concrete panels to the roof. Staff has requested that the applicant's landscape plan include large trees in the landscape area north of the building to visually reduce the scale of the building. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is deemed necessary. Policy Nexus: N/A 7. Police and Fire Departments Impacts: No additional impacts are anticipated for the proposed project other than those included in the Phase One Fire Mitigation Fees. Fire Mitigation Fees for this project were paid with the fees for Phase One. No additional fees are required. Mitigation Measures: No mitigation is deemed necessary. Policy Nexus: N/A B. Recommendation Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommend that the Responsible Officials make the following Environmental Determination: DETERMINATION OF DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED. Issue DNS with 14 day Appeal Period. Issue DNS-M with 14 day Comment and A eal Period. Issue DNS-M with a Concurrent 14 day Appeal Period. siteerc.1oc City of Renton PB/PWDepartment Administrative Site Plan Approval&Envi; ental Review Committee StaffReport FARWEST STEEL EXPANSION LUA-00-002,SA A,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF JANUARY 25,2000 Page5 of 11 C. Mitigation Measures 1. Traffic mitigation fees for this proposed development will be required. Fees are $75.00 for each new average daily (weekday)trip and are calculated based on gross square footage of the new building (33,070 sf). A reduction of twenty (20) percent of the number of trips will be given for use of the existing railroad. Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. 1. Economic Development: a. Site is designated Employment Area—Valley in the Comprehensive Plan. b. The land use zone is Heavy Industrial (IH). c. No policy issues. 2. Parks: a. It appears the new 4'sidewalk adjacent to the addition on the north side will be constructed through existing Douglas fir planting beds. Clarification is needed on sheet 1 of 3 landscape plan. b. The existing Douglas fir trees will be too close to the proposed building at this location and should be removed. c. Landscaping in the new planting strip shall accommodate additional plantings to replace the Douglas firs. d. Recommend plantings other than paper birch in this same strip as this species is susceptible to disease in urban settings. e. All landscaping outside property to be maintained by owner/developer. 3. Fire Prevention: a. The fire flow for this addition was taken into account in the original construction and so no change or update is required. Existing fire hydrants are satisfactory. b. Fire mitigation fees are applicable, however these were paid for in the original construction and so none are due at this time. c. An approved fire sprinkler system is required to be installed throughout the structure. d. Outdoor storage cannot block fire lanes. 4. Stormwater/Sanitary Sewer/Water: a. Stormwater, water, and sanitary sewer development connection charges were paid during Phase One. b. An erosion control plan will be required. 5. Transportation: a. Traffic mitigation fees will be required. Approximately 161.382 additional average daily(weekday)trips have been estimated. b. A credit of twenty (20) percent of the total number of trips will be deducted due to anticipated use of existing railroad. c. For an estimated building size of 33,070 sf,the traffic mitigation fee will be$9,682.92. 6. Development/Planning: a. The proposed project site is located in the Industrial—Heavy (IH)Zone. b. The site is located in the Green River Valley,therefore a minimum of two (2) percent of the entire parcel must have natural landscaping as required in accordance with the City of Renton—US National Resource Conservation siteerc.doc City ofRenton PB/PW Department Administrative Site Plan Approval&Envif. mtal Review Committee Staff Report FARWEST STEEL EXPANSION LUA-00-002,SA A,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF JANUARY 25,2000 Page6 of 11 1 Service Environmental Mitigation Agreement. Areas of native plantings were created with the development of Phase One. It must be demonstrated, by the applicant,that these areas meet the two (2) percent requirement for both Phase One and the current development prior to the issuance of building permits. c. The applicant has provided a plan (Brumbaugh &Associates, 12/30/00) of existing landscaping that was required to be'installed for Phase One. All existing (Phase One) landscaping shown on the plan that is removed or damaged during construction of the proposed project must be replaced prior to occupancy of the building. d. All parking must be on site. Approximately 22 parking spaces would be required for this project. A total of between 741(minimum) and 79 (maximum) parking spaces will be required for the entire facility. e. Outdoor storage cannot take place in vehicular parking areas without a Temporary Use Permit. f. Recommendations of the geotechnical report(Terra Associates, Inc., February 1, 1996), submitted with a cover letter from the engineer(dated December 30, 1999), shall be followed. siteerc.doc City ofRenton PB/PW Department Administrative Site Plan Approval&Envit mtal Review Committee Staff Report FARWEST STEEL EXPANSION LUA-00-002,SA A,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OFJANUARY 25,2000 Page7 of 11 PART THREE: ADMINISTRATIVE LAND USE ACTION - REPORT& DECISION This decision on the administrative land use action is made concurrently with the environmental determination. A. Type of Land Use Action XX Site Plan Review Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Conditional Use Binding Site Plan Special Permit for Grade&Fill Administrative Code Determination B. Exhibits The following exhibits were entered into the record: I Exhibit No. 1: Yellow file containing: application, proof of posting and publication, environmental review and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No. 2: Drawing No. 1 of 3, Site Plan (Received January 4, 2000). Exhibit No. 3: Drawing No. 2 of 3, Grading and Storm Drainage Plan (Received January 4, 2000). Exhibit No. 4: Drawing No. 3 of 3, Water and Sanitary Sewer Plan (Received January 4, 2000). Exhibit No. 5: Drawing No. 1 of 3, Landscape Plan (Received January 4, 2000). Exhibit No. 6: Drawing No. 2 of 3, Landscape Plan (Received January 4, 2000). Exhibit No. 7: Drawing No. 3 of 3, Landscape Plan (Received January 4, 2000). Exhibit No. 8: Drawing No. 3, Building Floor Plan (Received January 4, 2000). Exhibit No. 9: Drawing No. 5, Building Elevations (Received January 4, 2000). Exhibit No. 10: City of Renton Zoning Map Exhibit No. 11: Vicinity Map C. Consistency with Site Plan Criteria In reviewing the proposal with respect to the Site Plan Approval Criteria set forth in Section 4-31- 33(D) of the Site Plan Ordinance, the following issues have been identified by City Departmental Reviewers and Divisional Reviewers: 1. Conformance with the comprehensive plan, its elements and policies; The intent of the Comprehensive Plan in areas designated Employment Area—Valley is to "Provide for a mix of employment-based uses, including commercial, office, and industrial development to support the economic development of the City of Renton." Policies in the Employment Area—Valley encourage compatible and related land uses to locate in proximity to one another. Increased intensity of use and greater site efficiency are encouraged. By constructing an addition to an existing building, the intensity of use on the site will be increased and greater efficiency in site utilization will occur. 2. Conformance with existing land use regulations; The intent of the Industrial— Heavy (IH) Zone is "to provide areas for high intensity industrial activities involving heavy fabrication, processing of raw materials, bulk handling and storage..." Warehousing and storage are permitted outright in the IH Zone. siteerc.doc City of Renton PB/P W Department Administrative Site Plan Approval&Envi antal Review Committee Staff Report FARWEST STEEL EXPANSION LUA-00-002,SA A,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OFJANUARY 25,2000 Page8 of 11 ' The project would conform with lot size and building height regulations. There are no lot width, depth, or coverage regulations in the IH Zone. There is a fifteen foot setback from SW 34th Street, a collector road. The site plan indicates a twenty foot setback in this area. Side and/or back setback requirements would only apply if the site abutted a residential zone, which it does not. All portions of the site not covered by buildings, structures, required parking, access, circulation, or service areas must be maintained as permeable areas and improved with native, drought-resistant vegetative cover. Irrigation, however, is required. The parking requirement is one (1) stall for every 1500 sf of warehouse area and between 3 and 4.5 stalls for every 1000 sf of office area. The parking plan will require revision prior to obtaining building and construction permits to provide one (1) additional accessible parking stall (as per Washington State Barrier Free Standards as adopted by the City of Renton, Ord. 3988, 4-28-1986) and one (1) regular stall. A total of 74 spaces are required, 72 are provided. Because the proposed project site is located in the Green River Valley, an additional two (2) percent of natural landscaping shall be required for developed sites (as per the City of Renton and the US National Resource Conservation Service Environmental Mitigation Agreement). Areas of native plantings were created with the development of Phase One. It must be demonstrated by the applicant that these areas meet the two (2) percent requirement for both Phase One and the current development prior to the issuance of building permits. 3. Mitigation of impacts to surrounding properties and uses; The site layout would not negatively impact surrounding uses. Although the structure is large, it is in scale with surrounding buildings (Renton Industrial Park to the north and Home Base to the south). The proposal incorporates landscaping to buffer the use from existing and proposed off-site uses. No excessive generation of nuisance (noise, odors, dust) is anticipated to occur from this development. 4. Mitigation of impacts of the proposed site plan to the site; The proposed addition was anticipated in the development of the original site plan so impacts were accommodated at that time. Storm facilities were originally sized for both phases of the project. The building would be oriented east to west, which is appropriate given the size of the building and the function and configuration of streets. Approximately 40 percent of the site has been retained in its natural condition. Traffic areas and landscaped areas are located appropriately to avoid conflicts. 5. Conservation of area-wide property values; The proposed addition should increase the value of the existing building, and thereby possibly have a positive influence on area-wide property values. 6. Safety and efficiency of vehicle and pedestrian circulation; The proposal provides a separation between truck traffic and private vehicle parking areas. Pedestrian circulation, other than employees, will be minimal on the site except at the office, which has a concrete sidewalk connection to visitor parking. siteerc.doc City ofRenton PB/PWDepartment _ Administrative Site Plan Approval&Envii rntal Review Committee StaffReport FARWEST STEEL EXPANSION LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OFJANUARY 25,2000 Page9 of 11 7. Provision of adequate light and air; No blocking of light or air would occur with this proposal. Parking lot lighting was installed with Phase One. 8. Mitigation of noise, odors and other harmful or unhealthy conditions; No high levels of noise, odors, or other harmful or unhealthy conditions are anticipated. 9. Availability of public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed use; Adequate services and facilities exist to accommodate the proposal. 10. Prevention of neighborhood deterioration and blight. Development would result in an industrial/warehouse use with extensive landscaping and preserved natural areas. No deterioration or blight would be expected to occur. 11. Provision of adequate and safe vehicular circulation and access. Adequate and safe vehicular access to and from all areas of the property would be provided. Ingress and egress points are limited to two, one at the north and one at the south portion of the property. Loading and delivery areas are separated from parking and pedestrian areas. 12. Employment of signage primarily for the purpose of identification. No additional signage has been proposed or should be required. 13.Aquifer Protection Area (APA): Not applicable. 14. Hazardous Waste Treatment and Storage Facilities: Not applicable. XX Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File. Copies of all Review Comments are attached to this report. D. Findings, Conclusions & Decision Having reviewed the written record in the matter, the City now enters the following: 1) Request: The applicant, Farwest Steel, has requested Environmental Review and Site Plan Approval for Farwest Steel Building Expansion. siteerc.doc City of Renton PB/PWDepartment Administrative Site Plan Approval&Envi mtal Review Committee Staff Report FARWEST STEEL EXPANSION LUA-00-002,SA A,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF JANUARY 25,2000 Pagel of II 2) Environmental Review: The applicant's file, containing the application, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation, the comments from various City departments,the public notices requesting citizen comment, and other pertinent documents, was entered as Exhibit No. 1. 3) Site Plan Review: The applicant's site plan application complies with the requirements for ' information for site plan review. The applicant's site plan and other project drawings were entered as Exhibits No. 2 through 9. 4) Comprehensive Plan: The subject proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Employment Area - Valley. 5) Zoning: The Conditional Use as presented, complies with the zoning requirements and development standards of the Industrial—Heavy (IH) Zoning designation. The City of Renton Zoning Map was entered as Exhibit No. 10. 6) Existing Land Use: Land uses surrounding the subject site include: North: Industrial Park of Renton; East: vacant land; South: Farwest Steel Main Building, and West: United Rentals facility. The vicinity map was entered as Exhibit No. 11. E. Conclusions 1) The subject proposal complies with the policies and codes of the City of Renton. 2) The proposal complies with the Comprehensive Plan designation of Employment Area - Valley; and the Zoning designation of Industrial - Heavy. F. Decision The Site Plan for Farwest Steel Expansion, File No. LUA-00-002, SA-A, ECF, is approved subject to the following conditions. CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall submit a revised site plan that demonstrates a parking layout in accordance with the Code- requirements. Plan shall include calculations and layout for Phase One parking,the existing office gross square footage and office parking, and additional parking required for this proposal. The revised site plan shall be submitted with the application for building permits. EFFECTIVE DATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURES:- Jana .anson,Zoning Administrator date siteerc.doc City ofRenton P/B/PWDepartment Administrative Site Plan Approval&Envii !ntal Review Committee Staff Report FARWEST STEEL EXPANSION LUA-00-002,SA A,ECF REPORT AND DECISION OF JANUARY 25,2000 Pagel of 11 TRANSMITTED this 25 day of January, 2000 to the applicant and owner: Carl Hutchinson Farwest Steel 1 P.O. Box 889 Eugene, OR 97440 TRANSMITTED this 25 day of January, 2000 to the parties of record: TRANSMITTED this 25 day of January, 2000 to the following: Larry Meckling,Building Official C.Duffy,Fire Prevention Neil Watts,Public Works Division Lawrence J.Warren,City Attorney South County Journal Environmental Determination and Land Use Decision Appeal Process Appeals of either the environmental determination [RCW 43.21.0075(3),WAC 197-11-680] and/or the land use decision must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM February 14, 2000. If no appeals are filed by this date, both actions will become final. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton,WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-430-6510. siteerc.doc • • SW 1/4, SEC. 30, TWP. 23N, R. 5E W.M. E.C9 /("� cx _ _ ].]["` ,H.a ck u]iM(x,w.U.,9n -ffIg.X',1 ) :[e•6cw6 W'''' r" °Cdt('-""/Q=b o`'''':'" �_3 0—-- d,<h,,x,,,,,.." S.W, 34TH P STREgT a / '" x)_„51 \ c> onc.P�U-:.91 /'N" S a�c ln,-:,:, 6 ros O— 61.017 a Li o>cc w]�si [[ [.ASP.,o_/-?~,——' i• NR)30'IS•w' 119.65 —/ I[.°svx,- - _gj• _{-.F _^$c-_ ._ _ _ �{-. _ 'I 4i.:., / , 6:..9[i. 110 K�. —_ >-�-..a •, I r! ¢ - $ S p a I I 1- jl _7-v i- a/ ,_.> ,.w..[, -- G --' _-. .1,V.L_ \ f•.'_— /!, ca[c`ec¢v.ta_- Lmve_vf_ -e„Y v u.•, ,n - '1 I� d Q\\E..9. -� I ___ __ ,:. t qua �0. :•.v'u _.._i..a�r ,�,u. • a �,d�:_: �''54+�: =ei �•�_ :`F' - u[c -N • • b. I I' / SIN' -s--_-_—_—_ _ _-_ -___ __ .._-- _,' 8 ,_..;,i1.,.._ 1 / a o�"a,.n. r°: w. 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DEscxent oa9n9.[L-,e 39 E./'x 'uJ0^0 i a.,L Dm/w • • SW 1/4, SEC. 30, TWP. 23N, R. 5E W.M. • J,r I ,.e cE ec ,_°acol:�;bi E:eecer°,c(x)-rsw -er�° µe`r„.Te 21 .,z16 aelEr-uszEX�ecwe(s..<r-IJ.° I k \ /c• 'c(swus+.q-ea x[(x aO-.5e ° ERE w 80,° u-u 1 S.W. 34T °�iSTRE'T° 0(n-IJ59 .16 Ii _ y � eee m rr• aso ,IG )s's6 ess 44 __ a ass __ conc(xsl-I,r:A e55 _ --. O, [xuiirmc(nI-IJr) __ ° • _ I — aNNv� r ° � r oar [ R — —n—_��= — — — e r° e'r« M.A aT n� _ aB6 di _vl�----�_'` _ _ 2 81 NfiY50'Z]-- 119.B5' a�� 8[x...Kr $_ -.. °8 — '-? suOixC EJ,. mrlui 8 11 wrz \ — _ — _,°L,I, —"— �"VAY"/' sz w[ (rmf—r" :i:seHlra"'I+r.A vo+w �I -N sss\ 1 / , / \ [•sr x,y[ 1 wTaKME N0]6r v, © i>riy 'iL� YEI Lfti�� .�— rn y'y� —�--.6= I �, 6 90VD'00- a-wi CRa nrtr ES., [ x •x "�il' ®- :�rumgE s- -C''-=- E- s ""'.."'Or __ e' r 15500: C"Aw.s / N0150'09giruwlAB.SA �.mall t` • °q ,m• 16 STOP N. I, _ 1 / to now�,us.xr-s e. �T/y`�'eyse'\ \` �re-ar�wscrn-r.[, u` / - x ..u.� rtr a , ® 5.0-06 Ic.1y ° re-- [mc 1 / \\ s,x ar 5Mq 3T�ruc eiss e'uxpX / 1j1 / Sn1 [w-1Q1,. w,r[is is J �x 1.'r)e_ � I °\._.I / ,L « LOT• " 1 -e_e i .q.5 a e vm m I® I [ / .w w -- I I i 1 [1 xur.`�e'" _-insnn G eITI PLIA TON rr I 1 I s • •• - \ O�II / .` r.1.„f, l I \ BIIHLIBaTOA NOHTHBHA u°�o sn•r• r n• I Et fin xroR•x, I I BOP NO.01.-99 1111 I lam s« I®•�"" r°s I • u.,°uwrc usrWExr - . II I �E,I.35 s I° 1 4 I - o t Q 1 I II ,of._I ciq�P'v.c(zr.nLns u�I f' o]c so-. s `qo'o No . SOO No.J1, -•- II 1 E.`sEa nr.xow 7 ( I��_ r.�, t ,• w:.WOO o..r r w.:1.50 w•,e o •::.', Ca No.n� I I 1 LOT I ! 1 \ -`, i� I ^^ -D va oxurc us.rxr B ;•.0•S.ri•. is III , HIDING 91T1 PLAN 70t<fr I ` `BB r MG ITN LAN OR I I I BURLI BHP NORTHERN I I li I I + '�rAFO1L a C BBE ,r O .N N r 8 r• �. ®�f I I II HHP No.o1MBi \I x 1 I I BP'T/-F' ' I: P N 4 s e o N HBP•.O.O{-99` •.SI.V`}-� eJ n 1/� I I o h I --I R „'•�P ! I" w',or,SO r «V99x �� wr, o_ e�i ,�, 1 Ili x'-I_. 1 zni; r.�N�In/1� I=1 Q IP' w• LxL,Ex Km // //I/l IY -L q.w �p/rtrt/� /// W � u,.l sore ,,,..,1 D11 •�� II h va+.[c v,° CB No.s5/ /%. // z �,I XI g I t,s, 9 I/// III q,c x a'PK 5 X �///i/,'/ a EU Hr °° W E:N I 1 1, i hE -5uy°(x)-Iz,e . / III L� O // ' cocH No.�s I NM MII4r °. poco NO iZz ] Q " I 1 11 I I cH ND zo•r 'O/v� /,• l�h'° J;o - - J `„_,ein°°[ [� i [,,o'°lun[. x�iD zo o Ao 11 I I I 1''—x��O POST r.. .we,e � 0111 o cv 6 5 i _ / / R-uz]r I"Q� 0 . I 1 I °° / 1 I II CB N0.Zt ' I •• , ,� L-SBB 60' SCALE IN FEET 11 'A.T058']6- .� I Z 1r J i I`um�n[s.r, ° R.]B0 of / �' /i N.11 III a sx / I I \\ �z SECO N90:a I- 1 /� // // ...I 7 sl • I `J'v<CP�6�5 / / i� ► �I_ m I ���r --B_— _ � /�^:i ;[B rID,! Mi A III a NO !o a No z I 1 ��i OUIFaLL ND.s / / / YCm a /, / 1 / `.I .-o*rN a,.L�Tr voND No ] A i J \ .1!!!,ca No.scE a o �° r'° /i f/ o.xa,.r.. DATUM / r / HORIZONTAL DANY:1 I I`• / /� Ilil .. / / x `�/ I I 1 I `I OEiENi10N bt"vN //�/ / O/'sA {� IrI1 �. 1III,'1 I I «��\ 8 <p / / / CITY OF RENTON SEE E L5 6 TET 5 // / 4' 1 '1 h I I I at. /I�\ y i / NAY B]/9, S L\[001' II 8fl�,- yt.,�, I LECI_:���/ [„1/ 11 ��1 O Fll I CO r12.�0 lPC e \ 1 I 15 e,C /O ® ' I - es I fiCI E6r' OF SERVICE ENINANCE DOOR TO SAM�� • srxe<-<q_n[a Ir�i_%F VNOsi /' l / II [Sher C.x y. / Cr -_ . _- -�`6 ♦OrI „ 'ai.\ ,"�'.µ�'�, 1 I 1 x o� �i/F`u/ / ELFVAIIONNK�20.91'�N- y\I Wa TFR CV.L�II FW1U rv0 /' \�iye%'� 9 I>-n �C-71 ,C7 u-5 ED. r-_ __ i —e . \ \\- ,-1 xi., r .'./�7, . vl�j f. ; l�%O iu\11-', yl -. ,,,NO CB 0 9 �_. :y�-T3.5.o i 7i.=.s__!n f INoq, `(n.,.',,ij nor o �% v \' - c [0 1^m 'C•`O / N \': i ==i - , i j' VIA ,Pl 111/G,_i _ � —I [_v>_�.- :�C �e, r q., ":4 •/i I Ivv/ ---�'—/� J i D]4➢*i ti rrar N4 vg/' 4 L r N�'�c r -"S� / r �y -; • _ ,111 -J--�. ��`�GT^� S-+_ _ _ + F t� E L Y� j rL>_r_ / „o /'m r•T —S�J ® Ll1 •+•_�_ /__-_- / [/« [x sws • ywN . ..�5- _ N6)30'A)'Wu re St).5B' C 1� • �'�-{w _ L.a..w_��� _�� NL. }Zi.I_'a ¢ �1 z9� a.Dlrc;:s � —ti �l ._+xc,.o-e%w, _—�—_ 7 -_ _= Es swou eE»e sl:4•• C/�t`c sq,[r Iwxr«, '. . Y--- 1 __I' �'' _ u x...-a- w---_ '__ _ _ _ --- — _ - — - �--oac-x.5z-,, a ��n _-.. ' \\�w,znr.1.10 26 rsa I — _ _ __ — _ r111 •_ 1g .1-- i-- j _ \\- r g, 48_„uN. .v[x, i woIz- e- R-aoxaT• A-O]v9•]] L� —Ytrs rt[v,w___ _ __ i .6.66:w acx uo •!u[x L.10.16• [x uE r 'I BURLING ON PLAN ERN"I r,.00x.ass xr,. - �.. ssI T :a.--_.1. x .,o,„ ../Lr.Lzs luxrx, LOT v ) HIDILIMOTON NORTHERN LJ CITY OF RENTON 'E•F,. a BINDING BITE PLAN FOB e; NXIBTINO NOHEBABE DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC woexs `.=i is"[ - BURLINGTON NORTHERN [c- - - - _ - c Rr••e• BOP BO.Dlh99 IN -_ :,In Ce _.11.1,Easl•t GRADING AND STORM DRAINAGE PLAN «cr vr•rs r. FARWEST STEEL-PHASE TWO 111 a.c(sa1-rlsz «,[(w) Inc ,Iw,r,x„.,.Jx lo,: _ n\cr, °M[. D/a/. vurM vnri5. •®...on.. OM an [AnIEDMN .rvwsTu x° [...,.,.rx.--, YNN 1 Vr 5 •• - ' . • • SW 1/4, SEC. 30, TWP. 23N, R. SE W.M. H•16 59 /-4111:1"6 45 j 4.16 T...F.--,,rjoey1.6a.: EX SS.1.94 a CCONC(SA9.1172 1E,B-CONC 00.15 03 IC 5000NC 019•14 78/ I E 5-CCNC5,13 52 .1 e,oe.,.(s..E..3... .1.3 cce:ClAsT 1 \ Ex SSMN 45-..1"7 53 cra.rtow.EN,E).se $E.ErCONC(149.13 63 / EI0,19 0 00,14 7 ''VI P.?6-9, - I /NVN!C(S.Nw.Sri.,6 56 M'grll'aVar'"Wi''NRI'LArC 'S•W. 34T STREET , / ' &CC;94 01),J 59 I \.......„ to 1 * i Ex roc ILIVOR _,,, =---- —---A' 4--- ' 6c1.0„,J.,i.A217 LINO PuE E. 8 '-'--1- • k dil _"'""'" 4,,, '' ,,/ I I -7' -•••••8 ITt.!/- -..„-T -.. ,......';.••••''118715012rWA 119.951 /.; ,,_-8 o ASPNAO-24 e. 1„ i_ ,-; 14.4.—:z.....'- __ .8 II103.1 •.': ,1 7 •14APLE(,IE'f' l'A-'-.- , • __ __ — - ty-v- ,207,-,-,,--- 2-, --1 -- 7/A - • -.---s'-7 . 11111111111M.: 4111 -e-%;Ex,2-c.r VA07'.... rivER..91--._•:)---'-1 /kr T'''''''fle111.101111 ,:i;"„....4/41..i i_9.• I. . '..L'0'''''''' - ...- EX so „,2.., LUC• .1., \ ' Z..- - I x_S .LILEL,9a555. \- p , ,,, ..,,. 0 YE•Cf FTsr. : • --If---'1.— I , .1_ 2 -e--7,------7,--c;;;,--,2...------.-L,...—. . --;.,,,....—----------------,:_----....:d, .. ' • • / anc,,x,s0.- \ 6-S"- ...LANDSCAPE h , EX riPE 1,19PAN1 ? I 1 I 1, ':1 L'L,F.1_,,,141.-_ ' ,I• !!,,_i 4-L-.,,---1 !-EI!.;I I: \ \_512E4!_.9,1,,. . 10'' 1,90,MAI Low. , NOIS9109TE-1461.50', . I i, I , I,, "''''''.°;,7,,,,,,,l,Q.2, tE*2,,PNL 1......,--' -"'•--; .1 i. I, 3,...,5 OA.:-, I I I 1' 1 .• /1 II 1 I I 1 I I:1 I ! •I I j.'I!. • i 1 1 EX SSM,I ' Fou-re s• BINDING SITE PLAN TO;----..-' ' rill T '. 1 I I • 1 i' •'ES3,053wSrir '.,,1 I I I ' : _ I I,! • e i . . i r.,1"ggs.N[1.1 Is 1 '',1 ZA BURLIEIGTON NOW111111111 I 1 • iI 11 ' ' '''• - - I 1 / \ BOP NO.olo-est 10:1.I., 1_ I. 1 I !t:I ! I Al i • 11 \ r i t\t'-1 6--- 1 I . 1 r, . 1:____,„ ., so ,, .h .;_i___E.,,x...4„. . ,i ..1.•71 --1.,_7.f..15.1.7,6 L I Ill I.„..,, II 1 I I ; I I . • tor B i 1.; • LOT I •I!ilL i 4,..; BINDING BITE PLAIT FOB , I ,L ' 1 i-, I, '‘!\\,. 1.1 tI, III 1 1_ ,,. 70 Hi I,14,041 I PARCEL I CI j ! 1 I'''.,*:BINDING BEER,•LAN FOB I j!!,..'i BURLINGTON Et NTIRIORN ! ••"i•: '/1 BURLINGTON NORTHERN 1 :0/1..1,, BBP NO.cuo-es :LI •-1 I 1'''• 1 1 I BP 713-T• I'M I I PI In A 5 e CI F.I 5 *I ;4 I I ; VJA*1.10i15e I, 'BOP 210.0:4-98 , , • I E'r1 ‘1 I ' - - „.•• 1 \ I,1 I 1 , i , 1 i ' I- II-WanT- LI:ZIM'org'..,..„' - , '. • li i' 411.1 1%, 1 i i 1. 1 ; r 1 I I_ i . r. A ;;...7:::...:...... ..__4.,_____t_,...,•,:s filri,i.,:;11 I (lc, I 1 r R....A• 1 11.,.....,1 LU s • ,'"9 ,STIA-051 - 4 i,! i'l.'I, li 1,.., ki I I I' I I '''''''.''''''' III.....•"nr:.:1'.11 S5C°.02-5_- i 1 I SSLD 510,1,. 1 1'.;',1::::0.1..1 ' /• 1.4-;, .,,,L.,,,,• - ,fjj, j ;•it 7' .11_SlIEL CkSING I I 6.CLEA9.5, i 'tE,"DON- '7.•.:,'ei,,,:i Dim.15 36 1/.1 ' (44\'i I II / I p.m.s•c, 4 I r I 1 . .,-- i • a 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; ; • ; ; i of> lc 11 \I i , -. 1E101.10 9 / 0/ /77 n F-d---,), ,, !knj.., 1 1 ___..,_H_- .__i____I___41 ,ii, 1 ,„..,j_)3 ._!, lithLril 20 0• ii:/, ,,,'7, , eo 1--`. - i / i../ ; .i ,.... r..ti.,___'..114__,2_ .- 19 IL-', /- • ,,,,, 443,37! ...• //,/• /• L-seaso' SCALE IN FEET 0 I V I "1 ' ...AFKER POST EX 3,PAPLP040 EA.1.1067- "7 i rk. '-\ CLk7C'-/- j Z I 1 1. I.-11P:Tsr* it__il 1 I •• • sssiti_ti_9_-_2,, 1 , L-471.713' • / •/ : I I 5.5 90 1 rl':311;36.-/'/:'1: ',/1 1/1"1/1.-1 I:'I,.ttl 411-75.-S''.. ,,C*S.-Q="C i .:17_, ,.',LI''''' __---'-w..;•_ _. ---f ,Iii70. ,Ti,. ..-;7-'->;.:/,.../,1:-/',..',,,::::./.''.'1•;',":71,//'.?5,111,/'//:"'I'iri .= I 7 ///7//: / . , lii. ,- -•--------v, : i • / . I i \ / ,// i ii fi, 1 ril r T C 4A5.9--.... T‘‘..:\\\ la-,•;7,Z ' - 1 I i 1 ' i ///, / / /"/:', -11.1• I In 1.11,5,1ENT ro ci\oi voil 1 1: 1 n 4,' \ 5,825 NO 3.:\ ','. I jr-,V-If,-„,,-..._,.;'. ;,://::',///7;// H.ORTriZoONF TRALEAANTUIA MAD 13.5/91 . .' V:s2/ I \. /-- ////" I 1 I I:i I I1 I '/ v .:// , IIIIIII\ \, 'A .,, CITY OF RENTON CONTROWNG BENCHMARK: rIII I 01 AG I (1. I \„1 I A-••••0K. 4//'./ -.----- ,'./ K././/1 •'•''/ ".... :-.'•(/,....2.7« /) 1 1 •, A.,...J-E-4-__A-7-___19. i ,K.2/4• •/ C\ , 010PICS 6,1.,1 •7Ii.rin'sr(4314.19 ro I , .1- /..''''/%7 .\ ., fp , ... -.....,.., .0L-5POPAN,V" •',...- 5.„, ••:‘ .e . CITY OF RENTON BENCHEIARK NO.672 'CHISELED SQUARE IN CONCRETE wALK 6 5 FEET WEST AND 1.0 FEET NORTH OF SERACE ENIRANCE TOOR TO ' -i•-4-=.f.7-,-47-7.3 - ;...--*- 1; -•-•-•••;I. 'P"1I1L4-5?---/ ‘:.:A.,,,4", SOA YOUNKER'S DATSUN.• •• 1 I I '''i' 1/7" ' - Ifiur:;Ir"" .7. ',,,K.,,,(-""\\ ..,„,„X .1)..",, "./..,_,. ',..„., ,,,„!,..t",,,,f,',..ci"..T! il I I 1 - ••• •'',.• • /- .,•• • ELEVATION-20.94' ..---. ,-....-,..,:.,c..",",••••. ,, , ,• P ...,. ,.....,- ,./. •,._.,„.,...,.,,,,,,, 1 I •I „.---‹ .))'•''..": •I*. •- I. EX S.95.1 1 I '1 . / '.-rL'EV.?e,6:n'''' ,. ' ', 1;'.1/ .;) '' ‘ '---7-', F;:: ,-'.-->,..1,-.';...1 :', >.( . ...„......._.....jkla.:_,,,,...- .• _,-- , , , t. .7 , In 11'11'1 : - - • •-- ',...",‘, ..P./,,, I $1...440.1• i CIA ELOAL,NC (*.S.C.N5.5 51 55C \r,,I/ 1--- -- - ,..,,' r•',.,1"//' \,,, --‘ ' A . \ . - ,--,,-.--_-_-....- - ...-s---!•„;:•-:-..- ,-... _.....:_.,..., ....ii:, c• ,..4„. \0\,.. ).,1 .=..m__71..13,:, ____-_____-_ _____ .........,___i„,:z.___7„....!..2_,„„___,.___,,,....7,t....,_... _ f,._,.._--4-:.- _,_•.:_„.5•;•a-:.." i• \ ..T.,. •4 411 _ ___ it iill.,.._,.._,-,.__--. 4?TOP .---.•••••• .-.5.1aa.5.••••• 7111111.7W1_-_-_---"--.":".-..,125"[-.-- S0142•11/ '' 41.,-ri.,•-:-_...- ..-,. _517.58'_ ,,..R. iSka. I'.50. /HO ..._ _ :: ...,, it...se--...asemettstm7 _.. ._____—___,..._•r .2 tr..SIMIKAIIINEEFB•mmiM0111 110•91AKERIVIN __ -•"-- I.......,, 1 ucT.e.T ft' liclignie • ______ _ ---,--,- •,„.. III 1 Sm40010.-W _ — & 0215•59" -1 1 r DETENDON POND i.'' HDril Horton De4ins A Assollates,Inc. 1,IMInij. CY 30'ODUIV EASEMENT IC CAPPED 15PVC(S).15 57 'L I- I '-;;;IJ-5.7jr-28- R-605.8.71 fk,:603.514.97'53.,,EXT.,..1.5;ER.E.Ns.I.CNE., Er EiNE NYDRANT-'I I 56.6517 LIND AVENUE' 11115110161.h.- EXISTING 3,PADA°.CASED°. 1 E CA9PEO 5.P.O.1.14 13 ,,,,,,,, L•27.14 L T.40.46' LOT• IIIIIDING BETH PLAIT no"a"''''''.2--.1...-51 1 I , 04CO 00 ACCESS ROAD 3,INGRESS/EGRESS EASEUENT BLIBLIEGTOEI NORTHERN CITY OF RENTON LOT 7 \It WPE 9 co BINDING BITE FLArs POE ,,„,,,,,,,,..,,,,,, NXIBTEIG EONNBABE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 65:100,5 BURLINGTON HORTENSE ! I8.6/.5,5 I.•15 96 1 I 12 E E 12,CONC(E)..9 n. i -00'40(0.9 HOP NO.014-011 CLAP•MAT FIONEEASE PiM•15 92 i E 1 a.CONG(ESE).1.5 74 WATER AND SANITARY SEWER PLAN ; FARWEST STEEL- PHASE TWO 1 IC RESN5C105 PLATE.I0 92 ...... ...\. 5." '2,./.. itral.'"E'•TN7:9.'i MEMO.ft•15 39 ...Pt . Sr..... 1..41:0 ra.pi we 0.900:9 CNN . ' • • _ _ SW 1/4, SEC. 30, TWP. 23N, R. 5E W.M. ' —— — —cti l.,09 fcASt 11_1-'0_ _ — 21 AlApLE_CrxE) r4 " BOLLARDS II ... a 2 -. — — — iti IMIrPAIMIMINFEIVIARINORM" •• It -.. . 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WALKpp 0 . ) 1,1 ji i HEW 4'.-IDEViALK : T' RYDROSEED ALL EDGE PAVING MAIL BOX II . 1 — DISTURBED AREAS / 11 L it EI • PROPOSED BUILDING ( d'• , • . • • • .e .. , . . it • • • ,• . _ EXISTINE,i IS l I V I ESE •TATiON ..t:_. o o Ili • • TO RENN IAt '-0 il- pere.i* II - • • —.---. . Ili .- __ ' 141 01674 I ' 41 I .'---- • P• I II • sss km %Hp . :. a, — I lie, 5• Gs : . e I i I I 1/11- I • ofr . fit, . ii, .• / 4/ I 40.1111 .,.1 et 4.4 n-a- i GS 4...-....t.i.;..4:111-11 E.NTON / ;0-7 i 4„„ I,, 4 EXISTING BUILDING .. ... ' 1 i ji 1 he I I . . I „.... I I i i 1 4IP' — NITROGEN ,._4, '11F' I a I G.,. . 5 5 i STORAGE PAI—r---- .....:II / I 1/ t 11 ..,.1:RI IC r ,,1,, .• I irt, _ , , .4 ' 5. ..:..* il,..,..---; ,..:. • . -0 . .. i ;i / . - EXISTING PARKliet.411, 1-------1 ll , • A ii . l la'• •A'' •., ••• Tams= . .-..../ (:..,..s•-: • ••• • • ___.; . 111111r11111111. . . • . ••• • 1 Ir'eli 1- 1,;--- \ 1 , /1/ Ceill' I I • i .' 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I. in • • I I �, 4 ;1I BIKE RACK— EA TO CITY, \ ...—4yp i OF RENTON _c• . , ' ' O : ,. •• II , - - • PROP•I TANK ,,,/,,///,,,, . ei,.# 4.1", ',/,/ .s.,. f$A--""Einift.....1:::!.. , .. / I . rmantiiiimmigio •,.,e�r�2 �i'- ve ENTro1+'Po¢.' I 1 pal);` 111.oo`001 oo°oo11lr�o'rt ti.'.k.;� O' �/ '• + !1�\��/ N •r Ili t`' FXI9TINB BLDb. a,V-�-:mt/ �- ' T. ,�6' \ /� '_ • ,_ �� A. PROPANE TANK CONC.-- F+AU • it b• 0/� 1 _ IN/PICNIC :LE * ®�'Yi_i,�i��II i ,� 15' PERMANENT UTILITY /� T1�2 E ■ �'� q!`. e4 �> \� ESMT TO CITY OF RENTON . • moo; .•:, N — •• ®gp,I�ilka 1 `� ./t. O Ssc° al�>or _ • y.�..`.� - �I��T�-•,y/It�i \ FXI5TIN6 VFbETATION _ •(t' ".f .��L' , -.. TO REMAIN • • _` _ • ®ate \III "� Al� j ; r 1. I��I�I�I I I f—- �I-- , � - - I 1 - 1•0111. 1 J. -EX. 12 SD DI S) I p= 31'06'S1' ---II p.I_ — -- ----- --- L �1T fir-1 — — i, T = 32.02' L--- ASPfIALT Y• 2_W _ 12"W ASPHALT p I 1 LANDSCAPE PLAN eti N SCALEI I"= 20.-0" 1 HDH Horton Dennis&Associates,Inc. ass...v ... Brumbaugh&Associates Qinnt CITY OF RENTON V/�p „00,2m,0, , L.n A.C.p. Archit.Clur. ,E:''4 // DEPARTMENT or PUBLIC WORKS T.mr @1m M..mc 093 LANDSCAPE PLAN • FARWEST STEEL-PHASE TWO room. o an, a/mnr Z,,In u(mM o+.n a • SW 1/4. SEC. 30. TWP. 23N. R. 5E W.M. EXISTING PLANT SCHEDULE SYMBOL OTY. BOTANICAL NAME/COMMON NAME SIZE NOTES LANDSCAPE NOTES: TREES LILNDAt>HAR STTRACIFWA/5WEET6IM 9'GAL B•B.MATCHED FORM I. GROUND COVER TO EXTEND UNDER ALL TREE AND SHRUB CANOPIES AT THE SPECIFIED SPACING TO PROVIDE COMPLETE COVERAGE IN ALL RANTING FR/WNFi PEN6riVANCA lJ.MHIT/ASH 1-Irl'LPL BIB.HATCHED FORM BEDS DESIGNATED TO RECEIVE GROUND COVER. • b 0 BETTLA PAPTRIFERA/PAPER BIRCH 1-Ir1'GAL. B•B.MATCHED FORM IYi FRIAR B.KWANLW'/FLOYHtn6 CHERRY S.GAL. BAD,MATCHED FORM 2. LANSCHASDP'PE DR PANGS ARE BASED ON THE SITE PLAN PREPARED BY VVW..�' 0 SCHAUDT STEM•1•WILD INC.IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF OPORLUS NSRA ITILICA'/LOHBAROY POPLAR 4'GAL DAD MATCHED FORM ANY FIELD CHANGES TO THE SITE PLANS WHICH MAY REQUIRE ADJUSTMENT OBEMA NISRA/RIVER BIRCH IS'HT. OF DESIGN EVERGREEN TREES 5. REFER TO CIVIL ENGINEERING.DRAYIRGS FOR GRADING AND DRAINAGE 0 PEEUDOTWU6A tr7EHNZIESII/DO GLAS FIR IS M. BHB.Fat AND RIANY INFORMATION. IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OP ANY 0 THLIA PLICATA FSYFI AA'/PA.RR AA CEDAR ID HT. D•B.FELL AND BUSHY ADVERSE DRAINAGE CONDITIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT THE HEALTH OF PLANT SHRUBS MATERIAL. EA BlONYMF ALATA/WNbm EUONTNF 4. NO PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDES TO BE USED ON THE PROJECT SITE DURING • RL RHODODBIDRON'CuaINAHAMS MITE./RHODODENDRON THE FIRST YEAR WARRANTEE PERIOD. CS CORNJS STOLONIFERA/RtDTW6 12006W000 TO 5. ALL CEDAR AND FIR TREES TO BE NURSERY GROYPI WITH CENTRAL TAWS CUSPITATA/JAPANESE YEW ORIGINAL LEADER INTACT AND HEALTHY. &ROUNDCOVER ARCTOSTAPHYLOS WAi.R51/KINllKINNICK . • • `_.•'''• EXISTING LAW/AND ROUGH GRASS AREAS SEE SPEC NEW PLANT SCHEDULE irWailijrlit. - SYMBOL GUY. BOTANICAL NAME/COMMON NAME SIZE NOTES ��r TREE HIR`a e. 0'14-0 �L r • OP•AlAS CAI. rate O 20 BERLA PAPYRIFERA/PAPER BIRCH I-5/4'CAL B•B,MATCHED FORM I F I TPOST• A OW.IODsPOIL PINE TREE STAKES MTN e'GawGAL POINT I TREE raw(IF S-CM= GROUNDGOVER PLANT, TREES NIM-- 10 50.ETYIGN TO ALLOT 1A. PIrS11 IN SPECIFIED" POSITNE N ROOT6E 1'OPAGN. �r/�� EROSION CONTROL HYDROSEED SEE SPEC AFAY TRaN POORN.L I rtelo.2 TOP Iry or eIRLM. LOOSEN HIRE BASKETS. _ cAR BKXFILL PIT BM 501 ^�iR-- tI`tr� oPsolt Atm soa NAnvE u•4x-: I ry=_-:_Tie'�: _ >c-ILA II_ a n bIl A00 SPEGIPIEb I pT--•=nui!illl!_s:•.. .'11— FDOILImR OM we BARK Mach I 11=11=11-11-11-117E=B=�11 IT=11=11=11=I_I=11=II-II-II i * II--II=11- -1=II=11=li r. CST+yf;','t+y—,��C}�-7r• ��°'<<' -- __ p. :} S __ __ SLIEORAIOE 1 m r '*;'eY.0�ViF.'tF�`�':.:4� v � ��'��'�T�:':�'�S� 0 o eE TM.Be Keo1eAI1 oIA. T5w aX V * ? • SET exam AT MAMMY MIS, IbTCI,TRIPLE STAKE ALL DEL6WF5 TREES LAn6Eli THAN S.CALIPER. �+ • BARK KILN PER SPECS 911101E STAKE NM MARES AID SMK TREES. / \ / \ / \ ,�*4 ��f.' BY ILL TO Ga815TOP O ON GRADE TREE PLANTING t Tp �w�y TOPSOIL RR SPECS ���+++''^;;'�t�,,, �+^'�, ..y TPHtnLlmt PER SPECS. NOT TO .A-•e `�''i x SPALI ^:�^ ..11E-1 -J4' ,=; .II• IISLAIUFY ROvreA1L aN iiirrilf 707f1r CONTAINER RATER.- RMGVE 11= '11II=11-1L','.1-1i! TOP In OF BURLAP ON e.B CURB OR HeADR =11:=11:=11:=11=11 11=11 R ATI.+!w 11=11=.11=11=11=11=11=1I [HOD Horton Donnie a Associates,Inc. NOR,2,17 INe FOR 6Naal FUer TO OE TRV)aLLAR PER �l T""'° R�'�� TANCE eMOrN I./.Nf SLIEl1A2. 1]%FOOTBALL DIA1 O.nl• Brumbaugh&Associates �ppp0 ..p.Kly O GRGVNIXOVER SPACING O SHRUB PLANTING L•na•e•ppe Archlttn Otur• p 4%.44, ENTON useirJA CITY OF R XVI PAIL Roe" .[{ ' //�O DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC FORN9 ARImd.WA i �mB RT a.RD•n TR LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE AND NOTES R FARWEST STEEL-PHASE TWO I• S R. W./. RR n*ITro/.. • . 1 — - ! • 40 i • , (- - .:-..:-•-•.,-., •-;v.!: (y‘, C)—,,,,,V-—--— - ---— — - --- -- : a P.,7''."•r ....9-,:".Z,...",' '.,.,•.'...,-,4..:. N V -I A :eI 0 0 —I A • Cli *0 a c, @ @ @ 7 1 1 _.....__ _.... --7 tf:..*.5,‘-. T Pil i IL. i 1 i . , • _. 1 1 1 ..___._. ._ ___. _7=Ad.,. AQ;52:14,5 1 • I , • (1> 1) 1 • j I - .. ' . , 4,.. I •-h . 4,) (q? ..A. . 'e .".-T1 i**1 ; _.. ..... . ,..-5; I .2, I ,3) . ..i> , 7 1 w... ____ •_•. --r •-E— 9 . ,4, i — . . . -- ,_ 1.0 I 1-- _ . • •. i :D ! : •: %Id t•f•oaCc. ,).' • is• .:Is I . 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P"'E F ;Vyti'• 'I' n H'"•" ?N ,',' ',I�� a Pe 9 0s. *11 $ , ,, 4.P ow a .,.°,./�•, ` '' ;B S „ KI3 e ��� Q Q " -,.. ; � J & ,y r y I �—r =q ;�! � y �; � �C N R RNl '' 4 a P n I . i { : • N � " s . i i+-- r pip i F. 11 \ • LC $ � SW.-� 93RD ) - - L S.W. 43R STaurrT • --• ..4,� B -- • 4 f 9 } dl I {Ij ® ' a „ f ® q � � ne tell. _°x_ • • :**{{.....:.. ...}..tea.......... :......:.....:..: R is ....... :::: . ' jj ::::.'i i:':>::::):::::::>::::......:?::y:::.:!`::.:i::iiii:'.`i::::>::::i:::J:: On the day ofWa 2000, I deposited in the mails of the' United States, a sealed envelope containing Q,'v_ dedevmika arV\S documents. This information was sent to: • Department of Ecology KC Dept.of Development&Environmental Services KC Wastewater Treatment Division • City of Kent Washington Department of Fisheries City of Newcastle Department of Natural Resources Lincoln Property Company WA Department of Transportation Seattle Public Utilities Duwamish Indian Tribe Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Puget Sound Energy US Army Corp.of Engineers (Signature of Sender) Scokam _ lam- �r-t- STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that S.(9•^t A-CI 7k—, signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for theLlses and 'purposes mentioned in the instrument. p" Dated: flc� i, l��im a MARILYN i�r"el t;HEFI" Notary:Pu c in and for the State of shington NOTARY PUBLIC Notary (Print) MARILYN KANICHEFF STATE OF WASHINGTON My appointmentx RINTMIENT rAP'lHES:0-2903 COMMISSION EXPIRES DUNE 29, 2003 Project Name: . S-t-eeI exri),a_vksk 6-v-1 Project Number: LLJA Ov 002 SW—� L-(j NOTARYI.DOC CITY )F RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator January 27, 2000 . Washington State • Department of Ecology Environmental Review Section PO Box 47703 Olympia, WA 98504-7703 Subject: Environmental Determinations Transmitted herewith is a copy of the Environmental Determination for the following project reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee(ERC)on January 25, 2000: DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE-MITIGATED FARWEST STEEL EXPANSION LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF The proposed project would allow expansion of an existing building for the same user, Farwest Steel. The proposal requires Environmental Review and Administrative Site Plan Approval. The proposed addition is approximately 33,070 sf that will be added to the north side of an existing 63,868 sf building. Location: 201 SW 34 h Street. . Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM February 14, 2000. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)- 430-6510. If you have questions, please call me at(425)430-7382. For the Environmental Review Committee, Elizabeth Higgins,AICP Project Manager cc: King County Wastewater Treatment Division Larry Fisher, Department of Fisheries David F. Dietzman, Department of Natural Resources Don Hurter, Department of Transportation Eric Swenson, Seattle Public Utilities Duwamish Tribal Office Rod Malcom,Fisheries, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe (Ordinance) Joe Jainga, Puget Sound Energy agericyltr\ 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 . ,. _ a This oaoer contains 50%recycled material.20%oust consumer • .. CITY F RENTON ..� Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator January 27, 2000 Mr. Cliff Williams Horton Dennis &Associates 320 Second Avenue South Kirkland, WA 98033 SUBJECT: Farwest Steel Phase II Project No. LUA-00-002,SA-A, ECF Dear Mr.Williams: This letter is written on behalf of the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) and is to advise you that they have completed their review of the subject project. The ERC, on January 25, 2000, issued a threshold Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated with Mitigation Measures. See the enclosed Mitigation Measures document. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM February 14, 2000. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-430-6510. Appeals of either the environmental determination (RCW 43.21.0075(3), WAC 197-11-680) and/or the land use decision must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM February 14, 2000. If no appeals are filed by this date, both actions will become final. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-430-6510. The preceding information will assist you in planning for implementation of your project and enable you to exercise your appeal rights more fully, if you choose to do so. If you have any questions or desire clarification of the above, please call me at(425)430-7382. For the Environmental Review Committee, jilgsr-o Elizabeth Higgins, AICP Project Manager cc: Farwest Steel/Owners Enclosures dncmI tter 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF APPLICANT: Farwest Steel PROJECT NAME: Farwest Steel Expansion DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The proposed project would allow expansion of an existing building for the same user, Farwest Steel. The proposal requires Environmental Review and Administrative Site Plan Approval. The proposed addition is approximately 33,070 sf that will be added to the north side of an existing 63,868 sf building. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 201 SW 34th Street LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Department of Planning/Building/Public Works Development Planning Section The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-6-6 Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM February 14, 2000. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)- 430-6510. PUBLICATION DATE: January 31,2000 DATE OF DECISION: January 25, 2000 SIGNATURES: 2- /°C) re g'Zit� %an,Ad ni�traCir DATEDepartme t? lan g/Building/Public Works /i4-?GiC) bepherd, dminis ator DATE Community Services Lee Wheeler, Fire Chief D TE Renton Fire Department eresignature CITY OF RENTON DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) MITIGATION MEASURES & CONDITIONS APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF APPLICANT: Farwest Steel PROJECT NAME: Farwest Steel Expansion DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The proposed project would allow expansion of an existing building for the same user, Farwest Steel. The proposal requires Environmental Review and Administrative Site Plan Approval. The proposed addition is approximately 33,070 sf that will be added to the north side of an existing 63,868 sf building. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 201 SW 34th Street MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. Traffic mitigation fees for this proposed development will be required. Fees are$75.00 for each new average daily(weekday)trip and are calculated based on gross square footage of the new building (33,070 sf). A reduction of twenty(20) percent of the number of trips will be given for use of the existing railroad. The Site Plan for Farwest Steel Expansion, File No. LUA-00-002,SA-A, ECF, is approved subject to the following conditions. CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall submit a revised site plan that demonstrates a parking layout in accordance with the Code-requirements. Plan shall include calculations and layout for Phase One parking, the existing office gross square footage and office parking, and additional parking required for this proposal. The revised site plan shall be submitted with the application for building permits. CITY OF RENTON • DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (MITIGATED) ADVISORY NOTES APPLICATION NO(S): LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF APPLICANT: Farwest Steel PROJECT NAME: Farwest Steel Expansion DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The proposed project would allow expansion of an existing building for the same user, Farwest Steel. The proposal requires Environmental Review and Administrative Site Plan Approval. The proposed addition is approximately 33,070 sf that will be added to the north side of an existing 63,868 sf building. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 201 SW 34th Street Advisory Notes to Applicant: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the environmental determination. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for environmental determinations. 1. Economic Development: a. Site is designated Employment Area—Valley in the Comprehensive Plan. b. The land use zone is Heavy Industrial (IH). c. No policy issues. 2. Parks: a. It appears the new 4'sidewalk adjacent to the addition on the north side will be constructed through existing Douglas fir planting beds. Clarification is needed on sheet 1 of 3 landscape plan. b. The existing Douglas fir trees will be too close to the proposed building at this location and should be removed. c. Landscaping in the new planting strip shall accommodate additional plantings to replace the Douglas firs. d. Recommend plantings other than paper birch in this same strip as this species is susceptible to disease in urban settings. e. All landscaping outside property to be maintained by owner/developer. 2. Fire Prevention: a. The fire flow for this addition was taken into account in the original construction and so no change or update is required. Existing fire hydrants are satisfactory. b. Fire mitigation fees are applicable, however these were paid for in the original construction and so none are due at this time. c. An approved fire sprinkler system is required to be installed throughout the structure. d. Outdoor storage cannot block fire lanes. • Farwest Steel LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF Advisory Notes (continued) Page2of2 2. Stormwater/Sanitary Sewer/Water: a. Stormwater,water, and sanitary sewer development connection charges were paid during Phase One. b. An erosion control plan will be required. 2. Transportation: - a. Traffic mitigation fees will be required. Approximately 161.382 additional average daily(weekday) trips have been estimated. b. A credit of twenty(20)percent of the total number of trips will be deducted due to anticipated use of existing railroad. C. For an estimated building size of 33,070 sf,the traffic mitigation fee will be$9,682.92. 2. Development/Planning: a. The proposed project site is located in the Industrial—Heavy(IH)Zone. b. The site is located in the Green River Valley, therefore a minimum of two (2)percent of the entire parcel must have natural landscaping as required in accordance with the City of Renton—US National Resource Conservation Service Environmental Mitigation Agreement. Areas of native plantings were created with the development of Phase One. It must be demonstrated, by the applicant, that these areas meet the two(2)percent requirement for both Phase One and the current development prior to the issuance of building permits. c. The applicant has provided a plan (Brumbaugh &Associates, 12/30/00)of existing landscaping that was required to be installed for Phase One. All existing (Phase One)landscaping shown on the plan that is removed or damaged during construction of the proposed project must be replaced prior to occupancy of the building. d. All parking must be on site. Approximately 22 parking spaces would be required for this project. A total of between 74 (minimum)and 79 (maximum) parking spaces will be required for the entire facility. e. Outdoor storage cannot take place in vehicular parking areas without a Temporary Use Permit. f. Recommendations of the geotechnical report(Terra Associates, Inc., February 1, 1996), submitted with a cover letter from the engineer(dated December 30, 1999), shall be followed. NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RENTON,WASHINGTON The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) has issued a Determination of Non-Significance-Mitigated for the following project under the authority of the Renton Municipal Code. FARWEST STEEL EXPANSION LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF Proposed expansion of existing building. Location: 201 SW 34th Street. Appeals of either the environmental determination (RCW 43.21.0075(3), WAC 197-11-680) and/or the land use decision must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 PM February 14, 2000. If no appeals are filed by this date, both actions will become final. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required $75.00 application fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-11 B. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, (425)-430-6510. • • Publication Date: January 31,2000 Account No. 51067 dnsmpub.dot ' 140110E- , , . ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION POSTED TO NOTIFY INTERESTED PERSONS OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION I � FARWEST STEEL EXPANSION LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF The proposed project would allow expansion of an existing building for the same user,Farwest Steel.The proposal requires Environmental Review and Administrative Site Plan Approval. The proposed addition is approximately 33,070 sf that will be added to the north side of an existing 63,868 sf building.Location:201 SW 34 Street. THE CITY OF RENTON ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE(ERC) HSNED THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT ONITHE • ENVIRONMENT. • Appeals of either the environmental determination(RCW 43.21.0075(3),WAC 19741.680)andlor the land use decision must be filed In writing on or before 5:00 PM February 14,2000.If no appeals are filed by this date,both actions will becomo final.Appeals must be filed In writing together with the required$75.00 application fee with: • , Heating Examiner,City of Renton,1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055. Appeals to the Examiner are ! govomod by City of Renton Municipal Code Section 4.8-1113. Additional Information regarding the appeal . process maybe obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office,(425)-430-6510. • • • A. r U 1 • a =, �Q4' '.t6` I er r•- avi mproi,;-: , • ily pp a�i''r. i• roll ell PL:atielF.M. 11111.}-cit wit f ;,..fit>°f�,..., ram, il r .�Y _ I / �j-,:jY�F,., ,v. .,__. it inr—lCil • A /� "k". FOR FURTHER INFORMATION,PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY OF RENTON,DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION AT(425)430-7382. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORIZATION I,-',.. Please Include the project NUMBER when calling for proper file Identification. I • CERTIFICATION I, GLI z.AgEre+ I.4-(t~G to S , hereby certify that 3 copies of the above document were posted by me in 3 conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on . dAmmrlai 2g 24po-a • Signed: - ATTEST: Subcribed and sworn before me, a Nortary Public,in and fo the State of Washington residing in -sue ,on the )8 b - da ' MARILYN KA CHEFF • NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON l' ' fC COMmisSION EXPIRES JUNE 2P,2003 MARILYN KAMCHEFIF MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES:6-29-03 HORTON DENNIS &ASSOCIATE' INC. 1 a-2 17 u0/00 CONSULTING EN 3I20 SNEEecond RS&SI. .SAouth RS ILLETUEw UEMRIISRI EITTA�`' II Jj Kirkland,)822-2 WA 98033- 5256687 C,u.,� 00 — Qp2, (206 FAX (206)822-8758 i COATE) /-Z 6_ / o JOB NO. 9?K..7 ATTENTION4/w et b eA / i t i. TO Pe v /o ►in ePd Eel^ /ces PI'v RE: /.4/S w�c r / `�9SrEEL CiIX 1 O c 17e`Ileon1 Grexci,'nC/ a ,I Sid rm Drainage Pig"S- O _ WE ARE SENDING YOU AAttached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: Op it/TA, ❑ Shop drawings 0 Prints ; 0 Plans 0 Samples ❑ Sp i at ons, ,����TO v''di"vc ❑ Copy of letter 0 Change order 0 C� <r::r ? � ---r COPIES DATE NO. DE CRIPTION NO i i ?%2XI l PM Ccr'I y 0 T P/'i r THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval 0 Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit copies for approval For your use ❑ Approved as noted 0 Submit copies for distribution — As requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment 0 O FOR BIDS DUE 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS / Sorry Gtre m%SScof 7`�irix D"/'he. 114f 71' 741r77e Cf✓"ou H eA. / 7 4a ks ?or r T A �[ p Chuck Zo«toc(A. COPY TO ______? SIGNED: dr-e--- i J tilY-GJ-Gbh 1G 34 Lin' OF RENTON 425 430 7300 P.01/01 CRY iiaenton + Development Services Division 11,4wvoF 1055 South Grady Way, 6th FIr Renton, WA 98055 Date: January 25, 2000 TO: Cliff Williams FROM: Elizabeth Higgins, Sr. Planner Horton Dennis&Associates Development Services Div. Development/Planning Phone: (425)822-2525 Phone: (425) 430-7382 Fax: (425)822-8758 Fax Phone: (425) 430-7300 ISUBJECT: PMT I Number of pages including cover sheet: REMARKS: ❑ Original to E Urgent ❑ As ® Please ® For your be mailed . Requested Comment review We are missing the 8-1/2"x 11" PMT reduction of the grading and storm drainage plan. PLEASE PROVIDE THIS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Call if you have questions. The Environmental Review Committee gave this proposed project a Determination of Non- Significance —Mitigated" this morning. You will receive a copy of the mitigation measures, conditions, and notes to applicant by mail. Renton. Ahead of the curve TOTAL P.01 V/ City of rcenron Department of Planning/Building/ lic,works . ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ( COMMENTS DUE: JANUARY 21, 2000 APPLICATION NO: LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF __ i DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 6,2000 APPLICANT: Farwest Steel PROJECT MANAGER: Elizabeth Higgins PROJECT TITLE: Farwest Steel Expansion WORK ORDER NO: 78630 LOCATION: 201 SW 34t'Street SITE AREA: 5.63 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): 33,070 sq.ft. SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The project proposal is to construct a 33,070 sq.ft.warehouse addition to the existing Farwest Steel facility. An environmental review and administrative;site plan approval will be required. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code)COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy/ HistoriciCultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS W - 4'4li'ta f/C (-°:ram` a a)/fiv-._ //o/i) (a, , a)--cej .4e_ Ce-rz0-/72)C7W sZ4 eJ?94---*)7/1 z r e P,07 /ol� ,� t , G e-WilL- 0 a Gam- k /%®-r�y f- 0/.=c2t of .fie i?e r, 1, cezri oc-r') . C. C -REL ED CO E TS C. Of --C' le_,c,, -).,77/--7 0 /u ./2,9, - {A____) 7 ___C;e.i/t/ A O'A4c044"--): / _ C d'179--e.A Vicla a,/se ) ':. . ,r) x--7/zAo ar-e-- -L-,--___, ��11. . ,--; ? o - � y /..c a/,e Gl-r> �.t .e.4 4- We have reviewed this application with parti ular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is n ed to properly a.seess this proposal ` %j�4 _ � ` , _ r yo " C�_ Signature Direc or•r Authorize Representative Drat _ routing p Rev.10/93 • i ''LIB_' '••City of kenton Department of Planning/Building/Public works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: -Poi« COMMENTS DUE: JANUARY 21, 2000 APPLICATION NO: LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 6,2000 APPLICANT: Farwest Steel PROJECT MANAGER: Elizabeth Higgia __ PROJECT TITLE: Farwest Steel Expansion WORK ORDER NO: 78630 LOCATION: 201 SW 34th Street • SITE AREA: 5.63 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): 33,070 sq.ft. • SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The project proposal is to construct a 33,070 sq.ft.warehouse addition to the existing Farwest Steel facility. An environmental review and administrative site plan approval will be required. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code)COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services ti Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet /49 CFs a/2/266ZZ • GUYa �i • • B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Z 2-24-tom. Signature of Director orl/Adthorized Representative Date routing Rev.10/93 PROJECT LUA 00-002, SA-A, ECF Farwest Steel Expansion City of Renton Depart ent of Planning/Building/Public Works ENVIRONMENTAL &DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET (Continuation) POLICE RELATED COMMENTS 17 Police Calls for Service Estimated Annually CONSTRUCTION PHASE To protect materials and equipment it is recommended that all materials and tools be locked up when not in use. The site will need security lighting and any construction trailer should be completely fenced in with portable chain-link fencing. The fence will ' provide both a physical and psychological barrier to any prospective thief and will demonstrate that this area is private property. Construction trailers should be kept locked when not in use, and should also have a heavy-duty deadbolt installed with no less then a 1-1/2"throw when bolted. Glass windows in the trailer should be shatter-resistant. I also recommend the business post the appropriate "No Trespassing" signs on the property while it's under construction(flier attached). This will aid police in making arrests on the property after hours if suspects are observed vandalizing or stealing building materials. • Trespass _n Aste-its ! USINES Enforcement ::WATCH;: • Quite often, business owners and managers are faced with crimes that occur on the property after the businesses are closed and the employees'/have gone home. Some of the crimes that occur are burglary, vandalism, graffiti, trespassing, drug dealing and robbery in the parking lots. There is a way for police and business owners to discourage these types of crimes from taking place on private property, and that is by enforcing the City of Renton's Municipal Trespass Code 6-18-10. In order for police to be able to make an arrest for Trespass, business owners or managers need to purchase signs and display them in conspicuous areas on the property. These signs need to include the following',language: 1. Indicate that the subject property is privately owned and; 2. Uninvited presence on the specified property is not permitted during the hours the business is closed, and; 3. Violators will be subject to criminal sanctions pursuant to Renton City Code 6-18-10. MOST IMPORTANTLY-THE SIGNS SHOULD BE CONSPICUOUS FROM ALL POSSIBLE POINTS OF ENTRY TO THE PROPERTY, AND ALSO BE PLACED ON THE EXTERIOR OF THE BUILDINGS. This way when a suspect is arrested, he/she will not be able to claim as a defense that he/she did not know he or she was � f trespassing. EXAMPLES FOR TRESPASS SIGNS: NO TRESPASSING j NO TRESPASSING This is private property. Persons without specific No Trespassing after business hours business are not authorized to be on the premises between (insert specific times). Anyone on the the hours of(insert the hours your business is closed). premises after business hours is subject to Violators are subject to arrest and/or citation for criminal arrest and/or citation for Criminal Trespass pursuant to Renton City Code;#6-.18-10.. Trespass and/or impoundment of vehicle. Per Renton City Code #6-18-10. By enforcing the Trespass Ordinance, business owners and police will be sending a message to criminals that they are not allowed to conduct criminal activity on the property. In making arrests for Trespass, police may be preventing the more serious crimes from taking place. - Y COURTESY OF RENTON POLICE DEPARTMENT • � CRIME PREVENTION UNIT �'`-N 235- 2571 Ci `or f an De artment of Planning/Buildin /Public works • v tY � P 9 9 ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:17(\ R 1.e�_ � COMMENTS DUE: JANUARY 21, 2000 APPLICATION NO: LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 6,206PELOPME Es .. APPLICANT: Farwest Steel PROJECT MANAGER: Elizabeth Higgins OF RENTON PROJECT TITLE: Farwest Steel Expansion WORK ORDER NO: 78630 JAN 0 7 2000 LOCATION: 201 SW 34th Street ��.^ ��C SITE AREA: 5.63 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): 33,070 sq.ft. I� `D . . SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The project proposal is to construct a 33,070 sq.ft.warehouse addition to the existing Farwest Steel facility. An environmental review and administrative site plan approval will be required. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code)COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth I Housing Air I Aesthetics • - Water i Light/Glare Plants I Recreation Land/Shoreline Use i Utilities Animals I Transportation Environmental Health I Public Services Energy/ I Historic/Cultural Natural Resources i Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet I ' B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS ID Ili f z d a Gt.�a 1 S tr- .b e. t a C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date routing Rev.10/93 City of it:;:.wn Department of Planning/Building/Public works ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: C��11V> 6bv\ S i, COMMENTS DUE: JANUARY 21, 2000 APPLICATION NO: LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 6,20 S APPLICANT: Farwest Steel PROJECT MANAGER: Elizabeth Higgins CITY OF REMTON PROJECT TITLE: Farwest Steel Expansion WORK ORDER NO: 78630 JAN 07 2000 LOCATION: 201 SW 34th Street SITE AREA: 5.63 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): 33,070 sq.ft. i ECE1VE SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The project proposal is to construct a 33,070 sq.ft.warehouse addition to the existing Farwest Steel facility. An environmental review and administrative;site plan approval will be required. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code)COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information _,• Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth I Housing • Air Aesthetics _Water _ i Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals _ Transportation Environmental Health Public Services _ Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS o�L o`� 12�Cor IMC-AiI'DAirt-d kJ-C. c So(LS 62 PC) We have reviewed this application with particular attention'to those areas in which we have expertis and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is nee ed to properly assess this proposal. �-� 1 2 . Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date' routing Rev.10/93 (. i City of Fcenton Department of Planning/Building/Public: r,-rks - ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: ,.,e.l u , � COMMENTS DUE: JANUARY 21, 2000 APPLICATION NO: LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 6, ACES APPLICANT: Farwest Steel PROJECT MANAGER: Elizabeth Higgins CITY OF RENTON PROJECT TITLE: Farwest Steel Expansion WORK ORDER NO: 78630 JAN 07 2000 I LOCATION: 201 SW 34th Street ® p� `, SITE AREA: 5.63 acres BUILDING AREA(gross): 33,070 sq.ft. 91 ECEI i!ED SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The project proposal is to construct a 33,070 sq.ft.warehouse addition to the existing Farwest Steel facility. An environmental review and administrative'site plan approval will be required. 1 1 A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code)COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water LightGlare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation Environmental Health , Public Services _ Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet t P aC , / 1 f o "Y/Le� o B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS E YO S i d Y? co -x.1- r© i P f t-L Y E-t_ f;� z- ve-/d- C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas who ad itional inf rmation is needed to properly assess this proposal. ��G< J ��1� I 6r / / ®c Signature of Director or Authorized Representative Date routing Rev.10/93 City or F ,r.n Department of Planning/Building/Pu ic;'vvurks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:+. \re_ fe_U_eiAttrl- COMMENTS DUE: JANUARY 21, 2000 APPLICATION NO: LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 6,2000 APPLICANT: Farwest Steel PROJECT MANAGER: Elizabeth Higgins _ tts� PROJECT TITLE: Farwest Steel Expansion WORK ORDER NO: 78630 -r "9 = LOCATION: 201 SW 34th Street I 41 -1 2000 SITE AREA: 5.63 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): 33,070 sq.ft. DE SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The project proposal is to construct a 33,070 sq.ft.warehouse addition to the xisting Fbrivest Steel\ facility. An environmental review and administrative'site plan approval will be required. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g.Non-Code)COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air I Aesthetics Water Light/Glare Plants I Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals I Transportation _ Environmental Health I Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. //Woo Signature of Director or Authorized Representa ve Date routing Rev.10/93 ^\ • tiY o - CITY OF RENTON s, FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU • ��NTo� MEMORANDUM DATE: January 7, 2000. TO: Elizabeth Higgins, Senior Planner FROM: Corey Thomas, Plans Review Inspector SUBJECT: Comments for Farwest Steel 1 . The fire flow for this addition was taken into account in the original construction and so no change or update is required. Existing fire hydrants are satisfactory. 2. The fire mitigation fees are applicable, however these were paid for in the original construction and so none are due at this time. 3. An approved fire sprinkler system is required to be installed throughout the structure. CT:ct, farwest 17 City oi R�llFon Department of Planning/Building/Pu lic orks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: _C.omw,,� ..�n COMMENTS DUE: JANUARY 21, 2000 APPLICATION NO: LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 6,20 0 -;,.�: _ E , APPLICANT: Farwest Steel PROJECT MANAGER: Elizabeth Higgins PROJECT TITLE: Farwest Steel Expansion WORK ORDER NO: 78630 / JA N 6 LOCATION: 201 SW 34th Street Ecr Air,.., 2000 SITE AREA: 5.63 acres i BUILDING AREA(gross): 33,070 s .roc Sr .�,7 t,lion,44E.n,r k SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The project proposal is to construct a 33,070 sq.ft.warehouse addition to the existing Farwest-Steel facility. An environmental review and administrative'site plan approval will be required. I 1 1 A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code)COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major !,formation Environment Minor Major Information Impacts impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air I Aesthetics Water I Light/Glare Plants I Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transportation , Environmental Health I Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS )-c6— I ID63,6,rv/}z.u'rJ 0-Aner0Ynit'" 7 sus79-- vi9-E_,_d r. /17\ft— I.o1,-I0 11-1 . Afv Po L{ G, t Ssuu`3 . (�-- �tiz2--5-7-62-49-[cz,t c_ Pu 3iv vi rye., C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas wh a ditiona inform is needed to properly assess this proposal. / -/--Lo I Signature irector or thorized Representativea/7 routing Rev.10/93 410 V - City of R. —on Department of Planning/Building/Public ..orks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT:—r COMMENTS DUE: JANUARY 21, 2000 APPLICATION NO: LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF DATE CIRCULATED: JANUARY 6,2INEVELOPMENT SERVICES APPLICANT: Farwest Steel PROJECT MANAGER: Elizabeth Higgins CITY OF RENTON PROJECT TITLE: Farwest Steel Expansion WORK ORDER NO: 78630 JAN 07 2000 LOCATION: 201 SW 34th Street RE SITE AREA: 5.63 acres I BUILDING AREA(gross): 33,070 sq.ft. cEI V GD SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The project proposal is to construct a 33,070 sq.ft.warehouse addition to the existing Farwest Steel facility. An environmental review and administrativeisite plan approval will be required. 1 • A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT(e.g. Non-Code)'COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housing Air Aesthetics Water I Light/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use I Utilities Animals i Transportation Environmental Health I Public Services Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS 33 -70 Sc? sg Ilol, 3o°Z aao�� (ice/ � � ' 32 , 3 7Y,l� Redttef to / aaD Po )raj f I/Sa I 282 - 22 , 3) X ffq, 6g3 , hr s t � r We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where additional information is needed to properly assess this proposal. Signature of Director or Authorized Representative/ Date routing Ray 1N91 Di g 'w QV17.EN r PLA : 't �7��'q' e +:Jtrd� Ci A % OF RENTON Jla°n!' v}'f.4'r6:•}:4:4}}}i}}}::??ti4:4}:^:^:•}:•}}}:•i:•}:•}is4}}:4}:•}:•}:•}:??4:•}:•}:h:•}:4:•}:4}i}:}}i}}i}}}}}}}:4}i:v}�::::•.}'4}'::::::;:::.�:x:.}w:::::::n'•}:??8:•:4}:•:•}:4:•}:4:•}:4:•}:4:4:•}: • {i�:� .� :. .::...... ..�.:.� •i:^i::4'•i:•i::•}•{r.}:4:•}:•}:4:•i:•}Y4:4'^:•i}:•}::.};::{?v: ... ... �.s •�:]f•::1:•:> �i):r•.i� ��:{:5:•i>i:•:•:•:•i:•is�i:•:•:•iii}:ti::•::!:•:::{iiij:•:•i:•i.`•iT:•ii:•:ti?i�ii:�i:•:•iiiii'ri$:�v}:i�T:�:Vi}}:4}:•}}}}':: i{:<:iii:?:i'riii:?:i'rriii: ;}:iiii:?i:iiiii}$i.'ris>.S}:'r'rt:i::i:}:i::i::i'r: 'i,:;:f YyYy:`:}:}v'i:::S:•:i::$jii�:i$}:iii:;>:;:,^.,:j:C<:i}Fi:'rjjj:,:j:::•}:•}}:G};{.}}}}?.}}}}}:}:?•}}}}};n}}}i::•}:??•}:•}:•}}:•}:•}:�•}Y?::}}}:4:•i:•is4:{.i}}}:?•}}:4}:^:+::•}:^:4:•}:?{•}:4:4}};•}:tr:4:4:5}:•.vn:•i:+.?•}:hb}:4:h:•i:•:?•iv:• ::}•f>::iiiii:>::: :jij::;:;:: :.>.:}::?:i'':'S'S{.'•{:'viiijjjijj::ijiii:'{:y� :;}::?:i:': ;:;�::,:� ;>:Y;:$;i;'?+: tn::::?v:'i':is?{':'4i:::'ti�i':::::i::::::.v, ::::::::::........................ PROPERTYtE `,:':.} ' } " `.......:........ byes .::...................:.................................................... .......................................................:.................... PROJECT NAME: railLAZAd i���"/ti11. ✓P��Z�%1r�C. APPLICATION NO: QUA•00 - 002 S ) ELI The following is a list of property owners within 300 feet of the subject site. The Development Services Division will notify these individuals of the proposed development. NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER G. I. Toes,Inc. 9805 Boeckman Rd. 125360-0010-07 Wilsonville, OR 97070 HCWA Realty Corp. c/o Homebase Support Center 125360-0020-05 3345 Michelson Dr. Irvine, CA 92715 Powell-Orillia LLC 737 Market St. 125360-0065-01 Kirkland, WA 98033 Powell-Renton No. 1 LLC 737 Market St. 125360-0070-04 Kirkland,WA 98033 Lecuyer Family LLC 2111 Sunset Ave. SW 125380-0030-09 Seattle, WA 98116 Seattle Fur Exchange 200 SW 34th St. 125380-0040-07 PO Box 88159 Seattle, WA 98138 Consolidated Freightways ATTN: FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 125380-0050-04 DEPT PO Box 3175 Portland, OR 97208 A&H II Co. LLC c/o Joseph F. Holton 125380-0060-02 2098 S.Breezy Point Rd. Camano Island, WA 98292 Arensberg Investments 3401 Lind Ave. SW 125381-0010-02 Renton, WA 98055 Bedford Property Investors 270 Lafayette Cir 125381-0020-00 Lafayette, CA 94549 (Attach additional sheets,if necessary) (Continued) NAME ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER_ 6 luAneks dirk 11 7/610 C MARILYN- MCHEFF NOTARY PUBLIC MARILYN KAMCHEFF STATE OF WASHINGTON MY APPOINTMENT 1RE8 Appllcantuertification ©i,M UNEE 20, 003 l edifi t0/0/ 1 , hereby certify that the above list(s) of adjacent property (Print Name) Owners and their addresses were obtained from: 0 City of Renton Technical Services Records Title Company Records / / )(King County Assessors Records Signe Al . A '4: Date 3 OO • • :•Iicant) NOTARY ATTESTED: Subscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Putlic,in and for the State of Washington, Residing at sel2d. ,Q L110 ► . on the .3 day of eivw22[ , 20612 Signed & \///,0/vt� Q (Notary Public) ` 01111N 1/0a_ :ey `yson .F+ 0. -f NOTARY PUBLIC U�rVY 0 • tt Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing to Elizabeth Higgins,AICP,Senior Planner,Development 1 Services Division,1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on January 21,2000. If you have questions .N,rQS about this proposal,or wish to be made a party of record end receive additional notification by mall,contact the Project Manager.Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any I' decision on this project. NOTICE OF APPLICATION CONTACT PERSON: ELIZABETH HIGGINS,AICP (425)430 7352 AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON- PLEASE INCLUDE THEPROJECTNUMBERWHENCALLINGFORPROPERFILEIDENTIFICATION SIGNIFICANCE (DNS-M) DATE: January 6,2000 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF APPLICATION NAME: FARWEST STEEL EXPANSION • PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project proposal is to construct a 33,070 sq.ft.warehouse addition to the existing Fanvest Steel facility.An environmental review and administrative site plan approval will be required. ' PROJECT LOCATION: 201 SW 34e Sheet OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE,MITIGATED(DNS,M):As the Lead Agency,the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are unlikely to result born the proposed project.Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21C.110,the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS(M)process to give notice that a DNS-M is likely to be issued.Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated kilo a single comment period.There will be no comment period following the Issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non- Significance Mitigated(DNS-M).A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: January 4,2000 I •- /• , LI - y _ t. �� ab¢. NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: January 6,2000 ,�] }�IF'Rain T��' MI 1 �„, :i t Permits/Review Requested: Environmental(SEPA)Review;Administrative Site Plan Approval 0"su� � 9 Irx•'i qx iligill 7 �� � e Other Permits which may be required: • Building Permits ,�l�-1 r., izi ow Requested Studies: None required r� r h Location where application may II �� ,�, 5 '•s ' be reviewed: Planning/Building/Public Works Division,Development Services Department„ I�t�i ,�p FR I�fia° r'1 Sixth Floor.1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055 / iM� '! PUBLIC HEARING: N/A ,i,,,! f�: (�' a• Land Use: Industrial,Medium(IM)Zone I I ,�. I n _ Oil I �C iC7 L Environmental Documents that la" �' ® '-..,.•... '-�I; t, t• p� Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental Checklist ?fir; Development Regulations 1 '-,�,-: =1 f Y Inn IC-I', , I' U.1441I Used For Project Mitigation: City of Renton Municipal Code Chapter 4 Proposed Mitigation Measures: 1. The proponent will be required to provide landscaping above the minimum standard along the north sidle of the structure. NOTICE OF APP 7_ - NOTICE OF APP CERTIFICATION • I,A-G tzekagrit --oe/ez_s,hereby certify that 3 copies of the above document were posted by me in 3 conspicuous places on or nearby the described property on .c�A"WA i I / "..-it)do o . , Signed: / . z_x_AL; ATTEST: Subcribed and'swomlbefore me, a Nortary Public,in and for the State of Washington residing inc da,, ,D-r , on the I zi VIN day of , 0,0010 . '')--Y1 CU4-iiiv- Arearyt_e_,Mf 1' MARILYN KAMCHEFF MARILYN I AMOHEFF .. NOTARY PUBLIC MY APPOINtiVitNT,EXPIRES:6-29-03 I STATE OF WASHINGTON , COMMISSION EXPIRES • JUNE 29, 2003 , + + NOTICE OF APPLICATION I . AND PROPOSED DETERMINATION OF NON- SIGNIFICANCE (DNS-M) DATE: January 6,2000 LAND USE NUMBER: LUA-00-002,SA-A,ECF APPLICATION NAME: FARWEST STEEL EXPANSION PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project proposal is to construct a 33,070 sq.ft. warehouse addition to the existing Farwest Steel facility. An environmental review and administrative site plan approval will be required. PROJECT LOCATION: 201 SW 34th Street OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE,MITIGATED(DNS,M): As the Lead Agency,the City of Renton has determined that significant environmental impacts are',unlikely to result from the proposed project. Therefore, as permitted under the RCW 43.21 C.110,the City of Renton is using the Optional DNS(M)process to give notice that a DNS-M is likely to be issued. Comment periods for the project and the proposed DNS-M are integrated into a single comment period. There will be no comment period following the issuance of the Threshold Determination of Non- Significance Mitigated(DNS-M). A 14-day appeal period will follow the issuance of the DNS-M. PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: January 4,2000 NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION: January 6,2000 Permits/Review Requested: Environmental(SEPA)Review;Administrative Site Plan Approval Other Permits which may be required: Building Permits Requested Studies: None required Location where application may be reviewed: Planning/Building/Public Works Division,Development Services Department, S\,q V✓ Sixth Floor,1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055 PUBLIC HEARING: N/A Land Use: Industrial,Medium(IM)Zone Environmental Documents that Evaluate the Proposed Project: Environmental Checklist Development Regulations Used For Project Mitigation: City of Renton Municipal(Code Chapter 4 • Proposed Mitigation Measures: 1. The proponent will be required to provide landscaping above the minimum standard along the north side of the structure. • NOTICE OF APP Comments on the above application must be submitted in writing o Elizabeth Higgins,AICP,Senior Planner,Development Services Division, 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98055,by 5:00 PM on January 21,2000. If you have questions about this proposal, or wish to be made a party of record and receive additional notification by mail, contact the Project Manager.Anyone who submits written comments will automatically become a party of record and will be notified of any decision on this project. CONTACT PERSON: ELIZABETH HIGGINS,AICP (425)430-7382 PLEASE INCLUDE THE PROJECT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR PROPER FILE IDENTIFICATION I " � ¢�' ' . : II ; k ,> �- , .: ¢ . I ,Off: ik , fi' .-7i; NINEj1vr k' ___ , 1 I : .I:lk I 11P2=4 IiiI ..- 14.V..taite RII ,...... rP I _ kl I!1 p Q 01131 '� 'IjZ`R • 1.117 1 . Wri lAiria4,. - Elikre4M N n" SIti • II i ,.,.-:,17...7,ir,mL�7G;[t.R .u 1 Imo: 1' "-1 s�7 I!i 4áJ ._! ' NGIbIW�L rr'!! � UCi. 1� '---, ,° .—..-.4. .^_ 1 f�, In r-1 t i i 1 a ,c11 ""-,,'', NOTICE OF APP �}s CITY JF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works Department Jesse Tanner,Mayor Gregg Zimmerman P.E.,Administrator • January 6, 2000 Mr. Cliff Williams Horton Dennis &Associates I 320 Second Avenue South Kirkland, WA 98033 SUBJECT: Farwest Steel Phase II Project No. LUA-00-002,SA-A, ECF • Dear Mr. Williams: The Development Planning Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. It is tentatively scheduled for consideration by the Environmental Review Committee on January 25, 2000. Prior to that review, you will be notified if any additional information is - required to continue processing your application. Please contact me, at(425)430-7382, if you have any questions. Sincerely, Elizabeth River Higgins,AICP Senior_.Planner cc: Farwest Steel/Owners acceptance - 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98055 f l.... /.:. .::is i::.,•:::::::.::•:::::::•.t•..........f,.::::::.i:...,:..r:. t.:.t.:::. .....:.:.:::..................:.:�i... .....................,..::...........:........:::.:::: .::?.iii:.>ii>i):.>i:.:?.::?.i:.i:.i:.i:.ii:.i;:.:«.:?.i .:::.::::.::.....:::............t.... .,f;�<:::<: »>::::::::n::.:isii:.i:.i:.i:.:.ii:.i:.ii;........ � .... ........... . .....:. . . . ............................ r:::.t•:r:fr::::?:+n:?:...r..::::::i:r.,., ..::...:.........r.:. �.:. .).: .. �s r.r...........:.::.:::::. :::::.::::n•.:n•::rn.::::..::::.-::r :.:.........:!-::::n x...n. ...... {.. ........ ., n.. .: ???{4Y•i:!r::i;:j)+):•ii)i)i:4:ir'•..:m::::::....•.;....:..:::xx::}'{v:f.....f... ..:::•x:v::w::...,::.Y.. ........f•....... ::�.. �: .. ...............:.....v...... .�:.:{w:.�:rw::::.-:n:::v:::f•::n;:{?i}:j>?{:iiiii ./. ..?�::.:nrr .:v.t•:� t::/.•Yn.::r'??':::::::::ii:v::::::• f:::iv'-?4:4:iv.n..v.n....n.....t+v rr.•:.�: .:t; 4::v.v..�.:::�.t?vn;.ii:.):.):{{.):•........):i):::n.:•-:i:::..t ..}...: 5......:.r.... � �•:.t.... .:. ..'.1'1C.., � .:t..:::t•.:�:r•.:..�::.�:.�::.-:::.?:.:i;.-:::.�n.:::.�n.::.:;...:.:{...... ............f...............fx......nr�! .�......:::::::......... ...t:?•::::.t.::::i ..........:.......:}:...................:.:..:.......:.....,:....,::.............. .............................................................n::::.t...,•.�n:.:::. /..+..• rrf..;;t; ;.......r...x....r................. �. .... ... ; ;.n.:.n.;;...;;..;....;.;.;n:;.v:.y.•:� ... .... .:{fn .:v... ..:.i•v:S7:::x:?::::::rii:�iiii:•:•ii}:•:ti>v: .......:.. ::if::"..?iiiiiiiiiif:?•!.: .r./.v};;;?nii)):•))ii};.}}}r};.)i}}i:.}}}i n Q:}y;i:;:•.}::.-.;; ...f...f x,�nfn xv......f.....r.........:..... �):.}....:.:...... ::.i 3fl.•i}:v'ivv:;:.r.v:r••, �::::.::.::::::::::::::.}):{.>:{:•:•{r::-::.r::.... :::...:... .............. ... .: :: ::..:., ::•:::.-::.::::::±:,:..:•max-i::::.+::+.:.........v.......:...:...... n•:i.r:::n•......))....r..n•::r:::::rr:r::::•:::-::n4::::i.-::: --)RAtt}�+ty.,�+y:�.:fR .tic .. e RM ,.ME...................t..tr.. .. .... ., ......... .. 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PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME: Farwest Steel Farwest Steel 6crAn-16F.t • PROPERTY/PROJECT ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION: ADDRESS: PO Box 889 201 SW 34th St. Renton, WA 98055 CITY: Eugene, OR ZIP: 97440 KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 125380-0211-00 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 541-681-7973 EXISTING LAND USE(S): ,•'��" lL3l.:0r PJ',1 NRT 'I:PoJ+ ++'�V Industrial ))i){;•:...R. .: s :):::::ij::::::ii:i:i::::i::• PROPOSED LAND USES: R"� NAME: Carl Hutchison c,EVE Industrial COMPANY(if applicable): • ; EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: • Farwest Stee'1 EAV ADDRESS: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): PO Box 889 N/A CITY: Eugene, OR ZIP: 97440 EXISTING ZONING: • IH TELEPHONE NUMBER: 541-681-7273 ' PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): N/A SITE AREA (SQ. FT. OR ACREAGE): NAME: Cliff Willians 245,434 sq. ft. — 5.6 acres COMPANY(if applicable): • PROJECT VALUE: • Horton Dennis & Associates • $900,000 ' I ' ADDRESS: IS THE SITE LOCATED IN THE AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA? 320 2nd Ave. S. • No CITY: Kirkland, ZIP: 98033 IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY OTHER TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY • SENSITIVE AREA? TELEPHONE NUMBER: No 425-822-2525 , L . ... m v...v....n::.................n.......t.............. . n......v....:......r''rn• .. ::w"':::: ..........:i\'mY[rtffGf.<?:•i::':•'f.<•iiA:<::v}.:i:w:n..........v:ffv.Y. '. •::::. +.•;^;. ...........:r.:.k:•v:fvy.}•:x.}.: •C v f :. ...F,....;•:f.r , :.}•rr:i{in::4i'fv:•i.:v r..n4:. n �:: i :i:• �' : '' '�' ''i ' � .. � • :: :'.. '•'ITS .. �II?; ::: ;::$..;i:jtvj:i..i:ti:::�: :: :::.r...v : : :..<�RC3p�RT'�'.. 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Volume 161 of Plats, Pages 8 through 11, record King County; situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. • n•::::: :::::n•:.:�::.:n:•:::::::r.i:.i:.;i:•>:.:•:.;iiii:•:«•i:•;:•;:.;;;:.;:<•i:•i'•i;::•i:•i:<•i>;:.::<.:;:.;;:.:;Y ;:E;.: .' �...:+J.................................................................................................. <.:<•:::<.;'•;:•;;:.>:<.;:<•:.::.:.:�i;i:�;:.;:.:.:.:•;:.:.:•:•i:;«<•i:.::<•i:.:;.i:<;.ii;;:i:.i:.i::.i;>:.;:.;:.:.;;;:�;i;:.:.;:.i:�:•;i:.:.:.i:.i;:. _ANNEXATION $ SUBDIVISION: • COMP. PLAN AMENDMENT $ _ _ REZONE $ _LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT $ SPECIAL PERMIT $ _ — SHORT PLAT $ TEMPORARY PERMIT $ _ — TENTATIVE PLAT $ _ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $ PRELIMINARY PLAT • $ ' X SITE PLAN APPROVAL $ i600,6V FINAL PLAT $ GRADE & FILL PERMIT $ — (NO. CU. YDS: ) PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: $ _VARIANCE $ (FROM SECTION: ) _ PRELIMINARY _WAIVER $ _ _ FINAL —WETLAND PERMIT $ _ ROUTINE VEGETATIONAR,..,,,,;,., OFFIChALSEAL MANAGEMENT PERMIT $ MOBILE HOME " ' „ DEANNA L K COPELAND — BINDING SITE PLAN $ r ?' NOTARY PUBLIC. - OREGON SHORELINE REVIEWS: '- -V1 COMMISSION NO. 321846 Jo . MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 2.2003 _ SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT $ _ CONDITIONAL USE • $ _VARIANCE $ — EXEMPTION $No Charoe •X *9z'c ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW $ 6 j ' REVISION •• . $ • I, (Print Name)A6 Aril [ -"Ode--; ,declare that I am (please check orie) e owner of the property involved in this application,_the authorized representative to act for the property owner(please attach proof of authorization),and that the foregoing statements and answers herein' co ained and information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. . S `'it • d ATTEST: Subscribed and sworn to before mega Notary Public,in and I/C//,��d I . '/Q1J/6f fi the State of residing at (Na"-of Owner/Representative) ,on the day of (S a nature of Owner presentative) (Signature of Notary ubli ) h ii6ti o W:l te b . City staff) >< ``< .:;.i > > » :$:;::: W.:;.M � »:» >:<>:<>:::: :» :> ::�< :::::: :><:... ...... a a�ie<�com�1.et..d..b ... .. ... ..................::::: ::::...: :::.................. ........... .......(Th.�.sett#. n.t.::......:...........R ..............Y.....�Y................ ...:...............:...............:.....:.::::.:�. ::. :::.:........�.:.:::: :. ........ . .• ............. ...: ........ .... .... . >.,. ,i:.;:.: 'Aa::. :...::CA(?..0::.:<:.::..}"1 .::.> U-A::.ia:: ..:«>::EC :.;;::k-0..H>.><.:<:<::r:.:>:. :.::. .. :.1=�e...Nurrli�er...:::.::..�".........:.,... . ... ... ...�.,4:..:�A�b �SS...:_:::�. ....................................+� .........�:: :::: ::::: . :::.:.�::: :::: .......... :n::.:::::::.: ..::::..:.::::::.... :::. li::i::S: ::«::<::> ;:. - :I I.:.: - - _;:::: N::::. :.:.;:.:<.;::.isr<.::..rh!(H.P<::>:�PUgI:<:::..:EP:::�P:::R:<>;><R�I�Pn...:.���R:.: ::n::SA.:Ef:::.�5)�P1...A.....��.H..Pi.-H.....SP.....SI�i...:.SM. .....TE�.....Y:A...... >::. ::>»::.:<: ::<:..:: ;:::; .:;.: i.::>' :::>::... .. :'.:�:"�:r.;:.;:.i:.i:r.;:.i:.:.;:.;>;;ii:.i:.:: .:.::.: : >.` E��.:. ' ..TIDED::;...$........ .. ... .:...:::..............................'I'OTAL:.:EEES..:::$:� �.��. s.................................:.TOTAL:PQFST�G...::PRQY.:..:......:...:.:... ........::::::::::::::::::::.;:;::::.i;:.:.:.;;:..<.:::::.:::.:1::: MASTERAP.DOC REVISED 8/97 Order No . 869150 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL 1 : PARCEL A CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. 378-79 , ACCORDING TO THE SHORT PLAT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NOS . 7909249001 AND 7909240948 ; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. I PARCEL 2 : LOT B OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN, A BINDING SITE PLAN, ACCORDING TO THE CITY OF RENTON BINDING SITE PLAN RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 92063026961, IN VOLUME 161 OF PLATS, PAGES 8 THROUGH 11, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL 3 : AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: THAT PORTION OF LOT 7 ACCORDING TO THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN BINDING SITE PLAN AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 161 OF SURVEYS AT PAGES 8 THROUGH 11, RECORDS OFIKING COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE SOUTH 87°50 '47" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE THEREOF 268 . 86 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 87°50 ' 47" EAST 42 . 37 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 46°34 ' 27" WEST 22 . 39 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 130 . 00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 37°09 ' 39" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 84 . 32 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 83°44 ' 06" WEST 224 . 17 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 7 AND THE EAST MARGIN OF LIND AVENUE; THENCE NORTH 02°09 ' 37" EAST ALONG SAID WEST LINE 30 . 33 FEET; THENCE NORTH 83°44 ' 06" EAST 219 . 73 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVINGA RADIUS OF 100 . 00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 32°59 ' 28" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 57 . 58 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 7IAND THE. POINT OF BEGINNING; SITUATE IN _THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. yy,,1 p� y p ,r r.ae-o w CITY cF.�>E��E Cass`' R. EVE Page 4 1 • c ��o �.a o 5� t B�' e ot`e 90 4 <v 6 5 � �� Z 7zs 2i6 215 /zo/ N117•So_L=W $ 5/7-51-oe! 1516.45 SW 34TH ST A .�^ �'t.. se,- zee r.,V i�o ♦oo.oa ..,se7. ..!Teri a:sr.59 !e 111//// I o B o T e o I to I` I jv OWN ;/ 8 LOT 8 / n°� ° LOT B / LOT 11 � j -L �yc n°�PCL. A y e �'/ �1 / a, CZ N ye 4b. 1lA`' t i% rf v 1` r7 • , 47 Z. ;o— • ^d.Le5.87 .i .n .aac/ s7.•� J/7.Je re5 'Q , I 939.Tv •( »:V E7-Jo- �) 7). / 1 • o �'.Jo��r1� • I "Ca.. oI I • i 1 Q cc 'S 0 r. Ui aN o OT 3 ^N h� e:LOT 2 I o i a.� 1st,1.- m ' I '0 4 h I' 7 ��/ 2 u I . c rlr) be a IZ N 'el I '� «P ds ` 7+ A. I�6 �� 1 .i 6 (b �yI/ [ e Di... o. Q g ."..71 od3 ..J Y I / E. i .d,OT 7 z e •07=7. Q N �,�/ n G I < 1,0 O J " — _ Nee.O•.1/N I.. F I.p r /'!O I" ^n Q I I v A/Ea-cv-e.w 37s.sz- Q S O Q. q f1 y\ h w N .," n g , LOTy I /IT' � oSL: r 1,� 4 (b , nT 7 This sketch is provided, without charge, for your information. It is not intended to show all matters related to the property including, but not limited to, area, dimensions, easements, 'en- croachments, or location of boundaries. It is not a part of, nor does it modify, the commitment or policy to which it is attached. The Company assumes NO LIABILITY for any matter related to this sketch. References should be made to an accurate survey for further information. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION • ' • I WAIVER OF SLc.-.MITTAL REQUIREMENT81FOR LAND USE - APPLICATIONS REQUIREMENTS BY LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL ' WAiVED MODIFIED COMMENTS' Calculations, stvey Drainage Control PIan2 CEIt( Drainage Report 2 C E fvz_ , Elevations, Grading 2 Existing Covenants ecorded 21g ift)/9- Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) 4 WeelicFtood Plain Map if applicable - Floor Plans 3 AND 4 • • 44.. GeOte.......... Report2ANo3 Grading Plan, Conceptual 2 JidiP Grading Plan Detailed 2 .11114.4...111,61611.1111.11YOUSEEN.iiiii King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site 4 Landscaping Plan i::::Conceptual.... .. . . Legal Description 4 LiSt-„ql:iSurrOundihg:PrOp§rtyiOWO.......... Mailing Labels for Property Owners 4 I '- • .• . .....•••••• • •-*•• •• • Map of Existing Site Conditions 4 . •-• ..... Master Application Form 4 Monument Cardslope;per,:mphimen).:..,.. ..... • • • Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping • Analysis 4 4k 414 /-6,/, 1)1134 Plan Reductions (PMTs)4 • •••••:••• ...•. • Postage 4 . • Public Works Approval Letter2 •• .• • ....... " ••. .A1/ Title Report or Plat Certificate 4 Topography Map (5' contours)3 Traffic Study 2 14k4 6,1514"- Tree CuttingNegetation Clearing Plan 4 eht •- ............ ./ :;••• • ••••••• ••••••••••'-. •• ••••••••••• • Utilities Plan, Generalized 2 /14aeg.oteliti 3 •OY3 ht )1/- , Wetlands Delineation Map 4 • 71.-1 • • •" ." • . Wetlands Planting Plan 4 -p_i.4 Wetlands Study 4 -/r•:?-•14 • This requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services Section PROJECT NAME: PArz-WT 2. Public Works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section DATE: V •es- 2-1 ( 4. Development Planning Section h:1division.s‘clevelop.ser1dev.plan.ing‘waiver.xls • _ - D JELO ,SENT PLANNING CITY OF RE11TON JAN 04 1999 FARWEST STEEL PHASE II PROJECT NARRATIVE 3 EIIV • Size and Location of Site The site size is 245,434 square feet (5.63 acres) located in Renton on the south side of SW 34th Street, mid way between East Valley Road and Lind Avenue. • Zoning designation of the site and adjacent properties. The site is in an Industrial-Heavy OH)zone. The legal description is as follows: Parcel 1: Parcel A of City of Renton Short Plat No. 378-79 recorded under King County Recording No. 7909249001,and 7909240948; situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. Parcel 2: Lot B of Burlington Northern, a binding site plan, according to the City of Renton Binding Site Plan recorded under King County Recording No. 9206302696, in Volume 161 of Plats, Pages 8 through 11, record King County; situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. • Current Use of Site The existing improvements consist of rail spurs; a driveway off of Lind Ave; three buildings; pavement; storm drainage treatment and detention facilities; landscaping; and frontage improvements on SW 34th Street. • Special Site Features The existing site is essentially flat. There are no wetlands, steep slopes or other sensitive features. • Soil Type and Drainage Conditions The soil type of the site is generally silty sand and sand with gravel fill overlying a variably thick layer of compressible pat or organic clayey silts. The site was surcharged as part of Phase I construction to consolidate the compressible soil layers. A full buildout storm drainage system including bio swales and detention ponds was constructed during Phase I. • The existing use is a steel distribution center. Plate, beam, channel and other structural steel in bulk quantities are delivered by Burlington Northern Railroad (approximately 30% to 40%) and by truck. The facility stores these materials for the purpose of selling to manufacturers, fabricator, contractors, etc. Some steel will be cut to customer's orders by saw, slicer, or burning machine. Generally, the bulk product arrives by rail or truck, is Horton Dennis & Associates, Inc. unloaded inside the facility by gantry crane or forklift, assembled into customers orders, loaded onto trucks and delivered to customers concentrated in Washington. • The existing Phase I warehouse is a 63,868-square-foot. building. The Phase II warehouse will add an additional 33,070 square feet with an anticipated building height of 47 ft. The Phase II building area was paved during Phase I construction and utilized for material storage. Present demands dictate construction of the Phase II building. Phase I included the installation of a 2,096 square foot office and a 672 square foot superintendents office/crew facility. Warehouse exterior material consists of 12-foot-high tilt-up concrete walls with preformed metal panels above. All are in a neutral color. The two office facilities are modular buildings, also of a neutral color. The lot is paved except for landscaped areas. Access is from 34th Street and Lind Avenue. The proposal calls for 75 parking spaces. This is a hieved by reducing the existing parking stalls by 9, through restripping. • Trees There will be no trees removed from the site. New trees will be installed in front of the proposed building expansion.' See Preliminary Landscape Plan. • Total Estimated Construction Cost $900,000 • The warehouse will be open Sunday 11:00 p.m. through Friday 11:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday will be available on an as needed basis. Office hours will be 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The initial project will employ approximately 16 warehouse staff and 12 other staff consisting of outside salespersons, truck drivers and administrative personnel. There will be three shifts: day (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.), swing (4:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.), and graveyard (12:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.) with 16, 4 and 3 employees, respectively. An additional 5 drivers report for work at 4:00 a.m., 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. • Deliveries outside the local area will leave the plant early in the morning prior to a.m. peak and would use I-5, SR 405 or SR 167. Local trucks will also leave early in the morning using the same main routes ,for deliveries outside the Renton/Kent area. Local trucks would return for a second run during the day. Analysis of current trip generations from Farwest Steel facilities indicate a total of 58 ADT, 16 of which are delivery vehicles and 42 employee generated. ITE lists only two studies for similar facilities (truck terminals) therefore, historical data is presumed to be more accurate. • Farwest Steel's business does not generate any undue amount of dust, mud, noxious fumes or the like. Noise caused by forklifts, cranes and saws has not been considered a nuisance at other Farwest Steel facilities. Most of Farwest Steel's trucks leave before peak morning traffic and returning before or after peak evening traffic. FarwestIlnarrative.doc Page 2 Horton Dennis & Associates, Inc. • CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION FARWEST STEEL PHASE II RENTON, WASHINGTON 1. Proposed construction dates: Begin February 15, 2000 and end August 15, 2000. 2. Proposed hauling/transpo tation routes: The site is prepared; therefore, we feel there will be very little hauling. We will concrete over the existing blacktop that was applied on the site in Phase I; however, there will be some traffic, dust, and mud to manage. We will have two possibilities to exit the site. One is to go West out of the site to Lind Ave. and go either North or South on Lind. The other is to go North out of the site and go East to E. Valley Rd. or to go West on 34th to Lind and go either North or South. We will implement watering the area Ito keep dust at a minimum, but we doubt seriously if our contractor will have to implement any measures as the site is covered with asphalt. We do not foresee any traffic or transportation impacts, or erosion, mud, noise or other noxious situations. 3. Any specialty hours proposed for construction or hauling: We do not plan nor propose any specialty hours other than those associated with the Department of Transportation to haul the cranes and any over-length/-width beams for the building construction. We have not inquired about this situation, but the DOT may ask that we haul the crane during off-peak hours(before 6 a.m..and after 7 p.m.). 4. Preliminary traffic control(plan: The only plan we can think of at this writing is to utilize the West exit out of our facility rather than the North exit. Currently, most of our personnel traffic, as well as customers and vendors, proceed North onto 34th St.; therefore,we would suggest!a preliminary traffic plan to exit the traffic to the West onto Lind Ave., and it would then flow North or South on Lind. CITY ue JiU\. 0 / ,a. D farwestconstmit.doc Horton Dennis & Associates, Inc. s Li n mgS7?'"E Fay CITY OF REN CN FARWEST STEEL JAN v 4 19S9 201 SW 34th St.Development Services R F C E I ' D Pre-Application for Phase II Tuesday,December 21, 1999/ 10:00 AM GENERAL ITEM: The Construction permit plan review fee is 5%of the construction cost. Drawing to meet City of Renton Drafting Standards. The existing buildings shown as a light dash line. The proposed phase-2 building to be shown in a heavy dark line. Show any changes that are proposed in heavy dark lines for water, sewer, storm and street improvements if any are proposed. WATER: Water System Development connection charge has been paid. SEWER: Sewer System Development Connection charge has been paid. A back flow prevention device is required if the floor elevation is less than 25-ft. STORM DRAINAGE: The Storm System Development Connection charge has been paid. Erosion control plans required. TRANSPORTATION: The Transportation Mitigation fee is estimated as follow: 32,250/1000 x 4.88= 157.38 est.daily trips The 20%reduction is for railroad deliveries instead of by truck. 20%(157.38)x$75 =$2,360 99cm108 99CM108.DOC\ U1�y O CITY OF RENTON • FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU TIROA MEMORANDUM vP�NTc?. DATE: December 15, 1999 TO: Elizabeth Higgins, Senior Planner FROM: Corey Thomas, Plans Review Inspector SUBJECT: Preliminary Comments for Farwest Steel 1 . The fire .flow for this addition was taken into account in the original construction and so no change or update is required. Existing fire hydrants are satisfactory. 2. The fire mitigation fees are applicable, however these were paid for in the original construction and so none are due at this time. 3. An approved fire sprinkler system is required to be installed throughout the structure. • CT:ct farwest • CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM DATE: December 21, 1999 TO: Pre-Application File No. 99-116 FROM: Elizabeth Higgins, AICP, (425)430-7382 SUBJECT: Farwest Steel Building Expansion Preapplication Comments • Applicant: Carl Hutchison Project Name: Farwest Steel Building Expansion Project Address: 201 SW 34th Street General: We have completed a preliminary review of the preapplication materials for the above-referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the preapplication submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and on the Codes in effect on the date of the review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary.may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision makers (Hearing Examiner, Zoning Administrator, Board of Adjustment, Board of Public Works, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made.by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code and the City of Renton Development Regulations. The Renton Municipal Code is available at the City Clerk's office and the Renton Public Library. The Development Regulations are available for purchase for $50.00, plus tax, from the Finance Division on the first floor of Renton City Hall. Project Proposal: The project proponent wishes to obtain site plan approval for construction of a 32,250 sf [verify] warehouse expansion to an existing 63,300 sf building located on SW 34th Street between Lind Avenue SW and East Valley Road in the City of Renton. !le site plan for Farwest Steel Corporation, Phases One and Two was approved by the City of Renton in 1997 (LUA96-022).. Phase Two was not built and the site plan approval was subsequently allowed to expire in 1998. CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM December 21, 1999 Page 2 Zoning: The property is in a p Industrial - Heavy (IH) Zone (Industrial - Medium at the time of the previous approval). Warehousing and storage uses are allowed outright in the IH Zone. The adjacent zoning, across SW 34th Street to the north, is IH and IH is also abutting the site on the west and east. The abutting zoning to the south is Industrial — Medium. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation is Employment Area—Valley (Employment Area — Industrial at the time of the previous approval). Land Use Permits Required: Because the original approval expired and substantial changes have been implemented in both the zoning regulations and development standards since the project was initially reviewed, the current project proposal will be subject to the site plan review and approval process. The site is located within the Green River Valley and is therefore subject to special landscaping requirements by agreement (Environmental Mitigation Agreement) between the City of Renton and the US National Resource Conservation Service (formerly the Soil Conservation Service). [See Landscaping section, below] Site Plan Review and Approval is required for all projects in the Employment Area -Valley Planning Area. Because the total site was considered previously, the proposed project, Phase Two, an addition to the Phase One building, will be considered alone. The project as currently proposed appears to be less than 100,000 s.f. and the site is less than 10 acres, therefore the Site Plan Review will be an administrative process. An environmental checklist review and environmental determination by the Environmental Review Committee will also be required. The Environmental Review Committee makes a determination of non-significance, determination of non-significance with mitigation, or a determination of significance. The Environmental Review Committee may also determine that a public hearing will be required, in which case, the Hearing Examiner will conduct the Site Plan Review. Staff believes this is iunlikely to occur however. An appeal of the Environmental'Review Committee's determination would also result in a public hearing before the Hearing Examiner. If the project, as submitted, remiains below the threshold for a public hearing, the Site Plan Approval will be administratively reviewed by the Development Services Department Director: CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM December 21, 1999 Page 3 The purpose of the Site Plan, Review is to ensure that the site plan of proposed uses is compatible with existing and potential uses and complies with plans, policies, and regulations of the City of Renton. The Site Plan Review criteria are: 1. Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan, its elements and policies; 2. Conformance with existing land use regulations; and, 3. Mitigation of impacts to surrounding properties. The processing time for the Environmental Review Committee decision and Administrative Site Plan Approval is 8 to 10 weeks, assuming no appeals are filed. The fee for the combined process is $1500 ($1000 for the Administrative Site Plan Review and one half the Environmental Review fee of$1000), plus $0.33 for each mailing label. The applicant will be provided with a complete Environmental Review and Site Plan Approval application package with a copy of this memo at the Preapplication Conference. Building and Utility Construction Permits Required: A building permit and a utilities construction permit will be required. At the applicant's option, these permits may be submitted simultaneously with the site plan application. The processing time for a new building permit is approximately 6 to 8 weeks. Timing for the utility permit is less. Lot Coverage: There is no maximum lot coverage requirement in the IH Zone. Setbacks: The IH Zone requires a minimum setback of 20 feet from the front and/or street along an arterial, and a minimum of 15 feet from all other streets. SW 34th Street is designated as a collector street in the City's Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element, therefore the project is required to meet the 15' setback. Rear or side setbacks are only required when abutting or adjacent to residential zones. Landscaping: All portions of the site not covered by buildings, structures, required parking, access, circulation, or service areas are to be maintained as permeable areas and improved with native, drought-resistant vegetative cover. Adequate means of irrigation must be provided. The 15' front setback, along SW 34th Street, must be landscaped. This site is located within the Green River Valley, therefore, a minimum of 2 percent of the entire parcel must have natural landscaping, as required for developed sites in accordance with the City of Renton - US National Resource CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM. December 21, 1999 Page 4 Conservation Service (formerly the Soil Conservation Service) Environmental Mitigation Agreement. Building Height: There is no maximum building height in the IH Zone. Parking: All parking must be on site, no parking on public streets is permitted. The application will have to i p dicate on the submitted plans how much parking is both required and provided. The parking requirement for warehouses is one parking stall for every 1,500 eet of gross floor area. • Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for parking must be met. The project proponent has not verified the size of the Phase Two building, but if it is built as previously approved (32,250 sf), approximately 22 parking spaces dedicated to this addition will be required. Sensitive Areas: The site is indicated on the City's Sensitive Areas maps as being within an area of high concern for potential damage from seismic activity. An updated geotechnical report, or letter from the geotechnical engineer verifying the validity of the earlier report, will be required. Environmental Mitigation Fees: Typical Environmental Mitigation measures include the required Fire Mitigation Fee of$0.52/square foot of building and Transportation Mitigation Fee of$75/new trip generated by project, based on ITE Trip Generation Manual, 6th ed. The fire fees were paid for both Phase One and Phase Two. Apparently, transportation fees were only paid for Phase One, however. . cc: Carl Hutchison Jennifer Henning CM'OF REi TON • } "{:.:p{v3:�••:::}} •.v:::::x..v ....v.x v.;...??}v, 1 .-{....:. ,:4} •2 av R2Ln.:}ryv::r .:._�. - Y .., : )� ®Y :-:.`• .{*. S. :w,t.�`:,`Ct-'x„.., ,,. 'Js'.: }S>trff{{kc:i:',°`,'bo::} �e; •::,. iX:.;+�., •-'ic;.:'-,f,+'...-} ?•> •::, •.h{+ ••-'•-'{'{.' -" ^ ;_Y>?:v ,nx. :i.;-r:-:�..``Yf.\ : :{ vv '$:}�:� :i}:;F' .:£ rt?}..r..?i?i.- t •v}-''wry:vi_}y:: ..f1 •" - `" }- v} .`}el'v'-... S`lnr•..:.}: N •• ......i i]}r.}.......-'1ti+�J� :. '}.l�.v�}i� -"}}i✓v.... �:i: :3::yy �{��.�•.�.•.' }� hv.•{• `{v-}-?::!v�.Y}:-::::n.: .�_.;:%}'.}:vv'. ... {.:".":�"."�- ;"f..v:4f :}':v.. .Y •.•:"}}Cv,.-�.-.,'�:'•� vvQ �""v.' •'•'.'�'-,.',.',:vn� .Y}%-:-+�i..•.•vv'•'.•:.::.'.-:' •'v'.-�:v--:•n}�'..Y.v......��$:'M......n.:::......r.: .. .. {.....fff.:......v}: ...v...�i{C-•:.•i:•:x{:nM'Ci.:N..:.."::•..::."::{•i\-..n.:h}:?-+i:•iii::•:. b:.::'i•.v::::•r.•. PURPOSE OF CHECKLIST: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21 C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help•the agency decide whether an EIS is required. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICAN T S: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of. your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about govern C ental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NON-PROJECT PROPOSALS: Complete this checklist for non-project proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDITION, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NON-PROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For non-project actions (actions involving decisions on policies, plans and programs), the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: 1. Name of project, if applicable: Farwest Steel Co. Facility-Phase II 2. Name of Applicant: Mr. Richard Jones Farwest Steel Company 2000 Henderson Avenue Eugene, OR 97440 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Horton Dennis& Assoc., Inc. 320 Second Avenue South Kirkland, WA 98033 • Contact: Mr. Cliff Williams,P.E. (206) 822-2525 4. Date checklist prepared: January 29, 1999 5. Agency requesting clecklist: • PlanninCity of gBRentonuilding/Public Works 6. Proposed timing or schedule(including phasing, if applicable): Construction for Phase II commencing February 2000 with completion scheduled for August 2000. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal?If yes, explain. No. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared,directly related to this proposal. • Soils report and update letter dated December 30, 1999. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. We are not aware of any other pending applications or proposals on this site. r 10. List any governmental approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Site plan approval-City of Renton Grading, construction and building permits-City of Renton 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. The proposal is to construct a 33,070 s.f warehouse facility as Phase II of the site development on a (5.63 acre) site. Please refer to attached project narrative for additional information. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range of boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related tot his checklist. The general location of the project is the southern portion of Renton in the Green River Valley. The site is on the south side of SW 34th Street between Lind Ave and East Valley Road. Burlington Northern binding site plan lot B as per lot line adjustment auditors number 9511-2990-06 King County, and parcel "A", Renton short plat number 378-79, auditor's no. 7909249001. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. Earth a. General description of the site (circle one Or) rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other b. What is the steepest slope on the site(approximate percent slope)? Maximum 1%. c. What general'types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them aind note any prime farmland. Refer to soils report and cover letter by Terra Associates, Inc. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity?If so, describe. No. SEPA Checklist-Farwest Page 3 1 • e. Describe the purpose, type and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. None required. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. No erosion is expected. The existing storm drain facility is at full buildout. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction(for example, asphalt or buildings)? Approximately 79% coverage. Total Site Area: 245,434 s.f.; Building Areal:. 99,706 s.f.; Paving Area: 95,215 s.f. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any. Earthwork activities should be done during periods of dryer weather. Erosion and sedimentation controls such as interceptor swales, straw bale barriers, silt fences and straw mulch for temporary erosion protection of exposed soils should be applied during construction. All erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be installed and maintained in accordance with City of Renton requirements. 2. Air a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Development iof the site, as proposed, would not result in any significant impacts to existing air quality. The primary impacts from development of the proposed' project are related to construction activities and future vehicle traffic.' b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal?If so, generally describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any. Transport of materials on local streets should be controlled to minimize congestion during peak travel times. This would minimize secondary air quality impacts caused by reduced travel speeds. SEPA Checklist-Farwest Page 4 Using a numtFer of techniques can reduce dust produced by construction. Areas of exp?sed soils such as storage yards could be sprayed with water, oils, or chemical dust suppressants. Areas that might be exposed for prolonged periods of time should be covered with suitable groundcover to prevent wind erosion. There will be minimal exposed soil on site during Phase II construction. 3. Water a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, salt water, lakes,iponds, wetlands)?If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. None are present on this site. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. No. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placedilil in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. Not applicable. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities, if known. The proposed project will not require the withdrawal of surface water. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. No. According to the City of Renton Community Profile, 1989, the site of the proposed project is not within either the 100-year floodplain or floodway. The FEMA flood plain maps for the City of Renton depict the project site as being outside of the 100-year floodplain as well. 6) Does i he proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. SEPA Checklist-Farwest Page 5 No, waste material from the site would enter the City's storm drain or sanitary sewer collection system. Based on the preliminary grading and utility plans for the project, all surface water runoff would be collected from paved areas and roof tops by storm drains and directed to an onsite water quality facility. b. Groundwater: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities, if known. No, none. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals ... agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. Not applicable. c. Water Runoff(including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff(including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow?Will this water flow into other waters? If so,describe. The buildings and site improvements would cover up to 79% of the site with impervious surfaces. This results in storm water runoff that drains to the Springbrook Creek, which flows back into the Black River. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. Surface water could be contaminated by runoff containing oil and gas from parked cars on the parking lot and streets servicing the proposed site. However, Surface water runoff is directed into on- site water quality facilities. No storage of hazardous materials on- site is proposed. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: On-site storm drainage and water quality/detention facilities are in place from Phase I construction. SEPA Checklist-Farwest Page 6 4. Plants a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: X deciduous tree: alder, maple aspen, other X evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other X shrubs X grass pasture crop or grain wet soil plants.: cattail, buttercup, bulrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? None. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: All new landscaping and irrigation systems would be installed per the requirements of the City of Renton's landscaping ordinance. See preliminary landscaping plan submitted along with this checklist. 5. Animals a. Circle any birds and animals that have been observed on or near the site or are known to on or near the site(see next page): Birds: hawk, heron, eagl4ngbird - Mammals: deer, bear,elk, beave other rodent Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, she lk s other b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known. c. Is the site part of a migration route?If so, explain. No. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: None, proposed. SEPA Checklist-Farwest Page 7 6. Energy and Natural Resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used¶or heating, manufacturing, etc. Electric lighting, power, HVAC, gas heating. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties?If so, generally describe. No. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: For the Fa I est Steel facility, energy conservation would consist of an insulated office area envelope, HVAC with heat recovery features, automatic energy management systems, energy efficient light fixtures. The State of Washington has adopted model conservation standards for new commercial buildings, and as the City of Renton has adopted these standards, this building would be consistent with these model standards. 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? if so, describe. None to our knowledge. 1. Describe special emergency services that might be required. Fire, police and ambulance services would be required on a basis consistent with similar facilities.No special services are required. 2. Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: None required. b. Noise 1. What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment operation, other)? Traffc from SR 167 and local arterials can be heard from the site but would not affect proposal. SEPA Checklist-Farwest Page 8 it 2. What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with t e project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise woul come from the site. Short erm: construction related(7 month duration) 7 am to 7 pm Long term: normal commercial traffic associated with a distribution facility. Facility will operate three shifts - 24 hours. Refer to project narrative for additional information. 3. Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: None proposed. 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Site is presently operating as Farwest Steel distribution center; adjacent sites has a Home Base warehouse store, equipment rental and one site is presently undeveloped; surrounding sites are industrial and commercial sites. b. Has the site been used for agriculture?If so, describe. No. c. Describe any structures on the site. A 63,868 sq. ft. warehouse and two office buildings of 2,069 sq. ft. and 672 sq. ft. d. Will any structures be demolished?If so,what? No. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? I-H f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? I-H uses. g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of ' the site? Not applicable. h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area?If so, specify. No. SEPA Checklist-Farwest Page 9 r 1 i. Approximate' how many people would reside or work in the completed project? 50 employees would work in the completed project. j. Approximate how many people would the completed project displace? None. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: None required. 1. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any. The proposed project is a steel and concrete structure that is similar to the Phase I construction and similar in size, design, and scale of the other industrial, warehouse, and commercial buildings in the vicinity of the site. The type of i.se proposed is also consistent with land uses adjacent to the site and in the surrounding area. 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low income housing. None. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low income housing. None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any. None required. 10. Aesthetics a. What is the (tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas;what is the principal exterior building material(s)proposed? Maximum building height would be 47'-0" to the eaves. Principal exterior materials will be pre-finished sheet metal siding and concrete. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? There will be minimal view impact by Phase II construction. SEPA Checklist-Farwest Page 10 c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any. A landscaping strip along the public right-of-way, interior parking lot landscaping, arid perimeter landscaping consisting of a variety of trees, shrubs, and goundcover are existing. Some modifications are proposed. See Landscape Plan. 11. Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposals produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Exterior lighting resulting from the proposed building extension would consist of wall lighting, with non-glare fixtures. Any glare that may occur would happei at night. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No safety hazards from lighting would occur. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any. All outdoor lighting would be shielded and directed downward or upward I. so as to minimize potential intrusion on neighboring properties. 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? An Act III Theater Complex occupies an adjacent site. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts 'on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any. II None required. • SEPA Checklist-Farwest Page 11 I , 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state or local presery tion registers known to be on or next to, the site? If so, generally des ribe. None. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any. None are proposed. 14. Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. The proposed project is located on a developed site that fronts S.W. 34th Street between East Valley Road and Lind Avenue S.W. The East Valley Freeway(SR i167)parallels East Valley Road and is to the east. The closest freeway interchange is located at SW 41st Street where freeway southbound oi- and off-ramps are available. Northbound on- and off-ramps for SR 167 are located at SW 43rd Street. b. Is site curren ly served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? The site is not currently serviced by public transit. Route 155, which provides service to and from the Southcenter Shopping Mall, is the closet public transit line to the project.site. The closet bus stop to the site is several blocks to the south at SW 43rd and East Valley Road. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? 75 stalls- 9 to be eliminated. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). No. • SEPA Checklist-Farwest Page 12 I 1 1 e. Will the project use(or occur in the immediate vicinity of)water, rail, or air transportatio ?If so, generally describe. Yes, existing rail service will be utilized on site by means of an existing spur track sy tem. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project?If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. 58 trips during maximum for any 24 .hour period. Peak daily volumes: 6:00-7:00 a.m. and 3:00-4:00 p.m. Based upon historic operational data from existing facilities. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any. Impact Fees. The City of Renton has assessed a Transportation Mitigation Fee of$2,360. See attached pre-application meeting summary. Local Off-Site Improvements. None required. 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. Yes. The new development would require police and fire department service. The building expansion proposed would be fully sprinklered, thus reducing the potential demand on fire department services. Future calls for fire service and emergency medical service would be expected. The impact on schools and health services would be minimal since most new employees are expected be hired from the local labor pool. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. None, proposed. 16. Utilities a. Cir - 'lities cu I - s avail. , - . the sit:421M natural ga <OM telephone anitary sewer septic sys em, of er. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utilities providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity that might be needed. Sewer: City of Renton Telephone: GTE NW Water: City of Renton Power: Puget Sound Energy SEPA Checklist-Farwest Page 13 4 I 1 C. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misreprese tat n or s Hack of full disclosure on my part. Proponent: Name Printed: C.N. WILLIAMS.P.E. Date: ja/'% 3 2 oo° • • II SEPA Checklist-Farwest Page 14 .i 1 .; R PROJECT DO NOT USE THIS SHEET FOR OJEC ACTION D NPR. SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NO OJECT ACTIONS Because these questions are very general, it may be helpful to read them in conjunction with the list of the elements of the environment. When answering these questions, be aware of the extent the proposal, or the types of activities likely to result from the proposal, would affect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implemented. Respond briefly and in general terms. 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emission to air; production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production of noise? Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: 2. How would the proposal be likelyto affe6t plants, animals, fish, or marine life? P P Proposed measures toprotect or conserveplants, animals, fish, or marine life are: P � 3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources? Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: 4. How would the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated (or eligible or under study) for governmental protection; such as parks, wilderness J wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites,wetlands, floodplains, or prime farmlands? Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are: 5. How would the pro osal be likely to affect land and shoreline use, including whether it would al ow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans? Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use impacts are: P P 6. How would the prop sal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public services, and utilities? Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such demand(s) are: 7. Identify, if possible, whether the proposal may conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment. SIGNATURE 1, the undersigned, state that to the best of my knowledge the above information is true and complete. It is understood that the lead agency may withdraw any declaration of non-significance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part. II' Proponent: Name Printed: Date: SEPA Checklist-Farwest Page 16 _. ISSUED BY TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY GUARANTEE Transnation GUARANTEE NUMBER ,� '°;-fv OF REE'_,TCN MI6 -0 0 5 819 999 cm,OF RENTON FAVED REGOVED SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE,THE LIMITS OF LIABILITY AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS OF THIS GUARANTEE, TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY a corp ration,herein called the Company GUARANTEES the Assured named in Schedule A against actual ponetary loss or damage not exceeding the liability amount stated in Schedule A which the Assured shall sustain by reason of rany incorrectness in the assurances set forth in Schedule A. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused its corporate name and seal to be.iereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers,the Guarantee to become valid when countersigned on Schedule A.by an authorized officer or agent of the Company. TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY .4.0.E I NS/,p 1% ge_ 0.ORPORArta Attest: G o= 3a0 By: /SEPT 16 1991 t0 ✓ Secretary 4o, *ir President 1k 4R IONIk Ar CLTA Guarantee Face Page(Rev 12-15-95) Form 1025-10 nnir_inial Oil S. . TRANSNATI N TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ' - 14 50 N.E. 29TH PLACE B LLEVUE, WA 98007 FAR WEST STEEL CORPORATION COUNTERSIGNED: PO BOX 889 EUGENE, OR 97440 Attn: CARL HUTCHISON 4 "(4, A \-' V' 2% 6' • 85.89 1-800-441-7701 JO 0 W ,NES, MARK S . NIKLASON A 9I ': ' RELLIER or J. JAY :•UeH (FAX # (425) 646-8593) SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE SCHEDULE A Order No. 869150 - Liability: $320 . 00 Premium: $320 . 00 Customer No. --- Tax: $ 27. 52. Total : -347 . 52 . 1 . Name of Assured: FARWEST STEEL CORPORATION 2 . Date of Guarantee: December 14, 1999 at 8 : 00 A.M. THE ASSURANCES REFERRED TO. ON THE FACE PAGE HEREOF ARE: That according to those public records which, under the recording laws, impart constructive notice of m tters affecting title to the following described land: See "LEGAL DESCRIPTION: " The estate or interest in the 1 nd which is covered by this guarantee is : Fee Simple . Title to the estate or interest in -the land is vested in: FARWEST STEEL CORPORATIO , AN OREGON CORPORATION subject to the Exceptions shown below, which are not necessarily shown in order of their priority. EXCEPTIONS : • 1 . Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of. any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on land or by the public records . S. EXCEPTIONS (continued) Order No . 869150 2 . (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in Patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including, but not limited to, easements or equitable servitudes; or, (d) water rights., claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (a) , (b) , (c) , or (d) are shown by the public records . 3 . Title to any property beyond the lines of-.the land expressly described herein, or title to streets, roads, avenues, lanes, ways or waterways on which said land abuts, or the right to maintain vaults, tunnels, ramps or any other structure or improvement;_ or any rights or easements therein unless such property rights or easements are expressly and specifically set forth in the land described herein. 4 . GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES and SERVICE CHARGES, as follows, together with interest, penalty and statutory foreclosure costs, if any, after delinquency: (1st half delinquent, May 1; 2nd half delinquent, November 1) Tax Account No. Year Billed Paid Balance 125380-0211-00 1999 $37, 659 . 33 $37, 659 . 33 $0 . 00 5 . Right of the public to make necessary slopes for cuts or fills upon' the land herein described in the reasonable original grading of streets, avenues, alleys and roads, as dedicated in the plat . (Covers Burlington Northern BSP and Burlington Northern Orillia Industrial Park of Rentoli, Div. 1) 6 . EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE : Underground communication cable AREA AFFECTED: West 10 feet of Parcel 3 RECORDING NO. : 7905090844 7 . EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: Railroad purposes AREA AFFECTED: North 20 feet of Parcel .3 and other property RECORDING NO. : 8110210541 • Said easement has been partially released as to other property under Recording No. 9203200273J 8 . AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: RECORDED: June 30, 1992 RECORDING NO. : 9206302702 REGARDING: Reciprocal Easement Agreement with Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (Covers Parcel 3 and other property) First Amendment to Reciprocal Easement Agreement recorded under Recording No. 9602081399 . Page 2 N N EXCEPTIONS (continued) Order No. 869150 9 . ALL COVENANTS, CONDITIONS OR RESTRICTIONS OR RESERVATIONS; ALL EASEMENTS OR OTHER SERVITUDES; RIGHTS OR BENEFITS WHICH MAY BE SHOWN ON THE PLAT AFFECTING LAD OUTSIDE THE BOUNDARY DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, if any, disclosed by the recorded documents of Short Plat No. 378-79 recorded under Ki g County Recording No. 7909249001 and 7909240948 . 1 10 . ALL COVENANTS, CONDITIONS OR RESTRICTIONS OR RESERVATIONS; ALL EASEMENTS OR OTHER SERVITUDES; RIGHTS OR BENEFITS WHICH MAY BE SHOWN ON THE PLAT AFFECTING LAND OUTSIDE THE BOUNDARY DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A,- if any, disclosed by the recorded documents of binding site plat of -Burlington Northern; recorded under Recording No. -9206302696 . - (Covers Parcel 2 and other property) 11 . EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AID CONDITIONS THEREOF: - GRANTEE: Washington Natural Gas Company, a Washington corporation PURPOSE: Gas pipeline or pipelines . AREA AFFECTED: 10 feet wide abutting and adjacent to the Southeasterly line of said Lot B RECORDING NO. : 9702040103 12 . AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS. D CONDITIONS THEREOF: RECORDED: March 29, 1996 RECORDING NO. : -- 9603291895 - - REGARDING: • Easement Agreement 13 . AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: RECORDED: July 3 , 1996 . • RECORDING NO. : 9607030996 REGARDING: Indemnification Agreement NOTE 1 : There may be Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Security interests filed with the Department of Licensing in Olympia affecting personal property, crops or agricultural facilities which are not covered by the policy to issue. CC/rr ENCLOSURES : Sketch Vesting deed Ail recorded encumbrances Copies have been sent to the following: HORTON DENNIS ,& ASSOC INC 320 2ND AVE S • KIRKLAND, WA 98033 Attn: CLIFF WILLIAMS 4/5 Page 3 M N Order No. 869150 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL 1 : PARCEL A CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. 378-79, ACCORDING TO THE SHORT PLAT RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NOS . 7909249001 AND 7909240948; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, . STATE OF WASHINGTON, PARCEL 2 : LOT B OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN, A BINDING SITE PLAN, ACCORDING TO THE CITY OF RENTON BINDING SITE PLAN RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 9206302696, IN VOLUME 161 OF PLATS, PAGES 8 THROUGH 11, RECORDS OF ING COUNTY; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. PARCEL 3 : AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: THAT PORTION OF LOT 7 ACCORDING TO THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN BINDING SITE PLAN AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 161 OF SURVEYS AT PAGES 8 THROUGH 11, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE SOUTH 87°50 '47" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE THEREOF 268 . 86 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING -. THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 87°50 '47" EAST 42 . 37 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 46°34 ' 27" WEST 22 . 39 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 130 . 00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 37°09 ' 39" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 84 . 32 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 83°44 ' 06" WEST 224 . 17 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 7 AND THE EAST MARGIN OF LIND AVENUE; THENCE NORTH 02°09 '37" EAST ALONG SAID WEST LINE 30 . 33 FEET; THENCE NORTH 83°44 ' 06" EAST 219 . 73 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVINGIA RADIUS OF 100 . 00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 32°59 ' 28" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 57 . 58 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 7 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. II Page 4 S. - H , o ( \ m � ¢ Pct. 62 is `�� 5 B 0 6 S Q41-\ I'co` /, �p5p 4 p*0 np „ ;V� Z 6 p 5 - p4 J25 T q J p 265 763 / N I7•50-27 W • 5 07-51-OS E 1514.a5 = • SW 34TH ST • A �•5591 J'�.. se7•J90 ens-. ,.,v /so ♦00.05 ..,se7- -z gew z5s.s•1 ffrl • 9 " l 1 I ■ m 1 _ ^I o I. qr 0 8 LOT 8 / IT LOT 8 / LOT 1 /�c ^°1 PCL. A V ^ e �. j m a/ 1 " / ,Q., m N _ 9 O 18`0�o jot• h ` h / Z . . ►►°0 `1 A-D / / 9 / /�^ / fig% / , i .; S/.G/ y7•a4 J/7.9e 1, t?w// 05.55 110 B /• 21 was 01 n —,:s64 u . ■ I 9j I • �� 1 . PI I �O o A� 4 6 (LOT...7 ^w �6, i LOT 2 V� I !Z �t?p�A• `y \ I Aso 6•p�� ^ 4.3 Ci 0 i 16f.��h ,• LI J� hI^y 0p ,' O v I �p bqr !a (L` 4p1�n ,v.. 11`�� • �►*`PAD - H 14 'JJ 1,16�►of CO 41 •P �U. ■� E6 N•Q 3 "� °� yJ j i. 2 t a LOT 7 u l .1os.5L h ��p� r n I `C Z 1L'1 h •• 4. .m N e 1,° O r J w — - Npa.oi.S,w/ 1•. R jq I•!- (* yJ Ps : v i I 'Qv. - Ned-ov•a/../ d7s.sa ` I „ _ 40'Pvr n � �r.ci as Fz 67 N C. i~ I 0.`� �, P fors ' j �V:CO pro x 1 ,0 1 ■ .1 !1 10/.6) Iit! 6661',011,g.>: // 1 n-r 7 This sketch is provided, without charge, for your information. It is not intended to show all matters i related to the property including, but not limited to, area, dimensions, easements, en- croachments, or location of boundaries. It is not a part of, nor does it modify, the commitment or policy to which it is attached. The Company assumes NO LIABILITY for any matter related to this sketch. References should be made to an accurate survey for further information. SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE OF THIS GUARANTEE obtaining witnesses,prosecuting or',mending the action or lawful act which in the opinion of the Company may be necessary or desirable to establish the title to the estate or interest as 1. Except to the extent that specific assurances are provided in Schedule A of this stated herein,or to establish the lien rights of the Assured. If the Company is prejudiced by Guarantee,the,.Company assumes no liability for loss or damage by reason of the - the failure of the Assured to furnish the required cooperation,the Company's obligations to following: 1 the Assured under the Guarantee shall terminate. (a)i Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverse claims or other matters against the title,whether or not shown by the public records. 5. Proof of Loss or Damage. (b), (1) Taxes or assessments of any taxing authority that levies taxes or In addition to and after the notices required under Section 2 of these Conditions assessments on real property;or,(2) Proceedings by a public agency which may result in and Stipulations have been provided to the Company,a proof of loss or damage signed and taxes or assessments,or notices of such proceedings,whether or not the matters excluded sworn to by the Assured shall be furnished to the Company within ninety(90)days after the under(1)or(2)are shown by the records of the taxing authority or by the public records. Assured shall ascertain the facts giving rise to the loss or damage. The proof of loss or (c)1(1) Unpatented mining claims;(2)reservations or exceptions in patents or damage shall describe the matters covered by this Guarantee which constitute the basis of loss in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof;(3)water rights,claims or title to water,whether or or damage and shall state,to the extent possible,the basis of calculating the amount of the not the matters excluded under(1),(2)or(3)are shown by the public records! loss or damage. If the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the Assured to provide the required proof of loss or damage,the Company's obligation to such assured under the 2. Notwithstanding any specific assurances which are provided in Schedule A of this Guarantee shall terminate. In addition,the Assured may reasonably be required to submit to Guarantee,the Company assumes no liability for loss or damage by reason of the examination under oath by any authorized representative of the Company and shall produce following: I for examination,inspection and copying,at such reasonable times and places as may be (a)1 Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverse claims or other matters affecting the designated by any authorized representative of the Company,all records,books,ledgers, title to any property beyond the lines of the land expressly described in the description set checks,correspondence and memoranda,whether bearing a date before or after Date of forth in Schedule(A),(C)or in Part 2 of this Guarantee,or title to streets,roads,avenues, Guarantee,which reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. Further,if requested by any lanes,ways or waterways to which such land abuts,or the right to maintain therein vaults, authorized representative of the Company,the Assured shall grant its permission,in writing, tunnels,ramps or any structure or improvements;or any rights or easements therein,unless for any authorized representative of the Company to examine,inspect and copy all records, such property,rights or easements are expressly and specifically set forth in said description. books,ledgers,checks,correspondence and memoranda in the custody or control of a third (b) Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverse claims or other matters,whether or party, which reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. All information designated as not shown by the public records; (1)which are created,suffered,assumed or agreed to by • confidential by the Assured provided to the Company pursuant to this Section shall not be one or more of the Assureds;(2)which result in no loss to the Assured;or(3)!which do not disclosed to others unless,in the reasonable judgment of the Company,it is necessary in the result in the invalidity or potential invalidity of any judicial or non judicial proceeding which administration of the claim. Failure of the Assured to submit for examination under oath, . is within the scope and purpose of the assurances provided. produce other reasonably requested information or grant permission to secure reasonably (c),The identity of any party shown or referred to in Schedule A. necessary information from third parties as required in the above paragraph,unless prohibited (d)The validity,legal effect or priority of any matter shown or refer red to in by law or governmental regulation,shall terminate any liability of the Company under this this Guarantee. Guarantee to the Assured for that claim. . GUARANTEE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS - 6. Options to Pay or Otherwise Settle Claims: Termination of Liability. 1. Definition of Terms. In case of a claim under this Guarantee,the Company shall have the following additional The following terms when used in the Guarantee mean: options: (a)Ithe"Assured": the party or parties named as the Assured in this Guarantee, (a)To Pay or Tender Payment of the Amount of Liability or to Purchase the or on-a supplemental writing executed by the Company. Indebtedness. (b)"land":the land described or referred to in Schedule(A)(C)orj in Part 2,and The Company shall have the option to pay or settle or compromise for or in the name of the improvements affixed thereto which by law constitute real property. The term"land"does . Assured any claim which could result in loss to the Assured within the coverage of this not include any,property beyond the lines of the area described or referred to in Schedule Guarantee,or to pay the full amount of this Guarantee or,if this Guarantee is issued for the (A)(C)or in Part 2,nor any right,title,interest,estate or easement in abutting streets,roads, benefit of a holder of a mortgage or a lienholder,the Company shall have the option to • . . avenues,alleys,,lanes,ways or waterways. purchase the indebtedness secured by said mortgage or said lien for the amount owing (c)1"mortgage":mortgage,deed of trust,trust deed,or other security instrument. thereon,together with any costs,reasonable attorneys'fees and expenses incurred by the (d) "public records": records established under state statutes at Date of Assured claimant which were authorized by the Company up to the time of purchase. Guarantee for the purpose of imparting constructive notice of matters relating to real property .Such purchase,payment or tender of payment of the full amount of the Guarantee shall to purchasers for value and without knowledge. . terminate all liability of the Company hereunder. In the event after notice of claim has been (e)"date": the effective date. - given to the Company by the Assured the Company offers to purchase said indebtedness,the owner of such indebtedness shall transfer and assign said indebtedness,together with any • 2. Notice of Claim to be Given by Assured Claimant. collateral security,to the Company upon payment of the purchase price. An Assured shall notify the Company promptly in writing in case knowledge shall come to Upon the exercise by the Company of the option provided for in Paragraph(a)the Company's • an Assured hereunder of any claim of title or interest which is adverse to the tit e to the estate obligation to the Assured under this Guarantee for the claimed loss or damage,other than to or interest,as stated herein,and which might cause loss or damage for which,'the Company make the payment required in that paragraph,shall terminate,including any obligation to may be liable by virtue of this Guarantee. If prompt notice shall not be given to the continue the defense or prosecution of any litigation for which the Company has exercised Company,then all liability of the Company shall germinate with regard to the matter or its options under Paragraph 4,and the Guarantee shall be surrendered to the Company for matters for which prompt notice is required;provided,however,that failure to notify the cancellation. . Company shall in no case prejudice•the rights of any Assured under this Guarantee unless the (b)-To Pay or Otherwise Settle With Parties Other Than the Assured or With the Company shall be prejudiced by the failure and then only to the extent of the prejudice. Assured Claimant. To pay or otherwise settle with other parties for or in the name of an Assured claimant any I 3. No Duty to Defend or Prosecute. claim assured against under this Guarantee,together with any costs,attorneys'fees and • The Company shall have no duty to defend or prosecute any action or proceeding to which .' expenses incurred by the Assured claimant which were authorized by the Company up to the the Assured is,a party,notwithstanding the nature of any allegation in such action or time of payment and which the Company is obligated to pay. proceeding. Upon the exercise by the Company of the option provided for in Paragraph(b)the Company's obligation to the Assured under this Guarantee for the claimed loss or damage,other than to - 4: Company's Option to Defend or Prosecute Actions;Duty of Assured Claimant to make the payment required in that paragraph,shall-terminate,including any obligation to Cooperate. 1 continue the defense or prosecution of any litigation for which the Company has exercised • Even though the Company has no duty to defend or prosecute as set-forth in Paragraph 3 • its options under Paragraph 4. . above: (a)The Company shall have the right,at its sole option and cost,to institute and 7. Determination and Extent of Liability. • prosecute any action or proceeding,interpose a defense,as limited in(b),or to do any other This Guarantee is a contract of Indemnity against actual monetary loss or damage sustained act which in its opinion may be necessary or desirable:to establish the title to the estate or or incurred by the Assured claimant who has suffered loss or damage by reason of reliance. interest as stated herein,or to establish the lien rights of the Assured,or to prevent or reduce upon the assurances set forth in this Guarantee and onlyy to the extent herein described,and loss or damage to the Assured. The Company may take any appropriate action under the subject to the Exclusions From Coverage of This Guarantee. • terms of this Guarantee,whether or not it shall be liable hereunder,and shall not thereby The liability of the Company under this Guarantee to the Assured shall not exceed the least concede liability or waive any provision of this Guarantee. If the Company shall exercise its of: rights under this paragraph,it shall do so diligently. (a)the amount of liability stated in Schedule A or in Part 2; • (b)If the Company elects to exercise its options as stated in Paragraph 4(a)the• • (b)the amount of the unpaid principal indebtedness secured by the mortgage of - Company shall have the right to select counsel of its choice(subject to the right of such ' an Assured mortgagee,as limited or provided under Section 6 of these Conditions and Assured to object for reasonable cause)to represent the Assured and shall not be liable for Stipulations or as reduced under Section 9 of these Conditions and Stipulations,at the time and will not pay the fees of any other counsel,nor will the Company pay any fees,costs or -the loss or damage assured against by this Guarantee occurs;together with interest thereon; expenses incurred by an Assured in the defense of those causes of action whichlallege matters or -not covered by this Guarantee. - (c)the difference between the value of the estate or interest covered hereby as • (c)Whenever the Company shall have brought an action or interposed a defense stated herein and the value of the estate or interest subject to any defect,lien or encumbrance . as permitted bylthe provisions of this Guarantee,the Company may pursue any litigation to . assured against by this Guarantee. final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction and expressly reserves the right,in - its sole discretion,to appeal from an adverse judgment or order. 8. Limitation of Liability. (d)In all cases where this Guarantee permits the Company to prosecute or - (a)If the Company establishes the title,or removes the alleged defect,lien or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding,an Assured shall secure toi the Company encumbrance,or cures any other matter assured against by this Guarantee in a reasonably , the right to so'prosecute or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding,and all diligent manner by any method,including litigation and the completion of any appeals appeals therein,'and permit the Company to use,at its option,the name of such Assured for therefrom,it shall have fully performed its obligations with respect to that matter and shall this purpose.Whenever requested by the Company,an Assured,at the Company's expense, . not be liable for any loss or damage caused thereby. shall give the Company all reasonable aid in any action or proceeding,securing evidence, • • CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS CONTINUED ON BACK COVER CLTA Guarantee Conditions and Stipulations - Form 2015-7 (Rev.12-15-95) i ORIGINAL i I' • v CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS CONTINUED • . (b)In the event of any litigation by the Company or with the Company's consent, 12. Arbitration. the Company shall have no liability for loss or damage until there has been a final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction,and disposition of all appeals therefrom, Unless prohibited by applicable law,either the Company or the.Assured may demand adverse to the title,as stated herein. - arbitration pursuant to the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration, (c)The Company shall not be liable for loss or damage to any Assured for Association. Arbitrable matters may include,but are not limited to,any controversy or claim liability voluntarily assumed by the Assured in settling any claim or suit without the prior between the Company and the Assured arising out of or relating to this Guarantee,any service written consent of the Company. of the Company in connection with its issuance or the breach of a Guarantee provision or • other obligation. All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Liability is$1,000,000 or less • 9. Reduction of Liability or Termination of Liability. shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Assured.All arbitrable matters . All payments under this Guarantee,except payments made for costs,attorneys' when the amount of liability is in excess of$1,000,000 shall be arbitrated only when agreed. fees and expenses pursuant to Paragraph 4 shall reduce the amount of liability pro tanto. to by both the Company and the Assured.The Rules in effect at Date of Guarantee shall be binding upon the parties. The award may include attorneys'fees only if the laws of the state 10. Payment of Loss. • in which the land is located permits a court to award attorneys'fees to a prevailing party. . •(a)No payment shall be made without producing this Guarantee for endorsement ,Judgment upon the award rendered by the Arbitrator(s)may be entered in any court having of the payment unless the Guarantee has been lost or destroyed,in which case proof of loss jurisdiction thereof. . . or destruction shall be furnished to the satisfaction of the Company. ' (b)When liability and the extent of loss or damage has been definitely fixed in The law of the situs of the land shall apply to an arbitration under the Title Insurance accordance with these Conditions and Stipulations,the loss or damage shall be payable within Arbitration Rules. thirty(30)days thereafter. A copy of the Rules may be obtained from the Company upon request. 11. Subrogation Upon Payment or Settlement Whenever the Company shall have settled and paid a claim under this Guarantee,all right of 13.Liability Limited to This Guarantee;Guarantee Entire Contract. . subrogation shall vest in the Company unaffected by any act of the Assured claimant. (a)This Guarantee together with all endorsements,if any,attached hereto by the The Company shall be subrogated to and be entitled to all rights and remedies which the Company is the entire Guarantee and contract between the Assured and the Company. In . Assured would have had against any person or property in respect to the claim had this interpreting any provision of this Guarantee,this Guarantee shall be construed as a whole. Guarantee not been issued. If requested by the Company,the Assuredrshall transfer to the Company all rights and remedies against any person or property necessary in order to perfect ..(b)Any claim of loss or damage,whether or not based on negligence,or any this right of subrogation.The Assured shall permit the Company to sue,compromise or settle action asserting such claim,shall be restricted to this Guarantee. . in the name of the Assured and to use the name of the Assured in any transaction or litigation involving these rights or remedies. (c)No amendment of or endorsement to this Guarantee can be made except by . • a writing endorsed hereon or attached hereto signed by either the President,a Vice President, list payment on account of a claim does not fully cover the loss of the Assured the Company the Secretary,an Assistant Secretary,or validating officer or authorized signatory of the shall be subrogated to all rights and remedies of the Assured after the Assured shall have Company. recovered its principal,interest,and costs of collection. 14. Notices,Where Sent. All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be • furnished the Company shall include the number of this policy and shall be addressed to: . Consumer Affairs Department,P.O.Box 27567,Richmond,Vuginia 23261-7567. V W Fi? o m 0 o A m Z O 0 . c. ' ' V � P. J z CA z ir, = M 1, • NA > H y • Mcl �� d a = o - cn G 9 • • • r 1. THISSPACEPROVIDEDFORRECORDERSUSE:• TRA\SA,\4ERlCA Transamerica TITLE INSURANCE Tide Insurance Company , F•LE3 FOR RECORD A7REOUESTOF TRANSNATION TITLE 1200 SIXTH AVE SUITE 1910 SEA'/TLE, WA. 98101 \YhtY RECORDED RE1VRN TO ,,,,_� FARWEST STEEL CORPORATION • • ASV es...... .PO BOX 889 • . Ca:, snn.2,aEUGENE OREGON 97403 • Statutory Warranty Dyed O" • THE GRANTOR LLOYD W. POWELL AND SHARON POWELL, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS'TO 507 UNDIVIDED INTEREST AND PETER W. POWELL AND MWRYANNE 1.. POIIELL, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS TO 507, UNDIVIDED INTEREST • ler end in consideration o! THE WHOLE OF THE CONSIDE.. •T1ON FOR THIS CONVEYANCE RECEIVED BY THE GRANTOR IS OTHER PROPERTY i iahi�d paid,conveys and warmed to FAIN:EST STEEL COR'ORAT ION,•AN ORECON CORPORATION • the following dnncnbed reel erlatc,situated an the Comity of is INC State ot Waohinglatt: LEGAL ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART THEREOF{ SEE EXHIBIT "A" J�• :�i1'ECT TO EASEEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS AND RESER1ATIONS OF RECORD ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A • l• PART THEREOF SEE EXHIBIT "9" - L,13 . +'4 FILED FOR RE TL•f E 1pSUR0AN0E CuEST O' C7 tRANS�ATION VE.NE 310.P.O.BOX 1403 BELLEVUE.WA 98°09 r • ' Date 'l 1r1H H 6 ) . , 19E yb D W. POWELL.... �. . .... .... .... . .. . . ...� PEER W. PONELL C \J�L:We-�rt—,7' YC�L• :-( ��'•�+ . If s ao,1 L. POWEJL 'ltA Y' 1. 1.4[O• L"" - . . .. . .• . ...• .•••. ' • • - _ STATE OF WA9FFINGTON I STATE OF WASHINGTON 1 CCi1 TY OF.".,,tr'•.. ; r..._..._..,.3 u. COUNTY plF........_.._.._.._.............._...,.1 p • Ok thle4ay personally eppcarod before me On thl dayof..._._.._............_....,.,...,._.........,.._.......19.......,...,E W ,•: :• i t e••, f/ u•.3 before me,`the undersigne a Notary Public in and for the tylata of Wash. CEVE:; 0r;n':ENT r "''r.. ... !neon,duly commlvioned and sworn,personally appeared..... . Can'OF I,m. now to be the individual deocrlbed in end 1, e a�l����r J.ho a tallied the within and foregoing instrument, ``.. .................._................_....... ,._...........,_..............�..•.....__. and,,..,_ and ac•nowledeod that................alined the earns to me knows m be the... J ht t i ® crt )d _._.,.........,•,...President and..........m..._.....Sseretsry, WO ' ■+ free and voluntary act and deed, reapletivelyl,of,,.......................... ..........,_...,.....„....,.,....._....._,_._............... I.r ihr uaea and urposes therein mentioned. the eoFporallon thee eseettted the forogofni instiument.and irimow•ledeed a, the add Int rumsnt to be the frac and voluntary act and deed of cud torpor. . 'E vn •. • aeon,for tt�o vies and purpesce therein mentioned.and on oath stated that ' ! (m c� .. ),}•. i %• lh• . ...,.. _.......rp ra seared to escort o the said Imtrttment and that the sal .,LsCh�'EN unttorany hand end otBelal seal this creed u thS.orporeteseal of said corporation. • i;' ••' y aC.! y..• 7.:`.,^;.....,•,_,19`/ Witness my hand and ofacial esaf hereto affixed the day and year fins Y f ,./`4i( above writte . ^ tan irk red;"fdr the Stale of Wash. Notary Public in and for Ma Stated Waahingten, ���� o,f�reeldldtfat:.:a1L:.• t..r,' ..�` . .. _. ................•..__.._. ..,- .• _. rosidln6aL......_... ' • in nfrentcanines:,l: ...It r./,r,/.A ` a i/ !hX r iy ppointment expires: _ • LPB•IO Ei476969 O /29/96 19659.33 10445� e• k Arv.ta. i f3"1.dig • {I _ _ Titbit • S Ii . r • 1 1 •Ifl le:ll1 1 II /,4')1'1e/1.f I:I I ,�1�':%ri II.' I' i I • - I% '!// 1i1 .1, I'11 Y.hl ,,I• STATE OF WASHINGTON F • County of KING y On this day personally appeared before me PETER W. POWELL AND NARYANNE L. POWELL • 1'I .t•1 to me known to be the individual S described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument.'arfd acknowledged i that THEY signed the same as THEIR frce and voluntary act and deed,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. • GIVEN under my hand and official sea!this 28 day of HARCH .igi'9• .6 `_, •.)', /old-417 till•$%e..t0 .44,, " Notary Public ublic in and fort , v hrtS ' 15.Mdalitl48ont•1 residing at 1Ynnoo '• n .. My appointment cipires:3/10/97? .1� • Ac*NWI.EDcMcNL woriicum. Fare No W18 ' • • • • • , • 1 • 11/ • • � 7 EXHIBIT "A" • PARCEL 1: PARCEL A OF CITY OF RENTON SHORT PLAT NO. 378-79 RECORDED UNDER KING rY COUNTY RECORDING NO. 7909249001 AND 7909240948; • i,ty SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, •STATE OF WASHINGTON. 41 PARCEL 2: LOT B OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN, A BINDING SITE PLAN, ACCORDING TO THE •?; CITY OF RENTON BINDING SITE PLAN RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDIN NO. 9206302696, IN VOLUME 161 OF PLATS, PAGES 8 THROUGH 11, RECORDS KING COUNTY; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. • • r it •; r Vti • 1 s • • l:• cs • • ' i ' . . . EXHIBIT "B" . a i i i Li ALL COVENANTS, CONDITIONS OR RESSTRICTIONS OR RESERVATIONS; ALL EASEMENTS OR OTHER SERVITUDES; RIGHTS OR BENEF TS WHICH MAY BE SHOWN ON THE PLAT AFFECTING LAND OUTSIDE THE BOUNDARY DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, if any, disclosed by the recorded documents of Short Plat No. ti 378-79 recorded under King County Recording No. 7909249001 and 7909240948. ALL COVENANTS, CONDITIONS OR RESTRICTIONS OR RESERVATIONS; ALL ,41 EASEMENTS OR OTHER SERVITUDES; RIGHTS OR BENEFITS WHICH NAY BE SHOWN • .1. ON THE PLAT AFFECTING LAND OUTSIDE THE BOUNDARY DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE • • A, if any, disclosed by the recorded documents of binding site plat of • Burlington Northern, recorded under Recording No. 9206302696. r‘; (Covers Parcel 2 and other property) i is • Right of the public to make necessary slopes for cuts or fills upon = the land herein described in the reasonable original grading of i streets, avenues, alleys and roads, as dedicated in the plat. Ii (Covers Burlington Northern BSP :and Burlington Northern Orillia li: Industrial Park of Renton, Div. 1) .•• . i- . :.i • r4 C • I 0 . • • 1. • - I • b J ; . - . ... -. • . . .1 , 0 ,...,..-.4. . . ...... ..„,.....„..„ v ‘ticaumullorWe"..`*". "4'1.4.! El. \ % 1 I - rla .... .. • • ( r . ..r )I rionur, rai. okl,...0 n 1 6 ..04:ku I, —___, . • ...::::,..-..; NNE OF PLAT BURLINGTCN NORTHERN • !! . • r.. ., VOL 161 pGE B — 11 ••,) . • RLMI, SEC, lif RSE__ — • il CITY OR 'DIN RE'llaq • SEC 30'21 TWP 23 . .. • i il . 6 ..i - • . . IECORDING COST . • '' ... ' 1. LOTS — • 2,TRACTS FEF $53.00 '4 1.11 N•t,...1 . . . . •C• ... 1 . SHET SIZE ok • 1,•'; • ...i CO . • PINE DIPLICATIII ok.... ' • . .0 0 TESCRIPTICAL.TITLE,SUP.C`.,CERT. ok . N. PEG.IAD no • . • 0 a. CI , WI BLEG DEPT. STREET MEC( °k. . 14 ' • 0 .. . , • i cr) GRANTORS: Burlington Northern Railroad Properties Inc !'.1 i •—• . , . ..., . Glacier Park Ompany . .• . , •. . 1 . •.. • • 1.7.. • i 1 I ; ii.:i . . .7 I.0 LI . - I- I‘ .., i ; 4 . .>. . ,. ,- .J. • .. ,.. __............. ....... ... ... ... . ... •_.a EpArrp.i: Renton City of I , . ii • . I . t.ii . . . . • .. . • I/I 1. .... 1 li • '.'t• •‘..' li ; . • P.'5' 113• rit ••.' . .. . •••• •.. . .. ••... t •.• . • . • • • •• . . . .. . . .. l' ... , • . . BURLI • . NG ION NORTHERN i 30�6� FILE NO.B IL SP - O -92 A BI DINS SITE PLAN ` -L_ 1 SIGNATURE PAGE /�/ �� �Y�.�� • - ' SECTION 30, TWP. 23 N., RGE.5 E, WM. �4^it SECTICW 31 , TWP. 23 N, , RGE.5 E,W.M. "1:r DICAITYDW: CITY CC RENTON , KING COUNTY , 'WASHINGTON }�' • ED + f . ''l KNOW RILL NEN Sy THESE PRESENTS TUT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, OWNERS I IA IN FEE SIMPLE OF THE LAND HERESY PLATTED, HEREBY DECLARE THIS WWI M'N'PLAT AND DEDICATE TO THE PUBLIC POREVIR, ALL ROADS, IM111DIT6,AND WAYS SHOWN HEREON VEIN THE RIGHT TO RAIL ALL NECLSIARY SLoPte FOR CUTS AND FILLS. AND THE RIGMI'70 CONTINUE TO DRAIN MAID ROADS]AND WAYS OVER AND ACROSS ANY LOT OR LOTS, WHERE WATER NICHT TARE A 11OM1 NATURAL COURSE, IN THE ORIGINAL AIAIONASLE GRADING OF TM! ROADS • • AND WAVE,SHOWN HEREON. DNILOFMINT a! CONSTRUCTION Cr ANY IMPROVEMENTS UPON, • .. NA PROPERTY HEIN DIMCICER=SMALL it IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OURLING I ER ON IARTHERN RAILROAD PRCPERT1lO,SIC GLACIER PARR CAWPANT SITE PLAN AP/ROVED NV THE CITY OF REN ON OR 19 A CXLAwARE AY P0SATION A DELAwARE CCFPWTION THE (FINAL PLAT) (FINAL PLANNED VIt1!DN ppOV>? Dy: /{I.IV.���4`,',�.�L� Sy' 'l). .CITY or mama or PLAN u�. O �/r _L, THIS BINDING SITE PLAN ANO ALL OF ITN REDO!RCMLNT6 I It.: ��f ` i^� DtII 10141 ' ' LEGALLY OIFORCGOLE ON ANY►URCIYIp OR OTHER PERSON ACOU I INTEREST IN TN! WITHIN DISCUISID REAL PROPERTY AND ALL • STATE tlF WASN3NCMNJ Or THE PROPERTY IN THIS BINDING SITE FLAN ARt SUBJECT TO IN1 • REQUIREMENTS Or CITY OF MOTION IUIDIVIIIOII OIDIN2RCt. COUNTY or RING J TnIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT' ON THIS :ay - DAY or Lao RUIYIYOR'R CnITiVICITEI v�lj�_dJy/ --s , 11?2, DErome RE P!RSONALLF APPEARED DUALIMG f To MC KNOWN TOO DRFCML or NORTHERN PROPERTY HEREBY CERTIFY TWAT THIS ■IROING SITE PLAN IS BASIC ' RAILROAD PROPERTIES INC., Tilt e0ppapAT1 or THAT EXECUTED HERE PROPERTY SURVEY AS PREPARED AY BURN, NoED AND HITCNIWG WITHIN ARID FOREGOING INLTRUR[NT, AND AC1NOVLEOCED SAID INSTRUNDR AND LNG!RECO H UDDER LIMO CARS ::Mown NO. S10 SP T01, TO UE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND DEED Or SAID CORPORATION, ■CORNERS c AND DISTANCES ill 1NGtTM WAAlRLY, ANO TVA! - FOR THE,USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED, AND ON OATH STATED •COAN�IMAtd.SE IIff ON THE MUM. ' 711AT I.n7.1./M}f{gtIT IJ IJ-AIRHOHIAED . TO EXELVI'E SA10 NST VNINT. ' IN WITIICSS WNIRLOf, SAID OF ICE NAS CAUSED N S INATRUWENT Or at/Ormickamos, P. Try,DE EXECUTED BY ITS PROPER OFFICE»TNES, „./.SILL DAY Or // I11 WIT1ESX VHEREOF, I HAVE HEREUNTO SET NY NAND AND AFFIXED NY EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS 26 ' DAT OF Thor, 1I92 A.D. OFFICIAL SEAL THE DAY AND YEAR FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. no '11IIM¢AYgu ,'.NI P' �Jn"'',,,--- A MIN RAPGk�PTI]WINING OLLIOING/pVOL1C WORKS A•�:'' L"..^T�-�A,ror+ CITY OF 4/NT•N i......,4���.., i,„„,,,,,,.........., 77 PUBLIC EN ANo FOR TM STATE,, '-,I IIINLTOH, RESIg1NC AT i d"Er1C i • VIM O-VASIIINCTONJ ,/ .CaC(VZIM;HD'P K1110 j•• /��r• 1,..,INN'A CIDTrit Corr: J/t0L CSAMINID AND APPROVED THIS O DAY OP-fund , 1007 A.B. T S •IS To CERTIFY THAT ON THIS _ 4 DAY OF I" lri, DEFORE RE PcnSoATLLL9 APPEARED Gl c;t1O 1. Paeoks l 1• 1„ S�foA DEP-UTII ABBLNSON To ME INO I To L TN t GLACIER PAU COMPA- NY, THE CORPORATION DIA CEC 'N THIN AND FOREGOING EN- STAUNENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE PEEK AND VOLUNTARY ACT AND OLEO O/ SAID CORPO►►TION, ►OR THE USES AND L- P NPOGES THEREIN N!NTIONED, AND ON OATH STATED T AT ►INANCE DTPRCTOS'■ CHATIPICAT't ,i1 ` / AUTHORISED TO EXECUTE Al I RJURL O% I HERESY CERTIFY THAT ALL PYO➢ERTY TAXES ARE PAID, THAT T. NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSUIDCDITI CERTIFIED TO THIS 0r1 .7III WITNESS WHEREOF, SAID CORPORATION HAN CAUSED T IS INSTRUMENT COLLECTION, AND THAT ALL IPICEAL ASSESSMENTS, CERTIFIED Y TDE EXECUTED DY ITS PROPER ORECLR THIS V" DAY O/ OEPICS NOR COLLECTION ON ANY OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN COI 'I • V • 1�-J DEDICATED AS:N FULL THIN OMITS, ALLEYS, OR Pot OTHER PUBLIC,USL, 1 IN WITNESS HIIEREO►, I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAND AND AFFIXED RV. '�"'— DAY OF 'Tiara , 1111. OFr1CIAl: SEAL 111E DAY AND YEAR►IRST ABOVE WRITTEN. OPRCI OF rlNARCE ,. NI IA•71`O I ea? 'LA { NOT r PVSLSC•IN AND r0R 1' STATE o1REC10R, RING , IKING COtRF .• •1 0 NINC70N, RESIDING AT OFFICE 01?SEANCE HIS Ol'1I4�01 ttKAMCE '.� S ,, ,4. "QFGCIITP•r ol1 DIRECTOR Or mock 1110151Y CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE NO DELINQUENT IPSCIAL ABS PARCEL A: - AND THAT ALL SPECIAL ASM5IEND1F5 CERTIFIED TO TIE CITY T. n THAT POISTION Or BURLINGTON NORTHERN DRILLIA INDUSTRIAL PARR or FOR COLLECTION ON ANY PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED 0101CA - REIITON DIVISION I, AS PER PLAT RECORDED III VOLUME TOE OF PLATS, STREETS, ALLEYS, OR ER PC11L0C,USE ARE PAID II FULL. y PAGES 12 AND 13, It100ED0()FLING COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS! /J D (MOCK 2: LOTS 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 AND 9; AND LOT 2 Of CITY OP EENT(IN n NOT LINE AD.JUBTNENY No. ILA-01M-15, RECORDED UNDER XING COUNTY .1�/rG/24 Q RICORDINO NO. 1602139001; , - IJIRE@kVa, CI REDT0 /,1- N?TICR OP ►IMANCI TOGETHER WITH THORE PORTIONS OF RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-NAY LYING - • • ADJACENT TO LOTS 1, 3, 3, A.•7, I AND 9 IN DLOCR 2, AS SHOWN ON DIE PUNT DI DURLINCTON NORTHERN ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL PA OP marrow RECQPDTNO FERTIT7CATa: DIVISION 1:, RR- AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOIDKS 10S Or PLATE, FACES 11 ARID 13, RECORDS OF XING COVIRYI ►ILED FOR RECORD AT THE REQUEST OP THE CITY Of RENT DAY Or ���� ��, 11�, AT MINUTES PANT SITUATE IN VC CITY OF RDR'ON, COUNTY OF RING, STATE OF WASHING- AND RECORDED IN YWW,i• OF ria-fa, PAGES F TOIL, 1CORDS OF RING CONR M Y,,NBt , PARCEL II DIVISION or RECORDS AND E,ICTIONI ' PARCEL D OF SHORT PLAT X0. 370-79. ACCORDING TO THE SNORT PLAT RECORDED UNDER XING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 7909710001; GITUATE IN THE CITY Or RENTON, COUHTY Of RING, STATE OF WASHING- • TON, MANAGER IUPJWZNIDIODFT OF • i , • BURLINGTON NORTHERN • . A BINDING SITE PLAN t` FILE NO.BSP - 014-92 'Q �0o W.••,. NEW LEGAL •DESCRIPTIONS SECTION 30, TWA 23 N.. RGE.5 E, W.M. SECTION 31 , TWP. 23 N. , RGE.5 E,W.M. ' /67 652.// •f,,l 1 .. ,;;CITY CF RENTON . KING COUNTY , WASHINGTON Iowa O • L3J. LIMP?ARGIL S Or CITY Or r0M1a0 notT PL./NO. 171-11,Al 110010[0 TOT MIMICS Of!LOCI 1 ar TN./L1T or 1011.1•0000 01 W OS.LIIO COURT 11W C1 t0110 SO. 7/0014/001 AMO 0[11110 Al WA INDUS.IAL rAAI or■DYION AI 1 om=IN• Ownroua.4 1001 21 OM U � UM,! /OP 0 COAfIf,VAO1T11o41o01. 1m11MLNo AT n.Namur.19■t[f D.1OT 1 Of RICCI 1 0/TILL 11AT FOLADM11 or NU111MCTOO ICLTL111 OILLL0A INDYMTALAL PAO.Or 1..70.A/ C0N2111101t0 AT Tilt gUTNY/T CORN!.Or 1A1.1 or a O••^- L[N1003 IL WUMI 10.or►IATI.FACES II in LI.SECONDS 01 ZIN0 101!!Y 1.10'0.•01R Yap WORT.YNNINOTOO ThnC1 1O1RS 1•10.24.WRIT MONO TO(ANT 0000 1011 0 Atom 1 A DIRUCS or A211.1•P/RI nUCO.0 LII1 Or 1.10 I0T 0►DOSTYCS O/10.11 RR To A M10 00N0.EST0 A.B.11.11-IIR TO TO.NOATN YES:.Or YUTNI0OT Tot N0•TIILR NAY...A 1A0N1 Or 1/1.11 PIO:ThOC.IOUTNIALT T.I.C.NOON 01•17•I7• I I AtyO YID NOATI'Sl lII AND IW11111R1LT MONO Y10 111lTN AO AK DSRTNR OF 111.10(OTT TO 711f Mt 1 11 OF Mb1�I/Of lintTIMM 11ITN 1'SI.17 n00Vo0 A COTIAL 2.00.E Or 71•01•(1•TO A POINT OI CO■70U00 • MITI TOMES MOST. I?TO 7•VI■T NI,11 rim N1T11 nINCI SORHAAAAAl1T M000 A CURVE 111V110 A YDIUO or l•!0.12•ESo IN LLR TO THE gl7N Wcl■01 I• C 101.f1 MT AN YC 010TA*CS or 07.0A Flo 1Mx0 A 1U10NL MOLE 'DIMS MOIRN Ir•17'Ol•On A10NM SAID NIKI or I.22'51•;11111C!PO0 1•10'71•IA.}f0..71 TEST TO III 00R7 To TN[1tU[pIR Of.S01NI)M0. IM NAN0111 Or 10RM■YT 1/7.ITM[R( T!!LC[LOV1!17.10'11• 11S7 .00.01 PITT MOO W VMT1 D M0 DI TO III 1101UI00. IR mRlIN1 If.ESr NUM MT. MOO LOT count..1.0,143 1101DSM PUT. i • 1 1,1 LA I TNAI 1R100 OF MAC.2Or TN.PLOT1U■OP L211410.NOAN0 mi ll.- 3eJ LIA INDm0LL FM OF ES211:W AI NI00LOm IN wuwl 100 OF PLAT.. THAT POTION 01!LOGS]Or nT PLAT 9/IYYIMa70N I. PACESIl FAD 1).'1EWtpl Or ONOONOrrT,IUNINc7oM.OLLO[1m AN LtA YNtOIAL,0 or SIRDN as.N[ocm 10 w21I. MUM. PAOO II AYp I1scoaw T{LI.cowl.1AYINfO♦. 1; 1[01M110 AT TN.I011TNYR COA00A or LOT 1 Or SAID 11OC[ 1 RLLpN, 1VOCE ROM01•90.ot.UST 111.11 ISO MACAO Ill YIT LINT OF .'O7MOCIMC AT Th[tOUTMLLLT WOO 0/for l 01 A. or 11.00 ►1 1110 UM l A O1RUC1 OP 411.11 FSR TO►Mir.WTCAII 70 TNi PAIL 0 MOIL l•!0•ES•■OT LLOK TN.ILO Yt■01 UT UTNY1IT NAVIN.A{AUIUT RI T110Ct 101Th1AL?. RAID 10C1 1►DUTMNES or l]]0.N r..../TIOCE SOS' 10 porro.IROLY,AEU■/ROLT MONO LAID MITIN A10 D0RYC[Or N[fT)0.11 I■o TO T..YOITh YAC7N Or 10RESIST ...11 PORT n101201 A Cp7LAL MO{!Il 10110.11.TO n.1OUINOLT TIp.R oorrnt00000 I'll'Oi•M[NT 1LOOK10.0 SAID LOAN S•SOIR NAM.01 SUThNEST 1/n STOOET1 TOPICS M01IN/7•10'21• NOT ThLNCI qDn 1•IO'17•AAIT]10.00 ILRI w 11 So. A101C LLIO NAICIM 111.51/ITT TO M1 N00O0A0T CSOO or tor.Or 0001 1[I,N7 I[Rf IIIOC■IOYTtI\•70.12•Incr.7112N,Ie LLt0 010C!ll TUC.f01700 01.10'10`I■R NAM TN.LOT LIR Or NOR}O 0.000 l Or SDU111.[.T Il■T 1ESLR1 nO1i IpN 10T0 1m/A 010TAI AR 0f 20.11 PERT 10 A NOYE WOCAY[70 1)IE Imo0100 Altl'o YIO 1S'I1• II.N raw 70 MI itVE 00 0 C IDATIoLLT L411L0 A RADIUS OF 111.17 TUTS...NCR 1OUT011LT AND ThOR qNn l•fC•Il•MAST 310.00 IfRI HOGS or ROUTMH[1TLL LT ALONG MAID CURVE AN AMC DISTANCE 0►111.40 rigs 101 lI1,Al IIR;TOUR lOITTI 1•)0'27•VEST 11a,00 • n10KN A CC...AL AKLA Or TO A PONT or L700Tgp10 CVNTt gTI NAKI.;ThOC7 MOUTN GS•71.Ot•LOT 111.1)FM YIO NIT.NAVIN.A Moo.01 111.11 IIR' nt000 ALOAO I420 MINT Or ImIRIK. • N.V.AA AMC DIMTAICI Or 10.11 MT ThOOI*H A CI0TIAL POLL Or '1 HOC[NMR•10'I7'UR 511.51 IfETI ThOCE Mo1T1 OTT CONTAINS 1f,000 MARS FIAT. 02.01011•VEST 10.04 1.1ET1 T[UCI MOUT.R'!0'/1•2.01 TO 111■ 100IRUu, 10L CO.rlit.111,II5 1OVA41 FIST. lar1' THAT PORTICO.Or BLOC.3 Or IN!PLAT 01 IDMLLAAO.Mc LI.INOORtIAL FOES CP tbt0.2u Ascola f 1I(cLYNg 1 ■00ES lA NO.II,■AWAY Or I{I.0 CWM.,Y1N11.017001. ! 1 T012aV01 mrw LQLLI CO....CIIC AT TESL 1ORHGIT CNN[1 0r LOT I or Mr TEST MIMICS OI 110CS 7 OF TA 0LLT OI IYALLAC1a1 ThOCE 10VM 1•90'11.Or AL2M1 Th[OR LIN.Or I. LlA Iml•TIAL LAMA 01 01 14 4 r[WN?0 11 10 roMT.m NI4 1tOCt 3 A DIITAMCT or 514.1/ TIT; INUC[NORTH 11 CON[IOE 01 IL11Tl, 311.f0 POT;n 101 l0l}H 1.10'Ot• 0 O 11.11 I[R; Noss II AND .AMMO Or RIM m{!i},YfROII.DOOMED Y .M•01'f l•MT1.0.00 /[R7 HULL 01Ttt 1'!0'OM• Noss gL1DH1 rem 0 TOLL 00.1N B1•DO.11•O 105.11 TM n III[ TN[ILT RS.Ir KMT or Yt0 STOOL I AND 1IONIESO AT THE SOUTAAAAA CONMEI O►LOT I 0I.A7D 1bc./I MIK iN[YCi IgAll I'ID•NN Tf'1 TIVL 0 0 111, I TNTMC.MOVNN A.AAAAN•NUT A1bo TN.Ur/LIMO Or LOT i Or LII? LOT i 01.A CART 072.01 SLR to n[0 BUNCO 7 A IIRA.Ct Or 050.55 IIR IO MLOC.if TMI.C..01TH ES'10.07•.Ell 15 )il.Il RR 7NO[[ 1 HULA MAN 11.01•t l•NLO0� MOUTh Ulf YD ITS IL0IOLT PL0001:ATI1M 111.11►[IM 1 MITI 1•rD•DI•our 1],11 PERT! 7MOCE NO RAMS Or LINO AVOW;?MINCE SOUTH 141•17.WANT 11 I Y'll'S1•VEST 1.0.00 IIR; 0OC1 NOSTh 1•10.000 YMT 01.)'i1 nOCt•LYYIES MA1O YR1LL1 NATO[1 q.11f1 00.11.11• it I P.n.s TNOCI MIRTHll•Ol•01•VUT I05.91 Ito 70 n.MESS LIT[0r TENT TO ITN MminTK or A F011-7AN00[T CURVE MCA.. I.., TX.to.•11.711 Ono.Non.1.10.00•Orr MOM SAID NUT Ll.[ YYINO•MADIVO at IO)7.11 RR,SAID MO UDC Om 11J.00 t[R TO T11I SOON YNS Or EDT/R SAID SUM.II TOPCS AN0 0.01 50 1 EASTERLY OI IYO ES/7ULT YA01M(A 111 AOIITN R•1/'01•NAST AIM'AID II MI LINE 11.1E PLR TO A CM. n10U.M LLIO 1101MNIK SLAT ADM 500 Il•11.11• MOTS 70 1Nt MOON NAM.A YD1YM OF II5.1?►GIMP 0HILT1') 11.09 PEST AWIO 101 CYY!....UCH 1A1T1J T ~ 01.16.11•n nt 9■0 A CLAT1 I n1101......LI ALON. 0010 M0E Al A0C 011TA0CI 110.1)►.R1MI Or A WNWVAD CURVE CO. nlwaN A c11r7YL AMCLA 0►11ry1.71•f HOG[101RT1 17• woo MVIYO A A.M.A.MMV/Or 101.71 r[RY ndc1 SoUTHOL' •] 711.21 ran;T001 0 S10 O 1.01'1• / GR ALONG 1A10 NAYS IMSIKN A CIYTOAL OIL.OP 01.11' ■7.50'IT• l MT 10.00/[R fY01CS 144111 1011Th 11.70'11•OAT I11.07 LID TOA SAID WT no. YET 7t7.00 1101 TO TO ICIMVIK, AYYIYI LLD OE IES1111K Or A q.-TYCIR NAY[COP Orr CONT....015,111 100111E Fan. GHAT 111 A'AADIUI Or 1171.0E PINT IA RADIAL LI■.'- 1 10LLn/0 GRAMS N0.T1 II'11.03..11T11 nOc1 10V} J NLIT SOP iifONIAIOcl 1RL1Cc or 17.70►sir TO Th.Mc ' 21 n01L I00T11 10•0!'2f•YR ......1 '.1 ; • ONE...nuns LN000 36.13.11.u1 101 70/i[T4,T1Oei 000 UST 102.51 Farr 10 TO[TSUI 001R OF 1101011.1. 1,f C LOT CaRA1.1 111.711.- Moo rm. U11.�1 o 11 THAT IUAr00 OF moo 2 or TN.PLAT Or OOLINCTOM MOTION COL- 1- i 1.1N 4100111.uL PARA Or MUTTON Y UW10m 2M VOWN1 101 of FLAT..?ACC!11 AO II.11Wm M/0/ C COURT.YALN11C701.011CSYm A/ jgJ, ,1J 101LM7; , 11�0N I0CI0C IT TNT 0oUTI1G.T COOM[N 01 LOT 1 or tAIO 11OC[ I: rosy mallow Or.LOLL 7 or TOO PLAY Or WII.IMLIOR IOI O I T',11lIo IooN 1.10.00.REST YOi0D TO UST LIYI Or LOT I Or NAJD IA O1 II Ma ►IRA 0/1 00 1 AM N1[p0. IN TOIaI II ,p, I 11121C.2 A U111A1c1 Or 114.41 FLIT n THE TKO I111IM 01 11CI1Y1MC: /AGES Y Am II,tLMLAW OI{jAO 19Y1tT, SIESITOICS,I TH1.0.WRINUIMC 101 11 01.10•0••Vt..LL1.11 ?err, TRICE 0011111 ALLOWS. 1 1M'11•11•VIIT 11.11 10[T TO To..0.111 mallow or COKN./LT 111E .[0 10 to AT OTN7R; tour..01T11.M•11•01•PLAT ALGA.solo UNCIN 101.17 Th000 NORTH//'10.147.PINT Ala T1IS01 LOT 1 111TOL10P 5.1 OOL - 1 1111; TN101C NUNTM 1.10•11• IAOT 210.00 TEE.: n1AC1 No.TII YLC SOOT' 411; 111.I1 FLIT TO TS.AMMO 110 •A•11.01•Y13T 160./7 RR:TOOT SOUTH 1•10'1:•VOLT 110.00 R-O/ 1 Irrt 1C 111[MORN YOC1N 01 COUTHIILST 01.T ETN1R;7111NCL MOTH 10 L[q AYONf'TIOR IONA 2.01'71•YR/1N.II ran • •M•IT'07• NEST ALOMC 0A11 MANO1. 11.11 rt.T, TNL000 worm CIACAY0 10 TNt foUTNYR WO A RADIOS Or 11.00 r 1'10'II•[AST 100.00 SLR; TNLAC[Y01TM G.•.l•01•N[ST 111.17 MONTHS?. YORN.A/1YLT,AND WTOLT'l10N0 YID C 1 f11T; ;II FACT NESTII 1...2 T [ANT ... ILLS; . t or gAT7 DIRYCL/1.1/FEET I110.CN A arms AKlt or/1•00 '1 1 Plrr; 1• OE ES.11 I10 I1 iC[....HEART COMMT; O LOT I Or PAS?£1ST NA011 OF PEDIMENT 10f1!MOOT;HOLE MOO 1 RAID 11gT T 1111140E POLO.O1•11'11•LAST LINE 10.or FIR t0 TIC OAR LO Y20 FONT'MOM.11.01 FM n TN. it I •.0111 00AT NM.YO or lay A O1 SAID IIa1 12 n00c1.0N T1.1.01.21• 01 1.112,IR N' SMIOCITANC O f 1 1.10'01• TOOT 1A000 Mil . r,1 i TART AY1N0 AA10 SOUTH L10t 111.11 FLIT;TILING[1011111 1.50.01. 0010 GOT/A OIRuc1 0r LIG.70 PEST 1 EMI 00 EMT 110.00(TIT;TI10CL YIIT1 10.11'51•LAST 111.10 FLIT To THE ICItIR/T L Y1N0 A ESTE11? 1 110,r0 ram Is Au.1•.(LINO Cr THY LAST 111.51 TELT CI COO OLD.%1;TWILL N001H ■71.11[RO17.OD NLIMOL}YOK■►10 1..1 Y AEC 1 A10NC SAID NEST LIE[141.'•1 ?COT/TON.[SOON NINOS1 FM MOWN►CLYINAL My or TM•IG'1■•10 •I10Y.51• T11T 101.51 TOR. TM1...50VTN 1.10.01• NEAT 41.31 N1K. 11.l t;tower souro 00.01.11•[ROT 110.0o rots: T110001 2011T11 1•11•pl-.SST 11.0.rrlT:THAN..coon.[O.00•)1•GAT 711.14 ILR 10r CMAll.111.7/1 MpYA!MI. 11 T11[70C1 MINT or 0[wi 10(NA*INS 174.111 L001.1C PLR. 0 -' • • . BURLINGTON NORTHERN ��1 z . FILE NO. BSP - ola-s2 _ A QINDING SITE PLAN _ UTILITIES•ORIGINAL PLAT - OVERLAY SECTION 3O, TWP. 23 N., RGE.S E,W.M. SECTION 31 , TWP. 23 N. , RGE.5 E,W.M. , //�// _'1 .4 Win, f? a iM CITY Or RENTCN KING COUNTY , WASHINGTON r.w• a1■ • • /0 UM OW TAU■,TA IM LIAD` Purafil • \ • S.W.� 34TH ST. Or MCI tra7•90in,. 1 1. L1•i. '---11r•y0u[___-•_- JI�Y YOB .. ...... rota LIB' ....Q YN ■ar / :p•leapt0• • • -11/WO[--•----t -rya Tqu 7---T k..... ,O'L{MDfCar11 OTL.1W7-7 -- y 400 ITYM L•r.3r' I A p6 • I 1{py lrrl[T rIO1TAr ram r7Jr ! . f••14.4,W.,•,j[Y Urn •• I h,111q•1 tiro ?11' I L••r.00' 1 I SP-378-79 4 .I 3� 1YNTIW N.•rm rr 8 I - • I1 0 PARCEL 8 • Iji �u� 8 I C LOT • la l,r31 w rr :Cp Ba•• 1 Iq AG[I e- ,10.01r SCALE I Ir•120' uM.-�.L �lc .u 1.{r1 aeAtt IM,11,>a rT I". 0 GO 120 110 240 I I !r •.Ill.eMu �$ uro d•� I —I rt / 7'. • CV CL[C1.I CA1.,V,VOLT I I I G• 'IP 7A ,• roc MOM.? / 6..110. ■ Kr10 LIT•tree 70 BC I Lf L10fT LTu0AA0 I I - AACI •AIlA01D CCRTIOL AM tat - uCAT[D 1r ■ I 'I I ,�•�t • TNN OOC7IY[•M��IMO d, MI MfL•010 Oran Ct I A'�A.. ...2- O0 ;,...- Sao OION DUD Na•MILf ; rr.a•u �/. • C1N71.0•1 urct , `'��, %:- Bg 1 Asia um...Mr nun omen! ' 1-./1••'• • I • TAI TEL[MA*Z MSMMOLf . • •• It M' '•t3 T7J TYrrlc uc•r nA.wD _sl+��•— .,r TI Tut IC SICgL 7•T. N .��-� =11r�D0o'1—�. -L -, t• Q Ts, Ta rrIC 61011E rl LS r ro'IYIi1Mp[itl'i 10it r: �•�•M1r1•�-- — —f�•�^� . ••10f 1 J 0 • TLurNn1 YAYLT I 01[ar00 Nr 7N!•DMYMtMr i 10'•Y1a010 NOW 0r was ur1 u•OIKMr.1 KM Mrs 1.i !0•urI !IM roN[ L.IM)I3'••'••' 1M■(L aa0f•Y[e 1� 10RM70M1t n I T MP r1T1.061.0$1 YN • Jill r M11D101M0 O 11pt I1 NY • run V1 LY1 = -1 Or OONrt•s. 1.'� I RL90 M Y3•Li��J l� i , CD Z c's \NG�U ,.. I x 1 CC.. 12i., CI" • �r I ,.., LCpe` r�, LOT I `Niqi O , J 1 •sail 30.r 0211 ACM •G I r 8 co....• \Oa• ir 1 W ...,„Cl• .�1'0.` 7 ly J . • J `t- hl 'o LOT I Y • 2 7 • N • ,31,tr1 30 PT ,O3%' •-R .A .... .... I 1 331 Kau 1'r•01!, 1 li • I I •• Irm• 5 I 1 •0, I' UI•LUYDer r1 I urglrr tall ■ 1 t'0179 t ... 11YN n r' ,;7 • ID C63t0 CC•C Y4■I 1 •' I a•TM•1 ,.) suss.Lw CMG xu :.E SOW I I— 'Trr rKra l i11{ll1TT)I :R 1 N 1 • I 8I Q -° I W I•'• • .1DTA TO..rIMUTTO Ma ■ J ^. Y�r 13Y'T KIIMOUWCD NT I •• L1q{Y--rt aLCT•@1 —__ J `,�- M[�p-O[•11=q� .) ��---- -- At LTAtp MO 910{L 11 °rn w • I sSr„ • I • I J .•ZOO/ •y' t•rl7 13 . P LOT I I .1" �\•)•. 3 I •,1 :t f•tt,Id1 •' I• .• ' • L�M5L33 4NY[NI J~• III. 3r1•„I r rT I ,I \ 6 131,1 wn I Oa rim \ I� f\\'\\ 3 I \ r W \\\ l0'N,uT1 Uri•Dr 'II• r - •j • ID•OTDI'gT• \ 8 0 1I. MYet/Sr I®,pq III•I 3ip . '-. -R I roil mew[MT. I r� 4499010 MGM?Of SIT i s 117 LSE. -� \ --- �_- ___ •8 -- I UR■'A'OIIrl MiO NT OIOMI./•im0pt -li _TI{I qN -� ...... 7s ----...11 tM I1 r0 CO MC f10 41•tfe u.�r — ._.._ - —1 Iv10. ma w —` f<e 3q I I 3a Si 11.61 -•• r'MAILrO'D$41.1 ro re rt•RAT =e LOT 2 L.L.A-016-85 • I 11.IUILDIIO IMAM RA a A0 I1000.0Dro I I '.Ir11' ue Or r,1/ MM•3rp1 ma/ , ■ �11 runs oiUfT[Af[Y[Mr I 1{il'•• r'-N 11 j u 03•01YMTIt 8 Mi a MI OOOA.tMr 1 �� Lt M,L••ri•p 5 I 81; LOT 9-1a•1g LOT ; M PtiM ♦ I 1•,ollNO 20•uTIL•?T tartrLNT III qR 6 "al'A I"O• 8r$ • -- — I I b3.faaD w rr:I \ pia KIIS7 ACKI-d —�I AIL, iar• 1 ,KIq Maw a•1•IiU'■ ��.... _...— _ -- -- 9 r.rJnr `n1T3 Mar S.W. 41ST ST ran T,NAlm•0e IM• Nml01011! 6• • i E[JRLINGTON NORTHERN Li � ' FILE NO. BSP - 014-92 _ A B NDIND SITE PLANelm 7 ,(VgS. SIM RA L PARCEL CONFIGURATIONS SECTION 30, TWP. 23 N., RGE.5 E, W.M. /�/ n u SECTION Si , TWP. 23 N. , RGE.5 E, Wit 0// ISM w -•• CITY OF RENTON , KING COUNTY , WASHINGTON r- • rD C JID CDC,a. 1 I 1 II/IAOI II \ _ S.W. 34TH s Ir ST. „Lm 9•... (Nos • . {,M],' K.UR.[�,'t --�frJIOL I -T 1 [,1711Ne MR 711{q(ill1 I Ittr'►10,14[Kr qIT ; {q'rq I1 I 1h ' {.r � {{I • ii"pnlrtl�...rrr I LOT , 8 �; A a a LOT1 a I.I.r77 rug e s el B / LOT 1 1 I en ItJ Jutj ' ill � R • ,.OQ q.Ir. SCALE• I.• 120 • / �r�- ACM d 1 1 ° m 120 IEO C40 r / , 1'■�. �.• IK.MI p IX I `( II r Juo Tio r '/ ' I � ./ I I I+�. �dr I . I�-. )1 fl: I 1AP • I I •p ° rltlrr c.urtrr n K • 1 • lit I • I ~ I I ti ,.6 ♦ a�nro rt,tta4pl� 1 ...1 • .,•I • /-45 S% • ammo II II IrllQ II P y.i d'~< :ATM v 11 • O[Jr(O(r INl,71TT4NT, r•1.1". •�•.-•- • L-Y{PL IF( Q d- 4,1 A(AVI.1 rr(S,1'T m,t� 1 ••19.jJ•••"•' = id me rt et aw v I { - Z R .we,ltrt I S r" 1 ! Q I ^sg MY II 1 I • Y, a i 1 R e ep; •1(g LOT • 5r • 6 1 f° 0II.3.1r3 SR IT .J • p • •fi jY IR 'I ~ oa{T y �, } r A i • z r I` i I• i a {- I �VJI u /T. I••-- -,a,411.---1 ejfI'iY ?. h (.t17 • - lII,M=• ' I la` I - I ' I W URA ; I � , • Q :� _ - a:i DETAIL L• I • W la a I I 2'''•n.°•7r '46 LOT 11 z -a:.;,..<,is. / 1 71:4%-. . it • '' 7' . ' . \ / • N �'I'�•. !• .:gi..---6,.4 I r� �or Lw,o°curtrr, lit 0 =6 /. . ,:,:ice=_ C I a {..r _ 1 n•Di• _ 1 Th . 1 • • Tic i0. {°.�nf�7` I ue n I , tl'IYIL:IO,D rwT O ru Ile .M, �_,_p CI I •••YC.71 - • N'moms x,401 POI RCYD.{IWNOD,O l 1.• •w5.1—II — • -•«n=�, -1 • • 1 - /3,. I LION Kmmlq CO rN,maY[Y, , �{ rbl,C{rYrl �.•I I MRMrMf rD VA•; • III QA L6TS IQA LQ erg VAIN Pell I ur,,VIES y,z .6Je,aa xnr y, rt,oR �_D.•,, ✓..�L'�_��11,1'IILMrI I'll.,'IY(ISUILDI .I I{Y••ji.J•. L • MOTE.STRC(r L(NTCR(IRC CONIIIOt S.W. 41 ST I IMr O.,ICA rWND-I•CCp+o cr WMrCrS S� SUM,;(Or JCIItS m INC .rD 4,C1 KL m,rG IM WIDEN.C•LC ha,10„Sr00, �10,0'%d.K{16.YO yyJ{I I rrIIC•. 1 • EASEMENT The Gr'intor, GLACIER PARK COMPANY, a Minnesota corporation, herein- after called Grantor, for oi;d in consideration of Ten and no/100 Dollars (S10.00t to it paid, and the agreements herein contained, does hereby grant to BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, hereinafter called Grantee, on euaon.er.t for railroad purposes upon the following described premiss situated in King County, Washington: Parcel 1 - All that part of the SEA SW. of Section 25, Township 23 North, Range 4 East W.M., lying east of the 100 foot right of way of ") Burlington Northern Inc., north of the s.Juth line of said section, p west of a line parallel to and 267 feet east of the east line of CV said 100 foot right of way and southwesterly of a line lying 20 ( ' • feet northeasterly measured parallel and rodioily and all that part of Lot 7, BlocI k 9, Burlington Nor Ind Pk Renton II recorded r in King County records July 24, 1979, under '7907240890 lyitig southwesterly o.r i line lying 20 feet northeasterly measured - parallel and radially from the following described centerline: Beginning at heodblock of No. 16 turnout at Engineer Survey Station 997+37.7 = 0+00; thence southerly through said No. 16 -. turnout to the left of Sterne° Spur Track to beginning of curve of •• 'Station 1+61 .5; thence'along a 6° curve to'the left•through an - . - .angle of 2° 24' to a point of reverse curve at Station 2+01; thence _ along a 6° 00' curve to the right through an angle of 5° 59' to Station 3+00.7 to end of curve and point of tangent; thence ru.theriy along said t.�gent to point of curve at Station 6+65.4; thence along 7° 30' curve to the left through an angle of 6° 22' to Station 7+50.3 to end of curve and poir' of tangent; thence along said tangent to beginning of curve at Station 7+67.6; thence southeasterly alonlg 13° 14' curve to the left through an angle of 40° 04' to end of curve at Station I0-70.4; thence along a tangent to heodblock at Station 10-96.6 = 0-00 of lead frock to Orillia Industrial Pork; thlence along a No. 9 turnout to the left to heel of frog and beginning of curve at Station 0.81 .9; thence southeasterly ana easterly along a 12° 30' curve to the left thrr.ugh an angle of 36° 48' 35" to end of curve and point of tangency at Station 3+76..4; thence easterly 100 feet along said tangent parallel to and distu..ce 35 feet frnn, the .oath line of Section 25, Township 23 North. Range . 4 East W.M. and end of centerline and description. Parcel 2. - Rai lrood rights of Tway situated in Sections 30 and 31, Township 23 - North, Range 5 Eost W.M., located all within the plat of Burlington 1 Northern Orillia Industrial Pork of Renton Division I, recorded in King County records 9-25-78 under 17809250902. I Parcel 3 - Railroad rights of way situated in Section 30, Township 23 North, flange 5 East W.M. and Section 25, Township 23 North, Range 4 East W.M., locatled all within said plat of Burlington Nor Ind Pk Renton II. l . b .ar ,. . • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed by its proper officers andl its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this I3tf, day of October , 1981 . -- — 3LACIER PARK COMPANY f • _L /By ez P►eside!nt I ' • — Attest:• ,r`'e { //.f'r:'•"" Assistant Secretory U I (NJI Q STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 — I ) ss. cO County of Ramsey On this 13th day of. October , 1981, before me personally appeared J. C. Kenody and R. J. Morin • tame known to be President and Asiistant Secretary-of the corporation that executed the • •• within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation fort the uses and purposes therein mentioned and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. j. »,... / Notary Public in and For the State of -�• •... Minnesota, residing at St. Paul. Retuze to: lfr. 1.D. Larson, !Manager Property Management, Burlington Northern 1.1. ... ?�^^teaRequest of Boom 720 Central Building MLED f -�� .., ���_ at Req. Seattle, Washington 98104 . I • ��f -•�.{ tie.Ja- r ]I w ; �. ♦ :r i R� �' @�a ` :' % • ' r, 1 • i 1 a , PARTIAL RELEASE OF EASEMENT I u THIS INDENTURE,made this 3rd day of March, 1992, by and between the $ I BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY(formerly Burlington Northern Inc.),a Delaware Corporation,GRANTOR,and BURLINGTON 8 • • NORTHERN RAILROAD PROPERTIES INC.,a Delaware corporation,of 1011 X i • Western Avenue,Seattle,Washington 98104,GRANTEE, 11 ' WHEREAS,by Easement recorded in King County as Document No. ` 8110210541,Glacier Park Compa. r,a Minnesota corporation'(predecessor in ! • interest to Burlington Northern Railroad Properties Inc).granted unto Burlington Northern Railroad Com any an easement for railroad purposes including the right to construct,maintain and improverailroad trackage over certain property located in the Orillia Industrial Park of Renton,Division 1,King County,Washington; $ • --, i• s . .. _ WHE REAS,GRANTOR no longer requires.a portion of said easement for . _ - ,.. 1 railroad purposes and is willing to release unto GRANTEE all of its right,title and 1 ,; "' interest in and to that portion of said easement; g "' + iii. ,' ' NOW THEREFORE,the GRANTOR,for and in consideration of the sum of g ? • One andl.rs($1.00),to it in hand paid,the receipt of which is hereby No/100 Dol acknowledged,does hereby QUITCLAIM and RELEASE unto the GRANTEE,all i O of its right,title and interest in and to a portion of said'easement shown shaded on the } 0 attached Exhibit'B",which said portion of easement shown on said Exhibit'B" i M encumbers the real property,legally described on the attached Exhibit"A",both .1▪ ' O attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof; a IN WITNESS WHEREOF,said GRANTOR has caused this instrument to be signed by its Director Operations,attested by its Assistant Secretary,and its f corporate seal to be hereto affixed on the day and year first above written. +I BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY j BY B.L.NichoF - . 1 Director Operations ; r A'1T E 'I': , BY • . asquez • Assistant Secretary • • • EXi;;SE TAX NOT REI .,cD . .Kw::,C;; iaeccrds Dvm 0:. . - - R.. • i 1 . .. - 1 I • • • _.. ,.. • • . . _ grompts • 1 ' • . . ' _ •., _ t• 2e STATE OF TEXAS ) 1 u, )ss. • •, I-- COUNTY OF TARRANT ) • • . 1.• i • ! * I On this 3rd day of March,1992,before me personally came B.L.Nichols, . Director Operations,and V.H.Vasquez,Assistant Secretary,of the above named 1 ...I F.: I corporation,Burlington Northern Railroad Company,who are to me known to be c...3= , . such Director Operations and Assistant Secretary of said corporation and • 14 x acknowledged that they executed the foregoing instrument as such officers and as . In= . the free act and deed of said corporation by its authority. ' = 6./1-1 -1t,z16,4). .... , ,.. Notary Public. :;?-4...-'• • r-:!• j .._ • My commission expires: I 2-/7.-0/91— ..c•s;'''. • • - . . _ . - . '• . . $ ‘ _ .•• 1 Z'cr • • " - ' -'" ' • — ' ' — ' .. •1 4"i,j i • a IC) MUNE NICHOLS . ••••?:.-,.' ' i—s• • Notary Iktilo lamb 0 Tom 1 me 1— Ic) ,1-- Lkj •1 Y-1 Of = almilow Oohs Ow PO.MI inftwilklowerwmftwlftreAftivatoPeto .• t ....)a./ • Ca:"D I.. A tAic." ,t, EA bill' ,•:.?,' ill - • 1 11 CV Crl CD Cs-1 0) 11 • If _ i 1 e I - .. • , . , . . 1 i , 1 • . , • I-1 . ' -, 1 — _ • • - . • J c .• ' EXHIBIT A c c �� . . )z ) w - ... . . ;u Jo o _ W PARCEL A: s. iF--. �` THAT PORTION OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL PARK. OF RENTON DIVISION ` •�' • I. AS PER PLA1 RECORDED IN VOLUME 108 OF PLATS, PAGES 12 AND 13. RECORDS OF a- ) KING COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ti„ . •g. - - ..• -LOTS 1, 2-.•3...6, 7 AND 8.I N BLOCK 2;• - :a • , F� Cr*: , TOGETHER WITH LOT 2 OF CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. LLA-016-85 - i ti , RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 8602139001: ., o N CD i AND TOGETHER WITH ALL OF THE RAILROAD RIGHTS-OF-NAY LYING ADJACENT TO LOTS 1. ' c-, (v 2. 3. 4, 5, 6, 7. 8 AND 9 IN SAID BLOCK 2 AND ADJACENT TO LOTS 1 AND 2 OF CITY CDOP RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. L!.A-016-85 RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY - RECORDING NO. 8602139001: AND ADJACENT TO PARCELS A AND B OF SHORT PLAT NO. ..I-, CM 378-79, ACCORDING TO THE SHORT PLAT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 7909249001: _ j SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING. STATE OF WASHINGTON. • PARCEL B: PARCEL B OF SHORT PLAT NO. 378-79, ACCORDING TO THE SHORT PLAT RECORDED UNDER • 1 KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 7909249001; i • / , SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. [ . r NOTICE: IF THE UI,t.:UM.NI IN IRIS FRAME I5 LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE - ' ' IT. I 0 THE QUALITY OF THE DOCUMENT. • .. - 9Z032002T3 • it ---------.-�_ LI140 AVEMUE —t: _ . I m 4 8.1 1 , o . ce A p I r or ���. 0 ---• o----tA - - --- - ‘.� �' �`�- N P I . i 11\ A I \ \4 0 . to in i ors ' . zv L . Iii • . s 1=A5T VALLEY �H1C�HWAY p . 0 • &_.._•_ _�- 1 - . • • . ?CE: iF IHE DCCUN`. T. IS r: 14E 15 LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE • .3 DUE TO i..: ;'Li T Y C TEE C4CDv:E�T. _.M. �wa,�..w7�a r �!F•" 'IPvp ; ' {:'. , 4S," e(rC/E6/e6/c)69/ -// .‹..6- ,(1.. • ' • ...• ' ?;1 g il gg , ,., . ..-• .' r- -1 n r 8 -:+ ` � " 1.4 i ol i . g - G•• e,4O ••rii x df l'ci li:! 11 '''i E;:. �� 1/s1 • 1D0co (, OK it' 7:::(::: IS t11 • N N PO -.>. f� Aa : ,,:,.., _ . .. . . . .., I (� O�cl • . 2 :: . m ,1 • to 1 • . • s . I i M i 4. ' w_ t F C • ,v..___.__. _.. . ... .. ........,,._.____......_..... a - r r • ! - RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT WITH COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS t TABLE OF CONTENTS Ease RECITALS 1 A. HC Property 1 B. . Powell Provertv 1 C. Ehopuina Center 1 D. 2ME.9L 1 E. purpose 1 ARTICLE 1 - DEFINITION OF EXCLUSIVE BUILDING AREA AND COMMON z - .1.1 Exclusive IBuildina Area. . . _ 2' - 1.2 Common Area Z • 1.3 • Conversion to-Common Area 2 I- = ARTICLE 2 - USE 2 2.1 prohibited Uses 2 i' 2.2 Further Restrictions 3 1,1 N 2.3 permitted (Uses 3 CD I 17 w ARTICLE 3 - BUILDINGS 4 � ' 3.1 Location I 4 �, � CD ARTICLE Fire Protection • 5 J V iv,', r, 3.3 Damaae orlDestruction a LIDi~r : CDARTICLE 4 - COMMON AREA USE 5 ,•' a) 7.i ✓ .fir VL ...v.v.,.t'• 4.2 D 5 ;^ 4.3 Access 6 (a) , No Barriers 6 (b) Etagina for Construction 6 : 4.4 Limitations on Use 6 (a) Customers 6 a. c • (b) E plovee$ 7 u►- (c) Gene 7 • (d) 112.32Ag_E.01 7 Er e 4.5 Utility and Service Easements 7 Y i^ 4.6 $,fans 7 4.7 Outside Merchandising 8 ARTICLE S - COMMON AREA DEVELOPMENT 9 , W 5.1 Development Tim 9 IIt 7 Ir,:/oo5t6/I7/07:Dn16 NCW•g et r.n i . . ii I t • \ 1 .... . maw ' , „-- ,- ri-,,‘:-.7.,,-, . .."0`,5-V,-*;Igi-1:.,-7.,„•:.1.,.g..h,.`",•.tate.??'",-1 .4- -,:,*,',,,,f- c',v2i-,`"•; '''>1.14t1,1t.-•t'lt5lt-4-::', ."''- J`.E.1041 .4a,vt...:;*=.4444:045*-`,iit.ra,t .-/jlagt1W--,-.4..,:41,..2-....--*•1,t'.:,,.-1.? .;,'".*,e'at:::,-.77-1:::-.-.4.1'-i:•,q7.A.Z.:;-.4,,.A . . . - . ARTICLE 6 - COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE 9 ! '. 6.1 Maintenance Standards 9 6.2 Maintenance by Agent 10 i ARTICLE 7 - INDEMNIFICATION, IUSURANCE 10 7.1 Owner's Indemnification 10 • 7.2 Insurance 10 ARTICLE 8 - REALTY TAXES AND ABOESSWINTS 11• . 8.1 Real Estate Taxes and Assessments 1 11 • ARTICLE 9 - EMINENT DOMAIN 11 9.1 Owner's Right to Award 11 9.2 Collateral Claims 11 1 ta 9.3 Restoration of Common Areas 1 12 • • . ARTICLE 10 .- CANCELLATION, NODIFICATION, DURATION 12 g -1 ' - - • c% - . . 10.1 Cancellation 0r Modification m 16;2 Duration . . . . . . . . . .-• 12 ' • in , ARTICLE 11 - RELEASE FROM LIABILITY 12 to- 11.1 Release from tiabilitv 12 z 11T. ARTICLE 12 - DEFAULT 12 - I-1 La • . 12.1 Default 12 12.2 Remedies for Default 12 idt 12.3 httornevo' Fees . 14 12.4 Governing Law 14 ARTICLE 13 - NOTICES 14 , 13.1 Notices 14 I ist"-- •,, 1 7.- '• 1 a ARTICLE 14 -1 tratienuR vianTROTToN . ls •,;:.% _i_. 14.1 Lender Protection 15 1111 ARTICLE 15 - GENERAL PROVISIONS . 15 15.1 No Covenant to Operats 15 15.2 Running of Benefits and Servitudes. Rights of Successors 15 . - 15.3 Not a Public Dedication 15 .. at :_-)!-- 15.4 Document Executionjod Change . . . . . . . . . . . 16 15.5 ro Joint Venture 15 0 15.6 Reasonableness of Consent 16 ....! 15.7 Lot 1 16 " . 15.8 Counterparts • 16 15.9 lio Consents 17 15.10 WAtlanda 17 1..4 15.11 Lot 7, 17 1 ' -ii- . 1754/00516/1//92:D016 . NCUA-Agr.nel i I I -' ." • '''' *9f.''. 11.- - ' '. ' * - • . - .. ._ .. - l • ( MOWaa • • • • • ��r,�,�,,q• �• .y�i �re� Y a o.,r:�c•J• �: k'fa5`s�""=u• Y.7� a i 1.. .i.a— ,L41 444 igIVA :9:•Yi l � 'l lei. wwowwl.-r ` __ ..,. y}y t ti. q:/=;i :.7 . ... • r , RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT MITI( COVENANTS. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS • • This Reciprocal Easement Agreement with Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions ("Agreement") is made this 30th day of June, 1992, between ECWA Realty Corp., a Washington corporation ("HC") and ' 1 Powell-oriilia Associates, a Washington_, .general partnership ("Powell") . RECITALBz owner of Lots 2 and 3 as A. JiC Property. HC is the fee legally described on Exhibit Pj to this Agreement ("HC Property") i and as shown on the site plan attached hereto as Exhibit B ("Site . u, Plan") . Such Lots may be referred to in this Agreement separately _ . - _as "Lot 2" and !'Lot..3",... _ _ _ B. Rowell Property. Powell is the fee owner of Lots i, 4, I" el - 6 and 7 as legally described on Exhibit C to this Agreement • F. ("Powell Property") and as shown on the Site Plan attached hereto z as Exhibit B. Such -lots may be referred to in this Agreement i separately as "Lot 1", 1"Lot 4", "Lot 6" and "Lot 7". The reference ►- 1 in this Agreement to any "lot" in the Shopping Center shall refer oc (1 to each of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7. e.,-4L_ C. Popping Center. The HC Property and the Powell Property est N shall be referred to collectively as the "Shopping Center" in this ...i`.7 ,) Agreement. °,. ,.."; CD D. Owner. The term "Owner" as used herein shall mean and • 1iy1— N refer to each person or entity which holds fee title to any portion • 1•:. gl of the Shopping Center rnd any successor of such person or entity . • acquiring said fee title from such person or entity. The term • ,,,,-- "Owner", unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, shall not . • •� include any lender, trust deed beneficiary or mortgagee, nor any 5 lessee, tenant or occupant of space in the Shopping Center. E. purpose. HC and Powell desire that the HC Property and a. r, the Powell Property be developeu subject to the easements and the i— covenants, conditions and restrictions set forth in this Agreement.� p W . 4:' AGREEMENT: I S I,, h . in consideration that the following encumbrances shall be • - binding upon the parties hereto and shall attach to and run with iJ the HC Property and the Powell Property, and shall be for the „ benefit of and shall be limitations upon all future Owners of the HC Property and the Powell Property and that all easements herein /) set forth shall be appurtenant to the dominant estates, and in consideration of the promises, covenants, conditions, restrictions, i -1- . 175'/005:6/17/V2:D016 NCWA-Aor.n.l I I 1 . • . easements and encumbrances contained herein, HC and Powell do hereby agree as follows: - • i TERNS ARTICLZ 1 - DEFINITION OP EXCLUSIVE BUILDING AREA AND CONNON AREA 1.1 Uclusive Building Area. "Exclusive Building Area" as used 1 herein shall mean those portions of the HC Property and the Powell Property devoted from time to time to building improvements (including canopies, roof overhangs, supports and other outward 4 extensions not exceeding twelve (12) feet in. depth) , as the same may change from time; to time as provided in this Agreement. 1 "Building Service Areas" as used herein shall mean truck docks, L., compactor pads, utilities pads, pallet storage areas and receiving • i40 .areas and similar service areas and.facilities constructed solely c . for...the use -of the building.located within the Exclusive Building Area. ism • - 11-' • 1.2 Common Area. "Common Area" shall be all of the Shopping isCenter except the Exclusive Building Area, Building Service Areas, i= and outdoor sales areas (as described and permitted in Section 4.7 ice- of this Agreement) as the same may change from time to time as 1 1a 1 provided in this Agreement. i WCD 1.3 Conversion to Common Arerl. Subject to the rights of Owners 1 - NI under this Agreement, those portions of the Exclusive Building Area 1. v' Li and Building ServicelAreas on the HC Property and the Powell � • , CO'] Property which are not from time to time used or cannot under the •-'!" c,p terms of this Agreement be used for buildings shall become part of • i'-�1-= O the Common Area for the uses permitted hereunder. An area :.m, N converted to Common !Area may be converted back to Exclusive i,, Cr, Building Area by its development as Exclusive Building Area, if, at • the time of conversion1 back to Exclusive Building Area, it does not ' violate any of the terms of thi.i Agreement. 1 ARTICLE 2 - USE 2.1 p ghibited Uses The Owners recognize their respective - , customers' need for adequate parking facilities in close proximity '• c,',J 1 to their premises and the importance of protecting such parking i ' o facilities against unreasonable or undue encroachment which is _rn likely to result from long term parking by patrons or employees of 1 . certain types of business establishments. As a consequence thereof, the Owners covenant and agree that no part of the Powell Property shall he dev'ci -, to the use or operation of a mortuary, ' theater, carnival, bowling alley, skating rink, amusement center, - 1 electronic or mechanical games arcade, pool or billiard hall, • k betting parlor, bingo) parlor or health club, and no part of the ' 1 Shopping Center shall be devoted to the use or operation of a • -2- • 1754/OO5e6/t1/92IDV516 MCVA-Agr.rrl 1 1 • y r • 91111112111111 . w pornographic shop, adult book store, nightclub, or dance hall, or ,` a tavern, cocktail lounge or any facility for the on-premises consumption of alcoholic beverages except as an incidental part of t the operation of a restaurant or other food-related establishment. Each Owner agrees to maintain on its awn property parking of five stalls for each 1,000 square feet of Floor Area on such Owner's • property, or the number of parking spaces required by applicable 1"' law, whichever is greater. "Floor Areau_as used herein shall mean the total number of square feet of floor area in the building, except that Floor Area of outside sales areas and of mezzanines and basements not open to customers and incidental to ground floor • i . retail operations shall not be counted. The Floor Area of any building shall be measured from the outside face of all exterior ` walls and the center line of party or common walls. During any period of rebuilding, repairing, replacement or reconstruction of •W a building,_thelFloor Area of that building shall be deemed to be • f the same as existed immediately prior to that period. ` o . = 2.2 Further Restrictions. Except for the HC Property, no build''ng i`^ of any size on hot 1, and no building on Lots 4, 6 and 7 which has less than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet of Floor Area, or • 'z any portion ofl a building which has been segregated for a �~ particular user and which contains less than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet of Floor Area, shall be used for the purpose a of selling home improvement items, including without limitation `�,- lumber, hardware items, decor, fashion electrics, fashion plumbing, = plumbing supplies, p floor coverings; millwork, window coverings, Iv, ....- 1 in:.:; v. electrical supplies, paint, wallpaper, siding, ceiling fans, I'_; ; (1 gardening supplies and patio furniture; provided that the s il,`' • •O restrictions in this Section 2.2 shall not apply to sales of such !"'••' M items where such sales are incidental to other nonprohibited uses r iWF: cs and the gross receipts to the user from such prohibited uses, : . ;,:''; individually or in the aggregate, do not exceed ten percent (10%) ,- 01 of the total gross receipts for all sales by such user on an annual • "'- basis. Each user's sales shall be calculated separately. ?-- Uotwithstanding the foregoing, the restrictions in this Section 2.2 I shall not apply to (a) the following users: Best; Smith's Hume Furnishings; Krause's; Office Club; Office Depot; PetSmart; Pacific ' '' ' Linen; Circuit City; Future Shop; Magnolia Hi-Fi; Pier 1, or (b) to .• . . any other user which sells a product mix substantially similar to �- - the product mix sold by any of the foregoing listed entities as of the date oe this Agreement. w Cl s ' 2.3 permitted ysee. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, typical shopping canter retail, office and service uses shall ne permitted, including without limitation fast food restaurants (with drive-through windows) and banks or other financial institutions (with drive-through lanes) . i -3- - i IZ 4/OO5:6/17/92 D1nI6 - Wit-Agr.nel I • :• • . . i r . • ..... Alb . . • • A2TICL3 3 - BtaLDIxOS 3.1 Location. Notwithstanding the general depiction on the Site Plan attached as exhibit B of building areas on some of the lots in the Shopping Center, Ino owner shall have any restrictions under , this Agreement on where a building may be located on an Owner's property or where Common Area shall be, except for the following: I. .(a) Any b gilding on Lot 7 may only be located within that portion of Lot 71 which is crosshatched and designated "Lot 7 Building Area" on the Site Plan attached as exhibit B. 4 (b) Any building on Lot 3 must be more than twenty (20) feet from the north property lines of Lots 4 and 6 and twenty (20) feet from the east property line of Lot 4. W .. 1 (c) Any building on Lots 4 or •6 of the Poaall Property - z - . Must must be at least twenty (20) feet-from the north property lines of - - Lots 4 and 6 and twenty (20) "feet. from the east'property line of �I" Lot4. - I. z (d) The first buildings constructed for long-term use on !4 • each of Lots 2 and 3Imust be located substantially to the vest of I the north-south drive aisle line designated as "Initial Building < Area" on the Site Plan attached as exhibit B. HC and Powell agree ``;F N that after the first such buildings are so constructed, any " s p replacement buildings or expansion of existing buildings may be ,v r. located anywhere on such Lots 2 and 3 so long as such buildings i`:, 1 O otherwise comply with any restrictions set forth in this Agreement. !..," cl (e) Any ljuilding on Lot 1 must be located on the P.','r C northerly half of Lot 1. - • • C.t (f) All improvements in the Shopping Center must comply ;;'_ with applicable governmental requirements. (g) The c Irb cuts and access areas on the north property lines of Lots 4 and 6 and the east property line of Lot 4 as drawn on the Site Plan attached as Exhibit .$ cannot be relocated, A.o diminished or impaired. :,1- - :J (h) No change can be made to the access driveway along (�,n the north property line of Lot 2 or the access driveway between s ,, Lots 4 and 6, all as drawn on the Site Plan attached as Exhibit B. (i) BC shall at all times provide reasonable access from the driveway marked as "Access Driveway" at the north of Lot 2 $.a the access driveway between Lots 4 and 6 also marked "Access Driveway" as shown on the Site Plan attached as Exhibit a and (/ti generally in a north south direction, provided such general north- -4- lecto05:6/17/92:OV516 11044•Agr.rrl 1 taK. . ,:t..... 's rLi;• 4.`r v .._. e...e0641prAs . • .. .. ,1, _ _. i !- 1 • I - r lteeerfil • • south access may be reasonably located upon any portion of the HC Property. i 3.2 Fire Protection. Any building constructed on the Shopping Center with a gross building area, including mezzanines and basements, of twenty thousand square feet (20,000) or more, must be constructed with an automatic sprinkler system for firs protection. .All other buildings. 4n the Shopping Center must be constructed, , maintained and used in a manner which will preserve the sprinklered insurance rate obtained on any building required to have an automatic sprinkler system. 3.3 Damage or Destrultion. In the event of any damage to or1 destruction of any building in the Shopping Center, the Owner of the parcel upon which such building is located, at its election, atla II its sole cost and risk and with ai: due diligence, shall either (i) W�.• restore or replace such building, subject to the provisions of this 11- Agreement,. or (ii) raze and. remove all parts of said damaged or z destroyed building then remaining and- the. debris resulting -therefrom and otherwise clean and restore the Exclusive Building Area affected by suchlcasualty to a level and clean condition; 1, .= provided that all parking and access on such parcel shall be a restored to its pre-casualty condition. • m ARTICLE 4 - COMM AREA USE , e 1J C 4.1 Grant of Easements. Each Owner, as grantor, hereby grants i��wy r solely to the other Owners only for the benefit of said other 1111:.3 (1 Owners and their respective tenants, and such Owners' and tenants' ; ,1 ' p customers, invitees and employees, a nonexclusive easement for ,-,,., C1 roadways, walkways, ingress and egress, access, the parking of i j'."- CO motor vehicles and use of facilities installed for the comfort and O convenience of customers, invitees and employees on the Common Area I • i, of the HC Property and the Powell Property, as more particularly 1 +- located and described Ion the attached Site Flan, as the Same may change from time to time. The foregoing grant of easement is not effective as to any lot which is part of the Shopping Center until . construction is commenced on such lot. 4.2 Use. Subject to existing easements of record and the terms of �� this -Agreement, the Common Area shall be used for roadways, , $ walkways, ingress end egress, access, parking of motor vehicles, m loading and unloading of commercial and other delivery vehicles, ? ,• for driveway purposes, and for the comfort and convenience *If - customers, invitees and employees of all businesses am occupants of the buildings constructed on the Exclusive Building Area. No long-term parking, park-and-ride, or storage of motor vehicles is , permittac. 1 1 , 1 • -S- t,S4/00516/17/V2,DVlt6 N(WA•A r.ns ., i - PG.: _:; ,e:«._ . ' ..t .i 3Y a - _ .- All- i! -1 . • • • • , • 4.3 Access. • - . (a) po Barriers. No walls, fences, or barriers of any kind i . shall be constructed or maintained on the Common Area, or any • portion thereof, by any party which shall prevent or impair the use ' or exercise of any of the easements granted herein, or the free • • access and movement, including without limitation, pedestrian and vehicular traffic between the.HC Property and the Powell Property; . . provided, however, reasonable traffic controls, as maybe necessary '• to guide and control the orderly flow of traffic, may be installed so long as access driveways to the parking areas in the Common Area • a are not closed or blocked. The only exception to this provision i . ; shall be (i) far changes to the Exclusive Building Area and Common Area pernitted by this Agreement, and (ii) for incidental encroach- • • ments by an Owner upon the Common Area of an Owner's property, or . • ,Le • ! as provided in this Agreement, which may occur as a result of the , - use of-the-ladders -scaffolding, storefront barricades and similar _ r - e _.facilities resulting in temporary obstruction of the Common Area, • all of which are peraitted•hereunder so ibng•• as'their'use is kept • -• el , within reasonable requirements of - construction work being _ expeditiously pursued by an Owner on its property, or as provided {g in this Agreement. l►_- (b) Stagina for Construction. Powell agrees that HC may • I= 6 temporarily use Lot 1 for HC's staging during the initial Iti,-: G construction of the building on Lot 2. HC agrees that Powell may • t temporarily use that portion of- Lot 3 to the east of Lot 4 as t ' N crosshatched and designated as "Powell Staging Area" on the Site lr.). CD Plan attached as exhibit during the initial construction of the +, building on Lot 4 and the building on Lot 6. HC may relocate the =, 0 staging area for Lots 4 or 6 of the Powell Property to a reasonable ' j _ N alternate location so long as such staging area is of substantially t• � - _ ,.. the same size and is not significantly more inconvenient to Powell • ' I� • than where the staging area was previously located. Any party . using a staging area (i) shall not obstruct any access lanes on the Common Area; (ii) shall keep the staging area in a neat and clean condition during its use; (iii) shall leave the staging area in a neat and clean condition at the end of its use; (iv) shall use the staging area only for the minimum amount of time necessary for ....o construction; and (v) shall quit claim to the other party the benefitted_ party's rights under this Section 4.3(b) when the • o,� construction is completed on the property for which the staging f area is provided. W MIA 4.4 LiM(tations on Use. • (a) Customers. Customers and invitees shall not be permitted • to park on the Common Area except while shopping or transacting '.- business in the Shopping Center. 1 • -6 • - fr,a/OnS:6/1T/77:oys16 11C%M-Apr,n.1 i I 1 • • • • (b) Ennlovees. Employees shall not be permitted to park on t*.a Common Area, except in the Common Area on an Owner's property where the Owner has designated such as "employee parking". The 1 Owners from time to time may mutually designate and approve "employee parking areas", however, if they do not, each Owner may formally or informallyldesignate "employee parking areas" on its' own parcel for use by such Owner's employees or the employees 'of such Owner's tenants. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no employee parking for the HC Property Shall be permitted in the area which represents generally the row of parking immediately adjacent to the 1 north property lines of Lots 4 and 6 or in the area which repre- . Bents generally the first four spaces of the six rows of parking I immediately adjacent to the east property line of Lot 4, all crosshatched and designated as "No BC Employee Parking" on the Site 1 Plan attached as Exhibit B. (c) General. All of the uses permitted within the Common • i • A•rea'shall be used with reason and judgment so as not to interfere I z with the primary purpose of••the Common.Area which-is to.provide for - ,,, parking for the customers, invitees and employees of those businesses conducted within the Exclusive Building Area and for the • It- servicing and supplying of such businesses. Public telephones are tm permitted within the Common Area. cc (d) po Use Fee. Persons using the Common Area in accordance • with this Agreement shall not be charged any fee for such use c02 without the written consent of the Owners unless such fee shall be w 0 ordered by a governmental authority. If a governmental authority 1 v) 5 imposes a surcharge or regulatory fee on customer or employee II ,vJ� 04 parking or based on the number of parking spaces within the .L. , , �,,� Shopping Center or any other similar fee or charge, then the Owners �4� (JD by mutual agreement shall use their best efforts to institute a :-: p uniform fee collection parking system for the Shopping Center. CI 4.5 Utility and Service Easements. The Owners shall cooperate in the granting of appropriate and proper easements for the , installation, repair and replacement of storm drains, sewers, utilities and other proper services in the locations generally as • - set forth in the plans attached hereto as Exhibit D necessary for - the orderly development and operation of the Common Area and o buildings to be erected upon the Exclusive Building Area. The owners will use their best efforts to cause the installation of cL'. such utility and service lines prior to any paving of the Common . o LL! Area. Any Owner may relocate, at such Owner's sole cost and • expense, such utility and service lines so long as there is 'inimal • • interruption in service to any other property in the Shopping Center and there is the same or better utility service to the.other t.i property in the Shopping Center after the relocation. 4.6 signs. Except for directional signs fur guidance upon the . / i Common Area, no signs snail be located on the Common Area on the SC Property or the Powell Property except signs advertising-7- businesses • I inc/x5:6/Ir !ows+e - NC11A•AQr.ne1 ! 1 - i. ice_• —" 1111 Wig ... ` a - .• - - # _ . • MINIIMMIX • • • conducted thereon. No signs shall obstruct the access, ingress'and I • egress points shown on the Site Plan, as the same may be changed from time to time only in accordance with the terms of this t Agreement. All signs shall comply with any governmental regula- tions. Any pylon sign on the Shopping Center must be of a quality • • -comparable to pylon' signs typically used by national retail • tenants. • One sign may be located on each of Lots 2 and 3 in the • locations designated on the attached Site Plan, as the sign ' locations may be changed from time to time by the Owner of the' lot • upon which such sign is located. The Owner of the HC Property . • shall be responsible for the cost and maintenance of any sign on • 'the HC Property. , Lots 1, 4 and 6 may each have a sign a, in the locations - '-' „ designated_ on the Site Plan attached as Exhibit 11, as the sign locations may be changed from:time to time'by the Owner'of the lot !- a upon which such sign lis located, arid the'owner-of the property upon IA which the sign is located shall be responsible for the cost and _ _ maintenance of such sign. i One sign may be llocated on Lot 7 in the location designated on j 1-- the attached Site Plan, which sign shall be constructed by HC. • ce Such sign shall be divided into three equal blocks, one on top of s the other. Powell agrees that HC may designate the users for the 1;1~ top two blocks of the sign (which users must have businesses "' i conducted on Lots 2 or 3) . Powell may designate the user for the vy ,: 1nci 'bottom block of the sign, which user must be a business conducted 4 . on Lot 7. HC shall pay two-thirds of the construction cost and i .•, maintenance for such sign on Lot 7. Powell shall pay one-third of j i,2�- r. the construction cost and maintenance of such sign. A party's ,x ro share of the construction cost for the sign shall not be due. and +;; p such party's obligation to pay maintenance costs for the sign shall C9 not commence until that party actually urec the allocated space on GO the sign. ` s O CO Except for HC's use of the sign on Lot 7 as described in this '' • '� Section 4.6, no Owner of any of the lots in the Shopping Center shall have the right to use any sign on any other lot in the . CO ,,Shopping Center, ,excapt with the consent of the Owner of such other lot, which consent may be withheld in such Owner's sole discretion. • 0 x,n 4.7 Outside Merchandising. Except as provided in this Agreement, the selling, displaying or merchdndising of goods shall not be conducted upon the Common Area. Each Owner or Owner's tenants may use the sidewalk immediately adjacent to the Exclusive Building • '`> Area on such Owner's property to the extent allowed by law for the .t placement of shopping carts and for the display of merchandise • being sold from the building on such property and for the sal. of food and nonalcoholic beverages from outdoor vending carts, • -8- 17S</OOSI6/17/92,mostb 110.104•Agr.r»1 . r • • e,1rws, • . .....__. ._ . provided the pedestrian use of the sidewalk shall not be • ,. unreasonably impeded by any such use. Notwithstanding the .', r foregoing and so long as not prohibited by applicable law, any Owner shall have the right to conduct occasional sales or may sell Christmas trees within the Common Area located upon such Owner's parcel, provided thatisuch activities shall not be conducted within fifty (50) feet of the property line of any property owned by any 1 Owner without the consent of such Owner, which consent may be withheld in such Owner's sole discretion, and such activities shall a not interfere with the ingress and egress and traffic flow/drive ! . areas of the Common Area as the same may change from time to time. 1 - ARTICLE 5 - COMMON AREA DEVELOPMENT • 5.1 Development Timing. When any building is constructed on a .t parcel, the Common Area on that parcel shall be developed at the ,••„ - expense of.the_Owner of maid parcel. ARTICLE i - COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE • 1vl _ 6.1 Maintenance Standards. Following completion of the Common 1= Area improvements on an Owner's property, that Owner, at its sole • i= cost and expense, shall maintain the Common Area on its parcel in • • first class condition and repair and in compliance with all I; applicable laws. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the maintenance shall include the following: • iUW 0 ito <• r. (i) Maintaining and repairing the surfaces in a level, smooth 1�%S N and evenlylcovered condition with• the type of surfacing v`-' CD material and striping originally installed or such .- ...t fl substitute therefor as shall in all respects be equal in ;ty'=. CD quality, use and durability; O L '04 (ii) Removing all papers, debris, filth and refuse and washing t,.,:f- or thoroughly sweeping the area t, the extent reasonably '•� necessary to keep the area in a neat, clean and orderly .' s condition, and free of snow and ice; (iii) Placing, keeping in repair and replacing any necessary - appropriate directional signs, markers and lines; fit., (iv) Operating, keeping in repair and replacing when i Wo necessary,, such artificial lighting facilities as shall 1 � ,, be reasonably required; - - (v) Maintaining any perimeter walls in a good condition and - state of repair; and (vi) Maintaining all lancscaped areas and making such . replacement of shrubs and other landscaping as is necessary.1 , c . -9- . 17,4i005t6r17r92:W51e ki11.4•14•.ne I • .. . • . / i I i 6.2 naintenance by Agent. Subject to the revocable mutual i • agreement of thelOwners, a third party may be appointed as an agent of the Owners to!maintain the Common Area in the manner as outlined i in Section 6.1. Said third party may receive a fee for sucn agency • • ' which fee is mutually acceptable to the Owners to cover supervision, management, accounting and similar services and which fee is to be allocated among the Owners based on their mutual ..• agreement. _ ; • .. . a ARTICLE 7 - INDEMNIFICATION, INSURANCE • 7.1 Owner's Indemnification. Each Owner ("Indemnifying Owner■) hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the other 1 • Owners and other Owner's tenants from and against all demands, claims, causes iof action or judgments, and all. expenses and i u reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in investigating or resisting .r the -same, for. bodily injury to„person, loss of life or damage to o ••. property. (i).. occurring•,•on the Indemnifying Owns rs parcel,• except ' - Z to the extent caused by the negligence or willful•act or omission '•' • in whole or in part of any other Owner or the tenants of such other Owner or the. employees, contractors or agents of such other Owner • , z or tenants, or (ii) occurring on another Owner's parcel if caused i• = by the negligence, willful act or omission of the Indemnifying 1'- Owner or the tenants of the Indemnifying Owner or the employees, j i'4 contractors or agents of such Indemnifying Owner or tenants. To u. tl the extent the Indemnifying Owner is liable with another person or iIT w C entity for any demand, claim, cause of action or judgment, the ,..' :•• r. foregoing indemnity shall only apply to the Indemnifying Owner's ('_;u C portion thereof! CD��;Y.:, r, 7.2 Insurance. Each Owner shall obtain and maintain comprehensive I j ' UD general liability insurance during the term of this Agreement. The i limits of liability of such insurance *shall be nut less than Two N Million Dollarsi($2,000,000.00) combined single limit coverage for ! injury to person, loss of life and damage to property arising out i 1 of any single occurrence. The dollar limit set forth above shall f ` SS be increased on the commencement of the sixth (6th) year after the date of this Agreement and at five (5) year intervals thereafter by agreement of the Owners who shall mutually agree by using . commercially reasonable limits with reference to the limits of - insurance for similar shopping centers in Xing County, Washington. ;' o HC may self insure for its obligations under this Section 7.2 • �,o provided that it maintains a net worth of at least $75,000,000 at all times during such self-insurance and provides any other Owner _ with satisfactory evidence of such net worth within ten (10) - calendar dayc of such Owner's written request therefor. Upon ' request, each Owner shall provide the other Owners with a copy of r _- a certificate of insurance evidencing such insurance. All Owners :hall name eachjother as additional insureds on their respective •, • policies (including during any period of construction) and shall • 1 obtain contractual liability insurance for their indemnification • -10- • I 11.4./00,1 6/1 7/02 2 01IS16 - MGA•Aer.rr1 1 l • • . . ' : : obligations under this Agreement. No policies may be canceled without thirty (30), days notice to the other Owners, subject to any lesser period of time or other agreement by applicable insurance companies. I. +' ' ARTICLE 8 - REALTY TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS ... , • •• 8.1 Real Estate Taxes and Assessments. It is intended that all real estate taxes and assessments relating to any portion of the Shopping Center orIimprovements thereon, or the ownership thereof, •. I shall be paid prior to delinquency by the respective Owners thereof, includinglwithout limitation those taxes and assessments which are levied against that part of the Common Area owned by each Owner. .. ' it , In the event any Owner fails at any time to pay before delinquency • .its taxes or assessments on .any portion of its parcel or parcels, L and .which..may become a lien on_ any of the Common Area, then except _ 7° while the validity thereof is Laing contested by judicial or •L. administrative proceedings, any other Owner may pay such taxes " and/or assessmentsltogether with interest, penalties and cost, and I ,= in any such event the defaulting Owner obligated to pay such taxes and/or assessments shall promptly reimburse such other Owner for ( ' all such taxes and/or assessments, interest, penalties, and cost W ta aid otcharges and chd until such reimbursement has been made the i J • C amount thereof shall constitute a lien and charge on the defaulting j C.) Owner's parcel, subject and subordinate, however, to any bona fide I I j f4 mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith and for value then 11_; O outstanding against said parcel. If allowed by the assessing (49 agency, assessments may be paid in installments for the longest • {VP ►/� I....0 C period permitted so long as no delinquency occurs. is 1.j„. 81QTTOLM 9 - EMINENT DOMAIN 9.1 Owner's Riahtlto Award. Nothing herein shall be construed to give any Owner any interest in any award or payments made to another Owner in connection with any exercise of eminent domain or • transfer in lieu thereof affecting said other Owner's parcel or J construed to give the public or any government any rights in the =e Shopping Center. In the event of any exercise of eminent domain or transfer in lieu thereof of any part of the Common Area, the award 0 o attributable to the land and improvements of such portion of the r, W Common Area shall be payable only to the Owner in fee thereof and _ .-• no claims thereon shall be made by the Owners of any other portion I - of the Common Areal. w 9.2 Collateral Cllaims. All other ouners of the Common Area may file collateral claims with the condemning authority for their losses which are separate and &part from the value of the land area and improvements taken from another Owner. I t • -1].- ® irumc,.e./17/92:CN516 • MNA•Air.ns1 1 1 ,I 9.3 Restoration of Common Areas. The Owner of the fee of each - portion of the Common Area so condemned shall promptly repair and restore the remaining portion of the Common Area owned by it as 1 nearly as practicable Ito the condition of the same immediately prior to such condemnation of transfer without contribution from. any other Owner. 1 - - 1 ARTICLE 10 - CANCELLATION, XODIlICATION, DURATION t j 10.1 Cancellation or Modification. This Agreement may be cancelled or modified only by the written agreement of all Owners of the Shopping Center, which cancellation or modification agreement shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the county in which the Shopping Center is located. No Owner shall unreasonably I withhold or delay its consent to a proposed modification to this La Agreement. Without specifying other reasonable grounds for I .. withholding.. consents an . Owne may withhold consent based on • �Z material adverse financial impacts to an Owner's parcel in the Shopping Center as a result of the requested•modification. 1= 0-. 10.2 Duration. Unless otherwise cancelled and terminated as 1 , permitted herein, this Agreement shall continue for sixty (60) I= years from the date ofIthis Agreement and shall be renewed for an in I- unlimited number of successive terms of ten (10) years, unless all eq Owners agree otherwise; however, all the easements granted in this p Agreement shall continue in perpetuity. •Le)W ARTICLE 11 - RELEASE ?BOX LIABILITY I1J J CD . V, 11.1 Release from Liability. Any person or entity acquiring fee or =1 ...1 I U3 leasehold title to any portion of the Shopping Center shall be i,,�1-: CD bound by this Agreement only as to the parcel or portion thereof acquired by such person or entity. Such person or entity shall be • 01 bound by this Agreement. only during the period such person or entity is the fee or leasehold owner of st.ch parcel or portion - thereof, except as to obligations, liabilities or responsibilities that accrue or are based on events which occur during said period. Although persons or entitles may be released under this :action, the easements, covenants and restrictions in this Agreement shall �;o continue to be benefits and burdens upon the Shopping Center running with the land.' • W n !ARTICLE 12 - DEFAULT ire 12.1 Default. In the event of default or threatened default under this Agreement, only the Owners shall be entitled to institute proceedings for full and adequate relief from the consequences of I said default. 1 I 12.2 Remedies for Default. If the Owner of any parcel , during the term of this Agreement defaults in the full, faithful and punctual • -12- ' I7S./OOSi6/1T/QIiOVS16 KVA-Agr.M i 1 11111 s»aa performance of any obligation required hereunder and if upon the ` expiration of thirty (30) days after written notice from any other f owner stating with particularity the nature and extent of such default, the defaulting Owner has failed to curs such default, and if a diligent effort is not then being made to cure such default, then any other Owner ("Performing Owner"), in addition to all other remedies it may have at law or in equity, shall have the right to perform such obligation of this Agreement on behalf of such defaulting Owner and to be reimbursed by such defaulting Owner within ten (10) business days of demand therefor for the cost thereof with interest at eighteen percent (18%) per mama on the maximum rate allowed by law. Any such claim for reimbursement, together with interest aslaforesaid, shall be a secured right and a lien shall attach and take effect upon recordation of a proper I claim of lien by the claimant in the office of the County Recorder !,�, of the county in which the Shopping Center is located. The claim - 1 of lien shall include theltollowinq: (i) the name of the claimant; _. (ii) a statement. concerning the basis of the claim'of the lien; _ /V) (iii) the last known name and address-Of the Owner or'reputed Owner • of the parcel against which the lien is claimed; (iv) a description- , of the property against which the lien is claimed; (v) a 1= description of the work performed or payment made which has given 11 rise to the claim of lien hereunder and a statement itemizing the ,,- amount thereof; and (vi) a statement that the lien is claimed i4 pursuant to the provision;of the Agreement reciting the date, book `;,_ and page of the recordation hereof. The claim of lien shall be 1L'u4 CD duly verified, acknowledged and contain a certificate that a copy i;; 04 thereof has been served upon the Owner against whom the lien is y (•' 0 claimed, either by personal service or by mailing to the defaulting iJ o f, Owner as provided in Article 13. The lien so claimed shall attach Me CO from the date of recordation solely in the amount claimed thereby 1'.�'= 0 and it may be enforced by suit, or under power of sale (which power I. N ie hereby granted) , judicial foreclosure or in any other manner • j'- C allowed by law for the foreclosure of liens. A Performing Owner is hereby granted the right to enter upon the parcel of the defaulting -_, Owner for the limited purpose of curing a default as provided under • this Agreement. Any exercise of the power of sale or foreclosure shall be conducted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington applicable to the exercise of p'wers of sale in or foreclosures of mortgages and deeds of trust. If appropriate, a o Performing Owner is hereby appointed the trustee for purposes of 6) exercising such powur of sale, with full right of substitution. o Notwithstanding the foregoing, such liens shall be subordinate to In any mortgage or deed of trust given in good faith and for value now _ or hereafter encumbering the property subjected to the lien, which , mortgage or deed of trust was recorded prior to the recording of the lien, and any purchaser at any foreclosure or trustee's sale (as wall as any grantee by deed in lieu of foreclosure or trustee's sale) under any first mortgage or deed of trust shall take free and clear from any such than existing lien, but otherwise subject to 1 . -11- 175G/OOSi6/I7/V2iO'516 ' MLW•Agr.ne1 1 . • — " _ I r-, • I ' .r t alb q x '. the provisions of this Agreement. The failure of the Owner or 1 \ 4 Owners of any of the parcels subject to this Agreement to insist in any one or more cases upon the strict performance of any of the promises, covenants, Ilconditions, restrictions or agreements herein, shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment for the future breach of the provisions hereof. -•'- + •. 12.3 Attorneys' Feesi. In the event that suit is brought for the • enforcement of this Agreement or as a result of any alleged default hereunder, the prevailing party or parties to such suit shall be entitled to be paid reasonable attorneys, fees and costs by the non-prevailing party or parties, including those on appeal and any judgment or decree rendered shall include an award therefor. 12.4 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed and enforced.. ' u by, and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of - Washington. • •• - - • . I- . - .-.. - -. _ ARTICLE 13 - $OTICES _. In . - 13.1 Notices. Notices made by the Owners pursuant hereto may be : served personally or via overnight courier or may be served by 5 depositing the name in the United States mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return-receipt requested, addressed as follows: If to Powell: (Powell-Orillia Associates W CD 737 Market Street "r CD 737 WA 98033 N' J L7 CV Attns Peter W. Powell i 1�''' VI With a copy to: Robert C. MacAulay II• I CO Alston, Courtnage, MacAulay & Proctor I i C 1000 Second Ave., Ste. 3900 t H Seattle, WA 98104 ' If to HC: c/o Waban Inc. . , ' 140 Ora:.gefair Mall, Suite 100 . ,,, Fullerton, CA 92632 1,- .. Attn: Vice President, Real Estate 0 o With a copy to:. c/o Waban Inc. One Mercer Road Natick, MA 01760 W 1--. ! Attn: Executive Vice rresiddnt, Finance Notice shall be deemed given when served personally upon or 4; delivered by overnight courier to a person of suitable age and ej discretion, or if mailed, three (3) days after deposited in the .- U.S. mail. r -14- • IMA/005z6/17/92"616 NC -Agr.n 1 ,-""Ail ! MOM ROME tiliel 111111111111311111K._.,. ':•.',-tv.;.-::- - r•:. ;, .'.'_:- , . I , i r MIWIDWIN • . The foregoing addresses maybe changed by written notice given • pursuant to the provisions of this Section. ARTICLZ 14 - LENDER PROTECTION 14.1 Lender Protection. This Agreement and the rights, privileges, covenants, agreements and easements hereunder with respect to each • 1 Owner and all parcels, shall be superior and senior to any lien placed upon any parcel, including the lien of any mortgage or deed 3 of trust. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no braach hereof shall • defeat, render invalid, diminish or impair the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith and for value, but all of the covenants and restrictions, easements and conditions and other provisions, terms and conditions contained in this Agreement shall be binding upon and effective against any person or entity •:,, (including any mortgagee or beneficiary under a deed of trust) who acquires title.to any parcel or any portion thereof by foreclosure, i - .-. . .. _trustees sale,••.deed in lieu of foreclosure or•otherwise. _ - - A ARTICLE 15 - GENERAL PROVISIONS ix 15.1 po Covenant to Operate. Not2-ing either expressed or implied, contained in this Agreement shall obligate any Owner or any Owner's . tenants to continuously operate any type of business on its parcel. W NZ 15.2 gunning of Benefits and Servitt es" Rights of Successors. The 1`"',a; Q easements, restrictions, benefits, and obligations hereunder shall ;v, t create mutual benefits and burdens upon all the parcels of the II:,.� Nt shopping Center running with the land. This Agreement shall bind ,, C and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their respective V 1 07 heirs, personal representatives, tenants, successors, and/or CD ! , - assigns. The singular number includes the plural and any gender •`, NIincludes all other genders. 15.3 Not a Public Dedication. Nothing 'attain contained shall be • deemed to be a gifts or dedication of any portion of the Common Area to the general public or for the general public or for any public purposes whatsoever, it being the intention of the parties hereto • • that this Agreement shall be strictly limited to and for the pirposes herein expressed. The right of the public or any person - c)I— to make any use whatsoever of the Common Area or the parcels herein �u: affected, or any portion thereof (other than any use expressly Wo allowed by a written or recorded map, agreement, deed or _ i 1 dedication) is by permission, and subject to the control" .1f the Owners. Notwithstanding any other provisions herein to the j contrary, the owners by mutual agreement may periodically restrict ingress and egress from the Common Area in order to prevent a, • prescriptive easement from arising by reason of continued public use. Any restriction on ingress and egress shall be limited to the minimum period noc%sssary to prevent the creation of a prescriptive 1 -15- v 1754/007t6/17/92101616 MCUA-Aar.rwl 'l i I 1 • 4 I ■ 1 _, •,.. .‘.. .. ';R:S' etc - -i.: - '`...:r•. ..;+;:�: ,.ti, . , . . r easement and shall occur at such a time as to have a minimum effect on the operation of the Shopping Center. • 15.4 Document Execution and Chanae. It is understood and agreed i that, until this document is fully executed and delivered by the authorized corporate officers of the parties hereto, there is not and shall not be an agreement of any kind between the parties ' hereto upon which any commitment, undertaking or obligation can be 1 • j founded. - It is further agreed that, once this document is fully . I,. executed and delivered; it contains '.•he entice agreement between '! the parties hereto andlthat, in execetina it, the parties do not rely upon any statement, promise or representation not herein expressed and, except as permitted by Section 10.1 of this Agreement, this document, once executed and delivered, shall not be modified, changed or altered in any respect except by a written document executed and delivered in the same manner as required for a., this document. • -•• z •• . •15.5 rio-Joint..venture. It- is not intended- by this Agreement for and nothing contained in this Agreement shall, create any ( partnership, joint venture or other joint or equity type agreement , !�. between the Owners. im '_ 15.6 Reasonableness ofiConsent. Unless otherwise provided herein, 1'- whenever an Owner's agreement or approval is required under this • I Agreement, such Owner shall not unreasonably withhold or delay such 1-I_ agreement or approval. i 'o .v, 15.7 Lot 1. Powell intends to develop Lots 1 and• 7 in the future, !'_;J IN although there are no currant plans for such development. Other • ;,,," ' p than the terms of this Agreement, no Owner may place any !"";' VI restrictions on the development of Lot 7. Powell agrees to not !';"- Ca commence the processing- of any governmental entitlements for ••'''; 4 construction on Lot 1 until the earlier of (a) that date upon which j '; . � HC has commenced construction of improvements on Lots 2 and 3; or (b) that date which is two (2) years from the date of this Agreement. Prior to any development of Lot 1, Powell will he required to obtain applicable governmental approvals. Powell's development of Lot 1 shall be subject to site plan approval by the _ .. Owner of Lot 2, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld or ;'o delayed. In connection with any development on Lot. 1, Powell .•U`- agrees to not disrupt the traffic flow on Lot 2, not diminish any $t utility services provided to Lot 2 and not provide any off-site i x amenities to obtain approval for development en Lot 1. HC agrees that in connection with any development on Lot 1, Powell may make ! curb cuts directly opposite and to match the curb cuts on Lot 2 which are directly opposite the south border of Lot 1, as 1.1 designated on the attached Site Plan and as the same may change from time to time, all Bush work at Powell's sole cost and expense. 15.8 Counterparts'. This Agreement may be signed in any number of i Counterparts, all of which together shall constitute one document. i -16- trwoos:6/17/72:oVs1A ItCw•Agr.no 1 i i f 1 • s;s1.11 ,• r .3iC. L>ti.. i..: • i • Only the original counterpart signature and notary pages need be ` recorded with one copy ofithis Agreement. 15.9 po Consents. Except as provided in this Agreement, 1r development on .any property coverer: by this Agreement is not 1 subject to any consent from or to HC or Powell. All development will be subject to satisfaction of applicable lot coverage, , density, parking and other zoning and land use requirements of any governmental authority with jurisdiction. 15.10 Wetiends. As part of the governmental approval for develop- sent of the HC Property, the Owner of Lot 7 must provide and agrees to provide to the City of Renton one or more easements for wetlands preservation of approximately 65 feet in width, or such greater • area as required by the City of Renton for the development of the . HC Property as such development is currently approved by the City • L., of Renton. Powell understands that the legal description for the Fwetlands preservation easement is as currently set forth in • 'o - • attached -exhibit F. Such easement will be recorded separately. All costs .associated ' with the maintenance of the wetlands -•' - preservation area on Lot 7, 'except real property taxes,- shall be-" •r- I paid by Lots -2 and 3. The wetlands easement area shall be { maintained to a standard designated by HC. ;. '- 15.11 pot 7. Powell, as Owner of Lot 7, hereby conveys and I� . G quitclaims to the other Owners in the Shopping Center for the Idti benefit of the Shopping Center a perpetual, non-exclusive easement W EV for ingress and egress, and access over and across that portion of V'i O Lot 7 legally described in attached exhibit E ("Driveway Easement I:�S t. Property") . The costs toi maintain the Driveway Easement Property '. a `' Ga a) shall be shared prorata byl all the property in the Shopping Center, —- 1 O, provided that no lot is obligated to contribute to maintenance ' !�'-"- costs for the Driveway Easement Area until construction commences . ;; on such lot, and then only; for such lot's prorate share of saints- ,- nance costs thereafter. The prorata share shall be the percentage ` „ which the square footage of a lot upon which construction has - commenced bears to the total square footage of all lots in the • '' Shopping Center upon which construction has commenced, except 1 Lot 7, which square footage shall be deemed to be 30,000, and '' Lot 1, for which the lot square footage shall be determined based S o on the buildable area of the lot, excluding property dedicated to wetlands preservation andsimilar to the method used by Powell to determine the buildable arer. for. Lot 7. The following square ,.,m footages for lot size sha1ll be used for purposes of this Section x r� 15.10: I - Lot Square LQ1 Footage W . Lot 2 445,313 I '- Lot 3 506,312 Lot 4 35,000 11 M Lot 6 35,000 Lot 7 j 30,000 1 -17- • I • 754/00t6/17/92,DV516 UCLA Avr.n.1 •1 • wiTr�w.I 1r • ..•a 7 lM.1!"9"1 ae, .1 M ;i- . — • �'•' 2 ) x • a • 4:- E oL i - RC shall maintain the Drit away Easement Area to a standard as designated by HC in its reasonable discretion. It an Owner obligated to pay a prorate share of such maintenance costs fails to Ir. do so within ton (10) business days of written demand therefor Iaccompanied by substantiating invoices, then interest on the unpaid amount shall bear interest at eighteen percent (18%) per annum until paid and the other Owners shall have the rights and remedies provided in Section 12 of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this ¢ Agreement. 11 3 POWELL-ORILLIA ASSOCIATES, a HCWA REALTY CORP., a Washington } Washi on ene l pa ership corporation 1 By ▪ 1 •_ o . Powell e Partner .• - Its I , ` ,� By By _. .. - .. 11 c Peter W. Powell - i General Partner Its ,N E221IBIT1 J• 1 . 02 A - Legal Description of HC Property ▪W O B - Site Plan ` C - Legal Description of Powell Property ▪c., 1 02 D - Utility Plan '� ' CI E - Driveway Easement Area :: Cn ,.r I . F - Wetlands Preservation Easement Area • �� :L CD t: Cr).- n r- •A ry J J 1,1 �t r— O lJ O - W = S,n r— W t, !1 r c . a "18— • r754/OOSt6/17/92sDYS16 MCLM•AK.rr1 1 1 ' - r ' r. ...x.r -. y LTs!4• , + 4.•_ .A�•.#•i•r �'��e+..�Mti�'' 1 �S. •�f ��},s,G Le-; ..ir.•.:.+•�j�l1,s.,.l��+ e'C ,t ':fie•:., , .:iL.,_—..=,a.,rQyi441k.i r.�•�J•r�` Iatm...0. . 1 y J' 1 , i STATE OF WASHINGTON ) • ss. COIIHTY OF ) On this 2.,3rd• day of dlotott 1992, before me, a Notary °'7 ` ' Public in and for the State of Washington, dulycommissioned and _ .° sworn, personally appeared Lloyd W. Powell and Peter W. Powell, to me known to be the general partners of POWELL-ORILLIA ASSOCIATES, ` the partnership named in and which executed the foregoing instruments and they acknowledged to me that they signed the same as the free and voluntary act and deed of said partnership for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the persons appearing before me and making this acknowledgment are the persons•whose true signatures appear on this document. WITNESS my band and official• seal the day and-year in this certificate above written. _ Ze/Aidf-, 2). l 4. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for e S e of ..44*.++0.Wit..itt Washington, residing at 4•�,w°�. PSr ., My commission expires: fit-I i : O r ,.icl s m CV , tr),.•;;c.iiN�•i' ' .� 9 A ,• C) c 1- 1.1 - O . I . ! :i;, 1 1 -19- • i r.,4,L 7516/1i'M10014 MLUq•Aar.rr1 1 I L ,.. ..,..cf {l y •T•.{'•••' - trf,Y; r' 'i<-....._i.,.:K'r a-! : $3S'1 ',;t-- . .Y .;ae 'h-rn ; -.. 1",.-1:r l -Y..:.+:' `` ....,: bx 1 ri".. -.. .. r1 , • IMMO • • • l!1�' ..5^y.,t:t�:. -'.('e yiGi': i i4i4 lN Y•I'' • .<1'. :'ft.i'.'?^<\••J•�•l•..'� ' ..--..+. ..c,61.1N'•:..1:•.. ..:::.;...:,‘,!*;`•* .._� ,v:_ •/_.fir ,. ,. •_ ee a3tSp.-• :: ti A� Ar.:'•.�.�� v. -..... _...-.-„M.,,i•.-,,,-.,o....<.,r. BC shall maintain the Driveway Easement Area to a standard as • • designated by BC in its reasonable discretion. If an Owner obligated to pay a prorate share of such maintenance costs fails to >' I` do so within ten (10) (business days of written demand therefor accompanied by substantiating invoices, than interest on the unpaid amount shall bear interest at eighteen percent (18%) par annum • until paid and the other Owners shall have the rights and remedies •, • .provided in Section 12 of this Agreement. r , ( IN WITNESS WHEREOF',, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement. • 1 : POWELL-ORILLIA ASSOCIATES, a •HCWA • • . CO• •., a Washington Washington general partnership corpora' / i By By / u Lloyd W. Powell - 1 • c General-Partner - - P1'-e.sicI ZT•• • : - x Peter W. Powell ?' '?-.91' ' General Partner Its • • ZEBIHIT! J • A - Legal Description of HC Property u= B - Site Plan `.) C - Legal Description of Powell Property. l� 0 D - Utility Plan J u , r- E - Driveway Easement Area • Wri O P - Wetlands Preservation Easement Area v r, , r- O t'1— N . .r t tl_ • iC . C L. • r W = I a f • lJ 1 • 1 -le- ficatill 17Si/00916/17/C2:DVS 16 MNA•Air.nt • • i 1. I 1 ' t • a ♦. .-...t..� :7 -,i�..Rr. j �is ,Br- . ..y .. , .mac• !`,� ! T. f: .. <:gtl "� f�. ':•w Y yj'1..neRi_,"`�•:r < r�.`•'7 t;�;��.?'''• T pk '• r�. • — • .�.M�•wr�..r.-... . .v�r ..1 Y.V r.�!•'it ...�.�y•r 'I v�.��.r..a... . • • .. C a&i-orrti�•, ; STATE OF WASH-IN . ) ` . ) ss. • COUNTY OF O►'d w t ) . . 0 On this 22'4 day of Jur►- . , 1992, before no, a Notary . ;' Public in and for thl State of Washington, duly commissioned and . sworn, personally appeared John F. L..vy and , to me known to be ,the Pros I d s-r-► - and _ — i of HCWA REALTY CORP., the corporation named in and .•-which oxeutad the foregoing instruments and they acknowledged to • k me that they signed the same as the free and voluntary act and dead . , 4 of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the - persons appearing before.ma and making this acknowledgment are the w persons whose true signatures appear on this document. '_ •WITNESS my •hand and...official seal the .day,and year in this VI certificate above written 3 NOT PUBLIC in and for the State of tom-A-Ltc..,J,,,,.� .Waeh�en-, residing at n ce by commission expires: 9-I -°•.( . W U W N VI i vl Q i I, , . ' t'. ORiCAINOTMYstA. 1 • UDOA FLOM ^."'•I 0 , l / awns coNry - WJI C9 , w Cam: •biles!Er SCUM lei,.... nr CI J C I.' t l r r l ' W = 1/! I W 1 i -2O- . 17SA/OO5I•/17/92iO014 MOW Agr,Mi i . ... . ,, ! . v_ r a iK.s'aWL •_ Wi E-.0 .. sue• rise I, • BC shall maintain the Driveway Easement Area to a standard as designated by Ha i orate share oits f such sble he costs fails to • obligated to pay p do so within ten (10) business days of written demand therefor • accompanied by substantiating invoices, then interest on the unpaid • amount shall bear interest at eighteen percent (18%) per annum • until paid and the other Owners shall have the rights and remedies provided in Section 12 of this Agreement. • ,.1;. 4 IN %FITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this ' 4: ,•-:: POWELL-ORILLIA ASSOCIATES, a HCWA REALTY CORP., a Washington • Washington general partnership corporation 3c"', Lloyd W. Powell . . " • . - General Partner - -: - • Its - ` H By - i J 'r'" • Peter W. Powell General Partner Its VW RMeiili wet T...... I- • • ISIIIRITIL - • W • A - Legal Description of HC Property ' ;, B - Site Plan ,,, C - Legal Description of Powell Property ,`;C. 02 D - Utility Plan La • G E - Driveway Easement Area w'.., w' F - Wetlands Preservation Easement Area 1J 1- `Q ? t CD • 0 r i 1 . 1 . f- C taJ J O La F ,....to W t ( -18_ t 1754/00$16/1702,DMS16 KW-k r.nol i i � I ' . i \f ..•,, r a •.Y'•"' ..j' .. `?2� .�-21-9A'H3`7 '1•:it , A'.'. e:) k 1•�� 1 . ,`TY,„N. ...f:Y' .l.rly + wS ' tLei _. - -,.M. t . . 0 • NM • • • I E..- -."..-1'" : spa orWASHINGTON ) . • COUNTY Or Atadt41.44e ) i• On this IVA day of , 1992, before me, a Notary Public in and for the State Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appe 6 ifi , i to as known to be the�/.,�[,E - rsapectively, of HCfiT11 REALTY CORP., the corporation named in and • which executed the foregoing instraaent; and they acknowledged to as that they signal the same as the fres and voluntary act and deed • 1 of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the ,-: • persons appearing before me and making this acknowledgment are the persons whose true signatures appear on this document. "' WITNESS• sy hand and official seal-the day and year. in this. . . • •• - certificate above written. . NOTAR PUBLIC in and Ror the State of residing at . y comaiss on expires:, . • g MARY T.SLATTERY ... . i w Noloy Public j W I Mf Cp11RJ afl Expk•s M rd112.1Sj • + (.1 `/ c.l 0 h. en • Ct 1- CD J C1 O W O 1 754/005 11/1 7/92:WM ML1M-Aer.net i ,..,.r�.., 1 rr ,,._a fS, i . 4' .,r1 '� Lp1 __ .7j A �:~ �f1,*. ' __ :. f• •_;ekk1'z'',.. fi . mate:: ;" 1. �.. r _ ......,...,:;3. 7"-4,,,,..:s.a. .. ...J - NICE: = THE DOCi1 ' : T.`IS L'.14E IS _SS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE i ..3 DUE TO _ . LiTY T..= TrE ZOCCNEHT. 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ACCESS EASEMENT DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF LOT 7 iOF BURLINGTON NORTHERN, ACCORDING TO THE BINDING SITE PLAN THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME /CL OF BINDING SITE PLANS, PAGES -H THROUGH i'/ , RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, • - ) WASHINGTON, LYING WITHIN A STRIP OF LIND 30.00 FEET IN WIDTH, HAVING 15.00 FEET OF SUCH WIDTH ON EACH SIDE OF AN EASEMENT CEN- TERLINE DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: , , COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT '; THENCE NORTH 01°50'09" EAST 18.00 FEET ALONG THE EAST LINE THEREOF TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID EASEMENT CENTERLINE AND THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE1CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST HAVING A RADIUS I • OF 120.00 FEET (A RADIAL LINE THROUGH SAID BEGINNING BEARS SOUTH 00°54'35" WEST) ; THENCE ALONG SAID CENTERLINE THE FOLLOWING THREE - COURSES: - , - .. . THENCE WESTERLY AND NORTHWESTERLY• 109.33 FEET ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 52.12'09"; THENCE NORTH 36.53'17" WEST 173.08 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST HAVING A RADIUS OF 120.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY AND WESTERLY 83.40 FEET ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLS OF 39.49'13" TO THE WESTERLY LINE1OF SAID LOT 7 AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID . EASEMENT CENTERLINE, AND FROM SAID TERMINUS SAID r•INT OF BEGIN- ;_ NING BEARS SOUTH 49°02'54" EAST, 352:66 FEET DISTANT. ; p. TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF SAID LOT 7 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: I U BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY MARGIN OF THE , � STRIP DESCRIBED ABOVE AND SAIn WESTERLY LINE OF LOT 7, SAID POINT ., OF BEGINNING BEING THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST •' HAVING A RADIUS OF 2041.79 FEET (A RADIAL LINE THROUGH SAID ) ' N BEGINNING BEARS SOUTH 83°06'18" EAST) ; THENCE NORTHERLY 25.85 0 FEET ALONG SAID CURVE AND WESTERLY LINE AS SHOWN ON• SURVEY { . RECORDED IN VOLUME 80 OF SURVEYS PAGE 156, RECORDS OF SAID KING Da COUNTY, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00°43 ' 29" ; THENCE SOUTH 0 83'49'47" EAST 8.80 FEET ALONG A LINE RADIAL TO THE PRECEDING ,.- 0, CURVE TO THE BEGINNINGG OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE 5m QD NORTHEAST HAVING A RADIUS OF 35.00 FEET (A RADIAL LINE THROUGH CD SAID BEGINNING DEARS NORTH 82°50'29" WEST) ; THENCE SOUTHERLY AND • )o SOUTHEASTERLY 43.16 FE CNIET ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE J OF 70°39 '02" TO SAID NORTHERLY MARGIN OF THE STRIP DESCRIBED ABOVE AND A POINT OFICL'SP WITH A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH - HAo1NG A RADIUS OF 135L00 FEET (A RADIAL LINE THROUGH SAID POINT OF CUSP BEARS NORTH 26I°30'29" EAST) ; THENCE WESTERLY 32.76 FEET J ALONG SAID CURVE AND NORTHERLY MARGIN THROUGHA CENTRAL ANGLE OF 13°54 '21" TO THE POINT OF BEGININING; /„ % 1 I 1 I i MUM J - BUSH, ROED& HITCHINGS, INC. ALSO TOGETHER WITh THAT PORTION OF SAID LOT 7 DESCRIBED AS FOL- • LOWS:. BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY MARGIN OF THE STRIP DESCRIBED ABOVE AND SAID WESTERLY LINE OF LOT 7, SAID POINT OF BEGINNING BEING THE BEGINNING OF. A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH- . S WEST HAVING A RADIUSIOF 105.00 FEET (A RADIAL LINE THROUGH SAID l • BEGINNING BEARS NORTH 14°07'06" EAST) ; THENCE EASTERLY AND SOUTH- EASTERLY 71.46 FEET ALONG SAID CURVE AND SOUTHWESTERLY MARGIN THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 38°59'37" TO A POINT OF TANGENCY ON SAID SOUTHWESTERLY MARGIN AND A POINT OF CUSP WITH A CURVE CON- CAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST HAVING A RADIUS OF 35.19 FEET (A RADIAL LINE THROUGH SAID POINT OF CUSP BEARS NORTH 53°06'43" EAST) ; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY,1 WESTERLY, SOUTHWESTERLY AND SOUTHERLY 80.63 • FEET ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 131°16'32° TO THE-EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF A RADIAL.LINE TO SAID WESTERLY. LINE- - OF LOT 7 WHICH BEARS *OUTH 80°46154" EAST; THENCE NORTH-80°4'6154" ' WEST -3.60 FEET TO SAID WESTERLY LINE OF LOT 7 AND THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE WEST HAVING A RADIUS OF 2043.79 FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY 52.70 FEET ALONG SAID CURVE AND WESTERLY LINE 0 F LOT 7 AS SHOWN ON SURVEY RECORDED IN VOLUME 80 • OF SURVEYS, PAGE 156, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 01°28'39" TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. i . 1F- ';i, THE SIDELINES OF THIS EASEMENT SHALL BE SO SHORTENED OR LENGTH- 'L5 r. ENED SO, AS TO TERMINATE IN SAID EAST LINE AND SAID WESTERLY LINE " ' 04 OF LOT 7. ' J t.-) O Cl SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON i)-` Cif `�; 0 THE PARCEL DESCP.I9Eh AAA;rE /CC !T1�7NS 12, 37` SQUARE FEET (n.29 �I_ a) ACRES) , MORE OR LESS. • I • . -I POWELL DEVELOPMENT 1. BURLINGTON NORTHERN BSP - 0A A.yj WILLI„M A. HICKOX, P.L.S. 0 s�OFwAsy C4- BRH JOB NO. 91407.08/SUR54B ' 3 ee . ~9., • JUNE 23, 1992 )‘...., 4 ',a, ,% REVISED JUNE 26, 1992 4LL y � EXPIRES L17/'T • . 2/2 ,i { 1 • I __- - - -- 1 _ • • • • .. isa f.. '`,....y ••z�;:• .'= ': '._:. ,�'• o�.�ae� • 's oaf: .;j•'''. L'i. .l' �^_:_.•U:i.:.]-r:�. <ie'.'ffi ��`w ��'�'•r.�.,t• ;, S ' 46. • BUSK. ROED& HITCHING'S, INC. ``4: EXHIBIT F , _77. , SOUTH WETLAND DESCRIPTION. . THAT PORTION OF LOT 7 OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN, ACCORDING TO THE ' BINDING SITE PLAN T FREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 4l OF BINDING '; SITE PLANS, PAGES 1 -// , RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, • • . DESCRIBED AS•FOLLOWS: - :, . • ; BEGINNING AT THE CORNER COMMON TO SAID LOT 7 AND LOTS 2 AND 3 OF SAID BINDING SITE PLAN; THENCE NORTH 88.09'51" WEST 75.00 FEET; y'- 'lb. THENCE SOUTH O1.50'09, WEST 383.62 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 55.26'54" EAST 3.99 FEET TO SAID EAST LINE OF LOT 7; THENCE ALONG SAID EAST .h':' LINE THE FOLLOWING TWO COURSES: :' ; -- W •THENCE NORTH 28.33'51" EAST 159.29; THENCE NORTH 01.50109 EAST ''.;.. • � .. 243.51 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. , o 'i' ;' - - -• •' -- - • • . ... _ '" ; • • ••• SITUATE IN THE. CITY OF ••RENTON, KING COUNTY' WASHINGTON. • • THE PARCEL DESCRIBED ABOVE CONTAINS 23,833 SQU$.RE FEET (0.55 ACRES) , MORE OR LESS. x •- '' % POWELL DF' .LOPMENT °C BURLINGTON 'NORTHERN BSP • WILLIAM A. HICKOX, P.L.S. W ..,..... JUNE 2, 1992 In= C t., �' W� Jt�-0J. i 91407.08/SUR54B U ; ? •N- •'imp . b 7 14. r �M.r- CI AL IA ••• .- .#r Ni. Exptins arm 7 c J p W W s ,n I - w • ti I ' 1 . . • e I angiumm •• I . . . . ....1•A N .f,.:.-.. I • Rol/road Ripht of Kty '', tel 1:.:.....v..1 0 I I r --Y.:A'— • n r i , iiimmoS. I IL) . . : ...••;•. 11 ......, -.: . 1 - . ..,•-• I •—• • I ?..% $ I ... i , . s •.1%• .. Lis) t t s -ill 1 .. ,... .. 1‘,,..... —, •- • )• :.•••,..• L • . . . .. .- \ 1 i 7" '": I ' . . . . • ,. . . . . ••/..... ,.. ,. • L.....• . . . . .. . 1....:-.:: •7' No'Scale .1. ".... 1 f•••••• : .N 136'09::::•1:1 1..e:il R O./3. , 4 i ,. .,.. : ,.1...:4, • 75.0a ••• .% N 88'09'51'r/ 1.04.:;• . •4- ' 1 . r.... k .8 • 4.. (...!1 z.:; . . . I _ • • • •-•• _• . - . . . . - .• •. 44) (is as • .. . . . 1 0 •• 1 . . I ;t1 '.i•-• ; : €1) • . ; t= tiL • . . . . P dPe • • • ,_ . t, 45.e. , 5 S. 55'..i6'54."5--,\ cic:10. , „ . =— N,... 4 1 - • I . . .„ ,..., • . , ...,„ .., i . 1 . • ' I . I • f I I 1 ,.. .. . . , . SOUTH WETLAND' SKETCH POWELL DEVELOPMENT L., .1 CI= '• . . BuRuNGToN NORTHERN BINDING SITE PLAN • 1 . 0 , .. 1 ' . 1 0. ............C4- ..,.., 4.•/,‘,..- . -0,, ..-. . blillti4 1 4 , ,_ 72rillrf'• 'r''' /6'. BUSH,ROED&HITCHINGS,INC. 4,.1/-1/. p .-_, SEAL 7,, CIVIL ENGINEERS A LANG SURVE von s T1 1 • 61/.A1 .voscHIWITtod .;) ••••• ., I. ,1.1 ss....f..';.4 • 11\- 7.:...9(2.Cit/ Joe No 91407.08 6.8-02 CLC WAH .. lk I y I;.,1 ..""'14: '3' 1 ING • . • Id 1 '.1:1:1....1....7......r....."•.7:AV?..-..'-"171 • • i •I . . • • ' .. - —.• • . . . • • •• •• —• . .,.... . 1 • .w++ L IW1irk 1 ii4.7t...i:Y kaaii s:4;c ap;#a:1a .- -... a. • ` BUSH, ROED& HITCHINGS, I' c. • EXHIBIT F NORTH WETLAND DESCRIPTION I THAT PORTION OF LOT1I7 OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN, ACCORDING TO THE •. BINDING SITE FLAN THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME /6/ OP BINDING SITE PLANS, PAGES —l/ , RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, . DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: -.I BEGINNING At THE CORNER COMMON TO SAID LOT 7 AND LOTS 2 AND 3 OF • SAID B• INDING SITE PLAN; THENCE NORTH 88a09'51" WEST 70.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01.50'09" EAST 472.81 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE SOUTH; 87.50'47" EAST 70.00 FEET ALONG SAID NORTH - LINE TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE SOUTH 01.50'09" WEST 'r w 472.42 FEET ALONG SAID EAST LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. (-) • - c SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. - -THE-PARCEL DESCRIBED ABOVE -CONTAINS 13,083 SQUARE FEET , (0.76 -• • F • . ACRES) , MORE OR LESS. - - d 1-- 0 POWELL DEVPLOPMENT W • C BURLINGTON NORTHERN BSP WILLIAM A. 3ICKOX, P.L.S. J~ ' NM A.hfj JUNE 2, 1992 W "' =- V .�'� 6'•fo. i 914 07.08/SUR54 8 • J�7 3 !� "`'Qa\� S 1:- I. 1. ` �p7�/f fi I.L . \`'�iurtD� i •• •r -.: Ea'RE3 V17/ z C =1-- U O W O = 0 W W q.J Ii - 1 • • 5 e7•50'4,71e-.. ,, .; (LIr,�� 03 � LC.;7• <.: I.. ri s 4• ctFA , _}}..r•, i r No Scole H i��v N138•09'5.1•P/ I s0ero95180 I !,1 o I 1 , t0 `... I t 1 ,• I • . ;1 : S1:••; f ..I I , I .:.,.. l 6i) ue a / ti a J ao / J F / 0 J W 1 N ' I 1.1 t , ,�7 1 ,-'...1...i is•,• I J ,I._ i1 �, ' 11�J - t 1 - I o . I _ .i I - NORTH WETLAND.- SKETCH n1- POWELL DEVELOP%xT - L . B:SRLINGTON NORTHERN BINDING SITE PLAN . n 1 ; i.7 (,-12.-92. bHITCH/,y L:i n .wN • �� CC P ESMFED 8Y: i o R ; - I \ . :n1 ,,,e` ��� it BUSH,ROED&HITCHINGS,INC. •.,; e ,4,..,,, � o IVILU ENGINEERS &LAND SJRVLYORS '77�n�. 1 41 `At m SEAL I� •. I ' I rvnncf r qq_ art• l J08NO.91407.08 6&04 CLC wAH . • 1L 96 ,,+ . 4SHING1( 1 . t 1- -- -. . IP FIRST AMENDMENT TOilr RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT 8 This Amendment is made and entered into by and among HCWA Realty Corp., a Washington corporation Powell- Orillia Associates, a Washington general (" ") �Eastgate Theatre, Inc., an Oregon partnership( ggt ("PN) Peter W. Powell. (,"P: 'Power" g oyd W.corporation ( Eastaa ") . x ) and .Lloyd W. Powell ("L ") RECIT T•a HC -and Powell previously have entered into a Reciprocal u Easement Agreement with Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions dated June 30, � County, Washington, and recorded in the Official Records of King oun subsequently under Fee No. 9206302702 (the "Agreement") . quently conveyed Lot 1 (defined in the Agreement) to - P. Powell and L. Powell who own Lot 1 as equal tenants in common. Contemporaneously with the execution of this Amendment, Eastgate is acquiring Loti3n kg . by the lot line adjustment mentioned below) fthe romeNC. In modified 8 N') conjunction with that acquisition, the parties hereto (singly, a , and collectively, the " e " andn restate certain provisions of they q eementsire to clarify BGREEIiE I �y Therefore, in consideration of the premises and other C .‹..) valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Owners agree as follows (unless otherwise indicated, all capitalized terms used herein shall have the same meanings as are attributed to them in the Agreement) : 1. Each of the Owners warrants and represents to the other Owners that the warranting Owner owns fee title to the portion of the Shopping Center listed below and that the • . warranting Owner has not created, assumed, or acquiesced to any indebtedness secured by liens enumberin the Shopping Center owned by such Owner; g portion of the ao nt CD O�IJER Lot Ca L. Powell and P. Powell Lot 1 C, HC Lot 2 Eastgate Lot 3 w Powell Lots 4, 6 11 and 7 The Owners also acknowledge and agree that the between Lot 2 and Lot 3 has been modified by Lotoline adjustment t reflected in Lot Line Adjustment Map recorded in the Official ,Records of King County, Washington, under Fee No. 9511299006. ' 1 - FIRST AMENDMENT TO RECIPROCAL PIlF.D FOR R:iCORD AT RE EASEMENT AGREEMENT I TRANSAMERICA �� QU&�T OF aaliONg CO.• '� �swwi 9 320 108TH AVt NE P.O. BOX 1#H3 ` 8E1 L!•V11E. WA 98009 l' . I I • 2. The third sentence of Section 2.1 of the Agreement is deleted and the following substituted in lieu thereof: The Owner of each Lot agrees to construct and maintain parking on its Lot to serve the improvements erected from time to time on such Lot equal to the greater of (i) the • 1 number of parking spaces required•by • . • applicable law at the time- that building permits are issued for the improvements to be constructed, or (ii) the following ratio: ) . L2I garkina Ratio Lots 1, 2 & 3 4.1 stalls for each 1,000 • square feet of Floor Area Lots 4, 6 3 7 5.0 stalls for each 1,000 square feet of Floor Area CI • Notwithstanding the foregoing parking requirements, if CI any portion of Lot 3 is developed for the purpose of P3 operating a cinema, then such portion of Lot 3 shall be r4 served by parking stalls equal to the greater of (x) 0 the.number of parking stalls required by applicable law CD with respect to theatre use at the time that building 0 permits are issued for the improvements to be . LD constructed, or (y) one (1) parking stall for every C four (4) seats in the movie theatres erected on Lot 3; provided, however, that if applicable law permits less intense parking for cinema use (i.e., one (1) parking stall is allowed to serve more than four (4) seats in a : cinema) after January 1, 2006, then the parking within such portion of Lot 3 that is used for the operation of a cinema may be reduced to the level permitted by applicable law so long as such reduction in parking • does not materially and adversely affect the parking within, or use of, Lots 4 and 6. 3. Section 3.1(d) is amended by adding the following sentences thereto: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the Owners acknowledge and agree that Lot 3 may include development of up to three (3) outlot pads (the "Lot 3 Pads") , each containing up to 6,000 square feet of Floor Area, and such Lot 3 Pads may be situated anywhere 'Iwithin Lot 3 as the III Owner thereof may designate from time to time so long as'the same do not (i) encroach upon • the building setback lines created by . Section 3.1(b) of the Agreement, and (ii) lie west of the north-south line dividing the portion of Lot 3 which is currently zoned 2 - FIRST AMENDMENT TO RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT (WWI/00'423FIO3)96lAUM/634077.7) • commercial arterial from the portion zoned medium industrial, such line being situated ' approximately 140 feet west of the west • right-of-way line of East Valley Highway and coinciding with the eastern boundary of Lot 4; provided, however, that such east-west limitation regarding the location of the • --- .. Lot 3 Pads. (x) shall not be applicable if Eastgate is precluded from constructing a - cinema on Lot 3 and opening the same, for business, and (y) shall not apply to any Pad lying south of a line coinciding with the northerly boundary of LOt 4. The Exclusive 1 Building Area for Lot 3 shall be deemed to include the' Lot 3 Pads! One of the Lot 3 ? • ' Pads currently is expected to be developed in the portion of Lot 3 that lies near the intersection of Southwest 41st Street and • . East Valley Highway (the "South Pad") . If• a cinema is erected on Lot 3 by Eastgate and opened for business, then Eastgate agrees, • solely for the benefit of the Owner of Lot 4, not to erect any improvements on the South Pad prior to January 1, 1999, other than such improvements as may be necessary to use the South Pad area for parking purposes; this covenant of Eastgate is; solely for the CI benefit of Lot 4 and may be enforced only by • CIthe Owner of Lot 4. 1.4 4. Section 4.1 of the Agreement is hereby deleted and 0110 the following substituted in lieu thereof: O O4.1 Grant of Easements. Subject to the :D provisions of Section 15.13, each Owner, as CI grantor, hereby grants to the other Owners, for the benefit of said other Owners and their respective tenants and such Owners' and tenants' customers, invitees and employees, a nonexclusive. easement tPuse, for the purposes-of obtaining access to and from the Shopping Center, the roadways and walkways situated in the Common Area and any facilities which may be erected in the Common Area for the general use1 of customers of the Shopping Center (such as mass transit shelters) , all as more particularly located and described on the attached Site Plan, as the same may change froOime to time. The foregoing grants of easements are not effective as to any Lot which is part of the Shopping Center until construction is commenced on such Lot: 3 - FIRST AMENDMENT TO RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT (swW I rce9en commA W63{OI7.7) . \ • p The effect of this amendment of Section 4.1" is to eliminate the cross-parking easements formerly contained therein which created cross-parking easements among all Lots in the Shopping Center. The Owners acknowledge and agree that the parking areas contained within their respective Lots shall be sufficient to service all parking needs of the improvements to be constructed therein and that they do not require parking easements over the Lots of the • other Owners. To •give effect to the foregoing, _ g g, each Owner• hereby •• quitclaims to the other Owners the parking easements which were created by Section 4.1 of the Agreement. Each Owner agrees to • execute such additional documents and to give such further assurances as may be necessary to properly document the • agreements of the Owners set forth herein from time to time. The Owners agree to use their reasonable efforts to prevent their respective tenants and customers, and the customers of their respective tenants, from using the parking facilities serving . another Lot. 5. The second and third sentences of Section 4.3(b) of the Agreement are deleted andlthe following substituted in lieu thereof: Eastgate agrees that Powell may temporarily C) use a portion of Lot 3 situated to the east C) of Lot 4 (out of and a part of the area CI cross-hatched and designated as the "Powell OD r4 Staging Area" on the Site Plan attached as CDExhibit B to the Agreement) during the initial construction of1 the building on Lot 4 O and the building on Lot 6, provided that: QC (i) Eastgate has not constructed or commenced 0) the construction of building improvements on the Lot 3 Pad situated in the Powell Staging Area at the time that Powell requests use of the Powell Staging Area for the purposes permitted herein; (ii) the other Lot (Lot 4 or 6, as the case may be) previously has been developed to the- end that it is not available to serve as a staging area (each of Lots 4 and 6 to serve as staging areas for the other Lot until they are developed) ; (iii) the portion• of the Powell Staging Area to be used is no more than 10,000 square feet in size and is bounded on the west, south and east by the west, south and east boundaries of the Powell Staging Area; (iv) Powell obtains all permits required to be obtained from applicable governmental authorities to allow it to use the designated staging area; and (v) Powell holds Eastgate harmless from all III claims, causes of action and liabilities which may be asserted against Eastgate by reason of Powell's use of the staging area. 4 - FIRST AMENDMENT TO RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT owwimosn,im»siw,w,a:.on� • 6. The fourth paragraph of section 4.6 is deleted and the following substituted in lieu thereof: One sign may be located on Lot 7 in the location designated on the attached Site Plan. Such sign shall be divided into three equal blocks, one on top of the other. Any of the Owners of Lots 2, 3 or 7 initially may • • .. • - .. • elect to construct such sign at the sole expense of the Owner electing to initiate • such construction. The Owners who do not undertake the initial construction of such • sign (Powell, HC or Eastgate, as the case may be) shall be entitled to use one of the sign blocks to advertise their respective businesses by reimbursing the constructing Owner for one-third ofIthe cost of construction of the sign. The constructing : ' '. Owner shall have sole control and use of each sign block until such time as an Owner entitled to use a sign block elects to contribute its one-third share of construction costs and use the sign block allocated to it. If HC; elects to participate in the use of such sign, HC shall be entitled C1 to use the top block of such sign to • 01 advertise its business on Lot 2; if Eastgate Cl elects to participate in the use of such H sign, then Eastgate shall be entitled to use CD the middle block to advertise its business on CD Lot 3; and if Powell elects to p e in a the use of the sign, then Powell shall be entitled to use the bottom block of the sign • 0 to advertise its businesses on Lot 7. The • Owners participating in the use of the sign shall be obligated to share in the cost of maintaining the sign injproportion to the • number of sign blocks utilized by them. An Owner shall have no obligation to pay any construction or maintenance costs with respect to such sign unless and until such Owner elects to use the space on the sign allocated to it. No businesses may be advertised on such sign other than the • businesses conducted on Lots 2, 3 and 7. 7. Section 13.1 is amended by changing HC's address to: ;HomeBase, 3345 Michelson, Irvine, California 92715, Attn: Vice President Real Estate; and adding thereto Eastgate's address: 919 SW Taylor, Suite 900, Portland, Oregon 97205. ill 8. Section 15.10 of the Agreement is deleted and the following substituted in •lieu thereof' 5 - FIRST AMENDMENT TO RECIPROC'iL EASEMENT AGREEMENT (sWWI10097sn0379UMAW634027-n • 15.10 Wetlands. (a) Easement Grants. Subject to the reservation set forth in' Section 15.10(bl , Powell hereby grants to HC a perpetual easement appurtenant to Lot 2 (the "HC Easement") over and across the portion of Lot 7 described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Subject to the reservation set-forth in Section •15.10(b) ,• Powell also .- grants-and conveys to' Eastgate a perpetual easement appurtenant to Lot 3 (the "Eastgate Easement") over and across the portion of Lot 7 described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto. Subject to the reservation set forth in Section 15.10(b) , Eastgate hereby grants to Powell a perpetual easement appurtenant to Lots 4 and 6 (the "Powell Easement") over and across the portion of Lot 3 described in Exhibit "C" attached hereto. The HC, • Eastgate and Powell Easements (the "Easements") may be used by the Owners of the Lots benefitted thereby (Lots 2, 3, 4 and 6, respectively) to provide wetlands mitigation, 0) C) storm drainage and storm water retention to C, serve Lots 2, 3, 4 and 6, respectively, in compliance with the requirements of the City Cr_; of Renton and any other governmental p authorities with jurisdiction over the 0 development and use of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 6. `.la improvements which have been erected or CD may be erected by such grantees in, on and under the land encumbered by the Easements (the "Easement Areas") may include (without limitation) bioswales, retention ponds, filtration systems, storm sewers, storm drains, and similar facilities. The HC Easement shall be appurtenant to and for the benefit of Lot 2 and. shall run with title to • Lot 2, regardless of whether any subsequent instruments of conveyance covering Lot 2 specifically identify the HC Easement therein. The Eastgate Easement shall be appurtenant to and for the benefit of Lot 3 and shall run with title to Lot 3, regardless of whether any instrument of conveyance covering Lot 3 specifically identifies the Eastgate Easement. The Powell Easement shall be appurtenant to and for the benefit of Lots 4 and 6 and shall run with title to Lots 4 and 6, regardless of whether any instrument of conveyance covering Lot 4 or111 Lot 6 specifically identifies the Powell Easement. The respective grantees of the Easements (the "Grantees") shall be responsible for maintaining any drainage, 6 - FIRST AMENDMENT TO RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT (swwuaof23i(03398/ wemon.7 • 1. • .. i • retention and other wetlands facilities constructed thereon to the standards designated by the City of Renton. .The grantors of the Easements' (the N t " may not undertake any use of the Eat) Are ssas which would inhibit or interfere with Permitted to be undertaken thereon by the Grantees. The Grantors and.,subsequent •• - .oWners of fee title to the land encumbered by the Easements shall be and remain liable for payment of all real property taxes levied against the land encumbered by the Easements; provided, however, that any Owner benefitted by an Easement' may pay such taxes for the account of any Grantor or its successors who fail to pay the same. Powell, HC and Eastgate agree to execute such additional documents and to give such further assurances -- as may be necessary to properly document the . creation of the Easements to facilitate the development of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 6 as ; C') , contemplated herein. pp 1.4 (b) ment Rese vations, `r' right to use the Eastgate -reserves the ihtto us portion of the Easement Areas (1dCD Lot 3 in common with the Owners of O Lots 4 and 6 to provide wetlands mitigation �p drainage and storm water retention facilities stormGI serve Lot 3 andiany improvements which may be constructed on Lot 3 from time to time. Powell reserves the right to use the Easement Areas situated in LotI7, and the Owners of Lots 2 and 3 shall grant the Owner of Lot 7 easements over and across the drainage and wetlands facilities described in Exhibit NnN ea") , and Exhibi nrN (the NLot 2 Easement e N (the "Lot 3 Eased" Ar a ) as hereinafter provided, all to be used in common with'the Grantees to provide wetlands mitigation, stoma drainage and storm water retention facilities to serve Lot 7, the following conditions and covenantsrareeded that satisfied in connection therewith: (i) the Lot lirop7sanded uthese oLotf h2 ande eLott3AEasementreas situated in (collectively, the "Master Easement A eA") an• d the wetlands and drainage facilities constructed therein by Eastgate and HC respectively (collectively, the "Drainaae Fa ; u approved by all governmental authorities)having must be jurisdiction over the Drainage Facilities, Horton , as are engagediates, Inc. , or such other engineers by 'the owner of Lot 7 and approved by Eastgate and HC (the "Engineers" and a secod • civil engineering firm doingbusiness intheecond 7 - FIRST AMENDMENT TO RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT (sww1100923n0.1391/ wu4027.7) i ___ -- - - 1. ak Seattle metropolitan area (the "Second Engineers") • selected by the Owners of Lots 2 and 3 and engaged at the expense of the Owner of Lot 7; (ii) the use of the Drainage Facilities by the Owner of Lot 7 must be implemented in a fashion that will not interfere with the ongoing use and operation of the Drainage Facilities or reduce the capability of the Drainage Facilities to serve Lots 2 and•3• "' H. (iii) the Drainage Facilities to be used to serve any portion of Lot 7 situated north of the Driveway Easement Property (the Eastgate or HC Drainage Facilities, as the case may be) shall be determined by the Engineers and the Second Engineers; (iv) the Drainage Facilities will not be used to provide storm water retention and 11 drainage services to the portion of Lot 7 situated f south of the Driveway Easement Property (" out ' Lot 7"); (v) no use may be made of Lot 7 which' involves the manufacture, use or release of Hazardous Substances other than the operation of a gasoline service station on South Lot 7 (no CI • gasoline service station being permitted on North CI 1 Lot 7). and customary use of cleaning solvents and C'i the like in compliance with Environmental Laws (as r used herein, the phrase "gazardous Substances" Cr shall mean all hazardous, toxic, infectious or ®CD radioactive substances, wastes or materials listed, defined or regulated by any Environmental CIDLaw and specifically also shall include petroleum, CI oil and its fractions, asbestos, urea- formaldehyde, and polychloribiphenyls; as used herein, the phrase "Environmental Law" shall mean all Federal, state and local statutes, regulations and decrees pertaining to the protection of any aspect of human health or the environment that are now or hereafter applicable to the Shopping Center) ; (vi) should any of South Lot 7 be used for the purposes of operating a gasoline station, then, in addition to complying with the requirements of applicable laws, the Owner proposing to construct such gasoline station shall require that such service station facility be operated by, or licensed by, one of the major oil companies, and shall obtain from the operator of • the service station either an indemnity or insurance policy from such operator for the benefit of the Owners of Lots 2 and 3 (and subject to their advance written approval, which will not be unreasonably withheld) which protects them from loss, damage,- liabilitylor expense resulting fromill the operation of such service station facility and any Hazardous Substances which may be released or emanate therefrom; and (vii) the Owner of Lot 7 shall pay, in advance of its use of the applicable 8 - FIRST AMENDMENT TO RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT (swwltoo97S/10339uktAW4H07 71 \ • • • • f • Drainage Facility, its, proportionate share of the • original cost of constructing the. portion of the • Detention Facility used for outfall purposes based on its projected use of the Detention Facility. To the extent that anyij of the obligations of the Owner of Lot 7 set forth in subparagraphs (i) • through (vii) above contemplate continuing or • • ongoing performance, the Owner of Lot._7 shall be: • - • .. " • • • • obligated to comply with such obligations so long • as it uses the Easement Areas. If the Owner of • • Lot 7 elects to use the Drainage Facilities, then the Owner of Lot 7 also shall be obligated to construct, at its sole cost and expense, any improvements to or enlargements of the Drainage Facilities required to accommodate its use thereof. All costs of maintaining and repairing the Drainage Facilities other than repair costs resulting from the negligence of an Owner or•its . agents or employees (which shall be paid for _ solely by such Owner) shall be paid by the Owners - 0) sharing the use of such Drainage Facilities in 01 proportion to the gross number of square feet of (') land owned by each Owner which is served by the r4 Drainage Facilities. If, as and when the 0; conditions set forth herein are satisfied, the CD Owners of Lots 2 and 3; as applicable, shall grant 04 easements to the Owner of Lot 7 over and across •UD the Lot 2 and 3 Easement Areas, consistent in form and substance to the grants made in Section 15.10(al and the terms of this $action 15.10(b) . • (c) Additional Provisions Regarding Lots 4 and 6. ' To facilitate Powell'siuse of the Eastgate • Drainage Facilities to provide drainage services to Lots 4 and 6, the surface drainage system to be • installed in Lot 3 will be designed and constructed to accommodate those drainage needs • according to the design requirements of the Engineers. Powell shall arrange and pay for the • design and construction of a storm water collection system to serve Lots 4 and 6 running • from a -catch basin situated on Lot 3 to a boundary of Lot 4 or 6, such work to be done simultaneously with the installation of a drainage system on • Lot 3. No other drainage work may be undertaken • on Lot 3 for the benefit of Lots 4 and 6 after completion of the initial drainage system. The bioswale and outfall components of the Eastgate Drainage Facilities shall be sized to serve Lots 4 and 6 and Powell shall pay Eastgate the 1116 incremental cost of increasing the size of such facilities to serve Lots 4 and 6 (as determined by the Engineers) as and when such work is completed. Lots 4 and 6 shall be subject to the use • 9 - FIRST AMENDMENT TO RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT j (SWW 1/00925n03398/MAMf634O77.7) i I. restrictions set forth in Section 15.10(b) (v1 and (vil • . . 9. Section 15.11 of the Agreement is amended by deleting the square footages of each Lot shown therein for purposes of calculating proportionate shares of the maintenance costs of the Driveway Easement Area, and substituting the following in .lieu thereof:. . LQI $OUARE FOOTAGE 1 Lot 1 to be determined* 1 • Lot 2 . 486,190 . Lot 3 535,094 Lot 4 35,000 • ) Lot 6 • 35,000 Lot 7 ' ' 30,000 . • G7 *The square footage off Lot 1 for purposes of this C) provision shall be determined in accordance with r, the provisions of Section 15.11. OO 10. The first sentence of the second paragraph of , Section 15.11 is deleted and the following substituted in lieu CD thereof: The Owner of Lot 3 shall construct a private roadway within the Driveway Easement Property in accordance with the • requirements of the City iof Renton. The Owner of Lot 3 shall maintain the Driveway Easement Area to a reasonable i o standard as designated by such Owner in its reasonable discretion, and the other Owners shall be obligated to . contribute their proportionate share of maintenance costs as set forth herein. 11. The Agreement is amended by adding the following • provisions thereto: • • 15.12. Related Agreement. Contemporaneously with the • execution of this Agreement, Eastgate and HC have joined in the execution of a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Grant of Easements and Quit Claim of Certain Parking Easements which is to be filed for record in the Official Records of King County, Washington (the "Declaration") . As between the Owner of Lot 2 and the Owner © of Lot 3, the terms and provisions of the Declaration shall • supersede and prevail over the terms and provisions of this III • Agreement to the extent of any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of the Declaration and the provisions of this Agreement or to the extent that any provisions of the Declaration are more burdensome than the provisions of o 16 - FIRST AMENDMENT TO RECIPROCAL • EASEMENT AGREEMENT (SWW1/00923IIO3395I Mi6Nofl7) i- this Agreement. Lots 1, 4, 6 and 7 are not encumbered by any provision of the Declaration. 15.13 Expansion of Lot 7 Building Area. The Owner of Lot 7 may develop the portion of Lot 7 lying north of the Driveway Easement Property ("North Lot 7") provided that the following covenants andl conditions are satisfied: (i) if • access to North Lot 7 shall be• obtained via_ the Driveway Easement Property, then the square footage of Lot 7 to be • used for purposes of calculating shares of maintenance costs i under Section 15.11 shall be modified accordingly; (ii) notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in Section 2.1 of the Agreement, all parking required by applicable law to serveany improvements constructed on North Lot 7 shall be contained wholly within North Lot 7 and shall be deemed sufficient if in compliance with applicable law; (iii) the Owner of North Lot 7 shall construct and . maintain a fence or other.barrier .alohg the western boundary of the Easement Areas to prevent the customers and invitees 1 of the Owner of North Lot 7 from crossing or entering upon . the Master Easement Areas; (iv) in addition to the other uses prohibited by the Agreement, no use may be made of V7 North Lot 7 which would involve the manufacture, release, 4 disposal or use of Hazardous Substances; (v) any development 1 C undertaken upon North Lot 7 shall be completed in compliance 04 with all applicable laws, including (without limitation) the O requirements of the Army Corps of Engineers; (vi) no CD improvements to be constructed on North Lot 7 shall exceed 45 feet in height; and (vii) no part of the Common Area other than the Driveway Easement Property may be used to provide access to North Lot 7 and the Owner of North Lot 7 ' hereby quitclaims to the Owners of Lots 2 and 3 all easements created by Section 4.1 to the extent that they encumber Lots 2 and 3. 1The consent of the Owners of Lots 2 and 3 with respect to development of North Lot 7 set forth ' herein shall not constitute a waiver of any rights which those Owners may be entitled to assert with respect to future development of North Lot 7 in their capacities as the owners of adjoining property. 15.14 Exchange of Lots. Eastgate and Powell may elect to exchange the South Pad area for Lot 6. The Owners of Lots 1 and 2 hereby approve of such exchange and agree that Eastgate and Powell may enter into and = consummate an agreement to that effect without the necessity of obtaining any further consent of the Owners of Lots 1 and 2 with respect thereto provided that any improvements to be constructed upon the South Pad after completion of such exchange shall not exceed 22 feet in height, the building envelope on the South111 Pad shall be generally in the configuration shown on exhibit "F" attached hereto and any signage erected on the South Pad shall not materially impair the visibility of the HC Building from ground level 'at the 11 - FIRST AMENDMENT TO RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT tswwimonsno339evmnMiesa:7m • Wale • r .. .intersection of Southwest 41st Street and East Valley Highway. If, as and! when such exchange is. consummated, ' the land acquired bylEastgate shall be subjected to the terms of the Declaration and the land acquired by Powell shall be released from the terms of the Declaration and the Owners shall execute such documents as may be necessary to evidence the foregoing... Notwithstanding such'exchange;..the lot designations.•.• used herein shall be transferred such that the South Pad thereafter shall be referred to as N a purposes of this Agreement and the -land formerly designated as Lot 6 shall be referred to as part of Lot 3. 15.15 Uti lily r Powell, as _ hereby grants and conveys to the other rOOwners Lot 7,benefit of the Shopping Center, a for the • exclusive.:easement• 'Over and across theno C) Easement Property, for the purpose of installing,— VO operating, maintaining and replacing, from time to H time, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, electrical, gas, On telephone, cable and other utility, lines to serve On improvements to be constructed in the Shopping Center. ' n? Any work undertaken in.the Driveway Easement Property p at the behest of an Owner to install or replace any • (d utility lines shall be done in a good and workmanlike C7 • manner at the sole expense of such Owner and in a manner that will not unreasonably interfere with the • use of the Driveway Easement Property by the other Owners. • 15.16 Use Restrictions. No portion of the'Sho shaft be used for Of the followinguses or purpg es: any purposes: ± a. Any use which would constitute a public or private nuisance. whichb. Any use objectionable due tointermittence, beat, frequency,qd cy is shrillness or loudness bother than noises typically associated with a home improvement store orheatre/cinema) . • c. Any use which' would generate excessive quantity of dust, dirt or fly ash. 1 d. Any use involving a heightened risk of fire, explosion or other damaging or dangerous hazard, including the storage, display orjsale of explosives or fireworks. e. Any distillation, refining, smelting, agricultureill or mining operations. ! 12 - FIRST AMENDMENT TO RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT • owwimconno339smAkve3402-7,'n kis • • i MOM a f. For the purpose of operating a mobile home or trailer court, labor camp, junkyard, stock yard or animal raising business. g. Any drilling for and/or removal of subsurface substances. • ' • h.' 'Any dumping.-of garbage o=..refuse, other than 'in' enclosed, covered receptacles intended for such purpose. i. Any mortuary or similar service; establishment. • j. Any commercial laundry or dry-cleaning plant; provided, however, this prohibition shall not be applicable to any premises if oriented to pick up and delivery by the ultimate consumer and there are only nominal on-site supporting facilities. k. Any automobile body- and fender .repair work. 1. Any flea market, swap meet, "second hand" store or "s::!•plus" store. 01 0 m. Any adult book store or any so-called "sin" uses V1 including (without limitation) nude dancing, pornographic '4 displays, displays of "X-rated" materials or films, massage • CD parlor or off-track betting facility. O 15.17 Additional North Lot 7 Uses. Notwithstanding • anything to the contrary contained in Sections 2.1 or 2.3 of • 01 the Agreement, North Lot 7 way be used for the purposes of operating a bowling alley, skating rink, health club or bingo parlor or for industrial, warehouse or light manufacturing uses, if permitted by applicable law. • No other amendment or modification is made or intended to be made to the Agreement and the Agreement, as modified hereby, shall remain in full force and effect as therein written. • . �.` 12A- FIRST AMENDMENT TO RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT pWW110ons1wo»vMAMW407771 a . , Executed in multiple counterparts to be effective as of • . the 8th day of February, 1996. • POWELL: Eastga 9 atre, Inc., n Powell-Orillia Associates, a Oreg poration Washington General .Partnership _ By: j Name: i By: Title: Lloyd W. Powell, General • Partner HCWA Realty Corp., a Washington By: corporation • Peter w. Powell., General . Partner - • CI By: P. POWELL G) Name: CTitle: Peter W. Poao well O 04 G By: L. POWELL GO Name: C7 Title: Lloyd W. Powell EXHIBITS: • "A" - HC Easement "B" - Eastgate Easement "C" - Powell Easement "D" - Lot 2 Easement Area "E" - Lot 3 Easement Area "F" - South Pad Envelope• STATE OF OREGON ) County of I�l1�L�( A(Hj ss. This instrument was acknow edge. of , 1996, by • 9 before me this day of Eastgate Theatre, Inc. , an 0 - - • LA I . . as , 1 . ti m the corpora ion. ' , =`ti n, /rral��lf of Il �� i�J 9 JACKI[ tNILKES rxwmtwAI r/ur> cie '7 ;' ;'::J;,r •="0" NOT RY PUBLIC FOR OREGON -_` r.GN �. ace rr ae M'::ti•,'5j:•.:,-.,: 1...;n y.1 , My ..mmission Expires: 13 - FIRST AMENDMENT TO RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT (WWI 7009237103398 MIA W634027.6) • • Execu in multiple counterparts to be effective as of the day of e , 1996. PASTGATE: POWELL: Eastgate Theatre, Inc., an Powell-Orillia Associates, a . . Oregon corporation,, _. Washington General • Partnership • • By: Name: By: Title: • Lloyd W. Powell, General Partner HCa • HCWA Realty Corp., a Washington By: . corporation . Pater W. Powell, General ' • - :Partner .p. POWELL . • By: / 4 . Name: Title: ni • Peter W. Powell / L. POWELL • • v4 Name: Ait(lur T. S k, Jr. cc Title: Authorized Signatory C Lloyd W. Powell • • • O • CI gXHIBITE: "A" - HC Easement "B" - Eastgate Easement . "C" - Powell Easement ^D" - Lot 2 Easement Area "E" - Lot a Easement Area "F" - South Pad Envelope • STATE OF OREGON' se. County of This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1996, by , as of Eastgate Theatre, Inc. , an Oregon corporation, on behalf of th'e corporation. NOTAR7f PUBLIC FOR OREGON My Commission Expires: • 13 - FIRST AMENDMENT TO RECIPROCAL • EASEMENT AGREEMENT lavwixeronmnwwo.vu+anab • hp • • • • • Executed in multiple counterparts to be effective as of the 8th day of February, 1996. PO ELL: Eastgate Theatre, Inc., an Powell-Orillia Associates, a Oregon corporation Washington General Partne ip By. _.. • Name: - By: gTitle• ILloW. Powel , General \ liC: Parir_OLLI nor • • HCWA Realty Corp., a Washington By: _ corporation Pater W. Powell, Gen' e- Partner By: ���, CI Name: I - Title: • VI y Peter W. Powell O CD Name: ' ''7 . . 0 Title: 1 ; J �� vL� �A Lloyd W. °well rXNI UM "A" - NC Easement "B" - Eastgate Easement • "C" - Powell Easement "D" - Lot 2 Easement Area • • "E" - Lot 3 Easement Areal "F" •- South Pad Envelope STATE OF OREGON ) • County of ) es ) • This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1996, by as of Etgate Theatre, Inc. , an Oregon corperation, on behal�of the corporation. . NOTARY PUBLIC FOR ORECON ------ My Commission Expires: __ 13 - FIRST AMENDMENT TO RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT (JWwl ODP2VIU))h/�U 4P03W27.N 1 B-0 7-'96 16:07 I D:Sq 1BE-W I LL I TEL 1 q:5I33-796-2900 i$413 P13 Y � i• • Executed in, multiple counterparts to be effective as of the.8th day of February, 1996. gASTGATI: ROWEL.L: Eastgate Theatre, Inc., an Powell-Orillia Associates, a • . • . Oregon corporation,- •• _. . ,.Washin. gton General Partnership By: • Name: By: Title: Lloyd N. Powell, General • HC _ Part , RCWA Realty Corp., a.Washington By: . • corporation . _ Pa er W. Powell, General • . Partner Ey: Name: Title: • • r�'1 • 'P }. Powell gy;30 �L OName: CD Title: Lloyd WP. owell CAO Cl • EXHIBITS: i "A" - HC Easement "E" - Eastgate Easement • 1 "C" - Powell Easement • "D" - Lot 2 Easement Area "E" m Lot 3 Easement Area• "F" - South Pad Envelope , • STATE OF OREGON ) } • County of ) s$. This instrument was acknowledged before me thin day of , 1996, by .— t of $astgate Theatre, Inc., an Oregon co as o i the corporation. g rporation on a o 1 } NOTARY PUBLIC^ FOR OREGON My Commission Expires: i 13 - FIRST AMENDMENT TO RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT wmommonsouwommarra il • •..-M4.1 • G ,WM COMMONWEALTH of MASSACHUSETTS ) COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX ) • - .. On fib ' .1, ii115, before-mar /J'.�.�M��-t.• /tc�.Ly,. a . - . Notary Public in And or said state, personally appear Edward J.WeIsba r 1 , personally known to me (or prpve l;,,, - to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person c.Y a.'••� whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and q.\:•• .......- p acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same in his/hi o,(•;'>':, authorized capacity, and that by his/her signature on'the i : instrument, the person, or the entity upon behalf of whit th s; S i ; person acted, executed the instrument. tL\ . •,•_; J' ' • . . . -WITNESS my hand.and official seal. . .• •--;j'.*.. .-.‘r '-' ........N.,.,.0 4 c) U Cc .v....:...' . _ ....... _ Notary Public in and fo said State 0) CI 4 .4 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ) • an ) ss. O COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX ) ' O CO On &An 1 MI', before me, ,t.f• , a Notary C) Public i and, x sin estate, personally appeared H Ur I. IIK. Jf. , personally known to m (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person . •1 whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to ins that he%she executed the same in his/hep••' " i'authorized capacity, and that by his/her signature on th 'a\`EY o - . instrument, the person, or the entity upon behalf of whi0 -•Che :i .o.'•. person acted, executed the instrument. le I r; � : WITNESS my hand and official seal. 1 GCi ••';Q�-- '' CgCLAI 114._ 7 - t Q IL - �• �dj ti.1_ •. 4r 4 LAJS!E E R!L EV FoM"ry Public Notary Public in and for c id Stti b iN C-(f'r' ,My Cclimess:Ln xpiles c)ccen:�;I 31 1$v'9 ` ,,....+.''' • • 14 ® FIRST AMENDMENT TO RECIPROCAL i EASEMENT AGREEMENT wo .uosnonsel. wiommp AL ` ' • • • STATE OF WASHINGTON ) • es.. . County of On this day of , 1996, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Peter W. Powell, • - • •. known• to be the person•who executed this instrument in his individual capacity and as General Partner Of Powell-Orillia Associates, a Washington general partners:lip, the partnership that executed the foregoing instrument, aid acknowledged the instrument to be his free and voluntary aet and the free and voluntary act and deed of that partnership for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath s•:ated that he was authorized to execute the instrument on behalf of the partnership. • • WITNESS my hand and offic-ial-jeal •hereto affixed the .'day and year first above written. . . 0) C NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington, residing at My Commission Expires: 04 . UD STATE OF ARIZONA ) 07 ) ss. County of))4l% c A�i�_) On this .2 day of `14 dt 1:96, before me, the • undersigned, a Notary Public in and fdk the State of Arizona, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Lloyd W. Powell, known to be the person who executed this instrument in his • individual capacity and as General Partner of Powell-Orillia • . Associates, a Washington general partnership, the partnership that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the instrument to be his free and voluntary act and the free and voluntary act- and deed of that partnership for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the instrument on behalf of the partnership. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year. first above written. �•:, Fr.::�p�.e.:�� NOTAR PUBLIC in and, for the State �w��`• """"'y"' 's' of Arizona, residing at My Commission Expires: eept . fi /47i' 15 - FIRST AMENDMENT TO RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT (swwiouovtstiO3:944budw\•, I' _ •• ••• FED-07-'96 16:09 1 D:SatIABE.4.111 MEW 4 TEL 10:503-796-2900 i413 P15 f • STATE OF WASHINGTON ) . as. County of �1'?f./( r ) 2 On this £ day of T�'1/i Dui !b• 1996, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in a r the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Peter W. Powell,. known to be-the person who executed this instrument in his - individual capacity and as General Partner ot• Powell-Orillia Associates, a Washington general partnership, the partnership that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the instrument to be his free and voluntary act and the free and • voluntary act and deed of that partnership for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and.on oath ■tated that he vas authorized to execute the instrument on behalf of the partnership. I WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto •affixed the • day and year first above written. CI 1 NeeM PAuC ;'l oied...41exata...i. 4 SATE OF WASHINGTON�ArwCE115CMMWCF�1 , N Y PUBLIC in and for the S at. IMa000newitEiorssJUI,I0.1941 , of Washington, residing at O My Commission Expires: 7•/ • (N4 O Up STATE OF ARIZONA ) CI ) SS. County of ) On this day of , 1996, before me; the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Arizona, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Lloyd W. Powell, known to be the person who executed this Instrument in his individual capacity and as General Partner of Powell-Orillia Associates, a Washington general partnership, the partnership that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the instrument to be his free and voluntary act and the free and voluntary act and deed of that partnership for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that ha vas authorized to execute the instrument on behalf of the partnership. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above Written. ' NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State H • of Arizona, residing at My Coumissic.n Expires: 15 - FIRST AMENDXENT TO RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT matt 0°'1e" a a F - db • 82/06/1996 16:57 2068228758 H D A PAGE 02 • Horton Dennis&Associates,Inc. HDA . • Consulting Engineers,Planners&Surveyors ExHIETT"A"-HC EASEMENT ' THAT PORTION OF LOT 7, BURLINGTON NORTHERN BINDING SITE PLAN (BSP-014-92). PER MAP RECORDED IN VOLUME 161 OF PLATS, PAGES 8 THROUGH 11 INCLUSIVE, UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9206302696, RECORDS OF KING • COUNTY,WASHINGTON, SITUATE IN SECTION 30.TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: • • BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE NORTH • • ! 875047' WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE THEREOF 70.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01'S0'04' WEST PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 7 A DISTANCE OF 553.68 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88'09'51' EAST 70.00 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE NORTH 01'50'09" EAST ALONG SAID LINE 553.30 FEET TO Cr p THE POINT OF BEGINNING. p CONTAINING 38,744 SQ. FT. MORE OR LESS. 0lr A• =DIM oiset17 • 20 Second Avenue South, JClrklan{ Wathlagion 98033, Phone (206) 822-2525, Fax (206) 822-8758 r tuktirr.! • Wenatchee • Qarien I , • 02/06/1996 16:57 2068228758 H D A PAGE 03 Horton Dennis&Associates,Inc. HDA ' Consulting Engineers,Planners&Surveyors EXHIBIT 'B" -EASTGATE EASEMENT THAT PORTION OF LOT 7, BURLINGTON NORTHERN BINDING SITE PLAN (BSP-014-92), PER MAP RECORDED IN VOLUME 161 OF PLATS. PAGES 8 THROUGH 11 -INCLUSIVE, UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9206302696, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY.WASHINGTON,SITUATE IN SECTION 30,TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7; THENCE SOUTH 01°50'09" WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE THEREOF 553.30 FEET TO THE POINT OF O) ( BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID EAST LINE SOUTH 01'50'09' c7 i WEST 162.63 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID LINE SOUTH 28°33'51' • p' I WEST 155.64 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01'50'09'EAST 301.64 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88°09'S1' EAST 70.00 TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. • CONTAINING 16,249 SQ. FT. MORE OR LESS. C0 C, ,.. ..0. . . .a I 41:1 <` avows • as/17 • ~N 20 Second Avenue Soirtlfr , 1Ciricland, Washington 98033. Phone (206) 822-2525, Far (206) S22-8738 • I \ Lirilaril • W exak • balm 02/06/1956 16:57 2060228758 H D A PAGE 04 • Horton Dennis&Associates,Inc. • HDA Consulting Engineers,Planners&Surveyors EXHIBIT "C"-POWELL EASEMENT • THAT PORTION OF LOT 3, CITY OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT AS • • RECORDED IN VOLUME 106 OF SURVEYS,PAGE 180.UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9511299006. RECORDS OF KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON, SITUATE IN SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH. RANGE S EAST, W.M., BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ' BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3;. THENCE SOUTH .. . 88°09'51"EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE THEREOF 113.15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01°50'09*WEST 426.54 FEE'P; THENCE NORTH 89°05'25•WEST 211.54 FEET TO THEWEST LINE OF SAID LOT; THENCE ALONG SAID WEST LINE NORTH 01°50'09' .•1 EAST 71.99 FEET; THENCE NORTH 28'33'51'EAST CONTINUING ALONG SAID LINE CC' 218.70 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01'50'09" EAST CONTINUING ALONG SAID LINE Cl 162.63 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. • CONTAINING 64,976 SQ. FT. MORE OR LESS. e O•)0044 • • • . sifit 97 • 20 Second Avenue South, Kirkland, Washington 98033, Phone (206) 822-2525, Far (206) 822-8758 Ytr*4w! • Wealth-Aso • Darien • 02/06/1996 16:57 2068228758 H D A PAGE 05 Horton Dennis&Associates,Inc. -HDA Consulting Engineers,Planners&Surveyors EXHIBIT"D" -LOT 2 EASEMENT AREA THAT PORTION OF LOT 2, CITY' OF RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT AS • RECORDED IN VOLUME 106 OF SURVEYS,PAGE 180, UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9511299006, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY,WASHINGTON, SITUATE IN SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST. W.M., BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: • • BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST-.CORNER OF SAID LOT •2; THENCE SOUTH • 87°50'47"EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE THEREOF 83.38 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE,CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWEST.HAVING A RADIUS OF 605.87 FEET: c'J I THENCE IN AN EASTERLY DIRECTION ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, PASSING 'r'I I THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 02°48'55' A DISTANCE OF 29.77 FEET; THENCE t SOUTH 01'50'09"WEST 553.40 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2; THENCE NORTH 88°09'51'WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE 113.15 FEET TO THE WEST LINE O 1 OF SAID LOT; THENCE NORTH 01'50'09' EAST ALONG SAID WEST LINE 553.30 WI FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING! , CONTAINING 62,577 SQ. FT. MORE OR LESS. O.N1 • cants" • • • I . 20 Second Avenue South, Kirkland, Washington 98033, Phone (206) d22-2525, Far (206) 822-,8758 Kirkland, • Wewstrhee • during • 02/.06/1996 16:57 2068228756 H D A PAGE 6 Horton Dennis do Associates,Inc. H DA Consulting Engineers,Planners do Surveyors EXHIBIT"E"-LOT 3 EASEMENT.AREA THAT PORTION OF LOT 3, CITY OF I RENTON LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT AS • RECORDED IN VOLUME 106 OF SURVEYS PAGE 180,UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 9511299006, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY,'I WASHINGTON, SITUATE IN SECTION 30, • TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE S EAST, W.M., BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: • BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3; THENCE SOUTH. 07 88°09'S1' EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE THEREOF 113.15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH ' 01'50'09'WEST 426.54 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89'05'25'WEST 211.54 FEET TO THE ' WEST LINE OF SAID LOT; THENCE ALONG SAID WEST LINE NORTH 01'5O'09" ' EAST 71.99 FEET; THENCE NORTH 28°33'51'EAST CONTINUING ALONG SAID LINE O 218.70 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01°50'09' EAST CONTINUING ALONG SAID LINE . 04 I 162.63 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. n . CONTAINING 64,976 SQ. FT. MORE OR LESS. • 11/471: • 1 �. o IMPIRFO .i2$l97 • a i 0 Second Avenue South, Klr*land, Washington 98033, Phone (206) 822-2525, Fax (206) 822-8758 Kirtland • Wenatchee • Purism \ I . • . e • • • . In . . • _____.........mormanswemmppmmaratimegmma _ ... ------ --------.--- ___, . - 1- .5---, --- _ . . . . • Ll..._ - vm.,11,,,jr = ..- . - rI l_i_. - L.._. . . • Li _ NO150.12.E - 20.00' 1.• 3 .. -- marosIs•w- o' 7 tw i I • I — — = ,10151 NO150.12E - 00.27. — —.III r 1 is -.-J I I 1 n ) iitiliii iiiiiiiii15 I ILI ILI z • 4Z: 10 ....... 8 ID ....... . . .--.1 1 • 1"-"="1 ...1...-/ 1 i 0 r • imi • • CC • I _— —. I• t = 1 ,ti Is .. . g .1 1 to•-• co • o _ . , . V•-•I CV • ...... . ..3,.... • 1I t ITD $..4°2 • VI LI I— -- —,— -- -- -- .: w C NO1'60'121 •• 210.00' "7 ........-.... .. .........-. ........„.... ...-.., • 0.0 CO \., IMP+ ,mMe. OPP. .1101 •1111 kplon 45 .1 .+No . ......, ... ..... • 44 4.1 Y. "cr W01'50121 ... 20.00 -- 0 — • . 0 u) t40837.0rW - M __ee' 61. _ --- ,-r-- -_-_ •--_____ - - 4 — . , • el ,.—'"•'' •, •• ....I-4.--: 0 ."- I 1 • : ,--- ....0''CO•-•I ff) I i .... • ".6 — -1 t . Ji ra ••••• - /.014 4 4f~tr F.. #. - _.• ". 1: = Ir, E > 1—"--1 1 • t 1 ir-'^-4 e r Ict , t $ OP . — ii 0 2 rI. I NOV50 0 4 E - 210.00' z in Li -now two[OW MIMI ..4 Q. •••••• ... jilIT iiii1/1111111Ut II — - - --p E-. CO , • •-•-•-•.-- •••'-' 4 g ---. oiti P 4reS _ ..• .4.I 1 ,.._ ••••••-•••••• . -., ,--.. ...--..--..-1. I X ,--. .•.....- ,....-. -..... .--...-... I .--'. .. .-•, .. ..... -* .......r...- E 11.41 1 . - -...-.-.... ..... ,-- ......-.. I ...- ••• ==1 I=...-.= •••—•••- --• ••--.- --•••• •—•' V) li • O. ',...= (flea,t .Li SA tilf li ' num mum! inillIn Fr ix-ritrms_.. 111itill .11111111 ...: 116049.45-E - Nil. _., . v NOlIn.09"E - 788.04' . . . • ..''':.., ..,- .• • " • .. t 4--)Mfbie- k . 6GCTS6Z09G EAST VALLEY HIGHW , ; :'i?, ) ,.... ..m ..,====........ 4`,.." ; • . . 1, .Scale I"' 4(7 7 Cl •a m Srt Reba, • OWNERS PARCEL A SUPERIOR FA.S7 FRI IGH7 150 5 HORTON St AT II F, WA • m •ty PARCFI R GLACIER PARK CO �` RENTON S..oe, PL,.s 437 CENTRAL BLOC. U cb No.378-79 - S£AT7LE, R7 WA 984 v QS DESCR/PIION: 107 9, BLOCK 2, BURL/AC•'7tW NORTHERN • ° ORILL/A INDUSTRIAL PARK CF REN70N, DIVISION I, LINO AVENUE a• AS RECORDED IN VOL. 108 OF FLATS, PAGES /2 ElL3-"--- ti -- e RE.COROS OF•KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON s• c. 'Q Rn u 1, 4. _.__.N P'50'02'E 40 • R=605.94 PARCEL A I8 .. a=7.53'02' L=83.38 - • _ . - -—-' - --— - .'——' - - — .504.29 --'— .. __ -lib hi Fo_.r nrn/ ..--— • /O' /ably Eax...e.,t --.N 2'0 '51 £ O. R-605.94 I2 I.oa ' :9 e:6•2/5N" '+0 4 .y L=6732 I _ 1-A I 4 !•1� .( •Ir. '4 • I! NI U A j O PARCH[ 9 • I ,o T v • 0 p I st Ig W u. i/,"V i]IS• 7 OF r•a q'Mf NY Of PURL tf. WORKS p rn one ,n,rn Ms .1P. cloy of 0�",I,r .n s. I n 4 e/n,h/,I Wv+s Y,olf,r rap:„rer !. r•1_wIJeJIQG DII•nR1 MERIT I swot., cent& that the within Net • . ,s day reviewed by the Ci0.• of Renton Plonn,n9 ase.rgtD 4449 {4°198?eED 40 apo-n.eor Or_j_Wdor dSflf /97,9��y�G/ TNIf_/% aP Y a�`p7 -AD. . 1 leant Irecl�or �-s1 i�.ec i aa. I../ 59.20 4'TA4 rb Y 1vNT /Scssoy. ., N 92 BR NorL�See Racora, s Ne.7909240948 LAND SURVEYORS C£R7/FIC.47E .} Fart DLCLNR.a7,ON a r' c i • • --DECLARATION: Know all men by these presents that we, the undersigned, owners) in fee • simple and contract purchaser(s)Iof the land herein described do hereby • make a short subdivision thereof pursuant to RCM 58.17.060 and declare this short plat to be the graphic representation of same, and that said short subdivision is made with the free consent and in accordance with • 4pp the desire of the ownor(s). �t In witness whereof we have set our hands and seals. ., . ..§ -GLACIER PARK COMPANY • • Name Name J. Gordon , _.- - ..-•• . • , 1 ger - Property Management • • • --•'. Name Name - • STATE OF WASRING'I'ON, SEE SURVZY VCL 20 pGE /..5/, . . =-?- On this dal; personally appeared before me `' �- - f __.-_.__ to as known to be the individual d.acribed in and who executed the within and foregoing •• • • • instrument, and acknowledged that•._I,• signed the sass al, free and Voluntary ' • - act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. • GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of ,� • . V1,J :. --•►- '1 .• / ♦ ,; , . . ,, (•• i • . %/. ' • , �• No4sy public in and for the Stab�!washingtari, i •-•-- •_.- o =:`/�.rr�g•.` residing at ( ` - - r' I :� 1'OTIT I - ,, Ty, • t STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. _, -'�,r • -- County e! . . _ . • hr- '-.. =;-°:;T,,xr,•`' ••. On this day personally appeared before me • r etu= ' ``-f• a.?;?:1 CO ar known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing - a„ fhserwnt, and acknowledged that signed, the sans as tree and voluntary '' • '````••'• act and deed, for the uses and ur p ports therein mentioned. ' • : -• �a. • GIVEN- under ow hand and official saw chic day of , 19 • ® • Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at •• ' ` . .a A -_._. P. • Short Plat Number 51:' 7.1 Page of •ti Fi .EO r Retard at Request ot P / b, - a' . • • • g i . I� • s i 121TTURfAD,DR1A98: - M . Washington Natural Gas Co. A • ( Atus: ROW Department —""'a i• P O Box 1869 l( Seattle,WA 98111 EASEMENT 1 l (COMMUTE) rE) 1! OP.MAP NO.: 2i2.080 )OIINO.: 9701767 S LEGAL SW 20.23.5 I.? . • ` "The Grantor.FARWEST STEEL CORPORATIO Oregn corporation. • 1: f�nn n t,o rnUn in consideration of ONE DOLLAR (SI.00),in hand paid.and other good and valuab)e consideration,receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,does hereby convey and warrant to WASHINGTON NATURAL GAS COMPANY,a Washington corporation,its successors and m -assigns,herein referred to as'Granter'.a nonexclusive casement for a gas pipeline or pipelines under,over,through - '13 and across the following described property of the Grantor located in the County of King.State of Washington: L', . J gpt f)-i LotB of furlingtan Northern,a binding site plan,according to the City of Renton Binding • Site Plan scandal under King County Recording No. 9206302096,in Volume 161 of Plats,Pages B through i 11,rcennis of King County; . OSituate Bs the City of Renton,County of[url g,State of W ui asliagtt . `' 1s,j (Tao Parcel No.125360-0Ot1Oj I • °' • 0 Said casement is Ten(10)I feel wide and located within the above described real property, cr abutting and adjacent. to the Southeasterly line of said Lot B.Cf j 1 • 0 giving and granting to Grantee the right to construct,install,operate,maintain,protect,improve,repair.replace and 3. abandon in place said gas pipeline or pipelines,together with the non-esclusive right of access to and tram said 1 c property. As used herein,the term'pipeline'shall Include gas lines rind services together with such surfaee or sub- f+ surface pipeline appuncrances and facilities nal ate necessary,in the judgement of Grantee,for the operation and • maintenance of said pipeline or pipelines. By the acceptance of this easement Grantee agrees to hold the Grantor hamiless from any loss,cost or damage resulting(am the operation or maintenance of such pipeline or pipelines except • • as any be attributable to the sole negligence od Grantor. Grantor agrees not to erect any structures on said casement . I` DATED this 10 day of J•arsUPRY ,1951. • itte9r STEEL. ( R,r>1tTlw • By; p r ,�, 'title: _13f�,f►pe ert"`�� n*t_P*Fe i . S'1 iXfE OF Wr fyliiNFrfON C (t*J § • • • C:OUNTV OI, �.2n 4- § . 1 On this ivltj- day of -IRfU , i9Q?,before me,the undersigned.a Notary Public.duly '' commissioned and soon,personally opseared ' ,-+ ,�. • - :� known to me to be slit r ,y C1,�a I�``t1C 01 the !1) corporation that executed the within and foregoingg document,and achasowlddged the said instrument to be the free and\vluntary set and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,and on oath stated that ' _he_w_authorized to execute said Instrument. • I IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. ' ..i EXCISE TAX NOT RQUIflED nary Public in at)d for h State of�Ynaidsypi�( ion �, It:nO o, ear v„ia resifts at I�—C y Q ;j 1 Bll��a K Mon y .4 • i tr I Printed Name :.i ' My commission rapines: y$-Gb 'f weuis:orllavrl ,Yf t i . • hZ, OFFICIAL WA tl • N-:% camansain+f IUf)OLSsinil li>t4iSAFR41CA + y \ • +t, +„ t f-� .ry r,1a: - i f5f7r�� {'f�3�C:r ;i:,..i,c ti:{;"r:. _fir.:...: :.:::::ivr3( :•tas.;r,'.ii; :j ' ;i:'ai:' i. .. .r.t: .. _. ..L ,... ... : ..,....... ....I.:.!:::,,,,,.-: ".!.::: :::. . ':1:::' Si6L,.:5:c,'1i::1.'::.:u.ao:.�:.:.�..�...:.' . l • • • • I•. APTER•RECORDINC RETURN TO • PETER POWELL 737 MARKET ST, KIRAND, WA. 98033 ;i ! KL .i EASEMENT AGREEMENT 0 This Easement Agreement ("Agreement") is made on this l9 day • of March, 1996 by and between) POWELL-ORILLIA ASSOCIATES, a.3 Washington general • partnership ("Grantor") and YARIIEST STEEL s ry CORPORATION, aA Q 0n corporation ("Grantee"). Grantor and< • Grantee agree to of the following terms and conditions, including the recitals. PECTION 1: RECITALS ' M 1.1 Grantor owns that certain real property (the "Servient Estate") described as follows: Lot 7, Burlington Northern, a binding site plan, according to City of Renton Binding Site Plan recorded iA p; June 30, 1992 in Volume 161 of Plats, Pages 8 through 11, Z inclusive, under King County Recording No. 9206302696. ••'' C� 1.2 Grantee owns that certain real property (the "Dominant ;7 r3 Estate") described as follows: '-" �` Lot B, Burlington Northern, a binding site plan, '�`` according to City of Renton Binding Site Plan recorde •=`' 4 June 30, 1992 in Volume 161 of Plats, Pages 8 through 11, ;;;4yc inclusive, under King County Recording No. 9206302696; •lii and •�•,;. �Y' Parcel A of Short Plat No. 378-79, accordingto the short •TO plat recorded under King County Recording No. 7909249001.. •:;?; ;(. 1.3 Attached hereto as xhi t is a description of what I •',04'-`E k A p • .;:i i•� shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Easement Property". The <,tv Easement Property is a portion of the Servient Estate. Attached ••; - hereto-as )exhibit A-1 is a drawing showing the Easement Property •`•c'MA"'' .r:!•rr.:'4:z: • with crosshatching. :H ear '51 1.4 Grantee wishes to have access over and certain utility .e.i� VA; rights under the Easement Property. Grantor is willing to grant _..;,-;,a, v. such rights to Grantee on the terms and conditions contained in `''i�+l:'+`` `� this Agreement. • '.••0t ` a. • pECTx0J7 2: GRANT OR' EASEMENT ;°-!`t .vt,'•3 `• 'tdot'? 2.1 Subject to the other terms and conditions outlined in ?•4•, . this Agreement, Grantor hereby grants to Grantee a non-exclusive ' '' s+-1' ok • easement over and under the Easement Property for purposes of (1) ,,, ,��ri • obtaining pedestrian and/or vehicular ingress to and egress from •;:'%,, f.:� • the Dominant Estate and (2) from time to time installing and 's' sr` { maintaining in the subsurface of they Easement Property storm sewer, ' '' •j''�1 1366/053:3/20,96 -1_ FII�D FOR RECORD AT REOUESTOU4 !:;t :c;_t.:• RMACAu!ro&Etl,MnKST EXCISE TA NOT REQUIREo BANS ION TITLE INSURANCE CO. `•• ` " King Cu.Aocords D'r4sian 320 108TH AVE.NE B` ey—�-� PG BOX 1493 •;�-N;..*. i', Ooputj BELLEVUE.WA 98009 f�1 ;; tt: a • • ® . L • i . sanitary sewer, electrical, gas, telephone, cable and other utility 1 systems 'serving the Dominant Estate. Such easement rights shall hereinafter be collectively referred to as the "Easements". 2.2 Grantor represents and warrants that Grantor is the owner 1 of the Servient Estate and has the right to grant the Easements, 1. and that, subject to the terms of this Agreement, Grantee has the . i right to quietly enjoy the Easements. + 1 SECTION 3: DURATION OF EABEMBNTS • The Easements granted in this Agreement shall be perpetual in duration. .SECTION 4: CONSTRUCTION OF ROAD I 4.1 In consideration for the above grant of the Easements, ,Grantee hereby agrees that it will commence on or before that day which is ninety (90) days after receipt of the requisite building permit(s) or removal of the required surcharge, whichever is later, and complete (subject to force majeure delays beyond Grantee's .. reasonable control) on or before that date which is one (1) year after the commencement date, at Grantee's sole expense, the road improvements depicted on Zghibit B, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (such road improvement work • T ,shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Road.Work"). Grantee o; shall pursue diligently and in good faith the requisite permit(s) • '� ,and the commencement and completion of the required surcharge work 2 so as to yield a commencement date for the Road Work that is as r3 close to the date of .this Agreement as is reasonably possible. Grantee shall cause the Road Worklto be completed in a good and s workmanlike manner, in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations and without undue delay once the Road Work has• commenced. In addition, Grantee agrees to keep the Servient Estate N free of any liens arising out of or related to the Road Work, and A if a lien is nonetheless filed against the Servient Estate arising . out of or relating to the Road Work, Grantee agrees to promptly post a bond at Grantee's expense in accordance with the terms of ' RCW 60.04.141, as the same may be amended, so as to release the Servient Estate- from such lien. Before signing any construction . contracts- for all or any portion of the Road Work, Grantee shall submit the name of the proposed contractor or contractors to Grantor, together with copies of the proposed construction contract(s) and schedule(s), all of which shall be subject to the • review and approval of Grantor, which approval shall not be :; unreasonably withheld or delayed. J 4.2 HCWA Realty Corp,• a Washington corporation ("HCWA") is the current owner of Lot 2, Burlington Northern, a binding site plan, according to City of Renton Binding Site Plan recorded June 30, 1992 in Volume 161 of Plats, Pages 8 through 11, inclusive, 1366/O53:3/2a/96 .2- EASFINT4 Wb1W1/POYELL/FAA1EST v 11111 • • under King County Recording Ho. 9206302696. A portion of the road described in Axhibit S will cross over an existing underground storm water retention outfall pipe installed by HCWA. Grantee and Grantor hereby jointly and severally agree to indemnify and hold HCWA and its successors, assigns, agents, employees and invitees . harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, . losses and expenses (including attorneys' fees incurred with or without litigation or on appeal)', arising out of or in any way related to any damage to or interference with the functioning of such pipe caused by the Road Work,' use of the road or any utility installation or maintenance work undertaken by on or on behalf of Grantee or Grantor. Grantor and Grantee hereby agree that HCWA has • given sufficient consideration for this indemnity and that HCWA may rely on this indemnity even though it is not a party to this Agreement. 1 SECTION 5T UTILITIES 5.1 Except as provided in Section 5.2, any utilities installed under the Easement Property for the benefit of the 1 Dominant Estate shall be installed at the sole expense of Grantee 1 • • and shall be maintained in a good condition at the sole expense of • Grantee. Similarly, of course, if Grantor elects to install any 1 . utilities under (or above) the Easement Property, such shall be 4 Ln installed and maintained in a good condition at Grantor's sole , CI expense. Prior to commencing any utility installation or repair work and prior to Grantor connecting to any utility system cn installed by Grantee pursuant to Section 5.2, the party wishing to e4 perform the installation, repair or connection work (hereinafter i r5 referred to as the "Working Party") shall (1) provide the other p party with a written description of the work' in question CI (including, but not limited I to, information regarding location/layout, sizing and invert), as well as the proposed time •frames within which the work will .be done and (2) use reasonable good faith efforts to accommodate reasonable timing revisions proposed by the other party (the: Working Party shall agree to conduct the work in question after normal business hours if the work will materially interfere with either access or the provision . • of utility services•to the other party's parcel). In all events, • the Working Party shall (1) take reasonable steps to minimize any disruption to the other party caused by the work in question and f (2) complete the work in a good and workmanlike manner and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. Moreover, if Grantee is the Working Party, Grantee shall not allow any liens to be filed against the Servient Estate arising out of or related to the work in question, and if such a lien is nonetheless filed ,f, against the Servient Estate, Grantee shall, at Grantee's sole •'s expense, post a bond in accordance with the terms of RCW 60.04.161 .' so as to remove the lien from the Servient Estate. If the utility work in question will damage any of the Road Work improvements, the 4 Working Party shall, promptly after completion of the work in 1366/053:3/28/96 •3- EAST]WT4 . RNACAUROVEII/FARVEST 1 F x • . • L. I I 1 question and at the Working Party's sole expense, repair and • replace the Road Work improvements to the condition they were in • • • • prior to the commencement of the work in question. i. 5.2 Grantor, at Grantor's expense, shall at all times be entitled to tap into or otherwiselconnect to any utility system installed by Grantee or for the benefit of the Dominant Estate without paying any latecomer's charge, hook-up fee or other reimbursement payment, provided 1 that (1) Grantor does not i overburden the utility system in question or materially diminish 1its service to Grantee and (2) any maintenance expenses incurred in . .I connection with any shared utility system shall be split between ) • Grantor and Grantee in proportion to their respective amounts of 1 usage of the system in question (however, if the maintenance work is required due to the negligence or intentional misconduct of 'I • either party, that party shall bear all repair expenses and if the i' maintenance is required at a point in the utility line in question . that no longer serves one of the parties, the party not served shall not be required to participate in the repair or maintenance expenses). Moreover, Grantor shall' be entitled to require Grantee ;j _ to increase the capacity of one, some or all of the utility systems - :n being installed by Grantee to accommodate Grantor's use, provided 1 n that (a) Grantor pays for all additional expenses relating to such ,) • IX ,q oversizing and (b) Grantor advises Grantee of its election to 9 C) oversize a given utility system ,prior to the commencement by c� Grantee of the installation of such system (in other words, once p the system has been installed, Grantor shall no longer have the right to require oversizing). . . s SECTION 6: MAINTTEN7ANCE OP ROAD WORK IMPROVEMENT6 . 6.1 The Road Work improveme Its shall be maintained by the • parties in a good, safe, clean and presentable 'condition and all • costs incurred in such maintenance shall be split between the parties on a pro rata basis based on the ratio of the total floor • area in all buildings located on a party's parcel to the total floor area in all buildings locatedlon both the Dominant Estate and the Servient Estate. Until such time as a building is located on the Servient Estate, Grantee, at Grantee's expense, shall have the • right to undertake any required maintenance work without any notice to or consent from Grantor. After a building is located on the • Servient Estate, either party shall have the right to undertake any required maintenance work, but no party shall do so without first i .'advising the other party of the work in question, the proposed timing for such work, the proposed contractor or contractors who t'n will perform the work and the estimated cost thereof. If the other ;.y party reasonably objects to the proposed timing, cost (including F allocation thereof -- see Section 6.2 below) or contractor or the A need for the maintenance work inl question, the parties shall 4• endeavor in good faith to settle their differences before the work is commenced, and if they are unable to do so, they will implement ;J, 1366/053:3/28/% • 4- EATMA 5 ACAU/POYELL/FARUEST �1 Y • . r r i the arbitration procedure described below in section 6.4 to i determine whether the objection in question is reasonable. If the Arbitrator determines that the abjection is reasonable, it sshall i enter the appropriate order under the circumstances (e.g., may order bidding, a delay in the commencement of the work, a change in contractor, a disproportionate sharing of costs pursuant to the terms of Section 6.2 below, etc., or it may order that the work need not be done at all). :; • 6.2 Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, any maintenance i work required by the negligence or intentional misconduct of a party, or a party's employees, tenants, agents or invitees, shall be paid for solely by such party. i 6.3 With regard to maintenance work done in accordance with :i • the terms of Sections 5.2 or 6.1 above, the instigating party shall invoice the other party for ith share of the cost of such work within one hundred eighty (180) days after completion of such work ` and, if the party being invoiced is Grantor, such invoices shall be T accompanied by a full lien release from the general contractor who -, was responsible for the work in question. The invoiced party shall ) pay its pro rata share of the cost in question within fifteen (15) d .4 days after the instigating party complies with the terms of the N immediately preceding sentence. If the invoiced party fails to r) make such payment within such 15 day period, the sum in question ::J shall begin to accrue interest at the rate of the prime rate of '.D interest as charged 'at the time in question by Seattle First National Bank, Main Branch, plus five percent (5%) per annum, from the end of such 15 day period through the date of payment. In addition, any such claim for reimbursement by the invoicing party, together with the above-described interest, shall be a secured right and a lien shall attach and take effect upon recordation of the below-described claim of lien by the invoicing party in the King County'Recorder's office. The Claim of lien shall include the following: (i) the name of the claimant; (ii) a statement I concerning the basis of the claim of the lien; (iii) the last known .', name and address of the owner or reputed owner of the parcel against which the lien is claimed; j(iv) a description of the real i property against which the lien islclaimed; (v) a description of the work performed or payment made which has given rise to the :. claim of lien_hereunder and a statement itemizing the amount a thereof; and (vi) a statement that the lien is claimed pursuant to the terms of this Agreement reciting the recordation number of this :A ,Agreement. The claim of lien shallIbe duly acknowledged and shall414 ,contain a certificate that a copy thereof has been served upon the '11� owner against whom the lien is claimed, either by'personal service . or by mailing to such owner by certified mail sent from King • a County, Washington. The lien so claimed shall attach from the date ,1 of recordation solely in the amount claimed thereby and it may be enforced by suit, under power of sale (which power is hereby � granted), judicial foreclosure or in any other manner allowed by ;f!„ i � 1366/053:3/28/96 -5- MEWS. •4 .RNACJW/POYELL/FAAYEST : • a i • ' law for the foreclosure of liens. Any exercise of the power of i sale or foreclosure shall be conducted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington applicable to the exercise of powers of j sale in or 'foreclosures of mortgages and deeds of trust. If t - appropriate, the invoicing party is hereby appointed the trustee for purposes of exercising such power of sale, with full right of i substitution. ' Notwithstanding the foregoing, such liens shall be subordinate to any mortgage or deed of trust given in good faith and for value now or hereafter encumbering the property subjected to the lien, provided such mortgage or deed of trust was recorded prior to the recording of the lien, and any purchaser at any foreclosure or trustee's sale (as well as any grantee by deed in i • lieu of foreclosure or trustee's sale) under any prior mortgage or i ' deed of trust shall take free and clear from any such then existing lien, but otherwise subject to the provisions of this Agreement. 6.4 If the parties are unable to resolve their differences as ft to an issue arising out of Sections 5.2, 6.1 or 6.2, the dispute shall be resolved by single-arbitrator arbitration before the A ;,1 American Arbitration Association under the Commercial Arbitration 7% Rules modified as follows: (i) the total time from date of demand ri for arbitration to•final award shall not exceed thirty (30) days; CI (ii) the Arbitrator shall be chosen by the American Arbitration C4 Association without submittal of lists and subject to challenge • • O only for good cause shown; (iii) all notices may be by telephone or ;a other electronic communication with later confirmation in writing; .� . c (iv) the time, date and place of the hearing shall be set by the + Arbitrator in his or her sole discretion, provided that there shall ; be at least five (5) days prior notice of the hearing; (v) there shall be no post-hearing briefs; (vi) there shall be no discovery except by order of the Arbitrator; and (vii) the Arbitrator shall i issue his or her award within seven (7) days after the.close of the 1 . hearing. Any of the above provisions may be modified by •r stipulation of the parties. The decision of the Arbitrator shall '-! be final and non-appealable andl enforceable in any court of .} competent jurisdiction. The parties hereby release the Arbitrator from any and all claims.or possible claims against the Arbitrator • based on the decision of the Arbitrator. The prevailing party in • - the proceeding shall be awarded reasonable attorneys' fees, expert and non-expert witness costs andlexpenses, and other costs and expenses incurred in connection with the arbitration, unless the Arbitrator for good cause determines otherwise. The costs and fees of the Arbitrator shall be borne by the non-prevailing party, • unless the Arbitrator for good cause determines otherwise. • SECTION 7: CROSS-INDEMNITY • Each party to this Agreement hereby agrees to indemnify and hold the other party harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities and expenses (including attorneys' fees ,.I= incurred with or without litigation or c.'► appeal) arising out of or 1J66/053:3/2B/96 -6- EASFIc1T4 RWAU/PadELL/FMYEST • . r 0 L _ I I I in any way related to the use of the Easement Property by the • indemnifying party, its employees, tenants, agents or invitees. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if thelclaims, damages, liabilities and expenses so arising are caused by the concurrent negligence of both parties, their employees, tenants, agents or invitees, each party shall indemnify the other only to the extent of the j • indemnifying party's own negligence or that of its agents, tenants, •i employees or invitees. The foregoing indemnity is specificallyand expressly intended to constitute a waiver of each party's immunity . under Industrial Insurance Title ri 1 RC c to th ce omplete tentindemn ec for the i provide the. indemnified party ;s employees, to the extent of negligence of the indemnifying party their negligence, and has been the subject of specific and otiation 1' between the parties. Notwithstanding othe eind joint Section 4.2 l liability language vis a vis HCWA, ! above, any claims made by HCWA under the Section 4.2 indemnity shall be allocated between Grantor and Grantee in accordance with 1 the terms of this Section 7. fir^, SECTION 8: RESERVATION OP RIGHTS Ca Grantor hereby reserves the right to use the Easement Property chowever it wishes (including the right to construct improvements cl on, under and above the Easement Property) provided such use does i not materially or unreasonably interfere with Grantee's above- 1 7) granted rights under the Easements. In addition, Grantor hereby reserves all other rights in and to the Easement •Property not • specifically granted to Grantee herein. e$CTION 9: SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS All of the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall run { with the land and shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding 1 upon, the successors and assigns, personal representatives and heirs of the parties hereto, including without limitation all 4. subsequent owners of the Dominant and Servient Estates and all � persons claiming through or under them. SECTION 10: MISCELLANE0U8 J 10.1 If eithg party to this Agreement consults an attorney in : •• order to enform alky of the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing .r party shall be entitled to reimbursement by the non-prevailing :. party of the prevailing party's reasonable costs and attorneys' fees, whether such costs and attorneys' fees are incurred with or 74 without litigation or on appeal (to the extent inconsistent with . the foregoing,• the terms of Section 6.4 shall govern over the .A.foregoing with regard to the arbitration procedure described in Section 6.4).• I EASE15T4 1366/053:3/2B/96 U :,`� ACAU/PWELL/FAANEST , • III• • • 10.2 This parties with respectgreement consist Aartyns witj oral or°writt the en es the entire agreementprincipal's, representation Neither of the Pa party grin such reagents, employees or affe Party is Agreement- This Agreement is es or affiliate the other This gre between the parties ment su sany expressed in writingwrof i the agreements reementsAgreementmay be metes pertaining to the any eprior wten to any'3 NO claim of waiver, Y by a writing signed by bothment provision Party unless isuchoP this Agreement consent or acquiesce nce with ray Ufl acquiesced in wsuchng art has expressly be made against respect acquiescence suchIn Y waived, consented :,� ice shall not a latterevent, or aC n�4 This Agreement apply to any futut® e the enco Bent consequently, onBe and input is the A or waiver, 4Uentl from both result °g substantial ion. o f four irate th of the ement shalpartl beand thi ree e negotiations , or language moist respective th , mechanical function any party, contained hereined in accordance counsel. '75 ction of drafting his rdless o who as +� whole, and O party10.5 If either Agreement. performed the :o or i may exercise any defaults '� Both equity, Including or all rights der this remedies eve Parties g the and rat the other il. Party available and agree t o sue fore peC available at specific law at each remedies, ue foparty have ailable o itHoweveras a potential t es necessaryhe nOance. '. notice of the default andpartybeforerightto days `to business dayother party te a montarY rights t • eureperioary dthe faUlcault nnot r aeoncure abl be cured within such default provided h that rag party !shall Y havee cured wit ia non_ and is thereafter the cure is commenced diligently WithinPeriod of time day that the theof default r a npursued on a° cddefauoth at isday cured period to obligation, ulting a y the pa the eve exPenseiog thetefau non-monetary on mo arty shall have the parties bu e t cureddefaulting defaults the right, but yno agree i shall within the aultingdefaulting of the • extent the have-the lien rights time franc) defaults other party at the part ems of this outlined above non-defaulting has not section 10.s are sin insistent n Section 3 (tO ache ,�, • with the n , rY 1 /�3:J/2B/� r • • • q. aruuu/rcct/FnmFsr •6. ` EASIZIO • r� . ll II • • _tea •, • . di • • • • terms of Section 6 above, the to ,s of Section 6 shall govern with n respect to the matters dealt with in Section 6). . GRANTOR! GRANTOR: i. POWBLL-ORILLIA ASSOCIATED, EARNEST STEEL CORPORATION, ' a Washington general alk 0 rr^o.. corporation, partner , • i By:D.0. �,vy i. By: T Its: Ga-vzs'.� e U'/ IK¢n.r U Its: . r 7/�,..s..ws„.•-u . •• . u • 4-4 CV . C7 5 • Fti a, if. 5. II Y: F f • 1365/03:3ra/96 9.MACAU/POUELL/FMUEST •y EASFIGIT� • 1�l • .I : tj .i t1 _ ____—_ • AP• • STATE OF WASHINGTON ) •p ) Ss. .. `` COUNTY OF KING ) on this a2? day of `17244i4 f✓ , 1996, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, j duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared,�.Z�itJ(,tJ-nu..t�.?-, I , known to me to be the .4.e.r...,,,./�r�l. .n�v IT ' of POWELL-ORILLIA ASSOCIATES, the partnership that executed the . foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be i, • the free and voluntary act and deed of said partnership, for the t • " purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was t authorized to execute Said instrument. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence,that the r:. • person appearing before me and making this acknowledgment is the r r person whose true signature appears on this document. f 1 WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and I. year in the certificate above Written. . s�o'«tY. 64ea/ L ,eNGfc. I Lin Print M� . I NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of '"•, .i Washington, residing at • ' :.. '' '� Q? . my commission expires ..7/A0/9o-7.' a,, '', ; " . W _ ... r .l ,y 1 4.•i O 7 .c. 1, 'ti�• 4 . • , y, . • j rrli 0 ; ,; 1366/053:3RE/96 -10- EASe01T4 'P.' RMACAU/POWELL/fARWEST _ ,. m A • STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) i . on this 2. day of -y1.c4.c.k. , 1996, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and, sworn personally appeared ,O. 4. -.i Pg1L ' known to me to be the .(Al dA•.a r A` • of FARWEST STEEL CORPORATION, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the V purposes therein mentioned, and On oath. stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument. • 4. • I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the , person appearing before me and making this acknowledgment is the ; person whose true signature appears on this document. i WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in the certificate above written. . 0 . Slprtw i T. 6;4tee)� L ,eAket 4 • Print Name • CI NOTARY PUBLIC in and for a State of Washington, residing at ; a My commission expires ,9//e 7 - • : : „ i it,r \ ■) u P,1`4 i ndt�.!~ Z ti ` . 1� . 11r P. ir S' 1366/053:3/2/96 -II Man . • OmPL/PAYE W Mzt+EST r-' • IIV 1;t • r � r / = .. . r. • EXHIBIT A • THE EASEMENT AREA.IS DESCRIBED AS A PORTION OF LOT 7 ACCORDING TO THE BURUNGTON NORTHERN BINDING SITE PLAN AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 161 OF SURVEYS AT PAGES 8 THROUGH 11. RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: I � COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7.THENCE SOUTH 87°50'47" I - EAST ALONG THE NORTH UNE THEREOF 268.86 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 87°50'47' EAST 42.37 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 48'34'27" • . WEST 22.39 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 130.00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 37'09'39'AN ARC DISTANCE OF 84.32 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 83°44'06'WEST 224.17 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 7 AND THE EAST MARGIN OF UND AVENUE;THENCE NORTH 02°09'37"EAST ALONG SAID WEST UNE 30.33 FEET;THENCE NORTH 83°44'06"EAST 219.73 FEET TO THE BEGINNING • OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 100.00 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 32°58'28'AN ARC DISTANCE OF 57.68 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 7 AND k THE POINT OF BEGINNING. . CONTAINING 9,126 SQUARE FEET OR 0.21 ACRES MORE OR LESS. • I, :d` E (177 MN �. } • • • 1J 1 • • • I1 _d is :G 1 ' • — L / rw%air1 r.a °cwI�O�1 I A ti ' / SrS11'prli lB.t 4 YFIR1„�,CI ;, r....r T •O I I dr I I nARCA ro QGAvA7ED FOR , / I I1` o wb+tal nav.Ieoe Ors il B-auT w es I' 1t— HBTSO'4TW —��'—�4‘��: / ---- IX svol / PONT OF R ROC 1 151.65' r �' ,.S F R.11.17.1 11014.512 acxptae 1 / . • ~rt. I I izi ELM v je 1 IQ_ �j !' g , . L� .-.JAL .� It.-- �in ®� '� v ,_. : — 2446{' 750'4T5Y ���aIIIIII�7_i `�� _rnr��n —' 1 ' 10'Y t �.� IIIIIIIIII�imp�:.��r•�i1�.Pi MIIIMIND it m�a ' — l r e•. If�yT�_��aZrTit • T CH �`c3a e /„ j.��- a aB'mil.rs Ir, I MDWO's'11.4.7 j I ` e mr uav F705isIC]B' IR¢xnwo Me UN.11 tin I. Z INGRESS/MEM ESIT. irmcu) • I CC MC u COCC001:17101 BALM CCNTAOI STNUCIVpE _ - - . • SGNTGZEU96 • I 1ea • • �� 3 • • • • • Za" • I u - w — —-- H a N H m 1 1 w .1 .. 2-WIN.COMPACTED D[PDE ASPHALT CWQt P CLASS 13- c ' D a' t CCUPACI[D DO,1H fJtll9CD ROC(eas CA • LOW a'WI.=PACIID OEAM ASPHALT TAUTER SASE • TYPICAL SECTION - ACCESS DRIVEWAY ON LOT 7 TO FARWEST STEEL Ili! Ss$I6zCO95 I . f �. • When rewrded return to: Ruhcrt C.MacAulay,E Alston,Cuurtnage.MacAulay&Proctor Ll1' '� o-• 1000 Second Avenue,Suite 3900 0 Seattle,WA 98104-1045 c..a • ° X o • INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT • - "a _ R1 O This Indemnification Agreement ("Agreement") is made effective as of the 28th day of May, 1996 by and between POWELL-ORILLIA � :s ' ASSOCIATES, a Washington general partnership ("POA") , and PARWEST STEEL CORPORATION, an Oregon corporation ("FSC") (individually, an' Indemnitorr and collectively "Indemnitors") , on the one hand, and e, • HCWA REALTY CORP., a; Washington corporation ("HCWA" or g "Indemnitee") , on the other hand. Indemnitors and Indemnitee agree { • to all of the following terms and conditions, including the recitals. SECTION 1: RECITALS. r • 1.1 The Indemnitors entered into an Easement Agreement in g March, 1996, a copy of which . is attached hereto as Exhibit A ("Easement Agreement") , under which Easement Agreement POA grants an easement to FSC over that certain real property (the "Servient Estate") described as f oilows: o "Lot 7, Burlington Northern, a binding site plan, . according to City .of Renton Binding Site Plan recorded 'June 30, 1992 in Volume 161 of Plats, Pages 8 through 11, . inclusive, under King County Recording No. 9206302696." i t: which easement ("Easement") is for the benefit of the land owned by h 0) FSC (the "Dominant Estate") described as follows: 0 , ."Lot B, Burlington) Northern, a binding site plan, • 3 9) according to the City of Renton Binding Site Plan • g 0 recorded June 30, 19i92 in Volume 161 of Plats, Pages 8 . through 11, inclusive, under King County Recording No. y 9206302696; and CI Parcel A of Short Plat No. 378-79, according to short (' plat recorded under King County - Recording No. , r • 7909249001." u s s, 1.2 The Easement Agreement runs with the land and grants certain indemnities to HCWA under Section 4.2 ,of the Easement Agreement covering certain claims, damages, liability, losses 'and l expenses arising out of or in any way related to any damage through F interference with the functioning. of an existing underground storm $ t1 water retention out fall pipe ("Pipe") installed by HCWA across the f Servient Estate-for the benefit of that certain real property (the I "Benefited Estate") owned by HCWA currently and described . as follows: • "Lot 2, Burlington Northern, a binding site plan, s according to the City of Renton Binding Site Plan recorded June 30, 19i 2 in Volume 161 of Plats,. Pages 8 Page 1--INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT 4 i i • . I 1 1 r —_'::►pie'!—r"-,-'- .. ___.-... .. through 11, inclusive, under King County Recording No. 9206302696. " - '?•• 1?,1.3 As HCWA wants its indemnity rights under Section 4.2 of the Easement Agreement set forth in a separate indemnification agreement and the Indemnitors are willing to set forth such agreement, the parties are entering into this Indemnification Agreement to reflect the terms and conditions of such Indemnification Agreement. SECTION 2: GRANT OP INDEMNIFICATION RIGHTS. 2.1 The Indemnitors, hereby jointly and severally agree to indemnify and hold HCWA' 'harmless from and against any and all 6 claims, damages, liabilities, losses and expenses (including i attorneys' fees incurred with or without litigation or on appeal) e. . arising out of or in any way related to any ' damage to or interference with the functioning of the "Pipe" caused by the Road Y work, use of the road or any utility installation or maintenance work undertaken by on or behalf of either Indemnitor. For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Road Work" shall have the meaning given it in the Easement Agreement. 2.2 The indemnity granted in this Agreement shall be co • perpetual in duration. Further, all the terms and conditions of .44 r'? this Agreement shall run with the land and shall inure to the G7 benefit of, be binding upon, the successors and assigns, personal © representatives and heirs of the parties hereto, including without P. CI limitation all subsequent owners of the Benefited, Dominant and 0 Servient Estates and all persons claiming through or under them. SECTION 3: MISCELLANEOUS. n 3.1 If either party to this Agreement consults an attorney in y.ti order to enforce any of the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing t party shall be entitled, to reimbursement by the non-prevailing party of the prevailing party's reasonable costs 'and attorneys' fees; whether such costs and attorneys' fees are incurred with or , 1 without litigation or on appeal. . 3.2 Except for the Easement Agreement, this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the 1 indemnification rights of HCWA. Neither party is relying on any oral or written representation made by the other party or the principals, agents, employees or affiliates of the 'other party unless such representation is expressed in writing in this • Agreement. - Except for ;the Easement Agreement, this Agreement supersedes any prior written agreements between the parties F pertaining to such indemnification rights. This Agreement may be amended only by a writing signed by both parties. Nothing contained herein shall affect aniIndemnitor's rights to seek a" Page 2---INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT . • 1 1 . may.: �..._ ......._ t .__ ._.. • I payment reimbursement or contribution from the other Indemnitor under the Easement Agreement. • 3.3 No claim of waiver, consent or acquiescence with respect to any provision of this Agreement shall be made against either party unless such party has expressly waived, consented or acquiesced in writing. In such latter event, the waiver, consent or acquiescence shall not apply to any future action or inaction. 3.4 Any demand, orinotice given under or in connection with this Agreement shall be in writing and served either personally or sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: To: FSC I Farwest Steel Corporation Attn: David Forester P.O. Box 889 Eugene, OR 97440 With a copy to: Robert A. Stout Hershner, Hunter, Andrews, Neill & Smith, LLP ` P.O. Box 1475 ` • Eugene, OR 97440 UD To POA: Powell-Orillia Associates ' 0D - Attn: Peter Powell C? ' 737 Market Street O • Kirkland, WA 98033 • 1 C With a copy to: I Robert MacAulay C • Alston, Courtnage, u CC MacAulay & Proctor, LLP a GI 1000 2nd Avenue, Suite 3900 Seattle, WA 98104-1045 i To HCWA: HCWA Realty Corp. c/o Home Base 3345 Michelson q Irvine, CA 92715 Attn: Vice President, Real Estate With a copy to: Waban Inc_ One Mercer Road Natick, MA 01760 f Attn: Vice President - General - Counsel 1 1 , t , 7 • 1 Page 3--INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT • l • Or to such other address! as the parties may direct in writing. If mailed, the demand or notice shall be deemed delivered two (2) days after it is placed in the mail. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date above written. POWELL-QRILLIA ASSOCIATES, FARWEST STEEL CORPORATION, a Washin on general partnership an Oregon corporation . i I By: By- fis�.A— Its: (-,e,,.»�•►� , n:17 t- Its: z- 4 HCWA REALTY CORP. , a Washington corporation' By: '5:1 / . ,/�. 2_ . . Its: Authorized Sig a bTV a By: 4JC,4;1 • a Its Pro id 1e1i g Y E . Ori) , C 1 & 7 s a F t . € i • 1 f 1 l • i . I , Page 4--INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT • x a s _... , STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss1. . COUNTY OF RING ) • On this .3l� day of May, 1996, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the state of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn personallyappeared %a'i ,a,_! Ppl t�ct��� Lam'° . , known to me to be the C 4tet2[..e.., it-1 tte-V of POWELL-ORILLIA I ASSOCIATES, the partnership that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said partnership, for the purposes therein - mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument. 1 I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the R person appearing before me and making this acknowledgement is the w person whose true signature appears on this document. WITNESS my hand and, official seal hereto affixed the day andA. year in the certificate above written. F F. y . ... .. s' - .li. 1 STATENOTARY PUBLIC C o WASHINGTON JQ1�/[� �rx 111 e f f� f_: JAtV tSCHMACUL 1 • F . NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State My Appointment nt Expires JUL 1496 ?; of ,/ Washing , residing at f ; s C • My-oommiss ion expires 7. f1O r . 1 co . i • r • . u E I i Page 5--INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT i i maimmmillimmilmong • 1 • r_ COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUS TTS ) Os. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEIC ) • On this kt-41. day of May, 199-6, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public In the come onvealth of Massachusetts , duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared known to me to be t (122d Si natQ�f H WA• e . the corporation . executed the 'r�e�re iHVskdfltrument, ' and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said . instrument. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the person appearing before me and making this acknowledgement is the person whose true signature appears on this document. . WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in the certificate above .written. x. . cxcuwa., E• f �� SSignature • e g Laurie: £ . R: 1e‘i ta. Pr imi ham: c. CD NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the r. residing Co�onvealth :,a a 4ach setts AMA W g at. pal My coranmi sion expire LAtintE. E Rtlfl.'Iy Public C 30. 1009 3 w !e ib 0 22 1 i i , I i 2{ ` ' _ • 1E • I a i Page 6--INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT • ' i • I . • . . i ....__..._..._._.......__-__.__----- STATE OF OREGON ) ss. COUNTY OF LANE ) on this o i-H day of May, 1996, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned • and sworn personally appeared "Q a.t.hsd 4. V9rt5f, , known to me to be • the V tee. Pr<S5d[xrj of FARWEST STEEL • CORPORATION, the corporation that executed the foregoing _: instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the purposes . therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument. I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the ° person appearing before me and making this acknowledgement is the person whose true signature appears on this document. WITNESS my hand and. officti.al seal hereto affixed the day and year in the certificate above written. OFFICIAL SEAL malizAvER • llxwIJA,i2aVCft, FA f K PUSUC-0RE s�oaonc % COAAMlSSIOif . td � MY COMMISSION E)(PIRE$MAY 8 1t g a CO Prim Name a) NOTARY' UBLIC in and for the State Oof 0 e or, residing at mAiro issisin a fires - .1' `. p ti N r l N r I 1 a o t t • 1 Page 7--I i i --INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT - x • i S$LLffL 11� MI. 98053 ' • ' .', `"'' :•'. nip rasoment Agreesiust 0ltgraaaa:tt1) is ne made tkis days '•till� 1 }' Q J�ke� ret, 1996 by end .Betvoe1"7 Par LZ,-a XarogiaTEII s "'',: ;►li4::. Whin , general partnership sarantare analL8 '. :-;. •: Ct7YP011.1 'I."X, a.... Qw,,,� coma ration ("Oran teem). Grantor and Granteeludi gheerecitalsto L, ct the following texas and conditions, gA s. mmQ'llm! It 23C2S'AL6 • 1.1 motor ovca mat Certain real property (the "$ervient A : • • Mstate") described r..a fellows: s Lot '7, 3urlingtcn. Northai'77, A binding site plc , 3 according to City of Renton 3inding -Site P1a1z recorded t • June 30, 1993 in VclUse 161 of plats, Pages 9 through 11, il iaoll:sive; 'under zing County Recording 2zo, 9206302696...07 A ' 1.2 cremes owns that certniis real property y ftbe aDaaimant $ . • r Eatata"} described as falters: 1n\k 0�. C; Lot St 3'4.t.iingtcn Northam, a binding' site plan, CSG according to City of Renton Siding Site Plan recorded June 10, 1992 in Volune 261 of Plats, Pag'ea 6 through inclusive, ender tit Count Recording 11, and inn Y ordin No. 920630269dr Parcel'A of-shot Plat No. 373-79, aocordirg to tho short . ' IF recorded under Ling County Recording.Ho. 7909349001,; . : ' 1.3 IAttached hsret.o es ZY.hibit A is a description of what:� shall hereinafter be re foxrsd to as the "anseaent'Property". . The Easement Property is a Portion of the- Sorvien t Ertate. Attached ��.1, hereto as 72chibit A o E -1 i3 a drawing shoVirg to Preparty • . i with cross-hatchi.-1c. .1,4 Grantee wishes to have access over. and certain utility 0 • rights tstu.�daz t:a Ear.�e;.t i'; :tY. 'Grantor. La vi2Lthg to grant, N rights to Grantee oh the terms and c=ditiohe contained in . O this Agrseneht. CI I Efaiox 2 t 0 r 7.7.6 Nfi . 2.1 ' c b;ect to• the cthe: terms anµ conditions outlined in • tits Area cat,.Cras,tor be_eby grants to G;antae a non-exclusive • . • eaaenent over and urdar ;he r.asasant Property for purposes of (1) obtaining redayt;ia ardor vehicular ingress to areecrace from • . the noa_rt;ti, of ote. And (2) from time to tine ihstallin3 Arid - mldAtdihing .n hm s'-;,sur_ace of the Eaaeaent property atom &aims, • • !►VicevmeW,4,:TC;r _ :fL ti 'CRT.ECOADATRFbU:�7 r; • 'CIS.:TAX NOTspOUIR.EL rJ.NINATION T!7 L5 INSURANCE CO. • A.n tea,tx.'n on IX 1U6714.4VE`; a s 'vyT1j tab n P.O SOY 1+f3 - Ec L VUE WA 4877A • 1 .• . . • • • • • • • •, IT24 . 9i , _ .,- • , . �. • Pare .L.of Ji. . • .„..• . ........ . . : '•1.-1••74:4.1 -- ‘;‘, .-• • t %,,. 'Stu' . . . • . ,...- _ • - • . 1 -.= m.:1 -_,J-V7-.15•xl••• : . . • • ,•• • . ;•,, . •• '• ..-A-c•.• •-..: • • ____ .,..c.•• k.:•,-„,. ...-... : •..gq•-,•:‘ •-•• . ••• - . 1 1 . 14. ..•. ;•••:• • ia.nkbary sewer, electrical, gas talePb0"r cable arid Other utilitk, .. Taro serving the Dominant Iltate. Guoh easement rights shall . • !:.-Atheraitafter be collectively referred to Ai thg naSaMAItteg. i.. .:! • :' ., AZ:•'-. • *- '.' .• . • "!.914•:;-.).,•+. '... 1 fr.1:**" . 2.2 Grantor represents and warrants that•Grantor is the owner. . .„.. the sarviant Estate and has the right to grant the Easements, • .- • %Ond that, eub'ject to the terms of this -Agreement, Grantee has the 11E- . right.to quietly enjoy the Eaaamenta. • -• .. ,. :. ,-. - ... ;.. • . • Easikents.Traoted in this Agreement shall be perpetual in • :4!:dur't4011 • . • •-,.. • . .1.1-1Eig.t1221..4 I CONSTInarr ' • - .. : ' •_.••:..:•;;;:,.. V. 'J.',. 1 . . - . . .1:::' .-4.1 In :consideration for the :hove grant of the Zasememte, ::. ',Grantee hereby ogres: that it sill Gammen:As on or before that day . . • % .: .whiolvis nimaty (90) days at*: receipt of the requioita building . . "Parnitts) in- removal of the raguirwitittImsge, whichever is later, .!. • ,. • • and complete, (fable= to fora majsure delays beyond Grantees . ... ..ramsonable control) on or before that date which is; one 04 Year . •:, . • after the coitehossaot data at Grantees sole expense, the road •,-. ,: : -',.,..1,mFrvwenentaldepicted on liairolt_2, which is attached hereto and -' inocrporatedlharein by this reference (such road improvement work . • VI n 'fr,“tball hereinafter be referred to as the "Road Rork14). Grantee ..ao. ;44thall pursues diligently and in good faith the requisite pits) 1.1 • • .....and the co=sancement and oomplation of the tverdred surcharge Work r• • GI as to yield a cor=encament date or the toed Work that is as to ' close to the date og this agraeoant es is reasonably possible. . . * •:-• Grantee shall •cause the Road Nark to be cospleted in a good•and • ' . wockeenliko sannar, in accordance with all applicable laws . • • • regulatione land Without ondise delay once the Road work has . - , ::.. conseaced. :.,:n additiool Grantee egress to keep the Bervient Estate ': tree ei any liars .erising out of or related to the Road Work, and r.d., . •. ::- it a lien is honethalese riled against the Serviens Estate arising . _ out of or relating to tha Road Work, Grantee agrees to promptly .' . post a bond at Granteeie expense in accordance with the terms of . . :. . tin ' RCW 60.04.14l, as the same ray he emended, sa an to releaCe the • . : servieot ESt:mtas from such lien. Before eigning'any constructiOn .. contracts Ler all or any Fortimx of the Rood Work, Grantee shall. C") . CD .. submit the !name or the proposed =fronton or coatractora • to r,.. . . Grantor, tCgettar with copies of the proposed construction oontract(s) and sohedula(0, all of which shall he sublect to the • . v....i . . . , . -.- review and approval of ,dractor, which approval shall not be :,.....) . • . .unreasonably withheld or dais:lad.. . .. . . . Cl • . • . . . : . 4..2 kVA Eealty cerp,. a Washington oorparetion ("Ncia'ple •.. . . the currant!ovner of Lot 2 ,Burlington Northern, a bihding site' .. plan, aocarding to city of iroltonRinding site slam recorded Junt . .. . . - :. 30, 192 in 'Volume 1,51 of ?latad Pages a through Al, inclueive, • . • : ..- . ' . , • .5 1364C3:1/26,16 . .2- GlitylnJ. . TA14,5%Wro.V..L;kr.4 . .• • . . . . .. - • • •. . .' . • . . . . • • . • • . . - . -. . • - . . . • • . . . . • . . .. . - . . . . . . . • . , • . . . . . . ' . . . . . . • • 1 • . . • : • 1 . - . . . . • . • . . i. 0.11 • • , naituation Ma . . -- _ . ... • . . _ • • •• • I . . . Mkiii • •.....--4-• • • — . . . A: .. • EXHIBIT t1: . .._ Page of Pi • • Coder Kin/ County}teoer3ing No. 1206302696. A portion of the road : described in yvhibit Is Will cross over an existing underground : ..,atom water retehtin±t outfall pipe installed by Hc'A, Grantee and cantor hereby jointly and eevar$lly agree to indemnify and hold . 'NM and its succ sso a, ensigns, agents, employees and invit&w • ;iermLeas tree and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, ". losses and I eases (including att ed fees insured with or ` without litigation or on appaeWarisinl out of or in any Way . •'related to any' damage to or iztarterestco with. the functioning of -. such pipe caimed •by Lt Road i(crk,'uoc or the road ar any utility • installation or maintenance work undertaken by on or on behalf of , i Granted cr Crantor. Grantor and Grantee hereby agree tttat licKA has • L. '"gives suffi^ient consideration for this indemnity and that HCWh may 'rely on this in.ennity even though it in not a party -to this . • ,Agreement• . • • -' , SIMON 5t O77747210 • 5.1 Except, La provided in Section 5.2, any utilities installed Mbar the Tame-_act Property for the benefit of the pcaineirt Estate shall be installed at the sole expense of Grantee •and shall bi naintaiaed in a good condition at the sole eXpanse of Grantee. Similarly, of course, if Granter elects to.install any . • ".i..,, utilities,under (or ahooa) trs Easement Property, ouch shall be • try; •installed end maintained in a good condition at Grantor's awls • •,•' ezpenee, prior to cummsnoing tiny utility inestallation or repair ' ; Mork and prior to Grantor ooilnootina to any utility. systesa • Im.'.,installed by GrrsOtaa pursuant to section 5.2, th.o party visb 'to , ,� 'pertoro the i etallation, repair cr connection •I,•ar)r (hereinafter gcii•referrti to as the *working party°) shall (1) provide the other . . � 4•'pa.tty" Vitt a vritten description of the -work in question. co."': (irioludi;tq; hut • not lta tad to, information- regarding 3dcationilayout,, eiaing and irvLrt), as well as the proposed tiba . • • `: frames within which the work will'be done and (2) use reasonable • good 'faith! efforts to eco Iodate reasonable timing revisions • `^ ▪ „.proposed by the-other party ( he Working Party shall agree to • • conduct iha work in question after nasal bueiream hours It:the Mork Will materially interfere With ei*,hor access or t.te•provision .,of utility Services to tn.a other party's parcel). Small even's, tbe'iIorkingl Party shall (1) take reasonable-steps to minimise-any• . 1 I disruptiwt to the other party 'ca•_aed by the' work in 'Faustian and '' • (2) complete the 'e-rk in a good; and workmanlike canner and in accordance with ell applicable lava,and regulations. moreover, if CZ ' • Grantee is the working Party, Crantee shall not allow any Liens to C.0 • , be filed a ei!tst the -er••viert Estate arising cut of or related-to GI . •fhb Work in question, and if sort a lien is nonetheless riled . : atainat the Se viert 5ata:e, Grantee shall, at Crartee'ti Ro3.5 .a txpansei post a bond in accordannoe with the tame of ZW 60,04.161 . to as to remove the lien from the Servient Estate, If the utility ' • • = ' :ark in quoition,will 3azagt my of the goad Work improveoeftts, the Working Party eh il, orototZy after Cotpletion of the work in .. F t.,:.'••I361/OMt31U11E •3- US[#SW. ..,LU a8/►4f1L/tfOeu • • • • f •, • / 1 • . ! • s: • .rfI _. • 2� •a' I \;, • i , t .•t.,i17tJtir , i u :v+,• __ ...-....Air and • VtNIIii~il',MW i . I • , . /gam 6.C�s 5 •'• _ and at the *Orkifl paty/ �s u� �n aY ware .s:. lace ths Read Yrork ' zavenaats aaa4.�.-=- i prieso kha commencement of the work t ell tiros. be Grantor's expense kshal'alsy utility cyst ti to Pot-nta or at'srtviba arms' !'z ' a ,sit at tan notility Estate vitbe t by 4 intya. a for t?+ e, hook-up fee or other let■caaer A n3 �wtor dodlsini$h 'reimbursement eCla i nyoent, previded that (or Grantor • : : a flea Grantee d ( ) y to an0R expenses incdz�d in -: -hared utility ayatan hii be split betsteest i service to crante$ Nod (2) Coratti their respective mounts of 4. ' age o and Grantee in proportion (however, if the :'n enace vork of ix r of the sYat in question is required due to the negligence or intentional misconductand it the si that party shall bear all repair eXFenu4 in question either ance party, at a point in �a utility not served maintenance �e at the paxtLe, the party that no be aired participate in the repair or maintenance required to pe = be entitled to require Grattca s, -shall not be qui .to expenses) .. the 'a'' Grantoroor all of the utility systems be increase le by Grantee 4p one, odate� Grantor/s nee, provided:!5 that issstal tO by to additional expenses relating to such C� oval ia} Grsustoz pays of its election to 0 ovars ze and utility advise!' aprior to the c ,enceaent• by gtility Y stele (in other wards, ones ' ds Granite a given, ar have the • n Graff®a ,of the stal laticn �� for sbe.11 no longer the system has been installed, • ra right to require avereizthg) 7 _ tt • Y �if� ,. •, veme*'ite shall De maintained 'bY 8,y Ttus Road'good, ;loth ici=a presentable condition and all ties in a Iq°�,. safe, al¢ no. p �sall is split between the Bata incurred i� sucb nai«.e;.anca a. o 21the pe t.ies on a pro rata basis based on the ratio t t� floor • Et4a in all s FOCated an a Pa Y psi el tor Petals and iruil�n3 Moor area h all bn'_ldings bested on both • gatata: �Jztil s h tine a building.is located on #ha servient Grantee, it Gratstees sups + eha11 haveett{•h • rg to undertake �= nei tananee vor)c vithcsst any n right to undertake any requiredtAfter o building is loet�tad•an the C^ #� or consent :roe Grantor.P : Servient Estate, either party shall have the h o.�nderrttke any 1 required rairtena..nca•stark, but no par' Qst3on, the .proposet .advising the other }se.-tt* e= the work in qn tractors oed tieing for such work, the proposed contractor or contractors thereof. If the otbe part pertain the stark and taothe propos4'd6timing, coat {including party seasonably objects t or contractor or the' allocation thereof -- sae Section' 6.2 below} a parties shall need for t?ie maintenance work in gnaation, the p _ ~ hark . endeavor in good faith to settle their ''ifferenraa bEtore t_e is cosean�l, and it they Ina •..`labia to do so, they vill irplesent • 1i f . . i .. . . • e EXHIBI Pare of J± tiort 6. to the n itration pmaedure described baiov in ' Z! the determine whether the objection is question is reasonible.it shall e • 1 ' :arbitrator determines that the orb test air ction iauaatancr�e b ea 51•- its any enter the appropriate order undo ILange in ,' Order bidding, a d..iny in tha coamencseent of the work, u n nt to the ccntraotor, a disproportionate sharing of $ p rrua the work i • •: terns of section 6.2 below, ate., or it may . ,,!.peed not be done at al'-). :' aril: ma�ntenancO , �.4 Notwithstanding— tho foregoing, hoveY6r� -. work required ;bY the negligence or intmntienal dr invitees, hall qr k party's employees, tenants, ag. •, party) e paid tor solely by such p rtY ' 6.3 With, regard to maintenance work done in aesoorda svit •'` hall .t.he terse of sections 5.2 or 6.1 above, the instigating pasty t; for its share cf the cost Of su:]s Work ti 3rge3re the other party 130 cave aitier co i,1ation oi! such work ••- ttititin one hundred eight {- ) •• ': -and, if the party being invoiced is Granter, such is:voiees shall be • 1 y,� .,t..eceosrpanied by a full lien release frog the general cantrac for who r question. The invoica3 ga .Y shall i d) ..Yea ras¢ponsible for the wok its quai its pro rata share of the coot in question within fifteen (1.5) ! ;PLY ,, : rar lie with the tar of the • .. da a After the irsa�igat 1' jC7 immediately preceding sentence. If the invoiced pasty fails to :tcsi1 ; *:tyke•auah payment within such 15 day period, the sun in guestion o .!.:shall begin to ssdcr a interest at the rate ofn by'primeSeatt a a of -chargeda In a_A the time H in ive question (5t) 8 f ,. • '+•:'interest oval sank)sorbs n sroz..,'�+ rod through the date of• p yn nt• -rIn ;' the and ei sorb 15 day P'=x1 •addition, any eucb-ciria for reimbursement by the uv0icing be a .party, together with the above-3esoribod interest, ~: xlt and a UlmUlmahsl7 attach and to sn recty'ordation the W • gh;* the below-descrtad =lain o_. lie by the invoicing Per • v ; Xing County 8ece der'a office. red claim of lien shalla include eathe .-•followitag: (i) the :sue of the claimant. (- ) �' Concerningthe basis of the Clain of the lien: (iii) the last known'.-�= .name and address of .the crner or reputed owner of the•P ^; -against.vhiohl the lienis claimed: (iv). a description of t a real - • • property against whicL.tbe lien ia•cla'aod: (v; a -descziptien•oi • - :'• the work pesforssd. or payment made which :sans given ripe• to the : . claiu of lien bere-usder and.a statement itemizing the amount • :hereof/ Qom' '(vil a statement that the lien is claimed pursuant to • • ''• the terms of this 7,greeaent recitiog the recordation number of this ' v� ..,Agreamont. The claim ct Lien shall b•e duly acknowledged and shell arntain a certificate that a copy thereof has been ces aalues vies owner against whom t`e lien la claimed, either by perso from il= • ar by mailing to such owner by certified mail sentXing . • -•Coutsty,-waehingtcn, Tta lien so claimed aha11 Attach from the date ai rsao -tine solely in `ha aaa nt claimed thereby e d is hereby enforced by I suit, under power of sale (which P y • r�rented), judicial foreclosure or in any other manner allowed by usa:a333ra"ss nucx::ro-kws+.r{W? • i • .rmerexti • ram, EXHIBITIII !1 . • 1 • : x _ Page _5:AC • lint the foreclosure of lions, Any amar ' of the power or ted in sec co with the Lavr s ' . -•psi. :,.' foreclosure shall be 1 dG to the is• ioft pavans at :. ol t States of ltal3ktis�9top and dsods of trust.. It )„ '' sale in or ior6plosdxae a_ mart/agesappointed the trust.* '::, .st hereby app s.:. :,sy�iropria�, of ircvoicis7? PAY of salt, Kith tuU right of far' rposde of exercising suehsuch liana Waal be , ' substitution, Ratvithsttonding t,.e foregoing, i. 1 . subordinate to any 'mortgage or dead of trust given in good faith and for vacua or hereafter encumbering the property aubjac • provided suCh mortgage or deed of trust Woe recorded to the 11sn, 8 of the loan, and any purchaser at iffy• prior to th® recording' as an grantee by deed in =qrm offsara or trostsa a eels (as veil y prior mortgage or trustee's Sala) updar any lieu trascloaaz's or trus r f any such then existing dead of trust aheli'trke free and alercvis o4 na cf this l�jrea3nanf:. • lien, t o±e±vie9 :object to the p to• resolve their differences as 6.4 If the pdi-•trite are unable r� 6,1 cx 6.2, the disputd to an issue arising out of 6eCtionrt $• aha11. be :solved by single-arbitrator arbitraon before at the yh l.eeXican Arbitration r•ssasiatie ,e fatal commercialunder the date Arbitration ration w. a) ltul0s modified; as fines: (i) 38 days: ri fat atbibratio*► to f final award chois�+ by the cenYArbitrtticz� Te (it) the Arbitrator s of lists tnd subject to challenge N .- onlyforioA caul a submittal(iii) all notices may be by telephone or other saz good sense sh„ rith later confirmation in writing/ olec,aron-c c'az�—icati a of the be rihq shall be net by the ', (iv) the time, data. and place discretion, provided ben there shall Arbitrator in isle (5 bar s 1 notice of the hearing% (v) there beat be pout (5) ' Y prior i shall ba no pgat-2tearJ'+9 briefs; (vi) dare ethslA bitpadt�c hzi5lt except by order of the Arbitrator; and dnvii)3Iiu the crate of the • ' issue his or her award within seven (7) be modified of be • - braring•. •Aiiy of the above provisions may y 'utipulstion of the parties, The decitaian of the Arbitrator shall be final and non-appealable rti� hereby release the Arbitrator • enforceable. in any court of • .. -ti aoape ;t jurisdlotion. The parties;� any nny and all claims or possible claps: agai:t�ct hrbittor Cr) based. on the decision of the Arbitrator. 1ta prevailing Lr ,C the proosedih3 shall be awarded reasonable attorneys: a, ert t and non..exgatt votress casts and experaeo, and otherQ expenses inctirxnd in connection with the arbitration,. united the, • e •_'Arbitrator for good cause determines otherwise. Th costs and,f■es of the Arbitrator shall be. borne by the non-prevailing party/• uniees the.Aubitrator :or goo` cause deter�ren otherwise; y :. 1�Qaiz 7 r _8 E j = reonent here' agrees 'to indemnify and . • Each partrr o t�.8 h5 against any and all of ilas, hold the other party `z= ®5b froth and fees- .. damages, liabilities and expenses (including attorneys' or without litigation or on appeal) arising out of or incurred v ith . ' l 1sda,ns3:ura j- E,lauuri .. pµtsuro.r.:.m? ! • v '` ' a f a 'fry mostfei Tina • 1� •, s�� . • .EXH181T Page, of • 1 ' ' .i in shy way related to the cam of the Easement pry=t'Y by the , r. indaunifyifg party', its employees, tenants, agents or ibvl't.ea, . • •Xot itt tandinq the foregoing, it the clams, damages, liabilities ,- ..• aod"expeueee so eriming ore caused by the concurrent negligence of both Sortie their inployeus, tenants, agents' or invitees, each ' •.patty obeli I iMcnnify the other orgy to the extent of the __. . indemnifYiaq party's oar:negligence cr that of its agents, ttfarite, 4 ,enplay.en dr invitees. The foregoing indemnity'is apecificslly and exprefe1y intende4.to constitute e.waiver of each party's immunity tinder Industrial insurance Title SI P. W, to the extent necessary }.o • ' ' ;-, provide the indemnified party with a complete indemnity for the . • Zeg1ilenae at the indemnifying party's gaployeee, to the extent of their negligence, end has been the subject of specific negotiation .. • between the l parties. xatvitheteniiisg the joint and several • ' liability language vie a vie 5Cf , as outlined in Section 4.2 ; . - • abavel efp claims 'gads by HCAX under the section 4,2 indemnity . ,Hall. to alienated between Grantor and :mates in eeoowdanos With •.the terms at t .ie Section 7. A: • CI $t SQX f z �S1YllrfOl oi'fti�i'9 . . .•;: • •OS y czantorlhareby reserves the right to u48 the zeeameht Property •it •N however it wishes (including the right to cone-tract improvements ,' r :° ari; corder ar,1 sbeee the Zane:cent Property) provided such use doss ., , -. not' materially or unreasonably interfere with Grantee's above .177 .g ented rights under the basements, In addition, Grrstor hereby . resexvee all other righte it end to the Easement property not • : speciticallyi grants' to Grantee herein. � rag a, evO Z59on � mass . ' A17. ot the .tarsi and Conditions of this Agreement shall ruti with the land and shall inure to the benefit ot, and be binding • upon the succeeeors ar4 'enigma, personal repraOntetiyea artd -• heirs ee the parties hereto, including without limitation ell subsequent cwaera cf the Doianant and Servi,ent Estates end,•ell • • :i person claiming t' reagh or under them. • • E11=9.2 lb a KIBC5I,I,' MIL C ;l} . • 10.1 If either party t: this Agreement COh Ult.Z an attorney in • CD ! • order to an>'nroa any of the tarns cf this Agreement,. the prevailing r% ti ,, party •shad' be entitles to reirlurBement by the non-prevailing • . ,7., ; , party o: tha prevailing party's 7reasenable Costs. and attorneys' . ? teee, vhethar Vest costs and attorneys' teas. are'inairred with er ./ vitiseut litigation or on appeeL rem the extent•inconaiatent with - the foregoing, t..hs term of section 6.4 shall govern over the • foregoing lath rpcard to tlt arbitration procedure described in • Section 6.4) . • • • ' "s r fluntlanatii •t• Gsoalt4 . • V szxli VfJ.�.frmer: e 1 i4 Amour • .. i .. 2 9 • 19 ______ -. . . _.. ..EXHIBFT `,a.. — • 10.1 Thiel Agreeuent eonetitutes the entire agree cart of the • 'parties with respect to the reseeeut Property. Neither party is reiyi-q on any oral or written repreeentatioe xade,by the other e...-: perty or the principals, •xgente, oap1ayee.e or affiliates' of the , • other party unas= yaws representation is axprartserd in writing in this Agree ant. This Agreement aauupp+erssdes any prior written as-rsextenta betw.en the parties pertaining to the Iaaazsant Property. •. ' ' Thin Agree set may be Amended only by a writing signed by bath • • ,' partiee. • , 10.3 go claim of waiver, ooneent or acquiescence with respect . to any provision of this agree art shall be ads against either •. . party u.al.nas such party boa axpresseLy waived, consented or . acquiesced In vritimq. In such latter event, the waiver, ..consent ' or ecquieesosnce shall net apply to ally future action! or inaction. • 10.4 ThisJeireemeet es the result of aubs'tantial negot:iatiorsa • between nod I input free/ hott parties and tbeir reepective counsel. Consequently, this 1,rl-aamant shall be conatrtled in accordance with . el the fair intent of the language contathed herein as a whole, and . : not Tar cr against any party, :regardless of who. perfornsd the . we '' bechanical function of :rafting this agreement, ee 10.5 If either party defaults under this Agreement, the other party may ex,arcise anu or all rights and reediee available at lax . ee or in equity, ineledi'x3 the right to cue for specific perfcrmanoe. i Both parties acknowledge and eg2'ee that it le necessary that well party have available to it as a potential remedy the right to sus •• ' for specific paxfcrranae. However, before exercising any rights or remedies, each party shall give the other party %mitten Notice of the defaultland five (5) bueinees cayu to cure a monetary default • and thirty /(30) days to a:.:a a nod-monetary default (if a von- ,•,nonetary default taann e. i ot roably be cured within Ruch 30 day ' el period, the Idefeelting party shall have a longer period of time to o'srr'provided that the cern is coaaanead ritbi.sf the .30 day period • and is thereafter' diliga/lei' pereued to c mpleticn). In the event .. • :• of a moaete y.default or a non-monetary default that is cured At • L.4 -- the eepenaa lof the eon-dela: t{ng party (the parties hereby agree that the son-defaulting party shall have the right, hat not the . obligation, 11to core nonexenatery defaults of the other party at the ' expense of the defaulting party if the defaulting party hes ant C .::..cured vithth the required tire frame)) the non-detaU tiny party:ball hive the lien rights outlieee rbovee in section 6.3 (to the . extent the tares of tide Sectite 10.5 are in eneiatent with the . f a44/117:3(Z 4Jsb a• [Aaiun nc • :;;': 'elµGt J,,o.aLL;fkti,£tT . ' -y . 1r _ - •I • • • f F. M*ie ` • , - • • • • ris • Page i_of l . . . . _... . — e•••••., . ' • . . •. . ' • . . 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'peon whosa trkta aiintturs appears om thief doommot. • . • • ... • WITNESS ry hand and oftizial veal hereto affixed the day and • . .year in the certificate annve writtan, • . . • (11.444--rid),64.1_,*-41.e._) . . - sirwum • ei48e/ 4 $eptfuef4._., _.-. l'.., • , c•I .'. . . PI IM Ian .uO • NOTARY PuBLIC La and for the StILtioolikl.\;N, ' ri. Washington, rasidin5 at ;:e4.."Ef0.0.4+,--2(4,;;,:q • . n •,* xy eo=assioe expires V/a/96.7," OF,. ''t -,:' • °I.tr ', 0 • . !. 7 • ) %4,••e! . /40, . A., • . ,;x .: . %. •••, • .:'.• 4, • • . , • 1;4T„ ,,no,) • • • . . . CI . • M . • • • ....., , 1..s ' M S . 0 . ." • .. . . Pei . , .: • . • r" • - . ! - ' 's c•• . ' •. . . • • - • •• . . . • •::- • i• : . • • . . . • • • . •, ,..•' • . .. tIanIS:10:24114 ' -11- • . • • - . bi4=frthel.41.11r4s1 . . . • . ' . . , . . . . 1—..........-. ...— —..—... ....................—..—............morm...m.r. . • ' . - .• .• . • . . • • s • • . • • . • . . . • • . • I • . . ' • • .. . . '• • . . . • • . .- . 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VI sir.5+•i Ts i , ri.nt mama ,a Slats o= "l N;;:A.n:' PUBLIC is and for sl Waahthgtof, ;aaiding rt __� • • sir Hy oo isniaa gizmo ,;. • • ,‘ •�?. .` • T. . . �C• , „ b, • V i ,. • .• . J N • .1 ate✓ - ' V f • , • ElttJlflli • i . • tr13441.1e.J113 MI - _Q„•- p J — , • IV:.,. Page �.of..:Y. I _• Z'Sz,&tSr #IL.A> ISSCRT�SA b9 11.• FO}I;iON Or LOT 7 ACCORDING TO THE EVFtJNGTON NOR T 12a 4 1gh'D1P 3 SITE FLAN•A S ilE 0E0 DIVOLUM 181 OF stgOdiVe AT PELiES B THROUGH 11, REW.ROS OF KING CDU4r , WASHINGTON DESCRIBED ASPO LOWS; CoMMEN:sNI AT Ti NOIr;WE5r CCRNZGI C•$AID LOT 7,THENCE SOUTH a7'SO'47• EAST ALONG THE f CATH UNE ThEDF 258.3E FEET TO THE paarr OF 95311k 43: THENCE count U1tLG S• 'iti 87.3C'47' fAST 4,2.87 FEET:T'il&Jf BOUTS 48'34'27' WEST 2234 FEET Tv TiiB BEGI7�NNIN3 OF A CURYE TO T-LS RIGHT 1�4W4t3 A RADIUS OF 130.C4 FEET''1'�1FINCH A CE.'tT+ ANGLE Or 37'a'r'39'AN ARC DISTANCE OF S4.32 • FEET;THENCE SOUTH;3'44`05' 'NeST 224.17 FAT TO THE WEST UNE OF SAIO tOT 7 . AND 1HB EAST MARGIN OF LNiO AVE'JE;THE`iCE NORTH 02.1)&17'EAST ALONG SAID vit3T LINEX1.33 FEET;THENCE NORTH Ell 44 O EAST 21L.75 HET THE BEGINNING • OF A CLEW TO THE IIJ:T WAVING:A RAMC.S OF I O&CO fE T THADUCH A CENTRAL.ANGLE aF 32'58'28'AN ARC CISTAIVC6 OF 87.58'FEET TO T1i'E NORTH u 1 OF SAID LOT 7 AND 'THE POINT OF am:Nir Q. Z. 1 CONTAlN1HG 0,12.E SO1JARE'FEET OR DalACG+.`.S U WE OR LESS. . . 1 I • . • . t • • , ' ell. I, • . ninth!tin IV) EXHIBIT III •---- Page IL- oi.�i :_ - F. • • 'S • X m .' .. I I _ f.— . esrnYlYu�wl�anw,,�.7��c� � `' ... v'Iwaticif-vR V vuca=Y r ` `t SS i �_ • • 11'51 • Y-.• f ,K,�x»�»r ho,.AwlEl•PM . tati 1 f ,.w.M ncc_„ t Y r / s�u[r 1.scKn -.. I4: rolr •f -{ ` i. - !f _rov,tr tic.rw.w . / 7. • r . ! y. c.t o n..a . -� • FLI .L // �f�•� ISSuR ,...4":""? _ .i g IMXNF-�.q •1 u. �! � ram^.^:•_ j��-��. � / {tlq ii., i r n.». : ll r T[.�a r Le2. • • �3 � k !�� _�*►� ' `. 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'Tw **************************************************.************** City of Renton WA Reprinted: 01/04/00 14 :23 Receipt **************************************************************** Receipt Number: R0000032 Amount: 1, 500 . 00 01/04/00 14 :23 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: 28580 HDA Init: JEJ Project #: LUA00-002 Type: LUA Land Use Actions • Parcel No: 125380-0211 rij Site Address : 201 SW 34TH S Total Fees : 1, 500 . 00 This Payment 1, 500 . 00 Total ALL Pmts: 1, 500. 00 Balance: . 00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 000 .345 . 81. 00 . 0007 Environmental Review 500 . 00 000 .345 . 81. 00 . 0017 Site Plan Approval 1, 000 . 00 } yy yyyyyy.Lyyyyyyyyy y yy yyyy yyyyy.yyy yJy yy yyy y ******R A*M1 !� X R !� R F T R R l{ l{ l{ ]. ]. R********M1****.t J{*!I� !l Il l�*!. Jl F A T Jl J. la A A 1C]{*]C*�C*l{ City of Renton WA Receipt **************************************************************** Receipt Number: R0000033 Amount: 3 .30 01/04/00 14 :24 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: 1598 ZACHAU Init: JEJ Project #: LUA00-002 Type: LUA Land Use Actions Parcel No: 125380-0211 Site Address : 201 SW 34TH ST Total Fees: 1, 503 .30 This Payment 3 . 30 Total ALL Pmts: 1, 503 . 30 Balance: . 00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount 000 . 05 .519 . 90 .42 . 1 Postage 3 .30 00 -.002- ,(Lit ) •- TERRA ASSOCIATES, Inc. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and . Environmental Earth Sciences . , December 30, 1999 • . ,,,,r;-.7,---f 7'7 n,', ':' ,-';, Project No. T-3064-2 Mr. Carl Hutchinson S DEO! OF,2,''ENT PLM1`.':1C.i . Farwest Steel Corporation .4116-0 CM'OF RENTCN P.O.Box 889 Eugene, Oregon 97440 ji-IN U Subject Farwest Steel Corporation F L. -r---CEVED Renton Warehouse,Phase II 201 SW 34th Street . Renton,Washington . . Reference: Geotechnical Report,Farwe t Steel, SW 34th Street, Renton,Washington,prepared by Terra — Associates,Inc.,Project NO.T-3064,dated February 1, 1996 Dear Mr.Hutchinson: . As we understand, plans are underway for construction of Bay 3 at your Renton facility. We originally provided ,- , geotechnical engineering design and construction recommendations for the project, which are summarized in the .• referenced report Based on.our review, geotechnical recommendations outlined in the referenced report will be r ' applicable for the Bay 3 expansion. One r vision in the recommendations is required with respect`to seismic • • design parameters outlined in the Uniform Building Code (UBC) :Under the current 1997 UBC, for seismic ;design considerations,from Table 16.1-;a soil profile type SD Should,beused: '.' ' , , - ' ' • _ :. The existing facility was constructed in 1996 to:1007. Grading,and surcharging'for preparation of the building pad at that time included the Bay 3 expansion area. Therefore, additional surcharging of the site as recommended' • in the referenced.geotechnical report will not be required:andcOnstruction'can proceed at any time. . . . , . _ .... ,. r• ._. ,.4._,..s.:,.. ,_,.• i -We this_ tteaniljirrgt" 'resented is sufficient for your current needs. Should you have any questions or require add' orma,, 4( e call. - , . • i _ —..rkatq ril .'• T AS 6 6,4.e4, ES,p1,-.. ' , 41,r42 i ri. , A, 7.. 46:,... ..10;i4 ,,,,:i. , /2---.30-9V ) .. . ',•,.;,.zly-,4 Y live -...., Theodore =?;``.. ,0, 43-6 ; 1.E. -' P i ] cc:. : Mr. Cliff Williams,Horton Dennis and Associates;Inc. 12525 Willows Rold, Suite 101, Kirkland, Washington 98034 • , Phone (425) 821-7777 • ax (425) 821-4334 • terra@terra-associates.com , fig6ei.w ' Gib C JM'i 0=4 2«u ., -RRECEP/ ® CEOTECHNICAL •REPORT-= ws• Faret Steel.. -SW 34th Street . 4 • Renton Washi'n ton g • • .Project No'. Tr3064 r •rL .::?�:':°::F:::3?:::3:�<i:;:FAO::::``.}:�.:'+.:::v:`..:'.'..`...:;��� vyy: :.'.......:::.::::::4:.rn»:::::.:::nrrrrr:invn:r:!ittrv:::: .i' .;...: • i — :.::... .::,K.'':?i'S$'c`{L/•.i f ' Y . . . a . - ' 1t3r3: ., N.''''.,`"-. . f ,,.. Terra Associates, Inc: 'r ao, e';r .:.. .fa:.f 11s5k; ......,......... .....:.. r. .. ...:..,.... ,.:.:.:».. ...:::. : »:.r........................ ..,.;:;'r :,.:. ::;:.;.:.,.::..:o.o.;.;:.i,..�: .::r..r ;;; ,.i rss. n, ... X . ;;': d��f• Preparer: ' '. Far,tiest ;Steel,Corporation`' Eugene, Oregon February 151 99• • ' f= .,<.r..r::rr:f.................:.... ...>.. ...x?;?:ss:::z>::Y:s::r:<.:.r..:,...:.:o;:::::;s ;:::!i.';i :sss,':s: ::::?S:'J�:<•. ::>:3%%�Y%' ....:.:.. �;rrr:;o:orrrr:orr,..:::Y.. ff:»<:rt: ; ............»..a,. ...... ' <' . ;,.; TERRA; ASSOCIATES' �''",4c;z .r:; ..;?:�a::..: f �fi_U�c't;:i 1��=�:'.�..����! � �:2.-.,a•,la'�G , '`:, :,'<? - ,. 'k < C6i1'C�F'fc�s �Crim '''', Consultants in GeotechnicalEngineering; Geology, • and Environmental Earth Sciences °��)v ��`�' R E WED .February 1, 1996 ,. : Project No.T-3064" Mr. Dave Forester ' • Farwest Steel Corporation P:O._Box 889 . . Eugene, Oregon•97440 Subject: Geotechnical Report , Farwest Steel SW 34th Street Renton,Washington _ _ - : Dear Mr..Forester. .. . As requested, we have conducted a geotechnical engineering study for the subject.project. The attached' • - report presents our findings and recommendations for the geotechnical:aspects of project design and -, • • construction: - - In general,the site is underlain by five to six-feet of dense granular-fill over several feet of organic silt or. ` ' ' peat. The organic silt and peat are underlain by medium dense to dense alluvial sands. A six to seven - foot thick layer,of Very soft silty•clay is p resent'at'a depth of about 32 feet below'existing site.grades: Medium dense silty sand underlies the very soft silty clay.. , To-reduce post-construction settlements to tolerable levels, we recommend that,the building area be,pre- • loaded'with'a,surcharge fill. Following" uccessful completion of the surcharge program,,the proposed . . steel fabrication facility may be const cted using.conventional. spread footings placed on the new structural fill pad. The:intolerance.of the:rail cranes'to,foundation settlement,requires using a pile foundation. The piles:must extend through.the very soft silty clay found at a depth of 32 feet in order to minimize the potential,impact to them from differential+settlementracross the site.as a result of long term' compression of the silty clay. ‘ • - - • • 12525 Willows Road, Suite 101, Kirkland,Washington 98034, :- ' Phone (425) 821-7777• Fax (425) 821-4334 •:terra@terra;associates.com Mr. Dave Forester : . . - February 1, 1996 We appreciate the opportunity to be of service during the initial design phase of this project and look ( forward to working with you during the design and construction phases. .We trust the information presented in this report is sufficient for your current needs. If you have any questions or need additional , ' information,please call. , , Sincerely yours,'. _ - TERRA'ASSOCIATES,INC. fi : /e&v - 1- /.Ja A , ' : KevinJP* bets : •�. �te� �4"° ` Pr,,,,, ng ne—, s,,,_ i'o ore rer; P�E ; : KP , c �. S 1V74', t 'x eece Horton Dennis and Associates, Inc. - Project No. T=3064 Page No. ii_ , • ' TABLE OF CONTENTS Pace 1-.0 Project Description; T 2.0 . Scope of Work 1 3.0 Site Conditions 2 - 3.1. Surface 2 3.2 Soils 2 3.3 Groundwater 3 . 3.4 ' Seismic Hazards 3 - 4.0 ' Discussion and_Recomm-ndations : 3 4;1 General 3 4.2 Site Preparation and Grading 4 4.3 Surcharge and Settlements 5 - - 4.4 Spread Footing Foundations 7 4.5 Rail Crane Foun ation-Steel H-Piles ' . 7 4.6 Rail Crane Foundation-Augercast Piling 8 4.7 Slab-on-grade Floors 8 , - 4.8 Excavations. 9 4.9 Utilities 9 , 4.10 Lateral Earth Pressures _ 9 4.1=1 : Drainage" 10' 4.12 Pavements 10 5.0 Additional Services 11 •6.0 • Limitations Figures Vicinity Map ; Figure.l Exploration'Location Plan ;, Figure 2 Typical Settlement Marker Detail Figure 3 • Reinforced Soil Wall Section Figure 4 Appendix " Field Exploration and Laboratory`Testing - Appendix A • !11 , ,Geotechnical Report Farwest Steel SW.34th Street Renton; Washington . 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project will.consist of constructing a n w steel fabrication'plant in Renton,Washington. The location of the project site is shown'on the Vicinity Map, Figure 1. A conceptual site plan dated November 15; 1995,'shows • the location of the 96,000'square foot steel'fabrication building and an attached 4,000 square foot office space. Finished floor grades:are.expected to be seven to eight feet above existing site grades. Access.to the building will be from the south from an easement connecting to Lind Avenue.: Traffic:loading is expected to be heavy along the'easement and in Parking areas at the.perimeter of the structure. . • The steel fabrication facility will consist of steel-frame construction With dock-high floors. We understand that thelower portion of the periineter.walls may be constructed using pre-cast concrete tilt-up wall panels, with the ' upper portion finished with a metal skin exterior. Floor loadings are expected to be.relatively high, possibly 800 to r 1,000 pounds per square foot (psf). W understand you wish,to support-the building using,a.spread`footing foundation. Overhead rail cranes will also be used in the facility for,interior transport of materials and products. . We understand the cranes have a low tolerance for differential settlement. The recommendations in the following se ions of this report are based on our understanding of the"project's.., design features:.'We should review final desigri drawings and specifications to verify that our recommendations. . have been properly interpreted and incorporated into project design. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK. , On January. 9 through; 11, 1996,.we,drilled six test borings at the site to.depths ranging between 9 and 59 feet below existing.:site grades'.' Using the ' ormation obtained from the 'subsurface'exploration, we,performed ' analyses.to develop geotechnical recomme;dations for project design and;construction.. Specifically,this report addresses e f 1 th o lowiri Soil and groundwater conditions • • Site preparation and grading , , • Foundation alternatives • • • - Surcharge and settlements • Lateral earth pressures_ ' • Slab-on-grade floors ..' = - ' • Utilities • Pavements • Drainage requirements,. ' • .. , ' February 1,;1996 ' Project No. T-3064 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS 3.1' 1 Surface. : " The subject site is located on SW:34th Street between,Lind Avenue and the East Valley Highway in Renton; - 'Washington. This location is shown on Figure 1: The site is bounded to the south and north by a HomeBase store`and SW 34th Street,respectively. ,0 en,undeveloped parcels bound the site on the east and west: Thei site and vicinity are flat We noted a large pile of fill and debris near the northwestern corner of the site. _ An absence of vegetation indicated that rellatively recent grading-.was completed over the central and western' portions of the Site. The southwestern antIi eastern portions,'of the site,contained areas of standing water and' were vegetated with sparse grasses. The proposed:access easement area in the vicinity of Boring B-2 was flat - and contained very sparse grasses and some standing water.' - Two existing railroad,spur tracks enter the property from the north and curve westward within the property to join a,railroad line,extending west across'Lind Avenue. the tracks were. raised slightly above surrounding 'grades. Shallow ditches filled with standing water were observed to each of the spur lines. 'No other , obvious signs,of surface water drainage were observed at the site. 3.2 Soils. _ The soil conditions at the site generally consist of silty sand and sand•with gravel fill overlying-a variably thick layer of compressible peat or organic clayey silt. The compressible soils.were underlain-by'generally competent sand deposits. The sand was found overlying.loose to medium dense silty-sand, with a layer:of very soft silty clay present at the northern portion of.the site at a depth of about 32 feet: `. All of our borings showed fill soil comprised;of gravelly to silty sand to depths"ranging.from four to.,seven feet. • ' This material:was,generally dense but became loose near the.contact with the underlying native clayey silt and . _ - peat. The compressible native soil under e.fill consisted mostly of gray to brown-gray,.soft to stiff organic ' silt, and-.-silty clay.occurring to depths o eight to nine feet. As shown by Boring B-1 dark brown soft'to : medium stiff peat underlies..the fill to a depth of about 12 feet at the southern portion of the site: , We observedblack medium•dense to very.dense sand underlying the compressible;strata. At Borings B-1 and 13- 6; we found dark"gray silty sand with shell thatwas loose to medium•dense at•.a depth of about36 feet. Boring • B-5 also showed gray very soft silty clay itlrshells overlying the gray silty sand between depths of about 30 and 37 feet. All borings were terminated within the black medium dense to very_dense sand or gray medium • dense silty sand with shells. Figures A-2-lirough.A-7'in Appendix A present more detailed,descriptions of the - : subsurface conditions-en countered in the test borings. . The approximate test boring locations are shown on Figure 2. Page No:`2. . :. -February 1 1996 Project No.`T-3064 . • The.Geologic Map'of the Renton Quadrangle, King County,-Washington by,D:R. Mullmeaux.(1965) shows. 'that:the,soils are mapped:as;peat (Qlp).;" Thee-peat encountered in Boring I3.1 correlates with the published description. However,the native-organic silt and clay underlying.,the fill'at the site correlates better with the • description of the nearby mapped alluvium(Qaw): „ 3.3' Groundwater • We encountered;groundwater in all of the test borin• gs.,at depths .rangin• g g• round•.+surface.'to se•ven feet. Some of the-, groundwater:encountered-near the ground-surface appeared to consist of a' perched zone of infiltration from recent heavy rains. In general,the groundwater table was found at depths ranging between four • and seven feet.; ' Due to its flat nature,trouridwater:depths are not'expected to vary significantly over the site. However, we , expect;some seasonal fluctuations in the p sition of the groundwater table - 3.4 Seismic Hazards _ The Puget Sound area falls within Seismic Zone 3 as classified by the Uniform Building Code.(UBC) Based on , the soil conditions encountered and the lOcral geology, Table 16-J of the 1994,UBC iridicates.a"site coefficient of '1.5 should be used in design of the structu e. - • We reviewed,the results of,our field and b oratory testing in order to assess the potential for liquefaction of:the; , 'Site's soils during an earthquake. Liquefaction is,a phenomenon where there is a reduction or.complete loss of soil strength due.to an increase in-pore waIler pressure induced by.vibrations from a seismic.event: •,Based on the information obtained and considering the additional:confuting stresses from the building and fill weight, it is our opinion that the risk of liquefaction-relate .impacts to the structure are minimal: ; - 4.0 DISCUSSION AND RECOM !ENDATIONS • 4:1, General • Based on our study,:in our opnuon, there are no geotechnical constraints that would preclude construction'of the - proposed steel fabricationtfacility.. For building loads,the primary geotechnical concern for construction at thus' site is the three to five foot thick layer.of'organic silt and peat at depths of 6-to-12 feet exi sting grades: ` - With-these'conditions, a surcharge.progr" will•need 'to:be,completed ity order to support the facility using_ - ' standard`spread ,footing.,construction. : •e 'purpose, of the surcharge"•is.to consolidate,the compressible:.soil layers to limit post-construction settlements to'an amount that the structure can tolerate • Page No:3 • = February 1,-1996 Project No: T-3064 -The overhead rail crane's intolerance of settlement imposes additional geotechriical constraints on the design and placement of its foundation..'Though competent sands underlie the organic Clayey silt and peat at the site, these sands 'are underlain by a seven;footthicic layer of-very soft silty clay at;a depth of 30 feet. Our analysis indicates that the site will,experience long-term tOtal and differential settlement as:this-layer consolidates under } the building and fill pad loads..While these long;term settlements may be tolerated by:the building, we expect their magnitude to exceed what could be tolerated by the crane. =It will therefore-be necessary to transfer the crane's loads through the competent sands and underlying very soft silt to the'medium dense to dense sand and silty,sand. . The following sections provide detailed recommendations "regarding the,above issues and other geotechnical - design considerations. These recommeridations 'should be incorporated, into the final design drawings and construction specifications. 4.2 Site Preparation.and,Grading Following clearing,the fill surface should be proofrolled with heavy construction equipment prior to placement of additional fill. Soft, yielding areas should be overexcavated to firm bearing soil and replaced with structural fill. Where excavations to achieve firm conditions are excessive, the use of a geotextile fabric such as'Mirafi 500X in conjunction with limited overexcavation and replacement with a structural fill can be-considered: Typically, 1..8,inches of clean granular structural fill the fabric will achieve a stable subgrade. . - Our laboratory results show that the existing fill was'above its optimum moisture content at the,time of our investigation. Some of the fill soils encountered,at the site contain-up to 14 percent by weight of fines and will be difficult to compact if the moisture conditions`cannot be carefully controlled. Extreme care should be taken to ensure that exposed surfaces of the on-site fill do not become disturbed due to weather and construction traffic. Moreover,the ability to use these soils. as.structural fill will depend on their moisture content and the prevailing weather conditions at the time of construction. It will be difficult to,achieve proper compaction of these soils when their moisture content is above:optimum..When the moisture is excessive,the soil can be dried by aeration to a moisture content which will allow for proper compaction:' We recommend that the structural fill;required to achieve'site-grades consist of inorganic granular soil meeting the following grading requirements: Maximum Aggregate Size 6 inches . . Minimum Retained'on the.No. 4 Sieve 25:percent Maximum Passing the No: 200 Sieve, 25 percent (Based on the Minus 3/4-inch Fraction); (see following narrative) - If fill placement,takes place during wet weather, or if the moisture conditions of the-fill material cannot be z .controlled, consideration should be given o importing fill soil that conforms with-the above gradation, but with the maximum passing the No. 200 sieve reduced to five percent. Page No. 4' February 1, 1996 Project No:•;T-3064, . Structural fill materials should be placed in uniform loose layers not exceeding 12 inches and'.compacted to a minimum°of 95,;percent'of the: soil's in:ximum density, as determined by ASTM-Test Designation D-698- _ (Standard Proctor). The moisture:content of the soil at the;timeof compaction should'be-within about two • _ • percent'of its optimum, as determined by this same ASTM method: " Prior to placing foundations,and floor 'slab , we recommend probing,or proofrollmg the structural fill surfaces to . . ' determine if any isolated,soft and yielding areas are present. As discussed,above, soft or,yielding,areas should be overexcavated and filled_to grade wit .structural fill or'crushed rock • It may be necessary to ,protect foundation and slab areas with lean x. or a, layer.of crushed.-:rock •to, guard against soil degradation.. , , •Construction traffic must not be allowed:on subgrades.that have.been prepared just prior to.foundation.or`slab , placement. ` A:;representative,of Terra A sociates, Inc.- should observe all'proofrolling'operations: We also : reconimend.field evaluations at the time o construction to verify stable subgrades. • , • 4:3 Surcharge.and Settlement's ti ; As discussed; for.spread,footing foundation support and slab-on=grade construction,,we recommend-placing'a. { surcharge fill,over the building area. -The surcharge program is,necessary to limit building,settlements to what may be considered:tolerable-levels',, Our surcharge,and settlement,_analysis is.based on an .assumed existing ground surface elevation of 12 feet In.ado ition, our analysis is based on a finished.floor (top-of-slab) elevation _ of about 20 feet, and..the anticipated floo loads discussed above. We should review the final foundation and • grading plans in order to better assess'exp cted settlements: ' Primary.Consolidation, ., The site grades should.be raised using,structural;fill as outlined irfthe Site Preparation'and Grading section. ; . `Once grade is saChieved, an additional'eight feet of fill should be placed as•a surcharge: This surcharge fill does. not need to meet any special requirements other than having a minimum in-place unit weight,of:125 pounds per • cubic foot(pcf). However, it may advi able to use a good quality fill which could be used to raise,grades in'. • other portions of the site, such as parking d;drivewayareas;if necessary. ' We do not believe it to be-necessary.to place a surcharge'of fill.within the parking and access easement areas if grades at these areas are;raised to elevatiors comparable to the building area: In any case;the structural':fill pad in the pavement areas should be placed cor currently with the structural`fill in the building areas`to allow enough • time'for consolidation'of the compressible•layers,arid reduction of potential settlements. • The estimated total primary settlements`untler the recommended surcharge range from 12 to 18,inches across.the building area: These settlements are e .ected to `occur. 1'2`to' 16 .weeks,following full, application of the'. surcharge loading. `The actual-period for;.ompletion and magnitude of the primary settlements will be'governed . = byvariations in subsurface conditions at t e site. . , ' , • Page No'. 5 . February 1,:1996 ' : _ , . _ .Project No: T-3064..;• ' The ra te of consolidation dation can e_aac eler ted byinstalling ig sand or wic k, at regularly spaced.mtervals � - ,throughout the-.pre-load fill pad. Alternat.vely,.'au additional-thickness of fill-surcharge will accelerate the rate ' ''of primary settlement The sand drains should penetrate a.minimum.of five feet into the gray-black-fine sand ' ' .. _ , - underlying,the organic silt or peat layers. With the preload pad in place,we estimatethe,sand drains will be.30 ', ' , to.'35. .feet long., Proprietary. wick, dr ' s may.be, used in,lieu.of sand..drains: .;We'can provide specific. • ' ' recommendations for either option if accel ration'of the surcharge settlement period is-desired:': : • To.verify the amount;of„settlement'and" e rate of movement, the surcharge program should be momtored by , . - _ installing settlement markers. A.typical settlement:marker installation is•ishown on Figure 3 -The settlement • -. markers should be;installed the existing grade prior to.placing,any building:or.surcharge fills.. Once,installed, _:elevations•of bo• ththe•fill height and mark r should be'recorded daily by a registered land surveyor until:the full:,-. , - , height of the surcharge is in place. •Once 11y surcharged, readings should:continue weekly until the:anticipated.' ' settlements have'occurred.- - It is critical that the grading contractor rcognizethe importance of the settlement marker installations._`All . • , 'efforts must be made to protect the,marke from damage•during fill placement. It is difficult,'if not,imipossible,, to evaluate:the progress of the surcharge program if the markers are damaged Or,destroyed by construction'' . ,,' equipment:;.As a:result, it maybe necess "to install new markers and to extend the,surcharging time to ensure that settlements have ceased arid building onstruction can begin.: , y:.. - , . . We,recommend.that,the surcharge pad'ex end a•minimum-of five feet beyond the building perimeterand then • slope down at an-inclination of'1.;1 (Horizontal:Vertical): -The'.conceptual.site plat shows the building - - " perimeter may be 20 feet from SW`34th Street: This would place the toe of the`.l5-foot high;fill pad at the edge_ ,' - ,'of the.roadway: .Where sufficient.'area :is, not available to' slope the:'surcharge and;-to reduce,impact:Of - settlements_-,due to_,-surcharge on the,exis ing roadways, the surcharge may be`supported at a near vertical ' '" `.inclination(minimu '1:12) using reinfor'c d soil wall. Figure 4 shows a'typicatieinforded soil wall;section. ' , Post-construction Settlements ,' .` . - , . Primary consolidation of compressible,soi s'at the site,will�be achieved,upon:completion,of the:surcharge (pre-„ . -load)program.'Secondary consolidation ill:continue at the site throughout the life of the structure., '-: ,. : During secondary.:consolidation,you should expect a.maximum post-construction total settlement of 1.5`inches, : and differential settleinentof 3/4 inch: These values re resent ex ected.settlements:over a 50.year �eriod: .,We'. P l? P anticipate that most of these settlements will occur within five ten.years after completion,of the,structure.- Impact of Surcharge on AdjacentRoadw ,y and,Utilities_ ' . _ _ `Depending on its location;_the'proximity,o the surcharge fill pad to'SW.34th Street'and the railroad spurs may ' - - - . result in;settlement'of these structures-du to.soil beneath them-being:influenced.by.the preload,fill pad: We . - ,, recommend,placing monitoring points on t e roadway curbs and pavement to record possible movements during • ,surcharge. A similar monitoring program should be implemented for the a railroad spurs if they cannot_tolerate. ' ' possible settlement from the pre-load. - __ -, ; , _ Page No.'6 , February"1, 1996 Project No. T-3064 Sufficient monitoring points should be established since soma of these points will likely be disturbed by traffic. In:addition, we suggest making a photographic survey of the pavement before placing the'surcharge to identify development of new cracks during and afte the area is surcharged. , _ We understand a fiber optic,telephone transmission cable is located within a utility easement adjacent.to.SW 34th Street. This utility line as well as other utilities Within the easement may experience vertical and/or lateral movement as a result of the stress chan.es in the soil associated with the placement of a pre-load fill pad. - , Utility organizations should be prepared to relocate utilities as required prior to construction of the pre-load. 4.4 Spread Footing Foundations , Following the successful completion of the surcharge program,•if the above estimated settlements'are considered tolerable,the building may be supported,on conventional spread foundations bearing on a minimum of two feet - of structural fill. Existing competent fills may be'included in determining the depth.of the structural fill. Perimeter foundations,exposed-to the we ether should be at a,minimum depth of 1.5 feet below final exterior , grades. ; We recommend designing.foundations for a net allowable bearing capacity of 3,000,psf. For short-term loads such as wind and seismic, a 1/3 increase in this allowable capacity can be used. With the"anticipated loads and bearing stresses,the estimated total settlements are as discussed in the Secondary Settlements section. 'For designing foundations to resist lateral loads, a base friction coefficient of 0.4 can be used. Passive earth . ' pressures acting on the side of the footing and buried portion of the foundation stem wall can also be considered: We recommend calculating this lateral resistance using an equivalent fluid weight of 350•pcf We.recommend ` . not including the upper u er_ 12'inches.of soil in this coin u tion because', ' p to ause they can be affected by weather or disturbed by future grading activity. This .value assumes the foundation will .be constructed neat against ' competent fillsoil'or backfilled with structural fill as described in the Site Preparation and Grading section. The recommended lateral resistance value includes a safety factor of 1.5. 4.5 Rail Crane`Foundation-Steel H-Piles : " ' We understand,you are considering using steel H-piles for transferring overhead rail crane loading below the consolidating layers at the site.' We estimate that a W12 x 58 steel pile will achieve an allowable axial load of 30 tons when driven-to minimum tip elevations of 40 to 45 feet below existing surface grades. This allowable axial load takes into account potential negative loading caused by downdrag on the pile due to-consolidation of the compressible layers under building fill and floor slab loading'' Full axial capacity can be.used provided the piles are 'spaced at a minimum of three pile diameters. Closer spacing in pile groups will'.require a reduction in the single pile capacity: This reduction will depend on the'. • number of piles in the pile group and the pacing used. For resistance to lateral.loading, a lateral pile capacity of four tons can be used. The estimated pile settlements are 1/4 inch and'less, excluding settlement due to elastic shortening of the pile itself. Page No. 7 February 1,.'1996 Project No:T-3064. The pile driving"hammer used to'install the piles should have sufficient energy to,drive the•Piling to the estimated - tip elevation without damage to the pile. We also recommend that-prior to ordering production piles and their installation, a minimum.of three test piles be driven•,atthe site to verify anticipated tip. elevations and establish • driving criteria for use"in evaluating production pile capacities. The•test piles should:be:driven with the same • equipment that will be used in the production pile installations. . _ 4.6 •Rail Crane Foundation-Augereast Piling " ' _ Augercast piling can be considered as an ltemative to steel piling in transferring rail crane foundation loading below the consolidating layers at the site." For 16-inch diameter pilings with minimum tip elevations of 40 feet ' below existing surface grades; an allowab e axial load of 35 tons is available for design: This loading takes into • , account the potential negative loading effe s due to downdrag. - ' ' . Similar reductions in pile.capacity as those discussed above can be expected when piles are placed in groups. - For resistance to lateral loads, an allowable lateral pile capacity of four tons is available. ' The estimated pile ; settlement.is 1/4. inch and less. ; ' : Augercast piles are formed by the pressure injection of grout through a hollow stem auger which is slowly retracted from the ground after advancement to the recommended tip elevation. The grout pressure used will. compress the soils-within the immediate'ViIcinity of the pile, thereby increasing,to some'extent the pile diameter " and,the amount of grout-required to construct the pile ;For planning purposes, we suggest considering a 30 , percent increase in the amount of grout necessary'to form the pile., , ' In construction:of augercast.piling; a higher than normal reliance on quality workmanship,is required for , successful installations-. It is extremely Important'that the grout pressure is',consistent and uniform during'the installation and'that retraction of the auger occurs at a slow uniform"pace beneath a sufficient head of grout in • the pile column.- The contractor should have adequate means for verifying;grout pressure and estimating the, volume of grout used in the construction of the piles. Because of the-compression effects and the possible,; influence on adjacent pile.construction,thy installation sequence should,be'based on a�minimum.pile spacing of -five pile'diam. eters Once the,grout column has achieved its initial 24 hour set, pile construction in between these spacings can be completed. ' ' 4.7 Slab-on-grade Floors . With site preparation completed as described in the Site.Preparation,and Grading section; new structural fill soils should be,Suitable for supporting slab-on-grade construction. Immediately below the: floor slabs, we ' recommend that an allowance be:made for placing a six-inch layer of clean free-draining sand or gravel which • has less than five percent passing the No. 200 sieve. This'capillary:break;will'guard against wetting of the floor , • ' slab due to the'underlying soil conditions.' • : - ' . :: : ' - Where moisture via vapor transmission is not desired,a polyethylene vapor barrier should also be installed: We suggest that this vapor barrier be placed on an initial,four inch layer of the capillary break material and then . covered,with'the final two inches to help protect it during construction and to aid in uniform,curing of the- . . concrete floor slab: For slab thickness design with respect to floor deflection due to traffic and point loadings, a ' subgrade modulus of 300 pci (pounds per cubic inch) can;be used: • Page No. 8 February 1, 1996 Project No.T-3064 " '. Estimated floor slab 'settlements of less than 3/4 inch are.expected due to post-primary consolidation. This . " movement assumes that settlements due to required building fills would be allowed to 'occur prior=to floor slab • -' • construction. The floor movements would be entirely differential with respect to the foundation construction` 4:.8 Excavations Excavations greater than four feet in depth will need to be completed m accordance with local,;state, or federal regulations. In accordance with,the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), morgamc soils; encountered at the site would be classified as Group C-soils. Accordingly, excavations Made within the native soils or fill at the site greater than four feet in depth but not exceeding 20 feet in depth will need-to be laid back with side slope gradients of 1.5.:1. Due'to.the low strength characteristics of the on-site. silty peat,,we , recommend that excavations within this material be shored using a ditchbox or temporary bracing. • Optionally,-the use of a trench shoring box to support excavations throughout the lower depth may be used in conjunction with sloping of the upperportion of the excavation as outlined above. Dewatering of the excavation will need to be considered where excavation depths exceed five feet:below existing site grade. 4.9 Utilities We recommend that all site utilities 1•e bedded and backfilled in "accordance with applicable APWA specifications. For site utilities within...City rights-of-way, bedding and backfill Should be .completed in accordance with City of Renton specifications. At'a minimum, utility trench backfill should be placed and' compacted in accordance with recommendations:presented in the Site Preparation and Grading.section.: Where , : . utilities will occur below unimproved areas, the degree of compaction can be reduced:to a minimum of 90 percent of the soil's.maximum density.as determined by the referenced ASTM "standard.. Because,of the . , potential for long-term settlements, utility pipe joints and connections should be of flexible nature allowing for up to one inch of differential movement : 4:10 Lateral Earth Pressures The magnitude of earth pressure development on retaining walls-constructed in loading dock areas will partly depend on'the.quality:of backfill. Whe 1e fill;is"placed-behind retaining walls; we 'recommend placing and • compacting it as structural fill: The fill should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of its maximum dry.' unit weight as determined by ASTM Test Designation D-698 (Standard Proctor). To guard against'the build up of hydrostatic pressure, wall drainage must also be installed as discussed in,the,drainage section, With granular backfill placed and compacted as recommended and drainage.properly installed, we.recommend • 'designing restrained (not free to deflect) retaining walls for an at-rest earth pressure'equivalent to a fluid weighing 50 pcf` For unrestrained Walls (free to deflect),this value may be reduced to 35 pcf, These.values do not include other,surcharge loading such as adjacent footings or sloped backfill that may'act on these walls. If. . such conditions will exist,then the imposed loading must be included in-the,wall design.'Friction"at the base of . foundations and passive earth pressure will provide resistance to these lateral loads. Values for these ' parameters are provided in the Foundations section of thus report. • Page No. 9 February 1, 1996 Project No:;T-3064 ; 4.11 Drainage •., . • Surface { Final exterior grades should promote fre 'and--Positive drainage' away-from the building-areas•at, all times: :. .. Water must notbe allowed to pond or collect adjacent'to foundations or within the immediate building area: We • recommend providing a gradient of at least three percent for a minimum distance'of ten feet from_the building :perimeter, except m paved locations:,In p fved locations, a:minunum;gradient of one„percent Should be-provided: unless provisions are included for collectio and disposal of surface,water adjacent to the structure. ; Subsurface.- In our opinion, perimeter-foundation dr i s'would not be.necessary if'the area immediately adjacent to the structure is paved and positive surface drainagemaintained.1 If the grade is.not positively drained away from the structure or is.landscaped,perimeter foundation drains should be installed.: . : To guard against hydrostatic pressure development,,retaining wall drainage must be installed. We•recommend , that wall drainage consist of a minimum.12-inch thick layer of washed rock or pea gravel,placed adjacent to,the . wall. 'A four-inch diameter perforated pipe should be placed on a bed of gravel at the base"of the wall footing ' and gravel drainage"column: The pipe shoiild be directed to,a suitable'outlet.' • 4:12 , .Pavements.. With subgrade soils prepared as described' in'the Site Preparation. and Grading section, suitable support for pavement:construction should be provided However, regardless Of the compaction results obtained; subgrades.' . must bein a stable non=yielding condition irior to paving.:Immediately prior to paving;the area of the subgrade . ',should be proofrolled with heavy construction equipment to verify this condition. _ The required pavement thickness is riot only'.dependent upon the supporting capability of the subgrade soils but also on the traffic loading conditions which will be applied.:"For light commercial vehicles and typical passenger vehicle traffic:the following,pavement sections are recommended: ; • Two inches of asphalt'concrete AC) over four inches of crushed rock base(CRB). • Two inches of AC over two inches'of asphalt treated base(ATB), For heavy truck traffic areas;we recommend the following pavement.sections: • Three inches of AC:oversix inches of CRB • • • Three•inches of AG over four inches of ATB Page No. 10 February 1, 1996 • .Project No. T-3064 'If there is a potential that pavement construction will be-delayed until the wet winter months,the.subgrade soils must consist of a clean granular material as described in the Site;Preparation and Grading section. In addition, we.strongly suggest that the subgrade be ' er protected by placing a layer of:ATB on which-construction traffic.'could access the project without exge ssively disturbing the subgrade soils._ The'ATB.thickness for this purpose should be four_inches.' Repair of failed,ATB.;areas;should be anticipated prior to final`paving. • : However, the overall integrity of the sub grade soils will be considerably less impacted,with this protection provided. . Because'of secondary compression'of the o ganic silt layer, some degree'of post_construction settlement within . , the pavement structure'should.be'anticipated: This settlement will probably. result.in some longitudinal and , • • transverse cracking of the pavement: Cracks in the'pavement should,be sealed in a timely"fashion to:prevent excessive surface water infiltration into the subgrade soils.. 5.0, ADDITIONAL SERVICES Terra Associates, Inc: should review the final design'and specifications in order to verify that earthwork and foundation recommendations have been properly interpreted-and incorporated in:the project design.- We should' also'provide-geotechnical services during construction in order to observe compliance with the'design concepts, , specifications,.and recommendations. This will.also allow for design 'changes if',subsurface conditions differ - from those anticipated prior to the start of c 'nstruction..'.,. We request a minimum of two working day notice be given to schedule our services during construction. ' • 6.0 LIMITATIONS` We prepared this report in accordance with generally accepted•geotechnical engineering practices.`This report is the property of:Terra Associates, Inc. and is intended for;specific application to the Farwest:Steel project in Renton, Washington. .This report is for the exclusive use of Farwest,Steel Corporation and their'authorized • representatives. -No other warranty,;expressed or implied, is made. The analyses and recommendations presented:in this report are based yupori data obtained from the test borings • drilled on-site. Variations iri`soil condition can occur, the nature and extent of which may not become evident ' until construction. If variations appear ev dent, Terra Associates; Inc: should be'requested to reevaluate the recommendations in this report prior to proceedingwith'construction. Page No. 11 '`n'.. _, ,.. _... '•�ctEr Pu,r A Iy /s 4 :•• 8 Is g • a� y'� '�`.\�• .'a'' <IV : ar• i RIDE ARK '�jtv�5 I a� � � F��� • - sa,�qy- �\ °ENTON JFjpgigYNi �R, PILlA6E ® °`- CEN(ER ;AIc s•`4 `IIII, SS •r►•G 7�' : ■ sRFNrON• 'VILLAGE PL'� S,11TN SL .iH g•. \ I ;/ � COtr• I (xRsS M 15J® yr IWQIfu''-'�./ � -. ss 6TH's ,._ }• D � 7i4 5' I •. ci •t -� •i;t9 $ ! N '1.� PUGET, 9" , • I GR:fN 1 7RACR "z� Sg.i1a 111111 RAKER •BL DP I.• • ) �' •C. _ AM ff s ,EuuPn 1j L .1 ' - '.gN C. 1'..,pc �C=. I�,. . _I ' , i 'BLvo 1 1 a' a <� «w: �', �ry� ;a. • ' • ;} R NTON sw - '27TH ; ¢n, 1 s z�H sr 1i.9E, E 10900 1154T , THEM IND,, .\, , : _ -' - I; ,s . v •„.�f S.IstEl O` s zeTx,s' a�. �'� E DR P'- NCT IO I •- "I' PL c .¢M .F 166TH: XnTH si a' - '4.' ' \\ '4,1r— ' ...,,- --'' . - ._________, , . . Fr, 1 : • . s • :\ ________„......,7„,211 i - .I 2BTH ST"-" :'7J 1._____sip s s ,-PL. W ST - SE IETIK 5Tarts, - SV30TH - ` S - 'on' 1 aFSrxeetr I I $T : ` -f3F7•-57-]66TwIF-F asa< G7W y. ...p •1flfSw N 7JRD su • 1Ee1x 'V\°40f 33R0 5T t 7EF °I C7�rE �'SE 169iNL=�. \fO��• aST. a 1 +LJ js 1s :s�i� n - sE8v ST n, .! t• I, ' i_ 5 172N0 ST ' ., SE I 1 ND ST ;. NINKLE+ BLVO ' 1 N; ,55935 C /' _ I -'sw 3BTH SE IT3HJ -- . g cc - %; ' Nt. - SY..TH ST, I .�E I `® s 1,14 ST ol.i. �s. Sr j8 -j j, I _ W 1 ,. 5 la :17..,„ _ II' • I2 //. ,i .. Sw 99'H _ ��s; y ,�I i�� ES I e `• sRILLAi .,$T: 4 :Pir !l TE ® •sa.uu,.,r , SW 43RD <' — rr"'u`o °f.l IT 51•.. 2E N ,$E I I79T1 PE ,-H.g:. • , .: .\ S1S,,.1 `� t1 ST SW I ' _3<. 3RD (i. 1 �� �� I I _ si' si I- • Ig. - /`.'ll ,1ST. SE/. 1aTTH•v 1,-,sr•W: p _ 1. ys IeIST ST .I '1 n' E(, ,, • SE l 4.,0' �q >,P ppp• I 1 •- r. .I. '^I :��/'. dai, .�5 MIST sr �' _� R(V\. f ) 1B2ND1 - >1 / .pr°�5' - - I _ .5E 162ND-% • - ' - I- • - 1`l.i h �R(D�`J,j S.I $ .} 30 2, � Lll IL.) 1 J al /' 1 s sTx vc 1 - s` SE,1&3RD le,, Sa - SPRINGM= -.t '�' =I' /. .I' I ti y • . , !0,....c. TGDD<' 1' .GREENBELT", 1: c<i�",?,ryj 31 ,N I .i. - `'�E�n DL I �. _ ,. 7V•1 NW 5sj -/' ^ N ! .I. _,P ' ' 'I R _ 1 ^�N ^18<TH --' - TP° eriF • / S Wm ST; - N'II 4,�'•. '�1.' RE N iO N• I. —.-- f ' ={r- ' SE PL/ II S ) 5l�7 17-86.-at4�- - Sr $ 188TH ST STI ' ' ` -a9 i . SE16TTY oC .,y 5 1 TH ST _ 1 - 1 S l- =fe*,. , , 7i .187TH 1t I. t SE MMET.ST.IF4 ,,• 1R . x• u les •-190TH sE 1er� ST' 5i c — • 190TH/� - i �S 790TH ST; 'f �� � � • I I .�h90Tt+� 5i t`.\s C sr 19;Tw sT 'eIe�y� ' 1 H 1 a f 'i ' �1 o I. 3E 19^TH SF SE a - s('19:T!PL x �, ;' i _. 5__L 192ND,-,ST - 5 all S 192ND .ST 1 < I i lvsw v:.. 1` tj 3, ml al'j -- 92ND ST fl' S, , 'SSTH 1-•• •ST• I^ of 14- ,SE =I _i°" lc i1 .1 <T':\V'^ L, ~��" '3 - 5 xI gg t9+Tx 5 H 5T 1 �- sE 194114 I• '�s}..`- ' .. , H ,"i8) -.ST � . Q I �l' 1 l`' 3e l9s.vLe 1 $ 196TH ' 5. 196TH I' ST' 11.,, I 2 .1 '1' sr 9•'• 5. - - • ., I 1. 190TH'sr l' all Is 196TH sr I'I IS ETn .q'�l .. - t1• <� 5 .19eTN sT Nr-1'- Ilse.0 <I sIc •sE s-2 0TH' . 2ooT1i'ST �L 11 S 5 20DTH' •�I'..�'ST�-�- • $ sl-i SE 5T 1200TH ST ) I • • I. ^ -I t •'t • `I< 9B3o 1 a` I W • S ''202N0•`^ OBI 1 ,1 • ,,, . I F �, _, ,S STT 12PIST�I ,`. I •• ' '_ •' - ' ' REFERENCE: •THE•,,THOMAS GUIDE, KING COUNTY,` WASHINGTON,''PAGES 655, 656, :685,AND:686, '1995. EDITION. • 'VICINITY ' MAP :, - •::;r.:'. TERRA _ FARWEST STEEL ; �• ���\\\� 'ASSOCIATES . RENTON• , WASHINGTON Geotechnical Consultants • :Proj.: No.3064 Date „ 1/96 Figure • 1 ' , 4 .� TREET•� _• • c,. • I -I i - 3 2 _ . • • I, - _ . , :B1 : - t " I` I - - - ,IQ_ E P�. 6 I� r^ - 6 , - z • I:. r 6-1, ,r I - na' .6=4 i I -,- . n - - _ -' _ :.� - °-. '�. _ _ -� .. _ .. ;. .,_ .. - � REFERENCE:' :' • . ,. - _ - - _ EGEND:L F ,, : SITE�;.PLAN' PROVIDED:BY'HORTON.',DENNIS,��AND"'. . ':�'-_.`° `. '. APPROXIMATE'. BORING LOCEcTION"' : : OB' No: ,;UNKNOWN-'SHEET. ASSOCIATES;. INC:, :J 10 ft..LANDSCAPE EASEMENT No. SBS:GCD, DATED:'1/24/96., `ALONG:STREET FRONTAGE - .� .. - - - - - RAILROAD CENTERLINE TE SCALE -PPROXIMA PROPOSED RAILROAD 'CENTERLINE-100 100 200 .feet EXPLORATION LO CATION' PLAN F N! =STEE AR EST; TER TON HING REN ON� �WAS , .ASS OG'IATES T Consultants . Geotec fin'ica I i-o` No:3064 ri Date Figure STEEL 'ROD _ PROTECTIVE ;SLEEVE HEIGHT VARIES; ; . .. . . '' ' NOTES) ;` ` � ••` ' •`•••'• SURCHARGE ::':; - (SEEs. SURCHARGE , :: : . . , OR FILL • OR FILL •• . 6 .1.. 1E NOT TO SCALE NOTES:" _- 1. BASE CONSISTS OF 1/2 THICK, 2'x2' PLYWOOD: WITH CENTER DRILLED--5/8" DIAMETER HOLE: 2.: BEDDING MATERIAL, IF •REQUIRED, SHOULD CONSIST OF CLEAN COARSE_ SAND. 3. MARKER ROD IS.1'/2" DIAMETER STEEL ROD. THREADED AT BOTH ENDS 4.:. MARKER ROD IS ATTACHED TO BASE BY NUT AND WASHER ON 'EACH. SIDE OF.BASE.. 5.' PROTECTIVE SLEEVE. SURROUNDING MARKER-:ROD SHOULD. CONSIST OF 2", DIAMETER ; '. : PLASTIC TUBING. ' -SLEEVE IS NOT ATTACHED TO ROD OR BASE. . 6. ADDITIONAL SECTIONS OF STEEL ROD 'CAN..BE CONNECTED WITH THREADED COUPLINGS. : - 7.. ADDITIONAL;SECTIONS OF PLASTIC PROTECTIVE SLEEVE. CAN BE CONNECTED:, WITH .PRESS=FIT PLASTIC•:COUPLINGS. : _ 8. STEEL ,'MARKER ROD SHOULD EXTEND AT LEAST 6 ABOVE. TOP OF PLASTIC PROTECTIVE SLEEVE:_ 9. 'STEEL MARKER ROD SHOULD EXTEND AT LEAST 1' ABOVE TOP OF FILL SURFACE. TYPICAL: SETTLEMENT MARKER DETAIL TERRA. FARWEST STEEL ASSOCIATES : .. RENTON, WASHINGTON ; Geotechnical,Consultan s Proj. No. 3064 : Date- 1/96' Figure 3 GEOTEXTILE FACING COMPACTED. STRUCTURAL FILL " SLOPE 12:1(V:H)MINIMUM WRAP'-(typical) rg5% MDRyDENsfl1 ±2%; , { OPTIMUM •MOISTURE CONTENT . PER D-698 (STANDARD PROCTOR), ' , r •: 0.8H feet (TYPICAL) feet . . TYPICAL H feet . I .• , 18 .in. ,(max.) • .. L ,. MIRAFI 51— GEOGRID (TYPICAL): . ' ... \\ \\:\\:\\:\\.\\\„\\\;; • . NOT TO,:SCALE_ • - REINFORCED SOIL WALL SECTION . ' TERRA FARWEST, STEEL ����``��\� .ASSOCIATES RENTON, VASHINGTON _ - Geotechnical. Consultan s - Pr o'. ,No 3064� Date 1 96 � -Figure 4 1 9 • • APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING ' Farwest Steel ,Renton;Washington `On January. 9 through 11, 1996, we performed our field exploration using a truck-mounted hollow stem auger drill rig. We explored subsurface soil and groundwater conditions at the site by drilling:"six hollow stem.augertest borings:to a maximum depth of 59 feet below existing grade. The test boring locations are;shown on Figure 2. Test hole elevations were interpreted'from the. USES Renton Topographic • Quadrangle. The Boring Logs are presented on Figures A=2 through A-7. , An.engineer from our office maintained a log of each test'hole, as it was drilled, classified the soil conditions :encountered, and obtained'representative soil, samples:. All 4.soil samples were yisually classified in accordance with the Unified Soi Classification System shown`on Figure'A-1. , Representative soil'samples were obtained from the,,test-borings .using sampling'procedures outlined m ASTM Test Designation D-1586 (Modified, Proctor): 'The samples were placed in:jars or tubes (ring samples) and taken to,our laboratory for fiirther examination and testing. .The moisture.content.of each sample was measured and'is reported on the Boring.Logs. Plasticity.characteristics of the fine=grained soils were determined by .conducting Atterberg.limits:tests. Consolidation tests were performed on samples of the organic silt and,silty clay o tained.during drilling of;Borings B-5 and B-6. Grain size' y p - • analyses were erformed on eight of the_s ples:' The results;of the grain size analyses are\presented as Figures A-8 through A-11. • • • Project No. T-3064 oring No. B-1, , Logged by: KPR ' . Date: 1/9/96 , Approximate Elev. 12 Graph/ Relative Depth (N).• Water . • USCS Soil Description ' . • • p Blows Content' Density (ft.). a foot (%) ,, cn ' `` '.7., 4 Brown-gray.-gravelly medium sand y 'i SP M FILL cuttings,saturated. ' FILL: Dark gray silty SAND with - SM i Very Dense • _ gravel, medium-grained,moist. 61 7• .8 ''''n ''`" "`>' FILL:"Dark gray silty SAND.with _ 5 • 1 - s: few gravel;_fine to medium • Loose • , grained,saturated. - 4 16.1 • '�� A' Dark Brown PEAT,with some silt, ' ' ,A A-u A A AA fibrous to amorphouse,wet to Medium Stiff _ '7 , ' ,'202.3 A A{` A A r saturated. 7.5 to 9 feet dark, d - n A brown PEAT;fibrous.with silt,wet. A .. — 10 ; • 1 • A A A A Aln n 10 to 11.5 feet Dark brown silty.. Soft _ 3 171.E „40... �A A PEAT,fibrous to amorphouse,wet. , ,• ....>•i:-W- '`'::'.: Black SAND; medium-grained, • ' • 24 • 25.1 Bentonite slurry :::'?>•• ` saturated 4 inch thick layer •- Medium Dense ' - • - - : added to hole to •k•`'`<`ti ;;,x 'of brown,'saturated•,,non- • •• — ..5 control heave. ^ '^ plastic silt of 13 feet. - . *``;2.vfia._ .. _ 54- • 18.7, ;: :':k :"•° Black SAND, as.above but •- ftiiz.: :i Very Dense , - - :;>:;:;:.;.:.;;k. without silt layer and very dense. §``"' ' <w Black SAND,as.,above. Very Dense - . , ' I. 50+. • 17.0• s;' L' <f sP • t —25-' :�k .;; �':.r Black SAND as above but• • Dense - ..,..,,. .finer rained: _ 24.3 . , :*::> g 49 r' `:`R. ; Black SAND,,medium rained, ' • •:•.•:••: k£vk:.• saturated, interbedded with 4 Medium Dense _ 36.0 i:iiimi.`:,": in inch'thick layers of brown, soft, •::::;.::.:::.: : : clayey,silt. -35 - ' :i Black SAND, medium-grained, . - • • _ < : .#>•`•.#:' saturated. - . ` • Mil sM ?:i? . -Dark gray silty SAND.with shells, Medium Dense :- T 14•- ' 25:8 . . • Mine-grained, saturated. • - - Test boring terminated at 39 feet. , Groundwater.encountered at 4:5 felt. , ,' . . Hole plugged with 3 bags of bentonite chips mixed with cuttings: • . - BORING...LOG . _ ' <::>:>>>>'6L����'. .`,TERRA. - FAR W EST STEEL �� ASSOCIA•TES RENTON, WASHINGTON • - • - Geotechnical Consultants -• - . - , • . Proj. No. :T-30,64 Date 1/96 • • 'Figure A 2 • ' • ,Boring -.No. ;•B-2 • .' • : _ ' Logged by: KP•R . ' . - :Date: 1/9/96, Approximate Elev. 1'2 , Graph/ . .' • " a. (N)-• Water ' ' USCS. Soil Description = Refative .• Depth E,. .:Blows `Content Density" (ft) 0' •'(ft) (oho). }�tit;.k ,r�•, ti; �.:, Brown SAND with few gravel• `h "" •and silt fill cuttin s medium- .:; :,,�:<•::. • g � -- „ POI`` grained,wet: , , . , SPSM .. _ .. '• €€' FILL: Brown SAND with,few' Dense • z" «= >' gravel, medium grained,wet.` 33. 12.3 " ' I• fill!l l!1 Gray-brown organic clayey SILT, ' _ ' 5" - - ii.EEEi ii, LL=60 . - '- IEEE 'I E,I lowplasticitysaturated,finch' Medium Stiff . r E E i E E i i , _•• 8 64.0 P L=47 • i E i E E E ill-thick peat'layer at 7.5 feet. ' • PI=13 • = iliiri�iEiEiEI -Gray-brown.organic SILT - ,. iiiiiiimillii1 • '• (as.above). , • Medium Stiff= • ' {•: SP • ,Black SAND with silt;very fine- " :I Medium Dense ' .••• 28: 32.6 `grained, saturated;.' . - • • " Test:boring terminated at9 feet:- • _ _ . - , Groundwater,encountered at 4.5 feet: ' Hole,'plugged;with 1:Ibag ofpentonite chips'mixed with cuttings._ s • , • • BORING."LOG ������ TERRA FARWEST STEEL , ASSOCIATES" RENTON,' 'WASMINGTON. . Geotechnical Consultants ' • • _ Proj.,No. .T-3064 bate 1/96' Figure, A-3 Boring No. B-3 . • Logged by: KPR, •, i . Date: 1/10/96 . ' - Approximate Elev:' 12-• m' Graph/ ' Ti. . (N) Water i • • . Relative ,-Depth' Blown Content' USCS' Soil Description' / • Density (ft.) foot (%j' n:igiN�<;;iii,.. '. ,Brown;:medium rained sand , . g _ Bentonite slurry i ,. {{ FILL cuttings with few gravel;. - 1 added to hole` • ' iiMiv?•iiig wet. _ - . - , . :ft to control heave ' ? Sp;,:•`°` FILL: ,As above but saturated: Medium Dense -, 18 - 16:9 - .. ' ::•:: x::;;:: . J ::`w FILL: As above'but gray. . • Loose. ` • i i i i i,E E E Dark brown-organic SILT with peat : ' i!iiEi'EEEEEE'iiE .•fibers,.low plasticity;moist to'wet. •.' .Soft - _ E E �' Gray-brown clayey SILT,low plasticity - E E E`OH`E 1 saturated,5 inch thick layer of • LL=73. ' '-E i E I�'i l i'E'i''-fibrous peat at 8 feet;'black;fine- 5 • 69.1 '' PL=64• " 1,E,ILE,E,E,E,I grained,silty sand in sampler tic,. ' Medium•Stiff - •• PI=9 — 10' i::.4 'Dark gray, silty SAND, very - .SM 1 Kr fine to fine-grained, saturated.- . Medium Dense , - - 19 33.7;' 15 • ',},<i ii.i.i>iiM Black SAND;•with thin interbeds ': - - I :: >s SP' of dark'gray!silty SAND, fine'. - Medium Dense - • • •' 17 ' 33.2 • Iiiimmpol to medium-grained, saturated. _ ` `` Dark brown ra silt 'SAND - SM II >: g y y Medium Dense -.4: very line-grained, saturated, • - - - ' :>:::zr: 16 31.5 : :P§§§::Nii Black SAND, fine to medium Medium Dense _ , • "!, :::".,.: :::-. -.': ,::'-':. . N^"':::-::E>i:k,£ 'grained, saturated: '":>.<i -Black SAND as-above.. . Dense. 36 24.6 Test bo in to e r rminat d at 29 feet: g . • - • - , 'Groundwater'encountered at 1.5 feet and 7 feet. - '. • , . I • - ,.Hole plugged with 1 bag of bentonit�chips mixed.with cuttings , • . • • BORING LOG :»>.<EiE...:'���5�� TERRA • : •• ': FARWEST STEEL • RENTON, •'WASHINGTON.. :`:.:: ASSOCIATES . Geotechnical Consul ants , Proj. No: .T-3064- Date .1/96-' Figure A-4. . Boring :No.: `.B=4 : - . „ ' Logged`by: KPR' • ' ' - Date: 1/10/96 ' • : Approximate Elev: .1.2 Graph/ ' • • : a' (Nj'; Water ,, Relative Deptli Blows Content:, ` USCS Soil:. Description Density ' • (ft:) a• o ' - - <::>'�c:,, x Brown;'medium-grained sand - - • .FILL cuttings'wet. . . �'o:•.k>`� - MerdiumDense. ,, ; *SP.< FIL`L: .Brawn SAND; '.medium I:: .---.- t'-,grained,saturated. • +, d - 27 13.6 • 1,1:Jii.aiiii�i Gray-brown organic.SILT low' Medium Stiff'•, 5 •LL=70+ : i1i.1i1-i1i1i1i1i plasticity,'wet, dark brown - , - _ ' • ' _-6 - • 60.8 PL=50 � "OH -i iyi fibrous;wet peat in'Sampler PI=20' . : - , ii��,,i�i�i�i�'i�i 'tip•;•'" � -- '„milli . • 'II I . . Medium Stiff: iiiriii 10' .' 43.2' . . . , :J.ASM z<<':3 .Darkgray•silty SAND,very,fine Medium Dense• . , : - - " • urat • a e`to fine grained;s t d. ' • . ' ; • ' BORING LOG : - TERRA . ., • ,. - .FARWEST STEEL • . ':::::}: :: ,%mow ' ASSOCIATE'� :. RENTON,.WASHINGTO.N - . " • Geotechnical.Consultants : _ Proj ,No."• T-30.64.:: . Date 1/96" Figure A-5• r B-Boring No.. : 5 .Logged yKFR ,. Date: 1/1'1/9• 6• . Approximate •Elev.:` 12 Graph/ Q • (N) • Water . - . _ ' Relative: ' ,Depth' ' Blows Content IJSCS ;. :Soil: Description - : Density , -(ft.) , . o. o foot (/�) `;} ¢'`''`'`` Gray sand FILL cuttings with I . few gravel, medium-grained, -: • " . - _ , -,: - - .. . iii SP•SM.. i* moist: . .. _ , tiff•' ` FILLGray:sand with silt and some . Dense • - _ w. . " •, . . . .. ravel' medium wined wet to 3.5' ` • • - I- E. <:: ::;i 'feet.becoming'saturated. iiiiii ii-iiiii ii Brown-gray organic SILT,with • . Stiff pL=54 l I 'i I l l l i II . peat•fib• ers,,saturated, low 10 71.0 - iii1 OH- i.ii'i plasticity - •• • • PI=24, II l i ,A I -, - ' ' iiiiiiiiiiiiail -Gray ' • • iiiiiiii LL=53.. 'I I.1JI I. y plasticity. . Soft'. - 2 69.1 PL=35 . •.Dark gray silty SAND,-very fine „ PI=18 to fine=grained, saturated., , •• • Loose — • • Bentonite slurry 10 • added to hole. - . . ' • _ - to control heave ,SM.:'i Dark gray silty SAND, as'above. Dense •..• • • ':`" s:: , ` . . , • . • . ' • , - , . 232, • • 26.2 , '`fi ^::i 'Black-SAND,fine-grained,, . , ,:,c>:: saturated. , • #ti' \': ?zed ' . ' #:: '1•"•, ' S'• Black AND, as.above but with - 37. `'�`" ' .occasional 1 inch• thick`silt Dense, ii:•:.� } very fine-grained sand"layers: • ay .?y Black SAND, medium grained,_ Very Dense'' ii0ii:k;;:`::,;: saturated. _ _ • - :::•:•::•.,� - 59 •24.9 • - ' • : ' - : '::: ii ;;ti*.:.:$ • • ' —'25 , : ::;; :;:.:gi.::: BlackSAND:with silt, - - < ,:<;.i:,., grained, saturated. -1 SP-SM , - .. ' - Very Dense , • z:; :itt is:i;: • 52. 25.5. i ::iiEii.. - .. - Page 1 f 2 • BORING LOG :>:;:;:>::;. TERRA. - , , FARWEST STEEL . ' ::><:>::: > "��NNW RENTON; WASHINGTON I: :.. . ASSOCIATES- , Geotechnieal Consultants Proj..,No. ' T-3'064" Date 1/96 ,. Fgure A-6 : • , Y Boring: No. B-5..,'(:Continued):, ' • Logged by: `KPR' i ` -- Date: ,1/11/96. N• • . ' '• • Approximate 'El.ev..,12 • ' 'Graph/ - -, Q .-(N) - Water- • - .Relative Depth- '-� '', glows Content •- - USCS Soil *.Description / - Density :(ft:). 0 foot•" ;. 'cr ' ' "Gray.silty CLAY,with trace. ' ' wood bits'and•clam shells; _ - low plasticity;-saturated. very Soft ML CL ', 1, 65 4 PL=24 . Ifrrfr'//r'. Gray`silty"CLAy,-with clam • _ • %• • • , , P1=21 •=> :. ��. sfiells,,;low plasticity, saturated, - , with sand at 36.5'feet. Very Soft . • 1. . 482 C ,0:142 , • Unit•Wt.-=10,7,.3 Gray silty SAND, with:clam• :E:E:ii `EE`E shells;;,medium-grained, ' ' • " -. .' ,• 4• _ 25.8 . . ®` saturated:. Loose : • '.Increased drilling—.4� resistance.at •: . _ 40 feet.- . y'•; is' J — • n SP-SM Black SAND with some"silt„ , _ ' • ' ' ' . ` : •` .medium-grained,/saturated Dense" , , . , .• 37- ,26.5 _ .. :fit ? • . • _, Dark gray,,silty.SAND/sandy, ' - - ' , . • - SILT with shells very fine 'Medium Dense - • - ' ` : _ - 'i':' •grained'sand, Saturated. : • • . - _ ' 16 : 44:4 - • SM'M L Dark gray silty SAND With :,tooccfianesional • grainshelleds,and verybitsof fine.`, ', Medium.Dense' 11 35.4' "` wood 'saturated. - ' • Dark gray.silty,SAND,'as;above. Medium Dense - -• : T I . , 19 • 25.7 Test boring terminated at 59 feet: • - •' Groundwater encountered-at 3.5feet:• ' - - .•-• - • _ • . ' .` , , • Hole plugged with 2-bags of bentonite chips mixed With cuttings: - ', •' , - BORING LOG.- . - , .i < TERf , . ' • FARWEST 'STEEL . • • - i ,:,`%X '. R � - , • RENTON,'WASHINGTO! SSOCIAIE'i • • , Geotechnical_Corisu(tants - - ' • - . " : - :I • . '. .Proj:, No,'.-.T-3064 Date .1/96 ,,Figure A=.6.. . Boring No. B-6 / :Logged :by: •KPR-" " • • , . i " Date: • .1/11/96. - Approxmate. Elev: 12 - • , •• m Graph/. Relative Depth:" �' (N) Water-, •Blows ••Content ,USCS' Soil .Des,criptioti:." ' Density (fit.) a ' .foot . (6o) • - '`": Brown gray, gravelly medium ; ` • . -grained silty sand FILL cuttings; . ` , - ' ` ii ':' .saturated: - ``SM :<? FILL:,•GraySAND with gravel, Dense - 32 9.3 ' :>.3 ', medium=grained,:wet:. _ • ,1. *:;::i:p*::-• • ., 7.5 feet: ' , >: FILL: Gray SAND, medium-" . ' Loose 5 ' -.- .grained, saturated. ' . 3 , 62.9 ; .PL=34' • Dark.brown PEAT, amorpho• us,wet.:• Soft.. '' y = . - _ „ e=46 I`�` ` , "Gray sandy SILT,.with clay,very fine- •' ` . " eo=1.46 MH� Soft . - • C�0.467. grained sand;saturated,medium plastic. `3• 58:2 _Unit Wt.=94.3 ' pcf - . • ' "?:•`Gray•silty,SAND;very fine to . Loose`•'' • ' ,... Bentonite'slurry l fine=grained, saturated. = 1� .`. added to.hole,, ' •• • • . - , to,control heave . " Dark gray,"silty'SAND; very fine - - ::•i:: to.fine-grained, saturated,grades Medium•Dense '" s` i: to black-sand in sampler tip:. , . . 19' 28..7 ; • : .. ` ' -15 -,Black SAND,fine to,coarse- _ . . • . - - ' rained,.saturated. ' Dense '," ' . - - • -33, • . 21.5 0•,w,<•; Black SAND,•medium to coarse , Very Dense - • ; .:, . > a;•:ki: grained. ?•.''z 1 , ., " SP ; ,•, - . _ - is i.< ic\h•< ',+''a .., - -i;? ••'' '' 'Black SAND as'above. •- Very Dense • " - " � ;;t • _75. 26-.5 - • - Page. 1of2 - r' BORING: COG.' :<>i::<:::>::` TERRA ., • : FARWEST STEEL ' ' " :»::::::::>>; >'4.\���.- . . ' RENTON,.'WASHINGTON • _ _ . . `:`:.". ASSOCIATES, • .. . ' .. _ . , Geotechnical Con'su1tants Pro.). 'No: T=3064. pate' 1/96 -.Figure.A-7" - --- • Boring No. B-6`. (Continued),. Logged by: :KPR . _ . Approximate:: Elev. 12... Graph% • Relative D• e•pth a. (N) Water USCS Soil Description • Blows% .content Density (ft. : •o� • v foot' . ( °),. • .., . _ sp. Black SAND',,•as.above.• Very,Dense,. • • , <, :35. Dark gray,silt SAND with - , - >:'.{'<':; `? .trace:clam,shells,'fine tp • - -• • 1 , medium rained saturated:,• Loose - -25.'1 : -.40' 'Dark-ra s•ilt "SAND;as above. % z g y y - Dark"gray SAND with,silt,;trace . _ • SR SM clam shells,Very fine-to,fine Very Dense - .'• rained sa urated — > ;< g t 45 . . • Dark gra 'silty SAND,with trace- - • , _ Y .Loose;`^ - - - ' •bits of wood •cl'am shells and• 10. 36:9: - • '`'%' ? `'>' clay'very fine,to fine-grained, Medium Dense' - `' ' saturated: —50 • . - • Dark gray-silty'SAND, as above: Loose - 32.1: -55. . Dark _ gray.silt SAND,:as above.- Mediume . Y. Dens - 28 24:2 • ' Test boring.terminated'at'59 feet. • ' Groundwater encountered at surface and'7feet. • • • Hole"plugged with 2-bags of bentonite chips mixed with,cuttings. . , Page�2 of 2 . -: .. . BORING 'L.OG . FARWEST STEEL • ; ,'RENTON;;WASHfNGTON ASSCOCIATS . - • Geotecfinical Consultants '• - • - • - - _ Proj:. No.. ,T;3064, Date. 1/9.6. Figure 'A7 - i , SIEVE- ANALYSIS' -< : , HYDROMETER.. ANALYSIS .` SIZE OF OPENING IN INCHES:- " I NUMBER OF MESH .PER INCH, U.S:•STANDARD- - `, GRAIN SIZE-IN MM, -" � _ _- - _ _ BOO�N.,OOt. �'� - - •_ �-O"' ... O -. ",.; - �.�"�.�. �. ��� :-N'.� - _ ��'N \. - '! ` \\\\ \' _ �'O' .-,.O• •`O ';:O -O OO: .,O O ':`O ._ _.O'OO_- _O O-':.0. ,'O ._ . � so 10 ' rn D -� :80. - . , 20 O :Z7 70. 30 n con D � - e,:'A z '_60 40 O z — - -- 50 . rn 40 t ..30 70 m 0 20 80? G71 b Dz` - rn: Cr)-m ., _O O 'O O'O O,O O, - O.00 CO; 1++) N; �.00 co - �. M :N �.00._co '.�• M N, CO CO, "in CV_ - O• D.—I m - GRAIN SIZE IN -MILLIMETERS. • :, u'• -.rn.' cnN D =I',Z COARSE. I FINE COARSE I MEDIUM := 'I FlNE z m COBBLES GRAVES SAND FINES. oring,a� Depth.� . . .. Moisture :Key USCS . Description. - LL PL - Test Pit; (ft.) ,- . _ - : Content (%) .. . I • ' B-1 . . 2.5 `'SM . silty SAND with gravel _.: , - - - : 0 B-1 37.5 SM silty- SAND - • ; SIEVE :_ANALYSIS ; .—HYDROMETER' ANALYSIS SIZE OF OPENING.IN 'INCHES.__. I NUMBER_OF MESH PER INCH; U.S. STANDARD " • GRAIN:.;SIZE IN Mkt -: , 90. 10. � O ;Z7 �,,•gip: _ - . ' '. .. .. . ' , ` . - ,. , . . 30. C7- - rn 50 50 ..v) op W.. 6. 100- . - - m —: 0 -0. O O 0� O 0- O _ - O co CO,. .d-•M' -.N,- Co CO- l,d: r) -N- • 7 Co CO — h7- ..(N 00 CO• '8: 2,- :' O Co M '.O:O _O' O O ? �' D 'm GRAIN a SIZE IN ',MILLIMETERS - —1 Zr '- -, COARSE '' I' " :FINE -� COARSEN FINES . Z m D COBBLES GRAVEL SAND = Boring or Depth Moisture - - Key Test :Pit, (ft.) USCS , . _ Description Content '(%). :`, LL PL ` ! . B-2 2.5. - SP—SM SAND :with gravel and silt ra B-2:. .. 22.5' SP`-SM. SAND :with some. silt -- _ SIEVE ANALYSIS - , HYDROMETER ANALYSIS SIZE.OF.OPENING IN INCHES- - I NUMBER-OF MESH PER INCH, U.S. STANDARD - GRAIN SIZE IN MM: , _ '..�0'N "O, sY. .- - = - 0 ';O •DO t0 d' M- N ' 100 90 .� rm 70: 30 60 � ' S0 0 50' � . rrl oD: �. . � .49. ,. 60 CO o 30, 70 r'1 _. ��- o =1 al 20 _ . 80 10 - _ _ _ -, 90 (�D Z* 0. i I..l i I i I I fill I I I- I _ I I I I-I I I -.I - I fill -. `' - 100 _ rq- : - "O .0:`. . r0 O O'" O,-p= 0,,.; _O co up ... to - CV -' `-oR'c0 -, ,.,' N , DD co .- t' N DO "c0 ".d-"M:..-N - �C(�)(�I: O 00 CO, ..,Di_ 1'7".,.N - O-O._.,O O O {�O "O. O O:_ O "� - CD-+m - GRAIN: SIZE .IN:. MILLIMETERS _ co � D .. ' COARSE I - : 'FINE. COARSE ,J .- MEDIUM ;,I .' FINE ; ',.. zrn > COBBLES FINES;. . - _ _ .rT'I;� _ _ - GRAVEL -. . ' • SAND :. ,, . . - ,. - _1r—, . • .z Boring;or Depth, : Moisture Key USCS Description .. LL , PL: .. . Test' Pit (ft.) . _ 'Content..(%):. .., I • , - B-5 52.5 SMML silty'SAND - : , i 0 `- - B-6 . 2.5 SM silty: SAND with,'gravel - - .. - - t - ' SIEVE ANALYSIS . ' , . . : • - . -HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ., ' 'SIZE OF OPENING IN'.INCHES - I NUMBER OF.MESH PER-INCH, U.S. STANDARD - GRAIN SIZE IN MM ' - O O co c0 sh. M -CV - - tD M N M ifJ M 'd' _ N d- co O' O O 0. -O O .O: O O- ' O i Q .- ,% 90 10 O. H 80 20 m O I TI : ' 3' . 0 X) 70. : . 30 6. > , c rn , - - o.. rn Z can' Z c 60 40 Cj rn 50. . 50 rn. CO • -< :40 ' : 60 CO — * . 0. = 30 70. Fri z —=1 G7 o.. _ .0 20 _ - 80 rn: = rn xj 10 90 z� D . o. :O� z • , z ..`',I t i , , , I . I 1 I I 1 I I I .. I i i , I I I I i -I I I I - -rn .' ' O' O - O.O O O O O O CJO cO d-'NI, .N -°g c0 sh 1'�) 'N -. ao c0. ,- Pa N. .°8 cD ' M N. C� N -O N O a0 c0 d- _ ) .-N' - - O O. O O. •O O O 'O V O O Q =1;m . GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS - orn. _ :Z COARSE .':I` FINE , COARSE.1 - MEDIUM . .I ' FINE - , z rn D COBBLES FINES-_ � GRAVEL SAND Key Boring or Depth =USCS Description Moisture LL , PL Test Pit (ft.).. - Content (%) •• B-6 37.5 •SM silty SAND 0 _ B-6 '52.5, _SM silty-SAND , ' . - 1.05 • 1.00 �. . . • - o • • • Pressure (tsf) ,. . Key Boring De pth USCS .: Sil: Description C� eo. C'hntent. %ture 0cf y' 4 Density No. ( t) Before After -(p ) • B-5 36;0:' CL silty CLAY .14 " .005 1.08 46.8- 38:0 70.3 Cc. _. Virgin'Compression- Index c« .= Coefficient of Secondary Compression,.(at 0.83 tsf), eo = Inplace ,Void Ratio - _ . • CONSOLIDATION TEST DATA, TERRA, FARWEST STEEL- ASSOCIATE RENTON, WASHINGTON �'" - Geotechnical Consultan s Proj: No:'3064_ ' Date 1/96. Figure A-12 1.8 , 1.7 • 1.6 i , 1.4 I 1.3 1 5 . 1 5 10• 50,:.. Pressure (tsf) . Boring Depth I M is{ur Dry.`. . Key - USCS• -- Soil Description C� Cantent. % Density 'Ca . . eo• Before Atter (pcf) • B=6 ' 8.0 ' MH sand SILT with clay , .47 .0065 1.77., ,80.6 63.4 50.0 C _- Virgin .Compression Index ' . " - C,, = Coefficient' of Secondary Compression (at 0.83 tsf) . I ea = Inplace Void.Ratio . .. - ',CONSOLIDATION ".TEST DATA, . ; , .,,.:. : ',.:: TERRA FARWEST STEEL ' ��.�\���� ASSOCIATES RENTON; ,WASHINGTON . ` , Pro' No:3064 Date 1/96• : Figure A-13 Geotechnical Consultants` i