HomeMy WebLinkAboutKC-16-60, KC-16-61, KC-16-233 -Aggregate test DataKing CountyL I» Monroe Ave. NE, Bldg D Uept. ut Franspurtatiun Rcutuu, WA 98056-4199 Phone: 106.296-7709 Materials Laburutury King County Faw: 206.296.0179 Aggregate Test Data PrujecC I ype of Material: Puipu5u of Sample: Sampled At: Type of Material: 07y of Renton -Logan Avenue N. Concrete Aggregate AASHTO #57 Acceptaanve Uri belt at Miles Kent Mifes, Canyon Rod Pit Total Weight: 3638.2 g SieveRetained Required Percent Percent -.Spec. Passing Fractured 17/2'` R0 99-100 100 1" 37.5 96-106 99 212312076 3/4" 723.4 Pit #: 80 7&, 2444.3 25.60 33 3/8" 3296.8 9 #4 3614.4 0-10 1 #8 3623.3 0-5 0 #16 3626.8 0 Frau. Wt. Avg. * #4: Fracture Spec: Dust Ratio: Dust Ratio Spec: Sand Equivalent(AASHTO T176): SE Spec: x meets Material specifications. dues nut meet Reviewed By Approved for Distri6utiun By: inspector Remarks: cL/ZL/l j Matet,@b Eiqjinimr Project Number. 1126896 Lab Sample Number: KC -16-60 Date Sampled: 212312076 Sampled By: MB Pit #: B-329 .. Retained Required Percent Percent Sieve Weight Spec. Passing Fractured VO , Mass After. 9 Remarks: Ref- (AASHTO T2, T1 I(A), T27, T176, T248, TP61) W500T 9-03.1(4)C AASHTO #57 Concrete Mix Design #o442A Concrete Mix ncsign #04C3A Date: 212612016 Tested tiy: MB Distribution, MEN. City, of Renton -Cogan Ave N. iesjdent Engmeer :,roject Engineer ;onst Admin .:uiiitrautur pit Lug Oat Lab He ax ax City, of Renton -Cogan Ave N. iesjdent Engmeer :,roject Engineer ;onst Admin .:uiiitrautur pit Lug Oat Lab He ax ax King County 155 Mvnioc Avc. NE, Bldn u LQ Renton, WA 98056-4199 Dept. of I ranSpurtation Phonc: 206.296.7709 Materials Laboratory King County rax: 206.296.0179 Aggr2gate Test Data Project: City of Rentun-Lar an Avenue N_ Pruiect Number: i i2E66 Type of Material: Class 2 Sand Lab Sample Dumber: KC -16-61 Purpose of Sample: Acceptance Date Sampled: 2123/2016 Sampled At Off bell ai Miles Kent Sampled By: MH I ype of Material- Miles, Canyon Road Pitt Pit #: 8-329 Total Weiyht: 1407.8 g Retained Required Percent PerSieve Weight cent 3/8" 0.0 99-1uv 1(!0 #4 21.5 95-100 98 #8 201.1 � 86 � #16 483.5 45-80 b6 0 #30 697.2 50 #50 1094.4 10-30 22 #100 1341.2 2-10 5 #200 1389.6 02.5 1 Fract. Wt. Avg. + #4: Fracture Spec: Dust Ratio: Dust Rativ Spec: Sana Equlvalent(AASR rU 1176): St Spec- Uistri5ution By: Inspector RemarKs: m vnais En-yt, een /4, .. , Retained Required Percent Percent Sieve Weight Spec. Passing Fractured � 0 � 00 Wash (AASHTO T1 1A). O � 0 Remarks. Ref.- (AASHTO 1�!, T77(A), 127, 1776, 1248, TP61) WSDOT 9-03.1(2)B class 2 Sand concrete affix oesign #0442A Concrete Mix Design #o4c3A Date. 2726/2016 1 ested By: Distribution - MEN. � 0 � O � 0 Uty of Renton -Cogan Ave N. MB Resident Enyif ieej 'neat Engineer 3oiist. ACLmin. ,ontractor 'it Log glut Cab File `ax _ax UAU-15-134 Bid Items A25 a, id B6 King County 155 Moi.rue AYC. NE, Bldg u Dept. of Transportation Renton, WA 98056-4199 L-9 Phui.u: 206.296.7709 Materials Laboratory King County Fax: 106.296.0179 Aggregate Test Data Prujeut: City of Rentun-Logan Avenue N. I ype of Material: CSTC #HCR26 Purpusu of Sample: Assurarive Sampled At: Pit StockpAre- Dame and Locatiun of Suuruu: ProjCct NwTiber. 11265-96 Lab Sample Number: KC -16-233 Date Sampled: 4121/2U16 Sampled By: M8 Renfun Ri cycfers, Renton Nit #: A -i Total Sieve Retained vveight Requltd SpeF- Percent Passiny Percent Fractured #40 65b_2 8-24 16 #00 754.9 0 1 9 #lou 619.5 4 ff2oa Wash (AASHTO T11A) Mass Befure: 2942.7 g Mass Aftef: 2-619.4 g #200 1 U_ U max_ 4.2 Fract. Wt. Avg. + #4- 95 Fracture Spec: 75% Oust Ratio: Dust Ratio Spec: Sand Equivalent(AASHTO T176): St Spec: _Xmeets dues not meet 69 0 min specificatiuna. Reviewed tsy: Approved for Distribution By. Materials Fngineer Inspector Remarks: Subsample Wwyhi: 8799.8 g Retained Required Percent Sieve Weight Spec.-• x710 263.2 43 #2U 497.8 21 #40 65b_2 8-24 16 #00 754.9 0 1 9 #lou 619.5 4 ff2oa Wash (AASHTO T11A) Mass Befure: 2942.7 g Mass Aftef: 2-619.4 g #200 1 U_ U max_ 4.2 Remarks: Rof.(AASHTO TZ, Ti i(A), 127, T176 T248, TP61) WSOOT 9-03.9(3) Date: 4125/2016 Tested By: Distribution - MEN. 0 City of Renton -Logan Ave N, MB Resident tngmeer Project Eng neer const. Admin. vUl ltr3l:tuf 'ii Log Stat Lab File -U =alt