HomeMy WebLinkAboutKC-16-224 & KC-16-225 - 28-day break - Sidewalk & Bus Pad - 04-14-16Ill Mrn;uv% AvCuOC NC, Ii IU ?. U. Renton, WA 980.)6-4199 L9 Phone: (206) 296-7709 Concreto Compression Tesi Report Ring Gaunty Fax: (306) 296-0179 CORCrCie CompresslUp Tess Report Project: City of Renion - Logan Ave N. Concrete Placed By: Highmark Concrete uunurete Supplier: Miles Plant Lucatiun: Placement Location: Concrete Use: Pavifiu - 203 Sidewalks & Bus Pad Slump: 5,/z” Air Content: Prujc„t NumScr: 1126896 Placement Inspector: Shawn Shirey I ests and Cylinders by: Casey Wagner unix Desiyn Num6cr: 0442A Sidewalk and Bus Pad Strength Specification: 4000psi at 28 days 5.0% Design w/(c+p) u.44 Date Cylinders Cast: 4n4nu Unit Weight: 143.9pcf Tcmpurature: 67°F Rutual w/(u+p) O.sy 1 ime Lylinders Cast: 10:51 Ayyregate Suurs e(5): Coarse: B-329; Fine: B-329 ASTM W9: Test Mufflud Tvr cumpressive Strungtn vt cylindriv—al cvnurete Specimens Fracture T e YP Age at Testing (Days) Lab Number Date Received Date of Test Cylinder Dimensions Total Load Lbs ( ) Unit Load (psi) Unit Load (MPa) Len th Diameter Diameter(x) Area Type 2 I KC -16-223 4A 5!16 4/15/16 4/21/16 8.00in 4.00in 4.01 in 12.66in2 48,31U 3830 26.4 Type 2 28 KC -16-224 5/12/16 8.00in 4.00in 4.02in 12.63in2 60,180 4770 32.9 Type 2 28 KC -16-225 4/15/16 5/12/16 7.99in 4.00in 4.01 in 12.60in2 60,610 4810 33.2 Aistu, y vt Inaiviaual cumpressivc strength Tcsts Fur i His P, uicut ana Mix ID Remarks: Reference: WSDOT Sid. Specifications 6-02.3(4)_ & 6-02.3(5). Field tests performed using ASTM C31/C31 M, C138, C143, C172, C231, and C1064. 4ZOX U 12 Zi in X meets MaterialA10� aBove spocificatiuns= ail meet Approved for Tested -ind Dlstnbution By: Z v Y� Submined By CW wtzrevts IOlatenalsEngineer Use: Inival Dace Form: Field Concrete Test Report Reused 8/21/08 Second Most Recent First Most Recent Current Individual Strength Running Average Individual Strength Test Individual Strength Test Test of the Three Most Recent Individual Strength Tests Date of Test 4/27/2016 5/3/2616 5/12/2016 Cylinder Strength 4070 si 4126 si 4850psi 1 4846 si 4tiOpsi I 4810psi Average Strength 4106psi I 4850psi 4790psi 4580psi Remarks: Reference: WSDOT Sid. Specifications 6-02.3(4)_ & 6-02.3(5). Field tests performed using ASTM C31/C31 M, C138, C143, C172, C231, and C1064. 4ZOX U 12 Zi in X meets MaterialA10� aBove spocificatiuns= ail meet Approved for Tested -ind Dlstnbution By: Z v Y� Submined By CW wtzrevts IOlatenalsEngineer Use: Inival Dace Form: Field Concrete Test Report Reused 8/21/08