HomeMy WebLinkAboutKC-16-265 to KC-16-268 - Decorative Concrete - Field Report 05-17-16K;116 c;,rittty 155 Maornc A�cttuc NI . lildt!. 0- Itentrnt. WA 980564 1'91) I�CI1:11`IIIICIIi (11 �I�I':II1S11(1l'I:I(lllnLM I'hunc. (2116t29rr77119 Majcrials Lalt(n aulTy Ring County lax. (21&,., 2/11.1#17,1 Concrete field Test Report Project: City of Renton - Logan Ave N. Project Number: 1126896 _ Concrete Placed By: _4 _ Highmark Concrer Placement Inspector: _ Shawn Shirey Concrete Supplier: Corliss Tests and Cylinders by: Casey Wagner Plant Cuucati'un: Placement Location: Concrete Use: ASTM C1054 Slandard Teel Method for Temparalure uf Freshly Mixed Porllan0 Cement Conc rale I emPeratare: 73 F Specification: 557 - au'F Rel wO�uat std s xu6.02.: 4 D HRWR Added? No Sumner; 001 Decirative rclands Mix Design Number: _ S1600AB Decorative Concrete Islands @ 3rd Te zitil Strength Specification: 4000psi at 28 days A51 M CZ31 Slandard Test Method for Air Cornent of Freshly Mixed Concrete by Pre 3 .ure Method Exposed? Yes Air Content: 5./% Specification: D.0 /o - 1.13 io Rai, wSuu i 51C. Spee„ 6•az.3jz A C;at ZrOTS C;Un101`maMrS to 101in DeSiyn (wSDU I Std. SNeCS h-UZ.3(5)C. 6-U2.3(5)F) A5 I RI 11143 e€a elno13 for Slump of Hydriallc Cement Concrete Slump: 5.25" Iype9 32 -32 1618 Placement: curb, Gutter & Sidewalk SpFafication: 5.5" max. Ref:w ,oc; I :aa :a. Be, e-1V.Jjzi)C; A51 M CZ31 Slandard Test Method for Air Cornent of Freshly Mixed Concrete by Pre 3 .ure Method Exposed? Yes Air Content: 5./% Specification: D.0 /o - 1.13 io Rai, wSuu i 51C. Spee„ 6•az.3jz A C;at ZrOTS C;Un101`maMrS to 101in DeSiyn (wSDU I Std. SNeCS h-UZ.3(5)C. 6-U2.3(5)F) L;0FRN0ne1 it Wet Mass (Tolerance) (Ib/yd) (A)Nlass of as' of Dry Mas, Allowable Design Masa Water 1Ib/ d'1 Range tlo/yo-) (IorYe5) C.A. 2% -20/ z.uu hours 32 -32 1618 F.A. 2% -2% (u)volame of laeasare 32 -3Z 1594 Gem. 51% -1°i 140.3pcf 28 -6 564 Slag 5% -5/, 0 0.0% u u 0 0 u SIV2 lU°'o -10% H'O --------------------275 Water Added to Truck On Site Volume of Concrete in I rucR 11 133 Mass at water added a,, Site (16/ya3) Actual water/(Cement+Pozz) Total Iulass of water (I5/y53) Design watert(i-;emettt+i a«) u.ga Remarks: One load of mix S1n0uA6 was delivered for decorative islands. I lie load venfication. See weave attormatiut t Tour 1`19513115 OT at i ltc tfttl rig. X meets Material fits to eat above specifications. Aprrovad for Tasted and Distribution By Suomi.,M By: UW 5t17ame Mat r f: 'r. n r 7 15 f:- latiai Dare AS I RI C138: Unit Wolyhl, Yield and Air Conten) of Concrete (A)Nlass of 42.19165 MF asure+Concrete z.uu hours (B)Mass of Measure i.86lbs (u)volame of laeasare 0.2490ft= unit weiyFit of 140.3pcf Concrete [(A B)r): Time Allowed for Placement Time Water Added to Cement 6:30 Specification z.uu hours Re 'd Dlschar ( Com let on Timt 8:30 Actual i Ime vlscffarge uzmplute a :Z3 AS 1191 C31: srrnoar13 Practice for Making and Cur ng Concrete Test Specimens In the Field Date Cylinders Cast 0/11/113 I ime Cyl,ndarz, ua5t 8:16 MumDer or L; lingers Cast 4 Spec.me,, Marklnyo Lab Namber5 of uylinders. KC -1('i-'2155 to Ku -16-268 Test Ayes of Cylinders: 7d. 2 28d, Hold Aggregate Soare 5 : l;oarse: I A-44— Fit ie: -44Fitte: A-44 Batctl -icRet Ivum6er: Z3/1Zo Friff"111YUMIKWA t Form: r,eld Corx t upo ` Aevised: SIMS CORLIsS RESOURCES {swdih ('oncrc•r- • washed :land & Grrnv r t'rashal Ree, k 17 ureal Scrvrcc Slhc', 1945 , I I SUU Yuu rOUR R.O. BDa i87 - Sumner, WuSHiarHt.,ar Y539if to Dispat-is• rla.<ne 253 897 bbaif - L,AX 253 841 6591 Y Gravel 1), -,patch- rnun� L53 By It 6686 • FAX L53 891 562 sRIP I u: TtCJKE I D To. I DATE I Special ctions: 'DRIVER# I RuuRff YARDS URDi:htu YARDS DELIvtHED PLANT I Int: ORDER NUIDIbizR x. CO. BER tMiTEW LIUHivTITY UUM DtSvRIP 'ION PRICE rx 1 tNOcu t� Cl 1/,t� LV 1 # YARDAGE V YuICDERS I POUR uIaFRVcEI4a iANDING PRIOR I HUC.K y N PLAS I IL; wxTER E"ALLADDED SUSGRAUC NUI ARFIIVAL DRY MUDDY COMNA:I LU SLUMP Suis TOTAL FINAE DRIVER COIJIMEN I S: SLUMP SALES TAR CEAvE ARHIvE START FINISH LtAvE ARRIVE 2 PLANT TOTAL Pp7N I JOB uMCOAD UNCUAD JUts S AL;uuuNi 1uSAL NOTRESPON510LE txcWateri5petrwnwl'DCaIIsMePerttxrnance WARNING PROPERTY DAMAGE RELEASE FUNVAHIAII0M wal.—iwabyRequest/Au ra By LiUStDIUMEDIFDELNERYMBEMADEImAkCUURBLI� _ Int_RFA IICJuRIOUSTpEYE'S.I:AUSESSKIN IRR17At1UlY. forywust tm.�is�opirdontre'thesiaeandweignt of BtFORE ��y loradjacent ORSURFACt GAL READ WARAINU inti BACK OF THIS rURiv ca—aamagetotr� �,and popemo matMaimtm BwlrereyounreRhisourxnsh-Req DISCUW—RAIIUIG WAD RECEIVED BY uSlna.LONTAIRSPURILAND CEMENT. pl CORCRETE L-.. rtiiix,mga COMMODfrY and 8EiUmn tee PROPERTY of the PURCFIASan you,n every war that we REL But l o139ving to uo this she drive, i. requesting mat you sign this RELEASE reLMn9 RLR anti tlds supplier hen () MINUTES uAm EMv. 3 the PLANT. ANY CHANGE a I JO.CTLDIr— of ORIGINAL iMTRUCfM FM .— resporssINMY from any da.i, that ..o7 —Fto will! adjacent sidewalks rrri a etc' by the PER YARD be TELEPHONED to tR UFFlce BEFORE wnulNG STARTS or property' rya�miermam ,,,aIso�---.v Pnrnremovemud FREEUNWAUINb X i nc aimcrsigRa prontim to pay all toss.. Snciol., reasonaele as,omeysfees. ineeri a in from the rrtnen ur M va—so that he will rot otter me puoac Imes. collecting any sums owed Further, as addermroroeraoon. w'derdg o�aen�y Re1for a, ano aL I IRIE ALLOuwED. unload- DRIVERSSIVNATURE All charge not wM by t BBS By moron Will bear intc— at tBS rate or i aasm Per month. ane hold harmless the driver 3r mn uuu also wadjacent whichmarbeclaesKd damagetothepem�sand'--'f=t1�YelBer. Additional n ry ResPo anyone to have adsen out of aceliverypotif R3i ererarceacnveAggreyteaCdwQualRY.rvoCmmsAllowedllnlessMade-tame Notel ll R Delivered DED Date rRaryed at F A $35AD Service Cna.n= wm N WIffled on all Returned CneclM IRent hoU X HEIC Deliver, rows fM5 47